SABOTAGE - verbs
• NOBBLE to sabotage, esp. to hinder or defeat a rival ...1856 Brit. sl.
SABOTEUR - verbs
• SAB to act as a saboteur ...1996 UK sl.
SACK - nouns
• BADGER'S CLOUT n. a wisp of hay or straw used to stop a hole in a sack ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FAIK † the neck of a sack, after it has been drawn together and tied ...1825 Sc.
• JAGGET a full sack or pocket, hanging awkwardly, and dangling at every motion ...1808 Sc.
• SACKET † a small sack or bag ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TANKY BAG a purse, pouch, or sack ...1950 Amer. dial.
• THANKY BAG a purse, pouch, or sack ...1898 Amer. dial.
• THANKY POKE a purse, pouch, or sack ...1952 Amer. dial.
SACRED - adjectives
• SANCT * holy, sacred, consecrated ...1890
• SANCTILOQUENT * speaking of or discoursing on holy or sacred things ...1656
• SANCTIMONIAL †* holy in character; sacred, holy, consecrated ...1721
• SANCTIMONIOUS † holy in character; sacred, holy, consecrated ...1604
SACRED - adjectives
• SANCTIFICATE * to sanctify; to set apart as holy or sacred ...a1677
• IMMOLATION 1. the act of offering in sacrifice; sacrificial slaughter of a victim ...1534
2. a sacrificial victim, a sacrifice ...1589
• LAKE † an offering, sacrifice; also, a gift ...c1000
• OFFREDGE † the act of offering, or that which is offered; offering, sacrifice ...1548
• BE WILLING TO GIVE ONE'S EARS to be ready to make any sacrifice ...1883
• GIVE ONE'S RIGHT ARM to be prepared to make any sacrifice ...colloq.
• IMMOLATE to sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice; to kill as a victim ...1548
• IMMOLE †* to sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice ...1609
• LAKE † to present an offering or sacrifice to ...c1200
SACRIFICE - phrases
• OMELETS CANNOT BE MADE WITHOUT BREAKING EGGS things cannot be accomplished without the sacrifice of something in itself valuable ...1898
SACRIFICED - adjectives
• IMMOLATE † sacrificed, immolated ...1534 obs. or arch.
• MACTATION the act of killing, esp. the slaughtering of a sacrificial victim ...1640
SAD - adjectives
• ALAN LADD sad ...1990s Brit. rhyming sl.
• BAISE † sad, sorrowful ...1825 Sc.
• BAISS † sad, sorrowful ...1825 Sc.
• BEAT sad; disillusioned; world-weary ...1947 Amer. sl.
• DARKSOME characterized by gloom, sadness, or cheerlessness; melancholy, dismal ...1649
• DAUNSY downcast, sad ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DERE † grievous, sad ...1686 Eng. dial.
• DROOPY depressed; dejected; sad; gloomy; drooping ...a1225
• DUMB-COMPLAINING showing sadness or grief in the face, but not expressing it in words ...1810
• EARNFUL † causing anxiety or yearning; anxious; full of longing desire; sorrowful, lamentable, melancholy, sad ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EERIE dismal, sad, melancholy, gloomy, dull, mournful ...1773 Sc.
• EERIESOME dismal, dull, sad, melancholy ...1869 Sc.
• ERNEFUL sad, lamentable, pitiable; sorrowful, melancholy ...1691 Eng. dial.
• ERNFUL † sad, lamentable, pitiable; sorrowful, melancholy ...1679 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FRIDAY-FACED † sad-looking, melancholy, gloomy, sour-featured, miserable, gloomy ...c1600
• FUNEBRIOUS † pert. to funerals; hence, gloomy, sad, melancholy, mournful ...1653
• HEAVISOME † of heavy mood, doleful, sad, dejected; dull, gloomy, dark ...1435 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HEAVY-HEARTED grieved, sad, melancholy ...c1400
• LUGUBRIOUS expressing or causing mourning; mournful, sorrowful, sad, dismal, pitiable ...1601
• MESTFUL †* mournful; sad; melancholy; dismal; gloomy ...1577
• MESTIFICAL † making sad or sorrowful ...1656
• MESTIVE † sad, sorrowful, gloomy, dismal, mournful, melancholy ...1578
• MISHAPPY † unhappy, miserable, sad, wretched ...c1386
• NEW-SAD * recently made sad ...1788
• OFF sad, sorrowful, regretful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SADDED † saddened, made sorrowful ...1680
• SAFFLE dull, sad, melancholy ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAIR serious, considerable, sad, thoroughgoing ...1776 Sc.
• SAIRIE † sad, doleful, sorrowful ...1838 Sc.
• SAIRY † sad, doleful, sorrowful ...1838 Sc.
• SIGHFUL * sorrowful, sad ...1606
• SITHEFUL † sighful, sad ...1610
• SUBTRIST * somewhat sad ...1820
• THOUGHT-SICK † sick from thinking; sick with anxiety; uneasy with sad reflections; sad, sorrowful, melancholy ...1598
• TRISTITIOUS †* full of sadness, sorrowful ...1694
• UGLY depressed, sad ...1836 Eng. dial.
• UNBLITHE † unhappy; sad, sorrowful; not delighted ...c897
• UNHEARTSOME cheerless, melancholy, sad ...1660 Sc.
• UNHEARTY disheartened; cheerless; wretched, sad ...1845 Sc.
• VEXSOME sorrowful, full of vexation; grievous, sad ...1852 Sc.
• VULTUOSOUS † of a grave and solemn countenance; of a heavy and sad look ...1656
• WAN † sad, dismal; also, awful, deadly, cruel, wicked ...c1400 poetic
SAD, SADNESS - nouns
• BALEFULNESS hurtfulness; distress, sadness ...1592
• EGRIMONY †* great sorrow, grief, sadness ...1626
• HEAVINESS † sadness, grief ...c1275
• HEAVITY † heaviness of heart; sorrow, sadness ...c1400
• MOP a sad face or expression
• SKELETON AT THE FEAST, A a reminder of saddening or serious things in the midst of enjoyment; a source of gloom or depression ...1857
• SORE CUP OF TEA something sad, painful, or disgusting ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TEAR-JERKER a story, film, song, etc. calculated to evoke sadness or sympathy ...1921 sl., orig. US
SAD, SAD-LOOKING - nouns, person
• AGELASTIC † one who never laughs; one who is perpetually sad ...1626
• PRUNEFACE a homely or sad-looking person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
SAD, SADDEN - verbs
• ATTRIST † to make sad, to sadden ...1680
• CONTRISTATE † to make sad or sorrowful; to sadden, grieve ...1616
• FUNERALIZE † to render sad or melancholy ...1654
• HAVE THE CAFARD to be fearful and sad ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MOP to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOP AND MOW to make a grimace or sad expression
• SAD † to sadden ...1775 Sc.
• TRISTITIATE †* to make sad or sorrowful, to sadden ...1628
SAD, SADNESS - interjections
• A-DEARY ME! exclamation of sadness or surprise ...1868 Eng. dial.
SAD, SADNESS - phrases
• FACE AS LONG AS A WET SUNDAY, A used for describing an expression of depression or sadness ...1984 Can. sl.
SADDLE - adverbs
• SIDELING † on a side-saddle; facing to the side ...1603
SADDLE - nouns
• BASTO the skirt of a saddle; also, the leather lining of a saddle ...1881 Amer. dial.
• BEAR TRAP a saddle which had a small seat and cantle close to the fork, making it a major achievement to fall out of it ...1944 Amer. dial.
• BISCUIT the saddle horn ...1940 Amer. Western usage
• CACK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CACK BISCUIT a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• CACTUS a packsaddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CANTLE the protuberant part at the back of a saddle ...1592
• CHAIR a cowboy's saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN SADDLE an unusually small saddle ...1944 Amer. sl.
• DISH the seat of a saddle ...1961 Amer. dial.
• HEN-SKIN a small or inferior saddle ...1942 Amer. sl.
• KACK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
• KACK BISCUIT a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• KAK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1939 Amer. dial.
• LIZZIE a saddle horn ...1936 Amer. dial.
• LIZZY a saddle horn ...1936 Amer. dial.
• OLD SUSIE the horn of a saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• PAD a soft, stuffed saddle ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PANEL † 1. a piece of cloth placed under the saddle to protect the horse's back from being galled; later, the pad or stuffed lining of a saddle employed for his purpose ...a1300
2. an ass's wooden saddle ...1530
• PIG the horn of a saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• PIGSKIN a saddle ...c1860 sporting sl.
• RIM-FIRE a saddle with two cinches ...1894 Amer. dial.
• RIMMY a saddle with two cinches ...1936 Amer. dial.
• SUMPTER † a pack, a saddlebag ...1570
• SADDLE POCKET a saddlebag ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SUGGAN a saddle ...1722 Anglo-Irish
• SUMPTER † a pack, a saddlebag ...1570
SADDLE - verbs
• PANEL †* to furnish a saddle with a 'panel' or pad ...1508
SADISM - nouns
• B. AND D. a form of sadism and masochism ; 'Bondage and Discipline' ...M20 US sl.
• S. AND M. sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
SADIST - nouns, person
• INDORSER a sadist; one who flogs the back of another ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• SAD-ASS a sadist ...1960s US homosexual sl.
SADISTIC - adjectives
• LEATHER pert. to any sadistic, virile male ...20C US sl.
SADISTIC - nouns, person
• DIRT a sadistic man who beats homosexual males after having sex with them ...20C sl.
SADLY - adverbs
• HEAVISOMELY † sadly ...1382
• SADLIES sadly; to a great degree ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SADLINS sadly; greatly ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SODLIES sadly; to a great degree ...Bk1904 Sc.
SADO-MASOCHISM - adjectives
• S AND M pert. to sado-masochism ...1960s sl.
• SADIE AND MAISIE sado-masochism ...1960s sl.
• SADIE-MAISIE sado-masochism ...1965 sl.
• S AND M sado-masochism ...1964 US sl.
SAD-MASOCHIST - nouns, person
• SADDIE-MAISIE a practitioner of sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
• SADIE-MAISIE a practitioner of sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
• SADO-MASO a sado-masochist ...1970s US sl.
• S AND M in a sado-masochistic relationship: slave and master (or mistress) ...1977 US sl.
• SADO-MASO sado-masochistic ...1970s US sl.
SAFE, SAFETY (secure) - adjectives
• ABS-NABBEMS safe, secure from capture ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• ADAM FAITH safe ...1960s Brit. rhyming sl.
• HAIL † free from injury, infirmity, or disease; sound, unhurt, safe; healthy, robust; hale ...c1205
• HALE † free from injury; safe, sound, unhurt ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HALE-SCART without a scratch, unhurt; wholly safe ...1829 Sc.
