UNINTERRUPTED - adjectives
• IMMEDIATE †* uninterrupted in course; direct ...1634
• EVEN-ENDWAYS in a straight course, without interruption or obstruction; from end to end, continuously, without intermission ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EVEN-ON uninterruptedly ...Bk1900 Sc.
• HAND-SMOOTH without obstacle, uninterruptedly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNINVITED - adjectives
• UNBODDEN uninvited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBODEN † uninvited; unbidden ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
UNINVITED - nouns, person
• COME-O'-WILL a person (or thing) that comes of his own accord, or without being invited ...1815 Sc.
• INCHER a person who joins himself on to you and your group without being asked, and won't leave; someone who is uninvited or unwelcome ...1969 Amer. dial.
• NERVER a gate-crasher ...1900s US sl.
• TAG-ALONG someone who joins an activity without invitation ...1961 sl.
• SCREWZE to encroach, to intrude; to sponge; to come as an uninvited, unwelcome guest ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
UNION - adjectives
• SCABBY non-union ...L19 Aust. sl.
UNION (a joining) - nouns
• ACCOUPLEMENT † the act of coupling one thing to another; union, pairing; marriage union ...1483
• ACCOUPLING † the act of joining two things into a couple or pair; coupling; esp. union in marriage ...1525
• ADUNATION union or combination into one ...1551
• BAND † a state of union or connection ...1631
• ONEHEAD † the condition of being united to gathered in one; union ...a1340
• ONEMENT † 1. physical union, conjunction ...1388
† 2. union of mind or feeling; agreement, accord, concord; reconciliation ...a1450
• ONING † a making one, uniting, joining in one; union ...1340
• QUADRIVIRATE † a union of four men ...1654
UNION (association) - nouns, person
• ABBA a non-unionist ...1903 sl.
• BLACKNOB a blackleg ...a1889 Sc.
• CARD a union member ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARD MAN a worker having a union card ...1930 US sl.
• HOOKER an operative who inveigles union men into acting as spies on their fellows and keeps them 'hooked' by threatening to expose them to the union ...1937 Amer. labour usage
• LABOR FAKER a worker who loafs on the job; a malingerer; hence, a corrupt union leader ...1907 US sl.
• LABOR SKATE 1. a trade union official ...1930 US sl.
2. a corrupt or ineffective labour union official ...1930 US sl.
• NOBLE a strike-breaker's guard ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• RED-NECK a union sympathizer ...1931 Amer. dial.
• SCAB a worker who refuses to join a labour union or to participate in a union strike, who takes a striking worker's place on the job, or the like; a strike-breaker ...1777
• SCABBY a non-union worker ...1910s Aust. sl.
• SCISSOR BILL a non-union man ...1958 Amer. dial.
• WOBBLY a member of the anarchist trade union the International Workers of the World ...1914 US sl.
UNION (association) - verbs
• BLACKLEG to take the place of a worker who is on strike, thereby helping th employer to carry on his business and defeat the ends of the strike ...1897
• BLACKLEG IT of a trade-union workman: to return to work before a strike is settled ...1888
• SCAB 1. to break a strike, to refuse to join a union or any form of mass action ...19C
2. to take a job without belonging to the relevant union ...1920s sl.
• WOBBLE to cause trouble among workers on a unionized worksite ...1989 Can. sl.
• WOBBLE THE JOB to cause trouble among workers on a unionized worksite ...1989 Can. sl.
UNIQUE - adjectives
• ODD † singular in valour, worth, merit, or eminence; unique, remarkable; distinguished, famous, renowned; rare, choice ...c1400
• UNCOMPEERED incomparable, unique, unparalleled ...1602
UNIQUE - nouns
• ARABIAN BIRD the phoenix; hence. a unique thing or person ...1606
• ONE-ER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something ...1840 colloq.
• ONER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something; an outstanding or excellent person or thing ...1840 colloq.
UNIQUE - nouns, person
• ARABIAN BIRD the phoenix; hence. a unique thing or person ...1606
• ONE-ER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something ...1840 colloq.
• ONER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something; an outstanding or excellent person or thing ...1840 colloq.
• SANS-PEER † one who has no equal; a unique person ...c1460
UNIQUELY - adverbs
• ONLY † singularly, uniquely, specially, pre-eminently ...c1000
• ONLINESS * the fact or character of being the only one of its kind; singleness, singularity, uniqueness ...1633
• SINGLURE † singleness, uniqueness ...a1300
UNIT - nouns
• UNARY † a unit ...1576
UNITE - verbs
• ACCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1612
• ADCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1732
• ADJOIN † to join on; to join or unite a person or thing to another ...c1325
• ADUNITE † to unite or join to ...1662
• GATHER † to join or unite; to put together, to form by union ...c725
• HASP † to fasten together; to unite firmly ...1362
• MAISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MARROW to couple, to wed; to join, to unite ...1823 Sc.
• MEISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ONE † to agree, to unite; to come to terms ...1340
• PAN to join or unite together ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TACK to join, to unite, esp. in a loose or slack manner ...1858 Sc.
UNITED - adjectives
• ADJOINED † joined, united ...1509
• ADJOINT † united, joined ...c1325
• ADUNATE †* united, joined in one ...1470
UNITEDLY - adverbs
• ADJOINEDLY † unitedly; by way of union or conjunction ...1721
UNITED STATES - adjectives (also see individual States)
• ALKALIED experienced in living in the West ...1936 Amer. dial.
• BLUE-BELLIED from the northern states, esp. New England ...1852 Amer. dial.
• RED used of an impoverished, bigoted White Southerner ...1960s US sl.
• YANKEE pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• YANKEY pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• YANKY pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• ABE LINCOLN WAR † the Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial. archaic or obs.
• ABOLITION WAR the Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• AMERIKA (derogatory) applied to American society viewed as racist, fascist, or oppressive, esp. by Black consciousness ...1969 sl., orig. US
• AMERIKKKA (derogatory) applied to American society viewed as racist, fascist, or oppressive, esp. by Black consciousness ...1969 sl., orig. US
• ANGLO-AMERICA the United States and Canada ...1846
• ANYTOWN a notional American town that represents the appearance or values of stereotypical small-town America ...1992 Brit. sl.
• ANYTOWN USA n. a notional American town that represents the appearance or values of stereotypical small-town America ...1992 Brit. sl.
• AUNT FANNY the Federal Communications Commission ...1975 US sl.
• AUNT SAM the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• BABYLON the United States ...1972 US sl.
• BARRIO a Spanish-speaking community or neighbourhood in an American city; a Latino or Chicano district ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BIG AMERICA the United States ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BIG BENCH, THE the United States Supreme Court ...1929 US journalists' usage
• BIG CHARLEY the Federal Communications Commission ...1977 US sl.
• BIG GIRL WITH THE TORCH the Statue of Liberty ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BLOODY CHASM the estrangement between North and South caused by the Civil War ...1890 US
• BLOODY SHIRT the symbol of hostility between North and South ...1876 US
• BREAKING-UP the American Civil War ...1945 Amer. dial.
• BREAKUP the American Civil War ...1869 Amer. dial.
• CANDYMAN, THE the Federal Communications Commission or one of its field agents ...1976 US sl.
• DADDY-O the US Federal Communications Commission ...1977 US sl.
• DARK SIDE OF THE MOON the House of Representatives ...20C US sl.
• FOOTBALL the briefcase carrying the communication equipment that enables the president of the US to launch a nuclear attack ...1968 US sl.
• G, THE the US government ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• GALILEE the Southern US states ...1920s US Black sl.
• GAP the Great American Public ...1965 US sl.
• GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST Vicksburg, as seen by the South ...US Civil War usage
• GREAT REBELLION the American Civil War ...1864 Amer. dial.
• GREAT SATAN (derogatory) the United States regarded as an imperialistic and malevolent power, esp. in the context of its policies in the Middle East
• GUN BELT the American defense industry ...1991 US sl.
• HAIL COLUMBIA America ...M19 US sl.
• HAIL COLUMBUS America ...M19 US sl.
• KERRYPATCH in the US: the part of a town where the poor Irish lived ...1965 Amer. dial.
• LADY, THE the Statue of Liberty ...1986 US sl.
• LAND OF THE ROUND DOORKNOB the United States ...1970 US military overseas usage
• LAND OF THE WOODEN HAMS America ...19C Aust. sl.
• LAND OF THE WOODEN NUTMEGS America ...19C Aust. sl.
• LAND OF TWANG the United States ...1900s Aust. sl.
• LATE UNPLEASANTNESS, THE used in the postwar period to describe the American Civil War ...US Civil War usage
• LITTLE SAIGON a neighbourhood with a large number of Vietnamese immigrants and businesses ...1979 US sl.
• MA BELL the American Telephone & Telegraph Inc. ...1920s US sl.
• MAGNOLIA CURTAIN the Mason-Dixon line that divides the American north and south ...1940s US Black sl.
• MAIN STREET the 'provinces', a generic term for small-town America ...M19 US sl.
• MAN, THE the US Government ...1950s US Black sl.
• MAW BELL the American Telephone & Telegraph Inc. ...1920s US sl.
• MIGHTY DOME the US Congress building, or any similar large, institutional edifice ...1930s US Black sl.
• MY UNCLE the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• NASHVILLE any unsophisticated, suburban, middle-American town or person ...1970s US Black sl.
• NEWNITED STATES United States ...1922 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER WAR (derogatory) the American Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• OLD COUNTRY the Deep South; Africa ...1960s US Black sl.
• OLD WAR 1. the American Civil War (1861-1865) ...1937 Amer. dial.
2. the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) ...1960 Amer. dial.
• OUR UNCLE. the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• REBELLION the American Civil War ...1862 Amer. dial.
• REBEL WAR the American Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTION, THE the American Civil War ...1986 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTIONARY WAR the American Civil War ...1986 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTION WAR, THE the American Civil War ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SAM the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• SHAKY SIDE trucker CB term for the West Coast, so called because of its proclivity for earthquakes ...Bk1998 sl.
• SPREAD EAGLE extravagant boasting, esp. of the U.S. ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPREAD-EAGLEISM extravagant boasting, esp. of the U.S. ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STARS AND BARS the flag of the Confederate States of America ...US Civil War usage
• UNCLE the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• UNCLE SAM the government or people of the United States ...1813
• UNCLE SAMANTHA the US government ...1950s homosexual sl.
• UNCLE SAMMY the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SAMUEL the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SAMWELL the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SHAM (derogatory) the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...1960s US Black sl.
• UNCLE WHISKERS a federal agent or agency ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• UNITED STATES English as used in the United States ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WAR BETWEEN THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH the American Civil War ...1865 Amer. dial.
• WAR BETWEEN THE STATES the American Civil War ...1868 Amer. dial.
• WAR FOR SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE the American Civil War ...1861 Amer. dial.
• WAR OF REBELLION name commonly used in the North during, and for many years after, the war to describe it ...US Civil War usage
• WAR OF THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH the American Civil War ...1865 Amer. dial.
• WAR OF THE REBELLION the American Civil War ...1873 Amer. dial.
• YANKEE the dialect of New England; loosely, American English generally ...1824
• YANKEE-LAND the land of Yankees, New England; loosely, the United States ...1803
• YANKEESE American English ...1883 nonce word
• YANKIELAND America ...E19 sl.
• YANKLAND the land of the Yankees, America ...1834 nonce word
UNITED STATES - nouns, person
• ALKALI a veteran of the West ...20C US sl.
• AMERICANESS an American woman ...1838
• ANGLO-AMERICAN an American of English origin; an English settler or colonist in North America; spec., a Canadian ...1781-2
• ARGONAUT an adventurer who went to California in 1849; a forty-niner ...1873 US
• BASCAL a member of the Basque community; used as an affectionate nickname ...1931 Amer. dial.
• BASCO a member of the Basque community; used as an affectionate nickname ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BLUE-BELLIED YANKEE an out and out New Englander ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BLUEBELLY (often derogatory) a Northerner, esp. a New Englander, a Yankee ...1827 Amer. dial.
