QUENCH - verbs
• MOISTEN ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUENT †* to quench ...1557 obs
• SLAKE ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...1881 Sc.
• SLECK ONE'S THROAT to quench one's thirst ...1892 Eng. dial.
• SLENCH to quench one's thirst ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SOAK ONE'S CLAY to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK ONE'S FACE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE CHAFFER to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE CLAY to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE FACE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SQUENCH to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WET ONE'S THROPPLE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...1835 Sc.
• WET ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...1827 Sc.
QUERULOUS - adjectives
• BEERIN querulous, discontented ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CABBLING querulous, troublesome ...1866 Sc.
• KNAGGY cross, snappish, querulous; irritable; sarcastic ...1840 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NAGGY cross, snappish, querulous; shrewish; irritable; ill-natured, bad-tempered, testy; sarcastic ...1825 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PULY whining, querulous ...L17
• QUARRELLOUS † given to complaining; querulous ...c1400
• QUERELOUS †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1581
• QUERKETY given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERKING given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUERKY given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERULENTAL †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1785
• QUERULENTIAL †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1806
• QUIRKING given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• VINNED peevish, querulous, bad-tempered; affected ...1834 Eng. dial.
• VINNIED peevish, querulous, bad-tempered; affected ...1834 Eng. dial.
• WAILISH † given to wailing, querulous ...c1550
• WHINY-PINY complaining, fretful, peevish, querulous ...1854 Eng. dial.
• YATTERIN captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YATTERY captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YAUPING ill-natured, peevish, querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YAUP a harsh, hoarse, or querulous cry, esp. of a bird ...1824
• YAWP a harsh, hoarse, or querulous cry, esp. of a bird ...1824
QUERULOUS - nouns, person
• GRANNY GRUNT a fussy or querulous person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PAEWAE a peevish weakling; a querulous, affected person, esp. a woman ...1927 Sc.
• GABBLE to scold in an ill-natured way; to wrangle, to be querulous ...Bk1900 Sc.
• NAAM to be querulous ...1919 Sc.
• NATTER to grumble; to fret; to scold; to speak in a querulous or peevish manner ...1829 Eng. dial.
• PULE to cry in a thin or weak voice; to whine, to whimper; to cry querulously; esp. of an infant ...1525 now Sc. & literary
• YABBER to speak in a peevish, scolding way; to nark; to be querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YABBLE to speak in a peevish, scolding way; to nark; to be querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YAP to speak nagging or querulous way; to harp on; to complain ...1824 Sc.
• YATTER to speak in a constant peevish, querulous manner; to nag, to chide, to carp, to scold, to fret, to grumble; to harp on about something ...1811 Sc.
• YAUP to speak in a chattering, nagging, or querulous way; to harp on ...1824 Sc.
• YAWP to speak in a chattering, nagging, or querulous way; to harp on ...1824 Sc.
• YERM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YIRM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YURM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• CHANNER strife, querulousness; complaining ...1891 Sc.
QUERY - adjectives
• IMPUGNABLE * subjected to query ...1823
• QUERICAL †* of the nature of a query ...1699
QUERY - nouns
• PISS-BALL a query to be answered ...c1945 sl.
• QUAERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUERICAL †* a query ...1699
• WALLACE BEERY a query, a question ...1990s rhyming sl.
QUERY - verbs
• QUAERE † to query ...1627
• QUERE †* to ask, to inquire; to query ...a1300
QUESTION - adjectives
• QUESTIONAL †* relating to questions ...1607
• QUESTIONARY 1. having the form of a question; consisting of questions ...1653
* 2. that asks questions ...1711
QUESTION - adverbs
• QUESTIONATIVELY †* as a question ...1657
• QUESTION-WISE † as a question ...1642
QUESTION - nouns
• AX a question ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CATCH † a catching or entangling question ...1674
• GRANNY GRUNT a mythical character to whom most questions may be referred ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HOOKER a difficult question on an examination ...1971 Amer. sl.
• MAND †* a question ...a1400
• NECK-QUESTION † a test question, one endangering one's neck ...1655
• OPPOSAL † the putting of posing questions; examination, interrogation; a posing question; a puzzle, enigma, riddle ...1426
• QUAERE a question, a query ...1589
• Q AND A a question and answer session ...1997 US
• QUERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUESTIONARY * a list of questions ...1541
• QUESTIONFUL † a full reply to a question ...1647 nonce word
• QUEZZIE a question ...2002 UK sl.
• QUIRK a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIZ a question ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• WALLACE BEERY a query, a question ...1990s rhyming sl.
• ZINGER a surprise question, or an unexpected turn of events ...1973 US sl.
QUESTION, QUESTIONER - nouns, person
• BAILER one who asks questions ...1916 Amer. dial.
• QUERIST one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
QUESTION - verbs
• BACKSPEER to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BACKSPEIR to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BACKSPIER to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BUZZ to question a person; to interview ...1871 Amer. sl.
• CALL ONE'S HAND to question, to call one to account ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• CATECHIZE to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
• CROSS-HACKLE to cross-question vexatiously or persistently ...1826
• CROSSQUOBBLE to pester with questions, to confuse ...Bk1920 Eng. dial.
• FIRE ON to ask questions in a rapid-fire manner ...1970s US Black sl.
• HAVEY-QUAVEY to inquire, to question ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• IRM to whine, to complain; to question querulously and continuously ...Bk1902 Sc.
• OPPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine, to interrogate, to question ...c1386
• QUARREL to question, to call to account, to challenge; to find fault with, to rebuke; to object to ...1709 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUEST * to question, to request, to demand ...1897
• QUIRK to question; to draw a person out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISET to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISITE to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIZZET to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1930 Amer. dial.
• QUIZZIT to question; to inquire into, to examine; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAG to question closely, to interrogate ...2000s sl.
• SIFT to subject one to close questioning ...a1566
• SQUIZZIT to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1922 Amer. dial.
• TAIRGE to question closely, to cross-examine ...1786 Sc.
• TARGE to question closely, to cross-examine ...1786 Sc.
• TARRAGAT to interrogate, to question strictly and persistently; to tease, to torment with questions; to pester ...1825 Sc.
• UNDERCROP † to question stealthily; to sound ...1596
• YERM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YIRM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YURM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
QUESTIONABLE - adjectives
• DEBATEFUL † of things: controversial, contentious, uncertain, questionable ...1587
• IFFY of a questionable, dubious, suspicious or odd nature ...Bk1996 Aust. sl.
• LEFT-HANDED ambiguous, doubtful, questionable ...1612
QUESTIONABLE - nouns, person
• SHADY LADY a woman of questionable character, sexually or in her business dealings ...M20 US sl.
QUESTIONED - adjectives
• ON THE CARPET being rebuked or questioned closely by a person in authority ...1888 Amer. sl.
QUESTIONED - nouns, person
• QUESTIONEE * one who is questioned ...1866
QUESTIONING - adjectives
• ON THE HAVEY-QUAVEY on the inquiry, questioning, and doubting ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• PERCONTATORIAL * given to questioning, inquisitive ...1853
• PYSMATIC †* interrogatory, questioning, inquiring ...1652
• QUESTION-SICK † having a mania for questioning ...1647
• BACK-SPEERIN questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• BACK-SPEIRIN questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• BACK-SPIERING questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• WORKS the 'third' degree,' a prolonged and supposedly violent period of questioning by the police ...20C sl.
• QUES the question mark (?) character on a computer keyboard ...1991 US sl.
QUIBBLE - adjectives
• QUIBBLY * of the nature of a quibble ...1895
QUIBBLE - nouns
• ARGUTATION † over-refinement in arguing; subtle disputation; cavilling, cavil, quibble ...1641
• BRABBLE † a quibble, a captious objection or dispute ...1581
• CAPTION † the act of cavilling or taking exception; an objection or cavil; fallacious or captious argument; a quibble, sophism ...1605
• CARRIWITCHET a pun, a quibble, a conundrum; a hoaxing, puzzling, or absurd question ...1614
• CARWITCHET a pun, quibble; a hoaxing question or conundrum ...1614
• QUABBLE a quibble ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUIB † a quibble; an evasion of the point at issue ...a1550
• QUIBIBBLE † a quibble ...1606
• QUIBIBE †* a quibble ...a1550
• QUIBLET † a quibble ...1630
• QUIBLIN † a pun or quibble; a trick ...1605
• QUIDDIT a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITY a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
• QUILICOM †* an idle fancy, conceit, or quibble ...1644
• QUILLET a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
• QUILLETY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILLITY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUIRK a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUODDITY * a subtle distinction; a quibble, esp. in argument ...1682
QUIBBLE - verbs
• BAFFLE † to juggle, to shuffle, to quibble ...1656
• BALK † to meet arguments with objections; to quibble, to bandy words ...1596
• BAULK † to meet arguments with objections; to quibble, to bandy words ...1596
• BRABBLE † to dispute captiously or obstinately; to cavil or quibble ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GO 'TWIXT THE OAK AND THE RIND to make fine distinctions; to split hairs, to quibble ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAFFLE to hesitate; to speak confusedly; to falter; to stammer; to prevaricate, to quibble ...1790 Eng. dial.
• PETTIFOGULIZE to quibble; to use petty and contemptible means ...1853 nonce word
• POLLYFOX to dilly-dally, to delay and discuss, to quibble or equivocate ...1873 Amer. dial.
• POLLYFOX AROUND to equivocate, to quibble, to procrastinate; to waste time, to dilly-dally, to delay and discuss ...1970 Amer. dial.
• QUABBLE to quibble...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUILLET † to quibble ...1653
• QUODLIBETIFICATE † to deal quibblingly with ...1743
QUIBBLING - adjectives
• CAVILLOUS † unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• QUIDIFICAL †* quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• BAFFLE † a shuffle; quibbling, trifling ...1783
• BAFFLING † quibbling; trifling ...1653
• CATASOPHISTRY †* quibbling, deceit ...1609
• QUIBBLEISM * the practice of quibbling ...1836
QUICK - adjectives
• BRASH active, quick ...1887 US
• CHOP-CHOP quick ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• DAPPER sprightly, quick, active, sharp ...E17
• DARTY sharp, quick, active ...1869 Eng. dial.
• EDGIE quick, active, both mentally and physically; sharp, smart, clever ...1825 Sc.
• EDGY quick, active, both mentally and physically; sharp, smart, clever ...1825 Sc.
• FAST-ASS fast, quick ...1930s US sl.
• HASTY speedy, quick, expeditious; swift, rapid; sudden ...c1340 arch.
• HIEFUL † speedy, hasty, hurried, quick, prompt ...a1225
• IMPIGROUS †* diligent, quick, ready, not slow ...1656
• PERNICIOUS * rapid, swift, quick ...a1656
• QUICK AS DAMMIT exceedingly quick...20C colloq.
• QUICK AS SCAT very quick ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN CHAIN LIGHTNING remarkably quick ...1910 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN SCAT very quick ...1860 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN YOU CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON very quick ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUICKIE carried out quickly ...1940 US sl.
• QUICKISH quick ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUICKSILVER resembling quicksilver in quickness of movement ...1655
• QUIVER † active, nimble; quick, rapid ...c960 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAKING quick, speedy; energetic, accomplishing much ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAD † quick, hasty, speedy; active, prompt, ready, dexterous; eager, elated ...a700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAKING fast-going, quick, speedy; energetic, accomplishing much ...1862
• RAPE †* quick, hasty ...c1400
• RASH active, vigorous; brisk, hale, hearty, nimble, quick; eager, impetuous ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• RATHE quick in action, speedy, prompt; eager, earnest, vehement ...c900 Eng. dial. & poetic
• RIFE quick; ready; inclined to ...1853 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIQUILANT nimble, quick ...B1900
• SNAPPY quick; brisk; energetic ...1831 Amer. sl.
ׇ• SOON AS DAMMIT exceedingly quick, or almost immediate, soon ...1908 UK
• SPACK † of a person: quick, prompt, ready ...ME obs. exc. Eng. dial
• SPANKING quick and energetic; lively ...colloq.
• SUDDENLY †* quick, rapid ...1556
• TALL †* quick, prompt, ready, active ...1530-1600
• TIDY smart, brisk, quick ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TITE † quick, swift ...c1400
• WIKIWIKI quick, fast, speedy ...1967 Hawaii
• YANKING sharp and quick ...1824 Sc.
• YAP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen; desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAPPY apt, quick ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YARE adj. alert, nimble, active, brisk, quick ...a1300 arch. & Eng. dial.
• YARRY ready; smart, quick; sharp, cunning; wary ...1842 Eng. dial.
• YARY ready; smart, quick; sharp, cunning; wary ...1842 Eng. dial.
• YAUP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen, desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc.
• YAWP quick, apt, ready; eager, keen; desirous; forward ...1685 Sc.
• YEDER † quick; frequent ...a1400-50
• YEVER † eager, quick, prompt ...c1400 obs. exc. Sc.
• BICKER a quick movement; the noise caused by a succession of rapid strokes ...1785 Sc.
• BINNER a quick movement, a noisy dash ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONDI BUS used as an example of something that moves quickly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• BONDI TRAIN used as an example of something that moves quickly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• LICK a quick pace or clip; speed ...colloq.
