ATHEISM - nouns
• UNBELIEFFULNESS † atheism ...1382
ATHEIST - person
• NETHEIST an atheist ...1855
• UNBELIEVER - one who does not believe; one who does not accept a particular religious belief, an infidel; an atheist ...1526
ATHLETE, ATHLETIC(S) - adjectives
• GYMNASTIC * physically active, athletic ...1785
• PALAESTRAL, PALESTRAL pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...c1374
• PALAESTRIAN, PALESTRIAN pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1828
• PALAESTRIC, PALESTRIC pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1774
• PALAESTRICAL, PALESTRICAL † pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1579
• RENKY large and well-made; athletic, muscular ...1684 Eng. dial.
athlete, athletic(s) - nouns
• ACTIVITY † physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics ...1552
• GAME an athlete's style and ability ...1997 US sl.
• EARLY BATH an ejection from an athletic contest ...1978 NZ sl.
• EARLY SHOWER an ejection from an athletic contest ...1978 NZ sl.
• GAMING † the celebration of games; an athletic or musical contest ...1587
• PALAESTRA, PALESTRA a place devoted to the public teaching and practice of wrestling and other athletic exercises; a wrestling-school, gymnasium ...1412-20
athlete, athletic(s) - person
• ACTOR an athlete who is good at pretending he has been hurt or fouled, esp. a baseball player who very convincingly mimes the pain of being hit by a pitch ... Bk2007 Amer. sl.
• ANIMAL an athletic or muscular man; esp. a bodyguard or hired thug ...1921 Amer. sl.
• BALLER an athlete; one who plays with footballs, basketballs, baseballs, etc. ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BALLHEAD an athlete; someone obsessed with ball games; perhaps a stupid one ...Bk1995 US sl.
• CHICK WITH A STICK a girl jock; presumably a reference to softball and field hockey ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DEAD RABBIT a very athletic rowdy fellow ...1859 Amer. sl.
• DOC an athletic coach; used as a title or nickname ...1909 Amer. dial.
• DOG in sports: a performer of little promise or ability; a prizefighter or other athlete who lack aggressiveness or spirit in competition ...1934 US sl.
• DROMOMANIAC an athlete ...M20 jocular or sl.
• FANCY DAN a showy, usually ineffective, athlete ...1927 Amer. sl.
• GAME-PLAYER † an athlete ...1587
• GAMER 1. † a gamester; an athlete ...c1620-30
2. in sports: a person, esp. an athlete, known for consistently making a strong effort; a player who performs better in actual games than in practices ...1977 colloq.
• GAMESTER † an athlete ...1581
• GAMNER † an athlete ...1567
• GYM RAT an athlete; a sports enthusiast; a person who frequents gymnasiums; an exercise fanatic; anyone fanatically pursuing a course of activity, a career, etc. ...1978 Amer. sl.
• HAS-BEEN one that has been but is no longer; a person whose best days are over; a person who was one famous, important, or successful, and is no longer; an aging entertainer or athlete who is no longer in the public's favour; an out-of-date person ...1702
• HATCHET MAN a physically aggressive athlete, esp. one who is tasked with roughing up an opponent ...1971 US sl.
• HEPTATHLETE a competitor in a heptathlon, an athletic contest, usually for women, consisting of seven different events ...1983
• HORSE 1. a strong or athletic fellow - hence, a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1808 Amer. sl.
2. a person who works as a member of a 'stable', as a prostitute, an athlete ...1925 Amer. sl.
• HOSS a strong or athletic fellow; hence, a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc.; a good fellow ...1845 Amer. sl.
• JOCK an athlete ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KEMP a big, strong, and brave warrior or athlete; a professional fighter, wrestler, etc.; a champion ...a700
• MONEY PLAYER a professional athlete ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MUDDER any athlete who performs well in rainy conditions ...1942 US sl.
• PADJELL a veteran athlete; a seasoned champion runner ...1824 Sc.
• RABBIT EARS an athlete or official who is quick to take offense at teasing ...1967 US sl.
• SACK a second-rate athlete ...1980 US Black & college sl.
• SAUSAGE an inferior athlete, esp. one with rippling muscles, as a prize fighter, wrestler, or weight-lifter ...Bk1975 Amer. sl.
• WALKIST an athlete who takes part in walking-matches; a pedestrian ...1879 sporting sl.
athlete, athletic(s) - verbs
• CAMP † to contend in athletic contests ...1774-6 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FAGGOT'S LUNCH BOX a jock strap; an athletic supporter ...1964 US sl.
ATHWART - adverbs
• ATHURTENS athwart, across ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• TWARTOUR across, athwart ...Bk1905 Sc.
ATLANTIC - nouns
• BIG DRINK the Atlantic Ocean; an ocean ...Bk2006 US sl.
• DAMP POT the sea, esp. the Atlantic ...c1855 tailors' sl.
• DITCH the Atlantic Ocean ...M19 sl.
• POND, THE the Atlantic Ocean ...US Civil War usage
• PUDDLE, THE the Atlantic Ocean ...c1880 colloq.
Atlantic - verbs
• CROSS THE DAMP-POT to cross the Atlantic ...B1900 sailors' sl.
ATMOSPHERE - adjectives
• BENAUT of the atmosphere: close, oppressive, moist and warm ...1969 Amer. dial.
• DEAD-LOWN of the atmosphere: quite still ...1820 Sc.
• VIBEY fashionably atmospheric ...1999 UK sl.
atmosphere - nouns
• ATMOS atmosphere or ambience; used in a positive fashion ...1990s sl., orig. US teen
• DINDLE the reflection in the atmosphere on a hot day ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ELEMENT the sky, atmosphere, air, heavens; weather ...1785 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• VIBE the atmosphere created by any event, mood; nuances intimately related to all senses ...1960 US sl,
• VIBES the atmosphere created by any event, mood; nuances intimately related to all senses ...1960 US sl,
• VIBRATIONS the atmosphere generated by an event, mood; nuances intimately related to all sense ...1966 US sl.
atmosphere - verbs
• VIBE 1. to give off an atmosphere ...1960s sl.
2. to create a pleasant, exciting atmosphere ...1990s sl.
ATOLL - nouns
• LAGOON-ISLAND an atoll ...1845
ATOM - nouns
• ACE a single point, a minute portion; a jot, a particle, an atom ...1528
• DAW an atom, a jot, a particle ...Bk1900 Sc.
• OAT an atom; the tiniest amount ...M19 sl.
• SCRIDDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SKIRDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SKRIDDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TARE † a very small particle; a whit, a jot, an atom ...c1386
• THRUM a particle, an atom ...1872 Sc.
• YIM a particle; an atom; the smallest portion of anything ...1824 Sc.
• AROMATIC BOMB atomic bomb ...1945 army officers' usage
AT ONCE - adverbs
• INSTANTER instantly, immediately, at once, without delay ...1688, orig. law term
ATONE - verbs
• ABY(E) to pay the penalty for an offense; to redeem; to atone for; to suffer for; to make amends for; to expiate ...c1175 arch.
• ACQUIT † to pay for, to atone for an offense ...1593
• I-BYE †* to purchase; to pay for, atone for ...a1000
• SATISFY † to make compensation or reparation for a wrong, injury; to atone for an offense ...c1460
• MENDS amends, reparation, recompense, satisfaction, revenge; atonement ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SATISFACTORY † a place or means of atonement or retribution ...1530
atonement - verbs
• SATISFY † to make reparation or atonement ...c1450
ATONING - adjectives
• SATISFACTORIOUS †* making satisfaction, atoning ...1561
ATROCIOUS - adjectives
• FACINORIOUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, atrocious, infamous, vile ...1601
• FACINOROUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, villainous, atrocious, vile, infamous, detestably bad ...1548 obs. exc. arch.
• NEFAND † not to be spoken of; unmentionable; abominable, atrocious ...1490
• NEFANDOUS not to be spoken of; unmentionable, shocking; abominable, atrocious, heinous, horrible ...1640
ATTACH - verbs
• FASTEN † to take hold; to attach oneself; to make one's abode ...c1400
• TACHE † to fasten, to attach, to fix, to secure a person or thing ...a1310 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TACK † to attach, to fasten one thing to another ...1387
ATTACHED - adjectives
• DICTED addicted to, attached to, having a preference for ...1896 Eng. dial.
• HEART-GROWN strongly attached to a person or thing; set upon anything ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TID fond of, attached to; careful of, solicitous about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TIDD fond of, attached to; careful of, solicitous about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
attached - nouns
• TACHEMENT † something attached; an appurtenance ...a1400
• TACHMENT † something attached; an appurtenance ...a1400
attached - verbs
• COTTON ON TO to become attached to; to form a liking for ...1907 colloq.
ATTACK - nouns
• ANSLAIGHT † an onslaught, a fierce or destructive attack, an affray ...a1625
• BLAST a verbal attack ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BLITZ a devastating attack ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BRASH an attack ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CANVASADO 1. † a sudden attack ...1581
2. † a night attack, a 'camisado' ...a1626 obs.
• CANVASS † a shock; esp. that of a sudden attack or surprise ...1611
• DEAD SET a pointed attack on or approach to another person, often in the context of wooing ...L18 sl.
• HATCHET JOB a fierce and unwanted verbal attack on someone or something, esp. in print, and esp. one intended to ruin their reputation ...1944 sl.
• INFALL † an invasion, attack, onslaught ...1721 Sc.
• INGATE an inroad, an attack ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• JUGGING in prison: an attack with a jug of boiling sugared water ...2000 UK sl. 2008
• NAIL-PIE an attack upon a person with the fingernails ...1864 Eng. dial.
• OCCURSATION †* an act of running against something; attack; encounter; meeting; collision ...1615
• OCCURSION † an act of running against something; attack, encounter; meeting; collision ...1533
• ONCOME † an attack, an invasion ...a1340
• ONDING an assault, an attack, an onset, an outburst, of noise, talk, etc.; oppression, turmoil ...1871 Sc.
• ONDINGING an assault, an attack, an onset, an outburst, of noise, talk, etc. ...1828 Sc.
• ONFALL † an attack or access of disease, plague, or calamity; an assault, on onset ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc.
• ONSETTING † an attack, an assault ...1541
• OPPUGNATION * the act of attacking or assaulting; attack, assault ...1533
• SAILYIE, SAILZIE attack, assault, onset ...1827 Sc.
• SAULT † assault, attack ...1297
• SHOWER † a military assault or attack; also, an armed conflict, a battle ...a1375
• SIMULTANEITY * a simultaneous attack ...1858
• SKECK †* an attack made for the sake of plunder; a petty raid ...1297
• SKEG † an attack made for the sake of plunder; a petty raid ...1542
• SLAP an attack on someone ...L19 sl.
• SUBREPTION † sudden or unforeseen attack, as of temptation ...1632
• TACK an attack ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• VENUE †* a coming on, in order to strike; an assault or attack ...a1330
• WAKING † a night-attack ...1525
attack - person
• SANDBAGGER a person who lulls an opponent into security, and then suddenly attacks ...1940 US sl.
attack - verbs
• BADMOUTH to attack verbally, to slander ...1940s sl.
• BATTER to subject persons, opinions, etc. to heavy, crushing, or persistent attack ...1578
• BATTLE to attack someone verbally ...1998 US sl.
• BEGIN UPON A PERSON to attack or assail a person ...c1825
• BESAIL † to assail, to attack ...1460
• BESET to attack ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BICKER to attack with repeated strokes, to pelt with stones; to strike repeatedly ...1827 Sc.
• BITE SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to attack verbally, esp. as a disproportionate response ...1984 UK sl.
• BLAST to attack or criticize someone or something verbally ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BOTTLE to attack someone with a bottle, esp. in the face ...1984 UK sl.
• BUG to attack someone with bricks, bottles, and boots ...1966 UK vagrant alcoholics' usage
• BULL-DOG to attack like a bull-dog; to assail or treat roughly ...1842
• BUSHWHACK to attack by surprise; to ambush ...1866 Amer. dial.
• BUST ON to hit, to attack ...1960s US sl.
• CANVAS(S) † to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CATCH †* to fasten, to attach ...c1400
• CHIV to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab; to cut; to slash; used only in regard to an attack upon a human ...1725 criminals' sl.
• CHIVE to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab; to cut; to slash; used only in regard to an attack upon a human ...1725 criminals' sl.
• CHIVEY, CHIVVY to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab ...1959 Brit. sl.
• COP A HEEL to attack from behind ...20C US prison sl.
• COP AND HEEL to attack from behind ...20C US prison sl.
• COP A SUNDAY to attack suddenly by surprise ...1930s US prison sl.
• CRAWL ONE'S HUMP to attack someone ...1907 US West. sl.
• DEAL IT OUT to attack, esp. verbally; to punish ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEAL OUT to attack, esp. verbally; to punish ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEAL SOMEONE ONE to attack someone; to give someone a blow or beating ...1980s NZ sl.
• DOWNMOUTH to attack verbally, to slander ...1981 US sl.
• DROP INTO to attack fiercely ...colloq.
• FALL ABOARD to attack, assault ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• FALL ABOARD OF † to come to words, to quarrel; to attack, to fall upon ...1604
• FALL A-BONES OF ANYONE to attack, to assail ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FALL DOWN ON to attack ...1960s US Black & gang usage
• FANG AWAY to attack violently, to fight ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FAUNCE to rush, to make a sudden violent attack ...1858 Amer. dial.
• FEATHER INTO to attack vigorously; to fight ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FILL IN (SOMEONE'S) COUPON to attack a person's face with the jagged end of a smashed bottle ..,L20 Sc. sl.
• GANG to attack or kill as part of a gang, to gang up on ...1920s US sl.
• GIVE BELLOWS TO MEND of persons or things: to make a sharp attack upon, to beat soundly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• GLASS to attack someone's face using a glass or bottle as a weapon ...1936 UK sl.
• GO ABOARD OF SOMEONE to act vigorously and aggressively; to attack or scold vigorously ...1980 Can. sl.
• GO TO TOWN ON to attack excessively either verbally or physically ...1992 Ireland
• GRUNGE to assault, to attack, to terrify ...1960s sl.
• GUN to attack verbally ...2003 UK sl.
• HAVE A SMACK AT to make an attempt at or attack on
• HEAVE AT † to threaten an attack upon; to take up a position of hostility to; to oppose ...1546
• INTERRUPT to annoy, to cause discomfort to, to disagree with; to interfere with, to attack, to pursue ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• JAP to make a sneak attack on someone ...1957 US sl.
• JUG to attack someone with a jug of boiling water, esp. sugared water ...1996 UK sl.
• JUMP ON to attack, verbally or physically, someone who is seen to have exposed themselves to such an assault by their behaviour or their weakness ...M19 sl.
• JUMP (ON) SOMEONE'S BONES to attack ...1980s sl.
• JUMP UPON to attack, verbally or physically, someone who is seen to have exposed themselves to such an assault by their behaviour or their weakness ...M19 sl.
• JUMP UP SOMEONE'S ASS to attack someone ...1977 Amer. sl.
• LACE INTO to attack, to beat, to thrash ...E19 sl.
• LASH † to assail, to attack ...c1330
• LAY IN to attack with vigour ...c1888 colloq.
• LET INTO to attack ...1851 sl.
• LIGHT UP to hit or attack someone ...1970s US Black sl.
• LURRY INTO to get stuck into, to attack ...1940s Irish sl.
• MAD-DOG to attack verbally ...1990s US college sl.
• MALKY to attack and cut someone with a razor; to stab ...1985 Sc. sl.
• MOB to attack in a large group ...M18 sl.
• MOB IT to attack in a large group ...M18 sl.
• MONSTER to make a verbal attack on someone or something; to put pressure on ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MUG to attack and rob a person, esp. in a public place ...1864 colloq.
• OFFEND † to attack, to assault, to assail; also, to act on the offensive ...c1374
• ONSEEK † to attack ...c1205
• ONSET † to make an onset upon; to set upon, to attack ...1602
• OPPUGN † to fight against, to attack, to assault, to besiege ...1432-50
• PANEL to attack, to beat up ...1990s sl.
• PUKE SOMEONE OFF to attack, to cause trouble for ...1960s sl.
• PUT ONE'S FOOT IN SOMEONE'S ASS to attack someone physically; to treat someone unkindly ...1940s US Black sl.
• RABBLE to attack or assail a person on his property by means of a rabble; to mob ...1644
• RAG to attack, to cause trouble; to rob ...20C sl.
• RAISE ON to turn upon in anger, to attack ...1828 Sc.
• RAKE to scold severely, to attack verbally ...1907 Amer. dial.
• RALLY to attack vigorously ...1812 boxing usage
• RUM-PAD to attack or rob on the highway ...L19 cant
• SAIL IN to attack physically or verbally ...M19 sl., orig. US
• SAIL INTO to attack physically or verbally ...M19 sl., orig. US
• SAILZIE to assail, to assault, to attack ...1827 Sc. arch.
• SANDBAG to lull someone into a false sense of security, and then suddenly attack them ...1940 US sl.
• SAP to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAP DOWN to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAP UP to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAULT † to assault, to attack ...1387
• SAVAGE to attack savagely ...1897 Eng. dial.
• SCREAM ON ONE to give away a secret or to betray the confidence of someone; to tell; to inform; to attack ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRUFF to attack, to manhandle ...M19 Aust. sl.
• SET ABOUT to attack or assault someone ...1879 UK colloq.
• SHOOT ON to belittle; to insult; to verbally attack ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIC ON to set on, to have some attack a third party; to set someone on another person ...M19 sl.
• SICK ON to set on, to have some attack a third party; to set someone on another person ...M19 sl.
• SINK THE BOOT to kick viciously; to attack verbally ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• SINK THE SLIPPER to kick viciously; to attack verbally ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• SKULL to strike someone; to attack someone ...1997 Irish sl.
• SMACK UP to attack someone; to beat someone up ...1945 Aust. sl.
• SNAP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to attack verbally, esp. as a disproportionate response ...1984 UK sl.
• SPELL FOR to wait for, with the intention of attacking verbally or physically ...20C W. Indies sl.
• TACHE † to make a hostile charge or attack; to charge ...a1400-50
• TACK to attack ...1720
• TACKLE to attack, to punish ...1828
• TAKE to confront, to attack ...1920s sl.
• TAKE A POKE AT to attack verbally, to cause problems for ...1950s sl.
• TAKE A POP to attack verbally ...1990s sl.
• TAKE A SHIT to cause trouble for, to attack ...1960s sl.
• TAKE A SHOT to attack, whether physically or verbally ...L19 sl.
• TAKE LAG to criticize, to attack verbally ...1950s W. Indies & UK Black sl.
• TAKE OVER THE HURDLES to attack in a group ...1940s US prison sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE TO THE BRIDGE to attack, physically or verbally ...1980s US Black sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE TO THE HOOP to attack, physically or verbally ...1980s US Black sl.
• TAKE THE PISS OUT OF to attack verbally; to sneer or jeer at ...1930s sl.
• TAKE THE RIP OUT OF to mock, to criticize, to attack verbally ...1990s sl.
• TAKE TO to attack ...1790 Eng. dial.
• TAKE TO SOMEONE to attack someone with the fists ...1911 NZ sl.
• TEAR DOWN to reprimand severely; to attack verbally ...L19 sl.
• TEAR INTO to attack physically or verbally ...20C sl.
• TOMAHAWK to attack savagely or mercilessly in speech or in writing; to demolish in a review or criticism ...1815
• VAMP ON to make an unjust attack, to arrest ...1970s US Black sl.
• VEX to engage someone in an abusive verbal attack ...2001 UK sl.
• WALK INTO to attack, to overcome, to demolish ...M19 sl.
• WALK ROUND to prepare oneself to face an attack ...L19 sl.
• WALTZ INTO to attack ...1910s sl.
• WHALE INTO to attack physically ...20C sl.
