SERVILE - adjectives
• BOND † servile, slavish ...LME
• CRINGELING * cringing, servile ...1798
• SUCKASS servile ...1940s US Black sl.
• VASSAL servile; subordinate ...1593
• VERNILE †* servile, slavish ...1623
SERVILE - nouns, person
• CREEPING JESUS a sycophantic or servile person, or one who is hypocritically pious ...c1818 sl.
• CRINGELING * a cringing creature; a servile flatterer; a fawner ...a1693
• LICK-SPITTLE a mean or abject parasite, sycophant, or toady; a servile flatterer; a contemptible, fawning person ...1825
• LIMBERHAM † one who has 'limber hams', a supple-jointed person; fig. a servile flatterer; an obsequious person ...1689
• MAN FRIDAY a servile follower or attendant; a servant of all work ...1887
• PENNY-DOG a tagalong; a toady; a hanger-on; a servile follower ...1953 Amer. dial.
• PENNY-PUP a tagalong; a toady; a hanger-on; a servile follower ...1967 Amer. dial.
• PLEASE-MAN †* one who tries to please men; an officious or servile person who courts favour; a sycophantic and servile fawner ...1588
• SUCKASS a servile person; a flunky ...1940s US Black sl.
• TANTONY a servile flatterer; a parasite; one who obsequiously follows another ...1659
• TANTONY PIG a servile flatterer; a parasite; one who obsequiously follows another ...1738
• TOAD a servile flatterer, a toady ...1831
• TOADER * a servile flatterer, a sycophant, a parasite, a toady ...1842
• TOADY a servile parasite; a sycophant, an interested flatterer; also, a humble dependant ...1826
SERVILE - verbs
• SNEEZE EVERY TIME ANOTHER TAKES SNUFF to follow another's lead in servile fashion ...BK1913 Amer. dial.
• TOM to be servile or ingratiating ...1963 Amer. dial.
• TOM OUT to be servile or ingratiating ...2009 Amer. dial.
• OBSEQUIOUSNESS servile submission or complaisance; servility ...1613
• TOADYISM the behaviour of a parasite or sycophant; mean and interested servility ...1840
• VERNILITY † servility, slavishness, flattering behaviour ...1623
SERVING - adjectives
• FAMULATIVE †* having the attribute of serving ...1678
• MANUMISSION † formal release from slavery or servitude; an or instance of this ...1432-50 obs. exc. Hist.
• VASSALAGE subjection, subordination, servitude; service ...1595
• VASSALRY subjection, subordination, servitude; service ...1594
• MANUMISE † to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1523
• MANUMISS † to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1523
• MANUMIT to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1432-50
SET - nouns
• CAST † a set or suit of things ...1535
• GANG a set of articles such as are usually taken together ...c1340
SET - verbs
• YARK † to put in position, to set, to place ...a1300
SET ASIDE - verbs
• YINK to set aside ...1897 Sc.
SETBACK - nouns
• BACK-JAR a setback in health or circumstances ...1875 Sc.
• BACKSET a setback ...1816 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK a setback ...1649
• LICKING a reversal or disappointment; defeat or setback ... c1800 colloq.
• SMACKDOWN a decisive or humiliating defeat or setback ...US colloq.
• SMACK IN THE EYE, A a sharp rebuff; a setback ...colloq.
SETBACK - verbs
• GET ONE'S LUMPS to accept and deal with one's problems and setbacks ...1930s sl., orig. US
• TAKE A KNOCK to suffer a setback ...1649
SETBACK - phrases
• THAT'S ONE UP AGAINST YOUR DUCKHOUSE said of a setback or problem ...1930s Aust. sl.
• THAT'S ONE UP AGAINST YOUR FOWLHOUSE said of a setback or problem ...1930s Aust. sl.
SET-OFF - verbs
• SET THE HARE-PIE AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...1633
• SET THE HARE'S FOOT AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...16C
• SET THE HARE'S HEAD AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...1539
SETTLE - nouns, person
• GALL-BRUSTER a thing or person that settles, a settler ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
SETTLE - verbs
• CAPTAIN KETTLE to settle (vigorously) ...c1899 rhyming sl.
