Words added to date for: LEG adjectives • BANDY-LEGGED bow-legged • SHARP-SHINNED having slender legs or shanks nouns • BACCY STICK the human leg ...L19 US sl. • BENDER the leg ...1849 sl., orig. US • CABBAGE-STUMPS the legs ...Bk1891 sl. • DUCK'S DISEASE shortness of legs ...1925 jocular • IRISH-LEGS thick legs ...Bk1896 sl. • PEDESTRIAN DIGITS the legs ...c1890 schoolboys' sl. • PEG a wooden leg ...1833 colloq. • PEGS the legs ...1833 jocular • PINS the legs ...1530 sl. • PROPS the legs ...1828 sl. • SCOTCH PEG a leg ...1857 rhyming sl. • SHAFTS the human legs ...1930s US Black sl. • SHANKS the legs ...jocular • STEMS the legs ...1860 sl. • STUMPS the legs ...a1460 sl. • TIMBERS the legs ...1807 sl. • UNDERPINNINGS the legs ...1848 US sl. • WHEELS the legs ...1927 US sl., orig. criminals' nouns - person • RAINBOW a bowlegged person ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. phrases • BEEF TO THE HEEL(S) with rather overweight legs ...1867 sl. A selection of New words/phrases added: (or about to be!)
EARLIERISE to do at an earlier date EVERY RAM-JACK OF THEM every single individual ...1853 Eng. dial. FLAGITIOUS atrociously wicked; vicious; outrageous ...14C FLAKIES dandruff ...colloq. FLAMFEW a gaudy ornament; a dazzling trifle; something pretty and of little value ...arch. FLANNELMOUTHED speaking indistinctly and in a muffled way ...US FLANNELMOUTHED speaking too loudly or too much, often talking nonsense ...US FLAPPABLE easily upset or agitated ...colloq. FLAT SPIN a state of confusion; dither ...colloq. FLATSTICK with great speed or effort ...S. Afr. sl. FLYAWAY frivolous or flighty; giddy FLYAWAY a person who is frivolous or flighty FOAMER a (possibly obsessive) enthusiast GIMP UP to dress oneself up smartly ...c1910 army sl. GIN-LANE the throat ...c1830 sl. GO BAG YOUR HEAD! angry, scornful, or sarcastic advice ...1896 Amer. sl. GROWLER a pessimist ...US Civil War usage HAVE A BIT OF JAM to copulate ...Bk1896 sl. HAVE HOT BALLS to be drunk ...1980s US campus sl. HEAD CHEESE the person in charge ...1914 US sl. HIEMATE to winter; to hibernate ...E17 now rare HOLD THE BABY to bear an unwelcome responsibility ICKY-BOO ill ...1920 sl. IN ABRAHAM'S-BOSOM dead and gone to heaven ...1599 INERGETICAL without energy; sluggish, inactive ...L17 obs. rare
Words added to date for: CHAT, CHATTER, CHATTERBOX, CHATTERER adjectives • MOTORMOUTHED given to incessant talking or chattering ...1976 Amer. sl. nouns • CACKLE idle, inconsequent, noisy chatter ...1676 sl. • CHATTERMAG chatter, gossip ...L19 sl. • CRACK a friendly chat ...Scot. & Irish • JABBER chatter; incoherent, inarticulate, or unintelligible speech, as a foreign language heard by one ignorant of it ...1706 sl. • JABBERMENT chatter; nonsense; gibberish ...c1640 sl. • MAG prattle, chatter; a talk, gossip, chat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RABBLEMENT confused, random talk; an idle, purposeless speech; chatter ...Bk19C Scot. & N. Eng. dial. • SPLASHING garrulous or foolish chatter ...L19 sl. • TONGUE-WORK babble, chatter nouns - person • BABBLER a chatterbox ...16C sl. • BAGPIPE a tedious chatterbox ...B1700 sl. • BAG-PUNCHER a complainer; one who talks at length, gossips, or chats ...1926 Amer. sl. • CHATTERMAG a gossip, a chatterbox ...20C sl. • JABBERER one who talk thick and fast; a chatterer ...1678 sl. • MAG a chatterer; a chatterbox; a talkative, garrulous person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MOTORMOUTH a person given to incessant talking or chattering ...1963 Amer. sl. verbs • BAIL UP to stop someone on the street for a chat ...1990s Aust. sl. • BALE UP to stop someone on the street for a chat ...1990s Aust. sl. • BURBLE to chatter pleasantly ...M19 sl. • CHATTERMAG to chatter ...1900s sl. • CRACK to chat; to gossip ...Scot. • JABBER to chatter; to speak fast and indistinctly; to talk gibberish ...c1500 