DRUGS, GENERAL - adjectives
• AGAINST addicted to or under the influence of a drug, usually opium or heroin ...L19 sl.
• AMPED under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant, usually amphetamines or methamphetamine ...1972 US sl.
• AMPED OUT under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• AMPED UP under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• ANNIHILATED extremely drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1975 sl., orig. US college
• AROUND THE BEND alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Amer. sl.
• ATOMIC of a drug: very powerful ...1971 US sl.
• ATOP MT. SHASTA addicted to narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• BACKED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAD of liquor or drugs: strong, potent ...1955 Amer. sl.
• BAG-CHASING obsessed by obtaining narcotic drugs ...1970s sl.
• BASTED drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BELTED intoxicated with drugs or marijuana ...20C US sl.
• BESOTTED intoxicated or muddled by a narcotic ...1831
• BLASTED very drunk or high ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BLOCKED drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCKED UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCK UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLUNTED UP high on marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• BOGGY semi-delirious, as under the influence of drugs ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BOMBED in a drugged state ...1965 sl.
• BOMBED OUT in a drugged state ...1965 sl.
• BOXED drunk; also, drugged, high ...1947 Amer. sl.
• BURNED OUT 1. having to do with the ruined veins of an addict ...Bk1990 drugs sl,
2. no longer affected by a particular drug ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
• BURNT OUT 1. having to do with the ruined veins of an addict ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
2. no longer affected by a particular drug ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
• BUZZED intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...1952 Amer. sl.
• BUZZED OUT intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...c1970 Amer. sl.
• CABBAGE to be intoxicated by drugs or drink ...2000s sl.
• CABBAGED drunk or drugged...1990s sl.
• CAKED drug-intoxicated ...1994 US sl.
• CARPED drug-intoxicated ...1996 UK sl.
• CHARGED stupefied or drowsy as the result of having taken more narcotics than necessary to produce euphoria ...1938 US drugs sl.
• CHARGED UP under the effect of narcotics ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CHINESE drunk or high on drugs ...1980 Amer. campus sl.
• COOLED OUT under the influence of drugs, usually narcotics ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CRANKED high ...1950s Amer. sl.
• CRAZY drug intoxicated ...M20 US drug sl.
• DECKED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s US sl.
• DECKED OUT intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s US sl.
• DIRTY having illegal drugs on one's person or using illegal drugs habitually ...M20 US drugs sl.
• DOOM of drugs: very strong or powerful ...1960s US drugs sl.
• DOPED-OUT under the influence of dope, drugged ...sl.
• DOPED-UP under the influence of dope, drugged ...sl.
• DRUGGY relating to drugs or drug users ...1959 sl.
• EFFRENATE † of drugs: violent in action ...1657
• EFFRENOUS †* of drugs: violent in action ...1657
• FACED 1. stunned by the potency of a drug, usually cannabis ...1980s drugs sl
2. under the influence of MDMA (ecstasy) ...1998 US sl.
• FACE-FUCKED so intoxicated by drugs that one is incapable of controlling one's facial movements ...1990s drugs sl.
• FADED drug-intoxicated ...1980s US sl.
• FAR OUT drug-intoxicated ...1961 US sl.
• FAT well supplied with drugs ...1970s sl.
• FLOATING drug intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• FRIED drunk, or drug-intoxicated ...1923 US sl.
• FROM MOUNT SHASTA addicted to narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FUCKED intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US sl.
• FUCKED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US sl.
• GACKED overcome by drink or drugs ...1990s sl.
• GAGED drug-intoxicated ...1932 Us sl.
• GASSED describes a drug that is considered to be terrific or very enjoyable; used esp. of marijuana ...1946 US
• GEED-UP in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• GEEZED drug intoxicated ...E20 US Sl.
• GEEZED-UP drugs intoxicated ...E20 US sl.
• GONE drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1933 US sl.
• GONE UP drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1970 US sl.
• GOOFED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GOOFY suffering from narcotics withdrawal ...1910s US drugs sl.
• GWAFFED drug-intoxicated ...2003 S. Afr. sl.
• HIGH in a drugged state ...1932 sl.
• HOOKED addicted to drugs ...1922 Amer. sl.
• HOPPED intoxicated with narcotics, orig. with opium; now with any drugs including marijuana ...1924 US drugs sl.
• HOPPED-UP intoxicated with narcotics, orig. with opium; now with any drugs including marijuana ...1924 US drugs sl.
• HOPPY relating to drugs or drug users ...1942 US sl.
• HUNG UP of a drug addict who is unable to get drugs: depressed, let down, disappointed ...1948 US sl.
• IN LA-LA LAND out of touch with reality; drugged or drunk ...1985 US sl.
• IN THE OZONE in a dazed or drowsy state, such a state induced by drugs or drink ...1971 Amer. sl.
• JACKED under the influence of a drug, either narcotic or pharmaceutical, or of alcohol ...1930s US sl.
• JACKED UP under the influence of a drug, either narcotic or pharmaceutical, or of alcohol ...1930s US sl.
• JAGGED in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• JAGGED-UP in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• JAMMED experiencing a drug overdose ...1949 US sl.
• JAZZED UP intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...1919 Amer. sl.
• KEYED drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• KNOCKED-OUT drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LACED 1. of a drug: mixed or combined with something ...1970s sl.
2. drug-intoxicated, esp. marijuana-intoxicated ...1988 US drugs sl.
• LAID stupefied by drugs or alcohol; drunk ...1962 US Black sl.
• LAID-BACK drunk; high on drugs ...1972 US sl.
• LEAPING drug-intoxicated ...1925 US drugs sl.
• LIFTED intoxicated by alcohol or drugs ...1942 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT 1. intoxicated, esp. by drugs ...1737 Amer. sl.
2. unable to consume large quantities of drink and/or drugs ...1990s US sl.
• LOADED in a drugged state ...1923 US sl.
• MADE satisfactorily supplied or intoxicated with drugs, usually heroin ...1950s drugs sl.
• MAD OUT OF IT drunk or drug intoxicated ...2001 Ireland sl.
• MAINLINE pert. to narcotics use and addiction ...1950s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MEAN of drugs: ether very high or very poor in quality ...1980s drugs sl.
• MONOLITHIC extremely drug-intoxicated ...1971 US sl.
• MULLERED drunk; drug intoxicated ...2000 Brit. sl.
• NATCH free from the use of any artificial stimulants or narcotics ...1950s US Black sl.
• NEEDLE pert. to narcotics and their injection ...1950s drugs sl.
• NICE feeling well, happy, at one with the world, esp. as a result of taking drugs or drink ...1940s US Black sl.
• OFF happy, elated, enjoying the positive effects of drugs or drink ...1960s sl.
• OFF IT intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S BONCE intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S FACE under the influence of drink or drugs; drunk; drug-intoxicated ...1960s sl.
• OFF ONE'S HEAD intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S NUT in a state of drunkenness or drug intoxication ...1860 Brit. sl.
• OFF ONE'S ONION intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S THATCH intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF THE HOOK ceasing to take narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OFF YOUR CAKE confused; drug-intoxicated ...L20 sl.
• OIL-BURNING of a drug addiction: severe ...1972 US sl.
• ON 1. taking drugs ...1938 US sl.
2. drug-intoxicated ...1946 US sl.
• ON A BENDER bingeing on drugs ...1930s sl.
• ON A MISSION looking for and/or bingeing on drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• ON A TRIP under the influence of drugs ...1960s drugs sl.
• ON THE HOOK addicted to a drug; helplessly dependent upon ...1952 Amer. sl.
• ON THE MOJO well-supplied with drugs ...1946 Amer. drugs sl.
• ON THE NATCH free of drugs; leading a natural life as opposed to a life centred around chemicals ...1950s Amer. drugs sl.
• ON THE NEEDLE addicted to injecting drugs ...1955 sl., orig. US
• ON THE NOD in a drug-induced stupor; drowsy from taking narcotic drugs ...1942 drugs sl.
• ON THE SPIKE using or addicted to narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• ON THE STUFF on drugs ...1929 sl., orig. US
• OUT drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• OUT OF IT in a drugged state ...1963 sl., orig. US
• OUT OF ONE'S FACE out of one's right mind, esp. as a result of drug or alcohol intoxication; under the influence of drink or drugs ...1972 Amer. sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S NUT drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1999 Brit. sl.
• OZONED high on drugs ...a1979 Amer. sl.
• PALED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s Can. teen sl.
• PALED OUT intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s Can. teen sl.
• PARALYSED intoxicated by drugs ...20C sl.
• PARO extremely drunk or intoxicated by a drug ...2000s sl.
• PASTED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1950s US sl.
• PILLED under the influence of drugs taken in the form of pills ...drugs sl.
• PIPED in a drugged state ...1924 US sl.
• P.O.D. extremely intoxicated by a given drug, usually marijuana (Passed OverDose) ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• POLLUTED in a drugged state ...1938 sl., orig. US
• POPPED OUT intoxicated with a drug ...1940s sl.
• QUARKED OUT under the influence of drugs ...1999 US sl.
• RAGING of a party, a drug: wild, fantastic, very enjoyable ...1980s US campus & teen sl.
• RED intoxicated by drugs ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• RIPPED in a drugged state ...1971 sl., orig. US
• ROUND THE BEND alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Amer. sl.
• SHERMED drugs intoxicated ...1980s US Black & drugs sl.
• SHOT UP alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SHOT-AWAY alcohol or drug intoxicated...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SICK suffering the symptoms of withdrawal from a drug addiction ...1938 US sl. Concise Slang 2008
• SKANKED OUT intoxicated by a drug ...1990s US drugs sl.
• SKATING intoxicated with drugs or drink ...1950s sl.
• SKEED-UP intoxicated by drugs ...1990s US drugs sl.
• SKETCHED suffering paranoia due to the effects of hallucinogenic or other drugs, as cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKETCHED OUT suffering paranoia due to the effects of hallucinogenic or other drugs, as cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKIED under the influence of drugs ...1989 drugs sl.
• SMASHED in a drugged state ...1968 sl., orig. US
• SMEARED. drug-intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SMOKE-OUT under the influence of drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNAPPED-UP intoxicated with narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOWED under the influence of narcotic drugs ...sl.
• SNOWED IN intoxicated with narcotics ...1920s Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOWED-UNDER under the influence of any narcotic ...E20 US drugs sl.
• SNOWED UP under the influence of any narcotic ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SPACED OUT in a state of drug-induced euphoria; out of touch with reality; disoriented ...1968 sl., orig. US
• SPACEY in a drugged state ...1968 sl., chiefly US
• SPACY in a drugged state ...1968 sl., chiefly US
• STONED under the influence of drugs ...1953 drugs sl., orig. US
• STRAIGHT in a drugged state ...1946 US sl.
• STRUNG-OUT 1. addicted to drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. intoxicated with drugs ... 1959 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• SUPERCHARGED intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SWITCHED ON drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• TACKED drunk or drug-intoxicated ...2004 US sl.
• TIGHTER THAN A DUCK'S ARSE very drunk or drug-intoxicated ...2002 UK sl.
• TRACKED UP scarred from regular intravenous drug injections ...1971 US drugs sl.
• TRIPPED-OUT in a drugged state, esp. said of someone under the influence of LSD ...1973 sl., orig. US
• TRIPPY having a hallucinatory experience induced by a drug, esp. LSD ...1969 sl.
• UNCUT of drugs: pure, unadulterated ...1930s sl.
• UNDER intoxicated with narcotics ...20C drugs sl.
• UP pert. to the state of one who has consumed or abused drugs, esp. amphetamines; intoxicated by a drug ...1940s sl.
• UP AGAINST addicted to drugs ...1930s US prison sl.
• UP IN THE AIR drug intoxicated ...1930s US drugs sl.
• UP ON intoxicated by a drug ...1940s sl.
• VEGETABLE very drunk or intoxicated with drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• VEGGED heavily intoxicated by drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• VEGGED OUT heavily intoxicated by drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• WAKE-UP used of an addictive substance taken upon waking up ...1981 US sl.
• WANKED having consumed a large quantity of alcohol or drugs ...1990s sl.
• WANKERED having consumed a large quantity of alcohol or drugs ...1990s sl.
• WASTED in a drugged state ...1968 sl,. orig. US
• WHACKED OUT in a drugged state ...1975 US sl.
• WIPED drug or alcohol intoxicated ...20C US sl.
• WIPED-OUT drug or alcohol intoxicated ...20C US sl.
• WIRED drug or alcohol intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• WIRED-UP drug or alcohol intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• WRECKED intoxicated with or addicted to narcotics ...1968 Amer. drugs sl.
• ZIPPY containing amphetamine or a similar stimulant ...1990s drugs sl.
• ZONED intoxicated by a given drug ...1970s US sl.
• ZONED OUT drunk or intoxicated by a given drug ...1970s US sl.
• ZONKED in a drugged state ...1959 sl.
• ZONKED OUT in a drugged state ...1959 sl.
• ZONKERS drunk or intoxicated by a given drug ...1950s sl.
• ZOOED highly intoxicated by a drug ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZOOTED under the influence of drink or drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• ZOOTED UP under the influence of drink or drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• ZORCHED experiencing the effects of an excess of drink or drugs ...1970s sl.
DRUGS - adverbs
• ANYWHERE in possession of drugs ...1946 US sl.
• MAINLINE into a large or median vein ...1952 Amer. sl.
DRUGS - prepositions
• BEHIND of a drug: under the influence of ...1967 US sl.
• AB an abscess, esp. as a result of injecting drugs ...1930s US sl.
• ABANDOMINIUMS abandoned apartments or houses where addicts use drugs ... Amer. sl.
• ABBOTT a capsule of pentobarbital sodium, a central nervous system depressant ...1971 US sl.
• ABE $5 worth of drugs ...1950s US drugs sl.
• ACE 1. a single item of several; a single cannabis cigarette, a pill, etc. ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. 1/8 oz of a drug ...1989 US sl.
• ACID HOUSE 1. a kind of popular synthesized dance music with a fast repetitive beat, popular in the 1980s and associated with the taking of drugs such as Ecstasy ...1980s sl.
2. a youth cult that had its beginnings in the 1980s, which mainly involves getting our of your nut on drugs and leaping up and down to loud synthetic noises known as house music ...Brit. sl.
• ACID HOUSE PARTY an illegal party, often held in a large building such as a warehouse, and often outside the big cities, where thousands of young people pay for their entertainment and allegedly consume MDMA and other illegal drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• ACTION 1. the current availability of drugs and the best place to obtain them ...1960s drugs sl.
2. the effects of a drug ...1960s sl.
3. acts of crime; commerce in drugs; illegal activity ...Bk2000 Amer, criminal sl.
• AGONIES the pain of withdrawal from narcotic drug use ...1970s drugs sl.
• AMP an ampoule (a glass vessel of drugs intended for hypodermic injection) ...1968 UK sl.
• ARM CANDY recreational drugs that are injected into the arm ...2002 UK sl.
• ARTILLERY 1. the equipment needed to inject a drug ...1915 US sl.
2. a hypodermic needle ...c1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• ASS CACHE a supply of drugs hidden in the rectum ...1992 US sl.
• ASSKASH a supply of narcotics, concealed in the rectum, usually in a metal container ...1950s US drugs sl.
• A TRAIN any central nervous depressant ...1975 US drugs sl.
• ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT a high on drugs or alcohol ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BABANIA drugs in general; heroin ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BABONYA drugs in general; heroin ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BABY DOLL any central nervous system stimulant ...1955 US sl.
• BABY HABIT the irregular, unaddicted use of a drug ...1992 US drugs sl.
• BACK DOOR the residue left in a pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• BACKWARDS any central nervous system depressant ...1966 US drugs sl.
• BACKWASHING after injecting a drug, the drawing of blood back into the syringe, with the intention of collecting any drug residue, and reinjecting the resultant mix ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BAD GO a small amount of a drug relative to the price paid ...1971 US drugs sl.
• BAD SHIT high quality drugs, esp. marijuana ...1996 prison sl.
• BAD TRIP a bad experience with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAG a small packet, typically an envelope or folded paper, containing heroin, marijuana, or the like ...1952 Amer. sl.
• BALL a small package of morphine or an other narcotic, as used by an addict ...1912 US drugs sl.
• BAM a central nervous system depressant ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BANG 1. an injection of a narcotic ...1922 US sl.
2. the sudden effect of a drug ...1948 US sl.
3. narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BANG ROOM a room where drugs are used ...E20 US drugs sl.
• BELLY HABIT pains in the stomach that may accompany withdrawal from continued heroin use...1940s drugs sl.
• BELT the 'charge' from narcotics or from a marijuana cigarette ...20C US drugs sl.
• BEND an experience created by a hallucinogenic drug ...1960s sl.
• BENDER a drug party ...1960s drugs sl.
• BINDLE a package containing narcotic drugs ...1921 sl.
• BIZ(Z) 1. the syringe and other equipment used by intravenous drug users ...1949 US sl.
2. a small amount of a drug ...1971 US sl.
• BLAST a draw on a marijuana cigarette or an injection of a narcotic drug ...Bk1994 Amer. sl.
• BLISS any drug that is smoked, esp. a mixture of heroin, methamphetamine, and MDMA ...1996 US sl.
• BLUNT a blunted capsule containing secobarbital compound ...1980s US Black sl.
• BONECRUSHERS the very painful symptoms of withdrawal from drug addiction ...1990 US sl.
• BONEROO high quality of drugs ...1992 US sl.
• BONG a kind of water pipe for smoking marijuana or other drugs ...L20
• BOW-SOW narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• BROMO a dose of a sedative drug containing a bromide mixture ...1916 drugs sl.
• BUG JUICE a sedative or other drug in liquid form ...1942 Amer. sl.
• BUM TRIP a bad drug experience ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• BUMMER an unpleasant experience induced by a hallucinogenic drug ...1966 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• BURN the charge or 'rush' after the injection of a drug into a vein ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• CACA drugs ...1995 US sl.
• CAD 1 oz of a narcotic ...1930s drugs sl.
• CADILLAC 1. one ounce packet of a powdered drug ...1930s US drugs sl.
2. any powdered, thus usually narcotic, drug ...1950s US drugs sl.
• CAKE drugs smuggled into a prison or hospital ...1950s US drugs & prison sl.
• CALIFORNIA TURNAROUND any powerful central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CALL the immediate response to an injection of a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• CALLING CARD needle marks on a drug user's arm ...1971 US sl.
• CAN one ounce of an illicit drug, esp. marijuana ...1933 US drugs sl.
• CANDY any drug, esp. in capsule form ...1960s drugs sl.
• CAP a capsule containing a narcotic, usually heroin ...1920s drugs sl.
• CARRY a consignment or substantial quantity of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS any central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CARTWHEEL a feigned drug withdrawal spasm ...1936 US drugs sl.
• CHARGE a dose or injection of a narcotic ...1925 US sl.
• CHECK a small package, esp. of contraband or narcotics ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHIEF a hallucinogenic drug, esp. LSD or mescaline ...1960s drugs sl.
• CHINAMAN (now usually offensive) an addiction to an opiate; the withdrawal symptoms associated with such an addiction ...1948 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPIE mild narcotics ...20C US sl.
• CHIPPY 1. mild narcotics ...20C US sl.
2. a mild addiction to heroin or a similar drug ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
• COCKTAIL any mixture of drugs ...2002 Can. sl.
• COLD TURKEY the sudden completely giving up of an addictive drug, esp. as a method of withdrawal ...1921 sl., orig. US
• CONTACT HIGH a seeming intoxication induced by being with persons who are intoxicated with narcotics ...1950s Amer. drugs sl.
• CURE, THE n. treatment for drug addiction ...1953 US sl.
• D narcotics ...1976 US sl.
• DADAH illegal drugs ...20C Aust. sl. (Malay)
• DA KINE anything good, as food, drugs, liquor ...1960s US sl.
• DA LAND getting intoxicated on a drug while sitting in a car with the windows rolled up, thus intensifying the effects of the ambient smoke ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• DART a hypodermic syringe ...2000s US drugs sl.
• DEAL a purchase or sale of drugs, esp. cannabis ...1910s drugs sl.
• DEALER'S BAND an elastic band used by a drug dealer to secure or facilitate the jettisoning of drugs for sale ...1966 US sl.
• DEBS depressants, tranquillizers, barbiturates ...1970s US drugs sl.
• DECK a package containing narcotic drugs; a package of heroin ...1916 US sl.
• DIME BAG a packet of drugs sold for ten dollars ...1970 US drugs sl.
• DIME PAPER ten dollars worth of a powdered drug, esp. heroin ...1972 US drugs sl.
• DINGUS an eye-dropper used in makeshift drug-injection equipment ...1979 US drugs sl.
• DIP an injection of a narcotic ...1959 US sl.
• DITCH the inside of the elbow, used for injections of narcotics ...1960s drugs sl.
• DOPE 1. any narcotic or narcotic-like drug taken to induce euphoria or satisfy addiction ...1889 sl.
2. any illicit drug ...L19 sl.
• DOWN TRIP a frightening, dismaying, or unpleasant hallucinatory experienced induced by LSD or a similar drug ...1968 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWNER 1. a depressant drug; a barbiturate ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
2. a somnolent drug-induced state ...1967 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWNIE a barbiturate or other depressant drug ...1966 Amer. drugs sl.
• DRIVE a state or feeling of excitement; a thrill; exhilaration rising from the use of narcotics ...1921 US sl.
• DRY GROG narcotics; a nonalcoholic source of a 'high' ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• DUDS fake drugs ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• DUFFY a spasm feigned by a drug addict in the hope of eliciting sympathy from a physician ...1973 US drugs sl.
• EMERGENCY GUN any makeshift instrument used to inject when one does not have a syringe ...1930s drugs sl.
• F-40 an orange-coloured 100 mg capsule of secobarbital sodium (Seconal™), a central nervous system depressant ...1977 US sl.
• FACTORY 1. a place where drugs are packaged, diluted or manufactured ...1930s drugs sl.
2. the kit used by a narcotics addict for injections ...1930s drugs sl.
• FAKE 1. a medicine dropper used by an intravenous drug user to inject the drug ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. any form of substitute for a hypodermic syringe ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FAKE-A-LOO 1. a drug addict's medicine dropper ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
2. any form of substitute for a hypodermic syringe ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FAKUS a medicine dropper used by an intravenous drug user to inject the drug ...1973 US drugs sl.
• FAIRY POWDER any form of powdered narcotic ...1950s drugs sl.
• FAMINE a lack of availability of an addictive drug ...1992 US drugs sl.
• FAST LIFE the worlds of gambling, drug-dealing, prostitution, etc. ...1960s US sl.
• FAT ARM a serious narcotics addiction ...1960s drugs sl.
• FIX a dose of a narcotic ...1936 sl.
• FIX-UP a dose of a narcotic ...1934 sl. -AYT Oxf Sl Ayto 1998
• FLASH the brief pleasurable sensation obtained by injecting a narcotic drug ...1946 sl., orig. US
• FLYING a state of drug intoxication ...M20 US drugs sl.
• FOOLISH POWDER heroin; cocaine; any powdered drug ...1930 US sl.
• FREAK HOUSE an abandoned building used as a temporary residence for drug addicts who have been evicted from their own dwelling ...1995 US sl.
• FREAK-OUT a temporary loss of sanity and control while under the influence of a psychoactive drug ...1966 UK sl.
• FUZZ a drug high ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• GABBER any central nervous system stimulant ...1987 US sl.
• GAG narcotic drug addiction ...1900s US drugs sl.
• GAME, THE. drug-dealing ...1950s US Black sl.
• GANGSTER PILL any barbiturate or other central nervous system depressant ...1994 US sl.
• GANK a substance sold as an illegal drug that is actually fake ...1994 US sl.
• GATE a vein into which a drug is injected ...1986 US sl.
• GEEZER a shot of narcotics ...E20 US sl.
• GOLDEN CRESCENT an area in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan where heroin is produced ...1992 US sl.
• GOOF BALL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOFER a barbiturate capsule or tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GOOF PILL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOFY a barbiturate ...1950s drugs sl.
• G-SHOT a small dose of drugs used to hold off withdrawal symptoms until a full dose can be taken ...1950s drugs sl.
• GUN a hypodermic needle ...1899 Amer. drugs sl.
• GUNK glue sniffed as a recreational drug ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GUTTER a vein, esp. a prominent one suitable for drug injection ...1930s US sl.
• H a hypodermic syringe ...1950s sl.
• HABIT 1. an addiction to any drug ...1881 UK sl.
2. withdrawal symptoms ...1920s drugs sl.
• HALF 1/2 oz of a drug ...1940s drugs sl.
• HAPPY DUST any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY POWDER any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY STUFF any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HARD STUFF strong and addictive drugs; spec., heroin and morphine ...M20 US drugs
• HASH any drugs, including marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HEAD a drug-induced state ...1952 Amer. drugs sl.
• HEADFUCKER a powerful and disorienting drug ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HEAT a drug-induced state of intoxication ...1912 US sl.
• HEAVIES hard or 'heavy' drugs; potent or illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HIGH a drug-induced euphoria ...1953 sl.
• HIT a dose of narcotic; the act of obtaining or giving such a dose ...1951 sl., orig. US
• HITCH a scar resulting from repeated hypodermic injections ...1953 Amer. sl.
• HITTING UP injecting drugs ...1940s drugs sl.
• HOOK a drug addiction ...1954 Amer. drugs sl.
• HOP any drug or narcotics, including marijuana ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HORRORS, THE delirium tremens; hence, in narcotic usage, withdrawal sickness ...1839 Amer. sl.
• HUSTLING the practice of dealing drugs ...2000 UK sl.
