ABBOT ON THE CROSS the 'bully' of a brothel ...Bk1909 sl.
ABOUT RIGHT drunk, but not excessively so ...19C sl. ACE the penis ...17C sl. ADAM'S OFF-OX a slow, stubborn person ...L19 sl. ALECK an idiot ...1919 Aust. sl. ALVIN a gullible fellow, esp. a countryman; a naive, easily cheated person ...1942-49 Amer. carnival usage ANDY CAPP to borrow ...Brit. rhyming sl. for 'tap' = to borrow ARMY BANJO a shovel ...Bk1944 service sl. AXLE-GREASE butter or margarine ...?1883 Amer. dial. BACKWASH repercussions ...L19 BALL UP to put up one's hair in a bun ...1966 Amer. dial. BARSE-ACKWARDS backwards; in reversed position or confused order ...1975 Amer. dial. BEAR TRAP a difficult or undesirable situation ...1835 Amer. dial. BELL SHEEP a leader; a big shot; a person who tries to appear important ...1969 Amer. dial. BERANTLED confused, mixed up ...1969 Amer. dial. BIG MAN a gallon of wine ...1970 Amer. dial. BIT SPIT any electronic communication ...1997 US sl. BLIMP (derogatory) someone with reactionary views ...1934 sl. BONZER an admirable person; a beautiful woman ...20C Aust. sl. BUMBASTE to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. CABBAGE TOWN the poor area of a town ...20C US sl. CAD a Cadillac car ...1929 sl., orig. US CAKE a dandy; a fop; youths who wore stylish wide-bottomed trousers ...E19 US sl., esp. gang CARROT a marijuana cigarette ...2001 US sl. CHICKEN-HEAD a stupid person ...20C US sl.
POODLE-FAKER a man who cultivates female society, esp. for professional
advancement ...1902 sl., chiefly services' usage PUFFY very favourable; adulatory ...1980s Amer. sl. PULL SOMEONE'S TIT to good-naturedly hoax or deceive someone; to make a fool of someone ...1959 Aust. sl. PUSSY a weak, harmless male; a timid person QUAINTISE to beautify, to adorn, to dress finely ...1390 obs. RACKERBONE a skeleton; an emaciated person or animal ...E19 US sl. RAG-AND-BONE SHOP a very dirty, filthy, untidy room ...c1880 colloq. RAISE ONE DOWNSTAIRS to get a disadvantage instead of an advantage ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAMSH to eat voraciously and noisily ...1827 Scot. REVIVER a drink ...1876 sl. ROARER anything especially loud ...Bk1903 sl. SCANTIES women's (brief) lingerie ...1920s sl., orig. US SHANK either of the sides of a triangle ...L16 obs. SIDES phonograph records ...1950s Amer. sl. SMACK CALFSKIN to swear on the Bible ...M19 sl. STEAL OUT to hide ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. STUMER a worthless cheque; something sham ...1890 sl. SWELLDOODLE stylish, splendid ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TANGER a deceitful person ...1886 Eng. dial. THROW UP ONE'S HEEL TAPS to vomit ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TOP-SHELF excellent, first-class, the best ...1970s US Black sl. UMBRELLA a fellow, usually a husband, boyfriend, or lover ...1998 rhyming sl. VALE OF YEARS, THE the declining years of a person's life; old age ...1604 WHIZZ BOY a pickpocket ...1931 sl., orig. US YUM-YUM TART a prostitute ...1960 euphemism FUNK a sneak thief ...1920s US tramps' sl.