• BOMB-PROOF in the Southern states, one who stayed away from the fighting line during the Civil War ...1869 US
• BOSTON a White citizen of the US ...1844 Amer. Pacific Coast Indians usage
• BOSTONIAN a White citizen of the US ...1793 Amer. Pacific Coast Indians usage
• COPPERHEAD a Northerner with sympathy for the South; an antiwar Northerner ...US Civil War usage
• CRACKER a backwoods Southern white person regarded as ignorant, brutal, loutish, bigoted, etc. used contemptuously ...1766 Amer. sl.
• DAMNED YANKEE a native of the northern US ...1833 Amer. dial.
• DAMN YANKEE a southern term expressing rancour toward the politicians and soldiers of the Union; a native of the northern US ...1833 Amer. dial.
• EXODUSTER 1. a Black person who left the South in the mass migration to the Northwest, esp. Kansas, c1878-80 ...1880 Amer. dial.
2. a refugee from a 'dust bowl' ...1941 Amer. dial.
• FIRE-EATER any White southerner opposed to freeing the slaves ...1840s US Black sl.
• FLATLANDER (censorious) a term used in various hilly or mountainous regions of North America, particularly Vermont, to denote an outsider, someone who doesn't belong
• GALVANIZED YANKEE a southerner who took the oath to the North and served in the Union army ...US Civil War usage
• GOOD OLD BOY a man who embodies the traditional values of the White, rural South; also used ironically ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GOOMBAH an Italian-American ...1950s sl.
• GRINGO used contemptuously by Spanish-Americans to refer to English people of Anglo-Americans ...1849 sl.
• GUMBAH an Italian-American ...1950s sl.
• JOE an American ...M19
• JOHNNY REB a native or inhabitant of the southern US, esp. of one of the former Confederate states; a southerner ...1860 Amer.
• JOHNNY a Southerner, esp. a fighter for the Confederacy ...M19 US sl.
• JOHNNY RED a Southerner, esp. a fighter for the Confederacy ...M19 US sl.
• KNOW-NOTHING a member of a U.S. political party, also called the American party, that was prominent during the years 1853-56; so named because, having been originally organized as a secret society, its members, to preserve this character, professed to outsiders complete ignorance regarding it; the chief principle of the party was that none but native citizens should be permitted to share in the government; it disappeared around 1859 ...1856
• LACE-CURTAIN IRISH Irish Americans who prospered or married well, or those having social or economic pretensions ...1934 Amer. dial.
• LOYALIST a Union sympathizer in the South ...US Civil War usage
• NARROWBACK an Irish-American; used contemptuously ...1957 Amer. sl.
• NESTER (usually derogatory) a squatter, homesteader, farmer, or small rancher, esp. one who settles on established rangeland ...1880 Amer. dial., chiefly West
• OAKEY (derogatory) a migrant worker, orig. from Oklahoma, forced off his land during the Great Depression during the 1930s ...1910s US
• OAKIE (derogatory) a migrant worker, orig. from Oklahoma, forced off his land during the Great Depression during the 1930s ...1910s US
• PLUMBER a member of a White House special unit during the administration of Richard Nixon which investigated leaks of government secrets, and which was found to have been guilty of illegal practices, including bugging with concealed microphones ...1972 sl., chiefly US
• QUICKDRAW MCGRAW the US Secret Service agent who is closest to the president ...1981 US sl.
• RAWHIDER an early settler in the Southwest ...1908 Amer. dial.
• REB any poor, rural, White southerner ...1978 US sl.
• REVENOO a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• REVENOOER a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• REVENUER a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• SALMON-EATER a person from the Pacific Northwest ...1947 Amer. dial.
• SAM a Southern Appalachian Migrant ...1981 US sl.
• SAMMY a US soldier in WWI ...1917 Brit. sl.
• SCALAWAG a native White southerner who collaborated with the occupying forces during Reconstruction, often for personal gain ...19C U.S. Hist.
• SCALLAWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SCALLOWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SCALLYWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SEPTIC an American ...1976 rhyming sl., chiefly Aust., for ''septic tank = Yank'
• SEPTIC TANK an American ...1976 rhyming sl., chiefly Aust., for 'Yank'
• SHERMAN an American ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'Yank' (Sherman Tank)
• SHERMAN TANK an American ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'Yank'
• SKALAWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SNOW-BIRD a person from the Northern states who goes to live or work in the South during the winter ...1923 US sl.
• SOUL MINORITY African Americans considered collectively ...1960s US Black sl.
• SOUTHRON a native or inhabitant of the south of England, of Europe, etc.; also, in the U.S., a southerner ...1857
• SQUAW-MAN any White that has lived with an Indian woman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TACKY a poor White person of the southern states, from Virginia to Georgia ...M19 US
• TARHEEL a poor White, esp. from the piney woods of North Carolina; a rustic or countrified person; any north Carolinian; an insignificant person ...1846 Amer. dial.
• UNBORN TADPOLE a term of derision aimed at the Confederacy by northerners at the beginning of the war ...US Civil War usage
• VENETIAN-BLIND IRISH middle-class Irish-Americans ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHICKERBILL a poor, White, rural Southerner ...1921 Amer. dial.
• WHITE TRASH the poor white population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, to white people in general ...1831 sl.
• WICKERBILL a poor, White, rural Southerner; also used as a vaguely derogatory term ...1921 Amer. dial.
• WOODEN PLANK an American, esp. an American in the UK ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'Yank'
• YALIE a student or alumnus of Yale University ...1952 US sl.
• YANK (often derogatory) an American; orig. a New Englander or someone from the northern states of America ...1778
• YANKEE a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• YANKEE DOODLE a Yankee; a US native or inhabitant ...1787
• YANKEY a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• YANKEYESS (derogatory) an American woman ...1852
• YANKY a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• GO OVER THE HUMP to cross the Rockies on one's trek from East Coast to West ...1920s US tramps' sl.
• SELL OUT TO THE YANKEES to move to a northern industrial area ...1880s US Black sl.
UNITING - nouns
• ADUNITING † uniting together ...1662
• ONING † a making one, uniting, joining in one; union ...1340
UNITY - nouns
• ONEHEAD † the condition of being one; oneness; unity ...a1300
• ONEHOOD † the condition of being one; oneness; unity ...a1225
• ONLIHEDE † oneness, unity ...c1440
UNIVERSAL - adjectives
• ECUMENIC belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1588
• ECUMENICAL belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1607
• INIVERSAL universal ...1960s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• OECUMENIC belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1588
• OECUMENICAL belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1607
• VARSAL universal ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VARSED universal ...1703 Eng. dial.
• VERSAL † universal ...1592
• PANARCHY * universal realm ...1839
• OMNIFY to render universal ...1810
• OMNITUDE * the fact of being all; universality; the whole, the total sum ...1839
UNIVERSE - adjectives
• MACROCOSMIC pert. to the universe ...1871
• MACROCOSMICAL † pert. to the universe ...1625
• PANCOSMIC pert. to the whole universe ...1853
UNIVERSE - nouns
• HEAVEN AND EARTH the universe ...c1000
• MACROCOSM the 'great world' or universe, in contradistinction to this 'little world', i.e. to man viewed as an epitome of the universe ...1600
• MACROCOSMOLOGY a description of the macrocosm ...1856
• CAT-SKIN an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• DARKNESS AT NOON the slide shows that form the basis of lectures in Art History ...1970s US campus sl.
• MAID in certain American universities, used as a degree-title in correspondence to 'Bachelor' ...1885
• RABBIT-SKIN an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• UNI university; a university ...1898 Aust. & NZ sl.
• UNION CARD a university degree certificate ...1970s US college sl.
UNIVERSITY - nouns, person
• CAD a servant at a university or public school
• FRESHER a university freshman ...1882 UK sl.
• SALT † to admit a freshman in a university with certain burlesque ceremonies; one of which was making him drink salt and water or putting salt in his mouth ...1570 students' sl.
UNIVERSITY - phrases
• FRESH OFF THE IRONS newly graduated from university; just left school; hence, inexperienced, brand new ...L17 sl.
UNJUST - adjectives
• INIQUOUS † unjust, unfair; wicked, iniquitous ...1654
• UNEQUAL † unfair, unjust ...1721 Sc.
• UNRIGHT dishonourable; unjust; wrong ...Bk1905 Sc.
UNJUSTLY - adverbs
• LIKE A RED-HEADED STEPCHILD unjustly, unkindly ...1941 Amer. dial.
UNKEMPT - adjectives
• BOWZELLY bushy, unkempt ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DAGGY of clothes, appearance, etc.: dirty; filthy; slovenly; messy; unkempt; unpleasant ...1967 Aust. sl.
• DOG-EARED worn, creased, and rumpled; shabby, unkempt ...19C Amer. sl.
• FEEST untidy, unkempt; filthy ...1901 Amer. dial.
• FUNKY unkempt ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• GNATTY-TAIL unkempt and disreputable ...1948 Amer. dial.
• HAIRY unkempt, untidy, rough, slovenly ...1956 Sc.
• HALLANSHAKER-LOOKING ragged, unkempt, like a tramp ...1828 Sc.
• KABA-KABA of people: slovenly, ill-kempt, boorish-looking ...20C W. Indies sl.
• OZELLY slovenly, unkempt ...B1900 Sc.
• PIECE-OF-SHIT disgusting; unattractive; unkempt ...1980s sl.
• RAFFELLY unkempt, slovenly ...1967 Sc.
• RAGGED-ASS unkempt, ragged ...1954 Amer. dial.
• RAGGED-ASSED unkempt, ragged ...1984 Amer. dial.
• RAGGEDY-ASS unkempt, ragged ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RAGGEDY-ASSED unkempt, ragged ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RAMSHACKLE of persons: unkempt, untidy, rough ...1882 Sc.
• RASPY unattractive, unkempt ...L19 US Black sl.
• RASTY unattractive, unkempt ...L19 US Black sl.
• RATTY run-down, ramshackle, unkempt, shabby; untidy and in poor condition ...1856 sl., orig. US
• SCRUFF messy, unkempt ...1950s sl.
• SKAGGY ugly, unkempt, nasty ...1960s Amer. sl.
• TAGSY untidily dressed, unkempt ...1972 Sc.
• TATHERY unkempt ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TATTY tangled, matted, rough, unkempt, shaggy, ragged; untidy and in poor condition ...1817 Sc. & Eng. dial. & colloq.
• UNKAIMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc.
• UNKAMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc.
• UNKEMBED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNKEMMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Eng. dial.
• UNKEPT unkempt ...1858 Amer. dial.
• WARBY unprepossessing in appearance or disposition, unkempt, disreputable, decrepit ...1920s Aust. sl.
• WOOFTY unkempt; shaggy, like a dog ...1990s US sl.
UNKEMPT - nouns, person
• ARAB an unkempt or wild-looking person, esp. a child ...1903 Amer. dial.
• RAG BAG a messy, unkempt person ...1920s Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAG DOLL a messy, unkempt person ...1920s Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAGGEDY ANN an untidy, unkempt woman ...1980s US Black sl.
• SCRUFF an unkempt, messy person; also, a term of abuse ...1950s sl.
• SCRUFF-BAG a messy, unkempt person ...1920s sl.
• TACKHEAD an unattractive, unkempt woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• TACKYHEAD an unattractive, unkempt woman ...1960s US Black sl.
UNKIND - adjectives
• HALF-HEARTED † wanting in true affection, ungenerous, unkind ...1864
• HARM harsh; unkind ...1889 Amer. dial.
• HATESUM unkind, hateful, hated ...1513 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEANER THAN A CAT'S TAIL extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT DUNG extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT MANURE extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT PISS extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT SHIT extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT SHIT AND A DAMN SIGHT NASTIER extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT WATER extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• UNCANNY harsh, unkind, rude; severe, esp. used of a blow or fall ...1773 Sc.. & Eng. dial.
• UNFREMD unkind, unneighbourly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNFREMDISH unkind, unneighbourly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNKIND - verbs
• HAGGED ABOUT to be buffeted about, treated unkindly ...1873 Eng. dial.
• HANCH to seize, to snatch; to take hold of rough; to handle roughly or unkindly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PUT A FOOT IN SOMEONE'S ASS to treat someone unkindly ...1940s US Black sl.