colloq. • MAG to chatter, prattle, talk continuously; to gossip, chat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MOTORMOUTH to talk without stopping; to chatter ...1985 Amer. sl. phrases • BEAT ONE'S CHOPS to talk loudly or to no purpose; to chatter; to complain ...1946 Amer. sl. • BEAT ONE'S GUMS to talk loudly or to no purpose; to chatter; to complain ...1935 Amer. sl. • BEAT THE BREEZE to gossip, to chat ...1944 Amer. sl. • BEAT THE BULL to gossip, to chat ...1974 Amer. sl. • BEND SOMEONE'S EAR to chatter on interminably and probably tediously ...1940s sl., orig. US • PUNCH THE BAG to complain; to talk at length, to gossip, to chat ...1901 Amer. sl. A selection of New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) ALETANK a heavy drinker ...2002 UK sl. BACCHANALIZE to indulge in drunken revelry ...M17 BIBATION tippling; a drinking bout ...M19 BIG SLEEP, THE death ...1938 sl., orig. US BUBBLE AND SQUEAK (derogatory) a Greek ...1938 Brit. rhyming sl. HERRING-CHOKER a native or inhabitant of the Maritime provinces ...1899 Can. sl. HERRING-CHOKER a Scandinavian ...1944 US sl. ICKY-POO ill ...1920 sl. INVERACIOUS untruthful, untrue ...L19 INVERACITY untruthfulness; an untruth; a false statement ...M19 INVERECUND unabashed, shameless ...M17 rare INVERISIMILITUDE unlikelihood; improbability ...E19 JARGONELLE the penis ...Bk1896 sl. JAWING-TACKLE the organs of speech ...1859 sl. JENNYLINDA a window ...Bk1896 rhyming sl. JIMMY GRANT an immigrant ...1845 Aust, NZ & S. Afr. rhyming sl. JOTTLE to have sexual intercourse ...Bk1903 sl. KIDDYWINKY a child ...1957 sl. KING SHIT an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US LABASCATE to begin to fall or slide ...1727 obs. LABOUR OF HERCULES, A a task requiring enormous strength ...1432-50 LABROUS having large lips ...1656 obs. rare. LACHRYMABUND weeping ripe; big with tears ...1727 obs. LACHRYMIST one addicted to tears; a weeper ...1620 Words added to date for: MOUTH nouns • BACCA-BOX the mouth ...1900s sl. • BACCY-BOX the mouth ...1900s sl. • BONE BOX the mouth ...1946 obs. Can. teen sl. • BOX OF DOMINOES the mouth containing the teeth ...Bk1890 sl. • BOX OF IVORIES the mouth containing the teeth ...Bk1890 sl. • BUNGHOLE the mouth ...1990s Aust. sl. • CAKE-HOLE the mouth ...1943 sl. • CHAFFER the mouth ...Bk1890 sl. • CLAM the mouth ...1825 US sl. • CLAM SHELL the mouth ...1825 US sl. • FLY-TRAP the mouth ...c1790 • GASH the mouth ...1852 US sl. • GATE the mouth ...1936 sl. mainly Brit. • GOB the mouth ...a1550 chiefly N. Eng. dial. & sl. • GRUBBERY the mouth ...c1870 sl. • GRUB-SHOP the mouth ...c1860 sl. • GRUB-TRAP the mouth ...c1860 sl. • HEAD the mouth (as a source of offensive or inappropriate talk); constructed esp. with 'open' or 'shut', as in 'keep your head shut' ...1848 Amer. sl. • HOLE the mouth ...1607 sl. • IVORY BOX the mouth ...c1880 pugilists' sl. • KISSER the mouth ...1860 sl. • KISSING-TRAP the mouth ...1854 sl. • MOEY the mouth ...1859 sl. • MOOE the mouth ...1859 sl. • MOOEY the mouth ...1859 sl. • MOOSH the mouth ...1859 Brit. sl. • MOTORMOUTH the mouth of a garrulous person; hence chatter ...1976 Amer. sl. • MUSH the mouth ...1859 Brit. sl. • NORTH AND SOUTH the mouth ...1858 Brit. rhyming sl. • POTATO TRAP the mouth ...1785 sl. • RAG-BOX the mouth ...1890 sl. • SMUSH the mouth ...1930 US sl. • TRAP the mouth ...1776 sl. • YAP the mouth ...1900 US sl. A selection of New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) WORTH A JEW'S EYE extremely valuable ...1598 colloq. TROUBLE AND STRIFE a wife ...1908 rhyming sl. SIBILLATE to hiss; to utter a hissing sound ...1656 SHANK OF THE EVENING twilight, dusk ...E19 now Eng. dial. & US SAUCEPAN LID a child ...1961 rhyming sl. for 'kid' RICK-MA-TICK arithmetic ...Bk1903 school sl. RIB-BENDING a thrashing, a beating ...Bk1903 sl. RHINO-FAT rich ...Bk1903 sl. READ THE TEA LEAVES