SILVER - adjectives
• SILVERN 1. made of silver; consisting of silver ...c888 now poetic & arch.
* 2. silver-coloured ...1885
SILVER - nouns
• QUEER WEDGE adulterated gold or silver ...19C sl.
• REV-LIS silver ...Bk1903 back slang
SIMILAR - adjectives
• EQUAL-AQUAL equally balanced; alike, similar ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MACKLY similar, of the same make or kind; exactly alike; fitting nicely ...1896 Eng. dial.
• MARROW similar, corresponding, like, equal ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MARROW FOR BRAN alike, similar, equal ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MARROW THE BRAIN alike, similar, equal ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MARROW TO BRAN much alike, equal, similar; a match for ...1881 Eng. dial.
• MARROW TO MACK much alike, equal, similar; a match for ...1897 Eng. dial.
• MATCHABLE † comparable; equal; similar, analogous ...1572
• MUCH OF A MUCHNESS very similar, of no discernible difference, unworthy of special notice ...1728
• SAME-LIKE similar ...1804 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAMELY similar, without variety, unvaried, monotonous ...1799
• SIB akin, similar to ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SIC-LIKE similar; of such a kind ...1442 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SIMILABLE †* similar; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind ...1493
• SIMILARY † similar; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind ...1628
SIMILAR - prepositions
• LIKE UNTO similar to; in the manner of ...1867 Amer. dial.
SIMILAR - phrases
• MUCH OF A SCANTLING 'much of a muchness'; little difference between; similar ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• CONSIMILITY † resemblance, mutual likeness, similarity ...1680
• PAIRAGE equality; similarity ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SIMILARINESS † similarity ...1669
• SIMILARNESS †* similarity ...1670
• SIMILE † likeness, resemblance; similarity ...1604
• SIMILIANCY †* similarity, likeness ...1622
• SIMILITUDE * the quality or state of being like; resemblance, similarity, likeness ...1387-8 now somewhat rare
• SIMILITY †* similarity ...c1470
SIMILARITY - phrases
• SUCH A CUP SUCH A CRUSE implies similarity between two persons related in some way ...c1540 colloq.
• SUCH CUP SUCH COVER implies similarity between two persons related in some way ...c1540 colloq.
SIMILARLY - adverbs
• SAME-LIKE in like manner; similarly ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SIC-LIKE similarly; in like manner ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SIMILE - adjectives
• SIMILITUDINARY † the nature of a similitude or simile; expressing comparison or likeness; symbolic ...1581
SIMILE - adverbs
• SIMILITUDINARILY † in the manner of a similitude or simile ...1624
SIMILE - nouns
• SIMILITUDE † a simile ...c1400
SIMILE - verbs
• SIMILIZE * to symbolize; to express or describe in similes; to use a simile or comparison ...a1668
SIMMER - verbs
• SIVER †* to simmer ...1601
SIMPLE (easy) - adjectives
• CAKE easy, simple ...1968 US campus sl.
• EASY AS ABC, AS easy, as simple as learning the alphabet ...Bk1909 sl.
• EASY-PEASY very easy, very simple ...1976 UK sl.
• EASY-PEASY, LEMON-SQUEEZEY very easy, very simple ...1976 UK sl.
• LIKE ABC easy, as simple as learning the alphabet ...Bk1909 sl.
• VANILLA ordinary, simple, basic ...1977 US sl.
SIMPLE (weak-minded) - adjectives
• AFALD † simple, sincere, without duplicity; honest ...c960
• DAFFADOWN DILLY silly, foolish, simple ...1950s rhyming sl.
• DAFFYDOWNDILLY (also as 'daffydown dilly') silly, foolish, simple ...1950s rhyming sl.
• DEDA simple, foolish, of inactive mind and body ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• DIPPY foolish, simple-minded, idiotic, shallow-minded; infatuated, deeply in love; peculiar, mildly insane, crazy ...1899 US sl.
• HALF-WITTED † lacking or deficient in common sense or reason; simple; senseless ...c1645
• MUDDLE-BRAINED confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDLE-HEADED confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• NAMBY-PAMBY of style, actions, etc.: weakly sentimental, insipidly pretty, affectedly or childishly simple ...1745
• NENA simple, foolish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NICE simple; witless ...1297 colloq.
• NICKIN foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• NIKEY foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• NIKIN foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• PAPER-SCULLED. foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• PAPER-SKULLED foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• SACKLESS simple, inoffensive, harmless; trembling; bashful ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SILLY † unlearned, unsophisticated, simple, rustic, ignorant ...a1547 obs. or arch.
• SINGLE † 1. simple, plain; without further qualification or addition ...c1421
2. simple, honest, sincere, single-minded; free from duplicity or deceit ...1519
• SINGLE-FOLD † simple ...1651
• SOFT-HEADED feeble-minded; stupid; simple ...colloq.
• SPOONEY weak-minded, simple ...M19 sl.
• SPOONY weak-minded, simple ...M19 sl.
• YAWNEY simple, foolish ...19C sl.
• ZATHY simple, foolish ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
SIMPLE (easy) - nouns
• CAKE anything easy or simple an easy course, test ...1911 US sl.
• CAKEWALK an easy or overwhelming success; anything considered very easy, simple, or certain ...1897 US sl.
• DUCK SHOOT a simple operation ...1940s sl., orig. military
• DUCK SOUP anything simple or easy; an easy task; a cinch ...L19 US sl.
• SIMPLESSE † absence of complexity; freedom from complications; simple character ...c1374 obs. exc. arch.
• SNIP something that is easily achieved or done; a certainty; a simple task ...1890 UK sl.
SIMPLE - nouns, person
• COUNTRY JACK a rustic, a countrified person; a simple fellow ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CUNNINGBERRY a simple fellow ...c1820 colloq.
• CUNNINGBURY a simple fellow ...c1820 colloq.
• CUNNINGHAM ironically, a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• JACK a rustic, a countrified person; a simple fellow ...1930 Amer. dial.
• JACK A NODS a simple, stupid fellow ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MR. CUNNINGHAM a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• QUEER PUT an odd, simple person ...E19 sl.
• SIMPLER a simple or foolish man much given to lust ...L16 sl.
• SIMPLICIAN † a simple, ignorant, or innocent person; a simpleton ...1600-9 obs.
• SIMPLICITY a simple or ingenuous child ...1887
• SIMPLICITY * a simple person; a simpleton ...1633
• SIMPLITIAN † a simple or ignorant fellow; a simpleton ...1600-9
• UNCO BODY a simple, unimportant person ...Bk1905 Sc.
• VERIGREEN a very simple or gullible person ...1854 US sl.
SIMPLE - verbs
• BELL A GOOSE to do the simplest thing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CONNECT THE DOTS to do something very simple ...1980s Amer. sl.
• SIMPLE †* to render one simple; to humble in respect of knowledge ...c1425
• SIMPLICIZE to make simple ...1814 nonce word
SIMPLE - phrases
• AIN'T NOTHING TO IT everything is simple; there are no problems ...1970s US Black sl.
SIMPLE-HEARTED - adjectives
• AEFALD single-minded, simple-hearted, honest, faithful ...1796 Sc.
• NATURAL-HEARTED kind, affectionate; simple-hearted ...1882 Sc.
SIMPLE-MINDED - adjectives
• DUNSTICAL † dull-witted, stupid, blockheaded, simple-minded ...1563
• ONEFOLD simple in character; simple-minded; single-minded; free from duplicity; artless; guileless ...1882
• SAPPY-HEADED simple-minded, silly, foolish ...1881 Sc.
• SIMPLE-HEARTED † ignorant, simple-minded ...c1400
SIMPLE-MINDED - nouns, person
• SAFT-VEAL a simple-minded person; a ninny ...1887 Sc.
• SIMPLEHEAD † simpleness, ignorance ...c1470
SIMPLETON - adjectives
• SIMPLETONIAN characteristic of a simpleton ...1848
• SIMPLETONIC characteristic of a simpleton ...1860
• SIMPLETONISH characteristic of a simpleton ...1847
SIMPLETON - nouns, person
• AARDVARK a simpleton; a dullard; an oaf ...1960s US sl.
• ALEC a fool or simpleton ...1919 Aust.
• ARTHUR a simpleton; a dupe ...c1946 sl.
• ASSINEGER a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ASSINEGO a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ASSNEGER a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ATTWOOD a foolish fellow; a stupid person; a blockhead; a simpleton ...1894 Eng. dial.
• AUF a foolish person, a simpleton ...1750 Eng. dial.
• AWF a foolish person, a simpleton ...1750 Eng. dial.
• BACON-BONCE a dullard; a simpleton; a rustic, a yokel ...1950s sl.
• BALLOON-BRAIN a fool, a simpleton ...1940s US sl.
• BALMY a fool, a simpleton; a soft, weak-minded person ...1887 Eng. dial.
• BARMY a fool, a simpleton ...1887 Eng. dial.
• BARMY-FROTH a flighty, empty-headed fellow; a simpleton ...1599
• BATIE-BUM † a lazy or inactive fellow; a simpleton, a fool; a useless bungler ...a1550 Sc.
• BATIE-BUMMIL † an inactive helpless fellow; a useless bungler; a simpleton; a fool...a1550 Sc.
• BESOM a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BILLY-BUTTONS a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BILLY-WHIFFLER a fool; a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BLAITIE-BUM a lazy fellow; a simpleton; a sheepish fellow ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLOAK a drunkard; a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BLOKE a drunkard; a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BOINARD † a fool, a simpleton; a rogue, a rascal, a scoundrel, a low person; a term of reproach ...a1300
• BUFFLEHEAD a fool, a blockhead, a simpleton, a stupid person, a silly person, an ignoramus ...1659
• BUTTERED BUN a country fool; a rustic simpleton ...E18 sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD a stupid person; an oaf, simpleton, dolt or fool ...1682 sl.
• CADDIS a poor creature; a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADDOW a simpleton, a poor creature ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADOW a simpleton, a poor creature ...Bk1898 Eng, dial.
• CAGMAG a term of opprobrium applied to persons; a loose character; a disreputable old woman; a simpleton, a noodle ...19C Eng. dial.
• CAKE a simpleton, a fool, a silly person ...1790 Eng. dial.
• CAKEY a simpleton; a soft, silly person ...1869 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CALF a fool, a simpleton; a stupid or loutish person; an awkward or silly boy or man; a meek, harmless person ...1553 sl.
• CALF-LOLLY an idle simpleton; a term of reproach ...1653 sl.
• CALFY a simpleton ...1892 Eng. dial.
• CALFY-COTTRELL a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CALFY-NOODLE a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CHUCKLEHEAD a dolt, a simpleton; hence, the fool's head ...E18
• CLOD an oaf or simpleton ...L16 colloq.
• CONEY a silly fellow; a simpleton ...c1590
• CONY a silly fellow; a simpleton ...c1590
• DAFF † one deficient in sense or in proper spirit; a simpleton, a fool; a coward ...c1325 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• DAFTIE a simpleton; a fool ...1868 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DASIBERD † a stupid fellow, a fool, a dullard, a simpleton ... c1400
• DAW † a silly, chattering person, a simpleton, a fool ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DAWCOCK † a stupid, silly, awkward fellow, a simpleton, a fool ...1556 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DAWKIN a dull, stupid person, a simpleton, a fool ...1565 Eng. dial.
