MACARONI - nouns
• MAC macaroni ...1966 Amer. sl.
• PUT UP THE FLAG a plate of macaroni ...1900s US sl.
• WOP SPECIAL (not always derogatory) macaroni or spaghetti dishes ...20C US sl.
• WORMS macaroni ...L19 sl.
• DUGOUT DOUG General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) of the US Army ...1982 US sl.
• OLD CORNCOB General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) of the US Army ...1982 US sl.
MACHINE - adjectives
• MACHINAL † pert. to a machine or machines; mechanical ...1680
• QUEER of machinery, etc.: out of order ...L19 sl.
• ARMSTRONG a tool or machine operated or serviced by muscular strength rather than machinery; a hand-stoked locomotive ...1923 Amer. sl.
• CONTRAPTION a contrivance or device; a piece of machinery ...1820s Amer. sl.
• MACHINAMENT † a contrivance, engine, machine, vehicle ...1413
• MACHINATION † the use or construction of machinery ...1641
• MAN-EATER a dangerous piece of machinery ...1897 Amer. sl.
• MOUNT any machine ...1935 Brit. sl.
• TITAN a machine of great size and power ...1876
• WILLIPUS-WALLIPUS † a steamroller or other large machine; any monstrous thing ...1885 Amer. dial.
MACKEREL - nouns
• BLINK a young or small mackerel ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KENNEBEC TURKEY a smoked herring; sometimes a mackerel ...1975 Amer. dial.
• MACKRO a mackerel; a cry used by street-hawkers of mackerel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCALPEEN a pickled mackerel ...1848 Ireland
• PACK UP of machinery, or anything that works mechanically as the human heart: to stop working ...1920s sl.
MAD (crazy) - adjectives
• ABRAM mad ...Bk1909 cant
• AROUND THE BEND insane, mad ...1929 sl.
• AWAY mad; unconscious; dead ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BALMY IN THE CRUMPET mad, crazy ...1891 Brit. sl.
• BANANAS insane, mad ...1957 sl., orig. US
• BARKING insane, mad ...1968 Brit. sl.
• BARKING MAD insane, mad ...1968 Brit. sl.
• BAT-HOUSE crazy, mad, insane ...20C sl.
• BATS crazy, very eccentric, mad to any degree ...1911 UK sl.
• BEDLAM belonging to a madhouse; mad, wild, ill-behaved, foolish ...a1535
• BEDLAMITE lunatic, mad ...1815
• BEDLAMITISH mad, foolish ...1824
• BEDLAMLIKE mad-looking ...1618
• BILLED distracted, half mad ...1869 Eng. dial.
• BLAH insane, mad ...1924 sl.
• BONKERS insane, mad ...1957 sl., orig. Brit.
• CADAZY mad, crazy ...1980s UK Black sl.
• CRACKERS mad, crazy ...1920s sl.
• CUCKOO foolish; silly; witless; slightly mad ...Bk1942 Amer. colloq.
• DAFFY daft; mad; crazy; silly; amusingly eccentric; foolish ...1884 US sl.
• DAFT of unsound mind, crazy, insane, mad ...c1325 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAFT-LIKE foolish, dull-witted, mad, absurd ... 1790 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAGENHAM mad, eccentric ,,,1990s sl.
• DATTY mad ...2000s UK teen sl.
• DELEERIT gone mad, out of one's senses ...1824 Sc.
• DINGBATS crazy, mad, delusional ...1925 Aust. sl.
• DO-LALLY mad, eccentric ...L19 sl., orig. military
• DOOLALLY insane, mad ...1925 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• DOOLALLY TAP insane, mad ...1925 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• EAST HAM nearly mad ...2001 UK sl.
• FAR GONE mad, eccentric, insane ...M19 sl.
• FRENZICAL † affected with frenzy; crazy, mad; frenzied, raging; wildly enthusiastic; frantic ...a1586
• GAGA mad, esp. as a result of senility; eccentric, senile ...1920 UK sl.
• GOOFY mad ...1910s sl.
• HALF AND BETWEEN of a person: slightly mad, eccentric ...20C Irish sl.
• HALF AWAY mad ...Bk1905 Ireland
• HARE-BRAINED stupid and heedless, reckless; rash, wild, mad ...1548
• HARISH † of the nature of a hare; mad, foolish ...1552
• INSANIOUS †* pertaining to madness ...1656
• LAKES insane, mad ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LAKES OF KILLARNEY insane, mad ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• LAKESY mad, eccentric ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LOCO insane, mad ...1887 sl., orig. US
• LOCOED crazy, mad, deranged ...1884 Amer, dial.
• MACNOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MAD AS A DINGBAT, AS completely deranged or utterly furious or mad, very angry ...M19 sl.
• MAD AS A HARE, AS very crazy, eccentric, mad ...L14
• MAD AS A HATTER, AS very mad, utterly insane; in a rage ...M19 sl.
• MAD AS A MARCH HARE, AS very crazy, eccentric, mad ...16C
• MAD AS BLAZES mad as hell ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MAD AS MAY-BUTTER, AS exceedingly eccentric; mad; excited ...1626
• MAD-BRED * bred by madness in the brain ...Bk1910
• MADCAP mad, crackbrained, reckless, wildly impulsive ...1588
• MADDED † mad, foolish; rendered mad; deprived of reason or intelligence; excited to fury, enraged ...c1580 rare or obs.
• MADDING becoming mad; acting madly; frenzied ...1579 now poetical or rhetorical
• MADDY † somewhat mad ...1719
• MADFUL †* mad ...a1400
• MADLING † mad ...1608
• MAGHNOON mad, silly ... L19 among troops in Egypt
• MAGNOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MAGNUNE insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MANGOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MARCH MAD † mad as a March hare ...a1619
• MASHUGGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MAUKIN-MAD mad as a March hare ...1787 Sc.
• MAZE mad, crazy, lunatic; uneasy, over-anxious ...1842 Eng. dial.
• MAZED crazed, mad, lunatic, distraught, insane ...1836 Eng. dial.
• MAZEDISH mad, confused, insane ...1846 Eng. dial.
• MAZEDY mad, confused, insane ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCNOON mad ...1910s Aust. sl.
• MELANCHOLY insane; mad with anger ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENTAL insane, mad ...1927 sl.
• MESHUGA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGINER crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MISHOOGENA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MOONSTRICKEN deranged or mad
• MOONSTRUCK deranged or mad
• NON COMPOS not in control of the mind, insane, mad ...1628
• NOT ALL THERE slightly mad; mentally or intellectually disadvantaged ...1864 UK sl.
• NOT RIGHT mad, eccentric, mentally wrong ...Brit. sl.
• NUTS insane, mad ...1846 sl.
• OFF mad, very foolish ...L19 sl.
• OFF AT THE HEAD eccentric, mad ...M19 sl.
• OFF AT THE NAIL mad ...Bk1902 Sc.
• OFF IT insane, mad ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF ONE'S CHOMP mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...M19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S CHUMP insane, mad ...1864 sl.
• OFF ONE'S CONK mad, crazy, eccentric, insane; demented ...1870 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S DIP mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DIPPER mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DOT mad, eccentric ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DOTTY mad, eccentric, insane, crazy ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S GOURD insane, mad ...1961 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S HEAD insane, mad ...a1845 sl.
• OFF ONE'S KNOCKER mad, insane, uncontrolled ...1900s Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S LID mad ...1900s US sl.
• OFF ONE'S LOOP eccentric, mad ...1940s sl.
• OFF ONE'S NANA eccentric, mad ...1940s sl.
• OFF ONE'S NANNY mad, crazy ...L18 UK sl.
• OFF ONE'S NUT insane, mad ...1860 sl.
• OFF ONE'S ONION mad, crazy ...1890 sl.
• OFF ONE'S PANNIKIN mad, crazy ...1894 sl. chiefly Aust.
• OFF ONE'S PULLEY insane, eccentric, mad, crazy ...1990s sl.
• OFF ONE'S ROCK crazy, insane, eccentric, mad ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S ROCKER insane, mad ...1897 colloq.
• OFF ONE'S ROCKET insane, mad ...1925 sl.
• OFF ONE'S SAUCER mad, insane, eccentric, crazy ...c1930 Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TILE mad, angry ...1910s Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TOP TRAVERSE mad, insane, eccentric, crazy ...20C Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TROLLEY insane, mad ...1896 sl.
• OFF TAP eccentric, mad ...1990s Aust. sl.
• OFF THE HOOKS in a state of madness or intense excitement; crazy, angry, or vexed; in an ill mood or out of humour ...1612 sl.
• OFF THE SIDE insane, mad ...1877 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF ONE'S GOURD insane, mad ...1963 US sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S HEAD insane, mad ...1825 sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S SKULL insane, mad ...1968 sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S TREE insane, mad ...1966 US sl.
• OVER THE EDGE insane, quite mad ...1929
• POGGLE insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• PORANGI mad, eccentric, stupid ...M19 NZ (Maori)
• PUDDLED mad, insane, or eccentric ...Brit. sl.
• PUGGLE insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• PUGGLED insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• QUEER IN THE GARRET eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEER IN THE NUT mad, eccentric ...1950s sl.
• QUEER IN THE UPPER STOREY eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• RAAZED † infuriated, mad ...c1850 Sc.
• RADGE mad, violently excited, furious, wild, obstreperous, insane ...1923 Sc.
• RADGIE mad, violently excited, furious, wild, obstreperous ...1923 Sc.
• RADIO insane, crazy, mad ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental' (radio rental)
• RADIO RENTAL wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• RADIO RENTALS wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• RAMMIST * mad, crazy, frantic ...1456 Sc.
• RANTY lively, riotous, eager; wildly excited with passion, pain, anger, etc.; almost mad ...1783 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTY mad, eccentric ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAISED-LIKE excited, maddened; startled, having the appearance of mental derangement ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAVERS insane, raving mad ...1938 Brit. sl.
• RED-EYED crazy, furious, angry, mad ...1935 Amer. dial.
• RENTALS wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• ROUND THE BEND insane, mad, crazy ...1929 sl.
• ROUND THE TWIST insane, mad ...1960 Brit. sl.
• SALVATION ARMY crazy, mad, eccentric ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SICK silly, stupid; extremely eccentric; mad ...20C Aust. sl.
• SKIRE quite mad ...1822 Sc.
• STARKERS insane, mad ...1962 Brit. sl.
• UP THE CREEK mad, crazy ...1960s sl.
• UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE mad, crazy ...1960s sl.
• UP THE POLE mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...1904 sl.
• UP THE STICK mad, crazy, eccentric ...1930s sl.
• WACKED OUT crazy, eccentric, mad ...1968 US sl.
• WAMPY mad, insane ...1950s NZ sl.
• WHACKED OUT insane, mad ...1969 US sl.
• WRONG silly, foolish; extremely eccentric, or slightly mad ...1920s Aust. sl.
• WRONG IN ONE'S NUT mad, eccentric ...L19 sl.
• YARRA mad, insane, stupid, eccentric ...1943 Aust. sl.
MAD (angry) - adjectives
• AGRO mad; annoyed ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BRAIN-WUD mad; acting with fury or intense impetuosity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CHEWED angry, mad; defeated, beaten ...1942 Amer. dial.
• DALE † furious, mad ...1858 Eng. dial.
• DIDDLECOME half mad; sorely vexed or teased ...1869 Eng. dial.
• EDGED angry, incensed, mad as hell ...1982 US sl.
• FLAMIN' infatuated, mad ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FURIBUND furious, raging, mad ...1490
• MAD AS A DINGBAT extremely mad, very angry ...1942 Aust. sl.
• MAD AS TOPHET 'mad as hell', very mad ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MAD AS WHIZZ very mad or angry ...1960 Amer. dial.
• MANKIND † infuriated, furious, fierce, mad ...1519
• RABIOUS † fierce, raging, rabid, mad ...1613-18
• RADGE of a person or situation: mad, furious, insane ...1990s sl.
• RADGED furious, mad ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RADGY ill-tempered, angry, excited, violent, mad ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAGE † mad, raging; wanton ...a1300
• RAGEFUL †* mad, frantic, frenzied ...1580
• RAGEOUS † in a rage, furious, mad, angry, vexed; violent with pain or anger; full of passion ...1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RED-MAD raging mad, distracted, insane; furious; eager ...1794 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RED-WUD raging mad; furious ...1793 Sc.
• VESANOUS † mad, furious, raging, cruel, outrageous ...1656
MAD, MADLY - adverbs
• LIKE DAFT madly, wildly ...1793 Sc.
• MADLING madly ...1584 obs.
• MAZE-LIKE stupidly, foolishly; like a madman ...1866 Eng. dial.
• RANDY madly, wildly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
MAD, MADMAN - nouns
• DARK HOUSE † a place of confinement for a madman; a room used to confine the insane ...1600
• DARK ROOM † a place of confinement for a madman ...1590
MAD, MADMAN - nouns, person
• ABRAM MORT a madwoman ...1741 sl.
• BEDLAMITE † a madman or lunatic; a discharged, but often only half-cured, inmate of a lunatic asylum, who was licensed to beg, wearing as a badge a tin plate on their left hand or arm ...1621
• CRAZY a mad or insane person ...1867 sl., orig. US
• DAFFY an eccentric person; a mad person ...20C US sl.
• DAFTIE an idiot, an imbecile; a madman ...1868 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAFTY an idiot, an imbecile; a madman ...1868 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• JACKET JOB something or someone liable to drive one crazy; hence, a mad or insane person ...1990s sl.
• JACK O' BEDLAM a madman ...1605
• LAKES a mad person ...1910s rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LAKES OF KILLARNEY a mad person ...1910s rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• LOONEY a madman ...1883 US sl.
• LOONY a madman ...1883 US sl.
• MADCAP †* a madman, a maniac ...1589
• MADDIE † a mad person, a lunatic ...1903 Sc.
