WOMAN - adjectives
• BIMBO NUTS fond of girls or women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• FEMINATE †* resembling a woman, effeminate; female, feminine ...a1533
• FEMINILE † peculiar to a woman; feminine ...1650
• GYNOPHILIAN † woman-loving ...1647.
• JANE of a woman: smart, sophisticated ...1920s Sc. sl.
• MULIEROUS † fond of women ...1650
• SKIRT, THE women collectively ...1899 sl.
• SPLIT MUTTON (derogatory) womankind ...18C sl.
• TIT(S) AND ARSE denoting the crude display of female sxuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ...1972 sl.
• TIT(S) AND ASS denoting the crude display of female sexuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ..1972 sl.
• TITS AND BUMS denoting the crude display of female sexuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ...1972 sl.
WOMAN - nouns
• ACTION a woman ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• BAINGLE a term of abuse applied to a woman ...1870 Sc.
• BEAR-UP the act of 'following' a woman ...1900 US colloq.
• BERYL † a word of admiration for a woman ...c1440
• BLONDE TROUBLE fondness for girls ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CALICO FEVER the desire to pursue women ...M19 US sl.
• DAME COMPLEX fondness for girls ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIR SEX the female sex; women in general ...20C
• FEMICIDE the killing of a woman ...1801
• GAGGLE a company of women; used derisively ...c1470
• HENFEST a women's gathering or party ...1942 Amer. sl.
• JANE CROW discrimination against women ...1970s sl.
• MULIEROSITY * excessive fondness for women; addiction to women ...1656
• PLENTY OF HAIR large numbers of women ...M19 sl.
• PUGGY an endearment to a woman or child ...17C colloq.
• PUSS a term of endearment for a woman ...17C sl.
• QUIM used collectively with reference to women, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1935 sl.
• WASHBOARD FIGURE a feminine figure without curves ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
WOMAN - nouns, person
• ACTION a woman ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• ACTION PIECE a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• ANCIENT DUTCH a woman ...L19 sl.
• ANKLE a young woman; an attractive woman or girl ...1940s US sl.
• APRON a negative expression for a woman; a wife ...1920s US Black sl.
• APRON-TRADE women ...1873 Eng. dial.
• ARTICLE a girl, a woman ...c1810 sl.
• B a woman ...1990s US Black sl.
• BABAI a girl or woman ...1972 Amer. dial.
• BABE a girl, a girlfriend, a young woman, esp. if attractive ...1915 colloq.
• BABY a person; a young woman; a girlfriend; often used as a term of address ...M19 sl., chiefly N. Amer.
• BACHELOR †* a maid, a single woman ...1632
• BAG a woman ...Bk1944 service sl.
• BAGGAGE a playful term for any young woman; a flirtatious young woman ...1672
• BAGGISH a woman or a child, used familiarly or playfully ...1778 Eng. dial.
• BAND a woman ...1934 Amer. Black usage
• BED-FAGGOT a contemptuous term for a woman, generally applied to a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BETTY a woman; a young attractive woman ...1967 US sl.
• BESOM a term of reproach or contempt applied to a woman, esp. a woman of loose or slovenly habits ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEWER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BIDDY (somewhat derogatory) a woman, esp. a young woman ...1785 sl.
• BIM a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1925 US sl.
• BIMBO a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1920 sl., orig. US
• BINT (mainly derogatory) a (young) woman, esp. non-Caucasian ...1855 sl.
• BIRD a young woman; a girlfriend ...1838 sl., now chiefly Brit.
• BIT (mainly derogatory) a woman; a young woman ...1923 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF CALICO a young woman or women ...1868 Amer. sl.
• BIT OF CRACKLING a girl; young women generally ...c1890 sl.
• BIT OF KYFER a woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF MUTTON, A a nice woman, generally in a questionable sense ...1889 sl.
• BIT OF TAIL, A (offensive) a woman ...sl.
• BITTY a young woman ...1962 US sl.
• BONE a woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1970 Amer. dial.
• BOX a young woman ...1955-57 Amer. sl.
• BRIDE a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...1935 Brit. sl.
• BROAD (usually derogatory) a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1911 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• BUER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...1807 orig. tramp sl.
• BUNDLE a woman; one's wife ...1904 Amer. dial.
• BUOR a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BURE a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• CABBAGE a girl, a young woman ...1940s sl.
• CALIC a woman ...1848 Amer. dial.
• CALICO a woman or girl; women considered as sexual objects ...1848 US colloq.
• CANARY a young woman or girl; esp. a female vocalist; a songster ...1862 US
• CANARY-BIRD a woman ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CARLINE a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
• CARLING a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
• CASSAVA a woman ...1980s US Black
• CATTLE women in general ...E20 US criminals’ sl.
• CHAP a young woman; a girl ...1860 Amer. dial.
• CHAPESS a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular
• CHARLEY WHEELER a girl or woman; one's girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. on 'Sheila'
• CHARLIE a girl, a young woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
• CHICK a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1899 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEE a young woman ...1910s sl., orig. Aust.
• CHICKEN a young woman; a sweetheart ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICKIE a young girl or woman...1919 US teen sl., orig. Aust.
• CHICKLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHICKLETTE a young woman ...1920s sl., orig. US
• CHICKY a young girl or woman ...1919 US teen sl.
• CHICKY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHIE a woman ...M19 UK criminals' & tramps' sl.
• CHIP a girl or young woman ...1892 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPIE (usually derogatory) a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1886 sl., orig. US
• CHIPPY (usually derogatory) a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1886 sl., orig. US
• CHIQUITA a girl or young woman ...1942 Amer. sl. (Spanish)
• COOKEY a person; a gal, a guy ...1930 Amer. sl.
• COOKIE a person; a gal, a guy ...1930 Amer. sl.
• COOLER a woman, esp. a wife as opposed to a mistress or lover ...E17 sl.
• COOL MAMMA a woman who is very fond of men and is always trying to know more ...1967 Amer. dial.
• COOSE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOSIE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZ a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZEY a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZIE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZY a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• CRACK any young woman or any girl ...20C US sl.
• CREAM PUFF a woman ...20C US sl.
• DAM a woman, esp. an old woman ...1796 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAMACK a girl, a young woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DAMACKIE a girl, a young woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DAME a woman; a girl; often used disparagingly; now suggesting a tough or old-fashioned viewpoint ...1698
• DAMIE n. a young unmarried woman; a girl ...1789 Sc.
• DAMSDIL a young woman; a damsel ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUGHTER † a girl, maiden, young woman (no express reference to relationship) ...1382 obs. or arch.
• DEAL a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• DEVIL AND HIS DAM, THE † applied opprobriously to a woman ...1393 obs.
• DEVIL'S DAM, THE † applied opprobriously to a woman ...1538
• DIDDY a girl or a woman ...L18 sl.
• DINGBAT a woman who is neither your mother nor your sister ...1944 Amer. dial.
• DITCH a term of abuse for a woman ...17C sl.
• DONA a woman; a girlfriend ...1873 Brit. sl.
• DONAH a woman; a girlfriend ...1873 Brit. sl.
• DORIS a woman ...2001 UK sl.
• DOXY a girlfriend; a woman ...1818 sl.
• DRY GOODS a woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US colloq.
• DUCK a young woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• EAU-DE-COLOGNE a woman ...1937 UK rhyming sl. on polari 'palone' (a woman)
• EVE a woman one cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FAB (derogatory) a woman (Fat-Ass Bitch) ...2000s US Black sl.
• FAGGOT a term of contempt for a woman, esp. an old or dissipated woman ...1591 Brit.
• FAGOT a term of contempt for a woman, esp. an old or dissipated woman ...L16 Brit.
• FAIR one of the fair sex;' a woman; a beloved woman ...1423 now arch. or poetic
• FAIRY 1. a young woman, with the possible implication of promiscuity ...M17
2. a woman or girl ...1856 Amer. sl.
• FAL a girl, a young woman ...1868 rhyming sl. for 'gal'
• FALLAL a gaudily-dressed woman; a term of contempt for a woman ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FANCY BIT the vagina; thus, a young woman ...19C sl.
• FEM a young woman ...1871 US sl.
• FEMALE UNIT a young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• FEMME a young woman ...1871 US sl.
• FISH a heterosexual female ...M20 US homosexual usage
• FLEAK (derogatory) a woman; a foolish or giddy woman ...E17 Brit. colloq.
• FLOOSEY a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSY a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOZIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOSSIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLUFF a young woman ...E20 US sl.
• FLUZIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLY-BY-NIGHT a term of contempt for a woman ...18C colloq.
• FRAIL a woman ...1899 sl., chiefly US
• FRILL a girl, a woman ...c1933 sl.
• FUSBY † a contemptuous designation applied to women ...1719
• GAL a woman ...1795 colloq.
• GASH (derogatory) a woman ...1914 sl.
• GIMMER a woman, esp. an old one ...c1850 colloq.
• GIRLFRIEND a woman ...1990s US Black sl.
• GROUSE a young woman; hence, copulation ...1864 Amer. sl.
