GENIUS - nouns
• ENGINE intellect, genius, mental capacity; disposition, character ...1631 Sc.
GENIUS - nouns, person
• BEL-ESPRIT a clever genius; a brilliant wit ...1638
• GENIUSESS a female genius ...1772 nonce word
• INGINE † an ingenious person, a genius; a person of ability ...1824 Sc.
GENTEEL - adjectives
• FARRANTLY of a person: genteel, respectable ...1790 N. Eng. dial.
• JAUNTY † of persons, their manners, etc.: well-bred; gentlemanly; genteel ...1674
GENTILITY - adjectives
• HALF-HUNG-TEE of persons aping their betters: pretentious, affecting gentility ...1929 Sc.
• LADYNESS gentility, ladylikeness ...1823 Sc.
• NICE-NELLYISM prudishness, excessive gentility, puritanical behaviour or attitudes ...1930s US sl.
GENTILITY - nouns, person
• HALF-NIBS one who apes gentility ...Bk1902 sl.
• LA-DI-DA one who affects gentility ...c1883 sl.
GENTLE - adjectives
• BENIGN † gentle, meek, humble ...1377
• CADISH tame, gentle ...1788 Eng. dial.
• CANDID † gentle, courteous, kindly; not desirous to find faults ...1633
• DAFT † mild, gentle, meek, humble ...c1000
• DEBONAIR † of gentle disposition, mild, meek; gracious, kindly; courteous, affable ...a1225
• EASING-DOWN gentle ...1979 Amer. dial.
• EATH † of a person: easy to be entreated, gentle; also, ready, susceptible ...c1250
• EDMOD † gentle, humble, meek ...c1000
• EDMODI † gentle, humble, meek ...a1225
• EFFEMINATE † gentle, tender, compassionate ...1594
• EITH † of a person: easy to be entreated, gentle; also, ready, susceptible ...c1250
• FAVONIAN pert. to the west wind; hence, favourable, gentle, propitious ...1656
• GENTILITATE †* having gentle, refined, or polished manners, well-mannered ...1632
• HAND-TAME † tame and submissive to handling; mild, gentle ...a1300
• HYNDE † courteous, polite, gentle ...c1400
• JANTIL † gentle ...c1400
• LADIED †* lady-like; soft, gentle ...1628
• LENITIVE † of persons, their dispositions, etc.: displaying lenience, gentle, lenient ...1620
• MANSUETE † gentle, mild; tame, not wild or fierce ...c1374 obs. or arch.
• MEETH modest, mild, gentle ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MEEVERLY mild; of a gentle or modest disposition; shy, bashful; sparing in eating and drinking ...1819 Eng. dial.
• MELCH-HEARTED gentle, diffident, timid, poor-spirited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• METHEFUL † restrained, moderate; gentle, mild ...c1000 obs.
• MEVERLY shy, bashful; of a gentle or quiet disposition; affectedly sparing in drinking or eating ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOME gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL affable, familiar, gentle; guileless ...1894 Sc.
• NESH † tender, mild, gentle, kind; inclined to pity, mercy, or other tender feelings ...c897
• PLACIDIOUS †* gentle, placid ...1607
• QUIET gentle, civil, not given to strong language ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SPACK †* gentle; quiet; tame ...ME
• TENDERSOME tender, gentle, sweet ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TILL tame; gentle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBALEFUL † harmless, gentle ...c1200
• YENTYLL † gentle ...a1533
GENTLE - nouns (also see GENTLENESS)
• MANSUEFACTION a taming or making gentle ...1727
• NESH † mild or gentle treatment ...c1200
GENTLE - nouns, person
• DOVE a gentle or innocent person; formerly a simpleton ...L16
• LAMB one who is meek, gentle, innocent, or weak as a lamb ...c1000
• PIGEON a woman; a cute girl; a gentle woman ...20C US colloq.
GENTLE - verbs
• MOG to walk along slowly but steadily; to move gently ...1857 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• PULL ONE'S PUNCHES to use less force than one is capable of exerting; to be gentle or lenient, esp. in criticism or punishment
GENTLE - phrases
• SOFT FIRE MAKES SWEET MALT an admonition to be gentle or merciful ...1546
GENTLEMAN - nouns, person
• APOCRYPHATE † a spurious or sham gentleman ...1586
• CABALLERO a (Spanish) gentleman ...1837
• GALLANT a man of fashion and pleasure; a fine gentleman ...1388 arch.
• GEMMAN a vulgar pronunciation of 'gentleman' ...c1550
• GENTRY COFE a gentleman ...M16 cant
• GENTRY COVE a gentleman ...M16 cant
• JACK-GENTLEMAN † a man of low birth or manners making pretensions to be a gentleman; an insolent fellow, an upstart ...1667
• JAGGER a gentleman ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• MAN a gentleman ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MASTER a respectable, well-dressed man; a gentleman; any individual ...1851 Eng. dial.
• NIB a gentleman ...Bk1902 beggars' sl.
• NIB-COVE a gentleman ...Bk1902 beggars' sl.
• NOB a nobleman; a gentleman ...1753 sl.
• OLD PUT a pretentious old gentleman ...M18 sl.
• QUEER DUKE an impoverished gentleman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
GENTLEMANLY - adjectives
• JAUNTY † of persons, their manners, etc.: well-bred; gentlemanly; genteel ...1674
• NIBLIKE gentlemanly ...1834 beggars' sl.
• NIBSOME like a gentleman, gentlemanly...1839 beggars' sl.
• SARGENTLEMANLY a sarcastic allusion to one who is acting 'so gentlemanly' ...L19 sl.
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• DEBONAIRSHIP †* debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1240
• DEBONAIRTY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• DEBONARITY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• EDMEDE † gentleness, humility ...c1000
• EDMODNESS † gentleness, humility, meekness ...c888
• HAND-TAMENESS † submissiveness, gentleness ...a1300
• IRON HAND IN A VELVET GLOVE, AN rigid firmness accompanied by courtesy, politeness, and gentleness ...1834
• LENITUDE † gentleness, mildness ...1627
• LENITY mildness, gentleness, mercifulness in disposition or behaviour ...1548
• MANSUETIE †* gentleness, meekness ...1592
• MANSUETUDE gentleness, meekness ...c1386 arch.
• SUAVITUDE †* sweetness; gentleness ...1512
GENTLY - adverbs
• ALL BY EASE gently, quietly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• BENIGNLY † meekly, gently, humbly ...c1386
• CANNILY sagaciously, skilfully, prudently; cautiously, slyly; gently, softly; comfortably ...1636 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• FAIR † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND EASILY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...1523
• FAIR AND EVENLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND SOFTLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...c1374
• FAIRLY † gently, peaceably, quietly, softly ...c1400
• HANDSOMELY † carefully; without haste, gently, gradually ...1550 obs. exc. nautical usage
• MANSUETELY † gently, mildly ...c1460
• MEEVERLY moderately, tolerably, middling; fairly well in health; easily, gently ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MEVERLY moderately, tolerably, middling; fairly well in health; easily, gently ...1860 Eng. dial.
• NESH †* softly, gently, tenderly ...1297
• NESHLY † softly, gently ...c897 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEMELY † in a pleasing, agreeable, or becoming manner; neatly, gently, smoothly ...c1380
• WITH KID GLOVES delicately, gently, circumspectly, in such a manner so as to avoid upset ...1888 US
GENTRY - nouns
• GALLANTRY † gallants collectively; gentry, fashionable people ...1606
• HALF-HUNG-TEE would-be gentry ...1929 Sc.
• JENTRIE † gentry ...1422
• NABBERY the lower class of gentry ...Bk1903 Sc.
• NABRIE the lower class of gentry ...Bk1903 Sc.
GENUINE - adjectives
• ALL LEATHER genuine, reliable ...1922 Amer. dial.
• ALL WOOL AND A YARD WIDE of high quality; genuine; reliable; in the best condition ...1882 Amer. dial.
• ALL WOOL AND NO SHODDY of high quality; genuine; reliable; in the best condition ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CARD-CARRYING genuine; thoroughgoing ...1963 US jocular
• DEAD * perfect; genuine; veritable; unmistakable; absolute ...1819 Amer. sl.
• DINK genuine, true, honest ...1980 Aust. sl.
• DINKI-DI genuine, real ...1918 Aust. sl.
• DINKUM real, genuine ...1905 Aust. sl.
• DINKY-DI(E) genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...1918 Aust. sl.
• FAIR † original, genuine ...c1820 Amer. dial.
• FAIR DINK genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...E20 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• FAIR DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• FUNKY genuine, without pretensions ...1950s Amer. sl.
• GENUINAL †* genuine ...1599
• GUNGOO genuine; complete, entire ...20C Royal Navy usage
• HEARTLY † proceeding from or seated in the heart; expressive of real feeling; earnest, genuine, sincere ...1340-70
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• HEARTY heartfelt, genuine, sincere ...1479
• JANNOCK sociable; fair; just; straightforward; genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• JENICK fair, straightforward; genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• JONNOCK sociable; fair; just; straightforward, genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• LEAL † true, genuine, real, actual, exact, accurate ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• MCCOY genuine ...1920s US sl.
• NATURAL genuine, real ...1970 Amer. dial.
• NO-SHIT genuine ...1950s US sl.
• PAKKA certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKA genuine, reliable, or good ...1690 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKAH certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKER certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUKKA certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PURE-QUILL genuine ...1956 Amer. dial.
• REALLY real, genuine ...1916 Amer. dial.
• REALLY TRULY real, genuine ...1899 Amer. dial.
• REAL-QUILL genuine ...1949 Amer. dial.
• REVEREND extraordinary, distinguished, powerful; genuine, thorough ...1826 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT true, genuine ...1903 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT-DOWN genuine, downright ...1828 Amer. dial.
• SICKER † genuine, good ...a1400-50
• SIMON the genuine article; the real thing ...E19
• SIMON-PURE real, genuine, authentic ...1889
• SQUARE DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• STRAIGHT DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• TRUEPENNY true, genuine ...1523 colloq. arch.
• VERITABLE genuine, real, true; not counterfeit, false, or spurious; correctly or properly so called ...1483
GENUINE - nouns
• CHALK, THE something that is genuine; truth ...1843 US sl.
• PURE QUILL, THE something that is pure, genuine, of the highest quality ...1884 Amer. dial.
• PURE QUILL WITH A BEAD ON IT, THE something that is pure, genuine, of the highest quality ...1916 Amer. dial.
• REAL MACKAY, THE the genuine article, the true original, the real home product ...1870 Sc.
• REAL SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...a1832
• SIMON PURE the genuine article; the real thing ...E19
• SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...1815
GENUINE - nouns, person
• REAL SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...a1832
• SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...1815
GENUINELY - adverbs
• HARD DOWN really, truly, genuinely ...1959 Amer. dial.
• PURE-QUILL genuinely ...1956 Amer. dial.
• VERITABLY with truth or verity; truly, truthfully; genuinely, really ...1481
• NATURALNESS †* genuineness, legitimacy ...1656
• GAZETTEER a geographical index or dictionary ...1704
• GEOG geography ...L19 schoolchildren's usage
GEOLOGIST - nouns, person
• ROCKHOUND a geologist; an amateur mineralogist ...N. Amer. colloq.
GEOLOGY - nouns
• UNDERGROUND-BOOK † a book on geology ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GEOMETRY - nouns
• JOMMETRY geometry; magic art, geometry being considered magic ...1861
GEORGIA - nouns
• ASSHOLE OF THE FORTY-EIGHT the state of Georgia ...1962 Amer. sl.
• A-TOWN Atlanta, Georgia ...1995 US sl.
• BIG A Atlanta, Georgia ...1976 US sl.
• CRACKER STATE Georgia ...E19 US sl.
• FREAKNIK a mass celebration of Black students in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia during college spring break ...1992 US sl.
• HOTLANTA Atlanta, Georgia ...1970s US sl.
• HOT TOWN Atlanta, Georgia ...1970s US sl.
GEORGIA - nouns, person
• BUZZARD a native or resident of Georgia ...1845 Amer. jocular
• CORNCRACKER a native of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Virginia ...M19 US sl.
• GAUBER-GRUBBER an inhabitant of North Carolina, Arkansas, or Georgia ...M19 sl.
• GOOBER a poor countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1865 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRABBER a poor rustic or countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1867 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRABBLER an inhabitant of Georgia ...1908 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRUBBER a poor rustic or countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOUBER-GRABBLER an inhabitant of Georgia ...1869 Amer. dial.
• GRUBER-GRUBBER an inhabitant of North Carolina, Arkansas, or Georgia ...M19 sl.
GERM - nouns
• BUG a germ ...1919 sl.
• WOG a germ ...1941 Aust. sl.
GERMAN - adjectives
• BOCHE German ...1914
• SAUSAGE-EATING German ...1910s sl.
GERMAN - nouns
• CABBAGE HILL a German settlement area ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CABBAGE TOWN a German settlement area ...1967 Amer. dial.
GERMAN - nouns, person
• BELGIES † Low Germans ...1602
• BLITZ a German ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BOCHE (derogatory) a German; a German soldier; Germans collectively ...1914 sl.
• BONEHEAD a German ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORSCH a German ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BUSHER a German ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD (derogatory) a nickname for a German or a Dutchman ...M19 US sl.
• DAITSCH a German ...1967 Amer. dial.
• DEUTSCHER a person of German descent ...1950 Amer. dial.
• DUTCH a German ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DUTCHEE (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• DUTCHIE (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• DUTCHMAN a German ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• DUTCHY (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• ERIC (usually derogatory) a male German ...1985 Brit. sl.