• DAWPATE † a silly fellow, a simpleton, a fool ...a1529
• DEIGHLE a simpleton ...1890 Sc.
• DIL a simpleton; an oaf ...20C Aust. & US sl.
• DILL a simpleton; an oaf ...1941 Aust. & US sl.
• DILL-BRAIN a simpleton ...1975 Aust. sl.
• DINGLEBODY a foolish, simple person ...1957 US sl.
• DOBBIE a stupid fellow; a blockhead, a fool, a simpleton, a dolt; a childish old man, a dotard; an awkward fellow, a clown ...1677 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DODUNK a stupid, simple person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DOITARD a simpleton, a fool, an idiot ...1860 Eng. dial.
• DOITY a fool, simpleton, idiot ...19C Eng. dial.
• DOOBIE a dull, stupid fellow; a fool, a simpleton; a dunce ...19C Sc.
• DOOF a fool, a simpleton, an oaf ...1970s US sl.
• DOUGHY a simpleton ...1818 Sc.
• DOVE a gentle or innocent person; formerly a simpleton ...L16
• ESEL a fool, a simpleton ...1910s S. Afr. sl.
• EZEL a fool, a simpleton ...1910s S. Afr. sl.
• FOPDOODLE † a silly, vain, empty person; a stupid or insignificant fellow; a fop, fool, simpleton ...E17
• FOPPOTEE †* a simpleton ...1663
• GABBEY a simpleton ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GABY a stupid, foolish, or silly person; a blockhead, simpleton, fool, dunce ...1796 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• GAIBIE a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Sc.
• GANDER a dull or stupid person; a fool, a simpleton; a gawky person ...1553
• GAUVEY a simpleton ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GAWBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GAWNICUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1867 Amer. dial.
• GAWNY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1909 Amer. dial.
• GILLY a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1889 Amer. dial.
• GIMP a simpleton; a fool ...c1925 Aust. sl.
• GNAW-POST a stupid, ignorant person; a silly fellow; a fool, a simpleton ...1856 Eng. dial.
• GOBEMOUCHE a credulous person who will believe anything, no matter how improbable or absurd; one who is easily deceived; a simpleton ...1818
• GOM a foolish, awkward person; a simpleton; an idiot ...1996 Ireland
• GOMO a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GONEY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1838 Amer. dial.
• GONUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1842 Amer. dial.
• GONY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1859 Amer. dial.
• GOOBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GOON a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1969 Amer. dial.
• GOONEY a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1815 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• GOONUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1959 Amer. dial.
• GOONY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1948 Amer. dial.
• GOOSECAP † a silly fellow; a stupid, foolish person; a simpleton; a giddy or flighty young girl ...1589 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GORBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GOTHAMIST † one who takes after the men of Gotham; a person deficient in wisdom; a silly blunderer, a simpleton ...1589
• GOZZARD a fool, a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GREENHORN an inexperienced person; a novice; a raw recruit; an ignoramus; a simpleton
• GREENIE a greenhorn ...M19 colloq.
• GULL a simpleton; an oaf ...L16
• GULL-FINCH † a fool, a simpleton; a person easily deceived ...1630
• GULPIN one who will swallow anything; one easily gulled; a credulous simpleton; a fool ...1802
• GUMP a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HAIRPIN a fool, a simpleton ...L19 US sl.
• HAIVEREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a half-wit, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAUVISON a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVY-GAUVY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HAVEREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a stupid, half-witted person, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAVREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a stupid, half-witted person, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAWBUCK an unmannerly lout; a country bumpkin or clown; a coarse, vulgar lad; a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1805
• HAWY-GAWY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HOB a rustic, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HOBBINOL a rustic, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HOBNAIL a rustic; a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HODDY-DODDY † a foolish or ridiculous person; a simpleton; a dupe ...1646
• HODDY-NODDY †* a fool, simpleton, noodle ...1600
• HODDYPEAK † a fool, a simpleton, a blockhead ...1500
• IDIOTIST †* a person without learning; an ignorant, uneducated man; a simple man; a clown ...1715
• INNOCENT a simpleton, an idiot ...1598
• J a simpleton ...L19 colloq.
• JAAP (offensive) a simpleton or country bumpkin ...S. Afr.
• JACK-ADAMS a foolish and stubborn person; a simpleton; a silly, impertinent fellow ...1690 sl.
• JACK-A-LENT an insignificant or contemptible person; a simpleton; a dwarf; a puppet ...1598 arch.
• JACK O' LENT a simpleton, a nobody ...17C colloq.
• JACOB † a simpleton; a fool; a half-witted fellow; an oaf ...1785 sl.
• JAY a stupid or silly person; a simpleton; a frivolous person ...1884
• KIME †* a simpleton, a fool, a silly fellow...c1305
• LALDRUM a simpleton; a complete fool ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LAMB a simpleton, an oaf; one who is cheated; esp. one who speculates and loses his money ...1668
• LOON a crazy or eccentric person; a simpleton ...1885 sl.
• MADDLIN(G) a fool, simpleton, blockhead ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAFFLIN a simpleton; a silly, foolish person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAISLIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAISLYKIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAKIN a fool, a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAMELT a simpleton, a fool ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MAMMELT a simpleton, a fool ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MAWMOOIN a blockhead, a simpleton; a playful, teasing youth or girl; literally 'mow the moon' ...1871 Eng. dial.
• MAZLEKIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAZLIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MEE-MAW a simpleton, a fool ...1895 Eng. dial.
• MILK-JUG a simpleton; a dupe ...c1920 Aust. sl. (as a dupe, rhyming sl. for 'mug')
• MILK-PAN a simpleton; a dupe ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOO-MOO a fool, a simpleton ...20C W. Indies sl.
• MOONCALF a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1620
• MOONLING † a simpleton, a silly fellow, a fool, an idiot, a lunatic ...1616
• MUDDLE-HEAD a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; an oaf ...M19
• NAFFHEAD a stupid person, a blockhead, a simpleton, an idiot, a dolt ...1796 Eng. dial.
• NAFFIN a simpleton; a blockhead; an idiot ...1790 Eng. dial.
• NAFFY a simpleton; a blockhead; an idiot ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL a half-witted person; one naturally deficient in intellect; an idiot; a simpleton ...1533
• NATURAL FOOL one who is by nature deficient in intelligence; a fool or simpleton by birth ...c1430
• NATURAL IDIOT † one who is by nature deficient in intelligence; a fool or simpleton by birth ...1540
• NATURE-FOOL a born idiot; a simpleton ...1893 Eng. dial.
• NEDDY a fool, a simpleton ...1793 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEWDLING a simpleton; a demented person ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NIAS a simpleton ...1616
• NICKIN a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NICK-NINNY † a simpleton, an empty fellow, a fool ...c1696 sl. or Eng. dial.
• NIDDICOCK †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...1586
• NIDDY-NODDY a fool, idiot, or simpleton ...1889 Eng. dial.
• NIDDYWIT a simpleton, an idiot ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NIGGET † a fool, simpleton, idiot ...B1900
• NIKEY a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NIKIN a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NINNY a fool; an oaf; a simpleton ...L16
• NINNYHAMMER a stupid or weak-minded person; a simpleton, a fool ...1592
• NINNY-WHOOP †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...1653
• NISEY † a fool; a silly fellow; a simpleton; a dunce ...c1684-6
• NITHERTY-NOTHERTY a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NITWIT a simpleton, a moron, a fool ...1914 US sl.
• NOCKY † a silly, dull fellow; a foolish person; a simpleton, a dullard; an oaf ...a1700 obs. rare exc. Eng. dial.
• NODCOCK a simpleton; a fool; an oaf ...M16
• NODDIE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• NODDIPOL a simpleton, a fool ...16C sl.
• NODDY an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-HEAD an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-PATE a simpleton, an idiot, a fool, an oaf ...1660
• NODDY-PEAK(E) an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-POLE an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-POLL an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODGECOCK a simpleton; a fool; an oaf ...M16
• NOKES †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...a1700
• NUDDLING a simpleton; a demented person ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NUPSON † a simpleton, a fool ...1598
• OGENAGH a simpleton ...Bk1905 Ireland
• OLD SOLDIER a simpleton; a naive person ...M19 sl.
• OMADHAUN a fool, a simpleton; a dull, stupid person; a term of abuse ...1818 Ireland
• PATTICK a fool, simpleton, a silly person; one who talks nonsense; a merry fellow ...1856 Eng. dial.
• PROTHODAW † a prime simpleton; a noodle of the first rank ...a1548 humorous nonce word
• PRUNE a slow-witted person; a simpleton; one easily duped ... c1900 Amer. sl.
• QUEER a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• RABBIT a simpleton; a victim ...20C Aust. sl.
• RALPH a country bumpkin; a simpleton ...M17 sl.
• RAMAGIECHAN a dolt, a simpleton ...1825 Sc.
• RAMMACK a large raw-boned person who speaks and acts heedlessly; a ninny, a simpleton; a dissolute spendthrift; a false-hearted fellow; a backbiter; a double-dealer ...19C Sc.
• RAW-HEAD a simpleton ... B1900 Eng. dial.
• SAFFY a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFTIE a weak-minded, timid or effeminate person; a simpleton; a 'softie' ...1866 Sc.
• SAM a fool, a simpleton ...M19 sl.
• SAM-DINGLE a term of contempt for a fool; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY a simpleton, a fool; an ill-natured fellow; an effeminate weakling; a lunatic ...1876 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY BILLY a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY CODLIN a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY DAWKIN a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...1879 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY DINGLE a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY NODDY a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY SUCK-EGG a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY-HEAD a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAP a simpleton; a blockhead; a fool ...1817 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAP-HEAD a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; a blockhead ...1828
• SAP-PATE † a fool, a simpleton ...a1700
• SAP-SCAUP a simpleton; a fool; a blockhead ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAPSKULL † a silly fellow, a fool, a blockhead, a simpleton ...1735 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SAP-TOPPIN a simpleton; a fool; a blockhead ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SARDINE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SATEPOLL a foolish, silly, or stupid person; a simpleton ...1867 Eng. dial.
• SAWN a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• SAWNEY a simpleton, a fool, a stupid fellow; a soft, good-natured fellow ...a1700 colloq.
• SAWNEY-BOOS a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-BOX a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-GAWNEY a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-GO-SOFTLY a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 N. Ireland
• SCAVEY a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SIDE-SIM a fool; a simpleton ...E17 sl.
• SILLIKEN a fool, a simpleton ...M19
• SILLIKIN a silly person, a simpleton; a naive person ...1860 sl.
• SILLY BILLY a fool, a simpleton ...1834 sl.
• SILLYTON † a simpleton ...1725
• SILLY WILLY a fool; a simpleton ...M17 sl.
• SIM a fool; a simpleton; a confidence trickster's dupe ...20C Aust. criminals' sl.
