INCONCLUSIVE - adjectives
• UNCONCLUDENT † inconclusive ...1634
• UNCONCLUDING † inconclusive ...a1643
• UNCONCLUDENCY † inconclusive argument ...1654
• DIPSHIT offensive; inconsequential; lacking in intelligence ...1968 US sl.
• FLOCCINAUCICAL inconsiderable, inconsequential, trifling ...1826
• NOTHING inconsequential ...1960 US sl.
• FIGURE NINE WITH THE TAIL CUT OFF nothing; something of no account or consequence ...1916 Amer. dial.
• FLOCCINAUCITY a matter of little consequence; something worthless ...1829
• PEANUT GALLERY a group or individual whose opinion is considered inconsequential ...20C Amer. sl.
INCONSEQUENTIAL - nouns, person
• ASS-BUCKET a contemptible or inconsequential fellow ...1953 Amer. sl.
• DIPSHIT a person of no consequence and no intelligence; a stupid jerk, an oaf ...1962 US sl.
• LITTLE CASINO a small or inconsequential person; a hanger-on ...1904 US sl.
• MOKE a stupid fellow, a dolt, a blockhead; a foolish or inconsequential fellow ...1855 Eng. dial. & sl.
• MOKES a foolish or inconsequential fellow; a stupid fellow ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHKIN a menial employee or inconsequential person ...1980s US sl.
• WHIPPERSNAPPER a person of no consequence ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MATTER A DIFFERENCE to be of no importance or consequence ...1934 Amer. dial.
• EATHLY † inconsiderable, slight, trifling ...c890
• FLOCCINAUCICAL inconsiderable, inconsequential, trifling ...1826
INCONSIDERATE - adjectives
• BIRD-WITTED lacking the faculty of attention; having no concentration; flitting from subject to subject; easily imposed on; thoughtless, inconsiderate ...1658
• CHICKEN thoughtless or inconsiderate ...20C Amer. sl.
• HAND-RACKLE careless, acting without consideration; active, ready ...1822 Sc.
• INCOGITANT thoughtless, not thinking; inconsiderate; characterized by want of thought ...1628
• INSUBID †* rash, inconsiderate, heady ...1656
• RABBISH † unruly, turbulent; inconsiderate, rash; rough or precipitate in action ...1387
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• VOLISH † giddy, inconsiderate ...1759 Sc.
INCONSIDERATE - nouns, person
• BLUITER a coarse, clumsy, inconsiderate, blundering fellow ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOOR a rustic, a yokel; a clumsy or unrefined person; a rude, ill-mannered, inconsiderate person ...L16
• RAP OFF to speak inconsiderately; to let out secrets ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAND OVER HEAD indiscriminately, inconsiderately, without calculating consequences ...1824 Sc.
• ON HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1565-73
• UPON A HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1579-80
• UPON HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1555
INCONSISTENT - adjectives
• ALL OVER THE BALLPARK very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• ALL OVER THE LOT very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• ALL OVER THE MAP very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• OFF THE TRACK misbehaving, making mistakes, being inconsistent ...20C sl.
• OFF TRACK misbehaving, making mistakes, being inconsistent ...20C sl.
• UNAGREEABLE † unconformable or unsuitable to; inconsistent or incongruous with ...1550
• UNAGREEABLY † inconsistently ...1546
INCONSOLABLE - adjectives
• UNCOMFORTABLE † incapable of being comforted; inconsolable ...1592
• UNCOMFORTABLENESS † inconsolableness ...a1539
• UNCOMFORTABLY † inconsolably ...a1548
INCONSPICUOUS - adjectives
• UNKENNABLE imperceptible, inconspicuous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNKENSPAK inconspicuous, obscure ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TICKLENESS † insecurity, instability; critical situation, precariousness; inconstancy; uncertainty ...c1390
• UNCONSTABILITY want of stability; inconstancy; changeableness ...1611
• UNCONSTANCE † inconstancy ...c1449
• UNCONSTANTNESS † inconstancy ...1551
• UNCONSTANTY † inconstancy, changeableness ...1563
• VARIATION † inconstancy; variableness ...1509
• VARIOUSNESS † changeableness; inconstancy; variability ...1607
INCONSTANT - adjectives
• SKITTISH fickle, inconstant, changeable; tricky, difficult to deal with or manage ...1601
• TICKLE † not to be depended on; uncertain; unreliable; changeable; inconstant; capricious; fickle ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VAGARIOUS † variable, inconstant, changing ...1798
• VARIANT * of persons: changeful in disposition or purpose; inconstant, fickle ...c1386
• VARIOUS † of persons: changeable in character; inconstant, unstable; fickle ...1636
• VERSATILE * of persons: fickle, inconstant ...1682
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• WANKLE † unsteady, insecure; changeable, unsettled, precarious; inconstant, wavering; also, weak in health, delicate, sickly ...c888 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WEATHERCOCKY fickle, changeable, inconstant ...1886
INCONSTANT - nouns, person
• WAGTAIL † a term of contempt for a profligate or inconstant woman; hence, a wanton woman, a prostitute, a harlot, a courtesan ...1592
• BELLWAVER to fluctuate, to waver, to vacillate, to be inconstant ...1820 Sc.
• AGGRO a source of annoyance or inconvenience ...1969 sl.
• AGRO a source of annoyance or inconvenience ...1969 sl.
• DAMAGE † a disadvantage, inconvenience, trouble ...1398
• FAIZE inconvenience, annoyance ...1866 Sc.
• FASH trouble, vexation; bother, annoyance, disturbance; inconvenience; fuss, pother; also, something that gives trouble ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCE inconvenience ...1875 Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCY inconvenience ...1875 Eng. dial.
• MALEASE † absence of ease; uneasiness, discomfort; inconvenience, annoyance; disquiet; distress, trouble ...a1300
• NAUSE an inconvenience; a difficulty; an unpleasant person or thing ...1977 Brit. sl.
• NAUZE an inconvenience; a difficulty; an unpleasant person or thing ...1977 Brit. sl.
• DAMNIFY * to cause, injury, loss, or inconvenience to; to injure, to damage, to hurt; to inflict injury upon; to wrong ...1512 (very common in the 17th century)
• DISABUNDANCE to deprive, to inconvenience, to discommode ...1942 Amer. dial.
• DISANNUL to disarrange, to inconvenience, to interfere with, to injure ...1857 Eng. dial.
• DISCOMFIT to inconvenience, to bother ...1913 Amer. dial.
• DISFURNISH to deprive, to inconvenience, to discommode ...1886 Amer. dial.
• FAIZE to annoy, to inconvenience, to disturb, to ruffle ...1866 Sc.
• FASH to trouble, to afflict; to inconvenience, to vex, to annoy by importunity, to weary ...1533 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCE to inconvenience ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• JAM to put about or cause inconvenience; to corner or press in argument ...1862 Sc.
• MAGGLE to impede, to hinder, to inconvenience ...a1813 Sc.
• MISPUT to inconvenience; to discomfit ...1942 Amer. dial.
• PUT SOMEONE'S NOSE OUT OF JOINT to annoy; to upset the plans of; to inconvenience; to disconcert ...1576 UK
• HAND-BOUND hampered, put to inconvenience ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INCONVENIENT - adjectives
• ILL-CONVENIENT inconvenient, ill-suiting ...1740
• ILL-EASED inconvenient ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ILL-GAIN inconvenient ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• INCONVENE inconvenient ...1899 Sc.
• ONCONVENIENT inconvenient ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• ONE EYED inconvenient, out of the way, neglected ...1896 Eng. dial.
• ONKED uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UGLY awkward; inconvenient ...1881 Eng. dial.
• UNBAIN inconvenient, awkward ...1828 Eng. dial.
• UNBANE awkward, inconvenient; of a road: distant, lonely ...1899 Eng. dial.
• UNCANNY awkward, unskilful; careless; imprudent; inconvenient ...1775 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNCHANCY inconvenient, ill-timed ...1860 chiefly Sc.
• UNCONVENIENT inconvenient ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNGAIN awkward, inconvenient, unfavourable, unprofitable; unsuitable ...1790 Eng. dial.
• UNGAINLY inconvenient, unhandy; unsteady; not going or working well; insufficient ...1825 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNHANTY † inconvenient ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNIQUEME † unpleasant, inconvenient ...a1250
• UNKED uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKID uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• WELCOME AS FROST IN HARVEST, AS very inopportune, inconvenient, or inappropriate ...1897 Sc.
• ACCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1612
• ADCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1732
• MAISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INCORRECT - adjectives
• ACYROLOGICAL †* incorrect in use of words ...1626
• ALL WET incorrect; wrong ...1920s Amer. sl.
• OFF BASE incorrect; inaccurate ...1947 US sl.
• OFF BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• OFF ONE'S EGGS straying; hence, wide of the mark, incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, in error ...1792 Sc.
• OFF THE BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• WACKY incorrect, unreliable; eccentric ...1930s sl., orig. US
• WAY OFF BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• BODGE to do something incorrectly, but so as to make it appear right; to do something or make something in a sloppy manner ...Aust. sl.
• SINISTROUSLY in an erroneous manner; incorrectly, wrongly, perversely; awkwardly ...1581
INCORRIGIBLE - adjectives
• ACOLASTIC † incorrigible, not better by chastisement ...1676
• NE'ER-DO-WELL good-for-nothing, worthless; incorrigible ...a1773
• OUTDACIOUS impudent, shameless, audacious, bold, incorrigible; of things: very bad, shocking ...1885 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OWDACIOUS impudent, shameless, audacious, bold, incorrigible; of things: very bad, shocking ...1847 Eng. & Amer. dial.
INCORRIGIBLE - nouns, person
• BARNACLE an incorrigible person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• MESS an objectionable or foolish person; unruly or incorrigible person; an oaf; a hopelessly stupid person; a mentally confused person ...1936 sl.
INCORRUPTIBLE - adjectives
• IMMARCESCIBLE * unfading; incorruptible, imperishable ...1542
• IMMARCESCENCE † unfadingness, incorruptibleness ...1658
INCREASE - adjectives
• ECHING † that increases ...1644
• ACCREASE † increase ...1598
• ECHING the act of increasing, enlarging, supplementing; an addition ...1382
• EKE † an addition, increase; a piece added on; a supplement ...894 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EKEMENT †* an increase, extension, enlargement ...a1603
• MAGMENT †* great increase ...1623
• MAJORATION † the act of increasing or intensifying ...1626
• OCKER increase ...1610 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RAISEMENT an advance, increase, rise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCANCLISHIN scanty increase ...Bk1904 Sc.
INCREASE - nouns, person
• EKER † one who increases ...1483
INCREASE - verbs
• ACCREASE † 1. to increase ...1401
† 2. to increase or grow by addition ...1535
• ACCRESCE † 1. to increase, to grow up ...1637
† 2. to increase, to add to ...1652
• ADAUGE †* to add to, to augment, to increase by addition ...1657
• ADVANCE † to raise in amount or number, to increase ...1576
• AMOUNT † to mount up, to increase ...ME
• BIGGEN to grow big, to increase in size ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BIGGER to increase in size; to grow bigger ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ECHE † to enlarge, to augment, to increase ...a1000
• EKE † to increase, to grow ...1535
• HIT THE CEILING to increase to an excessive level ...1903 Amer. sl.
• INGROWTH increase ...1826 Sc.
• LARGE † to enlarge, to increase, to widen ...a1340
• MAGNOPERATE † to make greater; to cause a great increase of ...1610
• MAJORATE †* to make greater; to cause to increase or develop ...1656
• OCKER to increase, to add to ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SNOWBALL to increase rapidly ...1929 Amer. sl.
• THRODDEN to thrive; to grow, to increase; to improve by care or cultivation ...1641 Eng. dial.
• YCHE † to augment, to increase ...1398
INCREASED - adjectives
• VANTAGED † increased, augmented ...1578
INCREASING - adjectives
• ACCRESCENT growing continuously, ever increasing ...1753
• BOUNDING increasing by leaps and bounds, or rapidly ...1887
• RAXING growing, increasing ...1892 Sc.
INCREDIBLE - adjectives
• BEYOND THE BEYOND unexpected, incredible, out of the way ...Bk1898 N. Ireland
• BEYON'-THE-BEYONT quite incredible; quite out of the way ...Bk1911 Sc.
• OUT OF ALL REASON quite absurd or incredible ...1887 Sc.
• TERATICAL * relating to marvels or prodigies; incredible, wonderful, miraculous ...1722
• UNBELIEFFUL †* incredible ..1388
• UNBELIEVED † unbelievable, incredible ...c1425
• UNCREDIBLE † very great and incredible ...c1440
• UNDEEMIS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDEEMOUS unexampled, unparalleled, extraordinary, remarkable, incredible, esp. of size or amount, inconceivably large, immense, incalculable ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNDOMIOUS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDOOMIS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDUMIOUS extraordinary, enormous, incredible, esp. of size or amount, inconceivably large, immense, incalculable ...1747 Sc.