• DEAL THE BANK to settle a dispute; to come to an understanding ...B1900 Sc.
• FALL † to cause to settle or subside ...1789
• HEAF to accustom or reconcile oneself to a place; to settle down, to make oneself at home ...1873 Eng. dial.
• PIN THE BASKET † to conclude or settle a matter ...a1659
• RATIFY to clear up; to settle ...1883 Sc.
• SCONCE to settle oneself, to take up one's position; to ensconce oneself ...1866 Sc.
• TAIL † to decide or determine in a specified way; to settle, to arrange, to fix a matter ...c1315
• TAILYE † to determine, to settle, to appoint, to arrange ...1375 Sc.
• TAILZIE † to determine, to settle, to appoint, to arrange ...1375 Sc.
• TAKE UP † to amicably settle a dispute, quarrel, etc. ...1560
SETTLED - adjectives
• BESTEAD † settled, constituted, arranged ...c1300
• BESTED † settled, constituted, arranged ...c1300
• RATIFIED * settled, confirmed ...1644
• SITTEN-UP † settled in habit, not easily stirred or moved ...1671
SETTLED - nouns
• DEAD-PIG a thing thoroughly settled ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
SETTLER - nouns, person
• BOOMER a settler who takes part in a boom or rush to occupy a newly opened region ...1890
• INSIDE-SQUATTER a settler within the bounds of civilization ...Bk1896 Aust. sl.
SEVEN - adjectives
• NEVIS seven ...Bk1902 back-slang
• SEPTENARIOUS * of the number seven; containing seven in number ...1656
• SEPTIMANE † of the order of seven; belonging to a week ...1721
• SEPTUARY † consisting of seven; of seven days ...1604
SEVEN - nouns
• HEBDOMAD † the number seven viewed collectively; a group composed of seven ...1545
• HEBDOMADE † the number seven viewed collectively; a group composed of seven ...1545
• SAY-ONEY the number seven ...M19 sl.
• PEANUT-EATER a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SIX-DAY-BIKE-RIDER a Seventh-Day Adventist ...1943 NZ sl.
SEVER - verbs
• ABRUPT †* to break off, to sever; to interrupt suddenly ...1643
• CANTON † to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CUT THE PAINTER to send a person or thing 'adrift' or away; to clear off; to sever a connection, effect a separation ...a1700
• DEAL † to separate, to sever ...a1000
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
SEVER, SEVERED - adjectives
• ABJUNCT †* disjoined, disconnected, severed ...1610
SEVERALLY - adverbs
• SUNDERLEPES † separately, apart from the rest, severally ...c1020
• SUNDERLING †* severally ...c1320
• SUNDRILY † separately, severally, individually ...a900
• SUNDRY † separately, apart; severally, individually ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• DECEPERATION † separation, severance ...a1450
• SUNDERANCE * severance, separation ...1435
SEVERE - adjectives
• ACID biting, severe, unpleasant ...L18
• ALL-FIRED extreme, severe ...1835 Amer. dial.
• DANGEROUS † difficult or awkward to deal with; haughty, arrogant; rigorous, hard, severe; the opposite of affable ...a1225
• DARK severe ...1926 Amer. dial.
• DEAR hard, severe, heavy, grievous; dire, fell ...a1000 arch.
• DERE hard, severe, heavy, grievous; dire, fell ...a1000 arch.
• ELDRITCH † surly, severe in temper and manner; of weather: chill, keen ...1825 Sc.
• FIERCE terrible, disagreeable in the extreme; extremely bad or severe ...1907 Amer. dial.
• HASKY ill-natured, harsh, severe ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HATEL † full of hatred; malignant, hostile; severe, cruel; fierce, bitter ...a850
• HEARTLY † vigorous, severe, sore ...a1400
• HEAVY † of persons: oppressive; troublesome, annoying; angry; severe, violent ...c825
• HELLACIOUS extraordinarily good; bad, intense, violent, severe, etc. ...1929 Amer. sl.
