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• CANS n. 1. radio headphones, from their resemblance to tin cans ...1929 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a woman's breasts ...1959 Amer. sl.
• CANSTICK † n. a candlestick ...1562
• CAN'T n. the darkness before sunrise and after sunset ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CANT adj. bold, brisk, courageous, hearty, lusty, lively, merry, hale ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
† n. 1. edge, border, brink ...c1375
† n. 2. singing, musical sound ...1501
† n. 3. a portion; a share; a division ...a1541 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 4. a nook, corner in a building; a niche ...1603
n. 5. a whining manner of speaking, esp. of beggars; a whine ...1640
† n. 6. accent, intonation, tone ...1663
† n. 7. a set form of words repeated perfunctorily or mechanically ...1681
n. 8. a stock phrase that is much affected at the time, or is repeated as a matter of habit or form ...1681 arch.
† n. 9. the peculiar phraseology of a religious sect or class ...1681
n. 10. the special phraseology of a particular class of persons, or belonging to a particular subject; professional or technical jargon; always depreciative or contemptuous ...1684
n. 11. the secret speech or jargon of the vagrant classes - gypsies, thieves, beggars, etc; hence, contemptuously, the peculiar phraseology of a particular class or subject ...1706
n. 12. one who uses religious phrases unreally ...1725
n. 13. a blow or toss ...1755 boxing usage
n. 14. provincial dialect; vulgar slang ...1802
n. 15. food ...1851-61 tramps' sl.
n. 16. a gift ...1857 tramps' sl.
† vb. 1. to part, to divide, to share, to parcel out, to apportion ...c1440
vb. 2. to speak with the beggar's whine ...1567
vb. 3. to speak; to talk ...1567
vb. 4. to speak the jargon of gypsies, beggars, and other vagrants ...1592
† vb. 5. to use the special phraseology or jargon of a particular class or subject ...1625
† vb. 6. to say or exclaim in the pet phraseology of the day; to use the phrases currently affected at the time ...1648
† vb. 7. to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
† vb. 8. to move about with a jaunty step ...1674 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 9. to affect religious or pietistic phraseology; to talk unreally or hypocritically with an affectation of goodness or piety ...1678
† vb. 10. to become 'cant' or well; to recover strength; to mend ...1690 Eng. dial.
vb. 11. to dispose of by auction ...1720 chiefly Irish
vb. 12. to tell merry old stories ...1788 Sc.
vb. 13. to deceive by pious pretenses; to impose upon ...1877 Eng. dial.
vb. 14. to wheedle, to coax ...1877 Eng. dial.
• CANTAB n. a student at Cambridge ...1750 colloq.
• CANTABANK * n. a singer on a stage or platform; hence, a common ballad-singer; used contemptuously ...1834
• CANTABRIGIAN adj. belonging to Cambridge ...1711
n. a member of the University of Cambridge ...c1645
• CANTANKER † n. cantankerousness; an ill-natured, quarrelsome, perverse, or cross-grained disposition ...1825 nonce word
• CANTANKERATE vb. to provoke to anger, to rile; to produce strife; to make or become cross-grained, ill-humoured or disagreeable ...1839 Amer.
• CANTANKEROUS adj. showing an ill-natured disposition; ill-conditioned and quarrelsome, perverse, cross-grained ...1772
• CANTANKERSOME adj. cross-grained, ill-humoured ...1835 Amer. sl.
• CANTATA † n. a song, chant ...a1754 nonce use
• CANTATION † n. 1. singing ...1623
* n. 2. incantation, magical charm ...1656
• CANTATOR * n. a male singer ...1866
• CANTATORY * adj. pert. to a singer or his singing ...1836
• CANTATRICE n. a female professional singer ...1866
• CANTEEN n. 1. a liquor store on a military base ...Bk2004 Amer. sl. Spanish-American War era
n. 2. a roadside tavern ...Bk1892 S. Afr. sl.
• CANTEEN MEDAL n. 1. a beer or food stain on one's tunic ...c1875 army sl.
n. 2. a good conduct stripe for the consumption of liquor ...Bk1891 military sl.
n. 3. a fly-button undone ...c1917 army sl.
• CANTEEN MERCHANT n. one who serves in the ship's canteen ...20C sl.
• CANTEEN RAT n. an old soldier who constantly hangs about by the canteen, in order to be treated ...20C military colloq.
• CANTER n. a vagrant or beggar; one who uses 'cant' ...1592 sl.
vb. to move nimbly or briskly ...1761
• CANTERBURY † n. an easy galloping pace; a hand-gallop ...1631
†* vb. of a horse: to canter; to move in a moderate gallop, raising the two fore-feet nearly at the same time with a leap or spring ...1673
• CANTERING adv. in a diagonal manner ...1935 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HARDLIES n. a state of anxiety or impatience ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HELP-IT n. menstruation ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HELP-ITS n. an imaginary disease or condition; also, delirium tremens ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CANT-HOOKS † n. the fingers ...19C Eng. dial.
• CANTIC † n. a song, a canticle ...1483
• CANTICLE n. 1. song; properly, a little song; a hymn ...c1250
† n. 2. a canto of a poem ...1596
n. 3. a parish clerk ...1785 sl.
• CANTILENA n. a ballad ...1867
• CANTILENE † n. 1. an old song; silly prattle; idle tale, trick ...1535
† n. 2. a song, a melody ...1635
• CANTILLATE vb. to chant; to recite with musical tones ...1864
• CANTILLATION n. chanting, intoning, musical recitation ...1864
• CANTILY adv. cheerfully, blithely, cheerily ...1721 Sc.
• CANTINESS n. cheerfulness ...Bk1888 Sc.
• CANTING adj. belonging to the jargon of thieves and beggars ...1592
n. 1. the jargon used by beggars, thieves, gypsies and vagrants ...1567
n. 2. sale by auction ...1651 N. Eng. dial.
• CANTING-ACADEMY n. a common lodging-house ...Bk1921 sl.
• CANTION † n. 1. a song ...1579
† n. 2. an incantation, a charm ...1656
• CANTITATE vb. to sing as a bird ...1830 nonce word
• CANTLE n. 1. a part, a portion ...c1315
† n. 2. a nook or corner; a corner-piece ...c1350
† n. 3. a corner or other portion cut or sliced off; a shiver, a slice ...c1400
n. 4. a section, or segment, cut out of anything ...c1440
n. 5. a thick slice or 'cut' of bread, cheese, meat, or the like ...c1475
† n. 6. a segment of a circle or sphere ...1551
n. 7. the protuberant part at the back of a saddle ...1592
n. 8. the leg of an animal ...1811 Eng. dial.
† n. 9. the crown of the head ...1822 Sc.
† vb. to cut into quarters or portions, to divide ...1607
• CANTLE-MEAL † adj. & adv. piecemeal ...c1479
• CANTLET n. a small cantle, a fragment ...a1700
• CANTLING †* n. a small part, corner, section, or division ...1674
• CANTLY † adv. boldly, briskly, eagerly, energetically, cheerily ...1352 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CANTO † n. a song, a ballad ...1603
• CANTON † n. 1. a corner, an angle; a retreating corner, angle, or nook ...1534
† n. 2. a song ...1594
† n. 3. a quarter; a division of anything; a piece, or part ...1601
† n. 4. one of the divisions of a long poem, a canto ...1609
† vb. 1. to sever or separate oneself; to secede, to withdraw; fig. to digress ...1611
† vb. 2. to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CANTONIZE † vb. 1. to separate oneself into, or form, an independent community ...1605
† vb. 2. to divide into portions or parts; to form into cantons ...1606
• CANTOR † n. a singer ...1609
• CANTORE † n. office, banking house ...1673
• CANTRAP n. a mischievous trick; a magic spell ...1830 Amer. dial.
• CANTRED n. a hundred; a district containing a hundred townships ...1387 hist.
• CANTRIP adj. pert. to any real or imagined magical act ...E18 Sc. & Brit.
n. a spell or charm of necromancy or witchcraft; a witch's trick or mischievous device; also jocosely, any playfully mischievous trick; any whimsically mad, eccentric, or extravagant piece of conduct ...1719
• CAN'T SAY BOO TO A GOOSE phr. is very timid or shy
• CAN'T SAY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER adj. drunk ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAN'T SEE n. the darkness before sunrise and after sunset ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T SEE A HOLE IN A LADDER adj. referring to a superlative form of intoxication ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAN'T SPELL ABLE vb. to be unable to do what you are told to do ...1996 Barbados sl.
• CAN'T SPIN A THREAD adj. powerless to act ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CANTY adj. cheerful, lively, brisk, active, gladsome ...a1724 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CAN'T YOU FEEL THE WIND? phr. used to warn a man that his pants are torn or that his fly is open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CANTY-WISE adv. opposite to ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CANUCK n. (sometimes derogatory in the US) a Canadian ...1835 sl.
• CANUCKER n. a Canadian ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CANVAS † vb. 1. to toss in a canvas sheet, etc., as a sport or punishment ...1508
† vb. 2. to knock about, to shake and shatter thoroughly; to buffet; to beat, to drub ...1573
† vb. 3. to 'thrash' a person in writing; to criticize destructively and unsparingly ...1590
† vb. 4. to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CANVASADO † n. 1. a sudden attack ...1581
† n. 2. a night attack, a 'camisado' ...a1626
• CANVASBACK n. a harlot; a sexually loose woman; a woman who spends considerable time with her back on a canvas-covered floor, presumably copulating ...20C sl.
• CANVAS-CLIMBER † n. a sailor ...1608
• CANVASS † n. 1. examination of the 'pros and cons'; full discussion ...1608-11
† n. 2. a shaking up; a tossing up and down ...1611
† n. 3. a shock; esp. that of a sudden attack or surprise ...1611
† vb. 1. to toss in a canvas sheet, etc., as a sport or punishment ...1508
† vb. 2. to knock about, to shake and shatter thoroughly; to buffet; to beat, to drub ...1573
† vb. 3. to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CANVASSEENS n. sailors' canvas trousers ...Bk1891 nautical sl.
• CANYON YODELLING n. cunnilingus ...20C US sl.
• CANZON † n. a song ...1590
• CANZONET n. a little or short song; a short song of a light and airy character ...1593
• CAP † n. 1. a cloak with a hood; a cape ...a1000
† n. 2. a closed wooden vessel; a cask ...1519
n. 3. captain ...M19 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 4. a bullet, a shot ...M19 US sl.
n. 5. the proceeds of an improvised collection ...1851 sl.
n. 6. a false cover to a tossing coin, called a 'cover-down'; the cap showed either head or tail as it was left on or taken off ...Bk1891 obs. thieves' sl.
n. 7. the act of ensnaring a victim into a confidence game ...L19 US criminals' sl.
n. 8. the green leaves at the top of a berry, usually a strawberry ...1905 Amer. dial.
n. 9. a capsule containing a narcotic, usually heroin ...1920s drugs sl.
n. 10. a rejoinder ...1940s sl., orig. US Black
n. 11. a kernel of popcorn ...1946 Amer. dial.
n. 12. the mind ...1950s US Black sl.
n. 13. an insult aimed at someone's family; used as part of a ritualized interchange ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
n. 14. the mouth, esp. as used in oral-genital sex ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 15. a capsule of LSD ...1960s drugs sl.
n. 16. a whitecap (wave) ...1970 Amer. dial.
n. 17. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 18. the top of the head, the cranium ...1990s US Black sl.
n. 19. a measure of marijuana, as much as can be fitted into a small cap, as of a toothpaste tube or a container of chapstick ...1990s US prison sl.
† vb. 1. to arrest for debt ...1589
vb. 2. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
vb. 3. to swear an oath ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 4. to stand by a friend; to take part in an undertaking; to lend a hand ...Bk1785 thieves' sl.
vb. 5. to give satisfaction ...E19 US criminals' sl.
vb. 6. to act as a confederate in a gambling game ...E19 sl.
vb. 7. to surpass, to outdo, to excel ...1848 Amer. dial.
vb. 8. to take; to grab hold of ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 9. to seize by violence, to lay hold of what is not one's own ...Bk1888 Sc.
vb. 10. to take the hull off a strawberry ...1895 Amer. dial.
vb. 11. to puzzle ...Bk1899 Amer. dial.
vb. 12. to put down; to insult ...20C teen & high school sl.
vb. 13. to pop corn ...1936 Amer. dial.
vb.14. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1940s drugs sl.
vb. 15. to be given drugs for free ...1950s drugs sl.
vb. 16. to buy or use narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 17. to fire a gun ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
vb. 18. to shoot a person in the knee or leg as a form of punishment ...1970s sl.
vb. 19. to kill, to murder, to shoot dead ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
vb. 20. to punch someone in the face ...1990s US college sl.
• CAPABILITATE † vb. to make capable; to indicate the
capabilities of ...1780
• CAPABILITY † n. the quality of having room for anything; ability to receive or contain ...1616
• CAPABLE † adj. 1. able to perceive or comprehend ...1561
† adj. 2. able to take in, receive, contain, or hold; having room or capacity for ...1571
† adj. 3. comprehensive ...1592
† adj. 4. able to hold much; roomy, capacious ...1594
adj. 5. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPACE † adj. able to take in with the mind or comprehend ...1555
• CAPACIFY †* vb. to render capable; to qualify, to fit ...a1677
• CAP-AMBRY † n. a press or cupboard, probably used for holding wooden vessel used at meals ... Bk1888 obs. exc. Sc.
• CAP-AND-BALL LAYOUT n. a shiftless and unprogressive ranch or outfit ...1944 Amer. cowboys' usage
• CAP AND BAUBLE n. the insignia of the fool or jester ...1663
• CAP AND BELLS n. the insignia of the fool or jester ...1884
• CAP AND FEATHER DAYS n. the time of childhood ...1821
• CAP AND WAD n. tea and a bun in canteen, YMCA, or Church Army hut ...World War I services' sl.
• CAP-A-PIE adv. in reference to arming or accoutring: from head to foot ...1523
• CAPARISON n. the dress and ornaments of men and women; equipment, outfit ...1598
• CAPAX † adj. of capacity: able and ready to take or receive; capable ...1432-50
• CAP-BANG vb. of a gun: to explode slowly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAP-BUSTER n. a big wave ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAP-CASE † n. 1. a travelling-case, bag, or wallet (representing the later portmanteau or carpet-bag) ...1577
† n. 2. a receptacle of any kind; a box, chest, casket, case ...1597
• CAP-CASTLE † n. the chief village of a district ...1664
• CAPE † vb. 1. to take or seize as a privateer; also, to go a privateering ...1676
vb. 2. to 'kep'; to catch ...a1802
• CAPE ANN TURKEY n. codfish ...1844 Amer. dial.
• CAPE BOY n. in South Africa: a half-breed resulting from the union of a native Black and a White settler ...1896
• CAPE COD TURKEY n. salted cod ...1865 US Civil War usage
• CAPE FEVER n. a feigned illness ...1830 US nautical sl.
• CAPE FLY-AWAY n. a cloud-bank on the horizon, mistaken for land, which disappears as the ship advances ...1769 nautical
• CAPE HORN n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPEL † n. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPELLA n. a coat ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• CAPELLANE † n. one who officiates in a chapel; a chaplain; a keeper of the sacred relics ...a1661
• CAPELOCRACY n. the shopkeeping class or their interests ...1841
• CAPE MAY GOODY n. an uncomplimentary term for a person who you don't think much of ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAPE MERCHANT n. the man who had charge of the general store or warehouse ...Bk1899 Amer. dial.
• CAPE-NIGHTINGALE n. a frog ...1889 sl.
• CAPE OF GOOD HOPE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPEOVI adj. sick; 'seedy' ...Bk1891 costers' usage
• CAPER † n. 1. a privateer; the captain of a privateer; a corsair ...1657 obs. exc. hist.
† n. 2. a captor, a seizer ...1759 Sc.
n. 3. a criminal undertaking ...1867 sl.
• CAPERATE † vb. 1. to frown ...1623
† vb. 2. to wrinkle ...1657
• CAPERATED † adj. wrinkled like a goat's horn ...1657
• CAPERCLAW † vb. to claw or scratch with the open hand and nails; to beat, to thrash ...1589
• CAPER-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAPERDEWSIE † n. the stocks; prison ...1663
• CAPERDOCHY † n. the stocks; prison ...1600
• CAPERER † n. a privateer (person) ...1676
• CAPER-JUICE n. whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• CAPER-MERCHANT n. a dancing master ...Bk1785 sl.
• CAPERNOITED adj. 1. crabbed, irritable, peevish; snappish; ill-natured, fractious ...1719 Sc.
adj. 2. slightly affected in the head by drinking, tipsy; muddle-headed, wrong-headed ...1719 Sc.
• CAPERNOITIE n. the head ...1819 Sc.
• CAPERNOITY adj. crabbed, irritable, peevish; slightly affected in the head by drinking, muddle-headed, wrong-headed ...1769 Sc.
• CAPERSOME adj. lively, spirited, sprightly...1852
• CAPER-WITTED adj. flighty, of frivolous or unsteady mind ...1692
• CAPFUL OF WIND n. a light breeze ...1851 Amer. dial.
• CAPIAN †* adj. belonging to the Cape of Good Hope ...1731
• CAPILLATE adj. furnished with hair ...1881
• CAPILLATION †* n. the state or condition of being hairy or hair-like ...1646
• CAPILLATURE †* n. a frizzing of the hair; the bush of hair on the head ...1656
• CAPILLOSE * adj. having much hair, covered with hair, hairy ...19C
• CAPISH vb. to understand, to comprehend ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAPISTRATE †* vb. to halter, to muzzle, to tie ...1656
• CAP IT vb. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAPITAL adj. 1. pert. to the head or top ...a1225 obs.
adj. 2. of an enemy or enmity: deadly, mortal ...1375 obs.
adj. 3. fatal ...a1626 obs.
! int. an exclamation of approval ...Bk1888
• CAPITALLY adv. fatally, seriously ...1606
• CAPITATIVE adj. reckoned by the head; per head ...1879
• CAPITELE n. a chapter of a book ...1340 obs.
• CAPITLE n. 1. a chapter of a book ...1340 obs.
n. 2. a summary ...1382 obs.
• CAPITOSE adj. 1. having a large head ...1881
adj. 2. obstinate, headstrong ...1881
• CAPKIN n. a little cap ...1844 nonce word
• CAPLE n. 1. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hen ...c1460 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPLUMP adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPNOMANCY n. divination by smoke ...1610
• CAPON n. 1. an idiot, a dull, stupid person; a term of reproach ...1542
† n. 2. a 'billet-doux'; a love letter ...1588
† n. 3. a eunuch ...1594
n. 4. a red herring ...c1640 sl.
n. 5. a homosexual male; a pederast; an effeminate male ...M20 US sl.
• CAPON EGG n. a nonexistent item used to tease a greenhorn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAP ONE'S LUCKY vb. to run away ...Bk1891 Amer. thieves' sl.
• CAP ONE'S SKIN vb. to strip naked ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CAPOODLE n. all of something; the entire lot of people or things; a large mixed-up collection of objects or people ...1848 sl.
• CAPOOP n. dung ...20C Amer. dial.
vb. to defecate ...20C Amer. dial.
• CAPOOT n. a large group of things or people; a crowd; the whole lot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAPORAL n. a foreman on a ranch ...1892 Amer. dial.
• CAP OUT vb. to pass out from the use of marijuana or drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAPPADOCHIO n. a prison ...1607 cant
• CAPPER n. 1. in a confidence swindle: a person who lures the victim into the swindle ...1753 US sl.
n. 2. a person or thing who beats all others ...1790 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a dummy bidder whose function is either to start the bidding, or to run up the price of articles for sale ...1853 sl.
n. 4. a confederate ...1871 Amer. thieves' sl.
n. 5. at cards: one who makes false bids in order to encourage a genuine player ...1871 Amer. thieves' sl.
n. 6. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 7. in a drug-selling enterprise: a person who fills capsules with a drug ...1958 US sl.
• CAPPING n. 1. the green leaves at the top of a berry, usually a strawberry ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 2. gunfire ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CAPRICCIO † n. 1. a sudden change or turn of the mind without apparent or adequate motive; a desire or opinion arbitrarily or fantastically formed; a freak, whim, a mere fancy ...1601
n. 2. a sudden sportive or fantastic motion; a prank, trick, caper ...1665
• CAPRICERVE †* n. the antelope ...1661
• CAPRICH † n. a sudden change or turn of the mind without apparent or adequate motive; a desire or opinion arbitrarily or fantastically formed; a freak, whim, a mere fancy ...1656
• CAPRICIOUS † adj. characterized by play of wit or fancy; humorous, fantastic ...1594
• CAPRIOLE n. a leap or caper, as in dancing ...1594
vb. to leap, to skip, to caper; also said of horses and their riders ...1580
• CAPRIOUS †* adj. lustful ...1623
• CAPRON † n. an impudent fellow ...c1460
• CAPS n. heroin ...1998 UK sl.
• CAPSE †* n. a coffer, chest ...1447
• CAPSHEAF n. the extreme, the crowning point ...1815 Amer. dial.
• CAPSICUM n. anger ...1845 Amer. dial.
• CAPSIZAL n. the act of capsizing; an upset ...1881
• CAPSIZE vb. to castrate ...20C US colloq.
• CAPSULA n. crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• CAPSULE † n. a little case or receptacle ...1652
• CAPSULE CON n. a prisoner convicted on drug charges ...1970 US sl.
• CAPTABLE † adj. liable or open to be caught or taken ...1649
• CAPTAIN † adj. chief, principal, leading ...1566
n. 1. a jesting form of address ...1598
n. 2. a gaming or bawdy house bully ...1731 sl.
n. 3. money ...1748 sl.
n. 4. a stagecoach driver ...1835 Amer. dial.
n. 5. the conductor or guard of a train ...1862 Amer. usage
n. 6. one who excels; a leader ...1917 Amer. dial.
• CAPTAIN, THE n. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG n. a dishonest jockey ...1864 turf sl.
• CAPTAIN COOK n. a look, a glance ...1932 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'look'
• CAPTAIN COPPERTHORN'S CREW n. all officers; said of a company where everyone wants to be first ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN CORK n. a nickname for a man who is slow in passing the bottle ...Bk1891 military sl.
• CAPTAIN CRANK n. the chief of a gang of highwaymen ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAINESS n. a female captain or commander ...1465
• CAPTAIN FLASHAM n. a blustering, bounceable fellow ...Bk1890 sl.
• CAPTAIN GRAND n. a haughty, blustering fellow ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN GRIMES n. The Times ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• CAPTAIN HACKUM n. a fighting, blustering bully ...1600 sl.
• CAPTAIN IS AT HOME, THE phr. used to indicate that a woman is menstruating ...L18 Brit. colloq.
• CAPTAIN IS COME, THE phr. menstruation proceeds ...L18 sl.
• CAPTAIN KETTLE vb. to settle (vigorously) ...c1899 rhyming sl.
• CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT n. meat neither young enough for veal, nor old enough for beef ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN QUEERNABS n. a shabby, ill-dressed fellow ...Bk1890 sl.
• CAPTAIN QUIZ n. a mocker ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN'S BUTT n. a cigarette less than half-smoked ...World War II Amer. army sl.
• CAPTAIN SHARP n. a cheating bully, or one in a set of gamblers whose office it is to bully the 'pigeon' who refuses to pay ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN'S MOUTHORGAN n. a company clerk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAPTAIN STANDISH n. the erect penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPTAIN TOM n. the head or leader of a mob; also, the mob itself ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTATE † vb. to catch at, to strive to obtain, to seek after ...1628
• CAPTATION n. a catching at, an endeavour to get ...1523
• CAPTE † capacity, comprehension ...1542
• CAP THE CLIMAX vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way; to be the 'last straw' ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CAP THE STACK vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CAP THE VORTEX vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way; to be the 'last straw' ...1907 Amer. dial.
• CAPTION †* n. 1. a taking, catching, seizure, capture ...1382
† n. 2. the act of cavilling or taking exception; an objection or cavil; fallacious or captious argument; a quibble, sophism ...1605
• CAPTIOUS † adj. crafty ...1590
• CAPTIVABLE †* adj. that can be taken captive ...1675
• CAPTIVANCE †* n. captivation, captivity ...1596
• CAPTIVATE † vb. to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAPTIVATRIX n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPTIVE n. a loved one; a sweetheart ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to take captive, to bring into captivity ...c1430 arch.
vb. 2. to captivate, to enthrall ...1528 arch.
• CAPTIVEMENT †* n. a taking captive, captivity ...1714
• CAPTIVER † n. one who takes captive; a captor ...1613
• CAPTIVITY † n. those who are in captivity; captives collectively ...1526
• CAP TO vb. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAPTRESS * n. a female captor ...1867
• CAPUL † n. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPULUPTIC FIT n. a fit or seizure ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CAPUN n. one who has been sentenced to death ...1990s US prison sl.
• CAP UP vb. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• CAPURTLE n. a woman seen as a sex object ...1950s sl.
• CAPUSH n. a group of people or things; a crowd; the whole lot ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAPUT adj. finished, over, ruined ...1910s sl.
• CAPYOUS † adj. capable ...c1430
• CAR n. 1. a wheeled vehicle or conveyance; a carriage, chariot, cart, wagon, etc. ...1382
† n. 2. a sleigh or hurdle without wheels ...c1400
† n. 3. the seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear, called also the Plough or Wain ...1633
n. 4. a group of inmates who associate to run money-making schemes, dominate other prisoners, and otherwise 'rule' the institution ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 5. a group of prisoners who pool their supply of drugs ...1990s US prison sl.
n. 6. a line used for transferring article, as a pack of cigarettes, from one cell to another ...1990s US prison sl.
• CARACT † n. 1. a mark, sign, or character ...1377
† n. 2. a magical character or symbol; a charm ...1393
• CARAMEL CLONE n. a light-skinned Black person ...2000s US Black sl.
• CARAMEL SUNDAE n. an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• CARAT † n. worth, value; estimate ...1597
• CARAVAN n. 1. a dupe; a gull; one who is cheated; a subject of plunder ...1676 sl.
† n. 2. an object of plunder ...1688 thieves' cant
n. 3. a large sum of money ...Bk1690 cant
n. 4. a railway train, esp. a train expressly chartered to convey people to a price fight ...Bk1891 boxing usage
• CARAVANSERA n. a railway station ...Bk1891 boxing usage
• CARAWIMPLE † n. a mere fiction; a dream ...1672
• CARBERRY † vb. ? to defeat, to get the better of ...1692 Sc.
• CARBON OIL n. kerosene ...1904 Amer. dial.
• CARBUNCLE † n. 1. a person or thing of resplendent quality ...c1430
n. 2. a red spot or pimple on the nose or face caused by habits of intemperance ...1682
• CARBUNCULATE † vb. to burn like a coal ...1623
• CARCAN † n. an ornamental collar or necklace ...1539
• CARCANET n. an ornamental collar or necklace, usually of gold or set with jewels ...c1530 arch.
• CARCASE n. the trunk, the body ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CARCASE LORDS n. wholesale butchers, who monopolize and forestall the markets ...Bk1890 sl.
• CARCASS n. one's body; one's buttocks ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CARCEIR † vb. to imprison ...1630-56 Sc.
• CARCEL n. a jail or prison ...1840 Amer. dial.
• CARCELAGE † n. prison fees ...1678-96
• CARCERAL † adj. belonging to a prison ...1563-87
• CARCERATE adj. to imprison, to incarcerate, to confine ...1839
• CARCERATION n. imprisonment, incarceration ...1870
• CARCERIST n. one who advocates or has to do with prisons ...1821 nonce word
• CARCOON n. a clerk ...1803 Anglo-Indian
• CARD † n. 1. a map or plan ...1527
n. 2. a character; an odd fish; an eccentric ...1835 sl.
n. 3. the correct thing; the 'ticket', the 'figure' ...1851 sl.
n. 4. an amusing person ...1905 Brit. sl.
n. 5. a union member ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to scold sharply ...Bk1888 Sc.
vb. 2. to go home, to move on ...1952 Amer. dial.
• CARD, THE n. 1. the correct thing; the 'ticket' ...1851 colloq.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARDBOARD DRIVER n. in trucking: a new driver going through a trial period with a trucking company ...1971 US sl.
• CARD-CARRYING adj. genuine; thoroughgoing ...1963 US jocular
• CARDER † n. a card player ...c1530
• CARDIE n. a cardigan ...1968 sl.
• CARDINAL n. 1. mulled red wine ...1861
n. 2. a lobster ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CARDINAL HASH n. lobster salad ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CARDINALS n. shoe-blacks ...1889 street sl.
• CARDIOGNOST † n. one who knows the heart ...1652
• CARDIOGNOSTIC † n. one who knows the heart ...1640
• CARD-MAN † n. 1. a maker of maps or charts ...1625
n. 2. a worker having a union card ...1930 US sl.
• CARD MECHANIC n. in gambling: a person, as a crooked gambler, who is skilled at manipulating playing cards; a cardsharp ...1906 US sl.
• CARDOPHAGUS n. a thistle-eater, i.e. donkey ...1857 nonce word
• CARDOUN † n. a thistle ...c1425
• CARD-PAPER n. cardboard ...1777
• CARDUE † n. a thistle ...1388
• CARDUEL † n. a goldfinch ...1572
• CARDY n. a cardigan ...1968 sl.
• CARE † n. 1. utterance of sorrow; lamentation, mourning ...a1000
† n. 2, mental suffering, sorrow, grief, trouble ...c1250
† vb. 1. to sorrow or grieve ...a1000
† vb. 2. to mourn, to lament ...a1300
• CARE A FRIG vb. to care, to be concerned; usually in a negative context ...1955 UK sl.
• CARE-AWAY † n. 1. a reckless fellow, a roisterer ...1575
n. 2. something that drives away care ...1633
† int. an exclamation of merriment or recklessness; away with care! ...1440
• CARE BOY n. a tank driver ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAREER † n. 1. of a horse: a short gallop at full speed ...1571
† n. 2. the ground on which a race is run; a race-course ...1580
† n. 3. the course over which any person or thing passes; a road, a path, a way ...1642
† vb. to take a short gallop ...1594
• CAREFUL † adj. 1. full of grief; mournful, sorrowful ...a1000
† adj. 2. full of care, trouble, anxiety, or concern; anxious, troubled, solicitous, concerned ...a1000
† adj. 3. causing trouble or fear; dreadful ...c1340-70
• CAREFUL PIN n. a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAREFULNESS n. solicitude, anxiety, concern ...a1000 arch.
• CARE-GRINDER n. the treadmill (a device formerly used for driving machinery, consisting of a large wheel with steps fitted into its inner surface; it was turned by the weight of people or animals treading the steps) ...1883 thieves' sl.
• CARE KILLED THE CAT phr. care will kill anyone even though he had, like the proverbial cat, nine lives ...1562
• CARELESS † adj. 1. free from care, anxiety, or apprehension ...a1000
† adj. 2. uncared for, untended ...1590
• CARELESSNESS † n. freedom from trouble or anxiety ...c1000
• CARELESS PIN n. a straight pin as distinguished from a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CARELESSWISE adv. carelessly ...1880
• CARENCY †* n. the state of being without; wantingness, want ...1655
• CARE NOT AN ITEM vb. to care nothing at all ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARE NOT A QUINCH †* phr. care not the least ...1571
• CARE NOT A STRAW vb. to care not at all ...Bk1904 sl.
• CARENTANE † n. a group of 40; a space of forty days; a forty days' indulgence ...1647
• CARESOME † adj. troublesome, burdensome ...1535
• CARESS vb. 1. to treat with kindness or favour; to pet, to make much of ...1658 arch.
† vb. 2. to treat ...1670
vb. 3. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CARESSANT * adj. caressing, fondling ...1861 poetic
• CARETAKER n. a man whose job it is to take care of roads in a certain locality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CARE-TAKING adj. that takes care, careful ...1825
† n. anxiety ...1625
• CARE-WEED † n. mourning attire ...c1500
• CARF † n. cutting, a cut, an incision; a wound ...a1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARFAX n. 1. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1357
n. 2. hence, the proper name of a place formed by the intersection of two principal streets in various towns ...1527
• CARFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• CARFOX n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet; sometimes extended to more than four ...1357
• CARGASON † n. the cargo or freight of a ship ...1583
• CARGAZON † n. the cargo or freight of a ship ...1583
• CARGO † n. 1. a term of contempt applied to a person ...1602
† n. 2. a good round sum of money on a man ...1690 sl.
n. 3. at Winchester College: a hamper from home ...1870
† int. an exclamation or imprecation ...1607
• CARGOED adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAR HOUSE n. a garage ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CARIATE † adj. to affect with decay ...1702
• CARIATED † adj. decayed, carious ...1665
• CARILLON n. 1. a melody played on the bells ...1803
n. 2. a set of bells so hung and arranged as to be capable of being played upon either by manual action or by machinery ...1836
• CARINE † n. the keel or bottom of a ship ...1656
• CARITABLY † adv. charitably ...1533
• CARITATIVE adj. of charitable or benevolent tendency ...1884
• CARITY † n. dearness, dearth ...1530
• CARK † n. 1. charge, burden of responsibility ...a1300
n. 2. that which burdens the spirit, trouble; hence, troubled state of mind, distress, anxiety; anxious solicitude, labour, or toil ...c1325 arch.
† n. 3. care, heed, pains ...1482
n. 4. the penis ...M20 US sl.
† vb. 1. to load, to burden ...a1300
† vb. 2. to burden with care; to worry, to harass, to vex, to trouble ...a1300 obs. or arch.
† vb. 3. to be anxious, to fret oneself; to labour anxiously, to toil and moil ...a1400 obs. or arch.
vb. 4. to fret, to complain ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• CARKET † n. an ornamental collar or necklace ...a1500
• CARKFUL † adj. full of care or trouble; anxious ...c1449
• CARKING † adj. 1. burdening, distressing, grieving, fretting ...c1565 obs. or arch.
† adj. 2. anxious; fretting ...1567 obs. or arch.
† adj. 3. toiling, moiling, labouring ...1579 obs. or arch.
† adj. 4. miserly, niggardly ...1748 obs. or arch.
† n. grieving, being anxious; trouble, solicitude; anxious toil ...1583 obs. or arch.
• CARKINGLY † adv. anxiously, fretfully, solicitously ...1611
• CAR KNOCKER n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1925 Amer. dial.
• CARKY adj. vexed, annoyed ...19C Eng. dial.
vb. to fret, to complain, grumble ...19C Eng. dial.
• CARL n. 1. a fellow of low birth or rude manners; a base fellow; a churl; later, a vague term of disparagement or contempt ...a1300 Sc. or arch.
† n. 2. a bondman, a villain ...a1300
n. 3. a man of the common people; more particularly a countryman, a husbandman ...1375 arch.
† n. 4. one who is churlish or mean in money matters; a niggard ...1542 obs. exc. Sc.
† vb. to talk with a gruff, snarling voice; to snarl ...1602 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARL CAT n. a male cat ...c1605
• CARLE n. 1. a fellow of low birth or rude manners; a base fellow; a churl; later, a vague term of disparagement or contempt ...a1300 Sc. or arch.
† n. 2. a bondman, a villain ...a1300
n. 3. a man of the common people; more particularly a countryman, a husbandman ...1375 arch.
† n. 4. one who is churlish or mean in money matters; a niggard ...1542 obs. exc. Sc.
• CARLER n. a clerk ...Bk1891 US thieves' sl.
• CARLIE n. a little 'carl'; a man short of stature ...1697 Sc.
• CARLINE n. 1. a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
n. 2. a witch or one charged with being such ...1528 chiefly Sc.
• CARLING n. 1. a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
n. 2. a witch or one charged with being such ...1528 chiefly Sc.
• CARLISH adj. churlish, clownish, vulgar, coarse; rude, mean ...a1240
• CARLISHNESS n. surliness; coarseness ...1552
• CARLLEIN †* n. a little carl, rustic, or peasant ...c1460
• CARLMAN † n. a man, an adult male ...1135
• CARLOT †* n. a churl, a rustic, a peasant ...1600
• CARMAGNOLE n. 1. the devil, as the author of mischief or ruin ...1796
n. 2. a nickname for a soldier in the French revolutionary army ...1823
• CARMAN † n. 1. a man, an adult male ...1135
n. 2. a carter, a carrier ...1580
• CARMEL INDIAN n. a person of mixed Black, White and Indian ancestry associated with Carmel, Ohio ...1963 Amer. dial.
• CARMELITE n. a person of mixed Black, White and Indian ancestry associated with Carmel, Ohio ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CARMINATION †* n. charming, incantation ...1620
• CARMUICHE † n. skirmish ...1535 Sc.
• CARNAC * n. the driver of an elephant; a mahout ...1704
• CARNADINE † n. red or carnation colour ...1598
• CARNAGE † n. in hunting: flesh that is given to dogs after the chase ...1656
• CARNAL † adj. 1. bloody, murderous ...1594
† adj. 2. carnivorous ...1594
†* vb. to make carnal, to fill with sensuality; to have carnal intercourse with ...1643
• CARNAL ACQUAINTANCE n. copulation ...euphemism
• CARNAL CONNECTION n. sexual intercourse ...19C euphemism
• CARNAL COPULATION n. sexual pleasure; copulation ...euphemism
• CARNAL ENGAGEMENT n. sexual intercourse ...19C euphemism
• CARNALISM * n. sensualism ...1864
• CARNALIST † n. a fleshly-minded or unspiritual man; a sensualist ...1621
• CARNALITE † n. a fleshly-minded or unspiritual man; a sensualist ...1573
• CARNALITY n. 1. copulation ...E15
n. 2. lechery, lust, and lewdness ...E15
• CARNALIZE vb. 1. to arouse sexually; to awaken the libido ...E18
† vb. 2. to have carnal intercourse ..1706
• CARNAL KNOWLEDGE n. copulation ...15C euphemism
• CARNAL PARTS n. the genitals of a male or female ...E18
• CARNAL STUMP n. the penis ...1694 sl.
• CARNAL TRAP n. the female genitals; the vagina ...M17
• CARNAPTIOUS adj. irritable, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, fault-finding ...1890 Sc. & Irish
• CARNATION † adj. flesh-coloured ...1565-78
† n. 1. incarnation ...c1410
† n. 2. the colour of human 'flesh' or skin; flesh-colour ...c1535
• CARNATIONED † adj. flesh-coloured ...1649
• CARNEITY †* n. the state or quality of being flesh ...1691
• CARNELL † n. a heap ...1536 Sc.
• CARNEOUS adj. 1. consisting of flesh, fleshy ...1578
† adj. 2. flesh-coloured, pale red ...1673
• CARNEY adj. sly, artful ...1881 sl.
n. soothing and seductive flattery; language covering a design ...Bk1891 colloq.
vb. to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CARNEYING adj. in a wheedling, coaxing, or insinuating manner ...1851 colloq.
