CABBAGE - nouns
• BLIBBANS strips of soft or slimy stuff; generally used of seaweed on rocks at ebb-tide; also, large shreds of greens or cabbage put into broth ...1887 Sc.
• BOW-KAIL cabbage ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOW-STOCK a cabbage ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAB a cabbage ...18C sl.
• CABBAGE-RUNT a cabbage stalk ...1923 Sc.
• CABBITCH cabbage ...1924 Sc.
• CALLARDS cabbage; the leaves and shoots of cabbage ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CASTOCK the stalk or stem of a cabbage ...1398 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• POOR MAN'S ORANGE cabbage ...2000 Amer. dial.
• VIOLET cabbage ...1920 sl.
CABIN - nouns
• BARRACK † a temporary hut or cabin, as for the use of soldiers during a siege, etc. ...1686 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• CABANE a cabin; a hut ...M19 Can. dial.
• CABINET † a little cabin, hut, soldier's tent; a rustic cottage; a dwelling, lodging; a den of a beast ...1572
• CABOOSE a hut, a cabin; a poor dwelling ...E19 chiefly N. Amer.
• CABOOSH an office; a small cabin or compartment ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• CAMPODA a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1856 Amer. dial.
• CAMPOODIE a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1869 Amer. dial.
• CAMPOODY a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1887 Amer. dial.
• TAN a temporary tent, hut, or cabin, such as set up by tinkers or gypsies ...1895 Sc.
CABINET - person
• CABINET-WRIGHT a cabinet-maker ...1869 Sc.
CABIN FEVER - adjectives
• WOODS QUEER suffering from cabin fever; said of one who acts strangely from having been isolated in the woods too long ...1940 Amer. dial.
cabin fever - nouns
• SHANTY FEVER cabin fever ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KEAK †* a cackle; cackling ...1600
• KECKLE a short, spasmodic laugh; a chuckle; a cackling, chattering ...1820 Sc.
cackle, cackling - verbs
• CAKE to cackle as a goose, or as a hen wanting to sit ...1788 Eng. dial.
• CANK to cackle as geese; to talk rapidly, to chatter ...1741 Eng. dial.
• GAGGLE to laugh immoderately; to cackle ...1885 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEAK †* to cackle ...1545
• KECK 1. of a bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1844
2. to cackle, to laugh ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE of a hen or other bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1513
• KEEK †* to cackle ...1545
• KEKE † to cackle ...1545
CAD - person
• MUCKER a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MURKER a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PRIG a female cad ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
CADAVER - nouns
• CADAVERIE †* a cadaver ...1600
• DEATH UPON PRODS a cadaverous person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
cadaverous - verbs
• CADAVERIZE to make into a corpse; to make cadaverous ...1841
CADENCE - nouns
• CASURE †* cadence, rhythm ...1565
CADGE - verbs
• BLUDGE to borrow money, etc.; to cadge or scrounge ...1944 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BOT to cadge or sponge money ...1921 Aust. sl.
• FANG to demand money; to cadge, to beg for a loan ...1910s Aust. sl.
• COAT AND BADGE to cadge something ...1936 UK rhyming sl.
• GRUB to beg or borrow; to cadge; to beg from ...1887 Amer. sl.
• HUM to cadge or sponge money ...1913 Aust. sl.
• HUSTLE to beg, to cadge ...1902 US beggars' and tramps' sl.
• MOOCH to borrow or cadge money; to beg ...1899 sl.
• NIP to cadge money ...1919 sl., chiefly Aust.
• POLE ON to cadge or sponge money ...1906 Aust. sl.
• PONCE OFF to cadge or scrounge money ...1937 sl.
• PONCE ON to cadge or scrounge money ...1937 sl.
• SCADGE to ask for, to cadge ...1898 Sc.
• SCOONGE, SCOUNGE to go about from place to place like a dog; to cadge for invitations ...1891 Sc.
• SCROUNGE to cadge ...M19
CADGER - person
• AARON, THE - a cadger; a beggar ...17C sl.
• BADGER - † one who buys corn and other commodities and carries them elsewhere to sell - an itinerant dealer who acts as a middleman between producer (farmer, fisherman, etc.) and consumer - a cadger, hawker, or huckster ...a1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BITE MERCHANT - a persistent cadger ...1991 Aust. sl.
• BITER - a cadger ...1851 sl.
• BLAGGER - a person who seeks to obtain or achieve something by persuasive talk or plausible deception; a bluffer, a scrounger, a cadger; a smooth talker, a persuasive person ...1963 Brit. sl.
• BOT - a borrower or cadger ...1916 Aust. & NZ sl.
• CAD - one who would rather live on other people than work for himself - a man trying to worm something out of another, either money or information ...Bk1860 sl.
• DEADBEAT a cadger or sponger; a penniless scrounger; a loafer; a worthless idler; one who will not or cannot pay debts ...1871 Amer. sl.
• EAR-BITER - one who constantly seeks to borrow money - a borrower or cadger ...1899 sl., orig. Aust. usage
• EAR-LUGGER - a cadger - a scrounger ...20C Aust. sl.
• GAUGER - one who is always on the lookout for gifts or benefits; a cadger ...1825 Sc.
• HUM - a borrower or cadger ...1915 Aust. sl.
• LOAFER - * a cadger ...20C
• MONGER - a cadger; a person always borrowing ...1900 Aust. sl.
• MOOCH - a borrower or cadger ...1914 sl.
• MOOCHER - a borrower or cadger ...1857 sl.
• POLER - a borrower or cadger ...1938 Aust. sl.
• SCALDY - a mean, cadging person ...20C Irish sl.
• SCROUNGER - one who cadges from others ...M19
• TAPPER - a beggar; a borrower or cadger ...1908 UK sl.
CADGING - adjectives
• ON THE COAT AND BADGE on the cadge, scrounging ...1960 UK rhyming sl.
• ON THE MOZZLE cadging, esp. when seeking to borrow something small from a friend or neighbour 1992 UK sl.
• ON THE SCROUNGE begging, cadging ...M19 sl.
• ON THE TAP borrowing, cadging ...1932 sl.
cadging - nouns
• CADGE the profession of cadging or begging ...1812 sl.
• EAR-BITING cadging, begging ...1900s Aust. sl.
• SALAD DUDE. THE Julius Caesar ...20C teen & high school sl.
CAFÉ - nouns
• CAF(F) a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• CAFFY a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• KAYF a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• QUICK AND DIRTY a cheap cafe ...1960s sl., orig. US
• CAFF a cafeteria ...sl.
CAFFEINE - adjectives
• UNLEADED of coffee and soft drinks: caffeine-free ...1996 US sl.
CAGE - nouns
• MEW a place in which to confine any living creature; a breeding-cage for canaries, goldfinches, and other small birds ...1861 Eng. dial.
• BLANNY ingratiating or flattering speech; cajolery ...1926 Amer. dial.
• DAUBERY flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUBMENT flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUBY-SAUBY flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SALVE praise, flattery, cajolery ...1864
• SAUBY-DAUBY cajolery, excessive flattery ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SOAP flattery, cajolement ...1854 Amer. sl.
• SOFT SOAP flattering, persuasive, or cajoling talk; insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery; nonsense ...1830 colloq., orig. US
cajole, cajolery, cajoling - person
• PALAVERER - one who palavers; an insincere (if plausible) speaker; a cajoling, wheedling, or flattering person; a flirt ...1788
cajole, cajolery, cajoling - verbs
• BEFLUM to deceive by cajoling language, to flatter, to humbug ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BLAFLUM to coax, to cajole; to deceive ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLANDANDER to tempt by blandishment; to cajole ...1888 colloq.
• BUZZ to chat with, esp. in a cajoling or flirtatious manner; hence to court; also, to accost or proposition ...1866 Amer. sl.
• CAHOOLE to cajole ...1851 US students' sl.
• CALLIFUDGE to cheat, to deceive; to cajole, to flatter ...1884 Eng. dial.
• CALLIFUGLE to cheat, to deceive; to cajole, to flatter ...1884 Eng. dial.
• CARNEY, CARNY to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAST SALT ON ANYONE'S TAIL to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1721 Sc.
• DWEEDLE † to cajole, to wheedle ...1688 ? obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FALSE to cajole, to flatter, to coax, to wheedle ...1873 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GLOTHER † to flatter; to cajole; to use flattering terms ...c1480
• HONEY-FUGGLE to cajole, wheedle, flatter ...1856 Amer. dial.
• LARCENY to attempt to cajole with insincere flattery ...1960 US criminals' sl.
• LAY SALT ON ONE'S TAIL to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1836 Sc.
• PALP * to speak fair to, to flatter, to cajole ...1657
• SALVE to cajole, to flatter; to take in by fair speech; to cozen ...1856 Eng. dial.
• SAWDER UP to flatter, to cajole ...1848 Ireland
• SOAP to flatter and cajole; to deceive with insincere or flattering talk ...1853 sl.
• SUPPARASITE †* to flatter, to cajole; to act the parasite ...1623
• VANQUISH to deceive, to cajole, to get round a person ...1866 Sc.
• VEIGLE † to inveigle, to beguile, to cajole ...1745 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
CAKE - nouns
• CAKELET a small cake
• CAKERS a cake shop ...Brit. sl.
• CAKERY a cake shop ...Brit. sl.
• DERL a broken piece of bread, cake, etc. ...1825 Sc.
• DERRIL a broken piece of bread, cake, etc. ...1825 Sc.
• DUMB CAKE in Newfoundland: a cake baked and eaten by unmarried women in silence ...1998 Can. sl.
• FARL, FARLE, FERLE the fourth part of a thin circular cake, generally made of oatmeal; a segment of cake; a cake ...1721 Sc.
• FARREL, FARTHEL the fourth part of a thin circular cake, generally made of oatmeal; a segment of cake; a cake ...1721 Sc.
• GOOP the icing on top of a cake ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ICENING the sweet covering spread on top of a cake; icing; frosting ...1968 Amer. dial.
• NACKIE a loaf of bread; a small cake ...1788 Sc.
• NEB an edge, a rim; the edge of a cake ...1856 Eng. dial.
• RUNDLE † a round slice or paring; a small round cake ...1607
• SCONCE a small cake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNODDIE a thick cake or bannock baked among hot ashes ...B1900 Sc.
• TABNAB a cake, bun, or pastry; a savoury snack ...1933 nautical sl.
• TEA-CHIT-CHAT cakes, etc. eaten at tea ...1791 Sc.
• WAD food, esp. a bun, cake, or sandwich; in all cases its filling qualities are more important than taste etc. ...1919 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
cake - verbs
• CAKATE to serve with cake ...1632 humorous nonce formation
cake - person
• KAIKBAIKAR - a baker of cakes ...Bk1825 Sc.
CALAMITOUS - adjectives
• TRAGEDIOUS † full of tragedy; calamitous, tragic ...1494
CALAMITY - nouns
• AATACLAPS a disaster, a calamity ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• AZOTE calamity ...1934 Amer. dial.
• BALE-SITHE † death, destruction; evil-doing, mischief; evil fortune, calamity ...a1000
• BLACK OX a misfortune; a bereavement; a great calamity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• ONFALL † an attack or access of disease, plague, or calamity; an assault, on onset ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc.
• TILLIE LICK † an unexpected misfortune or calamity ...Bk1905 Sc.
• TILLIE-LICKIT † an unexpected misfortune or calamity ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNCHANCE mischance, misfortune, a calamity ...a1400-50 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
calamity - person
• CALAMITY JANE one who suffers calamity ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ACCOUNT † to calculate, to reckon, to compute ...1398
• CALCILATE to calculate; to plan; to intend ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CALC OUT to calculate something ...1999 US sl.
• CALCULE to calculate, to reckon ...1377 obs.
• CALK † to calculate, to reckon, esp. astrologically ...1401
• CAST † to reckon, to calculate, to estimate ...a1300
• CATALOGIZE † to reckon up, to calculate ...1602
• CIPHER vb. to calculate; to think out ...M19
• CYPHER to calculate; to think out ...M19
• RATE * to reckon, to calculate, to estimate the amount or sum of ...1597
• UPCAST to reckon, to calculate ...1862 Sc.
CALCULATED - adjectives
• CAST † calculated, planned ...c1400
CALCULATION - adjectives
• CALCULATORY † pert. to calculation or estimate ...1611
calculation - nouns
• CALCUL † calculation; estimate ...1754 Sc.
• CALCULE † calculation ...1601
CALENDAR - adjectives
• CALENDARIAL * pert. to a calendar ...1867
• CALENDARIAN * pert. to a calendar ...1839
• CALENDARY † pert. to the calendar ...1633
• CALENDRIC * of the nature of a calendar ...1878
• CALENDRICAL * of the nature of a calendar ...1863
calendar - nouns
• CALENDARY † a calendar ...c1450
calendar - person
• CALENDARIAN * a maker of a calendar ...1826
• CALENDARIOGRAPHER †* a calendar maker, an almanac maker ...1683
• CALENDOGRAPHER †* the constructor of a calendar ...a1691
CALIFORNIA - adjectives
• CALI Californian ...1990s sl.
California - nouns
• AVENUE, THE Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, California ...1966 US sl.
• BEAR STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAL California ...L19 US
• CALI California ...1930 US sl.
• CALIFAS California ...1974 US sl.
• CALIFINORIA California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CALIFORNIA BANK NOTE a hide used as a medium of currency in pre-Gold Rush California ...1840 Amer. dial. hist.
• CALLY California ...1930 US sl.
• DAGO (derogatory) San Diego, California ...1931 US sl.
• EAST LOS east Los Angeles, California ...1974 US sl.
• EL DORADO California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EL DORADO STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EUREKA STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLD COAST California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLDEN POPPY STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLDEN STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRAPE STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRIZZLY BEAR STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HAIGHT, THE the Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood of San Francisco ...1967 US sl.
• HOLLYWEIRD Hollywood, California ...1953 US sl.
• HOT FURNACE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KILLIN' FIELDS, THE East Oakland, California ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• L.A. Los Angeles, California ...1901 Amer. sl.
• LAH Los Angeles, California ...1978 US jocular
• LA-LA Los Angeles, California ..1996 US sl.
• LA-LA LAND Los Angeles ...1972 sl., orig. US
• LAND OF FRUIT AND NUTS California ...1940s US sl.
• LAND OF GOLD California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LAND OF PERPETUAL SUNSHINE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LOTUSLAND Los Angeles, California ...1980 Amer. sl.
• MO the Fillmore area of San Francisco ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• NICKEL SHOT a 5-storey public housing building in the Fillmore area of San Francisco ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• OAKTOWN Oakland, California ...1990 local & rap music usage
• OC Orange County, California ...2001 US sl.
• OLD COUNTRY Beverly Hills, California; used with irony by transplants to the San Fernando Valley ...2004 US sl.
• PANSY PATCH an area in west Hollywood, California, largely populated by homosexual men since the 1960s ...1971 US sl.
• QUIET VILLAGE Venice, California ...1980s US Black sl.
• SAC Sacramento, California ...1930s US tramps' & criminals' sl.
• SAN BERNAGHETTO San Bernadino, California ...2004 US sl.
• S AND M Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles, California ...1987 US sl.
• SAN FRAN San Francisco ...20C US sl.
• S.C. South Central Los Angeles ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• SUNKIST STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SUNNY CAL California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SUNNY CALIFORNIA California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWISH ALPS the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California, a homosexual enclave ...1983 US sl.
• TACO TOWN (derogatory) San Jose, US ...1960s US sl.
• TAMALEVILLE (derogatory) San Jose, US ...1960s US sl.
• TINSELTOWN Hollywood, California, as a centre of the movie industry ...1970s colloq.
• WALL CITY San Quentin prison, California ...1930s US criminals' sl.
California - person
• ABALONEYITE - a coast dweller, esp. of Albion, Mendocino County ...Bk1971 Boonville California jargon
• AB CHASER - a resident of the coastal area ...Bk1971 Boonville California jargon
• ANGELENO - a resident of Los Angeles, California ...1857 Amer. dial.
• BAKE - someone from Bakersfield in the Central Valley of California ...Bk2006 Amer. surfing sl.
• BANKER - one who makes a business of picking up wreckage on the coast of California ...Bk1910
• CALIFORNICATOR - a Californian, esp. one who has moved to Oregon or Washington state ...1978 US sl.
• CHIP - an officer of the California Highway Patrol ...1977 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPY - an officer of the California Highway Patrol ...1977 Amer. sl.
• HOLLYWOODER - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• HOLLYWOODIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• HOLLYWOODITE - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• NATIVE SON - a White man who is a native of California ...1910 Amer. sl.
• POISON-OAKER - a native Northern Californian ...1930 Amer. dial.
• PRUNE PICKER - a Californian ...1918 sl.
• VALLEY GIRL - a teenage girl from San Fernando Valley in southern California, esp. one whose characteristic mode of speech is 'Valspeak', a type of US slang, featuring approval and disapproval words such as awesome, mega, tubular, grody, gross, gnarly, and the use of filler words, esp. 'like' and 'totally', and a girlish, giggly style of delivery ...1982
• CALIJUMPICS calisthenics ...1944-49 Amer. sl.
CALL - verbs
• ACCITE † to summon, to call ...1506
• NUNCUPATE †* to call, to name, to designate ...1609 obs. rare
CALLED - adjectives
• NUNCUPATE †* called, named ...a1548 obs. rare
• YCLEPED called, named ...c950 arch.
• YCLEPT called, named ...c950 arch.
CALL FOR - verbs
• OFCLEPE † to call for, to summon, to get by calling ...c1000
• OFGREDE †* to call for, to summon ...a1300
CALL FORTH - verbs
• BAN † to call forth, to call for things ...1205
CALLOUS - adjectives
• ARMOUR-PLATED insensitive to attack; callous ...1894
• CALLOUSED callous, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• CASE-HARDENED made callous or tough by experience ...1769
• DEAD-HEARTED dead in feeling, callous, insensible ...1642
• DEDOLENT † that feels sorrow no more; feeling no compunction; insensible, callous, hard-hearted ...1633
• UP-SITTEN callous, indifferent, listless ...1827 Sc.
callous - nouns
• WARISH † hard skin, a callosity, a callous ...1570
callous - person
• HARD-BOILED EGG - a mean, tough, or callous person; one unconcerned about the feelings or opinions of others, an unsentimental or cynical person ...1906 Amer. sl.
callous - verbs
• WALK to render hard and callous, as the skin of the hand by hard work ...1641 Sc.