• HELL-FIRED extreme, severe ...1833 Amer. dial.
• IMPORTUNE † troublesome, burdensome; vexatious; grievous, heavy, severe, exacting ...c1400
• INEXORABLE unable to be moved or be persuaded to entreaty or request (esp. for mercy); rigidly severe, immovable, relentless ...M16
• IRON-FACE stern, obdurate, cruel, severe ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• PAINOUS †* painful; severe ...c1400
• RAGGLISH severe, harsh ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAGLISH severe, harsh ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RIGORIOUS †* fierce, stern, severe ...1509
• SALT severe, painful ...1895 Sc.
• SARTAIN stern, severe; steadfast ....1887 Eng. dial.
• SIDE severe or hard upon one ...1825 Sc.
• SOLID severe, difficult, unfair, unreasonable ...1910s Aust. & NZ sl.
• TART harsh, severe ...1893 Eng. dial.
• TAUT of persons: strict, severe ...1905 Sc.
• TETRICOUS † sour in countenance; austere, severe, harsh, crabbed, perverse, morose ...1727
• VENGEABLE † very great, severe, strong, intense ...1532
• VENGIBLE † grievous, severe ...1601
• YARKING severe ...1896 Sc.
• YETERIE severe, excessive, tormenting ...Bk1905 Sc.
• YETRIE severe, excessive, tormenting ...Bk1905 Sc.
SEVERE - nouns
• HARK FROM THE TOMB something severe; a severe scolding or admonition ....c1960 Amer. dial.
SEVERED - adjectives
• SUNDERED kept apart; separated, separate; also, divided into parts, severed, scattered ...c1325
SEVERELY - adverbs
• CRUEL severely; extremely hard ...1937 UK sl.
• CRUELLY severely; extremely hard ...1937 UK sl.
• EAGERLY † sharply, pungently, keenly; violently, harshly, severely ...1377
• FEARSOME powerfully, severely ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HARK FROM THE TOMB with great severity; at full tilt ...1851 Amer. dial.
• HEAVYINGLY †* heavily, severely ...1434
• LIKE THE DEVIL BEATING TANBARK very fast, vigorously, severely ...1851 Amer. dial.
SEVERITY - nouns
• HARDLAIK † hardship, harshness, severity ...c1400
• RADDOUR † severity, harshness, harsh treatment ...a1400-50 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SEVERITY - verbs
• SCOURGE to exercise great severity; to act as a hard taskmaster ...Bk1904 Sc.
SEW - verbs
• BESEW † to sew up ...a800
• BESS to sew slackly; to baste ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BORE to sew ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUILD to sew or tailor; to make clothing ...1951 Amer. dial.
• BUILD CLOTHES to make clothes ...1877 Amer. dial.
• BUSHEL to repair garments ...1889 US
• GADGE to baste; to run or tack together with long stitches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• RANTER 1. to sew up a rent, or apply a patch with invisible stitches; to darn, to mend ...1673-88 Eng. dial.
2. to seam up roughly, with wide stitches ...1882 Sc.
• ROPE to sew roughly in making a temporary mend ...1921 Sc.
• RUN UP WITH A HOT NEEDLE AND BURNING THREAD to sew hastily and carelessly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCOB to take long stitches in sewing, to sew loosely and clumsily; to baste ...1808 Sc.
• SET to sew ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SET A STITCH to sew ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SEW WITH A HOT NEEDLE AND BURNING THREAD to sew hastily and carelessly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAG † to fasten, stitch, or tack together; to join ...1681
• YARK † to draw stitches tight, to twitch, as a shoemaker in sewing; also, to bind tightly with cords ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † to draw stitches tight, to twitch, as a shoemaker in sewing; also, to bind tightly with cords ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
SEWAGE - nouns
• IPER any foul liquid, ooze, mud, or sewage ...1880 Sc.
• LOGIE sewage ...c1870 Brit. sl.
