• CHUCKED sexually aroused and therefore copulating very rapidly; usually said by prostitutes of their more amorous customers ...19C Brit. sl.
• CYPRIAN licentious, lewd; applied to prostitutes in 18-19th centuries ...1599
• GAME whorish, engaged in prostitution ...1821 sl.
• GAY of a woman: leading an immoral life, living by prostitution ...1825 sl.
• HACKNEYED pert. to prostitution ...E17 sl.
• OFF of a street prostitute: being with a client, and, therefore, off the street ...1959 UK sl.
• ON THE BASH working as a prostitute ...1936 Brit. sl.
• ON THE BATTER to be working as a prostitute ...1890 UK sl.
• ON THE BATTLE working as a prostitute ...1944 Aust. sl.
• ON THE GAME working as a prostitute ...1898 sl., chiefly Brit.
• ON THE KNOCK working as a prostitute ...1969 sl.
• ON THE PROWL working as a prostitute ...1980s sl.
• ON THE RACK available for prostitution ...1977 US sl.
• ON THE TURF working as a prostitute ...1860 sl.
• ON YOUR BACK of a woman: working as a prostitute ...1968 Aust. sl.
• PAKIT-LIKE having the appearance of a prostitute; having a shabby, exhausted appearance ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAPHIAN pert. to love; esp. pert. to or devoted to unlawful sexual indulgence; belonging to the class of prostitutes; unchaste ...1656
• PROSTIBULOUS †* pertaining to a prostitute or prostitution; addicted to the company of prostitutes ...1550
• QUALIFIED of a prostitute: experienced ...1960s US Black sl.
• TWANGY pert. to male prostitution ...1980s US sl.
• ADVERTISING BAR a bar frequented by male prostitutes and their clients ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• ALL-NIGHT an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night; a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHT MONEY a prostitute's charge for spending the night with a customer ...1992 US sl.
• ALL-NIGHTER an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night; a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• BABY PRO the profession of child prostitution ...1970s US sl.
• BUSINESS an assignation with a prostitute ...1983 sl.
• CALL FLAT a brothel, or a place where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CALL HOUSE a brothel; a house of assignation where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1913 Amer. sl.
• CALL JOINT a brothel, or a place where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CALL TRADE prostitution by which women or men are summoned by telephone after they have been selected, via some form of visual 'menu', by the male clientele ...1910s sl.
• CAR TRICK an act of sex between a prostitute and customer in a car ...1968 US sl.
• CHIPPY a dress worn by prostitutes, of knee length and very easy to disrobe ...1938 Amer. sl.
• CREEP-HOUSE a brothel or other place where prostitutes rob their clients ...1913 US sl.
• CREEP JOINT a brothel or other place where prostitutes rob their clients ...1921 US sl.
• DATE a sexual liaison between a prostitute and a customer ...1957 US euphemism
• DAWNER an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night, until dawn ...1987 US sl.
• FAMILY a group of prostitutes and their pimp ...1969 US sl.
• FAMILY OF LOVE prostitutes in general; whores; lewd women ...M16
• FANCY WORK prostitution ...L19 sl.
• FAST LIFE the worlds of gambling, drug-dealing, prostitution, etc. ...1960s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET HOTEL a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET JOINT a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET SET-UP a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST TRACK those streets or blocks in a city where prostitutes work ...1960s sl., orig. US
• FREE LOVE prostitution ...Bk1981 euphemism
• FULL PERSONAL sexual intercourse, as distinct from masturbation, when advertised as a service offered by a prostitute ...2003 UK sl.
• GAFF a prostitute's room, where she works, but usually does not live ...1960s UK criminals' sl.
• GAME 1. a group of prostitutes, esp. in a brothel ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
2. women; prostitutes in general; any woman considered solely as a sexual object ...17C Brit. sl.
3. the world of prostitution ...M17 UK criminals' sl.
• GAME, THE prostitution ...1898 sl.
• GAY LIFE of women: an immoral life; a life of prostitution ...19C Brit. sl.
• HARLOTRY promiscuity; the practice or trade of prostitution ...1377
• HUSTLE work as a pimp, prostitute, or tramp ...1940s US Black sl.
• HUSTLER'S ROW any outdoor area where prostitutes loiter in search of customers ...1966 UK sl.
• HUSTLING prostitution ...1977 UK sl.
• IRISH CLUBHOUSE a refined house of prostitution ...1960s US gay sl.
• KID-LEATHER young prostitutes in general ...19C Brit. sl.
• LEG-BUSINESS prostitution ...19C Brit. sl.
• LEVEE a nickname for a red-light district, esp. one in Chicago ...1882 Amer. dial.
• LEWDNESS prostitution ...euphemism
• LIFE, THE the criminal lifestyle; the lifestyle of prostitution ...1916 US sl.
• LINE collectively, the prostitutes in a brothel who are available for sex at a given moment ...1987 US sl.
• MAGDALEN a home for the refuge and reformation of prostitutes ...1766
• MEAT-MARKET a place or area where prostitutes ply their trade, and to a place frequented by people in search of sexual partners ...1896 sl.
• MEAT RACK a place or area where prostitutes ply their trade, and to a place frequented by people in search of sexual partners ...1972 sl.
• MINNESOTA STRIP an area in New York City frequented by prostitutes ...1986 US sl.
• MOT-CART a brougham or similar vehicle owned by a kept woman or well-off prostitute ...M19 sl.
• MURPHY GAME of a prostitute: luring a client either to a room or a deserted alley, hallway, etc., and then, instead of having sex, the client is beaten and robbed by a male accomplice, why may just strike, but may also pose as an aggrieved father, lover, brother, etc. ...1950s sl., orig. US criminals' usage
• ONE-NIGHT STAND a night with a prostitute ...c1930 sl.
• PAPHIAN GAME prostitution ...L16 sl.
• PICCOLO JOINT a place where prostitutes ply their trade; an establishment, usually in a rural location, providing liquor, music, entertainment, and often prostitutes; a roadhouse ...1938 Amer. dial.
• PORNOGRAPHY † a written discussion of prostitutes ...M19
• PUSSY POSSE a police squad, or vice squad dealing with prostitution ...20C sl.
• RACKET, THE prostitution ...1960s US sl.
• SACKING prostitution ...L16 cant
• SACKING LAW the occupation of a prostitute ...16C UK criminals' sl.
• SHORT TIME a brief visit to a prostitute; a brief stay in a hotel for sexual purposes ...1937 sl.
• SIDE WORK prostitution ...1996 US sl.
• SMOCK FAIR a gathering place of prostitutes ...17C sl.
• SNAKEPIT a red-light area ...1960s sl.
• STABLE a group of prostitutes working for the same person or organization ...1937 sl.
• STRAM, THE street-walking ...1887 sl.
• STREET OF SHAME prostitution; the world of prostitutes ...M20 US euphemism
• STREET OF SIN prostitution; the world of prostitutes ...M20 US euphemism
• STRING a group of prostitutes working for the same person or organization ...1913 US sl.
• STRING OF PONIES a collection of prostitutes ...20C sl.
• STRUM, THE street-walking ...1887 sl.
• TAIL-TRADING prostitution ...M15 sl.
• TRACK the street or area where prostitutes solicit customers ...1969 US sl.
• TRADE heterosexual or homosexual prostitution; customers of that prostitution, esp. homosexual ...1680 UK
• TRADE, THE prostitution ...1680 sl.
• TRAFFIC prostitutes or prostitution ...16C euphemism
• TRAP a prostitute's earnings ...1973 US sl.
• TRAP MONEY a prostitute's gross earnings ...1974 US sl.
• TRICK an assignation with a prostitute ...1926 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• VICE prostitution ...20C US euphemism
• VOTARIES OF PLEASURE prostitution ...E19 Brit. nonce word
• WALK the area walked by a street prostitute ...M19 sl.
• WARM CORNER anywhere frequented by prostitutes ...L19 sl.
PROSTITUTE - nouns, person
• ACADEMICIAN a prostitute ...18C sl.
• ACCOMMODATION BEAUTY a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• AFKOP an aging prostitute ...20C S. Afr. sl.
• ALLEY-CAT a prostitute, esp. one who prowls in the night ...1926 Amer. sl.
• ANGEL a prostitute, orig. one who worked around the Angel, Islington, North London ...Brit. sl.
• ANIMAL a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• ANISEED ROBIN a hermaphrodite; later, a prostitute ...L17
• ANNISEED ROBIN a hermaphrodite; later, a prostitute ...L17
• ANONYMA a prostitute ...M19 Brit.
• ARTICHOKE a debauched old woman, esp. a hideous old prostitute ...19C sl.
• ARTICLE 1. a wench, a woman, a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
2. a woman exported to the Argentine to become a prostitute ...20C White slavers' cant
• ASIAN MOLL a prostitute with an Asian customer base ...1982 US sl.
• ASS PEDDLER anyone who sells their body, as a prostitute, male or female ...1942 US sl.
• ASS PRO a male homosexual prostitute ...1960s Aust. & US sl.
• ATHANASIAN WENCH a promiscuous young woman; a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• AUNT 1. a brothel madam ...E17 sl.
2. a prostitute ...17C sl.
3. a female prostitute up in years ...1964 Amer. sl.
• AUNTIE 1. a brothel madam ...sl.
2. a female prostitute up in years ...1964 Amer. sl.
• BABOON a very hard-working prostitute ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• BABY JANE a child or underage female prostitute ...1990s US sl.
• BABY PRO a very, very young prostitute, one under the age of legal consent ...1961 US sl.
• BACHELOR'S WIFE a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• BADGER a smelly prostitute; a low whore ...19C Brit. sl.
• BAG a sexually promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1893 Amer. sl.
• BAG BRIDE a prostitute who is addicted to crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• BAGEROO a prostitute ...1930s US sl.
• BAGGAGE a woman of bad character; a worthless, good-for-nothing woman; a woman of disreputable or immoral life, a strumpet; a prostitute; an opprobrious epithet applied to women and children ...1596
• BAG-SLINGER a streetwalker; a prostitute ...1938 US sl.
• BAG-SWINGER a street-walker, a prostitute ...1960s Aust. sl.
• BAHNHOF QUEEN a German streetwalker ...1980 US sl.
• BAND a woman of easy morals; a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• BANGSTER a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• BARBER'S CHAIR † a common prostitute who is used by all customers; a drab, a strumpet ...1601
• BARNACLE a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• BARRACK-HACK a soldier's prostitute; a camp follower ...19C Brit. sl.
• BARREN JOEY a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• BAT a low prostitute; one who moves about at night ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• BATTERY GIRL a prostitute who is subject to a controlling supply of drugs, etc., and consequently is managed and kept in a similar way to a battery hen ...1968 UK sl.
• BATTLER a prostitute, esp. a self-managed prostitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• B-BROAD a part-time prostitute, who frequents bars and uses them as a base for soliciting ...1930s sl., orig. US
• BEAST a low prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• BEAT MOLL a streetwalker ...E20 US sl.
• BED-FAGGOT a contemptuous term for a woman, generally applied to a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BELLY-PIECE † a concubine, a mistress, a prostitute, a whore ...1632
• BELTER a prostitute ...19C Eng. dial.
• BEND a prostitute ...1980s rap music sl.
• BELT a prostitute ...E19 Aust. sl.
• B-GIRL a part-time prostitute, who frequents bars and uses them as a base for soliciting ...1930s sl., orig. US
• BIM a woman of loose morals or a prostitute ...E20 Amer. sl.
• BIMBO a woman of loose morals or a prostitute ...1929 sl.
• BIMMY a prostitute ...20C sl.
• BIRD OF THE NIGHT a prostitute ...17C sl.
• BIT OF MEAT a prostitute ...sl.
• BLANKET WIFE a prostitute ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BONA-ROBA † a prostitute or disreputable woman ...L16 now rare or obs.
• BON TON superior prostitutes; courtesans ...E19 sl.
• BOTTOM BITCH the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1967 US sl.
• BOTTOM GIRL the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1973 US sl.
• BOTTOM WOMAN the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1969 US sl.
• BRASS a prostitute ...1934 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• BRASS NAIL a prostitute ...1934 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• BRASS NOB a prostitute ...1931 sl.
• BROAD (offensive) a woman, or sometimes a prostitute ...1914 N. Amer. sl.
• BROKEN OAR a whore; a prostitute ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• BROTHEL a prostitute ...15C
• BULKER † a street-walker, a prostitute ...1690 sl.
• BURERK a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BURICK a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BUTTERED BUN a mistress; a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• BUTT PEDDLER anyone who sells their body, as a prostitute, male or female ...1940s US sl.
• CAB MAT a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CAB-MOLL 1. a prostitute; orig. the moll or molly of a brothel ...1859 sl.
2. a prostitute addicted professionally to cabs and trains ...1859 sl.
• CAKE a prostitute ...E20 sl., orig. Aust.
• CALICO QUEEN a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• CALLET † a lewd woman; a trull, a strumpet; a prostitute; a promiscuous woman ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CALL GIRL a prostitute, esp. one who may be engaged by telephone ...1900 Amer. sl.
