SHOVELFUL O' WORK a very little work ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SHOW A LOT OF HAIR to display courage ...1960s Amer. sl. SIBILATE to hiss; to utter a hissing sound ...1656 SIBILATION the act of hissing or whistling; a hissing or whistling sound ...1626 SIBILLATORY marked or expressed by whistling ...1830 SICCATE to make dry ...1570 obs. rare SICCATION the act or process of drying ...1612 obs. SICKLIFY to make sick or sickly ...1851 rare SIDE FOR SIDE alternately ...1519 obs. SIDE-HANDED indirect ...1845 SIFT IN to arrive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SINGLE-HEARTED straightforward, honest, sincere ...arch. SINGLE-SOLED of a person: poor, mean, insignificant SKATE a mean, dishonest person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SKATE an old horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SKATE to hurry through something ...1960s Amer. sl. SKINNY the latest information ...1960s Amer. sl. SKIRT PATROL a search for female sexual partners ...1941 sl., orig. US SKOOKUM strong, big ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SKWUZZY used as a term of approbation or compliment ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLACKER THAN DISHWATER untidy, dirty, slovenly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLANG-WHANGER a careless talker ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SKRUTCH to crouch ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLICK AS A GREASED PIG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLOOSH to rinse by throwing water upon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLOPEHEAD (derogatory or offensive) anyone from East Asia ...1966 US sl. SLOWER THAN A JILL-POKE extremely slow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLUFFER one who fails to do his work ...Bk1913-17 Amer. college sl. SLURB (derogatory) an area of unplanned suburban development ...M20 orig. US SLUTCH mud, mire, slush ...M17 obs. exc. Eng. dial. SLUTCHY muddy, slushy ...E18 obs. exc. Eng. dial. SLYBOOTS a sly person, esp. one who does things on the sly ...colloq. SMACKING of a breeze: blowing strongly or vigorously ...E19 SMACKING unusually large or fine ...L19 now colloq. & Eng. dial.
SCHMO a fool ...Brit. sl.
SCHMOCK a fool ...Brit. sl. SCHMOCK an obnoxious person ...Brit. sl. SCHMOOTZ dirt, dust, grease, or grime ...Brit. sl. SCHMOOZE to flatter or soft-soap ...Brit. sl. SCHMOOZER a flatterer ...Brit. sl. SCHMUCK the penis ...Brit. sl. SCHMUTZ dirt, dust, grease, or grime ...Brit. sl. SCOTCH FOR ONE to help out ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SCREAMER a party girl ...1960s Amer. sl. SCRUMDIFFEROUS very fine, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SCRUMDOODLE very fine, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SCRUMDUMPISH fine, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SEE THE MONKEY SHOW to see novel and entertaining things ...1861 Amer. sl. SELL ONE'S CABBAGE TWICE to repeat oneself ...L19 US sl. SEND YOU SOUTH to end a romance or friendship ...1960s Amer. sl. SEVEN-PLY GASSER something that is fantastic, better than a 'gasser' ...1960s Amer. sl. SEXCAPADE a sexual escapade ...1965 sl. SHACK one's home; a house; an apartment ...1880s US Black sl. SHACK a bachelor living alone ...1890s US Black sl. SHACK a vagabond ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SHACK of a bachelor: to live alone ...1890s US Black sl. SHACKELTY loosely held together; run down ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SHAFTS one's legs ...1930s US Black sl. SHAKE AND BAKE to dribble a basketball from left to right, this is the 'shake,' then going past your opponent to score a basket, this is the 'bake': a trick played on the other team for a score in a basketball game ...1990s basketball players' usage SHAM champagne ...M19 sl. SHAMBLING clumsy ...L17 SHAMBLING rambling; disorganized ...L17 SHAMBLY awkward, ungainly ...M20 colloq. SHAMBLY ramshackle, rickety ...M20 colloq. SHAM-DAMN of a firearm: of inferior quality; shoddy ...M19 rare SHAMEFAST bashful, modest, shy ...OE arch. SHAMEFAST showing shame; abashed ...ME obs. SHAMEFAST pert. to the genitals ...LME obs. SHAMPOO champagne ...M20 sl. SHAMUS a police officer; a private detective ...E20 US sl. SHANDY empty-headed, half-crazy ...L17 Eng. dial. SHANDY wild, boisterous ...L17 Eng. dial. SHANKS the legs ...jocular SHARPIE a young person who adopts styles of hair, dress etc., similar to those of the British skinhead ...1965 Aust. sl. SHEIK a man held to be masterful and irresistibly charming to women SHOOT ONE'S WAD to do or say what one can ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RICE-BAGS trousers ...Bk1903 sl.
