• A-BOX someone in an unpleasant mood ...1990s US campus sl.
• ACE-FLAT excellent; first-class ...1940s US sl. • ADIOS AMOEBAS a farewell ...1980s US campus sl. • ALI OOP poop, excrement ...Brit. rhyming sl. • AMATORIOUS inclined to love; wanton ...1746 • ANGEL FOOD religious preaching; used disparagingly ...1926 Amer. hobo sl. • ARMY CHICKEN beans and frankfurters ...Bk1944 service sl. • AUGER an important person; a foreman ...1903 Amer. dial. • BACK NUMBER a person, place, or thing thought to be out of date or antiquated ...1882 Amer. dial. • BAGEL (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1955 US sl. • BANTY-LEGGED bowlegged ...1927 Amer. dial. • BE ALKALIED to be an old timer of the desert in Arizona ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • BEEFEATER a person of English origin ...1965 Amer. dial. • BELLY-CLAPPER a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1968 Amer. dial. • BERRY PICKER a rustic or countrified person ...1968 Amer. dial. • BIG HOUSE, THE prison ...1916 sl., orig. US • BIT OF STRAY a casual sexual acquaintance, usually female ...2001 UK sl. • BLEND to marry ...1942 Amer. sl. • BONZER good ...20C Aust. & NZ sl. • BUMMER a deserter ...US Civil War usage • CABBAGE-FIELD the female genitals; the vagina ...L19 sl. • CADAVER a bankrupt; a bankruptcy ...L19 sl., orig. US • CAKE a weak person ...1980s US campus sl. • CARSEY a brothel ...2002 UK sl. • CHICLET a young woman; a sexually attractive young woman ...1922 US sl.
• POOFTER RORTER a homosexual's pimp ...1945 Aust. sl.
• PUG a fox; a name for a fox ...E19 chiefly Eng. dial. • PULL THE PLUG to commit suicide ...1981 sl. • PUT BEANS UP ONE'S NOSE to do something stupid after being warned not to ...1979 Amer. dial. • QUEEN a sexually attractive woman ...1900 sl. • RADAR CHARLIE a poker player with a strong intuitive sense of other players' hands ...1988 US sl. • RAGGED-ARSED disreputable, ruined ...c1880 sl. • RALLACK a roving character; an idle good-for-nothing ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RAT CHEESE any inexpensive, common yellow cheese cut on order by a grocer; bulk cheese; store cheese ...20C Amer. sl. • RIDGE-RUNNER a White person ...1966 US Black sl. • ROZZER a police spy; an informer ...Bk1902 sl. • SCREWMATICS rheumatism ...1895 sl. • SHIT DIMES AND QUARTERS to excrete bags of drugs after swallowing them when facing a police search ...2000s US Black & drugs sl. • SKELL a homeless person or derelict ...1982 US sl. • SOSATION association ...1891 Amer. dial. • STRETCH a walk ...Bk1904 sl., orig. university • SUBLIMITY a supreme or extreme phrase ...1651 obs. • TAKE THE FOOT of a child: to begin to walk ...1805 Scot. • TAPPIE-TOORIE anything resting on an insecure foundation and swinging at the top ...Bk1905 Scot. • TIO TACO (derogatory) a Mexican who is considered insufficiently nationalistic by others ...20C US sl. • TWINKY (derogatory) a male homosexual; an effeminate man ...1963 US sl. • UP THE RIVER in prison ...1891 euphemism, orig. US • WEAR A HEMPEN NECKTIE to be hanged ...Bk1902 sl. • ZIPLESS said of a sexual encounter that is brief and passionate ...1973 sl. • ABBOT a prison warden ...M19 UK criminals' sl. • GOODY an insipid, harmless person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
• GUMP a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • HAIR-MONGER a whoremonger; a lecher ...19C Brit. sl. • HALLOCK to behave in a foolish, noisy way ...Bk1905 Scot. • HAVE A GIN ON THE ROCKS to copulate ...20C Aust. sl. • HOG KILLIN' TIME a highly enjoyable time ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • IATRICAL medical ...1716 • IN THE BOLLOCKY naked ...Aust. sl. • JAM THE BOX to play a phonographic record ...1960s Amer. sl. • JIGGUMBOBS the testicles ...1785 sl. • JUNGLE BUNNY (derogatory or offensive) a person of colour ...1966 sl. • KINK a criminal; later, esp. a car thief ...1910s US criminal sl. • LACKLAND one who has no landed possessions; one who rules over no territory ...1594 • LIZZIE an effeminate young man ...1905 sl. • MAFFLER one who cannot well pronounce words in speaking ...1552 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • MALAGRUZED in disorder, rumpled ...1864 Scot. • MOAT a river ...M19 US criminals' sl. • NANCE (derogatory) a male homosexual ...1924 sl. • NO GREAT KILL-ER-CURE no great importance ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • NUT OUT to think out; to solve a problem, plan of action, etc. ...Aust. sl. • OBREPTION a creeping or stealing upon one unawares ...1642 obs. • OF A DIZZY AGE ageing ...L19 UK society usage • OLD ADAM, THE original sin; male and female lust; human sexuality ...Shakespeare usage • OTTYMOBILE an automobile ...1942 Amer. dial. • PICKERNICKS picnickers ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • BING to slap, to hit ...1952 Amer. dial.