SEWAGE - nouns, person
• SANNY a sanitary man, who removes sewage ...L19 Aust. sl.
SEWER - nouns
• JAW-HOLE a hole into which dirty water or other liquid is 'jawed' or thrown; an open entrance to a sewer, house-drain, or cesspool ...1760
• ODDLE a sewer ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ODDLER a sewer ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SINK * a conduit, drain, or pipe for carrying away dirty water or sewage; an opening especially made for this purpose; a sewer ...1499
• SULLAGE filth, refuse; esp. as is carried off by drains from a house, farmyard, or the like; sewage ...1553
• SULLIDGE filth, refuse; esp. as is carried off by drains from a house, farmyard, or the like; sewage ...1553
• VAEDIK a small stream or runnel of water or other liquid; a ditch, drain or open sewer ...a1838 Sc.
• VAULT † a covered conduit for carrying away water or filth; a drain or sewer ...c1400
• VENNEL an open drain or gutter; a sewer ...1641 N. Eng. dial.
SEWING - nouns
• NEEDLEDOM the 'world' of sewing ...1847
• SCOBERIE the act of sewing carelessly or with long stitches ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SCOBRIE the act of sewing carelessly or with long stitches ...Bk1904 Sc.
SEWING - nouns, person
• LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
• MY LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
SEWN - adjectives
• CAT-CLAWED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-STITCHED poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• JAKEY sewn carelessly ...1968 Amer. dial.
• WISHED TOGETHER put together insecurely, cobbled up; sewn carelessly ...1918 Amer. dial.
• WITCHED TOGETHER put together insecurely, cobbled up; sewn carelessly ...1929 Amer. dial.
• BOND † servile, slavish ...LME
• CRINGELING * cringing, servile ...1798
• SUCKASS servile ...1940s US Black sl.
• VASSAL servile; subordinate ...1593
• VERNILE †* servile, slavish ...1623
SERVILE - nouns, person
• CREEPING JESUS a sycophantic or servile person, or one who is hypocritically pious ...c1818 sl.
• CRINGELING * a cringing creature; a servile flatterer; a fawner ...a1693
• LICK-SPITTLE a mean or abject parasite, sycophant, or toady; a servile flatterer; a contemptible, fawning person ...1825
• LIMBERHAM † one who has 'limber hams', a supple-jointed person; fig. a servile flatterer; an obsequious person ...1689
• MAN FRIDAY a servile follower or attendant; a servant of all work ...1887
• PENNY-DOG a tagalong; a toady; a hanger-on; a servile follower ...1953 Amer. dial.
• PENNY-PUP a tagalong; a toady; a hanger-on; a servile follower ...1967 Amer. dial.
• PLEASE-MAN †* one who tries to please men; an officious or servile person who courts favour; a sycophantic and servile fawner ...1588
• SUCKASS a servile person; a flunky ...1940s US Black sl.
• TANTONY a servile flatterer; a parasite; one who obsequiously follows another ...1659
• TANTONY PIG a servile flatterer; a parasite; one who obsequiously follows another ...1738
• TOAD a servile flatterer, a toady ...1831
• TOADER * a servile flatterer, a sycophant, a parasite, a toady ...1842
• TOADY a servile parasite; a sycophant, an interested flatterer; also, a humble dependant ...1826
SERVILE - verbs
• SNEEZE EVERY TIME ANOTHER TAKES SNUFF to follow another's lead in servile fashion ...BK1913 Amer. dial.
• TOM to be servile or ingratiating ...1963 Amer. dial.
• TOM OUT to be servile or ingratiating ...2009 Amer. dial.
• OBSEQUIOUSNESS servile submission or complaisance; servility ...1613
• TOADYISM the behaviour of a parasite or sycophant; mean and interested servility ...1840
• VERNILITY † servility, slavishness, flattering behaviour ...1623
SERVING - adjectives
• FAMULATIVE †* having the attribute of serving ...1678
• MANUMISSION † formal release from slavery or servitude; an or instance of this ...1432-50 obs. exc. Hist.
