REST - adjectives
• BROKE OF ONE'S REST deprived of one's rest ...1830 Amer. dial. arch.
REST - nouns
• ACQUIESCEMENT † acquiescence; resting satisfied; rest, quiet satisfaction; peaceful agreement or submission ...1721
• BAIT a halt for refreshment in the course of a journey; a stoppage for rest ...1579
• BARS a rest from work ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAMP a short rest, a lie-down ...M19 Aust. sl.
• EASY a short rest ...1885
• KIP sleep; rest; a nap ...1893 Amer. sl.
• L AND L rest and recreation (Liquor and Love) ...1969 US jocular
• LAY-UP a stopover; a rest ...1942 Amer. dial.
• LEATH † cessation, intermission, rest ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LEMON TIME a break for rest and light refreshment ...20C Brit. railway sl.
• LIE-DOWN a rest on a bed, etc. ...1840 sl.
• LITTLE R. during the Korean and Vietnam wars, rest and rehabilitation ...1960 US sl.
• MIKE a respite from work ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER a break taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUIET † freedom from work or occupation; rest, repose ...1340
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• SIT-DOWN 1. a rest on a chair ...1861 sl.
2. a place where travellers habitually rest ...1898
• SPELL-O a rest ...L19 Aust. sl.
REST (remainder) - nouns
• REST PART the rest, the remainder ...1903 Amer. dial.
REST - verbs
• ACQUIESCE † to remain at rest, either physically or mentally; to rest satisfied in a place or state ...c1620
• AREST to grant rest ...1875 Eng. dial.
• BAIT to take a rest, to cease from labour for a short time ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAMP to rest, to lie down ...M19 Aust. sl.
• GO TO CAMP to take a rest ...M19 Aust.
• HANG UP ONE'S HATCHET † to cease from one's labours; to take a rest ...a1327
• HIT THE BAG to go to bed; to have a rest ...1961 Amer. sl.
• LAIR to lie, to rest; to dwell; to sink to rest ...1815 Sc.
• LAY UP to rest, to idle, to loiter, to loaf, to take it easy, to relax ...1858 Amer. dial.
• LEAN † to recline, to lie down, to rest ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• NEST † of persons; to repose or rest, to domicile or settle oneself in a place ...a1300
• NOON to take a midday break from work or travel for food and rest ...1805 Amer. dial.
• PUT ONE'S FEET UP to take a rest ...colloq.
• QUARTER to take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SPINE-BASH to rest or loaf about ...1941 Aust. sl.
• TAKE FIVE to take a short break, i.e. a 5-minute break ...1910s US sl.
REST AREA - nouns
• NAP TRAP a roadside rest area ...1976 US sl.
RESTFUL - adjectives
• EASEFUL that gives ease, comfort, or relief; comfortable, soothing; quiet, peaceful, restful ...1375
RESTING - nouns
• BED OF DOWN a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1604
• BED OF FLOWERS a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1777
• BED OF ROSES a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1806
• DOWN-SITTING the act of sitting down; a resting, repose ...1535
• LEE † a resting-place ...a900
• EDBOTE †* restitution, amends, satisfaction ...c1315
RESTIVE - adjectives
• GALYARS restive, in a temper ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HAUNTY † unruly, wanton, restive ...1671 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAINLESS impatient, restive, impetuous ...1880 Sc.
• POLRUMPTIOUS restive, rude, unruly, obstreperous; foolishly confident ...1790 Eng. dial.
• RAMSKEERIE very restive and lustful, as of a ram ...1824 Sc.
• RAMSKERIE † restive; lustful ...1824 Sc.
• RANTING † unruly, restive ...1658
• REESTED restive; baulking ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RESOLUTE obstinate, strong-headed; restive; generally used of a child or a horse ...1885 Eng. dial.
RESTIVE - verbs
• REEST to be restive; to refuse to go further; to throw the head back in anger; generally used of a horse ...1812 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TETCH to be obstinate or restive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OBSTRAPULOSITY obstreperousness, restiveness, resistance ...1828 Sc.
• REASTINESS restiveness ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REEST restiveness; stubbornness; obstinacy, esp. of horses ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TETCH obstinacy, restiveness ...1876 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - adjectives
• ALL OF A TWITTER agitated, restless ...1678
• ANTSY restless, eager, anxious, annoyed ...1838 Amer. dial.
• AT NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• BRICKETY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1868 Amer. dial.
• BRIGATY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1880 Amer. dial.
• BRIGETTY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BRIGGITY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1911 Amer. dial.
• BRIGGOTY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1952 Amer. dial.
• BRIGITY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1898 Amer. dial.
• CADGED restless ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CORKY skittish, restless, frivolous, lively ...M18 sl.
• FANTOD fidgety, restless ...1887
• FIDDLE-FOOTED restless, given to wandering, gadding about ...1941 Amer. dial.
• IDLE mischievous, full of fun; saucy; flippant; restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• IMPACIFIC †* not peaceful; restless ...a1653
• IN A FLAP agitated, restless ...1916 sl.
• IN A LATHER agitated, restless; impatient ...1839 sl.
• IN A STATE agitated, restless ...1837 sl.
• IN A STEW agitated, restless; impatient ...1806 sl.
• IN A STUMA agitated, restless ...1932 sl.
• JITTERY agitated, restless ...1931 sl.
• JUMPY agitated, restless ...1879 sl.
• MALCONTENT discontented, dissatisfied; inclined to rebellion or mutiny; restless and disaffected ...1586
• MEADLESS troublesome, tiresome, unruly; restless ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MEEDLESS troublesome, tiresome, unruly; restless ...1790 Eng. dial.
• NERVOUS AS A WITCH, AS said of a very restless person ...1880
• NESTLY fidgety, restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NIDGING * restless, troublesome ...1796
• ON NETTLES fidgety, uneasy, excited; in a restless, impatient condition; anxious, in suspense ...1892
• ON THE NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• POLLRUMPTIOUS unruly or restless; foolishly confident ...c1860 sl.
• QUATTING AND BOBBING sitting down one minute and bobbing up again the next; restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMBLING restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMPLOR roving, unsettled, restless ...1821 Sc.
• RUN-ABOUT wandering, restless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• SKITTERY restless ...1941
• TADIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TAGEOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TAVERING restless in illness ...1873 Eng. dial.
• TEDDIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TEDIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TEWSOME troublesome, tiresome; restless, unquiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TID lively, sprightly, frolicsome; skittish, restless, fidgety ...1825 Eng. dial.
• TIMMERSOME passionate, turbulent; restless, troublesome, tiresome ...1777 Eng. dial.
• TOEY agitated, restless, nervous, on edge, irritable ...1930 sl., chiefly Aust.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• TUSOME troublesome, tiresome; restless, unquiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TWITCHED agitated, restless ...1959 sl.
• TWITCHY agitated, restless ...1874 sl.
• UNRESTFUL restless, uneasy ...1895 Eng. dial.
• UNRESTLESS restless, uneasy ...1901 Eng. dial.
• UNRESTY † adj. unquiet, full of unrest, restless, uneasy, troublesome ...a1340 obs. exc. Sc.
• UNROLESS † restless ...c1230
• UNSTILL † restless, in motion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UPON THE NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANRESTFUL † restless ...1783 Sc.
• WAPPERED fatigued, wearied, restless ...1868 Eng. dial.
• WOPPERED fatigued, wearied, restless ...1868 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - nouns
• RABBITS'-REST a restless night, when the bed is rough or bumpy ...c1850 Sc.
RESTLESS - nouns, person
• ASTAMAGOOTIS a restless person; a worrywart ...1980 Amer. dial.
• BREFFITS a fidgety, restless person; a term applied to a child when in a state of breathless anxiety ...1861 Eng. dial.
• FLIBBERTIGIBBET a chattering or gossiping person; a flighty, restless, or frivolous woman; a scatterbrain; an oaf ...1549
• HALLOCKIT a noisy, restless person; a romp, a hoyden ...1787 Sc.
• MAGGOT a fidgety, restless child ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMPAGER a restless, romping person; one who prances about furiously; a boisterous or quarrelsome person ...1879 Sc.
• RAMPLOR a rover, a restless person ...1822 Sc.
• SCAFF an idle, restless person ...1866 Sc.
• SCOPPERIL a lively, restless person or animal; an active, agile child; a young rascal ...1874 Eng. dial.
• SHORT STAKER a restless person who works only long enough to get a few dollars together before he is off again ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SKOPERIL a lively, restless person or animal; an active, agile child; a young rascal ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TACKET a restless, unruly boy ...1896 Sc.
• WRINGLE-GUT a restless, fretful person; a nervous, fidgety man ...1777 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - verbs
• BATE † to flutter, to struggle; to be restless or impatient ...1592
• DING to move violently, restlessly, in an ill temper ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FIDDLE-FOOT AROUND to fool around, to move restlessly ...1963 Amer. dial.
• GAIVE to move about in a clumsy, purposeless or restless fashion ...1822 Sc.
• GEAVE to move about in a clumsy, purposeless or restless fashion ...1822 Sc.
• HAVE ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS to be impatient or eager to act or speak; to be restless; to be or become agitated ...1931 sl., orig. US
• JACTITATE * to toss restlessly about ...1822-34
• JIFFLE † to fidget; to be restless; to shuffle ...1674 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP A NESTLING to be restless and uneasy ...c1696 sl.
• NESTLE † to be uneasy or restless; to fidget; to move or bustle about; to trifle ...a1700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RALLY to wander back and forwards in a restless, disorderly manner ...1866 Sc.
• RATCH to move about restlessly, to twist and turn ...1985 Amer. dial.
• RATCHET to move about restlessly, to twist and turn ...1999 Amer. dial.
• SCHUSSEL to fidget; to be restless ...1996 Amer. dial.
• TARTAR to move about restlessly and noisily; to blunder about; to toss, to fidget, to wriggle ...1928 Sc.
• TEW to toss, to shake about; to be restless or constantly moving; to fidget ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIFLE to tumble or toss about as a restless person does in bed; to act as a swivel-joint in a piece of mechanism ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TUMULTUATE * to stir up a tumult; to make a disturbance or commotion; to become tumultuous, turbulent, agitated or restless ...1611
• WALK † vb. of persons: to toss about restlessly ...a1100
• WRIGGLE LIKE A SNIG IN A BOTTLE of a child: to be restless (snig = an eel) ...B1900 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - phrases
• FIGHTING THE BITS said of an impatient or restless person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• ANTS an unrelaxed, disturbed condition; acute restlessness ...Amer. sl.
• ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS an unrelaxed, disturbed condition; acute restlessness ...Amer. sl.
• CABIN FEVER lassitude, restlessness, impatience, or irritability as a result of being confined in too small a space, with no variety in companions or occupations ...1918 sl.
• FANTODS a feeling of fidgety uneasiness; fidgets; restlessness; a state of anxiety or excitement ...1876 Amer. dial.
• FLAP a state of panic, distress, agitation or restlessness ...1916 sl.
• HARRY TATE a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'state'
• JACTATION a tossing or swinging of the body to and fro ...1680-90
• LATHER a state of agitation, excitement, or restlessness ...1839 sl.
• STEW a state of agitation or restlessness ...1806 sl.
• STUMA a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 sl.
• STUMER a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 sl.
• TISWAS a state of agitation or restlessness ...1960 sl.
• TIZ a state of agitation or restlessness ...1954 sl.
• TIZZ a state of agitation, restlessness, nervousness, confusion or dither for little reason ...1954 sl.
• TIZZ-WOZZ a state of agitation or restlessness ...1960 sl.
• TIZZY a state of agitation, restlessness, nervousness, confusion or dither for little reason ...1935 sl., orig. US
• TWITTER a state of agitation or restlessness ...1678
• TWO AND EIGHT. a state of agitation or restlessness ...1938 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'state'
• BOTE OF BEAM † remedy, improvement, restoration ...1330
RESTORATIVE - adjectives
• BALSAMIC soothing, healing, gently restorative ...1667
RESTORE - verbs
• GRIMTHORPE to restore an ancient building with lavish expenditure rather than knowledge and fine taste ...1892
• PART to give up, to hand over, to restore; usually of money ...M19 sl.
• REFICIATE † to restore, refresh ...1657
• REPOSE † to replace; to restore to a situation ...1775 Sc.
• RESTORATE of buildings: to restore ...1887 Eng. dial.
• RICKLE UP to restore anything which is in a dilapidated condition ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• VAMP to mend or repair with or as with patches; to furbish up, to renovate, to restore ...1599
• VAMP UP to mend or repair with or as with patches; to furbish up, to renovate, to restore ...1599
• BEDWYNGE † to constrain, to restrain ...1480
• BRANK to bridle or restrain ...Bk1911 Sc.
• COHIBIT * to restrain, check, hinder; to restrict ...1544
• HAIN †* to shut up, to confine, to restrain ...1636
• HAMSHACKLE to fetter, to curb, to restrain ...1802
• HOBBLE to restrain ...L19 US sl.
• IMMEW † to mew or coop up; to keep in restraint or confinement ...a1600
• LANGLE to involve, to encumber, to curb, to restrain, to hamper, to frustrate ...1713 Sc.
• NUT OUT to become insane; to abandon restraint ...1919 Amer. sl., esp. Black
• OBTEMPERATE †* to temper, restrain ...1560 Sc.
• PUT THE ARM ON SOMEONE to detain or restrain by physical force; spec. to arrest ...20C Amer. sl.
• RAMBARRE †* to beat or force back; to drive away, to repel, to repulse; to stop, to restrain ...1644 Sc.
• REFRENATE †* to check, to restrain ...1599
• SING SMALL to restrain or humble oneself ...1845 Amer. dial.
• TAKE ONE'S PUMPS OFF to lay aside all restraint ...1881 Ireland
• TAKE UP † to restrain oneself; to reform, to mend one's ways ...1613 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TIGHTEN A PERSON'S TETHER to restrict, to restrain ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TINE † to confine. to restrain to something ...c1430
• UNDERKEEP † to restrain; to keep under or in subjection ...1590
• WARN † to prevent, to hinder, to restrain from action ...c888
RESTRAINED - adjectives
• METHEFUL † restrained, moderate; gentle, mild ...c1000 obs.
• TAKE IT LIGHT to act in a restrained manner; to resist excess; to go slowly ...1960s US Black sl.
• UNDER WRAPS restrainedly ...20C
• ABSTENTION † the act of keeping back or restraining ...1521
RESTRAINT - adjectives
• ABSTROPELOUS aggressively resistant to control or restraint ...E18 sl.
• AT HARD-MEAT † in close confinement; under strict restraint ...1594
• AWEBOUND under restraint or discipline; submissive to authority ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AWEBUND under restraint or discipline; submissive to authority ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FREAKY-DEAKY acting without restraint, esp. in a sexual way ...1981 US sl.