• HYP a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• HYPE a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• HYPO a hypodermic needle ...1904 drugs sl., orig. US
• ICE-CREAM HABIT the irregular use of an otherwise addictive drug ...1930s drugs sl.
• JAB an injection ...1914 sl., orig. US drug users'
• JABOFF an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JABPOPP an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JABPOPPO an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JAG drug intoxication ...E20 US drugs sl.
• JOINT hypodermic equipment used by drug addicts ...1935 drugs sl.
• JOLT 1. a measure of a drug as taken by a user, esp. an injection of a narcotic ...1916 drugs sl., chiefly US
2. the effects of a drug or alcohol; a kick ...1920s US sl.
• JUG a glass ampoule holding liquid drugs ...1971 US sl.
• JUICE a powered narcotic dissolved for injection ...1962 US sl.
• JUNK a narcotic drug; often specifically heroin ...1925 sl., orig. US
• K 1. a kilogram of any illicit drug ...1970s drugs sl.
2. ketamine hydrochloride, a mildly hallucinogenic drug, developed as a battlefield anaesthetic, associated chemically with phencyclidine, and often used as a legal substitute for MDMA ...1980s drugs sl.
• KEY a kilogram of a drug ...1968 US sl.
• KICK a thrill from drugs or alcohol; a thrill of any type ...20C sl.
• KICK PARTY a party where LSD or some other drug is used ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK-SICK the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• KIESTER STASH the rectum as a place for concealing illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LANCE a hypodermic needle ...1952 US drugs sl.
• LAUNCHING PAD a room, flat, or house where drug addicts can go to inject ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LAYOUT the syringe, cotton, etc. required for injecting a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• LEAF n. drugs in general ...1930s sl.
• LEAF GUM narcotics ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• LEAPER any central nervous system stimulant, esp. amphetamine ...1961 US drugs sl.
• LEMON weak or second-rate narcotics; a diluted or poor quality drug, esp. poor heroin ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LEMONADE weak or second-rate narcotics; a diluted or poor quality drug, esp. poor heroin ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LIFE drug addiction as a way of life ...1967 Amer. drugs sl.
• LIFT 1. a pill containing a stimulant; amphetamine ...1968 Amer. sl.
2.a strong stimulant effect from alcohol or drugs ...1942 Amer. sl.
• LIFT PILL a pill containing a stimulant; amphetamine ...1968 Amer. sl.
• LINE 1. a vein, esp. in the context of injecting drugs ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. a dose of cocaine or other powdered drug taken by inhalation ...1980 sl., orig. US
• LOW a period of intense depression or discomfort, when the effects of a drug have subsided ...sl.
• LUDE a drug taking to relieve anxiety ...sl.
• LUER a glass syringe with a slip-on needle and a solid plunger ...1973 US drugs sl.
• MACHINE a hypodermic syringe; broadly, all equipment necessary for the injection of narcotics ...1937 Amer. drugs sl.
• MACHINE GUN a syringe used for injecting an illegal drug ...1978 UK sl.
• MACHINERY all equipment necessary for the injection of narcotics ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
• MADMAN a notably strong variety of a given drug. e.g. heroin ...1970s drugs sl.
• MAGIC a psilocybe mushrom, a hallucinogen somewhat milder than LSD; usually used in the plural ...1960s drugs sl.
• MAGIC MUSHROOM 1. a psilocybe mushrom, a hallucinogen somewhat milder than LSD; usually used in the plural ...1960s drugs sl.
2. peyote ...1970s drugs sl.
• MAHOSKA, THE anything illicit or necessarily secret; addictive drugs ...1943 Amer. sl.
• MAHOSKER, THE anything illicit or necessarily secret; addictive drugs ...1943 Amer. sl.
• MAIN the vein into which an addict injects narcotics ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAIN KICK an addiction to drugs ...1930s US Black sl.
• MAINLINE 1.a large vein, usually the median vein of the arm or thigh; hence, an injection of a narcotic drug into such a vein ...1931 Amer. drugs sl.
2. narcotics; narcotics addiction ...1950s drugs sl.
• MAINLINE BANG an injection into the vein ...1940s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINER the vein into which an addict injects narcotics ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAIN THRILL one's drug of choice ...1930s US Black sl.
• MAKE a dose of a drug ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• M AND MS barbiturates, amphetamines, drugs available as pills ...1960s sl., orig US drugs
• MARKS the signs of narcotic injections ...1930s drugs sl.
• MCCOY medicinal drugs, pure narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• MELLOW YELLOW banana peel used as an intoxicant ...1967 US drugs sl.
• MICHAEL a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1942 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY FINN a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY FLYNN a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY MOUSE HABIT a trivial drug habit ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• MIGHTY JOE YOUNG 1. a depressant ...1960s drugs sl.
2. an extremely heavy narcotics addiction ...1960s drugs sl.
• MIL a milligram, usually of a drug ...1990s sl.
• MIND-BLOWER a hallucinant drug ...c1971 sl.
• MISS CARRIE a quantity of drugs carried on one's person ...1960s drugs sl.
• MISSION a search for drugs, esp. for cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIX an environment in which drugs are involved ...2000s sl.
• MONK addiction to a drug, usually heroin ...1960s US sl.
• MONKEY an addiction, esp. to heroin ...1949 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY BAIT free samples of addictive drugs ...1950s drugs sl.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK an addiction to narcotic drugs, esp. heroin ...1860
• MONKEY ON ONE'S SHOULDER drug addiction, esp. to heroin ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MONSTER any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• MOOCH narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOUNTAIN CLIMBER a feeling of intoxication produced by drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• N narcotics ...1980s US drugs sl.
• NARCO a narcotic drug ...1955 US sl.
• NARCOMANIA an uncontrollable craving for narcotic drugs ...1888
• NASTIES drugs of any variety ...1980s drugs sl.
• NATCH TRIPS 'highs' induced by smoking the skins of or drinking the broth from banana, nutmeg, mace, cinnamons, peanut shells, peppers, or wild rice ...1960s US Black sl.
• NEEDLE a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• NEEDLE, THE addiction to injected drugs ...1955 sl., orig. US
• NEEDLE-CANDY a narcotic which is injected ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NICKEL BAG $5 worth of drugs, the quantity varies as to the drug, more marijuana, less heroin ...1967 drugs sl.
• NIGHTCAP the last portion of a drug prior to bed ...1950s sl.
• NOCKS narcotics ...20C US sl.
• NOD a drug-induced stupor ...1936 Amer. drugs sl.
• NOSEBAG a plastic bag used for solvent abuse ...1996 UK sl.
• NOSEFULL a strong dose of a powdered drug that is snorted ...1980 US sl.
• NOSE HABIT drug addiction or use; the practice or habit of sniffing drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NOSE POWDER any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE STUFF or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• O an ounce of a narcotic ...1930s US drugs sl.
• O.A. an overdose; specifically of Methedrine ...1970s drugs sl.
• OD a drug overdose ...1959 US sl.
• OH an ounce of a narcotic ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OIL BURNER a serious drug addiction ...1938 US sl.
• OIL-BURNING HABIT a ravenous appetite for drugs ...1938 Amer. sl.
• OINT-JAY the equipment used for injecting a narcotic ...1930s drugs back-slang for 'joint'
• OLD LADY WHITE powdered narcotic ...1920s US drugs sl.
• OLD STEVE any form of narcotic in powder form ...1930s drugs sl.
• O.Z. an ounce of narcotics ...1933 US drugs sl.
• OUTFIT the apparatus with which a drug addict takes drugs ...1951 drugs sl.
• PACK a package of illegal drugs, esp. heroin ...1952 US sl.
• PACKAGE a supply of a given drug ...1930s US drugs sl.
• PACKET a package of illegal drugs, esp. heroin ...1952 US sl.
• PAMPHLET one ounce of a drug ...1976 US drugs sl.
• PANIC a period when drugs are hard to purchase ...1910s drugs sl.
• PAPER a sheet of paper impregnated with a drug in solution or any other form of smuggling drugs into prison ...1920s US drugs sl.
• PARCEL a bulk consignment of drugs ...2000s sl.
• PARTY FAVORS drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• PEP-PILL a stimulant drug ...1937 sl., orig. US
• PETER a knock-out drug ...1899 US sl.
• PIECE an ounce of a drug, esp. morphine or heroin ...1935 US sl.
• PIGGYBACK 1. the occupation by a dealer of several floors in a building; when one is raided others are still available ...1980s sl.
2. the simultaneous injection of 2 drugs ...2000s US drugs
• POP an injection of a narcotic drug ...1935 sl.
• POPPER an injection ...1930s drugs sl.
• QUARRY CURE a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUART 1/4 oz (7g) or 1/4g of a given drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• QUARTER 1. a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
2. $25 of a given drug ...1980s drugs sl.
3. a quarter of a kilo of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• QUARTER HOUSE 1. a place where drug users can obtain a 1/4 oz (7g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
2. a place where mid-level heroin dealers do business ...1978 US sl.
• QUARTER PAPER $25 worth of a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• QUARTER PIECE 1/4 oz (7g) of drugs ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUARTER SACK $25 of a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• QUID DEAL a drug sale involving one pound's worth of drugs, usually marijuana ...1983 UK sl.
• QUILL 1. a folded over matchbook cover that hides a narcotic drug ...1910s sl.
2. anything used to snort powdered drugs; the drugs themselves ...1935 US sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLIE any narcotic drug ...1936 drugs sl.
• RAIL a line of cocaine or other powdered drug laid out for snorting ...1984 US sl.
• RAILROAD TRACKS the scars that accompany repeated injections of narcotics into one's veins ...1970s drugs sl.
• RAINBOWS any form of pill in a coloured jacket; usually the barbiturates Amytal and Seconal which have red-and-blue capsules ...1960s drugs sl.
• RASPBERRY an abscessed injection site ...1960s drugs sl.
• READER a drug prescription ...1980s drugs sl.
• ROCKPILE CURE a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SACH paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SACHT paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SACK a bag of drugs, usually marijuana or crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SAFETY a safety pin used for an improvised injection of an illegal drug ...1952 US sl.
• SALAD a mixture of two or more drugs ...1970 US sl.
• SATAN'S SCENT any inhalant ...1980s drugs sl.
• SATAN'S SECRET any inhalant ...1980s drugs sl.
• SATCH paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SATCH COTTON fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection; the cotton may be boiled later and the drug residue used ...1960s drugs sl.
• SATURDAY NIGHT HABIT an occasional use of narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SAUCE a narcotic drug; narcotic drugs ...1953 sl., orig. US
• SCAM a large-scale plan to smuggle and distribute illegal drugs ...1970s sl.
• SCARS the scars left from continuous injections of narcotics ...1940s US Black sl.
• SCHMECK a narcotic drug ...1932 sl., chiefly US
• SCHMECKEN drugs ...1940s Brit. sl.
• SCHMECKER drugs ...1940s Brit. sl.
• SCORE DOUGH money set aside or offered for a purchase of drugs ...1930s drugs sl.
• SCORE MONEY money set aside or offered for a purchase of drugs ...1930s drugs sl.
• SCRIP a prescription for narcotics ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRIPT a prescription for narcotic drugs ...1951 sl., orig. US
• SHOOTING GALLERY a place where illegal drugs can be obtained and injected ...1951 US sl.
• SHOT IN THE ARM an injection of narcotics ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• SICK the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• SICKNESS the range of symptoms experienced when a drug addict is deprived of the drug ...1987 US sl.
• SILK AND SATIN any combination of amphetamines and barbiturates or tranquillizers ...1970s drugs sl.
• SILLY DUST a powdered drug ...2003 UK sl.
• SILVER BIKE a metal syringe ...1970 US drug addicts' usage
• SILVER LADY a hypodermic needle and syringe ...1993 US drugs sl.
• SIZZLE an illegal drug ...1969 US sl.
• SKETCHING coming down from a drug-induced high ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKID DROP a large load of drugs dropped from the air by means of a cargo skid attached to a parachute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKIN a thin paper used to roll marijuana or tobacco cigarettes ...1969 US sl.
• SKINGRAFT an intramuscular injection of a drug ...1968 US drugs sl.
• SKIN HABIT a drug addiction based on intramuscular, not intravenous, injections ...1972 US sl.
• SKIN POP an injection of a drug into the skin or muscle, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-POPPING shooting drugs; injecting narcotics subcutaneously, not into a vein ...1973 US drugs sl.
• SKOP a thrill; a kick from a drink or drug ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• SLANGING selling drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEEPER a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE the taking of a narcotic drug, esp. cocaine; the euphoria resulting from taking a narcotic drug ...1925 US sl.
• SLOWS, THE moving slowly while high on narcotics ...1980s US Black sl.
• SLUM DUMP anywhere that users take narcotics ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SMACK a hard drug, esp. heroin ...1942 sl., orig. US
• SNIFF 1. drugs in general; a dose of drugs ...M20 US drugs
2. any solvent that can be inhaled for its psychoactive effect ...1974 US sl.
• SNIFFINGS any industrial solvent that is inhaled for its psychoactive effect ...1984 US sl.
• SNOOD a dose of a drug ...1900s sl.
• SNOODGE a dose of a drug ...1900s sl.
• SNORT 1. a dose of narcotic for inhaling ...1951 Amer. drugs sl.
2. an instance of snorting a drug ...sl.
• SNOT BALLS rubber cement rolled into balls and burned ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW n. cocaine; any powdered drug ...1914 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-STORM a large amount of cocaine or other powdered drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SOFTBALLS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SOPERS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEAR a hypodermic needle ...1961 US drugs sl.
• SPEEDING the taking of or experiencing amphetamine or a similar 'go-faster' drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• SPIKE 1. a hypodermic needle ...1934 drugs sl., orig. US
2. the act of injecting a narcotic drug ...1940s drugs sl.
3. an injection, or the drug injected ...1953 drugs sl., orig. US
• SPOON a spoon used for heating drugs which are to be injected ...M20 US drugs sl.
• STASH a place to hide drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STASH AREAS drug storage and distribution areas ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEEL AND CONCRETE CURE the sudden and complete deprivation of drugs to a jailed drug addict, who suffers intensely ...1950 US sl.
• STING a narcotic drug; a drug injected into a racehorse ...1949 Aust. sl.
• STOPPERS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STUFF a narcotic drug ...1929 sl., orig. US
• STUMBLE BUMBLE any powerful narcotic ...1970s US Black sl.
• TAB a tablet or pill containing an illegal drug; often specifically LSD ...1961 sl.
• TACKLE drugs ...2000s sl.
• TAIL the long-term effect of a drug, as opposed to the initial 'rush' ...1990s drugs sl.
• TEN CENTS a ten-dollar packet of narcotics ...1960s Amer. drugs sl.
• TERPS elixir of terpin hydrate with codeine, a cough syrup prized as a narcotic ...1970s Amer. drugs sl.
• TIN a small quantity of an illicit drug, esp. from two to five grams of cocaine usually sold in a small plastic bag, a glassine envelope, or often a small tin container ...sl.
• TOOT any drug for snorting, esp. cocaine ...sl.
• TORPEDO a capsule or table of a narcotic drug ...1971 drugs sl.
• TRACKS bruises, punctures, and sores visible on the skin of an intravenous drug user ...1964 US drugs sl.
• TRAILS while under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen: sequences of repeating after-images trailing a moving object ...1999 US drugs sl.
• TRAIN in prison: drugs ...1982 US sl.
• TRAP a hiding place for illegal drugs ...1967 US drugs sl.
• TRAP DOOR a scab under which a drug addict injects drugs ...1992 US drugs sl.
• TRAY a $3 bag of a narcotic drug ...1967 US sl.
• TREY a $3 bag of a narcotic drug ...167 US sl.
• TRIP a hallucinatory experience induced by a drug, esp. LSD ...1959 sl., orig. US
• TURN-ON a drug taker's state of intoxication ...1969 sl.
• TWENTY-CENT BAG twenty dollars’ worth of a drug ...1972 US sl.
• TWISTER 1. a spasm experienced by a drug taker as a withdrawal symptom ...1936 US sl.
2. an intravenous injection of a mixture of drugs ...1938 US sl.
• VALLEY the antecubital vein at the inside of the elbow, a prime site for intravenous drug injections ...1970 US sl.
• VEIN SHOT an injection of narcotics directly into a vein ...1930s US drugs sl.
• VERIFICATION SHOT the drawing of blood back into the syringe to make sure that one has hit a vein ...1930s US drugs sl.
• VIG OUNCE 1 oz (28g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
• WAD a rag saturated with glue or any volatile solvent that is inhaled for the intoxicating effect ...1970 US sl.
• WAGON abstention from drug use ...1997 UK sl.
• WAKE-UP 1. a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
2. a stimulant drug ...1969 drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP BOOST a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP HIT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP PILL a stimulant drug ...1969 drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP SHOT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WEIGHT a measure of an illegal drug ...1971 sl.
• WHITE MERCHANDISE morphine and other powdered narcotics ...20C US drugs sl.
• WINGDING a drug addict's real or feigned seizure ...1927 US sl.
• WITCH, THE any powdered drug: cocaine, heroin, etc. ...1949 US drugs sl.
• WORKS the devices used for injecting narcotics; drug paraphernalia ...1934 Amer. drugs sl.
• WORKS, THE all the equipment needed for injecting drugs: syringe, spoon, etc. ...L20 drugs sl., orig. US
• WRAP a very small quantity of a drug wrapped in paper or foil ...1996 Brit. sl.
• WRITING a narcotics prescription ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WYAMINE a Benzedrine™ inhaler, valued by amphetamine users ...1967 US drugs sl.
• XYZ an infected lesion that results from injecting with an improvised syringe ...1950s drugs sl.
• Z one ounce of narcotic or marijuana ...20C US drugs sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - nouns, person
• ACID CASUALTY one whose brain is deemed to have suffered from an excess of hallucinogens ...1960s sl.
• A.D. a Drug Addict ...1930s US drug sl.
• ADD a Drug Addict ...1930s US drug sl.
• AIREDALE one who runs errands for bootleggers or drug sellers ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• ALL STAR a drug user who abuses many different drugs ...1992 US sl,
• ARTILLERY one who is addicted to the injection of narcotics ...1915 US drugs sl.
• ARTILLERY MAN a drug addict who injects narcotics directly into a vein; one who shoots drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BABYSITTER someone who hides drugs temporarily during importation from one country or area to another ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BACK-DOOR ARTIST a drug addict who preys on fellow addicts for money or drugs ...1940s US Black & drugs sl.
• BAG DUDE a drug dealer ...1970s US Black sl.
• BAG LADY a female narcotics pusher ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAGMAN a man who sells narcotics, esp. heroin ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
• BALLER a drug dealer, usually of crack cocaine ...2001 US sl.
• BANGSTER one who injects drugs ...E20 US drugs sl.
• BEEPER BOY a drug dealer ...1980s US sl.
• BIG MAN a drug supplier ...20C drugs sl.
• BOTTLE DEALER a drug dealer who sells pills in large quantities ...1971 US sl.
• BURNOUT a person who is ruined by drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• CABALLO a person who smuggles drugs into a prison ...1992 US sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD one who will try any drug ...2000s US drugs sl.
• CADET 1. a new drug user ...1949 US sl.
2. a heavy user of drugs, esp. cannabis or hallucinogens, who is, thus, continually 'flying' ...1970s drugs sl.
• CANDYMAN a seller of illicit drugs, esp. in capsule form ...1969 US drugs sl.
• CAPPER. in a drug-selling enterprise: a person who fills capsules with a drug ...1958 US sl.
• CARPET WALKER a drug addict ...1971 US sl.
• CHAMP a drug user who refuses to reveal their sources to the police ...1960s drugs sl.
• CHIPPIE a person who uses strong drugs only occasionally ...1924 US drugs sl.
• CHIPPY a person who uses strong drugs only occasionally ...1924 US drugs sl.
• CHIPPY-USER one who uses narcotics moderately ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• CLEAN applied to a person free from or cured of addiction to drugs ...1953 sl.
• CONNECTION a seller of narcotics; a person who can get drugs ...1925 Amer. drugs sl.
• CONNEXION a supplier of drugs ...1927 sl., orig. US
• CONVERT a newly addicted drug addict ...1949 US sl.
• CREEP a drug addict who relies on the kindness of other addicts for small amounts of drugs ...1971 US sl.
• D.A. a drug addict ...1930s US sl.
• D-BOY a drug dealer ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• DEAL a drug seller, often in his wholesale role, as opposed to the less important 'pusher' ...1920s drugs sl.
• DEALER a drug seller, often in his wholesale role, as opposed to the less important 'pusher' ...1920s drugs sl.
• DICK SMITH a drug user or addict who does not socialize with others users ...1876 US sl.
• DIP a drug addict ...20C US sl.
• DOPE a drug taker or addict ...1899 US sl.
• DOPE ADDICT a drug addict ...1930 sl.
• DOPE FIEND a drug addict ...1890 sl.
• DOPEHEAD a drug addict ...sl.
• DOPENIK a drug addict ...M20 US sl.
• DOPER 1. a drug addict ...1910 sl.
2. a pusher ...1910 sl.
• DOPESTER someone who uses or is addicted to drugs ...1938 sl.
• DO-RIGHTER a person who does not use drugs ...1970 US sl.
• DOWN FREAK a person addicted to depressant drugs, esp. barbiturates ...1980 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWN HEAD a person addicted to depressant drugs, esp. barbiturates ...1973 Amer. drugs sl.
• DRUGGER a drug addict ...1941 sl.
• DRUGGIE a drug addict ...1966 sl., orig. US
• DRUGGY a drug addict ...1966 sl., orig. US
• DUSTIE a narcotics user ...1950s US drugs sl.
• FAST LANER one who takes illegal hard drugs ...1990s US college sl.
• FATHER a large-scale drug dealer ...1960s US drugs sl.
• FIEND a drug taker or addict; someone addicted to opium or an opiate drug ...1881 sl.
• FREAK a habitual drug user; usually suffixed to a defining drug ...1967 US sl.
• FREAKO a weirdo; a sexual deviant; a habitual drug user ...1963 US sl.
• FREAKY a habitual drug user ...1969 UK sl.
• FRESHMAN a novice drug user ...1950s US drug sl.
• GARBAGE HEAD an addict who will use any substance available ...1970 US sl.
• GAS-HEAD an abuser of industrial solvents for their psychoactive effects ...1996 UK sl.
• GOOFER a drug user ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GURU a person who aids and supports someone having a psychedelic drug experience ...1960s US drugs sl.
• GUTTER HYP a very low-level narcotics user ...1920s drugs sl.
• GUTTER HYPE a drug addict reduced by the circumstances of addiction to living in the streets or, at best, using inferior drugs ...1920s US sl.
• GUTTER JUNKIE a drug addict reduced by the circumstances of addiction to living in the streets or, at best, using inferior drugs ...1920s US sl.
• HEAD someone addicted to a drug, usually specified ...1911 sl., orig. US
• HOPHEAD a drug addict ...1911 US sl.
• HORSE a person who has been bribed, paid, or duped into delivering contraband, esp. illicit drugs ...1966 US drugs sl.
• HUSTLER a drug pusher ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• HYP a drug addict ...1924 sl., orig. US SL-AYT
• HYPE a drug addict ...1924 sl., orig. US
• HYPO a drug addict ...1904 sl., orig. US
• ICE-CREAM MAN a dealer in narcotics ...1950s drugs sl.
• JABBER a drug addict ...1930s US drugs sl.
• JOY-POPPER an occasional taker of illegal drugs ...1936 sl., orig. US
• JUGGLER a retail-level drug dealer ...1969 US sl.
• JUNKER 1. a drug addict ...1922 US sl.
2. a supplier of drugs ...1930 US sl.
• JUNKIE a drug addict ...1923 sl., orig. US
• JUNKO a drug addict ...1970s US sl.
• LAME among addicts: a non-drug user ...1968 US drugs sl.
• LIFER a person who takes drugs for 15-20 or more years ...1970 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT ARTILLERY a drug addict who uses a hypodermic needle ...1930 US drugs sl.
• LOADIE a habitual drug abuser ...1979 US college sl.
• MADHATTER someone who sells drugs ...1990s US teen sl.
• MAGGOT a criminal, esp. a drug dealer ...1980s US police usage
• MAINLINE a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINER a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1934 sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINE SHOOTER a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINSTAY n. a dealer's most trustworthy friend or lover ...1980s US drugs sl.
• MAN, THE a major drug dealer ...1940s sl., orig. US
• MISSIONARY a drug peddler ...M20 US sl.
• MOVER someone who imports drugs ...1995 US drugs sl.
• MULE someone employed as a courier to smuggle illegal drugs into a country and often to pass them on to a buyer ...1935 sl., orig. US
• MULE-SKINNER. one who organizes, pays, and supervises a drug courier or 'mule' ...1980s drugs sl.
• NARCOMANIAC one having an uncontrollable craving for narcotics ...1888
• NARCOTIST one addicted to the use of narcotics ...1860
• NEEDLE a narcotics addict ...1930s drugs sl.
• NEEDLE MAN a drug addict, esp. one who is addicted to injecting drugs ...1925 US sl.
• NEEDLE-PUSHER one who injects narcotics ...1929 Amer. sl.
• NODDER one who becomes comatose immediately following a narcotic injection ...1970s drugs sl.
• O.D. one who has taken an overdose ...1950s drugs sl.
• OIL-BURNER an addict with a very high intake of narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OLD LADY WHITE a drug dealer, presumably in white powders ...1900s sl.
• PANIC MAN a dealer or a drug addict who is desperate for supplies ...1910s drugs sl.
• PAPER CHASER one who is looking for money, usually a drug dealer ...2000s US Black sl.
• PASTY FACE a narcotics addict ...1940s US drugs sl.
• PILLHEAD someone who is addicted to pills or takes a lot of pills; a drug addict ...1961 colloq.
