Q - PAGE 1
Q - PAGE 1
• Q adj. homosexual ...1940s sl.
n. 1. San Quentin prison, California ...L19 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. a homosexual; a queer ...c1930 Brit. theatrical sl.
n. 3. barbecued ribs ...1940s US Black sl.
n. 4. Quaaludes™ ...1977 US sl.
n. 5. in a casino: a $25 chip ...1983 US sl.
n. 6. in a deck of playing cards: a queen ...1991 US sl.
n. 7. a quarter of an ounce of marijuana ...1997 UK sl.
n. 8. a barbecue ...2001 US sl.
• Q AND A n. a question and answer session ...1997 US
• QAT n. methcathinone ...2003 US sl.
• Q BOAT n. an unmarked police car with plain clothes officers ...1977 UK sl.
• Q.E. vb. to turn Queen's Evidence; hence, to inform ...1950s UK prison sl.
• Q IN A CORNER n. something not at once seen but brought to subsequent notice ...c1870 legal usage
• Q-IN-THE-CORNER COVE n. a keen follower of boxing ...c1815 boxing sl.
• Q-ISH adj. possessing quality ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• Q.P. n. a Quarter Pound of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• Q.Q. n. a Quarter-Quart of rum ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• Q-SHIP n. among hot-rodders: a high-performing car that appears to be a conventional car ...1965 US sl.
• Q.T. adj. surreptitious ...L19 sl.
n. proper care and attention (Quality Time) ...1990s US sl.
• Q TIP n. in poker: a queen and a ten ...1996 US sl.
• QUA n. a prison ...L18 cant
• QUAARTISH adj. contradictious and quarrelsome ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAB adj. sickly, infirm ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a marshy spot; a bog ...1627 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a crude or shapeless thing ...1628
† vb. to beat, to throb, to quiver ...1663 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUABBLE n. 1. confusion ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a quibble ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to quibble...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUABMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1597 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUACK adj. 1. pert. to a charlatan doctor or his medicines ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. silent, close ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a pretended doctor ...1659
n. 2. a doctor, irrespective of their abilities ...L17 sl., orig. Aust. & NZ
n. 3. a charlatan, other than in a medical context ...M18 sl.
† n. 4. a brief moment; a trice, the shortest possible time ...1882 Sc.
n. 5. a great gossip ...1896 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a duck ...L19
n. 7. a pebble, a stone ...1923 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a homosexual ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 9. a novice surfer ...1977 US sl.
n. 10. a hospital patient who feigns symptoms in order to receive attention, prescription medication or both ...1978 US sl.
n. 11. in poker: a player who complains loudly when losing ...1979 US sl.
n. 12. Quaaludes™ ...1985 US sl.
n. 13. an act of breaking wind ...1990s sl.
n. 14. a firefighter ...1997 UK police sl.
vb. 1. to play the 'quack' (doctor) ...17C colloq.
vb. 2. to change the title of a book ...18C booksellers' usage
* vb. 3. of a raven or frog: to croak ...1727
vb. 4. to talk pretentiously and ignorantly, like a quack ...1756
vb. 5. to promote one's business through fraudulent claims ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to chatter; to talk for the sake of talking; to gossip; to be noisy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to complain ...1940s sl.
vb. 9. to break wind noisily ...1990s sl.
• QUACK-BELLY † n. a-fat-bellied person ...1622
• QUACK-BREECH † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...c1590
• QUACK-BUTTOCK † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...a1616
• QUACKER n. 1. a duck ...19C colloq.
n. 2. a Japanese Kawasaki motorcycle ...1960s motorcyclists' sl.
n. 3. the female genital area ...2000s Aust. sl.
• QUACKERY, THE n. forensic scientists; a forensic science department ...1971 UK police sl.
• QUACKIE n. 1. a duck ...1830 Sc.
n. 2. a White person ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• QUACKING-CHEAT n. an old cant term for a duck ...1620 cant
• QUACKLE n. the noise made in choking; the death-rattle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to quack, as a duck ...1564
† vb. 2. to interrupt breathing; to suffocate; to choke ...1622 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUACK-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...1577
• QUACK-QUACK n. 1. a duck ...1865 UK nursery usage
n. 2. a commotion ...1982 Trinidad and Tobago
• QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, COME TO MEAT! int. a call to ducks ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUACKS n. quaaludes ...1980s US drugs sl.
• QUACKSALVER n. an ignorant person who pretends to a knowledge of medicine or of wonderful remedies ...1579
• QUACKSTER †* n. a quack, a quacksalver ...1709
• QUACKTAIL n. the girlfriend of a township gangster ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• QUACK TITLES † vb. to invent new titles for old books in order to make them sell ...1715
• QUACKY adj. pert. to a charlatan doctor or his medicines ...L16 sl.
• QUACO n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUAD † adj. vile, base, bad ...1887 Sc.
n. 1. prison ...a1700 sl.
n. 2. a horse ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a quadricycle ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a carburettor with four barrels ...1965 US sl.
n. 5. a very clumsy person ...1970s US college sl.
n. 6. in trucking: a quadriplex transmission that provides twenty forward gears and four reverse ...1971 US sl.
n. 7. a quadriplegic ...1980 US sl.
n. 8. Quaaludes™ ...1980 US sl.
• QUAD CULL n. a prison warder, a turnkey ...M18 sl.
• QUADDLE n. 1. the codlin apple ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a grumbler, a complainer of ill health; a disagreeable person ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to dry, to shrivel up; to make limp or flabby ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to boil and bubble, as water or broth ...1892 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to waddle ..1886 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to grumble; to complain of ill health ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUADDLIN n. a semi-imbecile, stupid manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAD DOWN vb. to squat ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUADDY adj. of a person: very broad, short and thick; squat ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUADE †* vb. ? to destroy, to deface ...1565
• QUADER †* vb. 1. to square a number ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc.
vb. 2. to agree, to be harmonious, to get along ...1847 Sc.
• QUAD-FIFTY n. a quadruple mount .50 calibre machine gun, a devastating truck-drawn trailer-mounted weapon ...1953 US sl.
• QUADLE † vb. to boil ...1633
• QUADMIRE †* n. a quagmire ...1609
• QUADRAGENARIAN adj. forty years old ...1897
n. a person forty years of age ...1839
• QUADRAGENARIOUS adj. consisting of forty; forty years ...1656
• QUADRAGESIMAL adj. consisting of forty ...1662
• QUADRAN † adj. square ...1598
† n. a square ...1591
• QUADRANGULATE †* adj. made quadrangular; squared ...1592
• QUADRANT † adj. 1. square; of a square form ...1509
† adj. 2. agreeing, consonant, or conforming to or with ...1536
† n. 1. a quarter of a day; six hours ...1398
† n. 2. a square; a square thing or piece; a square picture ...1474
• QUADRATARY †* adj. relating to a square ...1690
• QUADRATE * adj. 1. square, rectangular ...1398
† adj. 2. complete, perfect ...1608.
† adj. 3. conformable, corresponding to or with ...a1657
† n. 1. a square; a square area or space; also, a rectangle or rectangular space ...1471
† n. 2. a group of four things ...1637
†* n. 3. a right angle ...1686
* vb. 1. to make (a thing) square ...1560
vb. 2. to agree, correspond, or conform with ...1610
* vb. 3. to be fitting, suitable, or consistent; of two things: to harmonize with each other ...1664
• QUADRATENESS †* n. squareness ...1599
• QUADRATIC * adj. square ...1656
• QUADRATURE † n. square shape, squareness ...1563
• QUADRENNIAL adj. 1. lasting for four years ...1656
adj. 2. occurring every fourth year ...1701
†* n. 1. a period of four years ...a1646
n. 2. an event happening every four years; a fourth anniversary, or its celebration ...1856
• QUADRENNIALLY adv. every fourth year ...1796
• QUADRENNIUM n. a period of four years ...1823
• QUADRICENTENNIAL adj. consisting of four centuries ...Bk1914
n. a four hundredth anniversary ...1882
• QUADRIENNIAL adj. 1. lasting for four years ...1656
adj. 2. occurring every fourth year ...1701
• QUADRIENNIUM n. a period of four years ...1754
• QUADRIGAMIST n. one four times married; one who has four wives or four husbands at the same time ...1865
• QUADRILATER †* adj. quadrilateral; four-sided ...1570
• QUADRILINGUAL adj. using or written in four languages ...1876
• QUADRILITERAL n. a word of four letters ...1787
• QUADRILOGUE n. an account by four persons ...a1556
• QUADRISECT vb. to divide into four equal parts ...1809
• QUADRISYLLABLE n. a word of four syllables ...1827
• QUADRIVIOUS adj. having four ways meeting in one point; going in four directions, as a street ...1883
• QUADRIVIRATE † n. a union of four men ...1654
• QUADROON n. the offspring of a mulatto and a White parent ...1780s US Black
• QUADRUPLET n. a bicycle for four riders ...1895
• QUADRUPLETS n. in poker: four cards of the same rank ...1979 US sl.
• QUADRUPLICATE vb. to multiply by four; to make four times as many or as great ...1661
• QUADRUPLIFY †* vb. to multiply by four; to make four times as great ...1578
• QUADS n. 1. the quadriceps muscles ...1984 US sl.
n. 2. in poker: a hand with all four cards of the same rank ...1996 US sl.
• QUAECALL n. a turnkey; a jailer ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUAEDAM †* n. in a disparaging sense: a woman, a female; a loose woman, a harlot ...a1670
• QUAEGEMES n. an illegitimate child ...E18 sl.
• QUAERE n. a question, a query ...1589
† vb. to query ...1627
• QUAERITATE †* vb. to inquire or search into ...1657
• QUAESITE †* n. a 'Quaesitum' ...1655
• QUAESITUM n. that which is sought for; the answer to a problem ...1748
• QUAESTUARY adj. connected or concerned with gain; money-making ...1594
† n. one who seeks for gain ...1614
• QUAFF n. a deep draught ...1579
vb. 1. to drink deeply or copiously; to take a long draught ...1529
vb. 2. to puff up; to fill out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFFED adj. satisfied; full ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFFER n. one who drinks deeply ...1520
• QUAFFING adj. luscious, satisfying; producing flatulence ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. flatulence ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFF-TIDE † n. the season for drinking; drinking time ...1582
• QUAFFY † adj. of the nature of quaffing ...1582
• QUAFT n. a trick ...1881 Eng. dial.
vb. to trick, to deceive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAG n. 1. a marshy or boggy spot ...1589
n. 2. a shake, a state of trembling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a male homosexual ...1930s US homosexual sl.
† vb. to shake: said of something soft or flabby ...1611 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAGGINESS n. a quaggy condition ...1653
• QUAGGLE n. a quivering, shaking motion, such as that of jelly or of loose boggy soil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to strangle ...1893 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to shake like jelly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAGGOT n. a male homosexual ...1930s US homosexual sl.
• QUAGGY adj. 1. of the body or flesh: soft, yielding, flabby ...?1600
adj. 2. of ground: that shakes under foot; full of quags; boggy, soft ...1610
• QUAGMIRIST † n. one who makes a quagmire of himself; one who gets himself into a situation which is difficult to get out of ...1655
• QUAGSWAG †* vb. to shake to and fro ...1653
• QUAICH n. a wild scream, a screech ...1866 Sc.
vb. to scream wildly, to shriek ...1866 Sc.
• QUAIGH n. a small and shallow cup or drinking vessel with two ears for handles; generally of wood, but sometimes of silver ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to bend, to turn ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to drink deeply ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAIL † n. 1. a courtesan; a prostitute ...1606
n. 2. a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
n. 3. an old maid; a spinster ...M19 US tramps' sl.
n. 4. an order of chicken stew ...L19 US sl.
n. 5. a sexually loose woman ...20C US sl.
n. 6. an attractive young man ...1960s US homosexual sl.
n. 7. a girl under the legal age of consent ...1976 US sl.
n. 8. a twenty-five cent betting token used in craps ...1983 US sl.
† vb. 1. to curdle, to coagulate ...c1430 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to fade, wither, etc. ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to fail or give way; to break down ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 4. to overpower, to destroy, to put an end to ...1551
† vb. 5. to spoil, to impair ...1551
vb. 6. of wet, boggy land: to tremble under foot ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to languish; to fall ill; to faint; to have a sinking sensation in the stomach ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to quell; to subdue through fear ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 9. of milk, beer, etc.: to turn sour or flat ...1819 Eng. dial.
vb. 10. to give way, to yield to or before ...1820
vb. 11. to grow flabby ...1873 Eng. dial.
vb. 12. to quiet down; to lull, to abate, esp. of the wind ...1897 Sc.
vb. 13. to be frightened; to quake with fear ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 14. to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAILAWAY n. a stye or small pustule on the eyelid ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUAILER n. a stone ...20C Aust. sl.
• QUAIL-HUNTER n. a woman-chaser; a whoremonger ...20C US sl.
• QUAIL-MUTTON n. the flesh of a sheep that has died from natural causes, drowning, etc. ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAIL-PIPE n. 1. a pipe or whistle on which the note of the quail (usually the female) can be imitated, in order to lure the birds into a net ...a1400
† n. 2. the throat or vocal organs; a woman's tongue ...1693
• QUAIN †* vb. to lament, to bewail, to bemoan ...a1300
• QUAINT †* adj. 1. proud, haughty ...a1225
† adj. 2. cunning, crafty, given to scheming or plotting ...a1225
† adj. 3. wise, knowing; skilled; clever, ingenious ...a1250
† adj. 4. of persons; beautiful or handsome in appearance; finely or fashionably dressed; elegant, foppish ...a1300
† adj. 5. of dress: fine, fashionable, elegant ...?a1366
† adj. 6. dainty, fastidious, nice; prim ...1483
adj. 7. dull or lacking in interest ...20C teen & high school sl.
†* n. female genitals ...c1320
† vb. 1. to acquaint; to inform ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to adorn, to make fine or beautiful ...1483
• QUAINTANCE † n. acquaintance ...c1300
• QUAINTED † adj. familiar ...1586
• QUAINTISE † n. 1. a device, a stratagem, a trick; an instance of cleverness, cunning, or craft ...1297
† n. 2. wisdom, cleverness, skill, ingenuity ...1297
† n. 3. cunning, craft, underhand dealing ...a1300
† n. 4. fine or curious dress; fineness, elegance or fancifulness in dress ...?1300
† vb. to beautify, to adorn, to dress finely ...1390
• QUAINTISING † n. adornment, decoration ...c1430
• QUAINT IT † vb. to assume a prim air ...c1585
• QUAINTRELLE †* n. a finely-dressed woman ...c1430
• QUAINTRY †* n. finery ...1483
• QUAIRNY adj. in small particles ...1882 Eng. dial.
• QUAISS KITIR! int. an exclamation of delight or exultation ...1898 Brit. services' sl.
• QUAIST † n. a rascal, a rogue, a wag ...1880 Sc.
• QUAISTERIN † n. a person who lives on his friends, a sponger ...1880 Sc.
• QUAIT †* vb. ? to wait, to await ...a1400-50
• QUAKE n. a quagmire ...1880 Sc.
• QUAKE-BELLY † n. a-fat-bellied person ...1622
• QUAKE BREACH n. a coward ...L16 sl.
• QUAKE-BREECH † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...c1590
• QUAKE-BUTTOCK † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...a1616
• QUA-KEEPER n. a 'gaoler' ...L18 cant
• QUAKEFUL † adj. causing fear or quaking ...1609
• QUAKE-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...1577
• QUAKE-OOZE n. soft, trembling ooze ...1898
• QUAKER n. 1. a shake; a shiver ...1861 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hard, and possibly lengthy, piece of excreta excrement ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an earthquake ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to tremble, to shake with cold, fear, etc. ...1703 Eng. dial.
• QUAKER-COLOUR n. a drab or grey colour ...1818
• QUAKER FIP n. a kiss ...1846 Amer. dial.
• QUAKER GUN n. a dummy gun in a ship or fort ...1809 US
• QUAKER NICKEL n. a kiss ...1957 Amer. dial.
• QUAKER OAT n. a coat ...1932 rhyming sl.
• QUAKER OATS n. a coat ...1930s rhyming sl.
• QUAKER'S BARGAIN n. a 'take it or leave it' bargain ...L17 sl.
• QUAKER'S BURYING-GROUND n. a privy ...19C Brit.
• QUAKERS'-MEETING n. a silent assembly ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUAKERTOWN n. Philadelphia ...Amer. sl.
• QUAKING-BOG n. a moving quagmire ...1866 Sc.
• QUAKING CHEAT n. 1. a sheep ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a calf ...M16 sl.
• QUAKING MOSS n. a quagmire ...1878 Sc.
• QUAKING-QUAW n. a moving quagmire ...1824 Sc.
• QUAKY ISLES n. New Zealand ...20C Aust. sl.
• QUAL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
n. a person of high social position; also, a stuck-up, wealthy person; generally used in plural ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALE † n. 1. death, destruction, mortality ...c900
n. 2. the quality of a thing; a thing having certain qualities ...1675
• QUALE-HOUSE † n. a house of torture ...c1205
• QUALE-SITHE † n. death from pestilence ...c1205
• QUALIFICATE † adj. qualified, conditional, under certain limitations ...1723 Sc.
• QUALIFIED adj. 1. absolutely certain ...1800 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. damned; bloody ...L19 Brit. euphemism
adj. 3. in good circumstances; well-to-do ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. of a prostitute: experienced ...1960s US Black sl.
• QUALIFY vb. 1. to prove; to authenticate, to make good; to testify to ...1746 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. obs.
vb. 2. to succeed in copulating ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. 3. to modify the quality or strength of, to make stronger, dilute or otherwise fit for taste; as, to 'qualify' liquors ...1816 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to put one to an oath, to cause one to testify; to swear, to testify ...1827 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to put sugar and cream in coffee ...1897 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. of a confidence trickster: to assess the potential of a possible victim ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• QUALITATED †* adj. qualitied, furnished with a quality or qualities ...1662
• QUALITIES n. intellectual ability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALITY n. the gentry; the upper classes; a person of quality ...1848 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUALITY, THE n. 1. the upper classes; society ...18C
n. 2. anyone who is not a member of the travelling community ...1993 Ireland sl.
• QUALITY FOLKS n. 1. people of high social status ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY JOE n. a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY TOSS n. the attributes and style of the upper classes ...1910s Irish sl.
• QUALK n. a heavy fall ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALKER n. a heavy blow; a heavy fall ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUALL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
n. a lull, in wind or storm ...1908 Sc.
vb. 1. of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
vb. 2. of wind, etc.: to lull, to abate ...1824 Sc.
• QUALLER vb. to swarm, to be alive or infested with ...a1838 Sc.
• QUALLMIRE †* n. a quagmire ...1553
• QUALLY †* adj. of wine: turbid, cloudy ...a1700
n. cloudy, sour wine ...L17 sl.
• QUALM n. a sudden onset of wind ...1865 Sc.
vb. to make sick or uneasy ...1884 Amer. dial.
• QUALMISH adj. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1787 Amer. dial.
• QUALMISHNESS n. a feeling of nausea ...1843 Amer. dial.
• QUALMS n. feelings of nausea ...1943 Amer. dial.
• QUALMY adj. 1. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1852 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: close, sultry, producing sickly languor ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALTAGH † n. 1. a Christmas or New Year's ceremony; "A company of young lads or men generally went in old times on what they termed the Qualtagh, at Christmas or New Year's Day, to the houses of their more wealthy neighbours; some one of the company repeating in an audible voice the following rhyme: 'Ollick ghennal erriu,' &c. . .When this was repeated they were then invited in to partake of the best that the house could afford. The purport of the foregoing rhyme appears to be; ' A merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year. Long life and health to all the family. Your lifetime and cheerfulness live together. Peace and love between women and men. Goods and flummery, stock and store. Plenty of potatoes and herrings enough. Bread and cheese, butter and the spring-tide. Stealthy death in neither stack-yard or barn. Safe sleep when you lie down. And may the flea not make a meal of you."; also, one who takes part in the ceremony ...1869 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the first person one meets after leaving home on some special occasion, as New Year's Day; the first person entering a house on New Year's Day; the first-foot ...1891
• QUAMIN n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUAMIRE † n. a quagmire, a bog ...1555
• QUAMISH adj. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1787 Amer. dial.
• QUAMP adj. still, quiet; also, sulky ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUAMP AS A MOUSE adj. very quiet (quamp = still, quiet) ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUAMPED adj. subdued, disappointed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAMS n. problems, worries ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUANDARY n. 1. a dilemma; a state of extreme uncertainty ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a fit of ill temper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANDONG n. 1. a country bumpkin ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 2. a disreputable figure, living on their wits ...1930s Aust. sl.
n. 3. a young woman who accepts any amount of gifts but still refuses to cede her sexual favours ...1960s Aust. sl.
• QUANDORUM n. 1. a quandary; extreme perplexity ...1894 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a polite speech or gesture ...BK1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANGER n. a quince ...1960s Aust. teen sl.
• QUANK adj. still, quiet ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. to overcome, to subdue; to quiet ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUANKED adj. overpowered by fatigue ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUANKER n. 1. something that brings things to a conclusion, a settler ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a duck-calling device ...1945 Can. sl.
• QUANT adj. short-tempered, ill-tempered ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. a long pole with which to propel barges or punts; a walking-stick ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to push a barge or boat along with a pole ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to thrash, to chastise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANTER n. a man who propels a barge or punt by means of a pole ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUANTUM n. a drink ...L18 sl.
• QUANTY adj. twenty ...1710 Sc.
• QUAP n. a throb, a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† vb. to beat, to throb, to palpitate, to quiver ...c1374 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAQUAVERSAL adj. turned or pointing in every direction ...1728
• QUAR † n. a stone quarry ...a1485 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to curdle, to coagulate ...1578 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to work in a quarry; to raise stones from a quarry ...1825 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to become choked ...1883 Eng. dial.
• QUARANTAIN †* n. 1. a set of forty (nights) ...1653
† n. 2. a period (orig. of forty days) during which persons who night serve to spread a contagious disease are kept isolated from the rest of the community; quarantine ...1669 obs.
• QUARANTINABLE * adj. subject or liable to quarantine ...1894
• QUARANTINE n. involuntary delay ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUARDLE n. a quarrel ...1867 Eng. dial.
vb. to quarrel ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUARDLING adj. quarrelsome ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARE adj. 1. good, excellent; also, a general intensifier ...M19 Irish sl.
adj. 2. odd, eccentric, queer ...M19 Irish sl.
adj. 3. mediocre ...1983 UK sl.
†* vb. 1. to square ...a1300
vb. 2. to inquire ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUARE FELLA n. an eccentric; an unusual person ...M19 Irish sl.
• QUARE HARP n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUARE HAWK n. someone who is unconventional in some way; an odd person ...1989 Ireland sl.
• QUARE MAN M'DA! int. exclamation of disbelief ...20C Ulster sl.
• QUARENTAL †* n. a set of forty requiem masses ...1566
• QUARE ONE n. the wife ...1997 Ireland sl.
• QUARE PLACE n. 1. hell ...1960s Irish sl.
n. 2. somewhere unpleasant ...1960s Irish sl.
• QUARE STUFF, THE n. illicitly distilled whisky ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUARE THING, THE n. an act of sexual intercourse ...1970s Irish sl.
• QUARFOXE † n. a carfax; crossroads ...1483
• QUARFULNESS † n. health, prosperity ...1483
• QUAR ICE n. water that has oozed through the ground through snow and frozen on the surface ...1955 Can.
• QUARION † n. a 'quarrier'' a large square candle ...1512
• QUARK vb. 1. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak ...1860
• QUARKED OUT adj. under the influence of drugs ...1999 US sl.
• QUARL * n. the jellyfish, medusa ...1884
†* vb. to curdle ...1607
• QUARLY vb. to quarrel ...1867 Eng. dial.
• QUARM n. 1. the edges of the eyelid on which the eyelashes grow ...1899 Sc.
n. 2. a male homosexual ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
vb. of a man: to behave in an exaggerated, effeminate manner ...1982 Bahamas
• QUAR-MAN n. a man who works in a quarry ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUARMBURGER n. a male homosexual ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• QUARMIN n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUARNELL †* adj. square, squared ...1533 Sc.
• QUARNELLED †* adj. squared ...1533 Sc.
• QUARR n. a quarry, a stone-pit ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUARRED † adj. 1. clotted, curdled; soured ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of beer: harsh or rough to the taste ...1883 Eng. dial.
• QUARREFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• QUARREL † n. 1. a pane of glass, esp. a diamond-shaped pane ...1447 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. materials from a quarry ...1759 Sc.
n. 3. a stone-quarry ...1865 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to question, to call to account, to challenge; to find fault with, to rebuke; to object to ...1709 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to raise stones from a quarry ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUARREL-BREEDER † n. one who causes quarrels and contention ...1611
• QUARRELET †* n. a small square ...1648
• QUARRELLABLE † adj. capable of being called in question; disputable ...a1600
• QUARRELLED adj. of a window: having panes ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUARRELLOUS † adj. 1. given to complaining; querulous ...c1400
† adj. 2. quarrelsome, contentious; fault-finding ...1556
• QUARRELOUR n. one who reproves or rebukes; a faultfinder ...1825 Sc.
• QUARREL-PANED adj. of a window: having diamond-shaped panes ...1868 Eng. dial.
• QUARREL-PICKER † n. 1. one who picks quarrels; a quarrelsome person ...1547
† n. 2. a glazier ...a1700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUARRELSOME adj. faultfinding, given to contradiction, litigious ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUARREL WITH ONE'S BREAD AND BUTTER vb. to give up a means of livelihood for insufficient reasons ...1780
• QUARREN n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRIER † n. a large square candle ...c1550
• QUARROM n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARROME n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARROMES † n. the body ...1567 cant
• QUARROMS n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRON † n. the body ...1641 cant
• QUARRONS n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRY † adj. 1. square; squarely built, stout ...1297
†* adj. 2. clotted, coagulated ...1587
†* n. 1. a square candle ...1526
n. 2. a square stone, tile, or brick ...1555
† n. 3. a heap of dead men; a pile of dead bodies ...1589
† n. 4. a square-headed arrow ...1600
n. 5. a pane of glass ...1611
n. 6, the vagina ...18C sl.
†* n. 7. the hard granular part of a pear ...1707
n. 8. a sheet of paper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to obtain or extract by laborious methods ...1860
• QUARRY CURE n. a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUART † adj. healthy; in good condition; whole and sound ...a1300
adv. across ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. health; healthy or sound condition; the state of being alive and well ...a1300
†* n. 2. a quarter of a pound ...1496
n. 3. of butter: three pounds ...1796 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a quart-pot used for drinking ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 5. a one year prison sentence ...1950s W. Indies sl.
n. 6. a quarter, a twenty-five cent piece ...1965 Barbados
n. 7. in poker: four cards of the same suit in sequence ...1979 US sl.
n. 8. 1/4 oz (7g) of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
n. 9. 1/4 oz (7g) or 1/4g of a given drug ...1990s drugs sl.
vb. 1. to quarrel, to disagree, to fall out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to thwart, to go contrary to ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTARY * adj. fourth ...1839
†* n. a quarter of a pound ...1656
• QUARTEE n. orig. one-fourth of the Spanish real or bit; later one-fourth of a dime, or two-and-one-half cents' worth of some commodity ...1839 Amer. dial.
• QUARTELET †* n. a small quart ...1453
• QUARTER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
† n. 1. a farthing ...1641 Eng. dial.
n. 2. five shillings, five dollars ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a fourth of a mile ...1784 Amer. dial.
n. 4. one of the four teats of a cow ...1818 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a quarter inch of tobacco ...M19 UK prison sl.
n. 6. a 3-month prison sentence ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 7. a cigarette ...1958 US sl.
n. 8. a prison sentence of 25 years ...1964 US sl.
n. 9. a break taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 10. a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
n. 11. $25 ...1970s US sl.
n. 12. in a casino: a $25 chip ...1980 US sl.
n. 13. $25 of a given drug ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 14. twenty-five pounds of weights used in lifting ...1989 US sl.
n. 15. a quarter of a kilo of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
n. 16. in dominoes: twenty-five points ...sl.
vb. 1. to lodge; to obtain board and lodging at an inn, etc. ...1787 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to move diagonally ...1846 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break ...1902 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERAGE * n. quarters, place of abode ...1577
• QUARTER BAG n. a plastic sandwich bag of marijuana sold for $25 ...1980s US Black sl.
• QUARTER BIRD n. one quarter pound of cocaine ...1999 US sl.
• QUARTER BIT n. a jail sentence of three months ...1977 UK sl.
• QUARTER-BLOKE n. a quartermaster(-sergeant) ...1919 services' sl.
• QUARTER BOSS n. one who maintains law and order in a logging camp ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-CLEFT adj. said of timber cut from the centre to the circumference ...1850 rare, chiefly Eng. dial.
n. 1. wood cleft in four; quartered wood ...1641 chiefly Eng. dial.
n. 2. a slightly crazed person; a crazy person ...1831 chiefly Eng. dial.
• QUARTER-CLIFT n. a crazy person ...1856 Ireland
• QUARTER-DECK vb. during US Marine Corps basic training: to administer physical discipline or incentive ...2004 US sl.
• QUARTEREEN n. a farthing (1/4d) ... M19 sl.
• QUARTERER n. 1. one who takes up quarters; a lodger ...1648
n. 2. a poor person who is given temporary lodgings by way of charity ...1802 Sc.
• QUARTER FLASH AND THREE PARTS FOOLISH phr. describing a fool who claims to have a small degree of fashionable worldliness ...E19 sl.
• QUARTER FLASH AND THREE PARTS STUPID phr. describing a fool who claims to have a small degree of fashionable worldliness ...E19 sl.
• QUARTER HAND n. 1. a person who does, or is allotted, one-fourth the amount of work expected of an able-bodied adult ...1856 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a tenant farmer who pays usually one fourth of the crop as rent ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER HOUSE n. 1. a place where drug users can obtain a 1/4 oz (7g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
n. 2. a place where mid-level heroin dealers do business ...1978 US sl.
• QUARTERING adv. diagonally, at an angle ...1852 Amer. dial.
† n. 1. road surface ...1796 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the practice of distributing freshly slaughtered meat to one's neighbours ...1975 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERING TIME n. the middle of the morning or evening; the hour completely a quarter of a day ...1902 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERIZATION †* n. part of the punishment of a traitor, by dividing his body into four quarters ...1727-41
• QUARTER LUNCH n. a snack taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-MAN n. 1. a lodger; one who is furnished with temporary lodgings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a male pauper who was given poor relief by being lodged for a short period at a time in the various houses in the parish ...1908 Sc.
• QUARTERMASTER'S ERASMIC n. soap for scrubbing floors ...20C army sl.
• QUARTER MOON n. hashish ...M20 US drugs sl.
• QUARTERN † n. 1. a prison ...c975
† n. 2. a quarter of anything ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
* n. 3. a quarter of a pound ...c1400
† n. 4. a quarter of a hundred, twenty-five ...1472-3
n. 5. a quarter of an ounce ...1607
• QUARTERN O'BRY n. a 1/4 pint of gin ...M19 sl.
• QUARTERN OF BLISS n. a small, attractive woman ...c1882 London sl.
• QUARTERN O'FINGER n. a measure of rum ...M19 sl.
• QUARTERON n. the offspring of a mulatto and a White parent ...1780s US Black
• QUARTER PAPER n. $25 worth of a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• QUARTER PIECE n. 1/4 oz (7g) of drugs ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUARTER POT n. a drunkard ...20C rhyming sl. for 'sot'
• QUARTER-POUND OF BIRD'S EYE n. a 1/4 oz (7g) of tobacco ...L19 sl.
• QUARTER ROCK n. crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• QUARTERS n. the section of a plantation where the slaves lived ...1750s US Black
• QUARTER SACK n. $25 of a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• QUARTERS BOSS n. one who maintains law and order in a logging camp ...1935 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER STRETCH n. a jail sentence of three months ...1977 UK sl.
• QUARTERTH † adj. fourth ...1658
• QUARTER-TIME n. quarantine ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER TO NINE, A adj. of a relation between people: very close ...1980 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-TO-TWO n. (usually derogatory) a Jewish person ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• QUARTER-WIFE † n. a poor woman quartered in a house by the parish ...1898 Sc.
• QUARTFUL † adj. sound, healthy; safe, prosperous ...c1460
• QUARTFULNESS † n. health, prosperity ...1483
• QUARTLE †* adj. quartered ...c1420
• QUART-MANIA n. a hangover; the delirium tremens ...19C Brit. sl.
• QUARTO n. a bookseller; a publisher ...M18 colloq.
• QUART O' BROWN n. a quart of ale ...1853 Eng. dial.
• QUART-POT TEA n. a tea made in the bush; a tin quart of water is set down by the fire, and when it is boiling hard, a handful of tea is thrown in ...1878 Aust.
• QUART STORE n. a store that sells beer on the retail level ...1997 US sl.
• QUARTUMVIRATE * n. a body of four men ...1819
• QUARTZ n. 1. money ...L19 sl.
n. 2. methamphetamine that is smoked ...1998 UK sl.
• QUARTZOSE adj. mainly or entirely composed of quartz ...1757
• QUARTZOUS † adj. mainly or entirely composed of quartz ...1790
• QUAS n. Quaaludes™, a tranquillizer ...M20 US drugs sl.