• NAVITY †* diligence, stirring, quickness, speed ...1623
• ONCE a quick treatment or superficial job, such as a quick clean-up ...1930s sl.
• ONCE-OVER a quick treatment or superficial job, such as a quick clean-up ...1930s sl.
• RALLY a rush; a quick pace ...1880 Sc.
• RATTLE a quick pace; speed; impetus; a dash ...1878 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCREED † a quick movement; a snatch ...1805 Sc.
• YARK a quick movement of any kind ...Bk1905 Sc.
QUICK - nouns, person
• FAST ALECK a quick person ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SPANKER a person or animal that moves at a quick or lively pace ...colloq.
• TIGSER a person who is quick in motion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. sl.
• VELOCIPEDE a person who moves swiftly or quickly ...1822
• BAZZ to move quickly or energetically; to rush, to dash ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BICKER to move quickly; of a stream: to ripple, to flow ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BIRL to move quickly; to hurry along; to run about ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CALL to move quickly, to submit to be driven ...1768 Sc.
• CARRY THE MAIL to move quickly ...1946 US sl.
• CLIP to move or run quickly ...M19 US colloq.
• DANCE BARNABY to move quickly ...1664 sl.
• DAP to move quickly and lightly; to trip along ...1892 Eng. dial.
• DICE to do anything quickly and neatly ...1768 Sc.
• DO A SKATE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• EDGIE † to be quick or alert in doing anything ...1825 Sc.
• EDGY to be quick or alert in doing anything ...Bk1900 Sc.
• FAG to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1920 Amer. dial.
• FAG ALONG to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1942 Amer. dial.
• FAN to move about quickly; to run ...L19 Amer. dial.
• FAN ABOUT to move about quickly; to run ...1899 Amer. dial.
• FAN OUT to move about quickly; to run ...1905 Amer. dial.
• FAN THE DUST to move about quickly; to run ...1970 Amer. dial.
• GET UP AND QUILL to depart in haste; to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
• GO LIKE A LAMPLIGHTER to go quickly; to walk fast ...1848 Amer. dial.
• HASTE to cause to move more quickly; to urge, drive, or press on; to quicken, to accelerate, to hurry ...a1300
• HORSE IT to walk or go quickly ...1895 US sl.
• HOSS IT to walk or go quickly ...1968 US sl.
• HURRY UP YOUR CAKES to go quickly ...M19 US sl.
• HURVE to move quickly, to hurry ...1983 Aust. sl.
• HYKER to go quickly, to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HYPER to go quickly, to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• IGAREE to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGGERY to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGGRY to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGRI to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• JICKER to go quickly about anything; to walk smartly ...1789 Sc.
• LAKE † to exert oneself, to move quickly, to leap, to spring; hence, to fight ...a1000
• LAMP to go quickly by taking long steps ...a1605 Sc.
• LANCE † to bound, to spring, to move quickly, to rush ...c1330 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LICK to move quickly or lightly
• LOOK SNAPPY to be quick ...1926 UK sl.
• MAKE IT SNAPPY to be quick ...1926 UK sl.
• MOG to cause to move quickly; to make one go where they don't want to go ...1867 Amer. dial.
• PACK THE MAIL to ride or move quickly; to go fast, to run ...1942 Amer. dial.
• PROPERATE † to hasten or press forward; to go quickly ...1623
• PUT A JERK IN IT to act vigorously, smartly, or quickly ...1910s sl.
• PUT ON THE FAN to hurry, to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUILL to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
• RAISE DUST to hurry, to go quickly ...1910s US sl.
• RALLACK AWAY to do anything quickly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RALLY to go quickly; to hurry on ...1888 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE to move, run, or drive quickly, esp. with much noise ...1806 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIDE AS IF FETCHING THE MIDWIFE to go post haste ...Bk1903 sl.
• SASHAY to hurry, to move quickly ...20C sl., orig. US
• SCAMPER to run or go hastily or quickly
• SCHUSSEL to hurry, to rush; to do something in a quick and sloppy manner ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SCREED to do anything quickly, smartly, and with spirit ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SCRIM to move quickly, to scud along ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SHAB OUT to sneak away; to slink off; to go quickly ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SKATE 1. to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
2. to perform or do something quick, as an essay; to hurry through something ...1960s sl.
• SKATE OFF to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKEET to scoot, to flee, to run, to move quickly, to move something quickly ...1838 Amer. dial.
• SKEETE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKEETER to scoot, to flee, to run, to move quickly, to move something quickly ...1954 Amer. dial.
• SKICE † to move quickly and briskly; to skip or frisk about; to run ...1591 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SKID * to run or go quickly, to scud ...1815
• SKIFF to move lightly and quickly, esp. so as to barely touch a surface; to glide, to run, etc. in this manner ...1725 Sc.
• SKIFT † to move lightly and quickly; to skip, to run, to glide ...a1586
• SKIFTER to move lightly and quickly; to skip, to run, to glide ...1887
• SKITE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKIVE to move lightly and quickly; to dart ...1854 Eng. dial.
• SKRIM to move quickly, to scud along ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SKYHOOT to go fast or quickly; to depart hurriedly; to scoot; to skyrocket ..1900 Amer. dial.
• SPANK to go at a quick and lively pace ...19C
• STIR ONE'S STUMPS to walk fast; to dance briskly; to act quickly; to bestir oneself, to increase one's speed ...c1460
• TAKE OFF to begin to move or increase quickly ...Bk2002 Aust. sl.
• TEW to fuss, to fret; to bustle about; to move about quickly ...1848 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• THUD † to fall heavily; to move quickly; of wind: to blow in gusts; to rush with a hollow sound ...1800 Sc.
• TOTE THE MAIL to run quickly; to move in a hurry; to ride or move quickly; to go fast ...1893 Amer. dial.
• TURN ON THE FAN to hurry, to move quickly; to depart hurriedly; to run away; to escape ...1935 Amer. sl., esp. prison usage
• WAFT to move quickly about; to pass quickly by ...1863 Eng. dial.
• WAIL to hurry away; to be quick over anything ...1867 Eng. dial.
• WALE to hurry away; to be quick over anything ...1867 Eng. dial.
• WALK ONE'S CHALKS to go or move, esp. away, quickly; to depart quickly; to run away ...1840 US sl.
• YANK to move quickly and vigorously, to spank along ...1822 Sc.
• YARK to move quickly or hastily; to push on; to do anything energetically; to work hard ...1843 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK to move quickly or hastily; to push on; to do anything energetically; to work hard ...1843 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ZOT to move quickly or suddenly ...c1965
QUICK - interjections
• IGAREE! hurry up! quickly! ...1910s sl.
• IGGRY! hurry up! quickly! ...1910s sl.
• YARE! a command to get ready quickly; quick!; esp. in nautical usage ...1606 arch.
QUICKEN - verbs
• INANIMATE † to animate, to encourage, to quicken, to invigorate ...1600
• MEND ONE'S GAIT to quicken one's steps; to move or travel faster ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MEND ONE'S LICKS to go faster; to quicken one's steps ...1864 Amer. dial.
• MEND ONE'S SPEED to quicken one's steps; to accelerate one's progress ...1843 Sc.
QUICKENED - adjectives
• ACCELERATE †* quickened, hastened ...1527
QUICKENING - adjectives
• ACCELERATORY * quickening, adding to velocity ...1847
• QUICKENANCE †* quickening ...a1617
QUICKER - adjectives
• TIDDER sooner, earlier, quicker ...1790 Eng. dial.
QUICKEST - adjectives
• EFTEST soonest, quickest, most convenient ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• RATHEST † quickest, soonest, most preferable; most eager ...c888
QUICKLY - adverbs
• ALL OF A FEATHER WHITE quickly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• AS BLIVE † as quickly as possible, immediately ...1413
• ASTOOR speedily, shortly, very quickly ...1863 Eng. dial.
• ASTORE speedily, shortly, very quickly ...1863 Eng. dial.
• BEFORE YOU COULD SAY JACKRABBIT very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BELIVELY †* quickly, at once ...c1400
• BILIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BLIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BLIVELY †* quickly, at once ...c1400
• BOOKITY-BOOK quickly, swiftly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• BROTHELY † quickly, hastily; violently, furiously ...c1340
• BUCKLETY-WHET lickety-split, very quickly ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHOP-CHOP quickly; immediately; shortly ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• DAP quickly, suddenly, at one swoop ...1895 Eng. dial.
• DING-DUST speedily, quickly ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIRECTLY quickly ...1924 Amer. dial.
• FASTLY quickly ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HARD quickly, very fast ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HASTIFLY † hastily, quickly, speedily ...a1327
• HASTIVELY † hastily, quickly, speedily ...a1327
• HASTY † hastily; quickly, rapidly, soon ...c1450
• HASTYFULLY † corrupt form of 'hastively'; hastily, quickly, speedily ...c1500
• IN A HANDBASKET quickly, surely, easily ...1923 Amer. dial.
• IN A JIFF quickly, in a very short time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IN A JIFFY quickly, in a very short time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IN A PIG'S WHISPER very quickly indeed; immediately; in a very short time ...1823 colloq.
• IN A QUACK in a mere moment; quickly, in the shortest possible time ...c1840 Sc.
• IN A TWITTER soon, quickly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• IN A WHIFF easily; quickly ...1823 Amer. dial.
• IN JIGTIME very quickly ...20C sl.
• IN QUICK STICKS quickly, without delay ...1890
• IN SHORT METER quickly, immediately, shortly ...1833 Amer. dial.
• IN THE BAT OF AN EYE quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IN THE TIME YOU CAN BAT AN EYE very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IN TWO CLAPS OF A LAMB'S TAIL in a moment, very quickly ...1892 Sc.
• IN TWO SHAKES OF A DOG'S HIND LEG quickly, immediately, soon ...Bk1998 NZ sl.
• KEENLY † sharply, quickly, in haste ...a1300
• LICKERTY-TOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1909 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BANG with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BRINDLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1905 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BUMP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1943 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-CLICK with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1847 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-CUT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1831 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LARRUP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1907 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LEAP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LINER with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1848 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SCOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SMASH with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SPLIT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1835 Amer.
• LICKETY-WHITTLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1904 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-BLINDER with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-BRINDLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-RIP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-SWITCH with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1895 Amer. dial.
• LICK-SPLITTING in haste, very rapidly ...1931 Amer. dial.
• LIKE A BLINK immediately, very quickly ...1950s sl.
• LIKE A KNIFE very quickly ...M19 US sl.
• LIKE A LAMPLIGHTER quickly, fast; with long, rapid strides ...1838 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• LIKE A STREAK OF CHAIN-LIGHTNING very quickly ...1834 Amer. dial.
• LIKE BILLY-HO very quickly; strongly, a lot ...1885 colloq.
• LIKE BILLY-O very quickly; strongly, a lot ...1885 colloq.
• LIKE BLINKO immediately, very quickly ...1950s sl.
• LIKE FUN very quickly; vigorously ...c1815 colloq.
• LIKE OLD BOOTS quickly, swiftly ...1850 sl.
• LIKE OLD NICK very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE OLD SCRATCH very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE SNUFF AT A WAKE very quickly ...20C Irish sl.
• LIKE STEAM very quickly, very easily, energetically ...M19 sl.
• LIKE TAR very keenly, very quickly ...1900s sl.
• LIKE THE MISCHIEF very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE THE OLD HARRY quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE THE OLD SCRATCH very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE WINKY very quickly; in a moment; as in the twinkling of an eye ...1855 Eng. dial.
• LIKKETY-DAMN with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-HELL with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-RIP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-SCOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-WHOOP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MOST RICKY-TICK very quickly ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• NOTHING FLAT very quickly ...1947 US sl.
• NO TIME FLAT very quickly ...1957 US sl.
• PEART briskly, quickly; in a lively or agreeable way ...1832 Amer. dial.
• POCO PRONTO at once, quickly, immediately ...1907 Amer. dial.
• QUICK quickly ...20C usage
• QUICK AND QUIDDER * quickly, forthwith ...1633 Sc.
• QUICK AS A CAT CAN BAT ITS EYE very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUICKISH quickly ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUICK QUIDDER swiftly, quickly ...1866 Sc.
• QUICK-SMART quickly ...1952 Aust. sl.
• QUICK-STICK(S) quickly, without delay ...1877
• QUICKSVILLE fast, quickly ...1960s US sl.
• QUICKTIME quickly, immediately ...M19 UK Black sl.
• QUIDDER swiftly, quickly, esp. of sudden vanishing ...1866 Sc.
• QUIVERLY † actively, quickly, smartly ...c960
• RAD † quickly, readily, soon ...c1250
• RADLY † quickly, promptly, without delay, soon ...c888
• RAM BAM quickly ...20C Amer. sl.
• RAPE †* hastily, quickly ...c1400
• RAPELIKE † hastily, in haste, quickly ...c1220
• RAPELY † hastily, in haste, quickly ...a1352
• RAPTLY † quickly ...1646
• RASH quickly, eagerly, hurriedly ...1884 Eng. dial.
• RASHLY † quickly, rapidly, hastily ...a1547 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RATHE † denoting rapidity in the performance or completion of an action; quickly, rapidly, swiftly, esp. without delay, promptly, soon ...c825
• RATHELY † quickly, rapidly, swiftly ...a950
• SKEET † quickly, hastily, immediately ...c1200
• SKELP quickly and violently; suddenly
• SPLIT-ARSE very quickly ...1910s sl.
