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• K n. 1. a homosexual male, a 'kweer' ...20C sl.
n. 2. a knighthood ...20C sl.
n. 3. a kilometer ...1940s sl.
n. 4. £1000 or $1000; used esp. with reference to salaries offered in job advertisements ...1968 sl.
n. 5. a homosexual ...1960s sl.
n. 6. a kilogram of any illicit drug ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 7. phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 8. ketamine hydrochloride, a mildly hallucinogenic drug, developed as a battlefield anaesthetic, associated chemically with phencyclidine, and often used as a legal substitute for MDMA ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 9. money ...1990s US campus sl.
int. all right, in order ...1950s sl.
• KAAIKE vb. to stare vacantly; to wander listlessly ...1854 Eng. dial.
• KAAK † vb. of a crow: to caw ...1605
• KAALGAT adj. naked ...1960s S. Afr.
• KAARM n. a mass of dirt ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAARTJIE n. a very small measure of cannabis ...1950s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAASKOP n. a Dutchman ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KAAV vb. to snow heavily ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAAVIE n. 1. a heavy fall of snow; a blizzard ...1866 Sc.
n. 2. a heavy, driving rain ...1908 Sc.
vb. of snow: to fall heavily and in drifts ...1866 Sc.
• KAA-WAA adj. 1. crooked, twisted ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. ill-natured, cross-grained ...1859 Eng. dial.
adv. awry ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KABAC GENALS n. backslang ...L19 sl.
• KABA-KABA adj. 1. of people: slovenly, ill-kempt, boorish-looking ...20C W. Indies sl.
adj. 2. of animals and things: cheap, worthless ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. a low-class, worthless, rough person ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KABAYO n. heroin ...1960s drugs sl.
• KABBER n. rubbish, a heap or conglomeration of rubbish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KABBIE-LABBY n. an altercation, wrangle, argument, dispute; confused talk ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. to argue, to dispute, to wrangle ...1898 Sc.
• KABEEZER n. 1. the head ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. the face ...1960s US sl.
• KABGNALS n. backslang ...L19 sl.
• KABILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KABLOOEY adj. destroyed, ruined ...L20 N. Amer. colloq.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABLOOIE! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABLOONA n. among Inuit people, a person who is not an Inuit; a White person ...L18
• KABOOLIES n. the female breasts ...2000s US sl.
• KABOOM n. a loud bang or noise ...1940s sl.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABUKI n. a crack cocaine pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and rubber spark-plug cover ...1980s drugs sl.
• KABUMP! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the noisy landing of one object or person on another ...1970s sl.
• KABUSH adj. very tired, exhausted ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KACH! int. an exclamation used to warn children from touching any dirty substance ...Bk1902 Sc..
• KACHING! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the noise of a metal object striking another and giving a sharp, bell-like note ...1960s sl.
• KACK adj. contemptible, unpleasant, inferior ...1996 UK sl.
n. 1. a small child ...1895 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a child's boot or shoe below a certain size ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an important person ...1900s US Black sl.
n. 4. a Black person ...1920s US Black sl.
n. 5. a snobbish person ...1920s US Black sl.
n. 6. a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
n. 7. excrement ...1972 Aust. sl.
n. 8. someone or something extremely funny ...1989 Aust. sl.
n. 9. rubbish, nonsense ...1997 UK sl.
vb. 1. to defecate ...15C UK
vb. 2. to fall asleep ...1959 US sl.
• KACK BISCUIT n. a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• KACKERLAKE n. 1. an albino ...1777
n. 2. a cockroach ...1813
• KACK-HANDED adj. left-handed, clumsy ...colloq.
• KACK IT vb. to be terrified ...1960s sl.
• KACK-MAKING n. making children's boots and shoes ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KACK ONE'S CORDUROYS vb. to be extremely scared ...Aust. sl.
• KACK ONE'S PANTS vb. to be extremely scared ...Aust. sl.
• KACKY n. human excrement ...1930 Amer. dial.
vb. to void excrement ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KACKY-HANDER n. a clumsy person ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KADABBLE n. caboodle, a large and miscellaneous collection of things or people; crowd, lot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KADDIE n. an ill-natured or mischievous person; a spoiled child ...1866 Sc.
• KADDLE n. 1. worry, trouble, dispute, fuss ...1856 Eng. dial.
n. 2. confusion, disorder, disarray, embarrassment ...1870 Eng. dial.
• KADES n. sheep dung ....Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KADEY n. a hat ...1869 Sc. & Eng. sl.
• KADI n. a hat ...L19 sl.
• KADIE n. a hat ...L19 sl.
• KADIFTER n. a hard blow on the head ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KADOO n. a to-do; a great fuss ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KADOODLE n. caboodle, a large and miscellaneous collection of things or people; crowd, lot ...1967 Amer. dial.
vb. to hang around, to frequent, to wander about ...L19 US sl.
• KADOOMENT n. 1. noise, confusion ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 2. (as 'Kadoo-ment') open-air fun and excitement ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KADOOVA n. the head ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KADY n. a hat or cap ...L19 sl.
• KAE n. 1. a thievish, mischievous person ...1789 Sc.
n. 2. a chatterbox; an unlucky or ill-omened person ...1866 Sc.
n. 3. a term of affection for a neat little person ...Bk1902 Sc.
† vb. 1. to invite ...1721 Sc
vb. 2. to caw ...Bk1902 Sc.
† int. an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...a1779 Scot
• KAE IN THE KIRK-RIGGIN' n. a noisy, fractious child ...1923 Sc.
• KAERY adj. of many colours ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAE-WITTED adj. harebrained, half-witted ...1793 Sc.
• KAFFERBOETIE n. a White sympathizer with Black causes ...1930s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFERPAK n. a thorough beating, a thrashing; a comprehensive defeat ...1930s S. Africa sl.
• KAFFIR adj. (offensive) of low quality; bad; inferior; unsatisfactory, unreliable ...1934 S. Afr. sl.
n. 1. a pimp; an unpleasant person ...M19 sl., orig. S. Afr.
n. 2. (derogatory) a Black person ...M19 sl., orig. S. Afr.
n. 3. a convict who has been transported to New South Wales and subsequently escaped ...L19 Irish sl.
• KAFFIR APPOINTMENT n. an appointment for which one fails to arrive on time ...1950s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIRBOETIE n. a White sympathizer with Black causes ...1930s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIRLAND n. the Cape provinces; latterly, South Africa ...M19 sl.
• KAFFIR'S TIGHTENER n. a large, heavy meal ...M19 S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIR TAXI n. brandy plus Coca-Cola or some other sweet fizzy drink ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIR TOBACCO n. marijuana ...1960s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAFOOSTER n. useless talk, idle chatter ...1970s US sl.
• KAFTY adj. ill-tempered ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KAG n. 1. a small cask, a keg ...1818 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an angular tear or rent in cloth ...1870 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the stump of a broken tooth; a tooth standing alone ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to grieve, to vex ...1866 Sc.
vb. 2. to crawl, to move slowly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to idle, to potter about; to do odd jobs ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to tear, to rip; to make an angular tear in cloth; to cut unevenly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAGG n. 1. sulkiness, ill humour ...E19 sl.
n. 2. an argument, a dispute; a row ...1916 nautical sl.
vb. to argue ...1919 nautical sl.
• KAGGIE n. a kagool (waterproof outer garment) ...1984 UK sl.
• KAGGLE vb. to draggle, to dirty ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAGGLE OVER vb. to smear over ...1895 Eng. dial.
• KAGMAG n. unwholesome,.decayed, or loathsome meat; offal ...1847 Eng. dial. or vulgar
• KAGOU adj. looking miserable, unenthusiastic, 'sorry for oneself' ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KAGY adj. lively; excited; spry ...1902 Amer. dial.
• KAH-KA-KA! int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KAHOONAS n. the female breasts, esp. if large ...1970s sl.
• KAHUNA n. 1. a priest of the native Hawaiian religion, a wise man, a minister; now esp. a sorcerer ...1873 Hawaii
n. 2. a spell or curse ...1938 Hawaii
n. 3. a ghost ...1954 Hawaii
n. 4. a large or important person or thing ...1980s US sl.
vb. to practice sorcery; to cast a spell ...1938 Hawaii
• KAHUTE n. a little house ...1790 Sc.
• KAI n. 1. food ...M19 NZ colloq.
n. 2. the sea; salt water ...1938 Hawaii
int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KAIBREL † n. 1. a lean, stupid fellow ...1838 Sc.
† n. 2. a thin, ill-thriving sheep, frequently killed to prevents its complete loss by death ...1838 Sc.
• KAID † vb. of cats: to desire the male, to be in heat ...1825 Sc.
• KAIDLIN adj. not firm, uncertain of step or motion; not in health ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAIF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 3. the pleasure derived from smoking marijuana
• KAIFA n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KAIGH! int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, or abhorrence ...1828 Sc.
• KAI-KAI n. a homosexual male ...1935 US sl.
• KAIKSOME adj. hard to manage, requiring careful treatment ...1934 Sc.
• KAIL n. a main meal, dinner ...1807 Sc.
• KAIL-BAILLIE † n. the servant who stays home on the farm on Sunday to prepare dinner and feed and water the cattle ...a1838 Sc.
• KAIL-BELL n. a call to dinner ...1740 Sc.
• KAIL CASTER n. a mischievous person who throws stalks of kail, cabbage, etc. down chimneys for sport ...1899 Sc.
• KAILE vb. to be in poor health, to suffer ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KAILED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KAILIE n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit ...1840 Sc.
vb. 1. to pay a friendly evening visit ...1924 Sc.
vb. 2. to gossip ...1931 Sc.
• KAILIERS n. people who stay too long in other folk's houses ...1919 Sc.
• KAILIE-WORM n. a caterpillar ...1825 Sc.
• KAILLY-BROSE n. broth made from colewort or vegetables ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAIL RUNT n. a term of contempt applied esp. to an old woman ...a1779 Sc.
• KAIL-SIPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a nickname given to the people of Fife ...1765 Sc.
• KAIL-SUPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a nickname given to the people of Fife ...1765 Sc.
• KAIL-TIME n. dinner-time, the time of dinner ...1790 Sc.
• KAIL-WIFE n. 1. a woman who sells vegetables and herbs; a female greengrocer ...a1779 Sc.
n. 2. a scold; a coarse, brawling woman ...1959 Sc.
n. 3. an effeminate man ...1959 Sc.
• KAIL-WORM n. a caterpillar ...1772 Sc.
• KAIL-YARD n. a cabbage-garden, kitchen-garden, such as is commonly attached to a small cottage ...1725 Sc.
• KAIM AGAINST THE HAIR vb. to oppose, to ruffle, to irritate (kaim = comb) ...1768 Sc.
• KAIM A GRAY HEAD vb. to live to old age; generally used negatively (kaim = comb) ...1914 Sc.
• KAIM SOMEBODY'S HEAD BACKWARDS vb. to annoy, to tease (kaim = comb) ...1721 Sc.
• KAIN vb. to look, to peer; to look shyly or askance; to squint ...1847 Eng. dial.
• KAIR † n. a mire, a puddle ...1808 Sc.
• KAIRD n. a travelling tinker; a gypsy, tramp, vagrant ...1663 Sc.
• KAISER n. an emperor ...a1225
• KAISER BABY n. a woman who leaves home and returns married to a successful, wealthy, (and usually White) husband ...1920s US Black sl.
• KAISERLING n. a minor emperor ...1852
• KAISHIN n. occasion, reason, cause ...1908 Sc.
• KAITER adj. kindly, friendly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAITLE † vb. to fondle, to cuddle ...1797 Sc.
• KAIVY n. a great number of living creatures, esp. of human beings ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAJEES n. cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAJILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KAK adj. contemptible, unpleasant, inferior, nasty ...1970s UK & S. Afr. sl.
n. a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1939 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to vomit ...1960s US sl.
vb. 2. to defecate ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KAKA n. 1. excrement ...1952 US sl.
n. 2. heroin or counterfeit heroin ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KAKA QUEEN n. one who sexual preferences involve excrement ...1950s homosexual sl.
• KAKAROCH † n. a cockroach ...1665
• KAKE n. a stitch in the side ...1892 Ireland
• KAKER n. 1. anything or anyone unpleasant or distasteful ...1930s sl.
n. 2. cannabis ...1960s sl.
• KAKISTOCRACY n. the government of a state by the worse citizens ...1829
• KAKKER adj. in nursery language: dirty ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAKKER-BOOSAH n. prematurely voided excrement ...19C sl.
• KAKKERLAK n. a cockroach ...1813
• KAKPOT n. a latrine ...1970s S. Afr. criminals' sl.
• KAKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. the testicles ...20C Irish sl.
n. 3. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KALA n. a dollar; money ...1955 Hawaii
• KALAHARI WISHING WELL n. an outdoor privy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KALE n. 1. broth or soup made with various kinds of vegetables ...a1480 Sc.
n. 2. dinner, food ...1794 Sc.
n. 3. money ...1912 Amer. sl.
• KALE-BELL n. the dinner-bell ...a1776 Sc.
• KALE-BROSE n. broth made from colewort or other greens, vegetable soup ...1824 Sc.
• KALE-BROTH n. broth made from colewort or other greens, vegetable soup ...1891 Sc.
• KALE-CASTER n. a mischievous person who throws the stems of colewort or cabbage down chimneys in sport ...1899 Sc.
• KALE-GARTH n. a kitchen-garden, a small cottage garden ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALE-POT WHIG n. one who does not go to church but stops at home on Sundays ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KALE-RUNT n. a term of contempt ...1875 Sc.
• KALE-RUNTLE n. a term of contempt ...1896 Sc.
• KALE SEED n. money ...20C US sl.
• KALE-SELLER n. a greengrocer ...1792 Sc.
• KALE-SUPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a name given to the Fifeshire people from their noted love of broth ...1816 Sc.
• KALE-TIME n. dinner-time ...1787 Sc.
• KALE-WIFE n. a scold ...1866 Sc.
• KALE-WORM n. 1. a caterpillar ...1773 Sc.
n. 2. a term of contempt for a tall, slender person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALEY n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit; chat, gossip among neighbours ...1840 Sc. & Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• KALE-YARD n. a cabbage-garden, kitchen-garden, such as is commonly attached to a small cottage ...1725 Sc.
• KALI n. marijuana ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• KALIED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KALI-WATER n. champagne ...1970s sl.
• KALK SOMEBODY'S DOOR vb. to avoid visiting one as a sign of displeasure, from the practice of marking with chalk the doors of houses where plague was present as a warning to keep away or, in later times, where the tenant was under notice to move ...1946 Sc.
• KALL n. a waterfall ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALOTYPOGRAPHY n. beautiful printing ...1834
• KALUMPUS! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made when an objects falls on a hard surface ...M19
• KALWART adj. of weather: coldish, fresh and bracing ...1866 Sc.
• KALY n. a call, a friendly visit, chat, gossip among neighbours ...1843 Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• KALYIN n. gossiping ...1954 Sc.
• KAME n. 1. a long, narrow, steep-sided mound or ridge; a hill-ridge ...1814 Sc.
n. 2. a small peninsula, in the form of a narrow, low isthmus, leading from a cliff to the shore ...1905 Sc.
n. 3. a combing of the hair ...1920 Sc.
vb. 1. to scold; to give a 'dressing down' ...1929 Sc.
vb. 2. of a child: to climb or clamber up ...1938 Sc.
vb. 3. to be eager for something ...1941 Sc.
• KAMERAD! int. stop! that’s enough! ...1915 military usage
• KAMING adj. of bees: issuing forth in a stream when leaving the hive to swarm, 'towthering' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAMMA adj. fake, trumped up, spurious; esp. said of emotions or illness ...20C S. Afr. sl.
• KAMMO n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMMOCK n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMOO n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMPSJIOUS adj. captious, disposed to catch at faults ...1914 Sc.
• KAN n. 1. charge, responsibility; one's particular method of doing a thing ...1914 Sc.
n. 2. magic art, witchcraft; 'a superstitious term used when trying for fish' ...1929 Sc.
• KANACKA n. a native of the South Sea Islands, esp. one employed in Queensland as a labourer on the sugar plantations ...1840
• KANAKA n. 1. (often derogatory) a Hawaiian native, esp. a man; the Hawaiian language ...1820 chiefly Hawaii
n. 2. a Pacific Islander, esp. one brought to Australia as an indentured labourer on the Queensland cotton or sugar plantations ...1840 orig. Aust.
• KANAKALAND n. Queensland ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANAKALANDER n. a Queenslander ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANAKAS n. the testicles ...20C Aust. sl.
• KANAKER n. a native of the South Sea Islands, esp. one employed in Queensland as a labourer on the sugar plantations ...1840
• KANCUMS n. tricks, pranks ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANE n. 1. water at low tide between the outer sandbank and the beach ...1893 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a male; a man, a husband ...1938 Hawaii
• KANG † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. a fool ...a1225 obs.
• KANGA n. 1. a kangaroo ...c1890 Aust. colloq.
n. 2. a shoe ...20C rhyming sl. (kangaroo)
n. 3. a Jew ...1920s rhyming sl. (kangaroo)
n. 4. a prison warder ...1920s rhyming sl. for 'screw' (kangaroo)
n. 5. chewing tobacco ...1950s UK prison rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'chew')
n. 6. money ...1950s Aust. rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'screw')
n. 7. a pneumatic drill ...1970s sl., orig. Aust.
n. 8. a White child ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KANGAR n. chewing tobacco ...1950s UK prison rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'chew')
• KANGAROO n. 1. one who advances by fitful jumps ...1865
n. 2. an irregular court, esp. one set up by prisoners or strikers ...M19 US
n. 3. a form of bicycle with sloping backbone, introduced in 1884 early form of the safety bicycle ...1884
n. 4. a native of Australia ...1888 humorous
n. 5. a thin, slopes-shouldered person ...L19 sl.
n. 6. a shoe ...20C rhyming sl.
n. 7. a Jew ...1920s rhyming sl.
n. 8. a prison warder ...1920s rhyming sl. for 'screw'
n. 9. a children's method of sliding on ice; the popular method was for a couple to sit on their hunkers and any of boys and girls to fall in behind, each one holding on to the one in front; this was called a 'kangaroo'; when the 'kangaroo' overturned, its component parts were flung helter-skelter, a squirming mass of exuberant yelling humanity ...1926 Sc.
vb. 1. to make a great jump ...1889
vb. 2. to convict unjustly, orig. as in a 'kangaroo court' ...20C US sl.
vb. 3. to beat up ...1910s US sl.
vb. 4. to make one hyperactive; often used of a drug ...1950s US Black sl.
vb. 5. of a car: to move forward or to cause a car to move forward with short sudden jerks, as a result of improper use of the clutch ...1970s colloq.
• KANGAROO-BEAR n. the koala ...1885
• KANGAROO COURT n. an irregular court, esp. one set up by prisoners or strikers ...M19 US
• KANGAROOER n. a kangaroo hunter ...B1943 Aust. colloq.
• KANGAROO FEATHERS n. an impossible thing, often an unlikely story ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO HOP n. a short-lived feminine affectation in which the hands were held palm-down at the breast ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO IT vb. to defecate in a squatting position, usually with one's feet on the seat ...1950s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROOLAND n. Australia ...1900s Aust. sl.
• 'KANGAROOS n. West Australian mining shares; also, a dealer in these ...1896 Aust. Stock Exchange usage
• KANGAROO SHIT n. defecation in a squatting position ...1940s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO START n. caused by a faulty clutch or bad technique; the car shudders and moves off jerkily ...L1930s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROOSTER n. an amusing or eccentric person ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO STRAIGHT n. a poker hand which resembles a straight but has a card or cards missing, hence a worthless hand ...1950s US sl.
• KANGAROO VALLEY n. Earl's Court, London; an area popular among Australian expatriates ...c1950 sl.
• KANGE vb. to flog severely ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANGING n. a severe flogging ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANGLED † adj. tangled ...1577 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KANGO n. an Australian ...1940s sl.
• KANGOL n. a beret ...1990s US Black & teen sl.
• KANGSE n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
vb. to hit lightly ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KANI n. 1. a bad cough, usually with a temperature ...1940s W. Indies sl.
n. 2. a person who has a bad cough ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• KANIKER †* n. a seller of ale ...1619
• KANITS n. a stink ...M19 back-slang
• KANITSENO n. a stinker, 'stinking one' ...M19 back-slang
• KAN-KAYERS n. tricksters; confederates who unite to disparage anything they wish to buy, or make fictitious offers and praise anything they wish to sell ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANKEDORT †* n. a state of suspense; a critical position; a predicament; an awkward affair ...c1374
• KANKER n. a Jew ...1930s sl.
• KANKERDORT †* n. a state of suspense; a critical position; a predicament; an awkward affair ...c1374
• KANOCK n. (sometimes derogatory) a Hawaiian ...M19 sl.
• KANOZZLE n. the nose ...1969 Amer. dial.
• KANSAS CITY BANKROLL n. a show bankroll in which 1 large-denomination note is exhibited on the outside, concealing a quantity of small bills ...1940s US Black & gambling sl.
• KANSAS CITY FISH n. fried salt pork ...1944 Amer. dial.
• KANSAS CITY ROLL n. a show bankroll in which 1 large-denomination note is exhibited on the outside, concealing a quantity of small bills ...1940s US Black & gambling sl.
• KANSAS CITY WORKOUT n. watching men go boy ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• KANSAS NECK-BLISTER n. a Bowie knife ...L19 US sl.
• KANSAS YUMMY n. a young woman who proves hard to seduce; she need not necessarily come from Kansas, but the implication is of small-town or rural innocence and morality ...1960s US sl.
• KANT n. 1. food ...1851-61 tramps' sl.
n. 2. humour, state of mind ...1908 Sc.
n. 3. manner of treating a person or of doing something; behaviour ...1908 Sc.
n. 4. opportunity, occasion ...1929 Sc.
• KANUCK n. a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• KANUK n. a Canadian ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KANURD adj. drunk ...1851 Eng. back-slang
• KAP vb. to take off the heads and remove the entrails of fish ...1898 Sc.
• KAPA n. a bed quilt ...1887 Amer. dial.
• KA PAI int. good! well done! ...NZ Maori
• KAPELLO n. a coat ...M19 sl.
• KAPLOOEY! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made by the explosion of something soft and messy, as a large fruit or a living body ...1930s sl.
• KAPOK-CRUNCHER n. a male homosexual ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KAPOODLE n. the whole lot; a group; a crowd ...1915 Amer. dial.
• KAPOW! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a sudden noise or shock, typically an imitation of a handgun firing ...1930s sl.
• KAPOWIE! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a sudden noise or shock, typically an imitation of a handgun firing ...1930s sl.
• KAPP vb. to take off the heads and remove the entrails of fish ...1898 Sc.
• KAPPA n. a disabled person; hence, a general insult ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• KAPS n. phencyclidine ...1970s drugs sl.
• KAPSWALLA vb. to steal ...L19 US criminals' sl.
• KAPU adj. forbidden, off limits; often used as a warning to deter trespassing ...1826
• KAPUT adj. 1. out of order, utterly ruined or exhausted; broken ...1910s sl.
adj. 2. dead, finished ...1910s sl.
• KAREKOYLE n. a mode of sliding in a crouching position ...1889 Eng. dial.
vb. to slide in a crouching position ...1889 Eng. dial.
• KAREMON † n. a man, a male ...a1400
• KARIBAT n. food ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• KARK vb. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• ׇKARK IT vb. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• KARLISH adj. churlish, clownish, vulgar, coarse; rude, mean ...a1240
• KARLSOME adj. awkward, difficult to manage or manipulate ...1930 Sc.
• KARMA n. an emotional or spiritual state of being, either good or bad; orig. used by hippies, from Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, but latterly very little to do with religion ...1960s US sl.
• KARMIC adj. of the nature of karma ...1885
• KAROS † n. heavy sleep, torpor ...1598
• KARRIEWHITCHIT n. a term of endearment for a child ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KARSEY n. 1. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
n. 2. a brothel ...2002 UK sl.
• KARZEY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• KARZY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• KASCHNICKERED adj. drunk, intoxicated ...1970s US Black sl.
• KASER † n. an emperor ...c888
• KASHOOM! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating speedy movement ...1970s sl.
• KASK †* adj. active, vigorous ...c1300
• KAS-KAS n. 1. a quarrel or contention ...1940s W.I. Rasta
n. 2. rumour-mongering ...1950s W. Indies
• KASS KASS n. a quarrel or contention ...1940s W.I. Rasta
• KASTÉ †* n. chastity ...a1300
• KASTIN † vb. to chasten ...c1200
• KATE n. 1. a prostitute; a harlot; a loose woman ...16C Sc. sl.
n. 2. a picklock ...M17 sl.
n. 3. a skeleton key ...M17 sl.
n. 4. the pileated woodpecker ...1913 Amer. dial.
• KATE, THE n. the British army ...L19 sl.
• KATE AND SIDNEY n. steak and kidney ...1914 Brit. rhyming sl.
• KATE CARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE KARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE KEARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE MOSS vb. to toss, to throw ...1990s rhyming sl.
• KATEXOKEN † adv. pre-eminently ...1633
• KATH n. 1. an indeterminate period of time ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 2. a habitual criminal ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 3. a prison sentence of indeterminate time ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 4. a promise, usually in the context of paying back a loan ...1910s US sl.
n. 5. a pack ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KATHARINE DOCKS n. socks ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATHIL n. anything reduced to a pulp; an egg beaten up ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. to beat with great severity; to reduce to a pulp ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KATHLEEN MAROON n. a 3-year prison sentence ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN n. 1. the morning ...20C rhyming sl.
n. 2. an indeterminate period of time ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 3. a habitual criminal ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 4. a promise, usually in the context of paying back a loan ...1910s US sl.
n. 5. a prison sentence of indeterminate length ...1910 Aust. & NZ sl.
n. 6. a pack ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN SYSTEM n. hire purchase ...1920s sl.
• KATIE n. a nickname for a hare ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KATIE-BAR-THE-DOOR phr. used as a warning, to indicate impending danger ...20C US sl.
• KATIE-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KATIN' AND SAVIN' adj. of penurious habits, saving ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KATIRAMS n. small, swift-flying, tattered clouds ...1897 Sc.
• KATISH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1981 Amer. dial.
• KATONK n. a Japanese-American from the USA rather than from Hawaii ...1940s Hawaii
• KATOO vb. to act as a sycophant ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KATOOCH n. the rump of a cooked chicken ...1979 Amer. dial.
• KATOOSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KATOUSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KATOWSE n. an uproar, a commotion, a tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KATRINKA n. a fat woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KATTED † adj. plastered with clay ...1684
• KATTERKORNERED-LIKE adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1843 Amer. dial.
• KATTERZEM n. a parasite; a hanger-on ...L19 Sc.
• KATTY n. a nickname for a hare ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KATTY-CLEAN-DOORS n. a child's name for snow ...1844 Sc.
• KATTYDID n. 1. a cicada ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATUSH n. the rump of a cooked chicken ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KATY †* n. 1. a wanton person ...1535
n. 2. the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. a hat or cap ...1947 Amer. dial.
• KATY-BAR-THE-GATE phr. used as a warning, to indicate impending danger ...20C US sl.
• KATYCOCK n. the pileated woodpecker ...1953 Amer. dial.
• KATYDATE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDEE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDID n. 1. a green grasshopper ...1743 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a cicada ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a tree frog or similar frog ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a branch railroad that is not very important or gives poor service ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KATYDIDDLE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDIDN'T n. a green grasshopper ...1846 Amer. dial.
• KATY-HANDED adj. left-handed ...1822 Sc.
• KATY-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KATYNIPPER n. 1. a dragonfly ...1953 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a mosquito ...1954 Amer. dial.
• KATZENJAMMER n. 1. a hangover; a symptom of a hangover ...1849 Amer. dial.
n. 2. anxiety or jitters ...20C US sl.
n. 3. a catsuit ...1940s US sl.
• KATZENJAMMERS n. low spirits after drinking ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KAUI n. a variety of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KAVE † n. a hen-coop ...1789 Sc.
• KAW vb. to gasp for breath ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAWDRON † n. a cauldron ...c1483
• KAW-WAW adj. 1. crooked, twisted, distorted ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. ill-natured, cross-grained ...1859 Eng. dial.
adv. awry ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KAY adj. of the hand or foot: left ...a1300 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a thievish, mischievous person ...1789 Sc.
n. 2. 1 kilometre ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
int. 1. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, or abhorrence ...1828 Sc.
int. 2. all right, in order ...1950s sl.
• KAYA n. marijuana ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAYCUFF FOE! int. go away! ...20C back-slang for 'fuck off!'
• KAYF n. a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• KAY-FISTED adj. left-handed ...1611 Eng. dial.
• KAYK n. the cry of a goose ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAY-KAY! † int. an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...1828 Scot
• KAYLIED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KAYNARD † n. a worthless fellow; a lazy cowardly person; a sluggard; a rascal ...1782
• KAY-NIEVED adj. left-handed ...1865 Eng. dial.
• KAYO adj. 1. all right, in order ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate; satisfactory ...1923 sl.
n. 1. a knockout ...1910s sl.
n. 2. death ...1910s sl.
n. 3. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to knock out ...1923 sl.
• KAYO CHAMP n. a champion boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• KAYO LOOKER n. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KAY-PAWED adj. left-handed ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KAY-WITTED adj. half-witted, harebrained, scatterbrained ...1853 Sc.
• KAZE n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
• KAZEN n. cause ...1931 Amer. dial.
vb. to cause ...1931 Amer. dial.
• KAZH adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1981 Amer. campus sl.
• KAZILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KA-ZIP n. the head ...1900s sl.
• KAZOO n. 1. the anus; the buttocks ...1960s sl.
n. 2. the vagina; the penis ..1960s sl.
• KAZOOMS n. the female breasts, esp. if large ...1970s sl.
• KAZOONIE n. a child ...1950s US prison sl.
• KAZZARDLY adj. 1. precarious, risky, uncertain ...1849 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: changeable, unsettled ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEACH n. 1. a heave up ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the choice or pick of anything ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to take up water etc. with a shallow vessel; to scoop up, to ladle out ...1387 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to sip water, as from a brook ...1809 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to drag forcibly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEACH-CUP †* n. a toss-pot, a drunkard ...a1125
• KEADY adj. wanton ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEAK †* n. a cackle; cackling ...1600
†* vb. to cackle ...1545
• KEAKY-RIDGED adj. bent inwards ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEALIE n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit ...1840 Sc.