UNKINDLY - adverbs
• FUNKY unkindly ...1960s US sl.
• IMBENIGNITY †* unkindness ...1675
• IMBONITY †* the reverse of goodness; unkindness ...1621
• UNBENEVOLENCE * unkindness; harshness ...1688
UNKNOWN - adjectives
• CHEAP JOHN inferior; unknown; unimportant; said of people and places ...20C Amer.
• CLANCULARIOUS † private, secret; unknown; clandestine, underhand ...1656
• DARK doubtful, uncertain; unknown ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DARK HORSE previously unknown ...20C Amer. sl.
• IGNOTE † unknown ...1623
• INCOGNITE † unknown, strange, unfamiliar ...1609
• UNACQUAINTED † unknown, unfamiliar, strange, unusual ...1551
• UNBEKEND unknown ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNBEKENT unknown ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNCO unknown, strange; unusual; foreign ...c1410 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNKED unknown, strange, unusual, odd, unfamiliar ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKENNED unknown, strange, unfamiliar; of no repute ...1807 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNKENSOME unknown ...1802 Sc.
• UNKID unknown, strange, unusual, odd, unfamiliar ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKIN unknown, strange ...1898 Sc.
• UNKNOWING unknown ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNKNOWNST unknown; without anyone's knowledge ...1842 Eng. dial.
UNKNOWN - nouns
• NEVER-HEED-UM-STREET an unknown place; nowhere ...1891 Eng. dial.
• XYZ an unknown quantity; something or somebody unknown or undetermined ...1808
UNKNOWN - nouns, person (also see FORGOTTEN)
• ADAM'S CAT a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1908 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S HATBAND a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S HOUSECAT a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1908 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OFF-BULL a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1956 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OFF-OX a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1894 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OLD OX a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S PET MONKEY a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF BEETS a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF MEAL a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF POTATOES a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BELTASHAZUR'S OFF-OX a person or thing one does not know and cannot identify ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BUNDLE OF BROOMS a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1904 Amer. dial.
• DINGLEFUZZY used in place of a person's name which has been forgotten ...1975 sl.
• FARTKNOCKER any obscure person; a person whose name you don't know or remember ...1984 Amer. dial.
• DINGLEFUZZIE a person whose name you can't recall ...1975 Amer. dial.
• IGNOTE † a person unknown ...1639
• MISS THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1850 Amer. dial.
• MR. DOOZANBERRY a man whose name is unknown ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MRS. THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1873 Amer. dial.
• MR. THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1933 Amer. dial.
• THING-A-MERRY a person whose name is forgotten or unknown ...1818 sl.
• THING-A-ME-TOY a word used when the name of the person to is forgotten or unknown; a person of small account ...1865 Eng. dial.
• THINGUM a thing or person whose name the speaker cannot recall, does not know, or is reluctant to speak ...1824 Amer. dial.
• THINGUMYDOOCHY a person whose name is not known or cannot for the moment be recalled ...1914 Amer. dial.
• WHATD'YOUCALLHER anyone for whom one cannot provide the name ...L16 sl.
• WHATD'YOUCALLHIM anyone for whom one cannot provide the name ...L16 sl.
• WHAT'S-HER-NAME a substitute for a woman's name that is not known or remembered ...1816 sl.
• WHAT'S-HIS-NAME a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1697 sl.
• WHATSISFACE a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1967 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WHATSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1898 sl.
• WHAT'S-YOUR-NAME used in addressing a person whose name is not known or remembered ...1757 sl.
• WHATZISFACE a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1967 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WHOOSIS someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1923 sl.
• WHOOSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOOZIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOSIS someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1923 sl.
• WHOSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOZIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOZITS a name for an object or person whose name is forgotten ...M20 US sl.
• WOSSNAME a thing or person whose name is not known, forgotten, etc. ...20C sl.
• XYZ somebody unknown or undetermined ...1808
UNKNOWN - phrases
• NOT TO KNOW ONE FROM A BALE OF CRAP said of a person one does not know or cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial. jocular
• NOT TO KNOW ONE FROM A BALE OF HAY said of a person one does not know or cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial. jocular
UNLAWFUL - adjectives
• ILLICENTIOUS †* done without license; unlawful, illegal ...1622
• ILLICITOUS †* illicit, unlawful, illegal, forbidden ...1611
• LAWLESS † of an action: illegal, unlawful ...1557
• UNLEISUM † unlawful, illegal ...1681 Sc.
UNLAWFUL - verbs
• PACK OR PEEL WITH A PERSON to trade unfairly, to have unlawful or underhand dealings with him ...1757 Sc.
UNLAWFULLY - adverbs
• ILLICITOUSLY †* unlawfully ...1611
UNLEARNED - adjectives
• IDIOTISTICAL † used by the unlearned ...1715
• ILLITERATED † ignorant of letters; unlearned; unable to read, totally illiterate ...1589
• INERUDITE unlearned; uninstructed ...E19
• LAY †* uninstructed, unlearned ...c1330
• LEWD † unlearned, unlettered, untaught, ignorant ...a1225
• LEWED † ignorant, unlearned ...c1325
• SILLY † unlearned, unsophisticated, simple, rustic, ignorant ...a1547 obs. or arch.
• UNBOOKED not booklearned, unlearned ...1859
• UNBOOKISH not bookish or studious; unlearned ...1604
• UNLARED † unlearned ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLESS - prepositions/conjunctions
• ALESS unless ...1897 Sc.
• BEDOOT without, unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BEDOUT without, unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BESEPS except, unless ...1890 Eng. dial.
• BESEPTS except, unless ...1890 Eng. dial.
• BETHOUT unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ELSEHOW or else, unless ...1922 Amer. dial.
• ELSESO or else, unless ...1922 Amer. dial.
• INLESS unless ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LESSEN unless ...1887 Amer. dial.
• NESSEN unless ...1907 Amer. dial.
• UNELSE unless ...1905 Amer. dial.
• UNLESSEN unless ...1905 Amer. dial.
UNLICENSED - adjectives
• BASTARDLY † unlicensed, unauthorized; counterfeit, spurious ...1586
• ILLICENTIATE †* unlicensed ...a1659
UNLEARNED - nouns, person
• IDIOTIST †* a person without learning; an ignorant, uneducated man; a simple man; a clown ...1715
• SIMPLES those who are unlearned, ignorant, easily misled, unsuspecting, etc. ...1560
UNLESS - conjunctions
• ATHOUT unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
UNLETTERED - adjectives
• LEWD † unlearned, unlettered, untaught, ignorant ...a1225
• IMPLANITUDE † unevenness, unlevelness ...1597
UNLIKABLE - nouns, person
• BABBLER an unlikable person ...1930s US college sl.
• COLD WIRE an unsuccessful or unlikable person ...1941 US sl.
• FAG a despicable, unlikable person ...1982 US sl.
• OSCAR an offensive, unlikable person ...1905 US sl.
• SKITE a cross or unlikable man, somewhat miserly, or inclined to be dishonest in money matters ...1911 Amer. dial.
• UN an undesirable or unlikable person ...20C campus sl.
UNLIKE - adjectives
• DISPARABLE †* unlike; unequalled ...1413
UNLIKE - nouns
• ABSIMILATION †* the act or process of making or becoming unlike ...c1630
• IMPARITY † the quality of being unlike; difference in nature or character; dissimilarity ...1608
UNLIKE - verbs
• DISLIKEN † to make unlike, to disguise; to dissemble ...1611
• INVERISIMILITUDE unlikelihood; improbability ...E19
UNLIKELY - adjectives
• FAR-FET † of an argument, notion, etc: studiously sought out; not easily or natural introduced; strained; far-fetched, unlikely and unconvincing ...1533
• FAR-FETCH † far-fetched; unlikely and unconvincing ...1603
• LIKE A MIDSHIPMAN WITH MONEY IN BOTH POCKETS extremely unlikely, very odd ...M19 sl.
• UNHOMED awkward, unlikely ...1851 Eng. dial.
• UNLIKE unlikely, improbable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLIKELY - nouns
• NEVER-COME-OFF an unlikely occurrence ...1889 Eng. dial.
UNLIKELY - interjections
• AND MONKEYS MIGHT FLY OUT OF MY BUTT! used as a reflection of the high unlikelihood of something happening ...1992 US sl.
• N.B.L. not bloody likely ...20C Brit. colloq.
UNLIMITED - adjectives
• ILLIMITATE † unlimited, unbounded ...1602
• ILLIMITED unlimited, unbounded, unrestrained ...1602
• RANGELESS * that has no range or limit ...1838
• UNCOMPASSED not bounded or circumscribed; unlimited ...1577
• ILLIMITATION * the condition of being unlimited; freedom from limitation ...1610
UNLOAD - verbs
• UNEMPT to empty; to unload ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLOCK - verbs
• KEY UP to unlock a door ...1991 US sl.
• LOCK OPEN to unlock ...1907 Amer. dial.
• UNBETTY † to unlock ...1812 cant
• UNDUB to unlock ...M18 UK criminals' sl.
• UNMAKE to unfasten, to unlock; generally used of a door ...1840 Eng. dial.
• UNSLOUGH to unlock, to open ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• UNSLOUR to unlock ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
UNLOVELY - adjectives
• NAFFEEN vulgar, bad, despicable, unlovely ...1992 Brit. sl.
• NAFFETTE vulgar, bad, despicable, unlovely ...1992 Brit. sl.
• UNLOVESOME † unlovely, disgusting, repulsive ...1725 Sc.
• WANLIESUM † unlovely ...1815 Sc.
UNLUCKILY - adverbs
• AWKLY † in the wrong direction, backhanded or left-handed wise; hence, sinisterly, unluckily ...c1440
UNLUCKY - adjectives
• BORN WITH A WOODEN LADLE IN ONE'S MOUTH unlucky; ill-fated ...1818
• HAPLESS destitute of 'hap' or good fortune; unfortunate, unlucky, luckless, unhappy ...1568
• ILL-FARED unlucky, unsuccessful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-LUCKED unlucky ...1899 Sc.
• LEFT-HANDED undesirable; unlucky ...1940s US Merchant marine usage
• NAUGHT † injurious, hurtful; unlucky ...1596
• ONCHANCY unlucky, ill-omened, ill-fated; unfortunate ...1876 Sc.
• SALT unlucky, in a bad state; impoverished, empty-handed, low on food ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• SATURNIAN † unlucky, unfortunate ...1656
• SINISTER-HANDED † left-handed; hence, unlucky, unfortunate ...1817 rare or obs.
• SINISTRAL †* adverse; unlucky ...c1475
• S.O.L. unlucky; Shit Out of Luck ...20C Can. sl.
• UNABLE † awkward, unlucky ...1572
• UNCHANCY unlucky, ill-omened, ill-fated, unfortunate ...1533 chiefly Sc.
• UNCO weird, uncanny; terrible; unlucky ...1828 Sc.
• UNSAWNEY † unlucky, unfortunate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANCHANCIE unlucky, dangerous ...a1774 Sc.
• WANCHANCY unlucky ...a1774 Sc.
• WANHAPPY † unfortunate, unlucky ...c1590 Sc.
UNLUCKY - adverbs
• SINISTERLY * in an inauspicious or unlucky manner; unfortunately; ominously ...1465
UNLUCKY - nouns
• DEAD CARD something that is hopeless, out of favour, unlucky, unfashionable, or unpopular ...1899 Amer. sl.
• MALADVENTURE † a lawless proceeding; an escapade; an unlucky undertaking; a misadventure ...c1470
UNLUCKY - nouns, person
• KAE a chatterbox; a thief or cheat; an unlucky or ill-omened person ...1866 Sc.
• SHLIMAZL a chronically unlucky person ...20C Yiddish
UNLUCKY - verbs
• MISS to be unlucky ...L19 US sl.
UNMANAGEABLE - adjectives
• BRAINY unmanageable, high-mettled; spirited, lively ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAMSTAIRY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTEERY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTERRY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTRARIE perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTROUDGEOUS wild, unmanageable; obstinate, perverse ...19C Sc.
• GALLOWS mischievous, wild, impish, unmanageable, tiresome; impudent, saucy ...1875 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GAMSTERRIE perverse, insubordinate, unmanageable, unruly ...1844 Sc.
