DISTANCE - adjectives
• AIM of distance, etc.: near, close ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FAR-COME that has come from a distance ...1590
DISTANCE - adverbs
• ADISTANCE to a distance; afar ...1809
• ADREIGH † at a distance ...1715 Sc.
• A-DRIGH † at or to a distance, away, off ...c1325
• ALANTOM † at a distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial..
• ALANTUM † at a distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• AT-OWER of place: at a distance, away ...1891 Sc.
• FAR-ABOUT † at a great distance ...c1450
• FAR-FORTH † to a great distance or extent; far, far on ...c1470
• FARLY † far, to a great extent or distance ...c1460
• FROM HELL TO BREAKFAST for a considerable distance or time ...1939 Amer. dial.
• FROM HELL TO HARLEM for a considerable distance or time ...1939 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - nouns
• CAT'S JUMP a short distance ...1959 Amer. dial.
• COCK-STRIDE the length of the step of a cock, as the measure of a very short distance or space; a short stride ...1626
• COUNTRY MILE a long distance or margin ...1951 US sl.
• DISTANT a distance ...c1938 Amer. dial.
• FAR-BEING the state of being at a distance ...1580
• FAR-LENGTH distance, furthest length ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FAR PIECE a long distance ...1932 Amer. dial.
• FEW WAYS a short distance ...1933 Amer. dial.
• FROM JERICHO TO JUNE a long distance ...1837 sl.
• GAUGE † a limit of distance or extent ...1600
• HALF A STRETCH the distance of half a city block; usually used with 'away' ...1940s US Black sl.
• HAND-STIR a very small distance; a slight movement ...1896 Eng. dial.
• HAUT STRIDE AND LOUP a very short distance, a 'step' ...1838 Sc.
• HEN-SCRATCH a short distance ...1898 Amer. dial.
• HEN'S GRASS a short distance ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HEN'S RACE, A a very short distance ...1898 Ireland
• MILES-END-WAYS a long way; an undetermined distance ...1876 Eng. dial.
• MILES-ENDY-WAYS a long way; an undetermined distance ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NEAR-HANDNESS nearness; a short distance ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OFFSCAPE † a distant view or prospect; the distant part of a view or prospect, the distance, the background ...1711
• OOCH a very short distance; a very small margin ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• PIECE a short, indeterminate distance; a distance ...1776 Amer. dial.
• PIECEWAY a part of the way; an indefinite distance ...1886 Amer. dial.
• PIECEWAYS a part of the way; an indefinite distance ...1932 Amer. dial.
• RABBIT JUMP a short distance ...1968 Amer. dial.
• RACE † the distance or space between two points ...1562
• RATCH a long stretch of a river, a straight course of navigable river, a reach; an intermediate distance between two points ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REACH an intermediate distance between two points ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RIGHT SMART CHANCE, A a long distance ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SCHLEP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SHIRTTAIL DISTANCE a short distance ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SHLAP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SHLEP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SNICKET a short distance ...1888 Eng. dial.
• STONE'S THROW a short distance
• TAD a short distance ...1940 Amer. dial.
• TAT a short distance ...1940 Amer. dial.
• THOUGHT a small quantity of anything; a short distance; a short time ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TOE-BREADTH the smallest possible distance ...1865 Sc.
• TOE'S LENGTH, THE a very short distance ...1824
• UTAH MILE an indeterminate distance ...1941 Amer. dial.
• VARST † a great distance; a long way ...1833 Eng. dial.
• VAST † a great distance; a long way ...1833 Eng. dial.
• WAGON GREASE the distance travelled between two greasings of a wagon's wheels - used as an indefinite measure of distance ...1944 Amer. dial.
• WAGON GREASING the distance travelled between two greasings of a wagon's wheels - used as an indefinite measure of distance ...1944 Amer. dial.
• WHOOP AND A HOLLER, A a short distance ...1898 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - verbs
• GO WAY TO HALIFAX vb. to go out of the way, or an unnecessarily long distance ...1903 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - phrases
• BY A TEXAS MILE by a great distance or amount ...1984 Amer. dial.
DISTANT (far away) - adjectives
• BEHIND AND BEYOND far away; in the distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• LONGINQUE † distant; far ...1614
• SCAIF distant, scattered abroad ...1864 Eng. dial.
• SIDE †* far-off, distant; going far ...1399
DISTANT (cool or reserved) - adjectives
• FAROUCHE sullen, shy, unsociable; distant in manner ...1765
• OFF distant, aloof, withdrawn ...a1555 UK
• OFFISH distant or unapproachable in manners ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
DISTANT (far away) - nouns
• EAST PASTURE a distant place ...1967 Amer. dial.
DISTANT - phrases
• NEITHER NIGH NOR BY nowhere near ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DISTANTLY - adverbs
• EMINOUSLY †* remotely, distantly ...1657
DISTASTE - adjectives
• CRINGEWORTHY causing feelings of acute embarrassment or distaste ...Brit. colloq.
DISTASTE - nouns
• SAMUEL PEPYS a sense of uneasiness or distaste; a nervous feeling ...1980s rhyming sl. for 'creeps' ('Pepys' pronounced 'peeps')
DISTASTE - verbs
• CRINGE to wince in embarrassment or distaste ...colloq.
• FEEL WALLOW to have a distaste for one's food ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• FEEL WALLOW-LIKE to have a distaste for one's food ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DISTASTE - interjections
• FOOEY! an exclamation expressing contempt, distaste, or disbelief ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• ICK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1948 orig. US
• YECCH! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YECH! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YECK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YUCK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1966
• YUK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1966
DISTASTE - phrases
• I ASK YOU implies one's distaste for what has just been said or done ...M19
• I CAN HARDLY WAIT implies one distaste for something that is going to happen in the future ...1930s sl.
• I CAN'T HARDLY WAIT implies one distaste for something that is going to happen in the future ...1930s sl.
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A BARGE-POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A FORTY-FOOT POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A PAIR OF TONGS a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A RED-HOT POKER a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH THE END OF A BARGE-POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
DISTASTEFUL - adjectives
• DOOKIE unpleasant, distasteful, disgusting ...1990s US campus sl.
• DOOKY unpleasant, distasteful, disgusting ...1990s US campus sl.
• ERKY unpleasant, distasteful ...1950s Aust. sl.
• FASTIDIOUS † that creates disgust; disagreeable, distasteful, unpleasant, wearisome ...1531
• GAGGY sordid, highly distasteful ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• ICK sickly, over-sentimental, distasteful ...1960s US sl.
• ICKY distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting ...1929 US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ICKY-BOO distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ICKY-POO distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ILK unpleasant, bizarre, distasteful ...2000s US Black sl.
• KAKER anything or anyone unpleasant or distasteful ...1930s sl.
• NAUSEOUS unpleasant, distasteful ...M17 sl.
• ON THE NOSE unpleasant, distasteful ...Aust. sl.
• SCABBY of a person or thing: unpleasant, contemptible, distasteful ...M17
• YICKY distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• BOOGER something distasteful, troublesome, or discomforting; something that is very difficult to do ...1956 Amer. dial.
• CANFUL OF ANGLE-WORMS a confused, complex, and distasteful state of affairs; a complicated enigma ...1927-28 US
• CAN OF WORMS a confused, complex, and distasteful state of affairs; a complicated enigma ...1927-28 US
• KEECH something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
• KEEK something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
• MAMMOCK something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIX something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MUNG dirt, muck; anything filthy or distasteful ...L1970s teenagers' & students' usage
• OFF-JIVING distasteful behaviour ...1940s US Black sl.
• SKANK-PIT an unpleasant, distasteful place ...1999 US sl.
DISTASTEFUL - nouns, person
• BACK OF THE NECK a distasteful person ...1940s Irish sl.
• CARRY GUTS TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1833 Amer. dial.
• CHICKENSHIT to act in a cowardly or otherwise distasteful manner ...1960s sl., orig. US
• TOTE GUTS TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• TOTE VICTUALS TO A NIGGER to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• TOTE VITTLES TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• HARM distemper in dogs ...1875 Eng. dial.
DISTENDED - adjectives
• BESTENTED †* distended ...1648
• BOUZY big, swelling, distended; fat, overgrown ...Bk1911 Sc.
DISTINCT - adjectives
• REDD clear, distinct, fluent ...1836 Sc.
• SUNDERLY † separate, several; distinct, diverse, different ...a1225
• SUNDRY † having an existence, position, or status apart; separate, distinct ...c1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VIDUAL individual, particular, distinct, precise ...1850 Sc. & Eng. dial.
DISTINCT - verbs
• SINGULARIZE to mark conspicuously; to make distinct or conspicuous; to distinguish ...1589
• GAYNESS † a decoration, distinction ...1670
• SIGNALITY * notability, distinction ...1650
• CALL THE QUEEN ONE'S AUNT to have the greatest happiness or distinction possible ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILLUSTRE † to render illustrious or distinguished; to confer distinction upon ...1530
DISTINCTIVE - adjectives
• SIGNAL † distinctive, significative ...1652
DISTINCTLY - adverbs
• FAIR plainly, easily, clearly, distinctly; frankly, downright ...1393 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SIGNANTER * expressly, distinctly, definitely ...1614
DISTINGUISH - nouns, person
• DEEMER † one that distinguishes or discriminates ...c1400
• DECERN † to discern; to distinguish or separate by their differences ...a1535
• DEEM † to judge between things; to distinguish, to discern ...1530
• DIFFER to separate from each other in qualities; to distinguish, to differentiate ...1883 Eng. dial.
• DISTINCT to distinguish ...1982 Amer. dial.
• DO ONESELF PROUD to distinguish oneself ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAKE ONE'S MARK to distinguish oneself ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• DISCREPATE * to discriminate or make a distinction; to distinguish ...1846
• SINGULARIZE to mark conspicuously; to make distinct or conspicuous; to distinguish ...1589
• SUNDER † to separate in thought; to distinguish ...a1225
• TELL to recognize; to know; to distinguish ...1886 Eng. dial.
• TELLABLE distinguishable; easily recognized, conspicuous ...B1900 Eng. dial.
DISTINGUISHED - adjectives
• EGREGIOUS † of persons and personal qualities: distinguished, eminent, excellent, renowned ...c1534
• EXIMIOUS † select, choice; hence, extraordinary, excellent, rare, distinguished, eminent, famous, renowned ...1547 rare or
• HAND-WAILED remarkable, distinguished in whatever way; carefully selected ...1786 Sc.
• MICKLE eminent, distinguished by birth or wealth; great; important ...1821 Sc.
• NAMELY † distinguished, famous, notable for a thing ...c1440 obs. exc. Sc.
• ODD † singular in valour, worth, merit, or eminence; unique, remarkable; distinguished, famous, renowned; rare, choice ...c1400
• PARAUNT †* apparent, prominent, distinguished ...c1450
• RARE † adj. distinguished ...1685
• REVEREND extraordinary, distinguished, powerful; genuine, thorough ...1826 Amer. dial.
• SIGNATE marked or distinguished in some way ...1649
• SINGULAR † of persons: eminent, distinguished, notable ...1497
• SPLASH elegant, fashionable, distinguished ...M19 sl.
• GALAXY a brilliant assemblage or crowd of beautiful women or distinguished persons ...1590
• HYPEROCHALITY † distinguished position; eminence of rank or position ...1637 nonce word
DISTINGUISHED - nouns, person
• DANDY an elegant woman; a prominent or distinguished person ...1881 Sc.
• TOFF an upper-class, distinguished, or well-dressed person ...1851 Brit. sl.
• ILLUSTRE † to render illustrious or distinguished; to confer distinction upon ...1530
DISTORT - verbs
• CAMSHACHLE to distort, to twist all awry ...1805 Sc.
• CAMSHACKLE to distort, to bend, to twist, to disorder ...1819 Sc.
• PULL A FACE to distort one's features, to grimace
• THROW to distort, to pervert ...1835 Sc.
• YIRN to distort the face; to make grimaces ...Bk1905 Sc.
DISTORTED - adjectives
• CAMSHOCH crooked, distorted, awry; deformed ...1513 Sc.
• KAW-WAW crooked, twisted, distorted ...1859 Eng. dial.
• SKEW † distorted, perverted; macaronic ...1607
• SQUEEGEE distorted, damaged, rickety ...1959 Amer. dial.
• THRAWN twisted, distorted, misshapen; uneven; of the brow: knitted ...1721 Sc.
• THRAWN-FACED having distorted features; surly-faced ...1793 Sc.
• THRAWN-LIKE distorted ...1893 Sc.
• OBTORTION †* a twisting, distortion, perversion ...a1656
DISTRACT - verbs
• PARCEL to distract, to be divided in mind ...1865 Eng. dial.
• WEEWAW to vacillate; to perplex, to distract ...1890 Amer. dial.
DISTRACTED - adjectives
• BESTRACT †* distracted ...1581
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, bereft of wits ...1580
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, distraught ...a1547
• BESTRAUGHTED †* distracted ...a1650
• BILLED distracted, half mad ...1869 Eng. dial.
• DANDY distracted ...1873 Eng. dial.
• FORSTRAUGHT † distracted ...c1386
• IDLE-HEADED † off one's head; out of one's wits; distracted, delirious ...1599
• MARRED † perplexed, distracted, bewildered, bemused ...c1350
• RED-MAD raging mad, distracted, insane; furious; eager ...1794 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TRANCED in a state of extreme distraction ...1997 UK sl.
• TRANCED OUT in a state of extreme distraction ...1997 UK sl.
• WOOL-GATHERED muddled, bewildered, distracted ...1891 Amer. dial.
• MESSY ATTIC a mind which is very confused, distracted ...1960s Amer. sl.
• RAMSCOOTER a state of dither or distracted activity ...1922 Sc.
• RAMSQUEETER a state of dither or distracted activity ...1922 Sc.
• GO SPARE to become upset, angry, or distracted ...1958 Brit. sl.
• HAVE STRAWS IN ONE'S HAIR to be insane, eccentric, or distracted
• HAVE THE RAG ON to be distracted and irritable ...1963 US sl.
• ON THE RAG to be distracted and irritable ...1963 US sl.
DISTRACTING - adjectives
• DISTRACTIOUS † abounding in or fraught with distractions, distracting ...1667
• BESTRAUGHTING † distracting, distraction of the wits ...1585
DISTRAUGHT - adjectives
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, distraught ...a1547
• DABBLED bemused, distraught ...1847 Sc.
• IN BITS emotionally distraught or tearful ...1999 UK sl.
• KEYED-UP extremely nervous and distraught ...20C US sl.
• MAZED crazed, mad, lunatic, distraught, insane ...1836 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF ONE'S REASON beside oneself; out of one's senses ...1861 Sc.