• JEOPARDLESS † free from risk or peril; safe, secure ...1549
• O.K. well, safe; unharmed; undamaged ...1839 colloq.
• OKAY well, safe; unharmed; undamaged ...1839 colloq.
• OKEY safe, unharmed ...M19 sl.
• QUARTFUL † sound, healthy; safe, prosperous ...c1460.
• SAFE AS A GUN, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS BRANDY, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS DEATH, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS HOUSES, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904
• SALUTIFEROUS conducive to well-being, safety, or salvation ...c1540
• SALVATORY * saving; imparting safety or salvation to ...1830
• SCART-FREE safe and sound; uninjured ...1897 Sc.
• SICKER free from danger or harm; secure, safe ...c897 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SAFE, SAFETY - nouns
• ALYO a condition of calm or safety ...Amer. sl.
• FASTNESS † security from invasion, difficulty of access; safety, strength ...1596
• GARRISON † defense, protection; deliverance, safety; means of defense ...c1320
• HAIL † health, safety, welfare ...a1400-50 chiefly N. Eng. dial.
• HEAL † well-being, welfare, safety; prosperity ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTH † well-being, welfare, safety; deliverance ...c1250
• INCOLUMITY † safety, soundness, freedom from danger ...1533
• SAFITY safety ...1879 Sc.
• SAFT † safety ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SALUTE † safety, well-being, salvation ...1471
• SICKERNESS † sure keeping; safe custody ...1678
SAFE (for money, etc.) - nouns
• BOX a safe ...1909 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CAN a safe ...1925 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CAN-OPENER a tool for opening safes, etc. ...1912 sl.
• DAMPER a safe or safe-deposit box ...1872 US criminals' sl.
• FLUNK the strongbox within a safe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• ICEBOX a safe ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• JOHN O'BRIEN an empty safe ...1910s US sl.
• KEESTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• KEISTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• KEYSTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• PETE a safe ...1911 sl.
• PETE-BOX a safe ...1911 sl.
• PETER a safe; also, a cash-box or cash register ...1859 sl.
• RIPPER a tool for opening safes, etc. ...1889 sl.
SAFE (for money, etc.) - nouns, person
• DAMPER-SNEAK a thief of safes ...1872 US criminals' sl.
SAFE (for money, etc.) - verbs
• BLOW A TANK to dynamite a safe ...1932 NZ sl.
• DECK to drill through the top of a safe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK to rob, esp. a safe or till ...1767 sl.
• NEEDLE to drill a hole, such as in a safe ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• PETER to blow open a safe in order or steal from it ...1962 sl.
• SIEVE to drill holes in a safe for the placement of explosives to be used in opening it ...1970 US sl.
• TICKLE THE PETER to rob a safe, till, or cashbox ...1945 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ
• UNBUTTON to force or rip open a safe ...1949 US sl.
SAFE (unharmed) - verbs
• COME THROUGH WITH ALL HAIRS LYING FLAT to come through unscathed ...1934 Amer. dial.
SAFE-BREAKER - nouns, person
• BOX MAN a safecracker ...1902 Amer. criminals' sl.
• BOX SLUGGER a safecracker ...1970 Amer. criminals' sl.
• PARLOR MAN the safe-breaker who lights the fuse on a charge of nitroglycerine ...1910s US criminals' sl.
• PETE-MAN a safe-breaker ...1911 sl.
• PETER-GEE a safecracker ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• PETERMAN a safe-breaker ...1900 sl.
• TOOL-MAN a lock-picker or a safe-breaker ...1949 sl.
• YEGG a criminal, esp. a burglar or safecracker ...1903 US sl.
• YEGGMAN n. a burglar or safe-breaker ...1905 US
• OLD MAN a long-handled tool used to secure leverage in safecracking ...1926 US sl.
• PETE nitroglycerine as used for safe-breaking ...1931 sl.
• PUFF gunpowder or other explosives used for safe-breaking ...1904 sl., orig. US
• SOUP nitroglycerine or gelignite, esp. as used for safe-breaking ...1902 sl., orig. US
• DAMPER a safe or safe-deposit box ...1872 US criminals' sl.
• PALE a limit, boundary; a restriction; a defense, safeguard ...c1400
• PALLADIUM anything on which the safety of a nation, institution, privilege, etc. is believed to depend; a safeguard, protecting institution; means of protection or defense ...1600
• WARETACK † a safeguard ...1542
• WARDENSHIP * guardianship, safe-keeping ...a1300
• WARE † watchful care, heed; safe-keeping, defense, protection ...c893
SAFELY - adverbs
• SICKER † with security; safely, confidently ...c1205
• SICKERLY † without danger or harm; securely, safely ...c1290 now Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SAFETY - verbs
• WARD to guard, to stand guard over; to keep in safety, to take care of; to defend, to protect ...a1035 arch.
SAFETY-PIN - nouns
• CAREFUL PIN a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• LATCH-PIN a safety pin ...1940 Amer. dial.
• SAFETY a safety pin used as a hypodermic needle ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SICK-BAY SHACKLE a safety-pin ...c1939 Royal Navy usage
• TALL PIN a safety pin ...1952 Amer. dial.
SAG - verbs
• SAB † to subside or sink; to sag ...18C Sc.
• SWAG to sag ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SAGACIOUS - adjectives
• AULD-HEADIT shrewd, sagacious ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AULD-MOU'D sagacious, crafty ...1768 Sc.
• CANNY knowing, sagacious, judicious, prudent; wary, cautious ...1637 Sc.
• FARRANT † wise, sagacious, well-informed ...c1860
• HEARTED † sagacious, wise, prudent ...1388
• HEARTY †* possessed of understanding; wise, prudent, sagacious ...1382
• LESTY †* skilful, sagacious ...1423 Sc.
• NASUTE † keen-scented, sagacious ...1653
• NESE-WISE clever, sagacious ...1790 Sc.
• OLD-HEADED shrewd, sagacious ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OLD-MOU'D sagacious in speech ...1768 Sc.
• SAGASHUS † sagacious ...1872 Sc.
• SAVEY wise, sagacious, experienced ...1771 Sc.
• WARE † prudent, sagacious, cunning, skilled ...c888 obs. exc. arch.
• WARE AND WISE † prudent, sagacious, cunning, skilled ...c888 obs. exc. arch.
• YEPE † prudent, wise, sagacious, shrewd, astute ...c1000
• CANNILY sagaciously, skilfully, prudently; cautiously, slyly; gently, softly; comfortably ...1636 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• YEPLY † cunningly, craftily; shrewdly, sagaciously ...a900
SAGACITY - nouns
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• NASUTENESS † sagacity ...1660
• SAVENDIE † knowledge, sagacity ...1823 Sc.
SAGE - nouns
• SAVE † sage ...c1386
SAIL - adjectives
• SAILRIFE † abounding in sails ...1513
• SAILWORTHY †* of the weather: admitting of the use of sails ...c1595
• VELIFEROUS † carrying sails ...1656
• VELIFIC † done with sails displayed or full spread ...1727
• VELIFICAL † done with sails displayed or full spread ...1656
• VELIVOLANT † running and flying with full sail ...1656
• ANGEL'S FOOTSTOOL the highest sail of a full-rigged vessel ...1883 Amer. jocular
• BAGGYWRINKLE in sailing: old pieces of line wrapped around stays and shrouds to prevent sail chafing ...1908 Amer. sl.
• JIB-OF-JIBS an impossible sail ...Bk1896 nautical sl.
• MAE WEST a large spinnaker ...1961 Amer. nautical sl.
• NAVIGATION †* a passage or course by which one many sail ...1633
• RIDE the act of sailing; a passage by water ...Bk1904 Sc.
• VEIL † a sail ...c1430
• VELIFICATION † a sailing forwards, or hoisting sail; a course or voyage ...1656
• VENTAIL † something acting as a sail or fan ...a1529
SAIL, SAILMAKER - nouns, person
• SAILS a ship's sailmaker ...1864 nautical sl.
SAIL - verbs
• FAFFLE † of a sail: to flap idly in the wind ...Bk1901 obs. or Eng. dial.
• RAMP to sail swiftly ...1872
• SINGLE †* to sail ...1584
• SULCATE † to sail, to cleave the water ...1577
• SULCK †* to sail, to cleave the water ...1579
• SULK †* to sail, to cleave the water ...1579
• VELIFICATE † to sail ...1623
• VENTEL † to set sail ...a1400
• WAFF † to sail; to sail the seas ...1611
SAILOR - adjectives
• TAR-BREECH † wearing tarry breeches, said of a sailor ...1582
• TARPAULIAN † pert. to a sailor ...1719
• TARPAULIN * pert to a mariner or sailor; sea-bred ...1647
• TARRISH * belonging to sailors; nautical ...1841
SAILOR - nouns (also see SEAMAN & SERVICES)
• BEACON a sailor’s home ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DAVY the spirit of the sea; the sailors' devil; the demon of the sea; hence the bottom of the sea; a watery grave; death in general ...1790 nautical sl.
• RAIL SQUAD seasick sailors ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• TARHOOD the general body of sailors; sailors collectively ...1749 nonce word
SAILOR - nouns, person
• ANCHOR-CLANKER a deck-hand; hence, a sailor ...1952 Amer. sl.
• ANCHORHEAD a sailor; used derisively ...1968 US military sl.
• BEACH COMBER a sailor on shore leave ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BEACHMASTER a sailor very fond of women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BOY IN BLUE a sailor ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAPLAIN'S MATE a sailor of pronounced religious tendencies ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CHICKEN a young sailor or soldier; a novice ...1888 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN OF THE SEA a young sailor ...1970s US gay sl.
• CHINAMAN a sailor who works in a ship's laundry ...20C US sl.
• COXSWAIN OF THE PLOW a sailor recently enlisted ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CRUMB a dirty sailor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CRUMB GOB a dirty sailor ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DECK APE a sailor whose duties keep him on the deck ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DILBERT a sailor who is a foul-up or a screwball ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DRY SEAMAN a sailor ...US Civil War usage
• FARMER a sailor who has no duties at the wheel or on watch during the night ...1886 sl.
• FLATFOOT a sailor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• FORECASTLE LAWYER a sailor conversant with the navy regulations ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• FOWL a troublesome or undisciplined sailor ...1937 naval sl.
• GALLIOT † a sailor or rower on board a galley, whether slave or free ...1506
• GOB an American sailor or ordinary seaman ...1915 sl,. orig. US
• GOBBY an American sailor; a coastguard ...1890 sl.
• GOBSHITE a bluejacket; an enlisted sailor below the rank of chief petty officer ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• GREEN MAN † an inexperienced sailor on a whaling vessel
• HOWKER a sailor with two or more sweethearts ...US Civil War usage
• JACK a sailor ...1659
• JACK ASHORE a 'larky' rather tipsy sailor ...B1909 lower class colloq.