to smoke marijuana ...1960s drugs sl. RAMFEEZLE to exhaust oneself with work; to wear oneself out ...1885 Scot. QUAIL a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1859 US sl. PERISHER a mischievous child ...1935 sl. ON THE TINNY LUCK by a fortunate chance ...1910s Aust. & NZ sl. OCKER orig. a nickname for an Australian man; later, a typically rough or aggressively boorish Australian ...1916 Aust. sl. NIZZIE foolish, dull ...L17 sl. NIZZIE a fool; a dunce ...L17 sl. MEAT WAGON an ambulance ...1925 sl., chiefly US MEAT-WAGON a hearse ...1942 sl. LAWFUL PICTURES money ... Bk1903 sl. Words added to date for: TIRE, TIRED, TIRING adjectives • ALL IN tired ...1902 sl. • BAGGED fatigued, exhausted, very tired ...1962 Amer. sl. • BAKED exhausted, tired out ...Bk1892 Aust. sl. • BEAT tired ...1832 sl. • BEAT OUT tired, fatigued ...Bk1905 Amer. dial. • BONE-TIRED utterly tired • BUGGERED tired ...1947 sl. • BURNED OUT tired; bored ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • BURNT OUT tired; bored ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • BUSHED tired, exhausted ...1870 colloq. orig. N. Amer. • CREASED tired ...1925 sl., chiefly US • DEAD tired to exhaustion ...1813 Amer. sl. • DIK tired of something or someone ...1986 S. Afr. sl. • EUCHRED tired ...1932 Aust. sl. • FAGGED tired; often followed by 'out' ...1780 Brit. sl. • JACK mentally or morally tired or sick ...c1920 Aust. sl. • JIGGERED UP tired ...1862 sl., orig. dialect • KNACKERED tired ...1949 sl. • KNOCKED UP tired ...Bk1892 Aust. sl. • MAGGED tired out, exhausted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • POOPED tired ...1932 sl., orig. US • ROOTED tired ...1944 Aust. sl. • SHAGGED tired; often followed by 'out' ...1932 sl. • SHATTERED tired ...1930 sl. • SHOT tired ...1939 sl. • STONKERED tired ...1918 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ • STOVE-UP tired ...1901 N. Amer. sl. • TAGGING tiring, tiresome ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TUCKERED tired; often followed by 'out' ...c1840 US sl. • WASTED tired ...1995 sl. • WHACKED tired ...1919 sl., chiefly Brit. • WHIPPED tired; sometimes followed by 'up' ...1940 US sl. • WIPED tired; usually followed by 'out' ...1958 sl., orig. US • ZONKED tired; often followed by 'out' ...1972 sl. verbs • DO IN to tire; to exhaust ...1917 sl. • FINISH to tire, to exhaust; often followed by 'off' ...1816 sl. • KNACKER to tire, to exhaust ...1946 sl. • MAGGLE to tire out, to exhaust ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • POOP to tire; to exhaust; often followed by 'out' ...1932 sl., orig. US • SEW UP to tire, to exhaust ...1837 sl. • TAFFLE to perplex, tire, wear out, exhaust with fatigue ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TUCKER to tire, to exhaust ...c1840 US sl. phrases • ALL IN BUT ONE'S BOOT-STRAPS exhausted, very tired ...1950 Amer. dial. • ALL IN BUT ONE'S SHOELACES exhausted, very tired ...1966 Amer. dial. • ALL IN BUT ONE'S SHOESTRINGS exhausted, very tired ...1940 Amer. dial. • ALL OVER THE FLOOR tired, exhausted ...1959 Amer. dial. • DEAD ON ONE'S FEET tired to exhaustion ...c1890 Amer. sl. • LIKE DEATH WARMED UP used to denote extreme exhaustion or tiredness ...1939 • OFF HIS SAUCER tired, not in the humour, out of sorts ...Bk1892 Aust. sl. A selection of New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) A1 COPPER-BOTTOMED prime; first-class; of the best ...1876 sl. ALL JAW, LIKE A SHEEP'S HEAD nothing but talk ...1876 sl. ANNIHILATED drunk ...1975 US sl. APRIL GENTLEMAN a man newly married ...16C colloq. BACCHANALIAN given to drunken revelry, riotously drunken ...M16 BACCHANALIAN a drunken reveller ...E17 BAG OF GUTS a fat person; a worthless. clumsy fellow; a useless, lazy person; used contemptuously ...1894 Amer. sl. BIBLIOPHILE a lover of books; a book collector ...E19 BIMBETTE an adolescent or