• RAUNCHY wild; frantic; distraught ...1954 Amer. dial.
• STRAUGHT * distraught, out of one's wits ...E16 arch.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• WORKED UP angry; excited; distraught ...1883 Amer. sl.
• TAKE ON to be very upset or distraught ...colloq.
DISTRESS - adjectives
• SAIR causing physical pain or distress; sore ...1808 Sc.
DISTRESS - nouns
• BALEFULNESS hurtfulness; distress, sadness ...1592
• BARRAT † trouble, distress, sorrow, grief, pain ...c1230
• CARK that which burdens the spirit, trouble; hence, troubled state of mind, distress, anxiety; anxious solicitude, labour, or toil ...c1325 arch.
• FAKEMENT pain, uneasiness, distress ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLAP a state of panic, distress, agitation or restlessness ...1916 sl.
• GALL † a person or thing that harasses or distresses ...1537
• HARM † grief, sorrow, pain, trouble, distress, affliction ...a1000
• HARRISH distress, worry, annoyance, trouble ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HEART-RENDING terrible distress; mental anguish; torment ...1854
• LANGUOR † mental suffering or distress; pining, sorrow, affliction of spirit ...a1300
• MALEASE † absence of ease; uneasiness, discomfort; inconvenience, annoyance; disquiet; distress, trouble ...a1300
• NEED-SWEAT † sweat of distress ...a1225
• OPPRESS † the act of weighing down or bearing heavily on a person, the mind, feelings, etc.; the condition of being pressed hard by misfortune, distress ...c1470
• OPPRESSION † the act of weighing down or bearing heavily on a person, the mind, feelings, etc.; the condition of being pressed hard by misfortune, distress ...1382
• OPPRESSURE † the act of oppressing; oppression; distress, trouble ...c1600-8
• PAIN † anxious desire or apprehension; distress caused by fear of possible evil, anxiety ...1668
• PAINLINESS †* the condition of being in pain; distressful state ...1435
• SIEGE a prolonged period of distress, esp. from an illness ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WANDREME †* distress, grief ...c1450
• WANDRETH † misery, distress, hardship; adversity, poverty ...c1175
• WORRIT anxiety, mental distress ...1838 colloq.
DISTRESS - nouns, person
• GALL † a person or thing that harasses or distresses ...1537
DISTRESS - verbs
• ANNOY to upset, to distress ...1991 Irish sl.
• GIVE ONESELF ILL † to distress or trouble oneself; to grieve ...a1300
• GRAVEL to annoy, to disturb, to distress, to embarrass, to humiliate ...1871 Amer. dial.
• HARROW 1. to lacerate or wound the feelings of; to vex, to pain, to distress greatly ...1602
2. to harass, to distress, to fatigue greatly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• HEAVY † to weigh down; to burden; to oppress, to grieve, to distress ...c897
• MAR † to confuse, to bewilder; to perplex, to trouble; to grieve, to distress ...a1300
• OPPRESS † of an enemy, external circumstances, etc.: to press or bear heavily on; to reduce to straits; to molest, to trouble, to harass, to distress ...1382
• PUT ABOUT to upset, to distress ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• SIT † to distress, to vex, to grieve ...c1230
• TAKE ON to rage, to rave; to be greatly agitated; to make a great fuss, outcry, or uproar; to distress oneself greatly ...c1430 colloq. & Eng. dial.
• TAVE to distress; to over-tire; to labour under a disease; to recover from a very severe illness ...1875 Sc.
• THRING † to press hard, use oppression; to oppress, to harass, to distress, to afflict ...c1175
• WORRIT to worry; to distress; to pester ...1818 colloq.
DISTRESS - interjections
• HARROW! † a cry of distress or alarm ...a1300.
• VUYA! an exclamation of distress ...1867 Eng. dial.
DISTRESSED - adjectives
• BAD distressed in mind, anxious ...1876 Sc.
• BALEFUL unhappy, wretched, miserable; distressed, sorrowful, mournful ...c1325 arch.
• BEDWADDLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETOTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETOTTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETWATTLED in a distressed and confused state of mind; confounded, bewildered, stupefied, surprised ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BEWATTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF THE GATHERS out of order; in distressed circumstances ...1847
• SCARED SHITLESS extremely frightened; senseless with fear or physical distress ...M20 sl.
• THRUTCHED hard pressed with work, worry, etc.; distressed or troubled in mind ...1874 Eng. dial.
• LANGUOR † woeful plight; distressed condition; sad case ...a1300
• FEEL AS THOUGH DEATHSTRUCK to feel anxious, apprehensive, or greatly distressed ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• GLOPPEN † to be distressed or downcast ...a1400
• MAKE SOMEONE TURN IN HIS GRAVE to do something that would have shocked or distressed someone now dead
• MAKE SOMEONE TURN OVER IN HIS GRAVE to do something that would have shocked or distressed someone now dead
• MANG to become confused or distressed to the point of losing control of oneself; to become frantic or crazed with emotion, love, rage, etc. ...1766 Sc.
• TAKE ON ONESELF † to become distressed or disturbed in mind ...1631
• VEX to feel sorry, to be distressed, to grieve ...1825 Sc.
DISTRESSFUL - adjectives
• LANGUOROUS † distressful, sorrowful, mournful ...1490
DISTRESSING - adjectives
• CARKING † burdening, distressing, grieving, fretting ...c1565 obs. or arch.
• HARD-HEARTED heart-breaking; distressing ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HARROWING acutely distressing or painful ...1810
• HEART-RENDING terribly distressing ...a1687
• HEART-STRUCK † keenly affecting or distressing the heart ...1605
• OFF-PUTTING adj. distressing; unsettling; discomfiting ...1828 US sl.
• SMARTFUL † painful; distressing ...1556
• SUGHEND † distressing, painful ...a1225
• CROOK IN ONE'S LOT something untoward or distressing; a trial, an affliction ...Sc.
• READ 'EM AND WEEP some unwelcome or distressing news or information, the truth ...20C US sl.
• READ THEM AND WEEP some unwelcome or distressing news or information, the truth ...20C US sl.
• SUGH † to be distressing ...a1225
• DEAL † to divide property, etc. among a number so that each may have his due share; to distribute in shares; to portion out, to apportion ...c1000
• GO DIVVIES to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IMPART † to give a share of something to each of a number of persons; to distribute, to divide, to deal out ...1545
• SKIFT † to divide, to distribute, or make division ...c1420
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
• TO-SET † to distribute, to divide, to arrange ...1387
• VENT † to dispense, to distribute ...1616
• SKAIL a dispersion, scattering, distribution ...1864 Sc.
• SKIFTING † division, distribution ...c1440
DISTRICT - nouns
• CANTRED a hundred; a district containing a hundred townships ...1387 hist.
• CAP-CASTLE † the chief village of a district ...1664
DISTRUST - verbs
• DIFFIDE * 1. to want faith or confidence; to have or feel distrust ...1532
† 2. to distrust, to doubt, to suspect, to mistrust ...1678
• FEAR † to regard with distrust; to doubt ...1578
DISTRUSTED - nouns, person
• RAT any distrusted, unethical, selfish, disliked person ...20C Amer. sl.
DISTRUSTFUL - adjectives
• LARY shy, distrustful, leery ...1906 Amer. dial.
• JEALOUSLY † suspiciously, distrustfully ...1628 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• OLD craftily, knowingly; distrustfully, askance; angrily ...1881 Eng. dial.
DISTURB - nouns, person
• DISTURBANT one who disturbs or interferes with peace or quiet; one who causes tumult or disorder ...1865
DISTURB - verbs (also see DISTURBANCE)
• BEAT UP THE QUARTERS OF to arouse; to disturb ...1670
• BELLIS to drive, to disturb ...1893 Eng. dial.
• CADDLE to trouble, to disturb, to worry ...1781 Eng. dial.
• CONTURBATE † to disturb greatly; to perturb; to throw into confusion ...1657
• DISTROUBLE † to trouble greatly; to hinder; to disturb; to perplex ...c1369
• DRUBBLE † to trouble, to disturb ...a1340
• DRUMBLE † to disturb, trouble, confuse ...1637 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAIZE to annoy, to inconvenience, to disturb, to ruffle ...1866 Sc.
• FASH to meddle with, to disturb ...1951 Sc.
• FLUTTER THE DOVECOTES to disturb the equanimity of a society; to cause a stir or excitement in a conservative community ...1840
• GARBOIL † to confuse, agitate, disturb ...1572
• GRAVEL to annoy, to disturb, to distress, to embarrass, to humiliate ...1871 Amer. dial.
• HANKER to disturb ...1969 Amer. dial.
• HARROW † to vex, to disturb ...1609
• INTERTURB † to disturb by interruption ...1554
• JAR to surprise, to upset, to disturb, to shock ...1897 Amer. dial.
• MESS WITH SOMEONE'S MIND to disturb or harm someone emotionally ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• PULL THE RUG OUT to disturb the status quo ...1974 UK sl.
• RACKET * to keep lively, to disturb, destroy, etc. by racketing ...1753
• RAFT to rouse, disturb, alarm ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAVE to pull; to tear up; to tear; to rout out, to disturb ...1889 Eng. dial.
• REAR to rouse up, to disturb; also, to behave violently or excitedly ...1876 Eng. dial.
• ROIL to disturb; to disorder ...L16
• ROYLE to vex; to irritate; to disturb ...Bk1903 sl.
• SCORT ABOUT to disturb, to injure ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• STURBLE † to disturb, to trouble ...1303
• UNCALM to agitate, to disturb ...1655
• UNFETTLE to disarrange, to disturb, to undo, to unsettle ...1889 Eng. dial.
• YESTER † to disturb, to discompose ...1825 Sc.
DISTURBANCE - adjectives
• RACKETY characterized by noise, excitement, dissipation, or disturbance ...1827
• ALARUM disturbance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• AYROM an unpleasant commotion or disturbance, display of temper, tantrums ...1850 Eng. dial.
• BALOO an uproar, disturbance ...1847 Eng. dial.
• BANG a blow, an onslaught; a disturbance ...1808 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BARNEY a disturbance, dispute, altercation, an argument, a row ...1888 Eng. dial.
• BILLIBUE a hullabaloo; a commotion, fuss, disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLOW-OUT an outbreak of anger; a quarrel, a disturbance, a row ...1826 Eng. dial. & US
• BLOW-UP an outbreak of anger; a quarrel, a disturbance, a row ...1809 chiefly US
• BLUE-DAY a day of uproar or disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOBBERY a noise, disturbance, tumult; a fuss, row, uproar; a squabble, quarrel, dispute, altercation ...1816 Eng. dial. & sl.
• BREE a disturbance, a fuss, hurry; bustle ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BREEZE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance; a row ...1785 sl.
• BROILERY †* dissension; strife; disturbance, disorder ...1521 obs
• CADDLE disorder, disarray, confusion, disturbance ...1825 Eng. dial.
• CATOUSE an uproar, a commotion, a din, tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1890 Amer. dial.
• COLLIEBUCTION a noisy squabble, a disturbance, a wrangle ...1864 Sc.
• CRINKIE-WINKIE a contention; a pother, disturbance, commotion, turmoil ...1818 Sc.
• CURFUFFLE a disturbance or disorder of any kind ...1813 Sc.
• DACKLE a wrangle; a disturbance ...1923 Sc.
• DIDO a disturbance, noise; a fuss ...1880 Eng, dial.
• DISABUSE disturbance ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DISTROUBLANCE † disturbance, molestation ...a1400
• DISTROUBLE †* disturbance, trouble, molestation ...c1450
• DISTURBMENT a disturbance ...1916 Amer. dial.
• ESTUATION † feverish disturbance, boiling up, ebullition ...1605
• EXTURBMENT a disturbance ...1970 Amer. dial.
• FALARIE disturbance, excitement, commotion ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FASH trouble, vexation; bother, annoyance, disturbance; inconvenience; fuss, pother; also, something that gives trouble ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FIREWORKS a disturbance; an angry scene; the end of life ...1889 sl.
• FOFARRAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• FOOFOORAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• GARBOIL † confusion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, uproar; a brawl, hubbub, commotion ...1548 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GARRAY † commotion, disturbance, noise, row ...c1460 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GEFUFFLE a disturbance or disorder of any kind ...1813 Sc.
• HABBLE confusion, tumult, uproar, disturbance, hubbub ...1795 Sc.
• HALLEGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HARMONY uproar, noise, disturbance ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HARRIAGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HAY-BAY a hubbub, an uproar; a commotion, a disturbance ...1805 Eng. dial.
• HERRIDGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HEY-BEY a hubbub, an uproar; a commotion, a disturbance ...1805 Eng. dial.
• HIDDIE-GIDDIE a disorderly noise, a disturbance ...B1900 Sc.
• HUBBLE-SHUBBLE †* commotion, uproar, tumult, disturbance, confusion ...c1550
• KATOWSE an uproar, a commotion, a tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KICKUP a fight or argument; a row; a disturbance ...1843 Amer. dial.
• LOO a hullabaloo; a clamorous noise or disturbance; an uproar ...1952 Amer. dial.
• MAKE-ADO an uproar, disturbance; a fuss, a bother ...1874 Eng. dial.
• MARLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MAYLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MELANDER a disturbance; an accident; a misfortune ...1873 Eng. dial.
• MERRY HELL great trouble, upheaval, or disturbance ...a1911 sl.
• MORLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• NARRATION an uproar, fuss, clamour, noisy altercation, disturbance ...1871 Sc.
• NINNY-WATCH a disturbance, a state of confusion, excitement or a longing expectation or desire; a vain hope; a quandary ...1746 Eng. dial.
• ORATION a confused noise or uproar; a clamour, disturbance; a hubbub; a fuss; noisy public talk or rumour ...1828 Eng. dial.
• OUT-COME-SHOUT a noisy disturbance ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUOIL † a stir, a tumult, a turmoil, a noisy disturbance; fuss, bustle ...1798 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RABBLEMENT † a riot, a disturbance ...1548 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RACKET a quarrel, fight, altercation; a disturbance ...1934 Amer. dial.
• RACKETING a noise, disturbance ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RACKETRY continuous noise or disturbance ...1884
• RAG a disturbance; a noisy dispute; a scolding ...1825 Sc.
• RAMMY a general fight; a brawl; a scuffle; a violent disturbance or commotion; a noisy argument; a row; a bustling crowd ...1935 Sc. sl.
• RANDY-ROW a noisy merrymaking; a disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANGAT † disorder, disturbance, noise ...1500-20 Sc.
• RARE PIECE OF WORK, A a disturbance, a quarrel ...1893 Eng. dial.
