• MACROPINE pert. to the kangaroo ...1888
kangaroo - nouns
• BOOMER a large male kangaroo ...1830 Aust.
• FLIER a swiftly moving kangaroo, usually female ...1826 Aust. colloq.
• KANGA a kangaroo ...c1890 Aust. colloq.
• OLD MAN a full-grown male kangaroo ...1828 Aust.
• ROO a kangaroo ...1898 Aust. sl.
kangaroo - person
• KANGAROOER a kangaroo hunter ...B1943 Aust. colloq.
• MACROPICIDE a slayer of kangaroos ...1866 nonce word
• JAY-HAWKER 1. a name given to members of the bands who carried on irregular warfare in and around eastern Kansas, in the free soil conflict, and the early part of the American civil war, and who combined pillage with guerilla fighting; hence, generally, a raiding guerilla or irregular soldier ...1865 US
2. a Kansan ...1875 Amer. sl.
• KARMIC of the nature of karma ...1885
• BATELESS † that cannot be 'bated' or blunted; unalterably keen ...1593
• BRAIN-MAD determined; keenly bent on; hurried on with the greatest impetuosity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRICKLE eager, keen, industrious, ambitious ...1902 Amer. dial.
• BRIGHT-EYED AND BUSHY-TAILED keen, confident, and alert ...colloq.
• DEAR keen, ardent ...1955 Amer. dial.
• EDGY eager, anxious, desirous, keen ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EDYAN eager, keen ...1929 Sc.
• EGG ON keen, eager ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FRUNTY free in manner; spirited, implying the idea of forwardness; keen, eager; passionate ...19C Sc.
• GOOFY obsessed; keen on ...1910s US sl.
• IN A SWEAT keen ...L19 sl.
• JACKED OFF enthusiastic, very keen ...1980s US sl.
• LAAGER eager, keen ...1866 Sc.
• MUSTARD very keen ...1925 Brit. sl.
• MUSTARD KEEN very keen ...1979 Brit. sl.
• REITHE † keen, ardent ...1838 Sc.
• SAVAGE keen, eager ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHARP-SET very keen on or eager for
• TENT watchful, attentive; keen; intent ...1789 Sc.
• UP FOR keen on, willing to do ...M19 sl.
• VOGEROUS boastful; elated; keen ...1899 Sc.
• YAP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen; desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAPE eager, keen, ready, active ...1739 Sc.
• YAUP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen, desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc.
• YAWP quick, apt, ready; eager, keen; desirous; forward ...1685 Sc.
keen - verbs
• BE MUSTARD ON to be very eager or keen on ...c1950 colloq.
• DEARLY † deeply, keenly ...1590
• EAGERLY † sharply, pungently, keenly; violently, harshly, severely ...1377
• LIKE TAR very keenly, very quickly ...1900s sl.
• NARROW † closely, carefully, keenly ...a900
• ACRITY †* sharpness, keenness, shrewdness ...1619
• EDGE † of persons: ardour, keenness in pursuit of an object; in weaker sense, inclination, liking ...1581
• QUICKNESS † sharpness, keenness; pungency or acidity of taste; sharpness of speech ...1611
• ZOWIE keenness, enthusiasm, energy ...1910s sl.
KEEN-SIGHTED - adjectives
• EAGLE-EYED keen-sighted ...1601
KEEP AWAY - verbs
• FORFEND to avert, to keep away or off, to fend off, to prevent ...1382 arch.
KEEPER - nouns, person
• WARD † a watchman, a guard, a keeper, a warden ...a680
• YEMER † a keeper, a guardian; a ruler ...c1320
KEEPING - nouns
• YEMING † care, keeping, protection ...c1250
• YEMSEL † keeping, care, charge, custody ...c1200 chiefly Sc.
KEEPSAKE - nouns
• DRUERY † a love-token, a keepsake, a gift, a present ...a1225
KEG - nouns
• BARRICO a keg, a small cask or barrel ...1607
• CAG † a small cask; a keg ...LME obs. exc. Sc. and Amer. dial.
• KAG a small cask, a keg ...1818 Eng. dial.
• KEMPKIN †* a small barrel, a keg ...1580 Sc.
• MONKEY a keg, cask or other container for liquor ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
• TASTRIL a small keg or barrel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
KEG - verbs
• SPEAR THE KEG to broach a keg of beer ...1994 Aust. sl.
KENO - nouns
• AROUND THE WORLD in Keno: a bet made on the numbers found in the eight corners of a Keno ticket (1, 10, 31, 40, 41, 50, 71 and 80) ...1969 US sl.
• KENTUCK Kentucky ...1826 Amer. dial.
• L'VILLE Louisville, Kentucky ...1981 US sl.
Kentucky - person
• CORNCRACKER a native of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Virginia ...M19 US sl.
• EASEMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1910s US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1911 US sl.
• EASY RIDER a kept man; a pimp ...1914 US sl.
• HARDBOOT a person from Kentucky ...1923 US sl.
• KENTUCK (often derogatory) a Kentuckian; one who is or is assumed to be of Kentucky origin ...1826 Amer. dial.
• MALUNGEON one of a race of people in southwestern Virginia and eastern Kentucky and Tennessee said to have partly Indian blood ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• RED-HORSE a native of Kentucky ...Bk1903 sl.
• APPLE-SQUIRE a kept man ...16C Brit. sl.
• APRON-SQUIRE a kept man ...16C Brit. sl.
• CUNT-PENSIONER a kept man; a pimp; a man living on a woman's harlotry or concubinage ...19C colloq.
• DADDIO a pimp or kept man ...1961 US sl.
• DADDY-O a pimp or kept man ...1961 US sl.
• FAIR LADY a kept woman ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FANCY WOMAN a kept woman; a harlot; a prostitute ...1907 Amer. dial.
• LADY OF THE LAKE † a kept mistress ...1625
• SOILED-DOVE a kept mistress or prostitute ...1865 sl.
• ST. JOHN'S WOOD DONA an up-market prostitute or kept woman ...L19 sl.
KERCHIEF (also see BANDANNA) - nouns
• HEADCLOTH a kerchief ...1747 Amer. dial.
• HEAD HANDKERCHIEF a kerchief ...1852 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-HANKCHER a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-HANKERCHER a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEADKERCHER * a kerchief for the head ...1577
• HEADKERCHIEF * a kerchief for the head ...1540
• HEAD-PIECE any covering for the head; a cap, a kerchief ...1552
• HEAD RAG a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-RAIL † the kerchief or head-dress of women in Old English times ...1834 obs. exc. Hist.
• HEAD SQUARE a kerchief ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HEAD WRAP a kerchief ...1896 Amer. dial.
• KERCH † a kerchief ...c1430
• KERCHER † a kerchief ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAPKIN a kerchief used to cover the head, or to tie round the neck ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NECK-ABOUT a woman's neckerchief; a collar ...1691 Eng. dial.
• NECKATEE †* a lady's neckerchief ...1758
• NECK-CLOUT a kerchief ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NECKERCHER † a kerchief worn about the neck ...1467 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NECKERCHIEF a kerchief worn about the neck ...1382
• NECK-HANKERCHER a kerchief ...1865 Eng. dial.
• NECKING a kerchief; a necktie ...1816 Eng. dial.
• NECKINGER † a kerchief worn about the neck ...1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAIL † a piece of linen or other cloth formerly worn about the neck by women; a neckerchief ...1482
• RAMBO RAG handkerchief worn on the head ...1991 US sl.
• TIGNON a brightly coloured handkerchief worn as a head covering by women ...1884 Amer. dial.
• VALLEAT a kerchief for the head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• VOLLEAT a kerchief for the head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ZEPHYR a light scarf or kerchief ...1821 Amer. dial.
kerchief - person
• KERCHIEF † a woman who wears a kerchief ...1700 nonce use
• BUCKET OF LIGHT a gallon of kerosene ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CARBON OIL kerosene ...1904 Amer. dial.
• FIRE OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• HEADLIGHT kerosene ...1940 Amer. dial.
• HEADLIGHT OIL kerosene ...1940 Amer. dial.
• INSURANCE OIL kerosene ...1916 Amer. dial.
• LIGHTNING OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• LIGHT OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• PETROL kerosene ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PETROLEUM kerosene ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PETROLEUM OIL kerosene ...1889 Amer. dial.
KETCHUP - nouns
• BLOOD ketchup ...Bk1944 service sl.
• GROWLY ketchup ...1900 US Military Academy usage
• PAINT ketchup/catsup ...1940s US sl.
• RED EYE catsup; ketchup ...World War I sl.
• RED LEAD tomato ketchup ...1918 naval sl.
KETTLE - nouns
• BATTRY a tea-kettle ...Bk1898
• BERLIN KETTLE a large kettle used to boil foods ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BETTY a nickname for the kettle ...1879 Eng. dial.
• BILLIKIN a small 'billy' or tin can used as a kettle ...1926 colloq.
• BOWLER a kettle, a boiler ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIDDIKY a gypsy's kettle ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• NERRY a tea-kettle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SUKEY a kettle ...Bk1904 sl.
• TANKER a tea-kettle ...1821 Sc.
KETTLE - verbs
• RATTLE of a kettle: to boil ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CLAVICULARIOUS † pertaining to a key ...1656
key - nouns
• BOW the handle of scissors, or of a key ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CLICKET † a latch-key ...c1386 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FALSE KEY a skeleton key, a picklock ...1701
• JIGGER a key ...1823 sl.
• KATE a skeleton key ...M17 sl.
• SLUG a key ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TWISTER a key ...1940 US sl.
key - verbs
• FAKE A SCREW to shape a skeleton or false key ...1812 thieves' sl.
• THROW to twist; to wreath, to wind; to wrench, to sprain; to wring the neck; to turn a key; to torture, esp. by twisting a cord round the head ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BOOT a kick ...1942 colloq.
• DRIVE a blow, a punch; a kick ...1839 colloq.
• FLANKER a blow; a retort; a kick ...Bk1893 sl.
• JILLPOKE a kick ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PADDY QUICK a kick ...1960s rhyming sl.
• PILE-DRIVER a forceful punch or kick ...colloq.
• ROOT a kick ...1900 sl., chiefly schools' usage
• SKOP a kick ...1920s S. Afr. sl.
• TANK a blow, a knock; a kick from a horse ...1686 Eng. dial.
• TIMBER-KISS a kick with clogs ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WALLOCH a Highland dance; a fling; a kick ...1871 Sc.
• WELLIE a kick ...1977 Brit. sl.