• AWE-BAND a check, restraint ...Bk1898 Sc.
• HANK * a restraining or curbing hold; a power of check or restraint ...1613 now rare or Eng. dial.
• THRALL oppression; restraint; trouble, worry ...1829 Sc. & Eng. dial.
RESTRAINT - interjections
• STEADY! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
• STEADY ON! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
• STEADY THERE! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
RESTRICT - verbs
• COHIBIT * to restrain, check, hinder; to restrict ...1544
• PUT ONE'S FOOT DOWN to curtail, to restrict ...1910s sl.
• TIGHTEN A PERSON'S TETHER to restrict, to restrain ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PALE a limit, boundary; a restriction; a defense, safeguard ...c1400
RESULT - nouns
• AFTERINGS outcome, results, consequences ...Bk1898 Sc.
• EFFICACE † effect, result, consequence ...a1491
• EFTERINS final results, consequences ...1823 Sc.
• FALLOUT an accompanying or resultant effect of something; an aftermath ...1950s Amer. sl.
• FOLLOW-THROUGH a result; anything that happens after something else; the next logical action ...Bk1974 Amer. colloq.
• FOLLOW-UP a consequence or expected result ...Bk1974 Amer. colloq.
• GO-GETTER a thing productive of results ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• OFFCOME a good or bad result, the way in which a thing works out ...1901 Sc.
• SUCCEDENT †* a result, issue ...1627
• SUCCEEDING † consequence, result ...1601
• SUCCESS † that which happens in the sequel; the termination, favourable or otherwise, of affairs; the issue, upshot, result ...1537
• SUCCESSION † the result, issue ...1514
• SUITE * a sequel, a result ...c1800
• UPCAST the outcome or result of anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UPTAKE the upshot, conclusion, result ...1828 Eng. dial.
RESULT(S) - verbs
• ACHIEVE † to come to a natural end or conclusion; to end, to result, to turn out ...1393
• FISH FOR HERRING AND CATCH A WHALE to get a result other than expected ...B1900
• FISH WELL AND CATCH A FROG to obtain little result after great effort ...1546
• GET A GOOD SCALD ON to have good results with ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PAN OUT to work out, to result in ...1871 sl., orig. US
• PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTONS to manage to get the desired results, esp. by manipulating another person ...1970 Amer. sl.
• SUCCEED † to follow as a consequence of; to ensue, to result ...1537
• SUE † to follow as a consequence or result ...c1400
RESULT - phrases
• BEARD WON'T PAY FOR THE SHAVING, THE the result is not worth the trouble ...1882 Eng. dial.
• GAME IS NOT WORTH THE CANDLE, THE the object is not worth the labour, effort, or pains required to obtain it; the result will not pay for the trouble ...1860
• GAIN-RISING † resurrection ...c1550
RESURRECTION - nouns, person
• SACK 'EM UP MEN resurrectionists ...c1830 sl.
• DAWN † to arouse or awake from a swoon, to resuscitate ...1530
• HUMP AND THUMP cardiovascular resuscitation ...1994 US sl.
• TINT FOR TANT † retaliation, retort in kind, tit for tat ...1620
RETAIL - verbs
• BREAK to sell by retail ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAP † to retail any commodity ...1478-9 Sc.
RETAILER - nouns, person
• BREAKER a retailer; one who sells goods in small quantities ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAPPER † a retailer ...1478-9 Sc.
• TAPSTER † one who sells by retail or in small quantities ...1402
RETAIN - verbs
• BEHOLD † to hold by, to keep hold of, to retain ...a1000
• GIVE LILL FOR LOLL † to retaliate ...c1425
• SERVE THE SAME SAUCE to retaliate in kind; to treat in the same fashion; to give as good as you take ...1817
RETALIATION - adjectives
• TALIONIC pert. to revenge in kind or retaliation ...1886
• QUITS * reprisal, retaliation ...1865
• TALIATION † a return of like for like; retaliation ...1591
• BREED A BLACK EYE to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BREED A SCAB to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1941 Amer. dial.
• BREED A SCAB ON ONE'S NOSE to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• SET UP ONE'S JAY-FEATHERS to be provoked into retaliation in kind ...1825 Sc.
RETARD - verbs
• BACK to keep down or under; to retard ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BACKEN * to put, keep, or throw back; to delay, to retard in progress ...1649
• BACKWARD † to put or keep back; to delay, to retard ...1594
• BESLOW † to retard ...1645
• GELE †* to delay, to retard; to tarry, to linger ...a900
• TAIGLE to entangle, to impede, or to hinder in course or action; to keep back, to retard, to detain, to delay ...1635 Sc.
• TARDE †* to retard, to delay ...1524
• TARDY † to make tardy; to delay, to retard, to keep back ...1611
• TARRY † to delay, to retard, to defer, to put off a thing or action; to protract, to prolong ...c1320
• TEAGLE to entangle, to impede, or to hinder in course or action; to keep back, to retard, to detain, to delay ...1635 Sc.
• TARDATION † the act of delaying, delay, postponement; slackening of speed, retardation, hindering ...1500-20
RETARDING - adjectives
• TAIGLESOME time-consuming, retarding, delaying ...1825 Sc.
• TARDATIVE † tending to slacken speed, retarding, delaying ...1665-6
• SKID a retarding influence or agency ...1841
• TARDIDATION †* the act of delaying, delay, postponement; a hindering, retarding ...1647
RETCH - nouns
• KECK the noise made in the gullet by sickness; a sound between a cough and choke ...1852 Eng. dial.
RETCH - verbs
• BOAK to retch; to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOCK to retch; to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOKE to retch, to vomit; to belch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOUK to retch, to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOWK to retch, to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAIK to retch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAKE to vomit, to retch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAST THE GORGE to vomit violently, or make violent attempts to vomit ...1614
• GAG to retch, esp. to retch noisily ...20C US colloq.
• HEAVE to make an effort to vomit, to retch; to feel loathing ...1601
• HEAVE THE GORGE to make an effort to vomit; to retch ...1604
• KECK to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1601
• KECKEN to make a sound between a choke and a cough; to retch ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1619 Eng. dial.
• NEW YORK to retch, to vomit ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• REACH to vomit, to strain in the attempt to vomit; to retch ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RID to retch, to vomit; to cough up; to expectorate ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• UIK to retch, to vomit ...1929 Sc.
• URGE to retch; to strain as in vomiting ...1887 Eng. dial.
• YAWK to hawk, to clear the throat; to retch in vomiting ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YECK to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Sc.
• YEKE to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Eng. dial.
• YOKE to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Sc. & Eng. dial.
RETCHING - nouns
• BOUK a retching, a vomiting ...Bk1911 Sc.
• HEAVES a bout of retching or vomiting ...20C colloq.
• FASTNESS † capacity for gripping tightly or retaining; tenacity, retentiveness ...1552
RETHINK - verbs
• CAFFLE to change one's mind; to go back from a promise or bargain; to decline a contest ...1876 Eng. dial.
RETICENT - adjectives
• BACKWARD IN COMING FORWARD reluctant, shy to do something; reticent ...colloq.
• CAGEY non-committal, reticent, wary ...1893
• CAGY wary, cautious, crafty, cunning, reticent, non-committal ...1893 US colloq.
• CLOSE-LIPPED reticent, discreet
• CLOSE-MOUTHED reticent, discreet
• MEAL-MOUTHED afraid to speak out; soft-tongued, plausible ...1821 Sc.
• MEALY-MOUTHED reticent, reserved, afraid to speak out; plausible, smooth-tongued, hypocritical ...1836 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM prim, demure; affectedly modest or shy; prudish; primly silent or reticent ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM-MOUTHED affectedly prim or proper in speech, etc.; reticent, shy at speaking out; soft-spoken ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM-SPOKEN affectedly prim or proper in speech, etc.; reticent, shy at speaking out; soft-spoken ...1896 Sc.
RETICENT - nouns, person
• MANGINA a reticent, reserved man ...2000s US college sl.
• OYSTER a close-mouthed person; one who talks little ...1888 Amer. sl.
• SEALED OYSTER a close-mouthed person ...L19 US sl.
RETICULE - nouns
• RIDICULE a reticule; a bag in which women carry gloves, handkerchiefs, etc. ...1843 Eng. & Amer. dial.
RETINUE - nouns
• MENYIE a retinue, a train of followers, a suite; a company of followers, a procession ...1721 Sc.
• MENZIE a retinue, a train of followers, a suite; a company of followers, a procession ...1721 Sc.
• SUIT a company of followers; a train, retinue ...1297 arch. or Eng. dial.
• SUITE a train of followers, attendants, or servants; a retinue ...1673
• TAIL an entourage or retinue of a highland chief and his henchmen ...1814 Sc.
• TO-DRAUGHT †* a following, train, retinue ...a1300
RETINUE - nouns, person
• SUITOR † one of a retinue or suite; hence, an adherent, a follower ...c1380
RETIRE - verbs
• BOWLER-HAT to retire someone compulsorily, esp. demobilizing an officer ...1953 Brit. sl.
• DEN UP to retire; to hibernate ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DUCK to retire; to leave; to flee; to disappear ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• FILL ONE'S PIPE to be able to retire from work ...c1810 colloq.
• HANG UP to quit work; to retire; to die ...1845 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S BOOTS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1975 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S FIDDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1830 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S HARNESS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S HAT to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S RACK to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S ROPE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S SADDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PACK IN to stop, to cease an activity or to function; to become useless; to give up; to retire; to die ...1942 sl.
• PACK UP to retire; to stop working or trying; to die ...WWI colloq.
• PULL THE PIN to resign or retire from a job ...1927 US sl.
• PUT ONE'S CUE IN THE RACK to retire ...1980s sl.
• RACK UP to retire; to abandon an occupation or action ...1940s sl.
• YELLOW to retire a person ...1747
RETIRE - phrases
• DOING A DAME NELLIE said of anybody who keeps retiring then returning ...20C Aust. sl. Best
RETIRED - adjectives
• DEAVELY lonely, solitary, unfrequented, retired, remote ...1677 Eng. dial.
• ENTIRE independent; retired from business ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ONERLY lonely, retired ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UMBRATIC * confined to the shade or to retirement; retired, secluded ...1839
RETIRED - nouns, person
• SNOWBIRD a retired person, who moves to a warmer climate during the winter months ...US colloq.
RETIREMENT - adjectives
• UMBRATICAL † remaining in retirement or seclusion ...1636
• UMBRATILE carried on in retirement or seclusion; not public or practical ...1640
• JERICHO a place of retirement or concealment, or a place far distant and out of the way; a secluded place ...1635
RETIREMENT - nouns, person
• UMBRATILE one who spends their time in retirement or seclusion ...1888
RETIRING - adjectives
• SELF-EFFACIVE modest, retiring ...1883 nonce word
RETIRING - nouns, person
• SCODGE a shy, retiring person ...1910 Sc.
RETORT, RETORTING - adjectives
• RETORTIVE of the nature of a retort or sharp reply ...E19
• SNAPHANCE † retorting sharply, snappish ...1592
RETORT - nouns
• BACK-ANSWER a retort; a rude reply ...1894 Eng. dial.
• BACK-CA' a retort, a snub ...1894 Sc.
• BACK-HANDER a sarcastic retort or snub ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BACK-JAW an insolent or hostile answer; a retort; mutual abuse; ...M19 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BACK-TALK a retort or reply which is regarded as superfluous or impertinent ...1858 orig. Eng. dial.
• BACK-WORD a contention, retort, reply ...1874 Eng. dial.
• CHOKING OYSTER, A a reply that leaves one nothing to say, as if choked with an oyster too large to swallow; a retort which puts another to silence ...B1900
• DABBER a pointed retort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLANKER a blow; a retort; a kick ...Bk1893 sl.
• GAMEGALL † a satirical retort ...1577
• JERK a retort; a jest; a quirk ...1653 sl.
• NASTY JAR a stinging retort ...Bk1902 sl.
• REJAG †* a sharp retort; a repartee ...1554 obs. rare exc. Sc.
• ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER, A an effective retort
• SNAPHANCE † a snappish retort; a curt, sharp answer; a ready answer or argument ...1598
• TALIATION † a retaliatory answer, a retort, a rejoinder ...1822 Sc. nonce word
• VENY a sharp retort, a pungent remark ...1586
RETORT - verbs
• BACK-JAW to answer in an insolent or hostile manner; to retort, altercate, abuse ...M19 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BREAK IT OFF IN to rebuke sternly; to wound someone with a sarcastic or cutting retort ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CAMPLE † to scold, bully; to retort, answer pertly; to argue or contend saucily; to wrangle or quarrel; to be sulky or cross ...1621 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GANSEL to scold, to upbraid, to storm at someone; to make an impudent retort ...1818 Sc.
• GANSHEL to scold, to upbraid, to storm at someone; to make an impudent retort ...1818 Sc.
• GIVE ONE THE GAMMET to answer back, to retort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• JAW BACK to retort indignantly, to talk back; to argue ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KECKLE to retort impertinently; to speak insolently ...1856 Eng. dial.
• KIM-KAM to bicker, to argue, to retort; to use pert language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• REBAT to retort ...1871 Sc.
• REJAG †* to controvert, to refute; to reply smartly ...c1440 obs. rare exc. Sc.
• SNAP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to make a quick, angry retort ...1886 Amer. sl.
RETORT - interjections/phrases (also see REJOINDER, REPARTEE)
• AND THE REST? a retort to anything incomplete, or in which something is being kept back ...Bk1903 colloq.
• HANG IT IN YOUR ASS! used as a derisive retort; 'go to hell!' ...1968 Amer. sl.
• KISS MY ARSE! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY SISTER'S BLACK CAT'S ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1969
• LAUGH THAT OFF! a sarcastic retort meaning that the listener will have to take one seriously ...1910s US sl.
• MOTHER OF THAT WAS A WHISKER, THE a retort to an utterly implausible story ...M19 sl.
• PUT IT WHERE THE MONKEY PUTS THE NUT to stick it up one's anus; used as a vulgar retort ...1922 Amer. sl.
• RUN IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1973 Amer. sl.
• SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1864 Amer. sl.
• SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASSHOLE! a derisive retort ...1936 Amer. sl.
• STICK IT IN YOUR ARSE! a derisive retort ...1888 Amer. sl.
• STICK IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1926 Amer. sl.
• SUCK MY ARSE! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1863
• SUCK MY ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1863
• THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY, TELL ME NEWS! a retort to a stale jest ...1708-10 sl
• THAT'S YOUR MAMMY! used as a general insult or intentionally provocative remark, or as a retort in response to such a remark ...1942 Amer. dial.
• UP YOUR ALLEY! used as a dismissive retort ...1976 UK euphemism for 'up your ass'
• YO' MAMA! used as a general insult or intentionally provocative remark, or as a retort in response to such a remark ...1971 Amer. dial.