• MADHEAD † a mad person ...1600
• MADLING a mad creature; one who acts wildly or foolishly ...c1648-50
• MADLOCK a lunatic; a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADPASH a lunatic, a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADSTART a lunatic; a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-MAN a madman, a lunatic ...1897 Eng. dial.
• NUT CASE n. an eccentric; a madman ...1944 Aust. sl.
• NUTHATCH a madman; a fool ...1972 Amer. sl.
• NUTTER a violent deranged person; a mad or insane person ...1958 Brit. sl.
• POGGLE a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• PORGLY a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• PSYCHO a mad or insane person ...1942 sl.
• PUGGLY a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• RADGE a psychotic person; a madman ...1995 sl.
• TOM O' BEDLAM † a madman; a deranged person discharged from Bedlam and licensed to beg ...1561
• VEG a moron; a madman ...1980s sl.
• WALL-HUGGER an eccentric, a mad person ...1980s sl.
MAD - verbs
• BAIL OUT to go mad ...1970s sl., orig. military
• BEMAD to make mad, to madden ...1605
• BOW UP to get mad; to turn mean; to refuse to do a job ...1958 Amer. dial.
• GET A RAT to be mad ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GET RATS to become mad ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GOOF OFF to go mad ...1940s sl.
• HAVE AN ANGLE-TWITCH IN THE BONNET to be not quite sane (angle-twitch = worm) ...1876 Eng. dial.
• HAVE BATS IN THE BELFRY to be mad or eccentric ...1911 UK sl.
• MANG † to bewilder, to lead astray; to be bewildered; to go mad ...c1440 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• PSYCH OUT to be or become mad ...1970 sl.
• RAGE † to go mad; to be mad; to act madly or foolishly ...a1300
• RAISE to excite, to madden; to vex ...Bk1905 Sc.
• REAR UP to become irritated, mad, or angry ...1842 Amer. dial.
• REAR UP ON ONE'S HIND LEGS to become irritated, mad, or angry ...1842 Amer. dial.
MAD - phrases
• YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR TINY MIND you're crazy, foolish, mad ...1970 UK sl.
MADAGASCAR - adjectives
• MALAGASH pert. to Madagascar ...1793
• MALAGASY pert. to Madagascar, its inhabitants, language, etc. ...1835
• MALAGASY the language of Madagascar ...1835
MADAGASCAR - nouns, person
• MALAGASH a native of Madagascar ...1711
• MALAGASY a native of Madagascar ...1839
MADAME - nouns
• ABBESS a brothel-keeper, a madame ...M18 sl.
• LADY ABBESS a brothel-keeper, a madame ...M18 sl.
MADDEN - verbs
• EFFIERCE †* to render fierce, to madden ...1596
• RAAZE † to infuriate, to madden ...1825 Sc.
• RAISE to excite, to agitate, to provoke, to rouse to excitement or anger; to madden, to vex ...1768 chiefly Sc.
MADE - adjectives
• MANUFACT † made with hands ...1539
• OFFALLY-MADE badly made ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFFALY-MADE badly made ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SUDDEN † made, provided, or formed in a short time ...1599 obs. or arch.
• UNCURIOUS † not elaborately made ...1598
MADE - nouns
• FACTURE * the thing made, creation ...1647
• FEASIBILITY † capability of being made ...1655
• OPERATION † something made; a product, work ...1616
MADLY - adverbs
• BEDLAMLY † like a madman, insanely ...1553-87
• GAGA madly ...2000s sl.
MADNESS - nouns
• BALKAN TAP madness ...20C sl.
• BEDLAM madness, lunacy ...1598
• DARLING PEA madness; eccentricity ...L19 Aust. sl.
• DELIRITNESS madness ...1823 Sc.
• DOOLALLY TAP madness, eccentricity; orig, a form of madness that afflicted soldiers stationed in India, and spec. at Deolalie ...L19 sl.
• MAD madness, fury, anger ...1847-89 Eng. dial. & US sl.
• MADDERAM madness, folly, frantic rage, tantrums; boisterous fun, wild pranks, hilarity ...1866 Sc.
• MADDERDOM madness, folly, frantic rage, tantrums; boisterous fun, wild pranks, hilarity ...1866 Sc.
• MADHEAD † madness ...c1375
• MADSHIP † madness ...a1225
• MAZEDNESS madness ...1891 Eng. dial.
• MAZERY nonsense, foolery; madness ...1897 Eng. dial.
• RAGE † 1. madness, folly, rashness; an instance of this; a foolish act ...a1300
† 2. madness; insanity; a fit of mania ...c1325 obs. exc. poetic
• RAMMISTNESS madness, frenzy ...1456 Sc.
• RAT a bout of madness ...1920s Aust. sl.
• VECORD * madness, trouble of mind, folly, doting ...1788
• VECORDY * madness, trouble of mind, folly, doting ...1656
MADNESS - verbs
• ABRAHAM SHAM to feign madness ...Bk1909 sl.
• DO ABRAM to feign madness ...Bk1909 sl.
• DO YOUR NUT to go mad; to feign madness ...1959 Brit. sl.
• SHAM ABRAM to feign madness; to feign sickness ...Bk1909 cant
• TOPHET a place or state of wild chaos and warring elements; a roaring furnace; a raging whirlpool, a maelstrom ...1837
MAFIA - nouns
• FAMILY the American Mafia ...1950s sl.
• MAF Mafia ...1960s sl., chiefly US
MAFIA - nouns, person
• HALF A BUTTON a criminal who is on the fringe of full membership of the US Mafia ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• MADE GUY a formally initiated member of the US Mafia ...1950s US criminals' sl.
• MADE MAN a formally initiated member of the US Mafia ...1950s US criminals' sl.
MAGAZINE - adjectives
• B. AND B. pert. to magazines featuring female nudity; 'Breast and Buttock' ...M20 US sl.
• PULP like or pert. to pulp (see noun) ...Bk1974 sl.
MAGAZINE - nouns
• BALAAM temporary paragraphs reserved to fill up the columns of a newspaper or magazine ...1826 journalistic sl.
• BOOK a magazine or pamphlet ...1913 Amer. dial.
• CRUDZINE a poorly written and/or poorly produced fan magazine ...1976 US sl.
• FAG-MAG a magazine or other publication featuring male nudity for homosexual males ...M20 US sl.
• FASH MAG a fashion magazine ...2002 UK sl.
• LASTISH the most recently published issue of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• MAG a magazine ...1801 sl.
• MAGAZINARY the office or place of production of a magazine ...1825 nonce word
• MAGAZINERY * the profession of a magazine writer ...1833
• NEWSZINE a fan magazine that does not contain any fiction, just news ...1976 US sl.
• NEXTISH the next issue of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• NUDIE a magazine or a film which features nudity ...M20 US sl.
• ONE-HAND MAGAZINE a pornographic magazine, used as an aid to masturbation ...1960s sl.
• PULP 1. a magazine printed on cheap, rough, pulp paper ...Bk1974 Amer.sl.
2. any magazine devoted to sensational and ephemeral literature, as cowboy and detective stories and the like ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• RAG a magazine ...1940s US Black sl.
• SKIN-MAG a magazine featuring male or female nudes ...1968 US sl.
• SKIN MAGAZINE a magazine featuring photographs of nudes, usually woman ...1968 US sl.
• YANK MAGS American pulp magazines, as distributed in the UK ...1930s sl.
• YANKS American pulp magazines, as distributed in the UK ...1930s sl.
MAGAZINE - nouns, person
• FANED the editor of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• MAGAZINER * one who writes articles for a magazine ...1758-65
MAGGOT - adjectives
• MAIDIE infested with maggots ...1826 Sc.
• MAWKET infested with maggots ...1824 Sc.
• MAWKY full of maggots ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGGOT - nouns
• MADDOCK † a maggot ...a1240
• MAG a maggot ...1886 Amer. sl.
• MAITHE a maggot ...1808 Sc.
• MAUKINESS the state of being full of maggots ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MAWK a maggot ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MAWK-WORM a maggot ...1863 Sc.
• MEATH a maggot ...1865 Sc.
• METHE a maggot ...1865 Sc.
• QUICK a small flesh-eating insect, a maggot ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGGOT - verbs
• MAITHE to become infested with maggots ...1866 Sc.
• MAWK to become infested with maggots ...1892 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGIC - adjectives
• MAGO-CHEMICAL †* pert. to magic and chemistry ...1652
• STOICHEIOTICAL †* pertaining to magic ...1646
MAGIC - nouns
• CAMPERLECKS † magical tricks ...1808 Sc.
• FAKE among performing magicians: any contrivance or device used to impart the illusion of magic; a piece of equipment that as been altered for use in a trick ...1889 sl.
• GOOFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOOFFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOOPHER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOPHER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GRIS-GRIS 1. a jinx, charm, spell, or magic force ...1763 Amer. dial.
2. the body of knowledge, system, or practice of magic or conjuration; a medium of luck ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GUFFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• HELL-BROTH a magical composition for malignant purposes ...1605
• HEX a magic spell; a curse ...E20
• JADOO conjuring, magic, hocus-pocus ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• MAGIE †* magic ...1592
• MOJO a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1926 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• MOOJOO a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1938 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• NECROMANCY the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...a1300
• NECROMANTY †* the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...1560
• TAKE †* a spell of magic or witchcraft; enchantment ...1678
• WARLOCKRY the practice of magic by men; wizardry ...1818
MAGIC, MAGICIAN - nouns, person
• CACO-MAGICIAN an evil magician or sorcerer; one versed in the black art ...1656
• CALKER † a calculator of nativities, etc.; an astrologer; a magician, a conjurer ...1535
• FAMULUS an attendant, esp. on a scholar or a magician ...1837
• FASCINATOR a magician ...1750
• GOOF DOCTOR one who practices 'goofer', voodoo or other magic ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HOCUS a juggler, a magician, a charlatan ...M17 sl.
• MAGE a magician; a person of exceptional wisdom and learning ...c1400 arch.
• MAGIAN a magician; a wizard ...1578
• MAGICIANESS †* a female magician ...1651
• MAGICIENNE †* a female magician ...1490
• MAGUS one skilled in Oriental magic and astrology; an ancient magician or sorcerer ...1621
• MAGUSIAN †* a magian; a magician; a wizard; a follower of the magi ...1587
• NECROMANCER one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1300
• NECROMANCIEN † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1303
• NECROMANT † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1598
• NECROMANTIC † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1574
• NECROMANTIST †* one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1607
• OB † a wizard, magician, sorcerer, ventriloquist ...1659
• TALISMAN † a sorcerer, a magician ...1646
• VARLET † a wizard, a magician ...1701 Sc.
MAGIC - verbs
• FASCINATE † to cast a spell over a person, animal, etc., by a look; said esp. of serpents ...1641
• GOOFER to bewitch; to practice voodoo or other magic ...1899 Amer. dial.
• GOOPHER to bewitch; to practice voodoo or other magic ...1899 Amer. dial.
• WITCHCRAFT to cast a spell on; to work magic ...1898 Amer. dial.
MAGICAL - adjectives
• CANNY † supernaturally wise; endowed with occult or magical power ...1768 Sc.
• CANTRIP pert. to any real or imagined magical act ...E18 Sc. & Brit.
• MAGIAN †* magical ...1818 poetic
• NECROMANTIC magical, wonderful ...1630
• TALISMANIC magical, occult, potent ...1678
• TALISMANICAL magical, occult, potent ...1650
• TALISMANTIC magical, occult, potent ...1814 nonce word
MAGICAL - nouns
• CARACT † a magical character or symbol; a charm ...1393
MAGICAL - verbs
• MAGICALIZE * to invest with a magical charm ...Bk1910
MAGICALLY - adverbs
• TALISMANICALLY magically ...1831
• VENEFICE † the practice of employing poison or magical potions; the exercise of sorcery by such means ...c1380
• VENEFY † the practice of employing poison or magical potions; the exercise of sorcery by such means ...1616
MAGISTERIAL - adjectives
• MASTERLIKE † resembling a master; despotic, autocratic, sovereign; authoritative, magisterial; exhibiting masterly ability or skill ...1580
MAGISTRATE - adjectives
• MAGISTERICAL †* pert. to a magistrate ...1646
• MAGISTRATIAL †* pert. to a magistrate ...1774
• MAGISTRATIC † pert. to a magistrate ...1653
• MAGISTRATICAL pert. to or befitting a magistrate ...1638
• MAGISTRATIVE * proper to a magistrate, requisite for ruling ...1865
MAGISTRATE - nouns, person
• BEAK a magistrate or justice of the peace ...1791 Eng. dial. & sl.
• GARDEN GATE a magistrate ...1859 UK rhyming sl.
• MAJESTY a corruption of 'magistrate' ...1831 Eng. dial. 128
• ONCE A WEEK a magistrate ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'beak'
• QUEER BEAK an incorruptible magistrate ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• SELECTMAN a town magistrate ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• UNCLE a magistrate ...1895 Eng. dial.
• MAG magnesium ...1952 Amer. sl.
• MAGNIUM † magnesium ...1808
MAGNET - adjectives
• MAGNETARIAN †* conversant with the magnet ...1654
MAGNETIC - adjectives
• MAGNETISH † magnetic ...1683
• GALLANTRY † fine or gay appearance or show, splendour, magnificence ...1613
• PANOPLY splendour, magnificence, pomp ...1829
• SUMPTUOSITY lavishness or extravagance of expenditure; magnificence or luxuriousness of living, equipment, decoration, or the like; sumptuousness; squandering, prodigality ...1559
MAGNIFICENT - adjectives
• AUGUSTIOUS †* grand, magnificent, majestic, august ...a1670
• FAMOUS excellent, grand, magnificent, splendid; used as an emphatic expression of approval ...1798 colloq.
• FASTIDIOUS † of things: 'proud', magnificent ...1638 obs.
• GRANDIFICENT grand and magnificent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• LAUTITIOUS †* sumptuous; luxurious; excellent; magnificent; chiefly said of meat ...1648
• MAGNIF magnificent ...1863 Amer. sl.