• JACKIE a sailor ...L17 sl.
• JACK IN THE WATER a sailor ...1861 Eng. dial.
• JACK-NASTY-FACE a sailor; spec., a cook's mate ...1884 sl.
• JACKSHITE an enlisted sailor below the rank of chief petty officer ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• JACK-TAR a sailor ...1781 sl.
• JACKY a sailor ...L17 sl.
• JOCK a Scottish or (formerly) northern English sailor; a Scottish soldier; a form of address to a Scotsman ...L18 sl.
• LAGGER a sailor ...1812 sl. (Vaux)
• LAMPS a nickname for a sailor responsible for looking after the lamps on board ship ...1866 naval sl.
• LASCAR an East Indian sailor ...1625
• LASCAREE † n. an East Indian sailor ...1712
• LIBERTY HOG a sailor or marine who is eager to go on shore leave ...1992 Amer. sl.
• LIBERTY HOUND a sailor or marine who is eager to go on shore leave ...1939 Amer. sl.
• LIMEJUICER (mildly derogatory) a British sailor ...L19 jocular
• LIMEY (mildly derogatory) a British sailor ...20C colloq.
• MARINAL a mariner, a sailor ...a1300-1400 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• MARINE † a sailor, a mariner ...c1575
• MATELOT a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MATLO a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MATLOW a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MEN IN BLUE, THE n. sailors ...1857
• NAVIGANT †* a navigator, a sailor, a voyager ...1527
• NAVY CAKE a homosexual sailor ...1970s US gay sl.
• NEPTUNIST †* a navigator; a seaman; a sailor; a nautical person ...1593
• OLD SALT a sailor, esp. an experienced sailor ...1840
• PEGGY a sailor assigned to menial tasks; a mess-steward ...1902 naval sl.
• POLITICIAN a sailor having a soft job, such as compartment cleaner, storeroom keeper, etc. ...Amer. World War I sl.
• RAGGIE a young sailor; an old tar's protege; hence, a particular friend ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• RAGGY a young sailor; an old tar's protege; hence, a particular friend ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• ROPE-GRIPPER a nickname for a sailor ...1846 Sc.
• SCALY FISH an honest, rough, blunt sailor ...L18 sl.
• SAILORESS a female sailor ...1890
• SAILSMAN a sailor ...c1601
• SALT a sailor, esp. an old and experienced sailor ...1840
• SALT WATER the sea; hence a jocular form of address to a sailor ...1839
• SEAFOOD a sailor considered as a sexual object by a homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• SHELLBACK a hardened or experienced sailor; an old sailor ...1853 jocular
• SINBAD an old sailor ...c1860 nautical sl.
• SKULKER a soldier who, by feigned sickness or other pretenses, evades his duty; a sailor keeps below in time of danger ...1785
• SO-CALLED SALT a dry-land sailor ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SPLICER a sailor ...1910s sl.
• SWAB a sailor ...19C sl.
• SWABBY in the Navy or Coast Guard, a sailor ...sl.
• TALL WATER SAILOR one who has often crossed the ocean ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• TAR a sailor ...1676 sl.
• TAR-LUBBER a term of contempt for a sailor ...1610
• TARPAULIAN † a sailor ...a1656
• TARPAULIN * a nickname for a mariner or sailor, esp. a common sailor ...1647 rare or arch.
• TAR-POT a sailor ...1641 humorous
• TARRY-BREEKS a sailor ...1785 Sc.
• TARRY-JACKET a humorous nickname for a sailor ...1822
• TARRY-JOHN a humorous nickname for a sailor ...1888
SAILOR - nouns, person, other
• SEA GULL a girl or a woman who follows the naval fleet or who follows a particular sailor; this includes sailors' wives ...World War II US naval sl.
SAILOR - verbs
• FOLLOW THE SEA to pursue the calling of a sailor ...US Civil War usage
• GO BY WATER to follow the sea as a calling; to be a sailor ...Bk1894 Amer. dial.
• SWALLOW THE ANCHOR of a sailor: to give up seafaring life ...1909 Amer. nautical sl.
SAINT - adjectives
• HAGIOGRAPHIC pert. to the writing of saints' lives ...1819
• HAGIOLATROUS given to saint worship ...1841
• HAGIOLOGIC pert. to hagiology ...1826
• HAGIOLOGICAL pert. to hagiology ...1872
• SANCTEOUS †* pert. to saints ...1631
SAINT - nouns
• HAGIARCHY the rule or order of saints ...1826
• HAGIOGRAPHY the writing of the lives of saints; saints' lives as a branch of literature or legend ...1821
• HAGIOLATRY the worship of saints ...1808
• HAGIOLOGY the literature that treats of the lives and legends of saints; by extension, also, of great men or heroes; a work on the lives and legends of the saints ...1807
• HAGIOMANIA a mania for sainthood ...1797
• SANCTILOGE †* a catalogue of saints, or a collection of saints' lives ...1526
• SANCTILOGY * a catalogue of saints, or a collection of saints' lives ...1867
SAINT - nouns, person
• HAGIOGRAPHER a writer of saints' lives ...1849
• HAGIOGRAPHIST a writer of saints' lives ...1817
• HAGIOLATER one who worships saints ...1875
• HAGIOLOGIST one versed in the legends of saints; a writer of hagiology ...1805
• SANCTICOLIST a worshipper of saints ...1615
SALAD - adjectives
• ACETARIOUS used in salads, as lettuce, cress, etc. ...1822
• NERVOUS of a dessert or salad: having a jelly-like consistency ...1936 Amer. dial. jocular
SALAD - nouns
• ACETARIES † salads mixed with vinegar to stir up appetite ...1657
• ACETARS † 'salads and vinegar' ...1612
• RABBIT FOOD any salad vegetable, esp. lettuce ...1936 UK sl.
• RABBIT'S FOOD any salad vegetable, esp. lettuce ...1936 UK sl.
• SALADING herbs and vegetables for a salad ...1664
• SALETTING vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLADING vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLET salad ...1703 Sc.
• SALLETIN vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLETINE † herbs and vegetables for salad ...1664
SALAMI - nouns
• HORSECOCK sausage, esp. bologna or salami ...1942 US sl., esp. navy usage
SALARY - adjectives
• SALARIATED † salaried ...1656
SALARY - nouns
• BIG MONEY a large amount of money, high wages or salary ...1888 orig. US
• BIG PAY high wages or salary ...1915 US
• K £1000 or $1000; used esp. with reference to salaries offered in job advertisements ...1968 sl.
• RAISE an increase in salary or wages ...L19 sl.
• SALT MONEY † salary ...1535
• SUB an advance payment of wages or salary ...1866 Brit. sl.
SALARY - verbs
• SALARIATE † to pay a salary to; to supply the salary of ...1656
• SUB to pay someone a 'sub', or advance on wages or salary ...1874 Brit. sl.
SALE - adjectives
• MARCHANTABLE fit for sale, in good condition ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SALARY †* open to sale, venal ...1593
• VENAL of things: exposed or offered for sale; that may be bought, as an ordinary article of merchandise ...1662 arch.
• VENALITIOUS * belonging to the sale of men or children, or of slaves; that is to be bought or sold ...1656
• VENDABLE * able to be sold ...c1400
• VENDIBLE † offered for sale; that may be bought or purchased ...1552
SALE - nouns (also see AUCTION)
• ABLECTICK † anything garnished for sale ...1612
• HANDSEL the first money received in the day for the sale of goods; also, the first purchaser ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HOLD-UP a sale at an exorbitant price ...Bk1913-17 Amer. sl.
• KILL, THE n. the moment when a sale is confirmed ...1999 UK sl.
• MANGONISM † the craft of pampering, trimming, or setting out saleable things ...1656
• MANGONIZATION † the act of 'mangonizing' or tricking out for sale ...1660
• MANGONY †* the craft of pampering, trimming, or setting out saleable things ...1623
• VENALITY * the quality of being for sale ...1611
• VEND sale; opportunity of selling ...1618
• VENDIBLE a thing admitting of being sold or offered for sale ...1681
• VENDITATION * the act of offering for sale ...1854
• VENDITION the act of selling; disposal or transfer by sale ...1542
• VENT a sale; a demand for goods; means of disposal ...1641 Eng. dial.
• VENTAGE † the act of selling or vending; sale ...1577
SALE - nouns, person
• MANGONIST † one who furbishes up inferior wares for sale ...1605
SALE - verbs
• BE AT MARKET † to be for sale ...1776
• MANGONIZE † to furbish up inferior wares for sale ...1623
SALEABLE - adjectives
• EMPTITIOUS †* capable of being bought; open to a price; saleable ...1650
• SALE-RIFE † saleable, easy to sell ...1781 Sc.
• SALE-WORTH † saleable; capable of being sold; fit for sale ...1481
• SALE-WORTHY † saleable; capable of being sold; fit for sale ...c1440
• VENDIBLE capable of being sold; saleable, marketable ...1382
SALEABLE - nouns
• VENALIZATION * the process of making venal or saleable ...1906
• VENALNESS * the quality of being for sale; saleableness ...1727
• VENDIBILITY the quality of being saleable ...1660
• VENDIBLENESS saleableness ...1611
SALESMAN - nouns
• SPIEL glib or persuasive talk; a salesman's patter ...1896 sl.
SALESMAN, SALES PERSON - nouns, person
• FAKER a street salesman of cheap goods ...M19 sl.
• MOZZLE AND BROCHA a door-to-door salesman ...20C rhyming sl. = 'on the knocker' (working as a door-to-door salesman)
• REP a sales representative ...1938 sl.
• SING to make a sales pitch ...1981 US carnival usage
• WORK IT to behave in a blatantly seductive way; to engage in high-pressure salesmanship ...1980s Amer. sl.
SALIVA - adjectives
• SALIVAN * consisting of saliva ...1882
• SALIVARIOUS † clammy and thick like spittle ...1656
• SALIVOUS † of the nature of saliva ...1567
• SPUTATIVE †* given to excessive spitting or salivation ...a1639
SALIVA - nouns
• AMBEER saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1848 Amer. dial.
• AMBER JUICE saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BACKWASH saliva, as mixed with the remnants of a drink ...1992 US college sl.
• CALF-SLOBBER(S) saliva ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HAG BRIDLE the trickle of saliva which often runs from the mouth corners in troubled and uneasy sleep ...1909 Amer. dial.
• HAM GRAVY saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES SPIT saliva coloured brown by snuff or chewing tobacco ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SLYVER saliva ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SALIVA - verbs
• BEDRAVEL † to cover with drivel or saliva ...1377
• BEDRAWL † to cover with drivel or saliva ...1377
SALLY - adjectives
• SALLIABLE †* suitable for making a sally ...1598
SALLY - nouns
• SALIAUNCE † an assault, or sally ...1590
SALLY - nouns, person
• SALLIER * one who takes part in a sally ...1685
SALMON - nouns
• ALASKA TURKEY a salmon ...19C US sl.