• HELLICAT wild, unmanageable, boisterous ...1819 Sc.
• IMMANUABLE † unmanageable, incapable of being controlled ...1608
• IRON-SIDED hardy, rough, unmanageable; impudent, defiant ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• OBSTRAPULOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Sc.
• OBSTROPALOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ... c1725
• OBSTROPILOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Eng. dial.
• OBSTROPOLOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1748
• OBSTROPULOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1815 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OPSTROPOLOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Eng. dial.
• ORNERY unpleasant, troublesome, unruly, unmanageable, disobedient, obstinate, ill-tempered, angry ...1862 Amer. dial.
• RAFFATORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• RAFFERTORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• RAMMAGE of persons: wild, excited, unruly, unmanageable ...1714 Sc.
• RANDIE boisterous, riotous, disorderly, dissipated; wild, unruly, unmanageable ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RANDY disorderly, disreputable, given to drink; boisterous, riotous, dissipated; wild, unruly, unmanageable ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REBUNCTIOUS † stubborn or unmanageable ...1820 Sc.
• REE crazy, delirious; rude, wild; unmanageable ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REFERTORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• REFFATORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• REFRACTARIOUS †* rebellious, unmanageable ...1624
• UNFANDRUM † bulky, unmanageable ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNGUIDEABLE not amenable to reason; unmanageable, unruly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANTON † of persons: undisciplined, ungoverned; not amenable to control, unmanageable, rebellious; of children: naughty, unruly ...a1300
• LIKE A HALF-SLED IN A SNOWSTORM in an uncontrolled or unmanageable manner ...1893 Amer. dial.
• LIKE A HALF-SLED ON ICE in an uncontrolled or unmanageable manner ...1873 Amer. dial.
UNMANAGEABLE - nouns, person
• BEAGLE an opprobrious epithet applied to a depraved, unmanageable, and troublesome person ...1744 Eng. dial.
• BLASTIE a shrivelled, dwarfish person; an ill-tempered or unmanageable child; a term of contempt ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAMSTAIRY an obstinate, unmanageable person ...1818 Sc.
• OFF-OX a stubborn or headstrong person; an unmanageable, cross-grained fellow ...1848 Amer. dial.
• HAVE ONE LEG OVER THE HARROWS to break loose, to become unmanageable ...1816 Sc.
• HAVE ONE'S TAIL OVER THE LINE to be stubborn or unmanageable ...1912 Amer. dial.
• HAVE THE TAIL OVER THE LINES to be hard to control; to be stubborn or unmanageable ...1927 Amer. dial.
• RUN OFF WITH THE HARROWS to break loose; to become unmanageable ...1813 Sc.
UNMANLY - adjectives
• ABHOMINAL † unworthy of a man; inhuman, unmanly ...1550
• BEASTLY † unmanly, cowardly ...1584
• MANLESS † unmanly, effeminate ...a1529
• QUEER (disparaging and offensive) effeminate, unmanly ...sl.
• BORN AND RAISED IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1942 Amer. sl.
• BORN IN A CAVE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A LOG CABIN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A TENT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A TREE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE BACKHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON A RAFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN YESTERDAY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A CELLAR lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A HEN COOP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A ROWBOAT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A SLUM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A WOODSHED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP LIKE AN ANIMAL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP ON THE RIVER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• COME OUT OF THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DRAGGED UP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DRAGGED UP IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DROPPED FROM THE HAYLOFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FED AT A TROUGH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM DEAKE'S ISLAND lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM PODUNK lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM SWAMPOODLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GRADUATED FROM A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GREW UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GREW UP IN THE WOODS BEHIND THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAD NO HOME TRAINING lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAIRY AT THE HEEL said of an ill-bred person; deficient in breeding or manners ...1899
• HALF-RAISED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ILL-FAVOURED unbecoming; unmannerly; out of place ...1785 Sc.
• ILL-MANNERLY unmannerly ...1840
• ILL-SKET rude, unmannerly ...1897 Sc.
• ILL-TOWARD rude, unmannerly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSELESS unmannerly, rude, ill-bred; uncultured, unpolished ...1811 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NO-MANNERS ill-mannered; rude, impolite, unmannerly ...1922 Amer. dial.
• OUT OF THE MARSH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PICKED UP UNDER A BUSH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PICKED UP UNDER A ROCK lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PULLED UP BY THE EARS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED AMONG ANIMALS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED AND NOT REARED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED A PERFECT OUTLAW lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1942 Amer. sl.
• RAISED IN A BARNYARD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BUNKHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CAVE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CHICKEN COOP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CHICKEN HOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A COW PEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A DUMP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A MILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN AN ALLEY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A SALOON lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A SAWMILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A STY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A ZOO lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN BACK OF THE FIELD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BOONDOCKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE HILLS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE LOT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE MOUNTAINS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE NEW GROUND lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE PINEY WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE REFORMATORY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE STONE AGE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE WILDERNESS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE YARD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED LIKE TOPSY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A HILLSIDE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A RAFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON MECHANIC STREET lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE HILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE STREET lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED OUT IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP ALONE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP IN A SHITHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP WITH THE HOGS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE CHICKENS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE NAVAJOS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE PIGS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WRONG lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A SHANTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT OFF THE FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RUDAS of women: rude, unmannerly, rough, coarse; haggard, old ...a1802 Sc.
• SNATCHED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• UNBRED not imbued with good manners; unmannerly, ill-bred ...1622
• UNFARRANT ill-informed, senseless, without quickness of apprehension; rude, unmannerly ...1838 Sc.
• UNMENSEFUL disorderly; unmannerly; unseemly; indecent ...1838 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VANDEMONIANISM rough or unmannerly behaviour; rowdyism ...1863
• YAGGA-YAGGA unmannerly behaviour ...20C W. Indies
UNMANNERLY - nouns, person
• BEAR a rough, unmannerly, or uncouth person ...1751
• BORE an unpleasant or unmannerly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DUMB FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; a stupid or unsophisticated person; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1901 Amer. dial.
• FARMER BOY (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER JACK (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER JAKE (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAWBUCK an unmannerly lout; a country bumpkin or clown; a coarse, vulgar lad; a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1805
• HAWBUCKER a tomboy; an awkward or unmannerly person; an ignorant country fellow; a bumpkin; a lout ...1930 Amer. dial.
• HICK FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KENSY †* a rough or rude fellow; an unmannerly person; a rustic ...c1500 Sc.
• OLD FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REUL an unruly person or animal; a rude, unmannerly clown, a romp, a fidget ...1897 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RUDAS a coarse, unmannerly, foul-mouthed old woman; an ill-natured, ugly old woman; a virago ...1725 Sc.
• SHEIK OF ARABY an unpleasant, unmannerly person ...1969 Amer. dial.
• YAHOO an uncultured or unmannerly person ...1726
• ZOUCH a churl; an unmannerly fellow ...18C sl.
• ZOUCHER a churl; an unmannerly fellow ...18C sl.
• HAWBUCK to act boisterously; to be unmannerly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• AT THE WHITLEATHER AGE at the stage or age of an old maid, tough and unmarriageable ...1952 Amer. dial.
UNMARRIED - adjectives
• AGAMIST † unmarried ...B1900
• MARROWLESS companionless, unmarried; unequalled, unmatched ...1637 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ONE † single, unmarried ...c1386
• ONLEPY † solitary; single, unmarried ...c900
• UNATTACHED pert. to an adult woman who is not married ...20C US colloq.
• UNBISPUSED † unmarried ...c1200
• BACHELRY † a body of unmarried men ...a1500
• SINGLEHOOD the state of being single or unmarried; spinsterhood ...1840
• SINGLENESS the state of being unmarried; celibacy ...1560
UNMARRIED - nouns, person
• AGAMIST † one who opposes marriage; one who does not marry; an unmarried person ...1553-87
• BACHELETTE an unmarried woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELOR †* a maid, a single woman ...1632
• BACHELOR BAIT an unmarried girl ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELORETTE a 'bachelor girl'
• BACHELOR GIRL a young unmarried woman who lives independently
• BACHELOR-MAN an unmarried man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELOR-WOMAN an unmarried woman ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BOY a male person of any age and condition, if unmarried and residing in the parental home ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOY ON THE LOOSE an unmarried or widowed man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DAM a young unmarried woman, a girl; a damsel ...1790 Sc.
• DAMISHELL a young unmarried woman; a term of reproach for a woman of bad character or disposition; a damsel ...a1743 Sc.
• DAMSEL a young unmarried woman; a term of reproach for a woman of bad character or disposition ...1867 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DEMOISELLE a young lady, a maid, a girl ...1520
• FREE-LANCE. an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FREE-LANCER an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GIRL ON THE LOOSE an unmarried or widowed woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRASS WIDOW an unmarried mother ...1899 Amer. dial.
• HOWDY-TOWDY a young unmarried woman ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• LAD a bachelor, an unmarried man ...1825 Sc.
• LONE MAN a man who is not living with a woman; an unmarried or widowed man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LONE WOLF an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LONE WOMAN a woman who is not living with a man; an unmarried or widowed woman ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MAIDEN an old maid; an elderly unmarried lady ...1883 Eng. dial.
• MAMSELL an unmarried French woman ...1942 colloq.
• MAN-TRAP a woman seeking a husband; a widow ...18C sl.
• MAWTHER a girl just growing into womanhood, esp. a great, rough, awkward wench; a little girl; an unmarried woman ...1691 Eng. dial.
• SINGLETON an unmarried person...1990s Brit. sl.
• SINGLIE a single man ...1995 UK sl.
• SINGLENESS * a single or unmarried person ...1818
• SINGLE-O an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VACAND † one who is free to take a mate ...1508 Sc.
• VENTURE GIRL a single woman sent out to India in the hope of winning herself a husband ...M19 sl.
• WANTER one wanting a husband or wife; an unmarried person; a bachelor, a widower ...1723 Eng. dial.
• DANCE BAREFOOT † of an elder daughter: to remain single while a younger daughter is married
• DANCE IN THE HOG TROUGH usually of a woman: to remain unmarried after a usually younger sibling is married; to be the last child in a family to remain unmarried; hence; to be abandoned, often used as a jocular threat ...M19 US sl.
• DANCE IN THE PIG TROUGH usually of a woman: to remain unmarried after a usually younger sibling is married; to be the last child in a family to remain unmarried; hence; to be abandoned, often used as a jocular threat ... M19 US sl.
• DIE LIKE JENKINS' HEN to die unmarried ...1805 Sc.
• GO MAIDEN to remain single ...a1802
• HANG ON THE BOUGH to remain unmarried ...1896 Sc.
• LEAD APES IN HELL to die unmarried; to die an old maid ...16C Eng. sl.
• STAND ON THE MAID * of a woman: to remain single ...1615
• WEAR BACHELOR'S BUTTONS to be unmarried; to remain a bachelor ...1857
• IMMEDIATE †* uninterrupted in course; direct ...1634
• EVEN-ENDWAYS in a straight course, without interruption or obstruction; from end to end, continuously, without intermission ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EVEN-ON uninterruptedly ...Bk1900 Sc.
• HAND-SMOOTH without obstacle, uninterruptedly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNINVITED - adjectives
• UNBODDEN uninvited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBODEN † uninvited; unbidden ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
UNINVITED - nouns, person
• COME-O'-WILL a person (or thing) that comes of his own accord, or without being invited ...1815 Sc.
• INCHER a person who joins himself on to you and your group without being asked, and won't leave; someone who is uninvited or unwelcome ...1969 Amer. dial.
• NERVER a gate-crasher ...1900s US sl.
• TAG-ALONG someone who joins an activity without invitation ...1961 sl.
• SCREWZE to encroach, to intrude; to sponge; to come as an uninvited, unwelcome guest ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
UNION - adjectives
• SCABBY non-union ...L19 Aust. sl.