• UNDUMOUS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNLEFLICH † incredible ...a1225
• LATA anything incredible (pronounced 'lah-tah') ...Amer. World War I sl.
• ONE FOR THE BOOK anything noteworthy, remarkable, or incredible; something worthy of long-term record ...1920s US sl.
INCREDULITY - interjections
• ALL MY EYE AND BETTY MARTIN! an expression of incredulity ...1791 sl.
• BOIL ME DOWN! expresses surprise or incredulity ...1954 Amer. dial.
• BUG-BITE AN' MOONSHINE! expressive of incredulity or disgust ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHEE! an exclamation of incredulity ...1972 Amer. dial.
• HELL YOU PIPE, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HELL YOU PREACH, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1924 Amer. sl.
• HELL YOU SAY, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1864 Amer. sl.
• HOOKEY WALKER! an exclamation of incredulity ...1811
• IN A PIG'S EYE! exclamation expressing derisive incredulity ...chiefly US & Aust. sl.
• IN GOOD TIME! † an expression of ironical acquiescence, incredulity, amazement, or the like; to be sure! indeed! very well! ...1610
• KAE! † an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...a1779 Sc.
• KAY-KAY! † an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...1828 Sc.
• QUOZ! † expressing incredulity, contempt, etc. ...1802
• ROT! exclamation expressing incredulity or ridicule ...M19 colloq.
• SHEE! an exclamation of incredulity ...1972 Amer. dial.
• TELL THAT TO THE MARINES! expressing incredulity ...1823 colloq.
• WALKER! an exclamation of incredulity ...1811
• WHOAP! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1851 Amer. dial.
• WHOPE! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1907 Amer. dial.
• WOAP-AH! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1898 Amer. dial.
• WOPE! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1942 Amer. dial.
• WUP! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1942 Amer. dial.
INCREDULOUS - adjectives
• UNCREDIBLE †* incredulous, unbelieving ...1553
• FINGER to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1930 sl., orig. US
• FIT to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1882 sl., orig. Aust.
• FIT UP to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1882 sl., orig. Aust.
• FRAME to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1915 sl., orig. US
• GRASS to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1936 sl., orig. Brit.
• JOB to incriminate someone ...1903 sl., orig. US
• PEEP to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1911 sl.
• POOL to betray, often implying incrimination ...1907 Aust. sl.
• POT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1911 Aust. sl.
• PUT IN to incriminate ...1922 sl.
• PUT THE FINGER ON to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1924 sl., orig. US
• RAT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1932 sl.
• SET UP to pre-arrange things or lead someone on in order to incriminate the person ...1956 sl.
• SHELF to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1936 Aust. sl.
• SHOP to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1899 sl., chiefly Brit.
• SNOUT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1923 sl.
• SPLIT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1795
• STAG to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1839
• TALK to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1924 sl.
• TELL to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1539
• VERBAL to attribute an incriminating statement to an arrested or suspected person...1963 sl., orig. & chiefly Brit.
• FIT-UP an act of unjust incrimination ...1985 sl.
• FRAME an act of unjust incrimination ...1929 sl., orig. US
• PLANT something hidden in a person's clothing, among their possessions, etc. in order to incriminate them ...1926 sl.
• SET-UP a scheme or trick by which an innocent person is incriminated ...1968 sl., orig. US
• VERBAL an incriminating statement attributed to an arrested or suspected person ...1963 sl., orig. & chiefly Brit.
INCURABLE - adjectives
• IMMEDICINABLE * not medicinable, incurable ...1826
• IRRECURED †* incurable, beyond cure or remedy ...1598
• ERUPTION an incursion, an outbreak, an entrance into ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HARRYING warlike incursion; devastation, laying waste; ravaging, plundering, raiding ...c900
INDEBTED - adjectives
• ADDEBTED † indebted ...1513
• BEHADDEN under personal obligation; indebted; obliged ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEHOLDING † under obligation, obliged, indebted, beholden; later, dependent ...1483 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DEBTED † of persons: under obligation; indebted ...c1425
• DEBTFUL † indebted ...1649 chiefly Sc.
• ENTHRALLED involved; indebted ...1903 Amer. dial.
• IN BONDAGE indebted to; under the control of; with a biblical implication ...20C US Black sl.
• OBOLYGATED obliged, indebted ...1866 Eng. dial.
INDEBTED - verbs
• AUGHT to owe, to be indebted to ...1822 Sc.
• DEBT-BIND † to bind by obligation, to render indebted ...a1608 nonce word
• REST to owe; to be indebted to one ...1721 Sc.
• WALK INTO to be indebted to, e.g. a tradesman ...M19 sl.
• BEHOLDINGNESS † the condition of being beholden to anyone; obligation, indebtedness; later, dependence ...1580 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BETHANK thanks, indebtedness, acknowledgement ...1826 Sc.
• BONDAGE indebtedness ...1945 US sl.
• DEBENTURE † acknowledgement of indebtedness; obligation; debt ...1609
• IMPUDENCE indecency ...1682 Eng. dial.
• RIBALDRY indecency; profligate talk ...1599 sl.
• RIBAUDRY indecency; profligate talk ...1599 sl.
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecency; profligate talk ...Bk1903 sl.
• UNDECENTNESS. indecency ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDECENT - adjectives
• BLUE indecent, obscene ...colloq.
• GAMY scandalous; indecent ...a1961 chiefly US
• IMPUDICOUS †* immodest, indecent, indelicate ...1657
• MENSELESS without regard for decency or propriety; indecent; untidy, disorderly ...1811 Eng. dial.
• NANA outrageous, indecent ...L19 sl.
• NANA-ISH outrageous, indecent ...L19 sl.
• OFF-COLOUR tending to be indecent, obscene, lewd, or lascivious, but hinting at or suggesting the obscene ...1875 sl.
• PECCAMINOUS †* full of sins, sinful; later: bawdy; indecent, lewd ...1656
• RANCHY dirty, disgusting, indecent ...E19 US sl.
• RANK gross, highly offensive or loathsome; in later use esp. grossly coarse or indecent ...a1300
• RIDICULOUS indecent; outrageous ...1832 Amer. dial.
• SAUCY improper; indecent ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCABROUS indecent or scandalous; risqué; obscene
• UNDECENT indecent ...1773 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNMENSEFUL disorderly; unmannerly; unseemly; indecent ...1838 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNPROPER improper; indecent ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDECENT - nouns
• JAFFLE idle discourse of an indecent or malicious character ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecent or profligate talk, ribaldry ...B1900 Eng. dial.
INDECENT - nouns, person
• BAWDY-BASKET a hawker of indecent literature ...1567
• RIBAUDOUR a retailer of smut ...Bk1903 sl.
• WAG WIENIE to commit indecent exposure of the male masturbatory variety ...1984 US sl.
• WAG YOUR WIENIE to commit indecent exposure of the male masturbatory variety ...1984 US sl.
• PAKAPOO TICKET something indecipherable or overly complicated ...1951 Aust. sl.
• HAIVER a state of fussy indecision; generally in plural ...1866 Sc.
• IFFING AND OFFING indecision ...1896 Eng. dial.
• IFING AND OFFING indecision ...1896 Eng. dial.
• TANGLENESS † indecision; fluctuation; pliability of opinion ...1819 Sc.
INDECISIVE - adjectives
• HAFFLING hesitating, indecisive; prevaricating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAFFLY hesitating, indecisive; prevaricating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• LIKE A BUTTERLY IN HEAT behaving in a dithering manner; indecisive ...1975 US sl., esp. homosexual usage
• OFF AND ON indecisive, wavering, vacillating ...M19 sl.
• WAFFLING indecisive, hesitating, vacillating, shilly-shallying ...1847 Sc.& Eng. dial.
INDECISIVE - nouns, person
• FAD a fussy, over-particular person; a milksop, an indecisive, cowardly person ...1877 Eng. dial.
• HAIVER a fussy, indecisive person; an idler who makes a pretense of work; a lazy, idle fellow ...1866 Sc.
• WAFFLER a weak, indecisive, vacillating person; one who hesitates; a ditherer; a laggard ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAFF ABOUT to mess about; to waste time on matters of no importance; to be indecisive or fussy ...1874 UK sl.
• FANNY ABOUT to be indecisive or fussy; to waste time; to act aimlessly ...1970s sl.
• GALAY to hesitate, to speak or act indecisively ...20C W. Indies sl.
• HEE-HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM AND HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM-HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM-HAW AROUND to speak hesitatingly; to avoid giving a clear answer; to be indecisive ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HUM AND HAW to speak hesitatingly; to stammer; to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...1632
INDECOROUS - adjectives
• HIGH-KILTED indecorous ...19C Sc. sl.
• UNCOUTH † unseemly, indecorous ...1589
INDECOROUS - nouns, person
• TATTER-WALLOPS a woman with ragged clothes; an indecorous woman; a tatterdemalion ...1892 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDEED - adverbs
• ADEED * indeed ...1820 Sc.
• ATWEEL truly, indeed, assuredly, of course ...1816 Sc. & Ireland
• AWAT truly, indeed ...1871 Sc.
• AYE MARRY an expression of assent; yes, indeed ...1886 Eng. dial.
• ENTI indeed; always used with negative ...1895 Eng. dial.
• FACK indeed, truly, really ...1843 Sc.
• FECKLY † effectually, indeed ...c1680 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• INDEEDY indeed, certainly; used to emphasize an affirmation or denial ...1856 Amer. dial.
• INDEEDY-DEEDY indeed, certainly; used to emphasize an affirmation or denial ...1967 Amer. dial.
• IN-TY certainly, indeed (French entier) ...1889 Amer. dial.
• PARDIE certainly, truly, indeed, assuredly ...c1290 arch.
• PERDIE certainly, truly, indeed, assuredly ...c1290 arch.
• THUMP indeed, of a truth; used to give additional emphasis to a statement ...1870 Eng. dial.
• YOU BETCHA yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• YOU BETCHER yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• YOU BETCHY yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
INDEED - interjections
• AYE, MARRY! a term of asseveration; indeed! truly! ...1833 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CERT! certainly! yes, indeed! ...1879 US sl.
• FACK! indeed, really ...1843 Sc.
• FAIRLY! int. indeed! certainly! of course! ...1909 Sc.
• FAITH! a mild exclamation; indeed, truly, really ...1746 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• IN GOOD TIME! † an expression of ironical acquiescence, incredulity, amazement, or the like; to be sure! indeed! very well! ...1610
• MARRY! a term of asseveration; indeed! truly! ...1833 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUITE! an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE SO! an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
INDEFINITE - adjectives
• BETWEEN HAY AND GRASS vague; indefinite ...1928 Amer. dial.
• HAWVISH undecided, indefinite ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TO NO NOT ONE indefinitely, to an unlimited extent ...1952 Amer. dial.
INDELICATE - adjectives
• IMPUDICOUS †* immodest, indecent, indelicate ...1657
• UNDELICIOUS † not dainty or delicate; coarse, rough ...a1618
INDELICATE - nouns, person
• OPEN-TAIL †* a light, indelicate, or unchaste woman ...a1618
INDENT - verbs
• DINGE to indent, to bruise, to knock in ...1854 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DINTLE to indent ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DINGE an indentation, dint, dent; a flaw in a vessel resulting from a knock ...1864 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NAG a nick, notch, indentation; a bite, snap ...1887 Sc.
• SUFFISANCE † self-sufficiency, independence ...a1450
INDEPENDENT - adjectives
• ARBITRARY independent, impatient of restraint ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ENTIRE independent; retired from business ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GIPSY independent of any organization, legal or otherwise ...1980s sl.
• SAUCY † independent, self-reliant ...1856 Eng. dial.
• SUBSTANTIVE of persons, nations, etc.: independent, self-existent, self-sufficient ...c1470
• SUFFISANT † self-sufficient, independent ...a1340
• UNBEHOLDING † not under an obligation to a person; independent ...1615
INDEPENDENT - nouns, person
• RAMP † a bold, vulgar, ill-behaved woman or girl: a high-spirited, independent woman, usually synonymous with a prostitute ...a1450
• SUBSTANTIVE † a self-subsisting or independent person or thing ...1613
• BE TOO BIG FOR ONE'S BRITCHES to assume more than one's proper authority; to feel important, independent, or disturbingly confident ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHEW ONE'S OWN MEAT to attend to one's own business; to rely on oneself ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CHEW ONE'S OWN TOBACCO to rely on oneself ...1858 Amer. dial.
• GRIND ONE'S OWN BAIT to do as one pleases; to be independent ...1909 Amer. dial.
• GRIP ONE'S OWN ROPE to rely on one's own resources; to be independent of outside help ...1917 Sc.
