MONEY (also see cash. dollar, etc.)
• AFTER EIGHT MINT broke, penniless, having no money ...Brit. rhyming sl. for 'skint'
• ALIVE said of a person when he has money ...Brit. sl.
• AT LOW WATER short of funds ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BIG of money: in large amounts ...1887 US colloq.
• BREECHED flush of money ...1812 thieves' sl.
• CAKED wealthy, moneyed; well-off ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKED OUT wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKED UP wealthy, moneyed; well-off ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKEHOLED wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl.
• CLOSE TO THE BLANKET nearly without money ...1942 Amer. sl.
• COOL of money: used to emphasize the largeness of the amount ...1728 sl.
• DOWN TO CASES down to one's last pennies ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• FAIR SKINT very short of money, or even entirely 'broke' ...20C
• FAT-ASS money-grabbing, superficial, fake ...2000s sl.
• FINANCIAL financially solvent; having money ...1899 Aust. & NZ sl.
• IN THE CHIPS having much money ...1935 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT 1. short of cash; with insufficient money ...1955 Amer sl., orig. Black
2. of money: in small amounts ...1962 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT OF short of money ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• LIGHT ON short of money ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• LONG of money: possessed in large amounts; abundant ...1947 Amer. dial.
• MADLY BROKE very low on funds ...a1972 Amer. sl., esp. Black usage
• MAKING † money-making, prosperous ...1434
• MONEY-CALLED motivated by money rather than by dedication ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEYFIED †* endowed with money ...1641
• NOT A BEAN nothing at all, esp. of money ...E19 sl.
• NUMMI-AMOROUS † fond of or loving money ...1650
• ON E lacking, usually but not invariably money ...1990s US Black sl.
• ON THE ROCKS short of money; destitute ...colloq.
• ON THE TAP broke and borrowing money ...Brit. sl.
• OOFLESS poor, in want of money ...1888 sl.
• PACKING IT making a large amount of money ...1990s sl.
• PEBBLE-BEACHED utterly penniless; very poor, destitute; in want of money ...1886 sl.
• PHILARGYROUS † loving money, greedy of gain, covetous, avaricious ...1665
• PINCHED hard up for money ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• ROTTEN WITH of money: well supplied with ...1920s sl.
• SHY short of money ...L19 sl., orig. US
• STIVER-CRAMPED † needy, wanting money ...1785
• TIGHT in financial difficulties, hard up; of money: scarce ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHTISH in financial straits, wanting money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBLUNTED deprived of money; temporarily without money ...1823 UK criminals' sl.
• WANTON † said of money or wealth, as tempting to extravagance or luxury ...1529
money - nouns
• ABE a coin or currency note bearing the likeness of Abraham Lincoln ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ABRAHAM NEWLAND a bank note ...1829 sl.
• ACKERS coins, notes, money; specifically, piastres ...1939 sl., orig. military
• ACTUAL money; also, the actual ...1856 sl.
• AKKA(S) money, whether change or notes ...1910s sl. orig. military
• AKKERS money ...1939 Brit. services' sl.
• ALFALFA money ...1917 US circus & carnival usage
• ALL-POWERFUL money ...1900s Aust. sl.
• APPLE money ...1960s US Black sl.
• ARM AND A LEG, AN a large amount of money; the cost of something ...1956 sl.
• ARMY a large bankroll ...1990 US sl.
• ASTE money ...E17 UK criminals' sl.
• AXLE GREASE money, esp. that used for purposes of bribery ...1891 Amer. sl.
• BACKS money ...1966 Amer. sl.
• BACON money ...1986 Amer. sl.
• BALLAST money ...B1874 Eng. sl.
• BALM FOR GILEAD money ...1895 Amer. sl.
• BALM OF GILEAD money ...1895 Amer. sl.
• BALSAM money ...17C Eng. orig. cant
• BANK † 1. a sum of money; an amount; a 'pile' ...1515
2. cash; money itself; common in rap music lyrics ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BAT HIDE paper money, esp. a $1 bill ...L19 US sl.
• BATWING paper money, esp. a $1 bill ...L19 US sl.
• BAWBEES money ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BEAN(S) a coin, a bit of money; a trivial amount of money ...1811 sl.
• BEAR-SKIN money ...E18 UK criminals' sl.
• BEAVER money ...1848 Amer. dial. arch.
• BEES AND HONEY money ...1892 Brit. rhyming sl.
• BEGGAR BOY'S ARSE money ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'brass'
• BEGGAR BOY'S ASS money ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'brass'
• BIG BUCK(S) a large amount of money, esp. as earned by performers or stolen by criminals, or as a large, but non-specific price ...1950s sl., orig. US
• BIG MONEY a large amount of money, high wages or salary ...1888 orig. US
• BIT 1. money of any kind or quantity ...1607 thieves' sl.
2. a unit of value equal to an eighth of a dollar; used only in even multiples, esp. two bits ...1873 US sl.
• BITE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• BIT OF THE OLD money ...L19 sl.
• BLUEBACKS Confederate paper currency ...US Civil War usage
• BLUNT ready money ...1812 sl.
• BOBS money ...Aust. sl.
• BOMB a large amount of money ...1958 Brit. sl.
• BONNY PENNY a goodly sum of money ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOO money ...L19 US sl.
• BOODLE 1. counterfeit money; money illegally or dishonestly acquired or used; proceeds of corruption ...1858 Amer. dial.
2. money ...1883 sl., orig. US
3. a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOODLE BAG a money pouch or purse ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BOSOM FRIEND a packet of money kept inside the brassiere by elderly women when travelling ...1973 Amer. dial.
• BOTTLE money ...1893 Brit. sl.
• BRADS half-pence, also money in general ...Bk1890 sl.
• BRASS money; cash; formerly applied specifically to bronze or copper coins ...1597 sl.
• BRASS FARTHING any money; a trivial amount of money ...1642 Brit. sl.
• BRASS RAZOO any money; a trivial amount of money ...1919 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BUCKSKIN money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUFF money ...1980s drugs sl.
• BULLET money ...Bk1904 Amer. college sl.
• BUN a roll or wad of money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUNCE money; gains; extra profit or gain; bonus; something to the good ...1719 sl.
• BUNDLE, A a large amount of money ...1903 sl., orig. US
• BUNSE money ...18C sl.
• BUNT money ...18C sl.
• BUNTS money ...18C sl.
• BUSTLE money of any sort or quantity ...Bk1890 sl.
• BUTTER SKIN money, esp. a bill ...c1960 Amer. sl.
• BUTTONS money ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BYTE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CABBAGE money, banknotes, paper money, cash ... 1903 sl., orig. US
• CABBAGE LEAF money, banknotes ...1939 US sl.
• CABBAGE LEAVES paper currency; money; banknotes ...1930s Amer. sl.
• CAKE(S) money, a good deal of money ...1965 US Black sl.
• CAKE MONEY money to be used for no particular purpose, money for a good time ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAKEWALK money that has been obtained without effort ...1930s sl.
• CALIFORNIA money, a gold piece ...c1860 sl.
• CALIFORNIA BANKNOTE an animal hide which was used as money in early 19th century California ...M19 US sl.
• CALIFORNIAN a gold piece ...c1860 sl.
• CALIFORNIANS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CALIFORNIA SHINPLASTER an animal hide which was used as money in early 19th century California ...1848 US sl.
• CANDY money ...20C US sl.
• CAPTAIN, (THE) money ... 1748 sl.
• CARAVAN a large sum of money ... 1690 cant
• CARGO † a good round sum of money on a man ...1690 sl.
• CASH COW an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• CAT HAIR money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAMPAGNE COUPONS money ...1950s sl.
• CHANGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHARMS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHECK money; cash ...1889 Amer. dial.
• CHEESE money ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHERRY-MERRY a present of money ...M19 Anglo-Indian sl.
• CHICKEN CORN money ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-FEED small change; any small amount of money, esp. compared to what one expects to have in the future ...1837 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEN MONEY † spending money; small change ...1853 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN SCRATCH a very small amount of money ...1940s US Black sl.
• CHINA money ...1940 Amer. sl.
• CHING money ...1904 Amer. sl.
• CHINK cash, money ...1698 sl.
• CHINKERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHIP a piece of money ...1840 sl.
• CHIPS money ...1840 sl.
• CHUMP CHANGE any small amount of money ...1950s US Black sl.
• CLINK money; hard cash ...1720s Sc.
• CLY money ...c1690 thieves' cant
• CLY FULL OF RIDGE a pocket full of money ...Bk1903 sl.
• COAL money ...Bk1890 sl.
• COCONUTS money ...1920s US sl.
• COD 1. money ...L17 sl.
2. a large amount of money ...1980s drugs sl.
• COD'S ROE money ...20C rhyming sl. for 'dough'
• COIN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• COLE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• COLIANDER SEEDS money ...L17 UK sl.
• COPPERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CORK money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CORN IN EGYPT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRACKER any money; a trivial amount of money ...1934 Aust. & NZ sl.
• CRACKLE paper money, banknotes, money in general ...sl.
• CRAP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRINKLE banknotes; therefore, money ...Brit. sl.
• CRISP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CROP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRUMBS a few pieces of change or silver money; a few dollars; a small amount of money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• CUCKOOS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DAB a small or trifling amount of money ...1729
• DARB cash; money, usually stolen ...1904 US criminals' sl.
• DARBY † cash; ready money ...1682 criminals' sl.
• DEAD PRESIDENTS US currency notes of any dollar denomination; hence, money ...1944 US sl.
• DEAD SOLDIERS worthless money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• DELOG money ...Bk1903 back slang
• DERBIES ready money ...1796 sl.
• DERBY money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• DIBS money ...1807 sl.
• DIMMACK money ...1823 Sc. sl.
• DIMMOCK money ...1812 sl.
• DINAH money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINALY money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLA money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLEE money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLY money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINERO money ...1856 sl., orig. US
• DING a quasi-coercive request for money ...1982 US sl.
• DINGBATS money ...1861 US sl.
• DIRT money ...1925 criminals’ sl.
• DOLLARS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOOT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOOTEROOMUS money ...M19 Amer. sl.
• DO-RE-MI money ...1926 US sl.
• DOSH money ...1854 sl., orig. US
• DOTS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOUBLOONS money ...1908 jocular
• DOUGH money ... 1851 sl., chiefly N. Amer.
• DOUGH-REY-ME money ...1926 US sl.
• DOWNS money ...2000s US Black sl.