• TANTIVY † at full gallop; swiftly, quickly, hastily; headlong ...1641 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TAPLY † at break of day, early in the morning; privately; quickly ...1746 Eng. dial.
• TIGHT tightly; smartly, quickly; strenuously, soundly ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHTLY promptly, quickly; actively, smartly ...1873 Sc.
• TIT † quickly, soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITE † quickly, soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITELY † quickly, speedily, smartly; soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITLY † quickly, speedily, smartly; soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITTER † more quickly; sooner, earlier ...a1300 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• UNGHERE † soon, quickly ...c1250
• WIGHT † quickly, without delay ...ME
• WIKIWIKI quickly, hastily, right away ...1917 Hawaii
• WITH ALL SAIL SET in a quick and determined manner; hurriedly ...1916 Amer. dial.
• YARE † quickly, without delay, promptly, immediately, soon ...c1250
• YARELY quickly, promptly, nimbly, briskly, diligently, eagerly ...a900 arch.
• YEDERLY † quickly ...a1300
• YEPLY † quickly, briskly; promptly, without delay ...a1300
• YERNE † 1. quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast, briskly, at a great rate ...a1023
† 2. quickly, without delay, immediately, directly, soon ...c1320
• YEVERLY † greedily, quickly ...c900 obs. exc. Sc.
QUICKLY - interjections
• LOOK SNAPPY! quickly! ...1926 UK sl.
• MAKE IT SNAPPY! quickly! ...1926 UK sl.
• HASTINESS † quickness, swiftness, rapidity; suddenness ...c1330
• IMPIGRITY †* quickness, diligence ...1623
• QUICKSHIP †* quickness ...a1225
• LAIR a quagmire; a muddy place; mud; quicksand, or any soft and yielding surface ...1660 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MELGREAVE a quicksand ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MELLGRAVE a quicksand ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIXON a quicksand ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOB a marshy spot; a bog, a quagmire; a quicksand ...1876 Eng. dial.
• SAND-POT a quicksand ...Bk1914 Eng. dial.
• SINKING SAND, A †* a quicksand ...1535
• SUCKING SAND † quicksand ...1513
QUICK-TEMPERED - adjectives
• AMBITIOUS of persons or animals: spirited, vivacious, unruly; vicious; angry; enraged; quick-tempered; hot-tempered ...1853 Amer. dial.
• BRASH easily angered; quick-tempered, sharp-tempered ...1903 Amer. dial.
• CAMPY quick-tempered, ill-tempered ...1808 Sc.
• CLUNCHY quick-tempered; short tempered; easily offended ...19C Eng. dial.
• EASY ON THE TRIGGER quick-tempered, excitable, quick to anger ...1968 Amer. sl.
• EASY ON TRIGGER quick-tempered, excitable, quick to anger ...1912 Amer. dial.
• EDGY quick-tempered, easily provoked ...Bk1900 Sc.
• HASTIF † quick-tempered, passionate; in a passion, angry ...1297
• HASTISH quickly excited to anger; quick-tempered, passionate, irritable ...1749 Eng. dial.
• HASTIVE † quick-tempered, passionate; in a passion, angry ...1297
• HATTLE-TEMPERED quick-tempered, touchy ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• METTLY quick-tempered, irritable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SHORT-MINDED quick-tempered, touchy ...1986 Amer. dial.
• SHORT-PATIENCED quick-tempered; excitable; touchy; irritable; easily offended; impatient ...1922 Amer. dial.
• SHORT-PATIENT quick-tempered; excitable; touchy; irritable; easily offended; impatient ...1922 Amer. dial.
• SPLENITIVE †* splenetic; irritable, morose, peevish, ill-humoured, quick-tempered, testy ...1633
• VITTERY quick-tempered, spiteful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUICK-TEMPERED - nouns, person
• BLUE HEN'S CHICK a dominant, aggressive, or quick-tempered person, usually a woman ...1951 Amer. dial.
• BLUE HEN'S CHICKEN a dominant, aggressive, or quick-tempered person, usually a woman ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• PEPPERPOT a quick-tempered or hot-tempered person ...1894
QUICK-WITTED - adjectives
• APTISH intelligent, quick-witted ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DERRY acute, sharp, quick-witted ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GALLOWS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, tough, bold, daring, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GALLUS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• KEEN AS A BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1834 Amer. dial.
• SHARP AS A NEEDLE extremely quick-witted
• SHARP AS A BAMBOO-BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1880 Amer. dial.
• SHARP AS A BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SMART AS A STEEL-TRAP extremely bright and clever; very sharp and shrewd; intellectually alert, quick-witted ...1821 Amer. dial.
• WACKENISH lively, quick-witted, shrewd ...1890 Eng. dial.
• WACKENSOME lively, quick-witted, shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WAKEN alert, brisk, lively; sharp; intelligent, quick-witted ...1867 Eng. dial.
• YARE-WITEL † quick-witted ...c1205
QUICK-WITTED - nouns, person
• CLIP-WIT a sharp-tongued, quarrelsome or quick-witted person ...19C Sc.
• NATURAL a clever, quick-witted, generous man ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• WACKENER a sharp, quick-witted person ...1878 Eng. dial.
QUIET - adjectives
• BIRD-MOUTHED unwilling to speak out; tender in finding fault ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUTTER-MOUTHED said of persons who are afraid to speak out plainly ...1865 Eng. dial.
• CANNY quiet, easy, snug, comfortable, pleasant, cosy ...a1758 Sc.
• DEAD quiet ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEFT quiet, silent ...1897 Eng. dial.
• DOCIOUS docile, quiet, civil ...1853 Amer. dial.
• DOUCE quiet, sober, sedate ...E18 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• EASEFUL that gives ease, comfort, or relief; comfortable, soothing; quiet, peaceful, restful ...1375
• EASY-HEARTED of an easy, quiet disposition ...1634
• HALCYDONIAN † calm, quiet, tranquil ...1611
• HALCYON calm, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed ...1578
• HALCYONIAN † calm, quiet, peaceful ...1617
• LOWN calm, quiet ...Amer. dialect
• MOME gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• PACIFIC characterized by peace or calm; peaceful, calm, tranquil, quiet ...1633
• PACIFICOUS † quiet, peaceful, tending to make peace ...1608
• PARTICULAR quiet, harmless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PENSY † quiet, thoughtful, pensive ...a1400-50 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUAMP still, quiet; also, sulky ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUAMP AS A MOUSE very quiet (quamp = still, quiet) ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUANK still, quiet ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUAT collapsed, quiet, dead ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUEME † quiet, still ...c1375 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• QUIESCEOUS †* belonging to quiescence or quietness ...1688
• QUIET AS THE GROUND very quiet ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUIETFUL †* full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETOUS †* quiet, peaceful ...1550
• QUIETSOME † quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RESTY quiet; full of ease ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNEAK-AND-PEAK designed to be quiet ...1973 US sl.
• SPACK †* gentle; quiet; tame ...ME
• TACENT †* silent, quiet, holding one's peace ...1652
QUIET - nouns
• HALCYON † calm, quietude ...1647
• QUIETANT anything that makes quiet or soothes ...1875
• QUIETATION † the act of quieting; the state of being quiet or quieted ...1502
• QUIETIVE that which tends to produce quiet; a sedative ...1894
• SAUCHT † peace, quiet, tranquillity ...1710 Sc.
• SAUGHT † peace, quiet, ease ...1641 Sc.
QUIET - nouns, person
• PAKE a quiet, easygoing fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUIET - verbs
• ACCOY † to still, to calm, to quiet, to appease; hence, to soothe or coax (the alarmed or shy), to tame, to silence, to daunt (the forward or bold) ...c1350
• ACQUIET † to set at rest, to quiet, to pacify ...1548
• BAWL-UP to shut up; to stop talking ...Bk1904 Amer. college sl.
• BE LIKE DAD to keep quiet; to say nothing ...1996 UK sl.
• BELT UP to hold one's peace; to be quiet ...1930s sl.
• BESTILL to make quiet, to still, to hush ...1770
• BUTTON UP to hold one's tongue; to shut up ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR BONE-BOX to close up the mouth; to be quiet ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR FLAP to be quiet ...1960 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR LIP to close up the mouth; to be quiet ...1868 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR NOSE to be quiet ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR YAP to be quiet ...1939 Amer. sl.
• CLOSE ONE'S FACE to be quiet ...L19 sl.
• DAMPER to mute, to quiet ...1979 US sl.
• DUMMY UP to become quiet ...1925 US sl.
• EASE to move quietly ...1920s US sl.
• FADE AWAY to become quiet ...1947 US sl.
• HEAD IN to back down or yield in an argument; to keep or become quiet ...1949 Amer. dial.
• HOLD ONE'S GULSH to keep quiet, to refrain from talking ...c1840 Eng. dial.
• KEEP A STIFF LIP to keep quiet, to maintain a secret ...1970s US Black sl.
• KILL IT to stop talking ...1910s sl.
• NOT TO SAY QUACK to be silent; to keep quiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OBACERATE †* to stop one's mouth, that he cannot tell out his tale ...1656
• OIL to move quietly, stealthily, or in an underhand, surreptitious manner ...1920s sl.
• PACIFY to make quiet by force or punishment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PACK IT UP to stop talking; to see fooling or some foolish practice ...c1925 Services' sl.
• PEACIFY * to make calm, to pacify; to soothe, quiet, or subdue ...1886
• POLLYFOX to move quietly, to pussyfoot ...1936 Amer. dial.
• PULL IN ONE'S EARS to duck one's head; to mind one's own business; hence, to be quiet ...1917 Amer. sl.
• QUALL of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
• QUAMP to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUANK to overcome, to subdue; to quiet ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUIESCE to become quiescent or quiet ...1833
• QUIETIZE * to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• QUILE to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1818 Amer. dial.
• QUILE DOWN to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1894 Amer. dial.
• QUILE UP to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1845 Amer. dial.
• QUOMP to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• SAUGHTEL † to become calm or quiet ...a1300
• SAW OFF to stop talking ...1900s US sl.
• SHUSH UP to become quiet ...1999 UK sl.
• SHUT ONE'S FACE (UP) to be quiet ...L19 sl.
• SHUT ONE'S PAN vb. to hold one's tongue; to keep silent ...1833
• SHUT ONE'S THROPPLE to cease talking, singing, or making a noise ...1901 Ireland
• SHUT UP to stop talking ...M17
• SHUT UP ONE'S GARRET to be quiet; to stop talking ...L19 sl.
• SNIV to hold one's tongue ...E19 sl.
• STUBBLE IT to hold one's tongue ...1827 sl.
• STUBBLE ONE'S WHIDDS to hold one's tongue ...1830 sl.
• SWALLOW ONE'S NECK to keep quiet; to hold one's tongue ...1920s W. Indies sl.
• SWALLOW ONE'S SPIT to keep quiet; to hold one's tongue ...1920s W. Indies sl.
• TURN IT UP to be quiet ...1945 Brit. sl.
• WRAP UP to be quiet ...1943 sl.
QUIET - interjections
• BAG IT! shut up! be quiet! go away! ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BAG ONE'S HEAD! shut up! go away! ...1863 Amer. sl.
• BELT UP! be quiet! ...1930s sl.
• BLOW IT OUT OF YOUR BAG! refrain from talking ...Bk1944 service sl.
• BUTTON IT! be quiet ...1980 sl.
• BUTTON UP YOUR FACE! shut up! be quiet! ...1932 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR NOSE! be quiet ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ OFF! shut up! ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CLOSE YOUR FACE! be quiet! ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CLOSE YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DARK IT! be quiet! keep quiet! ...L19 sl.
• DRY UP! be quiet ...1853 sl.
• EDNA! watch out! be quiet! ...1960 UK sl.
• GET BACK INTO YOUR BOX! silence! Be quiet! ...B1900 sl.
• GIVE IT A REST! be quiet ...1931 sl., orig. US
• HALT'S MAUL! be quiet! shut up! ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HARKEE! listen! be quiet! ...1847 Amer. dial.
• HARK YE! listen! be quiet! ...1827 Amer. dial.
• HARK YOUR NOISE! be quiet! ...1946 Amer. dial.
• HAVE DONE! cease, stop, be quiet ...1842 Eng. dial.
• HOLD YOUR HOT POTATO! be quiet! shut up! ...M19 sl.
• HOLD YOUR JAW! hold your tongue ...1892 sl.
• HOLD YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1871 Amer. dial.
• MOUSE! be quiet! ...19C
• MUM! † hush! be quiet! ...14C
• NANTE! no; nothing; none; stop; shut up; not ..1851 UK sl.
• NANTEE PALAVER! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTEE PARLAREE! shut up! be quiet! ...M19 sl.
• NANTI PANARLY! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTI PARLAREE POLARI! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTI POLARI! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTY! no; nothing; none; stop; shut up; not ..1851 UK sl.
• NARK IT! be quiet ...1936 Brit. sl.
• NITTO! be quiet!; also, stop! desist! ...1959 criminals' sl.
• OH, SWALLOW YOURSELF! hold your tongue! be quiet! don't bother! ...c1875
• PIPE DOWN! be quiet ...1900 sl.