• KEAM n. 1. the scum or froth which rises upon any liquid ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a honeycomb ...1814 Sc.
n. 3. a young girl's bosom, as being beautiful and sweet ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEANE vb. to scamper ...1851 Eng. dial.
• KEATHER n. a cradle ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEAU vb. to twist, as the foot in walking ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEAVE vb. 1. to struggle on in a hopeless way ...1851 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to threaten ...1874 Sc.
vb. 3. to plunge ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEB n. 1. a ewe that has lost her lamb, or whose lamb is still-born ...1470-73 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a blow ...1788 Sc.
n. 3. an old, worn-out sheep ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a villain ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 5. any creature small of its kind, esp. an infant ...Bk1902 Sc.
†* vb. 1. to boast, to brag ...c1315
vb. 2. of ewes: to bring forth a still-born lamb ...1816 Sc.
vb. 3. to pant for breath; to sob ...1888 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to beat severely ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. 5. to turn in the knee or toes in walking ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEBAR n. 1. a companion, a neighbour ...1835 Sc.
n. 2. a strong person of somewhat stubborn disposition ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBED EWE n. a ewe whose lamb is stillborn ...1860 Sc.
• KEBBER † n. an old or diseased sheep which is removed from the flock ...1538
• KEBBIE adj. anxious, eager ...1898 Sc.
n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. to chide, to quarrel ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBIE-LEBBIE n. an altercation, especially as carried on by a number of persons speaking at one time; a wrangling, a quarrelling ...1794 Sc.
vb. to altercate, to wrangle; to quarrel ...18C Sc.
• KEBBUCK † n. a cheese ...c1470 exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEBBUCK-END n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1868 Sc.
• KEBBUCK-HEEL n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1785 Sc.
• KEBBUCK-STUMP n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1827 Sc.
• KEBBY n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. to chide, to quarrel ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBY-STICK n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEB-FOOTED adj. walking with the toes turned inward ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEBROCK n. anything big and clumsy ...1882 Sc.
• KEBS n. the game of knuckle-bones ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KECH n. a girl's shoe ...1891 Sc.
• KECHER vb. to cough continuously ...1896 Sc.
• KECHT n. a consumptive cough ...1824 Sc.
• KECK adj. pert, insolent, lively ...1856 Eng. dial.
n. 1. the noise made in the gullet by sickness; a sound between a cough and choke ...1852 Eng. dial.
n. 2. rubbish ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a cuff or blow ...1881 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a pocket ...L19 sl.
n. 5. a jolt ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a twist to one side; a sprain; an injury to the spine causing deformity ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1601
vb. 2. to express strong dislike or disgust ...1681
vb. 3. to become short of breath; to catch one's breath; to gasp ...1721
vb. 4. to jerk oneself back; to throw back the head with disdainful air; to raise oneself erect ...1740 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to stand awry; to twist to one side; to lean; to drop from an upright position ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. of a bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1844
vb. 7. to choke; to make a choking noise in the throat; to cough ...1878 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to stay or put up at a house temporarily when away from home ...1880 Eng. dial.
vb. 9. to raise up one end of anything, esp. to tip up a cart in order to unload it ...1884 Eng. dial.
vb. 10. to cackle, to laugh ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 11. to draw back from a bargain; to flinch ...Bk1901 Sc.
vb. 12. to refuse with disdain; to be fastidious ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 13. to upset; to overbalance ...Bk1901 Eng. dial..
• KECK AT vb. to reject food, medicine, etc. with loathing ...1642
• KECKCORN n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KECKEN vb. 1. to decline with loathing, aversion, or disgust, as offered food; to be fastidious ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a sound between a choke and a cough; to retch ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKEN-HEARTED adj. squeamish; loathing the sight of food; dainty; over-fastidious; faint-hearted ...Bk1901 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KECKER adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KECKER-HEARTED adj. 1. faint-hearted, nervous ...1896 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. having a stomach that is easily upset ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKERS n. the tonsils ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKERY adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECK-FISTED adj. left-handed; clumsy, awkward ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECK-HANDED adj. left-handed; awkward, clumsy ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KECKISH †* adj. squeamish, affected by nausea ...1603
• KECKLE adj. 1. pert ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. weak in the stomach; flighty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a short, spasmodic laugh; a chuckle; a cackling,; giddy behaviour ...1820 Sc.
n. 2 loud chatter; idle or foolish talk ...1877 Sc.
vb. 1. of a person: to chuckle, to laugh, to giggle ...1513
vb. 2. of a hen or other bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1513
vb. 3. to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1619 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to retort impertinently; to speak insolently ...1856 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to show eagerness; to show signs of joy or of temper; to regain one's spirits after sickness, etc. ...1890 Sc.
vb. 6. to cough, to choke; to make a noise in the throat while swallowing ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE-STOMACH n. a squeamish stomach ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE-STOMACHED adj. having a stomach easily disgusted, squeamish; over-particular ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KECKLING adj. chuckling, noisy; of a giddy disposition ...1820 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. noisy laughter; giddy conduct ...1819 Sc.
• KECKLISH †* adj. squeamish, affected by nausea ...1601
• KECKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KECKSY adj. dry, juiceless; thirsty ...1874 Eng. dial.
vb. to become stringy ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKY adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDDENED adj. covered over with mud or dust ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDDENED AND CABAGED adj. having the boots covered with mud; dirty ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE adj. 1. brisk, lively; in good spirits ...c1440 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. stiff, tight ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a mischievous child ...1781 Eng. dial.
n. 2. trash, rubbish ...1852 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the belly; the stomach ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a glutton; a person who eats greedily ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to stuff; to fill, esp. to fill oneself with food ...1684 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 2. of the teeth: to be set on edge ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to toss about; to move a thing quickly from one place to another ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEDGE-BELLIED adj. pot-bellied ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-BELLY n. 1. a voracious or gluttonous feeder who stuffs himself full to repletion; a glutton ...1721 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a large, protuberant belly ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-GUTTED adj. said of an animal that has made itself ill by overeating ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-KYTE n. 1. a glutton ...Bk1901 Sc.
n. 2. a large, protuberant stomach ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEDGER n. a beggar, a tramp, a loafer, a petty thief ...1835 Eng. dial.
• KEDGER'S COFFEE-HOUSE n. a centre for beggars ...19C sl.
• KEDGER'S HOTEL n. a centre for beggars ...19C sl.
• KEDGING n. food of all kinds; stuffing ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGY adj. 1. brisk, active, sprightly, lively; cheerful, happy ...1719 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. given to the pleasures of the table ...1894 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. wanton, lascivious ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. pot-bellied ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KEDIDOES n. capers, pranks, tricks ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KEEADISH adj. sluggish; unwilling, disinclined ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEEAKY adj. brisk, lively ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEEBLER n. a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• KEECH n. 1. a large lump, esp. of mud ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 2. dirt ...Bk1901 Sc.
n. 3. something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
n. 4. excrement ...1970s sl.
n. 5. nonsense, rubbish ...1970s sl.
vb. 1. of wax, melted fat, etc.: to set hard in cooling ...1863 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. of water: to film over, to begin to freeze ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to void excrement, used esp. of children ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECHAN n. a small rivulet ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECH-BELLY n. a fat man ...1834 Eng. dial.
• KEECHIE adj. dirty ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECHTER n. the posterior, the buttocks ...1990s sl.
• KEECHY adj. of roads after rain: greasy ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEED n. a person, used in direct address ...1920s US sl.
• KEEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KEEHEE n. a goldfinch ...1955 Amer. dial.
• KEEK n. 1. a peep ...1773 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pocket ...L19 sl.
n. 3. a peeping Tom; a voyeur ...20C US sl.
n. 4. something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
n. 5. excrement ...1970s sl.
n. 6. nonsense, rubbish ...1970s sl.
† vb. 1. to glance, to gaze ...c1386 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to peep; to look privily, as through a narrow aperture, or round a corner ...c1440 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
†* vb. 3. to cackle ...1545
• KEEK-BO n. bo-peep ...1835
• KEEK-BOGLE n. hide-and-seek ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEEK-CLOY n. a trouser pocket ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• KEE KEE! int. used as a reproach ...1948 Amer. dial.
• KEEKER n. a peeper, a gazer ...Bk1902 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEKERS n. the eyes ...1808 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEK-HOLE n. a peephole ...1891 Eng. dial.
• KEEKHORN n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KEEKING-GLASS n. a looking-glass ...a1724 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEL †* n. 1. a tub or vat for holding liquor ...1485
n. 2. a ship, a vessel ...a1547 poetic
n. 3. the posteriors ...19C Sc.
† vb. 1. to cool; to lose heat; to refresh by cooling ...c825 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to make less violent, eager, or ardent; to assuage, to mitigate, to lessen ...c1175
vb. 3. to grow cold in feeling, etc.; to become less violent, fervid, or ardent; to 'cool down'; to diminish in intensity ...c1325
vb. 4. to become cool or cold ...c1420
• KEEL A SOMERSET vb. to turn a somersault ...1910 Amer. dial.
• KEELED UP adj. very sick, laid up or worn out from sickness or old age ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KEELHAUL vb. to punish with humiliation ...US Civil War usage
• KEELIE n. a low or vulgar boy; a street-loafer or rough; a ruffian ...1863 Sc.
• KEELING † n. cooling ...1382 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KEEL OUT adj. incapacitated because of illness ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KEEL OVER vb. 1. to turn a somersault ...1910 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to die ...1977 sl.
• KEEL UP vb. to incapacitate, esp. by illness or age; to kill, to deprive of life ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KEELY-OVER n. a somersault ...1943 Amer. dial.
• KEEN † adj. 1. brave, bold, valiant, daring ...c897
† adj. 2. fierce, savage (chiefly used of animals); cruel; harsh (to a person) ...a1000
† adj. 3. mighty, powerful, strong ...a1000
† adj. 4. wise, learned, clever ...a1000
† adj. 5. bold, proud, forward, insolent, heinous ...1297
adj. 6. excellent; first-rate ...1914 sl., orig. US
vb. to scan; to direct one's eyes sharply ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KEEN ARTICLE n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN AS A BRIAR adj. sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KEEN DATE n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN-EYED adj. of the eyes: sharp, piercing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEENLY †* adj. bold, courageous ...c1205
† adv. 1. fiercely, boldly ...c1000
† adv. 2. sharply, quickly, in haste ...a1300
• KEEN NUMBER n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEENO adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEN ON adj. fond of; enthusiastic about; liking; often implying sexual infatuation ...1889
• KEEN-POINTED adj. 1. of the nose: pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of shoes: sharp-pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KEENSHIP †* n. boldness, fierceness ...c1205
• KEEN STUFF n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEN-TOED adj. of shoes: sharp-pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KEEP † n. 1. care, attention, heed, notice ...c1250
† n. 2. a clasp or similar fastening ...1615
* n. 3. a pond or reservoir for fish; a weir or dam for retaining water ...1617
†* n. 4. a meat-safe ...1617
†* n. 5. a herdsman or herdswoman ...1641
† vb. 1. to lie in wait for, to watch for stealthily with hostile purpose; to intercept on the way; ...c1000
† vb. 2. to seize, to lay hold of; to snatch, to take ...c1000
† vb. 3. to take in with the eyes, ears, or mind; to take note of, to behold, to observe ...c1000
† vb. 4. to try to catch or get; to seek after ...c1000
† vb. 5. to watch ...c1000
† vb. 6. to watch for, to wait for, to await a coming event or person ...c1000
† vb. 7. to take in, to receive, to contain, to hold ...c1020
† vb. 8. to defend oneself; to be on one's guard ...c1175
† vb. 9. to meet in resistance or opposition; to encounter ...c1205
†* vb. 10. to lie in ambush ...c1205
† vb. 11. to care for, to regard, to desire ...1297
† vb. 12. to take care; to give heed ...a1300
† vb. 13. to intercept or meet in a friendly way; to greet, to welcome ...1340
† vb. 14. to conduct or comport oneself; to behave ...1362
† vb. 15. to retain in the memory; to remember ...1573
vb. 16. of school: to be in session; to commence ...1845 Amer. dial.
vb. 17. to persevere in, to carry on with, to maintain ...1935 Amer. dial.
• KEEP A LAMP LIT vb. to keep an eye open; to keep alert ...1889 sl.
• KEEP ALL THE BEANS IN THE SACK vb. to be careful of one's money ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KEEP A NESTLING vb. to be restless and uneasy ...c1696 sl.
• KEEP AN IRONMONGER'S SHOP BY THE SIDE OF A COMMON vb. to be hanged in chains ...L18 sl.
• KEEP A REEKING HOUSE vb. to maintain a household ...1883 Sc.
• KEEP A STIFF LIP vb. to keep quiet, to maintain a secret ...1970s US Black sl.
• KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP vb. to keep up one's courage
• KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE vb. to restrain oneself from laughing ...L19 sl.
• KEEP A SWANNERY vb. to boast; to boost one's own achievements ...L18 sl.
• KEEP A TIGHT ASSHOLE vb. to avoid panicking; to keep cool ...1918 Amer. military sl.
• KEEP A TIGHT HOLE vb. to maintain emotional control ...1940s sl., orig. US military
• KEEP AT THE STICK'S END vb. to snub, to keep 'at arm's length' ...L19 sl.
• KEEP BANKER'S HOURS vb. 1. to act lazily ...20C sl.
vb. 2. to be tardy to work ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEP CASES ON vb. to watch closely ...L19 US sl.
• KEEP COMPANY vb. to court ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KEEP DARK vb. to keep secret ...1681 colloq.
int. stay silent! ...1835 US sl.
• KEEP DEAD vb. to remain silent ...1900 Amer. sl.
• KEEP DICK vb. to keep watch ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• KEEP-DOOR † n. a porter; a door-ward ...1681 nonce word
• KEEPER † n. 1. a nurse; one who has charge of the sick ...c1450
† n. 2. one who keeps a mistress ...1676
n. 3. a ring that keeps another (esp. the wedding-ring) on the finger ...1851
• KEEPERESS * n. female keeper or custodian; a woman who keeps a man ...1748
• KEEPFUL †* adj. careful, heedful ...1489
• KEEP GOOD QUARTER † vb. to keep good watch; to preserve good order ...1595
• KEEP HEAD AGAINST vb. to resist successfully, to hold one's own against ...1818
• KEEPING † n. 1. confinement, imprisonment; prison ...1382
†* n. 2. a flock of sheep ...1641
† n. 3. the maintaining of a mistress or lover; the fact of condition of being so maintained ...1675
• KEEP IN GAMMON vb. to engage a person's attention while a confederate is robbing him ...1821 thieves' sl.
• KEEPING ROOM n. a sitting room or parlour intended for family use, as distinct from a 'front' room reserved for company ...1771 Amer. dial.
• KEEP LIFE AND SOUL TOGETHER † vb. to keep oneself alive ...1693
• KEEP MELL IN SHAFT vb. to keep straight in any course; to keep in good health; to carry on one's business prosperously; to make both ends meet ...1824 Sc.
• KEEP NIT vb. to keep watch, be observant ...1903 Aust. sl.
• KEEP OBS vb. to keep a lookout ...1940s sl.
• KEEP-OFF † adj. serving to keep (foes) off ...1623
• KEEP OLD MAID'S HALL vb. to live or keep house without the presence of a man ...1858 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S ALLEY GOOD vb. to ingratiate oneself ...1909 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KEEP ONE'S BRITCHES ON vb. not to become impatient, excited, or angry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S CHIN UP vb. to retain one's courage ...1938 sl.
• KEEP ONE'S EYE ON THE BALL vb. to be on the alert; to be careful ...1907 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED vb. to keep a sharp look out ...c1905 sl.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR DOWN vb. to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON vb. to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAND ON ONE'S HALFPENNY vb. to be mean, stingy; to look after one's own interests ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HEAD ABOVE GROUND vb. to keep oneself in life ...1627
• KEEP ONE'S LATHER DOWN vb. to be patient ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S LEGS vb. to remain standing or walking ...1706
• KEEP ONE'S MARBLE GOOD vb. to ingratiate oneself ...1909 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KEEP ONE'S NOSE CLEAN vb. to follow rules and regulations meticulously so as to avoid any blame; to be, remain, or become honest; to behave well or satisfactorily, often implying avoidance of involvement in criminal activity ...1887 sl., orig. US
• KEEP ONE'S PECKER UP vb. to retain one's courage ...1853 Brit. sl.
• KEEP ONE'S SHIRT ON vb. to keep one's composure, to remain calm or relaxed ...1854 sl., orig. US
• KEEP ONE'S SIGHTING EYE OUT vb. to watch for an opportunity ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SKILLET GREASY vb. to make a living; to live well ...1942 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SMOKEHOUSE GREASY vb. to make a living; to live well ...1984 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S TOP EYE OPEN vb. to keep a sharp lookout ...1828 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ON TRUCKING vb. to persevere ...1972 US sl.
• KEEP OPEN DOORS vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1841
• KEEP OPEN HOUSE vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1530
• KEEP OPEN HOUSEHOLD † vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...a1548
• KEEP OPEN TABLE vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1720
• KEEP QUALITY HOURS vb. to dine late ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEEPS! int. an exclamation to stake a claim ...1956 Amer. dial.
• KEEP SHAFT IN MELL vb. to keep straight in any course; to keep in good health; to carry on one's business prosperously; to make both ends meet ...1824 Sc.
• KEEP SKETCH vb. to keep watch ...1996 Irish sl.
• KEEP THE CENSUS DOWN vb. 1. to abort a foetus ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to masturbate ...19C Brit. sl.
• KEEP THE HANK IN ONE'S OWN HAND vb. to be master of the situation; to hold one's own ...1882 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP THE LINE vb. to behave properly ...E19 sl.
• KEEP THE LINES OPEN vb. to maintain communication ...20C sl.
• KEEP THE PARTY CLEAN vb. to avoid obscenity or 'dirty' stories ...1930s sl.
• KEEP THE TAIL IN WATER vb. to prosper ...BK1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP THE TAMBOURINE A-ROLLING vb. to keep things cheerful or lively ...M19 sl.
• KEEP THE WIRES HOT vb. to telegraph incessantly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEEP TO ONE'S THREAP vb. to adhere to an assertion or purpose ...1819 Sc.
• KEEP TOUT vb. to spy on, to keep a look-out ...E19 sl.
• KEEP-UP n. anyone who looks after the home; a maid ...1970s US Black sl.
vb. (as 'keep up')
† vb. 1. to keep secret or undivulged ...1678
† vb. 2. to stay within doors; to put up or stop at ...1704
• KEEP UP TO THE COLLAR vb. 1. to stay hard at work, or to make someone else stay hard at work ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to be overwhelmed by one's work ...1910s sl.
• KEEP UP YOUR FRONT TO MAKE YOUR GAME phr. don't quit; don't give up ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KEEP-WORTHY adj. worth keeping; worthy of being kept ...1830
• KEEP YOUR ASS CLEAN phr. stay out of trouble ...1961 Amer. sl.
• KEEP YOUR BRITCHES ON! int. used to tell someone to be patient ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP YOUR HAIR ON! int. calm down! don't lose control ...M19 sl.
• KEEP YOUR HAND ON YOUR HA'PENNY TILL THE RIGHT MAN TURNS UP phr. advice to young women to retain their virginity until the advent of 'Mr. Right' ...1900s sl.
• KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BEESWAX phr. mind your own business ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP YOUR NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE vb. to be studying hard, working hard ...1828 UK
• KEEP YOUR PECKER UP! int. 'keep your chin up!' ...E19 Brit. colloq.
• KEEP YOUR WOOL ON! int. calm down! don't lose control ...M19 sl.
• KEEP YOW vb. to keep watch, be observant; to keep a look-out, esp. in a criminal context ...1942 Aust. sl.
• KEERFUL adj. careful ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEST n. sap, substance, vigour ...1802 Sc.
• KEESTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc.; a valise, a chest or box ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEET n. a parakeet ...M19 Aust. sl.
• KEEVA adj. excellent, worthy of admiration ...1990s US campus sl.
• KEEZER'S GHOST! int. an ejaculation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KEFFAL n. a horse ...L17 criminals' sl.
• KEFFEL n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KEFIELD n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KEFT †* adj. bought, paid for ...c1300
• KEFTY adj. awkward, clumsy ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEFTY-HANDED adj. left-handed ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEG n. 1. the stomach ...1877 Amer. dial.
n. 2. bad or inferior meat; carrion ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 3. beer; a barrel of beer ...1940s Aust. & NZ sl.
vb. 1. to abstain from drinking alcohol ...L18 US sl.
vb. 2. to annoy, to vex, to insult, to give sharp offense; to grieve ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
int. an exclamation of approval ...1990s US campus sl.
• KEG FLY n. a person who hovers around the beer keg at parties ...1980s US campus sl.
• KEGGER n. a party featuring a large supply of beer ...1960s US campus sl.
• KEGGING adj. excellent; worthy of admiration ...1990s US campus sl.
n. 1. buying alcohol legally, and then taking it to a teetotal or 'dry' area of the country for consumption ...1910s NZ sl.
n. 2. indulging in a party where kegs of beer are consumed ...1970s US sl.
• KEGGY n. decaying vegetables or food ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KEG IT UP vb. to drink, usually in a party or public house ...1990s NZ sl.
• KEG-MEG n. 1. tripe ...M19 sl.
n. 2. bad, unwholesome food; refuse of any kind, anything valueless or worthless ...1875 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a gossip, a newsmonger; a pert, meddling woman or girl ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 4. chatter, idle talk; an unsettled argument ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 5. an intimate conversation ...L19 sl.
• KEGMEG SHOP n. a tripe shop ...M19 sl.
• KEG UP vb. to hide stuff away for a rainy day; to stay put in one place, as in a hunting shack in rough weather ...1958 Amer. dial.
• KEIFER n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KEIKI n. a young child ...1938 Hawaii
• KEIR †* vb. to drive off ...1562 Sc.
• KEISTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc.; a valise, a chest or box ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEKE †* vb. to cackle ...1545
• KEKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KELCH n. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELD †* adj. cold ...a1310
n. a well, a fountain, a spring; a deep, still, smooth part of a river ...1697 N. Eng. dial.
†* vb. to become cold ...a1300
• KELDER †* n. 1. the womb ...1646
n. 2. the belly ...B1900 sl.
• KELEUSMATICALLY adv. imperatively, by way of a command ...1885
• KELF †* n. a lubber, a blockhead, a lout, an oaf ...1664
• KELK † n. the roe of a fish ...c1420 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KELKS n. the testicles ...19C Eng. dial.
• KELL † n. 1. a woman's hair-net, cap, or head-dress ...a1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a long cloak or garment; a shroud ...c1425 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 3. a well, a fountain, a spring; a deep, still, smooth part of a river ...1697 N. Eng. dial.
• KELLY n. a man's hat ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KELP n. a hat ...Bk1891 sl.
• KELPIE n. the Lowland Scottish name of a fabled water-spirit or demon assuming various shapes, but usually appearing in that of a horse; it is reputed to haunt lakes and rivers, and to take delight in, or even to bring about, the drowning of travellers and others ...1747 Sc.
• KELP RAFT n. a mass of kelp floating on the sea ...1897
• KELPY n. the Lowland Scottish name of a fabled water-spirit or demon assuming various shapes, but usually appearing in that of a horse; it is reputed to haunt lakes and rivers, and to take delight in, or even to bring about, the drowning of travellers and others ...1747 Sc.
• KELSOUNS †* n. drawers, linen trousers ...1568 Sc.
• KELT n. 1. a sheep's fleece ...1722 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) a very light mulatto ...M20 US sl.
• KELTCH n. 1. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a very light mulatto ...M20 US sl.
• KELTER n. 1. good condition; good health or spirits ...1643
n. 2. money, cash ...1807 N. Eng. dial.
n. 3. rubbish; nonsense ...1847 Eng. dial.
• KELTIES n. children ...1808 Sc.
• KELTIE'S MENDS † n. a glass or bumper imposed as a fine on one who does not drink fair ...1692 Sc.
• KELTY † n. 1. a term denoting the complete draining of a glass of liquor (indicated by turning it upside down) ...1664 Sc.
† n. 2. a glass or bumper imposed as a fine on one who does not drink fair ...1692 Sc.
• KELTZ n. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELUMPUS! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KEMB † vb. 1. to trim; to make smooth or elegant ...c1386 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to disentangle and smooth hair by drawing a comb through it; to curry a horse ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KEMESA n. a shirt ...M17 sl.
• KEMP n. 1. a big, strong, and brave warrior or athlete; a professional fighter, wrestler, etc.; a champion ...a700
† n. 2. a coarse or stout hair, as those of the eyebrows ...c1386
vb. to fight or contend in battle with another ...a1400 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEMPER n. a prize-fighter, a professional fighter ...1891 Sc.
• KEMPERY-MAN †* n. a prize-fighter, a professional fighter ...a1765
• KEMPKIN †* n. a small barrel, a keg ...1580 Sc.
• KEN † vb. 1. to make known, to declare, to confess, to acknowledge ...c975
† vb. 2. to engender, to beget; to conceive; to give birth to ...c1000
† vb. 3. to direct, to guide, to show the way to ...c1200
† vb. 4. to recognize; to identify ...c1205 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to descry, to see; to catch sight of, to discover by sight; to look at, to scan ...c1205 arch.
† vb. 6. to impart the knowledge of a thing; to teach one something ...a1225
† vb. 7. of eggs: to hatch out ...a1300
† vb. 8. to get to know, to ascertain, to find out ...c1330
† vb. 9. to give instruction or directions ...c1330
vb. 10. to know a thing; to have knowledge of or about; to be acquainted with ...a1300 now chiefly Sc.
vb. 11. to know, to understand, to perceive a fact, etc.; to be aware of ...a1300 now chiefly Sc.
†* vb. 12. to have skill; to be accomplished in ...1362
• KENCH †* vb. to laugh loudly ...a1225
• KEND adj. known ...c1450 Sc.
• KENE † vb. to be born ...c1275
• KENELL n. the surface drain of a street; the gutter ...1582
• KENIRD adj. drunk ...M19 back-slang
• KEN-MARK n. a mark by which a thing may be recognized ...1885 Sc.
• KENNEBEC TURKEY n. a smoked herring; sometimes a mackerel ...1975 Amer. dial.
• KENNED adj. known ...c1450 Sc.
• KENNEDY n. a Canada goose ...1929 Amer. dial.
• KENNEL † n. 1. the neck ...c1532
† n. 2. a pack, crew, gang, or persons ...1581
n. 3. the surface drain of a street; the gutter ...1582
n. 4. a pack or troop of animals, as wolves, leopards, and lions ...1641
n. 5. a the hole or lair of the fox ...1735
n. 6. a small or mean dwelling or hut ...1837
vb. 1. of a fox or other wild beast: to retreat into a lair ...1552
vb. 2. to put in a place of retreat or confinement ...1582
vb. 3. of a person: to lodge or lurk; to inhabit, to dwell; used contemptuously ...1599
• KENNELAGE † n. gutters collectively ...1612
• KENNELLED adj. lying in the gutter ...1794
• KENNELLY adj. such as is found in a gutter ...1803
• KENNEL-NYMPH n. a girl of the streets; a prostitute ...1771
• KENNEL-RAKER † n. a raker of the gutter; a scavenger; also, a term of abuse ...c1589
• KENNEL WITS † n. muddy brains, confusion, muddle-headedness ...1598 obs
• KENNER * n. one who knows ...1686
• KENNET † n. a small dog, used in hunting ...a1300
• KENNET-COLOUR † adj. grey-coloured ...1530
• KENNICK n. a mixture of 'flash-patter' (cant) and 'padding-ken' (low lodging-house) talk ...1860s sl.
• KENNING † n. 1. a sign, token ...a1300
† n. 2. appearance ...a1300
† n. 3. teaching, instruction ...c1320
† n. 4. visual cognition; sight or view ...c1400
† n. 5. mental cognition; knowledge, cognizance; recognition ...c1440 obs. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 6. a recognizable portion; just enough to be perceived; a little; a small amount or quantity ...1786 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KENNING BY KENNING phr. increasing a seaman's wages by the work he does ...c1860 nautical colloq., chiefly used by the old whalers'
• KENNING-GLASS † n. a spy-glass, a small telescope ...1603
• KENNING-PLACE † n. a place prominently in sight ...1610
• KENNINGTON LANE n. pain ...20C rhyming sl.
• KENNIT adj. known ...1513 Sc.
• KENNURD adj. tipsy ...1859 back-slang
• KENO! int. used to signify that something is successfully completed ...1890 Amer. dial.
• KENODOXY †* n. the love, study, or desire of vainglory ...1656
• KENOOZER n. a connoisseur ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KENSINGTON n. a social gathering ...1931 Amer. dial.
• KENSINGTON GORE n. artificial blood, e.g. tomato juice, as used on the stage ...1920s theatrical sl.
• KENSO n. Kensington racecourse, Sydney ...20C Aust. sporting usage
• KENSON n. a social gathering ...1948 Amer. dial.
• KENSPECK adj. easily recognizable, clearly visible, conspicuous ...1590 Eng. dial.
• KENSPECKLE adj. easily recognizable, clearly visible, conspicuous ...1714 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KENSY †* n. a rough or rude fellow; an unmannerly person; a rustic ...c1500 Sc.
• KENT adj. known ...1513 Sc.
n. 1. a long staff, properly such a one as shepherds use for leaping over ditches or brooks; a long pole used in leaping ditches, climbing mountains, etc. ...1606 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...c1810 sl.
• KENT CLOUT n. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...1859 sl.
• KENTISH COUSINS n. distant relatives ...a1796
• KENTISH FIRE n. a prolonged and ordered salvo or volley of applause, or demonstration of impatience or dissent ...1834
• KENTISH KNOCKER † n. a Kentish smuggler ...1891
• KENT RAG n. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...1859 sl.
• KENTUCK n. 1. Kentucky ...1826 Amer. dial.
n. 2. (often derogatory) a Kentuckian; one who is or is assumed to be of Kentucky origin ...1826 Amer. dial.
n. 3. (often derogatory) an insignificant or low-grade person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY BREAKFAST n. a 'meal' which includes or consists of liquor, usually bourbon; 'a three-pound steak, a bottle of whisky, and a dog - the dog is to eat the beefsteak' ...1882 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY OYSTERS n. intestines, usually of hogs, prepared as food ...1898 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY PILL n. a bullet ...1861 Amer. dial.
