WHISKY - adjectives
• BOTTLED IN A PEPPER-PATCH of whisky: very strong ...1954 Amer. dial.
• DEAD of a beer bottle, whisky bottle, or other bottle: finished, empty ...M18 sl.
• REVERENT of whisky or brandy: of superior potency ...1886 sl.
WHISKY - nouns (also see MOONSHINE)
• ACCA aqua vitae; whisky ...1824 Sc.
• ACKADENT aqua vitae, whisky ...1882 Sc.
• ACKAVITY † aqua vitae; whisky ...1788 Sc.
• ACKIE-PEEVIE whisky ...1929 Sc.
• ACKWA aqua vitae; whisky ...1824 Sc.
• ALCHY alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• ALKIE alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• ALKY alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• AMBER BEVERAGE whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER BREW whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER FLUID whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER LIQUID whisky ..1970s sl.
• ANGEL TEAT a mellowed whisky with a rich bouquet ...1946 Amer. dial.
• ANGEL'S TEAT a mellowed whisky with a rich bouquet ...1946 Amer. dial.
• ARCTIC WINE straight whisky ...1939 Amer. dial. (Alaska)
• ARDENT whisky ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AWERDENTY strong drink, often whisky, brandy ...1850 Amer. dial.
• BACCHUS OIL spirituous liquor, wine, whisky, etc. ...1714 Sc.
• BALDFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1834 US sl.
• BALDFACE WHISKY cheap. potent whisky ...E19 US sl.
• BALL a glass of whisky or other liquor ...1866 US sl.
• BALLFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1839 US sl.
• BALLFACE WHISKY cheap. potent whisky ...E19 US sl.
• BALM OF GILEAD illicitly distilled whisky ...1906 Amer. dial.
• BARD STUFF whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY-BREE malt liquor, esp. whisky or ale ...1724 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BARLEY-BROO malt liquor, esp. whisky or ale ...1724 Sc.
• BARLEY BROTH whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY JUICE whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY-UNCTION malt liquor; whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BARLEY WATER whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY WINE whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLACKJACK illegal liquor; moonshine; illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BLIND PIG whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BLIND TIGER illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BLOCKADE illicit liquor; moonshine; whisky ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BLOCK AND TACKLE whisky ...1951 jocular Amer. dial.
• BLUE whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLUE GUM home-made whisky; moonshine ...1972 Amer. dial.
• BLUE NAPPY whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLUE PIG whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLUE THREAD whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOLDFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1834 US sl.
• BOTTLED-IN-THE-BARN moonshine; home-made, bootleg whisky ...1940 Amer. dial.
• BOURBON POULTICE a drink of whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BREAKY-LEG strong drink; whisky ...c1860 sl.
• BREE liquor; whisky, ale, etc. ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRIERPATCH illegally made whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BRUSH-ARBOR WHISKEY cheap but potent moonshine ...1953 Amer. dial.
• BRUSH MOUTH a drink of whisky ...1949 Amer. dial.
• BUDGE whisky ...1874 Amer. sl.
• BUG JUICE whisky or other strong liquor, usually of inferior quality ...1863 Amer. dial.
• BUG POISON whisky or other strong liquor, usually of inferior quality ...1889 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLEBEE STEW strong whisky, moonshine ...1956 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLEBEE WHISKY strong whisky, moonshine ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLINGS adulterated moonshine whisky ...1913 Amer. dial.
• BUSHWHACK illegal made whisky; moonshine ...1970 Amer. dial.
• BUSH WHISKY illegal made whisky; moonshine ...1955 Amer. dial.
• BUSTHEAD 1. whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky; moonshine ...1857 Amer. dial.
2. a headache from drinking bad whisky ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUSTSKULL whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky; moonshine ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CAPER-JUICE whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• CAT whisky, esp. moonshine ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT bad whisky; rotgut ...1924 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN LIGHTNING cheap potent whisky or rum ...1837 US sl.
• CHARLEY FRISKY Scotch whisky; any whisky ...M19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• CLEAR MCCOY first-rate whisky or beer ...1900s sl.
• COFFIN VARNISH liquor, esp. cheap whisky ...1881 US sl.
• CORN-MULE whisky distilled from corn mash; any whisky ..,.20C US sl.
• CRATER whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DANDY a small jug; a small glass; a small glass of whisky ...1838 Irish
• DARBY a glass of whisky ...19C Irish sl.
• DEAD SHOT very poor-quality or adulterated whisky ...M19 US sl.
• DELICUN SQUINTON whisky; "...makes you speak the truth and gives you everlasting remembrance" ...1946 Amer. dial.
• DEW whisky ...1891 Sc.
• ESSENCE whisky ...M19 US sl.
• ETHYL ALCOHOL whisky ...Bk1942 US navy euphemism
• EYEWATER liquor, esp. illegal whisky ...1940 Amer. dial.
• FACER a glass of whisky punch ...M19 sl.
• FAMILY DISTURBANCE whisky or other strong alcoholic drink ...19C US sl.
• FARM LIQUOR ordinary homemade whisky, neither aged nor artificially coloured ...1953 Amer. dial.
• FARMER'S WINE whisky, esp. when illegally made ...1968 Amer. dial.
• FIELD WHISKEY common moonshine, not aged or coloured ...1953 Amer. dial.
• FIGHTING LIQUOR whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• FIGHTING WHISKEY whisky strong enough to make the drinker pugnacious ...1874 Amer. jocular
• FIREWATER alcohol; any strong spirit; whisky ...1826 sl., orig. attributed to North American Indians; latterly used jocularly
• FORTY ROD cheap fiery whisky ...1863 sl., orig. US
• FORTY-ROD WHISKY cheap fiery whisky ...1863 sl., orig. US
• FOXHEAD illicitly distilled whisky ...20C US sl.
• GAGE alcohol, esp. whisky ...1932 US criminals' sl.
• GATOR SWEAT home-brewed whisky, esp. that which is aged in earthen mounds ...20C US colloq.
• GAUGE cheap whisky; inferior whisky which might have come out of a chamber pot ...20C US sl.
• GAY AND FRISKY whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. rhyming sl.
• GOLD WATCH Scotch whisky ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Scotch)
• GRAY MULE homemade liquor; illegally made whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GUT-HEATER a slug of whisky; a strong or bracing drink of liquor ...1940s Amer. sl.
• GUT-WARMER a strong or bracing drink of liquor; whisky ...a1944 Amer. sl.
• HAIR a very small amount of whisky ...1879 Sc.
• HALF-A-MAN a half pint of whisky ...1988 Amer. dial.
• HALF-AND-HALF a mixture of wine and whisky ...E19 sl.
• HALFMAN 1. a half bottle of whisky or spirits ...1914 Sc.
2. ('half man') a half pint of whisky ...1939 Amer. dial.
• HAPPY WATER whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HARD, THE whisky ...1890 Sc.
• HARDWARE whisky ...1960 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-BUSTER whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-SPLITTER whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HELL-BROTH bad liquor; whisky ...M19 sl.
• HELLFIRE a cheap or low-grade whisky ...1863 Amer. dial.
• HIGHLAND FRISKY whisky ...L19 rhyming sl.
• HOLY WATER water that has been laced with whisky ...20C sl.
• HOOKER a drink of whisky ...1919 Amer. sl.
• HOP-SCOTCH Scotch whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IGNITE whisky ...1980s US Black sl.
• IGNITE OIL whisky ...1980s US Black sl.
• IRISH Irish whisky ...1893 colloq.
ׇ• IRISH TEA a drink made of tea laced with whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• JACK Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JACKASS home-distilled liquor, such as brandy or corn whisky ...1920s US sl.
• JACK D Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JACK'S Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JIG-WATER bad whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• JOHN BARLEYCORN whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• JOLT a stiff drink of spirits, esp. brandy, whisky, or bourbon ...20C sl.
• KILL-ME-QUICK whisky ...M19 US sl.
• KILL-PREACHER port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-PRIEST port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-THE-BEGGAR rough whisky ...19C sl.
• LAMP OIL whisky ...1944 Amer. sl.
• LIFTER a drink of whisky ...1875 Amer. sl.
• LIGHTNING inferior whisky ...1781 sl., chiefly US
• LIGHTNING LIQUOR whisky; cheap liquor ...1942 Amer. dial.
• LIQUID FIRE strong liquor, esp. whisky ...1815 sl.
• LIQUID HORSESHOES liquor, esp. whisky, with an exceptional kick ...1920 US sl.
• LONG-RANGE cheap potent whisky ...1865 Amer. sl.
• LUSH whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUSH BETTY a whisky bottle ...M19 US sl.
• MALAFEE whisky ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MALAWU whisky ...1949 Amer. dial.
• MAN a pint of whisky ...1988 Amer. dial.
• MATRIMONY a mixture of gin and whisky, or gin and rum ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCCOY first-rate whisky or beer ...1900s sl.
• MERCY whisky; general in plural ...1826 Sc.
• MINNESOTA THIRTEEN an illegal corn whisky made in prohibition days, supposedly named after the brand of corn used ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MISSISSIPPI MULE whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOON illicitly distilled liquor; whisky; moonshine ...1928 US sl.
• MOONEY illegally made whisky ...1929 Amer. dial.
• MOONSHINE homemade whisky; cheap or inferior alcohol; any alcohol ...L18 cant & colloq.
• MOOSE MILK whisky ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEW whisky, distilled illegally ...1816 UK sl.
• NAKED TRUTH pure spirits; whisky neat ...1880 Sc.
• NANNY-GOAT SWEAT whisky, esp. home-brewed or inferior whisky ...M20 US sl.
• NEEDFUL whisky ...M19 US sl.
• NIP a small drink whisky or other liquor...1869 sl.
• O-BE-JOYFUL whisky; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OH-BE-CHEERFUL brandy; whisky; rum; liquor in general ...1815 sl.
• OH-BE-JOYFUL brandy, whisky, rum; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OIL an alcoholic beverage, esp. whisky ...1917 Amer. sl.
• OIL OF BARLEY whisky ...M19 sl.
• OIL OF MALT malt liquor, whisky, beer ...c1648-50
• OLD BEJOYFUL whisky; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OLD HORNEY strong, illegally manufactured whisky ...1999 US sl.
• OLD KIRK whisky ...1885 Sc.
• OLD MAN RED EYE whisky ...1914 US tramps' sl.
• OLD MAN'S MILK whisky ...M19 sl.
• OLD RED whisky ...1905 US West sl.
• OWL SKULL cheap whisky ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• PADDY Irish whisky ...1970s Irish sl.
• PADDY'S EYEWATER illicitly distilled whisky, poteen ...L19 Irish sl.
• PAINT REMOVER cheap, strong whisky or another drink ...20C sl., orig. US
• PALEFACE whisky ...M19 US sl.
• PANTHER BREATH strong, illegally manufactured whisky ...1999 US sl.
• PANTHER JUICE alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER PISS alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER SWEAT alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PARLIAMENTARY WHISKY whisky on which duty has been paid, as opposed to contraband or home-distilled whisky ...L18 Irish sl.
• PARLIAMENT WHISKY whisky on which duty has been paid, as opposed to contraband or home-distilled whisky ...L18 Irish sl.
• PICK-HANDLE homemade whisky; moonshine ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PINE-TOP cheap or illicit whisky ...1858 US sl.
• POISON liquor, esp. cheap whisky ...1805 Amer. sl.
• POOR BOY a small whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POPE'S TELEPHONE NUMBER Vat 69 whisky ...1900s sl.
• POPSKULL poor-quality drink; illicitly distilled whisky ...1867 Amer. sl.
• PRAIRIE-DEW whisky; home-brewed whisky ...M19 US sl.
• QUARE STUFF, THE illicitly distilled whisky ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUILL first-rate whisky; the genuine thing as opposed to the 'bathtub' or 'rotgut' versions produced during Prohibition ...1920s US sl.
• RADIATOR WHISKY strong, homemade whisky ...1999 US sl.
• RAILROAD rough whisky ...M19 US sl.
• RATGUT whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE JUICE poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE OIL poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE WHISKY poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1867 Amer. dial.
• RAW undiluted whisky ...1869 Sc.
• RED-EYE rough, strong whisky ...1819 US sl.
• RED-EYE JUICE low-quality liquor; cheap whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RED-EYE SOUR whisky and lemon ...Bk1903 sl.
• RED-EYE WHISKY low-quality liquor; cheap whisky ...1851 Amer. dial.
• RED-HEAD fiery whisky ...c1852 sl.
• ROTGUT adulterated or inferior alcoholic liquor, esp. beer or whisky ...sl.
• SAIGON TEA a whisky-coloured drink served to bar girls in Vietnam, passing for expensive whisky bought by US servicemen ...1966 US sl.
• SAMKUMSULY in moonshining: good whisky ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SANCTUM SULLY in moonshining: good whisky ...1984 Amer. dial.
• SANCTUM SULY in moonshining: good whisky ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SANDY-TAM whisky ...1899 Sc.
• SCAMPER JUICE whisky ...1970s US sl.
• SCAT whisky ...1914 US sl.
• SCOOTIKIN a dram of whisky ...1824 Sc.
• SCOTCH MUFFLER a drink of liquor, esp. of whisky, as keeping one warm ...1969 Sc.
• SCOTS WATERS whisky ...1698 Sc.
• SCRAP IRON inferior whisky ...1942 Amer. sl.