GAT the anus ...1968 S. Afr. GLAMOUR PUSS a sexually attractive person ...1952 sl. GOOM methylated spirits, as an alcoholic's drink ...1960s Aust. sl. HAG-A-BAG refuse of any kind ...Bk1905 Scot. obs. HALESOME wholesome, healthful, sound ...1790 Scot. & Eng. dial. HAPPY SHOP a liquor store ...1960s Amer. sl. HAVE THE DRY-GRINS said of one teased by striving to smile ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HOOK-EM-UP married ...1972 Amer. sl. ICHTHYOPHILIST a lover of fish or fishes ...1852 INVISED unseen; invisible ...L16 obs. rare JAWBREAKING difficult ...1872 sl. JOCKER a male homosexual ...1935 Amer. sl. KATE a harlot; a prostitute; a nickname for a loose woman ...20C US sl. KIPPY-DOPE a woman considered solely as a sexual object ...World War I US military usage LADIES' BOARDING HOUSE a brothel ...M19 sl. LOOKING GLASS TIME self-assessment ...1960s Amer. sl. MAFFLED confused, muddled ...1820 Eng. dial. MALEFICE a bad action; the act or effect of witchcraft ...1721 Scot. obs. MOAT PALACE a river steamboat ...M19 US criminals' sl. MYSTERY a young or inexperienced prostitute ...1937 sl. NIMSHI a foolish fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NUN'S HABIT a rabbit ...Brit. rhyming sl. OUT OF ONE'S BOX insane ...1966 Amer. sl. PICK UP A FLAT to find a client ...1869 prostitutes' usage BELLY-PAUNCH a glutton ...M16
BIBLIOPHILY love of books ...L19 BINNY the belly ...1908 Amer. dial., nursery usage BLACKBOARD ERASER a schoolchild who makes a special effort to get in good with the teacher in hopes of getting a better grade ...1967 Amer. dial. BODGE UP to ruin; to wreck ...Aust. sl. BOYS' TOWN the junior officers' quarters on shipboard ...1979-88 Amer. sl. BY THE MACK! an exclamatory form of asseveration ...c1560 obs. exc. Eng. dial. CACHINNATOR a loud or immoderate laugher ...18?? CADILLAC in the language of the homeless: a shopping cart ...1997 US sl. CALEFACTORY warming; serving to heat ...1530 CHARLIE BROWN! an exclamation indicating surprise ...20C Amer. sl. CHOC liquor; alcohol ...E20 US sl. COBBER a friend ...1893 Aust. & NZ sl. CRACK IT FOR A QUID to work as a prostitute ...1960s Aust. sl. CUT THE CACKLE AND GET TO THE HORSES to come to the point, usually used as an imperative ...L19 sl. DAMACKIE a girl, a young woman ...Bk1900 Scot. DANIC Danish ...1613 obs. DEMON a police officer ...1889 Aust. sl. DIRTY WORK AT THE CROSSROADS illegal activity, esp. if concealed ...1938 US sl. DOUBLE DOME an intellectual, a scholar, esp. one who seems to hold eccentric or impractical opinions ...1930s sl. FABULOUS DROP an attractive young woman ...1940s Aust. sl. FARTHOLE a contemptible person ; an obnoxious or foolish person ...1970 Amer. sl. FLASH THE FLAG to sport an apron ...Bk1893 sl. FLUMMYDIDDLE nonsense ...19C US sl. FREAK-OUT a complete panic and loss of control ...1970 US sl. PUMPED pregnant ...20C Amer. sl.