• WARISH † to become hard or callous ...1570
CALLOUSED - adjectives
• HORN-FISTED having hard, calloused hands ...M19 nautical colloq.
• WALKED thickened, rendered calloused by hard work ...1786 Sc.
• CALLOSITY a hardened state of mind; callousness ...M17
• DEDOLENCE † absence of grief or sorrow; insensibility, callousness, hard-heartedness ...1606
• DEDOLENCY † absence of grief or sorrow; insensibility, callousness, hard-heartedness ...a1617
• UP-SITTING † indifference, callousness, listlessness ...1709 Sc.
CALL OUT - verbs
• YALP-YALP of a person: to call out loudly and shrilly; to whine ...1903 Sc.
• YAWK to call out loudly; to hoot; to shout; to talk quickly and indistinctly ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YEIE † to utter in a loud voice; to call out; to announce for sale in a loud voice ...a1225
• YELP † to call out loudly or shrilly, to utter ...c1400
CALM - adjectives
• ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT calm, peaceful, uneventful ...WWI Amer. sl.
• ANTI-FRANTIC calm, collected ...1983 US sl.
• CALMY characterized by calm; tranquil, peaceful ...1587 poetic arch.
• CHILLING calm, cool, laid back ...1987 Amer. sl., esp. Black usage
• CHILLY calm, cool, or laid back ...1971 US sl.
• COOL AS A CUCUMBER alert and aware; self-possessed; calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOLED OUT calm, unperturbed, in control ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• DISH-CALM perfectly calm ...1976 Amer. dial.
• HALCYDONIAN † calm, quiet, tranquil ...1611
• HALCYON calm, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed ...1578
• HALCYONIAN † calm, quiet, peaceful ...1617
• ICE adj. cool, relaxed, calm, self-contained ...1970s US Black
• IMPASSIONATE * free from, or not governed by passion; calm, dispassionate ...1621
• KOOK AND THE GANG unemotional and relaxed, calm, imperturbable; excellent, admirable, wonderful ...2003 Irish sl.
• LOWN calm, quiet ...Amer. dial.
• PACATE † pacified, brought into a state of peace and calm, tranquil ...1644
• PACIFIC characterized by peace or calm; peaceful, calm, tranquil, quiet ...1633
• QUEEM pleasant; calm; smooth ...1824 Sc.
• QUIETFUL †* full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETSOME † quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SMOOTH calm ...1967 US sl.
calm - nouns
• ALYO a condition of calm or safety ...Amer. sl.
• DEAD-WIND a calm ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HALCYON † calm, quietude ...1647
• IRISH HURRICANE a dead calm, esp. among sailors ...1945 Amer. dial.
• IRISHMAN'S HURRICANE a dead calm, esp. among sailors ...1827 Amer. dial.
• PADDY'S HURRICANE a calm, esp. among sailors ...1821 Amer. nautical
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
calm - person
• COOL CARD one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL CUSTOMER one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL FISH one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL HAND a cool, calm, controlled and competent individual; one who is alert and aware, or self-possessed ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL-HEAD a calm, unflappable person ...M19 sl.
• EASY RIDER a calm, unruffled person ...1971 sl.
• MOUTON ENRAGÉ - a normally calm person who becomes suddenly enraged or violent ...1826
calm (includes calm down) - verbs
• ACCOY † to still, to calm, to quiet, to appease; hence, to soothe or coax (the alarmed or shy), to tame, to silence, to daunt (the forward or bold) ...c1350
• ASSOPIATE †* to lull, to calm, to assuage; to lay at rest, to put an end to ...a1649
• CHECK YOUR NERVES to stay calm ...1947 US sl.
• CHILL to calm down, to become cool; to relax ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CHILL OUT to take it easy; to relax; to calm down ...1980 US sl.
• CHILLY DOWN to take it easy, to relax, to calm down ...1986 Amer. sl.
• COOL DOWN to calm down ...1882 sl.
• COOL IT to calm down, to relax, to take it easy ...1953 sl., orig. US
• COOL OFF to calm down ...1887 sl.
• COOL OUT to calm or settle down; to relax
• FAN to calm someone down; to mollify ...1971 US sl.
• GET ONE'S ACT TOGETHER to calm down; to plan sensibly; to state a goal and aim for it ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• HALCYON †* to calm. to tranquillize ...1616
• HOLD ONE'S HORSES to check one's impulsiveness; to be calm ...1842 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S BRITCHES ON not to become impatient, excited, or angry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR DOWN to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SHIRT ON to keep one's composure, to remain calm or relaxed ...1854 sl., orig. US
• LAMB DOWN to calm someone down ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• LENIATE † to render mild or soft; to soften, to soothe, to make calm ...1622
• LIGHTEN UP to become less serious, to calm down; to cease aggravating ...1946 US sl.
• MAINTAIN YOUR COOL to stay calm, poised ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MEASE to soothe, to mitigate, to calm ...1678 Sc.
• PARLAY to calm down, to relax ...1990s US Black sl.
• PATTISH to calm, to appease ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• PEACIFY * to make calm, to pacify; to soothe, quiet, or subdue ...1886
• QUALL of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
• QUIETIZE * to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• SAUGHTEL † to become calm or quiet ...a1300
• SIMMER to calm down ...M19 sl.
• SIMMER DOWN to calm down ...1871 US
• STAY LOOSE to remain calm ...1959 US sl.
• TAKE A CHILL PILL to relax, to calm down ...1980s US Black & campus sl.
• TAKE IT EASY to act calmly ...M19 sl.
• TAKE THE JOLLY OFF to regain one's calm, after a nervous shock or great excitement ...1882 UK criminals' sl.
• TRANQUILLITATE †* to render tranquil, to calm, to soothe, to mitigate, to alleviate ...1657
calm - interjections/phrases
• BACK OFF JACKSON! calm down! ...1990s US teen sl.
• COOL THE BEANS! calm down!, be patient! ...1988 Sc. sl.
• COOL YOUR JETS! calm down! ...1982 US sl.
• SIMMER! an exclamation requesting someone to curb their temper or calm down ...Aust. sl.
• TAKE A MIDOL! relax! calm down! ...1980s US college sl.
• TAKE A PILL! calm down! ...1990s US college & teen sl.
• TAKE IT DOWN A THOUSAND! relax! calm down! ...1980s US college sl.
• TAKE IT EASY relax, don't worry, calm down ...M19 sl.
• TAKE IT LIGHT take it easy, calm down ...1959 Amer. sl.
• TAKE IT SLOW calm down, quieten down, relax ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• TAKE THE MONKEY OFF YOUR BACK! calm down! ...L19 sl.
• TAN SO BACK calm down, stop being so aggressive ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• TAN-STUDY calm down, relax ...1990s W. Indies sl.
CALMING - adjectives
• CALMATIVE having a calming effect ...1871
calming - nouns
• CALMATIVE anything which has a calming effect ...1870
CALMLY - adverbs
• EASILY † without hurry, slowly; deliberately, gradually; also, calmly, quietly ...1384 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEEMLY calmly, smoothly ...1824 Sc.
CALMNESS - nouns
• LEE † a sheltered position or condition; hence, calmness, peace, tranquillity ...a1300
• BEBLACKEN to calumniate boldly ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BESCUMMER to abuse, to calumniate ...1825 Eng. dial.
• BESPATTER to cover with abuse; to vilify or slander, to calumniate ...1653
• BESQUIRT † to slander, to calumniate, to defame ...1682
• BETELL † to calumniate, to deride, to deceive ...a1225
• BLAZE to vilify, to calumniate; to spread rumours ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CALUMNIE † to calumniate ...1827 Sc.
• DEHONESTATE †* to dishonour, to disgrace, to disparage, to slander, to calumniate ...1663
• LACK to dispraise, to slight, to undervalue; to malign, to calumniate ...1715 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• OPPROBRIATE to cover with opprobrium; to speak abusively or contemptuously of or to; to abuse; to slander, to calumniate ...1649
• SCLAIVE to slander, to calumniate ...1871 Sc.
• SCLAVE to spread a story though gossip or tittle-tattle; to rumour-monger; spec. of malicious rumours, to slander, to defame, to calumniate ...1825 Sc.
• SKLAVE to slander, to calumniate ...1871 Sc.
CALUMNIATED - adjectives
• BELIED calumniated, falsified, proved false ...1610
• BELYING telling lies of anyone; calumniation ...1632
• SUBSTRACTOR †* a detractor, a slanderer, a calumniator ...1601
CALUMNIOUS - adjectives
• BLACK-MOUTHED † having a black mouth; fig. using foul or scurrilous language; abusive, foul-mouthed; slanderous, calumnious ...1595
• DEFAMOUS † of speech or writing: defamatory, slanderous, calumnious ...1557
• DEFAMATIVE † defamatory, slanderous, calumnious ...1502
• OBTRACTUOUS †* slanderous, calumnious ...1537
CALUMNY - nouns
• DEFAME † defamation, slander, calumny ...a1450
• OBLOQUY evil-speaking directed against a person or thing; abuse, detraction, calumny, slander ...1460
• OBTRACTATION † detraction, disparagement, slander, calumny ...1563-83
• OBTRECTATION † detraction, disparagement, slander, calumny ...1563-83
• TOLE † evil-speaking, calumny, slander; blasphemy; reproach, blame ...c1000
CAMBODIA - adjectives
• CAMBO Cambodian ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CAMBODE Cambodian ...1986 US military sl.
Cambodia - nouns
• CAMBO Cambodia ...1985 Amer. sl.
Cambodia - person
• CAMBO a Cambodian ...1979 Amer. sl.
• CAMBODE a Cambodian ...1964 US military sl.
• KAMPUCHEAN - a native or inhabitant of Kampuchea (Cambodia) ...1979
CAMBRIDGE - adjectives
• CANTABRIGIAN belonging to Cambridge ...1711
Cambridge - nouns
• BUM-CURTAIN an old name for academical gowns when they were worn scant and short ...1889 Cambridge University sl.
Cambridge - person
• BACHELOR SCHOLAR - at Cambridge: a Bachelor of Arts who remains in residence after taking his degree, for the purpose of reading for a fellowship or acting as private tutor ...Bk1856 college usage
• BEAST - at Cambridge; one who has left school and come up to Cambridge for study, before entering the university ...Bk1891 sl.
• BEDDER - at Cambridge: a charwoman; one who makes the beds and performs other necessary domestic duties for residents in college ...Bk1891
• BLACK-HOOD - † a non-regent member of the senate of the University of Cambridge, distinguished from a regent by wearing a black hood ...1763
• CANTAB - a student at Cambridge ...1750 colloq.
• CANTABRIGIAN - a member of the University of Cambridge ...c1645
• EMPTY BOTTLE - at Cambridge University: a fellow-commoner, i.e. a rich or aristocratic undergraduate, with special privileges and a reputation for self-indulgent laziness ...E19 UK college sl.
• GIRTONIAN - one who is, or has been, a student at Girton College, one of the two Cambridge colleges for women ...1887
• GIRTONITE - one who is, or has been, a student at Girton College, one of the two Cambridge colleges for women ...1894
• GLOMEREL - † a term formerly in use in the University of Cambridge, denoting a pupil of a grammar school; a pupil of a glomery (the Latin grammar school associated with the early English universities) ...1841
• HAIRY-BOTTOMED TROMP - at Cambridge: a term of abuse ...1930s sl.
• HARRY-SOPH - at the University of Cambridge, a student who, having attained sufficient standing to take the degree of B.A., declares himself a candidate for a degree in law or medicine ...a1661
• HAT COMMONER - †* at the University of Cambridge: a member of a class of undergraduates entitled to certain privileges and distinguished by particular academic dress including the wearing of a hat, rather than a cap ...1803
• HEAD OF HOUSE - the principal of a college at the University of Oxford or Cambridge ...1570 orig. & chiefly Brit.
• JESUIT - a graduate or undergraduate of Jesus College, Cambridge...1771 Cambridge University usage
• MORALIST - † at Cambridge University: a student who is examined in moral sciences ...1866
• TAB - a Cantab or Cambridge University man ...c1910 colloq.
• TANQUAM - in the University of Cambridge: a person of worth and learning, that is fit company for the Fellows of Colleges, etc. ...a1661
• TAXER - in the ancient universities: an officer (one of two) who fixed the rents of students' lodgings; at Cambridge, where the 'Taxors' also regulated the prices of commodities, kept the standard of weights and measures, and punished those who offended in these matters, the office and title (taxor) continued into the 19th century ...1532-3 now hist.
• VARIER - at Cambridge University: an orator who made a jocose or satirical speech at Commencement ...1614
Cambridge - verbs
• GATE at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge: to confine an undergraduate to the precincts of the college, either entirely or after a certain hour ...1835
CAMEL - adjectives
• CAMELINE belonging to a camel ...1865
camel - nouns
• CAMELCADE a train of people on camels; a caravan with camels ...1886 nonce word
• HUMP a camel ...1926 US circus usage
• HUNCHY a camel ...1919 Aust. sl.
• OLFEND † a camel ...971
• OONT a camel ...1862 Indian & Aust. sl.
• UNT a camel ...1862 Indian & Aust. sl.
camel - person
• CAMELEER a camel-driver ...1808
• CAMELIST a partisan of the camel ...1863 nonce word
• CAMELLER †* a camel-driver ...1615
• CAMEL-PUNCHER a camel-driver ...1910s Aust. sl.
• SARWAN - a camel-driver ...1908 Indian
CAMERA - nouns
• BOX a camera ...1918 Amer. photography usage
CAMOUFLAGE - adjectives
• CAMMIE of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CAMMY of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CAMO of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
camouflage - nouns
• BAFFLE PAINT camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BAFFLE PAINTING camouflage ...Bk1944 service sl.
• CAM camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAMEL FLAGS camouflage ...World War I Amer. sl.
• CAMMIE camouflage ...1987 Amer. military sl.
• CAMMIES a camouflage uniform ...1971 Amer. military sl.
• CAMO camouflage (uniform) ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CHOCOLATE CHIPS desert camouflage uniforms ...1991 US sl.
• DAZZLE PAINTING camouflage ...World War I Amer. sl.
• DIZZY PAINTING camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DUCK SUIT a brown and tan camouflage suit, not dissimilar to the suit worn by a duck hunter, issued to US special forces in Vietnam ...1959 US sl.
camouflage - person
• CAMOUFLEUR one who applies or uses camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• JACKER - a camouflage expert ...1956 US sl.
CAMP - adjectives
• CASTRAL belonging to the camp (military) ...1844
• CASTRENSIAL †* pert. to a camp ...1658
• CASTRENSIAN pert. to a camp ...1657
camp - nouns
• CASTRAMETATION the art or science of laying out a camp ...1679
camp - person
• CASTROMETER a surveyor of (ancient) camps ...1857 nonce word
camp - verbs
• MAROON to camp out for several days on a pleasure party ...1855 US
• SIWASH to camp out or travel with little or no equipment or provisions ...1904 Amer. dial.
• SIWASH IT to camp out or travel with little or no equipment or provisions ...1913 Amer. dial.
CAMPAIGNING - adjectives
• ON THE STUMP campaigning ...1891 sl., orig. US
• LACKEY - † a hanger-on - a camp follower ...1556 obs. or arch.
• LACQUEY - † a hanger-on - a camp follower ...1556 obs. or arch.
CAMPUS - nouns
• YARD the campus ...1980s US college sl.
CAN - adjectives
• BENKLED of a tin can: dented ...1891 Sc.
can - nouns
• BOX a tin or can with its contents ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CANIKIN a small can or drinking vessel ...1570
• CANNIKIN a small can or drinking vessel ...1570
• GUNBOAT a tin can as an improvised cooking utensil ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
CANADA - adjectives
• ACADIAN native to Nova Scotia ...1876
Canada - nouns
• ANGLO-AMERICA the United States and Canada ...1846
• ASIA WEST Richmond, in British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
• CABBAGETOWN a mixed residential and business area near downtown in Toronto, Canada, whose inhabitants were believed to exist on a diet of cabbage ...1958 Can. sl.
• CALECHE in Quebec: a one-horse, two-wheeled carriage ...1963 Can.
• DAFT a nickname for Nova Scotia's Department of Fisheries and Oceans ...2002 Can. sl.
• EDMONCHUK the city of Edmonton, Alberta ...1998 Can. sl.
• MAC McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario ...20C Can. sl.
• MOUNT, THE Montreal ...20C Can. tramps' sl.
• MUDDY YORK York, a suburb of Toronto ...2002 Can. sl.
• QUEEN'S COWBOYS the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1989 Can. sl.
• REVENGE OF THE CRADLE Quebec's high birthrate, perceived as being in retaliation for the loss of the province to England by France ...1964 Can. sl.
• REVENGE OF THE NURSERY Quebec's high birthrate, perceived as being in retaliation for the loss of the province to England by France ...1964 Can. sl.
• ROC the Rest Of Canada, i.e. all of Canada except Quebec ...2002 Can. sl.
• ROCK, THE the island of Newfoundland ...2001 Can. sl.
• TICKLE a name given on the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador to a narrow difficult strait or passage ...1770
• TILT 1. in Newfoundland: a pier on which fishermen unload and dress their fish ...1891
2. in Labrador and Newfoundland: a fisherman's or wood-cutter's hut ...1895
• TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin ...Can. colloq.
• TRANCE CANADA the Trans-Canada highway ...2001 Can, sl.
• TWONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin ...Can. colloq.
• UNIVERSITY OF A BILLION CHINKS the University of British Columbia ....2001 Can. sl.
