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• MOEMOE n. sleep ...1938 Hawaii
vb. to sleep, to lie down ...1938 Hawaii
• MOEY n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOFF n. a hermaphrodite ...20C Brit. sl.
• MOFFIE n. a male homosexual ...1929 sl., chiefly S. Afr.
• MOFO adj. contemptible or despicable ...1989 Amer. sl.
n. a despicable or contemptible person ...1965 Amer. sl.
• MOFUCK n. a despicable or contemptible person ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MO-FUCKER n. a despicable or contemptible person ...a1987 Amer. sl.
• MOG n. 1. a dowdily-dressed person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a cat ...1927 Brit.
n. 3. a fur coat ...1950 sl.
vb. 1. to exchange cards in the obsolete game of 'costly colours' ...1674 obs.
vb. 2. to move on, to depart, to decamp; to go; to leave quickly or hastily; usually used with 'off' or 'on' ...1764 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to walk along slowly but steadily; to move gently ...1857 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to cause to move quickly; to make one go where they don't want to go ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to enjoy one's self in a quiet, easy, comfortable manner ...B1900
vb. 6. to pout, to grow sullen, to mope; to refuse food ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOG ALONG vb. to walk, to move, esp. slowly or aimlessly; to depart ...1890 Amer. dial.
• MO-GAS n. gasoline for vehicles' 'motor-gas' ...1974-77 Amer. military usage
• MOGATE vb. to move rapidly ...1938 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MOGEY vb. to move slowly and without energy ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOGG vb. to move slowly or aimlessly; to trudge; to go ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MOGGADORED adj. confused, bewildered ...1936 sl.
• MOGGANS † n. the legs ...1780 obs. exc. Sc.
• MOGGIE n. a cat ...1911 Brit.
• MOGGY n. 1. promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1726 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a pet name for a calf or cow ...c1825 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an untidy, badly-dressed woman; a slattern ...1886 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 4. a stuffed figure; a scarecrow ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a pet name for a young donkey ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a moth ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a cat ...B1900
• MOGIGRAPHIA n. difficult or cramped writing; writer's cramp ...1856
• MOGLE vb. to move, esp. slowly or aimlessly ...1892 Amer. dial.
• MOGODORED adj. confused, bewildered ...1936 sl.
• MOHALE n. an American Indian woman or wife ...1850 Amer. dial.
• MOHASKY adj. intoxicated with marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOHAWK n. a haircut in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair running down the centre of the scalp ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOHICAN n. a haircut in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair running down the centre of the scalp ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOIST n. moisture ...a1366
† vb. to moisten ...1382 obs. exc. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• MOISTEN ONE'S THROTTLE vb. to quench one's thirst, to drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOISTY adj. damp'; humid ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOJO n. 1. a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1926 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
n. 2. cocaine, heroin, morphine, or a similar drug ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
n. 3. a kind of dance ...1970s US Black usage
vb. 1. to hoodwink, to get the best of one ...1938 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to jinx or charm ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to go, to depart ...1994 Amer. sl.
• MOJO AND THE SAY-SO, THE n. the ability to enforce one's wishes completely ...c1975 Amer. sl.
• MOKE adj. hazy, dark ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a mesh of a net ...1604 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a donkey, an ass ...1839 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 3. (usually derogatory) a Black person; occasionally a Filipino or Hawaiian ...1847 US sl.
n. 4. a stupid fellow, a dolt, a blockhead; a foolish or inconsequential fellow ...1855 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 5. a very inferior horse ...1863 Aust. sl.
n. 6. a mist, a fog; thick, close, foggy weather ...1866 Eng. dial.
n. 7. an old person, disrespectfully spoken to ...1871 Amer. sl.
n. 8. (usually contemptuous and offensive) a dark-skinned person of any race ...1871 Amer. sl.
n. 9. a moderate bore ...B1900 Amer. dial.
n. 10. an easygoing fellow; one in the habit of asking favours ...B1900 Amer. dial.
n. 11. a variety performer who plays on several instruments ...B1900 theatrical sl.
n. 12. coffee ...1929 Amer. sl., esp. nautical
† vb. 1. to mock ...c1450
vb. 2. to loaf or lounge about; to idle ...1863 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to play truant ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOKES n. a foolish or inconsequential fellow; a stupid fellow ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MOKEY adj. of weather: foggy, hazy ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MOKKER n. clothing ...1947 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOKKERED UP adj. dressed in one's smartest clothes ...1938 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOKUS adj. drunk; also, needing a drink ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
n. 1. loneliness ...1928 Amer. sl.
n. 2. liquor ,,,1954-60 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a profoundly drunken state ...1965-71 Amer. sl.
• MOKUS, THE n. a state of depression; the blues ...1927 Amer. sl.
• MOKY adj. of weather: foggy, hazy ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MOLA n. money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MOLARED adj. drunk ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOLAR JERKER n. a dentist ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLAR MASHER n. a dentist ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOLAR TINKER n. a dentist ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES n. 1. a nickname for a slow or lazy person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. nonsense, baloney ...1968 Amer. dial.
int. nonsense! ...1924 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES HOPPER n. a grasshopper ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES SPIT n. saliva coloured brown by snuff or chewing tobacco ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOLDWARP n. a stupid, worthless, or good-for-nothing person; a senseless person; a dolt ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MOLDY adj. 1. worthless; unpleasant; outdated, out of style ...1896 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. uncontrollably eager ...a1907 Amer. sl.
n. something repulsive ...1955 US campus sl.
• MOLDY FIG n. 1. a person who admires older styles of jazz; used derisively ...1945 Amer. jazz usage
n. 2. a person having outdated or conservative ideas ...1949 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a spoilsport ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MOLE n. 1. a spy who works from within an enemy's government or spy agency; hence, a person who spies on an organization from within ...1925 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (usually derogatory) a woman ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MOLE-CATCHER n. the vagina ...L19 sl.
• MOLEHILL n. a pregnant stomach ...E18 sl.
• MOLES n. moleskin trousers ...L19 Aust. sl.
• MOLESHAG n. a caterpillar that devours cabbages ...1777 Eng. dial.
• MOLESKIN n. (derogatory) a Black person ...1990s US sl.
• MOLESKIN SQUATTER n. a working man who has come to own a small sheep run ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOLESTATE † vb. to harass, to trouble ...1543
• MOLESTIOUS † adj. troublesome, annoying ...1524
• MOLEY n. a gangland weapon of a potato with razor blades inserted into it ...1950 Brit. sl.
• MOLIMINOUS † adj. 1. massive, cumbrous ...c1643
† adj. 2. done with great effort or endeavour, laborious ...1656
† adj. 3. weighty, momentous, of vast importance ...1684
• MOLL n. 1. a prostitute; a whore ...1604 sl.
n. 2. an effeminate man; a male homosexual ...L17 sl.
n. 3. orig., a girl or woman; one's wife or sweetheart ; a tough or rowdy young woman ...1753
n. 4. a criminal's or gangster's female companion ...1823 sl.
n. 5. a female pickpocket or thief ...1955 US sl.
vb. to work as a prostitute ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOLL-BUZZARD n. a pickpocket who preys upon women ...1899 criminals' & police sl.
• MOLL-BUZZER n. 1. a pickpocket who preys upon women ...1859 criminals' & police sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket or beggar; a female thief ...1866 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a ladies' man ...1913 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a panhandler who begs from women ...1925 Amer. sl.
• MOLL-BUZZING n. purse snatching; picking pockets ...1900 Amer. sl.
• MOLL CRIB n. a brothel ...1866 Amer. sl.
• MOLLED adj. drunk ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOLLEY n. 1. a prostitute ...E18 sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLIE n. 1. one of the gardener caste in India; hence, any native gardener ...1759 Anglo-Indian
n. 2. a prostitute ...E18 sl.
n. 3. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOLLIE COTTONTAIL n. a rabbit ...1835 Amer. dial.
• MOLLIES n. men's long underwear ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOLLISHER n. a woman; a low-class girl or woman; one living in concubinage; a female cohabiting with a man, who jointly get their living by thieving; a thief's mistress; a wife ...1812 sl.
• MOLLITIOUS * adj. luxurious, sensuous; inviting to repose ...1646
• MOLLITUDE † n. softness, tenderness, weakness, effeminacy ...1656
• MOLLOCK vb. to cavort; to have a good time; to have sexual intercourse ...1932 sl.
• MOLL PEATLEY'S GIG n. sexual intercourse ...L18 sl.
• MOLL PEATLEY'S JIG n. copulation ...L18 sl.
• MOLL PRATLEY'S GIG n. sexual intercourse ...L18 sl.
• MOLLSACK n. a market basket ...M19 sl.
• MOLL SHOP n. a brothel ...20C sl.
• MOLL'S THREE MISFORTUNES phr. 'broke the [chamber-] pot, bes[hi]t the bed and cut her a[r]se' ...L18 sl.
• MOLL THOMPSON'S MARK n. a term used to describe an empty bottle ...L18 sl.
• MOLL-TOOL n. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLL-TOOLER n. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLWHIZ n. a female pickpocket ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• MOLL-WIRE n. 1. a pickpocket who specializes in robbing female victims ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLY adj. drunk ...1960s Aust. rhyming sl. (Molly the Monk)
n. 1. an effeminate man or boy, esp. a homosexual; usually used derisively ...1709 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
n. 3. one of the gardener caste in India; hence, any native gardener ...1759 Anglo-Indian
n. 4. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
n. 5. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
n. 6. nonsense, bunk ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 7. a cow ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 8. a telephone ...1971 Brit. rhyming sl. (Molly Malone)
n. 9. an upper or sleep-retarding pill ...1976 Amer. drugs. sl.
n. 10. MDMA ...2003 Brit. drugs sl.
vb. to sodomize, to bugger ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY BÁN n. confusion, worry ...20C Irish sl.
• MOLLY BAWN n. confusion, worry ...20C Irish sl.
• MOLLY-BOOBY n. a foolish person ...1965 Barbados sl.
• MOLLY-BOY n. an effeminate or homosexual man ...E18 sl.
• MOLLYCODDLE n. 1. a man or boy who is used to being coddled; an effeminate man ...1833 colloq.
n. 2. a lollipop ...1957 Amer. dial.
vb. to coddle or treat with excessive kindness; to pamper ...1863 colloq.
• MOLLYCODDLES n. an imaginary disease or illness ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COTTON n. a rabbit ...1889 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COTTONTAIL n. a rabbit ...1835 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COW n. a hornless cow ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY-CULL n. an effeminate man; a male homosexual ...L17 sl.
• MOLLY-DODGER n. a contemptible or despicable fellow ,,,1964-69 US Black sl.
• MOLLY-DOOK n. a left-handed person ...1941 Aust. sl.
• MOLLY-DOOKER n. a left-handed person ...1934 Aust. sl.
• MOLLY-DUKE n. a left-handed person ...1941 Aust. sl.
• MOLLYFOGGING adj. contemptible, despicable ...1978 Amer. sl.
• MOLLY GRAW n. a hobgoblin used to threaten children and make them behave ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HAR n. a hare ...1893 Amer. dial.
• MOLLYHAWK vb. 1. to cut or chop rudely or roughly ...1901 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to tease, to abuse ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HOGAN n. 1. any complicated or puzzling thing ...1960 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a nonexistent thing or person used as the basis of a practical joke ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HOGAN DEAL n. a deal with a catch, something wrong ...1966 Can. sl.
• MOLLY-HUGGING n. love-making; petting ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOLLYING adj. very keen on buggery ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY MAGUIRED adj. tired ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLY MALONE n. a telephone ...1971 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLY O'MORGAN n. an organ (in any sense, orig. a barrel organ) ...1961 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLYPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MOLLY PUTZ n. 1. a careless, slovenly woman; a careless housewife ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 2. woman who is somewhat scatterbrained as to her dress, mannerisms, etc. ...1988 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY'S HOLE n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MOLLY-SHOP n. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
• MOLLYSLOP adj. nonsensical, weak with overtones of effeminacy ...L19 sl.
• MOLLY THE MONK adj. drunk ...1966 Aust. rhyming sl.
• MOLO adj. drunk ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOLO-MAN n. a Black person ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• MOLOTOFF BREADBASKET n. a cluster of incendiary bombs ...1940 military usage, now hist.
• MOLOTOV BREADBASKET n. a cluster of incendiary bombs ...1940 military usage, now hist.
• MOLOTOV COCKTAIL n. a makeshift bomb typically consisting of a bottle of gasoline and a rag that serves as a wick and is ignited before throwing ...1939 Amer. sl., orig. journalist usage
• MOLOWA adj. lazy ...1938 Hawaii
• MOM n. 1. mother ...1876 US sl.
n. 2. a grandmother ...1941 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a passive partner in a lesbian relationship; also, a lesbian who is notably feminine in appearance and behaviour ...1957 homosexual sl.
n. 4. milk of magnesia (acronym) ...1972 Amer. sl.
• MOMBU † n. the bamboo ...1662
• MOME adj. gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MOMENTAL † adj. 1. lasting only a moment; momentary, brief ...1606
† adj. 2. very important, momentous ...1818
• MOMENTANEAL † adj. lasting but a moment, momentary ...c1610
• MOMENTANEOUS † adj. 1. lasting but a moment, momentary ...c1610
† adj. 2. occurring in a moment, instantaneous ...1657
• MOMIST † n. a fault-finder ...1597
• MOMMA n. 1. a mother ...1776
n. 2. an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse ...1803 Amer. dial. obs.
n. 3. a promiscuous woman ...1925 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 4. a girlfriend or wife ...1926 US sl.
n. 5. a grandmother ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 6. the head of a boil ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 7. a very attractive female; a beautiful girl ...1972 Amer. dial., esp. Black usage
• MOMMA-HOPPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1970s euphemism
• MOMMER n. a mother ...1929 Eng. dial.
vb. to confuse, to perplex ...1825 Eng. dial.
• MOMMICK n. 1. a mess, a botch ...1952 Amer. dial.
n. 2. someone who makes a mess ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to mix up; to make a mess of ...1903 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to take advantage of ...1918 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to harass, to browbeat ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOMMICKED adj. disorderly; in confusion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOMMICKING n. a thorough beating ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIX n. 1. something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a mess, a botch ...1953 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a state of excitement or confusion ...1953 Amer. dial.
vb. to mix, to confuse ...1906 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIXED adj. disorderly, mixed up, in confusion ...1895 Amer. dial.
• MOMMOCK n. 1. a fragment, a scrap; a broken piece, esp. of food; a slice ...1816 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an untidy heap or mess; a litter; a confused, shapeless mass; a dirty mixture; confusion, muddle ...1875 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to break or cut into pieces; to crumble; to tear; to mangle; to carve awkwardly ...1853 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to squander, to dissipate, to waste; to leave carelessly about ...1870 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to disarrange, to tumble, to throw into confusion; to pull about, to mess, to make dirty; to worry ...1899 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to harass, to tease, to annoy, to torment, to impose on ...1946 Amer. dial.
• MOMMOCKED-UP adj. dressed up fantastically and absurdly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOM-MOM n. a grandmother ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOMMUCKING adj. awkward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOMMUX n. a muddle; a botch ...1869 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to confuse; to confound ...1867 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to botch; to spoil in the making ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MOMMUX UP vb. 1. to botch; to spoil in the making ...1909 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to confuse; to confound ...1913 Amer. sl.
• MOMMY n. 1. mother ...1902 US sl.
n. 2. a grandmother ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOMO n. a stupid or useless person; a blockhead ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
• MOMONA adj. fat; fleshy ...1938 Hawaii
n. a fat person ...1938 Hawaii
• MOMOX n. a mess, a botch ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 1 to botch, to mess up, to confuse ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to tear into pieces; to mangle; to beat severely, to maul ...1867 Amer. dial.
• MOM'S n. milk of magnesia (acronym) ...1972 Amer. sl.
• MOMSER n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOM'S ROOM n. the family or living room ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• MOMZA n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOMZER n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOMZIR n. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
• MON n. 1. money ...1889 Amer. sl.
n. 2. man ...1977 Amer. sl.
• MONACK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1666 Amer. dial.
• MONAKER n. 1. a sovereign (coin) ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONA LISA n. 1. a freezer ...1980s rhyming sl.
n. 2. a pizza ...1980s rhyming sl.
• MONARCH n. 1. £1 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONARCHOMACHIST † n. one who fights against monarchy; an anti-monarchist ...1639
• MONAX n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1743 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY AND TUESDAY adj. slow, steady, careful ...1950s sl.
• MONDAY COMES BEFORE SUNDAY phr. a warning to a woman that her slip is showing ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY MORNING HEADACHE n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK n. a person who offers hindsight criticisms of problems already faced by others; a second-guesser ...1932 Amer. sl., esp. journalists' usage
vb. to criticize with the benefit of hindsight ...1950 Amer. sl., esp. journalists' usage
• MONDAY MORNING SICKNESS n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY SICKNESS n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY'S LONGER THAN SUNDAY phr. used to indicate that a woman's slip is showing ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONDO adj. great in size, amount, prominence, or degree; big, huge; hence, extraordinary ...1968 Amer. sl.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1968 Amer. sl.
• MONDO BIZARRO adj. exceedingly strange ...1966 Amer. sl.
• MONET n. a person who seems attractive or desirable from a distance, but isn't up close ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MONEY adj. winning ...1934 Amer. sl.
n. 1. a (generally very young ) girl's private parts ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a mass of bubbles floating on a hot drink, such as cocoa or tea, sometimes on cold drinks, such as root beer; a lot of bubbles in your cup or glass meant you would soon come into some money ...c1870 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a crucial element ...1960 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a friend ...1990 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY ARM n. a pitcher's throwing arm ...1971 Amer. baseball usage
• MONEY-BAG adj. wealthy ...1980s sl.
n. (as 'moneybag')
n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. a wealthy person ...1912 sl.
• MONEY-BAG LORD n. 1. an ennobled banker ...1885 society colloq.
n. 2. an ennobled millionaire or successful businessman ...L19 sl.
• MONEY-BAGS adj. wealthy ...1980s sl.
n. 1. a wealthy person ...1818 sl.
n. 2. a lover of money ...E19 sl.
• MONEY BONE, THE n. a pitcher's throwing arm ...1962 Amer. baseball usage
• MONEY-BOX n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MONEY-BUG n. a millionaire ...c1898 sl., orig. US
• MONEY-CALLED adj. motivated by money rather than by dedication ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CALLED PREACHER n. a professional preacher who would find some other work if he was not paid well ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEY CAT n. a calico cat, esp. one with at least three colours ...1957 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CATCHER n. a dandelion blossom gone to seed ...1896 Amer. dial.
• MONEY CHILD n. a child who is reared by someone for a fee ...1947 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CLEANER n. a non-existent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CORMORANT n. one greedy for money ...1840
• MONEY-CUFFEE n. a foolish spendthrift ...L19 W. Indies sl.
• MONEY DOG n. 1. a person who saves in a mean way or is greedy in money matters ...1970 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a friend ...1995 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY-DROPPER n. a swindler who, dropping counterfeit money, gets good change from some 'flat' ...1748 cant
• MONEYFIED †* adj. endowed with money ...1641
• MONEY FOR DICK n. money for nothing ...1914 army sl.
• MONEY FOR DIRT n. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR DUST n. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR JAM n. 1. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1919 sl., orig. military
n. 2. sure money, or more generally, money easily obtained or earned ...20C colloq.
• MONEY FOR OLD ROPE n. 1. something requiring little effort ...1936 sl., orig. services' usage
n. 2. money for nothing or almost nothing ...20C colloq.
• MONEY FROM HOME n. something easily obtained ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GOING TO BED phr. a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GOLD LIGHT n. a will-o'-the-wisp ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GRIP n. a friend ...1990 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY-GRUB n. one who is sordidly intent on amassing money; an avaricious person ...1768
• MONEY HOUND n. a person who saves in a mean way or is greedy in money matters ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONEY LIGHT n. a will-o'-the-wisp ...c1952 Amer. dial.
• MONEY MACHINE n. (usually offensive) the vagina, usually of a prostitute ...1961 Amer. sl.
• MONEY-MAKER n. 1. (usually offensive) the vagina, usually of a prostitute ...1785 sl.
n. 2. (usually offensive) the buttocks, usually of a woman ...a1972 Amer. sl.
• MONEY MAKES THE MARE TO GO phr. money can do most things ...L16 colloq.
• MONEY MISER n. a skinflint, a miserly person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONEY OUT vb. to pay up ...1868 Amer. sl.
• MONEY PLAYER n. 1. in sports and gambling: one who performs well under the pressure of intense competition ...1922 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a professional athlete ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MONEY POSITION n. the winner of a contest, esp. a horse race ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MONEY-PUKER n. an automatic teller machine ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MONEY PUNCH n. in boxing, a knockout blow ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MONEY RIDER n. a jockey who is well-known for riding winning horses ...c1961 Amer. sl.
• MONEY SHOWER n. a shower or wedding at which money is given as a gift ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-SPINNER n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. a spider; if you don't hurt or kill them, they'll bring good luck ...1884 Amer. dial.
n. 3. something profitable ...1952 sl.
• MONEY TALKS n. money is very powerful ...1586
• MONG adj. stupid, dull ...1970s sl.
n. 1. a mongrel dog ...1903 Aust. sl.
n. 2. any dog, even of the best pedigree ...c1940 Aust. sl.
vb. to be dully comatose or lethargic...2000s sl.
• MONGEE n. food ...1914 Amer. hobo usage
vb. to eat ...1930 Amer. hobo usage
• MONGEY n. food ...1914 military sl.
• MONGIE adj. 1. dirty; evil-smelling; nasty ...1970s Eng. sl.
adj. 2. dull, stupid ...c1975 teen sl.
• MONGISH adj. stupid ...1980 teen sl.
• MONGO adj. 1. considerable, substantial, huge, big ...1974 US teen & campus sl.
adj. 2. very many ...1986 Amer. sl.
adv. extremely ...1990s sl.
n. 1. an idiot; a weirdo ...1975 Amer. sl.
n. 2. objects retrieved from trash; hence, a scavenger ...1984 Amer. sl.
• MONGOL n. a Chinese immigrant to Australia, or the United States ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MONGOLIAN n. a Chinese immigrant to Australia, or the United States ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MONGOLITO n. a term of endearment ...1980s US campus sl.
• MONGOLOID n. a stupid, dumb person ...1990s sl.
• MONGOOSE n. 1. an albino, esp. as a term of abuse ...1900s W. Indies sl.
n. 2. a McDonnell-Douglas A-4 Skyhawk strike fighter, as modified for advanced combat training ...1987 Amer. military aviation usage
• MONGOOSE GANG n. a group of thugs working for a politician and acting as a form of private army/secret police ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• MONG OUT vb. to be dully comatose or lethargic ...2000s sl.
• MONGREL adj. an abusive epithet ...17C sl.
n. 1. an accomplice who helps in a confidence trickster's pose as a poor scholar ...16C UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a general term of abuse ...L16 Aust. & NZ sl.
n. 3. a sponger; a hanger-on among cheats ...c1720 cant
• MONGY adj. stupid, dull ...1970s sl.
• MONICA n. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONICKER n. a name, esp. a nickname or alias ...1851 Amer. sl.
• MONIKA n. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONIKER n. a name, esp. a nickname or alias ...1851 Amer. sl.
• MONISH n. money ...1804 Amer. Anglo-Yiddish usage
• MONK n. 1. a monkey ...1841 sl.
n. 2. a general term of contempt ...M19 sl.
n. 3. (contemptuous) a Chinese person ...1903 Amer. sl.
n. 4. (contemptuous) a Black immigrant from the West Indies ...1924 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a supreme court judge ...1931 US criminals' sl.
n. 6. a ferret ...Bk1942 Amer. circus sl.
n. 7. addiction to a drug, usually heroin ...1960s US sl.
n. 8. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1961 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to tinker, trifle, or fool around; to tamper or interfere with surreptitiously ...1889-90 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to make a fool of ...1916 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to neck, to engage in sexual activity ...1950s US sl.
• MONK BAG n. a small leather wallet or purse worn around the neck, tucked out of sight ...1841 Amer. sl., chiefly nautical
• MONKERY n. the country ...c1790 sl.
• MONKERY, THE n. tramps or other vagrants collectively ...1851 tramps' sl.
• MONKEY n. 1. a rascal, a scamp; used jocularly, esp. in reference to a woman or child ...1602
n. 2. a man, a fellow, a character; usually used disparagingly ...1689
n. 3. a great-coat ...c1810 Royal Navy sl.
n. 4. a padlock ...1812 sl.
n. 5. a mischievous child ...1819 sl.
n. 6. £500 or $500 ...1832 sl.
n. 7. a porous earthen vessel for the cooling of water or other beverages ...1834 nautical sl.
n. 8. orig. a short, close-fitting jacket; a pea jacket; also, a heavy thigh-length coat, esp. as worn by sailors ...1838 Amer. nautical sl.
n. 9. (usually offensive and contemptuous) a non-White or dark-complexioned person, esp. a person of African or Asian descent; in World War II, a Japanese person ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
n. 10. a keg, cask or other container for liquor ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
n. 11. a sheep ...c1880 Aust. sl.
n. 12. the vulva or vagina ...c1888 Amer. sl.
n. 13. a clerk, esp. if unimportant ...1909 mechanics' sl.
n. 14. the coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
n. 15. (derogatory) a Black person ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 16. a victim or intended victim of swindlers ...1922 Amer. criminals' sl.
n. 17. a dancing girl; a chorus girl; also, a taxi dancer ...1928 Amer. sl.
n. 18. a federal prohibition agent ...1930 Amer. sl., now hist.
n. 19. the winged seed of maple or ash ...1949 Amer. dial.
n. 20. an addiction, esp. to heroin ...1949 Amer. sl.
n. 21. in construction: a pile driver ...1965 Amer. sl.
n. 22. nonsense, baloney ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 23. the penis ...1989 Amer. sl.
n. 24. in real estate: a mortgage ...1990 Amer. sl.
vb. to tinker, trifle, or fool around; to fritter away one's time; usually used with 'with' ...1877-78 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ABOUT vb. to behave mischievously or aimlessly ...1889
• MONKEY AROUND vb. to act without purpose; to play around; to behave mischievously or aimlessly ...1884 Amer. colloq.
• MONKEY-ASSED adj. damned ...1989 Amer. sl.
• MONKEYBACK n. a man who dresses in formal dinner clothes ...1928 US Black sl.
• MONKEY BAG n. a small leather wallet or purse worn around the neck, tucked out of sight ...1847 Amer. sl., chiefly nautical
• MONKEY BAIT n. free samples of addictive drugs ...1950s drugs sl.
• MONKEY-BITE n. 1. a mark left, often on the shoulder, by amorous biting; a hickey ...c1930 Can. sl.
n. 2. a hand grab, as just above the knee, no bruise ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY BLANKET n. a pancake ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-BOARD n. the conductor's or the footman's place on an old-style omnibus or on a carriage ...1842 colloq.
• MONKEY BONE n. the funny bone ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY BUSINESS n. foolishness; also, underhand actions or trickery; misbehaviour ...1883 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-CAGE n. 1. a grated room from which a convict sees his relatives and friends ...c1870 sl.
n. 2. the steel structure of a modern building ...20C sl., chiefly Cockneys'
n. 3. a caboose ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY CAP n. an overseas cap...1919 Amer. Army sl.
• MONKEY CAPERS n. monkey business ...1846 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY CATCHER n. a shrewd, level-headed person, one not too scrupulous in his methods, and who adds cunningness to his cleverness ...Bk1892 W. Indian sl.
• MONKEY-CHASER n. 1. a Black immigrant from the West Indies; used contemptuously ...1924 US Black sl.
n. 2. a man interested in a chorus girl or taxi-dancer ...1931 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a South Sea Islander, a Polynesian ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY CLIMB vb. to climb the trunk of a tree by holding on with your legs while you pull yourself up with your hands .,..1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY CLOTHES n. a man's formal dress; evening clothes ...1904 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DICK n. 1. Vienna sausage; frankfurter, hot dog ...1965 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a stupid or contemptible person ...1988 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DICKS n. link sausages ...1970s Amer. campus sl.
• MONKEY-DODGER n. a sheep-station hand ...20C Aust. sl.
• MONKEY-DOODLE n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DRILL n. 1. calisthenics ...1895 Amer. sl., chiefly Navy & US Marine Corps
n. 2. a mounted cavalry or artillery drill, often involving trick riding ...1901 US Army sl., now Hist.
n. 3. a scaling or climbing drill ...1982 US Army sl.
• MONKEYED adj. exhausted, esp. by heat ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYED UP adj. confused, mixed up ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYFACE n. a person with a monkey-like face ...1936 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY FARE n. whatever food has been prepared ...1939 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-FART AROUND vb. to waste time; to fool about ...a1970 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-FARTING n. silly behaviour, useless employment ...20C Can. sl., esp. soldiers'
• MONKEY FISHING n. fishing by using an electrical current to stun the fish ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY FOOD n. 1. snack food, finger food; a small amount of food eaten between regular meals ...1940 Amer. dial.
n. 2. peanuts ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY FRUITS n. peanuts ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY HAT n. an overseas cap ...1917 US military sl.
• MONKEY HOUSE, THE n. 1. a caboose ...1931 Can. railroadmen's sl.
n. 2. an insane asylum ...1958 US sl.
n. 3. a jail, prison stockade ...1982 US military sl.
• MONKEY HUNT n. a beach party; a good time ...19C sl.
• MONKEY HUT n. a caboose ...1977 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY IN THE WOODPILE n. a concealed fact, factor, or motive; something suspicious ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY ISLAND n. the uppermost tier of a big ship's bridge ...L19 nautical sl.
• MONKEY-JACKET n. a coat ...Bk1891 sl.
• MONKEY-JESUS n. an ugly person ...Jamaican sl.
• MONKEY MAN n. a weak and servile husband ...1924 US sl.
• MONKEY-MEAT n. the coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-MONK n. a superior or important person, whether in fact or through pretension ...L19 US sl.
• MONKEY MOTIONS n. physical exercises ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MONKEY-NUT n. a coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY NUTS n. 1. prison-cooked meatballs ...20C US prison sl.
n. 2. peanuts ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ON A GRIDIRON n. a cyclist ...L19 Cockney's sl.
• MONKEY ON A STICK n. a thin man with jerky movements ...c1880 colloq.
• MONKEY ON A WHEEL n. (derogatory) a bicyclist ...L19 sl.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK n. 1. an addiction to narcotic drugs, esp. heroin ...1860 sl.
n. 2. any form of addiction or long-term problem; a burden or great disadvantage; a source of emotional pressure ...1959 Amer. colloq.
n. 3. anger or a bad temper ...M19 sl.
n. 4. delirium tremens ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S SHOULDER n. drug addiction, esp. to heroin ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MONKEY PARADE n. the evening promenade up and down a main thoroughfare by (Cockney) young people in search of flirtation ...L19 sl.
• MONKEY PILE n. a pile of people on top of one another ...1984 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY PISS n. inferior beer or other liquor ...1975 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ON THE CHIMNEY n. a mortgage on a house ...1875 mainly legal usage
• MONKEY ON THE HOUSE n. a mortgage on a house ...1875 mainly legal usage
• MONKEY PARADE n. (derogatory) a promenade of young men and women in search of sexual partners ...1910 Brit. sl.
• MONKEY-PAW vb. to handle with great skill ...19C Royal Navy colloq.
• MONKEY PLAY n. foolishness; also, underhand actions or trickery; misbehaviour ...1953 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-POOP n. the half deck of a flush decked ship ...L19 nautical coll.
• MONKEY ROOST n. the upper balcony in a theatre ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYS n. 1. (unwanted) sexual advances ...L18 sl.
n. 2. delirium tremens ...1935 Amer. dial.
n. 3. menstrual cycle ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S ALLOWANCE n. 1. more rough treatment than money; a minimum of payment and a maximum of harsh treatment ...1785 sl.
n. 2. short rations ...L18 Royal Navy usage
• MONKEYS AND SNAKES n. delirium tremens ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S BREAKFAST n. an untidy piece of work ...20C nautical sl.
• MONKEY'S CAT n. a dupe, a stooge ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S COUSIN n. in bingo: the number 12 ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'dozen'
• MONKEY SEE: MONKEY DO! int. addressed to one who imitates the actions of another, or as warning not to do such and such because someone (usually a child) might follow suit ...c1925 Can. & US
• MONKEY'S FIST n. something that puzzles ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• MONKEY'S GOT A HEMORRHAGE phr. one is menstruating ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY SHINE n. tricks or antics ...E19 US sl.
vb. (as 'monkey-shine) to misbehave; to play tricks ...20C US sl.
• MONKEY-SHINES n. foolish behaviour; tricks or antics ...c1832 US sl.
• MONKEY SHOW n. a burlesque show having chorus girls ...1931 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY'S INSTEP n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY'S MONEY n. payment in kind, esp. labour, goods, or fair words ...c1650 colloq.
• MONKEY'S ORPHAN n. a term of abuse for a lubberly seaman ...20C Brit. nautical sl.
• MONKEY'S PARADE n. (derogatory) a promenade of young men and women in search of sexual partners ...1910 Brit. sl.
• MONKEYSPRING n. a handspring, a somersault ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S TAIL n. a nail ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MONKEY SUIT n. 1. a formal evening dress suit; a tuxedo ...1895 US
n. 2. a uniform provided by carnival proprietor ...20C Can. carnival sl.
n. 3. any uniform worn by a railway employee on a passenger train ...1901 US
• MONKEY'S WEDDING n. 1. a state of disorder or disarray ...1884 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an unpleasant smell ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• MONKEY'S WEDDING BREAKFAST n. a state of disorder or disarray ...1884 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-SWILL n. strong or inferior liquor; moonshine ...1929 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY TIE n. a particularly gaudy tie ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• MONKEY TRACK n. the scarred veins that are the product of and indicate heroin addiction ...1960s sl.
• MONKEY-TRAPS n. female finery, to 'catch' men ...c1930 sl.
• MONKEY TRICKS n. 1. foolish behaviour ...1653 sl.
n. 2. dubious activities ...18C sl.
n. 3. sexual liberties...c1890 colloq.
n. 4. any annoying or irritating action ...c1920 sl.
• MONKEY UP vb. to climb the trunk of a tree by holding on with your legs while you pull yourself up with your hands .,..1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WAGON n. 1. an estate car; a 'family' car ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a caboose ...1977 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WARD COWBOY n. a would-be cowboy, who has the clothes but is otherwise spurious ...1910s US sl.
• MONKEY WITH vb. to tamper or interfere with surreptitiously ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WITH A LONG TAIL n. a mortgage ...1886 legal usage
• MONKEY WITH THE BANDWAGON vb. to meddle in a dangerous situation ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WITH THE BUZZ SAW vb. to meddle in a dangerous situation; to risk injury of any kind ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WORK n. 1. mischievous or underhanded activity, monkey business ...1898 Amer. dial.
n. 2. trifling or insignificant work ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WRENCH vb. to repair a car or truck engine ...1961 US sl.
• MONK-ON n. a gloomy, introspective mood ...2003 Antarctica usage
• MONMOUTH STREET FINERY n. tawdry clothes, furniture, etc.; pretense, pretentiousness ...c1850 Brit. colloq.
• MONNIKER n. a person's name ...1882
• MONNISHER n. a young woman ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MONO n. a black and white television set; a monophonic sound reproductions system ,,,1970 UK sl.