PUT ONE'S SHIRT ON to bet heavily ...L19 gambling sl. RAB a lawless, rowdy person ...20C W. Indies & UK Black sl. RAFFLES a gentleman or society thief, esp. a burglar ...19C sl. RAGGERY clothes, esp. women's ...1855 sl. RAM JAM to stuff with food ...L19 sl. RATTLEBRAIN a confused, silly, or stupid person ...20C Amer. sl. RIGHT SMART extremely clever ...1857 sl. RUM-SUCK excellent tipple ...Bk1904 cant SCRUB-TURKEY a contemptible woman ...1950s Aust. sl. SHIT-CHUTE a disgusting, filthy place ...2000s sl. SKIFF a thin coat or layer, as of snow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SORT OUT to reprimand ...1941 sl. STREET SISTER a prostitute ...M20 US sl. SUBINTELLECT to supply in thought; to understand ...1811-31 rare TAKE ABOUT to kill and make an end of ...Bk1905 Scot. TANTADLIN-TART unpalatable food ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. TICKLE-HEADED light-minded, easily influenced ...1583 obs. TRADER a prostitute ...17C Brit. sl. UNCLES AND AUNTS pants; trousers ...rhyming sl. VALIDOUS valid ...1603 obs. WINDOW-TAPPER an inmate of a 'window tappery' (brothel); a prostitute ...20C US criminals' sl. ABLEMOST ablest, most able ...1614 obs. ACCOMMODATIN' AS A HOG ON ICE extremely disagreeable or unobliging ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. ACT OF ANDROGYNATION copulation ...M17 euphemism AGGIE EYES eyes that haven't had enough sleep ...Brit. sl. ALL THE WAY with everything on it, as with a hamburger ...Amer. sl. AMORETTO a sweetheart; a lover ...L16 obs. APPLE the planet Earth ...1930s US Black sl. AUGER an excessive talker; a bore ...1890 Amer. dial. BACK IN THE WOODS unsophisticated; out of step with the times ...1965 Amer. dial. BAG YOUR HEAD be more modest ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BANJO a rounded scoop or shovel ...1930 Amer. dial. BAW-PA a grandfather ...1966 Amer. dial. BEDRITTEN soiled with excrement ...Bk1911 Scot. DIG SWIGGER IT! Goddamn it! ...US colloq.
DO YOUR CRUET to lose your temper ...1975 Aust. sl. EARLOCK a curl or lock of hair close to the ear FACULENT giving forth light like a torch; bright, clear ...1560 obs. rare FLAGELLOMANIAC a person who is enthusiastic about or derives (sexual) pleasure from whipping or being whipped FLIMP a pickpocket ...E19 US criminals' sl. FOG to smoke cigarettes ...Bk1974 Amer. dial. FRIED sunburnt ...1989 US sl. GAGED intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl. GET ON THE PECK to assume the defensive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GONUS a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GRUB to engage in sexual activity other than intercourse ...1960s Amer. sl. HAINGLE a lout; an awkward fellow ...1819 Scot. HALL a house, a home; a farm-house or cottage ...1791 Scot. & Eng. dial. HATCH to give birth ...19C Brit. & US colloq. HIDE the human skin ...OE now jocular HUER a term of general disapproval, applied to either sex ...1950s Aust. sl. IDLESHIP inactivity, want of occupation, indolence ...1357 obs. JACKER (derogatory) a male ...L19 Amer. dial. JET to strut; to walk pompously ...1587 sl. JOLLER one who attends a party, concert, or social gathering ...1980s S. Afr. KICK THE CACK OUT OF to beat up severely ...1970s sl. KNOCK-DOWN strong ale or liquor ...L17 sl. LAY OUT to sunbathe ...1960s Amer. sl. MACHIAVELLIST one who follows Machiavelli's principles in statecraft or in general conduct; an intriguer; an unscrupulous schemer ...1589 MAILIN an untidy, slovenly girl or woman ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. MARSHMALLOW a White person ...1910s US Black sl. MOUNTAIN BOOMER one from the outlying districts; an uncouth person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NAUGHTY-HOUSE a brothel ...1603 sl. NOOGIE a rubbing of the knuckles harshly across someone's head, esp. used by children as a form of punishment or bullying ...Aust. sl. O-HEAD an opium addict ...1960s sl. PAPA an older homosexual man ...1950s US sl. PLAY AT RANTUM SCANTUM to have sexual intercourse ...M18 sl. PROCEED TO PUCKER to make ready to do or act ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PUKKA genuine, sound, the real thing ...Brit. sl. SLY DOG a sly person, esp. one who is discreet about mistakes or pleasures