• ALASKA TURKEY salmon ...1948 Amer. dial.
• BAGGIT a salmon that has just spawned ...1848
• BRADDAN a salmon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRANNOCK a young salmon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DEEP-SEA CHICKEN canned salmon ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DEEP SEA TURKEY salmon ...1921 Amer. sl., chiefly navy and army usage
• EKE a male salmon ...1887 Eng. dial.
• ESLING a young salmon, spawned in the autumn, which has not yet been to the sea ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FIREBALL a salmon egg ...1969 Amer. dial.
• GOLDFISH canned salmon ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LASPRING a young salmon ...1760
• LAX † a salmon ...c725
• RACK-RIDER a young salmon or parr ...a1838 Sc.
• REISTER a salted and dried salmon; a kipper ...1811 Sc.
• SAMLET a young salmon ...1655
• SAMSON † a young salmon ...1769 Eng. dial.
• SCAD the fry of salmon ...Bk1904 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCAGGER a young salmon ...1653
• SKEGGER a young salmon ...1653
• SKIRLING a young salmon ...1776 Eng. dial.
• SUBMARINE SHARK a salmon ... World War I Amer. sl.
• YELLOW BELLY a young salmon trout returning from the sea ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SALMON - nouns, person
• RED-FISHER a salmon-fisher ...1856 Eng. dial.
SALT, SALTY - adjectives
• SALARIAN † pert. to salt ...1656
• SALARY † saline ...1646
• SALINOUS † saline, salty ...1646
• SALSAMENTARIOUS † belonging to salt, or to any salt thing ...1656
• SALSUGINOUS † impregnated with salt; brackish ...1657
• SALTEN * made of salt; salted ...1654
• SALTER THAN THE BRINY OCEAN very salty ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SALT - nouns
• DIP salt ...1851 Eng. dial.
• EARLS COURT salt ...1992 UK sl.
• LIGHTHOUSE a salt- or pepper-castor (shaker) ...L19 Royal Navy sl.
• LOT'S WIFE salt ...L19 nautical sl.
• SAL † salt ...c1386
• SAL MARINE † common salt ...1670
• SALSITUDE †* saltness, brackishness ...a1693
• SALT-CORN † a grain of salt ...1445
• SAND AND SPECKS n. salt and pepper ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SEA DUST salt ...World War I navy sl.
SALT - nouns, person
• SALINER † a salt-maker ...1543
• SAND AND SPECKS n. salt and pepper ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SIDEARMS cream and sugar; salt and pepper ...1940s US military sl.
SALTING - nouns
• SALINATION * a salting ...1705
• SALITURE †* a salting, a pickling ...1657
• SALSURE † a salting or seasoning brine ...1656
SALT WATER - nouns
• SALT-BREE salt-water ...1790 Sc.
• SALTCHUCK a body of salt water, esp. and inlet or salt lagoon ...1868 Amer. dial.
SALUTARY - adjectives
• HEALFUL † fraught with health, well-being, safety, salvation; wholesome, salutary ...c1340
• HEALSOME † wholesome, salutary; healthful ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTHSOME * bestowing health bodily, mental, or spiritual; wholesome; salutary ...1538
• HAILSING † greeting, salutation ...a1300
• SALUE †* a salutation ...c1430
• SALUS † a salutation ...a1225
• SALVEDICTION † salutation on meeting ...1668
• SALVO †* a salutation or salute ...1653
• CAP to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAP IT to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAP TO to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• WAFF to wave the hand in salutation; to give a friendly wave of the hand ...1813 Sc.
SALUTE - nouns
• HALF-CAP † a half-courteous salute, shown by a slight movement only of the cap ...1607
• HIGHBALL a salute ...Amer. World War I sl.
• PUMP HANDLE a salute ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SALVO †* a salutation or salute ...1653
SALUTE - verbs
• HAIL to salute, to greet; to receive with expressions of gladness, to welcome ...c1200
• HAILSE † to greet, to salute ...a1300
• HALCH † to hail, to salute, to greet ...1515
• HALSE † to hail, to salute, to greet ...1375
• OBSALUTATE †* to offer to salute...1623
• SALEET † to salute ...1832 Sc.
• SALUE † to salute ...c1300
SALVAGER - nouns
• SALT-WAGER † a salvager; one employed on the sea-coast by the lord of the manor to see to his rights of salvage, wreck, or waif ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
SALVATION - adjectives
• SALUTIFEROUS conducive to well-being, safety, or salvation ...c1540
• SALVATORY * saving; imparting safety or salvation to ...1830
• HEAL † spiritual health, well-being, or healing; salvation ...901-9 obs.
• HEALNESS † welfare; salvation ...c897
• HEALTH spiritual, moral, or mental soundness or well-being; salvation ...c1000 arch.
SALVATION ARMY - adjectives
• SALLY pert. to the Salvation Army ...1950s US
• ARMY, THE the Salvation Army ...20C colloq.
• CANARY in the Salvation Army: a written promise of a donation or subscription; at some of the meetings of the 'Army' instead of sending round the plate, the officers distribute slips of paper on which those present are invited to record their benevolent intentions; the original colour of the slips was yellow ...Bk1891 sl.
• DOUGHNUT ARMY the Salvation Army ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SAL the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1910s colloq.
• SALLIE the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1910s colloq.
• SALLY a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 sl.
• SALLY ANN the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 US sl.
• SALLY ARMY the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 US sl.
• SALLY BASH the Salvation Army ...1970s sl.
• SALV' the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVARMY the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVO the Salvation Army ...1891 sl.
• SALVOSH the Salvation Army ...2003 UK sl.
• SALUTE † safety, well-being, salvation ...1471
SALVATION ARMY - nouns, person
• HALLELUJAH-LASS a female member of the Salvation Army ...B1900
• SALLIES members of the Salvation Army ...1915 sl.
• SALLY ANN a Salvation Army female ...1920s Aust. sl.
• SALV' the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVARMY the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVATIONER * a member of the Salvation Army ...1889
• SALVATIONIST a member of the Salvation Army ...1882
• SALVATION JUGGINS a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVATION ROTTER a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVATION SALLY a Salvation Army girl ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVATION SOUL-SNEAKER a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVOS members of the Salvation Army ...1891 sl.
SALVE - verbs
• SALVE † to anoint a wound or wounded part with salve or healing unguent ...a800 obs. or arch.
SAME - adjectives
• ALL OF A KIDNEY much alike, of the same kind ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL OF A MAKE † of the same character throughout ...1674
• IDENTIFIC †* doing the same; concurring in action ...1678
• MACKLY similar, of the same make or kind; exactly alike; fitting nicely ...1896 Eng. dial.
• OF A WHATNESS of the same size, importance, value, etc. ...1864 Amer. dial.
• OF THE SAME LEAVEN of the same sort or character ...1650
• OF THE SAME QUILL of the same sort; alike ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SAMEN same ...1815 Sc.
• SAME SAME the same ...1956 US Korean & Vietnam war usage
• SAMEY-SAME the same ...1956 US Korean & Vietnam war usage
• VIVUAL † identical, self-same ...Bk1905 Sc.
SAME - verbs
• SERVE WITH THE SAME SAUCE to subject to the same kind of usage ...1523
SAME - phrases
• SAME DIFF exactly the same thing, no difference at all ...1940s sl.
• SAME DIFFERENCE exactly the same thing, no difference at all ...1940s sl.
• SAME OLD BAT, THE the same old way, as usual ...1881 Eng. dial.
• SAME OLD SAME OLD implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ...1972 sl., orig. US Black
• SAME OLD SEVEN AND SIX,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1863 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SEVENTY-SIX, THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1981 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SIX AND SEVEN,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1915 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SIXES AND SEVENS,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1963 Amer. dial.
• SAME OL' SAME OL' implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SAME-O SAME-O implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ..1972 sl., orig. US Black
SAMOAN - adjectives
• SAMI Samoan ...1998 NZ sl.
SAMOAN - nouns, person
• COCONUT-HEAD a Samoan-American ...20C US sl.
• SA a Samoan ...1992 NZ sl.
• SAMI a Samoan ...1980s NZ sl.
SAMPLE - nouns
• EXAMPLE a sample ...1926 Amer. dial.
• MUSTA the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• MUSTER the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• SAY a sample; a taste ...1813 Eng. dial.
SANCTIFIED - adjectives
• SANCTIFIABLE * capable of being sanctified ...1894
• SANCTIFICATE †* sanctified, holy ...c1485
SANCTIFY - adjectives
• SANCTIFICATIVE †* serving to sanctify or make holy ...1607
SANCTIFY - verbs
• SANCTIFICATE * to sanctify; to set apart as holy or sacred ...a1677
• SUNDAY FACE a sanctimonious expression; an affectedly solemn face ...1756 chiefly Sc.
SANCTIMONIOUS - nouns, person
• BIBLE-BACK (often derogatory) a pious or sanctimonious person ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHRISTER an over-pious or sanctimonious person ...1921 US sl.
• GOSPEL SHARK a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1897 Amer. dial.
• GOSPEL SHARP a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1872 Amer. dial.
• GOSPEL SHOOTER a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1900 Amer. dial.
• HOLY WILLIE a sanctimonious, hypocritically pious person ...L19 sl.
• BUNG UP AND BILGE FREE referring to one whose behaviour, while utterly proper, errs towards the self-satisfied and sanctimonious ...19C US sl.
SANCTION - nouns
• ADMITTANCE † the act of admitting as valid or satisfactory; acceptance, sanction ...1598
• RATIHABITATION †* approval, sanction ...1502
• RATIHABITION approval, sanction ...1561
SANCTION - verbs
• ACCREDITATE † to accredit; to give credit to someone for something; to vouch for, to sanction or countenance ...1654
• RATIHABIT † to express approval or sanction of ...1678 Sc.
• SANCITE †* to sanction ...1597
• ALSATIA a sanctuary ...18C Eng. sl.
• BAST sanctuary, refuge, asylum ...1894
• NOBBLE to sabotage, esp. to hinder or defeat a rival ...1856 Brit. sl.
SABOTEUR - verbs
• SAB to act as a saboteur ...1996 UK sl.
SACK - nouns
• BADGER'S CLOUT n. a wisp of hay or straw used to stop a hole in a sack ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• FAIK † the neck of a sack, after it has been drawn together and tied ...1825 Sc.
• JAGGET a full sack or pocket, hanging awkwardly, and dangling at every motion ...1808 Sc.
• SACKET † a small sack or bag ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TANKY BAG a purse, pouch, or sack ...1950 Amer. dial.