RICK-MA-TICK a concern; a business; a thing ...Bk1903 Scot. sl. RIDE AS IF FETCHING THE MIDWIFE to go post haste ...Bk1903 sl. RIGHT AS MY LEG absolutely dependable ...Bk1903 colloq. RIGHT CROAKER a doctor who will treat criminals without informing the police, or who will supply drugs ...1929 criminals' sl. RIGHT ROYAL drunk ...Bk1903 sl. RIGHT THERE WHEN THE GONG STRIKES ready ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RIGHT UP TO THE HANDLE excellent ...Bk1903 sl. RING THE GLIM to turn on light ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RINKY-DINK trivial ...1960s Amer. sl. RISING DAMP a cramp ...1992 UK rhyming sl. RIVER OOZE strong drink ...1930 UK rhyming sl. for 'booze' RIVIERA OF THE SOUTH any place in Antarctica viewed to be slightly warmer than the rest of the continent, esp. the Antarctica Peninsula or Davis station ...1963 Antarctica usage ROAD RASH cuts and grazing caused by falling off a skateboard ...1970 sl. RORITORIOUS showy, dashing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RORY-TORY showy, dashing, gaudy, very gay ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RUBBER JOHNNY a condom ...M20 sl. RUBY-DAZZLER an excellent thing or person ...Aust. sl. RUG-RAT a child ...1968 US sl. RUM-GEM a diamond ring ...Bk1896 cant RUN WITH THE HARE AND HUNT WITH THE HOUNDS to try to remain on good terms with both sides in a quarrel, etc. RUNNING LIGHTS eyes ...1950s Amer. sl. SAGER a would-be wise man ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SARDINE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SATURDAY NIGHT PALSY temporary local paralysis in the arm usually as a result of sleeping on it after hard drinking ...1927 sl. SAW ON GOURDS to snore ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SCABBED mean or petty ...obs. SCABBY EYE a pie ...Brit. rhyming sl. SCAFFOLDING dental braces ...Brit. sl. SCARAMOUCH a rascal or scamp SCARBOROUGH FAIR hair ...Brit. rhyming sl. SCAREHEAD a headline in exceptionally large type ...1885 SCHLOCK rubbish; inferior goods; anything that is cheap and nasty or tasteless ...Brit. sl. SCHLONG the penis ...Brit. sl. SCHLUB a coarse, ill-mannered, uneducated person ...Brit. sl. RAKE-FIRE one who comes to pay a visit and stays very late ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
RAKE-ILL a circulator of evil reports ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAKES line of white foam on lakes, often noticeable before a storm ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAKE THE CAKES to be awarded a prize, as in a contest; to be victorious ...1842 Amer. sl. RAKING-DOWN a scolding; an onslaught of words ...1897 Eng. dial. RALPH-SPOONER a fool ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAM-BAZZ suddenly and with headlong force ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAMES a skeleton, a carcass; the framework or ligaments of anything; remains, remnants ...E19 Eng. dial. RAMES a very thin person or animal ...E19 Eng. dial. RAMFEEZLEMENT confused discourse; a violent quarrel ...19C Scot. RAMFEEZLEMENT disorder, esp. disorder occasioned by fatigue ...1821 Scot. RAM-FULL as full as possible ...1890 Eng. dial. RAMIFY to choke; to crowd up ...19C Eng. dial. RAM'S-CAT a tomcat ...1827 Eng. dial. RAMSCALLION an offensively dirty person; a vagrant of low, rude, worthless habits ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAMSHACK a good-for-nothing fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RANDY-ARSED feeling sexual desire, lustful ...1968 sl. RANK ON to disparage ...1950s Amer. sl. RAPTERIFEROUS splendid, glorious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RAZOO to manhandle; to use roughly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. READ BRAILLE to grope someone's genitals through their clothing ...1960s US gay sl. READ ONE'S PLATE to eat in silence ...20C US sl. READ ONE'S PLATE to say grace before a meal ...20C US sl. RECOMEMBER to recollect, to remember ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RED LEAD ketchup ...Bk1944 service sl. RED LIQUOR low grades of spirituous liquor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RED NECK ill temper; anger ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RENTS parents ...1960s Amer. sl. RESTY headstrong, unruly ...c1696 sl. RESURRECTION a dish made of leftovers ...1884 sl. RIB a wife ...1609 sl. RIB OF ROAST, A a blow to the ribs ...Bk1903 boxing sl. RIBBLE-RABBLE indecency; profligate talk ...Bk1903 sl. RIBBLE-RABBLE the mob, the scum of society ...Bk1903 sl. QUAB a marshy spot; a bog ...1627 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
QUAB a crude or shapeless thing ...1628 QUAB to beat, to throb, to quiver ...1663 obs. exc. Eng. dial. QUACK TITLES to invent new titles for old books in order to make them sell ...1715 obs. QUACKLE to quack, as a duck ...1564 QUACKLE to choke ...1622 obs. exc. Eng. dial. QUADRAGENARIAN forty years old ...1897 QUADRAGENARIAN a person forty years of age ...1839 QUADRAGENARIOUS forty years old ...1656 QUADRAN (adj.) square ...1598 obs. QUADRAN a square ...1591 obs. QUADRATIC square ...1656 rare QUADRIGAMIST one married four times ... 1865 QUADRUPLIFY to multiply by four; to make four times as great ...1578 obs. rare QUAEDAM a woman; a female, in a disparaging sense ...a1670 obs. rare QUAERE a question, a query ...1589 QUAERE to query ...1627 obs. QUAERITATE to inquire or search into ...1657 obs. rare QUAFF-TIDE the season for drinking ...1582 obs. QUAGMIRIST one who makes a quagmire of himself; one who gets himself into a situation which is difficult to get out of ...1655 obs. QUAGSWAG to shake to and fro ...1653 obs. rare QUAIL-PIPE the throat or vocal organs ...1693 obs. QUAINTED familiar ...1586 obs. QUAINTRELLE a finely-dressed woman ...c1430 obs. rare QUAKE-BELLY a-fat-bellied person ...1622 obs. QUAKE-BREECH one wanting in courage; a coward ...c1590 obs. QUAKE-BUTTOCK one wanting in courage; a coward ...a1616 obs. QUAKEFUL causing fear or quaking ...1609 obs. QUAKE-MIRE a quagmire ...1577 obs. QUIFF a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1923 sl., orig. Eng. dial. QUIFF to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. RAGABRASH a beggarly, untidy state ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGABRASH a low rascal, an idle vagabond; a collection of such persons ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGABRASH nonsense ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGEOUS outrageous; angry, furious, violent with pain or anger ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGEOUSNESS anger, fury ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGED ROBIN a beggarly, discreditable person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGETY ragged, untidy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGING a severe scolding; abuse ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGY cross, ill-tempered ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGY misty, stormy and cold, with drizzling rain ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGY frosty, rimy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAGGY ragged ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RAGNAILS the small pieces of skin which grow around the fingernails ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAG-ROWTER one who plays roughly, a romper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAG-ROWTER to romp, to indulge in rough play ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAG-TAG reduced to rags by drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAG-TAILED ragged ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAININ' ALL OVER characterized by harder times ...1960s Amer. sl. RAIN-TREE an umbrella ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. PORPOISE a large, ungainly fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