• ERICH (usually derogatory) a male German ...1985 Brit. sl.
• FLATHEAD a German ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FRAT a woman met by fratting (frat - to establish friendly and esp. sexual relationships with German women: used of British and American occupying troops after World War II) ...1945 sl.
• FRITZ (mainly derogatory) a German; a German soldier of World War I ...1915 sl.
• GERRY a German, esp. a German soldier...wartime sl.
• HANS a German or Dutchman ...1855
• HANS WURST a German ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HARDHEAD a German ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HEINE a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HEINIE a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HINEY a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HUN a German, a person of German descent ...1900 UK sl.
• JERRY a German; a German soldier or aircraft; Germans or German soldiers collectively ...1919 sl.
• KRAUT (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1918 US sl.
• KRAUTHEAD (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1932 US sl.
• KRAUTHEAD (contemptuous) a German ...1932 Amer. sl.
• LUGER LOUT a German ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'Kraut'
• MULLER a German ...1939 Brit. sl.
• OLD FRITZ a German soldier ...World War I sl.
• OLD HEINE a German soldier ...World War I sl.
• SALE BOCHE a French term of abuse for a German (sale = dirty) ...1919 sl.
• SAUERKRAUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SAUERKRAUT EATER a German or person of Germany ancestry; also, a nickname for such a person ...1918 Amer. dial.
• SAUERKRAUTER (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SAUSAGE 1. a German ...1890 sl.
2. (derogatory) a nickname for a German soldier ...World War II US sl.
• SAUSAGE-EATER a German ...1910s sl.
• SOURCROUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SOURKRAUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SQUAREHEAD (derogatory) a foreigner of Germanic extraction; a German soldier in World War I ...1903 sl., chiefly US
• TANNAKIN † a diminutive pet-form of the name Ann or Anna; specifically used for a German or Dutch girl ...1557
GERMANY - nouns
• BIG B, THE Berlin, Germany ...1944 US Air Force usage
• BOCHELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BOSCHELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUTCHLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• HEINIELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HITLAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HUNLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRAUTLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LAND OF THE SQUAREHEAD Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NAZILAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• RHINELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VATERLAND, THE Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MANOEUVRE to beckon; to gesticulate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GESTICULATING - adjectives
• JAISTERING swaggering, gesturing, gesticulating ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GESTICULATION - adjectives
• GESTICULACIOUS * given to gesticulation ...1834
• MEGRIMS antics, tricks; gesticulations; grimaces ...1890 Eng. dial.
GESTURE - adjectives
• GESTUROUS † full of gesture, using gestures, addicted to gestures ...1576
GESTURE - nouns
• ANNE'S FAN a rude gesture, thumbing the nose; touching the tip of the thumb to the end of one's nose and spreading the fingers wide; it can be made worse by wiggling the fingers ...19C Brit.
• AUSSIE HAKA a gesture showing that you have no money to pay for the next round of drinks at a pub; it involves patting one's pockets, as if to say one has left their wallet at home ...1998 NZ sl.
• AUSTRALIAN HAKA a gesture showing that you have no money to pay for the next round of drinks at a pub; it involves patting one's pockets, as if to say one has left their wallet at home ...1998 NZ sl.
• CUNT HOOKS the insulting gesture that consists of jerking up the first two fingers, the back of the hand towards the person insulted ...20C sl.
• DOUBLE SIGHT a 'sight' (a gesture of derision made by placing the thumb on the tip of one's nose and spreading out the fingers like a fan) intensified by joining the tip of the little finger to the thumb of the other hand, which in turn has its fingers extended fanwise ...E18 sl.
• FASHIONS * actions, gestures, 'ways' ...1569
• FINGER WAVE the 'finger'; a curse expressed as a gesture; the middle finger pointed up with the remaining fingers clinched in a fist; the verbalization of the curse is assumed to be "Fuck you!" or "Stick it up your ass!" M20 US sl.
• GECK a gesture of derision; an expression of scorn or contempt ...1500-20 chiefly Sc.
• GRINDER a derisive gesture made by putting the thumb to the nose and working the little finger like the handle of a coffee mill ...M19 sl.
• HARVEY SMITH a V-sign or other gesture of contempt ...1973 Brit. sl.
• HIGH FIVE a greeting or celebratory gesture that takes the form of raising the arm and ritualistically slapping each other's palm ...1980s sl.
• ONE-FINGERED SALUTE an obscene gesture of contempt ...1960s US sl.
• ONE-FINGER SALUTE an obscene gesture of contempt ...1960s US sl.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FAN a gesture of derision: the thumb on the nose-tip and the fingers spread fan-wise ...E18 sl.
• RASPBERRY a sound or gesture expressing contempt, the continuous noise made by forcing air out of the mouth with the tongue held limply behind the lower lip ...1890 sl.
• RAZZ a 'razzberry'; a sound or gesture expressing contempt ...1919 sl., orig. US
• RAZZBERRY a sound or gesture expressing contempt, the continuous noise made by forcing air out of the mouth with the tongue held limply behind the lower lip ...1890 US sl.
• SALMON ARM SALUTE a derisive gesture based on clenching the fist and raising the middle finger ...1970s Can. sl.
• SIGHT a gesture of derision, made by placing the thumb on the tip of one's nose and spreading out the fingers like a fan ...E18 sl.
• SIGNACLE † a sign or gesture ...c1450
• VICK a two-fingered gesture that is used to insult or otherwise cause offense; the forefinger and the middle finger are extended to form a V shape, with the palm turned in towards the gesturer ...1985 Scot.
• VICKY a two-fingered gesture that is used to insult or otherwise cause offense; the forefinger and the middle finger are extended to form a V shape, with the palm turned in towards the gesturer ...1985 Scot.
GESTURE - verbs
• GECK AT to scoff at; to use mocking language or gestures towards ...1603 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GIVE ONE THE FINGER to make an obscene gesture with the middle finger raised as a sign of contempt, and hence showing contempt for someone ...1890 sl., orig. US
• MAKE A LONG NOSE to thumb one's nose ...L19 sl.
• MAKE BACON to make a derisive gesture; to put the thumb to the nose and spread out the fingers ...1887 Eng. dial.
• PULL BACON to make a derisive gesture; to put the thumb to the nose and spread out the fingers ...1887 Eng. dial.
• TAKE A GRINDER to make a coarse gesture similar to thumbing one's nose and using the other hand to work an imaginary coffee-grinder ...M19 sl.
• TAKE A SIGHT to place the thumb against the nose and close all the fingers except the little one, which is agitated as a token of derision ...M19 sl.
• TAKE DOUBLE SIGHTS to place the thumb against the nose and close all the fingers except the little one, which is agitated as a token of derision ...M19 sl.
GESTURING - adjectives
• JAISTERING swaggering, gesturing, gesticulating ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GET - nouns
• CAPTATION a catching at, an endeavour to get ...1523
GET - verbs
• ABCAP to get, to obtain ...M19 UK criminal's sl.
• BEGET † to get, to acquire, usually by effort ...a1000
• CAPTATE † to catch at, to strive to obtain, to seek after ...1628
• CATCH † to receive, to get, to obtain ...c1205
• CLEAR THE HARROWS to get one's object, to attain one's desire ...1892 Sc.
• FANG † to get, to obtain, to procure; also, to get together; to collect ...1340-70
• FINAGLE to wangle, to manoeuvre, to obtain by devious means; to get or achieve by trickery, craftiness, or persuasion ...1922 Amer. dial.
• KEEP † to try to catch or get; to seek after ...c1000
• LATCH † to be the recipient of; to get; to receive a name, gift, blow, injury; to catch a disease ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LUCRATE † to gain, to get, to win ...1623
• MAKE A PLAY FOR to try to get something ...1905 orig. US
• OFGO † to gain, to win, to obtain; to obtain by merit, to deserve, to earn ...c1000
• SCRAPE UP to get, esp. laboriously and bit by bit ...1617
• SCRATCH UP to get, esp. laboriously and bit by bit ...1922 Amer. sl.
• TAIN †* to obtain, to get ...1501
• TILL † to labour after, to seek after, to provide; to get by effort, to obtain, acquire or earn by labour; later, to get, to obtain ...a900
GET ALONG - verbs
• EAT AT THE SAME TABLE to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1968 Amer. dial.
• EAT IN THE SAME PLATE to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1968 Amer. dial.
• EAT OUT OF THE SAME DISH to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1954 Amer. dial.
• SCREE ON to get along somehow; to live through difficulties ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SET HORSES to get along ...1980s US Black sl.
• SKILL † to get along, to subsist ...1537
GET BY - verbs
• SCRAPE ALONG to survive; to carry on; to get by ...1884 Amer. sl.
• SCRAPE BY to survive; to carry on; to get by ...1884 Amer. sl.
• SCUFFLE to struggle; to just get by on little or no money ...1890s US Black sl.
GET UP - verbs
• GATHER TO ONE'S FEET to get to one's feet, to rise up ...1827 Sc.
• GATHER TO ONE'S LEGS to get to one's feet, to rise up ...1801 Sc.
GEWGAW - nouns
• BLAWFLUM a flattering delusion; a gewgaw; a mere deception ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONNY-WALLIES gewgaws, trinkets ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONNY-WAWLIES gewgaws, trinkets ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIE a toy, a plaything, a geegaw ...1816 Sc.
• FALDERAL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FALDERDAL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FAL DE ROL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FALLALS finery, trumpery ornaments, trifles, gewgaws ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FANDANGLEMENT a whim, crotchet; a gewgaw ...1867 Eng. dial.
• FEGARY * a gewgaw; a trifle; finery in dress ...E18 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• FLAMFEW a gaudy ornament; a dazzling trifle; a gewgaw; something pretty and of little value ...1580 arch.
• FOLDEROL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FOL-DE-ROLL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FOLDIDOL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FRIGGLE-FRAGGLES toys, trifles, gewgaws; useless, vain ornaments of dress ...19C Sc.
• GAUD a plaything, a toy; also, something gaudy; a showy ornament, a piece of finery; a gewgaw ...c1430
• GAUDY † a bright-coloured ornament; a toy, a bauble, a gewgaw ...1555
• GAW * a gewgaw ...1822
• GAWD a plaything, a toy; also, something gaudy; a showy ornament, a piece of finery; a gewgaw ...c1430
• MEE-MAW a trifle, a gewgaw ...1899 Eng. dial.
• NIGNAY a knickknack, a trinket, a trifle; a trifling, useless thing or proceeding; an unnecessary ornament or frill, a gewgaw ...a1689 Sc.
• PARAPHERNALS gewgaws, knickknacks, odds and ends, trifling possessions ...1962 Sc.
• TRIM-TRAM † a personal ornament of little value; a pretty toy or trifle; a gewgaw; a worthless thing ...1523
• TRINKUM-TRANKUMS † trinkets, gewgaws; odd matters of finery, as ribbons, etc. ...1718 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TRITTLE-TRATTLES * trifles, gewgaws, knickknacks; children's toys ...1896 Sc.
• VARIORUM a piece of decoration, in furniture, etc.; an ornament, gewgaw, trinket; a flourish in handwriting; any unnecessary appendage ...1864 Sc.
• WALLIE a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WALLY a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WALY a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WAWLIE a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
GEWGAW - verbs
• MEE-MAW to dress up, to wear a great many gewgaws ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• GASHLINESS ghastliness, dismalness ...1848
GHASTLY - adjectives
• ALLAGRUGOUS discontented-looking, ill-natured, morose, disagreeable; grim, ghastly ...1742 Sc.
• ASTREN having a frightful or ghastly appearance ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AUSTERN having a frightful or ghastly appearance ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AUSTROUS frightful, ghastly ...1820 Sc.
• ELDRICK unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRITCH weird, ghostly, unnatural; frightful, hideous, ghastly, fearful, terrible ...1508 Sc.
• GASHFUL † ghastly, horrid ...1620 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GASHLY † ghastly, horrid ...1633 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LARVAL † belonging to a night spirit, ghost, hobgoblin; ghastly, dreadful ...1656
• MALEGRUGROUS grim, ghastly; discontented-looking ...1742 Sc.
• MALLAGRUGOUS grim, ghastly; discontented-looking ...1742 Sc.
• UGGIN disgusting, loathsome, nauseating; frightful; horrible; ghastly ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UGSOME ugly, hideous, disgusting, loathsome, nauseating; frightful; horrible; ghastly ...c1400 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNKED weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• UNKERD weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• UNKID weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• YELLERISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• YELLISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
GHETTO - adverbs
• BEHIND THE BRIDGE in any ghetto or slum ...1992 Trinidad and Tobago
GHETTO - nouns
• BLACK BELT the section of a city which is populated predominantly by Blacks; the poor section of a city; a ghetto ...1970 Amer. dial.
• GALLION the slave quarters; hence, the Black ghetto; the Black world ...1940s US Black sl.
• NEW JACK CITY Detroit, New York CIty, or any other city with a thriving ghetto style ...1980s US Black sl.
GHETTO - nouns, person
• NEW JACK a sophisticate, someone who has succeeded in the ghetto culture ...2000s US Black sl.
• NEW JILL a sophisticate, someone who has succeeded in the ghetto culture ...2000s US Black sl.
GHOST - adjectives
• BOGLE-RAD afraid of ghosts ...Bk1911 Sc.
• LARVAL † belonging to a night spirit, ghost, hobgoblin; ghastly, dreadful ...1656
• POKY spooky; suggestive of ghosts or the like ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
GHOST - nouns
• BARGHEST a ghost, wraith, or hobgoblin ...1788 Eng. dial.