• VASSALAGE subjection, subordination, servitude; service ...1595
• VASSALRY subjection, subordination, servitude; service ...1594
• MANUMISE † to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1523
• MANUMISS † to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1523
• MANUMIT to release from slavery; to release from bondage or servitude; to set free ...1432-50
SET - nouns
• CAST † a set or suit of things ...1535
• GANG a set of articles such as are usually taken together ...c1340
SET - verbs
• YARK † to put in position, to set, to place ...a1300
SET ASIDE - verbs
• YINK to set aside ...1897 Sc.
SETBACK - nouns
• BACK-JAR a setback in health or circumstances ...1875 Sc.
• BACKSET a setback ...1816 Amer. dial.
• KNOCK a setback ...1649
• LICKING a reversal or disappointment; defeat or setback ... c1800 colloq.
• SMACKDOWN a decisive or humiliating defeat or setback ...US colloq.
• SMACK IN THE EYE, A a sharp rebuff; a setback ...colloq.
SETBACK - verbs
• GET ONE'S LUMPS to accept and deal with one's problems and setbacks ...1930s sl., orig. US
• TAKE A KNOCK to suffer a setback ...1649
SETBACK - phrases
• THAT'S ONE UP AGAINST YOUR DUCKHOUSE said of a setback or problem ...1930s Aust. sl.
• THAT'S ONE UP AGAINST YOUR FOWLHOUSE said of a setback or problem ...1930s Aust. sl.
SET-OFF - verbs
• SET THE HARE-PIE AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...1633
• SET THE HARE'S FOOT AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...16C
• SET THE HARE'S HEAD AGAINST THE GOOSE-GIBLET † to let one thing serve as a set-off to another ...1539
SETTLE - nouns, person
• GALL-BRUSTER a thing or person that settles, a settler ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
SETTLE - verbs
• CAPTAIN KETTLE to settle (vigorously) ...c1899 rhyming sl.
• DEAL THE BANK to settle a dispute; to come to an understanding ...B1900 Sc.
• FALL † to cause to settle or subside ...1789
• HEAF to accustom or reconcile oneself to a place; to settle down, to make oneself at home ...1873 Eng. dial.
• PIN THE BASKET † to conclude or settle a matter ...a1659
• RATIFY to clear up; to settle ...1883 Sc.
• SCONCE to settle oneself, to take up one's position; to ensconce oneself ...1866 Sc.
• TAIL † to decide or determine in a specified way; to settle, to arrange, to fix a matter ...c1315
• TAILYE † to determine, to settle, to appoint, to arrange ...1375 Sc.
• TAILZIE † to determine, to settle, to appoint, to arrange ...1375 Sc.
• TAKE UP † to amicably settle a dispute, quarrel, etc. ...1560
SETTLED - adjectives
• BESTEAD † settled, constituted, arranged ...c1300
• BESTED † settled, constituted, arranged ...c1300
• RATIFIED * settled, confirmed ...1644
• SITTEN-UP † settled in habit, not easily stirred or moved ...1671
SETTLED - nouns
• DEAD-PIG a thing thoroughly settled ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
SETTLER - nouns, person
• BOOMER a settler who takes part in a boom or rush to occupy a newly opened region ...1890
• INSIDE-SQUATTER a settler within the bounds of civilization ...Bk1896 Aust. sl.
SEVEN - adjectives
• NEVIS seven ...Bk1902 back-slang
• SEPTENARIOUS * of the number seven; containing seven in number ...1656
• SEPTIMANE † of the order of seven; belonging to a week ...1721
• SEPTUARY † consisting of seven; of seven days ...1604
SEVEN - nouns
• HEBDOMAD † the number seven viewed collectively; a group composed of seven ...1545
• HEBDOMADE † the number seven viewed collectively; a group composed of seven ...1545
• SAY-ONEY the number seven ...M19 sl.
• PEANUT-EATER a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church ...1967 Amer. dial.
• SIX-DAY-BIKE-RIDER a Seventh-Day Adventist ...1943 NZ sl.