• GRUMMET a woman, esp. as a sex object ...1960s sl., orig. NZ surfers
• GUSSET a woman, esp. a woman considered sexually ...17C Brit.
• GUY a woman; a person of either sex regarded as decent, down-to-earth, good company, etc. ...1927 Amer. sl.
• GUYESS a woman or girl ...2000s sl.
• HAGGAGE a term of reproach for a woman; an untidy, slatternly, or slovenly woman ...1746 Eng. dial.
• HAGGAGING a term of reproach for a woman ...1876 Eng. dial.
• HAIRPIN a woman ...1920s US sl.
• HAIRY a woman, esp. a poor woman ...1920s Sc. sl.
• HAMMER a girl; a beautiful girl; a woman ...1969 US Black sl.
• HARLOT * a woman; a general term of contempt ...c1485
• HARLOTRY † a prostitute; a harlot; a term of opprobrium for a woman ...1584 now rare or obs.
• HARRY a countryman, a rude boor; an opprobrious term applied to a woman ...1899 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HAY-BAG a woman ...1851 Amer. sl.
• HEAD a young woman or girl; usually used with an adjective, as in 'a wise head' ...1933 Amer. sl.
• HEIFER (derogatory) a woman ...1835 sl.
• HO(E) a generic term describing any woman ...1950s sl.
• JADE a term of contempt applied to women ...1560 sl.
• JANE a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...L19 sl., orig. US
• JUDY a woman; a wife; a girlfriend ...1885 sl.
• KIDDY a young woman ...1904 Amer. sl.
• KINCH a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHEN a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHIN a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KITTOCK a familiar or disrespectful term for a girl or young woman; esp. a woman of loose character; a wanton, an unchaste woman; a mistress, a concubine ...c1470 Sc.
• KNITTING a young woman or young women collectively ...1943 Brit. naval sl.
• LACED-MUTTON any woman ...16C sl.
• LADETTE a young woman characterized by her behaviour and positive involvement in activities stereotypically enjoyed by males, as drinking, swearing, sports, etc. ...1995 UK sl.
• LADYKIND the lady or female portion of a party; also: a woman ...1829
• LAMB-PIE † a young woman ...a1625
• LAPLAND women in general; women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• LAUNDRY women ...1970s US sl.
• LEG a young woman; women considered sexually ...1960s US colloq.
• LEMON CURD a woman ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'bird'
• LINE a young girl or woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF EYES RIGHT a woman, usually attractive ...1910s Aust. sl.
• LUCKY-MINNIE a term of reproach to a woman ...B1900 Sc.
• LIZARD a young woman ...1989 Amer. rap music usage
• MADAM a term of contempt for a woman ...1802 Eng. dial.
• MADGE a woman ...16C sl.
• MAGGIE a young woman or girl ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MALKIN † used as a female personal name; typically applied to a woman of the lower classes ...c1275 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAMMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MANESS * a woman as the feminine of man ...1594
• MAN-HUNTERS women, esp. spinsters and widows ...L19 Brit. jocular
• MANISHEE a woman ...1923 Sc.
• MANTO women, girls ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'fanny' (Mantovani)
• MANTOVANI women, girls ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'fanny'
• MARE a term of contempt for a woman ...1303
• MARMOSET † a term of endearment or playful reproach to a woman or child ...1526
• MAT a woman, a wife ...L18 colloq.
• MATTRESS a woman ...20C US colloq.
• MAUD a woman or an effeminate man ...1896 Amer. sl.
• MAY a maid; a maiden ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEG a woman; a country girl ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIDDEN a term of contempt for a woman; a dirty, slovenly woman ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MINI SKIRT a woman ...1977 US sl.
• MINX a contemptuous name for a woman or girl ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MISSIE a title or term of address for a girl or woman ...1810 Amer. dial.
• MISSY a title or term of address for a girl or woman ...1810 Amer. dial.
• MIVVY a term of contempt for a woman ...L19 sl.
• MOLE (usually derogatory) a woman ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MOLL orig., a girl or woman; one's wife or sweetheart ; a tough or rowdy young woman ...1753
• MOLLISHER a woman; a low-class girl or woman; one living in concubinage; a wife ...1812 sl.
• MOLLY a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
• MONNISHER a young woman ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MOOSE (derogatory) a nickname for a woman ...20C US sl.
• MORT a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
• MOT a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
• MOTT a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
• MOTTE a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
• MOUSE a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
• MOWAT a woman ...c1910 sl.
• MUFF a woman, usually with an implication of promiscuity ...1914 sl., orig. US
• MUTTON a woman ...17C sl.
• NAG a woman ...1598 sl.
• NAMMOW a woman ...B1900 back-slang
• NANNICOCK †* a silly, affected person; a young woman, as a term of contempt; also, a fool ...1600
• NAMO a woman ...L19 Brit. back-slang
• NEW CALICO a young woman ...M19 US sl.
• NOBS †* a term of endearment applied to a woman; one's dear or darling ...a1529
• NOTHING-ASS BITCH a stern term of contempt for a woman ...1972 US sl.
• NUMBER a woman; a woman of the stated sort, as a 'little blond number' ...1919 sl.
• OCEAN LINER a woman, a girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. for "Cliner'
• OCEAN PEARL a woman, a girlfriend ...20C rhyming sl.
• O.G. a woman, a mother (Old Girl) ...1878 US jocular
• OLD DUTCH a woman ...L19 sl.
• OLD EGG a man, or woman, esp. as a term of affectionate address ...20C sl.
• OLD FAGGOT (derogatory) a woman of the stated sort, as a 'lazy old faggot' ...1591 sl.
• OLD GAL any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• OLD GIRL, (THE) any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• OLD GRABEM PUDDEN an old woman, whether one's wife or mother ...L19 rhyming sl
• OLD HEN a woman, esp. an old one ...20C sl.
• OLD LADY a young woman ...1979 US sl.
• OLD NAG a woman ...1598 sl.
• OLD POT AND PAN 'old woman'; wife, woman ...M19 rhyming sl.
• OLD SACK (derogatory) a woman ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OLD SETTLER a woman in her thirties or older ...1940s US Black sl.
• OLD STEG a term of contempt for a woman ...1800 Eng. dial.
• OLE GIRL any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• ONE a woman, a female ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ONE OF THE LADS woman, esp. a young woman, who is seen to be on equal terms with, or part of a society of, men ...2003 UK sl.
• OYSTER a girl, a young woman ...L18 sl.
• PAIK a term of reproach for a woman, or for a female domesticated animal or bird; always used with an adj., as in 'auld paik' ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAKE a term of reproach for a woman, or for a female domesticated animal or bird; always used with an adj., as in 'auld pake' ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PALL MALL a woman ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'gal'
• PALONE (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• PANCAKE a heterosexual woman ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• PANSIE a woman; one's girlfriend ...1920s US Black sl.
• PANSY a woman; one's girlfriend ...1920s US Black sl.
• PARCEL a young woman ...L19 sl.
• PARTLET a woman ...14C
• PEEP a young girl or woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PEEPIE a young girl or woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PEG-PUFF a young woman with the manners of an old one ...1824 Sc.
• PIECE OF CALICO a woman ...1848 Amer. dial.
• PIECE OF STUFF a young woman ...L18 sl.
• PIECE OF TAIL, A (offensive) a woman ...sl.
• PIGEON a woman; a cute girl; a gentle woman ...20C US colloq.
• POLONE a girl or woman ...M19 theatrical sl.
• POLONI (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• POLONY (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• POPSEE a woman, usually one who is young and attractive ...M19 sl.
• POPSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• PORK a woman; women viewed as sex objects ...18C sl.
• POTATO a woman ...1957 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'potato peeler = sheila'
• POTATO PEELER a woman ...1957 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'sheila'
• POULE a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1926 sl.
• PUG a girl, a woman ...E18 sl.
• PUG NANCY a girl, a woman ...E18 sl.
• QUAEDAM †* in a disparaging sense: a woman, a female; a loose woman, a harlot ...a1670
• QUAIL a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
• QUANDONG a young woman who accepts any amount of gifts but still refuses to cede her sexual favours ...1960s Aust. sl.
• QUASAR a woman ...1976 US sl.
• QUEAN a woman; a female; from early Middle English a term of disparagement or abuse; hence, a bold, impudent, or ill-behaved woman; a jade, a hussy; a harlot, a strumpet, esp. in 16th-17th centuries ...a1000
• QUEANIE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUEEN a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUENE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUIFF a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1923 sl., orig. Eng. dial.
• QUINE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• RAKLI a girl, a woman ...2000 UK gypsy
• RICHARD a woman ...1940s Brit. rhyming sl. for 'Richard the Third = bird'
• RICHARD THE THIRD a woman ...1940s Brit. rhyming sl. for 'bird'
• RONYON a fat woman; a mangy or scabby animal; a term of contempt or reproach to a woman (see note on blog entry) ...1605
• SACK (derogatory) a woman ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SAILOR'S BAIT a prostitute; any girl or woman ...E20 US sl.
• SALT a woman ...1969 UK sl.