• BOO-DADDY a ghost, hobgoblin; often used to threaten children ...1888 Amer. dial.
• BOODIE a ghost, a hobgoblin ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOOGER a ghost, hobgoblin; often used to threaten children ...1866 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERBOO. a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERMAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1903 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIE a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIEBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIEBOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BOOG MAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOKITY SAM a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUGABO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1899 Amer. dial.
• BUGABOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1787 Amer. dial.
• BUGGABEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUGGER a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BUGGERBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUGGER-MAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BUGGYBOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CADDY † a ghost; a bugbear ...1790 Eng. dial.
• DAVID a power or spirit controlling rain and storms ...1918 US nautical & military sl.
• DAVY a power or spirit controlling rain and storms ...1800 US nautical & military sl.
• DICKETY-BOO a ghost; a bugbear ...1954 Amer. dial.
• DOBBIE a household sprite or apparition supposed to haunt certain premises or localities, with powers of either good or evil; a ghost, a spectre ...1781 Eng. dial.
• GALLY-TROT an apparition, a ghostly object ...1895 Eng. dial.
• GANFER a ghost, apparition; any supernatural phenomenon ...1774 Sc.
• HAG † applied to ghosts, hobgoblins, and other terrors of the night ...1538
• HANTS ghosts ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HAUNT a ghost or spirit ...1869 Amer. dial.
• KAHUNA a ghost ...1954 Hawaii
• LARVA † a disembodied spirit; a ghost, a hobgoblin, a spectre ...1651
• NERTEROLOGY * learning relating to the dead; ghost-lore ...1800
• OLD BOOGERMAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PASTY-FOOT a ghost, demon; a tramp ...1897 Eng. dial.
• REDE the ghost or 'double' of a living person ...1930 Amer. dial.
• REVENANT one who returns from the dead; a ghost ...1828
• SCRAG a ghost ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SKOOKUM a ghost, a demon, a spirit ...1900 Amer. dial.
• SPOOK orig. used by Black slaves as a reference to ghosts, and later as a reference to White people as 'ghost-like' ...1800s US Black sl.
• THUMB-CAP a haunting thing; an apparition, a ghost ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TOMMYKNOCKER a ghost or spirit said to live in mines; the noise made by such a spirit ...1910 Amer. dial.
• UMBRA the shade of a deceased person; a phantom or ghost ...1599
• WAFF an apparition, a wraith, a ghost; the vision of a dead or absent person ...1705 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• WAITH the spectral appearance of a person just before or after death; a ghost ...1790 Eng. dial.
GHOST - verbs
• APPEAR of ghosts: to 'walk', to haunt places ...Bk1898 N. Ireland
• THREEN to tell ghost stories or superstitious tales ...1898 Sc.
• THRENE to tell ghost stories or superstitious tales ...1898 Sc.
GHOSTLY - adjectives
• EERIESOME ghostly, weird, awe-inspiring ...1856 Sc.
• EILDRON unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny ...1838 Sc.
• ELDRICK unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRITCH weird, ghostly, unnatural; frightful, hideous, ghastly, fearful, terrible ...1508 Sc.
• YELLERISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• YELLISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
GHOSTLY - nouns
• THREEN a story or tradition of a ghostly and generally superstitious nature ...1720 Sc.
• THRENE a story or tradition of a ghostly and generally superstitious nature ...1720 Sc.
• THINGS ghostly appearances ...1902 Eng. dial.
GIANT - nouns, person
• GARAGANTUA † a giant ...1571
• GARGANTUA † a giant ...1571
• GOGMAGOG † a giant; a man of immense stature and strength; a big strong person ...c1580
• OGRIE † an ogre; a giant with huge, fiery eyes, supposed to feed on children ...1825 Sc.
• YETIN † a giant ...1825 Sc.
• ABRACADABRA a pretended conjuring word; a meaningless word of mysterious sound; jargon, gibberish ...1687
• BARRIKIN high-flown language; unintelligible language; gibberish, jargon ...1851 Eng. sl.
• GABBER jabber, gibberish ...1796
• GALIC incomprehensible talk, nonsense, gibberish ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GALIMATIAS speech that is so rapid, confused, or disguised as to be unintelligible; a dark, perplexed discourse; meaningless talk; nonsense, gibberish ...1653
• GREEK unintelligible speech or language, gibberish ...E17
• GRIMGRIBBER legal or other technical jargon; learned gibberish ...1786
• HIBBER-GIBBER † a confused repetition or babble of talking; unmeaning sounds or phrases; gibberish ...1592
• JABBERMENT * senseless talk; chatter; nonsense; gibberish ...1644 colloq.
• RANTUM-SCANTUM † unintelligible language, gibberish ...1600
• RANTUM-SKANTUM † unintelligible language, gibberish ...1600
• UBBLE-GUBBLE nonsense; gibberish ...20C US sl.
• CHAUER † to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• JABBER to chatter; to speak fast and indistinctly; to talk thick and fast; to talk gibberish; to speak or say rapidly, incoherently, and without making sense ...1499
• JAVER † to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
GIBE - nouns
• BAB a taunt; a gibe ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOB a taunt, a gibe ...Bk1911 Sc.
• GABBERIES †* mockeries, gibes, jests, wily deceits ...1627
• JAB a cutting remark ...1879 Sc.
• JAPE † a device to amuse; a merry or idle tale; a jest, a joke, a gibe ...c1340
• JERK † a lash of sarcasm; a cutting gibe ...1590
• NAP a gibe, a sarcastic remark or reproof; a jeering way of speaking ...1885 Sc.
• QUIB †* a gibe, quip ...1656
GIBE - verbs
• BABBIS † to scoff, to gibe ...1825 Sc.
• FORGAB † to defame, to publish the misdeeds of; to mock, gibe, deride ...c1394
• JERRY to gibe; to chaff with malice ...Bk1896 sl.
• LANT to mock, to jeer, to gibe at ...1861 Sc.
• QUIB †* to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
• REAR to mock, to gibe; to scold ...1893 Eng. dial.
GIBE - phrases
• YOU ARE IRISH AND THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD'S POISON a jocular gibe ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GIBRALTAR - nouns, person
• SCORP a person from Gibraltar ...1912 Brit. services' sl.
• SCORPION a person from Gibraltar ...1845 Brit. services' sl.
• CALEERINESS giddiness; fun; mischief ...1880 Sc. & Ireland
• HEAD-LIGHTNESS giddiness, dizziness ...1899 Sc.
GIDDY - adjectives
• AIRHEADED stupid, giddy ...Bk2000 Amer. sl.
• ALLAVOLIE giddy, volatile ...Bk1898 Sc.
• ALLEVOLIE giddy, volatile ...Bk1898 Sc.
• ALTITUDE-HAPPY giddy from the effects of too much oxygen ...1955 Amer. aviation usage
• BALMY crazy; giddy and aloof ...1851 colloq.
• BARMY-BRAINED foolish, giddy, flighty; light-headed ...1824 Sc.
• CALEERIED scatterbrained, giddy ...20C Ireland
• COCK-BRAINED having little judgement; foolish and light-headed; silly, giddy, rash, harebrained, thoughtless, flighty ...1530
• DAFT thoughtless or giddy in one's mirth; madly gay or frolicsome ...c1575 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAUSEY-HEADED giddy, thoughtless; bewildered, confused ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FEATHER-BRAINED foolish, giddy, light-headed ...1820
• FEATHER-PATED foolish, giddy, light-headed, silly ...1820
• FLAPPY giddy, unsteady ...Eng. dial.
• FLOCK-PATED † silly, stupid, foolish; giddy; having a head or brains like wool ...?1640
• FLYAWAY frivolous or flighty; giddy
• GAUFFIN light-headed, foolish, thoughtless, giddy ...1810 Sc.
• GIDDISH †* giddy, fickle, foolish ...1566
• HALLIRACKIT giddy, hare-brained ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HALLOCKIT wild, romping; light, giddy; crazy, half-witted ...1787 Sc.
• HALOKIT giddy, thoughtless, foolish, crazy ...1724 Sc.
• HEADLAND headlong, precipitate, giddy ...1863 Eng. dial.
• HEAD-LIGHT giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...1899 Sc.
• HEADY †* affected in the head; giddy ...1628
• HEDLIN headlong, precipitate, giddy ...1863 Eng. dial.
• HELLICAT giddy, light-headed, flighty, half-witted ...1815 Sc.
• HIDDIE-GIDDIE confused, giddy, wanton ...1450-70 Sc.
• HODDY-DODDY giddy, drunk ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INGIDDIED †* made giddy or unsteady ...1628
• KECKLING chuckling, noisy; of a giddy disposition ...1820 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MAZED stunned, confused, stupefied, dizzy, giddy, confused in the head ...1887 Eng. dial.
• MAZED-HEADED dizzy, giddy ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-HEADED dizzy, giddy; bewildered, stupefied, confused ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZY giddy, dizzy, confused in the head ...1740 Eng. dial.
• MAZZING giddy, light-headed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY dizzy, giddy; confused in the head ... 1740 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY-SOW giddy, empty-headed ...1854 Eng. dial.
• RAMBLE-HEADED †* of a wandering, giddy disposition ...a1761
• RAMMEL-HEADED of a wandering, giddy disposition ...1824 Sc.
• RANISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANNISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-NODDLED † characterized by foolish noisy levity of character or conduct; giddy, harebrained, flighty, noisy, wild; rattle-headed ...1661
• RENNISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFEREL thoughtless, foolish, giddy; also, ill-dressed ...1822 Sc.
• TANTY unstable, ready to fall, giddy ...1880 Sc.
• TURN-SICK † affected with vertigo, giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...c1440
• UNCANNY giddy, careless, incautious, imprudent ...1638 orig. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• VOLAGEOUS † very giddy and light ...Bk1905 Sc.
• VOLISH † giddy, inconsiderate ...1759 Sc.
• WANTON † capricious, frivolous, giddy ...1538 obs.
• WESTY † dizzy, giddy; light-headed, confused ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WHIZZLE-BRAINED giddy, thoughtless, harebrained ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WHIZZY dizzy, giddy; confused ...1866 Eng. dial.
• WIZZLE-PATED giddy, harebrained, thoughtless ...B1900 Eng. dial.
GIDDY - nouns
• KECKLE a chuckle; noisy laughter; giddy behaviour ...1871 Sc.
• KECKLING noisy laughter; giddy conduct ...1819 Sc.
GIDDY - nouns, person
• AIRLING a young, thoughtless, gay person; a giddy, frivolous person; a coxcomb ...1611
• CALEERY a giddy, hysterical person; a mischievous, scatterbrained, overexcitable person ...20C Ireland
• DAFFY DAME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DING-A-LING a fool; an oaf; an odd, giddy person who hears bells ...1935 US sl.
• DIZZY a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DIZZY DAME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FALDERAL a pedantic giddy person ...1866 Sc.
• FEATHER-BRAIN a foolish, giddy person; a dull, stupid person; a silly, light-headed person ...1839
• FLAP a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPER a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPERETTE a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPEROO a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPY FEMME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLEAK (derogatory) a woman; a foolish or giddy woman ...E17 Brit. colloq.
• FLIGHTY FRILL a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLIP-FLAP a flighty woman; a giddy girl ...18C Brit. sl.
• FLIPPY FLAPPER a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLIRTIGIG a giddy, flighty girl; a flirtatious and wanton young woman ...1683 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• FLISKMAHOY a giddy, ostentatious person; a flighty girl; a giddy, gawky girl; a woman who gives herself airs ...1816 Sc.
• FLUFF a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FONKIN a giddy little oaf ...L16 colloq. or nonce
• FRISGIG a silly, giddy young woman ...19C Eng. dial.
• FRIVOLOUS FRAIL. a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FRIZGIG a silly, giddy young woman ...19C Eng. dial.
• GAMSTER a giddy, irresponsible or frivolous woman ...c1920 Sc.
• GIDDY GAL a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• GIDDY-HEAD a giddy, frivolous person; one without serious thought or sound judgement ...1641
• GIGLET a giddy, laughing, romping girl; a merry, light-hearted, playful girl ...a1340
• GIXY † a giddy, frivolous girl; a wench; a lively lass; a wanton woman ...1611
• GOOSECAP † a silly fellow; a stupid, foolish person; a simpleton; a giddy or flighty young girl ...1589 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HALLIRAKUS a giddy, hare-brained person ...1803 Sc.
• HALLOPER one who is giddy or precipitate ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HALOCK a giddy thoughtless girl or young woman ...1508 Sc.
• HALOK † a light, thoughtless girl; a giddy young woman ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HARE-BRAIN † one who has a brain like a hare's, or no more brain than a hare; a giddy, reckless or rash person; an oaf, a fool ...1550
• JACK-O'-WISP † a giddy or flighty person ...1896
• JADE a giddy young girl, used in a playful sense ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KILEERY a giddy, hysterical person ...Ireland
• MADLOCK a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADPASH a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADSTART a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PAVIE a frivolous, giddy person; one who loves display, a show-off; one who puts on airs; an idle, trifling child ...a1850 Sc.
• PEEVEE a frivolous, giddy person; one who loves display, a show-off; one who puts on airs; an idle, trifling child ...a1850 Sc.
• PETAL-SHEDDING CHRYSANTHEMUM a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• RAMSTAM a giddy, forward, impetuous, reckless person ...1823 Sc.
• RATTLE a giddy, harebrained person; one who talks volubly; a chatterer; a stupid fellow ...B1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-CAP a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-HORN a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1785 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-PATE a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-SCULL a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1790 Sc.