RETORT - phrases
• I GUESS YOU LAID THAT a compliment to a person who has just made a clever retort ...1930s US Black sl.
• JUMP UP MY ASS used as a derisive retort ...1973 Amer. sl.
RETRACT - verbs
• EAT DIRT to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• EAT DIRT PIE to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• EAT DUST to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• GAINCALL †* to revoke, to retract, to withdraw ...1535
• PULL IN ONE'S HORNS to moderate or retract one's behaviour ...1589 sl.
• SCALE to retract one's word; to draw back ...1898 Sc.
• SKALE to retract one's word; to draw back ...1898 Sc.
• SKIN BACK to retract, as a false charge ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TAKE WATER to retreat, to back down, to take refuge; to retract a statement ...1853 Amer. dial.
• TAKE YOUR BACK TRACKS to recant, to retract, to acknowledge error ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• ABRENUNCIATION renunciation; retraction, repudiation ...1641
RETRAIN - verbs
• RETREAD to retrain, esp. after a period of unemployment ...1963 sl.
RETREAT - nouns
• BACK-OUT cowardice; a disposition to retreat from an opponent ...1828 Amer. dial.
• HIDEAWAY a place of concealment or retreat ...M20
• NEST a lodging, shelter, home, bed, etc., esp. of a secluded or comfortable nature; a snug retreat ...a1000
• REAR EXIT a retreat or flight from danger ...1957 US sl.
• SANCTUM SANCTORUM a person's private retreat, where he is free from intrusion ...1706
• SHAB OUT a cowardly retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SHANGRI-LA an unearthly paradise; a place of retreat from the worries of modern civilization ...M20
• SUBTERFUGE † a place to which a person escapes; a retreat, refuge ...1616
RETREAT - verbs
• BACK WATER to retreat, to withdraw, as from an argument or position ...1844 Amer. dial.
• BETAKE ONESELF TO ONE'S HEELS to retreat in flight, to run away ...1598
• BOW OUT to retreat or withdraw; to resign ...20C sl.
• GO BACKWARD † to recede, to retreat; to relapse, to backslide ...c1400
• KENNEL to put in a place of retreat or confinement ...1582
• RECULE † to recoil, to retreat, to revert ...1667 Sc.
• SCALE to depart from a place; to go off, to retreat ...1896 Sc.
• SKAIL to depart from a place; to go off, to retreat ...1896 Sc.
• TAKE BACKWATER to change course; to reverse one's position; to retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• TAKE THE BACK TRACK to return or retreat ...1724 US
• TAKE WATER to retreat, to back down, to take refuge; to retract a statement ...1853 Amer. dial.
• WANDIS † to recoil, to retreat, to give way ...1375 Sc.
• DEVIL'S JUDGEMENT a punishment, retribution ...1830 Sc.
• NEMESIS retributive justice; an instance of this ...1597
• SATISFACTORY † a place or means of atonement or retribution ...1530
• BACKCAST a retrospect ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BACK-LOOK a retrospect, a record of the past ...1880 Eng. dial.
• VIZZY BACKWARD a retrospect ...1871 Sc.
• BACK-LOOK a retrospective look ...1726 Sc.
• BEHIND-SIGHT backward view, retrospection ...1884
RETROSPECTIVE - adjectives
• BACK-CAST retrospective ...1825 Sc.
RETURN - nouns
• BACK-COME a return ...L18 Sc.
• BACK-COMING a return ...1818 Sc.
• EFTER-CHAR †* return ...a1300
• GAINCHARE † a return, a way of returning, a means of escape ...c1000
• GAINCOME † a coming again, return ...a1225
• GAINCOMING † a returning, return ...a1340
• RE-COMING a return ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RETOUR return to a place ...ME Sc. arch.
• RETOURE a return ...1822 Sc.
RETURN - verbs
• BACK-COME to return ...L18 Sc.
• BACK-TRACK to return ...1904 US
• COME BACK-OVER to return ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• EFT-SITHE † to return ...c1175 obs. or arch.
• HARK BACK to retrace one's course or steps; to return, to revert; to return to some earlier point in a narrative, discussion, or argument ...1868
• RETOUR to return to or to a place ...LME arch.
• RETOURE to return ...Bk1904 Sc.
• TAKE THE BACK TRACK to return or retreat ...1724 US
• GAINCOMING † a returning, return ...a1340
• GAIN-TURNING † returning ...1340
REVEAL - adjectives
• PRODITORIOUS † treacherous, traitorous, perfidious; apt to betray or reveal what is hidden or in the mind; apt to disclose or make known ...c1475 obs. or arch.
REVEAL - nouns, person
• BLABBER one who reveals all ...1557
• BLABBERMOUTH one who reveals all ...1936 sl., orig. US
REVEAL - verbs
• ACCUSE * to betray, to disclose; hence, to reveal, to display, to show or make known ...c1400
• BAWL OUT to announce oneself; to reveal something ...M19 sl., orig. US
• BETRAISE † to reveal, to disclose incidentally ...c1400
• BETRAISH † to reveal, to disclose incidentally ...c1400
• BLAB to speak revealingly ...1583
• BLOW to speak revealingly; to give away secret information ...1575
• BLOW THE GAFF to let out a secret; to reveal a plot; to give convicting evidence ...1812 sl.
• BLOW THE LID OFF to expose to public view, esp. to reveal something scandalous, illegal, etc. ...colloq.
• CACKLE to confess and/or to inform on others; to reveal secrets through indiscreet talk; to blab ...1698 US & UK criminals' sl.
• CHEEP to tell or reveal; to betray a secret; to mention, to hint at ...1903 Amer. dial.
• DECIPHER † of actions, outward signs, etc.: to reveal, to make known, to indicate ...1529
• DECORTICATE to divest of what conceals, to expose, to disclose, to reveal ...1660
• LAY TO SIGHT † to reveal, to disclose ...1563
• NAKEN † to reveal or disclose ...a1300
• OPEN † to lay bare or make manifest to the view; to reveal, to disclose, to declare, to make known ...c900
• OPEN OUT to reveal one's true character ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OPEN TO to tell, to reveal ...1895 Eng. dial.
• PALESATE †* to manifest, to reveal ...1613
• PATEFY † to reveal, show, declare, disclose; to make open or manifest ...1533
• REVELATE † to reveal ...1514
• SHOOT OFF ONE'S MOUTH to speak revealingly ...1864 sl., orig. US
• SHOW UP to expose or reveal someone; to make another person seem inefficient, ridiculous or inferior ...Amer. colloq.
• SPILL to speak revealingly ...1917 sl., orig. US
• SPILL THE BEANS to speak revealingly ...1919 sl., orig. US
• SPIT IT OUT to openly state or reveal something ...1855 sl.
• SPIT OUT to openly state or reveal something ...1855 sl.
• TALK to speak revealingly ...1924 sl.
• TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL to boldly tell the truth in defiance of temptation to the contrary; to reveal all at any cost ...1793
• TIP ONE'S HAND to reveal one's plans, true feelings, etc., often unintentionally
• UNBOSOM to disclose, to reveal ...1588
• UNBOWEL † to display or reveal ...1650
• UNBRACE to lay open; to disclose, to reveal ...1607
• UNCLOAK to expose, to lay bare, to reveal ...1659
• UNCLOSE to disclose, to make known, to reveal ...a1300
• UPPEN † to mention, to reveal, to disclose ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
REVEALED - verbs
• EFFLORESCE to come to the surface, to become manifest; to be disclosed or revealed ...1834
REVEL - nouns
• BACCHANALIZATION a turning into drunken revel ...1798
• JAMBOREE a noisy revel; a carousal or spree ...1872 US sl.
• RANDY riotous living; a noisy merrymaking or revel ...1825 Eng. dial.
• RANDY-GO a noisy merrymaking or revel ...1825 Eng. dial.
• REBBLE a revel ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REBEL a revel ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCREED a drinking-bout; a revel ...1815 Sc.
• SCREED-O'-DRINK a drinking-bout; a revel ...1815 Sc.
• WAKES † nocturnal revels ...1577
• BACCHANALIZE to indulge in drunken revelry ...M17
• BATTEN to feed gluttonously on; to glut oneself; to gloat or revel in ...1602
• BELLY-CHEER † to feast luxuriously, revel; to indulge in food and drink ...1549
• DELICIATE †* to take one's pleasure; to enjoy oneself; to indulge in delicacies; to feast; to revel; to luxuriate ...1633
• GAVAUL to revel, to carouse ...1822 Sc.
• LAP UP to take in eagerly; to revel in; to enjoy ...1926 US sl.
• ROIST † to roister; enjoy oneself noisily or boisterously; to behave uproariously; to revel ...M16
• WALTER † to wallow or revel in prosperity, pleasure, sin ...c1375
• GIVE-AWAY something that gives one away; also, an inadvertent revelation of the facts ...1882 sl., orig. US
• UNBOWELLING † disclosure; revelation ...a1653
REVELLER - nouns, person
• BACCHANAL a noisy or drunken reveller ...1812
• BACCHANALIAN a drunken reveller; a tippler ...1617
• BACCHANT a drunken reveller; a roisterer ...1774
• RANTER a reveller; a noisy scold ...1812 Sc.
• REVEL-ROUT †* a crowd or party of revellers; a company of spreesters; a mob, rabble ...?1655 arch. or obs. rare
• ROISTER-DOISTER † a roisterer or swaggering or noisy reveller...a1553 obs.
• ROISTERER a noisy reveller ...E19
• COMESSATION † a frolic and jovial meeting to eat, drink, and make good cheer; feasting, banqueting, revelling ...c1380
• RANTING-PLACE a place for revelling ...1890 Sc.
REVELRY - adjectives
• BACCHANAL indulging in drunken revelry; riotously drunken; roistering ...1711
• BACCHANALIAN given to drunken revelry; riotously drunken, roistering ...1565
• GALLIARDIZING † tending to revelry; enlivening, exciting to levity ...1697
• ORGIASTIC marked by extravagance, licentiousness, or dissolute revelry ...1698
REVELRY - nouns
• BACCHANAL an occasion of drunken revelry; an orgy ...1536
• BACCHANALIA drunken revelry; a tippling bout; an orgy ...1633
• BACCHANALIANISM drunken revelry ...1855
• BACCHANALISM drunken revelry ...1858
• GALLIARDISE gaiety, mirth, revelry; also, a merry trick ...c1570 arch.
• GALLIARDISM * gaiety, mirth, revelry ...1745
• REVEL-ROUT † uproarious revelry; boisterous merriment; tumultuous festivity; an occasion of revelling, a revel; a rough, noisy, and indecent gathering or carouse ...a1553 arch. or obs.
• SATURNALIA a period of unrestrained license and revelry ...1782
REVELRY - verbs
• BACCHANALIZE to indulge in drunken revelry ...1656
REVENGE - adjectives
• TALIONIC pert. to revenge in kind or retaliation ...1886
• VENGEABLE † characterized by or arising from vengeance or revenge; cruel, dreadful ...c1430
• VENGEFUL desiring revenge; vindictive ...a1599
• VENGEVUL revengeful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• VENGIBLE † vengeful, vindictive, eager for revenge ...1548
• WREAKFUL † given or addicted to revenge; vengeful, malicious, angry ...1531 now rare or obs.
REVENGE - nouns
• EVENS revenge; a person as an object of revenge ...1910s US sl.
• GURLIEWHIRKIE unforeseen evil, dark and dismal; premeditated revenge ...B1900 Sc.
• MENDS amends, reparation, recompense, satisfaction, revenge; atonement ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REVENGEANCE revenge ...1883 Amer. dial.
• REVENGE IN LAVENDER a vengeance in store ...c1696 sl.
• TEEN wrath, anger, rage; vexation; revenge ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ULTION †* vengeance, revenge, avengement ...c1550
• VINDICTIVOLENCE the desire of revenging oneself or of taking vengeance ...1865 nonce word
REVENGE - verbs
• BEWREAK † to revenge ...1422-61
• EAT SOMEONE'S LUNCH to get revenge ...1969 US sl.
• FILE ONE'S TEETH FOR SOMEONE to prepare to take revenge on someone ...1961 Amer. dial.
• HANG A HAT ON SOMEONE to single someone out for revenge ...1970s US Black sl.
• HOP IN A PERSON'S NECK to have revenge on him ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• LAY FOR to lie in wait for; to plan revenge against, to be out to get ...1865 Amer. dial.
• MAKE SOMEONE SIT UP to take one's revenge ...1910s sl.
• PUT A HAT ON SOMEONE to single someone out for revenge ...1970s US Black sl.
• SALT to snub; to put down; to check; to have revenge upon ...1863 Sc.
• TAKE IT OUT OF SOMEONE to take revenge on, to get one's satisfaction from ...E19 sl.
• VENGE to avenge, to execute revenge ...a1300 arch.
REVENGEFUL - adjectives
• VITIOUS spiteful, revengeful, bitter, implacable ...1825 Eng. dial.
• VENGIBLY † in a revengeful manner, vindictively ...1580
REVERBERANT - adjectives
• VERBERANT reverberant ...1890
• VERBERATION reverberation of sound ...1855
REVERE - verbs
• HEARSUM † to obey, to be obedient to; to revere ...c900
• HERSUM † to obey, to be obedient to; to revere ...c900
• REVEREND to revere ...1982 Amer. dial.
REVERENCE - adjectives
• TIMORATE †* devout, full of reverence ...1570
• VENERAL † worthy of reverence ...1631
• VENERAND †* entitled to veneration, worthy of reverence ...1549
• HAT-HOMAGE reverence shown by removing the hat; used among the early Quakers ...1851
• HAT-HONOUR † reverence shown by removing the hat; used among the early Quakers ...1669
• HAT-RESPECT † reverence shown by removing the hat ...1669
• HAT-WORSHIP † reverence shown by removing the hat ...1742
• MENSE honour, respect, reverence ...1791 Sc.
• ORE † respect, reverence; honour, glory ...c900
• VENERANCE * the quality of inspiring reverence ...1884
REVERENCE - nouns, person
• VENERATOR one who venerates or reverences ...1656
• ABOW † to bend, to incline, to bow, to stoop; fig. to do homage or reverence; to submit ...c1000
REVERENCED - nouns, person
• PAGOD a person superstitiously or extravagantly reverenced or otherwise likened to a heathen deity; an 'idol' ...1719
REVERENTIAL - adjectives
• TIMOROUS † modest, reverential ...1474
• VENERABLE † giving evidence of veneration; reverent, reverential ...1613
• VENERANT * engaged in veneration, reverential ...1846
• VENERATE † engaged in veneration, reverential ...1591
• VENERATIVE * of the nature of veneration, reverential ...1860
REVERSAL - nouns
• ONE-EIGHTY a complete reversal of plans, thoughts, actions ...1950s US sl., orig. military usage
• ASS-BACKWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1937 Amer. sl.