• CARNIFEROUS * adj. flesh-bearing ...1841
• CARNIFEX † n. an executioner ...1561
• CARNIFICATE † vb. to hang ...1623
• CARNIFICE †* n. butchery, murder, torture ...1657
• CARNIFICIAL adj. belonging to an executioner, or to a butchery; butcherly ...1632
• CARNIFICINE †* adj. of the executioner; butcherly ...1681
†* n. the place of execution, the office of hangman ...1656
• CARNISH n. meat ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CARNISH-KEN n. a thieves' eating house ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CARNIVAL vb. of a horse: to buck in a showy manner ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARNIVORACITY n. appetite for flesh ...1730 nonce word
• CARNOSE adj. consisting of or resembling flesh; fleshy ...1562
• CARNOSITY † n. 1. fleshiness; flesh or pulp ...1533
n. 2. a fleshy growth; a caruncle ...1559
• CARNOUS adj. consisting of or abounding in flesh; fleshy ...1577
• CARNY adj. sly, artful ...1881 sl.
n. soothing and seductive flattery; language covering a design; soft, hypocritical language ...1874 colloq.
vb. to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAROL † n. 1. a ring or circle, as of standing stones ...1330
† n. 2. a chain ...c1425
† n. 3. a company or band of singers; a choir ...1483
n. 4. the joyous warbling of birds ...1800
† vb. 1. to dance and sing, to make merry ...a1300
vb. 2. of a bird: to warble ...1595
• CAROLET †* n. a little carol or song ...1593
• CAROLINA n. the sweet potato ...1775 Amer. dial.
• CAROLINA POTATO n. the sweet potato ...1819 Amer. dial.
• CAROLINA RACEHORSE n. a razor-back hog ...1862 Amer. dial. jocular
• CAROON n. a five shilling piece ...Bk1891 costermongers' usage
• CAROUSE † n. a cupful drunk 'all out', a full draught of liquor, a full bumper to one's health, a toast ...1594
vb. to drink health or success to ...1583
• CARP †* n. 1. discourse; power of speech; carping speech, cavil ...c1325
n. 2. a carpenter, esp. on a theatre set ...1952 US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) a Bohemian ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a Black prisoner ...1989 US sl.
n. 5. anchovies as a pizza topping ...1996 US sl.
† vb. 1. to speak, to talk ...a1240
† vb. 2. to utter, to say, to tell ...1350
† vb. 3. to talk much, to prate, to chatter ...1377
† vb. 4. to sing or recite, as a minstrel; to sing, as a bird ...c1425
• CARPACIOUS †* adj. given to carping ...1574
• CAR PARK n. an informer ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'nark'
• CARPED adj. drug-intoxicated ...1996 UK sl.
• CARPENT * vb. to make as a carpenter; to put together; to construct mechanically ...1623
• CARPENTAGE † n. carpenter's work; carpentry ...1660
• CARPENTER n. 1. a woodpecker ...1967 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a skilful wrestler ...1980 Amer. sl.
n. 3. an orthopaedist ...1994 US sl.
• CARPENTER BIRD n. a woodpecker ...1858 Amer. dial.
• CARPENTER'S DREAM n. a flat-chested woman ...1974 US sl.
• CARPER † n. a talker, a prattler ...c1440
• CARPET † n. 1. a thick fabric, commonly of wool, used to cover tables, beds, etc.; a table-cloth ...1345
n. 2. the grass, the ground ...1897 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a three month period of imprisonment ...1903 UK sl.
n. 4. the sum of £3 ...c1942 Brit. cant
n. 5. the sum of £300 ...1950s secondhand-car dealers' sl.
n. 6. a three year sentence of imprisonment ...1956 UK sl.
n. 7. in betting: odds of 3-1 ...1967 UK sl.
n. 8. an artificial grass playing surface ...1978 US sl.
vb. to call a servant into the parlour, etc., to be reprimanded; to 'call over the coals' ...1840 colloq.
• CARPET AND A HALF n. in betting: odds of 7-2 ...1991 UK bookmakers' sl.
• CARPET AND DRAPES THAT MATCH phr. applied to a person, usually a woman, whose hair is neither bleached nor dyed ...1999 US sl.
• CARPETBAG vb. to attempt to deceive ...1934 Amer. dial.
• CARPET BAG, A n. three months' imprisonment ...1903 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'carpet-bag' (three months' imprisonment)
• CARPETBAGGER n. a person who interferes in local politics without being a true part of the local community ...1868 US sl.
• CARPET-BAG RECRUIT n. a recruit worth more than what he stands up in ...c1875 military sl.
• CARPET-BITER n. one who gets into a fearful rage; a visibly very angry man ...c1940 sl.
• CARPET-BITING n. a distressing exhibition of uncontrollable rage ...c1940 colloq.
• CARPET BURGER n. oral sex performed on a woman ...2001 US sl.
• CARPET BURN n. a rawness of the skin due to frictional contact with a carpet ...1986 US sl.
• CARPET BUSHMAN n. a businessman who owns land in the outback but rarely visits ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CARPET CAPTAIN n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1548
• CARPET CHAMPION n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPET CHEWER n. a lesbian ...1985 Amer. sl.
• CARPET-CLEANING n. cunnilingus ...1990s sl.
• CARPET CONTROL n. an obsessive belief held whilst under the influence of crack cocaine, that there are useable traces of crack cocaine on the floor ...2001 UK sl.
• CARPET COWARD n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; ; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1605
• CARPET CRAWLER n. a young child ...1976 US sl.
• CARPET DANCE n. a dance for close friends, held in one's drawing room ...L19 UK society usage
• CARPET FRIEND n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...a1616
• CARPET GAME n. a swindle in which the swindler holds and then steals the wallet of a customer going to see a non-existent prostitute ...1967 US sl.
• CARPETING n. a thorough reprimand ...Bk1888 colloq.
• CARPET JOINT n. 1. an up-market nightclub ...1930s US sl.
n. 2. a carpeted and well-furnished or well-equipped gambling casino ...1961 Amer. sl.
• CARPET-KNIGHT n. a knight whose achievements belong to 'the carpet' (the lady's boudoir, or carpeted chamber) instead of to the field of battle; a stay-at-home soldier ...1576
n. 2. a soldier who remains at home during a war and does not go into combat ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARPET LECTURE n. an official reprimand ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CARPET-LICKER n. 1. a person who performs cunnilingus ...1980s sl., orig. US college
n. 2. a lesbian ...1980s sl., orig. US college
• CARPET LOVER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPETMONGER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPET-MAN † n. one who frequents ladies' boudoirs or carpeted chambers ...1571
• CARPET-MONGER † n. one who frequents ladies' boudoirs or carpeted chambers ...16C
• CARPET-MUNCHER n. 1. a person who performs cunnilingus ...1980s sl., orig. US college
n. 2. a lesbian ...1980s sl., orig. US college
• CARPET-MUNCHING n. cunnilingus ...1980s sl.
• CARPET NAP n. a Japanese person ...1980s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'Jap'
• CARPETO n. £30 ...2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CARPET PATROL n. a smoker of crack cocaine who searches the floor for droppings of crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• CARPET PEER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1592
• CARPET SLASHING n. a dance party ...1947 US sl.
• CARPET SQUIRE n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1605
• CARPET-TRADE † n. the occupations and amusements of the chamber or boudoir ...1599
• CARPET WALKER n. a drug addict ...1971 US sl.
• CARPET WARRIOR n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPIT n. £300 ...2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CARPITO n. £30 2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CAR-POPPING n. car theft ...1996 UK sl.
• CARPOUSE n. a cook's galley on a vessel ...1747 Amer. dial.
• CARPS n. the game of craps ...1901 Amer. dial.
• CARR n. 1. a rock ...c950 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pond or pool; a bog or fen; wet boggy ground ...c1330 Eng. dial
• CARREFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• CARRIAGE † n. 1. baggage or luggage carried with one on a journey, etc. ...1398
† n. 2. means of conveyance ...c1450
† n. 3. something carried; a burden, a load ...1458 obs.
n. 4. a wheeled vehicle generally ...1560 arch.
† n. 5. leaves and branches carried away by a stag with his antlers when passing through a thicket or wood ...1616
• CARRIAGEABLE * adj. capable of being carried; portable ...1702
• CARRIAGED † adj. having a carriage, deportment, bearing; behaved, mannered ...1633
• CARRIAGE DOG n. a coach-dog, a Dalmatian ...1824
• CARRIAGE-TRADE † n. the trade of conveyance, carrying-trade ... 1719
• CARRIAGE-WHEEL WIPER n. a toady, a bootlicker ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARRIE n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIE NATION n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIER n. the member of a criminal gang who watches the roads, inns, etc., in order to carry information to the gang of a booty in prospect ...1725 sl.
• CARRIER PIGEON n. a messenger or courier ...1933 US sl.
• CARRION † adj. 1. skeleton-like ...1565
adj. 2. vile, loathsome, detestable; expressing disgust ...1826
† n. 1. a dead body; a corpse or carcass ...a1225
† n. 2, a poor, wretched, or worthless beast ...1477
† n. 3. a term of contempt for a living person, one no better than carrion ...1547-64
n. 4. the human body ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 5. a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• CARRION-CASE n. a shirt or chemise ...M19 sl.
• CARRION-HUNTER n. an undertaker ...L18 Brit. sl.
• CARRIONIZE †* vb. to turn into carrion, to corrupt ...1593
• CARRION-LEAN † adj. 1. lean as a wasting corpse or skeleton ...1542
† adj. 2. meagre, very deficient ...1581
• CARRIONLY † adj. corrupt, vile, loathsome ...1547-64
• CARRION-ROW † n. a place where inferior meat or offal was sold ...1728
• CARRIWITCHET n. a pun, a quibble, a conundrum; a hoaxing, puzzling, or absurd question ...1614
• CARROT n. 1. the penis, esp. the penis of a child ...17C sl.
n. 2. a marijuana cigarette ...2001 US sl.
• CARROT CRUNCHER n. a country dweller (from an urban perspective) ...1977 UK sl.
• CARROT EATER n. (offensive) a Mormon ...1968 US sl.
• CARROTHEAD n. a red-headed person ...1867 Amer. sl.
• CARROT-HEADED adj. having red hair ...1884 Amer. sl.
• CARROT PLANT n. the dandelion ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARROTS n. red hair, or one who has such hair ...c1685 humorous or derisive usage
• CARROT SNAPPER n. (offensive) a Mormon ...1968 US sl.
• CARROT-TOP n. a red-headed person ...1889 US sl.
• CARROT-TOPPED adj. having red hair ...1889 Amer. sl.
• CARROTTY-HEADED adj. having red hair ...1867 Amer. sl.
• CARROTTY-POLL n. a nickname for a person with red hair ...1825 Eng. dial.
• CARROTY adj. red-haired ...1696
• CARROTY-HAIRED adj. red-haired ...1856
• CARROTY-HEADED adj. red-haired ...1840
• CARROTY-POLLED adj. red-haired ...1795
• CARRY n. 1. a means of transport; a vehicle; a two-wheeled barrow ...1605 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. the clouds collectively, sky ...1788
n. 3. the drift of the clouds as they are carried along by the wind ...1819 Sc.
n. 4. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
n. 5. any victim of a crime who must be taken from the scene by stretcher ...1958 US sl.
n. 6. a consignment or substantial quantity of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
† vb. 1. to bear, to endure ...1583
vb. 2. to escort, to accompany ...1861 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to be in possession of drugs ...1961 US sl.
vb. 4. to carry a firearm ...1971 US sl.
vb. 5. to lead or be in charge of something ...1972 US sl.
vb. 6. to have surplus money ...1996 N. Ireland
• CARRY A BIG SPOON vb. to stir up trouble ...1989 Aust. sl.
• CARRY A BONE vb. to spread a rumour or story ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CARRY A BONE IN THE TEETH vb. to cut through the water making waves of foam about the bow ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARRY A CASE vb. to be out of prison on bail ...1996 UK sl.
• CARRY A GREAT FACE † vb. to have an appearance of importance ...1674
• CARRY A GREAT STROKE † vb. to wield or have great influence ...1651
• CARRY A HEAVY LOAD vb. to be fatigued; to be melancholy ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARRY A LAZY MAN'S LOAD vb. to attempt to complete a job too soon ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CARRYALL n. a vehicle for transport, either wheeled or on rails for snow ...1963 Can. sl.
• CARRY A LOT UNDER ONE'S HAT vb. to be crafty, sly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARRY AN EYE ON † vb. to watch, to oversee ...1646
• CARRY AN M UNDER ONE'S GIRDLE † vb. to use a respectful prefix (Mr., Mrs.) when addressing or mentioning a person ...a1553
• CARRY A RIG vb. to play fast and loose ...Bk1903 sl.
• CARRY A STROKE † vb. to wield or have great influence ...c1645
• CARRY A TORCH vb. to yearn for an unrequited love or a love affair that is over; to be devoted to someone without having your devotion reciprocated ...1927 US sl.
• CARRY-AWAY n. a robbery in which a safe is taken and opened at leisure away from the crime scene ...1958 US sl.
vb. ('carry away')
† vb. 1. to win, to gain for oneself ...1581
vb. 2. to move to ecstasy ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• CARRY AWAY THE BELL vb. to carry off the prize ...1621
• CARRY-CASTLE † n. an elephant, which carries a castle ...1598
• CARRY DAY n. in television and film-making: a day in which the cast and crew are paid but do not have to work ...1990 US sl.
• CARRY DOWN vb. to arrest someone ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• CARRY GUTS TO A BEAR vb. 1. to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1833 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to work at dishonourable employment ...1922 Amer. dial.
• CARRY HAY IN ONE'S HORNS vb. to be ill-tempered or dangerous ...1648
• CARRY-IN n. a potluck meal ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CARRYING n. the amount that can be carried at one time; an armful ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CARRYING A FLAG adj. menstruating ...20C US sl.
• CARRYING ALL BEFORE HER adj. of a woman: having a generous bust or obviously pregnant ...1984 UK jocular
• CARRYING A LOAD adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARRYING SOMETHING HEAVY adj. drunk ...E20 US sl.
• CARRYINGS-ON n. frolickings; conspicuous behaviour ...1859 sl.
• CARRYING THREE RED LIGHTS adj. drunk ...World War II & nautical sl.
• CARRYING TOO MUCH SAIL adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARRYING TWO RED LIGHTS adj. drunk ...World War II & nautical sl.
• CARRYING WEIGHT adj. depressed ...1950s Beatniks' usage
• CARRY IT AWAY vb. to have the advantage, carry the day ...1598 obs.
• CARRY IT TO THE DOOR vb. to serve all of a prison sentence ...2002 US sl.
• CARRY JACK-A-LANTERN vb. to carry on the shoulders ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARRY-KNAVE † n. a common prostitute ...1630
• CARRY ME OUT WITH THE TONGS! int. an expression of surprise ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CARRY NATION n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY NEWS vb. to gossip ...1970 Trinidad and Tobago
• CARRY-ON n. 1. a fuss; an uproar; an outbreak of excited behaviour ...1890 UK sl.
n. 2. any continuing activity or catalogue of details ...2001 UK sl.
vb. (usually as 'carry on')
vb. 1. to behave in a conspicuous way; to make a fuss ...1828 UK sl.
vb. 2. to be involved in a flirtatious or adulterous relationship ...1856 UK sl.
vb. 3. to frolic ...Bk1905 Amer. sl.
vb. 4. to act in an ostentatiously effeminate manner in public ...1963 US sl.
• CARRY ONE ON A CHIP vb. to treat very well; to pamper; to spoil ...1933 Amer. dial.
• CARRY ONE'S CUP EVEN BETWEEN TWO PARTIES vb. to favour neither of them ...17C colloq.
• CARRY ON WITH vb. to have a sexual relationship with ...1856 sl.
• CARRY OUT † vb. to transport the mind in ecstasy or devotion ...1599
• CARRY SOMEONE'S BAGS vb. to be romantically involved with someone ...1973 US sl.
• CARRY STRAWS vb. to go courting ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CARRY-TALE † n. a talebearer; a tell-tale ...1577 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARRY THE BABY vb. to bear an unwelcome responsibility
• CARRY THE BALL vb. to assume or successfully bear responsibility ...1939 US sl.
• CARRY THE BANNER vb. 1. to stay up all night ...1980 US sl.
vb. 2. to walk the streets all night; to endure the hardship of loss of sleep ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• CARRY THE BUG vb. in circus usage: to work as a night watchman ...1981 US sl.
• CARRY THE CAG vb. to be vexed, sullen; to be easily irritated; to lack a sense of humour, esp. as regards jokes against oneself ...1811 sl.
• CARRY THE CAN vb. to take the blame or punishment on behalf of another; to be made a scapegoat; to do the dirty work while another gets the credit ...1929 UK sl., orig. navy
• CARRY THE CAN BACK vb. to take the blame or punishment on behalf of another; to be made a scapegoat; to do the dirty work while another gets the credit ...1929 UK sl., orig. navy
• CARRY THE MAIL vb. 1. to depart hurriedly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to move quickly ...1946 US sl.
vb. 3. to buy drinks ...1966 Aust. sl.
vb. 4. to commit a murder for hire ...1971 US sl.
• CARRY THE SHIT BUCKET vb. to perform the lowliest tasks ...1977 Aust. sl.
• CARRY THE SILKS vb. in horse racing: to race for a particular owner ...1951 US sl.
• CARRY THE STICK vb. to live without a fixed abode ...1978 US sl.
• CARRY THE TARGET vb. in horse racing, to run in the last position for an entire race ...1976 US sl.
• CARRY THE WHEELS vb. to accelerate so quickly that the vehicle's front wheels lift off the ground ...1968 US sl.
• CARRY YOUR ASS! int. go away! ...1998 Guyana
• CARRY YOUR BAT OUT vb. in cricket: to survive your team's innings undismissed ...1934 UK sl.
• CARSEY n. 1. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
n. 2. a brothel ...2002 UK sl.
• CAR SHED n. a garage ...1880 Amer. dial.
• CAR-SHOP vb. to break into a car to steal its contents ...1997 US sl.
• CARSY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• CART † n. 1. a carriage of any kind; a chariot ...c1200
n. 2. the gallows ...L16 sl.
n. 3. a racecourse ...M19 sl.
n. 4. the carapace of a crab ...M19
n. 5. a carton ...1950s US sl.
vb. 1. of a punishment formerly inflicted on bawds: to place in a tumbrel or cart and lead through a town ...L16 sl.
vb. 2, to carry; to drag ...M19 sl.
vb. 3. in cricket: to hit the ball or attack the bowling with unrestrained power ...1903 UK sl.
vb. 4. to beat or whisk an egg ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CART AWAY vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CARTE n. 1. a playing-card ...1497 Sc.
† n. 2. a chart, map, plan, diagram ...1502
• CARTEL n. 1. a written challenge, a letter of defiance ...1560
† n. 2. a slanderous writing, a libel ...1590
† vb. to serve with a challenge ...1598
• CARTELIST † n. one who challenges ...a1679
• CARTELLER † n. one who challenges ...1611
• CARTER † n. 1. the driver of a chariot; a charioteer ...a1300
n. 2. a rude, uncultured man; a clown; common in the 16th century ...1509
† n. 3. a card-player ...1566 Sc.
• CARTERLIKE † adj. rude, clownish ...1561
† adv. rudely, clownishly ...1580
• CARTERLY † adj. clownish, boorish, rude, ill-bred ...1519
† adv. in a rude or boorish manner ...1553 obs.
• CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS n. any central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CARTES n. the penis ...1702 UK sl.
• CART-GREASE n. 1. bad butter ...c1875 sl.
n. 2. any butter ...c1875 sl.
n. 3. margarine ...20C sl.
• CARTHOLIC † n. a Catholic; derisive usage ...1582
• CARTILAGE † n. the coats or skin of an onion ...1563
• CARTING † n. card-playing ...1535 Sc.
• CAR TINK n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARTLOAD n. many; a great quantity, esp. of a desired commodity ...L16
• CARTLOADS n. many; a great quantity, esp. of a desired commodity ...L16
• CART-NAP vb. to steal a shopping trolley ...1996 UK sl.
• CARTNAPPER n. a person who steals supermarket trolleys ...1950s sl.
• CAR TOAD n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CART OFF vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes or compiles charts or maps ...1863
• CARTOGRAPHY n. the drawing of charts or maps ...1859
• CARTOMANCY n. divination by playing-cards ...1871
• CARTON-BOX n. a cardboard box ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CAR TONK n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARTON-PUSHER n. a person who sells cigarettes that have been stolen or smuggled from a state with lower taxes ...1978 US sl.
• CARTOON n. a ridiculous person; a fool ...1927 Amer. sl.
• CART OUT vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CART OUT WITH SOMEONE vb. to court someone ...c1880 Cockneys' sl.
• CAR TRICK n. an act of sex between a prostitute and customer in a car ...1968 US sl.
• CARTRIDGE n. a sausage ...1865 US military sl.
• CARTS n. a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl.
• CARTUARY † n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1523
• CARTUCHO n. a package containing marijuana cigarettes, equivalent to a packet of cigarettes ...1986 UK sl.
• CARTULARY n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1541
• CARTWHEEL n. 1. a broad hint ...19C sl.
n. 2. a large gold or silver coin, esp. a US silver dollar ...1855 US sl.
n. 3. 5 shillings ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 4. a feigned drug withdrawal spasm ...1936 US drugs sl.
n. 5. an amphetamine tablet ...1966 US sl.
• CARTWRIGHT n. a carpenter who makes carts ...a1400
• CARTZ n. a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl.
• CARTZO n. the penis ...1702 UK sl.
• CARUAGE n. ploughing ...1610
• CARVE † vb. 1. to cut; formerly the ordinary word for that action in all its varieties ...c1000
† vb. 2. to circumcise ...c1420
† vb. 3. to castrate a cock ...1586
vb. 4. to slash or stab, esp. repeatedly ...1871 US sl.
vb. 5. in jazz: to outplay another musician in a competition of solos ...1883 US sl.
vb. 6. to defeat decisively; to trounce ...1884 US sl.
vb. 7. in jazz: to thrill, to 'send' ...1943 US sl.
vb. 8. in skateboarding: to take a turn sharply ...1976 US sl.
vb. 9. in surfing: to change the course of the surfboard by digging it into the water ...1980 US sl.
vb. 10. in mountain biking: to travel at a great speed around corners ...1996 US sl.
vb. 11. in foot-propelled scootering: to turn sharply while in mid-jump ...2000 UK sl.
• CARVED UP adj. of a bodybuilder: without fat ...1984 US sl.
• CARVEL † n. a jellyfish ...1688
• CARVEN adj. carved ...1330
• CARVER n. 1. a carving knife ...1840
n. 2. a knife used as a weapon ...1907 US sl.
n. 3. in the West. cattle industry: a cutting horse ...1913 US sl.
• CARVE SOME BEEF vb. to grant sexual favours; to consent to sex ...2001 US sl.
• CARVE SOMEONE'S KNOB vb. to make someone understand ...1953 US sl.
• CARVE SOMEONE UP vb. to swindle, to cheat ...1933 Brit. sl.
• CARVE-UP n. 1. deception, swindling, fraud, often implying an unfair distribution ...1935 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a division of loot, profits, or the legacy of a will ...1935 UK sl.
n. 3. a fight; a battle; a gang war ...1961 UK sl.
n. 4. an act of poor driving in which one vehicle cuts in front of another ...1984 UK sl.
vb. (usually as 'carve up')
vb. 1. to slash or stab, esp. repeatedly ...1871 US sl.
vb. 2. to swindle an accomplice out of a share ...1937 UK sl.
vb. 3. to spoil the chances of another's business ...1961 UK sl.
vb. 4. of a driver: to cut in front of another vehicle and force the driver of that vehicle to brake or take other emergency action ...1984 UK sl.
• CARVE UP SCORES vb. to reminisce or chat with a friend ...1934 US criminals' sl.
• CARVE UP THE MOB vb. to surf recklessly through a crowd of surfers or swimmers ...1964 Aust. sl.
• CARVE YOURSELF A SLICE vb. of a male: to have sex ...1984 UK sl.
• CARVIE n. 1. a fellow prisoner who shares in a supply of tobacco, perhaps by subscription to a common supply ...1950 UK sl.
n. 2. a prisoner who deals in contraband tobacco; a tobacco baron ...1996 UK sl.
• CARVING CONTEST n. a contest between jazz musicians ...1959 US sl.
• CARVING KNIFE n. 1. a sword ...Bk1890 sl.
n. 2. a wife ...2003 UK rhyming sl.
• CAR WASH n. in the Vietnam war: an establishment in Vietnam where a man went for haircut, bath, massage, and sex ...1977 US sl.
• CAR WHACKER n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CARWITCHET n. a pun, quibble; a hoaxing question or conundrum ...1614
• CARYOPHYLLATE † vb. to flavour with cloves ...1641
• CAS adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1990 Amer. sl.
• CASBALD † n. a term of reproach ...c1440
• CASCABEL n. a rattlesnake; also, its rattle ...1760-72
• CASCADE n. beer ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
vb. to vomit ...1805
• CASCHIELAWIS † n. an instrument of torture, said to have been invented by the 'Master of Orkney' in 1596; its action appears to have been forcibly to draw together the body and limbs of the victim, and hold him in this cramped position ...1596 Sc.
• CASE † n. 1. a thing that befalls or happens to anyone; an event, occurrence, hap, or chance ...a1225
† n. 2. chance, hazard, hap ...1340-70
n. 3. the body ...1547-64
† n. 4. the skin or hide of an animal ...a1569
n. 5. the outer part of a house or building; the shell or carcass ...1677
n. 6. a burial box ...US Civil War usage
n. 7. an infatuation, a crush ...1852 Amer. dial.
n. 8. an unusual, queer, or peculiar person; a character; a disreputable person; a difficult fellow ...1859 Amer. dial.
n. 9. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
n. 10. a dollar ...1885 Amer. dial.
n. 11. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
n. 12. 5 shillings ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 13. a silver dollar ...1927 Amer. dial.
n. 14. a loved one; a sweetheart ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
† vb. 1. to strip of the skin, to skin ...1601
vb. 2. to watch; to observe; to scrutinize; to reconnoitre with a view to committing a robbery or other crime ...1914 sl., orig. US
vb. 3. to reprove or reprimand sternly ...1971 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to joke about another's characteristics or foibles ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CASEABLE † adj. able or liable to happen, possible ...c1565 Sc.
• CASE-EXPANDER n. a non-existent tool used to tease a beginner or inexperienced person ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CASE-HARDENED adj. made callous or tough by experience ...1769
• CASE OF DRAWERS † n. a chest of drawers ...1686
• CASE OF SPOONS n. an infatuation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASEOUS adj. abounding in cheese; fond of cheese ...1807 humorous usage
• CASER n. 1. a dollar ...1849 US sl.
n. 2. a crown (a five-shilling coin) ...1860 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a silver dollar ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CASES † n. 1. clothes, garments ...1593
n. 2. observation; scrutiny; also, an ultimate, a finality, the last of a series of things or actions ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• CASH † n. 1. a chest or box for money; a cash-box, a till ...1598
†* n. 2. a dismissal or disbanding of troops ...1617
n. 3. a cashboy or cashgirl ...1876 US sl.
† vb. 1. to disband, to dismiss ...1564
vb. 2. to give up; to quit; to 'cash in' ...1905 US sl.
vb. 3. to die ...1908 US sl.
• CASH COW n. an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• CASH DOWN vb. to pay; to hand over money ...1882 US sl.
• CASHED adj. used up; finished ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CASHIER † n. a money-dealer ...1643
vb. 1. to send away, to dismiss ...1592
† vb. 2. to make void, to annul, to do away with ...1596
† vb. 3. to discharge, to disband troops ...1598 military usage
vb. 4. to discard, to get rid off, to banish a thing ...1603
* vb. 5. to deprive of ...1668
• CASHIERMENT n. dismissal ...1656
• CASH-IN n. an act or instance of cashing in financially ...1985 US
vb. (as 'cash in')
vb. 1. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to quit, to give up ...1896 US sl., orig. gambling usage
vb. 3. to reap a profit, reward, or advantage of any kind ...1928 US sl.
• CASH-IN, THE n. the end; death ...1926 US sl.
• CASH IN ON vb. to profit from or turn to one's advantage ...1930 US sl.
• CASH IN ONE'S CHECKS vb. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CASH IN ONE'S CHIPS vb. 1. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to change one's ways ...1895 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to commit suicide ...1967 Amer. sl.
vb. 4. to kill someone ...1984 Amer. sl.
• CASHMARIE † n. one who brings fish from the sea-coast to market in the inland country ...a1600 Sc.
• CASH ONE'S CHIPS vb. to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CASH ONE'S PISTOL vb. to rob a bank at gunpoint ...1880 US West. sl.
• CASH UP vb. to vomit ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CASINO n. 1. a public room used for social meetings; a club-house; a public music or dancing saloon ...1789
n. 2. a pleasure-house, a summer-house in Italy ...1831
• CASK † n. 1. a head-piece or helmet ...1580
n. 2. a fashionable name for a brougham or other private carriage ...1859 sl.
n. 3. a taxi ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• CASKET † n. a money-box or 'chest' ...1832
• CASKET NAIL n. a cigarette ...1966 Amer. sl.
• CASKET TACK n. a cigarette ...1966 Amer. sl.
• CASMACK adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASMALA adj. fine, excellent, first-rate, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CASOUSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CASPAR n. 1. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
n. 2. a gullible person; a dupe ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASPAR MILQUETOAST n. a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1947 Amer. dial.
• CASPER n. a particularly light-skinned Black person ...1950s US Black sl.
• CASPER MILKTOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• CASPER MILQUETOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• CASPER THE GHOST n. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CASPLASH! int. indicating a fall into liquid ...M19 sl.
• CASS † adj. dismissed, cashiered; void, null ...1549
n. cheese ...16C
† vb. 1. to make void, to annul, to quash ...1460 obs. exc. Sc.
† vb. 2. to discharge, to dismiss; to disband, to cashier ...1550 obs. exc. Sc.
• CASSA n. a ladies' man ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CASSALL †* n. ? a wisdom-tooth ...1541
• CASSAM n. cheese ...16C
• CASSAN † n. cheese ...1567 thieves' cant
• CASSANT †* adj. brittle; friable ...1725
• CASSATE † vb. 1. to make void, to annul, to quash ...1512
† vb. 2. to discharge, to dismiss; to disband, to cashier ...1744
• CASSATION n. 1. the act of making null or void; cancellation, abrogation ...c1425
† n. 2. dismissal of a soldier; cashiering ...1602
• CASSAVA n. a woman ...1980s US Black
• CASS-CASS adj. untidy, disreputable, inferior, low-class ...20C W. Indies
• CASSENYIE BEAR n. the black bear ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CASSIN n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CASSOLE † n. a box or case ...1590
• CASSOM n. cheese ...16C
• CASSON n. 1. cheese ...16C
† n. 2. a chest ...1613
• CAST † adj. 1. calculated, planned ...c1400
† adj. 2. chaste ...c1430
† adj. 3. condemned; beaten in a lawsuit ...1577
adj. 4. thrown off, disused, worn out, abandoned, forsaken ...1597
adj. 5. in cookery: whipped, curded ...1597
† adj. 6. dismissed from office ...1607
adj. 7. drunk ...1930s Irish & NZ sl.
† n. 1. plan, design; shape, conformation, of a building, etc. ...a1300
† n. 2. a throw or stroke of fortune; hence, fortune, chance, opportunity; lot, fate ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 3. skill, art ...c1320
† n. 4. device, purpose, design, aim ...c1325
† n. 5. a contrivance, device, artifice, trick ...c1340
† n. 6. the delivery of a blow, a stroke ...c1420
† n. 7. the quantity of bread or ale made at one time ...1470-85
† n. 8. a set or suit of things ...1535
† n. 9. a burden cast or laid upon people; an impost, a charge ...1597
n. 10. a cask ...1969 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to toss the head; to shrug the shoulders ...a1225
† vb. 2. to utter words; to heave a sigh ...a1300
† vb. 3. to reckon, to calculate, to estimate ...a1300
vb. 4. to throw up from within; to vomit ...a1300
† vb. 5. to put into shape, dispose, arrange, or order; to lay out in order, to plan, to devise ...a1300
† vb. 6. to machinate, to contrive, to devise, to scheme ...c1325
† vb. 7. to revolve in one's mind, to debate with oneself, to consider, to ponder, to deliberate ...a1340 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 8. to aim, deliver a blow ...c1340
† vb. 9. to design, to purpose, to intend, to determine to do a thing ...a1380
† vb. 10. to interpret a dream ...1382
† vb. 11. to conjecture as to the future; to anticipate; to forecast ...c1384
† vb. 12. to find or declare guilty; to convict ...1536
† vb. 13. to condemn ...1567
vb. 14. to overthrow an antagonist ...1580 arch.
† vb. 15. to give birth to; to bear young; to lay eggs, to deposit spawn ...1587 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 16. to have an inclination; to incline, to slope, to slant ...1599
† vb. 17. to defeat in competition ...1610 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 18. to void excrement ...1704
• CAST A LAGGIN-GIRD vb. to bear an illegitimate child ...1742 Sc.
• CASTALDICK † n. stewardship ...1678
• CASTALDY † n. stewardship ...1623
• CASTANE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CASTANEAN adj. pert. to the chestnut ...1728
• CASTANEOUS adj. chestnut-coloured ...1688
• CAST A NET vb. to have a bet ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
• CASTANIE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CAST AN OPTIC vb. to look at ...L19 sl.
• CAST A SCANSE ON ONE vb. to make one an object of reproach (scance = n. blame, reproach, scandal) ...Bk1904 Sc.
• CAST ASPARAGUS vb. to cast aspersions, to make damaging or spiteful remarks ...1916 Amer. jocular
• CASTAWAY n. one who is cast away or rejected; a reprobate ...1526
• CASTAYNE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CAST BEYOND THE MOON † vb. to conjecture wildly; to indulge in wild conjectures ...1559
• CAST-BY n. a person or thing cast aside and neglected ...1818
• CAST CLEAN † vb. to cleanse ...1522
• CAST COLOUR vb. to lose colour, to become pale, to fade, esp. by the action of light ...c1350
• CAST DOWN vb. to deject in spirits, to disappoint, to dispirit ...1382
• CASTE † n. a race, stock, or breed of men ...1555
†* vb. to chasten, to chastise ...c1200
• CAST EGGS vb. to beat them up ...a1825
• CASTELET n. a small castle ...c1320
• CASTELL vb. to look, to see; to watch; to spy ...L16 thieves' sl.
• CASTELLAN n. the governor or constable of a castle ...1393
• CASTELLANY n. the office or jurisdiction of a castellan; the lordship of a castle, or the district belonging to a castle ...1696
• CASTELLAR adj. pert. to a castle; of the nature of a castle ...1789
• CASTELLATE * adj. built like a castle; having battlements ...1830
†* n. the district belonging to a castle ...1809
vb. to build in the manner of a castle; to build with battlements ...1831
• CASTELLATED adj. 1. built like a castle; having battlements ...1679
adj. 2. formed like a castle; castle-like ...1762-71
• CASTELLATION n. the building of castles; the furnishing of a house with battlements; a fortified or castellated structure; a battlement ...1818
• CASTELLET n. a small castle ...c1325
• CASTELLION † n. the governor or constable of a castle ...c1430
• CASTELRY † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1679
• CASTER n. 1. a cloak ...16C criminals' sl.
n. 2. anyone or anything that has been rejected or cast aside ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a testicle ...L19 US sl.
• CASTERATE vb. to castrate ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CASTERIZE vb. to castrate ...1973 Amer. dial.
• CASTERMINE vb. to castrate ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CAST FAR † vb. to make far-reaching plans ...a1300
• CAST HEADS TOGETHER † vb. to consult or take counsel together ...1526
• CASTICAL † adj. making chaste, pure or continent ...1656
• CASTIEAU'S HOTEL n. a prison ...M19 Aust. sl.
• CASTIFICATION †* n. a making chaste; purification; chastity ...1653
• CASTIGABLE †* adj. able to be chastised; deserving of chastisement ...1716
• CASTIGATE † adj. subdued, chastened, moderated ...1640
• CASTIGATION † n. 1. chastisement, corrective punishment or discipline, correction, chastening ...c1397
†* n. 2. purification ...1615
†* n. 3. correction, subduing, moderating ...1677
• CASTIGATIVE * adj. chastising, corrective, punitive ...1641
• CASTIGATORY adj. chastising, corrective, punitive ...1613
† n. an instrument of chastisement ...c1640
• CASTILIAN † n. one living in or belonging to a castle; one of the garrison of a castle ...1570-87
• CASTIMONY †* n. chastity, purity ...1490
• CASTING adj. of bees: swarming ...1627
† n. a coin ...1834 Amer. dial.
• CASTINGS n. cash ...M19 US sl.
• CAST IN ONE'S DISH vb. to object to something in a person; to accuse of ...M16 Brit. colloq.
• CAST-IRON adj. hard, insensible to fatigue; rigid, stern, unbending; inflexible, unyielding, wanting in pliancy or adaptiveness ...1830
• CAST-IRON AND DOUBLE-BOLTED adj. extremely strong ...L19 sl.
• CAST-IRON BATHTUB n. a battleship ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAST-IRON DOG n. the Mexican hairless dog ...1853 Amer. dial. obs.
• CAST-IRON HORRORS n. delirium tremens ...20C Anglo-Irish
• CAST-IRON OVERSHOES n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAST-IRON SWEAT n. a highly nervous state ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CASTLE † n. 1. a village, a collection of dwellings ...c1000
n. 2. a tower ...1642
n. 3. a large ship, esp. a ship of war ...1642
n. 4. a large building ...1886
n. 5. one's house; one's home ...1930s US Black sl.
n. 6. in cricket: the wicket that a batsman is defending ...1959 UK
vb. to see or look ...16C sl.
• CASTLE-BUILDER n. one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer, a visionary schemer ...1711
• CASTLE-BUILT adj. of the nature of daydreams ...1841
• CASTLE CATHOLICS n. Irish Catholics who rejected nationalism, preferring to curry favour with and ape the lifestyle of the ruling British ...E19 sl.
• CASTLE-CLOUD † n. a castle-like cloud, a cumulus ...1686
• CASTLE-COME-DOWN † n. ruin, total destruction ...1563-87
• CASTLED adj. in cricket: bowled out ...2003 UK
• CASTLE HACK n. an informer ...1900s Irish sl.
• CASTLE-HUNTER † n. one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer, a visionary schemer ...1752
• CASTLE IN THE AIR n. a visionary project or scheme; a daydream, an idle fancy ...c1400
• CASTLE-MONGER † n. one who builds or owns castles ...1655
• CASTLE-RAG n. fourpence ... Bk1903 sl.
• CASTLERY † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1679
• CASTLESHIP † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1598
• CASTLET † n. a small castle ...1538
• CASTLEWARD † n. the warden of a castle ...c1425
• CASTLING † n. an aborted foetus ...1580
• CASTOCK n. the stalk or stem of a cabbage ...1398 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CAST-OFF n. a person or thing that is abandoned as worthless or useless ...1741
• CAST-OFF ONE'S JAW-TACKLE vb. to talk fluently ...Bk1896 sl.
• CAST OF THE HAND † n. a helping turn ...1637 Sc.