• SIMKIN * a fool; a simpleton ...a1700
• SIMON a silly fellow; a credulous gullible person; a simpleton ...1785 sl.
• SIMP a fool, a simpleton, an oaf, a stupid or dull person; a dim-witted or backward person ...c1910 sl., orig. US
• SIMPKIN * a fool; a simpleton ...1861
• SIMPLE SIMON a silly fellow; a credulous gullible person; a fool, a simpleton ...1785 sl.
• SIMPLICIAN † a simple, ignorant, or innocent person; a simpleton ...1600-9
• SIMPLICITY * a simple person; a simpleton ...1633
• SIMPLITIAN † a simple or ignorant fellow; a simpleton ...1600-9
• SOAP a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• SPOON a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOONEY a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOONY a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOOPS a silly fellow, a simpleton; a weak-minded fellow; one whose manners are objectionable ...1914 Amer. dial.
• SQUIRE, THE a simpleton, a fool ...L17 sl.
• STRACKLE-BRAIN a giddy, thoughtless person; a simpleton, a fool; a good-for-nothing ...1877 Eng. dial.
• STUFF a simpleton; a weakling ...Bk1904 Amer. sl.
• SUCKING DOVE a dupe or simpleton ...Bk1904 colloq.
• SUMPH a soft stupid fellow; a simpleton, a blockhead ...1719 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• TAFFY a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-HORN a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-NODDLES a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-NOODLE a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-WATTY a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAME CAT a person who is made a convenience by his friends; a foolish fellow, a simpleton ...1885
• TAME-FELLOW † a person who is made a convenience by his friends; a foolish fellow, a simpleton ...a1700
• TAME-GOOSE † a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1605
• TAZZY a mischievous child; a foolish, romping girl; a silly fellow; a simpleton ...1808 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TETAW a simpleton, a fool ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THOMAS a fool, a simpleton ...1934 Sc.
• TIN EAR a fool; a simpleton ...1930s Aust. & US sl.
• TOM CONNEY a simpleton, a ninny, a very silly fellow ...a1700
• TOM CONY a simpleton, a ninny, a very silly fellow ...a1700
• TOM FARTHING a fool, a simpleton ...1689
• TOMMY a simpleton, a fool ...1829
• TOM-NODDY a foolish or stupid person; a blockhead, dunce, dolt, simpleton ...1828
• TOM TOWLY a simpleton ...1582
• TONY † a simpleton ...sl.
• UNWISEMAN † a fool, a simpleton ...1400
• VEAL a fool, a simpleton ...M16 sl.
• WANK a simpleton; an oaf ...20C US sl.
• WARB a fool, a simpleton ...1930s Aust. sl.
• WATTY a simpleton; an indiscreet or foolish person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WET-GOOSE an oaf, a simpleton ...19C Brit. sl.
• WIDGEON † applied to a person, in allusion to the supposed stupidity of the bird; a fool, a simpleton ...1612
• WIGEON a fool, a simpleton ...E17 arch.
• WONK a simpleton; an oaf ...20C US sl.
• YAP (derogatory) a peasant, a rustic simpleton ...L19 US sl.
• YAWNEY a lazy, stupid person; a fool; a simpleton ...1876 Eng. dial.
• YAWNY a fool; a simpleton ...19C sl.
• YAY-NAY a simpleton; an unsophisticated person ...M19 sl.
• YEA AND NAY MAN a simpleton, capable of answering only 'yes' or 'no'; hence, a poor conversationalist, a monosyllabic person ...L17 sl.
• ZAMMY a simpleton, a fool; an ill-natured fellow; an effeminate weakling; a lunatic ...1876 Eng. dial.
SIMPLE-WITTED - adjectives
• HAUVING simple-witted, foolish, clownish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVISH simple-witted, foolish, clownish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• ONEFOLDNESS simplicity ...1887
• SIMPLETY †* simplicity ...c1230
• SIMPLEXITY simplicity ...1849 nonce word
• VERDANCY innocence, inexperience; rawness, simplicity ...1849
• YAEFAULDNESS singleness of heart, integrity, simplicity ...1862 Sc.
• YORNEYISHNESS simplicity, foolishness, half-wittedness ...1885 Eng. dial.
• YORNEYISM simplicity, foolishness, half-wittedness ...1884 Eng. dial.
SIMPLICITY - nouns, person
• SIMPLICITARIAN one who aims at simplicity of life ...1837 nonce word
SIMPLIFY - verbs
• DUMB DOWN to simplify the content of something so that it can be understood by the general uneducated public ...1933 US sl.
• SIMP to do things in a simplistic manner ...1900s Aust. sl.
SIMPLY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † singly, simply ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BARELY merely, simply, only ...1577 arch.
• NATURALLY †* simply, easily ...1655
• ONLEPY † only, solely, simply ...c1315
• SINGLY † simply; without any more ...a1400
SIMULATE - nouns
• SIMULANT one who, or that which, simulates something else ...1860
• SIMULAR one who, or that which, simulates or puts on a false appearance of something ...1526
SIMULATE - nouns, person
• SIMULER † a simulator, a feigner ...1534
SIMULATE - verbs
• BELIKE † to make like, to simulate ...a1250
• FAKE to feign or simulate; to pretend ...1889 sl.
• FAKE IT to feign or simulate; to pretend ...1889 sl.
• SIMULE †* to simulate or feign ...c1480
SIMULATED - adjectives
• FAINT † feigned, pretended, simulated ...a1300
• SIMULAR simulated, pretended, counterfeited ...1611
• SIMULED † simulated ...1526
• VARNISHED simulated, pretended ...1607
SIMULATING - adjectives
• SIMULANT simulating; presenting the appearance of something else ...1826
SIMULATION - adjectives
• SIMULATIVE characterized by simulation or pretense ...1490
• SIMULATORY †* characterized by simulation or pretense ...1618
• SIMULANCE * tendency to assume a form resembling that of something else; simulation ...1885
SIMULTANEOUS - adjectives
• SIMULTAL † simultaneous ...1654
• SIMULTANEITY the quality of being simultaneous; occurrence at the same time ...1802-12
• SIMULTY † the quality of being simultaneous ...1677
• JUMP IN QUILL † to act simultaneously or in harmony ...1687
• ONETIME simultaneously, at the same time ...1922 Amer. dial.
SIN, SINNING - adjectives
• BACKSLIDDEN that has relapsed into sin ...1871
• LABILE † liable or prone to lapse; prone to fall into error or sin ...1447
• OBDURATE hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...c1440
• OBDURATIOUS †* hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1672
• OBDURE † hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1608
• SINNABLE * capable of sinning ...1662
• SIN-SICK sick with sin ...1609
• SIN-SOILED blemished, stained, or soiled by sin ...1593
• SIN-WOOD † mad with sin ...c1250
SIN - nouns
• AULD NAIL, THE original sin ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LAHTER † a vice, sin, crime ...c900
• LAST † a fault, vice, sin; blame; also, a physical blemish ...c1175
• MISAMEANNESS misdeeds, sins ...1969 Amer. dial.
• OBDURATION a hardening in sin or wickedness; a making or becoming stubborn, obstinate, or insensible or moral influence ...1494
• OFFENDICLE † a stumbling-block; a cause of offence; an occasion of sin or spiritual difficulty ...1545
• SINNOGRAPHY the description of the kinds and differences of sin ...1654 nonce word
• VENIALIA † venial sins or offences ...1654
SIN, SINNER - nouns, person
• SIN-EATER one hired to take upon himself the sins of a deceased person by means of food eaten beside the dead body ...1686-7
• SINNERESS †* a female sinner ...1382
• SUNEGILD †* a female sinner ...c1230
SIN - verbs
• FAULT to commit a fault; to do or go wrong; hence, to sin ...c1400 arch.
• LAPSE † to fall into error, heresy, or sin ...1611
SIN - phrases
• GOD DON'T LOVE UGLY refers to sin or wickedness ...1899 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• DAGO, THE Frank Sinatra, American singer (1915-1998) ...1963 US sl.
• OLD BLUE EYES Frank Sinatra, US singer (1915-1998) ...1984 US sl.
SINCE - adjectives
• SINSYNE since then, from that time, thereafter ...a1657 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SINCE - adverbs
• ABACK since, ago ...1768 Sc.
• SINETH † since ...1543
• SITH † at some or any time since; since ...c1300
• SITHEN † since ...a1000
• SITHENCE † since ...1529
SINCE - prepositions
• SITH † continuously or ever from a time, etc.; till now; since ...a1325
SINCERE - adjectives
• AFALD † simple, sincere, without duplicity; honest ...c960
• AFFECTIOUS † earnest, sincere; cordial ...1581
• EVEN-DOWN downright, honest, straightforward, sincere ...1885 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GUTSY utterly sincere; deeply felt, esp. used of songs, music ...c1965 sl.
• HEARTLY † proceeding from or seated in the heart; expressive of real feeling; earnest, genuine, sincere ...1340-70
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• HEARTY heartfelt, genuine, sincere ...1479
• INTEGRITIVE †* marked by integrity; upright, sincere ...1784
• LEAL † loyal, faithful, honest, true, upright, sincere ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SIMPLE sincere, unassuming ...1949 Amer. dial.
• SIMPLE-HEARTED ingenuous, sincere, unsophisticated ...1711
• SINGLE simple, honest, sincere, single-minded; free from duplicity or deceit ...1519
• SINGLE-EYED sincere, honest, straightforward ...1705
• SINGLE-HEARTED possessed of a 'single' or sincere heart; straight-forward, honest, sincere ...1577
• SINGLE-MINDED sincere in mind or spirit; honest, straightforward; simple-minded, ingenuous ...1577
• THROUGH-OPEN transparently honest and sincere ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THRUFFABLE transparently honest and sincere ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SINCERE - nouns
• SINCERITIES sincere feelings or actions ...1840
SINCERE - nouns, person
• DUDLEY DOGOODER the epitome of a sincere, moral, upstanding citizen, despised by those who live on the fringes of the law ...1990 US sl.
• DUDLEY DO-RIGHT the epitome of a sincere, moral, upstanding citizen, despised by those who live on the fringes of the law ...1990 US sl.
• HONEST JOHN an honest, sincere man ...1930 colloq.
• REAL PEOPLE an honest, sincere, candid person ...1960s Amer. sl.
SINCERE - verbs
• HEART † to utter with the heart or sincerely ...1642
• RAP ON THE REAL to speak sincerely or honestly ...1980s US Black sl.
SINCERE - phrases
• O STUFF no fooling, no lies, absolutely honest and sincere ...1920s US Black sl.
SINCERELY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † adv. with single-heartedness, sincerely, truly ...1533 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• AFFECTEDLY † with aim or desire; with true intent; intentionally, sincerely, earnestly ...1596
• AFFECTIOUSLY † earnestly, sincerely, cordially, kindly ...1430
• ON THE DEAD in earnest; sincerely; straightforwardly; honestly, truthfully ...1888 sl.
• SINGLE-MINDEDLY sincerely, frankly ...1579
• SINGLY † sincerely, truly, honestly ...1526
• UNCASUISTLY † sincerely, straightforwardly ...1649
• AEFALDNESS uprightness; sincerity ...1911 Sc.