• MONOBROW n. two eyebrows joined by hair growth above the nose ...1990 Aust. sl.
• MONOCULAR EYEGLASS n. the anus ...c1860 Brit. jocular
• MONOGLOT adj. 1. speaking or using only one language ...1830
adj. 2. written in only one language...1890
n. one who knows only one language ...1894
• MONOLITHIC adj. extremely drug-intoxicated ...1971 US sl.
• MONONEIRIST n. a person who has never dreamed but once ...1762-71
• MONOPHAGIAN † n. one who eats alone, or who eats only one kind of food ...1625
• MONOPHAGIZE vb. to eat alone ...1854
• MONOPHAGUE † n. one who eats alone, or who eats only one kind of food ...1625
• MONO-RUMP n. the buttocks formed into a single mass by a garment ...1974 US sl.
• MONOSYLLABLE n. the female genitals ...E19 Brit. sl.
• MONSOON BUCKET n. a helicopter-borne water container used for aerial bombardment of forest fires ...1997 Can.
• MONSTA adj. formidable; excellent ...1999 US sl.
• MONSTER adj. excellent, very good; impressive, large, big, formidable ...1953 US sl., orig. Black usage
n. 1. something that is extremely and unusually large ...1759 Brit.
n. 2. a term of endearment ...1954 US teen sl.
n. 3. a formidable piece of equipment ...1955 US sl.
n. 4. any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
n. 5. in poker: a great hand or large amount of money bet ...1982 US sl.
n. 6. an immense wave, surfed by a special and small class of surfers ...1987 US sl.
n. 7. a sex offender, a convicted paedophile ...1996 Brit. prison sl.
n. 8. an extremely unattractive woman who is seen as a sex object, esp. one who is ravaged by age ...2002 Brit. sl.
vb. 1. to harass, to threaten, to victimize someone ...1967 Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to make a verbal attack on someone or something; to put pressure on ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MONSTERED adj. drunk ...2003 Brit. sl.
• MONSTRATIOUS adj. monstrous ...1836 Amer. dial.
• MONSTROPOLOUS adj. monstrous ...1937 Amer. dial.
• MONSTROUS † adj. an intensifier ...1710-11 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
adv. exceedingly, very ...1590
• MONSTROUS GOOD adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONTANIC †* adj. pertaining to mountains; consisting of mountains ...1799
• MONTE-MAN n. a confidence trickster ...1900s Aust. sl.
• MONTEZUMA GOLD n. good-quality marijuana from Mexico ...1970s US drugs sl.
• MONTEZUMAS n. bloomers ...20C rhyming sl.
• MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE n. diarrhoea; originated by tourists in Mexico afflicted with diarrhoea ...1962 sl.
• MONTH HAND n. a temporary farm worker hired by the month ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONTHLIES n. the menses ...L19 Brit. & US colloq.
• MONTHLY n. the menstrual period ...L19 sl.
• MONTHLY BILL n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY DUES n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY FLOWERS n. the menses ...19C euphemism
• MONTHLY HAND n. a temporary farm worker hired by the month ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONTHLY PAIN n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY RAG n. a menstrual cloth ...20C US colloq.
• MONTHLY TERMS n. the menses ...E17
• MONTH OF SUNDAYS n. a long time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONTHS n. menstrual discharge ...1694
• MONTICOLINE * adj. inhabiting mountains ...1890
• MONTICULOUS * adj. having little hills; dwelling in hills or mounts ...1656
• MONTIVAGANT †* adj. wandering on the mountains ...1656
• MONTIVAGOUS † adj. wandering up and down the hills and mountains ...1658
• MOO n. 1. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. money ...1945 sl.
n. 3. an unpleasant or despicable female ...1967 sl.
n. 4. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOOCAH n. marijuana ...1937 US drugs sl.
• MOOCH n. 1. departure or expulsion ...1894 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a borrower or cadger ...1914 sl.
n. 3. a beggar or shiftless character; hence, a term of disparagement ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a sucker, a chump, an easy mark; one easily cheated, deceived, or imposed upon ...1927 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a kiss ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 6. narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 1. to go, to amble, to depart, to clear out; also, to sneak ...1851 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to borrow or cadge money; to obtain, as by begging, to beg; also, to steal ...1857 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to move slowly or apathetically; to idle about, to loaf ...1927 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to kiss ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOCHER n. 1. an unskilled beggar or petty thief; hence, a sponger, a borrower, a cadger ...1857 sl.
n. 2. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a politician who takes graft or who 'bolts' (opposes his or her party's position) ...Amer. World War I sl.
n. 4. an idle person; a loafer ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MOOCHING adj. idling, loafing ...M19 sl.
• MOOCH OFF vb. to laze around ...1920s US sl.
• MOOCH OVER vb. to move over, to make room ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOCH SPOT n. a hickey ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOCH THE MAIN STEM vb. to be along a town's main street ...L19 sl.
• MOOCHY adj. making a show of affection in a public place, kissing ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOO-COW n. 1. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOODIES n. depression ...1960s sl.
• MOODY n. 1. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1917 sl.
n. 2. a bad temper or fit of sulking ...1969 Brit. sl.
• MOODY-COLORED adj. of a dull or sad colour ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOOE n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOOEY n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOOEY-MOOEY n. love; lovemaking; courting ...1942 US sl.
• MOOFKY-POOFKY n. foolishness or mischief, esp. of a romantic or sexual nature; sexual activity; hanky panky ...1994 Amer. jocular
• MOOFTY-POOFTY n. foolishness or mischief, esp. of a romantic or sexual nature; sexual activity; hanky panky ...1996 Amer. jocular
• MOOJOO n. a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1938 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• MOO JUICE n. milk or cream ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOOK n. an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person ...1930 US sl.
• MOOKY adj. foolish, contemptible, ineffectual ...1967 US sl.
• MOOLA n. money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOOLAH n. money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOOLEY n. a mulatto ...2000s US Black sl.
• MOOLIE n. 1. a country person ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a Black person ...1960s US sl.
• MOO-MOO n. 2. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. a fool, a simpleton ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 3. an extremely shy person, too nervous to speak out ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 4. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOON n. 1. the buttocks ...1756 sl.
n. 2. a month's imprisonment ...1830 sl.
n. 3. illicitly distilled liquor; whisky; moonshine ...1928 US sl.
n. 4. one's navel ...1969 Amer. dial.
n. 5. mescaline ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 1. to behave or move about listlessly and unproductively ...1848 sl.
vb. 2. to drop one's trousers and expose one's naked buttocks ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MOONACK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1876 Amer. dial.
• MOON AND STARS n. an outhouse ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOON AWAY vb. to lounge, to loiter, to waste time ...L19 sl.
• MOON-BALL n. the moon ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MOONCALF † n. 1. a congenitally formed animal; a monster ...1565 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1620
n. 3. a bastard ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOON CRICKET n. a Black person ...20C US sl.
• MOON CRUMBLER n. an imaginary animal said to live in the woods ...1939 Amer. dial.
• MOON-CURSER n. 1. a link-boy, esp. one that lights his clients into a pack of rogues (link-boy = a boy who carried a flaming torch to light the way for pedestrians at night ...1673 Brit. sl.
n. 2. ('mooncurser') one who causes ships to wreck in order to plunder them; one who plunders wrecked ships ...1812 Amer. dial.
• MOONCUSSING n. taking goods from wrecked ships ...1937 Amer. dial.
• MOONDOWN n. the setting of the moon; the time when the moon sets ...1797 Amer. dial.
• MOO-NECK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOONER n. 1. a drunkard ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. someone who goes about listlessly; an idler; one who seems to be staring at the moon ...1848 sl.
n. 3. an imaginary animal said to live in the woods, to which night sounds are attributed ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MOONEY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C sl.
adj. 2. silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. absent-minded; dreamy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. illegally made whisky ...1929 Amer. dial.
• MOON-EYED adj. 1. partially blind ...1610
adj. 2. drunk ...1737 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. able to see better by night than by day ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MOON-EYED HEN n. a squinting wench ...c1780 Brit. sl.
• MOON-FACED adj. Japanese-faced ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOON-FIXER n. a very tall, usually lanky, person ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• MOONGLADE n. the diffused and lengthened reflection of moonlight on water ...1859 Amer. dial.
• MOON-HEAD n. a silly, awkward fellow ...1919 Amer. dial.
• MOON-HEADED adj. silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOONHOUSE n. an outhouse ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOONIE n. a cow with a bad temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOONISH † adj. resembling or characteristic of the moon; influenced by the moon; acting as if under the moon's influence; changeable, fickle, flighty, whimsical, capricious, variable ...c1407 obs. or arch.
• MOON IS IN THE HALLIOR, THE phr. the moon is in her last quarter, is much in the wane ...1815 Sc.
• MOON JELLY n. a jellyfish; the jellyfish most commonly washed up on beaches during high tide or after a storm ...1981 Amer. dial.
• MOONLIGHT n. smuggled spirits ...19C sl.
vb. 1. to engage in criminal activity at night ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 2. to steal cattle ...1950s Irish sl.
vb. 3. to have more than one job ...1957 sl., orig. US
• MOONLIGHTER n. 1. a prostitute ...M19 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a thief or burglar who operates at night ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 3. a smuggler of illicitly distilled liquor ...1920s sl.
n. 4. a cattle thief ...1950s Irish sl.
n. 5. someone who works at more than one job ...1957 sl.
n. 6. one who betrays their regular partner ...1960s US teen sl.
• MOONLIGHT FLIT n. the removal of one's household goods, and with them oneself, late at night in order to escape paying one's rent ...L19 sl.
• MOONLIGHT FLITS n. the female breasts ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'tits'
• MOONLIGHT FLITTING n. leaving a house late at night to avoid paying the rent ...E18 sl.
• MOONLIGHTING n. 1. taking a second job, usually late-night, in addition to one's daily employment ...1950s sl.
n. 2. loafing on the job ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOONLING † n. a simpleton, a silly fellow, a fool, an idiot, a lunatic ...1616
• MOON-MAN n. 1. a robber by night ...L16 Brit. colloq.
n. 2. a gypsy ...17C Brit. sl.
• MOONOX n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1805 Amer. dial.
• MOON-RAKER n. 1. a Wiltshire man ...c1765 Brit. colloq.
n. 2. a smuggler ...19C Eng. dial. & colloq.
n. 3. a blockhead ...c1840 Brit. colloq.
• MOONRAKING n. the act of taking part in a foolhardy or unfruitful activity
• MOONSET n. the moment when the moon disappears below the horizon
• MOONSHINE n. 1. foolish talk or thought; nonsense; humbug ...L16
n. 2. homemade whisky; cheap or inferior alcohol; any alcohol ...L18 cant & colloq.
n. 3. rice ...1933 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a month ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 5. something worthless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. (derogatory) baker's light bread ...1961 Amer. dial.
n. 7. rice and raisins cooked together (eaten by cowboys) ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOONSHOT n. 1. anal sex ...1972 US sl.
n. 2. outdoor sex at night ...1986 US sl.
• MOONSTOMP n. an ungainly dance associated with the skinhead youth cult ...1999 UK sl.
• MOONSTRICKEN adj. deranged or mad
• MOONSTRUCK adj. deranged or mad
• MOON-TIME n. the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...2000 US sl.
• MOON-UP n. moonrise ...1907 Amer. dial.
• MOONWALK vb. to perform a dance-step which, when it is done well, gives the impression of walking forward whilst gliding in reverse; popularized by Michael Jackson ...1984 US sl.
• MOONWALKER * n. a person who sleepwalks
• MOONY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 2. crazy; foolish; silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 sl.
adj. 3. absent-minded; dreamy; listless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. any slow or romantic dance, or the music for it, played at an organized dance or disco, esp. at the end of an evening ...1988 Sc. sl.
• MOOP n. a person suffering from chronic disorientation in Arctic regions of Antarctica produced by long days and then long nights ...1959 Antarctica usage
• MOO POO n. cow manure ...1994 Aust. sl.
• MOOR n. a member of a racially mixed people living in central Delaware and southern New Jersey ...1888 Amer. dial.
• MOOR, THE n. Dartmoor prison ...1869 UK sl.
• MOOSE n. 1. (derogatory) a nickname for a woman ...20C US sl.
n. 2. a large, powerful, or clumsy person ...1910 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a Japanese or Korean prostitute; hence, any Asian woman who cohabits with a serviceman ...1951 US military in the Far East
n. 4. a young Japanese or Korean woman, esp. the wife or mistress of a serviceman stationed in Japan or Korea ...1953 US services' sl.
n. 5. a big man; an overweight girl; anything large and difficult to manage ...1973 US Sl.
n. 6. a girl ...1974 Amer. sl.
n. 7. an unattractive female ...1995 Irish sl.
n. 8. in poker: a large pot ...1996 US sl.
• MOOSE CAT n. 1. anyone possessing great ability, strength, etc.; an extraordinary person ...1926 Amer. logging usage
n. 2. anything unusually large or extraordinary ...1956 Amer. logging usage
• MOOSE-EYE n. a strong, direct stare ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOOSEFACE n. an ugly or unattractive person ...1859 Amer. sl.
• MOOSE JAW n. a large or protruding jaw ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOSE-JAWED adj. having a prominent lower jaw ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOSE MILK n. 1. whisky ...1954 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a mixed alcoholic drink made with ingredients such as milk and eggs and usually rum ...1957 Can. sl.
• MOOSEY n. the vagina ...1920 US sl.
• MOOSH n. 1. the face or mouth ...L18 sl., orig. Aust. & US
n. 2. prison food, often porridge ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 3. a guardroom or cell; a military prison ...1917 sl.
n. 4. a term of address to a male; gen. used by men to other men ...1936 Brit. sl.
n. 5. a moustache ...1960s sl.
n. 6. mushrooms ...1990s sl.
• MOOT n. a soft roll of dust that collects on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOTA n. marijuana ...1933 US sl.
• MOOTAH n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOTCHER n. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOOTER n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOTIE n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOZIE n. a soft roll of dust that collects on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1980 Amer. dial.
• MOOZLES n. a slow, stupid, slovenly person ...1878 Eng. dial.
• MOP n. 1. a fool; an oaf ...14C sl.
n. 2. a drunk who soaks up alcohol ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 3. a person's face ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a sad face or expression
n. 5. a tangle of hair
vb. to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOP ALONG vb. to move lethargically ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MOP AND MOW vb. to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOPE n. 1. a fool; a dolt; an oaf; a dullard ...E17
n. 2. a hasty or unceremonious departure ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a stealthy escape ...1926 US sl.
n. 4. (derogatory) a nonsurgeon physician ...1994 hospital usage
n. 5. a thug ...1997 US sl.
vb. 1. to be slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to quit your job in the circus ...1980 US sl.
• MOPE AWAY vb. to quit your job in the circus ...1980 US sl.
• MOPED n. a fat female; a promiscuous female ...2001 US sl.
• MOPERY n. incompetence, stupidity ...1907 US sl.
• MOPES, THE n. a fit of depression; a gloomy mood; a fit of being dispirited ...1954 Amer. dial.
• MOPEY adj. slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOPHEAD n. a person with thick, shaggy hair
• MOPHY n. a male homosexual ...1929 sl., chiefly S. Afr.
• MOPISH adj. 1. dejected, gloomy
† adj. 2. foolish, silly
• MOP JOCKEY n. a janitor or custodian ...1958 US sl.
• MOPOKE n. a slow or lugubrious person ...Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOPP vb. to don protective clothing and breathing apparatus against chemical warfare; 'Mission Oriented Protective Posture' ...1993 US sl.
• MOPPER n. a person who tends to wheedle drinks from friends ...1950 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• MOPPET n. a child ...1601 Brit.
• MOPPLE n. 1. confusion, a state of disorder ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a blunder, a mistake ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to confuse, to puzzle ...1869 Eng. dial.
• MOPPUS n. 1. a farthing ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a halfpenny ...L17 sl.
• MOPPUSSES n. money ...L18 sl.
• MOPPY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 2. of hair: thick, untidy, dishevelled
• MOPS AND BROOMS adj. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C sl.
• MOP-SQUEEZER n. in a deck of playing cards: a queen ...1949 US sl.
• MOPSTICK n. 1. a fool or an idiot ...sl.
n. 2. a person who does odd jobs in a bar or saloon in exchange for drinks ...US
• MOPSY † n. 1. a term of endearment; a pretty child; a young girl; a darling, a sweetheart ...1582 ? obs.
† n. 2. a slatternly, untidy woman; a sloven; a dowdy or homely woman ...a1700 ? obs.
n. 3. a woolly variety of dog ...1855
n. 4. a diminutive or small person; a doll ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOP THE HAIR vb. to wash the hair ...1952 Amer. dial.
• MOPTOP n. a youth or a young man who wears his hair in a fringed style popularized by the Beatles in the early 1960s ...1964 Brit. sl.
• MOP-UP n. an operation to tidy up after a flood, fire, etc.
vb. (as 'mop up')
vb. 1. to guzzle liquor ...1811 sl.
vb. 2. to gain or win a significant of money ...1851 sl.
vb. 3. to finish off, usually by killing, to vanquish; hence, to finish the remainder of a task ...1898 sl.
• MOPUS n. 1. a farthing ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a halfpenny ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a piece of money; coin ...1698 sl.
n. 4. a person who mopes
• MOPUSSES n. money ...L18 sl.
• MORAGRIFA n. marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MORAL adj. certain, definite ...1900s sl.
• MORASS n. a disordered or muddled situation or circumstance, esp. one that impedes progress
• MORBULENT * adj. sickly, full of diseases ...1656
• MORE ASS THAN A PADDOCK OF COWS phr. said of one who is very cheeky ...1990s Aust. sl.
• MORE BALLS THAN A POOL HALL phr. said of a courageous person ...1966 US sl.
• MORE BALLS THAN BRAINS phr. said of someone who has more strength than intelligence ...a1890 US sl.
• MORE CURTAINS! int. used by women to tease anyone passing by in evening dress ...1910s Cockney sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BRIGHTON phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BRIGHTON BEACH phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BUCKINGHAM PALACE phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN FOY AND GIBSON'S phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1950s Aust. sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN HARRODS phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1970s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN MYERS phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1950s Aust. sl.
• MORE F THAN R phr. 'more fool than rogue'; originally and chiefly used of a servant ...M19 sl.
• MORE HOLY THAN RIGHTEOUS phr. applied to a tattered garment or person ...1880 colloq.
• MOREISH adj. 1. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1905 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. hungry ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORE LIKE IT phr. satisfactory ...1888 sl.
• MOREPORK n. a 'dull dog'; a fool ...c1840 Aust. colloq.
• MOREPORK KIND OF A FELLOW n. a 'dull dog'; a fool ...c1840 Aust. colloq.
• MORE POWER TO YOUR ELBOW! int. an exclamation of encouragement, good luck to you! ...1848 Ireland
• MORE RED NEBS THAN MIDGES phr., used in very cold weather ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• MORE R THAN F phr. applied to one who is more rogue than fool, esp. to a servant that seemed foolish ...c1860 sl.
• MORE SACKS TO THE MILL! int. pile it on! there's plenty here! ...16C colloq.
• MORE SAUCE THAN PIG phr. indicates greater show than substance ...c1670 colloq.
• MORE SIDE THAN A BILLIARD BALL adj. very arrogant, snobbish ...1910s Aust. sl.
• MORE SQUEAK THAN WOOL phr. indicates greater show than substance ...18C colloq.
• MORE THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT n. a great number, beyond number, impossible to count ...E19 sl., orig. US
• MORE THAN YOU COULD POKE A STICK AT n. a very large amount ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MORE TIME phr. see you later ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• MORETON n. 1. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
n. 2. a busybody ...1970s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'gig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
• MORETON BAY n. 1. one who betrays associates to the police or other authorities; an informer ...1953 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
n. 2. a busybody ...1970s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'gig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
• MORETON BAY FIG n. an informer to the police ...Aust. sl.
• MORE WAR! int. directed at a street quarrel, esp. among women ...1898 Cockney usage
• MORE WRINKLES THAN INCHES phr. of weather or man: extremely cold ...20C Brit. sl., orig. Royal Navy
• MOREY adj. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1975 Amer. dial.
• MORF n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...E20 US sl.
n. 2. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 3. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORFIEND n. a morphine addict ...M20 US sl.
• MORFO n. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MORGANIZE vb. to abduct ...M19 US sl.
• MORIBUND adj. 1. in a dying state; at the point of death ...1721
adj. 2. on the point of coming to an end ...1837
n. a person in a dying state ...1835
• MORIENT † adj. dying ...1679
• MORIGERATE * adj. complying, obedient ...a1533
† vb. to do as commanded; to obey, to comply ...1623
• MORIGEROUS adj. obedient, dutiful, compliant, submissive ...c1600
• MORISH adj. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1905 Amer. dial.
• MORK †* vb. to complain, to murmur ...c888
• MORLEY n. 1. the hand, a fist ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a finger; usually used in plural ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a signature; handwriting ...M19 sl.
• MORLOCK n. a prank, frolic, a lark; a trick, a practical joke; a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MORMON STATE n. Utah ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORNGLOAM n. the morning twilight ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MORNING PRIDE n. a morning erection ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORNIN'S MORNIN n. a morning drink ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOROLOGY † n. 1. a silly speech, foolish talking; folly, nonsense ...1596
n. 2. the science that treats of fools ...1867 humorous
• MOROSOPH † n. 1. a 'wise fool'; a jester ...a1693
n. 2. one who is 'foolishly wise'; a philosophical or learned fool; one learned but lacking common sense ...1751
• MORPH n. 1. morphine ...1912 US sl.
n. 2. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORPHIE n. morphine ...20C US drugs sl.
• MORPHO n. 1. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 2. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORPHODITE n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...20C Amer. dial.
n. 2. a sexual pervert; a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• MORPHY n. morphine ...20C US drugs sl.
• MORPHYDITE n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...20C Amer. dial.
n. 2. a sexual pervert; a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• MORSEL n. a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MORUNGEOUS adj. harsh, stern; outrageous; obstreperous, ...1864 Sc.
• MORT n. 1. a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
n. 2. a sexually loose woman ...18C sl.
n. 3. death ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 4. a corpse ...19C Eng. dial.
• MORTAL adj. 1. drunk ...1824 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
adj. 2. long and wearisome; boring ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adv. very ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTALLIOUS adj. dead drunk ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORTAR n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORTAR BOARD n. an emery nail file ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORTASES n. tomatoes ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTH OF COLD, A n. intensity of cold, severe cold; a very heavy cold ...1824 Sc. & Ireland
• MORTIAL adv. very ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTON n. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Morton Bay Fig)
• MORTON BAY n. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Morton Bay Fig)
• MORT WOP-APACE n. an experienced prostitute ...17C cant
• MOSCHATE adj. having a musky smell ...1820
• MOSCOW n. a pawnshop ...1910 Aust. sl.
vb. to pawn ...1910 Aust. sl.
• MOSCOW MULE n. a cocktail of vodka, lime juice, and ginger beer, traditionally served in a copper mug
• MOSE n. (derogatory when used generically) a nickname for a Black man ...20C US colloq.
• MOSES n. a bookmaker ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MOSEY vb. 1. to leave quickly; to depart, to be off; decamp ...1820 Amer.
vb. 2. to wander or shuffle about leisurely; to stroll; to saunter: often followed by 'along', 'about', etc ...1820 Amer.
• MOSEY ALONG vb. to be slow; to stroll, to saunter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSHKY n. a user of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOSOB n. bosom ...20C US back-slang
• MOSQUITO n. a musket ...1845 Amer. jocular
• MOSQUITO BITES n. small breasts ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MOSQUITO BOAT n. a small river craft carrying light guns ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MOSQUITO HAWK n. a dragonfly ...chiefly southern US
• MOSQUITO'S EYEBROWS n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSQUITO'S PANTS n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSS n. 1. the female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person ...M20 US sl.
n. 3. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOSSA! int. Well! Well! ...1981 Irish sl.
• MOSSBACK n. 1. a conservative; one opposed to progress; an old-time pioneer who is satisfied with life and whose narrow ways prevent development; an out-of-date person; an old-fashioned person ...1878 US colloq.
n. 2. a person living in the backwoods; a rustic ...colloq.
n. 3. a wild bull or cow ...Amer.
n. 4. an old and large fish, as a bass ...angling usage
n. 5. an old turtle
• MOSSBACKED adj. slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSS-GROWN adj. old-fashioned; antiquated
• MOSSHEAD n. (derogatory) a Black person ...M20 US sl.
• MOSS HORN n. an aged cowboy ...1880 Western US
• MOSSIE n. 1. the Cape sparrow ...c1870 S. Afr. colloq.
n. 2. a mosquito ...1936 sl., orig. Aust.
• MOSSING n. depositing things in pawn ...20C Brit. sl.
• MOSS-JUMPER n. a rustic ...L18 Brit. sl.
• MOSS ON THE BOSOM n. hair growing on the man's chest ...20C US sl.
• MOSSOO n. monsieur; a Frenchman ...1870 Brit. colloq.
• MOSS-ROSE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• MOSSY adj. 1. dull, stupid ...c1595 jocular
adj. 2. hairy ...19C colloq.
adj. 3. old or outdated; antiquated
• MOSSY AGATE n. something that is 'just the thing' ...E20 Brit. sl.
• MOSSY-BACK n. a conventional person; an old-fashioned person ...1878 chiefly N. Amer.
• MOSSY-CELL n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. the female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• MOSSY DOUGHNUT n. the vagina ...1940s US sl.
• MOSSY FACE n. 1. the female genitals and pubic hair ...L18 sl.
n. 2. the ace of spades ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOSSY HORN n. 1. an aged cowboy ...1880 Western US
n. 2. an old steer, esp. a longhorn with scaly horns ...1880 Western US
• MOST, THE n. the best, the most exciting, the finest, the ultimate in something ...1953 sl., orig. US
• MOSTEST n. the very best ...L19 sl., orig. US
• MOST ON TOAST, THE n. the best, the most exciting, the finest ...1950s sl., orig. US
• MOST RICKY-TICK adv. very quickly ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• MOSTWHAT † adv. mostly, for the most part ...a1300
• MOSY ALONG vb. to be slow; to stroll, to saunter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOT n. a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
n. 2. a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 4. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 5. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 6. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 7. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
vb. to go out pursuing women, to court ...19C sl.
• MOTA n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOTABLE † adj. always moving, still in motion ...1656
• MOT-CART n. 1. a brougham or similar vehicle owned by a kept woman or well-off prostitute ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a mattress ...L19 sl.
• MOT-CASE n. a brothel ...M19 sl.
• MOTH n. a prostitute; a prostitute who prowls in the night ...L19 sl.
• MOTHBALL adj. inactive, unused; stored away
vb. to put into storage or reserve; to inactivate
• MOTH-EATEN adj. out of fashion; antiquated
ֳ• MOTHER n. 1. a madam ...17C Brit. cant
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
n. 3. the 'leader' of a group of homosexual males; the 'sponsor' of a young homosexual in homosexual society ...M20 US homosexual usage
n. 4. any homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual usage
• MOTHER ABBESS n. a brothel-keeper, a madame ...L17 sl.
• MOTHER BUNCH n. an unattractive, fat or untidy old woman ...1847 sl.
• MOTHER CAREY IS PLUCKING HER GEESE phr. it is snowing ...B1900
• MOTHER-FUCKER n. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1956 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MOTHER-HOPPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1970s euphemism
• MOTHER-HOPPING adj. an intensifier ...1960s US euphemism
• MOTHER-HUBBA n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
• MOTHER HUBBARD n. 1. a cupboard ...L19 rhyming sl.
n. 2. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
n. 3. nonsense, fanciful talk, lies ...1980s sl.
• MOTHER HUBBER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
• MOTHER-HUGGER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s US euphemism,
• MOTHER-HUGGING adj. an intensifier ...1950s US euphemism
• MOTHER-HUMPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1960s US euphemism,
• MOTHER-HUMPING adj. an intensifier ...1960s US euphemism
• MOTHER-IN-LAW n. the number 7 pin ...1976 Amer. bowling usage
• MOTHER-IN-LAW SEAT n. the back seat of a two-seat airplane ...1961 Amer. aviation usage jocular
• MOTHERJUMPER n. an affected euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1949 US sl.
• MOTHERJUMPING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1950 US sl.
• MOTHER KELLY n. 1. a jelly ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
n. 2. television ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'telly'
• MOTHERLESS adj. completely broke; motherless broke ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERLESS BROKE adj. penniless, completely broke, bankrupt, destitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERLING n. a term of endearment for a mother ...1865
• MOTHER LOVER n. a euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1950 US sl.
• MOTHER LOVING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1951 US sl.
• MOTHERLUMPING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1961 US sl.
• MOTHER-MIDNIGHT † n. a midwife ...1602 sl.
• MOTHER NATURE n. 1. marijuana ...1969 US sl.
n. 2. menstruation ...1978 Amer. dial.
• MOTHER NATURE'S GIFT n. the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...1999 US sl.
• MOTHER NATURE'S MARACAS n. the testicles ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER NATURE'S OWN TOBACCO n. marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL MASONS n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL SAINTS n. the vagina ...L18 sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL SOULS n. the vagina ...L18 sl.
• MOTHER OF GOD n. LSD ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER OF LAW † n. a mother-in-law ...1538
• MOTHER OF PEARL n. 1. a girl ...L19 rhyming sl.
n. 2. cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• MOTHER OF PRESIDENTS n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER OF SHIT! int. an exclamation of surprise, rage or exasperation ...1940s US
• MOTHER OF ST. PATRICK n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• MOTHER OF ST. PAUL n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• MOTHER OF THAT WAS A WHISKER, THE phr. a retort to an utterly implausible story ...M19 sl.
• MOTHER OF THE MAIDS n. a madam. a brothel-keeper ...E17 sl.
• MOTHER PARKER n. a tough, older homosexual ...1950s US homosexual sl.
• MOTHER-PLUGGER n. a term of a abuse; an extreme insult ...1920s US Black sl.
• MOTHERRAMMING adj. a general intensifier; 'motherfucking' ...1960s US Black euphemism
• MOTHER-RAPER n. a euphemism for 'motherfucker'; an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1959 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MOTHER-RAPING adj. euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1932 US sl.
• MOTHER-ROBBING adj. euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1948 US sl.
• MOTHERS n. gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHERS AND LOVERS n. a very small crowd at a competition ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERSCRATCHER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...2001 US sl.
• MOTHER'S DAY n. a payday or day when welfare cheques are issued; payday, because on payday you pay the money you owe to one mother(fucker) after another ...1965 US sl.
• MOTHERSELLER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1953 US sl.
• MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER n. 1. any tranquillizer ...1977 US sl.
n. 2. amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER'S PRIDE n. a bride ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MOTHER'S RUIN n. gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHER STATE n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER SUCKER n. a crybaby ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER SUPERIOR n. an older, experienced homosexual man ...1941 US sl.
• MOTHER WIT n. common sense ...1972 US sl.
• MOTION LOTION n. 1. gasoline; fuel ...1976 Amer. jocular
n. 2. alcoholic liquor ...1978 Amer. jocular
• MOTITATION * n. a quivering movement ...1641
• MOTIVATE vb. 1. to leave ...1955 US sl.
vb. 2. to go, esp. in a motor vehicle ...1955 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to go, travel, or depart, esp. hurriedly ...1966 Amer. sl.
• MOTO n. 1. marijuana ...1950s US drugs sl.
n. 2. a motivated self-starter ...1993 US sl.
• MOTOR n. 1. a motorcycle ...1946-51 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a motor car ...1984 UK sl.
vb. 1. to go at a great speed ...1980 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to leave ...1980 US sl.
vb. 3. to perform a task very well ...1983 UK sl.
vb. 4. to leave quickly ...1988 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR BULLET n. an automobile with a torpedo body ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR CITY n. Detroit, Michigan ...1961 US sl.
• MOTOR COP n. a motorcycle policeman ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTORHEAD n. 1. a fool, a dolt, an idiot ...1973 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a person who is over-enthusiastic about cars ...1974 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a person with more than a passing interest in the internal combustion engine ...1974 US sl.
• MOTORHUCKLE n. a motorcycle ...1983 Amer. jocular
• MOTOR MAC n. a motor mechanic or machinist's mate ...1953 Amer. navy sl.
• MOTORMOUTH n. 1. a person given to incessant talking or chattering, or who talks when it would be better not to talk ...1963 Amer. sl.
n. 2. the mouth of a garrulous person; hence chatter ...1976 Amer. sl.
vb. to talk without stopping; to chatter ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MOTORMOUTHED adj. given to incessant talking or chattering ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR SCOOTER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1960 US sl.
• MOTORSICKLE n. a motorcycle ...1967 US sl.
• MOTOR TORPEDO n. an automobile with a torpedo body ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTORVATE vb. to go in a vehicle ...1978 Amer. sl.
• MOTORWAY n. when skiing, a broad, easy piste ...1982 UK sl.
• MOTORWAY DRAW n. marijuana ...2001 UK sl.
• MOTOR WHEEL n. a motorcycle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTOWN n. Detroit, Michigan ...1971 US
• MOTSA n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MOTSER n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTT n. 1. a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 4. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 5. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 6. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
• MOTTE n. 1. a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 4. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 5. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 6. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
• MOTTLED adj. drunk ...2002 UK sl.
• MOTT THE HOOPLE n. a scruple ...2004 UK rhyming sl.
• MOTZA n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZER n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOUCH n. an easy subject for a beggar ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUCHER n. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOULDWARP n. a stupid, worthless, or good-for-nothing person; a senseless person; a dolt ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MOULDY adj. 1. depressed ...1876 sl.
adj. 2. of low quality, bad, inferior, unsatisfactory ...1896 sl.
adj. 3. unpleasant; disagreeable ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 4. insignificant; trivial; worthless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 5. drunk ...1996 Ireland sl.
n. a torpedo ...1916 Brit. sl.
• MOULDY-FIG n. a very dull person ...1945 US sl.
• MOULDY-'UNS n. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOULENJAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULIN ROUGE n. a stooge (comedian's assistant) ...1980 UK theatrical rhyming sl.
• MOULONJAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULONJOHN n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULY n. a Black person ...1990 US sl.
• MOUNSEER n. a Frenchman; (French 'monsieur') ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MOUNT n. 1. a saddle-horse ...1856 colloq.
n. 2. a wife or mistress ...c1856 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a copulation ...c1856 Brit. sl.
n. 4. any machine ...1935 Brit. sl.
n. 5. in hot rodding, a driver's car ...1948 US sl.
vb. 1. to get upon in order to copulate with ...L16
vb. 2. to supply, to 'set up' ...c1770 Brit.
vb. 3. to swear falsely, to commit perjury, for money ...c1780 sl.
• MOUNT, THE n. 1. London Bridge ...1718 Brit. sl.
n. 2. Montreal ...20C Can. tramps' sl.
n. 3. one's bicycle ...c1930 Brit. services' jocular
• MOUNT A CORPORAL AND FOUR vb. to masturbate ...L18 Brit. sl.
• MOUNTAIN n. an erection ...1990s US college sl.
• MOUNTAIN BOOMER n. one from the outlying districts; an uncouth person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOUNTAIN CANARY n. 1. a donkey ...1920s US sl., chiefly Western usage
n. 2. a mule ...1997 US sl.