• VAN Vancouver, British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
• VANGROOVY Vancouver, British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
Canada - person
• ACADIAN - a native or inhabitant of Acadia, a former French colony on the Atlantic seaboard of North America, which included the present Maritime Provinces of Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island), or of the Maritime Provinces; spec. a French-speaking descendant of French settlers in Acadia ...1705
• ANGLO-AMERICAN - an American of English origin - an English settler or colonist in North America - spec. a Canadian ...1781-2
• ARI-STOCK-RAT - a Canadian person of mixed Indian and French ancestry ...1962 Can. sl.
• BARNBURNERS - the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1979 Can. sl.
• BEACHCOMBER - a White man living with an Inuit woman ...Bk1984 Can. sl.
• BEAVER - a member of an Athabaskan people of northern Alberta ...1881
• BELLA COOLA - a member of a grouping of four North American Indian peoples of the central British Columbia coast, Canada, having a common culture and language and now consolidated at the mouth of the Bella Coola River ...1834
• BENCHER - in Canada: a member of the regulating body of the Law Society in all provinces except New Brunswick ...1856
• BEOTHUK - a member of an Indian people of Newfoundland, said to be extinct by 1827 ...1828
• BLACK CANADIAN - a native or inhabitant of Canada who is black ...1968
• BLUE NOSE - (sometimes derogatory) a native of eastern Canada, particularly Nova Scotia, and sometimes New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island ...1830 Amer. dial.
• BLUE NOSER - (sometimes derogatory) a native of eastern Canada, particularly Nova Scotia, and sometimes New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CANACK - a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• CANNACKER - a Canadian ...1846 Amer. dial.
• CANUCK - (sometimes derogatory in the US) a Canadian ...1835 sl.
• CANUCKER - a Canadian ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CHENUK - a Canadian ...1892 Amer. dial.
• COD-HAULER - a man from Newfoundland ...M19 nautical sl.
• CUNNUCK - a Canadian ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• FRENCHIE, FRENCHY - a French person; hence, a French-Canadian; often used derisively ...a1860
• GITKSAN - a member of a North American Indian people inhabiting north-western British Columbia, Canada ...1889
• HABITANT - a native of Canada (also of Louisiana) of French descent; one of the race of original French colonists, chiefly small farmers or yeomen ...1789
• HALIGONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Halifax, Nova Scotia ...1839
• HAMBLETONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hamilton, Ontario ...Bk2006
• HAMILTONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hamilton, Ontario ...Bk2006
• HATTER - a native or inhabitant of Medicine Hat, Alberta ...Bk2006
• HAW-EATER - an Ontarian from Manitoulin Island ...1998 Can. sl.
• HERRING - an inhabitant of the maritime provinces ...1910 US sl.
• HERRING-CHOKER - a native or inhabitant of the Maritime provinces ...1899 Can. sl.
• HERRING SNAPPER - a Newfoundlander or Nova Scotian ...Bk1934 US sea-fishing sl.
• HOGTOWNER - a native or inhabitant of Toronto, Ontario ...Bk2006
• IMPROVED SCOT - in Hudson Bay: a person of mixed Scottish and Indian blood ...1987 Can. sl.
• JACKATAR - a Newfoundlander of mixed French and Micmac ancestry ...1966 Can. sl.
• JACK CANUCK - a Canadian ...1963 Can sl.
• JOE - a French-Canadian ...1963 Can. sl.
• JOHNNY CRAPAUD - a Frenchman - a French Canadian ...colloq. arch.
• JOHNNY CRAPEAU - a Frenchman - a French Canadian ...colloq. arch.
• KANUCK, KANUK - a Canadian ...1835
• KNUCK - a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• MONTREALER - a native or inhabitant of Montreal; a citizen of Montreal ...1877
• MOOSE-FUCKER - (derogatory) a resident of Canada ...2000 sl.
• MOUNTAINEER 1. * a member of an Algonquian people of southern Quebec and Labrador ...1703
2. * a member of an Athabaskan people of north-western Canada ...1830
• MOUNTAINER - †* a member of an Algonquian people of southern Quebec and Labrador ...1625
• MOUNTIE - a member of the Royal Canadian (formerly North West) Mounted Police ...1914
• NITCHIE - (usually derogatory) a Native American ...1850 Can. sl.
• OATMEAL CHINAMAN - in mining in the Cariboo: a Canadian ...1963 Can. sl.
• PEA-EYE - a Prince Edward Islander; broadly, anyone from any of the Canadian Maritime Provinces ...1975 Amer. dial.
• PEA-SOUP - (derogatory) a French-Canadian ...1896 N. Amer. sl.
• PEA SOUPER - (derogatory) a person of French background or heritage, esp. a French Canadian ...1930 Amer. dial.
• P.I. - a Prince Edward Islander; broadly, anyone from any of the Canadian Maritime Provinces ...1902 Amer. dial.
• POTATO - a native of New Brunswick; implies rural stolidness and stupidity ...1978 US sl.
• SAD SACKS FROM HALIFAX - Canadian soldiers ...Bk1945 jive usage
• SPUD ISLANDER - a native or inhabitant of Prince Edward Island ...1957 Can. sl.
• YELLOW LEG - a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1901 Amer. colloq. hist.
• ZOMBIE - (derisive) a man conscripted for home defense in World War II ...1943 Can. sl.
CANAL - nouns
• CANALAGE * the construction of canals; canal-work ...1854
• DITCH a canal, as Panama, Suez, etc. ...L19 US sl.
• NAVIGATION † a canal or other artificial waterway ...1761 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAVVY an artificial waterway; a canal ...1864 Eng. dial.
CANARY - nouns
• DICKY-BIRD the canary ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SUGAR-BIRD † a canary ...1688
CANCEL - verbs
• ABROGATE to repeal a law; to annul, to abolish authoritatively or formally; to cancel ...1526
• AX to dismiss or discharge; to drop, to cancel, to reject ...1922 sl.
• AXE to dismiss or discharge; to drop, to cancel, to reject ...1922 sl.
• BELAY to stop, to wait; to cancel, to disregard ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CAN to dispose of as garbage; hence, to cancel a project or the like ...1930 Amer. sl.
• CANCELLATE †* to strike out, to cancel ...1647
• DINGO to cancel, especially to cancel a date or romantic assignation ...2003 UK teenage sl.
• ICE to break an appointment with; to abandon or cancel a plan or scheme ...1980s sl.
• QUITTANCE † to give up, to cancel ...1592
• SCRUB THE SLATE CLEAN to cancel or ignore the past and start again ...L19 US sl.
• UNABLE †* to annul or cancel ...1611
• UNAPPOINT to cancel ...1682
• UNBESPEAK † to countermand; to cancel an order or request for ...1661
• VACUATE † to annul, to cancel, to abrogate, to set aside ...1654
• CANCELMENT cancellation ...1621
• CASSATION the act of making null or void; cancellation, abrogation ...c1425
• CHOP, THE dismissal; also, sudden curtailment or cancellation ...1945 Brit. sl.
CANCELLED - adjectives
• ABROGATE repealed, annulled, cancelled, abolished by authority ...1460 arch.
• OFF cancelled; not going to happen ...1882 US sl.
CANCER - nouns
• BAD LAD cancer ...20C Irish euphemism
• BIG C cancer ...1964 euphemism
• BIG CASINO anything terminal or fatal, esp. a disease, as cancer; also syphilis ...1930s US sl.
• DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• DISCO DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• FAKE cancer ...20C Ulster
• HORRENDEROMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...a1991 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDIOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1980 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1977 Amer. medical usage
• JACK THE DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• JIMMY DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• LAD, THE cancer or tuberculosis ...1997 Ireland
• SPANISH DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. rhyming sl
• TAP DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
cancer - person
• HORRENDEROMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...a1991 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDIOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1980 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1977 Amer. medical usage
CANDID - adjectives
• CANDY candid ...1946 Amer. dial.
• TAM-PLAIN frank, candid ...1828 Sc.
candid - person
• REAL PEOPLE an honest, sincere, candid person ...1960s Amer. sl.
candid - verbs
• LET IT ALL HANG OUT to speak candidly ...1970 sl., orig. US
• SHOOT THE WORKS to speak candidly ...1946 sl., orig. US
• TALK TURKEY to speak frankly or candidly and without reserve; to talk hard facts, to get down to business ...1903 sl., orig. US
CANDIDATE - person
• CANDLESTICK a humorous corruption of 'candidate' ...1870 Winchester College usage
• DARK 'UN a candidate or competitor of whom little is known ...c1860 sl.
CANDLE - nouns
• BALLARAT LANTERN a candle stuck in the neck of a bottle, the bottom of which has been knocked off ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BARK a box or receptacle, formerly made of bark, used for holding candles or candle-ends ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BEETER †* a little wax candle ...1578
• CANDLE-LIGHT the time during, or at, which candles are lighted; dusk, nightfall ...1663
• CANDLE-QUENCHER † an extinguisher ...1382
• CANDLE-SHEARS † snuffers; candle extinguisher ...1483
• CANDLE-SNOT the burnt wick of a candle ...19C Eng. dial.
• CANDLE-TEENING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1746 Eng. dial.
• CANDLE-TENDING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1519
• CANDLE-TINING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1613
• CANDLE-WASTER a small bit of burning wick that falls upon the substance of the candle and causes it to run ...Bk1888
• DOUP the end or last part of anything, as a candle ...E18 Sc.
• FATSTICK a candle ...1942 Amer. dial.
• GAUDY, GAWDY † a taper ...1531
• JACK RANDALL a candle ...Bk1896 rhyming sl.
• MAKE-WEIGHT a comparatively small quantity added to make up a certain weight; spec. a small candle ...1695
• MATCH † the wick of a candle or lamp ...1377
• MICKEY a farthing candle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PALACE ENDS remnants of the candles put, on big occasions, in the chandeliers at Buckingham Palace ...L19 colloq.
• PIGTAIL a small candle ...E19 Eng. dial.
• PISSING-CANDLE the smallest candle in the pound put in to make up the weight ...1695 Eng. dial.
• QUARION † a 'quarrier'' a large square candle ...1512
• QUARRIER † a large square candle ...c1550
• QUARRY †* a square candle ...1526
• SLUT a makeshift candle, esp. one made from a piece of rag dipped in lard or fat ...E17
• SNUFFER an instrument used for snuffing candles, etc. ...1465
• SNUFT the burnt wick of a candle ...1657 Eng. dial.
• SPALE a curl of wax on a burning candle ...L18
• TALLOW-JACK a candle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAPER orig., a wax candle, in early times used chiefly for devotional or penitential purposes; later, a long wick coated with wax for temporary use as a spill, etc. ...c897
• THIEF an imperfection in the wick of a candle which causes it to gutter and waste ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TOPPER a candle-snuffer ...1688
• WAKE the wick of a candle; a candle; a form of 'wick' ...1865 Eng. dial.
candle - person
• MAGGOT BOILER a tallow chandler ...L18 sl.
• SNUFFER one who snuffs candles ...1611
• TALLOW-CHANDLER - one whose trade is to make or sell tallow candles ...1406
• TALLOWER - * a tallow-chandler ...1828
candle - verbs
• BURN DAYLIGHT to light candles before there is need ...1899 Amer. dial.
• DAFF to extinguish a candle ...1677 Eng. dial.
• METCH to crop the snuff of a candle; to snuff ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MICK to crop the snuff of a candle, to snuff ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUENCH to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUINCH to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...Bk1905 Ireland
• SNUFT to snuff a candle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TOP † to snuff a candle ...1594
• TOP THE GLIM to snuff a candle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CANDLE-STAFF † a candlestick; the main stem or shaft of a branched candlestick ...c1000
• CANSTICK † a candlestick ...1562
• TANDER a candlestick ...c1881 Sc.
• TORCHÈRE a tall ornamental candlestick or lamp-stand ...1910
CANE, CANING - adjectives
• BACULINE pert. to the rod or to punishment by caning or flogging ...1710
• CAKE a stroke with a cane ...19C Christ's Hospital School usage
• JEMMY †* a light cane, a switch ...1753
• LIMBER JACK a whip or other flexible instrument of punishment, as a cane or ferrule ...1860 Amer. dial.
• LIMBER JIM a whip or other flexible instrument of punishment, as a cane or ferrule ...1940 Amer. dial.
• SIMON a cane ...c1850 Brit. school usage
• SIXER six strokes of the cane ...1927 school sl.
• WHANGEE a cane ...L18
cane, caning - verbs
• CAKE to cane ...19C Christ's Hospital School usage
CANNIBAL - adjectives
• CANNIBALEAN * pert. to or characteristic of a cannibal ...1602
• CANNIBALIC pert. to or characteristic of a cannibal ...1837
cannibal - person
• LESTRIGON † an inhuman monster, a cannibal; a bloodthirsty person ...1591
• LESTRIGONIAN an inhuman monster, a cannibal; a bloodthirsty person ...a1887
• MAN-HUNTER a term of contempt for a cannibal, slave-dealer, brigand, or the like ...1555
• WARLOCK † a savage or monstrous creature (hostile to men); applied to giants, cannibals, mythical beasts, etc. ...a1000
• CANNIBALITY * cannibalism; the practice of eating the flesh of one's fellow creatures ...1796
• ENDOPHAGY cannibalism within the same group or tribe ...
CANNON - nouns
• AMAZON ANNIE a cannon deigned to fire atomic shells ...1958 US sl.
• BARK the sound of cannon-firing ...1871
• BARKER a cannon ...1842 sl.
• BASE † the smallest kind of cannon used in the 16th-17th centuries; diameter of bore 1.25 in., weight 200 lb., weight of shot 0.5lb ...1544
• BASILISK a large cannon, generally made of brass, and throwing a shot of about 200 pounds weight ...1577
• BOMBARD a cannon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOMBARD-SHOT cannon-shot ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIME-NICKEL a 105mm wheeled cannon capable of shooting
shells at a high angle ...1991 US sl.
• GROWLER a cannon ...1860 Amer. sl.
• YETLING † a small cannon ...1566 Sc.
• DINGBAT something thrown or fired with force; a bullet; a cannonball; a flying missile ...1877 Amer. dial.
• FATAL PILL a cannonball ...Amer. World War I sl.
• NIGGER BABIES (derogatory) cannonballs ...M19 US sl.
• PILL a bullet, shell, or in early use, a cannonball ...c1626
CANOE - nouns
• TRUST-GOD a small, unsteady boat; a small canoe ...1982 Amer. dial.
• TRUST-ME-GOD a small, unsteady boat; a small canoe ...1922 Amer. dial.
canoe - person
• PADDLER - a person who paddles a boat, canoe, etc. ...1770
canoe - verbs
• CANOODLE to paddle or propel a canoe ...1879 Oxford University usage
CAN OPENER - nouns
• CHURCH KEY a can opener ...1960s Amer. sl.
• P-38 the small can-opener included with individual field rations ...Vietnam War usage
CANOPY - nouns
• HEAVEN a canopy; the covering over a stage ...1486
• PALL a rich cloth spread upon or over something; a coverlet, canopy, etc. ...a1300 arch.
• SILOUR † a canopy ...1394
• LOPE a cantaloupe ...1969 Amer. dial.
CANTANKEROUS - adjectives
• BLOODY-MINDED perverse, contrary; cantankerous; stubbornly intransigent or obstructive ...1935
• BRABAGIOUS said of a quarrelsome woman; cantankerous ...1894 Eng. dial.
• ETTEN cantankerous, crusty, peevish ...1911 Sc.
• GNATTERIE, NATTERIE peevish, crabbed, cantankerous, irascible, given to sharp caustic talk ...1825 Sc.
• ILL-CANKERT ill-natured, cantankerous, malevolent ...1856 Sc.
• ILL-RUN crabbed, cantankerous ...1880 Sc.
• IRPED spiteful, cantankerous ...1922 Sc.
• NIRPED cross-grained, cantankerous ...1929 Sc.
• NITTERIE, NITTERY peevish, crabbed, cantankerous, irascible, given to sharp caustic talk ...1825 Sc.
• RANTANKEROUS quarrelsome, argumentative, cantankerous; unruly, mean, bad ...c1832 US colloq.
• TANKEROUS cantankerous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
cantankerous - person
• BARGE - a cantankerous, argumentative woman; a scold; a passionate, boisterous, imperious woman ...1880 Sc. & Ireland
• BILLY GOAT - a rambunctious, cantankerous, or bad-tempered man ...1921 US sl.
• BISHOP - a peevish, cantankerous, or ill-natured boy ...1825 Sc.
• BISIM, BISOM - a cheeky, forward, or cantankerous woman ...1951 Ulster sl.
• BIZZUM - a term of contempt applied to a person, generally a woman; sometimes to a woman of loose character, and sometimes jocularly to a woman or young girl; an ill-natured woman; a mischievous girl or young woman; a cheeky, forward, or cantankerous woman ...1808 Sc. & Ireland
• BLADE - a cantankerous, verbally abusive woman ...1996 Ulster sl.
• CROOKED STICK - a cantankerous, cross-grained, and perverse person - a dishonest person ...1846-8
• HORNET - a disagreeable, cantankerous person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial
• NETHER'S NEB - a cantankerous person ...1939 Sc.
• OLD COOT - a foolish or cantankerous old person - also used affectionately ...M18 sl.
• PICK-QUARREL - † one ready to pick quarrels - a quarrelsome person - a cantankerous person ...1530
• SAUERKRAUT, SOURCROUT, SOURKRAUT - a cantankerous person; a term of abuse ...1841 sl., chiefly Aust. & US sl.
• SAUERKRAUTER - a cantankerous person; a term of abuse ...1841 sl., chiefly Aust. & US sl.
• TACKLE - a cantankerous, verbally abusive woman ...1998 Ulster sl.
• TAE - a cantankerous person ...1921 Sc.
• TARRAN - a passionate, brawling child; a peevish, cantankerous, ill-humoured person; one who tries to get his own way by persistent nagging or fractiousness; an exasperating person ...1802 Sc.