• RATTLE-SKULL a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1790 Sc. 046 EDD Wright 1904
• RATTLETRAP a talkative, garrulous, or gossiping person; a lively giddy girl ...Bk1904 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• RATTLE-TRAPS a noisy, talkative person; a lively giddy girl ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SKITE a boyish, giddy person ...1790 Amer. dial.
• STRACKLE-BRAIN a giddy, thoughtless person; a simpleton, a fool; a good-for-nothing ...1877 Eng. dial.
• TAPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAPLOCH † a giddy-brained girl ...1824 Sc.
• TAPPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAPPY a foolish, giddy, awkward, idle, or slovenly girl ...1824 Sc.
• TAUPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; an idle or slovenly person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAWPIE a foolish, giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; an idle or slovenly person; generally applied to young women ...1728 Sc.
• UNCONSCIOUS a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
GIDDY - verbs
• FALDERAL to make trifling excuses; to behave in a giddy, pedantic manner ...1866 Sc.
• LADDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LALDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LILDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MAZE to turn giddy or light-headed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GIFT - adjectives
• DATIVE † of the nature of a gift; conferred or bestowed as a gift ...1570-6
• MUNIFEROUS † bringing gifts ...1656
• OPEN-HANDED † ready to receive gifts ...1701
• PREMIOUS * rich in gifts; abounding in gifts ...1855
GIFT - nouns
• BENEFICE † a gift; a gratuity ...c1380
• BENEFICENCE a benefaction, a beneficent gift, deed, or work ...1654
• BENEFIT a kind deed, a kindness; a favour, a gift ...1377 arch.
• CADEAU a present or gift ...a1845 Fr.
• CANT n. a gift ...1857 tramps' sl.
• COLLIBY † a small present or gift ...c1450
• DASH a gift, present, tip ...1788
• DASHEE a gift, a present, a gratuity ...1705
• DRUERY † a love-token, a keepsake, a gift, a present ...a1225
• EXCUSE-US a gift in exchange for hospitality ...1938 Amer. dial.
• FAIR † a gift bought at a fair ...1768 Sc.
• FAIRING 1. a present given at or brought from a fair ...1574
2. a complimentary gift of any kind ...1588
• FEE † a gift in acknowledgement of favour ...a1592
• GARRISON † store, treasure; donation, gift ...1297
• HAND-OFFER a gift ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HANDSEL 1. a gift or present (expressive of good wishes) at the beginning of a new year, or on entering upon any new condition, situation, or circumstances, the donning of new clothes, etc.; orig. deemed to be auspicious, or to ensure good luck for the new year, etc.; a good omen ...a1300
† 2. a gift or present given on any occasion; reward ...1390
• HANSEL 1. a gift or present (expressive of good wishes) at the beginning of a new year, or on entering upon any new condition, situation, or circumstances, the donning of new clothes, etc.; orig. deemed to be auspicious, or to ensure good luck for the new year, etc. ...a1300
† 2. a gift or present given on any occasion; reward ...1390
• LAKE † an offering, sacrifice; also, a gift ...c1000
• LARGITION * the bestowal of gifts or largesse; bountiful giving ...1533
• MADME † a precious thing; a treasure; a valuable gift ...a1000
• MONEY SHOWER a shower or wedding at which money is given as a gift ...1967 Amer. dial.
• OBLATION † the act of offering or presenting, as a gift in token of respect or honour; also, a gift so offered ...1595
• POLLYANNA an arrangement by which each member of a group gives a gift to one other member chosen at random; a gift given according to such an arrangement; the person to whom one gives or from whom one receives such a gift ...1985 Amer. dial.
• PROUGHS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PRUCKS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PRUGHS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PURTIES little gifts for a girl ...Irish sl.
• SIRSEE a small gift, esp. one given impromptu ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TILLY something additional and of small value given into the bargain, as a gift or bonus ...1867 Ireland
• VAIL a gift or present in the nature of a bribe ...1687
• WARISON † a gift bestowed by a superior; a reward ...a1300
• YERESGIFT † a gift customarily given at the New Year, or at the beginning of a year of office ...a1400
• YERESYEVE † a gift customarily given at the New Year, or at the beginning of a year of office ...1194
GIFT - verbs
• HANDSEL to present with, give, or offer something auspicious at the commencement of the year or day, the beginning of an enterprise, etc.; to inaugurate the new year to anyone with gifts, or the day to a dealer by being his first customer ...c1430
• HANSEL to present with, give, or offer something auspicious at the commencement of the year or day, the beginning of an enterprise, etc.; to inaugurate the new year to anyone with gifts, or the day to a dealer by being his first customer ...c1430
• SALUTE † to honour a person with a present, gift, etc. ...a1592
GIFTED - nouns, person
• PHENOM an unusually gifted person ...1950 US sl.
GIGANTIC - adjectives
• BABYLONIAN huge, gigantic, large ...1821
• BABYLONIC huge, gigantic, large ...1853
• GIGANTINE † large, huge, gigantic ...1664
• TITAN titanic, gigantic ...1697
• TITANESQUE colossal, gigantic ...1882
• TITANIAN large, huge, colossal, gigantic ...1667
• TITANIC gigantic, colossal ...1709
• TITANICAL †* gigantic, colossal ...1642
GIGANTIC - nouns
• BLOCKBUSTER anything enormous or gigantic; often used of a best-selling novel, film, TV series, etc. ...1940s sl.
GIGGLE - adjectives
• GIZZLE to giggle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
GIGGLE - nouns
• TITTER a stifled laugh, a giggle ...1728
GIGGLE - nouns, person
• TITTERER one who laughs restrainedly; a giggler ...1828
GIGGLE - verbs
• FIND A HAW-HAW'S NEST WITH A TEE-HEE'S EGG IN IT to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1842 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEE-HEE'S NEST FULL OF HA-HA EGGS to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEE-HEE'S NEST WITH A HA-HA'S EGG IN IT to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEHEE'S EGG IN A HAHA'S NEST to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• GAGGLE † to laugh, to giggle, to cackle ...1885 Sc.
• KECKLE of a person: to chuckle, to laugh, to giggle ...1513
• SMIRKLE to smirk or smile; to giggle; to laugh in a suppressed manner ...c1590 Sc.
• TITTER to laugh in a suppressed or covert way; to giggle ...a1619
GIGGLING - adjectives
• AGIG giggling, excited ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• GAGGLING laughing affectedly, giggling ...1892 Sc.
• TITTERING giggling, laughing with suppressed mirth ...1748
GIGGLING - nouns
• TITTERATION tittering, giggling ...1754
GIGGLING - nouns, person
• GIGGLEBY a silly, flighty or giggling girl ...1903 Sc.
GIGGLING - verbs
• TUMBLE INTO A TEEHEE'S NEST to be taken with a fit of giggling ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
GIGOLO - nouns, person
• TANGO PIRATE a gigolo ...20C US sl.
GILD - verbs
• DEAURATE † to gild over ...1562
GILDED - adjectives
• DEAURATE † gilded, golden ...c1430
• GOLDED-UP gilded ...1937 Amer. dial.
GILDING - nouns
• DEAURATION † the act of gilding ...1658
GIMMICK - nouns
• GAFF a gimmick, a hidden trick ...1960s sl.
GIN - nouns
• BLUE BLAZES spirituous liquors in general, gin in particular ...Bk1890 sl.
• BLUE RUIN gin, usually of a bad quality ...1819 sl.
• BUNG IT gin ...1920s rhyming sl. (see BUNG IT IN)
• BUNG IT IN gin ...1920s rhyming sl.
• CAT'S WATER gin ...1849 sl.
• CLAP OF THUNDER a glass of gin ...E19 Brit. sl.
• CLEAR CRYSTAL white spirits, esp. gin; loosely, brandy and rum ...c1860 sl.
• COCK-MY-CAP gin ...E18 sl.
• COCKNEY BREAKFAST gin or brandy and soda water ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• DAFFEY † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DAFFY † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DAFFY'S ELIXIR † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DEADEYE Deady brand gin; gin ...1890 US sl.
• DEADY gin, or a particular quality of gin ...1819 sl.
• DIDDLE alcoholic drink, esp. gin ...E18 sl.
• DIDO liquor; gin ...E20 US sl.
• DIRTY GIN unwatered gin ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EYE-WATER gin ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLASH OF LIGHTNING a glass of gin; a dram of neat spirit ...1789 sl.
• G AND T gin and tonic ...1966 UK sl.
• GIN AND IT gin and Italian vermouth ...20C sl.
• GIN-BUD a gin-induced spot or pimple on the face ...c1820 sl.
• GIN-COASTER a pink gin with soda ...c1880 sl.
• GIN-CRAWL a drinking bout on gin ...1883 sl.
• GIN KEN a gin shop ...L18 sl.
• HEARTSEASE a measure of gin ...M17 sl.
• JACKEY gin ...1799 sl.
• JACKY gin ...1799 sl.
• LADY DACRE'S WINE gin ...E19 sl.
• LIGHT BLUE gin ...19C Brit.
• LIGHTNING gin; also, any strong, often low-quality alcoholic spirit ...1781 sl., chiefly US
• LIGHT WET gin ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LINCOLN'S INN gin ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• LOTION a drink, rarely of aught but liquor, and esp. of gin ...1876 sl.
• MAHOGANY a drink of gin and treacle ...1835 Eng. dial.
• MATRIMONY a mixture of gin and whisky, or gin and rum ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MISERY gin ...E19 sl.
• MODEST QUENCHER a glass of gin and water ...M19 sl.
• MOTHERS gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHER'S RUIN gin ...1937 UK sl.
• NEEDLE gin ...1910s rhyming sl. (Needle and Pin)
• NEEDLE AND PIN gin ...1910s rhyming sl.
• NIG gin ...19C Brit. back-slang
• NIGGER GIN (derogatory) inferior or synthetic gin ...1900s US sl.
• NIGGER HEEL (derogatory) bad liquor, esp. gin ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OLD TOM strong gin ...1821 sl.
• PANTHER strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1932 Amer. dial.
• PANTHER MILK strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1930s sl.
• PANTHER PISS strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER PURGE strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1930s sl.
• PANTHER SWEAT strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1929 sl.
• PARAFFIN gin ...20C S. Afr. rhyming sl.
• PARSON'S WIFE gin, esp. Vicker's Gin ...1920s Aust. sl.
• PINKERS pink gin ...1961 Brit. sl., chiefly naval usage
• QUARTERN O'BRY a 1/4 pint of gin ...M19 sl.
• QUEEN'S TEARS alcohol, usually gin ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• RAG-WATER gin ...1780 sl.
• RAIN gin ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RALPH LYNN gin ...1920s rhyming sl.
• RIGHT-SORT gin ...1820 sl.
• SATIN gin ...1854 sl.
• STARK-NAKED gin ...Bk1904 sl.
• STRIP-ME-NAKED gin ...c1820 sl.
• STRONG AND THIN gin; a glass of gin ...E20 US rhyming sl.
• TAPE a fiery drink, spirits, usually gin ...1725 sl.
• TIGER'S MILK gin ...1850 sl.
• TITERY † gin ...1725 sl.
• TITTERY † gin ...1725 sl.
• TWANKAY gin ...1900s sl.
• TWANKEY gin ...1900s sl.
• UNSWEETENED gin ...L19 sl.
• VERA a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl. (Vera Lynn)
• VERA LYNN a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl.
• WHITE gin or any alcoholic beverage ...20C US sl.
• WHITE FACE gin ...c1820 Aust. sl.
• WHITE SATIN gin ...1854 Brit. sl.
• WHITE TAPE gin ...E18 Brit. sl.
• WHITE VELVET gin ...19C US criminals' sl.
• YARD OF SATIN a glass of gin ...19C sl.
GIN - nouns, person
• DAFFIER a gin drinker ...c1820 sl.
• VERA a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl. (Vera Lynn)
• VERA LYNN a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl.
GIN - verbs
• DAFFY to drink gin ...1820 sl.
• DAFFY IT to drink gin ...1820 sl.
• BLACKJACK gingerbread ...1975 Amer. dial.
GINSENG - nouns
• SANG ginseng ...M19 US sl.
GINSENG - verbs
• SANG to gather ginseng ...M19 US sl.
• ENGINE intellect, genius, mental capacity; disposition, character ...1631 Sc.
GENIUS - nouns, person
• BEL-ESPRIT a clever genius; a brilliant wit ...1638
• GENIUSESS a female genius ...1772 nonce word
• INGINE † an ingenious person, a genius; a person of ability ...1824 Sc.
GENTEEL - adjectives
• FARRANTLY of a person: genteel, respectable ...1790 N. Eng. dial.
• JAUNTY † of persons, their manners, etc.: well-bred; gentlemanly; genteel ...1674
GENTILITY - adjectives
• HALF-HUNG-TEE of persons aping their betters: pretentious, affecting gentility ...1929 Sc.
• LADYNESS gentility, ladylikeness ...1823 Sc.
• NICE-NELLYISM prudishness, excessive gentility, puritanical behaviour or attitudes ...1930s US sl.
GENTILITY - nouns, person
• HALF-NIBS one who apes gentility ...Bk1902 sl.
• LA-DI-DA one who affects gentility ...c1883 sl.
GENTLE - adjectives
• BENIGN † gentle, meek, humble ...1377
• CADISH tame, gentle ...1788 Eng. dial.
• CANDID † gentle, courteous, kindly; not desirous to find faults ...1633
• DAFT † mild, gentle, meek, humble ...c1000
• DEBONAIR † of gentle disposition, mild, meek; gracious, kindly; courteous, affable ...a1225
• EASING-DOWN gentle ...1979 Amer. dial.