• CALL MOM a prostitute who advertises her services through an agency, through the (print) media, in telephone kiosks, etc., and visits a client in his own home or hotel room ...1930s sl., orig. US
• CALSAY-PAIKER a street walker ...1879 Sc.
• CANARY a prostitute ...18C sl.
• CANARY-BIRD a prostitute ...18C sl.
• CARRION a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• CARRY-KNAVE † a common prostitute ...1630
• CAT † a prostitute ...1535 sl.
• CATTLE women who are prostitutes ...1677 sl.
• CAUSEY-PAIKER a street-walker ...Bk1909 Sc.
• CHAMPAGNE GLASS a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNER a fashionable prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHARITY DAME a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
• CHARLEY a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHARLIE a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHARVERING DONA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONER a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONNA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONER a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONNA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHIP a sexually promiscuous woman, esp. a prostitute ...1892 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPIE an amateur prostitute who works only occasionally ...20C sl.
• CHIPPY an amateur prostitute who works only occasionally ...20C sl.
• CHRO a prostitute ...1930 sl.
• CHROMO a prostitute ...1883 Aust. sl.
• CIRCUIT GIRL a travelling prostitute ...2002 US sl.
• COCK-EYED JENNY a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• COLUMBINE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• COOSE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOSIE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZ a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZEY a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZIE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZY a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COUSE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• CRACK a prostitute ...L17
• CRACKED PIECE a prostitute or a sportive, nonvirgin young woman ...E18 Brit. sl.
• CRACKED PITCHER a prostitute or a sportive, nonvirgin young woman ...E18 Brit. sl.
• CREEP a prostitute who steals from her clients while they are asleep or unconscious ...1914 sl., orig. US
• CREEPER a prostitute who steals from her clients while they are asleep or unconscious ...1906 sl., orig. US
• CRO a prostitute ...1950 Aust. sl.
• CROSHABELL † a courtesan, a harlot, a prostitute ...a1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CROW a prostitute ...1950 Aust. sl.
• CRUISER a prostitute, esp. a streetwalker ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CYPRIAN a licentious or profligate person; later, a lewd woman, a harlot, a prostitute, a courtesan ...1598
• DAGGLE-TAIL a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• DAILY a prostitute; a sexually available woman ...1977 UK rhyming sl. for 'tail' (Daily Mail)
• DAILY MAIL a prostitute; a sexually available woman ...1977 UK rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• DANT † a sexually loose woman; a profligate woman; a promiscuous woman; a harlot, a prostitute ...a1529
• DASHER a flashy prostitute; a showy harlot ...M18 sl.
• DAUGHTER OF JOY a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• DEAD MEAT a prostitute, esp. an older woman ...L19 sl.
• DEAD PICKER a prostitute who robs drunken clients ...Irish sl.
• DEADLY NIGHTSHADE a prostitute; a very low prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• DIRTY NECK a French prostitute or woman of easy virtue ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DISORDERLY a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• DOOR-KEEPER a prostitute; a prostitute who occupies a doorway waiting for clients ...17C cant
• DROMAKY a prostitute ...19C UK sl.
• DUSTY BUTT a low-grade, unattractive prostitute ...1900s US Black sl.
• EARLY DOOR a prostitute; a whore ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• EASY VIRTUE a prostitute; a woman who can be persuaded to copulate easily ...L18 Brit. sl.
• ENDLESS BELT a prostitute ...E19 Aust. sl.
• ERRING SISTER a prostitute ...20C euphemism
• EVENING STAR a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• EWE-MUTTON 1. an ageing prostitute ...L19 sl.
2. an amateur prostitute ...L19 sl.
• FAGGOT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• FAGOT a prostitute ...19C sl.
• FAIRY a garishly-dressed prostitute ...20C Brit. sl.
• FALLEN WOMAN a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• FANCY GIRL a prostitute ...1824 US sl.
• FANCY PIECE orig. a gaudily dressed prostitute; later, a mistress, a 'bit on the side' ...E18 Brit. sl.
• FANCY WOMAN a kept woman; a harlot; a prostitute ...1824 Amer. sl.
• FANDANGO GIRL a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• FAST-FUNNY a prostitute; a strumpet ...19C sl.
• FAST WOMAN a prostitute; a strumpet ...19C sl.
• FISH a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...M20 US sl.
• FLAGGER a street-walker ...1865 sl.
• FLAPPER a very young prostitute ...Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-GIRL a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-MOLL a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-MOLLISHER a showy prostitute ...1821 sl.
• FLASH-PIECE a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-TAIL a prostitute ...1868 sl.
• FLASH-WOMAN a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLAT FLOOSIE a prostitute who operates from a room or a flat ...20C US sl.
• FLESH-PEDDLER a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• FLING-DUST a street-walker; a slattern ...E17 sl.
• FLING-STINK a street-walker; a slattern ...E17 sl.
• FLIPPER a wanton young woman; a young prostitute ...20C sl.
• FLOOSEY a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSY a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOZIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOSSIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLUZIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLY a wanton woman; a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl.
• FLY-BY-NIGHT a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• FORE-AND-AFTER a prostitute offering both vaginal and anal copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• FOR-FREE a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
• FRAIL a prostitute ...1846 sl.
• FRAIL SISTER a prostitute ...1846 sl.
• FREE RIDE a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• FRESH MEAT a newly fledged prostitute ...19C sl.
• FUCK-FREAK a woman, esp. a prostitute, who is obsessed with copulation ...M20 US sl.
• FUCKSTRESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• FUNKER a prostitute who quits the streets when the weather is bad ...L19 sl.
• GAL a prostitute ...20C sl.
• GAME PULLET † a young prostitute, or forward or promiscuous girl in the way of becoming one ...1788 UK sl.
• GAMESTER † one addicted to amorous sport; a lewd person, whether male or female; a prostitute ...1601
• GAME WOMAN a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• GARBAGE CAN an old prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• GASH a prostitute ...1914 sl.
• GAY-BIT a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY-GIRL a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY-PIECE a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY WENCH a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...E20 US sl.
• GAY-WOMAN a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GIPSY a prostitute who travels around for trade or lives in a trailer park ...1950s US sl.
• GOOH a prostitute ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• GOOK a street-walker; a low prostitute ...M19 sl.
• GOOSE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• GRUNTER a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• GUINEA-HEN a courtesan; a prostitute ...17C Brit.
• GULL a prostitute, one who frequents the coastal area ...20C US sl.
• GUTTER SLUT (derogatory) a poor prostitute; a common whore ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTERSNIPE a low prostitute; a common whore ...19C colloq.
• GYPSY a prostitute who travels around for trade or lives in a trailer park ...1950s US sl.
• HACK a prostitute; a bawd ...1730-6 sl.
• HACKNEY † a woman that hires her person; a prostitute ...1579
• HACKNEY JADE a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• HACKNEY LADY a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• HACKSTER † a prostitute ...1594
• HACKY a prostitute; a term of great contempt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HARD LEG an experienced, cynical prostitute ...1967 US sl.
• HARLOT (derogatory) a promiscuous woman; an unchaste woman, a prostitute, a strumpet ...1432
• HARLOTRY † a prostitute; a harlot; a term of opprobrium for a woman ...1584 now rare or obs.
• HARPIE a prostitute ...M20 sl.
• HAT an old prostitute; a prostitute of long standing ...E19 sl.
• HAYBAG a woman, esp. a prostitute or a vagrant, who is fat and usually dissipated or dissolute ...1851 Amer. sl.
• HAYRACK a woman, esp. a prostitute or vagrant, who is fat and usually dissipated or dissolute ...1881 Amer. sl.
• HELL-MOTH † a prostitute ...1602
• HIVER a prostitute ...19C US sl.
• HO a prostitute ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• HOBBY HORSE a prostitute; a promiscuous woman ...L16 sl.
• HOE a prostitute ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• HOOK a harlot; a prostitute, a hooker ...1918 Amer. sl.
• HOOKER a prostitute; a street-walker ...1845 colloq.
• HORSE a person who works as a member of a 'stable', as a prostitute, an athlete ...1925 Amer. sl.
• HOSTESS a prostitute ...1954 US sl.
• HOT BEEF a prostitute ...sl.
• HOTEL HOTSY a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• HOT MEAT a prostitute ...sl.
• HOT MUTTON a prostitute ...sl.
• HOT ROCKS a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• HUMP a prostitute; a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• HUSTLER a prostitute ...1924 sl.
• HUSTLING GAL a prostitute ...1954 US sl.
• IMPURE an unchaste or lewd person; a harlot, a prostitute ...1784
• INCOGNITA a courtesan; a high-class prostitute ...M19 sl.
• INDUSTRIAL DEBUTANTE a prostitute who specializes in attending US business conventions ...1980s US sl.
• INGOGO a cheap prostitute ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• JACK a low-ranking prostitute ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• JACK WHORE a large, masculine prostitute ...L18 Brit. sl.
• JADED JENNY a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• JAGABAT a prostitute ...20C Trinidad usage
• JANE SHORE a prostitute ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• JERKER a prostitute ...1887 sl.
• KATE a prostitute; a harlot; a loose woman ...16C Sc. sl.
• KENNEL-NYMPH a girl of the streets; a prostitute ...1771
• KIFE a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK-'EM-DOWN a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• LACED MUTTON † a strumpet; a prostitute; a wanton woman ...1578 sl.
• LADIES a generic term for prostitutes ...1960s US Black sl.
• LADY 1. an independent, high-class prostitute ...1930s US Black sl.
2. a prostitute, usually as associated with a particular pimp ...1972 US sl.
• LADYBIRD a prostitute ...16C sl.
• LADY OF EASY VIRTUE a woman whose chastity is easily assailable; a prostitute ...1785 euphemism
• LADY OF EXPANSIVE SENSIBILITY a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LADY OF LEISURE a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• LADY OF PLEASURE a courtesan, a whore; a prostitute ...1637
• LADY OF THE EVENING a prostitute ...1925 euphemism
• LADY OF THE LAKE a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• LADY OF THE NIGHT a prostitute ...1925 euphemism
• LAND-PIRATE a thieving prostitute ...E19 sl.
• LAKER LADY a prostitute ...18C sl.
• LAUNDRESS a prostitute ...17C euphemism
• LAY a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• LEASE-PIECE a prostitute ...M19 US nonce word
• LEG a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• LEG WORKER a streetwalker ...1930 US sl.
• LEWD WOMAN a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• LICK-SPIGOT a prostitute who performs fellatio ...18C Brit. sl.
• LIFT-SKIRTS a prostitute ...19C Brit.
• LIGHT HOUSEWIFE a lewd woman; a prostitute ...L17 Brit. cant
• LIMMER an unchaste, loose, or immoral woman; a mistress, a prostitute ...1566 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• LINCOLN a five-dollar prostitute ...1965 US sl.
• LIONESS a harlot; a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• LOOSE-BODIED GOWN a prostitute; a harlot ...E17 sl.
• LOOSE FISH a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LOOSE-KIRTLE a woman of loose or bad character; a wanton woman; a prostitute (kirtle = woman's gown) ...1855 arch.
• LOOSE-LOVE LADY a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• LORETTE a prostitute ...M19 euphemism
• LOST LADY a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• LOT LIZARD a prostitute who works at truck stops ...1987 US trucking sl.
• LUSH-WORKER a prostitute who extorts money from a man by trickery, blackmail, blandishments, or robs him when drunk ...1908 Amer. sl.
• MAB † a harlot, a prostitute, a woman of loose character; a slattern ...1557-8 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MACHINE a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MACKEREL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MADAM † a kept mistress; a courtesan, a prostitute ...1719
• MADAM RAN a prostitute ...17C cant
• MADAM VAN a prostitute ...17C cant
• MADGE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MADGE HOWLET a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MAGDALEN a reformed prostitute ...1697
• MAGGIE a prostitute, esp. a streetwalker ...1603 sl.
• MAID MARIAN a prostitute ...16C sl.
• MAIDEN-WIFE-WIDOW n. a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• MAMA-SAN an East Asian woman who is a prostitute or the lover of a US serviceman ...1982 Amer. sl.
• MARE a prostitute ...1930s sl.
• MARGARETTE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MARMALADE-MADAM † a promiscuous woman; a prostitute, a strumpet ...1674
• MARMULET MADAM a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• MAR-TAIL † a prostitute; used derisively ...c1620
• MAT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MATTRESS a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• MEG a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MERRY LEGS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• MESSER a 'near' prostitute; an amateur not above taking money or a present ...c1915 Brit. prostitutes' sl.
• MINNESOTA MULE a prostitute recently arrived in New York City from a small town or city ...1987 US sl.
• MISS a prostitute, a 'whore of quality' ...L17 sl.
• MISS LAYCOCK a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MISS OF THE TOWN a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• MOB a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• MODEL euphemism for a prostitute ...M20
• MOGGY promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1726 Amer. sl.
• MOLL a prostitute ...1604 sl.
• MOLLEY a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MOLLIE a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
• MOONLIGHTER a prostitute ...M19 Brit. sl.
• MOOSE a Japanese or Korean prostitute; hence, any Asian woman who cohabits with a serviceman ...1951 US military in the Far East
• MORSEL a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MORT WOP-APACE an experienced prostitute ...17C cant
• MOT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOTH a prostitute; a prostitute who prowls in the night ...L19 sl.