• CAST ONE IN THE TEETH † vb. to reproach or upbraid one ...1526
• CAST ONE'S CAP AT † vb. to show indifference to; to give up for lost ...1579
• CAST ONE'S SKIN vb. to be naked; to strip naked ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CAST ONE'S WITS † vb. to exercise or apply one's wits ...c1400
• CASTOR adj. excellent, all right ...1944 Aust. sl.
* n. 1. the beaver ...1547
n. 2. a hat, orig. either of beaver's fur, or intended to be taken as such; at the end of the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century said to be of rabbit's fur, and usually spelt 'caster' ...1640 colloq.
• CASTOR CAT n. a beaver ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CASTORIAL adj. pert. to a hat ...1864 nonce word jocose
• CASTOR OIL ARTIST n. a doctor; a surgeon ...1925 US sl.
• CAST OUT vb. 1. to eject from the mouth, to vomit ...1388
vb. 2. to disagree, to quarrel, to fall out ...1730 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CASTRAL adj. belonging to the camp (military) ...1844
• CASTRAMETATION n. the art or science of laying out a camp ...1679
• CASTRATE † n. a castrated man, a eunuch ...1639
† vb. 1. to deprive of vigour, force, or vitality; to mortify ...1554
vb. 2. to mutilate a book by removing a sheet or portion of it; esp. to remove obscene or objectionable passages from; to expurgate ...1627
† vb. 3. in gardening: to prune, to remove superfluous suckers from ...1658
† vb. 4. to reduce in quantity or number ...1728
• CASTRATION † n. 1. the act of taking away a portion of the honey from the hive ...c1420
† n. 2. decrease or reduction in quantity or amount; curtailment ...1728
n. 3. the removal of objectionable parts from a book or literary work ...1791-1824
• CASTRATO n. a male singer castrated in boyhood so as to retain a soprano or alto voice ...1763
• CASTRENSIAL †* adj. pert. to a camp ...1658
• CASTRENSIAN adj. pert. to a camp ...1657
• CASTROMETER n. a surveyor of (ancient) camps ...1857 nonce word
• CAST SALT ON ANYONE'S TAIL vb. to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1721 Sc.
• CAST THE LAST ANCHOR vb. to die; to be killed ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAST SALT ON THE TAIL OF vb. to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails ...Bk1895
• CAST SHEEP'S EYES vb. to look amorously or lovingly upon ...1854 Amer. dial.
• CAST STONES AGAINST THE WIND † vb. to labour in vain ...1657
• CAST THE GORGE vb. to vomit violently, or make violent attempts to vomit ...1614
• CAST UP † vb. 1. to vomit ...1484 obs. exc. Eng. & Amer. dial.
† vb. 2. to give up, to abandon ...1530
† vb. 3. to dig up, to dig ...1660
vb. 4. of clouds: to gather for a storm ...1825 Sc.
vb. 5. of the weather, the day: to clear up ...1825 Sc.
• CAST UP ONE'S ACCOUNTS vb. to vomit ...17C sl.
• CAST UP ONE'S GORGE vb. to vomit ...Bk1921 sl.
• CAST UP ONE'S RECKONING vb. to vomit ...17C sl.
• CAST WATER † vb. to diagnose disease by the inspection of urine ...1580 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAST YOUR SKIN vb. to pull off your clothes ...Bk1890 sl.
• CASUAL † adj. 1. non-essential ...1398
† adj. 2. subject to chance or accident; frail, uncertain, precarious ...1529
† n. a casual event, a chance ...1566
• CASUALITY † n. chance; a chance or casual occurrence, contingency; esp. an unfortunate occurrence, accident, casualty ...1540
• CASUALLY † adj. accidentally ...c1386
• CASUALTY † n. chance, accident ...1423
• CASUAL-WISE † adv. casually ...1601
• CASUEY vb. of a horse: to buck ...1921 Amer. dial.
• CASUM n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CASUN n. cheese ...16C
• CASURE †* n. cadence, rhythm ...1565
• CASWASH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT n. 1. a term of contempt for a person; esp. one who scratches like a cat; a spiteful or backbiting woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...a1225
n. 2. a prostitute or immoral woman; a low woman ...1535 sl.
n. 3. an expert ...1912 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a male person; a fellow ...1920 sl., orig. US Black
n. 5. a performer or aficionado of jazz music ...1935 Amer. dial., orig. Black jazz musicians
n. 6. a good fellow; a guy ...1938 Amer. dial., esp. among Blacks
n. 7. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 8. a hip person ...1950s Amer. sl.
n. 9. whisky, esp. moonshine ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 10. a simple raft ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to vomit ...1785 sl.
vb. 2. to court or pursue a woman ...1900 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to gad about; to fool around ...1938 Amer. dial., chiefly among Blacks
• CATABALLITIVE adj. tending to throw down ...1815 nonce word
• CATABAPTIST † n. one who is an adversary to baptism ...1561
• CATABIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATABIASSED adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CATACATHOLIC † adj. Catholic ...1608 nonce word
• CATACHRESIS n. improper use of words; abuse or perversion of a metaphor ...1589
• CATACHRESTIC adj. wrongly used, misapplied, as when one word is improperly put for another ...1656
• CATACHTHONIAN adj. underground, subterranean ...1888
• CATACHTHONIC adj. underground, subterranean ...1884
• CATACLASM n. a break or disruption ...1829
• CATACLASMIC adj. pert. to a violent disruption ...1888
• CATACLYSM n. 1. a political or social upheaval which sweeps away the old order of things ...1633
n. 2. a great and general flood of water; a deluge ...1637
• CATACLYSMAL adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1857
• CATACLYSMATIC adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1883
• CATACLYSMIC adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1851
• CATACLYSTIC * adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1864
• CATACOMB n. a compartment in a cellar with recesses for storing wine ...1795
• CATACORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
vb. (as 'cat-a-corner') to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATACORNERED adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner, askew, awry ...1896 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CATACORNERS adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CATACUMBAL * adj. of or resembling a catacomb ...1865
• CATADUPE † n. a cataract or waterfall, orig. those of the Nile ...1596
• CATADUPES n. the dwellers by the cataracts of the Nile ...1607
• CATAGLOTTISM † n. a kissing with the tongue; a thrusting out the tongue in kissing ...1656
• CATAGLYPHIC †* adj. of carving out or incising ...1708
• CATAGOGGLE vb. to walk sideways ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CATAGORRICKY adv. turned the wrong way round ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CATAGRAPH † n. the first draught or delineation of a picture ...1656
• CATAIAN † n. 1. a man of Cathay or China ...1577
† n. 2. a rogue, a scoundrel, a rascal, a knave, a blackguard; a sharper ...1598
• CATALLACTIC adj. pert. to exchange ...1862
• CATALLACTICALLY adv. by way of exchange ...1862
• CATALLACTICS n. a proposed name for political economy as the 'science of exchanges' ...1831
• CATALOGIC adj. pert. to a catalogue ...1882
• CATALOGICAL adj. pert. to a catalogue ...1882
• CATALOGISTIC* adj. pert. to cataloguing ...1840
• CATALOGIZE † vb. 1. to reckon up, to calculate ...1602
† vb. 2. to insert in a catalogue ...1632
• CATALOGUE n. a list, register, or complete enumeration ...1460 arch.
• CATALOG WOMAN n. a wife obtained through a matrimonial bureau ...1928 Amer. dial.
• CATALYSIS †* n. dissolution, destruction, ruin ...1655
• CATAMARAN n. 1. an old, scraggy woman; a quarrelsome or offensive woman ...1785 sl.
n. 2. a worthless person ...1836 US sl.
• CATAMIDIATE † vb. to put one to open shame and punishment for some notorious offense; to scorn, to defame ...1656
• CATAMITE n. 'a boy kept for unnatural purposes'; a boy kept for homosexual purposes ...1593 arch.
• CATAMOUNT † n. 1. a panther or leopard ...1664
n. 2. the lynx ...1698 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a puma, cougar, or mountain lion ...1713 US
• CATAMOUNTAIN n. 1. the leopard or panther ...1432-50
n. 2. a wild man from the mountains ...1616
• CAT-AND-DOG adj. full of strife, inharmonious; quarrelsome ...1579
• CAT-AND-DOGGISH adj. characterized by quarrelling ...1878
• CAT AND MOUSE n. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT AND RAT n. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT-AND-RAT RIFLE n. a small-calibre rifle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATAPELTIC * adj. pert. to a catapult ...1849
* n. a catapult ...1864
• CATAPHOR † n. a deep sleep ...1656
• CATAPHRACT † n. 1. an ancient coat of mail ...1581
n. 2. a soldier in full armour ...1671
• CATAPHYSIC † adj. contrary to nature ...1654
• CATAPHYSICAL adj. against nature; unnatural ...1839 nonce word
• CATAPLASM n. a poultice ...1563
• CATAPLECTIC adj. pert. to hypnotism ...1883
• CATAPLEXY n. the temporary paralysis or hypnotic state in animals when 'shamming death' ...1883
• CATARACT n. 1. a waterfall; properly one of considerable size, and falling headlong over a precipice ...1594
n. 2. a violent downpour or rush of water ...1634
• CATARACTIC † adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1693
• CATARACTICAL † adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1693
• CATARACTINE adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1856
• CATARRH † n. the profuse discharge from nose and eyes with generally accompanies a cold, and which was formerly supposed to run down from the brain; a 'running at the nose' ...1533
• CAT AROUND vb. to gad about; to fool around ...1938 Amer. dial., chiefly among Blacks
• CATARUMPUS n. a commotion, a rumpus ...1848 US sl.
• CATASKEUASTIC †* adj. constructive ...1645
• CATASOPHISTRY †* n. quibbling, deceit ...1609
• CATASTA n. 1. a block on which slaves were exposed for sale ...1650
† n. 2. the stocks ...1650 humorous
• CATASTERFY n. a catastrophe ...1844 Amer. dial.
• CATASTERISM n. a constellation ...1837
• CATASTROPHAL adj. of the nature of a catastrophe; disastrous ...1842
• CATASTROPHE † n. the posteriors ...1597 humorous
• CATASTROPHIZE † vb. to end a comedy or the like ...1623
• CATASTROPHONICAL † adj. a nonsense word; 'A signe of good shaving, my catastrophonicall fine boy.' ...1605
• CATASTRUM † n. the deck of a ship ...1623
• CATAWAMPERED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPIOUSLY adv. utterly, completely ...1836 Amer. dial. obs.
• CATAWAMPIST adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPOUS adj. 1. fierce, unsparing, destructive ...1856 sl., chiefly US
† adj. 2. askew, awry, wrong ...1891 Amer. dial.
adv. utterly, completely ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPOUSLY adv. utterly, vigorously, completely; fiercely, eagerly, violently ...1834 Amer. sl.
• CATAWAMPTIOUS adj. fierce, unsparing, destructive ...1856 sl., chiefly US
• CATAWAMPTIOUSLY adv. utterly, vigorously, completely; fiercely, eagerly, violently ...1857 Amer. sl.
• CATAWAMPUS adj. 1. askew, awry, wrong ...1884 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. big and fine ...1972 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1908 Amer. dial.
n. 1. a spiteful person ...1843 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an imaginary monster; a hobgoblin ..1843 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a fierce creature, vermin, or the like ...1874
vb. 1. to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to put out of proper shape; to warp ...1906 Amer. dial.
int. an exclamation ...1938 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUS CAT n. a virago; a violent or bad-tempered woman ...1915 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUS-CORNER vb. to worry ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUSED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHAMPIT adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHOBBLED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHOMPERED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWUMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT BATH n. a hurried or partial cleaning ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CAT BEER n. milk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CATBIRD n. a mischievous, sly or cunning person ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CATBIRD SEAT n. a prominent or especially favourable position ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CAT-BLASH n. 1. a weak, worthless drink; any thin liquid, as weak tea ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 2. worthless or silly talk: a weak argument ...19C Eng. dial.
• CAT BOIL an infected swelling on the skin; a small infected pimple, usually on the face ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT BRITCHES n. the wild snapdragon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATCH † n. 1. a trick ...c1430
† n. 2. a chase, pursuit ...c1450 Sc.
† n. 3. tennis ...c1475 Sc.
† n. 4. 'Jack Ketch'; the hangman ...a1672
† n. 5. a catching or entangling question ...1674
† n. 6. a catching sight; a glimpse, view ...1775
† n. 7. a kedge, a small anchor ...1791
n. 8. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 9. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 10. a sudden, sharp pain in the back, side, or neck; a stitch ..1954 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to take forcible possession of, to capture a town, castle, ship, country, etc. ...c1205
† vb. 2. to receive, to get, to obtain ...c1205
† vb. 3. to chase, to drive ...c1250
† vb. 4. to chase, to run, to hasten; to press on ...c1325
vb. 5. to deceive, to 'take in' ...1382
† vb. 6. to obtain by exertion; to attain, to get possession of ...1382
†* vb. 7. to fasten, to attach ...c1400
vb. 8. to carp, to criticize ...1628
vb. 9. to freeze ...1879 Amer. dial.
vb. 10. to become pregnant; to make pregnant ...1912 Amer. dial.
vb. 11. to assist in the delivery of a baby ...1928 Amer. dial.
vb. 12. to undergo or suffer an unpleasant experience; to encounter an adverse condition of weather ...1946 Amer. dial.
vb. 13. of a muscle or joint: to experience sudden sharp pain ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A COLD vb. 1. to get into trouble, possibly through impetuousness ...L18 sl.
vb. 2. to lose out financially, possibly after purchasing a supposed 'bargain', which proves to be otherwise ...L18 sl.
• CATCH A CRAB vb. 1. to do a belly-flop; to dive in such a way that the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to mishandle oars while rowing, so that there is a splash of • water ...1975 Amer. dial.
• CATCH ACTION n. a young woman, typically runaways who have just arrived in the big city and are vulnerable to being recruited as prostitutes ...1960s US Black sl.
• CATCH A DUCK ASLEEP vb. to take a shrewd person off his guard; to catch off guard or unaware; to surprise ...1843 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A FACE vb. to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• CATCH A FOX vb. to be very drunk ...L17 sl.
• CATCH A GLAD vb. to experience an outburst of spontaneous joy ...20C W. Indies sl.
• CATCH A HARE WITH A TABOR † vb. to seek to do something almost impossible ...1546
• CATCH A HORSE vb. to urinate ...20C Aust. sl.
• CATCH AIR vb. to run very fast ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A LISTEN vb. to listen ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCH AN F vb. to be arrested for a felony ...1990s US Black sl.
• CATCH A PACKET vb. to suffer trouble or misfortune ...1925 sl.
• CATCH AS CAN adv. in a haphazard fashion ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CATCH AT A STRAW vb. to resort in desperation to any utterly inadequate expedient, like a person drowning
• CATCH AT STRAWS vb. to resort in desperation to any utterly inadequate expedient, like a person drowning
• CATCH AWAY † vb. 1. to chase away ...c1325
vb. 2. to seize and take away; to snatch away ...c1325
• CATCH A WEASEL ASLEEP vb. to take a shrewd person off his guard; to catch off guard or unaware; to surprise ...1825 Amer. dial.
• CATCH BUGS vb. to stare with one's mouth open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH-CLOAK † n. a coiner of false money ...1679
• CATCH-COIN † n. a greedy or covetous judge ...1611
• CATCH COLD vb. 1. to get into trouble, possibly through impetuousness ...L18 sl.
vb. 2. to lose out financially, possibly after purchasing a supposed 'bargain', which proves to be otherwise ...L18 sl.
• CATCH-COLT n. 1. an illegitimate child ...1901 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a colt that as unintentionally bred ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATCH-DOTTEREL † n. ? a cheat, a sharper ...1671
• CATCHEE n. one who is caught ...1839 nonce word
• CATCH-'EM-ALIVE-O n. fly-paper for catching flies ...1855 sl.
• CATCHER †* n. 1. one who chases or drives; a huntsman ...c1340
n. 2. a watchman or policeman ...1837 US sl.
n. 3. the children's game of tag ...1917 Amer. dial.
n. 4. in boxing: a boxer who 'catches everything the other guys throws at him' ...1945 US sl.
• CATCHER'S MITT n. a contraceptive diaphragm ...1984 US sl.
• CATCH FARTS WITH A HOOK vb. to do something stupid or useless ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CATCH FIRE vb. to become inflamed or inspired with passion, zeal, etc. ...1734
• CATCH FLAT-FOOTED vb. to catch off guard or unawares ...Brit. colloq.
• CATCH FLIES vb. 1. to stare with one's mouth open ...1941 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to yawn ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH GNATS vb. to stare with one's mouth open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH GOUDY vb. to get a beating ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CATCH HIM! int. used as a response when someone sneezes ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATCHING adj. 1. entrapping; deceptive, 'catchy' ...1603
adj. 2. in an uncertain or precarious state ...c1611
adj. 3. attractive, captivating ...1654
adj. 4. of weather: changeable, unpredictable ...1931-33 Amer. dial.
• CATCH IT vb. to get into trouble, usually with the implication of punishment ...1835 sl.
int. used as a response when someone sneezes ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATCH IT IN THE NECK vb. to get into trouble, usually with the implication of punishment ...1835 sl.
• CATCH IT WHERE THE CHICKEN GOT IT vb. to be punished ...1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCH ME! int. expresses emphatically that one will never be found doing a thing ...1830 colloq.
• CATCH ME AT IT! int. expresses emphatically that one will never be found doing a thing ...1830 colloq.
• CATCH MOSES vb. to receive a severe beating or punishment ...M19 sl.
• CATCH NAPPING vb. to take unawares ...1587 sl.
• CATCH OFF † vb. to snatch or take off ...c1420
• CATCH ON vb. to understand or realize the meaning of something ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CATCH ONE vb. to get drunk on beer ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CATCH ONE'S DEATH vb. to catch a bad cold ...1712 sl.
• CATCH ON TO vb. to understand or realize the meaning of something ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CATCH OVER vb. to freeze over ...1886
• CATCH-PAIN n. a sharp, sudden pain, usually in the side ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCHPENNY adj. designed to attract purchasers; got up merely to s ell ...1759
n. 1. something of little value, esp. a publication, designed to attract purchasers ...1760
n. 2. something cheap or showy made to be sold for a quick profit ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CATCHPOLE † n. 1. a tax-gatherer, an exactor of taxes or imposts; a (Roman) publican ...a1050
n. 2. a petty officer of justice; a sheriff's officer or sergeant; esp. a warrant officer who arrests for debt, a bum-bailiff ...1377
† n. 3. tennis ...1663
• CATCHPOLL † n. 1. a tax-gatherer, an exactor of taxes or imposts; a (Roman) publican ...a1050
n. 2. a petty officer of justice; a sheriff's officer or sergeant; esp. a warrant officer who arrests for debt, a bum-bailiff ...1377
• CATCHPULE † n. tennis ...1663
• CATCH SOME RAYS vb. to sunbathe ...1960s Amer. sl.
• CATCH SOME Z'S vb. to sleep ...1963 US sl.
• CATCH THE BALL BEFORE THE BOUND vb. to anticipate an opportunity ...1589
• CATCH THE WIND OF THE WORD vb. to quickly understand the meaning of what is said, to catch on ...B1900 Irish
• CATCH THE WIND WITH A NET vb. to attempt the impossible ...1868
• CATCH UP vb. to interrupt, to stop ...1840
• CATCHY adj. 1. merry, jocund ...1804 Sc.
adj. 2. attractive, 'taking' ...1831 colloq.
adj. 3. occurring in snatches, fitful, spasmodic ...1872 colloq.
adj. 4. that catches or entraps; deceptive ...1885 colloq.
adj. 5. of weather: changeable, unpredictable ...1894 Amer. dial.
adj. 6. impatient, irritable ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CATCHY NUMBER n. 1. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 2. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCLAW AND UNDERBRUSH n. a branch railroad that is not very important ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-CLAWED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT CLEANING n. a hurried or partial cleaning ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAT DOCTOR n. a mechanic who services track-laying vehicles, as Caterpillar tractors; a tractor mechanic ...1956 US sl.
• CATE † n. a delicacy, a tidbit ...1634
† vb. to prepare or dress food ...1617
• CATECHISM n. a course of question and answer; a course of interrogation put to candidates, etc. ...1596
• CATECHIZE vb. 1. to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
† vb. 2. to instruct orally in any subject ...1621
• CATER vb. to move diagonally or obliquely ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATERBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATERCAWNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORN adv. diagonally, across from ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORNER adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1888 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORNERED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1899 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATER-COUSIN n. 1. an intimate friend ...1547
n. 2. (doubtful) a fourth cousin; a remote relation ...18C
• CATERING adj. diagonal; askew ...1966 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CATERPILLAR vb. 1. to have goose-flesh ...1891 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to depart silently ...1902 US sl.
• CATERPILLAR'S KIMONO n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATERWAMPUST adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CATERWAUL vb. to roam at night, as in search of sexual partners ...1785 sl.
• CATERWAY adv. diagonally across an intersection of two streets ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATES † n. things purchased; such provisions as were not made in the house, but had to be purchased fresh when wanted, as meat, fish, etc.; hence, all provisions except the home produce of the baker and brewer; dainties, delicacies; in later use, sometimes merely victuals, food ...1465
• CAT-EYE n. a late-night work-shift ...1977 US sl.
• CAT-EYED adj. 1. cautious ...1934 US West. sl.
adj. 2. having watchful eyes ...1944 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. having piercing or sharp eyes ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATFACE n. 1. a wrinkle or pucker left on a garment when ironed improperly ...1952 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
n. 2. mushrooms that grow out like brackets from the sides of trees ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 3. the pattern of cracks that develop naturally on a tomato around the stem ...1973 Amer. dial.
• CAT FEATHERS n. soft rolls of dust that collect on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATFIGHT n. the most informal of occasions; one requiring the least dressing-up ...1981 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH n. one who talks too much, or too loud ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH CLOUD n. a long trailing cloud in the sky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH ROW n. a section of a town where Black residents live ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CAT FIT n. a burst of joy, or, more often, anger; a conniption fit ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CAT FUR, DID YOU EVER SEE IT ON DOGS phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT n. 1. bad whisky; rotgut ...1924 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a rawhide rope ...1961 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT-SCRAPER n. a fiddler ...18C jocular colloq.
• CAT HAIR n. money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HAMMED adj. 1. of animals: having crooked hind legs, so that the hocks knock together in walking ...1695
adj. 2. awkward, clumsy, fumbling, without dexterity ...1746 Eng. dial.
• CATHEAD n. 1. a biscuit, esp. a large one ...1930 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fool ...1950s US sl.
n. 3. the last piece of food left on a plate ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATHEADS n. the female breasts ...E19 sl.
• CATHEDRAL adj. antique, ancient, out-of-date ...L17 sl.
• CATHERINE HAYES n. a drink made of claret, sugar and nutmeg/orange ...M19 Aust.
• CATHERINE WHEEL n. the vagina ...L19 sl.
• CAT HIDE n. a paper dollar ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATHLEEN MAVOUREEN SYSTEM n. hire purchase ...1920s sl.
• CATHOLE n. a deep place in a river, creek, pond, etc. ...1842 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HOP n. mild bucking of a horse ..1949 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HOUSE n. 1. a brothel ...1931 sl.
n. 2. a garage for a tractor or similar vehicle ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CATHUMP! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT ICE n. thin ice of a milky white appearance in shallow places, from under which the water has receded ...1884
• CATIFAWGUS adj. askew, awry, out of kilter ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• CATILLATE † vb. to lick dishes ...1623
• CAT IN A BAG n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT IN A SACK n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT IN THE BAG n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATISH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CAT JABBER n. a bayonet ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAT LICK n. (often derogatory) a Catholic ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CAT-LICKER n. (often derogatory) a Catholic ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING, A phr. there are certain things which an inferior may do in the presence of a superior ...1562
• CAT MEWING † n. a catcall ...1851 Amer. dial.
• CAT-MIRER n. a very heavy rain ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATNIP FIT n. a conniption fit; a fit of anger ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATOOCH n. a cartridge box ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CATOUSE n. an uproar, a commotion, a din, tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAW n. a dupe, a stooge; one who does dirty work for someone else ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAW PLANT n. ground ivy ...1977 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAWS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT POISON n. meanness ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CAT-RAN-THROUGH-THE-GARRET RELATION n. a distant relative ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1919 US sl.
• CAT'S ADENOIDS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATS AND KEYS n. the fruit of the ash tree ...1695 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S ASS n. 1. (derogatory) a self-important person ...1967 Amer. dial.
n. 2 a hickey ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S ASS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1967 sl., orig. US
• CAT’S BALLS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1962 sl., orig. US
• CAT'S CRADLE, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S CUFFLINKS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT SENSE n. common sense ...1963 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S EYEBROWS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S FACE n. 1. a violet ...1900 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a wrinkle or pucker left on a garment when ironed improperly ...1952 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• CAT'S FALLEN ARCHES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S FIDDLE phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FOOT n. ground ivy ...1876 Amer. dial.
int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, dissent, or disapproval ...1877 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR, EVER SEE IT ON PUPPIES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR ON A PUMPHANDLE phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES phr. 1. a nonsensical reply to a child's question, "What's that for", esp. when 'for' is pronounced 'fur' ...1942 Amer. dial.
phr. 2. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES, DO YOU WANT THE FIRST PAIR phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE WHISTLE BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S GALOSHES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S GAME n. a tied game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S-HEADS n. a woman's breasts ...1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S HIND FOOT! int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, dissent, or disapproval ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S ICE n. thin ice of a milky white appearance in shallow places, from under which the water has receded ...1884
• CAT'S INSTEPS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S JUMP n. a short distance ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S-KEYS n. the fruit of the ash tree ...1695
• CAT-SKIN n. an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• CAT-SLEEP n. a catnap ...1837
• CAT'S LIGHT n. twilight ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S MEAT n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAT’S MEOW, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1921 sl., orig. US
• CATS' NEST n. a house of ill repute ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CAT-SNIFTER n. a very short space of time ...1867 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S NIGHTSHIRT, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT’S NOUNS! int. an oath of avoidance; By God’s wounds! ...18C
• CAT’S NUTS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1928 sl., orig. US
• CATSO † n. 1. a base fellow; a rogue, rascal, scamp ...1602 sl.
† n. 2. the penis ...1702 sl.
† int. an exclamation; What! God forbid! ...1708 sl.
• CATSOOD adj. drunk; drunk on four sous (French quatre sous) ,,,20C Brit. military sl.
• CAT'S PAJAMAS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S-PAW n. 1. a small patch of ripple on the water from a slight breeze ...1769 nautical
n. 2. one who is used by another to accomplish his purposes; a dupe, a tool ...1785
n. 3. that which comes down like the paw of a cat upon its victim ...1821
n. 4. good-looking seamen employed to entice volunteers ...nautical
n. 5. ground ivy ...1876 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S PYJAMAS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1922 sl., orig. US
• CAT-SQUIRREL n. the common squirrel ...1882 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S ROLLER SKATES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S SLEEP n. a sham sleep ...1827
• CAT STABBER n. a bayonet ...Bk2004 Amer. World War I sl.
• CAT'S TAIL n. a tied game of tic-tac-toe ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TAILS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATSTEP n. a small terrace on a hill ...1939 Amer. dial.
vb. to walk quietly ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CATSTICK n. a piece of kindling ...1832 Amer. dial.
• CAT-STITCHED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TONSILS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT STOOL n. a mushroom that grows out like brackets from the sides of trees ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TRACK n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TWISTER, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S UNCLE n. a criminal ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WATER n. gin ...1849 sl.
• CAT'S WHISKER n. a person who feels important ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WHISKERS n. a person who feels important ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WHISKER, THE n. someone or something that is splendid or stylish; the height of excellence ...1923 US sl.
• CAT’S WHISKERS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1923 sl., orig. US
• CATTA-CORNER adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTA-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTAIL n. 1. ground ivy ...1959 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a small running stream, smaller than a creek ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT TAILS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATTAWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1884 Amer. dial.
• CATTER n. 1. a tramp who clings to the outside of railway cars ...1916 tramps' sl.
n. 2. a woman-chaser ...1916 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally or obliquely ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATTERBATTER vb. to wrangle good-humouredly ...19C Sc.
• CATTERCORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTER-CORNERED adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1901 Amer. dial.
• CATTERING adv. diagonally ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CATTERWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATTIBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTICORNER adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CATTICORNERED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTIE n. a mail-order catalogue ...1988 UK sl.
• CATTING CLOTHES n. a person's best clothes ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTIWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTLE n. 1. people ...1673 sl.
n. 2. women who are prostitutes ...1677 sl.
n. 3. in horse racing: racehorses ...1821 sl.
n. 4. women in general ...E20 US criminals’ sl.
n. 5. a term of contempt ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. to coit ...L17 Brit. sl.
• CATTLE BOAT n. 1. a troop transport ship ...1944 US military sl.
n. 2. a party boat ...1970 US commercial fishermen's jargon
• CATTLE CALL n. in theatre and film: a casting call; also, a mass audition ...1952 US sl.
• CATTLE DOG n. 1. a catalogue ...1984 Aust. sl.
n. 2. a Catholic school student ...1998 NZ sl.
• CATTLE-MILL vb. to go round in a circle, as cattle in a herd do ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CATTLE-TRUCK n. an act of copulation ...20C rhyming sl. for ‘fuck’
vb. to coit ...20C rhyming sl. for ‘fuck’
• CAT-TONGUE n. a very long and slender small oyster ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CAT TRACK n. any eye disease ...1919 Amer. dial.
• CAT-TRACKER n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-TRACKING SNOW n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY adj. 1. stylish; well-dressed ...1918 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. spry, agile, active, lively ...1939 Amer. dial.
n. an expert in logging jobs ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BICEY adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BYWARD adj. diagonal ...1952 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNER adj. 1. out of sorts, ill-tempered, annoyed, upset ...1884 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. diagonal, in the opposite corner; askew, awry ...1945 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. triangular ...1969 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNERED adj. 1. diagonal, in the opposite corner; askew, awry ...1838 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. out of sorts, ill-tempered, annoyed, upset ...1954 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. triangular ...1954 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNERS adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CROSS adv. diagonally ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CUE adj. askew, awry, out of line ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-GODLIN adj. askew, awry, out of line ...1967 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-KER-WAMPUS adj. leaning, out of line, askew, awry ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-STRANGLING adv. diagonally across ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CATTY TAIL n. a whip, probably imaginary, used to threaten children and make them behave ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMP adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPERED adj. 1. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPING adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPUS adj. 1. askew, awry, wrong ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. an imaginary monster; a hobgoblin ..1941 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WATTY n. rubbish, nonsense ...1870 Eng. dial.
• CATTY-WAYS adv. diagonally ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WEST adv. crookedly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPER adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPERED TO adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WHISTLING adv. diagonally ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHOMPY adv. diagonally, obliquely ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWOBBLE adv. diagonally, obliquely ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• CAT WAGON n. a travelling brothel; a wagon that carried women of easy virtue who plied their trade along the cattle trials or on the range ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CAT WALK n. a strutting style of walking, intended to emphasize one's pride, independence, and masculinity ...1960s US Black sl.
• CATWANKER n. a general term of derision ...1990s sl.
• CAT-WEST adv. into disarray, confusion, or destruction ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CAT-WHIPPER n. one who whinges over their misfortunes ...20C Aust. sl.
• CAT-WITTED adj. small-minded, obstinate, and spiteful; silly and conceited; harebrained, whimsical ...1673
• CATY-CORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATZERIE n. roguery ...L16 sl.
• CATZO n. 1. a rogue; a ne’er-do-well ...E17 Brit. sl.
n. 2. the penis ...17C Brit.
• CAUC n. a Caucasian, a White person ...1980s US sl.
• CAUDGE-PAWED adj. left-handed ...M17 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAUDLE OF HEMP-SEED n. 1. hanging ...L16 jocular
n. 2. the hangman's noose ...17C sl.
• CAUGHT adj. 1. pregnant ...1940 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAUGHT A FOX adj. drunk ...L17 sl.
• CAUGHT HOLDING ONE'S DICK vb. to be caught in an embarrassing or generally disadvantageous situation ...20C US sl.
• CAUGHT IN A SNOWSTORM adj. intoxicated with cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAUGHT IN THE WEWOKA SWITCH phr. utterly lost; in an untenable, dangerous, or disadvantageous position ...1951 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT RED-HANDY phr. having been caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT SHORT adj. expecting a child out of wedlock ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT WITH ONE’S PANTS DOWN phr. said of a person caught doing something which he ought not to be doing, or ought to be doing in private ...20C
• CAULIFLOWER n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAULIFLOWER-EAR n. an ear swollen by blows ...1896 sl.
• CAULIFLOWER ROW n. champion prize fighters ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CAULK a short sleep ...1917 nautical sl.
vb. to copulate ..,19C Brit. sl.
• CAULK A NOD vb. to take a nap, to sleep; to go to bed ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAULKED adj. exhausted ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CAULKER n. 1. a drink of liquor ...1851 Amer. dial.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAULK OFF vb. to take a nap, to sleep; to go to bed ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CAUPONATE † vb. 1. to deal like a huckster with; to traffic in for the sake of gain ...1653
† vb. 2. to hold an eating-house; to sell liquor or victuals ...1656
• CAUSE OF CAUSES n. love ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAUSE THE EYES TO STAND BACKWATER IN ONE'S HEAD vb. to do one's utmost, to do the most that one is able ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CAUSEY-PAIKER n. a street-walker ...Bk1909 Sc.
• CAUTCH n. food improperly cooked or otherwise ruined ...1891 Amer. dial.
• CAUTELOUS † adj. 1. deceitful, crafty, sly, cunning, artful, wily ...1380s obs. or arch.
† adj. 2. cautious, wary, heedful, prudent ...1574 obs. or arch.
• CAUTION n. an unusual or remarkable person, action, or occurrence ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CAUTION STRIP n. the separating area in the middle of a four lane road ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAVALIER n. an easy-hitting boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CAVALIER STATE n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAVALLO n. a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAVASCACIOUS said of something that is pleasant or agreeable ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CAVAULT vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CAVAULTING n. copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAVAULTING SCHOOL n. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
• CAVE n. 1. the female genitals; specifically, the vagina and especially if large ...20C US sl.
n. 2. women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
n. 3. a cellar suitable for keeping foodstuffs ...1933 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a landslide ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 5. an underground shelter ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to rave, to rage, to get in a passion; to be angry, to make a rumpus ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CAVE AROUND vb. to rave, to rage, to get in a passion; to be angry, to make a rumpus ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CAVE-IN n. a landslide ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CAVE MAN n. 1. a strong, virile man, esp. one bearing much body hair or body hair in unusual places ...L19 sl.
n. 2. (usually as 'caveman') a violent person; a thug; a ruffian ...1926 sl.
• CAVE-OFF n. a landslide ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAVE OF HARMONY n. the female genitals ...19C sl.
• CAVILLOUS † adj. unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• CAVING adv. extremely ...1907 Amer. dial.
• CAVOLTING n. copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAVORT vb. to rage, to create a disturbance ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CAVORTION n. rough behaviour, rude manners ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CAW! int. come!; used to call cows ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAWBAWN adj. big ...Bk1892 Aust. bush sl.
• CAWDEY n. a shrewd, crafty little boy ...1924 Ireland
• CAWDY n. a lad or man who waits about on the lookout for chance employment as a messenger, errand-boy, etc.; esp. a golf-attendant ...1730 Sc.
• CAWHALUX! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAWLIE n. 1. a boy...18C Sc.
n. 2. a term of contempt for a man; a disreputable fellow ...1789 Sc.
• CAYL vb. to be in poor health, to suffer ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAYLEY n. a call, a friendly visit, chat, gossip among neighbours ...1843 Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• CAYNARD † n. a lazy fellow, a sluggard; a worthless fellow, a rascal, a scoundrel; a term of reproach ...1303
• CAYUSE n. 1. a range horse; an Indian pony ...1843 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a racehorse ...Bk1942 Amer. turf sl.
vb. of a horse: to buck ...1961 Amer. dial.
• CAZ n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CAZE n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
• CAZEN n. cause ...1911 Amer. dial.
vb. to cause ...1911 Amer. dial.
• CAZH adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1981 Amer. campus sl.
• CAZZARDLY adj. 1. precarious, risky, uncertain ...1849 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: changeable, unsettled ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• C.B. n. an attempt to interfere with another man's woman (Cock-Block) ...M20 US sl.
• CC PUSHER n. a rear-echelon member of the US Army Medical Corps ...1941 US Army sl.
• C.D.F. n. common sense (common dry fuck) ...1930 Royal Navy usage
• CEASE vb. 1. to die ...1927 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. of wind: to decrease ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CEASE BREATHING vb. to die ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CEASDED adj. deceased ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CEASED adj. deceased, dead ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CECIL n. cocaine ...M20 US sl.
• CEDAR BIRD vb. to deceive or trick; to make a patsy or fall guy of someone ...1984 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR CHOPPER n. a rustic, a countrified person; an insignificant person ...1962 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR ROBE n. a wardrobe made of cedar ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR SAVAGE n. 1. in logging: a man who cuts or peels cedar logs, poles, or posts ...1956 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a farmer; a rustic ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CEE n. cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CEILING n. an attic, a loft ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• 'CEITFUL adj. deceitful ...1922 Amer. dial.
• CELEB n. a celebrity ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CELEBERRIMOUS †* adj. very or most celebrated ...1768
• CELEBRIOUS † adj. 1. of a ceremony, festival, etc.: attended or observed by throngs; festive ...1555
† adj. 2. of a place or assembly: crowded, thronged, frequented ...1627
adj. 3. well-known, famous, renowned, noted ...1608 arch. or Eng. dial.
• CELEBRITY-FUCKER n. a person, typically a young woman, who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse with film stars or other celebrities; broadly, a hanger-on among celebrities ...1969 Amer. sl.
• CELEBRITY ROT n. what happens when an entertainer ages and is no longer able to perform as well as when younger ...1983 Amer. sl.
• CELERIPEDEAN † adj. swift-footed, nimble-heeled ...1656
† n. one who is swift-footed ...1623
• CELL vb. to live in a cell; to share a cell ...1901 Amer. prison sl.
• CELL 13 n. a padded cell ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CELLAR n. the female genitals; the vagina ...19C Brit. sl.
• CELLAR, THE n. last place in league standing according to games won ...1907 Amer. sports usage, orig. baseball
• CELLAR BANG n. a sloping outside cellar door ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CELLAR CASE n. an outside entrance to a cellar, with a sloping door ...1890 Eng. dial.
• CELLAR CORDIAL n. alcohol ...1900s Aust. sl.
• CELLAR-DOOR n. the female genitals; the hymen ...19C Brit. sl.
• CELLAR-FLAP n. a tap-dance ...M19 rhyming sl.
vb. to borrow ...20C rhyming sl. for 'tap'
• CELLAR NECK n. an indoor or outdoor entrance to a cellar ...1886 Amer. dial.
• CELLAR SMELLER n. 1. a Prohibition agent or temperance campaigner ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. a young man who is always on hand for free liquor ...1920s US sl.
• CELLAR SNIFFER n. a Prohibition agent or temperance campaigner ...1920s US sl.