• TIKE, TYKE - an overgrown man or beast; an awkward, clumsy fellow; an odd, queer or eccentric person; a cantankerous person ...1740 Sc. & Eng. dial.
cantankerous - verbs
• HAVE A WORM IN ONE'S TONGUE to be bitter in speech; to be cantankerous; to snarl and bite like a mad dog ...1759
CANTEEN - nouns
• CAFÉ DE MOVE-ON a small mobile canteen catering for workers at their place of work ...1920s S. Afr. sl.
CANTER - adverbs
• WITH A TITTUP at a canter ...a1764
canter - nouns
• HAND-CANTER a quick canter ...1892 Sc.
• THREE HALFPENCE AND TWO PENCE a slow, ambling canter ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
CANVASS - verbs
• RAND to go round soliciting votes, to canvass ...1777 Eng. dial.
• RANDY †* to canvass ...a1720
CANVASSER - person
• GAS MAN, THE - an insurance man or canvasser who wastes the time of housewives ...1966 sl.
CANYON - nouns
• SHUT-IN a gorge, a canyon ...1913 Amer. dial.
CAP - see HAT
CAPABLE - adjectives
• ABLE strong, capable, courageous ...1980 Can.
• BASTANT † sufficient, able, capable ...1637
• BIONIC highly skilled or capable ...1976 sl.
• CAPAX † of capacity: able and ready to take or receive; capable ...1432-50
• CAPYOUS † capable ...c1430
• GREAT highly skilled or capable ...1784
• HAIRY clever, sharp, capable; cunning ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• LIKELY able-bodied, competent, capable ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MUSTARD highly skilled or capable ...1925 sl.
• NIFTY highly skilled or capable ...1907 sl., orig. US
• OMNIPOTENT capable of anything; unparalleled; huge ...1596 humorous
• ON THE BALL alert, capable, or efficient; acting effectively ...1939 US sl.
• PIE ON highly skilled or capable ...1941 NZ sl.
• SHIT-HOT highly skilled or capable ...1961 sl.
• SUFFICIENT † qualified by talent or ability; competent, capable, able ...c1385
• SUFFISANT † competent, able. capable ...c1385
• TALLAWAH sturdy, fearless, physically capable ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• TIGHT † of a person: competent, capable, able, skilful; alert, smart; lively, vigorous, stout ...1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• UP TO SNUFF efficient, capable, aware ...1811 sl.
• UP TO SNUFF AND A PINCH ABOVE IT efficient, capable, aware ...E19 sl.
• UP TO SNUFF AND TWOPENNY efficient, capable, aware ...E19 sl.
• UP TO THE KNOCKER capable, up to a task ...M19 sl.
• UP TO THE SCRATCH thoroughly competent, capable ...1885 Eng. dial.
• USEFUL good; capable; effective; satisfactory ...1955 UK sl.
capable - person
• BOY - a smart, clever, capable fellow - used in derision as well as praise ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DEACON - a master of his craft - a thoroughly capable man ...1790 Sc.
• HORSE - a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1808 Amer. sl.
• HOSS - a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1845 Amer. sl.
• PISS-CUTTER - a remarkable or capable person - a clever person - an expert ...1975 Amer. dial.
• PISS-RIPPER - a very capable and energetic person who gets things done ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SUFFICIENCE - † a capable or competent person ...1607
• YIP - a sharp, capable, tiny woman ...1921 Sc.
capable - verbs
• CAPABILITATE † to make capable; to indicate the capabilities of ...1780
• CAPACIFY †* to render capable; to qualify, to fit ...a1677
• FART THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER to do everything that is required and more; to be super-capable ...1998 US sl.
• HAVE SOMETHING ON THE BALL to be especially capable, alert, efficient, etc. ...1936 US sl.
• SUFFICE † to be capable of ...1390
CAPACIOUS - adjectives
• CAPABLE † able to hold much; roomy, capacious ...1594
• LARGE † allowing plenty of room; spacious, roomy, capacious ...a1225
• SCOUTHIE, SCOWTHIE capacious, roomy, bulky, big ...1866 Sc.
• HABILITATE * to clothe, to dress ...1885
CAPACITATED - adjectives
• HABILITATE † endowed with ability; rendered able; capacitated, qualified ...1622
CAPACITY - adjectives
• CAPABLE † able to take in, receive, contain, or hold; having room or capacity for ...1571
capacity - nouns
• BIND capacity, ability, power ...1824 Sc.
• FACTIVITY † capacity; range of activity ...a1643
• HABILIMENT † mental equipment or qualification; capacity ...1633
• HABILITATION the act of enabling or endowing with ability or fitness; capacitation, qualification ...1612
• NERVE power, capacity ...1822 Sc.
• SUFFICIENCE † capacity; ability; competence ...1382
CAPE - nouns
• NESS a promontory, headland, or cape ...956
CAPER - adjectives
• ANTIC clownish, amusing, full of tricks; given to fun, capers, or pranks; joking, playful ...1902 Amer. dial.
• ANTIC AS A JAYBIRD clownish, amusing, full of tricks; given to fun, capers, or pranks; joking, playful ...1917 Amer. dial.
caper - nouns
• BRANK a prance; a toss of the head, a caper ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CALEER a caper, a jump; frolic ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CALEEVER a caper, frolic, antic; a hubbub, a noisy game ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPRICCIO a sudden sportive or fantastic motion; a prank, trick, caper ...1665
• DINGDO a caper, a prank, a trick ...1900 Amer. dial.
• FANDANGLES ornaments, trinkets; antics, capers, as in dancing about ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GAMBADE a prank, caper ...1821 Sc.
• GAMBADO a fantastic movement, as in dancing or leaping about; a caper ...1859
• GANSPEL a trick, caper ...1929 Sc.
• KEDIDOES capers, pranks, tricks ...1914 Amer. dial.
• PANT a prank, a frolic, a 'lark', a piece of fun, a caper, a piece of boyish mischief ...1894 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PAVIE a caper, a fantastic movement of the body; a flamboyant or affected gesture, a stylish or grandiose flourish of the limbs; a stately or strutting carriage ...1768 Sc.
• QUILLY a prank, freak; a caper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANIKABOO a deceptive story or scheme; a caper, a prank; 'monkeyshine'; nonsense; irrelevant, irritating activity ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RANNYGAZOO a deceptive story or scheme; a caper; a prank; a trick; horseplay; nonsense; irrelevant, irritating activity ...L19 Amer. sl.
• SHINE a caper, a prank, a trick ...1836 Amer. dial.
• VAPOUR a caper; a leap ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
caper - verbs
• CALEER to caper, to jump ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPRIOLE to leap, to skip, to caper; also said of horses and their riders ...1580
• CUT THE SHORT DOG. to caper and frisk around when tipsy ...1888 Amer. dial.
• DANDER to caper ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GAMBADO to prance, to caper ...1829
• RANCE to caper about rowdily ...1856 Sc.
• SKIT to shy or be skittish; to move lightly and rapidly; to caper, to leap, to spring ...1611
• VAPOUR to caper; to frisk about ...1841 Sc. & Eng. dial.
CAPERING - adjectives
• PALAVERIN capering, ostentatious ...1880 Sc.
capering - nouns
• ONCARRY a stir, a bustle, a to-do, a capering about, rowdy behaviour, merriment, frolic ...c1850 Sc.
• ONCARRYING a to-do, a capering about, rowdy behaviour ...1835 Sc.
• CRY CALF-ROPE to give in; to surrender; to capitulate, esp. in children's games ...1942 Amer. dial.
• FANCICAL, FANCICLE, FANSICLE * fanciful, faddy, capricious, fickle ...1671 rare exc. Eng. dial.
• FANTASIOUS †* adj. full of fancies, capricious ...c1489
• FEATHER-MINDED flighty, capricious ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GERFUL † changeable; capricious ...c1374
• HEN-HEADED brainless, flighty, capricious; foolish, silly, witless ...B1900 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• HEN-MINDED brainless, flighty, capricious; foolish, silly, witless ...1892 Amer. dial.
• KITTLE difficult to deal with, esp. because touchy, obstinate, or intractable; fickle, capricious ...Sc.
• MAGGATIVE, MAGGOTIVE full of whims or fancies; whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...1866 Sc.
• MAGGATIVOUS capricious, crotchety, contrary, perverse ...1866 Sc.
• MAGGOTTING full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGGOTTY, MAGGOTY capricious, crotchety, contrary, perverse ...1678
• MAGGOTY-HEADED full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...1894 Sc.
• MAGGOTY-MINDED full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAWKY whimsical, capricious, changeable; peevish, discontented; proud, conceited ...1854 Eng. dial.
• MIFFY apt to take offense, touchy, capricious ...1750 Eng. dial.
• MOONISH † acting as if under the moon's influence; changeable, fickle, flighty, whimsical, capricious, variable ...c1407 obs. or arch.
• VAGARIOUS full of vagaries, erratic, capricious, whimsical ...1827
• VAGARISOME vagarious, capricious
• WANTON † capricious, frivolous, giddy ...1538
caprice, capricious - nouns
• ANTRIMS airs, whims, caprices, with an implication of temper; tantrums ...1884 Eng. dial.
• FEATHERINESS lightness, fickleness, capriciousness ...1689
• MAGGOT a whim, fancy, caprice ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• MEGRIM a whim, fancy, caprice; an absurd notion or fancy; generally in plural ...1831 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NIFF-NAFFS whims, caprices, fussiness of disposition ...1808 Sc. DSL online
• VAGARITY * capricious irregularity or variability ...1886 rare
• VAGARY a capricious, fantastic, or eccentric action or piece of conduct ...1629
• VARIORUM † a whim, caprice; a palaver, fuss ...1857 Sc.
• WANTONNESS † caprice, whim ...1595
caprice, capricious - person
• GOOGEEN a fidgety, capricious person; generally used of a woman ...20C Irish sl.
• HAMLET - a troubled, indecisive, or capricious person; an introspective, philosophical man of dreams rather than of action ...1903
• MAGGOT a whimsical or capricious person ...1681
caprice, capricious - verbs
• TIG-TOW to play fast and loose with; to behave irresponsibly or immorally; to act capriciously; to dally with ...1864 Sc.
CAPSIZE - verbs
• PITCHPOLE of a boat: to pitch severely, to capsize bow first ...1892 Amer. dial.
• RAMVERSE † to capsize, to upset ...1593
• TUMP to fall over abruptly, to capsize ...1952 Amer. dial.
• TUMP OVER to fall over abruptly, to capsize ...1952 Amer. dial.
• UP-DRAW to overthrow, to capsize; to turn a somersault ...Bk1905 Sc.
• CAPSIZAL the act of capsizing; an upset ...1881
CAPTAIN - person
• BAAS - a Dutch ship's captain ...1625
• BREAK-BULK - † a captain that appropriates a portion of his cargo ...17C sl.
• CAP - captain ...M19 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• CAPER - † a privateer - the captain of a privateer - a corsair ...1657 obs. exc. hist.
• CAPTAINESS - a female captain or commander ...1465
• COP - a captain ...US Civil War usage
• DRIVER - a captain notorious for crowding-on all possible sail ...M19 nautical
• HEAD - a person to whom others are subordinate - a chief - a captain - a commander - a ruler - a leader - a principal person ...c897
• MASTER KNOB, THE - the ship's captain ...19C Brit. sl.
• OLD MAN - orig. a commanding officer or ship's captain - hence, one's employer or superior ...1830 sl.
• QUINQUAGENARIAN - †* a captain of fifty men ...1569
• QUINQUAGENARY - †* a captain of fifty men ...1382
• RAG-DRAGGER - the captain of a sailing ship ...20C nautical sl.
• SKIP - a skipper (a captain, leader, etc.) ...1830 UK
• SKIPPER 1. the captain of a sports team ...1830 sl.
2. a commanding officer in the army or the captain of an aircraft or squadron ...1906 services' sl.
• UMIALIK - a boat captain; a boss; a rich man ...1866 Alaska
captain - person, other
• TIGER a captain's personal steward ...1929 nautical sl.
CAPTIOUS - adjectives
• BOW-WOW captious, snarling ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAVILLOUS † unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• ERISTIC of or pertaining to controversy or disputation; disposed to controversy; captious ...1637
• JUNTOUS apt to take offense; ill-tempered, sullen, captious, surly, morose ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KAMPSJIOUS captious, disposed to catch at faults ...1914 Sc.
• QUEER ill-tempered, captious; unsociable from some fancied slight or insult ...1885 Eng. dial.
• QUIDIFICAL †* quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• SNORTY ill-tempered, disagreeable, captious, irritable, bad-tempered ...1893 colloq.
• TARTLESOME † disposed to start objections, captious ...a1838 Sc.
• TASH † fretful, captious, hard to please; ill-natured; forward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TEPTIOUS snappish, captious; irritating; treacherous, changeable, not to be depended upon ...1876 Eng. dial.
• TETTY † easily offended; irritable, peevish; captious, testy, cross-tempered; bad-tempered ...1621 obs. exc. Sc.
• YATTERIN captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YATTERY captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
captious - person
• ATTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ATTERCOP † an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...c1505 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EDDERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person; a shrewish woman ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ETHERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1725 Eng. dial.
• ETTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1820 Sc.
• NABBLER a gossip; a mischief-maker; an argumentative, captious person ...1886 Eng. dial.
• NATTER-CROP a peevish person; an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPTIVE to captivate, to enthrall ...1528 arch.
• FANG to captivate ...1807 Sc.
• FANKLE to captivate ...1924 Sc.
• HOOK to make helplessly enamoured; to captivate ...1927 Amer. sl.
• YARR † to quarrel, to be captious and troublesome ...1778 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
CAPTIVATED - adjectives
• HOOKED filled with love for; captivated ...1927 Amer. sl.
captivated - verbs
• FALL FOR to be greatly attracted by, esp. a member of the opposite sex; to become charmed or captivated by; to fall in love with ...1903 colloq.
CAPTIVATING - adjectives
• CATCHING attractive, captivating ...1654
• TAKEFUL-LOOKING attractive; captivating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKY that takes the fancy or affection; capable of captivating or charming; designed to attract notice and please; alluring, fascinating, attractive, appealing ...1854 colloq.
captivating - nouns
• TAKE * 'taking' or captivating quality, charm ...1794
• HEART-SNARES captivations ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
CAPTIVE - adjectives
• CAITIFF † captive ...1382
• CAITIVE captive, subject
• CAPTIVABLE †* that can be taken captive ...1675
captive - nouns
• CAPTIVEMENT †* a taking captive, captivity ...1714
captive - person
• CAITIFF † orig.: a captive, a prisoner ...1330
• CAPTIVITY † those who are in captivity; captives collectively ...1526
captive - verbs
• CAITIVE † to make captive ...1382
• CAPTIVATE † to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAPTIVE to take captive, to bring into captivity ...c1430 arch.
• CAITIFDOM † captivity ...1382
• CAITIFTY † captivity ...a1300
• CAPTIVANCE †* captivation, captivity ...1596
• CAPTIVEMENT †* a taking captive, captivity ...1714
CAPTOR - person
• BEAR-LEADER - formerly a ludicrous name for the travelling companion or tutor of a young gentleman or nobleman, employed by the parents or guardians to watch over him and keep him from evil courses which he might fall into if left to himself; hence, an expert who teaches by example; also, a captor, a custodian ...1749
• CAPER - † a captor - a seizer ...1759 Sc.
• CAPTIVER - † one who takes captive - a captor ...1613
• CAPTRESS - * a female captor ...1867
• TAKER - one who captures or seizes; a captor, a seizer, a catcher, an apprehender ...c1375
CAPTURE - nouns
• APPLE CUCUMBER a ploy to kill or capture one's target by using a friend to get close to the target's friend, which will eventually bring the target into view ...1990s Aust. criminals' sl.
• CAPTION * a taking, catching, seizure, capture ...1382
• FANG † a capture, a catch; also, a tight grasp, a grip ...a1400-50
capture - person
• FANGER † one who catches or captures ...a1300
capture - verbs
• BAG in the military: to take prisoner; to capture ...1861 military sl.
• BETAKE to overtake, to capture, to recover ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CAPTIVATE † to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAST SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• CATCH † to take forcible possession of, to capture a town, castle, ship, country, etc. ...c1205
• COB of people: to capture, to catch, to catch out ...E19 sl.
• FANG † to seize upon booty; to catch, to apprehend, to get into one's power; to capture a city; to seize lands or possessions ...1016
• HAWK to capture, to catch, to pounce upon ...1806 Amer. dial.
• INTAKE † capture, seizure ...1819 Sc.
• LATCH † to take with force; to capture; to seize upon a person or his goods ...c950
• LAY SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• NAB vb. to catch or capture a person unawares; to apprehend and arrest; to catch, in the sense of to hit ...1686 UK criminals' sl.
• PUT SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• TAKE A RUN AT SOMEONE to attempt to capture, assault, or seduce someone ...20C US sl.
• TAKE IN † to capture, to take prisoner, to conquer in war ...1387
• TAKE TO to capture, to arrest ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
CAPTURED - adjectives
• DEAD finished; lost; arrested, captured ...1950s sl.
• IN THE RANK arrested, captured while committing a crime ...1920s US criminals' sl.
CAPTURING - adjectives
• TAKEFUL capturing, arresting ...1901 Eng. dial.
• BLIBBANS strips of soft or slimy stuff; generally used of seaweed on rocks at ebb-tide; also, large shreds of greens or cabbage put into broth ...1887 Sc.
• BOW-KAIL cabbage ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOW-STOCK a cabbage ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAB a cabbage ...18C sl.
• CABBAGE-RUNT a cabbage stalk ...1923 Sc.
• CABBITCH cabbage ...1924 Sc.
• CALLARDS cabbage; the leaves and shoots of cabbage ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CASTOCK the stalk or stem of a cabbage ...1398 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• POOR MAN'S ORANGE cabbage ...2000 Amer. dial.
• VIOLET cabbage ...1920 sl.
CABIN - nouns
• BARRACK † a temporary hut or cabin, as for the use of soldiers during a siege, etc. ...1686 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• CABANE a cabin; a hut ...M19 Can. dial.