POTATO PEELER a woman ...1957 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'sheila' POTATO THUMP mashed potato ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PRIDES the genitals of either sex ...19C colloq. PRINCESS OF THE PAVEMENT a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl. PROMISED LAND the female genitals ...19C euphemism PUDDING CLUB pregnancy ...Brit. sl. PUDDINGS AND PIES the eyes ...1859 rhyming sl. PUDERY pornographic books or prints ...c1930 sl. PULCHRITUDE physical beauty; comeliness ...1350 PULCHRITUDINOUS physically beautiful; comely ...1910 PULICOUS flea-infested; flea-bitten; caused by or resembling a flea-bite ...M17 rare PULL A FLANKER to trick, to swindle ...1920s sl. PULL A PERSON'S COAT to give information to a person; to tip a person off ...US sl. PULL CAPS to scuffle, to quarrel ...arch. PULLEY BONE the wishbone ...1935 Amer. dial. PULLEYS suspenders ...1945 US sl. PULL ONE'S FREIGHT to depart quickly, to leave promptly ...US sl. PULL SOMEONE'S COAT to warn someone, to alert someone ...1954 US sl. PULL SOMEONE'S PISSER to good-naturedly hoax or deceive someone ...1984 UK sl. PULL SOMEONE'S PLONKER to waste time ...1982 UK sl. PULL SOMEONE'S PLONKER to fool someone; to tease someone; to take a liberty with someone...2000 UK sl. PULL THE LABOURING OAR to take a great or arduous share of the work ...1900 PULL-THROUGH a soldier's term for a tall, thin person ...Brit. sl. PULL YOUR HEAD IN! mind your own business! ...1942 Aust. sl. PUMPAGE sexual intercourse ...Brit. sl. PUMPED UP pregnant ...20C Amer. sl. PUMPKIN-HEAD a stupid person ...1850 Amer. colloq. PUMPS the female breasts ...E20 Amer. sl. PUMPS tennis shoes, trainers ...Brit. schoolchildren's usage PUNCE an effeminate male; a homosexual male ...20C Aust. sl. PUNCE the female genitals ...20C Aust. & Brit. sl. PUNCHABLE pert. to a woman who desires copulation ...18C sl. PUNCTURED drunk ...Brit. sl. PUNISH PERCY IN THE PALM of a male: to masturbate ...20C sl. PURE MERINO a snob ...1826 Aust. sl. PUSH A FACE to exhibit a bold front ...1758-65 obs. PUSHEEN a kitten; an affectionate term for a cat ...Irish sl. PUSHEENS slippers ...Irish sl. PUSSY POSSE a police squad, or vice squad dealing with prostitution ...20C sl. PUSSY-SIMPLE obsessed with women sexually ...20C Amer. dial. PUT A DAFF ON A PERSON to make anyone afraid ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. PUT IT WHERE THE MONKEY PUTS THE NUT to stick it up one's anus; used as a vulgar retort ...1922 Amer. sl. PUT ON A CRUMB ACT to impose on another person ...1950s Aust. sl. PACK UP ONE'S AWLS AND BE GONE to depart for good ...M17 colloq.
PALE AS DISHWATER very pale ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PEA, THE the person in authority; the boss ...1969 Aust. sl. PEACHAMAROOT someone or something very fine or splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PEANUT an insignificant person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PEA-SOUP (derogatory) a French-Canadian; the French-Canadian patois ...1896 N. Amer. sl. PEA-SOUPER (derogatory) a French-Canadian; the French-Canadian patois ...1942 N. Amer. sl. PECK'S BAD BOY a mischievous boy ...1883 sl., chiefly US PERCOLATE! let it happen! ...1960s Amer. sl. PIE-EYED intoxicated with alcohol ...L19 US sl. PIFFED dead; killed ...20C US sl. PIFFED intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl. PIFFLE to talk nonsense ...L19 Brit. & US colloq. PIFFLE! a mild exclamation ...E20 US colloq. PIFTED dead; killed ...20C US sl. PIG SWEAT any inferior alcoholic beverage ...20C US sl. PIG SWEAT beer ...20C US sl. PIG TRANQUILIZER the drug PCP ...20C US drugs sl. PIGEON-EYED intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl. PIG-MEAT a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...M20 US sl. PIKESTAFF the penis ...18C Brit. sl. PINE DRAPE a coffin ...1945 US sl. PIPPIN a term of endearment; a person of good ability ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PLAY WHALEY to try to do more than one can; generally used in irony ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PLAY SMASH to make a great blunder; to do a thing wholly wrong ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PLUG UGLY said of a very ugly man, not genteel ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. POGGLE a crazy or foolish person; an idiot ...E19 Indian now rare or obs. POGGLE mentally unbalanced, crazy ...E20 military sl. POGGLED exhausted; in a state of collapse; completely drunk ...E20 sl. (orig. military) & Scot. POINTED HEAD a stupid, dunce-like mind; a brainless cranium ...1940s Amer. sl. POINTED HEAD an intellectual ...1972 Amer. sl. POISON PILL any financial stratagem that causes a company to be unattractive to takeover bidders ...M1980s Amer. business & finance usage POKE-EASY a lazy, slow person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. POOPSIE a term of endearment ...1942 US sl. POOR AS A RAKE very thin ...1883 Eng. dial. POOSHIE a call to a cat ...Irish sl. POOSHIE an effeminate man ...Irish sl. POOSHIE one who takes offense easily; a timorous person ...1966 Ulster sl. NOT TO CARE A MONKEY'S ASS not to care at all ...1978 Amer. sl.
NUBILE a young, attractive female ...Aust. sl. NUCLEAR SUB a pub ...Brit. rhyming sl. NUDGER the penis ...M20 Brit. sl. NUDNIK a dull, boring person ...Brit. sl. NUGGET a hard knob of faeces ...Aust. sl. NUGGET a short muscular man or animal ...Aust. sl. NUGGETS money ... Bk1903 sl. NUGGETY of a person: solidly built; stocky ...Aust. sl. NUMB-NUT a fool ...Brit. sl. NUMBNUTS an ineffectual man ...Aust. sl. OBSQUATULATE of people or animals: to leave, to run away, to abscond ...19C sl., orig. US OFF ONE'S BOX insane; out of one's mind ...1903 Amer. sl. OH, PERDITION! an oath ...US Civil War usage OH-BE-JOYFUL hard liquor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. OH-BE-RICH-AN'-HAPPY hard liquor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. OIL MERCHANT a flatterer ...1935 Amer. sl. OIL MERCHANT a confidence man, a clever swindler ...1942-49 Amer. sl. OIL OF DISTURBANCE liquor ...1897 Amer. sl. OIL OF JOY liquor; strong drink ...1919 Amer. sl. OIL OF PALMS money ... Bk1903 sl. OILSKIN JACKET small puffy clouds that portend rain ...1973 Amer. nautical sl. OIL UP to take a drink of liquor; to get drunk ...1870 Amer. sl. OIL UP to bribe ...1894 Amer. sl. OINKER an ugly young woman ...1981 Amer. sl. OINKER a policeman; used contemptuously ...1982 Amer. sl. OINKER a pig ...1988 Amer. sl. OINKER a glutton ...1992 Amer. sl. OLD SCRATCHER, THE the devil ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. OMEE a male person, a fellow ...1859 sl., orig. showmen's usage OMIE a male person, a fellow ...1859 sl., orig. showmen's usage ON BROADWAY IN A FAST TROLLEY living for big stakes ...1960s Amer. sl. ON THE BATTER engaging in a self-indulgent variety of drinks, drugs, and other recreational excesses ...1839 UK sl. ON THE BATTER to be working as a prostitute ...1890 UK sl. ON THE BATTER on the run from the police ...1984 UK sl. ON THE BOX engaging in sexual intercourse ...Bk1997 Irish sl. ON THE DEAD honestly; truthfully ...1888 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK by or engaging in theft ...1865 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK absenting oneself from school; playing hooky ...1906 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK belligerent ...1924 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK addicted to a drug; helplessly dependent upon ...1952 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK in debt ...1957 Amer. sl. ON THE HOOK responsible for the outcome of something ...1960s Amer. sl. ON THE TURF looking for work ...1960s Amer. sl. ON TIB'S EVE never ...1785 sl. OOFTISH money ... Bk1903 sl. OUT OF DOCK out of hospital after receiving treatment ...1785 sl. MARMITE MOTORWAY the anal passage ...playground sl.