• WELLY a kick ...1977 Brit. sl.
• YARK † the act of lashing out with the heels, as a horse; a kick; a sudden or abrupt movement, a jerk, a twitch ...1581 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † the act of lashing out with the heels, as a horse; a kick; a sudden or abrupt movement, a jerk, a twitch ...1581 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
kick - verbs
• ARSE to kick upon the seat ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BOOT to kick ...1877 colloq.
• CALCITRATE to kick; to spurn ...1623
• DANCE to kick and stomp ...1821 US sl.
• DANCE ON to kick and stomp ...1821 US sl.
• DANCE ON SOMEONE'S FACE to hit or kick in the face ...1980s US Black sl.
• DANCE ON SOMEONE'S LIPS to hit or kick in the face ...1980s US Black sl.
• DO A DANCE ON to kick and stomp ...1974 US sl.
• HOCK to kick ...1970s US sl.
• PUT THE BOOT IN to kick brutally, to take decisive action ...1916 sl.
• RACK to kick in the testicles ...1980s UK juvenile sl.
• RASEN to take off the skin of a person's legs by striking or kicking them ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• ROOT to kick ...1890 sl., chiefly schools' usage
• SCAUT to scramble; to slip; to kick, to scratch, to scrape with the feet; to trample the ground ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCRIMP to kick violently; to do anything with energy ...1889 Sc.
• SKELP to slap, to beat, to kick ...a1825 Eng. dial.
• SKOP to kick somebody or something ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• TAVE to sprawl with the arms and legs; to kick or fidget with the feet ...1781 Eng. dial.
• WALLOP to flounder; to tumble over; to kick about; to move heavily; to waddle or bend in walking; to be slatternly ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• WELLIE to kick ...1966 Brit. sl.
• WELLY to kick ...1966 Brit. sl.
• YARK † to lash or strike out with the heels; to kick ...1565 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † to lash or strike out with the heels; to kick ...1565 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERKER a kicker; a flogger ...1664
• CALCITRATION kicking, lit. and fig. ...1652
• SPLITSEY a kicking a person in the testicles while two people hold each leg akimbo ...c1955 UK playground sl.
kicking - phrases
• SPLIT THE KIPPER a kicking a person in the testicles while two people hold each leg akimbo ...c1955 UK playground sl.
• CHICKEN a victim of a robbery, kidnapping, confidence game, etc. ...20C Amer. sl.
• NAPPERKIDS kidnappers ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PACKAGE a kidnap victim ...1933 sl., chiefly US
• PRIZE PACKAGE a kidnap victim ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• SILVER-COOPER † a kidnapper ...1796
• SNATCHER a kidnapper ...1932 Amer. sl.
kidnap - verbs
• HAIK † to kidnap, to carry off by force ...1825 Sc.
• HAKE to kidnap; to carry off by force ...1802 Sc.
• NAB to kidnap ...1917 Amer. sl.
• SNATCH to kidnap ...1932 Amer. sl.
• SNEEZED arrested; kidnapped ...1996 UK sl.
• SNATCH a kidnapping ...1931 sl.
• EAR a kidney ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INEAR a kidney ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INNEAR a kidney ...1790 Eng. dial.
• LULLIES † the kidneys ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEAR a kidney; the fat surrounding the kidneys ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEER † a kidney ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• REINS kidneys ...1387
KILL (also see KILLED)
• APPLE CUCUMBER a ploy to kill or capture one's target by using a friend to get close to the target's friend, which will eventually bring the target into view ...1990s Aust. criminals' sl.
kill - verbs
• ACE to kill ...1975 Amer. sl.
• ADEADEN † to kill, to put to death; to deaden, to mortify ...c1000
• ARKANSAW to kill in an unsportsmanlike manner ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BAG to shoot; to kill (an enemy) ...1844 Amer. sl.
• BAKE SOMEONE'S BREAD to kill, to 'do for' ...14C sl.
• BANE † to kill; said esp. of poison ...1578
• BLAP to kill or destroy ...1971 Amer. military sl.
• BLOW AWAY to kill by shooting or explosion ...1913 sl., orig, Southern US dial.
• BLOW OUT ONE'S LAMP to kill someone ...1944 Amer. sl.
• BLOW OUT ONE'S LIGHT to kill someone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• BOWL OUT to overcome, to get the better of; hence, to kill, to knock out of action ...1805 Amer. military sl.
• BRAIN to kill someone by hitting them on the head ...1382 sl.
• BUMP to kill; to die; to shell of bombard a certain position ...Bk1913 criminals' sl., orig. US Civil War usage
• BUMP OFF to kill deliberately ...1907 sl., orig. US
• BUMP SOMEONE OFF to kill someone ...sl. orig. criminal
• BURN to kill, usually with a gun; to shoot someone ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BURN DOWN to kill, usually with a gun; to shoot someone ...1934 Amer. dial.
• CACK to kill ...1900s US Black sl.
• CAP to kill, to murder, to shoot dead ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CASH IN ONE'S CHIPS to kill someone ...1984 Amer. sl.
• CHALK OUT to kill a person ...1940 US sl.
• CHILL to kill ...20C US sl.
• CLIP to kill, esp. by shooting ...E20 N. Amer. sl.
• CONTRUCIDATE † to wound, murder, or kill; to assassinate ...1656
• COOL to kill deliberately ...1920 US sl.
• COP to kill, to shoot dead ...20C US sl.
• CRAWL ONE'S HUMP to kill one ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CREAM to kill someone ...20C US sl.
• CREASE to kill deliberately ...1913 sl., chiefly US
• CROAK to kill someone ...1823 UK sl.
• DARK OUT to kill ...1990s UK Black sl.
• DEAD BOOK to kill, to hang ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• DEADEN to kill someone ...1974 Amer. dial.
• DECORPORATE † to kill or make bodiless ...1660
• DEEP SIX to kill someone or bury someone or something; to throw something away ...M20 US
• DING to kill ...1991 US Vietnam War usage
• DO AWAY WITH to kill deliberately; to commit suicide ...1927 sl.
• DO IN to kill deliberately ...1905 sl.
• DOOM to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• DOOM OUT to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• DUST to kill deliberately ...1972 sl., orig. US
• DUST OFF to kill ...1940s US sl.
• EASY to silence or kill ...1992 US sl.
• ENECATE † to kill outright, to destroy, to cause death ...1657
• FAKE OUT AND OUT to kill; to murder ...E19 sl.
• FOG to kill, usually to kill by shooting ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FRAG to kill or wound an officer on one's own side, esp. one considered too eager for combat, with a hand grenade ...1970 US services' sl.
• GANG to attack or kill as part of a gang, to gang up on ...1920s US sl.
• GET to kill, esp. in revenge ...Bk1913-17 Amer. sl.
• GIVE ONE THE WHOLE WORKS to harm, to beat up, to kill ...c1930 sl., orig. US
• GIVE ONE THE WORKS to harm, to beat up, to kill ...c1930 sl., orig. US
• GIVE SOMEONE THE DEEP-SIX to kill someone ...1929 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• GIVE THE AXE to kill, to murder ...1897 Amer. sl.
• GRASS to throw to the ground; to bring down, to defeat, to kill ...1889 Amer. dial.
• GUN DOWN to kill with a gun ...1969 sl.
• GUN FOR to be on the lookout for with the intent of hurting or killing; to seek out or pursue with harmful intent; to aim to punish ...1878 US sl.
• GUZZLE to kill deliberately ...1901 sl.
• HIT to kill deliberately ...1955 sl., orig. US
• HUFF to kill deliberately ...1919 Brit. services' sl.
• ICE to kill deliberately ...1969 US sl.
• KEEL UP to incapacitate, esp. by illness or age; to kill, to deprive of life ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KILL DEAD to kill completely ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILL UP to kill, to exterminate, to butcher ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KISS OFF to dismiss; to kill; to die ...sl.
• KNOCK DAYLIGHT INTO ONE to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• KNOCK KOO-KOO to render unconscious; to mortally wound; to kill ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNOCK OFF to kill deliberately ...1919 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK OFF THE HOOKS to kill ...1831 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S LIGHTS OUT to kill one; to knock one out or down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX to defeat and eliminate; hence, to kill ...1891 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK OVER to kill ...20C criminals' sl.
• LAY ALONG † to destroy, to overthrow, to kill ...1599
• LAY OUT to kill ...M19 US sl.
• LET DAYLIGHT INTO ONE to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• LET SOMEONE HAVE IT to hit, to kill, esp. with gunfire ...M19 sl., orig. US
• LIFT to kill someone ...1873 Amer. sl.
• LYNCH to inflict bodily punishment upon; to kill by mob action, typically by hanging, without legal authority ...1835 Amer. sl.
• MACTATE † to kill or slay ...1623
• MAKE AWAY WITH to kill, to destroy, to murder ...1892 Sc.
• MAKE COLD MEAT OF to kill ...1848 US sl.
• MAKE MEAT OF to kill ...1848 US West. sl.
• MAKE ROAST MEAT FOR WORMS to kill ...1594 sl.
• MARTYR † to kill, to slay, esp. by a cruel death ...c1305
• MASSACREE to massacre, to butcher, to kill; to destroy life by accident ...1891 Eng. dial.
• MOP UP to finish off, usually by killing, to vanquish; hence, to finish the remainder of a task ...1898 sl.
• MUCK OUT to kill ...1984 US sl.
• NAIL to shoot or kill ...1824 military usage
• NAIL SOMEONE'S HIDE TO THE WALL to beat up comprehensively, to kill ...L19 sl., orig. US
• NAPOO(H) to kill deliberately ...1915 Brit. sl.
• NECK to strike on the neck, esp. so as to stun or kill; to behead ...c1450 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NUT to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• NUT OFF to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• OCCIDE † to kill ...1694 humorous nonce word
• OCCISE †* to kill; to slay ...1560
• OFF to kill or murder; to destroy ...1930 sl., orig. US Black
• OF-FALL † to fall upon; to kill, to destroy ...a1000
• OFSLAY † to kill off, to slay ...c893
• OFSLE † to kill off, to slay ...c893
• OFSTING † to kill by a thrust; to pierce, to gore, to stab to death ...c893
• OUT to kill deliberately ...1900 sl.
• OVERLAY to kill by crushing or suffocation ...1953 Amer. dial.
• POP to kill deliberately ...1824 sl.
• POP OFF to kill deliberately ...1824 sl.
• PORK to shoot dead, to kill ...1960s US sl.