• MOTT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOTTE a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOUSE a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
• MUFF a prostitute ...1914 sl., orig. US
• MUMPER a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• MUTTON a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; a strumpet ...1599 sl.
• MYSTERY a young or inexperienced prostitute ...1937 sl.
• NAAI a prostitute ...1990s S. Afr. sl.
• NAFFGUR a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl., possibly back-slang
• NAFKA a prostitute ...20C Yiddish
• NAFKEH a prostitute ...20C Yiddish
• NAG 1. a term of abuse; a promiscuous woman, a prostitute ...1598 sl.
2. an ageing prostitute ...19C sl.
3. of a prostitute: one who takes her time over making her daily money from her clients ...1960s US sl.
• NANNIE a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• NANNY a prostitute; a whore ...18C Brit.
• NAUGHTY-PACK † a woman of bad character; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute; a wanton; also, a term of contempt for either sex ...1530 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAUTCH BROAD a prostitute working in a brothel ...1942-49 Amer. sl.
• NECESSARY a prostitute; a female companion to be used sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• NEEDLE-WOMAN a prostitute; a harlot ...1849 Brit. sl.
• NESCOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NESTCOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NESTLECOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NIGGLER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHTBIRD a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHTCAP a prostitute ...19C sl.
• NIGHT FOWL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHT-WORM † a prostitute ...1605
• NIT a sexually loose woman, a prostitute ...Scot colloq.
• NOCKSTRESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOCTURNE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOFFGUR a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl., possibly back-slang
• NOTCH-BROAD a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• NOTCH-GIRL a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• NYMPH DU PAVE a prostitute; a streetwalker ...20C US sl.
• NYMPH OF DARKNESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. colloq.
• NYMPH OF THE PAVE a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• NYMPH OF THE PAVEMENT a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• OCCUPANT † a prostitute; a woman who is occupied by a man ...1599
• ODDS a woman, esp. one who will support her partner through prostitution ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• OLD BAG an elderly, slatternly prostitute ...1961 UK sl.
• OLD LADY a pimp's prostitute ...1900s US Black sl.
• OLD PATROL an old prostitute ...1940s US sl.
• OLD TOM a prostitute catering to lesbians ...1960s US sl.
• OMNIBUS a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• ONE OF MY COUSINS a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• ONE OF THEM a prostitute ...19C sl.
• ORGAN-GRINDER a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...20C sl.
• OUTLAW a prostitute who works independently from a pimp ...20C sl.
• OVERNIGHT-BAG a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• OWL a nocturnal streetwalker ...1904 Amer. prostitutes' sl.
• OYSTER a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• PACK a prostitute; a harlot ...17C UK sl.
• PAD a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• PAGAN † a paramour, a prostitute ...1597
• PAIKER a street-walker, a prostitute ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAIKIE a street-walker, a prostitute ...1808 Sc.
• PAINTED-CAT a prostitute; a frontier harlot ...20C US colloq.
• PAINTED LADY a prostitute ...E20 colloq.
• PAINTED WOMAN a prostitute ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PALLIASSE a prostitute ...19C sl.
• PANEL 1. a priest's mistress; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...14C Brit. sl.
2. a prostitute who works in a brothel rather than walking the streets ...17C sl.
• PAPHIAN a prostitute ...1811
• PARLOR GIRL a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARLOR HOUSE GIRL a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARLOR QUEEN. a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARNEL † 1. a priest's concubine or mistress; a harlot; a wanton young woman; an immodest girl; an immoral woman; one lost to all sense of decency; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...1362 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
2. a prostitute who works in a brothel rather than walking the streets ...17C sl.
• PARTRIDGE a prostitute; a harlot or a tart ...L17 Brit. sl.
• PAVEMENT PRINCESS a prostitute who touts for business over the radio network ...1976 Citizens' band jargon
• PEDDLE-SNATCH a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• PERNEL(E) a priest's mistress; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...14C Brit. sl.
• PIECE OF CHIPPY a sexually promiscuous woman. esp. a prostitute ...1952 Amer. sl.
• PIG a prostitute ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• PIG-MEAT a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• POULE-DE-LUXE "luxury hen"; a prostitute ...1946 French
• PRINCESS OF THE PAVEMENT a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• PRIVATEER an independent prostitute ...19C euphemism
• PRO a prostitute ...1937 euphemism
• PROS a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• PROSS a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• PROSSIE a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• PROSSY a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• PROSTIBULE †* a harlot, a prostitute ...1623
• PROSTIE a prostitute ...1930 US sl.
• PROSTY a prostitute ...1930 US sl.
• PROZZY a prostitute ...1941 sl., orig. Aust.
• PUCELLE † a slut, a courtesan, a prostitute, a wanton girl ...1583
• PUG † a courtesan; a prostitute; a harlot; a mistress ...E17
• PUGNASTY a nasty slut; a dirty prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• PUNCHABLE NUN a prostitute ...20C Brit. sl.
• PUNCK a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNCKE a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNK a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNQUE a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUSHER a prostitute ...1944 sl.
• PUTAIN † a woman of ill fame; a whore, a prostitute, a strumpet ...a1300
• QUAEDAM †* a prostitute ...a1670
• QUAIL † a prostitute ...1606
• QUEAN a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...c1000
• QUEEN a mistress, or prostitute ...1968 US sl.
• QUEENIE a prostitute ...1964 US sl.
• QUEEN'S WOMAN a prostitute who received medical attention under the terms of the Contagious Diseases Acts of the 1860s ...M19 sl.
• QUEER PRANCER an ageing prostitute ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUICUMQUE VULT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUICUNQUE VULT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUIFF a prostitute ...1931 sl.
• RABBIT a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• RABBIT PIE a prostitute; a harlot ...19C sl.
• RACEHORSE an accomplished, sought-after prostitute; an up-market prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• RACER † a common trull ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAGS a cheap prostitute; a low-class harlot; any low and disreputable person ...1935 US sl.
• RAMP a high-spirited, independent woman, usually synonymous with a prostitute ...M15
• RANGER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• RANTIPOLE a prostitute ...18C sl.
• RANTIPOLL a prostitute ...18C sl.
• RAT the lowest rank of prostitute ...1920s US & W. Indies sl.
• RATTLESNAKE a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• RECEIVER-GENERAL a prostitute ...Bk1903 sl.
• ROLLER a prostitute who specializes in robbing drunks ...1900s US sl.
• RORY O' MORE a whore, a prostitute ...19C Brit. rhyming sl.
• SAD CATTLE prostitutes, viewed as a group ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• SAILOR'S BAIT a prostitute; any girl or woman ...E20 US sl.
• SAILOR'S DELIGHT a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• SALES LADY a prostitute ...1920s US sl.
• SAL SLAPPERS a prostitute or promiscuous woman ...L19 costermongers' sl.
• SAMPLE OF SIN a prostitute ...M18 Brit. euphemism
• SARDINE a prostitute; a low, smelly prostitute ...1940s US sl.
• SAUSAGE-GRINDER a prostitute ...20C sl.
• SCAB a prostitute ...17C sl.
• SCALYLEG a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• SCARLET SISTER a prostitute ...1951 US sl.
• SCATE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• SCROUSHER a prostitute ...20C Aust. & NZ sl.
• SCRUBBER a prostitute ...1959 sl.
• SCRUDGE a prostitute ...18C sl.
• SCUPPER a prostitute ...1935 sl.
• SHADY LADY a Black woman; a Black prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• SHRIMP † a prostitute ...17C
• SHUTTER-GIRL a prostitute working from a room with shutters, attracting customers from the street ...1930s US sl.
• SIDEWALK SUSIE a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• SIDEWINDER a South Asian prostitute; a promiscuous South Asian female ...1997 US sl.
• SINGLE WOMAN † a prostitute ...1530
• SINNER a prostitute ...E17
• SIN-SISTER a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• SISTERS OF THE BANK † prostitutes ...1550
• SIX-TO-SIX a prostitute ...1996 Fiji sl.
• SKANK a prostitute ...1970s US sl.
• SKEEGERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKEEZERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKIBBY an Oriental concubine or mistress; an Oriental prostitute; thus, when addressing a Japanese speaker, any prostitute ...1910s US sl.
• SKIPPY an Oriental prostitute; thus, when addressing a Japanese speaker, any prostitute ...1910s US sl.
• SKIRT a prostitute ...M20 Amer. sl.
• SLACK a prostitute ...1959 sl.
• SLAG a prostitute ...1970 sl.
• SLOOP OF WAR a prostitute ...19C rhyming sl. for ‘whore’
• SNATCH-PEDDLER a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• SNUFF DIPPER a prostitute working from a car ...1970s US sl.
• SNUFFLING COMMUNITY prostitutes, seen collectively ...E18 sl.
• SOAP women, esp. promiscuous ones or prostitutes ...L19 sl.
• SOILED-DOVE a kept mistress or prostitute ...1865 sl.
• SPEEDY SISTER. a prostitute ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• SPLIT-ARSE MECHANIC a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• SPORTER a prostitute ...19C W. Indies
• SPORTGIRL a prostitute ...19C W. Indies
• SPORTING-GIRL a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• SPORTING LADY a prostitute, especially when employed in a brothel ...M19 sl.
• STABLE OF LACE the prostitutes associated with one pimp ...1976 US sl.
• STABLE SISTER one prostitute in relation to the other prostitutes in a pimp's stable ...1972 US sl.
• ST. JOHN'S WOOD DONA an up-market prostitute or kept woman ...L19 sl.
• STRAM a prostitute, a strumpet ...19C Brit. sl.
• STRAWBERRY a prostitute who ill trade sex for cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STREET SISTER a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• STREETWALKER a prostitute who seeks customers on the street ...1592 UK
• STRUM a strumpet; a prostitute; a harlot ...L17 sl.
• STRUMPET a harlot; a prostitute ...1602 sl.
• SUBURB SINNER a loose woman, a prostitute; a whore ...1598
• TABBY a prostitute ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• TACKLE † a prostitute, a mistress ...1688 sl.
• TAIL a prostitute ...1869 UK sl.
• TAIL PEDDLER a prostitute ...1942 US sl.
• TAIL-TRADER a prostitute ...19C sl.
• TAIL-WORKER a prostitute ...19C sl.
• TALE-BEARER a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• TANK a worn-out old prostitute ...1910s sl.
• TART a prostitute ...1894 sl.
• THOROUGHBRED a skilled prostitute ...20C US prostitutes' usage
• TIB † a mistress; a young woman of loose character; a strumpet, a prostitute ...1582
• TICKLE-TAIL FUNCTION a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• TOM a prostitute ...1941 police and criminal sl.
• TOP WOMAN a senior or most favoured prostitute among a group working for a given pimp ...1940s sl.
• TOWN BIKE a sexually loose woman or prostitute ...sl.
• TOWN MISS a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• TRADER a prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• TWOPENNY UPRIGHT a prostitute ...1958 sl.
• UNDERWEIGHT a girl under twenty-one exported to the Argentine to become a prostitute there ...20C UK White slavers' usage
• UNFORTUNATE a prostitute; a 'fallen woman' ...L18 euphemism
• UNFORTUNATE WOMAN a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• VAULTER a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• VAWTER a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• VEGETARIAN a female prostitute or male homosexual who will not perform fellatio ...1960s US sl.
• VENT-RENTER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• VENTURE † a prostitute ...1611
• VENTURER † a strumpet or prostitute ...1607
• VET an ageing, experienced, or worn-out prostitute ...1960s sl.
• VICE SISTER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• VIRTUE AFTER a prostitute ...19C US
• WAGON a prostitute ...1920s Irish & US sl.
• WAGTAIL † a term of contempt for a profligate or inconstant woman; hence, a wanton woman, a prostitute, a harlot, a courtesan ...1592
• WAISTCOATEER † a low-class prostitute ...a1616
• WAJAN a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAJANG a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAJANK a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WALKER a street-walker, a prostitute ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• WALK-IN a sexually available woman; hence, a prostitute ...1960s sl.
• WALKING-MORT a streetwalking prostitute ...16C cant
• WALK-STREET † one who walks the streets; a prostitute ...1611
• WAPPING-DELL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WAPPING-MORT a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WARM 'UN a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• WASTCOTIER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WATER-WAGTAIL a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; occasionally, a dissolute man ...L16 sl.
• WEEKEND HO a 'weekend whore'; a prostitute who usually only works on weekends or during conventions ...M20 US Black sl.
• WEEKEND WARRIOR a 'weekend' or occasional prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• WENCH a prostitute, a wanton woman ...14C
• WET DECK a woman, often a prostitute, who does serial sex acts ...1940s Amer. sl.
• WHACKY a prostitute; a term of great contempt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WHISKER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• WHORE a prostitute ...12C
• WHORE-BITCH a prostitute ...20C US dial.
• WHORE'S ROBBER a 'near' prostitute; an amateur not above taking money or a present ...c1916 Brit. prostitutes' sl.
• WINDOW-GIRL an inmate of a 'window tappery' (brothel); a prostitute ...20C US criminals' sl.
• WINDOW-TAPPER an inmate of a 'window tappery' (brothel); a prostitute ...20C US criminals' sl.