• MAGNIFICAL grand, fine, magnificent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGNIFICENTIAL †* magnificent ...1506
• MAGNIFICO magnificent, grand ...1654
• MAGNIFICOUS * magnificent, grand, pompous ...17C
• MAGNIFIQUE magnificent, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAGNITUDINOUS involving greatness of scale; great, magnificent, imposing ...1803
• MAGNOLIOUS magnificent, splendid, very fine, large ...M19 sl.
• PALACIOUS † of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1628
• PALATIATE †* of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1632
• PALLACIOUS † of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1628
• RED-HOT excellent, perfect, magnificent ...1866 Amer. sl.
• SPLENDIDIOUS † splendid, magnificent, brilliant, excellent, first-rate ...1432-50
• MAGNOLIOUSNESS the fact or quality of being magnificent, splendid, or large ...M19 US sl.
MAGNIFY - verbs
• BIG to make big, to magnify ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• MAGNIFICATE † to magnify or extol ...1598
• OPTIC † an eyeglass, lens, magnifying lass; a microscope, a telescope ...a1631
MAGPIE - nouns
• CHATTERMAG a magpie ...19C Eng. dial.
• DEVIL'S BIRD the magpie ...1881 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• EGGISTE the magpie, Pica rustica ...1691 Eng. dial.
• HAGGESS † the magpie ...1599
• HAGGISS † the magpie ...1655
• HAGGISTER the magpie ...1584 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HAGISTER the magpie, Pica rustica ...1691 Eng. dial.
• JACKO the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1902 Sc.
• JECKO the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1902 Sc.
• MADGE the common magpie, Pica caudata ...1823
• MAG a proper name for a magpie ...1802
• MAGGIE in rifle-shooting: a magpie ...1901
• MAGGOT † 1. a proper name for a magpie or a sow ...1573
2. a magpie ...1848 Eng. dial.
• MAGGOT-PIE † a magpie ...1573 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAGGOTTY-PIE the magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGGY a magpie ...1901 Aust. sl.
• MARGARET a magpie ...1854 Eng. dial.
• MEG a magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MIGGY the magpie, Pica rustica ...1885 Eng. dial.
• NAN-PIANNOT the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NAN-PIE the magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NANTIPIE † the magpie, Pica rustica ...1788 Eng. dial.
• NAPPIE the magpie, Pica rustica ... Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TALE-PIE a magpie ...1926 Sc.
• THORNY-PYETT the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
MAIDEN - nouns
• RAGE † an alleged name for a 'company' of maidens ...1486
MAIDEN - verbs
• MAIDEN IT † to act like a maiden; to be coy ...1597-8
• MAIDSHIP maidenhood ...1873 Sc.
MAID OF HONOUR - nouns, person
• DAME OF HONOR a maid or matron of honour ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MARY † a maid of honour; a female attendant ...1803 Sc.
• PUCELLE † the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc ...c1450 obs. ext. hist.
MAIL - adjectives
• MAIL-SETTING † that robs the mail ...c1688
MAIL - nouns
• D.A.L. a humorous notation put on letters that cannot be delivered (Dog At Large) ...c1920 postmen's usage
• DEAD a letter or package that can neither be delivered nor returned ...1950s US Post Office usage
• HOT MAIL mail that gets preferential treatment, such as first-class and priority ...1989 Amer.. sl.
• ORDINARY † a courier conveying dispatches or letters at regular intervals; hence, post, mail ...1667
MAIL - nouns, person
• LETTER-FENCER a postman ...L19 sl.
• POSTIE a postman ...1871
• POSTY a postman ...1871
• WALKER a postman, a courier ...M19 sl.
MAIM - verbs
• HAMBLE † to mutilate, maim; to cut away; specifically, to cut off the balls of the feet of dogs, so as to render them unfit for hunting ...a1050 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAIN † to lame, to maim ...1703
• MANG to break in pieces, to mutilate, to maim, to injure ...1825 Sc.
• MANK † to maim, to mangle, to mutilate; to make defective; to impair, to spoil ...a1400-50 obs. exc. Sc.
• MANYIE † to maim ...a1400 Sc.
• MENYIE † to maim ...a1400 Sc.
MAIMED - adjectives
• HAMBLE-SHANKED † maimed or lame in the leg ..1661
• MANK † maimed, mutilated, defective ...1513 chiefly Sc.
MAIMED - verbs
• HAVE AN ACCIDENT to be maimed or killed in retribution ...1941 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
MAIMING - nouns
• MANCATION † maiming, mutilation ...1727
MAIN - nouns
• BUSINESS END, THE the part of something which performs its main function ...1878 sl.
MAINE - nouns
• AMERICA'S LOGGER-HEAD Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BORDER STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DOWN EASTER a vessel from a Maine port ...1835 Amer. sl.
• EAST OVERSHOE the mythical town in Maine which is the home to fools and idiots ...1975 US sl.
• FOX STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUMBERLAND Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUMBER STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OLD DIRIGO (STATE) Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PINE CONE STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PINE TREE STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POLAR STAR STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• REPUBLICAN STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
MAINE - nouns, person
• DOWN EASTER a native of Maine, esp. a seaman ...a1828 Amer. sl.
• MAINIAC a resident of Maine ...1837 Amer. dial.
MAINLAND - nouns
• FASTLAND the mainland, as distinguished from islands; the continent ...1883
MAINLY - adverbs
• FOR THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1662
• MAINTENANTLY mainly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ON THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1832
• RATHEREST † most of all, most particularly, mainly ...c1420 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RATHEST † most of all, most particularly, mainly ...1549
• UPON THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1697
MAINTAIN - verbs
• BEHAD to stop, to wait; to hold, to maintain, to hold as certain ...1768 Sc.
• BEHOD to hold, to maintain, to hold as certain ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP to persevere in, to carry on with, to maintain ...1935 Amer. dial.
• OBTEND † to put forward as a statement, reason, etc.; to pretend, to allege, to maintain ...1573
• OPINIATRE † to maintain or persist in obstinately ...1652
• STAND TO ONE'S GUNS to maintain one's position staunchly
• STICK TO ONE'S GUNS to maintain one's position staunchly
• TO-DERAIGN † to maintain, to vindicate a cause, etc. entirely ...c1320
• UPHOLD to affirm, to maintain in argument; to warrant, to vouch for ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MANUTENTION † the act of upholding or maintaining; maintenance ...1603
• MAINTAINANCE maintenance ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MAINTAINMENT †* maintenance ...c1485
• MANTINIMENT † maintenance ...1588
• MANUTENENCY † the act of holding in the hand or upholding; support, maintenance ...1633
• MANUTENTION † the act of upholding or maintaining; maintenance ...1603
• UPHOLD support, maintenance; a prop; a person who maintains another ...1791 Sc.
MAJESTIC - adjectives
• AUGUSTIOUS †* grand, magnificent, majestic, august ...a1670
• IMPERIOUS † exercising a commanding influence; ruling, sovereign, dominant; having a commanding position, aspect, demeanour, etc.; majestic, stately ...1592
• MAJESTATIVE † majestic ...1656
• MAJESTICAL majestic ...1589 now chiefly poetic
• MAJESTUOUS * majestic ...1685
MAJESTIC - verbs
• MAJESTIFY †* to make majestic ...1616
MAJESTY - nouns
• TIR † glory, honour, majesty ...a1000
• MAJESTATE †* majesty ...1533
MAJORITY - nouns
• BETTER END the higher classes; a superior kind; the greater part, majority ...1848 Eng. dial.
• LONG END the majority, the bulk ...1900s US sl.
• THICK END the greater part, the majority or most part ...1867 Eng. dial.
MAKE - nouns, person
• EFFECTER † a maker, a creator ...1635
• EFFECTRESS † a female maker or creator ...1601
• FABRICANT * one who fabricates, constructs, or fashions anything; a maker or manufacturer ...1757
• FACTOR † one who makes or does anything; a doer, maker, performer, perpetrator; an author of a literary work ...1563 obs. or arch.
• MAKERESS a female maker of something ...1857
MAKE, MAKING - adjectives
• FACTIVE † tending or having the power to make; concerned with making ...1612
• OMNIFIC making all things; all-creating ...1667
• OMNIFICENT making all things ...1862
MAKE, MAKING - nouns
• FACTION † the act of doing or making something ...1612
• FACTORY † the act or process of making anything ...1664
• FACTURE * the act or process of making a thing ...1580
• FASHION † the act or process of making; hence, the 'making' or workmanship as an element in the value of plate or jewellery ...1463
• OPERATION †* the act of making or producing something ...a1500
MAKE - verbs
• BASH UP to make, to create ...1940s NZ sl.
• EFFECT * to make, to construct ...1791
• FABRIC † to construct, fashion, frame, make ...1623
• FAKE to make, to do anything ...E19 sl.
• GAR †* to do, to perform; to make ...a1300
• HANA to work, to make ...1951 Hawaii
• NIGGER RIG (derogatory) to make or repair something poorly or without proper materials ...1965 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER UP (derogatory) to do, make, or repair something in a careless, haphazard, or tasteless manner; to mess something up ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SCLATCH to work in a dirty messy manner; to make or construct clumsily or untidily; to use in a slipshod or careless way; to botch ...1808 Sc.
• TIFF † to put in order, to arrange; to prepare, to make, to construct ...1300s
MAKE, MAKER - nouns, person
• FAKER a maker of anything ...1688
• FASHIONER one that gives fashion or shape to; a creator, maker ...1548
• OPIFEX † a worker, a maker, a manufacturer ...1649
• OPIFICER † one who makes or constructs a work; a maker, a fabricator; a workman ...1548
• FACRERE † the art of 'make-believe', deception ...1393
• FARANCE a pretense, make believe ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• MAKE-WISE a pretense, make-believe ...1846 Eng. dial.
• MAKING-AS-IF pretense, make-believe ...1813 nonce word
MAKE-BELIEVE - nouns, person
• GAR-ME-TRUE a hypocrite, a pretender; a philanderer; one who makes believe ...1871 Sc.
• CRACKERJACK to fake, to make-believe ...20C sl.
• GAR-BELIEVE to make believe; to pretend ...1916 Sc.
• MAKE WISE to pretend, to feign, to make believe ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MIMP to make believe; to sham, to pretend ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKE † to affect, to feign, to pretend, to make believe to do something ...1571
MAKE-DO - nouns
• POOR DO something inferior, unsuccessful, make-do ...1941 Amer. dial.
MAKE DO - verbs
• PIECE ALONG to make do, to get along ...1979 Amer. dial.
MAKESHIFT - adjectives
• HAYWIRE inadequately equipped, inefficient, makeshift ...1905 Amer. sl. esp. logging
• JACKLEG thrown-together, shoddy, makeshift ...1914 US sl.
• JACK-LEGGED thrown-together, makeshift ...20C US sl.
• JAKELEG thrown-together, makeshift ...20C US sl.
• MEXICAN (derogatory) cheap, inferior; makeshift; bogus, illegal ...1912 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER (derogatory) cheap; inferior; makeshift ...1942 Amer. sl.
• NIGGER-RIGGED (derogatory) makeshift; poorly constructed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF-PUT temporary, makeshift ...1927 Sc.
• POOR BOY cheap, makeshift, improvised ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SCAMBLING hasty, careless; makeshift; untidy ...1790 Eng. dial.
• SNAPPER-RIGGED improvised; repaired in a makeshift fashion ...2002 Can sl., orig. nautical
• BEWITH a temporary substitute, a makeshift ...1724 Sc.
• OFF-PUT a makeshift, esp. a hasty meal ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-TRAP a worn-out, rickety vehicle; anything old and dilapidated; a makeshift contrivance ...1888 Eng. dial.
• SIWASH OUTFIT an enterprise, such as a logging operation or ranch, that operates in a makeshift way ...1930 Amer. dial.
• POOR BOY to make or repair in a hand-to-mouth or makeshift manner ...1979 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - nouns
• ADDITION paint or rouge or powder for the face; make-up, cosmetics ...c1690 society sl.
• BIMBO DUST face powder ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DAZZLE DUST † face powder ...1946 Can. teen sl.
• FACE a cosmetic kit, make-up ...1946 US sl.
• FAKE make-up ...c1875 theatrical usage
• FAKEMENT paint for the face ...c1870 theatrical usage
• FARD † paint for the face, esp. white paint ...1540
• FARDRY † the act of painting the face, the effect produced by this ...c1430
• LAUGHS make-up ...1935 Brit. theatrical sl.
• LIPPIE lipstick ...1940 Aust. sl.
• LIPPY lipstick ...1940 Aust. sl.
• MUCK stage makeup ...1926 US sl.
• PAINT make up ...1660 UK sl.
• SLAP orig. applied to theatrical make-up, such as rouge or grease-paint; hence, more generally, any cosmetic make-up, esp. applied thickly or carelessly ...1860 sl.
• SPLASH make-up, cosmetics, esp, poudre de riz used to whiten the complexion ...M19 sl.
• WARPAINT cosmetics, make-up ...1869 sl.
• WHITENING face powder ...1905 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - nouns, person
• EASTER EGG a woman wearing too much makeup ...1967 Amer. jocular
• KINARKEY a woman wearing garish make-up ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• PAINTRESS † a woman who paints or rouges her face ...1633
• MRS. ASTOR'S BILLY GOAT an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S COW an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET COW an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET HORSE an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PLUSH HORSE an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• TWO-BIT WHORE a woman who uses a lot of cosmetics ...1966 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - verbs
• DO ONE'S FACE of a woman (usually): to apply make-up ...1920s sl.
• FAKE THE FATCHA to shave; to put on makeup ...20C sl.
• FARCE † to paint the face ...c1400
• FARD † to paint the face with 'fard'; to hide defects and improve the complexion ...a1450
• PAINT to apply make up ...1382 UK sl.