MASHED UP drunk, pissed ...c1990 UK sl. MEESH a skinny little runt who acts like he goes looking for a fight every two minutes ...c1990s Welsh playground sl. MEFF a dirty, smelly individual; a person with disgusting habits ...c1960s UK playground sl. MEFF a vagrant ...c1960s UK playground sl. MIFF female genitalia or pubic hair ...c1970s UK playground sl. MILLENNIUM DOMES breasts ...UK playground sl. MINGE the female pudenda ...1950s Brit. sl. MINGIN(G) smelly, disgusting, ugly, horrid, putrid, gross ...playground sl. MINGIN(G) ugly ...playground sl. MITHER to complain, to nag, to bother or prevaricate ...Eng. dial. MONKEYBACK a man who dresses in formal dinner clothes ...1928 US Black sl. MONKEY BITE a hickey, a mark made on the skin by amorous biting ...1942 Amer. sl. MONKEY DICK Vienna sausage; frankfurter, hot dog ...1965 Amer. sl. MONKEY DICK a stupid or contemptible person ...1988 Amer. sl. MONKEY MAN a weak and servile husband ...1924 US sl. MOSSA! Well! Well! ...1981 Irish sl. MOUTH-HARP a harmonica ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. MR. CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl. MUCKER-UPPER a bungler ...1942 UK sl. MUCK SACK a lazy person ...1959 US sl. MUCK STICK a shovel ...1908 US sl. MUCKSAVAGE a country person ...1998 Irish sl. MUFF a woman, usually with an implication of promiscuity ...1914 sl., orig. US MUMP-HOLE an unofficial place of refreshment for patrolling police officers, as hospitals, cafes, shops, etc. ...1983 Brit. sl. MUNG dirt, muck; anything filthy or distasteful ...L1970s teenagers' & students' usage MURDERATE to murder; to defeat MUTANT a clumsy, foolish, or otherwise unpopular individual (generally used by adolescents) MUTT 'N' JEFF deaf ...L1940s Brit. rhyming sl. MUTTON a strumpet ...1599 obs. sl. MY LAND O' LIVIN'! an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NAPPERKIDS kidnappers ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NARROW-ASSED having slim hips; thin, skinny ...1916-22 Amer. sl. NARROWBACK an Irish-American; used contemptuously ...1957 Amer. sl. NASTY, THE sexual intercourse ...1967 Amer. sl. NEVER IN ONE'S PUFF never in one's life ...c1880 tailors' usage NING-NONG a fool, an idiot ...Aust. sl. NIXIE! no! ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NOINTER a mischievous child; a brat ... ...Aust. sl. MAB a slattern; a woman of loose character ...1557 obs.
MAB a mop ...1623 obs. MAB to dress untidily ...1691 obs. MACARONI an exquisite of a class which arose in England about 1760 and consisted of young men who had travelled and affected the tastes and fashions prevalent in continental society ...1764 Hist. MACARONI a gambling-room at Newmarket ...1771 obs. MACARONI an Italian ...1845 sl. MACARONI a fop; a dandy ...1854 Eng. dial. MACAROON a buffoon; a blockhead; a dolt ...a1631 MACAROON a fop ...a1825 Eng. dial. obs. MACERATE to fret, to vex, to worry ...1588 obs. MACERATE to oppress; to 'crush' ...1637 obs. MACERATION fretting, vexation, worry; an instance of this ...1616 obs. MACILENT lean, shrivelled, thin ...1535 now rare MACILENT of verses: jejune, poor ...1624 rare MACKEREL one who ministers to sexual debauchery; a bawd, a pimp, a procurer or procuress ...1426 obs. MACKEREL-BAIT a fisherman's name for jellyfish ...19C MACRITUDE leanness ...1623 obs. MACROLOGY the use of redundant words or phrases; long and tedious talk ...1616 MACROPICIDE a slayer of kangaroos ...1866 nonce word MAD-APPLE the fruit of the eggplant ...1597 MAD AS MAY-BUTTER, AS exceedingly eccentric; mad; excited ...1626 MAD DOG strong and heady ale ...1577 obs. MADBRAIN mad-brained; hot-headed, uncontrolled ...1592 obs. MADBRAIN a mad-brained person; a scatterbrain; a hot-headed person ...c1570 obs. MADDER THAN SNAKES IN HAYIN' very angry ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. MADDLE to be or become crazy; to become confused in mind; to be dotingly fond of; to craze; to confused in mind; to bewilder ...c1540 obs. exc. Eng. dial. MADDY somewhat mad ...1719 obs. MADEFY to make wet; to moisten ...c1420 obs. MADENT wet, moist ...1727 obs. rare MADFUL mad ...14?? obs. rare MADHEAD madness ...c1375 obs. MADHEAD a mad person ...1600 obs. MADPASH a crackbrained person; a scatterbrain; a hot-headed person ...1611 obs. MAFFLARD a stammering or blundering fool ...c1450 obs. MAFFLE to stammer, to speak indistinctly, to mumble ...1387 obs. exc. Eng. dial. MAFFLE to blunder; to bungle ...1781 obs. exc. Eng. dial. MAFFLE to confuse, to bewilder, to muddle ...1781 obs. exc. Eng. dial. MAFFLE to delay, to waste time ...1781 obs. exc. Eng. dial. MAG AWAY to chatter ...1810 MAGGOTY full of whims and foolish fancies; freakish ...1678 MAGGOTY-HEADED whimsical ...1667 MAGGOTY-PATED whimsical ...1850 MAGIRIC pert. to cookery ...1853 rare MAGIRICS the art of cooking ...1889 rare MAGIROLOGY the art of cookery ...1814 MAGMENT great increase ...1623 obs. rare KARK IT to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