• HEARTLINESS †* cordiality, heartiness, sincerity, friendly feeling ...1435
• SINGLENESS sincerity, straightforwardness, honesty, integrity; freedom from deceit, duplicity, or guile ...1526
• VERITY truthfulness, veracity, sincerity ...c1555
SINCERITY - phrases
• I KID YOU NOT expresses sincerity; implies that the speaker is being absolutely serious ...1914 sl., orig. US
SINEW - nouns
• LEADER a tendon, a ligament, a sinew ...1899 Amer. dial.
• SINE † a sinew ...c725
SINFUL - adjectives
• OFFENCEFUL † causing offence or displeasure; wrong; sinful; criminal ...1603 rare or obs.
• PECCAMINOUS †* full of sins, sinful; later: bawdy; indecent, lewd ...1656
• SINNY †* sinful, wicked ...c950
• VICEY sinful; depraved ...1993 Trinidad and Tobago
SINFUL - verbs
• BESIN † to stigmatize as sinful ...1622
• SINFULHEAD † sinfulness ...c1250
SING, SINGER, SINGING - adjectives
• CANTATORY * pert. to a singer or his singing ...1836
• CANOROUS singing, melodious, musical; resonant, ringing ...1646
• SIRENIC * of persons: singing sweetly ...1797
• SIRENICAL † of persons: singing sweetly ...1604
• CANT † singing, musical sound ...1501
• CANTATION † singing ...1623
• DIDDLAN the act of singing in a low key ...Bk1900 Sc.
• GALE † singing, a song; merriment; mirth ...c1200
• LALL loud, lively, or spirited singing; ranting psalmody ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• PALINODY † singing over again, repetition ...1599
• STREET-CHANTING the practice of singing in the streets for a living ...1887 cant
SING, SINGER - nouns, person
• ALLIGATOR a singer who opens his mouth wide ...E19 sl.
• BALLADIER † a street ballad-singer ...1637
• BALLADINE † a ballad-maker or singer ...1604
• CANARY a young woman or girl; esp. a female vocalist; a songster ...1862 US
• CANTABANK * a singer on a stage or platform; hence, a common ballad-singer; used contemptuously ...1834
• CANTATOR * a male singer ...1866
• CANTATRICE a female professional singer ...1866
• CANTOR † a singer ...1609
• CASTRATO a male singer castrated in boyhood so as to retain a soprano or alto voice ...1763
• CHIRP a female vocalist ...1944 Amer. jazz sl.
• CHIRPER a singer, esp. a female vocalist ...1891 Amer. jazz sl.
• MOANER a singer of the blues ...1927 Amer. dial.
• RANDY a beggar; wandering ballad-singer ...1811 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RANTER a lively singer or player ...a1700 Sc.
• SING-ALONE † a solo singer ...1691 nonce word
• SINGERESS †* a female singer ...1382
• SING-MAN † a singing man ...1691 nonce word
• SINGSTER †* a singer ...1388
• SINGSTRESS * a songstress ...1873
• SIREN one who, or that which, sings sweetly, charms, allures, or deceives ...1590
• WARBLER a female singer ...1940s sl.
• YOWPER a yelper; a street-crier; a ballad-singer ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SING - verbs
• BOOL to weep in childish fashion; to drawl in singing ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CANARY to work as a band vocalist; to sing ...1930s US sl.
• CANT † to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
• CANTITATE to sing as a bird ...1830 nonce word
• CARP † to sing or recite, as a minstrel; to sing, as a bird ...c1425
• CHIRP to sing; said esp. of women ...1935 Amer. jazz sl.
• DECANTATE † to sing or speak often ...1659
• DEEDLE to sing in a low key; to croon over an air without the words of the song ...1870 Sc.
• DIDDLE to sing in a low key, without distinct utterance of words ...1846 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GALE † to sing; also, to deliver an oracular response ...a1000
• LALDER to sing in a loud, noisy manner; to hum ...1856 Eng. dial.
• LALDRUM to sing in a foolish or childish manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LALL to sing or shout loudly; to cry out; to quarrel ...1884 Eng. dial.
• MOAN to sing; to sing a blues song ...1927 Amer. dial.
• MOUTH-MAUL to sing out of tune ...1876 Eng. dial.
• RAISE to sing; also, to begin to sing, to strike up ...1653
• RANT to frolic, to romp; to be jovial, boisterous, uproariously gay or merry; to lead a gay or dissolute life; also, to sing or talk loudly ...1598
• RAP to sing or chant a rap song ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SING LIKE A BIRD CALLED THE SWINE to sing execrably ...c1675 colloq.
• SKIRL to sing, utter, play, etc. in loud and shrill tones ...1786 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SPREAD ONE'S JENK to have a good time; to sing or enjoy music ..1920s US Black sl.
• TEEDLE † to sing a song without words; to croon ...1824 Sc.
• WAIL to sing ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• YARK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YED † to sing, to recite, to talk, to discourse ...c888
• YELL † to sing loudly, to chant ...1387
• YELP † to lift up one's voice; to cry aloud; to sing loud or on a high note ...c1450
• YERK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YIRK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YOAN to slide the notes into each other in singing ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SING, SINGING - phrases
• ALL IN A CHARM all singing or talking at once ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• HE SINGS MORE LIKE A WHORE'S BIRD THAN A CANARY the singer has a strong manly voice ...L18
• SINGLISH a Singaporean adaptation of the English language; a variety of English used in Sri Lanka ...2001 Singapore
SINGE - nouns
• SCAM a burn, singe, scorch, or the mark of such ...1808 Sc.
• SCAUM a burn, scorch; a mark caused by burning or singeing ...1813 Sc.
• SCOUDER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
• SCOUGE † a sharp singe or touch of burning ...1880 Sc.
• SCOUTHER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
• SCOWDER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOWTHER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
SINGE - verbs
• SCAM of cloth, skin, cakes, etc.: to burn slightly; to scorch, to singe with dry heat ...1746 Sc.
• SCAUM to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1838 Sc.
• SCOODER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCOUDER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOUTHER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCOWDER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOWTHER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCRENT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SCRINT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SING to singe ...1543-5 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SKOODER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SKRENT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SKRINT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
SINGED - adjectives
• SWINGED singed ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SINGLE - adjectives
• AFALD † single, singular, sole, only ...c1000
• LEPI single, one ...a1300 obs.
• OFOLD † single ...c1200.
• ONLEPY † only, sole, single ...c900
• SIMPLAR † single ...1610
• SIMPLE † single ...1340
• SINGULAR † separate, individual, single ...c1340
• UNAL single; that is one only; based on unity ...1883
• VARSAL * single, individual ...1765
• VERSAL † single; individual ...1709
SINGLE - nouns
• SIMPLE † a single thing ...1483
• SINGLETON a single thing, as distinct from a pair ...1892
• SINGULARITY † a single or separate thing or entity; a unit ...c1374
SINGLE-HANDED - adjectives
• AT SINGLE HAND † single-handed, unaided ...1607
SINGLE-MINDED - adjectives
• AEFALD single-minded, simple-hearted, honest, faithful ...1796 Sc.
• SINGLERTY † singleness ...a1300
• SINGLURE † singleness, uniqueness ...a1300
• SINGULARITY * the quality or fact of being one in number or kind; singleness, oneness ...1583
SINGLY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † singly, simply ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ODDLY † singly, solely, alone ...a1300
• ONE BY ONE LIKE JACKY LINGO'S SHEEP one after another, in single file ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• SUNDERLY † separately, apart; individually; singly ...c888
SINGULAR - adjectives
• AFALD † single, singular, sole, only ...c1000
• SINGLER † singular ...c1374
SINGULAR - verbs
• SINGULARIZE * to make singular or one; to individualize; to convert into the singular number ...1663
• ONLEPIHEDE † singleness, singularity ...1340
• ONLINESS * the fact or character of being the only one of its kind; singleness, singularity, uniqueness ...1633
• SINGULARNESS * the quality of being singular; singularity ...1530
• SINGULERTY † singularity ...1414
SINGULARLY - adverbs
• ONLY † singularly, uniquely, specially, pre-eminently ...c1000
• SINGLERLY † singularly ...c1400
• SUNDERLY †* singularly, specially ...c900
SINISTER - adjectives
• LEFT-HANDED ill-omened, inauspicious, sinister ...1609
SINISTER - nouns
• BAD MEDICINE something or someone sinister or ill-fated ... 1844 US West usage
• SINISTERITY † sinister character; perversity; dishonesty ...1647
SINISTER - nouns, person
• BAD MEDICINE something or someone sinister or ill-fated ... 1844 US West usage
SINISTERLY - adverbs
• AWKLY † in the wrong direction, backhanded or left-handed wise; hence, sinisterly, unluckily ...c1440
• SINISTRALLY † in a sinister manner; perversely; wrongly ...1548
SINK - nouns
• JAW-BOX a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• JAW-HOLE a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• JAW-TUB a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• LAVATRINE †* a square stone in a kitchen, with a hole to void water; a sink ...1623
SINK - verbs
• BESENCH † to cause to sink, to submerge, to plunge down, to overwhelm ...971
• BESINK † to sink, to fall down through any substance ...c893
• BOG DOWN to sink in or as in a bog ...Aust. sl.
• DECLINE † to come down, to fall, to descend, to sink ...a1400-50
• IMMERGE * to plunge or dip oneself in a liquid; to sink ...1706
• LAGGER to sink in soft, miry or muddy ground; to be encumbered by walking through mire, snow, or the like ...1710 Sc.
• LAIR to stick or sink in mire or bog; to become bogged; to stick fast in soft ground, mud, snow, or the like ...a1572
• LARE to stick or sink in mire or bog ...a1572
• QUAT †* to sink, to subside ...a1722
• SAB † to subside or sink; to sag ...18C Sc.
• SAD to make dense and compact; to compress, to press down, to solidify by hammering; to cause to sink or settle down ...1736 Sc.
• SILE † to fall or sink down ...a1400-50 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• SUBSIDATE †* to sink in ...1653
SINKHOLE - nouns
• GOOSE NEST a sinkhole ...1904 Amer. dial.
SINKING - adjectives
• DECIDUOUS †* sinking, declining ...1791
SINKING - nouns
• IMMERGENCE the act of plunging or sinking into anything ...1859
• SILVERN 1. made of silver; consisting of silver ...c888 now poetic & arch.
* 2. silver-coloured ...1885
SILVER - nouns
• QUEER WEDGE adulterated gold or silver ...19C sl.
• REV-LIS silver ...Bk1903 back slang
SIMILAR - adjectives
• EQUAL-AQUAL equally balanced; alike, similar ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MACKLY similar, of the same make or kind; exactly alike; fitting nicely ...1896 Eng. dial.
• MARROW similar, corresponding, like, equal ...1892 Eng. dial.
• MARROW FOR BRAN alike, similar, equal ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MARROW THE BRAIN alike, similar, equal ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MARROW TO BRAN much alike, equal, similar; a match for ...1881 Eng. dial.
• MARROW TO MACK much alike, equal, similar; a match for ...1897 Eng. dial.