• POPPER 1. an intravenous drug user ...1930s drugs sl.
2. someone who takes drugs in pill form ...1936 drugs sl.
• PUSHER a supplier of illicit drugs, esp. addictive drugs ...1935 sl., orig. US
• QUALITY FOLKS a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY JOE a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUITTER one who has abandoned drug use ...1950s drugs sl.
• RASPBERRY a woman who trades sex for crack cocaine or money to buy the drug ...1980s drugs sl.
• RASTA one who takes drugs obsessively ...2000s US Black sl.
• RUNNER someone who traffics in illicit liquor, drugs, etc. ...1930 sl., chiefly US
• SAFETY PIN MECHANIC a narcotics user who is forced to resort to an improvised syringe ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SCALE BOY one who weighs and measures out portions of a drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• SCHMECKER a drug addict, esp. one who takes heroin ...1953 US sl.
• SELF-STARTER an addict who volunteers themself for a cure, taken in prison or a similar institution ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SHMECKER a drug addict, esp. one who takes heroin ...1953 US sl.
• SHUNTER drug dealer who becomes addicted and continues to deal in order to fund the habit ...2000 UK sl.
• SICK someone suffering drug withdrawal symptoms ...1951 US sl.
• SIMPLE SIMON a non-addict ...1950s drugs sl.
• SKIN POPPER a drug user who does not inject the drug into a vein ...1953 US sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDER one who takes narcotic drugs ...1915 US sl.
• SMOKER someone who smokes marijuana or other drugs ...20C sl.
• SNIFFER a cocaine user or addict; a person who inhales drugs or chemicals ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFF QUEEN a homosexual who is a heavy user of amyl nitrite or butyl nitrite during sex ...1972 US sl.
• SNOOTER a habitual drug user who ingests drugs by nasal inhalation ...1996 UK sl.
• SNOWBIRD a heroin addict or an illicit user or addict of any powdered drug ...1931 US drugs sl.
• SPEED-FREAK. a drug addict or user ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SPOTTER in drug culture: one who serves as a lookout for the police ...1980s US Black sl.
• SPRUNG a person just starting to use drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEERER one who does not sell drugs but guides or steers potential buyers to places where they are sold ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STICKUP BOYS those who rob drug dealers ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STONER a person who is habitually under the influence of drugs or alcohol ...sl.
• STRAIGHT one who is not a drug addict ...1967 sl., orig. US
• STUDENT an inexperienced user of illegal drugs, esp. one who takes small or occasional doses ...1936 sl., orig. US
• SUPERFLY a supplier of drugs ...1973 US sl.
• SWALLOWER a drug smuggler who swallows carefully wrapped drugs to take them through customs ...1980s drugs sl.
• SWING MAN a supplier of drugs ...1972 sl.
• TRIPPER one who experiences hallucinatory effects of a drug ...1966 sl.
• USER someone who takes 'hard' drugs, i.e. cocaine, morphine, LSD, heroin, etc. ...1935 US drugs sl.
• VEIN SHOOTER one who injects into the vein; hence, a veteran addict ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WALL-BANGER anyone who is so intoxicated by drugs that they cannot walk straight ...1960s US teen & drugs sl.
• WATERMELON MAN a drug seller ...1970s US Black euphemism
• WEEKENDER someone who indulges in occasional drug-taking, esp. at weekends ...1955 sl., orig. US
• ZONE a habitual drug user ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZONER a habitual drug user ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZONKER anyone who takes drugs to excess ...1970s sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - nouns, person, other
• NARC a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• NARCO a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• NARK a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• SAM a federal narcotics agent ...1971 US sl.
• AGE OUT to reach an age, usually in the 30s or 40s,when drugs no longer have the desired effect, whereupon the user gradually stops taking them voluntarily ...Amer. drugs sl.
• ASS UP to take drugs; to get intoxicated on drugs ...2000s US Black sl.
• BABYSIT to take care of someone either under the influence of a drug (esp. LSD) or, more often, recovering from an unpleasant, drug-induced experience ...1968 drugs sl.
• BADDEN to become intoxicated on drugs or alcohol ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago usage
• BAG IT to inhale fumes from glue placed in a bag ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
• BALL to absorb narcotics through the mucus members of the genitals ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BALLOON to package narcotics for distribution and sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• BANG 1. to inhale or inject a drug intravenously ...1926 US sl.
2. to swallow a tablet ...2001 UK drugs sl.
• BANG UP to inject drugs ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BEND THE HABIT to decrease one's narcotics intake in an attempt to withdraw from addiction ...L19 drugs sl.
• BESOT to have an intoxicating effect on; said of drugs ...1627
• BLOW A SHOT to waste narcotics by missing the vein or spilling the solution ...c1910 drugs sl.
• BLOW ONE'S MIND to experience the effect of a drug, esp. LSD ...1965 sl., orig. US
• BREAK OFF to stop taking a narcotic drug ...1910s US drugs sl.
• BREAK THE NEEDLE to take a full hypodermic of narcotics ...c1925 drugs sl.
• BUM OUT to have a bad experience with drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• BUST THE MAINLINE to take an intravenous injection ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• CABARET to use an addictive drug in a semi-controlled pattern; to get extremely intoxicated ...1958 US drugs sl.
• CABBAGE to be intoxicated by drugs or drink ...2000s sl.
• CAP 1. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1940s drugs sl.
2. to be given drugs for free ...1950s drugs sl.
3. to buy or use narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAP OUT to pass out from the use of marijuana or drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAP UP to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• CARRY to be in possession of drugs ...1961 US sl.
• CATCH A FACE to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• CHIP 1. to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
2. to inject heroin or the like into a muscle rather than a vein ...1966 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPER to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1971 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPY to use heroin, cocaine, or similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• CONNECT 1. to meet someone in order to obtain drugs ...1938 US sl.
2. to buy narcotics or other contraband ...1960s Amer. drugs sl.
• COP to buy drugs ...1950s sl.
• COP A BUZZ to get drunk; to get high on a drug ...1970s US sl.
• CRANK to inject oneself with an illegal drug ...1971 sl.
• CRANK UP to inject a drug ...1978 UK sl.
• DAB to ingest a powdered drug by sucking or licking the powder collected on a moistened finger ...2001 UK sl.
• DABBLE 1. to use narcotics in moderation ...1910s drugs sl.
2. to operate an (occasional) trade in stolen or illegal goods, esp. antiques or drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• DEAL to peddle illegal drugs ...1958 sl.
• DIP OUT to remove small amounts of crack from the vials for sale for later personal use; used of a member of crack cocaine-selling crew ...1994 US sl.
• DO to take drugs ...1967 sl., orig. US
• DO A LINE to inhale a measured dose of a powdered drug, esp. cocaine ...1979 US sl.
• DOPE 1. to give a drug to; to drug a racing animal to affect its performance ...1875 sl.
2. to take drugs ...1909 sl.
• DOWN OUT to stupefy with or as if with a barbiturate or tranquillizer ...1976 Amer. sl.
• DROP to take a drug orally ...1963 sl., orig. US
• DROP ACID to take drugs ...1963 sl., orig. US
• DRY OUT of a drug addict: to undergo treatment to cure addiction ...1908 sl., orig. US -AYT Oxf Sl Ayto 1998
• EAT POPCORN to take some form of pill ...1960s US drugs sl.
• FALL OUT to faint; to collapse; to fall asleep, often when overcome by drug consumption or excessive drinking ...1884 US sl.
• FIRE ONE UP to lights one's cigarette or reefer ...1960s US Black sl.
• FIX to inject oneself with a narcotic drug ...1936 sl., orig. US
• FREAK OUT to lose sanity while under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen ...1967 US sl.
• FLY 1. to experience a 'high' from narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. to take narcotics habitually ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GAG to cheat; to sell fake drugs ...1990s US prison & drugs sl.
• GAP UP to fill capsules with a powdered narcotic ...1971 US sl.
• GET CHINESE to get really stoned ...1980 Amer. campus sl.
• GET OFF ON to experience the effect of a drug ...1969 sl., orig. US
• GET ONE'S HEAD BAD to get drunk or high on drugs ...1964 US Black sl.
• GET SOME JUICE ON to achieve a drug intoxication ...1980 US sl.
• GET THE HABIT OFF to take enough of a narcotic to stop the pain of withdrawal ...L19 drugs sl.
• GOOF to take drugs ...1944 sl.
• GOOF OFF to go to sleep, esp. under the influence of drugs ...1940s US drugs sl.
• GO SICK to suffer withdrawal symptoms when addicted to narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• GUN to inject a drug intravenously ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• GUT IT to stay up all night working without any amphetamine for stimulation but purely through strength of will and character ...1910s US campus sl.
• HAVE A HABIT to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms ...1920s drugs sl.
• HAVE A HEAT ON to be in a drug-induced state of intoxication ...1912 US sl.
• HAVE A MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK to be bitten by the drug habit ...c1945 Can. sl.
• HIT to give a drug to ...1953 sl., orig. US
• HIT UP to inject a drug ...1950s US sl.
• HOLD to be in possession of drugs for sale ...1935 US sl.
• HOOK to make a drug addict of ...1922 Amer. drugs sl.
• HURT to crave a drug ...1996 UK sl.
• HUSSLE to attempt to obtain drug customers, to sell drugs ...1970s drugs sl.
• HUSTLE to attempt to obtain drug customers, to sell drugs ...1970s drugs sl.
• HYPO to administer a hypodermic injection to ...1925 drugs sl., orig. US
• ISSUE to cheat; to sell fake drugs ...1990s US drugs sl.
• JAB to inject drugs ...20C drugs sl.
• JAB JOB to inject a drug ...1950s drugs sl.
• JACK 1. to inject a drug, esp. to draw a portion of blood, which mixes with the drug and then to reinject the mixture, repeating the process several times ...1970s US drugs sl.
2. to steal someone else's drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• JACK OFF to pump backwards and forwards with a plunger of the hypodermic without finally injecting the blood and heroin mix into the arm ...1950s drugs sl.
• JOLT to inject a drug ...1950s US drugs sl.
• JUGGLE to sell drugs ...1963 US sl.
• KANGAROO to make one hyperactive; often used of a drug ...1950s US Black sl.
• KEY UP to become drug-intoxicated ...1964 US sl.
• KICK to give up a drug-taking habit ...1936 sl., orig. US
• LAUGH AND SCRATCH to inject a drug, esp. heroin ...1998 UK sl.
• MAIN to inject drugs directly into a vein, esp. heroin ...1952 Amer. drugs sl.
• MAINLINE to inject drugs directly into a vein, esp. heroin ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
• MAKE A SPREAD to lay out the equipment used for giving oneself an injection ...1930s drugs sl.
• MAKE ONE RIGHT to feel good, esp. as a result of drug use ...1950s US Black sl.
• MAKE ONESELF RIGHT to feel good, esp. as a result of drug use ...1950s US Black sl.
• MELLOW OUT to relax, to take it easy; usually applied to relaxing under the influence of a drug ...1974 US sl.
• MISS to inject a drug ...1950s drugs sl.
• MIX to inject a drug, usually heroin ...1970s sl.
• NARCOTIZE to drug or render insensible with a narcotic ...1843
• NOD to fall asleep or into a daze, esp. under the influence of a drug ...1958 drugs sl.
• NOD OFF to fall asleep, esp. under the influence of a drug ...1965 Amer. sl.
• NOD OUT to fall asleep, esp. under the influence of a drug ...c1953 Amer. sl.
• O.D. 1. to overdose (fatally or otherwise) on a given drug ...1969 drugs sl.
2. to give someone a drug overdose ...1960s drugs sl.
• OD ON to give oneself a drug overdose ...Aust. sl.
• OH-DEE 1. to overdose (fatally or otherwise) on a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
2. to give someone a drug overdose ...1960s drugs sl.
• OIL to inject oneself with a drug, usually heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
• PACK 1. to carry drugs for a dealer ...1940s US drugs sl.
2. to place drugs into a cone, bong, etc., preparatory to smoking them ...Aust. sl.
• PACK UP of dope-peddlers: to cease operations while the police are known to be active ...1929 US sl.
• PAN UP to prepare a powdered drug for heating prior to injection ...1971 US sl.
• PARTY to drink or take drugs ...1960s sl.
• PASS OUT to lose consciousness due to intoxication with alcohol or drugs ...M20 US sl.
• PETER to take a stupefying drug ...1925 drugs sl.
• PICK UP to drink alcohol, or use drugs ...1950s Amer. sl.
• POP to take a narcotic drug; to inject a drug into a blood vessel ...1956 sl.
• PUMP to sell drugs. esp. crack cocaine ...1989 UK sl.
• PUSH to peddle illegal drugs ...1938 sl.
• RACK UP to cut up lines of a narcotic, usually cocaine ...1997 drugs sl.
• RARE to inhale narcotics ...1940s sl.
• RIDE THE MAIN LINE to take drugs intravenously ...1957 Amer. drugs sl.
• ROCK OUT to pass out from drug intoxication ...1970s US Black sl.
• RUN A RAILROAD to be addicted to narcotics ...1970s drugs sl.
• SACK UP to divide up and place bulk drugs into separate bags prior to sale ...2000s drugs sl.
• SAIL of a doctor or dentist: to write prescriptions for narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SCALE to weigh a measure of a drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• SCORE to obtain an illegal drug ...1935 sl., orig. US
• SCRAMBLE to sell drugs ...1980s Amer. teen sl.
• SEND TO LONG BEACH when the narcotic agents are coming: to flush illegal drugs down the toilet ...1960s US Black sl.
• SET ONE ON ONE'S ASS to be knocked out from drug intoxication ...1970s US Black sl.
• SHIT DIMES AND QUARTERS to excrete bags of drugs after swallowing them when facing a police search ...2000s US Black & drugs sl.
• SHOOT to inject oneself with a drug ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHOOT SKIN to miss the vein in attempting to inject heroin ...1950s US Black sl.
• SHOOT UP to inject narcotics, esp. heroin, into one's veins ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHOVE to sell drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• SKEET to flush out a hypodermic syringe by using the plunger ...1971 drugs sl.
• SKIN to inject a narcotic into the skin as opposed to a vein ...1953 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-POP to inject a drug into the skin or muscle, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-PUMP to inject a drug under the skin, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SLAM to inject a drug ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE to take a narcotic drug ...1915 US sl.
• SMOKE to smoke marijuana; to smoke any drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNIDEY UP to adulterate drugs; to prepare fake drugs for sale ...1996 UK sl.
• SNIFF to inhale or sniff cocaine; to ingest drugs by nasal inhalation ...1925 UK sl.
• SNORT to inhale narcotics, esp. cocaine ...1935 sl., orig. US
• SNOW to give a drug to ...1927 US sl.
• SPACE OUT to go into a drug-induced euphoria ...1968 US sl.
• SPIKE 1. to inject a drug with a hypodermic syringe ...1935 drugs sl.
2. to add a stronger drug to a less potent one ...1960s sl.
3. to dose someone with a hallucinogenic drug (usually LSD) without their knowing, usually by putting it into a drink, or sometimes, food ...1960s sl.
• SPIKE UP to inject a drug with a hypodermic syringe ...1930s drugs sl.
• STEP ON 1. to cut or adulterate a drug by doubling its weight (and halving its purity) ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
2. to dilute drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STONE OUT to experience the effect of a drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• STOOL to search premises for drugs ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• STRING OUT to be under the influence of a drug ...1967 US sl.
• TAB to make a drug into tablet form ...1967 US sl.
• TAKE IT MAIN to inject narcotics into a vein ...1940s drugs sl.
• TAKE OFF 1. to take narcotics ...1940s drugs sl.
2. to feel the effects of a drug ...1940s drugs sl.
• TAKE THE KNOCK to be overcome by drink or drugs ...2000s sl.
• TAKE THE MONKEY OFF ONE'S BACK to withdraw from narcotics addiction ...1960s sl.
• THROW A WINGDING of a drug addict: to have a seizure, real or feigned ...1927 US sl.
• THROW ON A FACE to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• TRACK to inject drugs ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• TRIP to experience drug-induced hallucinations ...1966 sl., orig. US
• TRIP OUT to experience drug-induced hallucinations ...1966 sl., orig. US
• TURN ON to use drugs and become intoxicated ...1953 Amer. sl.
• UNHOOK to stop taking narcotics ...1950s drugs sl.
• UNTIE to remove the tourniquet, a belt, a shoelace, used to isolate a vein for injecting narcotics ...1960s drugs sl.
• USE to take drugs ...1953 sl.
• WALK WITH YOUR LUCY to inject a drug ...1981 US sl.
• WHACK to cut or dilute a drug such as heroin or cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WIG OUT to be intoxicated with narcotic drugs ...sl.
• WRITE SCRIP(T) to give out prescriptions for narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• ZONE to be intoxicated by a hallucinogenic drugs ...1990s sl.
• ZONE OUT to be intoxicated by a hallucinogenic drugs ...1990s sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - phrases
• ALL RIGHT? a coded query: do you need any drugs? ...1990s sl.
• TRAIN HAS ARRIVED, THE illegal drugs have arrived at the prison ...1982 US sl.
• A-BOMBED under the influence of amphetamines ...1975 US sl.
• AMPED under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant, usually amphetamines or methamphetamine ...1972 US sl.
• AMPED OUT under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• AMPED UP under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CRANKED stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• CRANKED OUT. stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• CRANKED UP stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• ZIPPY containing amphetamine or a similar stimulant ...1990s drugs sl.
• A amphetamine ...1967 US sl.
• ACELERANTE an amphetamine or central nervous system stimulant ...1992 US sl.
• ACCELERATOR an amphetamine tablet ...1993 US sl.
• ACE one single pill of amphetamine, barbiturate, or tranquillizer ...1930s drugs sl.
• ACTIVITY BOOSTER an amphetamine tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• AMP an amphetamine tablet or capsule; usually used in the plural ...M20 US drugs usage
• AMPHET amphetamine ...1982 US sl.
• AMP JOINT marijuana and amphetamine (or possibly another drug) mixed and rolled for smoking in a cigarette ...1998 UK sl.
• AMPS amphetamines ...Amer. drugs sl.
• AMY a capsule or tablet containing an amphetamine ...1969 Amer. sl.
• ARROW an amphetamine tablet ...1993 US sl.
• B-52 a powerful amphetamine tablet ...1993 US drugs sl.
• BACK DEX amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• BAM 1. amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. a pill containing both a barbiturate and an amphetamine ...1983 UK drugs sl.
• BAMBINO an amphetamine or other central nervous system stimulant ...1992 US drugs sl.
• BASE amphetamine ...2001 drugs sl.
• BENNIE an amphetamine; a benzedrine tablet ...1949 sl., orig. US
• BENNY an amphetamine; a benzedrine tablet ...1949 sl., orig. US
• BIKER'S SPEED methamphetamines ...20C drugs sl.
• BLACK BOMBER an amphetamine tablet ...1963 sl.
• BLISS any drug that is smoked, esp. a mixture of heroin, methamphetamine, and MDMA ...1996 US sl.
• BLUEY any form of amphetamine-barbiturate mixture ...1970s UK prison & drugs sl.
• BOO methamphetamine ...2000s sl.
• C, THE amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• CARTWHEEL an amphetamine tablet ...1966 US sl.
• CHRISTMAS TREE a Dexamyl™ capsule; an amphetamine ...M20 US drugs sl. Slang
• CRANK an amphetamine drug, esp. methamphetamine ...1969 US sl.
• CRANK BUG an insect that is seen by someone under the influence of methamphetamine but not by others ...1977 US sl.
• CROACK a mixture of crack and an amphetamine 1993 US sl.
• DAMON a pill, esp. an amphetamine ...1998 UK rhyming sl. (Damon Hill)
• DAMON HILL a pill, esp. an amphetamine ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• DEBS n. amphetamines ...2000s US drugs sl.
• DEX the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1961 sl., orig. US
• DEXIE the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1951 sl., orig. US
• DEXY the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1951 sl., orig. US
• FAST amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• FAST IN amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• FAST STUFF amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• FREAK HOUSE a room, apartment, or house where amphetamine addicts gather to inject the drug ...1970 US sl.
• FRENCH BLUE a mixture of amphetamine and a barbiturate ...1964 sl.
• GAGGLER amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• G.B. a mixture of amphetamines and barbiturates ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GO-FAST amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• GOOF BALL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOF PILL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• HYDRO amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• ICE methamphetamine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• IN-BETWEENS a mixture of amphetamines and barbiturates ...19870s drugs sl.
• JAM CECIL amphetamines ...1977 UK drugs sl.
• JOLLY BEANS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• JOLLY PILLS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• JUG a small container of amphetamine or methamphetamine in liquid form ...1980 US sl.
• L.A. long-acting amphetamine ...1986 drugs sl.
• LA TURNABOUT a long-lasting amphetamine; with reference to their use by long-distance truckers ...1970 US drugs sl.
• LA TURNAROUND a long-lasting amphetamine; with reference to their use by long-distance truckers ...1970 US drugs sl.
• LEAPER any central nervous system stimulant, esp. amphetamine ...1961 US drugs sl.
• LEMON DROP a methamphetamine tablet ...2000s US drugs sl.
• LIDPOPPERS amphetamine tablets or capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LIGHTNING amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MACKA amphetamine ...1980s drugs sl.
• METH a tablet of methamphetamine; methamphetamine ...1967 sl., orig. US
• MINSTREL a capsule containing an amphetamine and a sedative ...1967 sl.
• MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER amphetamines 2003 UK sl.
• NIMBIES amphetamines, specifically Nembutal™ capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NUGGETS amphetamine capsules ...20C US drugs sl.
• OBIE a narcotic containing four amphetamines ...1960s US drugs sl.
• OLIVER REED amphetamine ...1980s rhyming sl. for 'speed'
• OLLY amphetamine ...1980s rhyming sl. on Oliver Reed for 'weed'
• ORANGE a Dexedrine™ tablet, an amphetamine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• PAPER a small amount of methamphetamine ...2000s sl.
• PILL an amphetamine tablet ...1963 sl.
• PURPLE a tablet of the stimulant drug Drinamyl™, an amphetamine ...1968 sl.
• PURPLE HEART a tablet of the stimulant drug Drinamyl™, an amphetamine ...1961 sl.
• PURPLE-HEARTS amphetamine tablets ...1950s US sl.
• QUARTZ methamphetamine that is smoked ...1998 UK sl.
• QUILL methamphetamine ...1980s sl.
• RACING TACKLE amphetamines or other central nervous system stimulants ...19836 UK sl.
• RACK a foil-wrapped package of amphetamines ...1997 US sl.
• RAMRAIDER a powerful amphetamine sulphate ...1990s UK sl.
• REDS amphetamine capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• ROOT amphetamines or an amphetamine tablet or capsule ...M19 US drugs sl.
• ROSES amphetamines; amphetamine tables or capsules...M20 US drugs sl.
• SKETCH methamphetamine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SNAP amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOT residue produced from smoking amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW amphetamine ...1910s drugs, orig. US
• SNOWBALL amphetamine ...1910s drugs, orig. US
• SNOW PALLETS amphetamine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW SEALS a mix of cocaine and amphetamine ...1970s drugs sl.
• SPARKLE PLENTY amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPARKLERS amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPECKLED BIRD an amphetamine capsule ..M20 US drugs sl.
• SPEED an amphetamine drug, esp. methamphetamine, often taken intravenously ...1967 sl., orig. US
• SPEEDBALL amphetamines in the sense of an enhancer of personal performance ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEEDING the taking of or experiencing amphetamine or a similar 'go-faster' drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• SPLASH a collective term for amphetamines ...1969 US sl.
• SPLIVINS amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAY-AWAKE amphetamine sulphate or any other central nervous system stimulant ...1993 US sl.
• SWEETS amphetamine tablets ...1961 US sl.
• T a gram of methamphetamine ...1960s US drugs sl.
• TR-6 an amphetamine ...1998 UK sl.
• UP an amphetamine capsule or table ...1969 US drugs sl.
• UPPER amphetamine ...1968 US drugs sl.
• UPPIE an amphetamine tablet or capsule ...1966 US drugs sl.
• WAKE-AMINE amphetamine ...1990s drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP any amphetamine or central nervous system stimulant ...1969 US sl.
• WAKE-UP PILL an amphetamine or other central nervous system stimulant ...1969 US sl.
• WEST-COAST TURNAROUNDS amphetamines ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE an amphetamine tablet ...1967 sl.
• WHITE CROSS an amphetamine tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE LIGHTNING a substance which produces a shock or a charge; alcohol or amphetamines ...20C sl.
• WHITES amphetamines in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITEY amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITIE amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHIZZ amphetamine ...1993 sl.
• YABA a form of hallucinogen, derived from synthetic amphetamine and originally created by Nazi chemists during World War II ...1990s sl.
• YABBA methamphetamine in pill form when taken as a recreational drug ...2001 UK sl.
• ZOOM amphetamine ...1970s drugs sl.
DRUGS, AMPHETAMINES - nouns, person
• A-HEAD an amphetamine abuser ...1971 US sl.
• CRANK COMMANDO an amphetamine or methamphetamine addict ...1970 UK sl.
• MISS FLASH a user of amphetamines or Benzedrine ...1950s gay sl.
• PAPER FIEND one who sucks the amphetamine-impregnated strips from an amphetamine inhaler ...1940s drugs sl.
• PHET FREAK an amphetamine addict ...1975 US sl.
• SPEED FREAK a regular user of amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• CRANK to use amphetamines or methamphetamine, central nervous system stimulants ...1970 US sl.
• RAILROAD to move your jaw from side to side obsessively and involuntarily after sustained amphetamine use ...1989 US sl.