• SAW a woman, esp. when a nag ...1940s US Black sl.
• SCOLOPENDRA † a term of reproach to a woman; a nickname for a courtesan; a harlot ...1633
• SCOPER a term of depreciation for a man or woman ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHALER a girl or young woman ...B1900 Amer. sl.
• SHAWLIE a working-class woman (associated with) wearing a shawl over her head ...E20 colloq., chiefly Sc., Irish, & N. Eng.
• SHEELAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHEILA a girl young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHEILAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHELAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHE-MALE a woman, a female ...a1856 Amer. dial.
• SHE-STUFF women ...1958 Amer. dial.
• SHICKSTER a woman, a lady, a female ...1839 sl.
• SIDE a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIDE CHICK a woman who is an alternative to a man's wife or regular girlfriend ...1920s US sl.
• SIDE-GAL a woman who is an alternative to a man's wife or regular girlfriend ...1920s US sl.
• SILLY COW (derogatory) a woman, irrespective of her actual character ...L19 sl.
• SKINNY a girl or a woman ...E20 Aust. sl.
• SKIRT a woman ...1560
• SLOTTED-JOB a woman ...E20 Brit. sl.
• SMOCK a woman; women considered sexually ...17C sl.
• SNAKE a young woman ...World War I US Navy usage
• SNAPPER a girl or young woman ...1971 US sl.
• SOAP women, esp. promiscuous ones or prostitutes ...L19 sl.
• SORT a woman; a young attractive woman; a girlfriend ...1933 sl., orig. Aust.
• SPLIT (derogatory) a woman; women, viewed as sex objects ...1910s Aust. & US sl.
• SPLIT ARSE a woman; an uncomplimentary term for a female ...20C sl.
• SPLIT-ARSED ONE a woman, esp. a baby girl ...L19 sl.
• SWALLOWER (derogatory) a woman ...1980s Aust. sl.
• TAB a woman; a young woman ...1918 Aust. sl.
• TABBY a young woman; an a attractive young woman ...1916 sl.
• TAD woman, not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TAIL a woman ...1950s sl.
• TARLEATHER †* a term of abuse or reproach applied to a woman; an inferior woman ...1575
• THEAVE a young woman ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TID a girl or woman ...1888
• TIT (derogatory) a woman ...1599 sl.
• TITTER a young woman or girl ...1812 sl.
• TITTIE a sister; a young woman or girl ...1725 Sc.
• TITTY a sister; a young woman or girl ...1725 Sc.
• TOM a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...1906 Aust. sl.
• TOOTS a young woman; a girlfriend ...1936 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• TOOTSEY-WOOTSEY a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSIE-WOOTSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOSEY a nickname for a man or woman ...1926 Amer. dial.
• TOTTY a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1890 Brit. sl.
• TRIM (mainly derogatory) a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1955 US sl.
• TUNA a girl or young woman; a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• TWIRL a woman; a girl ...20C US rhyming sl.
• TWIST (often derogatory) a young woman ...1926 rhyming sl. for 'twist-and-twirl = girl', chiefly US
• TWIST-AND-TWIRL (often derogatory) a young woman ...1924 rhyming sl. for 'girl', chiefly US
• UNIT a young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• WAFFLE a woman ...1940s sl.
• WAGON (derogatory) a woman ...1920s Irish & US sl.
• WAGTAIL † a familiar or contemptuous epithet or form of address applied to a man or young woman ...1605
• WAHEENIE a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1919 Hawaii usage
• WAHINE a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1833 Hawaii usage
• WAHINI a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1833 Hawaii usage
• WARE a woman ...1558 jocular
• WEAN a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Eng. dial.
• WHOLEMEAL a lesbian term for a straight female ...M20 sl.
• WIFEY a little wife; a little or young woman; chiefly used as a term of endearment or familiarity ...L18
• WIFIE a little wife; a little or young woman; chiefly used as a term of endearment or familiarity ...L18
• WIMP a woman ...1923 Brit. sl.
• WOMAN a rude term for a woman ...17C
• WOMAN-BODY a woman ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WOMAN-PERSON a woman ...1871 Amer. dial.
• WOOLY BEAR a woman; a woman considered sexually ...M20 US citizens band radio sl.
• WOOLY-WOOLY a woman; a woman considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• WREN a woman; a young woman ...1920 US sl.
• WUZZY a female ...1983 UK sl.
• YAD a term of contempt for a woman, often one of slovenly or dissolute habits, or of a vicious nature ...1787 Sc.
• YADE a term of contempt for a woman, often one of slovenly or dissolute habits ...1787 Sc.
• YANKIE a sharp, clever, forward woman ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ZITELLA † a girl, a young woman, a maiden ...a1668
WOMAN, WOMEN AS A SEX OBJECT - nouns, person
• ASS an act of copulation, esp. as experienced by a man; hence, a person, esp. a woman, considered as a sexual partner ...c1910 Amer. sl.
• BEAVER a woman viewed as a sex object ...1968 US sl.
• BEWER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BINT (mainly derogatory) a woman regarded as a sex object ...L19 sl.
• BISCUIT a woman considered as a sex object ...M20 Amer. sl.
• BIT a woman viewed as a sex object ...1923 sl.
• BIT OF CUFF a young woman, regarded as a sex object; thus sexual intercourse ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF DAMP a woman in sexual terms ...Brit. sl.
• BIT OF EBONY a Black woman viewed as a sex object ...M19 sl.
• BIT OF FLUFF a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF GOODS a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF JAM a woman considered a sexual object; an attractive woman ...L19 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF LUMBER a woman viewed as a sex object ...1966 Sc. usage
• BIT OF MUSLIN a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF MUTTON a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF POSH an upper-class or socially superior young woman regarded as a sexual object ...1977 UK sl.
• BIT OF SKIN a sexually loose young woman; a woman considered sexually ...1962 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF SKIRT a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF SPARE women viewed as sex objects ...1969 sl.
• BIT OF STUFF a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF TAIL a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1933 sl.
• BIT OF TICKLE a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1984 UK sl.
• BIT OF TIT a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1984 UK sl.
• BITTY a woman considered sexually ...US Black sl.
• BRUSH woman viewed as sex objects ...1941 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BUER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...1807 orig. tramp sl.
• BUOR a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BURE a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• C a woman viewed as a sexual object ...1976 US sl.
• CAKE a sexually desirable woman ...20C US sl.
• CALICO a woman or girl; women considered as sexual objects ...1848 US colloq.
• CAPURTLE a woman seen as a sex object ...1950s sl.
• CAVE women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
• CHARVA a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHARVER a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHUNK OF MEAT a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• CRACK women considered as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
• CRACKLING (offensive) women as objects of desire ...1947 sl.
• CUNT a female viewed as a sex object ...1674 sl.
• DAMP the vagina; hence, a woman in sexual terms ...1950s sl. Brit
• DARK MEAT (usually derogatory) a Black person, esp. a woman regarded solely as a sex partner ...1888 Amer. sl.
• DARK STUFF a Black person, usually a woman, in a sexual context ...1960s US sl.
• DRY GOODS a woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US colloq.
• DUCK a woman considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• EASY MAKE a woman who can be easily seduced; a loose woman; a woman considered only as a sexual object ...1942 Amer. sl.
• FANNY a woman objectified sexually ...1997 UK sl.
• FISH a woman considered sexually ...17C sl.
• FUR women considered as sex objects ...20C US sl.
• GAME women; prostitutes in general; any woman considered solely as a sexual object ...17C Brit. sl.
• GASH a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...1914 sl.
• GASP AND GRUNT a woman or women sexually objectified ...1961 UK rhyming sl. for 'cunt'
• GOOSE a woman considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• GROUSE women considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• GRUMBLE women viewed as sex objects ...1962 Brit. rhyming sl. (Grumble and Grunt)
• GRUMBLE AND GRUNT women viewed as sex objects ...1962 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'cunt'
• GRUMMET a woman, esp. as a sex object ...1960s sl., orig. NZ surfers
• GUSSET a woman, esp. a woman considered sexually ...17C Brit.
• HAIR women considered as sexual objects ...19C Brit. sl.
• HUMP a prostitute; a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• JAZZ women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• KAIFA women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KEIFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KHYFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFE women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIPPY-DOPE a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...World War I US military usage
• KYFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KYPHER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• LAPLAND women in general; women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• LAY a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...1936 US colloq.
• LEG a young woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US colloq.
• LETCHING-PIECE a sexually loose woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C Brit. sl.
• MEAT-COOKER a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• MEAT-GRINDER a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• MUSLIN a woman considered sexually ...L19 Brit. sl.
• NECESSARY a prostitute; a female companion to be used sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOOKIE women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• NOOKY women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• PANCAKE a woman considered as a sex object ...20C sl.
• PIECE a woman viewed as a sex object ...1942 sl.
• PIECE OF ASS a woman considered as a sexual partner ...1930 Amer. sl.
• PIECE OF CRACKLING a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 Brit. sl.
• PIECE OF POONTANG a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 sl.