• MATCHABLE † comparable; equal; similar, analogous ...1572
• MUCH OF A MUCHNESS very similar, of no discernible difference, unworthy of special notice ...1728
• SAME-LIKE similar ...1804 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAMELY similar, without variety, unvaried, monotonous ...1799
• SIB akin, similar to ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SIC-LIKE similar; of such a kind ...1442 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SIMILABLE †* similar; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind ...1493
• SIMILARY † similar; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind ...1628
SIMILAR - prepositions
• LIKE UNTO similar to; in the manner of ...1867 Amer. dial.
SIMILAR - phrases
• MUCH OF A SCANTLING 'much of a muchness'; little difference between; similar ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• CONSIMILITY † resemblance, mutual likeness, similarity ...1680
• PAIRAGE equality; similarity ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SIMILARINESS † similarity ...1669
• SIMILARNESS †* similarity ...1670
• SIMILE † likeness, resemblance; similarity ...1604
• SIMILIANCY †* similarity, likeness ...1622
• SIMILITUDE * the quality or state of being like; resemblance, similarity, likeness ...1387-8 now somewhat rare
• SIMILITY †* similarity ...c1470
SIMILARITY - phrases
• SUCH A CUP SUCH A CRUSE implies similarity between two persons related in some way ...c1540 colloq.
• SUCH CUP SUCH COVER implies similarity between two persons related in some way ...c1540 colloq.
SIMILARLY - adverbs
• SAME-LIKE in like manner; similarly ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SIC-LIKE similarly; in like manner ...1513 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SIMILE - adjectives
• SIMILITUDINARY † the nature of a similitude or simile; expressing comparison or likeness; symbolic ...1581
SIMILE - adverbs
• SIMILITUDINARILY † in the manner of a similitude or simile ...1624
SIMILE - nouns
• SIMILITUDE † a simile ...c1400
SIMILE - verbs
• SIMILIZE * to symbolize; to express or describe in similes; to use a simile or comparison ...a1668
SIMMER - verbs
• SIVER †* to simmer ...1601
SIMPLE (easy) - adjectives
• CAKE easy, simple ...1968 US campus sl.
• EASY AS ABC, AS easy, as simple as learning the alphabet ...Bk1909 sl.
• EASY-PEASY very easy, very simple ...1976 UK sl.
• EASY-PEASY, LEMON-SQUEEZEY very easy, very simple ...1976 UK sl.
• LIKE ABC easy, as simple as learning the alphabet ...Bk1909 sl.
• VANILLA ordinary, simple, basic ...1977 US sl.
SIMPLE (weak-minded) - adjectives
• AFALD † simple, sincere, without duplicity; honest ...c960
• DAFFADOWN DILLY silly, foolish, simple ...1950s rhyming sl.
• DAFFYDOWNDILLY (also as 'daffydown dilly') silly, foolish, simple ...1950s rhyming sl.
• DEDA simple, foolish, of inactive mind and body ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• DIPPY foolish, simple-minded, idiotic, shallow-minded; infatuated, deeply in love; peculiar, mildly insane, crazy ...1899 US sl.
• HALF-WITTED † lacking or deficient in common sense or reason; simple; senseless ...c1645
• MUDDLE-BRAINED confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• MUDDLE-HEADED confused, foolish, simple ...M18
• NAMBY-PAMBY of style, actions, etc.: weakly sentimental, insipidly pretty, affectedly or childishly simple ...1745
• NENA simple, foolish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• NICE simple; witless ...1297 colloq.
• NICKIN foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• NIKEY foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• NIKIN foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• PAPER-SCULLED. foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• PAPER-SKULLED foolish, simple ...L17 sl.
• SACKLESS simple, inoffensive, harmless; trembling; bashful ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCRANNY crazy, mad, distracted; simple, foolish; bewildered ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SILLY † unlearned, unsophisticated, simple, rustic, ignorant ...a1547 obs. or arch.
• SINGLE † 1. simple, plain; without further qualification or addition ...c1421
2. simple, honest, sincere, single-minded; free from duplicity or deceit ...1519
• SINGLE-FOLD † simple ...1651
• SOFT-HEADED feeble-minded; stupid; simple ...colloq.
• SPOONEY weak-minded, simple ...M19 sl.
• SPOONY weak-minded, simple ...M19 sl.
• YAWNEY simple, foolish ...19C sl.
• ZATHY simple, foolish ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
SIMPLE (easy) - nouns
• CAKE anything easy or simple an easy course, test ...1911 US sl.
• CAKEWALK an easy or overwhelming success; anything considered very easy, simple, or certain ...1897 US sl.
• DUCK SHOOT a simple operation ...1940s sl., orig. military
• DUCK SOUP anything simple or easy; an easy task; a cinch ...L19 US sl.
• SIMPLESSE † absence of complexity; freedom from complications; simple character ...c1374 obs. exc. arch.
• SNIP something that is easily achieved or done; a certainty; a simple task ...1890 UK sl.
SIMPLE - nouns, person
• COUNTRY JACK a rustic, a countrified person; a simple fellow ...1930 Amer. dial.
• CUNNINGBERRY a simple fellow ...c1820 colloq.
• CUNNINGBURY a simple fellow ...c1820 colloq.
• CUNNINGHAM ironically, a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• JACK a rustic, a countrified person; a simple fellow ...1930 Amer. dial.
• JACK A NODS a simple, stupid fellow ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MR. CUNNINGHAM a simple fellow ...M18 colloq.
• QUEER PUT an odd, simple person ...E19 sl.
• SIMPLER a simple or foolish man much given to lust ...L16 sl.
• SIMPLICIAN † a simple, ignorant, or innocent person; a simpleton ...1600-9 obs.
• SIMPLICITY a simple or ingenuous child ...1887
• SIMPLICITY * a simple person; a simpleton ...1633
• SIMPLITIAN † a simple or ignorant fellow; a simpleton ...1600-9
• UNCO BODY a simple, unimportant person ...Bk1905 Sc.
• VERIGREEN a very simple or gullible person ...1854 US sl.
SIMPLE - verbs
• BELL A GOOSE to do the simplest thing ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CONNECT THE DOTS to do something very simple ...1980s Amer. sl.
• SIMPLE †* to render one simple; to humble in respect of knowledge ...c1425
• SIMPLICIZE to make simple ...1814 nonce word
SIMPLE - phrases
• AIN'T NOTHING TO IT everything is simple; there are no problems ...1970s US Black sl.
SIMPLE-HEARTED - adjectives
• AEFALD single-minded, simple-hearted, honest, faithful ...1796 Sc.
• NATURAL-HEARTED kind, affectionate; simple-hearted ...1882 Sc.
SIMPLE-MINDED - adjectives
• DUNSTICAL † dull-witted, stupid, blockheaded, simple-minded ...1563
• ONEFOLD simple in character; simple-minded; single-minded; free from duplicity; artless; guileless ...1882
• SAPPY-HEADED simple-minded, silly, foolish ...1881 Sc.
• SIMPLE-HEARTED † ignorant, simple-minded ...c1400
SIMPLE-MINDED - nouns, person
• SAFT-VEAL a simple-minded person; a ninny ...1887 Sc.
• SIMPLEHEAD † simpleness, ignorance ...c1470
SIMPLETON - adjectives
• SIMPLETONIAN characteristic of a simpleton ...1848
• SIMPLETONIC characteristic of a simpleton ...1860
• SIMPLETONISH characteristic of a simpleton ...1847
SIMPLETON - nouns, person
• AARDVARK a simpleton; a dullard; an oaf ...1960s US sl.
• ALEC a fool or simpleton ...1919 Aust.
• ARTHUR a simpleton; a dupe ...c1946 sl.
• ASSINEGER a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ASSINEGO a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ASSNEGER a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ATTWOOD a foolish fellow; a stupid person; a blockhead; a simpleton ...1894 Eng. dial.
• AUF a foolish person, a simpleton ...1750 Eng. dial.
• AWF a foolish person, a simpleton ...1750 Eng. dial.
• BACON-BONCE a dullard; a simpleton; a rustic, a yokel ...1950s sl.
• BALLOON-BRAIN a fool, a simpleton ...1940s US sl.
• BALMY a fool, a simpleton; a soft, weak-minded person ...1887 Eng. dial.
• BARMY a fool, a simpleton ...1887 Eng. dial.
• BARMY-FROTH a flighty, empty-headed fellow; a simpleton ...1599
• BATIE-BUM † a lazy or inactive fellow; a simpleton, a fool; a useless bungler ...a1550 Sc.
• BATIE-BUMMIL † an inactive helpless fellow; a useless bungler; a simpleton; a fool...a1550 Sc.
• BESOM a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BILLY-BUTTONS a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BILLY-WHIFFLER a fool; a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BLAITIE-BUM a lazy fellow; a simpleton; a sheepish fellow ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLOAK a drunkard; a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BLOKE a drunkard; a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• BOINARD † a fool, a simpleton; a rogue, a rascal, a scoundrel, a low person; a term of reproach ...a1300
• BUFFLEHEAD a fool, a blockhead, a simpleton, a stupid person, a silly person, an ignoramus ...1659
• BUTTERED BUN a country fool; a rustic simpleton ...E18 sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD a stupid person; an oaf, simpleton, dolt or fool ...1682 sl.
• CADDIS a poor creature; a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADDOW a simpleton, a poor creature ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CADOW a simpleton, a poor creature ...Bk1898 Eng, dial.
• CAGMAG a term of opprobrium applied to persons; a loose character; a disreputable old woman; a simpleton, a noodle ...19C Eng. dial.
• CAKE a simpleton, a fool, a silly person ...1790 Eng. dial.
• CAKEY a simpleton; a soft, silly person ...1869 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CALF a fool, a simpleton; a stupid or loutish person; an awkward or silly boy or man; a meek, harmless person ...1553 sl.
• CALF-LOLLY an idle simpleton; a term of reproach ...1653 sl.
• CALFY a simpleton ...1892 Eng. dial.
• CALFY-COTTRELL a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CALFY-NOODLE a simpleton ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• CHUCKLEHEAD a dolt, a simpleton; hence, the fool's head ...E18
• CLOD an oaf or simpleton ...L16 colloq.
• CONEY a silly fellow; a simpleton ...c1590
• CONY a silly fellow; a simpleton ...c1590
• DAFF † one deficient in sense or in proper spirit; a simpleton, a fool; a coward ...c1325 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• DAFTIE a simpleton; a fool ...1868 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DASIBERD † a stupid fellow, a fool, a dullard, a simpleton ... c1400
• DAW † a silly, chattering person, a simpleton, a fool ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DAWCOCK † a stupid, silly, awkward fellow, a simpleton, a fool ...1556 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DAWKIN a dull, stupid person, a simpleton, a fool ...1565 Eng. dial.
• DAWPATE † a silly fellow, a simpleton, a fool ...a1529
• DEIGHLE a simpleton ...1890 Sc.
• DIL a simpleton; an oaf ...20C Aust. & US sl.
• DILL a simpleton; an oaf ...1941 Aust. & US sl.
• DILL-BRAIN a simpleton ...1975 Aust. sl.