• ASS-SIDE-BEFORE backwards, inside out, in reversed position ...1969 Amer. dial.
• ASSY-FUSSY backside foremost; in reverse position, inside out ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-BEFORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-FOREMOST backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-FRONT backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-TO backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1926 Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-BEFORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FOREMOST backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FORWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FRONT backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-TO backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BARSE-ACKWARDS backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1975 Amer. dial.
• BASS-ACKARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1931 Amer. colloq.
• BASS-ACKWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order; head over heels ...1930 Amer. dial. colloq.
• END FOR ABOUT in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1957 Amer. dial.
• END FOR END in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1871 Amer. dial.
REVERSE - nouns
• BACK-CA' a reverse, a relapse ...1830 Sc.
• BACKCAST a throw back; a reverse; a misfortune ...1818 N. Eng. dial
• BACK-SET a setting back; a reverse, check, relapse ...1721
• ODDS the exact opposite of anything; the reverse ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
REVERSE - verbs
• PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE to reverse the usual order, whether of things or of ideas ...c1500 colloq.
• RAMVERSE † to reverse, to withdraw; to remove, to take away ...1632
• RAMVERT † to reverse, to withdraw ...1632
• SET THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE to reverse the usual order, whether of things or of ideas ...c1500 colloq.
• TAKE BACKWATER to change course; to reverse one's position; to retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• TURN THE CAT IN THE PAN † to reverse the order of things so dexterously as to make them appear the very opposite of what they really are; to turn a thing right about ...1532
REVERSED - adverbs
• ARSEY-VERSY upside down; topsy-turvy; head over heels; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1539
• ARSIE-VERSIE upside down; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1577
• ARSI-VERSI upside down; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1934 Amer.
• ARSY-VERSY upside down; head over heels; reversed ...1678
REVERSELY - adverbs
• OPPOSITELY † in opposition or contrast; in reverse order ...1567
REVERT - verbs
• HARK BACK to retrace one's course or steps; to return, to revert; to return to some earlier point in a narrative, discussion, or argument ...1868
• RETROVERT * to turn back, to revert ...M17
REVIEW - nouns
• DAMP BLANKET in the theatre: a bad review ...1981 US sl.
• PANNING very hard criticism, as a very bad review ...1930s sl.
• PASTING a critically negative review ...1940s sl.
• SCANCE a glance, a quick appraising look, a brief scrutiny, a cursory survey or review of persons or affairs ...1787 Sc.
REVIEW - verbs
• TOMAHAWK to attack savagely or mercilessly in speech or in writing; to demolish in a review or criticism ...1815
REVILE - verbs
• BALLYRAG to abuse violently; to scold or revile in foul language ...1790 Eng. dial.
• DEBACCHATE †* to rage or rave as a bacchanal; to revile one after the manner of drunkards ...1623
• ILL-JAW to give someone insolence, to revile, to abuse ...1866 Sc.
• MISCALL to give an unworthy name of character to; to berate, to revile ...1899 Amer. dial.
• SUGGIL †* to defame, to revile ...1539
• SUGGILLATE † to defame, to revile ...1647
• SUGIL †* to defame, to revile ...1539
• SUGILLATE † to defame, to revile ...1647
• THROW OFF ON to disparage, to ridicule, to make fun of, to revile, to cast aspersions on ...1887 Amer. dial.
REVILING - adjectives
• OBLATRANT †* railing, reviling, scolding ...1601
REVILING - nouns
• ABUSION † contemptuous or reproachful language; reviling, insult ...1382
• IMPROBRATION †* reproach, reviling ...1526
• IMPROPERATION † the act of upbraiding or reviling; a reproach, a taunt ...1502
• MALEDICTION a reviling, slander ...1526
• OPPROBRATION †* reproaching, taunting, reviling ...c1616
• RAIL * an act of railing or reviling ...a1529
• RAILLERY †* railing, reviling ...1709
REVIVAL - nouns
• OLD-MAKE-NEW the same thing over again, a revival ...1830 Sc.
REVIVALIST - nouns, person
• GOSPEL WHANGER a revivalist ...1909 Amer. dial.
REVIVE - verbs
• FRESHEN UP to clean, to smarten, to revive ...1937 UK sl.
• QUICK † of persons, animals, and plants, or their parts: to come to life; to revive ...c1000
• QUICKEN to put life into; to revive as from a state of insensibility ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RECANT to revive from debility or sickness ...Bk1904 Sc.
REVIVING - adjectives
• COMFORTATIVE † strengthening, reviving, as medicine, food, etc. ...1398
REVOKE - verbs
• AGAIN-CALL to revoke ...Bk1898 Sc.
• GAINCALL †* to revoke, to retract, to withdraw ...1535
• UNASSURE † to cancel the assurance of, to annul, to revoke ...1643
REVOLT - nouns
• SUBLEVATION † a rising, a revolt ...1613-18
REVOLT - verbs
• GROSS OUT to shock and disgust; to revolt; to repulse with crude language ...1965 Amer. student sl.
• SULLEVATE to incite to revolt ...1595
REVOLTING - adjectives
• OFF disgusting, revolting, offensive ...1987 Aust. sl.
• PUKEY revolting, repulsive, disgusting ...M19 colloq.
• GROSS-OUT a revolting thing, idea, action, etc. ...a1968 Amer. sl., orig. student usage
REVOLTING - nouns, person
• PUKE a disgusting or revolting person; a despised person ...M19 colloq.
• SICKO a disgusting or disturbingly revolting person; a mentally unstable person, with overtones of sexual perversion; a pervert or someone with a warped or perverted sense of humour ...1970s sl.
REVOLUTIONARY - adjectives
• SANSCULOTTIC revolutionary ...1822
• SANSCULOTTISH characterized by revolution; revolutionary ...1798
REVOLUTIONARY - nouns, person
• BOLSHEVIK a person of subversive or revolutionary views; an out-and-out opponent of the existing social order or accepted codes ...1926
• BOLSHEVIST a term of reproach for an out-and-out revolutionary ...1920
• BOLSHIE a jocular and contemptuous name for a Bolshevik ...1920
• BOLSHY a jocular and contemptuous name for a Bolshevik ...1920
• RED-NECK a Communist; a revolutionary ...1931 Amer. dial.
• SANSCULOTTE an extreme republican or revolutionary ...1790
REVOLVE - verbs
• BIRL to revolve with a whirring sound; to twirl round; to spin ...Bk1911 Sc.
• OBVOLVE to cause to roll round or revolve ...1649 obs.
• TIRL to turn; to cause to rotate or revolve; to twirl, to spin; to turn over and over; to move by rolling ...1543 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VEER † to turn round, to revolve, to whirl about ...1598
• WALLOW † of a round object (stone, wheel): to roll along the ground; to move, be revolving or rotating ...c888
REVOLVING - adjectives
• ORBY * moving as in a circle, revolving ...1615
REWARD - nouns
• EDLEN † reward ...c888
• FEE † a prize, a reward ...c1400
• GAINYIELD † recompense, return, reward ...1513 Sc.
• HANDSEL guerdon, reward; also ironically, a punishment, a smack of the hand ...1892 Sc.
• LEAN † reward, recompense ...c1000
• MEED desert, reward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSE pay, recompense, reward; thanks, grateful return; kindness ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SALARY † reward or remuneration for services rendered; fee ...c1440
• SALFAY † the reward paid to the finder and restorer of lost goods ...c1440
• SALVE money, esp. as a reward for something difficult ...20C US sl.
• TAIL a reward for information leading to the arrest of a criminal ...1934 US sl.
• TITHING † thing granted, reward ...c1275
• UPTAKE the finding and taking of anything lost; the reward given for finding anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WARISON † a gift bestowed by a superior; a reward ...a1300
REWARD - verbs
• CASH IN to reap a profit, reward, or advantage of any kind ...1928 US sl.
• QUAT to requite, to reward; to pay back, to discharge ...1802 Sc.
• SALVE to pay, usually a reward; also, to bribe ...20C US sl.
• YIELD to reward ...1703 Eng. dial.
REWARD - phrases
• EAT THE FRUIT OF ONE'S OWN DOINGS to receive the reward of one's actions ...1611
RHETORIC - nouns
• ORATORY the art of the orator or of public speaking; the art of speaking eloquently according to definite rules, so as to please or persuade; rhetoric ...1593
RHETORICAL - adjectives
• ORATORY † pert. to an orator; oratorial; rhetorical ...1534
• ORATORIOUSLY † after the manner of an orator; rhetorically; eloquently ...1563
RHEUMATISM - adjectives
• ALL IN A PIECE stiff with cold or rheumatism ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL OF A PIECE stiff, crippled by rheumatism ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• RHEUMATISMED afflicted with rheumatism ...c1938 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIST † afflicted with rheumatism or stiff joints ...1804 Sc.
• ARTHURATICS arthritis, rheumatism ...1967 Amer. dial.
• ARTHURITIS arthritis, rheumatism ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HALT rheumatism ...1865 Eng. dial.
• PAINS chronic rheumatism, rheumatic twinges ...1795 Sc.
• RHEUM rheumatism; an attack of rheumatism ...1966 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIC rheumatism; a rheumatic attack or pain ...1835 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATICS rheumatism ...1826 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIZ rheumatism; a rheumatic attack or pain ...1844 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMS rheumatism ...1886 Sc.
• RHEUMS, THE rheumatism; an attack of rheumatism ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ROOMATICS rheumatism ...1826 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ROOMATISM rheumatism ...1901 Sc.
• ROOMYTICS rheumatism ...1826 Ireland
• RUMATICKS rheumatism ...1826 Sc.
• SCREWMATIC-FEVER rheumatic fever ...1896 Eng. dial.
• SCREWMATICKS rheumatism ...1895 sl.
• SCREWMATICS rheumatism ...1895 sl.
• SCREWS, THE rheumatism ...1897 sl.
• SCROOMATICS rheumatism ...1895 Eng. dial.
• TUCKS stiffness; rheumatism ...1916 Amer. dial.
RHEUMATISM - phrases
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP GLASS refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP MUG refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP POT refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• ABADA † the rhinoceros ...a1599
• HORNED-SNOUT † the rhinoceros ...1661
• RHINO a rhinoceros ...1884 sl.
• LITTLE RHODY the state of Rhode Island ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• RHODY the state of Rhode Island ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
RHODE ISLAND - nouns, person
• NUTMEG a White New Englander, esp. of Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island ...1821 sl.
• NUTMEG-MAKER a White New Englander, esp. of Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island ...1883 sl.
• LITTLE LAUREL a rhododendron ...1901 Amer. dial.
RHUBARB - nouns
• APPLE CABBAGE † rhubarb ...1896 Amer. dial.
• APPLE-PERU rhubarb ...1895 Amer. dial.
• ELEPHANT EARS rhubarb ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PIE-PLANT rhubarb ...1838 Amer. dial.
• PIE STEM rhubarb ...1969 Amer. dial.
RHYME - adjectives
• NIPPERTY-TIPPERTY of rhymes or tunes: quick and rattling in rhythm ...1817 Sc.
RHYME - nouns
• JARGON * a jingle or assonance of rhymes ...1570
• RHYMING-WARE † compositions in rhyme; poetry ...1785 Sc.
• RIDLESS a doggerel rhyme; an improbable story, a rigmarole ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TING-TANG a jingling repetition of sounds, rhyme ...1686
RHYME - nouns, person
• TINKLER a rhymester ...1840
RHYME - verbs
• BERIME to compose rhymes about; to celebrate in rhyme; often, to lampoon ...1589
• RANE to rhyme ...1899 Sc.
• SHOOT THE GIFT to talk in rhyme or rhythm; to converse; to rap ...1980s US Black sl.
• TINKLE to rhyme or jingle ...1626
RHYTHM - nouns
• CASURE †* cadence, rhythm ...1565
• SKANK to move rhythmically ...1980s UK Black sl.
RIB - nouns
• PALINGS the ribs ...M19 boxing usage
• PAP-BONE † each of the pair of ribs beneath the paps ..1581
• RAILINGS the ribs ...M19 sl.
• SIDE-BONE a rib ...1848
• SLATS the ribs ...1898 sl., orig. and chiefly US
RIBALD - nouns, person
• HOLOUR † a fornicator, a whoremonger, an adulterer; a debauchee, rake, ribald, scoundrel ...c1230
• RAFFLE-COFFIN a ruffian; a ribald fellow ...c1696 sl.
RIBALDRY - nouns
• BORBOROLOGY †* filthy talk; ribaldry ...1649
• HARLOTRY † buffoonery, jesting; ribaldry, scurrility, scurrilous talk; obscene talk or behaviour ...c1325
• HASH a noise, tumult; strife, rioting; ribald talk, nonsense ...1801 Sc.
• JAPERY † jesting speech; ribaldry; a jest ...c1340
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecent or profligate talk, ribaldry ...B1900 Eng. dial.
RIBBON - nouns
• BAB a posy or nosegay of flowers; a tassel or bunch of ribbons ...1816 Sc.
• BEND † a ribbon, strap, band, used for ornament or as part of a dress; a sash, hat-band, bandage ...c1000 obs.
• DAUB a ribbon ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• FATTERALS † ribbon ends, loose pieces of trimming; anything loose and trailing; rarely in singular ...1786 Sc.
• FATTRALS † ribbon ends, loose pieces of trimming; anything loose and trailing; rarely in singular ...1786 Sc.
• FATTRELS ribbon-ends, etc. ...1786 Sc.
• FAVOUR-RIBBON † a ribbon worn as a love token ...1762
• NECKLACE † a lace or ribbon for the neck ...1697
RICE - nouns
• CHINKBERRIES rice ...World War II Amer. sl.
• MOONSHINE 1. rice ...1933 Amer. dial.
2. rice and raisins cooked together (eaten by cowboys) ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SKIPPING JENNY rice and peas cooked together ...1952 Amer. dial.
• STRIKE-ME-BLIND rice ...Bk1904 nautical sl.
• SWAMP-SEED among sailors: rice ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• THREE BLIND MICE a sack of rice ...20C rhyming sl.
RICE - nouns, person
• RICE-BAG a rice planter ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• BROKE OF ONE'S REST deprived of one's rest ...1830 Amer. dial. arch.
REST - nouns
• ACQUIESCEMENT † acquiescence; resting satisfied; rest, quiet satisfaction; peaceful agreement or submission ...1721
• BAIT a halt for refreshment in the course of a journey; a stoppage for rest ...1579
• BARS a rest from work ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAMP a short rest, a lie-down ...M19 Aust. sl.
• EASY a short rest ...1885
• KIP sleep; rest; a nap ...1893 Amer. sl.
• L AND L rest and recreation (Liquor and Love) ...1969 US jocular
• LAY-UP a stopover; a rest ...1942 Amer. dial.