• BLACKBIRD one whose family looks down upon his activities ...1966 Amer. dial. • BODGIE of names, etc.: false; assumed ...Aust. sl. • BOZO crazy ...1983 Amer. sl. • C.A.B. a term of derision (complete arse bandit) ...1990s sl. • CACK to vomit ...20C US colloq. • CAFÉ DE MOVE-ON a small mobile canteen catering for workers at their place of work ...1920s S. Afr. sl. • CALLANT a boy; a youth; a young fellow ...L16 Scot. & N. Eng. • CHEESEHEAD a stupid person ...20C Amer. sl. • CHUBBIES large and well-proportioned breasts ...M20 US sl. • COME THE OLD ABDABS to hoax, to fool ...1940s sl. • CRACKERS the teeth ...1930s sl. • DAFFISH sheepish, shy, modest ...1804 Eng. dial. • DAMP showing stupefaction or depression of spirits; dazed, stupefied ...1590 obs. or arch. • DARK AS BLACK HOGS, AS very dark indeed ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DICKEY-DIDO the female genitals ...20C sl. • DO A BROWN ACT to act in a shy manner; to sulk ...1980s NZ sl. • DUB a weakling ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • FACINOROUS extremely wicked, grossly criminal, atrocious, infamous, vile ...1548 obs. exc. arch. • FIRKYTOODLE sexual play; sexual foreplay ...18C Brit. sl. • FLESH-FACTORY a brothel ...E20 US sl. • FOAM a poetic word for the sea • FRIDAY AFTERNOON CAR a car that is constantly going wrong ...1979 UK sl. • GAGGER a rustic old man; an old bumpkin ...L16 sl. • GET ON THE NOD to live on credit ...Bk1896 sl. • SKAGGY-BAWED comatose or impotent as a result of taking heroin
...1990s Scot. sl. • SNUGGLE-PUPPY an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl. • STRAWBERRY a birthmark ...c1866 sl. • SUB-BEAU a would-be dandy ...Bk1904 sl. • TAKE A DIRT NAP to be buried ...1990s US Black sl. • TANTERLICK a severe stroke ...Bk1905 Scot. • TICKLISH of a boat: easily capsized ...1687 • TREE OF LOVE the penis ...19C euphemism • UNDER-SIDE the posteriors, the bottom ...19C colloq. • VIPER a marijuana user ...1950s Amer. sl. • WORK-BRICKLE ready to work ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • A-BOMB JUICE illicitly distilled alcohol; moonshine ...1940s US Black sl. • ACE HI a sophisticated, aware person ...1950s US Black sl. • ADAM AND EVE to leave ...1930s rhyming sl. • AL DESKO of a meal: consumed at your desk at work ...1981 US sl. • ALPHABETARIAN a learner of the alphabet ...E17 now rare • ARKIE old-fashioned; out-of-date ...19C US sl. • ASS-OVER-APPLECART head-over-heels, topsy-turvy ...1943 Amer. dial. • BABY IN THE BUSHES an illegitimate child ...1970 Amer. dial. • BADMAN in ice hockey: a rough player who is frequently sent to the penalty box ...1949 Amer. sl. • BANDGE to idle about, to loaf; to take advantage of another's hospitality ...1914 Amer. dial. • BATTING ONE'S GUMS talking for the sake of talking ...1950 Amer. dial. • BEDBUG ROW a squalid and run-down building or area of a town; a part of a town where the poorer people live ...1968 Amer. dial. • BELLYFUL a thrashing ...M17 sl. • BIBLIOLATRY extravagant admiration of a book or for books ...M18 • JUST FELL OFF THE CABBAGE TRUCK utterly naive or unsophisticated
...1986 Amer. sl. • KINGSWOOD LION a donkey ...E19 sl. • LACHRYMENTAL mournful, tearful ...1625 obs. rare • LITTLE OVER THE BAY, A somewhat intoxicated ...1833 Amer. dial. • MAD-HEADED mad-brained; hot-headed, uncontrolled ...1567 • MAKE-WISE a pretense, make-believe ...1846 Eng. dial. • MITTENS handcuffs ...1880 sl. • MY TICKLING a term of endearment ...1605 obs. rare • NIN a grandmother ...1958 sl. • NUPPENCE no money ...Brit. rhyming sl. • OBMIT to leave out; to omit ...1541 obs. rare • OD'S-SWOOKERS! a mild oath ...L16 euphemism • OKLE-DOKLE O.K., yes ...20C US sl. • OOGLEY pert. to a sexually attractive woman ...M20 US sl. • PERV AT to ogle ...1941 sl., chiefly Aust. • POLONY (derogatory) an