• SCREECH homemade liquor; rot-gut whisky; cheap, inferior liquor; fortified wine ...1902 US sl.
• SCREIGH whisky ...1813 Sc. sl.
• SETUP whisky, ice, and chaser served in a barroom ...1940s US Black sl.
• SHEEP DIP inferior liquor; bad whisky ...1942 Amer. sl.
• SHINE illegally made whisky ...1923 Amer. dial.
• SHINNY whisky, esp. when illegally made or of poor quality ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SHOOTER a measure or drink of spirits, esp. whisky ...1971 US sl.
• SHOT IN THE NECK a drink of straight whisky ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SKEE whisky, esp. low quality, low cost whisky ...World War I US sl.
• SKREIGH whisky ...1813 Sc. sl.
• SKULL liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SKULL BUST liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• SKULL BUSTER liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SKULL CRACKER liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1985 Amer. dial.
• SKULL VARNISH liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1952 Amer. dial.
• SKY whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SMALL DARBY a glass of whisky ...1892 Irish sl.
• SMOKE illicit or inferior whisky ...1904 US sl.
• SNAKE inferior whisky ...E20 US sl.
• SNAKEBITE MEDICINE whisky; any strong alcoholic drink ...20C US sl.
• SNAKE-JUICE inferior alcohol; bad whisky; alcohol as potent as snake's venom ...1890 sl., chiefly Aust.
• SNAKE MEDICINE whisky; any strong alcoholic drink ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SNAKE-POISON inferior alcohol; bad whisky ...1889 US sl.
• SNORT a drink of liquor, esp. of plain whisky ...1889 Amer. sl.
• SPUNKIE * whisky or other spirituous drink; alcohol ...1786 Sc.
• STONE FENCE undiluted whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• STRANGER a barrel of whisky ...1844 Amer. sl.
• STRINGY-BARK a combination of fusil oil and turpentine, labelled 'whisky'; bad liquor ...1890 Aust. sl.
• STUMP-LIKKER home-brewed whisky; moonshine ...M20 US sl.
• SWAMP ROOT inferior whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• TANGLEFOOT inferior or illicit whisky ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TANGLEFOOT WHISKY inferior or illicit whisky ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TAOS LIGHTNING whisky; cheap liquor ...1858 Amer. dial.
• TARANTULA-JUICE inferior whisky ...1861 US sl.
• THIRD RAIL WHISKEY cheap, potent whisky ...1909 Amer. dial.
• TIGER JUICE strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1950 Amer. dial.
• TIGER MILK strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1928 Amer. dial.
• TIGER PISS strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TIGER'S MILK strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1879 Amer. dial.
• TIGER SPIT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1974 Amer. dial.
• TIGER'S SWEAT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1985 Amer. dial.
• TIGER SWEAT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1932 Amer. dial.
• VARNISH-REMOVER an inferior grade of whisky or home-made whisky ...20C US sl.
• VISCO whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WATERBURY WATCH Scotch (whisky) ...1930s rhyming sl.
• WHITE any colourless whisky or alcohol ...20C Amer. sl.
• WHITE COFFEE illicit alcohol; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• WHITE EYE strong, inferior whisky ...1874 military sl.
• WHITE HORSE whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WHITE LIGHTNING whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1904 Amer. dial.
• WHITELINE any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1914 Amer. sl.
• WHITE LIQUOR whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1871 Amer. dial.
• WHITE MULE illicit or inferior whisky; powerful homemade liquor with a kick like a mule ...1889 US sl.
• WHITE STUFF alcohol, esp. illegal whisky ...20C US sl.
• WHITE WHISKY illegally made whisky ...1848 Amer. dial.
• WIDOW-MAKER corn whisky ...1974 Amer. dial.
• WILD MARE'S MILK distilled liquor, whisky ...1937 Amer. dial.
• YANKEE whisky sweetened with molasses ...1804 Amer. dial.
WHISKY - nouns, person
• ALKY-COOKER one who is employed in the illegal distillation of whisky ...1930s US sl.
• CADGER a professional distributor or hawker of poteen or illicit whisky ...20C Ireland
• LEGGER a person who sells illegal whisky ...1926 Amer. dial.
• RAT one who sells bootleg whisky on the sly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• SHINER one who deals in illegally made whisky; a moonshiner ...1931 Amer. dial.
WHISKY - verbs
• FIGHT to drink (esp. whisky), to excess ...1844 Amer. sl.
• GIVE THE JAKELEG to poison with bad whisky ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• LEG to make or distribute illegal whisky ...1972 Amer. dial.
WHISPER - nouns
• HARK a whisper; a secret wish or desire ...1814 Sc.
• PIG'S WHISPER 1. a low whisper; a grunt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
2. a loud whisper meant to be heard ...B1900 N. Ireland
WHISPER - verbs
• AND † to breathe; to whisper; to devise; to imagine ...B1900 Sc.
• BEND SOMEONE'S EAR to speak privately, to whisper ...1940s sl., orig. US
• BLAW to whisper in the ear, to flatter, to coax, to wheedle ...Bk1911 Sc.
• EIN † to breathe, to whisper, to devise, to imagine ...1887 Sc.
• HARK to speak in one's ear; to whisper or mutter ...1583 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HARKEN † to talk in one's ear, to whisper ...1612 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEARKEN † to talk in one's ear, to whisper ...1612 obs. exc. Sc.
• PISTER to whisper; generally in phrase 'whistering and pistering' ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUITHER to talk or chatter low; to whisper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SHOO-SHOO to whisper ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SIFFILATE * to whisper ...1837
• TICKLE † to whisper ...1575.
• TITTLE to speak in a whisper or in a low voice, to whisper; also, to tell or utter by way of tattle or gossip; to tell a person confidentially ...1399 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• TUTTLE to whisper; to carry tales ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WIZZY-WIZZY to whisper ...1965 Barbados
WHISPERER - nouns, person
• EAR-ROWNER † an ear-whisperer ...a1388
• TITTLER † one who tattles; a whisperer, a telltale, a talebearer; a gossip ...1399 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CUGGER-MUGGER a confabulation, a secret conversation; a whispering, a gossiping in a low voice ...1862 Ireland
• HARKING a whispering ...1897 Sc.
• SIBILATION the act of hissing or whistling; a hissing or whistling sound ...1626
• SIBILLATION the act of hissing or whistling; a hissing or whistling sound ...1626
• SIFFLEMENT † a whistling noise ...1607
• VIDDLE-DE-VOP a low whistle ...1940s US Black sl.
• WOLF WHISTLE a distinctive whistle (generally, a sharply terminated rising note, followed by one that rises briefly before descending and fading) used as a declaration of appreciation for a sexually attractive person ...1952 US sl.
WHISTLE - nouns, person
• SIBILATOR * one who hisses or whistles ...c1440
• SIBILLATOR * one who hisses or whistles ...c1440
WHISTLE - verbs
• FUTE † to whistle ...c1650
• GOOI A CANARY to whistle a warning ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• SIFFLE to blow with a sibilant sound; to whistle, to hiss ...a1300
• SISTLE to whistle with a hissing sound
• WOLF-WHISTLE to whistle in a distinctive declaration of appreciation for a sexually attractive person ...1955 US sl.
WHISTLING - adjectives
• SIBILATORY marked or expressed by whistling ...1830
• SIBILLATORY marked or expressed by whistling ...1830
• OBSIBILATE †* to make a whistling noise, as trees stirred with winds; to hiss ...1656
WHITE - adjectives
• BALDHEADED hairless, bare; hence, shining white ...1880 US sl.
• CANDICANT †* growing white; inclining to white, whitish ...1657
• CANDID † white ...1630
• CANDIDATE †* clothed in white ...1616 poetic
• CANESCENT rather hoary; greyish or dull white, like the down or hairs on the leaves of plants ...1847
• NIXIOUS † white as snow, snowy ...1623
• SULLIED WHITE dirty white ...1681
• WHITE AS A BABY'S ASS very white ...1953 Amer. sl.
WHITE - verbs
• CANDEFY † to make or become white ...1656
• CANDICATE † to grow white ...1623
• CANDIDATE †* to make white; to whitewash (fig.) ...1628
• CANDIFY † to make or become white ...1656
WHITE - nouns
• BALL † a white streak or spot, as on an animal ...1523
WHITE, WHITE PERSON - adjectives
• ANGLO White, or pert. to White lifestyle or culture ...1960s US sl.
• BUCKRA of the White race ...1840 Amer. dial.
• DAY Caucasian or White ...20C US basketball sl.
• FAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• GANJA white-skinned ...2000 US sl.
• GRAY Caucasian ...1980 Amer. Black usage
• GREY white-skinned ...1944 US Black sl.
• OFAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• OOFAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• PADDY White ...1940s US Black sl.
• PALEFACED (derogatory) describing a White person ...20C sl.
• REBBISH poor, White, and racist ...1945 US sl.
• SALT AND PEPPER white and black ...1915 US sl.
• SILK white-skinned ...1960 US sl.
• VANILLA white-skinned, Caucasian ...1994 US sl., orig. Black usage
• BABYLON anything which represents the degenerate or oppressive state of White culture, esp. the police or a policeman, (White) society or the Establishment; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1943 Black sl., chiefly Jamaican
• BABYLON-LAND any country, typically a materialist Western state, seen by Rastafarians as corrupt and materialistic ...1970s W. Indies
• BLOCKBUSTER the first White family to move back into an inner city area, driving out the poor minority tenants and starting the process of gentrification ...1960s sl.
• CHARLES (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
• CHARLIE White society in general ...M20 US Black sl.
• GANJA the White establishment ...2000 US sl.
• MAN, THE the White ruling class ...1940s US Black sl.
• OKEY-DOKE White values and opinions ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRATCH-ANKLE a part of a town inhabited by poor Whites ...1965 Amer. dial.
• VANILLA SUBURB the White suburbs, as opposed to the Black inner city ...1970s US sl.
• WHITE MAN'S BURDEN, THE a rhetorical expression for the responsibility of the White for the coloured races ...1899
• WHITE MEAT White women considered as sexual conquests or partners ...1940 sl., chiefly US
• WHITE TRASH the poor White population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, a low-class White person; the class of such people ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WHITEY (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WHITIE (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
WHITE, WHITE PERSON - nouns, person
• ANGLO anyone of ostensibly Anglo-Saxon appearance, i.e. a White person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• ANN any White female ...1940s US Black sl.
• BABYLONIAN a White person ...2004 US sl.
• BALDHEAD a White person ...1950s W. Indies
• BALLFACE a contemptuous name applied by Blacks to White persons ...a1849 US sl.
• BEAST a Caucasian ...20C US Black sl.
• BIG KNIFE † a White man, esp. a Virginian ...1750 US Indian usage
• BLANKS Whites or Europeans (used by themselves) ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• BOCCARORRA (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1787 Amer. dial.
• BOOJUM a White person ...1976 Amer. dial. Black usage
• BOSS a term of respect used by a Black person for any White man, esp. one who employs them ...1908 Amer. dial.
• BOSS CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• BUCKRA (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1800 Amer. dial.
• BUCKRUH (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1922 Amer. dial.
• BULL-FACE (derogatory) a Caucasian ...1810 US Black sl.
• CAUC a Caucasian, a White person ...1980s US sl.
• CHALK a White person; used contemptuously ...1945 US Black sl.
• CHARLES (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
• CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• CHICKEN-LIPS a White person ...2000s US Black sl.
• CHUCK (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1963 Amer. dial. Black usage
• COUNTRY SAGER a rustic; a country bumpkin; a poor White person ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CRACKER a poor White ...US sl.
• DAP a White person ...1938 US campus sl.
• DARKEY a nickname for a White man with a dark skin ...c1880 sl.
• DARKY a nickname for a White man with a dark skin ...c1880 sl.
• DEVIL a Caucasian ...M20 US Black sl.
• ELM PEELER a poor White who peels elm trees for slippery elm, which he sells ...1923 Amer. dial.
• FACE a White person ...1944 US Black sl.
• FADE (derogatory) a White person ...20C US Black sl.
• FADED BOGEY a White person who imitates Blacks ...1920s US Black sl.
• FADED BOOGIE a White person who imitates Blacks ...1920s US Black sl.
• FAGINGY-FAGADE a White person ...1920s US Black sl.
• FAY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• FELLOW a White man ...1941 Amer. dial. Black usage
• FEY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• FROSTY a Caucasian ...M20 US Black usage
• GABACHO (derogatory) a White person ...1950 Mexican-American usage
• GAVACHO (derogatory) a White person ...1950 Mexican-American usage
• GIGHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• GRAY a White person ...1960 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY BOY a White man ...1971 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY BROAD a White female ...1972 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY DUDE a White man ...1972 Amer. Black usage
• GREY a White person ...1944 US Black sl.
• GUB a White person ...Aust.
• GUBBAH a White person ...Aust.
• HACK a White person ...1934 Amer. sl.
• HAY-EATER (derogatory) a White person ...20C sl.
• HONKEY (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HONKIE (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HONKY (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HOOPLE a Caucasian ...M20 US sl.
• HUNKIE (derogatory) a White person ...1959 US sl.
• HUNKY (derogatory) a White person ...1959 US sl.
• ICE-CREAM a White person ...1970s UK Black teen sl.
• IGXAGXA a poor White ...1950s S. Africa Black sl.
• JEFF a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1870 US Black sl.
• JEFF ARTIST a White person ...1969 Amer. dial. Black usage
• JEFF DAVIS a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1870 US Black sl.