• DUCATS money ...1866 US sl.
• DUCKETS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DUCKS money ...1997 US sl.
• DUES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DUMPS, THE money ...c1835 sl.
• DUST money ...1607 sl., now chiefly US Black usage
• DYE-STUFFS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• EARNEST money, or a sum of money, paid as an installment, esp. for the purpose of securing a bargain or contract ...a1225
• EASTER BUNNY money ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• EBB-WATER 'when there's but little money in the pocket'; a lack of money ...1699 cant
• ECO money ...2000s US Black sl.
• ENDS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• EVERGREEN money ...1900s US sl.
• EVIL, THE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FAKE-BOODLE a roll of paper over which a dollar bill is pasted, and another bill being loosely wrapped round this so it looks as if the whole roll is made up of a large sum of money in bills ...1890 Amer. thieves' sl.
• FAMILY JEWELS wealth; ready money ...1950s sl.
• FAMILY PLATE silver coins ...c1850 jocular colloq.
• FAST BUCK money that is easily earned, esp. if done so illicitly ...1949 US sl.
• FAST QUID money that is earned quickly, and possibly illicitly ...1940s sl., orig. US
• FAT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FEATHERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FEE † money ...c870
• FILTHY LUCRE money ...20C jocular colloq.
• FLASH-NOTE a spurious bank-note ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLIM money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FLIMSY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FLOUR money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FOLDING money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING CABBAGE paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING GREEN money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING LETTUCE paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING MONEY paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FUNDS money ...L19 US Black & campus sl.
• FUNNY MONEY money which is not what it seems to be, esp. counterfeit currency or assets amassed unscrupulously ...1938 sl., orig. US
• GABINS money ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago
• GAME money, possessions ...1960s US sl.
• GATHERING † 1. the act or practice of collecting wealth; miserly acquisition of money ...a1225
† 2. a collection of money ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GEAR † possessions in general, wealth, money ...1535 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GELT money ...a1529 sl.
• GELTER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GENT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GET-PENNY † something which brings in money; a successful affair, as a theatrical performance ...1684
• GIGABUCKS very much money ...1990s Amer. sl.
• GILT-TICK money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGERBREAD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGLEBOYS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGLERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GLANTHORNE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GOB † a large sum of money ...M16
• GOLDEN OINTMENT a large win in betting; money ...1989 Aust. sl.
• GONCE money ...1899 Aust. sl.
• GONS money ...1899 Aust. sl.
• GOREE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GRAVY unearned or unexpected money ...1910 sl.
• GREED money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GREEN money ...1898 sl.
• GREENBACKS money ...M19 US
• GREEN SHIT money, esp. a roll of bills ...1950s US Black sl.
• GRINDER a small coin of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• GROCERY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GROUCH BAG a small pouch or bag worn esp. beneath clothing and containing emergency funds (esp. used among travelling performers) ...1908 Amer. dial.
• GROUCH MONEY savings for a really rainy day ...1941 Amer. travelling performers usage
• GRUBBING money, but not a large quantity ...1917 Amer. sl.
• GRUBBINS money, but not a large quantity ...1917 Amer. sl.
• GRUBSTAKE 1. money, supplies, or equipment supplied, esp. to a prospector, on condition of the supplier participating in the profits of a particular undertaking ...1863 Amer. West. usage
2. money or provisions ...1881 Amer. sl.
• GULLION a sum of money equal to 2s in value ...1822 Sc.
• GUSTO money ...1984 US sl.
• GYPSY BANKROLL a roll of money in which the top several notes are real large-denomination notes and the rest are counterfeit, plain paper, or small-denomination notes ...1981 US sl.
• HADDOCK money ...M19 US sl.
• HANDBOOK what you keep your money in when you carry it around with you ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HARD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HARD-EARNED money, esp. that identified as earnings ...1975 sl.
• HARD MONEY coin ...c1848
• HARL(E) money or property obtained by dishonourable means ...1815 Sc.
• HARDSTUFF money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HARD TACK silver money, esp. dollars ...1895 Amer. dial. arch.
• HEAVY SUGAR a large amount of money ...1926 US sl.
• HEN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HONEY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HORSE NAILS cash, money ...1859 sl.
• HOXTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HUXTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• ICE money in general ...L19 US sl.
• INDER a great number or quantity of persons or things, esp. of money ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INNS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• INS money ...1990s US college sl.
• IRON money ...1785 sl.
• JACK money ...1890 sl., orig. US
• JINGLE n. money in small coins ...1906 Aust. sl.
• JINK money ... Bk1896 sl.
• JOHN DAVIS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• JOHN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• K money ...1990s US campus sl.
• KALA a dollar; money ...1955 Hawaii
• KALE money ...1912 Amer. sl.
• KALE SEED money ...20C US sl.
• KANGA money ...1950s Aust. rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'screw')
• KELTER money, cash ...1807 N. Eng. dial.
• KICKBACK money paid (illegally) to someone who has made it possible for you too do something ...1958 sl., orig. US
• KILTER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• KING'S PICTURES money ...L17 sl.
• LACE money ...1971 US sl.
• LACKITS small sums of money; oddments, odds and ends ...1790 Eng. dial.
• LAKETS trifles, odd things; small sums of money ...1677 Eng. dial.
• LAKING-BRASS pocket money, money to spend on enjoyment ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LAS money, esp. as a loan or a contribution ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAUNDROMAT a business, such as a casino, in which money has been gained through criminal activities can be decriminalized ...1980s sl.
• LAUNDRY a business, such as a casino, in which money has been gained through criminal activities can be decriminalized ...1980s sl.
• LAWFUL PICTURES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LEGEM PONE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LETTUCE money ...1929 sl., orig. US
• LIGHT a small amount of money ...20C sl.
• LINE money ...1972 US sl.
• LOAVER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOLLY money ...1943 Brit. sl.
• LONG BREAD a great deal of money ...1970 Amer. dial.
• LONG DOUGH a considerable amount of money ...1947 Amer. dial.
• LONG GREEN 1. money ...1896 US sl.
2. a lot of money ...1971 Amer. dial.
• LONG GREEN, THE money ...sl.
• LOOT n...1943 sl.
• LOUR money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOURE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOVELY MONEY. good money; esp. plenty of money ...c1931 Brit. sl.
• L.S.D.. money ...c1835 Brit. colloq.
• LURRIES † money or jewellery ...1673 thieves' sl.
• LURRY money ...M17 sl.
• LUSH money ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• LUSH GREEN money ...1951 US sl.
• MAAS money ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• MAD MONEY 1. money carried by a women in case she wants to return home from a date without her escort ...1922 Amer. sl.
2. money that may be used for unplanned or impetuous purchases; extra spending money ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
• MAGAGEBA money ...1970s S. Afr. Black usage
• MAG-STAKE money obtained by trickery or fraud ...M19 sl.
• MAIL money ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• MALHAVELINS small matters, bits and pieces; odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; typically used of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MAMMON money ...1706 jocular
• MANABLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAROLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAVALINS odds and ends, bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...M19 sl.
• MANAVELINGS odds and ends, bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...M19 sl.
• MANAVILINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAVLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MAZUKA money ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MAZUMA money ...1904 US sl.
• MAZUME money ...1904 US sl.
• MEASURES money ...1960s sl.
• MEDZERS money ...1960s sl.
• MEGABUCKS a large amount of money ...1946 sl., orig. US
• MENSE-MONEY pocket-money; money kept in the pocket so as to never be without money and to show one's respectability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSE-PENNY pocket-money; money kept in the pocket so as to never be without money and to show one's respectability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• METAL money ...L18 Brit. colloq.
• MIL a million; usually of money ...1960s sl.
• MILLERY a mint; a place for coining money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MINT, A a large amount of money ...1655 sl.
• MINT LEAF a banknote; money ...1920s US sl.
• MINT SAUCE money ...E19 sl.
• MOLA money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MON money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MONEY FOR DIRT anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR DUST anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR JAM anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR OLD ROPE money for nothing or almost nothing ...20C colloq.
• MONISH money ...1804 Amer. Anglo-Yiddish usage
• MOO money ...1945 sl.
• MOOLA(H) money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOPUS a piece of money; coin ...1698 sl.
• MOPPUSSES money ...L18 sl.
• MOPUSSES money ...L18 sl.
• MOSS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOTSA a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MOTSER a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZA a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZER a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOULDY-'UNS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOZZARELLA money ...2000s US Black sl.
• MUCK money ...L17 sl.
• MUCKHILL a pile of money ...L17 sl.
• MULLA money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MUMPER'S BRASS money ...E18 sl.
• MUN money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MUNLEE money ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• NEEDFUL, THE the necessary funds; money, cash ...1774 colloq.
• NEGOTIABLE GRASS money ...1951 US sl.
• NELSON EDDIES money, cash ...1930s rhyming sl. for readies'
• NEW LIGHT new money ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• NICKER money in general ...1950s sl.
• NIGS the clippings of money ...c1696 sl.
• NOBBING collecting money, 'passing the hat round' ...M19 sl.
• NOBBINGS 1. a collection of money, esp. money tossed into a boxing ring after an amateur or boys' fight ...M19
2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• NOBBINS money collected from an audience, esp. money thrown into a boxing ring ...1998 Brit. sl.
• NO-COUNT worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• NONSENSE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• NOT A BEAN nothing at all; no money whatever ...1928 sl.
• NUGGETS money, esp. cash ...c1890 colloq.
• NUPPENCE no money ...1886 Brit. sl.
• OAT a penny; a halfpenny; the smallest amount of money ...L19 sl.
• OATS FOR THE DONKEY money ...c1910 motor trade imperfect rhyming sl.
• OCHER money ...c1860 sl.
• OCHRE money; cash ...1835 sl.
• ODAY money ...1928 US Pig Latin for 'dough'
• ODDS of money: small change ...2002 UK sl.
• ODDSES the change or balance of money ...1893 Eng. dial.
• OIL money ...1885 Amer. sl.
• OIL OF ANGELS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• OIL OF ARGENTUM money ...E18 sl.
• OIL OF PALM(S) money, usually in the form of a bribe ...E17 sl.
• OINTMENT money ...15C sl.
• OLD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• OOCHRE money ...c1860 sl.
• OOF money ...1885 sl.
• OOFTISH money 1882 sl.
• OOT money ...1920s Aust. sl.
• O.P.M. borrowed money (Other People's Money) ...1901 sl.