• WOMAN a prostitute or concubine ...17C
• WOMAN ABOUT TOWN a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOMAN OF ACCOMMODATING MORALS a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• WOMAN OF A CERTAIN CLASS a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOMAN OF EASY VIRTUE a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C euphemism
• WOMAN OF LOOSE MORALS a sexually loose woman; a harlot ...20C US sl.
• WOMAN OF PLEASURE a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...M17 Brit. sl.
• WOMAN OF THE TOWN a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOP a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• WORKING BROAD a prostitute ...M20 US euphemism
• WORKING GIRL a prostitute ...1968 euphemism, orig. US
• WORKING WOMAN a prostitute ...M20 US euphemism
• WREN a prostitute who specialized in army camps ...M19 sl.
• WRONG 'UN a whore; a prostitute ...c1890 sl.
• YATTY (derogatory) a promiscuous girl, a prostitute ...2000s UK Black sl.
• YUM-YUM GIRL a prostitute ...1960 euphemism
• YUM-YUM TART a prostitute ...1960 euphemism
• ZOOK a veteran prostitute ...1930s UK Black sl.
PROSTITUTE (male) - nouns, person
• ASPRO an experienced male homosexual, esp. a pederast; a male homosexual prostitute...1960s Aust. & US sl.
• BOULEVARD BOY a young male prostitute in an urban setting ...1987 US sl.
• BUM-BOY (derogatory) a young male homosexual, esp. a prostitute ...1929 sl.
• CALL-BOY a male prostitute who can be hired on the phone ...1942 sl.
• CHICKEN a young inexperienced male prostitute ...1988 sl.
• C.O.D. a male prostitute (Cock On Delivery) ...1950s sl.
• DAFFODIL a young male prostitute ...1950s sl.
• DILLY BOY a young male prostitute ...1979 UK sl.
• HUSTLER a prostitute, esp. a male homosexual ...1924 US sl.
• IRON (derogatory) a homosexual male; a male prostitute ...1936 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'poof' (Iron Hoof)
• MAUD a male prostitute ...M20 Brit. sl.
• MINION OF THE SUBURBS a male prostitute ...Bk1904 sl.
• NEAR ENOUGH a homosexual male prostitute ...1930s sl.
• NIGH ENOUGH a homosexual male prostitute ...1930s sl.
• PARTY BOY a male homosexual prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• PEDDLE-SNATCH a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• PIMP a male prostitute ...1942 US sl.
• RAGGEDY ANDROID an unsuccessful and thus impoverished male prostitute ...1950s camp gay usage
• RENT-BOY a male prostitute ...1969 sl.
• RENTER a male prostitute ...1893 sl.
• SELLARY a male homosexual prostitute ...E17
• SNATCH-PEDDLER a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• SPORT a male prostitute ...20C sl.
• SPORTING GOODS a male homosexual prostitute ...20C sl.
• TRADE a male prostitute; a collective term for male prostitutes ...1935 sl.
• TWANGY BOY a young male prostitute ...1980s US sl.
• VARLET † a male prostitute ...1606
PROSTITUTE (other) - nouns, person
• ACTION the potential client for a prostitute; a victim of a confidence trick, etc. ...1950s sl.
• ALL-NIGHT a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHTER a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHT TRICK a prostitute's term for a customer who pays for the entire night ...20C US sl.
• BABY 1. a prostitute's lover, or 'fancy man' ...1891 US sl.
2. a prostitute's customer ...1957 US sl.
• BAGGAGE-BOX a homosexual prostitute who offers active sex to clients, as well as the usual passive participation in sodomy; he will play the active sodomizer and also offer fellatio ...1940s US sl.
• BAGGAGE-BOY a homosexual prostitute who offers active sex to clients, as well as the usual passive participation in sodomy; he will play the active sodomizer and also offer fellatio ...1940s US sl.
• BEER BOTTLE BEAT a client who likes to be beaten by a prostitute who is wielding a beer bottle ...1970s US sl.
• BENNIE a female prostitute’s customer who prefers to perform oral sex on the prostitute ...1964 US sl.
• BIT OF MESS a prostitute's lover who is neither ponce nor client ...1977 UK sl.
• CHAMPAGNE TRICK a particularly wealthy or generous client for a prostitute ...1990s sl.
• CHARLEY a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
• CHARLEY RONCE a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce'
• CHARLIE a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
• CIRCLE JERK a man who harasses prostitutes and their customers for fun ...1990s Can. sl.
• DADDY the lover and protector of a prostitute; a pimp ...1909 US sl.
• DATE a prostitute's customer ...1930s sl.
• EASEMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1910s US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1911 US sl.
• EASY RIDER a parasitical man, usually without a steady job, who lives by gambling or sponging; a man who is supported by a woman, a esp. a prostitute ...1914 US Black sl.
• ECNOP a person who lives off prostitutes' earnings; a ponce ...1956 UK back slang
• FACE MAN a prostitute's client who seeks oral satisfaction ...1970 Amer. sl.
• FACIAL a prostitute's client who likes the woman to sit on his face, sometimes after she has inserted a suppository or even she is having intercourse with another man ...1970s sl.
• FANCY a man who lives on the earnings of a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• FANCY-MAN the lover of a woman, esp. a man who lives on the earnings of a woman, usually a prostitute; broadly, a pimp ...1811 sl.
• FANCY JOSEPH a boy or young man who is a favourite of prostitutes, but not a customer or pimp ...19C sl.
• FARE a male or female prostitute's client ...1930s sl.
• FREAK TRICK a prostitute's customer who pays for unusual sex ...1971 US sl.
• GADGY a male prostitute's client ...1960s homosexual sl.
• GAY the dupe of a prostitute or of a con man ...19C sl.
• GONK a term of contempt for a prostitute's client ...1977 UK sl.
• HACKSTER † a prostitute's bully ...1607
• HALF-BRASS a woman who associates with the prostitute milieu but is not a 'working girl' herself ...1940s sl.
• JACK a prostitute's customer ...20C sl.
• JACK-GAGGER a man living on his wife's prostitution ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• JOHN the client of a prostitute ...1928 sl., orig. US
• KID-STRETCHER a lecher; a user of young prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• LIVE ONE a generous rich client for a prostitute ...1940s homosexual sl.
• MAMMY-FREAK a prostitute's (White) customer whose sexual tastes demand women who resemble motherly Black women ...1950s US sl.
• MURPHY MAN a man who specializes in the 'Murphy game' ...1960s sl.
• MUSH a prostitute's client ...1980s Brit. sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
• ODDBALL TRICK a prostitute's customer who pays for fetishistic sex ...1973 US sl.
• OLD MAN a prostitute's pimp or lover, regardless of age ...1891 US sl.
• PEE-EYE a prostitute's bully; a pander; a procurer ...c1920 UK sl.
• P.I. a prostitute's bully; a pander; a procurer, a pimp ...c1920 UK sl.
• RABBIT a client who ejaculates quickly and thus leaves the prostitute free to carry on her trade ...1960s sl.
• RING JERK a man who harasses prostitutes and their customers for fun ...1990s Can. sl.
• RONSON a ponce ...c1954 imperfect rhyming sl.
• SCORE a prostitute's client ...1961 sl.
• SHORT-TIMER someone who visits a prostitute or stays briefly at a hotel for sexual purposes ...1923 sl.
• STEAMER a prostitute's client ...2002 UK sl.
• TIN SOLDIER a prostitute's client, usually middle-class or upper-class, who doesn't want sex but only to act as a servant or 'slave' to the prostitute ...1970s sl.
• TRICK a prostitute's client ...1925 sl.
• TWANK in prostitute usage: an older man who enjoys watching young women at work but has no personal interest in sex ...1960s sl.
• WENCHER a man who seeks prostitutes ...L16 sl.
• WHITE SLAVE a woman engaged in enforced prostitution ...1857 UK
• WHORE-HOPPER a man notorious for woman-chasing without discrimination; a user of prostitutes; a whoremonger ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHOREPHAN an orphan child of a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• WOODMAN a wencher, a whoremonger, a man who seeks prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• ACCOMMODATE to work as a prostitute ...19C sl.
• ACCOST of a prostitute: to solicit someone to an act of sexual immorality ...E20 US euphemism
• BATTEN of a man: to live off the earnings of a prostitute ...1964 Aust. sl.
• BATTLE to work as a prostitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• BE AT THE RACES to walk the streets as a prostitute ...20C sl.
• BUSTLE to work as a prostitute ...1935 US sl.
• CLOCK of a prostitute: to get a customer ...1989 Amer. sl.
• COP AND BLOW to exploit an unsatisfactory prostitute for as much money as possible before discarding her ...1950s Black pimp sl.
• CRACK IT FOR A QUID to work as a prostitute ...1960s Aust. sl.
• CRUISE of prostitutes: to solicit for customers while walking the streets ...1674 sl.
• DADDLE † of a prostitute: to walk the streets ...1825 Sc.
• DATE of a prostitute: to have sex with a customer for pay ...1951 US sl.
• EARN to work as a prostitute ...1950s UK criminals' sl.
• HACKNEY to work as a prostitute ...M18 sl.
• HARLOT to behave like a harlot; to prostitute oneself ...1641
• HAWK ONE'S MUTTON to work as a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• HO to sell out, to prostitute oneself ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• HOOK to work as a prostitute ...1959 Amer. sl.
• HUMP to earn money working as a prostitute ...1973 US sl.
• HUSSLE 1. to work as a prostitute ...L19 US sl.
2. to work as a male prostitute ...1960s sl.
• HUSTLE 1. to work as a prostitute ...1895 US sl.
2. to work as a male prostitute ...1960s sl.
• JAG to be a male prostitute to other males ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• LET OUT ONE'S PARLOUR AND LIE BACKWARDS to work as a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• LOSE ONE'S AMATEUR STANDING to become a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• MAKE A LOBSTER KETTLE OUT OF ONE'S CUNT of a prostitute: to allow a man to have sex without paying ...L18 sl.
• MOLL to work as a prostitute ...1954 Amer. sl.
• PAD to travel as tramp, thief, vagrant, or prostitute ...E17 sl.
• PAD IT to travel as tramp, thief, vagrant, or prostitute ...E17 sl.
• PAD THE HOOF of prostitutes: to walk the street ...1859 US sl.
• PEDDLE ONE'S HIPS to be a prostitute ...c1920 sl.
• PICK UP A FLAT to find a client ...1869 prostitutes' usage
• PULL to recruit someone into prostitution ...1967 US sl.
• PUNK to procure customers for a prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• RAMP † to behave licentiously; to go about in a loose, immodest way; to act in a promiscuous manner; to work as a prostitute ...1530
• RANGE to live or work as a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• SCALYLEG to work as the cheapest level of prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• SELL BODY to work as a prostitute ...1960s US Black sl.
• SELL ONE'S BACON to sell one's flesh or body; to work as a prostitute ...1825
• STRUMPET to play the whore; to practice prostitution ...L16 sl.
• TAKE AN APPLICATION to interview a woman as a prospective prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• TAKE A TEST DRIVE to interview a woman as a prospective prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• TAKE IN FANCY WORK to be addicted to secret prostitution ...B1900 sl.
• TALK GAME to talk, to chatter, but specifically of a pimp: to chatter about pimping, prostitution, and those involved ...1972 US Black sl.
• TOM to work as a prostitute ...1964 police and criminal sl.
• WAG of a woman: to act in a promiscuous manner; to be a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• WAG ONE'S BOTTOM to solicit for a sexual act; to be a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• WAG ONE'S TAIL of a woman: to act in a promiscuous manner; to be a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• WALK THE PIAZZAS to (start) work as a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• WENCH to chase after women; to seek prostitutes ...L16
• WHORE to utilize prostitutes; to consort with harlots
• HAIR TO SELL said of a woman who is willing to prostitute herself ...L19 sl.
• WANNA GO OUT? the ritual approach from a prostitute to a passing male ...1960s sl.
• CHUCKED sexually aroused and therefore copulating very rapidly; usually said by prostitutes of their more amorous customers ...19C Brit. sl.
• CYPRIAN licentious, lewd; applied to prostitutes in 18-19th centuries ...1599
• GAME whorish, engaged in prostitution ...1821 sl.
• GAY of a woman: leading an immoral life, living by prostitution ...1825 sl.
• HACKNEYED pert. to prostitution ...E17 sl.
• OFF of a street prostitute: being with a client, and, therefore, off the street ...1959 UK sl.
• ON THE BASH working as a prostitute ...1936 Brit. sl.
• ON THE BATTER to be working as a prostitute ...1890 UK sl.
• ON THE BATTLE working as a prostitute ...1944 Aust. sl.
• ON THE GAME working as a prostitute ...1898 sl., chiefly Brit.
• ON THE KNOCK working as a prostitute ...1969 sl.
• ON THE PROWL working as a prostitute ...1980s sl.
• ON THE RACK available for prostitution ...1977 US sl.
• ON THE TURF working as a prostitute ...1860 sl.
• ON YOUR BACK of a woman: working as a prostitute ...1968 Aust. sl.