• KENURD adj. tipsy ...1859 back-slang
• KEP † vb. 1. to catch hold of ...c1400
vb. 2. to meet, to intercept, to throw oneself in the way of a person or thing; to stop the course of; to receive the force of a blow ...c1420 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to catch in the hands or otherwise, so as to prevent from falling ...1500-20 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEPHEL n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KERBASE n. the head ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KERBLAM! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERBLINKITYBLUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERB-STONE BROKER n. a broker, not a member of the stock exchange, who transacts business in the streets ...1860 US
• KERB-STONE MERCHANT n. a street-dealer ...1899
• KERCH † n. a kerchief ...c1430
• KERCHER † n. a kerchief ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KERCHIEF n. 1. a cloth used to cover the head, formerly a woman's head-dress ...a1300
† n. 2. a woman who wears a kerchief ...1700 nonce use
n. 3. a handkerchief ...1815
• KERCHUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERE † n. choir ...c1400
† vb. 1. to recover ...c1475
† vb. 2. to go ...1515
• KERF †* n. 1. the act of cutting or carving; a cut, a stroke ...c1000
†* n. 2. the furrow made by a ship's keel ...c1422
† n. 3. a humorous term for a company of pantrymen ...1486
n. 4. the result of cutting; the incision, notch, slit, etc., made by cutting, esp. by a saw ...1523
n. 5. a piece or quantity cut off; a cutting of anything ...1678
• KERFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KE-RIST! int. an intensified oath and an exclamation. "Christ!" ...20C US sl.
• KERLUMPUS! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of solid body hitting a soft surface ...M19 sl.
• KERNEL n. 1. the 'meat' of a nut; the soft, often edible, part within the hard seed of a fruit ...1689 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the core of an apple ...1986 Amer, dial., esp. Black usage
n. 3. the hard shell of a walnut ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KERNELS n. hog testicles ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KERPLOOEY! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made by the explosion of something soft and messy, as a large fruit or a living body ...1930s sl.
• KERPLOP! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of a solid body falling, usually into liquid, or of a bubble bursting in liquid ...L19 sl.
• KERPLUMP adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of a solid body hitting a soft surface ...1930s sl.
• KERPLUMPUS! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of solid body hitting a soft surface ...M19 sl.
• KERPLUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERRYPATCH n. in the US: the part of a town where the poor Irish lived ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KERSLOSH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERSMACK adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KERSWOLLOP! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERSWOSH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERTERVER-CARTZO n. venereal disease, esp. syphilis ...M19 sl.
• KER-THUNDER MUG n. a chamber pot ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KERZIP n. the head ...1900s sl.
• KESKYDEE n. a French person (“Qu’est-ce qu’il dit?”) ...1971 Amer. dial.
• KETCHED adj. pregnant ...19C Amer. dial.
• KETCHY adj. of the weather: changeable ...1884 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE n. 1. the female genitals ...E18 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a watch ...1889 sl., chiefly criminals' usage
n. 3. a locomotive, esp. a steam locomotive ...1926 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE-BELLIED adj. big-bellied ...B1900 Ireland
• KETTLEBELLY n. a fat-bellied person ...1878 Amer. sl.
• KETTLE COUSIN n. a poor relative, who 'licks the kettle for his supper' ...1960 Amer. dial.
• KETTLEDRUMS n. the breasts ...L18 Brit. sl.
• KETTLE HALYARDS n. domestic duties, esp. of a culinary nature or work in the kitchen ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE MEAL n. a dish made of meat and vegetables boiled or simmered together ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE MEAT n. foods made from parts of the head and inner organs of an animal, as heart, liver, etc. ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE TEA n. a drink make of hot water, usually with milk and sugar ...1906 Amer. dial.
• KEWL adj. good, sophisticated, self-possessed, 'cool' ...1998 US sl.
• KEWSTER n. a small, rough, misbehaving child ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KEX n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KEY adj. 1. of the hand or foot: left ...a1300 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. excellent, great ...1980 US sl.
n. 1. the winged fruit of a maple or similar tree ...1714 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the penis ...L18 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a prison officer ...1934 US sl.
n. 4. the declaration, under the Habitual Criminals Act, that one is an habitual criminal; an indefinite sentence under this act ...1944 Aust. sl.
n. 5. a kilogram ...1966 US sl.
n. 6. a kilogram of marijuana ...1968 US drugs sl.
• KEYED adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
adj. 2. excited ...1968 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• KEYED TO THE ROOF adj. heavily intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
• KEYED-UP adj. 1. extremely nervous and distraught ...20C US sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
• KEY-FISTED adj. left-handed ...1611 Eng. dial.
• KEY FOR A KEELSON n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY HAPPY adj. used of a prison officer who is keen to keep inmates locked in their cells ...1996 UK sl.
• KEYHOLE n. the female genitals, esp. the vagina ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. of a bullet: to enter a target sideways ...1957 US sl.
• KEYHOLING n. eavesdropping ...2001 UK sl.
• KEY MAN n. a person declared a habitual criminal ...1944 Aust. sl.
• KEY-NIEVED adj. left-handed ...1865 Eng. dial.
• KEY-PAW n. the left hand ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KEY-PAWED adj. left-handed ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KEY PICKER n. a thief who operates in hotels, stealing keys left at the front desk for safekeeping by guests before they are retrieved by a hotel clerk ...1954 US sl.
• KEYS n. a prison officer ...1934 US sl.
• KEYS TO ST. E'S n. phencyclidine, PCP ...1984 US drugs sl.
• KEYSTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc. ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEYSTONE n. 1. a police officer ...1935 sl.
n. 2. a local prosecutor ...1981 US circus and carnival usage
• KEYSTONE OF LOVE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• KEY TO THE CLEARINGHOUSE n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. banking usage
• KEY TO THE COMPASS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1942 Amer. sl.
• KEY TO THE CURTAINS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE DRILL GROUND n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. navy usage
• KEY TO THE FLAGPOLE n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. army usage
• KEY TO THE JOHNNY BOX n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE OARLOCKS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE PITCHER'S BOX n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE SUNDIAL n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY UP vb. 1. to become drug-intoxicated ...1964 US sl.
vb. 2. to unlock a door ...1991 US sl.
• KEY WESTERN CROOKED adj. askew, cockeyed, completely out of shape, position, business, etc. ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KHYBER n. the anus; the posteriors ...E20 rhyming sl. for 'ass' (Khyber Pass)
• KHYBER PASS n. the buttocks ...1943 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'arse'
• KHYFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
vb. to dress one's hair ...L19 sl.
• KI n. a kilogram of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KIBBOCK † n. a cheese ...c1470
• KIBO n. a privy ...1970s US sl.
• KIBOSH n. 1. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
n. 2. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIBOSHERY n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK n. 1. a sixpence; mainly used to denote sixpence as an element in a sum of money, as 'two and a kick' - two shillings and sixpence ...c1700 Brit. rhyming sl.
n. 2. a pocket ...1851 sl.
n. 3. a thrill from drugs or alcohol; a thrill of any type ...20C sl.
n. 4. trousers ...20C sl.
n. 5. a fad ...1950s Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to reject or jilt a suitor; to turn someone down ...1809 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to give up a drug-taking habit ...1936 sl., orig. US
• KICK ASS vb. to reprimand ...1976 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• KICKBACK n. money paid (illegally) to someone who has made it possible for you too do something ...1958 sl., orig. US
• KICK-CLOY n. a pair of breeches ...M19 sl.
• KICK DOWN THE LADDER vb. to reject or disown the friends or associates that have helped one to rise in the world
• KICKED adj. dishonourably discharged ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KICKED OFF adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICKED THE BUCKET adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICKER n. 1. a foot ...1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a shoe or boot, esp. one with a sharp toe ...1942 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a cowboy, or a would-be cowboy ...1986 Amer. dial.
n. 4. in dominoes; 6-1 ...sl.
n. 5. in dominoes; a 5 in any combination ...sl.
• KICKERABOO vb. to 'kick the bucket', to die ...Bk1892 W. Indian sl.
• KICKER MUSIC n. country and western music ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KICK HIGH vb. to feel in good health and spirits ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KICKIE-WICKIE †* n. 1. a jocular or ludicrous term for a wife ...1601
n. 2. a whim or erratic fancy ...B1900
• KICK IN vb. 1. to pay one's share ...1908 sl.
vb. 2. to break into a building, room. safe, etc. ...1926 US sl.
vb. 3. to go to bed ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KICKIN' HARD adj. excelling ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KICK IN THE ASS n. 1. an unwarranted punishment or letdown ...M20 US colloq.
n. 2. shocking or disappointing news ...M20 US colloq.
• KICK OFF vb. 1. to die ...1921 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to begin, to commence ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK ONE'S ASSHOLE THROUGH ONE'S TEETH vb. to give a thorough beating ...1969 Amer. sl.
• KICK ONE'S HEELS vb. be kept waiting
• KICK ONE'S NORTH END TO GOING SOUTH vb. to put pressure on somebody to do something he ought to have done but hasn't ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KICK OUT vb. to reject or jilt a suitor; to turn someone down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KICK PARTY n. a party where LSD or some other drug is used ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICKS n. 1. trousers ...L17 cant
n. 2. shoes ...1904 sl., orig. US
• KICKSEYS n. trousers; breeches ...E19 cant
• KICKSEY-WINSEY † adj. fantastic, whimsical, erratic ...c1650
† adv. ? topsy-turvy ...1622
† n. a fantastic device; a whim or erratic fancy ...1599
• KICK-SICK n. the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• KICKSIES n. trousers; breeches ...1841 cant
• KICKSTERS n. trousers; breeches ...E19 Brit. sl.
• KICK-STICK n. a marijuana cigarette ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK SUE IN THE SIDE vb. to commit suicide ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK SUZY IN THE SIDE vb. to commit suicide ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK THE BUCK vb. to die ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK THE BUCKET vb. to die ...1785 sl.
• KICK THE CACK OUT OF vb. to beat up severely ...1970s sl.
• KICK THE CHICKEN-HOCKEY OUT OF vb. to beat someone severely ...1970s US sl.
• KICK THE CLOUDS vb. to be hanged ...E19 sl.
• KICK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF vb. to beat severely ...M18 sl.
• KICK THE FROST OUT vb. to exercise; to limber up ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK THE GONG (AROUND) vb. to smoke opium or marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK THE SHIT OUT OF vb. to thrash or beat a person severely ...sl.
• KICK THROUGH vb. to pay up ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KICKUP n. 1. a social gathering with games and dancing ...1778 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fight or argument; a row; a disturbance ...1843 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A RANDY vb. to make a great noise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KICK UP A ROW vb. to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A SHINDY vb. to make a fuss or disturbance; to quarrel ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP BOBSY-DIE vb. to make a fuss ...1952 NZ sl.
• KICK UP HIGH JACK vb. to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP JACK vb. to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP SHINES vb. to be proud, to put on airs ...1884 Amer. dial.
• KICK UPSTAIRS vb. to promote to a senior but less important job ...c1697 sl.
• KICK UP THE DEVIL'S DELIGHT vb. to make a great disturbance ...1846
• KICKY adj. disagreeable, contrary ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KID n. a child ...1690 sl.
• KIDDIE adj. pert. to or fit for children ...1930s sl.
n. a child ...1889 sl.
• KIDDIEWINKIE n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDLE-KITTLE vb. to tickle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIDDO n. a child ...1896 sl.
• KIDDOLOGY n. a notional science of teasing or deceiving; a notional science of dealing with children ...1964 Brit. sl.
• KIDDY adj. 1. well-dressed, fashionable, flashy ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. skilful, esp. in a criminal context ...L18 sl.
adj. 3. pert. to or fit for children ...1930s sl.
n. 1. a flashy young man who is usually a rake or a thief ...1778 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
n. 2. a young fellow; a chap; a man; a boy ...1816 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a child ...1858 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a hat fashionable among small-time but dandified thieves; it featured a broad ribbon passing through a large buckle at its front ...M19 sl.
n. 5. a young woman ...1904 Amer. sl.
vb. to hoax, to humbug, to subject to confidence trickery ...M19 sl.
• KIDDYISH adj. 1. stylish, showily dressed; up-to-date ...E19 sl.
adj. 2. frolicsome, jovial ...M19 sl.
• KIDDY KINGDOM n. bliss ...1965 Barbados
• KIDDY PORN n. child pornography ...1977 US sl.
• KIDDYWINK n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDYWINKLE n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDYWINKY n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KID FRUIT n. a male homosexual who achieves gratification from performing oral sex on young men or boys ...1961 US sl.
• KIDGE adj. brisk, active, lively ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KIDGED adj. 1. convalescent ...1889 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. brisk ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KIDGY adj. brisk, active, sprightly ...1812 Eng. dial.
• KID HACK n. a vehicle used to transport children to school ...1982 Amer. dial.
• KID IN THE KHAKI SHIRT n. in horse racing: an imaginary jockey who wins races on horses not favoured to win ...1989 Aust. sl.
• KID LAMB n. a young homosexual boy, esp. one who accompanies a tramp ...1920s sl., chiefly US prison usage
• KID-LEATHER n. young prostitutes in general ...19C Brit. sl.
• KIDLING adj. 1. physically weak, ailing ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. petty, insignificant ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. tricking, cozening ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a little kid (baby goat) ...1586
n. 2. a little child; a baby ...1899 sl.
• KIDNEY n. 1. a lunch ...1960 Brit. rhyming sl. (Kidney Punch)
n. 2. the brain; hence, intelligence ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago
• KIDNEY-BUSTER n. a truck, esp. a military truck, that rides roughly ...1938 US sl.
• KIDNEY COLIC n. overactive kidneys ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY FOOT n. a large or clumsy foot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY-FOOTED adj. having large or clumsy feet ...1905 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY-LIPPED † adj. hare-lipped ...1648
• KIDNEY PUNCH n. a lunch ...1960 Brit. rhyming sl.
• KIDNEY-SCRAPER n. the penis; generally said of a penis of heroic dimensions ...1888 US sl.
• KIDNEY-WIPER n. the penis; generally said of a penis of heroic dimensions ...1888 US sl.
• KIDOLOGY n. a notional science of teasing or deceiving; a notional science of dealing with children ...1964 Brit. sl.
• KIDOODLE vb. to fondle, to caress; to 'spoon' ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KIDS n. a group of homosexual men friends ...1972 US sl.
• KIDS, THE n. 'All My Children', a popular television daytime drama ...1987 US sl.
• KID'S-EYE n. fivepence ... Bk1903 sl.
• KID SHOW n. a circus or carnival side show ...1980 US sl.
• KID-SIMPLE adj. having a lust for young boys; pert. to a pederast ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• KIDSTAKES n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1912 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KIDSTEAKS n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1912 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KID-STRETCHER n. a lecher; a user of young prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• KIDSTUFF n. marijuana; a mild drug for beginners ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• KID WAGON n. a vehicle used to transport children to school ...1917 Amer. dial.
• KID WHISTLE n. a curfew ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KIELBASA n. a penis ...1978 US sl.
• KIESTER n. 1. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. the posteriors; the anus ...M20 US sl.
• KIESTER STAB n. pederasty ...20C US sl.
• KIESTER STASH n. the rectum as a place for concealing illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KIF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
int. a call to a calf at feeding time ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KIFE n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a catamite ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 5. a fellator ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 6. a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
vb. to swindle ...1931 US circus and carnival usage
• KIFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
n. 3. a marijuana cigarette ...2003 UK sl.
• KIFF-KAFF n. a modest, suppressed laugh ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago usage
• KIFFLE n. a troublesome or tickling cough ...B1900 Sc.
vb. to cough when caused by a tickling sensation in the throat ...B1900 Sc.
• KIKE n. (derogatory) a Jew, esp. one considered greedy, miserly, stingy, dishonest, untrustworthy, or shrewd; hence, any person thought to have such characteristics ...1904 Amer. dial.
vb. to walk ...1979 US sl.
• KIKE IT vb. to walk ...1979 US sl.
• KIKE KILLER n. a club or bludgeon ...1982 US sl.
• KIKI adj. 1. in a homosexual relationship: comfortable with playing both roles in sex ...1941 US sl.
adj. 2. bisexual ...1970 US sl.
n. a homosexual male ...1935 US sl.
• KILBURN n. a diary; esp. a police diary ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Kilburn Priory)
• KILBURN PRIORY n. a diary; esp. a police diary ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• KILEERY adj. full of mischief ...Ireland
n. a giddy, hysterical person ...Ireland
• KILFLIGGIN adj. lazy ...1895 Amer. dial.
• KILGUBBIN n. a low or poor neighbourhood ...1910 Amer. dial.
• KILJACKUMS n. sorghum molasses ...1944 Amer. dial.
• KILL adj. excellent ...1985 US sl.
n. 1. a natural waterway, esp. a stream, a creek, a channel ...1639 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a great success, usually financial ...M19 US sl.
n. 3. semen ...1998 US sl.
n. 4. in roller derby: an extended attack on the other team's jammer (a skater who is eligible to score) ...1999 US sl.
vb. 1. to cause pain to someone ....1800 UK sl.
vb. 2. to excite, to please, to thrill ...1844 US sl.
vb. 3. to cause someone to laugh uproariously ...1856 UK sl.
vb. 4. to excel ...1900 US sl.
vb. 5. to overwhelm someone with delight, often convulsing them with laughter ...1938 sl., orig. US
vb. 6. in handball, racquetball, and squash: to hit the ball so low on the front wall that it cannot be returned ...1970 US sl.
vb. 7. in volleyball: to hit the ball downward with great force from the top of a jump ...1972 US sl.
vb. 8. in bar dice games: to declare that a formerly wild point is no longer wild ...1976 US sl.
vb. 9. in clayshooting: to hit the target accurately ...1983 UK sl.
vb. 10. in pool: to strike the cue ball such that it stops immediately upon hitting the object ball ...1984 US sl.
vb. 11. to finish consuming something ...1995 US sl.
vb. 12. to cover with graffiti ...1997 US sl.
• KILL, THE n. the moment when a sale is confirmed ...1999 UK sl.
• KILL ANOTHER SKUNK vb. to create a diversion ...1984 Amer. dial.
• KILL A SNAKE vb. to urinate ...E20 Aust. sl.
• KILL A TREE vb. of males: to urinate against a tree ...20C US sl.
• KILL BIG SIX vb. to play dominoes ...1990 US sl.
• KILL BRAIN CELLS vb. to get drunk ...1983 US sl.
• KILLBUCK †* n. 1. a fierce-looking fellow; a term of contempt ...1622
†* n. 2. the keeper of a deer-park ...1826 nonce use
• KILL-COURTESY † n. a discourteous or rude person; a boorish person ...1590
• KILL DEAD vb. to kill completely ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILLER adj. 1. excellent ...1979 sl., orig. US
n. 1. an excellent person or thing ...1937 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a marijuana cigarette ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KILLER-DILLER n. an excellent person or thing ...1938 sl., orig. US
• KILLER-WEED n. 1. the drug PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 2. a mixture of marijuana and PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KILL-GRIEF n. any strong alcoholic drink ...E18 Brit. sl.
• KILLICK n. 1. a leading seaman's badge ...1915 Brit. nautical sl.
n. 2. a leading seaman ...1920 Brit. nautical sl.
• KILLIN' FIELDS, THE n. East Oakland, California ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• KILLING adj. 1. fashionable, stylish ...M18 sl.
adj. 2. very funny or amusing ...1844 sl.
adj. 3. fascinating, very interesting, wonderful ...M19 sl., orig. US
adj. 4. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. a great success, usually financial ...M19 US sl.
• KILLING FLOOR n. 1. a place where victims are robbed and/or cheated by a confidence trickster ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. anywhere used for the purpose of sexual intercourse ...1960s US Black sl.
• KILL IT vb. 1. to stop talking ...1910s sl.
vb. 2. to extinguish the light ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
int. stop talking! ...1910s sl.
• KILLJOY n. a policeman or any authority figure ...1920s US Black sl.
• KILL-ME-DEAD n. bread ...1930s rhyming sl.
• KILL-ME-QUICK n. 1. whisky ...M19 US sl.
n. 2. a form of fritter ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KILL ONE'S DOG vb. to be drunk; to drink heavily ...M18 sl.
• KILL ONESELF vb. to laugh ...1956 sl.
• KILL ONE'S OWN SNAKES vb. to mind one's own business ...1928 Amer. dial.
• KILLOUT n. an amazing person; an enthralling topic or thing ...1930s US Black sl.
vb. (usually as 'kill out') to feel good; to be exhilarated ...1930s US Black sl.
• KILL OUT ONESELF vb. to exhaust oneself ...20C W. Indies
• KILLPIG n. an appalling situation ...2000s sl.
• KILL-POT n. one who drinks to excess, a hard drinker, a toper ...1616
• KILL-PREACHER n. port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-PRIEST n. port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL SOME BABIES vb. to masturbate ...1990s US sl.
• KILL SOMEONE'S BUZZ vb. to depress someone; to destroy someone's enjoyment or pleasure; to disappoint someone ...1980s sl.
• KILL-THE-BEGGAR n. rough whisky ...19C sl.
• KILL THE CHANGE vb. to keep the change ...2000 UK sl.
• KILL THE CLOCK vb. in a game governed by time: to delay the game near the end when winning ...1970 US sl.
• KILL THE FATTED CALF vb. 1. to celebrate or welcome lavishly or extravagantly
vb. 2. to prepare an elaborate feast in welcome or celebration
• KILL THE SIN vb. to relieve all the blame of something ...1982 Bahamas
• KILL UP vb. to kill, to exterminate, to butcher ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILL WHO? int. a defiant response to a threat ...L19 sl.
• KILTER n. 1. good condition; good health or spirits ...1643
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• KIMBAW vb. 1. to trick, cheat, or cozen ...1865 sl.
vb. 2. to beat or to bully ...19C sl.
• KIMBERLEY MUTTON n. roast goat ...20C Aust. sl.
• KIMBERLEY OYSTER n. a meat fritter ...20C Aust. sl.
• KIMBLE vb. to walk in the exaggerated style of a pimp ...1960s US Black sl.
• KIME †* n. 1. a simpleton, a fool, a silly fellow...c1305
n. 2. a weasel ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIMIMBLE n. an exaggerated, identifiable pimp walk ...1960s US Black sl.
vb. to walk in the exaggerated style of a pimp ...1960s US Black sl.
• KIM-KAM † adj. crooked, awkward, perverse, contrary ...1582 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† adv. crookedly, awry; in a wayward, perverse, or contrary way ...1603 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. an altercation; irritating language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to bicker, to argue, to retort; to use pert language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIN n. a thief ...18C UK criminals’ sl.
• KINARKEY n. a woman wearing garish make-up ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• KINAT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KINCH n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHEN n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHIN n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KIND-HEART † n. a jocular name for a tooth-drawer; a dentist ...17C
• KINDNESS n. coition ...E18 euphemism
• KINEY adj. fusty, tainted ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KING n. 1. (derogatory) a Black person ...20C US colloq.
n. 2. a person with deviant sexual desires ...20C sl.
n. 3. a deviant sexual practice ...M20 US sl.
• KING CANUTES n. boots ...M19 rhyming sl.
• KINGDOM COME n. 1. the next life, either heaven or hell ...18C colloq.
n. 2. rum ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• KING-FISH n. the person in charge ...1933 US sl.
• KING HARRYS n. playing cards of the second quality ...1842
• KING-HIT n. a knock-out punch, esp. an unfair one ...1912 Aust. sl.
vb. to punch someone suddenly and hard, and often unfairly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• KING KONG n. poor-quality drink ...1946 US sl.
• KING KONG PILLS n. barbiturate tablets or capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KING LEAR n. a male homosexual ...E20 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'queer'
• KING-MEMBER n. the penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• KING OF CLUBS n. a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• KINGS AND QUEENS n. baked beans ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S BAD BARGAIN n. an unsatisfactory soldier ...18C Eng. sl.
• KING'S BOOKS n. a pack of cards ...M17 sl.
• KING'S COLLEGE n. the King's Bench prison ...L18
• KING'S CRUSE! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game ...M19 juvenile usage
• KING'S ELEVATOR, THE n. an extreme put-down, disappointment, or affront; total victimization ...1950s US sl.
• KING'S ELLWAND, THE n. the constellation called Orion's belt ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KING'S ENGLISH n. standard American English ...1920s US Black sl.
• KING'S EX! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game. an exclamation like 'time!' ...M19 juvenile usage
• KING'S EXCUSE n. in children's games, an exclamation like 'time' ...M19 Amer. dial.
• KING'S HABIT n. cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• KING'S HEAD INN n. Newgate prison ...L18 sl.
• KING SHIT n. an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• KINGSMAN n. 1. a silk handkerchief in a variety of colours, as worn by costermongers of both sexes ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a silk handkerchief with a green base and a yellow pattern ,,,M19 sl.
• KINGSMAN OF THE RORTIEST n. a very gaudy silk handkerchief ...M19 sl.
• KINGS ON HOLY GHOST n. baked beans on toast ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S PEG n. a champagne cocktail, champagne mixed with brandy ...L19 sl.
• KING'S PICTURES n. money ...L17 sl.
• KING SPIT n. an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• KING'S PLATE n. chains, fetters ...E19 sl.
• KING'S PROCTOR n. a doctor ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S SAX! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game ...M19 juvenile usage
• KINGSWOOD LION n. a donkey ...E19 sl.
• KING TUT'S REVENGE n. diarrhoea contracted in the Middle East ...1970s US sl.
• KING WINTER n. winter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KINIFEE n. a knife ...1950s Aust. teen sl.
• KINK n. 1. a development or aspect, esp. if surprising, clever, or tricky; a wrinkle; also, a tricky way of doing something ...1825 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a whimsical idea, a slight eccentricity ...19C US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously ...1865 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a thief, esp. an expert in stealing automobiles ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a crook; a larcenous criminal ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 6. a usually short sleep; a nap ...1929 Amer. nautical sl.
n. 7. a good idea ...1930s Aust. sl.
n. 8. a perverse desire or inclination; a fetishistic or otherwise unconventional sexual preference ...1959 Amer. sl.
n. 9. a person having bizarre tastes or ideas, esp. one habituated to unconventional sexual practices ...1964 Amer. sl.
• KINK-CHASER n. a fireman delegated to straighten out the kinks or bends in hose line ...1944 Amer. Fire Dept. usage
• KINKED adj. sexually unconventional or perverse ...1993 Amer. sl.
• KINKER n. a circus performer ...1909 Amer. sl.
• KINKHEAD n. (derogatory) a Black person: used contemptuously ...M19 Amer. sl.
• KINK IN ONE'S HORN n. a mental twist, an eccentric line of conduct ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KINKO n. 1. an eccentric person ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a person who is sexually unconventional or perverse ...1967 Amer. sl.
• KINKY adj. 1. exhibiting unusual idiosyncrasies of personality; quirky; odd, bizarre, eccentric ...1847 sl.
adj. 2. given to loose or immoral behaviour ...1889 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. pert. to a male or female homosexual ...20C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 4. of livestock: frisky ...1900s US sl.
† adj. 5. high-spirited ...1902 Amer. sl.
adj. 6. dishonest, crooked, criminal ...1903 Amer. criminal sl.
adj. 7. lively, strong, energetic ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 8. stolen ...1927 Amer. criminal sl.
adj. 9. sexually unconventional or perverse ...1942 Amer. prostitute's sl.
adj. 10. very odd or unusual; arousing suspicion ...1948 Amer. sl.
adj. 11. angry ...1978 Amer. sl.
adj. 12. attractive or provocative in a bizarre way ...colloq.
n. 1. one who has kinky hair...1926 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1926 US sl.
n. 3. anything that has been obtained dishonestly, esp. a stolen car ...1927 Amer. criminal sl.
n. 4. a sexual eccentric ...1950s sl.
n. 5. a prostitute's customer, who prefers an abnormal or unconventional kind of sexuality or copulation ...1959 Amer. prostitutes' sl.
n. 6. a low-budget film devoted mainly to the depiction of cruelty combined with graphic, esp. unconventional, sexual acts ...1967 Amer. entertainment industry usage
• KINKYHEAD n. a Black person: used contemptuously ...1860 Amer. sl.
• KINKY-NOB n. (derogatory) a Black person ...20C US colloq.
• KINKY-SEX n. deviant sex acts ...M20 US sl.
• KINNAT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KINNATT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KIP n. 1. a brothel ...1766 sl.
n. 2. bed ...1879 sl.
n. 3. a place to sleep; a lodging house; lodgings, esp. a hotel room or apartment ...1883 Amer. sl., esp. among itinerants
n. 4. sleep or slumber; rest; a nap a period of sleep...1893 sl.
vb. to sleep or take a nap...1889 sl.
n. 5. the place where one sleeps, one's home ...L19 sl.
n. 6. a night-watchman ...1920s US criminals' sl.
n. 7. a job ...1920s Anglo-Irish
n. 8. any form of place, building ...1930s sl.
n. 9. a bedroom ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 10. the face ...1990s Sc.
vb. 1. to sleep ...E19 sl.
vb. 2. to play truant ...E19 sl.
vb. 3. to lodge ...L19 sl.
vb. 4. to sit, to lie ...1900s sl.
vb. 5. to put someone to bed ...1950s sl.
vb. 6. to sleep on the streets ...1970s US criminals' & teen sl.
• KIP, THE n. a bed, a place to sleep ...1859 Amer. sl., esp. criminal
• KIP DOWN vb. to prepare for sleep; to go to bed ...1889 sl.
• KIP-HOUSE n. 1. a brothel ...1766 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a place to sleep ...1883
• KIP-KEEPER n. a brothel-keeper; a madame ...M18 sl.
• KIPP vb. to sleep ...E19 sl.
• KIPPER n. 1. (derogatory) an Englishman; an English immigrant ...1943 Aust. sl.
n. 2. a torpedo ...1953 sl.
n. 3. an adult who cannot afford to move away his or her parent's home ...21C colloq. (Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings)
• KIPPERED adj. utterly defeated or outwitted ...sl.
• KIPPERSOME adj. 1. amorous, fond ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. frolicsome ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. of a horse: prancing, apt to startle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIPPY adj. 1. striking, prepossessing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. orderly, tidy, neat ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIPPY-DOPE n. a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...World War I US military usage
• KIP-SHOP n. 1. a brothel ...1766 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a place to sleep ...1883
• KIRKED † adj. crooked, bent; turning upwards ...c1400
• KISHKA n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKE n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKEH n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKER n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISKEEDEE n. a French person (“Qu’est-ce qu’il dit?”) ...1971 Amer. dial.