SEVER - verbs
• ABRUPT †* to break off, to sever; to interrupt suddenly ...1643
• CANTON † to divide a part from, or cut it out of a whole; to separate, to sever by division ...1653 arch. or obs.
• CUT THE PAINTER to send a person or thing 'adrift' or away; to clear off; to sever a connection, effect a separation ...a1700
• DEAL † to separate, to sever ...a1000
• TO-DEAL † to divide into parts; to distribute, to deal out; also, to separate, to sever ...c888
SEVER, SEVERED - adjectives
• ABJUNCT †* disjoined, disconnected, severed ...1610
SEVERALLY - adverbs
• SUNDERLEPES † separately, apart from the rest, severally ...c1020
• SUNDERLING †* severally ...c1320
• SUNDRILY † separately, severally, individually ...a900
• SUNDRY † separately, apart; severally, individually ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
• DECEPERATION † separation, severance ...a1450
• SUNDERANCE * severance, separation ...1435
SEVERE - adjectives
• ACID biting, severe, unpleasant ...L18
• ALL-FIRED extreme, severe ...1835 Amer. dial.
• DANGEROUS † difficult or awkward to deal with; haughty, arrogant; rigorous, hard, severe; the opposite of affable ...a1225
• DARK severe ...1926 Amer. dial.
• DEAR hard, severe, heavy, grievous; dire, fell ...a1000 arch.
• DERE hard, severe, heavy, grievous; dire, fell ...a1000 arch.
• ELDRITCH † surly, severe in temper and manner; of weather: chill, keen ...1825 Sc.
• FIERCE terrible, disagreeable in the extreme; extremely bad or severe ...1907 Amer. dial.
• HASKY ill-natured, harsh, severe ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HATEL † full of hatred; malignant, hostile; severe, cruel; fierce, bitter ...a850
• HEARTLY † vigorous, severe, sore ...a1400
• HEAVY † of persons: oppressive; troublesome, annoying; angry; severe, violent ...c825
• HELLACIOUS extraordinarily good; bad, intense, violent, severe, etc. ...1929 Amer. sl.
• HELL-FIRED extreme, severe ...1833 Amer. dial.
• IMPORTUNE † troublesome, burdensome; vexatious; grievous, heavy, severe, exacting ...c1400
• INEXORABLE unable to be moved or be persuaded to entreaty or request (esp. for mercy); rigidly severe, immovable, relentless ...M16
• IRON-FACE stern, obdurate, cruel, severe ...Bk1892 Chinese Pidgin
• PAINOUS †* painful; severe ...c1400
• RAGGLISH severe, harsh ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RAGLISH severe, harsh ...Bk1905 Sc.
• RIGORIOUS †* fierce, stern, severe ...1509
• SALT severe, painful ...1895 Sc.
• SARTAIN stern, severe; steadfast ....1887 Eng. dial.
• SIDE severe or hard upon one ...1825 Sc.
• SOLID severe, difficult, unfair, unreasonable ...1910s Aust. & NZ sl.
• TART harsh, severe ...1893 Eng. dial.
• TAUT of persons: strict, severe ...1905 Sc.
• TETRICOUS † sour in countenance; austere, severe, harsh, crabbed, perverse, morose ...1727
• VENGEABLE † very great, severe, strong, intense ...1532
• VENGIBLE † grievous, severe ...1601
• YARKING severe ...1896 Sc.
• YETERIE severe, excessive, tormenting ...Bk1905 Sc.
• YETRIE severe, excessive, tormenting ...Bk1905 Sc.
SEVERE - nouns
• HARK FROM THE TOMB something severe; a severe scolding or admonition ....c1960 Amer. dial.
SEVERED - adjectives
• SUNDERED kept apart; separated, separate; also, divided into parts, severed, scattered ...c1325
SEVERELY - adverbs
• CRUEL severely; extremely hard ...1937 UK sl.
• CRUELLY severely; extremely hard ...1937 UK sl.