• THANKY BAG a purse, pouch, or sack ...1898 Amer. dial.
• THANKY POKE a purse, pouch, or sack ...1952 Amer. dial.
SACRED - adjectives
• SANCT * holy, sacred, consecrated ...1890
• SANCTILOQUENT * speaking of or discoursing on holy or sacred things ...1656
• SANCTIMONIAL †* holy in character; sacred, holy, consecrated ...1721
• SANCTIMONIOUS † holy in character; sacred, holy, consecrated ...1604
SACRED - adjectives
• SANCTIFICATE * to sanctify; to set apart as holy or sacred ...a1677
• IMMOLATION 1. the act of offering in sacrifice; sacrificial slaughter of a victim ...1534
2. a sacrificial victim, a sacrifice ...1589
• LAKE † an offering, sacrifice; also, a gift ...c1000
• OFFREDGE † the act of offering, or that which is offered; offering, sacrifice ...1548
• BE WILLING TO GIVE ONE'S EARS to be ready to make any sacrifice ...1883
• GIVE ONE'S RIGHT ARM to be prepared to make any sacrifice ...colloq.
• IMMOLATE to sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice; to kill as a victim ...1548
• IMMOLE †* to sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice ...1609
• LAKE † to present an offering or sacrifice to ...c1200
SACRIFICE - phrases
• OMELETS CANNOT BE MADE WITHOUT BREAKING EGGS things cannot be accomplished without the sacrifice of something in itself valuable ...1898
SACRIFICED - adjectives
• IMMOLATE † sacrificed, immolated ...1534 obs. or arch.
• MACTATION the act of killing, esp. the slaughtering of a sacrificial victim ...1640
SAD - adjectives
• ALAN LADD sad ...1990s Brit. rhyming sl.
• BAISE † sad, sorrowful ...1825 Sc.
• BAISS † sad, sorrowful ...1825 Sc.
• BEAT sad; disillusioned; world-weary ...1947 Amer. sl.
• DARKSOME characterized by gloom, sadness, or cheerlessness; melancholy, dismal ...1649
• DAUNSY downcast, sad ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DERE † grievous, sad ...1686 Eng. dial.
• DROOPY depressed; dejected; sad; gloomy; drooping ...a1225
• DUMB-COMPLAINING showing sadness or grief in the face, but not expressing it in words ...1810
• EARNFUL † causing anxiety or yearning; anxious; full of longing desire; sorrowful, lamentable, melancholy, sad ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EERIE dismal, sad, melancholy, gloomy, dull, mournful ...1773 Sc.
• EERIESOME dismal, dull, sad, melancholy ...1869 Sc.
• ERNEFUL sad, lamentable, pitiable; sorrowful, melancholy ...1691 Eng. dial.
• ERNFUL † sad, lamentable, pitiable; sorrowful, melancholy ...1679 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• FRIDAY-FACED † sad-looking, melancholy, gloomy, sour-featured, miserable, gloomy ...c1600
• FUNEBRIOUS † pert. to funerals; hence, gloomy, sad, melancholy, mournful ...1653
• HEAVISOME † of heavy mood, doleful, sad, dejected; dull, gloomy, dark ...1435 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HEAVY-HEARTED grieved, sad, melancholy ...c1400
• LUGUBRIOUS expressing or causing mourning; mournful, sorrowful, sad, dismal, pitiable ...1601
• MESTFUL †* mournful; sad; melancholy; dismal; gloomy ...1577
• MESTIFICAL † making sad or sorrowful ...1656
• MESTIVE † sad, sorrowful, gloomy, dismal, mournful, melancholy ...1578
• MISHAPPY † unhappy, miserable, sad, wretched ...c1386
• NEW-SAD * recently made sad ...1788
• OFF sad, sorrowful, regretful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SADDED † saddened, made sorrowful ...1680
• SAFFLE dull, sad, melancholy ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAIR serious, considerable, sad, thoroughgoing ...1776 Sc.
• SAIRIE † sad, doleful, sorrowful ...1838 Sc.
• SAIRY † sad, doleful, sorrowful ...1838 Sc.
• SIGHFUL * sorrowful, sad ...1606
• SITHEFUL † sighful, sad ...1610
• SUBTRIST * somewhat sad ...1820
• THOUGHT-SICK † sick from thinking; sick with anxiety; uneasy with sad reflections; sad, sorrowful, melancholy ...1598
• TRISTITIOUS †* full of sadness, sorrowful ...1694
• UGLY depressed, sad ...1836 Eng. dial.
• UNBLITHE † unhappy; sad, sorrowful; not delighted ...c897
• UNHEARTSOME cheerless, melancholy, sad ...1660 Sc.
• UNHEARTY disheartened; cheerless; wretched, sad ...1845 Sc.
• VEXSOME sorrowful, full of vexation; grievous, sad ...1852 Sc.
• VULTUOSOUS † of a grave and solemn countenance; of a heavy and sad look ...1656
• WAN † sad, dismal; also, awful, deadly, cruel, wicked ...c1400 poetic
SAD, SADNESS - nouns
• BALEFULNESS hurtfulness; distress, sadness ...1592
• EGRIMONY †* great sorrow, grief, sadness ...1626
• HEAVINESS † sadness, grief ...c1275
• HEAVITY † heaviness of heart; sorrow, sadness ...c1400
• MOP a sad face or expression
• SKELETON AT THE FEAST, A a reminder of saddening or serious things in the midst of enjoyment; a source of gloom or depression ...1857
• SORE CUP OF TEA something sad, painful, or disgusting ...1889 Eng. dial.
• TEAR-JERKER a story, film, song, etc. calculated to evoke sadness or sympathy ...1921 sl., orig. US
SAD, SAD-LOOKING - nouns, person
• AGELASTIC † one who never laughs; one who is perpetually sad ...1626
• PRUNEFACE a homely or sad-looking person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
SAD, SADDEN - verbs
• ATTRIST † to make sad, to sadden ...1680
• CONTRISTATE † to make sad or sorrowful; to sadden, grieve ...1616
• FUNERALIZE † to render sad or melancholy ...1654
• HAVE THE CAFARD to be fearful and sad ...Amer. World War I sl.
• MOP to make a grimace or sad expression
• MOP AND MOW to make a grimace or sad expression
• SAD † to sadden ...1775 Sc.
• TRISTITIATE †* to make sad or sorrowful, to sadden ...1628
SAD, SADNESS - interjections
• A-DEARY ME! exclamation of sadness or surprise ...1868 Eng. dial.
SAD, SADNESS - phrases
• FACE AS LONG AS A WET SUNDAY, A used for describing an expression of depression or sadness ...1984 Can. sl.
SADDLE - adverbs
• SIDELING † on a side-saddle; facing to the side ...1603
SADDLE - nouns
• BASTO the skirt of a saddle; also, the leather lining of a saddle ...1881 Amer. dial.
• BEAR TRAP a saddle which had a small seat and cantle close to the fork, making it a major achievement to fall out of it ...1944 Amer. dial.
• BISCUIT the saddle horn ...1940 Amer. Western usage
• CACK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
• CACK BISCUIT a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• CACTUS a packsaddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CANTLE the protuberant part at the back of a saddle ...1592
• CHAIR a cowboy's saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN SADDLE an unusually small saddle ...1944 Amer. sl.
• DISH the seat of a saddle ...1961 Amer. dial.
• HEN-SKIN a small or inferior saddle ...1942 Amer. sl.
• KACK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
• KACK BISCUIT a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• KAK a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1939 Amer. dial.
• LIZZIE a saddle horn ...1936 Amer. dial.
• LIZZY a saddle horn ...1936 Amer. dial.
• OLD SUSIE the horn of a saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• PAD a soft, stuffed saddle ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• PANEL † 1. a piece of cloth placed under the saddle to protect the horse's back from being galled; later, the pad or stuffed lining of a saddle employed for his purpose ...a1300
2. an ass's wooden saddle ...1530
• PIG the horn of a saddle ...1940 Amer. dial.
• PIGSKIN a saddle ...c1860 sporting sl.
• RIM-FIRE a saddle with two cinches ...1894 Amer. dial.
• RIMMY a saddle with two cinches ...1936 Amer. dial.
• SUMPTER † a pack, a saddlebag ...1570
• SADDLE POCKET a saddlebag ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SUGGAN a saddle ...1722 Anglo-Irish
• SUMPTER † a pack, a saddlebag ...1570
SADDLE - verbs
• PANEL †* to furnish a saddle with a 'panel' or pad ...1508
SADISM - nouns
• B. AND D. a form of sadism and masochism ; 'Bondage and Discipline' ...M20 US sl.
• S. AND M. sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
SADIST - nouns, person
• INDORSER a sadist; one who flogs the back of another ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• SAD-ASS a sadist ...1960s US homosexual sl.
SADISTIC - adjectives
• LEATHER pert. to any sadistic, virile male ...20C US sl.
SADISTIC - nouns, person
• DIRT a sadistic man who beats homosexual males after having sex with them ...20C sl.
SADLY - adverbs
• HEAVISOMELY † sadly ...1382
• SADLIES sadly; to a great degree ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SADLINS sadly; greatly ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SODLIES sadly; to a great degree ...Bk1904 Sc.
SADO-MASOCHISM - adjectives
• S AND M pert. to sado-masochism ...1960s sl.
• SADIE AND MAISIE sado-masochism ...1960s sl.
• SADIE-MAISIE sado-masochism ...1965 sl.
• S AND M sado-masochism ...1964 US sl.
SAD-MASOCHIST - nouns, person
• SADDIE-MAISIE a practitioner of sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
• SADIE-MAISIE a practitioner of sadism and masochism ...M20 US sl.
• SADO-MASO a sado-masochist ...1970s US sl.
• S AND M in a sado-masochistic relationship: slave and master (or mistress) ...1977 US sl.
• SADO-MASO sado-masochistic ...1970s US sl.
SAFE, SAFETY (secure) - adjectives
• ABS-NABBEMS safe, secure from capture ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• ADAM FAITH safe ...1960s Brit. rhyming sl.
• HAIL † free from injury, infirmity, or disease; sound, unhurt, safe; healthy, robust; hale ...c1205
• HALE † free from injury; safe, sound, unhurt ...c1000 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HALE-SCART without a scratch, unhurt; wholly safe ...1829 Sc.
• JEOPARDLESS † free from risk or peril; safe, secure ...1549
• O.K. well, safe; unharmed; undamaged ...1839 colloq.
• OKAY well, safe; unharmed; undamaged ...1839 colloq.
• OKEY safe, unharmed ...M19 sl.
• QUARTFUL † sound, healthy; safe, prosperous ...c1460.