• PULL IN YOUR EARS! shut up! ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• PULL IN YOUR NECK! shut up! ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• PUT A CORK IN IT! shut up! ...1982 US sl.
• PUT A SOCK IN IT! be quiet ...1919 Brit. sl.
• RADIO! be quiet! stop that! ...1960s US prison sl.
• SAVE IT! be quiet! shut up! ...1930s US sl.
• SAW OFF! be quiet! ...1900s US sl.
• SHADDUP! be quiet ...1959 sl.
• SHTOOM IT! be quiet ...1958 sl.
• SHTOOM UP! be quiet ...1958 sl.
• SHUDDUP! be quiet ...1940 sl.
• SHURRIT! be quiet! ...1982 UK sl.
• SHURRUP! be quiet ...1893 sl.
• SHUSH! be quiet! hush!
• SHUSH THE MUSH! be quiet! shut up! ...2004 UK sl.
• SHUSH UP! be quiet! ...1999 UK sl.
• SHUT IT! be quiet! ...1886 UK sl.
• SHUT THE FUCK UP! be quiet!; an intensified 'shut up' ...1991 US sl.
• SHUTTUP! be quiet! stop talking! ...1955 UK sl.
• SHUT UP! be quiet! stop talking! ...1840 sl.
• SHUT UP YOUR GARRET! hold your tongue! ...1909 sl.
• SHUT UP YOUR HEAD! be quiet! ...1856 Amer. dial.
• SHUT YOUR ASS! shut up! ...1951 Amer. sl.
• SHUT YOUR BEAK! shut up! be quiet! ...20C W. Indies sl.
• SHUT YOUR CAKEHOLE! shut your mouth! ...1940s sl.
• SHUT YOUR CAN! shut up! ...1919 US sl.
• SHUT YOUR CRUNCH! be quiet! ...1978 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR FACE! be quiet! shut up! ...1809 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR HEAD! be quiet! shut up! ...1876 US sl.
• SHUT YOUR RAG-BOX! shut up! be quiet! ...L19 sl.
• SHUT YOUR TEETH! be quiet! stop talking! ...2003 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR TRAP! be quiet! ...1959 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• STOW YOUR GAFF! be quiet! ...E19
• STOW YOUR JAW! hold your tongue ...Bk1896 sl.
• TAKE A RED-HOT POTATO! be quiet! shut up! ...M19 sl.
• TELL IT TO JESUS! a request to be quiet ...1930s US tramps’ usage
• TICK A LOCK! be quiet ...2005 Amer. dial.
• UNDER THE BUNK! shut up! ...c1920 US prison sl.
• WHEESHT! shut up! be quiet! ...c2002 UK playground sl.
• WIPE OFF YOUR CHIN! shut up! ...1876 Amer. sl.
• WRAP UP! be quiet! ...1940s Brit. sl.
QUIET - phrases
• DON'T LET YOUR MOUTH BUY WHAT YOUR ASS CAN'T PAY FOR advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• DONT' LET YOUR MOUTH OVERLOAD YOUR ASS advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• DON'T LET YOUR MOUTH WRITE A CHECK YOUR ASS CAN'T CASH advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• ILL FRY YOUR LIPS a warning to be quiet ...Bk1998 NZ sl.
• MUM'S THE WORD used as injunction not to reveal a secret; say nothing, keep quiet ...a1704 sl.
• NOT A WORD OF THE PUDDING keep quiet about it, say absolutely nothing about it ...L17
• SIT ON THE PARLIAMENTARY SIDE OF YOUR ARSE sit down and be quiet ...1900s Irish
QUIETED - adjectives
• YCESED † appeased, quieted ...1387
QUIETEN - verbs
• QUAIL to quiet down; to lull, to abate, esp. of the wind ...1897 Sc.
QUIETING - nouns
• ACQUIETING † a bringing to rest, quieting, or pacification ...1534
QUIETLY - adverbs
• ALL BY EASE gently, quietly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• BASELY † in a low tone, softly, quietly ...1562
• DOCIOUS quietly, submissively ...1853 Amer. dial.
• EASILY † without hurry, slowly; deliberately, gradually; also, calmly, quietly ...1384 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FAIR † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND EASILY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...1523 obs.
• FAIR AND EVENLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND SOFTLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...c1374
• FAIRLY † gently, peaceably, quietly, softly ...c1400
• INWARDLY inaudibly, quietly, in a low tone ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• ON THE Q.T. surreptitiously, on the quiet ...L19 sl.
• ON THE STRICT Q.T. surreptitiously, on the quiet ...L19 sl.
• PACATELY † quietly ...a1652
• QUIETOUSLY † quietly, peacefully ...1550
• SMACK-SMOOTH smoothly, without any impediment or obstruction; quietly, pleasantly ...1802 Eng. dial.
• UNDERFOOT * quietly, secretly ...1860
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• QUIESCENCE quietness; an instance of this ...a1631
• QUIESCENCY quietness; an instance of this ...1649
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• QUIETY †* quietness ...c1470 Sc
QUILT - nouns
• ALBUM QUILT a quilt in which each block, usually bearing an autograph or brief verse, is contributed by a different person ...1947 Amer. dial.
• BED-TWILT a bed quilt ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADDOW a quilt or coverlet ...1789 Amer. dial.
• HAP a wadded covering for a bed; a comforter, a heavy quilt ...1907 Amer. dial.
• HAPPING a covering; a coverlet, a quilt, a rug ...1503
• HEN-SKIN a thin comforter or quilt, often stuffed with feathers ...1902 Amer. dial.
• KAPA a bed quilt ...1887 Amer. dial.
• PALAMPO a quilt; a bedspread ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• RILDY a patchwork quilt ...1933 Amer. dial.
QUILTED - adjectives
• GAMBOISED quilted, padded ...1834
QUINCE - nouns
• QUANGER a quince ...1960s Aust. teen sl.
QUIP - nouns
• QUIB †* a gibe, quip ...1656
• QUIPPIE †* a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPPY †* a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUISM an odd or witty saying; a quip ...1885 Eng. dial.
QUIP - verbs
• QUIB †* to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
QUIRK - nouns
• QUIDDIT a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITY a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
• QUILLET a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
• QUILLETY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILLITY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
QUIRKY - adjectives
• QUIDDATIVE * full of equivocations, quirky ...1642
• QUIDDITATIVE † full of equivocations; quirky ...1611
• QUIRKSOME * quirky; full of quirks or shifts; tricky ...1896
QUIRKY - nouns, person
• LITTLE OLD LADY IN TENNIS SHOES used as a stereotype of an energetic, quirky old woman ...1984 US sl.
QUIT - nouns
• PAPER a notice to quit ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUIT - verbs
• BAG to disregard, abandon, or be done with; to discontinue; to quit ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BAG UP to disregard, abandon, or be done with; to quit ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BELEAVE † to go away from a person or place; to depart from, to forsake, to quit, to abandon ...c1205
• BUNCH to quit a job; to leave something unfinished; to stop, to cease, to abandon ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BUNG OUT to quit, to give up ...1938 Amer. dial.
• CASH to give up; to quit; to 'cash in' ...1905 US sl.
• CASH IN to quit, to give up ...1896 US sl., orig. gambling usage
• CHICKEN OUT to be scared; to be too frightened to act; to back out; to avoid or to withdraw from a plan, task, or endeavour because of fear; to quit ...1934 sl., orig. US
• CHOP to quit; to cease ...Bk1914 criminals' sl. SL-JAC criminal sl
• CHOP OFF to stop or put a stop to; to quit work ...1897 Amer. sl.
• HANG IT UP to quit ...1960s Amer. sl.
• HANG UP to quit work; to retire; to die ...1845 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S BOOTS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1975 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S FIDDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1830 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S HARNESS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S HAT to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S RACK to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S ROPE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S SADDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• LET † to quit, to abandon, to forsake ...c1175
• PUNCH OUT to leave; to quit; to abandon ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• SNATCH IT to quit work taking the wages due ...1911 Aust. sl.
• SNATCH YOUR TIME to quit work taking the wages due ...1916 Aust. sl.
• TAKE OUT to absent oneself from work or school; to quit a job ...1969 Amer. dial.
• TIE A CAN TO to get rid of or dismiss; to quit or stop ...1899 US sl.
• TIE UP to give up, to desist from; to quit a course of action ...1760 sl.
• WALK to quit a job or commitment ...1999 US sl.
• WHITE-EYE to be overcome by heat or exhaustion while working; to faint from exhaustion; to quit working, to quit on one; to desert, to abandon ...1911 Amer. dial.
QUIT - phrases
• I'M DEEP ENOUGH I quit, pay me ...1954 US sl.
QUITE - adverbs
• ABOUT HALF very, quite, exceptionally ...1962 Amer. sl.
• ALL TO NAUGHT quite, completely, altogether ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL TO NOTHING quite, completely, altogether ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DAMNLY completely, quite ...1968 Amer. dial.
• FAIR † completely, fully, quite ...c1330 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GAIN nearly, almost; pretty, tolerably; very, quite ...Bk1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• JUST MEET exactly, quite ...1703 Eng. dial.
• LARGE † amply, fully, quite, by a great deal; abundantly ...a1300 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng.
• MIGHTY very, extremely, quite ...1816 Amer. dial.
• NATURAL quite; entirely ...1851 Eng. dial.
• QUINNY quite, just yet; generally used negatively ...1839 Eng. dial.
• REGULAR quite, utterly, very ...1851 Eng. dial.
• RIGHT very; quite ...1837 Amer. dial.
• SKERE † quite, entirely; altogether ...a1225
• SKIRE quite, altogether ...1581 Sc.
QUITTING - nouns
• QUITTANCE * the act of quitting or leaving ...1892
• BEVERING the quivering of an infant's under-jaw when yawning ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• QUAGGLE a quivering, shaking motion, such as that of jelly or of loose boggy soil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITHER a shake, tremble, shudder, quiver ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TWITTERATION †* tremulous excitement, as from desire, fear, etc.; a state of agitation; a shaking, a quiver, a tremble ...1835-40
• WARBLING † a vibration or quivering ...1621
QUIVER - verbs
• BEVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEVVER to quiver ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BIVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BIVVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DANGLE to swing, vibrate, quiver, throb, tingle ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DENGLE to swing, to vibrate, to quiver, to throb, to tingle; to shoot or quiver with pain ...B1900 Sc.
• OGGLE †* to shudder or quiver for fear ...c1450
• QUAB † to beat, to throb, to quiver ...1663 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAP † to beat, to throb, to palpitate, to quiver ...c1374
• QUIBBLE † to quiver, to shake ...1726 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIBBLY to quiver, to shake ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITTER †* to flicker, to quiver ...1513 Sc.
• QUOB to quiver like jelly; to throb; to palpitate ...1863 Eng. dial.
• THRIMBLE to tremble, to shake, to quiver ...1842 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• THRIMMEL to tremble, to shake, to quiver ...1842 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• VERBERATE * to vibrate, to tremble, to quiver ...1755
• VIMMER to quiver, to tremble ...B1900 Sc.
• WARBLE † to vibrate, to quiver; to wobble ...1549
QUIVERING - adjectives
• AGITAGIOUS † quivering, shaking ...?1609
• BEVERING trembling, quivering ...1863 Eng. dial.
• DADDERING shaking, quivering ...1881 Eng. dial.
• DIRLING aching, quivering, tingling ...1853 Sc.
• WARBLING † in continual motion, quivering ...1549
• QUIVERATION a quivering; a trembling motion or condition ...1812 nonce word
QUIZ - verbs
• QUEER to quiz or ridicule; to puzzle ...1790 sl.
• QUIZZIFY * to make into a quiz ...1834
• TAIGLE to confound or get the better of in an argument; to quiz; to bamboozle, to outsmart; to perplex ...1874 Sc.
QUIZZING - nouns
• BUZZ a quizzing; an interviewing with an ulterior purpose, as by a criminal or a police officer ...1929 Amer. sl.
QUOITS - nouns
• BARNYARD GOLF the game of quoits or horseshoes ...1929 Amer. dial. jocular
• RING-A-PEG the game of horseshoes, quoits, or a similar game ...1965 Amer. dial.
QUOTA - nouns
• QUOTATION †* share, quota ...1613
• TAG a brief and usually familiar quotation added for special effect; a much used or trite quotation ...1702
QUOTE - adjectives
• QUOTATIVE relating to quoting; inclined to quote ...1812
QUOTE - nouns
• AIR QUOTES a twitching movement of the first and second fingers of each hand to quote another or emphasize or be sarcastic about a statement ...Amer. sl.
QUOTE - verbs
• ACCITE † to cite in writing, to quote ...a1631
• RING IN to quote; to implicate ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• MOISTEN ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUENT †* to quench ...1557 obs
• SLAKE ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...1881 Sc.
• SLECK ONE'S THROAT to quench one's thirst ...1892 Eng. dial.
• SLENCH to quench one's thirst ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SOAK ONE'S CLAY to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK ONE'S FACE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE CHAFFER to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE CLAY to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SOAK THE FACE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...19C sl.
• SQUENCH to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WET ONE'S THROPPLE to drink; to quench one's thirst ...1835 Sc.
• WET ONE'S THROTTLE to quench one's thirst, to drink ...1827 Sc.
QUERULOUS - adjectives
• BEERIN querulous, discontented ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CABBLING querulous, troublesome ...1866 Sc.