• CELLAR WAY n. an indoor or outdoor entrance to a cellar ...1761 Amer. dial.
• CELL GANGSTER n. one who poses as tough while in their cell but follows orders elsewhere ...2000s US prison sl.
• CELLIE n. a cellmate ...1966 Amer. prison sl.
• CELL WARRIOR n. one who poses as tough while in their cell but follows orders elsewhere ...2000s US prison sl.
• CEMENT CITY n. a cemetery ...1975 Amer. sl.
• CEMENTHEAD n. a blockhead, a fool, a stupid person ...1949 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-HEADED adj. stupid, foolish ...1962 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT KIMONO n. a block of cement in which gangsters have concealed the body of a murdered person ...1952 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-MIXER n. 1. a noisy, rickety, rough-riding vehicle or vessel ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 2. an overweight belligerent woman ...1967 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT OVERCOAT n. a block of cement in which gangsters have concealed the body of a murdered person ...1969 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT OVERSHOES n. a block of cement used by gangsters to weigh down the feet of a murdered person before disposal in a body of water ...1962 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT SHOES n. a block of cement used by gangsters to weigh down the feet of a murdered person before disposal in a body of water ...1975 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-TARY n. a cemetery ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CEMENT TREE n. a cemetery ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CENATICAL * adj. pertaining to dinner or supper ...1725
• CENATION † n. meal-taking; dining, supping ...1599
• CENATORY †* adj. pertaining to dinner or supper ...1650
• CENTERFIELD vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1930s US sl.
• CENTERFIELD ON vb. to copulate orally with ...1934 Amer. sl.
• CENTER LEAD n. the forehead ...1920s US rhyming sl.
• CENTERMAN n. a prisoner who toadies to the guards ...20C Can. & US prison sl.
• CENTER PARK n. the divider that separates opposing lanes of traffic on a four-lane, or larger, road; a median strip ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CENTER SHOT n. a marksman who can hit the centre of a target ...1842 Amer. dial. arch.
• CENTIPEES n. a tailor of soldiers' clothing ...L18 sl.
• CENT-PER-CENT n. a usurer ...L17 sl.
• CENT-PER-CENTER n. a usurer ...L17 sl.
• CENTRAL CUT n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRAL FURROW n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRAL OFFICE n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRE OF ATTRACTION n. the female genitals ...19C US sl.
• CENTRE OF BLISS n. the female genitals ...c1790 colloq.
• CENTS n. a dollar ...1957 Amer. jocular
• CENTUPLICATE adj. hundred fold, a hundred times as much or as many ...1835
n. a hundredfold, a hundred times the amount or number ...1882
vb. to multiply or increase a hundred times ...c1645
• CENTURION n. in cricket: one who scores 100 or over ...c1885 colloq.
• CENTURY n. 1. £100 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. $100; $100 bill ...1859 Amer. sl.
• CENTURY NOTE n. a $100 bill ...1908 US sl.
• CERAUNIC adj. pertaining to or accompanied by thunder and lightning ...1748
• CEREB n. an overdiligent student ...1980 US college sl.
• CEREVISIOUS adj. pertaining to beer ...1841 nonce word
• CERT n. in sports: a sure winner, as a racehorse ...a1889 US sl.
int. certainly! yes, indeed! ...1879 US sl.
• CERTAIN AND DECLARE adv. most certainly; decidedly ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CERTATION † n. contention, strife ...1572
• CERTIFIABLE adj. so deranged as to be officially certified insane ...1939 colloq.
• CERTIORATE vb. to certify; to inform authoritatively or positively; to assure ...1637
• CERVISIAL adj. pertaining to beer, of beer ...1784 humorous
• CESPITATE †* vb. to stumble; to 'hit one's foot against a turf' ...1623
• CESS n. cease, cessation ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CESSIVE †* adj. of a yielding quality ...1678
• CFB adj. very clear indeed (Clear as a Frapping Bell) ...1980 US Air Force sl.
• C.G.I. n. a strong desire to throw oneself upon the ship's deck during a dive-bombing attack (Corticene-Grabber's Itch) ...1940 Royal Aust. Navy usage
• C.H. n. a conquering hero ...1882 colloq.
• CHA n. tea ...1919 Brit. sl.
int. used for registering impatience, disdain, or disappointment ...1827 Jamaica
• CHABOBS n. a woman's breasts ...1962 US sl.
• CHA-CHA adj. stylish; nifty; chi-chi ...1967 US sl.
n. a green grasshopper ...1944 Amer. dial.
• CHA-CHA-CHA! int. a call to animals to urge them forward or urge them to come ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAD n. the small bit of paper released when a ballot is punched, or a paper punch is used ...1980 Amer. dial.
• CHAETOPHOROUS adj. 1. in need of a shave ...19C
adj. 2. bristle-bearing ...1877
• CHAFF n. 1. nonsense, humbug, foolishness, ridicule; small, unimportant things or acts ...1859 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the fallen needles from pine trees ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. to talk nonsense, to joke; to banter, to tease, to make fun of; to trick, to deceive ...1872 Amer. dial.
• CHAFF-CUTTING n. joking, jesting, playing on words ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFER n. the mouth ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFEY adj. boisterous, happy, jolly; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHAFFING n. talking; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHAFFING CRIB n. a drinking room where quizzing or bantering is carried on ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFY adj. 1. boisterous, happy, jolly; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of tobacco: light, thin, straw-coloured ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAGALAG n. an old broken-down car ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN n. the matched dominoes in play ...sl.
• CHAIN DISHCLOTH n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN DISHRAG n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAINED LIGHTNING n. strong, usually inferior, liquor ...1843 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN-JERK n. real or imagined mutual masturbation in which several males lie adjacent to each other; each individual grasps another's penis ...1938 US sl.
• CHAIN LIGHTNING n. 1. something that moves at great speed ...1834 Amer. dial.
n. 2. cheap potent whisky or rum ...1837 US sl.
n. 3. torment or misery, esp. a severe scolding; hell ...1866 US sl.
n. 4. a person who is extremely adept or formidable ...1891 US sl.
• CHAIN-LOCKER n. a cellar barroom; a dive ...1868 US nautical sl.
• CHAIN OF LIGHTNING n. a yellow jacket ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN SCRATCHER n. a scouring pad ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN SCRUBBER n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR n. a cowboy's saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR, THE n. an electric chair; hence, death by electrocution ...1895 US colloq.
• CHAIRBACK n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBACKER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBACK PREACHER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBORNE adj. sedentary; assigned to rear-echelon clerical or administrative duty ...1943 US military sl.
• CHAIRBORNE COMMANDO n. a clerk-typist or administrative officer; used derisively ...1945 US Army sl.
• CHAIRBORNE INFANTRY n. desk men in general; used derisively ...1944 US Army sl.
• CHAIRBORNE RANGER n. a clerk-typist or administrative officer; used derisively ...1972 US Army sl.
• CHAIR-FAST adj. confined to a chair; unable to move around on one's own ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRLIS THE MANE † n. Charles the Great, Charlemagne ...c1475 Sc.
• CHAIR-POUNDER n. a desk worker; used derisively ...1919 US sl.
• CHAIR PUSHER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR WALK n. the game of musical chairs ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRWARMER n. a person who sits or lounges idly in a chair; an idler, a loafer; used derisively ...1896 US sl.
• CHALDEE vb. to trick; to swindle ...M17 sl.
• CHALE! int. no! never! ...1950 US
• CHALEWA n. marijuana pipe, usually made from coconut shell and tubing, used ritually by Rastas ...2001 Jamaica
• CHALFONTS n. haemorrhoids ...1980 UK rhyming sl. for 'piles' (Chalfont St. Giles)
• CHALFONT ST. GILES n. haemorrhoids ...1980 UK rhyming sl. for 'piles'
• CHALK n. 1. a quarter of a dollar ...1796 US sl.
n. 2. milk or cream ...1934 US jocular
n. 3. a lecture on football by a coach to the players ...1934 US sl.
n. 4. a White person; used contemptuously ...1945 US Black sl.
• CHALK, THE n. 1. the fashion ...1840 US sl.
n. 2. something that is genuine; truth ...1843 US sl.
• CHALK EATER n. in horse racing: a bettor who bets only on favourites ...1937 US sl.
• CHALKER n. 1. one who, at night, slashes the face of innocent citizens; generally in plural ...18C Ireland
n. 2. a London milkman ...c1850
• CHALK-EYE vb. to act as golf caddy ...1924 Amer. dial.
• CHALK FARM n. the arm ...1857 rhyming sl.
• CHALKIE n. a schoolteacher ...c1930 Aust. sl.
• CHALKIES n. 1. the teeth ...1843 US sl.
n. 2. mere tally marks as opposed to actual stakes ...1982 US juvenile sl.
• CHALK OFF vb. to leave ...1840 US sl.
• CHALK OUT vb. 1. to kill a person ...1940 US sl.
vb. 2. to die ...1941 US sl.
• CHALK TALK n. a lecture on football by a coach to the players ...1934 US sl.
• CHALK THE LAMPPOST vb. to pay a bribe ...1857 US sl.
• CHALK WATER n. thin milk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHALKY adj. brittle; easily broken ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHALK YOUR PULL! int. hold on! steady! ...1887 printers' jargon
• CHALUBBIES n. a woman's breasts ...1972 US sl.
• CHAMBER n. 1. a chamber pot ...1829 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person's face ...1969 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a cow's udder ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER BUCKET n. a chamber pot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER LYE n. urine ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBERMAID n. 1. a person who does the daily cleaning chores in a stable ...1928 Amer. dial.
n. 2. on the railroad: a machinist in roundhouse ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBERMAID TO THE MULES n. a stable caretaker ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER MUG n. a chamber pot ...1948 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER MUSIC n. the sound of a chamber-pot being used ...L19 sl.
• CHAMBER OF COMMERCE n. a lavatory ...1900s US Black & campus sl.
• CHAMBER OF HORRORS n. 1. sausages ...19C sl.
n. 2. the Peeresses' Gallery at the House of Lords ...L19 UK sl.
• CHAMBER PAIL n. a chamber pot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER POT n. a steel helmet ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAMBERWORK n. housework; housecleaning ...1870 Amer. dial.
• CHAMELEON DIET n. a poor diet ...L17 sl.
• CHAMMERDINO n. a slap on the cheek ...19C gypsy
• CHAMMING n. drinking champagne (to excess) ...M19 sl.
• CHAMP adj. first-rate ...1930s US sl.
n. 1. appetite ...L19 sl.
n. 2. an excellent, first-rate person; often used as a form of address ...1910s sl.
n. 3. a drug user who refuses to reveal their sources to the police ...1960s drugs sl.
n. 4. one who does things to excess ...1990s US campus
• CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE n. 1. a devotee of champagne ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a debauchee, a dissipated man ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE COUNTRY n. self-indulgence in eating and drinking ...E19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE COUPONS n. money ...1950s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE GLASS n. a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNER n. a fashionable prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE SHOULDERS n. sloping shoulders ...L19 UK society sl.
• CHAMPAGNE SOCIALIST n. one who preaches socialism but espouses a capitalist lifestyle ...1990s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE TRICK n. a particularly wealthy or generous client for a prostitute ...1990s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE WEATHER n. bad weather ...L19 UK society sl.
• CHAMP AT THE BIT vb. to be eager or impatient to start ...c1645
• CHAMPER OFF vb. to chop, rasp, or hack away bit by bit ...1914 Amer. dial.
• CHAMPERS n. champagne ...1955 Brit. sl.
• CHAMPIES n. mashed potatoes ...1888 Sc.
• CHAMPION adj. first-rate, excellent ...L19
adv. excellently, perfectly ...L19
n. 1. the penis ...1900s sl.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAMPION SLUMP OF 1897 n. the motorcar ...L19 sl.
• CHAMP PUG n. a champion boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CHAMPY n. champagne ...L19 US sl.
• CHANCE n. 1. a specimen, an example ...1830 Amer. dial.
n. 2. doubt ...1923 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE ALONG n. a fair wind with favourable weather ...1975 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE BLOW n. an illegitimate child ...1852 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE CHILD n. an illegitimate child ...M19 sl.
• CHANCE HER vb. to take risks, to gamble ...E19 sl.
• CHANCE IT vb. to take risks, to gamble ...E19 sl.
• CHANCE OFF vb. to raffle something off ...1930s Amer. dial.
• CHANCE ONE'S ARM vb. to take risks ...L19 sl.
• CHANCE ONE'S MITT vb. to take risks ...L19 sl.
• CHANCER n. 1. someone who does outrageous or dishonest things at high risk of discovery ...1884 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a bet, a wager ...1990s sl.
• CHANCY adj. 1. doubtful, uncertain ...1903 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. lucky, fortunate; good-natured ...1928 Amer. dial.
• C. H. AND D. adj. cold, hungry, and dry ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHANG † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. a fool ...a1225
• CHANGE n. 1. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. dessert ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to castrate ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to spay a domestic animal ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CHANGEABLE SEAT COVERS n. diapers ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHANGE A FLY INTO AN ELEPHANT vb. to undertake an impossible task ...1809
• CHANGEANT †* adj. changing ...c1620
• CHANGED adj. of milk: slightly sour ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE OFF vb. of the wind: to alter in direction; to decrease in velocity ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHANGES n. menstruation ...1930 Amer. dial. euphemism
• CHANGE SOMEONE'S FACE vb. to beat and disfigure someone's face ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CHANGE-UP n. a change ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. (as 'change up')
vb. 1. to exchange; to shift positions ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to reform, to do better ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to change one's clothes ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE WORDS vb. to exchange words, to speak ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE WORK n. an exchange of labour ...1947 Amer. dial.
vb. to give and receive help reciprocally ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING CHAIRS n. the game of musical chairs ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING LIFE n. menopause ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING-PIECE † n. a term of contempt for one who is fickle or changeable ...17C
• CHANK † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. 1. a fool ...a1225
n. 2. a noisy or forceful act of chewing or biting ...1950 Amer. dial.
vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHANKINGS n. the rejected parts or chewed remains of fruit, esp. apples, and occasionally other foods ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHANNER n. 1. gravel ...19C Sc. & Irish
n. 2. the suppressed noise between a bark and a whine which a dog makes when watching for a rat ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 3. strife, querulousness; complaining ...1891 Sc.
vb. to mutter, grumble, murmur, fret, complain; to scold, not noisily, but constantly; to chide ...c1375 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CHANTIE n. a chamber-pot ...Bk1896 Sc.
• CHAOUI n. a raccoon ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CHAP n. 1. a male person, a fellow ...1704, now mainly Brit.
n. 2. a young woman; a girl ...1860 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a young child, a baby ...1883 Amer. dial.
vb. to produce children ...1964 Amer. dial.
• CHAPARRAL n. a tangle, a thicket ...1875 Amer. dial.
• CHAPARRAL FOX n. a sneak, or a sly, tricky person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPERON n. the professed gallant of a married woman ...M18 sl.
• CHAPESS n. a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular
• CHAPLAIN'S MATE n. a sailor of pronounced religious tendencies ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CHAPO adj. short, chubby, chunky ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. a short, chubby person or horse ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CHAPPED adj. thirsty ...c1670 sl.
• CHAPPER n. the mouth ...1909 London sl.
† vb. to drink ...1909 London sl.
• CHAPPER-COT n. a bedstead with curtains ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• CHAPPIE n. 1. orig. a little fellow ...c1820
n. 2. a chap, a fellow ...c1880
n. 3. a child, a young person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPPOW n. a raid ...c1860 Anglo-Indian
• CHAPPRON † n. an impudent fellow ...c1460
• CHAPPY adj. talkative ...L17 colloq.
n. 1. a chap, a fellow ...c1880
n. 2. a child, a young person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPS ME THAT! int. I claim that! ...M19 Sc. children's colloq.
• CHAP SOMEONE'S ASS vb. to irritate or annoy someone ...1961 US sl.
• CHAP SOMEONE'S REAR vb. to irritate or annoy someone ...1961 US sl.
• CHAPT adj. thirsty ...c1670 sl.
• CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS, THE n. the unforeseen course of events ...1871
• CHAPULIN n. 1. a grasshopper ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person of a mean or petty disposition ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAR n. 1. a charwoman; a woman hired to do general cleaning ...c1875
n. 2. tea ...L19 army colloq.
vb. to come in to do cleaning work in a house, shop, office, or institution ...1732
• CHARACTER n. 1. an eccentric or odd person ...1773 colloq.
n. 2. (often mildly derogatory) a person ...1931 sl.
• CHARACTERED adj. branded on the hand ...18C cant
• CHARACTERS n. one's references, as regards employment ...20C colloq.
• CHAR AND WADS † n. tea and buns ....L19 sl.
• CHARCOAL n. (derogatory) a Black person; one with dark skin ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL BLOSSOM n. (derogatory) a young Black woman ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL BURNER n. a rustic, a hillbilly ...1962 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL-LILY n. (derogatory) a Black boy very dark in colour ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL NIGGER n. (derogatory) a very dark Black person ...20C US sl.
• CHARCOAL OUT vb. to barbecue ...1980 Amer. dial.
• CHARE vb. to come in to do cleaning work in a house, shop, office, or institution ...1732
• CHARGE n. 1. an amount or quantity of anything consumed ...1887 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a dose or injection of a narcotic ...1925 US sl.
n. 3. an erection of the penis ...20C US sl.
n. 4. marijuana ...c1943 sl.
n. 5. a burst of sexual excitement or an experience of sexual excitement ...M20 US sl.
n. 6. cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
vb. 1. to run at full speed ...c1860 colloq.
vb. 2. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGED adj. 1. feeling the effects of drink; partly drunk ...1879 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. stupefied or drowsy as the result of having taken more narcotics than necessary to produce euphoria ...1938 US drugs sl.
• CHARGED UP adj. 1. partly drunk ...1966 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. under the effect of narcotics ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CHARGED WATER n. weak, inferior liquor ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGEFUL † adj. 1. onerous, burdensome; expensive, costly ...c1529
† adj. 2. full of responsibility; responsible, grave ...1553
• CHARGE IT TO THE DUST AND LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT phr. a flip response when one is not likely to pay for something ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE IT TO THE SAND AND LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT phr. a flip response when one is not likely to pay for something ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE SOMEONE OFF vb. to end or deny a relationship ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE UP vb. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGING-SCHOOL n. a school where tuition was paid ...1983 Amer. dial.
• CHARING CROSS n. a horse ...1857 rhyming sl. (pronounced 'crorse')
• CHARIOT n. 1. an omnibus ...c1850 sl.
n. 2. a caboose; occasionally a passenger car ...1931 Can. railroadmen's sl.
n. 3. a bed ...c1940 army sl.
n. 4. a motor car ...c1945 jocular
• CHARIOT-BUZZING n. pocket-picking in an omnibus ...c1850 sl.
• CHARITATIVE † adj. 1. of the nature of a charitable gift or donation ...1582
† adj. 2. of the nature of charity, charitable ...1647
• CHARITY DAME n. 1. a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
n. 2. a woman who is sexually accommodating but not a prostitute, who charges a fee; she gives it away ...20C sl.
• CHARITY GIRL n. a sexually promiscuous young woman ...1940s Amer. sl.
• CHARITY MOLL n. a woman who is sexually accommodating but not a prostitute, who charges a fee; she gives it away ...20C sl.
• CHARIVARI n. a noisy celebration or mock serenade for newlyweds ...1843 Amer. dial.
vb. to serenade a newly-married couple with horns, bells, drums, etc. ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CHARLES n. 1. (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
n. 2. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLES DE GAULLE n. the gall-bladder ...1970s jocular
• CHARLES JAMES n. 1. a fox ...L19 rhyming sl. (Charles James Fox)
n. 2, a theatrical box ...L19 rhyming sl. (Charles James Fox)
• CHARLESTON EAGLE n. the buzzard ...1870 Amer. dial.
• CHARLEY adj. afraid ...c1930 sl.
n. 1. a a London watchman before the introduction of the system of police ...c1810 sl.
n. 2. a gold watch ...c1830 cant
n. 3. a small, pointed beard ...c1830 colloq.
n. 4. a fox ...c1850 colloq.
n. 5. a round-shouldered person or figure; a spinal hump ...M19 sl.
n. 6. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
n. 7. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl. on 'cunt' (Charley Hunt)
n. 8. a chamber pot ...20C colloq.
n. 9. an infantryman's pack ...20C army sl.
n. 10. any minor stiffness or pain of the joints or muscles; a Charley horse ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 11. a Japanese soldier; Japanese forces collectively ...1942 US services' sl.
n. 12. a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 13. a male homosexual ...c1945 sl.
n. 14. a stupid or blundering soldier ...c1945 Amer. sl.
n. 15. a foolish person ...1946 sl., chiefly Brit.
n. 16. a bottle or glass of Carlsberg beer ...1950s army in Germany
n. 17. a person from Vietnam; North Vietnamese or Vietcong soldier(s) ...1965 US services' sl.
n. 18. cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY BLOW n. cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY-BOY n. a soft or effeminate young man ...1896 US sl.
• CHARLEY BRADY n. a hat ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'cady'
• CHARLEY COKE n. 1. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
n. 2. a cocaine addict ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY FRISKY n. Scotch whisky; any whisky ...M19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• CHARLEY-HORSE n. 1. a cramp in the arm or leg ...1888 N. Amer.
n. 2. a very hard blow ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHARLEY HUNT n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl. on 'cunt'
• CHARLEY IS DEAD phr. used to caution a girl that her petticoat is showing ...M20 Brit. juvenile jargon
• CHARLEY RONCE n. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce'
• CHARLEY WHEELER n. a girl or woman; one's girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. on 'Sheila'
• CHARLIE adj. afraid ...c1930 sl.
n. 1. a night watchman ...c1810 sl.
n. 2. a gold watch ...c1830 cant
n. 3. a small, pointed beard ...c1830 colloq.
n. 4. a fox ...c1850 colloq.
n. 5. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
n. 6. a round-shouldered person or figure; a spinal hump ...M19 sl.
n. 7. a breast ..L19 sl.
n. 8. a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
n. 9. cocaine ...1935 sl., orig. US
n. 10. a Japanese soldier; Japanese forces collectively ...1942 US services' sl.
n. 11. a male homosexual ...c1945 sl.
n. 12. a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 13. a bottle or glass of Carlsberg beer ...1950s army in Germany
n. 14. an infantryman's pack ...20C army sl.
n. 15. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
n. 16. a foolish person ...1946 sl., chiefly Brit.
n. 17. a girl, a young woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
n. 18. White society in general ...M20 US Black sl.
n. 19. a person from Vietnam; North Vietnamese or Vietcong soldier(s) ...1965 US services' sl.
n. 20. (sometimes derogatory) a term of address when a person's name is not known ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 21. a chamber pot ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 22. a dollar ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 23. menstruation ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARLIE BENDER n. a prolonged session of cocaine abuse ...1997 UK sl.
• CHARLIE BIRD n. in the Vietnam war: a helicopter used by a tactical commander ...1974 US sl.
• CHARLIE BLOW n. cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE-BOY n. an effeminate man; patronizing usage ...1896 US sl.
vb. to work as a busboy ...1974 US sl.
• CHARLIE BROWN n. a citizens' band radio set ...1981 UK sl.
int. an exclamation indicating surprise ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE-ON-THE-SPOT n. a reliable, prompt, or punctual person ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHARLIE PADDOCK n. a hasty or unceremonious departure ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE ROCKS n. socks ...1920s US rhyming sl.
• CHARLIE ROUSERS n. trousers ...1920s rhyming sl.
• CHARLIES n. breasts ...1873 sl.
• CHARLIE'S DEAD phr. your slip is showing ...1942 US sl.
• CHARLIE'S SHOWING phr. used as a warning that one's slip is showing ...1967 Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE WHITEHOUSE n. a chamber pot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARM n. a premonition of death, a 'Banshee' ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CHARMER n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING EYEFUL n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING HANDFUL n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING LAPFUL n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING MOTTLE n. a bottle ...c1880 Aust. rhyming sl.
• CHARMING WIFE n. a knife ...1914 rhyming sl.
• CHARMS n. 1. a woman’s breasts ...18C sl.
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHARM STICK n. a divining rod ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHARP n. a bed ...c1920 army sl.
• CHARPERER n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING CARSEY n. a police station ...c1870 sl.
• CHARPERING OMEE n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING OMER n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING OMI n. a policeman ...L19 sl.
• CHARPOY-BASHING n. sleeping; sleep ...c1920 Royal Air Force sl.
• CHARRA n. (derogatory) a term of address to an Indian ...1970s S. Afr.
• CHARRO n. 1. a Mexican cowboy or horseman ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an ill-bred, coarse person; a churl ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CHARRSHOM n. a crown, a 5-shilling coin ...18C tinkers' usage
• CHART n. the face ...1900s US sl.
vb. to commit to memory, to comprehend ...1960s US sl.
• CHART AND EVANS n. knees ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• CHART-BUSTER n. a very successful song or record ...c1955 sl.
• CHART CLASS n. kindergarten; the first year of school ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CHARTER THE BAR vb. to buy drinks for everyone in a bar or public house ...L19 sl.
• CHARTER THE GROCERY vb. to buy drinks for everyone in a bar or public house ...L19 sl.
• CHARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes or compiles charts or maps ...1880
• CHARTOGRAPHY n. the drawing of charts or maps ...1859
• CHART-TOPPER n. a very successful song or record ...c1955 colloq.
• CHARTUARY † n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1708
• CHARTULARY n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1541
• CHARVA n. a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHARVER n. 1. a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
n. 2. a sexual embrace ...L19 theatrical sl.
vb. to despoil; to interfere with and spoil one's business ...L19 sl.
• CHARVERED adj. exhausted, tired out ...20C sl.
• CHARVERING DONA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONER n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONNA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAR-WALLAH n. 1. a teetotaller ...20C army sl.
n. 2. in India: a native servant who brings the early morning tea ...c1930 services sl.
• CHASE n. a woman chaser ...20C Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to run off, to leave ...L19 US sl.
vb. 2. to recline in a chair in the sunshine ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to stand over and keep urging someone to do and get on with a piece of work ...c1920 services' colloq.
vb. 4. to court a girl ...c1935 S. Afr. sl.
vb. 5. to run, hurry; to depart rapidly ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. to pursue women, esp. as an adulterer ...1970s US sl.
vb. 7. to smoke cocaine or marijuana ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHASE A CLOUD vb. to be thrown high from a horse ...1944 Amer. dial.
• CHASE A RABBIT vb. to go to the toilet ...1941 Amer. dial. euphemism
• CHASE CHEERS vb. to curry favour with the masses ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE ONESELF vb. to hurry, to move rapidly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHASER n. 1. a glass of water or beer taken after a shot of spirits; a drink taken after another ...1897 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a womanizer ...1894 sl., mainly US
n. 3. one who runs errands ...1900s sl.
n. 4. a frequent user of crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• CHASER OF ADAM'S ALE n. a glass of water ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHASER OF ADAM'S WINE n. a glass of water ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHASE THE BAG vb. to seek out supplies and/or to be addicted to heroin ...1960s drug sl.
• CHASE THE CAN vb. 1. to purchase beer in a can ...c1900 US sl.
vb. 2. to drink freely at a bar ...1910s sl.
• CHASE THE COW vb. to pass the milk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHASE THE DRAGON vb. to smoke heroin, sucking up the smoke of the drug, which is burned on a piece of kitchen foil; the heated heroin liquefies and flows across the paper, gradually giving off smoke, which is sucked into the smoker's lungs by a tube, also usually made of kitchen foil ...1961 drugs sl.
• CHASE THE HARES vb. to chase women ...20C sl.
• CHASE THE PENNY WEIGHT vb. to prospect for gold ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE SUN vb. to live as a tramp ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE SUNSET vb. to live as a vagrant ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE TIGER vb. to smoke heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
• CHASE THE WEIGHT vb. to prospect for gold ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE UP vb. 1. to make efforts to find or obtain quickly ...1950s sl.
vb. 2. to pursue (a matter or person) vigorously with a specific intent, esp. after an earlier unsatisfactory response ...1950s sl.
• CHASE UP A COW vb. of an amorous couple: to search out a secluded spot in the bush in order to have sexual intercourse ...1950s Aust. sl.
• CHASE YOUR FACE! int. get away, get out of here! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHASING n. the smoking of heroin ...1980s drug sl.
• CHASING THE DUCK phr. going after intoxicating liquors ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• CHASM n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• CHASSAY vb. to move in a rapid slide or glide; to move along ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHASSE n. a cup of coffee that accompanies a shot of spirits, usually whisky ...M19 sl.
vb. to dismiss, to send away ...M19 society sl.
• CHASSIS n. 1. a chaotic, unpleasant, confused state ...M19 sl. (final 's' is sounded)
n. 2. the female figure; the body ...1930s sl.
• CHAT n. 1. the gallows ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a louse ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a cat ...18C sl.
n. 4. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 5. the truth, the apposite thing, the subject under discussion ...E19 sl.
n. 6. a house ...M19 sl.
n. 7. a thing; an object ...M19 sl.
n. 8. a criminal 'job' or undertaking ...L19 sl.
n. 9. cheek, impudence ...L19 sl.
n. 10. methylated spirits as drunk by alcoholics ...1930s Irish sl.
n. 11. verbal skills, fluency, articulacy, the ability to charm a victim with words alone ...1940s sl.
n. 12. a male gossip ...1950s W. Indies
n. 13. terminology, a special language, jargon ...1950s sl.
n. 14. a general insult, usually aimed at an old man, esp. an alcoholic ...1960s Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to search for lice ...L17 sl.
vb. 2. to attempt the first, verbal stages of seduction ...L19 sl.
• CHAT-CHAT n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to converse ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAT DOWN vb. to make one's first advances to a young woman or man in the hope of eventual sexual conquest ...1950s W. Indies
• CHATEAU CARDBOARD n. wine sold in 2.5 or 5 litre (4 1/2 - 9 pint) containers, placed in a cardboard box ...1980s S. Afr.
• CHATEAUED adj. very drunk on wine ...1980s society sl.
• CHATES n. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
• CHATFEST n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATFUL adj. talkative ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATHAM AND DOVER vb. to stop, to cease ...L19 rhyming slang for 'to give over'
• CHATOLOGUE n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATS n. 1. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
n. 2. lice ...L17 sl.
n. 3. potato peelings ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CHAT SOMEONE'S NAME vb. to gossip maliciously about an absent third party ...1950s W. Indies & Jamaica
• CHATTA n. an umbrella ...L18 sl.
• CHATTANOOGA n. a railroad train ...1940s Amer. sl.
• CHATTER-BASKET n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-BLADDER n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-BONES n. a prattling child ...M19 US sl.
• CHATTERBOX n. 1. a car radio ...1930s US sl.
n. 2. a record player ...1930s US sl.
n. 3. a telephone ...1930s US sl.
n. 4. an announcing or intercommunication system ...World War II usage
n. 5. an anti-aircraft machine gun ...World War II usage
• CHATTERBOX AND FISH POLE n. a car radio and aerial ...1930s US sl.
• CHATTER-BROTH n. tea ...L18 sl.
• CHATTER-BUMP n. a bump or hole in a road that makes a vehicle rattle ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHATTER-CART n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-CHITTER n. nonsensical talk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHATTERER n. 1. a blow to the mouth that makes the recipients teeth chatter ...19C sl.
n. 2. a machine gun ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATTERERS n. the teeth ...E19 sl.
• CHATTERGUN n. a machinegun or sub-machinegun ...1930s sl.
• CHATTERING n. a blow to the mouth that makes the recipients teeth chatter ...19C sl.
• CHATTER LINES n. telephone wires ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATTERMAG n. 1. a magpie ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 2. a chatterbox, a talkative woman, a gossip ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
n. 3. chatter, talk, gossip ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
vb. to chatter ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
• CHATTER OF THE GUNS n. gunfire; a bombardment ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHATTES n. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
• CHATTS n. 1. lice ...L17 sl.
n. 2. potato peelings ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CHATTY adj. lousy, infested with lice ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAT UP vb. 1. to attempt the first, verbal stages of seduction; to talk flirtatiously ...1898 sl.
vb. 2. to interview ...1970s sl.
vb. 3. to gossip, to talk familiarly ...20C W. Indies
• CHATWOOD n. kindling wood; little sticks ...1911 Amer. dial.
• CHAUER † vb. to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CHAUFFEUR n. a pilot ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAUNCHY adj. 1. stingy ...1968 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. worthless ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. in a cheap, tawdry manner ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHAUNK vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CHAUNTED adj. celebrated; hence, famous ...E19 sl.
• CHAUNTER n. a hired bidder at a sale ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAUNTER COVE n. a newspaper reporter ...c1840 cant
• CHAUNTER-CULL n. a writer of street ballads, carols, songs, last dying speeches, etc. for ad hoc consumption; generally to be found in a pub ...1781 cant
• CHAUNT THE PLAY vb. to expose and/or explain the ways and tricks of thieves ...c1845 cant
• CHAUVER vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONER n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONNA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAW n. 1. a bite or portion of chewing tobacco ...20C Amer. colloq.
n. 2. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to chew ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to converse ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWBACON n. a rustic, a country person ...1834 Amer. dial.
• CHAW BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHAWED ROSUM n. something conspicuously excellent ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CHAWFEST n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWING-UP n. a bawling-out; a reprimand ...1883 Amer. dial.
• CHAWMING adj. charming ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAW-MOUTH n. a very talkative person ...1964 Amer. dial.
• CHAWNK vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1914 Amer. dial.
• CHAW ONE'S TOBACCO MIGHTY FAST vb. to be perturbed or angry ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CHAW RAW BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHAW ROAST BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHAW-ROUND n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWSWIZZLED adj. bamboozled, confounded ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CHAW UP vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAY! int. a call to cows; come! ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CHEAP adj. mean, ungenerous ...1904 US sl.
• CHEAP AND NASTY adj. pleasing to the eye, but worthless ...1864 sl.
• CHEAP AS A SARDINIAN, AS adj. very cheap ...B1862
• CHEAP AS NECK-BEEF adj. very cheap ...1687
• CHEAP CHARLIE n. a mean person ...1965 US sl., chiefly military usage
• CHEAP CRITTER n. a person inferior in character or intellect ...1926 Amer. dial.
• CHEAP CUTTER n. a person inferior in character or intellect ...1926 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPER TO GROW SKIN THAN TO BUY IT phr. said by one who does not wear gloves ...Bk1942 Amer. West. sl.
• CHEAPIE adj. cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
n. something cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
• CHEAPJACK n. a peddling tradesman ...Bk1896 sl.
• CHEAP JOHN adj. inferior; unknown; unimportant; said of people and places ...1855 Amer.
n. 1. cheap goods; something inexpensive, inferior, or in poor taste ...1855 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person dealing in inferior or cheap goods; hence, one who does things in a gaudy, niggardly, or inferior style; a stingy or niggardly person ...1880 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a flophouse; a cheap brothel; a dirty, dilapidated saloon ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHEAP-MITT n. a cheapskate; a stingy person ...1919 US college sl.
• CHEAPO adj. cheap and of low quality ...1967 sl.
n. something cheap and of low quality ...1972 sl.
• CHEAP-SCREW n. a stingy, miserly person; a penurious person; a skinflint; one who makes a sharp bargain ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPSKATE adj. 1. miserly ...1903 US sl.
adj. 2. barely profitable; small-time ...1928 US sl.
n. 1. a miserly person; a stingy person ...1896 US
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person; a low or contemptible person, usually male ...1896 US sl.
• CHEAP TAIL n. nasal mucus; a bit of mucus hanging from the nostrils ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPWAD n. a cheapskate, a stingy person ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPY n. something cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
• CHEAT vb. 1. in bodybuilding: to use muscles others than those designed for use in a particular exercise ...1984 US sl.
vb. 2. in the entertainment industry: to move slightly to create a better camera angle ...1991 US sl.
• CHEATER n. 1. anything that makes a job easier, such as a short length of pipe or anything else that is handy to slip over the handle of a wrench to increase leverage ...1941 US sl.
n. 2. a rear view mirror on a vehicle ...1947 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a paint roller used to apply paint (it cheats men out of hours of work) ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHEATERBUG n. a person who cheats ...2002 Singapore
• CHEATERS n. 1. glasses ...1908 US sl., orig. gamblers'
n. 2. metal skis ...1963 Amer. dial.
n. 3. in gambling: marked cards ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. sunglasses ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHEATS n. 1. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
n. 2. marked cards ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 3. spectacles ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHECK n. 1. a snack or light meal ...1775 Amer. dial.
n. 2. money; cash ...1889 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a piece used in the game of checkers ...1908 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a dollar ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 5. a small package, esp. of contraband or narcotics ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 6. Czechoslovakia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to tease, to taunt ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CHECKED OUT adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHECKEDY adj. checkered ...1917 Amer. dial.
• CHECKER n. the game of checkers ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHECKER, THE n. the very thing; the appropriate thing ...1854 Amer. dial.
• CHECKERBOARD n. a town, neighbourhood, public gathering place, factory, etc., which contains both Black and White elements ...1926 Amer. sl.
• CHECKERED PAINT n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHECKEROO n. any item made of checked cloth, as a shirt, dress, etc. ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHECK IN vb. 1. to die ...1912 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to go to bed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECKING n. pulling down another's outerwear boxer shorts from behind as a surprise ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CHECK IN ONE'S CHECKS vb. to die ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECK OUT vb. 1. to die ...1936 Amer. euphemism
vb. 2. to leave, esp. in a hurry; to run fast ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECKS n. 1. a piece used in the game of checkers ...1844 Amer. dial.
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. the game of checkers ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHECK UP TO vb. to pass the responsibility to ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHECK YOU phr. goodbye ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHECK YOU LATER phr. goodbye ...20C teen & high school sl.
n. 2. a woman's breasts ...1959 Amer. sl.
• CANSTICK † n. a candlestick ...1562
• CAN'T n. the darkness before sunrise and after sunset ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CANT adj. bold, brisk, courageous, hearty, lusty, lively, merry, hale ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
† n. 1. edge, border, brink ...c1375
† n. 2. singing, musical sound ...1501
† n. 3. a portion; a share; a division ...a1541 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 4. a nook, corner in a building; a niche ...1603
n. 5. a whining manner of speaking, esp. of beggars; a whine ...1640
† n. 6. accent, intonation, tone ...1663
† n. 7. a set form of words repeated perfunctorily or mechanically ...1681
n. 8. a stock phrase that is much affected at the time, or is repeated as a matter of habit or form ...1681 arch.
† n. 9. the peculiar phraseology of a religious sect or class ...1681
n. 10. the special phraseology of a particular class of persons, or belonging to a particular subject; professional or technical jargon; always depreciative or contemptuous ...1684
n. 11. the secret speech or jargon of the vagrant classes - gypsies, thieves, beggars, etc; hence, contemptuously, the peculiar phraseology of a particular class or subject ...1706
n. 12. one who uses religious phrases unreally ...1725
n. 13. a blow or toss ...1755 boxing usage
n. 14. provincial dialect; vulgar slang ...1802
n. 15. food ...1851-61 tramps' sl.
n. 16. a gift ...1857 tramps' sl.
