Daily Word Quiz
BISSY a) not difficult, easy b) pliable, yielding, flexible c) bowing the neck, cringing d) cross, easily provoked to anger Answer below. Today's Featured Word: AGGRUDGE also AGRUDGE VERB to grumble, to complain, to express dissatisfaction or annoyance ...1470 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from ag- + grudge FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1470 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and affection as evar we had, aggrudgynge of the greate enormyties and inordinate ympositions, contrary to law..." From: Original Letters By: Henry Ellis, 1827 Letter XLII: The Duke of Clarence and the Earl of Warwick, from France, to the Commons of England, 1470 Daily Word Quiz Answer BISSY d) cross, ill-tempered, angry; easily provoked to anger, excitable ...1887 Sc.
Daily Word Quiz
DESIDIOSE a) worthy, honourable, noble b) foolish, silly, childish, playful c) destructive, prone to destroy d) idle, slothful, lazy, sluggish Answer below. Today's Featured Word: RIDICULIZE VERB to make ridiculous ...1615 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from classical Latin rīdiculus capable of arousing laughter, funny, amusing, absurd, silly + -ize FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1615 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...My heart still trembling lest the false alarms That words oft strike up should ridiculize me." From: The Odysseys of Homer By: George Chapman, 1615 Daily Word Quiz Answer DESIDIOSE d) idle, slothful, lazy, sluggish ...1727 obs. Daily Word Quiz
RUPPERTY a) sexual intercourse b) a disturbance c) a pub d) diarrhoea Answer below. Today's Featured Word: OSCULABLE ADJ. capable of being kissed ...1893 nonce word ETYMOLOGY from Latin osculari to kiss + -ble FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1893 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and the tangible, nay, osculable, Pope may yet, one would suspect, oust the invisible Mahatma." From: The Westminster Gazette, 1893 Daily Word Quiz Answer RUPPERTY c) a pub ...1898 Aust. sl. Daily Word Quiz
MAJIGGER a) a close friend b) a tall, untidy woman c) a thingamajig; a gadget d) any liquor made with malt Answer below. Today's Featured Word: NUTRIBLE ADJ. nutritious, nourishing ...1607 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from late Latin nutribilis nourishing, nutritious from nutrire to be nourishing FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1607 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Swines flesh also is lesse excremental then Pigs flesh, and therefore more nutrible..." From: The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents By: Edward Topsell, 1607 Daily Word Quiz Answer MAJIGGER c) a thingamajig; a gadget ...1942 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
SWUZZY a) excellent, first-rate b) intoxicated with drink c) conceited, arrogant d) effeminate Answer below. Today's Featured Word: LUMP OF BUTTER NOUN an easygoing, helpless person ...1844 Sc. FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1844 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and the case wad be nae better though he had Saft Shusie the morn, for she's just a lump o' butter..." From: The Disruption, a Scottish Tale of Recent Times By: William Cross, 1844 Daily Word Quiz Answer SWUZZY a) excellent, first-rate ...1914 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
RAMMELSOME a) talkative, always chattering b) furious, raging c) rough, troublesome d) bearing branches Answer below. Today's Featured Word: CUSTODIENT ADJ. guarding, protecting ...1657 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin custodientem pr. pple. of custodire to guard FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1657 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...without the custodient grace of God always underpropping them..." From: Correspondence with Mr Henry Jeanes, 1657 In: The Life of Jeremy Taylor By: Reginald Heber, 1822 Daily Word Quiz Answer RAMMELSOME c) rough, troublesome ...1864 Sc. Daily Word Quiz
TUSSICATE a) to vomit violently b) to cough c) to struggle, to writhe d) to depart hurriedly Answer below. Today's Featured Word: TORPULENT ADJ. torpid; disinclined to act, listless; lacking emotional sensibility ...1657 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY irregular from torpor after corpulent, etc. FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1657 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...our prayers do shew what an oscitant, and torpulent people we are..." From: God's Plea for Nineveh By: Thomas Reeve, 1657 Daily Word Quiz Answer TUSSICATE b) to cough ...1598 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