• EATH † of a person: easy to be entreated, gentle; also, ready, susceptible ...c1250
• EDMOD † gentle, humble, meek ...c1000
• EDMODI † gentle, humble, meek ...a1225
• EFFEMINATE † gentle, tender, compassionate ...1594
• EITH † of a person: easy to be entreated, gentle; also, ready, susceptible ...c1250
• FAVONIAN pert. to the west wind; hence, favourable, gentle, propitious ...1656
• GENTILITATE †* having gentle, refined, or polished manners, well-mannered ...1632
• HAND-TAME † tame and submissive to handling; mild, gentle ...a1300
• HYNDE † courteous, polite, gentle ...c1400
• JANTIL † gentle ...c1400
• LADIED †* lady-like; soft, gentle ...1628
• LENITIVE † of persons, their dispositions, etc.: displaying lenience, gentle, lenient ...1620
• MANSUETE † gentle, mild; tame, not wild or fierce ...c1374 obs. or arch.
• MEETH modest, mild, gentle ...Bk1905 Sc.
• MEEVERLY mild; of a gentle or modest disposition; shy, bashful; sparing in eating and drinking ...1819 Eng. dial.
• MELCH-HEARTED gentle, diffident, timid, poor-spirited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• METHEFUL † restrained, moderate; gentle, mild ...c1000 obs.
• MEVERLY shy, bashful; of a gentle or quiet disposition; affectedly sparing in drinking or eating ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• MOME gentle; quiet; demure, diffident; thoughtful; smooth-spoken ...1864 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL affable, familiar, gentle; guileless ...1894 Sc.
• NESH † tender, mild, gentle, kind; inclined to pity, mercy, or other tender feelings ...c897
• PLACIDIOUS †* gentle, placid ...1607
• QUIET gentle, civil, not given to strong language ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SPACK †* gentle; quiet; tame ...ME
• TENDERSOME tender, gentle, sweet ...1899 Eng. dial.
• TILL tame; gentle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNBALEFUL † harmless, gentle ...c1200
• YENTYLL † gentle ...a1533
GENTLE - nouns (also see GENTLENESS)
• MANSUEFACTION a taming or making gentle ...1727
• NESH † mild or gentle treatment ...c1200
GENTLE - nouns, person
• DOVE a gentle or innocent person; formerly a simpleton ...L16
• LAMB one who is meek, gentle, innocent, or weak as a lamb ...c1000
• PIGEON a woman; a cute girl; a gentle woman ...20C US colloq.
GENTLE - verbs
• MOG to walk along slowly but steadily; to move gently ...1857 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• PULL ONE'S PUNCHES to use less force than one is capable of exerting; to be gentle or lenient, esp. in criticism or punishment
GENTLE - phrases
• SOFT FIRE MAKES SWEET MALT an admonition to be gentle or merciful ...1546
GENTLEMAN - nouns, person
• APOCRYPHATE † a spurious or sham gentleman ...1586
• CABALLERO a (Spanish) gentleman ...1837
• GALLANT a man of fashion and pleasure; a fine gentleman ...1388 arch.
• GEMMAN a vulgar pronunciation of 'gentleman' ...c1550
• GENTRY COFE a gentleman ...M16 cant
• GENTRY COVE a gentleman ...M16 cant
• JACK-GENTLEMAN † a man of low birth or manners making pretensions to be a gentleman; an insolent fellow, an upstart ...1667
• JAGGER a gentleman ...1859 Amer. thieves' sl.
• MAN a gentleman ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MASTER a respectable, well-dressed man; a gentleman; any individual ...1851 Eng. dial.
• NIB a gentleman ...Bk1902 beggars' sl.
• NIB-COVE a gentleman ...Bk1902 beggars' sl.
• NOB a nobleman; a gentleman ...1753 sl.
• OLD PUT a pretentious old gentleman ...M18 sl.
• QUEER DUKE an impoverished gentleman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
GENTLEMANLY - adjectives
• JAUNTY † of persons, their manners, etc.: well-bred; gentlemanly; genteel ...1674
• NIBLIKE gentlemanly ...1834 beggars' sl.
• NIBSOME like a gentleman, gentlemanly...1839 beggars' sl.
• SARGENTLEMANLY a sarcastic allusion to one who is acting 'so gentlemanly' ...L19 sl.
• CANNINESS sagacity, skilfulness, prudence, cautiousness; gentleness, quietness ...a1662 Sc.
• DEBONAIRSHIP †* debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1240
• DEBONAIRTY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• DEBONARITY † debonair character; mildness, gentleness, meekness; graciousness, kindness; courtesy, affability ...a1225
• EDMEDE † gentleness, humility ...c1000
• EDMODNESS † gentleness, humility, meekness ...c888
• HAND-TAMENESS † submissiveness, gentleness ...a1300
• IRON HAND IN A VELVET GLOVE, AN rigid firmness accompanied by courtesy, politeness, and gentleness ...1834
• LENITUDE † gentleness, mildness ...1627
• LENITY mildness, gentleness, mercifulness in disposition or behaviour ...1548
• MANSUETIE †* gentleness, meekness ...1592
• MANSUETUDE gentleness, meekness ...c1386 arch.
• SUAVITUDE †* sweetness; gentleness ...1512
GENTLY - adverbs
• ALL BY EASE gently, quietly ...1881 Eng. dial.
• BENIGNLY † meekly, gently, humbly ...c1386
• CANNILY sagaciously, skilfully, prudently; cautiously, slyly; gently, softly; comfortably ...1636 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• FAIR † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND EASILY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...1523
• FAIR AND EVENLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...a1000
• FAIR AND SOFTLY † gently, quietly, without haste or violence ...c1374
• FAIRLY † gently, peaceably, quietly, softly ...c1400
• HANDSOMELY † carefully; without haste, gently, gradually ...1550 obs. exc. nautical usage
• MANSUETELY † gently, mildly ...c1460
• MEEVERLY moderately, tolerably, middling; fairly well in health; easily, gently ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MEVERLY moderately, tolerably, middling; fairly well in health; easily, gently ...1860 Eng. dial.
• NESH †* softly, gently, tenderly ...1297
• NESHLY † softly, gently ...c897 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEMELY † in a pleasing, agreeable, or becoming manner; neatly, gently, smoothly ...c1380
• WITH KID GLOVES delicately, gently, circumspectly, in such a manner so as to avoid upset ...1888 US
GENTRY - nouns
• GALLANTRY † gallants collectively; gentry, fashionable people ...1606
• HALF-HUNG-TEE would-be gentry ...1929 Sc.
• JENTRIE † gentry ...1422
• NABBERY the lower class of gentry ...Bk1903 Sc.
• NABRIE the lower class of gentry ...Bk1903 Sc.
GENUINE - adjectives
• ALL LEATHER genuine, reliable ...1922 Amer. dial.
• ALL WOOL AND A YARD WIDE of high quality; genuine; reliable; in the best condition ...1882 Amer. dial.
• ALL WOOL AND NO SHODDY of high quality; genuine; reliable; in the best condition ...1946 Amer. dial.
• CARD-CARRYING genuine; thoroughgoing ...1963 US jocular
• DEAD * perfect; genuine; veritable; unmistakable; absolute ...1819 Amer. sl.
• DINK genuine, true, honest ...1980 Aust. sl.
• DINKI-DI genuine, real ...1918 Aust. sl.
• DINKUM real, genuine ...1905 Aust. sl.
• DINKY-DI(E) genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...1918 Aust. sl.
• FAIR † original, genuine ...c1820 Amer. dial.
• FAIR DINK genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...E20 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• FAIR DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• FUNKY genuine, without pretensions ...1950s Amer. sl.
• GENUINAL †* genuine ...1599
• GUNGOO genuine; complete, entire ...20C Royal Navy usage
• HEARTLY † proceeding from or seated in the heart; expressive of real feeling; earnest, genuine, sincere ...1340-70
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• HEARTY heartfelt, genuine, sincere ...1479
• JANNOCK sociable; fair; just; straightforward; genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• JENICK fair, straightforward; genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• JONNOCK sociable; fair; just; straightforward, genuine ...1828 Eng. dial.
• LEAL † true, genuine, real, actual, exact, accurate ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• MCCOY genuine ...1920s US sl.
• NATURAL genuine, real ...1970 Amer. dial.
• NO-SHIT genuine ...1950s US sl.
• PAKKA certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKA genuine, reliable, or good ...1690 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKAH certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUCKER certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PUKKA certain, reliable; genuine; excellent ...c1770 Anglo-Indian
• PURE-QUILL genuine ...1956 Amer. dial.
• REALLY real, genuine ...1916 Amer. dial.
• REALLY TRULY real, genuine ...1899 Amer. dial.
• REAL-QUILL genuine ...1949 Amer. dial.
• REVEREND extraordinary, distinguished, powerful; genuine, thorough ...1826 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT true, genuine ...1903 Amer. dial.
• RIGHT-DOWN genuine, downright ...1828 Amer. dial.
• SICKER † genuine, good ...a1400-50
• SIMON the genuine article; the real thing ...E19
• SIMON-PURE real, genuine, authentic ...1889
• SQUARE DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• STRAIGHT DINKUM genuine, authentic, honest, straightforward ...L19 Aust. & NZ colloq.
• TRUEPENNY true, genuine ...1523 colloq. arch.
• VERITABLE genuine, real, true; not counterfeit, false, or spurious; correctly or properly so called ...1483
GENUINE - nouns
• CHALK, THE something that is genuine; truth ...1843 US sl.
• PURE QUILL, THE something that is pure, genuine, of the highest quality ...1884 Amer. dial.
• PURE QUILL WITH A BEAD ON IT, THE something that is pure, genuine, of the highest quality ...1916 Amer. dial.
• REAL MACKAY, THE the genuine article, the true original, the real home product ...1870 Sc.
• REAL SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...a1832
• SIMON PURE the genuine article; the real thing ...E19
• SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...1815
GENUINE - nouns, person
• REAL SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...a1832
• SIMON PURE, THE the real, genuine, or authentic person or thing ...1815
GENUINELY - adverbs
• HARD DOWN really, truly, genuinely ...1959 Amer. dial.
• PURE-QUILL genuinely ...1956 Amer. dial.
• VERITABLY with truth or verity; truly, truthfully; genuinely, really ...1481
• NATURALNESS †* genuineness, legitimacy ...1656
• GAZETTEER a geographical index or dictionary ...1704
• GEOG geography ...L19 schoolchildren's usage
GEOLOGIST - nouns, person
• ROCKHOUND a geologist; an amateur mineralogist ...N. Amer. colloq.
GEOLOGY - nouns
• UNDERGROUND-BOOK † a book on geology ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GEOMETRY - nouns
• JOMMETRY geometry; magic art, geometry being considered magic ...1861
GEORGIA - nouns
• ASSHOLE OF THE FORTY-EIGHT the state of Georgia ...1962 Amer. sl.
• A-TOWN Atlanta, Georgia ...1995 US sl.
• BIG A Atlanta, Georgia ...1976 US sl.
• CRACKER STATE Georgia ...E19 US sl.
• FREAKNIK a mass celebration of Black students in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia during college spring break ...1992 US sl.
• HOTLANTA Atlanta, Georgia ...1970s US sl.
• HOT TOWN Atlanta, Georgia ...1970s US sl.
GEORGIA - nouns, person
• BUZZARD a native or resident of Georgia ...1845 Amer. jocular
• CORNCRACKER a native of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Virginia ...M19 US sl.
• GAUBER-GRUBBER an inhabitant of North Carolina, Arkansas, or Georgia ...M19 sl.
• GOOBER a poor countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1865 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRABBER a poor rustic or countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1867 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRABBLER an inhabitant of Georgia ...1908 Amer. dial.
• GOOBER-GRUBBER a poor rustic or countrified person; used as a nickname, esp. for an inhabitant of Georgia ...1880 Amer. dial.
• GOUBER-GRABBLER an inhabitant of Georgia ...1869 Amer. dial.
• GRUBER-GRUBBER an inhabitant of North Carolina, Arkansas, or Georgia ...M19 sl.
GERM - nouns
• BUG a germ ...1919 sl.
• WOG a germ ...1941 Aust. sl.
GERMAN - adjectives
• BOCHE German ...1914
• SAUSAGE-EATING German ...1910s sl.
GERMAN - nouns
• CABBAGE HILL a German settlement area ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CABBAGE TOWN a German settlement area ...1967 Amer. dial.
GERMAN - nouns, person
• BELGIES † Low Germans ...1602
• BLITZ a German ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BOCHE (derogatory) a German; a German soldier; Germans collectively ...1914 sl.
• BONEHEAD a German ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BORSCH a German ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BUSHER a German ...Amer. World War I sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD (derogatory) a nickname for a German or a Dutchman ...M19 US sl.
• DAITSCH a German ...1967 Amer. dial.
• DEUTSCHER a person of German descent ...1950 Amer. dial.
• DUTCH a German ...Amer. World War I sl.
• DUTCHEE (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• DUTCHIE (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• DUTCHMAN a German ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• DUTCHY (derogatory) a German ...1835 sl., orig. US
• ERIC (usually derogatory) a male German ...1985 Brit. sl.
• ERICH (usually derogatory) a male German ...1985 Brit. sl.
• FLATHEAD a German ...1965 Amer. dial.
• FRAT a woman met by fratting (frat - to establish friendly and esp. sexual relationships with German women: used of British and American occupying troops after World War II) ...1945 sl.
• FRITZ (mainly derogatory) a German; a German soldier of World War I ...1915 sl.