• PUT A HOLE IN to kill someone ...1910s sl.
• PUT A PERSON'S QUICK OUT to put an end to his life ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PUT OFF to kill; to murder ...1990s Aust. sl.
• PUT SOMEONE AWAY to kill ...Brit. criminals' sl.
• PUT SOMEONE'S LIGHTS OUT to kill someone ...1602 sl.
• PUT THE CHILL ON SOMEONE to kill someone ...20C Amer. sl.
• QUELL † to kill, to slay, to put to death; to destroy a person or animal ..c897 now rare or obs.
• QUELM † to torment; to kill, to destroy ...c825
• QUENCH * to destroy, to kill a person; to oppress or crush ...c1200
• QUIET DOWN to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• RAIN ON to kill ...1920s US sl.
• RAP to knock out, to kill ...L19 sl., orig. Aust.
• RUB OUT to kill deliberately ...1848 sl., orig. US
• RUIN SOMEONE'S WHOLE DAY to kill someone ...1961 US jocular
• RUN AMUCK to be in a state of murderous frenzy; to try to kill all who come in one's way ...US Civil War usage
• SALIVATE to shoot full of holes; to kill with violence ...1932 Amer. dial.
• SANITIZE to shoot dead, to kill ...1960s US sl.
• SCRAG to kill deliberately ...1930 US sl.
• SET OVER to kill deliberately ...1931 US sl.
• SHUT UP to kill ...E19 sl.
• SHUT UP SOMEONE'S SHOP to kill someone; to murder someone ...L19 sl.
• SILENCE to kill ...19C sl.
• SMEAR to kill deliberately ...1935 sl., chiefly Aust.
• SNUFF to murder, to kill ...1930s sl.
• SNUFF OUT to kill deliberately ...1932 sl.
• SNUFF SOMEONE'S CANDLE to kill, to murder ...L19 sl.
• SPIFLICATE to crush, to destroy; to kill ...1841 humorous or colloq.
• STIFF to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• STONKER to kill deliberately ...1917 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ
• STOP to be hit and killed by a bullet, shell, etc. ...1901 sl.
• STOP SOMEONE'S CLOCK to stop or defeat someone; hence, to kill someone ...1947 Amer. sl.
• STRETCH 1. to kill by hanging ...1595 sl.
2. to kill deliberately ...1902 sl.
• STRING UP to kill by hanging ...1810 sl.
• TAKE to overcome, to defeat, to kill ...L19 sl.
• TAKE ABOUT to kill and make an end of ...Bk1905 Sc.
• TAKE CARE OF SOMEONE to kill someone; to kill one or more, esp. as an expedient solution to a problem ...1984 UK sl.
• TAKE DOWN to challenge; to overcome; to surpass; to kill ...M18 sl.
• TAKE INTO CAMP to kill ...1878 sl.
• TAKE OUT to kill, destroy, or defeat ...1939 sl., orig. US
• TAKE SOMEONE OFF THE CALENDAR to kill, to murder ...1980s US sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE OFF THE COUNT to murder, to kill ...1980s sl.
• TAP to shoot (dead) ...2000s sl.
• TEAR SOMEONE'S ASS to trounce, to punish, to kill someone ...1961 Amer. sl.
• TIP OFF to kill deliberately ...1920 sl.
• TOP to execute by hanging; to kill; to commit suicide ...1718 sl.
• TOPPER to knock on the head; to kill by a blow on the head ...1869 sl.
• TOWER HILL to kill ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• TRY SOMEONE'S AIR to assault or attempt to kill someone ...1970 US prison sl.
• UNAGE to kill, to deprive of life ...1717 Sc.
• VENTILATE to shoot; to kill with a bullet ...L19 sl., orig. US
• WACK SOMEONE OUT to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• WASH to kill deliberately ...1941 US sl.
• WASH AWAY to kill deliberately ...1941 US sl.
• WASTE to kill deliberately ...1964 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WAX to kill deliberately ...1968 US sl., orig. services'
• WHACK SOMEONE OUT to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• WIPE to kill deliberately ...1968 sl.
• WIPE OFF to kill ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• WIPE OUT to kill deliberately ...1968 sl.
• ZAP to kill deliberately; to kill with a gun ...1942 sl., orig. US
• ZOTZ to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• ASSED OUT dead, killed ...1980s US Black sl.
• BUMPED OFF killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CLICKED IT got killed; was wounded ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CONKED stopped; killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DAGOED killed by a Spaniard ...1899 US Army in Spanish-Amer. War
• DEATH-DONE killed, done to death ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• ELIMINATED killed, murdered ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• GUZZLED killed ...1920s US sl.
• KNOCKED OFF killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LAID killed ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• OFFED dead; killed ...World War I sl.
• OUTED dead; killed ...World War I sl.
• PACKED UP killed in warfare ...WWI army sl.
• PIFFED dead; killed ...20C US sl.
• PIFTED dead; killed ...20C US sl.
• PUT IN A BAG killed, wrapped in a shroud ...Amer. World War I sl.
• TUMBLED OVER to be killed ...US Civil War usage
• USED-UP dead; killed in battle ...World War I US sl.
• WASHED OUT killed ...World War I Amer. sl.
• YCULLID † killed ...1393
killed - nouns
• PAPER an underworld contract to have someone killed ...1983 US sl.
killed - person
• MAGGOT MEAT a dead person, or one about to be killed ...1970s US sl.
killed - verbs
• ANSWER THE LAST MUSTER to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• ANSWER THE LAST ROLL to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BECOME A GOLD STAR IN MOTHER’S WINDOW to be killed in action ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BUST ONE'S ASS to be killed in an airplane crash ...1945 Amer. sl.
• BUY IT to be killed; also, to die ...1920 sl.
• BUY ONE to be killed, as in air combat ...1929 Amer. sl., orig. military aviation usage
• BUY REAL ESTATE to be killed ...1977 Amer. military sl.
• BUY THE FARM to be killed; hence, to die ...1958 Amer. sl., orig. military
• BUY THE LOT to be killed; hence, to die ...1970 Amer. sl., orig. military
• BUY THE RANCH to be killed ...1963 Amer. military sl.
• BUY THE REAL ESTATE to be killed ...1977 Amer. military sl.
• CHECK OUT to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COP A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• EAT DUST to be killed ...L19 US sl.
• EAT IT to be killed; to die ...1982 US military usage
• EAT THE GREEN WEENIE to get killed ...1970s US sl., orig. military
• GET A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• GET DEAD to be killed ...1961 Amer. sl.
• GET IT to be killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• GET IT DEAD IN THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1967 Amer. sl.
• GET IT IN THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1945 Amer. sl.
• GET IT UP THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1955 Amer. sl.
• GET THE CHOPPER to be killed ...1955 US military aviation usage
• GO FOR A BURTON to be killed, destroyed, ruined, or lost ...M20 colloq, orig. RAF sl.
• GO UP to be killed ...US Civil War usage
• HAVE AN ACCIDENT to be maimed or killed in retribution ...1941 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
• HAVE A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• HEAR THE BAD NEWS to be killed ...1930s sl.
• LOSE ONE'S CAN vb. to be killed; generally used to refer to men shot through the head ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LOSE THE NUMBER OF ONE'S MESS to die; to be killed ...sl.
• MUSTER OUT to be killed in action ...US Civil War usage
• PUT ON THE SPOT to arrange for someone to be killed ...1929 US sl.
• SUFFER † to be killed or destroyed ...1605
• SWING to be killed by hanging ...1542 sl.
• WRITE ONESELF OFF to get killed, esp. through carelessness or impetuousness ...1939 Royal Air Force
• WRITE OUT to order to be killed ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• ACE a professional killer ...1970s sl.
• BAD MAN a desperado, outlaw, or professional killer ...1855 Amer. dial.
• FATHER-QUELLER † a parricide; one who kills a father ...c1440
• FEMICIDE one who kills a woman ...1828
• GALLICIDE a killer of fowls ...1897 nonce word
• GUN a professional killer ...colloq.
• HATCHET MAN orig. a hired Chinese assassin in the US; later, a professional killer ...1880 sl.
• HIT LADY a female hired killer ...1970s US sl.
• HIT MAN a man who is a hired killer ...1963 Amer. sl., orig. criminal
• HITTER a hired killer ...1959 Amer. sl., orig. criminal
• HIT WOMAN a female hired killer ...1970s US sl.
• HOSPITICIDE * one who kills his guest ...1656
• ICEMAN a paid killer ...1940s sl.
• MACTATOR †* a killer or murderer ...1656
• MANSLAYER one who kills a man; a homicide; a murderer; occasionally, one who commits manslaughter ...a1300
• MECHANIC a professional killer ...1973 sl.
• NATICIDE * one who kills his or her child ...1855
• NEEDLE MAN a person (or demonic figure) thought to kill people, esp. Blacks, usually to obtain bodies for dissection ...1945 Amer. dial.
• TAKE-OFF ARTIST a successful robber, rapist, or killer ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• WIDOW-MAKER a killer or potential killer of men
• DEAD-DOING † 'doing to death'; causing death; killing, murderous; destructive, fatal, mortal ... 1590
• DEATH-DOING doing to death, killing, murderous ...a1652
• MARITICIDAL * husband-killing ...1819
• PERNICIOUS having the quality of destroying; tending to destroy, kill, or injure; destructive, ruinous; fatal ...1521
• TACHYTHANATOUS killing quickly, rapidly fatal or lethal ...1860
killing - nouns
• CONTRACT an arrangement to have someone murdered by a professional killer ...1930s Amer. sl.
• DECORPORATION † a making bodiless ...1660
• FEMICIDE the killing of a woman ...1801
• GALLINICIDE the killing of hens or poultry ...1883 nonce word
• MACTATION the act of killing, esp. the slaughtering of a sacrificial victim ...1640
• MAN-SLAYING the act of killing a man; homicide; murder ...c1380
• NECATION †* the act of killing, a killing ...1721
• OCCISION † killing, slaying, esp. of a number of people, as in battle; slaughter ...1375
• POP-OFF a death, a killing ...1950s US sl.
• SACKING a method of killing a person using a sack ...1930s sl.
• SNUFFING a killing, esp. a murder ...1970s Amer. sl.
• TITHING † the killing of every tenth; decimation; sometimes, the killing of all but the tenth ...1586
• TRUCIDATION * a cruel killing or murdering; humorous use: slaughter ...1623
• TURKEY SHOOT an ambush; an easy killing ...US Civil War usage
• VIRICIDE the slaying of men or of husbands ...1766 nonce word
• WALM † killing, execution ...c1205
KILLJOY - nouns, person
• BUZZ CRUSHER someone or something that ruins or dampens one's pleasure; a killjoy or spoilsport ...1980s Amer. student sl.