• KNAGGY cross, snappish, querulous; irritable; sarcastic ...1840 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NAGGY cross, snappish, querulous; shrewish; irritable; ill-natured, bad-tempered, testy; sarcastic ...1825 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PULY whining, querulous ...L17
• QUARRELLOUS † given to complaining; querulous ...c1400
• QUERELOUS †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1581
• QUERKETY given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERKING given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUERKY given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERULENTAL †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1785
• QUERULENTIAL †* querulous, complaining in a petulant or whining manner ...1806
• QUIRKING given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• VINNED peevish, querulous, bad-tempered; affected ...1834 Eng. dial.
• VINNIED peevish, querulous, bad-tempered; affected ...1834 Eng. dial.
• WAILISH † given to wailing, querulous ...c1550
• WHINY-PINY complaining, fretful, peevish, querulous ...1854 Eng. dial.
• YATTERIN captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YATTERY captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YAUPING ill-natured, peevish, querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YAUP a harsh, hoarse, or querulous cry, esp. of a bird ...1824
• YAWP a harsh, hoarse, or querulous cry, esp. of a bird ...1824
QUERULOUS - nouns, person
• GRANNY GRUNT a fussy or querulous person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PAEWAE a peevish weakling; a querulous, affected person, esp. a woman ...1927 Sc.
• GABBLE to scold in an ill-natured way; to wrangle, to be querulous ...Bk1900 Sc.
• NAAM to be querulous ...1919 Sc.
• NATTER to grumble; to fret; to scold; to speak in a querulous or peevish manner ...1829 Eng. dial.
• PULE to cry in a thin or weak voice; to whine, to whimper; to cry querulously; esp. of an infant ...1525 now Sc. & literary
• YABBER to speak in a peevish, scolding way; to nark; to be querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YABBLE to speak in a peevish, scolding way; to nark; to be querulous ...1825 Sc.
• YAP to speak nagging or querulous way; to harp on; to complain ...1824 Sc.
• YATTER to speak in a constant peevish, querulous manner; to nag, to chide, to carp, to scold, to fret, to grumble; to harp on about something ...1811 Sc.
• YAUP to speak in a chattering, nagging, or querulous way; to harp on ...1824 Sc.
• YAWP to speak in a chattering, nagging, or querulous way; to harp on ...1824 Sc.
• YERM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YIRM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YURM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• CHANNER strife, querulousness; complaining ...1891 Sc.
QUERY - adjectives
• IMPUGNABLE * subjected to query ...1823
• QUERICAL †* of the nature of a query ...1699
QUERY - nouns
• PISS-BALL a query to be answered ...c1945 sl.
• QUAERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUERICAL †* a query ...1699
• WALLACE BEERY a query, a question ...1990s rhyming sl.
QUERY - verbs
• QUAERE † to query ...1627
• QUERE †* to ask, to inquire; to query ...a1300
QUESTION - adjectives
• QUESTIONAL †* relating to questions ...1607
• QUESTIONARY 1. having the form of a question; consisting of questions ...1653
* 2. that asks questions ...1711
QUESTION - adverbs
• QUESTIONATIVELY †* as a question ...1657
• QUESTION-WISE † as a question ...1642
QUESTION - nouns
• AX a question ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CATCH † a catching or entangling question ...1674
• GRANNY GRUNT a mythical character to whom most questions may be referred ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HOOKER a difficult question on an examination ...1971 Amer. sl.
• MAND †* a question ...a1400
• NECK-QUESTION † a test question, one endangering one's neck ...1655
• OPPOSAL † the putting of posing questions; examination, interrogation; a posing question; a puzzle, enigma, riddle ...1426
• QUAERE a question, a query ...1589
• Q AND A a question and answer session ...1997 US
• QUERE a question, a query ...1589
• QUESTIONARY * a list of questions ...1541
• QUESTIONFUL † a full reply to a question ...1647 nonce word
• QUEZZIE a question ...2002 UK sl.
• QUIRK a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIZ a question ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR QUESTION a question that gets to the heart of the matter ...1942 US sl.
• WALLACE BEERY a query, a question ...1990s rhyming sl.
• ZINGER a surprise question, or an unexpected turn of events ...1973 US sl.
QUESTION, QUESTIONER - nouns, person
• BAILER one who asks questions ...1916 Amer. dial.
• QUERIST one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
QUESTION - verbs
• BACKSPEER to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BACKSPEIR to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BACKSPIER to question, to cross-examine, to inquire into a matter ...1808 Sc.
• BUZZ to question a person; to interview ...1871 Amer. sl.
• CALL ONE'S HAND to question, to call one to account ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• CATECHIZE to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
• CROSS-HACKLE to cross-question vexatiously or persistently ...1826
• CROSSQUOBBLE to pester with questions, to confuse ...Bk1920 Eng. dial.
• FIRE ON to ask questions in a rapid-fire manner ...1970s US Black sl.
• HAVEY-QUAVEY to inquire, to question ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• IRM to whine, to complain; to question querulously and continuously ...Bk1902 Sc.
• OPPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine, to interrogate, to question ...c1386
• QUARREL to question, to call to account, to challenge; to find fault with, to rebuke; to object to ...1709 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUEST * to question, to request, to demand ...1897
• QUIRK to question; to draw a person out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISET to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISITE to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIZZET to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1930 Amer. dial.
• QUIZZIT to question; to inquire into, to examine; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAG to question closely, to interrogate ...2000s sl.
• SIFT to subject one to close questioning ...a1566
• SQUIZZIT to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1922 Amer. dial.
• TAIRGE to question closely, to cross-examine ...1786 Sc.
• TARGE to question closely, to cross-examine ...1786 Sc.
• TARRAGAT to interrogate, to question strictly and persistently; to tease, to torment with questions; to pester ...1825 Sc.
• UNDERCROP † to question stealthily; to sound ...1596
• YERM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YIRM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
• YURM to whine, to complain; to utter low cries; to ask questions in a querulous tone ...1832 Sc.
QUESTIONABLE - adjectives
• DEBATEFUL † of things: controversial, contentious, uncertain, questionable ...1587
• IFFY of a questionable, dubious, suspicious or odd nature ...Bk1996 Aust. sl.
• LEFT-HANDED ambiguous, doubtful, questionable ...1612
QUESTIONABLE - nouns, person
• SHADY LADY a woman of questionable character, sexually or in her business dealings ...M20 US sl.
QUESTIONED - adjectives
• ON THE CARPET being rebuked or questioned closely by a person in authority ...1888 Amer. sl.
QUESTIONED - nouns, person
• QUESTIONEE * one who is questioned ...1866
QUESTIONING - adjectives
• ON THE HAVEY-QUAVEY on the inquiry, questioning, and doubting ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• PERCONTATORIAL * given to questioning, inquisitive ...1853
• PYSMATIC †* interrogatory, questioning, inquiring ...1652
• QUESTION-SICK † having a mania for questioning ...1647
• BACK-SPEERIN questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• BACK-SPEIRIN questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• BACK-SPIERING questioning, generally inquisitive cross-examination ...1827 Sc.
• WORKS the 'third' degree,' a prolonged and supposedly violent period of questioning by the police ...20C sl.
• QUES the question mark (?) character on a computer keyboard ...1991 US sl.
QUIBBLE - adjectives
• QUIBBLY * of the nature of a quibble ...1895
QUIBBLE - nouns
• ARGUTATION † over-refinement in arguing; subtle disputation; cavilling, cavil, quibble ...1641
• BRABBLE † a quibble, a captious objection or dispute ...1581
• CAPTION † the act of cavilling or taking exception; an objection or cavil; fallacious or captious argument; a quibble, sophism ...1605
• CARRIWITCHET a pun, a quibble, a conundrum; a hoaxing, puzzling, or absurd question ...1614
• CARWITCHET a pun, quibble; a hoaxing question or conundrum ...1614
• QUABBLE a quibble ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUIB † a quibble; an evasion of the point at issue ...a1550
• QUIBIBBLE † a quibble ...1606
• QUIBIBE †* a quibble ...a1550
• QUIBLET † a quibble ...1630
• QUIBLIN † a pun or quibble; a trick ...1605
• QUIDDIT a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITY a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
• QUILICOM †* an idle fancy, conceit, or quibble ...1644
• QUILLET a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
• QUILLETY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILLITY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUIRK a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUODDITY * a subtle distinction; a quibble, esp. in argument ...1682
QUIBBLE - verbs
• BAFFLE † to juggle, to shuffle, to quibble ...1656
• BALK † to meet arguments with objections; to quibble, to bandy words ...1596
• BAULK † to meet arguments with objections; to quibble, to bandy words ...1596
• BRABBLE † to dispute captiously or obstinately; to cavil or quibble ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GO 'TWIXT THE OAK AND THE RIND to make fine distinctions; to split hairs, to quibble ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAFFLE to hesitate; to speak confusedly; to falter; to stammer; to prevaricate, to quibble ...1790 Eng. dial.
• PETTIFOGULIZE to quibble; to use petty and contemptible means ...1853 nonce word
• POLLYFOX to dilly-dally, to delay and discuss, to quibble or equivocate ...1873 Amer. dial.
• POLLYFOX AROUND to equivocate, to quibble, to procrastinate; to waste time, to dilly-dally, to delay and discuss ...1970 Amer. dial.
• QUABBLE to quibble...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUILLET † to quibble ...1653
• QUODLIBETIFICATE † to deal quibblingly with ...1743
QUIBBLING - adjectives
• CAVILLOUS † unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• QUIDIFICAL †* quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• BAFFLE † a shuffle; quibbling, trifling ...1783
• BAFFLING † quibbling; trifling ...1653
• CATASOPHISTRY †* quibbling, deceit ...1609
• QUIBBLEISM * the practice of quibbling ...1836
QUICK - adjectives
• BRASH active, quick ...1887 US
• CHOP-CHOP quick ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• DAPPER sprightly, quick, active, sharp ...E17
• DARTY sharp, quick, active ...1869 Eng. dial.
• EDGIE quick, active, both mentally and physically; sharp, smart, clever ...1825 Sc.
• EDGY quick, active, both mentally and physically; sharp, smart, clever ...1825 Sc.
• FAST-ASS fast, quick ...1930s US sl.
• HASTY speedy, quick, expeditious; swift, rapid; sudden ...c1340 arch.
• HIEFUL † speedy, hasty, hurried, quick, prompt ...a1225
• IMPIGROUS †* diligent, quick, ready, not slow ...1656
• PERNICIOUS * rapid, swift, quick ...a1656
• QUICK AS DAMMIT exceedingly quick...20C colloq.
• QUICK AS SCAT very quick ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN CHAIN LIGHTNING remarkably quick ...1910 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN SCAT very quick ...1860 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN YOU CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON very quick ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUICKIE carried out quickly ...1940 US sl.
• QUICKISH quick ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUICKSILVER resembling quicksilver in quickness of movement ...1655
• QUIVER † active, nimble; quick, rapid ...c960 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAKING quick, speedy; energetic, accomplishing much ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAD † quick, hasty, speedy; active, prompt, ready, dexterous; eager, elated ...a700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAKING fast-going, quick, speedy; energetic, accomplishing much ...1862
• RAPE †* quick, hasty ...c1400
• RASH active, vigorous; brisk, hale, hearty, nimble, quick; eager, impetuous ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• RATHE quick in action, speedy, prompt; eager, earnest, vehement ...c900 Eng. dial. & poetic
• RIFE quick; ready; inclined to ...1853 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIQUILANT nimble, quick ...B1900
• SNAPPY quick; brisk; energetic ...1831 Amer. sl.
ׇ• SOON AS DAMMIT exceedingly quick, or almost immediate, soon ...1908 UK
• SPACK † of a person: quick, prompt, ready ...ME obs. exc. Eng. dial
• SPANKING quick and energetic; lively ...colloq.
• SUDDENLY †* quick, rapid ...1556
• TALL †* quick, prompt, ready, active ...1530-1600
• TIDY smart, brisk, quick ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TITE † quick, swift ...c1400
• WIKIWIKI quick, fast, speedy ...1967 Hawaii
• YANKING sharp and quick ...1824 Sc.
• YAP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen; desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAPPY apt, quick ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YARE adj. alert, nimble, active, brisk, quick ...a1300 arch. & Eng. dial.
• YARRY ready; smart, quick; sharp, cunning; wary ...1842 Eng. dial.
• YARY ready; smart, quick; sharp, cunning; wary ...1842 Eng. dial.
• YAUP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen, desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc.
• YAWP quick, apt, ready; eager, keen; desirous; forward ...1685 Sc.
• YEDER † quick; frequent ...a1400-50
• YEVER † eager, quick, prompt ...c1400 obs. exc. Sc.
• BICKER a quick movement; the noise caused by a succession of rapid strokes ...1785 Sc.
• BINNER a quick movement, a noisy dash ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONDI BUS used as an example of something that moves quickly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• BONDI TRAIN used as an example of something that moves quickly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• LICK a quick pace or clip; speed ...colloq.
• NAVITY †* diligence, stirring, quickness, speed ...1623
• ONCE a quick treatment or superficial job, such as a quick clean-up ...1930s sl.
• ONCE-OVER a quick treatment or superficial job, such as a quick clean-up ...1930s sl.