• GERRY a German, esp. a German soldier...wartime sl.
• HANS a German or Dutchman ...1855
• HANS WURST a German ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HARDHEAD a German ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HEINE a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HEINIE a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HINEY a German; a German soldier...1904 N. Amer. sl.
• HUN a German, a person of German descent ...1900 UK sl.
• JERRY a German; a German soldier or aircraft; Germans or German soldiers collectively ...1919 sl.
• KRAUT (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1918 US sl.
• KRAUTHEAD (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1932 US sl.
• KRAUTHEAD (contemptuous) a German ...1932 Amer. sl.
• LUGER LOUT a German ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for 'Kraut'
• MULLER a German ...1939 Brit. sl.
• OLD FRITZ a German soldier ...World War I sl.
• OLD HEINE a German soldier ...World War I sl.
• SALE BOCHE a French term of abuse for a German (sale = dirty) ...1919 sl.
• SAUERKRAUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SAUERKRAUT EATER a German or person of Germany ancestry; also, a nickname for such a person ...1918 Amer. dial.
• SAUERKRAUTER (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SAUSAGE 1. a German ...1890 sl.
2. (derogatory) a nickname for a German soldier ...World War II US sl.
• SAUSAGE-EATER a German ...1910s sl.
• SOURCROUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SOURKRAUT (derogatory) a German ...M18 sl., chiefly Aust. & US
• SQUAREHEAD (derogatory) a foreigner of Germanic extraction; a German soldier in World War I ...1903 sl., chiefly US
• TANNAKIN † a diminutive pet-form of the name Ann or Anna; specifically used for a German or Dutch girl ...1557
GERMANY - nouns
• BIG B, THE Berlin, Germany ...1944 US Air Force usage
• BOCHELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BOSCHELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DUTCHLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• HEINIELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HITLAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HUNLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRAUTLAND Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• LAND OF THE SQUAREHEAD Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NAZILAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• RHINELAND Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• VATERLAND, THE Germany ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• MANOEUVRE to beckon; to gesticulate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GESTICULATING - adjectives
• JAISTERING swaggering, gesturing, gesticulating ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GESTICULATION - adjectives
• GESTICULACIOUS * given to gesticulation ...1834
• MEGRIMS antics, tricks; gesticulations; grimaces ...1890 Eng. dial.
GESTURE - adjectives
• GESTUROUS † full of gesture, using gestures, addicted to gestures ...1576
GESTURE - nouns
• ANNE'S FAN a rude gesture, thumbing the nose; touching the tip of the thumb to the end of one's nose and spreading the fingers wide; it can be made worse by wiggling the fingers ...19C Brit.
• AUSSIE HAKA a gesture showing that you have no money to pay for the next round of drinks at a pub; it involves patting one's pockets, as if to say one has left their wallet at home ...1998 NZ sl.
• AUSTRALIAN HAKA a gesture showing that you have no money to pay for the next round of drinks at a pub; it involves patting one's pockets, as if to say one has left their wallet at home ...1998 NZ sl.
• CUNT HOOKS the insulting gesture that consists of jerking up the first two fingers, the back of the hand towards the person insulted ...20C sl.
• DOUBLE SIGHT a 'sight' (a gesture of derision made by placing the thumb on the tip of one's nose and spreading out the fingers like a fan) intensified by joining the tip of the little finger to the thumb of the other hand, which in turn has its fingers extended fanwise ...E18 sl.
• FASHIONS * actions, gestures, 'ways' ...1569
• FINGER WAVE the 'finger'; a curse expressed as a gesture; the middle finger pointed up with the remaining fingers clinched in a fist; the verbalization of the curse is assumed to be "Fuck you!" or "Stick it up your ass!" M20 US sl.
• GECK a gesture of derision; an expression of scorn or contempt ...1500-20 chiefly Sc.
• GRINDER a derisive gesture made by putting the thumb to the nose and working the little finger like the handle of a coffee mill ...M19 sl.
• HARVEY SMITH a V-sign or other gesture of contempt ...1973 Brit. sl.
• HIGH FIVE a greeting or celebratory gesture that takes the form of raising the arm and ritualistically slapping each other's palm ...1980s sl.
• ONE-FINGERED SALUTE an obscene gesture of contempt ...1960s US sl.
• ONE-FINGER SALUTE an obscene gesture of contempt ...1960s US sl.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FAN a gesture of derision: the thumb on the nose-tip and the fingers spread fan-wise ...E18 sl.
• RASPBERRY a sound or gesture expressing contempt, the continuous noise made by forcing air out of the mouth with the tongue held limply behind the lower lip ...1890 sl.
• RAZZ a 'razzberry'; a sound or gesture expressing contempt ...1919 sl., orig. US
• RAZZBERRY a sound or gesture expressing contempt, the continuous noise made by forcing air out of the mouth with the tongue held limply behind the lower lip ...1890 US sl.
• SALMON ARM SALUTE a derisive gesture based on clenching the fist and raising the middle finger ...1970s Can. sl.
• SIGHT a gesture of derision, made by placing the thumb on the tip of one's nose and spreading out the fingers like a fan ...E18 sl.
• SIGNACLE † a sign or gesture ...c1450
• VICK a two-fingered gesture that is used to insult or otherwise cause offense; the forefinger and the middle finger are extended to form a V shape, with the palm turned in towards the gesturer ...1985 Scot.
• VICKY a two-fingered gesture that is used to insult or otherwise cause offense; the forefinger and the middle finger are extended to form a V shape, with the palm turned in towards the gesturer ...1985 Scot.
GESTURE - verbs
• GECK AT to scoff at; to use mocking language or gestures towards ...1603 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• GIVE ONE THE FINGER to make an obscene gesture with the middle finger raised as a sign of contempt, and hence showing contempt for someone ...1890 sl., orig. US
• MAKE A LONG NOSE to thumb one's nose ...L19 sl.
• MAKE BACON to make a derisive gesture; to put the thumb to the nose and spread out the fingers ...1887 Eng. dial.
• PULL BACON to make a derisive gesture; to put the thumb to the nose and spread out the fingers ...1887 Eng. dial.
• TAKE A GRINDER to make a coarse gesture similar to thumbing one's nose and using the other hand to work an imaginary coffee-grinder ...M19 sl.
• TAKE A SIGHT to place the thumb against the nose and close all the fingers except the little one, which is agitated as a token of derision ...M19 sl.
• TAKE DOUBLE SIGHTS to place the thumb against the nose and close all the fingers except the little one, which is agitated as a token of derision ...M19 sl.
GESTURING - adjectives
• JAISTERING swaggering, gesturing, gesticulating ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GET - nouns
• CAPTATION a catching at, an endeavour to get ...1523
GET - verbs
• ABCAP to get, to obtain ...M19 UK criminal's sl.
• BEGET † to get, to acquire, usually by effort ...a1000
• CAPTATE † to catch at, to strive to obtain, to seek after ...1628
• CATCH † to receive, to get, to obtain ...c1205
• CLEAR THE HARROWS to get one's object, to attain one's desire ...1892 Sc.
• FANG † to get, to obtain, to procure; also, to get together; to collect ...1340-70
• FINAGLE to wangle, to manoeuvre, to obtain by devious means; to get or achieve by trickery, craftiness, or persuasion ...1922 Amer. dial.
• KEEP † to try to catch or get; to seek after ...c1000
• LATCH † to be the recipient of; to get; to receive a name, gift, blow, injury; to catch a disease ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LUCRATE † to gain, to get, to win ...1623
• MAKE A PLAY FOR to try to get something ...1905 orig. US
• OFGO † to gain, to win, to obtain; to obtain by merit, to deserve, to earn ...c1000
• SCRAPE UP to get, esp. laboriously and bit by bit ...1617
• SCRATCH UP to get, esp. laboriously and bit by bit ...1922 Amer. sl.
• TAIN †* to obtain, to get ...1501
• TILL † to labour after, to seek after, to provide; to get by effort, to obtain, acquire or earn by labour; later, to get, to obtain ...a900
GET ALONG - verbs
• EAT AT THE SAME TABLE to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1968 Amer. dial.
• EAT IN THE SAME PLATE to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1968 Amer. dial.
• EAT OUT OF THE SAME DISH to get along; to have a genial relationship; to live peaceably with someone ...1954 Amer. dial.
• SCREE ON to get along somehow; to live through difficulties ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SET HORSES to get along ...1980s US Black sl.
• SKILL † to get along, to subsist ...1537
GET BY - verbs
• SCRAPE ALONG to survive; to carry on; to get by ...1884 Amer. sl.
• SCRAPE BY to survive; to carry on; to get by ...1884 Amer. sl.
• SCUFFLE to struggle; to just get by on little or no money ...1890s US Black sl.
GET UP - verbs
• GATHER TO ONE'S FEET to get to one's feet, to rise up ...1827 Sc.
• GATHER TO ONE'S LEGS to get to one's feet, to rise up ...1801 Sc.
GEWGAW - nouns
• BLAWFLUM a flattering delusion; a gewgaw; a mere deception ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONNY-WALLIES gewgaws, trinkets ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BONNY-WAWLIES gewgaws, trinkets ...Bk1911 Sc.
• DIE a toy, a plaything, a geegaw ...1816 Sc.
• FALDERAL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FALDERDAL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FAL DE ROL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FALLALS finery, trumpery ornaments, trifles, gewgaws ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FANDANGLEMENT a whim, crotchet; a gewgaw ...1867 Eng. dial.
• FEGARY * a gewgaw; a trifle; finery in dress ...E18 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• FLAMFEW a gaudy ornament; a dazzling trifle; a gewgaw; something pretty and of little value ...1580 arch.
• FOLDEROL a gewgaw, a trifle; a flimsy thing ...c1820
• FOL-DE-ROLL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FOLDIDOL a gewgaw, a trifle, a useless ornament; finery ...1828 Eng. dial.
• FRIGGLE-FRAGGLES toys, trifles, gewgaws; useless, vain ornaments of dress ...19C Sc.
• GAUD a plaything, a toy; also, something gaudy; a showy ornament, a piece of finery; a gewgaw ...c1430
• GAUDY † a bright-coloured ornament; a toy, a bauble, a gewgaw ...1555
• GAW * a gewgaw ...1822
• GAWD a plaything, a toy; also, something gaudy; a showy ornament, a piece of finery; a gewgaw ...c1430
• MEE-MAW a trifle, a gewgaw ...1899 Eng. dial.
• NIGNAY a knickknack, a trinket, a trifle; a trifling, useless thing or proceeding; an unnecessary ornament or frill, a gewgaw ...a1689 Sc.
• PARAPHERNALS gewgaws, knickknacks, odds and ends, trifling possessions ...1962 Sc.
• TRIM-TRAM † a personal ornament of little value; a pretty toy or trifle; a gewgaw; a worthless thing ...1523
• TRINKUM-TRANKUMS † trinkets, gewgaws; odd matters of finery, as ribbons, etc. ...1718 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• TRITTLE-TRATTLES * trifles, gewgaws, knickknacks; children's toys ...1896 Sc.
• VARIORUM a piece of decoration, in furniture, etc.; an ornament, gewgaw, trinket; a flourish in handwriting; any unnecessary appendage ...1864 Sc.
• WALLIE a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WALLY a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WALY a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
• WAWLIE a toy, a gewgaw ...1722 Sc.
GEWGAW - verbs
• MEE-MAW to dress up, to wear a great many gewgaws ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• GASHLINESS ghastliness, dismalness ...1848
GHASTLY - adjectives
• ALLAGRUGOUS discontented-looking, ill-natured, morose, disagreeable; grim, ghastly ...1742 Sc.
• ASTREN having a frightful or ghastly appearance ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AUSTERN having a frightful or ghastly appearance ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AUSTROUS frightful, ghastly ...1820 Sc.
• ELDRICK unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRITCH weird, ghostly, unnatural; frightful, hideous, ghastly, fearful, terrible ...1508 Sc.
• GASHFUL † ghastly, horrid ...1620 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GASHLY † ghastly, horrid ...1633 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LARVAL † belonging to a night spirit, ghost, hobgoblin; ghastly, dreadful ...1656
• MALEGRUGROUS grim, ghastly; discontented-looking ...1742 Sc.
• MALLAGRUGOUS grim, ghastly; discontented-looking ...1742 Sc.
• UGGIN disgusting, loathsome, nauseating; frightful; horrible; ghastly ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UGSOME ugly, hideous, disgusting, loathsome, nauseating; frightful; horrible; ghastly ...c1400 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNKED weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• UNKERD weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• UNKID weird, uncanny; insane; ominous of evil; horrid, ghastly, terrible ...1861 Eng. dial.
• YELLERISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• YELLISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
GHETTO - adverbs
• BEHIND THE BRIDGE in any ghetto or slum ...1992 Trinidad and Tobago
GHETTO - nouns
• BLACK BELT the section of a city which is populated predominantly by Blacks; the poor section of a city; a ghetto ...1970 Amer. dial.
• GALLION the slave quarters; hence, the Black ghetto; the Black world ...1940s US Black sl.
• NEW JACK CITY Detroit, New York CIty, or any other city with a thriving ghetto style ...1980s US Black sl.
GHETTO - nouns, person
• NEW JACK a sophisticate, someone who has succeeded in the ghetto culture ...2000s US Black sl.
• NEW JILL a sophisticate, someone who has succeeded in the ghetto culture ...2000s US Black sl.
GHOST - adjectives
• BOGLE-RAD afraid of ghosts ...Bk1911 Sc.