• YOKE to attack; to grip, to seize; to tackle; to meddle with; to fight; to engage in, to dispute ...1775 Sc.
attack - interjections
• WHAM! used to express surprise or convey the impact of a sudden violent attack or blow ...1940s US sl.
• WHAMMO! used to express surprise or convey the impact of a sudden violent attack or blow ...1940s US
ATTACKED - adjectives
• ILL-SET-ON foully attacked ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• JACKED stabbed, attacked ...1980s sl.
• SAULTABLE † capable of being assaulted or attacked ...1556
ATTACKING - adjectives
• DOWN ON attacking physically ...19C
attacking - nouns
• OPPUGNING attacking, assailing ...1535
• SAULTING † the act of assaulting or attacking ...c1489
ATTAIN - verbs
• ACOME † to come to, to attain, to reach ...a1000
• AFFECT † to aim at, to aspire to, to make for; to seek to obtain or attain ...1483
• CATCH † to obtain by exertion; to attain, to get possession of ...1382
• CLEAR THE HARROWS to get one's object, to attain one's desire ...1892 Sc.
ATTAINED - nouns
• EFFECT † something which is attained or acquired by an action ...1602
• ADEPTION † an obtaining, gaining, or attainment ...1548
ATTEMPT - adjectives
• ON possible, feasible, worthy of an attempt ...1935 UK sl.
attempt - nouns
• BIRL, BURL a try or attempt; a test ...1917 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• DAB a try; an attempt; a crack ...1861 US sl.
• DASH an attempt ...1931 colloq.
• ETTLE an attempt, an effort, an endeavour, an aim, an intent ...1839 Sc.
• FANDING † a trying to do or find out something; an attempt, an experiment ...a1000
• FLUTTER an attempt at anything; an exciting venture at betting or cards ...1874 sl.
• FONDING † a trying to do or find out something; an attempt, an experiment ...a1000
• HACK an attempt, a try ...1836 Amer.
• IMITATION an attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INDEAVERANCE an attempt; one's utmost effort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• JAB an attempt, a try ...20C US sl.
• MINT an aim, attempt at, effort, endeavour ...1660 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• OFFER † an attempt at doing something, or a show of this; the act of aiming at something, an aim ...1581 now rare or obs.
• OFFERING a feeble attempt ...1903 Sc.
• PAN an attempt, an effort ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SAY an assay, an attempt; a trial piece of work ...1723 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAY-PIECE † a trial piece of work; a first attempt at anything ...1773 Sc.
• SCRAMP a snatching; a hurried attempt ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHOT IN THE DARK a very general attempt; a wild guess
• SHY an attempt; a 'go' ...M19 sl.
• SLAP a go, an attempt, hence a bet ...M19 sl.
• TAKE a try or attempt ...colloq.
• WHACK a chance, a turn or attempt ...1884
attempt - verbs
• AFFORCE † to endeavour, attempt, or try ...c1487
• AWM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• AWSE to attempt ...Bk1886 Eng. dial.
• CHANCE ONE'S ARM to make a speculative attempt; to try something not very likely to succeed ...Bk1999
• DEVER to try, to attempt, to endeavour ...1879 Eng. dial.
• ETTLE to attempt, to endeavour; to strive after, to struggle hard to obtain ...1725 Sc.
• FAND † to attempt, to try ...a1225
• FINISH ALADDIN'S WINDOW to attempt to complete something begun by a great genius, but left imperfect; to attempt to complete a task beyond one's powers ...B1900
• FOND † to attempt, to try ...a1225
• GIVE IT A BIRL, GIVE IT A BURL to make an attempt ...1917 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GIVE IT A FLY to make an attempt, to have a go ...1919 Aust. sl.
• GIVE IT A GO to make an attempt ...1835
• GIVE IT A WHIRL to make an attempt ...1884 sl., orig. US
• GIVE THE VENTURE † to make the attempt ...1599
• GO TO MARKET to make an attempt at something ...1890
• HAUM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUSE to prepare; to attempt, to try; to offer ...1851 Eng. dial.
• HAVE A BASH AT to make an attempt ...1948 sl., chiefly Brit.
• HAVE A CRACK AT to make an attempt ...1836 sl., orig. US
• HAVE A DASH AT to make an attempt ...1923 Aust. colloq.
• HAVE A FLY AT to make an attempt, to have a go ...1919 Aust. sl.
• HAVE A GO AT to make an attempt ...1835
• HAVE A LASH AT to make an attempt ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• HAVE A RAP AT ANYTHING to make an attempt, hit or miss ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAVE A SHOT AT to make an attempt; to guess ...1878 sl.
• HAVE A SMACK AT to make an attempt at or attack on
• HAVE A STAB AT to make an attempt ...1895 sl., orig. US
• HAVE A WHACK AT to make an attempt ...1891 sl., orig. US
• HAWM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAWSE to prepare; to attempt, to try; to offer ...1851 Eng. dial.
• IMITATE † to make an attempt; to endeavour to do something ...a1626 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LAM AWAY AT to make an attempt to ...1884 Amer. dial.
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A BOTTLE OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1742
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1855
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A MEADOW to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...c1530
• MAKE to attempt; to try; to offer ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAKE A DAB to make an attempt at a thing ...1900 US sl.
• MAKE A STAB AT to make an attempt; to guess ...1895 sl., orig. US
• MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW to attempt a task without provision of the necessary materials or means ...1658
• MINT to endeavour, to attempt; to venture, to dare, to presume ...1724 Sc.
• MIRD to attempt, to venture ...1809 Sc.
• NIXURIATE † to endeavour, to attempt ...1623
• OFFER to attempt, to try; to make an effort or start; to show intention or promise of ...1722 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OFFER AT to make an attempt at; to aim at ...1847 Sc.
• RAP to hazard; to attempt a thing at all risks ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SEEK A HARE IN A HEN'S NEST † to attempt something that is almost impossible ...1599
• SEEK A NEEDLE IN A BOTTLE OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1690
• SEEK A NEEDLE IN A TRUSS OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1711
• TACKLE to grapple with, to attempt to deal with ...1847
• TAKE A CRACK AT to make an attempt ...1836 sl., orig. US
• TAKE A POKE AT to have a try, to attempt ...1930s sl.
• TAKE A POP AT to make an attempt ...1920s sl.
• TAKE A SHOT to try, to make an attempt ...1970s
• TAKE A SHOT AT to make an attempt ...1878 sl.
• TAKE A WHACK AT to make an attempt ...1891 sl., orig. US
• TEMPT to attempt, to try ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TEND to attempt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
attempt - phrases
• DON'T STRETCH THE ARMS FARTHER THAN THE SLEEVES REACH don't attempt anything beyond one's means ...1887 Eng. dial.
ATTEMPTABLE - adjectives
• VENTURABLE †* adventurable; attemptable; venturous, hazardous ...1576
ATTEMPTED - adjectives
• YFONDED † attempted, tried, tested, tempted ...c1175
ATTEND - verbs
• AFFELLOWSHIP †* to be in fellowship with, to accompany, to attend ...1559
• DANGLE to be in attendance, as a servant ...M18 sl.
• SUE † to follow as an attendant, companion, or adherent; to accompany, to attend upon ...a1250
• STAG to attend a social occasion unaccompanied ...1900 US sl.
• TEND OUT ON to attend to, to take care of ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TENT to attend to; to look after; to take care of; to watch or mind animals; to watch birds to drive them away ...1832 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAIR HERD a good attendance of strangers ...1883 Oxford University usage
• TWO MEN AND A DOG very few people; a poor attendance ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
ATTENDANT - person
• ACOLYTE an attendant or junior assistant in any ceremony or operation; a novice ...1829
• BACKMAN †* a follower, a retainer, an attendant ...c1560
• BARNACLE a companion or follower that sticks close, and will not be dismissed; a constant attendant ...1607
• CUSTREL a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms; esp. one who is a member of man-at-arm's lance, and is armed with a custil or coutel (knife or dagger) ...1474
• CUSTRELING † a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms ...a1556
• CUSTRON † a camp follower or sutler; a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms ...a1425
• FAMULUS an attendant, esp. on a scholar or a magician ...1837
• FARNET † a band, company, train of attendants ...a1300
• FERNET † a band, company, train of attendants ...a1300
• HANDMAID a female personal attendant or servant ...1382 arch.
• HANDMAIDEN a female personal attendant or servant ...a1300 literary arch.
• HANDSERVANT † a servant attending upon one; an attendant ...1578
• HAND-WOMAN † a female attendant; a handmaid ...a1300
• HANGING-HOLDER † an attendant ...1624
• HARLOT † a male servant or attendant; a menial ...a1300
• JACK a serving-man or male attendant; a labourer; a man who does odd jobs, etc. ...1836-7
• JACK-HOLD-MY-STAFF † a too humble servant; a servile attendant ...1625
• JACKMAN † an attendant or retainer kept by a nobleman or landowner ...1567 Sc.
• MAN FRIDAY a servile follower or attendant; a servant of all work ...1887
• SATELLITE an attendant upon a person of importance, forming part of his retinue and employed to execute his orders; often with reproachful connotation, implying subserviency or unscrupulousness in the service; a personal servant ...a1548
• TENTER one who takes care of anything; an attendant, keeper ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TOAD-EATER * a humble friend or dependant; a female companion or attendant; used contemptuously ...1744
• VALECT † a personal attendant ...1610 arch. or obs.
• VELVET-JACKET † an attendant or retainer wearing a jacket of velvet ...1600
• WAIT † one who waits in services, an attendant ...1652
• WAITING-WOMAN a female servant, or personal attendant ...1565 now arch.
• WALLIE, WALLY a personal servant or attendant ...1816 Sc.
• WARDECORPS † a body-guard; an armed personal attendant ...a1330
ATTENDING - adjectives
• ADVERTISING † attending, attentive ...1603
ATTENTION - adjectives
• ATTENTIONAL pert. to attention ...1901
• BUZZWORTHY lively to general enthusiastic interest and attention, esp. in the popular media ...1980 US
• EYE-TAKING attracting attention; alluring ...1635
• HIGH-MAINTENANCE of a person: requiring a high level of care and attention; demanding ...colloq.
• LAIRY, LAREY, LARY showy, ostentatious, attention-seeking ...1898 Aust. sl.
• ON being the focus of attention, performing, needing to impress ...1960s US sl.
• TENDFUL requiring attention; esp. said of a child ...1833 Amer. dial.
attention - adverbs
• WITH ALL ONE'S EYES with an intense or keen gaze, intently; with full attention ...1483
• WITH ALL THE EYES IN ONE'S HEAD with an intense or keen gaze, intently; with full attention ...1548
attention - nouns
• ADVERSION †* attention, perception ...1647
• ADVERTENCE the act of turning the attention to; observation, notice, heed, attention, consideration ...c1370
• ADVERTISEMENT † the turning of the mind to anything; attention, observation, heed ...1523
• ADVISEMENT † the process of looking at or viewing; observation, notice, attention, consideration ...1330
• GARD † attention, watchfulness; also, the object of one's attention ...a1569
• HAND-TETHERS pursuits requiring constant attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAND-TIES pursuits requiring constant attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP † care, attention, heed, notice ...c1250
• KEEVEE, KEEVIE, KEEVY attention, alertness, vigilance ...1843 Sc.
• LICK AND A PROMISE scant care or attention ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MARK † attention, notice ...1377
• OBSERVE † notice, attention ...1805 Sc.
• RABBIT FOOT attention ...L19 US Black sl.
• TENDANCE attention, care ...1902 Eng. dial.
• TENT a look; observation, notice, attention ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YEME † care, heed, attention ...c893
attention - person
• SHOWBOAT an attention-seeker or show-off ...1953 sl., orig. & chiefly US
attention - verbs
• ADVERT to turn one's attention; to take notice, to take heed, to pay attention ...1430
• ANT to show attention to, to respect, to obey ...1891 Sc.
• BAG ONTO to grab; hence, to pay attention to ...1948 Amer. sl.
• BE ALL EARS to give all one's attention, to listen ...colloq.
• BEHOLD † to consider; to give attention or regard ...c825
• BEND AN EAR to pay attention; to listen ...1935 Amer. sl.
• DRAW THE CRABS to attract unwelcome attention ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• HALLOW to shout to attract attention, etc. ...c1420
• HARP to listen to; to hearken, to pay attention ...1896 Eng. dial.
• MAKE MICKLE OF to show great attention to, to make much of ...1725 Sc.
• MIND to observe, to notice; to pay attention or heed to ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEEF to pay attention ...1934 Sc.
• PULL ONE'S HEAD OUT to pay attention to one's affairs; to wake up ...1960s Amer. students' sl.
• RING ONE'S CHIMES to arouse one's attention; to excite ...1970 Amer. sl.
• RUSH to lavish attention on a person, typically a woman, esp. with a view to a romantic or sexual relationship ...1863 US colloq.
ׇ• TAKE TENT OF to pay attention to; to notice, to observe ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TAKE THE CORN to become the centre of attention ...1839 US sl.
• TANTLE to pet, to fondle, to caress; to humour a child; to pay much attention to; to nurse and feed with care ...1898 Eng. dial.
• TEND TO to pay attention ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• TENT to pay attention to; to heed; to listen to ...1789 Sc.
• TONTLE to pet, to fondle, to caress; to humour a child; to pay much attention to; to nurse and feed with care ...1898 Eng. dial.
• YEME † to give heed or attention to, to attend to, to look after; to take heed ...c897
attention - interjections & phrases
• COME TO THE PARTY pay attention ...Bk1947 Amer. sl.
• DIG UP! listen up! pay attention! ...Bk2006 US sl.
• HALE! † a cry to call attention ...c1290
• HALLOO! an exclamation to call attention at a distance, to express surprise, etc. ...a1700
• HE! † an exclamation used to draw attention or express emotion ...a1300
• HOOEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1874 Amer. dial.
• HOO-EE-AH! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1874 Amer. dial.
• HOO-HEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HOO-WEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1882 Amer. dial.
• OISIE! an exclamation of wonder, or used as a note of attention ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ON A AY YO TRIP used of one who is forever demanding attention, making him or herself conspicuous ...1980s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• THICCY! an exclamation used to call attention to anything ...1891 Eng. dial.
• THIKKI! an exclamation used to call attention to anything ...1891 Eng. dial.
• WHOO! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1932 Amer. dial.
• WHOOEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1888 Amer. dial.
• WHOO-HEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WHOOIE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1924 Amer. dial.
• WORD! an exhortation to listen, to pay attention ...1980s US Black sl.
• WORD UP! an exhortation to listen, to pay attention ...1980s US Black sl.
• YA HEY! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YA HEY DERE! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YAH HEY! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YALLACK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YARRAH! an exclamation of surprise; frequently used in accosting a person, or in calling attention ...1827-32 Ireland
• YELLOOK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YELLUCKS! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YOLLOCK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
ATTENTIVE - adjectives
• ADVERTENT attentive, heedful ...1671
• ADVERTISING † attending, attentive ...1603
• ADVICEFUL † considerate, thoughtful, attentive, careful ...1596
• AIDENT of mental or moral qualities: conscientious, watchful, careful, attentive ...1812 Sc.
• AINTY attentive, kindly ...1929 Sc.
• ALL EARS very eager to hear; acutely attentive ...1860s Amer. colloq.
• ARRECT † intent, attentive, on the alert ...1646
• EIDENT diligent, industrious, busy, attentive to; hard-working ...1591 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HEEDY † heedful, careful, attentive, cautious, wary, watchful ...1548
• OBSERVATIVE * pert. to observation; observant, attentive, heedful ...1611
• OFFICIOUS † doing or ready to do kind offices; eager to serve or please; attentive, obliging, kind ...1565
• PUNCTILIOUS extremely attentive to details, ceremony, or procedure; strict or exact in the observance of formalities or amenities ...1625
• TENT watchful, attentive; keen; intent ...1789 Sc.
• TENTFUL careful, attentive ...1870 Eng. dial.
• TENTIVE attentive, careful ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TENTY careful, heedful, attentive; watchful, cautious ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THOUGHTY thoughtful, given to reflection; attentive; intelligent ...1823 Sc.
• VERTIE † careful, cautious, prudent; industrious, wide-awake, eager; attentive to business ...1804 Sc.
attentive - nouns
• OPEN EAR a listening or attentive ear ...a1225
attentive - verbs
• BESEE † to be attentive, to pay attention to ...c1200
• GIVE GOOD EYE † to pay close attention to; to watch attentively ...1564
• SNAP TO to become sharply attentive and responsive ...1940s Amer. sl.
• ADVERTENTLY * heedfully, attentively ...Bk1888
• ADVISEDLY † with watchfulness or attention; warily, attentively, carefully, circumspectly ...1375
• EIDENTLY diligently, industriously, attentively ...1838 Sc.
• GARDANTLY † attentively ...1574
• MARKINGLY † attentively ...a1586
• TENTIFLY † with attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TENTY carefully, attentively; cautiously ...1785 Sc.
• ADVERTENCY the quality of being attentive; attentiveness, heedfulness ...1646
• OFFICIOSITY †* the quality of being officious; attentiveness, dutifulness ...1565
ATTIC - nouns
• ANTTIC an attic ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CEILING an attic, a loft ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• GANTRY a garret or upstairs room ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• MOUSE ROOM a small attic or storage space ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOUSE SHED a small attic or storage space ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OVERHEAD an attic ...1986 Amer. dial.
• SKY PARLOR a room, esp. a habitable one, on the top floor of a house directly beneath the roof; an attic ...1832 Amer. dial.
ATTIRE - adjectives
• HABILIMENTAL relating to attire ...1837
• HABILIMENTARY dealing with habiliments ...1845
attire - nouns
• ADDRESS † array, attire, dress ...1592
• BEDIZENMENT vulgar or gaudy attire ...1837
• GARMENTURE clothing, array, attire ...1832
• HABILIMENT outfit, accoutrement, equipment, array, attire, dress (now only of personal attire) ...1470-85
• HABIT 1. bodily apparel or attire; clothing, dress ...a1225 arch.
2. the dress or attire characteristic of a particular rank, degree, profession, or function; the dress of a religious order ...c1290
• HABULIMENT † habiliment, dress, attire; military equipment ...1773 Sc.
• HABULZIEMENT † habiliment, dress, attire; military equipment ...1822 Sc.
• LAMOURS scanty attire ...Bk1947 Amer. sl.
• MOCKER clothing, dress, attire ...1939-45 Aust. & NZ sl.
• TIRE dress, apparel, raiment; attire ...a1300 arch.
• TIREMENT † attire ...a1400-50
• TIREMENTS † articles of attire; garments, or ornaments as a whole ...1553
• TIRING attiring, dressing; dressing the hair; attire, apparel, head-dress; equipment, apparatus ...1552 arch.
attire - person
• TIRER * one who attires or dresses ...1862
attire - verbs
• ACCOUTRE * to attire, to equip, to array ...1606
• ADDRESS † to prepare or make ready with the proper attire; to accoutre, to array, to apparel, to attire for any special purpose or occasion; later, (1513) to clothe ...1393
• ADIGHT † to equip, to attire, to dress, to deck ...c1400
• BEGO † to dress, to clothe, to attire, to deck, to adorn ...a1225
• HABILLE † to fit out; to accoutre, to array, to attire, esp. for war; to apparel, dress ...a1450
• HABIT to dress, to clothe, to attire ...1588
• HATER † to clothe, to attire ...a1300
• HATTER † to clothe, to attire ...c1400
• SKIN * to clothe, to attire ...1599
• SUIT to provide with a suit of clothes; to clothe, to attire, to dress ...1577 arch.
• TIFF † to attire, to dress, to deck out, to tittivate one's person, hair, etc. ...a1225
• TOILET to wash and attire oneself; to dress, to attire ...1840
ATTIRED - adjectives
• ACCOUTRED attired, dressed, equipped, arrayed; generally with the idea of being specially attired for some purpose ...1596
• ADDRESSED arrayed, attired, trimmed, dressed ...1393 arch.