KEEP-UP anyone who looks after the home; a maid ...1970s US Black sl. KEGMEG an intimate conversation ...L19 sl. KIDDIEWINKIE a child ...1957 sl. KING-FISH the person in charge ...1933 US sl. KITE-FLYING testing public opinion by circulating rumours, etc. KITE-FLYING the juggling of cheques between accounts so as to create a sham balance of funds on which to draw KNOBBY stylish; smart, elegant, fashionable, good, capital ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. KNOCK BOOTS (WITH) to have sexual intercourse (with) ...1980s US Black & campus sl. KNOCK CUCKOO to knock out ...1920s US sl. KNOCK-BEETLE one who allows themselves to be victimized ...20C Ulster sl. KNOCK-DOWN MONEY tips or gratuities ...M19 US sl. KNOW ENOUGH TO LAP SALT to have common sense ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. KNOWLEDGE BOX a schoolhouse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LABIOMANCY lip-reading ...1686 LABION one who has large lips ...1650 obs. rare LABORATE to produce or develop by labour ...1662 obs. rare LABROSE having large lips ...1727 LABYRINTHED full of complications ...1650 obs. rare LACHRYMALS fits of weeping ...1753 LACHRYMATE to lament, to weep ...1623 obs. LACINIOUS full of folds or windings; hence, overloaded, redundant ...1652 obs. LACK-ALL one who is in want of everything ...1850 LADES' TAILOR a womanizer; a promiscuous man ...19C sl. LADIES' DELIGHT the penis ...19C sl. LADIES' LOLLIPOP the penis ...19C sl. LADIES' PLAYTHING the penis ...19C sl. LADYBIRD a prostitute ...16C sl. LADYFIED affecting the airs of a fashionable lady ...E17 sl. LALLAPALOOSA a stylish person; something pleasing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LEG CASE a man who ran from combat ...US Civil War usage LETTER A prime; first-class; of the best ...1833 sl. LIKE THE MILL TAIL O' THUNDER in a swift, disorderly, and excited manner ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LIP LOBS talk; chatter ...Bk1896 sl. LITTLE SHAVER a boy ...1854 sl. LOCOED crazed, or crazy mad ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LOLLYGAGS airs, affectations, love-making ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LONG-NECKER a bottle of hard liquor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LOPPUS a large, clumsy person or animal ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LOPSYWISE (adv.) in a lopsided manner ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HOCKER phlegm expelled from the throat ...1960s Amer. sl.
HOME PLATE where you live ...1960s Amer. sl. HONEY LOVE a child ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HOOK JACK to play truant ...1877 Amer. sl. HOOKNOSE a Jewish person; used contemptuously ...a1867 Amer. sl. HOT AS A RED WAGON very drunk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUCK IT to walk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUCKS feet ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUSSIAN a troublesome, mischievous child ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HYKER to go quickly to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HYPERFIRMACIOUS fine, splendid, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. IN DOCK in hospital, receiving treatment ...1785 sl. IN ONE'S NAKED BED down sick ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. IN THE OZONE in a dazed or drowsy state, such a state induced by drugs or drink ...1971 Amer. sl. INEGALITARIAN marked by inequality ...M20 INEGALITARIAN a person who denies or opposes equality between people ...M20 INENUBILABLE inexplicable ...E20 rare INERUDITE unlearned; uninstructed ...E19 INVERECUND unabashed, shameless ...M17 rare INVIGILATE to keep watch; to watch carefully; to watch over students at an examination ...M16 INVIGILATE to arouse; to make watchful ...E17 obs. rare INVIOUS having no roads or ways; pathless; trackless ...E17 obs. IRISH ARMS thick legs ...20C sl. IRISH BABY BUGGY a wheelbarrow ...1910s US sl. IRISH BANJO a spade, a shovel ...20C sl. IRISH CHANNEL the throat ...1900s sl. IRISH CHARIOT a wheelbarrow ...1900s US sl. IRISH CLUBHOUSE a police station ...1900s US sl. IRISH CLUBHOUSE a refined house of prostitution ...1960s US gay sl. IRISH COMICS the obituary columns in a newspaper ...20C sl. IRISH DRAPERIES cobwebs ...L19 sl. IRISH FLAG a diaper, a nappy ...20C US sl. IRISH FOOTBALL a potato ...1970s US sl. IRISH SPOON a spade, a shovel ...20C sl. JACK, THE venereal disease ...Aust. sl. JAMOKE coffee ...Bk1944 service sl. JARK IT to run away ...1823 sl. JASPER (derogatory) a male person; a fellow; a country bumpkin ...1896 US sl. JELLY-BAG the female pudendum ...Bk1896 sl. JELLY-BAG the scrotum ...Bk1896 sl. JO-DANDY something that is excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. JOHNNY HEAD-IN-AIR a dreamy fellow ...colloq. JOHNSON the penis ...M19 sl. JOLLY BEANS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl. JOLLYO a celebration ...1970s sl. JOSSER (usually mildly derogatory) a male person, a fellow ...1890 Brit. sl. HABDABS, THE a condition of anxiety; uneasiness, nervousness; also, but rarely,