• LARVAL † belonging to a night spirit, ghost, hobgoblin; ghastly, dreadful ...1656
• POKY spooky; suggestive of ghosts or the like ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
GHOST - nouns
• BARGHEST a ghost, wraith, or hobgoblin ...1788 Eng. dial.
• BOO-DADDY a ghost, hobgoblin; often used to threaten children ...1888 Amer. dial.
• BOODIE a ghost, a hobgoblin ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOOGER a ghost, hobgoblin; often used to threaten children ...1866 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERBOO. a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BOOGERMAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1903 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIE a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIEBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOGIEBOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BOOG MAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BOOKITY SAM a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BUGABO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1899 Amer. dial.
• BUGABOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1787 Amer. dial.
• BUGGABEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUGGER a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BUGGERBEAR a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUGGER-MAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BUGGYBOO a ghost or imaginary monster, a hobgoblin; the devil ...1966 Amer. dial.
• CADDY † a ghost; a bugbear ...1790 Eng. dial.
• DAVID a power or spirit controlling rain and storms ...1918 US nautical & military sl.
• DAVY a power or spirit controlling rain and storms ...1800 US nautical & military sl.
• DICKETY-BOO a ghost; a bugbear ...1954 Amer. dial.
• DOBBIE a household sprite or apparition supposed to haunt certain premises or localities, with powers of either good or evil; a ghost, a spectre ...1781 Eng. dial.
• GALLY-TROT an apparition, a ghostly object ...1895 Eng. dial.
• GANFER a ghost, apparition; any supernatural phenomenon ...1774 Sc.
• HAG † applied to ghosts, hobgoblins, and other terrors of the night ...1538
• HANTS ghosts ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HAUNT a ghost or spirit ...1869 Amer. dial.
• KAHUNA a ghost ...1954 Hawaii
• LARVA † a disembodied spirit; a ghost, a hobgoblin, a spectre ...1651
• NERTEROLOGY * learning relating to the dead; ghost-lore ...1800
• OLD BOOGERMAN a ghost, a hobgoblin, often used to frighten children ...1965 Amer. dial.
• PASTY-FOOT a ghost, demon; a tramp ...1897 Eng. dial.
• REDE the ghost or 'double' of a living person ...1930 Amer. dial.
• REVENANT one who returns from the dead; a ghost ...1828
• SCRAG a ghost ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SKOOKUM a ghost, a demon, a spirit ...1900 Amer. dial.
• SPOOK orig. used by Black slaves as a reference to ghosts, and later as a reference to White people as 'ghost-like' ...1800s US Black sl.
• THUMB-CAP a haunting thing; an apparition, a ghost ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TOMMYKNOCKER a ghost or spirit said to live in mines; the noise made by such a spirit ...1910 Amer. dial.
• UMBRA the shade of a deceased person; a phantom or ghost ...1599
• WAFF an apparition, a wraith, a ghost; the vision of a dead or absent person ...1705 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• WAITH the spectral appearance of a person just before or after death; a ghost ...1790 Eng. dial.
GHOST - verbs
• APPEAR of ghosts: to 'walk', to haunt places ...Bk1898 N. Ireland
• THREEN to tell ghost stories or superstitious tales ...1898 Sc.
• THRENE to tell ghost stories or superstitious tales ...1898 Sc.
GHOSTLY - adjectives
• EERIESOME ghostly, weird, awe-inspiring ...1856 Sc.
• EILDRON unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny ...1838 Sc.
• ELDRICK unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• ELDRITCH weird, ghostly, unnatural; frightful, hideous, ghastly, fearful, terrible ...1508 Sc.
• YELLERISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
• YELLISH unearthly, ghostly, weird, uncanny; dreadful, ghastly, frightful ...1785 Eng. dial.
GHOSTLY - nouns
• THREEN a story or tradition of a ghostly and generally superstitious nature ...1720 Sc.
• THRENE a story or tradition of a ghostly and generally superstitious nature ...1720 Sc.
• THINGS ghostly appearances ...1902 Eng. dial.
GIANT - nouns, person
• GARAGANTUA † a giant ...1571
• GARGANTUA † a giant ...1571
• GOGMAGOG † a giant; a man of immense stature and strength; a big strong person ...c1580
• OGRIE † an ogre; a giant with huge, fiery eyes, supposed to feed on children ...1825 Sc.
• YETIN † a giant ...1825 Sc.
• ABRACADABRA a pretended conjuring word; a meaningless word of mysterious sound; jargon, gibberish ...1687
• BARRIKIN high-flown language; unintelligible language; gibberish, jargon ...1851 Eng. sl.
• GABBER jabber, gibberish ...1796
• GALIC incomprehensible talk, nonsense, gibberish ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GALIMATIAS speech that is so rapid, confused, or disguised as to be unintelligible; a dark, perplexed discourse; meaningless talk; nonsense, gibberish ...1653
• GREEK unintelligible speech or language, gibberish ...E17
• GRIMGRIBBER legal or other technical jargon; learned gibberish ...1786
• HIBBER-GIBBER † a confused repetition or babble of talking; unmeaning sounds or phrases; gibberish ...1592
• JABBERMENT * senseless talk; chatter; nonsense; gibberish ...1644 colloq.
• RANTUM-SCANTUM † unintelligible language, gibberish ...1600
• RANTUM-SKANTUM † unintelligible language, gibberish ...1600
• UBBLE-GUBBLE nonsense; gibberish ...20C US sl.
• CHAUER † to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• JABBER to chatter; to speak fast and indistinctly; to talk thick and fast; to talk gibberish; to speak or say rapidly, incoherently, and without making sense ...1499
• JAVER † to jabber, to talk gibberish ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
GIBE - nouns
• BAB a taunt; a gibe ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOB a taunt, a gibe ...Bk1911 Sc.
• GABBERIES †* mockeries, gibes, jests, wily deceits ...1627
• JAB a cutting remark ...1879 Sc.
• JAPE † a device to amuse; a merry or idle tale; a jest, a joke, a gibe ...c1340
• JERK † a lash of sarcasm; a cutting gibe ...1590
• NAP a gibe, a sarcastic remark or reproof; a jeering way of speaking ...1885 Sc.
• QUIB †* a gibe, quip ...1656
GIBE - verbs
• BABBIS † to scoff, to gibe ...1825 Sc.
• FORGAB † to defame, to publish the misdeeds of; to mock, gibe, deride ...c1394
• JERRY to gibe; to chaff with malice ...Bk1896 sl.
• LANT to mock, to jeer, to gibe at ...1861 Sc.
• QUIB †* to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
• REAR to mock, to gibe; to scold ...1893 Eng. dial.
GIBE - phrases
• YOU ARE IRISH AND THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD'S POISON a jocular gibe ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
GIBRALTAR - nouns, person
• SCORP a person from Gibraltar ...1912 Brit. services' sl.
• SCORPION a person from Gibraltar ...1845 Brit. services' sl.
• CALEERINESS giddiness; fun; mischief ...1880 Sc. & Ireland
• HEAD-LIGHTNESS giddiness, dizziness ...1899 Sc.
GIDDY - adjectives
• AIRHEADED stupid, giddy ...Bk2000 Amer. sl.
• ALLAVOLIE giddy, volatile ...Bk1898 Sc.
• ALLEVOLIE giddy, volatile ...Bk1898 Sc.
• ALTITUDE-HAPPY giddy from the effects of too much oxygen ...1955 Amer. aviation usage
• BALMY crazy; giddy and aloof ...1851 colloq.
• BARMY-BRAINED foolish, giddy, flighty; light-headed ...1824 Sc.
• CALEERIED scatterbrained, giddy ...20C Ireland
• COCK-BRAINED having little judgement; foolish and light-headed; silly, giddy, rash, harebrained, thoughtless, flighty ...1530
• DAFT thoughtless or giddy in one's mirth; madly gay or frolicsome ...c1575 chiefly Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• DAUSEY-HEADED giddy, thoughtless; bewildered, confused ...1790 Eng. dial.
• FEATHER-BRAINED foolish, giddy, light-headed ...1820
• FEATHER-PATED foolish, giddy, light-headed, silly ...1820
• FLAPPY giddy, unsteady ...Eng. dial.
• FLOCK-PATED † silly, stupid, foolish; giddy; having a head or brains like wool ...?1640
• FLYAWAY frivolous or flighty; giddy
• GAUFFIN light-headed, foolish, thoughtless, giddy ...1810 Sc.
• GIDDISH †* giddy, fickle, foolish ...1566
• HALLIRACKIT giddy, hare-brained ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HALLOCKIT wild, romping; light, giddy; crazy, half-witted ...1787 Sc.
• HALOKIT giddy, thoughtless, foolish, crazy ...1724 Sc.
• HEADLAND headlong, precipitate, giddy ...1863 Eng. dial.
• HEAD-LIGHT giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...1899 Sc.
• HEADY †* affected in the head; giddy ...1628
• HEDLIN headlong, precipitate, giddy ...1863 Eng. dial.
• HELLICAT giddy, light-headed, flighty, half-witted ...1815 Sc.
• HIDDIE-GIDDIE confused, giddy, wanton ...1450-70 Sc.
• HODDY-DODDY giddy, drunk ...1790 Eng. dial.
• INGIDDIED †* made giddy or unsteady ...1628
• KECKLING chuckling, noisy; of a giddy disposition ...1820 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MAZED stunned, confused, stupefied, dizzy, giddy, confused in the head ...1887 Eng. dial.
• MAZED-HEADED dizzy, giddy ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZE-HEADED dizzy, giddy; bewildered, stupefied, confused ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MAZY giddy, dizzy, confused in the head ...1740 Eng. dial.
• MAZZING giddy, light-headed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY dizzy, giddy; confused in the head ... 1740 Eng. dial.
• MEAZY-SOW giddy, empty-headed ...1854 Eng. dial.
• RAMBLE-HEADED †* of a wandering, giddy disposition ...a1761
• RAMMEL-HEADED of a wandering, giddy disposition ...1824 Sc.
• RANISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RANNISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-NODDLED † characterized by foolish noisy levity of character or conduct; giddy, harebrained, flighty, noisy, wild; rattle-headed ...1661
• RENNISH rash, giddy, rough; furious, violent ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFEREL thoughtless, foolish, giddy; also, ill-dressed ...1822 Sc.
• TANTY unstable, ready to fall, giddy ...1880 Sc.
• TURN-SICK † affected with vertigo, giddy, dizzy, light-headed ...c1440
• UNCANNY giddy, careless, incautious, imprudent ...1638 orig. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• VOLAGEOUS † very giddy and light ...Bk1905 Sc.
• VOLISH † giddy, inconsiderate ...1759 Sc.
• WANTON † capricious, frivolous, giddy ...1538 obs.
• WESTY † dizzy, giddy; light-headed, confused ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WHIZZLE-BRAINED giddy, thoughtless, harebrained ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WHIZZY dizzy, giddy; confused ...1866 Eng. dial.
• WIZZLE-PATED giddy, harebrained, thoughtless ...B1900 Eng. dial.
GIDDY - nouns
• KECKLE a chuckle; noisy laughter; giddy behaviour ...1871 Sc.
• KECKLING noisy laughter; giddy conduct ...1819 Sc.
GIDDY - nouns, person
• AIRLING a young, thoughtless, gay person; a giddy, frivolous person; a coxcomb ...1611
• CALEERY a giddy, hysterical person; a mischievous, scatterbrained, overexcitable person ...20C Ireland
• DAFFY DAME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DING-A-LING a fool; an oaf; an odd, giddy person who hears bells ...1935 US sl.
• DIZZY a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• DIZZY DAME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FALDERAL a pedantic giddy person ...1866 Sc.
• FEATHER-BRAIN a foolish, giddy person; a dull, stupid person; a silly, light-headed person ...1839
• FLAP a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPER a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPERETTE a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPEROO a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLAPPY FEMME a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLEAK (derogatory) a woman; a foolish or giddy woman ...E17 Brit. colloq.
• FLIGHTY FRILL a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLIP-FLAP a flighty woman; a giddy girl ...18C Brit. sl.
• FLIPPY FLAPPER a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FLIRTIGIG a giddy, flighty girl; a flirtatious and wanton young woman ...1683 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• FLISKMAHOY a giddy, ostentatious person; a flighty girl; a giddy, gawky girl; a woman who gives herself airs ...1816 Sc.
• FLUFF a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FONKIN a giddy little oaf ...L16 colloq. or nonce
• FRISGIG a silly, giddy young woman ...19C Eng. dial.
• FRIVOLOUS FRAIL. a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• FRIZGIG a silly, giddy young woman ...19C Eng. dial.
• GAMSTER a giddy, irresponsible or frivolous woman ...c1920 Sc.
• GIDDY GAL a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• GIDDY-HEAD a giddy, frivolous person; one without serious thought or sound judgement ...1641
• GIGLET a giddy, laughing, romping girl; a merry, light-hearted, playful girl ...a1340
• GIXY † a giddy, frivolous girl; a wench; a lively lass; a wanton woman ...1611
• GOOSECAP † a silly fellow; a stupid, foolish person; a simpleton; a giddy or flighty young girl ...1589 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• HALLIRAKUS a giddy, hare-brained person ...1803 Sc.
• HALLOPER one who is giddy or precipitate ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HALOCK a giddy thoughtless girl or young woman ...1508 Sc.
• HALOK † a light, thoughtless girl; a giddy young woman ...Bk1905 Sc.
• HARE-BRAIN † one who has a brain like a hare's, or no more brain than a hare; a giddy, reckless or rash person; an oaf, a fool ...1550
• JACK-O'-WISP † a giddy or flighty person ...1896
• JADE a giddy young girl, used in a playful sense ...1785 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KILEERY a giddy, hysterical person ...Ireland
• MADLOCK a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADPASH a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MADSTART a wild, giddy person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• PAVIE a frivolous, giddy person; one who loves display, a show-off; one who puts on airs; an idle, trifling child ...a1850 Sc.