• DINGLEBODY a foolish, simple person ...1957 US sl.
• DOBBIE a stupid fellow; a blockhead, a fool, a simpleton, a dolt; a childish old man, a dotard; an awkward fellow, a clown ...1677 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DODUNK a stupid, simple person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• DOITARD a simpleton, a fool, an idiot ...1860 Eng. dial.
• DOITY a fool, simpleton, idiot ...19C Eng. dial.
• DOOBIE a dull, stupid fellow; a fool, a simpleton; a dunce ...19C Sc.
• DOOF a fool, a simpleton, an oaf ...1970s US sl.
• DOUGHY a simpleton ...1818 Sc.
• DOVE a gentle or innocent person; formerly a simpleton ...L16
• ESEL a fool, a simpleton ...1910s S. Afr. sl.
• EZEL a fool, a simpleton ...1910s S. Afr. sl.
• FOPDOODLE † a silly, vain, empty person; a stupid or insignificant fellow; a fop, fool, simpleton ...E17
• FOPPOTEE †* a simpleton ...1663
• GABBEY a simpleton ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GABY a stupid, foolish, or silly person; a blockhead, simpleton, fool, dunce ...1796 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• GAIBIE a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Sc.
• GANDER a dull or stupid person; a fool, a simpleton; a gawky person ...1553
• GAUVEY a simpleton ...1796 Eng. dial.
• GAWBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GAWNICUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1867 Amer. dial.
• GAWNY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1909 Amer. dial.
• GILLY a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1889 Amer. dial.
• GIMP a simpleton; a fool ...c1925 Aust. sl.
• GNAW-POST a stupid, ignorant person; a silly fellow; a fool, a simpleton ...1856 Eng. dial.
• GOBEMOUCHE a credulous person who will believe anything, no matter how improbable or absurd; one who is easily deceived; a simpleton ...1818
• GOM a foolish, awkward person; a simpleton; an idiot ...1996 Ireland
• GOMO a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GONEY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1838 Amer. dial.
• GONUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1842 Amer. dial.
• GONY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1859 Amer. dial.
• GOOBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GOON a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1969 Amer. dial.
• GOONEY a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1815 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• GOONUS a fool, a dolt, a stupid fellow, an ignoramus, a simpleton ...1959 Amer. dial.
• GOONY a stupid, awkward person; a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1948 Amer. dial.
• GOOSECAP † a silly fellow; a stupid, foolish person; a simpleton; a giddy or flighty young girl ...1589 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• GORBY a stupid, foolish person; a blockhead, a simpleton, a fool, a lout ...1790 Eng. dial.
• GOTHAMIST † one who takes after the men of Gotham; a person deficient in wisdom; a silly blunderer, a simpleton ...1589
• GOZZARD a fool, a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• GREENHORN an inexperienced person; a novice; a raw recruit; an ignoramus; a simpleton
• GREENIE a greenhorn ...M19 colloq.
• GULL a simpleton; an oaf ...L16
• GULL-FINCH † a fool, a simpleton; a person easily deceived ...1630
• GULPIN one who will swallow anything; one easily gulled; a credulous simpleton; a fool ...1802
• GUMP a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• HAIRPIN a fool, a simpleton ...L19 US sl.
• HAIVEREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a half-wit, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAUVISON a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVY-GAUVY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HAVEREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a stupid, half-witted person, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAVREL a foolishly chattering or garrulous person; a fool, a stupid, half-witted person, a simpleton ...c1779 Sc.
• HAWBUCK an unmannerly lout; a country bumpkin or clown; a coarse, vulgar lad; a foolish or stupid fellow; a simpleton ...1805
• HAWY-GAWY a simpleton; a clownish, awkward person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• HOB a rustic, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HOBBINOL a rustic, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HOBNAIL a rustic; a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• HODDY-DODDY † a foolish or ridiculous person; a simpleton; a dupe ...1646
• HODDY-NODDY †* a fool, simpleton, noodle ...1600
• HODDYPEAK † a fool, a simpleton, a blockhead ...1500
• IDIOTIST †* a person without learning; an ignorant, uneducated man; a simple man; a clown ...1715
• INNOCENT a simpleton, an idiot ...1598
• J a simpleton ...L19 colloq.
• JAAP (offensive) a simpleton or country bumpkin ...S. Afr.
• JACK-ADAMS a foolish and stubborn person; a simpleton; a silly, impertinent fellow ...1690 sl.
• JACK-A-LENT an insignificant or contemptible person; a simpleton; a dwarf; a puppet ...1598 arch.
• JACK O' LENT a simpleton, a nobody ...17C colloq.
• JACOB † a simpleton; a fool; a half-witted fellow; an oaf ...1785 sl.
• JAY a stupid or silly person; a simpleton; a frivolous person ...1884
• KIME †* a simpleton, a fool, a silly fellow...c1305
• LALDRUM a simpleton; a complete fool ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LAMB a simpleton, an oaf; one who is cheated; esp. one who speculates and loses his money ...1668
• LOON a crazy or eccentric person; a simpleton ...1885 sl.
• MADDLIN(G) a fool, simpleton, blockhead ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAFFLIN a simpleton; a silly, foolish person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAISLIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAISLYKIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAKIN a fool, a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MAMELT a simpleton, a fool ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MAMMELT a simpleton, a fool ...1790 Eng. dial.
• MAWMOOIN a blockhead, a simpleton; a playful, teasing youth or girl; literally 'mow the moon' ...1871 Eng. dial.
• MAZLEKIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MAZLIN a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1781 Eng. dial.
• MEE-MAW a simpleton, a fool ...1895 Eng. dial.
• MILK-JUG a simpleton; a dupe ...c1920 Aust. sl. (as a dupe, rhyming sl. for 'mug')
• MILK-PAN a simpleton; a dupe ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• MOO-MOO a fool, a simpleton ...20C W. Indies sl.
• MOONCALF a fool, a simpleton, an idiot ...1620
• MOONLING † a simpleton, a silly fellow, a fool, an idiot, a lunatic ...1616
• MUDDLE-HEAD a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; an oaf ...M19
• NAFFHEAD a stupid person, a blockhead, a simpleton, an idiot, a dolt ...1796 Eng. dial.
• NAFFIN a simpleton; a blockhead; an idiot ...1790 Eng. dial.
• NAFFY a simpleton; a blockhead; an idiot ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• NATURAL a half-witted person; one naturally deficient in intellect; an idiot; a simpleton ...1533
• NATURAL FOOL one who is by nature deficient in intelligence; a fool or simpleton by birth ...c1430
• NATURAL IDIOT † one who is by nature deficient in intelligence; a fool or simpleton by birth ...1540
• NATURE-FOOL a born idiot; a simpleton ...1893 Eng. dial.
• NEDDY a fool, a simpleton ...1793 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NEWDLING a simpleton; a demented person ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NIAS a simpleton ...1616
• NICKIN a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NICK-NINNY † a simpleton, an empty fellow, a fool ...c1696 sl. or Eng. dial.
• NIDDICOCK †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...1586
• NIDDY-NODDY a fool, idiot, or simpleton ...1889 Eng. dial.
• NIDDYWIT a simpleton, an idiot ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NIGGET † a fool, simpleton, idiot ...B1900
• NIKEY a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NIKIN a fool, a simpleton ...L17 sl.
• NINNY a fool; an oaf; a simpleton ...L16
• NINNYHAMMER a stupid or weak-minded person; a simpleton, a fool ...1592
• NINNY-WHOOP †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...1653
• NISEY † a fool; a silly fellow; a simpleton; a dunce ...c1684-6
• NITHERTY-NOTHERTY a simpleton ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NITWIT a simpleton, a moron, a fool ...1914 US sl.
• NOCKY † a silly, dull fellow; a foolish person; a simpleton, a dullard; an oaf ...a1700 obs. rare exc. Eng. dial.
• NODCOCK a simpleton; a fool; an oaf ...M16
• NODDIE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• NODDIPOL a simpleton, a fool ...16C sl.
• NODDY an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-HEAD an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-PATE a simpleton, an idiot, a fool, an oaf ...1660
• NODDY-PEAK(E) an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-POLE an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODDY-POLL an oaf; a fool; a simpleton ...16C colloq.
• NODGECOCK a simpleton; a fool; an oaf ...M16
• NOKES †* a fool, a simpleton, a ninny ...a1700
• NUDDLING a simpleton; a demented person ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NUPSON † a simpleton, a fool ...1598
• OGENAGH a simpleton ...Bk1905 Ireland
• OLD SOLDIER a simpleton; a naive person ...M19 sl.
• OMADHAUN a fool, a simpleton; a dull, stupid person; a term of abuse ...1818 Ireland
• PATTICK a fool, simpleton, a silly person; one who talks nonsense; a merry fellow ...1856 Eng. dial.
• PROTHODAW † a prime simpleton; a noodle of the first rank ...a1548 humorous nonce word
• PRUNE a slow-witted person; a simpleton; one easily duped ... c1900 Amer. sl.
• QUEER a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• RABBIT a simpleton; a victim ...20C Aust. sl.
• RALPH a country bumpkin; a simpleton ...M17 sl.
• RAMAGIECHAN a dolt, a simpleton ...1825 Sc.
• RAMMACK a large raw-boned person who speaks and acts heedlessly; a ninny, a simpleton; a dissolute spendthrift; a false-hearted fellow; a backbiter; a double-dealer ...19C Sc.
• RAW-HEAD a simpleton ... B1900 Eng. dial.
• SAFFY a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAFTIE a weak-minded, timid or effeminate person; a simpleton; a 'softie' ...1866 Sc.
• SAM a fool, a simpleton ...M19 sl.
• SAM-DINGLE a term of contempt for a fool; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY a simpleton, a fool; an ill-natured fellow; an effeminate weakling; a lunatic ...1876 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY BILLY a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY CODLIN a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...1889 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY DAWKIN a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...1879 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY DINGLE a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY NODDY a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY SUCK-EGG a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAMMY-HEAD a simpleton; a foolish, stupid person ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAP a simpleton; a blockhead; a fool ...1817 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SAP-HEAD a fool; a simpleton; a stupid person; a blockhead ...1828
• SAP-PATE † a fool, a simpleton ...a1700
• SAP-SCAUP a simpleton; a fool; a blockhead ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAPSKULL † a silly fellow, a fool, a blockhead, a simpleton ...1735 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• SAP-TOPPIN a simpleton; a fool; a blockhead ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SARDINE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• SATEPOLL a foolish, silly, or stupid person; a simpleton ...1867 Eng. dial.
• SAWN a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• SAWNEY a simpleton, a fool, a stupid fellow; a soft, good-natured fellow ...a1700 colloq.
• SAWNEY-BOOS a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-BOX a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-GAWNEY a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SAWNEY-GO-SOFTLY a soft fellow; a simpleton ...Bk1904 N. Ireland
• SCAVEY a simpleton ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SIDE-SIM a fool; a simpleton ...E17 sl.
• SILLIKEN a fool, a simpleton ...M19
• SILLIKIN a silly person, a simpleton; a naive person ...1860 sl.
• SILLY BILLY a fool, a simpleton ...1834 sl.