• QUASAR n. a woman ...1976 US sl.
• QUASHEE n. 1. a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person ...1833
n. 2. a country bumpkin; a peasant; a stupid person ...M19 sl.
• QUASHIBA n. a foolish, uncultivated woman ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUASHIE n. 1. a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person ...1833
n. 2. a country bumpkin; a peasant; a stupid person ...M19 sl.
• QUASHY adj. of overripe fruit or young peas: pulpy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUASIMODO n. 1. the prisoner who is responsible for cleaning the prison chapel ...1923 sl.
n. 2. soda ...20C rhyming sl. (Cockney pronunciation)
• QUASS † vb. to drink copiously or in excess ...1549
• QUASSATION * n. a shaking, beating, pounding ...1654
• QUASSATIVE †* adj. inclined to shake ...1626
• QUASSY n. a Black person; a Black seaman from the British West Indies, esp. as a nickname ...c1830 colloq.
• QUAT † adj. 1. squatted, close, still, quiet, in hiding ...c1450
adj. 2. low and broad; squat ...1848 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. full to satiety; cloyed, glutted; heavy and dull; so fat as not to care to stand ...1873 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. collapsed, quiet, dead ...1895 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a pimple or pustule; a small boil; a stye ...1579 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
†* n. 2. the act or state of squatting ...1602
† n. 3. a term of contempt for a young person ...1604
n. 4. in betting: odds of 4-1 ...1991 UK sl.
† vb. 1. to crouch down or lie close, as an animal in hiding; to squat ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to beat or press down; to squash, to flatten, to extinguish ...c1400-50 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to load, sate, glut the stomach ...1579 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to leave, to depart from; to forsake; to relinquish, to give up, to let go ...1714 Sc.
†* vb. 5. to sink, to subside ...a1722
vb. 6. to cease work; to desist from, to stop ...1790 Sc.
vb. 7. to requite, to reward; to pay back, to discharge ...1802 Sc.
vb. 8. to walk in an undignified manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATCH † n. a word, a sound ...a1635
vb. 1. to keep absolute silence on any given subject ...1852 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to betray; to tell a secret ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATE vb. to leave, to depart from; to forsake; to relinquish, to give up, to let go ...1714 Sc.
• QUATER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
n. twenty-five cents, a quarter ...1980 US sl.
• QUATER-CENTENARY * n. a 400th anniversary, or the celebration of this ...1883
• QUATERER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
• QUATERNAL * adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1616
• QUATERNARIAN * adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1647
• QUATERNARY adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1605
n. a set of four things; the number four ...c1430
• QUATERNATE adj. arranged in, or forming, a set of four; composed of four parts ...1753
• QUATERNIO * n. a group or set of four persons or things ...1678
• QUATERNION adj. consisting of four persons, things, or parts ...1814
n. a group or set of four persons or things ...1382
• QUATERNITY n. 1. a set of four persons or four things ...1529
n. 2. the fact or condition of being four in number, or an aggregate of four ...1839
• QUATERPETAL †* n. a plant whose flowers have four petals ...1715
• QUATERVOIS †* n. a place where four ways meet ...1646
• QUATRAIN n. a set of four persons ...1862 nonce use
• QUATRE n. the number four; the four in dice ...a1550
• QUATREBLE † adj. quadruple ...1398
† n. a fourfold amount ...a1400
† vb. to quadruple ...1398
• QUATREFOIL †* adj. having four leaves ...c1420
†* n. a set of four leaves ...c1420
• QUATREFOIS †* n. a place where four ways meet ...1646
• QUATRIDUAL †* adj. lasting for four days ...1646
• QUATRIN * n. a small piece of money; a farthing ...c1400
• QUATRUMVIRATE † n. a body of four men ...1684
• QUATS n. vengeance, satisfaction, requital, quits ...1879 Sc.
• QUATTIE n. 1 1/2 pence ...20C W. Indies sl.
• QUATTING AND BOBBING adj. sitting down one minute and bobbing up again the next; restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATTING-TIME n. the time for ceasing work...1835 Sc.
• QUATTY n. 1 1/2 pence ...20C W. Indies sl.
vb. to squat, to sit; to crouch down, esp. of game; to hide ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUATUORVIRATE * n. a body of four men ...1856
• QUAUGHT †* vb. to drink deeply ...1530
• QUAUK vb. to quake ...1785 Sc.
• QUAUNCH adj. squeamish, fastidious ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVE † adj. zigzag, winding ...1818 Sc.
† n. a shake, a tremble ...1382
† vb. 1. to quake, to shake, to tremble; to vibrate ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to beat, to palpitate; to throb with life ...1387
† vb. 3. to go in a zigzag manner or from side to side ...1825 Sc.
• QUAVE A BRAE vb. to go zigzag up or down a hill ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUAVEMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1530
• QUAVER n. 1. a musician ...c1860 sl.
n. 2. a flourish ...1885 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to brandish, to flourish; to clench the fists; to make a feint of striking ...1865 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to equivocate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to dither, esp. over whether or not to make a purchase ...1979 UK sl.
vb. 4. to potter about, to tinker ...1979 UK sl.
• QUAVERER n. a vacillating or uncertain customer ...1979 UK sl.
• QUAVERY adj. quavering, jerky, unsteady ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVERY-MAVERY * adj. in an uncertain or precarious condition; undecided, and hesitating how to decide ...1809
• QUAVING-GOG n. a quagmire ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUAVIT n. a seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVY †* adj. soft, flabby ...1398
• QUAW n. 1. a bog, a quagmire, a marsh ...1535 Sc.
n. 2. a stupid, ugly person; a peasant or bumpkin ...M19 W. Indies sl.
n. 3. an albino ...M19 W. Indies sl.
vb. to stare about foolishly or awkwardly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWING adj. clumsy, awkward, gawky ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWK n. 1. of a bird: a caw, a squawk ...1899 Eng. & Amer. dial.
n. 2. uncooked frozen meat or fish ...1947 Can. sl.
vb. 1. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to rumble internally through flatulency ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWKEN vb. to vomit; to choke, to suffocate ...1781 Eng. dial.
• QUAWKING n. an internal rumbling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWMIRE n. a quagmire ...1535 Sc.
• QUAW-THREE n. one or two; a few ...1844 Sc.
• QUAWY n. a stupid, ugly person; a peasant or bumpkin ...M19 W. Indies sl.
• QUAX † vb. to quaff, to drink deeply ...1509
• QUAY n. 1. prison ...M18 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. Quaaludes™ ...1997 US sl.
• QUAY †* vb. to depress, to subdue, to daunt ...1590
• QUAZIE adj. queasy, having a disordered stomach, squeamish ...1824 Sc.
• QUDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEACH † n. a dense growth of bushes; a thicket ...c1450 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEACHY † adj. 1. forming a dense growth or thicket ...1565
† adj. 2. of ground: swampy, boggy ...1593 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
adj. 3. feeble, sickly, weak, small ...1859 Eng. dial.
n. wet, boggy land which requires draining ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAGLE n. a seesaw, usually made by laying a plank across a fallen tree ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw; to oscillate; to swing backwards and forwards, crouching down on the heels in a sitting posture ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAK n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. 1. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep; to cry, as the young of rats and mice ...1887 Sc.
• QUEAL † vb. to faint away ...1515 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEAN n. 1. a woman; a female; from early Middle English a term of disparagement or abuse; hence, a bold, impudent, or ill-behaved woman; a jade, a hussy; a harlot, a strumpet, esp. in 16th-17th centuries ...a1000
n. 2. a young woman, a girl, a lass, usually denoting one of a healthy and robust appearance ...c1470 Sc.
n. 3. a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 4. a term of reproach for a shrewish or dirty woman ...1740 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 5. a female sweetheart, a lass ...1813 Sc.
n. 6. a maidservant ...1818 Sc.
n. 7. an effeminate male homosexual ...19C sl.
n. 8. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
† n. 9. a mistress, a paramour, a concubine ...1931 Sc.
n. 10. an ageing passive homosexual ...1935 UK sl.
n. 11. a lesbian ...c1970 homosexual sl.
• QUEAN-BAIRN n. a female child ...1868 Sc.
• QUEAN-CAT n. a she-cat ...1684 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-CRAFT n. female allurements ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEANED UP adj. carefully (not necessarily effeminately) dressed ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• QUEAN-FOND adj. of a man: love-stricken ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-HEFTED adj. beset with women, in a lewd sense ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-HOUSE n. a brothel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEANIE adj. effeminate; soft ...c1910 Aust. sl.
n. 1. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
n. 2. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 3 an effeminate man ...c1910 Aust. sl.
n. 4 a very good-looking man or boy ...E20 army sl.
n. 5. a homosexual ...1930s Aust. sl.
• QUEANISH † adj. 1. of the nature of a harlot or strumpet ...1596
adj. 2. effeminate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-LASSIE n. a young girl ...1818 Sc.
• QUEAN-STRUCKEN adj. of a man: love-stricken ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN UP vb. 1. to dress carefully, although not necessarily effeminately ...1930s Aust. sl.
vb. 2. in male homosexual society: to adopt girlish mannerisms and affectations; to use cosmetics and to primp ...1972 UK gay sl.
• QUEANY adj. effeminate; soft ...c1910 Aust. sl.
• QUEASE †* vb. 1. to press, to squeeze ...c1450
vb. 2. to wheeze ...1887 Sc.
• QUEASED OUT adj. nauseated; sick ...1993 US sl.
• QUEASOM † vb. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEASY † adj. 1. of a matter: uncertain, hazardous ...1589
adj. 2. dejected ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. indigestible, tough ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. short, brief ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAZEN † vb. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEBEC WRENCH n. a beer bottle opener ...2001 Can. sl.
• QUEBER n. a social outcast ...1987 US sl.
• QUECK †* n. 1. ? a knock, a whack ...1554
n. 2. a pebble, a stone ...1923 Sc.
† vb. to quack, as a duck ...c1325
• QUED † adj. 1. evil, wicked, bad, vile, base ...c1205-25 obs. exc. Sc.
†* adj. 2. hostile, inimical to ...a1300
† n. 1. a bad or wicked person ...c1250
† n. 2. the evil one; the Devil ...c1250
† n. 3. evil, mischief, harm ...a1225
• QUEDE † adj. 1. evil, wicked, bad ...c1205-25
†* adj. 2. hostile, inimical to ...a1300
† n. 1. a bad or wicked person ...c1250
† n. 2. the evil one; the Devil ...c1250
† n. 3. evil, mischief, harm ...a1225
• QUEDFUL † adj. full of evil or wickedness ...1340
• QUEDHEAD † n. evil, wickedness ...1340
• QUEDLY † adv. wickedly ...c1300
• QUEDNESS † n. evil, wickedness ...c1300
• QUEDSHIP † n. evil, wickedness ...c1205
• QUEE n. prison ...M18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEEB n. 1. any small problem, esp. mechanical ...1960s US teen sl.
n. 2. a bisexual ...1988 US sl.
• QUEE-BECK! int. the cry of grouse, when startled ...1901 Sc.
• QUEECH n. a small plantation of trees or bushes; a spinney ...1804 Eng. dial.
• QUEECHER vb. to work in a lazy, unsatisfactory way ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEECHY adj. 1. ailing, sickly, queasy, feeble ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of land: wet, boggy, marshy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEED n. a wooden chamber-pot ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEEDLE vb. to oscillate, to shake; to totter; to get about with difficulty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEDLING adj. tottering ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEDY adj. brisk, sharp; shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEF n. 1. a stratagem, a dodge, a trick; a conjuring trick, a piece of sleight of hand; cunning ...1923 Sc.
n. 2. an engaging, roguish girl ...1923 Sc.
n. 3. the passing of air from the vagina; a vaginal fart ...1990s US sl.
vb. to expel air from the vagina, intentionally or not; to make a vaginal fart ...1990s US sl.
• QUEEGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEK n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. 1. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep ...1887 Sc.
• QUEEKLE n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep ...1887 Sc.
• QUEEL n. a coldness, a cooling down, a chill ...1922 Sc.
vb. 1. to coil, to curl up; to twist ...1866 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to cool ...1867 Sc.
vb. 3. to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEELIE adj. cooling; soothing ...1928 Sc.
n. coolness ...1928 Sc.
• QUEEL IN vb. to go to bed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEM adj. 1. close-fitting, filled up to an even level; neat, fit ...1820 Sc.
adj. 2. pleasant; calm; smooth ...1824 Sc.
adj. 3. deep ...1879 Sc.
adj. 4. prim, affectedly nice; over-fastidious ...1924 Sc.
adv. 1. exactly, neatly, snugly ...1710 Sc.
adv. 2. smoothly, pleasantly, without snags or hitches ...1879 Sc.
vb. 1. to make something fit, to fall into place ...1825 Sc.
vb. 2. to fit snugly, to fall into place, to coincide with ...1880 Sc.
vb. 3. to smooth out ...1935 Sc.
• QUEEM AS SILK adv. smoothly, pleasantly ...1900 Sc.
• QUEEMER n. a toady, a sycophant, a fawning person ...1880 Sc.
• QUEEMLY adj. exactly adapted ...1902 Sc.
adv. calmly, smoothly ...1824 Sc.
• QUEEMNESS n. an exact fit, perfect adaptation ...1902 Sc.
• QUEEN n. 1. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pretty young woman; a beauty ...18C US sl.
n. 3. an immoral woman; a term of reproach for a shrewish or dirty woman ...1740 Eng. dial.
n. 4. the boy or girl holding the second place in class at school ...1867 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a small scallop ...1890 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a female cat ...1898
n. 7. an effeminate (older) homosexual male ...L19 sl.
n. 8. a man's wife; a companion; a sweetheart; a girlfriend; a lover ...1900s sl. US Black sl.
n. 9. an effeminate male, not necessarily a homosexual male ...E20 US sl.
n. 10. a fellator; a male who performs fellatio ...E20 US sl.
n. 11. a passive or effeminate homosexual ...1924 sl.
n. 12. a woman who runs an illicit township bar or shebeen ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
n. 13. a popular girl ...1959 US sl.
n. 14. a heterosexual ...1960s homosexual sl.
n. 15. a beautiful lesbian ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 16. a mistress, or prostitute ...1968 US sl.
n. 17. an attractive, effeminate young prison homosexual, as such much sought after and fought over ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 18. a transsexual ...1980s Aust. prison sl.
n. 19. a mother, as the ruler of the house ...2002 UK sl.
vb. to act in an effeminate manner; to pose ostentatiously ...1970s sl.
• QUEEN, THE n. the UK's national anthem ...1952 UK sl.
• QUEEN ANNE n. 1. an old-fashioned gun; a long barrel, big bore gun ...1833 Sc.
n. 2. a coloured butterfly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN ANNE IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...1722
• QUEEN ANNE IS DEAD AND HER BOTTOM'S COLD phr. a retort on old news ...c1870
• QUEEN ANNER n. an old-fashioned tale; a tale of former times ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FAN n. a gesture of derision: the thumb on the nose-tip and the fingers spread fan-wise ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FLOWERS n. the daffodil, Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN BEE n. 1. a person, usually a woman, in a position of authority or dominance; a domineering woman or wife ...1930 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a man who likes to surround himself with young men, and who is usually homosexual himself ...1950s homosexual sl.
n. 3. a woman who likes to surround herself with young men, who may or may not be homosexual ...1950s homosexual sl.
n. 4. a heterosexual woman who seeks out the company of homosexual men ...1957 US sl.
n. 5. the alpha male in a group of homosexuals ...1965 US sl.
n. 6. the woman with the largest breasts in a group ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUEEN BESS n. the queen of clubs ...1791 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN-BIRD n. a swan ...1830
• QUEEN CHAIR n. a method of carrying a person; a seat made by two persons crossing hands ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEEN CHARLOTTE TUXEDO n. a heavy grey Stanfield's undershirt ...1989 Can. sl.
• QUEEN CHRONICLE n. the ladybird ...1955 Sc.
• QUEEN ELIZABETH IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...18C
• QUEENIE n. 1. an affectionate nickname used of a fat woman trying to walk young ...L19 sl.
n. 2. a charming and attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) an effeminate male homosexual ...1920s US sl.
n. 4. an effeminate male homosexual; often a term of address ...1933 sl.
n. 5. a prostitute ...1964 US sl.
n. 6. Queensland, Australia ...1994 Aust. sl.
• QUEENING n. courting women or girls; flirting ...E20 US sl.
• QUEENLET n. a petty queen ...1833
• QUEEN MAMA n. the very best of a person, place or thing ...1990s US teen sl.
• QUEEN MARY n. 1. a large tank truck ...1954 US sl.
n. 2. a surfboard that is too big for the surfer using it ...1964 US sl.
n. 3. an obese homosexual man ...1980s US homosexual sl.
• QUEEN-MOTHER HERB † n. tobacco ...1617
• QUEEN MUM n. the buttocks ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'bum'
• QUEEN OF DE NILE n. a woman who refuses to face reality; a self-deceiver ...1990s US Black sl.
• QUEEN OF HOLES n. the vagina ...L17 sl.
• QUEEN OF MAY n. the primrose ...1787 Sc.
• QUEEN OF MEAN n. Leona Helmsley (1920-2007), American hotelier and prototype of greed during the Reagan era ...1997 US sl.
• QUEEN OF SCOTCH n. an alcoholic homosexual man ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• QUEEN OF SOUL n. Aretha Franklin, rhythm-and-blues singer US Black sl.
• QUEEN OF THE DRIPPING-PAN n. a cook ...1809
• QUEEN OF THE JUKEBOX n. Dinah Washington (1924-1963), a briliant vocalist in the jazz, pop, and R&B genres ...1975 US sl.
• QUEEN OF THE SOUTH n. the mouth ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• QUEEN PIN n. a woman who heads an institution or arranges an event, the chief woman in an organization or operation ...1960s sl.
• QUEEN'S BAD BARGAIN n. an unsatisfactory soldier ...18C Eng. sl.
• QUEEN'S BUTTON n. a buttercup ...1896 Amer. dial.
• QUEEN'S CHAIR n. a method of carrying a girl by seating her on the crossed and joined arms of two bearers ...1923 Sc.
• QUEEN'S COWBOYS n. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1989 Can. sl.
• QUEEN'S CUSHION n. a seat (for a girl) made by the crossed hands of two persons; a seat made by two persons crossing hands; when a boy is so carried, the term is 'King's cushion' ...1808
• QUEEN'S GAFF n. the anus ...1992 UK sl.
• QUEEN'S GOLD MEDAL n. a shilling (5p) ...L19 sl.
• QUEEN'S HEAD n. a postage stamp ...1844
• QUEEN'S HERB † n. tobacco ...1617
• QUEENSLANDER n. a type of weatherboard house raised on stilts ...1994 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN'S MAN n. a soldier ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN'S PARK RANGER n. a stranger; often in plural ...1961 UK rhyming sl.
• QUEEN'S PICTURES n. money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S PORTRAIT n. money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S ROW n. a section of the prison where homosexual inmates have their cells ...1967 US prison sl.
• QUEEN'S SEAT n. a method of carrying a girl by seating her on the crossed and joined arms of two bearers ...1923 Sc.
• QUEEN'S STICK n. a stately person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN'S TEARS n. alcohol, usually gin ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• QUEEN STREET BUSHIE n. 1. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
n. 2. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET COCKY n. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN STREET COWBOY n. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET FARMER n. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN STREET RINGER n. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET YANK n. a New Zealander who apes American styles, etc. ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN'S WEATHER n. fine weather ...1899
• QUEEN'S WOMAN n. a prostitute who received medical attention under the terms of the Contagious Diseases Acts of the 1860s ...M19 sl.
• QUEEN TANK n. a jail holding cell reserved for flamboyantly effeminate homosexual men ...1988 US sl.
• QUEEN UP vb. to dress carefully, although not necessarily effeminately ...1930s Aust. sl.
• QUEEN WEEN n. someone who backs out of a commitment ...1990s US college sl.
• QUEENY adj. 1. flamboyant and effeminate; blatantly homosexual ...1936 homosexual sl.
adj. 2. showy, melodramatic, affected ...1997 US sl.
n. an effeminate male homosexual; often a term of address ...1933 sl.
• QUEEPLE n. the peeping cry of young ducks ...1866 Sc.
vb. to peep, to quack in a squeaking, high-pitched tone, as ducklings do ...1880 Sc.
• QUEE-QUAW n. a seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER adj. 1. crazy, eccentric ...1508
adj. 2. bad; worthless; counterfeit...1561 thieves' cant
adj. 3. ill ...1781 sl.
† adj. 4. amusing, funny, humorous, entertaining ...1787 Sc.
adj. 5. drunk ...1848 sl.
adj. 6. ill-tempered, captious; unsociable from some fancied slight or insult ...1885 Eng. dial.
adj. 7. crazy, eccentric ...1508
† adj. 8. amusing, funny, humorous, entertaining ...1787 Sc.
adj. 9. of machinery, etc.: out of order ...L19 sl.
adj. 10. (usually derogatory) homosexual ...1914 US sl.
adj. 11. in difficulties ...1920s sl.
adj. 12. catering to or patronized by homosexuals ...1957 US sl.
adj. 13. driven by deep and perverse sexual desires ...1967 US sl.
adj. 14. not good, out of fashion ...1997 US sl.
adj. 15. (disparaging and offensive) effeminate, unmanly ...sl.
adv. 1. very ...Bk1892 Ireland
adv. 2. unsociably, ill-temperedly ...1896 Eng. dial.
adv. 3. in an odd manner, in a peculiar way; very ...1916 Sc.
n. 1. the choir or chancel of a church; the persons composing the choir ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hoax, a confidence trick ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a look on one's face; a look at something ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a vault ...1900 Sc.
n. 5. a quire of paper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 6. counterfeit money; forged banknotes or bonds ...1812 sl.
n. 7. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 8. an eccentric person ...1940s sl.
n. 9. (usually derogatory) a homosexual man or lesbian ...1914 US sl.
n. 10. a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
n. 11. one who works hard ...1960s US college sl.
vb. 1. to quiz or ridicule; to puzzle ...1790 sl.
vb. 2. to impose on, to swindle, to cheat ...1797 sl.
vb. 3. to act in an odd manner ...E19 sl.
vb. 4. to spoil, to put out of order ...1812 sl.
vb. 5. to put to confusion; to make or cause to feel queer; to cause to go wrong ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
vb. 7. of a person: to spoil the reputation of; to spoil someone's efforts or opportunities ...1910s US sl.
vb. 8. to cause trouble for ...1910s US sl.
vb. 9. to inquire ...1933 Sc.
vb. 10. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 11. to abuse sexually ...1970s sl.
• QUEERACH n. the act of working in a weak, trifling manner; the act of nursing in an over-dainty manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
vb. to do any kind of work in a weak, trifling manner; to nurse in an over-dainty manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEER A FLAT vb. to hoodwink a gullible victim ...L18 sl.
• QUEERALITIES n. eccentricities, peculiarities ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEER A PITCH vb. to spoil a situation or a circumstance; to undermine someone's efforts ...1875 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A CLOCKWORK ORANGE adj. 1. extremely odd ...1950s sl.
adj. 2. obviously homosexual ...1973 UK sl.
adj. 3. unusual or suspicious ...1980 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A COOT adj. (mainly derogatory) homosexual ...1922 sl.
• QUEER AS A FOUR-DOLLAR BILL adj. ostentatiously homosexual ...1950s sl., orig. US
• QUEER AS A FOUR-SPEED WALKING STICK adj. unusual; ostentatiously homosexual ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A LEFT-HANDED CORKSCREW adj. unusual; ostentatiously homosexual ...1970s UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-BOB NOTE adj. 1. unusual, particularly suspicious ...1960s sl.
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-BOB WATCH adj. suspicious ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-DOLLAR BILL adj. ostentatiously homosexual ...1950s sl., orig. US
• QUEER AS A THREE-DOLLAR BILL adj. 1. extremely odd ...1950s sl., orig. US
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual ...1966 US sl.
• QUEER AS A THREE-POUND NOTE adj. extremely odd ...1950s sl.
• QUEER AS A TREE FULL OF OWLS adj. eccentric ...1976 Amer. sl.
• QUEER AS A TWO-QUID NOTE adj. unusual, particularly suspicious ...1960s sl.
• QUEER AS BEER adj. extremely odd; outrageously homosexual ...1990s Aust. sl.
• QUEER AS CHLOE adj. homosexual ...1980s NZ sl.
• QUEER AS DICK'S HATBAND adj. 1. odd, eccentric ...18C sl.
adj. 2. referring to something one cannot recognize or identify ...18C sl.
adj. 3. out of sorts, dispirited, 'under the weather' ...L18 sl.
adj. 4. ridiculously comical ...1856 Eng. dial.
adj. 5. in a very morose or sullen temper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER AS DUCK SOUP adj. 1. very strange or odd ...1940s US sl.
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual or effeminate ...1940s US sl.
• QUEER AS FUCK adj. definitely homosexual; ostentatiously gay ....1997 Aust. sl.
• QUEER BAIL n. fraudulent bail ...L18 sl.
• QUEERBAIT n. 1. an effeminate young boy who attracts, or is supposed to attract, older male homosexuals ...1950s sl.
n. 2. a man who commands the attention of homosexual men, whether he is homosexual or not ...1957 US sl.
vb. to seek out a homosexual encounter for money ...1950s sl.
• QUEER-BASHER n. one who assaults homosexuals ...1970 sl.
• QUEER-BASHING n. an attack (usually physical) of a homosexual because of his sexuality ...1970 UK sl.
• QUEER BEAK n. an incorruptible magistrate ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BEER n. 'near beer', beer with a low alcohol content, weak, watery beer ...1976 US sl.
• QUEER BELCH n. sour beer ...M19 sl.
• QUEER BIRD n. 1. a mendicant villain who, recently released from prison, returns to robbery, specializing in stealing horses ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. an odd, eccentric person ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a heterosexual who dabbles in homosexuality ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• QUEER BIT n. counterfeit money ...L18 sl.
• QUEER BITCH n. an odd, out of the way fellow ...L18 sl.
• QUEER BIT-MAKER n. a coiner, a counterfeiter ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BLOWING n. an ugly woman ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BLUFFER n. the master of a public house; a sneaking, cut-throat innkeeper ...L17 cant
• QUEER BOOZE n. inferior beer; 'small and naughtye drynke' (Harman) ...c1750 cant
• QUEER BOUNG n. an empty purse ...M17 cant
• QUEER BUB n. second-rate or sour beer ...M17 sl.
• QUEER BUFFER n. a sneaking, cutthroat ale-house keeper or innkeeper ...L17 sl.
• QUEER BUNG n. an empty purse (viewed as an object of robbery) ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER CARD n. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...19C colloq.
• QUEER CATTLE n. odd or strange people ...20C sl.
• QUEER CHECKER n. in the theatre: a swindling box-keeper ...L18 theatrical sl.
• QUEER CHUM n. a suspicious companion ...E19 sl.
• QUEER CLOUT n. a cheap, probably cotton, handkerchief that as such is not worth stealing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE n. counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE FENCER n. the distributor of counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE MAKER n. a counterfeiter ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COVE n. 1. a villain ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a poor man ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a turnkey ...M19 sl.
• QUEER CUFFEN n. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER CUFFIN n. 1. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a peasant ...L17 sl.
• QUEER CULL n. 1. a passer of counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a foolish dandy, a fop ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a poor, ill-dressed person ...L17 sl.
• QUEER CUSTOMER n. an odd or eccentric person ...M19 sl.
• QUEER DEAL n. a great deal ...1898 Ireland
• QUEER DEGEN n. a brass, iron, or steel-hilted sword, with no special ornamentation ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DIVER n. a bungling, incompetent pickpocket ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DOXY n. a slatternly woman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DRAWERS n. yarn, coarse worsted, ordinary or old stockings ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DUKE n. 1. a lean, half-starved person ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. an impoverished gentleman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERED adj. 1. tipsy ...E19 sl.
adj. 2. bewildered; perplexed; baffled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUEERED AND QUIAMMED adj. intricate, as a piece of carving ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER 'EM n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER-FACED adj. a general pejorative ...1980s sl.
• QUEER-FAR'D adj. having a queer countenance or queer features ...1805 Eng. dial.
• QUEER FELLOW n. 1. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...1712 colloq.
n. 2. a prisoner condemned to hang ...1980s sl.
• QUEER FISH n. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...1772 colloq.
• QUEER FOR adj. obsessed with, sexually or otherwise ...1940s sl.
• QUEER FUN n. a cheat or trick that does not work out as intended ...L7 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER-GAMMED adj. 1. lame, crippled ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. bandy-legged ...E19 sl.
• QUEER GILL n. 1. a shabby fellow ...19C sl.
n. 2. an untrusting, suspicious person ...19C sl.
• QUEER-GOTTEN adj. of uncertain parentage ...1894 Sc.
• QUEER GUM n. strange talk ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER HARP n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEER HAWK n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEERIE n. (mainly derogatory) a male homosexual ...1938 sl.
• QUEERIN adj. prying, inquisitive ...1933 Sc.
• QUEER IN THE ATTIC adj. drunk ...1859 sl.
• QUEER IN THE GARRET adj. eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEER IN THE NUT adj. mad, eccentric ...1950s sl.
• QUEER IN THE UPPER STOREY adj. eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEERIOSITY n. curiosity, something strange ...1904 Sc.
• QUEERISH adj. not well in health, rather uncomfortable ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUEERISHNESS n. an uneasy sensation ...1803 Sc.
• QUEERISOME adj. odd, strange, queer, fey ...1900 Amer. dial.
• QUEERITY n. queerness, oddity ...1711
• QUEER JACK n. counterfeit money ...1949 US sl.
• QUEER KEN n. 1. a prison ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a house not worth robbing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER KICKS n. old, worn-out trousers ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER LAMPS n. sore or weak eyes ...1812 sl.
• QUEER LAP n. bad liquor ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER LOT n. a large amount, a considerable quantity ...1921 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• QUEERLY adj. queer, odd; slightly demented ...1870 Eng. dial.
adv. 1. in a criminal manner ...L17 sl.
† adv. 2. in a bad or rascally manner ...a1700 cant
adv. 3. considerably, extraordinarily ...1896 Eng. dial.
• QUEER'M n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER MERCHANT n. an odd or eccentric person ...M19 sl.
• QUEER MONEY n. counterfeit money ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER MORT n. 1. a woman suffering from venereal disease; a dirty drab; a jilting wench ...M17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a poor woman ...M18 sl.
• QUEER NAB n. a cheap, shabby hat; hence, one that is not worth stealing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERNESS n. 1. an estrangement ...1896 Eng. dial.
n. 2. homosexuality ...1910s sl.
• QUEERNESSES AND QUIAMS n. whims of all sorts ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER NICKS n. worn-out breeches ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER-OGLED adj. squinting ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER OGLES n. cross eyes ...E19 UK criminals; sl.
• QUEER ON adj. homosexually attracted to ...1940s sl., orig. Aust.
• QUEEROUS adj. curious ...1903 Amer. dial.
• QUEER PAPER n. 1. counterfeit paper money ...M19 sl.
n. 2. something dubious or unreliable ...M19 sl.
• QUEER PATTER n. a foreign language ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PEEPER n. a badly made, hence distorting mirror ...L17 sl.
• QUEER PEEPERS n. squinting or short-sighted eyes ...18C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PEOPLE n. criminals ...1940s UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PLACE n. 1. a prison ...1920s sl.
n. 2. a lavatory ...1940s sl.
• QUEER PLUNGER n. a confidence trickster who plunges into water and is saved from 'drowning' ...L18 sl.
• QUEER PRANCER n. 1. a second-rate horse ...L17 sl.
n. 2. an ageing prostitute ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 3. a cowardly horse thief ...18C sl.
• QUEER PROPER adj. of language: formal or standard, as opposed to colloquial or dialectal ...1963 Amer. dial.
• QUEER PUT n. an odd, simple person ...E19 sl.
• QUEER RAG n. counterfeit money ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER RIDGE n. counterfeited gold coins ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER-ROLLER n. one who beats up homosexual men ...1960s sl.
• QUEER-ROLLING n. the practice of attacking and robbing homosexuals ...1977 UK sl.
• QUEER ROOSTER n. a police spy who frequents thieves' haunts, often feigning sleep in order to listen to their conversations; an informer ...L18 sl.
• QUEER ROTAN n. a run-down coach ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER RUMS n. confusing talk ...E19 sl.
• QUEERS † n. something odd or strange and surprising; news ...1825 Sc.
• QUEERS, THE n. sea-sickness ...L19 sl.
• QUEER SCREENS n. forged banknotes ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER SHOVER n. a passer of counterfeit money ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER'S LUNCH BOX n. the male crotch ...1964 US sl.
• QUEERSMAN n. one who makes or distributes counterfeit money ...M18 sl.
• QUEER SOFT n. counterfeit money ...M19 sl.
• QUEERSOME adj. rather queer, odd, strange ...1848 Sc. & N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUEER SOMEONE'S OGLES vb. to get or give a black eye ...L18 sl.
• QUEER START n. a strange affair; an odd situation ...M19 sl.
• QUEER STICK n. an odd person; an eccentric person ...L19 sl.