• OSCAR money ...1917 Aust. & NZ rhyming sl. for 'cash' (Oscar Asche)
• OSCAR ASCHE cash; money ...1905 Aust. rhyming. sl.
• OSCAR ASH cash; money ...1905 Aust. rhyming. sl.
• PACK † a bundle of money, stock of cash; a cash-box ...c1394
• PACKAGE a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• PACKET a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• PAINT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PAISA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PALM-GREASE money given as a douceur or bribe ...1897 humorous
• PALMING RACKET secreting money in the palm of the hand ...1812 UK criminals' sl.
• PALM-OIL money give as a douceur or bribe, a tip ...a1627 humorous
• PALM SOAP money, usually in the form of a bribe ...E17 sl.
• PAN money ...1847 UK criminals' sl.
• PANGA money ...1894 Amer. dial.
• PAP money ... M19 sl.
• PAPER money, usually notes ...L18 sl., orig. US Black
• PAPERWORK money; currency notes ...1997 UK sl.
• PAPES money ...1990s sl., orig. US Black
• PARCEL † 1. a small portion, item, instalment, of a sum of money; a small sum ...1491 rare or obs.
2. a substantial sum of money, esp. when won or lost in gambling ...L19 sl.
• PARINGS clippings of money ...L17 sl.
• PEANUTS a small amount of money; a trivial sum ...1934 Amer. sl.
• PEE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PENG money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PENGER money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PENNY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PEWTER worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PEWTER MONEY worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PHILADELPHIA BANKROLL a single large-denomination note wrapped around small denomination notes , giving the impression of a great deal of money ...1968 US sl.
• PHILADELPHIA ROLL a "Philadelphia bankroll" ...1972 US sl.
• PIECES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PIESA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PILE a large amount of money ...colloq
• PISA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PLATE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PLUMS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POCKET money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POCKET ROLL a roll of paper money kept in the pocket ...1960s US Black sl.
• POKE money; one's bankroll ...1926 Amer. sl.
• PONY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POPPY money ...1943 sl.
• PORTCULLIS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POSH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POT, A a large amount of money ...1871 sl.
• POTATOES money ...1931 US sl.
• POTS a large amount of money ...1871 sl.
• POULTICE a large amount of money; applied esp. to money used as a bribe ...1904 Aust. sl.
• POWDER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PRETTY PENNY, A a considerable sum of money ...colloq.
• PREY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PURSE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• QUARTZ money ...L19 sl.
• QUATRIN * a small piece of money; a farthing ...c1400
• QUEEN'S PICTURES money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S PORTRAIT money ...E18 sl.
• QUEER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• QUEER-BIT bad money ...Bk1890 sl.
• QUICK instantly available money ...1950s US Black sl.
• QUICK QUID money that is earned quickly and, possibly, illicitly ...1920s Aust. sl.
• QUID †* money, cash ...a1700 sl.
• QUIDS 1. money ...L17 sl.
2. a large amount of money ...1930 Aust.
• QUILLS money ...M19 sl.
• QUINE coin; money ...1872 Eng. dial.
• QUINIE coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• QUINZIE coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• RACK a large quantity of money ...2000s US Black sl.
• RAG 1. money in general ...L16 sl.
2. a banknote, paper money; usually in plural ...1817 sl.
• RAGS † paper money ...1935 Amer. sl.
• RAISE a substantial amount of (stolen) money ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RAP money in general ...L19 sl.
• RAZOO any money; a trivial amount of money ...1919 Aust. & NZ sl.
• READIES money in bank and/or currency notes ...1935 sl., orig. bank clerks'
• READY, THE money; spec., money in hand ...1688 sl.
• READY-COME-DOWN plenty of money ...1952 Amer. dial.
• READY-GILT money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• READY-JOHN money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• READY-STUFF money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• RED gold, thus money, i.e. sovereigns ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RED CENT any money; a trivial amount of money ...1839 sl., orig. US
• REDDIES money; usually applied to bank notes ...1937 sl.
• REDGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• REEK money ...Bk1903 cant
• REGULARS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• REVETS money ...1876 Eng. dial. sl.
• REVITS money ...1876 Eng. dial. sl.
• RHINO money; spec. ready money ...1688 sl.
• RIBBAND money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIBBIN money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIBBON money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIDGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• RING money extorted by rogues on the highway or by gentlemen beggars ...1785 sl.
• RIVETS money ...1846 sl.
• ROCKS money ...M19 US sl.
• ROGAN GOSH money ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'dosh'
• ROLL a collection of bills or notes rolled together; hence, more generally, one's money ...1846 US & Aust. sl.
• ROLL JACK RICE COULDN'T JUMP OVER a large amount of money ...1945 Aust. sl.
• ROOT OF ALL EVIL money ... Bk1903 sl.
• ROWDY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• RUM-BIT good money ...Bk1890 sl.
• SALT money ...L19 US sl.
• SALVE money, esp. as a reward for something difficult ...20C US sl.
• SAND money ...L19 sl., orig. US
• SAUCE money ...M18 sl.
• SAUCEPAN LID money; usually in the plural ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'quid'
• SAUSAGE AND MASH cash, money ...1976 UK rhyming sl.
• SAWDUST money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SCADS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SCALE(S) money ...1872 US sl.
• SCRATCH money ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHADSCALES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHAN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHEKELS money, cash ...1883 sl.
• SHELLS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHIGS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHINERS money in coin, esp. sovereigns or guineas ...1760 sl.
• SHINPLASTER 1. the fractional currency (worth 10 cents, twenty-five cents, etc.) issued by the Union in response to coin shortages during the war ...US Civil War usage
2. small paper currency ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• SHIN-PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHOESTRING a small amount of money ...1904 sl., orig. US
• SHOT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHOT IN ONE'S LOCKER a piece of money in one's possession ...1835 nautical US sl.
• SHRAP copper coins; any small change ...c1915 NZ sl.
• SHRAPNEL copper coins; any small change ...c1915 NZ sl.
• SIDE-MONEY money earned in addition to one's regular job ...1920s US sl.
• SILK money ...1950 US sl.
• SILVER money ...1966 US sl.
• SILVER BULLETS money contributed to the war loans ...1916 journalistic colloq.
• SIMLOONS money ...L19 US sl.
• SIMOLEONS money ...L19 US sl.
• SINEWS OF WAR, THE money ...c1550
• SINGLE MONEY † small money, small change ...1591
• SKEWINGS extras, bonuses; any form of money, esp. when gained for nothing ...M19 sl.
• SKIN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SKULLY money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SMACKER a coin or note of money; a dollar; a pound ...E20 sl., orig. N. Amer.
• SMACKEROO a coin or note of money; a dollar; a pound ...E20 sl., orig. N. Amer.
• SMALL FORTUNE, A a large amount of money ...1874 sl.
• SMASH loose change ...1821 sl.
• SNAPS money ...1997 US sl.
• SNOW money; applied esp. to money in silver coins ...1925 sl.
• SOAP money; latterly esp. applied to money used in bribery ...1860 US sl.
• SOFT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SOFT-FLIMSY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SOFT MONEY notes ...c1848
• SPANISH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPANKERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPANKS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPLIT small change ...L19 sl.
• SPLOSH money ...1893 sl.
• SPONDOOLICK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDOOLICKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDOOLIKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDOOLIX money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULICK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDULICKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULICS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULIK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDULIX money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONS money ...M19 US & Aust. sl.
• SPOON money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STACK money ...1997 US sl.
• STAMPS money ...US Civil War usage
• STEVEN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STEVERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STIFF money ...1897 sl.
• STIVER a small amount, esp. of money
• STOCKS OF TIN any amount of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• STUFF, THE money ...1775 sl.
• STUMP money ...Bk1904 sl.
• STUMPY money ... 1837 sl.
• SUGAR money ... 1859 sl.
• SWAG money; valuables ...sl.
• TACK money ...1950s sl.
• TAKE money acquired by theft or fraud ...1888 sl., chiefly US
• TALL MONEY a large amount of money; substantial wealth ...1940s US Black sl.
• TANK money ...2000s sl.
• TANKING the act of concealing money on one's person ...1980s UK tramps' sl.
• TAP CITY a metaphorical place devoted to borrowing or begging money ...1920s sl.
• TEASPOONS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• TILL money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TIN money, cash ...1836 sl.
• TOADHIDE a piece of paper money, esp. a dollar bill; a dollar ...1941 Amer. dial.
• TOADSKIN a piece of paper money, esp. a dollar bill; a dollar ...1857 Amer. dial.
• TOPS AND BOTTOMS a roll of notes of which only those on the very top and bottom are genuine, the rest being paper trimmed to fit and bulk out the roll ...1959 UK sl.
• TOW money ... Bk1903 sl.
• TOWER clipped money ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• TRAP MONEY money containing tear gas and/or dye kept in a bank to be given to bank robbers ...2004 US sl.
• UNCLE SAM'S I.O.U. money, a note ...1940s sl.
• UXTER money ...L19 sl.
• VALOR † the amount in money, etc., that a thing is worth; value ...1496-7
• VALOUR † the amount of money, etc., or sum that a thing is worth ...c1350
• VELVET money in excess of what is expected ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• VEX-MONEY money a woman carries with her on a date; if, for whatever reason (usually the denial of sex), she is forced to make her way home, she has some funds ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAD a roll of money or money in general ...E19 sl.
• WALKING † passing of money from hand to hand ...1549
• WALLPAPER 1. worthless paper money such as counterfeit notes ...1940s US sl.
2. money ...1980s drugs sl.
• WAMPUM money ...1897 jocular
• WEDGE a wad of banknotes; hence, generally, a significant amount of money ...1977 Brit. sl., orig. criminals' sl.
• WELL-SINKING making money ...L18 Anglo-Indian
• WHAT IT TAKES money ...1920s sl. orig. US
• WHEREWITH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• WHEREWITHAL money ... Bk1903 sl.
• WHIPS OF TIN any amount of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• WHITE money ...1960 sl.
• WILLIAM a piece of paper currency ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WILLY a piece of paper currency ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WONG money ...1953 UK sl.
• WONGA money ...1953 UK sl.
• WONGER money ...1953 UK sl.
• WOODEN MONEY a counterfeit or worthless coin or money ...1915 US sl.
• WOODEN NICKEL a counterfeit or worthless coin or money ...1915 US sl.
• YAFFLE money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YAFFUL money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YARLS money given to confirm a bargain; earnest money ...1881 Eng. dial.
• YAYO money ...2000s US Black & drugs sl.