• REEK a state of hot anger; a disturbance, a tumult ...Bk1904 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REEL-RALL a state of confusion; turmoil, disturbance ...1864 Sc.
• REEL-RAWL a state of confusion; turmoil, disturbance ...1864 Sc.
• REEMISH a disturbance, a row; stir, bustle ...1879 Sc.
• REE-RAW a drinking bout; a noisy romp; a state of confusion; a disturbance, turmoil ...1854
• REMISH a disturbance, a row; stir, bustle ...1879 Sc.
• REUL a disturbance; confusion ...1703 Eng. dial.
• REVALLY a disturbance, quarrelling ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RICKET † a racket, disturbance ...1813 Sc.
• ROIL agitation; disturbance ...L17 now chiefly US
• ROOKUS a disturbance, uproar ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• ROWDY-DOW a disturbance; an uproar, a hubbub; a boisterous noise; a bitter quarrel ...1872
• SCARE an uproar, a disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCAUM litter, dust, disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCAWM litter, dust, disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCOUVER confusion, scurry, disturbance ...1860 Eng. dial.
• SCOW confusion, bustle, disturbance, esp. confused preparation for an event ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCRAFFLE a disturbance, a quarrel, an affray ..1790 Eng. dial.
• SCRATTLE a struggle for existence; a dispute, a disturbance ...1878 Eng. dial.
• SHINDY a commotion; a ruckus; a row, a disturbance; a fuss ...1828 Amer. dial.
• SHIVOO a disturbance, a row ...M19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• SKEDADDLE a fuss, an excitement; a disturbance ...1990s sl.
• SKIMMINGTON * a row, quarrel, disturbance, riot ...1753
• SKOUVER confusion, scurry, disturbance ...1860 Eng. dial.
• STIRRANCE †* disturbance ...1623
• STRAMASH a disturbance ...1837 colloq.
• SUFFLE †* a commotion, disturbance, disorder ...1650
• TANTARA a noise; a disturbance; an outcry ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TANTARRA a noise; a disturbance; an outcry ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TANTRUPS ill-humoured disturbances ...1890 Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-OTHER a confusion; a disturbance ...1792 Sc.
• TINGLE-TANGLE a disturbance, a to-do, a fuss ...1880
• TIRRIT * a fit of fear or temper; an 'upset', disturbance of one's equanimity .,..1597
• TIRRIVEE a commotion, disturbance; a state of excitement; a stir, bustle ...1885 Sc.
• TO-DO a great disturbance ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TOUSE a commotion, a disturbance, an ado, a fuss, an outcry; a state of agitation ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TOW-ROW an uproar, a hubbub, a noisy disturbance; a din, a racket ...1877 orig. Eng. dial.
• TOWSE a commotion, a disturbance, an ado, a fuss, an outcry; a state of agitation ...1836 Amer. dial.
• UPSCUDDLE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance, a tumult ...1905 Amer. dial.
• UPSCUTTLE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance, a tumult ...1904 Amer. dial.
• UPSTIR † a disturbance, commotion, uproar, confusion ...1549 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
DISTURBANCE - nouns, person
• OLD GOOSEBERRY anyone who puts an end to a riot or disturbance whether by threats or actual force ...L18 sl.
• BE FULL OF JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1872 Amer. dial.
• BLATTER to make a disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUNG ON A BLUE to make a fuss, to create a disturbance ...1950s Aust. sl.
• CAVORT to rage, to create a disturbance ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CUT UP JACK AND KILL JINNY to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CUT UP SAM to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance ...1945 Amer., dial.
• CUT UP SHINNY to make a fuss or disturbance ...1952 Amer. dial.
• GO THROUGH LIKE A PACKET OF SALTS to run or cut through (opposition, etc.) quickly and easily; to make a brief visit causing great disturbance ...1955 NZ sl.
• HELL AROUND to create a disturbance; also, to gallivant ...1897 Amer. sl.
• KICK UP A ROW to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A SHINDY to make a fuss or disturbance; to quarrel ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP HIGH JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP THE DEVIL'S DELIGHT to make a great disturbance ...1846
• PLAY OLD GOOSEBERRY to make a great disturbance or commotion; to turn everything into confusion; to cause havoc ...1828
• RAG to annoy or assail in a rough or noisy fashion; to create a disturbance or wild disorder in a room ...1897 Brit. university sl.
• RAISE CAIN to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE GRAVY to make a disturbance ...1998 Amer. dial.
• RAISE HAIL to create a disturbance, to 'raise hell' ...20C
• RAISE HELL to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE HELL AND TOMMY to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1867 Amer. dial.
• RAISE NED to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE OLD HARRY to cause a disturbance; to make trouble ...M19 sl.
• RAISE OLD SCRATCH to cause a disturbance ...M18 sl.
• RAISE RIM to make a disturbance or rumpus ...1917 Amer. dial.
• RAISE SAND to cause a disturbance, stir, or commotion ...L19 US sl.
• RAISE THE DEVIL to make a disagreeable disturbance; to create trouble, uproar, or confusion ...1841
• RAISE THE MISCHIEF to make a disagreeable disturbance; to create trouble, uproar, or confusion ...c1865
• RAISE THE PLACE to make an uproar or disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANDYBOW vb. to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RING to create a disturbance ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• ROCK THE BOAT to create a disturbance in the existing situation ...colloq.
• SCROINOCH to shout, to screech, to yell; to make a noisy disturbance ...1820 Sc.
• SET THE HEATHER ON FIRE to create uproar and excitement; to make a disturbance; to excite a tumult ...1843
• TEAR UP JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1845 Amer. dial.
• TEAR UP SHINNY to make a fuss or disturbance ...1952 Amer. dial.
• THROW THE HOUSE OUT OF THE WINDOW to make a great commotion, noise, or disturbance; to cause great disorder and confusion; to turn everything topsy-turvy ...1621
• TUMULTUATE * to stir up a tumult; to make a disturbance or commotion; to become tumultuous, turbulent, agitated or restless ...1611
• WAKE SNAKES to cause disturbance or trouble; to provoke to the uttermost; to get oneself into trouble; to having a rousing, roaring time ...1848 Amer. sl.
DISTURBED - adjectives
• AGEE of mental states: agitated, disturbed, slightly deranged ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AJEE of mental states: agitated, disturbed, slightly deranged ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ALL SHOOK UP excited; disturbed; upset ...Amer. sl.
• FREAKED disturbed, unsettled, nervous ...1970 US sl.
• PARANOID frightened, worried, disturbed ...1960s sl.
• SHOOK UP excited; disturbed; upset ...Amer. sl.
• STRUNG OUT disturbed, worried ...1960s Amer. sl.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• TREPIDATE †* disturbed, agitated ...1605
• TURMOILOUS †* full of turmoil or tumult; disturbed; troublesome ...1553
• TEW a struggle, difficulty; a laboured effort; fatigue, trouble; an annoyance, a worry or fretting; a state of anxiety, nervous excitement, confusion, or impatience; a disturbed state ...1864 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
DISTURBED - nouns, person
• LOOPER a crazy, disturbed person ...1980s sl.
• PRESS SOMEONE'S BUTTONS to make another angry or disturbed ...1936 Amer. sl.
• TAKE ON ONESELF † to become distressed or disturbed in mind ...1631
DISTURBING - adjectives
• DISTURBANT causing disturbance; disturbing, turbulent ...a1617
• OFFPUTTING disturbing or disagreeable ...1820
• RAFFLING perplexing, disturbing ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
DISUNITE - verbs
• UNCOMBINE to disunite ...1595
DISUSE - adjectives
• IN MOTHBALLS in disuse or in storage, esp. with reference to standby equipment
DISUSE - nouns
• OBSOLETION * the act of becoming or condition of being obsolete; disuse, discontinuance ...1804
DISUSE - verbs
• OBSOLESCE * to be obsolescent; to grow obsolete; to fall into disuse ...1873
DISUSED - adjectives
• CAST thrown off, disused, worn out, abandoned, forsaken ...1597
• EXOLETE † that has gone out of use; disused, obsolete ...1611
DITCH - nouns
• BARROW PIT a roadside drainage ditch ...1931 Amer. dial.
• DALLY-CAR a deep ditch ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ESSEX STILE a ditch ...L18
• JAGUE a ditch ...1622 cant
• LACHE an occasional watercourse; a narrow ditch; a deep cart-rut; a gutter washed by the tide on the seashore ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• LADE a ditch, a drain ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LIGGER a foot-bridge across a ditch, usually one consisting of a plank ...1840 Eng. dial.
• LOVE-HOLE a gully or ditch across the road ...1926 Amer. dial.
• REAN a large open ditch; a main artificial watercourse; a very small stream ...1846 Eng. dial.
• RAIN †* a small stream, brook, or ditch ...1611
• RIFE a broad ditch ...1874 Eng. dial.
• SLONK a depression in the ground; a ditch; a deep, wet hollow in the road ...c1470 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VAEDIK a small stream or runnel of water or other liquid; a ditch, drain or open sewer ...a1838 Sc.
DITCH - nouns, person
• DEEKER a ditcher, a man who makes and cleans out dikes or ditches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-DELVER a ditcher, one who makes repairs ditches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-GRAVE an officer whose duty it is to superintend the ditches ...1637 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-REEVE an officer whose duty it is to superintend the ditches ...1721 Eng. dial.
DITCH - verbs
• LACUNATE †* to make ditches or holes ...1623
DITHER - verbs
• QUAVER to dither, esp. over whether or not to make a purchase ...1979 UK sl.
• WAFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
• WHAFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
• WOFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
DITHERING - adjectives
• LIKE A BUTTERLY IN HEAT behaving in a dithering manner; indecisive ...1975 US sl., esp. homosexual usage
DIVE, DIVING - nouns
• ASS-BREAKER a dive flat onto the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ASS-BUSTER a dive in which the diver holds his nose, jumps, and hits the water arse-first ...1954 Amer. dial.
• ASS-RIPPER a dive in which the diver strikes the water buttocks-first ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-BUSTER a dive in which one lands flat on the water ...1965 US sl.
• BELLY-BLUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUMP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUMPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1868 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUNT a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1892 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-CLAPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-DIVE a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLAP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLAPPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-FLIP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLOP a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-FLOPPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-GUT a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-GUTSIES a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-GUTTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-LANDING a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAM a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAMMER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMACK a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMACKER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMASH a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SPLASH a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SPLASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-THUMPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1920s sl.
• BELLY-WASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHACK a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHACKER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHOMPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHOPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1940 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WOP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BULLFROG a dive flat onto the water; a belly-flop ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHEWALLOP a fall or a dive that makes a big splash or flopping noise ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHEWALLOPER a fall or a dive that makes a big splash or flopping noise ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTER a dive in which one lands flat on the water ...1950s Amer. sl.
• HEADER a headfirst fall; a plunge or dive head foremost ...1849 colloq.
• PANCAKE a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WATER-BUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water; a belly-flop ...1969 Amer. dial.
DIVE, DIVING - nouns
• UGLIES, THE nitrogen narcosis, 'rapture of the deep' ...1970s sl.
DIVE - nouns, person
• HEADER * one who dives head foremost ...1848
DIVE - verbs
• CATCH A CRAB to do a belly-flop; to dive in such a way that the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• GUTTER to fall stomach-flat in the water ...c1860 sl.
DIVERGE - verbs
• ABERR † to wander off, to go astray, to diverge from a recognized path ...1536
• ABERRATE * to diverge or deviate from the straight path ...1765
• DE-ERR †* to go astray, to diverge ...1657
• VEER * to diverge or differ from something ...1796
• ABERRANCE the act of straying or diverging from a recognized course; vagary ...1665
• ABERRANCY divergency from the standard of usage, propriety, reason, truth, etc. ...1646
• ABERRATION 1. a deviation or divergence from a direct, prescribed, or ordinary course of action ...1610-31
2. a wandering away; a straying; a deviation or divergence from the straight or recognized path ...1615 001
• OBLIQUITY divergence from moral rectitude, sound thinking, or right practice; moral or mental perversity or aberration; a delinquency, a fault, an error ...c1422
DIVERGING - adjectives
• ABERRANT wandering away or straying from a defined path; hence, diverging or deviating from any moral standard ...1848
• ABERRATING going astray, diverging ...a1854
DIVERSE - adjectives
• OLLAPODRIDA-ISH heterogeneous, diverse in character or content ...1827
• OLLAPODRIDICAL heterogeneous, diverse in character or content ...1830
• SUNDERLY † separate, several; distinct, diverse, different ...a1225
• SUNDRILY †* diverse, various, varied ...c1375
DIVERSE - nouns
• ODDLINGS things of diverse sorts or sizes ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ODDLINS things of diverse sorts or sizes ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DIVERSELY - adverbs
• SUNDERLY †* diversely, differently, variously ...a1513
• SUNDRILY † diversely, variously ...c1425
• SUNDRY-WISE † in various or different ways; variously, diversely ...c1375
DIVERSIFIED - adjectives
• VARIATE † diversified, variegated; varied in nature ...c1440
• BEGAIR † to diversify or variegate, as with stripes or streaks ...1552 Sc.
• DEDUIT † diversion, enjoyment, pleasure ...1297
• EBATE † sport, diversion ...c1515
• EVAGATION † a diversion ...1638
• HALLIE a romping diversion ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SCAFF † diversion, merriment ...1802 Sc.
• VARIORUM a change, novelty, diversion; a constant variation, a variety, medley ...1761 Sc.
• KILL ANOTHER SKUNK to create a diversion ...1984 Amer. dial.
• SUNDERNESS †* diversity, variety ...a1400
• SUNDRINESS † diversity, variety; a variety of things ...c1375
• SUNDRYHEAD † diversity, variety ...1395
DIVERT - verbs
• DECLINE † to turn a person aside from or to a course of conduct, from duty, etc.; to divert ...a1555
• DEDUCE † to lead away, to turn aside, to divert ...1541
• DRAW A RED HERRING ACROSS THE TRACK to attempt to divert attention from the real question ...1892
• FILIBUSTER to talk garrulously or loudly, sometimes in an attempt to show off; to stall or to divert attention from one's own error ...1970 Amer. dial.
DIVERTING - adjectives
• DIVERTISSANT † diverting, entertaining, amusing, pleasing ...1645
DIVIDE - verbs
• BEPART † to divide, to share ...1531 obs.
• CANT † to part, to divide, to share, to parcel out, to apportion ...c1440
• CANTLE † to cut into quarters or portions, to divide ...1607
• CANTON † to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CANTONIZE † to divide into portions or parts; to form into cantons ...1606
• DEAL † to divide ...c950
• DECIMATE † to divide into tenths, to divide decimally ...1749
• DIFFER to separate, to divide; to cause difference between ...1814 Sc.