• PIECE OF SKIRT a woman seen as a sex object ...1930s sl., orig. US
• PIECE OF TAIL a woman, a girl; not used in a derogatory sense, but usually from a sexual point of view, and usually dismissive ...1920s sl., orig. US
• POONTANG a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 sl.
• PORK a woman; women viewed as sex objects ...18C sl.
• PULL a woman as a sex object ...1985 UK sl.
• PUNCH women considered as sexual objects ...18C sl.
• PUSS women viewed as sex objects ...sl.
• PUSSY a woman considered as a sex object; women viewed as sex objects ...1959 sl.
• QUIFF women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C sl.
• QUIM a woman viewed as a sex object ...1935 sl.
• RABBIT-PIE women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• SADDLE women considered sexually ...E17 Brit.
• SKIN a woman as a sex object ...1936 Trinidad and Tobago
• SKIRT a woman considered sexually ..16C
• SMOCK a woman; women considered sexually ...17C sl.
• SNATCH women considered sexually; woman of loose sexual control ...1904 sl.
• STUFF women considered as sexual objects ...L18 Brit. & US sl.
• TAIL a woman, regarded as a sexual object; women, collectively, categorized with the same regard ...1846 UK sl.
• WHISKER a woman considered as a sex object ...20C US sl.
• WHITE MEAT a White woman considered sexually by a non-White male ...1940 US sl.
• WOMAN-FLESH women considered sexually ...17C colloq.
• WOOLY BEAR a woman considered sexually ...M20 US citizens band radio sl.
• WOOLY-WOOLY a woman considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
WOMAN - nouns, person, other
• CATTER a woman-chaser ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-BUTCHER a man usually successfully with women ...1930 US sl., esp. college usage
• CUNT-HOUND a lecher; a male who is a notorious whoremonger or woman-chaser ...M20 US sl.
• DAMMARET † a lady's man; 'one that spends his whole time in the entertaining or courting of women' ...1635
• DAPPER DAN a flashily dressed man; a lady's man; one who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention ...1967 Amer. sl.
• EASEMAN a parasitical man who is supported by a woman or women ...1934 US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a parasitical man who is supported by a woman or women ...1911 US Black sl.
• FEMALIST †* one devoted to the female sex; a courter of women; a gallant ...1613
• FEMICIDE one who kills a woman ...1828
• FIGURE-FANCIER one who prefers his 'women' to be large ...c1870 sl.
• GALLANTER a man or woman who goes about much in the company of the other sex ...1846 Sc.
• GOD'S GIFT a man irresistible to women; chiefly ironic usage ...1938 Brit. sl.
• GYNOPHAGITE * a woman-eater; one who preys upon the weaker sex ...1853 humorous nonce word
• MAN TEEF a woman who steals another's man ...2002 Brit. sl.
• QUEEN BEE a woman who likes to surround herself with young men, who may or may not be homosexual ...1950s homosexual sl.
• QUIFF a woman as a sex object ...1923 UK sl.
• SMELL-SMOCK † a licentious man; one who runs after women; a great wencher; a lover of women; a whoremonger (in early use employed suggestively as a surname) ...1550
• SQUIRE OF DAMES a man very attentive to women and much n their company; a woman's man; a gallant ...1886
• TAD a man who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention, esp. when rude or not respectful ...1968 Amer. dial.
WOMAN - verbs
• BEACHCOMB to search for female companionship ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CALICO to court or spend time with a woman ...1887 Amer. dial,
• DANGLE to follow a woman, without actually addressing her ...18C sl.
• EFFEMINATE †* to make into a woman; to represent as a woman ...1678
• FAIR-SEX IT to discourse upon the fair sex ...1712 nonce word
• RANGLE to carry on liaison with more than one woman at a time ...B1900 Amer. sl.
• SET ONE'S CAP AT to set oneself to gain the affections of a woman ...1773 colloq.
• TAILGATE to watch women passing by ...1990s US college sl.
WOMAN - phrases
• FAIR, FAT AND FARTY of a woman: in the prime years ...c1930 sl.
WOMANHOOD - adjectives
• WOMAN-MUCKLE grown up to be a woman, having arrived at womanhood ...1898 Sc.
WOMANISH - adjectives
• FEMINARY † womanish ...1630
• FEMMY of a man: too particular or fussy; womanish ...1967 Amer. dial.
• LASSIEISH young-womanish ...1882 chiefly Sc.
WOMANISH - verbs
• EFFEMINIZE * to render effeminate or womanish in character or appearance ...c1612
• SMOCK to make womanish ...E17 sl.
WOMANIZE - nouns
• CALICO FEVER the desire to pursue women ...M19 US sl.
WOMANIZE - verbs
• CHASE THE HARES to chase women ...20C sl.
• FAGGOT to womanize; to consort with sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• FAGOT to womanize; to consort with sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• GO AND SEE A SICK FRIEND to go womanizing ...c1860 sl.
• GOOSE to pursue women for sexual purposes; to womanize ...19C Brit. sl.
• RAT to go out in pursuit of women ...2000s US Black sl.
• SMOCK to chase women; to act as a lecher ...18C Brit. sl.
• TALE a womanizer's line ...20C sl.
WOMANIZER - nouns, person
• BIG DAME HUNTER a philanderer; one fond of women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHASE a woman chaser ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHASER an amorous pursuer of women; a womanizer ...1894 US sl.
• CHESTERFIELD a man who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-BUTCHER a womanizer ...1930s US college sl.
• CHICKEN INSPECTOR a womanizer, a lady-killer ...1920s US sl.
• DASHER a womanizer ...L19 W. Indies. sl.
• FANG ARTIST a lecher; a womanizer ...1970s Aust. sl.
• FAST WORKER a successful womanizer, who achieves his seductions quickly; occasionally used of a woman ...1910s sl.
• GAMECOCK a womanizer, a philanderer ...19C sl.
• GAMESTER n. a prostitute; a promiscuous person; a womanizer ...1601
• GANDY DANCER a womanizer; an active socialite ...1990s US sl.
• GASH HOUND a man who is obsessed with women ...1955 US sl.
• HAIR-MONGER a womanizer ...L19 sl.
• JUNTA a playboy, a womanizer ...1970s sl.
• LADIES' TAILOR a womanizer; a promiscuous man ...19C sl.
• LADYKILLER a man who is sexually fascinating to women ...1811 UK sl.
• LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM a philanderer; a womanizer ...L19 sl.
• LOVER BOY a woman-chaser ...1952 sl., orig. US
• LOVER MAN a woman-chaser ...1952 sl., orig. US
• PANTS MAN a womanizer ...1960s Aust. sl.
• PARLOR LIZARD a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• PARLOR PINK a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• PARLOR SNAKE a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• QUIM-STICKER a womanizer ...19C sl.
• SKIRT-CHASER an amorous pursuer of women ...1942 sl.
• SPORT a playboy, a man about town, with the accent on gambling, womanizing, and other areas of the 'fast' life ...L19 sl.
• STUDHAMMER a male who is very busy with women; a sexually successful male ...M20 US sl.
• TAIL-CHASER a womanizer ...1940s US sl.
• TAILMAN a womanizer; a sexual athlete ...1960s US college sl.
• KYFER-MASHING pursuing women ...L19 sl.
• SMOCKAGE chasing women; copulating with women; copulation ...E17 Brit. sl.
WOMANIZING - phrases
• HE HAS A RAG ON EVERY BUSH he pays marked attentions to more than one girl at a time ...c1860 sl.
• LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM philandering, womanizing ...L19 sl.
WOMB - nouns
• BAG a womb; the womb of a domestic animal ...1886 Eng. dial. & sl.
• BAIRN-BED the womb ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BAIRN'S BED the womb ...1549 N. Eng. dial.
• BELLY the womb, the uterus ...c1440
• BERMOTHER † the womb or uterus ...1527
• FRUITFUL VINE the female genitals; the womb ...E19 Brit.
• KELDER †* the womb ...1646
• MARIS † the womb ...a1340
• OVEN the womb ...1962 sl.
• PANNIER the female genitals; the womb ...E17 Brit. sl.
• VENTER † 1. the womb as the source of one's birth or origin; hence, a mother in relation to her children ...1579-80
* 2. the womb of a woman ...a1656
• WAME † the womb ...c1425
• BIMBO NUTS fond of girls or women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• FEMINATE †* resembling a woman, effeminate; female, feminine ...a1533
• FEMINILE † peculiar to a woman; feminine ...1650
• GYNOPHILIAN † woman-loving ...1647.
• JANE of a woman: smart, sophisticated ...1920s Sc. sl.
• MULIEROUS † fond of women ...1650
• SKIRT, THE women collectively ...1899 sl.
• SPLIT MUTTON (derogatory) womankind ...18C sl.
• TIT(S) AND ARSE denoting the crude display of female sxuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ...1972 sl.
• TIT(S) AND ASS denoting the crude display of female sexuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ..1972 sl.
• TITS AND BUMS denoting the crude display of female sexuality on stage, in films, newspapers, books, etc. ...1972 sl.