• CABINET † a little cabin, hut, soldier's tent; a rustic cottage; a dwelling, lodging; a den of a beast ...1572
• CABOOSE a hut, a cabin; a poor dwelling ...E19 chiefly N. Amer.
• CABOOSH an office; a small cabin or compartment ...20C Royal Navy sl.
• CAMPODA a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1856 Amer. dial.
• CAMPOODIE a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1869 Amer. dial.
• CAMPOODY a hut or cabin; a village of such dwellings ...1887 Amer. dial.
• TAN a temporary tent, hut, or cabin, such as set up by tinkers or gypsies ...1895 Sc.
CABINET - person
• CABINET-WRIGHT a cabinet-maker ...1869 Sc.
CABIN FEVER - adjectives
• WOODS QUEER suffering from cabin fever; said of one who acts strangely from having been isolated in the woods too long ...1940 Amer. dial.
cabin fever - nouns
• SHANTY FEVER cabin fever ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KEAK †* a cackle; cackling ...1600
• KECKLE a short, spasmodic laugh; a chuckle; a cackling, chattering ...1820 Sc.
cackle, cackling - verbs
• CAKE to cackle as a goose, or as a hen wanting to sit ...1788 Eng. dial.
• CANK to cackle as geese; to talk rapidly, to chatter ...1741 Eng. dial.
• GAGGLE to laugh immoderately; to cackle ...1885 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEAK †* to cackle ...1545
• KECK 1. of a bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1844
2. to cackle, to laugh ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE of a hen or other bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1513
• KEEK †* to cackle ...1545
• KEKE † to cackle ...1545
CAD - person
• MUCKER a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MURKER a bounder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PRIG a female cad ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
CADAVER - nouns
• CADAVERIE †* a cadaver ...1600
• DEATH UPON PRODS a cadaverous person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
cadaverous - verbs
• CADAVERIZE to make into a corpse; to make cadaverous ...1841
CADENCE - nouns
• CASURE †* cadence, rhythm ...1565
CADGE - verbs
• BLUDGE to borrow money, etc.; to cadge or scrounge ...1944 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BOT to cadge or sponge money ...1921 Aust. sl.
• FANG to demand money; to cadge, to beg for a loan ...1910s Aust. sl.
• COAT AND BADGE to cadge something ...1936 UK rhyming sl.
• GRUB to beg or borrow; to cadge; to beg from ...1887 Amer. sl.
• HUM to cadge or sponge money ...1913 Aust. sl.
• HUSTLE to beg, to cadge ...1902 US beggars' and tramps' sl.
• MOOCH to borrow or cadge money; to beg ...1899 sl.
• NIP to cadge money ...1919 sl., chiefly Aust.
• POLE ON to cadge or sponge money ...1906 Aust. sl.
• PONCE OFF to cadge or scrounge money ...1937 sl.
• PONCE ON to cadge or scrounge money ...1937 sl.
• SCADGE to ask for, to cadge ...1898 Sc.
• SCOONGE, SCOUNGE to go about from place to place like a dog; to cadge for invitations ...1891 Sc.
• SCROUNGE to cadge ...M19
CADGER - person
• AARON, THE - a cadger; a beggar ...17C sl.
• BADGER - † one who buys corn and other commodities and carries them elsewhere to sell - an itinerant dealer who acts as a middleman between producer (farmer, fisherman, etc.) and consumer - a cadger, hawker, or huckster ...a1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BITE MERCHANT - a persistent cadger ...1991 Aust. sl.
• BITER - a cadger ...1851 sl.
• BLAGGER - a person who seeks to obtain or achieve something by persuasive talk or plausible deception; a bluffer, a scrounger, a cadger; a smooth talker, a persuasive person ...1963 Brit. sl.
• BOT - a borrower or cadger ...1916 Aust. & NZ sl.
• CAD - one who would rather live on other people than work for himself - a man trying to worm something out of another, either money or information ...Bk1860 sl.
• DEADBEAT a cadger or sponger; a penniless scrounger; a loafer; a worthless idler; one who will not or cannot pay debts ...1871 Amer. sl.
• EAR-BITER - one who constantly seeks to borrow money - a borrower or cadger ...1899 sl., orig. Aust. usage
• EAR-LUGGER - a cadger - a scrounger ...20C Aust. sl.
• GAUGER - one who is always on the lookout for gifts or benefits; a cadger ...1825 Sc.
• HUM - a borrower or cadger ...1915 Aust. sl.
• LOAFER - * a cadger ...20C
• MONGER - a cadger; a person always borrowing ...1900 Aust. sl.
• MOOCH - a borrower or cadger ...1914 sl.
• MOOCHER - a borrower or cadger ...1857 sl.
• POLER - a borrower or cadger ...1938 Aust. sl.
• SCALDY - a mean, cadging person ...20C Irish sl.
• SCROUNGER - one who cadges from others ...M19
• TAPPER - a beggar; a borrower or cadger ...1908 UK sl.
CADGING - adjectives
• ON THE COAT AND BADGE on the cadge, scrounging ...1960 UK rhyming sl.
• ON THE MOZZLE cadging, esp. when seeking to borrow something small from a friend or neighbour 1992 UK sl.
• ON THE SCROUNGE begging, cadging ...M19 sl.
• ON THE TAP borrowing, cadging ...1932 sl.
cadging - nouns
• CADGE the profession of cadging or begging ...1812 sl.
• EAR-BITING cadging, begging ...1900s Aust. sl.
• SALAD DUDE. THE Julius Caesar ...20C teen & high school sl.
CAFÉ - nouns
• CAF(F) a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• CAFFY a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• KAYF a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• QUICK AND DIRTY a cheap cafe ...1960s sl., orig. US
• CAFF a cafeteria ...sl.
CAFFEINE - adjectives
• UNLEADED of coffee and soft drinks: caffeine-free ...1996 US sl.
CAGE - nouns
• MEW a place in which to confine any living creature; a breeding-cage for canaries, goldfinches, and other small birds ...1861 Eng. dial.
• BLANNY ingratiating or flattering speech; cajolery ...1926 Amer. dial.
• DAUBERY flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUBMENT flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DAUBY-SAUBY flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SALVE praise, flattery, cajolery ...1864
• SAUBY-DAUBY cajolery, excessive flattery ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SOAP flattery, cajolement ...1854 Amer. sl.
• SOFT SOAP flattering, persuasive, or cajoling talk; insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery; nonsense ...1830 colloq., orig. US
cajole, cajolery, cajoling - person
• PALAVERER - one who palavers; an insincere (if plausible) speaker; a cajoling, wheedling, or flattering person; a flirt ...1788
cajole, cajolery, cajoling - verbs
• BEFLUM to deceive by cajoling language, to flatter, to humbug ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BLAFLUM to coax, to cajole; to deceive ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLANDANDER to tempt by blandishment; to cajole ...1888 colloq.
• BUZZ to chat with, esp. in a cajoling or flirtatious manner; hence to court; also, to accost or proposition ...1866 Amer. sl.
• CAHOOLE to cajole ...1851 US students' sl.
• CALLIFUDGE to cheat, to deceive; to cajole, to flatter ...1884 Eng. dial.
• CALLIFUGLE to cheat, to deceive; to cajole, to flatter ...1884 Eng. dial.
• CARNEY, CARNY to act in a wheedling or coaxing manner; to wheedle, to coax, to cajole, to flatter ...1811 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• CAST SALT ON ANYONE'S TAIL to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1721 Sc.
• DWEEDLE † to cajole, to wheedle ...1688 ? obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FALSE to cajole, to flatter, to coax, to wheedle ...1873 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GLOTHER † to flatter; to cajole; to use flattering terms ...c1480
• HONEY-FUGGLE to cajole, wheedle, flatter ...1856 Amer. dial.
• LARCENY to attempt to cajole with insincere flattery ...1960 US criminals' sl.
• LAY SALT ON ONE'S TAIL to catch; to take advantage of; to cajole; to get the better of ...1836 Sc.
• PALP * to speak fair to, to flatter, to cajole ...1657
• SALVE to cajole, to flatter; to take in by fair speech; to cozen ...1856 Eng. dial.
• SAWDER UP to flatter, to cajole ...1848 Ireland
• SOAP to flatter and cajole; to deceive with insincere or flattering talk ...1853 sl.
• SUPPARASITE †* to flatter, to cajole; to act the parasite ...1623
• VANQUISH to deceive, to cajole, to get round a person ...1866 Sc.
• VEIGLE † to inveigle, to beguile, to cajole ...1745 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
CAKE - nouns
• CAKELET a small cake
• CAKERS a cake shop ...Brit. sl.
• CAKERY a cake shop ...Brit. sl.
• DERL a broken piece of bread, cake, etc. ...1825 Sc.
• DERRIL a broken piece of bread, cake, etc. ...1825 Sc.
• DUMB CAKE in Newfoundland: a cake baked and eaten by unmarried women in silence ...1998 Can. sl.
• FARL, FARLE, FERLE the fourth part of a thin circular cake, generally made of oatmeal; a segment of cake; a cake ...1721 Sc.
• FARREL, FARTHEL the fourth part of a thin circular cake, generally made of oatmeal; a segment of cake; a cake ...1721 Sc.
• GOOP the icing on top of a cake ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ICENING the sweet covering spread on top of a cake; icing; frosting ...1968 Amer. dial.
• NACKIE a loaf of bread; a small cake ...1788 Sc.
• NEB an edge, a rim; the edge of a cake ...1856 Eng. dial.
• RUNDLE † a round slice or paring; a small round cake ...1607
• SCONCE a small cake ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SNODDIE a thick cake or bannock baked among hot ashes ...B1900 Sc.
• TABNAB a cake, bun, or pastry; a savoury snack ...1933 nautical sl.
• TEA-CHIT-CHAT cakes, etc. eaten at tea ...1791 Sc.
• WAD food, esp. a bun, cake, or sandwich; in all cases its filling qualities are more important than taste etc. ...1919 Brit. sl., orig. services' usage
cake - verbs
• CAKATE to serve with cake ...1632 humorous nonce formation
cake - person
• KAIKBAIKAR - a baker of cakes ...Bk1825 Sc.
CALAMITOUS - adjectives
• TRAGEDIOUS † full of tragedy; calamitous, tragic ...1494
CALAMITY - nouns
• AATACLAPS a disaster, a calamity ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• AZOTE calamity ...1934 Amer. dial.
• BALE-SITHE † death, destruction; evil-doing, mischief; evil fortune, calamity ...a1000
• BLACK OX a misfortune; a bereavement; a great calamity ...Bk1911 Sc.
• ONFALL † an attack or access of disease, plague, or calamity; an assault, on onset ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc.
• TILLIE LICK † an unexpected misfortune or calamity ...Bk1905 Sc.
• TILLIE-LICKIT † an unexpected misfortune or calamity ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNCHANCE mischance, misfortune, a calamity ...a1400-50 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
calamity - person
• CALAMITY JANE one who suffers calamity ...1966 Amer. dial.
• ACCOUNT † to calculate, to reckon, to compute ...1398
• CALCILATE to calculate; to plan; to intend ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CALC OUT to calculate something ...1999 US sl.
• CALCULE to calculate, to reckon ...1377 obs.
• CALK † to calculate, to reckon, esp. astrologically ...1401
• CAST † to reckon, to calculate, to estimate ...a1300
• CATALOGIZE † to reckon up, to calculate ...1602
• CIPHER vb. to calculate; to think out ...M19
• CYPHER to calculate; to think out ...M19
• RATE * to reckon, to calculate, to estimate the amount or sum of ...1597
• UPCAST to reckon, to calculate ...1862 Sc.
CALCULATED - adjectives
• CAST † calculated, planned ...c1400
CALCULATION - adjectives
• CALCULATORY † pert. to calculation or estimate ...1611
calculation - nouns
• CALCUL † calculation; estimate ...1754 Sc.
• CALCULE † calculation ...1601
CALENDAR - adjectives
• CALENDARIAL * pert. to a calendar ...1867
• CALENDARIAN * pert. to a calendar ...1839
• CALENDARY † pert. to the calendar ...1633
• CALENDRIC * of the nature of a calendar ...1878
• CALENDRICAL * of the nature of a calendar ...1863
calendar - nouns
• CALENDARY † a calendar ...c1450
calendar - person
• CALENDARIAN * a maker of a calendar ...1826
• CALENDARIOGRAPHER †* a calendar maker, an almanac maker ...1683
• CALENDOGRAPHER †* the constructor of a calendar ...a1691
CALIFORNIA - adjectives
• CALI Californian ...1990s sl.
California - nouns
• AVENUE, THE Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, California ...1966 US sl.
• BEAR STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CAL California ...L19 US
• CALI California ...1930 US sl.
• CALIFAS California ...1974 US sl.
• CALIFINORIA California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CALIFORNIA BANK NOTE a hide used as a medium of currency in pre-Gold Rush California ...1840 Amer. dial. hist.
• CALLY California ...1930 US sl.
• DAGO (derogatory) San Diego, California ...1931 US sl.
• EAST LOS east Los Angeles, California ...1974 US sl.
• EL DORADO California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EL DORADO STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• EUREKA STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLD COAST California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLDEN POPPY STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GOLDEN STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRAPE STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRIZZLY BEAR STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HAIGHT, THE the Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood of San Francisco ...1967 US sl.
• HOLLYWEIRD Hollywood, California ...1953 US sl.
• HOT FURNACE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KILLIN' FIELDS, THE East Oakland, California ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• L.A. Los Angeles, California ...1901 Amer. sl.
• LAH Los Angeles, California ...1978 US jocular
• LA-LA Los Angeles, California ..1996 US sl.
• LA-LA LAND Los Angeles ...1972 sl., orig. US
• LAND OF FRUIT AND NUTS California ...1940s US sl.
• LAND OF GOLD California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LAND OF PERPETUAL SUNSHINE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LOTUSLAND Los Angeles, California ...1980 Amer. sl.
• MO the Fillmore area of San Francisco ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• NICKEL SHOT a 5-storey public housing building in the Fillmore area of San Francisco ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• OAKTOWN Oakland, California ...1990 local & rap music usage
• OC Orange County, California ...2001 US sl.
• OLD COUNTRY Beverly Hills, California; used with irony by transplants to the San Fernando Valley ...2004 US sl.
• PANSY PATCH an area in west Hollywood, California, largely populated by homosexual men since the 1960s ...1971 US sl.
• QUIET VILLAGE Venice, California ...1980s US Black sl.
• SAC Sacramento, California ...1930s US tramps' & criminals' sl.
• SAN BERNAGHETTO San Bernadino, California ...2004 US sl.
• S AND M Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles, California ...1987 US sl.
• SAN FRAN San Francisco ...20C US sl.
• S.C. South Central Los Angeles ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• SUNKIST STATE California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SUNNY CAL California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SUNNY CALIFORNIA California ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SWISH ALPS the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California, a homosexual enclave ...1983 US sl.
• TACO TOWN (derogatory) San Jose, US ...1960s US sl.
• TAMALEVILLE (derogatory) San Jose, US ...1960s US sl.
• TINSELTOWN Hollywood, California, as a centre of the movie industry ...1970s colloq.
• WALL CITY San Quentin prison, California ...1930s US criminals' sl.
California - person
• ABALONEYITE - a coast dweller, esp. of Albion, Mendocino County ...Bk1971 Boonville California jargon
• AB CHASER - a resident of the coastal area ...Bk1971 Boonville California jargon
• ANGELENO - a resident of Los Angeles, California ...1857 Amer. dial.
• BAKE - someone from Bakersfield in the Central Valley of California ...Bk2006 Amer. surfing sl.
• BANKER - one who makes a business of picking up wreckage on the coast of California ...Bk1910
• CALIFORNICATOR - a Californian, esp. one who has moved to Oregon or Washington state ...1978 US sl.
• CHIP - an officer of the California Highway Patrol ...1977 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPY - an officer of the California Highway Patrol ...1977 Amer. sl.
• HOLLYWOODER - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• HOLLYWOODIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• HOLLYWOODITE - a native or inhabitant of Hollywood, California ...Bk2006
• NATIVE SON - a White man who is a native of California ...1910 Amer. sl.
• POISON-OAKER - a native Northern Californian ...1930 Amer. dial.
• PRUNE PICKER - a Californian ...1918 sl.
• VALLEY GIRL - a teenage girl from San Fernando Valley in southern California, esp. one whose characteristic mode of speech is 'Valspeak', a type of US slang, featuring approval and disapproval words such as awesome, mega, tubular, grody, gross, gnarly, and the use of filler words, esp. 'like' and 'totally', and a girlish, giggly style of delivery ...1982
• CALIJUMPICS calisthenics ...1944-49 Amer. sl.
CALL - verbs
• ACCITE † to summon, to call ...1506
• NUNCUPATE †* to call, to name, to designate ...1609 obs. rare
CALLED - adjectives
• NUNCUPATE †* called, named ...a1548 obs. rare
• YCLEPED called, named ...c950 arch.
• YCLEPT called, named ...c950 arch.
CALL FOR - verbs
• OFCLEPE † to call for, to summon, to get by calling ...c1000
• OFGREDE †* to call for, to summon ...a1300
CALL FORTH - verbs
• BAN † to call forth, to call for things ...1205
CALLOUS - adjectives
• ARMOUR-PLATED insensitive to attack; callous ...1894
• CALLOUSED callous, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• CASE-HARDENED made callous or tough by experience ...1769
• DEAD-HEARTED dead in feeling, callous, insensible ...1642
• DEDOLENT † that feels sorrow no more; feeling no compunction; insensible, callous, hard-hearted ...1633
• UP-SITTEN callous, indifferent, listless ...1827 Sc.
callous - nouns
• WARISH † hard skin, a callosity, a callous ...1570
callous - person
• HARD-BOILED EGG - a mean, tough, or callous person; one unconcerned about the feelings or opinions of others, an unsentimental or cynical person ...1906 Amer. sl.
callous - verbs
• WALK to render hard and callous, as the skin of the hand by hard work ...1641 Sc.