• MOUNTAIN CLIMBER n. a feeling of intoxication produced by drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEVIL n. a native of Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEW n. 1. whisky, distilled illegally ...1816 UK sl.
n. 2. rum, distilled illegally ...1926 Trinidad and Tobago
• MOUNTAIN GOAT n. 1. any form of prison meat ...1940s US prison sl.
n. 2. a coat ...1988 Glasgow rhyming sl.
• MOUNTAIN GUINEA n. a northern Italian; used by southern Italians ...1960s US Italians' usage
• MOUNTAIN LAMB n. 1. salt pork ...20C US sl.
n. 2. venison ...20C US sl.
• MOUNTAIN OYSTERS n. lamb or calf testicles as food ...1857 US sl.
• MOUNTAIN PASSES n. spectacles, glasses ...1960 UK rhyming sl.
• MOUNTAIN-PECKER n. 1. a sheep's head ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a Welshman ...L19 sl.
• MOUNTAIN STATE n. West Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUNTAIN TROUT n. a bookmaker's tout ...1930s rhyming sl.
• MOUNT ALDRICH n. logic ...E19 Oxford University usage
• MOUNT EUCLID n. mathematics ...c1810 Oxford University usage
• MOUNTIE n. a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1914 colloq.
• MOUNT THE HIGH HORSE vb. said of a person affecting airs of superiority, or behaving pretentiously or arrogantly; to be overbearing or oppressive; to be proud; to take offense ...1871
• MOUNT THE LADDER vb. to be hanged
• MOUNT THE RED FLAG vb. 1. to blush ...1892 sl.
vb. 2. to have sex with a woman experiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...1972 US sl.
• MOURNING BANDS n. dirty fingernails ...L19 sl.
• MOURNING COACH HORSE n. 'a tall, solemn woman, dressed in black and many inky feathers' ...L19 UK middle class usage
• MOURNING SHIRT n. a flannel shirt ...M17 sl.
• MOUSE n. 1. a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
n. 2. ones wife ...19C US Black sl.
n. 3. the penis ...19C sl.
n. 4. a bruise ...1842 US sl.
n. 5. a black eye ...1854 sl.
n. 6. a barrister, a solicitor ...L19 sl.
n. 7. an informer ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 8. a mistress ...L19 sl.
n. 9. a small, very feminine girl who invites being cuddled ...1900s sl.
n. 10. a man who does not consummate his marriage on the wedding night ...1920s Aust. sl.
n. 11.an effeminate male homosexual; hence, a fellator ...1930s US sl.
n. 12. a weakling ...1940s sl.
n. 13. a pocket ...1940s US Black sl.
n. 14. in the used car business, a customer or potential customer ...1968 US sl.
n. 15. a child ...1970s US sl.
n. 16. the soldier on point in the front of a patrol ...1991 US sl.
vb. 1. to hit in the face ...L17 sl.
vb. 2. to give a black eye ...1920s sl.
vb. 3. to engage in sexual activity ...1920s US college sl.
vb. 4. to inform on ...1940s US criminals' sl.
vb. 5. to blackmail ...1970s US sl.
int. be quiet! ...19C
• MOUSE, THE n. extortion ...1970s US sl.
• MOUSEBRAIN n. a fool, a birdbrain ...1914 Amer. sl.
• MOUSE DROPPINGS n. in computing, single pixels on a computer screen that do not reappear when the cursor of the mouse is moved away from the spot ...1991 US sl.
• MOUSEHOLE n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. any small hole ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUSE HOUSE n. a finance company ...1975 US sl.
• MOUSE MOTOR n. a small-block Chevrolet V-8 engine ...1993 US sl.
• MOUSER n. 1. a homosexual man ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a degenerate; a lewd character ...1930 tramps' & criminals' sl.
n. 3. a moustache ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MOUSETAKE n. an error; a mistake; a blunder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUSETRAP n. 1. marriage ...19C US Black sl.
n. 2. £1 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. any strong or inferior hard cheese ...1947 UK sl.
n. 4. a series of exit consoles on websites that link back on themselves, creating an infinite loop ...2003 US sl.
vb. to ambush an enemy by drawing them into position with some sort of bait ...1989 US
• MOUSEY-POUSEY n. a child's name for the mouth ...B1900 N. Ireland
• MOUSTACHE MOB n. first generation immigrants from Sicily or southern Italy ...1955 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE PETE n. an older Italian-American criminal, associated with outdated ways of doing things ...1938 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE RIDE n. an act of oral sex ...1981 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE RIDER n. a woman as the object of oral sex with a man ...1985 Aust. sl.
• MOUSTICK †* n. a mosquito ...1666
• MOUTH n. 1. backtalk; insults ...1896 UK sl.
n. 2. boastful but empty talk ...1935 sl., orig. US
vb. to inform on someone to the police ...1965 US sl.
• MOUTH-ALMIGHTY n. a very noisy, talkative person; a chatterbox; a blusterer ...1862 sl.
• MOUTH AND TROUSERS n. a braggart ...1998 UK sl.
• MOUTH BET n. in poker, a bet made without putting up the funds, binding among friends ...1889 US sl.
• MOUTH BREATHER n. a fool ...1986 UK sl.
• MOUTHER n. a blow on the mouth ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-FRIEND n. one who professes friendship without intending it; a pretended or false friend ...1607
• MOUTHFUL n. something spoken which has importance or other significance; an important statement ...1916 US sl.
• MOUTH-HARP n. a harmonica ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOUTH IN vb. to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-MAUL vb. 1. to talk loudly and abusively; to drawl; to speak indistinctly ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to sing out of tune ...1876 Eng. dial.
• MOUTH MUSIC n. oral sex on a woman ...1977 UK sl.
• MOUTH OFF vb. 1. to brag ...1958 US sl.
vb. 2. to insult ...1958 US sl.
• MOUTH OPEN, STORY JUMP OUT phr. used for explaining why something that was perhaps better unsaid was said ...1988 Trinidad and Tobago
• MOUTHPIECE n. 1. a spokesperson ...1805 UK sl.
n. 2. a lawyer ...1857 UK sl.
• MOUTH PIG n. a male homosexual who offers his mouth anonymously to any penis that is presented through a glory hole ...1996 US sl.
• MOUTHPRINTS n. hearsay evidence ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-SHOOT n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH SHOOTING n. boasting ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH STEINWAY n. a harmonica ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-TO-MOUTH TALK n. a private conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTHY adj. loquacious, talkative; often also implying boastfulness or impudence ...1589 sl.
• MOVE vb. to sell, especially in bulk ...1938 US sl.
• MOVE A FINGER vb. to make the slightest effort; used in the negative to denote unwillingness to make an effort ...1833
• MOVE IN vb. in poker, to bet your entire bankroll ...1979 US sl.
• MOVE OFF vb. to die ...M18 sl.
• MOVE ON vb. 1. to hit, to assault, usually with a weapon ...1970s US Black & campus sl.
vb. 2. to assault in a group ...1970s US Black sl.
• MOVE ONE'S ASS vb. to hurry up, to get a move on ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MOVE ONE'S BUTT vb. to hurry up, to get a move on ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MOVE OUT vb. to expand, to bloom ...1920s NZ sl.
• MOVER n. 1. an ambitious and successful person, both socially and with the opposite sex ...1950s sl.
n. 2. someone who moves themself or others physically and emotionally ...1950s sl.
n. 3. an attractive person, usually female ...1950s sl.
n. 4. the person in charge ...1950s sl.
n. 5. a sexually aggressive person ...1960s Amer. sl.
n. 6. in casino gambling, a dice cheat who places his bet after a roll has started ...1962 US sl.
n. 7. someone who imports drugs ...1995 US sl.
• MOVER AND SHAKER n. a powerful person with powerful connections ...1972 US sl.
• MOVERS AND GROOVERS n. ambitious, successful people ...1950s sl.
• MOVERS AND SHAKERS n. ambitious, successful people ...1950s sl.
• MOVES n. knowledge, ability, 'smarts' ...1960s sl., orig. US
• MOVES, THE n. 1. a film, a movie ...1910s US sl.
n. 2. sexual advances ...1968 US sl.
• MOVE THE CROWD vb. to leave ...1990s US Black sl.
• MOVE THE LAUNDRY vb. to smuggle illegal Chinese immigrants ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• MOVE TO THE BLIND vb. to leave one's rented premises without paying the rent ...L19
• MOVE UNDER AN ASHEN SAIL vb. to row a boat ...1975 Can. sl.
• MOVE WITH vb. to associate with, to spend time with ...1950s sl.
• MOVE YOUR CARCASS! int. move! get out of the way! ...1920s sl.
• MOVIE JOB n. sex, esp. sex for pay, in cinema ...1966 US sl.
• MOVIE QUEEN n. a vain homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• MOVIES n. 1. a warship's searchlights ...1917 Royal Navy sl.
n. 2. diarrhoea ...M20 US sl.
n. 3. prison ...1970s US criminal sl.
n. 4. police radar recordings of vehicle speed ...1977 US sl.
• MOVIE STAR DRUG n. cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• MOVIN' adj. good; pleasurable; fashionable; popular ...1997 US sl.
• MOVING DOCTOR n. a medical doctor (from MD) ...2002 Can. sl.
• MOVING DUNGHILL n. a notably filthy man or woman ...L18 sl.
• MOW n. the act of copulation ...M16 sl.
vb. 1. to have sexual intercourse ...M16 sl.
vb. 2. to kiss ...20C US sl.
vb. 3. to eat heartily, to gorge oneself ...1980s US campus sl.
vb. 4. to shave; usually used in describing a woman shaving her legs or her pubic area ...1991 US sl.
• MOWAT n. a woman ...c1910 sl.
• MOWDIEWARK n. the penis ...18C Sc.
• MOWDIWORT n. the penis ...18C Sc.
• MOWE n. copulation; an act of copulation ...L16 orig. Sc.
• MOWED LAWN n. a shaved vulva ...1964 US sl.
• MOWER n. a cow ...c1670 cant
• MOW-HEATER n. a drover ...1676 cant
• MOWING-BLADE n. a scythe ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOWING MACHINE n. a machine gun ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOWING THE LAWN n. shaving with an electric razor ...c1955 Aust. sl.
• MOWLAH n. a Chinese ...L19 Aust. sl.
• MOWLOW adj. drunk ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOW ON vb. to eat heartily, to gorge oneself ...1980s US campus sl.
• MOWREE n. a New Zealand seaman ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOW THE BRIGALO SUCKERS vb. to shave one's beard ...1990s Aust. sl.
• MOW THE GRASS vb. to smoke marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MOW THE LAWN vb. 1. to cut one's hair ...1930s US Black sl.
vb. 2. to shave with an electric razor ...1950s sl.
vb. 3. to smoke marijuana ...1998 UK sl.
• MOX n. 1. a mess; a mixture; a state of decay ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a homosexual man ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOXEN n. a group of homosexual men ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOXIE n. 1. courage, impudence, ability ...1930s sl.
n. 2. energy, vigour, vitality ...1943 US sl.
n. 3. an impudent upstart ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 4. an untidy thus unattractive young woman ...20C W. Indies
• MOXY adj. lousy, very bad ...1999 Ireland sl.
n. a homosexual man ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOYO n. a Black person ...1980s US sl.
• MOYSED adj. amazed, astonished, surprised; bewildered, astounded, perplexed ...1703 Eng. dial.
• MOZ n. luck ...M19 sl.
vb. to hinder, to interrupt someone; to jinx someone ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOZA-MOTTON n. a piece of luck ...M19 sl.
• MOZART adj. drunk ...1945 UK rhyming sl. for 'pissed' (Mozart and Liszt)
• MOZART AND LISZT adj. drunk ...1945 UK rhyming sl. for 'pissed'
• MOZZ n. bad luck; a jinx ...1924 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to jinx someone; to bring bad luck to someone ...1941 Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to interrupt, to hinder ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MOZZARELLA n. money ...2000s US Black sl.
• MOZZIE n. a mosquito ...1936 sl., orig. Aust.
• MOZZLE n. luck ...c1870 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to hinder, to interrupt ...1920s Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to put a jinx on ...1920s Aust. sl.
• MOZZLE AND BROCHA n. a door-to-door salesman ...20C rhyming sl. = 'on the knocker' (working as a door-to-door salesman)
• MOZZY n. 1. the 'Judy' of 'Punch and Judy' ...c1850 Brit. showmen's sl.
n. 2. a mosquito ...L19 Aust. sl.
• M.P. n. a policeman ...M19 Aust. & US sl.
• MPATA n. a new inmate, a fool; one who has not yet learned how to cope with prison conditions ...1980s S. Afr. criminal sl.
• M.R.A. n. unsociable behaviour; Major/Massive Reeb Action ...1980s US college sl.
• MR. ANYBODY n. a generic name for an anonymous member of the public ...1940s sl.
• MR. AVERAGE n. the average member of the public ...1910s sl.
• MR. AVERAGEMAN n. the average member of the public ...1910s sl.
• MR. BAD FACE n. one's competition or enemy ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MR. BATES n. a potential victim, a confidence man's dupe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• MR. BIG n. an important, influential person, esp. a 'criminal mastermind' ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MR. BLOCK n. a gullible person ...1930s US tramps' sl.
• MR. BLUE n. hydromorphone, the basis of the synthetic opiate Dilaudid ...1970s drugs sl.
• MR. BOSS HOSS n. a leader; slightly mocking usage ...1980s US sl.
• MR. BROWN n. a homosexual ...1950s sl.
• MR. CHARLEY n. any White man ...1920s US Black sl.
• MR. CHARLIE n. 1. a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
n. 2. the man in power; the boss ...1970s sl.
• MR. CHIPS n. a ship's carpenter; usually used as a nickname ...1805 nautical sl.
• MR. CLEAN n. 1. an obsessively neat and prudish man ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. someone who makes a point of portraying themselves (sincerely or otherwise) as free of corruption, esp. in politics, business, sport or other forms of public life in which a proclaimed moral stance is useful; an honourable or incorruptible politician ...1973 sl.
• MR. COOL n. the penis ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'tool'
• MR. CRACKER n. a White person ...1950s US Black sl.
• MR. CUNNINGHAM n. a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• MR. DOOZANBERRY n. a man whose name is unknown ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MR. EDDIE n. a White man; used contemptuously ...1925 US Black sl.
• MR. FIVE BY FIVE n. a very short, fat man ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. GOTROCKS n. a nickname for a rich, high-society person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MR. GRIM n. death; used as a personification ...1785 sl.
• MR. HAIG n. any straight Scotch whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. HAPPY n. the penis ...1984 Amer. jocular
• MR. HOPKINS n. a lame or limping man ...L18 sl.
• MR. HORNER n. a lecher, a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• MR. KETCH n. a hangman ...M17 sl., orig. UK criminals'
• MR. MILQUETOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• MR. MONEYBAGS n. a wealthy person ...L19 sl.
• MR. NASH IS CONCERNED phr. said of a person who is gone or absent ...19C sl.
• MR. NAWPOST n. a foolish fellow ...c1696 sl.
• MR. QUARTO n. a bookseller; a publisher ...M18 colloq.
• MR. R. SUPPARDS n. a very lucky fellow ...19C colloq. (for 'arse upwards')
• MRS n. a wife ...1920 sl.
• MRS, THE n. 1. a wife ...1910s sl.
n. 2. a floor; the floor ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Mrs. More)
n. 3. the vagina ...2001 UK sl.
• MRS. ASTOR n. 1. a woman who overdresses, or spends too much on clothes ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a woman who puts on a lot of airs; an elite 'social leader' of a community; usually mocking ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MRS. ASTOR'S BILLY GOAT n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S COW n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET COW n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET HORSE n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PLUSH HORSE n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. CHANT n. an aunt ...1930s rhyming sl.
• MRS. CHANT'S n. a lavatory ...1950s rhyming sl. for 'My Aunt'
• MRS. CLEAN n. someone who makes a point of portraying themselves (sincerely or otherwise) as free of corruption, esp. in politics, business, sport or other forms of public life in which a proclaimed moral stance is useful ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MRS. CROSS-STICKS n. a cross or bad-tempered woman ...B1900
• MRS DOYLE n. a boil ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS DUCKETT! int. used as a general declaration of rejection or dismissal; may also imply resignation to, or acceptance of a situation ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'fuck it!'
• MRS. JONES'S PLACE n. a W.C.; a toilet ...19C colloq.
• MR. SLOWCOME n. a nickname for a slow or lazy person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. SMARTY n. a smart alec ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MRS. GOTROCKS n. a nickname for a rich, high-society person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MRS. JAY GOULD n. a woman who is rich and important ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MRS. MCCLARTY n. a dirty, slovenly housewife ...1845 Sc.
• MRS. MOP n. 1. a woman who works as a cleaner, a charwoman ...1948 UK sl.
n. 2. a shop ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
vb. to shop ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS MOPPING n. shopping ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS. MORE n. a floor; the floor ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS. MURPHY n. a W.C.; a bathroom ...20C US colloq.
• MRS. PALM AND HER FIVE LOVELY DAUGHTERS phr. the hand, in the context of male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PALMER AND HER FIVE DAUGHTERS phr. the hand, in the context of male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PALMER AND HER FIVE LOVELY DAUGHTERS phr. a metaphor for the hand used in male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PRINCUM PRANCUM n. a nice, precise, formal madam ...B1900
• MRS. THINGUM n. a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1873 Amer. dial.
• MR. TELEVISION n. Milton Berle ...1968 US sl.
• MR. THINGUM n. a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MR. THOMAS n. a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person ...20C sl.
• MR. TOM n. a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person ...20C sl.
• MR. TWENTY-SIX n. a hypodermic needle ...1973 US sl.
• MR. WINKY n. the penis ...2001 US sl.
• MR. WOOD n. a police truncheon ...1998 UK sl.
• MR. WOOD IN THE HOUSE phr. used to describe a poorly attended circus performance ...1953 UK sl.
• MR. WRIGHT n. a warder 'going between' a prisoner and his friends ...19C sl.
• MSHOZA n. the female companion of a township dandy ...1980s S. Afr.
• MSM n. homosexual males ('men who have sex with men') ...1998 UK sl.
• MTF n. a very tactile admirer of young ladies ('must touch flesh') ...1982 UK upper-class society usage
• M TO F n. Monday to Friday ...1996 UK sl.
• MU n. 1. marijuana ...1930s drugs sl.
n. 2. used for expressing the sentiment that your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions ...1991 US computing usage
• MUBBLE-FUBBLES † n. depression of spirits; the blues ...1589 sl.
• MUCH! int. certainly not! ...L16 sl.
• MUCH AS A BARGAIN, AS adj. very difficult, all one could do ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUCH GOO ABOUT NOTHING n. masturbation ...1990s sl.
• MUCHITY †* n. 1. a thing of importance ...1621
†* n. 2. great bulk or size...1621
• MUCH LOVE n. popularity, respect ...1990s US Black sl.
• MUCH MORE adj. very good ...1994 US sl.
• MUCH NEED OF A WIFE AS A DOG OF A SIDE-POCKET, AS phr. said of a worn-out old man ...L19 sl.
• MUCHO adj. much, a lot of ...1942 US sl.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1940s sl., orig. US
n. 1. a great deal ...1940s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a lot of, many ...1940s sl., orig. US
• MUCH OF A MUCHNESS adj. very similar, of no discernible difference, unworthy of special notice; of much the same degree, size, value, etc. ...1728
• MUCH OF A SCANTLING phr. 'much of a muchness'; little difference between; similar ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• MUCH PROPS n. respect for others ...1990s US Black & teen sl.
• MUCH-TRAVELLED HIGHWAY n. a large and loose vagina ...19C sl.
• MUCK n. 1. anything nasty, as dirt, mud, sweat, feces, etc. ...13C
n. 2. money ...L17 sl.
n. 3. bad weather ...1855 UK sl.
n. 4. a heavy fall ...L19 sl.
n. 5. anyone or anything considered disgusting, worthless, or abhorrent ...L19 sl.
n. 6. any unpleasant, vile, or disgusting thing to eat or drink ...1882 UK sl.
n. 7. an important or self-important person ...1900s US sl.
n. 8. stage makeup ...1926 US sl.
n. 9. in poker: the pile of discarded cards ...1990 US sl.
n. 10. semen ...1997 sl.
vb. 1. to beat, to surpass, to ruin financially ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to fail at ...L19 sl.
vb. 3. in poker: to fold, to discard your hand ...2003 UK sl.
vb. 4. in a casino: to spread playing cards on a table and move them randomly as part of the shuffling process ...2003 US sl.
• MUCK ABOUT vb. 1. to waste time; to behave foolishly or aimlessly ...1856
vb. 2. to irritate, to tease ...M19 sl.
vb. 3. to pretend, to act half-heartedly, to play about ...M19 sl.
vb. 4. to make a mess of ...L19
vb. 5. to mess up; to create confusion ...20C Brit. colloq.
vb. 6. to fondle intimately ...1930s sl.
vb. 7. to mess someone about ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MUCK-A-MUCK n. 1. an important or self-important person; a prominent person ...1856 US sl.
n. 2. food, drink ...M19 US sl.
• MUCK AROUND vb. to fool around; to waste time ...1856 UK sl.
• MUCKCOOK vb. to laugh behind one's back ...c1880 Brit. sl.
• MUCKED UP adj. 1. dirty; soiled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. in disarray. confused; spoiled ...1996 US sl.
• MUCKENDER † n. 1. a handkerchief ...a1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
†* n. 2. a table napkin; a bib ...a1500
• MUCKER n. 1. a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a diligent student ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 3. a friend ...1947 UK sl.
n. 4. a person who uses sleigh-of-hand to cheat at cards ...1996 US sl.
• MUCKERER †* n. one who hoards wealth, or scrapes money together; a miser, niggard ...1303
• MUCKER-UPPER n. a bungler ...1942 UK sl.
• MUCKET n. a hairpiece or toupee ...1950s US sl.
• MUCKETY-MUCK n. 1. an important or self-important person; a prominent person ...1856 US sl.
n. 2. food, drink ...M19 US sl.
• MUCKFOODLE adj. boastful, bragging ...1885 Eng. dial.
• MUCK-FORKS n. the fingers ...M19 sl.
• MUCK-HEAP n. a filthy, slovenly man or woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUCKHILL n. a pile of money ...L17 sl.
• MUCKHOLE n. 1. a filthy, unappetizing place or room ...1900s sl.
n. 2. the anus ...1930s sl.
n. 3. the vagina ...1960s Aust. sl.
• MUCKIBUS † adj. intoxicated, slightly drunk, tipsy, fuddled; confused or muddled with drink ...1756 sl.
• MUCK IN n. a communal activity ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to join in, to lend a hand, esp. in a dirty or unpleasant task ...L19 sl.
vb. 2. to share, on an informal basis, food, accommodation and other facilities, or work ...1919 UK sl., orig. military
• MUCKING adj. 1. used as an intensifier; a euphemism for 'fucking' ...1887 UK sl.
adj. 2. repellent, filthy ...L19 sl.
• MUCKING-TOGS n. a mackintosh ...M19 sl.
• MUCKLE adj. 1. great, large, big in size ...1600 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 2. much in quantity, abundant ...1737 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 3. eminent, distinguished by birth or wealth; great; important ...1821 Sc.
adj. 4. grown-up, adult ...1882 Sc.
adj. 5. proud, haughty ...Bk1905 Sc.
adv. 1. very ...1773 Sc.
adv. 2. much, greatly ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. a quantity, a large amount, a great deal ...1737 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE AUMRIE n. a very stupid person ...B1900 Sc.
• MUCKLE-BAG n. the stomach ...1883 Sc.
•MUCKLE-BOOKIT adj. 1. large, full-bodied, overgrown ...1895 Sc.
adj. 2. great with child ...Bk1905 Sc.
•MUCKLE-CHAIR n. a large armchair ...1824 Sc.
•MUCKLE-COAT n. a great-coat, a top-coat ...1807 Sc.
•MUCKLE-DEVIL n. the Devil ...1786 Sc.
• MUCKLE ELT n. a stout, clumsy woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• MUCKLE FRIDAY n. the day on which a large fair is held ...1896 Sc.
• MUCKLE-HELL n. hell itself ...1893 Sc.
• MUCKLE-HORNED DEVIL n. the Devil ...1838 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-MAN n. the head labourer on a farm ...1790 Sc.
• MUCKLE-MOUTHED adj. having a large mouth ...1721 Sc.
• MUCKLE-NEEVED adj. large-fisted ...1899 Sc.
• MUCKLE-POT n. a cauldron ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-SHEELD n. the Devil ...1898 Sc.
• MUCKLE-SIZED adj. large-sized ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-TOE n. the big toe ...1787 Sc.
• MUCKLE-WORTH adj. of great value or reputation ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MUCK OUT vb. to kill ...1984 US sl.
• MUCK-RAG n. a handkerchief ...20C Brit. colloq.
• MUCK SACK n. a lazy person ...1959 US sl.
• MUCKSAVAGE n. a country person ...1998 Irish sl.
• MUCK-SCUTCHEON n. a filthy person ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUCK-SLINGING n. slander ...20C Brit. sl.
י MUCK-SNIPE n. a ruined person, esp. a gambler ...c1850 Brit. sl.
• MUCK-SPOUT n. a foul-mouthed talker ...c1870 Brit. sl.
• MUCK-STICK n. 1. a musket, a rifle ...20C Royal Navy sl.
n. 2. a shovel ...1908 US sl.
• MUCK-SUCKLE n. a filthy, dirty, slatternly, or very untidy woman ...c1860 Brit. colloq.
• MUCK-SWEAT n. a very nasty, sweaty state; perspiration; orig. and properly if dust or dirt has accrued ...c1830 Brit. colloq.
• MUCK TOPER FEEKER n. an umbrella-maker ...c1820 Sc. sl.
• MUCK-TRAIN n. a commissariat train ...c1850 Brit. army sl.
• MUCK TRUCK n. in prison: a food trolley ...1996 UK sl.
• MUCK-UP n. 1. a complete failure; confusion or muddle; a botch ...L19 colloq.
vb. (usually as 'muck up')
vb. 1. to litter ...19C Brit. colloq.
vb. 2. to make a mess of; to botch; to ruin; to interfere ...1886 UK sl.
vb. 3. to play the fool ...c1910 Aust. sl.
vb. 4. to clean ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MUCK-UP DAY n. the last day of high school where leaving students play pranks, etc. ...1994 Aust. sl.
• MUCK-UP IN A DIXIE n. a stew ...c1910 Brit. military sl.
• MUCK-WASH n. a nasty, sweaty state ...19C Brit. colloq.
• MUCKWORM n. 1. a selfish wretch; a miser ...16C colloq.
n. 2. a diligent student ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MUCKY adj. 1. contemptible, sordid ...1683 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. dirty; soiled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. pornographic, esp. when mildly so; lewd ...1972 UK sl.
• MUCKY-MUCK n. a self-important person ...1968 Amer. sl.
• MUCKY PUP n. a dirty or untidy child; a term of disapproval ...1984 Brit. sl.
• MUD n. 1. a fool; an oaf; a stupid person ...18C Brit. colloq.
n. 2. coffee ...1875 US sl.
n. 3. unprocessed opium; opium; heroin ...1915 sl.
n. 4. opium, esp. second-rate ...1920s drugs sl.
n. 5. cheap plaster figurines ...1930s US sl.
n. 6. methadone ...1950s drugs sl.
n. 7. morphine ...M20 drugs sl.
n. 8. the residue of heroin or morphine processing ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 9. heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 10. in circus and carnival usage: any cheap merchandise used as a prize ...1981 US sl.
n. 11. excrement ...1993 Aust. sl.
n. 12. a billiard ball ...1993 US sl.
n. 13. chemical fire retardant dropped from the air ...2000 US sl.
vb. of a racehorse: to run well on muddy track conditions ...1978 US sl.
• MUD AND BLOOD n. a drink of 'mild and bitter' ...20C sl.
• MUD AND OOZE n. alcohol ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. for 'booze'
• MUD BABY n. faeces ...2003 US sl.
• MUD BALL n. a doughnut or other pastry eaten with coffee ...1976 US sl.
• MUD BUD n. home-grown marijuana ...1980s drugs sl.
• MUD BUTT n. diarrhoea ...2004 US sl.
• MUDCAT n. 1. a stupid or contemptible person ...M19 US sl.
n. 2. a Mississippian ...L19 US sl.
• MUD CHECK n. a forced confrontation to see how brave a new inmate may be ...2000s US prison sl.
• MUD CRUNCHER n. an infantryman ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MUD-CRUSHER n. an extreme form of bully whose aim is to crush everyone into the ground ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUDDAFUKKA n. a motherfucker; a person; a despised person; a difficult thing or situation ...1995 US sl.
• MUDDER n. 1. a racehorse which runs well on a wet or muddy course ...1903 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 2. any athlete who performs well in rainy conditions ...1942 US sl.
• MUDDING-FACE n. a fool; a weakling ...L19 sl.
• MUDDLE n. a state of slight drunkenness ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to copulate ...19C Brit. sl., orig. Sc.
vb. 2. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUDDLE-BRAINED adj. confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDLED adj. drunk ...L17 colloq.
• MUDDLED-UP adj. drunk ...L17 colloq.
• MUDDLEFUG n. (derogatory) a supreme insult; a contemptible or despicable person ...1960s US Black sl.
• MUDDLEFUGGING adj. an intensifier; used for 'motherfucking' ...1961 US euphemism
• MUDDLE-HEAD n. a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; an oaf ...M19
• MUDDLE-HEADED adj. confused, bewildered, muddled, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDY adj. 1. drunk ...L17 sl.
adj. 2. bewildered; confused; muddled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUDDY-BRAINED adj. stupid, dull-witted; confused in mind ...1634
• MUDDY FEET n. said of someone who needs to urinate ...1963 US sl.
• MUDDY FUCK n. anal sex that brings forth faeces or faecal stains on the penis ...1979 US sl.
• MUDDY TRENCH n. the French ...1992 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MUDDY WATER n. coffee ...1981 Brit. sl.
• MUDDY YORK n. York, a suburb of Toronto ...2002 Can. sl.
• MUD FENCE n. an unattractive person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD FLAPS n. the condition that exists when a tight-fitting pair of trousers, shorts, bathing suit or other garment forms a wedge between a woman's labia, accentuating their shape ...2003 US sl.
• MUDGE n. a hat ...2002 Brit. sl.
• MUDGER n. a coward; a milksop ....E19 Brit. sl.
• MUDGUARD n. a person whose outward geniality masks a vicious nature ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MUD-HEAD n. 1. an oaf; a fool; a stupid person ...E19 colloq.
n. 2. (usually as 'mudhead') a fanatic enthusiast for multi-user dungeon computer play ...1991 US sl.
• MUD HOG n. football played in rainy, muddy conditions ...1992 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• MUD HOLE n. a small town ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD-HOLE TOWN n. a small town ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD-HOOK n. 1. an anchor ...1827 US nautical sl.
n. 2. the hand ...1850 sl.
n. 3. a finger; usually used in the plural ...1968 Can. sl.
• MUD-HOOKS n. the feet ...1850 sl.
• MUD HOP n. a clerk in a railway yard ...1929 US sl.
• MUDLARK n. 1. a pig ...1785 sl.
n. 2. a person of any age who made a living by gathering bits of coal, wood, rope, and nails from the mudflats of the River Thames (London) at low tide ...19C Brit.
n. 3. an urchin of very low character ...L19 colloq.
n. 4. a racehorse which runs well on a wet or muddy course ...1909 sl.
• MUD SCOW n. a stagecoach ...1866 US sl.
• MUD SCOWS n. 1. large feet ...1860 Amer. sl.
n. 2. large, cheap, or clumsy shoes ...1863 Amer. sl.
• MUDSILL n. a person of the lowest possible social class ...US Civil War usage
• MUFF n. 1. an oaf, a fool, a stupid person ...1682 cant
n. 2. female genitals ...1699 sl.
n. 3. a woman, usually with an implication of promiscuity ...1914 sl., orig. US
n. 4. a prostitute ...1914 sl., orig. US
n. 5. an awkward fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. baseball sl.
n. 6. an error; a mistake; a blunder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 7. a false beard ...Bk1942 Amer. theatrical sl.
• MUFF-DIVER n. a cunnilinguist ...1935 sl.
• MUFF-DIVING adj. despicable, contemptible ...1930s sl.
n. performing an act of cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• MUFFED adj. bungled; clumsily spoilt, missed ...c1860 Brit. sl.
• MUFFER n. a lesbian, a woman who performs cunnilingus ...1960s US sl.
• MUFFIN n. 1. a fool ...1830 Brit. sl.
† n. 2. one's 'girl', by arrangement, for the social life of a season; a female companion who accompanies a bachelor on his round of social amusements ...1856 Can. sl.
n. 3. an incompetent person, one who is awkward ...M19 sl.
n. 4. a male chaperon ...M19 US sl.
n. 5. at games: a constant misser of a shot or ball ...1895 Brit. colloq.
n. 6. a man that chaperons or acts as companion to women ...B1923 Brit. sl.
n. 7. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 8. an anal virgin ...1940s US homosexual sl.
n. 9. a girl, a sweetheart ...1950s US sl.
n. 10. an attractive youth ...1960s US homosexual sl.
n. 11. the vagina ...1960s sl.
n. 12. an admirable person ...1970s US college sl.
• MUFFIN-BAKER n. excrement long retained ...1859 Cockney rhyming sl. for 'quaker'
• MUFFIN-COUNTENANCE n. 1. an expressionless face ...1777 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a hairless face ...1823 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-FACE n. 1. an expressionless face ...1777 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a foolish or childish face ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a hairless face ...1823 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-FACED adj. 1. having a foolish or expressionless face ...M18 sl.
adj. 2. having a fat face, or a face with protruding muscles ...M18 sl.
• MUFFIN-FIGHT n. a tea-party ...c1885 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-PUNCHER n. excrement long retained ...1909 Cockney sl.
• MUFFIN-WORRY n. a tea-party ...c1860 Brit. sl.
• MUFFLE-GREENS n. Brussels sprouts ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MUFFLER n. a gas mask ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MUFF-NOSHING n. performing an act of cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• MUFFY n. 1. a frill-necked lizard ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 2. a young woman who has the look of a typical sorority member, with bleached blonde hair, an alice band, heavy make-up, and conventional clothes ...1980s US college sl.
n. 3. a breaking wind ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• MUFTI n. ordinary clothes worn by someone who usually wears a uniform to work ...19C, orig. military usage
• MUFUGLY adj. extremely ugly ...1980s US college sl.
• MUG n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. the face ...1708 sl.
n. 3. a gullible person ...1859 Brit. sl.
n. 4. a violent person; a thug; a ruffian ...1890 US sl.
n. 5. a chamber pot ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to buy a drink for someone ...1830 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to attack and rob someone ...1864 sl.
• MUG BOOK n. a book kept by the police containing photographs of criminals ...1958 sl.
• MUG-FAKER n. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUGGER n. 1. a prisoner who preyed on fellow prisoners ...US Civil War usage
n. 2. someone who commits robbery with violence in a public place ...1865 sl.
n. 3. an actor who makes free play with his face ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUGGINS n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. a gullible person; used to refer self-deprecatingly to oneself as someone easily fooled or imposed on ...1973 sl.
• MUGGLEHEAD n. a marijuana user ...1926 US drugs sl.
• MUGGLER n. a marijuana addict ...1938 sl.