• JEFFER a White person ...1969 Amer. dial. Black usage
• JUMBLE a White person ...1957 Black sl.
• KABLOONA among Inuit people, a person who is not an Inuit; a White person ...L18
• KANGA a White child ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KEEBLER a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• KELCH a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELT a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELTCH a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELTZ a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• LAANIE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAHNEE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl
• LANI a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANIE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LARNEY a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LINTHEAD (derogatory) a cotton-mill worker; hence, a low-class White person; a hillbilly; an insignificant person ...1933 Amer. dial.
• LONGNECK a White person ...1986 Amer. dial.
• MAGGOT (contemptuous) a White person ...1985 US Black sl.
• MAN, THE a White man; White people collectively ...1963 US Black sl.
• MARSHMALLOW a White person ...1910s US Black sl.
• MISS AMY a young White woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• MISS ANN(E) a White woman or girl ...1926 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• MISS ANNIE a White woman or girl ...1926 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• MISS LILLIAN a White girl or woman of any age, but usually an older woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• MISTER CHARLEY (often derogatory) a Whiteman; the boss; White people ...1928 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MISTER CHARLIE (often derogatory) a Whiteman; the boss; White people ...1928 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MLUNGU a White person; used mockingly ...1980s S. Afr. Black
• MR. CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• NIGGY a White person who acts like a Black person ...2000s US Black sl.
• OFAGINZY a White person ...1946 US Black sl.
• O-FAY (derogatory and offensive) a White person ...1917 Amer. sl.
• OFEY (derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• OFFAY (derogatory) a White person ...1925 Amer. dial. Black usage
• OLD-FAY (derogatory) a Caucasian ...E20 US Black usage
• OLE-FAY (derogatory) a Caucasian ...E20 US Black usage
• ONIONHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• OOFAY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• PACK a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• PADDY a White person, though not always Irish ...1945 US Black sl.
• PADDY BOY a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PADDY GIRL a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PADDYWOOD (derogatory) a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• PAGAN a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• PAKEHA the Maori word for a White man ...1832
• PALE a White person ...1900s US Black sl.
• PALE-FACE a person who has a pale face; a name for a White man attributed to the North American Indians ...1822
• PALEFACE NIGGER a highly unpopular White person, whose skin does not save them from the opprobrium heaped on Blacks ...1940s US Black sl.
• PATTY a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PATTY BOY a nickname for a Caucasian ...M20 US Black usage
• PECK a poor White person ...1932 US Black sl.
• PECKER a White person; esp. a poor White ...1986 Amer dial., chiefly Black usage
• PECKAWOOD a poor White person ...1929 US sl.
• PECKERWOOD (derogatory) a poor, backward, rural White person; often used as a term of abuse for White person ...1928 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• PIKE a poor White person; a good-for-nothing ...1856 Amer. dial.
• PIKER a poor White person; a good-for-nothing ...1859 Amer. dial.
• PINK a White person, esp. an attractive girl or woman ...1945 Amer. Black usage
• PINKIE a White person ...1967 US Black sl.
• PINK TOE(S) a young White woman ...1942 US Black sl.
• PINKY a White person ...1967 US Black sl.
• PORK a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• POTATOHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• QUACKIE a White person ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• RABBIT a White person ...1960s US sl.
• RIDGE-RUNNER a White person ...1966 US Black sl.
• ROUNDEYE a Caucasian, from the point of view of an Oriental ...M20 US sl.
• SABANA a White person ...1990s US prison & Hispanic usage
• SANDLAPPER (derogatory) one who eats dirt; hence, a low-class or countrified White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• SCISSOR BILL (derogatory) a Caucasian ...1965 Amer. Indian. usage
• SILK a White person ...M19 UK & US Black sl.
• SILK AND SATIN an attractive White or light-skinned woman ...1970s US Black sl.
• SILK BROAD a White woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIWASH (derogatory) a White person who has gone native ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SNAKE (derogatory) a nickname for a Caucasian ...M20 US Black sl.
• SNOW 1. a White woman ...1950s US Black sl.
2. any White person ...1950s sl.
• SNOWBALL a White person ...20C US Black sl.
• SNOW BUNNY a White woman ...1950s US Black sl.
• SNOWDROP a White person ...Brit. Black sl.
• SNOWFLAKE a White person ...Brit. Black sl.
• SPOOK orig. used by Black slaves as a reference to ghosts, and later as a reference to White people as 'ghost-like' ...1800s US Black sl.
• TACKEY a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TACKIE a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TACKY a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• UNCLE CHARLIE (often derogatory) a White man; the boss; White people ...1970 Amer. dial., Black usage
• VANILLA a White person, esp. a woman ...1930s US Black sl.
• WALK AND NYAM a poor White; thus a sponger of any race ...E19 W. Indies sl.
• WALK-FOOT a poor White ...1900s W. Indies
• WALKING BUCKRA a poor White ...E19 W. Indies
• WEGRO a White person who takes on Black culture and style ...2000s US Black sl.
• WHITE a Caucasian
• WHITE MARY a White woman ...1853 Aust. sl.
• WHITE NIGGER 1. (derogatory) a term of contempt for White people who do menial tasks ...L19 Brit. & US usage
2. (derogatory) a Caucasian who works for Black civil rights causes ...M20 US usage
• WHITE TRASH the poor White population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, a low-class White person; the class of such people ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WHITEY (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WHITIE (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WIGGER a White person who tries to emulate or acquire cultural behaviour and tastes attributed to Black people ...L20 US sl.
• WOOD a White person ...1970s US Black sl.
• YARD APE a poor, low-class White person, White trash ...2003 Amer. dial.
• YELLOWHAMMER (derogatory) a low-class White person ...2000 Amer. dial.
• YOKEL a term of contempt for a White person ...M20 US Black sl.
WHITEN - verbs
• DEALBATE † to whiten ...1623
• CANDESCENCE dazzling whiteness or brightness ...1880
• CANDOUR † brilliant whiteness; brilliancy ...1634
• CANESCENCE * hoariness, dull whiteness ...1855
• CANITUDE † hoariness, whiteness ...1656
• CANDICANCY a whitening or making fair ...1731
• DEALBATION the act of whitening, blanching, bleaching ...1607
• CALCIMINE white or coloured wash for walls ...1864
• CALCIMINE to whitewash ...19C
WHITLOW - nouns
• BONE FELON a whitlow, an inflammatory tumour ...c1890 Amer. dial.
WHITTLE - verbs
• THWITE to whittle; to pare wood; to cut with a knife, to carve ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THWITTLE to whittle, to cut, to carve ...1790 Eng. dial.
WHIZZING - nouns
• RASH-WHISH a whizzing sound ...1899 Sc.
WHIZZING - verbs
• HIZZLE † to make a hissing or whizzing noise ...1583
• QUIZ * to make a whizzing sound ...1866
WHOEVER - pronouns
• EVERWHO whoever ...1905 Amer. dial.
• EVERYWHO whoever ...1940 Amer. dial.
WHOLE - adjectives
• HAIL † whole, entire ...a1300
• HALE of things immaterial, time, numbers, etc.: whole, entire, complete ...a1300
WHOLE - nouns
• BE-ALL that which is or constitutes the whole; the whole being ...1605
• BOODLE the whole ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• BOX AND DICE the sum total, everything; the whole collection ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CABOODLE the whole lot ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• COMPOODLE the whole lot ...1890 Amer. dial.
• HAILWARE the whole of something, esp. of a company or of a number of things ...1737 Sc.
• HALEWARE the whole, the whole number or company; the whole assortment of things ...1785 Sc.
• OMNITUDE * the fact of being all; universality; the whole, the total sum ...1839
• SKIN AND BIRN the whole of anything or any number ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAG AND RAG the whole of anything, every bit ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
WHOLE-HEARTED - adjectives
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• BOOTS AND ALL with no holds barred, wholeheartedly ...Aust. & NZ colloq.
• DEAD intensifier; very, thoroughly, absolutely, extremely, completely; wholeheartedly ...1589
• RIP, SHIT, OR BUST to throw yourself wholeheartedly into a task without fear of the consequences ...1999 US sl.
WHOLESOME - adjectives
• ELECTUARIOUS †* of the nature of an electuary; wholesome, beneficial ...1562
• HAIL † sound, wholesome; pure, uncorrupted ...a1300
• HALESOME wholesome, healthy, sound ...c1200 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HEALFUL † fraught with health, well-being, safety, salvation; wholesome, salutary ...c1340
• HEALSOME † wholesome, salutary; healthful ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTHSOME * bestowing health bodily, mental, or spiritual; wholesome; salutary ...1538
• HEALTH † healthiness, wholesomeness, salubrity ...1387
WHOLLY - adverbs
• ACE AND DOUCE wholly, entirely ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL-UTTERLY † wholly, completely ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BACK AND EDGE through everything, fully, wholly, thoroughly, completely ...1641
• BARELY † without qualification or reserve; unconditionally; wholly, completely; absolutely, positively ...c1340
• DEAD-ASS completely. wholly, utterly ...1971 US sl.
• HAIR AND HIDE † every part, entirely, wholly, totally ...c1450
• HAIR AND HOOF † every part, entirely, wholly ...1705
• HAILILIE † wholly, completely ...1827 Sc.
• HAILLY wholly, completely ...1827 Sc.
• HALE † wholly, entirely, completely ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HALELY wholly ...a1300 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• IN FULL HABITUDE †* to the full extent; wholly, entirely ...a1661
• LOCK AND BARREL completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK AND CABOODLE completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK, BARREL, AND STOCK completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK, STOCK, AND FIRING PIN completely, entirely, wholly ...1948 Amer. dial.
• NECK AND SCRAG completely, wholly, altogether ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
WHORE - nouns
• FAMILY OF LOVE prostitutes in general; whores; lewd women ...M16
• GALLIVANT a nest of whores ...E19 sl.
WHORE - nouns, person (also see PROSTITUTE)
• BADGER a smelly prostitute; a low whore ...19C Brit. sl.
• BELLY-PIECE † a concubine, a mistress, a prostitute, a whore ...1632
• BLISTER an immoral woman; a whore ...1905 Amer. dial.
• BROKEN OAR a whore; a prostitute ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• BURICK a whore ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• EARLY DOOR a prostitute; a whore ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• GAME † a whore, a lewd woman ...1725 UK sl.
• GUTTER SLUT (derogatory) a poor prostitute; a common whore ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTERSNIPE a low prostitute; a common whore ...19C colloq.
• HAWKIE a whore ...1813 Sc. sl.
• LADY OF PLEASURE a courtesan, a whore; a prostitute ...1637
• LIGHT-FRIGATE a woman of loose morals; a wanton; a whore ...c1690 Brit. sl.
• MAN-LEECH † a whore ...1687
• MISWOMAN † a bad, wicked woman; a whore or lewd woman; a strumpet ...1528
• MOLL a prostitute; a whore ...1604
• NAG a whore ...1598 sl.
• NANNY a prostitute; a whore ...18C Brit.
• PUTAIN † a woman of ill fame; a whore, a prostitute, a strumpet ...a1300
• RAMP a whore or sexually loose woman ...M16
• ROMP a whore or sexually loose woman ...M16
• RORY O'MORE a whore ...B1900 rhyming sl.
• SUBURB-DRAB a whore ...1678 sl.
• SUBURB SINNER a loose woman, a prostitute; a whore ...1598
• SUBURB-WENCH a whore ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUCCUBUS a strumpet, a whore; a term of abuse for low woman ...1622
• TOWN MISS a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• WENCH OF THE SUBURBS a whore ...1614 sl.
• W.H. a whore ...1887 euphemism
• WHOREMONGER a notorious user of whores ...E16
• WRONG 'UN a whore; a prostitute ...c1890 sl
• YAUD † a strumpet; a whore; an unchaste or loose woman ...a1400
WHORE - verbs
• BE NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• CHIPPY to be sexually promiscuous or unfaithful; also, to whore ...1930 Amer. sl.
• DO THE NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• GO NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• MERETRICATE † to play the whore; to behave lasciviously ...1623
• STRUMPET to play the whore; to practice prostitution ...L16 sl.
WHORE - phrases
• BEST CARPENTERS MAKE THE FEWEST CHIPS, THE commenting that whores seldom have children ...1609
• WHY BUY A BOOK WHEN YOU CAN GO TO A LIBRARY? ‘Why go to the expense of a wife so long as I can visit a whore?’ ...20C sl.
WHOREDOM - nouns
• MECHATION †* adultery; fornication; whoredom ...1656
WHOREMONGER - nouns, person
• BALLOCKER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. colloq.
• BALLOCKS a nickname for a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• BEARD-JAMMER a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• BEARD-SPLITTER a whoremonger; a libertine ...L17 cant
• BELLSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a pimp ...1592
• BELLYSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a pimp ...1592
• BELSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a lecher, a pimp ...1592
• CHIPPIE-CHASER a whoremonger, a philanderer ...1928 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPY-CHASER a whoremonger, a philanderer ...1891 Amer. sl.
• COCK-FIGHTER a whoremonger; a notorious copulator ...18C Brit. sl.
• CUNNY-HUNTER a whoremonger ...17C sl.
• CUNT-HOUND a lecher; a male who is a notorious whoremonger or woman-chaser ...M20 US sl.
• FAGGOTEER a lecher; a whoremonger; a pimp ...c1825 sl.
• FAGGOT-MASTER a lecher; a whoremonger; a pimp ...c1825 sl.
• FAGOTEER a whoremonger ...c1825 sl.
• FAGOT-MASTER a whoremonger ...c1825 sl.