ATTIRING - nouns
• SUITING † the act of clothing or attiring ...a1637
ATTITUDE - nouns
• VAND manner of behaving, attitude ...1866 Sc.
attitude - verbs
• CHANGE ONE'S TUNE to alter one's attitude or tone ...Bk1999
• ILLECEBROSE alluring, enticing, attractive ...1727
• ILLECEBROUS † alluring, enticing, attractive ...1531
• ILLECTIVE † attractive, enticing ...1652
• MAGNETIC having powers of attraction; very attractive or alluring ...E17
attract, attraction - nouns
• ADAMANT † a centre of attraction ...1596
• BLAZER something that attracts attention ...1845 US
• CYNOSURE something that attracts attention by its brilliancy or beauty; a centre of attraction, interest, or admiration ...1601
• DRAWING CARD a thing that attracts great interest ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAGNET a thing which attracts ...M17
• MAGNETISM an attractive power or influence, esp. personal charm ...M17
• OFF-SET an ornament; an attraction, recommendation, the crown or best of anything ...1800 Sc.
• PULL the ability to attract; drawing power ...colloq.
attract, attraction - verbs
• ACCROACH to draw to oneself; to catch, to attract, to acquire ...c1325
• ALLECT † to allure, to entice, to attract, to seduce ...1528
• ALLICIATE † to allure, to entice, to attract ...1568
• ENGAGE to attract ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PULL to attract the attention, the notice, of someone sexually ...c1955 sl.
• SET ONE'S RIBBONS FOR to set one's cap at; to try to attract and win the attentions of ...1891 Sc.
• TICE † to entice; to tempt, to allure, to attract; to coax, to wheedle ...c1275 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHT † to attract, to entice, to allure ...c1000
• TILL † to draw, to attract, to persuade; to entice, to allure, to coax; to win over ...a1225
• TISE to entice; to tempt, to allure, to attract; to coax, to wheedle ...1860 Sc.
• TOLL † to attract, to entice, to allure, to decoy; to incite, to instigate ...c1220
• TURN ON to attract or stimulate sexually ...1966 sl., orig. US
• FALL FOR to be greatly attracted by, esp. a member of the opposite sex; to become charmed or captivated by; to fall in love with ...1903 colloq.
• HAVE YOUR NOSE OPEN to be strongly attracted to ...1957 US sl.
• TAKE A TOSS to be attracted to a person; to fall in love with ...1930s sl.
• ABFAB first-rate; very attractive ...1950s Aust. teen sl.
• AIRTIGHT attractive ...1920s US sl.
• BABELICIOUS sexually attractive ...1992 US sl.
• BAD marvellous, wonderful; deeply satisfying; stunningly attractive or stylish; sexy ...1897 US sl., esp. Black usage
• BANGING good-looking, attractive ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BELLE † pretty, handsome ...1668
• BERRY good-looking ...Bk1904 Amer. college
• BONNY pleasing to the sight; comely; expressing homely beauty ...L15 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• BRAW fine, gaily dressed; handsome ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAWSOME comely, handsome; rather 'braw' ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRIGHT † of a person, esp. a woman: beautiful, attractive; also, having a fair and rosy complexion ...a1300
• BUFF of a young woman: sexually attractive ...2003 UK sl.
• CATCHING attractive, captivating ...1654
• CATCHY attractive, 'taking' ...1831 colloq.
• CONSTRUCTED having an attractive body; generously built ...1950s Amer. sl.
• CREAMY sexually attractive ...1947 US sl.
• CUNNING quaintly interesting; pretty, attractive ...1854 sl. orig. US
• CUTE sexually attractive ...colloq., chiefly US
• CUTE AS A BUG'S EAR small and endearingly attractive ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CUTE AS A BUTTON extremely attractive; adorable, charming ...1913
• DAINTY † pleasant, agreeable, fine, handsome ...c1340 obs. or Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAP dapper; well-dressed; stylish; good-looking; attractive ...1970 Amer. sl.
• DAPT physically appealing; attractive, dapper; well-dressed; stylish; broadly, pleasant ...1967 US Black sl.
• D.D.G. extremely attractive (Drop-Dead Gorgeous) ...2000s sl.
• DECENT † comely, handsome ...1600
• DEFT pretty; neat ...1671 Eng. dial.
• DENTY-CUM-PRETTY handsome and conceited ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DISHY sexually attractive ...1961 UK sl.
• DOABLE sexually attractive ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DOOZY sporty, flossy, attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DREAMY sexually attractive; generally used of a male ...1941 sl., orig. US
• DROP-DEAD outstandingly attractive, stunning
• DUCKY attractive, good ...1901 US sl.
• EASY ON THE EYE beautiful, pleasing to look at; good-looking; esp. of women ...1936 UK sl.
• EESOME attractive or gratifying to the eye ...1823
• EYEABLE agreeable to the eye, attractive ...1790 Eng. dial.
• EYE-FILLING visually impressive; extremely colourful, attractive, etc. ...1769
• EYEFUL * attractive or striking to the eye; visually impressive or pleasing ...1882
• EYE-GLUTTING visually impressive; extremely attractive, etc. ...1590
• EYELY †* pleasing to the eye; attractive ...1614
• EYESOME * pleasing to the eye; attractive ...1587
• EYE-SWEET attractive to the eye; pleasant to look at ...1596
• FACEABLE fit to be seen, pretty, fitting ...1894 Sc.
• FAIR-FARRAND specious, plausible; flattering, superficially attractive ...1789 Sc.
• FAIR-FASHIONED † specious, plausible; flattering, superficially attractive ...1816 Sc.
• FAIRLY LOOKING good-looking ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FARRAND † of a person: well-favoured, comely, handsome ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng.
• FARRANDLY of persons: comely, handsome, good-looking; decent, respectable; neat, tidy ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FARRANT † of a person: well-favoured, comely, handsome ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng.
• FARRANTLY of a person: comely, handsome, good-looking ...1674 N. Eng. dial.
• FARRINKLY comely, good-looking; decent, clean, orderly ...1860 Eng. dial.
• FASHIONABLE † of a good appearance; good-looking, stylish ...1630
• FEAT † neat in form or appearance, pretty, elegant ...a1471 obs. exc. arch. & Eng. dial.
• FEATOUS † of things: skilfully or artistically fashioned; hence, elegant, handsome, becoming; often said of dress ...c1386
• FEATY † neat, pretty ...1621
• FETCHY charming, attractive ...1908 Amer. dial.
• FLOOZY sporty, attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• FLOSSY gay, attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• FLY attractive, good-looking; hence, excellent, fabulous ...1980 sl.
• FONKY-FRESH a general adj. of high praise, the most sophisticated, the smartest, the most attractive ...1980s US Black sl.
• FOXY stylish looking, attractive ...1895 US sl., chiefly Black
• FRENCHY sexually attractive, sexy ...20C US sl.
• FUNKY-FRESH a general adj. of high praise, the most sophisticated, the smartest, the most attractive ...1980s US Black sl.
• FREAK attractive ...1994 US sl.
• GAINLY proper, becoming, suitable; comely, good-looking ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GAINLY-LOOKING comely, good-looking; neatly dressed; said chiefly of females ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GALLANT † of women: fine-looking, handsome ...1552
• GALLOWS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, tough, bold, daring, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GALLUS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GAME attractive ...1990s US college sl.
• GAUCIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAUCY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAUSIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWCIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWCY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWSY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GIM † smart, spruce, fine, neat, pretty ...1513 obs. exc. Eng dial.
• HANTY † handsome ...1725 Sc.
• HOOK sexually attractive ...1988 US Black sl.
• HOOKED attractive, well put together ...1999 Amer. sl.
• HOOKED UP attractive, well put together; hence, well-dressed or intelligent ...1933 Amer. sl.
• HOT 1. absolute first-rate, splendid, excellent; good or well; fashionably attractive ...1866 Amer. sl. Hist
2. sexually attractive, sexy ...1929-31 Amer. sl.
• HUGSOME of a woman: cuddlesome; sexually attractive ...19C Brit.
• HUMPY handsome, sexy ...1968 US homosexual usage
• HUNKY attractive; muscular ...1972 US sl.
• ILLECEBROUS † alluring, enticing, attractive ...1531
• ILLECTIVE † attractive, enticing ...1652
• JANT † pretty ...c1648-50
• KINKY attractive or provocative in a bizarre way ...colloq.
• KIPPY smart, attractive ...1956 US sl.
• LAID OUT attractive, handsome ...1968 US college sl.
• LIKELY handsome, attractive; good-natured; pleasing, agreeable ...1809 Amer. dial.
• LUSH of a woman: very sexually attractive, esp. if voluptuous; also used of a man ...1891 sl.
• MACKED OUT orig. (of a man) flashily dressed; hence, stylish; attractive; flashy ...1933 Amer. sl.
• MACKLY seemly, comely, good-looking ...1721 Eng. dial.
• MEAN exceptionally attractive or stylish ...1920s US Black sl.
• MINIONETTE †* small and pretty; delicate, dainty, effeminate ...1749
• NASTY wickedly good, excellent, first-class, esp. in the respect of attractiveness or effectiveness; gorgeous, sexually attractive ...1834 Amer. sl.
• NEAT † pleasing to the eye, pretty ...1798 Sc.
• NICE AS PIE attractive ...1920s
• OOGLEY pert. to a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• OUTLOOKINGEST prettiest ...1975 Amer. dial.
• P pretty ...1982 Hawaiian youth usage
• PEACHES attractive, sexually alluring ...L19 US teen sl.
• PEACHY splendid, fine, attractive ...1926 Amer. sl.
• PRETTY AS A SPECKLED PUP, AS exceedingly pretty ...Bk1912 Amer. dial.
• PROPER good-looking or handsome ...colloq.
• PRUNK neat, smart, pretty ...1892 Sc.
• PULCHRITUDINOUS beautiful, graceful, or fine in any way; comely; morally excellent ...1912 US
• PURTY pretty ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUAINT † of persons; beautiful or handsome in appearance; finely or fashionably dressed; elegant, foppish ...a1300
• READY sexually attractive ...1980s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• SAALI attractive, well-dressed ...1940s W. Indies
• SAUCY attractive; desired ...2004 US sl.
• SCANKY of a woman: attractive, sexy ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SCANSING of a young woman: good-looking, striking-looking, well-favoured ...1825 Sc.
• SCRUMPTIOUS stylish, resplendently beautiful, gorgeous; handsome ...1881 sl., orig. US
• SIGHTY † sightly, fair, handsome ...1387
• SKANKY of a woman: attractive, sexy ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SLICK AS A GREASED PIG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SLICK AS A RAM-CAT very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SLICK AS A SCHOOL-MARM'S LEG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SMICKER † beautiful, elegant, fair, handsome ...c725
• SMOCK-FACED attractive ...M17 sl.
• SNIPTIOUS fine, attractive, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SNITCHER first-rate, excellent, attractive ...1930s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNOGTASTIC sexually attractive; kissable ...1998 UK sl.
• SNOUT-FAIR † having a fair countenance; fair-faced, comely, pretty, handsome, good-looking; in frequent use in the 16th and early 17th century, usually with some disparaging suggestion ...1530
• SPIFFY very fine, attractive, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SPORTY attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SPUNKY sexually attractive ...1975 Aust. sl.
• STUNNING of a woman: sexually attractive ...1856 sl.
• SUGARED † having an attractive outward appearance, alluring ...c1374
• SWELLEGANT very fine, beautiful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SWELLELEGANT very fine, beautiful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SWUZZY fine, attractive, admirable ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TABLE-GRADE pert. to a sexually attractive woman who looks good enough to eat ...1972 US sl.
• TAKEFUL-LOOKING attractive; captivating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKY designed to attract notice and please; alluring, fascinating, attractive, appealing ...1854 colloq.
• TALL † comely, goodly, fair, handsome; elegant, fine ...c1450
• TASTY neat, natty; with dainty habits; attractive; agreeable ...1870 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TESTY sexually attractive ...1899 sl.
• TOOTHSOME attractive, alluring ...colloq.
• VAGE †* fine, handsome ...1604
• VENEREAL † physically beautiful or attractive ...1598
• VENERIAL † beautiful or attractive like Venus ...1661
• VENUST † handsome, beautiful; elegant, graceful; comely in appearance ...1513
• VICIOUS handsome ...1982 US sl.
• VIEWLY sightly, good to look at, handsome, comely ...1868 Eng. dial.
• VIEWLYSOME sightly, good to look at, handsome, comely ...1868 Eng. dial.
• VIEWY flashy, showy, attractive ...E19 sl.
• VIRE of persons, animals, or things: pretty, showy, handsome, well-made, or well-fed ...1929 Sc.
• WALLIE handsome, fine; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WALLY handsome, fine, pleasing, splendid; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WALY handsome, fine; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WELL-BESEEN † good-looking, well-favoured ...c1374
attractive, attractiveness - nouns
• BABE ALERT a notification that there are attractive people nearby ...1996 Aust. sl.
• BABY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BABYLON anywhere that attractive women are supposed to congregate or, mythically, are supposed to have their origin; pronounced 'Babe-y-lon' ...1980s sl.
• BEAR something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIG WOW something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIRD something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIRD OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BLINDER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BRICK something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BRICK OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• CATCHY NUMBER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CUT-UP anything stylish, stunning, or attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DANDEROO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DANDY something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DARB OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DAZZLER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DREAM something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DREAM OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCKEROO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCKO LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE CANDY something considered to be visually attractive, something having visual appeal ...1978 colloq.
• EYE CATCHER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE FILLER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYEFUL something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE-OPENER a strikingly attractive person or thing ...1907
• EYE SALVE something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE TREAT something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE WIDENER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIR † beauty, fairness, good looks ...c888
• FANNY MAGNET anything that attracts women, such as a very attractive young man, an attractive vehicle, etc. ...1990s sl.
• FASHIONABLENESS † elegance, attractiveness ...1640
• FAVOUR † that which conciliates affection or goodwill; attractiveness, comeliness, beauty; an attraction, charm ...c1300 obs. exc. arch.
• FETCHER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FUNK anything attractive or beautiful ...1970s US sl.
• HARLOTRY showy but false attractiveness ...M18
• HOT LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• HOT SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• HOT SPIT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KAYO LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKOUT something beautiful or attractive ...1892 Amer. sl.
• LEG ART the display of attractive young women in revealing costumes, esp. in photographs ...1929 sl., orig. US
• LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LOOKERINO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LULU LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PEACH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAGULU something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHALULU something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAMAROOT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAROONEY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHERINE someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHERINO someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PERTY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PICTURE a beautiful or attractive person or thing ...1815
• PIP someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PIPPIN someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRETTY-PRETTY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRIZE EXHIBIT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRIZE PACKAGE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PULCHRITUDE physical beauty; comeliness ...1350
• SLICK ARTICLE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SOME CLASS something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPANKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFY LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFY SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STRIKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STUNNER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWEETHEART something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL ARTICLE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL MERCHANDISE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• TURN-ON a sexually attractive thing ...1969 sl.
• VAGISNESS † handsomeness; elegance ...1604
• VENUSTATION † a making handsome or beautiful ...1658
• WHIZ something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• WOW something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
attractive, attractiveness - person
• 20-20 an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• 20-20 SQUAB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ABLE GRABLE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ADONIS a very handsome man ...1623 Eng. sl.
• ALL JELLY a buxom, good-looking girl ...Bk1896 sl.
• ALREET GAL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• AMAZON a tall, strong, sexually attractive woman ...a1954 Amer. sl.
• ANATOMIC BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ANGEL a person, esp. a woman or child, who is considered to be remarkably beautiful, attractive, or appealing ...1502
• ANGEL CAKE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ANGEL FACE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ANGEL PUSS a person, esp. a young woman, having an angelic or pretty face; a slightly ironic term of endearment ...1941 Amer. sl.
• ANKLE a young woman; an attractive woman or girl ...1940s US sl.
• ANN ATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• ANSWER TO A HE-MAN'S PRAYER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ANSWER TO A MAN'S PRAYER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ARM CANDY a physically attractive person, usually female, esp. one who attends social or public events with a more celebrated person with whom they have only a temporary or expedient association ...1992 colloq.
• ARMFUL an attractive woman ...1940s US sl.
• ARMPIECE an attractive woman chosen as a social companion for the impression she makes on others ...1983 US sl.
• ATOMIC BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BABALONIAN a good-looking woman ...1990s US college sl.
• BABE 1. a woman, esp. if attractive ...1905 Amer. sl.
2. among young women: an attractive young man ...1973 US college sl.
• BABE-A-LONIAN a good-looking woman ...1990s US college sl.
• BABY an attractive young woman ...1839
• BABYCAKES a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1969 US sl.
• BABY-DOLL 1. an attractive young woman; in direct address: darling, sweetheart ...1908 Amer. sl.
2. an attractive male ...1980s US homosexual sl.
• BABYFACE an attractive young woman ...2002 Jamaica
• BAIT a sexually attractive young woman ...M20 sl.
• BALDWIN an attractive guy ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BALLBREAKER an extraordinary person, thing, event, etc.; a sexually attractive woman...1969 US sl.
• BALL-BUSTER a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• BALLER an attractive person ...1990s US college sl.
• BALL-WRACKER a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• BANG-UP BABE attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BANTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BANTER PLAY BUILT ON A COKE FRAME an attractive woman with a good figure ...1930s US Black sl.
• BARBECUE an attractive female; a woman who looks good enough to eat ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BARNYARD-BEAUTY a buxom rustic beauty ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BASKET OF ORANGES an attractive woman ...L19 sl., orig. Aust.
• BAT an attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
• BEAR an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEAU GARÇON a handsome fellow; an exquisite, a fop ...c1665
• BEAU-GARZON a handsome fellow; an exquisite, a fop ...c1665
• BEAUT an attractive young woman ...1866 sl.
• BEAUTIFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BEAUT OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEDDY an attractive, sexually available young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• BELLA-FATIMA an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BELLE a handsome woman, esp. one who dresses so as to set off her personal charms; a fair lady, a fair one ...1622
• BENE MORT a pretty woman ...M16 sl.
• BEST LOOKER a very good-looking person ...1911 US
• BEWITCHER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEWITCHTRESS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BETTY a woman; a young attractive woman ...1989 US sl.
• BIDDIE an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• BIDDY an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• BIMBETTE an adolescent or teenager considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence ...1982 sl., orig. US
• BIMBO a young woman considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence ...1927 sl., orig. US
• BIRD an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BIRD OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE a light-skinned attractive Black woman
• BIT OF ALL RIGHT, A a sexually attractive person ...1898 sl.
• BIT OF CRACKLING an attractive woman or man ...20C sl.
• BIT OF CRUMB a plump, attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF FROCK an attractive (young) woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF JAM a woman considered a sexual object; an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF POSH an attractive young woman who is also considered intelligent or upper-class ...1970s sl.
• BIT OF RASPBERRY an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BLINDER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLINKER a smart, attractive girl; also used contemptuously ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOB the best-dressed or best-looking lad or lass in a company ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOMB HEAVER a pretty girl ...Bk1944 Amer. services sl.
• BONNIBEL a bonny lass; a fair maid; a pretty girl ...1579 arch.
• BONNY LASS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BOOFUL an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BONZER an admirable, highly capable, or very attractive person ...1904 Aust. sl.
• BREATH-TAKING CURVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BRICK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BRICK OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BRIGHT † a beautiful or attractive woman ...c1400
• BROILER an attractive female; a sexually tempting or seductive woman ...E20 US sl.
• BROOD a good-looking young woman; a sexually attractive female ...M20 US sl.
• BUF an attractive male ...1980s US teen sl.
• BULLY BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUNCH OF CHARMS a girl, esp. if attractive ...20C colloq.