• YELLOWBOYS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• YENNOMS money ... Bk1903 back sl.
• YURLS money given to confirm a bargain; earnest money ...1881 Eng. dial.
• ZAC any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
• ZACK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
• ZAK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
money - person
• ANGEL a person who supplies money without getting anything in return ...1924 Amer. sl.
• BEAT a person who saves in a mean way, or is greedy in money matters ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROSIER a boy who has spent all his pocket-money ...1850 Eton sl.
• FAST-BUCK ARTIST anyone keen on (and successful in) making a great deal of money ...1970s US sl.
• FAST-BUCK GUY anyone keen on (and successful in) making a great deal of money ...1970s US sl.
• FIGURE-DANCER one who alters the face value of banknotes, cheques, bills, etc. ...L18C sl.
• HIGHMADANDY someone who has more money than brains ...20C Ulster sl.
• JASON'S FLEECE a citizen cheated of his gold ...1690 cant
• MINK a female whose romantic interest in a man is overshadowed by her interest in his financial worth ...1960 US sl. • MONEYBAGS a lover of money ...E19 sl.
• MONEY-CORMORANT one greedy for money ...1840
• MONEY-GRUB one who is sordidly intent on amassing money; an avaricious person ...1768
• NOBBER a collector of money; a person who collects money for a street entertainer ...1890 Brit. sl.
• OOF-BIRD a source or supplier of money; 'the goose that lays the golden eggs' ...1888 sl.
• PAPER CHASER one who is looking for money, usually a drug dealer ...2000s US Black sl.
• PHILARGYRIST † a lover of money; a covetous person ...1633
• PURSE-LEECH † a person greedy for money; a grasping person; an extortioner ...1598
• RAG BAG a person who can be easily persuaded to give up sex or money ...1990s sl.
• RAG DOLL a person who can be easily persuaded to give up sex or money ...1990s sl.
• SCRATCHER one who is greedily intent on accumulating money; a money-grubber ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TABLER † a money-changer ...c1550
• WHALE IN THE BAY someone who has money to spend and uses it on the assembled company ...1960s Aust. sl.
money - verbs
• BE IN FUNDS to have plenty of money ...19C colloq.
• BOT to cadge or sponge money ...1921 Aust. sl.
• BREAK UPON to change money; to draw on one's savings, etc. ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CARRY to have surplus money ...1996 N. Ireland
• CASH DOWN to pay; to hand over money ...1882 US sl.
• CHUMP OFF to lose money irresponsibly ...1950s US Black sl.
• CLEAN to fraudulently deprive someone of all or most of their money ...1812 sl.
• CLEAN OUT to deprive of money ...1812 sl.
• COME A STOOMER to lose one's money ...1900 Aust. sl.
• COME A STUMER to lose one's money ...1900 Aust. sl.
• CRACK to change money; to cash a cheque ...1927 Amer. sl.
• DECRY to suppress, or to depreciate by proclamation; to reduce the value of money ...1617
• DIB to make a small present of money, to tip ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIP SOUTH to search your pockets for money ...2002 NZ sl.
• DO ONE'S COBBLERS to lose one's money ...1980s sl.
• DROP to lose, give, or part with money ...L17 sl.
• EASE † to provide, to furnish; to advance money ...1721 Sc.
• FAST to be out of pocket ...M19 sl.
• FEEL THE PINCH to feel the effects of having insufficient money ...1861 colloq.
• FLASH THE BLUNT to show money ...1823 sl.
• FLASH THE DIBS to show or spend one's money ...Bk1893 sl.
• FLY A KITE to raise money ...B1880 sl.
• FLY-BLOW to separate someone from his money ...20C Aust. sl.
• GET THE FAT OFF to relieve someone of their money, usually by some form of trickery ...1960s Aust. sl.
• GO ON A LURK to get money through false pretenses ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• GRUBSTAKE to provide with a grubstake (see nouns) ...1879 Amer. sl.
• HABBIE-GABBIE to throw money, etc. into a crowd to be scrambled for ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HANDLE to receive or get money from; to secure; to get hold of ...1823 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HANDSEL to give money or a present to celebrate a new undertaking, etc.; to celebrate for the first time, esp. by drinking ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP ALL THE BEANS IN THE SACK to be careful of one's money ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KILL THE CHANGE to keep the change ...2000 UK sl.
• KNOCK DOWN to earn or obtain money, usually for work, or by requesting a loan or gift ...1920s US sl.
• LAND ON A PEBBLY BEACH to be short of money ...L19 sl.
• LAUNDER to decriminalize money that has been gained through criminal activities by 'washing' it through a legitimate business, such as a casino or bank ...1970s sl.
• LOSE ONE'S BRITCHES to lose a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• LUG ONE'S EAR to ask for money; to borrow money from ...20C Aust. sl.
• MACE 1. to beg or demand money from ...E19 sl.
2. to owe money ...1979 UK sl.
• MAKE A PACK to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A PACKAGE to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A PACKET to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A RAISE to get hold of some money, legally or otherwise ...E19 sl.
• NIG to clip money ...c1696 sl.
• MAGGOT to waste money; to spend foolishly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAKE A RAISE to obtain money in a non-criminal manner; to secure something ...M19 US sl.
• MAKE UP ONE'S LEG to make money ...1909 Brit. costermongers' sl.
• MINT to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT GOLD to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT IT to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT MONEY to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MOP UP to gain or win a significant of money ...1851 sl.
• NAB THE RUST to receive money ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• NOB 1. to collect money ...M19 sl.
2. to collect money from an audience after a performance or other attraction ...1851 Brit. sl.
• OCKER † of money: to grow with the addition of interest ...a1225
• OKER † of money: to grow with the addition of interest ...a1225
• PACK to carry money, to be in funds ...1920s US sl.
• PAN OUT to hand over money ...L19 Aust. & US sl.
• PEEL OFF to give money ...c1925 sl.
• PULL DOWN ONE'S EAR to get money from a person, esp. as a tip ...c1870 Cockneys' sl.
• PUT IN ONE'S POCKET to convert into money ...1857 Amer. dial.
• PUT THE ACID ON to request money of ...1906 Aust. sl.
• PUT THE ARM ON SOMEONE to ask for, demand, or borrow money from ...20C Amer. sl.
• QUINE to coin money ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUOMODOCUNQUIZE † to make money in any possible way ...1652 nonce word
• RAISE to get hold of some money, legally or otherwise ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• RAISE THE BREEZES to obtain money; to obtain a loan ...L18 sl.
• RAISE THE WIND to procure money or necessary means ...a1350
• RAKE to make money, esp. in generous quantities or at an enviable speed ...1583 UK
• RAKE IN THE SHEKELS to make money rapidly ...1883 sl.
• RAKE TOGETHER to make a great deal of money ...M19 sl.
• RAKE UP to make a great deal of money ...M19 sl.
• RING THE CHANGES to substitute bad money for good ...1678 sl.
• SCART to scrape together money or other possessions ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SHYSTER to trick money out of someone; usually as adj. 'shystering' ...M19 sl.
• SIFT to clean one out of money ...1591
• SIGHT A PEBBLY BEACH to be short of money ...L19 sl.
• STRIKE to get money; to steal; to beg, to borrow; to get into debt ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUCK to extract ideas or money ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUGAR OFF in speaking of large sums of money: to amount to ...Bk1904 Amer. sl.
• TAKE HEAT to lose money ...1920s US sl.
• TAKE OFF to deprive of money ...L19 US Black & criminals' sl.
• TAP 1. to exhaust one's finances ...1910s US sl.
2. to obtain money (other than as a loan) ...20C sl.
• TAP OUT 1. to come to the end of one's finances ...1930s sl., orig. US
2. to relieve someone of their last money ...1960s sl.
• TURN AN HONEST PENNY to earn one's living honestly; to make money by fair means
• UNBELT to hand over money ...L19 US sl.
• WAIVE † to cast away money ...c1440
• WALK IN TALL CORN to make a great deal of money ...1997 US sl.
• WHISTLE UP A BREEZE to obtain money; to obtain a loan ...L18 sl.
money - phrases
• AIN'T LONG ENOUGH of money: not enough, insufficient ...1970s US Black sl.
• CAKE IS GETTING THIN one's money is running low ...20C sl.
• MONEY GOING TO BED a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONEY MAKES THE MARE TO GO money can do most things ...L16 colloq.
• MONEY TALKS money is very powerful ...1586 sl.
• MY RIGHT HAND ITCHES I shall receive money ...1708-10 sl.
• RIBBIN RUNS THICK, THE 'the breeches are well lined' (there's plenty of money) ...c1696 sl.
• RIBBIN RUNS THIN, THE there's little money ...c1696 sl.
• CASKET † a money-box or 'chest' ...1832
• PIRLIE a money-box ...1889 Sc.
• SAVE-ALL a money-box to receive small savings or contributions ...1837
• THRIFT-BOX a money or savings box ...1777 Eng. dial.
• THRIFT-POT a money or savings box ...1862 Eng. dial.
• THRIP-BOX a money-box for saving ...1865 Eng. dial.
• BANK † 1. the shop, office, or place of business of a money-dealer ...1474
† 2. the table or counter of a money-changer or dealer in money ...1567
money-dealer - person
• BANKER † orig. a money-changer; then, one who dealt in bills of exchange, giving drafts and making remittances ...1534
• CASHIER † a money-dealer ...1643
• LAANIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAHNIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANI moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LARNEY moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• BILL-SWEATER a money-lender ...Bk1911 Sc.
• IKE (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• IKEY (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• IKEY-MO a Jewish receiver, money-lender, pawnbroker, or peddler ...E19 sl.
• IKY (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• LAND-SHARK a moneylender; a usurer ...M19 sl.
• MAHAJUN a money-lender, a usurer ...1858
• SCREW a money-lender ...1932 Amer. dial.
• SHYLOCK (derogatory & offensive) a hard-hearted money-lender ...1786 sl.
• PAPER any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• PAPERS any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• AFTER EIGHT MINT broke, penniless, having no money ...Brit. rhyming sl. for 'skint'
• ALIVE said of a person when he has money ...Brit. sl.
• AT LOW WATER short of funds ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BIG of money: in large amounts ...1887 US colloq.
• BREECHED flush of money ...1812 thieves' sl.
• CAKED wealthy, moneyed; well-off ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKED OUT wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKED UP wealthy, moneyed; well-off ...1940s UK sl.
• CAKEHOLED wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl.