WOMAN - nouns
• ACTION a woman ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• BAINGLE a term of abuse applied to a woman ...1870 Sc.
• BEAR-UP the act of 'following' a woman ...1900 US colloq.
• BERYL † a word of admiration for a woman ...c1440
• BLONDE TROUBLE fondness for girls ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CALICO FEVER the desire to pursue women ...M19 US sl.
• DAME COMPLEX fondness for girls ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FAIR SEX the female sex; women in general ...20C
• FEMICIDE the killing of a woman ...1801
• GAGGLE a company of women; used derisively ...c1470
• HENFEST a women's gathering or party ...1942 Amer. sl.
• JANE CROW discrimination against women ...1970s sl.
• MULIEROSITY * excessive fondness for women; addiction to women ...1656
• PLENTY OF HAIR large numbers of women ...M19 sl.
• PUGGY an endearment to a woman or child ...17C colloq.
• PUSS a term of endearment for a woman ...17C sl.
• QUIM used collectively with reference to women, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1935 sl.
• WASHBOARD FIGURE a feminine figure without curves ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
WOMAN - nouns, person
• ACTION a woman ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• ACTION PIECE a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• ANCIENT DUTCH a woman ...L19 sl.
• ANKLE a young woman; an attractive woman or girl ...1940s US sl.
• APRON a negative expression for a woman; a wife ...1920s US Black sl.
• APRON-TRADE women ...1873 Eng. dial.
• ARTICLE a girl, a woman ...c1810 sl.
• B a woman ...1990s US Black sl.
• BABAI a girl or woman ...1972 Amer. dial.
• BABE a girl, a girlfriend, a young woman, esp. if attractive ...1915 colloq.
• BABY a person; a young woman; a girlfriend; often used as a term of address ...M19 sl., chiefly N. Amer.
• BACHELOR †* a maid, a single woman ...1632
• BAG a woman ...Bk1944 service sl.
• BAGGAGE a playful term for any young woman; a flirtatious young woman ...1672
• BAGGISH a woman or a child, used familiarly or playfully ...1778 Eng. dial.
• BAND a woman ...1934 Amer. Black usage
• BED-FAGGOT a contemptuous term for a woman, generally applied to a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BETTY a woman; a young attractive woman ...1967 US sl.
• BESOM a term of reproach or contempt applied to a woman, esp. a woman of loose or slovenly habits ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEWER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BIDDY (somewhat derogatory) a woman, esp. a young woman ...1785 sl.
• BIM a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1925 US sl.
• BIMBO a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1920 sl., orig. US
• BINT (mainly derogatory) a (young) woman, esp. non-Caucasian ...1855 sl.
• BIRD a young woman; a girlfriend ...1838 sl., now chiefly Brit.
• BIT (mainly derogatory) a woman; a young woman ...1923 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF CALICO a young woman or women ...1868 Amer. sl.
• BIT OF CRACKLING a girl; young women generally ...c1890 sl.
• BIT OF KYFER a woman ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF MUTTON, A a nice woman, generally in a questionable sense ...1889 sl.
• BIT OF TAIL, A (offensive) a woman ...sl.
• BITTY a young woman ...1962 US sl.
• BONE a woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1970 Amer. dial.
• BOX a young woman ...1955-57 Amer. sl.
• BRIDE a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...1935 Brit. sl.
• BROAD (usually derogatory) a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1911 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• BUER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...1807 orig. tramp sl.
• BUNDLE a woman; one's wife ...1904 Amer. dial.
• BUOR a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BURE a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• CABBAGE a girl, a young woman ...1940s sl.
• CALIC a woman ...1848 Amer. dial.
• CALICO a woman or girl; women considered as sexual objects ...1848 US colloq.
• CANARY a young woman or girl; esp. a female vocalist; a songster ...1862 US
• CANARY-BIRD a woman ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CARLINE a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
• CARLING a woman, esp. an old one; often implying contempt or disparagement ...a1300 chiefly Sc.
• CASSAVA a woman ...1980s US Black
• CATTLE women in general ...E20 US criminals’ sl.
• CHAP a young woman; a girl ...1860 Amer. dial.
• CHAPESS a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular
• CHARLEY WHEELER a girl or woman; one's girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. on 'Sheila'
• CHARLIE a girl, a young woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
• CHICK a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1899 sl., orig. US
• CHICKEE a young woman ...1910s sl., orig. Aust.
• CHICKEN a young woman; a sweetheart ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICKIE a young girl or woman...1919 US teen sl., orig. Aust.
• CHICKLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHICKLETTE a young woman ...1920s sl., orig. US
• CHICKY a young girl or woman ...1919 US teen sl.
• CHICKY-BABE a young woman, esp. a good-looking one ...1991 Aust. sl.
• CHICLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• CHIE a woman ...M19 UK criminals' & tramps' sl.
• CHIP a girl or young woman ...1892 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPIE (usually derogatory) a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1886 sl., orig. US
• CHIPPY (usually derogatory) a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1886 sl., orig. US
• CHIQUITA a girl or young woman ...1942 Amer. sl. (Spanish)
• COOKEY a person; a gal, a guy ...1930 Amer. sl.
• COOKIE a person; a gal, a guy ...1930 Amer. sl.
• COOLER a woman, esp. a wife as opposed to a mistress or lover ...E17 sl.
• COOL MAMMA a woman who is very fond of men and is always trying to know more ...1967 Amer. dial.
• COOSE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOSIE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZ a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZEY a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZIE a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• COOZY a term of abuse for a woman ...1940s sl.
• CRACK any young woman or any girl ...20C US sl.
• CREAM PUFF a woman ...20C US sl.
• DAM a woman, esp. an old woman ...1796 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAMACK a girl, a young woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DAMACKIE a girl, a young woman ...Bk1900 Sc.
• DAME a woman; a girl; often used disparagingly; now suggesting a tough or old-fashioned viewpoint ...1698
• DAMIE n. a young unmarried woman; a girl ...1789 Sc.
• DAMSDIL a young woman; a damsel ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUGHTER † a girl, maiden, young woman (no express reference to relationship) ...1382 obs. or arch.
• DEAL a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• DEVIL AND HIS DAM, THE † applied opprobriously to a woman ...1393 obs.
• DEVIL'S DAM, THE † applied opprobriously to a woman ...1538
• DIDDY a girl or a woman ...L18 sl.
• DINGBAT a woman who is neither your mother nor your sister ...1944 Amer. dial.
• DITCH a term of abuse for a woman ...17C sl.
• DONA a woman; a girlfriend ...1873 Brit. sl.
• DONAH a woman; a girlfriend ...1873 Brit. sl.
• DORIS a woman ...2001 UK sl.
• DOXY a girlfriend; a woman ...1818 sl.
• DRY GOODS a woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US colloq.
• DUCK a young woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• EAU-DE-COLOGNE a woman ...1937 UK rhyming sl. on polari 'palone' (a woman)
• EVE a woman one cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FAB (derogatory) a woman (Fat-Ass Bitch) ...2000s US Black sl.
• FAGGOT a term of contempt for a woman, esp. an old or dissipated woman ...1591 Brit.
• FAGOT a term of contempt for a woman, esp. an old or dissipated woman ...L16 Brit.
• FAIR one of the fair sex;' a woman; a beloved woman ...1423 now arch. or poetic
• FAIRY 1. a young woman, with the possible implication of promiscuity ...M17
2. a woman or girl ...1856 Amer. sl.
• FAL a girl, a young woman ...1868 rhyming sl. for 'gal'
• FALLAL a gaudily-dressed woman; a term of contempt for a woman ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FANCY BIT the vagina; thus, a young woman ...19C sl.
• FEM a young woman ...1871 US sl.
• FEMALE UNIT a young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• FEMME a young woman ...1871 US sl.
• FISH a heterosexual female ...M20 US homosexual usage
• FLEAK (derogatory) a woman; a foolish or giddy woman ...E17 Brit. colloq.
• FLOOSEY a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSY a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOOZIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLOSSIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLUFF a young woman ...E20 US sl.
• FLUZIE a girl, a young woman, a woman ...E20 sl.
• FLY-BY-NIGHT a term of contempt for a woman ...18C colloq.
• FRAIL a woman ...1899 sl., chiefly US
• FRILL a girl, a woman ...c1933 sl.
• FUSBY † a contemptuous designation applied to women ...1719
• GAL a woman ...1795 colloq.
• GASH (derogatory) a woman ...1914 sl.
• GIMMER a woman, esp. an old one ...c1850 colloq.
• GIRLFRIEND a woman ...1990s US Black sl.
• GROUSE a young woman; hence, copulation ...1864 Amer. sl.
• GRUMMET a woman, esp. as a sex object ...1960s sl., orig. NZ surfers
• GUSSET a woman, esp. a woman considered sexually ...17C Brit.
• GUY a woman; a person of either sex regarded as decent, down-to-earth, good company, etc. ...1927 Amer. sl.
• GUYESS a woman or girl ...2000s sl.
• HAGGAGE a term of reproach for a woman; an untidy, slatternly, or slovenly woman ...1746 Eng. dial.