• DIVVY to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1877 Amer. dial.
• DIVVY UP to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1880 Amer. dial.
• EVEN to divide equally, to share ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GO DIVVIES to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HALVER to divide into equal shares; to have; to possess in partnership with anyone ...1871 Sc.
• IMPART † to give a share of something to each of a number of persons; to distribute, to divide, to deal out ...1545
• LOUNCE OUT to dole out ...1934 Amer. dial.
• PARCEL † to put asunder or separate as parts; to part, to divide ...1652
• PARCEN †* to divide and share out among others ...a1641
• PHILIPPINE to share or divide something with another ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUADRISECT to divide into four equal parts ...1809
• RAG to share, esp. to divide up the proceeds of a crime ...1860 sl.
• RATE † to divide proportionally; to allot or apportion as an amount or sum to be received or paid ...1491
• SAIR OUT to deal out, to divide ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SKIFT † to divide, to distribute, or make division ...c1420
• TO-CLEAVE † to cleave asunder; to split open; to divide or separate into two parts ...c888
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
• TO-DO † to put asunder, to divide, to separate; to undo, to open ...a839
• TO-SET † to distribute, to divide, to arrange ...1387
• TO-SKILL † to divide, to distinguish ...c1200
• TO-TWIN † to separate, to divide ...c1200
• VIDE to divide ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DIVIDED - adjectives
• HALVERT cut in two; divided in half ...1875 Sc.
• SUNDERED kept apart; separated, separate; also, divided into parts, severed, scattered ...c1325
• YDELED † divided ...1297
DIVIDED - verbs
• TO-GO † to go in difference directions; to be divided, separate; to disappear ...c1000
DIVIDEND - nouns
• DIVI a dividend ...1872
• DIVVY a dividend ...1872
• MELON an especially unexpected profit; a windfall; in finance, an extra dividend ...1934 Amer. sl.
DIVIDEND - verbs
• CUT A MELON to share profits; to announce an extra dividend ...1908
DIVIDING - adjectives
• PARTABLE parting, dividing, forming a division ...1892 Eng. dial.
• SUNDRY †* that separates; dividing; discriminating, discerning ...1564
DIVINATION - adjectives
• AEROMANTIC * belonging to divination by air ...1635
• ARUSPICINAL † relating to 'haruspicy' ...1652
• GASTROMANTIC † practising gastromancy ...1646
• HARUSPICINAL † relating to 'haruspicy' ...1652
• ICHTHYOMANTIC relating to ichthyomancy ...Bk1901
• MANTIC pert. to divination or prophecy ...1850
• MANTICAL pert. to divination or prophecy ...1588
• NECROMANEOUS give to the practice of necromancy ...1801 rare
• NECROMANTIC given to the practice of necromancy ...1574
• ONOMANTIC pert. to, or skilful in the divination by names ...1856
• ONOMANTICAL pert. to, or skilful in the divination by names ...1605
• AEROMANCY divination by air, including augury; later, weather-forecasting, meteorology ...1393
• ALOMANCY divination by means of salt ....1864
• ARUSPICINE † the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1652
• ARUSPICINY † divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...a1693
• ARUSPICY the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1563
• BELLOMANCY divination by means of arrows ...1646
• BELOMANCY divination by means of arrows ...1646
• CAPNOMANCY divination by smoke ...1610
• CARTOMANCY divination by playing-cards ...1871
• DAPHNOMANCY † divination by a laurel tree ...1656
• FATIDICENCY †* a method of foretelling fate; divination ...a1693
• FATILOQUENCY †* declaring fate; divination ...a1693
• FATILOQUY † soothsaying, declaring fate ...1623
• GASTROMANCY † divination by the belly ...1610
• GELOSCOPY † divination performed by observing the manner of laughing ...1730
• GELOTOSCOPY † divination performed by observing the manner of laughing ...1697
• HALOMANCY divination by means of salt ....1864
• HARUSPICATION divination by inspection of the entrails of animals ...1871
• HARUSPICINE † the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1581
• HARUSPICINY † divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...a1693
• HARUSPICY the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1563
• ICHNOMANCY the art of finding out the figure, peculiarities, occupations, etc., of men or beasts by the traces of their posture, position, and footsteps ...1855
• ICHTHYOMANCY divination by means of the heads or entrails of fishes ...1656
• IDOLOMANCY divination by idols, images, or figures ...1652
• LAMPADOMANCY a mode of divination by the observation of substances burned in a lamp ...1652
• LECANOMANCY divination by the inspection of water in a basin ...1610
• MACHAEROMANCY †* divination by knives or swords ...1652
• MACHAIROMANCY divination by means of a sword ...Bk1910
• MAGASTROMANCY †* a name invented for 'magical astrology' ...1652
• MANTIC * the art or science of divination ...1891
• MANTICISM the practice of divination ...1861
• MANTOLOGY †* the art or practice of divination ...1774
• NECROMANCE the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead ...a1300 arch.
• NECROMANCY the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...a1300
• NECROMANTY †* the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...1560
• NECYOMANCY †* divination by calling up dead spirits ...1656
• NECYOMANTY †* divination by calling up dead spirits ...1623
• OENOMANCY divination by means of wine ...1652
• OINOMANCY divination by means of wine ...1652
• OMPHALOMANCY divination by the number of knots on the umbilical cord at birth, of the number of future children of the mother ...1652
• ONEIROMANCY n. divination by dreams ...1652
• ONIMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1653
• ONOMANCY divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1605
• ONOMANTIA divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1605
• ONOMATOMANCY † divination by names or the letters of a name ...1652
• ONOMOMANCY †* divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1678
• ONYCHOMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1652
• ONYCOMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1727-41
• ONYMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1653
• OPHIOMANCY * divination by means of serpents ...1753
• SIDEROMANCY 1. divination performed by burning straws, etc., on red-hot iron, in which operation conjectures were formed from the manner of their burning, etc. ...1823
2. forecasting the future by means of the stars ...1859
• VENTRILOQUY † divination by the innards of beasts ...1623
DIVINATION - nouns, person
• AEROMANCER †* one who practices divination by air; a weather-prophet ...c1400
• HARUSPEX a soothsayer who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1584
• HARUSPICE a soothsayer who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1828
• LECANOMANCER † a diviner by water in a basin ...1670
• LECANOMANTIC † one who practices lecanomancy ...1623
• MAGASTROMANCER †* one who practices magastromancy ...1652
• MANTOLOGIST one skilled in divination; a diviner, a prophet ...1864
• NECROMANCER one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1300
• NECROMANCIEN † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1303
• NECROMANT † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1598
• ONEIROMANCER one who divines by dreams ...1653
• ONEIROMANTIST n. one who divines by dreams ...1653
• PANTOMANCER † a diviner upon all kinds of things ...1652
• ARUSPICINATE † to practice 'haruspicy' ...1652
• HARUSPICINATE † to practice 'haruspicy' ...1652
DIVINE - verbs
• HALSE † to augur; to divine; to soothsay ...c1050
• HALSEN to predict, to divine, to conjecture; to forebode evil, to anticipate bad news; to speak evil ...1814 Eng. dial.
• HARIOLE † to divine, to guess ...1833 nonce word
• SCHOLAR to divine; to recognize, to identify ...1896 Eng. dial.
DIVINER - nouns, person
• MANTOLOGIST one skilled in divination; a diviner, a prophet ...1864
• BENDING ROD a divining rod; a short stick used to show where there's water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARM STICK a divining rod ...1967 Amer. dial.
• DIPPING STICK a divining rod ...1940 Amer. dial.
• GADLING ROD a divining rod ...1969 Amer. dial.
• RAINBAR a divining rod; a forked stick that's used to show where there's water underground ...1969 Amer. dial.
• WAGGERS † the divining-rod ...1747
• WATER SMELLER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1810 Amer. dial.
• WATER SNIFFER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1967 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH a divining rod used in dowsing for water ...1832 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCH a dowsing rod, a divining rod (whether made of willow or not) ...1930 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCHING dowsing ...1929 Amer. dial.
• WITCH a divining rod ...1914 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING ROD a divining rod ...1935 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING STICK a divining rod ...1869 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING SWITCH a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WAND a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WILLOW a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WIRE a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH ROD a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH STICK a divining rod ...1891 Amer. dial.
• WITCH SWITCH a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH WAND a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
DIVINING ROD - nouns, person
• FATHER DIVINE a person who uses a divining rod to find water ...1967 Amer. dial.
• RADIO-SEE-UM one who uses a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WATER SMELLER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1810 Amer. dial.
• WATER SNIFFER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1967 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH one who dowses for water; one who uses a divining rod to find water ...1817 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCHER one who dowses for water ...1952 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCH a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1977 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCHER a dowser ...1970 Amer. dial.
• WITCH a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1843 Amer. dial.
• WITCH DOCTOR a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WITCH WIGGLER one who uses a divining rod ...1931 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH to dowse for water ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WITCH to dowse, to search with divining rod for water, ore, buried treasure, etc ...1848 Amer. dial.
DIVISIBLE - adjectives
• DECINARY † divisible by ten ...1650
DIVISION - nouns
• CANT † a portion; a share; a division ...a1541 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CANTLING †* a small part, corner, section, or division ...1674
• CANTON † a quarter; a division of anything; a piece, or part ...1601
• DEALING † a part, a division ...a1300
• PARCELLATION * division into separate parcels or portions ...1885
• PARCELLING division into parcels or portions; partition ...1584-5
• PARCERY †* apportionment, division; dividing and sharing out ...1582
• PARTING a portion, share, division, allotment ...1895 Eng. dial.
• PARTMENT a parting or division ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SKIFTING † division, distribution ...c1440
DIVORCE - nouns
• BILL a divorce ...1894 Amer. dial.
• MATCHRUPTCY a divorce ...20C US sl.
• WALKING PAPERS an announcement that a relationship is over; divorce papers ...E19 sl.
DIVORCE - nouns, person
• GRASS WIDOW a divorced woman ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
DIVORCE - verbs
• BILL to divorce one's spouse ...1885 Amer. dial.
• DEWIFE to divorce one's wife ...20C US sl.
• DISMARRY †* to free from the bonds of marriage; to annul the marriage of; to divorce ...1525
• GET A BILL to get a divorce ...1894 Amer. dial.
• SPLIT to divorce ...1940s sl., orig. US
• SPLIT THE BLANKET to separate, to divorce ...1903 Amer. sl.
• UNSHEIK to divorce ...1920s US Black sl.
DIVORCED - adjectives
• BACK IN CIRCULATION single after being divorced ...20C US sl.
DIVORCED - nouns, person
• BROKEN-RIB a divorced woman ...20C
• GRAFT WIDOW a divorced woman ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GREEN WIDOW a divorced woman ...1969 Amer. dial.
• WIDOWER a divorced woman ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WIDOW WOMAN a divorced woman ...1941 Amer. dial.
DIVORCED - verbs
• DIVIDE THE BLANKETS to become divorced ...1975 Amer. dial.
DIVULGE - verbs
• BLOW to divulge ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CRACK to divulge a confidence; also, to inform ...1922 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CRAKE to divulge, to confess ...19C Eng. dial.
• SCALE to divulge ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SPILL ONE'S GUTS to divulge or confess as much as one can ...1927 sl., chiefly US
• VENT † to disclose, to divulge, or let out a secret, etc. ...1678
DIVULGED - verbs
• VENT † to become known, to be divulged ...1622
• FAMIGERATION † a reporting abroad, a divulging ...1692
• DARK EYES dizziness ...1965 Barbados sl.
• DAZINESS †* dazedness, dizziness ...1554
• DIZZIES a spell of dizziness ...1943 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-LIGHTNESS giddiness, dizziness ...1899 Sc.
• HEAD-SWIMMING vertigo, dizziness ...1917 Amer. dial.
• MAZINESS dizziness ...1894 Eng. dial.
• MIRLIGOES dizziness, vertigo affecting the sight; especially in the phrase, "in the mirligoes" - in a state of dizziness ...1773 Sc.
• REAMINESS dizziness ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
DIZZY - adjectives
• AUTO DRUNK dizzy or nauseated from riding in a car ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DIZZEL dizzy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HEAD-LIGHT giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...1899 Sc.
• MAZED stunned, confused, stupefied, dizzy, giddy, confused in the head ...1887 Eng. dial.
• MAZED-HEADED dizzy, giddy ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-HEADED dizzy, giddy; bewildered, stupefied, confused ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZY giddy, dizzy, confused in the head ...1740 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY dizzy, giddy; confused in the head ... 1740 Eng. dial.
• OOZY nauseated, weak, dizzy ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PUNCH-DRUNK groggy, dazed, or dizzy for any reason; mentally or emotionally exhausted, esp. from a series of failures or personal misfortunes ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• REAMY dizzy; half awake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RIMY dizzy; half awake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• ROCKY of a person: dizzy; sickly; nauseated ...colloq.
• SLAP-HAPPY dizzy, orig, from being punched ...1936 sl.
• SLUG-NUTTY dizzy from being punched ...1933 US sl.
• TURN-SICK † affected with vertigo, giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...c1440
• WAFFLY dizzy and weak from illness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WESTY † dizzy, giddy; light-headed, confused ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WHIZZY dizzy, giddy; confused ...1866 Eng. dial.
• WHOOSY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WHOOZY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WIMBLY-WAMBLY unsteady; dizzy; feeling sick and giddy ...1881 Eng. dial.
• WOOZEY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WOOZY dizzy, faint, unwell ...1897
• WUZZY woozy, dizzy
DIZZY - adverbs
• WOOZILY in a dizzy manner ...1911 Amer.
DIZZY - verbs
• DIZ to make dizzy; to daze ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAZZEN to stupefy, to make dizzy; to perplex, to bewilder ...1852 Eng. dial.
• AIM of distance, etc.: near, close ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FAR-COME that has come from a distance ...1590
DISTANCE - adverbs
• ADISTANCE to a distance; afar ...1809
• ADREIGH † at a distance ...1715 Sc.
• A-DRIGH † at or to a distance, away, off ...c1325
• ALANTOM † at a distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial..
• ALANTUM † at a distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• AT-OWER of place: at a distance, away ...1891 Sc.
• FAR-ABOUT † at a great distance ...c1450
• FAR-FORTH † to a great distance or extent; far, far on ...c1470
• FARLY † far, to a great extent or distance ...c1460
• FROM HELL TO BREAKFAST for a considerable distance or time ...1939 Amer. dial.
• FROM HELL TO HARLEM for a considerable distance or time ...1939 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - nouns
• CAT'S JUMP a short distance ...1959 Amer. dial.