• PAINT THE BARN to apply make up ...2002 Can. sl.
• PATCH UP to dress fashionably; to apply make-up ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• PUT ON ONE'S FACE usually of women: to put on makeup ...1950s sl.
• PUT ONE'S FACE ON usually of women: to put on makeup ...1950s sl.
• TART UP to adorn; to make attractive, esp. with cheap ornaments and cosmetics ...Bk2002 Aust. sl.
MAKING - nouns
• MANUFACTURE † the act or process of making by hand ...1605
MALADY - nouns
• IMPEDIMENT † something that impedes the functions or health of the body; a physical defect; an affection or malady ...1542
MALARIA - nouns
• ASSHOLE MALARIA malaria with dysentery ...1961 Amer. sl.
• DAILY-DAILY during the Vietnam war: anti-malaria pills taken daily, in addition to a second medication taken once a week ...1982 US sl.
• DAILY-DAILY PILL an anti-malaria pill ...1982 US Army sl.
• LAKE-FEVER malaria ...Bk1908 US
• TAP malarial fever ...1882 E. Indies
MALCONTENT - nouns, person
• JACOBINES loose, disorderly persons; malcontents ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
MALE - adjectives
• MANKIND † male ...1633
• MENSKINS † of the male sex ...1534
• BREEK-FOLK the male sex ...Bk1911 Sc.
• GUYNESS maleness; masculinity ...1990s Amer. sl.
• SAM the embodiment of the male side of one's personality ...1950s homosexual sl.
MALE - nouns, person
• WAPMAN † a man as distinguished from a woman; a male human being ...c950
• WAPMAN-KIN † persons of the male sex ...c1200
• WITH A VENGEANCE † with a curse or malediction ...1525
• EFFULMINATION †* the launching of thunderbolts; a thunderbolt launched; malediction ...a1670
• ILL-HEARTEDNESS malevolence ...1897 Sc.
• LETH † hatred, ill-will, malevolence ...971
• MALTALENT † ill-will, malevolence ...c1320
• SKANK filth, dirtiness, malevolence ...1980s US sl.
MALEVOLENT - adjectives
• DESPITEOUS spiteful, malevolent, malicious, cruel; passing gradually into the sense: pitiless, merciless ...c1510
• ILL-DEMISED malevolent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-THOUGHTED suspicious. malevolent ...1895 Sc.
• ILL-WILLY cherishing ill will; malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed ...a1500 chiefly Sc.
• MALEVOLOUS † malevolent; desirous of evil to others; disposed to ill will ...1536
• MALTALENTIVE †* malevolent ...c1450
MALEVOLENT - nouns, person
• HELL-HAG a vile or malevolent woman; a malicious, evil-minded old woman; a woman or man of hellish disposition; a lewd person of either sex ...1655
• LIMMER a malevolent or mischievous woman ...1752 Sc.
• MALEVOLO †* a malevolent or malicious person ...1648
• QUINE a bold, impudent, shameless, or malevolent woman; a hussy, a slut ...1720 Sc.
• SINISTERLY † with evil intent or purpose; maliciously, malevolently ...1549
MALFORMED - adjectives
• TOBY-STRICKEN congenitally malformed or peculiar, queer, odd ...1933 Amer. dial.
• TOBY-STRUCK congenitally malformed or peculiar, queer, odd ...1933 Amer. dial.
• LEMON a dud; any thing or person that malfunctions habitually ...20C US colloq.
• ACT THE HOG to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• ACT THE MONKEY to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• PLAY THE MONKEY to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• RUN THE HOG to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• TAKE OUT to malfunction; to give out ...1968 Amer. dial.
• DO-LALLY malfunctioning, out of order ...L19 sl., orig. military
• DOOLALLY malfunctioning, out of order ...L19 sl., orig. military
MALICE - adjectives
• ILTA-FOO full of malice and anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
MALICE - nouns
• AMBITION malice; vindictiveness; grudge; hatred; irascibility; a quick temper ...1826 Amer. dial.
• ANNOYMENT intent to injure, malice ...1886 Eng. dial.
• BAD-MIND malice, spite, animosity ...20C W. Indies sl.
• CANKEREDNESS malice, spite; ill-humour; crabbed temper ...1538
• HAIN hatred, malice ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILTA malice, anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
• ILTY malice, anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
• MALIGNE † malice, wickedness ...a1460
• NOYMENT intent to injure, malice ...1886 Eng. dial.
• VENOM malice, spite ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VENOMY † venomousness, spite, malice ...1548
MALICIOUS - adjectives
• ADDER-TONGUED spiteful, malicious ...1824
• ASSY mean; malicious; stubborn; impolite; sarcastic; debased ...1980s sl.
• BADMOUTH malicious, defamatory ...1970s sl.
• BLACK-BABBLING babbling maliciously, slanderous ...1624
• BLACK-HEARTED having a wicked, malicious disposition; morally bad ...1638
• BOWSIE bad, evil, malicious ...1914 Irish sl.
• BOWSY bad, evil, malicious ...1914 Irish sl.
• DESPITEOUS spiteful, malevolent, malicious, cruel; passing gradually into the sense: pitiless, merciless ...c1510
• ENVYFOW invidious, full of malice ...Bk1900 Sc.
• ILL-HEARTED having an ill heart, ill-disposed, malicious ...a1617
• ILL-MEANING meaning evil, malicious in intent ...1681
• ILL-MINDED † having an evil mind or disposition; unfriendly, hostile, malicious ...1611 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• IMMALICIOUS †* not malicious; having no evil intent ...1662
• JADISH malicious; tricky; untrustworthy ...Bk1896 sl.
• MALICEFUL malicious ...1839 Eng. dial.
• MALIGNIOUS †* of malicious speech ...1578
• MALLISFUL malicious ...1839 Eng. dial.
• MALOROUS evil; unfortunate; malicious ...1876 Sc.
• MISLUSHIOUS malicious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PERNICIOUS † villainous, wicked, evil, malicious ...1555 now rare or obs.
• SINISTROUS † malicious, unfair, prejudiced ...1593
• TOOTHSOME † spiteful, malicious ...1601
• UNCANNY † unruly, mischievous, malicious ...1596 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VEEPERATE venomous, malicious, fiery-tempered ...1903 Sc.
• VENOM † venomous; virulent, malignant, spiteful, fierce, malicious, savage ...a1350 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMSOME † venomous, spiteful, malicious ...1660 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMY * venomous, spiteful, malignant, malicious ...c1400
• VITRID angry, malicious, vicious, bitter ...1885 Eng. dial.
• VITRIT angry, malicious, vicious, bitter ...1885 Eng. dial.
• WREAKFUL † given or addicted to revenge; vengeful, malicious, angry ...1531 now rare or obs.
• BLACK-BABBLING malicious talk ...17C
• CALUMNY malicious representation; slander; libel; a false charge; a slanderous or libellous statement or report ...LME
• DISCLANDER † malicious speech bringing opprobrium upon anyone; slander ...c1300
MALICIOUS - nouns, person
• BAD CHILD a malicious or devilish child ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT a malicious or spiteful woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...1915 Amer. dial.
• HELLCAT a mean, spiteful or malicious person, esp. a woman; a reckless, impertinent, bad-tempered, or vexatious person; a troublemaker; a devil-may-care person; one who pesters or annoys ...1899 Amer. dial.
• HELL-HAG a vile or malevolent woman; a malicious, evil-minded old woman; a woman or man of hellish disposition; a lewd person of either sex ...1655
• MALEVOLO †* a malevolent or malicious person ...1648
• NATTI a cross-tempered, malicious or pert fellow ...1908 Sc.
• NATTER-CROP a peevish person; an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• OLD CAT a malicious or spiteful woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...1915 Amer. dial.
• SHIT-DISTURBER a malicious gossip ...20C sl.
• SPIT-POISON * a venomous or malicious person; one given to calumny ...a1716
• WAG-TONGUE a malicious chatterer ...1902
• CALL CLASHES to spread malicious or injurious reports ...1768 Sc.
• TRADUCE to speak maliciously and falsely of; to slander, to defame ...1525
• SINISTERLY † with evil intent or purpose; maliciously, malevolently ...1549
MALIGN - nouns, person
• BADMOUTH one who disparages or maligns ...1967 US sl.
• BADMOUTHER one who disparages or maligns ...1967 US sl.
MALIGN - verbs
• BADMOUTH to malign; to disparage ...1941 Amer. sl.
• BAD-RAP to criticize unjustly; to malign ...1967 Amer. sl.
• DEAL DIRT to gossip; to malign ...1970s US Black sl.
• DEAL IN DIRT to gossip; to malign ...1970s US Black sl.
• GIVE GREEN RATS to malign, to slander, to backbite ...B1900 sl.
• LACK to dispraise, to slight, to undervalue; to malign, to calumniate ...1715 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MALIGNIFY * to render malign ...1613
• MEAN-MOUTH to malign; to scold; to insult; to give a tongue-lashing to ... c1960 Amer. dial.
• PUT THE BAD MOUTH ON to disparage; to malign ...1968 US sl.
• SCANDALIZE to slander, to malign, to defame, to ridicule ...1844
• TALK STINK to malign someone or something ...1981 US teen sl.
MALIGNANT - adjectives
• BALEFUL full of malign, deadly, or noxious influence; pernicious, destructive, noxious, injurious, mischievous, malignant ...a1000
• CANKERED malignant, envious; ill-natured, spiteful; ill-tempered, crabbed ...1513
• CANKERLY † malignant, envious; ill-natured, spiteful; ill-tempered,, crabbed ...1580
• GALLFUL †* full of gall; bitter, malignant ...1596
• HATEL † full of hatred; malignant, hostile; severe, cruel; fierce, bitter ...a850
• HATELICH † malignant, hostile; hateful ...c893
• ILL-WILLY cherishing ill will; malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed ...a1500 chiefly Sc.
• MALIGNOUS †* malignant ...1610
• SULLEN † baleful, malignant ...1676
• UNCANNIE of persons: not safe to meddle with, as supposedly being in league with supernatural forces or having skill in magic, witchcraft or the like, malignant, baleful, mischievous ...1773 Sc.
• VENOM † venomous; virulent, malignant, spiteful, fierce, malicious, savage ...a1350 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMY * venomous, spiteful, malignant, malicious ...c1400
• WARLOCK † malignant, wicked ...c1375
MALIGNANT - nouns, person
• ATTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ATTERCOP † a peevish, ill-natured person; one of a malignant disposition ...c1505 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ATTERLING †* a venomous, malignant person; a shrew ...c1430
• CACODEMON a malignant or deprecated person ...1711
• EDDERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person; a shrewish woman ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ETHERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1725 Eng. dial.
• ETTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1820 Sc.
• VAMPIRE a person of a malignant and loathsome character, esp. one who preys ruthlessly upon others; a vile and cruel exactor or extortioner ...1741
• CANKEREDLY spitefully, malignantly; peevishly ...1535
• CANKERLY † spitefully, malignantly, peevishly ...1580
• EAGERLY † angrily, fiercely, bitterly, malignantly ...1377
• BAD MOUTH disparaging remarks; a maligning ...1960 US sl.
• MALIGNATION * the act of maligning or slandering ...1836
MALINGER - verbs
• ALIBI to malinger ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BAG IT to loaf, to malinger, to evade one's duty ...1978 military sl.
• DEADBEAT to loaf, to sponge, to malinger; to avoid doing a thing; to defraud ...1881 US sl.
• ENJOY POOR HEALTH to malinger ...1966 Amer. dial.
• FAKE to feign illness, injury, or disability; to malinger ...1881 Amer. sl.
• LAY OUT to stay away from work, school, or other commitments, usually without permission; to loaf; to malinger ...1896 Amer. dial.
• PLAY THE OLD SOLDIER to malinger; to feign illness; to practice deception ...1713 military sl.
• RAILROAD to malinger; to pretend to be sick ...1967 Amer. dial.
• RAT to idle about; to shirk work or school; to malinger ...1929 Amer. dial.
• RAT AROUND to idle about; to shirk work or school; to malinger; to lounge around doing nothing in particular ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SCRIMSHANK to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SPRUCE to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1917 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• SWING THE LEAD to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1917 Brit. sl.
MALINGERER - nouns, person
• COFFEE BOILER a malingerer; a shirker ...US Civil War usage
• DEADBEAT a malingerer or loafer; one who avoids exertion in any form ...1862 Amer. sl., esp. military
• FAKER a person who feigns illness, injury, or disability; a malingerer ...1910 colloq.
• LABOR FAKER a worker who loafs on the job; a malingerer; hence, a corrupt union leader ...1907 US sl.
• LEAD-SWINGER a malingerer or shirker ...1918 Brit. sl.
• OLD SOLDIER a malingerer; one who pretended to be sick or disabled so he could avoid drill and take life easy in a hospital tent ...1805 US military sl.
• OLD VET a malingerer ...1862 US military usage
• SCRIMSHANK a malingerer or one who avoids duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SCRIMSHANKER a malingerer or one who avoids duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SICK-BAY MOOCHER a malingerer ...L19 nautical sl.
• FALSING shamming, malingering ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MALINGERY a malingering ...1847
• MAC macaroni ...1966 Amer. sl.
• PUT UP THE FLAG a plate of macaroni ...1900s US sl.
• WOP SPECIAL (not always derogatory) macaroni or spaghetti dishes ...20C US sl.
• WORMS macaroni ...L19 sl.
• DUGOUT DOUG General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) of the US Army ...1982 US sl.
• OLD CORNCOB General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) of the US Army ...1982 US sl.
MACHINE - adjectives
• MACHINAL † pert. to a machine or machines; mechanical ...1680
• QUEER of machinery, etc.: out of order ...L19 sl.
• ARMSTRONG a tool or machine operated or serviced by muscular strength rather than machinery; a hand-stoked locomotive ...1923 Amer. sl.
• CONTRAPTION a contrivance or device; a piece of machinery ...1820s Amer. sl.