• CLOSE TO THE BLANKET nearly without money ...1942 Amer. sl.
• COOL of money: used to emphasize the largeness of the amount ...1728 sl.
• DOWN TO CASES down to one's last pennies ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• FAIR SKINT very short of money, or even entirely 'broke' ...20C
• FAT-ASS money-grabbing, superficial, fake ...2000s sl.
• FINANCIAL financially solvent; having money ...1899 Aust. & NZ sl.
• IN THE CHIPS having much money ...1935 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT 1. short of cash; with insufficient money ...1955 Amer sl., orig. Black
2. of money: in small amounts ...1962 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT OF short of money ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• LIGHT ON short of money ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• LONG of money: possessed in large amounts; abundant ...1947 Amer. dial.
• MADLY BROKE very low on funds ...a1972 Amer. sl., esp. Black usage
• MAKING † money-making, prosperous ...1434
• MONEY-CALLED motivated by money rather than by dedication ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEYFIED †* endowed with money ...1641
• NOT A BEAN nothing at all, esp. of money ...E19 sl.
• NUMMI-AMOROUS † fond of or loving money ...1650
• ON E lacking, usually but not invariably money ...1990s US Black sl.
• ON THE ROCKS short of money; destitute ...colloq.
• ON THE TAP broke and borrowing money ...Brit. sl.
• OOFLESS poor, in want of money ...1888 sl.
• PACKING IT making a large amount of money ...1990s sl.
• PEBBLE-BEACHED utterly penniless; very poor, destitute; in want of money ...1886 sl.
• PHILARGYROUS † loving money, greedy of gain, covetous, avaricious ...1665
• PINCHED hard up for money ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• ROTTEN WITH of money: well supplied with ...1920s sl.
• SHY short of money ...L19 sl., orig. US
• STIVER-CRAMPED † needy, wanting money ...1785
• TIGHT in financial difficulties, hard up; of money: scarce ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIGHTISH in financial straits, wanting money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBLUNTED deprived of money; temporarily without money ...1823 UK criminals' sl.
• WANTON † said of money or wealth, as tempting to extravagance or luxury ...1529
money - nouns
• ABE a coin or currency note bearing the likeness of Abraham Lincoln ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ABRAHAM NEWLAND a bank note ...1829 sl.
• ACKERS coins, notes, money; specifically, piastres ...1939 sl., orig. military
• ACTUAL money; also, the actual ...1856 sl.
• AKKA(S) money, whether change or notes ...1910s sl. orig. military
• AKKERS money ...1939 Brit. services' sl.
• ALFALFA money ...1917 US circus & carnival usage
• ALL-POWERFUL money ...1900s Aust. sl.
• APPLE money ...1960s US Black sl.
• ARM AND A LEG, AN a large amount of money; the cost of something ...1956 sl.
• ARMY a large bankroll ...1990 US sl.
• ASTE money ...E17 UK criminals' sl.
• AXLE GREASE money, esp. that used for purposes of bribery ...1891 Amer. sl.
• BACKS money ...1966 Amer. sl.
• BACON money ...1986 Amer. sl.
• BALLAST money ...B1874 Eng. sl.
• BALM FOR GILEAD money ...1895 Amer. sl.
• BALM OF GILEAD money ...1895 Amer. sl.
• BALSAM money ...17C Eng. orig. cant
• BANK † 1. a sum of money; an amount; a 'pile' ...1515
2. cash; money itself; common in rap music lyrics ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BAT HIDE paper money, esp. a $1 bill ...L19 US sl.
• BATWING paper money, esp. a $1 bill ...L19 US sl.
• BAWBEES money ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BEAN(S) a coin, a bit of money; a trivial amount of money ...1811 sl.
• BEAR-SKIN money ...E18 UK criminals' sl.
• BEAVER money ...1848 Amer. dial. arch.
• BEES AND HONEY money ...1892 Brit. rhyming sl.
• BEGGAR BOY'S ARSE money ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'brass'
• BEGGAR BOY'S ASS money ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'brass'
• BIG BUCK(S) a large amount of money, esp. as earned by performers or stolen by criminals, or as a large, but non-specific price ...1950s sl., orig. US
• BIG MONEY a large amount of money, high wages or salary ...1888 orig. US
• BIT 1. money of any kind or quantity ...1607 thieves' sl.
2. a unit of value equal to an eighth of a dollar; used only in even multiples, esp. two bits ...1873 US sl.
• BITE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• BIT OF THE OLD money ...L19 sl.
• BLUEBACKS Confederate paper currency ...US Civil War usage
• BLUNT ready money ...1812 sl.
• BOBS money ...Aust. sl.
• BOMB a large amount of money ...1958 Brit. sl.
• BONNY PENNY a goodly sum of money ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOO money ...L19 US sl.
• BOODLE 1. counterfeit money; money illegally or dishonestly acquired or used; proceeds of corruption ...1858 Amer. dial.
2. money ...1883 sl., orig. US
3. a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOODLE BAG a money pouch or purse ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BOSOM FRIEND a packet of money kept inside the brassiere by elderly women when travelling ...1973 Amer. dial.
• BOTTLE money ...1893 Brit. sl.
• BRADS half-pence, also money in general ...Bk1890 sl.
• BRASS money; cash; formerly applied specifically to bronze or copper coins ...1597 sl.
• BRASS FARTHING any money; a trivial amount of money ...1642 Brit. sl.
• BRASS RAZOO any money; a trivial amount of money ...1919 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BUCKSKIN money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUFF money ...1980s drugs sl.
• BULLET money ...Bk1904 Amer. college sl.
• BUN a roll or wad of money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUNCE money; gains; extra profit or gain; bonus; something to the good ...1719 sl.
• BUNDLE, A a large amount of money ...1903 sl., orig. US
• BUNSE money ...18C sl.
• BUNT money ...18C sl.
• BUNTS money ...18C sl.
• BUSTLE money of any sort or quantity ...Bk1890 sl.
• BUTTER SKIN money, esp. a bill ...c1960 Amer. sl.
• BUTTONS money ...1859 Amer. sl.
• BYTE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CABBAGE money, banknotes, paper money, cash ... 1903 sl., orig. US
• CABBAGE LEAF money, banknotes ...1939 US sl.
• CABBAGE LEAVES paper currency; money; banknotes ...1930s Amer. sl.
• CAKE(S) money, a good deal of money ...1965 US Black sl.
• CAKE MONEY money to be used for no particular purpose, money for a good time ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAKEWALK money that has been obtained without effort ...1930s sl.
• CALIFORNIA money, a gold piece ...c1860 sl.
• CALIFORNIA BANKNOTE an animal hide which was used as money in early 19th century California ...M19 US sl.
• CALIFORNIAN a gold piece ...c1860 sl.
• CALIFORNIANS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CALIFORNIA SHINPLASTER an animal hide which was used as money in early 19th century California ...1848 US sl.
• CANDY money ...20C US sl.
• CAPTAIN, (THE) money ... 1748 sl.
• CARAVAN a large sum of money ... 1690 cant
• CARGO † a good round sum of money on a man ...1690 sl.
• CASH COW an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• CAT HAIR money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CHAMPAGNE COUPONS money ...1950s sl.
• CHANGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHARMS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHECK money; cash ...1889 Amer. dial.
• CHEESE money ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHERRY-MERRY a present of money ...M19 Anglo-Indian sl.
• CHICKEN CORN money ...1954 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-FEED small change; any small amount of money, esp. compared to what one expects to have in the future ...1837 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEN MONEY † spending money; small change ...1853 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN SCRATCH a very small amount of money ...1940s US Black sl.
• CHINA money ...1940 Amer. sl.
• CHING money ...1904 Amer. sl.
• CHINK cash, money ...1698 sl.
• CHINKERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CHIP a piece of money ...1840 sl.
• CHIPS money ...1840 sl.
• CHUMP CHANGE any small amount of money ...1950s US Black sl.
• CLINK money; hard cash ...1720s Sc.
• CLY money ...c1690 thieves' cant
• CLY FULL OF RIDGE a pocket full of money ...Bk1903 sl.
• COAL money ...Bk1890 sl.
• COCONUTS money ...1920s US sl.
• COD 1. money ...L17 sl.
2. a large amount of money ...1980s drugs sl.
• COD'S ROE money ...20C rhyming sl. for 'dough'
• COIN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• COLE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• COLIANDER SEEDS money ...L17 UK sl.
• COPPERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CORK money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CORN IN EGYPT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRACKER any money; a trivial amount of money ...1934 Aust. & NZ sl.
• CRACKLE paper money, banknotes, money in general ...sl.
• CRAP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRINKLE banknotes; therefore, money ...Brit. sl.
• CRISP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CROP money ... Bk1903 sl.
• CRUMBS a few pieces of change or silver money; a few dollars; a small amount of money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• CUCKOOS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DAB a small or trifling amount of money ...1729
• DARB cash; money, usually stolen ...1904 US criminals' sl.
• DARBY † cash; ready money ...1682 criminals' sl.
• DEAD PRESIDENTS US currency notes of any dollar denomination; hence, money ...1944 US sl.
• DEAD SOLDIERS worthless money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• DELOG money ...Bk1903 back slang
• DERBIES ready money ...1796 sl.
• DERBY money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• DIBS money ...1807 sl.
• DIMMACK money ...1823 Sc. sl.
• DIMMOCK money ...1812 sl.
• DINAH money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINALY money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLA money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLEE money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINARLY money ...1851 UK sl.
• DINERO money ...1856 sl., orig. US
• DING a quasi-coercive request for money ...1982 US sl.
• DINGBATS money ...1861 US sl.
• DIRT money ...1925 criminals’ sl.
• DOLLARS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOOT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOOTEROOMUS money ...M19 Amer. sl.
• DO-RE-MI money ...1926 US sl.
• DOSH money ...1854 sl., orig. US
• DOTS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DOUBLOONS money ...1908 jocular
• DOUGH money ... 1851 sl., chiefly N. Amer.
• DOUGH-REY-ME money ...1926 US sl.
• DOWNS money ...2000s US Black sl.
• DUCATS money ...1866 US sl.
• DUCKETS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• DUCKS money ...1997 US sl.
• DUES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• DUMPS, THE money ...c1835 sl.
• DUST money ...1607 sl., now chiefly US Black usage
• DYE-STUFFS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• EARNEST money, or a sum of money, paid as an installment, esp. for the purpose of securing a bargain or contract ...a1225
• EASTER BUNNY money ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• EBB-WATER 'when there's but little money in the pocket'; a lack of money ...1699 cant
• ECO money ...2000s US Black sl.