† vb. 1. to part, to divide, to share, to parcel out, to apportion ...c1440
vb. 2. to speak with the beggar's whine ...1567
vb. 3. to speak; to talk ...1567
vb. 4. to speak the jargon of gypsies, beggars, and other vagrants ...1592
† vb. 5. to use the special phraseology or jargon of a particular class or subject ...1625
† vb. 6. to say or exclaim in the pet phraseology of the day; to use the phrases currently affected at the time ...1648
† vb. 7. to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
† vb. 8. to move about with a jaunty step ...1674 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 9. to affect religious or pietistic phraseology; to talk unreally or hypocritically with an affectation of goodness or piety ...1678
† vb. 10. to become 'cant' or well; to recover strength; to mend ...1690 Eng. dial.
vb. 11. to dispose of by auction ...1720 chiefly Irish
vb. 12. to tell merry old stories ...1788 Sc.
vb. 13. to deceive by pious pretenses; to impose upon ...1877 Eng. dial.
vb. 14. to wheedle, to coax ...1877 Eng. dial.
• CANTAB n. a student at Cambridge ...1750 colloq.
• CANTABANK * n. a singer on a stage or platform; hence, a common ballad-singer; used contemptuously ...1834
• CANTABRIGIAN adj. belonging to Cambridge ...1711
n. a member of the University of Cambridge ...c1645
• CANTANKER † n. cantankerousness; an ill-natured, quarrelsome, perverse, or cross-grained disposition ...1825 nonce word
• CANTANKERATE vb. to provoke to anger, to rile; to produce strife; to make or become cross-grained, ill-humoured or disagreeable ...1839 Amer.
• CANTANKEROUS adj. showing an ill-natured disposition; ill-conditioned and quarrelsome, perverse, cross-grained ...1772
• CANTANKERSOME adj. cross-grained, ill-humoured ...1835 Amer. sl.
• CANTATA † n. a song, chant ...a1754 nonce use
• CANTATION † n. 1. singing ...1623
* n. 2. incantation, magical charm ...1656
• CANTATOR * n. a male singer ...1866
• CANTATORY * adj. pert. to a singer or his singing ...1836
• CANTATRICE n. a female professional singer ...1866
• CANTEEN n. 1. a liquor store on a military base ...Bk2004 Amer. sl. Spanish-American War era
n. 2. a roadside tavern ...Bk1892 S. Afr. sl.
• CANTEEN MEDAL n. 1. a beer or food stain on one's tunic ...c1875 army sl.
n. 2. a good conduct stripe for the consumption of liquor ...Bk1891 military sl.
n. 3. a fly-button undone ...c1917 army sl.
• CANTEEN MERCHANT n. one who serves in the ship's canteen ...20C sl.
• CANTEEN RAT n. an old soldier who constantly hangs about by the canteen, in order to be treated ...20C military colloq.
• CANTER n. a vagrant or beggar; one who uses 'cant' ...1592 sl.
vb. to move nimbly or briskly ...1761
• CANTERBURY † n. an easy galloping pace; a hand-gallop ...1631
†* vb. of a horse: to canter; to move in a moderate gallop, raising the two fore-feet nearly at the same time with a leap or spring ...1673
• CANTERING adv. in a diagonal manner ...1935 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HARDLIES n. a state of anxiety or impatience ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HELP-IT n. menstruation ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T-HELP-ITS n. an imaginary disease or condition; also, delirium tremens ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CANT-HOOKS † n. the fingers ...19C Eng. dial.
• CANTIC † n. a song, a canticle ...1483
• CANTICLE n. 1. song; properly, a little song; a hymn ...c1250
† n. 2. a canto of a poem ...1596
n. 3. a parish clerk ...1785 sl.
• CANTILENA n. a ballad ...1867
• CANTILENE † n. 1. an old song; silly prattle; idle tale, trick ...1535
† n. 2. a song, a melody ...1635
• CANTILLATE vb. to chant; to recite with musical tones ...1864
• CANTILLATION n. chanting, intoning, musical recitation ...1864
• CANTILY adv. cheerfully, blithely, cheerily ...1721 Sc.
• CANTINESS n. cheerfulness ...Bk1888 Sc.
• CANTING adj. belonging to the jargon of thieves and beggars ...1592
n. 1. the jargon used by beggars, thieves, gypsies and vagrants ...1567
n. 2. sale by auction ...1651 N. Eng. dial.
• CANTING-ACADEMY n. a common lodging-house ...Bk1921 sl.
• CANTION † n. 1. a song ...1579
† n. 2. an incantation, a charm ...1656
• CANTITATE vb. to sing as a bird ...1830 nonce word
• CANTLE n. 1. a part, a portion ...c1315
† n. 2. a nook or corner; a corner-piece ...c1350
† n. 3. a corner or other portion cut or sliced off; a shiver, a slice ...c1400
n. 4. a section, or segment, cut out of anything ...c1440
n. 5. a thick slice or 'cut' of bread, cheese, meat, or the like ...c1475
† n. 6. a segment of a circle or sphere ...1551
n. 7. the protuberant part at the back of a saddle ...1592
n. 8. the leg of an animal ...1811 Eng. dial.
† n. 9. the crown of the head ...1822 Sc.
† vb. to cut into quarters or portions, to divide ...1607
• CANTLE-MEAL † adj. & adv. piecemeal ...c1479
• CANTLET n. a small cantle, a fragment ...a1700
• CANTLING †* n. a small part, corner, section, or division ...1674
• CANTLY † adv. boldly, briskly, eagerly, energetically, cheerily ...1352 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CANTO † n. a song, a ballad ...1603
• CANTON † n. 1. a corner, an angle; a retreating corner, angle, or nook ...1534
† n. 2. a song ...1594
† n. 3. a quarter; a division of anything; a piece, or part ...1601
† n. 4. one of the divisions of a long poem, a canto ...1609
† vb. 1. to sever or separate oneself; to secede, to withdraw; fig. to digress ...1611
† vb. 2. to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CANTONIZE † vb. 1. to separate oneself into, or form, an independent community ...1605
† vb. 2. to divide into portions or parts; to form into cantons ...1606
• CANTOR † n. a singer ...1609
• CANTORE † n. office, banking house ...1673
• CANTRAP n. a mischievous trick; a magic spell ...1830 Amer. dial.
• CANTRED n. a hundred; a district containing a hundred townships ...1387 hist.
• CANTRIP adj. pert. to any real or imagined magical act ...E18 Sc. & Brit.
n. a spell or charm of necromancy or witchcraft; a witch's trick or mischievous device; also jocosely, any playfully mischievous trick; any whimsically mad, eccentric, or extravagant piece of conduct ...1719
• CAN'T SAY BOO TO A GOOSE phr. is very timid or shy
• CAN'T SAY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER adj. drunk ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAN'T SEE n. the darkness before sunrise and after sunset ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAN'T SEE A HOLE IN A LADDER adj. referring to a superlative form of intoxication ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAN'T SPELL ABLE vb. to be unable to do what you are told to do ...1996 Barbados sl.
• CAN'T SPIN A THREAD adj. powerless to act ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CANTY adj. cheerful, lively, brisk, active, gladsome ...a1724 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CAN'T YOU FEEL THE WIND? phr. used to warn a man that his pants are torn or that his fly is open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CANTY-WISE adv. opposite to ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CANUCK n. (sometimes derogatory in the US) a Canadian ...1835 sl.
• CANUCKER n. a Canadian ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CANVAS † vb. 1. to toss in a canvas sheet, etc., as a sport or punishment ...1508
† vb. 2. to knock about, to shake and shatter thoroughly; to buffet; to beat, to drub ...1573
† vb. 3. to 'thrash' a person in writing; to criticize destructively and unsparingly ...1590
† vb. 4. to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CANVASADO † n. 1. a sudden attack ...1581
† n. 2. a night attack, a 'camisado' ...a1626
• CANVASBACK n. a harlot; a sexually loose woman; a woman who spends considerable time with her back on a canvas-covered floor, presumably copulating ...20C sl.
• CANVAS-CLIMBER † n. a sailor ...1608
• CANVASS † n. 1. examination of the 'pros and cons'; full discussion ...1608-11
† n. 2. a shaking up; a tossing up and down ...1611
† n. 3. a shock; esp. that of a sudden attack or surprise ...1611
† vb. 1. to toss in a canvas sheet, etc., as a sport or punishment ...1508
† vb. 2. to knock about, to shake and shatter thoroughly; to buffet; to beat, to drub ...1573
† vb. 3. to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CANVASSEENS n. sailors' canvas trousers ...Bk1891 nautical sl.
• CANYON YODELLING n. cunnilingus ...20C US sl.
• CANZON † n. a song ...1590
• CANZONET n. a little or short song; a short song of a light and airy character ...1593
• CAP † n. 1. a cloak with a hood; a cape ...a1000
† n. 2. a closed wooden vessel; a cask ...1519
n. 3. captain ...M19 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 4. a bullet, a shot ...M19 US sl.
n. 5. the proceeds of an improvised collection ...1851 sl.
n. 6. a false cover to a tossing coin, called a 'cover-down'; the cap showed either head or tail as it was left on or taken off ...Bk1891 obs. thieves' sl.
n. 7. the act of ensnaring a victim into a confidence game ...L19 US criminals' sl.
n. 8. the green leaves at the top of a berry, usually a strawberry ...1905 Amer. dial.
n. 9. a capsule containing a narcotic, usually heroin ...1920s drugs sl.
n. 10. a rejoinder ...1940s sl., orig. US Black
n. 11. a kernel of popcorn ...1946 Amer. dial.
n. 12. the mind ...1950s US Black sl.
n. 13. an insult aimed at someone's family; used as part of a ritualized interchange ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
n. 14. the mouth, esp. as used in oral-genital sex ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 15. a capsule of LSD ...1960s drugs sl.
n. 16. a whitecap (wave) ...1970 Amer. dial.
n. 17. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 18. the top of the head, the cranium ...1990s US Black sl.
n. 19. a measure of marijuana, as much as can be fitted into a small cap, as of a toothpaste tube or a container of chapstick ...1990s US prison sl.
† vb. 1. to arrest for debt ...1589
vb. 2. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
vb. 3. to swear an oath ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 4. to stand by a friend; to take part in an undertaking; to lend a hand ...Bk1785 thieves' sl.
vb. 5. to give satisfaction ...E19 US criminals' sl.
vb. 6. to act as a confederate in a gambling game ...E19 sl.
vb. 7. to surpass, to outdo, to excel ...1848 Amer. dial.
vb. 8. to take; to grab hold of ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 9. to seize by violence, to lay hold of what is not one's own ...Bk1888 Sc.
vb. 10. to take the hull off a strawberry ...1895 Amer. dial.
vb. 11. to puzzle ...Bk1899 Amer. dial.
vb. 12. to put down; to insult ...20C teen & high school sl.
vb. 13. to pop corn ...1936 Amer. dial.
vb.14. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1940s drugs sl.
vb. 15. to be given drugs for free ...1950s drugs sl.
vb. 16. to buy or use narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 17. to fire a gun ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
vb. 18. to shoot a person in the knee or leg as a form of punishment ...1970s sl.
vb. 19. to kill, to murder, to shoot dead ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
vb. 20. to punch someone in the face ...1990s US college sl.
• CAPABILITATE † vb. to make capable; to indicate the
capabilities of ...1780
• CAPABILITY † n. the quality of having room for anything; ability to receive or contain ...1616
• CAPABLE † adj. 1. able to perceive or comprehend ...1561
† adj. 2. able to take in, receive, contain, or hold; having room or capacity for ...1571
† adj. 3. comprehensive ...1592
† adj. 4. able to hold much; roomy, capacious ...1594
adj. 5. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPACE † adj. able to take in with the mind or comprehend ...1555
• CAPACIFY †* vb. to render capable; to qualify, to fit ...a1677
• CAP-AMBRY † n. a press or cupboard, probably used for holding wooden vessel used at meals ... Bk1888 obs. exc. Sc.
• CAP-AND-BALL LAYOUT n. a shiftless and unprogressive ranch or outfit ...1944 Amer. cowboys' usage
• CAP AND BAUBLE n. the insignia of the fool or jester ...1663
• CAP AND BELLS n. the insignia of the fool or jester ...1884
• CAP AND FEATHER DAYS n. the time of childhood ...1821
• CAP AND WAD n. tea and a bun in canteen, YMCA, or Church Army hut ...World War I services' sl.
• CAP-A-PIE adv. in reference to arming or accoutring: from head to foot ...1523
• CAPARISON n. the dress and ornaments of men and women; equipment, outfit ...1598
• CAPAX † adj. of capacity: able and ready to take or receive; capable ...1432-50
• CAP-BANG vb. of a gun: to explode slowly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAP-BUSTER n. a big wave ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAP-CASE † n. 1. a travelling-case, bag, or wallet (representing the later portmanteau or carpet-bag) ...1577
† n. 2. a receptacle of any kind; a box, chest, casket, case ...1597
• CAP-CASTLE † n. the chief village of a district ...1664
• CAPE † vb. 1. to take or seize as a privateer; also, to go a privateering ...1676
vb. 2. to 'kep'; to catch ...a1802
• CAPE ANN TURKEY n. codfish ...1844 Amer. dial.
• CAPE BOY n. in South Africa: a half-breed resulting from the union of a native Black and a White settler ...1896
• CAPE COD TURKEY n. salted cod ...1865 US Civil War usage
• CAPE FEVER n. a feigned illness ...1830 US nautical sl.
• CAPE FLY-AWAY n. a cloud-bank on the horizon, mistaken for land, which disappears as the ship advances ...1769 nautical
• CAPE HORN n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPEL † n. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPELLA n. a coat ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• CAPELLANE † n. one who officiates in a chapel; a chaplain; a keeper of the sacred relics ...a1661
• CAPELOCRACY n. the shopkeeping class or their interests ...1841
• CAPE MAY GOODY n. an uncomplimentary term for a person who you don't think much of ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAPE MERCHANT n. the man who had charge of the general store or warehouse ...Bk1899 Amer. dial.
• CAPE-NIGHTINGALE n. a frog ...1889 sl.
• CAPE OF GOOD HOPE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPEOVI adj. sick; 'seedy' ...Bk1891 costers' usage
• CAPER † n. 1. a privateer; the captain of a privateer; a corsair ...1657 obs. exc. hist.
† n. 2. a captor, a seizer ...1759 Sc.
n. 3. a criminal undertaking ...1867 sl.
• CAPERATE † vb. 1. to frown ...1623
† vb. 2. to wrinkle ...1657
• CAPERATED † adj. wrinkled like a goat's horn ...1657
• CAPERCLAW † vb. to claw or scratch with the open hand and nails; to beat, to thrash ...1589
• CAPER-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAPERDEWSIE † n. the stocks; prison ...1663
• CAPERDOCHY † n. the stocks; prison ...1600
• CAPERER † n. a privateer (person) ...1676
• CAPER-JUICE n. whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• CAPER-MERCHANT n. a dancing master ...Bk1785 sl.
• CAPERNOITED adj. 1. crabbed, irritable, peevish; snappish; ill-natured, fractious ...1719 Sc.
adj. 2. slightly affected in the head by drinking, tipsy; muddle-headed, wrong-headed ...1719 Sc.
• CAPERNOITIE n. the head ...1819 Sc.
• CAPERNOITY adj. crabbed, irritable, peevish; slightly affected in the head by drinking, muddle-headed, wrong-headed ...1769 Sc.
• CAPERSOME adj. lively, spirited, sprightly...1852
• CAPER-WITTED adj. flighty, of frivolous or unsteady mind ...1692
• CAPFUL OF WIND n. a light breeze ...1851 Amer. dial.
• CAPIAN †* adj. belonging to the Cape of Good Hope ...1731
• CAPILLATE adj. furnished with hair ...1881
• CAPILLATION †* n. the state or condition of being hairy or hair-like ...1646
• CAPILLATURE †* n. a frizzing of the hair; the bush of hair on the head ...1656
• CAPILLOSE * adj. having much hair, covered with hair, hairy ...19C
• CAPISH vb. to understand, to comprehend ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAPISTRATE †* vb. to halter, to muzzle, to tie ...1656
• CAP IT vb. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAPITAL adj. 1. pert. to the head or top ...a1225 obs.
adj. 2. of an enemy or enmity: deadly, mortal ...1375 obs.
adj. 3. fatal ...a1626 obs.
! int. an exclamation of approval ...Bk1888
• CAPITALLY adv. fatally, seriously ...1606
• CAPITATIVE adj. reckoned by the head; per head ...1879
• CAPITELE n. a chapter of a book ...1340 obs.
• CAPITLE n. 1. a chapter of a book ...1340 obs.
n. 2. a summary ...1382 obs.
• CAPITOSE adj. 1. having a large head ...1881
adj. 2. obstinate, headstrong ...1881
• CAPKIN n. a little cap ...1844 nonce word
• CAPLE n. 1. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hen ...c1460 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPLUMP adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPNOMANCY n. divination by smoke ...1610
• CAPON n. 1. an idiot, a dull, stupid person; a term of reproach ...1542
† n. 2. a 'billet-doux'; a love letter ...1588
† n. 3. a eunuch ...1594
n. 4. a red herring ...c1640 sl.
n. 5. a homosexual male; a pederast; an effeminate male ...M20 US sl.
• CAPON EGG n. a nonexistent item used to tease a greenhorn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAP ONE'S LUCKY vb. to run away ...Bk1891 Amer. thieves' sl.
• CAP ONE'S SKIN vb. to strip naked ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CAPOODLE n. all of something; the entire lot of people or things; a large mixed-up collection of objects or people ...1848 sl.
• CAPOOP n. dung ...20C Amer. dial.
vb. to defecate ...20C Amer. dial.
• CAPOOT n. a large group of things or people; a crowd; the whole lot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAPORAL n. a foreman on a ranch ...1892 Amer. dial.
• CAP OUT vb. to pass out from the use of marijuana or drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAPPADOCHIO n. a prison ...1607 cant
• CAPPER n. 1. in a confidence swindle: a person who lures the victim into the swindle ...1753 US sl.
n. 2. a person or thing who beats all others ...1790 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a dummy bidder whose function is either to start the bidding, or to run up the price of articles for sale ...1853 sl.
n. 4. a confederate ...1871 Amer. thieves' sl.
n. 5. at cards: one who makes false bids in order to encourage a genuine player ...1871 Amer. thieves' sl.
n. 6. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 7. in a drug-selling enterprise: a person who fills capsules with a drug ...1958 US sl.
• CAPPING n. 1. the green leaves at the top of a berry, usually a strawberry ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 2. gunfire ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CAPRICCIO † n. 1. a sudden change or turn of the mind without apparent or adequate motive; a desire or opinion arbitrarily or fantastically formed; a freak, whim, a mere fancy ...1601
n. 2. a sudden sportive or fantastic motion; a prank, trick, caper ...1665
• CAPRICERVE †* n. the antelope ...1661
• CAPRICH † n. a sudden change or turn of the mind without apparent or adequate motive; a desire or opinion arbitrarily or fantastically formed; a freak, whim, a mere fancy ...1656
• CAPRICIOUS † adj. characterized by play of wit or fancy; humorous, fantastic ...1594
• CAPRIOLE n. a leap or caper, as in dancing ...1594
vb. to leap, to skip, to caper; also said of horses and their riders ...1580
• CAPRIOUS †* adj. lustful ...1623
• CAPRON † n. an impudent fellow ...c1460
• CAPS n. heroin ...1998 UK sl.
• CAPSE †* n. a coffer, chest ...1447
• CAPSHEAF n. the extreme, the crowning point ...1815 Amer. dial.
• CAPSICUM n. anger ...1845 Amer. dial.
• CAPSIZAL n. the act of capsizing; an upset ...1881
• CAPSIZE vb. to castrate ...20C US colloq.
• CAPSULA n. crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• CAPSULE † n. a little case or receptacle ...1652
• CAPSULE CON n. a prisoner convicted on drug charges ...1970 US sl.
• CAPTABLE † adj. liable or open to be caught or taken ...1649
• CAPTAIN † adj. chief, principal, leading ...1566
n. 1. a jesting form of address ...1598
n. 2. a gaming or bawdy house bully ...1731 sl.
n. 3. money ...1748 sl.
n. 4. a stagecoach driver ...1835 Amer. dial.
n. 5. the conductor or guard of a train ...1862 Amer. usage
n. 6. one who excels; a leader ...1917 Amer. dial.
• CAPTAIN, THE n. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG n. a dishonest jockey ...1864 turf sl.
• CAPTAIN COOK n. a look, a glance ...1932 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'look'
• CAPTAIN COPPERTHORN'S CREW n. all officers; said of a company where everyone wants to be first ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN CORK n. a nickname for a man who is slow in passing the bottle ...Bk1891 military sl.
• CAPTAIN CRANK n. the chief of a gang of highwaymen ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAINESS n. a female captain or commander ...1465
• CAPTAIN FLASHAM n. a blustering, bounceable fellow ...Bk1890 sl.
• CAPTAIN GRAND n. a haughty, blustering fellow ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN GRIMES n. The Times ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• CAPTAIN HACKUM n. a fighting, blustering bully ...1600 sl.
• CAPTAIN IS AT HOME, THE phr. used to indicate that a woman is menstruating ...L18 Brit. colloq.
• CAPTAIN IS COME, THE phr. menstruation proceeds ...L18 sl.
• CAPTAIN KETTLE vb. to settle (vigorously) ...c1899 rhyming sl.
• CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT n. meat neither young enough for veal, nor old enough for beef ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN QUEERNABS n. a shabby, ill-dressed fellow ...Bk1890 sl.
• CAPTAIN QUIZ n. a mocker ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN'S BUTT n. a cigarette less than half-smoked ...World War II Amer. army sl.
• CAPTAIN SHARP n. a cheating bully, or one in a set of gamblers whose office it is to bully the 'pigeon' who refuses to pay ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTAIN'S MOUTHORGAN n. a company clerk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAPTAIN STANDISH n. the erect penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAPTAIN TOM n. the head or leader of a mob; also, the mob itself ...Bk1891 sl.
• CAPTATE † vb. to catch at, to strive to obtain, to seek after ...1628
• CAPTATION n. a catching at, an endeavour to get ...1523
• CAPTE † capacity, comprehension ...1542
• CAP THE CLIMAX vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way; to be the 'last straw' ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CAP THE STACK vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CAP THE VORTEX vb. to surpass everything; to exceed all expectations, usually in an unfavourable way; to be the 'last straw' ...1907 Amer. dial.
• CAPTION †* n. 1. a taking, catching, seizure, capture ...1382
† n. 2. the act of cavilling or taking exception; an objection or cavil; fallacious or captious argument; a quibble, sophism ...1605
• CAPTIOUS † adj. crafty ...1590
• CAPTIVABLE †* adj. that can be taken captive ...1675
• CAPTIVANCE †* n. captivation, captivity ...1596
• CAPTIVATE † vb. to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAPTIVATRIX n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAPTIVE n. a loved one; a sweetheart ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to take captive, to bring into captivity ...c1430 arch.
vb. 2. to captivate, to enthrall ...1528 arch.
• CAPTIVEMENT †* n. a taking captive, captivity ...1714
• CAPTIVER † n. one who takes captive; a captor ...1613
• CAPTIVITY † n. those who are in captivity; captives collectively ...1526
• CAP TO vb. to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAPTRESS * n. a female captor ...1867
• CAPUL † n. a horse ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAPULUPTIC FIT n. a fit or seizure ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CAPUN n. one who has been sentenced to death ...1990s US prison sl.
• CAP UP vb. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• CAPURTLE n. a woman seen as a sex object ...1950s sl.
• CAPUSH n. a group of people or things; a crowd; the whole lot ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAPUT adj. finished, over, ruined ...1910s sl.
• CAPYOUS † adj. capable ...c1430
• CAR n. 1. a wheeled vehicle or conveyance; a carriage, chariot, cart, wagon, etc. ...1382
† n. 2. a sleigh or hurdle without wheels ...c1400
† n. 3. the seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear, called also the Plough or Wain ...1633
n. 4. a group of inmates who associate to run money-making schemes, dominate other prisoners, and otherwise 'rule' the institution ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 5. a group of prisoners who pool their supply of drugs ...1990s US prison sl.
n. 6. a line used for transferring article, as a pack of cigarettes, from one cell to another ...1990s US prison sl.
• CARACT † n. 1. a mark, sign, or character ...1377
† n. 2. a magical character or symbol; a charm ...1393
• CARAMEL CLONE n. a light-skinned Black person ...2000s US Black sl.
• CARAMEL SUNDAE n. an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• CARAT † n. worth, value; estimate ...1597
• CARAVAN n. 1. a dupe; a gull; one who is cheated; a subject of plunder ...1676 sl.
† n. 2. an object of plunder ...1688 thieves' cant
n. 3. a large sum of money ...Bk1690 cant
n. 4. a railway train, esp. a train expressly chartered to convey people to a price fight ...Bk1891 boxing usage
• CARAVANSERA n. a railway station ...Bk1891 boxing usage
• CARAWIMPLE † n. a mere fiction; a dream ...1672
• CARBERRY † vb. ? to defeat, to get the better of ...1692 Sc.
• CARBON OIL n. kerosene ...1904 Amer. dial.
• CARBUNCLE † n. 1. a person or thing of resplendent quality ...c1430
n. 2. a red spot or pimple on the nose or face caused by habits of intemperance ...1682
• CARBUNCULATE † vb. to burn like a coal ...1623
• CARCAN † n. an ornamental collar or necklace ...1539
• CARCANET n. an ornamental collar or necklace, usually of gold or set with jewels ...c1530 arch.
• CARCASE n. the trunk, the body ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CARCASE LORDS n. wholesale butchers, who monopolize and forestall the markets ...Bk1890 sl.
• CARCASS n. one's body; one's buttocks ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CARCEIR † vb. to imprison ...1630-56 Sc.
• CARCEL n. a jail or prison ...1840 Amer. dial.
• CARCELAGE † n. prison fees ...1678-96
• CARCERAL † adj. belonging to a prison ...1563-87
• CARCERATE adj. to imprison, to incarcerate, to confine ...1839
• CARCERATION n. imprisonment, incarceration ...1870
• CARCERIST n. one who advocates or has to do with prisons ...1821 nonce word
• CARCOON n. a clerk ...1803 Anglo-Indian
• CARD † n. 1. a map or plan ...1527
n. 2. a character; an odd fish; an eccentric ...1835 sl.
n. 3. the correct thing; the 'ticket', the 'figure' ...1851 sl.
n. 4. an amusing person ...1905 Brit. sl.
n. 5. a union member ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to scold sharply ...Bk1888 Sc.
vb. 2. to go home, to move on ...1952 Amer. dial.
• CARD, THE n. 1. the correct thing; the 'ticket' ...1851 colloq.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARDBOARD DRIVER n. in trucking: a new driver going through a trial period with a trucking company ...1971 US sl.
• CARD-CARRYING adj. genuine; thoroughgoing ...1963 US jocular
• CARDER † n. a card player ...c1530
• CARDIE n. a cardigan ...1968 sl.
• CARDINAL n. 1. mulled red wine ...1861
n. 2. a lobster ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CARDINAL HASH n. lobster salad ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CARDINALS n. shoe-blacks ...1889 street sl.
• CARDIOGNOST † n. one who knows the heart ...1652
• CARDIOGNOSTIC † n. one who knows the heart ...1640
• CARD-MAN † n. 1. a maker of maps or charts ...1625
n. 2. a worker having a union card ...1930 US sl.
• CARD MECHANIC n. in gambling: a person, as a crooked gambler, who is skilled at manipulating playing cards; a cardsharp ...1906 US sl.
• CARDOPHAGUS n. a thistle-eater, i.e. donkey ...1857 nonce word
• CARDOUN † n. a thistle ...c1425
• CARD-PAPER n. cardboard ...1777
• CARDUE † n. a thistle ...1388
• CARDUEL † n. a goldfinch ...1572
• CARDY n. a cardigan ...1968 sl.
• CARE † n. 1. utterance of sorrow; lamentation, mourning ...a1000
† n. 2, mental suffering, sorrow, grief, trouble ...c1250
† vb. 1. to sorrow or grieve ...a1000
† vb. 2. to mourn, to lament ...a1300
• CARE A FRIG vb. to care, to be concerned; usually in a negative context ...1955 UK sl.
• CARE-AWAY † n. 1. a reckless fellow, a roisterer ...1575
n. 2. something that drives away care ...1633
† int. an exclamation of merriment or recklessness; away with care! ...1440
• CARE BOY n. a tank driver ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAREER † n. 1. of a horse: a short gallop at full speed ...1571
† n. 2. the ground on which a race is run; a race-course ...1580
† n. 3. the course over which any person or thing passes; a road, a path, a way ...1642
† vb. to take a short gallop ...1594
• CAREFUL † adj. 1. full of grief; mournful, sorrowful ...a1000
† adj. 2. full of care, trouble, anxiety, or concern; anxious, troubled, solicitous, concerned ...a1000
† adj. 3. causing trouble or fear; dreadful ...c1340-70
• CAREFUL PIN n. a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAREFULNESS n. solicitude, anxiety, concern ...a1000 arch.
• CARE-GRINDER n. the treadmill (a device formerly used for driving machinery, consisting of a large wheel with steps fitted into its inner surface; it was turned by the weight of people or animals treading the steps) ...1883 thieves' sl.
• CARE KILLED THE CAT phr. care will kill anyone even though he had, like the proverbial cat, nine lives ...1562
• CARELESS † adj. 1. free from care, anxiety, or apprehension ...a1000
† adj. 2. uncared for, untended ...1590
• CARELESSNESS † n. freedom from trouble or anxiety ...c1000
• CARELESS PIN n. a straight pin as distinguished from a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CARELESSWISE adv. carelessly ...1880
• CARENCY †* n. the state of being without; wantingness, want ...1655
• CARE NOT AN ITEM vb. to care nothing at all ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARE NOT A QUINCH †* phr. care not the least ...1571
• CARE NOT A STRAW vb. to care not at all ...Bk1904 sl.
• CARENTANE † n. a group of 40; a space of forty days; a forty days' indulgence ...1647
• CARESOME † adj. troublesome, burdensome ...1535
• CARESS vb. 1. to treat with kindness or favour; to pet, to make much of ...1658 arch.
† vb. 2. to treat ...1670
vb. 3. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CARESSANT * adj. caressing, fondling ...1861 poetic
• CARETAKER n. a man whose job it is to take care of roads in a certain locality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CARE-TAKING adj. that takes care, careful ...1825
† n. anxiety ...1625
• CARE-WEED † n. mourning attire ...c1500
• CARF † n. cutting, a cut, an incision; a wound ...a1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARFAX n. 1. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1357
n. 2. hence, the proper name of a place formed by the intersection of two principal streets in various towns ...1527
• CARFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• CARFOX n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet; sometimes extended to more than four ...1357
• CARGASON † n. the cargo or freight of a ship ...1583
• CARGAZON † n. the cargo or freight of a ship ...1583
• CARGO † n. 1. a term of contempt applied to a person ...1602
† n. 2. a good round sum of money on a man ...1690 sl.
n. 3. at Winchester College: a hamper from home ...1870
† int. an exclamation or imprecation ...1607
• CARGOED adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAR HOUSE n. a garage ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CARIATE † adj. to affect with decay ...1702
• CARIATED † adj. decayed, carious ...1665
• CARILLON n. 1. a melody played on the bells ...1803
n. 2. a set of bells so hung and arranged as to be capable of being played upon either by manual action or by machinery ...1836
• CARINE † n. the keel or bottom of a ship ...1656
• CARITABLY † adv. charitably ...1533
• CARITATIVE adj. of charitable or benevolent tendency ...1884
• CARITY † n. dearness, dearth ...1530
• CARK † n. 1. charge, burden of responsibility ...a1300
n. 2. that which burdens the spirit, trouble; hence, troubled state of mind, distress, anxiety; anxious solicitude, labour, or toil ...c1325 arch.
† n. 3. care, heed, pains ...1482
n. 4. the penis ...M20 US sl.
† vb. 1. to load, to burden ...a1300
† vb. 2. to burden with care; to worry, to harass, to vex, to trouble ...a1300 obs. or arch.
† vb. 3. to be anxious, to fret oneself; to labour anxiously, to toil and moil ...a1400 obs. or arch.
vb. 4. to fret, to complain ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• CARKET † n. an ornamental collar or necklace ...a1500
• CARKFUL † adj. full of care or trouble; anxious ...c1449
• CARKING † adj. 1. burdening, distressing, grieving, fretting ...c1565 obs. or arch.
† adj. 2. anxious; fretting ...1567 obs. or arch.
† adj. 3. toiling, moiling, labouring ...1579 obs. or arch.
† adj. 4. miserly, niggardly ...1748 obs. or arch.
† n. grieving, being anxious; trouble, solicitude; anxious toil ...1583 obs. or arch.
• CARKINGLY † adv. anxiously, fretfully, solicitously ...1611
• CAR KNOCKER n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1925 Amer. dial.
• CARKY adj. vexed, annoyed ...19C Eng. dial.
vb. to fret, to complain, grumble ...19C Eng. dial.
• CARL n. 1. a fellow of low birth or rude manners; a base fellow; a churl; later, a vague term of disparagement or contempt ...a1300 Sc. or arch.
† n. 2. a bondman, a villain ...a1300
n. 3. a man of the common people; more particularly a countryman, a husbandman ...1375 arch.
† n. 4. one who is churlish or mean in money matters; a niggard ...1542 obs. exc. Sc.
† vb. to talk with a gruff, snarling voice; to snarl ...1602 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARL CAT n. a male cat ...c1605
• CARLE n. 1. a fellow of low birth or rude manners; a base fellow; a churl; later, a vague term of disparagement or contempt ...a1300 Sc. or arch.
† n. 2. a bondman, a villain ...a1300
n. 3. a man of the common people; more particularly a countryman, a husbandman ...1375 arch.
† n. 4. one who is churlish or mean in money matters; a niggard ...1542 obs. exc. Sc.
• CARLER n. a clerk ...Bk1891 US thieves' sl.
• CARLIE n. a little 'carl'; a man short of stature ...1697 Sc.
• CARLINE n. 1. a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
n. 2. a witch or one charged with being such ...1528 chiefly Sc.
• CARLING n. 1. a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
n. 2. a witch or one charged with being such ...1528 chiefly Sc.
• CARLISH adj. churlish, clownish, vulgar, coarse; rude, mean ...a1240
• CARLISHNESS n. surliness; coarseness ...1552
• CARLLEIN †* n. a little carl, rustic, or peasant ...c1460
• CARLMAN † n. a man, an adult male ...1135
• CARLOT †* n. a churl, a rustic, a peasant ...1600
• CARMAGNOLE n. 1. the devil, as the author of mischief or ruin ...1796
n. 2. a nickname for a soldier in the French revolutionary army ...1823
• CARMAN † n. 1. a man, an adult male ...1135
n. 2. a carter, a carrier ...1580
• CARMEL INDIAN n. a person of mixed Black, White and Indian ancestry associated with Carmel, Ohio ...1963 Amer. dial.
• CARMELITE n. a person of mixed Black, White and Indian ancestry associated with Carmel, Ohio ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CARMINATION †* n. charming, incantation ...1620
• CARMUICHE † n. skirmish ...1535 Sc.
• CARNAC * n. the driver of an elephant; a mahout ...1704
• CARNADINE † n. red or carnation colour ...1598
• CARNAGE † n. in hunting: flesh that is given to dogs after the chase ...1656
• CARNAL † adj. 1. bloody, murderous ...1594
† adj. 2. carnivorous ...1594
†* vb. to make carnal, to fill with sensuality; to have carnal intercourse with ...1643
• CARNAL ACQUAINTANCE n. copulation ...euphemism
• CARNAL CONNECTION n. sexual intercourse ...19C euphemism
• CARNAL COPULATION n. sexual pleasure; copulation ...euphemism
• CARNAL ENGAGEMENT n. sexual intercourse ...19C euphemism
• CARNALISM * n. sensualism ...1864
• CARNALIST † n. a fleshly-minded or unspiritual man; a sensualist ...1621
• CARNALITE † n. a fleshly-minded or unspiritual man; a sensualist ...1573
• CARNALITY n. 1. copulation ...E15
n. 2. lechery, lust, and lewdness ...E15
• CARNALIZE vb. 1. to arouse sexually; to awaken the libido ...E18
† vb. 2. to have carnal intercourse ..1706
• CARNAL KNOWLEDGE n. copulation ...15C euphemism
• CARNAL PARTS n. the genitals of a male or female ...E18
• CARNAL STUMP n. the penis ...1694 sl.
• CARNAL TRAP n. the female genitals; the vagina ...M17
• CARNAPTIOUS adj. irritable, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, fault-finding ...1890 Sc. & Irish
• CARNATION † adj. flesh-coloured ...1565-78
† n. 1. incarnation ...c1410
† n. 2. the colour of human 'flesh' or skin; flesh-colour ...c1535
• CARNATIONED † adj. flesh-coloured ...1649
• CARNEITY †* n. the state or quality of being flesh ...1691
• CARNELL † n. a heap ...1536 Sc.
• CARNEOUS adj. 1. consisting of flesh, fleshy ...1578
† adj. 2. flesh-coloured, pale red ...1673
• CARNEY adj. sly, artful ...1881 sl.
n. soothing and seductive flattery; language covering a design ...Bk1891 colloq.
vb. to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CARNEYING adj. in a wheedling, coaxing, or insinuating manner ...1851 colloq.
• CARNIFEROUS * adj. flesh-bearing ...1841
• CARNIFEX † n. an executioner ...1561
• CARNIFICATE † vb. to hang ...1623
• CARNIFICE †* n. butchery, murder, torture ...1657
• CARNIFICIAL adj. belonging to an executioner, or to a butchery; butcherly ...1632
• CARNIFICINE †* adj. of the executioner; butcherly ...1681
†* n. the place of execution, the office of hangman ...1656
• CARNISH n. meat ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CARNISH-KEN n. a thieves' eating house ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CARNIVAL vb. of a horse: to buck in a showy manner ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARNIVORACITY n. appetite for flesh ...1730 nonce word
• CARNOSE adj. consisting of or resembling flesh; fleshy ...1562
• CARNOSITY † n. 1. fleshiness; flesh or pulp ...1533
n. 2. a fleshy growth; a caruncle ...1559
• CARNOUS adj. consisting of or abounding in flesh; fleshy ...1577
• CARNY adj. sly, artful ...1881 sl.
n. soothing and seductive flattery; language covering a design; soft, hypocritical language ...1874 colloq.
vb. to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAROL † n. 1. a ring or circle, as of standing stones ...1330
† n. 2. a chain ...c1425
† n. 3. a company or band of singers; a choir ...1483
n. 4. the joyous warbling of birds ...1800
† vb. 1. to dance and sing, to make merry ...a1300
vb. 2. of a bird: to warble ...1595
• CAROLET †* n. a little carol or song ...1593
• CAROLINA n. the sweet potato ...1775 Amer. dial.
• CAROLINA POTATO n. the sweet potato ...1819 Amer. dial.