• SPEED to take the drug 'speed' (amphetamine) ...1973 sl., orig. US
• STAY AWAKE to use amphetamines or methamphetamine continuously ...1989 US sl.
DRUGS, CANNABIS - adjectives
• BLOCKED drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCKED UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCK UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• AAP a cannabis cigarette ...1940s S. Afr.
• A-BOMB a cigarette containing a mixture of cannabis and an opiate, or of cannabis and cocaine ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• AFRICAN WOODBINE a marijuana or cannabis cigarette ...1970s Brit. sl.
• ARM a measure of cannabis, approximately the size of a maize cob and weighing about 2 kg (4.25 lb.) ...1960s S. Afr. drugs usage
• BUD cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BUDLIES cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• BUDULARS cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• BULL JIVE diluted or adulterated cannabis ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• CACA-BACCA cannabis ...Brit. sl.
• CANNED SATIVA cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• D cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• DEAL a purchase or sale of drugs, esp. cannabis ...1910s drugs sl.
• G a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GEE a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• HO cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• J a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• JAYBIRD a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• J-BO a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• KAARTJIE a very small measure of cannabis ...1950s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAJEES cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAKER cannabis ...1960s sl.
• MIX a combination of cannabis and others herbs, usually tobacco ...1970s Aust. drugs sl.
• O an ounce of cannabis ...1980s Aust. drugs sl.
• ONE a cannabis cigarette ...1960s sl.
• ONE, THE cannabis oil, THC ...1970s sl.
• PASTIES dryness in the mouth after smoking cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• PUFF cannabis ...Brit. sl.
• Q.P. a Quarter Pound of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• QUART 1/4 oz (7g) of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• SALAD a mixture of different varieties of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SATIVA cannabis ...1970s drugs sl.
• SAUSAGE a cannabis cigarette; a cannabis/tobacco cigarette ...1970s UK prison sl.
• SCES cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SCHWAG inferior-quality cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• WRAP-UP a brown paper packet containing cannabis ...L20 drugs sl.
• ZOL cannabis ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• ZOOT a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
• ZOOTIE a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
• ZUT a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
DRUGS, CANNABIS - nouns, person
• CADET a heavy user of drugs, esp. cannabis or hallucinogens, who is, thus, continually 'flying' ...1970s drugs sl.
• PUFFER a cannabis or crack cocaine user ...Brit. sl.
ֳ• ASH to drop cannabis cigarette ash onto the floor ...1990s sl.
• BURN to smoke cannabis ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• HOT-KNIFE to smoke cannabis from a heated knife; the fumes are sucked up through a broken-off milk bottle neck ...1980s drugs sl.
• PASTRY to roll a cannabis cigarette ...1970s UK Black sl.
• P.A.B.A.C.A.B. an exhortation to smoke cannabis (Pack A Bowl And Catch a Buzz) ...1980s US drugs sl.
DRUGS, COCAINE - adjectives
• BLUNTED UP high on marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• CAUGHT IN A SNOWSTORM intoxicated with cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• COKED. intoxicated with or under the effects of cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• CRACKED intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• CRACKED OUT intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• CRACKED UP intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• GACKED cocaine-intoxicated ...2003 UK sl.
• GONE completely destitute and physically ruined because of crack cocaine addiction ...1994 US sl.
• ICED intoxicated by crack cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• ON THE PIPE using crack cocaine on a regular basis ...1980s drugs sl.
• PIANOING down on hands and knees searching with one's fingers for cocaine accidentally dropped on the floor ...1980s US Black sl.
• SNIFFED-UP under the influence of cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• SNOWED under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• SNOWED IN under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• SNOWED UP under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• THIRSTY intensely craving crack cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• WACK of crack cocaine: unpleasant ...1986 US sl.
• A-BOMB a cigarette containing a mixture of cannabis and an opiate, or of cannabis and cocaine ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• ALL-AMERICAN DRUG cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• ALPINE SNOW cocaine ingested off a woman's breasts ...2001 UK sl.
• ANDES CANDY cocaine ...1990 US drugs sl.
• ANGEL cocaine ...1942 sl.
• ANGIE cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• APPLEJACK crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• ATARI crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• ATOM BOMB marijuana combined in a cigarette with cocaine, heroin, or opium ...1969 US sl.
• AUNT NORA cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• BABY crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BABY T crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BACK-TO-BACK heroin then crack cocaine used in sequence ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BAD crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BAKE-BREAK a break from work during which one smokes a pipe of cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BAKE SALE a session of smoking crack cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BALL crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BANG an injection or inhalation of cocaine, morphine, or heroin ...1922 US sl.
• BASE basic cocaine from which the hydrochloride has been removed ...1982 US drugs sl.
• BASEBALLING the use of 'free base,' a form of pure cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BASE CRAZIES obsessive searching behaviour for the smallest particle of cocaine or crack experienced by freebase cocaine users ...1989 US drugs sl.
• BASUCO coca paste, the basic ingredient in the manufacturing process of cocaine; hence, cocaine ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BATMAN cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• BAZOOKA cocaine, crack cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BAZUCA the residue of smoked freebase cocaine, itself mixed with tobacco and smoked ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BAZUCO the oily substance in freebase cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BAZUKO. coca paste, the basic ingredient in the manufacturing process of cocaine; hence, cocaine ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BEAK cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• BIG 8 one eighth kilogram of crack ...20C drugs sl.
• BIG BLOKE cocaine ...1930s drugs rhyming sl. for 'coke'
• BIG C, THE cocaine ...1959 US drugs sl.
• BIG FLAKE cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• BIG RUSH cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• BJs crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• BLINKY freebase cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• BLOW cocaine for inhaling ...1971 sl., orig. US
• BLUNT a cigar filled with marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• BONE a measurement of crack cocaine sold for $50 ...2003 US sl.
• BONECRUSHER crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOUBOU crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOTRAY crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOTTLE a dose of crack cocaine, whether or not it is actually in a small bottle ...1992 US sl.
• BOULDER crack cocaine; a piece of crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• BOULYA crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOUNCING POWDER cocaine ...1971 US sl.
• BOUTROS BOUTROS GHALI cocaine ...2003 UK rhyming sl. for 'Charlie' (cocaine)
• BUDA a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• BUDDHA a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• BUNK fake cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BURNEYS a catarrh powder containing an illicit proportion of cocaine, used as a snuff, administered with a combination detachable rubber and glass blowing tube ...Bk1914 drugs sl.
• C cocaine; also preceded with 'the' ...1921 US sl.
• CABELLO cocaine ...2003 sl.
• CADILLAC cocaine ...1953 US sl.
• C AND H cocaine and heroin ...1960s Black sl.
• C AND M cocaine and morphine ...1960s Black sl.
• CAINE cocaine; crack cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• CAKE(S) a round disc of crack cocaine ...1994 drugs sl.
• CALIFORNIA CORNFLAKES cocaine ...1976 US sl.
• CANDY 1. cocaine ...1930s drugs sl.
2. crack cocaine ...2000s US drugs sl.
• CANDY ROCK cocaine hydrochloride ...1990s Aust. drugs sl.
• CANE cocaine; crack cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• CAP crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CAPSULA crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• CARPET CONTROL an obsessive belief held whilst under the influence of crack cocaine, that there are useable traces of crack cocaine on the floor ...2001 UK sl.
• CARRIE cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIE NATION cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY NATION cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CASPER THE GHOST crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CECIL cocaine ...M20 US sl.
• CEE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CHARGE cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHARLES cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY BLOW cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY COKE cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE cocaine ...1935 US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE BENDER a prolonged session of cocaine abuse ...1997 UK sl.
• CHARLIE BLOW cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHICKEN SCRATCH the search on hands and knees for grains of crack cocaine that have dropped on the floor ...1980s drugs sl.
• CHOCOLATE ECSTASY. crack cocaine blended with chocolate milk powder during processing ...1997 US sl.
• CHOCOLATE ROCK a blend of crack cocaine and heroin that is smoked ...2002 sl.
• CHOCOLATE ROCKET crack cocaine blended with chocolate milk powder during processing ...1997 US drugs sl.
• CHOLLY cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• C-JAM cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• COCKTAIL cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• COCONUT(S) cocaine ...1940s US drugs sl.
• COKE cocaine ...c1903 sl., orig. US
• CRACK a highly addictive form of cocaine mixed with other substances (usually baking powder) and sold and used in small pellet-like pieces ...1985 sl., orig. US
• CRACK GALLERY a place where users of crack congregate to buy and smoke the drug ...1980s drugs sl.
• CRACK HOUSE a room or whole house in which users gather to take crack ...1980s sl.
• CROACK a mixture of crack and an amphetamine 1993 US sl.
• CROAK a combination of crack cocaine and mephamphetamine ...1998 UK sl.
• C ROCK crack cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• DAB a small portion of cocaine or other powdered drug, taken by dabbing one's finger into a pile or packet ...1980s UK drugs sl.
• DAMA BLANCA cocaine ...1976 US sl.
• DANDRUFF cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• DIME SPECIAL crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• DIP crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• DOLOMITE cocaine ...1980s US campus sl.
• DUCT cocaine ...1986 US sl.
• DUE the residue left in a pipe after smoking crack cocaine ...1989 US drugs sl.
• DUMB DUST cocaine or heroin ...1986 US drugs sl.
• EASTSIDE PLAYER crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FAMOUS DIMES crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FAN crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• FAT BAGS crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• FIFTY-ONE crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• FOOFOO cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOFOO DUST cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOFOO STUFF cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOLISH POWDER heroin; cocaine; any powdered drug ...1930 US sl.
• FREE BASE cocaine separated from other chemical components ...1970s US drugs sl.
• FRIES pieces of crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FRISKY cocaine ...1986 US sl.
• FRISKY POWDER cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• G a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GACK cocaine ...1997 UK sl.
• GACK SCAB a crusting of the damaged mucous membrane that forms around the nostrils as the result of inhaling cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• GACK-BLOWING the process of anally ingesting cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• GAG a quick use of cocaine ...1997 US sl.
• GAK cocaine ...1990s UK drugs sl.
• GARBAGE ROCK crack cocaine, esp. of inferior quality ...1998 UK sl.
• G.B. a mixture of cocaine and heroin ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GEE a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GIRLFRIEND cocaine ...1970s US Black sl.
• GOLDEN GIRL high quality cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• GOLFBALL crack cocaine; a large piece of crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• GONZO cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• GUTTER GLITTER cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• HAIL crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• HALF A FOOTBALL FIELD fifty crystals of crack cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• H. AND C. a mixture of heroin and cocaine ...1960s US drugs sl.
• HAPPY DUST any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...1922 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY POWDER any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY STUFF any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HARD LINE crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• HEAVEN DUST cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HOCUS opium, morphine, heroin, or cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• HOT AND COLD heroin and cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HUNTER cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• ICE cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• ICE-CREAM opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin, crack cocaine ...1920s US drugs sl.
• JAM cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• JAM CECIL cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• JANE cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• JUICE crack cocaine mixed with marijuana ...1993 US sl.
• KABUKI a crack cocaine pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and rubber spark-plug cover ...1980s drugs sl.
• KING'S HABIT cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• LACE a combination of marijuana and cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• LADY 1. cocaine ...1974 US sl.
2. the pipe used for smoking base or crack ...1970s drugs sl.
• LADY CAINE cocaine ...1998 UK drugs sl.
• LADY-SNOW cocaine ...1969 US drugs sl.
• LEAF, THE cocaine ...1942 US drugs sl.
• LICK AND SHINE of a man: the act of smoking crack cocaine while a prostitute performs fellatio on him ...2000s sl.
• LINE a dose of powdered cocaine arranged in a line for snorting ...1973 US drugs sl.
• MA'A crack cocaine ...2003 sl.
• MACARONI AND CHEESE marijuana worth $5 and cocaine worth $10 ...2002 US sl.
• M AND C a mixture of morphine and cocaine, the equivalent of the heroin and cocaine 'speedball' ...1920s US drugs sl.
• MAYO cocaine; heroin; morphine ...1949 US drugs sl.
• MEDIA FLU a runny nose and consequent sniffing as symptoms of cocaine use ...2002 Brit. sl.
• MEGABLAST a dose of crack cocaine ...1993 US drugs sl.
• MISSILE BASING a mixture of liquid crack cocaine and phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MISSION 1. a binge on crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
2. a search for drugs, esp. for cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIST smoke created by a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIX a powder used to cut cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• MOJO cocaine, heroin, morphine, or a similar drug ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• MONSTER any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• MOTHER OF PEARL cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• MOVIE STAR DRUG cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• OATS cocaine ...1990s drugs rhyming sl. for 'Charlie" (oats and barley)
• OATS AND BARLEY cocaine ...1990s drugs rhyming sl. for 'Charlie"
• OLD MADGE cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• ONE-FIFTY-ONE crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• NOSE cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• NOSEBAG cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• NOSE CANDY cocaine, or, rarely, another powdered drug that can be snorted ...1925 US drugs sl.
• NOSE GARBAGE poor quality cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• NOSE POWDER cocaine, or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE STUFF cocaine, or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE-UP cocaine-taking as a cultural activity ...2000 UK sl.
• NUMBER THREE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• ONE an inhalation of cocaine ...1920s US sl.
• PAPER crack cocaine ...1990s sl.
• PARACHUTE a mixture of crack cocaine plus heroin or phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
• PARADISE cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• PARADISE WHITE cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• PARLAY crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• QUARTER a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
• QUARTER BIRD one quarter pound of cocaine ...1999 US sl.
• QUARTER ROCK crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• QUILL cocaine ...1980s sl.
• QUIVER cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLEY heroin; cocaine ...1936 US sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLIE heroin; cocaine ...1936 US sl.
• RAILS powdered cocaine arranged into lines ...1984 drugs sl.
• ROCK pure cocaine; crystalline cocaine ...1960s US Black sl.
• SACK a bag of drugs, usually marijuana or crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SALVADOR cocaine ...2000 UK rhyming sl. for 'Charlie' (Salvador Dali)
• SALVADOR DALI cocaine ...2000s rhyming drug sl. for 'Charlie'
• SAND cocaine ...2002 US sl.
• SCRABBLE crack cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• SCRAMBLE crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• SEAL-A-MEALS small plastic bags used for packaging set amounts of cocaine for sale ...1980s US Black sl.
• SHAKE diluted cocaine ...1980s US Black sl.
• SKI cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SLAB crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEET crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE the taking of a narcotic drug, esp. cocaine; the euphoria resulting from taking a narcotic drug ...1925 US sl.
• SMOKE heroin and crack; crack; marijuana ...M20 drugs sl.
• SMOKING GUN heroin and cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNEEZE AND SQUEEZE cocaine and sex ...1984 US sl.
• SNIFF cocaine, a dose of cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNIFFING SNOW cocaine ...2000 UK sl.
• SNIFTER a single inhaled dose of cocaine ...1930 US drugs sl.
• SNOOD crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOODGE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOOT cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• SNORT cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW cocaine ...1914 drugs sl., orig. US
• SNOWBALL 1. cocaine ...1910s drugs sl., orig. US
2. cocaine and heroin ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW-BANK a place for consuming cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW BIRD cocaine ...E20 drugs sl.
• SNOW-CAINE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW CAP cocaine sprinkled onto a pipe of marijuana and smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW CONES cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOWFLAKE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOWMOBILING taking cocaine or other drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW SEALS a mix of cocaine and amphetamine ...1970s drugs
• SNOW SOAK cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW SOKE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW-STORM 1. a large amount of cocaine or other powdered drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. a party where abundant cocaine is available ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-STUFF cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW WHITE cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SOCIETY HIGH cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SODA injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE BASE crack soaked in PCP; a hollowed-out cigar refilled with PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE CADET a mixture of PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE DUST a mixture of PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACESHIP a glass pipe used to smoke crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEED methamphetamine; amphetamine; crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEEDBALL a mixture of cocaine with heroin or morphine ...1909 sl., orig. US
• SPEED BOAT marijuana; PCP; crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPLEEFER a cigarette made from a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SPOON a spoon used for sniffing cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SPORTING the inhaling of cocaine ...1960s sl.
• SQUARE TIME BOB crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SQUIRREL smoking cocaine, marijuana, and PCP; LSD ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAR DUST cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAR-SPANGLED POWDER cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEM 1. a cylinder used to smoke crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
2. a pipe for smoking crack ...1925 drugs sl.
• STONES crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SUCKER SNOW diluted, weak cocaine ...1950s US Black sl.
• SUGAR heroin, cocaine, or morphine ...1935 US drugs sl.
• SUPERBLOW cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• T cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• TIN a small quantity of an illicit drug, esp. from two to five grams of cocaine usually sold in a small plastic bag, a glassine envelope, or often a small tin container ...sl.
• TOOT 1. a quantity of a drug, esp. cocaine, for inhaling; a snort of cocaine ...1977 sl., chiefly US
2. an act of inhaling a drug, esp. cocaine; cocaine ...1978 US sl.
• TORCH a butane lighter used to ignite a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• TORCH COOKING using a butane lighter and a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• TRAGIC MAGIC crack cocaine dipped in phencyclidine (PCP) ...1998 UK sl.
• TRAILS cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• TRAIN cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• TWENNIE a twenty-dollar dose of crack cocaine ...1989 US sl.
• TWENTY-CENT ROCK crack cocaine worth $20 ...1991 US sl.
• TWENTY ROCK crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• ULTIMATE 1. cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
2. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• UNCLE C cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• UNCLE CHARLES cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• UNFORGETTABLE a combination of cocaine, heroin, and valium ...1993 US sl.
• UPTOWN cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• VAPORS the smoke issuing from a crack pipe ...1980s US drugs sl.
• WACKY DUST cocaine ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP the day's first dose of a drug taken by an addict; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1954 sl.
• WAKE-UP BOOST a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP HIT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP SHOT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WHITE one of the powerful narcotics, heroin, or cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE CROSS cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE DRUGS cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE GIRL cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE LADY cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE MOSQUITOES cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE SHIT cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• WHITE STUFF cocaine ...1908 US drugs sl.
• WHIZ-BANG a mixture of cocaine and morphine or other drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WINGS cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• WRECKING CREW crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• WUWOO a mixture of marijuana and cocaine; marijuana ...2001 UK sl.
• WITCH, THE any powdered drug: cocaine, heroin, etc. ...1949 US drugs sl.
• WOLLIE crack cocaine added to a marijuana cigarette or cigar ...1989 US drugs sl.
• WOOLAH crack cocaine added to a marijuana cigarette or cigar ...1989 US drugs sl.
• YAHOO crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• YALE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• YA-O crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YAOH cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• YAY crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YAYOO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEAH-O crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEYO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• ZIGGY a marijuana cigarette, esp. when laced with crack cocaine ...1990s sl.
DRUGS, COCAINE - nouns, person
• ANGEL DUST HERO a person who is hooked on cocaine ...1980s US Black sl.
• BAGHEAD a habitual cocaine or heroin user ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• BALLER a drug dealer, usually of crack cocaine ...2001 US sl.
• BASEBALLER a drug user who smokes freebase cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• BASE HEAD a regular smoker of freebase cocaine ...1986 US drugs sl.
• BASER a user of freebase cocaine ...1989 US drugs sl.
• BOULDER BABY a crack cocaine addict ...2002 US sl.
• CARPET PATROL smoker of crack cocaine who search the floor for droppings of crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• CHARLEY COKE a cocaine addict ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHASER a frequent user of crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• COKE-FREAK a frequent user of cocaine ...20C US sl.
• COKEY a cocaine addict ...1916 sl., orig. US
• COKIE a cocaine addict ...1916 sl., orig. US
• CRACKHEAD a person who uses or who is addicted to crack cocaine ...1986 sl., orig. US
• CRACK HO a woman who will offer sex in return for crack cocaine ...20C US Black sl.
• CRACKERJACKS smokers of crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• FRIEND OF PEDRO someone in possession of cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• GACK-NAG a cocaine user ...2002 UK sl.
• GAK-NAG a cocaine user ...2002 UK sl.
• ICE-CREAM MAN a seller of crack cocaine ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• JEFE a senior cocaine dealer ...1990s US drugs sl.
• KOKOMO a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• LEAPER a cocaine user after sustained cocaine use ...1973 US drugs sl.
• NICKELONIANS crack addicts ...1980s drugs sl.
• NOSEBLEEDER a heavy user of cocaine by nasal inhalation ...2002 UK sl.
• NOSE PACKER a cocaine user ...1988 US sl.
• PUFFER a cannabis or crack cocaine user ...Brit. sl.
• PULLER a crack cocaine user who obsessively or compulsively tugs at different body parts ...1992 US sl.
• SKEEGERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKEEZERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNIFFER a cocaine user or addict; a person who inhales drugs or chemicals ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFTER a cocaine user or addict ...1925 Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOWBIRD 1. a cocaine user ...1914 drugs sl.
2. a woman involved in the cocaine trade ...1930s drugs sl.
• SNOWBLOWER a cocaine user or addict ...1914 Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOW-DRIFTER 1. a cocaine seller ...E20 US drugs sl.
2. a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-FLOWER a female user of cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• STRAWBERRY 1. a female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl. 1998)
2. a prostitute who ill trade sex for cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• THIRST MONSTER a crack cocaine user ...2002 US sl.
• ZOMBIE a crack cocaine addict ...1980s sl.
• ZOOMERS individuals who sell fake crack cocaine and then run off ...1980s drugs sl.
• BASE to smoke freebase cocaine ...1987 US drugs sl.
• BEIGE to chemically darken cocaine to give it the appearance of a purity that it does not possess ...1989 US drugs sl.
• CHASE to smoke cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHIP to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPER to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1971 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPY to use heroin, cocaine, or similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• COKE to take cocaine ...1924 sl., orig. US
• COKE UP to take cocaine ...1924 sl., orig. US
• CURB SERVE to sell crack cocaine on a street corner ...1995 US sl.
• DO A LINE to inhale a measured dose of a powdered drug, esp. cocaine ...1979 US sl.
• FREEBASE to inhale freebase cocaine ...1980 sl., orig. US
• GET YOUR NOSE COLD to use and become intoxicated on cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• HIT UP to inject cocaine ...L19 US drugs sl.
• HIT UP THE HYPO to inject cocaine ...L19 US drugs sl.
• HUNT THE GREAT WHITE WHALE to search for a source of cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• NUMB OUT to feel or show the effects of crack cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• ONE AND ONE to inhale cocaine or heroin ...1970s drugs sl.
• PACK to fill a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s US drugs sl.
• PUMP to sell drugs. esp. crack cocaine ...1989 UK sl.
• SKATE to use morphine or cocaine ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFF to inhale or sniff cocaine; to ingest drugs by nasal inhalation ...1925 UK sl.
• SNORT to inhale narcotics, esp. cocaine ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• SPORTING to inhale cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• TAKE A SWEEP to inhale cocaine ...1930s US drugs sl.
• TAKE A SWEEP WITH BOTH BARRELS to inhale cocaine though both nostrils ...1930s US drugs sl.
• TOOT to inhale a drug, usually cocaine ...1975 drugs sl. chiefly US
• AGAINST addicted to or under the influence of a drug, usually opium or heroin ...L19 sl.
• AMPED under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant, usually amphetamines or methamphetamine ...1972 US sl.
• AMPED OUT under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• AMPED UP under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• ANNIHILATED extremely drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1975 sl., orig. US college
• AROUND THE BEND alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Amer. sl.
• ATOMIC of a drug: very powerful ...1971 US sl.
• ATOP MT. SHASTA addicted to narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• BACKED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAD of liquor or drugs: strong, potent ...1955 Amer. sl.
• BAG-CHASING obsessed by obtaining narcotic drugs ...1970s sl.
• BASTED drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BELTED intoxicated with drugs or marijuana ...20C US sl.
• BESOTTED intoxicated or muddled by a narcotic ...1831
• BLASTED very drunk or high ...1928 Amer. sl.
• BLOCKED drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCKED UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCK UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLUNTED UP high on marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• BOGGY semi-delirious, as under the influence of drugs ...1927 Amer. dial.
• BOMBED in a drugged state ...1965 sl.
• BOMBED OUT in a drugged state ...1965 sl.
• BOXED drunk; also, drugged, high ...1947 Amer. sl.
• BURNED OUT 1. having to do with the ruined veins of an addict ...Bk1990 drugs sl,
2. no longer affected by a particular drug ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
• BURNT OUT 1. having to do with the ruined veins of an addict ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
2. no longer affected by a particular drug ...Bk1990 drugs sl.
• BUZZED intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...1952 Amer. sl.
• BUZZED OUT intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...c1970 Amer. sl.
• CABBAGE to be intoxicated by drugs or drink ...2000s sl.
• CABBAGED drunk or drugged...1990s sl.
• CAKED drug-intoxicated ...1994 US sl.
• CARPED drug-intoxicated ...1996 UK sl.
• CHARGED stupefied or drowsy as the result of having taken more narcotics than necessary to produce euphoria ...1938 US drugs sl.
• CHARGED UP under the effect of narcotics ...1971 Amer. dial.
• CHINESE drunk or high on drugs ...1980 Amer. campus sl.
• COOLED OUT under the influence of drugs, usually narcotics ...1970s sl., orig. US Black
• CRANKED high ...1950s Amer. sl.
• CRAZY drug intoxicated ...M20 US drug sl.
• DECKED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s US sl.
• DECKED OUT intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s US sl.
• DIRTY having illegal drugs on one's person or using illegal drugs habitually ...M20 US drugs sl.
• DOOM of drugs: very strong or powerful ...1960s US drugs sl.
• DOPED-OUT under the influence of dope, drugged ...sl.
• DOPED-UP under the influence of dope, drugged ...sl.