• FISHMONGER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLEECE-HUNTER a whoremonger; a lecher, a man who is after female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLEECE-MONGER a whoremonger; a lecher, a man who is after female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLESH-FLY a whoremonger; a pimp ...L18 Brit. sl.
• FLESH-MAGGOT a whoremonger; a pimp ...L18 Brit. sl.
• FLOWER-FANCIER a whoremonger; a keeper of whores ...19C Brit. sl.
• FUCKSTER a lecher or a whoremonger; a man noted for his sexual prowess or interest in women ...19C Brit.
• GAME-COCK a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• GAP-STOPPER a whoremonger ...L18 Brit. sl.
• GASH-HOUND a whoremonger ...1955 US sl.
• GAY-MAN a whoremonger; a man who seeks sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• GUSSETEER a whoremonger; a lecher; a wencher; somewhat derisory ...19C Brit. sl.
• HAIR-MONGER a whoremonger; a lecher ...19C Brit. sl.
• HOLOUR † a fornicator, a whoremonger, an adulterer; a debauchee, rake, ribald, scoundrel ...c1230
• HOOTCHEE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• HOOTCHIE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• HOTCHIE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• KING OF CLUBS a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• LADIES' TAILOR a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• LUSTY-LAWRENCE a whoremonger ...E17 Brit. sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
• NAUGHTY-MAN a whoremonger ...1673 sl.
• PAP a lecher; a whoremonger ...M20 US sl.
• PARISH-BULL a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PARISH-PRIG a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PARISH-STALLION n. a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PUNKER a whoremonger ...17C Brit. sl.
• QUAIL-HUNTER a woman-chaser; a whoremonger ...20C US sl.
• RATTLE-CAP a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• RIDER a sexually aroused male; a lecher or whoremonger ...18C Brit. sl.
• RIFLE-MAN a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• ROUNDER a whoremonger; a lecher ...19C Brit. sl.
• SMELL-SMOCK † a licentious man; one who runs after women; a great wencher; a lover of women; a whoremonger (in early use employed suggestively as a surname) ...1550
• SMOCKSTER a whoremonger; a lecher ...17C Brit. sl.
• STRINGER a whoremonger; a lecher; a wencher ...1611 sl.
• TOWN BULL a lecher; a whoremonger ...16C colloq.
• TOWN RAKE a lecher; a whoremonger ...17C colloq.
• TOWN STALLION a lecher; a whoremonger ...17C colloq.
• TUMMY-TICKLER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• WHISKER-SPLITTER a whoremonger; a notorious copulator ...E19 Brit. sl.
• WHORE-HOPPER a man notorious for woman-chasing without discrimination; a user of prostitutes; a whoremonger ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHOREMASTER a user of whores; a whoremonger ...16C
• WOMANIZER a lecher; a woman-chaser; a male flirt or seducer of women; a whoremonger ...L19
• WOODMAN a wencher, a whoremonger, a man who seeks prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• PORNERASTIC fond of wanton women; lascivious, lustful, licentious; addicted to harlotry, whoremongering ...1870
• BAWDY BANQUET whoremongering ...M16 sl.
• NOSE-PAINTING lechery; whoremongering ...Shakespeare usage
WHORING - nouns
• CHIPPY-CHASING n. whoring or philandering ...1915 Amer. sl.
WHORISH - adjectives
• BROTHELLOUS † whorish ...1583
• GAME whorish, engaged in prostitution ...1821 sl.
• RIGGISH † wanton, licentious, whorish ...1570 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• STUPROUS †* unchaste, sexually compliant; given to adultery or whoredom, adulterous, whorish ...1603
• BANDLESS abandoned to wickedness ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BLACK-HEARTED having a wicked, malicious disposition; morally bad ...1638
• CAITIFF vile, base, mean, basely wicked; worthless, miserable, wretched ...a1300
• DERF † in a bad sense: bold, audacious, daringly wicked ...a1300
• DEVILISH-HOLY wicked and good at the same time ...1709
• FACINORIOUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, atrocious, infamous, vile ...1601
• FACINOROUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, villainous, atrocious, vile, infamous, detestably bad ...1548 obs. exc. arch.
• FLAGITIOUS atrociously wicked; vicious; outrageous ...14C
• GALLOWS fit for the gallows; deserving to be hanged; villainous, wicked ...c1425
• GETHICALL † vile, wicked ...1623
• ILL-BISTIT ill-natured, wicked ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ILL-TRODDEN evil, wicked ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• IMPROBOUS †* wicked, unprincipled ...1657
• INIQUOUS † unjust, unfair; wicked, iniquitous ...1654
• MALEFACTIOUS † wicked, criminal ...1660
• NAUGHT † morally bad; wicked; naughty ...1536
• NAUGHTY † of persons: morally bad, wicked ...1529
• NEFARIOUS wicked, iniquitous, villainous ...1604
• NEFAST * wicked, abominable, detestable, vile ...1849
• NEFASTOUS * wicked, iniquitous, villainous ...1727
• OBDURATE hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...c1440
• OBDURATIOUS †* hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1672
• OBDURE † hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1608
• PERNICIOUS † villainous, wicked, evil, malicious ...1555 now rare or obs.
• PRAVITOUS †* characterized by wickedness or depravity; full of evil, bad ...1648-9
• QUED † evil, wicked, bad, vile, base ...c1205-25 obs. exc. Sc.
• QUEDE † evil, wicked, bad ...c1205-25
• QUEDFUL † full of evil or wickedness ...1340
• SCELEROUS † wicked, villainous ...1534
• SCELESTIOUS †* wicked, evil, villainous ...1608
• SINNY †* sinful, wicked ...c950
• TARTAREOUS † pert., to Tartarus; infernal, hellish, very wicked ...1619
• VARMINT savage; wicked ...1891 Eng. dial.
• WAN † sad, dismal; also, awful, deadly, cruel, wicked ...c1400 poetic
• WARLOCK † malignant, wicked ...c1375
• BADNESS depravity, active wickedness, vice ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BANDLESSNESS the state of abandonment to wickedness ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CAITIFHEDE † vileness, baseness, wickedness ...c1340
• DARK BUSINESS a very wicked action ...BK1900 Eng. dial.
• DEVILTRY mischief, teasing, frolicking, roguery, trickery, wickedness, devilry ...1839 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• FAKEN † fraud, guile; wickedness, crime ...c924
• IDLENESS wantonness, wickedness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILLNESS † bad moral quality, condition or character; wickedness, depravity; evil conduct; badness ...c1500
• LEWDNESS † wickedness; evil behaviour ...1387
• MALIGNE † malice, wickedness ...a1460
• NAUGHT † 1. wickedness, evil, moral wrong, mischief ...c897
† 2. an evil or wicked thing ...a1639
• NAUGHTINESS † wickedness, viciousness, depravity ...1541
• OBDURATION a hardening in sin or wickedness; a making or becoming stubborn, obstinate, or insensible or moral influence ...1494
• PANDEMONIUM a centre of vice or wickedness, a haunt of wickedness ...1800
• QUEDHEAD † evil, wickedness ...1340
• QUEDNESS † evil, wickedness ...c1300
• QUEDSHIP † evil, wickedness ...c1205
WICKED - nouns, person
• BADMASH one following evil courses; a bad, wicked, or disreputable fellow; a villainous man; a rascal, a scoundrel ...1843 Anglo-Indian
• GHOST a wicked-looking person; a villain ...OE
• HAG a woman supposed to have dealings with Satan and the infernal world; a witch; an infernally wicked woman ...1587
• HARD CASE a reckless scapegrace; an unregenerate loafer; a dissipated person, or any wicked person ...1859 Amer. dial.
• HELLICAT a wicked or cruel person; a villain ...1816 Sc.
• IMP a wicked person; a petty fiend or evil spirit ...1526
• IMPROBE †* a wicked person ...1484
• LIMB OF SATAN a wicked or mischievous person, esp. a child ...1851 Amer. dial.
• LITHERBY †* a base or rascally person; a bad, wicked person ...1598
• MAN OF BELIAL, A a worthless or evil man; a wicked, depraved person ...1821
• MISWOMAN † a bad, wicked woman; a whore or lewd woman; a strumpet ...1528
• NACKET a pert, forward, smart boy; a trifling little person; an insignificant person; a wicked, mischievous, or impertinent child; a precocious child ...1833 Sc.
• NAUGHTY-PACK † a wicked or dissolute man ...1549
• QUED † a bad or wicked person ...c1250
• QUEDE † a bad or wicked person ...c1250
• RAGGARD a wicked and abandoned wretch; a rough and ragged vagabond ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAGGELT a person of low character; a wicked and abandoned wretch ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAKESHAME * a man of loose character; a base, rascally fellow; a lewd, debauched fellow; a vile, dissolute wretch; an uncouth and wicked boy ...1599
• SAD DOG a wicked, debauched fellow ...18C sl.
• UNLEAD † a wicked person with evil intentions; a scandalous fellow; an outlaw ...1677 Eng. dial.
• WARLOCK † a wicked person; a scoundrel, a reprobate; a general term of reproach or abuse ...a1000
• WRONGO a criminal; an undesirable person; a bad person; a wicked person; a villain ...1930s sl., orig. US
WICKED - verbs
• BESHREW † to make wicked or evil; to deprave, to pervert, to corrupt ...c1325
WICKEDLY - adverbs
• LEWDLY † wickedly, evilly, vilely, mischievously ...1382
• NAUGHTILY † wickedly, viciously ...1552
• QUEDLY † wickedly ...c1300
• SINISTERLY † in a wrongful or wicked manner ...1532
• OBDURATE to harden in wickedness, or against moral influence, etc.; to make stubborn or obstinate; to harden the heart of, to make relentless or pitiless ...a1540
• OBDURE † to harden in wickedness, or against moral influence, etc.; to make stubborn or obstinate; to harden the heart of, to make relentless or pitiless ...1598 rare or obs.
• SOW THE WIND AND REAP THE WHIRLWIND to indulge in reckless wickedness or folly and suffer the disastrous consequences ...1382
WICKEDNESS - phrases
• GOD DON'T LOVE UGLY refers to sin or wickedness ...1899 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
WIDE - adjectives
• BEAMY broad, wide, usually of a person; having a big backside ...1974 Amer. dial.
• LATE †* broad, wide ...1657
• SCOPIOUS † wide, spacious ...1599
WIDE - verbs
• PATULICATE †* to be opened, or made wide; to become open, to expand ...1656
WIDE-AWAKE - adjectives
• LEARY cunning, astute, knowing, artful; wide-awake; alert; cautious, wary ...1718 sl.
• LEERY cunning, astute, knowing; artful; wide-awake; alert; cautious, wary ...1718 sl.
• WACKERSOME wakeful, wide-awake ...1858 Eng. dial.
WIDELY - adverbs
• ABREID † apart, widely ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LARGELY † widely ...1551
• SUNDERLY †* dispersedly, widely ...1541
WIDEN - verbs
• ELAXATE † to loosen; to widen ...1656
• LARGE † to enlarge, to increase, to widen ...a1340
WIDESPREAD - adjectives
• BRIEF prevalent, widespread; esp. said of a communicable disease ...1722 Amer. dial.
WIDE-SPREADING - adjectives
• EFFUSE † wide-spreading, overflowing, unrestrained, extravagant, marked by squandering ...1742 obs. or arch.
• BOTTLED IN A PEPPER-PATCH of whisky: very strong ...1954 Amer. dial.
• DEAD of a beer bottle, whisky bottle, or other bottle: finished, empty ...M18 sl.
• REVERENT of whisky or brandy: of superior potency ...1886 sl.
WHISKY - nouns (also see MOONSHINE)
• ACCA aqua vitae; whisky ...1824 Sc.
• ACKADENT aqua vitae, whisky ...1882 Sc.
• ACKAVITY † aqua vitae; whisky ...1788 Sc.
• ACKIE-PEEVIE whisky ...1929 Sc.
• ACKWA aqua vitae; whisky ...1824 Sc.
• ALCHY alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• ALKIE alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• ALKY alcohol; often applied specifically to illicit liquor or to whisky ...1844 sl., orig. & chiefly US
• AMBER BEVERAGE whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER BREW whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER FLUID whisky ..1970s sl.
• AMBER LIQUID whisky ..1970s sl.
• ANGEL TEAT a mellowed whisky with a rich bouquet ...1946 Amer. dial.
• ANGEL'S TEAT a mellowed whisky with a rich bouquet ...1946 Amer. dial.
• ARCTIC WINE straight whisky ...1939 Amer. dial. (Alaska)
• ARDENT whisky ...Bk1898 Sc.
• AWERDENTY strong drink, often whisky, brandy ...1850 Amer. dial.
• BACCHUS OIL spirituous liquor, wine, whisky, etc. ...1714 Sc.
• BALDFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1834 US sl.
• BALDFACE WHISKY cheap. potent whisky ...E19 US sl.
• BALL a glass of whisky or other liquor ...1866 US sl.
• BALLFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1839 US sl.
• BALLFACE WHISKY cheap. potent whisky ...E19 US sl.
• BALM OF GILEAD illicitly distilled whisky ...1906 Amer. dial.
• BARD STUFF whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY-BREE malt liquor, esp. whisky or ale ...1724 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• BARLEY-BROO malt liquor, esp. whisky or ale ...1724 Sc.
