INTERIOR - adjectives
• BEN inner, interior ...1774 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
INTERLOPER - nouns, person
• FARELOOPER an interloper, one who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others ...1856 Eng. dial.
• FARLOOPER an interloper, one who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others ...1856 Eng. dial.
INTERMEDIATE - adjectives
• INTERMEJIT adj. intermediate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BETWEENS intermediate things or events ...1872
INTERMINABLE - adjectives
• WADY long-lasting; tedious; interminable ...1691 Eng. dial.
INTERN - nouns, person
• TERN an intern ...1970s Amer. medical sl.
INTERNALLY - adverbs
• INLY inwardly, internally ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INTERNET - nouns
• CYBERCRIME the illegal use of computers and the internet; crime committed by means of computers or the internet
• DIGERATI the people who earn large amounts of money through internet-related business
• FLAME an abusive message posted online or sent by electronic mail, esp. to express anger or criticism ...colloq.
• FLAMING using 'bulletin boards' and other communications links to circulate obscene messages, pictures, etc. ...1980s sl.
• FLASH MOB a group of people coordinated by email and social media to meet to perform some predetermined action at a particular place and time and then disperse quickly
• SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO the amount of useful content found on an Internet site ...1997 US sl.
INTERNET - nouns, person
• LAMER an uninformed internet user who passes himself off as an expert ...1997 sl.
• NERDVANA the world of computer enthusiasts who surf the Internet every night ...1995 Can. sl.
• PAIN IN THE NET a person who posts inflammatory attacks on Internet discussion groups ...1991 US sl.
• SILVER SURFER an elderly or retired person who uses the Internet ...2001 UK sl.
• SNIPER a person who posts inflammatory attacks on the Internet ...2001 US sl.
INTERNET - verbs
• FLAME to post an abusive comment online or send an abusive email ...colloq.
• GANK in Internet game-playing: to 'kill' a player, esp. unfairly ...2003 UK sl.
• DECLARE † to make clear or plain anything that is obscure or imperfectly understood; to clear up, to explain, to elucidate, to interpret ...c1325
• INTERPRETATE † to interpret ...c1522 rare or obs.
• LINKISTER to interpret ...1896 Amer. dial.
• OPEN † to unfold the sense of; to expound, to explain, to interpret ...c1200
• TARPIT † aphetic form of to interpret ...1835 Sc.
• DECLARATION † the act of making clear or clearing up anything obscure or not understood; elucidation, explanation, interpretation ...c1374
INTERPRETED - adjectives
• INTERPRETATE †* interpreted, understood ...1526
INTERPRETER - nouns, person
• DECLARER † one who explains or interprets ...1527
• INTERPRETATER an interpreter ...1938 Amer. dial.
• LANGUISTER an interpreter ...1713 Amer. dial.
• LATIMER † an interpreter ...c1205
• LEINGISTER an interpreter ...c1920 Amer. dial.
• LINGISTER an interpreter ...c1920 Amer. dial.
• LINGUISTER an interpreter ...1645
• LINKISTER an interpreter ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LINKSTER an interpreter ...1868 Amer. dial.
• TERPS an interpreter ...World War I Amer. sl.
• APPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine; to interrogate ...ME
• BONE to interrogate a suspect ...1966 UK criminal and police usage
• CATECHIZE to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
• GUZZLE to arrest, to interrogate ...1936 UK & Amer. criminals' sl.
• OPPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine, to interrogate, to question ...c1386
• PUMP to interrogate someone ...1656 UK sl.
• QUIZ to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RAG to question closely, to interrogate ...2000s sl.
• TARRAGAT to interrogate, to question strictly and persistently; to tease, to torment with questions; to pester ...1825 Sc.
• CATECHISM a course of question and answer; a course of interrogation put to candidates, etc. ...1596
• GAFF police examination or interrogation ...1929 UK sl.
• OPPOSAL † the putting of posing questions; examination, interrogation; a posing question; a puzzle, enigma, riddle ...1426
• OPPOSING † confronting with hostile or hard questions; interrogation ...c1440
• TARRAGATION an interrogation, a strict cross-examination ...1864 Sc.
• ACE to resist interrogation or cross-examination tenaciously and successfully ...1929 US criminals' sl.
• FADE to withstand interrogation ...1960s US criminals' sl.
INTERROGATION - interjections
• DEED! an exclamation of confirmation or interrogation ...1806 Sc.
INTERROGATIVE - adjectives
• QUESITIVE interrogative ...1891
INTERROGATOR - nouns, person
• QUERIST one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
INTERROGATORY - adjectives
• PYSMATIC †* interrogatory, questioning, inquiring ...1652
INTERRUPT - adjectives
• VARDY speaking so as to interrupt conversation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTERRUPT - nouns, person
• BUTTINSKI one who interrupts or interferes; a meddler ...1902 Amer. dial.
• BUTTINSKY one who interrupts or interferes; a meddler ...1902 Amer. dial.
• ABRUPT †* to break off, to sever; to interrupt suddenly ...1643
• BUTT IN to intrude or interrupt; to meddle ...1899 Amer. sl.
• BUTT OUT to refrain from interrupting or intruding ...1906 Amer. sl.
• CATCH UP to interrupt, to stop ...1840
• CHIME IN to interrupt and intrude in a conversation or discussion; to give unasked-for advice or an opinion ...20C Amer. sl.
• FORBREAK † to break through, to interrupt ...c1250
• INTERTURB † to disturb by interruption ...1554
• LET ALL HOLTS GO to relax or lose one's grip; to abandon one's position; to suddenly interrupt or stop what one is doing ...1894 Amer. dial.
• LET LOOSE ALL HOLTS to relax or lose one's grip; to abandon one's position; to suddenly interrupt or stop what one is doing ...1943 Amer. dial.
• MAR † to hamper, to hinder, to interfere with, to interrupt or stop a person, event, or thing ...c1000
• MOZ to hinder, to interrupt someone; to jinx someone ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOZZLE to hinder, to interrupt ...1920s Aust. sl.
• OBROGATE † to check or interrupt one in his tale; to gainsay ...1656
• PICK UP FAG-ENDS to listen in to other people's conversations and attempt to comment upon them or join in; to overhear or to interrupt; esp. used as 'don't pick up fag-ends' ...1910s sl.
• SPEAK IN A MAN'S CAST † to speak during his part; to interrupt ...1580
• TAKE to check, to 'pull up', to interrupt ...1637 Eng. dial.
• TAKE UP to answer shortly and hastily; to interrupt in order to correct; to defeat in an argument ...1899 Sc.
• ABRUPTION a breaking off; an interruption; a sudden break, as in a narrative etc. ...1606 arch.
• CAESURA a break, a stop, an interruption ...L16
• FOFARRAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• FOOFOORAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• OBROGATION † an interrupting or hindering ...1658
• DECUSS * to cross, to intersect, to lie across, so as to form a figure like the letter X ...1782
• DECUSSATE to cross, to intersect, to lie across, so as to form a figure like the letter X ...1658
INTERSECTING - adjectives
• DECUSSANT †* intersecting ...1685
• DECUSSATIVE †* crossed over each other, intersecting, cross-shaped ...1658
• DECUSSATION the crossing of lines, rays, etc. so as to form a figure like the letter X; intersection ...1656
• TURKEYFOOT an intersection of four roads other than a crossroads ...1984 Amer. dial.
• IMPLICATE to intertwine; to wreathe, to twist, or knit together; to entwine, to entangle ...1610
INTERTWINED - adjectives
• IMPLICATE * intertwined, twisted together ...1536
INTERVAL - adverbs
• BETWEEN-HANDS at intervals ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BETWEENWHILES in the interval, at intervals ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FAR-BETWEEN occurring at long intervals; infrequent ...1743
• IN SNATCHES at intervals ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INTERVAL - nouns
• AMELL-TIMES intervals ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• AMELL-WHILES intervals ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEEDLE the space of time required to knit the stitches off one knitting-needle; a short interval ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTERVAL - phrases
• NOT THE LENGTH OF A STREET a small interval ...1893 sl.
• NEB to intervene in another's business; to intrude, to interfere ...1893 chiefly N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• BUZZ a quizzing; an interviewing with an ulterior purpose, as by a criminal or a police officer ...1929 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ to question a person; to interview ...1871 Amer. sl.
• CHAT UP to interview ...1970s sl.
• IMPLEACH * to entwine, to interweave ...1597 poetic
INTESTINES - nouns (also see ENTRAILS)
• BAGS the stomach; entrails ...1818 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• BELLY the bowels ...c1340
• CHICKEN HOCKEY one's intestines, innards, i.e. the 'stuffing' ...1970s US sl.
• CHITLINGS the small intestines of animals used for food ...13C
• CHITLINS the human intestines ...1785 sl.
• CHITTERLINGS 1. the small intestines of animals used for food ...13C
2. the human intestines ...1785 sl.
• COMIC CUTS intestines ...1945 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'guts'
• COMICS intestines ...1945 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'guts'
• DRIDDLES the intestines of an animal slain for food ...19C Sc.
• GORMY-RUDDLES the intestines ...B1900 sl.
• GUTS one's insides, the contents; the belly; the intestines ...a1000
• GUZINTERS an animals innards ...1910s Aust. sl.
• HARIGALDS the viscera or pluck of an animal ...1737 Sc.
• HARSLET a piece of meat to be roasted, esp. part of the entrails of a hog; also, the heart, liver, etc. of other animals, as sheep, calf, etc. ...a1300
• HASE the liver, heart, and lights of a pigs; these parts seasoned, wrapped up in the omentum, and roasted ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HASLET a piece of meat to be roasted, esp. part of the entrails of a hog; also, the heart, liver, etc. of other animals, as sheep, calf, etc. ...a1300
• HASTE the heart, liver, lungs, or lights of an animal, esp. a pig ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HASTELINGS the heart, liver, lungs, or lights of a pig ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INGANGS the intestines, entrails ...1824 Sc.
• INMEAT the edible viscera of any animal; the intestines ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INNARDS intestines ...1825 sl.
• INSIDE intestines ...1741 sl.
• INSIDES intestines ...1840 sl.
• INTESTINALS the intestines; the organs inside the body ...1968 Amer. dial.
• INTIMMERS the intestines ...1824 Sc.
• INWARDS the inner parts of the body, the inside; the entrails, intestines, etc. of animals, esp. of pigs ...1658 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KENTUCKY OYSTERS intestines, usually of hogs, prepared as food ...1898 Amer. dial.