UNION (a joining) - nouns
• ACCOUPLEMENT † the act of coupling one thing to another; union, pairing; marriage union ...1483
• ACCOUPLING † the act of joining two things into a couple or pair; coupling; esp. union in marriage ...1525
• ADUNATION union or combination into one ...1551
• BAND † a state of union or connection ...1631
• ONEHEAD † the condition of being united to gathered in one; union ...a1340
• ONEMENT † 1. physical union, conjunction ...1388
† 2. union of mind or feeling; agreement, accord, concord; reconciliation ...a1450
• ONING † a making one, uniting, joining in one; union ...1340
• QUADRIVIRATE † a union of four men ...1654
UNION (association) - nouns, person
• ABBA a non-unionist ...1903 sl.
• BLACKNOB a blackleg ...a1889 Sc.
• CARD a union member ...1968 Amer. dial.
• CARD MAN a worker having a union card ...1930 US sl.
• HOOKER an operative who inveigles union men into acting as spies on their fellows and keeps them 'hooked' by threatening to expose them to the union ...1937 Amer. labour usage
• LABOR FAKER a worker who loafs on the job; a malingerer; hence, a corrupt union leader ...1907 US sl.
• LABOR SKATE 1. a trade union official ...1930 US sl.
2. a corrupt or ineffective labour union official ...1930 US sl.
• NOBLE a strike-breaker's guard ...Bk1974 Amer. sl.
• RED-NECK a union sympathizer ...1931 Amer. dial.
• SCAB a worker who refuses to join a labour union or to participate in a union strike, who takes a striking worker's place on the job, or the like; a strike-breaker ...1777
• SCABBY a non-union worker ...1910s Aust. sl.
• SCISSOR BILL a non-union man ...1958 Amer. dial.
• WOBBLY a member of the anarchist trade union the International Workers of the World ...1914 US sl.
UNION (association) - verbs
• BLACKLEG to take the place of a worker who is on strike, thereby helping th employer to carry on his business and defeat the ends of the strike ...1897
• BLACKLEG IT of a trade-union workman: to return to work before a strike is settled ...1888
• SCAB 1. to break a strike, to refuse to join a union or any form of mass action ...19C
2. to take a job without belonging to the relevant union ...1920s sl.
• WOBBLE to cause trouble among workers on a unionized worksite ...1989 Can. sl.
• WOBBLE THE JOB to cause trouble among workers on a unionized worksite ...1989 Can. sl.
UNIQUE - adjectives
• ODD † singular in valour, worth, merit, or eminence; unique, remarkable; distinguished, famous, renowned; rare, choice ...c1400
• UNCOMPEERED incomparable, unique, unparalleled ...1602
UNIQUE - nouns
• ARABIAN BIRD the phoenix; hence. a unique thing or person ...1606
• ONE-ER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something ...1840 colloq.
• ONER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something; an outstanding or excellent person or thing ...1840 colloq.
UNIQUE - nouns, person
• ARABIAN BIRD the phoenix; hence. a unique thing or person ...1606
• ONE-ER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something ...1840 colloq.
• ONER a person or thing of a unique or very remarkable kind; a person preeminently addicted to or expert at something; an outstanding or excellent person or thing ...1840 colloq.
• SANS-PEER † one who has no equal; a unique person ...c1460
UNIQUELY - adverbs
• ONLY † singularly, uniquely, specially, pre-eminently ...c1000
• ONLINESS * the fact or character of being the only one of its kind; singleness, singularity, uniqueness ...1633
• SINGLURE † singleness, uniqueness ...a1300
UNIT - nouns
• UNARY † a unit ...1576
UNITE - verbs
• ACCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1612
• ADCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1732
• ADJOIN † to join on; to join or unite a person or thing to another ...c1325
• ADUNITE † to unite or join to ...1662
• GATHER † to join or unite; to put together, to form by union ...c725
• HASP † to fasten together; to unite firmly ...1362
• MAISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MARROW to couple, to wed; to join, to unite ...1823 Sc.
• MEISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ONE † to agree, to unite; to come to terms ...1340
• PAN to join or unite together ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TACK to join, to unite, esp. in a loose or slack manner ...1858 Sc.
UNITED - adjectives
• ADJOINED † joined, united ...1509
• ADJOINT † united, joined ...c1325
• ADUNATE †* united, joined in one ...1470
UNITEDLY - adverbs
• ADJOINEDLY † unitedly; by way of union or conjunction ...1721
UNITED STATES - adjectives (also see individual States)
• ALKALIED experienced in living in the West ...1936 Amer. dial.
• BLUE-BELLIED from the northern states, esp. New England ...1852 Amer. dial.
• RED used of an impoverished, bigoted White Southerner ...1960s US sl.
• YANKEE pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• YANKEY pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• YANKY pert. to or characteristic of Yankees, often with the connotation of cleverness, cunning, or cold calculation; loosely, belonging to the United States, American ...1781
• ABE LINCOLN WAR † the Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial. archaic or obs.
• ABOLITION WAR the Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• AMERIKA (derogatory) applied to American society viewed as racist, fascist, or oppressive, esp. by Black consciousness ...1969 sl., orig. US
• AMERIKKKA (derogatory) applied to American society viewed as racist, fascist, or oppressive, esp. by Black consciousness ...1969 sl., orig. US
• ANGLO-AMERICA the United States and Canada ...1846
• ANYTOWN a notional American town that represents the appearance or values of stereotypical small-town America ...1992 Brit. sl.
• ANYTOWN USA n. a notional American town that represents the appearance or values of stereotypical small-town America ...1992 Brit. sl.
• AUNT FANNY the Federal Communications Commission ...1975 US sl.
• AUNT SAM the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• BABYLON the United States ...1972 US sl.
• BARRIO a Spanish-speaking community or neighbourhood in an American city; a Latino or Chicano district ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BIG AMERICA the United States ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BIG BENCH, THE the United States Supreme Court ...1929 US journalists' usage
• BIG CHARLEY the Federal Communications Commission ...1977 US sl.
• BIG GIRL WITH THE TORCH the Statue of Liberty ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BLOODY CHASM the estrangement between North and South caused by the Civil War ...1890 US
• BLOODY SHIRT the symbol of hostility between North and South ...1876 US
• BREAKING-UP the American Civil War ...1945 Amer. dial.
• BREAKUP the American Civil War ...1869 Amer. dial.
• CANDYMAN, THE the Federal Communications Commission or one of its field agents ...1976 US sl.
• DADDY-O the US Federal Communications Commission ...1977 US sl.
• DARK SIDE OF THE MOON the House of Representatives ...20C US sl.
• FOOTBALL the briefcase carrying the communication equipment that enables the president of the US to launch a nuclear attack ...1968 US sl.
• G, THE the US government ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• GALILEE the Southern US states ...1920s US Black sl.
• GAP the Great American Public ...1965 US sl.
• GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST Vicksburg, as seen by the South ...US Civil War usage
• GREAT REBELLION the American Civil War ...1864 Amer. dial.
• GREAT SATAN (derogatory) the United States regarded as an imperialistic and malevolent power, esp. in the context of its policies in the Middle East
• GUN BELT the American defense industry ...1991 US sl.
• HAIL COLUMBIA America ...M19 US sl.
• HAIL COLUMBUS America ...M19 US sl.
• KERRYPATCH in the US: the part of a town where the poor Irish lived ...1965 Amer. dial.
• LADY, THE the Statue of Liberty ...1986 US sl.
• LAND OF THE ROUND DOORKNOB the United States ...1970 US military overseas usage
• LAND OF THE WOODEN HAMS America ...19C Aust. sl.
• LAND OF THE WOODEN NUTMEGS America ...19C Aust. sl.
• LAND OF TWANG the United States ...1900s Aust. sl.
• LATE UNPLEASANTNESS, THE used in the postwar period to describe the American Civil War ...US Civil War usage
• LITTLE SAIGON a neighbourhood with a large number of Vietnamese immigrants and businesses ...1979 US sl.
• MA BELL the American Telephone & Telegraph Inc. ...1920s US sl.
• MAGNOLIA CURTAIN the Mason-Dixon line that divides the American north and south ...1940s US Black sl.
• MAIN STREET the 'provinces', a generic term for small-town America ...M19 US sl.
• MAN, THE the US Government ...1950s US Black sl.
• MAW BELL the American Telephone & Telegraph Inc. ...1920s US sl.
• MIGHTY DOME the US Congress building, or any similar large, institutional edifice ...1930s US Black sl.
• MY UNCLE the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• NASHVILLE any unsophisticated, suburban, middle-American town or person ...1970s US Black sl.
• NEWNITED STATES United States ...1922 Amer. dial.
• NIGGER WAR (derogatory) the American Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• OLD COUNTRY the Deep South; Africa ...1960s US Black sl.
• OLD WAR 1. the American Civil War (1861-1865) ...1937 Amer. dial.
2. the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) ...1960 Amer. dial.
• OUR UNCLE. the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• REBELLION the American Civil War ...1862 Amer. dial.
• REBEL WAR the American Civil War ...1943 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTION, THE the American Civil War ...1986 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTIONARY WAR the American Civil War ...1986 Amer. dial.
• REVOLUTION WAR, THE the American Civil War ...1966 Amer. dial.
• SAM the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• SHAKY SIDE trucker CB term for the West Coast, so called because of its proclivity for earthquakes ...Bk1998 sl.
• SPREAD EAGLE extravagant boasting, esp. of the U.S. ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• SPREAD-EAGLEISM extravagant boasting, esp. of the U.S. ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• STARS AND BARS the flag of the Confederate States of America ...US Civil War usage
• UNCLE the USA, esp. the US armed forces, or other federal/national authorities ...M19 sl.
• UNCLE SAM the government or people of the United States ...1813
• UNCLE SAMANTHA the US government ...1950s homosexual sl.
• UNCLE SAMMY the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SAMUEL the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SAMWELL the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...19C sl.
• UNCLE SHAM (derogatory) the USA and American culture, esp. the armed forces or federal agencies of the USA ...1960s US Black sl.
• UNCLE WHISKERS a federal agent or agency ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• UNITED STATES English as used in the United States ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WAR BETWEEN THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH the American Civil War ...1865 Amer. dial.
• WAR BETWEEN THE STATES the American Civil War ...1868 Amer. dial.
• WAR FOR SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE the American Civil War ...1861 Amer. dial.
• WAR OF REBELLION name commonly used in the North during, and for many years after, the war to describe it ...US Civil War usage
• WAR OF THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH the American Civil War ...1865 Amer. dial.
• WAR OF THE REBELLION the American Civil War ...1873 Amer. dial.
• YANKEE the dialect of New England; loosely, American English generally ...1824
• YANKEE-LAND the land of Yankees, New England; loosely, the United States ...1803
• YANKEESE American English ...1883 nonce word
• YANKIELAND America ...E19 sl.
• YANKLAND the land of the Yankees, America ...1834 nonce word
UNITED STATES - nouns, person
• ALKALI a veteran of the West ...20C US sl.
• AMERICANESS an American woman ...1838
• ANGLO-AMERICAN an American of English origin; an English settler or colonist in North America; spec., a Canadian ...1781-2
• ARGONAUT an adventurer who went to California in 1849; a forty-niner ...1873 US
• BASCAL a member of the Basque community; used as an affectionate nickname ...1931 Amer. dial.
• BASCO a member of the Basque community; used as an affectionate nickname ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BLUE-BELLIED YANKEE an out and out New Englander ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BLUEBELLY (often derogatory) a Northerner, esp. a New Englander, a Yankee ...1827 Amer. dial.
• BOMB-PROOF in the Southern states, one who stayed away from the fighting line during the Civil War ...1869 US
• BOSTON a White citizen of the US ...1844 Amer. Pacific Coast Indians usage
• BOSTONIAN a White citizen of the US ...1793 Amer. Pacific Coast Indians usage
• COPPERHEAD a Northerner with sympathy for the South; an antiwar Northerner ...US Civil War usage
• CRACKER a backwoods Southern white person regarded as ignorant, brutal, loutish, bigoted, etc. used contemptuously ...1766 Amer. sl.
• DAMNED YANKEE a native of the northern US ...1833 Amer. dial.
• DAMN YANKEE a southern term expressing rancour toward the politicians and soldiers of the Union; a native of the northern US ...1833 Amer. dial.