delirium tremens or a state of enraged frustration ...1946 UK sl. HAFFETS locks of hair, generally growing on the temples ...1785 Scot. HAFFETS the jaws; the undersides of the jaw ...1869 Eng. dial. HAFFLE-CAFFLE to falter, to vacillate, to act with indecision ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HAFFLE-MAFFLE to speak unintelligibly, to stammer ...1885 Eng. dial. HAFFLY hesitating, indecisive; prevaricating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HAFTY handy, active ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HAFTY saucy, pert ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HAG-ABOUT an idle, lounging fellow ...1872 Eng. dial. HAGGAGE a tern of reproach for a woman; an untidy, slatternly woman ...1746 Eng. dial. HAGGERSNASH spiteful, sharp ...1821 Scot. HAGGERSNASH a spiteful person ...Bk1905 Scot. HAGGERSNASH offal ...Bk1905 Scot. HAGGIS-HEADED soft-headed, foolish, stupid ...1715 Scot. HAGGIS-HEART a soft, cowardly heart ...1812 Scot. HAIRED UP angry, vexed ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HANG A BOG to defecate ...18C Brit. sl. HARD DRESSER an aggressive, mannish lesbian ...1967 US sl. HARKER a fine, strong person or thing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HAVE A BAG ON to be drunk ...1947 Amer. sl. HAVE A BIT OF FLAT to indulge in sexual intercourse ...Bk1893 sl. HAVE AN ARSE LIKE THE JAPANESE FLAG to have diarrhoea ...Brit. sl. HAVE HOT PANTS to be sexually eager ...1920s sl., orig. US HAVE HOT PANTS to be worried or anxious ...1920s sl., orig. US HAVE HOT PUDDING FOR SUPPER of women: to have sexual intercourse ...19C sl. HAVE SHOT ONE'S BOLT to have reached the limit of one's endurance or effort ...Aust. sl. HAVE SOMEONE BY THE GOOLIES to have the upper hand ...1980s sl. HAYFOOT, STRAWFOOT used as 'right, left' to keep time in marching; used in the Civil War ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HEADLIGHTS eyes ...1960s Amer. sl. HEAR A BIRD SING to receive private or secret information ...arch. HEAVILY CONKED TO THE BONE said of well-groomed hair ...1960s Amer. sl. HEFT-END the beginning, commencement ...1891 Scot. HELL BUGGY a battle tank ...1941 US Army jocular HE OWNS THE LOCK he has control over the situation ...1960s Amer. sl. HE WOULDN'T PULL A SOLDIER OFF HIS MOTHER a catchphrase directed at laziness or slacking ...c1880 nautical sl. HELL-ALL emphatically nothing; anything ...1969 Amer. sl. HELL-BOOT IT to go at top speed ...1918 Amer. sl. HELL YOU PIPE, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1942 Amer. sl. HICKET a hiccup ...M16 obs. HIDLINGS hidden, secret, underhand, clandestine ...L18 Scot. & N. Eng. dial. HIDLINGS (adv.) in a hidden way, secretly ...ME Scot. & N. Eng. dial. HIDLINGS hiding places, secret places ...E16 HIDLINGS secret or clandestine operations ...E19 HIGH-FLYING pompous, pretentious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HIGH-HAT a snob ...1923 sl., orig. US GAFFLE to take or seize hold of ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
GALLOPTIOUS splendid, fine, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GARDEN-SASS fresh vegetables ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GASH the vagina; sex with a woman; a woman as a sex object ...1866 US sl. GASH (derogatory) a woman ...1914 sl. GASH a second helping of food ...1943 Aust. sl. GASH a male homosexual who is sexually passive ...1950 US sl. GASH rubbish, refuse ...1958 Antarctica usage GASH marijuana ...1986 US sl. GASH to have sex ...1989 US sl. GASH HOUND a man who is obsessed with women ...1955 US sl. GASOLINE WAGON an automobile ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GASSED tipsy, drunk ...1919 UK World War I military usage GASSED describes a drug that is considered to be terrific or very enjoyable; used esp. of marijuana ...1946 US sl. GAT-CREEPER a sycophant ...1985 S. Afr. GATE FEVER the anxiety suffered by prisoners as they approach their release date ...1958 UK sl. GATE HAPPY of prisoners: exuberant or excited at the approach of a release date ...1996 UK sl. GATEKEEPER a person who introduces another to a first LSD experience ...1967 US sl. GATEMOUTH jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) ...1936 US sl. GATEMOUTH a gossip ...1944 US sl. GATES OF ROME home ...1960 UK rhyming sl. GATTED drunk ...2002 UK sl. GAWD FORBID a child ...1909 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'kid' GAWD FORBID (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1960 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'yid' GAWKWARD gawky ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GET ONE'S BACON to discomfit; to defeat ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GET YOUR BATTERY CHARGED to have sex ...1935 US sl. GIBBET to beat, to punish, to hurt severely ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GINGERBREAD money ... Bk1903 sl. GINK (mainly derogatory) a male person; a fellow ...1906 sl., orig. US GIVE JESSE to rebuke with vigour; to thrash ...1847 Amer. sl. GO BAG YOUR HEAD! angry, scornful, or sarcastic advice ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GOD-SIZE abnormally large ...1960s Amer. sl. GO FOR A HARD HIT to defecate ...1978 UK sl. GOO FOOD East Asian food ...1990s US campus sl. GOOFY-ASS silly, foolish ...1910s sl. GOOG a fool ...1910s sl. GOOG a black eye ...1920s US sl. GOOG an egg ...20C Aust. sl. GOOG to stand around; to watch others ...1950s sl. GOO-GOBS a very large or infinite amount ...1970s US Black sl. EDDIE GRUNDIES underwear ...2002 UK sl.