• KISHKA intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKE intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKEH intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKER intestines ...1959 sl.
• LIGHTS the lungs, esp. of an animal; broadly, the internal organs ...1848 Amer. dial.
• MANIFOLD the intestines or bowels ...c1280 Eng. dial.
• MANIFOLDS the intestines or bowels ...c1280 Eng. dial.
• OFFALMENT the intestines of animals ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PAUNCHINGS the intestines of animal, esp. as used for food, tripe served in potato soup ...1866 Sc.
• PUDDINGS the guts ...M15 colloq.
• SHITBAGS intestines ...1937 sl.
• SINGLES † entrails, intestines ...1567
• THARM the belly or intestines of a man or beast ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TOM THUMBS the intestines of a hog ...1887 Amer. dial.
• WALLIES the intestines ...1825 Sc.
• WRINKLES chitterlings ...1970s US Black sl.
• BOWEL-RACK to cut or wound so that the intestines are exposed ...1953 Amer. dial.
INTIMACY - nouns
• PACKNESS friendship, harmony, familiarity, intimacy ...1825 Sc.
• THICKNESS familiarity, intimacy, friendliness ...1895 Eng. dial.
• THRONG † friendship; intimacy ...1768 Sc.
INTIMATE - adjectives
• ACE of a friend: intimate, closest ...1944 US sl., esp. Black usage
• ALL-IN-ALL very intimate ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BIG friendly, intimate, 'thick' ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BUDGE intimate, familiar ...1890 Amer. dial.
• FAMILARY familiar, acquainted, intimate, friendly ...c1450
• FAR BEN intimate, friendly, in great favour with ...1725 Sc.
• FAST very near, intimate ...1885 Eng. dial.
• FAST AND THICK very near, intimate ...1885 Eng. dial.
• GREAT AS INKLE-WEAVERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1890 Sc.
• HAIL-FELLOW on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1580
• HAIL-FELLOW-WELL-MET on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1581
• HAIL-MATE † on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1577
• HAND IN GLOVE in an intimate relationship or close association ...colloq.
• HEART-TO-HEART intimate ...L19 sl.
• INTERMENT intimate, friendly, 'thick' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INTIMATED intimate ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INTIRE † intimate, heart and soul with ...1747 Sc.
• LIKE FUNK ON A SKUNK very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STANK ON SHIT very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STINK ON GLUE very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STINK ON SHIT very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LOVING AS INKLE-WEAVERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1822 Sc.
• MATELY * friendly, sociable, intimate ...1822
• MATEY friendly or intimate; on good terms ...Brit. colloq.
• NARROW †* of friendship: close, intimate ...1556
• NEAR † closely related to; intimate with ...c1470
• NECESSARY †* closely related or connected; intimate ...1382
• NOB-A-NOB intimate, close, friendly ...M19 sl.
• PACK on intimate and friendly terms, linked by mutual feeling or understanding; in league, confederate ...1701 Sc.
• PACKT intimate, friendly; of animals: tame, docile ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER TO NINE, A of a relation between people: very close ...1980 Amer. dial.
• QUEME † of persons: friendly or well-disposed to, intimate with ...c1325
• QUIM AND COSH intimate and familiar ...1723 Sc.
• TERRIBLE very intimate, 'thick' ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS A DOZEN IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1868 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS BEES very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1902 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS BLACKBERRIES very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1894 Ireland
• THICK AS CROWDY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Sc.
• THICK AS DARBY AND JOAN very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1882 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS DICK AND LEDDY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS DICK AND LIDDY very intimate ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS FIVE IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1855 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS FOUR IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1942 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS GLUE close, intimate
• THICK AS HARRY AND MARY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS HERRINGS IN A BARREL very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS INKLE-MAKERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1857 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS INKLE-WEAVERS very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1866 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THACK very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1889 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THEY CAN DICKER very intimate ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THICK very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1887 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THREE IN A BED of people: very friendly, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1844 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• THICK AS TWO DOGS' HEADS very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1896 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS TWO IN A BED very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Sc.
• THRANG intimate, familiar, friendly; esp. used in a bad sense ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THRONG intimate, familiar, friendly; esp. used in a bad sense ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-OTHER living close together; intimate ...1815 Sc.
• THROUTHER living close together; intimate ...1815 Sc.
• UPTIGHT intimate, very friendly ...1969 Amer. dial.
• VEHEMENT † very close or intimate ...1596
INTIMATE - nouns
• HAIL-FELLOW † the state of intimate friends ...1684
• HEART-TO-HEART. an intimate talk ...1910s sl., orig. US
INTIMATE - nouns, person
• HAIL-FELLOW † an intimate or familiar associate ...1650
• INGLE an intimate, a dear friend ...1601 sl.
• INWARD an intimate ...1603 sl.
• PARTICS particular friends, intimates ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YAGA YAGA a friend; an intimate ...1980s W. Indies Rasta
INTIMATE - verbs
• BOARD to become intimate with ...Bk1911 Sc.
• COSY UP TO to become intimate with; to ingratiate oneself with ...1930s sl., orig. US
• HOB AND NOB to fraternize, to be on intimate terms ...M19 sl.
• HOB-NOBBLE to talk intimately and confidentially together ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEIGHBOUR to associate with; to be on intimate terms; to visit; to go about gossiping ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIDE THE RIGGEN to be very intimate ...Bk1903 Eng. dial. sl.
INTIMATELY - adverbs
• HAND FOR NEIVE hand in glove, intimately, familiarly, close together ...1813 Sc.
• HAND TO NEIVE hand in glove, intimately, familiarly, close together ...1787 Sc.
• ONE-AWAY intimately, on a one-to-one ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• PACKLIE in a friendly manner, intimately, familiarly ...1844 Sc.
• MEANING an intimation, a hint, likelihood; a slight symptom ...1839 Eng. dial.
INTIMIDATE - nouns, person
• CYBERBULLY someone who uses electronic communication to hurt, persecute, or intimidate people
• HEAVY a strongly built man employed to intimidate others with violence, or threats of violence ...1936 sl.
• ACCOWARD † to render cowardly; to intimidate, to cow, to make faint-hearted ...1530
• BUFFALO to frighten or intimidate someone, esp. by bluff ...1891 US sl.
• BULLDOSE to intimidate, to coerce, to force through violence ...L19 sl.
• BULLDOZE to intimidate, to coerce, to force through violence ...L19 sl.
• DANTON to subdue, to overcome, to vanquish; to tame; to intimidate ...1535 Sc.
• DARE to keep under, to abash, to intimidate ...1805 Sc.
• DAUNTON to subdue, to overcome, to vanquish; to tame; to intimidate ...1535 Sc.
• GET AT to intimidate ...1871
• HECTOR to intimidate by bluster or threats; to domineer over, to bully ...M17
• HIGH-PRESSURE to pressurize, to intimidate ...1920s sl.
• MAU-MAU to intimidate ...1970 US sl.
• PSYCH OUT to intimidate or frighten ...colloq.
• PUT THE FRIGHTENERS ON SOMEONE to menace, threaten, or intimidate ...1958 Brit. police & criminals' sl.
• RAUNCH to swagger, to bully, to intimidate ...c1939 Amer. dial.
• SANDBAG to intimidate ...1920s US sl.
• SELL A WOLF TICKET to threaten, to intimidate ...1960s US Black sl.
• SELL A WOOF TICKET to threaten, to intimidate ...1960s US Black sl.
• VIBE OUT to intimidate someone ...1983 UK sl.
• WOLF to frighten, to intimidate...1970 Amer. dial.
• WOOF to engage in behaviour, esp. speech, intended to impress, to boast, esp. menacingly, intimidate, or provoke; to bluff, to kid ...1931 Amer. dial.
INTIMIDATE - interjections
• SAY MY NAME! an exclamation used to intimidate or used for celebration ...1990s US teen sl.
INTIMIDATED - nouns, person
• MILIQUANT TOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MILKY-TOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MILQUETOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly, weak person ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MR. MILQUETOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1930s sl.
INTIMIDATING - adjectives
• BADASS belligerent or intimidating; tough; bad; nasty ...M20 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• FEAR † intimidation ...1426
• WOLF TICKET a threat or other act of intimidation used to coerce ....1974 US sl.
INTOLERABLE - adjectives
• IMPATIBLE † intolerable ...1623
• OVERITIOUS excessive, intolerable ...B1900 Sc.
• UNBIDEABLE unbearable, intolerable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNTHOLEABLE unendurable, unbearable, intolerable ...1887 Sc.
• TAKE THE CAKE to be the ultimate in idiocy or intolerable behaviour; to top it all; to surpass all others, esp. in some undesirable quality; to be extraordinary or unusual ...sl.
• IMPORTABLY † unbearably, intolerably ...a1420
• UNTHOLEABLY intolerably, insufferably, unendurably ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTOLERANT - adjectives
• BEADLESS of persons: intolerant of suffering; impatient of pain ...1885 Eng. dial.
• OUCHY irritable, short-tempered, touchy, easily offended, sensitive, intolerant ...1966 Amer. dial.
• UP TO HERE bored, disgusted, utterly intolerant of an event, someone's statements, actions, etc. ...L19 sl.
• FASH AT to be impatient with, to be intolerant of; to grow weary of ...1721 Sc.
• CANT † accent, intonation, tone ...1663
INTONE - verbs
• CANT † to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
INTONING - nouns
• CANTILLATION chanting, intoning, musical recitation ...1864
• DELEER to intoxicate, to make drunk, to render 'delirious' ...1821 Sc.
• INEBRIATE to make drunk, to intoxicate ...LME
• OBFUSCATE to intoxicate, to make drunk ...1729 sl.
• TAKE BY THE HEAD to intoxicate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTOXICATED - adjectives
(for alcohol intoxication, see DRUNK; for DRUG intoxication, see DRUGS - adjectives)
• ABSENT † intoxicated ...Bk198 Eng. dial.
• ATTOXICATED †* intoxicated ...1604
• BOXED intoxicated ...1947 Amer. sl.
• HOTTER THAN A SKUNK extremely intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HOTTER THAN LOVE IN HAYIN'-TIME extremely intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• OBLITERATED extremely intoxicated ...1988 Amer. sl.
• GET IT ON to give oneself up to an activity, to enjoy oneself; to become elated or intoxicated with ...US sl.
• GET LUSHED UP to become intoxicated ...1927 Amer. sl.