• COCK-STRIDE the length of the step of a cock, as the measure of a very short distance or space; a short stride ...1626
• COUNTRY MILE a long distance or margin ...1951 US sl.
• DISTANT a distance ...c1938 Amer. dial.
• FAR-BEING the state of being at a distance ...1580
• FAR-LENGTH distance, furthest length ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FAR PIECE a long distance ...1932 Amer. dial.
• FEW WAYS a short distance ...1933 Amer. dial.
• FROM JERICHO TO JUNE a long distance ...1837 sl.
• GAUGE † a limit of distance or extent ...1600
• HALF A STRETCH the distance of half a city block; usually used with 'away' ...1940s US Black sl.
• HAND-STIR a very small distance; a slight movement ...1896 Eng. dial.
• HAUT STRIDE AND LOUP a very short distance, a 'step' ...1838 Sc.
• HEN-SCRATCH a short distance ...1898 Amer. dial.
• HEN'S GRASS a short distance ...1950 Amer. dial.
• HEN'S RACE, A a very short distance ...1898 Ireland
• MILES-END-WAYS a long way; an undetermined distance ...1876 Eng. dial.
• MILES-ENDY-WAYS a long way; an undetermined distance ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NEAR-HANDNESS nearness; a short distance ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OFFSCAPE † a distant view or prospect; the distant part of a view or prospect, the distance, the background ...1711
• OOCH a very short distance; a very small margin ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• PIECE a short, indeterminate distance; a distance ...1776 Amer. dial.
• PIECEWAY a part of the way; an indefinite distance ...1886 Amer. dial.
• PIECEWAYS a part of the way; an indefinite distance ...1932 Amer. dial.
• RABBIT JUMP a short distance ...1968 Amer. dial.
• RACE † the distance or space between two points ...1562
• RATCH a long stretch of a river, a straight course of navigable river, a reach; an intermediate distance between two points ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• REACH an intermediate distance between two points ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RIGHT SMART CHANCE, A a long distance ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SCHLEP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SHIRTTAIL DISTANCE a short distance ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SHLAP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SHLEP a long and unappealing distance ...1960s sl.
• SNICKET a short distance ...1888 Eng. dial.
• STONE'S THROW a short distance
• TAD a short distance ...1940 Amer. dial.
• TAT a short distance ...1940 Amer. dial.
• THOUGHT a small quantity of anything; a short distance; a short time ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TOE-BREADTH the smallest possible distance ...1865 Sc.
• TOE'S LENGTH, THE a very short distance ...1824
• UTAH MILE an indeterminate distance ...1941 Amer. dial.
• VARST † a great distance; a long way ...1833 Eng. dial.
• VAST † a great distance; a long way ...1833 Eng. dial.
• WAGON GREASE the distance travelled between two greasings of a wagon's wheels - used as an indefinite measure of distance ...1944 Amer. dial.
• WAGON GREASING the distance travelled between two greasings of a wagon's wheels - used as an indefinite measure of distance ...1944 Amer. dial.
• WHOOP AND A HOLLER, A a short distance ...1898 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - verbs
• GO WAY TO HALIFAX vb. to go out of the way, or an unnecessarily long distance ...1903 Amer. dial.
DISTANCE - phrases
• BY A TEXAS MILE by a great distance or amount ...1984 Amer. dial.
DISTANT (far away) - adjectives
• BEHIND AND BEYOND far away; in the distance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• LONGINQUE † distant; far ...1614
• SCAIF distant, scattered abroad ...1864 Eng. dial.
• SIDE †* far-off, distant; going far ...1399
DISTANT (cool or reserved) - adjectives
• FAROUCHE sullen, shy, unsociable; distant in manner ...1765
• OFF distant, aloof, withdrawn ...a1555 UK
• OFFISH distant or unapproachable in manners ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
DISTANT (far away) - nouns
• EAST PASTURE a distant place ...1967 Amer. dial.
DISTANT - phrases
• NEITHER NIGH NOR BY nowhere near ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DISTANTLY - adverbs
• EMINOUSLY †* remotely, distantly ...1657
DISTASTE - adjectives
• CRINGEWORTHY causing feelings of acute embarrassment or distaste ...Brit. colloq.
DISTASTE - nouns
• SAMUEL PEPYS a sense of uneasiness or distaste; a nervous feeling ...1980s rhyming sl. for 'creeps' ('Pepys' pronounced 'peeps')
DISTASTE - verbs
• CRINGE to wince in embarrassment or distaste ...colloq.
• FEEL WALLOW to have a distaste for one's food ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• FEEL WALLOW-LIKE to have a distaste for one's food ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DISTASTE - interjections
• FOOEY! an exclamation expressing contempt, distaste, or disbelief ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• ICK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1948 orig. US
• YECCH! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YECH! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YECK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1969
• YUCK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1966
• YUK! an exclamation of dislike or distaste ...1966
DISTASTE - phrases
• I ASK YOU implies one's distaste for what has just been said or done ...M19
• I CAN HARDLY WAIT implies one distaste for something that is going to happen in the future ...1930s sl.
• I CAN'T HARDLY WAIT implies one distaste for something that is going to happen in the future ...1930s sl.
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A BARGE-POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A FORTY-FOOT POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A PAIR OF TONGS a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH A RED-HOT POKER a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
• I WOULDN'T TOUCH IT WITH THE END OF A BARGE-POLE a phrase indicating utmost distaste or contempt ...19C
DISTASTEFUL - adjectives
• DOOKIE unpleasant, distasteful, disgusting ...1990s US campus sl.
• DOOKY unpleasant, distasteful, disgusting ...1990s US campus sl.
• ERKY unpleasant, distasteful ...1950s Aust. sl.
• FASTIDIOUS † that creates disgust; disagreeable, distasteful, unpleasant, wearisome ...1531
• GAGGY sordid, highly distasteful ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• ICK sickly, over-sentimental, distasteful ...1960s US sl.
• ICKY distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting ...1929 US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ICKY-BOO distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ICKY-POO distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• ILK unpleasant, bizarre, distasteful ...2000s US Black sl.
• KAKER anything or anyone unpleasant or distasteful ...1930s sl.
• NAUSEOUS unpleasant, distasteful ...M17 sl.
• ON THE NOSE unpleasant, distasteful ...Aust. sl.
• SCABBY of a person or thing: unpleasant, contemptible, distasteful ...M17
• YICKY distasteful, nauseating, unpleasant ...1920s US sl., chiefly teen usage
• BOOGER something distasteful, troublesome, or discomforting; something that is very difficult to do ...1956 Amer. dial.
• CANFUL OF ANGLE-WORMS a confused, complex, and distasteful state of affairs; a complicated enigma ...1927-28 US
• CAN OF WORMS a confused, complex, and distasteful state of affairs; a complicated enigma ...1927-28 US
• KEECH something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
• KEEK something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
• MAMMOCK something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIX something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MUNG dirt, muck; anything filthy or distasteful ...L1970s teenagers' & students' usage
• OFF-JIVING distasteful behaviour ...1940s US Black sl.
• SKANK-PIT an unpleasant, distasteful place ...1999 US sl.
DISTASTEFUL - nouns, person
• BACK OF THE NECK a distasteful person ...1940s Irish sl.
• CARRY GUTS TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1833 Amer. dial.
• CHICKENSHIT to act in a cowardly or otherwise distasteful manner ...1960s sl., orig. US
• TOTE GUTS TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• TOTE VICTUALS TO A NIGGER to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• TOTE VITTLES TO A BEAR to do the most rudimentary or distasteful task ...1863 Amer. dial.
• HARM distemper in dogs ...1875 Eng. dial.
DISTENDED - adjectives
• BESTENTED †* distended ...1648
• BOUZY big, swelling, distended; fat, overgrown ...Bk1911 Sc.
DISTINCT - adjectives
• REDD clear, distinct, fluent ...1836 Sc.
• SUNDERLY † separate, several; distinct, diverse, different ...a1225
• SUNDRY † having an existence, position, or status apart; separate, distinct ...c1000 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VIDUAL individual, particular, distinct, precise ...1850 Sc. & Eng. dial.
DISTINCT - verbs
• SINGULARIZE to mark conspicuously; to make distinct or conspicuous; to distinguish ...1589
• GAYNESS † a decoration, distinction ...1670
• SIGNALITY * notability, distinction ...1650
• CALL THE QUEEN ONE'S AUNT to have the greatest happiness or distinction possible ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILLUSTRE † to render illustrious or distinguished; to confer distinction upon ...1530
DISTINCTIVE - adjectives
• SIGNAL † distinctive, significative ...1652
DISTINCTLY - adverbs
• FAIR plainly, easily, clearly, distinctly; frankly, downright ...1393 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SIGNANTER * expressly, distinctly, definitely ...1614
DISTINGUISH - nouns, person
• DEEMER † one that distinguishes or discriminates ...c1400
• DECERN † to discern; to distinguish or separate by their differences ...a1535
• DEEM † to judge between things; to distinguish, to discern ...1530
• DIFFER to separate from each other in qualities; to distinguish, to differentiate ...1883 Eng. dial.
• DISTINCT to distinguish ...1982 Amer. dial.
• DO ONESELF PROUD to distinguish oneself ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAKE ONE'S MARK to distinguish oneself ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• DISCREPATE * to discriminate or make a distinction; to distinguish ...1846
• SINGULARIZE to mark conspicuously; to make distinct or conspicuous; to distinguish ...1589
• SUNDER † to separate in thought; to distinguish ...a1225
• TELL to recognize; to know; to distinguish ...1886 Eng. dial.
• TELLABLE distinguishable; easily recognized, conspicuous ...B1900 Eng. dial.
DISTINGUISHED - adjectives
• EGREGIOUS † of persons and personal qualities: distinguished, eminent, excellent, renowned ...c1534
• EXIMIOUS † select, choice; hence, extraordinary, excellent, rare, distinguished, eminent, famous, renowned ...1547 rare or
• HAND-WAILED remarkable, distinguished in whatever way; carefully selected ...1786 Sc.
• MICKLE eminent, distinguished by birth or wealth; great; important ...1821 Sc.
• NAMELY † distinguished, famous, notable for a thing ...c1440 obs. exc. Sc.
• ODD † singular in valour, worth, merit, or eminence; unique, remarkable; distinguished, famous, renowned; rare, choice ...c1400
• PARAUNT †* apparent, prominent, distinguished ...c1450
• RARE † adj. distinguished ...1685
• REVEREND extraordinary, distinguished, powerful; genuine, thorough ...1826 Amer. dial.
• SIGNATE marked or distinguished in some way ...1649
• SINGULAR † of persons: eminent, distinguished, notable ...1497
• SPLASH elegant, fashionable, distinguished ...M19 sl.
• GALAXY a brilliant assemblage or crowd of beautiful women or distinguished persons ...1590
• HYPEROCHALITY † distinguished position; eminence of rank or position ...1637 nonce word
DISTINGUISHED - nouns, person
• DANDY an elegant woman; a prominent or distinguished person ...1881 Sc.
• TOFF an upper-class, distinguished, or well-dressed person ...1851 Brit. sl.
• ILLUSTRE † to render illustrious or distinguished; to confer distinction upon ...1530
DISTORT - verbs
• CAMSHACHLE to distort, to twist all awry ...1805 Sc.
• CAMSHACKLE to distort, to bend, to twist, to disorder ...1819 Sc.
• PULL A FACE to distort one's features, to grimace
• THROW to distort, to pervert ...1835 Sc.
• YIRN to distort the face; to make grimaces ...Bk1905 Sc.
DISTORTED - adjectives
• CAMSHOCH crooked, distorted, awry; deformed ...1513 Sc.
• KAW-WAW crooked, twisted, distorted ...1859 Eng. dial.
• SKEW † distorted, perverted; macaronic ...1607
• SQUEEGEE distorted, damaged, rickety ...1959 Amer. dial.
• THRAWN twisted, distorted, misshapen; uneven; of the brow: knitted ...1721 Sc.
• THRAWN-FACED having distorted features; surly-faced ...1793 Sc.
• THRAWN-LIKE distorted ...1893 Sc.
• OBTORTION †* a twisting, distortion, perversion ...a1656
DISTRACT - verbs
• PARCEL to distract, to be divided in mind ...1865 Eng. dial.
• WEEWAW to vacillate; to perplex, to distract ...1890 Amer. dial.
DISTRACTED - adjectives
• BESTRACT †* distracted ...1581
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, bereft of wits ...1580
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, distraught ...a1547
• BESTRAUGHTED †* distracted ...a1650
• BILLED distracted, half mad ...1869 Eng. dial.
• DANDY distracted ...1873 Eng. dial.
• FORSTRAUGHT † distracted ...c1386
• IDLE-HEADED † off one's head; out of one's wits; distracted, delirious ...1599
• MARRED † perplexed, distracted, bewildered, bemused ...c1350
• RED-MAD raging mad, distracted, insane; furious; eager ...1794 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• TRANCED in a state of extreme distraction ...1997 UK sl.
• TRANCED OUT in a state of extreme distraction ...1997 UK sl.
• WOOL-GATHERED muddled, bewildered, distracted ...1891 Amer. dial.
• MESSY ATTIC a mind which is very confused, distracted ...1960s Amer. sl.
• RAMSCOOTER a state of dither or distracted activity ...1922 Sc.
• RAMSQUEETER a state of dither or distracted activity ...1922 Sc.
• GO SPARE to become upset, angry, or distracted ...1958 Brit. sl.
• HAVE STRAWS IN ONE'S HAIR to be insane, eccentric, or distracted
• HAVE THE RAG ON to be distracted and irritable ...1963 US sl.
• ON THE RAG to be distracted and irritable ...1963 US sl.
DISTRACTING - adjectives
• DISTRACTIOUS † abounding in or fraught with distractions, distracting ...1667
• BESTRAUGHTING † distracting, distraction of the wits ...1585
DISTRAUGHT - adjectives
• BESTRAUGHT † distracted, distraught ...a1547
• DABBLED bemused, distraught ...1847 Sc.
• IN BITS emotionally distraught or tearful ...1999 UK sl.
• KEYED-UP extremely nervous and distraught ...20C US sl.
• MAZED crazed, mad, lunatic, distraught, insane ...1836 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF ONE'S REASON beside oneself; out of one's senses ...1861 Sc.
• RAUNCHY wild; frantic; distraught ...1954 Amer. dial.
• STRAUGHT * distraught, out of one's wits ...E16 arch.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• WORKED UP angry; excited; distraught ...1883 Amer. sl.
• TAKE ON to be very upset or distraught ...colloq.
DISTRESS - adjectives
• SAIR causing physical pain or distress; sore ...1808 Sc.