• EXODUSTER 1. a Black person who left the South in the mass migration to the Northwest, esp. Kansas, c1878-80 ...1880 Amer. dial.
2. a refugee from a 'dust bowl' ...1941 Amer. dial.
• FIRE-EATER any White southerner opposed to freeing the slaves ...1840s US Black sl.
• FLATLANDER (censorious) a term used in various hilly or mountainous regions of North America, particularly Vermont, to denote an outsider, someone who doesn't belong
• GALVANIZED YANKEE a southerner who took the oath to the North and served in the Union army ...US Civil War usage
• GOOD OLD BOY a man who embodies the traditional values of the White, rural South; also used ironically ...1967 Amer. dial.
• GOOMBAH an Italian-American ...1950s sl.
• GRINGO used contemptuously by Spanish-Americans to refer to English people of Anglo-Americans ...1849 sl.
• GUMBAH an Italian-American ...1950s sl.
• JOE an American ...M19
• JOHNNY REB a native or inhabitant of the southern US, esp. of one of the former Confederate states; a southerner ...1860 Amer.
• JOHNNY a Southerner, esp. a fighter for the Confederacy ...M19 US sl.
• JOHNNY RED a Southerner, esp. a fighter for the Confederacy ...M19 US sl.
• KNOW-NOTHING a member of a U.S. political party, also called the American party, that was prominent during the years 1853-56; so named because, having been originally organized as a secret society, its members, to preserve this character, professed to outsiders complete ignorance regarding it; the chief principle of the party was that none but native citizens should be permitted to share in the government; it disappeared around 1859 ...1856
• LACE-CURTAIN IRISH Irish Americans who prospered or married well, or those having social or economic pretensions ...1934 Amer. dial.
• LOYALIST a Union sympathizer in the South ...US Civil War usage
• NARROWBACK an Irish-American; used contemptuously ...1957 Amer. sl.
• NESTER (usually derogatory) a squatter, homesteader, farmer, or small rancher, esp. one who settles on established rangeland ...1880 Amer. dial., chiefly West
• OAKEY (derogatory) a migrant worker, orig. from Oklahoma, forced off his land during the Great Depression during the 1930s ...1910s US
• OAKIE (derogatory) a migrant worker, orig. from Oklahoma, forced off his land during the Great Depression during the 1930s ...1910s US
• PLUMBER a member of a White House special unit during the administration of Richard Nixon which investigated leaks of government secrets, and which was found to have been guilty of illegal practices, including bugging with concealed microphones ...1972 sl., chiefly US
• QUICKDRAW MCGRAW the US Secret Service agent who is closest to the president ...1981 US sl.
• RAWHIDER an early settler in the Southwest ...1908 Amer. dial.
• REB any poor, rural, White southerner ...1978 US sl.
• REVENOO a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• REVENOOER a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• REVENUER a federal law enforcement official; used by those in the illegal production of alcohol ...1974 US sl.
• SALMON-EATER a person from the Pacific Northwest ...1947 Amer. dial.
• SAM a Southern Appalachian Migrant ...1981 US sl.
• SAMMY a US soldier in WWI ...1917 Brit. sl.
• SCALAWAG a native White southerner who collaborated with the occupying forces during Reconstruction, often for personal gain ...19C U.S. Hist.
• SCALLAWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SCALLOWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SCALLYWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SEPTIC an American ...1976 rhyming sl., chiefly Aust., for ''septic tank = Yank'
• SEPTIC TANK an American ...1976 rhyming sl., chiefly Aust., for 'Yank'
• SHERMAN an American ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'Yank' (Sherman Tank)
• SHERMAN TANK an American ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'Yank'
• SKALAWAG a White Southerner who was willing to accept the terms of Reconstruction after the US Civil War (1861-5) ...M19 US sl.
• SNOW-BIRD a person from the Northern states who goes to live or work in the South during the winter ...1923 US sl.
• SOUL MINORITY African Americans considered collectively ...1960s US Black sl.
• SOUTHRON a native or inhabitant of the south of England, of Europe, etc.; also, in the U.S., a southerner ...1857
• SQUAW-MAN any White that has lived with an Indian woman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• TACKY a poor White person of the southern states, from Virginia to Georgia ...M19 US
• TARHEEL a poor White, esp. from the piney woods of North Carolina; a rustic or countrified person; any north Carolinian; an insignificant person ...1846 Amer. dial.
• UNBORN TADPOLE a term of derision aimed at the Confederacy by northerners at the beginning of the war ...US Civil War usage
• VENETIAN-BLIND IRISH middle-class Irish-Americans ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHICKERBILL a poor, White, rural Southerner ...1921 Amer. dial.
• WHITE TRASH the poor white population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, to white people in general ...1831 sl.
• WICKERBILL a poor, White, rural Southerner; also used as a vaguely derogatory term ...1921 Amer. dial.
• WOODEN PLANK an American, esp. an American in the UK ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'Yank'
• YALIE a student or alumnus of Yale University ...1952 US sl.
• YANK (often derogatory) an American; orig. a New Englander or someone from the northern states of America ...1778
• YANKEE a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• YANKEE DOODLE a Yankee; a US native or inhabitant ...1787
• YANKEY a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• YANKEYESS (derogatory) an American woman ...1852
• YANKY a native or inhabitant of the United States generally ...c1784
• GO OVER THE HUMP to cross the Rockies on one's trek from East Coast to West ...1920s US tramps' sl.
• SELL OUT TO THE YANKEES to move to a northern industrial area ...1880s US Black sl.
UNITING - nouns
• ADUNITING † uniting together ...1662
• ONING † a making one, uniting, joining in one; union ...1340
UNITY - nouns
• ONEHEAD † the condition of being one; oneness; unity ...a1300
• ONEHOOD † the condition of being one; oneness; unity ...a1225
• ONLIHEDE † oneness, unity ...c1440
UNIVERSAL - adjectives
• ECUMENIC belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1588
• ECUMENICAL belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1607
• INIVERSAL universal ...1960s W. Indies & UK Black teen sl.
• OECUMENIC belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1588
• OECUMENICAL belonging to the whole world; universal, general, world-wide ...1607
• VARSAL universal ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• VARSED universal ...1703 Eng. dial.
• VERSAL † universal ...1592
• PANARCHY * universal realm ...1839
• OMNIFY to render universal ...1810
• OMNITUDE * the fact of being all; universality; the whole, the total sum ...1839
UNIVERSE - adjectives
• MACROCOSMIC pert. to the universe ...1871
• MACROCOSMICAL † pert. to the universe ...1625
• PANCOSMIC pert. to the whole universe ...1853
UNIVERSE - nouns
• HEAVEN AND EARTH the universe ...c1000
• MACROCOSM the 'great world' or universe, in contradistinction to this 'little world', i.e. to man viewed as an epitome of the universe ...1600
• MACROCOSMOLOGY a description of the macrocosm ...1856
• CAT-SKIN an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• DARKNESS AT NOON the slide shows that form the basis of lectures in Art History ...1970s US campus sl.
• MAID in certain American universities, used as a degree-title in correspondence to 'Bachelor' ...1885
• RABBIT-SKIN an academical hood ...M19 university usage
• UNI university; a university ...1898 Aust. & NZ sl.
• UNION CARD a university degree certificate ...1970s US college sl.
UNIVERSITY - nouns, person
• CAD a servant at a university or public school
• FRESHER a university freshman ...1882 UK sl.
• SALT † to admit a freshman in a university with certain burlesque ceremonies; one of which was making him drink salt and water or putting salt in his mouth ...1570 students' sl.
UNIVERSITY - phrases
• FRESH OFF THE IRONS newly graduated from university; just left school; hence, inexperienced, brand new ...L17 sl.
UNJUST - adjectives
• INIQUOUS † unjust, unfair; wicked, iniquitous ...1654
• UNEQUAL † unfair, unjust ...1721 Sc.
• UNRIGHT dishonourable; unjust; wrong ...Bk1905 Sc.
UNJUSTLY - adverbs
• LIKE A RED-HEADED STEPCHILD unjustly, unkindly ...1941 Amer. dial.
UNKEMPT - adjectives
• BOWZELLY bushy, unkempt ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DAGGY of clothes, appearance, etc.: dirty; filthy; slovenly; messy; unkempt; unpleasant ...1967 Aust. sl.
• DOG-EARED worn, creased, and rumpled; shabby, unkempt ...19C Amer. sl.
• FEEST untidy, unkempt; filthy ...1901 Amer. dial.
• FUNKY unkempt ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• GNATTY-TAIL unkempt and disreputable ...1948 Amer. dial.
• HAIRY unkempt, untidy, rough, slovenly ...1956 Sc.
• HALLANSHAKER-LOOKING ragged, unkempt, like a tramp ...1828 Sc.
• KABA-KABA of people: slovenly, ill-kempt, boorish-looking ...20C W. Indies sl.
• OZELLY slovenly, unkempt ...B1900 Sc.
• PIECE-OF-SHIT disgusting; unattractive; unkempt ...1980s sl.
• RAFFELLY unkempt, slovenly ...1967 Sc.
• RAGGED-ASS unkempt, ragged ...1954 Amer. dial.
• RAGGED-ASSED unkempt, ragged ...1984 Amer. dial.
• RAGGEDY-ASS unkempt, ragged ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RAGGEDY-ASSED unkempt, ragged ...L19 Amer. sl.
• RAMSHACKLE of persons: unkempt, untidy, rough ...1882 Sc.
• RASPY unattractive, unkempt ...L19 US Black sl.
• RASTY unattractive, unkempt ...L19 US Black sl.
• RATTY run-down, ramshackle, unkempt, shabby; untidy and in poor condition ...1856 sl., orig. US
• SCRUFF messy, unkempt ...1950s sl.
• SKAGGY ugly, unkempt, nasty ...1960s Amer. sl.
• TAGSY untidily dressed, unkempt ...1972 Sc.
• TATHERY unkempt ...1892 Eng. dial.
• TATTY tangled, matted, rough, unkempt, shaggy, ragged; untidy and in poor condition ...1817 Sc. & Eng. dial. & colloq.
• UNKAIMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc.
• UNKAMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc.
• UNKEMBED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNKEMMED uncombed; untidy, unkempt ...1801 Eng. dial.
• UNKEPT unkempt ...1858 Amer. dial.
• WARBY unprepossessing in appearance or disposition, unkempt, disreputable, decrepit ...1920s Aust. sl.
• WOOFTY unkempt; shaggy, like a dog ...1990s US sl.
UNKEMPT - nouns, person
• ARAB an unkempt or wild-looking person, esp. a child ...1903 Amer. dial.
• RAG BAG a messy, unkempt person ...1920s Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAG DOLL a messy, unkempt person ...1920s Aust. & NZ sl.
• RAGGEDY ANN an untidy, unkempt woman ...1980s US Black sl.
• SCRUFF an unkempt, messy person; also, a term of abuse ...1950s sl.
• SCRUFF-BAG a messy, unkempt person ...1920s sl.
• TACKHEAD an unattractive, unkempt woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• TACKYHEAD an unattractive, unkempt woman ...1960s US Black sl.
UNKIND - adjectives
• HALF-HEARTED † wanting in true affection, ungenerous, unkind ...1864
• HARM harsh; unkind ...1889 Amer. dial.
• HATESUM unkind, hateful, hated ...1513 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEANER THAN A CAT'S TAIL extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT DUNG extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT MANURE extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT PISS extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT SHIT extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT SHIT AND A DAMN SIGHT NASTIER extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• MEANER THAN CAT WATER extremely mean, unkind, unpleasant ...1965 Amer. dial.
• UNCANNY harsh, unkind, rude; severe, esp. used of a blow or fall ...1773 Sc.. & Eng. dial.
• UNFREMD unkind, unneighbourly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNFREMDISH unkind, unneighbourly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNKIND - verbs
• HAGGED ABOUT to be buffeted about, treated unkindly ...1873 Eng. dial.
• HANCH to seize, to snatch; to take hold of rough; to handle roughly or unkindly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PUT A FOOT IN SOMEONE'S ASS to treat someone unkindly ...1940s US Black sl.
UNKINDLY - adverbs
• FUNKY unkindly ...1960s US sl.