• HAVE A DROP IN ONE'S EYE to show slight signs of intoxication
INTOXICATING - adjectives
• EBRIATING intoxicating ...1872
• EBRIETATING †* intoxicating ...1711
• UP intoxicating ...1970s sl.
• BIZZ a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1849 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1849 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ ON a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1948 Amer. sl.
• INEBRIATION intoxication ...E16
• JAG intoxication, drunkenness ...Bk1896 sl.
• MALT ABOVE THE MEAL, THE a slight stage of intoxication ...1801 Sc.
• UP an excited mood, a feeling of stimulation, intoxication ...M18 sl.
• BEND UP to encourage or enable another’s intoxication ...1999 UK sl.
• UNBOWSOMENESS † intractability, recalcitrance ...1340 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INTRACTABLE - adjectives
• UNBOWSOME † intractable, recalcitrant ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INTRACTABLE - nouns, person
• HAITHEN an intractable or difficult person or thing ...1949 Sc.
• UNBUXOMLY † intractably, recalcitrantly ...1390
INTREPID - adjectives
• SAVAGE † indomitable, intrepid, valiant ...a1300
• IMPLICATENESS †* intricacy ...1685
• QUIRKNESS intricacy, elaboration ...1802 Sc.
• SINUOSITY a complexity or intricacy ...1827
• SUBTILITY delicacy, intricacy ...1601
• SUBTLETY † abstruseness, complexity, intricacy ...a1300
INTRICATE - adjectives
• IMPLICATE † involved, intricate ...1555
• INTRINSE † intricate, entangled, involved, complicated ...1605
• INTRINSICATE † intricate, involved, entangled, perplexed ...1560
• INVOLUTE involved; entangled; intricate; formerly also, hidden, obscure ...M17
• LABYRINTHAL * labyrinthine ...1669
• LABYRINTHIAL † labyrinthine ...a1550
• LABYRINTHIAN labyrinthine ...1588
• LABYRINTHIC labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHICAL * labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHINE intricate, complicated, involved, inextricable ...1840
• PECKY tedious, intricate, requiring patience and attention to detail ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUEERED AND QUIAMMED intricate, as a piece of carving ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKIE intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKY intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• SINUOUS intricate, complex; roundabout ...1853
• EGG-DANCE an intricate and difficult task ...1801
• INVOLUTION something complicated; an intricate movement, a tangle ...E17
• DAEDALIZE † to make intricate or maze-like ...a1618 nonce word
INTRIGUE - nouns
• CABAL 1. a secret intrigue; a conspiracy; petty plotting ...E17 arch.
2. a secret meeting of intriguers ...M17 arch.
• FACTION † a factious quarrel or intrigue ...1593
• GALLANTRY † an intrigue with one of the opposite sex ...1706-7
• MACHINATION the act or process of contriving or planning; contrivance, intrigue, plotting; an intrigue, plot, scheme ...1549
• PACK † a private or clandestine arrangement, pact, or compact; a secret or underhand design agreed upon by two or more persons; a plot, conspiracy, intrigue ...1571
INTRIGUE - verbs
• BRIGUE to intrigue; to solicit by underhand means ...Sc.
• CABAL to combine together for some private end, usually derogatory; to intrigue against ...L17
• FACTION † to act in a factious or rebellious spirit; to intrigue; to mutiny ...1609
• MACHINATE to lay plots; to intrigue; to scheme; to contrive; to plot; to plan ...1600
• PACK † to enter into a private arrangement; to agree in a secret or underhand design; to plot, to conspire, to scheme, to intrigue ...a1529
• PULLHAUL to intrigue, to proselyte ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
INTRIGUER - nouns, person
• MACHIAVEL one who acts on the principles of Machiavelli (a celebrated Florence statesman who advocated the pursuit of statecraft at the expense of morality); an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1570
• MACHIAVELLIAN one who follows Machiavelli's principles in statecraft or in general conduct; an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1568
• MACHIAVELLIST one who follows Machiavelli's principles in statecraft or in general conduct; an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1589
• MACHINATOR one who contrives or schemes; a contriver, intriguer, plotter, schemer; usually in a bad sense ...1611
INTRIGUING - adjectives
• MACHIAVELLIAN preferring expediency to morality; practicing duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct; astute, cunning, intriguing ...1579
• MACHIAVELLIC 'Machiavellian' ...1838
• MACHIAVELLINE †* 'Machiavellian' ...1602
• MEET to introduce ...1991 Amer. dial.
• SUBINTRODUCE to introduce in a secret or subtle manner ...1664
• SUBINTRODUCT † to introduce in a secret or subtle manner ...a1641
• UNDERBEAR † to introduce, to apply ...1382
INTRODUCE - phrases
• KNOCK ME DOWN TO THAT DAISY introduce me to that girl ...20C Aust. sl.
• MANUDUCTION the act of leading, guiding, or introducing; guidance, introduction, direction ...1502
• INFIT an introduction ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KNOCK-DOWN an introduction, esp. a formal introduction of a man to a woman in whom he is interested ...M19 Aust. & NZ & US sl.
• SUBINTRODUCTION † surreptitious introduction ...1620
• GIVE ONE A KNOCK-DOWN to give one an introduction ...M19 Aust. & NZ & US sl.
INTRUDE - verbs
• BREEZE. to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUST IN WITH to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUTT IN to intrude or interrupt; to meddle ...1899 Amer. sl.
• BUTT OUT to refrain from interrupting or intruding ...1906 Amer. sl.
• CHIME IN to interrupt and intrude in a conversation or discussion; to give unasked-for advice or an opinion ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHIN IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DIP to intrude in someone's affairs; to eavesdrop on someone ...1976 Amer. dial.
• EDGE IN A WORD to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HORN IN ON to interfere; to intrude upon ...L19 Aust.
• LIP IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEB to intervene in another's business; to intrude, to interfere ...1893 chiefly N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OBTRUDE to intrude, to force oneself ...1579
• OIL to toady; to 'oil one's way in'; to intrude ...19C sl.
• OIL IN to enter, to intrude ...1920s sl.
• PUT IN ONE'S NICKEL'S WORTH to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUT ONE'S LIP IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUT ONE'S MOUTH IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SCREWZE to encroach, to intrude; to sponge; to come as an uninvited, unwelcome guest ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
INTRUDER - nouns, person
• BUTT-IN one who butts in; an intruder ...1911 US
• BUTT-INER one who butts in; an intruder ...a1910 US
• FARGE a gossip; an intruder, a spy ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SNOIT † a young, conceited person, who speaks little; an upstart, a swaggerer; one who goes where he has no right to go, an intruder ...1824 Sc.
• BUTT-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHIN-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CUT-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LIP-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INTRUSIVE - adjectives
• NEBBY nosy, inquisitive, curious, intrusive ...L19 Ulster & Amer. dial.
• NEBBY-NOSED nosy, inquisitive, curious, intrusive ...1968 Amer. dial.
INTRUSIVE - nouns, person
• LOPER a worthless, intrusive fellow ...1895 Amer. dial.
• SCREWZER an unwelcome, intrusive visitor; a parasite; a hanger-on ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNUDGE † a mean, avaricious person; a niggard, a miser, a stingy person; an intrusive, sponging fellow ...1545 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GUT REACTION an immediate and instinctive response; an intuition ...1968 Amer. sl.
• HUNCH an intuition or premonition ...1888 US colloq.
• IMAGINATION an intuitive feeling; a hunch ...1965 Amer. dial.
• THIRD EAR intuition
• THIRD EYE intuition
• VATICINATION † divine or inspired apprehension or knowledge; intuition, insight ...1678
• VIBE feelings, intuitions ...1960s sl.
• VIBES feelings, intuitions ...1960s sl.
INTUITION - adverbs
• THROUGH MY HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
INTUITION - phrases
• BY MY HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BY MY OWN HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
INTUITIVE - adjectives
• GUT based on one's instincts, feelings, or emotions; immediately or deeply felt; intuitive ...1951 Amer. colloq.
INUIT - nouns, person
• ESKY (derogatory) an Inuit; an Eskimo person; an Eskimo dog ...1910s US sl.
INURED - adjectives
• BEATEN † of persons: inured to anything, experienced ...a1593
INVALID - adjectives
• VALETUDINAIRE * not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1682
• VALETUDINARIAN not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1713
• VALETUDINARY not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1581
• VALETUDINOUS † invalid, weakly; not in robust health ...1655
INVALID - nouns
• SPOON VICTUALS invalid diet ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
INVALID - nouns, person
• AEGROTANT * a sick person, an invalid ...1865
• LAME DUCK a lame or incapacitated person, or one who is old, weak, or ineffective; an invalid ...1814 sl.
• MALADE † a sick person; an invalid ...1483
• VALETUDINAIRE * a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1715
• VALETUDINARIAN a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1703
• VALETUDINARY a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1785
INVASION - nouns
• HARRISHIN' a violent invasion; 'harrying' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INFALL † an invasion, attack, onslaught ...1721 Sc.
• ONCOME † an attack, an invasion ...a1340
INVEIGLE - nouns, person
• DECOY one who entices, allures, or inveigles another into some trap, deception or evil situation ...1638
INVEIGLE - verbs
• INSNORL to entangle, to inveigle, to ensnarl ...1871 Sc.
• TEAL to entice, to coax, to inveigle by flattery; to wheedle something from or out of a person ...1866 Sc.
• VEIGLE † to inveigle, to beguile, to cajole ...1745 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INVENT - verbs
• BEFIND † to invent, to contrive ...1297
• FABULATE to invent, concoct, fabricate ...1856
• FABULIZE † to concoct, to invent ...1633
• INVENTION to invent ...1884 N. Ireland
INVENTED - adjectives
• NOVITIOUS † newly invented, of recent origin, new ...1659
• VAMPED-UP of a story, etc.: invented, fabricated, trumped up ...1802-12
• BABY a person's invention or achievement ...1890
• FANGLEMENT something fashioned or made; an invention; a contrivance ...a1670
• FRIM-FRAM a trifle, a whim, a fancy, an invention ...1847 Sc.
• GAG a falsehood, a lie, an invention, a story ...1805 sl.
• NEW FANGLE * a new fashion or crotchet; a novelty, a new invention; always used in a contemptuous sense ...1548
• UP-MAKE a contrivance; an invention; a fabrication; an original composition ...1804 Sc.
INVENTOR - nouns, person
• INVENTRICE † a female inventor ...1509
• INVITORY an inventory ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INVITTERY an inventory ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• RIBBLE-ROW an inventory ...Bk1903 sl.