• BARLEY BROTH whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY JUICE whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY-UNCTION malt liquor; whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BARLEY WATER whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BARLEY WINE whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLACKJACK illegal liquor; moonshine; illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BLIND PIG whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• BLIND TIGER illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• BLOCKADE illicit liquor; moonshine; whisky ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BLOCK AND TACKLE whisky ...1951 jocular Amer. dial.
• BLUE whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLUE GUM home-made whisky; moonshine ...1972 Amer. dial.
• BLUE NAPPY whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BLUE PIG whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BLUE THREAD whisky ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BOLDFACE raw or inferior whisky ...1834 US sl.
• BOTTLED-IN-THE-BARN moonshine; home-made, bootleg whisky ...1940 Amer. dial.
• BOURBON POULTICE a drink of whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• BREAKY-LEG strong drink; whisky ...c1860 sl.
• BREE liquor; whisky, ale, etc. ...Bk1911 Sc.
• BRIERPATCH illegally made whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• BRUSH-ARBOR WHISKEY cheap but potent moonshine ...1953 Amer. dial.
• BRUSH MOUTH a drink of whisky ...1949 Amer. dial.
• BUDGE whisky ...1874 Amer. sl.
• BUG JUICE whisky or other strong liquor, usually of inferior quality ...1863 Amer. dial.
• BUG POISON whisky or other strong liquor, usually of inferior quality ...1889 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLEBEE STEW strong whisky, moonshine ...1956 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLEBEE WHISKY strong whisky, moonshine ...1867 Amer. dial.
• BUMBLINGS adulterated moonshine whisky ...1913 Amer. dial.
• BUSHWHACK illegal made whisky; moonshine ...1970 Amer. dial.
• BUSH WHISKY illegal made whisky; moonshine ...1955 Amer. dial.
• BUSTHEAD 1. whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky; moonshine ...1857 Amer. dial.
2. a headache from drinking bad whisky ...1939 Amer. dial.
• BUSTSKULL whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky; moonshine ...1942 Amer. dial.
• CAPER-JUICE whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• CAT whisky, esp. moonshine ...1965 Amer. dial.
• CATGUT bad whisky; rotgut ...1924 Amer. dial.
• CHAIN LIGHTNING cheap potent whisky or rum ...1837 US sl.
• CHARLEY FRISKY Scotch whisky; any whisky ...M19 Brit. rhyming sl.
• CLEAR MCCOY first-rate whisky or beer ...1900s sl.
• COFFIN VARNISH liquor, esp. cheap whisky ...1881 US sl.
• CORN-MULE whisky distilled from corn mash; any whisky ..,.20C US sl.
• CRATER whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• DANDY a small jug; a small glass; a small glass of whisky ...1838 Irish
• DARBY a glass of whisky ...19C Irish sl.
• DEAD SHOT very poor-quality or adulterated whisky ...M19 US sl.
• DELICUN SQUINTON whisky; "...makes you speak the truth and gives you everlasting remembrance" ...1946 Amer. dial.
• DEW whisky ...1891 Sc.
• ESSENCE whisky ...M19 US sl.
• ETHYL ALCOHOL whisky ...Bk1942 US navy euphemism
• EYEWATER liquor, esp. illegal whisky ...1940 Amer. dial.
• FACER a glass of whisky punch ...M19 sl.
• FAMILY DISTURBANCE whisky or other strong alcoholic drink ...19C US sl.
• FARM LIQUOR ordinary homemade whisky, neither aged nor artificially coloured ...1953 Amer. dial.
• FARMER'S WINE whisky, esp. when illegally made ...1968 Amer. dial.
• FIELD WHISKEY common moonshine, not aged or coloured ...1953 Amer. dial.
• FIGHTING LIQUOR whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• FIGHTING WHISKEY whisky strong enough to make the drinker pugnacious ...1874 Amer. jocular
• FIREWATER alcohol; any strong spirit; whisky ...1826 sl., orig. attributed to North American Indians; latterly used jocularly
• FORTY ROD cheap fiery whisky ...1863 sl., orig. US
• FORTY-ROD WHISKY cheap fiery whisky ...1863 sl., orig. US
• FOXHEAD illicitly distilled whisky ...20C US sl.
• GAGE alcohol, esp. whisky ...1932 US criminals' sl.
• GATOR SWEAT home-brewed whisky, esp. that which is aged in earthen mounds ...20C US colloq.
• GAUGE cheap whisky; inferior whisky which might have come out of a chamber pot ...20C US sl.
• GAY AND FRISKY whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. rhyming sl.
• GOLD WATCH Scotch whisky ...1992 UK rhyming sl. (Scotch)
• GRAY MULE homemade liquor; illegally made whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• GUT-HEATER a slug of whisky; a strong or bracing drink of liquor ...1940s Amer. sl.
• GUT-WARMER a strong or bracing drink of liquor; whisky ...a1944 Amer. sl.
• HAIR a very small amount of whisky ...1879 Sc.
• HALF-A-MAN a half pint of whisky ...1988 Amer. dial.
• HALF-AND-HALF a mixture of wine and whisky ...E19 sl.
• HALFMAN 1. a half bottle of whisky or spirits ...1914 Sc.
2. ('half man') a half pint of whisky ...1939 Amer. dial.
• HAPPY WATER whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1968 Amer. dial.
• HARD, THE whisky ...1890 Sc.
• HARDWARE whisky ...1960 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-BUSTER whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HEAD-SPLITTER whisky, esp. illegally made or bad whisky ...1966 Amer. dial.
• HELL-BROTH bad liquor; whisky ...M19 sl.
• HELLFIRE a cheap or low-grade whisky ...1863 Amer. dial.
• HIGHLAND FRISKY whisky ...L19 rhyming sl.
• HOLY WATER water that has been laced with whisky ...20C sl.
• HOOKER a drink of whisky ...1919 Amer. sl.
• HOP-SCOTCH Scotch whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• IGNITE whisky ...1980s US Black sl.
• IGNITE OIL whisky ...1980s US Black sl.
• IRISH Irish whisky ...1893 colloq.
ׇ• IRISH TEA a drink made of tea laced with whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• JACK Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JACKASS home-distilled liquor, such as brandy or corn whisky ...1920s US sl.
• JACK D Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JACK'S Jack Daniel's brand of whisky ...1970s US sl.
• JIG-WATER bad whisky ...1888 Amer. sl.
• JOHN BARLEYCORN whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• JOLT a stiff drink of spirits, esp. brandy, whisky, or bourbon ...20C sl.
• KILL-ME-QUICK whisky ...M19 US sl.
• KILL-PREACHER port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-PRIEST port wine; also whisky ...L18 sl.
• KILL-THE-BEGGAR rough whisky ...19C sl.
• LAMP OIL whisky ...1944 Amer. sl.
• LIFTER a drink of whisky ...1875 Amer. sl.
• LIGHTNING inferior whisky ...1781 sl., chiefly US
• LIGHTNING LIQUOR whisky; cheap liquor ...1942 Amer. dial.
• LIQUID FIRE strong liquor, esp. whisky ...1815 sl.
• LIQUID HORSESHOES liquor, esp. whisky, with an exceptional kick ...1920 US sl.
• LONG-RANGE cheap potent whisky ...1865 Amer. sl.
• LUSH whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• LUSH BETTY a whisky bottle ...M19 US sl.
• MALAFEE whisky ...1923 Amer. dial.
• MALAWU whisky ...1949 Amer. dial.
• MAN a pint of whisky ...1988 Amer. dial.
• MATRIMONY a mixture of gin and whisky, or gin and rum ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• MCCOY first-rate whisky or beer ...1900s sl.
• MERCY whisky; general in plural ...1826 Sc.
• MINNESOTA THIRTEEN an illegal corn whisky made in prohibition days, supposedly named after the brand of corn used ...1966 Amer. dial.
• MISSISSIPPI MULE whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1967 Amer. dial.
• MOON illicitly distilled liquor; whisky; moonshine ...1928 US sl.
• MOONEY illegally made whisky ...1929 Amer. dial.
• MOONSHINE homemade whisky; cheap or inferior alcohol; any alcohol ...L18 cant & colloq.
• MOOSE MILK whisky ...1954 Amer. sl.
• MOUNTAIN DEW whisky, distilled illegally ...1816 UK sl.
• NAKED TRUTH pure spirits; whisky neat ...1880 Sc.
• NANNY-GOAT SWEAT whisky, esp. home-brewed or inferior whisky ...M20 US sl.
• NEEDFUL whisky ...M19 US sl.
• NIP a small drink whisky or other liquor...1869 sl.
• O-BE-JOYFUL whisky; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OH-BE-CHEERFUL brandy; whisky; rum; liquor in general ...1815 sl.
• OH-BE-JOYFUL brandy, whisky, rum; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OIL an alcoholic beverage, esp. whisky ...1917 Amer. sl.
• OIL OF BARLEY whisky ...M19 sl.
• OIL OF MALT malt liquor, whisky, beer ...c1648-50
• OLD BEJOYFUL whisky; liquor ...1815 US sl.
• OLD HORNEY strong, illegally manufactured whisky ...1999 US sl.
• OLD KIRK whisky ...1885 Sc.
• OLD MAN RED EYE whisky ...1914 US tramps' sl.
• OLD MAN'S MILK whisky ...M19 sl.
• OLD RED whisky ...1905 US West sl.
• OWL SKULL cheap whisky ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• PADDY Irish whisky ...1970s Irish sl.
• PADDY'S EYEWATER illicitly distilled whisky, poteen ...L19 Irish sl.
• PAINT REMOVER cheap, strong whisky or another drink ...20C sl., orig. US
• PALEFACE whisky ...M19 US sl.
• PANTHER BREATH strong, illegally manufactured whisky ...1999 US sl.
• PANTHER JUICE alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER PISS alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PANTHER SWEAT alcohol; esp. applied to spirits distilled illicitly or locally; whisky; moonshine ...1929 sl.
• PARLIAMENTARY WHISKY whisky on which duty has been paid, as opposed to contraband or home-distilled whisky ...L18 Irish sl.
• PARLIAMENT WHISKY whisky on which duty has been paid, as opposed to contraband or home-distilled whisky ...L18 Irish sl.
• PICK-HANDLE homemade whisky; moonshine ...1968 Amer. dial.
• PINE-TOP cheap or illicit whisky ...1858 US sl.
• POISON liquor, esp. cheap whisky ...1805 Amer. sl.
• POOR BOY a small whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• POPE'S TELEPHONE NUMBER Vat 69 whisky ...1900s sl.
• POPSKULL poor-quality drink; illicitly distilled whisky ...1867 Amer. sl.
• PRAIRIE-DEW whisky; home-brewed whisky ...M19 US sl.
• QUARE STUFF, THE illicitly distilled whisky ...1960 Irish sl.
• QUILL first-rate whisky; the genuine thing as opposed to the 'bathtub' or 'rotgut' versions produced during Prohibition ...1920s US sl.
• RADIATOR WHISKY strong, homemade whisky ...1999 US sl.
• RAILROAD rough whisky ...M19 US sl.
• RATGUT whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE JUICE poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE OIL poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RATTLESNAKE WHISKY poor-quality or illicit whisky ...1867 Amer. dial.
• RAW undiluted whisky ...1869 Sc.
• RED-EYE rough, strong whisky ...1819 US sl.
• RED-EYE JUICE low-quality liquor; cheap whisky ...1965 Amer. dial.
• RED-EYE SOUR whisky and lemon ...Bk1903 sl.
• RED-EYE WHISKY low-quality liquor; cheap whisky ...1851 Amer. dial.
• RED-HEAD fiery whisky ...c1852 sl.
• ROTGUT adulterated or inferior alcoholic liquor, esp. beer or whisky ...sl.
• SAIGON TEA a whisky-coloured drink served to bar girls in Vietnam, passing for expensive whisky bought by US servicemen ...1966 US sl.
• SAMKUMSULY in moonshining: good whisky ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SANCTUM SULLY in moonshining: good whisky ...1984 Amer. dial.
• SANCTUM SULY in moonshining: good whisky ...1944 Amer. dial.
• SANDY-TAM whisky ...1899 Sc.
• SCAMPER JUICE whisky ...1970s US sl.
• SCAT whisky ...1914 US sl.
• SCOOTIKIN a dram of whisky ...1824 Sc.
• SCOTCH MUFFLER a drink of liquor, esp. of whisky, as keeping one warm ...1969 Sc.
• SCOTS WATERS whisky ...1698 Sc.
• SCRAP IRON inferior whisky ...1942 Amer. sl.
• SCREECH homemade liquor; rot-gut whisky; cheap, inferior liquor; fortified wine ...1902 US sl.
• SCREIGH whisky ...1813 Sc. sl.
• SETUP whisky, ice, and chaser served in a barroom ...1940s US Black sl.
• SHEEP DIP inferior liquor; bad whisky ...1942 Amer. sl.
• SHINE illegally made whisky ...1923 Amer. dial.
• SHINNY whisky, esp. when illegally made or of poor quality ...1927 Amer. dial.
• SHOOTER a measure or drink of spirits, esp. whisky ...1971 US sl.
• SHOT IN THE NECK a drink of straight whisky ...Bk1990 Amer. sl.
• SKEE whisky, esp. low quality, low cost whisky ...World War I US sl.
• SKREIGH whisky ...1813 Sc. sl.
• SKULL liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SKULL BUST liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...c1970 Amer. dial.
• SKULL BUSTER liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SKULL CRACKER liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1985 Amer. dial.
• SKULL VARNISH liquor, esp. illegal whisky of inferior quality ...1952 Amer. dial.