• NOT TO TAKE TEA FOR THE FEVER not to put up with any nonsense; not to allow oneself to be intimidated; to be independent and outspoken ...a1940 Amer. dial.
• PADDLE ONE'S OWN CANOE to act independently or make one's way by one's own unaided efforts ...1828 sl.
• TOTE ONE'S OWN SKILLET to look out for or be responsible for oneself; to be independent ...1885 Amer. dial.
• I WOULDN'T THANK KING GEORGE TO BE MY UNCLE I am quite independent of any one ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF ONE'S OWN BAT acting independently ...1845 sl.
• UNDER ONE'S OWN STEAM acting independently ...1912 sl.
• ON ONE'S OWN COAT-TAILS on one's own resources, independently ...1967 Sc.
INDESCRIBABLE - adjectives
• UNANEMNED † unnamed, indescribable ...c1175
• UNTALELICH † indescribable ...a1225
• UNZYGINDE † indescribable ...1340
• JE NE SAIS QUOI an indescribable or inexpressible something ...1656
• IMPERDIBILITY †* indestructibility ...1713
• IMPERDIBLE †* that cannot be lost or destroyed, indestructible ...1661
INDEX - nouns
• ELENCH † an index, analytical table of contents ...1563-87
• ELENCHUS † an index, analytical table of contents ...1721
INDIA - adjectives
• GANGETIC belonging to the river Ganges ...1830
• GANGIC †* belonging to the river Ganges ...1605
INDIA - nouns
• CAL Calcutta ...L19 Anglo-Indian
• DACEY of native Indian origin ...1876 Anglo-Indian colloq.
• DITCH a disparaging term for Calcutta ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• LAND OF REGRETS India ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LAND OF THE RAG-HEAD (derogatory) India ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INDIA, INDIAN - nouns, person
• BABOO an Indian man; a term of respect within the culture, but a term of disrespect when used by outsiders ...1914 Trinidad and Tobago
• CAMEL-CHASER (derogatory) a Syrian or Indian, or any form of Arab from the Middle East ...1960s sl., orig. US
• CAMEL JOCK (derogatory) an Indian ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHARRA (derogatory) a term of address to an Indian ...1970s S. Afr.
• CHAR-WALLAH in India: a native servant who brings the early morning tea ...c1930 services sl.
• COOLIE (derogatory) an Indian ...M19 S. Afr. sl.
• DANDY a Ganges boatman ...L17 Anglo-Indian
• DITCHER an inhabitant of Calcutta ...L19 sl.
• GANGETICS † those who live on the banks of the Ganges ...1677
• GANGETIQUES † those who live on the banks of the Ganges ...1677
• GOLLY any person of non-White ethnicity; a native of the Indian subcontinent; an Arab ...1967 UK sl.
• GUNGA DIN (derogatory, racist) used to address a man with a perceived Indian or Asian ethnicity ...1994 UK sl.
• LASCARINE † an East Indian soldier; also, one of the native police ...1598 Indian
• MARY (offensive, though not orig. intended as such) any woman of Indian descent ...1927 S. Afr.
• NARG (derogatory) an Indian ...1980s NZ sl.
• PAK (derogatory or patronizing) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent ...1964 UK sl.
• PAKI (derogatory or patronizing; often racist) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent; Pakistan ...1964 UK sl.
• PAKKI (derogatory or patronizing) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent; Pakistan ...1964 UK sl.
• QUI-HI an English resident of Calcutta ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• SAMMY (offensive) an Indian man; used as a term of address ...1906 S. Afr. sl.
• SAND NIGGER (offensive) an Arab; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1984 US sl.
• SAND SCRATCHER (derogatory) a Syrian; an Indian ...2000s US sl.
• SCHVARTZ a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SCHVARTZA (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SCHWARTZ (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SHVARTZ a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• VENTURE-GIRL a girl or woman who goes to India in order to get a husband ...1836
• VENTURE-MISS a girl or woman who goes to India in order to get a husband ...1825
• WOG (derogatory) a native of the Indian subcontinent ...1929 UK sl.
INDIA - verbs
• SHAKE THE PAGODA-TREE to make a fortune rapidly in India ...1836
INDIANA - nouns
• UNDUE PERVERSITY Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana ...1980s US campus sl.
INDICATE - nouns
• SIGNIFICATIVE n. a thing or word serving to signify or indicate something ...1641
INDICATE - verbs
• DECIPHER † of actions, outward signs, etc.: to reveal, to make known, to indicate ...1529
• NOTE UP FOR to indicate; to point toward some outcome ...1974 Amer. dial.
• OFFICE to warn, to tip-off, to indicate ...E19 sl.
• SUBINDICATE † to indicate indirectly; to hint ...1659 obs. or arch.
• UMBRATE † to adumbrate, to indicate ...1675
• WAGGLE to indicate by wagging the head ...1852
INDICATED - adjectives
• SIGNIFICATE †* signified, indicated ...1432-50
• SIGNALITY † the quality of a sign or indication ...1646
• SIGNANCE †* signification, indication ...c1400
• TIDINGS †* indications, traces ...a1440
• UMBRATION †* a shadowy indication or faint representation of something ...a1706
• WARN † an indication or sign of something about to happen ...a1300
INDICATIVE - adjectives
• SUBINDICATIVE † indirectly indicative or suggestive ...1822 obs. or arch.
• THREAP a pertinacious assertion; an indictment, charge, representation of facts ...1742 Sc.
• ADIAPHORACY * indifference, neutrality ...1612
• ADIAPHORICIE * indifference, neutrality ...1612
• ADIAPHORY † indifference ...1660
• BAUCHNESS want, defect of any kind, indifference ...1727 Sc.
• FAINEANTISE 'do-nothing-ness' ; indisposition to do anything; indifference, inactivity ...a1684
• FOXING an air of indifference to what is going on ...M19 sl.
• FOX'S SLEEP an air of indifference to what is going on ...M19 sl.
• ICEBERGSHIP coldness, indifference ...1842
• LAODICEANISM indifference, lukewarmness ...1774
• NEGLECT † indifference ...1597
• OVERLINESS † superficiality; carelessness; indifference ...1653
• SANG-FROID coolness, indifference, absence of excitement or agitation ...1750
• UNAFFECTEDNESS † impassiveness, indifference ...1670
• CAST ONE'S CAP AT † to show indifference to; to give up for lost ...1579
• I COULD CARE LESS a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s sl.
• I COULDN'T CARE LESS. a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s sl.
• I COULDN'T CARE LESS IF THE COW CALVES OR BREAKS A LEG a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s NZ sl.
INDIFFERENT - adjectives
• ADIAPHOROUS neutral, indifferent, immaterial; neither right nor wrong morally ...1635
• BAUCH weak, poor, pitiless; without stamina; indifferent ...a1560 Sc.
• BAUGH weak, poor, pitiless; without stamina; indifferent ...a1560 Sc.
• CALLOUSED callous, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• CALLUSED hard-hearted, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• COULDN’T-CARE-LESS indifferent ...1947
• DON'T-CARE-IFIED without concern, indifferent ...1930s US Black sl.
• DON'T-CARE-ISH without concern, indifferent ...1930s US Black sl.
• EASY † of small importance, insignificant, slight; not very good, indifferent ...1468
• FLIP indifferent ...1847
• HALF-PIE indifferent ...c1926 NZ sl.
• LALLA careless, indifferent ...1950 Amer. dial.
• LAODICEAN lukewarm, lacking enthusiasm; indifferent in religion, politics, etc. ...1633
• MATTERLESS indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested ...1760 Eng. dial.
• NEGLIGENT * heedless, careless, indifferent ...c1440
• NO GREAT SHAKES indifferent ...1819
• NONCURANTIST marked by indifference ...1882
• NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT indifferent ...1914
• POCOCURANTE caring little, careless, indifferent, nonchalant ...1815
• SAVOURLESS spiritless, listless, indifferent, wanting in wit or pluck ...1804 Sc.
• SO SO indifferent ...1530
• WHAT-THE-HELL indifferent ...1968
INDIFFERENT - nouns, person
• LAODICEAN one who is lukewarm or indifferent in religion, politics, etc. ...1772
• PESTLE-TAIL a person of an indifferent kind ...1899 Amer. dial.
• POCOCURANTE a careless or indifferent person; one who shows little interest or concern; a trifler ...1762
• SHORTHORN an ordinary person, one of indifferent quality and not belonging to the best sort ...1899 Amer. dial.
• BE JAKE-EASY to be indifferent, not caring one way or the other ...1888 Sc.
• BE JECK-EASY to be indifferent, not caring one way or the other ...1888 Sc.
• COULD CARE LESS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1966 US
• COULDN’T CARE LESS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1946
• NOT BE FUSSED to be indifferent to something, not care ...1988 Brit.
• NOT CARE A BUGGER to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922 Brit.
• NOT CARE A DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1760
• NOT CARE A FRIG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1955
• NOT CARE A FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1910s sl., orig. US
• NOT CARE A HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1861, ‘hang’ a euphemism for ‘damn’
• NOT CARE A HOOT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT CARE A MONKEY’S TOSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1960 Brit.
• NOT CARE A RAP to be indifferent to something, not care ...1834
• NOT CARE A SOD to be indifferent to something, not care ...1961 Brit.
• NOT CARE A STUFF to be indifferent to something, not care ...1974 chiefly Aust. & NZ
• NOT CARE A TINKER’S CUSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT CARE A TINKER’S DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT CARE A TOSS to be indifferent to something; not care ...1876
• NOT CARE A TUPPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE A TWOPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE A TYPPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE TUPPENCE to indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT CARE TWO HOOTS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT CARE TWOPENCE to indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT GIVE A BUGGER to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1760
• NOT GIVE A FRIG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1955
• NOT GIVE A FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1929
• NOT GIVE A HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1861, ‘hang’ a euphemism for ‘damn’
• NOT GIVE A HOOT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT GIVE A MONKEY’S FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1910s sl., orig. US
• NOT GIVE A MONKEY’S TOSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1960 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A RAP to be indifferent to something, not care ...1834
• NOT GIVE A SHIT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922
• NOT GIVE A SHITE to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922
• NOT GIVE A SOD to be indifferent to something, not care ...1961 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A STUFF to be indifferent to something, not care ...1974 chiefly Aust. & NZ
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S CURSE to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S CUSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TOSS to be indifferent to something; not care ...1876
• NOT GIVE A TUPPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TUPPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TWOPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TWOPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE TUPPENCE to be indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT GIVE TWO HOOTS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT GIVE TWOPENCE to be indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT TO GIVE A HATE not to give a damn, an expression of indifference ...1929 Amer. dial.
• LEATHER AND PRUNELLA an expression for something to which one is utterly indifferent ...1734
• NOT TO CARE A BUTTON a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a button ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A CENT a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a cent ...1848 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A FARTHING a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1709 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A FIG a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a fig ...1833 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A HANG a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A PIN a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a pin ...1633 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A POINT a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1590 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A RAP a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a rap ...1871 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A RUSH a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a rush ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A SNAP a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1889 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A STRAW a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a straw...Bk1891 colloq.
• MEET † indifferently ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDIGENOUS - adjectives
• VERNACULOUS † of products: indigenous, native ...1606
INDIGESTIBLE - adjectives
• INCOCTIBLE † indigestible ...1684
• QUEASY indigestible, tough ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-DIGESTION indigestion ...1875 Eng. dial.
• INDIGESTING indigestion ...1942 Amer. dial.
• INDISGESTION indigestion ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INSUSGESTION indigestion ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TANT to disorder, to cause indigestion in, to upset the stomach or appetite ...1866 Sc.
INDIGNANT - adjectives
• EDGEWISE at odds, antagonistic, unfriendly, indignant ...1914 Amer. dial.
• ON ONE'S EAR indignant, angry; in a huff; broadly, in an uproar ...1871 Amer. sl.
• BRUSTLE UP to act indignantly or offended ...1904 Amer. dial.
• HACKLE to look angry or indignant; to grumble, to dispute ...Bk1905 Eng dial.
• PUT ON THE ARSE BIT to indignantly tell someone what you think of him or her ...1975 Aust. sl.
• DANDER temper, anger, indignation ...M19 colloq., orig. US
• JEALOUSY † zeal or vehemence of feeling against some person or thing; anger, wrath, indignation ...c1400
• DESPITE to be filled with indignation at seeing another doing anything improper, or esteemed such ...B1900 Sc.
INDIGNATION - interjections
• HA! an exclamation expressing surprise, wonder, joy, indignation, etc ...a1300
• HURRY-DURRY † an exclamation of impatience or indignation ...1682
• MASSY! an exclamation of surprise, indignation, etc. ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MERCY! an exclamation of surprise, indignation, etc. ...1867 Eng. dial.