DISTRESS - nouns
• BALEFULNESS hurtfulness; distress, sadness ...1592
• BARRAT † trouble, distress, sorrow, grief, pain ...c1230
• CARK that which burdens the spirit, trouble; hence, troubled state of mind, distress, anxiety; anxious solicitude, labour, or toil ...c1325 arch.
• FAKEMENT pain, uneasiness, distress ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLAP a state of panic, distress, agitation or restlessness ...1916 sl.
• GALL † a person or thing that harasses or distresses ...1537
• HARM † grief, sorrow, pain, trouble, distress, affliction ...a1000
• HARRISH distress, worry, annoyance, trouble ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HEART-RENDING terrible distress; mental anguish; torment ...1854
• LANGUOR † mental suffering or distress; pining, sorrow, affliction of spirit ...a1300
• MALEASE † absence of ease; uneasiness, discomfort; inconvenience, annoyance; disquiet; distress, trouble ...a1300
• NEED-SWEAT † sweat of distress ...a1225
• OPPRESS † the act of weighing down or bearing heavily on a person, the mind, feelings, etc.; the condition of being pressed hard by misfortune, distress ...c1470
• OPPRESSION † the act of weighing down or bearing heavily on a person, the mind, feelings, etc.; the condition of being pressed hard by misfortune, distress ...1382
• OPPRESSURE † the act of oppressing; oppression; distress, trouble ...c1600-8
• PAIN † anxious desire or apprehension; distress caused by fear of possible evil, anxiety ...1668
• PAINLINESS †* the condition of being in pain; distressful state ...1435
• SIEGE a prolonged period of distress, esp. from an illness ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WANDREME †* distress, grief ...c1450
• WANDRETH † misery, distress, hardship; adversity, poverty ...c1175
• WORRIT anxiety, mental distress ...1838 colloq.
DISTRESS - nouns, person
• GALL † a person or thing that harasses or distresses ...1537
DISTRESS - verbs
• ANNOY to upset, to distress ...1991 Irish sl.
• GIVE ONESELF ILL † to distress or trouble oneself; to grieve ...a1300
• GRAVEL to annoy, to disturb, to distress, to embarrass, to humiliate ...1871 Amer. dial.
• HARROW 1. to lacerate or wound the feelings of; to vex, to pain, to distress greatly ...1602
2. to harass, to distress, to fatigue greatly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• HEAVY † to weigh down; to burden; to oppress, to grieve, to distress ...c897
• MAR † to confuse, to bewilder; to perplex, to trouble; to grieve, to distress ...a1300
• OPPRESS † of an enemy, external circumstances, etc.: to press or bear heavily on; to reduce to straits; to molest, to trouble, to harass, to distress ...1382
• PUT ABOUT to upset, to distress ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• SIT † to distress, to vex, to grieve ...c1230
• TAKE ON to rage, to rave; to be greatly agitated; to make a great fuss, outcry, or uproar; to distress oneself greatly ...c1430 colloq. & Eng. dial.
• TAVE to distress; to over-tire; to labour under a disease; to recover from a very severe illness ...1875 Sc.
• THRING † to press hard, use oppression; to oppress, to harass, to distress, to afflict ...c1175
• WORRIT to worry; to distress; to pester ...1818 colloq.
DISTRESS - interjections
• HARROW! † a cry of distress or alarm ...a1300.
• VUYA! an exclamation of distress ...1867 Eng. dial.
DISTRESSED - adjectives
• BAD distressed in mind, anxious ...1876 Sc.
• BALEFUL unhappy, wretched, miserable; distressed, sorrowful, mournful ...c1325 arch.
• BEDWADDLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETOTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETOTTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BETWATTLED in a distressed and confused state of mind; confounded, bewildered, stupefied, surprised ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BEWATTLED confused, distressed, bewildered, stupid ...1790 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF THE GATHERS out of order; in distressed circumstances ...1847
• SCARED SHITLESS extremely frightened; senseless with fear or physical distress ...M20 sl.
• THRUTCHED hard pressed with work, worry, etc.; distressed or troubled in mind ...1874 Eng. dial.
• LANGUOR † woeful plight; distressed condition; sad case ...a1300
• FEEL AS THOUGH DEATHSTRUCK to feel anxious, apprehensive, or greatly distressed ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• GLOPPEN † to be distressed or downcast ...a1400
• MAKE SOMEONE TURN IN HIS GRAVE to do something that would have shocked or distressed someone now dead
• MAKE SOMEONE TURN OVER IN HIS GRAVE to do something that would have shocked or distressed someone now dead
• MANG to become confused or distressed to the point of losing control of oneself; to become frantic or crazed with emotion, love, rage, etc. ...1766 Sc.
• TAKE ON ONESELF † to become distressed or disturbed in mind ...1631
• VEX to feel sorry, to be distressed, to grieve ...1825 Sc.
DISTRESSFUL - adjectives
• LANGUOROUS † distressful, sorrowful, mournful ...1490
DISTRESSING - adjectives
• CARKING † burdening, distressing, grieving, fretting ...c1565 obs. or arch.
• HARD-HEARTED heart-breaking; distressing ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HARROWING acutely distressing or painful ...1810
• HEART-RENDING terribly distressing ...a1687
• HEART-STRUCK † keenly affecting or distressing the heart ...1605
• OFF-PUTTING adj. distressing; unsettling; discomfiting ...1828 US sl.
• SMARTFUL † painful; distressing ...1556
• SUGHEND † distressing, painful ...a1225
• CROOK IN ONE'S LOT something untoward or distressing; a trial, an affliction ...Sc.
• READ 'EM AND WEEP some unwelcome or distressing news or information, the truth ...20C US sl.
• READ THEM AND WEEP some unwelcome or distressing news or information, the truth ...20C US sl.
• SUGH † to be distressing ...a1225
• DEAL † to divide property, etc. among a number so that each may have his due share; to distribute in shares; to portion out, to apportion ...c1000
• GO DIVVIES to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1966 Amer. dial.
• IMPART † to give a share of something to each of a number of persons; to distribute, to divide, to deal out ...1545
• SKIFT † to divide, to distribute, or make division ...c1420
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
• TO-SET † to distribute, to divide, to arrange ...1387
• VENT † to dispense, to distribute ...1616
• SKAIL a dispersion, scattering, distribution ...1864 Sc.
• SKIFTING † division, distribution ...c1440
DISTRICT - nouns
• CANTRED a hundred; a district containing a hundred townships ...1387 hist.
• CAP-CASTLE † the chief village of a district ...1664
DISTRUST - verbs
• DIFFIDE * 1. to want faith or confidence; to have or feel distrust ...1532
† 2. to distrust, to doubt, to suspect, to mistrust ...1678
• FEAR † to regard with distrust; to doubt ...1578
DISTRUSTED - nouns, person
• RAT any distrusted, unethical, selfish, disliked person ...20C Amer. sl.
DISTRUSTFUL - adjectives
• LARY shy, distrustful, leery ...1906 Amer. dial.
• JEALOUSLY † suspiciously, distrustfully ...1628 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• OLD craftily, knowingly; distrustfully, askance; angrily ...1881 Eng. dial.
DISTURB - nouns, person
• DISTURBANT one who disturbs or interferes with peace or quiet; one who causes tumult or disorder ...1865
DISTURB - verbs (also see DISTURBANCE)
• BEAT UP THE QUARTERS OF to arouse; to disturb ...1670
• BELLIS to drive, to disturb ...1893 Eng. dial.
• CADDLE to trouble, to disturb, to worry ...1781 Eng. dial.
• CONTURBATE † to disturb greatly; to perturb; to throw into confusion ...1657
• DISTROUBLE † to trouble greatly; to hinder; to disturb; to perplex ...c1369
• DRUBBLE † to trouble, to disturb ...a1340
• DRUMBLE † to disturb, trouble, confuse ...1637 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAIZE to annoy, to inconvenience, to disturb, to ruffle ...1866 Sc.
• FASH to meddle with, to disturb ...1951 Sc.
• FLUTTER THE DOVECOTES to disturb the equanimity of a society; to cause a stir or excitement in a conservative community ...1840
• GARBOIL † to confuse, agitate, disturb ...1572
• GRAVEL to annoy, to disturb, to distress, to embarrass, to humiliate ...1871 Amer. dial.
• HANKER to disturb ...1969 Amer. dial.
• HARROW † to vex, to disturb ...1609
• INTERTURB † to disturb by interruption ...1554
• JAR to surprise, to upset, to disturb, to shock ...1897 Amer. dial.
• MESS WITH SOMEONE'S MIND to disturb or harm someone emotionally ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• PULL THE RUG OUT to disturb the status quo ...1974 UK sl.
• RACKET * to keep lively, to disturb, destroy, etc. by racketing ...1753
• RAFT to rouse, disturb, alarm ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAVE to pull; to tear up; to tear; to rout out, to disturb ...1889 Eng. dial.
• REAR to rouse up, to disturb; also, to behave violently or excitedly ...1876 Eng. dial.
• ROIL to disturb; to disorder ...L16
• ROYLE to vex; to irritate; to disturb ...Bk1903 sl.
• SCORT ABOUT to disturb, to injure ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• STURBLE † to disturb, to trouble ...1303
• UNCALM to agitate, to disturb ...1655
• UNFETTLE to disarrange, to disturb, to undo, to unsettle ...1889 Eng. dial.
• YESTER † to disturb, to discompose ...1825 Sc.
DISTURBANCE - adjectives
• RACKETY characterized by noise, excitement, dissipation, or disturbance ...1827
• ALARUM disturbance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• AYROM an unpleasant commotion or disturbance, display of temper, tantrums ...1850 Eng. dial.
• BALOO an uproar, disturbance ...1847 Eng. dial.
• BANG a blow, an onslaught; a disturbance ...1808 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BARNEY a disturbance, dispute, altercation, an argument, a row ...1888 Eng. dial.
• BILLIBUE a hullabaloo; a commotion, fuss, disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLOW-OUT an outbreak of anger; a quarrel, a disturbance, a row ...1826 Eng. dial. & US
• BLOW-UP an outbreak of anger; a quarrel, a disturbance, a row ...1809 chiefly US
• BLUE-DAY a day of uproar or disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOBBERY a noise, disturbance, tumult; a fuss, row, uproar; a squabble, quarrel, dispute, altercation ...1816 Eng. dial. & sl.
• BREE a disturbance, a fuss, hurry; bustle ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BREEZE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance; a row ...1785 sl.
• BROILERY †* dissension; strife; disturbance, disorder ...1521 obs
• CADDLE disorder, disarray, confusion, disturbance ...1825 Eng. dial.
• CATOUSE an uproar, a commotion, a din, tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1890 Amer. dial.
• COLLIEBUCTION a noisy squabble, a disturbance, a wrangle ...1864 Sc.
• CRINKIE-WINKIE a contention; a pother, disturbance, commotion, turmoil ...1818 Sc.
• CURFUFFLE a disturbance or disorder of any kind ...1813 Sc.
• DACKLE a wrangle; a disturbance ...1923 Sc.
• DIDO a disturbance, noise; a fuss ...1880 Eng, dial.
• DISABUSE disturbance ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DISTROUBLANCE † disturbance, molestation ...a1400
• DISTROUBLE †* disturbance, trouble, molestation ...c1450
• DISTURBMENT a disturbance ...1916 Amer. dial.
• ESTUATION † feverish disturbance, boiling up, ebullition ...1605
• EXTURBMENT a disturbance ...1970 Amer. dial.
• FALARIE disturbance, excitement, commotion ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FASH trouble, vexation; bother, annoyance, disturbance; inconvenience; fuss, pother; also, something that gives trouble ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FIREWORKS a disturbance; an angry scene; the end of life ...1889 sl.
• FOFARRAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• FOOFOORAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• GARBOIL † confusion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, uproar; a brawl, hubbub, commotion ...1548 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GARRAY † commotion, disturbance, noise, row ...c1460 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GEFUFFLE a disturbance or disorder of any kind ...1813 Sc.
• HABBLE confusion, tumult, uproar, disturbance, hubbub ...1795 Sc.
• HALLEGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HARMONY uproar, noise, disturbance ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HARRIAGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HAY-BAY a hubbub, an uproar; a commotion, a disturbance ...1805 Eng. dial.
• HERRIDGE a disturbance; a bustle, fuss ...1867 Eng. dial.
• HEY-BEY a hubbub, an uproar; a commotion, a disturbance ...1805 Eng. dial.
• HIDDIE-GIDDIE a disorderly noise, a disturbance ...B1900 Sc.
• HUBBLE-SHUBBLE †* commotion, uproar, tumult, disturbance, confusion ...c1550
• KATOWSE an uproar, a commotion, a tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KICKUP a fight or argument; a row; a disturbance ...1843 Amer. dial.
• LOO a hullabaloo; a clamorous noise or disturbance; an uproar ...1952 Amer. dial.
• MAKE-ADO an uproar, disturbance; a fuss, a bother ...1874 Eng. dial.
• MARLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MAYLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MELANDER a disturbance; an accident; a misfortune ...1873 Eng. dial.
• MERRY HELL great trouble, upheaval, or disturbance ...a1911 sl.
• MORLOCK a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• NARRATION an uproar, fuss, clamour, noisy altercation, disturbance ...1871 Sc.
• NINNY-WATCH a disturbance, a state of confusion, excitement or a longing expectation or desire; a vain hope; a quandary ...1746 Eng. dial.
• ORATION a confused noise or uproar; a clamour, disturbance; a hubbub; a fuss; noisy public talk or rumour ...1828 Eng. dial.
• OUT-COME-SHOUT a noisy disturbance ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUOIL † a stir, a tumult, a turmoil, a noisy disturbance; fuss, bustle ...1798 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RABBLEMENT † a riot, a disturbance ...1548 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RACKET a quarrel, fight, altercation; a disturbance ...1934 Amer. dial.
• RACKETING a noise, disturbance ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RACKETRY continuous noise or disturbance ...1884
• RAG a disturbance; a noisy dispute; a scolding ...1825 Sc.
• RAMMY a general fight; a brawl; a scuffle; a violent disturbance or commotion; a noisy argument; a row; a bustling crowd ...1935 Sc. sl.
• RANDY-ROW a noisy merrymaking; a disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANGAT † disorder, disturbance, noise ...1500-20 Sc.
• RARE PIECE OF WORK, A a disturbance, a quarrel ...1893 Eng. dial.
• REEK a state of hot anger; a disturbance, a tumult ...Bk1904 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REEL-RALL a state of confusion; turmoil, disturbance ...1864 Sc.
• REEL-RAWL a state of confusion; turmoil, disturbance ...1864 Sc.
• REEMISH a disturbance, a row; stir, bustle ...1879 Sc.