• HAGGAGING a term of reproach for a woman ...1876 Eng. dial.
• HAIRPIN a woman ...1920s US sl.
• HAIRY a woman, esp. a poor woman ...1920s Sc. sl.
• HAMMER a girl; a beautiful girl; a woman ...1969 US Black sl.
• HARLOT * a woman; a general term of contempt ...c1485
• HARLOTRY † a prostitute; a harlot; a term of opprobrium for a woman ...1584 now rare or obs.
• HARRY a countryman, a rude boor; an opprobrious term applied to a woman ...1899 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HAY-BAG a woman ...1851 Amer. sl.
• HEAD a young woman or girl; usually used with an adjective, as in 'a wise head' ...1933 Amer. sl.
• HEIFER (derogatory) a woman ...1835 sl.
• HO(E) a generic term describing any woman ...1950s sl.
• JADE a term of contempt applied to women ...1560 sl.
• JANE a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...L19 sl., orig. US
• JUDY a woman; a wife; a girlfriend ...1885 sl.
• KIDDY a young woman ...1904 Amer. sl.
• KINCH a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHEN a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHIN a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KITTOCK a familiar or disrespectful term for a girl or young woman; esp. a woman of loose character; a wanton, an unchaste woman; a mistress, a concubine ...c1470 Sc.
• KNITTING a young woman or young women collectively ...1943 Brit. naval sl.
• LACED-MUTTON any woman ...16C sl.
• LADETTE a young woman characterized by her behaviour and positive involvement in activities stereotypically enjoyed by males, as drinking, swearing, sports, etc. ...1995 UK sl.
• LADYKIND the lady or female portion of a party; also: a woman ...1829
• LAMB-PIE † a young woman ...a1625
• LAPLAND women in general; women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• LAUNDRY women ...1970s US sl.
• LEG a young woman; women considered sexually ...1960s US colloq.
• LEMON CURD a woman ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'bird'
• LINE a young girl or woman ...M20 Aust. sl.
• LITTLE BIT OF EYES RIGHT a woman, usually attractive ...1910s Aust. sl.
• LUCKY-MINNIE a term of reproach to a woman ...B1900 Sc.
• LIZARD a young woman ...1989 Amer. rap music usage
• MADAM a term of contempt for a woman ...1802 Eng. dial.
• MADGE a woman ...16C sl.
• MAGGIE a young woman or girl ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MALKIN † used as a female personal name; typically applied to a woman of the lower classes ...c1275 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MAMMA a woman, esp. an attractive one; a wife or girlfriend ...1920 Amer. dial., esp. Black
• MANESS * a woman as the feminine of man ...1594
• MAN-HUNTERS women, esp. spinsters and widows ...L19 Brit. jocular
• MANISHEE a woman ...1923 Sc.
• MANTO women, girls ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'fanny' (Mantovani)
• MANTOVANI women, girls ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'fanny'
• MARE a term of contempt for a woman ...1303
• MARMOSET † a term of endearment or playful reproach to a woman or child ...1526
• MAT a woman, a wife ...L18 colloq.
• MATTRESS a woman ...20C US colloq.
• MAUD a woman or an effeminate man ...1896 Amer. sl.
• MAY a maid; a maiden ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEG a woman; a country girl ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MIDDEN a term of contempt for a woman; a dirty, slovenly woman ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MINI SKIRT a woman ...1977 US sl.
• MINX a contemptuous name for a woman or girl ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MISSIE a title or term of address for a girl or woman ...1810 Amer. dial.
• MISSY a title or term of address for a girl or woman ...1810 Amer. dial.
• MIVVY a term of contempt for a woman ...L19 sl.
• MOLE (usually derogatory) a woman ...1965 Aust. sl.
• MOLL orig., a girl or woman; one's wife or sweetheart ; a tough or rowdy young woman ...1753
• MOLLISHER a woman; a low-class girl or woman; one living in concubinage; a wife ...1812 sl.
• MOLLY a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
• MONNISHER a young woman ...20C Brit. market-traders' sl.
• MOOSE (derogatory) a nickname for a woman ...20C US sl.
• MORT a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
• MOT a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1561 sl.
• MOTT a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
• MOTTE a woman, a wife ...L18 sl.
• MOUSE a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
• MOWAT a woman ...c1910 sl.
• MUFF a woman, usually with an implication of promiscuity ...1914 sl., orig. US
• MUTTON a woman ...17C sl.
• NAG a woman ...1598 sl.
• NAMMOW a woman ...B1900 back-slang
• NANNICOCK †* a silly, affected person; a young woman, as a term of contempt; also, a fool ...1600
• NAMO a woman ...L19 Brit. back-slang
• NEW CALICO a young woman ...M19 US sl.
• NOBS †* a term of endearment applied to a woman; one's dear or darling ...a1529
• NOTHING-ASS BITCH a stern term of contempt for a woman ...1972 US sl.
• NUMBER a woman; a woman of the stated sort, as a 'little blond number' ...1919 sl.
• OCEAN LINER a woman, a girlfriend ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. for "Cliner'
• OCEAN PEARL a woman, a girlfriend ...20C rhyming sl.
• O.G. a woman, a mother (Old Girl) ...1878 US jocular
• OLD DUTCH a woman ...L19 sl.
• OLD EGG a man, or woman, esp. as a term of affectionate address ...20C sl.
• OLD FAGGOT (derogatory) a woman of the stated sort, as a 'lazy old faggot' ...1591 sl.
• OLD GAL any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• OLD GIRL, (THE) any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• OLD GRABEM PUDDEN an old woman, whether one's wife or mother ...L19 rhyming sl
• OLD HEN a woman, esp. an old one ...20C sl.
• OLD LADY a young woman ...1979 US sl.
• OLD NAG a woman ...1598 sl.
• OLD POT AND PAN 'old woman'; wife, woman ...M19 rhyming sl.
• OLD SACK (derogatory) a woman ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OLD SETTLER a woman in her thirties or older ...1940s US Black sl.
• OLD STEG a term of contempt for a woman ...1800 Eng. dial.
• OLE GIRL any woman, usually old but not necessarily so ...L18 sl.
• ONE a woman, a female ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ONE OF THE LADS woman, esp. a young woman, who is seen to be on equal terms with, or part of a society of, men ...2003 UK sl.
• OYSTER a girl, a young woman ...L18 sl.
• PAIK a term of reproach for a woman, or for a female domesticated animal or bird; always used with an adj., as in 'auld paik' ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAKE a term of reproach for a woman, or for a female domesticated animal or bird; always used with an adj., as in 'auld pake' ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PALL MALL a woman ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'gal'
• PALONE (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• PANCAKE a heterosexual woman ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• PANSIE a woman; one's girlfriend ...1920s US Black sl.
• PANSY a woman; one's girlfriend ...1920s US Black sl.
• PARCEL a young woman ...L19 sl.
• PARTLET a woman ...14C
• PEEP a young girl or woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PEEPIE a young girl or woman; not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PEG-PUFF a young woman with the manners of an old one ...1824 Sc.
• PIECE OF CALICO a woman ...1848 Amer. dial.
• PIECE OF STUFF a young woman ...L18 sl.
• PIECE OF TAIL, A (offensive) a woman ...sl.
• PIGEON a woman; a cute girl; a gentle woman ...20C US colloq.
• POLONE a girl or woman ...M19 theatrical sl.
• POLONI (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• POLONY (derogatory) a young woman ...1934 sl.
• POPSEE a woman, usually one who is young and attractive ...M19 sl.
• POPSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• POPSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl.
• PORK a woman; women viewed as sex objects ...18C sl.
• POTATO a woman ...1957 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'potato peeler = sheila'
• POTATO PEELER a woman ...1957 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'sheila'
• POULE a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1926 sl.
• PUG a girl, a woman ...E18 sl.
• PUG NANCY a girl, a woman ...E18 sl.
• QUAEDAM †* in a disparaging sense: a woman, a female; a loose woman, a harlot ...a1670
• QUAIL a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
• QUANDONG a young woman who accepts any amount of gifts but still refuses to cede her sexual favours ...1960s Aust. sl.
• QUASAR a woman ...1976 US sl.
• QUEAN a woman; a female; from early Middle English a term of disparagement or abuse; hence, a bold, impudent, or ill-behaved woman; a jade, a hussy; a harlot, a strumpet, esp. in 16th-17th centuries ...a1000
• QUEANIE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUEEN a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUENE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUIFF a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1923 sl., orig. Eng. dial.
• QUINE a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• RAKLI a girl, a woman ...2000 UK gypsy
• RICHARD a woman ...1940s Brit. rhyming sl. for 'Richard the Third = bird'
• RICHARD THE THIRD a woman ...1940s Brit. rhyming sl. for 'bird'
• RONYON a fat woman; a mangy or scabby animal; a term of contempt or reproach to a woman (see note on blog entry) ...1605
• SACK (derogatory) a woman ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SAILOR'S BAIT a prostitute; any girl or woman ...E20 US sl.
• SALT a woman ...1969 UK sl.