FANDANGOUS a) drunk b) of enjoyment: good, pleasant c) showy, pompous d) eccentric, crazy Answer below. Today's Featured Word: BLOYSTEROUS ADJ. of the wind: strong, boisterous ...1568 obs. ETYMOLOGY ? from boisterous and/or blusterous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1568 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE Do bloysterous blastes that blow, compell to hoyse thy sayle, To driue the ship to calmer Port, vnto thy more aduaile. From: Newe Sonets, and Pretie Pamphlets By: Thomas Howell, 1568 Daily Word Quiz Answer FANDANGOUS c) showy, pompous ...1797 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
ABOB a) to make a hasty departure, to disappear b) to breathe or blow on one c) to bring to an end, to terminate d) to astonish, to confound Answer below. Today's Featured Word: RIFTY TUFTY ADVERB with disorderly haste or confusion; helter-skelter ...1592 obs. ETYMOLOGY origin unknown FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1592 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...To sweare and stare until we come to shore, Then rifty tufty, each one to his skore." From: The Pilgrimage to Paradise By: Nicholas Breton, 1592 Daily Word Quiz Answer ABOB d) to astonish, to confound ...c1330 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
URSICIDE a) the killing of bees b) one who kills a bear c) one who kills a wolf d) the act of killing one's husband Answer below. Today's Featured Word: ELACRYMATE VERB to shed in the form of tears ...1657 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin elacrimat- ppl. stem of elacrimare from e out + lacrimare to shed tears, to weep FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1657 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The trunk of the greater ivy vulnerated, and sometimes spontaneously, elacrymates a certain Gummeous succe of an aureous colour..." From: A Medicinal Dispensatory Composed by the Illustrious Renodaeus. Englished and Revised by Richard Tomlinson of London, 1657 Daily Word Quiz Answer URSICIDE b) one who kills a bear ...a1861 Daily Word Quiz
RAMAGIOUS a) furious, frenzied, raging b) talkative, untrustworthy c) lecherous, lewd d) exhausted, fatigued Answer below. Today's Featured Word: MECONOPHAGIST NOUN an 'opium-eater'; a user of opium ...1886 ETYMOLOGY from Greek meconium poppy juice, opium + phago eating + -ist FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1886 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...If they happen to find solace in opium readily, they become meconophagists..." From: Alien and Neurologist, 1886 Daily Word Quiz Answer RAMAGIOUS a) furious, frenzied, raging ...a1600 obs Daily Word Quiz
LEPID a) charming, elegant b) full of joy c) lukewarm, tepid d) unrestrained, uncontrolled Answer below. Today's Featured Word: JOISE VERB 1. to rejoice, to enjoy ...c1320 obs. 2. to enjoy the possession or use of ...1381 Sc. obs. ETYMOLOGY from Old French joiss- lengthened stem of joir to rejoice, to enjoy FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1320 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...That thai made so grete josying." From: The Process of the Seuyn Sages, c1320 Daily Word Quiz Answer LEPID a) charming, elegant ...1660 rare Daily Word Quiz
HAND-BOLT a) a wedding ring b) a glove c) a handcuff d) a screwdriver Answer below. Today's Featured Word: PROVOCANT NOUN one who provokes, incites, or stimulates a person, reaction, etc. ...1894 rare ETYMOLOGY from French provocant, or Latin provocantem, pr. pple. of provocare to provoke FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1894 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...my lady's attitude such that it was very evident she was the provocant." From: My Lady Rotha: A Romance By: Stanley Weyman, 1894 Daily Word Quiz Answer HAND-BOLT c) a handcuff ...1816 Daily Word Quiz
EXULANT a) astonishing, remarkable b) overflowing, superabundant c) eminent, famous, renowned d) living in exile Answer below. Today's Featured Word: HORRESCENT ADJ. shuddering with fear; expressing or showing horror ...1865 rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin horrescentem, pres. pple. of horrescere to dread, to shudder at FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1865 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...I agree in the main with A.B.; but can, of course, make none but horrescent reference to his treatment of the smaller philosophers. From: A Budget of Paradoxes In The Athenaeum, Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts, 1865 By: By Augustus De Morgan Daily Word Quiz Answer EXULANT d) living in exile ...1636 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