• BUNCH OF SWEETNESS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BURGER a very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• BUTTERFLY an attractive young woman ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• CAB FREIGHT an attractive woman passenger in a truck ...1961 US sl.
• CACK a good-looking woman ...1960s US campus sl.
• CAD an attractive woman ...1970s US Black sl.
• CAKE an attractive girl or young woman ...1941 US Black sl.
• CAKES a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1960s US sl.
• CAKIE a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1960s US sl.
• CALVES' LESSON IN CURVES, THE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CAPTIVATRIX an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARAMEL SUNDAE an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• CATCH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCHY NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CAUTION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING EYEFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING HANDFUL an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING LAPFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHEESECAKE an attractive woman ...1934 sl., orig. US
• CHERUB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHICK a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1899 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEN an attractive young woman ...c1900 Amer. sl.
• CHICKLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHICK MAGNET a male who is attractive to women ...1995 Aust. sl.
• CHICKEY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICKY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHOICE BIT OF CALICO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CLARK GABLE a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY CHASSIS an attractive figure; thus, an attractive woman ...1930s sl.
• CLOUD an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CLYDESDALE a good-looking guy ...20C teen & high school sl.
• COOKER that which is exciting or attractive, as a young woman, jazz tune, or the like ...1943 Amer. jazz usage
• COOKEY an attractive young woman ...1920s Amer. sl.
• COOKIE an attractive young woman ...1920s Amer. sl.
• COOLER an attractive young woman ...1900s US campus sl.
• COOZE, COUSE a woman, especially one who is sexually attractive or promiscuous; by extension, a prostitute ...1921 US sl.
• CORKER a sexually attractive person ...1909 sl.
• CRACKER a sexually attractive woman ...1914 Brit. sl.
• CRUSHER a boy who is popular with girls and women; an attractive youth whom many girls have a crush on ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• CUDDLE BUNNY an attractive girl ...1946 US sl.
• CUPCAKE an attractive person ...Bk2006 US sl.
• CURVACIOUS CUTIE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CUTEY, CUTIE a person regarded as appealing or attractive, esp. a girl or woman ...1768 sl.
• CUTIE-PIE a sexually attractive woman ...1941 sl., orig. US
• CUT-UP anyone stylish, stunning, or attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DADDY MAC an attractive young man ...1997 US sl.
• DAGO (derogatory) any man, esp. a sexually attractive man ...1920s sl.
• DAISY an attractive young woman; a young girl ...1876 US sl.
• DAISY-CUTTER an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• DALL a child's toy; a pretty, silly woman ...1818 Sc.
• DALLY a child's toy; a pretty, silly woman ...1822 Sc.
• DANDY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DANDY, THE one that is most attractive, neat, skilful, or stylish; now a stylish or first-class example of anything; precisely the thing needed, esp. if fashionable ...1784 colloq.
• DANGE BROAD a sexually attractive Black girl or young woman ...M20 Amer. sl.
• DANGERMUFF an extremely attractive, sexy woman ...1990s sl.
• DANGEROUS CURVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DARB a person or thing that is superior, remarkable, first-rate or attractive ...1915 US sl.
• DARB OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DARBS, THE a person or thing that is superior, remarkable, or attractive ...1922 US sl.
• DARK GABLE a suave, handsome Black man; a ladies' man ...1959 US sl.
• DARKIE a flattering and affectionate term of address for an attractive, dark-skinned woman ...1990 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• DASH an attractive young woman ...1814 US sl.
• DASHER a fashionable, attractive person who often attends parties, dances, etc.; a dashing young man ...1790 sl.
• DATE BAIT an attractive person of either sex who is sought after as a date ...1944 US sl.
• D.D.F.M.G. an exceptionally attractive member of the opposite sex (Drop Dead Fuck Me Gorgeous) ...1990s US campus sl.
• DDH an incredibly attractive male (Drop-Dead Honey) ...20C Aust. teen sl.
• DEADENER a very attractive woman ...1870 US sl.
• DEAD FINK an attractive girl ...20C Irish sl.
• DEBBIES' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl.
• DEBS' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl.
• DIME a pretty girl ...2002 US sl.
• DINAH MITE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DISH an attractive man or woman; usually refers to a woman ...1921 Brit. & US sl.
• DISH DELISH an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DOLL a sexually attractive woman; often used as term of address ...1840 sl., orig. US
• DOLLY a sexually attractive woman ...1906 sl.
• DOLLY-BIRD a sexually attractive woman ...1964 sl., chiefly Brit.
• DOUBLE BURGER a very, very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• DOUBLE FIVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DRACULA'S DAUGHTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DREAM BEAM an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DREAM-BOAT a sexually attractive person ...1947 sl., orig. US
• DREAM OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUCKEROO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUCKY NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUMB BLONDE a conspicuously attractive but stupid blonde woman ...1936 sl., orig. US
• EYE CANDY an exceptionally attractive person ...1997 colloq.
• EYE-CATCHER an attractive person ...Bk1995 US sl.
• EYEFUL a strikingly beautiful woman ...1918
• EYE-OPENER a strikingly attractive person or thing ...1919
• FABULOUS DROP an attractive young woman ...1940s Aust. sl.
• FACE MAN a good-looking man with an exceptionally handsome face ...1958 Amer. sl.
• FAIR CHARMER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIRY a pretty young woman ...20C colloq.
• FANCY-FACE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FANNY MAGNET anything that attracts women, such as a very attractive young man, an attractive vehicle, etc. ...1990s sl.
• FASCINATOR a charming or attractive person ...1838
• FASCINATRESS a female who fascinates or enchants; an attractive woman ...1878
• FEMME LOOKER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLESH-AND-BLOOD ANGEL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLY-BOY an attractive young man ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLYCHICK an attractive, hip girl ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FLY-GIRL an attractive young woman ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLY HOUCHY an attractive female ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLY MINK a sexually attractive woman; a fine woman ...Bk2006 US sl.
• FOX a sexually attractive woman ...1961 US sl., orig. Black
• FOXY LADY a sexually attractive woman or girl ...Bk2006 US sl.
• FRAME DAME an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• FREAK DADDY an attractive male ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FREAK MAMA an attractive female ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FRESHWATER TROUT an attractive woman, usually in a group ...1940s US Black sl.
• FUNKY BUTT an attractive woman ...1980s US Black sl.
• G a smart and attractive male ...1980s US college sl.
• GAL A TEK LIFE a very attractive woman ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• GLAMOUR GIRL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• GLAMOURPUSS an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• GOD'S GIFT a man irresistible to women; mainly used ironically ...1953 sl.
• GOOD-LOOKIN' a nickname for a handsome man or attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOOD SORT an attractive young woman ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• GOON CHILE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• GORGEOUS GUSSIE a glamorous and beautiful young woman ...1956 sl.
• GREEK GOD a paragon of male beauty
• GUY-MAGNET a person who is attractive to men; a sexually attractive female ...1996 Aust. sl.
• HAIRY BIT a sexually attractive woman ...M19 sl.
• HAMMER a sexually attractive woman ...2008 US Black sl.
• HANDSOME a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HEARTBREAKER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HEART-THROB a sexually attractive male entertainer with whom many women fall in love ...1910s sl., orig. US
• HIP CHICK an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HONEY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HOT ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT GINGERBREAD an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HOT JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT PATOOTIE a sexually attractive woman ...1923 US sl.
• HOT PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT POTATO an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HOT PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT SKETCH an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HOT STUFF a sexually attractive person, usually also implying promiscuity ...1899 sl.
• HOTTIE, HOTTY a sexually attractive person, esp. a woman ...1913 sl., orig. Aust.
• HUBBA HEDY an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HUNK a good-looking, muscular boy or man ...1945 US sl.
• IT GIRL a woman who is very famous, fashionable, or successful at a particular time; esp. a glamorous, vivacious, or sexually attractive actress, model, etc., or a young, rich woman who has achieves celebrity because of her socialite lifestyle ...1927 colloq., orig. US
• JAM a pretty young woman; not necessarily with any sexual connotation ...M19 Brit. sl.
• JAMMIEST BITS OF JAM extremely attractive young women ...L19 sl.
• JELLY a buxom, good-looking girl ...1889 sl.
• JIGGER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN ARTICLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN DATE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KILLER-DILLER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• LAMBCHOP an attractive girl ...1985 US sl.
• LEG, LEGS a woman, esp. one who is attractive ...1939 US sl.
• LESSON IN ANATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• L.H.B. an attractive girl (Lost Heart Beat) ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LINE an attractive female ...1941 Aust. sl.
• LITTLE BIDDIE an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• LITTLE BIDDY an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF ALL RIGHT, A a sexually attractive person ...1898 sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF EYES RIGHT a woman, usually attractive ...1910s Aust. sl.
• LITTLE SILLY a girl; a pretty girl ...1900s Aust. sl.
• LIVE-ONE an attractive young woman ...L19 sl.
• LOLLEO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LOOKER a sexually attractive woman ...1909 sl., orig. US
• LOOKERINO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LOST HEART BEAT an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LULU an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LUSH 1. an extremely attractive heterosexual man ...1940s US homosexual sl.
2. an attractive woman ...1980s US college sl.
• LUSH THRUSH an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• LUSTY WENCH an attractive teenage girl ...1984 NZ sl.
• LUXER a handsome fellow ...c1850 Brit. sl.
• MACHINE a sexually attractive young woman ...1929-31 Amer. sl.
• MAC DADDY an attractive male ...20C teen & high school sl.
• MACK DADDY a very good-looking young man; a handsome, sexy male ...1992 US Black sl.
• MAMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAMACITA an attractive young woman ...1973 Amer. sl., orig. Hispanic
• MAMMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAN OF WAX a smart, clever fellow; a very handsome man; also a term of endearment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCDADDY a handsome, virile man ...1990s sl.
• MEAN ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN BABY an attractive girl or young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MEAN DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN MAMA an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MEAN MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MELLOW MOUSE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MELTED BUTTER an attractive woman, esp. a Mulatto ...1950s US Black sl.
• MINK a girlfriend; an attractive young woman ...1899 US sl., esp. Black usage
• MOMMA a very attractive female; a beautiful girl ...1972 Amer. dial., esp. Black usage
• MONET a person who seems attractive or desirable from a distance, but isn't up close ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MORALE BOOSTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MORALE BUILDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MORSEL a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MOVER an attractive person, usually female ...1950s sl.
• MUFFIN 1. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
2. an attractive youth ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• NAILER a handsome woman ...1886 sl.
• NEAT ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT BRODIE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• NEAT DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NICE CAR a good-looking man or woman ...1980s US college sl.
• NIFTY an attractive girl ...Bk1934 college sl.
• NIFTY ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NUBILE a young, attractive female ...Aust. sl.
• NUGGET a very attractive girl, of whom it is hoped that is not ‘as good as gold’ ...c1925 Aust. sl.
• NUMBER a girl; a sexually attractive girl, esp. a 'cute little number' ...1919 sl.
• NYMPHET a sexually attractive young girl ...1955 sl.
• OK KATY an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PACKAGE a sexually attractive woman ...1945 US sl.
• PANCAKE an attractive young woman, esp. with overtones of promiscuity ...1930s US sl.
• PAPER DOLL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PARIS MODEL an attractive woman ...1980s Aust. prison sl.
• PASHPIE an attractive boy or girl ...1951 US teen sl.
• PATOOTIE a sweetheart or girlfriend; a pretty girl ...1921 US sl.
• PEACH a sexually attractive woman ...1754 sl.
• PEACHALULU an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PEACHAMAROOT an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PEACHERINE a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACHERINO a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACHEROO a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACH-FUZZ an attractive teenager ...1950s homosexual sl.
• PICTURE a beautiful or attractive person or thing ...1815
• PIGEON an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PIGEON PIE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PINK a White person, esp. an attractive girl or woman ...1945 Amer. Black usage
• PIN-UP GIRL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PIP an excellent or very attractive person ...1900 US colloq.
• PIPPIN someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• POPSEE a woman, usually one who is young and attractive ...M19 sl.
• POPSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY-WOPSY a smiling, doll-like, attractive girl ...L19 sl.
• PORK CHOP an attractive young woman ...1920s US sl.
• POTENT PIGEON an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• POULE a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1926 sl.
• PRETTY ANKLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRETTY GENEVIEVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRETTY-PAN an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRIME ARTICLE a handsome girl ...1811 sl.
• QUAIL 1. a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
2. an attractive young man ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• QUARTERN OF BLISS a small, attractive woman ...c1882 London sl.
• QUEANIE a very good-looking man or boy ...E20 army sl.
• QUEEN a pretty young woman; a beauty ...18C US sl.
• QUEENIE a charming and attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
• QUIVVER-GIVER an attractive person ...1947 US sl.
• RAG BABY a poor, ill-clothed woman, who is nonetheless attractive ...20C US Black sl.
• RARE CHICKEN an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• RAT a promiscuous, attractive woman ...1990s US college sl.
• RED-HOT MAMA a sexually attractive woman ...1925 Amer. sl.
• RIPPER an attractive young woman ...1846 sl., now chiefly Aust.
• ROBERT TAYLOR a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ROCKET BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SALT BEEF an attractive woman married to someone else ...1982 Bahamas
• SALTWATER TAFFY an attractive woman on the beach ...1990 US sl.
• SCORCHER a sexually attractive person ...1881 sl.
• SENDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SEXBOAT a sexually attractive woman ...1962 US sl.
• SEX-BOMB a sexually attractive woman ...1963 sl.
• SEXPOT a sexually attractive woman ...1957 sl.
• SIGHT DELIGHT a good-looking man...1980s US campus sl.
• SKEEF an attractive female ...2000 Jamaica
• SKINZ a sexually attractive woman ...1993 US sl.
• SKUTTYWUCK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SLEEK LADY an extremely attractive woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SLICK ARTICLE an attractive girl or young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SLICK BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK CHICK an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SLICK DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PROPOSITION. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SMASHER a sexually attractive person ...1948 sl., chiefly Brit.
• SMOOTH ARTICLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SMOOTHIE. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SNAPPER a very attractive girl; a very sexy girl ...20C sl.
• SNITCH a person considered notably excellent, attractive, strong, etc. ...1900s Aust. & NZ sl., mainly juvenile
• SNITCHER a person considered notably excellent, attractive, strong, etc. ...1900s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNOZZLER anything or anybody considered excellent or attractive ...1930s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUP an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUPPER an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUPPY an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SOLID SENDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SOME SKIN a sexually attractive woman ...20C US sl.
• SOME STUFF an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SORT a woman; a young attractive woman; a girlfriend ...1933 sl., orig. Aust.
• SPOOFIE an attractive young woman ...1970s Aust. sl.
• SPUNK a sexually attractive man ...1978 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKBUBBLE a sexually attractive person ...1992 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKETTE a sexually attractive young woman ...1994 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKRAT a sexually attractive person ...1987 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKY a sexually attractive person ...1967 Aust. sl.
• SQUAB an attractive woman ...Bk1980 Amer. sl.
• SQUAB JOB a sexually attractive girl below the legal age of consent ...1964 US sl.
• STUDY IN ANATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• STUNNER a sexually attractive person ...1848 sl.
• SUGARPUSS an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SWAN a person of unusual beauty, excellent, purity, or the like
• SWEETIE-PIE a lovable and attractive person ...1928 sl.
• SWEET PATOOTIE a sexually attractive woman ...1923 US sl.
• SWELL ARTICLE. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL JOB. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL LAYOUT. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PIECE OF MERCHANDISE. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PROPOSITION. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWING DADDY an attractive, well-dressed man ...1970s US Black sl.
• S.Y.T. an attractive girl (Sweet Young Thing) ...c1950 sl.
• TABBY a young woman; an a attractive young woman ...1916 sl.
• TABLE PUSSY a woman with good looks and manners ...1970 US sl.
• TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• THRODDY MAY a plump, good-looking girl ...1939 Amer. dial.
• TOMATO a sexually attractive woman ...1929 sl., orig. US
• TOOTSY-WOOTSY an attractive girl; a loved one; a sweetheart; a term of endearment to one's sweetheart ...1952 Amer. sl.
• TRICK a small child; a woman, esp. a small or attractive one ...1887 Amer. dial.
• TRIPLE BURGER WITH CHEESE a very, very, very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• TRIPLE CHARGE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• TUNA a girl or young woman; a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• TURN-ON a sexually attractive person ...1969 sl.
• TWANGIE BOY an attractive guy ...1940s US teen sl.
• TWILLY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• VALENTINO a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VENUS a beautiful or attractive woman ...a1579
• VIXEN WITH THE FIXIN'S an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHISTLE BAIT an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHITING-MOP † a fair lass, a pretty girl; a term of endearment for a girl ...1701
• WHIZ an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• WHOO an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WOLF BAIT an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WOOD BURNER an attractive female ...1990 US sl.
• WOW an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• WREN an attractive woman ...1910s US sl.
• WUKKA a very good-looking man or woman ...1980s US college sl.
attractive, attractiveness - verbs
• BE MUSTARD to be sexually attractive; to be 'hot' as mustard ...E20 Brit. sl.
• DOOZIE UP to make more attractive or appealing as by adding features or ornaments, cleaning or repairing or clothing brightly ...1925 Amer. colloq.
• FAIR 1. † to make beautiful or attractive; to decorate, to adorn, to embellish ...a1225
2. † to become or grow beautiful; too appear attractive ...1340
• FANCY to desire sexually, to find sexually attractive ...1635 UK
• FASHION † to make good-looking; to beautify ...1557
• HAVE A LEG † of a man: to be good-looking or physically attractive ...1879
• HAVE ONE'S FACE MADE OF A FIDDLE to be irresistibly attractive or charming ...c1660 colloq.
• HAVE THE SHINERS FOR to find attractive or appealing; to have a fancy or affection for ...M19 sl., orig. US
• LUSTRE † to render specious or attractive ...1644
• OUTFAVOR to be better looking than, to be more handsome ...1912 Amer. dial.
• SIZZLE of a person: to be extremely attractive ...Aust. sl
• STRIP WELL to look good unclothed or partially clothed; to have a sexually attractive body ...20C US sl.
• TITRIVATE to titivate; to adjust the personal appearance of; to make oneself attractive; to primp, to go about ostentatiously ...1854 Amer. dial.
attractive, attractiveness - interjections/phrases
• COP A LOAD OF THAT! used by one man to another, indicating an attractive woman ...M19 sl., orig. Aust.
• COP THAT LOT! used by one man to another, indicating an attractive woman ...M19 sl., orig. Aust.
• I COULD FANCY THAT used of a passing attractive member of the opposite sex
• IT MUST BE JELLY, 'COS JAM DON'T SHAKE LIKE THAT used between males to express their appreciation of an especially attractive female ...1920s US Black sl.
• PASS THE DROOL CUP said upon seeing an attractive member of the other sex ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHACKO THE DIDDLE-OH! a general excl. of pleasure, esp. on seeing an attractive woman ...1960s Aust.
• UNBELIEFFULNESS † atheism ...1382
ATHEIST - person
• NETHEIST an atheist ...1855
• UNBELIEVER - one who does not believe; one who does not accept a particular religious belief, an infidel; an atheist ...1526
ATHLETE, ATHLETIC(S) - adjectives
• GYMNASTIC * physically active, athletic ...1785
• PALAESTRAL, PALESTRAL pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...c1374
• PALAESTRIAN, PALESTRIAN pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1828
• PALAESTRIC, PALESTRIC pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1774
• PALAESTRICAL, PALESTRICAL † pert. to wrestling or athletics; athletic ...1579
• RENKY large and well-made; athletic, muscular ...1684 Eng. dial.
athlete, athletic(s) - nouns
• ACTIVITY † physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics ...1552
• GAME an athlete's style and ability ...1997 US sl.
• EARLY BATH an ejection from an athletic contest ...1978 NZ sl.
• EARLY SHOWER an ejection from an athletic contest ...1978 NZ sl.