• REE-RAW a drinking bout; a noisy romp; a state of confusion; a disturbance, turmoil ...1854
• REMISH a disturbance, a row; stir, bustle ...1879 Sc.
• REUL a disturbance; confusion ...1703 Eng. dial.
• REVALLY a disturbance, quarrelling ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RICKET † a racket, disturbance ...1813 Sc.
• ROIL agitation; disturbance ...L17 now chiefly US
• ROOKUS a disturbance, uproar ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• ROWDY-DOW a disturbance; an uproar, a hubbub; a boisterous noise; a bitter quarrel ...1872
• SCARE an uproar, a disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCAUM litter, dust, disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCAWM litter, dust, disturbance ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCOUVER confusion, scurry, disturbance ...1860 Eng. dial.
• SCOW confusion, bustle, disturbance, esp. confused preparation for an event ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCRAFFLE a disturbance, a quarrel, an affray ..1790 Eng. dial.
• SCRATTLE a struggle for existence; a dispute, a disturbance ...1878 Eng. dial.
• SHINDY a commotion; a ruckus; a row, a disturbance; a fuss ...1828 Amer. dial.
• SHIVOO a disturbance, a row ...M19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• SKEDADDLE a fuss, an excitement; a disturbance ...1990s sl.
• SKIMMINGTON * a row, quarrel, disturbance, riot ...1753
• SKOUVER confusion, scurry, disturbance ...1860 Eng. dial.
• STIRRANCE †* disturbance ...1623
• STRAMASH a disturbance ...1837 colloq.
• SUFFLE †* a commotion, disturbance, disorder ...1650
• TANTARA a noise; a disturbance; an outcry ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TANTARRA a noise; a disturbance; an outcry ...1874 Eng. dial.
• TANTRUPS ill-humoured disturbances ...1890 Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-OTHER a confusion; a disturbance ...1792 Sc.
• TINGLE-TANGLE a disturbance, a to-do, a fuss ...1880
• TIRRIT * a fit of fear or temper; an 'upset', disturbance of one's equanimity .,..1597
• TIRRIVEE a commotion, disturbance; a state of excitement; a stir, bustle ...1885 Sc.
• TO-DO a great disturbance ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TOUSE a commotion, a disturbance, an ado, a fuss, an outcry; a state of agitation ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TOW-ROW an uproar, a hubbub, a noisy disturbance; a din, a racket ...1877 orig. Eng. dial.
• TOWSE a commotion, a disturbance, an ado, a fuss, an outcry; a state of agitation ...1836 Amer. dial.
• UPSCUDDLE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance, a tumult ...1905 Amer. dial.
• UPSCUTTLE a noisy quarrel; a disturbance, a tumult ...1904 Amer. dial.
• UPSTIR † a disturbance, commotion, uproar, confusion ...1549 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
DISTURBANCE - nouns, person
• OLD GOOSEBERRY anyone who puts an end to a riot or disturbance whether by threats or actual force ...L18 sl.
• BE FULL OF JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1872 Amer. dial.
• BLATTER to make a disturbance ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUNG ON A BLUE to make a fuss, to create a disturbance ...1950s Aust. sl.
• CAVORT to rage, to create a disturbance ...1893 Amer. dial.
• CUT UP JACK AND KILL JINNY to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CUT UP SAM to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance ...1945 Amer., dial.
• CUT UP SHINNY to make a fuss or disturbance ...1952 Amer. dial.
• GO THROUGH LIKE A PACKET OF SALTS to run or cut through (opposition, etc.) quickly and easily; to make a brief visit causing great disturbance ...1955 NZ sl.
• HELL AROUND to create a disturbance; also, to gallivant ...1897 Amer. sl.
• KICK UP A ROW to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A SHINDY to make a fuss or disturbance; to quarrel ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP HIGH JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP THE DEVIL'S DELIGHT to make a great disturbance ...1846
• PLAY OLD GOOSEBERRY to make a great disturbance or commotion; to turn everything into confusion; to cause havoc ...1828
• RAG to annoy or assail in a rough or noisy fashion; to create a disturbance or wild disorder in a room ...1897 Brit. university sl.
• RAISE CAIN to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE GRAVY to make a disturbance ...1998 Amer. dial.
• RAISE HAIL to create a disturbance, to 'raise hell' ...20C
• RAISE HELL to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE HELL AND TOMMY to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1867 Amer. dial.
• RAISE NED to be quarrelsome; to make a disturbance ...1849 Amer. sl.
• RAISE OLD HARRY to cause a disturbance; to make trouble ...M19 sl.
• RAISE OLD SCRATCH to cause a disturbance ...M18 sl.
• RAISE RIM to make a disturbance or rumpus ...1917 Amer. dial.
• RAISE SAND to cause a disturbance, stir, or commotion ...L19 US sl.
• RAISE THE DEVIL to make a disagreeable disturbance; to create trouble, uproar, or confusion ...1841
• RAISE THE MISCHIEF to make a disagreeable disturbance; to create trouble, uproar, or confusion ...c1865
• RAISE THE PLACE to make an uproar or disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANDYBOW vb. to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RING to create a disturbance ...Bk1903 Amer. sl.
• ROCK THE BOAT to create a disturbance in the existing situation ...colloq.
• SCROINOCH to shout, to screech, to yell; to make a noisy disturbance ...1820 Sc.
• SET THE HEATHER ON FIRE to create uproar and excitement; to make a disturbance; to excite a tumult ...1843
• TEAR UP JACK to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1845 Amer. dial.
• TEAR UP SHINNY to make a fuss or disturbance ...1952 Amer. dial.
• THROW THE HOUSE OUT OF THE WINDOW to make a great commotion, noise, or disturbance; to cause great disorder and confusion; to turn everything topsy-turvy ...1621
• TUMULTUATE * to stir up a tumult; to make a disturbance or commotion; to become tumultuous, turbulent, agitated or restless ...1611
• WAKE SNAKES to cause disturbance or trouble; to provoke to the uttermost; to get oneself into trouble; to having a rousing, roaring time ...1848 Amer. sl.
DISTURBED - adjectives
• AGEE of mental states: agitated, disturbed, slightly deranged ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AJEE of mental states: agitated, disturbed, slightly deranged ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ALL SHOOK UP excited; disturbed; upset ...Amer. sl.
• FREAKED disturbed, unsettled, nervous ...1970 US sl.
• PARANOID frightened, worried, disturbed ...1960s sl.
• SHOOK UP excited; disturbed; upset ...Amer. sl.
• STRUNG OUT disturbed, worried ...1960s Amer. sl.
• TROUBLY † confused, troubled, distraught, disturbed, worried, stressed; marked by disturbance or confusion; restless, unquiet ...c1380
• TREPIDATE †* disturbed, agitated ...1605
• TURMOILOUS †* full of turmoil or tumult; disturbed; troublesome ...1553
• TEW a struggle, difficulty; a laboured effort; fatigue, trouble; an annoyance, a worry or fretting; a state of anxiety, nervous excitement, confusion, or impatience; a disturbed state ...1864 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
DISTURBED - nouns, person
• LOOPER a crazy, disturbed person ...1980s sl.
• PRESS SOMEONE'S BUTTONS to make another angry or disturbed ...1936 Amer. sl.
• TAKE ON ONESELF † to become distressed or disturbed in mind ...1631
DISTURBING - adjectives
• DISTURBANT causing disturbance; disturbing, turbulent ...a1617
• OFFPUTTING disturbing or disagreeable ...1820
• RAFFLING perplexing, disturbing ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
DISUNITE - verbs
• UNCOMBINE to disunite ...1595
DISUSE - adjectives
• IN MOTHBALLS in disuse or in storage, esp. with reference to standby equipment
DISUSE - nouns
• OBSOLETION * the act of becoming or condition of being obsolete; disuse, discontinuance ...1804
DISUSE - verbs
• OBSOLESCE * to be obsolescent; to grow obsolete; to fall into disuse ...1873
DISUSED - adjectives
• CAST thrown off, disused, worn out, abandoned, forsaken ...1597
• EXOLETE † that has gone out of use; disused, obsolete ...1611
DITCH - nouns
• BARROW PIT a roadside drainage ditch ...1931 Amer. dial.
• DALLY-CAR a deep ditch ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• ESSEX STILE a ditch ...L18
• JAGUE a ditch ...1622 cant
• LACHE an occasional watercourse; a narrow ditch; a deep cart-rut; a gutter washed by the tide on the seashore ...1781 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• LADE a ditch, a drain ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LIGGER a foot-bridge across a ditch, usually one consisting of a plank ...1840 Eng. dial.
• LOVE-HOLE a gully or ditch across the road ...1926 Amer. dial.
• REAN a large open ditch; a main artificial watercourse; a very small stream ...1846 Eng. dial.
• RAIN †* a small stream, brook, or ditch ...1611
• RIFE a broad ditch ...1874 Eng. dial.
• SLONK a depression in the ground; a ditch; a deep, wet hollow in the road ...c1470 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VAEDIK a small stream or runnel of water or other liquid; a ditch, drain or open sewer ...a1838 Sc.
DITCH - nouns, person
• DEEKER a ditcher, a man who makes and cleans out dikes or ditches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-DELVER a ditcher, one who makes repairs ditches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-GRAVE an officer whose duty it is to superintend the ditches ...1637 Eng. dial.
• DIKE-REEVE an officer whose duty it is to superintend the ditches ...1721 Eng. dial.
DITCH - verbs
• LACUNATE †* to make ditches or holes ...1623
DITHER - verbs
• QUAVER to dither, esp. over whether or not to make a purchase ...1979 UK sl.
• WAFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
• WHAFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
• WOFFLE to dither, to talk nonsense ...L19 sl.
DITHERING - adjectives
• LIKE A BUTTERLY IN HEAT behaving in a dithering manner; indecisive ...1975 US sl., esp. homosexual usage
DIVE, DIVING - nouns
• ASS-BREAKER a dive flat onto the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ASS-BUSTER a dive in which the diver holds his nose, jumps, and hits the water arse-first ...1954 Amer. dial.
• ASS-RIPPER a dive in which the diver strikes the water buttocks-first ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BACK-BUSTER a dive in which one lands flat on the water ...1965 US sl.
• BELLY-BLUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUMP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUMPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1868 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUNT a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-BUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1892 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-CLAPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-DIVE a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLAP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLAPPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-FLIP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-FLOP a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-FLOPPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1895 sl.
• BELLY-GUT a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-GUTSIES a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-GUTTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-LANDING a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAM a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAMMER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SLAPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMACK a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMACKER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMASH a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SMASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SPLASH a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-SPLASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-THUMPER a dive in which one lands flat on the belly, rather than cutting through the water ...1920s sl.
• BELLY-WASHER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHACK a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHACKER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHOMPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WHOPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1940 Amer. dial.
• BELLY-WOP a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BULLFROG a dive flat onto the water; a belly-flop ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHEWALLOP a fall or a dive that makes a big splash or flopping noise ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHEWALLOPER a fall or a dive that makes a big splash or flopping noise ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTER a dive in which one lands flat on the water ...1950s Amer. sl.
• HEADER a headfirst fall; a plunge or dive head foremost ...1849 colloq.
• PANCAKE a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WATER-BUSTER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water; a belly-flop ...1969 Amer. dial.
DIVE, DIVING - nouns
• UGLIES, THE nitrogen narcosis, 'rapture of the deep' ...1970s sl.
DIVE - nouns, person
• HEADER * one who dives head foremost ...1848
DIVE - verbs
• CATCH A CRAB to do a belly-flop; to dive in such a way that the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• GUTTER to fall stomach-flat in the water ...c1860 sl.
DIVERGE - verbs
• ABERR † to wander off, to go astray, to diverge from a recognized path ...1536
• ABERRATE * to diverge or deviate from the straight path ...1765
• DE-ERR †* to go astray, to diverge ...1657
• VEER * to diverge or differ from something ...1796
• ABERRANCE the act of straying or diverging from a recognized course; vagary ...1665
• ABERRANCY divergency from the standard of usage, propriety, reason, truth, etc. ...1646
• ABERRATION 1. a deviation or divergence from a direct, prescribed, or ordinary course of action ...1610-31
2. a wandering away; a straying; a deviation or divergence from the straight or recognized path ...1615 001
• OBLIQUITY divergence from moral rectitude, sound thinking, or right practice; moral or mental perversity or aberration; a delinquency, a fault, an error ...c1422
DIVERGING - adjectives
• ABERRANT wandering away or straying from a defined path; hence, diverging or deviating from any moral standard ...1848
• ABERRATING going astray, diverging ...a1854
DIVERSE - adjectives
• OLLAPODRIDA-ISH heterogeneous, diverse in character or content ...1827
• OLLAPODRIDICAL heterogeneous, diverse in character or content ...1830
• SUNDERLY † separate, several; distinct, diverse, different ...a1225
• SUNDRILY †* diverse, various, varied ...c1375
DIVERSE - nouns
• ODDLINGS things of diverse sorts or sizes ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ODDLINS things of diverse sorts or sizes ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DIVERSELY - adverbs
• SUNDERLY †* diversely, differently, variously ...a1513
• SUNDRILY † diversely, variously ...c1425
• SUNDRY-WISE † in various or different ways; variously, diversely ...c1375
DIVERSIFIED - adjectives
• VARIATE † diversified, variegated; varied in nature ...c1440
• BEGAIR † to diversify or variegate, as with stripes or streaks ...1552 Sc.
• DEDUIT † diversion, enjoyment, pleasure ...1297
• EBATE † sport, diversion ...c1515
• EVAGATION † a diversion ...1638
• HALLIE a romping diversion ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SCAFF † diversion, merriment ...1802 Sc.
• VARIORUM a change, novelty, diversion; a constant variation, a variety, medley ...1761 Sc.
• KILL ANOTHER SKUNK to create a diversion ...1984 Amer. dial.
• SUNDERNESS †* diversity, variety ...a1400
• SUNDRINESS † diversity, variety; a variety of things ...c1375
• SUNDRYHEAD † diversity, variety ...1395
DIVERT - verbs
• DECLINE † to turn a person aside from or to a course of conduct, from duty, etc.; to divert ...a1555
• DEDUCE † to lead away, to turn aside, to divert ...1541
• DRAW A RED HERRING ACROSS THE TRACK to attempt to divert attention from the real question ...1892
• FILIBUSTER to talk garrulously or loudly, sometimes in an attempt to show off; to stall or to divert attention from one's own error ...1970 Amer. dial.
DIVERTING - adjectives
• DIVERTISSANT † diverting, entertaining, amusing, pleasing ...1645
DIVIDE - verbs
• BEPART † to divide, to share ...1531 obs.