• PAKIT-LIKE having the appearance of a prostitute; having a shabby, exhausted appearance ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAPHIAN pert. to love; esp. pert. to or devoted to unlawful sexual indulgence; belonging to the class of prostitutes; unchaste ...1656
• PROSTIBULOUS †* pertaining to a prostitute or prostitution; addicted to the company of prostitutes ...1550
• QUALIFIED of a prostitute: experienced ...1960s US Black sl.
• TWANGY pert. to male prostitution ...1980s US sl.
• ADVERTISING BAR a bar frequented by male prostitutes and their clients ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• ALL-NIGHT an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night; a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHT MONEY a prostitute's charge for spending the night with a customer ...1992 US sl.
• ALL-NIGHTER an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night; a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• BABY PRO the profession of child prostitution ...1970s US sl.
• BUSINESS an assignation with a prostitute ...1983 sl.
• CALL FLAT a brothel, or a place where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CALL HOUSE a brothel; a house of assignation where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1913 Amer. sl.
• CALL JOINT a brothel, or a place where appointments with prostitutes can be made, as by telephone ...1916 Amer. sl.
• CALL TRADE prostitution by which women or men are summoned by telephone after they have been selected, via some form of visual 'menu', by the male clientele ...1910s sl.
• CAR TRICK an act of sex between a prostitute and customer in a car ...1968 US sl.
• CHIPPY a dress worn by prostitutes, of knee length and very easy to disrobe ...1938 Amer. sl.
• CREEP-HOUSE a brothel or other place where prostitutes rob their clients ...1913 US sl.
• CREEP JOINT a brothel or other place where prostitutes rob their clients ...1921 US sl.
• DATE a sexual liaison between a prostitute and a customer ...1957 US euphemism
• DAWNER an engagement between a prostitute and customer that lasts all night, until dawn ...1987 US sl.
• FAMILY a group of prostitutes and their pimp ...1969 US sl.
• FAMILY OF LOVE prostitutes in general; whores; lewd women ...M16
• FANCY WORK prostitution ...L19 sl.
• FAST LIFE the worlds of gambling, drug-dealing, prostitution, etc. ...1960s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET HOTEL a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET JOINT a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST-SHEET SET-UP a cheap hotel that rents out its room by the hour to prostitutes and their clients or to illicit lovers ...1940s US sl.
• FAST TRACK those streets or blocks in a city where prostitutes work ...1960s sl., orig. US
• FREE LOVE prostitution ...Bk1981 euphemism
• FULL PERSONAL sexual intercourse, as distinct from masturbation, when advertised as a service offered by a prostitute ...2003 UK sl.
• GAFF a prostitute's room, where she works, but usually does not live ...1960s UK criminals' sl.
• GAME 1. a group of prostitutes, esp. in a brothel ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
2. women; prostitutes in general; any woman considered solely as a sexual object ...17C Brit. sl.
3. the world of prostitution ...M17 UK criminals' sl.
• GAME, THE prostitution ...1898 sl.
• GAY LIFE of women: an immoral life; a life of prostitution ...19C Brit. sl.
• HARLOTRY promiscuity; the practice or trade of prostitution ...1377
• HUSTLE work as a pimp, prostitute, or tramp ...1940s US Black sl.
• HUSTLER'S ROW any outdoor area where prostitutes loiter in search of customers ...1966 UK sl.
• HUSTLING prostitution ...1977 UK sl.
• IRISH CLUBHOUSE a refined house of prostitution ...1960s US gay sl.
• KID-LEATHER young prostitutes in general ...19C Brit. sl.
• LEG-BUSINESS prostitution ...19C Brit. sl.
• LEVEE a nickname for a red-light district, esp. one in Chicago ...1882 Amer. dial.
• LEWDNESS prostitution ...euphemism
• LIFE, THE the criminal lifestyle; the lifestyle of prostitution ...1916 US sl.
• LINE collectively, the prostitutes in a brothel who are available for sex at a given moment ...1987 US sl.
• MAGDALEN a home for the refuge and reformation of prostitutes ...1766
• MEAT-MARKET a place or area where prostitutes ply their trade, and to a place frequented by people in search of sexual partners ...1896 sl.
• MEAT RACK a place or area where prostitutes ply their trade, and to a place frequented by people in search of sexual partners ...1972 sl.
• MINNESOTA STRIP an area in New York City frequented by prostitutes ...1986 US sl.
• MOT-CART a brougham or similar vehicle owned by a kept woman or well-off prostitute ...M19 sl.
• MURPHY GAME of a prostitute: luring a client either to a room or a deserted alley, hallway, etc., and then, instead of having sex, the client is beaten and robbed by a male accomplice, why may just strike, but may also pose as an aggrieved father, lover, brother, etc. ...1950s sl., orig. US criminals' usage
• ONE-NIGHT STAND a night with a prostitute ...c1930 sl.
• PAPHIAN GAME prostitution ...L16 sl.
• PICCOLO JOINT a place where prostitutes ply their trade; an establishment, usually in a rural location, providing liquor, music, entertainment, and often prostitutes; a roadhouse ...1938 Amer. dial.
• PORNOGRAPHY † a written discussion of prostitutes ...M19
• PUSSY POSSE a police squad, or vice squad dealing with prostitution ...20C sl.
• RACKET, THE prostitution ...1960s US sl.
• SACKING prostitution ...L16 cant
• SACKING LAW the occupation of a prostitute ...16C UK criminals' sl.
• SHORT TIME a brief visit to a prostitute; a brief stay in a hotel for sexual purposes ...1937 sl.
• SIDE WORK prostitution ...1996 US sl.
• SMOCK FAIR a gathering place of prostitutes ...17C sl.
• SNAKEPIT a red-light area ...1960s sl.
• STABLE a group of prostitutes working for the same person or organization ...1937 sl.
• STRAM, THE street-walking ...1887 sl.
• STREET OF SHAME prostitution; the world of prostitutes ...M20 US euphemism
• STREET OF SIN prostitution; the world of prostitutes ...M20 US euphemism
• STRING a group of prostitutes working for the same person or organization ...1913 US sl.
• STRING OF PONIES a collection of prostitutes ...20C sl.
• STRUM, THE street-walking ...1887 sl.
• TAIL-TRADING prostitution ...M15 sl.
• TRACK the street or area where prostitutes solicit customers ...1969 US sl.
• TRADE heterosexual or homosexual prostitution; customers of that prostitution, esp. homosexual ...1680 UK
• TRADE, THE prostitution ...1680 sl.
• TRAFFIC prostitutes or prostitution ...16C euphemism
• TRAP a prostitute's earnings ...1973 US sl.
• TRAP MONEY a prostitute's gross earnings ...1974 US sl.
• TRICK an assignation with a prostitute ...1926 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• VICE prostitution ...20C US euphemism
• VOTARIES OF PLEASURE prostitution ...E19 Brit. nonce word
• WALK the area walked by a street prostitute ...M19 sl.
• WARM CORNER anywhere frequented by prostitutes ...L19 sl.
PROSTITUTE - nouns, person
• ACADEMICIAN a prostitute ...18C sl.
• ACCOMMODATION BEAUTY a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• AFKOP an aging prostitute ...20C S. Afr. sl.
• ALLEY-CAT a prostitute, esp. one who prowls in the night ...1926 Amer. sl.
• ANGEL a prostitute, orig. one who worked around the Angel, Islington, North London ...Brit. sl.
• ANIMAL a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• ANISEED ROBIN a hermaphrodite; later, a prostitute ...L17
• ANNISEED ROBIN a hermaphrodite; later, a prostitute ...L17
• ANONYMA a prostitute ...M19 Brit.
• ARTICHOKE a debauched old woman, esp. a hideous old prostitute ...19C sl.
• ARTICLE 1. a wench, a woman, a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
2. a woman exported to the Argentine to become a prostitute ...20C White slavers' cant
• ASIAN MOLL a prostitute with an Asian customer base ...1982 US sl.
• ASS PEDDLER anyone who sells their body, as a prostitute, male or female ...1942 US sl.
• ASS PRO a male homosexual prostitute ...1960s Aust. & US sl.
• ATHANASIAN WENCH a promiscuous young woman; a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• AUNT 1. a brothel madam ...E17 sl.
2. a prostitute ...17C sl.
3. a female prostitute up in years ...1964 Amer. sl.
• AUNTIE 1. a brothel madam ...sl.
2. a female prostitute up in years ...1964 Amer. sl.
• BABOON a very hard-working prostitute ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• BABY JANE a child or underage female prostitute ...1990s US sl.
• BABY PRO a very, very young prostitute, one under the age of legal consent ...1961 US sl.
• BACHELOR'S WIFE a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• BADGER a smelly prostitute; a low whore ...19C Brit. sl.
• BAG a sexually promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1893 Amer. sl.
• BAG BRIDE a prostitute who is addicted to crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• BAGEROO a prostitute ...1930s US sl.
• BAGGAGE a woman of bad character; a worthless, good-for-nothing woman; a woman of disreputable or immoral life, a strumpet; a prostitute; an opprobrious epithet applied to women and children ...1596
• BAG-SLINGER a streetwalker; a prostitute ...1938 US sl.
• BAG-SWINGER a street-walker, a prostitute ...1960s Aust. sl.
• BAHNHOF QUEEN a German streetwalker ...1980 US sl.
• BAND a woman of easy morals; a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• BANGSTER a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• BARBER'S CHAIR † a common prostitute who is used by all customers; a drab, a strumpet ...1601
• BARNACLE a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• BARRACK-HACK a soldier's prostitute; a camp follower ...19C Brit. sl.
• BARREN JOEY a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• BAT a low prostitute; one who moves about at night ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• BATTERY GIRL a prostitute who is subject to a controlling supply of drugs, etc., and consequently is managed and kept in a similar way to a battery hen ...1968 UK sl.
• BATTLER a prostitute, esp. a self-managed prostitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• B-BROAD a part-time prostitute, who frequents bars and uses them as a base for soliciting ...1930s sl., orig. US
• BEAST a low prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• BEAT MOLL a streetwalker ...E20 US sl.
• BED-FAGGOT a contemptuous term for a woman, generally applied to a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BELLY-PIECE † a concubine, a mistress, a prostitute, a whore ...1632
• BELTER a prostitute ...19C Eng. dial.
• BEND a prostitute ...1980s rap music sl.
• BELT a prostitute ...E19 Aust. sl.
• B-GIRL a part-time prostitute, who frequents bars and uses them as a base for soliciting ...1930s sl., orig. US
• BIM a woman of loose morals or a prostitute ...E20 Amer. sl.
• BIMBO a woman of loose morals or a prostitute ...1929 sl.
• BIMMY a prostitute ...20C sl.
• BIRD OF THE NIGHT a prostitute ...17C sl.
• BIT OF MEAT a prostitute ...sl.
• BLANKET WIFE a prostitute ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BONA-ROBA † a prostitute or disreputable woman ...L16 now rare or obs.
• BON TON superior prostitutes; courtesans ...E19 sl.
• BOTTOM BITCH the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1967 US sl.
• BOTTOM GIRL the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1973 US sl.
• BOTTOM WOMAN the pimp's favourite of the prostitutes working for him; the leader of the prostitutes ...1969 US sl.
• BRASS a prostitute ...1934 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• BRASS NAIL a prostitute ...1934 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• BRASS NOB a prostitute ...1931 sl.
• BROAD (offensive) a woman, or sometimes a prostitute ...1914 N. Amer. sl.
• BROKEN OAR a whore; a prostitute ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• BROTHEL a prostitute ...15C
• BULKER † a street-walker, a prostitute ...1690 sl.
• BURERK a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BURICK a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• BUTTERED BUN a mistress; a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• BUTT PEDDLER anyone who sells their body, as a prostitute, male or female ...1940s US sl.
• CAB MAT a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CAB-MOLL 1. a prostitute; orig. the moll or molly of a brothel ...1859 sl.
2. a prostitute addicted professionally to cabs and trains ...1859 sl.
• CAKE a prostitute ...E20 sl., orig. Aust.
• CALICO QUEEN a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• CALLET † a lewd woman; a trull, a strumpet; a prostitute; a promiscuous woman ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CALL GIRL a prostitute, esp. one who may be engaged by telephone ...1900 Amer. sl.
• CALL MOM a prostitute who advertises her services through an agency, through the (print) media, in telephone kiosks, etc., and visits a client in his own home or hotel room ...1930s sl., orig. US
• CALSAY-PAIKER a street walker ...1879 Sc.
• CANARY a prostitute ...18C sl.
• CANARY-BIRD a prostitute ...18C sl.
• CARRION a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• CARRY-KNAVE † a common prostitute ...1630
• CAT † a prostitute ...1535 sl.
• CATTLE women who are prostitutes ...1677 sl.
• CAUSEY-PAIKER a street-walker ...Bk1909 Sc.
• CHAMPAGNE GLASS a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHAMPAGNER a fashionable prostitute ...L19 sl.
• CHARITY DAME a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
• CHARLEY a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHARLIE a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• CHARVERING DONA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONER a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHARVERING DONNA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONER a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHAUVERING DONNA a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• CHIP a sexually promiscuous woman, esp. a prostitute ...1892 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPIE an amateur prostitute who works only occasionally ...20C sl.
• CHIPPY an amateur prostitute who works only occasionally ...20C sl.