• ENDS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• EVERGREEN money ...1900s US sl.
• EVIL, THE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FAKE-BOODLE a roll of paper over which a dollar bill is pasted, and another bill being loosely wrapped round this so it looks as if the whole roll is made up of a large sum of money in bills ...1890 Amer. thieves' sl.
• FAMILY JEWELS wealth; ready money ...1950s sl.
• FAMILY PLATE silver coins ...c1850 jocular colloq.
• FAST BUCK money that is easily earned, esp. if done so illicitly ...1949 US sl.
• FAST QUID money that is earned quickly, and possibly illicitly ...1940s sl., orig. US
• FAT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FEATHERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FEE † money ...c870
• FILTHY LUCRE money ...20C jocular colloq.
• FLASH-NOTE a spurious bank-note ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLIM money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FLIMSY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FLOUR money ... Bk1903 sl.
• FOLDING money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING CABBAGE paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING GREEN money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING LETTUCE paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FOLDING MONEY paper banknotes, as opposed to coins; a comparatively large amount of money; money ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FUNDS money ...L19 US Black & campus sl.
• FUNNY MONEY money which is not what it seems to be, esp. counterfeit currency or assets amassed unscrupulously ...1938 sl., orig. US
• GABINS money ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago
• GAME money, possessions ...1960s US sl.
• GATHERING † 1. the act or practice of collecting wealth; miserly acquisition of money ...a1225
† 2. a collection of money ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GEAR † possessions in general, wealth, money ...1535 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GELT money ...a1529 sl.
• GELTER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GENT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GET-PENNY † something which brings in money; a successful affair, as a theatrical performance ...1684
• GIGABUCKS very much money ...1990s Amer. sl.
• GILT-TICK money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGERBREAD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGLEBOYS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GINGLERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GLANTHORNE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GOB † a large sum of money ...M16
• GOLDEN OINTMENT a large win in betting; money ...1989 Aust. sl.
• GONCE money ...1899 Aust. sl.
• GONS money ...1899 Aust. sl.
• GOREE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GRAVY unearned or unexpected money ...1910 sl.
• GREED money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GREEN money ...1898 sl.
• GREENBACKS money ...M19 US
• GREEN SHIT money, esp. a roll of bills ...1950s US Black sl.
• GRINDER a small coin of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• GROCERY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• GROUCH BAG a small pouch or bag worn esp. beneath clothing and containing emergency funds (esp. used among travelling performers) ...1908 Amer. dial.
• GROUCH MONEY savings for a really rainy day ...1941 Amer. travelling performers usage
• GRUBBING money, but not a large quantity ...1917 Amer. sl.
• GRUBBINS money, but not a large quantity ...1917 Amer. sl.
• GRUBSTAKE 1. money, supplies, or equipment supplied, esp. to a prospector, on condition of the supplier participating in the profits of a particular undertaking ...1863 Amer. West. usage
2. money or provisions ...1881 Amer. sl.
• GULLION a sum of money equal to 2s in value ...1822 Sc.
• GUSTO money ...1984 US sl.
• GYPSY BANKROLL a roll of money in which the top several notes are real large-denomination notes and the rest are counterfeit, plain paper, or small-denomination notes ...1981 US sl.
• HADDOCK money ...M19 US sl.
• HANDBOOK what you keep your money in when you carry it around with you ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HARD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HARD-EARNED money, esp. that identified as earnings ...1975 sl.
• HARD MONEY coin ...c1848
• HARL(E) money or property obtained by dishonourable means ...1815 Sc.
• HARDSTUFF money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HARD TACK silver money, esp. dollars ...1895 Amer. dial. arch.
• HEAVY SUGAR a large amount of money ...1926 US sl.
• HEN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HONEY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HORSE NAILS cash, money ...1859 sl.
• HOXTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• HUXTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• ICE money in general ...L19 US sl.
• INDER a great number or quantity of persons or things, esp. of money ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INNS money ...20C teen & high school sl.
• INS money ...1990s US college sl.
• IRON money ...1785 sl.
• JACK money ...1890 sl., orig. US
• JINGLE n. money in small coins ...1906 Aust. sl.
• JINK money ... Bk1896 sl.
• JOHN DAVIS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• JOHN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• K money ...1990s US campus sl.
• KALA a dollar; money ...1955 Hawaii
• KALE money ...1912 Amer. sl.
• KALE SEED money ...20C US sl.
• KANGA money ...1950s Aust. rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'screw')
• KELTER money, cash ...1807 N. Eng. dial.
• KICKBACK money paid (illegally) to someone who has made it possible for you too do something ...1958 sl., orig. US
• KILTER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• KING'S PICTURES money ...L17 sl.
• LACE money ...1971 US sl.
• LACKITS small sums of money; oddments, odds and ends ...1790 Eng. dial.
• LAKETS trifles, odd things; small sums of money ...1677 Eng. dial.
• LAKING-BRASS pocket money, money to spend on enjoyment ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LAS money, esp. as a loan or a contribution ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAUNDROMAT a business, such as a casino, in which money has been gained through criminal activities can be decriminalized ...1980s sl.
• LAUNDRY a business, such as a casino, in which money has been gained through criminal activities can be decriminalized ...1980s sl.
• LAWFUL PICTURES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LEGEM PONE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LETTUCE money ...1929 sl., orig. US
• LIGHT a small amount of money ...20C sl.
• LINE money ...1972 US sl.
• LOAVER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOLLY money ...1943 Brit. sl.
• LONG BREAD a great deal of money ...1970 Amer. dial.
• LONG DOUGH a considerable amount of money ...1947 Amer. dial.
• LONG GREEN 1. money ...1896 US sl.
2. a lot of money ...1971 Amer. dial.
• LONG GREEN, THE money ...sl.
• LOOT n...1943 sl.
• LOUR money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOURE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• LOVELY MONEY. good money; esp. plenty of money ...c1931 Brit. sl.
• L.S.D.. money ...c1835 Brit. colloq.
• LURRIES † money or jewellery ...1673 thieves' sl.
• LURRY money ...M17 sl.
• LUSH money ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• LUSH GREEN money ...1951 US sl.
• MAAS money ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• MAD MONEY 1. money carried by a women in case she wants to return home from a date without her escort ...1922 Amer. sl.
2. money that may be used for unplanned or impetuous purchases; extra spending money ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
• MAGAGEBA money ...1970s S. Afr. Black usage
• MAG-STAKE money obtained by trickery or fraud ...M19 sl.
• MAIL money ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• MALHAVELINS small matters, bits and pieces; odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; typically used of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MAMMON money ...1706 jocular
• MANABLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAROLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAVALINS odds and ends, bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...M19 sl.
• MANAVELINGS odds and ends, bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...M19 sl.
• MANAVILINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MANAVLINS small matters, odds and ends; articles supplementary to the ordinary fare; bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...1865 sl.
• MAZUKA money ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MAZUMA money ...1904 US sl.
• MAZUME money ...1904 US sl.
• MEASURES money ...1960s sl.
• MEDZERS money ...1960s sl.
• MEGABUCKS a large amount of money ...1946 sl., orig. US
• MENSE-MONEY pocket-money; money kept in the pocket so as to never be without money and to show one's respectability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSE-PENNY pocket-money; money kept in the pocket so as to never be without money and to show one's respectability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• METAL money ...L18 Brit. colloq.
• MIL a million; usually of money ...1960s sl.
• MILLERY a mint; a place for coining money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MINT, A a large amount of money ...1655 sl.
• MINT LEAF a banknote; money ...1920s US sl.
• MINT SAUCE money ...E19 sl.
• MOLA money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MON money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MONEY FOR DIRT anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR DUST anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR JAM anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR OLD ROPE money for nothing or almost nothing ...20C colloq.
• MONISH money ...1804 Amer. Anglo-Yiddish usage
• MOO money ...1945 sl.
• MOOLA(H) money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOPUS a piece of money; coin ...1698 sl.
• MOPPUSSES money ...L18 sl.
• MOPUSSES money ...L18 sl.
• MOSS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOTSA a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MOTSER a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZA a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZER a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOULDY-'UNS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOZZARELLA money ...2000s US Black sl.
• MUCK money ...L17 sl.
• MUCKHILL a pile of money ...L17 sl.
• MULLA money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MUMPER'S BRASS money ...E18 sl.
• MUN money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MUNLEE money ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• NEEDFUL, THE the necessary funds; money, cash ...1774 colloq.
• NEGOTIABLE GRASS money ...1951 US sl.
• NELSON EDDIES money, cash ...1930s rhyming sl. for readies'
• NEW LIGHT new money ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• NICKER money in general ...1950s sl.
• NIGS the clippings of money ...c1696 sl.
• NOBBING collecting money, 'passing the hat round' ...M19 sl.
• NOBBINGS 1. a collection of money, esp. money tossed into a boxing ring after an amateur or boys' fight ...M19
2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• NOBBINS money collected from an audience, esp. money thrown into a boxing ring ...1998 Brit. sl.
• NO-COUNT worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• NONSENSE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• NOT A BEAN nothing at all; no money whatever ...1928 sl.
• NUGGETS money, esp. cash ...c1890 colloq.
• NUPPENCE no money ...1886 Brit. sl.
• OAT a penny; a halfpenny; the smallest amount of money ...L19 sl.
• OATS FOR THE DONKEY money ...c1910 motor trade imperfect rhyming sl.
• OCHER money ...c1860 sl.
• OCHRE money; cash ...1835 sl.
• ODAY money ...1928 US Pig Latin for 'dough'
• ODDS of money: small change ...2002 UK sl.
• ODDSES the change or balance of money ...1893 Eng. dial.
• OIL money ...1885 Amer. sl.
• OIL OF ANGELS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• OIL OF ARGENTUM money ...E18 sl.
• OIL OF PALM(S) money, usually in the form of a bribe ...E17 sl.
• OINTMENT money ...15C sl.
• OLD money ... Bk1903 sl.
• OOCHRE money ...c1860 sl.
• OOF money ...1885 sl.
• OOFTISH money 1882 sl.
• OOT money ...1920s Aust. sl.
• O.P.M. borrowed money (Other People's Money) ...1901 sl.
• OSCAR money ...1917 Aust. & NZ rhyming sl. for 'cash' (Oscar Asche)
• OSCAR ASCHE cash; money ...1905 Aust. rhyming. sl.