• PEEVEE a frivolous, giddy person; one who loves display, a show-off; one who puts on airs; an idle, trifling child ...a1850 Sc.
• PETAL-SHEDDING CHRYSANTHEMUM a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• RAMSTAM a giddy, forward, impetuous, reckless person ...1823 Sc.
• RATTLE a giddy, harebrained person; one who talks volubly; a chatterer; a stupid fellow ...B1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-CAP a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-HORN a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1785 Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-PATE a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1789 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RATTLE-SCULL a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1790 Sc.
• RATTLE-SKULL a lively, thoughtless person; a chatterbox; a giddy girl; a flirt ...1790 Sc. 046 EDD Wright 1904
• RATTLETRAP a talkative, garrulous, or gossiping person; a lively giddy girl ...Bk1904 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• RATTLE-TRAPS a noisy, talkative person; a lively giddy girl ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SKITE a boyish, giddy person ...1790 Amer. dial.
• STRACKLE-BRAIN a giddy, thoughtless person; a simpleton, a fool; a good-for-nothing ...1877 Eng. dial.
• TAPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAPLOCH † a giddy-brained girl ...1824 Sc.
• TAPPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAPPY a foolish, giddy, awkward, idle, or slovenly girl ...1824 Sc.
• TAUPIE a giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; an idle or slovenly person; generally applied to young women, occasionally to men ...1728 Sc.
• TAWPIE a foolish, giddy, scatterbrained, untidy, awkward, or careless person; an idle or slovenly person; generally applied to young women ...1728 Sc.
• UNCONSCIOUS a giddy girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
GIDDY - verbs
• FALDERAL to make trifling excuses; to behave in a giddy, pedantic manner ...1866 Sc.
• LADDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LALDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LILDER to lounge about idly; to behave in a giddy, romping manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MAZE to turn giddy or light-headed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
GIFT - adjectives
• DATIVE † of the nature of a gift; conferred or bestowed as a gift ...1570-6
• MUNIFEROUS † bringing gifts ...1656
• OPEN-HANDED † ready to receive gifts ...1701
• PREMIOUS * rich in gifts; abounding in gifts ...1855
GIFT - nouns
• BENEFICE † a gift; a gratuity ...c1380
• BENEFICENCE a benefaction, a beneficent gift, deed, or work ...1654
• BENEFIT a kind deed, a kindness; a favour, a gift ...1377 arch.
• CADEAU a present or gift ...a1845 Fr.
• CANT n. a gift ...1857 tramps' sl.
• COLLIBY † a small present or gift ...c1450
• DASH a gift, present, tip ...1788
• DASHEE a gift, a present, a gratuity ...1705
• DRUERY † a love-token, a keepsake, a gift, a present ...a1225
• EXCUSE-US a gift in exchange for hospitality ...1938 Amer. dial.
• FAIR † a gift bought at a fair ...1768 Sc.
• FAIRING 1. a present given at or brought from a fair ...1574
2. a complimentary gift of any kind ...1588
• FEE † a gift in acknowledgement of favour ...a1592
• GARRISON † store, treasure; donation, gift ...1297
• HAND-OFFER a gift ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HANDSEL 1. a gift or present (expressive of good wishes) at the beginning of a new year, or on entering upon any new condition, situation, or circumstances, the donning of new clothes, etc.; orig. deemed to be auspicious, or to ensure good luck for the new year, etc.; a good omen ...a1300
† 2. a gift or present given on any occasion; reward ...1390
• HANSEL 1. a gift or present (expressive of good wishes) at the beginning of a new year, or on entering upon any new condition, situation, or circumstances, the donning of new clothes, etc.; orig. deemed to be auspicious, or to ensure good luck for the new year, etc. ...a1300
† 2. a gift or present given on any occasion; reward ...1390
• LAKE † an offering, sacrifice; also, a gift ...c1000
• LARGITION * the bestowal of gifts or largesse; bountiful giving ...1533
• MADME † a precious thing; a treasure; a valuable gift ...a1000
• MONEY SHOWER a shower or wedding at which money is given as a gift ...1967 Amer. dial.
• OBLATION † the act of offering or presenting, as a gift in token of respect or honour; also, a gift so offered ...1595
• POLLYANNA an arrangement by which each member of a group gives a gift to one other member chosen at random; a gift given according to such an arrangement; the person to whom one gives or from whom one receives such a gift ...1985 Amer. dial.
• PROUGHS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PRUCKS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PRUGHS material possessions, esp. illegally come by; free gifts ...Irish sl.
• PURTIES little gifts for a girl ...Irish sl.
• SIRSEE a small gift, esp. one given impromptu ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TILLY something additional and of small value given into the bargain, as a gift or bonus ...1867 Ireland
• VAIL a gift or present in the nature of a bribe ...1687
• WARISON † a gift bestowed by a superior; a reward ...a1300
• YERESGIFT † a gift customarily given at the New Year, or at the beginning of a year of office ...a1400
• YERESYEVE † a gift customarily given at the New Year, or at the beginning of a year of office ...1194
GIFT - verbs
• HANDSEL to present with, give, or offer something auspicious at the commencement of the year or day, the beginning of an enterprise, etc.; to inaugurate the new year to anyone with gifts, or the day to a dealer by being his first customer ...c1430
• HANSEL to present with, give, or offer something auspicious at the commencement of the year or day, the beginning of an enterprise, etc.; to inaugurate the new year to anyone with gifts, or the day to a dealer by being his first customer ...c1430
• SALUTE † to honour a person with a present, gift, etc. ...a1592
GIFTED - nouns, person
• PHENOM an unusually gifted person ...1950 US sl.
GIGANTIC - adjectives
• BABYLONIAN huge, gigantic, large ...1821
• BABYLONIC huge, gigantic, large ...1853
• GIGANTINE † large, huge, gigantic ...1664
• TITAN titanic, gigantic ...1697
• TITANESQUE colossal, gigantic ...1882
• TITANIAN large, huge, colossal, gigantic ...1667
• TITANIC gigantic, colossal ...1709
• TITANICAL †* gigantic, colossal ...1642
GIGANTIC - nouns
• BLOCKBUSTER anything enormous or gigantic; often used of a best-selling novel, film, TV series, etc. ...1940s sl.
GIGGLE - adjectives
• GIZZLE to giggle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
GIGGLE - nouns
• TITTER a stifled laugh, a giggle ...1728
GIGGLE - nouns, person
• TITTERER one who laughs restrainedly; a giggler ...1828
GIGGLE - verbs
• FIND A HAW-HAW'S NEST WITH A TEE-HEE'S EGG IN IT to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1842 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEE-HEE'S NEST FULL OF HA-HA EGGS to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEE-HEE'S NEST WITH A HA-HA'S EGG IN IT to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• FIND A TEHEE'S EGG IN A HAHA'S NEST to giggle and laugh immoderately or inappropriately ...1917 Amer. dial.
• GAGGLE † to laugh, to giggle, to cackle ...1885 Sc.
• KECKLE of a person: to chuckle, to laugh, to giggle ...1513
• SMIRKLE to smirk or smile; to giggle; to laugh in a suppressed manner ...c1590 Sc.
• TITTER to laugh in a suppressed or covert way; to giggle ...a1619
GIGGLING - adjectives
• AGIG giggling, excited ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• GAGGLING laughing affectedly, giggling ...1892 Sc.
• TITTERING giggling, laughing with suppressed mirth ...1748
GIGGLING - nouns
• TITTERATION tittering, giggling ...1754
GIGGLING - nouns, person
• GIGGLEBY a silly, flighty or giggling girl ...1903 Sc.
GIGGLING - verbs
• TUMBLE INTO A TEEHEE'S NEST to be taken with a fit of giggling ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
GIGOLO - nouns, person
• TANGO PIRATE a gigolo ...20C US sl.
GILD - verbs
• DEAURATE † to gild over ...1562
GILDED - adjectives
• DEAURATE † gilded, golden ...c1430
• GOLDED-UP gilded ...1937 Amer. dial.
GILDING - nouns
• DEAURATION † the act of gilding ...1658
GIMMICK - nouns
• GAFF a gimmick, a hidden trick ...1960s sl.
GIN - nouns
• BLUE BLAZES spirituous liquors in general, gin in particular ...Bk1890 sl.
• BLUE RUIN gin, usually of a bad quality ...1819 sl.
• BUNG IT gin ...1920s rhyming sl. (see BUNG IT IN)
• BUNG IT IN gin ...1920s rhyming sl.
• CAT'S WATER gin ...1849 sl.
• CLAP OF THUNDER a glass of gin ...E19 Brit. sl.
• CLEAR CRYSTAL white spirits, esp. gin; loosely, brandy and rum ...c1860 sl.
• COCK-MY-CAP gin ...E18 sl.
• COCKNEY BREAKFAST gin or brandy and soda water ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• DAFFEY † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DAFFY † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DAFFY'S ELIXIR † gin ...c1820 sl.
• DEADEYE Deady brand gin; gin ...1890 US sl.
• DEADY gin, or a particular quality of gin ...1819 sl.
• DIDDLE alcoholic drink, esp. gin ...E18 sl.
• DIDO liquor; gin ...E20 US sl.
• DIRTY GIN unwatered gin ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EYE-WATER gin ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLASH OF LIGHTNING a glass of gin; a dram of neat spirit ...1789 sl.
• G AND T gin and tonic ...1966 UK sl.
• GIN AND IT gin and Italian vermouth ...20C sl.
• GIN-BUD a gin-induced spot or pimple on the face ...c1820 sl.
• GIN-COASTER a pink gin with soda ...c1880 sl.
• GIN-CRAWL a drinking bout on gin ...1883 sl.
• GIN KEN a gin shop ...L18 sl.
• HEARTSEASE a measure of gin ...M17 sl.
• JACKEY gin ...1799 sl.
• JACKY gin ...1799 sl.
• LADY DACRE'S WINE gin ...E19 sl.
• LIGHT BLUE gin ...19C Brit.
• LIGHTNING gin; also, any strong, often low-quality alcoholic spirit ...1781 sl., chiefly US
• LIGHT WET gin ...E19 Brit. sl.
• LINCOLN'S INN gin ...L19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• LOTION a drink, rarely of aught but liquor, and esp. of gin ...1876 sl.
• MAHOGANY a drink of gin and treacle ...1835 Eng. dial.
• MATRIMONY a mixture of gin and whisky, or gin and rum ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MISERY gin ...E19 sl.
• MODEST QUENCHER a glass of gin and water ...M19 sl.
• MOTHERS gin ...1937 UK sl.
• MOTHER'S RUIN gin ...1937 UK sl.
• NEEDLE gin ...1910s rhyming sl. (Needle and Pin)
• NEEDLE AND PIN gin ...1910s rhyming sl.
• NIG gin ...19C Brit. back-slang
• NIGGER GIN (derogatory) inferior or synthetic gin ...1900s US sl.
• NIGGER HEEL (derogatory) bad liquor, esp. gin ...1968 Amer. dial.
• OLD TOM strong gin ...1821 sl.
• PANTHER strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1932 Amer. dial.
• PANTHER MILK strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1930s sl.
• PANTHER PISS strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER PURGE strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1930s sl.
• PANTHER SWEAT strong home-brewed or cheap liquor, usually gin ...1929 sl.
• PARAFFIN gin ...20C S. Afr. rhyming sl.
• PARSON'S WIFE gin, esp. Vicker's Gin ...1920s Aust. sl.
• PINKERS pink gin ...1961 Brit. sl., chiefly naval usage
• QUARTERN O'BRY a 1/4 pint of gin ...M19 sl.
• QUEEN'S TEARS alcohol, usually gin ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• RAG-WATER gin ...1780 sl.
• RAIN gin ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• RALPH LYNN gin ...1920s rhyming sl.
• RIGHT-SORT gin ...1820 sl.
• SATIN gin ...1854 sl.
• STARK-NAKED gin ...Bk1904 sl.
• STRIP-ME-NAKED gin ...c1820 sl.
• STRONG AND THIN gin; a glass of gin ...E20 US rhyming sl.
• TAPE a fiery drink, spirits, usually gin ...1725 sl.
• TIGER'S MILK gin ...1850 sl.
• TITERY † gin ...1725 sl.
• TITTERY † gin ...1725 sl.
• TWANKAY gin ...1900s sl.
• TWANKEY gin ...1900s sl.
• UNSWEETENED gin ...L19 sl.
• VERA a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl. (Vera Lynn)
• VERA LYNN a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl.
• WHITE gin or any alcoholic beverage ...20C US sl.
• WHITE FACE gin ...c1820 Aust. sl.
• WHITE SATIN gin ...1854 Brit. sl.
• WHITE TAPE gin ...E18 Brit. sl.
• WHITE VELVET gin ...19C US criminals' sl.
• YARD OF SATIN a glass of gin ...19C sl.
GIN - nouns, person
• DAFFIER a gin drinker ...c1820 sl.
• VERA a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl. (Vera Lynn)
• VERA LYNN a gin; hence, a drinker of gin ...1940s rhyming sl.
GIN - verbs
• DAFFY to drink gin ...1820 sl.
• DAFFY IT to drink gin ...1820 sl.
• BLACKJACK gingerbread ...1975 Amer. dial.
GINSENG - nouns
• SANG ginseng ...M19 US sl.
GINSENG - verbs
• SANG to gather ginseng ...M19 US sl.