• INVENTORIZE to make an inventory of ...E17
INVERTED - adverbs
• END FOR ABOUT in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1957 Amer. dial.
• END FOR END in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1871 Amer. dial.
• AUGER to look or investigate surreptitiously ...1923 Amer. dial.
• AUGER AROUND to look or investigate surreptitiously ...1923 Amer. dial.
• BACK-TRACE to investigate past events ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOLT ALL THE FLOUR † to investigate a matter thoroughly ...1590
• EVESTIGATE † to seek out, to search after, to investigate ...1656
• INQUISITE † to inquire into; to investigate, examine; to make inquiry ...1674
• LOOK-SEE to investigate; to determine, to ascertain ...1939 Amer. dial.
• PERSCRUTE †* to scrutinize thoroughly; to make a thorough search or inquiry; to investigate ...a1545
• PROSPECT to make preliminary examinations or investigations ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• RAKE to make search or investigation; to poke into ...1637
• SALINGE to investigate, to inquire ...1887 Eng. dial.
• SCANCE to find out by investigation, to seek a sight of ...1804 Sc.
• SCRUTATE * to search out, to investigate ...1882
• SCRUTINATE †* to scrutinize, to examine, to investigate ...a1734
• UNDERGO † to investigate, to occupy oneself with ...c1250
• UNDERGROPE † to search into, to investigate; to learn ...a1412
• WALE THROUGH to hunt through, to investigate ...1887 Sc.
• WORTH A PULL worth investigating ...19C sl.
INVESTIGATION - adjectives
• INDAGACIOUS †* given to search or investigation; eager to investigate ...1653
• APPOSAL † a searching question; inquiry, investigation, esp. legal examination of accounts ...LME
• ARGUFICATION investigation ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-GANG a thorough investigation or overhaul ...1897 Sc.
• THROUGH-GOING a thorough investigation or overhaul ...1897 Sc.
• UP-AND-DOWN, THE an official investigation ...1910s sl.
INVESTIGATOR - nouns, person
• SNOOPER an investigator ...1889 US sl.
• WARING † spending, investing of money ...c1375 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CASH COW an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• SPORT to make a speculative investment in sport or business; to wager, to make a bet ...E18 sl.
INVESTOR - nouns, person
• BANKSTER a banker or investor whose financial practices have been exposed as illegal ...20C
• LAMB a gullible investor ...1886 stock market usage
INVIGORATE - adverbs
• TONICALLY so as to invigorate or 'brace up' ...1873
• SAUCE that which refreshes or invigorates ...a1500
• INVIGOR † to invigorate, to strengthen ...1793 Sc.
• INVIGOUR to fill with vigour; to invigorate ...E17
• PEP UP to invigorate someone; to strengthen or enhance something ...1925 UK sl.
• ROBORATE † to give strength or support to; to invigorate; to fortify ...1533
• TONICIZE to invigorate, as with a tonic ...1890
• ZAP to instil with vigour, to liven up ...1979 sl., orig. US
INVIGORATING - adjectives
• VEGETANT †* animating, vivifying, invigorating ...1576
• TONIC an invigorating or bracing influence ...1840
INVINCIBLE - adjectives
• ACHILLEAN resembling Achilles; invulnerable, invincible ...1637
• UNWINNABLE † invincible, impregnable ...1792 Sc.
• TARN-CAP * a magic cap, securing the invisibility of the wearer ...1856
INVISIBLE - adjectives
• IMPERSPICABLE †* that cannot be seen or discerned; invisible ...1665
• INVISED †* unseen; invisible ...L16
• SIGHTLESS invisible, unseen, dark; impenetrable by vision ...1589
• UNSIGHTABLE not in sight, invisible ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVITATION - adjectives
• INVITATORY conveying or containing an invitation ...M17
• BID a request or an invitation ...1892 Eng. dial.
• BIDDING an invitation, esp. to a funeral or wedding ...1655 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INVITATORY an invitation ...M17
• LATHING † an invitation, a calling together; also, a congregation ...c897 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• PASTEBOARD an invitation ...M19 sl.
• RAIN CHECK any request or promise to accept an invitation at a later date ...20C Amer. sl.
• STIFFIE a formal invitation card (made of thick cardboard) ...1980 Brit. sl.
• STIFFY a formal invitation card (made of thick cardboard) ...1980 Brit. sl.
INVITATION, INVITE - nouns, person
• INVITANT a person who is invited; a person who gives an invitation ...L16
• INVITRESS a female inviter ...E17
• LATHER † one who invites or summons ...a1175
• GOOF OFF to turn down an invitation; to avoid a meeting ...1980s sl.
• INKLE to attend a party, etc. without an invitation ...1939 Amer. dial.
INVITATION - phrases
• ALIGHT AND LOOK AT ONE'S SADDLE come in and sit a spell; an invitation to stop and talk, and perhaps to share a meal ...1912 Amer. dial.
• LADIES A PLATE, GENTS A CRATE used in party invitations to request female guests to bring a dish of food and male guests to bring something to drink ...1984 NZ
• W.M.P. we accept the invitation; With Much Pleasure ...L19 Royal Navy sl.
INVITE - verbs
• ADVOCATE † to summon, to invite ...1555
• BID to invite, esp. to a wedding or funeral, at which attendance is regarded as compulsory ...1805 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HANG OUT THE BESOM to invite friends during the wife's absence from home ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KAE † to invite ...1721 Sc.
• LATHE † to invite, to call ...c900 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INVITING - adjectives
• TEMPTACIOUS tempting, inviting ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TEMPTASHOUS tempting, inviting ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TEMPTSOME tempting, inviting ...1836 Sc.
• TEMPTUOUS tempting, inviting ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TEMTIOUS tempting, inviting ...1825 Eng. dial.
INVOKE - verbs
• ONCALL † to call upon, to invoke ...1548
INVOLVE - verbs
• GET A FALL OUT OF to involve oneself with something ...L19 sl.
• IMMAZE †* to involve as in a maze or labyrinth ...1631
• IMMIX * to involve or mix oneself up in or with something ...1593
• IMPLY † to enfold, to enwrap, to entangle, to involve ...c1374
• LANGLE to involve, to encumber, to curb, to restrain, to hamper, to frustrate ...1713 Sc.
• LAP † to involve; to imply, to include; to implicate, to entangle ...a1340
• LET SOMEONE IN FOR to involve, usually in unfortunate circumstances, such as financial ruin or a criminal prosecution ...M19 sl.
• TAKE A FALL OUT OF to involve oneself with something ...L19 sl.
• TATHER to entangle; to twist; to knot; to involve ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVOLVED - adjectives
• ASS-DEEP deeply involved with; having a superabundance of ...1958 Amer. sl.
• ASSHOLE-DEEP. deeply involved with; having a superabundance of ...1963 Amer. sl.
• ENTHRALLED involved; indebted ...1903 Amer. dial.
• IMPLEX †* involved; having a complicated plot ...1710
• IMPLEXED † involved, complicated ...a1619
• IMPLICATE † involved, intricate ...1555
• IMPLICIT † entangled, entwined, folded, or twisted together; involved ...1608
• INTRINSE † intricate, entangled, involved, complicated ...1605
• INTRINSICATE † intricate, involved, entangled, perplexed ...1560
• INVOLUTE involved; entangled; intricate; formerly also, hidden, obscure ...M17
• LABYRINTHAL * labyrinthine ...1669
• LABYRINTHIAL † labyrinthine ...a1550
• LABYRINTHIAN labyrinthine ...1588
• LABYRINTHIC labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHICAL * labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHINE intricate, complicated, involved, inextricable ...1840
• NETWORK †* complicated, involved ...1675
• OVER HEAD AND EARS deeply immersed or involved, such as in love, in debt, etc. ...1576
• UP TO ONE'S ARSE totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO ONE'S ASS totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO ONE'S ASSHOLE totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO THE EARS deeply involved; hence, superabundantly supplied ...1839 colloq.
• WRAPPED UP IN involved with ... Aust. sl.
INVOLVED - adverbs
• IMPLICITLY † in an involved or confused manner ...1635
INVOLVED - nouns
• IMPLICATE that which is implied or involved ...1881
• RAVELLED SKEIN a knotty problem, an involved situation ...1883 Sc.
• TANGLEMENT a difficulty; anything involved or confused ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVOLVED - verbs
• BE IN ON THE ACT to be involved in another's activity ...1947 US sl.
• FALL IN to become involved ...M19
• FALL TO to become involved ...M19
• GET IN ON THE ACT to become involved in another's activity ...1947 US sl.
• GET INTO THE ACT to take part ...1946 US sl.
• GET ONE'S TAIL IN THE WELL to become involved in some unpleasant or unfortunate business, affecting either character or interest ...1825 Sc.
• MESS WITH to become involved with; to use; to fool around with ...19C US sl.
• TANGLE UP WITH to become involved with ...1940s sl.
• TANGLE WITH to become involved with ...1940s sl.
• PIECE OF THE ACTION an involvement in an activity; a share in the profits of something ...1957 US sl.
INVULNERABLE - adjectives
• ACHILLEAN resembling Achilles; invulnerable, invincible ...1637
INWARD - adverbs
• BENWARD inward, forward ...1845 Sc.
INWARDLY - adverbs
• INLY inwardly, internally ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
IODINE - nouns
• ANARCHY iodine ...1883 Amer. sl.
IOTA - nouns
• JOD the least particle or quantity; the least amount; a very little or small part; an iota ...1596
IOU - nouns
• CALABASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl.
• CALIBASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MARKER an IOU ...1887 US sl.
• PAPER any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• PAPERS any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• TAB the bill, credit, an IOU; used fig. to imply that an action, good, or bad, will be paid for later ...L19 US sl.
• TICKET † an acknowledgement of indebtedness; an IOU; a promise to pay ...c1600 obs.
IOWA - nouns, person
• HAWK-EYE a native or inhabitant of Iowa ...1839 US colloq.
• BEN inner, interior ...1774 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
INTERLOPER - nouns, person
• FARELOOPER an interloper, one who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others ...1856 Eng. dial.
• FARLOOPER an interloper, one who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others ...1856 Eng. dial.
INTERMEDIATE - adjectives
• INTERMEJIT adj. intermediate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BETWEENS intermediate things or events ...1872
INTERMINABLE - adjectives
• WADY long-lasting; tedious; interminable ...1691 Eng. dial.
INTERN - nouns, person
• TERN an intern ...1970s Amer. medical sl.