• QUEER STICK TO MAKE A THIVEL OF, A phr. said of an awkward person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER STREET n. 1. an imaginary street where people in difficulties are supposed to reside; hence, any difficulty, fix, or trouble, bad circumstances, debt, illness, etc. ...1837 sl.
n. 2. the world of homosexuality ...1960s US sl.
• QUEER STUFF n. counterfeit money ...M18 sl.
• QUEER-TAKEN adj. taken aback, surprised, disconcerted ...1858 Sc.
• QUEER TATS n. false dice ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE ACT vb. to interfere, to spoil or thwart someone's plans ...1910s US sl.
• QUEER THE GAME vb. to cause trouble for someone ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE NOOSE vb. to escape the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER THE PITCH vb. to spoil the chances of success ...Brit. colloq.
• QUEER THE QUOD vb. to break out of jail ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE STIFLER vb. to escape the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER THIEF OF THE WORLD, THE n. a thief, a rogue ...1896 Ireland
• QUEER THIMBLE n. a watch of no value ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER TOPPING n. a second-rate or worn-out wig ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERUM n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER UP n. male homosexual intercourse ...1950s sl.
• QUEERVERT n. a homosexual, usually male ...1910s sl.
• QUEER VINEGAR n. a worn-out woman's cloak ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER WAYS adj. strange, nervous, squeamish ...1827 Sc.
adv. ('queerways') in not quite a normal state, slightly unwell ...1827 Sc.
• QUEER WEDGE n. 1. a large belt or shoe buckle ...L18 sl.
n. 2. adulterated gold or silver ...19C sl.
n. 3. pointed shoes ...E19 sl.
• QUEERY adj. 1. strange, odd, queer, different ...1860 Sc. & Amer. dial.
adj. 2. shaky ...M19 sl.
n. 1. a strange or curious circumstance; a queer thing, an oddity ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a homosexual, usually male ...1910s sl.
n. 3. one who is strange or odd; a person who is too particular or fussy ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUEESE vb. to wheeze ...1887 Sc.
• QUEESITIVE adj. inquisitive ...1866 Sc.
• QUEESITIVENESS n. inquisitiveness ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEET n. the ankle ...1754 Sc.
• QUEETER n. the act of working in a weak, half-hearted, trifling manner ...1866 Sc.
vb. to work lazily and languidly, to trifle, to waste time ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERAN n. the act of working lazily ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERIN adj. trifling, lackadaisical ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERING adj. weak, trifling ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEETICHIE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QUEETIKINS n. gaiters, short leggings ...1871 Sc.
• QUEETLE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QUEEVE vb. 1. to twist; to bend slowly backwards and forwards as a tree-top ...1809 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to experience a loss of energy ...1984 US sl.
• QUEEVERLY adj. fawning; hypocritical ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEGG n. a homosexual ...2001 UK sl.
• QUEGO n. a Pacific Islander ...1980s NZ sl.
• QUEINT adj. 1. strange, odd, out of the way ...1703 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. large, vast; extraordinary in point of size, quantity, etc. ...1788 Eng. dial.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1773 Eng. dial.
• QUEINTE n. the female genitals ...14C
• QUEINTLY adv. 1. very well ...1750 Eng. dial.
adv. 2. greatly, very much ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEK †* n. a chess-board ...1426
• QUEKE †* n. 1. an imitation of the note of a goose ...c1381
†* n. 2. a chess-board ...1426
• QUEL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
• QUELCH * vb. 1. to squelch ...1659
vb. 2. to swallow ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUELE † vb. to die ...c1000
• QUELET †* n. a gathering, collection; congregation ...1382
• QUELL * n. 1. slaying, slaughter; power or means to quell ...c1420
* n. 2. a spring, fountain ...1894
* vb. 1. to well out, to flow ...1340
† vb. 2. to kill, to slay, to put to death; to destroy a person or animal ..c897 now rare or obs.
vb. 3. to quail ...1894 Sc.
• QUELLY adj. wet, full of springs ...1854 Eng. dial.
• QUELM † vb. to torment; to kill, to destroy ...c825
• QUELMER † n. a destroyer ...c1425
• QUELPY † adj. having the taste of eggs predominating; eggy ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUELSH * vb. to squelch ...1659
• QUELSTRING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELT † n. 1. a kilt ...1754 Sc.
n. 2. a blow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to beat, to thrash soundly ...1836 Eng. dial.
• QUELTEN DOWN vb. to beat or thrash thoroughly ...1942 Amer. dial.
• QUELTERING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELTRING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELTY vb. to breathe ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUELVE adj. twelve ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEME † adj. 1. pleasing, agreeable, acceptable to a person ...c1200
† adj. 2. fit, fitting, suitable; convenient, handy; near at hand, close ...a1300 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
† adj. 3. of pleasing appearance; beautiful, fair; neat, tidy ...a1300
† adj. 4. of persons: friendly or well-disposed to, intimate with ...c1325
† adj. 5. quiet, still ...c1375 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
†* adj. 6. skilled, clever; smart, active ...c1400
adj. 7. protected from the wind, snug; unruffled, smooth ...1674 Eng. dial.
† n. pleasure, satisfaction ...c1175
† vb. 1. of persons: to please, to gratify another, esp. a superior; to act so as to please one ...a750
† vb. 2. of things: to please, to be acceptable or agreeable to a person ...a1000
* vb. 3. to satisfy, to appease, to mitigate ...c1250
†* vb. 4. to be suitable or fitting for ...c1400
* vb. 5. to join or fit closely ...1501 Sc.
†* vb. 6. to slip in ...1727
• QUEMEFUL † adj. pleasing, pleasant, agreeable; kind. gracious ...a1340
• QUEMELY † adv. in a pleasing, agreeable, or becoming manner; neatly, gently, smoothly ...c1380
• QUEMENESS †* n. pleasure, satisfaction ...c900
• QUENCH * vb. 1. to destroy, to kill a person; to oppress or crush ...c1200
† vb. 2. of fire, a burning thing, etc.: to be extinguished, to go out; to cease to burn or shine ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to come to an end, to perish, to disappear ...c1305
†* vb. 4. of a person: to cool down ...1611
• QUENCH AWAY vb. to die ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUENCHER n. a drink ...M19 sl.
• QUENCH-FIRE †* n. an apparatus, or substance for extinguishing fires ...1667
• QUENE n. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUENGER † vb. variant of conjure ...1567
• QUENQUESTE † n. form of conquest ...1422
• QUENT †* vb. to quench ...1557
• QUENTIN n. San Quentin prison, California ...1920s US prison & criminals' sl.
• QUENTRY n. country ...1911 Sc.
• QUENTY adj. twenty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUE PASA? phr. a greeting, what's happening? ...1980s US college sl.
• QUERANT †* n. one who asks or inquires; one who consults or seeks to learn something by means of an astrologer...1591
• QUERANTE n. a spree ...1875 Eng. dial.
• QUER COLE n. counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUER COVE n. a poor man ...M18 sl.
• QUERD n. a wooden chamber pot; a fish barrel; a wooden tub ...1808 Sc.
• QUERDOOD n. the small upper branches and loppings of trees, etc., cut into lengths and stacked for sale as firewood ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERE n. 1. a question, a query ...1589
n. 2. the choir or chancel of a church; the persons composing the choir ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
†* vb. to ask, to inquire; to query ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUERELATORY †* adj. of the nature of a complaint ...1553
• QUERELE † n. 1. a complaint; an action ...1494
† n. 2. a cause, an affair ...1552
† vb. to quarrel ...1548
• QUERELER † n. a quarreller, an objector ...1542
• QUERELOUS †* adj. querulous ...1581
• QUERENT * adj. complaining ...1845
• QUERENT n. 1. one who asks or inquires; one who consults or seeks to learn something by means of an astrologer ...1598
* n. 2. a complainant, a plaintiff ...1727
• QUERICAL †* adj. of the nature of a query ...1699
†* n. a query ...1699
• QUERIER n. a chimney sweep who goes from house to house offering their services ...1861 sl.
• QUERIMONIOUS adj. full of or addicted to complaining ...1604
• QUERIMONY n. complaint, complaining ...1529
• QUERIOUS adj. curious ...1835 Sc.
• QUERISM †* n. the practice of inquiring or asking ...1648
• QUERIST n. one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
• QUERK vb. 1. to grunt, to groan; to grumble ...1746 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak; to squeal as an animal in pain; to emit the breath forcible, esp. after violent exertion ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUER KEN n. a house not worth robbing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUERKEN † vb. to choke, to suffocate, to stifle ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUERKETY adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERKING adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUERKY adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERL n. a curl, a twist, a twirl ...1880 US
• QUERLY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1932 Amer. dial.
• QUER MORT n. a poor woman ...M18 sl.
• QUERN † n. 1. a large piece of ice ...a1400-50
n. 2. the stomach of a fowl, the gizzard ...1825 Sc.
n. 3. a small particle ...1882 Eng. dial.
n. 4. corn ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERNAL †* adj. make of oak leaves; oaken ...1599
• QUEROR †* n. an inquirer ...a1400
• QUERT † adj. healthy; in good condition; whole and sound ...a1300
† n. health; healthy or sound condition; the state of being alive and well ...a1300
• QUERTY † adj. lively, vivacious, active, in good spirits; full of fun or mischief ...1790 Sc.
• QUERULATION †* n. complaint, complaining ...1614
• QUERULENTAL †* adj. querulous ...1785
• QUERULENTIAL †* adj. querulous ...1806
• QUERULING †* n. complaining ...1838
• QUERULIST †* n. one who complains ...1788
• QUERULOSITY †* n. the habit or spirit of complaining ...1882
• QUERY n. 1. a strange or curious circumstance; a queer thing ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a test or examination ...1976 US sl.
vb. to solicit work as a chimney-sweep ...1851 Eng. dial.
• QUES n. the question mark (?) character on a computer keyboard ...1991 US sl.
• QUESITED †* adj. sought for, asked about ...1647
• QUESITITIOUS †* adj. sought for, asked about ...1674
• QUESITIVE adj. interrogative ...1891
• QUEST † n. 1. the search for game made by hounds ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a dozen ...1589
†* n. 3. a person employed in searching ...1604
n. 4. a collection for a charitable purpose ...1843 Ireland
n. 5. an inquest ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
†* vb. 1. to frogs: to croak ...1607
†* vb. 2. to crush ...1647
vb. 3. to collect money or provisions as alms ...1843 Ireland
* vb. 4. to question, to request, to demand ...1897
• QUESTANT †* n. one who quests or searches ...1601
• QUEST-DITER † n. a quest-monger; one who made a business of conducting inquests ...c1460
• QUESTFUL * adj. full of questing or searching ...1869
• QUEST-GANGER † n. a quest-monger; one who made a business of conducting inquests ...c1460
• QUESTING QUEEN n. a flirt ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• QUESTIONAL †* adj. relating to questions ...1607
• QUESTIONARY adj. 1. having the form of a question; consisting of questions ...1653
* adj. 2. that asks questions ...1711
* n. a list of questions ...1541
• QUESTIONATIVELY †* adv. as a question ...1657
• QUESTIONEE * n. one who is questioned ...1866
• QUESTIONFUL † n. a full reply to a question ...1647 nonce word
• QUESTION LAY vb. 'to knock at a door early in the morning and ask for the master of the house, and if he's a bed, to desire the servant not to disturb him. for you'll wait till he rises. and so you take an opportunity of stealing something ...18C UK criminals' sl.
• QUESTION-SICK † adj. having a mania for questioning ...1647
• QUESTION-WISE † adv. as a question ...1642
• QUESTMONGER † n. one who made a business of conducting inquests ...1377
• QUESTRIST †* n. one who goes in quest of another ...1605
• QUESTRYMEN †* n. jurymen ...c1690
• QUETCH † vb. 1. to shake; to brandish; to drive, to chase ...c825
† vb. 2. of persons or animals: to move the body or any part of it; to stir; in later use, to shrink, to wince, to twitch with pain, and usually in negative clauses ...c1205 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to stir or move from one place to another; to go, to run. to hasten ...c1205
† vb. 4. of things: to shake, to tremble ...c1205
† vb. 5. to utter a sound; usually in negative clauses ...1530 obs. Eng. dial.
• QUETHE †* n. speech; address; sound; cry; clamour ...a1300
† vb. 1. to speak, say, declare, tell, call ...c825
†* vb. 2. to promise ...c1250
† vb. 3. to assign by will; to bequeath ...1303
• QUETHE-WORD † n. a legacy, bequest ...1481
• QUETHING † n. bequeathing ...c1380
• QUEUE adj. homosexual ...1940s sl.
n. the tailpiece of a violin or other instrument ...1876
• QUEUE-PEE n. the curls of hair on the top of a child's head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEVEN †* vb. ? to plunge ...c1325
• QUEY-LAIKENS n. cows ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEYNTE n. the vagina ...14C usage
• QUEZZEN † vb. 1. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to smoulder away without flame ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEZZIE n. a question ...2002 UK sl.
• QUHAUP n. a goblin, an evil spirit, supposed to go about under the eaves of houses after the fall of night, having a long beak resembling a pair of tongs for the purpose of carrying off evildoers ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIAMS n. whims; singular notions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIAMS AND QUAVERS n. affected speech and gesture ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIB †* adv. in an affected or punning style ...1614
† n. 1. a quibble; an evasion of the point at issue ...a1550
†* n. 2. a gibe, quip ...1656
†* vb. to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
• QUIBBLE n. a play upon words; a pun ...1611
† vb. 1. to pun, to play on words ...a1629
† vb. 2. to quiver, to shake ...1726 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIBBLEISM * n. the practice of quibbling ...1836
• QUIBBLY * adj. of the nature of a quibble ...1895
vb. to quiver, to shake ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIBIBBLE † n. a quibble ...1606
• QUIBIBE †* n. a quibble ...a1550
• QUIBIBLE † n. ? a pipe or whistle ...a1529
• QUIBLET † n. a quibble ...1630
• QUIBLIN † n. 1. a pun or quibble; a trick ...1605
n. 2. a small or inferior kind of herring ...1921 Sc.
• QUIBOW † n. the branch of a tree; a bough ...1825 Sc.
• QUICH vb. to cry out as a baby ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICHE-EATER n. a sensitive man; an effeminate male ...1984 US sl.
• QUICHE OUT vb. to concede defeat in a cowardly manner; to behave in a weak and effeminate manner ...2006 UK sl.
• QUICK † adj. 1. of possessions or property: consisting of animals, live (stock) ...871-89
† adj. 2. living, endowed with life, in contrast to what is naturally inanimate ...c888 obs . exc. Eng. dial. or arch.
† adj. 3. of persons and animals: in a live state, living, alive ...c888 obs. exc. Eng. dial. or arch.
* adj. 4. of wells, springs, streams, or water: running, flowing ...c1000
adj. 5. of plants or their parts: alive, growing...c1000
† adj. 6. of coals: live, burning ...c1000
†* adj. 7. of the voice: loud, clear ...c1205
†* adj. 8. of the complexion: having the freshness of life ...a1225
† adj. 9. of speech, writings, etc.: lively, full of vigour or acute reasoning; smart, sprightly ...a1225
†* adj. 10. of things seen: lifelike, vivid ...a1300
* adj. 11. of persons: full of vigour, energy or activity ...a1300
adj. 12. of fire or flames: burning strongly or briskly ...c1374
† adj. 13. of places or times: full of activity or business; busy; of trade; brisk ...c1386
adj. 14. of feelings: lively, vivid, keen, strongly felt ...c1449
† adj. 15. of rock: natural, 'living' ...c1475
† adj. 16. hasty, impatient, hot-tempered ...1549 ?obs.
† adj. 17. of a taste or smell: sharp, pungent, brisk ...1573
† adj. 18. of speech or writing: sharp, caustic ...1580
* adj. 19. of air or light: sharp, piercing ...1608
† adj. 20. of wine and other liquors: brisk, effervescent ...1620
* adj. 21. of colour: vivid, bright, dazzling ...1664
† adj. 22. of steel: breaking readily; brittle ...1677
adj. 23. of a curve, turn, etc.: sharp ...1725
adj. 24. swarming, infested ...1880 Sc.
adj. 25. well-dressed and clever ...L19 UK society sl.
adj. 26. lost without hope of recovery ...Bk1905 Sc.
adj. 27. pregnant ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adv. quickly ...20C usage
† n. 1. that which is alive ...c1000
†* n. 2. livestock, cattle ...a1400-50
n. 3. living plants ,,,1456-7
†* n. 4. a quick-mire, a quagmire ...1648
† n. 5. a Nonconformist ...1708 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a small flesh-eating insect, a maggot ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 7. an insect ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. life ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 9. the growing part of a plant nearest to the roots ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 10. instantly available money ...1950s US Black sl.
n. 11. a sudden, sharp pain; a crick in the neck ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 12. an instant, a moment ...1986 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to give or restore life to ...c950
† vb. 2. of persons, animals, and plants, or their parts: to come to life; to revive ...c1000
† vb. 3. of a fire: to kindle, to begin to burn ...c1175
* vb. 4. to give or restore vigour to; to stir up, to inspire ...a1300
†* vb. 5. of a rumour: to arise, to spread ...c1425
vb. 6. to hurry, to cause to hasten ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK, THE n. the living ...c888
• QUICK-AND-DIRTY adj. 1. slipshod; used of any kind of instant remedy. possibly not the best one for long term dependence ...1970s sl.
adj. 2. constructed as quickly as possible ...1991 US sl.
n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1950 Amer. sl.
• QUICK-AND-FILTHY n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICK-AND-GREASY n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1967 Amer. sl.
• QUICK AND QUETHING † adj. alive and able to speak ...1529
• QUICK AND QUIDDER * adv. quickly, forthwith ...1633 Sc.
• QUICK AS A BEETLE adj. very slow ...1888
• QUICK AS A CAT CAN BAT ITS EYE adv. very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUICK AS BUNNY FUCKS adj. very fast ...1990s sl.
• QUICK AS DAMMIT adj. exceedingly quick...20C colloq.
• QUICK AS SCAT adj. very quick ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUICK AS TICK-TACK adv. instantly ...1902 Sc.
• QUICK BUCK n. a quick profit ...1960 sl., orig. US
• QUICK CHEESE n. cottage cheese ...1941 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-COME-BY adj. easily gained or earned ...1899 Eng. dial.
• QUICK CON n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1844 Amer. dial.
• QUICK CONSUMPTION n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1844 Amer. dial.
• QUICKDRAW MCGRAW n. the US Secret Service agent who is closest to the president ...1981 US sl.
• QUICKED-UP adj. hurriedly arranged; sudden, hastened ...1893 Amer. dial.
• QUICKEN †* n. a living creature ...1523
vb. 1. of a female: to reach the stage of pregnancy at which the child shows signs of life ...1530
vb. 2. to put life into; to revive as from a state of insensibility ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to stimulate; to urge to greater speed or exertion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICKENANCE †* n. quickening ...a1617
• QUICKENING n. yeast, a quantity of yeast ...1598 Eng. dial.
• QUICKER THAN CHAIN LIGHTNING adj. remarkably quick ...1910 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN SCAT adj. very quick ...1860 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN YOU CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON adj. very quick ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUICK FEVER n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1950 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-FIX adj. of a solution: instant, if not wholly dependable ...1970s sl.
n. (usually as 'quick fix') an expedient, temporary solution, esp. one that merely postpones having to cope with an overall problem ...1965 colloq.
• QUICK-FOOT adv. in haste, swiftly ...1891
• QUICK-FRESH n. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
• QUICK-GO n. in sports: a player who does not last very long on a team ...1972 US sl.
• QUICK-GOODS n. all kinds of living things ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICKIE adj. 1. carried out quickly ...1940 US sl.
adj. 2. of a part of the body: experienced sharp pain or extreme sensitivity ...1984 Amer. dial.
n. 1. anything performed in a speedy, perfunctory manner ...1930s sl.
n. 2. the act of backing a horse after the result of a race is known ...1934 sl.
n. 3. a quick drink ...1940s sl.
n. 4. a quick, 'dirty' story, related at the end of a party or drinking session ...1940s sl.
n. 5. a spontaneous and brief act of sexual intercourse; hence the person with whom one has that intercourse ...1940s sl.
n. 6. an unexpected, quickly executed manoeuvre or piece of trickery ...1950 US sl.
n. 7. fellatio ...1970s US homosexual sl.
n. 8. beer ...1990s sl.
• QUICKIES n. zippered trousers ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICKISH adj. 1. quick ...1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. somewhat spirited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adv. quickly ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-LINE † n. asbestos ...1601
• QUICKLING n. a young insect ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-LUNCH n. a fast-food small restaurant ...1959 Can. sl.
• QUICKLY †* adj. lively ...1435
• QUICK-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...c1394 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUICKNESS * n. 1. life, vitality, vital principle ...a1225
† n. 2. animation, liveliness, briskness, vigour, freshness ...c1369
† n. 3. sharpness, keenness; pungency or acidity of taste; sharpness of speech ...1611
• QUICK ONE n. 1. a spontaneous and brief act of sexual intercourse ...20C sl.
n. 2. an act of urination ...1910s sl.
n. 3. a drink intended to be taken quickly ...1928 sl.
n. 4. a brief act of masturbation ...1940s sl.
n. 5. an unexpected act of betrayal ...1950 US sl.
• QUICK ON THE BUZZER adj. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
• QUICK ON THE DRAW adj. 1. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
adj. 2. impetuous ...L19 sl.
adj. 3. suffering from premature ejaculation ...1930s sl.
• QUICK ON THE TRIGGER adj. 1. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
adj. 2. impulsive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. hot-tempered ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICK QUID n. money that is earned quickly and, possibly, illicitly ...1920s Aust. sl.
• QUICK QUIDDER adv. swiftly, quickly ...1866 Sc.
• QUICKS n. 1. living persons ...c897
† n. 2. living things ...c1000 rare or obs.
• QUICK-SAND n. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
• QUICKSET adj. of a beard: rough, bristling ...1599
• QUICKSET IMP n. the penis ...Urquhart usage
• QUICKSHIP †* n. quickness ...a1225
• QUICKSHIT n. absolute nonsense ...2000s Aust. sl.
• QUICK SHOT † n. small drinking vessels that are quickly emptied ...1624
• QUICKSILVER adj. resembling quicksilver in quickness of movement ...1655
n. 1. LSD when combined with another drug ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 3. isobutyl nitrite ...1970s drugs sl.
• QUICK-SMART adv. quickly ...1952 Aust. sl.
• QUICKSOME adj. full of life, lively, alert ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-SPRING n. 1. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
n. 2. a piece of loose skin behind the fingernail; a hangnail ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-SPUR † n. one who rides quickly ...1600
• QUICK-START n. 1. an upstart ...1874 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a rubber-soled canvas shoe; a sneaker ...1982 Amer. dial.
• QUICKSTEP n. diarrhoea ...1776 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-STICK(S) adv. quickly, without delay ...1877
• QUICK-STUFF n. livestock ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUICKSVILLE adv. fast, quickly ...1960s US sl.
• QUICK-TEMPERED adj. pliant ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK THINKING, BATMAN phr. used for a humorous, if sarcastic, response to another's observation or conclusion ...1968 US sl.
• QUICKTIME adv. quickly, immediately ...M19 UK Black sl.
• QUICK-TURN BURN n. the refuelling and reloading of an F-18 fighter jet in less than five minutes ...1991 US sl.
• QUICK-WATER n. running water ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUICK WITH CHILD † adj. said of a female in the stage of pregnancy at which the motion of the foetus is felt ...c1450 now rare or obs.
• QUICQUIDLIBET †* n. whatever one pleases; anything whatsoever ...1647
• QUICUMQUE VULT n. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUICUNQUE VULT n. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUID n. 1. a sovereign; a guinea; a pound ...1688 sl.
†* n. 2. money, cash ...a1700 sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
n. 5. five dollars ...1988 US sl.
† vb. 1. to say, to speak ...c1000
vb. 2. to work as a wood-wright or carpenter in a small way ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDAM * n. somebody; a certain person ...1579
• QUIDAMITY n. an allusion to 'somebody' ...1892
• QUID BOX n. a snuff-box ...L18 sl.
• QUIDDATIVE * adj. full of equivocations, quirky ...1642
• QUID DEAL n. a drug sale involving one pound's worth of drugs, usually marijuana ...1983 UK sl.
• QUIDDER adv. swiftly, quickly, esp. of sudden vanishing ...1866 Sc.
n. a wood-wright or carpenter in a small way of business ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDIE n. 1. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
n. 2. a wooden chamber-pot ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIDDIKIE n. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
• QUIDDISH adj. good-natured ...M18 sl.
• QUIDDIT n. a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITATIVE † adj. 1. full of equivocations; quirky ...1611
† adj. 1. pert. to the essence of a thing ...1650
• QUIDDITY n. 1. a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
n. 2. the real nature or essence of a thing; that which makes a thing what it is ...1569
• QUIDDLE n. 1. a fussy, over-particular, or fastidious person; one hard to satisfy in trifling matters of diet, etc.; one who wastes his energy about trifles ...1856 Eng. & Amer. dial.
n. 2. a pimple ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to discourse in a trifling way ...1567 now chiefly Eng. & Amer. dial.
† vb. 2. to trifle or play with ...a1652
vb. 3. to trifle, to waste time; to be anxious about trifles; to fuss about, to fidget ...1832 now chiefly Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to suck food in the mouth; to chew ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to suck, as a child does his thumb ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to squeeze with the fingers ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to crawl on the flesh ...1909 Amer. dial.
vb. 8. to give away a secret or tell a piece of news too soon ...1969 Amer. dial.
• QUIDDLER n. one who fusses over small matters, or spends time in trifling niceties ...1835 Amer. dial.
• QUIDDLES n. whims, foolish fancies ...1891 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDLING adj. fussing, trifling, mincing ...1841 Amer. dial.
n. 1. the spending of time in trifling employments ...1841 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a semi-imbecile, stupid manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDLY vb. to oscillate, to shake; to totter; to get about with difficulty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDY adj. brisk, sharp; shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
phr. what did you say? I didn't hear what you said? ...1894 Eng. dial.
• QUIDE † n. 1. a saying, speech, statement ...c888
† n. 2. a will, legacy, bequest ...950
†* n. 3. a promise ...c1250
• QUID FISHING n. first-class, expert thieving ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDIFICAL †* adj. quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• QUIDLET n. a pound sterling ...1900s sl.
• QUIDNUNC n. 1. one who is constantly asking: 'What now?' 'What's the news?'; one who is curious to know everything; one who pretends to know all that is going on; hence, an inquisitive person; a gossip, a newsmonger ...1709
n. 2. a politician ...1886 sl.
• QUID-NUNC-ISM n. curiosity; love of news or gossip ...1847 nonce word
• QUIDNUNCKERY n. curiosity; love of news or gossip ...1804 nonce word
• QUID PRO QUO † n. one who assumes a false character ...1689
• QUIDS adj. doing well ...1910s sl.
n. 1. money ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a large amount of money ...1930 Aust.
• QUIDS IN adj. 1. prospering; at an advantage ...1919 UK sl.
adj. 2. first-class, excellent ...1950s UK prison & criminals' sl.
adj. 3. of a person: reliable ...1950s UK prison & criminals' sl.
adv. in profit ...1919 sl.
• QUIDS UP adj. doing well ...1910s sl.
• QUID-WORM n. a centipede ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIEL-LAAUNE † n. a smart, lively fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIEN n. a dog ...M19 sl.
• QUIENNAL †* n. a dispensation or indulgence for five years ...c1380
• QUIER n. a vault ...1900 Sc.
• QUIESCE vb. to become quiescent or quiet ...1833
• QUIESCENCE n. quietness; an instance of this ...a1631
• QUIESCENCY n. quietness; an instance of this ...1649
• QUIESCENT adj. 1. motionless, inactive, at rest ...1646
* adj. 2. silent, not speaking ...1791
• QUIESCEOUS †* adj. belonging to quiescence ...1688
• QUIET † adj. 1. acting or living quietly; remaining hid or secret; fast asleep ...1533 Sc.
†* adj. 2. sheltered from the wind ...1596
adj. 3. sheepish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. gentle, civil, not given to strong language ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. freedom from work or occupation; rest, repose ...1340
vb. to silence, to lull ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIETANT n. anything that makes quiet or soothes ...1875
• QUIET AS THE GROUND adj. very quiet ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUIETATION † n. the act of quieting; the state of being quiet or quieted ...1502
• QUIET-CLOTHES BOY n. a plain-clothes policeman ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• QUIET DOWN vb. to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• QUIETFUL †* adj. full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETIE n. a quiet drink ...1995 Aust. sl.
• QUIET IS KEPT phr. used to request secrecy after making a revelation ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUIETIVE n. that which tends to produce quiet; a sedative ...1894
• QUIETIZE * vb. to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• QUIETLY adv. gradually ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIET ONE n. a private or surreptitious drink ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUIETOUS †* adj. quiet, peaceful ...1550
• QUIETOUSLY † adv. quietly, peacefully ...1550
• QUIET-SIDE adj. secret ...1976 US sl.
• QUIETSOME † adj. quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIET-TONGUED adj. not talkative ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUIETUDE n. quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• QUIET VILLAGE n. Venice, California ...1980s US Black sl.
• QUIETY †* n. quietness ...c1470 Sc
• QUIFF adj. second-rate, lightweight ...1960s US sl.
n. 1. the female genitals ...18C sl.
n. 2. a puff, a short smoke of a pipe ...1831 Sc.
n. 3. a dodge, a trick; a knack; a verbal catch ...1881 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a breath; a whiff ...1889 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1923 sl., orig. Eng. dial.
n. 6. a woman as a sex object ...1923 UK sl.
n. 7. a prostitute ...1931 sl.
n. 8. a male homosexual ...1977 US sl.
vb. 1. to copulate ...18C Brit. cant
vb. 2. to come up with a cunning dodge or trick; to go or do well, to get along pleasantly ...L19 sl.
vb. 3. to puff; to smoke ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIFFING n. copulating or chasing after women for sexual purposes ...L18 Brit. cant
• QUIFT vb. to quaff, to tipple ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIG † n. 1. a Nonconformist ...1708 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a twig ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIGGER n. a hotchpotch; a mess, as of badly-cooked food; a muddle or botch in general ...1967 Sc.
vb. to work in something messy or in an ineffectual, messy or muddling way ...1960 Sc.
• QUIGLE vb. of water: to make a lapping or gurgling sound ...1955 Sc.
• QUIGNOGS n. ridiculous or foolish notions or conceits ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUI-HAI n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HI n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HI n. an English resident of Calcutta ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HY n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUILE n. a live coal, a glowing ember of coal, peat, wood, etc.; a red-hot cinder ...1866 Sc.
vb. 1. to quell; to subdue through fear ...1791 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1818 Amer. dial.
• QUILE DOWN vb. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1894 Amer. dial.
• QUILE UP vb. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1845 Amer. dial.
• QUILICOM †* n. an idle fancy, conceit, or quibble ...1644
• QUILKEY n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILKIN n. a frog, or young toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILKQUIN n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILL † n. 1. a small pipe or tube; a small water-pipe ...c1433
n. 2. a penis ...17C sl.
† n. 3. a tap or faucet ...1611
† n. 4. the faucet or bung of a cask ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 5. the throat, the gullet ...1827 Sc.
n. 6. the humour, mood, or vein for anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a spring of water ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a folded over matchbook cover that hides a narcotic drug ...1910s sl.
n. 9. a drinking straw ...1913 Amer. dial.
n. 10. an attempt to curry favour ...1918 Amer. dial.
n. 11. first-rate whisky; the genuine thing as opposed to the 'bathtub' or 'rotgut' versions produced during Prohibition ...1920s US sl.
n. 12. first-rate opium ...1920s US sl.
n. 13. anything used to snort powdered drugs; the drugs themselves ...1935 US sl.
n. 14. a steam-locomotive whistle ...1940 Amer. dial.
n. 15. a toothpick, usually one made from a goose quill ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 16. cocaine ...1980s sl.
n. 17. heroin ...1980s sl.
n. 18. methamphetamine ...1980s sl.
vb. 1. to bubble up as a fountain or spring ...1854 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to use a quill or writing pen; to write ...1890 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to toady; to curry favour with ...1918 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to be very friendly and spend time gossiping ...1969 Amer. dial.
• QUILL-BOY n. a term of reproach for a person incapable of much work ...1853 Ireland
• QUILL-DRIVER n. one who works with a quill or pen; a clerk or author; chiefly used contemptuously ...1760
• QUILL-DRIVING n. working as a journalist ...L18 Aust. sl.
• QUILLED adj. of the flesh: roughed by cold; having goose-flesh ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILLER † n. 1. an unfledged bird ...1591 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. one who quills material, especially into the form of a ruff
n. 3. a toady, a parasite; a person who sucks neatly through a quill ...B1900 sl.
• QUILLET † n. 1. a small plot or narrow strip of land ...1533-4 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
†* n. 3. a hamlet ...1597-8
† vb. to quibble ...1653
• QUILLETY †* n. 1. a quirk, a quibble ...1573
n. 2. the penis ...Urquhart usage
• QUILLITY †* n. a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILL PIG n. 1. a hedgehog ...Bk1942 Amer. Western sl.
n. 2. a porcupine ...2003 US sl.
• QUILLS n. 1. money ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a yeoman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
n. 3. a porcupine or hedgehog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUILL-WALLOPER n. a clerk ...L18 sl.