• SAD KECKS a term of contempt for a killjoy ...1999 UK sl.
• WET BLANKET a person who dampens and smothers all enthusiasm; a person who prevents fun; a killjoy; a pessimist ...1879 Amer. sl.
• K a kilometer ...1940s sl.
• KAY 1 kilometre ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
KILT - adjectives
• BREEKLESS without breeches, wearing a kilt ...Bk1911 Sc.
KILT - nouns
• QUELT † a kilt ...1754 Sc.
KIND, KINDLY - adjectives
• AFFECTIONED † well-affected, kindly disposed ...1539
• AINTY attentive, kindly ...1929 Sc.
• AMOREVOLOUS †* loving; affectionate; kind; charitable ...a1670
• BEIN † pleasant, genial, kindly ...a1200
• BENEFIC kind ...1641
• BENEFICAL † kind ...1647
• BENEFICENT doing good, kind ...1616
• BENEFICIAL † doing good, kind ...1526
• BENEFICIOUS † doing good, kind ...1535
• BENEVOLOUS † well-wishing, kind, friendly, benevolent ...1470
• BENIGN of a kind disposition, gracious, kindly ...c1320
• BENIGNANT cherishing or exhibiting kindly feeling towards inferiors or dependants; gracious, kind, benevolent ...a1782
• BENIGNATE †* of a kindly disposition, gracious, kindly ...1533
• BENIGNED †* of a kindly disposition, gracious, kindly ...1470
• BESEKANDLIK † kind, gracious ...a1300
• CADGY cheerful, in good spirits; friendly, affectionately kind or hospitable ...1819 Sc.
• CAGIE cheerful, in good spirits; friendly, affectionately kind or hospitable ...1822 Sc.
• CANDID † gentle, courteous, kindly; not desirous to find faults ...1633
• CLEMENTIOUS † mild and humane in the exercise of power or authority; merciful, lenient, kindly towards those in one's power ...1632
• DALLY good, kind, nice, sweet ...2002 UK sl.
• DEBONAIR † of gentle disposition, mild, meek; gracious, kindly; courteous, affable ...a1225
• DECENT kind, accommodating, likeable ...L18
• FAINFU' affectionate, kind, amiable, likeable ...1887 Sc.
• FAINLY affectionate, kind, amiable ...Bk1900 Sc.
• FAVOROUS † full of favour, obliging, kind ...c1485
• FAVOURABLE † of a superior: gracious; kindly, obliging ...1502 obs. exc. arch.
• GAIN † of persons: ready, well-disposed, kindly ...a1320 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GAINLY † ready to help, kindly, gracious ...a1300
• HEARTLY † showing genuine friendliness or warmth of affection, cordial, affectionate, kindly ...c1385
• INNERLY pleasant, cheerful, sociable; kindly, affectionate, compassionate...1888 Sc.
• KAITER kindly, friendly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• NATURABLE of a kindly disposition; benevolent; homely ...1877 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL-HEARTED kind, affectionate; simple-hearted ...1882 Sc.
• NESH † tender, mild, gentle, kind; inclined to pity, mercy, or other tender feelings ...c897
• OFFICIOUS † doing or ready to do kind offices; eager to serve or please; attentive, obliging, kind ...1565
• OPEN-HEARTED full of kindly feeling ...a1617
• PARTIAL kind, fond ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUEMEFUL † pleasing, pleasant, agreeable; kind. gracious ...a1340
• SUNBEAMED † as bright as the sun; genial, kind ...1588
• SUNBEAMY kind, genial ...1890
• THOTTY thoughtful, considerate, kind ...1982 Amer. dial.
• THOUGHTY thoughtful, considerate, kind ...1941 Amer. dial.
KIND (sort) - adjectives
• MANIFORM multiform; existing in many forms or kinds ...1835
• OMNIGENER * of all kinds ...1857
• OMNIGENOUS of all kinds ...1650
• OMNIVARIOUS † of all varieties or different kinds ...1624
• SUCHKIN † of such a kind, this kind of ...c1205
KIND (sort) - adverbs
• ALKIN of every kind ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ALLKINS of every kind ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ANY KIN of any kind of sort ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
KIND (benevolence) - nouns
• AFFECT kind feeling; affection ...1440
• TICE kind treatment; the act of treating in a coaxing manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
KIND (sort) - nouns
• ALL MANNERS OF MAKES every conceivable kind ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• EDITION † kind, species ...a1625
• MANDER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MANTHER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MAUNDER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• RANK † a class, set, kind of persons or things ...1585
• SUIT † kind, sort, class ...1548
• UNDER-KIND † a sub-species; an inferior or lower kind ...1571
• VEIN †* a kind or species ...1568
KIND - nouns, person
• BENEVOLER †* a well-wisher, a kind person ...1486
• DEBONAIR † a kind, gracious person ...c1366
KIND - verbs
• THURRISH to be friendly, kind, or accommodating ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
KINDLE - verbs
• ACCEND † to kindle, to set light to, to set on fire ...1432-50
• BEET † to make, kindle, put on a fire ...c885 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ILLUME †* to set alight; to kindle ...1728
• ONTEND † to kindle, to inflame (lit. and fig.) ...c890
• QUICK † of a fire: to kindle, to begin to burn ...c1175
• SUCCEND † to set on fire, to kindle, to burn ...1432-50
• TEND to kindle, to light, to set fire to ...1851 Eng. dial.
• TIND † to set fire to; to ignite, to light, to kindle, as a fire, lamp, torch, flame, etc. ...a1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
KINDLED - adjectives
• ACCENDIBLE †* capable of being kindled, or set on fire ...1630
• ACCENSED † kindled, set on fire, inflamed ...1573
KINDLED - nouns
• ACCENDIBILITY capacity of being kindled, set on fire or inflamed ...1859
• BENEDICENCE * kindliness in speech ...1881
• CANDOUR † freedom from malice; favourable disposition, kindliness; sweetness of temper ...1653
• FAVOURABLENESS † kindliness, leniency ...1545
KINDLING - adjectives
• ACCENDING † kindling ...1646
KINDLING - nouns
• ACCENSION † the act of kindling, or the state of being kindled; ignition; heat ...1646 obs. or arch.
• BEETING † making a fire, kindling ...1517
• CATSTICK a piece of kindling ...1832 Amer. dial.
• CHATWOOD kindling wood; little sticks ...1911 Amer. dial.
• FEEDER kindling wood ...1969 Amer. dial.
• NOGGIN small pieces of wood used to start a fire ...1967 Amer. dial.
• YELDING kindling ...1850 Eng. dial.
KINDLY - adverbs
• AFFECTIOUSLY † earnestly, sincerely, cordially, kindly ...1430
• AFFECTUOUSLY † affectionately; kindly, lovingly, tenderly ...1447
• BEIN † pleasantly, genially, kindly ...c1400 obs. exc. Sc.
• BENIGNLY kindly, graciously ...c1380
• FAIR † civilly, courteously, kindly ...a1000
• VOGIE fondly, kindly ...1878 Sc.
KINDLY - nouns
• BENEDICTION kindly favour, grace ...1483
• HEART * kindly feeling; cordiality, heartiness ...a1656
KINDNESS - nouns
• BENEFACTION a doing good, kindly or generous action; an act of kindness ...a1662
• BENEFACTURE † benefaction, kindness ...a1656
• BENEFICE † a good deed, kindness, favour ...1340
• BENEFICENCE doing good; active kindness ...1531
• BENEFICENCY † doing good; active kindness ...1576
• BENEFICIALNESS † doing good, kindness ...1528
• BENEFIT a kind deed, a kindness; a favour, a gift ...1377 arch.
• BENIGNANCY kindness ...1876
• BENIGNITY 1. kindly feeling and is manifestation; kindness of disposition, or of manner ...c1374
2. a kindly or generous deed; a kindness, a favour bestowed ...c1534
• BENISON † disposition to bless; graciousness, grace, kindness ...c1450
• CAIDGINESS affectionate kindness ...1825 Sc.
• DEBONAIRSHIP †* debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1240
• DEBONAIRTY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• DEBONARITY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• KOKUM sham kindness ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• MANHEAD † humanity, humaneness, kindness ...1382
• MANLINESS † humanity; human kindness ...1382
• MANSHIP † humanity, kindness; courtesy, civility ...a1000
• MENSE pay, recompense, reward; thanks, grateful return; kindness ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NATURAL-HEARTEDNESS kindness, affection ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OBLIGEMENT a kindness, service, favour ...1878 Sc. & N. Ireland
• OFFICIOSITY †* the quality of being officious; attentiveness, dutifulness ...1565
KINDNESS - nouns, person
• MISTER NICE-GUY a paragon of kindness, friendliness, tolerance, etc. ...Amer. colloq.
KINDNESS - verbs
• CARESS to treat with kindness or favour; to pet, to make much of ...1658 arch.
• FAIN † to pretend kindness ...a1225
KINDLE - verbs
• TAKE WITH to kindle; to catch fire ...1822 Sc.
• EENKIN † kindred in all its extent ...1825 Sc.
• ETION † kindred, lineage; descent, genealogy ...1742 Sc.
• NATION †* a family, kindred ...c1386
• NATURE kindred ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• BASILEIOLATRY. king-worship ...1872 nonce word
• REGICIDE the killing of a king ...16C
king - person
• ARDRI a head king ...1889
• GOLD RING a king ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• REGICIDE a person who kills a king ...16C
• ROITELET a petty or minor king ...E17 arch.
• MACKY-MOON the kingfisher, Alcedo ispida ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• BASILIC †* kingly, royal, sovereign ...1728
• BASILICAL kingly, royal, regal ...1652
• NEARNESS close kinship or relationship ...1444
• NECESSARY †* a near friend or kinsman ...1382
• NEW YORK NIPPERS kippers ...1930s rhyming sl.
• REISTER a salted and dried salmon; a kipper ...1811 Sc.
• SPITHEAD PHEASANT a kipper or bloater ...1948 Brit. nautical sl.
• MACROPINE pert. to the kangaroo ...1888
kangaroo - nouns
• BOOMER a large male kangaroo ...1830 Aust.
• FLIER a swiftly moving kangaroo, usually female ...1826 Aust. colloq.