effeminate man ...1969 sl. • PUFF-ADDER an accountant ...c1930 RAF usage, chiefly officers' • PULL ONE'S WIRE to masturbate ...19C US sl. • PUSHIE cowardly; effeminate ...1960s Ulster sl. • QUAINTISE wisdom, cleverness, skill, ingenuity ...1297 obs. • RACKETTY COO a Jewish person ...1971 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'Jew' • RAG-ASS an impoverished person ...1990s US Black sl. • RAKE a very thin person ...Bk1905 Scot. • RANTIE-TANTIE sexual intercourse ...M18 sl. • RICHARD THE THIRD a bird ...1960s rhyming sl. • ROOT the nose ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • SCHLEP a long distance ....Brit. sl. • SHE-MALE a transvestite ...1983 sl. • CONK OFF to go to sleep; to sleep ...1940s Amer. sl.
• CRAPPING-CASA a privy or outhouse ...19C sl. • DAFFY DOWN a daffodil ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DAMSON TART a humorous term for profane language ...1887 Eng. dial. • DARK to rush suddenly to or from a hiding-place ...1897 Eng. dial. • DICKY-DUNK copulation ...20C sl. • DO AN EL FOLDO to lose energy, to wilt, to fade ...1962 Amer. sl. • DUFF any sweet edible ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. • FACTORY a women's prison ...1806 Aust. sl. • FIVE-FINGER DISCOUNT the activity or proceeds of stealing or shoplifting ...1966 US sl., chiefly CB users' • FLIBBERTIGIBBET a scatterbrain; an oaf; a gossiper ...M16 • FOG to kill, usually to kill by shooting ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • FRIG to dawdle, to waste time ...18C Brit. sl. • GALIMAUFRY the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. • GET ONE'S LEG OVER of a man: to have sex ...1975 sl. • GOOF TIME time to relax ...1960s Amer. sl. • GUNK (derogatory) a person ...1964 US sl. • HAIR-SPLITTER the penis ...E19 Brit. sl. • HALLYBLASH a great blaze ...1740 Eng. dial. • HAVE A NINE-MONTHS DROPSY to be pregnant ...19C Brit. sl. • HOKEY-POKEY a cheat ...Bk1913-17 Amer. college sl. • ICASM a figurative expression ...1664 obs. rare • IN THE FACE OF THE SUN openly ...a1618 • JAM-POT the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. • JIM HILL! an ejaculation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • ABBREVY to abbreviate, to abridge ...1483 obs. rare
• ABOUT RIGHT intoxicated with alcohol ...M20 US sl. • ACE to outwit ...1950s sl. • ADDITION make-up, cosmetics ...E18 sl. • ALE-WISP a drunkard ...19C Brit. sl. • AMATEUR a sexually promiscuous young woman who is not a prostitute ...1851-61 Amer. sl. • ANGEL a passive homosexual ...Brit. gay sl. • ARMPIT OF THE UNIVERSE the worst place ...1968 US sl. • AT LIBERTY unemployed ...20C Amer. sl. • BACK AND FILL to vacillate or waver; to take too long about coming to a decision ...1854 Amer. dial. • BAG YOUR HEAD! shut up! go away! ...1863 Amer. sl. • BANG-UP first-rate, splendid, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • BAWLY-IKE a complaining person; a nuisance ...1935 Amer. dial. • BEDUNDER to stupefy; to confound ...Bk1911 Scot. • BELLY-RUB to dance closely with someone ...1938 Amer. dial. • BIDDY a woman, often used disparagingly, esp. of an elderly, gossipy, or dissolute woman ...L18 • BIRDIE a soft roll of dust that collects on the floor under beds or other furniture ...1950 Amer. dial. • BLADDERSCAT a deceiving person; one you cannot trust ...1969 Amer. dial. • BOIL ONE'S CABBAGE TWICE to repeat oneself ...L19 US sl. • BRIGHT LIGHT a bright or smart person ...E20 sl. • CAB MAT a prostitute ...L19 sl. • CACKLEBIRD a hen ...1960s US sl. • CAGE a depressing room or apartment ...1970s US gay sl. • CAMEL a great, hulking fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • CHEW THE GREASE to grumble; to resuscitate an old grievance ...c1880 military sl. • CHUM a friend ...1684 • OOFUS a stupid oaf ...M20 US sl.