• SILLYTON † a simpleton ...1725
• SILLY WILLY a fool; a simpleton ...M17 sl.
• SIM a fool; a simpleton; a confidence trickster's dupe ...20C Aust. criminals' sl.
• SIMKIN * a fool; a simpleton ...a1700
• SIMON a silly fellow; a credulous gullible person; a simpleton ...1785 sl.
• SIMP a fool, a simpleton, an oaf, a stupid or dull person; a dim-witted or backward person ...c1910 sl., orig. US
• SIMPKIN * a fool; a simpleton ...1861
• SIMPLE SIMON a silly fellow; a credulous gullible person; a fool, a simpleton ...1785 sl.
• SIMPLICIAN † a simple, ignorant, or innocent person; a simpleton ...1600-9
• SIMPLICITY * a simple person; a simpleton ...1633
• SIMPLITIAN † a simple or ignorant fellow; a simpleton ...1600-9
• SOAP a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
• SPOON a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOONEY a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOONY a fool, a simpleton ...L18 sl.
• SPOOPS a silly fellow, a simpleton; a weak-minded fellow; one whose manners are objectionable ...1914 Amer. dial.
• SQUIRE, THE a simpleton, a fool ...L17 sl.
• STRACKLE-BRAIN a giddy, thoughtless person; a simpleton, a fool; a good-for-nothing ...1877 Eng. dial.
• STUFF a simpleton; a weakling ...Bk1904 Amer. sl.
• SUCKING DOVE a dupe or simpleton ...Bk1904 colloq.
• SUMPH a soft stupid fellow; a simpleton, a blockhead ...1719 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• TAFFY a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-HORN a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-NODDLES a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-NOODLE a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAFFY-WATTY a simpleton ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TAME CAT a person who is made a convenience by his friends; a foolish fellow, a simpleton ...1885
• TAME-FELLOW † a person who is made a convenience by his friends; a foolish fellow, a simpleton ...a1700
• TAME-GOOSE † a foolish fellow; a simpleton ...1605
• TAZZY a mischievous child; a foolish, romping girl; a silly fellow; a simpleton ...1808 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• TETAW a simpleton, a fool ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THOMAS a fool, a simpleton ...1934 Sc.
• TIN EAR a fool; a simpleton ...1930s Aust. & US sl.
• TOM CONNEY a simpleton, a ninny, a very silly fellow ...a1700
• TOM CONY a simpleton, a ninny, a very silly fellow ...a1700
• TOM FARTHING a fool, a simpleton ...1689
• TOMMY a simpleton, a fool ...1829
• TOM-NODDY a foolish or stupid person; a blockhead, dunce, dolt, simpleton ...1828
• TOM TOWLY a simpleton ...1582
• TONY † a simpleton ...sl.
• UNWISEMAN † a fool, a simpleton ...1400
• VEAL a fool, a simpleton ...M16 sl.
• WANK a simpleton; an oaf ...20C US sl.
• WARB a fool, a simpleton ...1930s Aust. sl.
• WATTY a simpleton; an indiscreet or foolish person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WET-GOOSE an oaf, a simpleton ...19C Brit. sl.
• WIDGEON † applied to a person, in allusion to the supposed stupidity of the bird; a fool, a simpleton ...1612
• WIGEON a fool, a simpleton ...E17 arch.
• WONK a simpleton; an oaf ...20C US sl.
• YAP (derogatory) a peasant, a rustic simpleton ...L19 US sl.
• YAWNEY a lazy, stupid person; a fool; a simpleton ...1876 Eng. dial.
• YAWNY a fool; a simpleton ...19C sl.
• YAY-NAY a simpleton; an unsophisticated person ...M19 sl.
• YEA AND NAY MAN a simpleton, capable of answering only 'yes' or 'no'; hence, a poor conversationalist, a monosyllabic person ...L17 sl.
• ZAMMY a simpleton, a fool; an ill-natured fellow; an effeminate weakling; a lunatic ...1876 Eng. dial.
SIMPLE-WITTED - adjectives
• HAUVING simple-witted, foolish, clownish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• HAUVISH simple-witted, foolish, clownish ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• ONEFOLDNESS simplicity ...1887
• SIMPLETY †* simplicity ...c1230
• SIMPLEXITY simplicity ...1849 nonce word
• VERDANCY innocence, inexperience; rawness, simplicity ...1849
• YAEFAULDNESS singleness of heart, integrity, simplicity ...1862 Sc.
• YORNEYISHNESS simplicity, foolishness, half-wittedness ...1885 Eng. dial.
• YORNEYISM simplicity, foolishness, half-wittedness ...1884 Eng. dial.
SIMPLICITY - nouns, person
• SIMPLICITARIAN one who aims at simplicity of life ...1837 nonce word
SIMPLIFY - verbs
• DUMB DOWN to simplify the content of something so that it can be understood by the general uneducated public ...1933 US sl.
• SIMP to do things in a simplistic manner ...1900s Aust. sl.
SIMPLY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † singly, simply ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BARELY merely, simply, only ...1577 arch.
• NATURALLY †* simply, easily ...1655
• ONLEPY † only, solely, simply ...c1315
• SINGLY † simply; without any more ...a1400
SIMULATE - nouns
• SIMULANT one who, or that which, simulates something else ...1860
• SIMULAR one who, or that which, simulates or puts on a false appearance of something ...1526
SIMULATE - nouns, person
• SIMULER † a simulator, a feigner ...1534
SIMULATE - verbs
• BELIKE † to make like, to simulate ...a1250
• FAKE to feign or simulate; to pretend ...1889 sl.
• FAKE IT to feign or simulate; to pretend ...1889 sl.
• SIMULE †* to simulate or feign ...c1480
SIMULATED - adjectives
• FAINT † feigned, pretended, simulated ...a1300
• SIMULAR simulated, pretended, counterfeited ...1611
• SIMULED † simulated ...1526
• VARNISHED simulated, pretended ...1607
SIMULATING - adjectives
• SIMULANT simulating; presenting the appearance of something else ...1826
SIMULATION - adjectives
• SIMULATIVE characterized by simulation or pretense ...1490
• SIMULATORY †* characterized by simulation or pretense ...1618
• SIMULANCE * tendency to assume a form resembling that of something else; simulation ...1885
SIMULTANEOUS - adjectives
• SIMULTAL † simultaneous ...1654
• SIMULTANEITY the quality of being simultaneous; occurrence at the same time ...1802-12
• SIMULTY † the quality of being simultaneous ...1677
• JUMP IN QUILL † to act simultaneously or in harmony ...1687
• ONETIME simultaneously, at the same time ...1922 Amer. dial.
SIN, SINNING - adjectives
• BACKSLIDDEN that has relapsed into sin ...1871
• LABILE † liable or prone to lapse; prone to fall into error or sin ...1447
• OBDURATE hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...c1440
• OBDURATIOUS †* hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1672
• OBDURE † hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1608
• SINNABLE * capable of sinning ...1662
• SIN-SICK sick with sin ...1609
• SIN-SOILED blemished, stained, or soiled by sin ...1593
• SIN-WOOD † mad with sin ...c1250
SIN - nouns
• AULD NAIL, THE original sin ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LAHTER † a vice, sin, crime ...c900
• LAST † a fault, vice, sin; blame; also, a physical blemish ...c1175
• MISAMEANNESS misdeeds, sins ...1969 Amer. dial.
• OBDURATION a hardening in sin or wickedness; a making or becoming stubborn, obstinate, or insensible or moral influence ...1494
• OFFENDICLE † a stumbling-block; a cause of offence; an occasion of sin or spiritual difficulty ...1545
• SINNOGRAPHY the description of the kinds and differences of sin ...1654 nonce word
• VENIALIA † venial sins or offences ...1654
SIN, SINNER - nouns, person
• SIN-EATER one hired to take upon himself the sins of a deceased person by means of food eaten beside the dead body ...1686-7
• SINNERESS †* a female sinner ...1382
• SUNEGILD †* a female sinner ...c1230
SIN - verbs
• FAULT to commit a fault; to do or go wrong; hence, to sin ...c1400 arch.
• LAPSE † to fall into error, heresy, or sin ...1611
SIN - phrases
• GOD DON'T LOVE UGLY refers to sin or wickedness ...1899 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• DAGO, THE Frank Sinatra, American singer (1915-1998) ...1963 US sl.
• OLD BLUE EYES Frank Sinatra, US singer (1915-1998) ...1984 US sl.
SINCE - adjectives
• SINSYNE since then, from that time, thereafter ...a1657 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
SINCE - adverbs
• ABACK since, ago ...1768 Sc.
• SINETH † since ...1543
• SITH † at some or any time since; since ...c1300
• SITHEN † since ...a1000
• SITHENCE † since ...1529
SINCE - prepositions
• SITH † continuously or ever from a time, etc.; till now; since ...a1325
SINCERE - adjectives
• AFALD † simple, sincere, without duplicity; honest ...c960
• AFFECTIOUS † earnest, sincere; cordial ...1581
• EVEN-DOWN downright, honest, straightforward, sincere ...1885 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GUTSY utterly sincere; deeply felt, esp. used of songs, music ...c1965 sl.
• HEARTLY † proceeding from or seated in the heart; expressive of real feeling; earnest, genuine, sincere ...1340-70
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• HEARTY heartfelt, genuine, sincere ...1479
• INTEGRITIVE †* marked by integrity; upright, sincere ...1784
• LEAL † loyal, faithful, honest, true, upright, sincere ...a1300 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SIMPLE sincere, unassuming ...1949 Amer. dial.
• SIMPLE-HEARTED ingenuous, sincere, unsophisticated ...1711
• SINGLE simple, honest, sincere, single-minded; free from duplicity or deceit ...1519
• SINGLE-EYED sincere, honest, straightforward ...1705
• SINGLE-HEARTED possessed of a 'single' or sincere heart; straight-forward, honest, sincere ...1577
• SINGLE-MINDED sincere in mind or spirit; honest, straightforward; simple-minded, ingenuous ...1577
• THROUGH-OPEN transparently honest and sincere ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• THRUFFABLE transparently honest and sincere ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SINCERE - nouns
• SINCERITIES sincere feelings or actions ...1840
SINCERE - nouns, person
• DUDLEY DOGOODER the epitome of a sincere, moral, upstanding citizen, despised by those who live on the fringes of the law ...1990 US sl.
• DUDLEY DO-RIGHT the epitome of a sincere, moral, upstanding citizen, despised by those who live on the fringes of the law ...1990 US sl.
• HONEST JOHN an honest, sincere man ...1930 colloq.
• REAL PEOPLE an honest, sincere, candid person ...1960s Amer. sl.
SINCERE - verbs
• HEART † to utter with the heart or sincerely ...1642
• RAP ON THE REAL to speak sincerely or honestly ...1980s US Black sl.
SINCERE - phrases
• O STUFF no fooling, no lies, absolutely honest and sincere ...1920s US Black sl.
SINCERELY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † adv. with single-heartedness, sincerely, truly ...1533 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• AFFECTEDLY † with aim or desire; with true intent; intentionally, sincerely, earnestly ...1596
• AFFECTIOUSLY † earnestly, sincerely, cordially, kindly ...1430
• ON THE DEAD in earnest; sincerely; straightforwardly; honestly, truthfully ...1888 sl.