• KISMET n. fate, destiny
• KISS n. copulation ...E18 Brit. euphemism
vb. to copulate ...E18 Brit. euphemism
• KISS-ASS n. 1. a sycophant ...M20 US sl.
n. 2. flattery; nonsense ...M20 US sl.
vb. to curry favour; to act the sycophant ...M20 US sl.
• KISS CAPS WITH vb. to drink out of the same vessel with ...1715
• KISSER n. 1. the mouth ...1860 sl.
n. 2. the face ...1892 sl.
n. 3. a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• KISSER WIPER n. a blow in the face ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KISSING-STRINGS n. cap or bonnet strings tied under the chin
• KISSING THE EARTH phr. said of an airplane standing on its nose after a crash ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KISSING-TRAP n. the mouth ...1854 sl.
• KISS-IN-THE-RING n. an old game in which one person kisses another after a chase round a ring of players
• KISS MARY vb. to smoke marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KISS-ME-QUICK n. a short veil
• KISS MY ARSE! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY ASS! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY SISTER'S BLACK CAT'S ASS! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1969
• KISS MY TAIL! int. an oath and exclamation ...20C euphemism
• KISS OF DEATH n. something that causes failure, destruction, etc. ...informal
• KISS-OFF n. 1. a sudden, usually offensive dismissal ...sl.
n. 2. death ...20C US criminals' sl.
vb. (usually as 'kiss off')
vb. 1. to kill; to die ...1945 US sl.
vb. 2. to perform penilingus ...E20 US criminals' sl.
vb. 3. to ignore or dismiss rudely and abruptly ...1935 US sl.
• KISS SOMEONE'S ARSE vb. to behave obsequiously or sycophantically towards ...1749 sl.
• KISS SOMEONE'S ASS vb. to be obsequious or sycophantic towards someone; to curry favour with someone ...1749 sl.
• KISS THE BABE vb. to take a drink ...B1912 sl.
• KISS THE BABY IN THE BOAT vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• KISS THE DOG vb. of a pickpocket: to face his victim ...1972 US criminals' sl.
• KISS THE DUST vb. to die ...19C Brit. sl.
• KISS THE FISH vb. to smoke hashish ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KISS THE GUNNER'S DAUGHTER † vb. to be tied to a gun for a flogging ...1785 nautical sl.
• KISS THE HARE'S FOOT † vb. to be late for meals; to be late for anything ...1613-16
• KISS THE ROD vb. to submit to punishment
• KISSY adj. showing exaggerated affection, esp. by frequent touching or kissing ...colloq.
• KISSY-KISSY adj. showing exaggerated affection, esp. by frequent touching or kissing ...colloq.
• KISTER n. 1. a suitcase ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 3. the posteriors; the anus ...M20 US sl.
• KIT n. clothing; often used in the context of undressing ...1985 sl., chiefly Brit.
• KITASH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KIT-CAT n. the game of 'tip-cat'
• KITCHEN n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
† n. 2. anything eaten as a relish with other food ...Sc.
n. 3. the percussion section of an orchestra ...colloq.
• KITCHEN BIDDY n. a female kitchen work, as in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITCHEN-CLEANER n. one who performs 'anilingus' ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• KITCHENEER n. a kitchen manager, as in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITCHENER n. a cooking stove
• KITCHEN-FEE † n. the fat that falls from meat in roasting
• KITCHEN HALYARDS n. domestic duties, esp. of a culinary nature or work in the kitchen ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KITCHENIST † n. one who works in a kitchen; a cook ...a1618 nonce word
• KITCHEN-KNAVE † n. a scullion
• KITCHEN MECHANIC n. 1. a cook ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a kitchen worker in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITE n. 1. a paunch, a belly ...Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a rapacious person
n. 3. an aircraft ...Royal Air Force sl.
n. 4. a letter or message smuggled into or out of prison ...1923 sl.
n. 5. a blank, dud, or forged cheque ...1927 sl.
vb. 1. to smuggle a letter or message into or out of prison ...1925 sl.
vb. 2. to be slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to write a cheque before one has sufficient money in one's bank to cover it ...colloq.
• KITE BOX n. a box used both for institutional correspondence and for passing on messages that accuse fellow inmates of illegal activity ...1990s US prison sl.
• KITE-FLYING n. 1. testing public opinion by circulating rumours, etc.
n. 2. the juggling of cheques between accounts so as to create a sham balance of funds on which to draw
• KITE PASTE n. thick gravy ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KITH † n. 1. knowledge
† n. 2. native land
† n. 3. one's friends or acquaintances
• KITH AND KIN n. friends and relatives
• KITLING n. a kitten ...Sc.
• KITSCH adj. trashy or vulgar ...German
n. 1. trash ...German
n. 2. art, literature, fashion. etc., dismissed as being of merely popular taste or appeal, vulgar, sentimental, or sometimes pretentious ...German
• KITTEN BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KITTERIN adv. diagonally ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KITTIE-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KITTLE adj. difficult to deal with, esp. because touchy, obstinate, or intractable; fickle, capricious ...Sc.
vb. 1. to offend; to puzzle ...Sc.
vb. 2. to tickle ..Sc.
• KITTLE CATTLE n. awkward customers
• KITTLE-TONGUED adj. fluent, given to falsehoods ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KITTLY adj. 1. easily offended; sensitive ...Sc.
adj. 2. ticklish ...Sc.
• KITTLY-BENDERS n. thin bending ice, the act of running on thin bending ice ...Bk1942 US
• KITTOCK n. a familiar or disrespectful term for a girl or young woman; esp. a woman of loose character; a wanton, an unchaste woman; a mistress, a concubine ...c1470 Sc.
• KITTY n. 1. a cat, used esp. as a calling name ...1719
n. 2. a jail ...arch.
n. 3. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. monetary resource ...1903 sl.
• KITTYDID n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KITTY-MACBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• KITTYWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KITTY WREN n. the wren ...1648
• KIT WITH THE CANSTICK † n. a will o' the wisp ...1584
• KIWI n. 1. a New Zealander ...1918 sl.
n. 2. a non-flying member of an airfield staff ...1918 colloq.
• KI-YI n. 1. a dog ...1895 US sl.
n. 2. a bark ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIYOODLE n. a dog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• K.J. n. the drug PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KLEPTISTIC * adj. pert. to theft; related to or consisting in stealing ...1742-3
• KLEPTO n. a kleptomaniac ...1958 sl.
• KLEPTOCRACY n. a government by thieves; a thieves' regime; a country with such a government; a body or order of thieves
• KLEPTOMANIA n. a mania for stealing
• KLOTZ n. an oaf; a clod or a bungler ...M20 US sl.
• KLUCK n. 1. (derogatory) a very dark Black person ...20C US sl.
n. 2. a stupid oaf; a fool ...20C US colloq.
• KLUDGE n. an ill-assorted collection of poorly matching parts; hence, a computer system or program that has been improvised or badly put together ...1962 sl., orig. US
vb. to improvise with a poorly matched part or parts ...1962 sl., orig. US
• KLUGE n. an ill-assorted collection of poorly matching parts; hence, a computer system or program that has been improvised or badly put together ...1962 sl., orig. US
vb. to improvise with a poorly matched part or parts ...1962 sl., orig. US
• KLUTZ n. an oaf; a clod or a bungler; an idiot; an awkward, stupid person ...M20 US sl.
• K.M. n. a 'kitchen mechanic'; a maid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• K.M. AND X. adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNABBLE † vb. 1. to bite, to gnaw, to nibble ...1567
vb. 2. to chatter; to gossip; to idle about ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• KNACKATORY †* n. a shop for knick-knacks ...1709
• KNACKER vb. 1. to castrate ...M19 Brit. colloq.
vb. 2. to tire, to exhaust ...1946 sl.
• KNACKERED adj. tired ...1949 sl.
• KNACKERS n. testicles ...1866 sl.
• KNACKER'S BRANDY n. a sound thrashing or beating ...1819 Eng. dial.
• KNACKETY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNACKY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNAGGY adj. cross, snappish, querulous; irritable; sarcastic ...1840 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KNAP vb. to catch, to lay hold of; to seize; to steal ...1897 Eng. dial.
• KNAPPED adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl.
adj. 2. pregnant ...E19 Brit. sl.
• KNAPPISH † adj. rudely abrupt or forward, testy, snappish, sharp-tongued, spiteful ...1513 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KNAPT adj. intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl.
• KNAVE OF HEARTS n. a philanderer ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNAVIGATION † n. a knavish invention or relation ...1613 jocular
• KNAWKY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNEE-BAIRN n. a child that sits on the knee, as not being yet able to walk ...B1900 Sc.
• KNEE-BENDER n. a toady ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNEE-BOARD † n. the part of the leg at the back of the knee; the back of the thigh or hough ...c1425
• KNEE DEEP n. the state one is in when the lies and boasting have accumulated considerably ...M20 US sl.
• KNEE DEEP IN SHIT n. the state one is in when the lies and boasting have accumulated considerably ...M20 US sl.
• KNEE HIGH TO A DUCK adj. very short ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNEE-HIGH TO A GRASSHOPPER adj. short in stature ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KNEELING AT THE ALTAR adj. pert. to the position of receiving a pederast during the act of pederasty ...E20 US sl.
• KNEES-UP n. a wild party or similar gathering, typically featuring energetic dancing ...1963 Brit. sl.
• KNEE-TREMBLER n. an act of sexual intercourse between people standing up ...1896 sl.
• KNEE-WALKING DRUNK adj. intoxicated with alcohol; so drunk as to have to walk on one's knees ...20C US sl.
• KNEVELL n. a severe beating or thrashing ...B1900 Sc.
vb. to hit or beat violently with the fists; to knock about ...1815 Sc.
• KNICKERS! int. an exclamation of annoyance, contempt or derision ...1971 sl.
• KNICK-KNACK n. 1. a gadget ...19C Brit. & US
n. 2. the female genitals ...19C Brit. & US sl.
n. 3. the penis ...19C Brit. & US sl.
n. 4. a male homosexual, esp. a promiscuous one ...1960s US sl.
n. 5. a man who is raped frequently in prison ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 6. one who does not fit in with the group; an outsider ...2000s US prison sl.
• KNICK-KNACKER †* n. 1. a trifler ...1622
n. 2. a pair of bones held loosely between the fingers on which boys play a kind of tune; castanets ...1888 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a fussy, officious person ...1960s US sl.
• KNICK-KNACKS n. the testicles ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• KNIDGET n. a mischievous, saucy boy or girl ...B1900 Sc.
• KNIGHT OF SAINT NICHOLAS n. a highwayman ...Bk1902 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE CLEAVER n. a butcher ...1830 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE GUSSET n. a pimp ...L17 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE NAPKIN n. a waiter ...Bk1902 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE PAD n. a highwayman ...E18 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE QUILL n. an author, a writer, a journalist ...L17 colloq.
• KNIGHT OF THE ROAD n. 1. a commercial traveller ...Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. a highwayman ...Bk1903 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE SPIGOT n. a publican, a tapster ...1821 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE WHEEL n. a cyclist ...1890
• KNIPPERTY-KNAPS n. odds and ends, knick-knacks ...1899 Sc.
• KNITTING n. a young woman or young women collectively ...1943 Brit. naval sl.
• KNITTING NEEDLE n. a sword ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNITTY-NEEDLES n. the dragonfly ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KNOB n. 1. the head ...1725 sl.
n. 2. the penis ...19C colloq.
vb. to masturbate ...M20 US sl.
• KNOBBY adj. stylish; smart, elegant, fashionable, good, capital ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOB-JOB n. an act of penilingus ...M20 US sl.
• KNOCK n. 1. an act of copulation ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a setback ...1649
n. 3. the penis ...18C Brit. sl.
n. 4. a sexually loose young woman ...20C sl.
vb. 1. of a male: to have sex ...1598 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to rob, esp. a safe or till ...1767 sl.
• KNOCK A LID vb. to cause abortion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK A NICK IN THE POST vb. to make a record of any remarkable event ...1847 sl.
• KNOCK ANTHONY vb. to walk knock-kneed ...18C Eng. sl.
• KNOCK AROUND vb. 1. to wander; to travel aimlessly ...M19 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to pay court to ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOCKBACK n. 1. a rejection ...L19 sl.
n. 2. the rejection of one's application for parole ...1940s prison sl.
vb. (usually as 'knock back')
vb. 1. to fine someone ...1910s sl.
vb. 2. to reject ...1930s sl., orig. Aust. & NZ
vb. 3. to eat, to drink, esp. to finish off one's drink ...1931 sl.
vb. 4. to cost, as in 'that will knock you back a bit'; to be expensive ...1946 sl.
• KNOCK-BEETLE n. one who allows themselves to be victimized ...20C Ulster sl.
• KNOCK BOOTS (WITH) vb. to have sexual intercourse (with) ...1980s US Black & campus sl.
• KNOCK COLD vb. 1. to astound, to amaze ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to knock unconscious ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK COMMISSION OUT OF vb. to damage a vehicle by excessive use ...1940s sl.
• KNOCK CUCKOO vb. to knock out; to make unconscious; hence, to dazzle an audience ...1927 US sl.
• KNOCK DAYLIGHT INTO ONE vb. to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• KNOCK DEAD vb. 1. to astound, to amaze ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to knock unconscious ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK DIZZY vb. to knock unconscious ...1935 US sl.
• KNOCK DOG vb. to idle, to do nothing ...20C W. Indies
• KNOCK-DOWN n. 1. strong ale or liquor ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a vicious fight in which one participant is knocked unconscious; thus, an acrimonious but non-violent dispute ...E19 sl., orig. US
n. 3. an introduction, esp. a formal introduction of a man to a woman in whom he is interested ...1865 sl.
n. 4. information ...1930s US sl.
n. 5. a loan ...1950s Aust. sl.
vb. (usually as 2 words 'knock down')
vb. 1. to choose, to nominate someone ...M18 sl.
vb. 2. to sell something to a bidder at an auction ...1760
vb. 3. to spend all one's money on a spree, drinking bout, or celebration ...1845 Aust. & NZ sl.
vb. 4. to embezzle, to steal from a firm's takings ...a1854 US sl.
vb. 5. to lower prices ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to make an introduction ...20C Aust. sl.
vb. 7. to earn or obtain money, usually for work, or by requesting a loan or gift ...1920s US sl.
vb. 8. to act lazily; to shirk one's work ...1950s Can. sl.
vb. 9. to drink ...1950s US sl.
vb. 10. to serve a prison sentence ...1990s US prison sl.
• KNOCK DOWN A CHEQUE vb. to spend an entire season's pay cheque on a single drinking bout ...M19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KNOCK DOWN AND DRAG OUT n. a fight carried to extremities; a vicious fight in which one participant is knocked unconscious; thus, an acrimonious but non-violent dispute ...E19 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK DOWN A PRICK vb. to bring an end to an erection; to cause a man to have an orgasm ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCK-DOWN MONEY n. tips or gratuities ...M19 US sl.
• KNOCKED adj. under control; at one's mercy ...19C sl.
• KNOCKED DOWN FOR CROP adj. condemned for execution by hanging ...E19 sl.
• KNOCKED FOR A FEATHER adj. greatly surprised ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KNOCKED OFF adj. 1. killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
adj. 2. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKED OUT adj. 1. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl.
adj. 3. drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KNOCKED OVER adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKED-UP adj. 1. tired ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
adj. 3. pregnant ...20C US sl.
adj. 4. experiencing the menses ...20C US sl.
• KNOCK-'EM-DOWN n. a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCK-EM-DOWN-BUSINESS n. auctioneering ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• KNOCKER n. 1. a lecher; a man who copulates frequently ...c1500 sl.
n. 2. the penis
n. 3. an important or self-important male; a show-off ...20C US sl.
n. 4. a faultfinder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 5. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKER-FACE n. an ugly face, like an old-fashioned knocker; an ugly-faced person ...c1870 sl.
• KNOCKERS n. 1. the testicles ...20C Brit. & US sl.
n. 2. breasts, esp. well-shaped breasts ...1941 Brit. & US sl.
• KNOCK FOR A CRAPE vb. to destroy ...1925 US sl.
• KNOCKING n. copulation ...16C
• KNOCKING-HOUSE n. a brothel ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCKING-JACKET n. a nightgown ...E18 nonce word
• KNOCKING-JOINT n. a brothel ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCKING-SHOP n. a brothel ...1860 sl.
• KNOCK IT OFF vb. to copulate ...20C US sl.
• KNOCK IT OUT OF ONE vb. to tire, to exhaust ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK KOO-KOO vb. to render unconscious; to mortally wound; to kill ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNOCK-ME-DOWN n. any extremely strong liquor ...E19 Brit.
• KNOCK ME DOWN TO THAT DAISY phr. introduce me to that girl ...20C Aust. sl.
• KNOCK-OFF n. 1. a robbery ...1936 sl.
n. 2. stolen property ...1963 sl.
vb. (usually as 'knock off')
vb. 1. to kill deliberately ...1919 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to steal or rob ...1919 sl.
vb. 3. to arrest ...1926 sl.
vb. 4. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 5. of male: to have sex ...1952 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK OFF ONE'S TROLLEY vb. to knock down ...1900s sl.
• KNOCK OFF THE HOOKS vb. to kill ...1831 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE END FOR END vb. to beat somebody thoroughly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE OFF HIS PERCH vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S BLOCK OFF vb. to hit someone very hard; often used as a threat ...1902 sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S DAYLIGHTS OUT vb. to beat one ...1907 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE'S LIGHTS OUT vb. to kill one; to knock one out or down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE SICK vb. to astound; to flabbergast ...1923 colloq.
• KNOCK-OUT adj. excellent ...1966 sl.
n. (also as 'knockout' )
n. 1. an excellent person or thing ...1892 sl.
n. 2. something beautiful or attractive ...1892 Amer. sl.
(vb. 'as 'knock out')
vb. 1. to earn as wages ...1871 sl.
vb. 2. orig. to resell items acquired by an auction ring; latterly, to sell stolen items to a fence; of a market stall-holder or other trader: to sell items ...1876 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX vb. to defeat and eliminate; hence, to kill ...1891 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK OVER vb. 1. to kill ...20C criminals' sl.
vb. 2. to rob; to burgle; to commit a planned crime of robbery ...1928 US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK PEOPLE'S HEADS TOGETHER vb. to reprimand a group of people, often in order to get them to cooperate ...1957 sl.
• KNOCK PERSIMMONS vb. to succeed, to win, to make a profit ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK SAUCEPANS OUT OF ONE vb. to give one a bad time ...1896 Ireland
• KNOCK-SOFTLY adj. stupid, foolish ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. a silly or stupid person; a fool ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KNOCK SOMEONE ABOUT vb. to hit repeatedly; to assault by hitting ...1926 sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE FOR SIX vb. to astound someone, with either pleasure or shock ...1949 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE OUT vb. to please, to delight ...1942 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK SOMEONE SIDEWAYS vb. to astound someone, with either pleasure or shock ...1925 sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE'S LIGHTS OUT vb. to knock someone unconscious ...1982 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK SPOTS OFF vb. to be better than, to surpass; to outdo easily; to beat ...1856 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF ONE vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK THE CHICKEN-HOCKEY OUT OF vb. to beat someone severely ...1970s US sl.
• KNOCK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF vb. to beat severely ...M18 sl.
• KNOCK THE DOOKEY OUT OF vb. to knock the 'daylights' out of ...1980s sl.
• KNOCK THE OLD BOY OUT OF ONE vb. to knock the 'daylights' or stuffing out of one ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK THE PEADOODLES OUT OF ONE vb. to give one a severe blow or fright ...2000 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK THE SHINGLES vb. to snore ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF SOMEONE vb. to thrash or beat someone severely ...19C colloq.
• KNOCK THE TAR OUT OF SOMEONE vb. to hit repeatedly; to assault by hitting ...1884 sl.
• KNOCK THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO FLINDERATION vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO HELL AND GONE vb. to utterly ruin or destroy ...1863 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO SMITHEREENS vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO SMITHERS vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK UP vb. 1. to wake someone by knocking on their door or window ...1663 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to make pregnant ...1813 US sl.
• KNOSH vb. 1. to eat, esp. to snack; to eat between meals ...1930s sl.
vb. 2. to practise oral sex ...1970s sl.
• KNOT n. 1. the hymen ...Shakespeare usage (Virgin-Knot)
n. 2. virginity ...Shakespeare usage (Virgin-Knot)
n. 3. the posterior ridge of the glans penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOTHOLES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KNOW vb. to have sexual intercourse with someone ...13C
• KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS vb. to have a thorough knowledge of, implying smugness; often used disparagingly ...1933 sl.
• KNOW A THING OR TWO vb. to be competent, or have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1792 sl.
• KNOW BACKWARDS vb. to be very familiar with ...1904 sl.
• KNOW BEANS WHEN THE BAG'S UNTIED vb. to be sophisticated ...1907 Amer. dial.
• KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN vb. to be shrewd enough to look after oneself; to be common-sensical ...1848 colloq.
• KNOW ENOUGH TO LAP SALT vb. to have common sense ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOW A FROM IZZARD vb. to know the most rudimentary thing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KNOW HOW MANY BEANS MAKE FIVE vb. 1. to be aware; often implying that someone is not easily fooled ...1830 sl.
vb. 2. to be sharp-witted or knowing ...1889 sl.
• KNOWING BLADE n. a sharp fellow, wide awake and cunning ...Bk1890 sl.
• KNOWING TO adj. aware of ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• KNOW IN ONE'S BONES phr. instinctively, in one's inner most being
• KNOW INSIDE OUT vb. to be very familiar with ...1921 sl.
• KNOWLEDGE n. copulation ...15C
• KNOWLEDGE-BOX n. 1. the head; the skull ...1796 humorous
n. 2. a schoolhouse ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KNOW LIKE THE BACK OF ONE'S HAND vb. to be very familiar with ...1943 sl.
• KNOW NO FACES † vb. to have no respect of persons ...1633
• KNOW-NOTHING adj. 1. very ignorant; stupid ...a1825
adj. 2. pertaining to the American Know-nothings (see noun 2) ...1856
adj. 3. that holds that nothing can be known; agnostic ...1858
n. 1. one who knows nothing; an ignorant person; a fool ...1839
n. 2. a member of a U.S. political party, also called the American party, that was prominent during the years 1853-56; so named because, having been originally organized as a secret society, its members, to preserve this character, professed to outsiders complete ignorance regarding it; the chief principle of the party was that none but native citizens should be permitted to share in the government; it disappeared around 1859 ...1856
n. 3. one who holds that nothing can be known; an agnostic ...1871
• KNOW ONE'S ONIONS vb. to be competent or have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1922 sl.
• KNOW ONE'S STUFF vb. to have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1927 sl., orig. US
• KNOW SOMEONE LIKE A BOOK vb. have a thorough knowledge of someone's character
• KNOW THE OLD DANCE † vb. to know the mode of procedure ...c1386
• KNOW THE RIGHT SIDE OF ONE'S MELON vb. to know what is best for oneself ...1870 Amer. sl.
• KNOW THE SCORE vb. to understand, to grasp the essentials of the present situation ...1938 sl.
• KNOW THE TIME OF DAY vb. to be competent or worldly ...1897 sl.
• KNOW THE WHOLE THRUFFING OF ANYTHING vb. to know all about it ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KNOW WHAT'S WHAT vb. to be knowledgeable, competent, worldly ...a1553
• KNUCK n. a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• KNUCKLE DOWN vb. to make one's maximum effort ...1864 sl.
• KNUCKLE SANDWICH n. a punch in the mouth ...1973 sl.
• KNUCKYLBONYARD † n. a clumsy fellow ...1526
• KNULLER n. 1. a chimney sweep who goes from house to house offering his services ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a clergyman ...M19 sl.
• KNUT n. a dandy; a very well-dressed, fashionable (if not overly intelligent) young man ...1910s sl,
• K.O. adj. all right, in order ...1910s US sl.
n. 1. a knockout ...1910s sl.
n. 2. death ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to knock out ...1927 sl.
vb. 2. to die ...1970s US college sl.
• KOBOODLE n. the whole lot ...1894 Amer. dial.
• K.O.'D adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KOKOMO n. a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• KOKS n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KOKUM n. sham kindness ...Bk1892 Aust. prison sl.
• KOLFACTOR n. a term of contempt applied to persons ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KOMPOLOGY * n. boasting or vaunting speech ...1854
• KOMRA n. a dog ...18C sl.
• KONK n. the head ...1960s Amer. sl.
vb. to straighten curly hair ...1944 sl., orig. US Black usage
• KONK CLASS n. school ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KONKS n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KONKY n. a nickname given to anyone with an especially prominent nose ...M19 sl.
• KOOK n. an odd person; a weirdo ...M20 US sl.
• KOOTEE n. a house ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• KOPASETIC adj. 1. excellent, first-rate, satisfactory ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. confidential, secret ...1950s sl.
• KOPASETTE adj. 1. excellent, first-rate, satisfactory ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. confidential, secret ...1950s sl.
• KOSHER adj. 1. honest ...1924 sl.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KOTONK n. a Japanese-American from the USA rather than from Hawaii ...1940s Hawaii
• KOZZER n. a police officer ...1950 Brit. sl.
• KRAUT n. (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1918 US sl.
• KRAUTFACE n. (contemptuous) a German ...1948 Amer. military sl.
• KRAUT FISH n. a German submarine ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRAUTHEAD n. (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1932 US sl.
• KRAUTLAND n. Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRIEGIE n. an Allied prisoner-of-war in German during World War II ...1944 sl.
• K.S.O., THE adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KUBBER n. news ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• KUCKY adj. of children and animals: dirty ...15C
• KUDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KUFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KUMBIX † n. a miser, a niggard ...1857
• KURL-THE-MO adj. excellent ...1941 Aust. sl.
• KVELL vb. to boast, to brag ...1967 US sl.
• KVETCH n. a contemptible person ...1964 US sl.
• KVETSCH n. a contemptible person ...1964 US sl.
• KWAAL n. an illness; a complaint ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• KWAN n. respect ...2000s US Black sl.
• KWANG n. a Chinese person ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KWAY n. 1. a general thief, with no real specialty ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 2. a man who lives on money taken from a procurer ...1940s Aust. sl.
• KWEER n. a homosexual male
• KWELA-KWELA n. 1. a police or prison wagon ...1950s S. Afr. Black sl.
n. 2. a minibus taxi ...1980s S. Afr. Black sl.
• KWY n. death ...L19 sl.
• KYBO n. a privy ...1970s US sl.
phr. keep healthy (Keep Your Bowels Open) ...M20 US sl.
• KYBOSH n. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
• KYE n. 1. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
n. 2. sixpence ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. a contemptible person ...1928 nautical sl.
n. 4. drinking chocolate, cocoa ...1943 nautical sl.
• KYFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KYFER-MASHING n. pursuing women ...L19 sl.
• KYO vb. to knock out ...20C sl.
• KYOODLE n. a dog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KYPHER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3 women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
vb. to dress one's hair ...L19 sl.
• KYST n. sap, substance, vigour ...1802 Sc.
• KYTE n. a paunch, a belly ...Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a knighthood ...20C sl.
n. 3. a kilometer ...1940s sl.
n. 4. £1000 or $1000; used esp. with reference to salaries offered in job advertisements ...1968 sl.
n. 5. a homosexual ...1960s sl.
n. 6. a kilogram of any illicit drug ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 7. phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 8. ketamine hydrochloride, a mildly hallucinogenic drug, developed as a battlefield anaesthetic, associated chemically with phencyclidine, and often used as a legal substitute for MDMA ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 9. money ...1990s US campus sl.
int. all right, in order ...1950s sl.
• KAAIKE vb. to stare vacantly; to wander listlessly ...1854 Eng. dial.
• KAAK † vb. of a crow: to caw ...1605
• KAALGAT adj. naked ...1960s S. Afr.
• KAARM n. a mass of dirt ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAARTJIE n. a very small measure of cannabis ...1950s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAASKOP n. a Dutchman ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KAAV vb. to snow heavily ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAAVIE n. 1. a heavy fall of snow; a blizzard ...1866 Sc.
n. 2. a heavy, driving rain ...1908 Sc.
vb. of snow: to fall heavily and in drifts ...1866 Sc.
• KAA-WAA adj. 1. crooked, twisted ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. ill-natured, cross-grained ...1859 Eng. dial.
adv. awry ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KABAC GENALS n. backslang ...L19 sl.
• KABA-KABA adj. 1. of people: slovenly, ill-kempt, boorish-looking ...20C W. Indies sl.
adj. 2. of animals and things: cheap, worthless ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. a low-class, worthless, rough person ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KABAYO n. heroin ...1960s drugs sl.
• KABBER n. rubbish, a heap or conglomeration of rubbish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KABBIE-LABBY n. an altercation, wrangle, argument, dispute; confused talk ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. to argue, to dispute, to wrangle ...1898 Sc.
• KABEEZER n. 1. the head ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. the face ...1960s US sl.
• KABGNALS n. backslang ...L19 sl.
• KABILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KABLOOEY adj. destroyed, ruined ...L20 N. Amer. colloq.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABLOOIE! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABLOONA n. among Inuit people, a person who is not an Inuit; a White person ...L18
• KABOOLIES n. the female breasts ...2000s US sl.
• KABOOM n. a loud bang or noise ...1940s sl.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a loud noise or explosion ...1940s sl.
• KABUKI n. a crack cocaine pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and rubber spark-plug cover ...1980s drugs sl.
• KABUMP! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the noisy landing of one object or person on another ...1970s sl.
• KABUSH adj. very tired, exhausted ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KACH! int. an exclamation used to warn children from touching any dirty substance ...Bk1902 Sc..
• KACHING! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the noise of a metal object striking another and giving a sharp, bell-like note ...1960s sl.
• KACK adj. contemptible, unpleasant, inferior ...1996 UK sl.
n. 1. a small child ...1895 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a child's boot or shoe below a certain size ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an important person ...1900s US Black sl.
n. 4. a Black person ...1920s US Black sl.
n. 5. a snobbish person ...1920s US Black sl.
n. 6. a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1936 Amer. dial.
n. 7. excrement ...1972 Aust. sl.
n. 8. someone or something extremely funny ...1989 Aust. sl.
n. 9. rubbish, nonsense ...1997 UK sl.
vb. 1. to defecate ...15C UK
vb. 2. to fall asleep ...1959 US sl.