• PEG-HOUSE a brothel; also, a meeting-place for male homosexuals ...1931 US sl. • POLBORON heroin ...1977 US sl. • PUFF JOB a specimen of extravagant praise. esp. for commercial or political purposes ...1732 Amer. sl. • PULL ONE'S PETER of a male: to masturbate ...19C sl. • PUSHERS slippers ...Irish sl. • QUAIN to lament, to bewail, to bemoan ...a1300 obs. rare • RACKABACK a man on horseback with a woman behind him riding side- saddle ...L18 sl. • RAGABASH a low rascal, an idle vagabond; a collection of such persons ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RAISE SAND to celebrate wildly; to enjoy oneself in a wild, boisterous manner, usually with much noise and whisky; to be drunk and boisterous ...20C Amer. colloq. • RANIKABOO a caper; a prank; 'monkeyshine' ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • RIBBIN money ...Bk1903 sl. • ROCK PILE prison ...1888 US sl. • SCARPER to run away, to escape ...Brit. sl. • SHEENEY (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1816 sl. • SINGLE-O a crime committed without an accomplice; a criminal who works alone ...M20 US sl. • SNAPS handcuffs ...1895 sl. • STORK-MAD eager to become pregnant; wanting to have a child; said of women ...M20 US sl. • STYX a urinal ...Bk1904 school sl. • TAKE A BAG to experience an undesirable situation ...1960s US campus sl. • TANKY a member of the former British Community Party who supported hardline (esp. interventionist) Soviet politics ...1985 sl. • TICKLE THE PISS OUT OF to please or amuse someone ...1950s US sl. • TRACY BITS the breasts ...20C Aust. rhyming sl. for 'tits' • UNDER BOARD not open, dishonest ...17C sl. • VALLEY-LILY the lily of the valley ...1597 • GANGSTER a marijuana cigarette ...M20 US sl.
• GIBBLE-GABBLE nonsense ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GOOGIE a fool ...1910s sl. • HACK to vomit; to spit up ...M20 US sl. • HAIVERY miserly, greedy of money ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • HAMS trousers ...L18 Brit. sl. • HAVE HAIR ON ONE'S HEAD to be clever, cautious, or wise ...Bk1905 Scot. • HONK-HONK an automobile ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • ICE-BOXED sexually rejected by a woman ...20C US sl. • INEQUALITARIAN a person who denies or opposes equality between people ...L19 • JAPE to copulate ...1510 sl. • JINGLEBRAINS a wild, harum-scarum fellow ...1690 colloq. • KAI-KAI a homosexual male ...1935 US sl. • KINKO an eccentric person ...1960s US sl. • LACK-LATIN one who knows little or no Latin ...1649 obs. • LONG SWORDS the Cavalry; so-called by Indians ...US Civil War usage • MAFFICK to indulge in extravagant demonstrations of exultation on occasions of national rejoicing ...1900 • MALAHACK to cut or carve in a slovenly, awkward way ...1866 Eng. dial. • MOB a prostitute ...M17 sl. • NAILER a police officer ...c1863 sl. • NO-ACCOUNT worthless, insignificant, undependable, untrustworthy, criminal ...19C US Black sl. • NYMPHET a sexually attractive young girl ...1955 sl. • OBNIXIOUSLY earnestly, strenuously ...1632 obs. rare • OD'S-ZOOKERS! a mild oath ...L16 euphemism • OINK OUT to be a glutton; to overeat ...1988 Amer. sl. • BENDIFIED bent ...1919 Amer. dial.