• SINGLE-MINDEDLY sincerely, frankly ...1579
• SINGLY † sincerely, truly, honestly ...1526
• UNCASUISTLY † sincerely, straightforwardly ...1649
• AEFALDNESS uprightness; sincerity ...1911 Sc.
• HEARTLINESS †* cordiality, heartiness, sincerity, friendly feeling ...1435
• SINGLENESS sincerity, straightforwardness, honesty, integrity; freedom from deceit, duplicity, or guile ...1526
• VERITY truthfulness, veracity, sincerity ...c1555
SINCERITY - phrases
• I KID YOU NOT expresses sincerity; implies that the speaker is being absolutely serious ...1914 sl., orig. US
SINEW - nouns
• LEADER a tendon, a ligament, a sinew ...1899 Amer. dial.
• SINE † a sinew ...c725
SINFUL - adjectives
• OFFENCEFUL † causing offence or displeasure; wrong; sinful; criminal ...1603 rare or obs.
• PECCAMINOUS †* full of sins, sinful; later: bawdy; indecent, lewd ...1656
• SINNY †* sinful, wicked ...c950
• VICEY sinful; depraved ...1993 Trinidad and Tobago
SINFUL - verbs
• BESIN † to stigmatize as sinful ...1622
• SINFULHEAD † sinfulness ...c1250
SING, SINGER, SINGING - adjectives
• CANTATORY * pert. to a singer or his singing ...1836
• CANOROUS singing, melodious, musical; resonant, ringing ...1646
• SIRENIC * of persons: singing sweetly ...1797
• SIRENICAL † of persons: singing sweetly ...1604
• CANT † singing, musical sound ...1501
• CANTATION † singing ...1623
• DIDDLAN the act of singing in a low key ...Bk1900 Sc.
• GALE † singing, a song; merriment; mirth ...c1200
• LALL loud, lively, or spirited singing; ranting psalmody ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• PALINODY † singing over again, repetition ...1599
• STREET-CHANTING the practice of singing in the streets for a living ...1887 cant
SING, SINGER - nouns, person
• ALLIGATOR a singer who opens his mouth wide ...E19 sl.
• BALLADIER † a street ballad-singer ...1637
• BALLADINE † a ballad-maker or singer ...1604
• CANARY a young woman or girl; esp. a female vocalist; a songster ...1862 US
• CANTABANK * a singer on a stage or platform; hence, a common ballad-singer; used contemptuously ...1834
• CANTATOR * a male singer ...1866
• CANTATRICE a female professional singer ...1866
• CANTOR † a singer ...1609
• CASTRATO a male singer castrated in boyhood so as to retain a soprano or alto voice ...1763
• CHIRP a female vocalist ...1944 Amer. jazz sl.
• CHIRPER a singer, esp. a female vocalist ...1891 Amer. jazz sl.
• MOANER a singer of the blues ...1927 Amer. dial.
• RANDY a beggar; wandering ballad-singer ...1811 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RANTER a lively singer or player ...a1700 Sc.
• SING-ALONE † a solo singer ...1691 nonce word
• SINGERESS †* a female singer ...1382
• SING-MAN † a singing man ...1691 nonce word
• SINGSTER †* a singer ...1388
• SINGSTRESS * a songstress ...1873
• SIREN one who, or that which, sings sweetly, charms, allures, or deceives ...1590
• WARBLER a female singer ...1940s sl.
• YOWPER a yelper; a street-crier; a ballad-singer ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SING - verbs
• BOOL to weep in childish fashion; to drawl in singing ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CANARY to work as a band vocalist; to sing ...1930s US sl.
• CANT † to chant, to sing; to repeat in a sing-song manner; to intone ...1652
• CANTITATE to sing as a bird ...1830 nonce word
• CARP † to sing or recite, as a minstrel; to sing, as a bird ...c1425
• CHIRP to sing; said esp. of women ...1935 Amer. jazz sl.
• DECANTATE † to sing or speak often ...1659
• DEEDLE to sing in a low key; to croon over an air without the words of the song ...1870 Sc.
• DIDDLE to sing in a low key, without distinct utterance of words ...1846 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• GALE † to sing; also, to deliver an oracular response ...a1000
• LALDER to sing in a loud, noisy manner; to hum ...1856 Eng. dial.
• LALDRUM to sing in a foolish or childish manner ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• LALL to sing or shout loudly; to cry out; to quarrel ...1884 Eng. dial.
• MOAN to sing; to sing a blues song ...1927 Amer. dial.
• MOUTH-MAUL to sing out of tune ...1876 Eng. dial.
• RAISE to sing; also, to begin to sing, to strike up ...1653
• RANT to frolic, to romp; to be jovial, boisterous, uproariously gay or merry; to lead a gay or dissolute life; also, to sing or talk loudly ...1598
• RAP to sing or chant a rap song ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• SING LIKE A BIRD CALLED THE SWINE to sing execrably ...c1675 colloq.
• SKIRL to sing, utter, play, etc. in loud and shrill tones ...1786 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SPREAD ONE'S JENK to have a good time; to sing or enjoy music ..1920s US Black sl.
• TEEDLE † to sing a song without words; to croon ...1824 Sc.
• WAIL to sing ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• YARK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YED † to sing, to recite, to talk, to discourse ...c888
• YELL † to sing loudly, to chant ...1387
• YELP † to lift up one's voice; to cry aloud; to sing loud or on a high note ...c1450
• YERK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YIRK to start a tune; to commence singing, playing, etc. ...1873 Sc.
• YOAN to slide the notes into each other in singing ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
SING, SINGING - phrases
• ALL IN A CHARM all singing or talking at once ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• HE SINGS MORE LIKE A WHORE'S BIRD THAN A CANARY the singer has a strong manly voice ...L18
• SINGLISH a Singaporean adaptation of the English language; a variety of English used in Sri Lanka ...2001 Singapore
SINGE - nouns
• SCAM a burn, singe, scorch, or the mark of such ...1808 Sc.
• SCAUM a burn, scorch; a mark caused by burning or singeing ...1813 Sc.
• SCOUDER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
• SCOUGE † a sharp singe or touch of burning ...1880 Sc.
• SCOUTHER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
• SCOWDER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOWTHER a burn, scorch, singe; a hasty toasting ...1773 Sc.
SINGE - verbs
• SCAM of cloth, skin, cakes, etc.: to burn slightly; to scorch, to singe with dry heat ...1746 Sc.
• SCAUM to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1838 Sc.
• SCOODER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCOUDER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOUTHER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCOWDER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SCOWTHER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc.
• SCRENT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SCRINT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SING to singe ...1543-5 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• SKOODER to burn, to scorch, to singe ...1810 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• SKRENT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
• SKRINT to burn; to scorch; to singe ...1825 Eng. dial.
SINGED - adjectives
• SWINGED singed ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
SINGLE - adjectives
• AFALD † single, singular, sole, only ...c1000
• LEPI single, one ...a1300 obs.
• OFOLD † single ...c1200.
• ONLEPY † only, sole, single ...c900
• SIMPLAR † single ...1610
• SIMPLE † single ...1340
• SINGULAR † separate, individual, single ...c1340
• UNAL single; that is one only; based on unity ...1883
• VARSAL * single, individual ...1765
• VERSAL † single; individual ...1709
SINGLE - nouns
• SIMPLE † a single thing ...1483
• SINGLETON a single thing, as distinct from a pair ...1892
• SINGULARITY † a single or separate thing or entity; a unit ...c1374
SINGLE-HANDED - adjectives
• AT SINGLE HAND † single-handed, unaided ...1607
SINGLE-MINDED - adjectives
• AEFALD single-minded, simple-hearted, honest, faithful ...1796 Sc.
• SINGLERTY † singleness ...a1300
• SINGLURE † singleness, uniqueness ...a1300
• SINGULARITY * the quality or fact of being one in number or kind; singleness, oneness ...1583
SINGLY - adverbs
• AFALDLY † singly, simply ...c1175 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• ODDLY † singly, solely, alone ...a1300
• ONE BY ONE LIKE JACKY LINGO'S SHEEP one after another, in single file ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• SUNDERLY † separately, apart; individually; singly ...c888
SINGULAR - adjectives
• AFALD † single, singular, sole, only ...c1000
• SINGLER † singular ...c1374
SINGULAR - verbs
• SINGULARIZE * to make singular or one; to individualize; to convert into the singular number ...1663
• ONLEPIHEDE † singleness, singularity ...1340
• ONLINESS * the fact or character of being the only one of its kind; singleness, singularity, uniqueness ...1633
• SINGULARNESS * the quality of being singular; singularity ...1530
• SINGULERTY † singularity ...1414
SINGULARLY - adverbs
• ONLY † singularly, uniquely, specially, pre-eminently ...c1000
• SINGLERLY † singularly ...c1400
• SUNDERLY †* singularly, specially ...c900
SINISTER - adjectives
• LEFT-HANDED ill-omened, inauspicious, sinister ...1609
SINISTER - nouns
• BAD MEDICINE something or someone sinister or ill-fated ... 1844 US West usage
• SINISTERITY † sinister character; perversity; dishonesty ...1647
SINISTER - nouns, person
• BAD MEDICINE something or someone sinister or ill-fated ... 1844 US West usage
SINISTERLY - adverbs
• AWKLY † in the wrong direction, backhanded or left-handed wise; hence, sinisterly, unluckily ...c1440
• SINISTRALLY † in a sinister manner; perversely; wrongly ...1548
SINK - nouns
• JAW-BOX a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• JAW-HOLE a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• JAW-TUB a kitchen sink with sides ...1880 Sc.
• LAVATRINE †* a square stone in a kitchen, with a hole to void water; a sink ...1623
SINK - verbs
• BESENCH † to cause to sink, to submerge, to plunge down, to overwhelm ...971
• BESINK † to sink, to fall down through any substance ...c893
• BOG DOWN to sink in or as in a bog ...Aust. sl.
• DECLINE † to come down, to fall, to descend, to sink ...a1400-50
• IMMERGE * to plunge or dip oneself in a liquid; to sink ...1706
• LAGGER to sink in soft, miry or muddy ground; to be encumbered by walking through mire, snow, or the like ...1710 Sc.
• LAIR to stick or sink in mire or bog; to become bogged; to stick fast in soft ground, mud, snow, or the like ...a1572
• LARE to stick or sink in mire or bog ...a1572
• QUAT †* to sink, to subside ...a1722
• SAB † to subside or sink; to sag ...18C Sc.
• SAD to make dense and compact; to compress, to press down, to solidify by hammering; to cause to sink or settle down ...1736 Sc.
• SILE † to fall or sink down ...a1400-50 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
• SUBSIDATE †* to sink in ...1653
SINKHOLE - nouns
• GOOSE NEST a sinkhole ...1904 Amer. dial.
SINKING - adjectives
• DECIDUOUS †* sinking, declining ...1791
SINKING - nouns
• IMMERGENCE the act of plunging or sinking into anything ...1859