• QUILL-WHEEL n. 1. a rickety wagon ...1892 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a disagreeable person ...1959 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to yield, to give up; to collapse physically ...1851 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to roam about ...1953 Amer. dial.
• QUILLY n. 1. a prank, freak; a caper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a roughness of the skin caused by cold; goose-flesh ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILP vb. to swallow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILQUIN n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILSTERING adj. of the weather: sweltering, close, hot, sultry ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUILT adj. fatigued; unfit for work ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a big, fat, clumsy person or object ...1596 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a soft bed ...1693
n. 3. a wife ...M19 US sl.
n. 4. a blow, a wallop ...1880 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 5. a fool, someone who acts against their own interests ...20C Irish sl.
n. 6. a petulant, pedantic, pernickety man ...20C Irish sl.
n. 7. a timid, effeminate man ...20C sl.
n. 8. a pimple; a boil, a small blister ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 9. the act of swallowing; the swallowing power; the amount swallowed at one movement of the throat; a small drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to compile a literary work by putting together scraps from various sources ...1605
vb. 2. to swallow, esp. to swallow a large amount at one gulp; to catch the breath in swallowing ...a1658 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to beat, to thrash, to flog ...1836 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to be very fidgety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to claw and pound with the claws as a cat upon a carpet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to kiss ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILTER n. 1. a flutter, fluster; agitation of mind ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 2. anybody or anything very large ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to flutter ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILTING n. a beating; a flogging; a punishment; a blow with a stick ...1836 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUILTPOINT †* n. a counterpane ...a1300
• QUILTY adj. of clothes: luxurious ...1960s US Black sl.
vb. to swallow ...1864 Eng. dial.
• QUILWHEEL vb. to collapse physically ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUIM adj. prim, affectedly nice ...20C Irish sl.
adv. moving easily, precisely ...20C Irish sl.
n. 1. female genitals ...1735 sl.
n. 2. used collectively with reference to women, often with an implication of promiscuity; a woman viewed as a sex object ...1935 sl.
n. 3. the anus ...1930s US homosexual sl.
n. 4. a heterosexual inmate, subjected to homosexual rape ...1970s US prison & homosexual sl.
vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• QUIM AND COSH adj. intimate and familiar ...1723 Sc.
• QUIMBLE AND QUAMBLE vb. to fondle, to caress, to say nice things ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIM BUSH n. female pubic hair ...L18 sl.
• QUIMBY n. a person completely lacking in social graces ...1997 US sl.
• QUIM CHIN n. a bearded person ...1990s sl.
• QUIMFILL adj. having one's penis fully embedded in the vagina ...1990s sl.
• QUIMLING n. manipulation of woman's body in an attempt to produce orgasm, generally regarded as cunnilingus, but not limited to such ...1990s sl.
• QUIMMO n. a fool; an unpleasant person ...1999 UK sl.
• QUIM NUTS n. notably large and pendant labia ...1990s US sl.
• QUIMP adj. unsoldierly; slack ...Amer. World War I sl.
n. a socially inept person ...1970s US college sl.
• QUIM-QUAMS n. mild emotional upset ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUIMSBY n. the vagina ...E18 sl.
• QUIMSTAKE n. the penis ...19C sl.
• QUIM-STICK n. the penis ...19C sl.
• QUIM-STICKER n. a womanizer ...19C sl.
• QUIMWEDGE n. the penis ...19C sl.
vb. to have sexual intercourse ...L19 sl.
• QUIM WHISKERS n. female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• QUIM WIG n. female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• QUIN n. the vagina ...E18 sl.
• QUINARY adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1603
* n. a set of five; a compound consisting of five things ...1651
• QUINCE n. 1. of a situation or object: a failure ...1900s US sl.
n. 2. a weakling; a fool ...20C Aust. & US sl.
n. 3. a term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 4. an effeminate male; a homosexual, esp. one who can be both active and passive ...1941 Aust. sl.
n. 5. an unattractive person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. the buttocks ...1990s Aust. sl.
† vb. to move, to stir, to make a slight noise; to start, to flinch ...1530
• QUINCEANERA n. a young woman's fifteenth birthday celebration; a coming-out-party ...1989 Amer. Spanish settlements usage
• QUINCENTENARY adj. pert. to the 500th year ...1884
n. a 500th anniversary or the celebration of this ...1879
• QUINCENTENNIAL adj. pert. to a 500th anniversary ...1884
• QUINCH † n. a twitch or jerk of the body; a twinge ...1571 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to move, to stir, to make a slight noise; to start, to flinch, to wince ...1530 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...Bk1905 Ireland
vb. 3. to stop up, to fill ...Bk1905 Ireland
• QUINCUPEDAL †* adj. having the measure of five feet ...Bk1658
†* n. a measure or rule of five foot long ...Bk1656
• QUINCUPLE †* adj. fivefold; multiplied by five; consisting of five things or parts ...1774
• QUINCURION †* n. a leader of five men ...1632
• QUINCURY †* n. a body of five men ...1632
• QUINDECAD * n. a set of fifteen ...1855
• QUINDENARY †* n. a set of fifteen ...1681
• QUINE n. 1. a bold, impudent, shameless, or malevolent woman; a hussy, a slut ...1720 Sc.
n. 2. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
n. 3. a maidservant ...1818 Sc.
n. 4. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 5. coin; money ...1872 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a corner; in masonry: the exterior or interior angle of a wall ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
vb. to coin money ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUINGENARIOUS †* adj. of five hundred, or weighing five hundred pound ...Bk1656
• QUINGENTENARY n. a 500th anniversary or the celebration of ...1884
• QUINGENTUMVIRATE †* n. a government consisting of five hundred men ...1642
• QUINIBLE †* adj. fivefold; quintuple ...1398
†* n. a fivefold amount ...a1400
• QUINIE n. 1. a corner in general; the external angle formed by the junction of two walls ...1704 Sc.
n. 2. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 3. coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
n. 4. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
• QUININE n. in craps: the number nine ...1950 US sl.
• QUINKINS n. 1. dregs or leavings of any kind; scum of a liquid; charred traces of food which have stuck to the saucepan; a fry-up after the killing of a pig; tidbits of any kind ...1825 Sc.
n. 2. a mere nothing; a worthless trifle ...1825 Sc.
• QUINKLE †* vb. of a light: to go out ...1513 Sc.
• QUINKYDINK n. a coincidence ...1990s US teen sl.
• QUINNY adv. quite, just yet; generally used negatively ...1839 Eng. dial.
• QUINOMBROM † n. a conundrum ...1659
• QUINQUAGENARIAN †* adj. 1. commanding fifty men ...1600
adj. 2. of fifty years of age; characteristic of one who is fifty years old ...1822
†* n. 1. a captain of fifty men ...1569
n. 2. a person aged fifty, or between fifty and sixty ...1843
• QUINQUAGENARY adj. of fifty years of age ...1715
†* n. 1. a captain of fifty men ...1382
n. 2. a fiftieth year or anniversary ...1588
• QUINQUAGENE †* n. a set of fifty ...1560
• QUINQUAGESIMAL adj. belonging to a set of fifty; containing fifty days ...1844
• QUINQUANGLE †* n. a pentagon ...1668
• QUINQUENARY * adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1690
• QUINQUENNAL † adj. lasting or continuing for five years ...1532 obs.
† n. a period of five years ...Bk1914
• QUINQUENNALIAN †* adj. occurring every fifth year ...1692
• QUINQUENNARIAN * n. one who is five years old ...1821
• QUINQUENNIAD n. a period of five years ...1842
• QUINQUENNIAL adj. 1. lasting or continuing for five years ...c1460
adj. 2. occurring every fifth year ...1610
adj. 3. five years old ...Bk1656
adj. 4. consisting of five years ...1884
n. a period of five years ...1895
• QUINQUENNIALLY adv. every five years ...1727
• QUINQUENNIUM n. a period of five years ...1621
• QUINQUESECT vb. to cut into five (equal) parts ...1697
• QUINQUESECTION n. section into five parts ...1684
• QUINQUEVIRATE n. an association, board, etc., consisting of five men ...1710
• QUINQUINVIRATE n. an association, board, etc., consisting of five men ...1710
• QUINQUIPLICATE †* vb. to multiply by five...Bk1656
• QUINQUIPLICATION † n. multiplication by five ...Bk1678
• QUINQUITY * n. a set of five things ...1849
• QUINSE †* vb. to cut, to carve ...1598
• QUINSELL †* n. a horse rein ...1598
• QUINT * adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1881
†* n. 1. a set of five persons ...1678
n. 2. in piquet: a sequence of five cards of the same suit, counting as fifteen ...1680
n. 3. a tax of one-fifth ...1526
n. 4. in music, an interval of a fifth ...1865
n. 5. a fussy old maid ...1916 Amer. dial.
n. 6. in poker: five cards of the same suit in sequence ...1979 US sl.
* vb. to count ...1911 Sc.
• QUINTAL n. a weight of one hundred pounds; a hundred-weight (112 lbs.); one hundred kilograms ...c1470
• QUINTARY †* n. a multiple of five ...1729
• QUINTED adj. of animals: over-filled, stuffed to repletion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUINTER n. a ewe in her third year ...1779 Sc.
• QUINTEROON n. one who is fifth in descent from a Black person, and has one-sixteenth of Black blood ...1797
• QUINTESSENTIATE * vb. to extract the quintessence of ...1606
• QUINTILE †* n. July ...Bk1656
• QUINTILIAN †* adj. of the month of July ...Bk1623
• QUINTILLION n. in Great Britain: 1 followed by thirty ciphers; in US, 1 followed by 18 ciphers ...1674
• QUINT MAJOR n. in poker: a sequence of five cards, same suit, ending with the face cards ...1988 US sl.
• QUINTROON n. one who is fifth in descent from a Black person, and has one-sixteenth of Black blood ...1835
• QUINTRY n. country ...1785 Sc.
• QUINTUPLATION †* n. multiplication by five ...1684
• QUINTUPLICATE * adj. five times repeated; consisting of five things, parts etc. ...1656
* n. a set of five; one of a set of five similar things ...1851
• QUINTUPLICATION * n. the act of multiplying by five ...1674
• QUINTUPLY * adv. in a fivefold manner ...1870
• QUINTY adj. like an old maid; fussy, fastidious ...1916 Amer. dial.
• QUINYIE † n. a corner ...1588 Sc.
• QUINZAINE * n. a fortnightly event, meeting, etc. ...1856
• QUINZIE n. 1. a corner ...1742 Sc.
n. 2. coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• QUIP vb. to equip, to make ready ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIPPIE †* n. a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPPY †* n. a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPS n. a tiny piece or amount ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• QUIPS AND QUIRKS n. tricks, sharp practices ...1871 Eng. dial.
• QUIRATION n. an inquiry ...1886 Amer. dial.
• QUIRD n. a lump of excrement ...1866 Sc.
• QUIRE †* vb. to ask, to inquire ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIRE BIRD n. a mendicant villain who, recently released from prison, returns to robbery, specializing in stealing horses ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRE COVE n. a villain ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRE CUFFIN n. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRER † n. a chorister ...1624
• QUIRITATION †* n. a complaint, a lament ...1634
• QUIRITIAN * n. a Roman citizen ...1880
• QUIRK n. 1. a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a deep breath drawn when in pain ...1847 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the end of a pig's tail ...1885 Eng. dial.
n. 4. an untrustworthy person ...20C Irish sl.
n. 5. a cheat; an impostor ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a fuss; a whim, fancy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 7. anything out of the square; a twist, a bend, a circle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a pupil ... World War I aviators' sl.
n. 9. a type of slow, steady aeroplane used to train pilots ...1917 Royal Air Force sl.
n. 10. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
n. 11. a sudden, sharp pain ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to grunt, to groan; to grumble ...1746 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak; to squeal as an animal in pain; to emit the breath forcible, esp. after violent exertion ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to cheat, to overreach; to elude by stratagem; to play a trick or prank ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to turn quickly ...1821 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. of a lamp: to flicker ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to die ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to question; to draw a person out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKEN vb. to choke, esp. to choke for some seconds while drinking ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKIE adj. 1. cunning, wily, resourceful, tricky ...1806 Sc.
adj. 2. intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKING adj. 1. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. nimble, agile; of a tune: intricate, quickly changing ...1821 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLE n. 1. a puzzle in which the answer depends on a catch or quibble ...1824 Sc.
n. 2. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
n. 3. a twist ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLED adj. twisted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLUM n. 1. a little arithmetical puzzle in which the answer depends on a catch or quibble ...1824 Sc.
n. 2. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
• QUIRKLY adj. twisted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKNESS n. intricacy, elaboration ...1802 Sc.
• QUIRKSOME * adj. 1. quirky; full of quirks or shifts; tricky ...1896
adj. 2. subtle ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKY adj. 1. cunning, wily, resourceful, tricky ...1806 Sc.
adj. 2. playful, witty, merry, good-humoured ...1856 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 3. intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRL n. a curl, a twist, a twirl ...1880 Scot. & US
vb. to whirl ...1808 Sc.
• QUIRLEY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled cigarette ...1932 Aust. & US sl.
• QUIRLICHIE adj. curly, twisted, tangled ...1928 Sc.
• QUIRLICUE n. a curlicue ...1885
• QUIRLIE n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1939 Amer. dial.
• QUIRLY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1932 Amer. dial.
• QUIRM vb. to disappear quickly and mysteriously ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIRT †* vb. 1. to block, fill, or stop up an opening ...1587
†* vb. 2. of a river: to be dammed back ...1602
• QUIRTY † adj. lively, vivacious, active, in good spirits; full of fun or mischief ...1790 Sc.
• QUIS * n. an odd or eccentric person, in character or appearance ..1782
• QUISBY adj. 1. bankrupt, poverty-stricken ...1853 sl.
adj. 2. queer, out of sorts, unwell ...1854 sl.
adj. 3. of events, objects, or people: unpleasant or malfunctioning ...M19 sl.
n. 1. an idler ...1837 sl.
n. 2. an eccentric person ...1838 sl.
• QUISBY SNITCH adj. of people: unwell; out of sorts ...M19 sl.
• QUISCOS adj. difficult to deal with or settle, ticklish, 'kittle'; stubborn ...1720 Sc.
• QUISET vb. to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISET ABOUT vb. to pry about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISETING adj. inquisitive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISHIN n. a cushion ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUISITE vb. to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISM n. an odd or witty saying; a quip ...1885 Eng. dial.
• QUISQUILIAN †* adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1716
• QUISQUILIARY †* adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1817
• QUISQUILIOUS * adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1802-12
• QUISQUIS † adj. perplexing, doubtful, debateful, dubious ...1720 Sc.
• QUISQUOSE adj. difficult to deal with or settle, ticklish, 'kittle'; stubborn; perplexing, doubtful, debateful, dubious ...1720 Sc.
• QUISQUOUS adj. perplexing, subtle; difficult to discuss, deal with, or settle; ticklish ...1721 Sc.
• QUISSHON n. a cushion ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUIST † adj. silent ...1598
n. a queer fellow ...1853 Eng. dial.
vb. to twist ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISTED adj. twisted, spiral ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISTICAL adj. odd, queer, fantastic, eccentric ...1822 Sc.
• QUIT † adj. 1. destitute, deprived of ...c1290
†* adj. 2. clean, complete ...1583
n. 1. an ankle ...1785 Sc.
* n. 2. a point of departure ...1892
†* vb. 1. to pay for a thing ...c1250
† vb. 2. to clear a suspected or accused person from a charge; to prove one innocent of ...a1300
† vb. 3. to pay back, to give back; to give in return ...a1300
† vb. 4. to set free, to release, to redeem (usually a person) ...a1300
vb. 5. to stop, to leave off ...1678 Sc. & Ireland
vb. 6. to free from debt ...1821 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to cease, to give up, to desist...1827 Sc.
vb. 8. to get out of the way, to 'clear out' ...1848 Ireland
• QUITAM n. a solicitor who takes an informer's fee for their prosecution of the case ...L18 sl.
• QUITCH † n. a coach ...a1693
† vb. 1. to shake; to brandish; to drive, to chase ...c825
† vb. 2. of persons or animals: to move the body or any part of it; to stir; in later use, to shrink, to wince, to twitch with pain, and usually in negative clauses ...c1205 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to stir or move from one place to another; to go, to run. to hasten ...c1205
† vb. 4. of things: to shake, to tremble ...c1205
† vb. 5. to utter a sound; usually in negative clauses ...1530 Eng. dial.
• QUITCHIE adj. of liquids: very hot, scalding hot ...1825 Sc.
• QUITCHY vb. to twitch; to make sudden, involuntary movements ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITE adj. 1. socially acceptable; usually in negative ...20C UK society sl.
adj. 2. of considerable size or importance ...1917 Amer. dial.
int. an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE AND CLEAR adv. entirely, altogether ...1735 Eng. dial.
• QUITE A SHUCKS adj. important ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUITELY † adv. 1. completely, altogether ...a1300
† adv. 2. freely, at liberty ...c1330
• QUITEMENT †* adv. completely, altogether ...a1300
• QUITE SO! int. an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE SOMETHING n. a remarkable or exceptional thing ...1958 sl.
• QUITE THE BERRIES adj. excellent; first-rate ...1922 Amer. sl.
• QUITE THE CHEESE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUITE TOO adv. a general intensifier ...L19 UK society sl.
• QUITHER n. a shake, tremble, shudder, quiver ...1899 Eng. dial.
vb. to talk or chatter low; to whisper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITING n. 1. the game of curling ...1811 Sc.
n. 2. a bed cover, a coverlet ...a1838 Sc.
• QUITMENT n. an acquittance; a discharge; a receipt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIT MONKEYING AROUND! int. hurry! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUIT OFF vb. to stop doing something; to cease from ...1861 Amer. dial.
• QUIT OUT vb. to leave abruptly or suddenly; to stop ...1941 Amer. dial.
• QUIT-QUIT n. the note of the swallow ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUITS † adj. clear, discharged of a liability ...1478
* n. reprisal, retaliation ...1865
int. used to request a truce or respite in a fight or active game ...1950 Amer. dial.
• QUITSEST †* n. release, discharge ...1587
• QUIT STICK n. a toothpick ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUITTAL † n. 1. requital ...c1530
† n. 2. acquittal ...1592
• QUITTANCE * n. 1. the act of quitting or leaving ...1892
† n. 2. acquittal ...a1225
†* vb. 1. to give a discharge ...1502
† vb. 2. to repay, to requite ...1590
† vb. 3. to give up, to cancel ...1592
• QUITTEE FOR QUATTEE phr. tit for tat ...1691 Eng. dial.
• QUITTER † n. 1. pus; suppurating matter; a purulent discharge from a wound or sore ...1297
†* n. 2. one who frees, discharges, etc. ...1611
n. 3. discharge, of a debt, etc.; receipt, payment ...1778 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 4. one who has abandoned drug use ...1950s drugs sl.
n. 5. a suicide ...1982 US sl.
† vb. 1. to form pus; to fill with pus ...1382
†* vb. 2. to flicker, to quiver ...1513 Sc.
†* vb. 3. to twitter ...1513 Sc.
• QUITTER FOR QUATTER phr. tit for tat ...1691 Eng. dial.
• QUITTERISH † adj. containing pus ...1668
• QUITTEROUS † adj. containing pus ...1543
• QUITTERY † adj. containing pus ...1398
• QUIT THE SCENE vb. to die ...1950s US Black sl.
• QUIT THE SHOP OF A PERSON vb. to dismiss, to remove ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIT THE SPHERE vb. to die ...M19 sl.
• QUITTING STICK n. a toothpick ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUITTOR † n. pus; suppurating matter; a purulent discharge from a wound or sore ...1297
• QUITUATE vb. to leave school or college before the end of the course; to quit school ...1889 Amer. dial.
• QUITUATION n. withdrawal from school ...1937 Amer. dial.
• QUIVER † adj. active, nimble, brisk, smart, gay, lively; quick, rapid ...c960 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 1. the vagina ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a selection of surfboards, used for different surf conditions ...1977 US sl.
n. 3. cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
vb. to brag ...1881 Eng. dial.
• QUIVER AND SHAKE n. a steak ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
• QUIVERATION n. a quivering; a trembling motion or condition ...1812 nonce word
• QUIVERISH adj. trembling, shaking ...1582
• QUIVERLY † adv. actively, quickly, smartly ...c960
• QUIVERNESS † n. activity ...1538
• QUIVERY * adj. trembling, shaking ...1877
• QUIVVER-GIVER n. an attractive person ...1947 US sl.
• QUIVVY n. a knack ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIXON n. a quicksand ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIXOTE n. an enthusiastic visionary person like Don Quixote, inspired by lofty and chivalrous but false or unrealizable ideals ...1648
• QUIXOTIC adj. 1. of a person: resembling Don Quixote; hence, striving with lofty enthusiasm for visionary ideals ...1815
adj. 2. of actions, undertakings, etc.: characteristic of Don Quixote ...1851
• QUIXOTIZE vb. to act in a quixotic manner ...1831
• QUIZ * n. 1. an odd or eccentric person, in character or appearance ..1782
* n. 2. an odd-looking thing ...1798
n. 3. a look ...19C sl.
n. 4. a monocle ...M19 sl.
n. 5. a prying, inquisitive person ...1885 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a question ...1920s US criminals' sl.
n. 7. a roadside sobriety test ...1976 US sl.
vb. 1. to make sport or fun of a person or thing, to turn to ridicule; occasionally, to regard with an air of mockery ...1796
vb. 2. to watch, to spy on ...19C thieves' sl.
vb. 3. to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
* vb. 4. to make a whizzing sound ...1866
• QUIZCUSS n. a meddlesome, inquisitive person ...1887 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ OUT vb. to pry; to try to find out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ ROOM n. a room where the North Vietnamese interrogated US prisoners of war ...1990 US sl.
• QUIZZACIOUS adj. given to mocking, bantering, satirical ...c1830
• QUIZZATORIAL adj. of a quizzing character ...1810
• QUIZZER * n. a single eye-glass; a monocle ...1806
• QUIZZET vb. to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1930 Amer. dial.
• QUIZZICAL adj. inquisitive, prying ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZIFY * vb. to make into a quiz ...1834
• QUIZZINESS * n. eccentricity, oddness ...1798
• QUIZZING-GLASS n. a single eye-glass; a monocle ...1802
• QUIZZISH † adj. quizzical, causing amusement, comical ...1792
• QUIZZIT vb. to question; to inquire into, to examine; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZITY * n. an oddity ...1788
• QUIZZLE † vb. to suffocate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZY adj. 1. causing amusement, comical ...1797
adj. 2. inquisitive, nosy ...1950s Aust. & NZ sl.
• QULIP n. a tulip ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOATH † vb. to faint ...1567
• QUOB n. 1. a marshy spot; a bog, a quagmire; a quicksand ...1876 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a throb; a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an unfirm layer of fat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to quiver like jelly; to throb; to palpitate ...1863 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBLE vb. of water: to make a noise in boiling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBLED adj. of a woman's hands: shrivelled and wrinkled from being too long in the washtub ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBY adj. 1. marshy, boggy ...1881 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. flabby, wanting solidity ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOBMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1597 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUOBY! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOCK vb. 1. to vomit ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to go shearing or harvesting at a distance from home ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKEN vb. to vomit; to choke, to suffocate ...1781 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKER n. one who goes harvesting to a distance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKERWODGER n. a politician acting in accordance with the instructions of an influential third party, rather than properly representing their constituents ...M19 sl.
• QUOD n. 1. a prison ...1700 sl.
n. 2. a prisoner ...E19 sl.
n. 3. a police station ...M19 sl.
vb. 1. to put in prison ...1812 sl.
vb. 2. to serve a prison sentence ...L19 sl.
• QUODAMMODOTATIVE † adj. existing in a certain manner ...1656
† n. a thing that exists in a certain way ...1656
• QUOD COVE n. the governor of a prison ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUOD CULL n. a prison warder, a turnkey ...M18 sl.
• QUODDED adj. imprisoned ...L17 sl.
• QUODDING DUES ARE CONCERNED phr. it is a matter that will involve imprisonment ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUODDITY * n. a subtle distinction; a quibble, esp. in argument ...1682
• QUODDLE † vb. 1. to waddle ...1662
vb. 2. to boil; to make a noise while boiling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to dry, to shrivel up; to make limp or flabby ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUODDLED adj. shrivelled up ...1777 Eng. dial.,
• QUODLIBETIFICATE † vb. to deal quibblingly with ...1743
• QUOIF † n. a cap ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUOIFF n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• QUOIL † n. 1. a stir, a tumult, a turmoil, a noisy disturbance; fuss, bustle ...1798 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hay-cock, a heap of hay ...1890 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. to make into cocks ...B1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUOIN * n. an angle, or angular object ...1838
• QUOIT †* n. 1. a cast or throw ...1706
n. 2. a curling-stone ...1809 Sc.
n. 3. the act of skating ...1825 Sc.
n. 4. the anus; the backside ...1919 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to play at the game of curling; to throw curling-stones ...1811 Sc.
vb. 2. to skate ...1825 Sc.
• QUOITING n. the game of curling ...1811 Sc.
• QUOITING-STONE * n. a curling-stone ...1827
• QUOITS n. the game of hopscotch ...1967 Sc.
• QUOKE adj. quaked ...1899 Amer. dial.
vb. to go shearing or harvesting at a distance from home ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOMODOCUNQUIZE † vb. to make money in any possible way ...1652 nonce word
• QUOMP vb. to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUONDAM adj. that formerly was or existed ...1586
* adv. at one time, formerly, heretofore ...1537
† n. the former holder of some office or position; one who has been deposed or ejected ...1535
• QUONDAMLY adv. formerly ...1814
• QUONDAMSHIP † n. the state of being out of office ...1549
• QUONDORUM n. a quandary; extreme perplexity ...1894 Eng. dial.
• QUONGS n. the testicles ...2002 UK sl.
• QUONIAM n. 1. the vagina ...L14 sl.
†* n. 2. a drinking glass ...1609
• QUOOK † adj. did quake, quaked ...a1400
• QUOP n. 1. a throb, a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. faint, sickly feelings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† vb. to beat, to throb, to palpitate ...a1658 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOPPY adj. palpitating; having faint sickly feelings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOPY! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUORK vb. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. dial.
• QUORUM †* n. 1. necessary materials ...1650
n. 2. a gathering, esp. of friends for social purposes; a company ...c1760 Sc., chiefly poetic usage
n. 3. in poker: the agreed-upon minimum number of players to continue a game ...1979 US sl.
• QUOSS † vb. to barter, to exchange ...1515
• QUOT adj. 1. sated, cloyed ...c1741 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. low and broad; squat ...1848 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a man who meddles in 'women's work' around the house ...L17
n. 2. a pimple; a small boil or blister; a stye in the eye ...1691 Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to satiate, to glut ...1691 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to squat, to sit; to crouch down, esp. of game; to hide ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUOTA n. a share of plunder ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUOTANNAL †* adj. yearly, annual ...1651
• QUOTANNUAL † adj. annual, yearly ...1658
• QUOTATION †* n. 1. a numbering, number ...1456
† n. 2. a marginal reference to a passage in a book ...1532
† n. 3. a note or observation; a matter noted ...1608
†* n. 4. share, quota ...1613
• QUOTATIVE adj. relating to quoting; inclined to quote ...1812
• QUOTE † n. a marginal reference; a note ...1600
†* vb. 1. to mark a book with numbers (as of chapters, etc.), or with marginal references to other passages or works ...1387
† vb. 2. to write down; to make a note or record of, to set down, to mention in writing ...1573
† vb. 3. to give the reference to a passage in a book by specifying the page, chapter, etc. where it is to be found ...1574
† vb. 4. to make mental note of; to notice, to observe, to mark, to scrutinize ...1588
vb. 5. to echo, to sound ...1941 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. in criminal circles: to vouch for someone ...2000 UK sl.
• QUOTENNIAL * adj. yearly ...1878
• QUOTHE † vb. to faint ...1567
• QUOTHER vb. to talk in a low and confidential tone ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOTIDIAL † adj. daily ...1502
• QUOTIDIALLY † adv. day by day ...c1430
• QUOTIDIAN adj. 1. of things, acts, etc.: pert. to every day; daily ...c1380
* adj. 2. of a person: performing some act daily ...1456
adj. 3. of an everyday character; ordinary, commonplace, trivial ...1461-83
• QUOTIDIANARY †* adj. everyday, daily ...1719
• QUOTIDIANLY * adv. daily ...1447
• QUOTIENT †* n. number, total ...1659
• QUOTIENTIVE * adj. indicating how often ...1871
• QUOTITY n. a certain number of individuals, etc. ...1837
• QUOTTED adj. sated, cloyed ...1674-91 Eng. dial.
• QUOTTER n. a woman worker on a farm without male relations with her in the same employment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUO VADIS n. unfashionable or unpopular music ...2003 UK sl.
• QUOWA! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOZ † n. 1. a queer or absurd person or thing ...1790
n. 2. a handicapped person; a disabled or deformed person ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
† int. expresses incredulity, contempt, etc. ...1802 obs.
• QUOZZIE n. a handicapped person; a disabled or deformed person ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• QURD n. 1. a lump of excrement ...1866 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a term of reproach for a person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUYNE † n. queen ...c1450
• QUYTIE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QWASHA n. a homemade gun, made from piping, springs, and rubber tubing ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• Q WITH A LONG TAIL n. a measuring tape which winds up into a box ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 1. San Quentin prison, California ...L19 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. a homosexual; a queer ...c1930 Brit. theatrical sl.
n. 3. barbecued ribs ...1940s US Black sl.
n. 4. Quaaludes™ ...1977 US sl.
n. 5. in a casino: a $25 chip ...1983 US sl.
n. 6. in a deck of playing cards: a queen ...1991 US sl.
n. 7. a quarter of an ounce of marijuana ...1997 UK sl.
n. 8. a barbecue ...2001 US sl.
• Q AND A n. a question and answer session ...1997 US
• QAT n. methcathinone ...2003 US sl.
• Q BOAT n. an unmarked police car with plain clothes officers ...1977 UK sl.
• Q.E. vb. to turn Queen's Evidence; hence, to inform ...1950s UK prison sl.
• Q IN A CORNER n. something not at once seen but brought to subsequent notice ...c1870 legal usage
• Q-IN-THE-CORNER COVE n. a keen follower of boxing ...c1815 boxing sl.
• Q-ISH adj. possessing quality ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• Q.P. n. a Quarter Pound of cannabis ...1980s US drugs sl.
• Q.Q. n. a Quarter-Quart of rum ...1950s W. Indies sl.
• Q-SHIP n. among hot-rodders: a high-performing car that appears to be a conventional car ...1965 US sl.
• Q.T. adj. surreptitious ...L19 sl.
n. proper care and attention (Quality Time) ...1990s US sl.
• Q TIP n. in poker: a queen and a ten ...1996 US sl.
• QUA n. a prison ...L18 cant
• QUAARTISH adj. contradictious and quarrelsome ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAB adj. sickly, infirm ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a marshy spot; a bog ...1627 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a crude or shapeless thing ...1628
† vb. to beat, to throb, to quiver ...1663 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUABBLE n. 1. confusion ...1887 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a quibble ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. to quibble...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUABMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1597 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUACK adj. 1. pert. to a charlatan doctor or his medicines ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. silent, close ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a pretended doctor ...1659
n. 2. a doctor, irrespective of their abilities ...L17 sl., orig. Aust. & NZ
n. 3. a charlatan, other than in a medical context ...M18 sl.
† n. 4. a brief moment; a trice, the shortest possible time ...1882 Sc.
n. 5. a great gossip ...1896 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a duck ...L19
n. 7. a pebble, a stone ...1923 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a homosexual ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 9. a novice surfer ...1977 US sl.
n. 10. a hospital patient who feigns symptoms in order to receive attention, prescription medication or both ...1978 US sl.
n. 11. in poker: a player who complains loudly when losing ...1979 US sl.
n. 12. Quaaludes™ ...1985 US sl.
n. 13. an act of breaking wind ...1990s sl.
n. 14. a firefighter ...1997 UK police sl.
vb. 1. to play the 'quack' (doctor) ...17C colloq.
vb. 2. to change the title of a book ...18C booksellers' usage
* vb. 3. of a raven or frog: to croak ...1727
vb. 4. to talk pretentiously and ignorantly, like a quack ...1756
vb. 5. to promote one's business through fraudulent claims ...M19 sl.
vb. 6. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to chatter; to talk for the sake of talking; to gossip; to be noisy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to complain ...1940s sl.
vb. 9. to break wind noisily ...1990s sl.
• QUACK-BELLY † n. a-fat-bellied person ...1622
• QUACK-BREECH † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...c1590
• QUACK-BUTTOCK † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...a1616
• QUACKER n. 1. a duck ...19C colloq.
n. 2. a Japanese Kawasaki motorcycle ...1960s motorcyclists' sl.
n. 3. the female genital area ...2000s Aust. sl.
• QUACKERY, THE n. forensic scientists; a forensic science department ...1971 UK police sl.
• QUACKIE n. 1. a duck ...1830 Sc.
n. 2. a White person ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• QUACKING-CHEAT n. an old cant term for a duck ...1620 cant
• QUACKLE n. the noise made in choking; the death-rattle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to quack, as a duck ...1564
† vb. 2. to interrupt breathing; to suffocate; to choke ...1622 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUACK-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...1577
• QUACK-QUACK n. 1. a duck ...1865 UK nursery usage
n. 2. a commotion ...1982 Trinidad and Tobago
• QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, COME TO MEAT! int. a call to ducks ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUACKS n. quaaludes ...1980s US drugs sl.