• SAFE AS A GUN, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS BRANDY, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS DEATH, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFE AS HOUSES, AS perfectly safe ...Bk1904
• SALUTIFEROUS conducive to well-being, safety, or salvation ...c1540
• SALVATORY * saving; imparting safety or salvation to ...1830
• SCART-FREE safe and sound; uninjured ...1897 Sc.
• SICKER free from danger or harm; secure, safe ...c897 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SAFE, SAFETY - nouns
• ALYO a condition of calm or safety ...Amer. sl.
• FASTNESS † security from invasion, difficulty of access; safety, strength ...1596
• GARRISON † defense, protection; deliverance, safety; means of defense ...c1320
• HAIL † health, safety, welfare ...a1400-50 chiefly N. Eng. dial.
• HEAL † well-being, welfare, safety; prosperity ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTH † well-being, welfare, safety; deliverance ...c1250
• INCOLUMITY † safety, soundness, freedom from danger ...1533
• SAFITY safety ...1879 Sc.
• SAFT † safety ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SALUTE † safety, well-being, salvation ...1471
• SICKERNESS † sure keeping; safe custody ...1678
SAFE (for money, etc.) - nouns
• BOX a safe ...1909 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CAN a safe ...1925 Amer. criminals' sl.
• CAN-OPENER a tool for opening safes, etc. ...1912 sl.
• DAMPER a safe or safe-deposit box ...1872 US criminals' sl.
• FLUNK the strongbox within a safe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• ICEBOX a safe ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• JOHN O'BRIEN an empty safe ...1910s US sl.
• KEESTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• KEISTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• KEYSTER a safe ...1913 US sl.
• PETE a safe ...1911 sl.
• PETE-BOX a safe ...1911 sl.
• PETER a safe; also, a cash-box or cash register ...1859 sl.
• RIPPER a tool for opening safes, etc. ...1889 sl.
SAFE (for money, etc.) - nouns, person
• DAMPER-SNEAK a thief of safes ...1872 US criminals' sl.
SAFE (for money, etc.) - verbs
• BLOW A TANK to dynamite a safe ...1932 NZ sl.
• DECK to drill through the top of a safe ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK to rob, esp. a safe or till ...1767 sl.
• NEEDLE to drill a hole, such as in a safe ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• PETER to blow open a safe in order or steal from it ...1962 sl.
• SIEVE to drill holes in a safe for the placement of explosives to be used in opening it ...1970 US sl.
• TICKLE THE PETER to rob a safe, till, or cashbox ...1945 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ
• UNBUTTON to force or rip open a safe ...1949 US sl.
SAFE (unharmed) - verbs
• COME THROUGH WITH ALL HAIRS LYING FLAT to come through unscathed ...1934 Amer. dial.
SAFE-BREAKER - nouns, person
• BOX MAN a safecracker ...1902 Amer. criminals' sl.
• BOX SLUGGER a safecracker ...1970 Amer. criminals' sl.
• PARLOR MAN the safe-breaker who lights the fuse on a charge of nitroglycerine ...1910s US criminals' sl.
• PETE-MAN a safe-breaker ...1911 sl.
• PETER-GEE a safecracker ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• PETERMAN a safe-breaker ...1900 sl.
• TOOL-MAN a lock-picker or a safe-breaker ...1949 sl.
• YEGG a criminal, esp. a burglar or safecracker ...1903 US sl.
• YEGGMAN n. a burglar or safe-breaker ...1905 US
• OLD MAN a long-handled tool used to secure leverage in safecracking ...1926 US sl.
• PETE nitroglycerine as used for safe-breaking ...1931 sl.
• PUFF gunpowder or other explosives used for safe-breaking ...1904 sl., orig. US
• SOUP nitroglycerine or gelignite, esp. as used for safe-breaking ...1902 sl., orig. US
• DAMPER a safe or safe-deposit box ...1872 US criminals' sl.
• PALE a limit, boundary; a restriction; a defense, safeguard ...c1400
• PALLADIUM anything on which the safety of a nation, institution, privilege, etc. is believed to depend; a safeguard, protecting institution; means of protection or defense ...1600
• WARETACK † a safeguard ...1542
• WARDENSHIP * guardianship, safe-keeping ...a1300
• WARE † watchful care, heed; safe-keeping, defense, protection ...c893
SAFELY - adverbs
• SICKER † with security; safely, confidently ...c1205
• SICKERLY † without danger or harm; securely, safely ...c1290 now Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SAFETY - verbs
• WARD to guard, to stand guard over; to keep in safety, to take care of; to defend, to protect ...a1035 arch.
SAFETY-PIN - nouns
• CAREFUL PIN a safety pin ...1950 Amer. dial.
• LATCH-PIN a safety pin ...1940 Amer. dial.
• SAFETY a safety pin used as a hypodermic needle ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SICK-BAY SHACKLE a safety-pin ...c1939 Royal Navy usage
• TALL PIN a safety pin ...1952 Amer. dial.
SAG - verbs
• SAB † to subside or sink; to sag ...18C Sc.
• SWAG to sag ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SAGACIOUS - adjectives
• AULD-HEADIT shrewd, sagacious ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AULD-MOU'D sagacious, crafty ...1768 Sc.
• CANNY knowing, sagacious, judicious, prudent; wary, cautious ...1637 Sc.
• FARRANT † wise, sagacious, well-informed ...c1860
• HEARTED † sagacious, wise, prudent ...1388
• HEARTY †* possessed of understanding; wise, prudent, sagacious ...1382
• LESTY †* skilful, sagacious ...1423 Sc.
• NASUTE † keen-scented, sagacious ...1653
• NESE-WISE clever, sagacious ...1790 Sc.
• OLD-HEADED shrewd, sagacious ...Bk1905 Sc.
• OLD-MOU'D sagacious in speech ...1768 Sc.
• SAGASHUS † sagacious ...1872 Sc.
• SAVEY wise, sagacious, experienced ...1771 Sc.
• WARE † prudent, sagacious, cunning, skilled ...c888 obs. exc. arch.
• WARE AND WISE † prudent, sagacious, cunning, skilled ...c888 obs. exc. arch.
• YEPE † prudent, wise, sagacious, shrewd, astute ...c1000
• CANNILY sagaciously, skilfully, prudently; cautiously, slyly; gently, softly; comfortably ...1636 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• YEPLY † cunningly, craftily; shrewdly, sagaciously ...a900
SAGACITY - nouns
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• NASUTENESS † sagacity ...1660
• SAVENDIE † knowledge, sagacity ...1823 Sc.
SAGE - nouns
• SAVE † sage ...c1386
SAIL - adjectives
• SAILRIFE † abounding in sails ...1513
• SAILWORTHY †* of the weather: admitting of the use of sails ...c1595
• VELIFEROUS † carrying sails ...1656
• VELIFIC † done with sails displayed or full spread ...1727
• VELIFICAL † done with sails displayed or full spread ...1656
• VELIVOLANT † running and flying with full sail ...1656
• ANGEL'S FOOTSTOOL the highest sail of a full-rigged vessel ...1883 Amer. jocular
• BAGGYWRINKLE in sailing: old pieces of line wrapped around stays and shrouds to prevent sail chafing ...1908 Amer. sl.
• JIB-OF-JIBS an impossible sail ...Bk1896 nautical sl.
• MAE WEST a large spinnaker ...1961 Amer. nautical sl.
• NAVIGATION †* a passage or course by which one many sail ...1633
• RIDE the act of sailing; a passage by water ...Bk1904 Sc.
• VEIL † a sail ...c1430
• VELIFICATION † a sailing forwards, or hoisting sail; a course or voyage ...1656
• VENTAIL † something acting as a sail or fan ...a1529
SAIL, SAILMAKER - nouns, person
• SAILS a ship's sailmaker ...1864 nautical sl.
SAIL - verbs
• FAFFLE † of a sail: to flap idly in the wind ...Bk1901 obs. or Eng. dial.
• RAMP to sail swiftly ...1872
• SINGLE †* to sail ...1584
• SULCATE † to sail, to cleave the water ...1577
• SULCK †* to sail, to cleave the water ...1579
• SULK †* to sail, to cleave the water ...1579
• VELIFICATE † to sail ...1623
• VENTEL † to set sail ...a1400
• WAFF † to sail; to sail the seas ...1611
SAILOR - adjectives
• TAR-BREECH † wearing tarry breeches, said of a sailor ...1582
• TARPAULIAN † pert. to a sailor ...1719
• TARPAULIN * pert to a mariner or sailor; sea-bred ...1647
• TARRISH * belonging to sailors; nautical ...1841
SAILOR - nouns (also see SEAMAN & SERVICES)
• BEACON a sailor’s home ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DAVY the spirit of the sea; the sailors' devil; the demon of the sea; hence the bottom of the sea; a watery grave; death in general ...1790 nautical sl.
• RAIL SQUAD seasick sailors ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• TARHOOD the general body of sailors; sailors collectively ...1749 nonce word
SAILOR - nouns, person
• ANCHOR-CLANKER a deck-hand; hence, a sailor ...1952 Amer. sl.
• ANCHORHEAD a sailor; used derisively ...1968 US military sl.
• BEACH COMBER a sailor on shore leave ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BEACHMASTER a sailor very fond of women ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BOY IN BLUE a sailor ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CHAPLAIN'S MATE a sailor of pronounced religious tendencies ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CHICKEN a young sailor or soldier; a novice ...1888 Amer. dial.
• CHICKEN OF THE SEA a young sailor ...1970s US gay sl.
• CHINAMAN a sailor who works in a ship's laundry ...20C US sl.
• COXSWAIN OF THE PLOW a sailor recently enlisted ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CRUMB a dirty sailor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• CRUMB GOB a dirty sailor ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DECK APE a sailor whose duties keep him on the deck ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DILBERT a sailor who is a foul-up or a screwball ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DRY SEAMAN a sailor ...US Civil War usage
• FARMER a sailor who has no duties at the wheel or on watch during the night ...1886 sl.
• FLATFOOT a sailor ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• FORECASTLE LAWYER a sailor conversant with the navy regulations ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• FOWL a troublesome or undisciplined sailor ...1937 naval sl.
• GALLIOT † a sailor or rower on board a galley, whether slave or free ...1506
• GOB an American sailor or ordinary seaman ...1915 sl,. orig. US
• GOBBY an American sailor; a coastguard ...1890 sl.
• GOBSHITE a bluejacket; an enlisted sailor below the rank of chief petty officer ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• GREEN MAN † an inexperienced sailor on a whaling vessel
• HOWKER a sailor with two or more sweethearts ...US Civil War usage
• JACK a sailor ...1659
• JACK ASHORE a 'larky' rather tipsy sailor ...B1909 lower class colloq.
• JACKIE a sailor ...L17 sl.
• JACK IN THE WATER a sailor ...1861 Eng. dial.