EDGAR BRITT an act of defecation ...1969 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'shit' EDGED angry ...1982 US sl. EDISON MEDICINE electric shock therapy ...1990 US sl. EDNA! watch out! be quiet! ...1960 UK sl. END OF CREATION a person or thing of extremely little consequence ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. EUJIFFEROUS splendid, great ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FACE-ACHE a term of address, used disparagingly ...1937 Brit. sl. FACULIZED versatile ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FIG-FIG sexual intercourse ...1948 Amer. military sl. FIG-FIG to have sexual intercourse ...1948 Amer. military sl. FIVE-TO-TWO (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1914 Brit. rhyming sl. FLAKE an eccentric, crazy, or unreliable person, chiefly US FLAMIGIGS airs and graces; affectations ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FLANE to walk idly; to saunter FLASH-MOLLISHER a showy prostitute ...1821 sl. FLASH ONE'S GAB to to talk, to swagger, to brag ...1819 sl. FLASH THE BUBS to expose the breasts ...1887 sl. FLASH THE HASH to vomit ...Bk1893 sl. FLAT DOG a crocodile ...Aust. FLEAS IN ONE'S NOSE chimerical notions ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FLOSSY gay, attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FLOSSY pert, impudent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FLYCHICK an attractive, hip girl ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FLY LIGHT to miss a meal; to be hungry ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FLY TRAP the human mouth ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FORAMINATE to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. FRAID HOLE a cyclone cellar ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FRAZZLED confused ...1883 US sl. FRAZZLED drunk ...1906 US sl. FREAKNASTY a sexually active woman who shares her activity with multiple partners ...2001 US sl. FRECKLE-PUNCHER a male homosexual ...1968 Aust. sl. FRESH VEGETABLE a young man who is dating an older woman ...1990s W. Indies FRET ONE'S EYELIDS to worry ...M16 sl. FREUD SQUAD psychiatrists ...2003 UK doctors' sl. FRIBBLE a sexually inadequate male ...M17 sl. FRIBBLE to behave in a sexually inadequate manner ...M17 sl. FRIDAY-FACED miserable, gloomy ...L16 sl. FRIED, DYED, COMBED TO THE SIDE used as a description of a Black person's hair that has been chemically straightened ...1980 US sl. FUB AROUND to fuss, to bother ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FULL AS A PUGGY very drunk; having eaten too much ...1985 Scot. sl. FUN AND FROLICS the testicles ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'ballocks' FUNBAGS the female breasts, esp. when large ...1960s sl. FUNGUS FACE an unpleasant person ...L18 sl. FUNKHOLE anywhere one can hide ...1910s sl., orig. military FUNKIFY to frighten or scare someone ...19C sl. FUNKY ASS a general term of abuse, implying bad odours ...1960s US Black sl. FUNKY BUTT an attractive woman ...1980s US Black sl. FUNNY AS A BOX OF WORMS very funny; often used ironically ...1900s NZ sl. DAN DARES flared trousers ...1996 UK rhyming sl. for 'flares'
DANDRUFF snow ...1976 US sl. DANDRUFF cocaine ...2001 UK sl. DANGER WANK an act of masturbation with the threat of being discovered as an added stimulus ...2003 UK sl. DANGLE the penis ...1936 US sl. DANISH PASTRY a transsexual ...1997 US sl. DEAD ASS the seated rump; usually considered vulgar ...1950 Amer. sl. DEAD ASS a lazy or stupid person; usually considered vulgar ...1959 Amer. sl. DEAD ASS one whose case is hopeless; a goner ...1968 Amer. sl. DEAD GROTTY nasty ...1984 Amer. sl. DEAD OODLES a great quantity ...1869 Amer. sl. DEAD RABBIT a very athletic rowdy fellow ...1859 Amer. sl. DEAD-TO-THE-NECK exceedingly stupid ...1952 Amer. sl. DECAYED drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. DEVIL TEASER a chaplain ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. DICTIONATICAL such as the dictionary authorizes or approves ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DIE LIKE JENKINS' HEN to die unmarried ...1805 Scot. DINGCLICKER an unusually fine or pleasing person or thing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DINGED OUT drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. DINK PACK a six pack of beer ...1993 Can. sl. DINK TANK a condom ...1998 UK sl. DINKUM OIL reliable information ...1915 Aust. sl. DINKUS a thing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DINNYHAYSER an excellent thing or person ...1998 NZ sl. DINOSAUR JUICE petrol, gasoline ...1976 US sl. DIP SOUTH to search your pockets for money ...2002 NZ sl. DIP YOUR WICK to have sex ...1958 UK sl. DO YOU HAVE A BADGE? aren't you being a bit nosy? ...Bk1944 service sl. DOBB ALONG to move along slowly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DOFLICKETY any small article ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DOFUNNY any small article ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DOUGH PUNCHER a baker ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. DOWNY, THE a bed ...1843 Amer. sl. DOXOLOGY WORKS a church ...1871 Amer. jocular DUFF IN to work energetically ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. DUTCH a wife ...1889 Brit. sl. DUTCHY (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US CAR-POPPING car theft ...1996 UK sl.
CARRY A BIG SPOON to stir up trouble ...1989 Aust. sl. CARRY THE BABY to bear an unwelcome responsibility CARRY YOUR ASS! go away! ...1998 Guyana CARRYING ALL BEFORE HER of a woman: having a generous bust or obviously pregnant ...1984 UK jocular CARRYING WEIGHT depressed ...1950s Beatniks' usage CAR-SHOP to break into a car to steal its contents ...1997 US sl. CARTS a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl. CASKET NAIL a cigarette ...1960s US sl. CASKET TACK a cigarette ...1960s US sl. CAST AN OPTIC to look at ...L19 sl. CAST-IRON HORRORS delirium tremens ...20C Anglo-Irish CATOUSE a rumpus, row, disturbance, fight ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CAVASCACIOUS pleasant, agreeable ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CHAPESS a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular CHESTNUTS the female breasts ...c1960 sl. CHEW ONE'S BALLOCKS OFF to rebuke or reprimand severely ...20C Services' sl., esp. army CHICKEN-HEART a coward ...L19 CHICKEN-LIPS a White person ...2000s US Black sl. CHICKEN-LIVER a coward ...1930s sl. CHICKEN MONEY spending money, small change ...19C US sl. CHICKEN OF THE SEA a young sailor ...1970s US gay sl. CHICKEN-PLUCKING second-rate, vulgar, insignificant ...1960s US sl. CHICKEN RUN a teenage virility ritual involving the driving of two cars at high speed towards each other, or towards a dangerous obstacle; the first one to turn aside or brake is the loser or 'chicken' ...1970s S. Afr. CHICKEN SCRATCH a very small amount of money ...1940s US Black sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH illegible handwriting ...1950s US sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH short, tightly curled hair ...1950s US Black sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH the search on hands and knees for grains of crack cocaine that have dropped on the floor ...1980s drugs sl. CHICKLETTE a young woman ...1920s sl., orig. US CHIN-MUSIC talk; chatter ...Bk1896 sl. CHUCK IN ONE'S MARBLE to die...1908 Aust. sl. COGILATE to suppose, to reckon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. COLLYWOBBLES stomach pain ...1823 sl. COMBOMAN a White man who lives with an Aboriginal woman ...1896 Aust. sl. COMPUSHENCY necessity; compulsion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CONVERSATE to socialize and chat; to converse with another ...Amer. sl. CRACKED IN THE FILBERT crazy, slightly insane ...1886 sl. CRUM-BUM a worthless person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. CUT DIDOES to put on airs and graces ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CAKE BASKET a limousine ...1920s US sl.