• SKY whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SMALL DARBY a glass of whisky ...1892 Irish sl.
• SMOKE illicit or inferior whisky ...1904 US sl.
• SNAKE inferior whisky ...E20 US sl.
• SNAKEBITE MEDICINE whisky; any strong alcoholic drink ...20C US sl.
• SNAKE-JUICE inferior alcohol; bad whisky; alcohol as potent as snake's venom ...1890 sl., chiefly Aust.
• SNAKE MEDICINE whisky; any strong alcoholic drink ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• SNAKE-POISON inferior alcohol; bad whisky ...1889 US sl.
• SNORT a drink of liquor, esp. of plain whisky ...1889 Amer. sl.
• SPUNKIE * whisky or other spirituous drink; alcohol ...1786 Sc.
• STONE FENCE undiluted whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• STRANGER a barrel of whisky ...1844 Amer. sl.
• STRINGY-BARK a combination of fusil oil and turpentine, labelled 'whisky'; bad liquor ...1890 Aust. sl.
• STUMP-LIKKER home-brewed whisky; moonshine ...M20 US sl.
• SWAMP ROOT inferior whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• TANGLEFOOT inferior or illicit whisky ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TANGLEFOOT WHISKY inferior or illicit whisky ...1859 Amer. dial.
• TAOS LIGHTNING whisky; cheap liquor ...1858 Amer. dial.
• TARANTULA-JUICE inferior whisky ...1861 US sl.
• THIRD RAIL WHISKEY cheap, potent whisky ...1909 Amer. dial.
• TIGER JUICE strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1950 Amer. dial.
• TIGER MILK strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1928 Amer. dial.
• TIGER PISS strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1968 Amer. dial.
• TIGER'S MILK strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1879 Amer. dial.
• TIGER SPIT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1974 Amer. dial.
• TIGER'S SWEAT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1985 Amer. dial.
• TIGER SWEAT strong or inferior liquor; whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; moonshine ...1932 Amer. dial.
• VARNISH-REMOVER an inferior grade of whisky or home-made whisky ...20C US sl.
• VISCO whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WATERBURY WATCH Scotch (whisky) ...1930s rhyming sl.
• WHITE any colourless whisky or alcohol ...20C Amer. sl.
• WHITE COFFEE illicit alcohol; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...E20 US criminals' sl.
• WHITE EYE strong, inferior whisky ...1874 military sl.
• WHITE HORSE whisky, esp. illegally made whisky ...Bk1942 Amer. sl.
• WHITE LIGHTNING whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1904 Amer. dial.
• WHITELINE any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1914 Amer. sl.
• WHITE LIQUOR whisky, esp. illegally made whisky; any colourless whisky or alcohol ...1871 Amer. dial.
• WHITE MULE illicit or inferior whisky; powerful homemade liquor with a kick like a mule ...1889 US sl.
• WHITE STUFF alcohol, esp. illegal whisky ...20C US sl.
• WHITE WHISKY illegally made whisky ...1848 Amer. dial.
• WIDOW-MAKER corn whisky ...1974 Amer. dial.
• WILD MARE'S MILK distilled liquor, whisky ...1937 Amer. dial.
• YANKEE whisky sweetened with molasses ...1804 Amer. dial.
WHISKY - nouns, person
• ALKY-COOKER one who is employed in the illegal distillation of whisky ...1930s US sl.
• CADGER a professional distributor or hawker of poteen or illicit whisky ...20C Ireland
• LEGGER a person who sells illegal whisky ...1926 Amer. dial.
• RAT one who sells bootleg whisky on the sly ...1911 Amer. dial.
• SHINER one who deals in illegally made whisky; a moonshiner ...1931 Amer. dial.
WHISKY - verbs
• FIGHT to drink (esp. whisky), to excess ...1844 Amer. sl.
• GIVE THE JAKELEG to poison with bad whisky ...c1960 Amer. dial.
• LEG to make or distribute illegal whisky ...1972 Amer. dial.
WHISPER - nouns
• HARK a whisper; a secret wish or desire ...1814 Sc.
• PIG'S WHISPER 1. a low whisper; a grunt ...B1900 Eng. dial.
2. a loud whisper meant to be heard ...B1900 N. Ireland
WHISPER - verbs
• AND † to breathe; to whisper; to devise; to imagine ...B1900 Sc.
• BEND SOMEONE'S EAR to speak privately, to whisper ...1940s sl., orig. US
• BLAW to whisper in the ear, to flatter, to coax, to wheedle ...Bk1911 Sc.
• EIN † to breathe, to whisper, to devise, to imagine ...1887 Sc.
• HARK to speak in one's ear; to whisper or mutter ...1583 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HARKEN † to talk in one's ear, to whisper ...1612 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEARKEN † to talk in one's ear, to whisper ...1612 obs. exc. Sc.
• PISTER to whisper; generally in phrase 'whistering and pistering' ...1746 Eng. dial.
• QUITHER to talk or chatter low; to whisper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• SHOO-SHOO to whisper ...1935 Amer. dial.
• SIFFILATE * to whisper ...1837
• TICKLE † to whisper ...1575.
• TITTLE to speak in a whisper or in a low voice, to whisper; also, to tell or utter by way of tattle or gossip; to tell a person confidentially ...1399 Eng. dial. & colloq.
• TUTTLE to whisper; to carry tales ...B1900 Eng. dial.
• WIZZY-WIZZY to whisper ...1965 Barbados
WHISPERER - nouns, person
• EAR-ROWNER † an ear-whisperer ...a1388
• TITTLER † one who tattles; a whisperer, a telltale, a talebearer; a gossip ...1399 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• CUGGER-MUGGER a confabulation, a secret conversation; a whispering, a gossiping in a low voice ...1862 Ireland
• HARKING a whispering ...1897 Sc.
• SIBILATION the act of hissing or whistling; a hissing or whistling sound ...1626
• SIBILLATION the act of hissing or whistling; a hissing or whistling sound ...1626
• SIFFLEMENT † a whistling noise ...1607
• VIDDLE-DE-VOP a low whistle ...1940s US Black sl.
• WOLF WHISTLE a distinctive whistle (generally, a sharply terminated rising note, followed by one that rises briefly before descending and fading) used as a declaration of appreciation for a sexually attractive person ...1952 US sl.
WHISTLE - nouns, person
• SIBILATOR * one who hisses or whistles ...c1440
• SIBILLATOR * one who hisses or whistles ...c1440
WHISTLE - verbs
• FUTE † to whistle ...c1650
• GOOI A CANARY to whistle a warning ...1940s S. Afr. sl.
• SIFFLE to blow with a sibilant sound; to whistle, to hiss ...a1300
• SISTLE to whistle with a hissing sound
• WOLF-WHISTLE to whistle in a distinctive declaration of appreciation for a sexually attractive person ...1955 US sl.
WHISTLING - adjectives
• SIBILATORY marked or expressed by whistling ...1830
• SIBILLATORY marked or expressed by whistling ...1830
• OBSIBILATE †* to make a whistling noise, as trees stirred with winds; to hiss ...1656
WHITE - adjectives
• BALDHEADED hairless, bare; hence, shining white ...1880 US sl.
• CANDICANT †* growing white; inclining to white, whitish ...1657
• CANDID † white ...1630
• CANDIDATE †* clothed in white ...1616 poetic
• CANESCENT rather hoary; greyish or dull white, like the down or hairs on the leaves of plants ...1847
• NIXIOUS † white as snow, snowy ...1623
• SULLIED WHITE dirty white ...1681
• WHITE AS A BABY'S ASS very white ...1953 Amer. sl.
WHITE - verbs
• CANDEFY † to make or become white ...1656
• CANDICATE † to grow white ...1623
• CANDIDATE †* to make white; to whitewash (fig.) ...1628
• CANDIFY † to make or become white ...1656
WHITE - nouns
• BALL † a white streak or spot, as on an animal ...1523
WHITE, WHITE PERSON - adjectives
• ANGLO White, or pert. to White lifestyle or culture ...1960s US sl.
• BUCKRA of the White race ...1840 Amer. dial.
• DAY Caucasian or White ...20C US basketball sl.
• FAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• GANJA white-skinned ...2000 US sl.
• GRAY Caucasian ...1980 Amer. Black usage
• GREY white-skinned ...1944 US Black sl.
• OFAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• OOFAY White; pert. to White culture ...L19 sl., orig. US Black
• PADDY White ...1940s US Black sl.
• PALEFACED (derogatory) describing a White person ...20C sl.
• REBBISH poor, White, and racist ...1945 US sl.
• SALT AND PEPPER white and black ...1915 US sl.
• SILK white-skinned ...1960 US sl.
• VANILLA white-skinned, Caucasian ...1994 US sl., orig. Black usage
• BABYLON anything which represents the degenerate or oppressive state of White culture, esp. the police or a policeman, (White) society or the Establishment; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1943 Black sl., chiefly Jamaican
• BABYLON-LAND any country, typically a materialist Western state, seen by Rastafarians as corrupt and materialistic ...1970s W. Indies
• BLOCKBUSTER the first White family to move back into an inner city area, driving out the poor minority tenants and starting the process of gentrification ...1960s sl.
• CHARLES (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
• CHARLIE White society in general ...M20 US Black sl.
• GANJA the White establishment ...2000 US sl.
• MAN, THE the White ruling class ...1940s US Black sl.
• OKEY-DOKE White values and opinions ...1960s US Black sl.
• SCRATCH-ANKLE a part of a town inhabited by poor Whites ...1965 Amer. dial.
• VANILLA SUBURB the White suburbs, as opposed to the Black inner city ...1970s US sl.
• WHITE MAN'S BURDEN, THE a rhetorical expression for the responsibility of the White for the coloured races ...1899
• WHITE MEAT White women considered as sexual conquests or partners ...1940 sl., chiefly US
• WHITE TRASH the poor White population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, a low-class White person; the class of such people ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WHITEY (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WHITIE (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
WHITE, WHITE PERSON - nouns, person
• ANGLO anyone of ostensibly Anglo-Saxon appearance, i.e. a White person ...1940s sl., orig. US
• ANN any White female ...1940s US Black sl.
• BABYLONIAN a White person ...2004 US sl.
• BALDHEAD a White person ...1950s W. Indies
• BALLFACE a contemptuous name applied by Blacks to White persons ...a1849 US sl.
• BEAST a Caucasian ...20C US Black sl.
• BIG KNIFE † a White man, esp. a Virginian ...1750 US Indian usage
• BLANKS Whites or Europeans (used by themselves) ...Bk1892 Anglo-Indian sl.
• BOCCARORRA (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1787 Amer. dial.
• BOOJUM a White person ...1976 Amer. dial. Black usage
• BOSS a term of respect used by a Black person for any White man, esp. one who employs them ...1908 Amer. dial.
• BOSS CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• BUCKRA (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1800 Amer. dial.
• BUCKRUH (now usually derogatory) any White person; White people ...1922 Amer. dial.
• BULL-FACE (derogatory) a Caucasian ...1810 US Black sl.
• CAUC a Caucasian, a White person ...1980s US sl.
• CHALK a White person; used contemptuously ...1945 US Black sl.
• CHARLES (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1970 Amer. dial. Black usage
• CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• CHICKEN-LIPS a White person ...2000s US Black sl.
• CHUCK (derogatory) a White man; hence, White people, White society in general ...1963 Amer. dial. Black usage
• COUNTRY SAGER a rustic; a country bumpkin; a poor White person ...1949 Amer. dial.
• CRACKER a poor White ...US sl.
• DAP a White person ...1938 US campus sl.
• DARKEY a nickname for a White man with a dark skin ...c1880 sl.
• DARKY a nickname for a White man with a dark skin ...c1880 sl.
• DEVIL a Caucasian ...M20 US Black sl.
• ELM PEELER a poor White who peels elm trees for slippery elm, which he sells ...1923 Amer. dial.
• FACE a White person ...1944 US Black sl.
• FADE (derogatory) a White person ...20C US Black sl.
• FADED BOGEY a White person who imitates Blacks ...1920s US Black sl.
• FADED BOOGIE a White person who imitates Blacks ...1920s US Black sl.
• FAGINGY-FAGADE a White person ...1920s US Black sl.
• FAY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• FELLOW a White man ...1941 Amer. dial. Black usage
• FEY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• FROSTY a Caucasian ...M20 US Black usage
• GABACHO (derogatory) a White person ...1950 Mexican-American usage
• GAVACHO (derogatory) a White person ...1950 Mexican-American usage
• GIGHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• GRAY a White person ...1960 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY BOY a White man ...1971 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY BROAD a White female ...1972 Amer. Black usage
• GRAY DUDE a White man ...1972 Amer. Black usage
• GREY a White person ...1944 US Black sl.
• GUB a White person ...Aust.
• GUBBAH a White person ...Aust.
• HACK a White person ...1934 Amer. sl.
• HAY-EATER (derogatory) a White person ...20C sl.
• HONKEY (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HONKIE (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HONKY (disparaging and offensive) a White person ...1945 sl.
• HOOPLE a Caucasian ...M20 US sl.
• HUNKIE (derogatory) a White person ...1959 US sl.
• HUNKY (derogatory) a White person ...1959 US sl.
• ICE-CREAM a White person ...1970s UK Black teen sl.
• IGXAGXA a poor White ...1950s S. Africa Black sl.
• JEFF a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1870 US Black sl.
• JEFF ARTIST a White person ...1969 Amer. dial. Black usage
• JEFF DAVIS a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1870 US Black sl.