• CAROLINA RACEHORSE n. a razor-back hog ...1862 Amer. dial. jocular
• CAROON n. a five shilling piece ...Bk1891 costermongers' usage
• CAROUSE † n. a cupful drunk 'all out', a full draught of liquor, a full bumper to one's health, a toast ...1594
vb. to drink health or success to ...1583
• CARP †* n. 1. discourse; power of speech; carping speech, cavil ...c1325
n. 2. a carpenter, esp. on a theatre set ...1952 US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) a Bohemian ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a Black prisoner ...1989 US sl.
n. 5. anchovies as a pizza topping ...1996 US sl.
† vb. 1. to speak, to talk ...a1240
† vb. 2. to utter, to say, to tell ...1350
† vb. 3. to talk much, to prate, to chatter ...1377
† vb. 4. to sing or recite, as a minstrel; to sing, as a bird ...c1425
• CARPACIOUS †* adj. given to carping ...1574
• CAR PARK n. an informer ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'nark'
• CARPED adj. drug-intoxicated ...1996 UK sl.
• CARPENT * vb. to make as a carpenter; to put together; to construct mechanically ...1623
• CARPENTAGE † n. carpenter's work; carpentry ...1660
• CARPENTER n. 1. a woodpecker ...1967 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a skilful wrestler ...1980 Amer. sl.
n. 3. an orthopaedist ...1994 US sl.
• CARPENTER BIRD n. a woodpecker ...1858 Amer. dial.
• CARPENTER'S DREAM n. a flat-chested woman ...1974 US sl.
• CARPER † n. a talker, a prattler ...c1440
• CARPET † n. 1. a thick fabric, commonly of wool, used to cover tables, beds, etc.; a table-cloth ...1345
n. 2. the grass, the ground ...1897 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a three month period of imprisonment ...1903 UK sl.
n. 4. the sum of £3 ...c1942 Brit. cant
n. 5. the sum of £300 ...1950s secondhand-car dealers' sl.
n. 6. a three year sentence of imprisonment ...1956 UK sl.
n. 7. in betting: odds of 3-1 ...1967 UK sl.
n. 8. an artificial grass playing surface ...1978 US sl.
vb. to call a servant into the parlour, etc., to be reprimanded; to 'call over the coals' ...1840 colloq.
• CARPET AND A HALF n. in betting: odds of 7-2 ...1991 UK bookmakers' sl.
• CARPET AND DRAPES THAT MATCH phr. applied to a person, usually a woman, whose hair is neither bleached nor dyed ...1999 US sl.
• CARPETBAG vb. to attempt to deceive ...1934 Amer. dial.
• CARPET BAG, A n. three months' imprisonment ...1903 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'carpet-bag' (three months' imprisonment)
• CARPETBAGGER n. a person who interferes in local politics without being a true part of the local community ...1868 US sl.
• CARPET-BAG RECRUIT n. a recruit worth more than what he stands up in ...c1875 military sl.
• CARPET-BITER n. one who gets into a fearful rage; a visibly very angry man ...c1940 sl.
• CARPET-BITING n. a distressing exhibition of uncontrollable rage ...c1940 colloq.
• CARPET BURGER n. oral sex performed on a woman ...2001 US sl.
• CARPET BURN n. a rawness of the skin due to frictional contact with a carpet ...1986 US sl.
• CARPET BUSHMAN n. a businessman who owns land in the outback but rarely visits ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CARPET CAPTAIN n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1548
• CARPET CHAMPION n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPET CHEWER n. a lesbian ...1985 Amer. sl.
• CARPET-CLEANING n. cunnilingus ...1990s sl.
• CARPET CONTROL n. an obsessive belief held whilst under the influence of crack cocaine, that there are useable traces of crack cocaine on the floor ...2001 UK sl.
• CARPET COWARD n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; ; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1605
• CARPET CRAWLER n. a young child ...1976 US sl.
• CARPET DANCE n. a dance for close friends, held in one's drawing room ...L19 UK society usage
• CARPET FRIEND n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...a1616
• CARPET GAME n. a swindle in which the swindler holds and then steals the wallet of a customer going to see a non-existent prostitute ...1967 US sl.
• CARPETING n. a thorough reprimand ...Bk1888 colloq.
• CARPET JOINT n. 1. an up-market nightclub ...1930s US sl.
n. 2. a carpeted and well-furnished or well-equipped gambling casino ...1961 Amer. sl.
• CARPET-KNIGHT n. a knight whose achievements belong to 'the carpet' (the lady's boudoir, or carpeted chamber) instead of to the field of battle; a stay-at-home soldier ...1576
n. 2. a soldier who remains at home during a war and does not go into combat ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARPET LECTURE n. an official reprimand ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CARPET-LICKER n. 1. a person who performs cunnilingus ...1980s sl., orig. US college
n. 2. a lesbian ...1980s sl., orig. US college
• CARPET LOVER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPETMONGER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPET-MAN † n. one who frequents ladies' boudoirs or carpeted chambers ...1571
• CARPET-MONGER † n. one who frequents ladies' boudoirs or carpeted chambers ...16C
• CARPET-MUNCHER n. 1. a person who performs cunnilingus ...1980s sl., orig. US college
n. 2. a lesbian ...1980s sl., orig. US college
• CARPET-MUNCHING n. cunnilingus ...1980s sl.
• CARPET NAP n. a Japanese person ...1980s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'Jap'
• CARPETO n. £30 ...2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CARPET PATROL n. a smoker of crack cocaine who searches the floor for droppings of crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• CARPET PEER n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1592
• CARPET SLASHING n. a dance party ...1947 US sl.
• CARPET SQUIRE n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...1605
• CARPET-TRADE † n. the occupations and amusements of the chamber or boudoir ...1599
• CARPET WALKER n. a drug addict ...1971 US sl.
• CARPET WARRIOR n. a man whose 'knightly exploits' concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield; one devoted to idleness and pleasure ...16C sl.
• CARPIT n. £300 ...2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CARPITO n. £30 2002 UK ticket-touting sl.
• CAR-POPPING n. car theft ...1996 UK sl.
• CARPOUSE n. a cook's galley on a vessel ...1747 Amer. dial.
• CARPS n. the game of craps ...1901 Amer. dial.
• CARR n. 1. a rock ...c950 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pond or pool; a bog or fen; wet boggy ground ...c1330 Eng. dial
• CARREFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• CARRIAGE † n. 1. baggage or luggage carried with one on a journey, etc. ...1398
† n. 2. means of conveyance ...c1450
† n. 3. something carried; a burden, a load ...1458 obs.
n. 4. a wheeled vehicle generally ...1560 arch.
† n. 5. leaves and branches carried away by a stag with his antlers when passing through a thicket or wood ...1616
• CARRIAGEABLE * adj. capable of being carried; portable ...1702
• CARRIAGED † adj. having a carriage, deportment, bearing; behaved, mannered ...1633
• CARRIAGE DOG n. a coach-dog, a Dalmatian ...1824
• CARRIAGE-TRADE † n. the trade of conveyance, carrying-trade ... 1719
• CARRIAGE-WHEEL WIPER n. a toady, a bootlicker ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARRIE n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIE NATION n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIER n. the member of a criminal gang who watches the roads, inns, etc., in order to carry information to the gang of a booty in prospect ...1725 sl.
• CARRIER PIGEON n. a messenger or courier ...1933 US sl.
• CARRION † adj. 1. skeleton-like ...1565
adj. 2. vile, loathsome, detestable; expressing disgust ...1826
† n. 1. a dead body; a corpse or carcass ...a1225
† n. 2, a poor, wretched, or worthless beast ...1477
† n. 3. a term of contempt for a living person, one no better than carrion ...1547-64
n. 4. the human body ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 5. a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• CARRION-CASE n. a shirt or chemise ...M19 sl.
• CARRION-HUNTER n. an undertaker ...L18 Brit. sl.
• CARRIONIZE †* vb. to turn into carrion, to corrupt ...1593
• CARRION-LEAN † adj. 1. lean as a wasting corpse or skeleton ...1542
† adj. 2. meagre, very deficient ...1581
• CARRIONLY † adj. corrupt, vile, loathsome ...1547-64
• CARRION-ROW † n. a place where inferior meat or offal was sold ...1728
• CARRIWITCHET n. a pun, a quibble, a conundrum; a hoaxing, puzzling, or absurd question ...1614
• CARROT n. 1. the penis, esp. the penis of a child ...17C sl.
n. 2. a marijuana cigarette ...2001 US sl.
• CARROT CRUNCHER n. a country dweller (from an urban perspective) ...1977 UK sl.
• CARROT EATER n. (offensive) a Mormon ...1968 US sl.
• CARROTHEAD n. a red-headed person ...1867 Amer. sl.
• CARROT-HEADED adj. having red hair ...1884 Amer. sl.
• CARROT PLANT n. the dandelion ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARROTS n. red hair, or one who has such hair ...c1685 humorous or derisive usage
• CARROT SNAPPER n. (offensive) a Mormon ...1968 US sl.
• CARROT-TOP n. a red-headed person ...1889 US sl.
• CARROT-TOPPED adj. having red hair ...1889 Amer. sl.
• CARROTTY-HEADED adj. having red hair ...1867 Amer. sl.
• CARROTTY-POLL n. a nickname for a person with red hair ...1825 Eng. dial.
• CARROTY adj. red-haired ...1696
• CARROTY-HAIRED adj. red-haired ...1856
• CARROTY-HEADED adj. red-haired ...1840
• CARROTY-POLLED adj. red-haired ...1795
• CARRY n. 1. a means of transport; a vehicle; a two-wheeled barrow ...1605 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. the clouds collectively, sky ...1788
n. 3. the drift of the clouds as they are carried along by the wind ...1819 Sc.
n. 4. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
n. 5. any victim of a crime who must be taken from the scene by stretcher ...1958 US sl.
n. 6. a consignment or substantial quantity of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
† vb. 1. to bear, to endure ...1583
vb. 2. to escort, to accompany ...1861 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to be in possession of drugs ...1961 US sl.
vb. 4. to carry a firearm ...1971 US sl.
vb. 5. to lead or be in charge of something ...1972 US sl.
vb. 6. to have surplus money ...1996 N. Ireland
• CARRY A BIG SPOON vb. to stir up trouble ...1989 Aust. sl.
• CARRY A BONE vb. to spread a rumour or story ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CARRY A BONE IN THE TEETH vb. to cut through the water making waves of foam about the bow ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARRY A CASE vb. to be out of prison on bail ...1996 UK sl.
• CARRY A GREAT FACE † vb. to have an appearance of importance ...1674
• CARRY A GREAT STROKE † vb. to wield or have great influence ...1651
• CARRY A HEAVY LOAD vb. to be fatigued; to be melancholy ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CARRY A LAZY MAN'S LOAD vb. to attempt to complete a job too soon ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CARRYALL n. a vehicle for transport, either wheeled or on rails for snow ...1963 Can. sl.
• CARRY A LOT UNDER ONE'S HAT vb. to be crafty, sly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARRY AN EYE ON † vb. to watch, to oversee ...1646
• CARRY AN M UNDER ONE'S GIRDLE † vb. to use a respectful prefix (Mr., Mrs.) when addressing or mentioning a person ...a1553
• CARRY A RIG vb. to play fast and loose ...Bk1903 sl.
• CARRY A STROKE † vb. to wield or have great influence ...c1645
• CARRY A TORCH vb. to yearn for an unrequited love or a love affair that is over; to be devoted to someone without having your devotion reciprocated ...1927 US sl.
• CARRY-AWAY n. a robbery in which a safe is taken and opened at leisure away from the crime scene ...1958 US sl.
vb. ('carry away')
† vb. 1. to win, to gain for oneself ...1581
vb. 2. to move to ecstasy ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• CARRY AWAY THE BELL vb. to carry off the prize ...1621
• CARRY-CASTLE † n. an elephant, which carries a castle ...1598
• CARRY DAY n. in television and film-making: a day in which the cast and crew are paid but do not have to work ...1990 US sl.
• CARRY DOWN vb. to arrest someone ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• CARRY GUTS TO A BEAR vb. 1. to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1833 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to work at dishonourable employment ...1922 Amer. dial.
• CARRY HAY IN ONE'S HORNS vb. to be ill-tempered or dangerous ...1648
• CARRY-IN n. a potluck meal ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CARRYING n. the amount that can be carried at one time; an armful ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CARRYING A FLAG adj. menstruating ...20C US sl.
• CARRYING ALL BEFORE HER adj. of a woman: having a generous bust or obviously pregnant ...1984 UK jocular
• CARRYING A LOAD adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARRYING SOMETHING HEAVY adj. drunk ...E20 US sl.
• CARRYINGS-ON n. frolickings; conspicuous behaviour ...1859 sl.
• CARRYING THREE RED LIGHTS adj. drunk ...World War II & nautical sl.
• CARRYING TOO MUCH SAIL adj. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARRYING TWO RED LIGHTS adj. drunk ...World War II & nautical sl.
• CARRYING WEIGHT adj. depressed ...1950s Beatniks' usage
• CARRY IT AWAY vb. to have the advantage, carry the day ...1598 obs.
• CARRY IT TO THE DOOR vb. to serve all of a prison sentence ...2002 US sl.
• CARRY JACK-A-LANTERN vb. to carry on the shoulders ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• CARRY-KNAVE † n. a common prostitute ...1630
• CARRY ME OUT WITH THE TONGS! int. an expression of surprise ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CARRY NATION n. cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY NEWS vb. to gossip ...1970 Trinidad and Tobago
• CARRY-ON n. 1. a fuss; an uproar; an outbreak of excited behaviour ...1890 UK sl.
n. 2. any continuing activity or catalogue of details ...2001 UK sl.
vb. (usually as 'carry on')
vb. 1. to behave in a conspicuous way; to make a fuss ...1828 UK sl.
vb. 2. to be involved in a flirtatious or adulterous relationship ...1856 UK sl.
vb. 3. to frolic ...Bk1905 Amer. sl.
vb. 4. to act in an ostentatiously effeminate manner in public ...1963 US sl.
• CARRY ONE ON A CHIP vb. to treat very well; to pamper; to spoil ...1933 Amer. dial.
• CARRY ONE'S CUP EVEN BETWEEN TWO PARTIES vb. to favour neither of them ...17C colloq.
• CARRY ON WITH vb. to have a sexual relationship with ...1856 sl.
• CARRY OUT † vb. to transport the mind in ecstasy or devotion ...1599
• CARRY SOMEONE'S BAGS vb. to be romantically involved with someone ...1973 US sl.
• CARRY STRAWS vb. to go courting ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CARRY-TALE † n. a talebearer; a tell-tale ...1577 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CARRY THE BABY vb. to bear an unwelcome responsibility
• CARRY THE BALL vb. to assume or successfully bear responsibility ...1939 US sl.
• CARRY THE BANNER vb. 1. to stay up all night ...1980 US sl.
vb. 2. to walk the streets all night; to endure the hardship of loss of sleep ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• CARRY THE BUG vb. in circus usage: to work as a night watchman ...1981 US sl.
• CARRY THE CAG vb. to be vexed, sullen; to be easily irritated; to lack a sense of humour, esp. as regards jokes against oneself ...1811 sl.
• CARRY THE CAN vb. to take the blame or punishment on behalf of another; to be made a scapegoat; to do the dirty work while another gets the credit ...1929 UK sl., orig. navy
• CARRY THE CAN BACK vb. to take the blame or punishment on behalf of another; to be made a scapegoat; to do the dirty work while another gets the credit ...1929 UK sl., orig. navy
• CARRY THE MAIL vb. 1. to depart hurriedly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to move quickly ...1946 US sl.
vb. 3. to buy drinks ...1966 Aust. sl.
vb. 4. to commit a murder for hire ...1971 US sl.
• CARRY THE SHIT BUCKET vb. to perform the lowliest tasks ...1977 Aust. sl.
• CARRY THE SILKS vb. in horse racing: to race for a particular owner ...1951 US sl.
• CARRY THE STICK vb. to live without a fixed abode ...1978 US sl.
• CARRY THE TARGET vb. in horse racing, to run in the last position for an entire race ...1976 US sl.
• CARRY THE WHEELS vb. to accelerate so quickly that the vehicle's front wheels lift off the ground ...1968 US sl.
• CARRY YOUR ASS! int. go away! ...1998 Guyana
• CARRY YOUR BAT OUT vb. in cricket: to survive your team's innings undismissed ...1934 UK sl.
• CARSEY n. 1. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
n. 2. a brothel ...2002 UK sl.
• CAR SHED n. a garage ...1880 Amer. dial.
• CAR-SHOP vb. to break into a car to steal its contents ...1997 US sl.
• CARSY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• CART † n. 1. a carriage of any kind; a chariot ...c1200
n. 2. the gallows ...L16 sl.
n. 3. a racecourse ...M19 sl.
n. 4. the carapace of a crab ...M19
n. 5. a carton ...1950s US sl.
vb. 1. of a punishment formerly inflicted on bawds: to place in a tumbrel or cart and lead through a town ...L16 sl.
vb. 2, to carry; to drag ...M19 sl.
vb. 3. in cricket: to hit the ball or attack the bowling with unrestrained power ...1903 UK sl.
vb. 4. to beat or whisk an egg ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CART AWAY vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CARTE n. 1. a playing-card ...1497 Sc.
† n. 2. a chart, map, plan, diagram ...1502
• CARTEL n. 1. a written challenge, a letter of defiance ...1560
† n. 2. a slanderous writing, a libel ...1590
† vb. to serve with a challenge ...1598
• CARTELIST † n. one who challenges ...a1679
• CARTELLER † n. one who challenges ...1611
• CARTER † n. 1. the driver of a chariot; a charioteer ...a1300
n. 2. a rude, uncultured man; a clown; common in the 16th century ...1509
† n. 3. a card-player ...1566 Sc.
• CARTERLIKE † adj. rude, clownish ...1561
† adv. rudely, clownishly ...1580
• CARTERLY † adj. clownish, boorish, rude, ill-bred ...1519
† adv. in a rude or boorish manner ...1553 obs.
• CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS n. any central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CARTES n. the penis ...1702 UK sl.
• CART-GREASE n. 1. bad butter ...c1875 sl.
n. 2. any butter ...c1875 sl.
n. 3. margarine ...20C sl.
• CARTHOLIC † n. a Catholic; derisive usage ...1582
• CARTILAGE † n. the coats or skin of an onion ...1563
• CARTING † n. card-playing ...1535 Sc.
• CAR TINK n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARTLOAD n. many; a great quantity, esp. of a desired commodity ...L16
• CARTLOADS n. many; a great quantity, esp. of a desired commodity ...L16
• CART-NAP vb. to steal a shopping trolley ...1996 UK sl.
• CARTNAPPER n. a person who steals supermarket trolleys ...1950s sl.
• CAR TOAD n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CART OFF vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes or compiles charts or maps ...1863
• CARTOGRAPHY n. the drawing of charts or maps ...1859
• CARTOMANCY n. divination by playing-cards ...1871
• CARTON-BOX n. a cardboard box ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CAR TONK n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1945 Amer. dial.
• CARTON-PUSHER n. a person who sells cigarettes that have been stolen or smuggled from a state with lower taxes ...1978 US sl.
• CARTOON n. a ridiculous person; a fool ...1927 Amer. sl.
• CART OUT vb. to remove ...19C colloq.
• CART OUT WITH SOMEONE vb. to court someone ...c1880 Cockneys' sl.
• CAR TRICK n. an act of sex between a prostitute and customer in a car ...1968 US sl.
• CARTRIDGE n. a sausage ...1865 US military sl.
• CARTS n. a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl.
• CARTUARY † n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1523
• CARTUCHO n. a package containing marijuana cigarettes, equivalent to a packet of cigarettes ...1986 UK sl.
• CARTULARY n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1541
• CARTWHEEL n. 1. a broad hint ...19C sl.
n. 2. a large gold or silver coin, esp. a US silver dollar ...1855 US sl.
n. 3. 5 shillings ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 4. a feigned drug withdrawal spasm ...1936 US drugs sl.
n. 5. an amphetamine tablet ...1966 US sl.
• CARTWRIGHT n. a carpenter who makes carts ...a1400
• CARTZ n. a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl.
• CARTZO n. the penis ...1702 UK sl.
• CARUAGE n. ploughing ...1610
• CARVE † vb. 1. to cut; formerly the ordinary word for that action in all its varieties ...c1000
† vb. 2. to circumcise ...c1420
† vb. 3. to castrate a cock ...1586
vb. 4. to slash or stab, esp. repeatedly ...1871 US sl.
vb. 5. in jazz: to outplay another musician in a competition of solos ...1883 US sl.
vb. 6. to defeat decisively; to trounce ...1884 US sl.
vb. 7. in jazz: to thrill, to 'send' ...1943 US sl.
vb. 8. in skateboarding: to take a turn sharply ...1976 US sl.
vb. 9. in surfing: to change the course of the surfboard by digging it into the water ...1980 US sl.
vb. 10. in mountain biking: to travel at a great speed around corners ...1996 US sl.
vb. 11. in foot-propelled scootering: to turn sharply while in mid-jump ...2000 UK sl.
• CARVED UP adj. of a bodybuilder: without fat ...1984 US sl.
• CARVEL † n. a jellyfish ...1688
• CARVEN adj. carved ...1330
• CARVER n. 1. a carving knife ...1840
n. 2. a knife used as a weapon ...1907 US sl.
n. 3. in the West. cattle industry: a cutting horse ...1913 US sl.
• CARVE SOME BEEF vb. to grant sexual favours; to consent to sex ...2001 US sl.
• CARVE SOMEONE'S KNOB vb. to make someone understand ...1953 US sl.
• CARVE SOMEONE UP vb. to swindle, to cheat ...1933 Brit. sl.
• CARVE-UP n. 1. deception, swindling, fraud, often implying an unfair distribution ...1935 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a division of loot, profits, or the legacy of a will ...1935 UK sl.
n. 3. a fight; a battle; a gang war ...1961 UK sl.
n. 4. an act of poor driving in which one vehicle cuts in front of another ...1984 UK sl.
vb. (usually as 'carve up')
vb. 1. to slash or stab, esp. repeatedly ...1871 US sl.
vb. 2. to swindle an accomplice out of a share ...1937 UK sl.
vb. 3. to spoil the chances of another's business ...1961 UK sl.
vb. 4. of a driver: to cut in front of another vehicle and force the driver of that vehicle to brake or take other emergency action ...1984 UK sl.
• CARVE UP SCORES vb. to reminisce or chat with a friend ...1934 US criminals' sl.
• CARVE UP THE MOB vb. to surf recklessly through a crowd of surfers or swimmers ...1964 Aust. sl.
• CARVE YOURSELF A SLICE vb. of a male: to have sex ...1984 UK sl.
• CARVIE n. 1. a fellow prisoner who shares in a supply of tobacco, perhaps by subscription to a common supply ...1950 UK sl.
n. 2. a prisoner who deals in contraband tobacco; a tobacco baron ...1996 UK sl.
• CARVING CONTEST n. a contest between jazz musicians ...1959 US sl.
• CARVING KNIFE n. 1. a sword ...Bk1890 sl.
n. 2. a wife ...2003 UK rhyming sl.
• CAR WASH n. in the Vietnam war: an establishment in Vietnam where a man went for haircut, bath, massage, and sex ...1977 US sl.
• CAR WHACKER n. in railroading: a car repairman; a car inspector ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CARWITCHET n. a pun, quibble; a hoaxing question or conundrum ...1614
• CARYOPHYLLATE † vb. to flavour with cloves ...1641
• CAS adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1990 Amer. sl.
• CASBALD † n. a term of reproach ...c1440
• CASCABEL n. a rattlesnake; also, its rattle ...1760-72
• CASCADE n. beer ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
vb. to vomit ...1805
• CASCHIELAWIS † n. an instrument of torture, said to have been invented by the 'Master of Orkney' in 1596; its action appears to have been forcibly to draw together the body and limbs of the victim, and hold him in this cramped position ...1596 Sc.
• CASE † n. 1. a thing that befalls or happens to anyone; an event, occurrence, hap, or chance ...a1225
† n. 2. chance, hazard, hap ...1340-70
n. 3. the body ...1547-64
† n. 4. the skin or hide of an animal ...a1569
n. 5. the outer part of a house or building; the shell or carcass ...1677
n. 6. a burial box ...US Civil War usage
n. 7. an infatuation, a crush ...1852 Amer. dial.
n. 8. an unusual, queer, or peculiar person; a character; a disreputable person; a difficult fellow ...1859 Amer. dial.
n. 9. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
n. 10. a dollar ...1885 Amer. dial.
n. 11. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
n. 12. 5 shillings ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 13. a silver dollar ...1927 Amer. dial.
n. 14. a loved one; a sweetheart ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
† vb. 1. to strip of the skin, to skin ...1601
vb. 2. to watch; to observe; to scrutinize; to reconnoitre with a view to committing a robbery or other crime ...1914 sl., orig. US
vb. 3. to reprove or reprimand sternly ...1971 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to joke about another's characteristics or foibles ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CASEABLE † adj. able or liable to happen, possible ...c1565 Sc.
• CASE-EXPANDER n. a non-existent tool used to tease a beginner or inexperienced person ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CASE-HARDENED adj. made callous or tough by experience ...1769
• CASE OF DRAWERS † n. a chest of drawers ...1686
• CASE OF SPOONS n. an infatuation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASEOUS adj. abounding in cheese; fond of cheese ...1807 humorous usage
• CASER n. 1. a dollar ...1849 US sl.
n. 2. a crown (a five-shilling coin) ...1860 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a silver dollar ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CASES † n. 1. clothes, garments ...1593
n. 2. observation; scrutiny; also, an ultimate, a finality, the last of a series of things or actions ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• CASH † n. 1. a chest or box for money; a cash-box, a till ...1598
†* n. 2. a dismissal or disbanding of troops ...1617
n. 3. a cashboy or cashgirl ...1876 US sl.
† vb. 1. to disband, to dismiss ...1564
vb. 2. to give up; to quit; to 'cash in' ...1905 US sl.
vb. 3. to die ...1908 US sl.
• CASH COW n. an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• CASH DOWN vb. to pay; to hand over money ...1882 US sl.
• CASHED adj. used up; finished ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CASHIER † n. a money-dealer ...1643
vb. 1. to send away, to dismiss ...1592
† vb. 2. to make void, to annul, to do away with ...1596
† vb. 3. to discharge, to disband troops ...1598 military usage
vb. 4. to discard, to get rid off, to banish a thing ...1603
* vb. 5. to deprive of ...1668
• CASHIERMENT n. dismissal ...1656
• CASH-IN n. an act or instance of cashing in financially ...1985 US
vb. (as 'cash in')
vb. 1. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to quit, to give up ...1896 US sl., orig. gambling usage
vb. 3. to reap a profit, reward, or advantage of any kind ...1928 US sl.
• CASH-IN, THE n. the end; death ...1926 US sl.
• CASH IN ON vb. to profit from or turn to one's advantage ...1930 US sl.
• CASH IN ONE'S CHECKS vb. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CASH IN ONE'S CHIPS vb. 1. to die ...1884 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to change one's ways ...1895 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to commit suicide ...1967 Amer. sl.
vb. 4. to kill someone ...1984 Amer. sl.
• CASHMARIE † n. one who brings fish from the sea-coast to market in the inland country ...a1600 Sc.
• CASH ONE'S CHIPS vb. to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CASH ONE'S PISTOL vb. to rob a bank at gunpoint ...1880 US West. sl.
• CASH UP vb. to vomit ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CASINO n. 1. a public room used for social meetings; a club-house; a public music or dancing saloon ...1789
n. 2. a pleasure-house, a summer-house in Italy ...1831
• CASK † n. 1. a head-piece or helmet ...1580
n. 2. a fashionable name for a brougham or other private carriage ...1859 sl.
n. 3. a taxi ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• CASKET † n. a money-box or 'chest' ...1832
• CASKET NAIL n. a cigarette ...1966 Amer. sl.
• CASKET TACK n. a cigarette ...1966 Amer. sl.
• CASMACK adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASMALA adj. fine, excellent, first-rate, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CASOUSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CASPAR n. 1. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
n. 2. a gullible person; a dupe ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CASPAR MILQUETOAST n. a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1947 Amer. dial.
• CASPER n. a particularly light-skinned Black person ...1950s US Black sl.
• CASPER MILKTOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• CASPER MILQUETOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• CASPER THE GHOST n. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CASPLASH! int. indicating a fall into liquid ...M19 sl.
• CASS † adj. dismissed, cashiered; void, null ...1549
n. cheese ...16C
† vb. 1. to make void, to annul, to quash ...1460 obs. exc. Sc.
† vb. 2. to discharge, to dismiss; to disband, to cashier ...1550 obs. exc. Sc.
• CASSA n. a ladies' man ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CASSALL †* n. ? a wisdom-tooth ...1541
• CASSAM n. cheese ...16C
• CASSAN † n. cheese ...1567 thieves' cant
• CASSANT †* adj. brittle; friable ...1725
• CASSATE † vb. 1. to make void, to annul, to quash ...1512
† vb. 2. to discharge, to dismiss; to disband, to cashier ...1744
• CASSATION n. 1. the act of making null or void; cancellation, abrogation ...c1425
† n. 2. dismissal of a soldier; cashiering ...1602
• CASSAVA n. a woman ...1980s US Black
• CASS-CASS adj. untidy, disreputable, inferior, low-class ...20C W. Indies
• CASSENYIE BEAR n. the black bear ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CASSIN n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CASSOLE † n. a box or case ...1590
• CASSOM n. cheese ...16C
• CASSON n. 1. cheese ...16C
† n. 2. a chest ...1613
• CAST † adj. 1. calculated, planned ...c1400
† adj. 2. chaste ...c1430
† adj. 3. condemned; beaten in a lawsuit ...1577
adj. 4. thrown off, disused, worn out, abandoned, forsaken ...1597
adj. 5. in cookery: whipped, curded ...1597
† adj. 6. dismissed from office ...1607
adj. 7. drunk ...1930s Irish & NZ sl.
† n. 1. plan, design; shape, conformation, of a building, etc. ...a1300
† n. 2. a throw or stroke of fortune; hence, fortune, chance, opportunity; lot, fate ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 3. skill, art ...c1320
† n. 4. device, purpose, design, aim ...c1325
† n. 5. a contrivance, device, artifice, trick ...c1340
† n. 6. the delivery of a blow, a stroke ...c1420
† n. 7. the quantity of bread or ale made at one time ...1470-85
† n. 8. a set or suit of things ...1535
† n. 9. a burden cast or laid upon people; an impost, a charge ...1597
n. 10. a cask ...1969 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to toss the head; to shrug the shoulders ...a1225
† vb. 2. to utter words; to heave a sigh ...a1300
† vb. 3. to reckon, to calculate, to estimate ...a1300
vb. 4. to throw up from within; to vomit ...a1300
† vb. 5. to put into shape, dispose, arrange, or order; to lay out in order, to plan, to devise ...a1300
† vb. 6. to machinate, to contrive, to devise, to scheme ...c1325
† vb. 7. to revolve in one's mind, to debate with oneself, to consider, to ponder, to deliberate ...a1340 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 8. to aim, deliver a blow ...c1340
† vb. 9. to design, to purpose, to intend, to determine to do a thing ...a1380
† vb. 10. to interpret a dream ...1382
† vb. 11. to conjecture as to the future; to anticipate; to forecast ...c1384
† vb. 12. to find or declare guilty; to convict ...1536
† vb. 13. to condemn ...1567
vb. 14. to overthrow an antagonist ...1580 arch.
† vb. 15. to give birth to; to bear young; to lay eggs, to deposit spawn ...1587 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 16. to have an inclination; to incline, to slope, to slant ...1599
† vb. 17. to defeat in competition ...1610 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 18. to void excrement ...1704
• CAST A LAGGIN-GIRD vb. to bear an illegitimate child ...1742 Sc.
• CASTALDICK † n. stewardship ...1678
• CASTALDY † n. stewardship ...1623
• CASTANE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CASTANEAN adj. pert. to the chestnut ...1728
• CASTANEOUS adj. chestnut-coloured ...1688
• CAST A NET vb. to have a bet ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
• CASTANIE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CAST AN OPTIC vb. to look at ...L19 sl.
• CAST A SCANSE ON ONE vb. to make one an object of reproach (scance = n. blame, reproach, scandal) ...Bk1904 Sc.
• CAST ASPARAGUS vb. to cast aspersions, to make damaging or spiteful remarks ...1916 Amer. jocular
• CASTAWAY n. one who is cast away or rejected; a reprobate ...1526
• CASTAYNE † n. a chestnut ...1398
• CAST BEYOND THE MOON † vb. to conjecture wildly; to indulge in wild conjectures ...1559
• CAST-BY n. a person or thing cast aside and neglected ...1818
• CAST CLEAN † vb. to cleanse ...1522
• CAST COLOUR vb. to lose colour, to become pale, to fade, esp. by the action of light ...c1350
• CAST DOWN vb. to deject in spirits, to disappoint, to dispirit ...1382
• CASTE † n. a race, stock, or breed of men ...1555
†* vb. to chasten, to chastise ...c1200
• CAST EGGS vb. to beat them up ...a1825
• CASTELET n. a small castle ...c1320
• CASTELL vb. to look, to see; to watch; to spy ...L16 thieves' sl.
• CASTELLAN n. the governor or constable of a castle ...1393
• CASTELLANY n. the office or jurisdiction of a castellan; the lordship of a castle, or the district belonging to a castle ...1696
• CASTELLAR adj. pert. to a castle; of the nature of a castle ...1789
• CASTELLATE * adj. built like a castle; having battlements ...1830
†* n. the district belonging to a castle ...1809
vb. to build in the manner of a castle; to build with battlements ...1831
• CASTELLATED adj. 1. built like a castle; having battlements ...1679
adj. 2. formed like a castle; castle-like ...1762-71
• CASTELLATION n. the building of castles; the furnishing of a house with battlements; a fortified or castellated structure; a battlement ...1818
• CASTELLET n. a small castle ...c1325
• CASTELLION † n. the governor or constable of a castle ...c1430
• CASTELRY † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1679
• CASTER n. 1. a cloak ...16C criminals' sl.
n. 2. anyone or anything that has been rejected or cast aside ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a testicle ...L19 US sl.
• CASTERATE vb. to castrate ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CASTERIZE vb. to castrate ...1973 Amer. dial.
• CASTERMINE vb. to castrate ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CAST FAR † vb. to make far-reaching plans ...a1300
• CAST HEADS TOGETHER † vb. to consult or take counsel together ...1526
• CASTICAL † adj. making chaste, pure or continent ...1656
• CASTIEAU'S HOTEL n. a prison ...M19 Aust. sl.
• CASTIFICATION †* n. a making chaste; purification; chastity ...1653
• CASTIGABLE †* adj. able to be chastised; deserving of chastisement ...1716
• CASTIGATE † adj. subdued, chastened, moderated ...1640
• CASTIGATION † n. 1. chastisement, corrective punishment or discipline, correction, chastening ...c1397
†* n. 2. purification ...1615
†* n. 3. correction, subduing, moderating ...1677
• CASTIGATIVE * adj. chastising, corrective, punitive ...1641
• CASTIGATORY adj. chastising, corrective, punitive ...1613
† n. an instrument of chastisement ...c1640
• CASTILIAN † n. one living in or belonging to a castle; one of the garrison of a castle ...1570-87
• CASTIMONY †* n. chastity, purity ...1490
• CASTING adj. of bees: swarming ...1627
† n. a coin ...1834 Amer. dial.
• CASTINGS n. cash ...M19 US sl.
• CAST IN ONE'S DISH vb. to object to something in a person; to accuse of ...M16 Brit. colloq.
• CAST-IRON adj. hard, insensible to fatigue; rigid, stern, unbending; inflexible, unyielding, wanting in pliancy or adaptiveness ...1830
• CAST-IRON AND DOUBLE-BOLTED adj. extremely strong ...L19 sl.
• CAST-IRON BATHTUB n. a battleship ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAST-IRON DOG n. the Mexican hairless dog ...1853 Amer. dial. obs.
• CAST-IRON HORRORS n. delirium tremens ...20C Anglo-Irish
• CAST-IRON OVERSHOES n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAST-IRON SWEAT n. a highly nervous state ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CASTLE † n. 1. a village, a collection of dwellings ...c1000
n. 2. a tower ...1642
n. 3. a large ship, esp. a ship of war ...1642
n. 4. a large building ...1886
n. 5. one's house; one's home ...1930s US Black sl.
n. 6. in cricket: the wicket that a batsman is defending ...1959 UK
vb. to see or look ...16C sl.
• CASTLE-BUILDER n. one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer, a visionary schemer ...1711
• CASTLE-BUILT adj. of the nature of daydreams ...1841
• CASTLE CATHOLICS n. Irish Catholics who rejected nationalism, preferring to curry favour with and ape the lifestyle of the ruling British ...E19 sl.
• CASTLE-CLOUD † n. a castle-like cloud, a cumulus ...1686
• CASTLE-COME-DOWN † n. ruin, total destruction ...1563-87
• CASTLED adj. in cricket: bowled out ...2003 UK
• CASTLE HACK n. an informer ...1900s Irish sl.
• CASTLE-HUNTER † n. one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer, a visionary schemer ...1752
• CASTLE IN THE AIR n. a visionary project or scheme; a daydream, an idle fancy ...c1400
• CASTLE-MONGER † n. one who builds or owns castles ...1655
• CASTLE-RAG n. fourpence ... Bk1903 sl.
• CASTLERY † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1679
• CASTLESHIP † n. the government or jurisdiction of a castle; the territory subject to it ...1598
• CASTLET † n. a small castle ...1538
• CASTLEWARD † n. the warden of a castle ...c1425
• CASTLING † n. an aborted foetus ...1580
• CASTOCK n. the stalk or stem of a cabbage ...1398 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CAST-OFF n. a person or thing that is abandoned as worthless or useless ...1741
• CAST-OFF ONE'S JAW-TACKLE vb. to talk fluently ...Bk1896 sl.
• CAST OF THE HAND † n. a helping turn ...1637 Sc.
• CAST ONE IN THE TEETH † vb. to reproach or upbraid one ...1526
• CAST ONE'S CAP AT † vb. to show indifference to; to give up for lost ...1579
• CAST ONE'S SKIN vb. to be naked; to strip naked ...Bk1891 thieves' sl.
• CAST ONE'S WITS † vb. to exercise or apply one's wits ...c1400
• CASTOR adj. excellent, all right ...1944 Aust. sl.
* n. 1. the beaver ...1547
n. 2. a hat, orig. either of beaver's fur, or intended to be taken as such; at the end of the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century said to be of rabbit's fur, and usually spelt 'caster' ...1640 colloq.
• CASTOR CAT n. a beaver ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CASTORIAL adj. pert. to a hat ...1864 nonce word jocose
• CASTOR OIL ARTIST n. a doctor; a surgeon ...1925 US sl.