• WARISH † to become hard or callous ...1570
CALLOUSED - adjectives
• HORN-FISTED having hard, calloused hands ...M19 nautical colloq.
• WALKED thickened, rendered calloused by hard work ...1786 Sc.
• CALLOSITY a hardened state of mind; callousness ...M17
• DEDOLENCE † absence of grief or sorrow; insensibility, callousness, hard-heartedness ...1606
• DEDOLENCY † absence of grief or sorrow; insensibility, callousness, hard-heartedness ...a1617
• UP-SITTING † indifference, callousness, listlessness ...1709 Sc.
CALL OUT - verbs
• YALP-YALP of a person: to call out loudly and shrilly; to whine ...1903 Sc.
• YAWK to call out loudly; to hoot; to shout; to talk quickly and indistinctly ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YEIE † to utter in a loud voice; to call out; to announce for sale in a loud voice ...a1225
• YELP † to call out loudly or shrilly, to utter ...c1400
CALM - adjectives
• ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT calm, peaceful, uneventful ...WWI Amer. sl.
• ANTI-FRANTIC calm, collected ...1983 US sl.
• CALMY characterized by calm; tranquil, peaceful ...1587 poetic arch.
• CHILLING calm, cool, laid back ...1987 Amer. sl., esp. Black usage
• CHILLY calm, cool, or laid back ...1971 US sl.
• COOL AS A CUCUMBER alert and aware; self-possessed; calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOLED OUT calm, unperturbed, in control ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• DISH-CALM perfectly calm ...1976 Amer. dial.
• HALCYDONIAN † calm, quiet, tranquil ...1611
• HALCYON calm, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed ...1578
• HALCYONIAN † calm, quiet, peaceful ...1617
• ICE adj. cool, relaxed, calm, self-contained ...1970s US Black
• IMPASSIONATE * free from, or not governed by passion; calm, dispassionate ...1621
• KOOK AND THE GANG unemotional and relaxed, calm, imperturbable; excellent, admirable, wonderful ...2003 Irish sl.
• LOWN calm, quiet ...Amer. dial.
• PACATE † pacified, brought into a state of peace and calm, tranquil ...1644
• PACIFIC characterized by peace or calm; peaceful, calm, tranquil, quiet ...1633
• QUEEM pleasant; calm; smooth ...1824 Sc.
• QUIETFUL †* full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETSOME † quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SMOOTH calm ...1967 US sl.
calm - nouns
• ALYO a condition of calm or safety ...Amer. sl.
• DEAD-WIND a calm ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HALCYON † calm, quietude ...1647
• IRISH HURRICANE a dead calm, esp. among sailors ...1945 Amer. dial.
• IRISHMAN'S HURRICANE a dead calm, esp. among sailors ...1827 Amer. dial.
• PADDY'S HURRICANE a calm, esp. among sailors ...1821 Amer. nautical
• QUIETUDE quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
calm - person
• COOL CARD one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL CUSTOMER one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL FISH one who is alert and aware, self-possessed, or calm ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL HAND a cool, calm, controlled and competent individual; one who is alert and aware, or self-possessed ...World War II Amer. sl.
• COOL-HEAD a calm, unflappable person ...M19 sl.
• EASY RIDER a calm, unruffled person ...1971 sl.
• MOUTON ENRAGÉ - a normally calm person who becomes suddenly enraged or violent ...1826
calm (includes calm down) - verbs
• ACCOY † to still, to calm, to quiet, to appease; hence, to soothe or coax (the alarmed or shy), to tame, to silence, to daunt (the forward or bold) ...c1350
• ASSOPIATE †* to lull, to calm, to assuage; to lay at rest, to put an end to ...a1649
• CHECK YOUR NERVES to stay calm ...1947 US sl.
• CHILL to calm down, to become cool; to relax ...20C teen & high school sl.
• CHILL OUT to take it easy; to relax; to calm down ...1980 US sl.
• CHILLY DOWN to take it easy, to relax, to calm down ...1986 Amer. sl.
• COOL DOWN to calm down ...1882 sl.
• COOL IT to calm down, to relax, to take it easy ...1953 sl., orig. US
• COOL OFF to calm down ...1887 sl.
• COOL OUT to calm or settle down; to relax
• FAN to calm someone down; to mollify ...1971 US sl.
• GET ONE'S ACT TOGETHER to calm down; to plan sensibly; to state a goal and aim for it ...1960s sl., orig. US Black
• HALCYON †* to calm. to tranquillize ...1616
• HOLD ONE'S HORSES to check one's impulsiveness; to be calm ...1842 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S BRITCHES ON not to become impatient, excited, or angry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR DOWN to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SHIRT ON to keep one's composure, to remain calm or relaxed ...1854 sl., orig. US
• LAMB DOWN to calm someone down ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• LENIATE † to render mild or soft; to soften, to soothe, to make calm ...1622
• LIGHTEN UP to become less serious, to calm down; to cease aggravating ...1946 US sl.
• MAINTAIN YOUR COOL to stay calm, poised ...1960s Amer. sl.
• MEASE to soothe, to mitigate, to calm ...1678 Sc.
• PARLAY to calm down, to relax ...1990s US Black sl.
• PATTISH to calm, to appease ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• PEACIFY * to make calm, to pacify; to soothe, quiet, or subdue ...1886
• QUALL of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
• QUIETIZE * to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• SAUGHTEL † to become calm or quiet ...a1300
• SIMMER to calm down ...M19 sl.
• SIMMER DOWN to calm down ...1871 US
• STAY LOOSE to remain calm ...1959 US sl.
• TAKE A CHILL PILL to relax, to calm down ...1980s US Black & campus sl.
• TAKE IT EASY to act calmly ...M19 sl.
• TAKE THE JOLLY OFF to regain one's calm, after a nervous shock or great excitement ...1882 UK criminals' sl.
• TRANQUILLITATE †* to render tranquil, to calm, to soothe, to mitigate, to alleviate ...1657
calm - interjections/phrases
• BACK OFF JACKSON! calm down! ...1990s US teen sl.
• COOL THE BEANS! calm down!, be patient! ...1988 Sc. sl.
• COOL YOUR JETS! calm down! ...1982 US sl.
• SIMMER! an exclamation requesting someone to curb their temper or calm down ...Aust. sl.
• TAKE A MIDOL! relax! calm down! ...1980s US college sl.
• TAKE A PILL! calm down! ...1990s US college & teen sl.
• TAKE IT DOWN A THOUSAND! relax! calm down! ...1980s US college sl.
• TAKE IT EASY relax, don't worry, calm down ...M19 sl.
• TAKE IT LIGHT take it easy, calm down ...1959 Amer. sl.
• TAKE IT SLOW calm down, quieten down, relax ...1930s sl., orig. US Black
• TAKE THE MONKEY OFF YOUR BACK! calm down! ...L19 sl.
• TAN SO BACK calm down, stop being so aggressive ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• TAN-STUDY calm down, relax ...1990s W. Indies sl.
CALMING - adjectives
• CALMATIVE having a calming effect ...1871
calming - nouns
• CALMATIVE anything which has a calming effect ...1870
CALMLY - adverbs
• EASILY † without hurry, slowly; deliberately, gradually; also, calmly, quietly ...1384 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEEMLY calmly, smoothly ...1824 Sc.
CALMNESS - nouns
• LEE † a sheltered position or condition; hence, calmness, peace, tranquillity ...a1300
• BEBLACKEN to calumniate boldly ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BESCUMMER to abuse, to calumniate ...1825 Eng. dial.
• BESPATTER to cover with abuse; to vilify or slander, to calumniate ...1653
• BESQUIRT † to slander, to calumniate, to defame ...1682
• BETELL † to calumniate, to deride, to deceive ...a1225
• BLAZE to vilify, to calumniate; to spread rumours ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CALUMNIE † to calumniate ...1827 Sc.
• DEHONESTATE †* to dishonour, to disgrace, to disparage, to slander, to calumniate ...1663
• LACK to dispraise, to slight, to undervalue; to malign, to calumniate ...1715 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• OPPROBRIATE to cover with opprobrium; to speak abusively or contemptuously of or to; to abuse; to slander, to calumniate ...1649
• SCLAIVE to slander, to calumniate ...1871 Sc.
• SCLAVE to spread a story though gossip or tittle-tattle; to rumour-monger; spec. of malicious rumours, to slander, to defame, to calumniate ...1825 Sc.
• SKLAVE to slander, to calumniate ...1871 Sc.
CALUMNIATED - adjectives
• BELIED calumniated, falsified, proved false ...1610
• BELYING telling lies of anyone; calumniation ...1632
• SUBSTRACTOR †* a detractor, a slanderer, a calumniator ...1601
CALUMNIOUS - adjectives
• BLACK-MOUTHED † having a black mouth; fig. using foul or scurrilous language; abusive, foul-mouthed; slanderous, calumnious ...1595
• DEFAMOUS † of speech or writing: defamatory, slanderous, calumnious ...1557
• DEFAMATIVE † defamatory, slanderous, calumnious ...1502
• OBTRACTUOUS †* slanderous, calumnious ...1537
CALUMNY - nouns
• DEFAME † defamation, slander, calumny ...a1450
• OBLOQUY evil-speaking directed against a person or thing; abuse, detraction, calumny, slander ...1460
• OBTRACTATION † detraction, disparagement, slander, calumny ...1563-83
• OBTRECTATION † detraction, disparagement, slander, calumny ...1563-83
• TOLE † evil-speaking, calumny, slander; blasphemy; reproach, blame ...c1000
CAMBODIA - adjectives
• CAMBO Cambodian ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CAMBODE Cambodian ...1986 US military sl.
Cambodia - nouns
• CAMBO Cambodia ...1985 Amer. sl.
Cambodia - person
• CAMBO a Cambodian ...1979 Amer. sl.
• CAMBODE a Cambodian ...1964 US military sl.
• KAMPUCHEAN - a native or inhabitant of Kampuchea (Cambodia) ...1979
CAMBRIDGE - adjectives
• CANTABRIGIAN belonging to Cambridge ...1711
Cambridge - nouns
• BUM-CURTAIN an old name for academical gowns when they were worn scant and short ...1889 Cambridge University sl.
Cambridge - person
• BACHELOR SCHOLAR - at Cambridge: a Bachelor of Arts who remains in residence after taking his degree, for the purpose of reading for a fellowship or acting as private tutor ...Bk1856 college usage
• BEAST - at Cambridge; one who has left school and come up to Cambridge for study, before entering the university ...Bk1891 sl.
• BEDDER - at Cambridge: a charwoman; one who makes the beds and performs other necessary domestic duties for residents in college ...Bk1891
• BLACK-HOOD - † a non-regent member of the senate of the University of Cambridge, distinguished from a regent by wearing a black hood ...1763
• CANTAB - a student at Cambridge ...1750 colloq.
• CANTABRIGIAN - a member of the University of Cambridge ...c1645
• EMPTY BOTTLE - at Cambridge University: a fellow-commoner, i.e. a rich or aristocratic undergraduate, with special privileges and a reputation for self-indulgent laziness ...E19 UK college sl.
• GIRTONIAN - one who is, or has been, a student at Girton College, one of the two Cambridge colleges for women ...1887
• GIRTONITE - one who is, or has been, a student at Girton College, one of the two Cambridge colleges for women ...1894
• GLOMEREL - † a term formerly in use in the University of Cambridge, denoting a pupil of a grammar school; a pupil of a glomery (the Latin grammar school associated with the early English universities) ...1841
• HAIRY-BOTTOMED TROMP - at Cambridge: a term of abuse ...1930s sl.
• HARRY-SOPH - at the University of Cambridge, a student who, having attained sufficient standing to take the degree of B.A., declares himself a candidate for a degree in law or medicine ...a1661
• HAT COMMONER - †* at the University of Cambridge: a member of a class of undergraduates entitled to certain privileges and distinguished by particular academic dress including the wearing of a hat, rather than a cap ...1803
• HEAD OF HOUSE - the principal of a college at the University of Oxford or Cambridge ...1570 orig. & chiefly Brit.
• JESUIT - a graduate or undergraduate of Jesus College, Cambridge...1771 Cambridge University usage
• MORALIST - † at Cambridge University: a student who is examined in moral sciences ...1866
• TAB - a Cantab or Cambridge University man ...c1910 colloq.
• TANQUAM - in the University of Cambridge: a person of worth and learning, that is fit company for the Fellows of Colleges, etc. ...a1661
• TAXER - in the ancient universities: an officer (one of two) who fixed the rents of students' lodgings; at Cambridge, where the 'Taxors' also regulated the prices of commodities, kept the standard of weights and measures, and punished those who offended in these matters, the office and title (taxor) continued into the 19th century ...1532-3 now hist.
• VARIER - at Cambridge University: an orator who made a jocose or satirical speech at Commencement ...1614
Cambridge - verbs
• GATE at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge: to confine an undergraduate to the precincts of the college, either entirely or after a certain hour ...1835
CAMEL - adjectives
• CAMELINE belonging to a camel ...1865
camel - nouns
• CAMELCADE a train of people on camels; a caravan with camels ...1886 nonce word
• HUMP a camel ...1926 US circus usage
• HUNCHY a camel ...1919 Aust. sl.
• OLFEND † a camel ...971
• OONT a camel ...1862 Indian & Aust. sl.
• UNT a camel ...1862 Indian & Aust. sl.
camel - person
• CAMELEER a camel-driver ...1808
• CAMELIST a partisan of the camel ...1863 nonce word
• CAMELLER †* a camel-driver ...1615
• CAMEL-PUNCHER a camel-driver ...1910s Aust. sl.
• SARWAN - a camel-driver ...1908 Indian
CAMERA - nouns
• BOX a camera ...1918 Amer. photography usage
CAMOUFLAGE - adjectives
• CAMMIE of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CAMMY of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CAMO of uniforms: camouflage ...1970s sl., orig. US military
camouflage - nouns
• BAFFLE PAINT camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BAFFLE PAINTING camouflage ...Bk1944 service sl.
• CAM camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CAMEL FLAGS camouflage ...World War I Amer. sl.
• CAMMIE camouflage ...1987 Amer. military sl.
• CAMMIES a camouflage uniform ...1971 Amer. military sl.
• CAMO camouflage (uniform) ...1970s sl., orig. US military
• CHOCOLATE CHIPS desert camouflage uniforms ...1991 US sl.
• DAZZLE PAINTING camouflage ...World War I Amer. sl.
• DIZZY PAINTING camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DUCK SUIT a brown and tan camouflage suit, not dissimilar to the suit worn by a duck hunter, issued to US special forces in Vietnam ...1959 US sl.
camouflage - person
• CAMOUFLEUR one who applies or uses camouflage ...World War II Amer. sl.
• JACKER - a camouflage expert ...1956 US sl.
CAMP - adjectives
• CASTRAL belonging to the camp (military) ...1844
• CASTRENSIAL †* pert. to a camp ...1658
• CASTRENSIAN pert. to a camp ...1657
camp - nouns
• CASTRAMETATION the art or science of laying out a camp ...1679
camp - person
• CASTROMETER a surveyor of (ancient) camps ...1857 nonce word
camp - verbs
• MAROON to camp out for several days on a pleasure party ...1855 US
• SIWASH to camp out or travel with little or no equipment or provisions ...1904 Amer. dial.
• SIWASH IT to camp out or travel with little or no equipment or provisions ...1913 Amer. dial.
CAMPAIGNING - adjectives
• ON THE STUMP campaigning ...1891 sl., orig. US
• LACKEY - † a hanger-on - a camp follower ...1556 obs. or arch.
• LACQUEY - † a hanger-on - a camp follower ...1556 obs. or arch.
CAMPUS - nouns
• YARD the campus ...1980s US college sl.
CAN - adjectives
• BENKLED of a tin can: dented ...1891 Sc.
can - nouns
• BOX a tin or can with its contents ...1950 Amer. dial.
• CANIKIN a small can or drinking vessel ...1570
• CANNIKIN a small can or drinking vessel ...1570
• GUNBOAT a tin can as an improvised cooking utensil ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
CANADA - adjectives
• ACADIAN native to Nova Scotia ...1876
Canada - nouns
• ANGLO-AMERICA the United States and Canada ...1846
• ASIA WEST Richmond, in British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
• CABBAGETOWN a mixed residential and business area near downtown in Toronto, Canada, whose inhabitants were believed to exist on a diet of cabbage ...1958 Can. sl.
• CALECHE in Quebec: a one-horse, two-wheeled carriage ...1963 Can.
• DAFT a nickname for Nova Scotia's Department of Fisheries and Oceans ...2002 Can. sl.
• EDMONCHUK the city of Edmonton, Alberta ...1998 Can. sl.
• MAC McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario ...20C Can. sl.
• MOUNT, THE Montreal ...20C Can. tramps' sl.
• MUDDY YORK York, a suburb of Toronto ...2002 Can. sl.
• QUEEN'S COWBOYS the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1989 Can. sl.
• REVENGE OF THE CRADLE Quebec's high birthrate, perceived as being in retaliation for the loss of the province to England by France ...1964 Can. sl.
• REVENGE OF THE NURSERY Quebec's high birthrate, perceived as being in retaliation for the loss of the province to England by France ...1964 Can. sl.
• ROC the Rest Of Canada, i.e. all of Canada except Quebec ...2002 Can. sl.
• ROCK, THE the island of Newfoundland ...2001 Can. sl.
• TICKLE a name given on the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador to a narrow difficult strait or passage ...1770
• TILT 1. in Newfoundland: a pier on which fishermen unload and dress their fish ...1891
2. in Labrador and Newfoundland: a fisherman's or wood-cutter's hut ...1895
• TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin ...Can. colloq.
• TRANCE CANADA the Trans-Canada highway ...2001 Can, sl.
• TWONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin ...Can. colloq.
• UNIVERSITY OF A BILLION CHINKS the University of British Columbia ....2001 Can. sl.
• VAN Vancouver, British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
• VANGROOVY Vancouver, British Columbia ...2002 Can. sl.