• SAW a woman, esp. when a nag ...1940s US Black sl.
• SCOLOPENDRA † a term of reproach to a woman; a nickname for a courtesan; a harlot ...1633
• SCOPER a term of depreciation for a man or woman ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SHALER a girl or young woman ...B1900 Amer. sl.
• SHAWLIE a working-class woman (associated with) wearing a shawl over her head ...E20 colloq., chiefly Sc., Irish, & N. Eng.
• SHEELAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHEILA a girl young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHEILAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHELAH a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
• SHE-MALE a woman, a female ...a1856 Amer. dial.
• SHE-STUFF women ...1958 Amer. dial.
• SHICKSTER a woman, a lady, a female ...1839 sl.
• SIDE a woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIDE CHICK a woman who is an alternative to a man's wife or regular girlfriend ...1920s US sl.
• SIDE-GAL a woman who is an alternative to a man's wife or regular girlfriend ...1920s US sl.
• SILLY COW (derogatory) a woman, irrespective of her actual character ...L19 sl.
• SKINNY a girl or a woman ...E20 Aust. sl.
• SKIRT a woman ...1560
• SLOTTED-JOB a woman ...E20 Brit. sl.
• SMOCK a woman; women considered sexually ...17C sl.
• SNAKE a young woman ...World War I US Navy usage
• SNAPPER a girl or young woman ...1971 US sl.
• SOAP women, esp. promiscuous ones or prostitutes ...L19 sl.
• SORT a woman; a young attractive woman; a girlfriend ...1933 sl., orig. Aust.
• SPLIT (derogatory) a woman; women, viewed as sex objects ...1910s Aust. & US sl.
• SPLIT ARSE a woman; an uncomplimentary term for a female ...20C sl.
• SPLIT-ARSED ONE a woman, esp. a baby girl ...L19 sl.
• SWALLOWER (derogatory) a woman ...1980s Aust. sl.
• TAB a woman; a young woman ...1918 Aust. sl.
• TABBY a young woman; an a attractive young woman ...1916 sl.
• TAD woman, not necessarily uncomplimentary ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TAIL a woman ...1950s sl.
• TARLEATHER †* a term of abuse or reproach applied to a woman; an inferior woman ...1575
• THEAVE a young woman ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TID a girl or woman ...1888
• TIT (derogatory) a woman ...1599 sl.
• TITTER a young woman or girl ...1812 sl.
• TITTIE a sister; a young woman or girl ...1725 Sc.
• TITTY a sister; a young woman or girl ...1725 Sc.
• TOM a woman; a young woman; a girlfriend ...1906 Aust. sl.
• TOOTS a young woman; a girlfriend ...1936 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• TOOTSEY-WOOTSEY a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSIE-WOOTSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOOTSY a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US
• TOSEY a nickname for a man or woman ...1926 Amer. dial.
• TOTTY a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1890 Brit. sl.
• TRIM (mainly derogatory) a woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1955 US sl.
• TUNA a girl or young woman; a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl.
• TWIRL a woman; a girl ...20C US rhyming sl.
• TWIST (often derogatory) a young woman ...1926 rhyming sl. for 'twist-and-twirl = girl', chiefly US
• TWIST-AND-TWIRL (often derogatory) a young woman ...1924 rhyming sl. for 'girl', chiefly US
• UNIT a young woman ...1980s US college sl.
• WAFFLE a woman ...1940s sl.
• WAGON (derogatory) a woman ...1920s Irish & US sl.
• WAGTAIL † a familiar or contemptuous epithet or form of address applied to a man or young woman ...1605
• WAHEENIE a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1919 Hawaii usage
• WAHINE a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1833 Hawaii usage
• WAHINI a female; specifically a woman; a wife ...1833 Hawaii usage
• WARE a woman ...1558 jocular
• WEAN a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Eng. dial.
• WHOLEMEAL a lesbian term for a straight female ...M20 sl.
• WIFEY a little wife; a little or young woman; chiefly used as a term of endearment or familiarity ...L18
• WIFIE a little wife; a little or young woman; chiefly used as a term of endearment or familiarity ...L18
• WIMP a woman ...1923 Brit. sl.
• WOMAN a rude term for a woman ...17C
• WOMAN-BODY a woman ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WOMAN-PERSON a woman ...1871 Amer. dial.
• WOOLY BEAR a woman; a woman considered sexually ...M20 US citizens band radio sl.
• WOOLY-WOOLY a woman; a woman considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• WREN a woman; a young woman ...1920 US sl.
• WUZZY a female ...1983 UK sl.
• YAD a term of contempt for a woman, often one of slovenly or dissolute habits, or of a vicious nature ...1787 Sc.
• YADE a term of contempt for a woman, often one of slovenly or dissolute habits ...1787 Sc.
• YANKIE a sharp, clever, forward woman ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ZITELLA † a girl, a young woman, a maiden ...a1668
WOMAN, WOMEN AS A SEX OBJECT - nouns, person
• ASS an act of copulation, esp. as experienced by a man; hence, a person, esp. a woman, considered as a sexual partner ...c1910 Amer. sl.
• BEAVER a woman viewed as a sex object ...1968 US sl.
• BEWER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BINT (mainly derogatory) a woman regarded as a sex object ...L19 sl.
• BISCUIT a woman considered as a sex object ...M20 Amer. sl.
• BIT a woman viewed as a sex object ...1923 sl.
• BIT OF CUFF a young woman, regarded as a sex object; thus sexual intercourse ...L19 sl.
• BIT OF DAMP a woman in sexual terms ...Brit. sl.
• BIT OF EBONY a Black woman viewed as a sex object ...M19 sl.
• BIT OF FLUFF a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF GOODS a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF JAM a woman considered a sexual object; an attractive woman ...L19 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF LUMBER a woman viewed as a sex object ...1966 Sc. usage
• BIT OF MUSLIN a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF MUTTON a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF POSH an upper-class or socially superior young woman regarded as a sexual object ...1977 UK sl.
• BIT OF SKIN a sexually loose young woman; a woman considered sexually ...1962 Brit. sl.
• BIT OF SKIRT a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF SPARE women viewed as sex objects ...1969 sl.
• BIT OF STUFF a woman viewed as a sex object ...1847 sl.
• BIT OF TAIL a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1933 sl.
• BIT OF TICKLE a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1984 UK sl.
• BIT OF TIT a woman regarded as a sexual object ...1984 UK sl.
• BITTY a woman considered sexually ...US Black sl.
• BRUSH woman viewed as sex objects ...1941 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BUER a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...1807 orig. tramp sl.
• BUOR a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• BURE a woman, esp. one seen as sexually appealing and/or of loose character ...E19 orig. tramp sl.
• C a woman viewed as a sexual object ...1976 US sl.
• CAKE a sexually desirable woman ...20C US sl.
• CALICO a woman or girl; women considered as sexual objects ...1848 US colloq.
• CAPURTLE a woman seen as a sex object ...1950s sl.
• CAVE women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
• CHARVA a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHARVER a girl, a woman, esp. as a sexual partner ...L19 market-traders' jargon
• CHUNK OF MEAT a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• CRACK women considered as sexual objects ...20C US sl.
• CRACKLING (offensive) women as objects of desire ...1947 sl.
• CUNT a female viewed as a sex object ...1674 sl.
• DAMP the vagina; hence, a woman in sexual terms ...1950s sl. Brit
• DARK MEAT (usually derogatory) a Black person, esp. a woman regarded solely as a sex partner ...1888 Amer. sl.
• DARK STUFF a Black person, usually a woman, in a sexual context ...1960s US sl.
• DRY GOODS a woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C US colloq.
• DUCK a woman considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• EASY MAKE a woman who can be easily seduced; a loose woman; a woman considered only as a sexual object ...1942 Amer. sl.
• FANNY a woman objectified sexually ...1997 UK sl.
• FISH a woman considered sexually ...17C sl.
• FUR women considered as sex objects ...20C US sl.
• GAME women; prostitutes in general; any woman considered solely as a sexual object ...17C Brit. sl.
• GASH a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...1914 sl.
• GASP AND GRUNT a woman or women sexually objectified ...1961 UK rhyming sl. for 'cunt'
• GOOSE a woman considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• GROUSE women considered sexually ...20C US sl.
• GRUMBLE women viewed as sex objects ...1962 Brit. rhyming sl. (Grumble and Grunt)
• GRUMBLE AND GRUNT women viewed as sex objects ...1962 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'cunt'
• GRUMMET a woman, esp. as a sex object ...1960s sl., orig. NZ surfers
• GUSSET a woman, esp. a woman considered sexually ...17C Brit.
• HAIR women considered as sexual objects ...19C Brit. sl.
• HUMP a prostitute; a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• JAZZ women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• KAIFA women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KEIFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KHYFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFE women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIPPY-DOPE a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...World War I US military usage
• KYFER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KYPHER women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• LAPLAND women in general; women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• LAY a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...1936 US colloq.
• LEG a young woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US colloq.
• LETCHING-PIECE a sexually loose woman; a woman considered sexually ...20C Brit. sl.