• MACHINAMENT † a contrivance, engine, machine, vehicle ...1413
• MACHINATION † the use or construction of machinery ...1641
• MAN-EATER a dangerous piece of machinery ...1897 Amer. sl.
• MOUNT any machine ...1935 Brit. sl.
• TITAN a machine of great size and power ...1876
• WILLIPUS-WALLIPUS † a steamroller or other large machine; any monstrous thing ...1885 Amer. dial.
MACKEREL - nouns
• BLINK a young or small mackerel ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KENNEBEC TURKEY a smoked herring; sometimes a mackerel ...1975 Amer. dial.
• MACKRO a mackerel; a cry used by street-hawkers of mackerel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCALPEEN a pickled mackerel ...1848 Ireland
• PACK UP of machinery, or anything that works mechanically as the human heart: to stop working ...1920s sl.
MAD (crazy) - adjectives
• ABRAM mad ...Bk1909 cant
• AROUND THE BEND insane, mad ...1929 sl.
• AWAY mad; unconscious; dead ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BALMY IN THE CRUMPET mad, crazy ...1891 Brit. sl.
• BANANAS insane, mad ...1957 sl., orig. US
• BARKING insane, mad ...1968 Brit. sl.
• BARKING MAD insane, mad ...1968 Brit. sl.
• BAT-HOUSE crazy, mad, insane ...20C sl.
• BATS crazy, very eccentric, mad to any degree ...1911 UK sl.
• BEDLAM belonging to a madhouse; mad, wild, ill-behaved, foolish ...a1535
• BEDLAMITE lunatic, mad ...1815
• BEDLAMITISH mad, foolish ...1824
• BEDLAMLIKE mad-looking ...1618
• BILLED distracted, half mad ...1869 Eng. dial.
• BLAH insane, mad ...1924 sl.
• BONKERS insane, mad ...1957 sl., orig. Brit.
• CADAZY mad, crazy ...1980s UK Black sl.
• CRACKERS mad, crazy ...1920s sl.
• CUCKOO foolish; silly; witless; slightly mad ...Bk1942 Amer. colloq.
• DAFFY daft; mad; crazy; silly; amusingly eccentric; foolish ...1884 US sl.
• DAFT of unsound mind, crazy, insane, mad ...c1325 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAFT-LIKE foolish, dull-witted, mad, absurd ... 1790 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAGENHAM mad, eccentric ,,,1990s sl.
• DATTY mad ...2000s UK teen sl.
• DELEERIT gone mad, out of one's senses ...1824 Sc.
• DINGBATS crazy, mad, delusional ...1925 Aust. sl.
• DO-LALLY mad, eccentric ...L19 sl., orig. military
• DOOLALLY insane, mad ...1925 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• DOOLALLY TAP insane, mad ...1925 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• EAST HAM nearly mad ...2001 UK sl.
• FAR GONE mad, eccentric, insane ...M19 sl.
• FRENZICAL † affected with frenzy; crazy, mad; frenzied, raging; wildly enthusiastic; frantic ...a1586
• GAGA mad, esp. as a result of senility; eccentric, senile ...1920 UK sl.
• GOOFY mad ...1910s sl.
• HALF AND BETWEEN of a person: slightly mad, eccentric ...20C Irish sl.
• HALF AWAY mad ...Bk1905 Ireland
• HARE-BRAINED stupid and heedless, reckless; rash, wild, mad ...1548
• HARISH † of the nature of a hare; mad, foolish ...1552
• INSANIOUS †* pertaining to madness ...1656
• LAKES insane, mad ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LAKES OF KILLARNEY insane, mad ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• LAKESY mad, eccentric ...1934 rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LOCO insane, mad ...1887 sl., orig. US
• LOCOED crazy, mad, deranged ...1884 Amer, dial.
• MACNOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MAD AS A DINGBAT, AS completely deranged or utterly furious or mad, very angry ...M19 sl.
• MAD AS A HARE, AS very crazy, eccentric, mad ...L14
• MAD AS A HATTER, AS very mad, utterly insane; in a rage ...M19 sl.
• MAD AS A MARCH HARE, AS very crazy, eccentric, mad ...16C
• MAD AS BLAZES mad as hell ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MAD AS MAY-BUTTER, AS exceedingly eccentric; mad; excited ...1626
• MAD-BRED * bred by madness in the brain ...Bk1910
• MADCAP mad, crackbrained, reckless, wildly impulsive ...1588
• MADDED † mad, foolish; rendered mad; deprived of reason or intelligence; excited to fury, enraged ...c1580 rare or obs.
• MADDING becoming mad; acting madly; frenzied ...1579 now poetical or rhetorical
• MADDY † somewhat mad ...1719
• MADFUL †* mad ...a1400
• MADLING † mad ...1608
• MAGHNOON mad, silly ... L19 among troops in Egypt
• MAGNOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MAGNUNE insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MANGOON insane, mad ...1917 Aust. sl., orig. services' usage
• MARCH MAD † mad as a March hare ...a1619
• MASHUGGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MAUKIN-MAD mad as a March hare ...1787 Sc.
• MAZE mad, crazy, lunatic; uneasy, over-anxious ...1842 Eng. dial.
• MAZED crazed, mad, lunatic, distraught, insane ...1836 Eng. dial.
• MAZEDISH mad, confused, insane ...1846 Eng. dial.
• MAZEDY mad, confused, insane ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCNOON mad ...1910s Aust. sl.
• MELANCHOLY insane; mad with anger ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENTAL insane, mad ...1927 sl.
• MESHUGA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGAH crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MESHUGGINER crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MISHOOGENA crazy, mad ...1892 sl., orig. Jewish-Amer.
• MOONSTRICKEN deranged or mad
• MOONSTRUCK deranged or mad
• NON COMPOS not in control of the mind, insane, mad ...1628
• NOT ALL THERE slightly mad; mentally or intellectually disadvantaged ...1864 UK sl.
• NOT RIGHT mad, eccentric, mentally wrong ...Brit. sl.
• NUTS insane, mad ...1846 sl.
• OFF mad, very foolish ...L19 sl.
• OFF AT THE HEAD eccentric, mad ...M19 sl.
• OFF AT THE NAIL mad ...Bk1902 Sc.
• OFF IT insane, mad ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF ONE'S CHOMP mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...M19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S CHUMP insane, mad ...1864 sl.
• OFF ONE'S CONK mad, crazy, eccentric, insane; demented ...1870 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S DIP mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DIPPER mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DOT mad, eccentric ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S DOTTY mad, eccentric, insane, crazy ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S GOURD insane, mad ...1961 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S HEAD insane, mad ...a1845 sl.
• OFF ONE'S KNOCKER mad, insane, uncontrolled ...1900s Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S LID mad ...1900s US sl.
• OFF ONE'S LOOP eccentric, mad ...1940s sl.
• OFF ONE'S NANA eccentric, mad ...1940s sl.
• OFF ONE'S NANNY mad, crazy ...L18 UK sl.
• OFF ONE'S NUT insane, mad ...1860 sl.
• OFF ONE'S ONION mad, crazy ...1890 sl.
• OFF ONE'S PANNIKIN mad, crazy ...1894 sl. chiefly Aust.
• OFF ONE'S PULLEY insane, eccentric, mad, crazy ...1990s sl.
• OFF ONE'S ROCK crazy, insane, eccentric, mad ...L19 sl.
• OFF ONE'S ROCKER insane, mad ...1897 colloq.
• OFF ONE'S ROCKET insane, mad ...1925 sl.
• OFF ONE'S SAUCER mad, insane, eccentric, crazy ...c1930 Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TILE mad, angry ...1910s Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TOP TRAVERSE mad, insane, eccentric, crazy ...20C Aust. sl.
• OFF ONE'S TROLLEY insane, mad ...1896 sl.
• OFF TAP eccentric, mad ...1990s Aust. sl.
• OFF THE HOOKS in a state of madness or intense excitement; crazy, angry, or vexed; in an ill mood or out of humour ...1612 sl.
• OFF THE SIDE insane, mad ...1877 Eng. dial.
• OUT OF ONE'S GOURD insane, mad ...1963 US sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S HEAD insane, mad ...1825 sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S SKULL insane, mad ...1968 sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S TREE insane, mad ...1966 US sl.
• OVER THE EDGE insane, quite mad ...1929
• POGGLE insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• PORANGI mad, eccentric, stupid ...M19 NZ (Maori)
• PUDDLED mad, insane, or eccentric ...Brit. sl.
• PUGGLE insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• PUGGLED insane, mad ...1923 Brit. sl., chiefly services' usage
• QUEER IN THE GARRET eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEER IN THE NUT mad, eccentric ...1950s sl.
• QUEER IN THE UPPER STOREY eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• RAAZED † infuriated, mad ...c1850 Sc.
• RADGE mad, violently excited, furious, wild, obstreperous, insane ...1923 Sc.
• RADGIE mad, violently excited, furious, wild, obstreperous ...1923 Sc.
• RADIO insane, crazy, mad ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental' (radio rental)
• RADIO RENTAL wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• RADIO RENTALS wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• RAMMIST * mad, crazy, frantic ...1456 Sc.
• RANTY lively, riotous, eager; wildly excited with passion, pain, anger, etc.; almost mad ...1783 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTY mad, eccentric ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAISED-LIKE excited, maddened; startled, having the appearance of mental derangement ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAVERS insane, raving mad ...1938 Brit. sl.
• RED-EYED crazy, furious, angry, mad ...1935 Amer. dial.
• RENTALS wonderful, amazing; insane, mad, crazy ...1960s rhyming sl. for 'mental'
• ROUND THE BEND insane, mad, crazy ...1929 sl.
• ROUND THE TWIST insane, mad ...1960 Brit. sl.
• SALVATION ARMY crazy, mad, eccentric ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SICK silly, stupid; extremely eccentric; mad ...20C Aust. sl.
• SKIRE quite mad ...1822 Sc.
• STARKERS insane, mad ...1962 Brit. sl.
• UP THE CREEK mad, crazy ...1960s sl.
• UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE mad, crazy ...1960s sl.
• UP THE POLE mad, crazy, eccentric, insane ...1904 sl.
• UP THE STICK mad, crazy, eccentric ...1930s sl.
• WACKED OUT crazy, eccentric, mad ...1968 US sl.
• WAMPY mad, insane ...1950s NZ sl.
• WHACKED OUT insane, mad ...1969 US sl.
• WRONG silly, foolish; extremely eccentric, or slightly mad ...1920s Aust. sl.
• WRONG IN ONE'S NUT mad, eccentric ...L19 sl.
• YARRA mad, insane, stupid, eccentric ...1943 Aust. sl.
MAD (angry) - adjectives
• AGRO mad; annoyed ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BRAIN-WUD mad; acting with fury or intense impetuosity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CHEWED angry, mad; defeated, beaten ...1942 Amer. dial.
• DALE † furious, mad ...1858 Eng. dial.
• DIDDLECOME half mad; sorely vexed or teased ...1869 Eng. dial.
• EDGED angry, incensed, mad as hell ...1982 US sl.
• FLAMIN' infatuated, mad ...20C teen & high school sl.
• FURIBUND furious, raging, mad ...1490
• MAD AS A DINGBAT extremely mad, very angry ...1942 Aust. sl.
• MAD AS TOPHET 'mad as hell', very mad ...1941 Amer. dial.
• MAD AS WHIZZ very mad or angry ...1960 Amer. dial.
• MANKIND † infuriated, furious, fierce, mad ...1519
• RABIOUS † fierce, raging, rabid, mad ...1613-18
• RADGE of a person or situation: mad, furious, insane ...1990s sl.
• RADGED furious, mad ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RADGY ill-tempered, angry, excited, violent, mad ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAGE † mad, raging; wanton ...a1300
• RAGEFUL †* mad, frantic, frenzied ...1580
• RAGEOUS † in a rage, furious, mad, angry, vexed; violent with pain or anger; full of passion ...1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RED-MAD raging mad, distracted, insane; furious; eager ...1794 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RED-WUD raging mad; furious ...1793 Sc.
• VESANOUS † mad, furious, raging, cruel, outrageous ...1656
MAD, MADLY - adverbs
• LIKE DAFT madly, wildly ...1793 Sc.
• MADLING madly ...1584 obs.
• MAZE-LIKE stupidly, foolishly; like a madman ...1866 Eng. dial.
• RANDY madly, wildly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
MAD, MADMAN - nouns
• DARK HOUSE † a place of confinement for a madman; a room used to confine the insane ...1600
• DARK ROOM † a place of confinement for a madman ...1590
MAD, MADMAN - nouns, person
• ABRAM MORT a madwoman ...1741 sl.
• BEDLAMITE † a madman or lunatic; a discharged, but often only half-cured, inmate of a lunatic asylum, who was licensed to beg, wearing as a badge a tin plate on their left hand or arm ...1621
• CRAZY a mad or insane person ...1867 sl., orig. US
• DAFFY an eccentric person; a mad person ...20C US sl.
• DAFTIE an idiot, an imbecile; a madman ...1868 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAFTY an idiot, an imbecile; a madman ...1868 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• JACKET JOB something or someone liable to drive one crazy; hence, a mad or insane person ...1990s sl.
• JACK O' BEDLAM a madman ...1605
• LAKES a mad person ...1910s rhyming sl. for 'barmy' (Lakes of Killarney)
• LAKES OF KILLARNEY a mad person ...1910s rhyming sl. for 'barmy'
• LOONEY a madman ...1883 US sl.
• LOONY a madman ...1883 US sl.
• MADCAP †* a madman, a maniac ...1589
• MADDIE † a mad person, a lunatic ...1903 Sc.
• MADHEAD † a mad person ...1600
• MADLING a mad creature; one who acts wildly or foolishly ...c1648-50
• MADLOCK a lunatic; a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADPASH a lunatic, a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADSTART a lunatic; a mad fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-MAN a madman, a lunatic ...1897 Eng. dial.