• KACK BISCUIT n. a saddle sore...1961 Amer. dial.
• KACKERLAKE n. 1. an albino ...1777
n. 2. a cockroach ...1813
• KACK-HANDED adj. left-handed, clumsy ...colloq.
• KACK IT vb. to be terrified ...1960s sl.
• KACK-MAKING n. making children's boots and shoes ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KACK ONE'S CORDUROYS vb. to be extremely scared ...Aust. sl.
• KACK ONE'S PANTS vb. to be extremely scared ...Aust. sl.
• KACKY n. human excrement ...1930 Amer. dial.
vb. to void excrement ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KACKY-HANDER n. a clumsy person ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KADABBLE n. caboodle, a large and miscellaneous collection of things or people; crowd, lot ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KADDIE n. an ill-natured or mischievous person; a spoiled child ...1866 Sc.
• KADDLE n. 1. worry, trouble, dispute, fuss ...1856 Eng. dial.
n. 2. confusion, disorder, disarray, embarrassment ...1870 Eng. dial.
• KADES n. sheep dung ....Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KADEY n. a hat ...1869 Sc. & Eng. sl.
• KADI n. a hat ...L19 sl.
• KADIE n. a hat ...L19 sl.
• KADIFTER n. a hard blow on the head ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KADOO n. a to-do; a great fuss ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KADOODLE n. caboodle, a large and miscellaneous collection of things or people; crowd, lot ...1967 Amer. dial.
vb. to hang around, to frequent, to wander about ...L19 US sl.
• KADOOMENT n. 1. noise, confusion ...20C W. Indies sl.
n. 2. (as 'Kadoo-ment') open-air fun and excitement ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KADOOVA n. the head ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KADY n. a hat or cap ...L19 sl.
• KAE n. 1. a thievish, mischievous person ...1789 Sc.
n. 2. a chatterbox; an unlucky or ill-omened person ...1866 Sc.
n. 3. a term of affection for a neat little person ...Bk1902 Sc.
† vb. 1. to invite ...1721 Sc
vb. 2. to caw ...Bk1902 Sc.
† int. an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...a1779 Scot
• KAE IN THE KIRK-RIGGIN' n. a noisy, fractious child ...1923 Sc.
• KAERY adj. of many colours ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAE-WITTED adj. harebrained, half-witted ...1793 Sc.
• KAFFERBOETIE n. a White sympathizer with Black causes ...1930s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFERPAK n. a thorough beating, a thrashing; a comprehensive defeat ...1930s S. Africa sl.
• KAFFIR adj. (offensive) of low quality; bad; inferior; unsatisfactory, unreliable ...1934 S. Afr. sl.
n. 1. a pimp; an unpleasant person ...M19 sl., orig. S. Afr.
n. 2. (derogatory) a Black person ...M19 sl., orig. S. Afr.
n. 3. a convict who has been transported to New South Wales and subsequently escaped ...L19 Irish sl.
• KAFFIR APPOINTMENT n. an appointment for which one fails to arrive on time ...1950s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIRBOETIE n. a White sympathizer with Black causes ...1930s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIRLAND n. the Cape provinces; latterly, South Africa ...M19 sl.
• KAFFIR'S TIGHTENER n. a large, heavy meal ...M19 S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIR TAXI n. brandy plus Coca-Cola or some other sweet fizzy drink ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• KAFFIR TOBACCO n. marijuana ...1960s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAFOOSTER n. useless talk, idle chatter ...1970s US sl.
• KAFTY adj. ill-tempered ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KAG n. 1. a small cask, a keg ...1818 Eng. dial.
n. 2. an angular tear or rent in cloth ...1870 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the stump of a broken tooth; a tooth standing alone ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to grieve, to vex ...1866 Sc.
vb. 2. to crawl, to move slowly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to idle, to potter about; to do odd jobs ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to tear, to rip; to make an angular tear in cloth; to cut unevenly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAGG n. 1. sulkiness, ill humour ...E19 sl.
n. 2. an argument, a dispute; a row ...1916 nautical sl.
vb. to argue ...1919 nautical sl.
• KAGGIE n. a kagool (waterproof outer garment) ...1984 UK sl.
• KAGGLE vb. to draggle, to dirty ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAGGLE OVER vb. to smear over ...1895 Eng. dial.
• KAGMAG n. unwholesome,.decayed, or loathsome meat; offal ...1847 Eng. dial. or vulgar
• KAGOU adj. looking miserable, unenthusiastic, 'sorry for oneself' ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KAGY adj. lively; excited; spry ...1902 Amer. dial.
• KAH-KA-KA! int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KAHOONAS n. the female breasts, esp. if large ...1970s sl.
• KAHUNA n. 1. a priest of the native Hawaiian religion, a wise man, a minister; now esp. a sorcerer ...1873 Hawaii
n. 2. a spell or curse ...1938 Hawaii
n. 3. a ghost ...1954 Hawaii
n. 4. a large or important person or thing ...1980s US sl.
vb. to practice sorcery; to cast a spell ...1938 Hawaii
• KAHUTE n. a little house ...1790 Sc.
• KAI n. 1. food ...M19 NZ colloq.
n. 2. the sea; salt water ...1938 Hawaii
int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KAIBREL † n. 1. a lean, stupid fellow ...1838 Sc.
† n. 2. a thin, ill-thriving sheep, frequently killed to prevents its complete loss by death ...1838 Sc.
• KAID † vb. of cats: to desire the male, to be in heat ...1825 Sc.
• KAIDLIN adj. not firm, uncertain of step or motion; not in health ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAIF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 3. the pleasure derived from smoking marijuana
• KAIFA n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KAIGH! int. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, or abhorrence ...1828 Sc.
• KAI-KAI n. a homosexual male ...1935 US sl.
• KAIKSOME adj. hard to manage, requiring careful treatment ...1934 Sc.
• KAIL n. a main meal, dinner ...1807 Sc.
• KAIL-BAILLIE † n. the servant who stays home on the farm on Sunday to prepare dinner and feed and water the cattle ...a1838 Sc.
• KAIL-BELL n. a call to dinner ...1740 Sc.
• KAIL CASTER n. a mischievous person who throws stalks of kail, cabbage, etc. down chimneys for sport ...1899 Sc.
• KAILE vb. to be in poor health, to suffer ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KAILED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KAILIE n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit ...1840 Sc.
vb. 1. to pay a friendly evening visit ...1924 Sc.
vb. 2. to gossip ...1931 Sc.
• KAILIERS n. people who stay too long in other folk's houses ...1919 Sc.
• KAILIE-WORM n. a caterpillar ...1825 Sc.
• KAILLY-BROSE n. broth made from colewort or vegetables ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAIL RUNT n. a term of contempt applied esp. to an old woman ...a1779 Sc.
• KAIL-SIPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a nickname given to the people of Fife ...1765 Sc.
• KAIL-SUPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a nickname given to the people of Fife ...1765 Sc.
• KAIL-TIME n. dinner-time, the time of dinner ...1790 Sc.
• KAIL-WIFE n. 1. a woman who sells vegetables and herbs; a female greengrocer ...a1779 Sc.
n. 2. a scold; a coarse, brawling woman ...1959 Sc.
n. 3. an effeminate man ...1959 Sc.
• KAIL-WORM n. a caterpillar ...1772 Sc.
• KAIL-YARD n. a cabbage-garden, kitchen-garden, such as is commonly attached to a small cottage ...1725 Sc.
• KAIM AGAINST THE HAIR vb. to oppose, to ruffle, to irritate (kaim = comb) ...1768 Sc.
• KAIM A GRAY HEAD vb. to live to old age; generally used negatively (kaim = comb) ...1914 Sc.
• KAIM SOMEBODY'S HEAD BACKWARDS vb. to annoy, to tease (kaim = comb) ...1721 Sc.
• KAIN vb. to look, to peer; to look shyly or askance; to squint ...1847 Eng. dial.
• KAIR † n. a mire, a puddle ...1808 Sc.
• KAIRD n. a travelling tinker; a gypsy, tramp, vagrant ...1663 Sc.
• KAISER n. an emperor ...a1225
• KAISER BABY n. a woman who leaves home and returns married to a successful, wealthy, (and usually White) husband ...1920s US Black sl.
• KAISERLING n. a minor emperor ...1852
• KAISHIN n. occasion, reason, cause ...1908 Sc.
• KAITER adj. kindly, friendly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAITLE † vb. to fondle, to cuddle ...1797 Sc.
• KAIVY n. a great number of living creatures, esp. of human beings ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KAJEES n. cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAJILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KAK adj. contemptible, unpleasant, inferior, nasty ...1970s UK & S. Afr. sl.
n. a saddle, esp. an old or ill-fitting one ...1939 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to vomit ...1960s US sl.
vb. 2. to defecate ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KAKA n. 1. excrement ...1952 US sl.
n. 2. heroin or counterfeit heroin ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KAKA QUEEN n. one who sexual preferences involve excrement ...1950s homosexual sl.
• KAKAROCH † n. a cockroach ...1665
• KAKE n. a stitch in the side ...1892 Ireland
• KAKER n. 1. anything or anyone unpleasant or distasteful ...1930s sl.
n. 2. cannabis ...1960s sl.
• KAKISTOCRACY n. the government of a state by the worse citizens ...1829
• KAKKER adj. in nursery language: dirty ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAKKER-BOOSAH n. prematurely voided excrement ...19C sl.
• KAKKERLAK n. a cockroach ...1813
• KAKPOT n. a latrine ...1970s S. Afr. criminals' sl.
• KAKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. the testicles ...20C Irish sl.
n. 3. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KALA n. a dollar; money ...1955 Hawaii
• KALAHARI WISHING WELL n. an outdoor privy ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• KALE n. 1. broth or soup made with various kinds of vegetables ...a1480 Sc.
n. 2. dinner, food ...1794 Sc.
n. 3. money ...1912 Amer. sl.
• KALE-BELL n. the dinner-bell ...a1776 Sc.
• KALE-BROSE n. broth made from colewort or other greens, vegetable soup ...1824 Sc.
• KALE-BROTH n. broth made from colewort or other greens, vegetable soup ...1891 Sc.
• KALE-CASTER n. a mischievous person who throws the stems of colewort or cabbage down chimneys in sport ...1899 Sc.
• KALE-GARTH n. a kitchen-garden, a small cottage garden ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALE-POT WHIG n. one who does not go to church but stops at home on Sundays ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KALE-RUNT n. a term of contempt ...1875 Sc.
• KALE-RUNTLE n. a term of contempt ...1896 Sc.
• KALE SEED n. money ...20C US sl.
• KALE-SELLER n. a greengrocer ...1792 Sc.
• KALE-SUPPER n. one who is fond of broth; a name given to the Fifeshire people from their noted love of broth ...1816 Sc.
• KALE-TIME n. dinner-time ...1787 Sc.
• KALE-WIFE n. a scold ...1866 Sc.
• KALE-WORM n. 1. a caterpillar ...1773 Sc.
n. 2. a term of contempt for a tall, slender person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALEY n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit; chat, gossip among neighbours ...1840 Sc. & Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• KALE-YARD n. a cabbage-garden, kitchen-garden, such as is commonly attached to a small cottage ...1725 Sc.
• KALI n. marijuana ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• KALIED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KALI-WATER n. champagne ...1970s sl.
• KALK SOMEBODY'S DOOR vb. to avoid visiting one as a sign of displeasure, from the practice of marking with chalk the doors of houses where plague was present as a warning to keep away or, in later times, where the tenant was under notice to move ...1946 Sc.
• KALL n. a waterfall ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KALOTYPOGRAPHY n. beautiful printing ...1834
• KALUMPUS! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made when an objects falls on a hard surface ...M19
• KALWART adj. of weather: coldish, fresh and bracing ...1866 Sc.
• KALY n. a call, a friendly visit, chat, gossip among neighbours ...1843 Ireland
vb. to chat, to gossip ...1892 Ireland
• KALYIN n. gossiping ...1954 Sc.
• KAME n. 1. a long, narrow, steep-sided mound or ridge; a hill-ridge ...1814 Sc.
n. 2. a small peninsula, in the form of a narrow, low isthmus, leading from a cliff to the shore ...1905 Sc.
n. 3. a combing of the hair ...1920 Sc.
vb. 1. to scold; to give a 'dressing down' ...1929 Sc.
vb. 2. of a child: to climb or clamber up ...1938 Sc.
vb. 3. to be eager for something ...1941 Sc.
• KAMERAD! int. stop! that’s enough! ...1915 military usage
• KAMING adj. of bees: issuing forth in a stream when leaving the hive to swarm, 'towthering' ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAMMA adj. fake, trumped up, spurious; esp. said of emotions or illness ...20C S. Afr. sl.
• KAMMO n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMMOCK n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMOO n. a stroke with the hand; a stroke on the head with the fist ...1825 Sc.
• KAMPSJIOUS adj. captious, disposed to catch at faults ...1914 Sc.
• KAN n. 1. charge, responsibility; one's particular method of doing a thing ...1914 Sc.
n. 2. magic art, witchcraft; 'a superstitious term used when trying for fish' ...1929 Sc.
• KANACKA n. a native of the South Sea Islands, esp. one employed in Queensland as a labourer on the sugar plantations ...1840
• KANAKA n. 1. (often derogatory) a Hawaiian native, esp. a man; the Hawaiian language ...1820 chiefly Hawaii
n. 2. a Pacific Islander, esp. one brought to Australia as an indentured labourer on the Queensland cotton or sugar plantations ...1840 orig. Aust.
• KANAKALAND n. Queensland ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANAKALANDER n. a Queenslander ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANAKAS n. the testicles ...20C Aust. sl.
• KANAKER n. a native of the South Sea Islands, esp. one employed in Queensland as a labourer on the sugar plantations ...1840
• KANCUMS n. tricks, pranks ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANE n. 1. water at low tide between the outer sandbank and the beach ...1893 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a male; a man, a husband ...1938 Hawaii
• KANG † adj. foolish, silly ...a1225
† n. a fool ...a1225 obs.
• KANGA n. 1. a kangaroo ...c1890 Aust. colloq.
n. 2. a shoe ...20C rhyming sl. (kangaroo)
n. 3. a Jew ...1920s rhyming sl. (kangaroo)
n. 4. a prison warder ...1920s rhyming sl. for 'screw' (kangaroo)
n. 5. chewing tobacco ...1950s UK prison rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'chew')
n. 6. money ...1950s Aust. rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'screw')
n. 7. a pneumatic drill ...1970s sl., orig. Aust.
n. 8. a White child ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KANGAR n. chewing tobacco ...1950s UK prison rhyming sl. (Kangaroo = 'chew')
• KANGAROO n. 1. one who advances by fitful jumps ...1865
n. 2. an irregular court, esp. one set up by prisoners or strikers ...M19 US
n. 3. a form of bicycle with sloping backbone, introduced in 1884 early form of the safety bicycle ...1884
n. 4. a native of Australia ...1888 humorous
n. 5. a thin, slopes-shouldered person ...L19 sl.
n. 6. a shoe ...20C rhyming sl.
n. 7. a Jew ...1920s rhyming sl.
n. 8. a prison warder ...1920s rhyming sl. for 'screw'
n. 9. a children's method of sliding on ice; the popular method was for a couple to sit on their hunkers and any of boys and girls to fall in behind, each one holding on to the one in front; this was called a 'kangaroo'; when the 'kangaroo' overturned, its component parts were flung helter-skelter, a squirming mass of exuberant yelling humanity ...1926 Sc.
vb. 1. to make a great jump ...1889
vb. 2. to convict unjustly, orig. as in a 'kangaroo court' ...20C US sl.
vb. 3. to beat up ...1910s US sl.
vb. 4. to make one hyperactive; often used of a drug ...1950s US Black sl.
vb. 5. of a car: to move forward or to cause a car to move forward with short sudden jerks, as a result of improper use of the clutch ...1970s colloq.
• KANGAROO-BEAR n. the koala ...1885
• KANGAROO COURT n. an irregular court, esp. one set up by prisoners or strikers ...M19 US
• KANGAROOER n. a kangaroo hunter ...B1943 Aust. colloq.
• KANGAROO FEATHERS n. an impossible thing, often an unlikely story ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO HOP n. a short-lived feminine affectation in which the hands were held palm-down at the breast ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO IT vb. to defecate in a squatting position, usually with one's feet on the seat ...1950s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROOLAND n. Australia ...1900s Aust. sl.
• 'KANGAROOS n. West Australian mining shares; also, a dealer in these ...1896 Aust. Stock Exchange usage
• KANGAROO SHIT n. defecation in a squatting position ...1940s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO START n. caused by a faulty clutch or bad technique; the car shudders and moves off jerkily ...L1930s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROOSTER n. an amusing or eccentric person ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KANGAROO STRAIGHT n. a poker hand which resembles a straight but has a card or cards missing, hence a worthless hand ...1950s US sl.
• KANGAROO VALLEY n. Earl's Court, London; an area popular among Australian expatriates ...c1950 sl.
• KANGE vb. to flog severely ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANGING n. a severe flogging ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANGLED † adj. tangled ...1577 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KANGO n. an Australian ...1940s sl.
• KANGOL n. a beret ...1990s US Black & teen sl.
• KANGSE n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
vb. to hit lightly ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KANI n. 1. a bad cough, usually with a temperature ...1940s W. Indies sl.
n. 2. a person who has a bad cough ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• KANIKER †* n. a seller of ale ...1619
• KANITS n. a stink ...M19 back-slang
• KANITSENO n. a stinker, 'stinking one' ...M19 back-slang
• KAN-KAYERS n. tricksters; confederates who unite to disparage anything they wish to buy, or make fictitious offers and praise anything they wish to sell ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KANKEDORT †* n. a state of suspense; a critical position; a predicament; an awkward affair ...c1374
• KANKER n. a Jew ...1930s sl.
• KANKERDORT †* n. a state of suspense; a critical position; a predicament; an awkward affair ...c1374
• KANOCK n. (sometimes derogatory) a Hawaiian ...M19 sl.
• KANOZZLE n. the nose ...1969 Amer. dial.
• KANSAS CITY BANKROLL n. a show bankroll in which 1 large-denomination note is exhibited on the outside, concealing a quantity of small bills ...1940s US Black & gambling sl.
• KANSAS CITY FISH n. fried salt pork ...1944 Amer. dial.
• KANSAS CITY ROLL n. a show bankroll in which 1 large-denomination note is exhibited on the outside, concealing a quantity of small bills ...1940s US Black & gambling sl.
• KANSAS CITY WORKOUT n. watching men go boy ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• KANSAS NECK-BLISTER n. a Bowie knife ...L19 US sl.
• KANSAS YUMMY n. a young woman who proves hard to seduce; she need not necessarily come from Kansas, but the implication is of small-town or rural innocence and morality ...1960s US sl.
• KANT n. 1. food ...1851-61 tramps' sl.
n. 2. humour, state of mind ...1908 Sc.
n. 3. manner of treating a person or of doing something; behaviour ...1908 Sc.
n. 4. opportunity, occasion ...1929 Sc.
• KANUCK n. a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• KANUK n. a Canadian ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KANURD adj. drunk ...1851 Eng. back-slang
• KAP vb. to take off the heads and remove the entrails of fish ...1898 Sc.
• KAPA n. a bed quilt ...1887 Amer. dial.
• KA PAI int. good! well done! ...NZ Maori
• KAPELLO n. a coat ...M19 sl.
• KAPLOOEY! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made by the explosion of something soft and messy, as a large fruit or a living body ...1930s sl.
• KAPOK-CRUNCHER n. a male homosexual ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KAPOODLE n. the whole lot; a group; a crowd ...1915 Amer. dial.
• KAPOW! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a sudden noise or shock, typically an imitation of a handgun firing ...1930s sl.
• KAPOWIE! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating a sudden noise or shock, typically an imitation of a handgun firing ...1930s sl.
• KAPP vb. to take off the heads and remove the entrails of fish ...1898 Sc.
• KAPPA n. a disabled person; hence, a general insult ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• KAPS n. phencyclidine ...1970s drugs sl.
• KAPSWALLA vb. to steal ...L19 US criminals' sl.
• KAPU adj. forbidden, off limits; often used as a warning to deter trespassing ...1826
• KAPUT adj. 1. out of order, utterly ruined or exhausted; broken ...1910s sl.
adj. 2. dead, finished ...1910s sl.
• KAREKOYLE n. a mode of sliding in a crouching position ...1889 Eng. dial.
vb. to slide in a crouching position ...1889 Eng. dial.
• KAREMON † n. a man, a male ...a1400
• KARIBAT n. food ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• KARK vb. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• ׇKARK IT vb. to die ...1977 Aust. sl.
• KARLISH adj. churlish, clownish, vulgar, coarse; rude, mean ...a1240
• KARLSOME adj. awkward, difficult to manage or manipulate ...1930 Sc.
• KARMA n. an emotional or spiritual state of being, either good or bad; orig. used by hippies, from Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, but latterly very little to do with religion ...1960s US sl.
• KARMIC adj. of the nature of karma ...1885
• KAROS † n. heavy sleep, torpor ...1598
• KARRIEWHITCHIT n. a term of endearment for a child ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KARSEY n. 1. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
n. 2. a brothel ...2002 UK sl.
• KARZEY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• KARZY n. a lavatory ...1961 Brit, sl.
• KASCHNICKERED adj. drunk, intoxicated ...1970s US Black sl.
• KASER † n. an emperor ...c888
• KASHOOM! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating speedy movement ...1970s sl.
• KASK †* adj. active, vigorous ...c1300
• KAS-KAS n. 1. a quarrel or contention ...1940s W.I. Rasta
n. 2. rumour-mongering ...1950s W. Indies
• KASS KASS n. a quarrel or contention ...1940s W.I. Rasta
• KASTÉ †* n. chastity ...a1300
• KASTIN † vb. to chasten ...c1200
• KATE n. 1. a prostitute; a harlot; a loose woman ...16C Sc. sl.
n. 2. a picklock ...M17 sl.
n. 3. a skeleton key ...M17 sl.
n. 4. the pileated woodpecker ...1913 Amer. dial.
• KATE, THE n. the British army ...L19 sl.
• KATE AND SIDNEY n. steak and kidney ...1914 Brit. rhyming sl.
• KATE CARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE KARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE KEARNEY, THE n. the British army ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATE MOSS vb. to toss, to throw ...1990s rhyming sl.
• KATEXOKEN † adv. pre-eminently ...1633
• KATH n. 1. an indeterminate period of time ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 2. a habitual criminal ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 3. a prison sentence of indeterminate time ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 4. a promise, usually in the context of paying back a loan ...1910s US sl.
n. 5. a pack ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KATHARINE DOCKS n. socks ...20C rhyming sl.
• KATHIL n. anything reduced to a pulp; an egg beaten up ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. to beat with great severity; to reduce to a pulp ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KATHLEEN MAROON n. a 3-year prison sentence ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN n. 1. the morning ...20C rhyming sl.
n. 2. an indeterminate period of time ...20C Aust. sl.
n. 3. a habitual criminal ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 4. a promise, usually in the context of paying back a loan ...1910s US sl.
n. 5. a prison sentence of indeterminate length ...1910 Aust. & NZ sl.
n. 6. a pack ...1920s Aust. sl.
• KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN SYSTEM n. hire purchase ...1920s sl.
• KATIE n. a nickname for a hare ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KATIE-BAR-THE-DOOR phr. used as a warning, to indicate impending danger ...20C US sl.
• KATIE-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KATIN' AND SAVIN' adj. of penurious habits, saving ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KATIRAMS n. small, swift-flying, tattered clouds ...1897 Sc.
• KATISH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1981 Amer. dial.
• KATONK n. a Japanese-American from the USA rather than from Hawaii ...1940s Hawaii
• KATOO vb. to act as a sycophant ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KATOOCH n. the rump of a cooked chicken ...1979 Amer. dial.
• KATOOSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KATOUSE! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KATOWSE n. an uproar, a commotion, a tumult, rumpus, row, disturbance ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KATRINKA n. a fat woman ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KATTED † adj. plastered with clay ...1684
• KATTERKORNERED-LIKE adj. diagonal, in the opposite corner ...1843 Amer. dial.
• KATTERZEM n. a parasite; a hanger-on ...L19 Sc.
• KATTY n. a nickname for a hare ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KATTY-CLEAN-DOORS n. a child's name for snow ...1844 Sc.
• KATTYDID n. 1. a cicada ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATUSH n. the rump of a cooked chicken ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KATY †* n. 1. a wanton person ...1535
n. 2. the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. a hat or cap ...1947 Amer. dial.
• KATY-BAR-THE-GATE phr. used as a warning, to indicate impending danger ...20C US sl.
• KATYCOCK n. the pileated woodpecker ...1953 Amer. dial.
• KATYDATE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDEE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDID n. 1. a green grasshopper ...1743 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a cicada ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 3. a tree frog or similar frog ...1968 Amer. dial.
n. 4. a branch railroad that is not very important or gives poor service ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KATYDIDDLE n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KATYDIDN'T n. a green grasshopper ...1846 Amer. dial.
• KATY-HANDED adj. left-handed ...1822 Sc.
• KATY-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KATYNIPPER n. 1. a dragonfly ...1953 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a mosquito ...1954 Amer. dial.
• KATZENJAMMER n. 1. a hangover; a symptom of a hangover ...1849 Amer. dial.
n. 2. anxiety or jitters ...20C US sl.
n. 3. a catsuit ...1940s US sl.
• KATZENJAMMERS n. low spirits after drinking ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KAUI n. a variety of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KAVE † n. a hen-coop ...1789 Sc.
• KAW vb. to gasp for breath ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAWDRON † n. a cauldron ...c1483
• KAW-WAW adj. 1. crooked, twisted, distorted ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. ill-natured, cross-grained ...1859 Eng. dial.
adv. awry ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KAY adj. of the hand or foot: left ...a1300 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a thievish, mischievous person ...1789 Sc.
n. 2. 1 kilometre ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
int. 1. an exclamation of disbelief, contempt, or abhorrence ...1828 Sc.
int. 2. all right, in order ...1950s sl.
• KAYA n. marijuana ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAYCUFF FOE! int. go away! ...20C back-slang for 'fuck off!'
• KAYF n. a corruption of café, usually a cheap and cheerful one ...1920s sl.
• KAY-FISTED adj. left-handed ...1611 Eng. dial.
• KAYK n. the cry of a goose ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KAY-KAY! † int. an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...1828 Scot
• KAYLIED adj. drunk ...1937 sl.
• KAYNARD † n. a worthless fellow; a lazy cowardly person; a sluggard; a rascal ...1782
• KAY-NIEVED adj. left-handed ...1865 Eng. dial.
• KAYO adj. 1. all right, in order ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate; satisfactory ...1923 sl.
n. 1. a knockout ...1910s sl.
n. 2. death ...1910s sl.
n. 3. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to knock out ...1923 sl.
• KAYO CHAMP n. a champion boxer ...Bk1942 Amer. boxing sl.
• KAYO LOOKER n. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KAY-PAWED adj. left-handed ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KAY-WITTED adj. half-witted, harebrained, scatterbrained ...1853 Sc.
• KAZE n. the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl.
• KAZEN n. cause ...1931 Amer. dial.
vb. to cause ...1931 Amer. dial.
• KAZH adj. casual, laid-back, conducive to a good time ...1981 Amer. campus sl.
• KAZILLION n. an uncountable large number ...1980s US sl.
• KA-ZIP n. the head ...1900s sl.
• KAZOO n. 1. the anus; the buttocks ...1960s sl.
n. 2. the vagina; the penis ..1960s sl.
• KAZOOMS n. the female breasts, esp. if large ...1970s sl.
• KAZOONIE n. a child ...1950s US prison sl.
• KAZZARDLY adj. 1. precarious, risky, uncertain ...1849 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: changeable, unsettled ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEACH n. 1. a heave up ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the choice or pick of anything ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to take up water etc. with a shallow vessel; to scoop up, to ladle out ...1387 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to sip water, as from a brook ...1809 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to drag forcibly ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEACH-CUP †* n. a toss-pot, a drunkard ...a1125
• KEADY adj. wanton ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEAK †* n. a cackle; cackling ...1600
†* vb. to cackle ...1545
• KEAKY-RIDGED adj. bent inwards ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEALIE n. a social evening, esp. among neighbours; an evening's informal entertainment, generally including singing and the telling of stories; a friendly visit ...1840 Sc.
• KEAM n. 1. the scum or froth which rises upon any liquid ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a honeycomb ...1814 Sc.
n. 3. a young girl's bosom, as being beautiful and sweet ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEANE vb. to scamper ...1851 Eng. dial.
• KEATHER n. a cradle ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEAU vb. to twist, as the foot in walking ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEAVE vb. 1. to struggle on in a hopeless way ...1851 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to threaten ...1874 Sc.
vb. 3. to plunge ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEB n. 1. a ewe that has lost her lamb, or whose lamb is still-born ...1470-73 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a blow ...1788 Sc.
n. 3. an old, worn-out sheep ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a villain ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
n. 5. any creature small of its kind, esp. an infant ...Bk1902 Sc.
†* vb. 1. to boast, to brag ...c1315
vb. 2. of ewes: to bring forth a still-born lamb ...1816 Sc.
vb. 3. to pant for breath; to sob ...1888 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to beat severely ...Bk1902 Sc.
vb. 5. to turn in the knee or toes in walking ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEBAR n. 1. a companion, a neighbour ...1835 Sc.
n. 2. a strong person of somewhat stubborn disposition ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBED EWE n. a ewe whose lamb is stillborn ...1860 Sc.
• KEBBER † n. an old or diseased sheep which is removed from the flock ...1538
• KEBBIE adj. anxious, eager ...1898 Sc.
n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. to chide, to quarrel ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBIE-LEBBIE n. an altercation, especially as carried on by a number of persons speaking at one time; a wrangling, a quarrelling ...1794 Sc.
vb. to altercate, to wrangle; to quarrel ...18C Sc.
• KEBBUCK † n. a cheese ...c1470 exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEBBUCK-END n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1868 Sc.
• KEBBUCK-HEEL n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1785 Sc.
• KEBBUCK-STUMP n. the last remnants of a cheese ...1827 Sc.
• KEBBY n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. to chide, to quarrel ...Bk1902 Sc.
• KEBBY-STICK n. a hook-ended walking-stick; a shepherd's crook ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEB-FOOTED adj. walking with the toes turned inward ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• KEBROCK n. anything big and clumsy ...1882 Sc.