• OSCAR ASH cash; money ...1905 Aust. rhyming. sl.
• PACK † a bundle of money, stock of cash; a cash-box ...c1394
• PACKAGE a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• PACKET a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• PAINT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PAISA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PALM-GREASE money given as a douceur or bribe ...1897 humorous
• PALMING RACKET secreting money in the palm of the hand ...1812 UK criminals' sl.
• PALM-OIL money give as a douceur or bribe, a tip ...a1627 humorous
• PALM SOAP money, usually in the form of a bribe ...E17 sl.
• PAN money ...1847 UK criminals' sl.
• PANGA money ...1894 Amer. dial.
• PAP money ... M19 sl.
• PAPER money, usually notes ...L18 sl., orig. US Black
• PAPERWORK money; currency notes ...1997 UK sl.
• PAPES money ...1990s sl., orig. US Black
• PARCEL † 1. a small portion, item, instalment, of a sum of money; a small sum ...1491 rare or obs.
2. a substantial sum of money, esp. when won or lost in gambling ...L19 sl.
• PARINGS clippings of money ...L17 sl.
• PEANUTS a small amount of money; a trivial sum ...1934 Amer. sl.
• PEE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PENG money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PENGER money ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PENNY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PEWTER worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PEWTER MONEY worthless money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PHILADELPHIA BANKROLL a single large-denomination note wrapped around small denomination notes , giving the impression of a great deal of money ...1968 US sl.
• PHILADELPHIA ROLL a "Philadelphia bankroll" ...1972 US sl.
• PIECES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PIESA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PILE a large amount of money ...colloq
• PISA money ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PLATE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PLUMS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POCKET money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POCKET ROLL a roll of paper money kept in the pocket ...1960s US Black sl.
• POKE money; one's bankroll ...1926 Amer. sl.
• PONY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POPPY money ...1943 sl.
• PORTCULLIS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POSH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• POT, A a large amount of money ...1871 sl.
• POTATOES money ...1931 US sl.
• POTS a large amount of money ...1871 sl.
• POULTICE a large amount of money; applied esp. to money used as a bribe ...1904 Aust. sl.
• POWDER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PRETTY PENNY, A a considerable sum of money ...colloq.
• PREY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• PURSE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• QUARTZ money ...L19 sl.
• QUATRIN * a small piece of money; a farthing ...c1400
• QUEEN'S PICTURES money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S PORTRAIT money ...E18 sl.
• QUEER money ... Bk1903 sl.
• QUEER-BIT bad money ...Bk1890 sl.
• QUICK instantly available money ...1950s US Black sl.
• QUICK QUID money that is earned quickly and, possibly, illicitly ...1920s Aust. sl.
• QUID †* money, cash ...a1700 sl.
• QUIDS 1. money ...L17 sl.
2. a large amount of money ...1930 Aust.
• QUILLS money ...M19 sl.
• QUINE coin; money ...1872 Eng. dial.
• QUINIE coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• QUINZIE coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• RACK a large quantity of money ...2000s US Black sl.
• RAG 1. money in general ...L16 sl.
2. a banknote, paper money; usually in plural ...1817 sl.
• RAGS † paper money ...1935 Amer. sl.
• RAISE a substantial amount of (stolen) money ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RAP money in general ...L19 sl.
• RAZOO any money; a trivial amount of money ...1919 Aust. & NZ sl.
• READIES money in bank and/or currency notes ...1935 sl., orig. bank clerks'
• READY, THE money; spec., money in hand ...1688 sl.
• READY-COME-DOWN plenty of money ...1952 Amer. dial.
• READY-GILT money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• READY-JOHN money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• READY-STUFF money; spec., money in hand ...19C sl.
• RED gold, thus money, i.e. sovereigns ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RED CENT any money; a trivial amount of money ...1839 sl., orig. US
• REDDIES money; usually applied to bank notes ...1937 sl.
• REDGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• REEK money ...Bk1903 cant
• REGULARS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• REVETS money ...1876 Eng. dial. sl.
• REVITS money ...1876 Eng. dial. sl.
• RHINO money; spec. ready money ...1688 sl.
• RIBBAND money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIBBIN money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIBBON money ...Bk1903 sl.
• RIDGE money ... Bk1903 sl.
• RING money extorted by rogues on the highway or by gentlemen beggars ...1785 sl.
• RIVETS money ...1846 sl.
• ROCKS money ...M19 US sl.
• ROGAN GOSH money ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'dosh'
• ROLL a collection of bills or notes rolled together; hence, more generally, one's money ...1846 US & Aust. sl.
• ROLL JACK RICE COULDN'T JUMP OVER a large amount of money ...1945 Aust. sl.
• ROOT OF ALL EVIL money ... Bk1903 sl.
• ROWDY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• RUM-BIT good money ...Bk1890 sl.
• SALT money ...L19 US sl.
• SALVE money, esp. as a reward for something difficult ...20C US sl.
• SAND money ...L19 sl., orig. US
• SAUCE money ...M18 sl.
• SAUCEPAN LID money; usually in the plural ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'quid'
• SAUSAGE AND MASH cash, money ...1976 UK rhyming sl.
• SAWDUST money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SCADS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SCALE(S) money ...1872 US sl.
• SCRATCH money ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHADSCALES money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHAN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHEKELS money, cash ...1883 sl.
• SHELLS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHIGS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHINERS money in coin, esp. sovereigns or guineas ...1760 sl.
• SHINPLASTER 1. the fractional currency (worth 10 cents, twenty-five cents, etc.) issued by the Union in response to coin shortages during the war ...US Civil War usage
2. small paper currency ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• SHIN-PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHOESTRING a small amount of money ...1904 sl., orig. US
• SHOT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SHOT IN ONE'S LOCKER a piece of money in one's possession ...1835 nautical US sl.
• SHRAP copper coins; any small change ...c1915 NZ sl.
• SHRAPNEL copper coins; any small change ...c1915 NZ sl.
• SIDE-MONEY money earned in addition to one's regular job ...1920s US sl.
• SILK money ...1950 US sl.
• SILVER money ...1966 US sl.
• SILVER BULLETS money contributed to the war loans ...1916 journalistic colloq.
• SIMLOONS money ...L19 US sl.
• SIMOLEONS money ...L19 US sl.
• SINEWS OF WAR, THE money ...c1550
• SINGLE MONEY † small money, small change ...1591
• SKEWINGS extras, bonuses; any form of money, esp. when gained for nothing ...M19 sl.
• SKIN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SKULLY money ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SMACKER a coin or note of money; a dollar; a pound ...E20 sl., orig. N. Amer.
• SMACKEROO a coin or note of money; a dollar; a pound ...E20 sl., orig. N. Amer.
• SMALL FORTUNE, A a large amount of money ...1874 sl.
• SMASH loose change ...1821 sl.
• SNAPS money ...1997 US sl.
• SNOW money; applied esp. to money in silver coins ...1925 sl.
• SOAP money; latterly esp. applied to money used in bribery ...1860 US sl.
• SOFT money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SOFT-FLIMSY money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SOFT MONEY notes ...c1848
• SPANISH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPANKERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPANKS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• SPLIT small change ...L19 sl.
• SPLOSH money ...1893 sl.
• SPONDOOLICK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDOOLICKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDOOLIKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDOOLIX money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULICK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDULICKS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULICS money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONDULIK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1923 US sl.
• SPONDULIX money ...1857 sl., orig. US
• SPONS money ...M19 US & Aust. sl.
• SPOON money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STACK money ...1997 US sl.
• STAMPS money ...US Civil War usage
• STEVEN money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STEVERS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• STIFF money ...1897 sl.
• STIVER a small amount, esp. of money
• STOCKS OF TIN any amount of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• STUFF, THE money ...1775 sl.
• STUMP money ...Bk1904 sl.
• STUMPY money ... 1837 sl.
• SUGAR money ... 1859 sl.
• SWAG money; valuables ...sl.
• TACK money ...1950s sl.
• TAKE money acquired by theft or fraud ...1888 sl., chiefly US
• TALL MONEY a large amount of money; substantial wealth ...1940s US Black sl.
• TANK money ...2000s sl.
• TANKING the act of concealing money on one's person ...1980s UK tramps' sl.
• TAP CITY a metaphorical place devoted to borrowing or begging money ...1920s sl.
• TEASPOONS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• TILL money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TIN money, cash ...1836 sl.
• TOADHIDE a piece of paper money, esp. a dollar bill; a dollar ...1941 Amer. dial.
• TOADSKIN a piece of paper money, esp. a dollar bill; a dollar ...1857 Amer. dial.
• TOPS AND BOTTOMS a roll of notes of which only those on the very top and bottom are genuine, the rest being paper trimmed to fit and bulk out the roll ...1959 UK sl.
• TOW money ... Bk1903 sl.
• TOWER clipped money ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• TRAP MONEY money containing tear gas and/or dye kept in a bank to be given to bank robbers ...2004 US sl.
• UNCLE SAM'S I.O.U. money, a note ...1940s sl.
• UXTER money ...L19 sl.
• VALOR † the amount in money, etc., that a thing is worth; value ...1496-7
• VALOUR † the amount of money, etc., or sum that a thing is worth ...c1350
• VELVET money in excess of what is expected ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• VEX-MONEY money a woman carries with her on a date; if, for whatever reason (usually the denial of sex), she is forced to make her way home, she has some funds ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAD a roll of money or money in general ...E19 sl.
• WALKING † passing of money from hand to hand ...1549
• WALLPAPER 1. worthless paper money such as counterfeit notes ...1940s US sl.
2. money ...1980s drugs sl.
• WAMPUM money ...1897 jocular
• WEDGE a wad of banknotes; hence, generally, a significant amount of money ...1977 Brit. sl., orig. criminals' sl.
• WELL-SINKING making money ...L18 Anglo-Indian
• WHAT IT TAKES money ...1920s sl. orig. US
• WHEREWITH money ... Bk1903 sl.
• WHEREWITHAL money ... Bk1903 sl.
• WHIPS OF TIN any amount of money ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• WHITE money ...1960 sl.
• WILLIAM a piece of paper currency ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WILLY a piece of paper currency ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WONG money ...1953 UK sl.
• WONGA money ...1953 UK sl.
• WONGER money ...1953 UK sl.
• WOODEN MONEY a counterfeit or worthless coin or money ...1915 US sl.
• WOODEN NICKEL a counterfeit or worthless coin or money ...1915 US sl.