INTERNALLY - adverbs
• INLY inwardly, internally ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INTERNET - nouns
• CYBERCRIME the illegal use of computers and the internet; crime committed by means of computers or the internet
• DIGERATI the people who earn large amounts of money through internet-related business
• FLAME an abusive message posted online or sent by electronic mail, esp. to express anger or criticism ...colloq.
• FLAMING using 'bulletin boards' and other communications links to circulate obscene messages, pictures, etc. ...1980s sl.
• FLASH MOB a group of people coordinated by email and social media to meet to perform some predetermined action at a particular place and time and then disperse quickly
• SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO the amount of useful content found on an Internet site ...1997 US sl.
INTERNET - nouns, person
• LAMER an uninformed internet user who passes himself off as an expert ...1997 sl.
• NERDVANA the world of computer enthusiasts who surf the Internet every night ...1995 Can. sl.
• PAIN IN THE NET a person who posts inflammatory attacks on Internet discussion groups ...1991 US sl.
• SILVER SURFER an elderly or retired person who uses the Internet ...2001 UK sl.
• SNIPER a person who posts inflammatory attacks on the Internet ...2001 US sl.
INTERNET - verbs
• FLAME to post an abusive comment online or send an abusive email ...colloq.
• GANK in Internet game-playing: to 'kill' a player, esp. unfairly ...2003 UK sl.
• DECLARE † to make clear or plain anything that is obscure or imperfectly understood; to clear up, to explain, to elucidate, to interpret ...c1325
• INTERPRETATE † to interpret ...c1522 rare or obs.
• LINKISTER to interpret ...1896 Amer. dial.
• OPEN † to unfold the sense of; to expound, to explain, to interpret ...c1200
• TARPIT † aphetic form of to interpret ...1835 Sc.
• DECLARATION † the act of making clear or clearing up anything obscure or not understood; elucidation, explanation, interpretation ...c1374
INTERPRETED - adjectives
• INTERPRETATE †* interpreted, understood ...1526
INTERPRETER - nouns, person
• DECLARER † one who explains or interprets ...1527
• INTERPRETATER an interpreter ...1938 Amer. dial.
• LANGUISTER an interpreter ...1713 Amer. dial.
• LATIMER † an interpreter ...c1205
• LEINGISTER an interpreter ...c1920 Amer. dial.
• LINGISTER an interpreter ...c1920 Amer. dial.
• LINGUISTER an interpreter ...1645
• LINKISTER an interpreter ...1896 Amer. dial.
• LINKSTER an interpreter ...1868 Amer. dial.
• TERPS an interpreter ...World War I Amer. sl.
• APPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine; to interrogate ...ME
• BONE to interrogate a suspect ...1966 UK criminal and police usage
• CATECHIZE to question or interrogate systematically or at length; esp. to question or examine with a view to reproof or condemnation; to take to task ...1604
• GUZZLE to arrest, to interrogate ...1936 UK & Amer. criminals' sl.
• OPPOSE † to confront with objections or hard questions; to examine, to interrogate, to question ...c1386
• PUMP to interrogate someone ...1656 UK sl.
• QUIZ to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RAG to question closely, to interrogate ...2000s sl.
• TARRAGAT to interrogate, to question strictly and persistently; to tease, to torment with questions; to pester ...1825 Sc.
• CATECHISM a course of question and answer; a course of interrogation put to candidates, etc. ...1596
• GAFF police examination or interrogation ...1929 UK sl.
• OPPOSAL † the putting of posing questions; examination, interrogation; a posing question; a puzzle, enigma, riddle ...1426
• OPPOSING † confronting with hostile or hard questions; interrogation ...c1440
• TARRAGATION an interrogation, a strict cross-examination ...1864 Sc.
• ACE to resist interrogation or cross-examination tenaciously and successfully ...1929 US criminals' sl.
• FADE to withstand interrogation ...1960s US criminals' sl.
INTERROGATION - interjections
• DEED! an exclamation of confirmation or interrogation ...1806 Sc.
INTERROGATIVE - adjectives
• QUESITIVE interrogative ...1891
INTERROGATOR - nouns, person
• QUERIST one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
INTERROGATORY - adjectives
• PYSMATIC †* interrogatory, questioning, inquiring ...1652
INTERRUPT - adjectives
• VARDY speaking so as to interrupt conversation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTERRUPT - nouns, person
• BUTTINSKI one who interrupts or interferes; a meddler ...1902 Amer. dial.
• BUTTINSKY one who interrupts or interferes; a meddler ...1902 Amer. dial.
• ABRUPT †* to break off, to sever; to interrupt suddenly ...1643
• BUTT IN to intrude or interrupt; to meddle ...1899 Amer. sl.
• BUTT OUT to refrain from interrupting or intruding ...1906 Amer. sl.
• CATCH UP to interrupt, to stop ...1840
• CHIME IN to interrupt and intrude in a conversation or discussion; to give unasked-for advice or an opinion ...20C Amer. sl.
• FORBREAK † to break through, to interrupt ...c1250
• INTERTURB † to disturb by interruption ...1554
• LET ALL HOLTS GO to relax or lose one's grip; to abandon one's position; to suddenly interrupt or stop what one is doing ...1894 Amer. dial.
• LET LOOSE ALL HOLTS to relax or lose one's grip; to abandon one's position; to suddenly interrupt or stop what one is doing ...1943 Amer. dial.
• MAR † to hamper, to hinder, to interfere with, to interrupt or stop a person, event, or thing ...c1000
• MOZ to hinder, to interrupt someone; to jinx someone ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOZZLE to hinder, to interrupt ...1920s Aust. sl.
• OBROGATE † to check or interrupt one in his tale; to gainsay ...1656
• PICK UP FAG-ENDS to listen in to other people's conversations and attempt to comment upon them or join in; to overhear or to interrupt; esp. used as 'don't pick up fag-ends' ...1910s sl.
• SPEAK IN A MAN'S CAST † to speak during his part; to interrupt ...1580
• TAKE to check, to 'pull up', to interrupt ...1637 Eng. dial.
• TAKE UP to answer shortly and hastily; to interrupt in order to correct; to defeat in an argument ...1899 Sc.
• ABRUPTION a breaking off; an interruption; a sudden break, as in a narrative etc. ...1606 arch.
• CAESURA a break, a stop, an interruption ...L16
• FOFARRAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• FOOFOORAW a loud disturbance or interruption; a commotion ...Bk1974 Amer. dial.
• OBROGATION † an interrupting or hindering ...1658
• DECUSS * to cross, to intersect, to lie across, so as to form a figure like the letter X ...1782
• DECUSSATE to cross, to intersect, to lie across, so as to form a figure like the letter X ...1658
INTERSECTING - adjectives
• DECUSSANT †* intersecting ...1685
• DECUSSATIVE †* crossed over each other, intersecting, cross-shaped ...1658
• DECUSSATION the crossing of lines, rays, etc. so as to form a figure like the letter X; intersection ...1656
• TURKEYFOOT an intersection of four roads other than a crossroads ...1984 Amer. dial.
• IMPLICATE to intertwine; to wreathe, to twist, or knit together; to entwine, to entangle ...1610
INTERTWINED - adjectives
• IMPLICATE * intertwined, twisted together ...1536
INTERVAL - adverbs
• BETWEEN-HANDS at intervals ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BETWEENWHILES in the interval, at intervals ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FAR-BETWEEN occurring at long intervals; infrequent ...1743
• IN SNATCHES at intervals ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INTERVAL - nouns
• AMELL-TIMES intervals ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• AMELL-WHILES intervals ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEEDLE the space of time required to knit the stitches off one knitting-needle; a short interval ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTERVAL - phrases
• NOT THE LENGTH OF A STREET a small interval ...1893 sl.
• NEB to intervene in another's business; to intrude, to interfere ...1893 chiefly N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• BUZZ a quizzing; an interviewing with an ulterior purpose, as by a criminal or a police officer ...1929 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ to question a person; to interview ...1871 Amer. sl.
• CHAT UP to interview ...1970s sl.
• IMPLEACH * to entwine, to interweave ...1597 poetic
INTESTINES - nouns (also see ENTRAILS)
• BAGS the stomach; entrails ...1818 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• BELLY the bowels ...c1340
• CHICKEN HOCKEY one's intestines, innards, i.e. the 'stuffing' ...1970s US sl.
• CHITLINGS the small intestines of animals used for food ...13C
• CHITLINS the human intestines ...1785 sl.
• CHITTERLINGS 1. the small intestines of animals used for food ...13C
2. the human intestines ...1785 sl.
• COMIC CUTS intestines ...1945 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'guts'
• COMICS intestines ...1945 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'guts'
• DRIDDLES the intestines of an animal slain for food ...19C Sc.
• GORMY-RUDDLES the intestines ...B1900 sl.
• GUTS one's insides, the contents; the belly; the intestines ...a1000
• GUZINTERS an animals innards ...1910s Aust. sl.
• HARIGALDS the viscera or pluck of an animal ...1737 Sc.
• HARSLET a piece of meat to be roasted, esp. part of the entrails of a hog; also, the heart, liver, etc. of other animals, as sheep, calf, etc. ...a1300
• HASE the liver, heart, and lights of a pigs; these parts seasoned, wrapped up in the omentum, and roasted ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HASLET a piece of meat to be roasted, esp. part of the entrails of a hog; also, the heart, liver, etc. of other animals, as sheep, calf, etc. ...a1300
• HASTE the heart, liver, lungs, or lights of an animal, esp. a pig ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HASTELINGS the heart, liver, lungs, or lights of a pig ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INGANGS the intestines, entrails ...1824 Sc.
• INMEAT the edible viscera of any animal; the intestines ...1685 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INNARDS intestines ...1825 sl.
• INSIDE intestines ...1741 sl.
• INSIDES intestines ...1840 sl.
• INTESTINALS the intestines; the organs inside the body ...1968 Amer. dial.
• INTIMMERS the intestines ...1824 Sc.
• INWARDS the inner parts of the body, the inside; the entrails, intestines, etc. of animals, esp. of pigs ...1658 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KENTUCKY OYSTERS intestines, usually of hogs, prepared as food ...1898 Amer. dial.
• KISHKA intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKE intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKEH intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKER intestines ...1959 sl.
• LIGHTS the lungs, esp. of an animal; broadly, the internal organs ...1848 Amer. dial.
• MANIFOLD the intestines or bowels ...c1280 Eng. dial.
• MANIFOLDS the intestines or bowels ...c1280 Eng. dial.