• KANGA a kangaroo ...c1890 Aust. colloq.
• OLD MAN a full-grown male kangaroo ...1828 Aust.
• ROO a kangaroo ...1898 Aust. sl.
kangaroo - person
• KANGAROOER a kangaroo hunter ...B1943 Aust. colloq.
• MACROPICIDE a slayer of kangaroos ...1866 nonce word
• JAY-HAWKER 1. a name given to members of the bands who carried on irregular warfare in and around eastern Kansas, in the free soil conflict, and the early part of the American civil war, and who combined pillage with guerilla fighting; hence, generally, a raiding guerilla or irregular soldier ...1865 US
2. a Kansan ...1875 Amer. sl.
• KARMIC of the nature of karma ...1885
• BATELESS † that cannot be 'bated' or blunted; unalterably keen ...1593
• BRAIN-MAD determined; keenly bent on; hurried on with the greatest impetuosity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRICKLE eager, keen, industrious, ambitious ...1902 Amer. dial.
• BRIGHT-EYED AND BUSHY-TAILED keen, confident, and alert ...colloq.
• DEAR keen, ardent ...1955 Amer. dial.
• EDGY eager, anxious, desirous, keen ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EDYAN eager, keen ...1929 Sc.
• EGG ON keen, eager ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FRUNTY free in manner; spirited, implying the idea of forwardness; keen, eager; passionate ...19C Sc.
• GOOFY obsessed; keen on ...1910s US sl.
• IN A SWEAT keen ...L19 sl.
• JACKED OFF enthusiastic, very keen ...1980s US sl.
• LAAGER eager, keen ...1866 Sc.
• MUSTARD very keen ...1925 Brit. sl.
• MUSTARD KEEN very keen ...1979 Brit. sl.
• REITHE † keen, ardent ...1838 Sc.
• SAVAGE keen, eager ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHARP-SET very keen on or eager for
• TENT watchful, attentive; keen; intent ...1789 Sc.
• UP FOR keen on, willing to do ...M19 sl.
• VOGEROUS boastful; elated; keen ...1899 Sc.
• YAP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen; desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAPE eager, keen, ready, active ...1739 Sc.
• YAUP † quick, apt, eager or ready, esp. to do something, keen, desirous ...c1450 obs. exc. Sc.
• YAWP quick, apt, ready; eager, keen; desirous; forward ...1685 Sc.
keen - verbs
• BE MUSTARD ON to be very eager or keen on ...c1950 colloq.
• DEARLY † deeply, keenly ...1590
• EAGERLY † sharply, pungently, keenly; violently, harshly, severely ...1377
• LIKE TAR very keenly, very quickly ...1900s sl.
• NARROW † closely, carefully, keenly ...a900
• ACRITY †* sharpness, keenness, shrewdness ...1619
• EDGE † of persons: ardour, keenness in pursuit of an object; in weaker sense, inclination, liking ...1581
• QUICKNESS † sharpness, keenness; pungency or acidity of taste; sharpness of speech ...1611
• ZOWIE keenness, enthusiasm, energy ...1910s sl.
KEEN-SIGHTED - adjectives
• EAGLE-EYED keen-sighted ...1601
KEEP AWAY - verbs
• FORFEND to avert, to keep away or off, to fend off, to prevent ...1382 arch.
KEEPER - nouns, person
• WARD † a watchman, a guard, a keeper, a warden ...a680
• YEMER † a keeper, a guardian; a ruler ...c1320
KEEPING - nouns
• YEMING † care, keeping, protection ...c1250
• YEMSEL † keeping, care, charge, custody ...c1200 chiefly Sc.
KEEPSAKE - nouns
• DRUERY † a love-token, a keepsake, a gift, a present ...a1225
KEG - nouns
• BARRICO a keg, a small cask or barrel ...1607
• CAG † a small cask; a keg ...LME obs. exc. Sc. and Amer. dial.
• KAG a small cask, a keg ...1818 Eng. dial.
• KEMPKIN †* a small barrel, a keg ...1580 Sc.
• MONKEY a keg, cask or other container for liquor ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
• TASTRIL a small keg or barrel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
KEG - verbs
• SPEAR THE KEG to broach a keg of beer ...1994 Aust. sl.
KENO - nouns
• AROUND THE WORLD in Keno: a bet made on the numbers found in the eight corners of a Keno ticket (1, 10, 31, 40, 41, 50, 71 and 80) ...1969 US sl.
• KENTUCK Kentucky ...1826 Amer. dial.
• L'VILLE Louisville, Kentucky ...1981 US sl.
Kentucky - person
• CORNCRACKER a native of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Virginia ...M19 US sl.
• EASEMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1910s US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1911 US sl.
• EASY RIDER a kept man; a pimp ...1914 US sl.
• HARDBOOT a person from Kentucky ...1923 US sl.
• KENTUCK (often derogatory) a Kentuckian; one who is or is assumed to be of Kentucky origin ...1826 Amer. dial.
• MALUNGEON one of a race of people in southwestern Virginia and eastern Kentucky and Tennessee said to have partly Indian blood ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• RED-HORSE a native of Kentucky ...Bk1903 sl.
• APPLE-SQUIRE a kept man ...16C Brit. sl.
• APRON-SQUIRE a kept man ...16C Brit. sl.
• CUNT-PENSIONER a kept man; a pimp; a man living on a woman's harlotry or concubinage ...19C colloq.
• DADDIO a pimp or kept man ...1961 US sl.
• DADDY-O a pimp or kept man ...1961 US sl.
• FAIR LADY a kept woman ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FANCY WOMAN a kept woman; a harlot; a prostitute ...1907 Amer. dial.
• LADY OF THE LAKE † a kept mistress ...1625
• SOILED-DOVE a kept mistress or prostitute ...1865 sl.
• ST. JOHN'S WOOD DONA an up-market prostitute or kept woman ...L19 sl.
KERCHIEF (also see BANDANNA) - nouns
• HEADCLOTH a kerchief ...1747 Amer. dial.
• HEAD HANDKERCHIEF a kerchief ...1852 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-HANKCHER a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-HANKERCHER a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEADKERCHER * a kerchief for the head ...1577
• HEADKERCHIEF * a kerchief for the head ...1540
• HEAD-PIECE any covering for the head; a cap, a kerchief ...1552
• HEAD RAG a kerchief ...1908 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-RAIL † the kerchief or head-dress of women in Old English times ...1834 obs. exc. Hist.
• HEAD SQUARE a kerchief ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HEAD WRAP a kerchief ...1896 Amer. dial.
• KERCH † a kerchief ...c1430
• KERCHER † a kerchief ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAPKIN a kerchief used to cover the head, or to tie round the neck ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NECK-ABOUT a woman's neckerchief; a collar ...1691 Eng. dial.
• NECKATEE †* a lady's neckerchief ...1758
• NECK-CLOUT a kerchief ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NECKERCHER † a kerchief worn about the neck ...1467 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NECKERCHIEF a kerchief worn about the neck ...1382
• NECK-HANKERCHER a kerchief ...1865 Eng. dial.
• NECKING a kerchief; a necktie ...1816 Eng. dial.
• NECKINGER † a kerchief worn about the neck ...1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RAIL † a piece of linen or other cloth formerly worn about the neck by women; a neckerchief ...1482
• RAMBO RAG handkerchief worn on the head ...1991 US sl.
• TIGNON a brightly coloured handkerchief worn as a head covering by women ...1884 Amer. dial.
• VALLEAT a kerchief for the head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• VOLLEAT a kerchief for the head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ZEPHYR a light scarf or kerchief ...1821 Amer. dial.
kerchief - person
• KERCHIEF † a woman who wears a kerchief ...1700 nonce use
• BUCKET OF LIGHT a gallon of kerosene ...1939 Amer. dial.
• CARBON OIL kerosene ...1904 Amer. dial.
• FIRE OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• HEADLIGHT kerosene ...1940 Amer. dial.
• HEADLIGHT OIL kerosene ...1940 Amer. dial.
• INSURANCE OIL kerosene ...1916 Amer. dial.
• LIGHTNING OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• LIGHT OIL kerosene ...1949 Amer. dial.
• PETROL kerosene ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PETROLEUM kerosene ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PETROLEUM OIL kerosene ...1889 Amer. dial.
KETCHUP - nouns
• BLOOD ketchup ...Bk1944 service sl.
• GROWLY ketchup ...1900 US Military Academy usage
• PAINT ketchup/catsup ...1940s US sl.
• RED EYE catsup; ketchup ...World War I sl.
• RED LEAD tomato ketchup ...1918 naval sl.
KETTLE - nouns
• BATTRY a tea-kettle ...Bk1898
• BERLIN KETTLE a large kettle used to boil foods ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BETTY a nickname for the kettle ...1879 Eng. dial.
• BILLIKIN a small 'billy' or tin can used as a kettle ...1926 colloq.
• BOWLER a kettle, a boiler ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIDDIKY a gypsy's kettle ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• NERRY a tea-kettle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SUKEY a kettle ...Bk1904 sl.
• TANKER a tea-kettle ...1821 Sc.
KETTLE - verbs
• RATTLE of a kettle: to boil ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CLAVICULARIOUS † pertaining to a key ...1656
key - nouns
• BOW the handle of scissors, or of a key ...1899 Amer. dial.
• CLICKET † a latch-key ...c1386 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FALSE KEY a skeleton key, a picklock ...1701
• JIGGER a key ...1823 sl.
• KATE a skeleton key ...M17 sl.
• SLUG a key ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TWISTER a key ...1940 US sl.
key - verbs
• FAKE A SCREW to shape a skeleton or false key ...1812 thieves' sl.
• THROW to twist; to wreath, to wind; to wrench, to sprain; to wring the neck; to turn a key; to torture, esp. by twisting a cord round the head ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BOOT a kick ...1942 colloq.
• DRIVE a blow, a punch; a kick ...1839 colloq.
• FLANKER a blow; a retort; a kick ...Bk1893 sl.
• JILLPOKE a kick ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PADDY QUICK a kick ...1960s rhyming sl.
• PILE-DRIVER a forceful punch or kick ...colloq.
• ROOT a kick ...1900 sl., chiefly schools' usage
• SKOP a kick ...1920s S. Afr. sl.
• TANK a blow, a knock; a kick from a horse ...1686 Eng. dial.
• TIMBER-KISS a kick with clogs ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WALLOCH a Highland dance; a fling; a kick ...1871 Sc.
• WELLIE a kick ...1977 Brit. sl.