• YE GODS! a mild oath, esp. used to express exasperation or indignation ...1807
• OPPROBRY † contumelious treatment; an indignity, insult ...1569
INDIRECT - adjectives
• LEER † looking askance; oblique, indirect; sly, underhand ...1629
• LERE † looking askance; oblique, indirect; sly, underhand ...1629
• SIDE-HANDED indirect ...1845
• SIDE-WIND indirect, oblique ...1680
• SIDE-WINDED indirect, oblique ...1710
• UNGAIN not near at hand; indirect; roundabout; difficult of access; inconveniently situated; generally used of a direction or road ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDIRECT - nouns
• CIRCUMBENDIBUS a roundabout or indirect way or method; a roundabout, long-winded story; circumlocution ...1681
INDIRECTLY - adverbs
• BY A SIDE-WIND in an indirect method or manner ...1648
• SIDELY † in an indirect manner; indirectly ...c1380
INDISCREET - nouns, person
• BLAB-TONGUE an indiscreet talker; a telltale ...1600
• LOOSE WOMAN a sexually indiscreet female ...20C US colloq.
• WAP a person defective in discretion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WATTY a simpleton; an indiscreet or foolish person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• BLOB to talk indiscreetly or excessively; to blab out, to chat ...1899 Amer. dial.
• DROP A BRICK to commit an indiscretion, make a 'bloomer', to blunder ...1923 sl.
• HAND-OVER-HEAD † thoughtlessly extravagant; precipitate, rash, reckless; indiscriminate ...a1693 now rare or obs.
• HAND OVER HEAD † precipitately, hastily, rashly, recklessly; indiscriminately ...c1440 now rare or obs.
• PELLY MELLY †* in a confused way or manner; in disorder and hurry; indiscriminately ...c1450
• NECESSARINESS * the fact of being necessary; indispensability, necessity ...1551
• SINE-QUA-NONNINESS indispensability ...1834
INDISPENSABLE - adjectives
• SINE QUA NON indispensable, absolutely necessary or essential ...1615
• SINE-QUA-NONICAL indispensable ...1816
• NEED-BE * an essential or necessary reason; a necessity; something compulsory, indispensable, or requisite ...1728
INDISPENSABLE - nouns, person
• SINE QUA NON somebody or something indispensable ...1602
INDISPOSED - adjectives
• ACRAZED † weakened, enfeebled, diseased in body, affected with illness, indisposed; impaired ...1521
• ALL OVERISH nervous; vaguely indisposed ...c1850 Eng. sl.
• BADLY unwell, indisposed, sick, in ill health ...1783 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• BELOW PAR somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BRASH indisposed; susceptible to illness; sickly, in poor health ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BRASHY indisposed; susceptible to illness; sickly, in poor health; weak; of delicate constitution; subject to frequent ailments ...1895 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BUMMY ill, though not seriously so, indisposed ...1931 Amer. dial.
• DOWN IN THE MOUTH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DOWN PIN depressed, indisposed ...L19 sl.
• DUMPY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FEELING FUNNY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HAVING THE IMPUCK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ILLISH * somewhat ill or unwell; indisposed ...1637
• LAIN ASIDE unable to work from bodily indisposition ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MAWKISH slightly indisposed; faint; sick from drinking ...1896 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO SHOUT ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO WIRE HOME ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO DICK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO PAR somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SAMPLE somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SCRATCH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SNUFF somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO THE MARK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFFISH unwell, out of health, somewhat ill, indisposed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF OF ONE'S FEED unable to eat normally; slightly ill; indisposed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF ONE'S EATS unable to eat normally; slightly ill; indisposed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF ONE'S FEED not feeling or looking well; indisposed ...1862 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S FORM somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF POLISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF THE HOOKS somewhat ill; indisposed; unwell, ailing ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF TONE somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S FORM somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PALTRY unwell, feeble, indisposed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• POORISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POORLYISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUNKISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUNKY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SADLY-BADLY very ill or unwell; very much indisposed ...1880 Eng. dial.
• UNGEEN not given to, indisposed, disinclined ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• COME OVER ALL PECULIAR to feel suddenly physically indisposed or emotionally upset ...2003 UK sl.
• COME OVER ALL QUEER to feel suddenly physically indisposed or emotionally upset ...1937 UK sl.
• LOOK LIKE ONE WAS SENT FOR AND COULDN'T COME to look indisposed, out of sorts, or exhausted ...1843 Amer. dial.
• ACHAQUE † habitual indisposition, ailment ...1646
• SINKING SPELL an episode of weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, or the like; a spell of difficult breathing; indisposition ...1874 Amer. dial.
• TARROW a slight illness, an indisposition ...1866 Sc.
INDISPUTABLE - adjectives
• UNCONTROLLABLE † indisputable, irrefutable ...1577
• UNCONTROVERSABLE † undoubted, indisputable ...1617
INDISTINCT - adjectives
• CREPUSCULOUS of the nature of twilight; in a state between light and darkness; dim, glimmering, dusky, indistinct, obscure ...1646
• DASHY rough and indistinct ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLANNELMOUTHED speaking indistinctly and in a muffled way ...US
• GAVELLOUS drawling in speech; mumbling, lisping, indistinct ...1903 Sc.
• LIKE A HUMBLE-BEE IN A CHURN having a voice not distinctly audible ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEBULOSE cloudy, misty, indistinct ...1799
• NEBULOUS hazy, vague, indistinct, formless ...1831
• OBLITE †* dim, as if partly blotted out; indistinct, obscure ...1650
• OBNUBILOUS †* overclouded; cloudy, indistinct ...1432-50
• SLURRY blurred, indistinct, esp. of speech ...M20
• THICK OF SPEECH indistinct ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TONGUE-DOUBLED having the speech made indistinct by drink ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TONGUE-TACKIT mumbling, indistinct in speech, inarticulate ...1923 Sc.
• VEILED of sound, the voice, etc.: indistinct, muffled, obscure ...1834
• JABBERING nonsense; indistinct and rapid speech ...1690 sl.
• OOM an indistinct appearance or image of anything, as the loom of land through a haze ...1892 Sc.
INDISTINCT - nouns, person
• MUSHMOUTH a person who speaks indistinctly or inarticulately ...US sl.
• BLETHER to speak indistinctly; to stammer ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CACKLE to stutter, to speak indistinctly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DROTE † to speak indistinctly; to stammer, to stutter ...c1440
• FLUMMER † to repeat indistinctly, to mumble ...1533
• GABBER to jabber, to gibber, to talk incoherently; to speak thickly or indistinctly ...1706-7 obs. exc. Sc.
• JABBER to chatter; to speak fast and indistinctly; to talk gibberish ...c1500 colloq.
• JABBLE to talk rapidly and indistinctly or unintelligibly; to speak volubly and with little sense; to chatter, to gabble, to prattle ...1570
• MAFFLE † to mumble; to speak indistinctly, to stammer ...1387 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MOUTH-MAUL to talk loudly and abusively; to drawl; to speak indistinctly ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NAFFER to talk through the nose; to talk indistinctly ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• PALTER † to speak indistinctly or idly; to say or recite in an indistinct tone; to mumble, to mutter, to babble ...1538
• RABBLE to talk or read quickly or indistinctly ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• SUP UP † to utter indistinctly, to mutter, to mumble ...1581
• WABBLE to stammer out, to blurt or mumble in a halting or indistinct way ...1920 Sc.
• YAFFLE to talk indistinctly; to mumble, as a toothless person ...1847 Eng. dial.
• YAMMER to talk or hum indistinctly; to stammer ...1881 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAWK to call out loudly; to hoot; to shout; to talk quickly and indistinctly ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AT HALF LIGHTS indistinctly, vaguely, dimly ...1625
• BY HALF LIGHTS indistinctly, vaguely, dimly ...a1711
• NEBULOSITY cloudiness; indistinctness ...1809
• NEBULOUSNESS indistinctness ...1878
INDIVIDUAL - adjectives
• SINGULAR † separate, individual, single ...c1340
• SUNDRILY †* separate, individual, special ...a900
• VARSAL * single, individual ...1765
• VERSAL † single; individual ...1709
• VIDUAL individual, particular, distinct, precise ...1850 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDIVIDUAL - nouns, person
• SINGULAR * a single person; an individual ...1420
• EGO-HOOD individuality, personality ...1873 nonce word
• EGOITY selfhood, individuality ...1651
• SINGULARIZE * to make singular or one; to individualize; to convert into the singular number ...1663
• SUNDERLY † separately, apart; individually; singly ...c888
• SUNDRILY † separately, severally, individually ...a900
• SUNDRY † separately, apart; severally, individually ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
INDIVISIBLE - adjectives
• UNDEPARTABLE † inseparable; indivisible ...c1374
• UNTODELINDE † indivisible ...1340
• GANAY an idle disposition; indolence ...1876 Eng. dial.
• IDLESHIP † inactivity, want of occupation, indolence ...1357
• LAITCH indolence, laziness ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LUBBERLAND an imaginary land of plenty without labour; a land of laziness; the Paradise of indolence ...1598
• OCIVITY †* sloth, laziness, indolence ...1550
• OISIVITY idleness, indolence ...1830 nonce word
INDOLENT - adjectives
• BONE LAZY extremely indolent or lazy ...a1825
• DEAD-SWEER lazy, indolent, unwilling; undecided ...1721 Sc.
• DESIDIOSE † idle, slothful, lazy, sluggish, indolent ...1727
• DESIDIOUS † idle, lazy, indolent, slothful, negligent, sluggish ...a1540
• DO-NOTHING doing nothing; disinclined to work or exertion; idle, indolent, inactive, lazy ...1832
• DRONISH living on another's labour; indolent, sluggish ...L16
• EASY slow, easy-going; indolent ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EASYFUL placid, indolent, easygoing, complacent ...1864 Eng. dial.
• FAINÉANT that does nothing; indolent, idle ...1855
• FAT slow-witted, indolent, self-complacent ...1588
• LATCHING lazy, indolent ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LUSKISH † inclined to be lazy or indolent; idle, slothful, sluggish ...a1500
• OSCITANT † gaping from drowsiness, yawning; hence, drowsy, dull, indolent, negligent, inattentive through drowsiness ...1625 rare or obs.
• OTIANT * at leisure, doing nothing, idle, indolent, at ease ...1878
• SIESTOSE * reposeful, indolent ...1845
• ZATELY indolent, idle ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
INDOLENT - nouns, person
• DAWDLE a lazy, indolent person; a frivolous, useless person ...1854 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAWDLING a lazy, indolent person ...Bk1900 Eng. dial,
• DRONE an indolent person; an idler ...E16
• HAGGIS a term of contempt applied to a lumpish, unwieldy person; a soft, 'pudding-headed' person; an indolent, do-nothing fellow ...1822
• IDLE-BACK an indolent or lazy person ...1828
• IDLE BELLIES † indolent sluggards or gluttons ...a1300
• LAITCH a lazy or indolent person ...Bk1902 Sc.
• SAWNEY an indolent person; a lanky person ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SAWNY a foolish or indolent person; a lanky person ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SLONK a lazy slinking fellow; an idle, dissolute person; an indolent, clownish fellow; a hanger-on ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SLOW-BELLY a lazy, idle, or indolent person; a sluggard, a laggard ...1607
INDOLENT - verbs
• DRONE to act in a sluggish or indolent manner ...E16
• EAT ONE'S OWN FLESH said of an indolent person ...1611
INDOLENT - phrases
• WHITE DOG BITES, THE used of an indolent and lazy person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
INDOMITABLE - adjectives
• SAVAGE * indomitable, intrepid, valiant ...a1300
• UNCONCLUDENT † inconclusive ...1634
• UNCONCLUDING † inconclusive ...a1643
• UNCONCLUDENCY † inconclusive argument ...1654
• DIPSHIT offensive; inconsequential; lacking in intelligence ...1968 US sl.
• FLOCCINAUCICAL inconsiderable, inconsequential, trifling ...1826
• NOTHING inconsequential ...1960 US sl.
• FIGURE NINE WITH THE TAIL CUT OFF nothing; something of no account or consequence ...1916 Amer. dial.
• FLOCCINAUCITY a matter of little consequence; something worthless ...1829
• PEANUT GALLERY a group or individual whose opinion is considered inconsequential ...20C Amer. sl.
INCONSEQUENTIAL - nouns, person
• ASS-BUCKET a contemptible or inconsequential fellow ...1953 Amer. sl.
• DIPSHIT a person of no consequence and no intelligence; a stupid jerk, an oaf ...1962 US sl.
• LITTLE CASINO a small or inconsequential person; a hanger-on ...1904 US sl.
• MOKE a stupid fellow, a dolt, a blockhead; a foolish or inconsequential fellow ...1855 Eng. dial. & sl.
• MOKES a foolish or inconsequential fellow; a stupid fellow ...1985 Amer. sl.
• MUNCHKIN a menial employee or inconsequential person ...1980s US sl.