• CHRO a prostitute ...1930 sl.
• CHROMO a prostitute ...1883 Aust. sl.
• CIRCUIT GIRL a travelling prostitute ...2002 US sl.
• COCK-EYED JENNY a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• COLUMBINE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• COOSE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOSIE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZ a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZEY a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZIE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COOZY a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• COUSE a woman, usually promiscuous or unattractive; hence, a prostitute ...1920s sl., chiefly US
• CRACK a prostitute ...L17
• CRACKED PIECE a prostitute or a sportive, nonvirgin young woman ...E18 Brit. sl.
• CRACKED PITCHER a prostitute or a sportive, nonvirgin young woman ...E18 Brit. sl.
• CREEP a prostitute who steals from her clients while they are asleep or unconscious ...1914 sl., orig. US
• CREEPER a prostitute who steals from her clients while they are asleep or unconscious ...1906 sl., orig. US
• CRO a prostitute ...1950 Aust. sl.
• CROSHABELL † a courtesan, a harlot, a prostitute ...a1598 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CROW a prostitute ...1950 Aust. sl.
• CRUISER a prostitute, esp. a streetwalker ...World War II Amer. sl.
• CYPRIAN a licentious or profligate person; later, a lewd woman, a harlot, a prostitute, a courtesan ...1598
• DAGGLE-TAIL a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• DAILY a prostitute; a sexually available woman ...1977 UK rhyming sl. for 'tail' (Daily Mail)
• DAILY MAIL a prostitute; a sexually available woman ...1977 UK rhyming sl. for 'tail'
• DANT † a sexually loose woman; a profligate woman; a promiscuous woman; a harlot, a prostitute ...a1529
• DASHER a flashy prostitute; a showy harlot ...M18 sl.
• DAUGHTER OF JOY a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• DEAD MEAT a prostitute, esp. an older woman ...L19 sl.
• DEAD PICKER a prostitute who robs drunken clients ...Irish sl.
• DEADLY NIGHTSHADE a prostitute; a very low prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• DIRTY NECK a French prostitute or woman of easy virtue ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DISORDERLY a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• DOOR-KEEPER a prostitute; a prostitute who occupies a doorway waiting for clients ...17C cant
• DROMAKY a prostitute ...19C UK sl.
• DUSTY BUTT a low-grade, unattractive prostitute ...1900s US Black sl.
• EARLY DOOR a prostitute; a whore ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• EASY VIRTUE a prostitute; a woman who can be persuaded to copulate easily ...L18 Brit. sl.
• ENDLESS BELT a prostitute ...E19 Aust. sl.
• ERRING SISTER a prostitute ...20C euphemism
• EVENING STAR a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• EWE-MUTTON 1. an ageing prostitute ...L19 sl.
2. an amateur prostitute ...L19 sl.
• FAGGOT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• FAGOT a prostitute ...19C sl.
• FAIRY a garishly-dressed prostitute ...20C Brit. sl.
• FALLEN WOMAN a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• FANCY GIRL a prostitute ...1824 US sl.
• FANCY PIECE orig. a gaudily dressed prostitute; later, a mistress, a 'bit on the side' ...E18 Brit. sl.
• FANCY WOMAN a kept woman; a harlot; a prostitute ...1824 Amer. sl.
• FANDANGO GIRL a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• FAST-FUNNY a prostitute; a strumpet ...19C sl.
• FAST WOMAN a prostitute; a strumpet ...19C sl.
• FISH a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...M20 US sl.
• FLAGGER a street-walker ...1865 sl.
• FLAPPER a very young prostitute ...Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-GIRL a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-MOLL a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-MOLLISHER a showy prostitute ...1821 sl.
• FLASH-PIECE a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLASH-TAIL a prostitute ...1868 sl.
• FLASH-WOMAN a showy prostitute ... Bk1893 sl.
• FLAT FLOOSIE a prostitute who operates from a room or a flat ...20C US sl.
• FLESH-PEDDLER a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• FLING-DUST a street-walker; a slattern ...E17 sl.
• FLING-STINK a street-walker; a slattern ...E17 sl.
• FLIPPER a wanton young woman; a young prostitute ...20C sl.
• FLOOSEY a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOSY a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOOZIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLOSSIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLUZIE a prostitute ...E20 sl.
• FLY a wanton woman; a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl.
• FLY-BY-NIGHT a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• FORE-AND-AFTER a prostitute offering both vaginal and anal copulation ...19C Brit. sl.
• FOR-FREE a prostitute undercutting the prices ...c1930 Aust. cant
• FRAIL a prostitute ...1846 sl.
• FRAIL SISTER a prostitute ...1846 sl.
• FREE RIDE a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• FRESH MEAT a newly fledged prostitute ...19C sl.
• FUCK-FREAK a woman, esp. a prostitute, who is obsessed with copulation ...M20 US sl.
• FUCKSTRESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• FUNKER a prostitute who quits the streets when the weather is bad ...L19 sl.
• GAL a prostitute ...20C sl.
• GAME PULLET † a young prostitute, or forward or promiscuous girl in the way of becoming one ...1788 UK sl.
• GAMESTER † one addicted to amorous sport; a lewd person, whether male or female; a prostitute ...1601
• GAME WOMAN a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• GARBAGE CAN an old prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• GASH a prostitute ...1914 sl.
• GAY-BIT a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY-GIRL a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY-PIECE a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GAY WENCH a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...E20 US sl.
• GAY-WOMAN a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• GIPSY a prostitute who travels around for trade or lives in a trailer park ...1950s US sl.
• GOOH a prostitute ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• GOOK a street-walker; a low prostitute ...M19 sl.
• GOOSE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• GRUNTER a prostitute ...1940s Aust. sl.
• GUINEA-HEN a courtesan; a prostitute ...17C Brit.
• GULL a prostitute, one who frequents the coastal area ...20C US sl.
• GUTTER SLUT (derogatory) a poor prostitute; a common whore ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTERSNIPE a low prostitute; a common whore ...19C colloq.
• GYPSY a prostitute who travels around for trade or lives in a trailer park ...1950s US sl.
• HACK a prostitute; a bawd ...1730-6 sl.
• HACKNEY † a woman that hires her person; a prostitute ...1579
• HACKNEY JADE a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• HACKNEY LADY a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• HACKSTER † a prostitute ...1594
• HACKY a prostitute; a term of great contempt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HARD LEG an experienced, cynical prostitute ...1967 US sl.
• HARLOT (derogatory) a promiscuous woman; an unchaste woman, a prostitute, a strumpet ...1432
• HARLOTRY † a prostitute; a harlot; a term of opprobrium for a woman ...1584 now rare or obs.
• HARPIE a prostitute ...M20 sl.
• HAT an old prostitute; a prostitute of long standing ...E19 sl.
• HAYBAG a woman, esp. a prostitute or a vagrant, who is fat and usually dissipated or dissolute ...1851 Amer. sl.
• HAYRACK a woman, esp. a prostitute or vagrant, who is fat and usually dissipated or dissolute ...1881 Amer. sl.
• HELL-MOTH † a prostitute ...1602
• HIVER a prostitute ...19C US sl.
• HO a prostitute ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• HOBBY HORSE a prostitute; a promiscuous woman ...L16 sl.
• HOE a prostitute ...1950s sl., orig. US Black
• HOOK a harlot; a prostitute, a hooker ...1918 Amer. sl.
• HOOKER a prostitute; a street-walker ...1845 colloq.
• HORSE a person who works as a member of a 'stable', as a prostitute, an athlete ...1925 Amer. sl.
• HOSTESS a prostitute ...1954 US sl.
• HOT BEEF a prostitute ...sl.
• HOTEL HOTSY a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• HOT MEAT a prostitute ...sl.
• HOT MUTTON a prostitute ...sl.
• HOT ROCKS a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• HUMP a prostitute; a sexually loose woman; women considered sexually ...M20 US sl.
• HUSTLER a prostitute ...1924 sl.
• HUSTLING GAL a prostitute ...1954 US sl.
• IMPURE an unchaste or lewd person; a harlot, a prostitute ...1784
• INCOGNITA a courtesan; a high-class prostitute ...M19 sl.
• INDUSTRIAL DEBUTANTE a prostitute who specializes in attending US business conventions ...1980s US sl.
• INGOGO a cheap prostitute ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• JACK a low-ranking prostitute ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• JACK WHORE a large, masculine prostitute ...L18 Brit. sl.
• JADED JENNY a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• JAGABAT a prostitute ...20C Trinidad usage
• JANE SHORE a prostitute ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• JERKER a prostitute ...1887 sl.
• KATE a prostitute; a harlot; a loose woman ...16C Sc. sl.
• KENNEL-NYMPH a girl of the streets; a prostitute ...1771
• KIFE a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK-'EM-DOWN a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• LACED MUTTON † a strumpet; a prostitute; a wanton woman ...1578 sl.
• LADIES a generic term for prostitutes ...1960s US Black sl.
• LADY 1. an independent, high-class prostitute ...1930s US Black sl.
2. a prostitute, usually as associated with a particular pimp ...1972 US sl.
• LADYBIRD a prostitute ...16C sl.
• LADY OF EASY VIRTUE a woman whose chastity is easily assailable; a prostitute ...1785 euphemism
• LADY OF EXPANSIVE SENSIBILITY a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LADY OF LEISURE a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• LADY OF PLEASURE a courtesan, a whore; a prostitute ...1637
• LADY OF THE EVENING a prostitute ...1925 euphemism
• LADY OF THE LAKE a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• LADY OF THE NIGHT a prostitute ...1925 euphemism
• LAND-PIRATE a thieving prostitute ...E19 sl.
• LAKER LADY a prostitute ...18C sl.
• LAUNDRESS a prostitute ...17C euphemism
• LAY a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• LEASE-PIECE a prostitute ...M19 US nonce word
• LEG a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• LEG WORKER a streetwalker ...1930 US sl.
• LEWD WOMAN a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...20C US euphemism
• LICK-SPIGOT a prostitute who performs fellatio ...18C Brit. sl.
• LIFT-SKIRTS a prostitute ...19C Brit.
• LIGHT HOUSEWIFE a lewd woman; a prostitute ...L17 Brit. cant
• LIMMER an unchaste, loose, or immoral woman; a mistress, a prostitute ...1566 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• LINCOLN a five-dollar prostitute ...1965 US sl.
• LIONESS a harlot; a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• LOOSE-BODIED GOWN a prostitute; a harlot ...E17 sl.
• LOOSE FISH a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LOOSE-KIRTLE a woman of loose or bad character; a wanton woman; a prostitute (kirtle = woman's gown) ...1855 arch.
• LOOSE-LOVE LADY a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• LORETTE a prostitute ...M19 euphemism
• LOST LADY a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• LOT LIZARD a prostitute who works at truck stops ...1987 US trucking sl.
• LUSH-WORKER a prostitute who extorts money from a man by trickery, blackmail, blandishments, or robs him when drunk ...1908 Amer. sl.
• MAB † a harlot, a prostitute, a woman of loose character; a slattern ...1557-8 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MACHINE a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MACKEREL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MADAM † a kept mistress; a courtesan, a prostitute ...1719
• MADAM RAN a prostitute ...17C cant
• MADAM VAN a prostitute ...17C cant
• MADGE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MADGE HOWLET a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MAGDALEN a reformed prostitute ...1697
• MAGGIE a prostitute, esp. a streetwalker ...1603 sl.
• MAID MARIAN a prostitute ...16C sl.
• MAIDEN-WIFE-WIDOW n. a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• MAMA-SAN an East Asian woman who is a prostitute or the lover of a US serviceman ...1982 Amer. sl.
• MARE a prostitute ...1930s sl.
• MARGARETTE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MARMALADE-MADAM † a promiscuous woman; a prostitute, a strumpet ...1674
• MARMULET MADAM a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• MAR-TAIL † a prostitute; used derisively ...c1620
• MAT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MATTRESS a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• MEG a prostitute ...17C sl.
• MERRY LEGS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• MESSER a 'near' prostitute; an amateur not above taking money or a present ...c1915 Brit. prostitutes' sl.
• MINNESOTA MULE a prostitute recently arrived in New York City from a small town or city ...1987 US sl.
• MISS a prostitute, a 'whore of quality' ...L17 sl.
• MISS LAYCOCK a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MISS OF THE TOWN a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• MOB a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• MODEL euphemism for a prostitute ...M20
• MOGGY promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1726 Amer. sl.
• MOLL a prostitute ...1604 sl.
• MOLLEY a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MOLLIE a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• MOLLY a prostitute; broadly, a woman or girl ...1719 sl.
• MOONLIGHTER a prostitute ...M19 Brit. sl.
• MOOSE a Japanese or Korean prostitute; hence, any Asian woman who cohabits with a serviceman ...1951 US military in the Far East
• MORSEL a prostitute; a sexually attractive woman; a harlot or a tart ...E16
• MORT WOP-APACE an experienced prostitute ...17C cant
• MOT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOTH a prostitute; a prostitute who prowls in the night ...L19 sl.
• MOTT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOTTE a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• MOUSE a woman, esp. when applied to a prostitute or a woman arrested for brawling in the street ...M16 sl.