• WELLY a kick ...1977 Brit. sl.
• YARK † the act of lashing out with the heels, as a horse; a kick; a sudden or abrupt movement, a jerk, a twitch ...1581 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † the act of lashing out with the heels, as a horse; a kick; a sudden or abrupt movement, a jerk, a twitch ...1581 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
kick - verbs
• ARSE to kick upon the seat ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BOOT to kick ...1877 colloq.
• CALCITRATE to kick; to spurn ...1623
• DANCE to kick and stomp ...1821 US sl.
• DANCE ON to kick and stomp ...1821 US sl.
• DANCE ON SOMEONE'S FACE to hit or kick in the face ...1980s US Black sl.
• DANCE ON SOMEONE'S LIPS to hit or kick in the face ...1980s US Black sl.
• DO A DANCE ON to kick and stomp ...1974 US sl.
• HOCK to kick ...1970s US sl.
• PUT THE BOOT IN to kick brutally, to take decisive action ...1916 sl.
• RACK to kick in the testicles ...1980s UK juvenile sl.
• RASEN to take off the skin of a person's legs by striking or kicking them ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• ROOT to kick ...1890 sl., chiefly schools' usage
• SCAUT to scramble; to slip; to kick, to scratch, to scrape with the feet; to trample the ground ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCRIMP to kick violently; to do anything with energy ...1889 Sc.
• SKELP to slap, to beat, to kick ...a1825 Eng. dial.
• SKOP to kick somebody or something ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• TAVE to sprawl with the arms and legs; to kick or fidget with the feet ...1781 Eng. dial.
• WALLOP to flounder; to tumble over; to kick about; to move heavily; to waddle or bend in walking; to be slatternly ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• WELLIE to kick ...1966 Brit. sl.
• WELLY to kick ...1966 Brit. sl.
• YARK † to lash or strike out with the heels; to kick ...1565 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † to lash or strike out with the heels; to kick ...1565 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERKER a kicker; a flogger ...1664
• CALCITRATION kicking, lit. and fig. ...1652
• SPLITSEY a kicking a person in the testicles while two people hold each leg akimbo ...c1955 UK playground sl.
kicking - phrases
• SPLIT THE KIPPER a kicking a person in the testicles while two people hold each leg akimbo ...c1955 UK playground sl.
• CHICKEN a victim of a robbery, kidnapping, confidence game, etc. ...20C Amer. sl.
• NAPPERKIDS kidnappers ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PACKAGE a kidnap victim ...1933 sl., chiefly US
• PRIZE PACKAGE a kidnap victim ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• SILVER-COOPER † a kidnapper ...1796
• SNATCHER a kidnapper ...1932 Amer. sl.
kidnap - verbs
• HAIK † to kidnap, to carry off by force ...1825 Sc.
• HAKE to kidnap; to carry off by force ...1802 Sc.
• NAB to kidnap ...1917 Amer. sl.
• SNATCH to kidnap ...1932 Amer. sl.
• SNEEZED arrested; kidnapped ...1996 UK sl.
• SNATCH a kidnapping ...1931 sl.
• EAR a kidney ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INEAR a kidney ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INNEAR a kidney ...1790 Eng. dial.
• LULLIES † the kidneys ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEAR a kidney; the fat surrounding the kidneys ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEER † a kidney ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• REINS kidneys ...1387
KILL (also see KILLED)
• APPLE CUCUMBER a ploy to kill or capture one's target by using a friend to get close to the target's friend, which will eventually bring the target into view ...1990s Aust. criminals' sl.
kill - verbs
• ACE to kill ...1975 Amer. sl.
• ADEADEN † to kill, to put to death; to deaden, to mortify ...c1000
• ARKANSAW to kill in an unsportsmanlike manner ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BAG to shoot; to kill (an enemy) ...1844 Amer. sl.
• BAKE SOMEONE'S BREAD to kill, to 'do for' ...14C sl.
• BANE † to kill; said esp. of poison ...1578
• BLAP to kill or destroy ...1971 Amer. military sl.
• BLOW AWAY to kill by shooting or explosion ...1913 sl., orig, Southern US dial.
• BLOW OUT ONE'S LAMP to kill someone ...1944 Amer. sl.
• BLOW OUT ONE'S LIGHT to kill someone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• BOWL OUT to overcome, to get the better of; hence, to kill, to knock out of action ...1805 Amer. military sl.
• BRAIN to kill someone by hitting them on the head ...1382 sl.
• BUMP to kill; to die; to shell of bombard a certain position ...Bk1913 criminals' sl., orig. US Civil War usage
• BUMP OFF to kill deliberately ...1907 sl., orig. US
• BUMP SOMEONE OFF to kill someone ...sl. orig. criminal
• BURN to kill, usually with a gun; to shoot someone ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BURN DOWN to kill, usually with a gun; to shoot someone ...1934 Amer. dial.
• CACK to kill ...1900s US Black sl.
• CAP to kill, to murder, to shoot dead ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CASH IN ONE'S CHIPS to kill someone ...1984 Amer. sl.
• CHALK OUT to kill a person ...1940 US sl.
• CHILL to kill ...20C US sl.
• CLIP to kill, esp. by shooting ...E20 N. Amer. sl.
• CONTRUCIDATE † to wound, murder, or kill; to assassinate ...1656
• COOL to kill deliberately ...1920 US sl.
• COP to kill, to shoot dead ...20C US sl.
• CRAWL ONE'S HUMP to kill one ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CREAM to kill someone ...20C US sl.
• CREASE to kill deliberately ...1913 sl., chiefly US
• CROAK to kill someone ...1823 UK sl.
• DARK OUT to kill ...1990s UK Black sl.
• DEAD BOOK to kill, to hang ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• DEADEN to kill someone ...1974 Amer. dial.
• DECORPORATE † to kill or make bodiless ...1660
• DEEP SIX to kill someone or bury someone or something; to throw something away ...M20 US
• DING to kill ...1991 US Vietnam War usage
• DO AWAY WITH to kill deliberately; to commit suicide ...1927 sl.
• DO IN to kill deliberately ...1905 sl.
• DOOM to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• DOOM OUT to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• DUST to kill deliberately ...1972 sl., orig. US
• DUST OFF to kill ...1940s US sl.
• EASY to silence or kill ...1992 US sl.
• ENECATE † to kill outright, to destroy, to cause death ...1657
• FAKE OUT AND OUT to kill; to murder ...E19 sl.
• FOG to kill, usually to kill by shooting ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• FRAG to kill or wound an officer on one's own side, esp. one considered too eager for combat, with a hand grenade ...1970 US services' sl.
• GANG to attack or kill as part of a gang, to gang up on ...1920s US sl.
• GET to kill, esp. in revenge ...Bk1913-17 Amer. sl.
• GIVE ONE THE WHOLE WORKS to harm, to beat up, to kill ...c1930 sl., orig. US
• GIVE ONE THE WORKS to harm, to beat up, to kill ...c1930 sl., orig. US
• GIVE SOMEONE THE DEEP-SIX to kill someone ...1929 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• GIVE THE AXE to kill, to murder ...1897 Amer. sl.
• GRASS to throw to the ground; to bring down, to defeat, to kill ...1889 Amer. dial.
• GUN DOWN to kill with a gun ...1969 sl.
• GUN FOR to be on the lookout for with the intent of hurting or killing; to seek out or pursue with harmful intent; to aim to punish ...1878 US sl.
• GUZZLE to kill deliberately ...1901 sl.
• HIT to kill deliberately ...1955 sl., orig. US
• HUFF to kill deliberately ...1919 Brit. services' sl.
• ICE to kill deliberately ...1969 US sl.
• KEEL UP to incapacitate, esp. by illness or age; to kill, to deprive of life ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KILL DEAD to kill completely ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILL UP to kill, to exterminate, to butcher ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KISS OFF to dismiss; to kill; to die ...sl.
• KNOCK DAYLIGHT INTO ONE to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• KNOCK KOO-KOO to render unconscious; to mortally wound; to kill ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNOCK OFF to kill deliberately ...1919 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK OFF THE HOOKS to kill ...1831 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S LIGHTS OUT to kill one; to knock one out or down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX to defeat and eliminate; hence, to kill ...1891 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK OVER to kill ...20C criminals' sl.
• LAY ALONG † to destroy, to overthrow, to kill ...1599
• LAY OUT to kill ...M19 US sl.
• LET DAYLIGHT INTO ONE to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• LET SOMEONE HAVE IT to hit, to kill, esp. with gunfire ...M19 sl., orig. US
• LIFT to kill someone ...1873 Amer. sl.
• LYNCH to inflict bodily punishment upon; to kill by mob action, typically by hanging, without legal authority ...1835 Amer. sl.
• MACTATE † to kill or slay ...1623
• MAKE AWAY WITH to kill, to destroy, to murder ...1892 Sc.
• MAKE COLD MEAT OF to kill ...1848 US sl.
• MAKE MEAT OF to kill ...1848 US West. sl.
• MAKE ROAST MEAT FOR WORMS to kill ...1594 sl.
• MARTYR † to kill, to slay, esp. by a cruel death ...c1305
• MASSACREE to massacre, to butcher, to kill; to destroy life by accident ...1891 Eng. dial.
• MOP UP to finish off, usually by killing, to vanquish; hence, to finish the remainder of a task ...1898 sl.
• MUCK OUT to kill ...1984 US sl.
• NAIL to shoot or kill ...1824 military usage
• NAIL SOMEONE'S HIDE TO THE WALL to beat up comprehensively, to kill ...L19 sl., orig. US
• NAPOO(H) to kill deliberately ...1915 Brit. sl.
• NECK to strike on the neck, esp. so as to stun or kill; to behead ...c1450 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NUT to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• NUT OFF to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• OCCIDE † to kill ...1694 humorous nonce word
• OCCISE †* to kill; to slay ...1560
• OFF to kill or murder; to destroy ...1930 sl., orig. US Black
• OF-FALL † to fall upon; to kill, to destroy ...a1000
• OFSLAY † to kill off, to slay ...c893
• OFSLE † to kill off, to slay ...c893
• OFSTING † to kill by a thrust; to pierce, to gore, to stab to death ...c893
• OUT to kill deliberately ...1900 sl.
• OVERLAY to kill by crushing or suffocation ...1953 Amer. dial.
• POP to kill deliberately ...1824 sl.
• POP OFF to kill deliberately ...1824 sl.
• PORK to shoot dead, to kill ...1960s US sl.
• PUT A HOLE IN to kill someone ...1910s sl.