• RALLY a rush; a quick pace ...1880 Sc.
• RATTLE a quick pace; speed; impetus; a dash ...1878 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCREED † a quick movement; a snatch ...1805 Sc.
• YARK a quick movement of any kind ...Bk1905 Sc.
QUICK - nouns, person
• FAST ALECK a quick person ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SPANKER a person or animal that moves at a quick or lively pace ...colloq.
• TIGSER a person who is quick in motion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. sl.
• VELOCIPEDE a person who moves swiftly or quickly ...1822
• BAZZ to move quickly or energetically; to rush, to dash ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BICKER to move quickly; of a stream: to ripple, to flow ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BIRL to move quickly; to hurry along; to run about ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CALL to move quickly, to submit to be driven ...1768 Sc.
• CARRY THE MAIL to move quickly ...1946 US sl.
• CLIP to move or run quickly ...M19 US colloq.
• DANCE BARNABY to move quickly ...1664 sl.
• DAP to move quickly and lightly; to trip along ...1892 Eng. dial.
• DICE to do anything quickly and neatly ...1768 Sc.
• DO A SKATE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• EDGIE † to be quick or alert in doing anything ...1825 Sc.
• EDGY to be quick or alert in doing anything ...Bk1900 Sc.
• FAG to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1920 Amer. dial.
• FAG ALONG to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1942 Amer. dial.
• FAN to move about quickly; to run ...L19 Amer. dial.
• FAN ABOUT to move about quickly; to run ...1899 Amer. dial.
• FAN OUT to move about quickly; to run ...1905 Amer. dial.
• FAN THE DUST to move about quickly; to run ...1970 Amer. dial.
• GET UP AND QUILL to depart in haste; to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
• GO LIKE A LAMPLIGHTER to go quickly; to walk fast ...1848 Amer. dial.
• HASTE to cause to move more quickly; to urge, drive, or press on; to quicken, to accelerate, to hurry ...a1300
• HORSE IT to walk or go quickly ...1895 US sl.
• HOSS IT to walk or go quickly ...1968 US sl.
• HURRY UP YOUR CAKES to go quickly ...M19 US sl.
• HURVE to move quickly, to hurry ...1983 Aust. sl.
• HYKER to go quickly, to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HYPER to go quickly, to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• IGAREE to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGGERY to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGGRY to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• IGRI to hurry up, to go quickly ...1910s sl.
• JICKER to go quickly about anything; to walk smartly ...1789 Sc.
• LAKE † to exert oneself, to move quickly, to leap, to spring; hence, to fight ...a1000
• LAMP to go quickly by taking long steps ...a1605 Sc.
• LANCE † to bound, to spring, to move quickly, to rush ...c1330 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LICK to move quickly or lightly
• LOOK SNAPPY to be quick ...1926 UK sl.
• MAKE IT SNAPPY to be quick ...1926 UK sl.
• MOG to cause to move quickly; to make one go where they don't want to go ...1867 Amer. dial.
• PACK THE MAIL to ride or move quickly; to go fast, to run ...1942 Amer. dial.
• PROPERATE † to hasten or press forward; to go quickly ...1623
• PUT A JERK IN IT to act vigorously, smartly, or quickly ...1910s sl.
• PUT ON THE FAN to hurry, to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUILL to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
• RAISE DUST to hurry, to go quickly ...1910s US sl.
• RALLACK AWAY to do anything quickly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RALLY to go quickly; to hurry on ...1888 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE to move, run, or drive quickly, esp. with much noise ...1806 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIDE AS IF FETCHING THE MIDWIFE to go post haste ...Bk1903 sl.
• SASHAY to hurry, to move quickly ...20C sl., orig. US
• SCAMPER to run or go hastily or quickly
• SCHUSSEL to hurry, to rush; to do something in a quick and sloppy manner ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SCREED to do anything quickly, smartly, and with spirit ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SCRIM to move quickly, to scud along ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SHAB OUT to sneak away; to slink off; to go quickly ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SKATE 1. to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
2. to perform or do something quick, as an essay; to hurry through something ...1960s sl.
• SKATE OFF to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKEET to scoot, to flee, to run, to move quickly, to move something quickly ...1838 Amer. dial.
• SKEETE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKEETER to scoot, to flee, to run, to move quickly, to move something quickly ...1954 Amer. dial.
• SKICE † to move quickly and briskly; to skip or frisk about; to run ...1591 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SKID * to run or go quickly, to scud ...1815
• SKIFF to move lightly and quickly, esp. so as to barely touch a surface; to glide, to run, etc. in this manner ...1725 Sc.
• SKIFT † to move lightly and quickly; to skip, to run, to glide ...a1586
• SKIFTER to move lightly and quickly; to skip, to run, to glide ...1887
• SKITE to rush off, to leave at speed, to go quickly ...M19 sl.
• SKIVE to move lightly and quickly; to dart ...1854 Eng. dial.
• SKRIM to move quickly, to scud along ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SKYHOOT to go fast or quickly; to depart hurriedly; to scoot; to skyrocket ..1900 Amer. dial.
• SPANK to go at a quick and lively pace ...19C
• STIR ONE'S STUMPS to walk fast; to dance briskly; to act quickly; to bestir oneself, to increase one's speed ...c1460
• TAKE OFF to begin to move or increase quickly ...Bk2002 Aust. sl.
• TEW to fuss, to fret; to bustle about; to move about quickly ...1848 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• THUD † to fall heavily; to move quickly; of wind: to blow in gusts; to rush with a hollow sound ...1800 Sc.
• TOTE THE MAIL to run quickly; to move in a hurry; to ride or move quickly; to go fast ...1893 Amer. dial.
• TURN ON THE FAN to hurry, to move quickly; to depart hurriedly; to run away; to escape ...1935 Amer. sl., esp. prison usage
• WAFT to move quickly about; to pass quickly by ...1863 Eng. dial.
• WAIL to hurry away; to be quick over anything ...1867 Eng. dial.
• WALE to hurry away; to be quick over anything ...1867 Eng. dial.
• WALK ONE'S CHALKS to go or move, esp. away, quickly; to depart quickly; to run away ...1840 US sl.
• YANK to move quickly and vigorously, to spank along ...1822 Sc.
• YARK to move quickly or hastily; to push on; to do anything energetically; to work hard ...1843 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK to move quickly or hastily; to push on; to do anything energetically; to work hard ...1843 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ZOT to move quickly or suddenly ...c1965
QUICK - interjections
• IGAREE! hurry up! quickly! ...1910s sl.
• IGGRY! hurry up! quickly! ...1910s sl.
• YARE! a command to get ready quickly; quick!; esp. in nautical usage ...1606 arch.
QUICKEN - verbs
• INANIMATE † to animate, to encourage, to quicken, to invigorate ...1600
• MEND ONE'S GAIT to quicken one's steps; to move or travel faster ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MEND ONE'S LICKS to go faster; to quicken one's steps ...1864 Amer. dial.
• MEND ONE'S SPEED to quicken one's steps; to accelerate one's progress ...1843 Sc.
QUICKENED - adjectives
• ACCELERATE †* quickened, hastened ...1527
QUICKENING - adjectives
• ACCELERATORY * quickening, adding to velocity ...1847
• QUICKENANCE †* quickening ...a1617
QUICKER - adjectives
• TIDDER sooner, earlier, quicker ...1790 Eng. dial.
QUICKEST - adjectives
• EFTEST soonest, quickest, most convenient ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• RATHEST † quickest, soonest, most preferable; most eager ...c888
QUICKLY - adverbs
• ALL OF A FEATHER WHITE quickly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• AS BLIVE † as quickly as possible, immediately ...1413
• ASTOOR speedily, shortly, very quickly ...1863 Eng. dial.
• ASTORE speedily, shortly, very quickly ...1863 Eng. dial.
• BEFORE YOU COULD SAY JACKRABBIT very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BELIVELY †* quickly, at once ...c1400
• BILIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BLIVE † speedily, hastily, quickly, eagerly ...c1200 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BLIVELY †* quickly, at once ...c1400
• BOOKITY-BOOK quickly, swiftly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• BROTHELY † quickly, hastily; violently, furiously ...c1340
• BUCKLETY-WHET lickety-split, very quickly ...1859 Amer. dial.
• CHOP-CHOP quickly; immediately; shortly ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• DAP quickly, suddenly, at one swoop ...1895 Eng. dial.
• DING-DUST speedily, quickly ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIRECTLY quickly ...1924 Amer. dial.
• FASTLY quickly ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HARD quickly, very fast ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HASTIFLY † hastily, quickly, speedily ...a1327
• HASTIVELY † hastily, quickly, speedily ...a1327
• HASTY † hastily; quickly, rapidly, soon ...c1450
• HASTYFULLY † corrupt form of 'hastively'; hastily, quickly, speedily ...c1500
• IN A HANDBASKET quickly, surely, easily ...1923 Amer. dial.
• IN A JIFF quickly, in a very short time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IN A JIFFY quickly, in a very short time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IN A PIG'S WHISPER very quickly indeed; immediately; in a very short time ...1823 colloq.
• IN A QUACK in a mere moment; quickly, in the shortest possible time ...c1840 Sc.
• IN A TWITTER soon, quickly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• IN A WHIFF easily; quickly ...1823 Amer. dial.
• IN JIGTIME very quickly ...20C sl.
• IN QUICK STICKS quickly, without delay ...1890
• IN SHORT METER quickly, immediately, shortly ...1833 Amer. dial.
• IN THE BAT OF AN EYE quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IN THE TIME YOU CAN BAT AN EYE very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IN TWO CLAPS OF A LAMB'S TAIL in a moment, very quickly ...1892 Sc.
• IN TWO SHAKES OF A DOG'S HIND LEG quickly, immediately, soon ...Bk1998 NZ sl.
• KEENLY † sharply, quickly, in haste ...a1300
• LICKERTY-TOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1909 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BANG with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1935 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BRINDLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1905 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-BUMP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1943 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-CLICK with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1847 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-CUT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1831 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LARRUP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1907 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LEAP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-LINER with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1848 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SCOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SMASH with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• LICKETY-SPLIT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1835 Amer.
• LICKETY-WHITTLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1904 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-BLINDER with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-BRINDLE with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-RIP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LICKITY-SWITCH with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1895 Amer. dial.
• LICK-SPLITTING in haste, very rapidly ...1931 Amer. dial.
• LIKE A BLINK immediately, very quickly ...1950s sl.
• LIKE A KNIFE very quickly ...M19 US sl.
• LIKE A LAMPLIGHTER quickly, fast; with long, rapid strides ...1838 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• LIKE A STREAK OF CHAIN-LIGHTNING very quickly ...1834 Amer. dial.
• LIKE BILLY-HO very quickly; strongly, a lot ...1885 colloq.
• LIKE BILLY-O very quickly; strongly, a lot ...1885 colloq.
• LIKE BLINKO immediately, very quickly ...1950s sl.
• LIKE FUN very quickly; vigorously ...c1815 colloq.
• LIKE OLD BOOTS quickly, swiftly ...1850 sl.
• LIKE OLD NICK very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE OLD SCRATCH very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE SNUFF AT A WAKE very quickly ...20C Irish sl.
• LIKE STEAM very quickly, very easily, energetically ...M19 sl.
• LIKE TAR very keenly, very quickly ...1900s sl.
• LIKE THE MISCHIEF very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE THE OLD HARRY quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE THE OLD SCRATCH very quickly ...1941 Amer. dial.
• LIKE WINKY very quickly; in a moment; as in the twinkling of an eye ...1855 Eng. dial.
• LIKKETY-DAMN with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-HELL with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-RIP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-SCOOT with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• LIKKETY-WHOOP with great speed or vigour; quickly ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MOST RICKY-TICK very quickly ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• NOTHING FLAT very quickly ...1947 US sl.
• NO TIME FLAT very quickly ...1957 US sl.
• PEART briskly, quickly; in a lively or agreeable way ...1832 Amer. dial.
• POCO PRONTO at once, quickly, immediately ...1907 Amer. dial.
• QUICK quickly ...20C usage
• QUICK AND QUIDDER * quickly, forthwith ...1633 Sc.
• QUICK AS A CAT CAN BAT ITS EYE very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUICKISH quickly ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUICK QUIDDER swiftly, quickly ...1866 Sc.
• QUICK-SMART quickly ...1952 Aust. sl.
• QUICK-STICK(S) quickly, without delay ...1877
• QUICKSVILLE fast, quickly ...1960s US sl.
• QUICKTIME quickly, immediately ...M19 UK Black sl.
• QUIDDER swiftly, quickly, esp. of sudden vanishing ...1866 Sc.
• QUIVERLY † actively, quickly, smartly ...c960
• RAD † quickly, readily, soon ...c1250
• RADLY † quickly, promptly, without delay, soon ...c888
• RAM BAM quickly ...20C Amer. sl.
• RAPE †* hastily, quickly ...c1400
• RAPELIKE † hastily, in haste, quickly ...c1220
• RAPELY † hastily, in haste, quickly ...a1352
• RAPTLY † quickly ...1646
• RASH quickly, eagerly, hurriedly ...1884 Eng. dial.