• NUT CASE n. an eccentric; a madman ...1944 Aust. sl.
• NUTHATCH a madman; a fool ...1972 Amer. sl.
• NUTTER a violent deranged person; a mad or insane person ...1958 Brit. sl.
• POGGLE a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• PORGLY a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• PSYCHO a mad or insane person ...1942 sl.
• PUGGLY a madman; an idiot; a dolt ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• RADGE a psychotic person; a madman ...1995 sl.
• TOM O' BEDLAM † a madman; a deranged person discharged from Bedlam and licensed to beg ...1561
• VEG a moron; a madman ...1980s sl.
• WALL-HUGGER an eccentric, a mad person ...1980s sl.
MAD - verbs
• BAIL OUT to go mad ...1970s sl., orig. military
• BEMAD to make mad, to madden ...1605
• BOW UP to get mad; to turn mean; to refuse to do a job ...1958 Amer. dial.
• GET A RAT to be mad ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GET RATS to become mad ...1894 Aust. & NZ sl.
• GOOF OFF to go mad ...1940s sl.
• HAVE AN ANGLE-TWITCH IN THE BONNET to be not quite sane (angle-twitch = worm) ...1876 Eng. dial.
• HAVE BATS IN THE BELFRY to be mad or eccentric ...1911 UK sl.
• MANG † to bewilder, to lead astray; to be bewildered; to go mad ...c1440 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• PSYCH OUT to be or become mad ...1970 sl.
• RAGE † to go mad; to be mad; to act madly or foolishly ...a1300
• RAISE to excite, to madden; to vex ...Bk1905 Sc.
• REAR UP to become irritated, mad, or angry ...1842 Amer. dial.
• REAR UP ON ONE'S HIND LEGS to become irritated, mad, or angry ...1842 Amer. dial.
MAD - phrases
• YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR TINY MIND you're crazy, foolish, mad ...1970 UK sl.
MADAGASCAR - adjectives
• MALAGASH pert. to Madagascar ...1793
• MALAGASY pert. to Madagascar, its inhabitants, language, etc. ...1835
• MALAGASY the language of Madagascar ...1835
MADAGASCAR - nouns, person
• MALAGASH a native of Madagascar ...1711
• MALAGASY a native of Madagascar ...1839
MADAME - nouns
• ABBESS a brothel-keeper, a madame ...M18 sl.
• LADY ABBESS a brothel-keeper, a madame ...M18 sl.
MADDEN - verbs
• EFFIERCE †* to render fierce, to madden ...1596
• RAAZE † to infuriate, to madden ...1825 Sc.
• RAISE to excite, to agitate, to provoke, to rouse to excitement or anger; to madden, to vex ...1768 chiefly Sc.
MADE - adjectives
• MANUFACT † made with hands ...1539
• OFFALLY-MADE badly made ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFFALY-MADE badly made ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SUDDEN † made, provided, or formed in a short time ...1599 obs. or arch.
• UNCURIOUS † not elaborately made ...1598
MADE - nouns
• FACTURE * the thing made, creation ...1647
• FEASIBILITY † capability of being made ...1655
• OPERATION † something made; a product, work ...1616
MADLY - adverbs
• BEDLAMLY † like a madman, insanely ...1553-87
• GAGA madly ...2000s sl.
MADNESS - nouns
• BALKAN TAP madness ...20C sl.
• BEDLAM madness, lunacy ...1598
• DARLING PEA madness; eccentricity ...L19 Aust. sl.
• DELIRITNESS madness ...1823 Sc.
• DOOLALLY TAP madness, eccentricity; orig, a form of madness that afflicted soldiers stationed in India, and spec. at Deolalie ...L19 sl.
• MAD madness, fury, anger ...1847-89 Eng. dial. & US sl.
• MADDERAM madness, folly, frantic rage, tantrums; boisterous fun, wild pranks, hilarity ...1866 Sc.
• MADDERDOM madness, folly, frantic rage, tantrums; boisterous fun, wild pranks, hilarity ...1866 Sc.
• MADHEAD † madness ...c1375
• MADSHIP † madness ...a1225
• MAZEDNESS madness ...1891 Eng. dial.
• MAZERY nonsense, foolery; madness ...1897 Eng. dial.
• RAGE † 1. madness, folly, rashness; an instance of this; a foolish act ...a1300
† 2. madness; insanity; a fit of mania ...c1325 obs. exc. poetic
• RAMMISTNESS madness, frenzy ...1456 Sc.
• RAT a bout of madness ...1920s Aust. sl.
• VECORD * madness, trouble of mind, folly, doting ...1788
• VECORDY * madness, trouble of mind, folly, doting ...1656
MADNESS - verbs
• ABRAHAM SHAM to feign madness ...Bk1909 sl.
• DO ABRAM to feign madness ...Bk1909 sl.
• DO YOUR NUT to go mad; to feign madness ...1959 Brit. sl.
• SHAM ABRAM to feign madness; to feign sickness ...Bk1909 cant
• TOPHET a place or state of wild chaos and warring elements; a roaring furnace; a raging whirlpool, a maelstrom ...1837
MAFIA - nouns
• FAMILY the American Mafia ...1950s sl.
• MAF Mafia ...1960s sl., chiefly US
MAFIA - nouns, person
• HALF A BUTTON a criminal who is on the fringe of full membership of the US Mafia ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• MADE GUY a formally initiated member of the US Mafia ...1950s US criminals' sl.
• MADE MAN a formally initiated member of the US Mafia ...1950s US criminals' sl.
MAGAZINE - adjectives
• B. AND B. pert. to magazines featuring female nudity; 'Breast and Buttock' ...M20 US sl.
• PULP like or pert. to pulp (see noun) ...Bk1974 sl.
MAGAZINE - nouns
• BALAAM temporary paragraphs reserved to fill up the columns of a newspaper or magazine ...1826 journalistic sl.
• BOOK a magazine or pamphlet ...1913 Amer. dial.
• CRUDZINE a poorly written and/or poorly produced fan magazine ...1976 US sl.
• FAG-MAG a magazine or other publication featuring male nudity for homosexual males ...M20 US sl.
• FASH MAG a fashion magazine ...2002 UK sl.
• LASTISH the most recently published issue of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• MAG a magazine ...1801 sl.
• MAGAZINARY the office or place of production of a magazine ...1825 nonce word
• MAGAZINERY * the profession of a magazine writer ...1833
• NEWSZINE a fan magazine that does not contain any fiction, just news ...1976 US sl.
• NEXTISH the next issue of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• NUDIE a magazine or a film which features nudity ...M20 US sl.
• ONE-HAND MAGAZINE a pornographic magazine, used as an aid to masturbation ...1960s sl.
• PULP 1. a magazine printed on cheap, rough, pulp paper ...Bk1974 Amer.sl.
2. any magazine devoted to sensational and ephemeral literature, as cowboy and detective stories and the like ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• RAG a magazine ...1940s US Black sl.
• SKIN-MAG a magazine featuring male or female nudes ...1968 US sl.
• SKIN MAGAZINE a magazine featuring photographs of nudes, usually woman ...1968 US sl.
• YANK MAGS American pulp magazines, as distributed in the UK ...1930s sl.
• YANKS American pulp magazines, as distributed in the UK ...1930s sl.
MAGAZINE - nouns, person
• FANED the editor of a single-interest fan magazine ...1982 US sl.
• MAGAZINER * one who writes articles for a magazine ...1758-65
MAGGOT - adjectives
• MAIDIE infested with maggots ...1826 Sc.
• MAWKET infested with maggots ...1824 Sc.
• MAWKY full of maggots ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGGOT - nouns
• MADDOCK † a maggot ...a1240
• MAG a maggot ...1886 Amer. sl.
• MAITHE a maggot ...1808 Sc.
• MAUKINESS the state of being full of maggots ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MAWK a maggot ...1641 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MAWK-WORM a maggot ...1863 Sc.
• MEATH a maggot ...1865 Sc.
• METHE a maggot ...1865 Sc.
• QUICK a small flesh-eating insect, a maggot ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGGOT - verbs
• MAITHE to become infested with maggots ...1866 Sc.
• MAWK to become infested with maggots ...1892 Sc. & Eng. dial.
MAGIC - adjectives
• MAGO-CHEMICAL †* pert. to magic and chemistry ...1652
• STOICHEIOTICAL †* pertaining to magic ...1646
MAGIC - nouns
• CAMPERLECKS † magical tricks ...1808 Sc.
• FAKE among performing magicians: any contrivance or device used to impart the illusion of magic; a piece of equipment that as been altered for use in a trick ...1889 sl.
• GOOFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOOFFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOOPHER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOPHER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GRIS-GRIS 1. a jinx, charm, spell, or magic force ...1763 Amer. dial.
2. the body of knowledge, system, or practice of magic or conjuration; a medium of luck ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GUFFER the practice of voodoo or other magic; a magic spell or something used to cast such a spell ...1880 Amer. dial.
• HELL-BROTH a magical composition for malignant purposes ...1605
• HEX a magic spell; a curse ...E20
• JADOO conjuring, magic, hocus-pocus ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• MAGIE †* magic ...1592
• MOJO a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1926 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• MOOJOO a charm, amulet, or spell; magic ...1938 Amer. dial., orig. chiefly Black usage
• NECROMANCY the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...a1300
• NECROMANTY †* the pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration ...1560
• TAKE †* a spell of magic or witchcraft; enchantment ...1678
• WARLOCKRY the practice of magic by men; wizardry ...1818
MAGIC, MAGICIAN - nouns, person
• CACO-MAGICIAN an evil magician or sorcerer; one versed in the black art ...1656
• CALKER † a calculator of nativities, etc.; an astrologer; a magician, a conjurer ...1535
• FAMULUS an attendant, esp. on a scholar or a magician ...1837
• FASCINATOR a magician ...1750
• GOOF DOCTOR one who practices 'goofer', voodoo or other magic ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HOCUS a juggler, a magician, a charlatan ...M17 sl.
• MAGE a magician; a person of exceptional wisdom and learning ...c1400 arch.
• MAGIAN a magician; a wizard ...1578
• MAGICIANESS †* a female magician ...1651
• MAGICIENNE †* a female magician ...1490
• MAGUS one skilled in Oriental magic and astrology; an ancient magician or sorcerer ...1621
• MAGUSIAN †* a magian; a magician; a wizard; a follower of the magi ...1587
• NECROMANCER one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1300
• NECROMANCIEN † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1303
• NECROMANT † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1598
• NECROMANTIC † one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...1574
• NECROMANTIST †* one who claims to carry on a communication with the dead; generally, a wizard, a magician, a wonder-worker, a conjurer ...a1607
• OB † a wizard, magician, sorcerer, ventriloquist ...1659
• TALISMAN † a sorcerer, a magician ...1646
• VARLET † a wizard, a magician ...1701 Sc.
MAGIC - verbs
• FASCINATE † to cast a spell over a person, animal, etc., by a look; said esp. of serpents ...1641
• GOOFER to bewitch; to practice voodoo or other magic ...1899 Amer. dial.
• GOOPHER to bewitch; to practice voodoo or other magic ...1899 Amer. dial.
• WITCHCRAFT to cast a spell on; to work magic ...1898 Amer. dial.
MAGICAL - adjectives
• CANNY † supernaturally wise; endowed with occult or magical power ...1768 Sc.
• CANTRIP pert. to any real or imagined magical act ...E18 Sc. & Brit.
• MAGIAN †* magical ...1818 poetic
• NECROMANTIC magical, wonderful ...1630
• TALISMANIC magical, occult, potent ...1678
• TALISMANICAL magical, occult, potent ...1650
• TALISMANTIC magical, occult, potent ...1814 nonce word
MAGICAL - nouns
• CARACT † a magical character or symbol; a charm ...1393
MAGICAL - verbs
• MAGICALIZE * to invest with a magical charm ...Bk1910
MAGICALLY - adverbs
• TALISMANICALLY magically ...1831
• VENEFICE † the practice of employing poison or magical potions; the exercise of sorcery by such means ...c1380
• VENEFY † the practice of employing poison or magical potions; the exercise of sorcery by such means ...1616
MAGISTERIAL - adjectives
• MASTERLIKE † resembling a master; despotic, autocratic, sovereign; authoritative, magisterial; exhibiting masterly ability or skill ...1580
MAGISTRATE - adjectives
• MAGISTERICAL †* pert. to a magistrate ...1646
• MAGISTRATIAL †* pert. to a magistrate ...1774
• MAGISTRATIC † pert. to a magistrate ...1653
• MAGISTRATICAL pert. to or befitting a magistrate ...1638
• MAGISTRATIVE * proper to a magistrate, requisite for ruling ...1865
MAGISTRATE - nouns, person
• BEAK a magistrate or justice of the peace ...1791 Eng. dial. & sl.
• GARDEN GATE a magistrate ...1859 UK rhyming sl.
• MAJESTY a corruption of 'magistrate' ...1831 Eng. dial. 128
• ONCE A WEEK a magistrate ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'beak'
• QUEER BEAK an incorruptible magistrate ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• SELECTMAN a town magistrate ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• UNCLE a magistrate ...1895 Eng. dial.
• MAG magnesium ...1952 Amer. sl.
• MAGNIUM † magnesium ...1808
MAGNET - adjectives
• MAGNETARIAN †* conversant with the magnet ...1654
MAGNETIC - adjectives
• MAGNETISH † magnetic ...1683
• GALLANTRY † fine or gay appearance or show, splendour, magnificence ...1613
• PANOPLY splendour, magnificence, pomp ...1829
• SUMPTUOSITY lavishness or extravagance of expenditure; magnificence or luxuriousness of living, equipment, decoration, or the like; sumptuousness; squandering, prodigality ...1559
MAGNIFICENT - adjectives
• AUGUSTIOUS †* grand, magnificent, majestic, august ...a1670
• FAMOUS excellent, grand, magnificent, splendid; used as an emphatic expression of approval ...1798 colloq.