• QUACKSALVER n. an ignorant person who pretends to a knowledge of medicine or of wonderful remedies ...1579
• QUACKSTER †* n. a quack, a quacksalver ...1709
• QUACKTAIL n. the girlfriend of a township gangster ...1960s S. Afr. sl.
• QUACK TITLES † vb. to invent new titles for old books in order to make them sell ...1715
• QUACKY adj. pert. to a charlatan doctor or his medicines ...L16 sl.
• QUACO n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUAD † adj. vile, base, bad ...1887 Sc.
n. 1. prison ...a1700 sl.
n. 2. a horse ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a quadricycle ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a carburettor with four barrels ...1965 US sl.
n. 5. a very clumsy person ...1970s US college sl.
n. 6. in trucking: a quadriplex transmission that provides twenty forward gears and four reverse ...1971 US sl.
n. 7. a quadriplegic ...1980 US sl.
n. 8. Quaaludes™ ...1980 US sl.
• QUAD CULL n. a prison warder, a turnkey ...M18 sl.
• QUADDLE n. 1. the codlin apple ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a grumbler, a complainer of ill health; a disagreeable person ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to dry, to shrivel up; to make limp or flabby ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to boil and bubble, as water or broth ...1892 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to waddle ..1886 Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to grumble; to complain of ill health ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUADDLIN n. a semi-imbecile, stupid manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAD DOWN vb. to squat ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUADDY adj. of a person: very broad, short and thick; squat ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUADE †* vb. ? to destroy, to deface ...1565
• QUADER †* vb. 1. to square a number ...c1430 obs. exc. Sc.
vb. 2. to agree, to be harmonious, to get along ...1847 Sc.
• QUAD-FIFTY n. a quadruple mount .50 calibre machine gun, a devastating truck-drawn trailer-mounted weapon ...1953 US sl.
• QUADLE † vb. to boil ...1633
• QUADMIRE †* n. a quagmire ...1609
• QUADRAGENARIAN adj. forty years old ...1897
n. a person forty years of age ...1839
• QUADRAGENARIOUS adj. consisting of forty; forty years ...1656
• QUADRAGESIMAL adj. consisting of forty ...1662
• QUADRAN † adj. square ...1598
† n. a square ...1591
• QUADRANGULATE †* adj. made quadrangular; squared ...1592
• QUADRANT † adj. 1. square; of a square form ...1509
† adj. 2. agreeing, consonant, or conforming to or with ...1536
† n. 1. a quarter of a day; six hours ...1398
† n. 2. a square; a square thing or piece; a square picture ...1474
• QUADRATARY †* adj. relating to a square ...1690
• QUADRATE * adj. 1. square, rectangular ...1398
† adj. 2. complete, perfect ...1608.
† adj. 3. conformable, corresponding to or with ...a1657
† n. 1. a square; a square area or space; also, a rectangle or rectangular space ...1471
† n. 2. a group of four things ...1637
†* n. 3. a right angle ...1686
* vb. 1. to make (a thing) square ...1560
vb. 2. to agree, correspond, or conform with ...1610
* vb. 3. to be fitting, suitable, or consistent; of two things: to harmonize with each other ...1664
• QUADRATENESS †* n. squareness ...1599
• QUADRATIC * adj. square ...1656
• QUADRATURE † n. square shape, squareness ...1563
• QUADRENNIAL adj. 1. lasting for four years ...1656
adj. 2. occurring every fourth year ...1701
†* n. 1. a period of four years ...a1646
n. 2. an event happening every four years; a fourth anniversary, or its celebration ...1856
• QUADRENNIALLY adv. every fourth year ...1796
• QUADRENNIUM n. a period of four years ...1823
• QUADRICENTENNIAL adj. consisting of four centuries ...Bk1914
n. a four hundredth anniversary ...1882
• QUADRIENNIAL adj. 1. lasting for four years ...1656
adj. 2. occurring every fourth year ...1701
• QUADRIENNIUM n. a period of four years ...1754
• QUADRIGAMIST n. one four times married; one who has four wives or four husbands at the same time ...1865
• QUADRILATER †* adj. quadrilateral; four-sided ...1570
• QUADRILINGUAL adj. using or written in four languages ...1876
• QUADRILITERAL n. a word of four letters ...1787
• QUADRILOGUE n. an account by four persons ...a1556
• QUADRISECT vb. to divide into four equal parts ...1809
• QUADRISYLLABLE n. a word of four syllables ...1827
• QUADRIVIOUS adj. having four ways meeting in one point; going in four directions, as a street ...1883
• QUADRIVIRATE † n. a union of four men ...1654
• QUADROON n. the offspring of a mulatto and a White parent ...1780s US Black
• QUADRUPLET n. a bicycle for four riders ...1895
• QUADRUPLETS n. in poker: four cards of the same rank ...1979 US sl.
• QUADRUPLICATE vb. to multiply by four; to make four times as many or as great ...1661
• QUADRUPLIFY †* vb. to multiply by four; to make four times as great ...1578
• QUADS n. 1. the quadriceps muscles ...1984 US sl.
n. 2. in poker: a hand with all four cards of the same rank ...1996 US sl.
• QUAECALL n. a turnkey; a jailer ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUAEDAM †* n. in a disparaging sense: a woman, a female; a loose woman, a harlot ...a1670
• QUAEGEMES n. an illegitimate child ...E18 sl.
• QUAERE n. a question, a query ...1589
† vb. to query ...1627
• QUAERITATE †* vb. to inquire or search into ...1657
• QUAESITE †* n. a 'Quaesitum' ...1655
• QUAESITUM n. that which is sought for; the answer to a problem ...1748
• QUAESTUARY adj. connected or concerned with gain; money-making ...1594
† n. one who seeks for gain ...1614
• QUAFF n. a deep draught ...1579
vb. 1. to drink deeply or copiously; to take a long draught ...1529
vb. 2. to puff up; to fill out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFFED adj. satisfied; full ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFFER n. one who drinks deeply ...1520
• QUAFFING adj. luscious, satisfying; producing flatulence ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. flatulence ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAFF-TIDE † n. the season for drinking; drinking time ...1582
• QUAFFY † adj. of the nature of quaffing ...1582
• QUAFT n. a trick ...1881 Eng. dial.
vb. to trick, to deceive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAG n. 1. a marshy or boggy spot ...1589
n. 2. a shake, a state of trembling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. a male homosexual ...1930s US homosexual sl.
† vb. to shake: said of something soft or flabby ...1611 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAGGINESS n. a quaggy condition ...1653
• QUAGGLE n. a quivering, shaking motion, such as that of jelly or of loose boggy soil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to strangle ...1893 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to shake like jelly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAGGOT n. a male homosexual ...1930s US homosexual sl.
• QUAGGY adj. 1. of the body or flesh: soft, yielding, flabby ...?1600
adj. 2. of ground: that shakes under foot; full of quags; boggy, soft ...1610
• QUAGMIRIST † n. one who makes a quagmire of himself; one who gets himself into a situation which is difficult to get out of ...1655
• QUAGSWAG †* vb. to shake to and fro ...1653
• QUAICH n. a wild scream, a screech ...1866 Sc.
vb. to scream wildly, to shriek ...1866 Sc.
• QUAIGH n. a small and shallow cup or drinking vessel with two ears for handles; generally of wood, but sometimes of silver ...1721 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to bend, to turn ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to drink deeply ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAIL † n. 1. a courtesan; a prostitute ...1606
n. 2. a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl.
n. 3. an old maid; a spinster ...M19 US tramps' sl.
n. 4. an order of chicken stew ...L19 US sl.
n. 5. a sexually loose woman ...20C US sl.
n. 6. an attractive young man ...1960s US homosexual sl.
n. 7. a girl under the legal age of consent ...1976 US sl.
n. 8. a twenty-five cent betting token used in craps ...1983 US sl.
† vb. 1. to curdle, to coagulate ...c1430 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to fade, wither, etc. ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to fail or give way; to break down ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 4. to overpower, to destroy, to put an end to ...1551
† vb. 5. to spoil, to impair ...1551
vb. 6. of wet, boggy land: to tremble under foot ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to languish; to fall ill; to faint; to have a sinking sensation in the stomach ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 8. to quell; to subdue through fear ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 9. of milk, beer, etc.: to turn sour or flat ...1819 Eng. dial.
vb. 10. to give way, to yield to or before ...1820
vb. 11. to grow flabby ...1873 Eng. dial.
vb. 12. to quiet down; to lull, to abate, esp. of the wind ...1897 Sc.
vb. 13. to be frightened; to quake with fear ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 14. to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAILAWAY n. a stye or small pustule on the eyelid ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUAILER n. a stone ...20C Aust. sl.
• QUAIL-HUNTER n. a woman-chaser; a whoremonger ...20C US sl.
• QUAIL-MUTTON n. the flesh of a sheep that has died from natural causes, drowning, etc. ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAIL-PIPE n. 1. a pipe or whistle on which the note of the quail (usually the female) can be imitated, in order to lure the birds into a net ...a1400
† n. 2. the throat or vocal organs; a woman's tongue ...1693
• QUAIN †* vb. to lament, to bewail, to bemoan ...a1300
• QUAINT †* adj. 1. proud, haughty ...a1225
† adj. 2. cunning, crafty, given to scheming or plotting ...a1225
† adj. 3. wise, knowing; skilled; clever, ingenious ...a1250
† adj. 4. of persons; beautiful or handsome in appearance; finely or fashionably dressed; elegant, foppish ...a1300
† adj. 5. of dress: fine, fashionable, elegant ...?a1366
† adj. 6. dainty, fastidious, nice; prim ...1483
adj. 7. dull or lacking in interest ...20C teen & high school sl.
†* n. female genitals ...c1320
† vb. 1. to acquaint; to inform ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to adorn, to make fine or beautiful ...1483
• QUAINTANCE † n. acquaintance ...c1300
• QUAINTED † adj. familiar ...1586
• QUAINTISE † n. 1. a device, a stratagem, a trick; an instance of cleverness, cunning, or craft ...1297
† n. 2. wisdom, cleverness, skill, ingenuity ...1297
† n. 3. cunning, craft, underhand dealing ...a1300
† n. 4. fine or curious dress; fineness, elegance or fancifulness in dress ...?1300
† vb. to beautify, to adorn, to dress finely ...1390
• QUAINTISING † n. adornment, decoration ...c1430
• QUAINT IT † vb. to assume a prim air ...c1585
• QUAINTRELLE †* n. a finely-dressed woman ...c1430
• QUAINTRY †* n. finery ...1483
• QUAIRNY adj. in small particles ...1882 Eng. dial.
• QUAISS KITIR! int. an exclamation of delight or exultation ...1898 Brit. services' sl.
• QUAIST † n. a rascal, a rogue, a wag ...1880 Sc.
• QUAISTERIN † n. a person who lives on his friends, a sponger ...1880 Sc.
• QUAIT †* vb. ? to wait, to await ...a1400-50
• QUAKE n. a quagmire ...1880 Sc.
• QUAKE-BELLY † n. a-fat-bellied person ...1622
• QUAKE BREACH n. a coward ...L16 sl.
• QUAKE-BREECH † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...c1590
• QUAKE-BUTTOCK † n. one wanting in courage; a coward ...a1616
• QUA-KEEPER n. a 'gaoler' ...L18 cant
• QUAKEFUL † adj. causing fear or quaking ...1609
• QUAKE-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...1577
• QUAKE-OOZE n. soft, trembling ooze ...1898
• QUAKER n. 1. a shake; a shiver ...1861 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hard, and possibly lengthy, piece of excreta excrement ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an earthquake ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. to tremble, to shake with cold, fear, etc. ...1703 Eng. dial.
• QUAKER-COLOUR n. a drab or grey colour ...1818
• QUAKER FIP n. a kiss ...1846 Amer. dial.
• QUAKER GUN n. a dummy gun in a ship or fort ...1809 US
• QUAKER NICKEL n. a kiss ...1957 Amer. dial.
• QUAKER OAT n. a coat ...1932 rhyming sl.
• QUAKER OATS n. a coat ...1930s rhyming sl.
• QUAKER'S BARGAIN n. a 'take it or leave it' bargain ...L17 sl.
• QUAKER'S BURYING-GROUND n. a privy ...19C Brit.
• QUAKERS'-MEETING n. a silent assembly ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUAKERTOWN n. Philadelphia ...Amer. sl.
• QUAKING-BOG n. a moving quagmire ...1866 Sc.
• QUAKING CHEAT n. 1. a sheep ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a calf ...M16 sl.
• QUAKING MOSS n. a quagmire ...1878 Sc.
• QUAKING-QUAW n. a moving quagmire ...1824 Sc.
• QUAKY ISLES n. New Zealand ...20C Aust. sl.
• QUAL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
n. a person of high social position; also, a stuck-up, wealthy person; generally used in plural ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALE † n. 1. death, destruction, mortality ...c900
n. 2. the quality of a thing; a thing having certain qualities ...1675
• QUALE-HOUSE † n. a house of torture ...c1205
• QUALE-SITHE † n. death from pestilence ...c1205
• QUALIFICATE † adj. qualified, conditional, under certain limitations ...1723 Sc.
• QUALIFIED adj. 1. absolutely certain ...1800 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. damned; bloody ...L19 Brit. euphemism
adj. 3. in good circumstances; well-to-do ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. of a prostitute: experienced ...1960s US Black sl.
• QUALIFY vb. 1. to prove; to authenticate, to make good; to testify to ...1746 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. obs.
vb. 2. to succeed in copulating ...19C Brit. sl.
vb. 3. to modify the quality or strength of, to make stronger, dilute or otherwise fit for taste; as, to 'qualify' liquors ...1816 Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to put one to an oath, to cause one to testify; to swear, to testify ...1827 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to put sugar and cream in coffee ...1897 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. of a confidence trickster: to assess the potential of a possible victim ...1970s US criminals' sl.
• QUALITATED †* adj. qualitied, furnished with a quality or qualities ...1662
• QUALITIES n. intellectual ability ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALITY n. the gentry; the upper classes; a person of quality ...1848 Sc. & Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUALITY, THE n. 1. the upper classes; society ...18C
n. 2. anyone who is not a member of the travelling community ...1993 Ireland sl.
• QUALITY FOLKS n. 1. people of high social status ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY JOE n. a non-addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• QUALITY TOSS n. the attributes and style of the upper classes ...1910s Irish sl.
• QUALK n. a heavy fall ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALKER n. a heavy blow; a heavy fall ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUALL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
n. a lull, in wind or storm ...1908 Sc.
vb. 1. of persons: to calm down, to become quiet and peaceful ...1824 Sc.
vb. 2. of wind, etc.: to lull, to abate ...1824 Sc.
• QUALLER vb. to swarm, to be alive or infested with ...a1838 Sc.
• QUALLMIRE †* n. a quagmire ...1553
• QUALLY †* adj. of wine: turbid, cloudy ...a1700
n. cloudy, sour wine ...L17 sl.
• QUALM n. a sudden onset of wind ...1865 Sc.
vb. to make sick or uneasy ...1884 Amer. dial.
• QUALMISH adj. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1787 Amer. dial.
• QUALMISHNESS n. a feeling of nausea ...1843 Amer. dial.
• QUALMS n. feelings of nausea ...1943 Amer. dial.
• QUALMY adj. 1. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1852 Amer. dial.
adj. 2. of the weather: close, sultry, producing sickly languor ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUALTAGH † n. 1. a Christmas or New Year's ceremony; "A company of young lads or men generally went in old times on what they termed the Qualtagh, at Christmas or New Year's Day, to the houses of their more wealthy neighbours; some one of the company repeating in an audible voice the following rhyme: 'Ollick ghennal erriu,' &c. . .When this was repeated they were then invited in to partake of the best that the house could afford. The purport of the foregoing rhyme appears to be; ' A merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year. Long life and health to all the family. Your lifetime and cheerfulness live together. Peace and love between women and men. Goods and flummery, stock and store. Plenty of potatoes and herrings enough. Bread and cheese, butter and the spring-tide. Stealthy death in neither stack-yard or barn. Safe sleep when you lie down. And may the flea not make a meal of you."; also, one who takes part in the ceremony ...1869 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the first person one meets after leaving home on some special occasion, as New Year's Day; the first person entering a house on New Year's Day; the first-foot ...1891
• QUAMIN n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUAMIRE † n. a quagmire, a bog ...1555
• QUAMISH adj. affected by nausea, queasy, sick at the stomach, inclined to vomit ...1787 Amer. dial.
• QUAMP adj. still, quiet; also, sulky ...1777 Eng. dial.
vb. to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUAMP AS A MOUSE adj. very quiet (quamp = still, quiet) ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUAMPED adj. subdued, disappointed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAMS n. problems, worries ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUANDARY n. 1. a dilemma; a state of extreme uncertainty ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a fit of ill temper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANDONG n. 1. a country bumpkin ...1910s Aust. sl.
n. 2. a disreputable figure, living on their wits ...1930s Aust. sl.
n. 3. a young woman who accepts any amount of gifts but still refuses to cede her sexual favours ...1960s Aust. sl.
• QUANDORUM n. 1. a quandary; extreme perplexity ...1894 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a polite speech or gesture ...BK1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANGER n. a quince ...1960s Aust. teen sl.
• QUANK adj. still, quiet ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. to overcome, to subdue; to quiet ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUANKED adj. overpowered by fatigue ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUANKER n. 1. something that brings things to a conclusion, a settler ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a duck-calling device ...1945 Can. sl.
• QUANT adj. short-tempered, ill-tempered ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. a long pole with which to propel barges or punts; a walking-stick ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to push a barge or boat along with a pole ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to thrash, to chastise ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUANTER n. a man who propels a barge or punt by means of a pole ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUANTUM n. a drink ...L18 sl.
• QUANTY adj. twenty ...1710 Sc.
• QUAP n. a throb, a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† vb. to beat, to throb, to palpitate, to quiver ...c1374 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUAQUAVERSAL adj. turned or pointing in every direction ...1728
• QUAR † n. a stone quarry ...a1485 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to curdle, to coagulate ...1578 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to work in a quarry; to raise stones from a quarry ...1825 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to become choked ...1883 Eng. dial.
• QUARANTAIN †* n. 1. a set of forty (nights) ...1653
† n. 2. a period (orig. of forty days) during which persons who night serve to spread a contagious disease are kept isolated from the rest of the community; quarantine ...1669 obs.
• QUARANTINABLE * adj. subject or liable to quarantine ...1894
• QUARANTINE n. involuntary delay ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUARDLE n. a quarrel ...1867 Eng. dial.
vb. to quarrel ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUARDLING adj. quarrelsome ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARE adj. 1. good, excellent; also, a general intensifier ...M19 Irish sl.
adj. 2. odd, eccentric, queer ...M19 Irish sl.
adj. 3. mediocre ...1983 UK sl.
†* vb. 1. to square ...a1300
vb. 2. to inquire ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUARE FELLA n. an eccentric; an unusual person ...M19 Irish sl.
• QUARE HARP n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUARE HAWK n. someone who is unconventional in some way; an odd person ...1989 Ireland sl.
• QUARE MAN M'DA! int. exclamation of disbelief ...20C Ulster sl.
• QUARENTAL †* n. a set of forty requiem masses ...1566
• QUARE ONE n. the wife ...1997 Ireland sl.
• QUARE PLACE n. 1. hell ...1960s Irish sl.
n. 2. somewhere unpleasant ...1960s Irish sl.
• QUARE STUFF, THE n. illicitly distilled whisky ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUARE THING, THE n. an act of sexual intercourse ...1970s Irish sl.
• QUARFOXE † n. a carfax; crossroads ...1483
• QUARFULNESS † n. health, prosperity ...1483
• QUAR ICE n. water that has oozed through the ground through snow and frozen on the surface ...1955 Can.
• QUARION † n. a 'quarrier'' a large square candle ...1512
• QUARK vb. 1. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak ...1860
• QUARKED OUT adj. under the influence of drugs ...1999 US sl.
• QUARL * n. the jellyfish, medusa ...1884
†* vb. to curdle ...1607
• QUARLY vb. to quarrel ...1867 Eng. dial.
• QUARM n. 1. the edges of the eyelid on which the eyelashes grow ...1899 Sc.
n. 2. a male homosexual ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
vb. of a man: to behave in an exaggerated, effeminate manner ...1982 Bahamas
• QUAR-MAN n. a man who works in a quarry ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUARMBURGER n. a male homosexual ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• QUARMIN n. an unsophisticated, ignorant person; a countrified person ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUARNELL †* adj. square, squared ...1533 Sc.
• QUARNELLED †* adj. squared ...1533 Sc.
• QUARR n. a quarry, a stone-pit ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUARRED † adj. 1. clotted, curdled; soured ...1599 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of beer: harsh or rough to the taste ...1883 Eng. dial.
• QUARREFOUR † n. a place where four roads, streets, or ways meet ...1477
• QUARREL † n. 1. a pane of glass, esp. a diamond-shaped pane ...1447 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. materials from a quarry ...1759 Sc.
n. 3. a stone-quarry ...1865 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to question, to call to account, to challenge; to find fault with, to rebuke; to object to ...1709 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to raise stones from a quarry ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUARREL-BREEDER † n. one who causes quarrels and contention ...1611
• QUARRELET †* n. a small square ...1648
• QUARRELLABLE † adj. capable of being called in question; disputable ...a1600
• QUARRELLED adj. of a window: having panes ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUARRELLOUS † adj. 1. given to complaining; querulous ...c1400
† adj. 2. quarrelsome, contentious; fault-finding ...1556
• QUARRELOUR n. one who reproves or rebukes; a faultfinder ...1825 Sc.
• QUARREL-PANED adj. of a window: having diamond-shaped panes ...1868 Eng. dial.
• QUARREL-PICKER † n. 1. one who picks quarrels; a quarrelsome person ...1547
† n. 2. a glazier ...a1700 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUARRELSOME adj. faultfinding, given to contradiction, litigious ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUARREL WITH ONE'S BREAD AND BUTTER vb. to give up a means of livelihood for insufficient reasons ...1780
• QUARREN n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRIER † n. a large square candle ...c1550
• QUARROM n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARROME n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARROMES † n. the body ...1567 cant
• QUARROMS n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRON † n. the body ...1641 cant
• QUARRONS n. a body ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUARRY † adj. 1. square; squarely built, stout ...1297
†* adj. 2. clotted, coagulated ...1587
†* n. 1. a square candle ...1526
n. 2. a square stone, tile, or brick ...1555
† n. 3. a heap of dead men; a pile of dead bodies ...1589
† n. 4. a square-headed arrow ...1600
n. 5. a pane of glass ...1611
n. 6, the vagina ...18C sl.
†* n. 7. the hard granular part of a pear ...1707
n. 8. a sheet of paper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to obtain or extract by laborious methods ...1860
• QUARRY CURE n. a 'cure' for drug addiction that involves being in prison and working in the rock quarry ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUART † adj. healthy; in good condition; whole and sound ...a1300
adv. across ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. health; healthy or sound condition; the state of being alive and well ...a1300
†* n. 2. a quarter of a pound ...1496
n. 3. of butter: three pounds ...1796 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a quart-pot used for drinking ...L19 Aust. sl.
n. 5. a one year prison sentence ...1950s W. Indies sl.
n. 6. a quarter, a twenty-five cent piece ...1965 Barbados
n. 7. in poker: four cards of the same suit in sequence ...1979 US sl.
n. 8. 1/4 oz (7g) of cannabis ...1990s drugs sl.
n. 9. 1/4 oz (7g) or 1/4g of a given drug ...1990s drugs sl.
vb. 1. to quarrel, to disagree, to fall out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to thwart, to go contrary to ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTARY * adj. fourth ...1839
†* n. a quarter of a pound ...1656
• QUARTEE n. orig. one-fourth of the Spanish real or bit; later one-fourth of a dime, or two-and-one-half cents' worth of some commodity ...1839 Amer. dial.
• QUARTELET †* n. a small quart ...1453
• QUARTER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
† n. 1. a farthing ...1641 Eng. dial.
n. 2. five shillings, five dollars ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a fourth of a mile ...1784 Amer. dial.
n. 4. one of the four teats of a cow ...1818 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a quarter inch of tobacco ...M19 UK prison sl.
n. 6. a 3-month prison sentence ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
n. 7. a cigarette ...1958 US sl.
n. 8. a prison sentence of 25 years ...1964 US sl.
n. 9. a break taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
n. 10. a quarter of an ounce of drugs, esp. cocaine ...1968 US sl.
n. 11. $25 ...1970s US sl.
n. 12. in a casino: a $25 chip ...1980 US sl.
n. 13. $25 of a given drug ...1980s drugs sl.
n. 14. twenty-five pounds of weights used in lifting ...1989 US sl.
n. 15. a quarter of a kilo of drugs ...1996 UK sl.
n. 16. in dominoes: twenty-five points ...sl.
vb. 1. to lodge; to obtain board and lodging at an inn, etc. ...1787 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to move diagonally ...1846 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break ...1902 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERAGE * n. quarters, place of abode ...1577
• QUARTER BAG n. a plastic sandwich bag of marijuana sold for $25 ...1980s US Black sl.
• QUARTER BIRD n. one quarter pound of cocaine ...1999 US sl.
• QUARTER BIT n. a jail sentence of three months ...1977 UK sl.
• QUARTER-BLOKE n. a quartermaster(-sergeant) ...1919 services' sl.
• QUARTER BOSS n. one who maintains law and order in a logging camp ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-CLEFT adj. said of timber cut from the centre to the circumference ...1850 rare, chiefly Eng. dial.
n. 1. wood cleft in four; quartered wood ...1641 chiefly Eng. dial.
n. 2. a slightly crazed person; a crazy person ...1831 chiefly Eng. dial.
• QUARTER-CLIFT n. a crazy person ...1856 Ireland
• QUARTER-DECK vb. during US Marine Corps basic training: to administer physical discipline or incentive ...2004 US sl.
• QUARTEREEN n. a farthing (1/4d) ... M19 sl.
• QUARTERER n. 1. one who takes up quarters; a lodger ...1648
n. 2. a poor person who is given temporary lodgings by way of charity ...1802 Sc.
• QUARTER FLASH AND THREE PARTS FOOLISH phr. describing a fool who claims to have a small degree of fashionable worldliness ...E19 sl.
• QUARTER FLASH AND THREE PARTS STUPID phr. describing a fool who claims to have a small degree of fashionable worldliness ...E19 sl.
• QUARTER HAND n. 1. a person who does, or is allotted, one-fourth the amount of work expected of an able-bodied adult ...1856 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a tenant farmer who pays usually one fourth of the crop as rent ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER HOUSE n. 1. a place where drug users can obtain a 1/4 oz (7g) of narcotics ...1970s US drugs sl.
n. 2. a place where mid-level heroin dealers do business ...1978 US sl.
• QUARTERING adv. diagonally, at an angle ...1852 Amer. dial.
† n. 1. road surface ...1796 Eng. dial.
n. 2. the practice of distributing freshly slaughtered meat to one's neighbours ...1975 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERING TIME n. the middle of the morning or evening; the hour completely a quarter of a day ...1902 Amer. dial.
• QUARTERIZATION †* n. part of the punishment of a traitor, by dividing his body into four quarters ...1727-41
• QUARTER LUNCH n. a snack taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-MAN n. 1. a lodger; one who is furnished with temporary lodgings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a male pauper who was given poor relief by being lodged for a short period at a time in the various houses in the parish ...1908 Sc.
• QUARTERMASTER'S ERASMIC n. soap for scrubbing floors ...20C army sl.
• QUARTER MOON n. hashish ...M20 US drugs sl.
• QUARTERN † n. 1. a prison ...c975
† n. 2. a quarter of anything ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
* n. 3. a quarter of a pound ...c1400
† n. 4. a quarter of a hundred, twenty-five ...1472-3
n. 5. a quarter of an ounce ...1607
• QUARTERN O'BRY n. a 1/4 pint of gin ...M19 sl.
• QUARTERN OF BLISS n. a small, attractive woman ...c1882 London sl.
• QUARTERN O'FINGER n. a measure of rum ...M19 sl.
• QUARTERON n. the offspring of a mulatto and a White parent ...1780s US Black
• QUARTER PAPER n. $25 worth of a narcotic ...1920s sl.
• QUARTER PIECE n. 1/4 oz (7g) of drugs ...1930s US drugs sl.
• QUARTER POT n. a drunkard ...20C rhyming sl. for 'sot'
• QUARTER-POUND OF BIRD'S EYE n. a 1/4 oz (7g) of tobacco ...L19 sl.
• QUARTER ROCK n. crack cocaine ...1993 US sl.
• QUARTERS n. the section of a plantation where the slaves lived ...1750s US Black
• QUARTER SACK n. $25 of a given drug ...1960s drugs sl.
• QUARTERS BOSS n. one who maintains law and order in a logging camp ...1935 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER STRETCH n. a jail sentence of three months ...1977 UK sl.
• QUARTERTH † adj. fourth ...1658
• QUARTER-TIME n. quarantine ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUARTER TO NINE, A adj. of a relation between people: very close ...1980 Amer. dial.
• QUARTER-TO-TWO n. (usually derogatory) a Jewish person ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• QUARTER-WIFE † n. a poor woman quartered in a house by the parish ...1898 Sc.
• QUARTFUL † adj. sound, healthy; safe, prosperous ...c1460
• QUARTFULNESS † n. health, prosperity ...1483
• QUARTLE †* adj. quartered ...c1420
• QUART-MANIA n. a hangover; the delirium tremens ...19C Brit. sl.
• QUARTO n. a bookseller; a publisher ...M18 colloq.
• QUART O' BROWN n. a quart of ale ...1853 Eng. dial.
• QUART-POT TEA n. a tea made in the bush; a tin quart of water is set down by the fire, and when it is boiling hard, a handful of tea is thrown in ...1878 Aust.
• QUART STORE n. a store that sells beer on the retail level ...1997 US sl.
• QUARTUMVIRATE * n. a body of four men ...1819
• QUARTZ n. 1. money ...L19 sl.
n. 2. methamphetamine that is smoked ...1998 UK sl.
• QUARTZOSE adj. mainly or entirely composed of quartz ...1757
• QUARTZOUS † adj. mainly or entirely composed of quartz ...1790
• QUAS n. Quaaludes™, a tranquillizer ...M20 US drugs sl.
• QUASAR n. a woman ...1976 US sl.
• QUASHEE n. 1. a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person ...1833
n. 2. a country bumpkin; a peasant; a stupid person ...M19 sl.
• QUASHIBA n. a foolish, uncultivated woman ...1940s W. Indies sl.
• QUASHIE n. 1. a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person ...1833
n. 2. a country bumpkin; a peasant; a stupid person ...M19 sl.
• QUASHY adj. of overripe fruit or young peas: pulpy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUASIMODO n. 1. the prisoner who is responsible for cleaning the prison chapel ...1923 sl.
n. 2. soda ...20C rhyming sl. (Cockney pronunciation)
• QUASS † vb. to drink copiously or in excess ...1549
• QUASSATION * n. a shaking, beating, pounding ...1654
• QUASSATIVE †* adj. inclined to shake ...1626
• QUASSY n. a Black person; a Black seaman from the British West Indies, esp. as a nickname ...c1830 colloq.
• QUAT † adj. 1. squatted, close, still, quiet, in hiding ...c1450
adj. 2. low and broad; squat ...1848 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. full to satiety; cloyed, glutted; heavy and dull; so fat as not to care to stand ...1873 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. collapsed, quiet, dead ...1895 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a pimple or pustule; a small boil; a stye ...1579 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
†* n. 2. the act or state of squatting ...1602
† n. 3. a term of contempt for a young person ...1604
n. 4. in betting: odds of 4-1 ...1991 UK sl.
† vb. 1. to crouch down or lie close, as an animal in hiding; to squat ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to beat or press down; to squash, to flatten, to extinguish ...c1400-50 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to load, sate, glut the stomach ...1579 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to leave, to depart from; to forsake; to relinquish, to give up, to let go ...1714 Sc.
†* vb. 5. to sink, to subside ...a1722
vb. 6. to cease work; to desist from, to stop ...1790 Sc.
vb. 7. to requite, to reward; to pay back, to discharge ...1802 Sc.
vb. 8. to walk in an undignified manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATCH † n. a word, a sound ...a1635
vb. 1. to keep absolute silence on any given subject ...1852 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to betray; to tell a secret ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATE vb. to leave, to depart from; to forsake; to relinquish, to give up, to let go ...1714 Sc.
• QUATER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
n. twenty-five cents, a quarter ...1980 US sl.
• QUATER-CENTENARY * n. a 400th anniversary, or the celebration of this ...1883
• QUATERER adj. four ...1996 UK sl.