STAND-UP an identification parade ...1935 US sl. STUFF AND NONSENSE! what rot! ...c1656 sl. SWAGDANGLE the penis ...Urquhart usage TANDIDDLED imposed upon; bewildered; cheated ...1876 Eng. dial. THREE BLIND MICE a sack of rice ...20C rhyming sl. TOP DOG the person in charge ...1900 sl. UGLIES, THE the state of being unattractive ...1950s sl. VAH! an exclamation of exultation, contempt, or disgust ...1382 obs. WHANK to be logged on to a computer for a long time ...1980s sl. ABERDEENS beans ...Brit. rhyming sl. ABROAD drunk ...M19 sl. ACID PAD a place to consume LSD in safety and seclusion ...M20 US drugs sl. ADVERTISING CLUB a men's washroom ...1950s US gay sl. ALL ABOUT alert, efficient ...1946 UK sl., chiefly Royal Navy usage AMBODEXTER a corrupt lawyer who takes fees from both plaintiff and defendant ...17C sl. ANGLOPHOBIAC hating or fearing England ...1894 ASPHALT ARAB (derogatory or jocular) a citified person ...1950 Amer. dial. BABY BLUES postnatal depression ...colloq. BAD RAGS stylish clothes ...1968 Amer. dial. BALLOCKING a reprimand or instance of reprimanding ...1938 Brit. sl. BAT ONE'S EYES LIKE A FROG IN A HAILSTORM to blink often ...1965 Amer. dial. BEAT TO CHUCKS to surpass utterly ...Bk1911 Scot. BELLY-BARE (adv.) sliding face-down on a sled ...1940 Amer. dial. BETSY a shotgun or rifle ...1856 Amer. dial. BIG-BUGGISH important, self-important ...1843 Amer. dial. BIZ the syringe and other equipment used by intravenous drug users ...1949 US sl. BLINDFOLDER a deceiver, a fraud, a cheat ...1966 Amer. dial. BOOT (sometimes derogatory) a Black person ...1954 sl., chiefly Black BURNER a swindler ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CABBALA an unwritten tradition ...1641 obs. CADBURY (derogatory) a person who gets drunk on very little alcohol ...1996 Aust. sl. CAKE BOY an attractive, usually younger homosexual male ..1970s US gay sl. CARRY THE WHEELS to accelerate so quickly that the vehicle's front wheels lift off the ground ...1968 US sl. CHICKENSHIT petty, insignificant ...1940s sl., orig. US CLAPPERS the testicles ...E20 Brit. sl. COOL ONE'S HAGGIS to beat one soundly ...1684 Eng. dial. CROAK a combination of crack cocaine and mephamphetamine ...1998 UK sl. DAGGLE to drizzle; to rain continuously; to pour in torrents ...1856 Scot. DANDIACAL of the nature of a dandy ...1831 DASH MY WIG! an imprecation ...1839 Eng. dial. DOWN to sell stolen goods at wholesale; to fence ...1971 Amer. criminals' sl.
FACE a professional criminal, usually an armed robber with no territorial ambitions ...1960s UK criminals' sl. FARTSACK a sleeping bag; a bedroll; a bunk; a cot; a bed ...1943 Amer. sl., orig. military FLASH to vomit ...1960s Amer. sl. FLUMP to collapse or fall heavily ...M19 sl. FREAKY a habitual drug user ...1969 UK sl. FUNGUS an unpleasant person ...L18 sl. GASSER something wonderful, very exceptional, extraordinarily successful ...1944 US sl. GIVE THE BAG to jilt or reject a suitor ...1798 Amer. sl. GOOLA a piano ...1940s US Black sl. HAG to rob, to take ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. HARLOT a male servant or attendant; a menial ...ME obs. HOMELY AS A BASKET OF CHIPS, AS plain ...1827 Amer. dial. ICEBERG SLIM a person who exploits others, i.e. a cold, heartless person ...20C US sl. JACK SMITHERS a man drinking alone ...c1930 Aust. sl. JERRY-WAG a spreester, esp. one half drunk ...1823 sl. JOINT OF BEEF the chief; the boss ...20C rhyming sl. KEYED-UP intoxicated with alcohol ...20C US sl. KNOCK