• MUFF a prostitute ...1914 sl., orig. US
• MUMPER a prostitute ...M17 sl.
• MUTTON a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; a strumpet ...1599 sl.
• MYSTERY a young or inexperienced prostitute ...1937 sl.
• NAAI a prostitute ...1990s S. Afr. sl.
• NAFFGUR a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl., possibly back-slang
• NAFKA a prostitute ...20C Yiddish
• NAFKEH a prostitute ...20C Yiddish
• NAG 1. a term of abuse; a promiscuous woman, a prostitute ...1598 sl.
2. an ageing prostitute ...19C sl.
3. of a prostitute: one who takes her time over making her daily money from her clients ...1960s US sl.
• NANNIE a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• NANNY a prostitute; a whore ...18C Brit.
• NAUGHTY-PACK † a woman of bad character; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute; a wanton; also, a term of contempt for either sex ...1530 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• NAUTCH BROAD a prostitute working in a brothel ...1942-49 Amer. sl.
• NECESSARY a prostitute; a female companion to be used sexually ...19C Brit. sl.
• NEEDLE-WOMAN a prostitute; a harlot ...1849 Brit. sl.
• NESCOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NESTCOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NESTLECOCK a prostitute; a wanton woman ...M17 Brit.
• NIGGLER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHTBIRD a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHTCAP a prostitute ...19C sl.
• NIGHT FOWL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• NIGHT-WORM † a prostitute ...1605
• NIT a sexually loose woman, a prostitute ...Scot colloq.
• NOCKSTRESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOCTURNE a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• NOFFGUR a prostitute ...L19 Brit. sl., possibly back-slang
• NOTCH-BROAD a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• NOTCH-GIRL a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• NYMPH DU PAVE a prostitute; a streetwalker ...20C US sl.
• NYMPH OF DARKNESS a prostitute ...19C Brit. colloq.
• NYMPH OF THE PAVE a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• NYMPH OF THE PAVEMENT a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• OCCUPANT † a prostitute; a woman who is occupied by a man ...1599
• ODDS a woman, esp. one who will support her partner through prostitution ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• OLD BAG an elderly, slatternly prostitute ...1961 UK sl.
• OLD LADY a pimp's prostitute ...1900s US Black sl.
• OLD PATROL an old prostitute ...1940s US sl.
• OLD TOM a prostitute catering to lesbians ...1960s US sl.
• OMNIBUS a prostitute ...M19 sl.
• ONE OF MY COUSINS a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• ONE OF THEM a prostitute ...19C sl.
• ORGAN-GRINDER a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...20C sl.
• OUTLAW a prostitute who works independently from a pimp ...20C sl.
• OVERNIGHT-BAG a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• OWL a nocturnal streetwalker ...1904 Amer. prostitutes' sl.
• OYSTER a prostitute ...E18 sl.
• PACK a prostitute; a harlot ...17C UK sl.
• PAD a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• PAGAN † a paramour, a prostitute ...1597
• PAIKER a street-walker, a prostitute ...Bk1905 Sc.
• PAIKIE a street-walker, a prostitute ...1808 Sc.
• PAINTED-CAT a prostitute; a frontier harlot ...20C US colloq.
• PAINTED LADY a prostitute ...E20 colloq.
• PAINTED WOMAN a prostitute ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• PALLIASSE a prostitute ...19C sl.
• PANEL 1. a priest's mistress; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...14C Brit. sl.
2. a prostitute who works in a brothel rather than walking the streets ...17C sl.
• PAPHIAN a prostitute ...1811
• PARLOR GIRL a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARLOR HOUSE GIRL a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARLOR QUEEN. a prostitute who works in a sophisticated, up-market brothel ...M19 US sl.
• PARNEL † 1. a priest's concubine or mistress; a harlot; a wanton young woman; an immodest girl; an immoral woman; one lost to all sense of decency; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...1362 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
2. a prostitute who works in a brothel rather than walking the streets ...17C sl.
• PARTRIDGE a prostitute; a harlot or a tart ...L17 Brit. sl.
• PAVEMENT PRINCESS a prostitute who touts for business over the radio network ...1976 Citizens' band jargon
• PEDDLE-SNATCH a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• PERNEL(E) a priest's mistress; a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...14C Brit. sl.
• PIECE OF CHIPPY a sexually promiscuous woman. esp. a prostitute ...1952 Amer. sl.
• PIG a prostitute ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• PIG-MEAT a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• POULE-DE-LUXE "luxury hen"; a prostitute ...1946 French
• PRINCESS OF THE PAVEMENT a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• PRIVATEER an independent prostitute ...19C euphemism
• PRO a prostitute ...1937 euphemism
• PROS a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• PROSS a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• PROSSIE a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• PROSSY a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• PROSTIBULE †* a harlot, a prostitute ...1623
• PROSTIE a prostitute ...1930 US sl.
• PROSTY a prostitute ...1930 US sl.
• PROZZY a prostitute ...1941 sl., orig. Aust.
• PUCELLE † a slut, a courtesan, a prostitute, a wanton girl ...1583
• PUG † a courtesan; a prostitute; a harlot; a mistress ...E17
• PUGNASTY a nasty slut; a dirty prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• PUNCHABLE NUN a prostitute ...20C Brit. sl.
• PUNCK a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNCKE a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNK a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUNQUE a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl.
• PUSHER a prostitute ...1944 sl.
• PUTAIN † a woman of ill fame; a whore, a prostitute, a strumpet ...a1300
• QUAEDAM †* a prostitute ...a1670
• QUAIL † a prostitute ...1606
• QUEAN a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...c1000
• QUEEN a mistress, or prostitute ...1968 US sl.
• QUEENIE a prostitute ...1964 US sl.
• QUEEN'S WOMAN a prostitute who received medical attention under the terms of the Contagious Diseases Acts of the 1860s ...M19 sl.
• QUEER PRANCER an ageing prostitute ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUICUMQUE VULT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUICUNQUE VULT a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUIFF a prostitute ...1931 sl.
• RABBIT a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• RABBIT PIE a prostitute; a harlot ...19C sl.
• RACEHORSE an accomplished, sought-after prostitute; an up-market prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• RACER † a common trull ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• RAGS a cheap prostitute; a low-class harlot; any low and disreputable person ...1935 US sl.
• RAMP a high-spirited, independent woman, usually synonymous with a prostitute ...M15
• RANGER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• RANTIPOLE a prostitute ...18C sl.
• RANTIPOLL a prostitute ...18C sl.
• RAT the lowest rank of prostitute ...1920s US & W. Indies sl.
• RATTLESNAKE a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• RECEIVER-GENERAL a prostitute ...Bk1903 sl.
• ROLLER a prostitute who specializes in robbing drunks ...1900s US sl.
• RORY O' MORE a whore, a prostitute ...19C Brit. rhyming sl.
• SAD CATTLE prostitutes, viewed as a group ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• SAILOR'S BAIT a prostitute; any girl or woman ...E20 US sl.
• SAILOR'S DELIGHT a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• SALES LADY a prostitute ...1920s US sl.
• SAL SLAPPERS a prostitute or promiscuous woman ...L19 costermongers' sl.
• SAMPLE OF SIN a prostitute ...M18 Brit. euphemism
• SARDINE a prostitute; a low, smelly prostitute ...1940s US sl.
• SAUSAGE-GRINDER a prostitute ...20C sl.
• SCAB a prostitute ...17C sl.
• SCALYLEG a promiscuous woman; a prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• SCARLET SISTER a prostitute ...1951 US sl.
• SCATE a prostitute ...17C sl.
• SCROUSHER a prostitute ...20C Aust. & NZ sl.
• SCRUBBER a prostitute ...1959 sl.
• SCRUDGE a prostitute ...18C sl.
• SCUPPER a prostitute ...1935 sl.
• SHADY LADY a Black woman; a Black prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• SHRIMP † a prostitute ...17C
• SHUTTER-GIRL a prostitute working from a room with shutters, attracting customers from the street ...1930s US sl.
• SIDEWALK SUSIE a prostitute ...M19 US sl.
• SIDEWINDER a South Asian prostitute; a promiscuous South Asian female ...1997 US sl.
• SINGLE WOMAN † a prostitute ...1530
• SINNER a prostitute ...E17
• SIN-SISTER a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• SISTERS OF THE BANK † prostitutes ...1550
• SIX-TO-SIX a prostitute ...1996 Fiji sl.
• SKANK a prostitute ...1970s US sl.
• SKEEGERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKEEZERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKIBBY an Oriental concubine or mistress; an Oriental prostitute; thus, when addressing a Japanese speaker, any prostitute ...1910s US sl.
• SKIPPY an Oriental prostitute; thus, when addressing a Japanese speaker, any prostitute ...1910s US sl.
• SKIRT a prostitute ...M20 Amer. sl.
• SLACK a prostitute ...1959 sl.
• SLAG a prostitute ...1970 sl.
• SLOOP OF WAR a prostitute ...19C rhyming sl. for ‘whore’
• SNATCH-PEDDLER a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• SNUFF DIPPER a prostitute working from a car ...1970s US sl.
• SNUFFLING COMMUNITY prostitutes, seen collectively ...E18 sl.
• SOAP women, esp. promiscuous ones or prostitutes ...L19 sl.
• SOILED-DOVE a kept mistress or prostitute ...1865 sl.
• SPEEDY SISTER. a prostitute ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• SPLIT-ARSE MECHANIC a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• SPORTER a prostitute ...19C W. Indies
• SPORTGIRL a prostitute ...19C W. Indies
• SPORTING-GIRL a prostitute ...20C US colloq.
• SPORTING LADY a prostitute, especially when employed in a brothel ...M19 sl.
• STABLE OF LACE the prostitutes associated with one pimp ...1976 US sl.
• STABLE SISTER one prostitute in relation to the other prostitutes in a pimp's stable ...1972 US sl.
• ST. JOHN'S WOOD DONA an up-market prostitute or kept woman ...L19 sl.
• STRAM a prostitute, a strumpet ...19C Brit. sl.
• STRAWBERRY a prostitute who ill trade sex for cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STREET SISTER a prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• STREETWALKER a prostitute who seeks customers on the street ...1592 UK
• STRUM a strumpet; a prostitute; a harlot ...L17 sl.
• STRUMPET a harlot; a prostitute ...1602 sl.
• SUBURB SINNER a loose woman, a prostitute; a whore ...1598
• TABBY a prostitute ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• TACKLE † a prostitute, a mistress ...1688 sl.
• TAIL a prostitute ...1869 UK sl.
• TAIL PEDDLER a prostitute ...1942 US sl.
• TAIL-TRADER a prostitute ...19C sl.
• TAIL-WORKER a prostitute ...19C sl.
• TALE-BEARER a prostitute ...M15 sl.
• TANK a worn-out old prostitute ...1910s sl.
• TART a prostitute ...1894 sl.
• THOROUGHBRED a skilled prostitute ...20C US prostitutes' usage
• TIB † a mistress; a young woman of loose character; a strumpet, a prostitute ...1582
• TICKLE-TAIL FUNCTION a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• TOM a prostitute ...1941 police and criminal sl.
• TOP WOMAN a senior or most favoured prostitute among a group working for a given pimp ...1940s sl.
• TOWN BIKE a sexually loose woman or prostitute ...sl.
• TOWN MISS a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• TRADER a prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• TWOPENNY UPRIGHT a prostitute ...1958 sl.
• UNDERWEIGHT a girl under twenty-one exported to the Argentine to become a prostitute there ...20C UK White slavers' usage
• UNFORTUNATE a prostitute; a 'fallen woman' ...L18 euphemism
• UNFORTUNATE WOMAN a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• VAULTER a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• VAWTER a prostitute ...L16 sl.
• VEGETARIAN a female prostitute or male homosexual who will not perform fellatio ...1960s US sl.
• VENT-RENTER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• VENTURE † a prostitute ...1611
• VENTURER † a strumpet or prostitute ...1607
• VET an ageing, experienced, or worn-out prostitute ...1960s sl.
• VICE SISTER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• VIRTUE AFTER a prostitute ...19C US
• WAGON a prostitute ...1920s Irish & US sl.
• WAGTAIL † a term of contempt for a profligate or inconstant woman; hence, a wanton woman, a prostitute, a harlot, a courtesan ...1592
• WAISTCOATEER † a low-class prostitute ...a1616
• WAJAN a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAJANG a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WAJANK a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, esp. from the slums ...20C W. Indies sl.
• WALKER a street-walker, a prostitute ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• WALK-IN a sexually available woman; hence, a prostitute ...1960s sl.
• WALKING-MORT a streetwalking prostitute ...16C cant
• WALK-STREET † one who walks the streets; a prostitute ...1611
• WAPPING-DELL a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WAPPING-MORT a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WARM 'UN a prostitute ...L19 sl.
• WASTCOTIER a prostitute ...17C sl.
• WATER-WAGTAIL a promiscuous woman; a prostitute; occasionally, a dissolute man ...L16 sl.
• WEEKEND HO a 'weekend whore'; a prostitute who usually only works on weekends or during conventions ...M20 US Black sl.
• WEEKEND WARRIOR a 'weekend' or occasional prostitute ...M20 US sl.