• BIG HERB an important person; used sarcastically ...c1905 Amer. dial. • BIT OF SNUG copulation ...Brit. sl. • BLEEP a small amount ...1974 Amer. dial. • BONSTER a good thing ...20C Aust. sl. • BULL ALONG to talk without point ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • CABBAGE to destroy; to defeat ...19C sl. • CAD an attractive woman ...1970s US Black sl. • CAJITA a bag of marijuana ...20C US prison sl. & Hispanic • CARRY A RIG to play fast and loose ...Bk1903 sl. • CHICKEN'S HEAD a fool ...1960s US Black sl. • CLAMMUX a worthless slattern ...19C Eng. dial. • COOL BREEZE self-assured, sophisticated ...1960s sl., orig. US • CROAGIES the testicles ...1985 US sl. • DAGGLY of the weather: wet, drizzly, misty, rainy ...1869 Eng. dial. • DANDLE to trifle, to play or toy with ...1569 obs. • DASHY showy, gorgeous ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • DILLIGAF an irresponsible person (Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck?) ...US Vietnam War usage • DOG-DANCING useless or exaggerated activity ...1967 Can. sl. • EDNA EVERAGE a drink ...2002 UK rhyming sl. for 'beverage' • FAGGY (derogatory) effeminate; homosexual ...1951 Amer. sl. • FLAMING NORA! used for expressing surprise, anger, amazement, etc. ...1979 UK euphemism • FLOP IN THE HAY a rapid act of sexual intercourse ...E20 US sl. • FORE-DAY the time just prior to sunrise ...1896 Amer. dial. • FUCKLE to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. • SICKER genuine, good ...a1400-50 obs.
• SLUSH! nonsense! ...M19 colloq. • STALTED stalled, unable to move ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • STUFF copulation; an act of copulation ...M20 US sl. • SWEETBACK a pimp ...1929 US sl. • TANG the prong of a fork; the spike of a knife or other instrument which fixes into the handle; the pointed end of a shoe-lace; any point ...1876 Scot. & Eng. dial. • THIS VALE the world regarded as a place of trouble, sorrow, misery, or weeping ...14? • THROUGH-OTHER confused ...1590, chiefly Scot. • TOP-NOTCHER one that has reached the highest point of excellence ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • UMBLE-CUM-STUMBLE to understand comprehensively ...L19 sl. • WHIZZ-MOB a gang of pickpockets ...1929 sl. • ABFAB first-rate, very attractive ...1950s sl., orig. Aust. teen usage • ABSOTIVELY certainly ...1926 US sl. • A-COCKBILL free, dangling free ...19C nautical colloq. • AFRICAN DOMINOES dice ...1919 US sl. • ALL MOUTH AND TROUSERS engaging in empty, boastful talk, but not of real substance ...Brit. sl. • AMIDSHIPS in the belly ...1886 Amer. nautical sl. • ANONYM an assumed or false name ...1805 • ARSE-CRAWL to toady ...L19 sl. • AUNTIE an older, effeminate male homosexual (a tad cruel term if not derogatory) ...1930 US sl. • BACKIE-RIDE a ride on an adult's back; a piggyback ride ...1966 Amer. dial. • BALD-FACED of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, • BARM a large quantity ...1924 Amer. dial. • BEAN TOWN a part of town where poor people or foreigners live ...1967 Amer. dial. • BEGGAR-TRASH someone thought to be low-class, worthless, or insignificant ...1939 Amer. dial. • JOLT a stiff drink of spirits, esp. brandy, whisky, or bourbon ...20C sl.