• OFFALMENT the intestines of animals ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PAUNCHINGS the intestines of animal, esp. as used for food, tripe served in potato soup ...1866 Sc.
• PUDDINGS the guts ...M15 colloq.
• SHITBAGS intestines ...1937 sl.
• SINGLES † entrails, intestines ...1567
• THARM the belly or intestines of a man or beast ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TOM THUMBS the intestines of a hog ...1887 Amer. dial.
• WALLIES the intestines ...1825 Sc.
• WRINKLES chitterlings ...1970s US Black sl.
• BOWEL-RACK to cut or wound so that the intestines are exposed ...1953 Amer. dial.
INTIMACY - nouns
• PACKNESS friendship, harmony, familiarity, intimacy ...1825 Sc.
• THICKNESS familiarity, intimacy, friendliness ...1895 Eng. dial.
• THRONG † friendship; intimacy ...1768 Sc.
INTIMATE - adjectives
• ACE of a friend: intimate, closest ...1944 US sl., esp. Black usage
• ALL-IN-ALL very intimate ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BIG friendly, intimate, 'thick' ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BUDGE intimate, familiar ...1890 Amer. dial.
• FAMILARY familiar, acquainted, intimate, friendly ...c1450
• FAR BEN intimate, friendly, in great favour with ...1725 Sc.
• FAST very near, intimate ...1885 Eng. dial.
• FAST AND THICK very near, intimate ...1885 Eng. dial.
• GREAT AS INKLE-WEAVERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1890 Sc.
• HAIL-FELLOW on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1580
• HAIL-FELLOW-WELL-MET on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1581
• HAIL-MATE † on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate ...1577
• HAND IN GLOVE in an intimate relationship or close association ...colloq.
• HEART-TO-HEART intimate ...L19 sl.
• INTERMENT intimate, friendly, 'thick' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INTIMATED intimate ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INTIRE † intimate, heart and soul with ...1747 Sc.
• LIKE FUNK ON A SKUNK very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STANK ON SHIT very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STINK ON GLUE very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LIKE STINK ON SHIT very close, extremely intimate ...1960s US Black sl.
• LOVING AS INKLE-WEAVERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1822 Sc.
• MATELY * friendly, sociable, intimate ...1822
• MATEY friendly or intimate; on good terms ...Brit. colloq.
• NARROW †* of friendship: close, intimate ...1556
• NEAR † closely related to; intimate with ...c1470
• NECESSARY †* closely related or connected; intimate ...1382
• NOB-A-NOB intimate, close, friendly ...M19 sl.
• PACK on intimate and friendly terms, linked by mutual feeling or understanding; in league, confederate ...1701 Sc.
• PACKT intimate, friendly; of animals: tame, docile ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER TO NINE, A of a relation between people: very close ...1980 Amer. dial.
• QUEME † of persons: friendly or well-disposed to, intimate with ...c1325
• QUIM AND COSH intimate and familiar ...1723 Sc.
• TERRIBLE very intimate, 'thick' ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS A DOZEN IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1868 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS BEES very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1902 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS BLACKBERRIES very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1894 Ireland
• THICK AS CROWDY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Sc.
• THICK AS DARBY AND JOAN very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1882 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS DICK AND LEDDY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS DICK AND LIDDY very intimate ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS FIVE IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1855 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS FOUR IN A BED of people: very close, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1942 Amer. dial.
• THICK AS GLUE close, intimate
• THICK AS HARRY AND MARY very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS HERRINGS IN A BARREL very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS INKLE-MAKERS, AS very friendly or intimate together ...1857 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS INKLE-WEAVERS very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1866 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THACK very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1889 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THEY CAN DICKER very intimate ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THICK very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1887 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS THREE IN A BED of people: very friendly, intimate; crowded, in crowded conditions ...1844 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• THICK AS TWO DOGS' HEADS very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...1896 Eng. dial.
• THICK AS TWO IN A BED very friendly and intimate; on exceedingly good terms ...Bk1905 Sc.
• THRANG intimate, familiar, friendly; esp. used in a bad sense ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THRONG intimate, familiar, friendly; esp. used in a bad sense ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-OTHER living close together; intimate ...1815 Sc.
• THROUTHER living close together; intimate ...1815 Sc.
• UPTIGHT intimate, very friendly ...1969 Amer. dial.
• VEHEMENT † very close or intimate ...1596
INTIMATE - nouns
• HAIL-FELLOW † the state of intimate friends ...1684
• HEART-TO-HEART. an intimate talk ...1910s sl., orig. US
INTIMATE - nouns, person
• HAIL-FELLOW † an intimate or familiar associate ...1650
• INGLE an intimate, a dear friend ...1601 sl.
• INWARD an intimate ...1603 sl.
• PARTICS particular friends, intimates ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• YAGA YAGA a friend; an intimate ...1980s W. Indies Rasta
INTIMATE - verbs
• BOARD to become intimate with ...Bk1911 Sc.
• COSY UP TO to become intimate with; to ingratiate oneself with ...1930s sl., orig. US
• HOB AND NOB to fraternize, to be on intimate terms ...M19 sl.
• HOB-NOBBLE to talk intimately and confidentially together ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEIGHBOUR to associate with; to be on intimate terms; to visit; to go about gossiping ...1859 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RIDE THE RIGGEN to be very intimate ...Bk1903 Eng. dial. sl.
INTIMATELY - adverbs
• HAND FOR NEIVE hand in glove, intimately, familiarly, close together ...1813 Sc.
• HAND TO NEIVE hand in glove, intimately, familiarly, close together ...1787 Sc.
• ONE-AWAY intimately, on a one-to-one ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• PACKLIE in a friendly manner, intimately, familiarly ...1844 Sc.
• MEANING an intimation, a hint, likelihood; a slight symptom ...1839 Eng. dial.
INTIMIDATE - nouns, person
• CYBERBULLY someone who uses electronic communication to hurt, persecute, or intimidate people
• HEAVY a strongly built man employed to intimidate others with violence, or threats of violence ...1936 sl.
• ACCOWARD † to render cowardly; to intimidate, to cow, to make faint-hearted ...1530
• BUFFALO to frighten or intimidate someone, esp. by bluff ...1891 US sl.
• BULLDOSE to intimidate, to coerce, to force through violence ...L19 sl.
• BULLDOZE to intimidate, to coerce, to force through violence ...L19 sl.
• DANTON to subdue, to overcome, to vanquish; to tame; to intimidate ...1535 Sc.
• DARE to keep under, to abash, to intimidate ...1805 Sc.
• DAUNTON to subdue, to overcome, to vanquish; to tame; to intimidate ...1535 Sc.
• GET AT to intimidate ...1871
• HECTOR to intimidate by bluster or threats; to domineer over, to bully ...M17
• HIGH-PRESSURE to pressurize, to intimidate ...1920s sl.
• MAU-MAU to intimidate ...1970 US sl.
• PSYCH OUT to intimidate or frighten ...colloq.
• PUT THE FRIGHTENERS ON SOMEONE to menace, threaten, or intimidate ...1958 Brit. police & criminals' sl.
• RAUNCH to swagger, to bully, to intimidate ...c1939 Amer. dial.
• SANDBAG to intimidate ...1920s US sl.
• SELL A WOLF TICKET to threaten, to intimidate ...1960s US Black sl.
• SELL A WOOF TICKET to threaten, to intimidate ...1960s US Black sl.
• VIBE OUT to intimidate someone ...1983 UK sl.
• WOLF to frighten, to intimidate...1970 Amer. dial.
• WOOF to engage in behaviour, esp. speech, intended to impress, to boast, esp. menacingly, intimidate, or provoke; to bluff, to kid ...1931 Amer. dial.
INTIMIDATE - interjections
• SAY MY NAME! an exclamation used to intimidate or used for celebration ...1990s US teen sl.
INTIMIDATED - nouns, person
• MILIQUANT TOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MILKY-TOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MILQUETOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly, weak person ...1938 Amer. dial.
• MR. MILQUETOAST a meek, easily intimidated person; a very timid or cowardly person ...1930s sl.
INTIMIDATING - adjectives
• BADASS belligerent or intimidating; tough; bad; nasty ...M20 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• FEAR † intimidation ...1426
• WOLF TICKET a threat or other act of intimidation used to coerce ....1974 US sl.
INTOLERABLE - adjectives
• IMPATIBLE † intolerable ...1623
• OVERITIOUS excessive, intolerable ...B1900 Sc.
• UNBIDEABLE unbearable, intolerable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNTHOLEABLE unendurable, unbearable, intolerable ...1887 Sc.
• TAKE THE CAKE to be the ultimate in idiocy or intolerable behaviour; to top it all; to surpass all others, esp. in some undesirable quality; to be extraordinary or unusual ...sl.
• IMPORTABLY † unbearably, intolerably ...a1420
• UNTHOLEABLY intolerably, insufferably, unendurably ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTOLERANT - adjectives
• BEADLESS of persons: intolerant of suffering; impatient of pain ...1885 Eng. dial.
• OUCHY irritable, short-tempered, touchy, easily offended, sensitive, intolerant ...1966 Amer. dial.
• UP TO HERE bored, disgusted, utterly intolerant of an event, someone's statements, actions, etc. ...L19 sl.
• FASH AT to be impatient with, to be intolerant of; to grow weary of ...1721 Sc.
• CANT † accent, intonation, tone ...1663
INTONE - verbs
• CANT † to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
INTONING - nouns
• CANTILLATION chanting, intoning, musical recitation ...1864
• DELEER to intoxicate, to make drunk, to render 'delirious' ...1821 Sc.
• INEBRIATE to make drunk, to intoxicate ...LME
• OBFUSCATE to intoxicate, to make drunk ...1729 sl.
• TAKE BY THE HEAD to intoxicate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INTOXICATED - adjectives
(for alcohol intoxication, see DRUNK; for DRUG intoxication, see DRUGS - adjectives)
• ABSENT † intoxicated ...Bk198 Eng. dial.
• ATTOXICATED †* intoxicated ...1604
• BOXED intoxicated ...1947 Amer. sl.
• HOTTER THAN A SKUNK extremely intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HOTTER THAN LOVE IN HAYIN'-TIME extremely intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• OBLITERATED extremely intoxicated ...1988 Amer. sl.
• GET IT ON to give oneself up to an activity, to enjoy oneself; to become elated or intoxicated with ...US sl.
• GET LUSHED UP to become intoxicated ...1927 Amer. sl.