OFF THE HOOKS to kill ...1831 Amer. sl. LAPLOLLY splendid, fine ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. MACARONYISH characteristic of dandyism ...1859 rare MAID a female sweetheart ...1892 Eng. dial. MAN, THE the US Government ...1950s US Black sl. MONKEY CAPERS monkey business ...1846 Amer. sl. NASTY ONE IN THE EYE a telling blow ...Bk1902 sl. NOG (derogatory) a person from Vietnam; a North Vietnamese or Vietcong soldier ...1969 Aust. sl. OLD ADAM, THE the penis ...19C Brit. sl. PARKING PET a girlfriend ...1940s sl., orig. US Black PLEASED AS A BASKETFUL OF POSSUM-HEADS exceedingly well pleased ...1906 Amer. dial. rare PROZZY a prostitute ...1941 sl., orig. Aust. PULL A COOLIE to err, to blunder ...1970s US gay sl. PUNCH to copulate ...18C sl. PUT THE BAD MOUTH ON to say uncomplimentary things about someone ...1966 Amer. dial. RAGGARD a wicked and abandoned wretch; a rough and ragged vagabond ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAMPAGEOUS boisterous, noisy, disorderly ...1859 Scot. & Eng. dial. REVEREND of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, ROARER a street bully ...L16 sl. SCANTLING a small quantity or amount SHAMUS a police officer ...1925 US sl. SIDE-HANDED indirect ...1845 SINGER a poet ...M16
SMASHER a sexually attractive person ...1948 sl., chiefly Brit. STICKY-FINGERED inclined to steal ...1890 sl. STUMPED poor, hard-up ...1837 sl. SWELLISH elegant, stylish, first-rate ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TANGING of a pain, etc.: shooting ...1864 Eng. dial. THROW OUT THE ANCHOR to apply the brake ...1942 Amer. sl. TOPPY tipsy, slightly drunk ...L19 sl. UM-BAY a bum; a worthless oaf ...E20 US Pig Latin for 'bum' VAINLING a vain or vainglorious person ...1615 obs. rare WHIGGER an adolescent male of Anglo-Saxon descent who acts out with African- American stereotypes; a wanna-be Afro-American ...c1986 US playground sl. ABERCROMBIE one who strives at creating the impression of knowing all ...1945 US sl. ABRIDGEMENTS knee-breeches ...M19 sl. ACID RAPPER one takes extra-large doses of LSD ...1960s drugs sl. ADVERTISE to pluck and paint one's eyebrows ...1970s camp gay sl. ALKYED drunk ...1970 US sl. AMBISEXTROUS bisexual ...1926 Amer. jocular ANGLIST a student of English, or scholar versed in English ...1888 ASLEW askew, diagonally; one-sided ...1899 Amer. dial. BABIFY to make baby-like or babyish ...M19 BAD OFF sick ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BALLFACE a White person ...M19 US Black sl. BASTING BIG exceptionally large ...1900 Amer. dial. BEAT THE DEVIL ROUND THE STUMP to accomplish one's purpose while saving one's conscience by indirection ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BELLY WASHER a very heavy rain ...1967 Amer. dial. BIG WHEEL a high-ranking or important person ...1942 sl., orig. & chiefly US BODICE RIPPER a paperback romance novel with a pictorial cover featuring a man and woman in a steamy pose ...Aust. sl. BOY JONES an informer ...Bk1997 Irish sl. BY THE MASS! an oath and an exclamation ...18C Brit. CACHINNATION loud or immoderate laughter ...1623 CADILLAC BUNK a single prison bed in a setting where most beds are two-tiered bunk beds ...1989 US sl. CALEERIED scatterbrained, giddy ...20C Ireland CHEESECAKE an attractive woman ...1934 sl., orig. US COCONUT a servile Black person ...1988 sl. CRACK to utter a wisecrack; to speak in a jesting or sarcastic manner ...1811 Amer. sl. D. AND D. drunk and dirty ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. DAME the 'lady' of the house; the mistress of a household, a housewife; also humorously applied to an aged housewife ...c1330 now arch. or Eng. dial. DANKS tea leaves ...1893 Eng. dial. DEPOSIT an act of defecation; dung; faeces ...20C US sl. DISH-CLOUT a dirty slattern ...L18 sl. DO THE BIZZ to engage in sexual activity ...1995 Irish sl.