• PUT A PERSON'S QUICK OUT to put an end to his life ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PUT OFF to kill; to murder ...1990s Aust. sl.
• PUT SOMEONE AWAY to kill ...Brit. criminals' sl.
• PUT SOMEONE'S LIGHTS OUT to kill someone ...1602 sl.
• PUT THE CHILL ON SOMEONE to kill someone ...20C Amer. sl.
• QUELL † to kill, to slay, to put to death; to destroy a person or animal ..c897 now rare or obs.
• QUELM † to torment; to kill, to destroy ...c825
• QUENCH * to destroy, to kill a person; to oppress or crush ...c1200
• QUIET DOWN to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• RAIN ON to kill ...1920s US sl.
• RAP to knock out, to kill ...L19 sl., orig. Aust.
• RUB OUT to kill deliberately ...1848 sl., orig. US
• RUIN SOMEONE'S WHOLE DAY to kill someone ...1961 US jocular
• RUN AMUCK to be in a state of murderous frenzy; to try to kill all who come in one's way ...US Civil War usage
• SALIVATE to shoot full of holes; to kill with violence ...1932 Amer. dial.
• SANITIZE to shoot dead, to kill ...1960s US sl.
• SCRAG to kill deliberately ...1930 US sl.
• SET OVER to kill deliberately ...1931 US sl.
• SHUT UP to kill ...E19 sl.
• SHUT UP SOMEONE'S SHOP to kill someone; to murder someone ...L19 sl.
• SILENCE to kill ...19C sl.
• SMEAR to kill deliberately ...1935 sl., chiefly Aust.
• SNUFF to murder, to kill ...1930s sl.
• SNUFF OUT to kill deliberately ...1932 sl.
• SNUFF SOMEONE'S CANDLE to kill, to murder ...L19 sl.
• SPIFLICATE to crush, to destroy; to kill ...1841 humorous or colloq.
• STIFF to kill deliberately ...1974 sl.
• STONKER to kill deliberately ...1917 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ
• STOP to be hit and killed by a bullet, shell, etc. ...1901 sl.
• STOP SOMEONE'S CLOCK to stop or defeat someone; hence, to kill someone ...1947 Amer. sl.
• STRETCH 1. to kill by hanging ...1595 sl.
2. to kill deliberately ...1902 sl.
• STRING UP to kill by hanging ...1810 sl.
• TAKE to overcome, to defeat, to kill ...L19 sl.
• TAKE ABOUT to kill and make an end of ...Bk1905 Sc.
• TAKE CARE OF SOMEONE to kill someone; to kill one or more, esp. as an expedient solution to a problem ...1984 UK sl.
• TAKE DOWN to challenge; to overcome; to surpass; to kill ...M18 sl.
• TAKE INTO CAMP to kill ...1878 sl.
• TAKE OUT to kill, destroy, or defeat ...1939 sl., orig. US
• TAKE SOMEONE OFF THE CALENDAR to kill, to murder ...1980s US sl.
• TAKE SOMEONE OFF THE COUNT to murder, to kill ...1980s sl.
• TAP to shoot (dead) ...2000s sl.
• TEAR SOMEONE'S ASS to trounce, to punish, to kill someone ...1961 Amer. sl.
• TIP OFF to kill deliberately ...1920 sl.
• TOP to execute by hanging; to kill; to commit suicide ...1718 sl.
• TOPPER to knock on the head; to kill by a blow on the head ...1869 sl.
• TOWER HILL to kill ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• TRY SOMEONE'S AIR to assault or attempt to kill someone ...1970 US prison sl.
• UNAGE to kill, to deprive of life ...1717 Sc.
• VENTILATE to shoot; to kill with a bullet ...L19 sl., orig. US
• WACK SOMEONE OUT to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• WASH to kill deliberately ...1941 US sl.
• WASH AWAY to kill deliberately ...1941 US sl.
• WASTE to kill deliberately ...1964 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WAX to kill deliberately ...1968 US sl., orig. services'
• WHACK SOMEONE OUT to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• WIPE to kill deliberately ...1968 sl.
• WIPE OFF to kill ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• WIPE OUT to kill deliberately ...1968 sl.
• ZAP to kill deliberately; to kill with a gun ...1942 sl., orig. US
• ZOTZ to kill, to murder ...20C sl.
• ASSED OUT dead, killed ...1980s US Black sl.
• BUMPED OFF killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CLICKED IT got killed; was wounded ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CONKED stopped; killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DAGOED killed by a Spaniard ...1899 US Army in Spanish-Amer. War
• DEATH-DONE killed, done to death ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• ELIMINATED killed, murdered ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• GUZZLED killed ...1920s US sl.
• KNOCKED OFF killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LAID killed ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• OFFED dead; killed ...World War I sl.
• OUTED dead; killed ...World War I sl.
• PACKED UP killed in warfare ...WWI army sl.
• PIFFED dead; killed ...20C US sl.
• PIFTED dead; killed ...20C US sl.
• PUT IN A BAG killed, wrapped in a shroud ...Amer. World War I sl.
• TUMBLED OVER to be killed ...US Civil War usage
• USED-UP dead; killed in battle ...World War I US sl.
• WASHED OUT killed ...World War I Amer. sl.
• YCULLID † killed ...1393
killed - nouns
• PAPER an underworld contract to have someone killed ...1983 US sl.
killed - person
• MAGGOT MEAT a dead person, or one about to be killed ...1970s US sl.
killed - verbs
• ANSWER THE LAST MUSTER to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• ANSWER THE LAST ROLL to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BECOME A GOLD STAR IN MOTHER’S WINDOW to be killed in action ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BUST ONE'S ASS to be killed in an airplane crash ...1945 Amer. sl.
• BUY IT to be killed; also, to die ...1920 sl.
• BUY ONE to be killed, as in air combat ...1929 Amer. sl., orig. military aviation usage
• BUY REAL ESTATE to be killed ...1977 Amer. military sl.
• BUY THE FARM to be killed; hence, to die ...1958 Amer. sl., orig. military
• BUY THE LOT to be killed; hence, to die ...1970 Amer. sl., orig. military
• BUY THE RANCH to be killed ...1963 Amer. military sl.
• BUY THE REAL ESTATE to be killed ...1977 Amer. military sl.
• CHECK OUT to be killed; to die ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COP A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• EAT DUST to be killed ...L19 US sl.
• EAT IT to be killed; to die ...1982 US military usage
• EAT THE GREEN WEENIE to get killed ...1970s US sl., orig. military
• GET A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• GET DEAD to be killed ...1961 Amer. sl.
• GET IT to be killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
• GET IT DEAD IN THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1967 Amer. sl.
• GET IT IN THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1945 Amer. sl.
• GET IT UP THE ASS to be victimized, vanquished, or killed ...1955 Amer. sl.
• GET THE CHOPPER to be killed ...1955 US military aviation usage
• GO FOR A BURTON to be killed, destroyed, ruined, or lost ...M20 colloq, orig. RAF sl.
• GO UP to be killed ...US Civil War usage
• HAVE AN ACCIDENT to be maimed or killed in retribution ...1941 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
• HAVE A PACKET to be killed or wounded; to get into trouble ...1930s sl.
• HEAR THE BAD NEWS to be killed ...1930s sl.
• LOSE ONE'S CAN vb. to be killed; generally used to refer to men shot through the head ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LOSE THE NUMBER OF ONE'S MESS to die; to be killed ...sl.
• MUSTER OUT to be killed in action ...US Civil War usage
• PUT ON THE SPOT to arrange for someone to be killed ...1929 US sl.
• SUFFER † to be killed or destroyed ...1605
• SWING to be killed by hanging ...1542 sl.
• WRITE ONESELF OFF to get killed, esp. through carelessness or impetuousness ...1939 Royal Air Force
• WRITE OUT to order to be killed ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• ACE a professional killer ...1970s sl.
• BAD MAN a desperado, outlaw, or professional killer ...1855 Amer. dial.
• FATHER-QUELLER † a parricide; one who kills a father ...c1440
• FEMICIDE one who kills a woman ...1828
• GALLICIDE a killer of fowls ...1897 nonce word
• GUN a professional killer ...colloq.
• HATCHET MAN orig. a hired Chinese assassin in the US; later, a professional killer ...1880 sl.
• HIT LADY a female hired killer ...1970s US sl.
• HIT MAN a man who is a hired killer ...1963 Amer. sl., orig. criminal
• HITTER a hired killer ...1959 Amer. sl., orig. criminal
• HIT WOMAN a female hired killer ...1970s US sl.
• HOSPITICIDE * one who kills his guest ...1656
• ICEMAN a paid killer ...1940s sl.
• MACTATOR †* a killer or murderer ...1656
• MANSLAYER one who kills a man; a homicide; a murderer; occasionally, one who commits manslaughter ...a1300
• MECHANIC a professional killer ...1973 sl.
• NATICIDE * one who kills his or her child ...1855
• NEEDLE MAN a person (or demonic figure) thought to kill people, esp. Blacks, usually to obtain bodies for dissection ...1945 Amer. dial.
• TAKE-OFF ARTIST a successful robber, rapist, or killer ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• WIDOW-MAKER a killer or potential killer of men
• DEAD-DOING † 'doing to death'; causing death; killing, murderous; destructive, fatal, mortal ... 1590
• DEATH-DOING doing to death, killing, murderous ...a1652
• MARITICIDAL * husband-killing ...1819
• PERNICIOUS having the quality of destroying; tending to destroy, kill, or injure; destructive, ruinous; fatal ...1521
• TACHYTHANATOUS killing quickly, rapidly fatal or lethal ...1860
killing - nouns
• CONTRACT an arrangement to have someone murdered by a professional killer ...1930s Amer. sl.
• DECORPORATION † a making bodiless ...1660
• FEMICIDE the killing of a woman ...1801
• GALLINICIDE the killing of hens or poultry ...1883 nonce word
• MACTATION the act of killing, esp. the slaughtering of a sacrificial victim ...1640
• MAN-SLAYING the act of killing a man; homicide; murder ...c1380
• NECATION †* the act of killing, a killing ...1721
• OCCISION † killing, slaying, esp. of a number of people, as in battle; slaughter ...1375
• POP-OFF a death, a killing ...1950s US sl.
• SACKING a method of killing a person using a sack ...1930s sl.
• SNUFFING a killing, esp. a murder ...1970s Amer. sl.