• GAMING † the celebration of games; an athletic or musical contest ...1587
• PALAESTRA, PALESTRA a place devoted to the public teaching and practice of wrestling and other athletic exercises; a wrestling-school, gymnasium ...1412-20
athlete, athletic(s) - person
• ACTOR an athlete who is good at pretending he has been hurt or fouled, esp. a baseball player who very convincingly mimes the pain of being hit by a pitch ... Bk2007 Amer. sl.
• ANIMAL an athletic or muscular man; esp. a bodyguard or hired thug ...1921 Amer. sl.
• BALLER an athlete; one who plays with footballs, basketballs, baseballs, etc. ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BALLHEAD an athlete; someone obsessed with ball games; perhaps a stupid one ...Bk1995 US sl.
• CHICK WITH A STICK a girl jock; presumably a reference to softball and field hockey ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DEAD RABBIT a very athletic rowdy fellow ...1859 Amer. sl.
• DOC an athletic coach; used as a title or nickname ...1909 Amer. dial.
• DOG in sports: a performer of little promise or ability; a prizefighter or other athlete who lack aggressiveness or spirit in competition ...1934 US sl.
• DROMOMANIAC an athlete ...M20 jocular or sl.
• FANCY DAN a showy, usually ineffective, athlete ...1927 Amer. sl.
• GAME-PLAYER † an athlete ...1587
• GAMER 1. † a gamester; an athlete ...c1620-30
2. in sports: a person, esp. an athlete, known for consistently making a strong effort; a player who performs better in actual games than in practices ...1977 colloq.
• GAMESTER † an athlete ...1581
• GAMNER † an athlete ...1567
• GYM RAT an athlete; a sports enthusiast; a person who frequents gymnasiums; an exercise fanatic; anyone fanatically pursuing a course of activity, a career, etc. ...1978 Amer. sl.
• HAS-BEEN one that has been but is no longer; a person whose best days are over; a person who was one famous, important, or successful, and is no longer; an aging entertainer or athlete who is no longer in the public's favour; an out-of-date person ...1702
• HATCHET MAN a physically aggressive athlete, esp. one who is tasked with roughing up an opponent ...1971 US sl.
• HEPTATHLETE a competitor in a heptathlon, an athletic contest, usually for women, consisting of seven different events ...1983
• HORSE 1. a strong or athletic fellow - hence, a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1808 Amer. sl.
2. a person who works as a member of a 'stable', as a prostitute, an athlete ...1925 Amer. sl.
• HOSS a strong or athletic fellow; hence, a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc.; a good fellow ...1845 Amer. sl.
• JOCK an athlete ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KEMP a big, strong, and brave warrior or athlete; a professional fighter, wrestler, etc.; a champion ...a700
• MONEY PLAYER a professional athlete ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MUDDER any athlete who performs well in rainy conditions ...1942 US sl.
• PADJELL a veteran athlete; a seasoned champion runner ...1824 Sc.
• RABBIT EARS an athlete or official who is quick to take offense at teasing ...1967 US sl.
• SACK a second-rate athlete ...1980 US Black & college sl.
• SAUSAGE an inferior athlete, esp. one with rippling muscles, as a prize fighter, wrestler, or weight-lifter ...Bk1975 Amer. sl.
• WALKIST an athlete who takes part in walking-matches; a pedestrian ...1879 sporting sl.
athlete, athletic(s) - verbs
• CAMP † to contend in athletic contests ...1774-6 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FAGGOT'S LUNCH BOX a jock strap; an athletic supporter ...1964 US sl.
ATHWART - adverbs
• ATHURTENS athwart, across ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• TWARTOUR across, athwart ...Bk1905 Sc.
ATLANTIC - nouns
• BIG DRINK the Atlantic Ocean; an ocean ...Bk2006 US sl.
• DAMP POT the sea, esp. the Atlantic ...c1855 tailors' sl.
• DITCH the Atlantic Ocean ...M19 sl.
• POND, THE the Atlantic Ocean ...US Civil War usage
• PUDDLE, THE the Atlantic Ocean ...c1880 colloq.
Atlantic - verbs
• CROSS THE DAMP-POT to cross the Atlantic ...B1900 sailors' sl.
ATMOSPHERE - adjectives
• BENAUT of the atmosphere: close, oppressive, moist and warm ...1969 Amer. dial.
• DEAD-LOWN of the atmosphere: quite still ...1820 Sc.
• VIBEY fashionably atmospheric ...1999 UK sl.
atmosphere - nouns
• ATMOS atmosphere or ambience; used in a positive fashion ...1990s sl., orig. US teen
• DINDLE the reflection in the atmosphere on a hot day ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ELEMENT the sky, atmosphere, air, heavens; weather ...1785 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• VIBE the atmosphere created by any event, mood; nuances intimately related to all senses ...1960 US sl,
• VIBES the atmosphere created by any event, mood; nuances intimately related to all senses ...1960 US sl,
• VIBRATIONS the atmosphere generated by an event, mood; nuances intimately related to all sense ...1966 US sl.
atmosphere - verbs
• VIBE 1. to give off an atmosphere ...1960s sl.
2. to create a pleasant, exciting atmosphere ...1990s sl.
ATOLL - nouns
• LAGOON-ISLAND an atoll ...1845
ATOM - nouns
• ACE a single point, a minute portion; a jot, a particle, an atom ...1528
• DAW an atom, a jot, a particle ...Bk1900 Sc.
• OAT an atom; the tiniest amount ...M19 sl.
• SCRIDDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SKIRDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SKRIDDICK an atom, a particle; the smallest coin ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TARE † a very small particle; a whit, a jot, an atom ...c1386
• THRUM a particle, an atom ...1872 Sc.
• YIM a particle; an atom; the smallest portion of anything ...1824 Sc.
• AROMATIC BOMB atomic bomb ...1945 army officers' usage
AT ONCE - adverbs
• INSTANTER instantly, immediately, at once, without delay ...1688, orig. law term
ATONE - verbs
• ABY(E) to pay the penalty for an offense; to redeem; to atone for; to suffer for; to make amends for; to expiate ...c1175 arch.
• ACQUIT † to pay for, to atone for an offense ...1593
• I-BYE †* to purchase; to pay for, atone for ...a1000
• SATISFY † to make compensation or reparation for a wrong, injury; to atone for an offense ...c1460
• MENDS amends, reparation, recompense, satisfaction, revenge; atonement ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SATISFACTORY † a place or means of atonement or retribution ...1530
atonement - verbs
• SATISFY † to make reparation or atonement ...c1450
ATONING - adjectives
• SATISFACTORIOUS †* making satisfaction, atoning ...1561
ATROCIOUS - adjectives
• FACINORIOUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, atrocious, infamous, vile ...1601
• FACINOROUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, villainous, atrocious, vile, infamous, detestably bad ...1548 obs. exc. arch.
• NEFAND † not to be spoken of; unmentionable; abominable, atrocious ...1490
• NEFANDOUS not to be spoken of; unmentionable, shocking; abominable, atrocious, heinous, horrible ...1640
ATTACH - verbs
• FASTEN † to take hold; to attach oneself; to make one's abode ...c1400
• TACHE † to fasten, to attach, to fix, to secure a person or thing ...a1310 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TACK † to attach, to fasten one thing to another ...1387
ATTACHED - adjectives
• DICTED addicted to, attached to, having a preference for ...1896 Eng. dial.
• HEART-GROWN strongly attached to a person or thing; set upon anything ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TID fond of, attached to; careful of, solicitous about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TIDD fond of, attached to; careful of, solicitous about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
attached - nouns
• TACHEMENT † something attached; an appurtenance ...a1400
• TACHMENT † something attached; an appurtenance ...a1400
attached - verbs
• COTTON ON TO to become attached to; to form a liking for ...1907 colloq.
ATTACK - nouns
• ANSLAIGHT † an onslaught, a fierce or destructive attack, an affray ...a1625
• BLAST a verbal attack ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BLITZ a devastating attack ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BRASH an attack ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CANVASADO 1. † a sudden attack ...1581
2. † a night attack, a 'camisado' ...a1626 obs.
• CANVASS † a shock; esp. that of a sudden attack or surprise ...1611
• DEAD SET a pointed attack on or approach to another person, often in the context of wooing ...L18 sl.
• HATCHET JOB a fierce and unwanted verbal attack on someone or something, esp. in print, and esp. one intended to ruin their reputation ...1944 sl.
• INFALL † an invasion, attack, onslaught ...1721 Sc.
• INGATE an inroad, an attack ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• JUGGING in prison: an attack with a jug of boiling sugared water ...2000 UK sl. 2008
• NAIL-PIE an attack upon a person with the fingernails ...1864 Eng. dial.
• OCCURSATION †* an act of running against something; attack; encounter; meeting; collision ...1615
• OCCURSION † an act of running against something; attack, encounter; meeting; collision ...1533
• ONCOME † an attack, an invasion ...a1340
• ONDING an assault, an attack, an onset, an outburst, of noise, talk, etc.; oppression, turmoil ...1871 Sc.
• ONDINGING an assault, an attack, an onset, an outburst, of noise, talk, etc. ...1828 Sc.
• ONFALL † an attack or access of disease, plague, or calamity; an assault, on onset ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc.
• ONSETTING † an attack, an assault ...1541
• OPPUGNATION * the act of attacking or assaulting; attack, assault ...1533
• SAILYIE, SAILZIE attack, assault, onset ...1827 Sc.
• SAULT † assault, attack ...1297
• SHOWER † a military assault or attack; also, an armed conflict, a battle ...a1375
• SIMULTANEITY * a simultaneous attack ...1858
• SKECK †* an attack made for the sake of plunder; a petty raid ...1297
• SKEG † an attack made for the sake of plunder; a petty raid ...1542
• SLAP an attack on someone ...L19 sl.
• SUBREPTION † sudden or unforeseen attack, as of temptation ...1632
• TACK an attack ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• VENUE †* a coming on, in order to strike; an assault or attack ...a1330
• WAKING † a night-attack ...1525
attack - person
• SANDBAGGER a person who lulls an opponent into security, and then suddenly attacks ...1940 US sl.
attack - verbs
• BADMOUTH to attack verbally, to slander ...1940s sl.
• BATTER to subject persons, opinions, etc. to heavy, crushing, or persistent attack ...1578
• BATTLE to attack someone verbally ...1998 US sl.
• BEGIN UPON A PERSON to attack or assail a person ...c1825
• BESAIL † to assail, to attack ...1460
• BESET to attack ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BICKER to attack with repeated strokes, to pelt with stones; to strike repeatedly ...1827 Sc.
• BITE SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to attack verbally, esp. as a disproportionate response ...1984 UK sl.
• BLAST to attack or criticize someone or something verbally ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BOTTLE to attack someone with a bottle, esp. in the face ...1984 UK sl.
• BUG to attack someone with bricks, bottles, and boots ...1966 UK vagrant alcoholics' usage
• BULL-DOG to attack like a bull-dog; to assail or treat roughly ...1842
• BUSHWHACK to attack by surprise; to ambush ...1866 Amer. dial.
• BUST ON to hit, to attack ...1960s US sl.
• CANVAS(S) † to subject to attack or assault ...1599
• CATCH †* to fasten, to attach ...c1400
• CHIV to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab; to cut; to slash; used only in regard to an attack upon a human ...1725 criminals' sl.
• CHIVE to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab; to cut; to slash; used only in regard to an attack upon a human ...1725 criminals' sl.
• CHIVEY, CHIVVY to attack with a sharp instrument; to stab ...1959 Brit. sl.
• COP A HEEL to attack from behind ...20C US prison sl.
• COP AND HEEL to attack from behind ...20C US prison sl.
• COP A SUNDAY to attack suddenly by surprise ...1930s US prison sl.
• CRAWL ONE'S HUMP to attack someone ...1907 US West. sl.
• DEAL IT OUT to attack, esp. verbally; to punish ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEAL OUT to attack, esp. verbally; to punish ...20C Aust. sl.
• DEAL SOMEONE ONE to attack someone; to give someone a blow or beating ...1980s NZ sl.
• DOWNMOUTH to attack verbally, to slander ...1981 US sl.
• DROP INTO to attack fiercely ...colloq.
• FALL ABOARD to attack, assault ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• FALL ABOARD OF † to come to words, to quarrel; to attack, to fall upon ...1604
• FALL A-BONES OF ANYONE to attack, to assail ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FALL DOWN ON to attack ...1960s US Black & gang usage
• FANG AWAY to attack violently, to fight ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FAUNCE to rush, to make a sudden violent attack ...1858 Amer. dial.
• FEATHER INTO to attack vigorously; to fight ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FILL IN (SOMEONE'S) COUPON to attack a person's face with the jagged end of a smashed bottle ..,L20 Sc. sl.
• GANG to attack or kill as part of a gang, to gang up on ...1920s US sl.
• GIVE BELLOWS TO MEND of persons or things: to make a sharp attack upon, to beat soundly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• GLASS to attack someone's face using a glass or bottle as a weapon ...1936 UK sl.
• GO ABOARD OF SOMEONE to act vigorously and aggressively; to attack or scold vigorously ...1980 Can. sl.
• GO TO TOWN ON to attack excessively either verbally or physically ...1992 Ireland
• GRUNGE to assault, to attack, to terrify ...1960s sl.
• GUN to attack verbally ...2003 UK sl.
• HAVE A SMACK AT to make an attempt at or attack on
• HEAVE AT † to threaten an attack upon; to take up a position of hostility to; to oppose ...1546
• INTERRUPT to annoy, to cause discomfort to, to disagree with; to interfere with, to attack, to pursue ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• JAP to make a sneak attack on someone ...1957 US sl.
• JUG to attack someone with a jug of boiling water, esp. sugared water ...1996 UK sl.
• JUMP ON to attack, verbally or physically, someone who is seen to have exposed themselves to such an assault by their behaviour or their weakness ...M19 sl.
• JUMP (ON) SOMEONE'S BONES to attack ...1980s sl.
• JUMP UPON to attack, verbally or physically, someone who is seen to have exposed themselves to such an assault by their behaviour or their weakness ...M19 sl.
• JUMP UP SOMEONE'S ASS to attack someone ...1977 Amer. sl.
• LACE INTO to attack, to beat, to thrash ...E19 sl.
• LASH † to assail, to attack ...c1330
• LAY IN to attack with vigour ...c1888 colloq.
• LET INTO to attack ...1851 sl.
• LIGHT UP to hit or attack someone ...1970s US Black sl.
• LURRY INTO to get stuck into, to attack ...1940s Irish sl.
• MAD-DOG to attack verbally ...1990s US college sl.
• MALKY to attack and cut someone with a razor; to stab ...1985 Sc. sl.
• MOB to attack in a large group ...M18 sl.
• MOB IT to attack in a large group ...M18 sl.
• MONSTER to make a verbal attack on someone or something; to put pressure on ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MUG to attack and rob a person, esp. in a public place ...1864 colloq.
• OFFEND † to attack, to assault, to assail; also, to act on the offensive ...c1374
• ONSEEK † to attack ...c1205
• ONSET † to make an onset upon; to set upon, to attack ...1602
• OPPUGN † to fight against, to attack, to assault, to besiege ...1432-50
• PANEL to attack, to beat up ...1990s sl.
• PUKE SOMEONE OFF to attack, to cause trouble for ...1960s sl.
• PUT ONE'S FOOT IN SOMEONE'S ASS to attack someone physically; to treat someone unkindly ...1940s US Black sl.
• RABBLE to attack or assail a person on his property by means of a rabble; to mob ...1644
• RAG to attack, to cause trouble; to rob ...20C sl.
• RAISE ON to turn upon in anger, to attack ...1828 Sc.
• RAKE to scold severely, to attack verbally ...1907 Amer. dial.
• RALLY to attack vigorously ...1812 boxing usage
• RUM-PAD to attack or rob on the highway ...L19 cant
• SAIL IN to attack physically or verbally ...M19 sl., orig. US
• SAIL INTO to attack physically or verbally ...M19 sl., orig. US
• SAILZIE to assail, to assault, to attack ...1827 Sc. arch.
• SANDBAG to lull someone into a false sense of security, and then suddenly attack them ...1940 US sl.
• SAP to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAP DOWN to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAP UP to attack using a blackjack (a club) ...L19 sl.
• SAULT † to assault, to attack ...1387
• SAVAGE to attack savagely ...1897 Eng. dial.
• SCREAM ON ONE to give away a secret or to betray the confidence of someone; to tell; to inform; to attack ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRUFF to attack, to manhandle ...M19 Aust. sl.
• SET ABOUT to attack or assault someone ...1879 UK colloq.
• SHOOT ON to belittle; to insult; to verbally attack ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIC ON to set on, to have some attack a third party; to set someone on another person ...M19 sl.
• SICK ON to set on, to have some attack a third party; to set someone on another person ...M19 sl.
• SINK THE BOOT to kick viciously; to attack verbally ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• SINK THE SLIPPER to kick viciously; to attack verbally ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• SKULL to strike someone; to attack someone ...1997 Irish sl.
• SMACK UP to attack someone; to beat someone up ...1945 Aust. sl.
• SNAP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to attack verbally, esp. as a disproportionate response ...1984 UK sl.
• SPELL FOR to wait for, with the intention of attacking verbally or physically ...20C W. Indies sl.
• TACHE † to make a hostile charge or attack; to charge ...a1400-50
• TACK to attack ...1720
• TACKLE to attack, to punish ...1828
• TAKE to confront, to attack ...1920s sl.
• TAKE A POKE AT to attack verbally, to cause problems for ...1950s sl.
• TAKE A POP to attack verbally ...1990s sl.
• TAKE A SHIT to cause trouble for, to attack ...1960s sl.
• TAKE A SHOT to attack, whether physically or verbally ...L19 sl.
• TAKE LAG to criticize, to attack verbally ...1950s W. Indies & UK Black sl.
• TAKE OVER THE HURDLES to attack in a group ...1940s US prison sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE TO THE BRIDGE to attack, physically or verbally ...1980s US Black sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE TO THE HOOP to attack, physically or verbally ...1980s US Black sl.
• TAKE THE PISS OUT OF to attack verbally; to sneer or jeer at ...1930s sl.
• TAKE THE RIP OUT OF to mock, to criticize, to attack verbally ...1990s sl.
• TAKE TO to attack ...1790 Eng. dial.
• TAKE TO SOMEONE to attack someone with the fists ...1911 NZ sl.
• TEAR DOWN to reprimand severely; to attack verbally ...L19 sl.
• TEAR INTO to attack physically or verbally ...20C sl.
• TOMAHAWK to attack savagely or mercilessly in speech or in writing; to demolish in a review or criticism ...1815
• VAMP ON to make an unjust attack, to arrest ...1970s US Black sl.
• VEX to engage someone in an abusive verbal attack ...2001 UK sl.
• WALK INTO to attack, to overcome, to demolish ...M19 sl.
• WALK ROUND to prepare oneself to face an attack ...L19 sl.
• WALTZ INTO to attack ...1910s sl.
• WHALE INTO to attack physically ...20C sl.
• YOKE to attack; to grip, to seize; to tackle; to meddle with; to fight; to engage in, to dispute ...1775 Sc.
attack - interjections
• WHAM! used to express surprise or convey the impact of a sudden violent attack or blow ...1940s US sl.
• WHAMMO! used to express surprise or convey the impact of a sudden violent attack or blow ...1940s US
ATTACKED - adjectives
• ILL-SET-ON foully attacked ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• JACKED stabbed, attacked ...1980s sl.
• SAULTABLE † capable of being assaulted or attacked ...1556
ATTACKING - adjectives
• DOWN ON attacking physically ...19C
attacking - nouns
• OPPUGNING attacking, assailing ...1535
• SAULTING † the act of assaulting or attacking ...c1489
ATTAIN - verbs
• ACOME † to come to, to attain, to reach ...a1000
• AFFECT † to aim at, to aspire to, to make for; to seek to obtain or attain ...1483
• CATCH † to obtain by exertion; to attain, to get possession of ...1382
• CLEAR THE HARROWS to get one's object, to attain one's desire ...1892 Sc.