• QUATERNAL * adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1616
• QUATERNARIAN * adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1647
• QUATERNARY adj. consisting of four things or parts ...1605
n. a set of four things; the number four ...c1430
• QUATERNATE adj. arranged in, or forming, a set of four; composed of four parts ...1753
• QUATERNIO * n. a group or set of four persons or things ...1678
• QUATERNION adj. consisting of four persons, things, or parts ...1814
n. a group or set of four persons or things ...1382
• QUATERNITY n. 1. a set of four persons or four things ...1529
n. 2. the fact or condition of being four in number, or an aggregate of four ...1839
• QUATERPETAL †* n. a plant whose flowers have four petals ...1715
• QUATERVOIS †* n. a place where four ways meet ...1646
• QUATRAIN n. a set of four persons ...1862 nonce use
• QUATRE n. the number four; the four in dice ...a1550
• QUATREBLE † adj. quadruple ...1398
† n. a fourfold amount ...a1400
† vb. to quadruple ...1398
• QUATREFOIL †* adj. having four leaves ...c1420
†* n. a set of four leaves ...c1420
• QUATREFOIS †* n. a place where four ways meet ...1646
• QUATRIDUAL †* adj. lasting for four days ...1646
• QUATRIN * n. a small piece of money; a farthing ...c1400
• QUATRUMVIRATE † n. a body of four men ...1684
• QUATS n. vengeance, satisfaction, requital, quits ...1879 Sc.
• QUATTIE n. 1 1/2 pence ...20C W. Indies sl.
• QUATTING AND BOBBING adj. sitting down one minute and bobbing up again the next; restless ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUATTING-TIME n. the time for ceasing work...1835 Sc.
• QUATTY n. 1 1/2 pence ...20C W. Indies sl.
vb. to squat, to sit; to crouch down, esp. of game; to hide ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUATUORVIRATE * n. a body of four men ...1856
• QUAUGHT †* vb. to drink deeply ...1530
• QUAUK vb. to quake ...1785 Sc.
• QUAUNCH adj. squeamish, fastidious ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVE † adj. zigzag, winding ...1818 Sc.
† n. a shake, a tremble ...1382
† vb. 1. to quake, to shake, to tremble; to vibrate ...a1225 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 2. to beat, to palpitate; to throb with life ...1387
† vb. 3. to go in a zigzag manner or from side to side ...1825 Sc.
• QUAVE A BRAE vb. to go zigzag up or down a hill ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUAVEMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1530
• QUAVER n. 1. a musician ...c1860 sl.
n. 2. a flourish ...1885 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to brandish, to flourish; to clench the fists; to make a feint of striking ...1865 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to equivocate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to dither, esp. over whether or not to make a purchase ...1979 UK sl.
vb. 4. to potter about, to tinker ...1979 UK sl.
• QUAVERER n. a vacillating or uncertain customer ...1979 UK sl.
• QUAVERY adj. quavering, jerky, unsteady ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVERY-MAVERY * adj. in an uncertain or precarious condition; undecided, and hesitating how to decide ...1809
• QUAVING-GOG n. a quagmire ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUAVIT n. a seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAVY †* adj. soft, flabby ...1398
• QUAW n. 1. a bog, a quagmire, a marsh ...1535 Sc.
n. 2. a stupid, ugly person; a peasant or bumpkin ...M19 W. Indies sl.
n. 3. an albino ...M19 W. Indies sl.
vb. to stare about foolishly or awkwardly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWING adj. clumsy, awkward, gawky ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWK n. 1. of a bird: a caw, a squawk ...1899 Eng. & Amer. dial.
n. 2. uncooked frozen meat or fish ...1947 Can. sl.
vb. 1. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to rumble internally through flatulency ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWKEN vb. to vomit; to choke, to suffocate ...1781 Eng. dial.
• QUAWKING n. an internal rumbling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUAWMIRE n. a quagmire ...1535 Sc.
• QUAW-THREE n. one or two; a few ...1844 Sc.
• QUAWY n. a stupid, ugly person; a peasant or bumpkin ...M19 W. Indies sl.
• QUAX † vb. to quaff, to drink deeply ...1509
• QUAY n. 1. prison ...M18 US criminals' sl.
n. 2. Quaaludes™ ...1997 US sl.
• QUAY †* vb. to depress, to subdue, to daunt ...1590
• QUAZIE adj. queasy, having a disordered stomach, squeamish ...1824 Sc.
• QUDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEACH † n. a dense growth of bushes; a thicket ...c1450 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEACHY † adj. 1. forming a dense growth or thicket ...1565
† adj. 2. of ground: swampy, boggy ...1593 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
adj. 3. feeble, sickly, weak, small ...1859 Eng. dial.
n. wet, boggy land which requires draining ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAGLE n. a seesaw, usually made by laying a plank across a fallen tree ...1891 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw; to oscillate; to swing backwards and forwards, crouching down on the heels in a sitting posture ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAK n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. 1. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep; to cry, as the young of rats and mice ...1887 Sc.
• QUEAL † vb. to faint away ...1515 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEAN n. 1. a woman; a female; from early Middle English a term of disparagement or abuse; hence, a bold, impudent, or ill-behaved woman; a jade, a hussy; a harlot, a strumpet, esp. in 16th-17th centuries ...a1000
n. 2. a young woman, a girl, a lass, usually denoting one of a healthy and robust appearance ...c1470 Sc.
n. 3. a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 4. a term of reproach for a shrewish or dirty woman ...1740 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 5. a female sweetheart, a lass ...1813 Sc.
n. 6. a maidservant ...1818 Sc.
n. 7. an effeminate male homosexual ...19C sl.
n. 8. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
† n. 9. a mistress, a paramour, a concubine ...1931 Sc.
n. 10. an ageing passive homosexual ...1935 UK sl.
n. 11. a lesbian ...c1970 homosexual sl.
• QUEAN-BAIRN n. a female child ...1868 Sc.
• QUEAN-CAT n. a she-cat ...1684 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-CRAFT n. female allurements ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEANED UP adj. carefully (not necessarily effeminately) dressed ...c1920 Aust. sl.
• QUEAN-FOND adj. of a man: love-stricken ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-HEFTED adj. beset with women, in a lewd sense ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-HOUSE n. a brothel ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEANIE adj. effeminate; soft ...c1910 Aust. sl.
n. 1. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
n. 2. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 3 an effeminate man ...c1910 Aust. sl.
n. 4 a very good-looking man or boy ...E20 army sl.
n. 5. a homosexual ...1930s Aust. sl.
• QUEANISH † adj. 1. of the nature of a harlot or strumpet ...1596
adj. 2. effeminate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN-LASSIE n. a young girl ...1818 Sc.
• QUEAN-STRUCKEN adj. of a man: love-stricken ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAN UP vb. 1. to dress carefully, although not necessarily effeminately ...1930s Aust. sl.
vb. 2. in male homosexual society: to adopt girlish mannerisms and affectations; to use cosmetics and to primp ...1972 UK gay sl.
• QUEANY adj. effeminate; soft ...c1910 Aust. sl.
• QUEASE †* vb. 1. to press, to squeeze ...c1450
vb. 2. to wheeze ...1887 Sc.
• QUEASED OUT adj. nauseated; sick ...1993 US sl.
• QUEASOM † vb. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEASY † adj. 1. of a matter: uncertain, hazardous ...1589
adj. 2. dejected ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 3. indigestible, tough ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. short, brief ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEAZEN † vb. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUEBEC WRENCH n. a beer bottle opener ...2001 Can. sl.
• QUEBER n. a social outcast ...1987 US sl.
• QUECK †* n. 1. ? a knock, a whack ...1554
n. 2. a pebble, a stone ...1923 Sc.
† vb. to quack, as a duck ...c1325
• QUED † adj. 1. evil, wicked, bad, vile, base ...c1205-25 obs. exc. Sc.
†* adj. 2. hostile, inimical to ...a1300
† n. 1. a bad or wicked person ...c1250
† n. 2. the evil one; the Devil ...c1250
† n. 3. evil, mischief, harm ...a1225
• QUEDE † adj. 1. evil, wicked, bad ...c1205-25
†* adj. 2. hostile, inimical to ...a1300
† n. 1. a bad or wicked person ...c1250
† n. 2. the evil one; the Devil ...c1250
† n. 3. evil, mischief, harm ...a1225
• QUEDFUL † adj. full of evil or wickedness ...1340
• QUEDHEAD † n. evil, wickedness ...1340
• QUEDLY † adv. wickedly ...c1300
• QUEDNESS † n. evil, wickedness ...c1300
• QUEDSHIP † n. evil, wickedness ...c1205
• QUEE n. prison ...M18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEEB n. 1. any small problem, esp. mechanical ...1960s US teen sl.
n. 2. a bisexual ...1988 US sl.
• QUEE-BECK! int. the cry of grouse, when startled ...1901 Sc.
• QUEECH n. a small plantation of trees or bushes; a spinney ...1804 Eng. dial.
• QUEECHER vb. to work in a lazy, unsatisfactory way ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEECHY adj. 1. ailing, sickly, queasy, feeble ...1859 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. of land: wet, boggy, marshy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEED n. a wooden chamber-pot ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEEDLE vb. to oscillate, to shake; to totter; to get about with difficulty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEDLING adj. tottering ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEDY adj. brisk, sharp; shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEF n. 1. a stratagem, a dodge, a trick; a conjuring trick, a piece of sleight of hand; cunning ...1923 Sc.
n. 2. an engaging, roguish girl ...1923 Sc.
n. 3. the passing of air from the vagina; a vaginal fart ...1990s US sl.
vb. to expel air from the vagina, intentionally or not; to make a vaginal fart ...1990s US sl.
• QUEEGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEK n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. 1. to squeeze, to press down, to pinch, to hold tight ...1876 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep ...1887 Sc.
• QUEEKLE n. a gentle squeak; a weak, peeping cry, as of a young or small animal ...1887 Sc.
vb. to make a weak, squeaking noise; to cheep ...1887 Sc.
• QUEEL n. a coldness, a cooling down, a chill ...1922 Sc.
vb. 1. to coil, to curl up; to twist ...1866 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to cool ...1867 Sc.
vb. 3. to quench, to extinguish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEELIE adj. cooling; soothing ...1928 Sc.
n. coolness ...1928 Sc.
• QUEEL IN vb. to go to bed ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEM adj. 1. close-fitting, filled up to an even level; neat, fit ...1820 Sc.
adj. 2. pleasant; calm; smooth ...1824 Sc.
adj. 3. deep ...1879 Sc.
adj. 4. prim, affectedly nice; over-fastidious ...1924 Sc.
adv. 1. exactly, neatly, snugly ...1710 Sc.
adv. 2. smoothly, pleasantly, without snags or hitches ...1879 Sc.
vb. 1. to make something fit, to fall into place ...1825 Sc.
vb. 2. to fit snugly, to fall into place, to coincide with ...1880 Sc.
vb. 3. to smooth out ...1935 Sc.
• QUEEM AS SILK adv. smoothly, pleasantly ...1900 Sc.
• QUEEMER n. a toady, a sycophant, a fawning person ...1880 Sc.
• QUEEMLY adj. exactly adapted ...1902 Sc.
adv. calmly, smoothly ...1824 Sc.
• QUEEMNESS n. an exact fit, perfect adaptation ...1902 Sc.
• QUEEN n. 1. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a pretty young woman; a beauty ...18C US sl.
n. 3. an immoral woman; a term of reproach for a shrewish or dirty woman ...1740 Eng. dial.
n. 4. the boy or girl holding the second place in class at school ...1867 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a small scallop ...1890 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a female cat ...1898
n. 7. an effeminate (older) homosexual male ...L19 sl.
n. 8. a man's wife; a companion; a sweetheart; a girlfriend; a lover ...1900s sl. US Black sl.
n. 9. an effeminate male, not necessarily a homosexual male ...E20 US sl.
n. 10. a fellator; a male who performs fellatio ...E20 US sl.
n. 11. a passive or effeminate homosexual ...1924 sl.
n. 12. a woman who runs an illicit township bar or shebeen ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
n. 13. a popular girl ...1959 US sl.
n. 14. a heterosexual ...1960s homosexual sl.
n. 15. a beautiful lesbian ...1960s US Black sl.
n. 16. a mistress, or prostitute ...1968 US sl.
n. 17. an attractive, effeminate young prison homosexual, as such much sought after and fought over ...1970s US prison sl.
n. 18. a transsexual ...1980s Aust. prison sl.
n. 19. a mother, as the ruler of the house ...2002 UK sl.
vb. to act in an effeminate manner; to pose ostentatiously ...1970s sl.
• QUEEN, THE n. the UK's national anthem ...1952 UK sl.
• QUEEN ANNE n. 1. an old-fashioned gun; a long barrel, big bore gun ...1833 Sc.
n. 2. a coloured butterfly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN ANNE IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...1722
• QUEEN ANNE IS DEAD AND HER BOTTOM'S COLD phr. a retort on old news ...c1870
• QUEEN ANNER n. an old-fashioned tale; a tale of former times ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FAN n. a gesture of derision: the thumb on the nose-tip and the fingers spread fan-wise ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN ANNE'S FLOWERS n. the daffodil, Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN BEE n. 1. a person, usually a woman, in a position of authority or dominance; a domineering woman or wife ...1930 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a man who likes to surround himself with young men, and who is usually homosexual himself ...1950s homosexual sl.
n. 3. a woman who likes to surround herself with young men, who may or may not be homosexual ...1950s homosexual sl.
n. 4. a heterosexual woman who seeks out the company of homosexual men ...1957 US sl.
n. 5. the alpha male in a group of homosexuals ...1965 US sl.
n. 6. the woman with the largest breasts in a group ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUEEN BESS n. the queen of clubs ...1791 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN-BIRD n. a swan ...1830
• QUEEN CHAIR n. a method of carrying a person; a seat made by two persons crossing hands ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEEN CHARLOTTE TUXEDO n. a heavy grey Stanfield's undershirt ...1989 Can. sl.
• QUEEN CHRONICLE n. the ladybird ...1955 Sc.
• QUEEN ELIZABETH IS DEAD phr. a retort on old news ...18C
• QUEENIE n. 1. an affectionate nickname used of a fat woman trying to walk young ...L19 sl.
n. 2. a charming and attractive young woman ...20C US sl.
n. 3. (derogatory) an effeminate male homosexual ...1920s US sl.
n. 4. an effeminate male homosexual; often a term of address ...1933 sl.
n. 5. a prostitute ...1964 US sl.
n. 6. Queensland, Australia ...1994 Aust. sl.
• QUEENING n. courting women or girls; flirting ...E20 US sl.
• QUEENLET n. a petty queen ...1833
• QUEEN MAMA n. the very best of a person, place or thing ...1990s US teen sl.
• QUEEN MARY n. 1. a large tank truck ...1954 US sl.
n. 2. a surfboard that is too big for the surfer using it ...1964 US sl.
n. 3. an obese homosexual man ...1980s US homosexual sl.
• QUEEN-MOTHER HERB † n. tobacco ...1617
• QUEEN MUM n. the buttocks ...2000s rhyming sl. for 'bum'
• QUEEN OF DE NILE n. a woman who refuses to face reality; a self-deceiver ...1990s US Black sl.
• QUEEN OF HOLES n. the vagina ...L17 sl.
• QUEEN OF MAY n. the primrose ...1787 Sc.
• QUEEN OF MEAN n. Leona Helmsley (1920-2007), American hotelier and prototype of greed during the Reagan era ...1997 US sl.
• QUEEN OF SCOTCH n. an alcoholic homosexual man ...1970s US homosexual sl.
• QUEEN OF SOUL n. Aretha Franklin, rhythm-and-blues singer US Black sl.
• QUEEN OF THE DRIPPING-PAN n. a cook ...1809
• QUEEN OF THE JUKEBOX n. Dinah Washington (1924-1963), a briliant vocalist in the jazz, pop, and R&B genres ...1975 US sl.
• QUEEN OF THE SOUTH n. the mouth ...1992 UK rhyming sl.
• QUEEN PIN n. a woman who heads an institution or arranges an event, the chief woman in an organization or operation ...1960s sl.
• QUEEN'S BAD BARGAIN n. an unsatisfactory soldier ...18C Eng. sl.
• QUEEN'S BUTTON n. a buttercup ...1896 Amer. dial.
• QUEEN'S CHAIR n. a method of carrying a girl by seating her on the crossed and joined arms of two bearers ...1923 Sc.
• QUEEN'S COWBOYS n. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...1989 Can. sl.
• QUEEN'S CUSHION n. a seat (for a girl) made by the crossed hands of two persons; a seat made by two persons crossing hands; when a boy is so carried, the term is 'King's cushion' ...1808
• QUEEN'S GAFF n. the anus ...1992 UK sl.
• QUEEN'S GOLD MEDAL n. a shilling (5p) ...L19 sl.
• QUEEN'S HEAD n. a postage stamp ...1844
• QUEEN'S HERB † n. tobacco ...1617
• QUEENSLANDER n. a type of weatherboard house raised on stilts ...1994 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN'S MAN n. a soldier ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN'S PARK RANGER n. a stranger; often in plural ...1961 UK rhyming sl.
• QUEEN'S PICTURES n. money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S PORTRAIT n. money ...E18 sl.
• QUEEN'S ROW n. a section of the prison where homosexual inmates have their cells ...1967 US prison sl.
• QUEEN'S SEAT n. a method of carrying a girl by seating her on the crossed and joined arms of two bearers ...1923 Sc.
• QUEEN'S STICK n. a stately person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEEN'S TEARS n. alcohol, usually gin ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• QUEEN STREET BUSHIE n. 1. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
n. 2. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET COCKY n. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN STREET COWBOY n. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET FARMER n. a businessman who owns a farm as an investment ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN STREET RINGER n. in Queensland: a city person with pretenses to country living, such as dressing like a cowboy or driving a 4WD ...2003 Aust. sl.
• QUEEN STREET YANK n. a New Zealander who apes American styles, etc. ...1950s NZ sl.
• QUEEN'S WEATHER n. fine weather ...1899
• QUEEN'S WOMAN n. a prostitute who received medical attention under the terms of the Contagious Diseases Acts of the 1860s ...M19 sl.
• QUEEN TANK n. a jail holding cell reserved for flamboyantly effeminate homosexual men ...1988 US sl.
• QUEEN UP vb. to dress carefully, although not necessarily effeminately ...1930s Aust. sl.
• QUEEN WEEN n. someone who backs out of a commitment ...1990s US college sl.
• QUEENY adj. 1. flamboyant and effeminate; blatantly homosexual ...1936 homosexual sl.
adj. 2. showy, melodramatic, affected ...1997 US sl.
n. an effeminate male homosexual; often a term of address ...1933 sl.
• QUEEPLE n. the peeping cry of young ducks ...1866 Sc.
vb. to peep, to quack in a squeaking, high-pitched tone, as ducklings do ...1880 Sc.
• QUEE-QUAW n. a seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to seesaw ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER adj. 1. crazy, eccentric ...1508
adj. 2. bad; worthless; counterfeit...1561 thieves' cant
adj. 3. ill ...1781 sl.
† adj. 4. amusing, funny, humorous, entertaining ...1787 Sc.
adj. 5. drunk ...1848 sl.
adj. 6. ill-tempered, captious; unsociable from some fancied slight or insult ...1885 Eng. dial.
adj. 7. crazy, eccentric ...1508
† adj. 8. amusing, funny, humorous, entertaining ...1787 Sc.
adj. 9. of machinery, etc.: out of order ...L19 sl.
adj. 10. (usually derogatory) homosexual ...1914 US sl.
adj. 11. in difficulties ...1920s sl.
adj. 12. catering to or patronized by homosexuals ...1957 US sl.
adj. 13. driven by deep and perverse sexual desires ...1967 US sl.
adj. 14. not good, out of fashion ...1997 US sl.
adj. 15. (disparaging and offensive) effeminate, unmanly ...sl.
adv. 1. very ...Bk1892 Ireland
adv. 2. unsociably, ill-temperedly ...1896 Eng. dial.
adv. 3. in an odd manner, in a peculiar way; very ...1916 Sc.
n. 1. the choir or chancel of a church; the persons composing the choir ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hoax, a confidence trick ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a look on one's face; a look at something ...L19 sl.
n. 4. a vault ...1900 Sc.
n. 5. a quire of paper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 6. counterfeit money; forged banknotes or bonds ...1812 sl.
n. 7. money ... Bk1903 sl.
n. 8. an eccentric person ...1940s sl.
n. 9. (usually derogatory) a homosexual man or lesbian ...1914 US sl.
n. 10. a fool, a simpleton ...1950s Aust. sl.
n. 11. one who works hard ...1960s US college sl.
vb. 1. to quiz or ridicule; to puzzle ...1790 sl.
vb. 2. to impose on, to swindle, to cheat ...1797 sl.
vb. 3. to act in an odd manner ...E19 sl.
vb. 4. to spoil, to put out of order ...1812 sl.
vb. 5. to put to confusion; to make or cause to feel queer; to cause to go wrong ...1818 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to humiliate ...Bk1892 Amer. sl.
vb. 7. of a person: to spoil the reputation of; to spoil someone's efforts or opportunities ...1910s US sl.
vb. 8. to cause trouble for ...1910s US sl.
vb. 9. to inquire ...1933 Sc.
vb. 10. to intoxicate; to make dead drunk ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
vb. 11. to abuse sexually ...1970s sl.
• QUEERACH n. the act of working in a weak, trifling manner; the act of nursing in an over-dainty manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
vb. to do any kind of work in a weak, trifling manner; to nurse in an over-dainty manner ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEER A FLAT vb. to hoodwink a gullible victim ...L18 sl.
• QUEERALITIES n. eccentricities, peculiarities ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEER A PITCH vb. to spoil a situation or a circumstance; to undermine someone's efforts ...1875 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A CLOCKWORK ORANGE adj. 1. extremely odd ...1950s sl.
adj. 2. obviously homosexual ...1973 UK sl.
adj. 3. unusual or suspicious ...1980 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A COOT adj. (mainly derogatory) homosexual ...1922 sl.
• QUEER AS A FOUR-DOLLAR BILL adj. ostentatiously homosexual ...1950s sl., orig. US
• QUEER AS A FOUR-SPEED WALKING STICK adj. unusual; ostentatiously homosexual ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A LEFT-HANDED CORKSCREW adj. unusual; ostentatiously homosexual ...1970s UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-BOB NOTE adj. 1. unusual, particularly suspicious ...1960s sl.
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-BOB WATCH adj. suspicious ...1984 UK sl.
• QUEER AS A NINE-DOLLAR BILL adj. ostentatiously homosexual ...1950s sl., orig. US
• QUEER AS A THREE-DOLLAR BILL adj. 1. extremely odd ...1950s sl., orig. US
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual ...1966 US sl.
• QUEER AS A THREE-POUND NOTE adj. extremely odd ...1950s sl.
• QUEER AS A TREE FULL OF OWLS adj. eccentric ...1976 Amer. sl.
• QUEER AS A TWO-QUID NOTE adj. unusual, particularly suspicious ...1960s sl.
• QUEER AS BEER adj. extremely odd; outrageously homosexual ...1990s Aust. sl.
• QUEER AS CHLOE adj. homosexual ...1980s NZ sl.
• QUEER AS DICK'S HATBAND adj. 1. odd, eccentric ...18C sl.
adj. 2. referring to something one cannot recognize or identify ...18C sl.
adj. 3. out of sorts, dispirited, 'under the weather' ...L18 sl.
adj. 4. ridiculously comical ...1856 Eng. dial.
adj. 5. in a very morose or sullen temper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER AS DUCK SOUP adj. 1. very strange or odd ...1940s US sl.
adj. 2. ostentatiously homosexual or effeminate ...1940s US sl.
• QUEER AS FUCK adj. definitely homosexual; ostentatiously gay ....1997 Aust. sl.
• QUEER BAIL n. fraudulent bail ...L18 sl.
• QUEERBAIT n. 1. an effeminate young boy who attracts, or is supposed to attract, older male homosexuals ...1950s sl.
n. 2. a man who commands the attention of homosexual men, whether he is homosexual or not ...1957 US sl.
vb. to seek out a homosexual encounter for money ...1950s sl.
• QUEER-BASHER n. one who assaults homosexuals ...1970 sl.
• QUEER-BASHING n. an attack (usually physical) of a homosexual because of his sexuality ...1970 UK sl.
• QUEER BEAK n. an incorruptible magistrate ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BEER n. 'near beer', beer with a low alcohol content, weak, watery beer ...1976 US sl.
• QUEER BELCH n. sour beer ...M19 sl.
• QUEER BIRD n. 1. a mendicant villain who, recently released from prison, returns to robbery, specializing in stealing horses ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. an odd, eccentric person ...M19 sl.
n. 3. a heterosexual who dabbles in homosexuality ...1960s US homosexual sl.
• QUEER BIT n. counterfeit money ...L18 sl.
• QUEER BITCH n. an odd, out of the way fellow ...L18 sl.
• QUEER BIT-MAKER n. a coiner, a counterfeiter ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BLOWING n. an ugly woman ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER BLUFFER n. the master of a public house; a sneaking, cut-throat innkeeper ...L17 cant
• QUEER BOOZE n. inferior beer; 'small and naughtye drynke' (Harman) ...c1750 cant
• QUEER BOUNG n. an empty purse ...M17 cant
• QUEER BUB n. second-rate or sour beer ...M17 sl.
• QUEER BUFFER n. a sneaking, cutthroat ale-house keeper or innkeeper ...L17 sl.
• QUEER BUNG n. an empty purse (viewed as an object of robbery) ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER CARD n. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...19C colloq.
• QUEER CATTLE n. odd or strange people ...20C sl.
• QUEER CHECKER n. in the theatre: a swindling box-keeper ...L18 theatrical sl.
• QUEER CHUM n. a suspicious companion ...E19 sl.
• QUEER CLOUT n. a cheap, probably cotton, handkerchief that as such is not worth stealing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE n. counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE FENCER n. the distributor of counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COLE MAKER n. a counterfeiter ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER COVE n. 1. a villain ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a poor man ...M18 sl.
n. 3. a turnkey ...M19 sl.
• QUEER CUFFEN n. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER CUFFIN n. 1. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a peasant ...L17 sl.
• QUEER CULL n. 1. a passer of counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a foolish dandy, a fop ...L17 sl.
n. 3. a poor, ill-dressed person ...L17 sl.
• QUEER CUSTOMER n. an odd or eccentric person ...M19 sl.
• QUEER DEAL n. a great deal ...1898 Ireland
• QUEER DEGEN n. a brass, iron, or steel-hilted sword, with no special ornamentation ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DIVER n. a bungling, incompetent pickpocket ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DOXY n. a slatternly woman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DRAWERS n. yarn, coarse worsted, ordinary or old stockings ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER DUKE n. 1. a lean, half-starved person ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. an impoverished gentleman ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERED adj. 1. tipsy ...E19 sl.
adj. 2. bewildered; perplexed; baffled ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUEERED AND QUIAMMED adj. intricate, as a piece of carving ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER 'EM n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER-FACED adj. a general pejorative ...1980s sl.
• QUEER-FAR'D adj. having a queer countenance or queer features ...1805 Eng. dial.
• QUEER FELLOW n. 1. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...1712 colloq.
n. 2. a prisoner condemned to hang ...1980s sl.
• QUEER FISH n. a person odd in manner, strange in opinion ...1772 colloq.
• QUEER FOR adj. obsessed with, sexually or otherwise ...1940s sl.
• QUEER FUN n. a cheat or trick that does not work out as intended ...L7 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER-GAMMED adj. 1. lame, crippled ...L18 sl.
adj. 2. bandy-legged ...E19 sl.
• QUEER GILL n. 1. a shabby fellow ...19C sl.
n. 2. an untrusting, suspicious person ...19C sl.
• QUEER-GOTTEN adj. of uncertain parentage ...1894 Sc.
• QUEER GUM n. strange talk ...M19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER HARP n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEER HAWK n. an odd person ...20C Irish sl.
• QUEERIE n. (mainly derogatory) a male homosexual ...1938 sl.
• QUEERIN adj. prying, inquisitive ...1933 Sc.
• QUEER IN THE ATTIC adj. drunk ...1859 sl.
• QUEER IN THE GARRET adj. eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEER IN THE NUT adj. mad, eccentric ...1950s sl.
• QUEER IN THE UPPER STOREY adj. eccentric, mad ...L18 sl.
• QUEERIOSITY n. curiosity, something strange ...1904 Sc.
• QUEERISH adj. not well in health, rather uncomfortable ...1865 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUEERISHNESS n. an uneasy sensation ...1803 Sc.
• QUEERISOME adj. odd, strange, queer, fey ...1900 Amer. dial.
• QUEERITY n. queerness, oddity ...1711
• QUEER JACK n. counterfeit money ...1949 US sl.
• QUEER KEN n. 1. a prison ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a house not worth robbing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER KICKS n. old, worn-out trousers ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER LAMPS n. sore or weak eyes ...1812 sl.
• QUEER LAP n. bad liquor ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER LOT n. a large amount, a considerable quantity ...1921 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• QUEERLY adj. queer, odd; slightly demented ...1870 Eng. dial.
adv. 1. in a criminal manner ...L17 sl.
† adv. 2. in a bad or rascally manner ...a1700 cant
adv. 3. considerably, extraordinarily ...1896 Eng. dial.
• QUEER'M n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER MERCHANT n. an odd or eccentric person ...M19 sl.
• QUEER MONEY n. counterfeit money ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER MORT n. 1. a woman suffering from venereal disease; a dirty drab; a jilting wench ...M17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 2. a poor woman ...M18 sl.
• QUEER NAB n. a cheap, shabby hat; hence, one that is not worth stealing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERNESS n. 1. an estrangement ...1896 Eng. dial.
n. 2. homosexuality ...1910s sl.
• QUEERNESSES AND QUIAMS n. whims of all sorts ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER NICKS n. worn-out breeches ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER-OGLED adj. squinting ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER OGLES n. cross eyes ...E19 UK criminals; sl.
• QUEER ON adj. homosexually attracted to ...1940s sl., orig. Aust.
• QUEEROUS adj. curious ...1903 Amer. dial.
• QUEER PAPER n. 1. counterfeit paper money ...M19 sl.
n. 2. something dubious or unreliable ...M19 sl.
• QUEER PATTER n. a foreign language ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PEEPER n. a badly made, hence distorting mirror ...L17 sl.
• QUEER PEEPERS n. squinting or short-sighted eyes ...18C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PEOPLE n. criminals ...1940s UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER PLACE n. 1. a prison ...1920s sl.
n. 2. a lavatory ...1940s sl.
• QUEER PLUNGER n. a confidence trickster who plunges into water and is saved from 'drowning' ...L18 sl.
• QUEER PRANCER n. 1. a second-rate horse ...L17 sl.
n. 2. an ageing prostitute ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
n. 3. a cowardly horse thief ...18C sl.
• QUEER PROPER adj. of language: formal or standard, as opposed to colloquial or dialectal ...1963 Amer. dial.
• QUEER PUT n. an odd, simple person ...E19 sl.
• QUEER RAG n. counterfeit money ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER RIDGE n. counterfeited gold coins ...M19 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER-ROLLER n. one who beats up homosexual men ...1960s sl.
• QUEER-ROLLING n. the practice of attacking and robbing homosexuals ...1977 UK sl.
• QUEER ROOSTER n. a police spy who frequents thieves' haunts, often feigning sleep in order to listen to their conversations; an informer ...L18 sl.
• QUEER ROTAN n. a run-down coach ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER RUMS n. confusing talk ...E19 sl.
• QUEERS † n. something odd or strange and surprising; news ...1825 Sc.
• QUEERS, THE n. sea-sickness ...L19 sl.
• QUEER SCREENS n. forged banknotes ...19C UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER SHOVER n. a passer of counterfeit money ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER'S LUNCH BOX n. the male crotch ...1964 US sl.
• QUEERSMAN n. one who makes or distributes counterfeit money ...M18 sl.
• QUEER SOFT n. counterfeit money ...M19 sl.
• QUEERSOME adj. rather queer, odd, strange ...1848 Sc. & N. Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUEER SOMEONE'S OGLES vb. to get or give a black eye ...L18 sl.
• QUEER START n. a strange affair; an odd situation ...M19 sl.
• QUEER STICK n. an odd person; an eccentric person ...L19 sl.
• QUEER STICK TO MAKE A THIVEL OF, A phr. said of an awkward person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEER STREET n. 1. an imaginary street where people in difficulties are supposed to reside; hence, any difficulty, fix, or trouble, bad circumstances, debt, illness, etc. ...1837 sl.
n. 2. the world of homosexuality ...1960s US sl.
• QUEER STUFF n. counterfeit money ...M18 sl.
• QUEER-TAKEN adj. taken aback, surprised, disconcerted ...1858 Sc.
• QUEER TATS n. false dice ...L18 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE ACT vb. to interfere, to spoil or thwart someone's plans ...1910s US sl.
• QUEER THE GAME vb. to cause trouble for someone ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE NOOSE vb. to escape the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER THE PITCH vb. to spoil the chances of success ...Brit. colloq.
• QUEER THE QUOD vb. to break out of jail ...L18 US criminals' sl.
• QUEER THE STIFLER vb. to escape the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER THIEF OF THE WORLD, THE n. a thief, a rogue ...1896 Ireland
• QUEER THIMBLE n. a watch of no value ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER TOPPING n. a second-rate or worn-out wig ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEERUM n. the gallows ...E19 sl.
• QUEER UP n. male homosexual intercourse ...1950s sl.
• QUEERVERT n. a homosexual, usually male ...1910s sl.