• EAGERLY † sharply, pungently, keenly; violently, harshly, severely ...1377
• FEARSOME powerfully, severely ...1942 Amer. dial.
• HARK FROM THE TOMB with great severity; at full tilt ...1851 Amer. dial.
• HEAVYINGLY †* heavily, severely ...1434
• LIKE THE DEVIL BEATING TANBARK very fast, vigorously, severely ...1851 Amer. dial.
SEVERITY - nouns
• HARDLAIK † hardship, harshness, severity ...c1400
• RADDOUR † severity, harshness, harsh treatment ...a1400-50 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SEVERITY - verbs
• SCOURGE to exercise great severity; to act as a hard taskmaster ...Bk1904 Sc.
SEW - verbs
• BESEW † to sew up ...a800
• BESS to sew slackly; to baste ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BORE to sew ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BUILD to sew or tailor; to make clothing ...1951 Amer. dial.
• BUILD CLOTHES to make clothes ...1877 Amer. dial.
• BUSHEL to repair garments ...1889 US
• GADGE to baste; to run or tack together with long stitches ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• RANTER 1. to sew up a rent, or apply a patch with invisible stitches; to darn, to mend ...1673-88 Eng. dial.
2. to seam up roughly, with wide stitches ...1882 Sc.
• ROPE to sew roughly in making a temporary mend ...1921 Sc.
• RUN UP WITH A HOT NEEDLE AND BURNING THREAD to sew hastily and carelessly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCOB to take long stitches in sewing, to sew loosely and clumsily; to baste ...1808 Sc.
• SET to sew ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SET A STITCH to sew ...1857 Amer. dial.
• SEW WITH A HOT NEEDLE AND BURNING THREAD to sew hastily and carelessly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAG † to fasten, stitch, or tack together; to join ...1681
• YARK † to draw stitches tight, to twitch, as a shoemaker in sewing; also, to bind tightly with cords ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YERK † to draw stitches tight, to twitch, as a shoemaker in sewing; also, to bind tightly with cords ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
SEWAGE - nouns
• IPER any foul liquid, ooze, mud, or sewage ...1880 Sc.
• LOGIE sewage ...c1870 Brit. sl.
SEWAGE - nouns, person
• SANNY a sanitary man, who removes sewage ...L19 Aust. sl.
SEWER - nouns
• JAW-HOLE a hole into which dirty water or other liquid is 'jawed' or thrown; an open entrance to a sewer, house-drain, or cesspool ...1760
• ODDLE a sewer ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ODDLER a sewer ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SINK * a conduit, drain, or pipe for carrying away dirty water or sewage; an opening especially made for this purpose; a sewer ...1499
• SULLAGE filth, refuse; esp. as is carried off by drains from a house, farmyard, or the like; sewage ...1553
• SULLIDGE filth, refuse; esp. as is carried off by drains from a house, farmyard, or the like; sewage ...1553
• VAEDIK a small stream or runnel of water or other liquid; a ditch, drain or open sewer ...a1838 Sc.
• VAULT † a covered conduit for carrying away water or filth; a drain or sewer ...c1400
• VENNEL an open drain or gutter; a sewer ...1641 N. Eng. dial.
SEWING - nouns
• NEEDLEDOM the 'world' of sewing ...1847
• SCOBERIE the act of sewing carelessly or with long stitches ...Bk1904 Sc.
• SCOBRIE the act of sewing carelessly or with long stitches ...Bk1904 Sc.
SEWING - nouns, person
• LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
• MY LITTLE WOMAN ROUND THE CORNER one's dressmaker or sewing-woman ...20C middle-class colloq.
SEWN - adjectives
• CAT-CLAWED adj. poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CAT-STITCHED poorly sewn ...1967 Amer. dial.
• JAKEY sewn carelessly ...1968 Amer. dial.
• WISHED TOGETHER put together insecurely, cobbled up; sewn carelessly ...1918 Amer. dial.
• WITCHED TOGETHER put together insecurely, cobbled up; sewn carelessly ...1929 Amer. dial.