• IMBENIGNITY †* unkindness ...1675
• IMBONITY †* the reverse of goodness; unkindness ...1621
• UNBENEVOLENCE * unkindness; harshness ...1688
UNKNOWN - adjectives
• CHEAP JOHN inferior; unknown; unimportant; said of people and places ...20C Amer.
• CLANCULARIOUS † private, secret; unknown; clandestine, underhand ...1656
• DARK doubtful, uncertain; unknown ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DARK HORSE previously unknown ...20C Amer. sl.
• IGNOTE † unknown ...1623
• INCOGNITE † unknown, strange, unfamiliar ...1609
• UNACQUAINTED † unknown, unfamiliar, strange, unusual ...1551
• UNBEKEND unknown ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNBEKENT unknown ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNCO unknown, strange; unusual; foreign ...c1410 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNKED unknown, strange, unusual, odd, unfamiliar ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKENNED unknown, strange, unfamiliar; of no repute ...1807 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNKENSOME unknown ...1802 Sc.
• UNKID unknown, strange, unusual, odd, unfamiliar ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKIN unknown, strange ...1898 Sc.
• UNKNOWING unknown ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNKNOWNST unknown; without anyone's knowledge ...1842 Eng. dial.
UNKNOWN - nouns
• NEVER-HEED-UM-STREET an unknown place; nowhere ...1891 Eng. dial.
• XYZ an unknown quantity; something or somebody unknown or undetermined ...1808
UNKNOWN - nouns, person (also see FORGOTTEN)
• ADAM'S CAT a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1908 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S HATBAND a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S HOUSECAT a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1908 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OFF-BULL a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1956 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OFF-OX a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1894 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S OLD OX a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ADAM'S PET MONKEY a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF BEETS a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF MEAL a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BAG OF POTATOES a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BELTASHAZUR'S OFF-OX a person or thing one does not know and cannot identify ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BUNDLE OF BROOMS a person one does not know and cannot identify ...1904 Amer. dial.
• DINGLEFUZZY used in place of a person's name which has been forgotten ...1975 sl.
• FARTKNOCKER any obscure person; a person whose name you don't know or remember ...1984 Amer. dial.
• DINGLEFUZZIE a person whose name you can't recall ...1975 Amer. dial.
• IGNOTE † a person unknown ...1639
• MISS THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1850 Amer. dial.
• MR. DOOZANBERRY a man whose name is unknown ...1914 Amer. dial.
• MRS. THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1873 Amer. dial.
• MR. THINGUM a person whose name one cannot recall or does not know ...1933 Amer. dial.
• THING-A-MERRY a person whose name is forgotten or unknown ...1818 sl.
• THING-A-ME-TOY a word used when the name of the person to is forgotten or unknown; a person of small account ...1865 Eng. dial.
• THINGUM a thing or person whose name the speaker cannot recall, does not know, or is reluctant to speak ...1824 Amer. dial.
• THINGUMYDOOCHY a person whose name is not known or cannot for the moment be recalled ...1914 Amer. dial.
• WHATD'YOUCALLHER anyone for whom one cannot provide the name ...L16 sl.
• WHATD'YOUCALLHIM anyone for whom one cannot provide the name ...L16 sl.
• WHAT'S-HER-NAME a substitute for a woman's name that is not known or remembered ...1816 sl.
• WHAT'S-HIS-NAME a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1697 sl.
• WHATSISFACE a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1967 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WHATSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1898 sl.
• WHAT'S-YOUR-NAME used in addressing a person whose name is not known or remembered ...1757 sl.
• WHATZISFACE a substitute for a man's name that is not known or remembered ...1967 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• WHOOSIS someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1923 sl.
• WHOOSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOOZIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOSIS someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1923 sl.
• WHOSIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOZIT someone whose name is not known or remembered ...1948 sl.
• WHOZITS a name for an object or person whose name is forgotten ...M20 US sl.
• WOSSNAME a thing or person whose name is not known, forgotten, etc. ...20C sl.
• XYZ somebody unknown or undetermined ...1808
UNKNOWN - phrases
• NOT TO KNOW ONE FROM A BALE OF CRAP said of a person one does not know or cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial. jocular
• NOT TO KNOW ONE FROM A BALE OF HAY said of a person one does not know or cannot identify ...1965 Amer. dial. jocular
UNLAWFUL - adjectives
• ILLICENTIOUS †* done without license; unlawful, illegal ...1622
• ILLICITOUS †* illicit, unlawful, illegal, forbidden ...1611
• LAWLESS † of an action: illegal, unlawful ...1557
• UNLEISUM † unlawful, illegal ...1681 Sc.
UNLAWFUL - verbs
• PACK OR PEEL WITH A PERSON to trade unfairly, to have unlawful or underhand dealings with him ...1757 Sc.
UNLAWFULLY - adverbs
• ILLICITOUSLY †* unlawfully ...1611
UNLEARNED - adjectives
• IDIOTISTICAL † used by the unlearned ...1715
• ILLITERATED † ignorant of letters; unlearned; unable to read, totally illiterate ...1589
• INERUDITE unlearned; uninstructed ...E19
• LAY †* uninstructed, unlearned ...c1330
• LEWD † unlearned, unlettered, untaught, ignorant ...a1225
• LEWED † ignorant, unlearned ...c1325
• SILLY † unlearned, unsophisticated, simple, rustic, ignorant ...a1547 obs. or arch.
• UNBOOKED not booklearned, unlearned ...1859
• UNBOOKISH not bookish or studious; unlearned ...1604
• UNLARED † unlearned ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLESS - prepositions/conjunctions
• ALESS unless ...1897 Sc.
• BEDOOT without, unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BEDOUT without, unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BESEPS except, unless ...1890 Eng. dial.
• BESEPTS except, unless ...1890 Eng. dial.
• BETHOUT unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ELSEHOW or else, unless ...1922 Amer. dial.
• ELSESO or else, unless ...1922 Amer. dial.
• INLESS unless ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LESSEN unless ...1887 Amer. dial.
• NESSEN unless ...1907 Amer. dial.
• UNELSE unless ...1905 Amer. dial.
• UNLESSEN unless ...1905 Amer. dial.
UNLICENSED - adjectives
• BASTARDLY † unlicensed, unauthorized; counterfeit, spurious ...1586
• ILLICENTIATE †* unlicensed ...a1659
UNLEARNED - nouns, person
• IDIOTIST †* a person without learning; an ignorant, uneducated man; a simple man; a clown ...1715
• SIMPLES those who are unlearned, ignorant, easily misled, unsuspecting, etc. ...1560
UNLESS - conjunctions
• ATHOUT unless ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
UNLETTERED - adjectives
• LEWD † unlearned, unlettered, untaught, ignorant ...a1225
• IMPLANITUDE † unevenness, unlevelness ...1597
UNLIKABLE - nouns, person
• BABBLER an unlikable person ...1930s US college sl.
• COLD WIRE an unsuccessful or unlikable person ...1941 US sl.
• FAG a despicable, unlikable person ...1982 US sl.
• OSCAR an offensive, unlikable person ...1905 US sl.
• SKITE a cross or unlikable man, somewhat miserly, or inclined to be dishonest in money matters ...1911 Amer. dial.
• UN an undesirable or unlikable person ...20C campus sl.
UNLIKE - adjectives
• DISPARABLE †* unlike; unequalled ...1413
UNLIKE - nouns
• ABSIMILATION †* the act or process of making or becoming unlike ...c1630
• IMPARITY † the quality of being unlike; difference in nature or character; dissimilarity ...1608
UNLIKE - verbs
• DISLIKEN † to make unlike, to disguise; to dissemble ...1611
• INVERISIMILITUDE unlikelihood; improbability ...E19
UNLIKELY - adjectives
• FAR-FET † of an argument, notion, etc: studiously sought out; not easily or natural introduced; strained; far-fetched, unlikely and unconvincing ...1533
• FAR-FETCH † far-fetched; unlikely and unconvincing ...1603
• LIKE A MIDSHIPMAN WITH MONEY IN BOTH POCKETS extremely unlikely, very odd ...M19 sl.
• UNHOMED awkward, unlikely ...1851 Eng. dial.
• UNLIKE unlikely, improbable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLIKELY - nouns
• NEVER-COME-OFF an unlikely occurrence ...1889 Eng. dial.
UNLIKELY - interjections
• AND MONKEYS MIGHT FLY OUT OF MY BUTT! used as a reflection of the high unlikelihood of something happening ...1992 US sl.
• N.B.L. not bloody likely ...20C Brit. colloq.
UNLIMITED - adjectives
• ILLIMITATE † unlimited, unbounded ...1602
• ILLIMITED unlimited, unbounded, unrestrained ...1602
• RANGELESS * that has no range or limit ...1838
• UNCOMPASSED not bounded or circumscribed; unlimited ...1577
• ILLIMITATION * the condition of being unlimited; freedom from limitation ...1610
UNLOAD - verbs
• UNEMPT to empty; to unload ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
UNLOCK - verbs
• KEY UP to unlock a door ...1991 US sl.
• LOCK OPEN to unlock ...1907 Amer. dial.
• UNBETTY † to unlock ...1812 cant
• UNDUB to unlock ...M18 UK criminals' sl.
• UNMAKE to unfasten, to unlock; generally used of a door ...1840 Eng. dial.
• UNSLOUGH to unlock, to open ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• UNSLOUR to unlock ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
UNLOVELY - adjectives
• NAFFEEN vulgar, bad, despicable, unlovely ...1992 Brit. sl.
• NAFFETTE vulgar, bad, despicable, unlovely ...1992 Brit. sl.
• UNLOVESOME † unlovely, disgusting, repulsive ...1725 Sc.
• WANLIESUM † unlovely ...1815 Sc.
UNLUCKILY - adverbs
• AWKLY † in the wrong direction, backhanded or left-handed wise; hence, sinisterly, unluckily ...c1440
UNLUCKY - adjectives
• BORN WITH A WOODEN LADLE IN ONE'S MOUTH unlucky; ill-fated ...1818
• HAPLESS destitute of 'hap' or good fortune; unfortunate, unlucky, luckless, unhappy ...1568
• ILL-FARED unlucky, unsuccessful ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-LUCKED unlucky ...1899 Sc.
• LEFT-HANDED undesirable; unlucky ...1940s US Merchant marine usage
• NAUGHT † injurious, hurtful; unlucky ...1596
• ONCHANCY unlucky, ill-omened, ill-fated; unfortunate ...1876 Sc.
• SALT unlucky, in a bad state; impoverished, empty-handed, low on food ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• SATURNIAN † unlucky, unfortunate ...1656
• SINISTER-HANDED † left-handed; hence, unlucky, unfortunate ...1817 rare or obs.
• SINISTRAL †* adverse; unlucky ...c1475
• S.O.L. unlucky; Shit Out of Luck ...20C Can. sl.
• UNABLE † awkward, unlucky ...1572
• UNCHANCY unlucky, ill-omened, ill-fated, unfortunate ...1533 chiefly Sc.
• UNCO weird, uncanny; terrible; unlucky ...1828 Sc.
• UNSAWNEY † unlucky, unfortunate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANCHANCIE unlucky, dangerous ...a1774 Sc.
• WANCHANCY unlucky ...a1774 Sc.
• WANHAPPY † unfortunate, unlucky ...c1590 Sc.
UNLUCKY - adverbs
• SINISTERLY * in an inauspicious or unlucky manner; unfortunately; ominously ...1465
UNLUCKY - nouns
• DEAD CARD something that is hopeless, out of favour, unlucky, unfashionable, or unpopular ...1899 Amer. sl.
• MALADVENTURE † a lawless proceeding; an escapade; an unlucky undertaking; a misadventure ...c1470
UNLUCKY - nouns, person
• KAE a chatterbox; a thief or cheat; an unlucky or ill-omened person ...1866 Sc.
• SHLIMAZL a chronically unlucky person ...20C Yiddish
UNLUCKY - verbs
• MISS to be unlucky ...L19 US sl.
UNMANAGEABLE - adjectives
• BRAINY unmanageable, high-mettled; spirited, lively ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAMSTAIRY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTEERY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTERRY perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTRARIE perverse, unmanageable, riotous; given to quarrelling; excitable ...1769 Sc.