• QUEER VINEGAR n. a worn-out woman's cloak ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUEER WAYS adj. strange, nervous, squeamish ...1827 Sc.
adv. ('queerways') in not quite a normal state, slightly unwell ...1827 Sc.
• QUEER WEDGE n. 1. a large belt or shoe buckle ...L18 sl.
n. 2. adulterated gold or silver ...19C sl.
n. 3. pointed shoes ...E19 sl.
• QUEERY adj. 1. strange, odd, queer, different ...1860 Sc. & Amer. dial.
adj. 2. shaky ...M19 sl.
n. 1. a strange or curious circumstance; a queer thing, an oddity ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a homosexual, usually male ...1910s sl.
n. 3. one who is strange or odd; a person who is too particular or fussy ...1968 Amer. dial.
• QUEESE vb. to wheeze ...1887 Sc.
• QUEESITIVE adj. inquisitive ...1866 Sc.
• QUEESITIVENESS n. inquisitiveness ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEET n. the ankle ...1754 Sc.
• QUEETER n. the act of working in a weak, half-hearted, trifling manner ...1866 Sc.
vb. to work lazily and languidly, to trifle, to waste time ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERAN n. the act of working lazily ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERIN adj. trifling, lackadaisical ...1866 Sc.
• QUEETERING adj. weak, trifling ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUEETICHIE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QUEETIKINS n. gaiters, short leggings ...1871 Sc.
• QUEETLE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QUEEVE vb. 1. to twist; to bend slowly backwards and forwards as a tree-top ...1809 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to experience a loss of energy ...1984 US sl.
• QUEEVERLY adj. fawning; hypocritical ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEGG n. a homosexual ...2001 UK sl.
• QUEGO n. a Pacific Islander ...1980s NZ sl.
• QUEINT adj. 1. strange, odd, out of the way ...1703 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. large, vast; extraordinary in point of size, quantity, etc. ...1788 Eng. dial.
adv. very, exceedingly ...1773 Eng. dial.
• QUEINTE n. the female genitals ...14C
• QUEINTLY adv. 1. very well ...1750 Eng. dial.
adv. 2. greatly, very much ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEK †* n. a chess-board ...1426
• QUEKE †* n. 1. an imitation of the note of a goose ...c1381
†* n. 2. a chess-board ...1426
• QUEL adj. twelve ...1710 Sc.
• QUELCH * vb. 1. to squelch ...1659
vb. 2. to swallow ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUELE † vb. to die ...c1000
• QUELET †* n. a gathering, collection; congregation ...1382
• QUELL * n. 1. slaying, slaughter; power or means to quell ...c1420
* n. 2. a spring, fountain ...1894
* vb. 1. to well out, to flow ...1340
† vb. 2. to kill, to slay, to put to death; to destroy a person or animal ..c897 now rare or obs.
vb. 3. to quail ...1894 Sc.
• QUELLY adj. wet, full of springs ...1854 Eng. dial.
• QUELM † vb. to torment; to kill, to destroy ...c825
• QUELMER † n. a destroyer ...c1425
• QUELPY † adj. having the taste of eggs predominating; eggy ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUELSH * vb. to squelch ...1659
• QUELSTRING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELT † n. 1. a kilt ...1754 Sc.
n. 2. a blow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to beat, to thrash soundly ...1836 Eng. dial.
• QUELTEN DOWN vb. to beat or thrash thoroughly ...1942 Amer. dial.
• QUELTERING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELTRING adj. of the weather: hot, sultry; sweltering ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUELTY vb. to breathe ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUELVE adj. twelve ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEME † adj. 1. pleasing, agreeable, acceptable to a person ...c1200
† adj. 2. fit, fitting, suitable; convenient, handy; near at hand, close ...a1300 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
† adj. 3. of pleasing appearance; beautiful, fair; neat, tidy ...a1300
† adj. 4. of persons: friendly or well-disposed to, intimate with ...c1325
† adj. 5. quiet, still ...c1375 obs. exc. N. Eng. dial.
†* adj. 6. skilled, clever; smart, active ...c1400
adj. 7. protected from the wind, snug; unruffled, smooth ...1674 Eng. dial.
† n. pleasure, satisfaction ...c1175
† vb. 1. of persons: to please, to gratify another, esp. a superior; to act so as to please one ...a750
† vb. 2. of things: to please, to be acceptable or agreeable to a person ...a1000
* vb. 3. to satisfy, to appease, to mitigate ...c1250
†* vb. 4. to be suitable or fitting for ...c1400
* vb. 5. to join or fit closely ...1501 Sc.
†* vb. 6. to slip in ...1727
• QUEMEFUL † adj. pleasing, pleasant, agreeable; kind. gracious ...a1340
• QUEMELY † adv. in a pleasing, agreeable, or becoming manner; neatly, gently, smoothly ...c1380
• QUEMENESS †* n. pleasure, satisfaction ...c900
• QUENCH * vb. 1. to destroy, to kill a person; to oppress or crush ...c1200
† vb. 2. of fire, a burning thing, etc.: to be extinguished, to go out; to cease to burn or shine ...c1290 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to come to an end, to perish, to disappear ...c1305
†* vb. 4. of a person: to cool down ...1611
• QUENCH AWAY vb. to die ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUENCHER n. a drink ...M19 sl.
• QUENCH-FIRE †* n. an apparatus, or substance for extinguishing fires ...1667
• QUENE n. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
• QUENGER † vb. variant of conjure ...1567
• QUENQUESTE † n. form of conquest ...1422
• QUENT †* vb. to quench ...1557
• QUENTIN n. San Quentin prison, California ...1920s US prison & criminals' sl.
• QUENTRY n. country ...1911 Sc.
• QUENTY adj. twenty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUE PASA? phr. a greeting, what's happening? ...1980s US college sl.
• QUERANT †* n. one who asks or inquires; one who consults or seeks to learn something by means of an astrologer...1591
• QUERANTE n. a spree ...1875 Eng. dial.
• QUER COLE n. counterfeit money ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUER COVE n. a poor man ...M18 sl.
• QUERD n. a wooden chamber pot; a fish barrel; a wooden tub ...1808 Sc.
• QUERDOOD n. the small upper branches and loppings of trees, etc., cut into lengths and stacked for sale as firewood ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERE n. 1. a question, a query ...1589
n. 2. the choir or chancel of a church; the persons composing the choir ...1788 Sc. & Eng. dial.
†* vb. to ask, to inquire; to query ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUERELATORY †* adj. of the nature of a complaint ...1553
• QUERELE † n. 1. a complaint; an action ...1494
† n. 2. a cause, an affair ...1552
† vb. to quarrel ...1548
• QUERELER † n. a quarreller, an objector ...1542
• QUERELOUS †* adj. querulous ...1581
• QUERENT * adj. complaining ...1845
• QUERENT n. 1. one who asks or inquires; one who consults or seeks to learn something by means of an astrologer ...1598
* n. 2. a complainant, a plaintiff ...1727
• QUERICAL †* adj. of the nature of a query ...1699
†* n. a query ...1699
• QUERIER n. a chimney sweep who goes from house to house offering their services ...1861 sl.
• QUERIMONIOUS adj. full of or addicted to complaining ...1604
• QUERIMONY n. complaint, complaining ...1529
• QUERIOUS adj. curious ...1835 Sc.
• QUERISM †* n. the practice of inquiring or asking ...1648
• QUERIST n. one who asks or inquires; a questioner, interrogator ...1633
• QUERK vb. 1. to grunt, to groan; to grumble ...1746 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak; to squeal as an animal in pain; to emit the breath forcible, esp. after violent exertion ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUER KEN n. a house not worth robbing ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUERKEN † vb. to choke, to suffocate, to stifle ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUERKETY adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERKING adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUERKY adj. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERL n. a curl, a twist, a twirl ...1880 US
• QUERLY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1932 Amer. dial.
• QUER MORT n. a poor woman ...M18 sl.
• QUERN † n. 1. a large piece of ice ...a1400-50
n. 2. the stomach of a fowl, the gizzard ...1825 Sc.
n. 3. a small particle ...1882 Eng. dial.
n. 4. corn ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUERNAL †* adj. make of oak leaves; oaken ...1599
• QUEROR †* n. an inquirer ...a1400
• QUERT † adj. healthy; in good condition; whole and sound ...a1300
† n. health; healthy or sound condition; the state of being alive and well ...a1300
• QUERTY † adj. lively, vivacious, active, in good spirits; full of fun or mischief ...1790 Sc.
• QUERULATION †* n. complaint, complaining ...1614
• QUERULENTAL †* adj. querulous ...1785
• QUERULENTIAL †* adj. querulous ...1806
• QUERULING †* n. complaining ...1838
• QUERULIST †* n. one who complains ...1788
• QUERULOSITY †* n. the habit or spirit of complaining ...1882
• QUERY n. 1. a strange or curious circumstance; a queer thing ...1835 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a test or examination ...1976 US sl.
vb. to solicit work as a chimney-sweep ...1851 Eng. dial.
• QUES n. the question mark (?) character on a computer keyboard ...1991 US sl.
• QUESITED †* adj. sought for, asked about ...1647
• QUESITITIOUS †* adj. sought for, asked about ...1674
• QUESITIVE adj. interrogative ...1891
• QUEST † n. 1. the search for game made by hounds ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a dozen ...1589
†* n. 3. a person employed in searching ...1604
n. 4. a collection for a charitable purpose ...1843 Ireland
n. 5. an inquest ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
†* vb. 1. to frogs: to croak ...1607
†* vb. 2. to crush ...1647
vb. 3. to collect money or provisions as alms ...1843 Ireland
* vb. 4. to question, to request, to demand ...1897
• QUESTANT †* n. one who quests or searches ...1601
• QUEST-DITER † n. a quest-monger; one who made a business of conducting inquests ...c1460
• QUESTFUL * adj. full of questing or searching ...1869
• QUEST-GANGER † n. a quest-monger; one who made a business of conducting inquests ...c1460
• QUESTING QUEEN n. a flirt ...Bk1942 Amer. college sl.
• QUESTIONAL †* adj. relating to questions ...1607
• QUESTIONARY adj. 1. having the form of a question; consisting of questions ...1653
* adj. 2. that asks questions ...1711
* n. a list of questions ...1541
• QUESTIONATIVELY †* adv. as a question ...1657
• QUESTIONEE * n. one who is questioned ...1866
• QUESTIONFUL † n. a full reply to a question ...1647 nonce word
• QUESTION LAY vb. 'to knock at a door early in the morning and ask for the master of the house, and if he's a bed, to desire the servant not to disturb him. for you'll wait till he rises. and so you take an opportunity of stealing something ...18C UK criminals' sl.
• QUESTION-SICK † adj. having a mania for questioning ...1647
• QUESTION-WISE † adv. as a question ...1642
• QUESTMONGER † n. one who made a business of conducting inquests ...1377
• QUESTRIST †* n. one who goes in quest of another ...1605
• QUESTRYMEN †* n. jurymen ...c1690
• QUETCH † vb. 1. to shake; to brandish; to drive, to chase ...c825
† vb. 2. of persons or animals: to move the body or any part of it; to stir; in later use, to shrink, to wince, to twitch with pain, and usually in negative clauses ...c1205 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to stir or move from one place to another; to go, to run. to hasten ...c1205
† vb. 4. of things: to shake, to tremble ...c1205
† vb. 5. to utter a sound; usually in negative clauses ...1530 obs. Eng. dial.
• QUETHE †* n. speech; address; sound; cry; clamour ...a1300
† vb. 1. to speak, say, declare, tell, call ...c825
†* vb. 2. to promise ...c1250
† vb. 3. to assign by will; to bequeath ...1303
• QUETHE-WORD † n. a legacy, bequest ...1481
• QUETHING † n. bequeathing ...c1380
• QUEUE adj. homosexual ...1940s sl.
n. the tailpiece of a violin or other instrument ...1876
• QUEUE-PEE n. the curls of hair on the top of a child's head ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEVEN †* vb. ? to plunge ...c1325
• QUEY-LAIKENS n. cows ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEYNTE n. the vagina ...14C usage
• QUEZZEN † vb. 1. to choke, to stifle, to smother ...1561 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to smoulder away without flame ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUEZZIE n. a question ...2002 UK sl.
• QUHAUP n. a goblin, an evil spirit, supposed to go about under the eaves of houses after the fall of night, having a long beak resembling a pair of tongs for the purpose of carrying off evildoers ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIAMS n. whims; singular notions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIAMS AND QUAVERS n. affected speech and gesture ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIB †* adv. in an affected or punning style ...1614
† n. 1. a quibble; an evasion of the point at issue ...a1550
†* n. 2. a gibe, quip ...1656
†* vb. to taunt, to gibe at, to quip ...1592
• QUIBBLE n. a play upon words; a pun ...1611
† vb. 1. to pun, to play on words ...a1629
† vb. 2. to quiver, to shake ...1726 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIBBLEISM * n. the practice of quibbling ...1836
• QUIBBLY * adj. of the nature of a quibble ...1895
vb. to quiver, to shake ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIBIBBLE † n. a quibble ...1606
• QUIBIBE †* n. a quibble ...a1550
• QUIBIBLE † n. ? a pipe or whistle ...a1529
• QUIBLET † n. a quibble ...1630
• QUIBLIN † n. 1. a pun or quibble; a trick ...1605
n. 2. a small or inferior kind of herring ...1921 Sc.
• QUIBOW † n. the branch of a tree; a bough ...1825 Sc.
• QUICH vb. to cry out as a baby ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICHE-EATER n. a sensitive man; an effeminate male ...1984 US sl.
• QUICHE OUT vb. to concede defeat in a cowardly manner; to behave in a weak and effeminate manner ...2006 UK sl.
• QUICK † adj. 1. of possessions or property: consisting of animals, live (stock) ...871-89
† adj. 2. living, endowed with life, in contrast to what is naturally inanimate ...c888 obs . exc. Eng. dial. or arch.
† adj. 3. of persons and animals: in a live state, living, alive ...c888 obs. exc. Eng. dial. or arch.
* adj. 4. of wells, springs, streams, or water: running, flowing ...c1000
adj. 5. of plants or their parts: alive, growing...c1000
† adj. 6. of coals: live, burning ...c1000
†* adj. 7. of the voice: loud, clear ...c1205
†* adj. 8. of the complexion: having the freshness of life ...a1225
† adj. 9. of speech, writings, etc.: lively, full of vigour or acute reasoning; smart, sprightly ...a1225
†* adj. 10. of things seen: lifelike, vivid ...a1300
* adj. 11. of persons: full of vigour, energy or activity ...a1300
adj. 12. of fire or flames: burning strongly or briskly ...c1374
† adj. 13. of places or times: full of activity or business; busy; of trade; brisk ...c1386
adj. 14. of feelings: lively, vivid, keen, strongly felt ...c1449
† adj. 15. of rock: natural, 'living' ...c1475
† adj. 16. hasty, impatient, hot-tempered ...1549 ?obs.
† adj. 17. of a taste or smell: sharp, pungent, brisk ...1573
† adj. 18. of speech or writing: sharp, caustic ...1580
* adj. 19. of air or light: sharp, piercing ...1608
† adj. 20. of wine and other liquors: brisk, effervescent ...1620
* adj. 21. of colour: vivid, bright, dazzling ...1664
† adj. 22. of steel: breaking readily; brittle ...1677
adj. 23. of a curve, turn, etc.: sharp ...1725
adj. 24. swarming, infested ...1880 Sc.
adj. 25. well-dressed and clever ...L19 UK society sl.
adj. 26. lost without hope of recovery ...Bk1905 Sc.
adj. 27. pregnant ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adv. quickly ...20C usage
† n. 1. that which is alive ...c1000
†* n. 2. livestock, cattle ...a1400-50
n. 3. living plants ,,,1456-7
†* n. 4. a quick-mire, a quagmire ...1648
† n. 5. a Nonconformist ...1708 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a small flesh-eating insect, a maggot ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 7. an insect ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. life ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 9. the growing part of a plant nearest to the roots ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 10. instantly available money ...1950s US Black sl.
n. 11. a sudden, sharp pain; a crick in the neck ...1965 Amer. dial.
n. 12. an instant, a moment ...1986 Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to give or restore life to ...c950
† vb. 2. of persons, animals, and plants, or their parts: to come to life; to revive ...c1000
† vb. 3. of a fire: to kindle, to begin to burn ...c1175
* vb. 4. to give or restore vigour to; to stir up, to inspire ...a1300
†* vb. 5. of a rumour: to arise, to spread ...c1425
vb. 6. to hurry, to cause to hasten ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK, THE n. the living ...c888
• QUICK-AND-DIRTY adj. 1. slipshod; used of any kind of instant remedy. possibly not the best one for long term dependence ...1970s sl.
adj. 2. constructed as quickly as possible ...1991 US sl.
n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1950 Amer. sl.
• QUICK-AND-FILTHY n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICK-AND-GREASY n. a small, cheap restaurant that usually serves food or poor quality; a greasy spoon ...1967 Amer. sl.
• QUICK AND QUETHING † adj. alive and able to speak ...1529
• QUICK AND QUIDDER * adv. quickly, forthwith ...1633 Sc.
• QUICK AS A BEETLE adj. very slow ...1888
• QUICK AS A CAT CAN BAT ITS EYE adv. very quickly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• QUICK AS BUNNY FUCKS adj. very fast ...1990s sl.
• QUICK AS DAMMIT adj. exceedingly quick...20C colloq.
• QUICK AS SCAT adj. very quick ...1927 Amer. dial.
• QUICK AS TICK-TACK adv. instantly ...1902 Sc.
• QUICK BUCK n. a quick profit ...1960 sl., orig. US
• QUICK CHEESE n. cottage cheese ...1941 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-COME-BY adj. easily gained or earned ...1899 Eng. dial.
• QUICK CON n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1844 Amer. dial.
• QUICK CONSUMPTION n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1844 Amer. dial.
• QUICKDRAW MCGRAW n. the US Secret Service agent who is closest to the president ...1981 US sl.
• QUICKED-UP adj. hurriedly arranged; sudden, hastened ...1893 Amer. dial.
• QUICKEN †* n. a living creature ...1523
vb. 1. of a female: to reach the stage of pregnancy at which the child shows signs of life ...1530
vb. 2. to put life into; to revive as from a state of insensibility ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to stimulate; to urge to greater speed or exertion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICKENANCE †* n. quickening ...a1617
• QUICKENING n. yeast, a quantity of yeast ...1598 Eng. dial.
• QUICKER THAN CHAIN LIGHTNING adj. remarkably quick ...1910 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN SCAT adj. very quick ...1860 Amer. dial.
• QUICKER THAN YOU CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON adj. very quick ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUICK FEVER n. a virulent wasting disease, esp. tuberculosis ...1950 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-FIX adj. of a solution: instant, if not wholly dependable ...1970s sl.
n. (usually as 'quick fix') an expedient, temporary solution, esp. one that merely postpones having to cope with an overall problem ...1965 colloq.
• QUICK-FOOT adv. in haste, swiftly ...1891
• QUICK-FRESH n. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
• QUICK-GO n. in sports: a player who does not last very long on a team ...1972 US sl.
• QUICK-GOODS n. all kinds of living things ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICKIE adj. 1. carried out quickly ...1940 US sl.
adj. 2. of a part of the body: experienced sharp pain or extreme sensitivity ...1984 Amer. dial.
n. 1. anything performed in a speedy, perfunctory manner ...1930s sl.
n. 2. the act of backing a horse after the result of a race is known ...1934 sl.
n. 3. a quick drink ...1940s sl.
n. 4. a quick, 'dirty' story, related at the end of a party or drinking session ...1940s sl.
n. 5. a spontaneous and brief act of sexual intercourse; hence the person with whom one has that intercourse ...1940s sl.
n. 6. an unexpected, quickly executed manoeuvre or piece of trickery ...1950 US sl.
n. 7. fellatio ...1970s US homosexual sl.
n. 8. beer ...1990s sl.
• QUICKIES n. zippered trousers ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICKISH adj. 1. quick ...1900 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. somewhat spirited ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adv. quickly ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-LINE † n. asbestos ...1601
• QUICKLING n. a young insect ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-LUNCH n. a fast-food small restaurant ...1959 Can. sl.
• QUICKLY †* adj. lively ...1435
• QUICK-MIRE † n. a quagmire ...c1394 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUICKNESS * n. 1. life, vitality, vital principle ...a1225
† n. 2. animation, liveliness, briskness, vigour, freshness ...c1369
† n. 3. sharpness, keenness; pungency or acidity of taste; sharpness of speech ...1611
• QUICK ONE n. 1. a spontaneous and brief act of sexual intercourse ...20C sl.
n. 2. an act of urination ...1910s sl.
n. 3. a drink intended to be taken quickly ...1928 sl.
n. 4. a brief act of masturbation ...1940s sl.
n. 5. an unexpected act of betrayal ...1950 US sl.
• QUICK ON THE BUZZER adj. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
• QUICK ON THE DRAW adj. 1. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
adj. 2. impetuous ...L19 sl.
adj. 3. suffering from premature ejaculation ...1930s sl.
• QUICK ON THE TRIGGER adj. 1. bright, intelligent, quick to act ...19C sl.
adj. 2. impulsive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
adj. 3. hot-tempered ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUICK QUID n. money that is earned quickly and, possibly, illicitly ...1920s Aust. sl.
• QUICK QUIDDER adv. swiftly, quickly ...1866 Sc.
• QUICKS n. 1. living persons ...c897
† n. 2. living things ...c1000 rare or obs.
• QUICK-SAND n. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
• QUICKSET adj. of a beard: rough, bristling ...1599
• QUICKSET IMP n. the penis ...Urquhart usage
• QUICKSHIP †* n. quickness ...a1225
• QUICKSHIT n. absolute nonsense ...2000s Aust. sl.
• QUICK SHOT † n. small drinking vessels that are quickly emptied ...1624
• QUICKSILVER adj. resembling quicksilver in quickness of movement ...1655
n. 1. LSD when combined with another drug ...1970s drugs sl.
n. 3. isobutyl nitrite ...1970s drugs sl.
• QUICK-SMART adv. quickly ...1952 Aust. sl.
• QUICKSOME adj. full of life, lively, alert ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-SPRING n. 1. a spring in mossy ground ...a1838 Sc.
n. 2. a piece of loose skin behind the fingernail; a hangnail ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK-SPUR † n. one who rides quickly ...1600
• QUICK-START n. 1. an upstart ...1874 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a rubber-soled canvas shoe; a sneaker ...1982 Amer. dial.
• QUICKSTEP n. diarrhoea ...1776 Amer. dial.
• QUICK-STICK(S) adv. quickly, without delay ...1877
• QUICK-STUFF n. livestock ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUICKSVILLE adv. fast, quickly ...1960s US sl.
• QUICK-TEMPERED adj. pliant ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUICK THINKING, BATMAN phr. used for a humorous, if sarcastic, response to another's observation or conclusion ...1968 US sl.
• QUICKTIME adv. quickly, immediately ...M19 UK Black sl.
• QUICK-TURN BURN n. the refuelling and reloading of an F-18 fighter jet in less than five minutes ...1991 US sl.
• QUICK-WATER n. running water ...1897 Eng. dial.
• QUICK WITH CHILD † adj. said of a female in the stage of pregnancy at which the motion of the foetus is felt ...c1450 now rare or obs.
• QUICQUIDLIBET †* n. whatever one pleases; anything whatsoever ...1647
• QUICUMQUE VULT n. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUICUNQUE VULT n. a prostitute ...L18 sl.
• QUID n. 1. a sovereign; a guinea; a pound ...1688 sl.
†* n. 2. money, cash ...a1700 sl.
n. 3. the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl.
n. 4. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
n. 5. five dollars ...1988 US sl.
† vb. 1. to say, to speak ...c1000
vb. 2. to work as a wood-wright or carpenter in a small way ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDAM * n. somebody; a certain person ...1579
• QUIDAMITY n. an allusion to 'somebody' ...1892
• QUID BOX n. a snuff-box ...L18 sl.
• QUIDDATIVE * adj. full of equivocations, quirky ...1642
• QUID DEAL n. a drug sale involving one pound's worth of drugs, usually marijuana ...1983 UK sl.
• QUIDDER adv. swiftly, quickly, esp. of sudden vanishing ...1866 Sc.
n. a wood-wright or carpenter in a small way of business ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDIE n. 1. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
n. 2. a wooden chamber-pot ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIDDIKIE n. a tub ...a1838 Sc.
• QUIDDISH adj. good-natured ...M18 sl.
• QUIDDIT n. a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1592 now arch.
• QUIDDITATIVE † adj. 1. full of equivocations; quirky ...1611
† adj. 1. pert. to the essence of a thing ...1650
• QUIDDITY n. 1. a subtlety or captious nicety in argument; a quirk, a quibble ...1539
n. 2. the real nature or essence of a thing; that which makes a thing what it is ...1569
• QUIDDLE n. 1. a fussy, over-particular, or fastidious person; one hard to satisfy in trifling matters of diet, etc.; one who wastes his energy about trifles ...1856 Eng. & Amer. dial.
n. 2. a pimple ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to discourse in a trifling way ...1567 now chiefly Eng. & Amer. dial.
† vb. 2. to trifle or play with ...a1652
vb. 3. to trifle, to waste time; to be anxious about trifles; to fuss about, to fidget ...1832 now chiefly Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to suck food in the mouth; to chew ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to suck, as a child does his thumb ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to squeeze with the fingers ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to crawl on the flesh ...1909 Amer. dial.
vb. 8. to give away a secret or tell a piece of news too soon ...1969 Amer. dial.
• QUIDDLER n. one who fusses over small matters, or spends time in trifling niceties ...1835 Amer. dial.
• QUIDDLES n. whims, foolish fancies ...1891 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDLING adj. fussing, trifling, mincing ...1841 Amer. dial.
n. 1. the spending of time in trifling employments ...1841 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a semi-imbecile, stupid manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDLY vb. to oscillate, to shake; to totter; to get about with difficulty ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDDY adj. brisk, sharp; shrewd ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
phr. what did you say? I didn't hear what you said? ...1894 Eng. dial.
• QUIDE † n. 1. a saying, speech, statement ...c888
† n. 2. a will, legacy, bequest ...950
†* n. 3. a promise ...c1250
• QUID FISHING n. first-class, expert thieving ...L19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIDGY adj. very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. something very small ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIDIFICAL †* adj. quibbling, captious; triflingly subtle ...1542
• QUIDLET n. a pound sterling ...1900s sl.
• QUIDNUNC n. 1. one who is constantly asking: 'What now?' 'What's the news?'; one who is curious to know everything; one who pretends to know all that is going on; hence, an inquisitive person; a gossip, a newsmonger ...1709
n. 2. a politician ...1886 sl.
• QUID-NUNC-ISM n. curiosity; love of news or gossip ...1847 nonce word
• QUIDNUNCKERY n. curiosity; love of news or gossip ...1804 nonce word
• QUID PRO QUO † n. one who assumes a false character ...1689
• QUIDS adj. doing well ...1910s sl.
n. 1. money ...L17 sl.
n. 2. a large amount of money ...1930 Aust.
• QUIDS IN adj. 1. prospering; at an advantage ...1919 UK sl.
adj. 2. first-class, excellent ...1950s UK prison & criminals' sl.
adj. 3. of a person: reliable ...1950s UK prison & criminals' sl.
adv. in profit ...1919 sl.
• QUIDS UP adj. doing well ...1910s sl.
• QUID-WORM n. a centipede ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIEL-LAAUNE † n. a smart, lively fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIEN n. a dog ...M19 sl.
• QUIENNAL †* n. a dispensation or indulgence for five years ...c1380
• QUIER n. a vault ...1900 Sc.
• QUIESCE vb. to become quiescent or quiet ...1833
• QUIESCENCE n. quietness; an instance of this ...a1631
• QUIESCENCY n. quietness; an instance of this ...1649
• QUIESCENT adj. 1. motionless, inactive, at rest ...1646
* adj. 2. silent, not speaking ...1791
• QUIESCEOUS †* adj. belonging to quiescence ...1688
• QUIET † adj. 1. acting or living quietly; remaining hid or secret; fast asleep ...1533 Sc.
†* adj. 2. sheltered from the wind ...1596
adj. 3. sheepish ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
adj. 4. gentle, civil, not given to strong language ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. freedom from work or occupation; rest, repose ...1340
vb. to silence, to lull ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIETANT n. anything that makes quiet or soothes ...1875
• QUIET AS THE GROUND adj. very quiet ...1898 Eng. dial.
• QUIETATION † n. the act of quieting; the state of being quiet or quieted ...1502
• QUIET-CLOTHES BOY n. a plain-clothes policeman ...1930s US criminals' sl.
• QUIET DOWN vb. to kill, to murder ...1970s US sl.
• QUIETFUL †* adj. full of quiet; calm ...c1440
• QUIETIE n. a quiet drink ...1995 Aust. sl.
• QUIET IS KEPT phr. used to request secrecy after making a revelation ...2000s US Black sl.
• QUIETIVE n. that which tends to produce quiet; a sedative ...1894
• QUIETIZE * vb. to make quiet; to calm ...1791
• QUIETLY adv. gradually ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIET ONE n. a private or surreptitious drink ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUIETOUS †* adj. quiet, peaceful ...1550
• QUIETOUSLY † adv. quietly, peacefully ...1550
• QUIET-SIDE adj. secret ...1976 US sl.
• QUIETSOME † adj. quiet, silent, calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed ...1595 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIET-TONGUED adj. not talkative ...1895 Eng. dial.
• QUIETUDE n. quietness; rest, calm, tranquillity ...1597
• QUIET VILLAGE n. Venice, California ...1980s US Black sl.
• QUIETY †* n. quietness ...c1470 Sc
• QUIFF adj. second-rate, lightweight ...1960s US sl.
n. 1. the female genitals ...18C sl.
n. 2. a puff, a short smoke of a pipe ...1831 Sc.
n. 3. a dodge, a trick; a knack; a verbal catch ...1881 Eng. dial.
n. 4. a breath; a whiff ...1889 Eng. dial.
n. 5. a young woman, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1923 sl., orig. Eng. dial.
n. 6. a woman as a sex object ...1923 UK sl.
n. 7. a prostitute ...1931 sl.
n. 8. a male homosexual ...1977 US sl.
vb. 1. to copulate ...18C Brit. cant
vb. 2. to come up with a cunning dodge or trick; to go or do well, to get along pleasantly ...L19 sl.
vb. 3. to puff; to smoke ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIFFING n. copulating or chasing after women for sexual purposes ...L18 Brit. cant
• QUIFT vb. to quaff, to tipple ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIG † n. 1. a Nonconformist ...1708 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a twig ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIGGER n. a hotchpotch; a mess, as of badly-cooked food; a muddle or botch in general ...1967 Sc.
vb. to work in something messy or in an ineffectual, messy or muddling way ...1960 Sc.
• QUIGLE vb. of water: to make a lapping or gurgling sound ...1955 Sc.
• QUIGNOGS n. ridiculous or foolish notions or conceits ...1888 Eng. dial.
• QUI-HAI n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HI n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HI n. an English resident of Calcutta ...M19 Anglo-Indian
• QUI-HY n. a former colonial administrator or Indian Army soldier ...19C Anglo-Indian
• QUILE n. a live coal, a glowing ember of coal, peat, wood, etc.; a red-hot cinder ...1866 Sc.
vb. 1. to quell; to subdue through fear ...1791 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1818 Amer. dial.
• QUILE DOWN vb. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1894 Amer. dial.
• QUILE UP vb. to make or become quiet; to settle down ...1845 Amer. dial.
• QUILICOM †* n. an idle fancy, conceit, or quibble ...1644
• QUILKEY n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILKIN n. a frog, or young toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILKQUIN n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILL † n. 1. a small pipe or tube; a small water-pipe ...c1433
n. 2. a penis ...17C sl.
† n. 3. a tap or faucet ...1611
† n. 4. the faucet or bung of a cask ...1777 Eng. dial.
n. 5. the throat, the gullet ...1827 Sc.
n. 6. the humour, mood, or vein for anything ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a spring of water ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a folded over matchbook cover that hides a narcotic drug ...1910s sl.
n. 9. a drinking straw ...1913 Amer. dial.
n. 10. an attempt to curry favour ...1918 Amer. dial.
n. 11. first-rate whisky; the genuine thing as opposed to the 'bathtub' or 'rotgut' versions produced during Prohibition ...1920s US sl.
n. 12. first-rate opium ...1920s US sl.
n. 13. anything used to snort powdered drugs; the drugs themselves ...1935 US sl.
n. 14. a steam-locomotive whistle ...1940 Amer. dial.
n. 15. a toothpick, usually one made from a goose quill ...1950 Amer. dial.
n. 16. cocaine ...1980s sl.
n. 17. heroin ...1980s sl.
n. 18. methamphetamine ...1980s sl.
vb. 1. to bubble up as a fountain or spring ...1854 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to move quickly ...1869 Amer. dial.
vb. 3. to use a quill or writing pen; to write ...1890 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to toady; to curry favour with ...1918 Amer. dial.
vb. 5. to be very friendly and spend time gossiping ...1969 Amer. dial.
• QUILL-BOY n. a term of reproach for a person incapable of much work ...1853 Ireland
• QUILL-DRIVER n. one who works with a quill or pen; a clerk or author; chiefly used contemptuously ...1760
• QUILL-DRIVING n. working as a journalist ...L18 Aust. sl.