• YAFFLE money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YAFFUL money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YARLS money given to confirm a bargain; earnest money ...1881 Eng. dial.
• YAYO money ...2000s US Black & drugs sl.
• YELLOWBOYS money ... Bk1903 sl.
• YENNOMS money ... Bk1903 back sl.
• YURLS money given to confirm a bargain; earnest money ...1881 Eng. dial.
• ZAC any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
• ZACK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
• ZAK any money; a trivial amount of money ...1953 Aust. sl.
money - person
• ANGEL a person who supplies money without getting anything in return ...1924 Amer. sl.
• BEAT a person who saves in a mean way, or is greedy in money matters ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROSIER a boy who has spent all his pocket-money ...1850 Eton sl.
• FAST-BUCK ARTIST anyone keen on (and successful in) making a great deal of money ...1970s US sl.
• FAST-BUCK GUY anyone keen on (and successful in) making a great deal of money ...1970s US sl.
• FIGURE-DANCER one who alters the face value of banknotes, cheques, bills, etc. ...L18C sl.
• HIGHMADANDY someone who has more money than brains ...20C Ulster sl.
• JASON'S FLEECE a citizen cheated of his gold ...1690 cant
• MINK a female whose romantic interest in a man is overshadowed by her interest in his financial worth ...1960 US sl. • MONEYBAGS a lover of money ...E19 sl.
• MONEY-CORMORANT one greedy for money ...1840
• MONEY-GRUB one who is sordidly intent on amassing money; an avaricious person ...1768
• NOBBER a collector of money; a person who collects money for a street entertainer ...1890 Brit. sl.
• OOF-BIRD a source or supplier of money; 'the goose that lays the golden eggs' ...1888 sl.
• PAPER CHASER one who is looking for money, usually a drug dealer ...2000s US Black sl.
• PHILARGYRIST † a lover of money; a covetous person ...1633
• PURSE-LEECH † a person greedy for money; a grasping person; an extortioner ...1598
• RAG BAG a person who can be easily persuaded to give up sex or money ...1990s sl.
• RAG DOLL a person who can be easily persuaded to give up sex or money ...1990s sl.
• SCRATCHER one who is greedily intent on accumulating money; a money-grubber ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TABLER † a money-changer ...c1550
• WHALE IN THE BAY someone who has money to spend and uses it on the assembled company ...1960s Aust. sl.
money - verbs
• BE IN FUNDS to have plenty of money ...19C colloq.
• BOT to cadge or sponge money ...1921 Aust. sl.
• BREAK UPON to change money; to draw on one's savings, etc. ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CARRY to have surplus money ...1996 N. Ireland
• CASH DOWN to pay; to hand over money ...1882 US sl.
• CHUMP OFF to lose money irresponsibly ...1950s US Black sl.
• CLEAN to fraudulently deprive someone of all or most of their money ...1812 sl.
• CLEAN OUT to deprive of money ...1812 sl.
• COME A STOOMER to lose one's money ...1900 Aust. sl.
• COME A STUMER to lose one's money ...1900 Aust. sl.
• CRACK to change money; to cash a cheque ...1927 Amer. sl.
• DECRY to suppress, or to depreciate by proclamation; to reduce the value of money ...1617
• DIB to make a small present of money, to tip ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIP SOUTH to search your pockets for money ...2002 NZ sl.
• DO ONE'S COBBLERS to lose one's money ...1980s sl.
• DROP to lose, give, or part with money ...L17 sl.
• EASE † to provide, to furnish; to advance money ...1721 Sc.
• FAST to be out of pocket ...M19 sl.
• FEEL THE PINCH to feel the effects of having insufficient money ...1861 colloq.
• FLASH THE BLUNT to show money ...1823 sl.
• FLASH THE DIBS to show or spend one's money ...Bk1893 sl.
• FLY A KITE to raise money ...B1880 sl.
• FLY-BLOW to separate someone from his money ...20C Aust. sl.
• GET THE FAT OFF to relieve someone of their money, usually by some form of trickery ...1960s Aust. sl.
• GO ON A LURK to get money through false pretenses ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• GRUBSTAKE to provide with a grubstake (see nouns) ...1879 Amer. sl.
• HABBIE-GABBIE to throw money, etc. into a crowd to be scrambled for ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HANDLE to receive or get money from; to secure; to get hold of ...1823 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HANDSEL to give money or a present to celebrate a new undertaking, etc.; to celebrate for the first time, esp. by drinking ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP ALL THE BEANS IN THE SACK to be careful of one's money ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KILL THE CHANGE to keep the change ...2000 UK sl.
• KNOCK DOWN to earn or obtain money, usually for work, or by requesting a loan or gift ...1920s US sl.
• LAND ON A PEBBLY BEACH to be short of money ...L19 sl.
• LAUNDER to decriminalize money that has been gained through criminal activities by 'washing' it through a legitimate business, such as a casino or bank ...1970s sl.
• LOSE ONE'S BRITCHES to lose a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• LUG ONE'S EAR to ask for money; to borrow money from ...20C Aust. sl.
• MACE 1. to beg or demand money from ...E19 sl.
2. to owe money ...1979 UK sl.
• MAKE A PACK to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A PACKAGE to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A PACKET to make a large sum of money ...1910s sl.
• MAKE A RAISE to get hold of some money, legally or otherwise ...E19 sl.
• NIG to clip money ...c1696 sl.
• MAGGOT to waste money; to spend foolishly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAKE A RAISE to obtain money in a non-criminal manner; to secure something ...M19 US sl.
• MAKE UP ONE'S LEG to make money ...1909 Brit. costermongers' sl.
• MINT to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT GOLD to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT IT to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MINT MONEY to make a good deal of money, to profit ...M19 sl.
• MOP UP to gain or win a significant of money ...1851 sl.
• NAB THE RUST to receive money ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• NOB 1. to collect money ...M19 sl.
2. to collect money from an audience after a performance or other attraction ...1851 Brit. sl.
• OCKER † of money: to grow with the addition of interest ...a1225
• OKER † of money: to grow with the addition of interest ...a1225
• PACK to carry money, to be in funds ...1920s US sl.
• PAN OUT to hand over money ...L19 Aust. & US sl.
• PEEL OFF to give money ...c1925 sl.
• PULL DOWN ONE'S EAR to get money from a person, esp. as a tip ...c1870 Cockneys' sl.
• PUT IN ONE'S POCKET to convert into money ...1857 Amer. dial.
• PUT THE ACID ON to request money of ...1906 Aust. sl.
• PUT THE ARM ON SOMEONE to ask for, demand, or borrow money from ...20C Amer. sl.
• QUINE to coin money ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUOMODOCUNQUIZE † to make money in any possible way ...1652 nonce word
• RAISE to get hold of some money, legally or otherwise ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• RAISE THE BREEZES to obtain money; to obtain a loan ...L18 sl.
• RAISE THE WIND to procure money or necessary means ...a1350
• RAKE to make money, esp. in generous quantities or at an enviable speed ...1583 UK
• RAKE IN THE SHEKELS to make money rapidly ...1883 sl.
• RAKE TOGETHER to make a great deal of money ...M19 sl.
• RAKE UP to make a great deal of money ...M19 sl.
• RING THE CHANGES to substitute bad money for good ...1678 sl.
• SCART to scrape together money or other possessions ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SHYSTER to trick money out of someone; usually as adj. 'shystering' ...M19 sl.
• SIFT to clean one out of money ...1591
• SIGHT A PEBBLY BEACH to be short of money ...L19 sl.
• STRIKE to get money; to steal; to beg, to borrow; to get into debt ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUCK to extract ideas or money ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUGAR OFF in speaking of large sums of money: to amount to ...Bk1904 Amer. sl.
• TAKE HEAT to lose money ...1920s US sl.
• TAKE OFF to deprive of money ...L19 US Black & criminals' sl.
• TAP 1. to exhaust one's finances ...1910s US sl.
2. to obtain money (other than as a loan) ...20C sl.
• TAP OUT 1. to come to the end of one's finances ...1930s sl., orig. US
2. to relieve someone of their last money ...1960s sl.
• TURN AN HONEST PENNY to earn one's living honestly; to make money by fair means
• UNBELT to hand over money ...L19 US sl.
• WAIVE † to cast away money ...c1440
• WALK IN TALL CORN to make a great deal of money ...1997 US sl.
• WHISTLE UP A BREEZE to obtain money; to obtain a loan ...L18 sl.
money - phrases
• AIN'T LONG ENOUGH of money: not enough, insufficient ...1970s US Black sl.
• CAKE IS GETTING THIN one's money is running low ...20C sl.
• MONEY GOING TO BED a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONEY MAKES THE MARE TO GO money can do most things ...L16 colloq.
• MONEY TALKS money is very powerful ...1586 sl.
• MY RIGHT HAND ITCHES I shall receive money ...1708-10 sl.
• RIBBIN RUNS THICK, THE 'the breeches are well lined' (there's plenty of money) ...c1696 sl.
• RIBBIN RUNS THIN, THE there's little money ...c1696 sl.
• CASKET † a money-box or 'chest' ...1832
• PIRLIE a money-box ...1889 Sc.
• SAVE-ALL a money-box to receive small savings or contributions ...1837
• THRIFT-BOX a money or savings box ...1777 Eng. dial.
• THRIFT-POT a money or savings box ...1862 Eng. dial.
• THRIP-BOX a money-box for saving ...1865 Eng. dial.
• BANK † 1. the shop, office, or place of business of a money-dealer ...1474
† 2. the table or counter of a money-changer or dealer in money ...1567
money-dealer - person
• BANKER † orig. a money-changer; then, one who dealt in bills of exchange, giving drafts and making remittances ...1534
• CASHIER † a money-dealer ...1643
• LAANIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAHNIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANI moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANIE moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LARNEY moneyed, rich, wealthy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• BILL-SWEATER a money-lender ...Bk1911 Sc.
• IKE (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• IKEY (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• IKEY-MO a Jewish receiver, money-lender, pawnbroker, or peddler ...E19 sl.
• IKY (derogatory & offensive) a Jewish money-lender ...1864 sl.
• LAND-SHARK a moneylender; a usurer ...M19 sl.
• MAHAJUN a money-lender, a usurer ...1858
• SCREW a money-lender ...1932 Amer. dial.
• SHYLOCK (derogatory & offensive) a hard-hearted money-lender ...1786 sl.
• PAPER any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• PAPERS any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.