• KEBS n. the game of knuckle-bones ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KECH n. a girl's shoe ...1891 Sc.
• KECHER vb. to cough continuously ...1896 Sc.
• KECHT n. a consumptive cough ...1824 Sc.
• KECK adj. pert, insolent, lively ...1856 Eng. dial.
n. 1. the noise made in the gullet by sickness; a sound between a cough and choke ...1852 Eng. dial.
n. 2. rubbish ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a cuff or blow ...1881 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a pocket ...L19 sl.
n. 5. a jolt ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a twist to one side; a sprain; an injury to the spine causing deformity ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1601
vb. 2. to express strong dislike or disgust ...1681
vb. 3. to become short of breath; to catch one's breath; to gasp ...1721
vb. 4. to jerk oneself back; to throw back the head with disdainful air; to raise oneself erect ...1740 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to stand awry; to twist to one side; to lean; to drop from an upright position ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. of a bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1844
vb. 7. to choke; to make a choking noise in the throat; to cough ...1878 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to stay or put up at a house temporarily when away from home ...1880 Eng. dial.
vb. 9. to raise up one end of anything, esp. to tip up a cart in order to unload it ...1884 Eng. dial.
vb. 10. to cackle, to laugh ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 11. to draw back from a bargain; to flinch ...Bk1901 Sc.
vb. 12. to refuse with disdain; to be fastidious ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 13. to upset; to overbalance ...Bk1901 Eng. dial..
• KECK AT vb. to reject food, medicine, etc. with loathing ...1642
• KECKCORN n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KECKEN vb. 1. to decline with loathing, aversion, or disgust, as offered food; to be fastidious ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a sound between a choke and a cough; to retch ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKEN-HEARTED adj. squeamish; loathing the sight of food; dainty; over-fastidious; faint-hearted ...Bk1901 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KECKER adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KECKER-HEARTED adj. 1. faint-hearted, nervous ...1896 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. having a stomach that is easily upset ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKERS n. the tonsils ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKERY adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECK-FISTED adj. left-handed; clumsy, awkward ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECK-HANDED adj. left-handed; awkward, clumsy ...1859 Eng. dial.
• KECKISH †* adj. squeamish, affected by nausea ...1603
• KECKLE adj. 1. pert ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. weak in the stomach; flighty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a short, spasmodic laugh; a chuckle; a cackling,; giddy behaviour ...1820 Sc.
n. 2 loud chatter; idle or foolish talk ...1877 Sc.
vb. 1. of a person: to chuckle, to laugh, to giggle ...1513
vb. 2. of a hen or other bird: to cluck, to cackle ...1513
vb. 3. to make a sound as if about to vomit; to retch; to feel an inclination to vomit ...1619 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to retort impertinently; to speak insolently ...1856 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to show eagerness; to show signs of joy or of temper; to regain one's spirits after sickness, etc. ...1890 Sc.
vb. 6. to cough, to choke; to make a noise in the throat while swallowing ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE-STOMACH n. a squeamish stomach ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKLE-STOMACHED adj. having a stomach easily disgusted, squeamish; over-particular ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KECKLING adj. chuckling, noisy; of a giddy disposition ...1820 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. noisy laughter; giddy conduct ...1819 Sc.
• KECKLISH †* adj. squeamish, affected by nausea ...1601
• KECKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KECKSY adj. dry, juiceless; thirsty ...1874 Eng. dial.
vb. to become stringy ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KECKY adj. squeamish ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDDENED adj. covered over with mud or dust ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDDENED AND CABAGED adj. having the boots covered with mud; dirty ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE adj. 1. brisk, lively; in good spirits ...c1440 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. stiff, tight ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a mischievous child ...1781 Eng. dial.
n. 2. trash, rubbish ...1852 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the belly; the stomach ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a glutton; a person who eats greedily ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to stuff; to fill, esp. to fill oneself with food ...1684 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 2. of the teeth: to be set on edge ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to toss about; to move a thing quickly from one place to another ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEDGE-BELLIED adj. pot-bellied ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-BELLY n. 1. a voracious or gluttonous feeder who stuffs himself full to repletion; a glutton ...1721 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a large, protuberant belly ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-GUTTED adj. said of an animal that has made itself ill by overeating ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGE-KYTE n. 1. a glutton ...Bk1901 Sc.
n. 2. a large, protuberant stomach ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEDGER n. a beggar, a tramp, a loafer, a petty thief ...1835 Eng. dial.
• KEDGER'S COFFEE-HOUSE n. a centre for beggars ...19C sl.
• KEDGER'S HOTEL n. a centre for beggars ...19C sl.
• KEDGING n. food of all kinds; stuffing ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEDGY adj. 1. brisk, active, sprightly, lively; cheerful, happy ...1719 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. given to the pleasures of the table ...1894 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. wanton, lascivious ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. pot-bellied ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KEDIDOES n. capers, pranks, tricks ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KEEADISH adj. sluggish; unwilling, disinclined ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEEAKY adj. brisk, lively ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEEBLER n. a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• KEECH n. 1. a large lump, esp. of mud ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
n. 2. dirt ...Bk1901 Sc.
n. 3. something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
n. 4. excrement ...1970s sl.
n. 5. nonsense, rubbish ...1970s sl.
vb. 1. of wax, melted fat, etc.: to set hard in cooling ...1863 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. of water: to film over, to begin to freeze ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to void excrement, used esp. of children ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECHAN n. a small rivulet ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECH-BELLY n. a fat man ...1834 Eng. dial.
• KEECHIE adj. dirty ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEECHTER n. the posterior, the buttocks ...1990s sl.
• KEECHY adj. of roads after rain: greasy ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KEED n. a person, used in direct address ...1920s US sl.
• KEEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KEEHEE n. a goldfinch ...1955 Amer. dial.
• KEEK n. 1. a peep ...1773 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pocket ...L19 sl.
n. 3. a peeping Tom; a voyeur ...20C US sl.
n. 4. something distasteful or disgusting ...1970s sl.
n. 5. excrement ...1970s sl.
n. 6. nonsense, rubbish ...1970s sl.
† vb. 1. to glance, to gaze ...c1386 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to peep; to look privily, as through a narrow aperture, or round a corner ...c1440 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
†* vb. 3. to cackle ...1545
• KEEK-BO n. bo-peep ...1835
• KEEK-BOGLE n. hide-and-seek ...Bk1901 Sc.
• KEEK-CLOY n. a trouser pocket ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• KEE KEE! int. used as a reproach ...1948 Amer. dial.
• KEEKER n. a peeper, a gazer ...Bk1902 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEKERS n. the eyes ...1808 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEK-HOLE n. a peephole ...1891 Eng. dial.
• KEEKHORN n. the gullet; the windpipe ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KEEKING-GLASS n. a looking-glass ...a1724 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEEL †* n. 1. a tub or vat for holding liquor ...1485
n. 2. a ship, a vessel ...a1547 poetic
n. 3. the posteriors ...19C Sc.
† vb. 1. to cool; to lose heat; to refresh by cooling ...c825 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to make less violent, eager, or ardent; to assuage, to mitigate, to lessen ...c1175
vb. 3. to grow cold in feeling, etc.; to become less violent, fervid, or ardent; to 'cool down'; to diminish in intensity ...c1325
vb. 4. to become cool or cold ...c1420
• KEEL A SOMERSET vb. to turn a somersault ...1910 Amer. dial.
• KEELED UP adj. very sick, laid up or worn out from sickness or old age ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KEELHAUL vb. to punish with humiliation ...US Civil War usage
• KEELIE n. a low or vulgar boy; a street-loafer or rough; a ruffian ...1863 Sc.
• KEELING † n. cooling ...1382 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KEEL OUT adj. incapacitated because of illness ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KEEL OVER vb. 1. to turn a somersault ...1910 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to die ...1977 sl.
• KEEL UP vb. to incapacitate, esp. by illness or age; to kill, to deprive of life ...1856 Amer. dial.
• KEELY-OVER n. a somersault ...1943 Amer. dial.
• KEEN † adj. 1. brave, bold, valiant, daring ...c897
† adj. 2. fierce, savage (chiefly used of animals); cruel; harsh (to a person) ...a1000
† adj. 3. mighty, powerful, strong ...a1000
† adj. 4. wise, learned, clever ...a1000
† adj. 5. bold, proud, forward, insolent, heinous ...1297
adj. 6. excellent; first-rate ...1914 sl., orig. US
vb. to scan; to direct one's eyes sharply ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KEEN ARTICLE n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN AS A BRIAR adj. sly; quick-witted; intelligent ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KEEN DATE n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEEN-EYED adj. of the eyes: sharp, piercing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEENLY †* adj. bold, courageous ...c1205
† adv. 1. fiercely, boldly ...c1000
† adv. 2. sharply, quickly, in haste ...a1300
• KEEN NUMBER n. an attractive girl ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• KEENO adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEN ON adj. fond of; enthusiastic about; liking; often implying sexual infatuation ...1889
• KEEN-POINTED adj. 1. of the nose: pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of shoes: sharp-pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KEENSHIP †* n. boldness, fierceness ...c1205
• KEEN STUFF n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEN-TOED adj. of shoes: sharp-pointed ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KEEP † n. 1. care, attention, heed, notice ...c1250
† n. 2. a clasp or similar fastening ...1615
* n. 3. a pond or reservoir for fish; a weir or dam for retaining water ...1617
†* n. 4. a meat-safe ...1617
†* n. 5. a herdsman or herdswoman ...1641
† vb. 1. to lie in wait for, to watch for stealthily with hostile purpose; to intercept on the way; ...c1000
† vb. 2. to seize, to lay hold of; to snatch, to take ...c1000
† vb. 3. to take in with the eyes, ears, or mind; to take note of, to behold, to observe ...c1000
† vb. 4. to try to catch or get; to seek after ...c1000
† vb. 5. to watch ...c1000
† vb. 6. to watch for, to wait for, to await a coming event or person ...c1000
† vb. 7. to take in, to receive, to contain, to hold ...c1020
† vb. 8. to defend oneself; to be on one's guard ...c1175
† vb. 9. to meet in resistance or opposition; to encounter ...c1205
†* vb. 10. to lie in ambush ...c1205
† vb. 11. to care for, to regard, to desire ...1297
† vb. 12. to take care; to give heed ...a1300
† vb. 13. to intercept or meet in a friendly way; to greet, to welcome ...1340
† vb. 14. to conduct or comport oneself; to behave ...1362
† vb. 15. to retain in the memory; to remember ...1573
vb. 16. of school: to be in session; to commence ...1845 Amer. dial.
vb. 17. to persevere in, to carry on with, to maintain ...1935 Amer. dial.
• KEEP A LAMP LIT vb. to keep an eye open; to keep alert ...1889 sl.
• KEEP ALL THE BEANS IN THE SACK vb. to be careful of one's money ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KEEP A NESTLING vb. to be restless and uneasy ...c1696 sl.
• KEEP AN IRONMONGER'S SHOP BY THE SIDE OF A COMMON vb. to be hanged in chains ...L18 sl.
• KEEP A REEKING HOUSE vb. to maintain a household ...1883 Sc.
• KEEP A STIFF LIP vb. to keep quiet, to maintain a secret ...1970s US Black sl.
• KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP vb. to keep up one's courage
• KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE vb. to restrain oneself from laughing ...L19 sl.
• KEEP A SWANNERY vb. to boast; to boost one's own achievements ...L18 sl.
• KEEP A TIGHT ASSHOLE vb. to avoid panicking; to keep cool ...1918 Amer. military sl.
• KEEP A TIGHT HOLE vb. to maintain emotional control ...1940s sl., orig. US military
• KEEP AT THE STICK'S END vb. to snub, to keep 'at arm's length' ...L19 sl.
• KEEP BANKER'S HOURS vb. 1. to act lazily ...20C sl.
vb. 2. to be tardy to work ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEP CASES ON vb. to watch closely ...L19 US sl.
• KEEP COMPANY vb. to court ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KEEP DARK vb. to keep secret ...1681 colloq.
int. stay silent! ...1835 US sl.
• KEEP DEAD vb. to remain silent ...1900 Amer. sl.
• KEEP DICK vb. to keep watch ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• KEEP-DOOR † n. a porter; a door-ward ...1681 nonce word
• KEEPER † n. 1. a nurse; one who has charge of the sick ...c1450
† n. 2. one who keeps a mistress ...1676
n. 3. a ring that keeps another (esp. the wedding-ring) on the finger ...1851
• KEEPERESS * n. female keeper or custodian; a woman who keeps a man ...1748
• KEEPFUL †* adj. careful, heedful ...1489
• KEEP GOOD QUARTER † vb. to keep good watch; to preserve good order ...1595
• KEEP HEAD AGAINST vb. to resist successfully, to hold one's own against ...1818
• KEEPING † n. 1. confinement, imprisonment; prison ...1382
†* n. 2. a flock of sheep ...1641
† n. 3. the maintaining of a mistress or lover; the fact of condition of being so maintained ...1675
• KEEP IN GAMMON vb. to engage a person's attention while a confederate is robbing him ...1821 thieves' sl.
• KEEPING ROOM n. a sitting room or parlour intended for family use, as distinct from a 'front' room reserved for company ...1771 Amer. dial.
• KEEP LIFE AND SOUL TOGETHER † vb. to keep oneself alive ...1693
• KEEP MELL IN SHAFT vb. to keep straight in any course; to keep in good health; to carry on one's business prosperously; to make both ends meet ...1824 Sc.
• KEEP NIT vb. to keep watch, be observant ...1903 Aust. sl.
• KEEP OBS vb. to keep a lookout ...1940s sl.
• KEEP-OFF † adj. serving to keep (foes) off ...1623
• KEEP OLD MAID'S HALL vb. to live or keep house without the presence of a man ...1858 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S ALLEY GOOD vb. to ingratiate oneself ...1909 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KEEP ONE'S BRITCHES ON vb. not to become impatient, excited, or angry ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S CHIN UP vb. to retain one's courage ...1938 sl.
• KEEP ONE'S EYE ON THE BALL vb. to be on the alert; to be careful ...1907 US sl.
• KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED vb. to keep a sharp look out ...c1905 sl.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR DOWN vb. to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON vb. to remain calm; to restrain one's temper ...1885 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HAND ON ONE'S HALFPENNY vb. to be mean, stingy; to look after one's own interests ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S HEAD ABOVE GROUND vb. to keep oneself in life ...1627
• KEEP ONE'S LATHER DOWN vb. to be patient ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S LEGS vb. to remain standing or walking ...1706
• KEEP ONE'S MARBLE GOOD vb. to ingratiate oneself ...1909 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KEEP ONE'S NOSE CLEAN vb. to follow rules and regulations meticulously so as to avoid any blame; to be, remain, or become honest; to behave well or satisfactorily, often implying avoidance of involvement in criminal activity ...1887 sl., orig. US
• KEEP ONE'S PECKER UP vb. to retain one's courage ...1853 Brit. sl.
• KEEP ONE'S SHIRT ON vb. to keep one's composure, to remain calm or relaxed ...1854 sl., orig. US
• KEEP ONE'S SIGHTING EYE OUT vb. to watch for an opportunity ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SKILLET GREASY vb. to make a living; to live well ...1942 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S SMOKEHOUSE GREASY vb. to make a living; to live well ...1984 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ONE'S TOP EYE OPEN vb. to keep a sharp lookout ...1828 Amer. dial.
• KEEP ON TRUCKING vb. to persevere ...1972 US sl.
• KEEP OPEN DOORS vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1841
• KEEP OPEN HOUSE vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1530
• KEEP OPEN HOUSEHOLD † vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...a1548
• KEEP OPEN TABLE vb. to provide hospitality or entertainment for visitors generally ...1720
• KEEP QUALITY HOURS vb. to dine late ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEEPS! int. an exclamation to stake a claim ...1956 Amer. dial.
• KEEP SHAFT IN MELL vb. to keep straight in any course; to keep in good health; to carry on one's business prosperously; to make both ends meet ...1824 Sc.
• KEEP SKETCH vb. to keep watch ...1996 Irish sl.
• KEEP THE CENSUS DOWN vb. 1. to abort a foetus ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to masturbate ...19C Brit. sl.
• KEEP THE HANK IN ONE'S OWN HAND vb. to be master of the situation; to hold one's own ...1882 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KEEP THE LINE vb. to behave properly ...E19 sl.
• KEEP THE LINES OPEN vb. to maintain communication ...20C sl.
• KEEP THE PARTY CLEAN vb. to avoid obscenity or 'dirty' stories ...1930s sl.
• KEEP THE TAIL IN WATER vb. to prosper ...BK1905 Eng. dial.
• KEEP THE TAMBOURINE A-ROLLING vb. to keep things cheerful or lively ...M19 sl.
• KEEP THE WIRES HOT vb. to telegraph incessantly ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEEP TO ONE'S THREAP vb. to adhere to an assertion or purpose ...1819 Sc.
• KEEP TOUT vb. to spy on, to keep a look-out ...E19 sl.
• KEEP-UP n. anyone who looks after the home; a maid ...1970s US Black sl.
vb. (as 'keep up')
† vb. 1. to keep secret or undivulged ...1678
† vb. 2. to stay within doors; to put up or stop at ...1704
• KEEP UP TO THE COLLAR vb. 1. to stay hard at work, or to make someone else stay hard at work ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to be overwhelmed by one's work ...1910s sl.
• KEEP UP YOUR FRONT TO MAKE YOUR GAME phr. don't quit; don't give up ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KEEP-WORTHY adj. worth keeping; worthy of being kept ...1830
• KEEP YOUR ASS CLEAN phr. stay out of trouble ...1961 Amer. sl.
• KEEP YOUR BRITCHES ON! int. used to tell someone to be patient ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP YOUR HAIR ON! int. calm down! don't lose control ...M19 sl.
• KEEP YOUR HAND ON YOUR HA'PENNY TILL THE RIGHT MAN TURNS UP phr. advice to young women to retain their virginity until the advent of 'Mr. Right' ...1900s sl.
• KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BEESWAX phr. mind your own business ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEEP YOUR NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE vb. to be studying hard, working hard ...1828 UK
• KEEP YOUR PECKER UP! int. 'keep your chin up!' ...E19 Brit. colloq.
• KEEP YOUR WOOL ON! int. calm down! don't lose control ...M19 sl.
• KEEP YOW vb. to keep watch, be observant; to keep a look-out, esp. in a criminal context ...1942 Aust. sl.
• KEERFUL adj. careful ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KEEST n. sap, substance, vigour ...1802 Sc.
• KEESTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc.; a valise, a chest or box ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEET n. a parakeet ...M19 Aust. sl.
• KEEVA adj. excellent, worthy of admiration ...1990s US campus sl.
• KEEZER'S GHOST! int. an ejaculation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KEFFAL n. a horse ...L17 criminals' sl.
• KEFFEL n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KEFIELD n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KEFT †* adj. bought, paid for ...c1300
• KEFTY adj. awkward, clumsy ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEFTY-HANDED adj. left-handed ...1875 Eng. dial.
• KEG n. 1. the stomach ...1877 Amer. dial.
n. 2. bad or inferior meat; carrion ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 3. beer; a barrel of beer ...1940s Aust. & NZ sl.
vb. 1. to abstain from drinking alcohol ...L18 US sl.
vb. 2. to annoy, to vex, to insult, to give sharp offense; to grieve ...1801 Sc. & Eng. dial.
int. an exclamation of approval ...1990s US campus sl.
• KEG FLY n. a person who hovers around the beer keg at parties ...1980s US campus sl.
• KEGGER n. a party featuring a large supply of beer ...1960s US campus sl.
• KEGGING adj. excellent; worthy of admiration ...1990s US campus sl.
n. 1. buying alcohol legally, and then taking it to a teetotal or 'dry' area of the country for consumption ...1910s NZ sl.
n. 2. indulging in a party where kegs of beer are consumed ...1970s US sl.
• KEGGY n. decaying vegetables or food ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• KEG IT UP vb. to drink, usually in a party or public house ...1990s NZ sl.
• KEG-MEG n. 1. tripe ...M19 sl.
n. 2. bad, unwholesome food; refuse of any kind, anything valueless or worthless ...1875 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a gossip, a newsmonger; a pert, meddling woman or girl ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 4. chatter, idle talk; an unsettled argument ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
n. 5. an intimate conversation ...L19 sl.
• KEGMEG SHOP n. a tripe shop ...M19 sl.
• KEG UP vb. to hide stuff away for a rainy day; to stay put in one place, as in a hunting shack in rough weather ...1958 Amer. dial.
• KEIFER n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KEIKI n. a young child ...1938 Hawaii
• KEIR †* vb. to drive off ...1562 Sc.
• KEISTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc.; a valise, a chest or box ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEKE †* vb. to cackle ...1545
• KEKS n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KELCH n. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELD †* adj. cold ...a1310
n. a well, a fountain, a spring; a deep, still, smooth part of a river ...1697 N. Eng. dial.
†* vb. to become cold ...a1300
• KELDER †* n. 1. the womb ...1646
n. 2. the belly ...B1900 sl.
• KELEUSMATICALLY adv. imperatively, by way of a command ...1885
• KELF †* n. a lubber, a blockhead, a lout, an oaf ...1664
• KELK † n. the roe of a fish ...c1420 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KELKS n. the testicles ...19C Eng. dial.
• KELL † n. 1. a woman's hair-net, cap, or head-dress ...a1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a long cloak or garment; a shroud ...c1425 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 3. a well, a fountain, a spring; a deep, still, smooth part of a river ...1697 N. Eng. dial.
• KELLY n. a man's hat ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KELP n. a hat ...Bk1891 sl.
• KELPIE n. the Lowland Scottish name of a fabled water-spirit or demon assuming various shapes, but usually appearing in that of a horse; it is reputed to haunt lakes and rivers, and to take delight in, or even to bring about, the drowning of travellers and others ...1747 Sc.
• KELP RAFT n. a mass of kelp floating on the sea ...1897
• KELPY n. the Lowland Scottish name of a fabled water-spirit or demon assuming various shapes, but usually appearing in that of a horse; it is reputed to haunt lakes and rivers, and to take delight in, or even to bring about, the drowning of travellers and others ...1747 Sc.
• KELSOUNS †* n. drawers, linen trousers ...1568 Sc.
• KELT n. 1. a sheep's fleece ...1722 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) a very light mulatto ...M20 US sl.
• KELTCH n. 1. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
n. 2. (derogatory) a very light mulatto ...M20 US sl.
• KELTER n. 1. good condition; good health or spirits ...1643
n. 2. money, cash ...1807 N. Eng. dial.
n. 3. rubbish; nonsense ...1847 Eng. dial.
• KELTIES n. children ...1808 Sc.
• KELTIE'S MENDS † n. a glass or bumper imposed as a fine on one who does not drink fair ...1692 Sc.
• KELTY † n. 1. a term denoting the complete draining of a glass of liquor (indicated by turning it upside down) ...1664 Sc.
† n. 2. a glass or bumper imposed as a fine on one who does not drink fair ...1692 Sc.
• KELTZ n. a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELUMPUS! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KEMB † vb. 1. to trim; to make smooth or elegant ...c1386 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to disentangle and smooth hair by drawing a comb through it; to curry a horse ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KEMESA n. a shirt ...M17 sl.
• KEMP n. 1. a big, strong, and brave warrior or athlete; a professional fighter, wrestler, etc.; a champion ...a700
† n. 2. a coarse or stout hair, as those of the eyebrows ...c1386
vb. to fight or contend in battle with another ...a1400 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEMPER n. a prize-fighter, a professional fighter ...1891 Sc.
• KEMPERY-MAN †* n. a prize-fighter, a professional fighter ...a1765
• KEMPKIN †* n. a small barrel, a keg ...1580 Sc.
• KEN † vb. 1. to make known, to declare, to confess, to acknowledge ...c975
† vb. 2. to engender, to beget; to conceive; to give birth to ...c1000
† vb. 3. to direct, to guide, to show the way to ...c1200
† vb. 4. to recognize; to identify ...c1205 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to descry, to see; to catch sight of, to discover by sight; to look at, to scan ...c1205 arch.
† vb. 6. to impart the knowledge of a thing; to teach one something ...a1225
† vb. 7. of eggs: to hatch out ...a1300
† vb. 8. to get to know, to ascertain, to find out ...c1330
† vb. 9. to give instruction or directions ...c1330
vb. 10. to know a thing; to have knowledge of or about; to be acquainted with ...a1300 now chiefly Sc.
vb. 11. to know, to understand, to perceive a fact, etc.; to be aware of ...a1300 now chiefly Sc.
†* vb. 12. to have skill; to be accomplished in ...1362
• KENCH †* vb. to laugh loudly ...a1225
• KEND adj. known ...c1450 Sc.
• KENE † vb. to be born ...c1275
• KENELL n. the surface drain of a street; the gutter ...1582
• KENIRD adj. drunk ...M19 back-slang
• KEN-MARK n. a mark by which a thing may be recognized ...1885 Sc.
• KENNEBEC TURKEY n. a smoked herring; sometimes a mackerel ...1975 Amer. dial.
• KENNED adj. known ...c1450 Sc.
• KENNEDY n. a Canada goose ...1929 Amer. dial.
• KENNEL † n. 1. the neck ...c1532
† n. 2. a pack, crew, gang, or persons ...1581
n. 3. the surface drain of a street; the gutter ...1582
n. 4. a pack or troop of animals, as wolves, leopards, and lions ...1641
n. 5. a the hole or lair of the fox ...1735
n. 6. a small or mean dwelling or hut ...1837
vb. 1. of a fox or other wild beast: to retreat into a lair ...1552
vb. 2. to put in a place of retreat or confinement ...1582
vb. 3. of a person: to lodge or lurk; to inhabit, to dwell; used contemptuously ...1599
• KENNELAGE † n. gutters collectively ...1612
• KENNELLED adj. lying in the gutter ...1794
• KENNELLY adj. such as is found in a gutter ...1803
• KENNEL-NYMPH n. a girl of the streets; a prostitute ...1771
• KENNEL-RAKER † n. a raker of the gutter; a scavenger; also, a term of abuse ...c1589
• KENNEL WITS † n. muddy brains, confusion, muddle-headedness ...1598 obs
• KENNER * n. one who knows ...1686
• KENNET † n. a small dog, used in hunting ...a1300
• KENNET-COLOUR † adj. grey-coloured ...1530
• KENNICK n. a mixture of 'flash-patter' (cant) and 'padding-ken' (low lodging-house) talk ...1860s sl.
• KENNING † n. 1. a sign, token ...a1300
† n. 2. appearance ...a1300
† n. 3. teaching, instruction ...c1320
† n. 4. visual cognition; sight or view ...c1400
† n. 5. mental cognition; knowledge, cognizance; recognition ...c1440 obs. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 6. a recognizable portion; just enough to be perceived; a little; a small amount or quantity ...1786 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KENNING BY KENNING phr. increasing a seaman's wages by the work he does ...c1860 nautical colloq., chiefly used by the old whalers'
• KENNING-GLASS † n. a spy-glass, a small telescope ...1603
• KENNING-PLACE † n. a place prominently in sight ...1610
• KENNINGTON LANE n. pain ...20C rhyming sl.
• KENNIT adj. known ...1513 Sc.
• KENNURD adj. tipsy ...1859 back-slang
• KENO! int. used to signify that something is successfully completed ...1890 Amer. dial.
• KENODOXY †* n. the love, study, or desire of vainglory ...1656
• KENOOZER n. a connoisseur ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KENSINGTON n. a social gathering ...1931 Amer. dial.
• KENSINGTON GORE n. artificial blood, e.g. tomato juice, as used on the stage ...1920s theatrical sl.
• KENSO n. Kensington racecourse, Sydney ...20C Aust. sporting usage
• KENSON n. a social gathering ...1948 Amer. dial.
• KENSPECK adj. easily recognizable, clearly visible, conspicuous ...1590 Eng. dial.
• KENSPECKLE adj. easily recognizable, clearly visible, conspicuous ...1714 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KENSY †* n. a rough or rude fellow; an unmannerly person; a rustic ...c1500 Sc.
• KENT adj. known ...1513 Sc.
n. 1. a long staff, properly such a one as shepherds use for leaping over ditches or brooks; a long pole used in leaping ditches, climbing mountains, etc. ...1606 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...c1810 sl.
• KENT CLOUT n. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...1859 sl.
• KENTISH COUSINS n. distant relatives ...a1796
• KENTISH FIRE n. a prolonged and ordered salvo or volley of applause, or demonstration of impatience or dissent ...1834
• KENTISH KNOCKER † n. a Kentish smuggler ...1891
• KENT RAG n. a coloured cotton handkerchief ...1859 sl.
• KENTUCK n. 1. Kentucky ...1826 Amer. dial.
n. 2. (often derogatory) a Kentuckian; one who is or is assumed to be of Kentucky origin ...1826 Amer. dial.
n. 3. (often derogatory) an insignificant or low-grade person ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY BREAKFAST n. a 'meal' which includes or consists of liquor, usually bourbon; 'a three-pound steak, a bottle of whisky, and a dog - the dog is to eat the beefsteak' ...1882 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY OYSTERS n. intestines, usually of hogs, prepared as food ...1898 Amer. dial.
• KENTUCKY PILL n. a bullet ...1861 Amer. dial.
• KENURD adj. tipsy ...1859 back-slang
• KEP † vb. 1. to catch hold of ...c1400
vb. 2. to meet, to intercept, to throw oneself in the way of a person or thing; to stop the course of; to receive the force of a blow ...c1420 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to catch in the hands or otherwise, so as to prevent from falling ...1500-20 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• KEPHEL n. a horse, esp. a sorry, worthless horse ...a1700 Eng. dial. & sl.
• KERBASE n. the head ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KERBLAM! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERBLINKITYBLUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERB-STONE BROKER n. a broker, not a member of the stock exchange, who transacts business in the streets ...1860 US
• KERB-STONE MERCHANT n. a street-dealer ...1899
• KERCH † n. a kerchief ...c1430
• KERCHER † n. a kerchief ...c1380 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KERCHIEF n. 1. a cloth used to cover the head, formerly a woman's head-dress ...a1300
† n. 2. a woman who wears a kerchief ...1700 nonce use
n. 3. a handkerchief ...1815
• KERCHUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERE † n. choir ...c1400
† vb. 1. to recover ...c1475
† vb. 2. to go ...1515
• KERF †* n. 1. the act of cutting or carving; a cut, a stroke ...c1000
†* n. 2. the furrow made by a ship's keel ...c1422
† n. 3. a humorous term for a company of pantrymen ...1486
n. 4. the result of cutting; the incision, notch, slit, etc., made by cutting, esp. by a saw ...1523
n. 5. a piece or quantity cut off; a cutting of anything ...1678
• KERFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KE-RIST! int. an intensified oath and an exclamation. "Christ!" ...20C US sl.