• MUGGLES n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1926 sl., orig. US
• MUGGY adj. foolish, in the manner of a mug ...1997 UK sl.
• MUGGY-CUNT n. a fool ...2000 UK sl.
• MUG JOINT n. in circus and carnival usage: a concession where customers are photographed ...1931 US sl.
• MUG LAIR n. a showy but foolish person ...1944 Aust. sl.
• MUGLARD †* n. a miser ...c1440
• MUG MONEY n. in horse racing: money bet by uninformed bettors ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MUG OF MURK n. a cup of coffee ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUG PUNTER n. a gambler, viewed as inherently stupid ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MUG'S GAME n. a thankless activity ...1910 UK sl.
• MUG SHOT n. 1. a police photograph of a criminal ...1950 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a photographic portrait ...1978 UK sl.
• MUGSNAPPER n. in circus and carnival usage: a travelling photographer ...1981 US sl.
• MUGSNATCHER n. a photographer who operates in the street, at a fairground, or at the seaside ...1979 UK sl.
• MUG'S TICKER n. a counterfeit Swiss watch ...1977 UK sl.
• MUG-UP n. a snack; a meal, a drink ...1933 sl., chiefly Can. & nautical
vb. (as 'mug up')
vb. 1. to learn a subject by concentrated study; to study hard ...1848 UK sl.
vb. 2. to eat a large meal; to snack; to have a hot drink ...1897 sl., chiefly Can. & nautical
vb. 3. to flirt, to kiss ...1947 US sl.
• MUG UP ON vb. to learn a subject by concentrated study; to study hard ...1848 UK sl.
• MUGWUMP n. a political term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MULCIBLE † adj. which may be appeased ...1656
• MULCIFY † vb. to allay, to soothe ...1653
• MULE n. 1. an obstinate person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. someone employed as a courier to smuggle illegal drugs into a country and often to pass them on to a buyer ...1935 sl., orig. US
• MULE LIGHTNING n. whisky; cheap liquor ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MULE-MOUTH n. one who works regularly as a police informer ...1970s US Black sl.
• MULENYAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MULE SHIT! int. a mild oath, used to express surprise or disbelief ...1920s US
• MULE-SKINNER n. 1. a mule-driver ...L19 US sl.
n. 2. a cruel teamster ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 3. one who organizes, pays, and supervises a drug courier or 'mule' ...1980s drugs sl.
• MULE-WHACKER n. a mule-driver ...L19 US sl.
• MULFERED AND FALDERED adj. overcome with fatigue, worn out, exhausted ...1884 Eng. dial.
• MULGA n. 1. an uninhabited, sparsely populated or inhospitable region ...L19 Aust.
n. 2. a rumour, a lie ...L19 Aust.
n. 3. the bush telegraph; misleading information, rumour ...1899 Aust. sl.
• MULGA BILL n. a bushman ...L19 Aust.
• MULGA WIRE n. 1. a 'bush telegraph', the 'grapevine' ...1899 Aust.
n. 2. a rumour, a lie ...1899 Aust.
• MULIEROSITY * n. excessive fondness for women; addiction to women ...1656
• MULIEROUS † adj. fond of women ...1650
• MULL vb. to spoil, to muddle ...1862 Brit. colloq., orig. & chiefly athletics usage
• MULLA n. money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MULLARKEY n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery; nonsense ...1929 sl., orig. US
• MULL BOWL n. a bowl used to mull marijuana ...1995 Aust. sl.
• MULLER n. 1. a German ...1939 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a murderer ...1979 Brit. sl.
n. 3. an ugly or unattractive person ...2003 Brit. teen sl.
vb. to roundly beat the opposition in a physical fight ...1997 Brit. sl.
• MULLERED adj. 1. dead ...2000 Brit. sl.
adj. 2. drunk; drug intoxicated ...2000 Brit. sl.
• MULLERING n. a beating ...1997 Brit. sl.
• MULLET n. 1. a gullible person ...1955 US sl.
n. 2. a socially inept outcast ...1959 US sl.
n. 3. a hairstyle; the hair is worn short at the front and long at the back; it was fashionable in the 1980s and much derided by the fashion-conscious generations that followed ...1997 US sl.
• MULLETHEAD n. a fool, a stupid person; a slow-witted person ...1857 US sl.
• MULLET-HEADED adj. foolish, slow-witted, unintelligent, stupid ...1857 US sl.
• MULL HEAD n. a habitual smoker of marijuana ...1996 Aust. sl.
• MULLIER n. a murderer ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MULLIGAN n. 1. a stew made without a recipe, relying on ingredients that are left over from previous meals ..1904 US
n. 2. a prison guard; used derisively by prisoners ...1939 US sl.
• MULLIGAN BATTERY n. an army cook wagon ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MULLIGAN MIXER n. a cook ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MULLIGANS n. playing cards ...20C Aust. sl.
• MULLIGAN STEW n. a stew made without a recipe, relying on ingredients that are left over from previous meals ..1904 US
• MULLIGA STEW n. a soupy sort of stew ...c1925 Aust. tramps' sl.
• MULLIGATAWNY adj. desiring sex ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'horny'
• MULLIGRUBBER n. in cricket: a low-keeping bowled ball ...20C Brit. sl.
• MULLIGRUBS n. 1. depression of spirits; a fit of the blues; peevishness, sullenness; the sulks; ill temper ...1599
n. 2. a pain in the stomach; a stomach-ache ...1599
• MULLION n. an ugly person ...1959 US sl.
• MULLIPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MULLOCK n. rubbish ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• MULLYPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MULTIBIBE † n. a great drinker; one that drinks much ...1727
• MULTILOQUOUS adj. speaking much, very talkative, loquacious ...1664
• MULTISCIOUS † adj. having much or varied knowledge; knowing much ...1656
• MULTIVIOUS adj. having many ways or roads; going or leading in many directions; manifold ...1656
• MUM adj. saying nothing, silent ...1521
n. 1. mother ...1823 sl.
n. 2. a secret ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
† int. hush! be quiet! ...14C
• MUMBO JUMBO n. pretentious or misleading talk ...1896 sl.
• MUMMER n. 1. the mouth ...L18 sl.
n. 2. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUMMERY AND MILLINERY n. religious ritualism ...20C sl.
• MUMMERY-COVE n. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUMMICK n. a fragment, a scrap; a broken piece, esp. of food; a slice ...1816 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to soil, as one's clothing ...1895 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to cut awkwardly; to mess or make a mess of ...1899 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to handle or feel an object or person ...L19 US sl.
vb. 4. to harass, to tease, to impose on, to annoy, to torment ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MUMMOCK n. 1. a scarecrow; an untidily or absurdly dressed person ...1825 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an untidy heap or mess; a litter; a confused, shapeless mass; a dirty mixture; confusion, muddle ...1875 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a poor eater; one who is dainty in eating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to break or cut into pieces; to crumble; to tear; to mangle; to carve awkwardly ...1853 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to disarrange, to tumble, to throw into confusion; to pull about, to mess, to make dirty; to worry ...1899 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to harass, to browbeat ...1950 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to make a mess of, to spoil, to confuse ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MUMMOX vb. to botch, to mess up ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MUMMY n. 1. mother ...1784 sl.
n. 2. an incompetent person ...1900s US sl.
n. 3. an idiot ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. to beat a person to death, hence making them into an Egyptian-style mummified corpse ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUMMYDIDDLE n. a stupid, silly person; a foolish person ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• MUMMYHEAD n. a fool ...1990s US Black gang usage
• MUMMY PUSSY n. a woman who does not respond during sexual intercourse ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUMP n. a beggar, a scrounger ...E18 sl.
vb. 1. to beg, to visit a house in the course of one's travels as a beggar ...L16 sl.
vb. 2. to cheat, to cheat out of; to deceive ...M17 sl.
vb. 3. to disappoint ...E18 sl.
vb. 4. to eat ...L18 sl.
vb. 5. to talk seriously ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• MUMPER n. 1. a genteel beggar, a scrounger; a vagrant, a tramp ...1674 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...M17 sl.
n. 3. a half-breed gypsy, a 'second-rate' gypsy, i.e. one who has no van ...M19 sl.
vb. to travel around, to partner someone on their travels ...20C US Black sl.
• MUMPER'S BRASS n. money ...E18 sl.
• MUMP-HOLE n. an unofficial place of refreshment for patrolling police officers, as hospitals, cafes, shops, etc. ...1983 Brit. sl.
• MUMPING n. 1. a scrounging, soliciting favours, begging ...17C Brit. sl.
n. 2. the acceptance by the police of small gifts or bribes from trades people ...1970 Brit. sl.
• MUMPSIMUS adj. stupidly conservative ...1680
† n. 1. one who obstinately adheres to old ways, in spite of the clearest evidence that they are wrong; an ignorant or bigoted opponent of reform ...1530
† n. 2. a vague term of contempt; an old fogey ...1575
n. 3. a traditional custom or notion obstinately adhered to however unreasonable it is shown to be; an error obstinately clung to; a prejudice ...1545
• MUMS n. mother ...1939 sl.
• MUM'S THE WORD phr. used as injunction not to reveal a secret; say nothing, keep quiet ...a1704 sl.
• MUMSY n. mother ...1876 sl.
• MUN n. money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHER BOY n. a fellator ...1960s US sl.
• MUNCHIE n. 1. a snack or small meal ...1959 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a snack eaten to assuage the craving for food that afflicts smokers of hashish or marijuana ...1959 sl., orig. US
n. 3. (derogatory) a country person, a rustic ...2000s Irish sl.
• MUNCHIED UP adj. experiencing the pangs of hunger that accompany the smoking of cannabis, or, occasionally, heavy drinking ...1990s sl.
• MUNCHIES, THE n. hunger; esp. a craving for food brought on by the lowering of blood-sugar levels that is a well-known side effect of smoking marijuana ...1971 sl.
• MUNCHING HOUSE n. a cheap restaurant or café ...1910s sl.
• MUNCHING THE TRUNCHEON n. fellatio ...1990s sl.
• MUNCHKIN n. 1. a child; a small person; a dwarf; an underling ...1950s sl.
n. 2. a menial employee or inconsequential person ...1980s US sl.
• MUNCH-OUT n. a large meal ...1970s US college sl.
vb. (as 'munch out')
vb. 1. to eat voraciously, esp. as a result of smoking cannabis ...1970s sl., orig. US college usage
vb. 2. to kiss passionately ...1980s US college sl.
• MUNCH-PRESENT n. one who takes bribes ...M16 sl.
• MUNCH THE CARPET vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1981 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHY n. 1. a snack or small meal ...1950s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a snack eaten to assuage the craving for food that afflicts smokers of hashish or marijuana ...1950s sl., orig. US
• MUNDATORY * adj. cleansing; having power to cleanse ...1706
* n. a means or implement of cleansing ...1859
• MUNDICIDIOUS †* adj. world-destroying; likely or able to destroy the world ...1647
• MUNDIVAGANT † adj. wandering about the world, roaming through the world ...1656
• MUNG n. dirt, muck; anything filthy or distasteful ...L1970s teenagers' & students' usage
• MUNGA n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGAREE n. food ...1889
• MUNGER n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGEY n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGY n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNIFEROUS † adj. bringing gifts ...1656
• MUNJARI n. food ...1889
• MUNLEE n. money ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• MUNSTER HEIFER n. a thick-legged and/or thick-ankled woman ...c1810 Anglo-Irish
• MUNSTER PLUMS n. potatoes ...c1850 Anglo-Irish
• MUNT n. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1948 S. Afr. sl.
• MUOGH n. a pig ...18C Irish cant
• MUPPET n. a retarded, incapacitated or grotesque person; generally applied to hospital inmates, mentally deranged prisoners, or to unattractive teenagers by their peers ...Brit. sl.
• MUR n. rum ...1859 back-slang
• MURDER n. 1. a very irksome experience ...1924 sl.
n. 2. an excellent person or thing ...1940 US sl.
vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MURDERATE vb. to murder; to defeat ...sl.
• MURDER BAG n. a bag made of hide and containing all such equipment as is necessary in the investigation of a murder ...20C Scotland Yard usage
• MURDER BAGS ARE OUT, THE phr. a murder is being investigated ...20C Scotland Yard usage
• MURDER IS OUT, THE phr. the mystery is solved ...18C colloq.
• MURDER ONE n. first-degree murder ...1971 US sl.
• MURFLES n. 1. freckles ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. pimples ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MURGULLIE vb. to spoil, to destroy, to mangle; to mar any business ...1721 Sc.
• MURGULLY † vb. to disfigure, to mar, to mangle; to mismanage, to abuse ...1721 Sc.
• MURKER n. a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MURKLE n. a term of reproach or contempt ...B1900 Sc.
• MURLY-FIKES n. a term of endearment for an infant ...B1900 Sc.
• MURPHY n. 1. a potato ...1811 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a type of confidence trick in which the victim is duped by unfulfilled promises of money, sex, etc. ...1959 US sl.
vb. to deceive or dupe someone by means of the Murphy game ...1965 US sl.
• MURPHY, THE n. a confidence trick whereby valuables lodged for safekeeping are stolen or substituted by worthless goods ...Amer. sl.
• MURPHY DOG n. a swindler ...1990s sl.
• MURPHY GAME n. 1. a type of confidence trick in which the victim is duped by unfulfilled promises of money, sex, etc. ...1959 US sl.
n. 2. of a prostitute: luring a client either to a room or a deserted alley, hallway, etc., and then, instead of having sex, the client is beaten and robbed by a male accomplice, why may just strike, but may also pose as an aggrieved father, lover, brother, etc. ...1950s sl., orig. US criminals' usage
• MURPHY LAND n. Ireland ...M19 sl.
• MURPHY MAN n. a man who specializes in the 'Murphy game' ...1960s sl. (add to prostitute person other)
• MURPHY'S COUNTENANCE n. a pig's face ...E19 sl.
• MURPHY'S FACE n. a pig's face ...E19 sl.
• MURRAY WHALER n. an itinerant tramp whose 'beat' focuses on the rivers of New South Wales ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MURRUMBIDGEE WHALER n. an itinerant tramp whose 'beat' focuses on the rivers of New South Wales ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MURTH † n. 1. murder, slaughter ...c893
n. 2. plenty, abundance ...1674 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• MUSCADOODLE n. cheap muscatel wine ...1950s US sl.
• MUSCATEER n. a drinker of cheap muscat wine ...1930s Aust. sl.
• MUSCLE n. a muscular man employed to intimidate others with violence, or threats of violence ...1942 sl., orig. US
• MUSCLE MARY n. a homosexual man devoted to body-building and the resultant musculature ...1980s homosexual usage
• MUSCLEMAN n. 1. a thug, usually as employed by a gangster for purposes of intimidation, or any strong, aggressive man ...1920s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a man with an outstanding physique ...1920s sl., orig. US
• MUSCLER n. a thug ...1940s US sl.
• MUSCLE SHIRT n. a T-shirt with very short sleeves or no sleeves, thus displaying the wearer's physique ...1970s US sl.
• MUSCLE TEE n. a T-shirt with very short sleeves or no sleeves, thus displaying the wearer's physique ...1970s US sl.
• MUSCLE-UNCLE n. a butch homosexual ...2000s sl.
• MUSEUM PIECE n. a person or thing regarded as antiquated or decrepit ...colloq.
• MUSH adj. rotten ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 1. the face or mouth ...L18 sl., orig. Aust. & US
n. 2. a thief's girlfriend ...L18 US criminals' sl.
n. 3. a familiar or contemptuous term of address ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. an umbrella ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 5. sentimental nonsense; a silly demonstration of affection ...M19 US
n. 6. a fool ...20C US sl.
n. 7. a guardroom or cell; a military prison ...1917 sl.
n. 8. prison food, often porridge ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 9. a man; a chap ...1930s sl.
n. 10. a short-con game played at a ball park where a confidence trickster poses as a bookmaker, taking bets, then raises an umbrella and disappears into the area where everybody is holding umbrellas ...1940s US criminals' sl.
n. 11. an unnamed person ...1950s Brit. sl.
n. 12. a moustache ...1967 sl.
n. 13. a prostitute's client ...1980s Brit. sl.
n. 14. mushrooms ...1990s sl.
n. 15. a fight ...2000s sl.
vb. 1. to go, to leave ...1900s US sl.
vb. 2. to court a woman in a sentimental manner, to 'chat up' ...1920s US sl.
vb. 3. to kiss and caress ...1939 sl.
vb. 4. to beat up, to hit ...1980s US Black sl.
vb. 5. to urge forward ...1990s US sl.
• MUSHA! int. an expression of surprise or disbelief; Well! Well! ...1981 Irish sl.
• MUSH AND MOLASSES n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUSHBALL n. 1. a stupid person; a dolt; a mawkishly sentimental person ...1980s US sl.
n. 2. stupidity ...1980s US sl.
• MUSHBRAIN n. 1. a stupid person; a dolt; a mawkishly sentimental person ...1980s US sl.
n. 2. stupidity ...1980s US sl.
• MUSH-BRAINED adj. stupid; sentimental; nonsensical ...1980s sl.
• MUSHE n. a Syrian or a Chinese ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• MUSHER n. 1. one who moves from place to place ...1900s US sl.
n. 2. an itinerant fakir ...1900s US sl.
n. 3. one who kisses and cuddles ...1940s US sl.
• MUSH-FACE n. a fool; a sentimental idiot ...1920s sl.
• MUSH-FACED adj. stupid, foolish ...1910s sl.
• MUSH-FAKER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSH-FAKIR n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSH-HEAD n. an ineffectual or incompetent person ...1890 US sl.
• MUSH IT UP vb. to kiss and cuddle ...1920s US sl.
• MUSHMOUTH n. a person who speaks indistinctly or inarticulately ...US sl.
• MUSH-RIGGER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSHROOM n. 1. a fire that spreads out and downward when reaching a ceiling ...1954 US firefighting usage
n. 2. a person who is given no information ...1979 Brit. sl.
n. 3. an innocent bystander killed in crossfire ...1988 US sl.
• MUSHROOM-FAKER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSHROOM-PICKER n. (derogatory) a nickname for a Czechoslovakian ...20C US sl.
• MUSHROOM PILLS n. psilocybin or psilocin, in powder or capsule form, a strong psychedelic drug extracted from Psilocybe mexicana and Stropharia cubensis mushrooms; one capsule has an equivalent effect to forty or more 'magic mushooms' ...1999 UK drugs sl.
• MUSH-TOPER n. an umbrella ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• MUSHY adj. excessively sentimental or emotional, insipidly or gushingly romantic ...1848 US colloq.
n. a weak, slow wave ...1964 US sl.
• MUSHYROOM n. a mushroom ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUSICAL FRUIT n. any variety of beans ...20C US sl.
• MUSICAL MARINE n. a bandsman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MUSICAL MOKE n. a Black minstrel who plays a number of different instruments in succession ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MUSICAL VEGETABLES n. baked beans ...1988 Brit. sl.
• MUSICKER n. a musician ...Amer. dial.
• MUSIC MACHINE n. a radio, jukebox, or phonograph ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MUSKEL n. the common green caterpillar ...1856 Eng. dial.
• MUSKRA n. a police officer ...1979 Brit. sl.
• MUSKRAT n. 1. a term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a child ...1976 US sl.
• MUSLIN n. a woman considered sexually ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MUSO n. 1. (derogatory) a musician, esp. a pop musician, regarded as being overconcerned with technique rather than musical content or expression ...Brit. sl.
n. 2. any musician, esp. a professional one ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MUSS n. a state of disorder; a muddle; a mess...19C US & Can. colloq.
vb. 1. to make untidy; to rumple; to mess; to disarrange ...19C US & Can. colloq.
vb. 2. to coit a woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUSSED UP adj. untidy, dirty ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUSSIE n. a tough woman ...1953 Brit. sl.
• MUSSITANT † adj. speaking in an undertone, muttering, murmuring ...1681
• MUSSITATE † vb. to mutter; to speak through the teeth ...1626
• MUSSITATION n. a speaking in a low tone; a grumbling, mumbling, muttering, murmuring ...1649
• MUSTA n. 1. the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
n. 2. marijuana ...20C US sl.
• MUSTAFA CRAP phr. refers to the need to defecate ...1930s Brit., chiefly services' usage
• MUSTANG n. an officer in the US forces who has been promoted from the ranks ...1847 sl.
• MUSTAPHA CRAP phr. refers to the need to defecate ...1930s Brit., chiefly services' usage
• MUSTARD adj. 1. excellent, best, skilled ...1925 Brit. sl.
adj. 2. very keen ...1925 Brit. sl.
adj. 3. angry ...1930s rhyming sl. for 'hot' (Mustard Pot)
adj. 4. of the weather: hot ...1930s rhyming sl. (Mustard Pot)
n. 1. zest or enthusiasm ...sl., chiefly US
n. 2. AIDS ...1996 US sl.
n. 3. a dress ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl. (Mustard and Cress)
n. 4. a cripple ...1998 Brit. imperfect rhyming sl. (Mustard Pickle)
• MUSTARD AND CRESS n. 1. the female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. a dress ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MUSTARD CASE n. a supreme show-off ...2001 US sl.
• MUSTARD CHUCKER n. a pickpocket who spills mustard on the victim as a diversion and excuse to approach ...1989 US sl.
• MUSTARD KEEN adj. very keen ...1979 Brit. sl.
• MUSTARD PICKLE n. a cripple ...1998 Brit. imperfect rhyming sl.
• MUSTARD POT adj. 1. hot ...1930s Brit. rhyming sl.
adj. 2. angry ...1930s rhyming sl. for 'hot'
n. 1. the female genitals, 'hot like mustard'; the vagina ...L16 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'twat'
n. 2. a carriage with a light yellow body ...L19 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a catamite in a prison ...1930 US prison sl.
n. 4. the anus ...1940s US sl.
• MUSTARD ROAD n. the anus ...1970s US sl.
• MUSTARD SEED n. a light-skinned Black person ...1920s US Black sl.
• MUSTARD-YELLOW n. a mulatto ...E20 US sl.
ò MUSTEE n. the offspring of a White and a Mulatto parent ...L18 W. Indies
• MUSTER n. the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• MUSTER ONE'S BAG vb. to be ill ...L19 Brit. nautical sl., esp. Royal Navy
• MUSTER OUT vb. to be killed in action ...US Civil War usage
• MUST-HAVE adj. essential, mandatory; usually used in the context of material objects ...1990s sl.
• MUSTN'T-MENTION-'EMS n. trousers ...M19 Brit. jocular
• MUTABILATE †* vb. to change ...c1685
• MUTA(H) n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MUTANT n. a clumsy, foolish, or otherwise unpopular individual; generally used by adolescents ...sl.
• MUTE n. 1. liquid bird dung; the dung of hawks ...16C colloq.
n. 2. a person hired to mourn at funerals ...18C Brit.
• MUTHA n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...E20 US drugs sl.
• MUTHAFUCKA n. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1956 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MUTHAH n. used by fans of heavy-metal music to refer to each other or their heroes ...sl.
• MUTHY adj. of the weather: sultry, close, mild and damp ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MUTIE n. a daring exponent, a devotee ...Brit. surfers' & rock music fans usage
• MUTT n. 1. a mongrel dog ...1906 sl., orig. US
n. 2. an oaf; a dullard; a stupid person, a slow-witted person ...1901 sl., orig. US
• MUTT AND JEFF adj. (also 'Mutt 'n' Jeff') deaf ...L1940s Brit. rhyming sl.
n. 1. a pair of slow-witted men, esp. one tall and one short ...1917 sl.
n. 2. a particular pair of medals worn together, esp. the War Medal and the Victory Medal awarded to British service personnel who took part in World War I ...1937 Brit. sl.
• MUTTER AND STUTTER n. butter ...20C rhyming sl.
• MUTTERBOAT n. a motor boat ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUTTERCYCLE n. a motorcycle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUTTEROUS †* adj. full of muttering sound, murmuring, buzzing ...1582
• MUTT-EYE n. corn (as a food) ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MUTT-EYES n. corn (as a food) ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MUTTHEAD n. a stupid or contemptible person ...1910s US sl.
• MUTTON adj. deaf ...L1940s Brit. rhyming sl. (Mutt 'n' Jeff)
n. 1. a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; a strumpet ...1599 sl.
n. 2. a woman ...17C sl.
n. 3. the vagina; hence, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure ...17C sl.
n. 4. one's person, self, body, or flesh ...L18 US sl.
n. 5. the penis ...M19 sl.
n. 6. one's preference, one's liking; usually in plural ...L19 sl., orig. US
n. 7. a girlfriend ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 8. cowardice ...1960s US sl.
• MUTTON-BIRD n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTONBIRD-EATER n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTONBIRDY adj. old-fashioned, unworldly ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTON DAGGER n. the penis ...sl.
• MUTTON DRESSED LAMB-FASHION n. applied to an old woman dressed in youthful style ...1810
• MUTTON-EATER n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTON-FISTED adj. clumsy, awkward ...1918 sl.
• MUTTON-HEAD n. a dull, stupid person; a slow-witted person; an uninteresting person, a bore ...1803
• MUTTON-HEADED adj. foolish, slow-witted, unintelligent, stupid ...1768 sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † n. 1. a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
† n. 2. a great eater of mutton; a butcher, a seller of mutton ...1649 sl.,
† n. 3. a sheep-stealer ...a1700 sl.,
• MUTUATE † vb. to borrow ...a1548
• MUX n. disorder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to handle, to paw over, to maul ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUZZED adj. drunk ...1836 sl.
• MUZZINESS n. stupidity ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUZZLE-CHOPS n. a nickname for a man with a prominent nose and mouth ...1611
• MUZZLER n. a treacherous person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUZZY adj. 1. bewildered; confused; muddled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. disorderly; in confusion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MY ACHING ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1955 Amer. sl.
• MY ARMPIT! int. not at all! no indeed! ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MY ARSE! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MY ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MY ASSHOLE! int. exclamation of dismay, anger etc. ...1973 Amer. sl.
• MY AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY AUNT FANNY! int. used to express disbelief or derision ...1945 Amer. sl.
• MY AUNT NELLIE! int. an exclamation; "God!" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY BAD phr. used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake ...L20 US colloq.
• MY BALLS! int. not at all! ...1935 US sl.
• MY BELLY THINKS MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I am very hungry ...?1540
• MY BLOODY OATH! int. a statement of emphatic agreement ...Aust. sl.
• MY BUCKO n. a term of address, often disparaging ...1907 Amer. dial.
• MY CANE! int. an exclamation of surprise ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY COLONIAL OATH! int. a statement of emphatic agreement ...Aust. sl.
• MY CONSCIENCE! int. exclamation of surprise ...Sc.
• MY DEAR NUG n. a term of endearment ...L17 cant
• MY DYING ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MY ELBOW! int. an exclamation of surprise or disbelief ...20C NZ sl.
• MY EYE! int. I don't believe it ...1842 sl.
• MY EYE AND A BANDBOX! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...E19
• MY EYE AND BETTY MARTIN phr. nonsense ...1785
• MY EYES! int. an exclamation of astonishment ...E19
• MY EYES AND A BANDBOX! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...E19
• MY EYES AND LIMBS! int. an exclamation of astonishment ...E19
• MY EYES DRAWS STRAWS † phr. I am very sleepy ...1790
• MY FACE IS RED! int. I am indeed embarrassed or ashamed ...c1954 sl.
• MY FATHER! int. an exclamation ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY FEET ARE STAYING phr. a farewell ...1980s US college sl.
• MY FOOT! int. exclamation expressing disbelief, usually contemptuous ...17C sl.
• MY FRIEND n. menstruation ...20C
• MY FRIEND HAS COME phr. announcement of the menstrual flux ...19C
• MY FUCK! int. an exclamation of amazement ...2000s sl.
• MY GAWD n. a sword ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MY GODFREYS! int. an exclamation ...1916 Amer. dial.
• MY GOOD CHAPPIE n. a term of address ...c1880
• MY GOODNESS n. a drink of Guinness ...1940s Brit. sl.
• MY GOODY! it. my goodness! ...L19 sl.
• MY GORSH! int. hell! ...1940 Amer. dial.
• MY GOSH! int. my God! ...1920s euphemism
• MY GOT! int. My God! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY GOT ALMIGHTY! int. My God almighty! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY GRANDMOTHER! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...L18
• MY GRANNY! int. nonsense! ...M19 Brit. colloq.
• MY GREAT GUTS ARE READY TO EAT MY LITTLE ONES phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GREAT JEHOSAPHAT! int. an exclamation or mild oath ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY GUM! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...c1815
• MY GUTS BEGIN TO THINK MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GUTS CHIME TWELVE phr. I'm very hungry ...M19 sl.
• MY GUTS CRY CUPBOARD phr. I'm very hungry ...18C sl.
• MY GUTS CURSE MY TEETH phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GUTS THINK MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY HAT! int. my God! ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MY HEAVENLY FATHER! int. an exclamation ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY HOLY AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY IKINS! int. an exclamation; replaced by 'my eye' ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MY IVERS! int. an exclamation of surprise; my eyes! ...1847 Eng. dial.
• MY JAWS ARE TIGHT phr. I am angry ...1971 Amer. dial.
• MY KING OATH! int. an expletive (king is short for 'fucking') ...c1910 Aust. sl.
• MY LAND! int. an exclamation ...1894 Amer. dial.
• MY LAND OF LIVING! int. an exclamation of surprise ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MY LAWS! int. My God! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY LEFT FOOT! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LEFT KNICKER! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LEFT TIT! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LIGHTS AND LIVERS! int. a facetious exclamation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MY LIGHTS, LUNGS, AND LIVERS! int. a facetious exclamation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MY LITTLE FRIEND n. menstruation ...20C
• MY LITTLE FRIEND HAS COME phr. I am menstruating ...1920s sl., orig. Aust. & Can.
• MY LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER n. one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
• MY LORD BALDWIN IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...c1670
• MY LOT n. one's genitals (male) ...19C Brit. sl.
• MY MAN n. a term of greeting for a very good friend ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MY MAN THOMAS n. the penis ...17C Brit. colloq.
• MY MOMMY n. an affectionate name for a sweetheart ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MY NAME IS TWYFORD phr. I know absolutely nothing about it ...L17
• MY NAME IS WALKER phr. I'm leaving, I'm off ...M19
• MY NECK! int. an exclamation of surprise or disbelief ...L19 Irish
• MY NIGGA n. 1. a general term of address ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. a major influence, a role-model, a close friend ...1960s US Black sl.
• MY NIGGER n. 1. a general term of address ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. a major influence, a role-model, a close friend ...1960s US Black sl.
• MY NUG n. a term of endearment ...L17 cant
• MY OATH! int. an oath and exclamation ...19C Aust. sl.
• M.Y.O.B. phr. mind your own business ...20C US
• MY OLD BOOTS! int. an exclamation of disbelief, surprise, or amazement ...L19
• MY OLD FLOWER n. an affectionate term of address ...20C Irish sl.
• MY OLD FRUIT n. a jocular term of address ...E20
• MY OLD GUVNOR n. one's father ...M19
• MY OLD MOTHER OF PEARL n. my wife ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'old girl'
• MY OTHERS n. menstruation ...20C
• MY PATIENCE! int. an exclamation of surprise ...M19
• MY PULSE n. a term of endearment ...1924 Irish sl.
• MY PURPLE ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1967 Amer. sl.
• MY RED ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1967 Amer. sl.
• MY RED-HEADED AUNT FROM RED BANK phr. refers to a woman's menstruation ...1948 Amer. dial.
• MY RED-HEADED AUNT HAS ARRIVED n. menstruation ...20C sl.
• MYRIAD-MINDED adj. of vast intellect, or great versatility of mind ...1817
• MY RIGHT EYE ITCHES phr. I shall cry ...1708-10 sl.
• MY RIGHT HAND ITCHES phr. I shall receive money ...1708-10 sl.
• MY ROYAL ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MY SACRED AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY SAINTED ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MY SAINTED AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY SAINTS AND PROPHETS! int. an exclamation ...1900 Eng. dial.
• MY SAKES! int. an exclamation ...1900 Eng. dial.
• MY SANG! int. a petty oath ...1864 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MY SANGS! int. a mild expletive of asseveration or surprise; by Jove!, upon my word! ...1829 Sc.
• MY SARTIE! int. an exclamation of surprise or emphasis ...1819 Sc.
• MYSOPHOBIA n. morbid dread of dirt or defilement; an abnormal fear of uncleanliness or contamination, as of soiling one's hands by touching anything ...1879
• MY SOUL AN' BODY! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY SOUL AN' DELIVERANCE! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY SOUL AN' SENSES! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MYSTERY n. 1. a young woman newly arrived in a town or city, or with no fixed address ...1937 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a young or inexperienced prostitute ...1937 sl.
• MY TICKLING †* n. a term of endearment ...1605
• MY TIMBERS! int. nautical exclamation ...1789 sl.
• MY UNCLE n. 1. a pawnbroker ...M18 sl.
n. 2. the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• MY UNCLE CHARLIE IS VISITING phr. I am experiencing menstruation ...2001 US sl.
• MY UNCLE'S n. a privy ...L18 sl.
• MY WORD n. dung ...20C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'turd'
int. an exclamation and mild oath ...20C sl.
vb. to sleep, to lie down ...1938 Hawaii
• MOEY n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOFF n. a hermaphrodite ...20C Brit. sl.
• MOFFIE n. a male homosexual ...1929 sl., chiefly S. Afr.
• MOFO adj. contemptible or despicable ...1989 Amer. sl.
n. a despicable or contemptible person ...1965 Amer. sl.
• MOFUCK n. a despicable or contemptible person ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MO-FUCKER n. a despicable or contemptible person ...a1987 Amer. sl.
• MOG n. 1. a dowdily-dressed person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a cat ...1927 Brit.
n. 3. a fur coat ...1950 sl.
vb. 1. to exchange cards in the obsolete game of 'costly colours' ...1674 obs.
vb. 2. to move on, to depart, to decamp; to go; to leave quickly or hastily; usually used with 'off' or 'on' ...1764 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to walk along slowly but steadily; to move gently ...1857 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to cause to move quickly; to make one go where they don't want to go ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to enjoy one's self in a quiet, easy, comfortable manner ...B1900
vb. 6. to pout, to grow sullen, to mope; to refuse food ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOG ALONG vb. to walk, to move, esp. slowly or aimlessly; to depart ...1890 Amer. dial.
• MO-GAS n. gasoline for vehicles' 'motor-gas' ...1974-77 Amer. military usage
• MOGATE vb. to move rapidly ...1938 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MOGEY vb. to move slowly and without energy ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOGG vb. to move slowly or aimlessly; to trudge; to go ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MOGGADORED adj. confused, bewildered ...1936 sl.
• MOGGANS † n. the legs ...1780 obs. exc. Sc.
• MOGGIE n. a cat ...1911 Brit.
• MOGGY n. 1. promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1726 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a pet name for a calf or cow ...c1825 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an untidy, badly-dressed woman; a slattern ...1886 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 4. a stuffed figure; a scarecrow ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a pet name for a young donkey ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a moth ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a cat ...B1900
• MOGIGRAPHIA n. difficult or cramped writing; writer's cramp ...1856
• MOGLE vb. to move, esp. slowly or aimlessly ...1892 Amer. dial.
• MOGODORED adj. confused, bewildered ...1936 sl.
• MOHALE n. an American Indian woman or wife ...1850 Amer. dial.