• KILL-GRIEF any strong alcoholic drink ...E18 Brit. sl. • LABOURAGE payment for labour ...1826 • LIBERATE to loot or steal ...1944 euphemism or jocular • MACULATE to spot, stain, soil, defile, pollute ...1432-50 • MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW to perform a task without provision of the necessary materials or means • MEG to chatter ...1810 • MUMPER a vagrant, a tramp ...1673 sl. • NEW JACK a newcomer or novice, esp. to the fast life of the ghetto streets ...1980s sl., chiefly US Black • NOT TO KNOW BEANS FROM BULLFOOT ABOUT BISCUITS to be very stupid ...1982 Amer. dial. • ON THE DEAD honestly; truthfully ...1888 Amer. sl. • PECKERWOOD a woodpecker ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • POKE the sex act ...1700 sl. • PUDSY to greet affectionately or with familiarity ...19C colloq. • PULL ON THE ROPE to masturbate ...1972 US sl. • PUP the penis ...M20 sl. • QUADRISECT to divide into four equal parts ...1809 • RACK OFF HAIRY LEGS! go away! ...1988 Aust. sl. • RAG to question closely, to interrogate ...2000s sl. • RAIL SQUAD seasick sailors ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. • RAMPAGEOUS angry, furious ...1859 Scot. & Eng, dial. • REMOVE ONE'S DIGIT to get on with something; to stop malingering and commit oneself to positive action ...1910s sl., orig. Aust. • ROACH a police officer ...1932 US sl. • SCALLY a rogue, a ne'er-do-well ...1986 Eng. sl. • SHALLOW-BRAINED having no depth of intellect or understanding ...obs. • CONNECT to hit someone very hard ...1930s Amer. sl.
• CRAZY IKE an uncouth fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • DAFT WATTY a blockhead, a silly, awkward person ...1805 Eng. dial. • DANCE TO A PERSON'S WHISTLE to follow his lead; to act after his desire or instigation ...1823 • DARKENING twilight, dusk, evening ...1814 Scot. & Eng. dial. • DIDDIES the breasts or nipples ...18C Brit. sl. • DO ME A FAVOUR a neighbour ...1990s rhyming sl. • DUFF counterfeit money, cheques, etc. ...1895 sl. • FACTORY a police station ...1891 sl. • FIVE-KNUCKLE SHUFFLE masturbation ...1972 US sl. • FLESH-POT a harlot; a sexually loose woman ...sl. • FOB a Pacific Islander who has newly arrived in New Zealand (Fresh Off the Boat) ...20C NZ sl. • FRIDAY FACE a miserable or dour face ...L16 sl. • GADZOOKS! an oath and exclamation ...17C Brit. • GET ONE'S ANGORA to irk, to annoy, to anger or exasperate someone; to discomfit or rattle one ...1915 Amer. sl. • GOOD HICKORY, A a rapid gait ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GUM BEATERS false teeth ...1969 Amer. dial. • HAIR-BELL the foxglove ...1870 Eng. dial. • HALLION a clown; a clumsy fellow; a good-for-nothing idle scamp; a sloven; a rascal ...1789 Scot. & Eng. dial. • HAVE A BIT OF SUMMER CABBAGE to have sexual intercourse ...19C sl. • HIT THE BAG to go to bed; to have a rest ...1961 Amer. sl. • I WOULDN'T TRUST HIM THE OTHER SIDE OF A NICKEL not trust at all, in the least ...1965 Amer. dial. chiefly Black usage • IN FIFTH GEAR drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. • JAGABAT a prostitute ...20C Trinidad usage • JIGAMAREE nonsense or any triviality ...Bk1896 Amer. sl. ABROADED living in exile somewhere other than the UK
...M19 UK society usage ACID-DROPPER one who uses LSD regularly and is frequently under its influence ...M20 US drugs sl. AEROPLANE a bow tie ...1930s Aust. sl. ALL ARMS AND LEGS weak beer, without body ...19C sl. AMEBIATE to get drunk ...1966 US sl. ANIMAL a policeman, before he became a 'pig' ...Brit. sl. ARSE OFF to depart ...19C sl. AUNT MARY an outdoor toilet; a privy ...1950 Amer. dial. BACKDOOR CHUTE a snub; a 'cold shoulder' ...1966 Amer. dial. BAITED FOR WIDOW spruced up; dressed to catch the attention of widows or other women ...1960 Amer. dial. BARF in computing: to fail to operate ...1983 US sl. BE UP CACK STREET to be in trouble ...20C Brit. sl. BEELZEBUB a child born out of wedlock ...1940 Amer. dial. BELLY-WOCKER a sliding down a hill on a sled, lying on the belly ...1965 Amer. dial. BIG AUGER an important person; a foreman ...1903 Amer. dial. BISCUIT-EATER a worthless dog; a dog of mixed and uncertain breed ...1970 Amer. dial. BLAST HIS HIDE! damn! ...1943 Amer. dial. BOLTSPRIT the nose ...1698-99 obs. nautical sl. BROAD-BRIM a Quaker ...colloq. CABALL a horse ...c1450 obs. CACKY human excrement ...L19 sl. CAGE GIRL a ticket seller in a theatre ...1952 US sl. CANDYKID a fine fellow; a showy, stylish person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CHEWALLOPER a fall or a dive that makes a big splash or flopping noise ...20C Amer. sl. CHUMP DOWN to humiliate ...1970s US Black sl. POSH UP to smarten up, to make posh ...1919 sl.