• TITHING † the killing of every tenth; decimation; sometimes, the killing of all but the tenth ...1586
• TRUCIDATION * a cruel killing or murdering; humorous use: slaughter ...1623
• TURKEY SHOOT an ambush; an easy killing ...US Civil War usage
• VIRICIDE the slaying of men or of husbands ...1766 nonce word
• WALM † killing, execution ...c1205
KILLJOY - nouns, person
• BUZZ CRUSHER someone or something that ruins or dampens one's pleasure; a killjoy or spoilsport ...1980s Amer. student sl.
• SAD KECKS a term of contempt for a killjoy ...1999 UK sl.
• WET BLANKET a person who dampens and smothers all enthusiasm; a person who prevents fun; a killjoy; a pessimist ...1879 Amer. sl.
• K a kilometer ...1940s sl.
• KAY 1 kilometre ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
KILT - adjectives
• BREEKLESS without breeches, wearing a kilt ...Bk1911 Sc.
KILT - nouns
• QUELT † a kilt ...1754 Sc.
KIND, KINDLY - adjectives
• AFFECTIONED † well-affected, kindly disposed ...1539
• AINTY attentive, kindly ...1929 Sc.
• AMOREVOLOUS †* loving; affectionate; kind; charitable ...a1670
• BEIN † pleasant, genial, kindly ...a1200
• BENEFIC kind ...1641
• BENEFICAL † kind ...1647
• BENEFICENT doing good, kind ...1616
• BENEFICIAL † doing good, kind ...1526
• BENEFICIOUS † doing good, kind ...1535
• BENEVOLOUS † well-wishing, kind, friendly, benevolent ...1470
• BENIGN of a kind disposition, gracious, kindly ...c1320
• BENIGNANT cherishing or exhibiting kindly feeling towards inferiors or dependants; gracious, kind, benevolent ...a1782
• BENIGNATE †* of a kindly disposition, gracious, kindly ...1533
• BENIGNED †* of a kindly disposition, gracious, kindly ...1470
• BESEKANDLIK † kind, gracious ...a1300
• CADGY cheerful, in good spirits; friendly, affectionately kind or hospitable ...1819 Sc.
• CAGIE cheerful, in good spirits; friendly, affectionately kind or hospitable ...1822 Sc.
• CANDID † gentle, courteous, kindly; not desirous to find faults ...1633
• CLEMENTIOUS † mild and humane in the exercise of power or authority; merciful, lenient, kindly towards those in one's power ...1632
• DALLY good, kind, nice, sweet ...2002 UK sl.
• DEBONAIR † of gentle disposition, mild, meek; gracious, kindly; courteous, affable ...a1225
• DECENT kind, accommodating, likeable ...L18
• FAINFU' affectionate, kind, amiable, likeable ...1887 Sc.
• FAINLY affectionate, kind, amiable ...Bk1900 Sc.
• FAVOROUS † full of favour, obliging, kind ...c1485
• FAVOURABLE † of a superior: gracious; kindly, obliging ...1502 obs. exc. arch.
• GAIN † of persons: ready, well-disposed, kindly ...a1320 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GAINLY † ready to help, kindly, gracious ...a1300
• HEARTLY † showing genuine friendliness or warmth of affection, cordial, affectionate, kindly ...c1385
• INNERLY pleasant, cheerful, sociable; kindly, affectionate, compassionate...1888 Sc.
• KAITER kindly, friendly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• NATURABLE of a kindly disposition; benevolent; homely ...1877 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL-HEARTED kind, affectionate; simple-hearted ...1882 Sc.
• NESH † tender, mild, gentle, kind; inclined to pity, mercy, or other tender feelings ...c897
• OFFICIOUS † doing or ready to do kind offices; eager to serve or please; attentive, obliging, kind ...1565
• OPEN-HEARTED full of kindly feeling ...a1617
• PARTIAL kind, fond ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUEMEFUL † pleasing, pleasant, agreeable; kind. gracious ...a1340
• SUNBEAMED † as bright as the sun; genial, kind ...1588
• SUNBEAMY kind, genial ...1890
• THOTTY thoughtful, considerate, kind ...1982 Amer. dial.
• THOUGHTY thoughtful, considerate, kind ...1941 Amer. dial.
KIND (sort) - adjectives
• MANIFORM multiform; existing in many forms or kinds ...1835
• OMNIGENER * of all kinds ...1857
• OMNIGENOUS of all kinds ...1650
• OMNIVARIOUS † of all varieties or different kinds ...1624
• SUCHKIN † of such a kind, this kind of ...c1205
KIND (sort) - adverbs
• ALKIN of every kind ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ALLKINS of every kind ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ANY KIN of any kind of sort ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
KIND (benevolence) - nouns
• AFFECT kind feeling; affection ...1440
• TICE kind treatment; the act of treating in a coaxing manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
KIND (sort) - nouns
• ALL MANNERS OF MAKES every conceivable kind ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• EDITION † kind, species ...a1625
• MANDER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MANTHER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MAUNDER kind, variety ...1867 Eng. dial.
• RANK † a class, set, kind of persons or things ...1585
• SUIT † kind, sort, class ...1548
• UNDER-KIND † a sub-species; an inferior or lower kind ...1571
• VEIN †* a kind or species ...1568
KIND - nouns, person
• BENEVOLER †* a well-wisher, a kind person ...1486
• DEBONAIR † a kind, gracious person ...c1366
KIND - verbs
• THURRISH to be friendly, kind, or accommodating ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
KINDLE - verbs
• ACCEND † to kindle, to set light to, to set on fire ...1432-50
• BEET † to make, kindle, put on a fire ...c885 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ILLUME †* to set alight; to kindle ...1728
• ONTEND † to kindle, to inflame (lit. and fig.) ...c890
• QUICK † of a fire: to kindle, to begin to burn ...c1175
• SUCCEND † to set on fire, to kindle, to burn ...1432-50
• TEND to kindle, to light, to set fire to ...1851 Eng. dial.
• TIND † to set fire to; to ignite, to light, to kindle, as a fire, lamp, torch, flame, etc. ...a1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
KINDLED - adjectives
• ACCENDIBLE †* capable of being kindled, or set on fire ...1630
• ACCENSED † kindled, set on fire, inflamed ...1573
KINDLED - nouns
• ACCENDIBILITY capacity of being kindled, set on fire or inflamed ...1859
• BENEDICENCE * kindliness in speech ...1881
• CANDOUR † freedom from malice; favourable disposition, kindliness; sweetness of temper ...1653
• FAVOURABLENESS † kindliness, leniency ...1545
KINDLING - adjectives
• ACCENDING † kindling ...1646
KINDLING - nouns
• ACCENSION † the act of kindling, or the state of being kindled; ignition; heat ...1646 obs. or arch.
• BEETING † making a fire, kindling ...1517
• CATSTICK a piece of kindling ...1832 Amer. dial.
• CHATWOOD kindling wood; little sticks ...1911 Amer. dial.
• FEEDER kindling wood ...1969 Amer. dial.
• NOGGIN small pieces of wood used to start a fire ...1967 Amer. dial.
• YELDING kindling ...1850 Eng. dial.
KINDLY - adverbs
• AFFECTIOUSLY † earnestly, sincerely, cordially, kindly ...1430
• AFFECTUOUSLY † affectionately; kindly, lovingly, tenderly ...1447
• BEIN † pleasantly, genially, kindly ...c1400 obs. exc. Sc.
• BENIGNLY kindly, graciously ...c1380
• FAIR † civilly, courteously, kindly ...a1000
• VOGIE fondly, kindly ...1878 Sc.
KINDLY - nouns
• BENEDICTION kindly favour, grace ...1483
• HEART * kindly feeling; cordiality, heartiness ...a1656
KINDNESS - nouns
• BENEFACTION a doing good, kindly or generous action; an act of kindness ...a1662
• BENEFACTURE † benefaction, kindness ...a1656
• BENEFICE † a good deed, kindness, favour ...1340
• BENEFICENCE doing good; active kindness ...1531
• BENEFICENCY † doing good; active kindness ...1576
• BENEFICIALNESS † doing good, kindness ...1528
• BENEFIT a kind deed, a kindness; a favour, a gift ...1377 arch.
• BENIGNANCY kindness ...1876
• BENIGNITY 1. kindly feeling and is manifestation; kindness of disposition, or of manner ...c1374
2. a kindly or generous deed; a kindness, a favour bestowed ...c1534
• BENISON † disposition to bless; graciousness, grace, kindness ...c1450
• CAIDGINESS affectionate kindness ...1825 Sc.
• DEBONAIRSHIP †* debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1240
• DEBONAIRTY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• DEBONARITY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• KOKUM sham kindness ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• MANHEAD † humanity, humaneness, kindness ...1382
• MANLINESS † humanity; human kindness ...1382
• MANSHIP † humanity, kindness; courtesy, civility ...a1000
• MENSE pay, recompense, reward; thanks, grateful return; kindness ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NATURAL-HEARTEDNESS kindness, affection ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OBLIGEMENT a kindness, service, favour ...1878 Sc. & N. Ireland
• OFFICIOSITY †* the quality of being officious; attentiveness, dutifulness ...1565
KINDNESS - nouns, person
• MISTER NICE-GUY a paragon of kindness, friendliness, tolerance, etc. ...Amer. colloq.
KINDNESS - verbs
• CARESS to treat with kindness or favour; to pet, to make much of ...1658 arch.
• FAIN † to pretend kindness ...a1225
KINDLE - verbs
• TAKE WITH to kindle; to catch fire ...1822 Sc.
• EENKIN † kindred in all its extent ...1825 Sc.
• ETION † kindred, lineage; descent, genealogy ...1742 Sc.
• NATION †* a family, kindred ...c1386
• NATURE kindred ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• BASILEIOLATRY. king-worship ...1872 nonce word
• REGICIDE the killing of a king ...16C
king - person
• ARDRI a head king ...1889
• GOLD RING a king ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• REGICIDE a person who kills a king ...16C
• ROITELET a petty or minor king ...E17 arch.
• MACKY-MOON the kingfisher, Alcedo ispida ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• BASILIC †* kingly, royal, sovereign ...1728
• BASILICAL kingly, royal, regal ...1652
• NEARNESS close kinship or relationship ...1444
• NECESSARY †* a near friend or kinsman ...1382
• NEW YORK NIPPERS kippers ...1930s rhyming sl.
• REISTER a salted and dried salmon; a kipper ...1811 Sc.
• SPITHEAD PHEASANT a kipper or bloater ...1948 Brit. nautical sl.