• WHIPPERSNAPPER a person of no consequence ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• MATTER A DIFFERENCE to be of no importance or consequence ...1934 Amer. dial.
• EATHLY † inconsiderable, slight, trifling ...c890
• FLOCCINAUCICAL inconsiderable, inconsequential, trifling ...1826
INCONSIDERATE - adjectives
• BIRD-WITTED lacking the faculty of attention; having no concentration; flitting from subject to subject; easily imposed on; thoughtless, inconsiderate ...1658
• CHICKEN thoughtless or inconsiderate ...20C Amer. sl.
• HAND-RACKLE careless, acting without consideration; active, ready ...1822 Sc.
• INCOGITANT thoughtless, not thinking; inconsiderate; characterized by want of thought ...1628
• INSUBID †* rash, inconsiderate, heady ...1656
• RABBISH † unruly, turbulent; inconsiderate, rash; rough or precipitate in action ...1387
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• VOLISH † giddy, inconsiderate ...1759 Sc.
INCONSIDERATE - nouns, person
• BLUITER a coarse, clumsy, inconsiderate, blundering fellow ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOOR a rustic, a yokel; a clumsy or unrefined person; a rude, ill-mannered, inconsiderate person ...L16
• RAP OFF to speak inconsiderately; to let out secrets ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAND OVER HEAD indiscriminately, inconsiderately, without calculating consequences ...1824 Sc.
• ON HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1565-73
• UPON A HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1579-80
• UPON HEAD † headlong, precipitately, hastily, rashly, inconsiderately ...1555
INCONSISTENT - adjectives
• ALL OVER THE BALLPARK very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• ALL OVER THE LOT very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• ALL OVER THE MAP very unfocused and inconsistent; confused ...Amer. sl.
• OFF THE TRACK misbehaving, making mistakes, being inconsistent ...20C sl.
• OFF TRACK misbehaving, making mistakes, being inconsistent ...20C sl.
• UNAGREEABLE † unconformable or unsuitable to; inconsistent or incongruous with ...1550
• UNAGREEABLY † inconsistently ...1546
INCONSOLABLE - adjectives
• UNCOMFORTABLE † incapable of being comforted; inconsolable ...1592
• UNCOMFORTABLENESS † inconsolableness ...a1539
• UNCOMFORTABLY † inconsolably ...a1548
INCONSPICUOUS - adjectives
• UNKENNABLE imperceptible, inconspicuous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNKENSPAK inconspicuous, obscure ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TICKLENESS † insecurity, instability; critical situation, precariousness; inconstancy; uncertainty ...c1390
• UNCONSTABILITY want of stability; inconstancy; changeableness ...1611
• UNCONSTANCE † inconstancy ...c1449
• UNCONSTANTNESS † inconstancy ...1551
• UNCONSTANTY † inconstancy, changeableness ...1563
• VARIATION † inconstancy; variableness ...1509
• VARIOUSNESS † changeableness; inconstancy; variability ...1607
INCONSTANT - adjectives
• SKITTISH fickle, inconstant, changeable; tricky, difficult to deal with or manage ...1601
• TICKLE † not to be depended on; uncertain; unreliable; changeable; inconstant; capricious; fickle ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• VAGARIOUS † variable, inconstant, changing ...1798
• VARIANT * of persons: changeful in disposition or purpose; inconstant, fickle ...c1386
• VARIOUS † of persons: changeable in character; inconstant, unstable; fickle ...1636
• VERSATILE * of persons: fickle, inconstant ...1682
• VOLAGE giddy, foolish; fickle, inconstant, inconsiderate ...a1366
• WANKLE † unsteady, insecure; changeable, unsettled, precarious; inconstant, wavering; also, weak in health, delicate, sickly ...c888 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• WEATHERCOCKY fickle, changeable, inconstant ...1886
INCONSTANT - nouns, person
• WAGTAIL † a term of contempt for a profligate or inconstant woman; hence, a wanton woman, a prostitute, a harlot, a courtesan ...1592
• BELLWAVER to fluctuate, to waver, to vacillate, to be inconstant ...1820 Sc.
• AGGRO a source of annoyance or inconvenience ...1969 sl.
• AGRO a source of annoyance or inconvenience ...1969 sl.
• DAMAGE † a disadvantage, inconvenience, trouble ...1398
• FAIZE inconvenience, annoyance ...1866 Sc.
• FASH trouble, vexation; bother, annoyance, disturbance; inconvenience; fuss, pother; also, something that gives trouble ...1714 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCE inconvenience ...1875 Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCY inconvenience ...1875 Eng. dial.
• MALEASE † absence of ease; uneasiness, discomfort; inconvenience, annoyance; disquiet; distress, trouble ...a1300
• NAUSE an inconvenience; a difficulty; an unpleasant person or thing ...1977 Brit. sl.
• NAUZE an inconvenience; a difficulty; an unpleasant person or thing ...1977 Brit. sl.
• DAMNIFY * to cause, injury, loss, or inconvenience to; to injure, to damage, to hurt; to inflict injury upon; to wrong ...1512 (very common in the 17th century)
• DISABUNDANCE to deprive, to inconvenience, to discommode ...1942 Amer. dial.
• DISANNUL to disarrange, to inconvenience, to interfere with, to injure ...1857 Eng. dial.
• DISCOMFIT to inconvenience, to bother ...1913 Amer. dial.
• DISFURNISH to deprive, to inconvenience, to discommode ...1886 Amer. dial.
• FAIZE to annoy, to inconvenience, to disturb, to ruffle ...1866 Sc.
• FASH to trouble, to afflict; to inconvenience, to vex, to annoy by importunity, to weary ...1533 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• ILL-CONVENIENCE to inconvenience ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• JAM to put about or cause inconvenience; to corner or press in argument ...1862 Sc.
• MAGGLE to impede, to hinder, to inconvenience ...a1813 Sc.
• MISPUT to inconvenience; to discomfit ...1942 Amer. dial.
• PUT SOMEONE'S NOSE OUT OF JOINT to annoy; to upset the plans of; to inconvenience; to disconcert ...1576 UK
• HAND-BOUND hampered, put to inconvenience ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INCONVENIENT - adjectives
• ILL-CONVENIENT inconvenient, ill-suiting ...1740
• ILL-EASED inconvenient ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ILL-GAIN inconvenient ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• INCONVENE inconvenient ...1899 Sc.
• ONCONVENIENT inconvenient ...Bk1905 N. Ireland
• ONE EYED inconvenient, out of the way, neglected ...1896 Eng. dial.
• ONKED uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UGLY awkward; inconvenient ...1881 Eng. dial.
• UNBAIN inconvenient, awkward ...1828 Eng. dial.
• UNBANE awkward, inconvenient; of a road: distant, lonely ...1899 Eng. dial.
• UNCANNY awkward, unskilful; careless; imprudent; inconvenient ...1775 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNCHANCY inconvenient, ill-timed ...1860 chiefly Sc.
• UNCONVENIENT inconvenient ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• UNGAIN awkward, inconvenient, unfavourable, unprofitable; unsuitable ...1790 Eng. dial.
• UNGAINLY inconvenient, unhandy; unsteady; not going or working well; insufficient ...1825 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNHANTY † inconvenient ...Bk1905 Sc.
• UNIQUEME † unpleasant, inconvenient ...a1250
• UNKED uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• UNKID uncouth, awkward, shy, ill-behaved; untidy; ugly; unpleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient ...1783 Eng. dial.
• WELCOME AS FROST IN HARVEST, AS very inopportune, inconvenient, or inappropriate ...1897 Sc.
• ACCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1612
• ADCORPORATE †* to unite, to incorporate ...1732
• MAISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• MEISE to mix or unite in one mass; to incorporate ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INCORRECT - adjectives
• ACYROLOGICAL †* incorrect in use of words ...1626
• ALL WET incorrect; wrong ...1920s Amer. sl.
• OFF BASE incorrect; inaccurate ...1947 US sl.
• OFF BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• OFF ONE'S EGGS straying; hence, wide of the mark, incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, in error ...1792 Sc.
• OFF THE BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• WACKY incorrect, unreliable; eccentric ...1930s sl., orig. US
• WAY OFF BEAM wholly incorrect ...1940s sl., orig. US
• BODGE to do something incorrectly, but so as to make it appear right; to do something or make something in a sloppy manner ...Aust. sl.
• SINISTROUSLY in an erroneous manner; incorrectly, wrongly, perversely; awkwardly ...1581
INCORRIGIBLE - adjectives
• ACOLASTIC † incorrigible, not better by chastisement ...1676
• NE'ER-DO-WELL good-for-nothing, worthless; incorrigible ...a1773
• OUTDACIOUS impudent, shameless, audacious, bold, incorrigible; of things: very bad, shocking ...1885 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• OWDACIOUS impudent, shameless, audacious, bold, incorrigible; of things: very bad, shocking ...1847 Eng. & Amer. dial.
INCORRIGIBLE - nouns, person
• BARNACLE an incorrigible person ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• MESS an objectionable or foolish person; unruly or incorrigible person; an oaf; a hopelessly stupid person; a mentally confused person ...1936 sl.
INCORRUPTIBLE - adjectives
• IMMARCESCIBLE * unfading; incorruptible, imperishable ...1542
• IMMARCESCENCE † unfadingness, incorruptibleness ...1658
INCREASE - adjectives
• ECHING † that increases ...1644
• ACCREASE † increase ...1598
• ECHING the act of increasing, enlarging, supplementing; an addition ...1382
• EKE † an addition, increase; a piece added on; a supplement ...894 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• EKEMENT †* an increase, extension, enlargement ...a1603
• MAGMENT †* great increase ...1623
• MAJORATION † the act of increasing or intensifying ...1626
• OCKER increase ...1610 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• RAISEMENT an advance, increase, rise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SCANCLISHIN scanty increase ...Bk1904 Sc.
INCREASE - nouns, person
• EKER † one who increases ...1483
INCREASE - verbs
• ACCREASE † 1. to increase ...1401
† 2. to increase or grow by addition ...1535
• ACCRESCE † 1. to increase, to grow up ...1637
† 2. to increase, to add to ...1652
• ADAUGE †* to add to, to augment, to increase by addition ...1657
• ADVANCE † to raise in amount or number, to increase ...1576
• AMOUNT † to mount up, to increase ...ME
• BIGGEN to grow big, to increase in size ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BIGGER to increase in size; to grow bigger ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ECHE † to enlarge, to augment, to increase ...a1000
• EKE † to increase, to grow ...1535
• HIT THE CEILING to increase to an excessive level ...1903 Amer. sl.
• INGROWTH increase ...1826 Sc.
• LARGE † to enlarge, to increase, to widen ...a1340
• MAGNOPERATE † to make greater; to cause a great increase of ...1610
• MAJORATE †* to make greater; to cause to increase or develop ...1656
• OCKER to increase, to add to ...Bk1905 Sc.
• SNOWBALL to increase rapidly ...1929 Amer. sl.
• THRODDEN to thrive; to grow, to increase; to improve by care or cultivation ...1641 Eng. dial.
• YCHE † to augment, to increase ...1398
INCREASED - adjectives
• VANTAGED † increased, augmented ...1578
INCREASING - adjectives
• ACCRESCENT growing continuously, ever increasing ...1753
• BOUNDING increasing by leaps and bounds, or rapidly ...1887
• RAXING growing, increasing ...1892 Sc.
INCREDIBLE - adjectives
• BEYOND THE BEYOND unexpected, incredible, out of the way ...Bk1898 N. Ireland
• BEYON'-THE-BEYONT quite incredible; quite out of the way ...Bk1911 Sc.
• OUT OF ALL REASON quite absurd or incredible ...1887 Sc.
• TERATICAL * relating to marvels or prodigies; incredible, wonderful, miraculous ...1722
• UNBELIEFFUL †* incredible ..1388
• UNBELIEVED † unbelievable, incredible ...c1425
• UNCREDIBLE † very great and incredible ...c1440
• UNDEEMIS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDEEMOUS unexampled, unparalleled, extraordinary, remarkable, incredible, esp. of size or amount, inconceivably large, immense, incalculable ...a1300 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNDOMIOUS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDOOMIS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNDUMIOUS extraordinary, enormous, incredible, esp. of size or amount, inconceivably large, immense, incalculable ...1747 Sc.
• UNDUMOUS extraordinary, incredible, fabulous, incalculable, immense; what cannot be reckoned ...1871 Sc.
• UNLEFLICH † incredible ...a1225
• LATA anything incredible (pronounced 'lah-tah') ...Amer. World War I sl.
• ONE FOR THE BOOK anything noteworthy, remarkable, or incredible; something worthy of long-term record ...1920s US sl.
INCREDULITY - interjections
• ALL MY EYE AND BETTY MARTIN! an expression of incredulity ...1791 sl.