• QUILLED adj. of the flesh: roughed by cold; having goose-flesh ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILLER † n. 1. an unfledged bird ...1591 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. one who quills material, especially into the form of a ruff
n. 3. a toady, a parasite; a person who sucks neatly through a quill ...B1900 sl.
• QUILLET † n. 1. a small plot or narrow strip of land ...1533-4 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a verbal nicety or subtle distinction; a quirk, a quibble ...1588
†* n. 3. a hamlet ...1597-8
† vb. to quibble ...1653
• QUILLETY †* n. 1. a quirk, a quibble ...1573
n. 2. the penis ...Urquhart usage
• QUILLITY †* n. a quirk, a quibble ...1573
• QUILL PIG n. 1. a hedgehog ...Bk1942 Amer. Western sl.
n. 2. a porcupine ...2003 US sl.
• QUILLS n. 1. money ...M19 sl.
n. 2. a yeoman ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl.
n. 3. a porcupine or hedgehog ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUILL-WALLOPER n. a clerk ...L18 sl.
• QUILL-WHEEL n. 1. a rickety wagon ...1892 Amer. dial.
n. 2. a disagreeable person ...1959 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to yield, to give up; to collapse physically ...1851 Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to roam about ...1953 Amer. dial.
• QUILLY n. 1. a prank, freak; a caper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a roughness of the skin caused by cold; goose-flesh ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILP vb. to swallow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILQUIN n. a frog; occasionally, a toad ...1846 Eng. dial.
• QUILSTERING adj. of the weather: sweltering, close, hot, sultry ...1777 Eng. dial.
• QUILT adj. fatigued; unfit for work ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† n. 1. a big, fat, clumsy person or object ...1596 obs. exc. Sc. & Eng. dial.
† n. 2. a soft bed ...1693
n. 3. a wife ...M19 US sl.
n. 4. a blow, a wallop ...1880 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 5. a fool, someone who acts against their own interests ...20C Irish sl.
n. 6. a petulant, pedantic, pernickety man ...20C Irish sl.
n. 7. a timid, effeminate man ...20C sl.
n. 8. a pimple; a boil, a small blister ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 9. the act of swallowing; the swallowing power; the amount swallowed at one movement of the throat; a small drink ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 1. to compile a literary work by putting together scraps from various sources ...1605
vb. 2. to swallow, esp. to swallow a large amount at one gulp; to catch the breath in swallowing ...a1658 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to beat, to thrash, to flog ...1836 Eng. & Amer. dial.
vb. 4. to be very fidgety ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. to claw and pound with the claws as a cat upon a carpet ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to kiss ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILTER n. 1. a flutter, fluster; agitation of mind ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 2. anybody or anything very large ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to flutter ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUILTING n. a beating; a flogging; a punishment; a blow with a stick ...1836 Eng. & Amer. dial.
• QUILTPOINT †* n. a counterpane ...a1300
• QUILTY adj. of clothes: luxurious ...1960s US Black sl.
vb. to swallow ...1864 Eng. dial.
• QUILWHEEL vb. to collapse physically ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• QUIM adj. prim, affectedly nice ...20C Irish sl.
adv. moving easily, precisely ...20C Irish sl.
n. 1. female genitals ...1735 sl.
n. 2. used collectively with reference to women, often with an implication of promiscuity; a woman viewed as a sex object ...1935 sl.
n. 3. the anus ...1930s US homosexual sl.
n. 4. a heterosexual inmate, subjected to homosexual rape ...1970s US prison & homosexual sl.
vb. to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl.
• QUIM AND COSH adj. intimate and familiar ...1723 Sc.
• QUIMBLE AND QUAMBLE vb. to fondle, to caress, to say nice things ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIM BUSH n. female pubic hair ...L18 sl.
• QUIMBY n. a person completely lacking in social graces ...1997 US sl.
• QUIM CHIN n. a bearded person ...1990s sl.
• QUIMFILL adj. having one's penis fully embedded in the vagina ...1990s sl.
• QUIMLING n. manipulation of woman's body in an attempt to produce orgasm, generally regarded as cunnilingus, but not limited to such ...1990s sl.
• QUIMMO n. a fool; an unpleasant person ...1999 UK sl.
• QUIM NUTS n. notably large and pendant labia ...1990s US sl.
• QUIMP adj. unsoldierly; slack ...Amer. World War I sl.
n. a socially inept person ...1970s US college sl.
• QUIM-QUAMS n. mild emotional upset ...1967 Amer. dial.
• QUIMSBY n. the vagina ...E18 sl.
• QUIMSTAKE n. the penis ...19C sl.
• QUIM-STICK n. the penis ...19C sl.
• QUIM-STICKER n. a womanizer ...19C sl.
• QUIMWEDGE n. the penis ...19C sl.
vb. to have sexual intercourse ...L19 sl.
• QUIM WHISKERS n. female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• QUIM WIG n. female pubic hair ...19C sl.
• QUIN n. the vagina ...E18 sl.
• QUINARY adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1603
* n. a set of five; a compound consisting of five things ...1651
• QUINCE n. 1. of a situation or object: a failure ...1900s US sl.
n. 2. a weakling; a fool ...20C Aust. & US sl.
n. 3. a term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
n. 4. an effeminate male; a homosexual, esp. one who can be both active and passive ...1941 Aust. sl.
n. 5. an unattractive person ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. 6. the buttocks ...1990s Aust. sl.
† vb. to move, to stir, to make a slight noise; to start, to flinch ...1530
• QUINCEANERA n. a young woman's fifteenth birthday celebration; a coming-out-party ...1989 Amer. Spanish settlements usage
• QUINCENTENARY adj. pert. to the 500th year ...1884
n. a 500th anniversary or the celebration of this ...1879
• QUINCENTENNIAL adj. pert. to a 500th anniversary ...1884
• QUINCH † n. a twitch or jerk of the body; a twinge ...1571 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
† vb. 1. to move, to stir, to make a slight noise; to start, to flinch, to wince ...1530 obs. exc. Amer. dial.
vb. 2. to put out, to extinguish, as a candle ...Bk1905 Ireland
vb. 3. to stop up, to fill ...Bk1905 Ireland
• QUINCUPEDAL †* adj. having the measure of five feet ...Bk1658
†* n. a measure or rule of five foot long ...Bk1656
• QUINCUPLE †* adj. fivefold; multiplied by five; consisting of five things or parts ...1774
• QUINCURION †* n. a leader of five men ...1632
• QUINCURY †* n. a body of five men ...1632
• QUINDECAD * n. a set of fifteen ...1855
• QUINDENARY †* n. a set of fifteen ...1681
• QUINE n. 1. a bold, impudent, shameless, or malevolent woman; a hussy, a slut ...1720 Sc.
n. 2. a woman; a damsel; a term of endearment for a little girl ...1703 Sc.
n. 3. a maidservant ...1818 Sc.
n. 4. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 5. coin; money ...1872 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a corner; in masonry: the exterior or interior angle of a wall ...1873 Eng. dial.
n. 7. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
vb. to coin money ...1825 Eng. dial.
• QUINGENARIOUS †* adj. of five hundred, or weighing five hundred pound ...Bk1656
• QUINGENTENARY n. a 500th anniversary or the celebration of ...1884
• QUINGENTUMVIRATE †* n. a government consisting of five hundred men ...1642
• QUINIBLE †* adj. fivefold; quintuple ...1398
†* n. a fivefold amount ...a1400
• QUINIE n. 1. a corner in general; the external angle formed by the junction of two walls ...1704 Sc.
n. 2. a female child, a girl up to the end of her schooldays ...1832 Sc.
n. 3. coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
n. 4. a daughter ...1916 Sc.
• QUININE n. in craps: the number nine ...1950 US sl.
• QUINKINS n. 1. dregs or leavings of any kind; scum of a liquid; charred traces of food which have stuck to the saucepan; a fry-up after the killing of a pig; tidbits of any kind ...1825 Sc.
n. 2. a mere nothing; a worthless trifle ...1825 Sc.
• QUINKLE †* vb. of a light: to go out ...1513 Sc.
• QUINKYDINK n. a coincidence ...1990s US teen sl.
• QUINNY adv. quite, just yet; generally used negatively ...1839 Eng. dial.
• QUINOMBROM † n. a conundrum ...1659
• QUINQUAGENARIAN †* adj. 1. commanding fifty men ...1600
adj. 2. of fifty years of age; characteristic of one who is fifty years old ...1822
†* n. 1. a captain of fifty men ...1569
n. 2. a person aged fifty, or between fifty and sixty ...1843
• QUINQUAGENARY adj. of fifty years of age ...1715
†* n. 1. a captain of fifty men ...1382
n. 2. a fiftieth year or anniversary ...1588
• QUINQUAGENE †* n. a set of fifty ...1560
• QUINQUAGESIMAL adj. belonging to a set of fifty; containing fifty days ...1844
• QUINQUANGLE †* n. a pentagon ...1668
• QUINQUENARY * adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1690
• QUINQUENNAL † adj. lasting or continuing for five years ...1532 obs.
† n. a period of five years ...Bk1914
• QUINQUENNALIAN †* adj. occurring every fifth year ...1692
• QUINQUENNARIAN * n. one who is five years old ...1821
• QUINQUENNIAD n. a period of five years ...1842
• QUINQUENNIAL adj. 1. lasting or continuing for five years ...c1460
adj. 2. occurring every fifth year ...1610
adj. 3. five years old ...Bk1656
adj. 4. consisting of five years ...1884
n. a period of five years ...1895
• QUINQUENNIALLY adv. every five years ...1727
• QUINQUENNIUM n. a period of five years ...1621
• QUINQUESECT vb. to cut into five (equal) parts ...1697
• QUINQUESECTION n. section into five parts ...1684
• QUINQUEVIRATE n. an association, board, etc., consisting of five men ...1710
• QUINQUINVIRATE n. an association, board, etc., consisting of five men ...1710
• QUINQUIPLICATE †* vb. to multiply by five...Bk1656
• QUINQUIPLICATION † n. multiplication by five ...Bk1678
• QUINQUITY * n. a set of five things ...1849
• QUINSE †* vb. to cut, to carve ...1598
• QUINSELL †* n. a horse rein ...1598
• QUINT * adj. pert. to the number five; consisting of five things or parts ...1881
†* n. 1. a set of five persons ...1678
n. 2. in piquet: a sequence of five cards of the same suit, counting as fifteen ...1680
n. 3. a tax of one-fifth ...1526
n. 4. in music, an interval of a fifth ...1865
n. 5. a fussy old maid ...1916 Amer. dial.
n. 6. in poker: five cards of the same suit in sequence ...1979 US sl.
* vb. to count ...1911 Sc.
• QUINTAL n. a weight of one hundred pounds; a hundred-weight (112 lbs.); one hundred kilograms ...c1470
• QUINTARY †* n. a multiple of five ...1729
• QUINTED adj. of animals: over-filled, stuffed to repletion ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUINTER n. a ewe in her third year ...1779 Sc.
• QUINTEROON n. one who is fifth in descent from a Black person, and has one-sixteenth of Black blood ...1797
• QUINTESSENTIATE * vb. to extract the quintessence of ...1606
• QUINTILE †* n. July ...Bk1656
• QUINTILIAN †* adj. of the month of July ...Bk1623
• QUINTILLION n. in Great Britain: 1 followed by thirty ciphers; in US, 1 followed by 18 ciphers ...1674
• QUINT MAJOR n. in poker: a sequence of five cards, same suit, ending with the face cards ...1988 US sl.
• QUINTROON n. one who is fifth in descent from a Black person, and has one-sixteenth of Black blood ...1835
• QUINTRY n. country ...1785 Sc.
• QUINTUPLATION †* n. multiplication by five ...1684
• QUINTUPLICATE * adj. five times repeated; consisting of five things, parts etc. ...1656
* n. a set of five; one of a set of five similar things ...1851
• QUINTUPLICATION * n. the act of multiplying by five ...1674
• QUINTUPLY * adv. in a fivefold manner ...1870
• QUINTY adj. like an old maid; fussy, fastidious ...1916 Amer. dial.
• QUINYIE † n. a corner ...1588 Sc.
• QUINZAINE * n. a fortnightly event, meeting, etc. ...1856
• QUINZIE n. 1. a corner ...1742 Sc.
n. 2. coin, money, cash ...1832 Sc.
• QUIP vb. to equip, to make ready ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIPPIE †* n. a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPPY †* n. a quip; a sharp or sarcastic remark directed against a person ...1519
• QUIPS n. a tiny piece or amount ...1950s W. Indies Rasta
• QUIPS AND QUIRKS n. tricks, sharp practices ...1871 Eng. dial.
• QUIRATION n. an inquiry ...1886 Amer. dial.
• QUIRD n. a lump of excrement ...1866 Sc.
• QUIRE †* vb. to ask, to inquire ...a1300 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUIRE BIRD n. a mendicant villain who, recently released from prison, returns to robbery, specializing in stealing horses ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRE COVE n. a villain ...L16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRE CUFFIN n. a Justice of the Peace ...M16 UK criminals' sl.
• QUIRER † n. a chorister ...1624
• QUIRITATION †* n. a complaint, a lament ...1634
• QUIRITIAN * n. a Roman citizen ...1880
• QUIRK n. 1. a dodge, a trick; a quibble, catch; a question asked in order to elicit information ...1786 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a deep breath drawn when in pain ...1847 Eng. dial.
n. 3. the end of a pig's tail ...1885 Eng. dial.
n. 4. an untrustworthy person ...20C Irish sl.
n. 5. a cheat; an impostor ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a fuss; a whim, fancy ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 7. anything out of the square; a twist, a bend, a circle ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 8. a pupil ... World War I aviators' sl.
n. 9. a type of slow, steady aeroplane used to train pilots ...1917 Royal Air Force sl.
n. 10. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
n. 11. a sudden, sharp pain ...1966 Amer. dial.
vb. 1. to grunt, to groan; to grumble ...1746 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to croak; to squeal as an animal in pain; to emit the breath forcible, esp. after violent exertion ...1790 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to cheat, to overreach; to elude by stratagem; to play a trick or prank ...1791 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 4. to turn quickly ...1821 Eng. dial.
vb. 5. of a lamp: to flicker ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 6. to die ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to question; to draw a person out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKEN vb. to choke, esp. to choke for some seconds while drinking ...1790 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKIE adj. 1. cunning, wily, resourceful, tricky ...1806 Sc.
adj. 2. intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKING adj. 1. given to peevish complaining; grumbling, querulous ...1746 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. nimble, agile; of a tune: intricate, quickly changing ...1821 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLE n. 1. a puzzle in which the answer depends on a catch or quibble ...1824 Sc.
n. 2. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
n. 3. a twist ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLED adj. twisted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKLUM n. 1. a little arithmetical puzzle in which the answer depends on a catch or quibble ...1824 Sc.
n. 2. a riddle, a catch-question, an arithmetical problem ...1929 Sc.
• QUIRKLY adj. twisted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIRKNESS n. intricacy, elaboration ...1802 Sc.
• QUIRKSOME * adj. 1. quirky; full of quirks or shifts; tricky ...1896
adj. 2. subtle ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRKY adj. 1. cunning, wily, resourceful, tricky ...1806 Sc.
adj. 2. playful, witty, merry, good-humoured ...1856 Sc. & Eng. dial.
adj. 3. intricate, twisted, complicated ...1896 Sc.
• QUIRL n. a curl, a twist, a twirl ...1880 Scot. & US
vb. to whirl ...1808 Sc.
• QUIRLEY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled cigarette ...1932 Aust. & US sl.
• QUIRLICHIE adj. curly, twisted, tangled ...1928 Sc.
• QUIRLICUE n. a curlicue ...1885
• QUIRLIE n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1939 Amer. dial.
• QUIRLY n. a cigarette, esp. a hand-rolled one ...1932 Amer. dial.
• QUIRM vb. to disappear quickly and mysteriously ...Bk1905 Sc.
• QUIRT †* vb. 1. to block, fill, or stop up an opening ...1587
†* vb. 2. of a river: to be dammed back ...1602
• QUIRTY † adj. lively, vivacious, active, in good spirits; full of fun or mischief ...1790 Sc.
• QUIS * n. an odd or eccentric person, in character or appearance ..1782
• QUISBY adj. 1. bankrupt, poverty-stricken ...1853 sl.
adj. 2. queer, out of sorts, unwell ...1854 sl.
adj. 3. of events, objects, or people: unpleasant or malfunctioning ...M19 sl.
n. 1. an idler ...1837 sl.
n. 2. an eccentric person ...1838 sl.
• QUISBY SNITCH adj. of people: unwell; out of sorts ...M19 sl.
• QUISCOS adj. difficult to deal with or settle, ticklish, 'kittle'; stubborn ...1720 Sc.
• QUISET vb. to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISET ABOUT vb. to pry about ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISETING adj. inquisitive ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISHIN n. a cushion ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUISITE vb. to question; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISM n. an odd or witty saying; a quip ...1885 Eng. dial.
• QUISQUILIAN †* adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1716
• QUISQUILIARY †* adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1817
• QUISQUILIOUS * adj. of the nature of rubbish or refuse ...1802-12
• QUISQUIS † adj. perplexing, doubtful, debateful, dubious ...1720 Sc.
• QUISQUOSE adj. difficult to deal with or settle, ticklish, 'kittle'; stubborn; perplexing, doubtful, debateful, dubious ...1720 Sc.
• QUISQUOUS adj. perplexing, subtle; difficult to discuss, deal with, or settle; ticklish ...1721 Sc.
• QUISSHON n. a cushion ...1866 Eng. dial.
• QUIST † adj. silent ...1598
n. a queer fellow ...1853 Eng. dial.
vb. to twist ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISTED adj. twisted, spiral ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUISTICAL adj. odd, queer, fantastic, eccentric ...1822 Sc.
• QUIT † adj. 1. destitute, deprived of ...c1290
†* adj. 2. clean, complete ...1583
n. 1. an ankle ...1785 Sc.
* n. 2. a point of departure ...1892
†* vb. 1. to pay for a thing ...c1250
† vb. 2. to clear a suspected or accused person from a charge; to prove one innocent of ...a1300
† vb. 3. to pay back, to give back; to give in return ...a1300
† vb. 4. to set free, to release, to redeem (usually a person) ...a1300
vb. 5. to stop, to leave off ...1678 Sc. & Ireland
vb. 6. to free from debt ...1821 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. 7. to cease, to give up, to desist...1827 Sc.
vb. 8. to get out of the way, to 'clear out' ...1848 Ireland
• QUITAM n. a solicitor who takes an informer's fee for their prosecution of the case ...L18 sl.
• QUITCH † n. a coach ...a1693
† vb. 1. to shake; to brandish; to drive, to chase ...c825
† vb. 2. of persons or animals: to move the body or any part of it; to stir; in later use, to shrink, to wince, to twitch with pain, and usually in negative clauses ...c1205 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
† vb. 3. to stir or move from one place to another; to go, to run. to hasten ...c1205
† vb. 4. of things: to shake, to tremble ...c1205
† vb. 5. to utter a sound; usually in negative clauses ...1530 Eng. dial.
• QUITCHIE adj. of liquids: very hot, scalding hot ...1825 Sc.
• QUITCHY vb. to twitch; to make sudden, involuntary movements ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITE adj. 1. socially acceptable; usually in negative ...20C UK society sl.
adj. 2. of considerable size or importance ...1917 Amer. dial.
int. an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE AND CLEAR adv. entirely, altogether ...1735 Eng. dial.
• QUITE A SHUCKS adj. important ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUITELY † adv. 1. completely, altogether ...a1300
† adv. 2. freely, at liberty ...c1330
• QUITEMENT †* adv. completely, altogether ...a1300
• QUITE SO! int. an expression of agreement; absolutely, indeed ...M19 sl.
• QUITE SOMETHING n. a remarkable or exceptional thing ...1958 sl.
• QUITE THE BERRIES adj. excellent; first-rate ...1922 Amer. sl.
• QUITE THE CHEESE n. something excellent ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• QUITE TOO adv. a general intensifier ...L19 UK society sl.
• QUITHER n. a shake, tremble, shudder, quiver ...1899 Eng. dial.
vb. to talk or chatter low; to whisper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUITING n. 1. the game of curling ...1811 Sc.
n. 2. a bed cover, a coverlet ...a1838 Sc.
• QUITMENT n. an acquittance; a discharge; a receipt ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIT MONKEYING AROUND! int. hurry! ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUIT OFF vb. to stop doing something; to cease from ...1861 Amer. dial.
• QUIT OUT vb. to leave abruptly or suddenly; to stop ...1941 Amer. dial.
• QUIT-QUIT n. the note of the swallow ...1900 Eng. dial.
• QUITS † adj. clear, discharged of a liability ...1478
* n. reprisal, retaliation ...1865
int. used to request a truce or respite in a fight or active game ...1950 Amer. dial.
• QUITSEST †* n. release, discharge ...1587
• QUIT STICK n. a toothpick ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUITTAL † n. 1. requital ...c1530
† n. 2. acquittal ...1592
• QUITTANCE * n. 1. the act of quitting or leaving ...1892
† n. 2. acquittal ...a1225
†* vb. 1. to give a discharge ...1502
† vb. 2. to repay, to requite ...1590
† vb. 3. to give up, to cancel ...1592
• QUITTEE FOR QUATTEE phr. tit for tat ...1691 Eng. dial.
• QUITTER † n. 1. pus; suppurating matter; a purulent discharge from a wound or sore ...1297
†* n. 2. one who frees, discharges, etc. ...1611
n. 3. discharge, of a debt, etc.; receipt, payment ...1778 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 4. one who has abandoned drug use ...1950s drugs sl.
n. 5. a suicide ...1982 US sl.
† vb. 1. to form pus; to fill with pus ...1382
†* vb. 2. to flicker, to quiver ...1513 Sc.
†* vb. 3. to twitter ...1513 Sc.
• QUITTER FOR QUATTER phr. tit for tat ...1691 Eng. dial.
• QUITTERISH † adj. containing pus ...1668
• QUITTEROUS † adj. containing pus ...1543
• QUITTERY † adj. containing pus ...1398
• QUIT THE SCENE vb. to die ...1950s US Black sl.
• QUIT THE SHOP OF A PERSON vb. to dismiss, to remove ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIT THE SPHERE vb. to die ...M19 sl.
• QUITTING STICK n. a toothpick ...1965 Amer. dial.
• QUITTOR † n. pus; suppurating matter; a purulent discharge from a wound or sore ...1297
• QUITUATE vb. to leave school or college before the end of the course; to quit school ...1889 Amer. dial.
• QUITUATION n. withdrawal from school ...1937 Amer. dial.
• QUIVER † adj. active, nimble, brisk, smart, gay, lively; quick, rapid ...c960 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 1. the vagina ...M16 sl.
n. 2. a selection of surfboards, used for different surf conditions ...1977 US sl.
n. 3. cocaine ...1999 UK sl.
vb. to brag ...1881 Eng. dial.
• QUIVER AND SHAKE n. a steak ...20C Aust. rhyming sl.
• QUIVERATION n. a quivering; a trembling motion or condition ...1812 nonce word
• QUIVERISH adj. trembling, shaking ...1582
• QUIVERLY † adv. actively, quickly, smartly ...c960
• QUIVERNESS † n. activity ...1538
• QUIVERY * adj. trembling, shaking ...1877
• QUIVVER-GIVER n. an attractive person ...1947 US sl.
• QUIVVY n. a knack ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIXON n. a quicksand ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIXOTE n. an enthusiastic visionary person like Don Quixote, inspired by lofty and chivalrous but false or unrealizable ideals ...1648
• QUIXOTIC adj. 1. of a person: resembling Don Quixote; hence, striving with lofty enthusiasm for visionary ideals ...1815
adj. 2. of actions, undertakings, etc.: characteristic of Don Quixote ...1851
• QUIXOTIZE vb. to act in a quixotic manner ...1831
• QUIZ * n. 1. an odd or eccentric person, in character or appearance ..1782
* n. 2. an odd-looking thing ...1798
n. 3. a look ...19C sl.
n. 4. a monocle ...M19 sl.
n. 5. a prying, inquisitive person ...1885 Eng. dial.
n. 6. a question ...1920s US criminals' sl.
n. 7. a roadside sobriety test ...1976 US sl.
vb. 1. to make sport or fun of a person or thing, to turn to ridicule; occasionally, to regard with an air of mockery ...1796
vb. 2. to watch, to spy on ...19C thieves' sl.
vb. 3. to interrogate, to cross-question; to ask inquisitive question; to make prying inquiries ...1848 Sc. & Eng. dial.
* vb. 4. to make a whizzing sound ...1866
• QUIZCUSS n. a meddlesome, inquisitive person ...1887 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ OUT vb. to pry; to try to find out ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZ ROOM n. a room where the North Vietnamese interrogated US prisoners of war ...1990 US sl.
• QUIZZACIOUS adj. given to mocking, bantering, satirical ...c1830
• QUIZZATORIAL adj. of a quizzing character ...1810
• QUIZZER * n. a single eye-glass; a monocle ...1806
• QUIZZET vb. to question; to inquire into, to examine ...1930 Amer. dial.
• QUIZZICAL adj. inquisitive, prying ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZIFY * vb. to make into a quiz ...1834
• QUIZZINESS * n. eccentricity, oddness ...1798
• QUIZZING-GLASS n. a single eye-glass; a monocle ...1802
• QUIZZISH † adj. quizzical, causing amusement, comical ...1792
• QUIZZIT vb. to question; to inquire into, to examine; to ask prying questions ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZITY * n. an oddity ...1788
• QUIZZLE † vb. to suffocate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUIZZY adj. 1. causing amusement, comical ...1797
adj. 2. inquisitive, nosy ...1950s Aust. & NZ sl.
• QULIP n. a tulip ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOATH † vb. to faint ...1567
• QUOB n. 1. a marshy spot; a bog, a quagmire; a quicksand ...1876 Eng. dial.
n. 2. a throb; a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 3. an unfirm layer of fat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. to quiver like jelly; to throb; to palpitate ...1863 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBLE vb. of water: to make a noise in boiling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBLED adj. of a woman's hands: shrivelled and wrinkled from being too long in the washtub ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUOBBY adj. 1. marshy, boggy ...1881 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. flabby, wanting solidity ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOBMIRE † n. a quagmire ...1597 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• QUOBY! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOCK vb. 1. to vomit ...B1900 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to go shearing or harvesting at a distance from home ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKEN vb. to vomit; to choke, to suffocate ...1781 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKER n. one who goes harvesting to a distance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOCKERWODGER n. a politician acting in accordance with the instructions of an influential third party, rather than properly representing their constituents ...M19 sl.
• QUOD n. 1. a prison ...1700 sl.
n. 2. a prisoner ...E19 sl.
n. 3. a police station ...M19 sl.
vb. 1. to put in prison ...1812 sl.
vb. 2. to serve a prison sentence ...L19 sl.
• QUODAMMODOTATIVE † adj. existing in a certain manner ...1656
† n. a thing that exists in a certain way ...1656
• QUOD COVE n. the governor of a prison ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUOD CULL n. a prison warder, a turnkey ...M18 sl.
• QUODDED adj. imprisoned ...L17 sl.
• QUODDING DUES ARE CONCERNED phr. it is a matter that will involve imprisonment ...E19 UK criminals' sl.
• QUODDITY * n. a subtle distinction; a quibble, esp. in argument ...1682
• QUODDLE † vb. 1. to waddle ...1662
vb. 2. to boil; to make a noise while boiling ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
vb. 3. to dry, to shrivel up; to make limp or flabby ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUODDLED adj. shrivelled up ...1777 Eng. dial.,
• QUODLIBETIFICATE † vb. to deal quibblingly with ...1743
• QUOIF † n. a cap ...1838 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUOIFF n. the vagina ...18C sl.
• QUOIL † n. 1. a stir, a tumult, a turmoil, a noisy disturbance; fuss, bustle ...1798 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
n. 2. a hay-cock, a heap of hay ...1890 Sc. & Eng. dial.
vb. to make into cocks ...B1900 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• QUOIN * n. an angle, or angular object ...1838
• QUOIT †* n. 1. a cast or throw ...1706
n. 2. a curling-stone ...1809 Sc.
n. 3. the act of skating ...1825 Sc.
n. 4. the anus; the backside ...1919 Aust. sl.
vb. 1. to play at the game of curling; to throw curling-stones ...1811 Sc.
vb. 2. to skate ...1825 Sc.
• QUOITING n. the game of curling ...1811 Sc.
• QUOITING-STONE * n. a curling-stone ...1827
• QUOITS n. the game of hopscotch ...1967 Sc.
• QUOKE adj. quaked ...1899 Amer. dial.
vb. to go shearing or harvesting at a distance from home ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOMODOCUNQUIZE † vb. to make money in any possible way ...1652 nonce word
• QUOMP vb. to subdue, to cow, to quiet; to damp one's spirits ...1870 Eng. dial.
• QUONDAM adj. that formerly was or existed ...1586
* adv. at one time, formerly, heretofore ...1537
† n. the former holder of some office or position; one who has been deposed or ejected ...1535
• QUONDAMLY adv. formerly ...1814
• QUONDAMSHIP † n. the state of being out of office ...1549
• QUONDORUM n. a quandary; extreme perplexity ...1894 Eng. dial.
• QUONGS n. the testicles ...2002 UK sl.
• QUONIAM n. 1. the vagina ...L14 sl.
†* n. 2. a drinking glass ...1609
• QUOOK † adj. did quake, quaked ...a1400
• QUOP n. 1. a throb, a palpitation ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
n. 2. faint, sickly feelings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
† vb. to beat, to throb, to palpitate ...a1658 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOPPY adj. palpitating; having faint sickly feelings ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOPY! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUORK vb. to caw; to screech as a bird; to call out loudly but inarticulately ...1820 Eng. dial.
• QUORUM †* n. 1. necessary materials ...1650
n. 2. a gathering, esp. of friends for social purposes; a company ...c1760 Sc., chiefly poetic usage
n. 3. in poker: the agreed-upon minimum number of players to continue a game ...1979 US sl.
• QUOSS † vb. to barter, to exchange ...1515
• QUOT adj. 1. sated, cloyed ...c1741 Eng. dial.
adj. 2. low and broad; squat ...1848 Eng. dial.
n. 1. a man who meddles in 'women's work' around the house ...L17
n. 2. a pimple; a small boil or blister; a stye in the eye ...1691 Eng. dial.
† vb. 1. to satiate, to glut ...1691 Eng. dial.
vb. 2. to squat, to sit; to crouch down, esp. of game; to hide ...1816 Eng. dial.
• QUOTA n. a share of plunder ...L17 UK criminals' sl.
• QUOTANNAL †* adj. yearly, annual ...1651
• QUOTANNUAL † adj. annual, yearly ...1658
• QUOTATION †* n. 1. a numbering, number ...1456
† n. 2. a marginal reference to a passage in a book ...1532
† n. 3. a note or observation; a matter noted ...1608
†* n. 4. share, quota ...1613
• QUOTATIVE adj. relating to quoting; inclined to quote ...1812
• QUOTE † n. a marginal reference; a note ...1600
†* vb. 1. to mark a book with numbers (as of chapters, etc.), or with marginal references to other passages or works ...1387
† vb. 2. to write down; to make a note or record of, to set down, to mention in writing ...1573
† vb. 3. to give the reference to a passage in a book by specifying the page, chapter, etc. where it is to be found ...1574
† vb. 4. to make mental note of; to notice, to observe, to mark, to scrutinize ...1588
vb. 5. to echo, to sound ...1941 Amer. dial.
vb. 6. in criminal circles: to vouch for someone ...2000 UK sl.
• QUOTENNIAL * adj. yearly ...1878
• QUOTHE † vb. to faint ...1567
• QUOTHER vb. to talk in a low and confidential tone ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUOTIDIAL † adj. daily ...1502
• QUOTIDIALLY † adv. day by day ...c1430
• QUOTIDIAN adj. 1. of things, acts, etc.: pert. to every day; daily ...c1380
* adj. 2. of a person: performing some act daily ...1456
adj. 3. of an everyday character; ordinary, commonplace, trivial ...1461-83
• QUOTIDIANARY †* adj. everyday, daily ...1719
• QUOTIDIANLY * adv. daily ...1447
• QUOTIENT †* n. number, total ...1659
• QUOTIENTIVE * adj. indicating how often ...1871
• QUOTITY n. a certain number of individuals, etc. ...1837
• QUOTTED adj. sated, cloyed ...1674-91 Eng. dial.
• QUOTTER n. a woman worker on a farm without male relations with her in the same employment ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUO VADIS n. unfashionable or unpopular music ...2003 UK sl.
• QUOWA! int. a call to a horse ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• QUOZ † n. 1. a queer or absurd person or thing ...1790
n. 2. a handicapped person; a disabled or deformed person ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
† int. expresses incredulity, contempt, etc. ...1802 obs.
• QUOZZIE n. a handicapped person; a disabled or deformed person ...1990s UK juvenile sl.
• QURD n. 1. a lump of excrement ...1866 Sc. & Eng. dial.
n. 2. a term of reproach for a person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• QUYNE † n. queen ...c1450
• QUYTIE int. a call word for ducks ...1928 Sc.
• QWASHA n. a homemade gun, made from piping, springs, and rubber tubing ...1980s S. Afr. sl.
• Q WITH A LONG TAIL n. a measuring tape which winds up into a box ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.