teenager considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence ...1982 sl., orig. US CAKATE to serve with cake ...1632 humorous nonce formation CASPER MILKTOAST a cowardly, weak person ...1930s sl. CHESTNUTS bullets ...WWI army sl. DIMMOCK money ... Bk1903 sl. DREADED LURGY, THE a fictitious, highly infectious disease ...1954 Brit. sl. FLAP A JAY to dupe, to swindle ...Bk1896 sl. FRIPPET (derogatory) a frivolous young woman ...1908 sl. LACHANOPOLIST a greengrocer ...1656 obs. rare RAGGABRASH a low rascal, an idle vagabond; a collection of such persons ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RIB-ROAST to thrash; to beat up ...1576 sl. RICHARD THE THIRD a woman ...1950 Brit. rhyming sl. for 'bird' SPUD ISLANDER a native or inhabitant of Prince Edward Island ...1957 Can. sl. TOPSY BOOZY tipsy, half drunk ...L19 sl. WOODEN OVERCOAT a coffin ...1903 sl. Words added to date for: POLICE, POLICEMAN adjectives • READERED wanted by the police ...c1845 cant nouns • BAG, THE in the police and fire departments: a uniform ...1944 Amer. sl. • DINGY a police van ...1970 US sl. • FUZZ STATION a police station ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • HURRYUP WAGON a police van ...1893 US sl. • MICKEY MOUSE EARS the two lights found on top of a police car ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • OBBO police surveillance of a person, building, etc. ...1933 sl. • RACKET a private, police-only party ...1987 US sl. • STAKE-OUT a period of surveillance, esp. police ...1942 sl., orig. US • WOLF IN THE PACK a traffic police car in the midst of other cars ...1962 US sl. nouns - person • ABSCOTCHALATER one in hiding from the police ...Bk1921 sl. • BALD-TYRE BANDIT a traffic police officer ...1960s criminal sl. • BANGIE a policeman ...Bk1911 Scot. • BOBBY a policeman ...1851 sl. • BOTTLE AND STOPPER a police officer ...1928 US rhyming sl. for 'copper' • BULKY a policeman ...1827 sl. • BULL a police officer; a private detective or guard • CAKE a stupid policeman ...Bk1891 Amer. thieves' sl. • COP a police officer ...1855 colloq. • COPPERMAN a policeman ...Bk1892 Aust. sl. • CRIME-BUSTER a law officer who specializes in fighting large-scale organized crime • DEMON a detective or policeman ...Aust. & NZ colloq. arch. • ESCLOP a policeman ...Bk1902 back-slang • FILTH, THE the police, members of the police force ...c1950 criminal sl. • FLAT-FOOT (usually derogatory) a policeman ...sl. • FLATTY a policeman ...Eng. dial. & sl. • FLY a policeman ...B1857 sl. • FOOTIE a pedestrian police surveillance operative ...2002 UK sl. • FOOTY a pedestrian police surveillance operative ...2002 UK sl. • FUR the police ...Bk1990 Amer.sl. • FUZZ the police; a detective; a jail keeper ...Bk1990 Amer.sl. • FUZZ MAN the police; a detective; a jail keeper ...Bk1990 Amer.sl. • FUZZY the police; a detective; a jail keeper ...Bk1990 Amer.sl. • FUZZY TAIL the police; a detective; a jail keeper ...Bk1990 Amer.sl. • GRUNTER a policeman ...E19 sl. • GUMSHOE a detective or policeman ...sl. • HOBBY BOBBY a special constable ...1980s sl. • INVISIBLE BLUE policeman ...Bk1904 Amer. college sl. • JACK a policeman ...c1865 cant • METROS the police; the metropolitan police ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • MICKEY MOUSE a police officer ......Bk1990 Amer. street sl. • MOTOR COP a motorcycle policeman ...1942 Amer. sl. • NAB an officer or constable ...Bk1902 sl. • PEEL a policeman ...c1920 Aust. sl. • PEELER a policeman ...1829 colloq. • PEEPER a policeman (almost always plural) ...L19 cant • PIG (derogatory) a police officer ...E19 sl. • REELER a policeman ...1879 rhyming slang = 'peeler' • ROACH a police officer ...1963 US sl. • SHAMUS a police officer; a private detective ...E20 US sl. • WALLOPER a policeman ...Aust sl. • WOODENTOP a uniformed police officer ...1982 UK sl. • WOODY a uniformed police officer ...1982 UK sl. • ZURUCKER a police trooper ...20C Aust. sl. verbs • COOP of a police officer: to park and sleep inside one's patrol car while on duty phrases • BEAT THE SIDEWALK to walk a police beat ...c1917 Amer. sl. • COP A DROP of police: to accept a bribe ...Bk2000 criminal sl. A selection of New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) BAD MEDICINE a dangerous, unfortunate, or objectionable person or thing ...1844 US West usage BAG-PUNCHING incessant talking ...1903 Amer. sl. BELLY ROBBER a cook or mess sergeant ...US Civil War usage BITE THE BAG! used to express contempt or disapproval, and rejection; Go away! To hell with you! ...1952 Amer. sl. BONE BONNET a condom ...1998 UK sl. BONE BOX the mouth ...1946 obs. Can. teen sl. BONE DANCE sex ...1988 UK sl. BONECRUSHERS the very painful symptoms of withdrawal from drug addiction ...1990 US sl. BUMFIDDLE to have sexual intercourse ...Bk1903 sl. CHINKERS money ... Bk1903 sl. COFFEE BOILER a malingerer; a shirker ...US Civil War usage COME OUT OF A BAG to behave in an objectionable manner ...1983 Amer. sl. CROOKED RIB a cross-grained wife ...Bk1903 sl. DEAD FROM THE NECK BOTH WAYS exceedingly stupid ...1924 Amer. sl. DOOTEROOMUS money ... Bk1903 sl. DOWNY knowing, artful, shrewd ...1821 Amer. sl. rare DROWN THE SHAMROCK to drink, or go drinking on St. Patrick's Day FLASHPACKER a backpacker who has a considerable disposable income ...21C FLATTEROUS flattering ...arch. FLAT-TRACK BULLY a sportsperson who dominates inferior opposition, but who cannot beat top-level opponents ...colloq. FLY-TIPPER a person who deliberately dumps rubbish in an unauthorized place FOGHORN a loud deep resounding voice ...colloq. Words added to date for: BREAST adjectives • STACKED large-breasted ...1942 sl., orig. • STACKED UP large-breasted ...1942 sl., orig. • WELL STACKED large-breasted ...1942 sl., orig. nouns • APPLE a woman's breast ...1942 Amer. sl. • BABY'S PUBLIC-HOUSE the female breasts ...L19 sl. • BAGS the female breasts ...1938 US sl. • BALANGAS the female breasts ...1980s US sl. • BALCONY the female breasts, esp. as thrust up and forward in the brassieres of the 1940s-50s ...1940s Aust. sl. • BAPS a woman's breasts ...sl. • BAZONGAS breasts ...1972 sl. • BAZONKAS the breasts ...1972 US sl. • BAZOOKAS the breasts, esp. large breasts ...1963 sl. • BAZOONGAS the breasts ...1972 US sl. • BEZOOMS breasts ...1928 sl., orig. US • BIG BROWN EYES the breasts ...Bk20C sl. • BIKINI STUFFERS the breasts ...Bk20C sl. • BOOBIES the breasts ...1934 sl. • BOOBS the breasts ...1929 sl. • BOOBY a woman's breast (usually plural) ...M20 sl., orig. US • BOUNCER the female breast ...1972 UK sl. • BRISTOLS a woman's breasts ...1961 short for "Bristol cities" rhyming slang for 'titties" • CHARLIES breasts ...1873 sl. • CHRIST-APPLE a woman's breast ...1967 Amer. dial. • DINGLEBERRIES the female breasts ...1980 UK sl. • FOOFS the breasts ...2002 UK sl. • JUGS the breasts ...1957 sl., orig. US • KNOCKERS the breasts ...1941 sl. • LOTTIES female breasts ...L19 sl. • MELONS the breasts, esp. large breasts ...1972 sl., orig. US • MILK JUGS the female breasts ...1957 US sl. • NORKS female breasts ...1962 Aust. sl. • RACK a woman's breasts ...1982 US sl. • TITS breasts ...1928 sl. • TITTIES breasts ...1746 sl. • WAPS the female breasts ...1990s sl. • WAP-WAPS the female breasts ...1990s sl. • WHAMDANGLERS an extremely large pair of breasts ...1990s sl. nouns - person • BOVINA in homosexual usage: a woman, esp. one with large breasts ...1980 US sl. • FLATTY a flat-chested woman ...colloq. verbs • SPORT BLUBBER to expose one's bosom, especially a large, coarse woman ...L18 sl. phrases • ALL TITS AND TEETH used for describing a woman who makes the most of a distracting smile and breasts ...1967 UK sl. New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) REVELATION a drink ...E19 Amer. sl.