• LEATH † cessation, intermission, rest ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LEMON TIME a break for rest and light refreshment ...20C Brit. railway sl.
• LIE-DOWN a rest on a bed, etc. ...1840 sl.
• LITTLE R. during the Korean and Vietnam wars, rest and rehabilitation ...1960 US sl.
• MIKE a respite from work ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER a break taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUIET † freedom from work or occupation; rest, repose ...1340
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• SIT-DOWN 1. a rest on a chair ...1861 sl.
2. a place where travellers habitually rest ...1898
• SPELL-O a rest ...L19 Aust. sl.
REST (remainder) - nouns
• REST PART the rest, the remainder ...1903 Amer. dial.
REST - verbs
• ACQUIESCE † to remain at rest, either physically or mentally; to rest satisfied in a place or state ...c1620
• AREST to grant rest ...1875 Eng. dial.
• BAIT to take a rest, to cease from labour for a short time ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAMP to rest, to lie down ...M19 Aust. sl.
• GO TO CAMP to take a rest ...M19 Aust.
• HANG UP ONE'S HATCHET † to cease from one's labours; to take a rest ...a1327
• HIT THE BAG to go to bed; to have a rest ...1961 Amer. sl.
• LAIR to lie, to rest; to dwell; to sink to rest ...1815 Sc.
• LAY UP to rest, to idle, to loiter, to loaf, to take it easy, to relax ...1858 Amer. dial.
• LEAN † to recline, to lie down, to rest ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• NEST † of persons; to repose or rest, to domicile or settle oneself in a place ...a1300
• NOON to take a midday break from work or travel for food and rest ...1805 Amer. dial.
• PUT ONE'S FEET UP to take a rest ...colloq.
• QUARTER to take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SPINE-BASH to rest or loaf about ...1941 Aust. sl.
• TAKE FIVE to take a short break, i.e. a 5-minute break ...1910s US sl.
REST AREA - nouns
• NAP TRAP a roadside rest area ...1976 US sl.
RESTFUL - adjectives
• EASEFUL that gives ease, comfort, or relief; comfortable, soothing; quiet, peaceful, restful ...1375
RESTING - nouns
• BED OF DOWN a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1604
• BED OF FLOWERS a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1777
• BED OF ROSES a delightful resting-place; a comfortable or easy position ...1806
• DOWN-SITTING the act of sitting down; a resting, repose ...1535
• LEE † a resting-place ...a900
• EDBOTE †* restitution, amends, satisfaction ...c1315
RESTIVE - adjectives
• GALYARS restive, in a temper ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HAUNTY † unruly, wanton, restive ...1671 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAINLESS impatient, restive, impetuous ...1880 Sc.
• POLRUMPTIOUS restive, rude, unruly, obstreperous; foolishly confident ...1790 Eng. dial.
• RAMSKEERIE very restive and lustful, as of a ram ...1824 Sc.
• RAMSKERIE † restive; lustful ...1824 Sc.
• RANTING † unruly, restive ...1658
• REESTED restive; baulking ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RESOLUTE obstinate, strong-headed; restive; generally used of a child or a horse ...1885 Eng. dial.
RESTIVE - verbs
• REEST to be restive; to refuse to go further; to throw the head back in anger; generally used of a horse ...1812 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TETCH to be obstinate or restive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OBSTRAPULOSITY obstreperousness, restiveness, resistance ...1828 Sc.
• REASTINESS restiveness ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REEST restiveness; stubbornness; obstinacy, esp. of horses ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TETCH obstinacy, restiveness ...1876 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - adjectives
• ALL OF A TWITTER agitated, restless ...1678
• ANTSY restless, eager, anxious, annoyed ...1838 Amer. dial.
• AT NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• BRICKETY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1868 Amer. dial.
• BRIGATY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1880 Amer. dial.
• BRIGETTY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BRIGGITY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1911 Amer. dial.
• BRIGGOTY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1952 Amer. dial.
• BRIGITY arrogant, insolent, uppity; restless, aggressive; headstrong, stubborn, forward, restless; overbearing ...1898 Amer. dial.
• CADGED restless ...1941 Amer. dial.
• CORKY skittish, restless, frivolous, lively ...M18 sl.
• FANTOD fidgety, restless ...1887
• FIDDLE-FOOTED restless, given to wandering, gadding about ...1941 Amer. dial.
• IDLE mischievous, full of fun; saucy; flippant; restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• IMPACIFIC †* not peaceful; restless ...a1653
• IN A FLAP agitated, restless ...1916 sl.
• IN A LATHER agitated, restless; impatient ...1839 sl.
• IN A STATE agitated, restless ...1837 sl.
• IN A STEW agitated, restless; impatient ...1806 sl.
• IN A STUMA agitated, restless ...1932 sl.
• JITTERY agitated, restless ...1931 sl.
• JUMPY agitated, restless ...1879 sl.
• MALCONTENT discontented, dissatisfied; inclined to rebellion or mutiny; restless and disaffected ...1586
• MEADLESS troublesome, tiresome, unruly; restless ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MEEDLESS troublesome, tiresome, unruly; restless ...1790 Eng. dial.
• NERVOUS AS A WITCH, AS said of a very restless person ...1880
• NESTLY fidgety, restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NIDGING * restless, troublesome ...1796
• ON NETTLES fidgety, uneasy, excited; in a restless, impatient condition; anxious, in suspense ...1892
• ON THE NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• POLLRUMPTIOUS unruly or restless; foolishly confident ...c1860 sl.
• QUATTING AND BOBBING sitting down one minute and bobbing up again the next; restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMBLING restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMPLOR roving, unsettled, restless ...1821 Sc.
• RUN-ABOUT wandering, restless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• SKITTERY restless ...1941
• TADIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TAGEOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TAVERING restless in illness ...1873 Eng. dial.
• TEDDIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TEDIOUS peevish, fretful, fractious, irritable, difficult to please; fidgety, restless ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TEWSOME troublesome, tiresome; restless, unquiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TID lively, sprightly, frolicsome; skittish, restless, fidgety ...1825 Eng. dial.
• TIMMERSOME passionate, turbulent; restless, troublesome, tiresome ...1777 Eng. dial.
• TOEY agitated, restless, nervous, on edge, irritable ...1930 sl., chiefly Aust.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• TUSOME troublesome, tiresome; restless, unquiet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TWITCHED agitated, restless ...1959 sl.
• TWITCHY agitated, restless ...1874 sl.
• UNRESTFUL restless, uneasy ...1895 Eng. dial.
• UNRESTLESS restless, uneasy ...1901 Eng. dial.
• UNRESTY † adj. unquiet, full of unrest, restless, uneasy, troublesome ...a1340 obs. exc. Sc.
• UNROLESS † restless ...c1230
• UNSTILL † restless, in motion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UPON THE NESTLE restless, fidgety, in a state of excitement or uneasiness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANRESTFUL † restless ...1783 Sc.
• WAPPERED fatigued, wearied, restless ...1868 Eng. dial.
• WOPPERED fatigued, wearied, restless ...1868 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - nouns
• RABBITS'-REST a restless night, when the bed is rough or bumpy ...c1850 Sc.
RESTLESS - nouns, person
• ASTAMAGOOTIS a restless person; a worrywart ...1980 Amer. dial.
• BREFFITS a fidgety, restless person; a term applied to a child when in a state of breathless anxiety ...1861 Eng. dial.
• FLIBBERTIGIBBET a chattering or gossiping person; a flighty, restless, or frivolous woman; a scatterbrain; an oaf ...1549
• HALLOCKIT a noisy, restless person; a romp, a hoyden ...1787 Sc.
• MAGGOT a fidgety, restless child ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAMPAGER a restless, romping person; one who prances about furiously; a boisterous or quarrelsome person ...1879 Sc.
• RAMPLOR a rover, a restless person ...1822 Sc.
• SCAFF an idle, restless person ...1866 Sc.
• SCOPPERIL a lively, restless person or animal; an active, agile child; a young rascal ...1874 Eng. dial.
• SHORT STAKER a restless person who works only long enough to get a few dollars together before he is off again ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SKOPERIL a lively, restless person or animal; an active, agile child; a young rascal ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TACKET a restless, unruly boy ...1896 Sc.
• WRINGLE-GUT a restless, fretful person; a nervous, fidgety man ...1777 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - verbs
• BATE † to flutter, to struggle; to be restless or impatient ...1592
• DING to move violently, restlessly, in an ill temper ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FIDDLE-FOOT AROUND to fool around, to move restlessly ...1963 Amer. dial.
• GAIVE to move about in a clumsy, purposeless or restless fashion ...1822 Sc.
• GEAVE to move about in a clumsy, purposeless or restless fashion ...1822 Sc.
• HAVE ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS to be impatient or eager to act or speak; to be restless; to be or become agitated ...1931 sl., orig. US
• JACTITATE * to toss restlessly about ...1822-34
• JIFFLE † to fidget; to be restless; to shuffle ...1674 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP A NESTLING to be restless and uneasy ...c1696 sl.
• NESTLE † to be uneasy or restless; to fidget; to move or bustle about; to trifle ...a1700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RALLY to wander back and forwards in a restless, disorderly manner ...1866 Sc.
• RATCH to move about restlessly, to twist and turn ...1985 Amer. dial.
• RATCHET to move about restlessly, to twist and turn ...1999 Amer. dial.
• SCHUSSEL to fidget; to be restless ...1996 Amer. dial.
• TARTAR to move about restlessly and noisily; to blunder about; to toss, to fidget, to wriggle ...1928 Sc.
• TEW to toss, to shake about; to be restless or constantly moving; to fidget ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TIFLE to tumble or toss about as a restless person does in bed; to act as a swivel-joint in a piece of mechanism ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TUMULTUATE * to stir up a tumult; to make a disturbance or commotion; to become tumultuous, turbulent, agitated or restless ...1611
• WALK † vb. of persons: to toss about restlessly ...a1100
• WRIGGLE LIKE A SNIG IN A BOTTLE of a child: to be restless (snig = an eel) ...B1900 Eng. dial.
RESTLESS - phrases
• FIGHTING THE BITS said of an impatient or restless person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• ANTS an unrelaxed, disturbed condition; acute restlessness ...Amer. sl.
• ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS an unrelaxed, disturbed condition; acute restlessness ...Amer. sl.
• CABIN FEVER lassitude, restlessness, impatience, or irritability as a result of being confined in too small a space, with no variety in companions or occupations ...1918 sl.
• FANTODS a feeling of fidgety uneasiness; fidgets; restlessness; a state of anxiety or excitement ...1876 Amer. dial.
• FLAP a state of panic, distress, agitation or restlessness ...1916 sl.
• HARRY TATE a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'state'
• JACTATION a tossing or swinging of the body to and fro ...1680-90
• LATHER a state of agitation, excitement, or restlessness ...1839 sl.
• STEW a state of agitation or restlessness ...1806 sl.
• STUMA a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 sl.
• STUMER a state of agitation or restlessness ...1932 sl.
• TISWAS a state of agitation or restlessness ...1960 sl.
• TIZ a state of agitation or restlessness ...1954 sl.
• TIZZ a state of agitation, restlessness, nervousness, confusion or dither for little reason ...1954 sl.
• TIZZ-WOZZ a state of agitation or restlessness ...1960 sl.
• TIZZY a state of agitation, restlessness, nervousness, confusion or dither for little reason ...1935 sl., orig. US
• TWITTER a state of agitation or restlessness ...1678
• TWO AND EIGHT. a state of agitation or restlessness ...1938 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'state'
• BOTE OF BEAM † remedy, improvement, restoration ...1330
RESTORATIVE - adjectives
• BALSAMIC soothing, healing, gently restorative ...1667
RESTORE - verbs
• GRIMTHORPE to restore an ancient building with lavish expenditure rather than knowledge and fine taste ...1892
• PART to give up, to hand over, to restore; usually of money ...M19 sl.
• REFICIATE † to restore, refresh ...1657
• REPOSE † to replace; to restore to a situation ...1775 Sc.
• RESTORATE of buildings: to restore ...1887 Eng. dial.
• RICKLE UP to restore anything which is in a dilapidated condition ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• VAMP to mend or repair with or as with patches; to furbish up, to renovate, to restore ...1599
• VAMP UP to mend or repair with or as with patches; to furbish up, to renovate, to restore ...1599
• BEDWYNGE † to constrain, to restrain ...1480
• BRANK to bridle or restrain ...Bk1911 Sc.
• COHIBIT * to restrain, check, hinder; to restrict ...1544
• HAIN †* to shut up, to confine, to restrain ...1636
• HAMSHACKLE to fetter, to curb, to restrain ...1802
• HOBBLE to restrain ...L19 US sl.
• IMMEW † to mew or coop up; to keep in restraint or confinement ...a1600
• LANGLE to involve, to encumber, to curb, to restrain, to hamper, to frustrate ...1713 Sc.
• NUT OUT to become insane; to abandon restraint ...1919 Amer. sl., esp. Black
• OBTEMPERATE †* to temper, restrain ...1560 Sc.
• PUT THE ARM ON SOMEONE to detain or restrain by physical force; spec. to arrest ...20C Amer. sl.
• RAMBARRE †* to beat or force back; to drive away, to repel, to repulse; to stop, to restrain ...1644 Sc.
• REFRENATE †* to check, to restrain ...1599
• SING SMALL to restrain or humble oneself ...1845 Amer. dial.
• TAKE ONE'S PUMPS OFF to lay aside all restraint ...1881 Ireland
• TAKE UP † to restrain oneself; to reform, to mend one's ways ...1613 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TIGHTEN A PERSON'S TETHER to restrict, to restrain ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TINE † to confine. to restrain to something ...c1430
• UNDERKEEP † to restrain; to keep under or in subjection ...1590
• WARN † to prevent, to hinder, to restrain from action ...c888
RESTRAINED - adjectives
• METHEFUL † restrained, moderate; gentle, mild ...c1000 obs.
• TAKE IT LIGHT to act in a restrained manner; to resist excess; to go slowly ...1960s US Black sl.
• UNDER WRAPS restrainedly ...20C
• ABSTENTION † the act of keeping back or restraining ...1521
RESTRAINT - adjectives
• ABSTROPELOUS aggressively resistant to control or restraint ...E18 sl.
• AT HARD-MEAT † in close confinement; under strict restraint ...1594
• AWEBOUND under restraint or discipline; submissive to authority ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AWEBUND under restraint or discipline; submissive to authority ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FREAKY-DEAKY acting without restraint, esp. in a sexual way ...1981 US sl.
• AWE-BAND a check, restraint ...Bk1898 Sc.
• HANK * a restraining or curbing hold; a power of check or restraint ...1613 now rare or Eng. dial.