• MOHASKY adj. intoxicated with marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOHAWK n. a haircut in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair running down the centre of the scalp ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOHICAN n. a haircut in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair running down the centre of the scalp ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOIST n. moisture ...a1366
† vb. to moisten ...1382 obs. exc. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• MOISTEN ONE'S THROTTLE vb. to quench one's thirst, to drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOISTY adj. damp'; humid ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOJO n. 1. a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1926 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
n. 2. cocaine, heroin, morphine, or a similar drug ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
n. 3. a kind of dance ...1970s US Black usage
vb. 1. to hoodwink, to get the best of one ...1938 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to jinx or charm ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to go, to depart ...1994 Amer. sl.
• MOJO AND THE SAY-SO, THE n. the ability to enforce one's wishes completely ...c1975 Amer. sl.
• MOKE adj. hazy, dark ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a mesh of a net ...1604 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a donkey, an ass ...1839 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 3. (usually derogatory) a Black person; occasionally a Filipino or Hawaiian ...1847 US sl.
n. 4. a stupid fellow, a dolt, a blockhead; a foolish or inconsequential fellow ...1855 Eng. dial. & sl.
n. 5. a very inferior horse ...1863 Aust. sl.
n. 6. a mist, a fog; thick, close, foggy weather ...1866 Eng. dial.
n. 7. an old person, disrespectfully spoken to ...1871 Amer. sl.
n. 8. (usually contemptuous and offensive) a dark-skinned person of any race ...1871 Amer. sl.
n. 9. a moderate bore ...B1900 Amer. dial.
n. 10. an easygoing fellow; one in the habit of asking favours ...B1900 Amer. dial.
n. 11. a variety performer who plays on several instruments ...B1900 theatrical sl.
n. 12. coffee ...1929 Amer. sl., esp. nautical
† vb. 1. to mock ...c1450
vb. 2. to loaf or lounge about; to idle ...1863 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to play truant ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOKES n. a foolish or inconsequential fellow; a stupid fellow ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MOKEY adj. of weather: foggy, hazy ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MOKKER n. clothing ...1947 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOKKERED UP adj. dressed in one's smartest clothes ...1938 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOKUS adj. drunk; also, needing a drink ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
n. 1. loneliness ...1928 Amer. sl.
n. 2. liquor ,,,1954-60 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a profoundly drunken state ...1965-71 Amer. sl.
• MOKUS, THE n. a state of depression; the blues ...1927 Amer. sl.
• MOKY adj. of weather: foggy, hazy ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MOLA n. money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MOLARED adj. drunk ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOLAR JERKER n. a dentist ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLAR MASHER n. a dentist ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOLAR TINKER n. a dentist ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES n. 1. a nickname for a slow or lazy person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. nonsense, baloney ...1968 Amer. dial.
int. nonsense! ...1924 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES HOPPER n. a grasshopper ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES SPIT n. saliva coloured brown by snuff or chewing tobacco ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOLDWARP n. a stupid, worthless, or good-for-nothing person; a senseless person; a dolt ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MOLDY adj. 1. worthless; unpleasant; outdated, out of style ...1896 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. uncontrollably eager ...a1907 Amer. sl.
n. something repulsive ...1955 US campus sl.
• MOLDY FIG n. 1. a person who admires older styles of jazz; used derisively ...1945 Amer. jazz usage
n. 2. a person having outdated or conservative ideas ...1949 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a spoilsport ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MOLE n. 1. a spy who works from within an enemy's government or spy agency; hence, a person who spies on an organization from within ...1925 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (usually derogatory) a woman ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MOLE-CATCHER n. the vagina ...L19 sl.
• MOLEHILL n. a pregnant stomach ...E18 sl.
• MOLES n. moleskin trousers ...L19 Aust. sl.
• MOLESHAG n. a caterpillar that devours cabbages ...1777 Eng. dial.
• MOLESKIN n. (derogatory) a Black person ...1990s US sl.
• MOLESKIN SQUATTER n. a working man who has come to own a small sheep run ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOLESTATE † vb. to harass, to trouble ...1543
• MOLESTIOUS † adj. troublesome, annoying ...1524
• MOLEY n. a gangland weapon of a potato with razor blades inserted into it ...1950 Brit. sl.
• MOLIMINOUS † adj. 1. massive, cumbrous ...c1643
† adj. 2. done with great effort or endeavour, laborious ...1656
† adj. 3. weighty, momentous, of vast importance ...1684
• MOLL n. 1. a prostitute; a whore ...1604 sl.
n. 2. an effeminate man; a male homosexual ...L17 sl.
n. 3. orig., a girl or woman; one's wife or sweetheart ; a tough or rowdy young woman ...1753
n. 4. a criminal's or gangster's female companion ...1823 sl.
n. 5. a female pickpocket or thief ...1955 US sl.
vb. to work as a prostitute ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOLL-BUZZARD n. a pickpocket who preys upon women ...1899 criminals' & police sl.
• MOLL-BUZZER n. 1. a pickpocket who preys upon women ...1859 criminals' & police sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket or beggar; a female thief ...1866 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a ladies' man ...1913 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a panhandler who begs from women ...1925 Amer. sl.
• MOLL-BUZZING n. purse snatching; picking pockets ...1900 Amer. sl.
• MOLL CRIB n. a brothel ...1866 Amer. sl.
• MOLLED adj. drunk ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOLLEY n. 1. a prostitute ...E18 sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLIE n. 1. one of the gardener caste in India; hence, any native gardener ...1759 Anglo-Indian
n. 2. a prostitute ...E18 sl.
n. 3. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOLLIE COTTONTAIL n. a rabbit ...1835 Amer. dial.
• MOLLIES n. men's long underwear ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOLLISHER n. a woman; a low-class girl or woman; one living in concubinage; a female cohabiting with a man, who jointly get their living by thieving; a thief's mistress; a wife ...1812 sl.
• MOLLITIOUS * adj. luxurious, sensuous; inviting to repose ...1646
• MOLLITUDE † n. softness, tenderness, weakness, effeminacy ...1656
• MOLLOCK vb. to cavort; to have a good time; to have sexual intercourse ...1932 sl.
• MOLL PEATLEY'S GIG n. sexual intercourse ...L18 sl.
• MOLL PEATLEY'S JIG n. copulation ...L18 sl.
• MOLL PRATLEY'S GIG n. sexual intercourse ...L18 sl.
• MOLLSACK n. a market basket ...M19 sl.
• MOLL SHOP n. a brothel ...20C sl.
• MOLL'S THREE MISFORTUNES phr. 'broke the [chamber-] pot, bes[hi]t the bed and cut her a[r]se' ...L18 sl.
• MOLL THOMPSON'S MARK n. a term used to describe an empty bottle ...L18 sl.
• MOLL-TOOL n. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLL-TOOLER n. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLWHIZ n. a female pickpocket ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• MOLL-WIRE n. 1. a pickpocket who specializes in robbing female victims ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a female pickpocket ...M19 sl.
• MOLLY adj. drunk ...1960s Aust. rhyming sl. (Molly the Monk)
n. 1. an effeminate man or boy, esp. a homosexual; usually used derisively ...1709 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
n. 3. one of the gardener caste in India; hence, any native gardener ...1759 Anglo-Indian
n. 4. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
n. 5. a nickname for a female horse or mule ...1944 Amer. dial.
n. 6. nonsense, bunk ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 7. a cow ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 8. a telephone ...1971 Brit. rhyming sl. (Molly Malone)
n. 9. an upper or sleep-retarding pill ...1976 Amer. drugs. sl.
n. 10. MDMA ...2003 Brit. drugs sl.
vb. to sodomize, to bugger ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY BÁN n. confusion, worry ...20C Irish sl.
• MOLLY BAWN n. confusion, worry ...20C Irish sl.
• MOLLY-BOOBY n. a foolish person ...1965 Barbados sl.
• MOLLY-BOY n. an effeminate or homosexual man ...E18 sl.
• MOLLYCODDLE n. 1. a man or boy who is used to being coddled; an effeminate man ...1833 colloq.
n. 2. a lollipop ...1957 Amer. dial.
vb. to coddle or treat with excessive kindness; to pamper ...1863 colloq.
• MOLLYCODDLES n. an imaginary disease or illness ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COTTON n. a rabbit ...1889 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COTTONTAIL n. a rabbit ...1835 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY COW n. a hornless cow ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY-CULL n. an effeminate man; a male homosexual ...L17 sl.
• MOLLY-DODGER n. a contemptible or despicable fellow ,,,1964-69 US Black sl.
• MOLLY-DOOK n. a left-handed person ...1941 Aust. sl.
• MOLLY-DOOKER n. a left-handed person ...1934 Aust. sl.
• MOLLY-DUKE n. a left-handed person ...1941 Aust. sl.
• MOLLYFOGGING adj. contemptible, despicable ...1978 Amer. sl.
• MOLLY GRAW n. a hobgoblin used to threaten children and make them behave ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HAR n. a hare ...1893 Amer. dial.
• MOLLYHAWK vb. 1. to cut or chop rudely or roughly ...1901 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to tease, to abuse ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HOGAN n. 1. any complicated or puzzling thing ...1960 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a nonexistent thing or person used as the basis of a practical joke ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY HOGAN DEAL n. a deal with a catch, something wrong ...1966 Can. sl.
• MOLLY-HUGGING n. love-making; petting ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOLLYING adj. very keen on buggery ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY MAGUIRED adj. tired ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLY MALONE n. a telephone ...1971 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLY O'MORGAN n. an organ (in any sense, orig. a barrel organ) ...1961 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MOLLYPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MOLLY PUTZ n. 1. a careless, slovenly woman; a careless housewife ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 2. woman who is somewhat scatterbrained as to her dress, mannerisms, etc. ...1988 Amer. dial.
• MOLLY'S HOLE n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MOLLY-SHOP n. a brothel ...Bk1902 sl.
• MOLLYSLOP adj. nonsensical, weak with overtones of effeminacy ...L19 sl.
• MOLLY THE MONK adj. drunk ...1966 Aust. rhyming sl.
• MOLO adj. drunk ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOLO-MAN n. a Black person ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• MOLOTOFF BREADBASKET n. a cluster of incendiary bombs ...1940 military usage, now hist.
• MOLOTOV BREADBASKET n. a cluster of incendiary bombs ...1940 military usage, now hist.
• MOLOTOV COCKTAIL n. a makeshift bomb typically consisting of a bottle of gasoline and a rag that serves as a wick and is ignited before throwing ...1939 Amer. sl., orig. journalist usage
• MOLOWA adj. lazy ...1938 Hawaii
• MOM n. 1. mother ...1876 US sl.
n. 2. a grandmother ...1941 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a passive partner in a lesbian relationship; also, a lesbian who is notably feminine in appearance and behaviour ...1957 homosexual sl.
n. 4. milk of magnesia (acronym) ...1972 Amer. sl.
• MOMBU † n. the bamboo ...1662
• MOME adj. gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MOMENTAL † adj. 1. lasting only a moment; momentary, brief ...1606
† adj. 2. very important, momentous ...1818
• MOMENTANEAL † adj. lasting but a moment, momentary ...c1610
• MOMENTANEOUS † adj. 1. lasting but a moment, momentary ...c1610
† adj. 2. occurring in a moment, instantaneous ...1657
• MOMIST † n. a fault-finder ...1597
• MOMMA n. 1. a mother ...1776
n. 2. an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse ...1803 Amer. dial. obs.
n. 3. a promiscuous woman ...1925 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 4. a girlfriend or wife ...1926 US sl.
n. 5. a grandmother ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 6. the head of a boil ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 7. a very attractive female; a beautiful girl ...1972 Amer. dial., esp. Black usage
• MOMMA-HOPPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1970s euphemism
• MOMMER n. a mother ...1929 Eng. dial.
vb. to confuse, to perplex ...1825 Eng. dial.
• MOMMICK n. 1. a mess, a botch ...1952 Amer. dial.
n. 2. someone who makes a mess ...1968 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to mix up; to make a mess of ...1903 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to take advantage of ...1918 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to harass, to browbeat ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOMMICKED adj. disorderly; in confusion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOMMICKING n. a thorough beating ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIX n. 1. something strange and distasteful ...1923 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a mess, a botch ...1953 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a state of excitement or confusion ...1953 Amer. dial.
vb. to mix, to confuse ...1906 Amer. dial.
• MOMMIXED adj. disorderly, mixed up, in confusion ...1895 Amer. dial.
• MOMMOCK n. 1. a fragment, a scrap; a broken piece, esp. of food; a slice ...1816 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an untidy heap or mess; a litter; a confused, shapeless mass; a dirty mixture; confusion, muddle ...1875 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to break or cut into pieces; to crumble; to tear; to mangle; to carve awkwardly ...1853 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to squander, to dissipate, to waste; to leave carelessly about ...1870 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to disarrange, to tumble, to throw into confusion; to pull about, to mess, to make dirty; to worry ...1899 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to harass, to tease, to annoy, to torment, to impose on ...1946 Amer. dial.
• MOMMOCKED-UP adj. dressed up fantastically and absurdly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOM-MOM n. a grandmother ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOMMUCKING adj. awkward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MOMMUX n. a muddle; a botch ...1869 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to confuse; to confound ...1867 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to botch; to spoil in the making ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MOMMUX UP vb. 1. to botch; to spoil in the making ...1909 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to confuse; to confound ...1913 Amer. sl.
• MOMMY n. 1. mother ...1902 US sl.
n. 2. a grandmother ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOMO n. a stupid or useless person; a blockhead ...1954-60 Amer. sl.
• MOMONA adj. fat; fleshy ...1938 Hawaii
n. a fat person ...1938 Hawaii
• MOMOX n. a mess, a botch ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 1 to botch, to mess up, to confuse ...1867 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to tear into pieces; to mangle; to beat severely, to maul ...1867 Amer. dial.
• MOM'S n. milk of magnesia (acronym) ...1972 Amer. sl.
• MOMSER n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOM'S ROOM n. the family or living room ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• MOMZA n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOMZER n. 1. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
• MOMZIR n. a catch-all term implying everything from great affection to deep dislike ...20C sl.
• MON n. 1. money ...1889 Amer. sl.
n. 2. man ...1977 Amer. sl.
• MONACK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1666 Amer. dial.
• MONAKER n. 1. a sovereign (coin) ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONA LISA n. 1. a freezer ...1980s rhyming sl.
n. 2. a pizza ...1980s rhyming sl.
• MONARCH n. 1. £1 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONARCHOMACHIST † n. one who fights against monarchy; an anti-monarchist ...1639
• MONAX n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1743 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY AND TUESDAY adj. slow, steady, careful ...1950s sl.
• MONDAY COMES BEFORE SUNDAY phr. a warning to a woman that her slip is showing ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY MORNING HEADACHE n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK n. a person who offers hindsight criticisms of problems already faced by others; a second-guesser ...1932 Amer. sl., esp. journalists' usage
vb. to criticize with the benefit of hindsight ...1950 Amer. sl., esp. journalists' usage
• MONDAY MORNING SICKNESS n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY SICKNESS n. an imaginary illness used as an excuse to avoid work or school ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONDAY'S LONGER THAN SUNDAY phr. used to indicate that a woman's slip is showing ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONDO adj. great in size, amount, prominence, or degree; big, huge; hence, extraordinary ...1968 Amer. sl.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1968 Amer. sl.
• MONDO BIZARRO adj. exceedingly strange ...1966 Amer. sl.
• MONET n. a person who seems attractive or desirable from a distance, but isn't up close ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MONEY adj. winning ...1934 Amer. sl.
n. 1. a (generally very young ) girl's private parts ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a mass of bubbles floating on a hot drink, such as cocoa or tea, sometimes on cold drinks, such as root beer; a lot of bubbles in your cup or glass meant you would soon come into some money ...c1870 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a crucial element ...1960 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a friend ...1990 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY ARM n. a pitcher's throwing arm ...1971 Amer. baseball usage
• MONEY-BAG adj. wealthy ...1980s sl.
n. (as 'moneybag')
n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. a wealthy person ...1912 sl.
• MONEY-BAG LORD n. 1. an ennobled banker ...1885 society colloq.
n. 2. an ennobled millionaire or successful businessman ...L19 sl.
• MONEY-BAGS adj. wealthy ...1980s sl.
n. 1. a wealthy person ...1818 sl.
n. 2. a lover of money ...E19 sl.
• MONEY BONE, THE n. a pitcher's throwing arm ...1962 Amer. baseball usage
• MONEY-BOX n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MONEY-BUG n. a millionaire ...c1898 sl., orig. US
• MONEY-CALLED adj. motivated by money rather than by dedication ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CALLED PREACHER n. a professional preacher who would find some other work if he was not paid well ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONEY CAT n. a calico cat, esp. one with at least three colours ...1957 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CATCHER n. a dandelion blossom gone to seed ...1896 Amer. dial.
• MONEY CHILD n. a child who is reared by someone for a fee ...1947 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CLEANER n. a non-existent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-CORMORANT n. one greedy for money ...1840
• MONEY-CUFFEE n. a foolish spendthrift ...L19 W. Indies sl.
• MONEY DOG n. 1. a person who saves in a mean way or is greedy in money matters ...1970 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a friend ...1995 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY-DROPPER n. a swindler who, dropping counterfeit money, gets good change from some 'flat' ...1748 cant
• MONEYFIED †* adj. endowed with money ...1641
• MONEY FOR DICK n. money for nothing ...1914 army sl.
• MONEY FOR DIRT n. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR DUST n. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1910s sl., orig. military
• MONEY FOR JAM n. 1. anything, including money, that is gained through a minimal amount of effort, and is available for purely pleasurable expenditure ...1919 sl., orig. military
n. 2. sure money, or more generally, money easily obtained or earned ...20C colloq.
• MONEY FOR OLD ROPE n. 1. something requiring little effort ...1936 sl., orig. services' usage
n. 2. money for nothing or almost nothing ...20C colloq.
• MONEY FROM HOME n. something easily obtained ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GOING TO BED phr. a great deal of money ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GOLD LIGHT n. a will-o'-the-wisp ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MONEY GRIP n. a friend ...1990 Amer. rap music usage
• MONEY-GRUB n. one who is sordidly intent on amassing money; an avaricious person ...1768
• MONEY HOUND n. a person who saves in a mean way or is greedy in money matters ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONEY LIGHT n. a will-o'-the-wisp ...c1952 Amer. dial.
• MONEY MACHINE n. (usually offensive) the vagina, usually of a prostitute ...1961 Amer. sl.
• MONEY-MAKER n. 1. (usually offensive) the vagina, usually of a prostitute ...1785 sl.
n. 2. (usually offensive) the buttocks, usually of a woman ...a1972 Amer. sl.
• MONEY MAKES THE MARE TO GO phr. money can do most things ...L16 colloq.
• MONEY MISER n. a skinflint, a miserly person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONEY OUT vb. to pay up ...1868 Amer. sl.
• MONEY PLAYER n. 1. in sports and gambling: one who performs well under the pressure of intense competition ...1922 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a professional athlete ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MONEY POSITION n. the winner of a contest, esp. a horse race ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MONEY-PUKER n. an automatic teller machine ...1993 Amer. jocular
• MONEY PUNCH n. in boxing, a knockout blow ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MONEY RIDER n. a jockey who is well-known for riding winning horses ...c1961 Amer. sl.
• MONEY SHOWER n. a shower or wedding at which money is given as a gift ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONEY-SPINNER n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. a spider; if you don't hurt or kill them, they'll bring good luck ...1884 Amer. dial.
n. 3. something profitable ...1952 sl.
• MONEY TALKS n. money is very powerful ...1586
• MONG adj. stupid, dull ...1970s sl.
n. 1. a mongrel dog ...1903 Aust. sl.
n. 2. any dog, even of the best pedigree ...c1940 Aust. sl.
vb. to be dully comatose or lethargic...2000s sl.
• MONGEE n. food ...1914 Amer. hobo usage
vb. to eat ...1930 Amer. hobo usage
• MONGEY n. food ...1914 military sl.
• MONGIE adj. 1. dirty; evil-smelling; nasty ...1970s Eng. sl.
adj. 2. dull, stupid ...c1975 teen sl.
• MONGISH adj. stupid ...1980 teen sl.
• MONGO adj. 1. considerable, substantial, huge, big ...1974 US teen & campus sl.
adj. 2. very many ...1986 Amer. sl.
adv. extremely ...1990s sl.
n. 1. an idiot; a weirdo ...1975 Amer. sl.
n. 2. objects retrieved from trash; hence, a scavenger ...1984 Amer. sl.
• MONGOL n. a Chinese immigrant to Australia, or the United States ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MONGOLIAN n. a Chinese immigrant to Australia, or the United States ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MONGOLITO n. a term of endearment ...1980s US campus sl.
• MONGOLOID n. a stupid, dumb person ...1990s sl.
• MONGOOSE n. 1. an albino, esp. as a term of abuse ...1900s W. Indies sl.
n. 2. a McDonnell-Douglas A-4 Skyhawk strike fighter, as modified for advanced combat training ...1987 Amer. military aviation usage
• MONGOOSE GANG n. a group of thugs working for a politician and acting as a form of private army/secret police ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• MONG OUT vb. to be dully comatose or lethargic ...2000s sl.
• MONGREL adj. an abusive epithet ...17C sl.
n. 1. an accomplice who helps in a confidence trickster's pose as a poor scholar ...16C UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a general term of abuse ...L16 Aust. & NZ sl.
n. 3. a sponger; a hanger-on among cheats ...c1720 cant
• MONGY adj. stupid, dull ...1970s sl.
• MONICA n. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONICKER n. a name, esp. a nickname or alias ...1851 Amer. sl.
• MONIKA n. a personal name ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONIKER n. a name, esp. a nickname or alias ...1851 Amer. sl.
• MONISH n. money ...1804 Amer. Anglo-Yiddish usage
• MONK n. 1. a monkey ...1841 sl.
n. 2. a general term of contempt ...M19 sl.
n. 3. (contemptuous) a Chinese person ...1903 Amer. sl.
n. 4. (contemptuous) a Black immigrant from the West Indies ...1924 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a supreme court judge ...1931 US criminals' sl.
n. 6. a ferret ...Bk1942 Amer. circus sl.
n. 7. addiction to a drug, usually heroin ...1960s US sl.
n. 8. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1961 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to tinker, trifle, or fool around; to tamper or interfere with surreptitiously ...1889-90 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to make a fool of ...1916 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to neck, to engage in sexual activity ...1950s US sl.
• MONK BAG n. a small leather wallet or purse worn around the neck, tucked out of sight ...1841 Amer. sl., chiefly nautical
• MONKERY n. the country ...c1790 sl.
• MONKERY, THE n. tramps or other vagrants collectively ...1851 tramps' sl.
• MONKEY n. 1. a rascal, a scamp; used jocularly, esp. in reference to a woman or child ...1602
n. 2. a man, a fellow, a character; usually used disparagingly ...1689
n. 3. a great-coat ...c1810 Royal Navy sl.
n. 4. a padlock ...1812 sl.
n. 5. a mischievous child ...1819 sl.
n. 6. £500 or $500 ...1832 sl.
n. 7. a porous earthen vessel for the cooling of water or other beverages ...1834 nautical sl.
n. 8. orig. a short, close-fitting jacket; a pea jacket; also, a heavy thigh-length coat, esp. as worn by sailors ...1838 Amer. nautical sl.
n. 9. (usually offensive and contemptuous) a non-White or dark-complexioned person, esp. a person of African or Asian descent; in World War II, a Japanese person ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
n. 10. a keg, cask or other container for liquor ...1839-40 Amer. sl.
n. 11. a sheep ...c1880 Aust. sl.
n. 12. the vulva or vagina ...c1888 Amer. sl.
n. 13. a clerk, esp. if unimportant ...1909 mechanics' sl.
n. 14. the coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
n. 15. (derogatory) a Black person ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 16. a victim or intended victim of swindlers ...1922 Amer. criminals' sl.
n. 17. a dancing girl; a chorus girl; also, a taxi dancer ...1928 Amer. sl.
n. 18. a federal prohibition agent ...1930 Amer. sl., now hist.
n. 19. the winged seed of maple or ash ...1949 Amer. dial.
n. 20. an addiction, esp. to heroin ...1949 Amer. sl.
n. 21. in construction: a pile driver ...1965 Amer. sl.
n. 22. nonsense, baloney ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 23. the penis ...1989 Amer. sl.
n. 24. in real estate: a mortgage ...1990 Amer. sl.
vb. to tinker, trifle, or fool around; to fritter away one's time; usually used with 'with' ...1877-78 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ABOUT vb. to behave mischievously or aimlessly ...1889
• MONKEY AROUND vb. to act without purpose; to play around; to behave mischievously or aimlessly ...1884 Amer. colloq.
• MONKEY-ASSED adj. damned ...1989 Amer. sl.
• MONKEYBACK n. a man who dresses in formal dinner clothes ...1928 US Black sl.
• MONKEY BAG n. a small leather wallet or purse worn around the neck, tucked out of sight ...1847 Amer. sl., chiefly nautical
• MONKEY BAIT n. free samples of addictive drugs ...1950s drugs sl.
• MONKEY-BITE n. 1. a mark left, often on the shoulder, by amorous biting; a hickey ...c1930 Can. sl.
n. 2. a hand grab, as just above the knee, no bruise ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY BLANKET n. a pancake ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-BOARD n. the conductor's or the footman's place on an old-style omnibus or on a carriage ...1842 colloq.
• MONKEY BONE n. the funny bone ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY BUSINESS n. foolishness; also, underhand actions or trickery; misbehaviour ...1883 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-CAGE n. 1. a grated room from which a convict sees his relatives and friends ...c1870 sl.
n. 2. the steel structure of a modern building ...20C sl., chiefly Cockneys'
n. 3. a caboose ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY CAP n. an overseas cap...1919 Amer. Army sl.
• MONKEY CAPERS n. monkey business ...1846 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY CATCHER n. a shrewd, level-headed person, one not too scrupulous in his methods, and who adds cunningness to his cleverness ...Bk1892 W. Indian sl.
• MONKEY-CHASER n. 1. a Black immigrant from the West Indies; used contemptuously ...1924 US Black sl.
n. 2. a man interested in a chorus girl or taxi-dancer ...1931 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a South Sea Islander, a Polynesian ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY CLIMB vb. to climb the trunk of a tree by holding on with your legs while you pull yourself up with your hands .,..1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY CLOTHES n. a man's formal dress; evening clothes ...1904 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DICK n. 1. Vienna sausage; frankfurter, hot dog ...1965 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a stupid or contemptible person ...1988 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DICKS n. link sausages ...1970s Amer. campus sl.
• MONKEY-DODGER n. a sheep-station hand ...20C Aust. sl.
• MONKEY-DOODLE n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY DRILL n. 1. calisthenics ...1895 Amer. sl., chiefly Navy & US Marine Corps
n. 2. a mounted cavalry or artillery drill, often involving trick riding ...1901 US Army sl., now Hist.
n. 3. a scaling or climbing drill ...1982 US Army sl.
• MONKEYED adj. exhausted, esp. by heat ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYED UP adj. confused, mixed up ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYFACE n. a person with a monkey-like face ...1936 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY FARE n. whatever food has been prepared ...1939 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-FART AROUND vb. to waste time; to fool about ...a1970 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-FARTING n. silly behaviour, useless employment ...20C Can. sl., esp. soldiers'
• MONKEY FISHING n. fishing by using an electrical current to stun the fish ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY FOOD n. 1. snack food, finger food; a small amount of food eaten between regular meals ...1940 Amer. dial.
n. 2. peanuts ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY FRUITS n. peanuts ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY HAT n. an overseas cap ...1917 US military sl.
• MONKEY HOUSE, THE n. 1. a caboose ...1931 Can. railroadmen's sl.
n. 2. an insane asylum ...1958 US sl.
n. 3. a jail, prison stockade ...1982 US military sl.
• MONKEY HUNT n. a beach party; a good time ...19C sl.
• MONKEY HUT n. a caboose ...1977 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY IN THE WOODPILE n. a concealed fact, factor, or motive; something suspicious ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY ISLAND n. the uppermost tier of a big ship's bridge ...L19 nautical sl.
• MONKEY-JACKET n. a coat ...Bk1891 sl.
• MONKEY-JESUS n. an ugly person ...Jamaican sl.
• MONKEY MAN n. a weak and servile husband ...1924 US sl.
• MONKEY-MEAT n. the coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-MONK n. a superior or important person, whether in fact or through pretension ...L19 US sl.
• MONKEY MOTIONS n. physical exercises ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MONKEY-NUT n. a coconut ...1909 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY NUTS n. 1. prison-cooked meatballs ...20C US prison sl.
n. 2. peanuts ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ON A GRIDIRON n. a cyclist ...L19 Cockney's sl.
• MONKEY ON A STICK n. a thin man with jerky movements ...c1880 colloq.
• MONKEY ON A WHEEL n. (derogatory) a bicyclist ...L19 sl.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK n. 1. an addiction to narcotic drugs, esp. heroin ...1860 sl.
n. 2. any form of addiction or long-term problem; a burden or great disadvantage; a source of emotional pressure ...1959 Amer. colloq.
n. 3. anger or a bad temper ...M19 sl.
n. 4. delirium tremens ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S SHOULDER n. drug addiction, esp. to heroin ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MONKEY PARADE n. the evening promenade up and down a main thoroughfare by (Cockney) young people in search of flirtation ...L19 sl.
• MONKEY PILE n. a pile of people on top of one another ...1984 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY PISS n. inferior beer or other liquor ...1975 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY ON THE CHIMNEY n. a mortgage on a house ...1875 mainly legal usage
• MONKEY ON THE HOUSE n. a mortgage on a house ...1875 mainly legal usage
• MONKEY PARADE n. (derogatory) a promenade of young men and women in search of sexual partners ...1910 Brit. sl.
• MONKEY-PAW vb. to handle with great skill ...19C Royal Navy colloq.
• MONKEY PLAY n. foolishness; also, underhand actions or trickery; misbehaviour ...1953 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY-POOP n. the half deck of a flush decked ship ...L19 nautical coll.
• MONKEY ROOST n. the upper balcony in a theatre ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONKEYS n. 1. (unwanted) sexual advances ...L18 sl.
n. 2. delirium tremens ...1935 Amer. dial.
n. 3. menstrual cycle ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S ALLOWANCE n. 1. more rough treatment than money; a minimum of payment and a maximum of harsh treatment ...1785 sl.
n. 2. short rations ...L18 Royal Navy usage
• MONKEYS AND SNAKES n. delirium tremens ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S BREAKFAST n. an untidy piece of work ...20C nautical sl.
• MONKEY'S CAT n. a dupe, a stooge ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S COUSIN n. in bingo: the number 12 ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'dozen'
• MONKEY SEE: MONKEY DO! int. addressed to one who imitates the actions of another, or as warning not to do such and such because someone (usually a child) might follow suit ...c1925 Can. & US
• MONKEY'S FIST n. something that puzzles ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• MONKEY'S GOT A HEMORRHAGE phr. one is menstruating ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY SHINE n. tricks or antics ...E19 US sl.
vb. (as 'monkey-shine) to misbehave; to play tricks ...20C US sl.
• MONKEY-SHINES n. foolish behaviour; tricks or antics ...c1832 US sl.
• MONKEY SHOW n. a burlesque show having chorus girls ...1931 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY'S INSTEP n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY'S MONEY n. payment in kind, esp. labour, goods, or fair words ...c1650 colloq.
• MONKEY'S ORPHAN n. a term of abuse for a lubberly seaman ...20C Brit. nautical sl.
• MONKEY'S PARADE n. (derogatory) a promenade of young men and women in search of sexual partners ...1910 Brit. sl.
• MONKEYSPRING n. a handspring, a somersault ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY'S TAIL n. a nail ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MONKEY SUIT n. 1. a formal evening dress suit; a tuxedo ...1895 US
n. 2. a uniform provided by carnival proprietor ...20C Can. carnival sl.
n. 3. any uniform worn by a railway employee on a passenger train ...1901 US
• MONKEY'S WEDDING n. 1. a state of disorder or disarray ...1884 Amer. dial.
n. 2. an unpleasant smell ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• MONKEY'S WEDDING BREAKFAST n. a state of disorder or disarray ...1884 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY-SWILL n. strong or inferior liquor; moonshine ...1929 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY TIE n. a particularly gaudy tie ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• MONKEY TRACK n. the scarred veins that are the product of and indicate heroin addiction ...1960s sl.
• MONKEY-TRAPS n. female finery, to 'catch' men ...c1930 sl.
• MONKEY TRICKS n. 1. foolish behaviour ...1653 sl.
n. 2. dubious activities ...18C sl.
n. 3. sexual liberties...c1890 colloq.
n. 4. any annoying or irritating action ...c1920 sl.
• MONKEY UP vb. to climb the trunk of a tree by holding on with your legs while you pull yourself up with your hands .,..1965 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WAGON n. 1. an estate car; a 'family' car ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a caboose ...1977 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WARD COWBOY n. a would-be cowboy, who has the clothes but is otherwise spurious ...1910s US sl.
• MONKEY WITH vb. to tamper or interfere with surreptitiously ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WITH A LONG TAIL n. a mortgage ...1886 legal usage
• MONKEY WITH THE BANDWAGON vb. to meddle in a dangerous situation ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WITH THE BUZZ SAW vb. to meddle in a dangerous situation; to risk injury of any kind ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY WORK n. 1. mischievous or underhanded activity, monkey business ...1898 Amer. dial.
n. 2. trifling or insignificant work ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MONKEY WRENCH vb. to repair a car or truck engine ...1961 US sl.
• MONK-ON n. a gloomy, introspective mood ...2003 Antarctica usage
• MONMOUTH STREET FINERY n. tawdry clothes, furniture, etc.; pretense, pretentiousness ...c1850 Brit. colloq.
• MONNIKER n. a person's name ...1882
• MONNISHER n. a young woman ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MONO n. a black and white television set; a monophonic sound reproductions system ,,,1970 UK sl.
• MONOBROW n. two eyebrows joined by hair growth above the nose ...1990 Aust. sl.
• MONOCULAR EYEGLASS n. the anus ...c1860 Brit. jocular
• MONOGLOT adj. 1. speaking or using only one language ...1830
adj. 2. written in only one language...1890
n. one who knows only one language ...1894
• MONOLITHIC adj. extremely drug-intoxicated ...1971 US sl.
• MONONEIRIST n. a person who has never dreamed but once ...1762-71
• MONOPHAGIAN † n. one who eats alone, or who eats only one kind of food ...1625
• MONOPHAGIZE vb. to eat alone ...1854
• MONOPHAGUE † n. one who eats alone, or who eats only one kind of food ...1625
• MONO-RUMP n. the buttocks formed into a single mass by a garment ...1974 US sl.
• MONOSYLLABLE n. the female genitals ...E19 Brit. sl.
• MONSOON BUCKET n. a helicopter-borne water container used for aerial bombardment of forest fires ...1997 Can.
• MONSTA adj. formidable; excellent ...1999 US sl.