• JEFFER a White person ...1969 Amer. dial. Black usage
• JUMBLE a White person ...1957 Black sl.
• KABLOONA among Inuit people, a person who is not an Inuit; a White person ...L18
• KANGA a White child ...1980s Aust. sl.
• KEEBLER a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• KELCH a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELT a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELTCH a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• KELTZ a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1912 sl.
• LAANIE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LAHNEE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl
• LANI a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LANIE a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LARNEY a White person; a rich person ...1970s S. Afr. sl.
• LINTHEAD (derogatory) a cotton-mill worker; hence, a low-class White person; a hillbilly; an insignificant person ...1933 Amer. dial.
• LONGNECK a White person ...1986 Amer. dial.
• MAGGOT (contemptuous) a White person ...1985 US Black sl.
• MAN, THE a White man; White people collectively ...1963 US Black sl.
• MARSHMALLOW a White person ...1910s US Black sl.
• MISS AMY a young White woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• MISS ANN(E) a White woman or girl ...1926 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• MISS ANNIE a White woman or girl ...1926 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• MISS LILLIAN a White girl or woman of any age, but usually an older woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• MISTER CHARLEY (often derogatory) a Whiteman; the boss; White people ...1928 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MISTER CHARLIE (often derogatory) a Whiteman; the boss; White people ...1928 Amer. dial., Black usage
• MLUNGU a White person; used mockingly ...1980s S. Afr. Black
• MR. CHARLIE a White man considered as an oppressor; any White man; used contemptuously ...1928 US Black sl.
• NIGGY a White person who acts like a Black person ...2000s US Black sl.
• OFAGINZY a White person ...1946 US Black sl.
• O-FAY (derogatory and offensive) a White person ...1917 Amer. sl.
• OFEY (derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• OFFAY (derogatory) a White person ...1925 Amer. dial. Black usage
• OLD-FAY (derogatory) a Caucasian ...E20 US Black usage
• OLE-FAY (derogatory) a Caucasian ...E20 US Black usage
• ONIONHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• OOFAY (usually derogatory) a White person ...L19 US sl.
• PACK a White person ...1990s US Black sl.
• PADDY a White person, though not always Irish ...1945 US Black sl.
• PADDY BOY a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PADDY GIRL a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PADDYWOOD (derogatory) a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• PAGAN a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• PAKEHA the Maori word for a White man ...1832
• PALE a White person ...1900s US Black sl.
• PALE-FACE a person who has a pale face; a name for a White man attributed to the North American Indians ...1822
• PALEFACE NIGGER a highly unpopular White person, whose skin does not save them from the opprobrium heaped on Blacks ...1940s US Black sl.
• PATTY a White person, though not always Irish ...1940s US Black sl.
• PATTY BOY a nickname for a Caucasian ...M20 US Black usage
• PECK a poor White person ...1932 US Black sl.
• PECKER a White person; esp. a poor White ...1986 Amer dial., chiefly Black usage
• PECKAWOOD a poor White person ...1929 US sl.
• PECKERWOOD (derogatory) a poor, backward, rural White person; often used as a term of abuse for White person ...1928 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
• PIKE a poor White person; a good-for-nothing ...1856 Amer. dial.
• PIKER a poor White person; a good-for-nothing ...1859 Amer. dial.
• PINK a White person, esp. an attractive girl or woman ...1945 Amer. Black usage
• PINKIE a White person ...1967 US Black sl.
• PINK TOE(S) a young White woman ...1942 US Black sl.
• PINKY a White person ...1967 US Black sl.
• PORK a White person ...1980s US Black sl.
• POTATOHEAD a White person ...1965 Amer. dial. Black usage
• QUACKIE a White person ...1971 Trinidad and Tobago
• RABBIT a White person ...1960s US sl.
• RIDGE-RUNNER a White person ...1966 US Black sl.
• ROUNDEYE a Caucasian, from the point of view of an Oriental ...M20 US sl.
• SABANA a White person ...1990s US prison & Hispanic usage
• SANDLAPPER (derogatory) one who eats dirt; hence, a low-class or countrified White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• SCISSOR BILL (derogatory) a Caucasian ...1965 Amer. Indian. usage
• SILK a White person ...M19 UK & US Black sl.
• SILK AND SATIN an attractive White or light-skinned woman ...1970s US Black sl.
• SILK BROAD a White woman ...1960s US Black sl.
• SIWASH (derogatory) a White person who has gone native ...1965 Amer. dial.
• SNAKE (derogatory) a nickname for a Caucasian ...M20 US Black sl.
• SNOW 1. a White woman ...1950s US Black sl.
2. any White person ...1950s sl.
• SNOWBALL a White person ...20C US Black sl.
• SNOW BUNNY a White woman ...1950s US Black sl.
• SNOWDROP a White person ...Brit. Black sl.
• SNOWFLAKE a White person ...Brit. Black sl.
• SPOOK orig. used by Black slaves as a reference to ghosts, and later as a reference to White people as 'ghost-like' ...1800s US Black sl.
• TACKEY a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TACKIE a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• TACKY a low-class White person ...1836 Amer. dial.
• UNCLE CHARLIE (often derogatory) a White man; the boss; White people ...1970 Amer. dial., Black usage
• VANILLA a White person, esp. a woman ...1930s US Black sl.
• WALK AND NYAM a poor White; thus a sponger of any race ...E19 W. Indies sl.
• WALK-FOOT a poor White ...1900s W. Indies
• WALKING BUCKRA a poor White ...E19 W. Indies
• WEGRO a White person who takes on Black culture and style ...2000s US Black sl.
• WHITE a Caucasian
• WHITE MARY a White woman ...1853 Aust. sl.
• WHITE NIGGER 1. (derogatory) a term of contempt for White people who do menial tasks ...L19 Brit. & US usage
2. (derogatory) a Caucasian who works for Black civil rights causes ...M20 US usage
• WHITE TRASH the poor White population of the Southern States of America, and hence, contemptuously, a low-class White person; the class of such people ...1824 Amer. dial.
• WHITEY (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WHITIE (usually derogatory) a White person; White people collectively ...1921 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage
• WIGGER a White person who tries to emulate or acquire cultural behaviour and tastes attributed to Black people ...L20 US sl.
• WOOD a White person ...1970s US Black sl.
• YARD APE a poor, low-class White person, White trash ...2003 Amer. dial.
• YELLOWHAMMER (derogatory) a low-class White person ...2000 Amer. dial.
• YOKEL a term of contempt for a White person ...M20 US Black sl.
WHITEN - verbs
• DEALBATE † to whiten ...1623
• CANDESCENCE dazzling whiteness or brightness ...1880
• CANDOUR † brilliant whiteness; brilliancy ...1634
• CANESCENCE * hoariness, dull whiteness ...1855
• CANITUDE † hoariness, whiteness ...1656
• CANDICANCY a whitening or making fair ...1731
• DEALBATION the act of whitening, blanching, bleaching ...1607
• CALCIMINE white or coloured wash for walls ...1864
• CALCIMINE to whitewash ...19C
WHITLOW - nouns
• BONE FELON a whitlow, an inflammatory tumour ...c1890 Amer. dial.
WHITTLE - verbs
• THWITE to whittle; to pare wood; to cut with a knife, to carve ...1777 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• THWITTLE to whittle, to cut, to carve ...1790 Eng. dial.
WHIZZING - nouns
• RASH-WHISH a whizzing sound ...1899 Sc.
WHIZZING - verbs
• HIZZLE † to make a hissing or whizzing noise ...1583
• QUIZ * to make a whizzing sound ...1866
WHOEVER - pronouns
• EVERWHO whoever ...1905 Amer. dial.
• EVERYWHO whoever ...1940 Amer. dial.
WHOLE - adjectives
• HAIL † whole, entire ...a1300
• HALE of things immaterial, time, numbers, etc.: whole, entire, complete ...a1300
WHOLE - nouns
• BE-ALL that which is or constitutes the whole; the whole being ...1605
• BOODLE the whole ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• BOX AND DICE the sum total, everything; the whole collection ...Bk1911 Sc.
• CABOODLE the whole lot ...Bk1905 Amer. dial.
• COMPOODLE the whole lot ...1890 Amer. dial.
• HAILWARE the whole of something, esp. of a company or of a number of things ...1737 Sc.
• HALEWARE the whole, the whole number or company; the whole assortment of things ...1785 Sc.
• OMNITUDE * the fact of being all; universality; the whole, the total sum ...1839
• SKIN AND BIRN the whole of anything or any number ...Bk1911 Sc.
• TAG AND RAG the whole of anything, every bit ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
WHOLE-HEARTED - adjectives
• HEART-WHOLE whole-hearted; free from hypocrisy or affectation; sincere, genuine ...1684
• BOOTS AND ALL with no holds barred, wholeheartedly ...Aust. & NZ colloq.
• DEAD intensifier; very, thoroughly, absolutely, extremely, completely; wholeheartedly ...1589
• RIP, SHIT, OR BUST to throw yourself wholeheartedly into a task without fear of the consequences ...1999 US sl.
WHOLESOME - adjectives
• ELECTUARIOUS †* of the nature of an electuary; wholesome, beneficial ...1562
• HAIL † sound, wholesome; pure, uncorrupted ...a1300
• HALESOME wholesome, healthy, sound ...c1200 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HEALFUL † fraught with health, well-being, safety, salvation; wholesome, salutary ...c1340
• HEALSOME † wholesome, salutary; healthful ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc.
• HEALTHSOME * bestowing health bodily, mental, or spiritual; wholesome; salutary ...1538
• HEALTH † healthiness, wholesomeness, salubrity ...1387
WHOLLY - adverbs
• ACE AND DOUCE wholly, entirely ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• ALL-UTTERLY † wholly, completely ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BACK AND EDGE through everything, fully, wholly, thoroughly, completely ...1641
• BARELY † without qualification or reserve; unconditionally; wholly, completely; absolutely, positively ...c1340
• DEAD-ASS completely. wholly, utterly ...1971 US sl.
• HAIR AND HIDE † every part, entirely, wholly, totally ...c1450
• HAIR AND HOOF † every part, entirely, wholly ...1705
• HAILILIE † wholly, completely ...1827 Sc.
• HAILLY wholly, completely ...1827 Sc.
• HALE † wholly, entirely, completely ...c1375 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
• HALELY wholly ...a1300 Sc. & Eng. dial.
• IN FULL HABITUDE †* to the full extent; wholly, entirely ...a1661
• LOCK AND BARREL completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK AND CABOODLE completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK, BARREL, AND STOCK completely, entirely, wholly ...1966 Amer. dial.
• LOCK, STOCK, AND FIRING PIN completely, entirely, wholly ...1948 Amer. dial.
• NECK AND SCRAG completely, wholly, altogether ...Bk1904 Eng. dial.
WHORE - nouns
• FAMILY OF LOVE prostitutes in general; whores; lewd women ...M16
• GALLIVANT a nest of whores ...E19 sl.
WHORE - nouns, person (also see PROSTITUTE)
• BADGER a smelly prostitute; a low whore ...19C Brit. sl.
• BELLY-PIECE † a concubine, a mistress, a prostitute, a whore ...1632
• BLISTER an immoral woman; a whore ...1905 Amer. dial.
• BROKEN OAR a whore; a prostitute ...20C Brit. rhyming sl.
• BURICK a whore ...Bk1892 Aust. sl.
• EARLY DOOR a prostitute; a whore ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. for 'whore'
• GAME † a whore, a lewd woman ...1725 UK sl.
• GUTTER SLUT (derogatory) a poor prostitute; a common whore ...20C Amer. sl.
• GUTTERSNIPE a low prostitute; a common whore ...19C colloq.
• HAWKIE a whore ...1813 Sc. sl.
• LADY OF PLEASURE a courtesan, a whore; a prostitute ...1637
• LIGHT-FRIGATE a woman of loose morals; a wanton; a whore ...c1690 Brit. sl.
• MAN-LEECH † a whore ...1687
• MISWOMAN † a bad, wicked woman; a whore or lewd woman; a strumpet ...1528
• MOLL a prostitute; a whore ...1604
• NAG a whore ...1598 sl.
• NANNY a prostitute; a whore ...18C Brit.
• PUTAIN † a woman of ill fame; a whore, a prostitute, a strumpet ...a1300
• RAMP a whore or sexually loose woman ...M16
• ROMP a whore or sexually loose woman ...M16
• RORY O'MORE a whore ...B1900 rhyming sl.
• SUBURB-DRAB a whore ...1678 sl.
• SUBURB SINNER a loose woman, a prostitute; a whore ...1598
• SUBURB-WENCH a whore ...Bk1904 sl.
• SUCCUBUS a strumpet, a whore; a term of abuse for low woman ...1622
• TOWN MISS a prostitute; ‘a whore of quality’ ...M17 sl.
• WENCH OF THE SUBURBS a whore ...1614 sl.
• W.H. a whore ...1887 euphemism
• WHOREMONGER a notorious user of whores ...E16
• WRONG 'UN a whore; a prostitute ...c1890 sl
• YAUD † a strumpet; a whore; an unchaste or loose woman ...a1400
WHORE - verbs
• BE NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• CHIPPY to be sexually promiscuous or unfaithful; also, to whore ...1930 Amer. sl.
• DO THE NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• GO NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl.
• MERETRICATE † to play the whore; to behave lasciviously ...1623
• STRUMPET to play the whore; to practice prostitution ...L16 sl.