DUST to kill deliberately ...1972 sl., orig. US FACTIST a poet or play-maker ...1775 obs. FISH a person easily fooled ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FLESH the genitals, male or female ...20C sl. FLYING BLOWTORCH a jet fighter airplane ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FRET ONE'S KIDNEY to worry ...M16 sl. FUTZ AROUND to goof off; to waste time; to play aimlessly when there is work to be done ...20C US sl. GEEZER a stingy or peculiar man ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. GO TO CA-CA to defecate ...L19 sl. GRASSHOPPER a police officer ...1893 Brit. sl. HALF AND HALF bisexual ...M20 US sl. HAWK ONE'S MUTTON to work as a prostitute ...1937 sl. HOSE to cheat or deceive ...E20 US sl. IN THE NUDDY in the nude ...1953 Aust. sl. JAMBLED intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl. JIGGLE to copulate ...Bk1896 sl. JUKE a brothel ...1935 sl., orig. US KIFF a marijuana cigarette ...2003 UK sl. KONK the head ...1960s Amer. sl. LEAD THE DANCE to take the lead in any course of action ...c1325 MACHINATION the act or process of contriving or planning; contrivance, intrigue, plotting; an intrigue, plot, scheme ...1549 MAILIE a cow without horns ...1881 Eng. dial. MARSHMALLOW a soft, weak person or thing ...Bk1950s US sl. MOUNTAIN BOOMER one from the outlying districts; an uncouth person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. NAUTCH BROAD a prostitute working in a brothel ...1942-49 Amer. sl. NOSE RAG a handkerchief ...Aust. sl. ON A HIDING TO NOTHING in a position from which there can be no successful outcome PAVEMENT PRINCESS a prostitute who touts for business over the radio network ...1976 Citizens' band jargon POCKET-THUNDER the breaking of wind ...19C sl. PUDDING an unborn child ...Brit. sl. PULL DOWN ONE'S EAR to get money from a person, esp. as a tip ...c1870 Cockneys' sl. PUNCTURE to deflower ...19C Brit. sl. PUTA (derogatory) a promiscuous woman ...1967 sl. RAIL a vagrant ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RAMP-SCUTTLE a romp; a tomboy ...Bk1905 Scot. RICHARD SNARY a dictionary ...Bk1903 rhyming sl. ROOT a woman considered solely as a sexual partner ...1961 Aust. sl. SCHLEP to go, to travel ...Brit. sl. SHARMUS a police officer ...1925 US sl. SIBYLLINE oracular, occult, mysterious ...1817
SLOWER THAN A JILL-POKE extremely slow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPOONS ON infatuated ...c1859 sl. STROKER a flatterer; a sycophant ...1632 sl. SUCKERDOM the world of topers ...1862 sl. TALLOCK a good-for-nothing, idle person; a ragamuffin; a slatternly woman ...1889 Eng. dial. TARRYWAGS the testicles; the male genitals ...18C sl. TINTS fashionable dark glasses ...1950s US Black sl. TURKEY an Irish person; an Irish immigrant in the US ...1932 US sl. UNSEMINARED deprived of virility; castrated ...Shakespeare usage WANGLO-SAXON a White Anglo-Saxon ...1970s US sl. YAHUDI a Jew ...1900 sl., chiefly US ABOB to astonish, to confound ...c1330 obs. rare ACE a fool; a clumsy person; an oaf, a jerk: used sarcastically ...1960s US campus sl. ACTION PIECE a woman ...1960s US Black sl. AIRPLANE BLONDE a woman with dyed blonde hair ...1990s sl. ALL-WOOL first-class ...1864 Amer. sl. AMSCRAY to leave; to depart; to get out; to clear out ...1934 Amer. sl. APRIL