RIPROODLING excellent ...1954 US sl. RIVER NILE a smile ...1992 UK rhyming sl. SHAKY ISLES, THE New Zealand ...Aust. & NZ colloq. SHAMBOLIC chaotic, disorderly ...L20 colloq. SHAMBOLIC inept, mismanaged ...L20 colloq. SHAMMOCK a lazy, slovenly person ..E18 chiefly Eng. dial. SHAMMOCK a starved, miserable-looking person or animal ...E18 chiefly Eng. dial. SHAMMOCK to walk with a shambling, awkward, or unsteady gait; to slouch, to dawdle, to idle about ...E18 chiefly Eng. dial. SHANK OF THE EVENING twilight, dusk ...E19 now Eng. dial. & US SHIN-PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl. SIBILOUS hissing, sibilant ...1768 SICKLE-MOON the crescent moon ...1875 SING FROM THE SAME HYMN SHEET to present a united front in public by appearing to agree with one another SINGED CAT a thing which proves to be better than its appearance suggests ...US SLUSH! nonsense! ...M19 colloq. DRINK WITH THE FLIES to drink alone ...Aust. sl. EARLIERISE to do at an earlier date EARWORM an irritatingly catchy tune ...colloq. FIG NEWTON a figment of the imagination ...1959 Amer. jocular FIG NEWTON a silly, crazy, or eccentric person ...1974 Amer. sl. CONFISTICATE to confiscate ...US Civil War usage BELLYACHE to complain ...US Civil War usage Words added to date for: SHAVE nouns • MISBEHAVE a shave ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. • OCEAN WAVE a shave ...1928 rhyming sl. • RAZORRIDGE shaving ...E18 sl. verbs • MOW to shave; usually used in describing a woman shaving her legs or her pubic area ...1991 US sl. phrases • DIG IN THE GRAVE a shave ...1931 Aust. rhyming sl. • MOW THE BRIGALO SUCKERS to shave one's beard ...1990s Aust. sl. New words/phrases added: (or about to be!)
KEEP DEAD to remain silent ...1900 Amer. sl. FOB a Pacific Islander who has newly arrived in New Zealand (Fresh Off the Boat) ...20C NZ sl. VETERANIZE to get out of the Army; to enjoy veteran status outside the Army ...US Civil War usage TINSEL TEETH a person wearing orthodontic braces ...1970s US students' sl. RIP VAN WINKLE to urinate ...1992 UK rhyming sl. for tinkle RICE-BAGS trousers ...Bk1903 sl. DOOTEROOMUS money ... Bk1903 sl. DEAD-TO-THE-NECK exceedingly stupid ...1952 Amer. sl. CRACKED IN THE FILBERT crazy, slightly insane ...1886 sl. BONE BOX the mouth ...1946 obs. Can. teen sl. BELLY-BUMP to have sexual intercourse ...Bk1903 sl. BAFFLEGAB confusing or unintelligible jargon ...1952 US political and journalistic usage KING TUT'S REVENGE diarrhoea contracted in the Middle East ...1970s US sl. MY RIGHT EYE ITCHES I shall cry ...1708-10 sl. NOB-A-NOB intimate, close, friendly ...M19 sl. PUT ON THE BAG to dine ...1924 Amer. sl. LEAVE verbs • ABSQUATULATE to leave, to depart, especially hastily, or furtively; to abscond ...1830 Amer. dial. • AIR OUT to flee, to escape, to leave ...1942 Amer. dial. • BAIL to leave; to play truant ...1970s US Black & teen sl. • BAIL OUT to leave in a hurry, to run off to escape from a difficult situation ...1940s US sl. • BEAT to leave a place quickly ...1959 Amer. sl. • BEAT FEET to leave; to clear out ...1944 Amer. sl. • BLAST to leave ...1933 Amer. sl. • BONE OUT to leave quickly ...1993 US sl. • BOUNCE to leave 1996 US sl. • BUDGE to leave ...M18 sl. • BUG OUT 1. to pack up and retreat ...military, Korean war sl. - 2. to get out of somewhere fast ...Bk1990 Amer. sl. • BUNG OFF to leave ...20C sl. • BUNK to leave, to be off ...L19 sl. • CHASE to run off, to leave ...L19 US sl. • DUST IT to leave quickly, to run off ...L19 US sl. • HAUL ASS to move fast, hurry, leave ...M20 sl. • HIVE OFF to leave ...20C Aust. sl. • MIZZLE to leave, to go quickly; to escape ...L18 sl. • MOSEY to leave quickly; to decamp ...1820 Amer. • MOTIVATE to leave ...1955 US sl. • MOTOR to leave quickly ...1980 US sl. • OBSQUATULATE to leave, to depart, especially hastily, or furtively; to abscond ...1830 Amer. dial. • PIKE to hasten off, go away quickly ...LME obs. sl. • SPLIT to leave, to depart ...1950s sl. phrases • BOTTLE UP AND GO to leave ...1947 US sl. • COP A FINAL to leave ...1940s US Black sl. • COP A WALK to leave ...1950s US sl. • GIVE THE BAG to leave (a person) suddenly ...1592 • HIT THE STREET to leave; to go out for the night ...1960s sl., orig. US • HIT THE TRAIL to leave ...19C sl., orig. US • HIT THE WIND to leave quickly, to run away ...20C US Black sl. New words/phrases added: (or about to be!)