PUGGY WORK hard physical labour ...1988 Scot. sl. PULLY-BONE a wishbone ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PUT ONE'S BEST SIDE TOWARDS LONDON to make the best of things ...L19 sl. QUIM a woman viewed as a sex object ...1935 sl. RADIO ONES diarrhoea ...1992 UK rhyming slang for 'the runs' RAGGEDY ANN an untidy, unkempt woman ...1980s US Black sl. RALPH the common raven ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAT-FACE a sly, underhanded person ...20C Amer. sl. RIG to play the wanton ...Bk1903 sl. RUDDY SAUSAGE the penis ...Urquhart usage SCRUB THE SLATE CLEAN to cancel or ignore the past and start again ...L19 US sl. SHITCAN a near derelict but just drivable secondhand car, or motorcycle, one step from the junkyard ...1970s US sl. SKOOKUM strong, big ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPAGHETTI (derogatory) an Italian ...1931 sl. STRETCHER-FENCER a vendor of braces ...Bk1904 sl. SUBLIMATED puffed up, haughty ...1634 obs. TAKE THE ACID OFF to speak honestly, without sarcasm ...1910s Aust. sl. TAPER-TAIL topsy-turvy ...1793 Scot. obs. TINMAN a very rich man; a millionaire ...L19 sporting sl. TUMBLE to have sex ...1602 sl. UNSEX to castrate ...US medical usage WANK-BAG a general term of abuse ...1990s sl. YAP a low person unworthy of his position ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. ABERDONIAN a native of Aberdeen ...a1670 FUNGUS an old man ...1910s sl.
GASSERS AND SLASHERS anaesthetists and surgeons ...2002 UK medical sl. GLAD RAGS dress clothes ...1960s Amer. sl. GOOMBAH a stupid person ...19950s US sl. HAG-BEGAGGED bewitched ...1876 Eng. dial. HALF AND HALF half-witted ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HARD CHEESE bad luck; often said in commiseration ...1876 UK sl. HAVE THE TAPE to have authority ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HOOKS a man's hands and arms ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. ICONOPHILE a connoisseur of pictures, engravings, book illustrations, and the like ...1881 IRISH CHICKEN pork ...1920s US sl. JEFF a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively ...1870 US Black sl. JOE a French-Canadian ...1963 Can. sl. KEESTER the female genitals ...E20 US criminals' sl. KISTER the posteriors; the anus ...M20 US sl. LADY BLAMEY a drinking vessel made of half a beer bottle with the cut edge rounded by sandpaper ...1940s Aust. sl. LOVE GRENADES the testicles ...2000s sl. MAGGOT to waste money; to spend foolishly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. MAMPALA an effeminate man; a homosexual man who plays the female role in sex ...20C W. Indies sl. MOFFIE a male homosexual ...1929 sl., chiefly S. Afr. NARRISH thrifty ...1889 colloq. NOBBER (n.) nine ...M19 sl. OBSOCKY of clothes: ill-fitting, mis-shapen ...20C W. Indies sl. PACKAGE a kidnap victim ...1933 sl., chiefly US PILL a cigarette ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BELLY-BURGLAR a steward or cook ...1956 Amer. jocular
BEULAH LAND heaven or the Promised Land; a place of perfection or happiness; also used ironically ...1939 Amer. dial. BILL-JUMP a person who doesn't pay his bills ...1968 Amer. dial. BLACK DISHES cooking utensils, by contrast with glass and china ...1914 Amer. dial. BLOW IT OUT OF YOUR BAG refrain from talking ...Bk1944 service sl. BOX a guitar ...1911 Amer. sl. BUTTERFLY BOY an effeminate male homosexual ...1950s sl. CABOODLE the head ...1944 Amer. sl. CADGE, THE the profession or act of begging ...1812 sl. CAKY weak of intellect, silly ...1879 Eng. dial. CATCH FARTS WITH A HOOK to do something stupid or useless ...1972 Amer. sl. CHINCH a cheap hotel or rooming house ...20C US sl. CLOD-SKULLED stupid; oafish ...18C Brit. colloq. COVE WITH A JAZEY a judge ...Bk1896 sl. CUBESVILLE a conventional place or institution ...1959 sl., orig. US DALL! damn!; an exclamation; a petty oath ...1853 Eng. dial. DANGERSOME fraught with danger ...1567 obs. exc. Eng. dial. DEBBIES' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl. DIP of a male: a swift act of sexual intercourse ...1975 UK sl. DONNY a child's hand; used when speaking to children ...1886 Eng. dial. FABU excellent ...1990s US sl. FART AWAY to squander ...1928 Amer. sl. FLASH ONE'S MEAT to expose the person ...Bk1893 sl. FLUMMOXED imprisoned for 1 month ...M19 UK criminals' sl. FREAK-OUT a temporary loss of sanity and control while under the influence of a psychoactive drug ...1966 UK sl. SHONICKER (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1914 US sl.