• MONSTER adj. excellent, very good; impressive, large, big, formidable ...1953 US sl., orig. Black usage
n. 1. something that is extremely and unusually large ...1759 Brit.
n. 2. a term of endearment ...1954 US teen sl.
n. 3. a formidable piece of equipment ...1955 US sl.
n. 4. any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
n. 5. in poker: a great hand or large amount of money bet ...1982 US sl.
n. 6. an immense wave, surfed by a special and small class of surfers ...1987 US sl.
n. 7. a sex offender, a convicted paedophile ...1996 Brit. prison sl.
n. 8. an extremely unattractive woman who is seen as a sex object, esp. one who is ravaged by age ...2002 Brit. sl.
vb. 1. to harass, to threaten, to victimize someone ...1967 Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to make a verbal attack on someone or something; to put pressure on ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MONSTERED adj. drunk ...2003 Brit. sl.
• MONSTRATIOUS adj. monstrous ...1836 Amer. dial.
• MONSTROPOLOUS adj. monstrous ...1937 Amer. dial.
• MONSTROUS † adj. an intensifier ...1710-11 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
adv. exceedingly, very ...1590
• MONSTROUS GOOD adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONTANIC †* adj. pertaining to mountains; consisting of mountains ...1799
• MONTE-MAN n. a confidence trickster ...1900s Aust. sl.
• MONTEZUMA GOLD n. good-quality marijuana from Mexico ...1970s US drugs sl.
• MONTEZUMAS n. bloomers ...20C rhyming sl.
• MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE n. diarrhoea; originated by tourists in Mexico afflicted with diarrhoea ...1962 sl.
• MONTH HAND n. a temporary farm worker hired by the month ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONTHLIES n. the menses ...L19 Brit. & US colloq.
• MONTHLY n. the menstrual period ...L19 sl.
• MONTHLY BILL n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY DUES n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY FLOWERS n. the menses ...19C euphemism
• MONTHLY HAND n. a temporary farm worker hired by the month ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MONTHLY PAIN n. menstruation ...20C US sl.
• MONTHLY RAG n. a menstrual cloth ...20C US colloq.
• MONTHLY TERMS n. the menses ...E17
• MONTH OF SUNDAYS n. a long time ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MONTHS n. menstrual discharge ...1694
• MONTICOLINE * adj. inhabiting mountains ...1890
• MONTICULOUS * adj. having little hills; dwelling in hills or mounts ...1656
• MONTIVAGANT †* adj. wandering on the mountains ...1656
• MONTIVAGOUS † adj. wandering up and down the hills and mountains ...1658
• MOO n. 1. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. money ...1945 sl.
n. 3. an unpleasant or despicable female ...1967 sl.
n. 4. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOOCAH n. marijuana ...1937 US drugs sl.
• MOOCH n. 1. departure or expulsion ...1894 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a borrower or cadger ...1914 sl.
n. 3. a beggar or shiftless character; hence, a term of disparagement ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a sucker, a chump, an easy mark; one easily cheated, deceived, or imposed upon ...1927 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a kiss ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 6. narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 1. to go, to amble, to depart, to clear out; also, to sneak ...1851 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to borrow or cadge money; to obtain, as by begging, to beg; also, to steal ...1857 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to move slowly or apathetically; to idle about, to loaf ...1927 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to kiss ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOCHER n. 1. an unskilled beggar or petty thief; hence, a sponger, a borrower, a cadger ...1857 sl.
n. 2. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a politician who takes graft or who 'bolts' (opposes his or her party's position) ...Amer. World War I sl.
n. 4. an idle person; a loafer ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MOOCHING adj. idling, loafing ...M19 sl.
• MOOCH OFF vb. to laze around ...1920s US sl.
• MOOCH OVER vb. to move over, to make room ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOCH SPOT n. a hickey ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOCH THE MAIN STEM vb. to be along a town's main street ...L19 sl.
• MOOCHY adj. making a show of affection in a public place, kissing ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOO-COW n. 1. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOODIES n. depression ...1960s sl.
• MOODY n. 1. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1917 sl.
n. 2. a bad temper or fit of sulking ...1969 Brit. sl.
• MOODY-COLORED adj. of a dull or sad colour ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MOOE n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOOEY n. 1. the face ...1859 sl.
n. 2. the mouth ...1859 sl.
• MOOEY-MOOEY n. love; lovemaking; courting ...1942 US sl.
• MOOFKY-POOFKY n. foolishness or mischief, esp. of a romantic or sexual nature; sexual activity; hanky panky ...1994 Amer. jocular
• MOOFTY-POOFTY n. foolishness or mischief, esp. of a romantic or sexual nature; sexual activity; hanky panky ...1996 Amer. jocular
• MOOJOO n. a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1938 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• MOO JUICE n. milk or cream ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOOK n. an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person ...1930 US sl.
• MOOKY adj. foolish, contemptible, ineffectual ...1967 US sl.
• MOOLA n. money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOOLAH n. money ...1939 sl., orig. US
• MOOLEY n. a mulatto ...2000s US Black sl.
• MOOLIE n. 1. a country person ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a Black person ...1960s US sl.
• MOO-MOO n. 2. a cow ...E19 UK juvenile sl.
n. 2. a fool, a simpleton ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 3. an extremely shy person, too nervous to speak out ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 4. an obese person ...1990s US college sl.
• MOON n. 1. the buttocks ...1756 sl.
n. 2. a month's imprisonment ...1830 sl.
n. 3. illicitly distilled liquor; whisky; moonshine ...1928 US sl.
n. 4. one's navel ...1969 Amer. dial.
n. 5. mescaline ...M20 US drugs sl.
vb. 1. to behave or move about listlessly and unproductively ...1848 sl.
vb. 2. to drop one's trousers and expose one's naked buttocks ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MOONACK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1876 Amer. dial.
• MOON AND STARS n. an outhouse ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOON AWAY vb. to lounge, to loiter, to waste time ...L19 sl.
• MOON-BALL n. the moon ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MOONCALF † n. 1. a congenitally formed animal; a monster ...1565 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1620
n. 3. a bastard ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOON CRICKET n. a Black person ...20C US sl.
• MOON CRUMBLER n. an imaginary animal said to live in the woods ...1939 Amer. dial.
• MOON-CURSER n. 1. a link-boy, esp. one that lights his clients into a pack of rogues (link-boy = a boy who carried a flaming torch to light the way for pedestrians at night ...1673 Brit. sl.
n. 2. ('mooncurser') one who causes ships to wreck in order to plunder them; one who plunders wrecked ships ...1812 Amer. dial.
• MOONCUSSING n. taking goods from wrecked ships ...1937 Amer. dial.
• MOONDOWN n. the setting of the moon; the time when the moon sets ...1797 Amer. dial.
• MOO-NECK n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOONER n. 1. a drunkard ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. someone who goes about listlessly; an idler; one who seems to be staring at the moon ...1848 sl.
n. 3. an imaginary animal said to live in the woods, to which night sounds are attributed ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MOONEY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C sl.
adj. 2. silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. absent-minded; dreamy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. illegally made whisky ...1929 Amer. dial.
• MOON-EYED adj. 1. partially blind ...1610
adj. 2. drunk ...1737 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. able to see better by night than by day ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MOON-EYED HEN n. a squinting wench ...c1780 Brit. sl.
• MOON-FACED adj. Japanese-faced ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOON-FIXER n. a very tall, usually lanky, person ...c1950 Amer. dial.
• MOONGLADE n. the diffused and lengthened reflection of moonlight on water ...1859 Amer. dial.
• MOON-HEAD n. a silly, awkward fellow ...1919 Amer. dial.
• MOON-HEADED adj. silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOONHOUSE n. an outhouse ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOONIE n. a cow with a bad temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MOONISH † adj. resembling or characteristic of the moon; influenced by the moon; acting as if under the moon's influence; changeable, fickle, flighty, whimsical, capricious, variable ...c1407 obs. or arch.
• MOON IS IN THE HALLIOR, THE phr. the moon is in her last quarter, is much in the wane ...1815 Sc.
• MOON JELLY n. a jellyfish; the jellyfish most commonly washed up on beaches during high tide or after a storm ...1981 Amer. dial.
• MOONLIGHT n. smuggled spirits ...19C sl.
vb. 1. to engage in criminal activity at night ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
vb. 2. to steal cattle ...1950s Irish sl.
vb. 3. to have more than one job ...1957 sl., orig. US
• MOONLIGHTER n. 1. a prostitute ...M19 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a thief or burglar who operates at night ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 3. a smuggler of illicitly distilled liquor ...1920s sl.
n. 4. a cattle thief ...1950s Irish sl.
n. 5. someone who works at more than one job ...1957 sl.
n. 6. one who betrays their regular partner ...1960s US teen sl.
• MOONLIGHT FLIT n. the removal of one's household goods, and with them oneself, late at night in order to escape paying one's rent ...L19 sl.
• MOONLIGHT FLITS n. the female breasts ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'tits'
• MOONLIGHT FLITTING n. leaving a house late at night to avoid paying the rent ...E18 sl.
• MOONLIGHTING n. 1. taking a second job, usually late-night, in addition to one's daily employment ...1950s sl.
n. 2. loafing on the job ...1969 Amer. dial.
• MOONLING † n. a simpleton, a silly fellow, a fool, an idiot, a lunatic ...1616
• MOON-MAN n. 1. a robber by night ...L16 Brit. colloq.
n. 2. a gypsy ...17C Brit. sl.
• MOONOX n. a woodchuck, a marmot, a groundhog ...1805 Amer. dial.
• MOON-RAKER n. 1. a Wiltshire man ...c1765 Brit. colloq.
n. 2. a smuggler ...19C Eng. dial. & colloq.
n. 3. a blockhead ...c1840 Brit. colloq.
• MOONRAKING n. the act of taking part in a foolhardy or unfruitful activity
• MOONSET n. the moment when the moon disappears below the horizon
• MOONSHINE n. 1. foolish talk or thought; nonsense; humbug ...L16
n. 2. homemade whisky; cheap or inferior alcohol; any alcohol ...L18 cant & colloq.
n. 3. rice ...1933 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a month ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 5. something worthless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. (derogatory) baker's light bread ...1961 Amer. dial.
n. 7. rice and raisins cooked together (eaten by cowboys) ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOONSHOT n. 1. anal sex ...1972 US sl.
n. 2. outdoor sex at night ...1986 US sl.
• MOONSTOMP n. an ungainly dance associated with the skinhead youth cult ...1999 UK sl.
• MOONSTRICKEN adj. deranged or mad
• MOONSTRUCK adj. deranged or mad
• MOON-TIME n. the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...2000 US sl.
• MOON-UP n. moonrise ...1907 Amer. dial.
• MOONWALK vb. to perform a dance-step which, when it is done well, gives the impression of walking forward whilst gliding in reverse; popularized by Michael Jackson ...1984 US sl.
• MOONWALKER * n. a person who sleepwalks
• MOONY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 2. crazy; foolish; silly, esp. in demonstrating affection ...Bk1942 sl.
adj. 3. absent-minded; dreamy; listless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. any slow or romantic dance, or the music for it, played at an organized dance or disco, esp. at the end of an evening ...1988 Sc. sl.
• MOOP n. a person suffering from chronic disorientation in Arctic regions of Antarctica produced by long days and then long nights ...1959 Antarctica usage
• MOO POO n. cow manure ...1994 Aust. sl.
• MOOR n. a member of a racially mixed people living in central Delaware and southern New Jersey ...1888 Amer. dial.
• MOOR, THE n. Dartmoor prison ...1869 UK sl.
• MOOSE n. 1. (derogatory) a nickname for a woman ...20C US sl.
n. 2. a large, powerful, or clumsy person ...1910 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a Japanese or Korean prostitute; hence, any Asian woman who cohabits with a serviceman ...1951 US military in the Far East
n. 4. a young Japanese or Korean woman, esp. the wife or mistress of a serviceman stationed in Japan or Korea ...1953 US services' sl.
n. 5. a big man; an overweight girl; anything large and difficult to manage ...1973 US Sl.
n. 6. a girl ...1974 Amer. sl.
n. 7. an unattractive female ...1995 Irish sl.
n. 8. in poker: a large pot ...1996 US sl.
• MOOSE CAT n. 1. anyone possessing great ability, strength, etc.; an extraordinary person ...1926 Amer. logging usage
n. 2. anything unusually large or extraordinary ...1956 Amer. logging usage
• MOOSE-EYE n. a strong, direct stare ...1944 Amer. dial.
• MOOSEFACE n. an ugly or unattractive person ...1859 Amer. sl.
• MOOSE JAW n. a large or protruding jaw ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOSE-JAWED adj. having a prominent lower jaw ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOOSE MILK n. 1. whisky ...1954 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a mixed alcoholic drink made with ingredients such as milk and eggs and usually rum ...1957 Can. sl.
• MOOSEY n. the vagina ...1920 US sl.
• MOOSH n. 1. the face or mouth ...L18 sl., orig. Aust. & US
n. 2. prison food, often porridge ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 3. a guardroom or cell; a military prison ...1917 sl.
n. 4. a term of address to a male; gen. used by men to other men ...1936 Brit. sl.
n. 5. a moustache ...1960s sl.
n. 6. mushrooms ...1990s sl.
• MOOT n. a soft roll of dust that collects on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MOOTA n. marijuana ...1933 US sl.
• MOOTAH n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOTCHER n. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOOTER n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOTIE n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOOZIE n. a soft roll of dust that collects on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1980 Amer. dial.
• MOOZLES n. a slow, stupid, slovenly person ...1878 Eng. dial.
• MOP n. 1. a fool; an oaf ...14C sl.
n. 2. a drunk who soaks up alcohol ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 3. a person's face ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a sad face or expression
n. 5. a tangle of hair
vb. to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOP ALONG vb. to move lethargically ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MOP AND MOW vb. to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOPE n. 1. a fool; a dolt; an oaf; a dullard ...E17
n. 2. a hasty or unceremonious departure ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a stealthy escape ...1926 US sl.
n. 4. (derogatory) a nonsurgeon physician ...1994 hospital usage
n. 5. a thug ...1997 US sl.
vb. 1. to be slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to quit your job in the circus ...1980 US sl.
• MOPE AWAY vb. to quit your job in the circus ...1980 US sl.
• MOPED n. a fat female; a promiscuous female ...2001 US sl.
• MOPERY n. incompetence, stupidity ...1907 US sl.
• MOPES, THE n. a fit of depression; a gloomy mood; a fit of being dispirited ...1954 Amer. dial.
• MOPEY adj. slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOPHEAD n. a person with thick, shaggy hair
• MOPHY n. a male homosexual ...1929 sl., chiefly S. Afr.
• MOPISH adj. 1. dejected, gloomy
† adj. 2. foolish, silly
• MOP JOCKEY n. a janitor or custodian ...1958 US sl.
• MOPOKE n. a slow or lugubrious person ...Aust. & NZ sl.
• MOPP vb. to don protective clothing and breathing apparatus against chemical warfare; 'Mission Oriented Protective Posture' ...1993 US sl.
• MOPPER n. a person who tends to wheedle drinks from friends ...1950 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• MOPPET n. a child ...1601 Brit.
• MOPPLE n. 1. confusion, a state of disorder ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a blunder, a mistake ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to confuse, to puzzle ...1869 Eng. dial.
• MOPPUS n. 1. a farthing ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a halfpenny ...L17 sl.
• MOPPUSSES n. money ...L18 sl.
• MOPPY adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 2. of hair: thick, untidy, dishevelled
• MOPS AND BROOMS adj. intoxicated with alcohol ...19C sl.
• MOP-SQUEEZER n. in a deck of playing cards: a queen ...1949 US sl.
• MOPSTICK n. 1. a fool or an idiot ...sl.
n. 2. a person who does odd jobs in a bar or saloon in exchange for drinks ...US
• MOPSY † n. 1. a term of endearment; a pretty child; a young girl; a darling, a sweetheart ...1582 ? obs.
† n. 2. a slatternly, untidy woman; a sloven; a dowdy or homely woman ...a1700 ? obs.
n. 3. a woolly variety of dog ...1855
n. 4. a diminutive or small person; a doll ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOP THE HAIR vb. to wash the hair ...1952 Amer. dial.
• MOPTOP n. a youth or a young man who wears his hair in a fringed style popularized by the Beatles in the early 1960s ...1964 Brit. sl.
• MOP-UP n. an operation to tidy up after a flood, fire, etc.
vb. (as 'mop up')
vb. 1. to guzzle liquor ...1811 sl.
vb. 2. to gain or win a significant of money ...1851 sl.
vb. 3. to finish off, usually by killing, to vanquish; hence, to finish the remainder of a task ...1898 sl.
• MOPUS n. 1. a farthing ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a halfpenny ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a piece of money; coin ...1698 sl.
n. 4. a person who mopes
• MOPUSSES n. money ...L18 sl.
• MORAGRIFA n. marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MORAL adj. certain, definite ...1900s sl.
• MORASS n. a disordered or muddled situation or circumstance, esp. one that impedes progress
• MORBULENT * adj. sickly, full of diseases ...1656
• MORE ASS THAN A PADDOCK OF COWS phr. said of one who is very cheeky ...1990s Aust. sl.
• MORE BALLS THAN A POOL HALL phr. said of a courageous person ...1966 US sl.
• MORE BALLS THAN BRAINS phr. said of someone who has more strength than intelligence ...a1890 US sl.
• MORE CURTAINS! int. used by women to tease anyone passing by in evening dress ...1910s Cockney sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BRIGHTON phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BRIGHTON BEACH phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN BUCKINGHAM PALACE phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1980s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN FOY AND GIBSON'S phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1950s Aust. sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN HARRODS phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1970s sl.
• MORE FRONT THAN MYERS phr. used of one who is very cheeky, daring, or outspoken ...1950s Aust. sl.
• MORE F THAN R phr. 'more fool than rogue'; originally and chiefly used of a servant ...M19 sl.
• MORE HOLY THAN RIGHTEOUS phr. applied to a tattered garment or person ...1880 colloq.
• MOREISH adj. 1. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1905 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. hungry ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORE LIKE IT phr. satisfactory ...1888 sl.
• MOREPORK n. a 'dull dog'; a fool ...c1840 Aust. colloq.
• MOREPORK KIND OF A FELLOW n. a 'dull dog'; a fool ...c1840 Aust. colloq.
• MORE POWER TO YOUR ELBOW! int. an exclamation of encouragement, good luck to you! ...1848 Ireland
• MORE RED NEBS THAN MIDGES phr., used in very cold weather ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• MORE R THAN F phr. applied to one who is more rogue than fool, esp. to a servant that seemed foolish ...c1860 sl.
• MORE SACKS TO THE MILL! int. pile it on! there's plenty here! ...16C colloq.
• MORE SAUCE THAN PIG phr. indicates greater show than substance ...c1670 colloq.
• MORE SIDE THAN A BILLIARD BALL adj. very arrogant, snobbish ...1910s Aust. sl.
• MORE SQUEAK THAN WOOL phr. indicates greater show than substance ...18C colloq.
• MORE THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT n. a great number, beyond number, impossible to count ...E19 sl., orig. US
• MORE THAN YOU COULD POKE A STICK AT n. a very large amount ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MORE TIME phr. see you later ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• MORETON n. 1. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
n. 2. a busybody ...1970s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'gig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
• MORETON BAY n. 1. one who betrays associates to the police or other authorities; an informer ...1953 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
n. 2. a busybody ...1970s Aust. rhyming sl. for 'gig' (Moreton Bay Fig)
• MORETON BAY FIG n. an informer to the police ...Aust. sl.
• MORE WAR! int. directed at a street quarrel, esp. among women ...1898 Cockney usage
• MORE WRINKLES THAN INCHES phr. of weather or man: extremely cold ...20C Brit. sl., orig. Royal Navy
• MOREY adj. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1975 Amer. dial.
• MORF n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...E20 US sl.
n. 2. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 3. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORFIEND n. a morphine addict ...M20 US sl.
• MORFO n. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MORGANIZE vb. to abduct ...M19 US sl.
• MORIBUND adj. 1. in a dying state; at the point of death ...1721
adj. 2. on the point of coming to an end ...1837
n. a person in a dying state ...1835
• MORIENT † adj. dying ...1679
• MORIGERATE * adj. complying, obedient ...a1533
† vb. to do as commanded; to obey, to comply ...1623
• MORIGEROUS adj. obedient, dutiful, compliant, submissive ...c1600
• MORISH adj. of food: appetizing, tasty ...1905 Amer. dial.
• MORK †* vb. to complain, to murmur ...c888
• MORLEY n. 1. the hand, a fist ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a finger; usually used in plural ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a signature; handwriting ...M19 sl.
• MORLOCK n. a prank, frolic, a lark; a trick, a practical joke; a noisy disturbance, an uproar, a row ...1864 Eng. dial.
• MORMON STATE n. Utah ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORNGLOAM n. the morning twilight ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MORNING PRIDE n. a morning erection ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORNIN'S MORNIN n. a morning drink ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOROLOGY † n. 1. a silly speech, foolish talking; folly, nonsense ...1596
n. 2. the science that treats of fools ...1867 humorous
• MOROSOPH † n. 1. a 'wise fool'; a jester ...a1693
n. 2. one who is 'foolishly wise'; a philosophical or learned fool; one learned but lacking common sense ...1751
• MORPH n. 1. morphine ...1912 US sl.
n. 2. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORPHIE n. morphine ...20C US drugs sl.
• MORPHO n. 1. morphine ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 2. a morphine user ...20C drugs sl.
• MORPHODITE n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...20C Amer. dial.
n. 2. a sexual pervert; a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• MORPHY n. morphine ...20C US drugs sl.
• MORPHYDITE n. 1. a hermaphrodite ...20C Amer. dial.
n. 2. a sexual pervert; a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• MORSEL n. a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MORUNGEOUS adj. harsh, stern; outrageous; obstreperous, ...1864 Sc.
• MORT n. 1. a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
n. 2. a sexually loose woman ...18C sl.
n. 3. death ...19C Eng. dial.
n. 4. a corpse ...19C Eng. dial.
• MORTAL adj. 1. drunk ...1824 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
adj. 2. long and wearisome; boring ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adv. very ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTALLIOUS adj. dead drunk ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORTAR n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• MORTAR BOARD n. an emery nail file ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MORTASES n. tomatoes ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTH OF COLD, A n. intensity of cold, severe cold; a very heavy cold ...1824 Sc. & Ireland
• MORTIAL adv. very ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MORTON n. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Morton Bay Fig)
• MORTON BAY n. an informer ...1950s Aust. criminals' rhyming sl. for 'fizgig' (Morton Bay Fig)
• MORT WOP-APACE n. an experienced prostitute ...17C cant
• MOSCHATE adj. having a musky smell ...1820
• MOSCOW n. a pawnshop ...1910 Aust. sl.
vb. to pawn ...1910 Aust. sl.
• MOSCOW MULE n. a cocktail of vodka, lime juice, and ginger beer, traditionally served in a copper mug
• MOSE n. (derogatory when used generically) a nickname for a Black man ...20C US colloq.
• MOSES n. a bookmaker ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MOSEY vb. 1. to leave quickly; to depart, to be off; decamp ...1820 Amer.
vb. 2. to wander or shuffle about leisurely; to stroll; to saunter: often followed by 'along', 'about', etc ...1820 Amer.
• MOSEY ALONG vb. to be slow; to stroll, to saunter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSHKY n. a user of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOSOB n. bosom ...20C US back-slang
• MOSQUITO n. a musket ...1845 Amer. jocular
• MOSQUITO BITES n. small breasts ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MOSQUITO BOAT n. a small river craft carrying light guns ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MOSQUITO HAWK n. a dragonfly ...chiefly southern US
• MOSQUITO'S EYEBROWS n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSQUITO'S PANTS n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSS n. 1. the female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person ...M20 US sl.
n. 3. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOSSA! int. Well! Well! ...1981 Irish sl.
• MOSSBACK n. 1. a conservative; one opposed to progress; an old-time pioneer who is satisfied with life and whose narrow ways prevent development; an out-of-date person; an old-fashioned person ...1878 US colloq.
n. 2. a person living in the backwoods; a rustic ...colloq.
n. 3. a wild bull or cow ...Amer.
n. 4. an old and large fish, as a bass ...angling usage
n. 5. an old turtle
• MOSSBACKED adj. slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOSS-GROWN adj. old-fashioned; antiquated
• MOSSHEAD n. (derogatory) a Black person ...M20 US sl.
• MOSS HORN n. an aged cowboy ...1880 Western US
• MOSSIE n. 1. the Cape sparrow ...c1870 S. Afr. colloq.
n. 2. a mosquito ...1936 sl., orig. Aust.
• MOSSING n. depositing things in pawn ...20C Brit. sl.
• MOSS-JUMPER n. a rustic ...L18 Brit. sl.
• MOSS ON THE BOSOM n. hair growing on the man's chest ...20C US sl.
• MOSSOO n. monsieur; a Frenchman ...1870 Brit. colloq.
• MOSS-ROSE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• MOSSY adj. 1. dull, stupid ...c1595 jocular
adj. 2. hairy ...19C colloq.
adj. 3. old or outdated; antiquated
• MOSSY AGATE n. something that is 'just the thing' ...E20 Brit. sl.
• MOSSY-BACK n. a conventional person; an old-fashioned person ...1878 chiefly N. Amer.
• MOSSY-CELL n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. the female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• MOSSY DOUGHNUT n. the vagina ...1940s US sl.
• MOSSY FACE n. 1. the female genitals and pubic hair ...L18 sl.
n. 2. the ace of spades ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOSSY HORN n. 1. an aged cowboy ...1880 Western US
n. 2. an old steer, esp. a longhorn with scaly horns ...1880 Western US
• MOST, THE n. the best, the most exciting, the finest, the ultimate in something ...1953 sl., orig. US
• MOSTEST n. the very best ...L19 sl., orig. US
• MOST ON TOAST, THE n. the best, the most exciting, the finest ...1950s sl., orig. US
• MOST RICKY-TICK adv. very quickly ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• MOSTWHAT † adv. mostly, for the most part ...a1300
• MOSY ALONG vb. to be slow; to stroll, to saunter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOT n. a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
n. 2. a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 4. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 5. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 6. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 7. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
vb. to go out pursuing women, to court ...19C sl.
• MOTA n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MOTABLE † adj. always moving, still in motion ...1656
• MOT-CART n. 1. a brougham or similar vehicle owned by a kept woman or well-off prostitute ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a mattress ...L19 sl.
• MOT-CASE n. a brothel ...M19 sl.
• MOTH n. a prostitute; a prostitute who prowls in the night ...L19 sl.
• MOTHBALL adj. inactive, unused; stored away
vb. to put into storage or reserve; to inactivate
• MOTH-EATEN adj. out of fashion; antiquated
ֳ• MOTHER n. 1. a madam ...17C Brit. cant
n. 2. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1955 US sl.
n. 3. the 'leader' of a group of homosexual males; the 'sponsor' of a young homosexual in homosexual society ...M20 US homosexual usage
n. 4. any homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual usage
• MOTHER ABBESS n. a brothel-keeper, a madame ...L17 sl.
• MOTHER BUNCH n. an unattractive, fat or untidy old woman ...1847 sl.
• MOTHER CAREY IS PLUCKING HER GEESE phr. it is snowing ...B1900
• MOTHER-FUCKER n. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1956 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MOTHER-HOPPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1970s euphemism
• MOTHER-HOPPING adj. an intensifier ...1960s US euphemism
• MOTHER-HUBBA n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
• MOTHER HUBBARD n. 1. a cupboard ...L19 rhyming sl.
n. 2. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
n. 3. nonsense, fanciful talk, lies ...1980s sl.
• MOTHER HUBBER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s euphemism, orig. US
• MOTHER-HUGGER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1950s US euphemism,
• MOTHER-HUGGING adj. an intensifier ...1950s US euphemism
• MOTHER-HUMPER n. a supreme insult, 'motherfucker' ...1960s US euphemism,
• MOTHER-HUMPING adj. an intensifier ...1960s US euphemism
• MOTHER-IN-LAW n. the number 7 pin ...1976 Amer. bowling usage
• MOTHER-IN-LAW SEAT n. the back seat of a two-seat airplane ...1961 Amer. aviation usage jocular
• MOTHERJUMPER n. an affected euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1949 US sl.
• MOTHERJUMPING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1950 US sl.
• MOTHER KELLY n. 1. a jelly ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
n. 2. television ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'telly'
• MOTHERLESS adj. completely broke; motherless broke ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERLESS BROKE adj. penniless, completely broke, bankrupt, destitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERLING n. a term of endearment for a mother ...1865
• MOTHER LOVER n. a euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1950 US sl.
• MOTHER LOVING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1951 US sl.
• MOTHERLUMPING adj. a euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1961 US sl.
• MOTHER-MIDNIGHT † n. a midwife ...1602 sl.
• MOTHER NATURE n. 1. marijuana ...1969 US sl.
n. 2. menstruation ...1978 Amer. dial.
• MOTHER NATURE'S GIFT n. the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...1999 US sl.
• MOTHER NATURE'S MARACAS n. the testicles ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER NATURE'S OWN TOBACCO n. marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL MASONS n. the vagina ...19C sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL SAINTS n. the vagina ...L18 sl.
• MOTHER OF ALL SOULS n. the vagina ...L18 sl.
• MOTHER OF GOD n. LSD ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER OF LAW † n. a mother-in-law ...1538
• MOTHER OF PEARL n. 1. a girl ...L19 rhyming sl.
n. 2. cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• MOTHER OF PRESIDENTS n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER OF SHIT! int. an exclamation of surprise, rage or exasperation ...1940s US
• MOTHER OF ST. PATRICK n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• MOTHER OF ST. PAUL n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• MOTHER OF THAT WAS A WHISKER, THE phr. a retort to an utterly implausible story ...M19 sl.
• MOTHER OF THE MAIDS n. a madam. a brothel-keeper ...E17 sl.
• MOTHER PARKER n. a tough, older homosexual ...1950s US homosexual sl.
• MOTHER-PLUGGER n. a term of a abuse; an extreme insult ...1920s US Black sl.
• MOTHERRAMMING adj. a general intensifier; 'motherfucking' ...1960s US Black euphemism
• MOTHER-RAPER n. a euphemism for 'motherfucker'; an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1959 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MOTHER-RAPING adj. euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1932 US sl.
• MOTHER-ROBBING adj. euphemism for 'motherfucking' ...1948 US sl.
• MOTHERS n. gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHERS AND LOVERS n. a very small crowd at a competition ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MOTHERSCRATCHER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...2001 US sl.
• MOTHER'S DAY n. a payday or day when welfare cheques are issued; payday, because on payday you pay the money you owe to one mother(fucker) after another ...1965 US sl.
• MOTHERSELLER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1953 US sl.
• MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER n. 1. any tranquillizer ...1977 US sl.
n. 2. amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• MOTHER'S PRIDE n. a bride ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MOTHER'S RUIN n. gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHER STATE n. Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER SUCKER n. a crybaby ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOTHER SUPERIOR n. an older, experienced homosexual man ...1941 US sl.
• MOTHER WIT n. common sense ...1972 US sl.
• MOTION LOTION n. 1. gasoline; fuel ...1976 Amer. jocular
n. 2. alcoholic liquor ...1978 Amer. jocular
• MOTITATION * n. a quivering movement ...1641
• MOTIVATE vb. 1. to leave ...1955 US sl.
vb. 2. to go, esp. in a motor vehicle ...1955 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to go, travel, or depart, esp. hurriedly ...1966 Amer. sl.
• MOTO n. 1. marijuana ...1950s US drugs sl.
n. 2. a motivated self-starter ...1993 US sl.
• MOTOR n. 1. a motorcycle ...1946-51 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a motor car ...1984 UK sl.
vb. 1. to go at a great speed ...1980 Amer. sl.
vb. 2. to leave ...1980 US sl.
vb. 3. to perform a task very well ...1983 UK sl.
vb. 4. to leave quickly ...1988 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR BULLET n. an automobile with a torpedo body ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR CITY n. Detroit, Michigan ...1961 US sl.
• MOTOR COP n. a motorcycle policeman ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTORHEAD n. 1. a fool, a dolt, an idiot ...1973 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a person who is over-enthusiastic about cars ...1974 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a person with more than a passing interest in the internal combustion engine ...1974 US sl.
• MOTORHUCKLE n. a motorcycle ...1983 Amer. jocular
• MOTOR MAC n. a motor mechanic or machinist's mate ...1953 Amer. navy sl.
• MOTORMOUTH n. 1. a person given to incessant talking or chattering, or who talks when it would be better not to talk ...1963 Amer. sl.
n. 2. the mouth of a garrulous person; hence chatter ...1976 Amer. sl.
vb. to talk without stopping; to chatter ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MOTORMOUTHED adj. given to incessant talking or chattering ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MOTOR SCOOTER n. euphemism for 'motherfucker' ...1960 US sl.
• MOTORSICKLE n. a motorcycle ...1967 US sl.
• MOTOR TORPEDO n. an automobile with a torpedo body ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTORVATE vb. to go in a vehicle ...1978 Amer. sl.
• MOTORWAY n. when skiing, a broad, easy piste ...1982 UK sl.
• MOTORWAY DRAW n. marijuana ...2001 UK sl.
• MOTOR WHEEL n. a motorcycle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOTOWN n. Detroit, Michigan ...1971 US
• MOTSA n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MOTSER n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTT n. 1. a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 4. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 5. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 6. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
• MOTTE n. 1. a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
n. 3. a criminal's accomplice; a female criminal ...E19 sl.
n. 4. a public house or lodging-house landlady ...M19 sl.
n. 5. the mons veneris; hence, the vagina ...L19 sl.
n. 6. pubic hair, whether male or female ...L19 sl.
• MOTTLED adj. drunk ...2002 UK sl.
• MOTT THE HOOPLE n. a scruple ...2004 UK rhyming sl.
• MOTZA n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOTZER n. a large amount of money; often applied specifically to a large amount won in gambling ...1936 Aust. sl.
• MOUCH n. an easy subject for a beggar ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUCHER n. a hanger-on at a saloon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOULDWARP n. a stupid, worthless, or good-for-nothing person; a senseless person; a dolt ...1928 Amer. dial.
• MOULDY adj. 1. depressed ...1876 sl.
adj. 2. of low quality, bad, inferior, unsatisfactory ...1896 sl.
adj. 3. unpleasant; disagreeable ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 4. insignificant; trivial; worthless ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 5. drunk ...1996 Ireland sl.
n. a torpedo ...1916 Brit. sl.
• MOULDY-FIG n. a very dull person ...1945 US sl.
• MOULDY-'UNS n. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• MOULENJAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULIN ROUGE n. a stooge (comedian's assistant) ...1980 UK theatrical rhyming sl.
• MOULONJAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULONJOHN n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MOULY n. a Black person ...1990 US sl.
• MOUNSEER n. a Frenchman; (French 'monsieur') ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MOUNT n. 1. a saddle-horse ...1856 colloq.
n. 2. a wife or mistress ...c1856 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a copulation ...c1856 Brit. sl.
n. 4. any machine ...1935 Brit. sl.
n. 5. in hot rodding, a driver's car ...1948 US sl.
vb. 1. to get upon in order to copulate with ...L16
vb. 2. to supply, to 'set up' ...c1770 Brit.
vb. 3. to swear falsely, to commit perjury, for money ...c1780 sl.
• MOUNT, THE n. 1. London Bridge ...1718 Brit. sl.
n. 2. Montreal ...20C Can. tramps' sl.
n. 3. one's bicycle ...c1930 Brit. services' jocular
• MOUNT A CORPORAL AND FOUR vb. to masturbate ...L18 Brit. sl.