WHORE - phrases
• BEST CARPENTERS MAKE THE FEWEST CHIPS, THE commenting that whores seldom have children ...1609
• WHY BUY A BOOK WHEN YOU CAN GO TO A LIBRARY? ‘Why go to the expense of a wife so long as I can visit a whore?’ ...20C sl.
WHOREDOM - nouns
• MECHATION †* adultery; fornication; whoredom ...1656
WHOREMONGER - nouns, person
• BALLOCKER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. colloq.
• BALLOCKS a nickname for a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• BEARD-JAMMER a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• BEARD-SPLITTER a whoremonger; a libertine ...L17 cant
• BELLSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a pimp ...1592
• BELLYSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a pimp ...1592
• BELSWAGGER † a swaggering gallant or bully; a whoremonger, a lecher, a pimp ...1592
• CHIPPIE-CHASER a whoremonger, a philanderer ...1928 Amer. sl.
• CHIPPY-CHASER a whoremonger, a philanderer ...1891 Amer. sl.
• COCK-FIGHTER a whoremonger; a notorious copulator ...18C Brit. sl.
• CUNNY-HUNTER a whoremonger ...17C sl.
• CUNT-HOUND a lecher; a male who is a notorious whoremonger or woman-chaser ...M20 US sl.
• FAGGOTEER a lecher; a whoremonger; a pimp ...c1825 sl.
• FAGGOT-MASTER a lecher; a whoremonger; a pimp ...c1825 sl.
• FAGOTEER a whoremonger ...c1825 sl.
• FAGOT-MASTER a whoremonger ...c1825 sl.
• FISHMONGER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLEECE-HUNTER a whoremonger; a lecher, a man who is after female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLEECE-MONGER a whoremonger; a lecher, a man who is after female pubic hair ...19C Brit. sl.
• FLESH-FLY a whoremonger; a pimp ...L18 Brit. sl.
• FLESH-MAGGOT a whoremonger; a pimp ...L18 Brit. sl.
• FLOWER-FANCIER a whoremonger; a keeper of whores ...19C Brit. sl.
• FUCKSTER a lecher or a whoremonger; a man noted for his sexual prowess or interest in women ...19C Brit.
• GAME-COCK a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• GAP-STOPPER a whoremonger ...L18 Brit. sl.
• GASH-HOUND a whoremonger ...1955 US sl.
• GAY-MAN a whoremonger; a man who seeks sexually loose woman ...19C Brit. sl.
• GUSSETEER a whoremonger; a lecher; a wencher; somewhat derisory ...19C Brit. sl.
• HAIR-MONGER a whoremonger; a lecher ...19C Brit. sl.
• HOLOUR † a fornicator, a whoremonger, an adulterer; a debauchee, rake, ribald, scoundrel ...c1230
• HOOTCHEE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• HOOTCHIE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• HOTCHIE a whoremonger ...E20 US sl.
• KING OF CLUBS a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• LADIES' TAILOR a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• LUSTY-LAWRENCE a whoremonger ...E17 Brit. sl.
• MUTTON-MONGER † a whoremonger; a man addicted to prostitutes; a debauched man; a pimp, a wencher ...1532 sl., now rare or obs.
• NAUGHTY-MAN a whoremonger ...1673 sl.
• PAP a lecher; a whoremonger ...M20 US sl.
• PARISH-BULL a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PARISH-PRIG a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PARISH-STALLION n. a lecher; a notorious local whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• PUNKER a whoremonger ...17C Brit. sl.
• QUAIL-HUNTER a woman-chaser; a whoremonger ...20C US sl.
• RATTLE-CAP a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• RIDER a sexually aroused male; a lecher or whoremonger ...18C Brit. sl.
• RIFLE-MAN a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• ROUNDER a whoremonger; a lecher ...19C Brit. sl.
• SMELL-SMOCK † a licentious man; one who runs after women; a great wencher; a lover of women; a whoremonger (in early use employed suggestively as a surname) ...1550
• SMOCKSTER a whoremonger; a lecher ...17C Brit. sl.
• STRINGER a whoremonger; a lecher; a wencher ...1611 sl.
• TOWN BULL a lecher; a whoremonger ...16C colloq.
• TOWN RAKE a lecher; a whoremonger ...17C colloq.
• TOWN STALLION a lecher; a whoremonger ...17C colloq.
• TUMMY-TICKLER a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl.
• WHISKER-SPLITTER a whoremonger; a notorious copulator ...E19 Brit. sl.
• WHORE-HOPPER a man notorious for woman-chasing without discrimination; a user of prostitutes; a whoremonger ...1947 Amer. dial.
• WHOREMASTER a user of whores; a whoremonger ...16C
• WOMANIZER a lecher; a woman-chaser; a male flirt or seducer of women; a whoremonger ...L19
• WOODMAN a wencher, a whoremonger, a man who seeks prostitutes ...19C Brit. sl.
• PORNERASTIC fond of wanton women; lascivious, lustful, licentious; addicted to harlotry, whoremongering ...1870
• BAWDY BANQUET whoremongering ...M16 sl.
• NOSE-PAINTING lechery; whoremongering ...Shakespeare usage
WHORING - nouns
• CHIPPY-CHASING n. whoring or philandering ...1915 Amer. sl.
WHORISH - adjectives
• BROTHELLOUS † whorish ...1583
• GAME whorish, engaged in prostitution ...1821 sl.
• RIGGISH † wanton, licentious, whorish ...1570 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• STUPROUS †* unchaste, sexually compliant; given to adultery or whoredom, adulterous, whorish ...1603
• BANDLESS abandoned to wickedness ...Bk1898 Sc.
• BLACK-HEARTED having a wicked, malicious disposition; morally bad ...1638
• CAITIFF vile, base, mean, basely wicked; worthless, miserable, wretched ...a1300
• DERF † in a bad sense: bold, audacious, daringly wicked ...a1300
• DEVILISH-HOLY wicked and good at the same time ...1709
• FACINORIOUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, atrocious, infamous, vile ...1601
• FACINOROUS † extremely wicked, grossly criminal, villainous, atrocious, vile, infamous, detestably bad ...1548 obs. exc. arch.
• FLAGITIOUS atrociously wicked; vicious; outrageous ...14C
• GALLOWS fit for the gallows; deserving to be hanged; villainous, wicked ...c1425
• GETHICALL † vile, wicked ...1623
• ILL-BISTIT ill-natured, wicked ...Bk1905 Sc.
• ILL-TRODDEN evil, wicked ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• IMPROBOUS †* wicked, unprincipled ...1657
• INIQUOUS † unjust, unfair; wicked, iniquitous ...1654
• MALEFACTIOUS † wicked, criminal ...1660
• NAUGHT † morally bad; wicked; naughty ...1536
• NAUGHTY † of persons: morally bad, wicked ...1529
• NEFARIOUS wicked, iniquitous, villainous ...1604
• NEFAST * wicked, abominable, detestable, vile ...1849
• NEFASTOUS * wicked, iniquitous, villainous ...1727
• OBDURATE hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...c1440
• OBDURATIOUS †* hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1672
• OBDURE † hardened in wickedness or sin; persistently impenitent; stubbornly resisting, or insensible to moral influence ...1608
• PERNICIOUS † villainous, wicked, evil, malicious ...1555 now rare or obs.
• PRAVITOUS †* characterized by wickedness or depravity; full of evil, bad ...1648-9
• QUED † evil, wicked, bad, vile, base ...c1205-25 obs. exc. Sc.
• QUEDE † evil, wicked, bad ...c1205-25
• QUEDFUL † full of evil or wickedness ...1340
• SCELEROUS † wicked, villainous ...1534
• SCELESTIOUS †* wicked, evil, villainous ...1608
• SINNY †* sinful, wicked ...c950
• TARTAREOUS † pert., to Tartarus; infernal, hellish, very wicked ...1619
• VARMINT savage; wicked ...1891 Eng. dial.
• WAN † sad, dismal; also, awful, deadly, cruel, wicked ...c1400 poetic
• WARLOCK † malignant, wicked ...c1375
• BADNESS depravity, active wickedness, vice ...Bk1898 Eng. dial.
• BANDLESSNESS the state of abandonment to wickedness ...Bk1898 Sc.
• CAITIFHEDE † vileness, baseness, wickedness ...c1340
• DARK BUSINESS a very wicked action ...BK1900 Eng. dial.
• DEVILTRY mischief, teasing, frolicking, roguery, trickery, wickedness, devilry ...1839 Sc. & Amer. dial.
• FAKEN † fraud, guile; wickedness, crime ...c924
• IDLENESS wantonness, wickedness ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• ILLNESS † bad moral quality, condition or character; wickedness, depravity; evil conduct; badness ...c1500
• LEWDNESS † wickedness; evil behaviour ...1387
• MALIGNE † malice, wickedness ...a1460
• NAUGHT † 1. wickedness, evil, moral wrong, mischief ...c897
† 2. an evil or wicked thing ...a1639
• NAUGHTINESS † wickedness, viciousness, depravity ...1541
• OBDURATION a hardening in sin or wickedness; a making or becoming stubborn, obstinate, or insensible or moral influence ...1494
• PANDEMONIUM a centre of vice or wickedness, a haunt of wickedness ...1800
• QUEDHEAD † evil, wickedness ...1340
• QUEDNESS † evil, wickedness ...c1300
• QUEDSHIP † evil, wickedness ...c1205
WICKED - nouns, person
• BADMASH one following evil courses; a bad, wicked, or disreputable fellow; a villainous man; a rascal, a scoundrel ...1843 Anglo-Indian
• GHOST a wicked-looking person; a villain ...OE
• HAG a woman supposed to have dealings with Satan and the infernal world; a witch; an infernally wicked woman ...1587
• HARD CASE a reckless scapegrace; an unregenerate loafer; a dissipated person, or any wicked person ...1859 Amer. dial.
• HELLICAT a wicked or cruel person; a villain ...1816 Sc.
• IMP a wicked person; a petty fiend or evil spirit ...1526
• IMPROBE †* a wicked person ...1484
• LIMB OF SATAN a wicked or mischievous person, esp. a child ...1851 Amer. dial.
• LITHERBY †* a base or rascally person; a bad, wicked person ...1598
• MAN OF BELIAL, A a worthless or evil man; a wicked, depraved person ...1821
• MISWOMAN † a bad, wicked woman; a whore or lewd woman; a strumpet ...1528
• NACKET a pert, forward, smart boy; a trifling little person; an insignificant person; a wicked, mischievous, or impertinent child; a precocious child ...1833 Sc.
• NAUGHTY-PACK † a wicked or dissolute man ...1549
• QUED † a bad or wicked person ...c1250
• QUEDE † a bad or wicked person ...c1250
• RAGGARD a wicked and abandoned wretch; a rough and ragged vagabond ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAGGELT a person of low character; a wicked and abandoned wretch ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• RAKESHAME * a man of loose character; a base, rascally fellow; a lewd, debauched fellow; a vile, dissolute wretch; an uncouth and wicked boy ...1599
• SAD DOG a wicked, debauched fellow ...18C sl.
• UNLEAD † a wicked person with evil intentions; a scandalous fellow; an outlaw ...1677 Eng. dial.
• WARLOCK † a wicked person; a scoundrel, a reprobate; a general term of reproach or abuse ...a1000
• WRONGO a criminal; an undesirable person; a bad person; a wicked person; a villain ...1930s sl., orig. US
WICKED - verbs
• BESHREW † to make wicked or evil; to deprave, to pervert, to corrupt ...c1325
WICKEDLY - adverbs
• LEWDLY † wickedly, evilly, vilely, mischievously ...1382
• NAUGHTILY † wickedly, viciously ...1552
• QUEDLY † wickedly ...c1300
• SINISTERLY † in a wrongful or wicked manner ...1532
• OBDURATE to harden in wickedness, or against moral influence, etc.; to make stubborn or obstinate; to harden the heart of, to make relentless or pitiless ...a1540
• OBDURE † to harden in wickedness, or against moral influence, etc.; to make stubborn or obstinate; to harden the heart of, to make relentless or pitiless ...1598 rare or obs.
• SOW THE WIND AND REAP THE WHIRLWIND to indulge in reckless wickedness or folly and suffer the disastrous consequences ...1382
WICKEDNESS - phrases
• GOD DON'T LOVE UGLY refers to sin or wickedness ...1899 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage
WIDE - adjectives
• BEAMY broad, wide, usually of a person; having a big backside ...1974 Amer. dial.
• LATE †* broad, wide ...1657
• SCOPIOUS † wide, spacious ...1599
WIDE - verbs
• PATULICATE †* to be opened, or made wide; to become open, to expand ...1656
WIDE-AWAKE - adjectives
• LEARY cunning, astute, knowing, artful; wide-awake; alert; cautious, wary ...1718 sl.
• LEERY cunning, astute, knowing; artful; wide-awake; alert; cautious, wary ...1718 sl.
• WACKERSOME wakeful, wide-awake ...1858 Eng. dial.
WIDELY - adverbs
• ABREID † apart, widely ...c1400 obs. exc. Eng. dial.
• LARGELY † widely ...1551
• SUNDERLY †* dispersedly, widely ...1541
WIDEN - verbs
• ELAXATE † to loosen; to widen ...1656
• LARGE † to enlarge, to increase, to widen ...a1340
WIDESPREAD - adjectives
• BRIEF prevalent, widespread; esp. said of a communicable disease ...1722 Amer. dial.
WIDE-SPREADING - adjectives
• EFFUSE † wide-spreading, overflowing, unrestrained, extravagant, marked by squandering ...1742 obs. or arch.