• THRALL oppression; restraint; trouble, worry ...1829 Sc. & Eng. dial.
RESTRAINT - interjections
• STEADY! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
• STEADY ON! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
• STEADY THERE! used to advocate caution and/or restraint ...1825
RESTRICT - verbs
• COHIBIT * to restrain, check, hinder; to restrict ...1544
• PUT ONE'S FOOT DOWN to curtail, to restrict ...1910s sl.
• TIGHTEN A PERSON'S TETHER to restrict, to restrain ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PALE a limit, boundary; a restriction; a defense, safeguard ...c1400
RESULT - nouns
• AFTERINGS outcome, results, consequences ...Bk1898 Sc.
• EFFICACE † effect, result, consequence ...a1491
• EFTERINS final results, consequences ...1823 Sc.
• FALLOUT an accompanying or resultant effect of something; an aftermath ...1950s Amer. sl.
• FOLLOW-THROUGH a result; anything that happens after something else; the next logical action ...Bk1974 Amer. colloq.
• FOLLOW-UP a consequence or expected result ...Bk1974 Amer. colloq.
• GO-GETTER a thing productive of results ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• OFFCOME a good or bad result, the way in which a thing works out ...1901 Sc.
• SUCCEDENT †* a result, issue ...1627
• SUCCEEDING † consequence, result ...1601
• SUCCESS † that which happens in the sequel; the termination, favourable or otherwise, of affairs; the issue, upshot, result ...1537
• SUCCESSION † the result, issue ...1514
• SUITE * a sequel, a result ...c1800
• UPCAST the outcome or result of anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UPTAKE the upshot, conclusion, result ...1828 Eng. dial.
RESULT(S) - verbs
• ACHIEVE † to come to a natural end or conclusion; to end, to result, to turn out ...1393
• FISH FOR HERRING AND CATCH A WHALE to get a result other than expected ...B1900
• FISH WELL AND CATCH A FROG to obtain little result after great effort ...1546
• GET A GOOD SCALD ON to have good results with ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PAN OUT to work out, to result in ...1871 sl., orig. US
• PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTONS to manage to get the desired results, esp. by manipulating another person ...1970 Amer. sl.
• SUCCEED † to follow as a consequence of; to ensue, to result ...1537
• SUE † to follow as a consequence or result ...c1400
RESULT - phrases
• BEARD WON'T PAY FOR THE SHAVING, THE the result is not worth the trouble ...1882 Eng. dial.
• GAME IS NOT WORTH THE CANDLE, THE the object is not worth the labour, effort, or pains required to obtain it; the result will not pay for the trouble ...1860
• GAIN-RISING † resurrection ...c1550
RESURRECTION - nouns, person
• SACK 'EM UP MEN resurrectionists ...c1830 sl.
• DAWN † to arouse or awake from a swoon, to resuscitate ...1530
• HUMP AND THUMP cardiovascular resuscitation ...1994 US sl.
• TINT FOR TANT † retaliation, retort in kind, tit for tat ...1620
RETAIL - verbs
• BREAK to sell by retail ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAP † to retail any commodity ...1478-9 Sc.
RETAILER - nouns, person
• BREAKER a retailer; one who sells goods in small quantities ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAPPER † a retailer ...1478-9 Sc.
• TAPSTER † one who sells by retail or in small quantities ...1402
RETAIN - verbs
• BEHOLD † to hold by, to keep hold of, to retain ...a1000
• GIVE LILL FOR LOLL † to retaliate ...c1425
• SERVE THE SAME SAUCE to retaliate in kind; to treat in the same fashion; to give as good as you take ...1817
RETALIATION - adjectives
• TALIONIC pert. to revenge in kind or retaliation ...1886
• QUITS * reprisal, retaliation ...1865
• TALIATION † a return of like for like; retaliation ...1591
• BREED A BLACK EYE to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BREED A SCAB to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1941 Amer. dial.
• BREED A SCAB ON ONE'S NOSE to stir up trouble (for oneself); to act so as to provoke retaliation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• SET UP ONE'S JAY-FEATHERS to be provoked into retaliation in kind ...1825 Sc.
RETARD - verbs
• BACK to keep down or under; to retard ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BACKEN * to put, keep, or throw back; to delay, to retard in progress ...1649
• BACKWARD † to put or keep back; to delay, to retard ...1594
• BESLOW † to retard ...1645
• GELE †* to delay, to retard; to tarry, to linger ...a900
• TAIGLE to entangle, to impede, or to hinder in course or action; to keep back, to retard, to detain, to delay ...1635 Sc.
• TARDE †* to retard, to delay ...1524
• TARDY † to make tardy; to delay, to retard, to keep back ...1611
• TARRY † to delay, to retard, to defer, to put off a thing or action; to protract, to prolong ...c1320
• TEAGLE to entangle, to impede, or to hinder in course or action; to keep back, to retard, to detain, to delay ...1635 Sc.
• TARDATION † the act of delaying, delay, postponement; slackening of speed, retardation, hindering ...1500-20
RETARDING - adjectives
• TAIGLESOME time-consuming, retarding, delaying ...1825 Sc.
• TARDATIVE † tending to slacken speed, retarding, delaying ...1665-6
• SKID a retarding influence or agency ...1841
• TARDIDATION †* the act of delaying, delay, postponement; a hindering, retarding ...1647
RETCH - nouns
• KECK the noise made in the gullet by sickness; a sound between a cough and choke ...1852 Eng. dial.
RETCH - verbs
• BOAK to retch; to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOCK to retch; to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOKE to retch, to vomit; to belch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOUK to retch, to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOWK to retch, to vomit ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAIK to retch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRAKE to vomit, to retch ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAST THE GORGE to vomit violently, or make violent attempts to vomit ...1614
• GAG to retch, esp. to retch noisily ...20C US colloq.
• HEAVE to make an effort to vomit, to retch; to feel loathing ...1601
• HEAVE THE GORGE to make an effort to vomit; to retch ...1604
• KECK to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1601
• KECKEN to make a sound between a choke and a cough; to retch ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1619 Eng. dial.
• NEW YORK to retch, to vomit ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• REACH to vomit, to strain in the attempt to vomit; to retch ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RID to retch, to vomit; to cough up; to expectorate ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• UIK to retch, to vomit ...1929 Sc.
• URGE to retch; to strain as in vomiting ...1887 Eng. dial.
• YAWK to hawk, to clear the throat; to retch in vomiting ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YECK to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Sc.
• YEKE to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Eng. dial.
• YOKE to cough; to hiccup; to retch ...1766 Sc. & Eng. dial.
RETCHING - nouns
• BOUK a retching, a vomiting ...Bk1911 Sc.
• HEAVES a bout of retching or vomiting ...20C colloq.
• FASTNESS † capacity for gripping tightly or retaining; tenacity, retentiveness ...1552
RETHINK - verbs
• CAFFLE to change one's mind; to go back from a promise or bargain; to decline a contest ...1876 Eng. dial.
RETICENT - adjectives
• BACKWARD IN COMING FORWARD reluctant, shy to do something; reticent ...colloq.
• CAGEY non-committal, reticent, wary ...1893
• CAGY wary, cautious, crafty, cunning, reticent, non-committal ...1893 US colloq.
• CLOSE-LIPPED reticent, discreet
• CLOSE-MOUTHED reticent, discreet
• MEAL-MOUTHED afraid to speak out; soft-tongued, plausible ...1821 Sc.
• MEALY-MOUTHED reticent, reserved, afraid to speak out; plausible, smooth-tongued, hypocritical ...1836 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM prim, demure; affectedly modest or shy; prudish; primly silent or reticent ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM-MOUTHED affectedly prim or proper in speech, etc.; reticent, shy at speaking out; soft-spoken ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIM-SPOKEN affectedly prim or proper in speech, etc.; reticent, shy at speaking out; soft-spoken ...1896 Sc.
RETICENT - nouns, person
• MANGINA a reticent, reserved man ...2000s US college sl.
• OYSTER a close-mouthed person; one who talks little ...1888 Amer. sl.
• SEALED OYSTER a close-mouthed person ...L19 US sl.
RETICULE - nouns
• RIDICULE a reticule; a bag in which women carry gloves, handkerchiefs, etc. ...1843 Eng. & Amer. dial.
RETINUE - nouns
• MENYIE a retinue, a train of followers, a suite; a company of followers, a procession ...1721 Sc.
• MENZIE a retinue, a train of followers, a suite; a company of followers, a procession ...1721 Sc.
• SUIT a company of followers; a train, retinue ...1297 arch. or Eng. dial.
• SUITE a train of followers, attendants, or servants; a retinue ...1673
• TAIL an entourage or retinue of a highland chief and his henchmen ...1814 Sc.
• TO-DRAUGHT †* a following, train, retinue ...a1300
RETINUE - nouns, person
• SUITOR † one of a retinue or suite; hence, an adherent, a follower ...c1380
RETIRE - verbs
• BOWLER-HAT to retire someone compulsorily, esp. demobilizing an officer ...1953 Brit. sl.
• DEN UP to retire; to hibernate ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DUCK to retire; to leave; to flee; to disappear ...Bk1914 criminals' sl.
• FILL ONE'S PIPE to be able to retire from work ...c1810 colloq.
• HANG UP to quit work; to retire; to die ...1845 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S BOOTS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1975 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S FIDDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1830 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S HARNESS to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S HAT to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S RACK to quit work; to retire; to die ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HANG UP ONE'S ROPE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HANG UP ONE'S SADDLE to quit work; to retire; to die ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PACK IN to stop, to cease an activity or to function; to become useless; to give up; to retire; to die ...1942 sl.
• PACK UP to retire; to stop working or trying; to die ...WWI colloq.
• PULL THE PIN to resign or retire from a job ...1927 US sl.
• PUT ONE'S CUE IN THE RACK to retire ...1980s sl.
• RACK UP to retire; to abandon an occupation or action ...1940s sl.
• YELLOW to retire a person ...1747
RETIRE - phrases
• DOING A DAME NELLIE said of anybody who keeps retiring then returning ...20C Aust. sl. Best
RETIRED - adjectives
• DEAVELY lonely, solitary, unfrequented, retired, remote ...1677 Eng. dial.
• ENTIRE independent; retired from business ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ONERLY lonely, retired ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UMBRATIC * confined to the shade or to retirement; retired, secluded ...1839
RETIRED - nouns, person
• SNOWBIRD a retired person, who moves to a warmer climate during the winter months ...US colloq.
RETIREMENT - adjectives
• UMBRATICAL † remaining in retirement or seclusion ...1636
• UMBRATILE carried on in retirement or seclusion; not public or practical ...1640
• JERICHO a place of retirement or concealment, or a place far distant and out of the way; a secluded place ...1635
RETIREMENT - nouns, person
• UMBRATILE one who spends their time in retirement or seclusion ...1888
RETIRING - adjectives
• SELF-EFFACIVE modest, retiring ...1883 nonce word
RETIRING - nouns, person
• SCODGE a shy, retiring person ...1910 Sc.
RETORT, RETORTING - adjectives
• RETORTIVE of the nature of a retort or sharp reply ...E19
• SNAPHANCE † retorting sharply, snappish ...1592
RETORT - nouns
• BACK-ANSWER a retort; a rude reply ...1894 Eng. dial.
• BACK-CA' a retort, a snub ...1894 Sc.
• BACK-HANDER a sarcastic retort or snub ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BACK-JAW an insolent or hostile answer; a retort; mutual abuse; ...M19 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BACK-TALK a retort or reply which is regarded as superfluous or impertinent ...1858 orig. Eng. dial.
• BACK-WORD a contention, retort, reply ...1874 Eng. dial.
• CHOKING OYSTER, A a reply that leaves one nothing to say, as if choked with an oyster too large to swallow; a retort which puts another to silence ...B1900
• DABBER a pointed retort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLANKER a blow; a retort; a kick ...Bk1893 sl.
• GAMEGALL † a satirical retort ...1577
• JERK a retort; a jest; a quirk ...1653 sl.
• NASTY JAR a stinging retort ...Bk1902 sl.
• REJAG †* a sharp retort; a repartee ...1554 obs. rare exc. Sc.
• ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER, A an effective retort
• SNAPHANCE † a snappish retort; a curt, sharp answer; a ready answer or argument ...1598
• TALIATION † a retaliatory answer, a retort, a rejoinder ...1822 Sc. nonce word
• VENY a sharp retort, a pungent remark ...1586
RETORT - verbs
• BACK-JAW to answer in an insolent or hostile manner; to retort, altercate, abuse ...M19 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BREAK IT OFF IN to rebuke sternly; to wound someone with a sarcastic or cutting retort ...1906 Amer. dial.
• CAMPLE † to scold, bully; to retort, answer pertly; to argue or contend saucily; to wrangle or quarrel; to be sulky or cross ...1621 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GANSEL to scold, to upbraid, to storm at someone; to make an impudent retort ...1818 Sc.
• GANSHEL to scold, to upbraid, to storm at someone; to make an impudent retort ...1818 Sc.
• GIVE ONE THE GAMMET to answer back, to retort ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• JAW BACK to retort indignantly, to talk back; to argue ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KECKLE to retort impertinently; to speak insolently ...1856 Eng. dial.
• KIM-KAM to bicker, to argue, to retort; to use pert language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• REBAT to retort ...1871 Sc.
• REJAG †* to controvert, to refute; to reply smartly ...c1440 obs. rare exc. Sc.
• SNAP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF to make a quick, angry retort ...1886 Amer. sl.
RETORT - interjections/phrases (also see REJOINDER, REPARTEE)
• AND THE REST? a retort to anything incomplete, or in which something is being kept back ...Bk1903 colloq.
• HANG IT IN YOUR ASS! used as a derisive retort; 'go to hell!' ...1968 Amer. sl.
• KISS MY ARSE! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY SISTER'S BLACK CAT'S ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1969
• LAUGH THAT OFF! a sarcastic retort meaning that the listener will have to take one seriously ...1910s US sl.
• MOTHER OF THAT WAS A WHISKER, THE a retort to an utterly implausible story ...M19 sl.
• PUT IT WHERE THE MONKEY PUTS THE NUT to stick it up one's anus; used as a vulgar retort ...1922 Amer. sl.
• RUN IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1973 Amer. sl.
• SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1864 Amer. sl.
• SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASSHOLE! a derisive retort ...1936 Amer. sl.
• STICK IT IN YOUR ARSE! a derisive retort ...1888 Amer. sl.
• STICK IT UP YOUR ASS! a derisive retort ...1926 Amer. sl.
• SUCK MY ARSE! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1863
• SUCK MY ASS! a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1863
• THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY, TELL ME NEWS! a retort to a stale jest ...1708-10 sl
• THAT'S YOUR MAMMY! used as a general insult or intentionally provocative remark, or as a retort in response to such a remark ...1942 Amer. dial.