• MEAT-COOKER a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• MEAT-GRINDER a woman considered as a sexual object ...20C US sl.
• MUSLIN a woman considered sexually ...L19 Brit. sl.
• NECESSARY a prostitute; a female companion to be used sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOOKIE women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• NOOKY women considered solely as sexual objects ...E20 US sl.
• PANCAKE a woman considered as a sex object ...20C sl.
• PIECE a woman viewed as a sex object ...1942 sl.
• PIECE OF ASS a woman considered as a sexual partner ...1930 Amer. sl.
• PIECE OF CRACKLING a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 Brit. sl.
• PIECE OF POONTANG a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 sl.
• PIECE OF SKIRT a woman seen as a sex object ...1930s sl., orig. US
• PIECE OF TAIL a woman, a girl; not used in a derogatory sense, but usually from a sexual point of view, and usually dismissive ...1920s sl., orig. US
• POONTANG a woman viewed as a sex object ...1947 sl.
• PORK a woman; women viewed as sex objects ...18C sl.
• PULL a woman as a sex object ...1985 UK sl.
• PUNCH women considered as sexual objects ...18C sl.
• PUSS women viewed as sex objects ...sl.
• PUSSY a woman considered as a sex object; women viewed as sex objects ...1959 sl.
• QUIFF women considered solely as sexual objects ...20C sl.
• QUIM a woman viewed as a sex object ...1935 sl.
• RABBIT-PIE women considered sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• SADDLE women considered sexually ...E17 Brit.
• SKIN a woman as a sex object ...1936 Trinidad and Tobago
• SKIRT a woman considered sexually ..16C
• SMOCK a woman; women considered sexually ...17C sl.
• SNATCH women considered sexually; woman of loose sexual control ...1904 sl.
• STUFF women considered as sexual objects ...L18 Brit. & US sl.
• TAIL a woman, regarded as a sexual object; women, collectively, categorized with the same regard ...1846 UK sl.
• WHISKER a woman considered as a sex object ...20C US sl.
• WHITE MEAT a White woman considered sexually by a non-White male ...1940 US sl.
• WOMAN-FLESH women considered sexually ...17C colloq.
• WOOLY BEAR a woman considered sexually ...M20 US citizens band radio sl.
• WOOLY-WOOLY a woman considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
WOMAN - nouns, person, other
• CATTER a woman-chaser ...1916 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-BUTCHER a man usually successfully with women ...1930 US sl., esp. college usage
• CUNT-HOUND a lecher; a male who is a notorious whoremonger or woman-chaser ...M20 US sl.
• DAMMARET † a lady's man; 'one that spends his whole time in the entertaining or courting of women' ...1635
• DAPPER DAN a flashily dressed man; a lady's man; one who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention ...1967 Amer. sl.
• EASEMAN a parasitical man who is supported by a woman or women ...1934 US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a parasitical man who is supported by a woman or women ...1911 US Black sl.
• FEMALIST †* one devoted to the female sex; a courter of women; a gallant ...1613
• FEMICIDE one who kills a woman ...1828
• FIGURE-FANCIER one who prefers his 'women' to be large ...c1870 sl.
• GALLANTER a man or woman who goes about much in the company of the other sex ...1846 Sc.
• GOD'S GIFT a man irresistible to women; chiefly ironic usage ...1938 Brit. sl.
• GYNOPHAGITE * a woman-eater; one who preys upon the weaker sex ...1853 humorous nonce word
• MAN TEEF a woman who steals another's man ...2002 Brit. sl.
• QUEEN BEE a woman who likes to surround herself with young men, who may or may not be homosexual ...1950s homosexual sl.
• QUIFF a woman as a sex object ...1923 UK sl.
• SMELL-SMOCK † a licentious man; one who runs after women; a great wencher; a lover of women; a whoremonger (in early use employed suggestively as a surname) ...1550
• SQUIRE OF DAMES a man very attentive to women and much n their company; a woman's man; a gallant ...1886
• TAD a man who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention, esp. when rude or not respectful ...1968 Amer. dial.
WOMAN - verbs
• BEACHCOMB to search for female companionship ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CALICO to court or spend time with a woman ...1887 Amer. dial,
• DANGLE to follow a woman, without actually addressing her ...18C sl.
• EFFEMINATE †* to make into a woman; to represent as a woman ...1678
• FAIR-SEX IT to discourse upon the fair sex ...1712 nonce word
• RANGLE to carry on liaison with more than one woman at a time ...B1900 Amer. sl.
• SET ONE'S CAP AT to set oneself to gain the affections of a woman ...1773 colloq.
• TAILGATE to watch women passing by ...1990s US college sl.
WOMAN - phrases
• FAIR, FAT AND FARTY of a woman: in the prime years ...c1930 sl.
WOMANHOOD - adjectives
• WOMAN-MUCKLE grown up to be a woman, having arrived at womanhood ...1898 Sc.
WOMANISH - adjectives
• FEMINARY † womanish ...1630
• FEMMY of a man: too particular or fussy; womanish ...1967 Amer. dial.
• LASSIEISH young-womanish ...1882 chiefly Sc.
WOMANISH - verbs
• EFFEMINIZE * to render effeminate or womanish in character or appearance ...c1612
• SMOCK to make womanish ...E17 sl.
WOMANIZE - nouns
• CALICO FEVER the desire to pursue women ...M19 US sl.
WOMANIZE - verbs
• CHASE THE HARES to chase women ...20C sl.
• FAGGOT to womanize; to consort with sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• FAGOT to womanize; to consort with sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• GO AND SEE A SICK FRIEND to go womanizing ...c1860 sl.
• GOOSE to pursue women for sexual purposes; to womanize ...19C Brit. sl.
• RAT to go out in pursuit of women ...2000s US Black sl.
• SMOCK to chase women; to act as a lecher ...18C Brit. sl.
• TALE a womanizer's line ...20C sl.
WOMANIZER - nouns, person
• BIG DAME HUNTER a philanderer; one fond of women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHASE a woman chaser ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHASER an amorous pursuer of women; a womanizer ...1894 US sl.
• CHESTERFIELD a man who is fond of being with women and tries to attract their attention ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN-BUTCHER a womanizer ...1930s US college sl.
• CHICKEN INSPECTOR a womanizer, a lady-killer ...1920s US sl.
• DASHER a womanizer ...L19 W. Indies. sl.
• FANG ARTIST a lecher; a womanizer ...1970s Aust. sl.
• FAST WORKER a successful womanizer, who achieves his seductions quickly; occasionally used of a woman ...1910s sl.
• GAMECOCK a womanizer, a philanderer ...19C sl.
• GAMESTER n. a prostitute; a promiscuous person; a womanizer ...1601
• GANDY DANCER a womanizer; an active socialite ...1990s US sl.
• GASH HOUND a man who is obsessed with women ...1955 US sl.
• HAIR-MONGER a womanizer ...L19 sl.
• JUNTA a playboy, a womanizer ...1970s sl.
• LADIES' TAILOR a womanizer; a promiscuous man ...19C sl.
• LADYKILLER a man who is sexually fascinating to women ...1811 UK sl.
• LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM a philanderer; a womanizer ...L19 sl.
• LOVER BOY a woman-chaser ...1952 sl., orig. US
• LOVER MAN a woman-chaser ...1952 sl., orig. US
• PANTS MAN a womanizer ...1960s Aust. sl.
• PARLOR LIZARD a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• PARLOR PINK a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• PARLOR SNAKE a womanizer ...1910s US sl.
• QUIM-STICKER a womanizer ...19C sl.
• SKIRT-CHASER an amorous pursuer of women ...1942 sl.
• SPORT a playboy, a man about town, with the accent on gambling, womanizing, and other areas of the 'fast' life ...L19 sl.
• STUDHAMMER a male who is very busy with women; a sexually successful male ...M20 US sl.
• TAIL-CHASER a womanizer ...1940s US sl.
• TAILMAN a womanizer; a sexual athlete ...1960s US college sl.
• KYFER-MASHING pursuing women ...L19 sl.
• SMOCKAGE chasing women; copulating with women; copulation ...E17 Brit. sl.
WOMANIZING - phrases
• HE HAS A RAG ON EVERY BUSH he pays marked attentions to more than one girl at a time ...c1860 sl.
• LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM philandering, womanizing ...L19 sl.
WOMB - nouns
• BAG a womb; the womb of a domestic animal ...1886 Eng. dial. & sl.
• BAIRN-BED the womb ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BAIRN'S BED the womb ...1549 N. Eng. dial.
• BELLY the womb, the uterus ...c1440
• BERMOTHER † the womb or uterus ...1527
• FRUITFUL VINE the female genitals; the womb ...E19 Brit.
• KELDER †* the womb ...1646
• MARIS † the womb ...a1340
• OVEN the womb ...1962 sl.
• PANNIER the female genitals; the womb ...E17 Brit. sl.
• VENTER † 1. the womb as the source of one's birth or origin; hence, a mother in relation to her children ...1579-80
* 2. the womb of a woman ...a1656
• WAME † the womb ...c1425