• DRUGGY relating to drugs or drug users ...1959 sl.
• EFFRENATE † of drugs: violent in action ...1657
• EFFRENOUS †* of drugs: violent in action ...1657
• FACED 1. stunned by the potency of a drug, usually cannabis ...1980s drugs sl
2. under the influence of MDMA (ecstasy) ...1998 US sl.
• FACE-FUCKED so intoxicated by drugs that one is incapable of controlling one's facial movements ...1990s drugs sl.
• FADED drug-intoxicated ...1980s US sl.
• FAR OUT drug-intoxicated ...1961 US sl.
• FAT well supplied with drugs ...1970s sl.
• FLOATING drug intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• FRIED drunk, or drug-intoxicated ...1923 US sl.
• FROM MOUNT SHASTA addicted to narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FUCKED intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US sl.
• FUCKED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US sl.
• GACKED overcome by drink or drugs ...1990s sl.
• GAGED drug-intoxicated ...1932 Us sl.
• GASSED describes a drug that is considered to be terrific or very enjoyable; used esp. of marijuana ...1946 US
• GEED-UP in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• GEEZED drug intoxicated ...E20 US Sl.
• GEEZED-UP drugs intoxicated ...E20 US sl.
• GONE drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1933 US sl.
• GONE UP drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1970 US sl.
• GOOFED-UP intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GOOFY suffering from narcotics withdrawal ...1910s US drugs sl.
• GWAFFED drug-intoxicated ...2003 S. Afr. sl.
• HIGH in a drugged state ...1932 sl.
• HOOKED addicted to drugs ...1922 Amer. sl.
• HOPPED intoxicated with narcotics, orig. with opium; now with any drugs including marijuana ...1924 US drugs sl.
• HOPPED-UP intoxicated with narcotics, orig. with opium; now with any drugs including marijuana ...1924 US drugs sl.
• HOPPY relating to drugs or drug users ...1942 US sl.
• HUNG UP of a drug addict who is unable to get drugs: depressed, let down, disappointed ...1948 US sl.
• IN LA-LA LAND out of touch with reality; drugged or drunk ...1985 US sl.
• IN THE OZONE in a dazed or drowsy state, such a state induced by drugs or drink ...1971 Amer. sl.
• JACKED under the influence of a drug, either narcotic or pharmaceutical, or of alcohol ...1930s US sl.
• JACKED UP under the influence of a drug, either narcotic or pharmaceutical, or of alcohol ...1930s US sl.
• JAGGED in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• JAGGED-UP in a drugged state ...1938 sl.
• JAMMED experiencing a drug overdose ...1949 US sl.
• JAZZED UP intoxicated by liquor or drugs ...1919 Amer. sl.
• KEYED drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• KNOCKED-OUT drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LACED 1. of a drug: mixed or combined with something ...1970s sl.
2. drug-intoxicated, esp. marijuana-intoxicated ...1988 US drugs sl.
• LAID stupefied by drugs or alcohol; drunk ...1962 US Black sl.
• LAID-BACK drunk; high on drugs ...1972 US sl.
• LEAPING drug-intoxicated ...1925 US drugs sl.
• LIFTED intoxicated by alcohol or drugs ...1942 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT 1. intoxicated, esp. by drugs ...1737 Amer. sl.
2. unable to consume large quantities of drink and/or drugs ...1990s US sl.
• LOADED in a drugged state ...1923 US sl.
• MADE satisfactorily supplied or intoxicated with drugs, usually heroin ...1950s drugs sl.
• MAD OUT OF IT drunk or drug intoxicated ...2001 Ireland sl.
• MAINLINE pert. to narcotics use and addiction ...1950s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MEAN of drugs: ether very high or very poor in quality ...1980s drugs sl.
• MONOLITHIC extremely drug-intoxicated ...1971 US sl.
• MULLERED drunk; drug intoxicated ...2000 Brit. sl.
• NATCH free from the use of any artificial stimulants or narcotics ...1950s US Black sl.
• NEEDLE pert. to narcotics and their injection ...1950s drugs sl.
• NICE feeling well, happy, at one with the world, esp. as a result of taking drugs or drink ...1940s US Black sl.
• OFF happy, elated, enjoying the positive effects of drugs or drink ...1960s sl.
• OFF IT intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S BONCE intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S FACE under the influence of drink or drugs; drunk; drug-intoxicated ...1960s sl.
• OFF ONE'S HEAD intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S NUT in a state of drunkenness or drug intoxication ...1860 Brit. sl.
• OFF ONE'S ONION intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF ONE'S THATCH intoxicated by a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• OFF THE HOOK ceasing to take narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OFF YOUR CAKE confused; drug-intoxicated ...L20 sl.
• OIL-BURNING of a drug addiction: severe ...1972 US sl.
• ON 1. taking drugs ...1938 US sl.
2. drug-intoxicated ...1946 US sl.
• ON A BENDER bingeing on drugs ...1930s sl.
• ON A MISSION looking for and/or bingeing on drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• ON A TRIP under the influence of drugs ...1960s drugs sl.
• ON THE HOOK addicted to a drug; helplessly dependent upon ...1952 Amer. sl.
• ON THE MOJO well-supplied with drugs ...1946 Amer. drugs sl.
• ON THE NATCH free of drugs; leading a natural life as opposed to a life centred around chemicals ...1950s Amer. drugs sl.
• ON THE NEEDLE addicted to injecting drugs ...1955 sl., orig. US
• ON THE NOD in a drug-induced stupor; drowsy from taking narcotic drugs ...1942 drugs sl.
• ON THE SPIKE using or addicted to narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• ON THE STUFF on drugs ...1929 sl., orig. US
• OUT drug intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• OUT OF IT in a drugged state ...1963 sl., orig. US
• OUT OF ONE'S FACE out of one's right mind, esp. as a result of drug or alcohol intoxication; under the influence of drink or drugs ...1972 Amer. sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S NUT drunk or drug-intoxicated ...1999 Brit. sl.
• OZONED high on drugs ...a1979 Amer. sl.
• PALED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s Can. teen sl.
• PALED OUT intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1960s Can. teen sl.
• PARALYSED intoxicated by drugs ...20C sl.
• PARO extremely drunk or intoxicated by a drug ...2000s sl.
• PASTED intoxicated by drink or drugs ...1950s US sl.
• PILLED under the influence of drugs taken in the form of pills ...drugs sl.
• PIPED in a drugged state ...1924 US sl.
• P.O.D. extremely intoxicated by a given drug, usually marijuana (Passed OverDose) ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• POLLUTED in a drugged state ...1938 sl., orig. US
• POPPED OUT intoxicated with a drug ...1940s sl.
• QUARKED OUT under the influence of drugs ...1999 US sl.
• RAGING of a party, a drug: wild, fantastic, very enjoyable ...1980s US campus & teen sl.
• RED intoxicated by drugs ...1990s W. Indies sl.
• RIPPED in a drugged state ...1971 sl., orig. US
• ROUND THE BEND alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Amer. sl.
• SHERMED drugs intoxicated ...1980s US Black & drugs sl.
• SHOT UP alcohol or drug intoxicated ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SHOT-AWAY alcohol or drug intoxicated...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SICK suffering the symptoms of withdrawal from a drug addiction ...1938 US sl. Concise Slang 2008
• SKANKED OUT intoxicated by a drug ...1990s US drugs sl.
• SKATING intoxicated with drugs or drink ...1950s sl.
• SKEED-UP intoxicated by drugs ...1990s US drugs sl.
• SKETCHED suffering paranoia due to the effects of hallucinogenic or other drugs, as cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKETCHED OUT suffering paranoia due to the effects of hallucinogenic or other drugs, as cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKIED under the influence of drugs ...1989 drugs sl.
• SMASHED in a drugged state ...1968 sl., orig. US
• SMEARED. drug-intoxicated ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SMOKE-OUT under the influence of drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNAPPED-UP intoxicated with narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOWED under the influence of narcotic drugs ...sl.
• SNOWED IN intoxicated with narcotics ...1920s Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOWED-UNDER under the influence of any narcotic ...E20 US drugs sl.
• SNOWED UP under the influence of any narcotic ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SPACED OUT in a state of drug-induced euphoria; out of touch with reality; disoriented ...1968 sl., orig. US
• SPACEY in a drugged state ...1968 sl., chiefly US
• SPACY in a drugged state ...1968 sl., chiefly US
• STONED under the influence of drugs ...1953 drugs sl., orig. US
• STRAIGHT in a drugged state ...1946 US sl.
• STRUNG-OUT 1. addicted to drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. intoxicated with drugs ... 1959 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• SUPERCHARGED intoxicated with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SWITCHED ON drug-intoxicated ...1972 US sl.
• TACKED drunk or drug-intoxicated ...2004 US sl.
• TIGHTER THAN A DUCK'S ARSE very drunk or drug-intoxicated ...2002 UK sl.
• TRACKED UP scarred from regular intravenous drug injections ...1971 US drugs sl.
• TRIPPED-OUT in a drugged state, esp. said of someone under the influence of LSD ...1973 sl., orig. US
• TRIPPY having a hallucinatory experience induced by a drug, esp. LSD ...1969 sl.
• UNCUT of drugs: pure, unadulterated ...1930s sl.
• UNDER intoxicated with narcotics ...20C drugs sl.
• UP pert. to the state of one who has consumed or abused drugs, esp. amphetamines; intoxicated by a drug ...1940s sl.
• UP AGAINST addicted to drugs ...1930s US prison sl.
• UP IN THE AIR drug intoxicated ...1930s US drugs sl.
• UP ON intoxicated by a drug ...1940s sl.
• VEGETABLE very drunk or intoxicated with drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• VEGGED heavily intoxicated by drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• VEGGED OUT heavily intoxicated by drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• WAKE-UP used of an addictive substance taken upon waking up ...1981 US sl.
• WANKED having consumed a large quantity of alcohol or drugs ...1990s sl.
• WANKERED having consumed a large quantity of alcohol or drugs ...1990s sl.
• WASTED in a drugged state ...1968 sl,. orig. US
• WHACKED OUT in a drugged state ...1975 US sl.
• WIPED drug or alcohol intoxicated ...20C US sl.
• WIPED-OUT drug or alcohol intoxicated ...20C US sl.
• WIRED drug or alcohol intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• WIRED-UP drug or alcohol intoxicated ...M20 US sl.
• WRECKED intoxicated with or addicted to narcotics ...1968 Amer. drugs sl.
• ZIPPY containing amphetamine or a similar stimulant ...1990s drugs sl.
• ZONED intoxicated by a given drug ...1970s US sl.
• ZONED OUT drunk or intoxicated by a given drug ...1970s US sl.
• ZONKED in a drugged state ...1959 sl.
• ZONKED OUT in a drugged state ...1959 sl.
• ZONKERS drunk or intoxicated by a given drug ...1950s sl.
• ZOOED highly intoxicated by a drug ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZOOTED under the influence of drink or drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• ZOOTED UP under the influence of drink or drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• ZORCHED experiencing the effects of an excess of drink or drugs ...1970s sl.
DRUGS - adverbs
• ANYWHERE in possession of drugs ...1946 US sl.
• MAINLINE into a large or median vein ...1952 Amer. sl.
DRUGS - prepositions
• BEHIND of a drug: under the influence of ...1967 US sl.
• AB an abscess, esp. as a result of injecting drugs ...1930s US sl.
• ABANDOMINIUMS abandoned apartments or houses where addicts use drugs ... Amer. sl.
• ABBOTT a capsule of pentobarbital sodium, a central nervous system depressant ...1971 US sl.
• ABE $5 worth of drugs ...1950s US drugs sl.
• ACE 1. a single item of several; a single cannabis cigarette, a pill, etc. ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. 1/8 oz of a drug ...1989 US sl.
• ACID HOUSE 1. a kind of popular synthesized dance music with a fast repetitive beat, popular in the 1980s and associated with the taking of drugs such as Ecstasy ...1980s sl.
2. a youth cult that had its beginnings in the 1980s, which mainly involves getting our of your nut on drugs and leaping up and down to loud synthetic noises known as house music ...Brit. sl.
• ACID HOUSE PARTY an illegal party, often held in a large building such as a warehouse, and often outside the big cities, where thousands of young people pay for their entertainment and allegedly consume MDMA and other illegal drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• ACTION 1. the current availability of drugs and the best place to obtain them ...1960s drugs sl.
2. the effects of a drug ...1960s sl.
3. acts of crime; commerce in drugs; illegal activity ...Bk2000 Amer, criminal sl.
• AGONIES the pain of withdrawal from narcotic drug use ...1970s drugs sl.
• AMP an ampoule (a glass vessel of drugs intended for hypodermic injection) ...1968 UK sl.
• ARM CANDY recreational drugs that are injected into the arm ...2002 UK sl.
• ARTILLERY 1. the equipment needed to inject a drug ...1915 US sl.
2. a hypodermic needle ...c1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• ASS CACHE a supply of drugs hidden in the rectum ...1992 US sl.
• ASSKASH a supply of narcotics, concealed in the rectum, usually in a metal container ...1950s US drugs sl.
• A TRAIN any central nervous depressant ...1975 US drugs sl.
• ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT a high on drugs or alcohol ...20C teen & high school sl.
• BABANIA drugs in general; heroin ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BABONYA drugs in general; heroin ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BABY DOLL any central nervous system stimulant ...1955 US sl.
• BABY HABIT the irregular, unaddicted use of a drug ...1992 US drugs sl.
• BACK DOOR the residue left in a pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• BACKWARDS any central nervous system depressant ...1966 US drugs sl.
• BACKWASHING after injecting a drug, the drawing of blood back into the syringe, with the intention of collecting any drug residue, and reinjecting the resultant mix ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BAD GO a small amount of a drug relative to the price paid ...1971 US drugs sl.
• BAD SHIT high quality drugs, esp. marijuana ...1996 prison sl.
• BAD TRIP a bad experience with drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAG a small packet, typically an envelope or folded paper, containing heroin, marijuana, or the like ...1952 Amer. sl.
• BALL a small package of morphine or an other narcotic, as used by an addict ...1912 US drugs sl.
• BAM a central nervous system depressant ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BANG 1. an injection of a narcotic ...1922 US sl.
2. the sudden effect of a drug ...1948 US sl.
3. narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BANG ROOM a room where drugs are used ...E20 US drugs sl.
• BELLY HABIT pains in the stomach that may accompany withdrawal from continued heroin use...1940s drugs sl.
• BELT the 'charge' from narcotics or from a marijuana cigarette ...20C US drugs sl.
• BEND an experience created by a hallucinogenic drug ...1960s sl.
• BENDER a drug party ...1960s drugs sl.
• BINDLE a package containing narcotic drugs ...1921 sl.
• BIZ(Z) 1. the syringe and other equipment used by intravenous drug users ...1949 US sl.
2. a small amount of a drug ...1971 US sl.
• BLAST a draw on a marijuana cigarette or an injection of a narcotic drug ...Bk1994 Amer. sl.
• BLISS any drug that is smoked, esp. a mixture of heroin, methamphetamine, and MDMA ...1996 US sl.
• BLUNT a blunted capsule containing secobarbital compound ...1980s US Black sl.
• BONECRUSHERS the very painful symptoms of withdrawal from drug addiction ...1990 US sl.
• BONEROO high quality of drugs ...1992 US sl.
• BONG a kind of water pipe for smoking marijuana or other drugs ...L20
• BOW-SOW narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• BROMO a dose of a sedative drug containing a bromide mixture ...1916 drugs sl.
• BUG JUICE a sedative or other drug in liquid form ...1942 Amer. sl.
• BUM TRIP a bad drug experience ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• BUMMER an unpleasant experience induced by a hallucinogenic drug ...1966 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• BURN the charge or 'rush' after the injection of a drug into a vein ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• CACA drugs ...1995 US sl.
• CAD 1 oz of a narcotic ...1930s drugs sl.
• CADILLAC 1. one ounce packet of a powdered drug ...1930s US drugs sl.
2. any powdered, thus usually narcotic, drug ...1950s US drugs sl.
• CAKE drugs smuggled into a prison or hospital ...1950s US drugs & prison sl.
• CALIFORNIA TURNAROUND any powerful central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CALL the immediate response to an injection of a drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• CALLING CARD needle marks on a drug user's arm ...1971 US sl.
• CAN one ounce of an illicit drug, esp. marijuana ...1933 US drugs sl.
• CANDY any drug, esp. in capsule form ...1960s drugs sl.
• CAP a capsule containing a narcotic, usually heroin ...1920s drugs sl.
• CARRY a consignment or substantial quantity of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS any central nervous system stimulant ...1976 US sl.
• CARTWHEEL a feigned drug withdrawal spasm ...1936 US drugs sl.
• CHARGE a dose or injection of a narcotic ...1925 US sl.
• CHECK a small package, esp. of contraband or narcotics ...20C Amer. sl.
• CHIEF a hallucinogenic drug, esp. LSD or mescaline ...1960s drugs sl.
• CHINAMAN (now usually offensive) an addiction to an opiate; the withdrawal symptoms associated with such an addiction ...1948 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPIE mild narcotics ...20C US sl.
• CHIPPY 1. mild narcotics ...20C US sl.
2. a mild addiction to heroin or a similar drug ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
• COCKTAIL any mixture of drugs ...2002 Can. sl.
• COLD TURKEY the sudden completely giving up of an addictive drug, esp. as a method of withdrawal ...1921 sl., orig. US
• CONTACT HIGH a seeming intoxication induced by being with persons who are intoxicated with narcotics ...1950s Amer. drugs sl.
• CURE, THE n. treatment for drug addiction ...1953 US sl.
• D narcotics ...1976 US sl.
• DADAH illegal drugs ...20C Aust. sl. (Malay)
• DA KINE anything good, as food, drugs, liquor ...1960s US sl.
• DA LAND getting intoxicated on a drug while sitting in a car with the windows rolled up, thus intensifying the effects of the ambient smoke ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• DART a hypodermic syringe ...2000s US drugs sl.
• DEAL a purchase or sale of drugs, esp. cannabis ...1910s drugs sl.
• DEALER'S BAND an elastic band used by a drug dealer to secure or facilitate the jettisoning of drugs for sale ...1966 US sl.
• DEBS depressants, tranquillizers, barbiturates ...1970s US drugs sl.
• DECK a package containing narcotic drugs; a package of heroin ...1916 US sl.
• DIME BAG a packet of drugs sold for ten dollars ...1970 US drugs sl.
• DIME PAPER ten dollars worth of a powdered drug, esp. heroin ...1972 US drugs sl.
• DINGUS an eye-dropper used in makeshift drug-injection equipment ...1979 US drugs sl.
• DIP an injection of a narcotic ...1959 US sl.
• DITCH the inside of the elbow, used for injections of narcotics ...1960s drugs sl.
• DOPE 1. any narcotic or narcotic-like drug taken to induce euphoria or satisfy addiction ...1889 sl.
2. any illicit drug ...L19 sl.
• DOWN TRIP a frightening, dismaying, or unpleasant hallucinatory experienced induced by LSD or a similar drug ...1968 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWNER 1. a depressant drug; a barbiturate ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
2. a somnolent drug-induced state ...1967 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWNIE a barbiturate or other depressant drug ...1966 Amer. drugs sl.
• DRIVE a state or feeling of excitement; a thrill; exhilaration rising from the use of narcotics ...1921 US sl.
• DRY GROG narcotics; a nonalcoholic source of a 'high' ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• DUDS fake drugs ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• DUFFY a spasm feigned by a drug addict in the hope of eliciting sympathy from a physician ...1973 US drugs sl.
• EMERGENCY GUN any makeshift instrument used to inject when one does not have a syringe ...1930s drugs sl.
• F-40 an orange-coloured 100 mg capsule of secobarbital sodium (Seconal™), a central nervous system depressant ...1977 US sl.
• FACTORY 1. a place where drugs are packaged, diluted or manufactured ...1930s drugs sl.
2. the kit used by a narcotics addict for injections ...1930s drugs sl.
• FAKE 1. a medicine dropper used by an intravenous drug user to inject the drug ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. any form of substitute for a hypodermic syringe ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FAKE-A-LOO 1. a drug addict's medicine dropper ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
2. any form of substitute for a hypodermic syringe ...1930s US drugs sl.
• FAKUS a medicine dropper used by an intravenous drug user to inject the drug ...1973 US drugs sl.
• FAIRY POWDER any form of powdered narcotic ...1950s drugs sl.
• FAMINE a lack of availability of an addictive drug ...1992 US drugs sl.
• FAST LIFE the worlds of gambling, drug-dealing, prostitution, etc. ...1960s US sl.
• FAT ARM a serious narcotics addiction ...1960s drugs sl.
• FIX a dose of a narcotic ...1936 sl.
• FIX-UP a dose of a narcotic ...1934 sl. -AYT Oxf Sl Ayto 1998
• FLASH the brief pleasurable sensation obtained by injecting a narcotic drug ...1946 sl., orig. US
• FLYING a state of drug intoxication ...M20 US drugs sl.
• FOOLISH POWDER heroin; cocaine; any powdered drug ...1930 US sl.
• FREAK HOUSE an abandoned building used as a temporary residence for drug addicts who have been evicted from their own dwelling ...1995 US sl.
• FREAK-OUT a temporary loss of sanity and control while under the influence of a psychoactive drug ...1966 UK sl.
• FUZZ a drug high ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• GABBER any central nervous system stimulant ...1987 US sl.
• GAG narcotic drug addiction ...1900s US drugs sl.
• GAME, THE. drug-dealing ...1950s US Black sl.
• GANGSTER PILL any barbiturate or other central nervous system depressant ...1994 US sl.
• GANK a substance sold as an illegal drug that is actually fake ...1994 US sl.
• GATE a vein into which a drug is injected ...1986 US sl.
• GEEZER a shot of narcotics ...E20 US sl.
• GOLDEN CRESCENT an area in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan where heroin is produced ...1992 US sl.
• GOOF BALL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOFER a barbiturate capsule or tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GOOF PILL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOFY a barbiturate ...1950s drugs sl.
• G-SHOT a small dose of drugs used to hold off withdrawal symptoms until a full dose can be taken ...1950s drugs sl.
• GUN a hypodermic needle ...1899 Amer. drugs sl.
• GUNK glue sniffed as a recreational drug ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GUTTER a vein, esp. a prominent one suitable for drug injection ...1930s US sl.
• H a hypodermic syringe ...1950s sl.
• HABIT 1. an addiction to any drug ...1881 UK sl.
2. withdrawal symptoms ...1920s drugs sl.
• HALF 1/2 oz of a drug ...1940s drugs sl.
• HAPPY DUST any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY POWDER any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY STUFF any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HARD STUFF strong and addictive drugs; spec., heroin and morphine ...M20 US drugs
• HASH any drugs, including marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HEAD a drug-induced state ...1952 Amer. drugs sl.
• HEADFUCKER a powerful and disorienting drug ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HEAT a drug-induced state of intoxication ...1912 US sl.
• HEAVIES hard or 'heavy' drugs; potent or illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HIGH a drug-induced euphoria ...1953 sl.
• HIT a dose of narcotic; the act of obtaining or giving such a dose ...1951 sl., orig. US
• HITCH a scar resulting from repeated hypodermic injections ...1953 Amer. sl.
• HITTING UP injecting drugs ...1940s drugs sl.
• HOOK a drug addiction ...1954 Amer. drugs sl.
• HOP any drug or narcotics, including marijuana ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HORRORS, THE delirium tremens; hence, in narcotic usage, withdrawal sickness ...1839 Amer. sl.
• HUSTLING the practice of dealing drugs ...2000 UK sl.
• HYP a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• HYPE a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• HYPO a hypodermic needle ...1904 drugs sl., orig. US
• ICE-CREAM HABIT the irregular use of an otherwise addictive drug ...1930s drugs sl.
• JAB an injection ...1914 sl., orig. US drug users'
• JABOFF an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JABPOPP an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JABPOPPO an injection of drugs; the sensation that follows it ...1930s US prison sl.
• JAG drug intoxication ...E20 US drugs sl.
• JOINT hypodermic equipment used by drug addicts ...1935 drugs sl.
• JOLT 1. a measure of a drug as taken by a user, esp. an injection of a narcotic ...1916 drugs sl., chiefly US
2. the effects of a drug or alcohol; a kick ...1920s US sl.
• JUG a glass ampoule holding liquid drugs ...1971 US sl.
• JUICE a powered narcotic dissolved for injection ...1962 US sl.
• JUNK a narcotic drug; often specifically heroin ...1925 sl., orig. US
• K 1. a kilogram of any illicit drug ...1970s drugs sl.
2. ketamine hydrochloride, a mildly hallucinogenic drug, developed as a battlefield anaesthetic, associated chemically with phencyclidine, and often used as a legal substitute for MDMA ...1980s drugs sl.
• KEY a kilogram of a drug ...1968 US sl.
• KICK a thrill from drugs or alcohol; a thrill of any type ...20C sl.
• KICK PARTY a party where LSD or some other drug is used ...M20 US drugs sl.
• KICK-SICK the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• KIESTER STASH the rectum as a place for concealing illegal drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LANCE a hypodermic needle ...1952 US drugs sl.
• LAUNCHING PAD a room, flat, or house where drug addicts can go to inject ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LAYOUT the syringe, cotton, etc. required for injecting a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• LEAF n. drugs in general ...1930s sl.
• LEAF GUM narcotics ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• LEAPER any central nervous system stimulant, esp. amphetamine ...1961 US drugs sl.
• LEMON weak or second-rate narcotics; a diluted or poor quality drug, esp. poor heroin ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LEMONADE weak or second-rate narcotics; a diluted or poor quality drug, esp. poor heroin ...1950s US drugs sl.
• LIFE drug addiction as a way of life ...1967 Amer. drugs sl.