Canada - person
• ACADIAN - a native or inhabitant of Acadia, a former French colony on the Atlantic seaboard of North America, which included the present Maritime Provinces of Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island), or of the Maritime Provinces; spec. a French-speaking descendant of French settlers in Acadia ...1705
• ANGLO-AMERICAN - an American of English origin - an English settler or colonist in North America - spec. a Canadian ...1781-2
• ARI-STOCK-RAT - a Canadian person of mixed Indian and French ancestry ...1962 Can. sl.
• BARNBURNERS - the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1979 Can. sl.
• BEACHCOMBER - a White man living with an Inuit woman ...Bk1984 Can. sl.
• BEAVER - a member of an Athabaskan people of northern Alberta ...1881
• BELLA COOLA - a member of a grouping of four North American Indian peoples of the central British Columbia coast, Canada, having a common culture and language and now consolidated at the mouth of the Bella Coola River ...1834
• BENCHER - in Canada: a member of the regulating body of the Law Society in all provinces except New Brunswick ...1856
• BEOTHUK - a member of an Indian people of Newfoundland, said to be extinct by 1827 ...1828
• BLACK CANADIAN - a native or inhabitant of Canada who is black ...1968
• BLUE NOSE - (sometimes derogatory) a native of eastern Canada, particularly Nova Scotia, and sometimes New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island ...1830 Amer. dial.
• BLUE NOSER - (sometimes derogatory) a native of eastern Canada, particularly Nova Scotia, and sometimes New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CANACK - a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• CANNACKER - a Canadian ...1846 Amer. dial.
• CANUCK - (sometimes derogatory in the US) a Canadian ...1835 sl.
• CANUCKER - a Canadian ...1958 Amer. dial.
• CHENUK - a Canadian ...1892 Amer. dial.
• COD-HAULER - a man from Newfoundland ...M19 nautical sl.
• CUNNUCK - a Canadian ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• FRENCHIE, FRENCHY - a French person; hence, a French-Canadian; often used derisively ...a1860
• GITKSAN - a member of a North American Indian people inhabiting north-western British Columbia, Canada ...1889
• HABITANT - a native of Canada (also of Louisiana) of French descent; one of the race of original French colonists, chiefly small farmers or yeomen ...1789
• HALIGONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Halifax, Nova Scotia ...1839
• HAMBLETONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hamilton, Ontario ...Bk2006
• HAMILTONIAN - a native or inhabitant of Hamilton, Ontario ...Bk2006
• HATTER - a native or inhabitant of Medicine Hat, Alberta ...Bk2006
• HAW-EATER - an Ontarian from Manitoulin Island ...1998 Can. sl.
• HERRING - an inhabitant of the maritime provinces ...1910 US sl.
• HERRING-CHOKER - a native or inhabitant of the Maritime provinces ...1899 Can. sl.
• HERRING SNAPPER - a Newfoundlander or Nova Scotian ...Bk1934 US sea-fishing sl.
• HOGTOWNER - a native or inhabitant of Toronto, Ontario ...Bk2006
• IMPROVED SCOT - in Hudson Bay: a person of mixed Scottish and Indian blood ...1987 Can. sl.
• JACKATAR - a Newfoundlander of mixed French and Micmac ancestry ...1966 Can. sl.
• JACK CANUCK - a Canadian ...1963 Can sl.
• JOE - a French-Canadian ...1963 Can. sl.
• JOHNNY CRAPAUD - a Frenchman - a French Canadian ...colloq. arch.
• JOHNNY CRAPEAU - a Frenchman - a French Canadian ...colloq. arch.
• KANUCK, KANUK - a Canadian ...1835
• KNUCK - a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• MONTREALER - a native or inhabitant of Montreal; a citizen of Montreal ...1877
• MOOSE-FUCKER - (derogatory) a resident of Canada ...2000 sl.
• MOUNTAINEER 1. * a member of an Algonquian people of southern Quebec and Labrador ...1703
2. * a member of an Athabaskan people of north-western Canada ...1830
• MOUNTAINER - †* a member of an Algonquian people of southern Quebec and Labrador ...1625
• MOUNTIE - a member of the Royal Canadian (formerly North West) Mounted Police ...1914
• NITCHIE - (usually derogatory) a Native American ...1850 Can. sl.
• OATMEAL CHINAMAN - in mining in the Cariboo: a Canadian ...1963 Can. sl.
• PEA-EYE - a Prince Edward Islander; broadly, anyone from any of the Canadian Maritime Provinces ...1975 Amer. dial.
• PEA-SOUP - (derogatory) a French-Canadian ...1896 N. Amer. sl.
• PEA SOUPER - (derogatory) a person of French background or heritage, esp. a French Canadian ...1930 Amer. dial.
• P.I. - a Prince Edward Islander; broadly, anyone from any of the Canadian Maritime Provinces ...1902 Amer. dial.
• POTATO - a native of New Brunswick; implies rural stolidness and stupidity ...1978 US sl.
• SAD SACKS FROM HALIFAX - Canadian soldiers ...Bk1945 jive usage
• SPUD ISLANDER - a native or inhabitant of Prince Edward Island ...1957 Can. sl.
• YELLOW LEG - a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1901 Amer. colloq. hist.
• ZOMBIE - (derisive) a man conscripted for home defense in World War II ...1943 Can. sl.
CANAL - nouns
• CANALAGE * the construction of canals; canal-work ...1854
• DITCH a canal, as Panama, Suez, etc. ...L19 US sl.
• NAVIGATION † a canal or other artificial waterway ...1761 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAVVY an artificial waterway; a canal ...1864 Eng. dial.
CANARY - nouns
• DICKY-BIRD the canary ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• SUGAR-BIRD † a canary ...1688
CANCEL - verbs
• ABROGATE to repeal a law; to annul, to abolish authoritatively or formally; to cancel ...1526
• AX to dismiss or discharge; to drop, to cancel, to reject ...1922 sl.
• AXE to dismiss or discharge; to drop, to cancel, to reject ...1922 sl.
• BELAY to stop, to wait; to cancel, to disregard ...1931 Amer. dial.
• CAN to dispose of as garbage; hence, to cancel a project or the like ...1930 Amer. sl.
• CANCELLATE †* to strike out, to cancel ...1647
• DINGO to cancel, especially to cancel a date or romantic assignation ...2003 UK teenage sl.
• ICE to break an appointment with; to abandon or cancel a plan or scheme ...1980s sl.
• QUITTANCE † to give up, to cancel ...1592
• SCRUB THE SLATE CLEAN to cancel or ignore the past and start again ...L19 US sl.
• UNABLE †* to annul or cancel ...1611
• UNAPPOINT to cancel ...1682
• UNBESPEAK † to countermand; to cancel an order or request for ...1661
• VACUATE † to annul, to cancel, to abrogate, to set aside ...1654
• CANCELMENT cancellation ...1621
• CASSATION the act of making null or void; cancellation, abrogation ...c1425
• CHOP, THE dismissal; also, sudden curtailment or cancellation ...1945 Brit. sl.
CANCELLED - adjectives
• ABROGATE repealed, annulled, cancelled, abolished by authority ...1460 arch.
• OFF cancelled; not going to happen ...1882 US sl.
CANCER - nouns
• BAD LAD cancer ...20C Irish euphemism
• BIG C cancer ...1964 euphemism
• BIG CASINO anything terminal or fatal, esp. a disease, as cancer; also syphilis ...1930s US sl.
• DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• DISCO DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• FAKE cancer ...20C Ulster
• HORRENDEROMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...a1991 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDIOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1980 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1977 Amer. medical usage
• JACK THE DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• JIMMY DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. sl.
• LAD, THE cancer or tuberculosis ...1997 Ireland
• SPANISH DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. rhyming sl
• TAP DANCER cancer ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
cancer - person
• HORRENDEROMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...a1991 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDIOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1980 Amer. medical usage
• HORRENDOMA an especially dangerous medical condition, usually cancer; hence, a patient having such a condition ...1977 Amer. medical usage
CANDID - adjectives
• CANDY candid ...1946 Amer. dial.
• TAM-PLAIN frank, candid ...1828 Sc.
candid - person
• REAL PEOPLE an honest, sincere, candid person ...1960s Amer. sl.
candid - verbs
• LET IT ALL HANG OUT to speak candidly ...1970 sl., orig. US
• SHOOT THE WORKS to speak candidly ...1946 sl., orig. US
• TALK TURKEY to speak frankly or candidly and without reserve; to talk hard facts, to get down to business ...1903 sl., orig. US
CANDIDATE - person
• CANDLESTICK a humorous corruption of 'candidate' ...1870 Winchester College usage
• DARK 'UN a candidate or competitor of whom little is known ...c1860 sl.
CANDLE - nouns
• BALLARAT LANTERN a candle stuck in the neck of a bottle, the bottom of which has been knocked off ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• BARK a box or receptacle, formerly made of bark, used for holding candles or candle-ends ...1790 Eng. dial.
• BEETER †* a little wax candle ...1578
• CANDLE-LIGHT the time during, or at, which candles are lighted; dusk, nightfall ...1663
• CANDLE-QUENCHER † an extinguisher ...1382
• CANDLE-SHEARS † snuffers; candle extinguisher ...1483
• CANDLE-SNOT the burnt wick of a candle ...19C Eng. dial.
• CANDLE-TEENING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1746 Eng. dial.
• CANDLE-TENDING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1519
• CANDLE-TINING the time for lighting or seeing to the candles; evening, nightfall ...1613
• CANDLE-WASTER a small bit of burning wick that falls upon the substance of the candle and causes it to run ...Bk1888
• DOUP the end or last part of anything, as a candle ...E18 Sc.
• FATSTICK a candle ...1942 Amer. dial.
• GAUDY, GAWDY † a taper ...1531
• JACK RANDALL a candle ...Bk1896 rhyming sl.
• MAKE-WEIGHT a comparatively small quantity added to make up a certain weight; spec. a small candle ...1695
• MATCH † the wick of a candle or lamp ...1377
• MICKEY a farthing candle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PALACE ENDS remnants of the candles put, on big occasions, in the chandeliers at Buckingham Palace ...L19 colloq.
• PIGTAIL a small candle ...E19 Eng. dial.
• PISSING-CANDLE the smallest candle in the pound put in to make up the weight ...1695 Eng. dial.
• QUARION † a 'quarrier'' a large square candle ...1512
• QUARRIER † a large square candle ...c1550
• QUARRY †* a square candle ...1526
• SLUT a makeshift candle, esp. one made from a piece of rag dipped in lard or fat ...E17
• SNUFFER an instrument used for snuffing candles, etc. ...1465
• SNUFT the burnt wick of a candle ...1657 Eng. dial.
• SPALE a curl of wax on a burning candle ...L18
• TALLOW-JACK a candle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAPER orig., a wax candle, in early times used chiefly for devotional or penitential purposes; later, a long wick coated with wax for temporary use as a spill, etc. ...c897
• THIEF an imperfection in the wick of a candle which causes it to gutter and waste ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TOPPER a candle-snuffer ...1688
• WAKE the wick of a candle; a candle; a form of 'wick' ...1865 Eng. dial.
candle - person
• MAGGOT BOILER a tallow chandler ...L18 sl.
• SNUFFER one who snuffs candles ...1611
• TALLOW-CHANDLER - one whose trade is to make or sell tallow candles ...1406
• TALLOWER - * a tallow-chandler ...1828
candle - verbs
• BURN DAYLIGHT to light candles before there is need ...1899 Amer. dial.
• DAFF to extinguish a candle ...1677 Eng. dial.
• METCH to crop the snuff of a candle; to snuff ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MICK to crop the snuff of a candle, to snuff ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUENCH to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUINCH to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...Bk1905 Ireland
• SNUFT to snuff a candle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TOP † to snuff a candle ...1594
• TOP THE GLIM to snuff a candle ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• CANDLE-STAFF † a candlestick; the main stem or shaft of a branched candlestick ...c1000
• CANSTICK † a candlestick ...1562
• TANDER a candlestick ...c1881 Sc.
• TORCHÈRE a tall ornamental candlestick or lamp-stand ...1910
CANE, CANING - adjectives
• BACULINE pert. to the rod or to punishment by caning or flogging ...1710
• CAKE a stroke with a cane ...19C Christ's Hospital School usage
• JEMMY †* a light cane, a switch ...1753
• LIMBER JACK a whip or other flexible instrument of punishment, as a cane or ferrule ...1860 Amer. dial.
• LIMBER JIM a whip or other flexible instrument of punishment, as a cane or ferrule ...1940 Amer. dial.
• SIMON a cane ...c1850 Brit. school usage
• SIXER six strokes of the cane ...1927 school sl.
• WHANGEE a cane ...L18
cane, caning - verbs
• CAKE to cane ...19C Christ's Hospital School usage
CANNIBAL - adjectives
• CANNIBALEAN * pert. to or characteristic of a cannibal ...1602
• CANNIBALIC pert. to or characteristic of a cannibal ...1837
cannibal - person
• LESTRIGON † an inhuman monster, a cannibal; a bloodthirsty person ...1591
• LESTRIGONIAN an inhuman monster, a cannibal; a bloodthirsty person ...a1887
• MAN-HUNTER a term of contempt for a cannibal, slave-dealer, brigand, or the like ...1555
• WARLOCK † a savage or monstrous creature (hostile to men); applied to giants, cannibals, mythical beasts, etc. ...a1000
• CANNIBALITY * cannibalism; the practice of eating the flesh of one's fellow creatures ...1796
• ENDOPHAGY cannibalism within the same group or tribe ...
CANNON - nouns
• AMAZON ANNIE a cannon deigned to fire atomic shells ...1958 US sl.
• BARK the sound of cannon-firing ...1871
• BARKER a cannon ...1842 sl.
• BASE † the smallest kind of cannon used in the 16th-17th centuries; diameter of bore 1.25 in., weight 200 lb., weight of shot 0.5lb ...1544
• BASILISK a large cannon, generally made of brass, and throwing a shot of about 200 pounds weight ...1577
• BOMBARD a cannon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOMBARD-SHOT cannon-shot ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIME-NICKEL a 105mm wheeled cannon capable of shooting
shells at a high angle ...1991 US sl.
• GROWLER a cannon ...1860 Amer. sl.
• YETLING † a small cannon ...1566 Sc.
• DINGBAT something thrown or fired with force; a bullet; a cannonball; a flying missile ...1877 Amer. dial.
• FATAL PILL a cannonball ...Amer. World War I sl.
• NIGGER BABIES (derogatory) cannonballs ...M19 US sl.
• PILL a bullet, shell, or in early use, a cannonball ...c1626
CANOE - nouns
• TRUST-GOD a small, unsteady boat; a small canoe ...1982 Amer. dial.
• TRUST-ME-GOD a small, unsteady boat; a small canoe ...1922 Amer. dial.
canoe - person
• PADDLER - a person who paddles a boat, canoe, etc. ...1770
canoe - verbs
• CANOODLE to paddle or propel a canoe ...1879 Oxford University usage
CAN OPENER - nouns
• CHURCH KEY a can opener ...1960s Amer. sl.
• P-38 the small can-opener included with individual field rations ...Vietnam War usage
CANOPY - nouns
• HEAVEN a canopy; the covering over a stage ...1486
• PALL a rich cloth spread upon or over something; a coverlet, canopy, etc. ...a1300 arch.
• SILOUR † a canopy ...1394
• LOPE a cantaloupe ...1969 Amer. dial.
CANTANKEROUS - adjectives
• BLOODY-MINDED perverse, contrary; cantankerous; stubbornly intransigent or obstructive ...1935
• BRABAGIOUS said of a quarrelsome woman; cantankerous ...1894 Eng. dial.
• ETTEN cantankerous, crusty, peevish ...1911 Sc.
• GNATTERIE, NATTERIE peevish, crabbed, cantankerous, irascible, given to sharp caustic talk ...1825 Sc.
• ILL-CANKERT ill-natured, cantankerous, malevolent ...1856 Sc.
• ILL-RUN crabbed, cantankerous ...1880 Sc.
• IRPED spiteful, cantankerous ...1922 Sc.
• NIRPED cross-grained, cantankerous ...1929 Sc.
• NITTERIE, NITTERY peevish, crabbed, cantankerous, irascible, given to sharp caustic talk ...1825 Sc.
• RANTANKEROUS quarrelsome, argumentative, cantankerous; unruly, mean, bad ...c1832 US colloq.
• TANKEROUS cantankerous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
cantankerous - person
• BARGE - a cantankerous, argumentative woman; a scold; a passionate, boisterous, imperious woman ...1880 Sc. & Ireland
• BILLY GOAT - a rambunctious, cantankerous, or bad-tempered man ...1921 US sl.
• BISHOP - a peevish, cantankerous, or ill-natured boy ...1825 Sc.
• BISIM, BISOM - a cheeky, forward, or cantankerous woman ...1951 Ulster sl.
• BIZZUM - a term of contempt applied to a person, generally a woman; sometimes to a woman of loose character, and sometimes jocularly to a woman or young girl; an ill-natured woman; a mischievous girl or young woman; a cheeky, forward, or cantankerous woman ...1808 Sc. & Ireland
• BLADE - a cantankerous, verbally abusive woman ...1996 Ulster sl.
• CROOKED STICK - a cantankerous, cross-grained, and perverse person - a dishonest person ...1846-8
• HORNET - a disagreeable, cantankerous person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial
• NETHER'S NEB - a cantankerous person ...1939 Sc.
• OLD COOT - a foolish or cantankerous old person - also used affectionately ...M18 sl.
• PICK-QUARREL - † one ready to pick quarrels - a quarrelsome person - a cantankerous person ...1530
• SAUERKRAUT, SOURCROUT, SOURKRAUT - a cantankerous person; a term of abuse ...1841 sl., chiefly Aust. & US sl.
• SAUERKRAUTER - a cantankerous person; a term of abuse ...1841 sl., chiefly Aust. & US sl.
• TACKLE - a cantankerous, verbally abusive woman ...1998 Ulster sl.
• TAE - a cantankerous person ...1921 Sc.