ATTAINED - nouns
• EFFECT † something which is attained or acquired by an action ...1602
• ADEPTION † an obtaining, gaining, or attainment ...1548
ATTEMPT - adjectives
• ON possible, feasible, worthy of an attempt ...1935 UK sl.
attempt - nouns
• BIRL, BURL a try or attempt; a test ...1917 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• DAB a try; an attempt; a crack ...1861 US sl.
• DASH an attempt ...1931 colloq.
• ETTLE an attempt, an effort, an endeavour, an aim, an intent ...1839 Sc.
• FANDING † a trying to do or find out something; an attempt, an experiment ...a1000
• FLUTTER an attempt at anything; an exciting venture at betting or cards ...1874 sl.
• FONDING † a trying to do or find out something; an attempt, an experiment ...a1000
• HACK an attempt, a try ...1836 Amer.
• IMITATION an attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INDEAVERANCE an attempt; one's utmost effort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• JAB an attempt, a try ...20C US sl.
• MINT an aim, attempt at, effort, endeavour ...1660 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• OFFER † an attempt at doing something, or a show of this; the act of aiming at something, an aim ...1581 now rare or obs.
• OFFERING a feeble attempt ...1903 Sc.
• PAN an attempt, an effort ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SAY an assay, an attempt; a trial piece of work ...1723 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAY-PIECE † a trial piece of work; a first attempt at anything ...1773 Sc.
• SCRAMP a snatching; a hurried attempt ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHOT IN THE DARK a very general attempt; a wild guess
• SHY an attempt; a 'go' ...M19 sl.
• SLAP a go, an attempt, hence a bet ...M19 sl.
• TAKE a try or attempt ...colloq.
• WHACK a chance, a turn or attempt ...1884
attempt - verbs
• AFFORCE † to endeavour, attempt, or try ...c1487
• AWM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• AWSE to attempt ...Bk1886 Eng. dial.
• CHANCE ONE'S ARM to make a speculative attempt; to try something not very likely to succeed ...Bk1999
• DEVER to try, to attempt, to endeavour ...1879 Eng. dial.
• ETTLE to attempt, to endeavour; to strive after, to struggle hard to obtain ...1725 Sc.
• FAND † to attempt, to try ...a1225
• FINISH ALADDIN'S WINDOW to attempt to complete something begun by a great genius, but left imperfect; to attempt to complete a task beyond one's powers ...B1900
• FOND † to attempt, to try ...a1225
• GIVE IT A BIRL, GIVE IT A BURL to make an attempt ...1917 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GIVE IT A FLY to make an attempt, to have a go ...1919 Aust. sl.
• GIVE IT A GO to make an attempt ...1835
• GIVE IT A WHIRL to make an attempt ...1884 sl., orig. US
• GIVE THE VENTURE † to make the attempt ...1599
• GO TO MARKET to make an attempt at something ...1890
• HAUM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUSE to prepare; to attempt, to try; to offer ...1851 Eng. dial.
• HAVE A BASH AT to make an attempt ...1948 sl., chiefly Brit.
• HAVE A CRACK AT to make an attempt ...1836 sl., orig. US
• HAVE A DASH AT to make an attempt ...1923 Aust. colloq.
• HAVE A FLY AT to make an attempt, to have a go ...1919 Aust. sl.
• HAVE A GO AT to make an attempt ...1835
• HAVE A LASH AT to make an attempt ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• HAVE A RAP AT ANYTHING to make an attempt, hit or miss ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAVE A SHOT AT to make an attempt; to guess ...1878 sl.
• HAVE A SMACK AT to make an attempt at or attack on
• HAVE A STAB AT to make an attempt ...1895 sl., orig. US
• HAVE A WHACK AT to make an attempt ...1891 sl., orig. US
• HAWM to set about a thing, to begin, to move, to attempt ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAWSE to prepare; to attempt, to try; to offer ...1851 Eng. dial.
• IMITATE † to make an attempt; to endeavour to do something ...a1626 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LAM AWAY AT to make an attempt to ...1884 Amer. dial.
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A BOTTLE OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1742
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1855
• LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A MEADOW to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...c1530
• MAKE to attempt; to try; to offer ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAKE A DAB to make an attempt at a thing ...1900 US sl.
• MAKE A STAB AT to make an attempt; to guess ...1895 sl., orig. US
• MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW to attempt a task without provision of the necessary materials or means ...1658
• MINT to endeavour, to attempt; to venture, to dare, to presume ...1724 Sc.
• MIRD to attempt, to venture ...1809 Sc.
• NIXURIATE † to endeavour, to attempt ...1623
• OFFER to attempt, to try; to make an effort or start; to show intention or promise of ...1722 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OFFER AT to make an attempt at; to aim at ...1847 Sc.
• RAP to hazard; to attempt a thing at all risks ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SEEK A HARE IN A HEN'S NEST † to attempt something that is almost impossible ...1599
• SEEK A NEEDLE IN A BOTTLE OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1690
• SEEK A NEEDLE IN A TRUSS OF HAY to attempt an extremely difficult, impossible, or foolish task ...1711
• TACKLE to grapple with, to attempt to deal with ...1847
• TAKE A CRACK AT to make an attempt ...1836 sl., orig. US
• TAKE A POKE AT to have a try, to attempt ...1930s sl.
• TAKE A POP AT to make an attempt ...1920s sl.
• TAKE A SHOT to try, to make an attempt ...1970s
• TAKE A SHOT AT to make an attempt ...1878 sl.
• TAKE A WHACK AT to make an attempt ...1891 sl., orig. US
• TEMPT to attempt, to try ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TEND to attempt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
attempt - phrases
• DON'T STRETCH THE ARMS FARTHER THAN THE SLEEVES REACH don't attempt anything beyond one's means ...1887 Eng. dial.
ATTEMPTABLE - adjectives
• VENTURABLE †* adventurable; attemptable; venturous, hazardous ...1576
ATTEMPTED - adjectives
• YFONDED † attempted, tried, tested, tempted ...c1175
ATTEND - verbs
• AFFELLOWSHIP †* to be in fellowship with, to accompany, to attend ...1559
• DANGLE to be in attendance, as a servant ...M18 sl.
• SUE † to follow as an attendant, companion, or adherent; to accompany, to attend upon ...a1250
• STAG to attend a social occasion unaccompanied ...1900 US sl.
• TEND OUT ON to attend to, to take care of ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TENT to attend to; to look after; to take care of; to watch or mind animals; to watch birds to drive them away ...1832 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAIR HERD a good attendance of strangers ...1883 Oxford University usage
• TWO MEN AND A DOG very few people; a poor attendance ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
ATTENDANT - person
• ACOLYTE an attendant or junior assistant in any ceremony or operation; a novice ...1829
• BACKMAN †* a follower, a retainer, an attendant ...c1560
• BARNACLE a companion or follower that sticks close, and will not be dismissed; a constant attendant ...1607
• CUSTREL a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms; esp. one who is a member of man-at-arm's lance, and is armed with a custil or coutel (knife or dagger) ...1474
• CUSTRELING † a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms ...a1556
• CUSTRON † a camp follower or sutler; a servant or attendant to a knight or man-at-arms ...a1425
• FAMULUS an attendant, esp. on a scholar or a magician ...1837
• FARNET † a band, company, train of attendants ...a1300
• FERNET † a band, company, train of attendants ...a1300
• HANDMAID a female personal attendant or servant ...1382 arch.
• HANDMAIDEN a female personal attendant or servant ...a1300 literary arch.
• HANDSERVANT † a servant attending upon one; an attendant ...1578
• HAND-WOMAN † a female attendant; a handmaid ...a1300
• HANGING-HOLDER † an attendant ...1624
• HARLOT † a male servant or attendant; a menial ...a1300
• JACK a serving-man or male attendant; a labourer; a man who does odd jobs, etc. ...1836-7
• JACK-HOLD-MY-STAFF † a too humble servant; a servile attendant ...1625
• JACKMAN † an attendant or retainer kept by a nobleman or landowner ...1567 Sc.
• MAN FRIDAY a servile follower or attendant; a servant of all work ...1887
• SATELLITE an attendant upon a person of importance, forming part of his retinue and employed to execute his orders; often with reproachful connotation, implying subserviency or unscrupulousness in the service; a personal servant ...a1548
• TENTER one who takes care of anything; an attendant, keeper ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TOAD-EATER * a humble friend or dependant; a female companion or attendant; used contemptuously ...1744
• VALECT † a personal attendant ...1610 arch. or obs.
• VELVET-JACKET † an attendant or retainer wearing a jacket of velvet ...1600
• WAIT † one who waits in services, an attendant ...1652
• WAITING-WOMAN a female servant, or personal attendant ...1565 now arch.
• WALLIE, WALLY a personal servant or attendant ...1816 Sc.
• WARDECORPS † a body-guard; an armed personal attendant ...a1330
ATTENDING - adjectives
• ADVERTISING † attending, attentive ...1603
ATTENTION - adjectives
• ATTENTIONAL pert. to attention ...1901
• BUZZWORTHY lively to general enthusiastic interest and attention, esp. in the popular media ...1980 US
• EYE-TAKING attracting attention; alluring ...1635
• HIGH-MAINTENANCE of a person: requiring a high level of care and attention; demanding ...colloq.
• LAIRY, LAREY, LARY showy, ostentatious, attention-seeking ...1898 Aust. sl.
• ON being the focus of attention, performing, needing to impress ...1960s US sl.
• TENDFUL requiring attention; esp. said of a child ...1833 Amer. dial.
attention - adverbs
• WITH ALL ONE'S EYES with an intense or keen gaze, intently; with full attention ...1483
• WITH ALL THE EYES IN ONE'S HEAD with an intense or keen gaze, intently; with full attention ...1548
attention - nouns
• ADVERSION †* attention, perception ...1647
• ADVERTENCE the act of turning the attention to; observation, notice, heed, attention, consideration ...c1370
• ADVERTISEMENT † the turning of the mind to anything; attention, observation, heed ...1523
• ADVISEMENT † the process of looking at or viewing; observation, notice, attention, consideration ...1330
• GARD † attention, watchfulness; also, the object of one's attention ...a1569
• HAND-TETHERS pursuits requiring constant attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAND-TIES pursuits requiring constant attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP † care, attention, heed, notice ...c1250
• KEEVEE, KEEVIE, KEEVY attention, alertness, vigilance ...1843 Sc.
• LICK AND A PROMISE scant care or attention ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MARK † attention, notice ...1377
• OBSERVE † notice, attention ...1805 Sc.
• RABBIT FOOT attention ...L19 US Black sl.
• TENDANCE attention, care ...1902 Eng. dial.
• TENT a look; observation, notice, attention ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YEME † care, heed, attention ...c893
attention - person
• SHOWBOAT an attention-seeker or show-off ...1953 sl., orig. & chiefly US
attention - verbs
• ADVERT to turn one's attention; to take notice, to take heed, to pay attention ...1430
• ANT to show attention to, to respect, to obey ...1891 Sc.
• BAG ONTO to grab; hence, to pay attention to ...1948 Amer. sl.
• BE ALL EARS to give all one's attention, to listen ...colloq.
• BEHOLD † to consider; to give attention or regard ...c825
• BEND AN EAR to pay attention; to listen ...1935 Amer. sl.
• DRAW THE CRABS to attract unwelcome attention ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• HALLOW to shout to attract attention, etc. ...c1420
• HARP to listen to; to hearken, to pay attention ...1896 Eng. dial.
• MAKE MICKLE OF to show great attention to, to make much of ...1725 Sc.
• MIND to observe, to notice; to pay attention or heed to ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEEF to pay attention ...1934 Sc.
• PULL ONE'S HEAD OUT to pay attention to one's affairs; to wake up ...1960s Amer. students' sl.
• RING ONE'S CHIMES to arouse one's attention; to excite ...1970 Amer. sl.
• RUSH to lavish attention on a person, typically a woman, esp. with a view to a romantic or sexual relationship ...1863 US colloq.
ׇ• TAKE TENT OF to pay attention to; to notice, to observe ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TAKE THE CORN to become the centre of attention ...1839 US sl.
• TANTLE to pet, to fondle, to caress; to humour a child; to pay much attention to; to nurse and feed with care ...1898 Eng. dial.
• TEND TO to pay attention ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• TENT to pay attention to; to heed; to listen to ...1789 Sc.
• TONTLE to pet, to fondle, to caress; to humour a child; to pay much attention to; to nurse and feed with care ...1898 Eng. dial.
• YEME † to give heed or attention to, to attend to, to look after; to take heed ...c897
attention - interjections & phrases
• COME TO THE PARTY pay attention ...Bk1947 Amer. sl.
• DIG UP! listen up! pay attention! ...Bk2006 US sl.
• HALE! † a cry to call attention ...c1290
• HALLOO! an exclamation to call attention at a distance, to express surprise, etc. ...a1700
• HE! † an exclamation used to draw attention or express emotion ...a1300
• HOOEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1874 Amer. dial.
• HOO-EE-AH! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1874 Amer. dial.
• HOO-HEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HOO-WEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1882 Amer. dial.
• OISIE! an exclamation of wonder, or used as a note of attention ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ON A AY YO TRIP used of one who is forever demanding attention, making him or herself conspicuous ...1980s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• THICCY! an exclamation used to call attention to anything ...1891 Eng. dial.
• THIKKI! an exclamation used to call attention to anything ...1891 Eng. dial.
• WHOO! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1932 Amer. dial.
• WHOOEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1888 Amer. dial.
• WHOO-HEE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WHOOIE! used to attract attention or to express surprise, joy, pain, etc. ...1924 Amer. dial.
• WORD! an exhortation to listen, to pay attention ...1980s US Black sl.
• WORD UP! an exhortation to listen, to pay attention ...1980s US Black sl.
• YA HEY! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YA HEY DERE! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YAH HEY! used an affirmation, greeting, or attention-getter ...1934 Amer. dial.
• YALLACK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YARRAH! an exclamation of surprise; frequently used in accosting a person, or in calling attention ...1827-32 Ireland
• YELLOOK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YELLUCKS! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
• YOLLOCK! look here! an exclamation denoting surprise or calling attention to anything ...1880 Eng. dial.
ATTENTIVE - adjectives
• ADVERTENT attentive, heedful ...1671
• ADVERTISING † attending, attentive ...1603
• ADVICEFUL † considerate, thoughtful, attentive, careful ...1596
• AIDENT of mental or moral qualities: conscientious, watchful, careful, attentive ...1812 Sc.
• AINTY attentive, kindly ...1929 Sc.
• ALL EARS very eager to hear; acutely attentive ...1860s Amer. colloq.
• ARRECT † intent, attentive, on the alert ...1646
• EIDENT diligent, industrious, busy, attentive to; hard-working ...1591 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HEEDY † heedful, careful, attentive, cautious, wary, watchful ...1548
• OBSERVATIVE * pert. to observation; observant, attentive, heedful ...1611
• OFFICIOUS † doing or ready to do kind offices; eager to serve or please; attentive, obliging, kind ...1565
• PUNCTILIOUS extremely attentive to details, ceremony, or procedure; strict or exact in the observance of formalities or amenities ...1625
• TENT watchful, attentive; keen; intent ...1789 Sc.
• TENTFUL careful, attentive ...1870 Eng. dial.
• TENTIVE attentive, careful ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TENTY careful, heedful, attentive; watchful, cautious ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THOUGHTY thoughtful, given to reflection; attentive; intelligent ...1823 Sc.
• VERTIE † careful, cautious, prudent; industrious, wide-awake, eager; attentive to business ...1804 Sc.
attentive - nouns
• OPEN EAR a listening or attentive ear ...a1225
attentive - verbs
• BESEE † to be attentive, to pay attention to ...c1200
• GIVE GOOD EYE † to pay close attention to; to watch attentively ...1564
• SNAP TO to become sharply attentive and responsive ...1940s Amer. sl.
• ADVERTENTLY * heedfully, attentively ...Bk1888
• ADVISEDLY † with watchfulness or attention; warily, attentively, carefully, circumspectly ...1375
• EIDENTLY diligently, industriously, attentively ...1838 Sc.
• GARDANTLY † attentively ...1574
• MARKINGLY † attentively ...a1586
• TENTIFLY † with attention ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TENTY carefully, attentively; cautiously ...1785 Sc.
• ADVERTENCY the quality of being attentive; attentiveness, heedfulness ...1646
• OFFICIOSITY †* the quality of being officious; attentiveness, dutifulness ...1565
ATTIC - nouns
• ANTTIC an attic ...1905 Amer. dial.
• CEILING an attic, a loft ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• GANTRY a garret or upstairs room ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• MOUSE ROOM a small attic or storage space ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOUSE SHED a small attic or storage space ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OVERHEAD an attic ...1986 Amer. dial.
• SKY PARLOR a room, esp. a habitable one, on the top floor of a house directly beneath the roof; an attic ...1832 Amer. dial.
ATTIRE - adjectives
• HABILIMENTAL relating to attire ...1837
• HABILIMENTARY dealing with habiliments ...1845
attire - nouns
• ADDRESS † array, attire, dress ...1592
• BEDIZENMENT vulgar or gaudy attire ...1837
• GARMENTURE clothing, array, attire ...1832
• HABILIMENT outfit, accoutrement, equipment, array, attire, dress (now only of personal attire) ...1470-85
• HABIT 1. bodily apparel or attire; clothing, dress ...a1225 arch.
2. the dress or attire characteristic of a particular rank, degree, profession, or function; the dress of a religious order ...c1290
• HABULIMENT † habiliment, dress, attire; military equipment ...1773 Sc.
• HABULZIEMENT † habiliment, dress, attire; military equipment ...1822 Sc.
• LAMOURS scanty attire ...Bk1947 Amer. sl.
• MOCKER clothing, dress, attire ...1939-45 Aust. & NZ sl.
• TIRE dress, apparel, raiment; attire ...a1300 arch.
• TIREMENT † attire ...a1400-50
• TIREMENTS † articles of attire; garments, or ornaments as a whole ...1553
• TIRING attiring, dressing; dressing the hair; attire, apparel, head-dress; equipment, apparatus ...1552 arch.
attire - person
• TIRER * one who attires or dresses ...1862
attire - verbs
• ACCOUTRE * to attire, to equip, to array ...1606
• ADDRESS † to prepare or make ready with the proper attire; to accoutre, to array, to apparel, to attire for any special purpose or occasion; later, (1513) to clothe ...1393
• ADIGHT † to equip, to attire, to dress, to deck ...c1400
• BEGO † to dress, to clothe, to attire, to deck, to adorn ...a1225
• HABILLE † to fit out; to accoutre, to array, to attire, esp. for war; to apparel, dress ...a1450
• HABIT to dress, to clothe, to attire ...1588
• HATER † to clothe, to attire ...a1300
• HATTER † to clothe, to attire ...c1400
• SKIN * to clothe, to attire ...1599
• SUIT to provide with a suit of clothes; to clothe, to attire, to dress ...1577 arch.
• TIFF † to attire, to dress, to deck out, to tittivate one's person, hair, etc. ...a1225
• TOILET to wash and attire oneself; to dress, to attire ...1840
ATTIRED - adjectives
• ACCOUTRED attired, dressed, equipped, arrayed; generally with the idea of being specially attired for some purpose ...1596
• ADDRESSED arrayed, attired, trimmed, dressed ...1393 arch.