• MOUNTAIN n. an erection ...1990s US college sl.
• MOUNTAIN BOOMER n. one from the outlying districts; an uncouth person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOUNTAIN CANARY n. 1. a donkey ...1920s US sl., chiefly Western usage
n. 2. a mule ...1997 US sl.
• MOUNTAIN CLIMBER n. a feeling of intoxication produced by drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEVIL n. a native of Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEW n. 1. whisky, distilled illegally ...1816 UK sl.
n. 2. rum, distilled illegally ...1926 Trinidad and Tobago
• MOUNTAIN GOAT n. 1. any form of prison meat ...1940s US prison sl.
n. 2. a coat ...1988 Glasgow rhyming sl.
• MOUNTAIN GUINEA n. a northern Italian; used by southern Italians ...1960s US Italians' usage
• MOUNTAIN LAMB n. 1. salt pork ...20C US sl.
n. 2. venison ...20C US sl.
• MOUNTAIN OYSTERS n. lamb or calf testicles as food ...1857 US sl.
• MOUNTAIN PASSES n. spectacles, glasses ...1960 UK rhyming sl.
• MOUNTAIN-PECKER n. 1. a sheep's head ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a Welshman ...L19 sl.
• MOUNTAIN STATE n. West Virginia ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUNTAIN TROUT n. a bookmaker's tout ...1930s rhyming sl.
• MOUNT ALDRICH n. logic ...E19 Oxford University usage
• MOUNT EUCLID n. mathematics ...c1810 Oxford University usage
• MOUNTIE n. a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1914 colloq.
• MOUNT THE HIGH HORSE vb. said of a person affecting airs of superiority, or behaving pretentiously or arrogantly; to be overbearing or oppressive; to be proud; to take offense ...1871
• MOUNT THE LADDER vb. to be hanged
• MOUNT THE RED FLAG vb. 1. to blush ...1892 sl.
vb. 2. to have sex with a woman experiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle ...1972 US sl.
• MOURNING BANDS n. dirty fingernails ...L19 sl.
• MOURNING COACH HORSE n. 'a tall, solemn woman, dressed in black and many inky feathers' ...L19 UK middle class usage
• MOURNING SHIRT n. a flannel shirt ...M17 sl.
• MOUSE n. 1. a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
n. 2. ones wife ...19C US Black sl.
n. 3. the penis ...19C sl.
n. 4. a bruise ...1842 US sl.
n. 5. a black eye ...1854 sl.
n. 6. a barrister, a solicitor ...L19 sl.
n. 7. an informer ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 8. a mistress ...L19 sl.
n. 9. a small, very feminine girl who invites being cuddled ...1900s sl.
n. 10. a man who does not consummate his marriage on the wedding night ...1920s Aust. sl.
n. 11.an effeminate male homosexual; hence, a fellator ...1930s US sl.
n. 12. a weakling ...1940s sl.
n. 13. a pocket ...1940s US Black sl.
n. 14. in the used car business, a customer or potential customer ...1968 US sl.
n. 15. a child ...1970s US sl.
n. 16. the soldier on point in the front of a patrol ...1991 US sl.
vb. 1. to hit in the face ...L17 sl.
vb. 2. to give a black eye ...1920s sl.
vb. 3. to engage in sexual activity ...1920s US college sl.
vb. 4. to inform on ...1940s US criminals' sl.
vb. 5. to blackmail ...1970s US sl.
int. be quiet! ...19C
• MOUSE, THE n. extortion ...1970s US sl.
• MOUSEBRAIN n. a fool, a birdbrain ...1914 Amer. sl.
• MOUSE DROPPINGS n. in computing, single pixels on a computer screen that do not reappear when the cursor of the mouse is moved away from the spot ...1991 US sl.
• MOUSEHOLE n. 1. the vagina ...19C sl.
n. 2. any small hole ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUSE HOUSE n. a finance company ...1975 US sl.
• MOUSE MOTOR n. a small-block Chevrolet V-8 engine ...1993 US sl.
• MOUSER n. 1. a homosexual man ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a degenerate; a lewd character ...1930 tramps' & criminals' sl.
n. 3. a moustache ...1934 Amer. sl.
• MOUSETAKE n. an error; a mistake; a blunder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUSETRAP n. 1. marriage ...19C US Black sl.
n. 2. £1 ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. any strong or inferior hard cheese ...1947 UK sl.
n. 4. a series of exit consoles on websites that link back on themselves, creating an infinite loop ...2003 US sl.
vb. to ambush an enemy by drawing them into position with some sort of bait ...1989 US
• MOUSEY-POUSEY n. a child's name for the mouth ...B1900 N. Ireland
• MOUSTACHE MOB n. first generation immigrants from Sicily or southern Italy ...1955 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE PETE n. an older Italian-American criminal, associated with outdated ways of doing things ...1938 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE RIDE n. an act of oral sex ...1981 US sl.
• MOUSTACHE RIDER n. a woman as the object of oral sex with a man ...1985 Aust. sl.
• MOUSTICK †* n. a mosquito ...1666
• MOUTH n. 1. backtalk; insults ...1896 UK sl.
n. 2. boastful but empty talk ...1935 sl., orig. US
vb. to inform on someone to the police ...1965 US sl.
• MOUTH-ALMIGHTY n. a very noisy, talkative person; a chatterbox; a blusterer ...1862 sl.
• MOUTH AND TROUSERS n. a braggart ...1998 UK sl.
• MOUTH BET n. in poker, a bet made without putting up the funds, binding among friends ...1889 US sl.
• MOUTH BREATHER n. a fool ...1986 UK sl.
• MOUTHER n. a blow on the mouth ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-FRIEND n. one who professes friendship without intending it; a pretended or false friend ...1607
• MOUTHFUL n. something spoken which has importance or other significance; an important statement ...1916 US sl.
• MOUTH-HARP n. a harmonica ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOUTH IN vb. to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-MAUL vb. 1. to talk loudly and abusively; to drawl; to speak indistinctly ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to sing out of tune ...1876 Eng. dial.
• MOUTH MUSIC n. oral sex on a woman ...1977 UK sl.
• MOUTH OFF vb. 1. to brag ...1958 US sl.
vb. 2. to insult ...1958 US sl.
• MOUTH OPEN, STORY JUMP OUT phr. used for explaining why something that was perhaps better unsaid was said ...1988 Trinidad and Tobago
• MOUTHPIECE n. 1. a spokesperson ...1805 UK sl.
n. 2. a lawyer ...1857 UK sl.
• MOUTH PIG n. a male homosexual who offers his mouth anonymously to any penis that is presented through a glory hole ...1996 US sl.
• MOUTHPRINTS n. hearsay evidence ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-SHOOT n. a conversation; discussion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH SHOOTING n. boasting ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH STEINWAY n. a harmonica ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH-TO-MOUTH TALK n. a private conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTHY adj. loquacious, talkative; often also implying boastfulness or impudence ...1589 sl.
• MOVE vb. to sell, especially in bulk ...1938 US sl.
• MOVE A FINGER vb. to make the slightest effort; used in the negative to denote unwillingness to make an effort ...1833
• MOVE IN vb. in poker, to bet your entire bankroll ...1979 US sl.
• MOVE OFF vb. to die ...M18 sl.
• MOVE ON vb. 1. to hit, to assault, usually with a weapon ...1970s US Black & campus sl.
vb. 2. to assault in a group ...1970s US Black sl.
• MOVE ONE'S ASS vb. to hurry up, to get a move on ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MOVE ONE'S BUTT vb. to hurry up, to get a move on ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MOVE OUT vb. to expand, to bloom ...1920s NZ sl.
• MOVER n. 1. an ambitious and successful person, both socially and with the opposite sex ...1950s sl.
n. 2. someone who moves themself or others physically and emotionally ...1950s sl.
n. 3. an attractive person, usually female ...1950s sl.
n. 4. the person in charge ...1950s sl.
n. 5. a sexually aggressive person ...1960s Amer. sl.
n. 6. in casino gambling, a dice cheat who places his bet after a roll has started ...1962 US sl.
n. 7. someone who imports drugs ...1995 US sl.
• MOVER AND SHAKER n. a powerful person with powerful connections ...1972 US sl.
• MOVERS AND GROOVERS n. ambitious, successful people ...1950s sl.
• MOVERS AND SHAKERS n. ambitious, successful people ...1950s sl.
• MOVES n. knowledge, ability, 'smarts' ...1960s sl., orig. US
• MOVES, THE n. 1. a film, a movie ...1910s US sl.
n. 2. sexual advances ...1968 US sl.
• MOVE THE CROWD vb. to leave ...1990s US Black sl.
• MOVE THE LAUNDRY vb. to smuggle illegal Chinese immigrants ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• MOVE TO THE BLIND vb. to leave one's rented premises without paying the rent ...L19
• MOVE UNDER AN ASHEN SAIL vb. to row a boat ...1975 Can. sl.
• MOVE WITH vb. to associate with, to spend time with ...1950s sl.
• MOVE YOUR CARCASS! int. move! get out of the way! ...1920s sl.
• MOVIE JOB n. sex, esp. sex for pay, in cinema ...1966 US sl.
• MOVIE QUEEN n. a vain homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• MOVIES n. 1. a warship's searchlights ...1917 Royal Navy sl.
n. 2. diarrhoea ...M20 US sl.
n. 3. prison ...1970s US criminal sl.
n. 4. police radar recordings of vehicle speed ...1977 US sl.
• MOVIE STAR DRUG n. cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• MOVIN' adj. good; pleasurable; fashionable; popular ...1997 US sl.
• MOVING DOCTOR n. a medical doctor (from MD) ...2002 Can. sl.
• MOVING DUNGHILL n. a notably filthy man or woman ...L18 sl.
• MOW n. the act of copulation ...M16 sl.
vb. 1. to have sexual intercourse ...M16 sl.
vb. 2. to kiss ...20C US sl.
vb. 3. to eat heartily, to gorge oneself ...1980s US campus sl.
vb. 4. to shave; usually used in describing a woman shaving her legs or her pubic area ...1991 US sl.
• MOWAT n. a woman ...c1910 sl.
• MOWDIEWARK n. the penis ...18C Sc.
• MOWDIWORT n. the penis ...18C Sc.
• MOWE n. copulation; an act of copulation ...L16 orig. Sc.
• MOWED LAWN n. a shaved vulva ...1964 US sl.
• MOWER n. a cow ...c1670 cant
• MOW-HEATER n. a drover ...1676 cant
• MOWING-BLADE n. a scythe ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MOWING MACHINE n. a machine gun ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOWING THE LAWN n. shaving with an electric razor ...c1955 Aust. sl.
• MOWLAH n. a Chinese ...L19 Aust. sl.
• MOWLOW adj. drunk ...1916 Aust. sl.
• MOW ON vb. to eat heartily, to gorge oneself ...1980s US campus sl.
• MOWREE n. a New Zealand seaman ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MOW THE BRIGALO SUCKERS vb. to shave one's beard ...1990s Aust. sl.
• MOW THE GRASS vb. to smoke marijuana ...1960s drugs sl.
• MOW THE LAWN vb. 1. to cut one's hair ...1930s US Black sl.
vb. 2. to shave with an electric razor ...1950s sl.
vb. 3. to smoke marijuana ...1998 UK sl.
• MOX n. 1. a mess; a mixture; a state of decay ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a homosexual man ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOXEN n. a group of homosexual men ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOXIE n. 1. courage, impudence, ability ...1930s sl.
n. 2. energy, vigour, vitality ...1943 US sl.
n. 3. an impudent upstart ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 4. an untidy thus unattractive young woman ...20C W. Indies
• MOXY adj. lousy, very bad ...1999 Ireland sl.
n. a homosexual man ...2003 UK gay usage
• MOYO n. a Black person ...1980s US sl.
• MOYSED adj. amazed, astonished, surprised; bewildered, astounded, perplexed ...1703 Eng. dial.
• MOZ n. luck ...M19 sl.
vb. to hinder, to interrupt someone; to jinx someone ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOZA-MOTTON n. a piece of luck ...M19 sl.
• MOZART adj. drunk ...1945 UK rhyming sl. for 'pissed' (Mozart and Liszt)
• MOZART AND LISZT adj. drunk ...1945 UK rhyming sl. for 'pissed'
• MOZZ n. bad luck; a jinx ...1924 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to jinx someone; to bring bad luck to someone ...1941 Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to interrupt, to hinder ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MOZZARELLA n. money ...2000s US Black sl.
• MOZZIE n. a mosquito ...1936 sl., orig. Aust.
• MOZZLE n. luck ...c1870 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to hinder, to interrupt ...1920s Aust. sl.
vb. 2. to put a jinx on ...1920s Aust. sl.
• MOZZLE AND BROCHA n. a door-to-door salesman ...20C rhyming sl. = 'on the knocker' (working as a door-to-door salesman)
• MOZZY n. 1. the 'Judy' of 'Punch and Judy' ...c1850 Brit. showmen's sl.
n. 2. a mosquito ...L19 Aust. sl.
• M.P. n. a policeman ...M19 Aust. & US sl.
• MPATA n. a new inmate, a fool; one who has not yet learned how to cope with prison conditions ...1980s S. Afr. criminal sl.
• M.R.A. n. unsociable behaviour; Major/Massive Reeb Action ...1980s US college sl.
• MR. ANYBODY n. a generic name for an anonymous member of the public ...1940s sl.
• MR. AVERAGE n. the average member of the public ...1910s sl.
• MR. AVERAGEMAN n. the average member of the public ...1910s sl.
• MR. BAD FACE n. one's competition or enemy ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MR. BATES n. a potential victim, a confidence man's dupe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• MR. BIG n. an important, influential person, esp. a 'criminal mastermind' ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MR. BLOCK n. a gullible person ...1930s US tramps' sl.
• MR. BLUE n. hydromorphone, the basis of the synthetic opiate Dilaudid ...1970s drugs sl.
• MR. BOSS HOSS n. a leader; slightly mocking usage ...1980s US sl.
• MR. BROWN n. a homosexual ...1950s sl.
• MR. CHARLEY n. any White man ...1920s US Black sl.
• MR. CHARLIE n. 1. a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
n. 2. the man in power; the boss ...1970s sl.
• MR. CHIPS n. a ship's carpenter; usually used as a nickname ...1805 nautical sl.
• MR. CLEAN n. 1. an obsessively neat and prudish man ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. someone who makes a point of portraying themselves (sincerely or otherwise) as free of corruption, esp. in politics, business, sport or other forms of public life in which a proclaimed moral stance is useful; an honourable or incorruptible politician ...1973 sl.
• MR. COOL n. the penis ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'tool'
• MR. CRACKER n. a White person ...1950s US Black sl.
• MR. CUNNINGHAM n. a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• MR. DOOZANBERRY n. a man whose name is unknown ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MR. EDDIE n. a White man; used contemptuously ...1925 US Black sl.
• MR. FIVE BY FIVE n. a very short, fat man ...1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. GOTROCKS n. a nickname for a rich, high-society person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MR. GRIM n. death; used as a personification ...1785 sl.
• MR. HAIG n. any straight Scotch whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. HAPPY n. the penis ...1984 Amer. jocular
• MR. HOPKINS n. a lame or limping man ...L18 sl.
• MR. HORNER n. a lecher, a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• MR. KETCH n. a hangman ...M17 sl., orig. UK criminals'
• MR. MILQUETOAST n. a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl.
• MR. MONEYBAGS n. a wealthy person ...L19 sl.
• MR. NASH IS CONCERNED phr. said of a person who is gone or absent ...19C sl.
• MR. NAWPOST n. a foolish fellow ...c1696 sl.
• MR. QUARTO n. a bookseller; a publisher ...M18 colloq.
• MR. R. SUPPARDS n. a very lucky fellow ...19C colloq. (for 'arse upwards')
• MRS n. a wife ...1920 sl.
• MRS, THE n. 1. a wife ...1910s sl.
n. 2. a floor; the floor ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Mrs. More)
n. 3. the vagina ...2001 UK sl.
• MRS. ASTOR n. 1. a woman who overdresses, or spends too much on clothes ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a woman who puts on a lot of airs; an elite 'social leader' of a community; usually mocking ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MRS. ASTOR'S BILLY GOAT n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S COW n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET COW n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET HORSE n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PLUSH HORSE n. 1. an arrogant, haughty person ...1920s US sl.
n. 2. an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. CHANT n. an aunt ...1930s rhyming sl.
• MRS. CHANT'S n. a lavatory ...1950s rhyming sl. for 'My Aunt'
• MRS. CLEAN n. someone who makes a point of portraying themselves (sincerely or otherwise) as free of corruption, esp. in politics, business, sport or other forms of public life in which a proclaimed moral stance is useful ...1970s sl., orig. US
• MRS. CROSS-STICKS n. a cross or bad-tempered woman ...B1900
• MRS DOYLE n. a boil ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS DUCKETT! int. used as a general declaration of rejection or dismissal; may also imply resignation to, or acceptance of a situation ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'fuck it!'
• MRS. JONES'S PLACE n. a W.C.; a toilet ...19C colloq.
• MR. SLOWCOME n. a nickname for a slow or lazy person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MR. SMARTY n. a smart alec ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MRS. GOTROCKS n. a nickname for a rich, high-society person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MRS. JAY GOULD n. a woman who is rich and important ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MRS. MCCLARTY n. a dirty, slovenly housewife ...1845 Sc.
• MRS. MOP n. 1. a woman who works as a cleaner, a charwoman ...1948 UK sl.
n. 2. a shop ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
vb. to shop ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS MOPPING n. shopping ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS. MORE n. a floor; the floor ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• MRS. MURPHY n. a W.C.; a bathroom ...20C US colloq.
• MRS. PALM AND HER FIVE LOVELY DAUGHTERS phr. the hand, in the context of male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PALMER AND HER FIVE DAUGHTERS phr. the hand, in the context of male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PALMER AND HER FIVE LOVELY DAUGHTERS phr. a metaphor for the hand used in male masturbation ...1955 Aust. sl.
• MRS. PRINCUM PRANCUM n. a nice, precise, formal madam ...B1900
• MRS. THINGUM n. a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1873 Amer. dial.
• MR. TELEVISION n. Milton Berle ...1968 US sl.
• MR. THINGUM n. a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1933 Amer. dial.
• MR. THOMAS n. a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person ...20C sl.
• MR. TOM n. a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person ...20C sl.
• MR. TWENTY-SIX n. a hypodermic needle ...1973 US sl.
• MR. WINKY n. the penis ...2001 US sl.
• MR. WOOD n. a police truncheon ...1998 UK sl.
• MR. WOOD IN THE HOUSE phr. used to describe a poorly attended circus performance ...1953 UK sl.
• MR. WRIGHT n. a warder 'going between' a prisoner and his friends ...19C sl.
• MSHOZA n. the female companion of a township dandy ...1980s S. Afr.
• MSM n. homosexual males ('men who have sex with men') ...1998 UK sl.
• MTF n. a very tactile admirer of young ladies ('must touch flesh') ...1982 UK upper-class society usage
• M TO F n. Monday to Friday ...1996 UK sl.
• MU n. 1. marijuana ...1930s drugs sl.
n. 2. used for expressing the sentiment that your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions ...1991 US computing usage
• MUBBLE-FUBBLES † n. depression of spirits; the blues ...1589 sl.
• MUCH! int. certainly not! ...L16 sl.
• MUCH AS A BARGAIN, AS adj. very difficult, all one could do ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUCH GOO ABOUT NOTHING n. masturbation ...1990s sl.
• MUCHITY †* n. 1. a thing of importance ...1621
†* n. 2. great bulk or size...1621
• MUCH LOVE n. popularity, respect ...1990s US Black sl.
• MUCH MORE adj. very good ...1994 US sl.
• MUCH NEED OF A WIFE AS A DOG OF A SIDE-POCKET, AS phr. said of a worn-out old man ...L19 sl.
• MUCHO adj. much, a lot of ...1942 US sl.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1940s sl., orig. US
n. 1. a great deal ...1940s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a lot of, many ...1940s sl., orig. US
• MUCH OF A MUCHNESS adj. very similar, of no discernible difference, unworthy of special notice; of much the same degree, size, value, etc. ...1728
• MUCH OF A SCANTLING phr. 'much of a muchness'; little difference between; similar ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• MUCH PROPS n. respect for others ...1990s US Black & teen sl.
• MUCH-TRAVELLED HIGHWAY n. a large and loose vagina ...19C sl.
• MUCK n. 1. anything nasty, as dirt, mud, sweat, feces, etc. ...13C
n. 2. money ...L17 sl.
n. 3. bad weather ...1855 UK sl.
n. 4. a heavy fall ...L19 sl.
n. 5. anyone or anything considered disgusting, worthless, or abhorrent ...L19 sl.
n. 6. any unpleasant, vile, or disgusting thing to eat or drink ...1882 UK sl.
n. 7. an important or self-important person ...1900s US sl.
n. 8. stage makeup ...1926 US sl.
n. 9. in poker: the pile of discarded cards ...1990 US sl.
n. 10. semen ...1997 sl.
vb. 1. to beat, to surpass, to ruin financially ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to fail at ...L19 sl.
vb. 3. in poker: to fold, to discard your hand ...2003 UK sl.
vb. 4. in a casino: to spread playing cards on a table and move them randomly as part of the shuffling process ...2003 US sl.
• MUCK ABOUT vb. 1. to waste time; to behave foolishly or aimlessly ...1856
vb. 2. to irritate, to tease ...M19 sl.
vb. 3. to pretend, to act half-heartedly, to play about ...M19 sl.
vb. 4. to make a mess of ...L19
vb. 5. to mess up; to create confusion ...20C Brit. colloq.
vb. 6. to fondle intimately ...1930s sl.
vb. 7. to mess someone about ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MUCK-A-MUCK n. 1. an important or self-important person; a prominent person ...1856 US sl.
n. 2. food, drink ...M19 US sl.
• MUCK AROUND vb. to fool around; to waste time ...1856 UK sl.
• MUCKCOOK vb. to laugh behind one's back ...c1880 Brit. sl.
• MUCKED UP adj. 1. dirty; soiled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. in disarray. confused; spoiled ...1996 US sl.
• MUCKENDER † n. 1. a handkerchief ...a1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
†* n. 2. a table napkin; a bib ...a1500
• MUCKER n. 1. a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a diligent student ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 3. a friend ...1947 UK sl.
n. 4. a person who uses sleigh-of-hand to cheat at cards ...1996 US sl.
• MUCKERER †* n. one who hoards wealth, or scrapes money together; a miser, niggard ...1303
• MUCKER-UPPER n. a bungler ...1942 UK sl.
• MUCKET n. a hairpiece or toupee ...1950s US sl.
• MUCKETY-MUCK n. 1. an important or self-important person; a prominent person ...1856 US sl.
n. 2. food, drink ...M19 US sl.
• MUCKFOODLE adj. boastful, bragging ...1885 Eng. dial.
• MUCK-FORKS n. the fingers ...M19 sl.
• MUCK-HEAP n. a filthy, slovenly man or woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUCKHILL n. a pile of money ...L17 sl.
• MUCKHOLE n. 1. a filthy, unappetizing place or room ...1900s sl.
n. 2. the anus ...1930s sl.
n. 3. the vagina ...1960s Aust. sl.
• MUCKIBUS † adj. intoxicated, slightly drunk, tipsy, fuddled; confused or muddled with drink ...1756 sl.
• MUCK IN n. a communal activity ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to join in, to lend a hand, esp. in a dirty or unpleasant task ...L19 sl.
vb. 2. to share, on an informal basis, food, accommodation and other facilities, or work ...1919 UK sl., orig. military
• MUCKING adj. 1. used as an intensifier; a euphemism for 'fucking' ...1887 UK sl.
adj. 2. repellent, filthy ...L19 sl.
• MUCKING-TOGS n. a mackintosh ...M19 sl.
• MUCKLE adj. 1. great, large, big in size ...1600 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 2. much in quantity, abundant ...1737 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 3. eminent, distinguished by birth or wealth; great; important ...1821 Sc.
adj. 4. grown-up, adult ...1882 Sc.
adj. 5. proud, haughty ...Bk1905 Sc.
adv. 1. very ...1773 Sc.
adv. 2. much, greatly ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. a quantity, a large amount, a great deal ...1737 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE AUMRIE n. a very stupid person ...B1900 Sc.
• MUCKLE-BAG n. the stomach ...1883 Sc.
•MUCKLE-BOOKIT adj. 1. large, full-bodied, overgrown ...1895 Sc.
adj. 2. great with child ...Bk1905 Sc.
•MUCKLE-CHAIR n. a large armchair ...1824 Sc.
•MUCKLE-COAT n. a great-coat, a top-coat ...1807 Sc.
•MUCKLE-DEVIL n. the Devil ...1786 Sc.
• MUCKLE ELT n. a stout, clumsy woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• MUCKLE FRIDAY n. the day on which a large fair is held ...1896 Sc.
• MUCKLE-HELL n. hell itself ...1893 Sc.
• MUCKLE-HORNED DEVIL n. the Devil ...1838 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-MAN n. the head labourer on a farm ...1790 Sc.
• MUCKLE-MOUTHED adj. having a large mouth ...1721 Sc.
• MUCKLE-NEEVED adj. large-fisted ...1899 Sc.
• MUCKLE-POT n. a cauldron ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-SHEELD n. the Devil ...1898 Sc.
• MUCKLE-SIZED adj. large-sized ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MUCKLE-TOE n. the big toe ...1787 Sc.
• MUCKLE-WORTH adj. of great value or reputation ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MUCK OUT vb. to kill ...1984 US sl.
• MUCK-RAG n. a handkerchief ...20C Brit. colloq.
• MUCK SACK n. a lazy person ...1959 US sl.
• MUCKSAVAGE n. a country person ...1998 Irish sl.
• MUCK-SCUTCHEON n. a filthy person ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUCK-SLINGING n. slander ...20C Brit. sl.
י MUCK-SNIPE n. a ruined person, esp. a gambler ...c1850 Brit. sl.
• MUCK-SPOUT n. a foul-mouthed talker ...c1870 Brit. sl.
• MUCK-STICK n. 1. a musket, a rifle ...20C Royal Navy sl.
n. 2. a shovel ...1908 US sl.
• MUCK-SUCKLE n. a filthy, dirty, slatternly, or very untidy woman ...c1860 Brit. colloq.
• MUCK-SWEAT n. a very nasty, sweaty state; perspiration; orig. and properly if dust or dirt has accrued ...c1830 Brit. colloq.
• MUCK TOPER FEEKER n. an umbrella-maker ...c1820 Sc. sl.
• MUCK-TRAIN n. a commissariat train ...c1850 Brit. army sl.
• MUCK TRUCK n. in prison: a food trolley ...1996 UK sl.
• MUCK-UP n. 1. a complete failure; confusion or muddle; a botch ...L19 colloq.
vb. (usually as 'muck up')
vb. 1. to litter ...19C Brit. colloq.
vb. 2. to make a mess of; to botch; to ruin; to interfere ...1886 UK sl.
vb. 3. to play the fool ...c1910 Aust. sl.
vb. 4. to clean ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MUCK-UP DAY n. the last day of high school where leaving students play pranks, etc. ...1994 Aust. sl.
• MUCK-UP IN A DIXIE n. a stew ...c1910 Brit. military sl.
• MUCK-WASH n. a nasty, sweaty state ...19C Brit. colloq.
• MUCKWORM n. 1. a selfish wretch; a miser ...16C colloq.
n. 2. a diligent student ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• MUCKY adj. 1. contemptible, sordid ...1683 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. dirty; soiled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. pornographic, esp. when mildly so; lewd ...1972 UK sl.
• MUCKY-MUCK n. a self-important person ...1968 Amer. sl.
• MUCKY PUP n. a dirty or untidy child; a term of disapproval ...1984 Brit. sl.
• MUD n. 1. a fool; an oaf; a stupid person ...18C Brit. colloq.
n. 2. coffee ...1875 US sl.
n. 3. unprocessed opium; opium; heroin ...1915 sl.
n. 4. opium, esp. second-rate ...1920s drugs sl.
n. 5. cheap plaster figurines ...1930s US sl.
n. 6. methadone ...1950s drugs sl.
n. 7. morphine ...M20 drugs sl.
n. 8. the residue of heroin or morphine processing ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 9. heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 10. in circus and carnival usage: any cheap merchandise used as a prize ...1981 US sl.
n. 11. excrement ...1993 Aust. sl.
n. 12. a billiard ball ...1993 US sl.
n. 13. chemical fire retardant dropped from the air ...2000 US sl.
vb. of a racehorse: to run well on muddy track conditions ...1978 US sl.
• MUD AND BLOOD n. a drink of 'mild and bitter' ...20C sl.
• MUD AND OOZE n. alcohol ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. for 'booze'
• MUD BABY n. faeces ...2003 US sl.
• MUD BALL n. a doughnut or other pastry eaten with coffee ...1976 US sl.
• MUD BUD n. home-grown marijuana ...1980s drugs sl.
• MUD BUTT n. diarrhoea ...2004 US sl.
• MUDCAT n. 1. a stupid or contemptible person ...M19 US sl.
n. 2. a Mississippian ...L19 US sl.
• MUD CHECK n. a forced confrontation to see how brave a new inmate may be ...2000s US prison sl.
• MUD CRUNCHER n. an infantryman ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MUD-CRUSHER n. an extreme form of bully whose aim is to crush everyone into the ground ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUDDAFUKKA n. a motherfucker; a person; a despised person; a difficult thing or situation ...1995 US sl.
• MUDDER n. 1. a racehorse which runs well on a wet or muddy course ...1903 sl., orig. & chiefly US
n. 2. any athlete who performs well in rainy conditions ...1942 US sl.
• MUDDING-FACE n. a fool; a weakling ...L19 sl.
• MUDDLE n. a state of slight drunkenness ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to copulate ...19C Brit. sl., orig. Sc.
vb. 2. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUDDLE-BRAINED adj. confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDLED adj. drunk ...L17 colloq.
• MUDDLED-UP adj. drunk ...L17 colloq.
• MUDDLEFUG n. (derogatory) a supreme insult; a contemptible or despicable person ...1960s US Black sl.
• MUDDLEFUGGING adj. an intensifier; used for 'motherfucking' ...1961 US euphemism
• MUDDLE-HEAD n. a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; an oaf ...M19
• MUDDLE-HEADED adj. confused, bewildered, muddled, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDY adj. 1. drunk ...L17 sl.
adj. 2. bewildered; confused; muddled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUDDY-BRAINED adj. stupid, dull-witted; confused in mind ...1634
• MUDDY FEET n. said of someone who needs to urinate ...1963 US sl.
• MUDDY FUCK n. anal sex that brings forth faeces or faecal stains on the penis ...1979 US sl.
• MUDDY TRENCH n. the French ...1992 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MUDDY WATER n. coffee ...1981 Brit. sl.
• MUDDY YORK n. York, a suburb of Toronto ...2002 Can. sl.
• MUD FENCE n. an unattractive person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD FLAPS n. the condition that exists when a tight-fitting pair of trousers, shorts, bathing suit or other garment forms a wedge between a woman's labia, accentuating their shape ...2003 US sl.
• MUDGE n. a hat ...2002 Brit. sl.
• MUDGER n. a coward; a milksop ....E19 Brit. sl.
• MUDGUARD n. a person whose outward geniality masks a vicious nature ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MUD-HEAD n. 1. an oaf; a fool; a stupid person ...E19 colloq.
n. 2. (usually as 'mudhead') a fanatic enthusiast for multi-user dungeon computer play ...1991 US sl.
• MUD HOG n. football played in rainy, muddy conditions ...1992 Trinidad and Tobago sl.
• MUD HOLE n. a small town ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD-HOLE TOWN n. a small town ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUD-HOOK n. 1. an anchor ...1827 US nautical sl.
n. 2. the hand ...1850 sl.
n. 3. a finger; usually used in the plural ...1968 Can. sl.
• MUD-HOOKS n. the feet ...1850 sl.
• MUD HOP n. a clerk in a railway yard ...1929 US sl.
• MUDLARK n. 1. a pig ...1785 sl.
n. 2. a person of any age who made a living by gathering bits of coal, wood, rope, and nails from the mudflats of the River Thames (London) at low tide ...19C Brit.
n. 3. an urchin of very low character ...L19 colloq.
n. 4. a racehorse which runs well on a wet or muddy course ...1909 sl.
• MUD SCOW n. a stagecoach ...1866 US sl.
• MUD SCOWS n. 1. large feet ...1860 Amer. sl.
n. 2. large, cheap, or clumsy shoes ...1863 Amer. sl.
• MUDSILL n. a person of the lowest possible social class ...US Civil War usage
• MUFF n. 1. an oaf, a fool, a stupid person ...1682 cant
n. 2. female genitals ...1699 sl.
n. 3. a woman, usually with an implication of promiscuity ...1914 sl., orig. US
n. 4. a prostitute ...1914 sl., orig. US
n. 5. an awkward fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. baseball sl.
n. 6. an error; a mistake; a blunder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 7. a false beard ...Bk1942 Amer. theatrical sl.
• MUFF-DIVER n. a cunnilinguist ...1935 sl.
• MUFF-DIVING adj. despicable, contemptible ...1930s sl.
n. performing an act of cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• MUFFED adj. bungled; clumsily spoilt, missed ...c1860 Brit. sl.
• MUFFER n. a lesbian, a woman who performs cunnilingus ...1960s US sl.
• MUFFIN n. 1. a fool ...1830 Brit. sl.
† n. 2. one's 'girl', by arrangement, for the social life of a season; a female companion who accompanies a bachelor on his round of social amusements ...1856 Can. sl.
n. 3. an incompetent person, one who is awkward ...M19 sl.
n. 4. a male chaperon ...M19 US sl.
n. 5. at games: a constant misser of a shot or ball ...1895 Brit. colloq.
n. 6. a man that chaperons or acts as companion to women ...B1923 Brit. sl.
n. 7. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
n. 8. an anal virgin ...1940s US homosexual sl.
n. 9. a girl, a sweetheart ...1950s US sl.
n. 10. an attractive youth ...1960s US homosexual sl.
n. 11. the vagina ...1960s sl.
n. 12. an admirable person ...1970s US college sl.
• MUFFIN-BAKER n. excrement long retained ...1859 Cockney rhyming sl. for 'quaker'
• MUFFIN-COUNTENANCE n. 1. an expressionless face ...1777 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a hairless face ...1823 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-FACE n. 1. an expressionless face ...1777 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a foolish or childish face ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a hairless face ...1823 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-FACED adj. 1. having a foolish or expressionless face ...M18 sl.
adj. 2. having a fat face, or a face with protruding muscles ...M18 sl.
• MUFFIN-FIGHT n. a tea-party ...c1885 Brit. sl.
• MUFFIN-PUNCHER n. excrement long retained ...1909 Cockney sl.
• MUFFIN-WORRY n. a tea-party ...c1860 Brit. sl.
• MUFFLE-GREENS n. Brussels sprouts ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MUFFLER n. a gas mask ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MUFF-NOSHING n. performing an act of cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• MUFFY n. 1. a frill-necked lizard ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 2. a young woman who has the look of a typical sorority member, with bleached blonde hair, an alice band, heavy make-up, and conventional clothes ...1980s US college sl.
n. 3. a breaking wind ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• MUFTI n. ordinary clothes worn by someone who usually wears a uniform to work ...19C, orig. military usage
• MUFUGLY adj. extremely ugly ...1980s US college sl.