• UP YOUR ALLEY! used as a dismissive retort ...1976 UK euphemism for 'up your ass'
• YO' MAMA! used as a general insult or intentionally provocative remark, or as a retort in response to such a remark ...1971 Amer. dial.
RETORT - phrases
• I GUESS YOU LAID THAT a compliment to a person who has just made a clever retort ...1930s US Black sl.
• JUMP UP MY ASS used as a derisive retort ...1973 Amer. sl.
RETRACT - verbs
• EAT DIRT to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• EAT DIRT PIE to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• EAT DUST to retract a previous statement, usually incurring humiliation and embarrassment by so doing ...M19 sl.
• GAINCALL †* to revoke, to retract, to withdraw ...1535
• PULL IN ONE'S HORNS to moderate or retract one's behaviour ...1589 sl.
• SCALE to retract one's word; to draw back ...1898 Sc.
• SKALE to retract one's word; to draw back ...1898 Sc.
• SKIN BACK to retract, as a false charge ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TAKE WATER to retreat, to back down, to take refuge; to retract a statement ...1853 Amer. dial.
• TAKE YOUR BACK TRACKS to recant, to retract, to acknowledge error ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• ABRENUNCIATION renunciation; retraction, repudiation ...1641
RETRAIN - verbs
• RETREAD to retrain, esp. after a period of unemployment ...1963 sl.
RETREAT - nouns
• BACK-OUT cowardice; a disposition to retreat from an opponent ...1828 Amer. dial.
• HIDEAWAY a place of concealment or retreat ...M20
• NEST a lodging, shelter, home, bed, etc., esp. of a secluded or comfortable nature; a snug retreat ...a1000
• REAR EXIT a retreat or flight from danger ...1957 US sl.
• SANCTUM SANCTORUM a person's private retreat, where he is free from intrusion ...1706
• SHAB OUT a cowardly retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• SHANGRI-LA an unearthly paradise; a place of retreat from the worries of modern civilization ...M20
• SUBTERFUGE † a place to which a person escapes; a retreat, refuge ...1616
RETREAT - verbs
• BACK WATER to retreat, to withdraw, as from an argument or position ...1844 Amer. dial.
• BETAKE ONESELF TO ONE'S HEELS to retreat in flight, to run away ...1598
• BOW OUT to retreat or withdraw; to resign ...20C sl.
• GO BACKWARD † to recede, to retreat; to relapse, to backslide ...c1400
• KENNEL to put in a place of retreat or confinement ...1582
• RECULE † to recoil, to retreat, to revert ...1667 Sc.
• SCALE to depart from a place; to go off, to retreat ...1896 Sc.
• SKAIL to depart from a place; to go off, to retreat ...1896 Sc.
• TAKE BACKWATER to change course; to reverse one's position; to retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• TAKE THE BACK TRACK to return or retreat ...1724 US
• TAKE WATER to retreat, to back down, to take refuge; to retract a statement ...1853 Amer. dial.
• WANDIS † to recoil, to retreat, to give way ...1375 Sc.
• DEVIL'S JUDGEMENT a punishment, retribution ...1830 Sc.
• NEMESIS retributive justice; an instance of this ...1597
• SATISFACTORY † a place or means of atonement or retribution ...1530
• BACKCAST a retrospect ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BACK-LOOK a retrospect, a record of the past ...1880 Eng. dial.
• VIZZY BACKWARD a retrospect ...1871 Sc.
• BACK-LOOK a retrospective look ...1726 Sc.
• BEHIND-SIGHT backward view, retrospection ...1884
RETROSPECTIVE - adjectives
• BACK-CAST retrospective ...1825 Sc.
RETURN - nouns
• BACK-COME a return ...L18 Sc.
• BACK-COMING a return ...1818 Sc.
• EFTER-CHAR †* return ...a1300
• GAINCHARE † a return, a way of returning, a means of escape ...c1000
• GAINCOME † a coming again, return ...a1225
• GAINCOMING † a returning, return ...a1340
• RE-COMING a return ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RETOUR return to a place ...ME Sc. arch.
• RETOURE a return ...1822 Sc.
RETURN - verbs
• BACK-COME to return ...L18 Sc.
• BACK-TRACK to return ...1904 US
• COME BACK-OVER to return ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• EFT-SITHE † to return ...c1175 obs. or arch.
• HARK BACK to retrace one's course or steps; to return, to revert; to return to some earlier point in a narrative, discussion, or argument ...1868
• RETOUR to return to or to a place ...LME arch.
• RETOURE to return ...Bk1904 Sc.
• TAKE THE BACK TRACK to return or retreat ...1724 US
• GAINCOMING † a returning, return ...a1340
• GAIN-TURNING † returning ...1340
REVEAL - adjectives
• PRODITORIOUS † treacherous, traitorous, perfidious; apt to betray or reveal what is hidden or in the mind; apt to disclose or make known ...c1475 obs. or arch.
REVEAL - nouns, person
• BLABBER one who reveals all ...1557
• BLABBERMOUTH one who reveals all ...1936 sl., orig. US
REVEAL - verbs
• ACCUSE * to betray, to disclose; hence, to reveal, to display, to show or make known ...c1400
• BAWL OUT to announce oneself; to reveal something ...M19 sl., orig. US
• BETRAISE † to reveal, to disclose incidentally ...c1400
• BETRAISH † to reveal, to disclose incidentally ...c1400
• BLAB to speak revealingly ...1583
• BLOW to speak revealingly; to give away secret information ...1575
• BLOW THE GAFF to let out a secret; to reveal a plot; to give convicting evidence ...1812 sl.
• BLOW THE LID OFF to expose to public view, esp. to reveal something scandalous, illegal, etc. ...colloq.
• CACKLE to confess and/or to inform on others; to reveal secrets through indiscreet talk; to blab ...1698 US & UK criminals' sl.
• CHEEP to tell or reveal; to betray a secret; to mention, to hint at ...1903 Amer. dial.
• DECIPHER † of actions, outward signs, etc.: to reveal, to make known, to indicate ...1529
• DECORTICATE to divest of what conceals, to expose, to disclose, to reveal ...1660
• LAY TO SIGHT † to reveal, to disclose ...1563
• NAKEN † to reveal or disclose ...a1300
• OPEN † to lay bare or make manifest to the view; to reveal, to disclose, to declare, to make known ...c900
• OPEN OUT to reveal one's true character ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OPEN TO to tell, to reveal ...1895 Eng. dial.
• PALESATE †* to manifest, to reveal ...1613
• PATEFY † to reveal, show, declare, disclose; to make open or manifest ...1533
• REVELATE † to reveal ...1514
• SHOOT OFF ONE'S MOUTH to speak revealingly ...1864 sl., orig. US
• SHOW UP to expose or reveal someone; to make another person seem inefficient, ridiculous or inferior ...Amer. colloq.
• SPILL to speak revealingly ...1917 sl., orig. US
• SPILL THE BEANS to speak revealingly ...1919 sl., orig. US
• SPIT IT OUT to openly state or reveal something ...1855 sl.
• SPIT OUT to openly state or reveal something ...1855 sl.
• TALK to speak revealingly ...1924 sl.
• TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL to boldly tell the truth in defiance of temptation to the contrary; to reveal all at any cost ...1793
• TIP ONE'S HAND to reveal one's plans, true feelings, etc., often unintentionally
• UNBOSOM to disclose, to reveal ...1588
• UNBOWEL † to display or reveal ...1650
• UNBRACE to lay open; to disclose, to reveal ...1607
• UNCLOAK to expose, to lay bare, to reveal ...1659
• UNCLOSE to disclose, to make known, to reveal ...a1300
• UPPEN † to mention, to reveal, to disclose ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
REVEALED - verbs
• EFFLORESCE to come to the surface, to become manifest; to be disclosed or revealed ...1834
REVEL - nouns
• BACCHANALIZATION a turning into drunken revel ...1798
• JAMBOREE a noisy revel; a carousal or spree ...1872 US sl.
• RANDY riotous living; a noisy merrymaking or revel ...1825 Eng. dial.
• RANDY-GO a noisy merrymaking or revel ...1825 Eng. dial.
• REBBLE a revel ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REBEL a revel ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCREED a drinking-bout; a revel ...1815 Sc.
• SCREED-O'-DRINK a drinking-bout; a revel ...1815 Sc.
• WAKES † nocturnal revels ...1577
• BACCHANALIZE to indulge in drunken revelry ...M17
• BATTEN to feed gluttonously on; to glut oneself; to gloat or revel in ...1602
• BELLY-CHEER † to feast luxuriously, revel; to indulge in food and drink ...1549
• DELICIATE †* to take one's pleasure; to enjoy oneself; to indulge in delicacies; to feast; to revel; to luxuriate ...1633
• GAVAUL to revel, to carouse ...1822 Sc.
• LAP UP to take in eagerly; to revel in; to enjoy ...1926 US sl.
• ROIST † to roister; enjoy oneself noisily or boisterously; to behave uproariously; to revel ...M16
• WALTER † to wallow or revel in prosperity, pleasure, sin ...c1375
• GIVE-AWAY something that gives one away; also, an inadvertent revelation of the facts ...1882 sl., orig. US
• UNBOWELLING † disclosure; revelation ...a1653
REVELLER - nouns, person
• BACCHANAL a noisy or drunken reveller ...1812
• BACCHANALIAN a drunken reveller; a tippler ...1617
• BACCHANT a drunken reveller; a roisterer ...1774
• RANTER a reveller; a noisy scold ...1812 Sc.
• REVEL-ROUT †* a crowd or party of revellers; a company of spreesters; a mob, rabble ...?1655 arch. or obs. rare
• ROISTER-DOISTER † a roisterer or swaggering or noisy reveller...a1553 obs.
• ROISTERER a noisy reveller ...E19
• COMESSATION † a frolic and jovial meeting to eat, drink, and make good cheer; feasting, banqueting, revelling ...c1380
• RANTING-PLACE a place for revelling ...1890 Sc.
REVELRY - adjectives
• BACCHANAL indulging in drunken revelry; riotously drunken; roistering ...1711
• BACCHANALIAN given to drunken revelry; riotously drunken, roistering ...1565
• GALLIARDIZING † tending to revelry; enlivening, exciting to levity ...1697
• ORGIASTIC marked by extravagance, licentiousness, or dissolute revelry ...1698
REVELRY - nouns
• BACCHANAL an occasion of drunken revelry; an orgy ...1536
• BACCHANALIA drunken revelry; a tippling bout; an orgy ...1633
• BACCHANALIANISM drunken revelry ...1855
• BACCHANALISM drunken revelry ...1858
• GALLIARDISE gaiety, mirth, revelry; also, a merry trick ...c1570 arch.
• GALLIARDISM * gaiety, mirth, revelry ...1745
• REVEL-ROUT † uproarious revelry; boisterous merriment; tumultuous festivity; an occasion of revelling, a revel; a rough, noisy, and indecent gathering or carouse ...a1553 arch. or obs.
• SATURNALIA a period of unrestrained license and revelry ...1782
REVELRY - verbs
• BACCHANALIZE to indulge in drunken revelry ...1656
REVENGE - adjectives
• TALIONIC pert. to revenge in kind or retaliation ...1886
• VENGEABLE † characterized by or arising from vengeance or revenge; cruel, dreadful ...c1430
• VENGEFUL desiring revenge; vindictive ...a1599
• VENGEVUL revengeful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• VENGIBLE † vengeful, vindictive, eager for revenge ...1548
• WREAKFUL † given or addicted to revenge; vengeful, malicious, angry ...1531 now rare or obs.
REVENGE - nouns
• EVENS revenge; a person as an object of revenge ...1910s US sl.
• GURLIEWHIRKIE unforeseen evil, dark and dismal; premeditated revenge ...B1900 Sc.
• MENDS amends, reparation, recompense, satisfaction, revenge; atonement ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REVENGEANCE revenge ...1883 Amer. dial.
• REVENGE IN LAVENDER a vengeance in store ...c1696 sl.
• TEEN wrath, anger, rage; vexation; revenge ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ULTION †* vengeance, revenge, avengement ...c1550
• VINDICTIVOLENCE the desire of revenging oneself or of taking vengeance ...1865 nonce word
REVENGE - verbs
• BEWREAK † to revenge ...1422-61
• EAT SOMEONE'S LUNCH to get revenge ...1969 US sl.
• FILE ONE'S TEETH FOR SOMEONE to prepare to take revenge on someone ...1961 Amer. dial.
• HANG A HAT ON SOMEONE to single someone out for revenge ...1970s US Black sl.
• HOP IN A PERSON'S NECK to have revenge on him ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• LAY FOR to lie in wait for; to plan revenge against, to be out to get ...1865 Amer. dial.
• MAKE SOMEONE SIT UP to take one's revenge ...1910s sl.
• PUT A HAT ON SOMEONE to single someone out for revenge ...1970s US Black sl.
• SALT to snub; to put down; to check; to have revenge upon ...1863 Sc.
• TAKE IT OUT OF SOMEONE to take revenge on, to get one's satisfaction from ...E19 sl.
• VENGE to avenge, to execute revenge ...a1300 arch.
REVENGEFUL - adjectives
• VITIOUS spiteful, revengeful, bitter, implacable ...1825 Eng. dial.
• VENGIBLY † in a revengeful manner, vindictively ...1580
REVERBERANT - adjectives
• VERBERANT reverberant ...1890
• VERBERATION reverberation of sound ...1855
REVERE - verbs
• HEARSUM † to obey, to be obedient to; to revere ...c900
• HERSUM † to obey, to be obedient to; to revere ...c900
• REVEREND to revere ...1982 Amer. dial.
REVERENCE - adjectives
• TIMORATE †* devout, full of reverence ...1570
• VENERAL † worthy of reverence ...1631
• VENERAND †* entitled to veneration, worthy of reverence ...1549
• HAT-HOMAGE reverence shown by removing the hat; used among the early Quakers ...1851
• HAT-HONOUR † reverence shown by removing the hat; used among the early Quakers ...1669
• HAT-RESPECT † reverence shown by removing the hat ...1669
• HAT-WORSHIP † reverence shown by removing the hat ...1742
• MENSE honour, respect, reverence ...1791 Sc.
• ORE † respect, reverence; honour, glory ...c900
• VENERANCE * the quality of inspiring reverence ...1884
REVERENCE - nouns, person
• VENERATOR one who venerates or reverences ...1656
• ABOW † to bend, to incline, to bow, to stoop; fig. to do homage or reverence; to submit ...c1000
REVERENCED - nouns, person
• PAGOD a person superstitiously or extravagantly reverenced or otherwise likened to a heathen deity; an 'idol' ...1719
REVERENTIAL - adjectives
• TIMOROUS † modest, reverential ...1474
• VENERABLE † giving evidence of veneration; reverent, reverential ...1613
• VENERANT * engaged in veneration, reverential ...1846
• VENERATE † engaged in veneration, reverential ...1591
• VENERATIVE * of the nature of veneration, reverential ...1860
REVERSAL - nouns
• ONE-EIGHTY a complete reversal of plans, thoughts, actions ...1950s US sl., orig. military usage
• ASS-BACKWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1937 Amer. sl.