ATTIRING - nouns
• SUITING † the act of clothing or attiring ...a1637
ATTITUDE - nouns
• VAND manner of behaving, attitude ...1866 Sc.
attitude - verbs
• CHANGE ONE'S TUNE to alter one's attitude or tone ...Bk1999
• ILLECEBROSE alluring, enticing, attractive ...1727
• ILLECEBROUS † alluring, enticing, attractive ...1531
• ILLECTIVE † attractive, enticing ...1652
• MAGNETIC having powers of attraction; very attractive or alluring ...E17
attract, attraction - nouns
• ADAMANT † a centre of attraction ...1596
• BLAZER something that attracts attention ...1845 US
• CYNOSURE something that attracts attention by its brilliancy or beauty; a centre of attraction, interest, or admiration ...1601
• DRAWING CARD a thing that attracts great interest ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAGNET a thing which attracts ...M17
• MAGNETISM an attractive power or influence, esp. personal charm ...M17
• OFF-SET an ornament; an attraction, recommendation, the crown or best of anything ...1800 Sc.
• PULL the ability to attract; drawing power ...colloq.
attract, attraction - verbs
• ACCROACH to draw to oneself; to catch, to attract, to acquire ...c1325
• ALLECT † to allure, to entice, to attract, to seduce ...1528
• ALLICIATE † to allure, to entice, to attract ...1568
• ENGAGE to attract ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PULL to attract the attention, the notice, of someone sexually ...c1955 sl.
• SET ONE'S RIBBONS FOR to set one's cap at; to try to attract and win the attentions of ...1891 Sc.
• TICE † to entice; to tempt, to allure, to attract; to coax, to wheedle ...c1275 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHT † to attract, to entice, to allure ...c1000
• TILL † to draw, to attract, to persuade; to entice, to allure, to coax; to win over ...a1225
• TISE to entice; to tempt, to allure, to attract; to coax, to wheedle ...1860 Sc.
• TOLL † to attract, to entice, to allure, to decoy; to incite, to instigate ...c1220
• TURN ON to attract or stimulate sexually ...1966 sl., orig. US
• FALL FOR to be greatly attracted by, esp. a member of the opposite sex; to become charmed or captivated by; to fall in love with ...1903 colloq.
• HAVE YOUR NOSE OPEN to be strongly attracted to ...1957 US sl.
• TAKE A TOSS to be attracted to a person; to fall in love with ...1930s sl.
• ABFAB first-rate; very attractive ...1950s Aust. teen sl.
• AIRTIGHT attractive ...1920s US sl.
• BABELICIOUS sexually attractive ...1992 US sl.
• BAD marvellous, wonderful; deeply satisfying; stunningly attractive or stylish; sexy ...1897 US sl., esp. Black usage
• BANGING good-looking, attractive ...Bk2006 US sl.
• BELLE † pretty, handsome ...1668
• BERRY good-looking ...Bk1904 Amer. college
• BONNY pleasing to the sight; comely; expressing homely beauty ...L15 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• BRAW fine, gaily dressed; handsome ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAWSOME comely, handsome; rather 'braw' ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRIGHT † of a person, esp. a woman: beautiful, attractive; also, having a fair and rosy complexion ...a1300
• BUFF of a young woman: sexually attractive ...2003 UK sl.
• CATCHING attractive, captivating ...1654
• CATCHY attractive, 'taking' ...1831 colloq.
• CONSTRUCTED having an attractive body; generously built ...1950s Amer. sl.
• CREAMY sexually attractive ...1947 US sl.
• CUNNING quaintly interesting; pretty, attractive ...1854 sl. orig. US
• CUTE sexually attractive ...colloq., chiefly US
• CUTE AS A BUG'S EAR small and endearingly attractive ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CUTE AS A BUTTON extremely attractive; adorable, charming ...1913
• DAINTY † pleasant, agreeable, fine, handsome ...c1340 obs. or Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAP dapper; well-dressed; stylish; good-looking; attractive ...1970 Amer. sl.
• DAPT physically appealing; attractive, dapper; well-dressed; stylish; broadly, pleasant ...1967 US Black sl.
• D.D.G. extremely attractive (Drop-Dead Gorgeous) ...2000s sl.
• DECENT † comely, handsome ...1600
• DEFT pretty; neat ...1671 Eng. dial.
• DENTY-CUM-PRETTY handsome and conceited ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DISHY sexually attractive ...1961 UK sl.
• DOABLE sexually attractive ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DOOZY sporty, flossy, attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DREAMY sexually attractive; generally used of a male ...1941 sl., orig. US
• DROP-DEAD outstandingly attractive, stunning
• DUCKY attractive, good ...1901 US sl.
• EASY ON THE EYE beautiful, pleasing to look at; good-looking; esp. of women ...1936 UK sl.
• EESOME attractive or gratifying to the eye ...1823
• EYEABLE agreeable to the eye, attractive ...1790 Eng. dial.
• EYE-FILLING visually impressive; extremely colourful, attractive, etc. ...1769
• EYEFUL * attractive or striking to the eye; visually impressive or pleasing ...1882
• EYE-GLUTTING visually impressive; extremely attractive, etc. ...1590
• EYELY †* pleasing to the eye; attractive ...1614
• EYESOME * pleasing to the eye; attractive ...1587
• EYE-SWEET attractive to the eye; pleasant to look at ...1596
• FACEABLE fit to be seen, pretty, fitting ...1894 Sc.
• FAIR-FARRAND specious, plausible; flattering, superficially attractive ...1789 Sc.
• FAIR-FASHIONED † specious, plausible; flattering, superficially attractive ...1816 Sc.
• FAIRLY LOOKING good-looking ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FARRAND † of a person: well-favoured, comely, handsome ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng.
• FARRANDLY of persons: comely, handsome, good-looking; decent, respectable; neat, tidy ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FARRANT † of a person: well-favoured, comely, handsome ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng.
• FARRANTLY of a person: comely, handsome, good-looking ...1674 N. Eng. dial.
• FARRINKLY comely, good-looking; decent, clean, orderly ...1860 Eng. dial.
• FASHIONABLE † of a good appearance; good-looking, stylish ...1630
• FEAT † neat in form or appearance, pretty, elegant ...a1471 obs. exc. arch. & Eng. dial.
• FEATOUS † of things: skilfully or artistically fashioned; hence, elegant, handsome, becoming; often said of dress ...c1386
• FEATY † neat, pretty ...1621
• FETCHY charming, attractive ...1908 Amer. dial.
• FLOOZY sporty, attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• FLOSSY gay, attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• FLY attractive, good-looking; hence, excellent, fabulous ...1980 sl.
• FONKY-FRESH a general adj. of high praise, the most sophisticated, the smartest, the most attractive ...1980s US Black sl.
• FOXY stylish looking, attractive ...1895 US sl., chiefly Black
• FRENCHY sexually attractive, sexy ...20C US sl.
• FUNKY-FRESH a general adj. of high praise, the most sophisticated, the smartest, the most attractive ...1980s US Black sl.
• FREAK attractive ...1994 US sl.
• GAINLY proper, becoming, suitable; comely, good-looking ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GAINLY-LOOKING comely, good-looking; neatly dressed; said chiefly of females ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GALLANT † of women: fine-looking, handsome ...1552
• GALLOWS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, tough, bold, daring, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GALLUS attractive, wonderful; self-confident, quick-witted, brave, ostentatious, nonchalant ...1789 UK
• GAME attractive ...1990s US college sl.
• GAUCIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAUCY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAUSIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWCIE of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWCY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GAWSY of persons: well-dressed and jolly-looking; of things: large and handsome ...1720 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GIM † smart, spruce, fine, neat, pretty ...1513 obs. exc. Eng dial.
• HANTY † handsome ...1725 Sc.
• HOOK sexually attractive ...1988 US Black sl.
• HOOKED attractive, well put together ...1999 Amer. sl.
• HOOKED UP attractive, well put together; hence, well-dressed or intelligent ...1933 Amer. sl.
• HOT 1. absolute first-rate, splendid, excellent; good or well; fashionably attractive ...1866 Amer. sl. Hist
2. sexually attractive, sexy ...1929-31 Amer. sl.
• HUGSOME of a woman: cuddlesome; sexually attractive ...19C Brit.
• HUMPY handsome, sexy ...1968 US homosexual usage
• HUNKY attractive; muscular ...1972 US sl.
• ILLECEBROUS † alluring, enticing, attractive ...1531
• ILLECTIVE † attractive, enticing ...1652
• JANT † pretty ...c1648-50
• KINKY attractive or provocative in a bizarre way ...colloq.
• KIPPY smart, attractive ...1956 US sl.
• LAID OUT attractive, handsome ...1968 US college sl.
• LIKELY handsome, attractive; good-natured; pleasing, agreeable ...1809 Amer. dial.
• LUSH of a woman: very sexually attractive, esp. if voluptuous; also used of a man ...1891 sl.
• MACKED OUT orig. (of a man) flashily dressed; hence, stylish; attractive; flashy ...1933 Amer. sl.
• MACKLY seemly, comely, good-looking ...1721 Eng. dial.
• MEAN exceptionally attractive or stylish ...1920s US Black sl.
• MINIONETTE †* small and pretty; delicate, dainty, effeminate ...1749
• NASTY wickedly good, excellent, first-class, esp. in the respect of attractiveness or effectiveness; gorgeous, sexually attractive ...1834 Amer. sl.
• NEAT † pleasing to the eye, pretty ...1798 Sc.
• NICE AS PIE attractive ...1920s
• OOGLEY pert. to a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• OUTLOOKINGEST prettiest ...1975 Amer. dial.
• P pretty ...1982 Hawaiian youth usage
• PEACHES attractive, sexually alluring ...L19 US teen sl.
• PEACHY splendid, fine, attractive ...1926 Amer. sl.
• PRETTY AS A SPECKLED PUP, AS exceedingly pretty ...Bk1912 Amer. dial.
• PROPER good-looking or handsome ...colloq.
• PRUNK neat, smart, pretty ...1892 Sc.
• PULCHRITUDINOUS beautiful, graceful, or fine in any way; comely; morally excellent ...1912 US
• PURTY pretty ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUAINT † of persons; beautiful or handsome in appearance; finely or fashionably dressed; elegant, foppish ...a1300
• READY sexually attractive ...1980s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• SAALI attractive, well-dressed ...1940s W. Indies
• SAUCY attractive; desired ...2004 US sl.
• SCANKY of a woman: attractive, sexy ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SCANSING of a young woman: good-looking, striking-looking, well-favoured ...1825 Sc.
• SCRUMPTIOUS stylish, resplendently beautiful, gorgeous; handsome ...1881 sl., orig. US
• SIGHTY † sightly, fair, handsome ...1387
• SKANKY of a woman: attractive, sexy ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SLICK AS A GREASED PIG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SLICK AS A RAM-CAT very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SLICK AS A SCHOOL-MARM'S LEG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SMICKER † beautiful, elegant, fair, handsome ...c725
• SMOCK-FACED attractive ...M17 sl.
• SNIPTIOUS fine, attractive, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SNITCHER first-rate, excellent, attractive ...1930s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNOGTASTIC sexually attractive; kissable ...1998 UK sl.
• SNOUT-FAIR † having a fair countenance; fair-faced, comely, pretty, handsome, good-looking; in frequent use in the 16th and early 17th century, usually with some disparaging suggestion ...1530
• SPIFFY very fine, attractive, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SPORTY attractive, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SPUNKY sexually attractive ...1975 Aust. sl.
• STUNNING of a woman: sexually attractive ...1856 sl.
• SUGARED † having an attractive outward appearance, alluring ...c1374
• SWELLEGANT very fine, beautiful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SWELLELEGANT very fine, beautiful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SWUZZY fine, attractive, admirable ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TABLE-GRADE pert. to a sexually attractive woman who looks good enough to eat ...1972 US sl.
• TAKEFUL-LOOKING attractive; captivating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKY designed to attract notice and please; alluring, fascinating, attractive, appealing ...1854 colloq.
• TALL † comely, goodly, fair, handsome; elegant, fine ...c1450
• TASTY neat, natty; with dainty habits; attractive; agreeable ...1870 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TESTY sexually attractive ...1899 sl.
• TOOTHSOME attractive, alluring ...colloq.
• VAGE †* fine, handsome ...1604
• VENEREAL † physically beautiful or attractive ...1598
• VENERIAL † beautiful or attractive like Venus ...1661
• VENUST † handsome, beautiful; elegant, graceful; comely in appearance ...1513
• VICIOUS handsome ...1982 US sl.
• VIEWLY sightly, good to look at, handsome, comely ...1868 Eng. dial.
• VIEWLYSOME sightly, good to look at, handsome, comely ...1868 Eng. dial.
• VIEWY flashy, showy, attractive ...E19 sl.
• VIRE of persons, animals, or things: pretty, showy, handsome, well-made, or well-fed ...1929 Sc.
• WALLIE handsome, fine; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WALLY handsome, fine, pleasing, splendid; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WALY handsome, fine; large, ample ...1500-20 Sc.
• WELL-BESEEN † good-looking, well-favoured ...c1374
attractive, attractiveness - nouns
• BABE ALERT a notification that there are attractive people nearby ...1996 Aust. sl.
• BABY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BABYLON anywhere that attractive women are supposed to congregate or, mythically, are supposed to have their origin; pronounced 'Babe-y-lon' ...1980s sl.
• BEAR something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIG WOW something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIRD something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BIRD OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BLINDER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BRICK something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• BRICK OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• CATCHY NUMBER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CUT-UP anything stylish, stunning, or attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DANDEROO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DANDY something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DARB OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DAZZLER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DREAM something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DREAM OF A LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCKEROO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCKO LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE CANDY something considered to be visually attractive, something having visual appeal ...1978 colloq.
• EYE CATCHER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE FILLER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYEFUL something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE-OPENER a strikingly attractive person or thing ...1907
• EYE SALVE something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE TREAT something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EYE WIDENER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIR † beauty, fairness, good looks ...c888
• FANNY MAGNET anything that attracts women, such as a very attractive young man, an attractive vehicle, etc. ...1990s sl.
• FASHIONABLENESS † elegance, attractiveness ...1640
• FAVOUR † that which conciliates affection or goodwill; attractiveness, comeliness, beauty; an attraction, charm ...c1300 obs. exc. arch.
• FETCHER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FUNK anything attractive or beautiful ...1970s US sl.
• HARLOTRY showy but false attractiveness ...M18
• HOT LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• HOT SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• HOT SPIT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KAYO LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKOUT something beautiful or attractive ...1892 Amer. sl.
• LEG ART the display of attractive young women in revealing costumes, esp. in photographs ...1929 sl., orig. US
• LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LOOKERINO something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LULU LOOKER something beautiful or attractive ... Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT SKETCH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PEACH something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAGULU something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHALULU something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAMAROOT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHAROONEY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHERINE someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PEACHERINO someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PERTY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PICTURE a beautiful or attractive person or thing ...1815
• PIP someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PIPPIN someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRETTY-PRETTY something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRIZE EXHIBIT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PRIZE PACKAGE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• PULCHRITUDE physical beauty; comeliness ...1350
• SLICK ARTICLE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SOME CLASS something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPANKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFY LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPIFFY SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STRIKER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STUNNER something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWEETHEART something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL ARTICLE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL LAYOUT something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL MERCHANDISE something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SWELL SETUP something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• TURN-ON a sexually attractive thing ...1969 sl.
• VAGISNESS † handsomeness; elegance ...1604
• VENUSTATION † a making handsome or beautiful ...1658
• WHIZ something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• WOW something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
attractive, attractiveness - person
• 20-20 an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• 20-20 SQUAB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ABLE GRABLE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ADONIS a very handsome man ...1623 Eng. sl.
• ALL JELLY a buxom, good-looking girl ...Bk1896 sl.
• ALREET GAL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• AMAZON a tall, strong, sexually attractive woman ...a1954 Amer. sl.
• ANATOMIC BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ANGEL a person, esp. a woman or child, who is considered to be remarkably beautiful, attractive, or appealing ...1502
• ANGEL CAKE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• ANGEL FACE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ANGEL PUSS a person, esp. a young woman, having an angelic or pretty face; a slightly ironic term of endearment ...1941 Amer. sl.
• ANKLE a young woman; an attractive woman or girl ...1940s US sl.
• ANN ATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• ANSWER TO A HE-MAN'S PRAYER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ANSWER TO A MAN'S PRAYER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ARM CANDY a physically attractive person, usually female, esp. one who attends social or public events with a more celebrated person with whom they have only a temporary or expedient association ...1992 colloq.
• ARMFUL an attractive woman ...1940s US sl.
• ARMPIECE an attractive woman chosen as a social companion for the impression she makes on others ...1983 US sl.
• ATOMIC BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BABALONIAN a good-looking woman ...1990s US college sl.
• BABE 1. a woman, esp. if attractive ...1905 Amer. sl.
2. among young women: an attractive young man ...1973 US college sl.
• BABE-A-LONIAN a good-looking woman ...1990s US college sl.
• BABY an attractive young woman ...1839
• BABYCAKES a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1969 US sl.
• BABY-DOLL 1. an attractive young woman; in direct address: darling, sweetheart ...1908 Amer. sl.
2. an attractive male ...1980s US homosexual sl.
• BABYFACE an attractive young woman ...2002 Jamaica
• BAIT a sexually attractive young woman ...M20 sl.
• BALDWIN an attractive guy ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BALLBREAKER an extraordinary person, thing, event, etc.; a sexually attractive woman...1969 US sl.
• BALL-BUSTER a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• BALLER an attractive person ...1990s US college sl.
• BALL-WRACKER a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• BANG-UP BABE attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BANTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BANTER PLAY BUILT ON A COKE FRAME an attractive woman with a good figure ...1930s US Black sl.
• BARBECUE an attractive female; a woman who looks good enough to eat ...Bk1942 US sl.
• BARNYARD-BEAUTY a buxom rustic beauty ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BASKET OF ORANGES an attractive woman ...L19 sl., orig. Aust.
• BAT an attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
• BEAR an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEAU GARÇON a handsome fellow; an exquisite, a fop ...c1665
• BEAU-GARZON a handsome fellow; an exquisite, a fop ...c1665
• BEAUT an attractive young woman ...1866 sl.
• BEAUTIFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BEAUT OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEDDY an attractive, sexually available young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• BELLA-FATIMA an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BELLE a handsome woman, esp. one who dresses so as to set off her personal charms; a fair lady, a fair one ...1622
• BENE MORT a pretty woman ...M16 sl.
• BEST LOOKER a very good-looking person ...1911 US
• BEWITCHER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BEWITCHTRESS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BETTY a woman; a young attractive woman ...1989 US sl.
• BIDDIE an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• BIDDY an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• BIMBETTE an adolescent or teenager considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence ...1982 sl., orig. US
• BIMBO a young woman considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence ...1927 sl., orig. US
• BIRD an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BIRD OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE a light-skinned attractive Black woman
• BIT OF ALL RIGHT, A a sexually attractive person ...1898 sl.
• BIT OF CRACKLING an attractive woman or man ...20C sl.
• BIT OF CRUMB a plump, attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF FROCK an attractive (young) woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF JAM a woman considered a sexual object; an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF POSH an attractive young woman who is also considered intelligent or upper-class ...1970s sl.
• BIT OF RASPBERRY an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• BLINDER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLINKER a smart, attractive girl; also used contemptuously ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOB the best-dressed or best-looking lad or lass in a company ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOMB HEAVER a pretty girl ...Bk1944 Amer. services sl.
• BONNIBEL a bonny lass; a fair maid; a pretty girl ...1579 arch.
• BONNY LASS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BOOFUL an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BONZER an admirable, highly capable, or very attractive person ...1904 Aust. sl.
• BREATH-TAKING CURVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BRICK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• BRICK OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BRIGHT † a beautiful or attractive woman ...c1400
• BROILER an attractive female; a sexually tempting or seductive woman ...E20 US sl.
• BROOD a good-looking young woman; a sexually attractive female ...M20 US sl.
• BUF an attractive male ...1980s US teen sl.