• MUG n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. the face ...1708 sl.
n. 3. a gullible person ...1859 Brit. sl.
n. 4. a violent person; a thug; a ruffian ...1890 US sl.
n. 5. a chamber pot ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to buy a drink for someone ...1830 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to attack and rob someone ...1864 sl.
• MUG BOOK n. a book kept by the police containing photographs of criminals ...1958 sl.
• MUG-FAKER n. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUGGER n. 1. a prisoner who preyed on fellow prisoners ...US Civil War usage
n. 2. someone who commits robbery with violence in a public place ...1865 sl.
n. 3. an actor who makes free play with his face ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUGGINS n. 1. a fool; a soft-head ...1682 sl.
n. 2. a gullible person; used to refer self-deprecatingly to oneself as someone easily fooled or imposed on ...1973 sl.
• MUGGLEHEAD n. a marijuana user ...1926 US drugs sl.
• MUGGLER n. a marijuana addict ...1938 sl.
• MUGGLES n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1926 sl., orig. US
• MUGGY adj. foolish, in the manner of a mug ...1997 UK sl.
• MUGGY-CUNT n. a fool ...2000 UK sl.
• MUG JOINT n. in circus and carnival usage: a concession where customers are photographed ...1931 US sl.
• MUG LAIR n. a showy but foolish person ...1944 Aust. sl.
• MUGLARD †* n. a miser ...c1440
• MUG MONEY n. in horse racing: money bet by uninformed bettors ...1989 Aust. sl.
• MUG OF MURK n. a cup of coffee ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUG PUNTER n. a gambler, viewed as inherently stupid ...1943 Aust. sl.
• MUG'S GAME n. a thankless activity ...1910 UK sl.
• MUG SHOT n. 1. a police photograph of a criminal ...1950 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a photographic portrait ...1978 UK sl.
• MUGSNAPPER n. in circus and carnival usage: a travelling photographer ...1981 US sl.
• MUGSNATCHER n. a photographer who operates in the street, at a fairground, or at the seaside ...1979 UK sl.
• MUG'S TICKER n. a counterfeit Swiss watch ...1977 UK sl.
• MUG-UP n. a snack; a meal, a drink ...1933 sl., chiefly Can. & nautical
vb. (as 'mug up')
vb. 1. to learn a subject by concentrated study; to study hard ...1848 UK sl.
vb. 2. to eat a large meal; to snack; to have a hot drink ...1897 sl., chiefly Can. & nautical
vb. 3. to flirt, to kiss ...1947 US sl.
• MUG UP ON vb. to learn a subject by concentrated study; to study hard ...1848 UK sl.
• MUGWUMP n. a political term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MULCIBLE † adj. which may be appeased ...1656
• MULCIFY † vb. to allay, to soothe ...1653
• MULE n. 1. an obstinate person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. someone employed as a courier to smuggle illegal drugs into a country and often to pass them on to a buyer ...1935 sl., orig. US
• MULE LIGHTNING n. whisky; cheap liquor ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MULE-MOUTH n. one who works regularly as a police informer ...1970s US Black sl.
• MULENYAM n. a Black person ...1960s US Italian's usage
• MULE SHIT! int. a mild oath, used to express surprise or disbelief ...1920s US
• MULE-SKINNER n. 1. a mule-driver ...L19 US sl.
n. 2. a cruel teamster ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 3. one who organizes, pays, and supervises a drug courier or 'mule' ...1980s drugs sl.
• MULE-WHACKER n. a mule-driver ...L19 US sl.
• MULFERED AND FALDERED adj. overcome with fatigue, worn out, exhausted ...1884 Eng. dial.
• MULGA n. 1. an uninhabited, sparsely populated or inhospitable region ...L19 Aust.
n. 2. a rumour, a lie ...L19 Aust.
n. 3. the bush telegraph; misleading information, rumour ...1899 Aust. sl.
• MULGA BILL n. a bushman ...L19 Aust.
• MULGA WIRE n. 1. a 'bush telegraph', the 'grapevine' ...1899 Aust.
n. 2. a rumour, a lie ...1899 Aust.
• MULIEROSITY * n. excessive fondness for women; addiction to women ...1656
• MULIEROUS † adj. fond of women ...1650
• MULL vb. to spoil, to muddle ...1862 Brit. colloq., orig. & chiefly athletics usage
• MULLA n. money ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MULLARKEY n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery; nonsense ...1929 sl., orig. US
• MULL BOWL n. a bowl used to mull marijuana ...1995 Aust. sl.
• MULLER n. 1. a German ...1939 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a murderer ...1979 Brit. sl.
n. 3. an ugly or unattractive person ...2003 Brit. teen sl.
vb. to roundly beat the opposition in a physical fight ...1997 Brit. sl.
• MULLERED adj. 1. dead ...2000 Brit. sl.
adj. 2. drunk; drug intoxicated ...2000 Brit. sl.
• MULLERING n. a beating ...1997 Brit. sl.
• MULLET n. 1. a gullible person ...1955 US sl.
n. 2. a socially inept outcast ...1959 US sl.
n. 3. a hairstyle; the hair is worn short at the front and long at the back; it was fashionable in the 1980s and much derided by the fashion-conscious generations that followed ...1997 US sl.
• MULLETHEAD n. a fool, a stupid person; a slow-witted person ...1857 US sl.
• MULLET-HEADED adj. foolish, slow-witted, unintelligent, stupid ...1857 US sl.
• MULL HEAD n. a habitual smoker of marijuana ...1996 Aust. sl.
• MULLIER n. a murderer ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MULLIGAN n. 1. a stew made without a recipe, relying on ingredients that are left over from previous meals ..1904 US
n. 2. a prison guard; used derisively by prisoners ...1939 US sl.
• MULLIGAN BATTERY n. an army cook wagon ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MULLIGAN MIXER n. a cook ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MULLIGANS n. playing cards ...20C Aust. sl.
• MULLIGAN STEW n. a stew made without a recipe, relying on ingredients that are left over from previous meals ..1904 US
• MULLIGA STEW n. a soupy sort of stew ...c1925 Aust. tramps' sl.
• MULLIGATAWNY adj. desiring sex ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'horny'
• MULLIGRUBBER n. in cricket: a low-keeping bowled ball ...20C Brit. sl.
• MULLIGRUBS n. 1. depression of spirits; a fit of the blues; peevishness, sullenness; the sulks; ill temper ...1599
n. 2. a pain in the stomach; a stomach-ache ...1599
• MULLION n. an ugly person ...1959 US sl.
• MULLIPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MULLOCK n. rubbish ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• MULLYPUFF n. a weakling; also, a term of contempt ...E17 sl.
• MULTIBIBE † n. a great drinker; one that drinks much ...1727
• MULTILOQUOUS adj. speaking much, very talkative, loquacious ...1664
• MULTISCIOUS † adj. having much or varied knowledge; knowing much ...1656
• MULTIVIOUS adj. having many ways or roads; going or leading in many directions; manifold ...1656
• MUM adj. saying nothing, silent ...1521
n. 1. mother ...1823 sl.
n. 2. a secret ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
† int. hush! be quiet! ...14C
• MUMBO JUMBO n. pretentious or misleading talk ...1896 sl.
• MUMMER n. 1. the mouth ...L18 sl.
n. 2. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUMMERY AND MILLINERY n. religious ritualism ...20C sl.
• MUMMERY-COVE n. an actor ...Bk1891 theatrical sl.
• MUMMICK n. a fragment, a scrap; a broken piece, esp. of food; a slice ...1816 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to soil, as one's clothing ...1895 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to cut awkwardly; to mess or make a mess of ...1899 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to handle or feel an object or person ...L19 US sl.
vb. 4. to harass, to tease, to impose on, to annoy, to torment ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MUMMOCK n. 1. a scarecrow; an untidily or absurdly dressed person ...1825 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an untidy heap or mess; a litter; a confused, shapeless mass; a dirty mixture; confusion, muddle ...1875 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a poor eater; one who is dainty in eating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to break or cut into pieces; to crumble; to tear; to mangle; to carve awkwardly ...1853 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to disarrange, to tumble, to throw into confusion; to pull about, to mess, to make dirty; to worry ...1899 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to harass, to browbeat ...1950 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to make a mess of, to spoil, to confuse ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MUMMOX vb. to botch, to mess up ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MUMMY n. 1. mother ...1784 sl.
n. 2. an incompetent person ...1900s US sl.
n. 3. an idiot ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
vb. to beat a person to death, hence making them into an Egyptian-style mummified corpse ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUMMYDIDDLE n. a stupid, silly person; a foolish person ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• MUMMYHEAD n. a fool ...1990s US Black gang usage
• MUMMY PUSSY n. a woman who does not respond during sexual intercourse ...1970s US Black sl.
• MUMP n. a beggar, a scrounger ...E18 sl.
vb. 1. to beg, to visit a house in the course of one's travels as a beggar ...L16 sl.
vb. 2. to cheat, to cheat out of; to deceive ...M17 sl.
vb. 3. to disappoint ...E18 sl.
vb. 4. to eat ...L18 sl.
vb. 5. to talk seriously ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• MUMPER n. 1. a genteel beggar, a scrounger; a vagrant, a tramp ...1674 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a prostitute ...M17 sl.
n. 3. a half-breed gypsy, a 'second-rate' gypsy, i.e. one who has no van ...M19 sl.
vb. to travel around, to partner someone on their travels ...20C US Black sl.
• MUMPER'S BRASS n. money ...E18 sl.
• MUMP-HOLE n. an unofficial place of refreshment for patrolling police officers, as hospitals, cafes, shops, etc. ...1983 Brit. sl.
• MUMPING n. 1. a scrounging, soliciting favours, begging ...17C Brit. sl.
n. 2. the acceptance by the police of small gifts or bribes from trades people ...1970 Brit. sl.
• MUMPSIMUS adj. stupidly conservative ...1680
† n. 1. one who obstinately adheres to old ways, in spite of the clearest evidence that they are wrong; an ignorant or bigoted opponent of reform ...1530
† n. 2. a vague term of contempt; an old fogey ...1575
n. 3. a traditional custom or notion obstinately adhered to however unreasonable it is shown to be; an error obstinately clung to; a prejudice ...1545
• MUMS n. mother ...1939 sl.
• MUM'S THE WORD phr. used as injunction not to reveal a secret; say nothing, keep quiet ...a1704 sl.
• MUMSY n. mother ...1876 sl.
• MUN n. money ...1889 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHER BOY n. a fellator ...1960s US sl.
• MUNCHIE n. 1. a snack or small meal ...1959 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a snack eaten to assuage the craving for food that afflicts smokers of hashish or marijuana ...1959 sl., orig. US
n. 3. (derogatory) a country person, a rustic ...2000s Irish sl.
• MUNCHIED UP adj. experiencing the pangs of hunger that accompany the smoking of cannabis, or, occasionally, heavy drinking ...1990s sl.
• MUNCHIES, THE n. hunger; esp. a craving for food brought on by the lowering of blood-sugar levels that is a well-known side effect of smoking marijuana ...1971 sl.
• MUNCHING HOUSE n. a cheap restaurant or café ...1910s sl.
• MUNCHING THE TRUNCHEON n. fellatio ...1990s sl.
• MUNCHKIN n. 1. a child; a small person; a dwarf; an underling ...1950s sl.
n. 2. a menial employee or inconsequential person ...1980s US sl.
• MUNCH-OUT n. a large meal ...1970s US college sl.
vb. (as 'munch out')
vb. 1. to eat voraciously, esp. as a result of smoking cannabis ...1970s sl., orig. US college usage
vb. 2. to kiss passionately ...1980s US college sl.
• MUNCH-PRESENT n. one who takes bribes ...M16 sl.
• MUNCH THE CARPET vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1981 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHY n. 1. a snack or small meal ...1950s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a snack eaten to assuage the craving for food that afflicts smokers of hashish or marijuana ...1950s sl., orig. US
• MUNDATORY * adj. cleansing; having power to cleanse ...1706
* n. a means or implement of cleansing ...1859
• MUNDICIDIOUS †* adj. world-destroying; likely or able to destroy the world ...1647
• MUNDIVAGANT † adj. wandering about the world, roaming through the world ...1656
• MUNG n. dirt, muck; anything filthy or distasteful ...L1970s teenagers' & students' usage
• MUNGA n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGAREE n. food ...1889
• MUNGER n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGEY n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNGY n. food ...1907 Aust., NZ & services' sl.
• MUNIFEROUS † adj. bringing gifts ...1656
• MUNJARI n. food ...1889
• MUNLEE n. money ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• MUNSTER HEIFER n. a thick-legged and/or thick-ankled woman ...c1810 Anglo-Irish
• MUNSTER PLUMS n. potatoes ...c1850 Anglo-Irish
• MUNT n. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1948 S. Afr. sl.
• MUOGH n. a pig ...18C Irish cant
• MUPPET n. a retarded, incapacitated or grotesque person; generally applied to hospital inmates, mentally deranged prisoners, or to unattractive teenagers by their peers ...Brit. sl.
• MUR n. rum ...1859 back-slang
• MURDER n. 1. a very irksome experience ...1924 sl.
n. 2. an excellent person or thing ...1940 US sl.
vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MURDERATE vb. to murder; to defeat ...sl.
• MURDER BAG n. a bag made of hide and containing all such equipment as is necessary in the investigation of a murder ...20C Scotland Yard usage
• MURDER BAGS ARE OUT, THE phr. a murder is being investigated ...20C Scotland Yard usage
• MURDER IS OUT, THE phr. the mystery is solved ...18C colloq.
• MURDER ONE n. first-degree murder ...1971 US sl.
• MURFLES n. 1. freckles ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. pimples ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MURGULLIE vb. to spoil, to destroy, to mangle; to mar any business ...1721 Sc.
• MURGULLY † vb. to disfigure, to mar, to mangle; to mismanage, to abuse ...1721 Sc.
• MURKER n. a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MURKLE n. a term of reproach or contempt ...B1900 Sc.
• MURLY-FIKES n. a term of endearment for an infant ...B1900 Sc.
• MURPHY n. 1. a potato ...1811 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a type of confidence trick in which the victim is duped by unfulfilled promises of money, sex, etc. ...1959 US sl.
vb. to deceive or dupe someone by means of the Murphy game ...1965 US sl.
• MURPHY, THE n. a confidence trick whereby valuables lodged for safekeeping are stolen or substituted by worthless goods ...Amer. sl.
• MURPHY DOG n. a swindler ...1990s sl.
• MURPHY GAME n. 1. a type of confidence trick in which the victim is duped by unfulfilled promises of money, sex, etc. ...1959 US sl.
n. 2. of a prostitute: luring a client either to a room or a deserted alley, hallway, etc., and then, instead of having sex, the client is beaten and robbed by a male accomplice, why may just strike, but may also pose as an aggrieved father, lover, brother, etc. ...1950s sl., orig. US criminals' usage
• MURPHY LAND n. Ireland ...M19 sl.
• MURPHY MAN n. a man who specializes in the 'Murphy game' ...1960s sl. (add to prostitute person other)
• MURPHY'S COUNTENANCE n. a pig's face ...E19 sl.
• MURPHY'S FACE n. a pig's face ...E19 sl.
• MURRAY WHALER n. an itinerant tramp whose 'beat' focuses on the rivers of New South Wales ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MURRUMBIDGEE WHALER n. an itinerant tramp whose 'beat' focuses on the rivers of New South Wales ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MURTH † n. 1. murder, slaughter ...c893
n. 2. plenty, abundance ...1674 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• MUSCADOODLE n. cheap muscatel wine ...1950s US sl.
• MUSCATEER n. a drinker of cheap muscat wine ...1930s Aust. sl.
• MUSCLE n. a muscular man employed to intimidate others with violence, or threats of violence ...1942 sl., orig. US
• MUSCLE MARY n. a homosexual man devoted to body-building and the resultant musculature ...1980s homosexual usage
• MUSCLEMAN n. 1. a thug, usually as employed by a gangster for purposes of intimidation, or any strong, aggressive man ...1920s sl., orig. US
n. 2. a man with an outstanding physique ...1920s sl., orig. US
• MUSCLER n. a thug ...1940s US sl.
• MUSCLE SHIRT n. a T-shirt with very short sleeves or no sleeves, thus displaying the wearer's physique ...1970s US sl.
• MUSCLE TEE n. a T-shirt with very short sleeves or no sleeves, thus displaying the wearer's physique ...1970s US sl.
• MUSCLE-UNCLE n. a butch homosexual ...2000s sl.
• MUSEUM PIECE n. a person or thing regarded as antiquated or decrepit ...colloq.
• MUSH adj. rotten ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 1. the face or mouth ...L18 sl., orig. Aust. & US
n. 2. a thief's girlfriend ...L18 US criminals' sl.
n. 3. a familiar or contemptuous term of address ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. an umbrella ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 5. sentimental nonsense; a silly demonstration of affection ...M19 US
n. 6. a fool ...20C US sl.
n. 7. a guardroom or cell; a military prison ...1917 sl.
n. 8. prison food, often porridge ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 9. a man; a chap ...1930s sl.
n. 10. a short-con game played at a ball park where a confidence trickster poses as a bookmaker, taking bets, then raises an umbrella and disappears into the area where everybody is holding umbrellas ...1940s US criminals' sl.
n. 11. an unnamed person ...1950s Brit. sl.
n. 12. a moustache ...1967 sl.
n. 13. a prostitute's client ...1980s Brit. sl.
n. 14. mushrooms ...1990s sl.
n. 15. a fight ...2000s sl.
vb. 1. to go, to leave ...1900s US sl.
vb. 2. to court a woman in a sentimental manner, to 'chat up' ...1920s US sl.
vb. 3. to kiss and caress ...1939 sl.
vb. 4. to beat up, to hit ...1980s US Black sl.
vb. 5. to urge forward ...1990s US sl.
• MUSHA! int. an expression of surprise or disbelief; Well! Well! ...1981 Irish sl.
• MUSH AND MOLASSES n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUSHBALL n. 1. a stupid person; a dolt; a mawkishly sentimental person ...1980s US sl.
n. 2. stupidity ...1980s US sl.
• MUSHBRAIN n. 1. a stupid person; a dolt; a mawkishly sentimental person ...1980s US sl.
n. 2. stupidity ...1980s US sl.
• MUSH-BRAINED adj. stupid; sentimental; nonsensical ...1980s sl.
• MUSHE n. a Syrian or a Chinese ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• MUSHER n. 1. one who moves from place to place ...1900s US sl.
n. 2. an itinerant fakir ...1900s US sl.
n. 3. one who kisses and cuddles ...1940s US sl.
• MUSH-FACE n. a fool; a sentimental idiot ...1920s sl.
• MUSH-FACED adj. stupid, foolish ...1910s sl.
• MUSH-FAKER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSH-FAKIR n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSH-HEAD n. an ineffectual or incompetent person ...1890 US sl.
• MUSH IT UP vb. to kiss and cuddle ...1920s US sl.
• MUSHMOUTH n. a person who speaks indistinctly or inarticulately ...US sl.
• MUSH-RIGGER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSHROOM n. 1. a fire that spreads out and downward when reaching a ceiling ...1954 US firefighting usage
n. 2. a person who is given no information ...1979 Brit. sl.
n. 3. an innocent bystander killed in crossfire ...1988 US sl.
• MUSHROOM-FAKER n. one who advertises themselves as a mender of umbrellas, or peddler, but may well use this respectable job as a cover for more fraudulent pursuits ...E19 sl.
• MUSHROOM-PICKER n. (derogatory) a nickname for a Czechoslovakian ...20C US sl.
• MUSHROOM PILLS n. psilocybin or psilocin, in powder or capsule form, a strong psychedelic drug extracted from Psilocybe mexicana and Stropharia cubensis mushrooms; one capsule has an equivalent effect to forty or more 'magic mushooms' ...1999 UK drugs sl.
• MUSH-TOPER n. an umbrella ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• MUSHY adj. excessively sentimental or emotional, insipidly or gushingly romantic ...1848 US colloq.
n. a weak, slow wave ...1964 US sl.
• MUSHYROOM n. a mushroom ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUSICAL FRUIT n. any variety of beans ...20C US sl.
• MUSICAL MARINE n. a bandsman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• MUSICAL MOKE n. a Black minstrel who plays a number of different instruments in succession ...1895 Amer. sl.
• MUSICAL VEGETABLES n. baked beans ...1988 Brit. sl.
• MUSICKER n. a musician ...Amer. dial.
• MUSIC MACHINE n. a radio, jukebox, or phonograph ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MUSKEL n. the common green caterpillar ...1856 Eng. dial.
• MUSKRA n. a police officer ...1979 Brit. sl.
• MUSKRAT n. 1. a term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a child ...1976 US sl.
• MUSLIN n. a woman considered sexually ...L19 Brit. sl.
• MUSO n. 1. (derogatory) a musician, esp. a pop musician, regarded as being overconcerned with technique rather than musical content or expression ...Brit. sl.
n. 2. any musician, esp. a professional one ...1967 Aust. sl.
• MUSS n. a state of disorder; a muddle; a mess...19C US & Can. colloq.
vb. 1. to make untidy; to rumple; to mess; to disarrange ...19C US & Can. colloq.
vb. 2. to coit a woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• MUSSED UP adj. untidy, dirty ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUSSIE n. a tough woman ...1953 Brit. sl.
• MUSSITANT † adj. speaking in an undertone, muttering, murmuring ...1681
• MUSSITATE † vb. to mutter; to speak through the teeth ...1626
• MUSSITATION n. a speaking in a low tone; a grumbling, mumbling, muttering, murmuring ...1649
• MUSTA n. 1. the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
n. 2. marijuana ...20C US sl.
• MUSTAFA CRAP phr. refers to the need to defecate ...1930s Brit., chiefly services' usage
• MUSTANG n. an officer in the US forces who has been promoted from the ranks ...1847 sl.
• MUSTAPHA CRAP phr. refers to the need to defecate ...1930s Brit., chiefly services' usage
• MUSTARD adj. 1. excellent, best, skilled ...1925 Brit. sl.
adj. 2. very keen ...1925 Brit. sl.
adj. 3. angry ...1930s rhyming sl. for 'hot' (Mustard Pot)
adj. 4. of the weather: hot ...1930s rhyming sl. (Mustard Pot)
n. 1. zest or enthusiasm ...sl., chiefly US
n. 2. AIDS ...1996 US sl.
n. 3. a dress ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl. (Mustard and Cress)
n. 4. a cripple ...1998 Brit. imperfect rhyming sl. (Mustard Pickle)
• MUSTARD AND CRESS n. 1. the female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. a dress ...1998 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MUSTARD CASE n. a supreme show-off ...2001 US sl.
• MUSTARD CHUCKER n. a pickpocket who spills mustard on the victim as a diversion and excuse to approach ...1989 US sl.
• MUSTARD KEEN adj. very keen ...1979 Brit. sl.
• MUSTARD PICKLE n. a cripple ...1998 Brit. imperfect rhyming sl.
• MUSTARD POT adj. 1. hot ...1930s Brit. rhyming sl.
adj. 2. angry ...1930s rhyming sl. for 'hot'
n. 1. the female genitals, 'hot like mustard'; the vagina ...L16 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'twat'
n. 2. a carriage with a light yellow body ...L19 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a catamite in a prison ...1930 US prison sl.
n. 4. the anus ...1940s US sl.
• MUSTARD ROAD n. the anus ...1970s US sl.
• MUSTARD SEED n. a light-skinned Black person ...1920s US Black sl.
• MUSTARD-YELLOW n. a mulatto ...E20 US sl.
ò MUSTEE n. the offspring of a White and a Mulatto parent ...L18 W. Indies
• MUSTER n. the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• MUSTER ONE'S BAG vb. to be ill ...L19 Brit. nautical sl., esp. Royal Navy
• MUSTER OUT vb. to be killed in action ...US Civil War usage
• MUST-HAVE adj. essential, mandatory; usually used in the context of material objects ...1990s sl.
• MUSTN'T-MENTION-'EMS n. trousers ...M19 Brit. jocular
• MUTABILATE †* vb. to change ...c1685
• MUTA(H) n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...1933 US drugs sl.
• MUTANT n. a clumsy, foolish, or otherwise unpopular individual; generally used by adolescents ...sl.
• MUTE n. 1. liquid bird dung; the dung of hawks ...16C colloq.
n. 2. a person hired to mourn at funerals ...18C Brit.
• MUTHA n. marijuana; a marijuana cigarette ...E20 US drugs sl.
• MUTHAFUCKA n. an unpleasant or despicable person, usually male ...1956 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• MUTHAH n. used by fans of heavy-metal music to refer to each other or their heroes ...sl.
• MUTHY adj. of the weather: sultry, close, mild and damp ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MUTIE n. a daring exponent, a devotee ...Brit. surfers' & rock music fans usage
• MUTT n. 1. a mongrel dog ...1906 sl., orig. US
n. 2. an oaf; a dullard; a stupid person, a slow-witted person ...1901 sl., orig. US
• MUTT AND JEFF adj. (also 'Mutt 'n' Jeff') deaf ...L1940s Brit. rhyming sl.
n. 1. a pair of slow-witted men, esp. one tall and one short ...1917 sl.
n. 2. a particular pair of medals worn together, esp. the War Medal and the Victory Medal awarded to British service personnel who took part in World War I ...1937 Brit. sl.
• MUTTER AND STUTTER n. butter ...20C rhyming sl.
• MUTTERBOAT n. a motor boat ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUTTERCYCLE n. a motorcycle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUTTEROUS †* adj. full of muttering sound, murmuring, buzzing ...1582
• MUTT-EYE n. corn (as a food) ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MUTT-EYES n. corn (as a food) ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MUTTHEAD n. a stupid or contemptible person ...1910s US sl.
• MUTTON adj. deaf ...L1940s Brit. rhyming sl. (Mutt 'n' Jeff)
n. 1. a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; a strumpet ...1599 sl.
n. 2. a woman ...17C sl.
n. 3. the vagina; hence, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure ...17C sl.
n. 4. one's person, self, body, or flesh ...L18 US sl.
n. 5. the penis ...M19 sl.
n. 6. one's preference, one's liking; usually in plural ...L19 sl., orig. US
n. 7. a girlfriend ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 8. cowardice ...1960s US sl.
• MUTTON-BIRD n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTONBIRD-EATER n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTONBIRDY adj. old-fashioned, unworldly ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTON DAGGER n. the penis ...sl.
• MUTTON DRESSED LAMB-FASHION n. applied to an old woman dressed in youthful style ...1810
• MUTTON-EATER n. a native of northern Tasmania ...20C Aust. sl.
• MUTTON-FISTED adj. clumsy, awkward ...1918 sl.
• MUTTON-HEAD n. a dull, stupid person; a slow-witted person; an uninteresting person, a bore ...1803
• MUTTON-HEADED adj. foolish, slow-witted, unintelligent, stupid ...1768 sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † n. 1. a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
† n. 2. a great eater of mutton; a butcher, a seller of mutton ...1649 sl.,
† n. 3. a sheep-stealer ...a1700 sl.,
• MUTUATE † vb. to borrow ...a1548
• MUX n. disorder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to handle, to paw over, to maul ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MUZZED adj. drunk ...1836 sl.
• MUZZINESS n. stupidity ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUZZLE-CHOPS n. a nickname for a man with a prominent nose and mouth ...1611
• MUZZLER n. a treacherous person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MUZZY adj. 1. bewildered; confused; muddled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. disorderly; in confusion ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MY ACHING ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1955 Amer. sl.
• MY ARMPIT! int. not at all! no indeed! ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MY ARSE! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MY ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1890 Amer. sl.
• MY ASSHOLE! int. exclamation of dismay, anger etc. ...1973 Amer. sl.
• MY AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY AUNT FANNY! int. used to express disbelief or derision ...1945 Amer. sl.
• MY AUNT NELLIE! int. an exclamation; "God!" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY BAD phr. used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake ...L20 US colloq.
• MY BALLS! int. not at all! ...1935 US sl.
• MY BELLY THINKS MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I am very hungry ...?1540
• MY BLOODY OATH! int. a statement of emphatic agreement ...Aust. sl.
• MY BUCKO n. a term of address, often disparaging ...1907 Amer. dial.
• MY CANE! int. an exclamation of surprise ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY COLONIAL OATH! int. a statement of emphatic agreement ...Aust. sl.
• MY CONSCIENCE! int. exclamation of surprise ...Sc.
• MY DEAR NUG n. a term of endearment ...L17 cant
• MY DYING ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1976 Amer. sl.
• MY ELBOW! int. an exclamation of surprise or disbelief ...20C NZ sl.
• MY EYE! int. I don't believe it ...1842 sl.
• MY EYE AND A BANDBOX! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...E19
• MY EYE AND BETTY MARTIN phr. nonsense ...1785
• MY EYES! int. an exclamation of astonishment ...E19
• MY EYES AND A BANDBOX! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...E19
• MY EYES AND LIMBS! int. an exclamation of astonishment ...E19
• MY EYES DRAWS STRAWS † phr. I am very sleepy ...1790
• MY FACE IS RED! int. I am indeed embarrassed or ashamed ...c1954 sl.
• MY FATHER! int. an exclamation ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY FEET ARE STAYING phr. a farewell ...1980s US college sl.
• MY FOOT! int. exclamation expressing disbelief, usually contemptuous ...17C sl.
• MY FRIEND n. menstruation ...20C
• MY FRIEND HAS COME phr. announcement of the menstrual flux ...19C
• MY FUCK! int. an exclamation of amazement ...2000s sl.
• MY GAWD n. a sword ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• MY GODFREYS! int. an exclamation ...1916 Amer. dial.
• MY GOOD CHAPPIE n. a term of address ...c1880
• MY GOODNESS n. a drink of Guinness ...1940s Brit. sl.
• MY GOODY! it. my goodness! ...L19 sl.
• MY GORSH! int. hell! ...1940 Amer. dial.
• MY GOSH! int. my God! ...1920s euphemism
• MY GOT! int. My God! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY GOT ALMIGHTY! int. My God almighty! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY GRANDMOTHER! int. nonsense! rubbish! ...L18
• MY GRANNY! int. nonsense! ...M19 Brit. colloq.
• MY GREAT GUTS ARE READY TO EAT MY LITTLE ONES phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GREAT JEHOSAPHAT! int. an exclamation or mild oath ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY GUM! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...c1815
• MY GUTS BEGIN TO THINK MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GUTS CHIME TWELVE phr. I'm very hungry ...M19 sl.
• MY GUTS CRY CUPBOARD phr. I'm very hungry ...18C sl.
• MY GUTS CURSE MY TEETH phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY GUTS THINK MY THROAT'S CUT phr. I'm very hungry ...L18 sl.
• MY HAT! int. my God! ...1968 Amer. dial.
• MY HEAVENLY FATHER! int. an exclamation ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MY HOLY AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY IKINS! int. an exclamation; replaced by 'my eye' ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MY IVERS! int. an exclamation of surprise; my eyes! ...1847 Eng. dial.
• MY JAWS ARE TIGHT phr. I am angry ...1971 Amer. dial.
• MY KING OATH! int. an expletive (king is short for 'fucking') ...c1910 Aust. sl.
• MY LAND! int. an exclamation ...1894 Amer. dial.
• MY LAND OF LIVING! int. an exclamation of surprise ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MY LAWS! int. My God! ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MY LEFT FOOT! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LEFT KNICKER! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LEFT TIT! int. an exclamation of denial ...20C colloq.
• MY LIGHTS AND LIVERS! int. a facetious exclamation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MY LIGHTS, LUNGS, AND LIVERS! int. a facetious exclamation ...1942 Amer. dial.
• MY LITTLE FRIEND n. menstruation ...20C
• MY LITTLE FRIEND HAS COME phr. I am menstruating ...1920s sl., orig. Aust. & Can.
• MY LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER n. one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
• MY LORD BALDWIN IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...c1670
• MY LOT n. one's genitals (male) ...19C Brit. sl.
• MY MAN n. a term of greeting for a very good friend ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MY MAN THOMAS n. the penis ...17C Brit. colloq.
• MY MOMMY n. an affectionate name for a sweetheart ...1970 Amer. dial.
• MY NAME IS TWYFORD phr. I know absolutely nothing about it ...L17
• MY NAME IS WALKER phr. I'm leaving, I'm off ...M19
• MY NECK! int. an exclamation of surprise or disbelief ...L19 Irish
• MY NIGGA n. 1. a general term of address ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. a major influence, a role-model, a close friend ...1960s US Black sl.
• MY NIGGER n. 1. a general term of address ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. a major influence, a role-model, a close friend ...1960s US Black sl.
• MY NUG n. a term of endearment ...L17 cant
• MY OATH! int. an oath and exclamation ...19C Aust. sl.
• M.Y.O.B. phr. mind your own business ...20C US
• MY OLD BOOTS! int. an exclamation of disbelief, surprise, or amazement ...L19
• MY OLD FLOWER n. an affectionate term of address ...20C Irish sl.
• MY OLD FRUIT n. a jocular term of address ...E20
• MY OLD GUVNOR n. one's father ...M19
• MY OLD MOTHER OF PEARL n. my wife ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'old girl'
• MY OTHERS n. menstruation ...20C
• MY PATIENCE! int. an exclamation of surprise ...M19
• MY PULSE n. a term of endearment ...1924 Irish sl.
• MY PURPLE ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1967 Amer. sl.
• MY RED ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1967 Amer. sl.
• MY RED-HEADED AUNT FROM RED BANK phr. refers to a woman's menstruation ...1948 Amer. dial.
• MY RED-HEADED AUNT HAS ARRIVED n. menstruation ...20C sl.
• MYRIAD-MINDED adj. of vast intellect, or great versatility of mind ...1817
• MY RIGHT EYE ITCHES phr. I shall cry ...1708-10 sl.
• MY RIGHT HAND ITCHES phr. I shall receive money ...1708-10 sl.
• MY ROYAL ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MY SACRED AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY SAINTED ASS! int. used to express negation or contempt; also as an exclamation of dismay, anger, etc. ...1962 Amer. sl.
• MY SAINTED AUNT! int. an exclamation of surprise or astonishment ...1869
• MY SAINTS AND PROPHETS! int. an exclamation ...1900 Eng. dial.
• MY SAKES! int. an exclamation ...1900 Eng. dial.
• MY SANG! int. a petty oath ...1864 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MY SANGS! int. a mild expletive of asseveration or surprise; by Jove!, upon my word! ...1829 Sc.
• MY SARTIE! int. an exclamation of surprise or emphasis ...1819 Sc.
• MYSOPHOBIA n. morbid dread of dirt or defilement; an abnormal fear of uncleanliness or contamination, as of soiling one's hands by touching anything ...1879
• MY SOUL AN' BODY! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY SOUL AN' DELIVERANCE! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MY SOUL AN' SENSES! int. an exclamation of surprise among women ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MYSTERY n. 1. a young woman newly arrived in a town or city, or with no fixed address ...1937 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a young or inexperienced prostitute ...1937 sl.
• MY TICKLING †* n. a term of endearment ...1605
• MY TIMBERS! int. nautical exclamation ...1789 sl.
• MY UNCLE n. 1. a pawnbroker ...M18 sl.
n. 2. the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• MY UNCLE CHARLIE IS VISITING phr. I am experiencing menstruation ...2001 US sl.
• MY UNCLE'S n. a privy ...L18 sl.
• MY WORD n. dung ...20C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'turd'
int. an exclamation and mild oath ...20C sl.