• CAST OUT vb. 1. to eject from the mouth, to vomit ...1388
vb. 2. to disagree, to quarrel, to fall out ...1730 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• CASTRAL adj. belonging to the camp (military) ...1844
• CASTRAMETATION n. the art or science of laying out a camp ...1679
• CASTRATE † n. a castrated man, a eunuch ...1639
† vb. 1. to deprive of vigour, force, or vitality; to mortify ...1554
vb. 2. to mutilate a book by removing a sheet or portion of it; esp. to remove obscene or objectionable passages from; to expurgate ...1627
† vb. 3. in gardening: to prune, to remove superfluous suckers from ...1658
† vb. 4. to reduce in quantity or number ...1728
• CASTRATION † n. 1. the act of taking away a portion of the honey from the hive ...c1420
† n. 2. decrease or reduction in quantity or amount; curtailment ...1728
n. 3. the removal of objectionable parts from a book or literary work ...1791-1824
• CASTRATO n. a male singer castrated in boyhood so as to retain a soprano or alto voice ...1763
• CASTRENSIAL †* adj. pert. to a camp ...1658
• CASTRENSIAN adj. pert. to a camp ...1657
• CASTROMETER n. a surveyor of (ancient) camps ...1857 nonce word
• CAST SALT ON ANYONE'S TAIL vb. to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1721 Sc.
• CAST THE LAST ANCHOR vb. to die; to be killed ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAST SALT ON THE TAIL OF vb. to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails ...Bk1895
• CAST SHEEP'S EYES vb. to look amorously or lovingly upon ...1854 Amer. dial.
• CAST STONES AGAINST THE WIND † vb. to labour in vain ...1657
• CAST THE GORGE vb. to vomit violently, or make violent attempts to vomit ...1614
• CAST UP † vb. 1. to vomit ...1484 obs. exc. Eng. & Amer. dial.
† vb. 2. to give up, to abandon ...1530
† vb. 3. to dig up, to dig ...1660
vb. 4. of clouds: to gather for a storm ...1825 Sc.
vb. 5. of the weather, the day: to clear up ...1825 Sc.
• CAST UP ONE'S ACCOUNTS vb. to vomit ...17C sl.
• CAST UP ONE'S GORGE vb. to vomit ...Bk1921 sl.
• CAST UP ONE'S RECKONING vb. to vomit ...17C sl.
• CAST WATER † vb. to diagnose disease by the inspection of urine ...1580 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CAST YOUR SKIN vb. to pull off your clothes ...Bk1890 sl.
• CASUAL † adj. 1. non-essential ...1398
† adj. 2. subject to chance or accident; frail, uncertain, precarious ...1529
† n. a casual event, a chance ...1566
• CASUALITY † n. chance; a chance or casual occurrence, contingency; esp. an unfortunate occurrence, accident, casualty ...1540
• CASUALLY † adj. accidentally ...c1386
• CASUALTY † n. chance, accident ...1423
• CASUAL-WISE † adv. casually ...1601
• CASUEY vb. of a horse: to buck ...1921 Amer. dial.
• CASUM n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CASUN n. cheese ...16C
• CASURE †* n. cadence, rhythm ...1565
• CASWASH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT n. 1. a term of contempt for a person; esp. one who scratches like a cat; a spiteful or backbiting woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...a1225
n. 2. a prostitute or immoral woman; a low woman ...1535 sl.
n. 3. an expert ...1912 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a male person; a fellow ...1920 sl., orig. US Black
n. 5. a performer or aficionado of jazz music ...1935 Amer. dial., orig. Black jazz musicians
n. 6. a good fellow; a guy ...1938 Amer. dial., esp. among Blacks
n. 7. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 8. a hip person ...1950s Amer. sl.
n. 9. whisky, esp. moonshine ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 10. a simple raft ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to vomit ...1785 sl.
vb. 2. to court or pursue a woman ...1900 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to gad about; to fool around ...1938 Amer. dial., chiefly among Blacks
• CATABALLITIVE adj. tending to throw down ...1815 nonce word
• CATABAPTIST † n. one who is an adversary to baptism ...1561
• CATABIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATABIASSED adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CATACATHOLIC † adj. Catholic ...1608 nonce word
• CATACHRESIS n. improper use of words; abuse or perversion of a metaphor ...1589
• CATACHRESTIC adj. wrongly used, misapplied, as when one word is improperly put for another ...1656
• CATACHTHONIAN adj. underground, subterranean ...1888
• CATACHTHONIC adj. underground, subterranean ...1884
• CATACLASM n. a break or disruption ...1829
• CATACLASMIC adj. pert. to a violent disruption ...1888
• CATACLYSM n. 1. a political or social upheaval which sweeps away the old order of things ...1633
n. 2. a great and general flood of water; a deluge ...1637
• CATACLYSMAL adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1857
• CATACLYSMATIC adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1883
• CATACLYSMIC adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1851
• CATACLYSTIC * adj. causing sudden and violent upheaval ...1864
• CATACOMB n. a compartment in a cellar with recesses for storing wine ...1795
• CATACORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
vb. (as 'cat-a-corner') to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATACORNERED adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner, askew, awry ...1896 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CATACORNERS adv. diagonally, across from ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CATACUMBAL * adj. of or resembling a catacomb ...1865
• CATADUPE † n. a cataract or waterfall, orig. those of the Nile ...1596
• CATADUPES n. the dwellers by the cataracts of the Nile ...1607
• CATAGLOTTISM † n. a kissing with the tongue; a thrusting out the tongue in kissing ...1656
• CATAGLYPHIC †* adj. of carving out or incising ...1708
• CATAGOGGLE vb. to walk sideways ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CATAGORRICKY adv. turned the wrong way round ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CATAGRAPH † n. the first draught or delineation of a picture ...1656
• CATAIAN † n. 1. a man of Cathay or China ...1577
† n. 2. a rogue, a scoundrel, a rascal, a knave, a blackguard; a sharper ...1598
• CATALLACTIC adj. pert. to exchange ...1862
• CATALLACTICALLY adv. by way of exchange ...1862
• CATALLACTICS n. a proposed name for political economy as the 'science of exchanges' ...1831
• CATALOGIC adj. pert. to a catalogue ...1882
• CATALOGICAL adj. pert. to a catalogue ...1882
• CATALOGISTIC* adj. pert. to cataloguing ...1840
• CATALOGIZE † vb. 1. to reckon up, to calculate ...1602
† vb. 2. to insert in a catalogue ...1632
• CATALOGUE n. a list, register, or complete enumeration ...1460 arch.
• CATALOG WOMAN n. a wife obtained through a matrimonial bureau ...1928 Amer. dial.
• CATALYSIS †* n. dissolution, destruction, ruin ...1655
• CATAMARAN n. 1. an old, scraggy woman; a quarrelsome or offensive woman ...1785 sl.
n. 2. a worthless person ...1836 US sl.
• CATAMIDIATE † vb. to put one to open shame and punishment for some notorious offense; to scorn, to defame ...1656
• CATAMITE n. 'a boy kept for unnatural purposes'; a boy kept for homosexual purposes ...1593 arch.
• CATAMOUNT † n. 1. a panther or leopard ...1664
n. 2. the lynx ...1698 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a puma, cougar, or mountain lion ...1713 US
• CATAMOUNTAIN n. 1. the leopard or panther ...1432-50
n. 2. a wild man from the mountains ...1616
• CAT-AND-DOG adj. full of strife, inharmonious; quarrelsome ...1579
• CAT-AND-DOGGISH adj. characterized by quarrelling ...1878
• CAT AND MOUSE n. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT AND RAT n. the game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT-AND-RAT RIFLE n. a small-calibre rifle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATAPELTIC * adj. pert. to a catapult ...1849
* n. a catapult ...1864
• CATAPHOR † n. a deep sleep ...1656
• CATAPHRACT † n. 1. an ancient coat of mail ...1581
n. 2. a soldier in full armour ...1671
• CATAPHYSIC † adj. contrary to nature ...1654
• CATAPHYSICAL adj. against nature; unnatural ...1839 nonce word
• CATAPLASM n. a poultice ...1563
• CATAPLECTIC adj. pert. to hypnotism ...1883
• CATAPLEXY n. the temporary paralysis or hypnotic state in animals when 'shamming death' ...1883
• CATARACT n. 1. a waterfall; properly one of considerable size, and falling headlong over a precipice ...1594
n. 2. a violent downpour or rush of water ...1634
• CATARACTIC † adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1693
• CATARACTICAL † adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1693
• CATARACTINE adj. of the nature of a cataract ...1856
• CATARRH † n. the profuse discharge from nose and eyes with generally accompanies a cold, and which was formerly supposed to run down from the brain; a 'running at the nose' ...1533
• CAT AROUND vb. to gad about; to fool around ...1938 Amer. dial., chiefly among Blacks
• CATARUMPUS n. a commotion, a rumpus ...1848 US sl.
• CATASKEUASTIC †* adj. constructive ...1645
• CATASOPHISTRY †* n. quibbling, deceit ...1609
• CATASTA n. 1. a block on which slaves were exposed for sale ...1650
† n. 2. the stocks ...1650 humorous
• CATASTERFY n. a catastrophe ...1844 Amer. dial.
• CATASTERISM n. a constellation ...1837
• CATASTROPHAL adj. of the nature of a catastrophe; disastrous ...1842
• CATASTROPHE † n. the posteriors ...1597 humorous
• CATASTROPHIZE † vb. to end a comedy or the like ...1623
• CATASTROPHONICAL † adj. a nonsense word; 'A signe of good shaving, my catastrophonicall fine boy.' ...1605
• CATASTRUM † n. the deck of a ship ...1623
• CATAWAMPERED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPIOUSLY adv. utterly, completely ...1836 Amer. dial. obs.
• CATAWAMPIST adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPOUS adj. 1. fierce, unsparing, destructive ...1856 sl., chiefly US
† adj. 2. askew, awry, wrong ...1891 Amer. dial.
adv. utterly, completely ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPOUSLY adv. utterly, vigorously, completely; fiercely, eagerly, violently ...1834 Amer. sl.
• CATAWAMPTIOUS adj. fierce, unsparing, destructive ...1856 sl., chiefly US
• CATAWAMPTIOUSLY adv. utterly, vigorously, completely; fiercely, eagerly, violently ...1857 Amer. sl.
• CATAWAMPUS adj. 1. askew, awry, wrong ...1884 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. big and fine ...1972 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1908 Amer. dial.
n. 1. a spiteful person ...1843 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an imaginary monster; a hobgoblin ..1843 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a fierce creature, vermin, or the like ...1874
vb. 1. to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to put out of proper shape; to warp ...1906 Amer. dial.
int. an exclamation ...1938 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUS CAT n. a virago; a violent or bad-tempered woman ...1915 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUS-CORNER vb. to worry ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMPUSED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAMUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWAPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHAMPIT adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHOBBLED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWHOMPERED adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATAWUMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT BATH n. a hurried or partial cleaning ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CAT BEER n. milk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CATBIRD n. a mischievous, sly or cunning person ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CATBIRD SEAT n. a prominent or especially favourable position ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CAT-BLASH n. 1. a weak, worthless drink; any thin liquid, as weak tea ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 2. worthless or silly talk: a weak argument ...19C Eng. dial.
• CAT BOIL an infected swelling on the skin; a small infected pimple, usually on the face ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT BRITCHES n. the wild snapdragon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATCH † n. 1. a trick ...c1430
† n. 2. a chase, pursuit ...c1450 Sc.
† n. 3. tennis ...c1475 Sc.
† n. 4. 'Jack Ketch'; the hangman ...a1672
† n. 5. a catching or entangling question ...1674
† n. 6. a catching sight; a glimpse, view ...1775
† n. 7. a kedge, a small anchor ...1791
n. 8. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 9. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 10. a sudden, sharp pain in the back, side, or neck; a stitch ..1954 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to take forcible possession of, to capture a town, castle, ship, country, etc. ...c1205
† vb. 2. to receive, to get, to obtain ...c1205
† vb. 3. to chase, to drive ...c1250
† vb. 4. to chase, to run, to hasten; to press on ...c1325
vb. 5. to deceive, to 'take in' ...1382
† vb. 6. to obtain by exertion; to attain, to get possession of ...1382
†* vb. 7. to fasten, to attach ...c1400
vb. 8. to carp, to criticize ...1628
vb. 9. to freeze ...1879 Amer. dial.
vb. 10. to become pregnant; to make pregnant ...1912 Amer. dial.
vb. 11. to assist in the delivery of a baby ...1928 Amer. dial.
vb. 12. to undergo or suffer an unpleasant experience; to encounter an adverse condition of weather ...1946 Amer. dial.
vb. 13. of a muscle or joint: to experience sudden sharp pain ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A COLD vb. 1. to get into trouble, possibly through impetuousness ...L18 sl.
vb. 2. to lose out financially, possibly after purchasing a supposed 'bargain', which proves to be otherwise ...L18 sl.
• CATCH A CRAB vb. 1. to do a belly-flop; to dive in such a way that the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to mishandle oars while rowing, so that there is a splash of • water ...1975 Amer. dial.
• CATCH ACTION n. a young woman, typically runaways who have just arrived in the big city and are vulnerable to being recruited as prostitutes ...1960s US Black sl.
• CATCH A DUCK ASLEEP vb. to take a shrewd person off his guard; to catch off guard or unaware; to surprise ...1843 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A FACE vb. to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• CATCH A FOX vb. to be very drunk ...L17 sl.
• CATCH A GLAD vb. to experience an outburst of spontaneous joy ...20C W. Indies sl.
• CATCH A HARE WITH A TABOR † vb. to seek to do something almost impossible ...1546
• CATCH A HORSE vb. to urinate ...20C Aust. sl.
• CATCH AIR vb. to run very fast ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CATCH A LISTEN vb. to listen ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCH AN F vb. to be arrested for a felony ...1990s US Black sl.
• CATCH A PACKET vb. to suffer trouble or misfortune ...1925 sl.
• CATCH AS CAN adv. in a haphazard fashion ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CATCH AT A STRAW vb. to resort in desperation to any utterly inadequate expedient, like a person drowning
• CATCH AT STRAWS vb. to resort in desperation to any utterly inadequate expedient, like a person drowning
• CATCH AWAY † vb. 1. to chase away ...c1325
vb. 2. to seize and take away; to snatch away ...c1325
• CATCH A WEASEL ASLEEP vb. to take a shrewd person off his guard; to catch off guard or unaware; to surprise ...1825 Amer. dial.
• CATCH BUGS vb. to stare with one's mouth open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH-CLOAK † n. a coiner of false money ...1679
• CATCH-COIN † n. a greedy or covetous judge ...1611
• CATCH COLD vb. 1. to get into trouble, possibly through impetuousness ...L18 sl.
vb. 2. to lose out financially, possibly after purchasing a supposed 'bargain', which proves to be otherwise ...L18 sl.
• CATCH-COLT n. 1. an illegitimate child ...1901 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a colt that as unintentionally bred ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CATCH-DOTTEREL † n. ? a cheat, a sharper ...1671
• CATCHEE n. one who is caught ...1839 nonce word
• CATCH-'EM-ALIVE-O n. fly-paper for catching flies ...1855 sl.
• CATCHER †* n. 1. one who chases or drives; a huntsman ...c1340
n. 2. a watchman or policeman ...1837 US sl.
n. 3. the children's game of tag ...1917 Amer. dial.
n. 4. in boxing: a boxer who 'catches everything the other guys throws at him' ...1945 US sl.
• CATCHER'S MITT n. a contraceptive diaphragm ...1984 US sl.
• CATCH FARTS WITH A HOOK vb. to do something stupid or useless ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CATCH FIRE vb. to become inflamed or inspired with passion, zeal, etc. ...1734
• CATCH FLAT-FOOTED vb. to catch off guard or unawares ...Brit. colloq.
• CATCH FLIES vb. 1. to stare with one's mouth open ...1941 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to yawn ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH GNATS vb. to stare with one's mouth open ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCH GOUDY vb. to get a beating ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CATCH HIM! int. used as a response when someone sneezes ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATCHING adj. 1. entrapping; deceptive, 'catchy' ...1603
adj. 2. in an uncertain or precarious state ...c1611
adj. 3. attractive, captivating ...1654
adj. 4. of weather: changeable, unpredictable ...1931-33 Amer. dial.
• CATCH IT vb. to get into trouble, usually with the implication of punishment ...1835 sl.
int. used as a response when someone sneezes ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATCH IT IN THE NECK vb. to get into trouble, usually with the implication of punishment ...1835 sl.
• CATCH IT WHERE THE CHICKEN GOT IT vb. to be punished ...1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCH ME! int. expresses emphatically that one will never be found doing a thing ...1830 colloq.
• CATCH ME AT IT! int. expresses emphatically that one will never be found doing a thing ...1830 colloq.
• CATCH MOSES vb. to receive a severe beating or punishment ...M19 sl.
• CATCH NAPPING vb. to take unawares ...1587 sl.
• CATCH OFF † vb. to snatch or take off ...c1420
• CATCH ON vb. to understand or realize the meaning of something ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CATCH ONE vb. to get drunk on beer ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CATCH ONE'S DEATH vb. to catch a bad cold ...1712 sl.
• CATCH ON TO vb. to understand or realize the meaning of something ...1884 sl., orig. US
• CATCH OVER vb. to freeze over ...1886
• CATCH-PAIN n. a sharp, sudden pain, usually in the side ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATCHPENNY adj. designed to attract purchasers; got up merely to s ell ...1759
n. 1. something of little value, esp. a publication, designed to attract purchasers ...1760
n. 2. something cheap or showy made to be sold for a quick profit ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CATCHPOLE † n. 1. a tax-gatherer, an exactor of taxes or imposts; a (Roman) publican ...a1050
n. 2. a petty officer of justice; a sheriff's officer or sergeant; esp. a warrant officer who arrests for debt, a bum-bailiff ...1377
† n. 3. tennis ...1663
• CATCHPOLL † n. 1. a tax-gatherer, an exactor of taxes or imposts; a (Roman) publican ...a1050
n. 2. a petty officer of justice; a sheriff's officer or sergeant; esp. a warrant officer who arrests for debt, a bum-bailiff ...1377
• CATCHPULE † n. tennis ...1663
• CATCH SOME RAYS vb. to sunbathe ...1960s Amer. sl.
• CATCH SOME Z'S vb. to sleep ...1963 US sl.
• CATCH THE BALL BEFORE THE BOUND vb. to anticipate an opportunity ...1589
• CATCH THE WIND OF THE WORD vb. to quickly understand the meaning of what is said, to catch on ...B1900 Irish
• CATCH THE WIND WITH A NET vb. to attempt the impossible ...1868
• CATCH UP vb. to interrupt, to stop ...1840
• CATCHY adj. 1. merry, jocund ...1804 Sc.
adj. 2. attractive, 'taking' ...1831 colloq.
adj. 3. occurring in snatches, fitful, spasmodic ...1872 colloq.
adj. 4. that catches or entraps; deceptive ...1885 colloq.
adj. 5. of weather: changeable, unpredictable ...1894 Amer. dial.
adj. 6. impatient, irritable ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CATCHY NUMBER n. 1. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 2. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCLAW AND UNDERBRUSH n. a branch railroad that is not very important ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-CLAWED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT CLEANING n. a hurried or partial cleaning ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CAT DOCTOR n. a mechanic who services track-laying vehicles, as Caterpillar tractors; a tractor mechanic ...1956 US sl.
• CATE † n. a delicacy, a tidbit ...1634
† vb. to prepare or dress food ...1617
• CATECHISM n. a course of question and answer; a course of interrogation put to candidates, etc. ...1596
• CATECHIZE vb. 1. to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
† vb. 2. to instruct orally in any subject ...1621
• CATER vb. to move diagonally or obliquely ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATERBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATERCAWNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORN adv. diagonally, across from ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORNER adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1888 Amer. dial.
• CATER-CORNERED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1899 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATER-COUSIN n. 1. an intimate friend ...1547
n. 2. (doubtful) a fourth cousin; a remote relation ...18C
• CATERING adj. diagonal; askew ...1966 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CATERPILLAR vb. 1. to have goose-flesh ...1891 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to depart silently ...1902 US sl.
• CATERPILLAR'S KIMONO n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATERWAMPUST adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CATERWAUL vb. to roam at night, as in search of sexual partners ...1785 sl.
• CATERWAY adv. diagonally across an intersection of two streets ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATES † n. things purchased; such provisions as were not made in the house, but had to be purchased fresh when wanted, as meat, fish, etc.; hence, all provisions except the home produce of the baker and brewer; dainties, delicacies; in later use, sometimes merely victuals, food ...1465
• CAT-EYE n. a late-night work-shift ...1977 US sl.
• CAT-EYED adj. 1. cautious ...1934 US West. sl.
adj. 2. having watchful eyes ...1944 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. having piercing or sharp eyes ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATFACE n. 1. a wrinkle or pucker left on a garment when ironed improperly ...1952 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
n. 2. mushrooms that grow out like brackets from the sides of trees ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 3. the pattern of cracks that develop naturally on a tomato around the stem ...1973 Amer. dial.
• CAT FEATHERS n. soft rolls of dust that collect on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATFIGHT n. the most informal of occasions; one requiring the least dressing-up ...1981 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH n. one who talks too much, or too loud ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH CLOUD n. a long trailing cloud in the sky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATFISH ROW n. a section of a town where Black residents live ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CAT FIT n. a burst of joy, or, more often, anger; a conniption fit ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CAT FUR, DID YOU EVER SEE IT ON DOGS phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT n. 1. bad whisky; rotgut ...1924 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a rawhide rope ...1961 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT-SCRAPER n. a fiddler ...18C jocular colloq.
• CAT HAIR n. money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HAMMED adj. 1. of animals: having crooked hind legs, so that the hocks knock together in walking ...1695
adj. 2. awkward, clumsy, fumbling, without dexterity ...1746 Eng. dial.
• CATHEAD n. 1. a biscuit, esp. a large one ...1930 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fool ...1950s US sl.
n. 3. the last piece of food left on a plate ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATHEADS n. the female breasts ...E19 sl.
• CATHEDRAL adj. antique, ancient, out-of-date ...L17 sl.
• CATHERINE HAYES n. a drink made of claret, sugar and nutmeg/orange ...M19 Aust.
• CATHERINE WHEEL n. the vagina ...L19 sl.
• CAT HIDE n. a paper dollar ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATHLEEN MAVOUREEN SYSTEM n. hire purchase ...1920s sl.
• CATHOLE n. a deep place in a river, creek, pond, etc. ...1842 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HOP n. mild bucking of a horse ..1949 Amer. dial.
• CAT-HOUSE n. 1. a brothel ...1931 sl.
n. 2. a garage for a tractor or similar vehicle ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CATHUMP! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT ICE n. thin ice of a milky white appearance in shallow places, from under which the water has receded ...1884
• CATIFAWGUS adj. askew, awry, out of kilter ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• CATILLATE † vb. to lick dishes ...1623
• CAT IN A BAG n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT IN A SACK n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT IN THE BAG n. something one buys or trades without being able to see it; hence, something to be wary of ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATISH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CAT JABBER n. a bayonet ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAT LICK n. (often derogatory) a Catholic ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CAT-LICKER n. (often derogatory) a Catholic ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING, A phr. there are certain things which an inferior may do in the presence of a superior ...1562
• CAT MEWING † n. a catcall ...1851 Amer. dial.
• CAT-MIRER n. a very heavy rain ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATNIP FIT n. a conniption fit; a fit of anger ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATOOCH n. a cartridge box ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CATOUSE n. an uproar, a commotion, a din, tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAW n. a dupe, a stooge; one who does dirty work for someone else ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAW PLANT n. ground ivy ...1977 Amer. dial.
• CAT PAWS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT POISON n. meanness ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CAT-RAN-THROUGH-THE-GARRET RELATION n. a distant relative ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1919 US sl.
• CAT'S ADENOIDS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATS AND KEYS n. the fruit of the ash tree ...1695 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S ASS n. 1. (derogatory) a self-important person ...1967 Amer. dial.
n. 2 a hickey ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S ASS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1967 sl., orig. US
• CAT’S BALLS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1962 sl., orig. US
• CAT'S CRADLE, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S CUFFLINKS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT SENSE n. common sense ...1963 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S EYEBROWS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S FACE n. 1. a violet ...1900 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a wrinkle or pucker left on a garment when ironed improperly ...1952 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• CAT'S FALLEN ARCHES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S FIDDLE phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FOOT n. ground ivy ...1876 Amer. dial.
int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, dissent, or disapproval ...1877 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR, EVER SEE IT ON PUPPIES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR ON A PUMPHANDLE phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES phr. 1. a nonsensical reply to a child's question, "What's that for", esp. when 'for' is pronounced 'fur' ...1942 Amer. dial.
phr. 2. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE KITTEN BRITCHES, DO YOU WANT THE FIRST PAIR phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S FUR TO MAKE WHISTLE BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S GALOSHES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S GAME n. a tied game of tic-tac-toe ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S-HEADS n. a woman's breasts ...1891 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S HIND FOOT! int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, dissent, or disapproval ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S ICE n. thin ice of a milky white appearance in shallow places, from under which the water has receded ...1884
• CAT'S INSTEPS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S JUMP n. a short distance ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S-KEYS n. the fruit of the ash tree ...1695
• CAT-SKIN n. an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• CAT-SLEEP n. a catnap ...1837
• CAT'S LIGHT n. twilight ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S MEAT n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAT’S MEOW, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1921 sl., orig. US
• CATS' NEST n. a house of ill repute ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CAT-SNIFTER n. a very short space of time ...1867 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S NIGHTSHIRT, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT’S NOUNS! int. an oath of avoidance; By God’s wounds! ...18C
• CAT’S NUTS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1928 sl., orig. US
• CATSO † n. 1. a base fellow; a rogue, rascal, scamp ...1602 sl.
† n. 2. the penis ...1702 sl.
† int. an exclamation; What! God forbid! ...1708 sl.
• CATSOOD adj. drunk; drunk on four sous (French quatre sous) ,,,20C Brit. military sl.
• CAT'S PAJAMAS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S-PAW n. 1. a small patch of ripple on the water from a slight breeze ...1769 nautical
n. 2. one who is used by another to accomplish his purposes; a dupe, a tool ...1785
n. 3. that which comes down like the paw of a cat upon its victim ...1821
n. 4. good-looking seamen employed to entice volunteers ...nautical
n. 5. ground ivy ...1876 Amer. dial.
• CAT’S PYJAMAS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1922 sl., orig. US
• CAT-SQUIRREL n. the common squirrel ...1882 Eng. dial.
• CAT'S ROLLER SKATES, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S SLEEP n. a sham sleep ...1827
• CAT STABBER n. a bayonet ...Bk2004 Amer. World War I sl.
• CAT'S TAIL n. a tied game of tic-tac-toe ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TAILS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATSTEP n. a small terrace on a hill ...1939 Amer. dial.
vb. to walk quietly ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CATSTICK n. a piece of kindling ...1832 Amer. dial.
• CAT-STITCHED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TONSILS, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT STOOL n. a mushroom that grows out like brackets from the sides of trees ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TRACK n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S TWISTER, THE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAT'S UNCLE n. a criminal ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WATER n. gin ...1849 sl.
• CAT'S WHISKER n. a person who feels important ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WHISKERS n. a person who feels important ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• CAT'S WHISKER, THE n. someone or something that is splendid or stylish; the height of excellence ...1923 US sl.
• CAT’S WHISKERS, THE n. an excellent person or thing ...1923 sl., orig. US
• CATTA-CORNER adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTA-CORNERED adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTAIL n. 1. ground ivy ...1959 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a small running stream, smaller than a creek ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAT TAILS n. balls of dust ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATTAWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1884 Amer. dial.
• CATTER n. 1. a tramp who clings to the outside of railway cars ...1916 tramps' sl.
n. 2. a woman-chaser ...1916 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally or obliquely ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATTERBATTER vb. to wrangle good-humouredly ...19C Sc.
• CATTERCORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTER-CORNERED adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1901 Amer. dial.
• CATTERING adv. diagonally ...1894 Amer. dial.
• CATTERWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CATTIBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTICORNER adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CATTICORNERED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTIE n. a mail-order catalogue ...1988 UK sl.
• CATTING CLOTHES n. a person's best clothes ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTIWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1950 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CATTLE n. 1. people ...1673 sl.
n. 2. women who are prostitutes ...1677 sl.
n. 3. in horse racing: racehorses ...1821 sl.
n. 4. women in general ...E20 US criminals’ sl.
n. 5. a term of contempt ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. to coit ...L17 Brit. sl.
• CATTLE BOAT n. 1. a troop transport ship ...1944 US military sl.
n. 2. a party boat ...1970 US commercial fishermen's jargon
• CATTLE CALL n. in theatre and film: a casting call; also, a mass audition ...1952 US sl.
• CATTLE DOG n. 1. a catalogue ...1984 Aust. sl.
n. 2. a Catholic school student ...1998 NZ sl.
• CATTLE-MILL vb. to go round in a circle, as cattle in a herd do ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CATTLE-TRUCK n. an act of copulation ...20C rhyming sl. for ‘fuck’
vb. to coit ...20C rhyming sl. for ‘fuck’
• CAT-TONGUE n. a very long and slender small oyster ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CAT TRACK n. any eye disease ...1919 Amer. dial.
• CAT-TRACKER n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-TRACKING SNOW n. a light fall of snow ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY adj. 1. stylish; well-dressed ...1918 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. spry, agile, active, lively ...1939 Amer. dial.
n. an expert in logging jobs ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BICEY adv. diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-BYWARD adj. diagonal ...1952 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNED adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNER adj. 1. out of sorts, ill-tempered, annoyed, upset ...1884 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. diagonal, in the opposite corner; askew, awry ...1945 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. triangular ...1969 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. to move diagonally ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNERED adj. 1. diagonal, in the opposite corner; askew, awry ...1838 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. out of sorts, ill-tempered, annoyed, upset ...1954 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. triangular ...1954 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, across from ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CORNERS adj. out of line, askew, awry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CROSS adv. diagonally ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-CUE adj. askew, awry, out of line ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-GODLIN adj. askew, awry, out of line ...1967 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-KER-WAMPUS adj. leaning, out of line, askew, awry ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-STRANGLING adv. diagonally across ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CATTY TAIL n. a whip, probably imaginary, used to threaten children and make them behave ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMP adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPERED adj. 1. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPING adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWAMPUS adj. 1. askew, awry, wrong ...1911 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. crosswise, diagonal ...1911 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. an imaginary monster; a hobgoblin ..1941 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WATTY n. rubbish, nonsense ...1870 Eng. dial.
• CATTY-WAYS adv. diagonally ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WEST adv. crookedly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPER adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPERED TO adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1965 Amer. dial.
adv. diagonally, obliquely ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATTY-WHISTLING adv. diagonally ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWHOMPY adv. diagonally, obliquely ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• CATTYWOBBLE adv. diagonally, obliquely ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• CAT WAGON n. a travelling brothel; a wagon that carried women of easy virtue who plied their trade along the cattle trials or on the range ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CAT WALK n. a strutting style of walking, intended to emphasize one's pride, independence, and masculinity ...1960s US Black sl.
• CATWANKER n. a general term of derision ...1990s sl.
• CAT-WEST adv. into disarray, confusion, or destruction ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CAT-WHIPPER n. one who whinges over their misfortunes ...20C Aust. sl.
• CAT-WITTED adj. small-minded, obstinate, and spiteful; silly and conceited; harebrained, whimsical ...1673
• CATY-CORNER adv. diagonally, across from ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CATZERIE n. roguery ...L16 sl.
• CATZO n. 1. a rogue; a ne’er-do-well ...E17 Brit. sl.
n. 2. the penis ...17C Brit.
• CAUC n. a Caucasian, a White person ...1980s US sl.
• CAUDGE-PAWED adj. left-handed ...M17 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAUDLE OF HEMP-SEED n. 1. hanging ...L16 jocular
n. 2. the hangman's noose ...17C sl.
• CAUGHT adj. 1. pregnant ...1940 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAUGHT A FOX adj. drunk ...L17 sl.
• CAUGHT HOLDING ONE'S DICK vb. to be caught in an embarrassing or generally disadvantageous situation ...20C US sl.
• CAUGHT IN A SNOWSTORM adj. intoxicated with cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAUGHT IN THE WEWOKA SWITCH phr. utterly lost; in an untenable, dangerous, or disadvantageous position ...1951 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT RED-HANDY phr. having been caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT SHORT adj. expecting a child out of wedlock ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CAUGHT WITH ONE’S PANTS DOWN phr. said of a person caught doing something which he ought not to be doing, or ought to be doing in private ...20C
• CAULIFLOWER n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAULIFLOWER-EAR n. an ear swollen by blows ...1896 sl.
• CAULIFLOWER ROW n. champion prize fighters ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CAULK a short sleep ...1917 nautical sl.
vb. to copulate ..,19C Brit. sl.
• CAULK A NOD vb. to take a nap, to sleep; to go to bed ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAULKED adj. exhausted ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CAULKER n. 1. a drink of liquor ...1851 Amer. dial.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAULK OFF vb. to take a nap, to sleep; to go to bed ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CAUPONATE † vb. 1. to deal like a huckster with; to traffic in for the sake of gain ...1653
† vb. 2. to hold an eating-house; to sell liquor or victuals ...1656
• CAUSE OF CAUSES n. love ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAUSE THE EYES TO STAND BACKWATER IN ONE'S HEAD vb. to do one's utmost, to do the most that one is able ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CAUSEY-PAIKER n. a street-walker ...Bk1909 Sc.
• CAUTCH n. food improperly cooked or otherwise ruined ...1891 Amer. dial.
• CAUTELOUS † adj. 1. deceitful, crafty, sly, cunning, artful, wily ...1380s obs. or arch.
† adj. 2. cautious, wary, heedful, prudent ...1574 obs. or arch.
• CAUTION n. an unusual or remarkable person, action, or occurrence ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CAUTION STRIP n. the separating area in the middle of a four lane road ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAVALIER n. an easy-hitting boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CAVALIER STATE n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAVALLO n. a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CAVASCACIOUS said of something that is pleasant or agreeable ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CAVAULT vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CAVAULTING n. copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAVAULTING SCHOOL n. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
• CAVE n. 1. the female genitals; specifically, the vagina and especially if large ...20C US sl.
n. 2. women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
n. 3. a cellar suitable for keeping foodstuffs ...1933 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a landslide ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 5. an underground shelter ...1965 Amer. dial.
vb. to rave, to rage, to get in a passion; to be angry, to make a rumpus ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CAVE AROUND vb. to rave, to rage, to get in a passion; to be angry, to make a rumpus ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CAVE-IN n. a landslide ...1957 Amer. dial.
• CAVE MAN n. 1. a strong, virile man, esp. one bearing much body hair or body hair in unusual places ...L19 sl.
n. 2. (usually as 'caveman') a violent person; a thug; a ruffian ...1926 sl.
• CAVE-OFF n. a landslide ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAVE OF HARMONY n. the female genitals ...19C sl.
• CAVILLOUS † adj. unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• CAVING adv. extremely ...1907 Amer. dial.
• CAVOLTING n. copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• CAVORT vb. to rage, to create a disturbance ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CAVORTION n. rough behaviour, rude manners ...1908 Amer. dial.
• CAW! int. come!; used to call cows ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CAWBAWN adj. big ...Bk1892 Aust. bush sl.
• CAWDEY n. a shrewd, crafty little boy ...1924 Ireland
• CAWDY n. a lad or man who waits about on the lookout for chance employment as a messenger, errand-boy, etc.; esp. a golf-attendant ...1730 Sc.
• CAWHALUX! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• CAWLIE n. 1. a boy...18C Sc.
n. 2. a term of contempt for a man; a disreputable fellow ...1789 Sc.
• CAYL vb. to be in poor health, to suffer ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAYLEY n. a call, a friendly visit, chat, gossip among neighbours ...1843 Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• CAYNARD † n. a lazy fellow, a sluggard; a worthless fellow, a rascal, a scoundrel; a term of reproach ...1303
• CAYUSE n. 1. a range horse; an Indian pony ...1843 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a racehorse ...Bk1942 Amer. turf sl.
vb. of a horse: to buck ...1961 Amer. dial.
• CAZ n. cheese ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• CAZE n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
• CAZEN n. cause ...1911 Amer. dial.
vb. to cause ...1911 Amer. dial.
• CAZH adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1981 Amer. campus sl.
• CAZZARDLY adj. 1. precarious, risky, uncertain ...1849 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: changeable, unsettled ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• C.B. n. an attempt to interfere with another man's woman (Cock-Block) ...M20 US sl.
• CC PUSHER n. a rear-echelon member of the US Army Medical Corps ...1941 US Army sl.
• C.D.F. n. common sense (common dry fuck) ...1930 Royal Navy usage
• CEASE vb. 1. to die ...1927 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. of wind: to decrease ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CEASE BREATHING vb. to die ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CEASDED adj. deceased ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CEASED adj. deceased, dead ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CECIL n. cocaine ...M20 US sl.
• CEDAR BIRD vb. to deceive or trick; to make a patsy or fall guy of someone ...1984 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR CHOPPER n. a rustic, a countrified person; an insignificant person ...1962 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR ROBE n. a wardrobe made of cedar ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CEDAR SAVAGE n. 1. in logging: a man who cuts or peels cedar logs, poles, or posts ...1956 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a farmer; a rustic ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CEE n. cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CEILING n. an attic, a loft ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• 'CEITFUL adj. deceitful ...1922 Amer. dial.
• CELEB n. a celebrity ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CELEBERRIMOUS †* adj. very or most celebrated ...1768
• CELEBRIOUS † adj. 1. of a ceremony, festival, etc.: attended or observed by throngs; festive ...1555
† adj. 2. of a place or assembly: crowded, thronged, frequented ...1627
adj. 3. well-known, famous, renowned, noted ...1608 arch. or Eng. dial.
• CELEBRITY-FUCKER n. a person, typically a young woman, who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse with film stars or other celebrities; broadly, a hanger-on among celebrities ...1969 Amer. sl.
• CELEBRITY ROT n. what happens when an entertainer ages and is no longer able to perform as well as when younger ...1983 Amer. sl.
• CELERIPEDEAN † adj. swift-footed, nimble-heeled ...1656
† n. one who is swift-footed ...1623
• CELL vb. to live in a cell; to share a cell ...1901 Amer. prison sl.
• CELL 13 n. a padded cell ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CELLAR n. the female genitals; the vagina ...19C Brit. sl.
• CELLAR, THE n. last place in league standing according to games won ...1907 Amer. sports usage, orig. baseball
• CELLAR BANG n. a sloping outside cellar door ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CELLAR CASE n. an outside entrance to a cellar, with a sloping door ...1890 Eng. dial.
• CELLAR CORDIAL n. alcohol ...1900s Aust. sl.
• CELLAR-DOOR n. the female genitals; the hymen ...19C Brit. sl.
• CELLAR-FLAP n. a tap-dance ...M19 rhyming sl.
vb. to borrow ...20C rhyming sl. for 'tap'
• CELLAR NECK n. an indoor or outdoor entrance to a cellar ...1886 Amer. dial.
• CELLAR SMELLER n. 1. a Prohibition agent or temperance campaigner ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. a young man who is always on hand for free liquor ...1920s US sl.