• LIFT 1. a pill containing a stimulant; amphetamine ...1968 Amer. sl.
2.a strong stimulant effect from alcohol or drugs ...1942 Amer. sl.
• LIFT PILL a pill containing a stimulant; amphetamine ...1968 Amer. sl.
• LINE 1. a vein, esp. in the context of injecting drugs ...1938 US drugs sl.
2. a dose of cocaine or other powdered drug taken by inhalation ...1980 sl., orig. US
• LOW a period of intense depression or discomfort, when the effects of a drug have subsided ...sl.
• LUDE a drug taking to relieve anxiety ...sl.
• LUER a glass syringe with a slip-on needle and a solid plunger ...1973 US drugs sl.
• MACHINE a hypodermic syringe; broadly, all equipment necessary for the injection of narcotics ...1937 Amer. drugs sl.
• MACHINE GUN a syringe used for injecting an illegal drug ...1978 UK sl.
• MACHINERY all equipment necessary for the injection of narcotics ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
• MADMAN a notably strong variety of a given drug. e.g. heroin ...1970s drugs sl.
• MAGIC a psilocybe mushrom, a hallucinogen somewhat milder than LSD; usually used in the plural ...1960s drugs sl.
• MAGIC MUSHROOM 1. a psilocybe mushrom, a hallucinogen somewhat milder than LSD; usually used in the plural ...1960s drugs sl.
2. peyote ...1970s drugs sl.
• MAHOSKA, THE anything illicit or necessarily secret; addictive drugs ...1943 Amer. sl.
• MAHOSKER, THE anything illicit or necessarily secret; addictive drugs ...1943 Amer. sl.
• MAIN the vein into which an addict injects narcotics ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAIN KICK an addiction to drugs ...1930s US Black sl.
• MAINLINE 1.a large vein, usually the median vein of the arm or thigh; hence, an injection of a narcotic drug into such a vein ...1931 Amer. drugs sl.
2. narcotics; narcotics addiction ...1950s drugs sl.
• MAINLINE BANG an injection into the vein ...1940s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINER the vein into which an addict injects narcotics ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAIN THRILL one's drug of choice ...1930s US Black sl.
• MAKE a dose of a drug ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• M AND MS barbiturates, amphetamines, drugs available as pills ...1960s sl., orig US drugs
• MARKS the signs of narcotic injections ...1930s drugs sl.
• MCCOY medicinal drugs, pure narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• MELLOW YELLOW banana peel used as an intoxicant ...1967 US drugs sl.
• MICHAEL a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1942 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY FINN a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY FLYNN a narcotic used to adulterate an (alcoholic) drink in order to make someone unconscious ...1931 sl., orig. US
• MICKEY MOUSE HABIT a trivial drug habit ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• MIGHTY JOE YOUNG 1. a depressant ...1960s drugs sl.
2. an extremely heavy narcotics addiction ...1960s drugs sl.
• MIL a milligram, usually of a drug ...1990s sl.
• MIND-BLOWER a hallucinant drug ...c1971 sl.
• MISS CARRIE a quantity of drugs carried on one's person ...1960s drugs sl.
• MISSION a search for drugs, esp. for cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIX an environment in which drugs are involved ...2000s sl.
• MONK addiction to a drug, usually heroin ...1960s US sl.
• MONKEY an addiction, esp. to heroin ...1949 Amer. sl.
• MONKEY BAIT free samples of addictive drugs ...1950s drugs sl.
• MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK an addiction to narcotic drugs, esp. heroin ...1860
• MONKEY ON ONE'S SHOULDER drug addiction, esp. to heroin ...1930s sl., orig. US
• MONSTER any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• MOOCH narcotics in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MOUNTAIN CLIMBER a feeling of intoxication produced by drugs ...1970s US college sl.
• N narcotics ...1980s US drugs sl.
• NARCO a narcotic drug ...1955 US sl.
• NARCOMANIA an uncontrollable craving for narcotic drugs ...1888
• NASTIES drugs of any variety ...1980s drugs sl.
• NATCH TRIPS 'highs' induced by smoking the skins of or drinking the broth from banana, nutmeg, mace, cinnamons, peanut shells, peppers, or wild rice ...1960s US Black sl.
• NEEDLE a hypodermic needle ...1929 drugs sl., orig. US
• NEEDLE, THE addiction to injected drugs ...1955 sl., orig. US
• NEEDLE-CANDY a narcotic which is injected ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NICKEL BAG $5 worth of drugs, the quantity varies as to the drug, more marijuana, less heroin ...1967 drugs sl.
• NIGHTCAP the last portion of a drug prior to bed ...1950s sl.
• NOCKS narcotics ...20C US sl.
• NOD a drug-induced stupor ...1936 Amer. drugs sl.
• NOSEBAG a plastic bag used for solvent abuse ...1996 UK sl.
• NOSEFULL a strong dose of a powdered drug that is snorted ...1980 US sl.
• NOSE HABIT drug addiction or use; the practice or habit of sniffing drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NOSE POWDER any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE STUFF or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• O an ounce of a narcotic ...1930s US drugs sl.
• O.A. an overdose; specifically of Methedrine ...1970s drugs sl.
• OD a drug overdose ...1959 US sl.
• OH an ounce of a narcotic ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OIL BURNER a serious drug addiction ...1938 US sl.
• OIL-BURNING HABIT a ravenous appetite for drugs ...1938 Amer. sl.
• OINT-JAY the equipment used for injecting a narcotic ...1930s drugs back-slang for 'joint'
• OLD LADY WHITE powdered narcotic ...1920s US drugs sl.
• OLD STEVE any form of narcotic in powder form ...1930s drugs sl.
• O.Z. an ounce of narcotics ...1933 US drugs sl.
• OUTFIT the apparatus with which a drug addict takes drugs ...1951 drugs sl.
• PACK a package of illegal drugs, esp. heroin ...1952 US sl.
• PACKAGE a supply of a given drug ...1930s US drugs sl.
• PACKET a package of illegal drugs, esp. heroin ...1952 US sl.
• PAMPHLET one ounce of a drug ...1976 US drugs sl.
• PANIC a period when drugs are hard to purchase ...1910s drugs sl.
• PAPER a sheet of paper impregnated with a drug in solution or any other form of smuggling drugs into prison ...1920s US drugs sl.
• PARCEL a bulk consignment of drugs ...2000s sl.
• PARTY FAVORS drugs ...1980s US college sl.
• PEP-PILL a stimulant drug ...1937 sl., orig. US
• PETER a knock-out drug ...1899 US sl.
• PIECE an ounce of a drug, esp. morphine or heroin ...1935 US sl.
• PIGGYBACK 1. the occupation by a dealer of several floors in a building; when one is raided others are still available ...1980s sl.
2. the simultaneous injection of 2 drugs ...2000s US drugs
• POP an injection of a narcotic drug ...1935 sl.
• POPPER an injection ...1930s drugs sl.
• QUARRY CURE a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUART 1/4 oz (7g) or 1/4g of a given drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• QUARTER 1. a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
2. $25 of a given drug ...1980s drugs sl.
3. a quarter of a kilo of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• QUARTER HOUSE 1. a place where drug users can obtain a 1/4 oz (7g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
2. a place where mid-level heroin dealers do business ...1978 US sl.
• QUARTER PAPER $25 worth of a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• QUARTER PIECE 1/4 oz (7g) of drugs ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUARTER SACK $25 of a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• QUID DEAL a drug sale involving one pound's worth of drugs, usually marijuana ...1983 UK sl.
• QUILL 1. a folded over matchbook cover that hides a narcotic drug ...1910s sl.
2. anything used to snort powdered drugs; the drugs themselves ...1935 US sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLIE any narcotic drug ...1936 drugs sl.
• RAIL a line of cocaine or other powdered drug laid out for snorting ...1984 US sl.
• RAILROAD TRACKS the scars that accompany repeated injections of narcotics into one's veins ...1970s drugs sl.
• RAINBOWS any form of pill in a coloured jacket; usually the barbiturates Amytal and Seconal which have red-and-blue capsules ...1960s drugs sl.
• RASPBERRY an abscessed injection site ...1960s drugs sl.
• READER a drug prescription ...1980s drugs sl.
• ROCKPILE CURE a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SACH paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SACHT paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SACK a bag of drugs, usually marijuana or crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SAFETY a safety pin used for an improvised injection of an illegal drug ...1952 US sl.
• SALAD a mixture of two or more drugs ...1970 US sl.
• SATAN'S SCENT any inhalant ...1980s drugs sl.
• SATAN'S SECRET any inhalant ...1980s drugs sl.
• SATCH paper or clothing that is saturated with a drug solution; usually sued to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals ...1930s drugs sl.
• SATCH COTTON fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection; the cotton may be boiled later and the drug residue used ...1960s drugs sl.
• SATURDAY NIGHT HABIT an occasional use of narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SAUCE a narcotic drug; narcotic drugs ...1953 sl., orig. US
• SCAM a large-scale plan to smuggle and distribute illegal drugs ...1970s sl.
• SCARS the scars left from continuous injections of narcotics ...1940s US Black sl.
• SCHMECK a narcotic drug ...1932 sl., chiefly US
• SCHMECKEN drugs ...1940s Brit. sl.
• SCHMECKER drugs ...1940s Brit. sl.
• SCORE DOUGH money set aside or offered for a purchase of drugs ...1930s drugs sl.
• SCORE MONEY money set aside or offered for a purchase of drugs ...1930s drugs sl.
• SCRIP a prescription for narcotics ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRIPT a prescription for narcotic drugs ...1951 sl., orig. US
• SHOOTING GALLERY a place where illegal drugs can be obtained and injected ...1951 US sl.
• SHOT IN THE ARM an injection of narcotics ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• SICK the illness that accompanies withdrawal from drug addiction ...1930s drugs sl.
• SICKNESS the range of symptoms experienced when a drug addict is deprived of the drug ...1987 US sl.
• SILK AND SATIN any combination of amphetamines and barbiturates or tranquillizers ...1970s drugs sl.
• SILLY DUST a powdered drug ...2003 UK sl.
• SILVER BIKE a metal syringe ...1970 US drug addicts' usage
• SILVER LADY a hypodermic needle and syringe ...1993 US drugs sl.
• SIZZLE an illegal drug ...1969 US sl.
• SKETCHING coming down from a drug-induced high ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SKID DROP a large load of drugs dropped from the air by means of a cargo skid attached to a parachute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKIN a thin paper used to roll marijuana or tobacco cigarettes ...1969 US sl.
• SKINGRAFT an intramuscular injection of a drug ...1968 US drugs sl.
• SKIN HABIT a drug addiction based on intramuscular, not intravenous, injections ...1972 US sl.
• SKIN POP an injection of a drug into the skin or muscle, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-POPPING shooting drugs; injecting narcotics subcutaneously, not into a vein ...1973 US drugs sl.
• SKOP a thrill; a kick from a drink or drug ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• SLANGING selling drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEEPER a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE the taking of a narcotic drug, esp. cocaine; the euphoria resulting from taking a narcotic drug ...1925 US sl.
• SLOWS, THE moving slowly while high on narcotics ...1980s US Black sl.
• SLUM DUMP anywhere that users take narcotics ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SMACK a hard drug, esp. heroin ...1942 sl., orig. US
• SNIFF 1. drugs in general; a dose of drugs ...M20 US drugs
2. any solvent that can be inhaled for its psychoactive effect ...1974 US sl.
• SNIFFINGS any industrial solvent that is inhaled for its psychoactive effect ...1984 US sl.
• SNOOD a dose of a drug ...1900s sl.
• SNOODGE a dose of a drug ...1900s sl.
• SNORT 1. a dose of narcotic for inhaling ...1951 Amer. drugs sl.
2. an instance of snorting a drug ...sl.
• SNOT BALLS rubber cement rolled into balls and burned ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW n. cocaine; any powdered drug ...1914 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-STORM a large amount of cocaine or other powdered drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SOFTBALLS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SOPERS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEAR a hypodermic needle ...1961 US drugs sl.
• SPEEDING the taking of or experiencing amphetamine or a similar 'go-faster' drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• SPIKE 1. a hypodermic needle ...1934 drugs sl., orig. US
2. the act of injecting a narcotic drug ...1940s drugs sl.
3. an injection, or the drug injected ...1953 drugs sl., orig. US
• SPOON a spoon used for heating drugs which are to be injected ...M20 US drugs sl.
• STASH a place to hide drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STASH AREAS drug storage and distribution areas ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEEL AND CONCRETE CURE the sudden and complete deprivation of drugs to a jailed drug addict, who suffers intensely ...1950 US sl.
• STING a narcotic drug; a drug injected into a racehorse ...1949 Aust. sl.
• STOPPERS a depressant ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STUFF a narcotic drug ...1929 sl., orig. US
• STUMBLE BUMBLE any powerful narcotic ...1970s US Black sl.
• TAB a tablet or pill containing an illegal drug; often specifically LSD ...1961 sl.
• TACKLE drugs ...2000s sl.
• TAIL the long-term effect of a drug, as opposed to the initial 'rush' ...1990s drugs sl.
• TEN CENTS a ten-dollar packet of narcotics ...1960s Amer. drugs sl.
• TERPS elixir of terpin hydrate with codeine, a cough syrup prized as a narcotic ...1970s Amer. drugs sl.
• TIN a small quantity of an illicit drug, esp. from two to five grams of cocaine usually sold in a small plastic bag, a glassine envelope, or often a small tin container ...sl.
• TOOT any drug for snorting, esp. cocaine ...sl.
• TORPEDO a capsule or table of a narcotic drug ...1971 drugs sl.
• TRACKS bruises, punctures, and sores visible on the skin of an intravenous drug user ...1964 US drugs sl.
• TRAILS while under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen: sequences of repeating after-images trailing a moving object ...1999 US drugs sl.
• TRAIN in prison: drugs ...1982 US sl.
• TRAP a hiding place for illegal drugs ...1967 US drugs sl.
• TRAP DOOR a scab under which a drug addict injects drugs ...1992 US drugs sl.
• TRAY a $3 bag of a narcotic drug ...1967 US sl.
• TREY a $3 bag of a narcotic drug ...167 US sl.
• TRIP a hallucinatory experience induced by a drug, esp. LSD ...1959 sl., orig. US
• TURN-ON a drug taker's state of intoxication ...1969 sl.
• TWENTY-CENT BAG twenty dollars’ worth of a drug ...1972 US sl.
• TWISTER 1. a spasm experienced by a drug taker as a withdrawal symptom ...1936 US sl.
2. an intravenous injection of a mixture of drugs ...1938 US sl.
• VALLEY the antecubital vein at the inside of the elbow, a prime site for intravenous drug injections ...1970 US sl.
• VEIN SHOT an injection of narcotics directly into a vein ...1930s US drugs sl.
• VERIFICATION SHOT the drawing of blood back into the syringe to make sure that one has hit a vein ...1930s US drugs sl.
• VIG OUNCE 1 oz (28g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
• WAD a rag saturated with glue or any volatile solvent that is inhaled for the intoxicating effect ...1970 US sl.
• WAGON abstention from drug use ...1997 UK sl.
• WAKE-UP 1. a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
2. a stimulant drug ...1969 drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP BOOST a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP HIT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP PILL a stimulant drug ...1969 drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP SHOT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WEIGHT a measure of an illegal drug ...1971 sl.
• WHITE MERCHANDISE morphine and other powdered narcotics ...20C US drugs sl.
• WINGDING a drug addict's real or feigned seizure ...1927 US sl.
• WITCH, THE any powdered drug: cocaine, heroin, etc. ...1949 US drugs sl.
• WORKS the devices used for injecting narcotics; drug paraphernalia ...1934 Amer. drugs sl.
• WORKS, THE all the equipment needed for injecting drugs: syringe, spoon, etc. ...L20 drugs sl., orig. US
• WRAP a very small quantity of a drug wrapped in paper or foil ...1996 Brit. sl.
• WRITING a narcotics prescription ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WYAMINE a Benzedrine™ inhaler, valued by amphetamine users ...1967 US drugs sl.
• XYZ an infected lesion that results from injecting with an improvised syringe ...1950s drugs sl.
• Z one ounce of narcotic or marijuana ...20C US drugs sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - nouns, person
• ACID CASUALTY one whose brain is deemed to have suffered from an excess of hallucinogens ...1960s sl.
• A.D. a Drug Addict ...1930s US drug sl.
• ADD a Drug Addict ...1930s US drug sl.
• AIREDALE one who runs errands for bootleggers or drug sellers ...1940s US criminals' sl.
• ALL STAR a drug user who abuses many different drugs ...1992 US sl,
• ARTILLERY one who is addicted to the injection of narcotics ...1915 US drugs sl.
• ARTILLERY MAN a drug addict who injects narcotics directly into a vein; one who shoots drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BABYSITTER someone who hides drugs temporarily during importation from one country or area to another ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BACK-DOOR ARTIST a drug addict who preys on fellow addicts for money or drugs ...1940s US Black & drugs sl.
• BAG DUDE a drug dealer ...1970s US Black sl.
• BAG LADY a female narcotics pusher ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BAGMAN a man who sells narcotics, esp. heroin ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
• BALLER a drug dealer, usually of crack cocaine ...2001 US sl.
• BANGSTER one who injects drugs ...E20 US drugs sl.
• BEEPER BOY a drug dealer ...1980s US sl.
• BIG MAN a drug supplier ...20C drugs sl.
• BOTTLE DEALER a drug dealer who sells pills in large quantities ...1971 US sl.
• BURNOUT a person who is ruined by drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• CABALLO a person who smuggles drugs into a prison ...1992 US sl.
• CABBAGEHEAD one who will try any drug ...2000s US drugs sl.
• CADET 1. a new drug user ...1949 US sl.
2. a heavy user of drugs, esp. cannabis or hallucinogens, who is, thus, continually 'flying' ...1970s drugs sl.
• CANDYMAN a seller of illicit drugs, esp. in capsule form ...1969 US drugs sl.
• CAPPER. in a drug-selling enterprise: a person who fills capsules with a drug ...1958 US sl.
• CARPET WALKER a drug addict ...1971 US sl.
• CHAMP a drug user who refuses to reveal their sources to the police ...1960s drugs sl.
• CHIPPIE a person who uses strong drugs only occasionally ...1924 US drugs sl.
• CHIPPY a person who uses strong drugs only occasionally ...1924 US drugs sl.
• CHIPPY-USER one who uses narcotics moderately ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• CLEAN applied to a person free from or cured of addiction to drugs ...1953 sl.
• CONNECTION a seller of narcotics; a person who can get drugs ...1925 Amer. drugs sl.
• CONNEXION a supplier of drugs ...1927 sl., orig. US
• CONVERT a newly addicted drug addict ...1949 US sl.
• CREEP a drug addict who relies on the kindness of other addicts for small amounts of drugs ...1971 US sl.
• D.A. a drug addict ...1930s US sl.
• D-BOY a drug dealer ...1990s US Black teen sl.
• DEAL a drug seller, often in his wholesale role, as opposed to the less important 'pusher' ...1920s drugs sl.
• DEALER a drug seller, often in his wholesale role, as opposed to the less important 'pusher' ...1920s drugs sl.
• DICK SMITH a drug user or addict who does not socialize with others users ...1876 US sl.
• DIP a drug addict ...20C US sl.
• DOPE a drug taker or addict ...1899 US sl.
• DOPE ADDICT a drug addict ...1930 sl.
• DOPE FIEND a drug addict ...1890 sl.
• DOPEHEAD a drug addict ...sl.
• DOPENIK a drug addict ...M20 US sl.
• DOPER 1. a drug addict ...1910 sl.
2. a pusher ...1910 sl.
• DOPESTER someone who uses or is addicted to drugs ...1938 sl.
• DO-RIGHTER a person who does not use drugs ...1970 US sl.
• DOWN FREAK a person addicted to depressant drugs, esp. barbiturates ...1980 Amer. drugs sl.
• DOWN HEAD a person addicted to depressant drugs, esp. barbiturates ...1973 Amer. drugs sl.
• DRUGGER a drug addict ...1941 sl.
• DRUGGIE a drug addict ...1966 sl., orig. US
• DRUGGY a drug addict ...1966 sl., orig. US
• DUSTIE a narcotics user ...1950s US drugs sl.
• FAST LANER one who takes illegal hard drugs ...1990s US college sl.
• FATHER a large-scale drug dealer ...1960s US drugs sl.
• FIEND a drug taker or addict; someone addicted to opium or an opiate drug ...1881 sl.
• FREAK a habitual drug user; usually suffixed to a defining drug ...1967 US sl.
• FREAKO a weirdo; a sexual deviant; a habitual drug user ...1963 US sl.
• FREAKY a habitual drug user ...1969 UK sl.
• FRESHMAN a novice drug user ...1950s US drug sl.
• GARBAGE HEAD an addict who will use any substance available ...1970 US sl.
• GAS-HEAD an abuser of industrial solvents for their psychoactive effects ...1996 UK sl.
• GOOFER a drug user ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GURU a person who aids and supports someone having a psychedelic drug experience ...1960s US drugs sl.
• GUTTER HYP a very low-level narcotics user ...1920s drugs sl.
• GUTTER HYPE a drug addict reduced by the circumstances of addiction to living in the streets or, at best, using inferior drugs ...1920s US sl.
• GUTTER JUNKIE a drug addict reduced by the circumstances of addiction to living in the streets or, at best, using inferior drugs ...1920s US sl.
• HEAD someone addicted to a drug, usually specified ...1911 sl., orig. US
• HOPHEAD a drug addict ...1911 US sl.
• HORSE a person who has been bribed, paid, or duped into delivering contraband, esp. illicit drugs ...1966 US drugs sl.
• HUSTLER a drug pusher ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• HYP a drug addict ...1924 sl., orig. US SL-AYT
• HYPE a drug addict ...1924 sl., orig. US
• HYPO a drug addict ...1904 sl., orig. US
• ICE-CREAM MAN a dealer in narcotics ...1950s drugs sl.
• JABBER a drug addict ...1930s US drugs sl.
• JOY-POPPER an occasional taker of illegal drugs ...1936 sl., orig. US
• JUGGLER a retail-level drug dealer ...1969 US sl.
• JUNKER 1. a drug addict ...1922 US sl.
2. a supplier of drugs ...1930 US sl.
• JUNKIE a drug addict ...1923 sl., orig. US
• JUNKO a drug addict ...1970s US sl.
• LAME among addicts: a non-drug user ...1968 US drugs sl.
• LIFER a person who takes drugs for 15-20 or more years ...1970 Amer. sl.
• LIGHT ARTILLERY a drug addict who uses a hypodermic needle ...1930 US drugs sl.
• LOADIE a habitual drug abuser ...1979 US college sl.
• MADHATTER someone who sells drugs ...1990s US teen sl.
• MAGGOT a criminal, esp. a drug dealer ...1980s US police usage
• MAINLINE a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINER a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1934 sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINLINE SHOOTER a drug addict who injects narcotics into the vein ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• MAINSTAY n. a dealer's most trustworthy friend or lover ...1980s US drugs sl.
• MAN, THE a major drug dealer ...1940s sl., orig. US
• MISSIONARY a drug peddler ...M20 US sl.
• MOVER someone who imports drugs ...1995 US drugs sl.
• MULE someone employed as a courier to smuggle illegal drugs into a country and often to pass them on to a buyer ...1935 sl., orig. US
• MULE-SKINNER. one who organizes, pays, and supervises a drug courier or 'mule' ...1980s drugs sl.
• NARCOMANIAC one having an uncontrollable craving for narcotics ...1888
• NARCOTIST one addicted to the use of narcotics ...1860
• NEEDLE a narcotics addict ...1930s drugs sl.
• NEEDLE MAN a drug addict, esp. one who is addicted to injecting drugs ...1925 US sl.
• NEEDLE-PUSHER one who injects narcotics ...1929 Amer. sl.
• NODDER one who becomes comatose immediately following a narcotic injection ...1970s drugs sl.
• O.D. one who has taken an overdose ...1950s drugs sl.
• OIL-BURNER an addict with a very high intake of narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• OLD LADY WHITE a drug dealer, presumably in white powders ...1900s sl.
• PANIC MAN a dealer or a drug addict who is desperate for supplies ...1910s drugs sl.
• PAPER CHASER one who is looking for money, usually a drug dealer ...2000s US Black sl.
• PASTY FACE a narcotics addict ...1940s US drugs sl.
• PILLHEAD someone who is addicted to pills or takes a lot of pills; a drug addict ...1961 colloq.
• POPPER 1. an intravenous drug user ...1930s drugs sl.
2. someone who takes drugs in pill form ...1936 drugs sl.
• PUSHER a supplier of illicit drugs, esp. addictive drugs ...1935 sl., orig. US
• QUALITY FOLKS a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY JOE a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUITTER one who has abandoned drug use ...1950s drugs sl.
• RASPBERRY a woman who trades sex for crack cocaine or money to buy the drug ...1980s drugs sl.
• RASTA one who takes drugs obsessively ...2000s US Black sl.
• RUNNER someone who traffics in illicit liquor, drugs, etc. ...1930 sl., chiefly US
• SAFETY PIN MECHANIC a narcotics user who is forced to resort to an improvised syringe ...1950s US drugs sl.
• SCALE BOY one who weighs and measures out portions of a drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• SCHMECKER a drug addict, esp. one who takes heroin ...1953 US sl.
• SELF-STARTER an addict who volunteers themself for a cure, taken in prison or a similar institution ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SHMECKER a drug addict, esp. one who takes heroin ...1953 US sl.
• SHUNTER drug dealer who becomes addicted and continues to deal in order to fund the habit ...2000 UK sl.
• SICK someone suffering drug withdrawal symptoms ...1951 US sl.