• BOIL ME DOWN! expresses surprise or incredulity ...1954 Amer. dial.
• BUG-BITE AN' MOONSHINE! expressive of incredulity or disgust ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• CHEE! an exclamation of incredulity ...1972 Amer. dial.
• HELL YOU PIPE, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1942 Amer. sl.
• HELL YOU PREACH, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1924 Amer. sl.
• HELL YOU SAY, THE! used to express surprise or incredulity at another's words ...1864 Amer. sl.
• HOOKEY WALKER! an exclamation of incredulity ...1811
• IN A PIG'S EYE! exclamation expressing derisive incredulity ...chiefly US & Aust. sl.
• IN GOOD TIME! † an expression of ironical acquiescence, incredulity, amazement, or the like; to be sure! indeed! very well! ...1610
• KAE! † an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...a1779 Sc.
• KAY-KAY! † an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, or incredulity ...1828 Sc.
• QUOZ! † expressing incredulity, contempt, etc. ...1802
• ROT! exclamation expressing incredulity or ridicule ...M19 colloq.
• SHEE! an exclamation of incredulity ...1972 Amer. dial.
• TELL THAT TO THE MARINES! expressing incredulity ...1823 colloq.
• WALKER! an exclamation of incredulity ...1811
• WHOAP! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1851 Amer. dial.
• WHOPE! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1907 Amer. dial.
• WOAP-AH! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1898 Amer. dial.
• WOPE! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1942 Amer. dial.
• WUP! whoa! stop!; also used to express surprise or incredulity ...1942 Amer. dial.
INCREDULOUS - adjectives
• UNCREDIBLE †* incredulous, unbelieving ...1553
• FINGER to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1930 sl., orig. US
• FIT to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1882 sl., orig. Aust.
• FIT UP to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1882 sl., orig. Aust.
• FRAME to (attempt to) incriminate someone, esp. by planting false evidence ...1915 sl., orig. US
• GRASS to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1936 sl., orig. Brit.
• JOB to incriminate someone ...1903 sl., orig. US
• PEEP to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1911 sl.
• POOL to betray, often implying incrimination ...1907 Aust. sl.
• POT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1911 Aust. sl.
• PUT IN to incriminate ...1922 sl.
• PUT THE FINGER ON to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1924 sl., orig. US
• RAT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1932 sl.
• SET UP to pre-arrange things or lead someone on in order to incriminate the person ...1956 sl.
• SHELF to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1936 Aust. sl.
• SHOP to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1899 sl., chiefly Brit.
• SNOUT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1923 sl.
• SPLIT to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1795
• STAG to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1839
• TALK to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1924 sl.
• TELL to betray an associate to the police or other authority; to inform on; to incriminate ...1539
• VERBAL to attribute an incriminating statement to an arrested or suspected person...1963 sl., orig. & chiefly Brit.
• FIT-UP an act of unjust incrimination ...1985 sl.
• FRAME an act of unjust incrimination ...1929 sl., orig. US
• PLANT something hidden in a person's clothing, among their possessions, etc. in order to incriminate them ...1926 sl.
• SET-UP a scheme or trick by which an innocent person is incriminated ...1968 sl., orig. US
• VERBAL an incriminating statement attributed to an arrested or suspected person ...1963 sl., orig. & chiefly Brit.
INCURABLE - adjectives
• IMMEDICINABLE * not medicinable, incurable ...1826
• IRRECURED †* incurable, beyond cure or remedy ...1598
• ERUPTION an incursion, an outbreak, an entrance into ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• HARRYING warlike incursion; devastation, laying waste; ravaging, plundering, raiding ...c900
INDEBTED - adjectives
• ADDEBTED † indebted ...1513
• BEHADDEN under personal obligation; indebted; obliged ...1816 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BEHOLDING † under obligation, obliged, indebted, beholden; later, dependent ...1483 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• DEBTED † of persons: under obligation; indebted ...c1425
• DEBTFUL † indebted ...1649 chiefly Sc.
• ENTHRALLED involved; indebted ...1903 Amer. dial.
• IN BONDAGE indebted to; under the control of; with a biblical implication ...20C US Black sl.
• OBOLYGATED obliged, indebted ...1866 Eng. dial.
INDEBTED - verbs
• AUGHT to owe, to be indebted to ...1822 Sc.
• DEBT-BIND † to bind by obligation, to render indebted ...a1608 nonce word
• REST to owe; to be indebted to one ...1721 Sc.
• WALK INTO to be indebted to, e.g. a tradesman ...M19 sl.
• BEHOLDINGNESS † the condition of being beholden to anyone; obligation, indebtedness; later, dependence ...1580 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• BETHANK thanks, indebtedness, acknowledgement ...1826 Sc.
• BONDAGE indebtedness ...1945 US sl.
• DEBENTURE † acknowledgement of indebtedness; obligation; debt ...1609
• IMPUDENCE indecency ...1682 Eng. dial.
• RIBALDRY indecency; profligate talk ...1599 sl.
• RIBAUDRY indecency; profligate talk ...1599 sl.
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecency; profligate talk ...Bk1903 sl.
• UNDECENTNESS. indecency ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDECENT - adjectives
• BLUE indecent, obscene ...colloq.
• GAMY scandalous; indecent ...a1961 chiefly US
• IMPUDICOUS †* immodest, indecent, indelicate ...1657
• MENSELESS without regard for decency or propriety; indecent; untidy, disorderly ...1811 Eng. dial.
• NANA outrageous, indecent ...L19 sl.
• NANA-ISH outrageous, indecent ...L19 sl.
• OFF-COLOUR tending to be indecent, obscene, lewd, or lascivious, but hinting at or suggesting the obscene ...1875 sl.
• PECCAMINOUS †* full of sins, sinful; later: bawdy; indecent, lewd ...1656
• RANCHY dirty, disgusting, indecent ...E19 US sl.
• RANK gross, highly offensive or loathsome; in later use esp. grossly coarse or indecent ...a1300
• RIDICULOUS indecent; outrageous ...1832 Amer. dial.
• SAUCY improper; indecent ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
• SCABROUS indecent or scandalous; risqué; obscene
• UNDECENT indecent ...1773 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• UNMENSEFUL disorderly; unmannerly; unseemly; indecent ...1838 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• UNPROPER improper; indecent ...Bk1905 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDECENT - nouns
• JAFFLE idle discourse of an indecent or malicious character ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• RIBBLE-RABBLE indecent or profligate talk, ribaldry ...B1900 Eng. dial.
INDECENT - nouns, person
• BAWDY-BASKET a hawker of indecent literature ...1567
• RIBAUDOUR a retailer of smut ...Bk1903 sl.
• WAG WIENIE to commit indecent exposure of the male masturbatory variety ...1984 US sl.
• WAG YOUR WIENIE to commit indecent exposure of the male masturbatory variety ...1984 US sl.
• PAKAPOO TICKET something indecipherable or overly complicated ...1951 Aust. sl.
• HAIVER a state of fussy indecision; generally in plural ...1866 Sc.
• IFFING AND OFFING indecision ...1896 Eng. dial.
• IFING AND OFFING indecision ...1896 Eng. dial.
• TANGLENESS † indecision; fluctuation; pliability of opinion ...1819 Sc.
INDECISIVE - adjectives
• HAFFLING hesitating, indecisive; prevaricating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• HAFFLY hesitating, indecisive; prevaricating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• LIKE A BUTTERLY IN HEAT behaving in a dithering manner; indecisive ...1975 US sl., esp. homosexual usage
• OFF AND ON indecisive, wavering, vacillating ...M19 sl.
• WAFFLING indecisive, hesitating, vacillating, shilly-shallying ...1847 Sc.& Eng. dial.
INDECISIVE - nouns, person
• FAD a fussy, over-particular person; a milksop, an indecisive, cowardly person ...1877 Eng. dial.
• HAIVER a fussy, indecisive person; an idler who makes a pretense of work; a lazy, idle fellow ...1866 Sc.
• WAFFLER a weak, indecisive, vacillating person; one who hesitates; a ditherer; a laggard ...1819 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• FAFF ABOUT to mess about; to waste time on matters of no importance; to be indecisive or fussy ...1874 UK sl.
• FANNY ABOUT to be indecisive or fussy; to waste time; to act aimlessly ...1970s sl.
• GALAY to hesitate, to speak or act indecisively ...20C W. Indies sl.
• HEE-HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM AND HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM-HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl.
• HEM-HAW AROUND to speak hesitatingly; to avoid giving a clear answer; to be indecisive ...1954 Amer. dial.
• HUM AND HAW to speak hesitatingly; to stammer; to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...1632
INDECOROUS - adjectives
• HIGH-KILTED indecorous ...19C Sc. sl.
• UNCOUTH † unseemly, indecorous ...1589
INDECOROUS - nouns, person
• TATTER-WALLOPS a woman with ragged clothes; an indecorous woman; a tatterdemalion ...1892 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDEED - adverbs
• ADEED * indeed ...1820 Sc.
• ATWEEL truly, indeed, assuredly, of course ...1816 Sc. & Ireland
• AWAT truly, indeed ...1871 Sc.
• AYE MARRY an expression of assent; yes, indeed ...1886 Eng. dial.
• ENTI indeed; always used with negative ...1895 Eng. dial.
• FACK indeed, truly, really ...1843 Sc.
• FECKLY † effectually, indeed ...c1680 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• INDEEDY indeed, certainly; used to emphasize an affirmation or denial ...1856 Amer. dial.
• INDEEDY-DEEDY indeed, certainly; used to emphasize an affirmation or denial ...1967 Amer. dial.
• IN-TY certainly, indeed (French entier) ...1889 Amer. dial.
• PARDIE certainly, truly, indeed, assuredly ...c1290 arch.
• PERDIE certainly, truly, indeed, assuredly ...c1290 arch.
• THUMP indeed, of a truth; used to give additional emphasis to a statement ...1870 Eng. dial.
• YOU BETCHA yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• YOU BETCHER yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
• YOU BETCHY yes, indeed; certainly ...1889 Amer. dial.
INDEED - interjections
• AYE, MARRY! a term of asseveration; indeed! truly! ...1833 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• CERT! certainly! yes, indeed! ...1879 US sl.
• FACK! indeed, really ...1843 Sc.
• FAIRLY! int. indeed! certainly! of course! ...1909 Sc.
• FAITH! a mild exclamation; indeed, truly, really ...1746 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• IN GOOD TIME! † an expression of ironical acquiescence, incredulity, amazement, or the like; to be sure! indeed! very well! ...1610
• MARRY! a term of asseveration; indeed! truly! ...1833 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUITE! an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE SO! an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
INDEFINITE - adjectives
• BETWEEN HAY AND GRASS vague; indefinite ...1928 Amer. dial.
• HAWVISH undecided, indefinite ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TO NO NOT ONE indefinitely, to an unlimited extent ...1952 Amer. dial.
INDELICATE - adjectives
• IMPUDICOUS †* immodest, indecent, indelicate ...1657
• UNDELICIOUS † not dainty or delicate; coarse, rough ...a1618
INDELICATE - nouns, person
• OPEN-TAIL †* a light, indelicate, or unchaste woman ...a1618
INDENT - verbs
• DINGE to indent, to bruise, to knock in ...1854 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DINTLE to indent ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DINGE an indentation, dint, dent; a flaw in a vessel resulting from a knock ...1864 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NAG a nick, notch, indentation; a bite, snap ...1887 Sc.
• SUFFISANCE † self-sufficiency, independence ...a1450
INDEPENDENT - adjectives
• ARBITRARY independent, impatient of restraint ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ENTIRE independent; retired from business ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• GIPSY independent of any organization, legal or otherwise ...1980s sl.
• SAUCY † independent, self-reliant ...1856 Eng. dial.
• SUBSTANTIVE of persons, nations, etc.: independent, self-existent, self-sufficient ...c1470
• SUFFISANT † self-sufficient, independent ...a1340
• UNBEHOLDING † not under an obligation to a person; independent ...1615
INDEPENDENT - nouns, person
• RAMP † a bold, vulgar, ill-behaved woman or girl: a high-spirited, independent woman, usually synonymous with a prostitute ...a1450
• SUBSTANTIVE † a self-subsisting or independent person or thing ...1613
• BE TOO BIG FOR ONE'S BRITCHES to assume more than one's proper authority; to feel important, independent, or disturbingly confident ...1835 Amer. dial.
• CHEW ONE'S OWN MEAT to attend to one's own business; to rely on oneself ...1902 Amer. dial.
• CHEW ONE'S OWN TOBACCO to rely on oneself ...1858 Amer. dial.
• GRIND ONE'S OWN BAIT to do as one pleases; to be independent ...1909 Amer. dial.
• GRIP ONE'S OWN ROPE to rely on one's own resources; to be independent of outside help ...1917 Sc.