• WENCH a prostitute, a wanton woman ...14C
• WET DECK a woman, often a prostitute, who does serial sex acts ...1940s Amer. sl.
• WHACKY a prostitute; a term of great contempt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• WHISKER a prostitute ...20C US sl.
• WHORE a prostitute ...12C
• WHORE-BITCH a prostitute ...20C US dial.
• WHORE'S ROBBER a 'near' prostitute; an amateur not above taking money or a present ...c1916 Brit. prostitutes' sl.
• WINDOW-GIRL an inmate of a 'window tappery' (brothel); a prostitute ...20C US criminals' sl.
• WINDOW-TAPPER an inmate of a 'window tappery' (brothel); a prostitute ...20C US criminals' sl.
• WOMAN a prostitute or concubine ...17C
• WOMAN ABOUT TOWN a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOMAN OF ACCOMMODATING MORALS a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• WOMAN OF A CERTAIN CLASS a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOMAN OF EASY VIRTUE a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...19C euphemism
• WOMAN OF LOOSE MORALS a sexually loose woman; a harlot ...20C US sl.
• WOMAN OF PLEASURE a sexually loose woman; a prostitute ...M17 Brit. sl.
• WOMAN OF THE TOWN a prostitute ...20C Brit. euphemism
• WOP a prostitute ...20C Aust. sl.
• WORKING BROAD a prostitute ...M20 US euphemism
• WORKING GIRL a prostitute ...1968 euphemism, orig. US
• WORKING WOMAN a prostitute ...M20 US euphemism
• WREN a prostitute who specialized in army camps ...M19 sl.
• WRONG 'UN a whore; a prostitute ...c1890 sl.
• YATTY (derogatory) a promiscuous girl, a prostitute ...2000s UK Black sl.
• YUM-YUM GIRL a prostitute ...1960 euphemism
• YUM-YUM TART a prostitute ...1960 euphemism
• ZOOK a veteran prostitute ...1930s UK Black sl.
PROSTITUTE (male) - nouns, person
• ASPRO an experienced male homosexual, esp. a pederast; a male homosexual prostitute...1960s Aust. & US sl.
• BOULEVARD BOY a young male prostitute in an urban setting ...1987 US sl.
• BUM-BOY (derogatory) a young male homosexual, esp. a prostitute ...1929 sl.
• CALL-BOY a male prostitute who can be hired on the phone ...1942 sl.
• CHICKEN a young inexperienced male prostitute ...1988 sl.
• C.O.D. a male prostitute (Cock On Delivery) ...1950s sl.
• DAFFODIL a young male prostitute ...1950s sl.
• DILLY BOY a young male prostitute ...1979 UK sl.
• HUSTLER a prostitute, esp. a male homosexual ...1924 US sl.
• IRON (derogatory) a homosexual male; a male prostitute ...1936 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'poof' (Iron Hoof)
• MAUD a male prostitute ...M20 Brit. sl.
• MINION OF THE SUBURBS a male prostitute ...Bk1904 sl.
• NEAR ENOUGH a homosexual male prostitute ...1930s sl.
• NIGH ENOUGH a homosexual male prostitute ...1930s sl.
• PARTY BOY a male homosexual prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• PEDDLE-SNATCH a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• PIMP a male prostitute ...1942 US sl.
• RAGGEDY ANDROID an unsuccessful and thus impoverished male prostitute ...1950s camp gay usage
• RENT-BOY a male prostitute ...1969 sl.
• RENTER a male prostitute ...1893 sl.
• SELLARY a male homosexual prostitute ...E17
• SNATCH-PEDDLER a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl.
• SPORT a male prostitute ...20C sl.
• SPORTING GOODS a male homosexual prostitute ...20C sl.
• TRADE a male prostitute; a collective term for male prostitutes ...1935 sl.
• TWANGY BOY a young male prostitute ...1980s US sl.
• VARLET † a male prostitute ...1606
PROSTITUTE (other) - nouns, person
• ACTION the potential client for a prostitute; a victim of a confidence trick, etc. ...1950s sl.
• ALL-NIGHT a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHTER a prostitute's client who pays to stay all night ...1960 UK sl.
• ALL-NIGHT TRICK a prostitute's term for a customer who pays for the entire night ...20C US sl.
• BABY 1. a prostitute's lover, or 'fancy man' ...1891 US sl.
2. a prostitute's customer ...1957 US sl.
• BAGGAGE-BOX a homosexual prostitute who offers active sex to clients, as well as the usual passive participation in sodomy; he will play the active sodomizer and also offer fellatio ...1940s US sl.
• BAGGAGE-BOY a homosexual prostitute who offers active sex to clients, as well as the usual passive participation in sodomy; he will play the active sodomizer and also offer fellatio ...1940s US sl.
• BEER BOTTLE BEAT a client who likes to be beaten by a prostitute who is wielding a beer bottle ...1970s US sl.
• BENNIE a female prostitute’s customer who prefers to perform oral sex on the prostitute ...1964 US sl.
• BIT OF MESS a prostitute's lover who is neither ponce nor client ...1977 UK sl.
• CHAMPAGNE TRICK a particularly wealthy or generous client for a prostitute ...1990s sl.
• CHARLEY a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
• CHARLEY RONCE a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce'
• CHARLIE a prostitute's bully ...19C rhyming sl. for 'ponce' (Charley Ronce)
• CIRCLE JERK a man who harasses prostitutes and their customers for fun ...1990s Can. sl.
• DADDY the lover and protector of a prostitute; a pimp ...1909 US sl.
• DATE a prostitute's customer ...1930s sl.
• EASEMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1910s US Black sl.
• EASTMAN a kept man, one who lives on money earned by a woman; a pimp ...1911 US sl.
• EASY RIDER a parasitical man, usually without a steady job, who lives by gambling or sponging; a man who is supported by a woman, a esp. a prostitute ...1914 US Black sl.
• ECNOP a person who lives off prostitutes' earnings; a ponce ...1956 UK back slang
• FACE MAN a prostitute's client who seeks oral satisfaction ...1970 Amer. sl.
• FACIAL a prostitute's client who likes the woman to sit on his face, sometimes after she has inserted a suppository or even she is having intercourse with another man ...1970s sl.
• FANCY a man who lives on the earnings of a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• FANCY-MAN the lover of a woman, esp. a man who lives on the earnings of a woman, usually a prostitute; broadly, a pimp ...1811 sl.
• FANCY JOSEPH a boy or young man who is a favourite of prostitutes, but not a customer or pimp ...19C sl.
• FARE a male or female prostitute's client ...1930s sl.
• FREAK TRICK a prostitute's customer who pays for unusual sex ...1971 US sl.
• GADGY a male prostitute's client ...1960s homosexual sl.
• GAY the dupe of a prostitute or of a con man ...19C sl.
• GONK a term of contempt for a prostitute's client ...1977 UK sl.
• HACKSTER † a prostitute's bully ...1607
• HALF-BRASS a woman who associates with the prostitute milieu but is not a 'working girl' herself ...1940s sl.
• JACK a prostitute's customer ...20C sl.
• JACK-GAGGER a man living on his wife's prostitution ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• JOHN the client of a prostitute ...1928 sl., orig. US
• KID-STRETCHER a lecher; a user of young prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• LIVE ONE a generous rich client for a prostitute ...1940s homosexual sl.
• MAMMY-FREAK a prostitute's (White) customer whose sexual tastes demand women who resemble motherly Black women ...1950s US sl.
• MURPHY MAN a man who specializes in the 'Murphy game' ...1960s sl.
• MUSH a prostitute's client ...1980s Brit. sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
• ODDBALL TRICK a prostitute's customer who pays for fetishistic sex ...1973 US sl.
• OLD MAN a prostitute's pimp or lover, regardless of age ...1891 US sl.
• PEE-EYE a prostitute's bully; a pander; a procurer ...c1920 UK sl.
• P.I. a prostitute's bully; a pander; a procurer, a pimp ...c1920 UK sl.
• RABBIT a client who ejaculates quickly and thus leaves the prostitute free to carry on her trade ...1960s sl.
• RING JERK a man who harasses prostitutes and their customers for fun ...1990s Can. sl.
• RONSON a ponce ...c1954 imperfect rhyming sl.
• SCORE a prostitute's client ...1961 sl.
• SHORT-TIMER someone who visits a prostitute or stays briefly at a hotel for sexual purposes ...1923 sl.
• STEAMER a prostitute's client ...2002 UK sl.
• TIN SOLDIER a prostitute's client, usually middle-class or upper-class, who doesn't want sex but only to act as a servant or 'slave' to the prostitute ...1970s sl.
• TRICK a prostitute's client ...1925 sl.
• TWANK in prostitute usage: an older man who enjoys watching young women at work but has no personal interest in sex ...1960s sl.
• WENCHER a man who seeks prostitutes ...L16 sl.
• WHITE SLAVE a woman engaged in enforced prostitution ...1857 UK
• WHORE-HOPPER a man notorious for woman-chasing without discrimination; a user of prostitutes; a whoremonger ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHOREPHAN an orphan child of a prostitute ...E20 US sl.
• WOODMAN a wencher, a whoremonger, a man who seeks prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• ACCOMMODATE to work as a prostitute ...19C sl.
• ACCOST of a prostitute: to solicit someone to an act of sexual immorality ...E20 US euphemism
• BATTEN of a man: to live off the earnings of a prostitute ...1964 Aust. sl.
• BATTLE to work as a prostitute ...1898 Aust. sl.
• BE AT THE RACES to walk the streets as a prostitute ...20C sl.
• BUSTLE to work as a prostitute ...1935 US sl.
• CLOCK of a prostitute: to get a customer ...1989 Amer. sl.
• COP AND BLOW to exploit an unsatisfactory prostitute for as much money as possible before discarding her ...1950s Black pimp sl.
• CRACK IT FOR A QUID to work as a prostitute ...1960s Aust. sl.
• CRUISE of prostitutes: to solicit for customers while walking the streets ...1674 sl.
• DADDLE † of a prostitute: to walk the streets ...1825 Sc.
• DATE of a prostitute: to have sex with a customer for pay ...1951 US sl.
• EARN to work as a prostitute ...1950s UK criminals' sl.
• HACKNEY to work as a prostitute ...M18 sl.
• HARLOT to behave like a harlot; to prostitute oneself ...1641
• HAWK ONE'S MUTTON to work as a prostitute ...1937 sl.
• HO to sell out, to prostitute oneself ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• HOOK to work as a prostitute ...1959 Amer. sl.
• HUMP to earn money working as a prostitute ...1973 US sl.
• HUSSLE 1. to work as a prostitute ...L19 US sl.
2. to work as a male prostitute ...1960s sl.
• HUSTLE 1. to work as a prostitute ...1895 US sl.
2. to work as a male prostitute ...1960s sl.
• JAG to be a male prostitute to other males ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• LET OUT ONE'S PARLOUR AND LIE BACKWARDS to work as a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• LOSE ONE'S AMATEUR STANDING to become a prostitute ...1941 Amer. sl.
• MAKE A LOBSTER KETTLE OUT OF ONE'S CUNT of a prostitute: to allow a man to have sex without paying ...L18 sl.
• MOLL to work as a prostitute ...1954 Amer. sl.
• PAD to travel as tramp, thief, vagrant, or prostitute ...E17 sl.
• PAD IT to travel as tramp, thief, vagrant, or prostitute ...E17 sl.
• PAD THE HOOF of prostitutes: to walk the street ...1859 US sl.
• PEDDLE ONE'S HIPS to be a prostitute ...c1920 sl.
• PICK UP A FLAT to find a client ...1869 prostitutes' usage
• PULL to recruit someone into prostitution ...1967 US sl.
• PUNK to procure customers for a prostitute ...17C Brit. sl.
• RAMP † to behave licentiously; to go about in a loose, immodest way; to act in a promiscuous manner; to work as a prostitute ...1530
• RANGE to live or work as a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• SCALYLEG to work as the cheapest level of prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• SELL BODY to work as a prostitute ...1960s US Black sl.
• SELL ONE'S BACON to sell one's flesh or body; to work as a prostitute ...1825
• STRUMPET to play the whore; to practice prostitution ...L16 sl.
• TAKE AN APPLICATION to interview a woman as a prospective prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• TAKE A TEST DRIVE to interview a woman as a prospective prostitute ...1960s US sl.
• TAKE IN FANCY WORK to be addicted to secret prostitution ...B1900 sl.
• TALK GAME to talk, to chatter, but specifically of a pimp: to chatter about pimping, prostitution, and those involved ...1972 US Black sl.
• TOM to work as a prostitute ...1964 police and criminal sl.
• WAG of a woman: to act in a promiscuous manner; to be a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• WAG ONE'S BOTTOM to solicit for a sexual act; to be a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• WAG ONE'S TAIL of a woman: to act in a promiscuous manner; to be a prostitute ...L17 sl.
• WALK THE PIAZZAS to (start) work as a prostitute ...E19 sl.
• WENCH to chase after women; to seek prostitutes ...L16
• WHORE to utilize prostitutes; to consort with harlots
• HAIR TO SELL said of a woman who is willing to prostitute herself ...L19 sl.
• WANNA GO OUT? the ritual approach from a prostitute to a passing male ...1960s sl.