• HAVE A DROP IN ONE'S EYE to show slight signs of intoxication
INTOXICATING - adjectives
• EBRIATING intoxicating ...1872
• EBRIETATING †* intoxicating ...1711
• UP intoxicating ...1970s sl.
• BIZZ a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1849 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1849 Amer. sl.
• BUZZ ON a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1948 Amer. sl.
• INEBRIATION intoxication ...E16
• JAG intoxication, drunkenness ...Bk1896 sl.
• MALT ABOVE THE MEAL, THE a slight stage of intoxication ...1801 Sc.
• UP an excited mood, a feeling of stimulation, intoxication ...M18 sl.
• BEND UP to encourage or enable another’s intoxication ...1999 UK sl.
• UNBOWSOMENESS † intractability, recalcitrance ...1340 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INTRACTABLE - adjectives
• UNBOWSOME † intractable, recalcitrant ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INTRACTABLE - nouns, person
• HAITHEN an intractable or difficult person or thing ...1949 Sc.
• UNBUXOMLY † intractably, recalcitrantly ...1390
INTREPID - adjectives
• SAVAGE † indomitable, intrepid, valiant ...a1300
• IMPLICATENESS †* intricacy ...1685
• QUIRKNESS intricacy, elaboration ...1802 Sc.
• SINUOSITY a complexity or intricacy ...1827
• SUBTILITY delicacy, intricacy ...1601
• SUBTLETY † abstruseness, complexity, intricacy ...a1300
INTRICATE - adjectives
• IMPLICATE † involved, intricate ...1555
• INTRINSE † intricate, entangled, involved, complicated ...1605
• INTRINSICATE † intricate, involved, entangled, perplexed ...1560
• INVOLUTE involved; entangled; intricate; formerly also, hidden, obscure ...M17
• LABYRINTHAL * labyrinthine ...1669
• LABYRINTHIAL † labyrinthine ...a1550
• LABYRINTHIAN labyrinthine ...1588
• LABYRINTHIC labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHICAL * labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHINE intricate, complicated, involved, inextricable ...1840
• PECKY tedious, intricate, requiring patience and attention to detail ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUEERED AND QUIAMMED intricate, as a piece of carving ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKIE intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKY intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• SINUOUS intricate, complex; roundabout ...1853
• EGG-DANCE an intricate and difficult task ...1801
• INVOLUTION something complicated; an intricate movement, a tangle ...E17
• DAEDALIZE † to make intricate or maze-like ...a1618 nonce word
INTRIGUE - nouns
• CABAL 1. a secret intrigue; a conspiracy; petty plotting ...E17 arch.
2. a secret meeting of intriguers ...M17 arch.
• FACTION † a factious quarrel or intrigue ...1593
• GALLANTRY † an intrigue with one of the opposite sex ...1706-7
• MACHINATION the act or process of contriving or planning; contrivance, intrigue, plotting; an intrigue, plot, scheme ...1549
• PACK † a private or clandestine arrangement, pact, or compact; a secret or underhand design agreed upon by two or more persons; a plot, conspiracy, intrigue ...1571
INTRIGUE - verbs
• BRIGUE to intrigue; to solicit by underhand means ...Sc.
• CABAL to combine together for some private end, usually derogatory; to intrigue against ...L17
• FACTION † to act in a factious or rebellious spirit; to intrigue; to mutiny ...1609
• MACHINATE to lay plots; to intrigue; to scheme; to contrive; to plot; to plan ...1600
• PACK † to enter into a private arrangement; to agree in a secret or underhand design; to plot, to conspire, to scheme, to intrigue ...a1529
• PULLHAUL to intrigue, to proselyte ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
INTRIGUER - nouns, person
• MACHIAVEL one who acts on the principles of Machiavelli (a celebrated Florence statesman who advocated the pursuit of statecraft at the expense of morality); an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1570
• MACHIAVELLIAN one who follows Machiavelli's principles in statecraft or in general conduct; an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1568
• MACHIAVELLIST one who follows Machiavelli's principles in statecraft or in general conduct; an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1589
• MACHINATOR one who contrives or schemes; a contriver, intriguer, plotter, schemer; usually in a bad sense ...1611
INTRIGUING - adjectives
• MACHIAVELLIAN preferring expediency to morality; practicing duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct; astute, cunning, intriguing ...1579
• MACHIAVELLIC 'Machiavellian' ...1838
• MACHIAVELLINE †* 'Machiavellian' ...1602
• MEET to introduce ...1991 Amer. dial.
• SUBINTRODUCE to introduce in a secret or subtle manner ...1664
• SUBINTRODUCT † to introduce in a secret or subtle manner ...a1641
• UNDERBEAR † to introduce, to apply ...1382
INTRODUCE - phrases
• KNOCK ME DOWN TO THAT DAISY introduce me to that girl ...20C Aust. sl.
• MANUDUCTION the act of leading, guiding, or introducing; guidance, introduction, direction ...1502
• INFIT an introduction ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KNOCK-DOWN an introduction, esp. a formal introduction of a man to a woman in whom he is interested ...M19 Aust. & NZ & US sl.
• SUBINTRODUCTION † surreptitious introduction ...1620
• GIVE ONE A KNOCK-DOWN to give one an introduction ...M19 Aust. & NZ & US sl.
INTRUDE - verbs
• BREEZE. to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUST IN WITH to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BUTT IN to intrude or interrupt; to meddle ...1899 Amer. sl.
• BUTT OUT to refrain from interrupting or intruding ...1906 Amer. sl.
• CHIME IN to interrupt and intrude in a conversation or discussion; to give unasked-for advice or an opinion ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHIN IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DIP to intrude in someone's affairs; to eavesdrop on someone ...1976 Amer. dial.
• EDGE IN A WORD to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HORN IN ON to interfere; to intrude upon ...L19 Aust.
• LIP IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MOUTH IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NEB to intervene in another's business; to intrude, to interfere ...1893 chiefly N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OBTRUDE to intrude, to force oneself ...1579
• OIL to toady; to 'oil one's way in'; to intrude ...19C sl.
• OIL IN to enter, to intrude ...1920s sl.
• PUT IN ONE'S NICKEL'S WORTH to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUT ONE'S LIP IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUT ONE'S MOUTH IN to intrude in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SCREWZE to encroach, to intrude; to sponge; to come as an uninvited, unwelcome guest ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
INTRUDER - nouns, person
• BUTT-IN one who butts in; an intruder ...1911 US
• BUTT-INER one who butts in; an intruder ...a1910 US
• FARGE a gossip; an intruder, a spy ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SNOIT † a young, conceited person, who speaks little; an upstart, a swaggerer; one who goes where he has no right to go, an intruder ...1824 Sc.
• BUTT-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CHIN-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CUT-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LIP-IN an intrusion in a conversation ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INTRUSIVE - adjectives
• NEBBY nosy, inquisitive, curious, intrusive ...L19 Ulster & Amer. dial.
• NEBBY-NOSED nosy, inquisitive, curious, intrusive ...1968 Amer. dial.
INTRUSIVE - nouns, person
• LOPER a worthless, intrusive fellow ...1895 Amer. dial.
• SCREWZER an unwelcome, intrusive visitor; a parasite; a hanger-on ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNUDGE † a mean, avaricious person; a niggard, a miser, a stingy person; an intrusive, sponging fellow ...1545 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GUT REACTION an immediate and instinctive response; an intuition ...1968 Amer. sl.
• HUNCH an intuition or premonition ...1888 US colloq.
• IMAGINATION an intuitive feeling; a hunch ...1965 Amer. dial.
• THIRD EAR intuition
• THIRD EYE intuition
• VATICINATION † divine or inspired apprehension or knowledge; intuition, insight ...1678
• VIBE feelings, intuitions ...1960s sl.
• VIBES feelings, intuitions ...1960s sl.
INTUITION - adverbs
• THROUGH MY HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
INTUITION - phrases
• BY MY HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BY MY OWN HEAD by simple reasoning or intuition ...1969 Amer. dial.
INTUITIVE - adjectives
• GUT based on one's instincts, feelings, or emotions; immediately or deeply felt; intuitive ...1951 Amer. colloq.
INUIT - nouns, person
• ESKY (derogatory) an Inuit; an Eskimo person; an Eskimo dog ...1910s US sl.
INURED - adjectives
• BEATEN † of persons: inured to anything, experienced ...a1593
INVALID - adjectives
• VALETUDINAIRE * not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1682
• VALETUDINARIAN not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1713
• VALETUDINARY not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1581
• VALETUDINOUS † invalid, weakly; not in robust health ...1655
INVALID - nouns
• SPOON VICTUALS invalid diet ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
INVALID - nouns, person
• AEGROTANT * a sick person, an invalid ...1865
• LAME DUCK a lame or incapacitated person, or one who is old, weak, or ineffective; an invalid ...1814 sl.
• MALADE † a sick person; an invalid ...1483
• VALETUDINAIRE * a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1715
• VALETUDINARIAN a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1703
• VALETUDINARY a person in weak health, esp. one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments; an invalid ...1785
INVASION - nouns
• HARRISHIN' a violent invasion; 'harrying' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INFALL † an invasion, attack, onslaught ...1721 Sc.
• ONCOME † an attack, an invasion ...a1340
INVEIGLE - nouns, person
• DECOY one who entices, allures, or inveigles another into some trap, deception or evil situation ...1638
INVEIGLE - verbs
• INSNORL to entangle, to inveigle, to ensnarl ...1871 Sc.
• TEAL to entice, to coax, to inveigle by flattery; to wheedle something from or out of a person ...1866 Sc.
• VEIGLE † to inveigle, to beguile, to cajole ...1745 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INVENT - verbs
• BEFIND † to invent, to contrive ...1297
• FABULATE to invent, concoct, fabricate ...1856
• FABULIZE † to concoct, to invent ...1633
• INVENTION to invent ...1884 N. Ireland
INVENTED - adjectives
• NOVITIOUS † newly invented, of recent origin, new ...1659
• VAMPED-UP of a story, etc.: invented, fabricated, trumped up ...1802-12
• BABY a person's invention or achievement ...1890
• FANGLEMENT something fashioned or made; an invention; a contrivance ...a1670
• FRIM-FRAM a trifle, a whim, a fancy, an invention ...1847 Sc.
• GAG a falsehood, a lie, an invention, a story ...1805 sl.
• NEW FANGLE * a new fashion or crotchet; a novelty, a new invention; always used in a contemptuous sense ...1548
• UP-MAKE a contrivance; an invention; a fabrication; an original composition ...1804 Sc.