• CAMSTROUDGEOUS wild, unmanageable; obstinate, perverse ...19C Sc.
• GALLOWS mischievous, wild, impish, unmanageable, tiresome; impudent, saucy ...1875 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GAMSTERRIE perverse, insubordinate, unmanageable, unruly ...1844 Sc.
• HELLICAT wild, unmanageable, boisterous ...1819 Sc.
• IMMANUABLE † unmanageable, incapable of being controlled ...1608
• IRON-SIDED hardy, rough, unmanageable; impudent, defiant ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• OBSTRAPULOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Sc.
• OBSTROPALOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ... c1725
• OBSTROPILOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Eng. dial.
• OBSTROPOLOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1748
• OBSTROPULOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1815 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OPSTROPOLOUS obstreperous; unmanageable, unruly; refractory, obstinate ...1830 Eng. dial.
• ORNERY unpleasant, troublesome, unruly, unmanageable, disobedient, obstinate, ill-tempered, angry ...1862 Amer. dial.
• RAFFATORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• RAFFERTORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• RAMMAGE of persons: wild, excited, unruly, unmanageable ...1714 Sc.
• RANDIE boisterous, riotous, disorderly, dissipated; wild, unruly, unmanageable ...1787 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RANDY disorderly, disreputable, given to drink; boisterous, riotous, dissipated; wild, unruly, unmanageable ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REBUNCTIOUS † stubborn or unmanageable ...1820 Sc.
• REE crazy, delirious; rude, wild; unmanageable ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• REFERTORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• REFFATORY refractory, stubborn, unmanageable ...1881 Eng. dial.
• REFRACTARIOUS †* rebellious, unmanageable ...1624
• UNFANDRUM † bulky, unmanageable ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNGUIDEABLE not amenable to reason; unmanageable, unruly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WANTON † of persons: undisciplined, ungoverned; not amenable to control, unmanageable, rebellious; of children: naughty, unruly ...a1300
• LIKE A HALF-SLED IN A SNOWSTORM in an uncontrolled or unmanageable manner ...1893 Amer. dial.
• LIKE A HALF-SLED ON ICE in an uncontrolled or unmanageable manner ...1873 Amer. dial.
UNMANAGEABLE - nouns, person
• BEAGLE an opprobrious epithet applied to a depraved, unmanageable, and troublesome person ...1744 Eng. dial.
• BLASTIE a shrivelled, dwarfish person; an ill-tempered or unmanageable child; a term of contempt ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CAMSTAIRY an obstinate, unmanageable person ...1818 Sc.
• OFF-OX a stubborn or headstrong person; an unmanageable, cross-grained fellow ...1848 Amer. dial.
• HAVE ONE LEG OVER THE HARROWS to break loose, to become unmanageable ...1816 Sc.
• HAVE ONE'S TAIL OVER THE LINE to be stubborn or unmanageable ...1912 Amer. dial.
• HAVE THE TAIL OVER THE LINES to be hard to control; to be stubborn or unmanageable ...1927 Amer. dial.
• RUN OFF WITH THE HARROWS to break loose; to become unmanageable ...1813 Sc.
UNMANLY - adjectives
• ABHOMINAL † unworthy of a man; inhuman, unmanly ...1550
• BEASTLY † unmanly, cowardly ...1584
• MANLESS † unmanly, effeminate ...a1529
• QUEER (disparaging and offensive) effeminate, unmanly ...sl.
• BORN AND RAISED IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1942 Amer. sl.
• BORN IN A CAVE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A LOG CABIN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1950 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A TENT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN A TREE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE BACKHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON A RAFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORN YESTERDAY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A CELLAR lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A HEN COOP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A ROWBOAT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A SLUM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN A WOODSHED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP LIKE AN ANIMAL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BROUGHT UP ON THE RIVER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• COME OUT OF THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DRAGGED UP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DRAGGED UP IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DROPPED FROM THE HAYLOFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FED AT A TROUGH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM DEAKE'S ISLAND lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM PODUNK lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM SWAMPOODLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FROM THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GRADUATED FROM A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GREW UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GREW UP IN THE WOODS BEHIND THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAD NO HOME TRAINING lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAIRY AT THE HEEL said of an ill-bred person; deficient in breeding or manners ...1899
• HALF-RAISED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• ILL-FAVOURED unbecoming; unmannerly; out of place ...1785 Sc.
• ILL-MANNERLY unmannerly ...1840
• ILL-SKET rude, unmannerly ...1897 Sc.
• ILL-TOWARD rude, unmannerly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MENSELESS unmannerly, rude, ill-bred; uncultured, unpolished ...1811 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NO-MANNERS ill-mannered; rude, impolite, unmannerly ...1922 Amer. dial.
• OUT OF THE MARSH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PICKED UP UNDER A BUSH lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PICKED UP UNDER A ROCK lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PULLED UP BY THE EARS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED AMONG ANIMALS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED AND NOT REARED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED A PERFECT OUTLAW lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1942 Amer. sl.
• RAISED IN A BARNYARD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A BUNKHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CAVE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CHICKEN COOP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A CHICKEN HOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A COW PEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A DUMP lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A MILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN AN ALLEY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A PIGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A PIGSTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A SALOON lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A SAWMILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A STABLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A STY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN A ZOO lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN BACK OF THE FIELD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BACKWOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE BOONDOCKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE GUTTER lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE HILLS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE JUNGLE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE LOT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE MOUNTAINS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE NEW GROUND lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE PINEY WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE REFORMATORY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE SLUMS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE STICKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE STONE AGE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE WILDERNESS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE WOODS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED IN THE YARD lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED LIKE TOPSY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A HILLSIDE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON A RAFT lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON MECHANIC STREET lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE HILL lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE STREET lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED OUT IN THE COUNTRY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP ALONE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP IN A SHITHOUSE lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED UP WITH THE HOGS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE CHICKENS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE NAVAJOS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WITH THE PIGS lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RAISED WRONG lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A BARN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A HOGPEN lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A SAWMILL unmannered, uncouth; used esp. of one who neglects to shut the door ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REARED IN A SHANTY lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT OFF THE FARM lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RUDAS of women: rude, unmannerly, rough, coarse; haggard, old ...a1802 Sc.
• SNATCHED lacking manners, uncouth, boorish ...1965 Amer. dial.
• UNBRED not imbued with good manners; unmannerly, ill-bred ...1622
• UNFARRANT ill-informed, senseless, without quickness of apprehension; rude, unmannerly ...1838 Sc.
• UNMENSEFUL disorderly; unmannerly; unseemly; indecent ...1838 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VANDEMONIANISM rough or unmannerly behaviour; rowdyism ...1863
• YAGGA-YAGGA unmannerly behaviour ...20C W. Indies
UNMANNERLY - nouns, person
• BEAR a rough, unmannerly, or uncouth person ...1751
• BORE an unpleasant or unmannerly person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• DUMB FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; a stupid or unsophisticated person; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1901 Amer. dial.
• FARMER BOY (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER JACK (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FARMER JAKE (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• HAWBUCK an unmannerly lout; a country bumpkin or clown; a coarse, vulgar lad; a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1805
• HAWBUCKER a tomboy; an awkward or unmannerly person; an ignorant country fellow; a bumpkin; a lout ...1930 Amer. dial.
• HICK FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KENSY †* a rough or rude fellow; an unmannerly person; a rustic ...c1500 Sc.
• OLD FARMER (derogatory) a rustic hillbilly; an unmannerly or otherwise objectionable person ...1965 Amer. dial.
• REUL an unruly person or animal; a rude, unmannerly clown, a romp, a fidget ...1897 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RUDAS a coarse, unmannerly, foul-mouthed old woman; an ill-natured, ugly old woman; a virago ...1725 Sc.
• SHEIK OF ARABY an unpleasant, unmannerly person ...1969 Amer. dial.
• YAHOO an uncultured or unmannerly person ...1726
• ZOUCH a churl; an unmannerly fellow ...18C sl.
• ZOUCHER a churl; an unmannerly fellow ...18C sl.
• HAWBUCK to act boisterously; to be unmannerly ...1896 Amer. dial.
• AT THE WHITLEATHER AGE at the stage or age of an old maid, tough and unmarriageable ...1952 Amer. dial.
UNMARRIED - adjectives
• AGAMIST † unmarried ...B1900
• MARROWLESS companionless, unmarried; unequalled, unmatched ...1637 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ONE † single, unmarried ...c1386
• ONLEPY † solitary; single, unmarried ...c900
• UNATTACHED pert. to an adult woman who is not married ...20C US colloq.
• UNBISPUSED † unmarried ...c1200
• BACHELRY † a body of unmarried men ...a1500
• SINGLEHOOD the state of being single or unmarried; spinsterhood ...1840
• SINGLENESS the state of being unmarried; celibacy ...1560
UNMARRIED - nouns, person
• AGAMIST † one who opposes marriage; one who does not marry; an unmarried person ...1553-87
• BACHELETTE an unmarried woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELOR †* a maid, a single woman ...1632
• BACHELOR BAIT an unmarried girl ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELORETTE a 'bachelor girl'
• BACHELOR GIRL a young unmarried woman who lives independently
• BACHELOR-MAN an unmarried man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BACHELOR-WOMAN an unmarried woman ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BOY a male person of any age and condition, if unmarried and residing in the parental home ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOY ON THE LOOSE an unmarried or widowed man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DAM a young unmarried woman, a girl; a damsel ...1790 Sc.
• DAMISHELL a young unmarried woman; a term of reproach for a woman of bad character or disposition; a damsel ...a1743 Sc.
• DAMSEL a young unmarried woman; a term of reproach for a woman of bad character or disposition ...1867 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DEMOISELLE a young lady, a maid, a girl ...1520
• FREE-LANCE. an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FREE-LANCER an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GIRL ON THE LOOSE an unmarried or widowed woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• GRASS WIDOW an unmarried mother ...1899 Amer. dial.
• HOWDY-TOWDY a young unmarried woman ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• LAD a bachelor, an unmarried man ...1825 Sc.
• LONE MAN a man who is not living with a woman; an unmarried or widowed man ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LONE WOLF an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LONE WOMAN a woman who is not living with a man; an unmarried or widowed woman ...1899 Amer. dial.
• MAIDEN an old maid; an elderly unmarried lady ...1883 Eng. dial.
• MAMSELL an unmarried French woman ...1942 colloq.
• MAN-TRAP a woman seeking a husband; a widow ...18C sl.
• MAWTHER a girl just growing into womanhood, esp. a great, rough, awkward wench; a little girl; an unmarried woman ...1691 Eng. dial.
• SINGLETON an unmarried person...1990s Brit. sl.
• SINGLIE a single man ...1995 UK sl.
• SINGLENESS * a single or unmarried person ...1818
• SINGLE-O an unmarried person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VACAND † one who is free to take a mate ...1508 Sc.
• VENTURE GIRL a single woman sent out to India in the hope of winning herself a husband ...M19 sl.
• WANTER one wanting a husband or wife; an unmarried person; a bachelor, a widower ...1723 Eng. dial.
• DANCE BAREFOOT † of an elder daughter: to remain single while a younger daughter is married
• DANCE IN THE HOG TROUGH usually of a woman: to remain unmarried after a usually younger sibling is married; to be the last child in a family to remain unmarried; hence; to be abandoned, often used as a jocular threat ...M19 US sl.
• DANCE IN THE PIG TROUGH usually of a woman: to remain unmarried after a usually younger sibling is married; to be the last child in a family to remain unmarried; hence; to be abandoned, often used as a jocular threat ... M19 US sl.
• DIE LIKE JENKINS' HEN to die unmarried ...1805 Sc.
• GO MAIDEN to remain single ...a1802
• HANG ON THE BOUGH to remain unmarried ...1896 Sc.
• LEAD APES IN HELL to die unmarried; to die an old maid ...16C Eng. sl.
• STAND ON THE MAID * of a woman: to remain single ...1615
• WEAR BACHELOR'S BUTTONS to be unmarried; to remain a bachelor ...1857