• FASTIDIOUS † of things: 'proud', magnificent ...1638 obs.
• GRANDIFICENT grand and magnificent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• LAUTITIOUS †* sumptuous; luxurious; excellent; magnificent; chiefly said of meat ...1648
• MAGNIF magnificent ...1863 Amer. sl.
• MAGNIFICAL grand, fine, magnificent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGNIFICENTIAL †* magnificent ...1506
• MAGNIFICO magnificent, grand ...1654
• MAGNIFICOUS * magnificent, grand, pompous ...17C
• MAGNIFIQUE magnificent, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MAGNITUDINOUS involving greatness of scale; great, magnificent, imposing ...1803
• MAGNOLIOUS magnificent, splendid, very fine, large ...M19 sl.
• PALACIOUS † of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1628
• PALATIATE †* of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1632
• PALLACIOUS † of the nature of a palace; splendid, magnificent (as a building) ...1628
• RED-HOT excellent, perfect, magnificent ...1866 Amer. sl.
• SPLENDIDIOUS † splendid, magnificent, brilliant, excellent, first-rate ...1432-50
• MAGNOLIOUSNESS the fact or quality of being magnificent, splendid, or large ...M19 US sl.
MAGNIFY - verbs
• BIG to make big, to magnify ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• MAGNIFICATE † to magnify or extol ...1598
• OPTIC † an eyeglass, lens, magnifying lass; a microscope, a telescope ...a1631
MAGPIE - nouns
• CHATTERMAG a magpie ...19C Eng. dial.
• DEVIL'S BIRD the magpie ...1881 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• EGGISTE the magpie, Pica rustica ...1691 Eng. dial.
• HAGGESS † the magpie ...1599
• HAGGISS † the magpie ...1655
• HAGGISTER the magpie ...1584 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HAGISTER the magpie, Pica rustica ...1691 Eng. dial.
• JACKO the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1902 Sc.
• JECKO the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1902 Sc.
• MADGE the common magpie, Pica caudata ...1823
• MAG a proper name for a magpie ...1802
• MAGGIE in rifle-shooting: a magpie ...1901
• MAGGOT † 1. a proper name for a magpie or a sow ...1573
2. a magpie ...1848 Eng. dial.
• MAGGOT-PIE † a magpie ...1573 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAGGOTTY-PIE the magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGGY a magpie ...1901 Aust. sl.
• MARGARET a magpie ...1854 Eng. dial.
• MEG a magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MIGGY the magpie, Pica rustica ...1885 Eng. dial.
• NAN-PIANNOT the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NAN-PIE the magpie ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NANTIPIE † the magpie, Pica rustica ...1788 Eng. dial.
• NAPPIE the magpie, Pica rustica ... Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TALE-PIE a magpie ...1926 Sc.
• THORNY-PYETT the magpie, Pica rustica ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
MAIDEN - nouns
• RAGE † an alleged name for a 'company' of maidens ...1486
MAIDEN - verbs
• MAIDEN IT † to act like a maiden; to be coy ...1597-8
• MAIDSHIP maidenhood ...1873 Sc.
MAID OF HONOUR - nouns, person
• DAME OF HONOR a maid or matron of honour ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MARY † a maid of honour; a female attendant ...1803 Sc.
• PUCELLE † the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc ...c1450 obs. ext. hist.
MAIL - adjectives
• MAIL-SETTING † that robs the mail ...c1688
MAIL - nouns
• D.A.L. a humorous notation put on letters that cannot be delivered (Dog At Large) ...c1920 postmen's usage
• DEAD a letter or package that can neither be delivered nor returned ...1950s US Post Office usage
• HOT MAIL mail that gets preferential treatment, such as first-class and priority ...1989 Amer.. sl.
• ORDINARY † a courier conveying dispatches or letters at regular intervals; hence, post, mail ...1667
MAIL - nouns, person
• LETTER-FENCER a postman ...L19 sl.
• POSTIE a postman ...1871
• POSTY a postman ...1871
• WALKER a postman, a courier ...M19 sl.
MAIM - verbs
• HAMBLE † to mutilate, maim; to cut away; specifically, to cut off the balls of the feet of dogs, so as to render them unfit for hunting ...a1050 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MAIN † to lame, to maim ...1703
• MANG to break in pieces, to mutilate, to maim, to injure ...1825 Sc.
• MANK † to maim, to mangle, to mutilate; to make defective; to impair, to spoil ...a1400-50 obs. exc. Sc.
• MANYIE † to maim ...a1400 Sc.
• MENYIE † to maim ...a1400 Sc.
MAIMED - adjectives
• HAMBLE-SHANKED † maimed or lame in the leg ..1661
• MANK † maimed, mutilated, defective ...1513 chiefly Sc.
MAIMED - verbs
• HAVE AN ACCIDENT to be maimed or killed in retribution ...1941 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
MAIMING - nouns
• MANCATION † maiming, mutilation ...1727
MAIN - nouns
• BUSINESS END, THE the part of something which performs its main function ...1878 sl.
MAINE - nouns
• AMERICA'S LOGGER-HEAD Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BORDER STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DOWN EASTER a vessel from a Maine port ...1835 Amer. sl.
• EAST OVERSHOE the mythical town in Maine which is the home to fools and idiots ...1975 US sl.
• FOX STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUMBERLAND Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUMBER STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OLD DIRIGO (STATE) Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PINE CONE STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PINE TREE STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POLAR STAR STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• REPUBLICAN STATE Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA Maine ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
MAINE - nouns, person
• DOWN EASTER a native of Maine, esp. a seaman ...a1828 Amer. sl.
• MAINIAC a resident of Maine ...1837 Amer. dial.
MAINLAND - nouns
• FASTLAND the mainland, as distinguished from islands; the continent ...1883
MAINLY - adverbs
• FOR THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1662
• MAINTENANTLY mainly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ON THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1832
• RATHEREST † most of all, most particularly, mainly ...c1420 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• RATHEST † most of all, most particularly, mainly ...1549
• UPON THE MAIN † for the most part, mainly ...1697
MAINTAIN - verbs
• BEHAD to stop, to wait; to hold, to maintain, to hold as certain ...1768 Sc.
• BEHOD to hold, to maintain, to hold as certain ...Bk1898 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP to persevere in, to carry on with, to maintain ...1935 Amer. dial.
• OBTEND † to put forward as a statement, reason, etc.; to pretend, to allege, to maintain ...1573
• OPINIATRE † to maintain or persist in obstinately ...1652
• STAND TO ONE'S GUNS to maintain one's position staunchly
• STICK TO ONE'S GUNS to maintain one's position staunchly
• TO-DERAIGN † to maintain, to vindicate a cause, etc. entirely ...c1320
• UPHOLD to affirm, to maintain in argument; to warrant, to vouch for ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MANUTENTION † the act of upholding or maintaining; maintenance ...1603
• MAINTAINANCE maintenance ...1950 Amer. dial.
• MAINTAINMENT †* maintenance ...c1485
• MANTINIMENT † maintenance ...1588
• MANUTENENCY † the act of holding in the hand or upholding; support, maintenance ...1633
• MANUTENTION † the act of upholding or maintaining; maintenance ...1603
• UPHOLD support, maintenance; a prop; a person who maintains another ...1791 Sc.
MAJESTIC - adjectives
• AUGUSTIOUS †* grand, magnificent, majestic, august ...a1670
• IMPERIOUS † exercising a commanding influence; ruling, sovereign, dominant; having a commanding position, aspect, demeanour, etc.; majestic, stately ...1592
• MAJESTATIVE † majestic ...1656
• MAJESTICAL majestic ...1589 now chiefly poetic
• MAJESTUOUS * majestic ...1685
MAJESTIC - verbs
• MAJESTIFY †* to make majestic ...1616
MAJESTY - nouns
• TIR † glory, honour, majesty ...a1000
• MAJESTATE †* majesty ...1533
MAJORITY - nouns
• BETTER END the higher classes; a superior kind; the greater part, majority ...1848 Eng. dial.
• LONG END the majority, the bulk ...1900s US sl.
• THICK END the greater part, the majority or most part ...1867 Eng. dial.
MAKE - nouns, person
• EFFECTER † a maker, a creator ...1635
• EFFECTRESS † a female maker or creator ...1601
• FABRICANT * one who fabricates, constructs, or fashions anything; a maker or manufacturer ...1757
• FACTOR † one who makes or does anything; a doer, maker, performer, perpetrator; an author of a literary work ...1563 obs. or arch.
• MAKERESS a female maker of something ...1857
MAKE, MAKING - adjectives
• FACTIVE † tending or having the power to make; concerned with making ...1612
• OMNIFIC making all things; all-creating ...1667
• OMNIFICENT making all things ...1862
MAKE, MAKING - nouns
• FACTION † the act of doing or making something ...1612
• FACTORY † the act or process of making anything ...1664
• FACTURE * the act or process of making a thing ...1580
• FASHION † the act or process of making; hence, the 'making' or workmanship as an element in the value of plate or jewellery ...1463
• OPERATION †* the act of making or producing something ...a1500
MAKE - verbs
• BASH UP to make, to create ...1940s NZ sl.
• EFFECT * to make, to construct ...1791
• FABRIC † to construct, fashion, frame, make ...1623
• FAKE to make, to do anything ...E19 sl.
• GAR †* to do, to perform; to make ...a1300
• HANA to work, to make ...1951 Hawaii
• NIGGER RIG (derogatory) to make or repair something poorly or without proper materials ...1965 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER UP (derogatory) to do, make, or repair something in a careless, haphazard, or tasteless manner; to mess something up ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SCLATCH to work in a dirty messy manner; to make or construct clumsily or untidily; to use in a slipshod or careless way; to botch ...1808 Sc.
• TIFF † to put in order, to arrange; to prepare, to make, to construct ...1300s
MAKE, MAKER - nouns, person
• FAKER a maker of anything ...1688
• FASHIONER one that gives fashion or shape to; a creator, maker ...1548
• OPIFEX † a worker, a maker, a manufacturer ...1649
• OPIFICER † one who makes or constructs a work; a maker, a fabricator; a workman ...1548
• FACRERE † the art of 'make-believe', deception ...1393
• FARANCE a pretense, make believe ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• MAKE-WISE a pretense, make-believe ...1846 Eng. dial.
• MAKING-AS-IF pretense, make-believe ...1813 nonce word
MAKE-BELIEVE - nouns, person
• GAR-ME-TRUE a hypocrite, a pretender; a philanderer; one who makes believe ...1871 Sc.
• CRACKERJACK to fake, to make-believe ...20C sl.
• GAR-BELIEVE to make believe; to pretend ...1916 Sc.
• MAKE WISE to pretend, to feign, to make believe ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MIMP to make believe; to sham, to pretend ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKE † to affect, to feign, to pretend, to make believe to do something ...1571
MAKE-DO - nouns
• POOR DO something inferior, unsuccessful, make-do ...1941 Amer. dial.
MAKE DO - verbs
• PIECE ALONG to make do, to get along ...1979 Amer. dial.
MAKESHIFT - adjectives
• HAYWIRE inadequately equipped, inefficient, makeshift ...1905 Amer. sl. esp. logging
• JACKLEG thrown-together, shoddy, makeshift ...1914 US sl.
• JACK-LEGGED thrown-together, makeshift ...20C US sl.
• JAKELEG thrown-together, makeshift ...20C US sl.
• MEXICAN (derogatory) cheap, inferior; makeshift; bogus, illegal ...1912 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER (derogatory) cheap; inferior; makeshift ...1942 Amer. sl.
• NIGGER-RIGGED (derogatory) makeshift; poorly constructed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF-PUT temporary, makeshift ...1927 Sc.
• POOR BOY cheap, makeshift, improvised ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SCAMBLING hasty, careless; makeshift; untidy ...1790 Eng. dial.
• SNAPPER-RIGGED improvised; repaired in a makeshift fashion ...2002 Can sl., orig. nautical
• BEWITH a temporary substitute, a makeshift ...1724 Sc.
• OFF-PUT a makeshift, esp. a hasty meal ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-TRAP a worn-out, rickety vehicle; anything old and dilapidated; a makeshift contrivance ...1888 Eng. dial.
• SIWASH OUTFIT an enterprise, such as a logging operation or ranch, that operates in a makeshift way ...1930 Amer. dial.
• POOR BOY to make or repair in a hand-to-mouth or makeshift manner ...1979 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - nouns
• ADDITION paint or rouge or powder for the face; make-up, cosmetics ...c1690 society sl.
• BIMBO DUST face powder ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DAZZLE DUST † face powder ...1946 Can. teen sl.
• FACE a cosmetic kit, make-up ...1946 US sl.
• FAKE make-up ...c1875 theatrical usage
• FAKEMENT paint for the face ...c1870 theatrical usage
• FARD † paint for the face, esp. white paint ...1540
• FARDRY † the act of painting the face, the effect produced by this ...c1430
• LAUGHS make-up ...1935 Brit. theatrical sl.
• LIPPIE lipstick ...1940 Aust. sl.
• LIPPY lipstick ...1940 Aust. sl.
• MUCK stage makeup ...1926 US sl.
• PAINT make up ...1660 UK sl.
• SLAP orig. applied to theatrical make-up, such as rouge or grease-paint; hence, more generally, any cosmetic make-up, esp. applied thickly or carelessly ...1860 sl.
• SPLASH make-up, cosmetics, esp, poudre de riz used to whiten the complexion ...M19 sl.
• WARPAINT cosmetics, make-up ...1869 sl.
• WHITENING face powder ...1905 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - nouns, person
• EASTER EGG a woman wearing too much makeup ...1967 Amer. jocular
• KINARKEY a woman wearing garish make-up ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• PAINTRESS † a woman who paints or rouges her face ...1633
• MRS. ASTOR'S BILLY GOAT an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S COW an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET COW an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PET HORSE an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• MRS. ASTOR'S PLUSH HORSE an over-made-up or overdressed person ...1920s US sl.