• KERLUMPUS! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of solid body hitting a soft surface ...M19 sl.
• KERNEL n. 1. the 'meat' of a nut; the soft, often edible, part within the hard seed of a fruit ...1689 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the core of an apple ...1986 Amer, dial., esp. Black usage
n. 3. the hard shell of a walnut ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KERNELS n. hog testicles ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KERPLOOEY! int. onomatopoeic term indicating the noise made by the explosion of something soft and messy, as a large fruit or a living body ...1930s sl.
• KERPLOP! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of a solid body falling, usually into liquid, or of a bubble bursting in liquid ...L19 sl.
• KERPLUMP adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of a solid body hitting a soft surface ...1930s sl.
• KERPLUMPUS! int. an onomatopoeic term indicating the sound of solid body hitting a soft surface ...M19 sl.
• KERPLUNK! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERRYPATCH n. in the US: the part of a town where the poor Irish lived ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KERSLOSH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERSMACK adv. suddenly ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KERSWOLLOP! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERSWOSH! int. intended to convey an imitation of the sound of a falling body ...Bk1891 Amer. sl.
• KERTERVER-CARTZO n. venereal disease, esp. syphilis ...M19 sl.
• KER-THUNDER MUG n. a chamber pot ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KERZIP n. the head ...1900s sl.
• KESKYDEE n. a French person (“Qu’est-ce qu’il dit?”) ...1971 Amer. dial.
• KETCHED adj. pregnant ...19C Amer. dial.
• KETCHY adj. of the weather: changeable ...1884 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE n. 1. the female genitals ...E18 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a watch ...1889 sl., chiefly criminals' usage
n. 3. a locomotive, esp. a steam locomotive ...1926 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE-BELLIED adj. big-bellied ...B1900 Ireland
• KETTLEBELLY n. a fat-bellied person ...1878 Amer. sl.
• KETTLE COUSIN n. a poor relative, who 'licks the kettle for his supper' ...1960 Amer. dial.
• KETTLEDRUMS n. the breasts ...L18 Brit. sl.
• KETTLE HALYARDS n. domestic duties, esp. of a culinary nature or work in the kitchen ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE MEAL n. a dish made of meat and vegetables boiled or simmered together ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE MEAT n. foods made from parts of the head and inner organs of an animal, as heart, liver, etc. ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KETTLE TEA n. a drink make of hot water, usually with milk and sugar ...1906 Amer. dial.
• KEWL adj. good, sophisticated, self-possessed, 'cool' ...1998 US sl.
• KEWSTER n. a small, rough, misbehaving child ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KEX n. 1. trousers ...L19 sl.
n. 2. knickers, underpants ...1960s sl.
• KEY adj. 1. of the hand or foot: left ...a1300 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. excellent, great ...1980 US sl.
n. 1. the winged fruit of a maple or similar tree ...1714 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the penis ...L18 Brit. sl.
n. 3. a prison officer ...1934 US sl.
n. 4. the declaration, under the Habitual Criminals Act, that one is an habitual criminal; an indefinite sentence under this act ...1944 Aust. sl.
n. 5. a kilogram ...1966 US sl.
n. 6. a kilogram of marijuana ...1968 US drugs sl.
• KEYED adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
adj. 2. excited ...1968 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• KEYED TO THE ROOF adj. heavily intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
• KEYED-UP adj. 1. extremely nervous and distraught ...20C US sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
• KEY-FISTED adj. left-handed ...1611 Eng. dial.
• KEY FOR A KEELSON n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY HAPPY adj. used of a prison officer who is keen to keep inmates locked in their cells ...1996 UK sl.
• KEYHOLE n. the female genitals, esp. the vagina ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. of a bullet: to enter a target sideways ...1957 US sl.
• KEYHOLING n. eavesdropping ...2001 UK sl.
• KEY MAN n. a person declared a habitual criminal ...1944 Aust. sl.
• KEY-NIEVED adj. left-handed ...1865 Eng. dial.
• KEY-PAW n. the left hand ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KEY-PAWED adj. left-handed ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KEY PICKER n. a thief who operates in hotels, stealing keys left at the front desk for safekeeping by guests before they are retrieved by a hotel clerk ...1954 US sl.
• KEYS n. a prison officer ...1934 US sl.
• KEYS TO ST. E'S n. phencyclidine, PCP ...1984 US drugs sl.
• KEYSTER n. 1. a suitcase or satchel; a handbag; a burglar's tool case, a salesman's sample case, etc. ...1882 US sl.
n. 2. a safe ...1913 US sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 4. the buttocks ...1931 US sl.
• KEYSTONE n. 1. a police officer ...1935 sl.
n. 2. a local prosecutor ...1981 US circus and carnival usage
• KEYSTONE OF LOVE n. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
• KEY TO THE CLEARINGHOUSE n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. banking usage
• KEY TO THE COMPASS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1942 Amer. sl.
• KEY TO THE CURTAINS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE DRILL GROUND n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. navy usage
• KEY TO THE FLAGPOLE n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. army usage
• KEY TO THE JOHNNY BOX n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE OARLOCKS n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE PITCHER'S BOX n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY TO THE SUNDIAL n. a nonexistent item used as the basis of a practical joke ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KEY UP vb. 1. to become drug-intoxicated ...1964 US sl.
vb. 2. to unlock a door ...1991 US sl.
• KEY WESTERN CROOKED adj. askew, cockeyed, completely out of shape, position, business, etc. ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KHYBER n. the anus; the posteriors ...E20 rhyming sl. for 'ass' (Khyber Pass)
• KHYBER PASS n. the buttocks ...1943 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'arse'
• KHYFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
vb. to dress one's hair ...L19 sl.
• KI n. a kilogram of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
int. used as an expression of amazement, denial, consternation, etc. ...1835 Amer. dial.
• KIBBOCK † n. a cheese ...c1470
• KIBO n. a privy ...1970s US sl.
• KIBOSH n. 1. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
n. 2. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIBOSHERY n. nonsense ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK n. 1. a sixpence; mainly used to denote sixpence as an element in a sum of money, as 'two and a kick' - two shillings and sixpence ...c1700 Brit. rhyming sl.
n. 2. a pocket ...1851 sl.
n. 3. a thrill from drugs or alcohol; a thrill of any type ...20C sl.
n. 4. trousers ...20C sl.
n. 5. a fad ...1950s Amer. sl.
vb. 1. to reject or jilt a suitor; to turn someone down ...1809 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to give up a drug-taking habit ...1936 sl., orig. US
• KICK ASS vb. to reprimand ...1976 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• KICKBACK n. money paid (illegally) to someone who has made it possible for you too do something ...1958 sl., orig. US
• KICK-CLOY n. a pair of breeches ...M19 sl.
• KICK DOWN THE LADDER vb. to reject or disown the friends or associates that have helped one to rise in the world
• KICKED adj. dishonourably discharged ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KICKED OFF adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICKED THE BUCKET adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICKER n. 1. a foot ...1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a shoe or boot, esp. one with a sharp toe ...1942 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a cowboy, or a would-be cowboy ...1986 Amer. dial.
n. 4. in dominoes; 6-1 ...sl.
n. 5. in dominoes; a 5 in any combination ...sl.
• KICKERABOO vb. to 'kick the bucket', to die ...Bk1892 W. Indian sl.
• KICKER MUSIC n. country and western music ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KICK HIGH vb. to feel in good health and spirits ...1986 Amer. dial.
• KICKIE-WICKIE †* n. 1. a jocular or ludicrous term for a wife ...1601
n. 2. a whim or erratic fancy ...B1900
• KICK IN vb. 1. to pay one's share ...1908 sl.
vb. 2. to break into a building, room. safe, etc. ...1926 US sl.
vb. 3. to go to bed ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KICKIN' HARD adj. excelling ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KICK IN THE ASS n. 1. an unwarranted punishment or letdown ...M20 US colloq.
n. 2. shocking or disappointing news ...M20 US colloq.
• KICK OFF vb. 1. to die ...1921 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to begin, to commence ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK ONE'S ASSHOLE THROUGH ONE'S TEETH vb. to give a thorough beating ...1969 Amer. sl.
• KICK ONE'S HEELS vb. be kept waiting
• KICK ONE'S NORTH END TO GOING SOUTH vb. to put pressure on somebody to do something he ought to have done but hasn't ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KICK OUT vb. to reject or jilt a suitor; to turn someone down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KICK PARTY n. a party where LSD or some other drug is used ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICKS n. 1. trousers ...L17 cant
n. 2. shoes ...1904 sl., orig. US
• KICKSEYS n. trousers; breeches ...E19 cant
• KICKSEY-WINSEY † adj. fantastic, whimsical, erratic ...c1650
† adv. ? topsy-turvy ...1622
† n. a fantastic device; a whim or erratic fancy ...1599
• KICK-SICK n. the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• KICKSIES n. trousers; breeches ...1841 cant
• KICKSTERS n. trousers; breeches ...E19 Brit. sl.
• KICK-STICK n. a marijuana cigarette ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK SUE IN THE SIDE vb. to commit suicide ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK SUZY IN THE SIDE vb. to commit suicide ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK THE BUCK vb. to die ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KICK THE BUCKET vb. to die ...1785 sl.
• KICK THE CACK OUT OF vb. to beat up severely ...1970s sl.
• KICK THE CHICKEN-HOCKEY OUT OF vb. to beat someone severely ...1970s US sl.
• KICK THE CLOUDS vb. to be hanged ...E19 sl.
• KICK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF vb. to beat severely ...M18 sl.
• KICK THE FROST OUT vb. to exercise; to limber up ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KICK THE GONG (AROUND) vb. to smoke opium or marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK THE SHIT OUT OF vb. to thrash or beat a person severely ...sl.
• KICK THROUGH vb. to pay up ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KICKUP n. 1. a social gathering with games and dancing ...1778 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a fight or argument; a row; a disturbance ...1843 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A RANDY vb. to make a great noise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KICK UP A ROW vb. to create a disturbance ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP A SHINDY vb. to make a fuss or disturbance; to quarrel ...1899 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP BOBSY-DIE vb. to make a fuss ...1952 NZ sl.
• KICK UP HIGH JACK vb. to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP JACK vb. to be noisy or rowdy; to cause a disturbance or commotion ...1908 Amer. dial.
• KICK UP SHINES vb. to be proud, to put on airs ...1884 Amer. dial.
• KICK UPSTAIRS vb. to promote to a senior but less important job ...c1697 sl.
• KICK UP THE DEVIL'S DELIGHT vb. to make a great disturbance ...1846
• KICKY adj. disagreeable, contrary ...1930 Amer. dial.
• KID n. a child ...1690 sl.
• KIDDIE adj. pert. to or fit for children ...1930s sl.
n. a child ...1889 sl.
• KIDDIEWINKIE n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDLE-KITTLE vb. to tickle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIDDO n. a child ...1896 sl.
• KIDDOLOGY n. a notional science of teasing or deceiving; a notional science of dealing with children ...1964 Brit. sl.
• KIDDY adj. 1. well-dressed, fashionable, flashy ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. skilful, esp. in a criminal context ...L18 sl.
adj. 3. pert. to or fit for children ...1930s sl.
n. 1. a flashy young man who is usually a rake or a thief ...1778 Amer. sl., orig. criminals' usage
n. 2. a young fellow; a chap; a man; a boy ...1816 Amer. sl.
n. 3. a child ...1858 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a hat fashionable among small-time but dandified thieves; it featured a broad ribbon passing through a large buckle at its front ...M19 sl.
n. 5. a young woman ...1904 Amer. sl.
vb. to hoax, to humbug, to subject to confidence trickery ...M19 sl.
• KIDDYISH adj. 1. stylish, showily dressed; up-to-date ...E19 sl.
adj. 2. frolicsome, jovial ...M19 sl.
• KIDDY KINGDOM n. bliss ...1965 Barbados
• KIDDY PORN n. child pornography ...1977 US sl.
• KIDDYWINK n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDYWINKLE n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KIDDYWINKY n. a child ...1957 sl.
• KID FRUIT n. a male homosexual who achieves gratification from performing oral sex on young men or boys ...1961 US sl.
• KIDGE adj. brisk, active, lively ...1790 Eng. dial.
• KIDGED adj. 1. convalescent ...1889 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. brisk ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KIDGY adj. brisk, active, sprightly ...1812 Eng. dial.
• KID HACK n. a vehicle used to transport children to school ...1982 Amer. dial.
• KID IN THE KHAKI SHIRT n. in horse racing: an imaginary jockey who wins races on horses not favoured to win ...1989 Aust. sl.
• KID LAMB n. a young homosexual boy, esp. one who accompanies a tramp ...1920s sl., chiefly US prison usage
• KID-LEATHER n. young prostitutes in general ...19C Brit. sl.
• KIDLING adj. 1. physically weak, ailing ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. petty, insignificant ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. tricking, cozening ...B1900 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a little kid (baby goat) ...1586
n. 2. a little child; a baby ...1899 sl.
• KIDNEY n. 1. a lunch ...1960 Brit. rhyming sl. (Kidney Punch)
n. 2. the brain; hence, intelligence ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago
• KIDNEY-BUSTER n. a truck, esp. a military truck, that rides roughly ...1938 US sl.
• KIDNEY COLIC n. overactive kidneys ...1970 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY FOOT n. a large or clumsy foot ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY-FOOTED adj. having large or clumsy feet ...1905 Amer. dial.
• KIDNEY-LIPPED † adj. hare-lipped ...1648
• KIDNEY PUNCH n. a lunch ...1960 Brit. rhyming sl.
• KIDNEY-SCRAPER n. the penis; generally said of a penis of heroic dimensions ...1888 US sl.
• KIDNEY-WIPER n. the penis; generally said of a penis of heroic dimensions ...1888 US sl.
• KIDOLOGY n. a notional science of teasing or deceiving; a notional science of dealing with children ...1964 Brit. sl.
• KIDOODLE vb. to fondle, to caress; to 'spoon' ...1859 Amer. dial.
• KIDS n. a group of homosexual men friends ...1972 US sl.
• KIDS, THE n. 'All My Children', a popular television daytime drama ...1987 US sl.
• KID'S-EYE n. fivepence ... Bk1903 sl.
• KID SHOW n. a circus or carnival side show ...1980 US sl.
• KID-SIMPLE adj. having a lust for young boys; pert. to a pederast ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• KIDSTAKES n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1912 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KIDSTEAKS n. insincere or exaggerated talk intended to flatter or deceive; humbug or flattery ...1912 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KID-STRETCHER n. a lecher; a user of young prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• KIDSTUFF n. marijuana; a mild drug for beginners ...M20 US criminals' sl.
• KID WAGON n. a vehicle used to transport children to school ...1917 Amer. dial.
• KID WHISTLE n. a curfew ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIEF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
• KIELBASA n. a penis ...1978 US sl.
• KIESTER n. 1. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. the posteriors; the anus ...M20 US sl.
• KIESTER STAB n. pederasty ...20C US sl.
• KIESTER STASH n. the rectum as a place for concealing illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KIF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
int. a call to a calf at feeding time ...1968 Amer. dial.
• KIFE n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a catamite ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 5. a fellator ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 6. a prostitute ...E20 US criminals' sl.
vb. to swindle ...1931 US circus and carnival usage
• KIFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KIFF n. 1. hashish and mixtures of marijuana and tobacco ...E19 drugs sl.
n. 2. marijuana or the pleasure derived from smoking it
n. 3. a marijuana cigarette ...2003 UK sl.
• KIFF-KAFF n. a modest, suppressed laugh ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago usage
• KIFFLE n. a troublesome or tickling cough ...B1900 Sc.
vb. to cough when caused by a tickling sensation in the throat ...B1900 Sc.
• KIKE n. (derogatory) a Jew, esp. one considered greedy, miserly, stingy, dishonest, untrustworthy, or shrewd; hence, any person thought to have such characteristics ...1904 Amer. dial.
vb. to walk ...1979 US sl.
• KIKE IT vb. to walk ...1979 US sl.
• KIKE KILLER n. a club or bludgeon ...1982 US sl.
• KIKI adj. 1. in a homosexual relationship: comfortable with playing both roles in sex ...1941 US sl.
adj. 2. bisexual ...1970 US sl.
n. a homosexual male ...1935 US sl.
• KILBURN n. a diary; esp. a police diary ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Kilburn Priory)
• KILBURN PRIORY n. a diary; esp. a police diary ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• KILEERY adj. full of mischief ...Ireland
n. a giddy, hysterical person ...Ireland
• KILFLIGGIN adj. lazy ...1895 Amer. dial.
• KILGUBBIN n. a low or poor neighbourhood ...1910 Amer. dial.
• KILJACKUMS n. sorghum molasses ...1944 Amer. dial.
• KILL adj. excellent ...1985 US sl.
n. 1. a natural waterway, esp. a stream, a creek, a channel ...1639 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a great success, usually financial ...M19 US sl.
n. 3. semen ...1998 US sl.
n. 4. in roller derby: an extended attack on the other team's jammer (a skater who is eligible to score) ...1999 US sl.
vb. 1. to cause pain to someone ....1800 UK sl.
vb. 2. to excite, to please, to thrill ...1844 US sl.
vb. 3. to cause someone to laugh uproariously ...1856 UK sl.
vb. 4. to excel ...1900 US sl.
vb. 5. to overwhelm someone with delight, often convulsing them with laughter ...1938 sl., orig. US
vb. 6. in handball, racquetball, and squash: to hit the ball so low on the front wall that it cannot be returned ...1970 US sl.
vb. 7. in volleyball: to hit the ball downward with great force from the top of a jump ...1972 US sl.
vb. 8. in bar dice games: to declare that a formerly wild point is no longer wild ...1976 US sl.
vb. 9. in clayshooting: to hit the target accurately ...1983 UK sl.
vb. 10. in pool: to strike the cue ball such that it stops immediately upon hitting the object ball ...1984 US sl.
vb. 11. to finish consuming something ...1995 US sl.
vb. 12. to cover with graffiti ...1997 US sl.
• KILL, THE n. the moment when a sale is confirmed ...1999 UK sl.
• KILL ANOTHER SKUNK vb. to create a diversion ...1984 Amer. dial.
• KILL A SNAKE vb. to urinate ...E20 Aust. sl.
• KILL A TREE vb. of males: to urinate against a tree ...20C US sl.
• KILL BIG SIX vb. to play dominoes ...1990 US sl.
• KILL BRAIN CELLS vb. to get drunk ...1983 US sl.
• KILLBUCK †* n. 1. a fierce-looking fellow; a term of contempt ...1622
†* n. 2. the keeper of a deer-park ...1826 nonce use
• KILL-COURTESY † n. a discourteous or rude person; a boorish person ...1590
• KILL DEAD vb. to kill completely ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILLER adj. 1. excellent ...1979 sl., orig. US
n. 1. an excellent person or thing ...1937 sl., orig. US
n. 2. a marijuana cigarette ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KILLER-DILLER n. an excellent person or thing ...1938 sl., orig. US
• KILLER-WEED n. 1. the drug PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
n. 2. a mixture of marijuana and PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KILL-GRIEF n. any strong alcoholic drink ...E18 Brit. sl.
• KILLICK n. 1. a leading seaman's badge ...1915 Brit. nautical sl.
n. 2. a leading seaman ...1920 Brit. nautical sl.
• KILLIN' FIELDS, THE n. East Oakland, California ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• KILLING adj. 1. fashionable, stylish ...M18 sl.
adj. 2. very funny or amusing ...1844 sl.
adj. 3. fascinating, very interesting, wonderful ...M19 sl., orig. US
adj. 4. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. a great success, usually financial ...M19 US sl.
• KILLING FLOOR n. 1. a place where victims are robbed and/or cheated by a confidence trickster ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 2. anywhere used for the purpose of sexual intercourse ...1960s US Black sl.
• KILL IT vb. 1. to stop talking ...1910s sl.
vb. 2. to extinguish the light ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
int. stop talking! ...1910s sl.
• KILLJOY n. a policeman or any authority figure ...1920s US Black sl.
• KILL-ME-DEAD n. bread ...1930s rhyming sl.
• KILL-ME-QUICK n. 1. whisky ...M19 US sl.
n. 2. a form of fritter ...L19 Aust. sl.
• KILL ONE'S DOG vb. to be drunk; to drink heavily ...M18 sl.
• KILL ONESELF vb. to laugh ...1956 sl.
• KILL ONE'S OWN SNAKES vb. to mind one's own business ...1928 Amer. dial.
• KILLOUT n. an amazing person; an enthralling topic or thing ...1930s US Black sl.
vb. (usually as 'kill out') to feel good; to be exhilarated ...1930s US Black sl.
• KILL OUT ONESELF vb. to exhaust oneself ...20C W. Indies
• KILLPIG n. an appalling situation ...2000s sl.
• KILL-POT n. one who drinks to excess, a hard drinker, a toper ...1616
• KILL-PREACHER n. port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-PRIEST n. port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL SOME BABIES vb. to masturbate ...1990s US sl.
• KILL SOMEONE'S BUZZ vb. to depress someone; to destroy someone's enjoyment or pleasure; to disappoint someone ...1980s sl.
• KILL-THE-BEGGAR n. rough whisky ...19C sl.
• KILL THE CHANGE vb. to keep the change ...2000 UK sl.
• KILL THE CLOCK vb. in a game governed by time: to delay the game near the end when winning ...1970 US sl.
• KILL THE FATTED CALF vb. 1. to celebrate or welcome lavishly or extravagantly
vb. 2. to prepare an elaborate feast in welcome or celebration
• KILL THE SIN vb. to relieve all the blame of something ...1982 Bahamas
• KILL UP vb. to kill, to exterminate, to butcher ...1834 Amer. dial.
• KILL WHO? int. a defiant response to a threat ...L19 sl.
• KILTER n. 1. good condition; good health or spirits ...1643
n. 2. money ... Bk1903 sl.
• KIMBAW vb. 1. to trick, cheat, or cozen ...1865 sl.
vb. 2. to beat or to bully ...19C sl.
• KIMBERLEY MUTTON n. roast goat ...20C Aust. sl.
• KIMBERLEY OYSTER n. a meat fritter ...20C Aust. sl.
• KIMBLE vb. to walk in the exaggerated style of a pimp ...1960s US Black sl.
• KIME †* n. 1. a simpleton, a fool, a silly fellow...c1305
n. 2. a weasel ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIMIMBLE n. an exaggerated, identifiable pimp walk ...1960s US Black sl.
vb. to walk in the exaggerated style of a pimp ...1960s US Black sl.
• KIM-KAM † adj. crooked, awkward, perverse, contrary ...1582 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† adv. crookedly, awry; in a wayward, perverse, or contrary way ...1603 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. an altercation; irritating language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to bicker, to argue, to retort; to use pert language ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIN n. a thief ...18C UK criminals’ sl.
• KINARKEY n. a woman wearing garish make-up ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• KINAT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KINCH n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHEN n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KINCHIN n. 1. a (small) child ...M16 UK criminals’ sl.
n. 2. a young woman ...M18 UK criminals’ sl.
• KIND-HEART † n. a jocular name for a tooth-drawer; a dentist ...17C
• KINDNESS n. coition ...E18 euphemism
• KINEY adj. fusty, tainted ...Bk1901 Eng. dial.
• KING n. 1. (derogatory) a Black person ...20C US colloq.
n. 2. a person with deviant sexual desires ...20C sl.
n. 3. a deviant sexual practice ...M20 US sl.
• KING CANUTES n. boots ...M19 rhyming sl.
• KINGDOM COME n. 1. the next life, either heaven or hell ...18C colloq.
n. 2. rum ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• KING-FISH n. the person in charge ...1933 US sl.
• KING HARRYS n. playing cards of the second quality ...1842
• KING-HIT n. a knock-out punch, esp. an unfair one ...1912 Aust. sl.
vb. to punch someone suddenly and hard, and often unfairly ...1959 Aust. sl.
• KING KONG n. poor-quality drink ...1946 US sl.
• KING KONG PILLS n. barbiturate tablets or capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KING LEAR n. a male homosexual ...E20 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'queer'
• KING-MEMBER n. the penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• KING OF CLUBS n. a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• KINGS AND QUEENS n. baked beans ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S BAD BARGAIN n. an unsatisfactory soldier ...18C Eng. sl.
• KING'S BOOKS n. a pack of cards ...M17 sl.
• KING'S COLLEGE n. the King's Bench prison ...L18
• KING'S CRUSE! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game ...M19 juvenile usage
• KING'S ELEVATOR, THE n. an extreme put-down, disappointment, or affront; total victimization ...1950s US sl.
• KING'S ELLWAND, THE n. the constellation called Orion's belt ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KING'S ENGLISH n. standard American English ...1920s US Black sl.
• KING'S EX! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game. an exclamation like 'time!' ...M19 juvenile usage
• KING'S EXCUSE n. in children's games, an exclamation like 'time' ...M19 Amer. dial.
• KING'S HABIT n. cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• KING'S HEAD INN n. Newgate prison ...L18 sl.
• KING SHIT n. an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• KINGSMAN n. 1. a silk handkerchief in a variety of colours, as worn by costermongers of both sexes ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a silk handkerchief with a green base and a yellow pattern ,,,M19 sl.
• KINGSMAN OF THE RORTIEST n. a very gaudy silk handkerchief ...M19 sl.
• KINGS ON HOLY GHOST n. baked beans on toast ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S PEG n. a champagne cocktail, champagne mixed with brandy ...L19 sl.
• KING'S PICTURES n. money ...L17 sl.
• KING SPIT n. an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• KING'S PLATE n. chains, fetters ...E19 sl.
• KING'S PROCTOR n. a doctor ...20C rhyming sl.
• KING'S SAX! int. a traditional cry requesting a pause in a combative game ...M19 juvenile usage
• KINGSWOOD LION n. a donkey ...E19 sl.
• KING TUT'S REVENGE n. diarrhoea contracted in the Middle East ...1970s US sl.
• KING WINTER n. winter ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KINIFEE n. a knife ...1950s Aust. teen sl.
• KINK n. 1. a development or aspect, esp. if surprising, clever, or tricky; a wrinkle; also, a tricky way of doing something ...1825 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a whimsical idea, a slight eccentricity ...19C US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously ...1865 Amer. sl.
n. 4. a thief, esp. an expert in stealing automobiles ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 5. a crook; a larcenous criminal ...1914 Amer. sl.
n. 6. a usually short sleep; a nap ...1929 Amer. nautical sl.
n. 7. a good idea ...1930s Aust. sl.
n. 8. a perverse desire or inclination; a fetishistic or otherwise unconventional sexual preference ...1959 Amer. sl.
n. 9. a person having bizarre tastes or ideas, esp. one habituated to unconventional sexual practices ...1964 Amer. sl.
• KINK-CHASER n. a fireman delegated to straighten out the kinks or bends in hose line ...1944 Amer. Fire Dept. usage
• KINKED adj. sexually unconventional or perverse ...1993 Amer. sl.
• KINKER n. a circus performer ...1909 Amer. sl.
• KINKHEAD n. (derogatory) a Black person: used contemptuously ...M19 Amer. sl.
• KINK IN ONE'S HORN n. a mental twist, an eccentric line of conduct ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KINKO n. 1. an eccentric person ...1960s US sl.
n. 2. a person who is sexually unconventional or perverse ...1967 Amer. sl.
• KINKY adj. 1. exhibiting unusual idiosyncrasies of personality; quirky; odd, bizarre, eccentric ...1847 sl.
adj. 2. given to loose or immoral behaviour ...1889 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. pert. to a male or female homosexual ...20C Brit. & US sl.
adj. 4. of livestock: frisky ...1900s US sl.
† adj. 5. high-spirited ...1902 Amer. sl.
adj. 6. dishonest, crooked, criminal ...1903 Amer. criminal sl.
adj. 7. lively, strong, energetic ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 8. stolen ...1927 Amer. criminal sl.
adj. 9. sexually unconventional or perverse ...1942 Amer. prostitute's sl.
adj. 10. very odd or unusual; arousing suspicion ...1948 Amer. sl.
adj. 11. angry ...1978 Amer. sl.
adj. 12. attractive or provocative in a bizarre way ...colloq.
n. 1. one who has kinky hair...1926 Amer. sl.
n. 2. (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1926 US sl.
n. 3. anything that has been obtained dishonestly, esp. a stolen car ...1927 Amer. criminal sl.
n. 4. a sexual eccentric ...1950s sl.
n. 5. a prostitute's customer, who prefers an abnormal or unconventional kind of sexuality or copulation ...1959 Amer. prostitutes' sl.
n. 6. a low-budget film devoted mainly to the depiction of cruelty combined with graphic, esp. unconventional, sexual acts ...1967 Amer. entertainment industry usage
• KINKYHEAD n. a Black person: used contemptuously ...1860 Amer. sl.
• KINKY-NOB n. (derogatory) a Black person ...20C US colloq.
• KINKY-SEX n. deviant sex acts ...M20 US sl.
• KINNAT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KINNATT n. an impertinent, conceited youngster ...20C Irish sl.
• KIP n. 1. a brothel ...1766 sl.
n. 2. bed ...1879 sl.
n. 3. a place to sleep; a lodging house; lodgings, esp. a hotel room or apartment ...1883 Amer. sl., esp. among itinerants
n. 4. sleep or slumber; rest; a nap a period of sleep...1893 sl.
vb. to sleep or take a nap...1889 sl.
n. 5. the place where one sleeps, one's home ...L19 sl.
n. 6. a night-watchman ...1920s US criminals' sl.
n. 7. a job ...1920s Anglo-Irish
n. 8. any form of place, building ...1930s sl.
n. 9. a bedroom ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 10. the face ...1990s Sc.
vb. 1. to sleep ...E19 sl.
vb. 2. to play truant ...E19 sl.
vb. 3. to lodge ...L19 sl.
vb. 4. to sit, to lie ...1900s sl.
vb. 5. to put someone to bed ...1950s sl.
vb. 6. to sleep on the streets ...1970s US criminals' & teen sl.
• KIP, THE n. a bed, a place to sleep ...1859 Amer. sl., esp. criminal
• KIP DOWN vb. to prepare for sleep; to go to bed ...1889 sl.