• SIMPLE SIMON a non-addict ...1950s drugs sl.
• SKIN POPPER a drug user who does not inject the drug into a vein ...1953 US sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDER one who takes narcotic drugs ...1915 US sl.
• SMOKER someone who smokes marijuana or other drugs ...20C sl.
• SNIFFER a cocaine user or addict; a person who inhales drugs or chemicals ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFF QUEEN a homosexual who is a heavy user of amyl nitrite or butyl nitrite during sex ...1972 US sl.
• SNOOTER a habitual drug user who ingests drugs by nasal inhalation ...1996 UK sl.
• SNOWBIRD a heroin addict or an illicit user or addict of any powdered drug ...1931 US drugs sl.
• SPEED-FREAK. a drug addict or user ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SPOTTER in drug culture: one who serves as a lookout for the police ...1980s US Black sl.
• SPRUNG a person just starting to use drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEERER one who does not sell drugs but guides or steers potential buyers to places where they are sold ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STICKUP BOYS those who rob drug dealers ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STONER a person who is habitually under the influence of drugs or alcohol ...sl.
• STRAIGHT one who is not a drug addict ...1967 sl., orig. US
• STUDENT an inexperienced user of illegal drugs, esp. one who takes small or occasional doses ...1936 sl., orig. US
• SUPERFLY a supplier of drugs ...1973 US sl.
• SWALLOWER a drug smuggler who swallows carefully wrapped drugs to take them through customs ...1980s drugs sl.
• SWING MAN a supplier of drugs ...1972 sl.
• TRIPPER one who experiences hallucinatory effects of a drug ...1966 sl.
• USER someone who takes 'hard' drugs, i.e. cocaine, morphine, LSD, heroin, etc. ...1935 US drugs sl.
• VEIN SHOOTER one who injects into the vein; hence, a veteran addict ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WALL-BANGER anyone who is so intoxicated by drugs that they cannot walk straight ...1960s US teen & drugs sl.
• WATERMELON MAN a drug seller ...1970s US Black euphemism
• WEEKENDER someone who indulges in occasional drug-taking, esp. at weekends ...1955 sl., orig. US
• ZONE a habitual drug user ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZONER a habitual drug user ...1980s US drugs sl.
• ZONKER anyone who takes drugs to excess ...1970s sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - nouns, person, other
• NARC a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• NARCO a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• NARK a member of a federal, state, or local drug squad ...1967 US sl.
• SAM a federal narcotics agent ...1971 US sl.
• AGE OUT to reach an age, usually in the 30s or 40s,when drugs no longer have the desired effect, whereupon the user gradually stops taking them voluntarily ...Amer. drugs sl.
• ASS UP to take drugs; to get intoxicated on drugs ...2000s US Black sl.
• BABYSIT to take care of someone either under the influence of a drug (esp. LSD) or, more often, recovering from an unpleasant, drug-induced experience ...1968 drugs sl.
• BADDEN to become intoxicated on drugs or alcohol ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago usage
• BAG IT to inhale fumes from glue placed in a bag ...1965 Amer. drugs sl.
• BALL to absorb narcotics through the mucus members of the genitals ...M20 US drugs sl.
• BALLOON to package narcotics for distribution and sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• BANG 1. to inhale or inject a drug intravenously ...1926 US sl.
2. to swallow a tablet ...2001 UK drugs sl.
• BANG UP to inject drugs ...World War II Amer. sl.
• BEND THE HABIT to decrease one's narcotics intake in an attempt to withdraw from addiction ...L19 drugs sl.
• BESOT to have an intoxicating effect on; said of drugs ...1627
• BLOW A SHOT to waste narcotics by missing the vein or spilling the solution ...c1910 drugs sl.
• BLOW ONE'S MIND to experience the effect of a drug, esp. LSD ...1965 sl., orig. US
• BREAK OFF to stop taking a narcotic drug ...1910s US drugs sl.
• BREAK THE NEEDLE to take a full hypodermic of narcotics ...c1925 drugs sl.
• BUM OUT to have a bad experience with drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• BUST THE MAINLINE to take an intravenous injection ...1930s sl., orig. US drugs usage
• CABARET to use an addictive drug in a semi-controlled pattern; to get extremely intoxicated ...1958 US drugs sl.
• CABBAGE to be intoxicated by drugs or drink ...2000s sl.
• CAP 1. to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1940s drugs sl.
2. to be given drugs for free ...1950s drugs sl.
3. to buy or use narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAP OUT to pass out from the use of marijuana or drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CAP UP to transfer bulk drugs (in powder form) into capsules for sale ...1960s drugs sl.
• CARRY to be in possession of drugs ...1961 US sl.
• CATCH A FACE to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• CHIP 1. to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
2. to inject heroin or the like into a muscle rather than a vein ...1966 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPER to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1971 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPY to use heroin, cocaine, or similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• CONNECT 1. to meet someone in order to obtain drugs ...1938 US sl.
2. to buy narcotics or other contraband ...1960s Amer. drugs sl.
• COP to buy drugs ...1950s sl.
• COP A BUZZ to get drunk; to get high on a drug ...1970s US sl.
• CRANK to inject oneself with an illegal drug ...1971 sl.
• CRANK UP to inject a drug ...1978 UK sl.
• DAB to ingest a powdered drug by sucking or licking the powder collected on a moistened finger ...2001 UK sl.
• DABBLE 1. to use narcotics in moderation ...1910s drugs sl.
2. to operate an (occasional) trade in stolen or illegal goods, esp. antiques or drugs ...1996 UK sl.
• DEAL to peddle illegal drugs ...1958 sl.
• DIP OUT to remove small amounts of crack from the vials for sale for later personal use; used of a member of crack cocaine-selling crew ...1994 US sl.
• DO to take drugs ...1967 sl., orig. US
• DO A LINE to inhale a measured dose of a powdered drug, esp. cocaine ...1979 US sl.
• DOPE 1. to give a drug to; to drug a racing animal to affect its performance ...1875 sl.
2. to take drugs ...1909 sl.
• DOWN OUT to stupefy with or as if with a barbiturate or tranquillizer ...1976 Amer. sl.
• DROP to take a drug orally ...1963 sl., orig. US
• DROP ACID to take drugs ...1963 sl., orig. US
• DRY OUT of a drug addict: to undergo treatment to cure addiction ...1908 sl., orig. US -AYT Oxf Sl Ayto 1998
• EAT POPCORN to take some form of pill ...1960s US drugs sl.
• FALL OUT to faint; to collapse; to fall asleep, often when overcome by drug consumption or excessive drinking ...1884 US sl.
• FIRE ONE UP to lights one's cigarette or reefer ...1960s US Black sl.
• FIX to inject oneself with a narcotic drug ...1936 sl., orig. US
• FREAK OUT to lose sanity while under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen ...1967 US sl.
• FLY 1. to experience a 'high' from narcotics ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. to take narcotics habitually ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GAG to cheat; to sell fake drugs ...1990s US prison & drugs sl.
• GAP UP to fill capsules with a powdered narcotic ...1971 US sl.
• GET CHINESE to get really stoned ...1980 Amer. campus sl.
• GET OFF ON to experience the effect of a drug ...1969 sl., orig. US
• GET ONE'S HEAD BAD to get drunk or high on drugs ...1964 US Black sl.
• GET SOME JUICE ON to achieve a drug intoxication ...1980 US sl.
• GET THE HABIT OFF to take enough of a narcotic to stop the pain of withdrawal ...L19 drugs sl.
• GOOF to take drugs ...1944 sl.
• GOOF OFF to go to sleep, esp. under the influence of drugs ...1940s US drugs sl.
• GO SICK to suffer withdrawal symptoms when addicted to narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• GUN to inject a drug intravenously ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• GUT IT to stay up all night working without any amphetamine for stimulation but purely through strength of will and character ...1910s US campus sl.
• HAVE A HABIT to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms ...1920s drugs sl.
• HAVE A HEAT ON to be in a drug-induced state of intoxication ...1912 US sl.
• HAVE A MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK to be bitten by the drug habit ...c1945 Can. sl.
• HIT to give a drug to ...1953 sl., orig. US
• HIT UP to inject a drug ...1950s US sl.
• HOLD to be in possession of drugs for sale ...1935 US sl.
• HOOK to make a drug addict of ...1922 Amer. drugs sl.
• HURT to crave a drug ...1996 UK sl.
• HUSSLE to attempt to obtain drug customers, to sell drugs ...1970s drugs sl.
• HUSTLE to attempt to obtain drug customers, to sell drugs ...1970s drugs sl.
• HYPO to administer a hypodermic injection to ...1925 drugs sl., orig. US
• ISSUE to cheat; to sell fake drugs ...1990s US drugs sl.
• JAB to inject drugs ...20C drugs sl.
• JAB JOB to inject a drug ...1950s drugs sl.
• JACK 1. to inject a drug, esp. to draw a portion of blood, which mixes with the drug and then to reinject the mixture, repeating the process several times ...1970s US drugs sl.
2. to steal someone else's drugs ...1980s drugs sl.
• JACK OFF to pump backwards and forwards with a plunger of the hypodermic without finally injecting the blood and heroin mix into the arm ...1950s drugs sl.
• JOLT to inject a drug ...1950s US drugs sl.
• JUGGLE to sell drugs ...1963 US sl.
• KANGAROO to make one hyperactive; often used of a drug ...1950s US Black sl.
• KEY UP to become drug-intoxicated ...1964 US sl.
• KICK to give up a drug-taking habit ...1936 sl., orig. US
• LAUGH AND SCRATCH to inject a drug, esp. heroin ...1998 UK sl.
• MAIN to inject drugs directly into a vein, esp. heroin ...1952 Amer. drugs sl.
• MAINLINE to inject drugs directly into a vein, esp. heroin ...1938 Amer. drugs sl.
• MAKE A SPREAD to lay out the equipment used for giving oneself an injection ...1930s drugs sl.
• MAKE ONE RIGHT to feel good, esp. as a result of drug use ...1950s US Black sl.
• MAKE ONESELF RIGHT to feel good, esp. as a result of drug use ...1950s US Black sl.
• MELLOW OUT to relax, to take it easy; usually applied to relaxing under the influence of a drug ...1974 US sl.
• MISS to inject a drug ...1950s drugs sl.
• MIX to inject a drug, usually heroin ...1970s sl.
• NARCOTIZE to drug or render insensible with a narcotic ...1843
• NOD to fall asleep or into a daze, esp. under the influence of a drug ...1958 drugs sl.
• NOD OFF to fall asleep, esp. under the influence of a drug ...1965 Amer. sl.
• NOD OUT to fall asleep, esp. under the influence of a drug ...c1953 Amer. sl.
• O.D. 1. to overdose (fatally or otherwise) on a given drug ...1969 drugs sl.
2. to give someone a drug overdose ...1960s drugs sl.
• OD ON to give oneself a drug overdose ...Aust. sl.
• OH-DEE 1. to overdose (fatally or otherwise) on a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
2. to give someone a drug overdose ...1960s drugs sl.
• OIL to inject oneself with a drug, usually heroin ...1980s drugs sl.
• PACK 1. to carry drugs for a dealer ...1940s US drugs sl.
2. to place drugs into a cone, bong, etc., preparatory to smoking them ...Aust. sl.
• PACK UP of dope-peddlers: to cease operations while the police are known to be active ...1929 US sl.
• PAN UP to prepare a powdered drug for heating prior to injection ...1971 US sl.
• PARTY to drink or take drugs ...1960s sl.
• PASS OUT to lose consciousness due to intoxication with alcohol or drugs ...M20 US sl.
• PETER to take a stupefying drug ...1925 drugs sl.
• PICK UP to drink alcohol, or use drugs ...1950s Amer. sl.
• POP to take a narcotic drug; to inject a drug into a blood vessel ...1956 sl.
• PUMP to sell drugs. esp. crack cocaine ...1989 UK sl.
• PUSH to peddle illegal drugs ...1938 sl.
• RACK UP to cut up lines of a narcotic, usually cocaine ...1997 drugs sl.
• RARE to inhale narcotics ...1940s sl.
• RIDE THE MAIN LINE to take drugs intravenously ...1957 Amer. drugs sl.
• ROCK OUT to pass out from drug intoxication ...1970s US Black sl.
• RUN A RAILROAD to be addicted to narcotics ...1970s drugs sl.
• SACK UP to divide up and place bulk drugs into separate bags prior to sale ...2000s drugs sl.
• SAIL of a doctor or dentist: to write prescriptions for narcotics ...1930s US drugs sl.
• SCALE to weigh a measure of a drug ...1990s drugs sl.
• SCORE to obtain an illegal drug ...1935 sl., orig. US
• SCRAMBLE to sell drugs ...1980s Amer. teen sl.
• SEND TO LONG BEACH when the narcotic agents are coming: to flush illegal drugs down the toilet ...1960s US Black sl.
• SET ONE ON ONE'S ASS to be knocked out from drug intoxication ...1970s US Black sl.
• SHIT DIMES AND QUARTERS to excrete bags of drugs after swallowing them when facing a police search ...2000s US Black & drugs sl.
• SHOOT to inject oneself with a drug ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHOOT SKIN to miss the vein in attempting to inject heroin ...1950s US Black sl.
• SHOOT UP to inject narcotics, esp. heroin, into one's veins ...1914 sl., orig. US
• SHOVE to sell drugs ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• SKEET to flush out a hypodermic syringe by using the plunger ...1971 drugs sl.
• SKIN to inject a narcotic into the skin as opposed to a vein ...1953 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-POP to inject a drug into the skin or muscle, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SKIN-PUMP to inject a drug under the skin, not into a vein ...1952 US drugs sl.
• SLAM to inject a drug ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE to take a narcotic drug ...1915 US sl.
• SMOKE to smoke marijuana; to smoke any drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNIDEY UP to adulterate drugs; to prepare fake drugs for sale ...1996 UK sl.
• SNIFF to inhale or sniff cocaine; to ingest drugs by nasal inhalation ...1925 UK sl.
• SNORT to inhale narcotics, esp. cocaine ...1935 sl., orig. US
• SNOW to give a drug to ...1927 US sl.
• SPACE OUT to go into a drug-induced euphoria ...1968 US sl.
• SPIKE 1. to inject a drug with a hypodermic syringe ...1935 drugs sl.
2. to add a stronger drug to a less potent one ...1960s sl.
3. to dose someone with a hallucinogenic drug (usually LSD) without their knowing, usually by putting it into a drink, or sometimes, food ...1960s sl.
• SPIKE UP to inject a drug with a hypodermic syringe ...1930s drugs sl.
• STEP ON 1. to cut or adulterate a drug by doubling its weight (and halving its purity) ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
2. to dilute drugs ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STONE OUT to experience the effect of a drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• STOOL to search premises for drugs ...1920s US criminals' sl.
• STRING OUT to be under the influence of a drug ...1967 US sl.
• TAB to make a drug into tablet form ...1967 US sl.
• TAKE IT MAIN to inject narcotics into a vein ...1940s drugs sl.
• TAKE OFF 1. to take narcotics ...1940s drugs sl.
2. to feel the effects of a drug ...1940s drugs sl.
• TAKE THE KNOCK to be overcome by drink or drugs ...2000s sl.
• TAKE THE MONKEY OFF ONE'S BACK to withdraw from narcotics addiction ...1960s sl.
• THROW A WINGDING of a drug addict: to have a seizure, real or feigned ...1927 US sl.
• THROW ON A FACE to get intoxicated on alcohol or drugs ...1974 Amer. sl.
• TRACK to inject drugs ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• TRIP to experience drug-induced hallucinations ...1966 sl., orig. US
• TRIP OUT to experience drug-induced hallucinations ...1966 sl., orig. US
• TURN ON to use drugs and become intoxicated ...1953 Amer. sl.
• UNHOOK to stop taking narcotics ...1950s drugs sl.
• UNTIE to remove the tourniquet, a belt, a shoelace, used to isolate a vein for injecting narcotics ...1960s drugs sl.
• USE to take drugs ...1953 sl.
• WALK WITH YOUR LUCY to inject a drug ...1981 US sl.
• WHACK to cut or dilute a drug such as heroin or cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WIG OUT to be intoxicated with narcotic drugs ...sl.
• WRITE SCRIP(T) to give out prescriptions for narcotics ...1930s drugs sl.
• ZONE to be intoxicated by a hallucinogenic drugs ...1990s sl.
• ZONE OUT to be intoxicated by a hallucinogenic drugs ...1990s sl.
DRUGS, GENERAL - phrases
• ALL RIGHT? a coded query: do you need any drugs? ...1990s sl.
• TRAIN HAS ARRIVED, THE illegal drugs have arrived at the prison ...1982 US sl.
• A-BOMBED under the influence of amphetamines ...1975 US sl.
• AMPED under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant, usually amphetamines or methamphetamine ...1972 US sl.
• AMPED OUT under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• AMPED UP under the influence of an amphetamine or other stimulant ...1972 Amer. sl.
• CRANKED stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• CRANKED OUT. stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• CRANKED UP stimulated by methamphetamine or amphetamines ...1971 US sl.
• ZIPPY containing amphetamine or a similar stimulant ...1990s drugs sl.
• A amphetamine ...1967 US sl.
• ACELERANTE an amphetamine or central nervous system stimulant ...1992 US sl.
• ACCELERATOR an amphetamine tablet ...1993 US sl.
• ACE one single pill of amphetamine, barbiturate, or tranquillizer ...1930s drugs sl.
• ACTIVITY BOOSTER an amphetamine tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• AMP an amphetamine tablet or capsule; usually used in the plural ...M20 US drugs usage
• AMPHET amphetamine ...1982 US sl.
• AMP JOINT marijuana and amphetamine (or possibly another drug) mixed and rolled for smoking in a cigarette ...1998 UK sl.
• AMPS amphetamines ...Amer. drugs sl.
• AMY a capsule or tablet containing an amphetamine ...1969 Amer. sl.
• ARROW an amphetamine tablet ...1993 US sl.
• B-52 a powerful amphetamine tablet ...1993 US drugs sl.
• BACK DEX amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• BAM 1. amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. a pill containing both a barbiturate and an amphetamine ...1983 UK drugs sl.
• BAMBINO an amphetamine or other central nervous system stimulant ...1992 US drugs sl.
• BASE amphetamine ...2001 drugs sl.
• BENNIE an amphetamine; a benzedrine tablet ...1949 sl., orig. US
• BENNY an amphetamine; a benzedrine tablet ...1949 sl., orig. US
• BIKER'S SPEED methamphetamines ...20C drugs sl.
• BLACK BOMBER an amphetamine tablet ...1963 sl.
• BLISS any drug that is smoked, esp. a mixture of heroin, methamphetamine, and MDMA ...1996 US sl.
• BLUEY any form of amphetamine-barbiturate mixture ...1970s UK prison & drugs sl.
• BOO methamphetamine ...2000s sl.
• C, THE amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• CARTWHEEL an amphetamine tablet ...1966 US sl.
• CHRISTMAS TREE a Dexamyl™ capsule; an amphetamine ...M20 US drugs sl. Slang
• CRANK an amphetamine drug, esp. methamphetamine ...1969 US sl.
• CRANK BUG an insect that is seen by someone under the influence of methamphetamine but not by others ...1977 US sl.
• CROACK a mixture of crack and an amphetamine 1993 US sl.
• DAMON a pill, esp. an amphetamine ...1998 UK rhyming sl. (Damon Hill)
• DAMON HILL a pill, esp. an amphetamine ...1998 UK rhyming sl.
• DEBS n. amphetamines ...2000s US drugs sl.
• DEX the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1961 sl., orig. US
• DEXIE the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1951 sl., orig. US
• DEXY the amphetamine Dexedrine™ ...1951 sl., orig. US
• FAST amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• FAST IN amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• FAST STUFF amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• FREAK HOUSE a room, apartment, or house where amphetamine addicts gather to inject the drug ...1970 US sl.
• FRENCH BLUE a mixture of amphetamine and a barbiturate ...1964 sl.
• GAGGLER amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• G.B. a mixture of amphetamines and barbiturates ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GO-FAST amphetamines; speed ...1996 UK sl.
• GOOF BALL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• GOOF PILL a pill containing an amphetamine; any stimulant drug ...1952 sl., orig. US
• HYDRO amphetamines ...2003 UK sl.
• ICE methamphetamine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• IN-BETWEENS a mixture of amphetamines and barbiturates ...19870s drugs sl.
• JAM CECIL amphetamines ...1977 UK drugs sl.
• JOLLY BEANS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• JOLLY PILLS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• JUG a small container of amphetamine or methamphetamine in liquid form ...1980 US sl.
• L.A. long-acting amphetamine ...1986 drugs sl.
• LA TURNABOUT a long-lasting amphetamine; with reference to their use by long-distance truckers ...1970 US drugs sl.
• LA TURNAROUND a long-lasting amphetamine; with reference to their use by long-distance truckers ...1970 US drugs sl.
• LEAPER any central nervous system stimulant, esp. amphetamine ...1961 US drugs sl.
• LEMON DROP a methamphetamine tablet ...2000s US drugs sl.
• LIDPOPPERS amphetamine tablets or capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• LIGHTNING amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• MACKA amphetamine ...1980s drugs sl.
• METH a tablet of methamphetamine; methamphetamine ...1967 sl., orig. US
• MINSTREL a capsule containing an amphetamine and a sedative ...1967 sl.
• MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER amphetamines 2003 UK sl.
• NIMBIES amphetamines, specifically Nembutal™ capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• NUGGETS amphetamine capsules ...20C US drugs sl.
• OBIE a narcotic containing four amphetamines ...1960s US drugs sl.
• OLIVER REED amphetamine ...1980s rhyming sl. for 'speed'
• OLLY amphetamine ...1980s rhyming sl. on Oliver Reed for 'weed'
• ORANGE a Dexedrine™ tablet, an amphetamine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• PAPER a small amount of methamphetamine ...2000s sl.
• PILL an amphetamine tablet ...1963 sl.
• PURPLE a tablet of the stimulant drug Drinamyl™, an amphetamine ...1968 sl.
• PURPLE HEART a tablet of the stimulant drug Drinamyl™, an amphetamine ...1961 sl.
• PURPLE-HEARTS amphetamine tablets ...1950s US sl.
• QUARTZ methamphetamine that is smoked ...1998 UK sl.
• QUILL methamphetamine ...1980s sl.
• RACING TACKLE amphetamines or other central nervous system stimulants ...19836 UK sl.
• RACK a foil-wrapped package of amphetamines ...1997 US sl.
• RAMRAIDER a powerful amphetamine sulphate ...1990s UK sl.
• REDS amphetamine capsules ...M20 US drugs sl.
• ROOT amphetamines or an amphetamine tablet or capsule ...M19 US drugs sl.
• ROSES amphetamines; amphetamine tables or capsules...M20 US drugs sl.
• SKETCH methamphetamine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SNAP amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOT residue produced from smoking amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW amphetamine ...1910s drugs, orig. US
• SNOWBALL amphetamine ...1910s drugs, orig. US
• SNOW PALLETS amphetamine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW SEALS a mix of cocaine and amphetamine ...1970s drugs sl.
• SPARKLE PLENTY amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPARKLERS amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPECKLED BIRD an amphetamine capsule ..M20 US drugs sl.
• SPEED an amphetamine drug, esp. methamphetamine, often taken intravenously ...1967 sl., orig. US
• SPEEDBALL amphetamines in the sense of an enhancer of personal performance ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEEDING the taking of or experiencing amphetamine or a similar 'go-faster' drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• SPLASH a collective term for amphetamines ...1969 US sl.
• SPLIVINS amphetamine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAY-AWAKE amphetamine sulphate or any other central nervous system stimulant ...1993 US sl.
• SWEETS amphetamine tablets ...1961 US sl.
• T a gram of methamphetamine ...1960s US drugs sl.
• TR-6 an amphetamine ...1998 UK sl.
• UP an amphetamine capsule or table ...1969 US drugs sl.
• UPPER amphetamine ...1968 US drugs sl.
• UPPIE an amphetamine tablet or capsule ...1966 US drugs sl.
• WAKE-AMINE amphetamine ...1990s drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP any amphetamine or central nervous system stimulant ...1969 US sl.
• WAKE-UP PILL an amphetamine or other central nervous system stimulant ...1969 US sl.
• WEST-COAST TURNAROUNDS amphetamines ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE an amphetamine tablet ...1967 sl.
• WHITE CROSS an amphetamine tablet ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE LIGHTNING a substance which produces a shock or a charge; alcohol or amphetamines ...20C sl.
• WHITES amphetamines in general ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITEY amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITIE amphetamines ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHIZZ amphetamine ...1993 sl.
• YABA a form of hallucinogen, derived from synthetic amphetamine and originally created by Nazi chemists during World War II ...1990s sl.
• YABBA methamphetamine in pill form when taken as a recreational drug ...2001 UK sl.
• ZOOM amphetamine ...1970s drugs sl.
DRUGS, AMPHETAMINES - nouns, person
• A-HEAD an amphetamine abuser ...1971 US sl.
• CRANK COMMANDO an amphetamine or methamphetamine addict ...1970 UK sl.
• MISS FLASH a user of amphetamines or Benzedrine ...1950s gay sl.
• PAPER FIEND one who sucks the amphetamine-impregnated strips from an amphetamine inhaler ...1940s drugs sl.
• PHET FREAK an amphetamine addict ...1975 US sl.
• SPEED FREAK a regular user of amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl.
• CRANK to use amphetamines or methamphetamine, central nervous system stimulants ...1970 US sl.
• RAILROAD to move your jaw from side to side obsessively and involuntarily after sustained amphetamine use ...1989 US sl.