• TWO-BIT WHORE a woman who uses a lot of cosmetics ...1966 Amer. dial.
MAKE-UP - verbs
• DO ONE'S FACE of a woman (usually): to apply make-up ...1920s sl.
• FAKE THE FATCHA to shave; to put on makeup ...20C sl.
• FARCE † to paint the face ...c1400
• FARD † to paint the face with 'fard'; to hide defects and improve the complexion ...a1450
• PAINT to apply make up ...1382 UK sl.
• PAINT THE BARN to apply make up ...2002 Can. sl.
• PATCH UP to dress fashionably; to apply make-up ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• PUT ON ONE'S FACE usually of women: to put on makeup ...1950s sl.
• PUT ONE'S FACE ON usually of women: to put on makeup ...1950s sl.
• TART UP to adorn; to make attractive, esp. with cheap ornaments and cosmetics ...Bk2002 Aust. sl.
MAKING - nouns
• MANUFACTURE † the act or process of making by hand ...1605
MALADY - nouns
• IMPEDIMENT † something that impedes the functions or health of the body; a physical defect; an affection or malady ...1542
MALARIA - nouns
• ASSHOLE MALARIA malaria with dysentery ...1961 Amer. sl.
• DAILY-DAILY during the Vietnam war: anti-malaria pills taken daily, in addition to a second medication taken once a week ...1982 US sl.
• DAILY-DAILY PILL an anti-malaria pill ...1982 US Army sl.
• LAKE-FEVER malaria ...Bk1908 US
• TAP malarial fever ...1882 E. Indies
MALCONTENT - nouns, person
• JACOBINES loose, disorderly persons; malcontents ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
MALE - adjectives
• MANKIND † male ...1633
• MENSKINS † of the male sex ...1534
• BREEK-FOLK the male sex ...Bk1911 Sc.
• GUYNESS maleness; masculinity ...1990s Amer. sl.
• SAM the embodiment of the male side of one's personality ...1950s homosexual sl.
MALE - nouns, person
• WAPMAN † a man as distinguished from a woman; a male human being ...c950
• WAPMAN-KIN † persons of the male sex ...c1200
• WITH A VENGEANCE † with a curse or malediction ...1525
• EFFULMINATION †* the launching of thunderbolts; a thunderbolt launched; malediction ...a1670
• ILL-HEARTEDNESS malevolence ...1897 Sc.
• LETH † hatred, ill-will, malevolence ...971
• MALTALENT † ill-will, malevolence ...c1320
• SKANK filth, dirtiness, malevolence ...1980s US sl.
MALEVOLENT - adjectives
• DESPITEOUS spiteful, malevolent, malicious, cruel; passing gradually into the sense: pitiless, merciless ...c1510
• ILL-DEMISED malevolent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-THOUGHTED suspicious. malevolent ...1895 Sc.
• ILL-WILLY cherishing ill will; malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed ...a1500 chiefly Sc.
• MALEVOLOUS † malevolent; desirous of evil to others; disposed to ill will ...1536
• MALTALENTIVE †* malevolent ...c1450
MALEVOLENT - nouns, person
• HELL-HAG a vile or malevolent woman; a malicious, evil-minded old woman; a woman or man of hellish disposition; a lewd person of either sex ...1655
• LIMMER a malevolent or mischievous woman ...1752 Sc.
• MALEVOLO †* a malevolent or malicious person ...1648
• QUINE a bold, impudent, shameless, or malevolent woman; a hussy, a slut ...1720 Sc.
• SINISTERLY † with evil intent or purpose; maliciously, malevolently ...1549
MALFORMED - adjectives
• TOBY-STRICKEN congenitally malformed or peculiar, queer, odd ...1933 Amer. dial.
• TOBY-STRUCK congenitally malformed or peculiar, queer, odd ...1933 Amer. dial.
• LEMON a dud; any thing or person that malfunctions habitually ...20C US colloq.
• ACT THE HOG to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• ACT THE MONKEY to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• PLAY THE MONKEY to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• RUN THE HOG to malfunction ...1940s sl.
• TAKE OUT to malfunction; to give out ...1968 Amer. dial.
• DO-LALLY malfunctioning, out of order ...L19 sl., orig. military
• DOOLALLY malfunctioning, out of order ...L19 sl., orig. military
MALICE - adjectives
• ILTA-FOO full of malice and anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
MALICE - nouns
• AMBITION malice; vindictiveness; grudge; hatred; irascibility; a quick temper ...1826 Amer. dial.
• ANNOYMENT intent to injure, malice ...1886 Eng. dial.
• BAD-MIND malice, spite, animosity ...20C W. Indies sl.
• CANKEREDNESS malice, spite; ill-humour; crabbed temper ...1538
• HAIN hatred, malice ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILTA malice, anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
• ILTY malice, anger ...Bk1902 Sc.
• MALIGNE † malice, wickedness ...a1460
• NOYMENT intent to injure, malice ...1886 Eng. dial.
• VENOM malice, spite ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VENOMY † venomousness, spite, malice ...1548
MALICIOUS - adjectives
• ADDER-TONGUED spiteful, malicious ...1824
• ASSY mean; malicious; stubborn; impolite; sarcastic; debased ...1980s sl.
• BADMOUTH malicious, defamatory ...1970s sl.
• BLACK-BABBLING babbling maliciously, slanderous ...1624
• BLACK-HEARTED having a wicked, malicious disposition; morally bad ...1638
• BOWSIE bad, evil, malicious ...1914 Irish sl.
• BOWSY bad, evil, malicious ...1914 Irish sl.
• DESPITEOUS spiteful, malevolent, malicious, cruel; passing gradually into the sense: pitiless, merciless ...c1510
• ENVYFOW invidious, full of malice ...Bk1900 Sc.
• ILL-HEARTED having an ill heart, ill-disposed, malicious ...a1617
• ILL-MEANING meaning evil, malicious in intent ...1681
• ILL-MINDED † having an evil mind or disposition; unfriendly, hostile, malicious ...1611 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• IMMALICIOUS †* not malicious; having no evil intent ...1662
• JADISH malicious; tricky; untrustworthy ...Bk1896 sl.
• MALICEFUL malicious ...1839 Eng. dial.
• MALIGNIOUS †* of malicious speech ...1578
• MALLISFUL malicious ...1839 Eng. dial.
• MALOROUS evil; unfortunate; malicious ...1876 Sc.
• MISLUSHIOUS malicious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PERNICIOUS † villainous, wicked, evil, malicious ...1555 now rare or obs.
• SINISTROUS † malicious, unfair, prejudiced ...1593
• TOOTHSOME † spiteful, malicious ...1601
• UNCANNY † unruly, mischievous, malicious ...1596 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VEEPERATE venomous, malicious, fiery-tempered ...1903 Sc.
• VENOM † venomous; virulent, malignant, spiteful, fierce, malicious, savage ...a1350 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMSOME † venomous, spiteful, malicious ...1660 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMY * venomous, spiteful, malignant, malicious ...c1400
• VITRID angry, malicious, vicious, bitter ...1885 Eng. dial.
• VITRIT angry, malicious, vicious, bitter ...1885 Eng. dial.
• WREAKFUL † given or addicted to revenge; vengeful, malicious, angry ...1531 now rare or obs.
• BLACK-BABBLING malicious talk ...17C
• CALUMNY malicious representation; slander; libel; a false charge; a slanderous or libellous statement or report ...LME
• DISCLANDER † malicious speech bringing opprobrium upon anyone; slander ...c1300
MALICIOUS - nouns, person
• BAD CHILD a malicious or devilish child ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CAT a malicious or spiteful woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...1915 Amer. dial.
• HELLCAT a mean, spiteful or malicious person, esp. a woman; a reckless, impertinent, bad-tempered, or vexatious person; a troublemaker; a devil-may-care person; one who pesters or annoys ...1899 Amer. dial.
• HELL-HAG a vile or malevolent woman; a malicious, evil-minded old woman; a woman or man of hellish disposition; a lewd person of either sex ...1655
• MALEVOLO †* a malevolent or malicious person ...1648
• NATTI a cross-tempered, malicious or pert fellow ...1908 Sc.
• NATTER-CROP a peevish person; an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• OLD CAT a malicious or spiteful woman; a mean, cunning woman; a shrewish man ...1915 Amer. dial.
• SHIT-DISTURBER a malicious gossip ...20C sl.
• SPIT-POISON * a venomous or malicious person; one given to calumny ...a1716
• WAG-TONGUE a malicious chatterer ...1902
• CALL CLASHES to spread malicious or injurious reports ...1768 Sc.
• TRADUCE to speak maliciously and falsely of; to slander, to defame ...1525
• SINISTERLY † with evil intent or purpose; maliciously, malevolently ...1549
MALIGN - nouns, person
• BADMOUTH one who disparages or maligns ...1967 US sl.
• BADMOUTHER one who disparages or maligns ...1967 US sl.
MALIGN - verbs
• BADMOUTH to malign; to disparage ...1941 Amer. sl.
• BAD-RAP to criticize unjustly; to malign ...1967 Amer. sl.
• DEAL DIRT to gossip; to malign ...1970s US Black sl.
• DEAL IN DIRT to gossip; to malign ...1970s US Black sl.
• GIVE GREEN RATS to malign, to slander, to backbite ...B1900 sl.
• LACK to dispraise, to slight, to undervalue; to malign, to calumniate ...1715 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MALIGNIFY * to render malign ...1613
• MEAN-MOUTH to malign; to scold; to insult; to give a tongue-lashing to ... c1960 Amer. dial.
• PUT THE BAD MOUTH ON to disparage; to malign ...1968 US sl.
• SCANDALIZE to slander, to malign, to defame, to ridicule ...1844
• TALK STINK to malign someone or something ...1981 US teen sl.
MALIGNANT - adjectives
• BALEFUL full of malign, deadly, or noxious influence; pernicious, destructive, noxious, injurious, mischievous, malignant ...a1000
• CANKERED malignant, envious; ill-natured, spiteful; ill-tempered, crabbed ...1513
• CANKERLY † malignant, envious; ill-natured, spiteful; ill-tempered,, crabbed ...1580
• GALLFUL †* full of gall; bitter, malignant ...1596
• HATEL † full of hatred; malignant, hostile; severe, cruel; fierce, bitter ...a850
• HATELICH † malignant, hostile; hateful ...c893
• ILL-WILLY cherishing ill will; malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed ...a1500 chiefly Sc.
• MALIGNOUS †* malignant ...1610
• SULLEN † baleful, malignant ...1676
• UNCANNIE of persons: not safe to meddle with, as supposedly being in league with supernatural forces or having skill in magic, witchcraft or the like, malignant, baleful, mischievous ...1773 Sc.
• VENOM † venomous; virulent, malignant, spiteful, fierce, malicious, savage ...a1350 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VENOMY * venomous, spiteful, malignant, malicious ...c1400
• WARLOCK † malignant, wicked ...c1375
MALIGNANT - nouns, person
• ATTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ATTERCOP † a peevish, ill-natured person; one of a malignant disposition ...c1505 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ATTERLING †* a venomous, malignant person; a shrew ...c1430
• CACODEMON a malignant or deprecated person ...1711
• EDDERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person; a shrewish woman ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ETHERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1725 Eng. dial.
• ETTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1820 Sc.
• VAMPIRE a person of a malignant and loathsome character, esp. one who preys ruthlessly upon others; a vile and cruel exactor or extortioner ...1741
• CANKEREDLY spitefully, malignantly; peevishly ...1535
• CANKERLY † spitefully, malignantly, peevishly ...1580
• EAGERLY † angrily, fiercely, bitterly, malignantly ...1377
• BAD MOUTH disparaging remarks; a maligning ...1960 US sl.
• MALIGNATION * the act of maligning or slandering ...1836
MALINGER - verbs
• ALIBI to malinger ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BAG IT to loaf, to malinger, to evade one's duty ...1978 military sl.
• DEADBEAT to loaf, to sponge, to malinger; to avoid doing a thing; to defraud ...1881 US sl.
• ENJOY POOR HEALTH to malinger ...1966 Amer. dial.
• FAKE to feign illness, injury, or disability; to malinger ...1881 Amer. sl.
• LAY OUT to stay away from work, school, or other commitments, usually without permission; to loaf; to malinger ...1896 Amer. dial.
• PLAY THE OLD SOLDIER to malinger; to feign illness; to practice deception ...1713 military sl.
• RAILROAD to malinger; to pretend to be sick ...1967 Amer. dial.
• RAT to idle about; to shirk work or school; to malinger ...1929 Amer. dial.
• RAT AROUND to idle about; to shirk work or school; to malinger; to lounge around doing nothing in particular ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SCRIMSHANK to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SPRUCE to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1917 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
• SWING THE LEAD to malinger or shirk one's duty ...1917 Brit. sl.
MALINGERER - nouns, person
• COFFEE BOILER a malingerer; a shirker ...US Civil War usage
• DEADBEAT a malingerer or loafer; one who avoids exertion in any form ...1862 Amer. sl., esp. military
• FAKER a person who feigns illness, injury, or disability; a malingerer ...1910 colloq.
• LABOR FAKER a worker who loafs on the job; a malingerer; hence, a corrupt union leader ...1907 US sl.
• LEAD-SWINGER a malingerer or shirker ...1918 Brit. sl.
• OLD SOLDIER a malingerer; one who pretended to be sick or disabled so he could avoid drill and take life easy in a hospital tent ...1805 US military sl.
• OLD VET a malingerer ...1862 US military usage
• SCRIMSHANK a malingerer or one who avoids duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SCRIMSHANKER a malingerer or one who avoids duty ...1890 sl., orig. & chiefly services' usage
• SICK-BAY MOOCHER a malingerer ...L19 nautical sl.
• FALSING shamming, malingering ...1940s Aust. sl.
• MALINGERY a malingering ...1847