TOAD STABBER a sword; a knife; a bayonet ...US Civil War usage TOAD STICKER a sword; a knife; a bayonet ...US Civil War usage TINNED drunk ...L19 sl. STAND-AND-SHIVER a river ...Bk1903 rhyming sl. STUMPY money ... Bk1903 sl. SPANKERS money ... Bk1903 sl. A SMACK IN THE EYE a sharp rebuff; a setback ...colloq. SLUMMOCKY slovenly, untidy ...M19 chiefly Eng. dial. & colloq. SICCICATE to make dry ...1639 obs. rare SIALOQUENT spitting much in one's speech ...1656 obs. RUM RIGGING fine clothes ...c1696 sl. RIMBLE-RAMBLE nonsense ...Bk1903 sl. RIMBLE-RAMBLE nonsensical ...1690 sl. PUNCH THE BAG to complain; to talk at length, to gossip, to chat ...1901 Amer. sl. PLAY REX to handle roughly and terribly ...1586 sl. OLD WOODPECKER one who would be hard to take by surprise ...US Civil War usage NO ARSE! like hell! ...20C W. Indies MORE HOLY THAN RIGHTEOUS applied to a tattered garment or person ...Bk1903 colloq. LERRICOMPOOP to have sexual intercourse ...Bk1903 sl. GOSSIP
nouns • CHATTERMAG chatter, gossip ...L19 sl. • CLISH-CLASH idle gossip ...L17 Scot. • CLISH-MA-CLAVER idle talk, gossip ...E18 Scot. • MAG prattle, chatter; a talk, gossip, chat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. nouns - person • BAG-PUNCHER a complainer; one who talks at length, gossips, or chats ...1926 Amer. sl. • CHAT a male gossip ...1950s W. Indies • CHATTERMAG a gossip, a chatterbox ...20C sl. • MISS LASHEY a male gossip ...1950s W. Indies • RUN-ABOUT a gossip ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. verbs • CHAT-CHAT to gossip ...1950s W. Indies • CHAT UP to gossip, to talk familiarly ...20C W. Indies • CRACK to chat; to gossip ...Scot. • MAG to chatter, prattle, talk continuously; to gossip, chat ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RUN-ABOUT to go gossiping ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. phrases • BEAT THE BREEZE to gossip, to chat ...1944 Amer. sl. • BEAT THE BULL to gossip, to chat ...1974 Amer. sl. • CHAT SOMEONE'S NAME to gossip maliciously about an absent third party ...1950s W. Indies & Jamaica • PUNCH THE BAG to complain; to talk at length, to gossip, to chat ...1901 Amer. sl. New words/phrases added: (or about to be!) TIN-TACK dismissal from a job ...L19 rhyming sl. for 'sack' SLUT'S WOOL fluff, dust, etc., left to accumulate under beds etc. through slovenly cleaning SLUSH PUMP a trombone ...US sl. SLUMMOCK a dirty, untidy, or slovenly person ...M19 chiefly Eng. dial. & colloq. SLUMMOCK to eat up greedily ...M19 chiefly Eng. dial. & colloq. SLUMMOCK to move, speak, or behave awkwardly or clumsily ...L19 chiefly Eng. dial. & colloq. RIGGISH wanton ...1608 sl. 236SL Farmer sl 1903 RIB-TICKLER thick soup ...Bk1903 sl. RIB-TICKLER a blow to the ribs ...Bk1903 boxing sl. RESURRECTION PIE a dish made of leftovers ...1884 sl. CROOKED SHOES footwear cut for right and left feet; such shoes were provided to Union soldiers, many of whom, prior to enlisting, had only worn two shoes cut identically ...US Civil War usage PENNILESS