CAKE-CUTTER a cashier or other person who short-changes the public ...1930s sl., orig. US Black, also circus use CAKEHEAD an idiot; a fool ...1998 UK sl. CAKEHOLED wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl. CAKES AND ALE merrymaking; all the good things of life; material pleasures; pleasant food; good living ...c1570 sl. CAKEY stupid, foolish, daft; half-witted ...L19 sl. CAKEY a fool ...:L18 sl. CAKEY a fop; a dandy ...1930s US sl. CAKPANTS a general term of abuse, the implication is that the subject is a coward, who soils their underwear through fear ...2000s sl. CALABASH the human head ...1723 sl. CALABASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl. CALAMISTRATION curling the hair CALAMITY JANE a nagging woman; a pessimist; a worrier; a prophet of disaster ...1918 US sl. CALAMITY JANE a train ...Brit. rhyming sl. CALAMITY JANE in a deck of playing cards: the queen of spades ...1988 US sl. CALCITRATE to kick ...E17 CALEERY full of mischief ...Ireland CALEERY a giddy, hysterical person; a mischievous, scatterbrained, overexcitable person ...20C Ireland CALF-COUNTRY the place where one spent one's youth ...Scot. CALF'S HEAD a fool; a very stupid fellow ...L16 sl. CALF'S HEAD a white-faced man with a large head ...c1860 sl. CALF-SLOBBER meringue, as on pies; a meringue topping ...L19 US sl. CALF-SLOBBER nothing whatsoever ...1980s sl. CALF-SLOBBER foam on a glass of beer ...1983 sl. CALLIPYGIAN having well-shaped buttocks ...L18 CALLOW bald ...OE obs. CALLOW inexperienced; raw, youthful ...L16 CALLOW a bald person ...ME obs. CALLOW a raw youth ...M17 obs. CALUMNIZE to slander; to defame ...E17 obs. CAPTAIN, THE money ... Bk1903 sl. CARPENTER'S DREAM a flat-chested woman ...1974 US sl. CACKLEBERRIES AND GRUNTS bacon and eggs ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
CACKLING-FART a hen's egg ...L17 Brit. jocular CACKS children's shoes ...1920s Eng. dial. CACKS knickers ...1980s sl. CACKS trousers ...1980s teen sl. CACODOROUS ill-smelling, malodorous ...1863 rare CACOGEN an anti-social person CACOGRAPHER a bad writer or speller ...1880 CACOPHONICAL ill-sounding ...1847 CADAZY mad, crazy ...1980s UK Black sl. CADDLE trouble, bother ...1865 Eng. dial. CADDLE disorder, disarray, confusion, disturbance ...1825 Eng. dial. CADDLE to trouble, to disturb, to worry ...1781 Eng. dial. CADGY wanton, lustful; amorous ...a1724 Scot. & N. Eng. dial. CADGY cheerful; merry, friendly and hospitable; in good spirits ...1725 Scot. & N. Eng. dial. CADS ON CASTORS bicyclists ...1880 sl. CAD-WORM a term of derision for a man ...1630 obs. CAESARATION! a mild oath and an exclamation ,,,L19 US sl. & colloq. CAF UP to ingest caffeine, usually in the form of coffee, to promote one's energy ...1980s US campus sl. CAFETERIA CATHOLIC a Roman Catholic who observes church prescriptions and prohibitions at his or her own discretion ...1980s Amer. sl. CAFFLE to argue, to prevaricate ...M19 Eng. dial. CAFFLE to take, to hold, to secure ...M19 UK criminals' sl. CAFFLE to get caught up, to entangle ...UK sl. CAFUGELTY a row, an argument ...1910s US sl. CAGAMOSIS an unhappy marriage CAGE OF ANGER prison ...1980s Black sl. CAGE RATTLER a person not content with the humdrum or conventional ...1970s Amer. sl. CAGGED irritated, angry ...E19 Eng. dial. CAHOO-HOLE a pothole in the road ...1992 Can. sl. CAIN AND ABEL a table ...1857 UK rhyming sl. CAINSHAM SMOKE the tears of a man who is beaten by his wife ...L17 sl. CAJOLERATOR CLAMP something that is non-existent, often used as a practical joke by having someone go get one ...1974 US jocular CAJOOBLIES the female breasts ...1990s sl. BOZACK the penis ...1987 US Black sl.
BRISTOLS breasts ...Cockney rhyming sl. BRITONESS a female citizen of the United Kingdom BUBBLE (derogatory) a Greek ...1938 Brit. rhyming sl. 'bubble and squeak' BUFFLE-BRAINED stupid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BUMBERELL umbrella ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BUNKUMSQUINT fine, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BUTCHER'S HOOK ill ...1967 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'crook' BUTTER MOUTH to flatter ...1990s US Black sl. BUTTERED BUN a woman who has had intercourse with one man and is about to repeat this immediately with a new partner ...M17 sl. BUTTERED BUN a mistress; a prostitute ...L17 sl. BUTTERED BUN a country fool; a rustic simpleton ...E18 sl. BUTTERED BUN a drunken man ...E18 sl. BUTTERED BUN the number one ...1940s bingo usage BY THE BIG HOOK-BLOCK! a mild oath ...1867 Amer. nautical sl. CABBAGE LEAVES large ears ...20C US sl. CABBAGE LEAVES paper currency; money; banknotes ...1930s Amer. sl. CABBAGE PATCH the state of Victoria, Australia ...1882 Aust. sl. CABBAGE PATCH a remote, insignificant place ...L19 US sl. CABBAGE PATCH a thing of little importance ...L19 sl. CABBAGE PATCH the female genitals; the vagina ...L19 sl. CABBAGE PATCH Kingston prison in Portsmouth ...1996 UK sl. CAB-HAPPY very keen on driving motor vehicles...c1950 army sl. CAB-HORSE KNEES the effect produced but the wrinkling at the knees of a ballet dancer's tights when on ...20C ballet dancers' usage CABOBBLE to mystify; to puzzle; to confuse ...Eng. dial. CACA-BACCA cannabis ...Brit. sl. CACATORIUM an old term for a lavatory, an old outhouse ...19C sl. CACHINNATORY connected with loud or immoderate laughter ...1828 CACK ONE'S PANTS to be extremely scared; to be absolutely terrified ...Aust. sl. CACKERMANDER a friend ...Eng. dial. CACKERSARNIE the condition that exists when someone pulls your trousers or underpants forcefully upward, forming a wedge between buttock cheeks; the act of putting someone in that position ...1980s UK sl., chiefly schoolboys' usage |
September 2021