CAKE BASKET a limousine ...1920s US sl.
CAKE-CUTTER a cashier or other person who short-changes the public ...1930s sl., orig. US Black, also circus use CAKEHEAD an idiot; a fool ...1998 UK sl. CAKEHOLED wealthy, moneyed ...1940s UK sl. CAKES AND ALE merrymaking; all the good things of life; material pleasures; pleasant food; good living ...c1570 sl. CAKEY stupid, foolish, daft; half-witted ...L19 sl. CAKEY a fool ...:L18 sl. CAKEY a fop; a dandy ...1930s US sl. CAKPANTS a general term of abuse, the implication is that the subject is a coward, who soils their underwear through fear ...2000s sl. CALABASH the human head ...1723 sl. CALABASH a promissory note or IOU ...M19 Aust. sl. CALAMISTRATION curling the hair CALAMITY JANE a nagging woman; a pessimist; a worrier; a prophet of disaster ...1918 US sl. CALAMITY JANE a train ...Brit. rhyming sl. CALAMITY JANE in a deck of playing cards: the queen of spades ...1988 US sl. CALCITRATE to kick ...E17 CALEERY full of mischief ...Ireland CALEERY a giddy, hysterical person; a mischievous, scatterbrained, overexcitable person ...20C Ireland CALF-COUNTRY the place where one spent one's youth ...Scot. CALF'S HEAD a fool; a very stupid fellow ...L16 sl. CALF'S HEAD a white-faced man with a large head ...c1860 sl. CALF-SLOBBER meringue, as on pies; a meringue topping ...L19 US sl. CALF-SLOBBER nothing whatsoever ...1980s sl. CALF-SLOBBER foam on a glass of beer ...1983 sl. CALLIPYGIAN having well-shaped buttocks ...L18 CALLOW bald ...OE obs. CALLOW inexperienced; raw, youthful ...L16 CALLOW a bald person ...ME obs. CALLOW a raw youth ...M17 obs. CALUMNIZE to slander; to defame ...E17 obs. CAPTAIN, THE money ... Bk1903 sl. CARPENTER'S DREAM a flat-chested woman ...1974 US sl.
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