• NOT TO TAKE TEA FOR THE FEVER not to put up with any nonsense; not to allow oneself to be intimidated; to be independent and outspoken ...a1940 Amer. dial.
• PADDLE ONE'S OWN CANOE to act independently or make one's way by one's own unaided efforts ...1828 sl.
• TOTE ONE'S OWN SKILLET to look out for or be responsible for oneself; to be independent ...1885 Amer. dial.
• I WOULDN'T THANK KING GEORGE TO BE MY UNCLE I am quite independent of any one ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF ONE'S OWN BAT acting independently ...1845 sl.
• UNDER ONE'S OWN STEAM acting independently ...1912 sl.
• ON ONE'S OWN COAT-TAILS on one's own resources, independently ...1967 Sc.
INDESCRIBABLE - adjectives
• UNANEMNED † unnamed, indescribable ...c1175
• UNTALELICH † indescribable ...a1225
• UNZYGINDE † indescribable ...1340
• JE NE SAIS QUOI an indescribable or inexpressible something ...1656
• IMPERDIBILITY †* indestructibility ...1713
• IMPERDIBLE †* that cannot be lost or destroyed, indestructible ...1661
INDEX - nouns
• ELENCH † an index, analytical table of contents ...1563-87
• ELENCHUS † an index, analytical table of contents ...1721
INDIA - adjectives
• GANGETIC belonging to the river Ganges ...1830
• GANGIC †* belonging to the river Ganges ...1605
INDIA - nouns
• CAL Calcutta ...L19 Anglo-Indian
• DACEY of native Indian origin ...1876 Anglo-Indian colloq.
• DITCH a disparaging term for Calcutta ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• LAND OF REGRETS India ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LAND OF THE RAG-HEAD (derogatory) India ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
INDIA, INDIAN - nouns, person
• BABOO an Indian man; a term of respect within the culture, but a term of disrespect when used by outsiders ...1914 Trinidad and Tobago
• CAMEL-CHASER (derogatory) a Syrian or Indian, or any form of Arab from the Middle East ...1960s sl., orig. US
• CAMEL JOCK (derogatory) an Indian ...1967 Amer. dial.
• CHARRA (derogatory) a term of address to an Indian ...1970s S. Afr.
• CHAR-WALLAH in India: a native servant who brings the early morning tea ...c1930 services sl.
• COOLIE (derogatory) an Indian ...M19 S. Afr. sl.
• DANDY a Ganges boatman ...L17 Anglo-Indian
• DITCHER an inhabitant of Calcutta ...L19 sl.
• GANGETICS † those who live on the banks of the Ganges ...1677
• GANGETIQUES † those who live on the banks of the Ganges ...1677
• GOLLY any person of non-White ethnicity; a native of the Indian subcontinent; an Arab ...1967 UK sl.
• GUNGA DIN (derogatory, racist) used to address a man with a perceived Indian or Asian ethnicity ...1994 UK sl.
• LASCARINE † an East Indian soldier; also, one of the native police ...1598 Indian
• MARY (offensive, though not orig. intended as such) any woman of Indian descent ...1927 S. Afr.
• NARG (derogatory) an Indian ...1980s NZ sl.
• PAK (derogatory or patronizing) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent ...1964 UK sl.
• PAKI (derogatory or patronizing; often racist) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent; Pakistan ...1964 UK sl.
• PAKKI (derogatory or patronizing) a Pakistani; any Asian or Afro-Asian immigrant; loosely, any native of the Indian subcontinent; Pakistan ...1964 UK sl.
• QUI-HI an English resident of Calcutta ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• SAMMY (offensive) an Indian man; used as a term of address ...1906 S. Afr. sl.
• SAND NIGGER (offensive) an Arab; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1984 US sl.
• SAND SCRATCHER (derogatory) a Syrian; an Indian ...2000s US sl.
• SCHVARTZ a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SCHVARTZA (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SCHWARTZ (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• SHVARTZ a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person ...1961 US sl.
• VENTURE-GIRL a girl or woman who goes to India in order to get a husband ...1836
• VENTURE-MISS a girl or woman who goes to India in order to get a husband ...1825
• WOG (derogatory) a native of the Indian subcontinent ...1929 UK sl.
INDIA - verbs
• SHAKE THE PAGODA-TREE to make a fortune rapidly in India ...1836
INDIANA - nouns
• UNDUE PERVERSITY Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana ...1980s US campus sl.
INDICATE - nouns
• SIGNIFICATIVE n. a thing or word serving to signify or indicate something ...1641
INDICATE - verbs
• DECIPHER † of actions, outward signs, etc.: to reveal, to make known, to indicate ...1529
• NOTE UP FOR to indicate; to point toward some outcome ...1974 Amer. dial.
• OFFICE to warn, to tip-off, to indicate ...E19 sl.
• SUBINDICATE † to indicate indirectly; to hint ...1659 obs. or arch.
• UMBRATE † to adumbrate, to indicate ...1675
• WAGGLE to indicate by wagging the head ...1852
INDICATED - adjectives
• SIGNIFICATE †* signified, indicated ...1432-50
• SIGNALITY † the quality of a sign or indication ...1646
• SIGNANCE †* signification, indication ...c1400
• TIDINGS †* indications, traces ...a1440
• UMBRATION †* a shadowy indication or faint representation of something ...a1706
• WARN † an indication or sign of something about to happen ...a1300
INDICATIVE - adjectives
• SUBINDICATIVE † indirectly indicative or suggestive ...1822 obs. or arch.
• THREAP a pertinacious assertion; an indictment, charge, representation of facts ...1742 Sc.
• ADIAPHORACY * indifference, neutrality ...1612
• ADIAPHORICIE * indifference, neutrality ...1612
• ADIAPHORY † indifference ...1660
• BAUCHNESS want, defect of any kind, indifference ...1727 Sc.
• FAINEANTISE 'do-nothing-ness' ; indisposition to do anything; indifference, inactivity ...a1684
• FOXING an air of indifference to what is going on ...M19 sl.
• FOX'S SLEEP an air of indifference to what is going on ...M19 sl.
• ICEBERGSHIP coldness, indifference ...1842
• LAODICEANISM indifference, lukewarmness ...1774
• NEGLECT † indifference ...1597
• OVERLINESS † superficiality; carelessness; indifference ...1653
• SANG-FROID coolness, indifference, absence of excitement or agitation ...1750
• UNAFFECTEDNESS † impassiveness, indifference ...1670
• CAST ONE'S CAP AT † to show indifference to; to give up for lost ...1579
• I COULD CARE LESS a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s sl.
• I COULDN'T CARE LESS. a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s sl.
• I COULDN'T CARE LESS IF THE COW CALVES OR BREAKS A LEG a statement of absolute indifference, although the opposite sentiment, albeit hidden, may be the true one ...1940s NZ sl.
INDIFFERENT - adjectives
• ADIAPHOROUS neutral, indifferent, immaterial; neither right nor wrong morally ...1635
• BAUCH weak, poor, pitiless; without stamina; indifferent ...a1560 Sc.
• BAUGH weak, poor, pitiless; without stamina; indifferent ...a1560 Sc.
• CALLOUSED callous, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• CALLUSED hard-hearted, indifferent ...1887 Sc.
• COULDN’T-CARE-LESS indifferent ...1947
• DON'T-CARE-IFIED without concern, indifferent ...1930s US Black sl.
• DON'T-CARE-ISH without concern, indifferent ...1930s US Black sl.
• EASY † of small importance, insignificant, slight; not very good, indifferent ...1468
• FLIP indifferent ...1847
• HALF-PIE indifferent ...c1926 NZ sl.
• LALLA careless, indifferent ...1950 Amer. dial.
• LAODICEAN lukewarm, lacking enthusiasm; indifferent in religion, politics, etc. ...1633
• MATTERLESS indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested ...1760 Eng. dial.
• NEGLIGENT * heedless, careless, indifferent ...c1440
• NO GREAT SHAKES indifferent ...1819
• NONCURANTIST marked by indifference ...1882
• NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT indifferent ...1914
• POCOCURANTE caring little, careless, indifferent, nonchalant ...1815
• SAVOURLESS spiritless, listless, indifferent, wanting in wit or pluck ...1804 Sc.
• SO SO indifferent ...1530
• WHAT-THE-HELL indifferent ...1968
INDIFFERENT - nouns, person
• LAODICEAN one who is lukewarm or indifferent in religion, politics, etc. ...1772
• PESTLE-TAIL a person of an indifferent kind ...1899 Amer. dial.
• POCOCURANTE a careless or indifferent person; one who shows little interest or concern; a trifler ...1762
• SHORTHORN an ordinary person, one of indifferent quality and not belonging to the best sort ...1899 Amer. dial.
• BE JAKE-EASY to be indifferent, not caring one way or the other ...1888 Sc.
• BE JECK-EASY to be indifferent, not caring one way or the other ...1888 Sc.
• COULD CARE LESS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1966 US
• COULDN’T CARE LESS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1946
• NOT BE FUSSED to be indifferent to something, not care ...1988 Brit.
• NOT CARE A BUGGER to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922 Brit.
• NOT CARE A DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1760
• NOT CARE A FRIG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1955
• NOT CARE A FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1910s sl., orig. US
• NOT CARE A HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1861, ‘hang’ a euphemism for ‘damn’
• NOT CARE A HOOT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT CARE A MONKEY’S TOSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1960 Brit.
• NOT CARE A RAP to be indifferent to something, not care ...1834
• NOT CARE A SOD to be indifferent to something, not care ...1961 Brit.
• NOT CARE A STUFF to be indifferent to something, not care ...1974 chiefly Aust. & NZ
• NOT CARE A TINKER’S CUSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT CARE A TINKER’S DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT CARE A TOSS to be indifferent to something; not care ...1876
• NOT CARE A TUPPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE A TWOPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE A TYPPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT CARE TUPPENCE to indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT CARE TWO HOOTS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT CARE TWOPENCE to indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT GIVE A BUGGER to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1760
• NOT GIVE A FRIG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1955
• NOT GIVE A FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1929
• NOT GIVE A HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1861, ‘hang’ a euphemism for ‘damn’
• NOT GIVE A HOOT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT GIVE A MONKEY’S FUCK to be indifferent to something, not care ...1910s sl., orig. US
• NOT GIVE A MONKEY’S TOSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1960 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A RAP to be indifferent to something, not care ...1834
• NOT GIVE A SHIT to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922
• NOT GIVE A SHITE to be indifferent to something, not care ...1922
• NOT GIVE A SOD to be indifferent to something, not care ...1961 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A STUFF to be indifferent to something, not care ...1974 chiefly Aust. & NZ
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S CURSE to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S CUSS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TINKER’S DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1824
• NOT GIVE A TOSS to be indifferent to something; not care ...1876
• NOT GIVE A TUPPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TUPPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TWOPENNY DAMN to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE A TWOPENNY HANG to be indifferent to something, not care ...1887 Brit.
• NOT GIVE TUPPENCE to be indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT GIVE TWO HOOTS to be indifferent to something, not care ...1925
• NOT GIVE TWOPENCE to be indifferent to something, not care ...a1744 sl.
• NOT TO GIVE A HATE not to give a damn, an expression of indifference ...1929 Amer. dial.
• LEATHER AND PRUNELLA an expression for something to which one is utterly indifferent ...1734
• NOT TO CARE A BUTTON a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a button ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A CENT a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a cent ...1848 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A FARTHING a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1709 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A FIG a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a fig ...1833 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A HANG a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A PIN a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a pin ...1633 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A POINT a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1590 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A RAP a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a rap ...1871 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A RUSH a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a rush ...Bk1891 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A SNAP a simile of indifference; to not care about a matter ...1889 colloq.
• NOT TO CARE A STRAW a simile of indifference; to care about a matter not even so much as to the value of a straw...Bk1891 colloq.
• MEET † indifferently ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDIGENOUS - adjectives
• VERNACULOUS † of products: indigenous, native ...1606
INDIGESTIBLE - adjectives
• INCOCTIBLE † indigestible ...1684
• QUEASY indigestible, tough ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILL-DIGESTION indigestion ...1875 Eng. dial.
• INDIGESTING indigestion ...1942 Amer. dial.
• INDISGESTION indigestion ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• INSUSGESTION indigestion ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• TANT to disorder, to cause indigestion in, to upset the stomach or appetite ...1866 Sc.
INDIGNANT - adjectives
• EDGEWISE at odds, antagonistic, unfriendly, indignant ...1914 Amer. dial.
• ON ONE'S EAR indignant, angry; in a huff; broadly, in an uproar ...1871 Amer. sl.
• BRUSTLE UP to act indignantly or offended ...1904 Amer. dial.
• HACKLE to look angry or indignant; to grumble, to dispute ...Bk1905 Eng dial.
• PUT ON THE ARSE BIT to indignantly tell someone what you think of him or her ...1975 Aust. sl.