• CANT † to part, to divide, to share, to parcel out, to apportion ...c1440
• CANTLE † to cut into quarters or portions, to divide ...1607
• CANTON † to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CANTONIZE † to divide into portions or parts; to form into cantons ...1606
• DEAL † to divide ...c950
• DECIMATE † to divide into tenths, to divide decimally ...1749
• DIFFER to separate, to divide; to cause difference between ...1814 Sc.
• DIVVY to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1877 Amer. dial.
• DIVVY UP to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1880 Amer. dial.
• EVEN to divide equally, to share ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GO DIVVIES to divide or distribute among two or more persons; to divide or share in profits or indebtedness ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HALVER to divide into equal shares; to have; to possess in partnership with anyone ...1871 Sc.
• IMPART † to give a share of something to each of a number of persons; to distribute, to divide, to deal out ...1545
• LOUNCE OUT to dole out ...1934 Amer. dial.
• PARCEL † to put asunder or separate as parts; to part, to divide ...1652
• PARCEN †* to divide and share out among others ...a1641
• PHILIPPINE to share or divide something with another ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUADRISECT to divide into four equal parts ...1809
• RAG to share, esp. to divide up the proceeds of a crime ...1860 sl.
• RATE † to divide proportionally; to allot or apportion as an amount or sum to be received or paid ...1491
• SAIR OUT to deal out, to divide ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SKIFT † to divide, to distribute, or make division ...c1420
• TO-CLEAVE † to cleave asunder; to split open; to divide or separate into two parts ...c888
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
• TO-DO † to put asunder, to divide, to separate; to undo, to open ...a839
• TO-SET † to distribute, to divide, to arrange ...1387
• TO-SKILL † to divide, to distinguish ...c1200
• TO-TWIN † to separate, to divide ...c1200
• VIDE to divide ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
DIVIDED - adjectives
• HALVERT cut in two; divided in half ...1875 Sc.
• SUNDERED kept apart; separated, separate; also, divided into parts, severed, scattered ...c1325
• YDELED † divided ...1297
DIVIDED - verbs
• TO-GO † to go in difference directions; to be divided, separate; to disappear ...c1000
DIVIDEND - nouns
• DIVI a dividend ...1872
• DIVVY a dividend ...1872
• MELON an especially unexpected profit; a windfall; in finance, an extra dividend ...1934 Amer. sl.
DIVIDEND - verbs
• CUT A MELON to share profits; to announce an extra dividend ...1908
DIVIDING - adjectives
• PARTABLE parting, dividing, forming a division ...1892 Eng. dial.
• SUNDRY †* that separates; dividing; discriminating, discerning ...1564
DIVINATION - adjectives
• AEROMANTIC * belonging to divination by air ...1635
• ARUSPICINAL † relating to 'haruspicy' ...1652
• GASTROMANTIC † practising gastromancy ...1646
• HARUSPICINAL † relating to 'haruspicy' ...1652
• ICHTHYOMANTIC relating to ichthyomancy ...Bk1901
• MANTIC pert. to divination or prophecy ...1850
• MANTICAL pert. to divination or prophecy ...1588
• NECROMANEOUS give to the practice of necromancy ...1801 rare
• NECROMANTIC given to the practice of necromancy ...1574
• ONOMANTIC pert. to, or skilful in the divination by names ...1856
• ONOMANTICAL pert. to, or skilful in the divination by names ...1605
• AEROMANCY divination by air, including augury; later, weather-forecasting, meteorology ...1393
• ALOMANCY divination by means of salt ....1864
• ARUSPICINE † the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1652
• ARUSPICINY † divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...a1693
• ARUSPICY the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1563
• BELLOMANCY divination by means of arrows ...1646
• BELOMANCY divination by means of arrows ...1646
• CAPNOMANCY divination by smoke ...1610
• CARTOMANCY divination by playing-cards ...1871
• DAPHNOMANCY † divination by a laurel tree ...1656
• FATIDICENCY †* a method of foretelling fate; divination ...a1693
• FATILOQUENCY †* declaring fate; divination ...a1693
• FATILOQUY † soothsaying, declaring fate ...1623
• GASTROMANCY † divination by the belly ...1610
• GELOSCOPY † divination performed by observing the manner of laughing ...1730
• GELOTOSCOPY † divination performed by observing the manner of laughing ...1697
• HALOMANCY divination by means of salt ....1864
• HARUSPICATION divination by inspection of the entrails of animals ...1871
• HARUSPICINE † the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1581
• HARUSPICINY † divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...a1693
• HARUSPICY the practice or function of a haruspex; divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1563
• ICHNOMANCY the art of finding out the figure, peculiarities, occupations, etc., of men or beasts by the traces of their posture, position, and footsteps ...1855
• ICHTHYOMANCY divination by means of the heads or entrails of fishes ...1656
• IDOLOMANCY divination by idols, images, or figures ...1652
• LAMPADOMANCY a mode of divination by the observation of substances burned in a lamp ...1652
• LECANOMANCY divination by the inspection of water in a basin ...1610
• MACHAEROMANCY †* divination by knives or swords ...1652
• MACHAIROMANCY divination by means of a sword ...Bk1910
• MAGASTROMANCY †* a name invented for 'magical astrology' ...1652
• MANTIC * the art or science of divination ...1891
• MANTICISM the practice of divination ...1861
• MANTOLOGY †* the art or practice of divination ...1774
• NECROMANCE the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead ...a1300 arch.
• NECROMANCY the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...a1300
• NECROMANTY †* the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...1560
• NECYOMANCY †* divination by calling up dead spirits ...1656
• NECYOMANTY †* divination by calling up dead spirits ...1623
• OENOMANCY divination by means of wine ...1652
• OINOMANCY divination by means of wine ...1652
• OMPHALOMANCY divination by the number of knots on the umbilical cord at birth, of the number of future children of the mother ...1652
• ONEIROMANCY n. divination by dreams ...1652
• ONIMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1653
• ONOMANCY divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1605
• ONOMANTIA divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1605
• ONOMATOMANCY † divination by names or the letters of a name ...1652
• ONOMOMANCY †* divination from names or the letters of a name as, the number of vowels in a name, the sum of the numerical value of the letters, or the like ...1678
• ONYCHOMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1652
• ONYCOMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1727-41
• ONYMANCY divination from the fingernails ...1653
• OPHIOMANCY * divination by means of serpents ...1753
• SIDEROMANCY 1. divination performed by burning straws, etc., on red-hot iron, in which operation conjectures were formed from the manner of their burning, etc. ...1823
2. forecasting the future by means of the stars ...1859
• VENTRILOQUY † divination by the innards of beasts ...1623
DIVINATION - nouns, person
• AEROMANCER †* one who practices divination by air; a weather-prophet ...c1400
• HARUSPEX a soothsayer who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1584
• HARUSPICE a soothsayer who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims ...1828
• LECANOMANCER † a diviner by water in a basin ...1670
• LECANOMANTIC † one who practices lecanomancy ...1623
• MAGASTROMANCER †* one who practices magastromancy ...1652
• MANTOLOGIST one skilled in divination; a diviner, a prophet ...1864
• NECROMANCER one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1300
• NECROMANCIEN † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1303
• NECROMANT † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1598
• ONEIROMANCER one who divines by dreams ...1653
• ONEIROMANTIST n. one who divines by dreams ...1653
• PANTOMANCER † a diviner upon all kinds of things ...1652
• ARUSPICINATE † to practice 'haruspicy' ...1652
• HARUSPICINATE † to practice 'haruspicy' ...1652
DIVINE - verbs
• HALSE † to augur; to divine; to soothsay ...c1050
• HALSEN to predict, to divine, to conjecture; to forebode evil, to anticipate bad news; to speak evil ...1814 Eng. dial.
• HARIOLE † to divine, to guess ...1833 nonce word
• SCHOLAR to divine; to recognize, to identify ...1896 Eng. dial.
DIVINER - nouns, person
• MANTOLOGIST one skilled in divination; a diviner, a prophet ...1864
• BENDING ROD a divining rod; a short stick used to show where there's water ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CHARM STICK a divining rod ...1967 Amer. dial.
• DIPPING STICK a divining rod ...1940 Amer. dial.
• GADLING ROD a divining rod ...1969 Amer. dial.
• RAINBAR a divining rod; a forked stick that's used to show where there's water underground ...1969 Amer. dial.
• WAGGERS † the divining-rod ...1747
• WATER SMELLER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1810 Amer. dial.
• WATER SNIFFER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1967 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH a divining rod used in dowsing for water ...1832 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCH a dowsing rod, a divining rod (whether made of willow or not) ...1930 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCHING dowsing ...1929 Amer. dial.
• WITCH a divining rod ...1914 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING ROD a divining rod ...1935 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING STICK a divining rod ...1869 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING SWITCH a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WAND a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WILLOW a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCHING WIRE a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH ROD a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH STICK a divining rod ...1891 Amer. dial.
• WITCH SWITCH a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WITCH WAND a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
DIVINING ROD - nouns, person
• FATHER DIVINE a person who uses a divining rod to find water ...1967 Amer. dial.
• RADIO-SEE-UM one who uses a divining rod ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WATER SMELLER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1810 Amer. dial.
• WATER SNIFFER a divining rod; the person who uses a divining rod to find water underground ...1967 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH one who dowses for water; one who uses a divining rod to find water ...1817 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCHER one who dowses for water ...1952 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCH a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1977 Amer. dial.
• WILLOW WITCHER a dowser ...1970 Amer. dial.
• WITCH a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1843 Amer. dial.
• WITCH DOCTOR a dowser, one who uses a divining rod ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WITCH WIGGLER one who uses a divining rod ...1931 Amer. dial.
• WATER-WITCH to dowse for water ...1850 Amer. dial.
• WITCH to dowse, to search with divining rod for water, ore, buried treasure, etc ...1848 Amer. dial.
DIVISIBLE - adjectives
• DECINARY † divisible by ten ...1650
DIVISION - nouns
• CANT † a portion; a share; a division ...a1541 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CANTLING †* a small part, corner, section, or division ...1674
• CANTON † a quarter; a division of anything; a piece, or part ...1601
• DEALING † a part, a division ...a1300
• PARCELLATION * division into separate parcels or portions ...1885
• PARCELLING division into parcels or portions; partition ...1584-5
• PARCERY †* apportionment, division; dividing and sharing out ...1582
• PARTING a portion, share, division, allotment ...1895 Eng. dial.
• PARTMENT a parting or division ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SKIFTING † division, distribution ...c1440
DIVORCE - nouns
• BILL a divorce ...1894 Amer. dial.
• MATCHRUPTCY a divorce ...20C US sl.
• WALKING PAPERS an announcement that a relationship is over; divorce papers ...E19 sl.
DIVORCE - nouns, person
• GRASS WIDOW a divorced woman ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
DIVORCE - verbs
• BILL to divorce one's spouse ...1885 Amer. dial.
• DEWIFE to divorce one's wife ...20C US sl.
• DISMARRY †* to free from the bonds of marriage; to annul the marriage of; to divorce ...1525
• GET A BILL to get a divorce ...1894 Amer. dial.
• SPLIT to divorce ...1940s sl., orig. US
• SPLIT THE BLANKET to separate, to divorce ...1903 Amer. sl.
• UNSHEIK to divorce ...1920s US Black sl.
DIVORCED - adjectives
• BACK IN CIRCULATION single after being divorced ...20C US sl.
DIVORCED - nouns, person
• BROKEN-RIB a divorced woman ...20C
• GRAFT WIDOW a divorced woman ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GREEN WIDOW a divorced woman ...1969 Amer. dial.
• WIDOWER a divorced woman ...1965 Amer. dial.
• WIDOW WOMAN a divorced woman ...1941 Amer. dial.
DIVORCED - verbs
• DIVIDE THE BLANKETS to become divorced ...1975 Amer. dial.
DIVULGE - verbs
• BLOW to divulge ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CRACK to divulge a confidence; also, to inform ...1922 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CRAKE to divulge, to confess ...19C Eng. dial.
• SCALE to divulge ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SPILL ONE'S GUTS to divulge or confess as much as one can ...1927 sl., chiefly US
• VENT † to disclose, to divulge, or let out a secret, etc. ...1678
DIVULGED - verbs
• VENT † to become known, to be divulged ...1622
• FAMIGERATION † a reporting abroad, a divulging ...1692
• DARK EYES dizziness ...1965 Barbados sl.
• DAZINESS †* dazedness, dizziness ...1554
• DIZZIES a spell of dizziness ...1943 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-LIGHTNESS giddiness, dizziness ...1899 Sc.
• HEAD-SWIMMING vertigo, dizziness ...1917 Amer. dial.
• MAZINESS dizziness ...1894 Eng. dial.
• MIRLIGOES dizziness, vertigo affecting the sight; especially in the phrase, "in the mirligoes" - in a state of dizziness ...1773 Sc.
• REAMINESS dizziness ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
DIZZY - adjectives
• AUTO DRUNK dizzy or nauseated from riding in a car ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DIZZEL dizzy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HEAD-LIGHT giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...1899 Sc.
• MAZED stunned, confused, stupefied, dizzy, giddy, confused in the head ...1887 Eng. dial.
• MAZED-HEADED dizzy, giddy ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-HEADED dizzy, giddy; bewildered, stupefied, confused ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZY giddy, dizzy, confused in the head ...1740 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY dizzy, giddy; confused in the head ... 1740 Eng. dial.
• OOZY nauseated, weak, dizzy ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PUNCH-DRUNK groggy, dazed, or dizzy for any reason; mentally or emotionally exhausted, esp. from a series of failures or personal misfortunes ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• REAMY dizzy; half awake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• RIMY dizzy; half awake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• ROCKY of a person: dizzy; sickly; nauseated ...colloq.
• SLAP-HAPPY dizzy, orig, from being punched ...1936 sl.
• SLUG-NUTTY dizzy from being punched ...1933 US sl.
• TURN-SICK † affected with vertigo, giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...c1440
• WAFFLY dizzy and weak from illness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WESTY † dizzy, giddy; light-headed, confused ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WHIZZY dizzy, giddy; confused ...1866 Eng. dial.
• WHOOSY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WHOOZY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WIMBLY-WAMBLY unsteady; dizzy; feeling sick and giddy ...1881 Eng. dial.
• WOOZEY dizzy ...1897 sl.
• WOOZY dizzy, faint, unwell ...1897
• WUZZY woozy, dizzy
DIZZY - adverbs
• WOOZILY in a dizzy manner ...1911 Amer.
DIZZY - verbs
• DIZ to make dizzy; to daze ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAZZEN to stupefy, to make dizzy; to perplex, to bewilder ...1852 Eng. dial.