INVENTOR - nouns, person
• INVENTRICE † a female inventor ...1509
• INVITORY an inventory ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INVITTERY an inventory ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• RIBBLE-ROW an inventory ...Bk1903 sl.
• INVENTORIZE to make an inventory of ...E17
INVERTED - adverbs
• END FOR ABOUT in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1957 Amer. dial.
• END FOR END in inverted or reversed position; inside out ...1871 Amer. dial.
• AUGER to look or investigate surreptitiously ...1923 Amer. dial.
• AUGER AROUND to look or investigate surreptitiously ...1923 Amer. dial.
• BACK-TRACE to investigate past events ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOLT ALL THE FLOUR † to investigate a matter thoroughly ...1590
• EVESTIGATE † to seek out, to search after, to investigate ...1656
• INQUISITE † to inquire into; to investigate, examine; to make inquiry ...1674
• LOOK-SEE to investigate; to determine, to ascertain ...1939 Amer. dial.
• PERSCRUTE †* to scrutinize thoroughly; to make a thorough search or inquiry; to investigate ...a1545
• PROSPECT to make preliminary examinations or investigations ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• RAKE to make search or investigation; to poke into ...1637
• SALINGE to investigate, to inquire ...1887 Eng. dial.
• SCANCE to find out by investigation, to seek a sight of ...1804 Sc.
• SCRUTATE * to search out, to investigate ...1882
• SCRUTINATE †* to scrutinize, to examine, to investigate ...a1734
• UNDERGO † to investigate, to occupy oneself with ...c1250
• UNDERGROPE † to search into, to investigate; to learn ...a1412
• WALE THROUGH to hunt through, to investigate ...1887 Sc.
• WORTH A PULL worth investigating ...19C sl.
INVESTIGATION - adjectives
• INDAGACIOUS †* given to search or investigation; eager to investigate ...1653
• APPOSAL † a searching question; inquiry, investigation, esp. legal examination of accounts ...LME
• ARGUFICATION investigation ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• THROUGH-GANG a thorough investigation or overhaul ...1897 Sc.
• THROUGH-GOING a thorough investigation or overhaul ...1897 Sc.
• UP-AND-DOWN, THE an official investigation ...1910s sl.
INVESTIGATOR - nouns, person
• SNOOPER an investigator ...1889 US sl.
• WARING † spending, investing of money ...c1375 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CASH COW an investment or other source of money that pays regularly and well ...1974 US
• SPORT to make a speculative investment in sport or business; to wager, to make a bet ...E18 sl.
INVESTOR - nouns, person
• BANKSTER a banker or investor whose financial practices have been exposed as illegal ...20C
• LAMB a gullible investor ...1886 stock market usage
INVIGORATE - adverbs
• TONICALLY so as to invigorate or 'brace up' ...1873
• SAUCE that which refreshes or invigorates ...a1500
• INVIGOR † to invigorate, to strengthen ...1793 Sc.
• INVIGOUR to fill with vigour; to invigorate ...E17
• PEP UP to invigorate someone; to strengthen or enhance something ...1925 UK sl.
• ROBORATE † to give strength or support to; to invigorate; to fortify ...1533
• TONICIZE to invigorate, as with a tonic ...1890
• ZAP to instil with vigour, to liven up ...1979 sl., orig. US
INVIGORATING - adjectives
• VEGETANT †* animating, vivifying, invigorating ...1576
• TONIC an invigorating or bracing influence ...1840
INVINCIBLE - adjectives
• ACHILLEAN resembling Achilles; invulnerable, invincible ...1637
• UNWINNABLE † invincible, impregnable ...1792 Sc.
• TARN-CAP * a magic cap, securing the invisibility of the wearer ...1856
INVISIBLE - adjectives
• IMPERSPICABLE †* that cannot be seen or discerned; invisible ...1665
• INVISED †* unseen; invisible ...L16
• SIGHTLESS invisible, unseen, dark; impenetrable by vision ...1589
• UNSIGHTABLE not in sight, invisible ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVITATION - adjectives
• INVITATORY conveying or containing an invitation ...M17
• BID a request or an invitation ...1892 Eng. dial.
• BIDDING an invitation, esp. to a funeral or wedding ...1655 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• INVITATORY an invitation ...M17
• LATHING † an invitation, a calling together; also, a congregation ...c897 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• PASTEBOARD an invitation ...M19 sl.
• RAIN CHECK any request or promise to accept an invitation at a later date ...20C Amer. sl.
• STIFFIE a formal invitation card (made of thick cardboard) ...1980 Brit. sl.
• STIFFY a formal invitation card (made of thick cardboard) ...1980 Brit. sl.
INVITATION, INVITE - nouns, person
• INVITANT a person who is invited; a person who gives an invitation ...L16
• INVITRESS a female inviter ...E17
• LATHER † one who invites or summons ...a1175
• GOOF OFF to turn down an invitation; to avoid a meeting ...1980s sl.
• INKLE to attend a party, etc. without an invitation ...1939 Amer. dial.
INVITATION - phrases
• ALIGHT AND LOOK AT ONE'S SADDLE come in and sit a spell; an invitation to stop and talk, and perhaps to share a meal ...1912 Amer. dial.
• LADIES A PLATE, GENTS A CRATE used in party invitations to request female guests to bring a dish of food and male guests to bring something to drink ...1984 NZ
• W.M.P. we accept the invitation; With Much Pleasure ...L19 Royal Navy sl.
INVITE - verbs
• ADVOCATE † to summon, to invite ...1555
• BID to invite, esp. to a wedding or funeral, at which attendance is regarded as compulsory ...1805 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HANG OUT THE BESOM to invite friends during the wife's absence from home ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KAE † to invite ...1721 Sc.
• LATHE † to invite, to call ...c900 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
INVITING - adjectives
• TEMPTACIOUS tempting, inviting ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TEMPTASHOUS tempting, inviting ...1895 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TEMPTSOME tempting, inviting ...1836 Sc.
• TEMPTUOUS tempting, inviting ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TEMTIOUS tempting, inviting ...1825 Eng. dial.
INVOKE - verbs
• ONCALL † to call upon, to invoke ...1548
INVOLVE - verbs
• GET A FALL OUT OF to involve oneself with something ...L19 sl.
• IMMAZE †* to involve as in a maze or labyrinth ...1631
• IMMIX * to involve or mix oneself up in or with something ...1593
• IMPLY † to enfold, to enwrap, to entangle, to involve ...c1374
• LANGLE to involve, to encumber, to curb, to restrain, to hamper, to frustrate ...1713 Sc.
• LAP † to involve; to imply, to include; to implicate, to entangle ...a1340
• LET SOMEONE IN FOR to involve, usually in unfortunate circumstances, such as financial ruin or a criminal prosecution ...M19 sl.
• TAKE A FALL OUT OF to involve oneself with something ...L19 sl.
• TATHER to entangle; to twist; to knot; to involve ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVOLVED - adjectives
• ASS-DEEP deeply involved with; having a superabundance of ...1958 Amer. sl.
• ASSHOLE-DEEP. deeply involved with; having a superabundance of ...1963 Amer. sl.
• ENTHRALLED involved; indebted ...1903 Amer. dial.
• IMPLEX †* involved; having a complicated plot ...1710
• IMPLEXED † involved, complicated ...a1619
• IMPLICATE † involved, intricate ...1555
• IMPLICIT † entangled, entwined, folded, or twisted together; involved ...1608
• INTRINSE † intricate, entangled, involved, complicated ...1605
• INTRINSICATE † intricate, involved, entangled, perplexed ...1560
• INVOLUTE involved; entangled; intricate; formerly also, hidden, obscure ...M17
• LABYRINTHAL * labyrinthine ...1669
• LABYRINTHIAL † labyrinthine ...a1550
• LABYRINTHIAN labyrinthine ...1588
• LABYRINTHIC labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHICAL * labyrinthine ...1641
• LABYRINTHINE intricate, complicated, involved, inextricable ...1840
• NETWORK †* complicated, involved ...1675
• OVER HEAD AND EARS deeply immersed or involved, such as in love, in debt, etc. ...1576
• UP TO ONE'S ARSE totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO ONE'S ASS totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO ONE'S ASSHOLE totally involved in, overwhelmed by ...1960s sl.
• UP TO THE EARS deeply involved; hence, superabundantly supplied ...1839 colloq.
• WRAPPED UP IN involved with ... Aust. sl.
INVOLVED - adverbs
• IMPLICITLY † in an involved or confused manner ...1635
INVOLVED - nouns
• IMPLICATE that which is implied or involved ...1881
• RAVELLED SKEIN a knotty problem, an involved situation ...1883 Sc.
• TANGLEMENT a difficulty; anything involved or confused ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INVOLVED - verbs
• BE IN ON THE ACT to be involved in another's activity ...1947 US sl.
• FALL IN to become involved ...M19
• FALL TO to become involved ...M19
• GET IN ON THE ACT to become involved in another's activity ...1947 US sl.
• GET INTO THE ACT to take part ...1946 US sl.
• GET ONE'S TAIL IN THE WELL to become involved in some unpleasant or unfortunate business, affecting either character or interest ...1825 Sc.
• MESS WITH to become involved with; to use; to fool around with ...19C US sl.
• TANGLE UP WITH to become involved with ...1940s sl.
• TANGLE WITH to become involved with ...1940s sl.
• PIECE OF THE ACTION an involvement in an activity; a share in the profits of something ...1957 US sl.
INVULNERABLE - adjectives
• ACHILLEAN resembling Achilles; invulnerable, invincible ...1637
INWARD - adverbs
• BENWARD inward, forward ...1845 Sc.
INWARDLY - adverbs
• INLY inwardly, internally ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
IODINE - nouns
• ANARCHY iodine ...1883 Amer. sl.
IOTA - nouns
• JOD the least particle or quantity; the least amount; a very little or small part; an iota ...1596
IOU - nouns
• CALABASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl.
• CALIBASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl.
• MARKER an IOU ...1887 US sl.
• PAPER any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• PAPERS any form of money order, IOU, promissory note or financial document other than actual cash ...L18 sl.
• TAB the bill, credit, an IOU; used fig. to imply that an action, good, or bad, will be paid for later ...L19 US sl.
• TICKET † an acknowledgement of indebtedness; an IOU; a promise to pay ...c1600 obs.
IOWA - nouns, person
• HAWK-EYE a native or inhabitant of Iowa ...1839 US colloq.