• ASS-SIDE-BEFORE backwards, inside out, in reversed position ...1969 Amer. dial.
• ASSY-FUSSY backside foremost; in reverse position, inside out ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-BEFORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-FOREMOST backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-FRONT backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-END-TO backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1926 Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-BEFORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FOREMOST backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FORWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-FRONT backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BACKSIDE-TO backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial.
• BARSE-ACKWARDS backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1975 Amer. dial.
• BASS-ACKARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1931 Amer. colloq.
• BASS-ACKWARD(S) backwards; in reversed position or confused order; head over heels ...1930 Amer. dial. colloq.
• END FOR ABOUT in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1957 Amer. dial.
• END FOR END in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1871 Amer. dial.
REVERSE - nouns
• BACK-CA' a reverse, a relapse ...1830 Sc.
• BACKCAST a throw back; a reverse; a misfortune ...1818 N. Eng. dial
• BACK-SET a setting back; a reverse, check, relapse ...1721
• ODDS the exact opposite of anything; the reverse ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
REVERSE - verbs
• PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE to reverse the usual order, whether of things or of ideas ...c1500 colloq.
• RAMVERSE † to reverse, to withdraw; to remove, to take away ...1632
• RAMVERT † to reverse, to withdraw ...1632
• SET THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE to reverse the usual order, whether of things or of ideas ...c1500 colloq.
• TAKE BACKWATER to change course; to reverse one's position; to retreat ...1902 Amer. dial.
• TURN THE CAT IN THE PAN † to reverse the order of things so dexterously as to make them appear the very opposite of what they really are; to turn a thing right about ...1532
REVERSED - adverbs
• ARSEY-VERSY upside down; topsy-turvy; head over heels; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1539
• ARSIE-VERSIE upside down; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1577
• ARSI-VERSI upside down; backwards-front; reversed; confused ...1934 Amer.
• ARSY-VERSY upside down; head over heels; reversed ...1678
REVERSELY - adverbs
• OPPOSITELY † in opposition or contrast; in reverse order ...1567
REVERT - verbs
• HARK BACK to retrace one's course or steps; to return, to revert; to return to some earlier point in a narrative, discussion, or argument ...1868
• RETROVERT * to turn back, to revert ...M17
REVIEW - nouns
• DAMP BLANKET in the theatre: a bad review ...1981 US sl.
• PANNING very hard criticism, as a very bad review ...1930s sl.
• PASTING a critically negative review ...1940s sl.
• SCANCE a glance, a quick appraising look, a brief scrutiny, a cursory survey or review of persons or affairs ...1787 Sc.
REVIEW - verbs
• TOMAHAWK to attack savagely or mercilessly in speech or in writing; to demolish in a review or criticism ...1815
REVILE - verbs
• BALLYRAG to abuse violently; to scold or revile in foul language ...1790 Eng. dial.
• DEBACCHATE †* to rage or rave as a bacchanal; to revile one after the manner of drunkards ...1623
• ILL-JAW to give someone insolence, to revile, to abuse ...1866 Sc.
• MISCALL to give an unworthy name of character to; to berate, to revile ...1899 Amer. dial.
• SUGGIL †* to defame, to revile ...1539
• SUGGILLATE † to defame, to revile ...1647
• SUGIL †* to defame, to revile ...1539
• SUGILLATE † to defame, to revile ...1647
• THROW OFF ON to disparage, to ridicule, to make fun of, to revile, to cast aspersions on ...1887 Amer. dial.
REVILING - adjectives
• OBLATRANT †* railing, reviling, scolding ...1601
REVILING - nouns
• ABUSION † contemptuous or reproachful language; reviling, insult ...1382
• IMPROBRATION †* reproach, reviling ...1526
• IMPROPERATION † the act of upbraiding or reviling; a reproach, a taunt ...1502
• MALEDICTION a reviling, slander ...1526
• OPPROBRATION †* reproaching, taunting, reviling ...c1616
• RAIL * an act of railing or reviling ...a1529
• RAILLERY †* railing, reviling ...1709
REVIVAL - nouns
• OLD-MAKE-NEW the same thing over again, a revival ...1830 Sc.
REVIVALIST - nouns, person
• GOSPEL WHANGER a revivalist ...1909 Amer. dial.
REVIVE - verbs
• FRESHEN UP to clean, to smarten, to revive ...1937 UK sl.
• QUICK † of persons, animals, and plants, or their parts: to come to life; to revive ...c1000
• QUICKEN to put life into; to revive as from a state of insensibility ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RECANT to revive from debility or sickness ...Bk1904 Sc.
REVIVING - adjectives
• COMFORTATIVE † strengthening, reviving, as medicine, food, etc. ...1398
REVOKE - verbs
• AGAIN-CALL to revoke ...Bk1898 Sc.
• GAINCALL †* to revoke, to retract, to withdraw ...1535
• UNASSURE † to cancel the assurance of, to annul, to revoke ...1643
REVOLT - nouns
• SUBLEVATION † a rising, a revolt ...1613-18
REVOLT - verbs
• GROSS OUT to shock and disgust; to revolt; to repulse with crude language ...1965 Amer. student sl.
• SULLEVATE to incite to revolt ...1595
REVOLTING - adjectives
• OFF disgusting, revolting, offensive ...1987 Aust. sl.
• PUKEY revolting, repulsive, disgusting ...M19 colloq.
• GROSS-OUT a revolting thing, idea, action, etc. ...a1968 Amer. sl., orig. student usage
REVOLTING - nouns, person
• PUKE a disgusting or revolting person; a despised person ...M19 colloq.
• SICKO a disgusting or disturbingly revolting person; a mentally unstable person, with overtones of sexual perversion; a pervert or someone with a warped or perverted sense of humour ...1970s sl.
REVOLUTIONARY - adjectives
• SANSCULOTTIC revolutionary ...1822
• SANSCULOTTISH characterized by revolution; revolutionary ...1798
REVOLUTIONARY - nouns, person
• BOLSHEVIK a person of subversive or revolutionary views; an out-and-out opponent of the existing social order or accepted codes ...1926
• BOLSHEVIST a term of reproach for an out-and-out revolutionary ...1920
• BOLSHIE a jocular and contemptuous name for a Bolshevik ...1920
• BOLSHY a jocular and contemptuous name for a Bolshevik ...1920
• RED-NECK a Communist; a revolutionary ...1931 Amer. dial.
• SANSCULOTTE an extreme republican or revolutionary ...1790
REVOLVE - verbs
• BIRL to revolve with a whirring sound; to twirl round; to spin ...Bk1911 Sc.
• OBVOLVE to cause to roll round or revolve ...1649 obs.
• TIRL to turn; to cause to rotate or revolve; to twirl, to spin; to turn over and over; to move by rolling ...1543 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VEER † to turn round, to revolve, to whirl about ...1598
• WALLOW † of a round object (stone, wheel): to roll along the ground; to move, be revolving or rotating ...c888
REVOLVING - adjectives
• ORBY * moving as in a circle, revolving ...1615
REWARD - nouns
• EDLEN † reward ...c888
• FEE † a prize, a reward ...c1400
• GAINYIELD † recompense, return, reward ...1513 Sc.
• HANDSEL guerdon, reward; also ironically, a punishment, a smack of the hand ...1892 Sc.
• LEAN † reward, recompense ...c1000
• MEED desert, reward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSE pay, recompense, reward; thanks, grateful return; kindness ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SALARY † reward or remuneration for services rendered; fee ...c1440
• SALFAY † the reward paid to the finder and restorer of lost goods ...c1440
• SALVE money, esp. as a reward for something difficult ...20C US sl.
• TAIL a reward for information leading to the arrest of a criminal ...1934 US sl.
• TITHING † thing granted, reward ...c1275
• UPTAKE the finding and taking of anything lost; the reward given for finding anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WARISON † a gift bestowed by a superior; a reward ...a1300
REWARD - verbs
• CASH IN to reap a profit, reward, or advantage of any kind ...1928 US sl.
• QUAT to requite, to reward; to pay back, to discharge ...1802 Sc.
• SALVE to pay, usually a reward; also, to bribe ...20C US sl.
• YIELD to reward ...1703 Eng. dial.
REWARD - phrases
• EAT THE FRUIT OF ONE'S OWN DOINGS to receive the reward of one's actions ...1611
RHETORIC - nouns
• ORATORY the art of the orator or of public speaking; the art of speaking eloquently according to definite rules, so as to please or persuade; rhetoric ...1593
RHETORICAL - adjectives
• ORATORY † pert. to an orator; oratorial; rhetorical ...1534
• ORATORIOUSLY † after the manner of an orator; rhetorically; eloquently ...1563
RHEUMATISM - adjectives
• ALL IN A PIECE stiff with cold or rheumatism ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL OF A PIECE stiff, crippled by rheumatism ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• RHEUMATISMED afflicted with rheumatism ...c1938 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIST † afflicted with rheumatism or stiff joints ...1804 Sc.
• ARTHURATICS arthritis, rheumatism ...1967 Amer. dial.
• ARTHURITIS arthritis, rheumatism ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HALT rheumatism ...1865 Eng. dial.
• PAINS chronic rheumatism, rheumatic twinges ...1795 Sc.
• RHEUM rheumatism; an attack of rheumatism ...1966 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIC rheumatism; a rheumatic attack or pain ...1835 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATICS rheumatism ...1826 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• RHEUMATIZ rheumatism; a rheumatic attack or pain ...1844 Amer. dial.
• RHEUMS rheumatism ...1886 Sc.
• RHEUMS, THE rheumatism; an attack of rheumatism ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ROOMATICS rheumatism ...1826 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ROOMATISM rheumatism ...1901 Sc.
• ROOMYTICS rheumatism ...1826 Ireland
• RUMATICKS rheumatism ...1826 Sc.
• SCREWMATIC-FEVER rheumatic fever ...1896 Eng. dial.
• SCREWMATICKS rheumatism ...1895 sl.
• SCREWMATICS rheumatism ...1895 sl.
• SCREWS, THE rheumatism ...1897 sl.
• SCROOMATICS rheumatism ...1895 Eng. dial.
• TUCKS stiffness; rheumatism ...1916 Amer. dial.
RHEUMATISM - phrases
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP GLASS refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP MUG refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• HE MUST HAVE BEEN DRINKING OUT OF A DAMP POT refers to someone who has caught a cold or who has a touch of rheumatism ...20C Brit.
• ABADA † the rhinoceros ...a1599
• HORNED-SNOUT † the rhinoceros ...1661
• RHINO a rhinoceros ...1884 sl.
• LITTLE RHODY the state of Rhode Island ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• RHODY the state of Rhode Island ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
RHODE ISLAND - nouns, person
• NUTMEG a White New Englander, esp. of Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island ...1821 sl.
• NUTMEG-MAKER a White New Englander, esp. of Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island ...1883 sl.
• LITTLE LAUREL a rhododendron ...1901 Amer. dial.
RHUBARB - nouns
• APPLE CABBAGE † rhubarb ...1896 Amer. dial.
• APPLE-PERU rhubarb ...1895 Amer. dial.
• ELEPHANT EARS rhubarb ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PIE-PLANT rhubarb ...1838 Amer. dial.
• PIE STEM rhubarb ...1969 Amer. dial.
RHYME - adjectives
• NIPPERTY-TIPPERTY of rhymes or tunes: quick and rattling in rhythm ...1817 Sc.
RHYME - nouns
• JARGON * a jingle or assonance of rhymes ...1570
• RHYMING-WARE † compositions in rhyme; poetry ...1785 Sc.
• RIDLESS a doggerel rhyme; an improbable story, a rigmarole ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TING-TANG a jingling repetition of sounds, rhyme ...1686
RHYME - nouns, person
• TINKLER a rhymester ...1840
RHYME - verbs
• BERIME to compose rhymes about; to celebrate in rhyme; often, to lampoon ...1589
• RANE to rhyme ...1899 Sc.
• SHOOT THE GIFT to talk in rhyme or rhythm; to converse; to rap ...1980s US Black sl.
• TINKLE to rhyme or jingle ...1626
RHYTHM - nouns
• CASURE †* cadence, rhythm ...1565
• SKANK to move rhythmically ...1980s UK Black sl.
RIB - nouns
• PALINGS the ribs ...M19 boxing usage
• PAP-BONE † each of the pair of ribs beneath the paps ..1581
• RAILINGS the ribs ...M19 sl.
• SIDE-BONE a rib ...1848
• SLATS the ribs ...1898 sl., orig. and chiefly US
RIBALD - nouns, person
• HOLOUR † a fornicator, a whoremonger, an adulterer; a debauchee, rake, ribald, scoundrel ...c1230
• RAFFLE-COFFIN a ruffian; a ribald fellow ...c1696 sl.
RIBALDRY - nouns
• BORBOROLOGY †* filthy talk; ribaldry ...1649
• HARLOTRY † buffoonery, jesting; ribaldry, scurrility, scurrilous talk; obscene talk or behaviour ...c1325
• HASH a noise, tumult; strife, rioting; ribald talk, nonsense ...1801 Sc.
• JAPERY † jesting speech; ribaldry; a jest ...c1340
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecent or profligate talk, ribaldry ...B1900 Eng. dial.
RIBBON - nouns
• BAB a posy or nosegay of flowers; a tassel or bunch of ribbons ...1816 Sc.
• BEND † a ribbon, strap, band, used for ornament or as part of a dress; a sash, hat-band, bandage ...c1000 obs.
• DAUB a ribbon ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• FATTERALS † ribbon ends, loose pieces of trimming; anything loose and trailing; rarely in singular ...1786 Sc.
• FATTRALS † ribbon ends, loose pieces of trimming; anything loose and trailing; rarely in singular ...1786 Sc.
• FATTRELS ribbon-ends, etc. ...1786 Sc.
• FAVOUR-RIBBON † a ribbon worn as a love token ...1762
• NECKLACE † a lace or ribbon for the neck ...1697
RICE - nouns
• CHINKBERRIES rice ...World War II Amer. sl.
• MOONSHINE 1. rice ...1933 Amer. dial.
2. rice and raisins cooked together (eaten by cowboys) ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SKIPPING JENNY rice and peas cooked together ...1952 Amer. dial.
• STRIKE-ME-BLIND rice ...Bk1904 nautical sl.
• SWAMP-SEED among sailors: rice ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• THREE BLIND MICE a sack of rice ...20C rhyming sl.
RICE - nouns, person
• RICE-BAG a rice planter ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.