• BULLY BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUNCH OF CHARMS a girl, esp. if attractive ...20C colloq.
• BUNCH OF SWEETNESS an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BURGER a very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• BUTTERFLY an attractive young woman ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• CAB FREIGHT an attractive woman passenger in a truck ...1961 US sl.
• CACK a good-looking woman ...1960s US campus sl.
• CAD an attractive woman ...1970s US Black sl.
• CAKE an attractive girl or young woman ...1941 US Black sl.
• CAKES a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1960s US sl.
• CAKIE a pretty young woman, or a handsome young man ...1960s US sl.
• CALVES' LESSON IN CURVES, THE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CAPTIVATRIX an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CARAMEL SUNDAE an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• CATCH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CATCHY NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CAUTION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING EYEFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHARMING HANDFUL an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHARMING LAPFUL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CHEESECAKE an attractive woman ...1934 sl., orig. US
• CHERUB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHICK a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1899 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEN an attractive young woman ...c1900 Amer. sl.
• CHICKLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHICK MAGNET a male who is attractive to women ...1995 Aust. sl.
• CHICKEY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICKY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHOICE BIT OF CALICO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CLARK GABLE a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CLASSY CHASSIS an attractive figure; thus, an attractive woman ...1930s sl.
• CLOUD an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CLYDESDALE a good-looking guy ...20C teen & high school sl.
• COOKER that which is exciting or attractive, as a young woman, jazz tune, or the like ...1943 Amer. jazz usage
• COOKEY an attractive young woman ...1920s Amer. sl.
• COOKIE an attractive young woman ...1920s Amer. sl.
• COOLER an attractive young woman ...1900s US campus sl.
• COOZE, COUSE a woman, especially one who is sexually attractive or promiscuous; by extension, a prostitute ...1921 US sl.
• CORKER a sexually attractive person ...1909 sl.
• CRACKER a sexually attractive woman ...1914 Brit. sl.
• CRUSHER a boy who is popular with girls and women; an attractive youth whom many girls have a crush on ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• CUDDLE BUNNY an attractive girl ...1946 US sl.
• CUPCAKE an attractive person ...Bk2006 US sl.
• CURVACIOUS CUTIE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• CUTEY, CUTIE a person regarded as appealing or attractive, esp. a girl or woman ...1768 sl.
• CUTIE-PIE a sexually attractive woman ...1941 sl., orig. US
• CUT-UP anyone stylish, stunning, or attractive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DADDY MAC an attractive young man ...1997 US sl.
• DAGO (derogatory) any man, esp. a sexually attractive man ...1920s sl.
• DAISY an attractive young woman; a young girl ...1876 US sl.
• DAISY-CUTTER an attractive woman ...L19 sl.
• DALL a child's toy; a pretty, silly woman ...1818 Sc.
• DALLY a child's toy; a pretty, silly woman ...1822 Sc.
• DANDY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DANDY, THE one that is most attractive, neat, skilful, or stylish; now a stylish or first-class example of anything; precisely the thing needed, esp. if fashionable ...1784 colloq.
• DANGE BROAD a sexually attractive Black girl or young woman ...M20 Amer. sl.
• DANGERMUFF an extremely attractive, sexy woman ...1990s sl.
• DANGEROUS CURVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DARB a person or thing that is superior, remarkable, first-rate or attractive ...1915 US sl.
• DARB OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DARBS, THE a person or thing that is superior, remarkable, or attractive ...1922 US sl.
• DARK GABLE a suave, handsome Black man; a ladies' man ...1959 US sl.
• DARKIE a flattering and affectionate term of address for an attractive, dark-skinned woman ...1990 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• DASH an attractive young woman ...1814 US sl.
• DASHER a fashionable, attractive person who often attends parties, dances, etc.; a dashing young man ...1790 sl.
• DATE BAIT an attractive person of either sex who is sought after as a date ...1944 US sl.
• D.D.F.M.G. an exceptionally attractive member of the opposite sex (Drop Dead Fuck Me Gorgeous) ...1990s US campus sl.
• DDH an incredibly attractive male (Drop-Dead Honey) ...20C Aust. teen sl.
• DEADENER a very attractive woman ...1870 US sl.
• DEAD FINK an attractive girl ...20C Irish sl.
• DEBBIES' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl.
• DEBS' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl.
• DIME a pretty girl ...2002 US sl.
• DINAH MITE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DISH an attractive man or woman; usually refers to a woman ...1921 Brit. & US sl.
• DISH DELISH an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DOLL a sexually attractive woman; often used as term of address ...1840 sl., orig. US
• DOLLY a sexually attractive woman ...1906 sl.
• DOLLY-BIRD a sexually attractive woman ...1964 sl., chiefly Brit.
• DOUBLE BURGER a very, very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• DOUBLE FIVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DRACULA'S DAUGHTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DREAM BEAM an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• DREAM-BOAT a sexually attractive person ...1947 sl., orig. US
• DREAM OF A LOOKER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUCK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUCKEROO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUCKY NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DUMB BLONDE a conspicuously attractive but stupid blonde woman ...1936 sl., orig. US
• EYE CANDY an exceptionally attractive person ...1997 colloq.
• EYE-CATCHER an attractive person ...Bk1995 US sl.
• EYEFUL a strikingly beautiful woman ...1918
• EYE-OPENER a strikingly attractive person or thing ...1919
• FABULOUS DROP an attractive young woman ...1940s Aust. sl.
• FACE MAN a good-looking man with an exceptionally handsome face ...1958 Amer. sl.
• FAIR CHARMER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIRY a pretty young woman ...20C colloq.
• FANCY-FACE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FANNY MAGNET anything that attracts women, such as a very attractive young man, an attractive vehicle, etc. ...1990s sl.
• FASCINATOR a charming or attractive person ...1838
• FASCINATRESS a female who fascinates or enchants; an attractive woman ...1878
• FEMME LOOKER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLESH-AND-BLOOD ANGEL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLY-BOY an attractive young man ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLYCHICK an attractive, hip girl ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FLY-GIRL an attractive young woman ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLY HOUCHY an attractive female ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FLY MINK a sexually attractive woman; a fine woman ...Bk2006 US sl.
• FOX a sexually attractive woman ...1961 US sl., orig. Black
• FOXY LADY a sexually attractive woman or girl ...Bk2006 US sl.
• FRAME DAME an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• FREAK DADDY an attractive male ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FREAK MAMA an attractive female ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FRESHWATER TROUT an attractive woman, usually in a group ...1940s US Black sl.
• FUNKY BUTT an attractive woman ...1980s US Black sl.
• G a smart and attractive male ...1980s US college sl.
• GAL A TEK LIFE a very attractive woman ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• GLAMOUR GIRL an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• GLAMOURPUSS an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• GOD'S GIFT a man irresistible to women; mainly used ironically ...1953 sl.
• GOOD-LOOKIN' a nickname for a handsome man or attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOOD SORT an attractive young woman ...Bk1999 Aust. sl.
• GOON CHILE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• GORGEOUS GUSSIE a glamorous and beautiful young woman ...1956 sl.
• GREEK GOD a paragon of male beauty
• GUY-MAGNET a person who is attractive to men; a sexually attractive female ...1996 Aust. sl.
• HAIRY BIT a sexually attractive woman ...M19 sl.
• HAMMER a sexually attractive woman ...2008 US Black sl.
• HANDSOME a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HEARTBREAKER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HEART-THROB a sexually attractive male entertainer with whom many women fall in love ...1910s sl., orig. US
• HIP CHICK an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HONEY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HOT ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT GINGERBREAD an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HOT JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT PATOOTIE a sexually attractive woman ...1923 US sl.
• HOT PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT POTATO an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HOT PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HOT SKETCH an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• HOT STUFF a sexually attractive person, usually also implying promiscuity ...1899 sl.
• HOTTIE, HOTTY a sexually attractive person, esp. a woman ...1913 sl., orig. Aust.
• HUBBA HEDY an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• HUNK a good-looking, muscular boy or man ...1945 US sl.
• IT GIRL a woman who is very famous, fashionable, or successful at a particular time; esp. a glamorous, vivacious, or sexually attractive actress, model, etc., or a young, rich woman who has achieves celebrity because of her socialite lifestyle ...1927 colloq., orig. US
• JAM a pretty young woman; not necessarily with any sexual connotation ...M19 Brit. sl.
• JAMMIEST BITS OF JAM extremely attractive young women ...L19 sl.
• JELLY a buxom, good-looking girl ...1889 sl.
• JIGGER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN ARTICLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN DATE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN NUMBER an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KILLER-DILLER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• LAMBCHOP an attractive girl ...1985 US sl.
• LEG, LEGS a woman, esp. one who is attractive ...1939 US sl.
• LESSON IN ANATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• L.H.B. an attractive girl (Lost Heart Beat) ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LINE an attractive female ...1941 Aust. sl.
• LITTLE BIDDIE an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• LITTLE BIDDY an attractive little girl or small old woman ...1940s US Black sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF ALL RIGHT, A a sexually attractive person ...1898 sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF EYES RIGHT a woman, usually attractive ...1910s Aust. sl.
• LITTLE SILLY a girl; a pretty girl ...1900s Aust. sl.
• LIVE-ONE an attractive young woman ...L19 sl.
• LOLLEO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LOOKER a sexually attractive woman ...1909 sl., orig. US
• LOOKERINO an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LOST HEART BEAT an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LULU an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• LUSH 1. an extremely attractive heterosexual man ...1940s US homosexual sl.
2. an attractive woman ...1980s US college sl.
• LUSH THRUSH an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• LUSTY WENCH an attractive teenage girl ...1984 NZ sl.
• LUXER a handsome fellow ...c1850 Brit. sl.
• MACHINE a sexually attractive young woman ...1929-31 Amer. sl.
• MAC DADDY an attractive male ...20C teen & high school sl.
• MACK DADDY a very good-looking young man; a handsome, sexy male ...1992 US Black sl.
• MAMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAMACITA an attractive young woman ...1973 Amer. sl., orig. Hispanic
• MAMMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAN OF WAX a smart, clever fellow; a very handsome man; also a term of endearment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCDADDY a handsome, virile man ...1990s sl.
• MEAN ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN BABY an attractive girl or young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MEAN DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN MAMA an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MEAN MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MEAN PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MELLOW MOUSE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MELTED BUTTER an attractive woman, esp. a Mulatto ...1950s US Black sl.
• MINK a girlfriend; an attractive young woman ...1899 US sl., esp. Black usage
• MOMMA a very attractive female; a beautiful girl ...1972 Amer. dial., esp. Black usage
• MONET a person who seems attractive or desirable from a distance, but isn't up close ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MORALE BOOSTER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MORALE BUILDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• MORSEL a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MOVER an attractive person, usually female ...1950s sl.
• MUFFIN 1. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
2. an attractive youth ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• NAILER a handsome woman ...1886 sl.
• NEAT ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT BRODIE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• NEAT DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEAT PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NICE CAR a good-looking man or woman ...1980s US college sl.
• NIFTY an attractive girl ...Bk1934 college sl.
• NIFTY ARTICLE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NIFTY PROPOSITION an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NUBILE a young, attractive female ...Aust. sl.
• NUGGET a very attractive girl, of whom it is hoped that is not ‘as good as gold’ ...c1925 Aust. sl.
• NUMBER a girl; a sexually attractive girl, esp. a 'cute little number' ...1919 sl.
• NYMPHET a sexually attractive young girl ...1955 sl.
• OK KATY an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PACKAGE a sexually attractive woman ...1945 US sl.
• PANCAKE an attractive young woman, esp. with overtones of promiscuity ...1930s US sl.
• PAPER DOLL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PARIS MODEL an attractive woman ...1980s Aust. prison sl.
• PASHPIE an attractive boy or girl ...1951 US teen sl.
• PATOOTIE a sweetheart or girlfriend; a pretty girl ...1921 US sl.
• PEACH a sexually attractive woman ...1754 sl.
• PEACHALULU an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PEACHAMAROOT an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PEACHERINE a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACHERINO a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACHEROO a sexually attractive person ...1900 sl., chiefly US
• PEACH-FUZZ an attractive teenager ...1950s homosexual sl.
• PICTURE a beautiful or attractive person or thing ...1815
• PIGEON an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PIGEON PIE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PINK a White person, esp. an attractive girl or woman ...1945 Amer. Black usage
• PIN-UP GIRL an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• PIP an excellent or very attractive person ...1900 US colloq.
• PIPPIN someone or something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• POPSEE a woman, usually one who is young and attractive ...M19 sl.
• POPSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY-WOPSY a smiling, doll-like, attractive girl ...L19 sl.
• PORK CHOP an attractive young woman ...1920s US sl.
• POTENT PIGEON an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• POULE a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1926 sl.
• PRETTY ANKLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRETTY GENEVIEVE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRETTY-PAN an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• PRIME ARTICLE a handsome girl ...1811 sl.
• QUAIL 1. a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
2. an attractive young man ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• QUARTERN OF BLISS a small, attractive woman ...c1882 London sl.
• QUEANIE a very good-looking man or boy ...E20 army sl.
• QUEEN a pretty young woman; a beauty ...18C US sl.
• QUEENIE a charming and attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
• QUIVVER-GIVER an attractive person ...1947 US sl.
• RAG BABY a poor, ill-clothed woman, who is nonetheless attractive ...20C US Black sl.
• RARE CHICKEN an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• RAT a promiscuous, attractive woman ...1990s US college sl.
• RED-HOT MAMA a sexually attractive woman ...1925 Amer. sl.
• RIPPER an attractive young woman ...1846 sl., now chiefly Aust.
• ROBERT TAYLOR a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ROCKET BOMB an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SALT BEEF an attractive woman married to someone else ...1982 Bahamas
• SALTWATER TAFFY an attractive woman on the beach ...1990 US sl.
• SCORCHER a sexually attractive person ...1881 sl.
• SENDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SEXBOAT a sexually attractive woman ...1962 US sl.
• SEX-BOMB a sexually attractive woman ...1963 sl.
• SEXPOT a sexually attractive woman ...1957 sl.
• SIGHT DELIGHT a good-looking man...1980s US campus sl.
• SKEEF an attractive female ...2000 Jamaica
• SKINZ a sexually attractive woman ...1993 US sl.
• SKUTTYWUCK an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SLEEK LADY an extremely attractive woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SLICK ARTICLE an attractive girl or young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SLICK BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK CHICK an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SLICK DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK JOB an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK LAYOUT an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PIECE OF MERCHANDISE an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SLICK PROPOSITION. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SMASHER a sexually attractive person ...1948 sl., chiefly Brit.
• SMOOTH ARTICLE an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SMOOTHIE. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SNAPPER a very attractive girl; a very sexy girl ...20C sl.
• SNITCH a person considered notably excellent, attractive, strong, etc. ...1900s Aust. & NZ sl., mainly juvenile
• SNITCHER a person considered notably excellent, attractive, strong, etc. ...1900s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNOZZLER anything or anybody considered excellent or attractive ...1930s Aust. & NZ sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUP an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUPPER an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SNUGGLE-PUPPY an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl.
• SOLID SENDER an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SOME SKIN a sexually attractive woman ...20C US sl.
• SOME STUFF an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• SORT a woman; a young attractive woman; a girlfriend ...1933 sl., orig. Aust.
• SPOOFIE an attractive young woman ...1970s Aust. sl.
• SPUNK a sexually attractive man ...1978 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKBUBBLE a sexually attractive person ...1992 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKETTE a sexually attractive young woman ...1994 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKRAT a sexually attractive person ...1987 Aust. sl.
• SPUNKY a sexually attractive person ...1967 Aust. sl.
• SQUAB an attractive woman ...Bk1980 Amer. sl.
• SQUAB JOB a sexually attractive girl below the legal age of consent ...1964 US sl.
• STUDY IN ANATOMY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• STUNNER a sexually attractive person ...1848 sl.
• SUGARPUSS an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• SWAN a person of unusual beauty, excellent, purity, or the like
• SWEETIE-PIE a lovable and attractive person ...1928 sl.
• SWEET PATOOTIE a sexually attractive woman ...1923 US sl.
• SWELL ARTICLE. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL BABY an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL DISH an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL JOB. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL LAYOUT. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL MEMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL NUMBER an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PIECE OF MERCHANDISE. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PIECE OF WORK an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWELL PROPOSITION. an attractive young woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWING DADDY an attractive, well-dressed man ...1970s US Black sl.
• S.Y.T. an attractive girl (Sweet Young Thing) ...c1950 sl.
• TABBY a young woman; an a attractive young woman ...1916 sl.
• TABLE PUSSY a woman with good looks and manners ...1970 US sl.
• TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• THRODDY MAY a plump, good-looking girl ...1939 Amer. dial.
• TOMATO a sexually attractive woman ...1929 sl., orig. US
• TOOTSY-WOOTSY an attractive girl; a loved one; a sweetheart; a term of endearment to one's sweetheart ...1952 Amer. sl.
• TRICK a small child; a woman, esp. a small or attractive one ...1887 Amer. dial.
• TRIPLE BURGER WITH CHEESE a very, very, very sexy woman ...1980s US college sl.
• TRIPLE CHARGE an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• TUNA a girl or young woman; a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• TURN-ON a sexually attractive person ...1969 sl.
• TWANGIE BOY an attractive guy ...1940s US teen sl.
• TWILLY an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• VALENTINO a nickname for a handsome man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VENUS a beautiful or attractive woman ...a1579
• VIXEN WITH THE FIXIN'S an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHISTLE BAIT an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHITING-MOP † a fair lass, a pretty girl; a term of endearment for a girl ...1701
• WHIZ an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• WHOO an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WOLF BAIT an admirable or attractive female ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WOOD BURNER an attractive female ...1990 US sl.
• WOW an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• WREN an attractive woman ...1910s US sl.
• WUKKA a very good-looking man or woman ...1980s US college sl.
attractive, attractiveness - verbs
• BE MUSTARD to be sexually attractive; to be 'hot' as mustard ...E20 Brit. sl.
• DOOZIE UP to make more attractive or appealing as by adding features or ornaments, cleaning or repairing or clothing brightly ...1925 Amer. colloq.
• FAIR 1. † to make beautiful or attractive; to decorate, to adorn, to embellish ...a1225
2. † to become or grow beautiful; too appear attractive ...1340
• FANCY to desire sexually, to find sexually attractive ...1635 UK
• FASHION † to make good-looking; to beautify ...1557
• HAVE A LEG † of a man: to be good-looking or physically attractive ...1879
• HAVE ONE'S FACE MADE OF A FIDDLE to be irresistibly attractive or charming ...c1660 colloq.
• HAVE THE SHINERS FOR to find attractive or appealing; to have a fancy or affection for ...M19 sl., orig. US
• LUSTRE † to render specious or attractive ...1644
• OUTFAVOR to be better looking than, to be more handsome ...1912 Amer. dial.
• SIZZLE of a person: to be extremely attractive ...Aust. sl
• STRIP WELL to look good unclothed or partially clothed; to have a sexually attractive body ...20C US sl.
• TITRIVATE to titivate; to adjust the personal appearance of; to make oneself attractive; to primp, to go about ostentatiously ...1854 Amer. dial.
attractive, attractiveness - interjections/phrases
• COP A LOAD OF THAT! used by one man to another, indicating an attractive woman ...M19 sl., orig. Aust.
• COP THAT LOT! used by one man to another, indicating an attractive woman ...M19 sl., orig. Aust.
• I COULD FANCY THAT used of a passing attractive member of the opposite sex
• IT MUST BE JELLY, 'COS JAM DON'T SHAKE LIKE THAT used between males to express their appreciation of an especially attractive female ...1920s US Black sl.
• PASS THE DROOL CUP said upon seeing an attractive member of the other sex ...Bk1942 US sl.
• WHACKO THE DIDDLE-OH! a general excl. of pleasure, esp. on seeing an attractive woman ...1960s Aust.