• JACK-NASTY-FACE a sailor; spec., a cook's mate ...1884 sl.
• JACKSHITE an enlisted sailor below the rank of chief petty officer ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• JACK-TAR a sailor ...1781 sl.
• JACKY a sailor ...L17 sl.
• JOCK a Scottish or (formerly) northern English sailor; a Scottish soldier; a form of address to a Scotsman ...L18 sl.
• LAGGER a sailor ...1812 sl. (Vaux)
• LAMPS a nickname for a sailor responsible for looking after the lamps on board ship ...1866 naval sl.
• LASCAR an East Indian sailor ...1625
• LASCAREE † n. an East Indian sailor ...1712
• LIBERTY HOG a sailor or marine who is eager to go on shore leave ...1992 Amer. sl.
• LIBERTY HOUND a sailor or marine who is eager to go on shore leave ...1939 Amer. sl.
• LIMEJUICER (mildly derogatory) a British sailor ...L19 jocular
• LIMEY (mildly derogatory) a British sailor ...20C colloq.
• MARINAL a mariner, a sailor ...a1300-1400 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• MARINE † a sailor, a mariner ...c1575
• MATELOT a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MATLO a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MATLOW a sailor ...1903 sl., chiefly Brit.
• MEN IN BLUE, THE n. sailors ...1857
• NAVIGANT †* a navigator, a sailor, a voyager ...1527
• NAVY CAKE a homosexual sailor ...1970s US gay sl.
• NEPTUNIST †* a navigator; a seaman; a sailor; a nautical person ...1593
• OLD SALT a sailor, esp. an experienced sailor ...1840
• PEGGY a sailor assigned to menial tasks; a mess-steward ...1902 naval sl.
• POLITICIAN a sailor having a soft job, such as compartment cleaner, storeroom keeper, etc. ...Amer. World War I sl.
• RAGGIE a young sailor; an old tar's protege; hence, a particular friend ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• RAGGY a young sailor; an old tar's protege; hence, a particular friend ...L19 Royal Navy usage
• ROPE-GRIPPER a nickname for a sailor ...1846 Sc.
• SCALY FISH an honest, rough, blunt sailor ...L18 sl.
• SAILORESS a female sailor ...1890
• SAILSMAN a sailor ...c1601
• SALT a sailor, esp. an old and experienced sailor ...1840
• SALT WATER the sea; hence a jocular form of address to a sailor ...1839
• SEAFOOD a sailor considered as a sexual object by a homosexual male ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• SHELLBACK a hardened or experienced sailor; an old sailor ...1853 jocular
• SINBAD an old sailor ...c1860 nautical sl.
• SKULKER a soldier who, by feigned sickness or other pretenses, evades his duty; a sailor keeps below in time of danger ...1785
• SO-CALLED SALT a dry-land sailor ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SPLICER a sailor ...1910s sl.
• SWAB a sailor ...19C sl.
• SWABBY in the Navy or Coast Guard, a sailor ...sl.
• TALL WATER SAILOR one who has often crossed the ocean ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
• TAR a sailor ...1676 sl.
• TAR-LUBBER a term of contempt for a sailor ...1610
• TARPAULIAN † a sailor ...a1656
• TARPAULIN * a nickname for a mariner or sailor, esp. a common sailor ...1647 rare or arch.
• TAR-POT a sailor ...1641 humorous
• TARRY-BREEKS a sailor ...1785 Sc.
• TARRY-JACKET a humorous nickname for a sailor ...1822
• TARRY-JOHN a humorous nickname for a sailor ...1888
SAILOR - nouns, person, other
• SEA GULL a girl or a woman who follows the naval fleet or who follows a particular sailor; this includes sailors' wives ...World War II US naval sl.
SAILOR - verbs
• FOLLOW THE SEA to pursue the calling of a sailor ...US Civil War usage
• GO BY WATER to follow the sea as a calling; to be a sailor ...Bk1894 Amer. dial.
• SWALLOW THE ANCHOR of a sailor: to give up seafaring life ...1909 Amer. nautical sl.
SAINT - adjectives
• HAGIOGRAPHIC pert. to the writing of saints' lives ...1819
• HAGIOLATROUS given to saint worship ...1841
• HAGIOLOGIC pert. to hagiology ...1826
• HAGIOLOGICAL pert. to hagiology ...1872
• SANCTEOUS †* pert. to saints ...1631
SAINT - nouns
• HAGIARCHY the rule or order of saints ...1826
• HAGIOGRAPHY the writing of the lives of saints; saints' lives as a branch of literature or legend ...1821
• HAGIOLATRY the worship of saints ...1808
• HAGIOLOGY the literature that treats of the lives and legends of saints; by extension, also, of great men or heroes; a work on the lives and legends of the saints ...1807
• HAGIOMANIA a mania for sainthood ...1797
• SANCTILOGE †* a catalogue of saints, or a collection of saints' lives ...1526
• SANCTILOGY * a catalogue of saints, or a collection of saints' lives ...1867
SAINT - nouns, person
• HAGIOGRAPHER a writer of saints' lives ...1849
• HAGIOGRAPHIST a writer of saints' lives ...1817
• HAGIOLATER one who worships saints ...1875
• HAGIOLOGIST one versed in the legends of saints; a writer of hagiology ...1805
• SANCTICOLIST a worshipper of saints ...1615
SALAD - adjectives
• ACETARIOUS used in salads, as lettuce, cress, etc. ...1822
• NERVOUS of a dessert or salad: having a jelly-like consistency ...1936 Amer. dial. jocular
SALAD - nouns
• ACETARIES † salads mixed with vinegar to stir up appetite ...1657
• ACETARS † 'salads and vinegar' ...1612
• RABBIT FOOD any salad vegetable, esp. lettuce ...1936 UK sl.
• RABBIT'S FOOD any salad vegetable, esp. lettuce ...1936 UK sl.
• SALADING herbs and vegetables for a salad ...1664
• SALETTING vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLADING vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLET salad ...1703 Sc.
• SALLETIN vegetables for a salad ...1848 Ireland & Eng. dial.
• SALLETINE † herbs and vegetables for salad ...1664
SALAMI - nouns
• HORSECOCK sausage, esp. bologna or salami ...1942 US sl., esp. navy usage
SALARY - adjectives
• SALARIATED † salaried ...1656
SALARY - nouns
• BIG MONEY a large amount of money, high wages or salary ...1888 orig. US
• BIG PAY high wages or salary ...1915 US
• K £1000 or $1000; used esp. with reference to salaries offered in job advertisements ...1968 sl.
• RAISE an increase in salary or wages ...L19 sl.
• SALT MONEY † salary ...1535
• SUB an advance payment of wages or salary ...1866 Brit. sl.
SALARY - verbs
• SALARIATE † to pay a salary to; to supply the salary of ...1656
• SUB to pay someone a 'sub', or advance on wages or salary ...1874 Brit. sl.
SALE - adjectives
• MARCHANTABLE fit for sale, in good condition ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SALARY †* open to sale, venal ...1593
• VENAL of things: exposed or offered for sale; that may be bought, as an ordinary article of merchandise ...1662 arch.
• VENALITIOUS * belonging to the sale of men or children, or of slaves; that is to be bought or sold ...1656
• VENDABLE * able to be sold ...c1400
• VENDIBLE † offered for sale; that may be bought or purchased ...1552
SALE - nouns (also see AUCTION)
• ABLECTICK † anything garnished for sale ...1612
• HANDSEL the first money received in the day for the sale of goods; also, the first purchaser ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• HOLD-UP a sale at an exorbitant price ...Bk1913-17 Amer. sl.
• KILL, THE n. the moment when a sale is confirmed ...1999 UK sl.
• MANGONISM † the craft of pampering, trimming, or setting out saleable things ...1656
• MANGONIZATION † the act of 'mangonizing' or tricking out for sale ...1660
• MANGONY †* the craft of pampering, trimming, or setting out saleable things ...1623
• VENALITY * the quality of being for sale ...1611
• VEND sale; opportunity of selling ...1618
• VENDIBLE a thing admitting of being sold or offered for sale ...1681
• VENDITATION * the act of offering for sale ...1854
• VENDITION the act of selling; disposal or transfer by sale ...1542
• VENT a sale; a demand for goods; means of disposal ...1641 Eng. dial.
• VENTAGE † the act of selling or vending; sale ...1577
SALE - nouns, person
• MANGONIST † one who furbishes up inferior wares for sale ...1605
SALE - verbs
• BE AT MARKET † to be for sale ...1776
• MANGONIZE † to furbish up inferior wares for sale ...1623
SALEABLE - adjectives
• EMPTITIOUS †* capable of being bought; open to a price; saleable ...1650
• SALE-RIFE † saleable, easy to sell ...1781 Sc.
• SALE-WORTH † saleable; capable of being sold; fit for sale ...1481
• SALE-WORTHY † saleable; capable of being sold; fit for sale ...c1440
• VENDIBLE capable of being sold; saleable, marketable ...1382
SALEABLE - nouns
• VENALIZATION * the process of making venal or saleable ...1906
• VENALNESS * the quality of being for sale; saleableness ...1727
• VENDIBILITY the quality of being saleable ...1660
• VENDIBLENESS saleableness ...1611
SALESMAN - nouns
• SPIEL glib or persuasive talk; a salesman's patter ...1896 sl.
SALESMAN, SALES PERSON - nouns, person
• FAKER a street salesman of cheap goods ...M19 sl.
• MOZZLE AND BROCHA a door-to-door salesman ...20C rhyming sl. = 'on the knocker' (working as a door-to-door salesman)
• REP a sales representative ...1938 sl.
• SING to make a sales pitch ...1981 US carnival usage
• WORK IT to behave in a blatantly seductive way; to engage in high-pressure salesmanship ...1980s Amer. sl.
SALIVA - adjectives
• SALIVAN * consisting of saliva ...1882
• SALIVARIOUS † clammy and thick like spittle ...1656
• SALIVOUS † of the nature of saliva ...1567
• SPUTATIVE †* given to excessive spitting or salivation ...a1639
SALIVA - nouns
• AMBEER saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1848 Amer. dial.
• AMBER JUICE saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BACKWASH saliva, as mixed with the remnants of a drink ...1992 US college sl.
• CALF-SLOBBER(S) saliva ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HAG BRIDLE the trickle of saliva which often runs from the mouth corners in troubled and uneasy sleep ...1909 Amer. dial.
• HAM GRAVY saliva coloured by chewing tobacco or snuff ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MOLASSES SPIT saliva coloured brown by snuff or chewing tobacco ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SLYVER saliva ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SALIVA - verbs
• BEDRAVEL † to cover with drivel or saliva ...1377
• BEDRAWL † to cover with drivel or saliva ...1377
SALLY - adjectives
• SALLIABLE †* suitable for making a sally ...1598
SALLY - nouns
• SALIAUNCE † an assault, or sally ...1590
SALLY - nouns, person
• SALLIER * one who takes part in a sally ...1685
SALMON - nouns
• ALASKA TURKEY a salmon ...19C US sl.