• TARRAN - a passionate, brawling child; a peevish, cantankerous, ill-humoured person; one who tries to get his own way by persistent nagging or fractiousness; an exasperating person ...1802 Sc.
• TIKE, TYKE - an overgrown man or beast; an awkward, clumsy fellow; an odd, queer or eccentric person; a cantankerous person ...1740 Sc. & Eng. dial.
cantankerous - verbs
• HAVE A WORM IN ONE'S TONGUE to be bitter in speech; to be cantankerous; to snarl and bite like a mad dog ...1759
CANTEEN - nouns
• CAFÉ DE MOVE-ON a small mobile canteen catering for workers at their place of work ...1920s S. Afr. sl.
CANTER - adverbs
• WITH A TITTUP at a canter ...a1764
canter - nouns
• HAND-CANTER a quick canter ...1892 Sc.
• THREE HALFPENCE AND TWO PENCE a slow, ambling canter ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
CANVASS - verbs
• RAND to go round soliciting votes, to canvass ...1777 Eng. dial.
• RANDY †* to canvass ...a1720
CANVASSER - person
• GAS MAN, THE - an insurance man or canvasser who wastes the time of housewives ...1966 sl.
CANYON - nouns
• SHUT-IN a gorge, a canyon ...1913 Amer. dial.
CAP - see HAT
CAPABLE - adjectives
• ABLE strong, capable, courageous ...1980 Can.
• BASTANT † sufficient, able, capable ...1637
• BIONIC highly skilled or capable ...1976 sl.
• CAPAX † of capacity: able and ready to take or receive; capable ...1432-50
• CAPYOUS † capable ...c1430
• GREAT highly skilled or capable ...1784
• HAIRY clever, sharp, capable; cunning ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• LIKELY able-bodied, competent, capable ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MUSTARD highly skilled or capable ...1925 sl.
• NIFTY highly skilled or capable ...1907 sl., orig. US
• OMNIPOTENT capable of anything; unparalleled; huge ...1596 humorous
• ON THE BALL alert, capable, or efficient; acting effectively ...1939 US sl.
• PIE ON highly skilled or capable ...1941 NZ sl.
• SHIT-HOT highly skilled or capable ...1961 sl.
• SUFFICIENT † qualified by talent or ability; competent, capable, able ...c1385
• SUFFISANT † competent, able. capable ...c1385
• TALLAWAH sturdy, fearless, physically capable ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• TIGHT † of a person: competent, capable, able, skilful; alert, smart; lively, vigorous, stout ...1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• UP TO SNUFF efficient, capable, aware ...1811 sl.
• UP TO SNUFF AND A PINCH ABOVE IT efficient, capable, aware ...E19 sl.
• UP TO SNUFF AND TWOPENNY efficient, capable, aware ...E19 sl.
• UP TO THE KNOCKER capable, up to a task ...M19 sl.
• UP TO THE SCRATCH thoroughly competent, capable ...1885 Eng. dial.
• USEFUL good; capable; effective; satisfactory ...1955 UK sl.
capable - person
• BOY - a smart, clever, capable fellow - used in derision as well as praise ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DEACON - a master of his craft - a thoroughly capable man ...1790 Sc.
• HORSE - a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1808 Amer. sl.
• HOSS - a person who is formidable, admirable, unequalled, extremely capable, etc. - a good fellow ...1845 Amer. sl.
• PISS-CUTTER - a remarkable or capable person - a clever person - an expert ...1975 Amer. dial.
• PISS-RIPPER - a very capable and energetic person who gets things done ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SUFFICIENCE - † a capable or competent person ...1607
• YIP - a sharp, capable, tiny woman ...1921 Sc.
capable - verbs
• CAPABILITATE † to make capable; to indicate the capabilities of ...1780
• CAPACIFY †* to render capable; to qualify, to fit ...a1677
• FART THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER to do everything that is required and more; to be super-capable ...1998 US sl.
• HAVE SOMETHING ON THE BALL to be especially capable, alert, efficient, etc. ...1936 US sl.
• SUFFICE † to be capable of ...1390
CAPACIOUS - adjectives
• CAPABLE † able to hold much; roomy, capacious ...1594
• LARGE † allowing plenty of room; spacious, roomy, capacious ...a1225
• SCOUTHIE, SCOWTHIE capacious, roomy, bulky, big ...1866 Sc.
• HABILITATE * to clothe, to dress ...1885
CAPACITATED - adjectives
• HABILITATE † endowed with ability; rendered able; capacitated, qualified ...1622
CAPACITY - adjectives
• CAPABLE † able to take in, receive, contain, or hold; having room or capacity for ...1571
capacity - nouns
• BIND capacity, ability, power ...1824 Sc.
• FACTIVITY † capacity; range of activity ...a1643
• HABILIMENT † mental equipment or qualification; capacity ...1633
• HABILITATION the act of enabling or endowing with ability or fitness; capacitation, qualification ...1612
• NERVE power, capacity ...1822 Sc.
• SUFFICIENCE † capacity; ability; competence ...1382
CAPE - nouns
• NESS a promontory, headland, or cape ...956
CAPER - adjectives
• ANTIC clownish, amusing, full of tricks; given to fun, capers, or pranks; joking, playful ...1902 Amer. dial.
• ANTIC AS A JAYBIRD clownish, amusing, full of tricks; given to fun, capers, or pranks; joking, playful ...1917 Amer. dial.
caper - nouns
• BRANK a prance; a toss of the head, a caper ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CALEER a caper, a jump; frolic ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CALEEVER a caper, frolic, antic; a hubbub, a noisy game ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPRICCIO a sudden sportive or fantastic motion; a prank, trick, caper ...1665
• DINGDO a caper, a prank, a trick ...1900 Amer. dial.
• FANDANGLES ornaments, trinkets; antics, capers, as in dancing about ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GAMBADE a prank, caper ...1821 Sc.
• GAMBADO a fantastic movement, as in dancing or leaping about; a caper ...1859
• GANSPEL a trick, caper ...1929 Sc.
• KEDIDOES capers, pranks, tricks ...1914 Amer. dial.
• PANT a prank, a frolic, a 'lark', a piece of fun, a caper, a piece of boyish mischief ...1894 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PAVIE a caper, a fantastic movement of the body; a flamboyant or affected gesture, a stylish or grandiose flourish of the limbs; a stately or strutting carriage ...1768 Sc.
• QUILLY a prank, freak; a caper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANIKABOO a deceptive story or scheme; a caper, a prank; 'monkeyshine'; nonsense; irrelevant, irritating activity ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RANNYGAZOO a deceptive story or scheme; a caper; a prank; a trick; horseplay; nonsense; irrelevant, irritating activity ...L19 Amer. sl.
• SHINE a caper, a prank, a trick ...1836 Amer. dial.
• VAPOUR a caper; a leap ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
caper - verbs
• CALEER to caper, to jump ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPRIOLE to leap, to skip, to caper; also said of horses and their riders ...1580
• CUT THE SHORT DOG. to caper and frisk around when tipsy ...1888 Amer. dial.
• DANDER to caper ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GAMBADO to prance, to caper ...1829
• RANCE to caper about rowdily ...1856 Sc.
• SKIT to shy or be skittish; to move lightly and rapidly; to caper, to leap, to spring ...1611
• VAPOUR to caper; to frisk about ...1841 Sc. & Eng. dial.
CAPERING - adjectives
• PALAVERIN capering, ostentatious ...1880 Sc.
capering - nouns
• ONCARRY a stir, a bustle, a to-do, a capering about, rowdy behaviour, merriment, frolic ...c1850 Sc.
• ONCARRYING a to-do, a capering about, rowdy behaviour ...1835 Sc.
• CRY CALF-ROPE to give in; to surrender; to capitulate, esp. in children's games ...1942 Amer. dial.
• FANCICAL, FANCICLE, FANSICLE * fanciful, faddy, capricious, fickle ...1671 rare exc. Eng. dial.
• FANTASIOUS †* adj. full of fancies, capricious ...c1489
• FEATHER-MINDED flighty, capricious ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GERFUL † changeable; capricious ...c1374
• HEN-HEADED brainless, flighty, capricious; foolish, silly, witless ...B1900 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• HEN-MINDED brainless, flighty, capricious; foolish, silly, witless ...1892 Amer. dial.
• KITTLE difficult to deal with, esp. because touchy, obstinate, or intractable; fickle, capricious ...Sc.
• MAGGATIVE, MAGGOTIVE full of whims or fancies; whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...1866 Sc.
• MAGGATIVOUS capricious, crotchety, contrary, perverse ...1866 Sc.
• MAGGOTTING full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAGGOTTY, MAGGOTY capricious, crotchety, contrary, perverse ...1678
• MAGGOTY-HEADED full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...1894 Sc.
• MAGGOTY-MINDED full of whims or fancies, whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAWKY whimsical, capricious, changeable; peevish, discontented; proud, conceited ...1854 Eng. dial.
• MIFFY apt to take offense, touchy, capricious ...1750 Eng. dial.
• MOONISH † acting as if under the moon's influence; changeable, fickle, flighty, whimsical, capricious, variable ...c1407 obs. or arch.
• VAGARIOUS full of vagaries, erratic, capricious, whimsical ...1827
• VAGARISOME vagarious, capricious
• WANTON † capricious, frivolous, giddy ...1538
caprice, capricious - nouns
• ANTRIMS airs, whims, caprices, with an implication of temper; tantrums ...1884 Eng. dial.
• FEATHERINESS lightness, fickleness, capriciousness ...1689
• MAGGOT a whim, fancy, caprice ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• MEGRIM a whim, fancy, caprice; an absurd notion or fancy; generally in plural ...1831 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NIFF-NAFFS whims, caprices, fussiness of disposition ...1808 Sc. DSL online
• VAGARITY * capricious irregularity or variability ...1886 rare
• VAGARY a capricious, fantastic, or eccentric action or piece of conduct ...1629
• VARIORUM † a whim, caprice; a palaver, fuss ...1857 Sc.
• WANTONNESS † caprice, whim ...1595
caprice, capricious - person
• GOOGEEN a fidgety, capricious person; generally used of a woman ...20C Irish sl.
• HAMLET - a troubled, indecisive, or capricious person; an introspective, philosophical man of dreams rather than of action ...1903
• MAGGOT a whimsical or capricious person ...1681
caprice, capricious - verbs
• TIG-TOW to play fast and loose with; to behave irresponsibly or immorally; to act capriciously; to dally with ...1864 Sc.
CAPSIZE - verbs
• PITCHPOLE of a boat: to pitch severely, to capsize bow first ...1892 Amer. dial.
• RAMVERSE † to capsize, to upset ...1593
• TUMP to fall over abruptly, to capsize ...1952 Amer. dial.
• TUMP OVER to fall over abruptly, to capsize ...1952 Amer. dial.
• UP-DRAW to overthrow, to capsize; to turn a somersault ...Bk1905 Sc.
• CAPSIZAL the act of capsizing; an upset ...1881
CAPTAIN - person
• BAAS - a Dutch ship's captain ...1625
• BREAK-BULK - † a captain that appropriates a portion of his cargo ...17C sl.
• CAP - captain ...M19 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• CAPER - † a privateer - the captain of a privateer - a corsair ...1657 obs. exc. hist.
• CAPTAINESS - a female captain or commander ...1465
• COP - a captain ...US Civil War usage
• DRIVER - a captain notorious for crowding-on all possible sail ...M19 nautical
• HEAD - a person to whom others are subordinate - a chief - a captain - a commander - a ruler - a leader - a principal person ...c897
• MASTER KNOB, THE - the ship's captain ...19C Brit. sl.
• OLD MAN - orig. a commanding officer or ship's captain - hence, one's employer or superior ...1830 sl.
• QUINQUAGENARIAN - †* a captain of fifty men ...1569
• QUINQUAGENARY - †* a captain of fifty men ...1382
• RAG-DRAGGER - the captain of a sailing ship ...20C nautical sl.
• SKIP - a skipper (a captain, leader, etc.) ...1830 UK
• SKIPPER 1. the captain of a sports team ...1830 sl.
2. a commanding officer in the army or the captain of an aircraft or squadron ...1906 services' sl.
• UMIALIK - a boat captain; a boss; a rich man ...1866 Alaska
captain - person, other
• TIGER a captain's personal steward ...1929 nautical sl.
CAPTIOUS - adjectives
• BOW-WOW captious, snarling ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAVILLOUS † unfair in argument; full of objections; apt to object or criticize without good reason; captious, quibbling ...1572
• ERISTIC of or pertaining to controversy or disputation; disposed to controversy; captious ...1637
• JUNTOUS apt to take offense; ill-tempered, sullen, captious, surly, morose ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KAMPSJIOUS captious, disposed to catch at faults ...1914 Sc.
• QUEER ill-tempered, captious; unsociable from some fancied slight or insult ...1885 Eng. dial.
• QUIDIFICAL †* quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• SNORTY ill-tempered, disagreeable, captious, irritable, bad-tempered ...1893 colloq.
• TARTLESOME † disposed to start objections, captious ...a1838 Sc.
• TASH † fretful, captious, hard to please; ill-natured; forward ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TEPTIOUS snappish, captious; irritating; treacherous, changeable, not to be depended upon ...1876 Eng. dial.
• TETTY † easily offended; irritable, peevish; captious, testy, cross-tempered; bad-tempered ...1621 obs. exc. Sc.
• YATTERIN captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
• YATTERY captious, fretful, querulous, scolding ...a1838 Sc.
captious - person
• ATTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ATTERCOP † an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...c1505 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EDDERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person; a shrewish woman ...1892 Eng. dial.
• ETHERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1725 Eng. dial.
• ETTERCAP an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...1820 Sc.
• NABBLER a gossip; a mischief-maker; an argumentative, captious person ...1886 Eng. dial.
• NATTER-CROP a peevish person; an ill-natured, petulant, malignant, captious person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CAPTIVE to captivate, to enthrall ...1528 arch.
• FANG to captivate ...1807 Sc.
• FANKLE to captivate ...1924 Sc.
• HOOK to make helplessly enamoured; to captivate ...1927 Amer. sl.
• YARR † to quarrel, to be captious and troublesome ...1778 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
CAPTIVATED - adjectives
• HOOKED filled with love for; captivated ...1927 Amer. sl.
captivated - verbs
• FALL FOR to be greatly attracted by, esp. a member of the opposite sex; to become charmed or captivated by; to fall in love with ...1903 colloq.
CAPTIVATING - adjectives
• CATCHING attractive, captivating ...1654
• TAKEFUL-LOOKING attractive; captivating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAKY that takes the fancy or affection; capable of captivating or charming; designed to attract notice and please; alluring, fascinating, attractive, appealing ...1854 colloq.
captivating - nouns
• TAKE * 'taking' or captivating quality, charm ...1794
• HEART-SNARES captivations ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
CAPTIVE - adjectives
• CAITIFF † captive ...1382
• CAITIVE captive, subject
• CAPTIVABLE †* that can be taken captive ...1675
captive - nouns
• CAPTIVEMENT †* a taking captive, captivity ...1714
captive - person
• CAITIFF † orig.: a captive, a prisoner ...1330
• CAPTIVITY † those who are in captivity; captives collectively ...1526
captive - verbs
• CAITIVE † to make captive ...1382
• CAPTIVATE † to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAPTIVE to take captive, to bring into captivity ...c1430 arch.
• CAITIFDOM † captivity ...1382
• CAITIFTY † captivity ...a1300
• CAPTIVANCE †* captivation, captivity ...1596
• CAPTIVEMENT †* a taking captive, captivity ...1714
CAPTOR - person
• BEAR-LEADER - formerly a ludicrous name for the travelling companion or tutor of a young gentleman or nobleman, employed by the parents or guardians to watch over him and keep him from evil courses which he might fall into if left to himself; hence, an expert who teaches by example; also, a captor, a custodian ...1749
• CAPER - † a captor - a seizer ...1759 Sc.
• CAPTIVER - † one who takes captive - a captor ...1613
• CAPTRESS - * a female captor ...1867
• TAKER - one who captures or seizes; a captor, a seizer, a catcher, an apprehender ...c1375
CAPTURE - nouns
• APPLE CUCUMBER a ploy to kill or capture one's target by using a friend to get close to the target's friend, which will eventually bring the target into view ...1990s Aust. criminals' sl.
• CAPTION * a taking, catching, seizure, capture ...1382
• FANG † a capture, a catch; also, a tight grasp, a grip ...a1400-50
capture - person
• FANGER † one who catches or captures ...a1300
capture - verbs
• BAG in the military: to take prisoner; to capture ...1861 military sl.
• BETAKE to overtake, to capture, to recover ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CAPTIVATE † to make captive, to take prisoner; to capture ...c1555 obs. or arch.
• CAST SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• CATCH † to take forcible possession of, to capture a town, castle, ship, country, etc. ...c1205
• COB of people: to capture, to catch, to catch out ...E19 sl.
• FANG † to seize upon booty; to catch, to apprehend, to get into one's power; to capture a city; to seize lands or possessions ...1016
• HAWK to capture, to catch, to pounce upon ...1806 Amer. dial.
• INTAKE † capture, seizure ...1819 Sc.
• LATCH † to take with force; to capture; to seize upon a person or his goods ...c950
• LAY SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• NAB vb. to catch or capture a person unawares; to apprehend and arrest; to catch, in the sense of to hit ...1686 UK criminals' sl.
• PUT SALT ON THE TAIL OF to catch; to capture: children having been told from hoary antiquity that they can catch birds by putting salt on their tails
• TAKE A RUN AT SOMEONE to attempt to capture, assault, or seduce someone ...20C US sl.
• TAKE IN † to capture, to take prisoner, to conquer in war ...1387
• TAKE TO to capture, to arrest ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
CAPTURED - adjectives
• DEAD finished; lost; arrested, captured ...1950s sl.
• IN THE RANK arrested, captured while committing a crime ...1920s US criminals' sl.
CAPTURING - adjectives
• TAKEFUL capturing, arresting ...1901 Eng. dial.