• RASHLY † quickly, rapidly, hastily ...a1547 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RATHE † denoting rapidity in the performance or completion of an action; quickly, rapidly, swiftly, esp. without delay, promptly, soon ...c825
• RATHELY † quickly, rapidly, swiftly ...a950
• SKEET † quickly, hastily, immediately ...c1200
• SKELP quickly and violently; suddenly
• SPLIT-ARSE very quickly ...1910s sl.
• TANTIVY † at full gallop; swiftly, quickly, hastily; headlong ...1641 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TAPLY † at break of day, early in the morning; privately; quickly ...1746 Eng. dial.
• TIGHT tightly; smartly, quickly; strenuously, soundly ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHTLY promptly, quickly; actively, smartly ...1873 Sc.
• TIT † quickly, soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITE † quickly, soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITELY † quickly, speedily, smartly; soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITLY † quickly, speedily, smartly; soon ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TITTER † more quickly; sooner, earlier ...a1300 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• UNGHERE † soon, quickly ...c1250
• WIGHT † quickly, without delay ...ME
• WIKIWIKI quickly, hastily, right away ...1917 Hawaii
• WITH ALL SAIL SET in a quick and determined manner; hurriedly ...1916 Amer. dial.
• YARE † quickly, without delay, promptly, immediately, soon ...c1250
• YARELY quickly, promptly, nimbly, briskly, diligently, eagerly ...a900 arch.
• YEDERLY † quickly ...a1300
• YEPLY † quickly, briskly; promptly, without delay ...a1300
• YERNE † 1. quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast, briskly, at a great rate ...a1023
† 2. quickly, without delay, immediately, directly, soon ...c1320
• YEVERLY † greedily, quickly ...c900 obs. exc. Sc.
QUICKLY - interjections
• LOOK SNAPPY! quickly! ...1926 UK sl.
• MAKE IT SNAPPY! quickly! ...1926 UK sl.
• HASTINESS † quickness, swiftness, rapidity; suddenness ...c1330
• IMPIGRITY †* quickness, diligence ...1623
• QUICKSHIP †* quickness ...a1225
• LAIR a quagmire; a muddy place; mud; quicksand, or any soft and yielding surface ...1660 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MELGREAVE a quicksand ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MELLGRAVE a quicksand ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUIXON a quicksand ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOB a marshy spot; a bog, a quagmire; a quicksand ...1876 Eng. dial.
• SAND-POT a quicksand ...Bk1914 Eng. dial.
• SINKING SAND, A †* a quicksand ...1535
• SUCKING SAND † quicksand ...1513
QUICK-TEMPERED - adjectives
• AMBITIOUS of persons or animals: spirited, vivacious, unruly; vicious; angry; enraged; quick-tempered; hot-tempered ...1853 Amer. dial.
• BRASH easily angered; quick-tempered, sharp-tempered ...1903 Amer. dial.
• CAMPY quick-tempered, ill-tempered ...1808 Sc.
• CLUNCHY quick-tempered; short tempered; easily offended ...19C Eng. dial.
• EASY ON THE TRIGGER quick-tempered, excitable, quick to anger ...1968 Amer. sl.
• EASY ON TRIGGER quick-tempered, excitable, quick to anger ...1912 Amer. dial.
• EDGY quick-tempered, easily provoked ...Bk1900 Sc.
• HASTIF † quick-tempered, passionate; in a passion, angry ...1297
• HASTISH quickly excited to anger; quick-tempered, passionate, irritable ...1749 Eng. dial.
• HASTIVE † quick-tempered, passionate; in a passion, angry ...1297
• HATTLE-TEMPERED quick-tempered, touchy ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• METTLY quick-tempered, irritable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SHORT-MINDED quick-tempered, touchy ...1986 Amer. dial.
• SHORT-PATIENCED quick-tempered; excitable; touchy; irritable; easily offended; impatient ...1922 Amer. dial.
• SHORT-PATIENT quick-tempered; excitable; touchy; irritable; easily offended; impatient ...1922 Amer. dial.
• SPLENITIVE †* splenetic; irritable, morose, peevish, ill-humoured, quick-tempered, testy ...1633
• VITTERY quick-tempered, spiteful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUICK-TEMPERED - nouns, person
• BLUE HEN'S CHICK a dominant, aggressive, or quick-tempered person, usually a woman ...1951 Amer. dial.
• BLUE HEN'S CHICKEN a dominant, aggressive, or quick-tempered person, usually a woman ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• PEPPERPOT a quick-tempered or hot-tempered person ...1894
QUICK-WITTED - adjectives
• APTISH intelligent, quick-witted ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DERRY acute, sharp, quick-witted ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GALLOWS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, tough, bold, daring, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GALLUS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• KEEN AS A BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1834 Amer. dial.
• SHARP AS A NEEDLE extremely quick-witted
• SHARP AS A BAMBOO-BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1880 Amer. dial.
• SHARP AS A BRIAR sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SMART AS A STEEL-TRAP extremely bright and clever; very sharp and shrewd; intellectually alert, quick-witted ...1821 Amer. dial.
• WACKENISH lively, quick-witted, shrewd ...1890 Eng. dial.
• WACKENSOME lively, quick-witted, shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WAKEN alert, brisk, lively; sharp; intelligent, quick-witted ...1867 Eng. dial.
• YARE-WITEL † quick-witted ...c1205
QUICK-WITTED - nouns, person
• CLIP-WIT a sharp-tongued, quarrelsome or quick-witted person ...19C Sc.
• NATURAL a clever, quick-witted, generous man ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• WACKENER a sharp, quick-witted person ...1878 Eng. dial.
QUIET - adjectives
• BIRD-MOUTHED unwilling to speak out; tender in finding fault ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUTTER-MOUTHED said of persons who are afraid to speak out plainly ...1865 Eng. dial.
• CANNY quiet, easy, snug, comfortable, pleasant, cosy ...a1758 Sc.
• DEAD quiet ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEFT quiet, silent ...1897 Eng. dial.
• DOCIOUS docile, quiet, civil ...1853 Amer. dial.
• DOUCE quiet, sober, sedate ...E18 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• EASEFUL that gives ease, comfort, or relief; comfortable, soothing; quiet, peaceful, restful ...1375
• EASY-HEARTED of an easy, quiet disposition ...1634
• HALCYDONIAN † calm, quiet, tranquil ...1611
• HALCYON calm, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed ...1578
• HALCYONIAN † calm, quiet, peaceful ...1617
• LOWN calm, quiet ...Amer. dialect
• MOME gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• PACIFIC characterized by peace or calm; peaceful, calm, tranquil, quiet ...1633
• PACIFICOUS † quiet, peaceful, tending to make peace ...1608
• PARTICULAR quiet, harmless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PENSY † quiet, thoughtful, pensive ...a1400-50 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUAMP still, quiet; also, sulky ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUAMP AS A MOUSE very quiet (quamp = still, quiet) ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUANK still, quiet ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUAT collapsed, quiet, dead ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUEME † quiet, still ...c1375 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• QUIESCEOUS †* belonging to quiescence or quietness ...1688
• QUIET AS THE GROUND very quiet ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUIETFUL †* full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETOUS †* quiet, peaceful ...1550
• QUIETSOME † quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RESTY quiet; full of ease ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNEAK-AND-PEAK designed to be quiet ...1973 US sl.
• SPACK †* gentle; quiet; tame ...ME
• TACENT †* silent, quiet, holding one's peace ...1652
QUIET - nouns
• HALCYON † calm, quietude ...1647
• QUIETANT anything that makes quiet or soothes ...1875
• QUIETATION † the act of quieting; the state of being quiet or quieted ...1502
• QUIETIVE that which tends to produce quiet; a sedative ...1894
• SAUCHT † peace, quiet, tranquillity ...1710 Sc.
• SAUGHT † peace, quiet, ease ...1641 Sc.
QUIET - nouns, person
• PAKE a quiet, easygoing fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUIET - verbs
• ACCOY † to still, to calm, to quiet, to appease; hence, to soothe or coax (the alarmed or shy), to tame, to silence, to daunt (the forward or bold) ...c1350
• ACQUIET † to set at rest, to quiet, to pacify ...1548
• BAWL-UP to shut up; to stop talking ...Bk1904 Amer. college sl.
• BE LIKE DAD to keep quiet; to say nothing ...1996 UK sl.
• BELT UP to hold one's peace; to be quiet ...1930s sl.
• BESTILL to make quiet, to still, to hush ...1770
• BUTTON UP to hold one's tongue; to shut up ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR BONE-BOX to close up the mouth; to be quiet ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR FLAP to be quiet ...1960 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR LIP to close up the mouth; to be quiet ...1868 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR NOSE to be quiet ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR YAP to be quiet ...1939 Amer. sl.
• CLOSE ONE'S FACE to be quiet ...L19 sl.
• DAMPER to mute, to quiet ...1979 US sl.
• DUMMY UP to become quiet ...1925 US sl.
• EASE to move quietly ...1920s US sl.
• FADE AWAY to become quiet ...1947 US sl.
• HEAD IN to back down or yield in an argument; to keep or become quiet ...1949 Amer. dial.
• HOLD ONE'S GULSH to keep quiet, to refrain from talking ...c1840 Eng. dial.
• KEEP A STIFF LIP to keep quiet, to maintain a secret ...1970s US Black sl.
• KILL IT to stop talking ...1910s sl.
• NOT TO SAY QUACK to be silent; to keep quiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OBACERATE †* to stop one's mouth, that he cannot tell out his tale ...1656
• OIL to move quietly, stealthily, or in an underhand, surreptitious manner ...1920s sl.
• PACIFY to make quiet by force or punishment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PACK IT UP to stop talking; to see fooling or some foolish practice ...c1925 Services' sl.
• PEACIFY * to make calm, to pacify; to soothe, quiet, or subdue ...1886
• POLLYFOX to move quietly, to pussyfoot ...1936 Amer. dial.
• PULL IN ONE'S EARS to duck one's head; to mind one's own business; hence, to be quiet ...1917 Amer. sl.
• QUALL of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
• QUAMP to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUANK to overcome, to subdue; to quiet ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUIESCE to become quiescent or quiet ...1833
• QUIETIZE * to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• QUILE to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1818 Amer. dial.
• QUILE DOWN to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1894 Amer. dial.
• QUILE UP to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1845 Amer. dial.
• QUOMP to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• SAUGHTEL † to become calm or quiet ...a1300
• SAW OFF to stop talking ...1900s US sl.
• SHUSH UP to become quiet ...1999 UK sl.
• SHUT ONE'S FACE (UP) to be quiet ...L19 sl.
• SHUT ONE'S PAN vb. to hold one's tongue; to keep silent ...1833
• SHUT ONE'S THROPPLE to cease talking, singing, or making a noise ...1901 Ireland
• SHUT UP to stop talking ...M17
• SHUT UP ONE'S GARRET to be quiet; to stop talking ...L19 sl.
• SNIV to hold one's tongue ...E19 sl.
• STUBBLE IT to hold one's tongue ...1827 sl.
• STUBBLE ONE'S WHIDDS to hold one's tongue ...1830 sl.
• SWALLOW ONE'S NECK to keep quiet; to hold one's tongue ...1920s W. Indies sl.
• SWALLOW ONE'S SPIT to keep quiet; to hold one's tongue ...1920s W. Indies sl.
• TURN IT UP to be quiet ...1945 Brit. sl.
• WRAP UP to be quiet ...1943 sl.
QUIET - interjections
• BAG IT! shut up! be quiet! go away! ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BAG ONE'S HEAD! shut up! go away! ...1863 Amer. sl.
• BELT UP! be quiet! ...1930s sl.
• BLOW IT OUT OF YOUR BAG! refrain from talking ...Bk1944 service sl.
• BUTTON IT! be quiet ...1980 sl.
• BUTTON UP YOUR FACE! shut up! be quiet! ...1932 Amer. sl.
• BUTTON YOUR NOSE! be quiet ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ OFF! shut up! ...1960 Amer. dial.
• CLOSE YOUR FACE! be quiet! ...1896 Amer. sl.
• CLOSE YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DARK IT! be quiet! keep quiet! ...L19 sl.
• DRY UP! be quiet ...1853 sl.
• EDNA! watch out! be quiet! ...1960 UK sl.
• GET BACK INTO YOUR BOX! silence! Be quiet! ...B1900 sl.
• GIVE IT A REST! be quiet ...1931 sl., orig. US
• HALT'S MAUL! be quiet! shut up! ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HARKEE! listen! be quiet! ...1847 Amer. dial.
• HARK YE! listen! be quiet! ...1827 Amer. dial.
• HARK YOUR NOISE! be quiet! ...1946 Amer. dial.
• HAVE DONE! cease, stop, be quiet ...1842 Eng. dial.
• HOLD YOUR HOT POTATO! be quiet! shut up! ...M19 sl.
• HOLD YOUR JAW! hold your tongue ...1892 sl.
• HOLD YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1871 Amer. dial.
• MOUSE! be quiet! ...19C
• MUM! † hush! be quiet! ...14C
• NANTE! no; nothing; none; stop; shut up; not ..1851 UK sl.
• NANTEE PALAVER! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTEE PARLAREE! shut up! be quiet! ...M19 sl.
• NANTI PANARLY! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTI PARLAREE POLARI! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTI POLARI! be quiet! don't talk! ...2002 UK sl.
• NANTY! no; nothing; none; stop; shut up; not ..1851 UK sl.