• ALASKA TURKEY salmon ...1948 Amer. dial.
• BAGGIT a salmon that has just spawned ...1848
• BRADDAN a salmon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRANNOCK a young salmon ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DEEP-SEA CHICKEN canned salmon ...World War II Amer. sl.
• DEEP SEA TURKEY salmon ...1921 Amer. sl., chiefly navy and army usage
• EKE a male salmon ...1887 Eng. dial.
• ESLING a young salmon, spawned in the autumn, which has not yet been to the sea ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FIREBALL a salmon egg ...1969 Amer. dial.
• GOLDFISH canned salmon ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LASPRING a young salmon ...1760
• LAX † a salmon ...c725
• RACK-RIDER a young salmon or parr ...a1838 Sc.
• REISTER a salted and dried salmon; a kipper ...1811 Sc.
• SAMLET a young salmon ...1655
• SAMSON † a young salmon ...1769 Eng. dial.
• SCAD the fry of salmon ...Bk1904 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCAGGER a young salmon ...1653
• SKEGGER a young salmon ...1653
• SKIRLING a young salmon ...1776 Eng. dial.
• SUBMARINE SHARK a salmon ... World War I Amer. sl.
• YELLOW BELLY a young salmon trout returning from the sea ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SALMON - nouns, person
• RED-FISHER a salmon-fisher ...1856 Eng. dial.
SALT, SALTY - adjectives
• SALARIAN † pert. to salt ...1656
• SALARY † saline ...1646
• SALINOUS † saline, salty ...1646
• SALSAMENTARIOUS † belonging to salt, or to any salt thing ...1656
• SALSUGINOUS † impregnated with salt; brackish ...1657
• SALTEN * made of salt; salted ...1654
• SALTER THAN THE BRINY OCEAN very salty ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SALT - nouns
• DIP salt ...1851 Eng. dial.
• EARLS COURT salt ...1992 UK sl.
• LIGHTHOUSE a salt- or pepper-castor (shaker) ...L19 Royal Navy sl.
• LOT'S WIFE salt ...L19 nautical sl.
• SAL † salt ...c1386
• SAL MARINE † common salt ...1670
• SALSITUDE †* saltness, brackishness ...a1693
• SALT-CORN † a grain of salt ...1445
• SAND AND SPECKS n. salt and pepper ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SEA DUST salt ...World War I navy sl.
SALT - nouns, person
• SALINER † a salt-maker ...1543
• SAND AND SPECKS n. salt and pepper ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SIDEARMS cream and sugar; salt and pepper ...1940s US military sl.
SALTING - nouns
• SALINATION * a salting ...1705
• SALITURE †* a salting, a pickling ...1657
• SALSURE † a salting or seasoning brine ...1656
SALT WATER - nouns
• SALT-BREE salt-water ...1790 Sc.
• SALTCHUCK a body of salt water, esp. and inlet or salt lagoon ...1868 Amer. dial.
SALUTARY - adjectives
• HEALFUL † fraught with health, well-being, safety, salvation; wholesome, salutary ...c1340
• HEALSOME † wholesome, salutary; healthful ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTHSOME * bestowing health bodily, mental, or spiritual; wholesome; salutary ...1538
• HAILSING † greeting, salutation ...a1300
• SALUE †* a salutation ...c1430
• SALUS † a salutation ...a1225
• SALVEDICTION † salutation on meeting ...1668
• SALVO †* a salutation or salute ...1653
• CAP to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAP IT to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• CAP TO to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school & university sl.
• WAFF to wave the hand in salutation; to give a friendly wave of the hand ...1813 Sc.
SALUTE - nouns
• HALF-CAP † a half-courteous salute, shown by a slight movement only of the cap ...1607
• HIGHBALL a salute ...Amer. World War I sl.
• PUMP HANDLE a salute ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SALVO †* a salutation or salute ...1653
SALUTE - verbs
• HAIL to salute, to greet; to receive with expressions of gladness, to welcome ...c1200
• HAILSE † to greet, to salute ...a1300
• HALCH † to hail, to salute, to greet ...1515
• HALSE † to hail, to salute, to greet ...1375
• OBSALUTATE †* to offer to salute...1623
• SALEET † to salute ...1832 Sc.
• SALUE † to salute ...c1300
SALVAGER - nouns
• SALT-WAGER † a salvager; one employed on the sea-coast by the lord of the manor to see to his rights of salvage, wreck, or waif ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
SALVATION - adjectives
• SALUTIFEROUS conducive to well-being, safety, or salvation ...c1540
• SALVATORY * saving; imparting safety or salvation to ...1830
• HEAL † spiritual health, well-being, or healing; salvation ...901-9 obs.
• HEALNESS † welfare; salvation ...c897
• HEALTH spiritual, moral, or mental soundness or well-being; salvation ...c1000 arch.
SALVATION ARMY - adjectives
• SALLY pert. to the Salvation Army ...1950s US
• ARMY, THE the Salvation Army ...20C colloq.
• CANARY in the Salvation Army: a written promise of a donation or subscription; at some of the meetings of the 'Army' instead of sending round the plate, the officers distribute slips of paper on which those present are invited to record their benevolent intentions; the original colour of the slips was yellow ...Bk1891 sl.
• DOUGHNUT ARMY the Salvation Army ...Amer. World War I sl.
• SAL the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1910s colloq.
• SALLIE the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1910s colloq.
• SALLY a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 sl.
• SALLY ANN the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 US sl.
• SALLY ARMY the Salvation Army; a Salvation Army hostel ...1915 US sl.
• SALLY BASH the Salvation Army ...1970s sl.
• SALV' the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVARMY the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVO the Salvation Army ...1891 sl.
• SALVOSH the Salvation Army ...2003 UK sl.
• SALUTE † safety, well-being, salvation ...1471
SALVATION ARMY - nouns, person
• HALLELUJAH-LASS a female member of the Salvation Army ...B1900
• SALLIES members of the Salvation Army ...1915 sl.
• SALLY ANN a Salvation Army female ...1920s Aust. sl.
• SALV' the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVARMY the Salvation Army or one of its members ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVATIONER * a member of the Salvation Army ...1889
• SALVATIONIST a member of the Salvation Army ...1882
• SALVATION JUGGINS a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVATION ROTTER a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVATION SALLY a Salvation Army girl ...L19 Aust. sl.
• SALVATION SOUL-SNEAKER a member of the Salvation Army ...L19 sl.
• SALVOS members of the Salvation Army ...1891 sl.
SALVE - verbs
• SALVE † to anoint a wound or wounded part with salve or healing unguent ...a800 obs. or arch.
SAME - adjectives
• ALL OF A KIDNEY much alike, of the same kind ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL OF A MAKE † of the same character throughout ...1674
• IDENTIFIC †* doing the same; concurring in action ...1678
• MACKLY similar, of the same make or kind; exactly alike; fitting nicely ...1896 Eng. dial.
• OF A WHATNESS of the same size, importance, value, etc. ...1864 Amer. dial.
• OF THE SAME LEAVEN of the same sort or character ...1650
• OF THE SAME QUILL of the same sort; alike ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SAMEN same ...1815 Sc.
• SAME SAME the same ...1956 US Korean & Vietnam war usage
• SAMEY-SAME the same ...1956 US Korean & Vietnam war usage
• VIVUAL † identical, self-same ...Bk1905 Sc.
SAME - verbs
• SERVE WITH THE SAME SAUCE to subject to the same kind of usage ...1523
SAME - phrases
• SAME DIFF exactly the same thing, no difference at all ...1940s sl.
• SAME DIFFERENCE exactly the same thing, no difference at all ...1940s sl.
• SAME OLD BAT, THE the same old way, as usual ...1881 Eng. dial.
• SAME OLD SAME OLD implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ...1972 sl., orig. US Black
• SAME OLD SEVEN AND SIX,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1863 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SEVENTY-SIX, THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1981 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SIX AND SEVEN,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1915 Amer. dial.
• SAME OLD SIXES AND SEVENS,THE much as usual, the same as always, the same old routine ...1963 Amer. dial.
• SAME OL' SAME OL' implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SAME-O SAME-O implies that nothing has changed in one's life; used in response as to one's current health or feelings ..1972 sl., orig. US Black
SAMOAN - adjectives
• SAMI Samoan ...1998 NZ sl.
SAMOAN - nouns, person
• COCONUT-HEAD a Samoan-American ...20C US sl.
• SA a Samoan ...1992 NZ sl.
• SAMI a Samoan ...1980s NZ sl.
SAMPLE - nouns
• EXAMPLE a sample ...1926 Amer. dial.
• MUSTA the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• MUSTER the make or pattern of anything; a sample ...16C Anglo-Chinese & Anglo-Indian
• SAY a sample; a taste ...1813 Eng. dial.
SANCTIFIED - adjectives
• SANCTIFIABLE * capable of being sanctified ...1894
• SANCTIFICATE †* sanctified, holy ...c1485
SANCTIFY - adjectives
• SANCTIFICATIVE †* serving to sanctify or make holy ...1607
SANCTIFY - verbs
• SANCTIFICATE * to sanctify; to set apart as holy or sacred ...a1677
• SUNDAY FACE a sanctimonious expression; an affectedly solemn face ...1756 chiefly Sc.
SANCTIMONIOUS - nouns, person
• BIBLE-BACK (often derogatory) a pious or sanctimonious person ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CHRISTER an over-pious or sanctimonious person ...1921 US sl.
• GOSPEL SHARK a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1897 Amer. dial.
• GOSPEL SHARP a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1872 Amer. dial.
• GOSPEL SHOOTER a preacher; a parson; a goody-goody or sanctimonious person ...1900 Amer. dial.
• HOLY WILLIE a sanctimonious, hypocritically pious person ...L19 sl.
• BUNG UP AND BILGE FREE referring to one whose behaviour, while utterly proper, errs towards the self-satisfied and sanctimonious ...19C US sl.
SANCTION - nouns
• ADMITTANCE † the act of admitting as valid or satisfactory; acceptance, sanction ...1598
• RATIHABITATION †* approval, sanction ...1502
• RATIHABITION approval, sanction ...1561
SANCTION - verbs
• ACCREDITATE † to accredit; to give credit to someone for something; to vouch for, to sanction or countenance ...1654
• RATIHABIT † to express approval or sanction of ...1678 Sc.
• SANCITE †* to sanction ...1597
• ALSATIA a sanctuary ...18C Eng. sl.
• BAST sanctuary, refuge, asylum ...1894