• CELLAR SNIFFER n. a Prohibition agent or temperance campaigner ...1920s US sl.
• CELLAR WAY n. an indoor or outdoor entrance to a cellar ...1761 Amer. dial.
• CELL GANGSTER n. one who poses as tough while in their cell but follows orders elsewhere ...2000s US prison sl.
• CELLIE n. a cellmate ...1966 Amer. prison sl.
• CELL WARRIOR n. one who poses as tough while in their cell but follows orders elsewhere ...2000s US prison sl.
• CEMENT CITY n. a cemetery ...1975 Amer. sl.
• CEMENTHEAD n. a blockhead, a fool, a stupid person ...1949 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-HEADED adj. stupid, foolish ...1962 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT KIMONO n. a block of cement in which gangsters have concealed the body of a murdered person ...1952 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-MIXER n. 1. a noisy, rickety, rough-riding vehicle or vessel ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 2. an overweight belligerent woman ...1967 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT OVERCOAT n. a block of cement in which gangsters have concealed the body of a murdered person ...1969 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT OVERSHOES n. a block of cement used by gangsters to weigh down the feet of a murdered person before disposal in a body of water ...1962 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT SHOES n. a block of cement used by gangsters to weigh down the feet of a murdered person before disposal in a body of water ...1975 Amer. sl.
• CEMENT-TARY n. a cemetery ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CEMENT TREE n. a cemetery ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CENATICAL * adj. pertaining to dinner or supper ...1725
• CENATION † n. meal-taking; dining, supping ...1599
• CENATORY †* adj. pertaining to dinner or supper ...1650
• CENTERFIELD vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1930s US sl.
• CENTERFIELD ON vb. to copulate orally with ...1934 Amer. sl.
• CENTER LEAD n. the forehead ...1920s US rhyming sl.
• CENTERMAN n. a prisoner who toadies to the guards ...20C Can. & US prison sl.
• CENTER PARK n. the divider that separates opposing lanes of traffic on a four-lane, or larger, road; a median strip ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CENTER SHOT n. a marksman who can hit the centre of a target ...1842 Amer. dial. arch.
• CENTIPEES n. a tailor of soldiers' clothing ...L18 sl.
• CENT-PER-CENT n. a usurer ...L17 sl.
• CENT-PER-CENTER n. a usurer ...L17 sl.
• CENTRAL CUT n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRAL FURROW n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRAL OFFICE n. the vagina ...M18 sl.
• CENTRE OF ATTRACTION n. the female genitals ...19C US sl.
• CENTRE OF BLISS n. the female genitals ...c1790 colloq.
• CENTS n. a dollar ...1957 Amer. jocular
• CENTUPLICATE adj. hundred fold, a hundred times as much or as many ...1835
n. a hundredfold, a hundred times the amount or number ...1882
vb. to multiply or increase a hundred times ...c1645
• CENTURION n. in cricket: one who scores 100 or over ...c1885 colloq.
• CENTURY n. 1. £100 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. $100; $100 bill ...1859 Amer. sl.
• CENTURY NOTE n. a $100 bill ...1908 US sl.
• CERAUNIC adj. pertaining to or accompanied by thunder and lightning ...1748
• CEREB n. an overdiligent student ...1980 US college sl.
• CEREVISIOUS adj. pertaining to beer ...1841 nonce word
• CERT n. in sports: a sure winner, as a racehorse ...a1889 US sl.
int. certainly! yes, indeed! ...1879 US sl.
• CERTAIN AND DECLARE adv. most certainly; decidedly ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CERTATION † n. contention, strife ...1572
• CERTIFIABLE adj. so deranged as to be officially certified insane ...1939 colloq.
• CERTIORATE vb. to certify; to inform authoritatively or positively; to assure ...1637
• CERVISIAL adj. pertaining to beer, of beer ...1784 humorous
• CESPITATE †* vb. to stumble; to 'hit one's foot against a turf' ...1623
• CESS n. cease, cessation ...1912 Amer. dial.
• CESSIVE †* adj. of a yielding quality ...1678
• CFB adj. very clear indeed (Clear as a Frapping Bell) ...1980 US Air Force sl.
• C.G.I. n. a strong desire to throw oneself upon the ship's deck during a dive-bombing attack (Corticene-Grabber's Itch) ...1940 Royal Aust. Navy usage
• C.H. n. a conquering hero ...1882 colloq.
• CHA n. tea ...1919 Brit. sl.
int. used for registering impatience, disdain, or disappointment ...1827 Jamaica
• CHABOBS n. a woman's breasts ...1962 US sl.
• CHA-CHA adj. stylish; nifty; chi-chi ...1967 US sl.
n. a green grasshopper ...1944 Amer. dial.
• CHA-CHA-CHA! int. a call to animals to urge them forward or urge them to come ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAD n. the small bit of paper released when a ballot is punched, or a paper punch is used ...1980 Amer. dial.
• CHAETOPHOROUS adj. 1. in need of a shave ...19C
adj. 2. bristle-bearing ...1877
• CHAFF n. 1. nonsense, humbug, foolishness, ridicule; small, unimportant things or acts ...1859 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the fallen needles from pine trees ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. to talk nonsense, to joke; to banter, to tease, to make fun of; to trick, to deceive ...1872 Amer. dial.
• CHAFF-CUTTING n. joking, jesting, playing on words ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFER n. the mouth ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFEY adj. boisterous, happy, jolly; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHAFFING n. talking; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHAFFING CRIB n. a drinking room where quizzing or bantering is carried on ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAFFY adj. 1. boisterous, happy, jolly; bantering ...1859 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of tobacco: light, thin, straw-coloured ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAGALAG n. an old broken-down car ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN n. the matched dominoes in play ...sl.
• CHAIN DISHCLOTH n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN DISHRAG n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAINED LIGHTNING n. strong, usually inferior, liquor ...1843 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN-JERK n. real or imagined mutual masturbation in which several males lie adjacent to each other; each individual grasps another's penis ...1938 US sl.
• CHAIN LIGHTNING n. 1. something that moves at great speed ...1834 Amer. dial.
n. 2. cheap potent whisky or rum ...1837 US sl.
n. 3. torment or misery, esp. a severe scolding; hell ...1866 US sl.
n. 4. a person who is extremely adept or formidable ...1891 US sl.
• CHAIN-LOCKER n. a cellar barroom; a dive ...1868 US nautical sl.
• CHAIN OF LIGHTNING n. a yellow jacket ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN SCRATCHER n. a scouring pad ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN SCRUBBER n. a scouring pad made of small interconnected links ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR n. a cowboy's saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR, THE n. an electric chair; hence, death by electrocution ...1895 US colloq.
• CHAIRBACK n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBACKER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1955 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBACK PREACHER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRBORNE adj. sedentary; assigned to rear-echelon clerical or administrative duty ...1943 US military sl.
• CHAIRBORNE COMMANDO n. a clerk-typist or administrative officer; used derisively ...1945 US Army sl.
• CHAIRBORNE INFANTRY n. desk men in general; used derisively ...1944 US Army sl.
• CHAIRBORNE RANGER n. a clerk-typist or administrative officer; used derisively ...1972 US Army sl.
• CHAIR-FAST adj. confined to a chair; unable to move around on one's own ...1937 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRLIS THE MANE † n. Charles the Great, Charlemagne ...c1475 Sc.
• CHAIR-POUNDER n. a desk worker; used derisively ...1919 US sl.
• CHAIR PUSHER n. an unprofessional, part-time lay preacher ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHAIR WALK n. the game of musical chairs ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAIRWARMER n. a person who sits or lounges idly in a chair; an idler, a loafer; used derisively ...1896 US sl.
• CHALDEE vb. to trick; to swindle ...M17 sl.
• CHALE! int. no! never! ...1950 US
• CHALEWA n. marijuana pipe, usually made from coconut shell and tubing, used ritually by Rastas ...2001 Jamaica
• CHALFONTS n. haemorrhoids ...1980 UK rhyming sl. for 'piles' (Chalfont St. Giles)
• CHALFONT ST. GILES n. haemorrhoids ...1980 UK rhyming sl. for 'piles'
• CHALK n. 1. a quarter of a dollar ...1796 US sl.
n. 2. milk or cream ...1934 US jocular
n. 3. a lecture on football by a coach to the players ...1934 US sl.
n. 4. a White person; used contemptuously ...1945 US Black sl.
• CHALK, THE n. 1. the fashion ...1840 US sl.
n. 2. something that is genuine; truth ...1843 US sl.
• CHALK EATER n. in horse racing: a bettor who bets only on favourites ...1937 US sl.
• CHALKER n. 1. one who, at night, slashes the face of innocent citizens; generally in plural ...18C Ireland
n. 2. a London milkman ...c1850
• CHALK-EYE vb. to act as golf caddy ...1924 Amer. dial.
• CHALK FARM n. the arm ...1857 rhyming sl.
• CHALKIE n. a schoolteacher ...c1930 Aust. sl.
• CHALKIES n. 1. the teeth ...1843 US sl.
n. 2. mere tally marks as opposed to actual stakes ...1982 US juvenile sl.
• CHALK OFF vb. to leave ...1840 US sl.
• CHALK OUT vb. 1. to kill a person ...1940 US sl.
vb. 2. to die ...1941 US sl.
• CHALK TALK n. a lecture on football by a coach to the players ...1934 US sl.
• CHALK THE LAMPPOST vb. to pay a bribe ...1857 US sl.
• CHALK WATER n. thin milk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHALKY adj. brittle; easily broken ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHALK YOUR PULL! int. hold on! steady! ...1887 printers' jargon
• CHALUBBIES n. a woman's breasts ...1972 US sl.
• CHAMBER n. 1. a chamber pot ...1829 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person's face ...1969 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a cow's udder ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER BUCKET n. a chamber pot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER LYE n. urine ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBERMAID n. 1. a person who does the daily cleaning chores in a stable ...1928 Amer. dial.
n. 2. on the railroad: a machinist in roundhouse ...1943 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBERMAID TO THE MULES n. a stable caretaker ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER MUG n. a chamber pot ...1948 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER MUSIC n. the sound of a chamber-pot being used ...L19 sl.
• CHAMBER OF COMMERCE n. a lavatory ...1900s US Black & campus sl.
• CHAMBER OF HORRORS n. 1. sausages ...19C sl.
n. 2. the Peeresses' Gallery at the House of Lords ...L19 UK sl.
• CHAMBER PAIL n. a chamber pot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHAMBER POT n. a steel helmet ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAMBERWORK n. housework; housecleaning ...1870 Amer. dial.
• CHAMELEON DIET n. a poor diet ...L17 sl.
• CHAMMERDINO n. a slap on the cheek ...19C gypsy
• CHAMMING n. drinking champagne (to excess) ...M19 sl.
• CHAMP adj. first-rate ...1930s US sl.
n. 1. appetite ...L19 sl.
n. 2. an excellent, first-rate person; often used as a form of address ...1910s sl.
n. 3. a drug user who refuses to reveal their sources to the police ...1960s drugs sl.
n. 4. one who does things to excess ...1990s US campus
• CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE n. 1. a devotee of champagne ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a debauchee, a dissipated man ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE COUNTRY n. self-indulgence in eating and drinking ...E19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE COUPONS n. money ...1950s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE GLASS n. a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNER n. a fashionable prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNE SHOULDERS n. sloping shoulders ...L19 UK society sl.
• CHAMPAGNE SOCIALIST n. one who preaches socialism but espouses a capitalist lifestyle ...1990s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE TRICK n. a particularly wealthy or generous client for a prostitute ...1990s sl.
• CHAMPAGNE WEATHER n. bad weather ...L19 UK society sl.
• CHAMP AT THE BIT vb. to be eager or impatient to start ...c1645
• CHAMPER OFF vb. to chop, rasp, or hack away bit by bit ...1914 Amer. dial.
• CHAMPERS n. champagne ...1955 Brit. sl.
• CHAMPIES n. mashed potatoes ...1888 Sc.
• CHAMPION adj. first-rate, excellent ...L19
adv. excellently, perfectly ...L19
n. 1. the penis ...1900s sl.
n. 2. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAMPION SLUMP OF 1897 n. the motorcar ...L19 sl.
• CHAMP PUG n. a champion boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• CHAMPY n. champagne ...L19 US sl.
• CHANCE n. 1. a specimen, an example ...1830 Amer. dial.
n. 2. doubt ...1923 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE ALONG n. a fair wind with favourable weather ...1975 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE BLOW n. an illegitimate child ...1852 Amer. dial.
• CHANCE CHILD n. an illegitimate child ...M19 sl.
• CHANCE HER vb. to take risks, to gamble ...E19 sl.
• CHANCE IT vb. to take risks, to gamble ...E19 sl.
• CHANCE OFF vb. to raffle something off ...1930s Amer. dial.
• CHANCE ONE'S ARM vb. to take risks ...L19 sl.
• CHANCE ONE'S MITT vb. to take risks ...L19 sl.
• CHANCER n. 1. someone who does outrageous or dishonest things at high risk of discovery ...1884 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a bet, a wager ...1990s sl.
• CHANCY adj. 1. doubtful, uncertain ...1903 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. lucky, fortunate; good-natured ...1928 Amer. dial.
• C. H. AND D. adj. cold, hungry, and dry ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHANG † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. a fool ...a1225
• CHANGE n. 1. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. dessert ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to castrate ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to spay a domestic animal ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CHANGEABLE SEAT COVERS n. diapers ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHANGE A FLY INTO AN ELEPHANT vb. to undertake an impossible task ...1809
• CHANGEANT †* adj. changing ...c1620
• CHANGED adj. of milk: slightly sour ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE OFF vb. of the wind: to alter in direction; to decrease in velocity ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHANGES n. menstruation ...1930 Amer. dial. euphemism
• CHANGE SOMEONE'S FACE vb. to beat and disfigure someone's face ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CHANGE-UP n. a change ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. (as 'change up')
vb. 1. to exchange; to shift positions ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to reform, to do better ...1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to change one's clothes ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE WORDS vb. to exchange words, to speak ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHANGE WORK n. an exchange of labour ...1947 Amer. dial.
vb. to give and receive help reciprocally ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING CHAIRS n. the game of musical chairs ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING LIFE n. menopause ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHANGING-PIECE † n. a term of contempt for one who is fickle or changeable ...17C
• CHANK † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. 1. a fool ...a1225
n. 2. a noisy or forceful act of chewing or biting ...1950 Amer. dial.
vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHANKINGS n. the rejected parts or chewed remains of fruit, esp. apples, and occasionally other foods ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHANNER n. 1. gravel ...19C Sc. & Irish
n. 2. the suppressed noise between a bark and a whine which a dog makes when watching for a rat ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 3. strife, querulousness; complaining ...1891 Sc.
vb. to mutter, grumble, murmur, fret, complain; to scold, not noisily, but constantly; to chide ...c1375 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CHANTIE n. a chamber-pot ...Bk1896 Sc.
• CHAOUI n. a raccoon ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CHAP n. 1. a male person, a fellow ...1704, now mainly Brit.
n. 2. a young woman; a girl ...1860 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a young child, a baby ...1883 Amer. dial.
vb. to produce children ...1964 Amer. dial.
• CHAPARRAL n. a tangle, a thicket ...1875 Amer. dial.
• CHAPARRAL FOX n. a sneak, or a sly, tricky person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPERON n. the professed gallant of a married woman ...M18 sl.
• CHAPESS n. a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular
• CHAPLAIN'S MATE n. a sailor of pronounced religious tendencies ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CHAPO adj. short, chubby, chunky ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. a short, chubby person or horse ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CHAPPED adj. thirsty ...c1670 sl.
• CHAPPER n. the mouth ...1909 London sl.
† vb. to drink ...1909 London sl.
• CHAPPER-COT n. a bedstead with curtains ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• CHAPPIE n. 1. orig. a little fellow ...c1820
n. 2. a chap, a fellow ...c1880
n. 3. a child, a young person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPPOW n. a raid ...c1860 Anglo-Indian
• CHAPPRON † n. an impudent fellow ...c1460
• CHAPPY adj. talkative ...L17 colloq.
n. 1. a chap, a fellow ...c1880
n. 2. a child, a young person ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAPS ME THAT! int. I claim that! ...M19 Sc. children's colloq.
• CHAP SOMEONE'S ASS vb. to irritate or annoy someone ...1961 US sl.
• CHAP SOMEONE'S REAR vb. to irritate or annoy someone ...1961 US sl.
• CHAPT adj. thirsty ...c1670 sl.
• CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS, THE n. the unforeseen course of events ...1871
• CHAPULIN n. 1. a grasshopper ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person of a mean or petty disposition ...1932 Amer. dial.
• CHAR n. 1. a charwoman; a woman hired to do general cleaning ...c1875
n. 2. tea ...L19 army colloq.
vb. to come in to do cleaning work in a house, shop, office, or institution ...1732
• CHARACTER n. 1. an eccentric or odd person ...1773 colloq.
n. 2. (often mildly derogatory) a person ...1931 sl.
• CHARACTERED adj. branded on the hand ...18C cant
• CHARACTERS n. one's references, as regards employment ...20C colloq.
• CHAR AND WADS † n. tea and buns ....L19 sl.
• CHARCOAL n. (derogatory) a Black person; one with dark skin ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL BLOSSOM n. (derogatory) a young Black woman ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL BURNER n. a rustic, a hillbilly ...1962 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL-LILY n. (derogatory) a Black boy very dark in colour ...1900 Amer. dial.
• CHARCOAL NIGGER n. (derogatory) a very dark Black person ...20C US sl.
• CHARCOAL OUT vb. to barbecue ...1980 Amer. dial.
• CHARE vb. to come in to do cleaning work in a house, shop, office, or institution ...1732
• CHARGE n. 1. an amount or quantity of anything consumed ...1887 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a dose or injection of a narcotic ...1925 US sl.
n. 3. an erection of the penis ...20C US sl.
n. 4. marijuana ...c1943 sl.
n. 5. a burst of sexual excitement or an experience of sexual excitement ...M20 US sl.
n. 6. cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
vb. 1. to run at full speed ...c1860 colloq.
vb. 2. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGED adj. 1. feeling the effects of drink; partly drunk ...1879 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. stupefied or drowsy as the result of having taken more narcotics than necessary to produce euphoria ...1938 US drugs sl.
• CHARGED UP adj. 1. partly drunk ...1966 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. under the effect of narcotics ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CHARGED WATER n. weak, inferior liquor ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGEFUL † adj. 1. onerous, burdensome; expensive, costly ...c1529
† adj. 2. full of responsibility; responsible, grave ...1553
• CHARGE IT TO THE DUST AND LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT phr. a flip response when one is not likely to pay for something ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE IT TO THE SAND AND LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT phr. a flip response when one is not likely to pay for something ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE SOMEONE OFF vb. to end or deny a relationship ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHARGE UP vb. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARGING-SCHOOL n. a school where tuition was paid ...1983 Amer. dial.
• CHARING CROSS n. a horse ...1857 rhyming sl. (pronounced 'crorse')
• CHARIOT n. 1. an omnibus ...c1850 sl.
n. 2. a caboose; occasionally a passenger car ...1931 Can. railroadmen's sl.
n. 3. a bed ...c1940 army sl.
n. 4. a motor car ...c1945 jocular
• CHARIOT-BUZZING n. pocket-picking in an omnibus ...c1850 sl.
• CHARITATIVE † adj. 1. of the nature of a charitable gift or donation ...1582
† adj. 2. of the nature of charity, charitable ...1647
• CHARITY DAME n. 1. a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
n. 2. a woman who is sexually accommodating but not a prostitute, who charges a fee; she gives it away ...20C sl.
• CHARITY GIRL n. a sexually promiscuous young woman ...1940s Amer. sl.
• CHARITY MOLL n. a woman who is sexually accommodating but not a prostitute, who charges a fee; she gives it away ...20C sl.
• CHARIVARI n. a noisy celebration or mock serenade for newlyweds ...1843 Amer. dial.
vb. to serenade a newly-married couple with horns, bells, drums, etc. ...1890 Amer. dial.
• CHARLES n. 1. (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
n. 2. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLES DE GAULLE n. the gall-bladder ...1970s jocular
• CHARLES JAMES n. 1. a fox ...L19 rhyming sl. (Charles James Fox)
n. 2, a theatrical box ...L19 rhyming sl. (Charles James Fox)
• CHARLESTON EAGLE n. the buzzard ...1870 Amer. dial.
• CHARLEY adj. afraid ...c1930 sl.
n. 1. a a London watchman before the introduction of the system of police ...c1810 sl.
n. 2. a gold watch ...c1830 cant
n. 3. a small, pointed beard ...c1830 colloq.
n. 4. a fox ...c1850 colloq.
n. 5. a round-shouldered person or figure; a spinal hump ...M19 sl.
n. 6. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
n. 7. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl. on 'cunt' (Charley Hunt)
n. 8. a chamber pot ...20C colloq.
n. 9. an infantryman's pack ...20C army sl.
n. 10. any minor stiffness or pain of the joints or muscles; a Charley horse ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 11. a Japanese soldier; Japanese forces collectively ...1942 US services' sl.
n. 12. a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 13. a male homosexual ...c1945 sl.
n. 14. a stupid or blundering soldier ...c1945 Amer. sl.
n. 15. a foolish person ...1946 sl., chiefly Brit.
n. 16. a bottle or glass of Carlsberg beer ...1950s army in Germany
n. 17. a person from Vietnam; North Vietnamese or Vietcong soldier(s) ...1965 US services' sl.
n. 18. cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY BLOW n. cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY-BOY n. a soft or effeminate young man ...1896 US sl.
• CHARLEY BRADY n. a hat ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'cady'
• CHARLEY COKE n. 1. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
n. 2. a cocaine addict ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY FRISKY n. Scotch whisky; any whisky ...M19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• CHARLEY-HORSE n. 1. a cramp in the arm or leg ...1888 N. Amer.
n. 2. a very hard blow ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHARLEY HUNT n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl. on 'cunt'
• CHARLEY IS DEAD phr. used to caution a girl that her petticoat is showing ...M20 Brit. juvenile jargon
• CHARLEY RONCE n. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce'
• CHARLEY WHEELER n. a girl or woman; one's girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. on 'Sheila'
• CHARLIE adj. afraid ...c1930 sl.
n. 1. a night watchman ...c1810 sl.
n. 2. a gold watch ...c1830 cant
n. 3. a small, pointed beard ...c1830 colloq.
n. 4. a fox ...c1850 colloq.
n. 5. a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
n. 6. a round-shouldered person or figure; a spinal hump ...M19 sl.
n. 7. a breast ..L19 sl.
n. 8. a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
n. 9. cocaine ...1935 sl., orig. US
n. 10. a Japanese soldier; Japanese forces collectively ...1942 US services' sl.
n. 11. a male homosexual ...c1945 sl.
n. 12. a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 13. a bottle or glass of Carlsberg beer ...1950s army in Germany
n. 14. an infantryman's pack ...20C army sl.
n. 15. cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
n. 16. a foolish person ...1946 sl., chiefly Brit.
n. 17. a girl, a young woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
n. 18. White society in general ...M20 US Black sl.
n. 19. a person from Vietnam; North Vietnamese or Vietcong soldier(s) ...1965 US services' sl.
n. 20. (sometimes derogatory) a term of address when a person's name is not known ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 21. a chamber pot ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 22. a dollar ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 23. menstruation ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARLIE BENDER n. a prolonged session of cocaine abuse ...1997 UK sl.
• CHARLIE BIRD n. in the Vietnam war: a helicopter used by a tactical commander ...1974 US sl.
• CHARLIE BLOW n. cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE-BOY n. an effeminate man; patronizing usage ...1896 US sl.
vb. to work as a busboy ...1974 US sl.
• CHARLIE BROWN n. a citizens' band radio set ...1981 UK sl.
int. an exclamation indicating surprise ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE-ON-THE-SPOT n. a reliable, prompt, or punctual person ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHARLIE PADDOCK n. a hasty or unceremonious departure ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE ROCKS n. socks ...1920s US rhyming sl.
• CHARLIE ROUSERS n. trousers ...1920s rhyming sl.
• CHARLIES n. breasts ...1873 sl.
• CHARLIE'S DEAD phr. your slip is showing ...1942 US sl.
• CHARLIE'S SHOWING phr. used as a warning that one's slip is showing ...1967 Amer. sl.
• CHARLIE WHITEHOUSE n. a chamber pot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARM n. a premonition of death, a 'Banshee' ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CHARMER n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING EYEFUL n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING HANDFUL n. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING LAPFUL n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING MOTTLE n. a bottle ...c1880 Aust. rhyming sl.
• CHARMING WIFE n. a knife ...1914 rhyming sl.
• CHARMS n. 1. a woman’s breasts ...18C sl.
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHARM STICK n. a divining rod ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHARP n. a bed ...c1920 army sl.
• CHARPERER n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING CARSEY n. a police station ...c1870 sl.
• CHARPERING OMEE n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING OMER n. a policeman ...c1860 sl.
• CHARPERING OMI n. a policeman ...L19 sl.
• CHARPOY-BASHING n. sleeping; sleep ...c1920 Royal Air Force sl.
• CHARRA n. (derogatory) a term of address to an Indian ...1970s S. Afr.
• CHARRO n. 1. a Mexican cowboy or horseman ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an ill-bred, coarse person; a churl ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CHARRSHOM n. a crown, a 5-shilling coin ...18C tinkers' usage
• CHART n. the face ...1900s US sl.
vb. to commit to memory, to comprehend ...1960s US sl.
• CHART AND EVANS n. knees ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• CHART-BUSTER n. a very successful song or record ...c1955 sl.
• CHART CLASS n. kindergarten; the first year of school ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CHARTER THE BAR vb. to buy drinks for everyone in a bar or public house ...L19 sl.
• CHARTER THE GROCERY vb. to buy drinks for everyone in a bar or public house ...L19 sl.
• CHARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes or compiles charts or maps ...1880
• CHARTOGRAPHY n. the drawing of charts or maps ...1859
• CHART-TOPPER n. a very successful song or record ...c1955 colloq.
• CHARTUARY † n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1708
• CHARTULARY n. a place where papers or records are kept; hence the whole collection of records (belonging to a monastery, etc.; or the book in which they are entered; a register ...1541
• CHARVA n. a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHARVER n. 1. a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
n. 2. a sexual embrace ...L19 theatrical sl.
vb. to despoil; to interfere with and spoil one's business ...L19 sl.
• CHARVERED adj. exhausted, tired out ...20C sl.
• CHARVERING DONA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONER n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONNA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAR-WALLAH n. 1. a teetotaller ...20C army sl.
n. 2. in India: a native servant who brings the early morning tea ...c1930 services sl.
• CHASE n. a woman chaser ...20C Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to run off, to leave ...L19 US sl.
vb. 2. to recline in a chair in the sunshine ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to stand over and keep urging someone to do and get on with a piece of work ...c1920 services' colloq.
vb. 4. to court a girl ...c1935 S. Afr. sl.
vb. 5. to run, hurry; to depart rapidly ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. to pursue women, esp. as an adulterer ...1970s US sl.
vb. 7. to smoke cocaine or marijuana ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHASE A CLOUD vb. to be thrown high from a horse ...1944 Amer. dial.
• CHASE A RABBIT vb. to go to the toilet ...1941 Amer. dial. euphemism
• CHASE CHEERS vb. to curry favour with the masses ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE ONESELF vb. to hurry, to move rapidly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHASER n. 1. a glass of water or beer taken after a shot of spirits; a drink taken after another ...1897 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a womanizer ...1894 sl., mainly US
n. 3. one who runs errands ...1900s sl.
n. 4. a frequent user of crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• CHASER OF ADAM'S ALE n. a glass of water ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHASER OF ADAM'S WINE n. a glass of water ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHASE THE BAG vb. to seek out supplies and/or to be addicted to heroin ...1960s drug sl.
• CHASE THE CAN vb. 1. to purchase beer in a can ...c1900 US sl.
vb. 2. to drink freely at a bar ...1910s sl.
• CHASE THE COW vb. to pass the milk ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHASE THE DRAGON vb. to smoke heroin, sucking up the smoke of the drug, which is burned on a piece of kitchen foil; the heated heroin liquefies and flows across the paper, gradually giving off smoke, which is sucked into the smoker's lungs by a tube, also usually made of kitchen foil ...1961 drugs sl.
• CHASE THE HARES vb. to chase women ...20C sl.
• CHASE THE PENNY WEIGHT vb. to prospect for gold ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE SUN vb. to live as a tramp ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE SUNSET vb. to live as a vagrant ...1910s Aust. sl.
• CHASE THE TIGER vb. to smoke heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
• CHASE THE WEIGHT vb. to prospect for gold ...1930s Aust. sl.
• CHASE UP vb. 1. to make efforts to find or obtain quickly ...1950s sl.
vb. 2. to pursue (a matter or person) vigorously with a specific intent, esp. after an earlier unsatisfactory response ...1950s sl.
• CHASE UP A COW vb. of an amorous couple: to search out a secluded spot in the bush in order to have sexual intercourse ...1950s Aust. sl.
• CHASE YOUR FACE! int. get away, get out of here! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHASING n. the smoking of heroin ...1980s drug sl.
• CHASING THE DUCK phr. going after intoxicating liquors ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• CHASM n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• CHASSAY vb. to move in a rapid slide or glide; to move along ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHASSE n. a cup of coffee that accompanies a shot of spirits, usually whisky ...M19 sl.
vb. to dismiss, to send away ...M19 society sl.
• CHASSIS n. 1. a chaotic, unpleasant, confused state ...M19 sl. (final 's' is sounded)
n. 2. the female figure; the body ...1930s sl.
• CHAT n. 1. the gallows ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a louse ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a cat ...18C sl.
n. 4. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 5. the truth, the apposite thing, the subject under discussion ...E19 sl.
n. 6. a house ...M19 sl.
n. 7. a thing; an object ...M19 sl.
n. 8. a criminal 'job' or undertaking ...L19 sl.
n. 9. cheek, impudence ...L19 sl.
n. 10. methylated spirits as drunk by alcoholics ...1930s Irish sl.
n. 11. verbal skills, fluency, articulacy, the ability to charm a victim with words alone ...1940s sl.
n. 12. a male gossip ...1950s W. Indies
n. 13. terminology, a special language, jargon ...1950s sl.
n. 14. a general insult, usually aimed at an old man, esp. an alcoholic ...1960s Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to search for lice ...L17 sl.
vb. 2. to attempt the first, verbal stages of seduction ...L19 sl.
• CHAT-CHAT n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to converse ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAT DOWN vb. to make one's first advances to a young woman or man in the hope of eventual sexual conquest ...1950s W. Indies
• CHATEAU CARDBOARD n. wine sold in 2.5 or 5 litre (4 1/2 - 9 pint) containers, placed in a cardboard box ...1980s S. Afr.
• CHATEAUED adj. very drunk on wine ...1980s society sl.
• CHATES n. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
• CHATFEST n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATFUL adj. talkative ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATHAM AND DOVER vb. to stop, to cease ...L19 rhyming slang for 'to give over'
• CHATOLOGUE n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATS n. 1. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
n. 2. lice ...L17 sl.
n. 3. potato peelings ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CHAT SOMEONE'S NAME vb. to gossip maliciously about an absent third party ...1950s W. Indies & Jamaica
• CHATTA n. an umbrella ...L18 sl.
• CHATTANOOGA n. a railroad train ...1940s Amer. sl.
• CHATTER-BASKET n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-BLADDER n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-BONES n. a prattling child ...M19 US sl.
• CHATTERBOX n. 1. a car radio ...1930s US sl.
n. 2. a record player ...1930s US sl.
n. 3. a telephone ...1930s US sl.
n. 4. an announcing or intercommunication system ...World War II usage
n. 5. an anti-aircraft machine gun ...World War II usage
• CHATTERBOX AND FISH POLE n. a car radio and aerial ...1930s US sl.
• CHATTER-BROTH n. tea ...L18 sl.
• CHATTER-BUMP n. a bump or hole in a road that makes a vehicle rattle ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHATTER-CART n. a prattling child ...M19 sl.
• CHATTER-CHITTER n. nonsensical talk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHATTERER n. 1. a blow to the mouth that makes the recipients teeth chatter ...19C sl.
n. 2. a machine gun ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATTERERS n. the teeth ...E19 sl.
• CHATTERGUN n. a machinegun or sub-machinegun ...1930s sl.
• CHATTERING n. a blow to the mouth that makes the recipients teeth chatter ...19C sl.
• CHATTER LINES n. telephone wires ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHATTERMAG n. 1. a magpie ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 2. a chatterbox, a talkative woman, a gossip ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
n. 3. chatter, talk, gossip ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
vb. to chatter ...19C Eng. dial. or colloq.
• CHATTER OF THE GUNS n. gunfire; a bombardment ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHATTES n. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
• CHATTS n. 1. lice ...L17 sl.
n. 2. potato peelings ...1959 Amer. dial.
• CHATTY adj. lousy, infested with lice ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAT UP vb. 1. to attempt the first, verbal stages of seduction; to talk flirtatiously ...1898 sl.
vb. 2. to interview ...1970s sl.
vb. 3. to gossip, to talk familiarly ...20C W. Indies
• CHATWOOD n. kindling wood; little sticks ...1911 Amer. dial.
• CHAUER † vb. to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CHAUFFEUR n. a pilot ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAUNCHY adj. 1. stingy ...1968 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. worthless ...1968 Amer. dial.
adv. in a cheap, tawdry manner ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHAUNK vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1927 Amer. dial.
• CHAUNTED adj. celebrated; hence, famous ...E19 sl.
• CHAUNTER n. a hired bidder at a sale ...Bk1890 sl.
• CHAUNTER COVE n. a newspaper reporter ...c1840 cant
• CHAUNTER-CULL n. a writer of street ballads, carols, songs, last dying speeches, etc. for ad hoc consumption; generally to be found in a pub ...1781 cant
• CHAUNT THE PLAY vb. to expose and/or explain the ways and tricks of thieves ...c1845 cant
• CHAUVER vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONER n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONNA n. a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAW n. 1. a bite or portion of chewing tobacco ...20C Amer. colloq.
n. 2. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to chew ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to converse ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWBACON n. a rustic, a country person ...1834 Amer. dial.
• CHAW BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHAWED ROSUM n. something conspicuously excellent ...1953 Amer. dial.
• CHAWFEST n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWING-UP n. a bawling-out; a reprimand ...1883 Amer. dial.
• CHAWMING adj. charming ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAW-MOUTH n. a very talkative person ...1964 Amer. dial.
• CHAWNK vb. to eat noisily, to chew loudly ...1914 Amer. dial.
• CHAW ONE'S TOBACCO MIGHTY FAST vb. to be perturbed or angry ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CHAW RAW BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHAW ROAST BEEF vb. to use one's teeth to untie knots in (wet) clothing ...1895 Amer. dial.
• CHAW-ROUND n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAWSWIZZLED adj. bamboozled, confounded ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CHAW UP vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHAY! int. a call to cows; come! ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CHEAP adj. mean, ungenerous ...1904 US sl.
• CHEAP AND NASTY adj. pleasing to the eye, but worthless ...1864 sl.
• CHEAP AS A SARDINIAN, AS adj. very cheap ...B1862
• CHEAP AS NECK-BEEF adj. very cheap ...1687
• CHEAP CHARLIE n. a mean person ...1965 US sl., chiefly military usage
• CHEAP CRITTER n. a person inferior in character or intellect ...1926 Amer. dial.
• CHEAP CUTTER n. a person inferior in character or intellect ...1926 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPER TO GROW SKIN THAN TO BUY IT phr. said by one who does not wear gloves ...Bk1942 Amer. West. sl.
• CHEAPIE adj. cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
n. something cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
• CHEAPJACK n. a peddling tradesman ...Bk1896 sl.
• CHEAP JOHN adj. inferior; unknown; unimportant; said of people and places ...1855 Amer.
n. 1. cheap goods; something inexpensive, inferior, or in poor taste ...1855 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a person dealing in inferior or cheap goods; hence, one who does things in a gaudy, niggardly, or inferior style; a stingy or niggardly person ...1880 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a flophouse; a cheap brothel; a dirty, dilapidated saloon ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHEAP-MITT n. a cheapskate; a stingy person ...1919 US college sl.
• CHEAPO adj. cheap and of low quality ...1967 sl.
n. something cheap and of low quality ...1972 sl.
• CHEAP-SCREW n. a stingy, miserly person; a penurious person; a skinflint; one who makes a sharp bargain ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPSKATE adj. 1. miserly ...1903 US sl.
adj. 2. barely profitable; small-time ...1928 US sl.
n. 1. a miserly person; a stingy person ...1896 US
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person; a low or contemptible person, usually male ...1896 US sl.
• CHEAP TAIL n. nasal mucus; a bit of mucus hanging from the nostrils ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPWAD n. a cheapskate, a stingy person ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHEAPY n. something cheap and of low quality ...1898 sl.
• CHEAT vb. 1. in bodybuilding: to use muscles others than those designed for use in a particular exercise ...1984 US sl.
vb. 2. in the entertainment industry: to move slightly to create a better camera angle ...1991 US sl.
• CHEATER n. 1. anything that makes a job easier, such as a short length of pipe or anything else that is handy to slip over the handle of a wrench to increase leverage ...1941 US sl.
n. 2. a rear view mirror on a vehicle ...1947 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a paint roller used to apply paint (it cheats men out of hours of work) ...1969 Amer. dial.
• CHEATERBUG n. a person who cheats ...2002 Singapore
• CHEATERS n. 1. glasses ...1908 US sl., orig. gamblers'
n. 2. metal skis ...1963 Amer. dial.
n. 3. in gambling: marked cards ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. sunglasses ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHEATS n. 1. the gallows ...16C criminal sl.
n. 2. marked cards ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 3. spectacles ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHECK n. 1. a snack or light meal ...1775 Amer. dial.
n. 2. money; cash ...1889 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a piece used in the game of checkers ...1908 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a dollar ...1932 Amer. dial.
n. 5. a small package, esp. of contraband or narcotics ...20C Amer. sl.
n. 6. Czechoslovakia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to tease, to taunt ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CHECKED OUT adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHECKEDY adj. checkered ...1917 Amer. dial.
• CHECKER n. the game of checkers ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHECKER, THE n. the very thing; the appropriate thing ...1854 Amer. dial.
• CHECKERBOARD n. a town, neighbourhood, public gathering place, factory, etc., which contains both Black and White elements ...1926 Amer. sl.
• CHECKERED PAINT n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHECKEROO n. any item made of checked cloth, as a shirt, dress, etc. ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHECK IN vb. 1. to die ...1912 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to go to bed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECKING n. pulling down another's outerwear boxer shorts from behind as a surprise ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CHECK IN ONE'S CHECKS vb. to die ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECK OUT vb. 1. to die ...1936 Amer. euphemism
vb. 2. to leave, esp. in a hurry; to run fast ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHECKS n. 1. a piece used in the game of checkers ...1844 Amer. dial.
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. the game of checkers ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHECK UP TO vb. to pass the responsibility to ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHECK YOU phr. goodbye ...1970 Amer. dial.
• CHECK YOU LATER phr. goodbye ...20C teen & high school sl.