• KIP-HOUSE n. 1. a brothel ...1766 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a place to sleep ...1883
• KIP-KEEPER n. a brothel-keeper; a madame ...M18 sl.
• KIPP vb. to sleep ...E19 sl.
• KIPPER n. 1. (derogatory) an Englishman; an English immigrant ...1943 Aust. sl.
n. 2. a torpedo ...1953 sl.
n. 3. an adult who cannot afford to move away his or her parent's home ...21C colloq. (Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings)
• KIPPERED adj. utterly defeated or outwitted ...sl.
• KIPPERSOME adj. 1. amorous, fond ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. frolicsome ...B1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. of a horse: prancing, apt to startle ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KIPPY adj. 1. striking, prepossessing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 3. orderly, tidy, neat ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIPPY-DOPE n. a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...World War I US military usage
• KIP-SHOP n. 1. a brothel ...1766 Brit. sl.
n. 2. a place to sleep ...1883
• KIRKED † adj. crooked, bent; turning upwards ...c1400
• KISHKA n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKE n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKEH n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISHKER n. intestines ...1959 sl.
• KISKEEDEE n. a French person (“Qu’est-ce qu’il dit?”) ...1971 Amer. dial.
• KISMET n. fate, destiny
• KISS n. copulation ...E18 Brit. euphemism
vb. to copulate ...E18 Brit. euphemism
• KISS-ASS n. 1. a sycophant ...M20 US sl.
n. 2. flattery; nonsense ...M20 US sl.
vb. to curry favour; to act the sycophant ...M20 US sl.
• KISS CAPS WITH vb. to drink out of the same vessel with ...1715
• KISSER n. 1. the mouth ...1860 sl.
n. 2. the face ...1892 sl.
n. 3. a homosexual male ...M20 US sl.
• KISSER WIPER n. a blow in the face ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KISSING-STRINGS n. cap or bonnet strings tied under the chin
• KISSING THE EARTH phr. said of an airplane standing on its nose after a crash ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KISSING-TRAP n. the mouth ...1854 sl.
• KISS-IN-THE-RING n. an old game in which one person kisses another after a chase round a ring of players
• KISS MARY vb. to smoke marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KISS-ME-QUICK n. a short veil
• KISS MY ARSE! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY ASS! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement, contempt, or derision ...c1554
• KISS MY SISTER'S BLACK CAT'S ASS! int. a derisive retort; also an expression of amazement ...1969
• KISS MY TAIL! int. an oath and exclamation ...20C euphemism
• KISS OF DEATH n. something that causes failure, destruction, etc. ...informal
• KISS-OFF n. 1. a sudden, usually offensive dismissal ...sl.
n. 2. death ...20C US criminals' sl.
vb. (usually as 'kiss off')
vb. 1. to kill; to die ...1945 US sl.
vb. 2. to perform penilingus ...E20 US criminals' sl.
vb. 3. to ignore or dismiss rudely and abruptly ...1935 US sl.
• KISS SOMEONE'S ARSE vb. to behave obsequiously or sycophantically towards ...1749 sl.
• KISS SOMEONE'S ASS vb. to be obsequious or sycophantic towards someone; to curry favour with someone ...1749 sl.
• KISS THE BABE vb. to take a drink ...B1912 sl.
• KISS THE BABY IN THE BOAT vb. to perform cunnilingus ...1930s sl.
• KISS THE DOG vb. of a pickpocket: to face his victim ...1972 US criminals' sl.
• KISS THE DUST vb. to die ...19C Brit. sl.
• KISS THE FISH vb. to smoke hashish ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KISS THE GUNNER'S DAUGHTER † vb. to be tied to a gun for a flogging ...1785 nautical sl.
• KISS THE HARE'S FOOT † vb. to be late for meals; to be late for anything ...1613-16
• KISS THE ROD vb. to submit to punishment
• KISSY adj. showing exaggerated affection, esp. by frequent touching or kissing ...colloq.
• KISSY-KISSY adj. showing exaggerated affection, esp. by frequent touching or kissing ...colloq.
• KISTER n. 1. a suitcase ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl.
n. 3. the posteriors; the anus ...M20 US sl.
• KIT n. clothing; often used in the context of undressing ...1985 sl., chiefly Brit.
• KITASH adj. fine, elegant, stylish; beautiful ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KIT-CAT n. the game of 'tip-cat'
• KITCHEN n. 1. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
† n. 2. anything eaten as a relish with other food ...Sc.
n. 3. the percussion section of an orchestra ...colloq.
• KITCHEN BIDDY n. a female kitchen work, as in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITCHEN-CLEANER n. one who performs 'anilingus' ...M20 US homosexual sl.
• KITCHENEER n. a kitchen manager, as in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITCHENER n. a cooking stove
• KITCHEN-FEE † n. the fat that falls from meat in roasting
• KITCHEN HALYARDS n. domestic duties, esp. of a culinary nature or work in the kitchen ...1916 Amer. dial.
• KITCHENIST † n. one who works in a kitchen; a cook ...a1618 nonce word
• KITCHEN-KNAVE † n. a scullion
• KITCHEN MECHANIC n. 1. a cook ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 2. a kitchen worker in a restaurant ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KITE n. 1. a paunch, a belly ...Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a rapacious person
n. 3. an aircraft ...Royal Air Force sl.
n. 4. a letter or message smuggled into or out of prison ...1923 sl.
n. 5. a blank, dud, or forged cheque ...1927 sl.
vb. 1. to smuggle a letter or message into or out of prison ...1925 sl.
vb. 2. to be slow ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 3. to write a cheque before one has sufficient money in one's bank to cover it ...colloq.
• KITE BOX n. a box used both for institutional correspondence and for passing on messages that accuse fellow inmates of illegal activity ...1990s US prison sl.
• KITE-FLYING n. 1. testing public opinion by circulating rumours, etc.
n. 2. the juggling of cheques between accounts so as to create a sham balance of funds on which to draw
• KITE PASTE n. thick gravy ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KITH † n. 1. knowledge
† n. 2. native land
† n. 3. one's friends or acquaintances
• KITH AND KIN n. friends and relatives
• KITLING n. a kitten ...Sc.
• KITSCH adj. trashy or vulgar ...German
n. 1. trash ...German
n. 2. art, literature, fashion. etc., dismissed as being of merely popular taste or appeal, vulgar, sentimental, or sometimes pretentious ...German
• KITTEN BRITCHES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KITTERIN adv. diagonally ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KITTIE-HUNKERS adv. in a squatting position; esp. used to express a way of sliding on ice whilst sitting on the hams ...1825 Sc.
• KITTLE adj. difficult to deal with, esp. because touchy, obstinate, or intractable; fickle, capricious ...Sc.
vb. 1. to offend; to puzzle ...Sc.
vb. 2. to tickle ..Sc.
• KITTLE CATTLE n. awkward customers
• KITTLE-TONGUED adj. fluent, given to falsehoods ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KITTLY adj. 1. easily offended; sensitive ...Sc.
adj. 2. ticklish ...Sc.
• KITTLY-BENDERS n. thin bending ice, the act of running on thin bending ice ...Bk1942 US
• KITTOCK n. a familiar or disrespectful term for a girl or young woman; esp. a woman of loose character; a wanton, an unchaste woman; a mistress, a concubine ...c1470 Sc.
• KITTY n. 1. a cat, used esp. as a calling name ...1719
n. 2. a jail ...arch.
n. 3. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. monetary resource ...1903 sl.
• KITTYDID n. a green grasshopper ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KITTY-MACBIAS adj. out of line, askew, awry, diagonal ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• KITTYWAMPUS adj. askew, awry, wrong ...1950 Amer. dial.
• KITTY WREN n. the wren ...1648
• KIT WITH THE CANSTICK † n. a will o' the wisp ...1584
• KIWI n. 1. a New Zealander ...1918 sl.
n. 2. a non-flying member of an airfield staff ...1918 colloq.
• KI-YI n. 1. a dog ...1895 US sl.
n. 2. a bark ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KIYOODLE n. a dog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• K.J. n. the drug PCP ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KLEPTISTIC * adj. pert. to theft; related to or consisting in stealing ...1742-3
• KLEPTO n. a kleptomaniac ...1958 sl.
• KLEPTOCRACY n. a government by thieves; a thieves' regime; a country with such a government; a body or order of thieves
• KLEPTOMANIA n. a mania for stealing
• KLOTZ n. an oaf; a clod or a bungler ...M20 US sl.
• KLUCK n. 1. (derogatory) a very dark Black person ...20C US sl.
n. 2. a stupid oaf; a fool ...20C US colloq.
• KLUDGE n. an ill-assorted collection of poorly matching parts; hence, a computer system or program that has been improvised or badly put together ...1962 sl., orig. US
vb. to improvise with a poorly matched part or parts ...1962 sl., orig. US
• KLUGE n. an ill-assorted collection of poorly matching parts; hence, a computer system or program that has been improvised or badly put together ...1962 sl., orig. US
vb. to improvise with a poorly matched part or parts ...1962 sl., orig. US
• KLUTZ n. an oaf; a clod or a bungler; an idiot; an awkward, stupid person ...M20 US sl.
• K.M. n. a 'kitchen mechanic'; a maid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• K.M. AND X. adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNABBLE † vb. 1. to bite, to gnaw, to nibble ...1567
vb. 2. to chatter; to gossip; to idle about ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• KNACKATORY †* n. a shop for knick-knacks ...1709
• KNACKER vb. 1. to castrate ...M19 Brit. colloq.
vb. 2. to tire, to exhaust ...1946 sl.
• KNACKERED adj. tired ...1949 sl.
• KNACKERS n. testicles ...1866 sl.
• KNACKER'S BRANDY n. a sound thrashing or beating ...1819 Eng. dial.
• KNACKETY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNACKY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNAGGY adj. cross, snappish, querulous; irritable; sarcastic ...1840 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• KNAP vb. to catch, to lay hold of; to seize; to steal ...1897 Eng. dial.
• KNAPPED adj. 1. intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl.
adj. 2. pregnant ...E19 Brit. sl.
• KNAPPISH † adj. rudely abrupt or forward, testy, snappish, sharp-tongued, spiteful ...1513 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• KNAPT adj. intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl.
• KNAVE OF HEARTS n. a philanderer ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNAVIGATION † n. a knavish invention or relation ...1613 jocular
• KNAWKY adj. cunning, resourceful ...L18 sl.
• KNEE-BAIRN n. a child that sits on the knee, as not being yet able to walk ...B1900 Sc.
• KNEE-BENDER n. a toady ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNEE-BOARD † n. the part of the leg at the back of the knee; the back of the thigh or hough ...c1425
• KNEE DEEP n. the state one is in when the lies and boasting have accumulated considerably ...M20 US sl.
• KNEE DEEP IN SHIT n. the state one is in when the lies and boasting have accumulated considerably ...M20 US sl.
• KNEE HIGH TO A DUCK adj. very short ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNEE-HIGH TO A GRASSHOPPER adj. short in stature ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• KNEELING AT THE ALTAR adj. pert. to the position of receiving a pederast during the act of pederasty ...E20 US sl.
• KNEES-UP n. a wild party or similar gathering, typically featuring energetic dancing ...1963 Brit. sl.
• KNEE-TREMBLER n. an act of sexual intercourse between people standing up ...1896 sl.
• KNEE-WALKING DRUNK adj. intoxicated with alcohol; so drunk as to have to walk on one's knees ...20C US sl.
• KNEVELL n. a severe beating or thrashing ...B1900 Sc.
vb. to hit or beat violently with the fists; to knock about ...1815 Sc.
• KNICKERS! int. an exclamation of annoyance, contempt or derision ...1971 sl.
• KNICK-KNACK n. 1. a gadget ...19C Brit. & US
n. 2. the female genitals ...19C Brit. & US sl.
n. 3. the penis ...19C Brit. & US sl.
n. 4. a male homosexual, esp. a promiscuous one ...1960s US sl.
n. 5. a man who is raped frequently in prison ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 6. one who does not fit in with the group; an outsider ...2000s US prison sl.
• KNICK-KNACKER †* n. 1. a trifler ...1622
n. 2. a pair of bones held loosely between the fingers on which boys play a kind of tune; castanets ...1888 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a fussy, officious person ...1960s US sl.
• KNICK-KNACKS n. the testicles ...19C Brit. & US sl.
• KNIDGET n. a mischievous, saucy boy or girl ...B1900 Sc.
• KNIGHT OF SAINT NICHOLAS n. a highwayman ...Bk1902 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE CLEAVER n. a butcher ...1830 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE GUSSET n. a pimp ...L17 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE NAPKIN n. a waiter ...Bk1902 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE PAD n. a highwayman ...E18 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE QUILL n. an author, a writer, a journalist ...L17 colloq.
• KNIGHT OF THE ROAD n. 1. a commercial traveller ...Bk1903 sl.
n. 2. a highwayman ...Bk1903 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE SPIGOT n. a publican, a tapster ...1821 sl.
• KNIGHT OF THE WHEEL n. a cyclist ...1890
• KNIPPERTY-KNAPS n. odds and ends, knick-knacks ...1899 Sc.
• KNITTING n. a young woman or young women collectively ...1943 Brit. naval sl.
• KNITTING NEEDLE n. a sword ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNITTY-NEEDLES n. the dragonfly ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• KNOB n. 1. the head ...1725 sl.
n. 2. the penis ...19C colloq.
vb. to masturbate ...M20 US sl.
• KNOBBY adj. stylish; smart, elegant, fashionable, good, capital ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOB-JOB n. an act of penilingus ...M20 US sl.
• KNOCK n. 1. an act of copulation ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a setback ...1649
n. 3. the penis ...18C Brit. sl.
n. 4. a sexually loose young woman ...20C sl.
vb. 1. of a male: to have sex ...1598 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to rob, esp. a safe or till ...1767 sl.
• KNOCK A LID vb. to cause abortion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK A NICK IN THE POST vb. to make a record of any remarkable event ...1847 sl.
• KNOCK ANTHONY vb. to walk knock-kneed ...18C Eng. sl.
• KNOCK AROUND vb. 1. to wander; to travel aimlessly ...M19 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to pay court to ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOCKBACK n. 1. a rejection ...L19 sl.
n. 2. the rejection of one's application for parole ...1940s prison sl.
vb. (usually as 'knock back')
vb. 1. to fine someone ...1910s sl.
vb. 2. to reject ...1930s sl., orig. Aust. & NZ
vb. 3. to eat, to drink, esp. to finish off one's drink ...1931 sl.
vb. 4. to cost, as in 'that will knock you back a bit'; to be expensive ...1946 sl.
• KNOCK-BEETLE n. one who allows themselves to be victimized ...20C Ulster sl.
• KNOCK BOOTS (WITH) vb. to have sexual intercourse (with) ...1980s US Black & campus sl.
• KNOCK COLD vb. 1. to astound, to amaze ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to knock unconscious ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK COMMISSION OUT OF vb. to damage a vehicle by excessive use ...1940s sl.
• KNOCK CUCKOO vb. to knock out; to make unconscious; hence, to dazzle an audience ...1927 US sl.
• KNOCK DAYLIGHT INTO ONE vb. to make a hole in, esp. to stab or shoot; hence, to kill ...c1840 colloq.
• KNOCK DEAD vb. 1. to astound, to amaze ...M19 sl.
vb. 2. to knock unconscious ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK DIZZY vb. to knock unconscious ...1935 US sl.
• KNOCK DOG vb. to idle, to do nothing ...20C W. Indies
• KNOCK-DOWN n. 1. strong ale or liquor ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a vicious fight in which one participant is knocked unconscious; thus, an acrimonious but non-violent dispute ...E19 sl., orig. US
n. 3. an introduction, esp. a formal introduction of a man to a woman in whom he is interested ...1865 sl.
n. 4. information ...1930s US sl.
n. 5. a loan ...1950s Aust. sl.
vb. (usually as 2 words 'knock down')
vb. 1. to choose, to nominate someone ...M18 sl.
vb. 2. to sell something to a bidder at an auction ...1760
vb. 3. to spend all one's money on a spree, drinking bout, or celebration ...1845 Aust. & NZ sl.
vb. 4. to embezzle, to steal from a firm's takings ...a1854 US sl.
vb. 5. to lower prices ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to make an introduction ...20C Aust. sl.
vb. 7. to earn or obtain money, usually for work, or by requesting a loan or gift ...1920s US sl.
vb. 8. to act lazily; to shirk one's work ...1950s Can. sl.
vb. 9. to drink ...1950s US sl.
vb. 10. to serve a prison sentence ...1990s US prison sl.
• KNOCK DOWN A CHEQUE vb. to spend an entire season's pay cheque on a single drinking bout ...M19 Aust. & NZ sl.
• KNOCK DOWN AND DRAG OUT n. a fight carried to extremities; a vicious fight in which one participant is knocked unconscious; thus, an acrimonious but non-violent dispute ...E19 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK DOWN A PRICK vb. to bring an end to an erection; to cause a man to have an orgasm ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCK-DOWN MONEY n. tips or gratuities ...M19 US sl.
• KNOCKED adj. under control; at one's mercy ...19C sl.
• KNOCKED DOWN FOR CROP adj. condemned for execution by hanging ...E19 sl.
• KNOCKED FOR A FEATHER adj. greatly surprised ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KNOCKED OFF adj. 1. killed ...Amer. World War I sl.
adj. 2. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKED OUT adj. 1. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl.
adj. 3. drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KNOCKED OVER adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKED-UP adj. 1. tired ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
adj. 2. intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl.
adj. 3. pregnant ...20C US sl.
adj. 4. experiencing the menses ...20C US sl.
• KNOCK-'EM-DOWN n. a prostitute ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCK-EM-DOWN-BUSINESS n. auctioneering ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• KNOCKER n. 1. a lecher; a man who copulates frequently ...c1500 sl.
n. 2. the penis
n. 3. an important or self-important male; a show-off ...20C US sl.
n. 4. a faultfinder ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 5. something beautiful or attractive ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCKER-FACE n. an ugly face, like an old-fashioned knocker; an ugly-faced person ...c1870 sl.
• KNOCKERS n. 1. the testicles ...20C Brit. & US sl.
n. 2. breasts, esp. well-shaped breasts ...1941 Brit. & US sl.
• KNOCK FOR A CRAPE vb. to destroy ...1925 US sl.
• KNOCKING n. copulation ...16C
• KNOCKING-HOUSE n. a brothel ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCKING-JACKET n. a nightgown ...E18 nonce word
• KNOCKING-JOINT n. a brothel ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOCKING-SHOP n. a brothel ...1860 sl.
• KNOCK IT OFF vb. to copulate ...20C US sl.
• KNOCK IT OUT OF ONE vb. to tire, to exhaust ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK KOO-KOO vb. to render unconscious; to mortally wound; to kill ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KNOCK-ME-DOWN n. any extremely strong liquor ...E19 Brit.
• KNOCK ME DOWN TO THAT DAISY phr. introduce me to that girl ...20C Aust. sl.
• KNOCK-OFF n. 1. a robbery ...1936 sl.
n. 2. stolen property ...1963 sl.
vb. (usually as 'knock off')
vb. 1. to kill deliberately ...1919 sl., orig. US
vb. 2. to steal or rob ...1919 sl.
vb. 3. to arrest ...1926 sl.
vb. 4. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 5. of male: to have sex ...1952 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK OFF ONE'S TROLLEY vb. to knock down ...1900s sl.
• KNOCK OFF THE HOOKS vb. to kill ...1831 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE END FOR END vb. to beat somebody thoroughly ...1967 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE OFF HIS PERCH vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S BLOCK OFF vb. to hit someone very hard; often used as a threat ...1902 sl.
• KNOCK ONE'S DAYLIGHTS OUT vb. to beat one ...1907 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE'S LIGHTS OUT vb. to kill one; to knock one out or down ...1941 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK ONE SICK vb. to astound; to flabbergast ...1923 colloq.
• KNOCK-OUT adj. excellent ...1966 sl.
n. (also as 'knockout' )
n. 1. an excellent person or thing ...1892 sl.
n. 2. something beautiful or attractive ...1892 Amer. sl.
(vb. 'as 'knock out')
vb. 1. to earn as wages ...1871 sl.
vb. 2. orig. to resell items acquired by an auction ring; latterly, to sell stolen items to a fence; of a market stall-holder or other trader: to sell items ...1876 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX vb. to defeat and eliminate; hence, to kill ...1891 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK OVER vb. 1. to kill ...20C criminals' sl.
vb. 2. to rob; to burgle; to commit a planned crime of robbery ...1928 US criminals' sl.
• KNOCK PEOPLE'S HEADS TOGETHER vb. to reprimand a group of people, often in order to get them to cooperate ...1957 sl.
• KNOCK PERSIMMONS vb. to succeed, to win, to make a profit ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK SAUCEPANS OUT OF ONE vb. to give one a bad time ...1896 Ireland
• KNOCK-SOFTLY adj. stupid, foolish ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. a silly or stupid person; a fool ...1887 Eng. dial.
• KNOCK SOMEONE ABOUT vb. to hit repeatedly; to assault by hitting ...1926 sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE FOR SIX vb. to astound someone, with either pleasure or shock ...1949 Brit. sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE OUT vb. to please, to delight ...1942 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK SOMEONE SIDEWAYS vb. to astound someone, with either pleasure or shock ...1925 sl.
• KNOCK SOMEONE'S LIGHTS OUT vb. to knock someone unconscious ...1982 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK SPOTS OFF vb. to be better than, to surpass; to outdo easily; to beat ...1856 sl., orig. US
• KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF ONE vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK THE CHICKEN-HOCKEY OUT OF vb. to beat someone severely ...1970s US sl.
• KNOCK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF vb. to beat severely ...M18 sl.
• KNOCK THE DOOKEY OUT OF vb. to knock the 'daylights' out of ...1980s sl.
• KNOCK THE OLD BOY OUT OF ONE vb. to knock the 'daylights' or stuffing out of one ...M19 sl.
• KNOCK THE PEADOODLES OUT OF ONE vb. to give one a severe blow or fright ...2000 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK THE SHINGLES vb. to snore ...1966 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF SOMEONE vb. to thrash or beat someone severely ...19C colloq.
• KNOCK THE TAR OUT OF SOMEONE vb. to hit repeatedly; to assault by hitting ...1884 sl.
• KNOCK THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS vb. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO FLINDERATION vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO HELL AND GONE vb. to utterly ruin or destroy ...1863 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO SMITHEREENS vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK TO SMITHERS vb. to ruin; to destroy ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KNOCK UP vb. 1. to wake someone by knocking on their door or window ...1663 Brit. sl.
vb. 2. to make pregnant ...1813 US sl.
• KNOSH vb. 1. to eat, esp. to snack; to eat between meals ...1930s sl.
vb. 2. to practise oral sex ...1970s sl.
• KNOT n. 1. the hymen ...Shakespeare usage (Virgin-Knot)
n. 2. virginity ...Shakespeare usage (Virgin-Knot)
n. 3. the posterior ridge of the glans penis ...19C Brit. sl.
• KNOTHOLES phr. said to a child when he asks "What are you making?" ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KNOW vb. to have sexual intercourse with someone ...13C
• KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS vb. to have a thorough knowledge of, implying smugness; often used disparagingly ...1933 sl.
• KNOW A THING OR TWO vb. to be competent, or have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1792 sl.
• KNOW BACKWARDS vb. to be very familiar with ...1904 sl.
• KNOW BEANS WHEN THE BAG'S UNTIED vb. to be sophisticated ...1907 Amer. dial.
• KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN vb. to be shrewd enough to look after oneself; to be common-sensical ...1848 colloq.
• KNOW ENOUGH TO LAP SALT vb. to have common sense ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KNOW A FROM IZZARD vb. to know the most rudimentary thing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• KNOW HOW MANY BEANS MAKE FIVE vb. 1. to be aware; often implying that someone is not easily fooled ...1830 sl.
vb. 2. to be sharp-witted or knowing ...1889 sl.
• KNOWING BLADE n. a sharp fellow, wide awake and cunning ...Bk1890 sl.
• KNOWING TO adj. aware of ...Bk1913 Amer. dial.
• KNOW IN ONE'S BONES phr. instinctively, in one's inner most being
• KNOW INSIDE OUT vb. to be very familiar with ...1921 sl.
• KNOWLEDGE n. copulation ...15C
• KNOWLEDGE-BOX n. 1. the head; the skull ...1796 humorous
n. 2. a schoolhouse ...1914 Amer. dial.
• KNOW LIKE THE BACK OF ONE'S HAND vb. to be very familiar with ...1943 sl.
• KNOW NO FACES † vb. to have no respect of persons ...1633
• KNOW-NOTHING adj. 1. very ignorant; stupid ...a1825
adj. 2. pertaining to the American Know-nothings (see noun 2) ...1856
adj. 3. that holds that nothing can be known; agnostic ...1858
n. 1. one who knows nothing; an ignorant person; a fool ...1839
n. 2. a member of a U.S. political party, also called the American party, that was prominent during the years 1853-56; so named because, having been originally organized as a secret society, its members, to preserve this character, professed to outsiders complete ignorance regarding it; the chief principle of the party was that none but native citizens should be permitted to share in the government; it disappeared around 1859 ...1856
n. 3. one who holds that nothing can be known; an agnostic ...1871
• KNOW ONE'S ONIONS vb. to be competent or have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1922 sl.
• KNOW ONE'S STUFF vb. to have a thorough knowledge of one's subject ...1927 sl., orig. US
• KNOW SOMEONE LIKE A BOOK vb. have a thorough knowledge of someone's character
• KNOW THE OLD DANCE † vb. to know the mode of procedure ...c1386
• KNOW THE RIGHT SIDE OF ONE'S MELON vb. to know what is best for oneself ...1870 Amer. sl.
• KNOW THE SCORE vb. to understand, to grasp the essentials of the present situation ...1938 sl.
• KNOW THE TIME OF DAY vb. to be competent or worldly ...1897 sl.
• KNOW THE WHOLE THRUFFING OF ANYTHING vb. to know all about it ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KNOW WHAT'S WHAT vb. to be knowledgeable, competent, worldly ...a1553
• KNUCK n. a Canadian ...1891 Amer. dial.
• KNUCKLE DOWN vb. to make one's maximum effort ...1864 sl.
• KNUCKLE SANDWICH n. a punch in the mouth ...1973 sl.
• KNUCKYLBONYARD † n. a clumsy fellow ...1526
• KNULLER n. 1. a chimney sweep who goes from house to house offering his services ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a clergyman ...M19 sl.
• KNUT n. a dandy; a very well-dressed, fashionable (if not overly intelligent) young man ...1910s sl,
• K.O. adj. all right, in order ...1910s US sl.
n. 1. a knockout ...1910s sl.
n. 2. death ...1910s sl.
vb. 1. to knock out ...1927 sl.
vb. 2. to die ...1970s US college sl.
• KOBOODLE n. the whole lot ...1894 Amer. dial.
• K.O.'D adj. dead ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KOKOMO n. a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• KOKS n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KOKUM n. sham kindness ...Bk1892 Aust. prison sl.
• KOLFACTOR n. a term of contempt applied to persons ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• KOMPOLOGY * n. boasting or vaunting speech ...1854
• KOMRA n. a dog ...18C sl.
• KONK n. the head ...1960s Amer. sl.
vb. to straighten curly hair ...1944 sl., orig. US Black usage
• KONK CLASS n. school ...1960s Amer. sl.
• KONKS n. a light blow, usually given to a child, and usually on the head ...20C W. Indies sl.
• KONKY n. a nickname given to anyone with an especially prominent nose ...M19 sl.
• KOOK n. an odd person; a weirdo ...M20 US sl.
• KOOTEE n. a house ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• KOPASETIC adj. 1. excellent, first-rate, satisfactory ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. confidential, secret ...1950s sl.
• KOPASETTE adj. 1. excellent, first-rate, satisfactory ...1910s US sl.
adj. 2. confidential, secret ...1950s sl.
• KOSHER adj. 1. honest ...1924 sl.
adj. 2. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KOTONK n. a Japanese-American from the USA rather than from Hawaii ...1940s Hawaii
• KOZZER n. a police officer ...1950 Brit. sl.
• KRAUT n. (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1918 US sl.
• KRAUTFACE n. (contemptuous) a German ...1948 Amer. military sl.
• KRAUT FISH n. a German submarine ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRAUTHEAD n. (derogatory) a German, esp. a German soldier during wartime ...1932 US sl.
• KRAUTLAND n. Germany ...Amer. World War I sl.
• KRIEGIE n. an Allied prisoner-of-war in German during World War II ...1944 sl.
• K.S.O., THE adj. excellent; first-rate ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KUBBER n. news ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• KUCKY adj. of children and animals: dirty ...15C
• KUDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• KUFUFFLE n. a fuss ...1946 sl.
• KUMBIX † n. a miser, a niggard ...1857
• KURL-THE-MO adj. excellent ...1941 Aust. sl.
• KVELL vb. to boast, to brag ...1967 US sl.
• KVETCH n. a contemptible person ...1964 US sl.
• KVETSCH n. a contemptible person ...1964 US sl.
• KWAAL n. an illness; a complaint ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• KWAN n. respect ...2000s US Black sl.
• KWANG n. a Chinese person ...1910s Aust. sl.
• KWAY n. 1. a general thief, with no real specialty ...1940s Aust. sl.
n. 2. a man who lives on money taken from a procurer ...1940s Aust. sl.
• KWEER n. a homosexual male
• KWELA-KWELA n. 1. a police or prison wagon ...1950s S. Afr. Black sl.
n. 2. a minibus taxi ...1980s S. Afr. Black sl.
• KWY n. death ...L19 sl.
• KYBO n. a privy ...1970s US sl.
phr. keep healthy (Keep Your Bowels Open) ...M20 US sl.
• KYBOSH n. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
• KYE n. 1. a shilling and 6 pence ...M19 sl.
n. 2. sixpence ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 3. a contemptible person ...1928 nautical sl.
n. 4. drinking chocolate, cocoa ...1943 nautical sl.
• KYFER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3. women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
• KYFER-MASHING n. pursuing women ...L19 sl.
• KYO vb. to knock out ...20C sl.
• KYOODLE n. a dog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• KYPHER n. 1. the vagina ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a crooked lawyer ...L19 US sl.
n. 3 women regarded as sex objects ...L19 sl.
vb. to dress one's hair ...L19 sl.
• KYST n. sap, substance, vigour ...1802 Sc.
• KYTE n. a paunch, a belly ...Sc. & N. Eng. dial.