adjectives • BUSHED poor, without money ...1812 sl. • CRACKED penniless; ruined ...1860 obs. • DEAD-ASS BROKE utterly broke ...1971 Amer. sl. • DEAD BROKE penniless ...1842 • FLY-BLOWN penniless ...1850s Aust. sl. • MOTHERLESS BROKE penniless, completely broke, bankrupt, destitute ...1898 Aust. sl. • STONE-BROKE penniless ...1898 US & Can. • STONY-BROKE penniless, completely without money ...19C Brit. sl. • STRANDED penniless; friendless ...1897 colloq. • STRAPPED penniless, bankrupt ...1857 sl. phrases • BE ON ONE'S BACK-SEAM to be out of luck, penniless ...B1890 Eng. tailors' sl. • NOT A BRASS RAZOO absolutely penniless ...20C Aust. & NZ sl. • NOT A FEATHER TO FLY WITH ruined, penniless ...L19 sl. • NOT (TO) HAVE A CRACKER to be penniless ...c1920 Aust. sl. • ON THE RORY poor, penniless ...M19 sl. New words/phrases added: TOO DEAD TO SKIN being of no value whatsoever; worthless ...1873 Amer. sl. SMACKDOWN a bitter contest or confrontation ...20C US colloq. SMACKDOWN a decisive or humiliating defeat or setback ...20C US colloq. RIVER TYNE wine, esp. inferior wine ...1992 US rhyming sl. HEAR A BIRD SING to receive private or secret information ...arch. FILBERT the head ...1909 sl. FILBERT a foolish, eccentric, or crazy person ...1915 Amer. sl. FICKY-FICK sexual intercourse ...1961 Amer. military sl. FICKY-FICK to have sexual intercourse ...1961 Amer. military sl. I've been adding words daily to the slang word list and/or the thesaurus.
This now includes the words from the past, as well as obsolete definitions for common words. So it's a big, big project! I have not given up on doing the words from the past showing etymology, etc., but it is on hold for now. Here are a few of the words and phrases added to the Word List over the last few days: ACROSS THE RIVER dead ...1949 US sl. BADIAN a native of Barbados ...1959 Amer. sl. BAD-RAP to criticize unjustly; to malign ...1967 Amer. sl. BAG BENNIES to get benefits ...1968 Amer. sl. BAGGAGE ROOM the stomach ...1858 Amer. sl. BAGGED drunk ...1953 Amer. sl. BAGGED fatigued, exhausted, very tired ...1962 Amer. sl. BAGGED having been made amenable by a bribe ...1974 criminals' sl. BAGGIE a condom ...1971 Amer. sl. BAG-PUNCHER a complainer; one who talks at length, gossips, or chats ...1926 US sl. BAGS the testicles ...1954 Amer. sl. BAGS a woman's breasts ...1938 Amer. sl. BONE BLANKET a condom ...1998 UK sl. Partridge slang 2002 BONE DOME a protective helmet; a crash helmet ...1930s orig. aviators' usage BONE ORCHARD a cemetery ...1982 UK sl. BONED tipsy ...1949 UK sl. BONED having been hit hard on the head ...1977 UK sl. Here's the list of words in the thesaurus so far for FACE FACE adjectives • FULL-FACED having a full or plump face ...E17 • HACKSEY-LOOKED having a coarse visage, gruff ...Bk1905 Scot. • HEDDER-FACED rough-faced, unshaven ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. nouns • BEAK the nose; the face ...Bk1911 Scot. • BOAT-RACE the face ...1958 Brit. rhyming sl. • CLOCK the face ...1918 sl. • DIAL the face ...1842 sl. • FIGURE-HEAD the face ...1826 nautical sl. • FIZZOG the face; the expression on the face ...1811 UK sl. • INDEX the face ...1818 sl. • KISSER the face ...1892 sl. • MAP the face ...1908 sl. • MOEY the face ...1859 sl. • MOOE the face ...1859 sl. • MOOEY the face ...1859 sl. • MOOSH the face ...1859 sl. • MUG the face ...1708 sl. • MUSH the face ...1859 sl. • PAN the face ...1923 sl. • PHIZ the face ...1688 arch. sl. • PHIZOG the face ...1811 sl. • PHYSOG the face; the expression on the face ...1811 UK sl. • PUSS the face ...1890 sl. chiefly US • SNOUT-PIECE the nose; the face ...17C sl. • SPLATTER FACE a broad face ...L19 sl. nouns - person • ADMIRAL OF THE WHITE a white-faced person ...Bk1921 sl |
September 2021