• DANDER temper, anger, indignation ...M19 colloq., orig. US
• JEALOUSY † zeal or vehemence of feeling against some person or thing; anger, wrath, indignation ...c1400
• DESPITE to be filled with indignation at seeing another doing anything improper, or esteemed such ...B1900 Sc.
INDIGNATION - interjections
• HA! an exclamation expressing surprise, wonder, joy, indignation, etc ...a1300
• HURRY-DURRY † an exclamation of impatience or indignation ...1682
• MASSY! an exclamation of surprise, indignation, etc. ...1867 Eng. dial.
• MERCY! an exclamation of surprise, indignation, etc. ...1867 Eng. dial.
• YE GODS! a mild oath, esp. used to express exasperation or indignation ...1807
• OPPROBRY † contumelious treatment; an indignity, insult ...1569
INDIRECT - adjectives
• LEER † looking askance; oblique, indirect; sly, underhand ...1629
• LERE † looking askance; oblique, indirect; sly, underhand ...1629
• SIDE-HANDED indirect ...1845
• SIDE-WIND indirect, oblique ...1680
• SIDE-WINDED indirect, oblique ...1710
• UNGAIN not near at hand; indirect; roundabout; difficult of access; inconveniently situated; generally used of a direction or road ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
INDIRECT - nouns
• CIRCUMBENDIBUS a roundabout or indirect way or method; a roundabout, long-winded story; circumlocution ...1681
INDIRECTLY - adverbs
• BY A SIDE-WIND in an indirect method or manner ...1648
• SIDELY † in an indirect manner; indirectly ...c1380
INDISCREET - nouns, person
• BLAB-TONGUE an indiscreet talker; a telltale ...1600
• LOOSE WOMAN a sexually indiscreet female ...20C US colloq.
• WAP a person defective in discretion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• WATTY a simpleton; an indiscreet or foolish person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• BLOB to talk indiscreetly or excessively; to blab out, to chat ...1899 Amer. dial.
• DROP A BRICK to commit an indiscretion, make a 'bloomer', to blunder ...1923 sl.
• HAND-OVER-HEAD † thoughtlessly extravagant; precipitate, rash, reckless; indiscriminate ...a1693 now rare or obs.
• HAND OVER HEAD † precipitately, hastily, rashly, recklessly; indiscriminately ...c1440 now rare or obs.
• PELLY MELLY †* in a confused way or manner; in disorder and hurry; indiscriminately ...c1450
• NECESSARINESS * the fact of being necessary; indispensability, necessity ...1551
• SINE-QUA-NONNINESS indispensability ...1834
INDISPENSABLE - adjectives
• SINE QUA NON indispensable, absolutely necessary or essential ...1615
• SINE-QUA-NONICAL indispensable ...1816
• NEED-BE * an essential or necessary reason; a necessity; something compulsory, indispensable, or requisite ...1728
INDISPENSABLE - nouns, person
• SINE QUA NON somebody or something indispensable ...1602
INDISPOSED - adjectives
• ACRAZED † weakened, enfeebled, diseased in body, affected with illness, indisposed; impaired ...1521
• ALL OVERISH nervous; vaguely indisposed ...c1850 Eng. sl.
• BADLY unwell, indisposed, sick, in ill health ...1783 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• BELOW PAR somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BRASH indisposed; susceptible to illness; sickly, in poor health ...1895 Amer. dial.
• BRASHY indisposed; susceptible to illness; sickly, in poor health; weak; of delicate constitution; subject to frequent ailments ...1895 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• BUMMY ill, though not seriously so, indisposed ...1931 Amer. dial.
• DOWN IN THE MOUTH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DOWN PIN depressed, indisposed ...L19 sl.
• DUMPY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• FEELING FUNNY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• HAVING THE IMPUCK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• ILLISH * somewhat ill or unwell; indisposed ...1637
• LAIN ASIDE unable to work from bodily indisposition ...Bk1902 Eng. dial.
• MAWKISH slightly indisposed; faint; sick from drinking ...1896 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO SHOUT ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO WIRE HOME ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO DICK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO PAR somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SAMPLE somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SCRATCH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO SNUFF somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• NOT UP TO THE MARK somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFFISH unwell, out of health, somewhat ill, indisposed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF OF ONE'S FEED unable to eat normally; slightly ill; indisposed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF ONE'S EATS unable to eat normally; slightly ill; indisposed ...1965 Amer. dial.
• OFF ONE'S FEED not feeling or looking well; indisposed ...1862 US sl.
• OFF ONE'S FORM somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF POLISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OFF THE HOOKS somewhat ill; indisposed; unwell, ailing ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• OFF TONE somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• OUT OF ONE'S FORM somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PALTRY unwell, feeble, indisposed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• POORISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POORLYISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUNKISH somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• PUNKY somewhat ill; indisposed ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SADLY-BADLY very ill or unwell; very much indisposed ...1880 Eng. dial.
• UNGEEN not given to, indisposed, disinclined ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• COME OVER ALL PECULIAR to feel suddenly physically indisposed or emotionally upset ...2003 UK sl.
• COME OVER ALL QUEER to feel suddenly physically indisposed or emotionally upset ...1937 UK sl.
• LOOK LIKE ONE WAS SENT FOR AND COULDN'T COME to look indisposed, out of sorts, or exhausted ...1843 Amer. dial.
• ACHAQUE † habitual indisposition, ailment ...1646
• SINKING SPELL an episode of weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, or the like; a spell of difficult breathing; indisposition ...1874 Amer. dial.
• TARROW a slight illness, an indisposition ...1866 Sc.
INDISPUTABLE - adjectives
• UNCONTROLLABLE † indisputable, irrefutable ...1577
• UNCONTROVERSABLE † undoubted, indisputable ...1617
INDISTINCT - adjectives
• CREPUSCULOUS of the nature of twilight; in a state between light and darkness; dim, glimmering, dusky, indistinct, obscure ...1646
• DASHY rough and indistinct ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• FLANNELMOUTHED speaking indistinctly and in a muffled way ...US
• GAVELLOUS drawling in speech; mumbling, lisping, indistinct ...1903 Sc.
• LIKE A HUMBLE-BEE IN A CHURN having a voice not distinctly audible ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• NEBULOSE cloudy, misty, indistinct ...1799
• NEBULOUS hazy, vague, indistinct, formless ...1831
• OBLITE †* dim, as if partly blotted out; indistinct, obscure ...1650
• OBNUBILOUS †* overclouded; cloudy, indistinct ...1432-50
• SLURRY blurred, indistinct, esp. of speech ...M20
• THICK OF SPEECH indistinct ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TONGUE-DOUBLED having the speech made indistinct by drink ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• TONGUE-TACKIT mumbling, indistinct in speech, inarticulate ...1923 Sc.
• VEILED of sound, the voice, etc.: indistinct, muffled, obscure ...1834
• JABBERING nonsense; indistinct and rapid speech ...1690 sl.
• OOM an indistinct appearance or image of anything, as the loom of land through a haze ...1892 Sc.
INDISTINCT - nouns, person
• MUSHMOUTH a person who speaks indistinctly or inarticulately ...US sl.
• BLETHER to speak indistinctly; to stammer ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CACKLE to stutter, to speak indistinctly ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• DROTE † to speak indistinctly; to stammer, to stutter ...c1440
• FLUMMER † to repeat indistinctly, to mumble ...1533
• GABBER to jabber, to gibber, to talk incoherently; to speak thickly or indistinctly ...1706-7 obs. exc. Sc.
• JABBER to chatter; to speak fast and indistinctly; to talk gibberish ...c1500 colloq.
• JABBLE to talk rapidly and indistinctly or unintelligibly; to speak volubly and with little sense; to chatter, to gabble, to prattle ...1570
• MAFFLE † to mumble; to speak indistinctly, to stammer ...1387 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• MOUTH-MAUL to talk loudly and abusively; to drawl; to speak indistinctly ...1876 Eng. dial.
• NAFFER to talk through the nose; to talk indistinctly ...Bk1903 Eng. dial.
• PALTER † to speak indistinctly or idly; to say or recite in an indistinct tone; to mumble, to mutter, to babble ...1538
• RABBLE to talk or read quickly or indistinctly ...Bk19C Eng. dial.
• SUP UP † to utter indistinctly, to mutter, to mumble ...1581
• WABBLE to stammer out, to blurt or mumble in a halting or indistinct way ...1920 Sc.
• YAFFLE to talk indistinctly; to mumble, as a toothless person ...1847 Eng. dial.
• YAMMER to talk or hum indistinctly; to stammer ...1881 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• YAWK to call out loudly; to hoot; to shout; to talk quickly and indistinctly ...1824 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• AT HALF LIGHTS indistinctly, vaguely, dimly ...1625
• BY HALF LIGHTS indistinctly, vaguely, dimly ...a1711
• NEBULOSITY cloudiness; indistinctness ...1809
• NEBULOUSNESS indistinctness ...1878
INDIVIDUAL - adjectives
• SINGULAR † separate, individual, single ...c1340
• SUNDRILY †* separate, individual, special ...a900
• VARSAL * single, individual ...1765
• VERSAL † single; individual ...1709
• VIDUAL individual, particular, distinct, precise ...1850 Sc. & Eng. dial.
INDIVIDUAL - nouns, person
• SINGULAR * a single person; an individual ...1420
• EGO-HOOD individuality, personality ...1873 nonce word
• EGOITY selfhood, individuality ...1651
• SINGULARIZE * to make singular or one; to individualize; to convert into the singular number ...1663
• SUNDERLY † separately, apart; individually; singly ...c888
• SUNDRILY † separately, severally, individually ...a900
• SUNDRY † separately, apart; severally, individually ...c950 obs. exc. Sc.
INDIVISIBLE - adjectives
• UNDEPARTABLE † inseparable; indivisible ...c1374
• UNTODELINDE † indivisible ...1340
• GANAY an idle disposition; indolence ...1876 Eng. dial.
• IDLESHIP † inactivity, want of occupation, indolence ...1357
• LAITCH indolence, laziness ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LUBBERLAND an imaginary land of plenty without labour; a land of laziness; the Paradise of indolence ...1598
• OCIVITY †* sloth, laziness, indolence ...1550
• OISIVITY idleness, indolence ...1830 nonce word
INDOLENT - adjectives
• BONE LAZY extremely indolent or lazy ...a1825
• DEAD-SWEER lazy, indolent, unwilling; undecided ...1721 Sc.
• DESIDIOSE † idle, slothful, lazy, sluggish, indolent ...1727
• DESIDIOUS † idle, lazy, indolent, slothful, negligent, sluggish ...a1540
• DO-NOTHING doing nothing; disinclined to work or exertion; idle, indolent, inactive, lazy ...1832
• DRONISH living on another's labour; indolent, sluggish ...L16
• EASY slow, easy-going; indolent ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• EASYFUL placid, indolent, easygoing, complacent ...1864 Eng. dial.
• FAINÉANT that does nothing; indolent, idle ...1855
• FAT slow-witted, indolent, self-complacent ...1588
• LATCHING lazy, indolent ...Bk1902 Sc.
• LUSKISH † inclined to be lazy or indolent; idle, slothful, sluggish ...a1500
• OSCITANT † gaping from drowsiness, yawning; hence, drowsy, dull, indolent, negligent, inattentive through drowsiness ...1625 rare or obs.
• OTIANT * at leisure, doing nothing, idle, indolent, at ease ...1878
• SIESTOSE * reposeful, indolent ...1845
• ZATELY indolent, idle ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
INDOLENT - nouns, person
• DAWDLE a lazy, indolent person; a frivolous, useless person ...1854 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• DAWDLING a lazy, indolent person ...Bk1900 Eng. dial,
• DRONE an indolent person; an idler ...E16
• HAGGIS a term of contempt applied to a lumpish, unwieldy person; a soft, 'pudding-headed' person; an indolent, do-nothing fellow ...1822
• IDLE-BACK an indolent or lazy person ...1828
• IDLE BELLIES † indolent sluggards or gluttons ...a1300
• LAITCH a lazy or indolent person ...Bk1902 Sc.
• SAWNEY an indolent person; a lanky person ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SAWNY a foolish or indolent person; a lanky person ...1950 Amer. dial.
• SLONK a lazy slinking fellow; an idle, dissolute person; an indolent, clownish fellow; a hanger-on ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• SLOW-BELLY a lazy, idle, or indolent person; a sluggard, a laggard ...1607
INDOLENT - verbs
• DRONE to act in a sluggish or indolent manner ...E16
• EAT ONE'S OWN FLESH said of an indolent person ...1611
INDOLENT - phrases
• WHITE DOG BITES, THE used of an indolent and lazy person ...B1900 Eng. dial.
INDOMITABLE - adjectives
• SAVAGE * indomitable, intrepid, valiant ...a1300