GIVE A PERSON HIS OATMEAL a) to aid or assist him b) to punish, to rebuke severely c) to dismiss, to 'send packing' d) to humiliate Answer below. Today's Featured Word: FRENZICAL also FRANSICAL, PHRENSICAL ADJ. affected with frenzy; crazy, mad; frenzied, raging; wildly enthusiastic; frantic ...a1586 obs. ETYMOLOGY from frenzy (n.) + -ical FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1586 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...with a certain fransical maladie they call Loue, when I was a yong man they called it flat folly. From: The Lady of May By: Sir Philip Sidney, a1586 Daily Word Quiz Answer GIVE A PERSON HIS OATMEAL b) to punish, to rebuke severely ...M18 sl. Daily Word Quiz
XANTHOCOMIC a) yellow-haired b) outrageously funny c) foreign, strange d) ill-tempered, irritable Answer below. Today's Featured Word: SPERATORY ADJ. resting in hope or expectation; hoped for, hopeful, expected ...1629 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin speratus hoped for, expected, pa. pple. of sperare to hope FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1629 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...he the present and possessory things of this world, God but the future and speratory things of the next." From: Sermon CXXXVI A Lent Sermon Preached to the King, At Whitehall, February 12, 1629 By: John Donne Daily Word Quiz Answer XANTHOCOMIC a) yellow-haired ...1861 nonce word Daily Word Quiz
LABEON a) a kiss; a kissing b) one who has large lips c) the flap or skirt of a man's coat or shirt d) money Answer below. Today's Featured Word: DRAVEL VERB to sleep unsoundly, to have troubled sleep ...a1300 obs. ETYMOLOGY origin unknown FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1300 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...In dreȝ droupyng of dreme draueled þat noble, (In deep drowsing of dream driveled that noble,) As mon þat watz in mornyng of mony þro þoȝtes, (As man that was in mourning for many sad thoughts) From: Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, An Alliterative Romance Poem, a1300 Daily Word Quiz Answer LABEON b) one who has large lips ...1650 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
PRANDICLE a) the buttocks b) a breakfast, a little dinner, a small meal c) a loved one, a sweetheart d) an incredible story Answer below. Today's Featured Word: WATTLE-HEAD NOUN a weak-headed person, one of weak intellect ...1613 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY ? from wattles (n.) rods or stakes used to trim fences, roofs of buildings, etc., designating a weak building material FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1613 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...But he that is with a humor led, I may be bold to terme a watle-head." From: Abuses, Stript, and Whipt, Or, Satirical Essayes By: George Wither, 1613 Daily Word Quiz Answer PRANDICLE b) a breakfast, a little dinner, a small meal ...1656 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
MEDITABUND a) talking loudly b) modest, chaste in habits c) absorbed in meditation; pensive, thoughtful d) drug intoxicated Answer below. Today's Featured Word: CLEMENTIOUS ADJ. mild and humane in the exercise of power or authority; merciful, lenient, kindly towards those in one's power ...1632 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin clementia mercy, clemency + -ous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1632 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and the clementious Ile-ruling Lady of Trapundy in Sicilia..." From: The Totall Discourse, of the Rare Adventures, and Painefull Peregrinations of Long Nineteene Yeares Travailes... By: William Lithgow, 1632 Daily Word Quiz Answer MEDITABUND c) absorbed in meditation; pensive, thoughtful ...1681 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
BLELLUM a) nonsense, foolish talk b) a lean, worn-out animal c) a foolish, talkative person d) an eyelid Answer below. Today's Featured Word: PREDATITIOUS ADJ. characterized by plundering, pillaging, or robbing; predatory ...1659 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin praedaticius, -itius taken as booty or plunder from praedari, praedat- to plunder + -itious FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1659 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...not predaticious to any, but propitious to all true Saints;" From: A Sermon Preached ...at the Funeral of ...Dr. Brounrig, dated 1659 By: John Gauden, 1660 Daily Word Quiz Answer BLELLUM c) a foolish, talkative person, an idle chatterer ...1787 Scot. |
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