SKY BEAR a police helicopter ...1975 Amer. sl. SPEED LIMIT in bingo: the number 30 ...1940s bingo usage STRETCH-HALTER a scoundrel; one who badly needs a hanging ...1604 sl. SUBLUNARY inferior, subordinate to ...1616 obs. TAKE THE CAKE to carry off the honours, to rank first ...1886 TAPLOCH a giddy-brained girl ...1824 Scot. obs. TINNIE silver foil, as used in smoking heroin ...1980s NZ drugs sl. TUNK to strike ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. UNSOPHISTICATED of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, WANK something worthless ...2000s sl. YELL CALF-ROPE to plead for mercy or admit defeat; to say uncle ...1859 US sl. ABORIGINARY an aboriginal inhabitant ...1868 ACE LANE a husband ...1940s US Black sl. ADAM AND EVE'S P.J.s nudity ...L19 US sl. ALABAMA a hammer ...Brit. rhyming sl. ALPINE STICK an oversized frankfurter ...1984 NZ sl. ANCHOR an automobile brake ...1936 sl., orig. trucking usage ARFARFANARF very drunk ...L19 Cockney sl. ASS-DEEP TO A TALL MOOSE exceptionally deep ..1974 Amer. dial. BABY BUMPERS a woman's breasts ...1968 Amer. dial. BADDEN to become intoxicated on drugs or alcohol ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago usage BALLYHACK to beat thoroughly ...1966 Amer. dial. BATH TUB a motorcycle sidecar ...Bk1944 service sl. BEAUTY BAR a brooch ...1967 Amer. dial. JERRY-GO-NIMBLE an antic; a buffoon ...1884 sl.
JOHNNY ROCKS syphilis ...1920s Irish sl. KEYED intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl. KNOCK OFF of a male: to have sex ...1952 Brit. sl. LAVERICK a contemptuous term for a stranger ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. MACE to swindle ...1790 sl. MAIDEN-SWARM a swarm of bees coming from a swarm of the same year ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. MARRIAGE FACE a miserable face ...L19 UK middle class usage MOSSY-BACK a conventional person ...1878 chiefly N. Amer. NATURE'S TUFTED-TREASURE the female pudendum ...1827 sl. NOPLACEVILLE a dull or boring place or town; a small town; a jerkwater town ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. OH, MY DEAR beer ...20C rhyming sl. PAPA-TREE-TOP-TALL an extremely tall man ...1930s US Black sl. PLAY IN SOMEONE ELSE'S YARD to have an adulterous affair ...1950s US Black sl. PROP-MAN a pickpocket ...1901 sl. PUKY nasty; inferior; disgusting ...1965 Amer. sl. PUMPKIN HEAD a slow or dim-witted person; a dunce ...1775 Amer. sl. PUT THE ACID ON to put a stop to ...1910s sl. RABBIT a poor player, esp. in golf or tennis ...1920s sl. RAG a girlfriend; a female companion ...L19 US sl. RAG-GORGER a wealthy or rich man ...c1820 sl. RAMBARRE to stop, to restrain; to repulse ...1827 Scot. obs. RAUNCH OUT to offend by making sexual remarks or using offensive language ...1970s US campus sl. RILEMENT ill temper ...Bk1903 sl. RUNNING BENDERS sliding on thin ice ...1943 Amer. dial. SEE THE BIG ANIMAL to see or experience all that one can endure ...1848 Amer. sl. |
September 2021