• NARK IT! be quiet ...1936 Brit. sl.
• NITTO! be quiet!; also, stop! desist! ...1959 criminals' sl.
• OH, SWALLOW YOURSELF! hold your tongue! be quiet! don't bother! ...c1875
• PIPE DOWN! be quiet ...1900 sl.
• PULL IN YOUR EARS! shut up! ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• PULL IN YOUR NECK! shut up! ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• PUT A CORK IN IT! shut up! ...1982 US sl.
• PUT A SOCK IN IT! be quiet ...1919 Brit. sl.
• RADIO! be quiet! stop that! ...1960s US prison sl.
• SAVE IT! be quiet! shut up! ...1930s US sl.
• SAW OFF! be quiet! ...1900s US sl.
• SHADDUP! be quiet ...1959 sl.
• SHTOOM IT! be quiet ...1958 sl.
• SHTOOM UP! be quiet ...1958 sl.
• SHUDDUP! be quiet ...1940 sl.
• SHURRIT! be quiet! ...1982 UK sl.
• SHURRUP! be quiet ...1893 sl.
• SHUSH! be quiet! hush!
• SHUSH THE MUSH! be quiet! shut up! ...2004 UK sl.
• SHUSH UP! be quiet! ...1999 UK sl.
• SHUT IT! be quiet! ...1886 UK sl.
• SHUT THE FUCK UP! be quiet!; an intensified 'shut up' ...1991 US sl.
• SHUTTUP! be quiet! stop talking! ...1955 UK sl.
• SHUT UP! be quiet! stop talking! ...1840 sl.
• SHUT UP YOUR GARRET! hold your tongue! ...1909 sl.
• SHUT UP YOUR HEAD! be quiet! ...1856 Amer. dial.
• SHUT YOUR ASS! shut up! ...1951 Amer. sl.
• SHUT YOUR BEAK! shut up! be quiet! ...20C W. Indies sl.
• SHUT YOUR CAKEHOLE! shut your mouth! ...1940s sl.
• SHUT YOUR CAN! shut up! ...1919 US sl.
• SHUT YOUR CRUNCH! be quiet! ...1978 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR FACE! be quiet! shut up! ...1809 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR HEAD! be quiet! shut up! ...1876 US sl.
• SHUT YOUR RAG-BOX! shut up! be quiet! ...L19 sl.
• SHUT YOUR TEETH! be quiet! stop talking! ...2003 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR TRAP! be quiet! ...1959 UK sl.
• SHUT YOUR YAP! be quiet! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• STOW YOUR GAFF! be quiet! ...E19
• STOW YOUR JAW! hold your tongue ...Bk1896 sl.
• TAKE A RED-HOT POTATO! be quiet! shut up! ...M19 sl.
• TELL IT TO JESUS! a request to be quiet ...1930s US tramps’ usage
• TICK A LOCK! be quiet ...2005 Amer. dial.
• UNDER THE BUNK! shut up! ...c1920 US prison sl.
• WHEESHT! shut up! be quiet! ...c2002 UK playground sl.
• WIPE OFF YOUR CHIN! shut up! ...1876 Amer. sl.
• WRAP UP! be quiet! ...1940s Brit. sl.
QUIET - phrases
• DON'T LET YOUR MOUTH BUY WHAT YOUR ASS CAN'T PAY FOR advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• DONT' LET YOUR MOUTH OVERLOAD YOUR ASS advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• DON'T LET YOUR MOUTH WRITE A CHECK YOUR ASS CAN'T CASH advice to keep quiet, esp. in a delicate situation ...1980s US Black sl.
• ILL FRY YOUR LIPS a warning to be quiet ...Bk1998 NZ sl.
• MUM'S THE WORD used as injunction not to reveal a secret; say nothing, keep quiet ...a1704 sl.
• NOT A WORD OF THE PUDDING keep quiet about it, say absolutely nothing about it ...L17
• SIT ON THE PARLIAMENTARY SIDE OF YOUR ARSE sit down and be quiet ...1900s Irish
QUIETED - adjectives
• YCESED † appeased, quieted ...1387
QUIETEN - verbs
• QUAIL to quiet down; to lull, to abate, esp. of the wind ...1897 Sc.
QUIETING - nouns
• ACQUIETING † a bringing to rest, quieting, or pacification ...1534
QUIETLY - adverbs
• ALL BY EASE gently, quietly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• BASELY † in a low tone, softly, quietly ...1562
• DOCIOUS quietly, submissively ...1853 Amer. dial.
• EASILY † without hurry, slowly; deliberately, gradually; also, calmly, quietly ...1384 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FAIR † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND EASILY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...1523 obs.
• FAIR AND EVENLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND SOFTLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...c1374
• FAIRLY † gently, peaceably, quietly, softly ...c1400
• INWARDLY inaudibly, quietly, in a low tone ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• ON THE Q.T. surreptitiously, on the quiet ...L19 sl.
• ON THE STRICT Q.T. surreptitiously, on the quiet ...L19 sl.
• PACATELY † quietly ...a1652
• QUIETOUSLY † quietly, peacefully ...1550
• SMACK-SMOOTH smoothly, without any impediment or obstruction; quietly, pleasantly ...1802 Eng. dial.
• UNDERFOOT * quietly, secretly ...1860
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• QUIESCENCE quietness; an instance of this ...a1631
• QUIESCENCY quietness; an instance of this ...1649
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• QUIETY †* quietness ...c1470 Sc
QUILT - nouns
• ALBUM QUILT a quilt in which each block, usually bearing an autograph or brief verse, is contributed by a different person ...1947 Amer. dial.
• BED-TWILT a bed quilt ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADDOW a quilt or coverlet ...1789 Amer. dial.
• HAP a wadded covering for a bed; a comforter, a heavy quilt ...1907 Amer. dial.
• HAPPING a covering; a coverlet, a quilt, a rug ...1503
• HEN-SKIN a thin comforter or quilt, often stuffed with feathers ...1902 Amer. dial.
• KAPA a bed quilt ...1887 Amer. dial.
• PALAMPO a quilt; a bedspread ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• RILDY a patchwork quilt ...1933 Amer. dial.
QUILTED - adjectives
• GAMBOISED quilted, padded ...1834
QUINCE - nouns
• QUANGER a quince ...1960s Aust. teen sl.
QUIP - nouns
• QUIB †* a gibe, quip ...1656
• QUIPPIE †* a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPPY †* a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUISM an odd or witty saying; a quip ...1885 Eng. dial.
QUIP - verbs
• QUIB †* to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
QUIRK - nouns
• QUIDDIT a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITY a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
• QUILLET a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
• QUILLETY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILLITY †* a quirk, a quibble ...1573
QUIRKY - adjectives
• QUIDDATIVE * full of equivocations, quirky ...1642
• QUIDDITATIVE † full of equivocations; quirky ...1611
• QUIRKSOME * quirky; full of quirks or shifts; tricky ...1896
QUIRKY - nouns, person
• LITTLE OLD LADY IN TENNIS SHOES used as a stereotype of an energetic, quirky old woman ...1984 US sl.
QUIT - nouns
• PAPER a notice to quit ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
QUIT - verbs
• BAG to disregard, abandon, or be done with; to discontinue; to quit ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BAG UP to disregard, abandon, or be done with; to quit ...1968 Amer. sl.
• BELEAVE † to go away from a person or place; to depart from, to forsake, to quit, to abandon ...c1205
• BUNCH to quit a job; to leave something unfinished; to stop, to cease, to abandon ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BUNG OUT to quit, to give up ...1938 Amer. dial.
• CASH to give up; to quit; to 'cash in' ...1905 US sl.
• CASH IN to quit, to give up ...1896 US sl., orig. gambling usage
• CHICKEN OUT to be scared; to be too frightened to act; to back out; to avoid or to withdraw from a plan, task, or endeavour because of fear; to quit ...1934 sl., orig. US
• CHOP to quit; to cease ...Bk1914 criminals' sl. SL-JAC criminal sl
• CHOP OFF to stop or put a stop to; to quit work ...1897 Amer. sl.
• HANG IT UP to quit ...1960s Amer. sl.
• HANG UP to quit work; to retire; to die ...1845 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S BOOTS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1975 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S FIDDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1830 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S HARNESS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S HAT to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S RACK to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S ROPE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S SADDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• LET † to quit, to abandon, to forsake ...c1175
• PUNCH OUT to leave; to quit; to abandon ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• SNATCH IT to quit work taking the wages due ...1911 Aust. sl.
• SNATCH YOUR TIME to quit work taking the wages due ...1916 Aust. sl.
• TAKE OUT to absent oneself from work or school; to quit a job ...1969 Amer. dial.
• TIE A CAN TO to get rid of or dismiss; to quit or stop ...1899 US sl.
• TIE UP to give up, to desist from; to quit a course of action ...1760 sl.
• WALK to quit a job or commitment ...1999 US sl.
• WHITE-EYE to be overcome by heat or exhaustion while working; to faint from exhaustion; to quit working, to quit on one; to desert, to abandon ...1911 Amer. dial.
QUIT - phrases
• I'M DEEP ENOUGH I quit, pay me ...1954 US sl.
QUITE - adverbs
• ABOUT HALF very, quite, exceptionally ...1962 Amer. sl.
• ALL TO NAUGHT quite, completely, altogether ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL TO NOTHING quite, completely, altogether ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DAMNLY completely, quite ...1968 Amer. dial.
• FAIR † completely, fully, quite ...c1330 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GAIN nearly, almost; pretty, tolerably; very, quite ...Bk1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• JUST MEET exactly, quite ...1703 Eng. dial.
• LARGE † amply, fully, quite, by a great deal; abundantly ...a1300 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng.
• MIGHTY very, extremely, quite ...1816 Amer. dial.
• NATURAL quite; entirely ...1851 Eng. dial.
• QUINNY quite, just yet; generally used negatively ...1839 Eng. dial.
• REGULAR quite, utterly, very ...1851 Eng. dial.
• RIGHT very; quite ...1837 Amer. dial.
• SKERE † quite, entirely; altogether ...a1225
• SKIRE quite, altogether ...1581 Sc.
QUITTING - nouns
• QUITTANCE * the act of quitting or leaving ...1892
• BEVERING the quivering of an infant's under-jaw when yawning ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• QUAGGLE a quivering, shaking motion, such as that of jelly or of loose boggy soil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITHER a shake, tremble, shudder, quiver ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TWITTERATION †* tremulous excitement, as from desire, fear, etc.; a state of agitation; a shaking, a quiver, a tremble ...1835-40
• WARBLING † a vibration or quivering ...1621
QUIVER - verbs
• BEVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEVVER to quiver ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BIVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BIVVER to shake, to quiver, to tremble, esp. with cold or fear ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DANGLE to swing, vibrate, quiver, throb, tingle ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DENGLE to swing, to vibrate, to quiver, to throb, to tingle; to shoot or quiver with pain ...B1900 Sc.
• OGGLE †* to shudder or quiver for fear ...c1450
• QUAB † to beat, to throb, to quiver ...1663 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAP † to beat, to throb, to palpitate, to quiver ...c1374
• QUIBBLE † to quiver, to shake ...1726 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIBBLY to quiver, to shake ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITTER †* to flicker, to quiver ...1513 Sc.
• QUOB to quiver like jelly; to throb; to palpitate ...1863 Eng. dial.
• THRIMBLE to tremble, to shake, to quiver ...1842 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• THRIMMEL to tremble, to shake, to quiver ...1842 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• VERBERATE * to vibrate, to tremble, to quiver ...1755
• VIMMER to quiver, to tremble ...B1900 Sc.
• WARBLE † to vibrate, to quiver; to wobble ...1549
QUIVERING - adjectives
• AGITAGIOUS † quivering, shaking ...?1609
• BEVERING trembling, quivering ...1863 Eng. dial.
• DADDERING shaking, quivering ...1881 Eng. dial.
• DIRLING aching, quivering, tingling ...1853 Sc.
• WARBLING † in continual motion, quivering ...1549
• QUIVERATION a quivering; a trembling motion or condition ...1812 nonce word
QUIZ - verbs
• QUEER to quiz or ridicule; to puzzle ...1790 sl.
• QUIZZIFY * to make into a quiz ...1834
• TAIGLE to confound or get the better of in an argument; to quiz; to bamboozle, to outsmart; to perplex ...1874 Sc.
QUIZZING - nouns
• BUZZ a quizzing; an interviewing with an ulterior purpose, as by a criminal or a police officer ...1929 Amer. sl.
QUOITS - nouns
• BARNYARD GOLF the game of quoits or horseshoes ...1929 Amer. dial. jocular
• RING-A-PEG the game of horseshoes, quoits, or a similar game ...1965 Amer. dial.
QUOTA - nouns
• QUOTATION †* share, quota ...1613
• TAG a brief and usually familiar quotation added for special effect; a much used or trite quotation ...1702
QUOTE - adjectives
• QUOTATIVE relating to quoting; inclined to quote ...1812
QUOTE - nouns
• AIR QUOTES a twitching movement of the first and second fingers of each hand to quote another or emphasize or be sarcastic about a statement ...Amer. sl.
QUOTE - verbs
• ACCITE † to cite in writing, to quote ...a1631
• RING IN to quote; to implicate ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.