• SPEED to take the drug 'speed' (amphetamine) ...1973 sl., orig. US
• STAY AWAKE to use amphetamines or methamphetamine continuously ...1989 US sl.
DRUGS, CANNABIS - adjectives
• BLOCKED drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCKED UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• BLOCK UP drunk or intoxicated with a drug, usually cannabis or barbiturates ...1950s sl.
• AAP a cannabis cigarette ...1940s S. Afr.
• A-BOMB a cigarette containing a mixture of cannabis and an opiate, or of cannabis and cocaine ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• AFRICAN WOODBINE a marijuana or cannabis cigarette ...1970s Brit. sl.
• ARM a measure of cannabis, approximately the size of a maize cob and weighing about 2 kg (4.25 lb.) ...1960s S. Afr. drugs usage
• BUD cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BUDLIES cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• BUDULARS cannabis or the part of the cannabis that is smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• BULL JIVE diluted or adulterated cannabis ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• CACA-BACCA cannabis ...Brit. sl.
• CANNED SATIVA cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• D cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• DEAL a purchase or sale of drugs, esp. cannabis ...1910s drugs sl.
• G a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GEE a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• HO cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• J a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• JAYBIRD a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• J-BO a cannabis cigarette ...1960s drugs sl.
• KAARTJIE a very small measure of cannabis ...1950s S. Afr. drugs sl.
• KAJEES cannabis ...1980s drugs sl.
• KAKER cannabis ...1960s sl.
• MIX a combination of cannabis and others herbs, usually tobacco ...1970s Aust. drugs sl.
• O an ounce of cannabis ...1980s Aust. drugs sl.
• ONE a cannabis cigarette ...1960s sl.
• ONE, THE cannabis oil, THC ...1970s sl.
• PASTIES dryness in the mouth after smoking cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• PUFF cannabis ...Brit. sl.
• Q.P. a Quarter Pound of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• QUART 1/4 oz (7g) of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• SALAD a mixture of different varieties of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SATIVA cannabis ...1970s drugs sl.
• SAUSAGE a cannabis cigarette; a cannabis/tobacco cigarette ...1970s UK prison sl.
• SCES cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SCHWAG inferior-quality cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• WRAP-UP a brown paper packet containing cannabis ...L20 drugs sl.
• ZOL cannabis ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• ZOOT a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
• ZOOTIE a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
• ZUT a cannabis cigarette ...1990s UK Black sl.
DRUGS, CANNABIS - nouns, person
• CADET a heavy user of drugs, esp. cannabis or hallucinogens, who is, thus, continually 'flying' ...1970s drugs sl.
• PUFFER a cannabis or crack cocaine user ...Brit. sl.
ֳ• ASH to drop cannabis cigarette ash onto the floor ...1990s sl.
• BURN to smoke cannabis ...Bk1990 Amer. drugs sl.
• HOT-KNIFE to smoke cannabis from a heated knife; the fumes are sucked up through a broken-off milk bottle neck ...1980s drugs sl.
• PASTRY to roll a cannabis cigarette ...1970s UK Black sl.
• P.A.B.A.C.A.B. an exhortation to smoke cannabis (Pack A Bowl And Catch a Buzz) ...1980s US drugs sl.
DRUGS, COCAINE - adjectives
• BLUNTED UP high on marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• CAUGHT IN A SNOWSTORM intoxicated with cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• COKED. intoxicated with or under the effects of cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• CRACKED intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• CRACKED OUT intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• CRACKED UP intoxicated by crack ...1988 Amer. sl.
• GACKED cocaine-intoxicated ...2003 UK sl.
• GONE completely destitute and physically ruined because of crack cocaine addiction ...1994 US sl.
• ICED intoxicated by crack cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• ON THE PIPE using crack cocaine on a regular basis ...1980s drugs sl.
• PIANOING down on hands and knees searching with one's fingers for cocaine accidentally dropped on the floor ...1980s US Black sl.
• SNIFFED-UP under the influence of cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• SNOWED under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• SNOWED IN under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• SNOWED UP under the influence of cocaine ...1920s drugs sl.
• THIRSTY intensely craving crack cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• WACK of crack cocaine: unpleasant ...1986 US sl.
• A-BOMB a cigarette containing a mixture of cannabis and an opiate, or of cannabis and cocaine ...1970 Amer. drugs sl.
• ALL-AMERICAN DRUG cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• ALPINE SNOW cocaine ingested off a woman's breasts ...2001 UK sl.
• ANDES CANDY cocaine ...1990 US drugs sl.
• ANGEL cocaine ...1942 sl.
• ANGIE cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• APPLEJACK crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• ATARI crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• ATOM BOMB marijuana combined in a cigarette with cocaine, heroin, or opium ...1969 US sl.
• AUNT NORA cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• BABY crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BABY T crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BACK-TO-BACK heroin then crack cocaine used in sequence ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BAD crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BAKE-BREAK a break from work during which one smokes a pipe of cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BAKE SALE a session of smoking crack cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• BALL crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• BANG an injection or inhalation of cocaine, morphine, or heroin ...1922 US sl.
• BASE basic cocaine from which the hydrochloride has been removed ...1982 US drugs sl.
• BASEBALLING the use of 'free base,' a form of pure cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• BASE CRAZIES obsessive searching behaviour for the smallest particle of cocaine or crack experienced by freebase cocaine users ...1989 US drugs sl.
• BASUCO coca paste, the basic ingredient in the manufacturing process of cocaine; hence, cocaine ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BATMAN cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• BAZOOKA cocaine, crack cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• BAZUCA the residue of smoked freebase cocaine, itself mixed with tobacco and smoked ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BAZUCO the oily substance in freebase cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BAZUKO. coca paste, the basic ingredient in the manufacturing process of cocaine; hence, cocaine ...1984 US drugs sl.
• BEAK cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• BIG 8 one eighth kilogram of crack ...20C drugs sl.
• BIG BLOKE cocaine ...1930s drugs rhyming sl. for 'coke'
• BIG C, THE cocaine ...1959 US drugs sl.
• BIG FLAKE cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• BIG RUSH cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• BJs crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• BLINKY freebase cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• BLOW cocaine for inhaling ...1971 sl., orig. US
• BLUNT a cigar filled with marijuana and cocaine ...1990s US Black sl.
• BONE a measurement of crack cocaine sold for $50 ...2003 US sl.
• BONECRUSHER crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOUBOU crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOTRAY crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOTTLE a dose of crack cocaine, whether or not it is actually in a small bottle ...1992 US sl.
• BOULDER crack cocaine; a piece of crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• BOULYA crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• BOUNCING POWDER cocaine ...1971 US sl.
• BOUTROS BOUTROS GHALI cocaine ...2003 UK rhyming sl. for 'Charlie' (cocaine)
• BUDA a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• BUDDHA a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• BUNK fake cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• BURNEYS a catarrh powder containing an illicit proportion of cocaine, used as a snuff, administered with a combination detachable rubber and glass blowing tube ...Bk1914 drugs sl.
• C cocaine; also preceded with 'the' ...1921 US sl.
• CABELLO cocaine ...2003 sl.
• CADILLAC cocaine ...1953 US sl.
• C AND H cocaine and heroin ...1960s Black sl.
• C AND M cocaine and morphine ...1960s Black sl.
• CAINE cocaine; crack cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• CAKE(S) a round disc of crack cocaine ...1994 drugs sl.
• CALIFORNIA CORNFLAKES cocaine ...1976 US sl.
• CANDY 1. cocaine ...1930s drugs sl.
2. crack cocaine ...2000s US drugs sl.
• CANDY ROCK cocaine hydrochloride ...1990s Aust. drugs sl.
• CANE cocaine; crack cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• CAP crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CAPSULA crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• CARPET CONTROL an obsessive belief held whilst under the influence of crack cocaine, that there are useable traces of crack cocaine on the floor ...2001 UK sl.
• CARRIE cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRIE NATION cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CARRY NATION cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• CASPER THE GHOST crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• CECIL cocaine ...M20 US sl.
• CEE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• CHARGE cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHARLES cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY BLOW cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHARLEY COKE cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE cocaine ...1935 US drugs sl.
• CHARLIE BENDER a prolonged session of cocaine abuse ...1997 UK sl.
• CHARLIE BLOW cocaine ...1977 US drugs sl.
• CHICKEN SCRATCH the search on hands and knees for grains of crack cocaine that have dropped on the floor ...1980s drugs sl.
• CHOCOLATE ECSTASY. crack cocaine blended with chocolate milk powder during processing ...1997 US sl.
• CHOCOLATE ROCK a blend of crack cocaine and heroin that is smoked ...2002 sl.
• CHOCOLATE ROCKET crack cocaine blended with chocolate milk powder during processing ...1997 US drugs sl.
• CHOLLY cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• C-JAM cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• COCKTAIL cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• COCONUT(S) cocaine ...1940s US drugs sl.
• COKE cocaine ...c1903 sl., orig. US
• CRACK a highly addictive form of cocaine mixed with other substances (usually baking powder) and sold and used in small pellet-like pieces ...1985 sl., orig. US
• CRACK GALLERY a place where users of crack congregate to buy and smoke the drug ...1980s drugs sl.
• CRACK HOUSE a room or whole house in which users gather to take crack ...1980s sl.
• CROACK a mixture of crack and an amphetamine 1993 US sl.
• CROAK a combination of crack cocaine and mephamphetamine ...1998 UK sl.
• C ROCK crack cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• DAB a small portion of cocaine or other powdered drug, taken by dabbing one's finger into a pile or packet ...1980s UK drugs sl.
• DAMA BLANCA cocaine ...1976 US sl.
• DANDRUFF cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• DIME SPECIAL crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• DIP crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• DOLOMITE cocaine ...1980s US campus sl.
• DUCT cocaine ...1986 US sl.
• DUE the residue left in a pipe after smoking crack cocaine ...1989 US drugs sl.
• DUMB DUST cocaine or heroin ...1986 US drugs sl.
• EASTSIDE PLAYER crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FAMOUS DIMES crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FAN crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• FAT BAGS crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• FIFTY-ONE crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• FOOFOO cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOFOO DUST cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOFOO STUFF cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• FOOLISH POWDER heroin; cocaine; any powdered drug ...1930 US sl.
• FREE BASE cocaine separated from other chemical components ...1970s US drugs sl.
• FRIES pieces of crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• FRISKY cocaine ...1986 US sl.
• FRISKY POWDER cocaine ...1955 US sl.
• G a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GACK cocaine ...1997 UK sl.
• GACK SCAB a crusting of the damaged mucous membrane that forms around the nostrils as the result of inhaling cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• GACK-BLOWING the process of anally ingesting cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• GAG a quick use of cocaine ...1997 US sl.
• GAK cocaine ...1990s UK drugs sl.
• GARBAGE ROCK crack cocaine, esp. of inferior quality ...1998 UK sl.
• G.B. a mixture of cocaine and heroin ...M20 US drugs sl.
• GEE a gram, orig. of heroin or cocaine, and latterly also of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
• GIRLFRIEND cocaine ...1970s US Black sl.
• GOLDEN GIRL high quality cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• GOLFBALL crack cocaine; a large piece of crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• GONZO cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• GUTTER GLITTER cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• HAIL crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• HALF A FOOTBALL FIELD fifty crystals of crack cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• H. AND C. a mixture of heroin and cocaine ...1960s US drugs sl.
• HAPPY DUST any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...1922 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY POWDER any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HAPPY STUFF any of the powdered narcotics; spec., morphine or cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HARD LINE crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• HEAVEN DUST cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• HOCUS opium, morphine, heroin, or cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• HOT AND COLD heroin and cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• HUNTER cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• ICE cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• ICE-CREAM opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin, crack cocaine ...1920s US drugs sl.
• JAM cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• JAM CECIL cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• JANE cocaine ...1990s US drugs sl.
• JUICE crack cocaine mixed with marijuana ...1993 US sl.
• KABUKI a crack cocaine pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and rubber spark-plug cover ...1980s drugs sl.
• KING'S HABIT cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• LACE a combination of marijuana and cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• LADY 1. cocaine ...1974 US sl.
2. the pipe used for smoking base or crack ...1970s drugs sl.
• LADY CAINE cocaine ...1998 UK drugs sl.
• LADY-SNOW cocaine ...1969 US drugs sl.
• LEAF, THE cocaine ...1942 US drugs sl.
• LICK AND SHINE of a man: the act of smoking crack cocaine while a prostitute performs fellatio on him ...2000s sl.
• LINE a dose of powdered cocaine arranged in a line for snorting ...1973 US drugs sl.
• MA'A crack cocaine ...2003 sl.
• MACARONI AND CHEESE marijuana worth $5 and cocaine worth $10 ...2002 US sl.
• M AND C a mixture of morphine and cocaine, the equivalent of the heroin and cocaine 'speedball' ...1920s US drugs sl.
• MAYO cocaine; heroin; morphine ...1949 US drugs sl.
• MEDIA FLU a runny nose and consequent sniffing as symptoms of cocaine use ...2002 Brit. sl.
• MEGABLAST a dose of crack cocaine ...1993 US drugs sl.
• MISSILE BASING a mixture of liquid crack cocaine and phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MISSION 1. a binge on crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
2. a search for drugs, esp. for cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIST smoke created by a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• MIX a powder used to cut cocaine ...1970s US drugs sl.
• MOJO cocaine, heroin, morphine, or a similar drug ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• MONSTER any powerful drug; cocaine ...1975 US drugs sl.
• MOTHER OF PEARL cocaine ...1983 US sl.
• MOVIE STAR DRUG cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• OATS cocaine ...1990s drugs rhyming sl. for 'Charlie" (oats and barley)
• OATS AND BARLEY cocaine ...1990s drugs rhyming sl. for 'Charlie"
• OLD MADGE cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• ONE-FIFTY-ONE crack cocaine ...1998 US sl.
• NOSE cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• NOSEBAG cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• NOSE CANDY cocaine, or, rarely, another powdered drug that can be snorted ...1925 US drugs sl.
• NOSE GARBAGE poor quality cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• NOSE POWDER cocaine, or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE STUFF cocaine, or any drug that has been powdered for inhalation ...1936 US sl.
• NOSE-UP cocaine-taking as a cultural activity ...2000 UK sl.
• NUMBER THREE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• ONE an inhalation of cocaine ...1920s US sl.
• PAPER crack cocaine ...1990s sl.
• PARACHUTE a mixture of crack cocaine plus heroin or phencyclidine ...1980s drugs sl.
• PARADISE cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• PARADISE WHITE cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• PARLAY crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• QUARTER a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
• QUARTER BIRD one quarter pound of cocaine ...1999 US sl.
• QUARTER ROCK crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• QUILL cocaine ...1980s sl.
• QUIVER cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLEY heroin; cocaine ...1936 US sl.
• RACEHORSE CHARLIE heroin; cocaine ...1936 US sl.
• RAILS powdered cocaine arranged into lines ...1984 drugs sl.
• ROCK pure cocaine; crystalline cocaine ...1960s US Black sl.
• SACK a bag of drugs, usually marijuana or crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SALVADOR cocaine ...2000 UK rhyming sl. for 'Charlie' (Salvador Dali)
• SALVADOR DALI cocaine ...2000s rhyming drug sl. for 'Charlie'
• SAND cocaine ...2002 US sl.
• SCRABBLE crack cocaine ...2003 UK drugs sl.
• SCRAMBLE crack cocaine ...1994 US drugs sl.
• SEAL-A-MEALS small plastic bags used for packaging set amounts of cocaine for sale ...1980s US Black sl.
• SHAKE diluted cocaine ...1980s US Black sl.
• SKI cocaine ...1980s US drugs sl.
• SLAB crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEET crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SLEIGH-RIDE the taking of a narcotic drug, esp. cocaine; the euphoria resulting from taking a narcotic drug ...1925 US sl.
• SMOKE heroin and crack; crack; marijuana ...M20 drugs sl.
• SMOKING GUN heroin and cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNEEZE AND SQUEEZE cocaine and sex ...1984 US sl.
• SNIFF cocaine, a dose of cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNIFFING SNOW cocaine ...2000 UK sl.
• SNIFTER a single inhaled dose of cocaine ...1930 US drugs sl.
• SNOOD crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOODGE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOOT cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• SNORT cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW cocaine ...1914 drugs sl., orig. US
• SNOWBALL 1. cocaine ...1910s drugs sl., orig. US
2. cocaine and heroin ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW-BANK a place for consuming cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW BIRD cocaine ...E20 drugs sl.
• SNOW-CAINE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW CAP cocaine sprinkled onto a pipe of marijuana and smoked ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW CONES cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOWFLAKE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOWMOBILING taking cocaine or other drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW SEALS a mix of cocaine and amphetamine ...1970s drugs
• SNOW SOAK cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNOW SOKE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SNOW-STORM 1. a large amount of cocaine or other powdered drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
2. a party where abundant cocaine is available ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-STUFF cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW WHITE cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• SOCIETY HIGH cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SODA injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE BASE crack soaked in PCP; a hollowed-out cigar refilled with PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE CADET a mixture of PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACE DUST a mixture of PCP and crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPACESHIP a glass pipe used to smoke crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEED methamphetamine; amphetamine; crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPEEDBALL a mixture of cocaine with heroin or morphine ...1909 sl., orig. US
• SPEED BOAT marijuana; PCP; crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SPLEEFER a cigarette made from a mix of marijuana and crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• SPOON a spoon used for sniffing cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• SPORTING the inhaling of cocaine ...1960s sl.
• SQUARE TIME BOB crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SQUIRREL smoking cocaine, marijuana, and PCP; LSD ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAR DUST cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STAR-SPANGLED POWDER cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• STEM 1. a cylinder used to smoke crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
2. a pipe for smoking crack ...1925 drugs sl.
• STONES crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SUCKER SNOW diluted, weak cocaine ...1950s US Black sl.
• SUGAR heroin, cocaine, or morphine ...1935 US drugs sl.
• SUPERBLOW cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• T cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• TIN a small quantity of an illicit drug, esp. from two to five grams of cocaine usually sold in a small plastic bag, a glassine envelope, or often a small tin container ...sl.
• TOOT 1. a quantity of a drug, esp. cocaine, for inhaling; a snort of cocaine ...1977 sl., chiefly US
2. an act of inhaling a drug, esp. cocaine; cocaine ...1978 US sl.
• TORCH a butane lighter used to ignite a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• TORCH COOKING using a butane lighter and a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s drugs sl.
• TRAGIC MAGIC crack cocaine dipped in phencyclidine (PCP) ...1998 UK sl.
• TRAILS cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• TRAIN cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• TWENNIE a twenty-dollar dose of crack cocaine ...1989 US sl.
• TWENTY-CENT ROCK crack cocaine worth $20 ...1991 US sl.
• TWENTY ROCK crack cocaine ...2003 UK sl.
• ULTIMATE 1. cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
2. crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• UNCLE C cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• UNCLE CHARLES cocaine ...2002 UK sl.
• UNFORGETTABLE a combination of cocaine, heroin, and valium ...1993 US sl.
• UPTOWN cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• VAPORS the smoke issuing from a crack pipe ...1980s US drugs sl.
• WACKY DUST cocaine ...1930s US drugs sl.
• WAKE-UP the day's first dose of a drug taken by an addict; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1954 sl.
• WAKE-UP BOOST a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP HIT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WAKE-UP SHOT a narcotic user's first injection of the day; a crack cocaine user's first pipe ...1950s sl.
• WHITE one of the powerful narcotics, heroin, or cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE CROSS cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE DRUGS cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE GIRL cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE LADY cocaine ...20C US drugs sl.
• WHITE MOSQUITOES cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WHITE SHIT cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• WHITE STUFF cocaine ...1908 US drugs sl.
• WHIZ-BANG a mixture of cocaine and morphine or other drugs ...M20 US drugs sl.
• WINGS cocaine ...E20 US drugs sl.
• WRECKING CREW crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• WUWOO a mixture of marijuana and cocaine; marijuana ...2001 UK sl.
• WITCH, THE any powdered drug: cocaine, heroin, etc. ...1949 US drugs sl.
• WOLLIE crack cocaine added to a marijuana cigarette or cigar ...1989 US drugs sl.
• WOOLAH crack cocaine added to a marijuana cigarette or cigar ...1989 US drugs sl.
• YAHOO crack cocaine ...1994 US sl.
• YALE crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• YA-O crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YAOH cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• YAY crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YAYOO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEAH-O crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• YEYO crack cocaine ...1995 US sl.
• ZIGGY a marijuana cigarette, esp. when laced with crack cocaine ...1990s sl.
DRUGS, COCAINE - nouns, person
• ANGEL DUST HERO a person who is hooked on cocaine ...1980s US Black sl.
• BAGHEAD a habitual cocaine or heroin user ...1996 UK drugs sl.
• BALLER a drug dealer, usually of crack cocaine ...2001 US sl.
• BASEBALLER a drug user who smokes freebase cocaine ...1992 US sl.
• BASE HEAD a regular smoker of freebase cocaine ...1986 US drugs sl.
• BASER a user of freebase cocaine ...1989 US drugs sl.
• BOULDER BABY a crack cocaine addict ...2002 US sl.
• CARPET PATROL smoker of crack cocaine who search the floor for droppings of crack cocaine ...1998 UK sl.
• CHARLEY COKE a cocaine addict ...20C US drugs sl.
• CHASER a frequent user of crack cocaine ...1990s drugs sl.
• COKE-FREAK a frequent user of cocaine ...20C US sl.
• COKEY a cocaine addict ...1916 sl., orig. US
• COKIE a cocaine addict ...1916 sl., orig. US
• CRACKHEAD a person who uses or who is addicted to crack cocaine ...1986 sl., orig. US
• CRACK HO a woman who will offer sex in return for crack cocaine ...20C US Black sl.
• CRACKERJACKS smokers of crack cocaine ...1980s drugs sl.
• FRIEND OF PEDRO someone in possession of cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
• GACK-NAG a cocaine user ...2002 UK sl.
• GAK-NAG a cocaine user ...2002 UK sl.
• ICE-CREAM MAN a seller of crack cocaine ...1990s US Black & drugs sl.
• JEFE a senior cocaine dealer ...1990s US drugs sl.
• KOKOMO a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• LEAPER a cocaine user after sustained cocaine use ...1973 US drugs sl.
• NICKELONIANS crack addicts ...1980s drugs sl.
• NOSEBLEEDER a heavy user of cocaine by nasal inhalation ...2002 UK sl.
• NOSE PACKER a cocaine user ...1988 US sl.
• PUFFER a cannabis or crack cocaine user ...Brit. sl.
• PULLER a crack cocaine user who obsessively or compulsively tugs at different body parts ...1992 US sl.
• SKEEGERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SKEEZERS crack-smoking prostitute ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• SNIFFER a cocaine user or addict; a person who inhales drugs or chemicals ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFTER a cocaine user or addict ...1925 Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOWBIRD 1. a cocaine user ...1914 drugs sl.
2. a woman involved in the cocaine trade ...1930s drugs sl.
• SNOWBLOWER a cocaine user or addict ...1914 Amer. drugs sl.
• SNOW-DRIFTER 1. a cocaine seller ...E20 US drugs sl.
2. a cocaine user ...E20 US drugs sl.
• SNOW-FLOWER a female user of cocaine ...20C drugs sl.
• STRAWBERRY 1. a female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack ...Bk1998 drugs sl. 1998)
2. a prostitute who ill trade sex for cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• THIRST MONSTER a crack cocaine user ...2002 US sl.
• ZOMBIE a crack cocaine addict ...1980s sl.
• ZOOMERS individuals who sell fake crack cocaine and then run off ...1980s drugs sl.
• BASE to smoke freebase cocaine ...1987 US drugs sl.
• BEIGE to chemically darken cocaine to give it the appearance of a purity that it does not possess ...1989 US drugs sl.
• CHASE to smoke cocaine ...1970s drugs sl.
• CHIP to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1964 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPER to use heroin, cocaine, or other similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1971 Amer. drugs sl.
• CHIPPY to use heroin, cocaine, or similar drugs occasionally and without becoming addicted ...1924 Amer. drugs sl.
• COKE to take cocaine ...1924 sl., orig. US
• COKE UP to take cocaine ...1924 sl., orig. US
• CURB SERVE to sell crack cocaine on a street corner ...1995 US sl.
• DO A LINE to inhale a measured dose of a powdered drug, esp. cocaine ...1979 US sl.
• FREEBASE to inhale freebase cocaine ...1980 sl., orig. US
• GET YOUR NOSE COLD to use and become intoxicated on cocaine ...1980 US sl.
• HIT UP to inject cocaine ...L19 US drugs sl.
• HIT UP THE HYPO to inject cocaine ...L19 US drugs sl.
• HUNT THE GREAT WHITE WHALE to search for a source of cocaine ...2001 UK sl.
• NUMB OUT to feel or show the effects of crack cocaine ...1996 UK sl.
• ONE AND ONE to inhale cocaine or heroin ...1970s drugs sl.
• PACK to fill a crack cocaine pipe ...1980s US drugs sl.
• PUMP to sell drugs. esp. crack cocaine ...1989 UK sl.
• SKATE to use morphine or cocaine ...1920s US drugs sl.
• SNIFF to inhale or sniff cocaine; to ingest drugs by nasal inhalation ...1925 UK sl.
• SNORT to inhale narcotics, esp. cocaine ...1935 Amer. drugs sl.
• SPORTING to inhale cocaine ...Bk1998 drugs sl.
• TAKE A SWEEP to inhale cocaine ...1930s US drugs sl.
• TAKE A SWEEP WITH BOTH BARRELS to inhale cocaine though both nostrils ...1930s US drugs sl.
• TOOT to inhale a drug, usually cocaine ...1975 drugs sl. chiefly US