FOOLS tools ...L19 rhyming sl. AUNT DINAH'S PICKING HER GEESE it's snowing; said when huge feathery snowflakes are falling, esp. in early winter and first snow falls ...1969 Amer. dial. BACK THE BREEZE to talk excessively ...1958 Amer. dial. BAGGY an outdoor toilet ...1970 Amer. dial. BAR TOAD a man who goes into a saloon and squats there like a toad on a rock ...1958 Amer. loggers' usage BAZOOKAS the buttocks ...1950 Amer. dial. BEEFCAKE a muscular man ...1949 sl., orig. US BELLY-SLIDER a sliding down a hill on a sled, lying on the belly ...1969 Amer. dial. BITSER a dog of mixed breed ...1936 Aust. sl. BONTOSHER a term of the highest praise; something excellent ...1900s Aust. sl. BULLDAGGER (derogatory) a lesbian with masculine tendencies ...1938 US sl., chiefly Black CABBAGE to be intoxicated by drugs or drink ...2000s sl. CACTUS in hospital usage: a severely burnt patient ...1994 US sl. CAITIFF vile, base, mean, basely wicked; worthless, miserable, wretched ...a1300 CARPET AND DRAPES THAT MATCH applied to a person, usually a woman, whose hair is neither bleached nor dyed ...1999 US sl. CHIV to cut; to slash; used only in regard to an attack upon a human ...Bk1914 criminals' sl. COOL BREEZE! exclamation: excellent; wonderful; first-rate ...1960s sl. CRIBBAGE PEG a leg ...Brit. rhyming sl. DAGGED soaked with liquor, drunk ...1678 Eng. dial. DANDER the head ...1897 Eng. dial. DARTER a quick, active person ...1808 Eng. dial. DIE WITH ONE'S BOOTS ON to die while still active, not of old age or illness ...19C US cowboy usage CACESTOGENOUS caused by unfavourable home environment
CADILLAC a large surfboard used for big-wave conditions ...1965 US sl. CALDERA a wretched-looking person; a spiritless person; a coward ...Ireland CHARLIE a Japanese soldier; Japanese forces collectively ...1942 US services' sl. COAST BELLY-GRINDER to lie on the belly while sliding down a hill on a sled ...1949 Amer. dial. CRACK to divulge a confidence; also, to inform ...1922 Amer. criminals' sl. CUT OF ONE'S JIB, THE the peculiar or characteristic appearance of a person ...1825 colloq. DAM a piece or 'man' in the game of draughts ...1867 Scot. DANIEL the buttocks ...1946 US sl. DEMI-BEAU a would-be dandy ...Bk1904 sl. DIP YOUR LEFT EYE IN HOT COCKY SHIT! get stuffed! ...1972 Aust. sl. DOOFLICKER any small, fancy, fussy thing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FABREFACTION the act or process of fashioning or making a work of art ...1652 obs. rare FANOOGIE during the Vietnam War: a soldier freshly arrived in Vietnam ...1991 US sl. FLASH A FAWNEY to wear a ring ...Bk1893 sl. FLOWERS AND FROLICS the testicles ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'ballocks' FRAG to kill or wound an officer on one's own side, esp. one considered too eager for combat, with a hand grenade ...1970 US services' sl. FULL HAND a case of gonorrhea and syphilis together ...E20 US sl. GARDEN-HOUSE a privy ...19C US colloq. GIN PALACE a staff car; any luxurious vehicle for the use of a superior officer ...1942 army sl. GOO-GOO an unintelligible foreign language ...1970s US sl. GYPPIE a gypsy ...1913 sl. HARD WORD important or scandalous information; a hint; a password; a proposal; a refusal ...chiefly Eng. dial. HILTER-SKILTER in disordered haste; confusedly, tumultuously, pell-mell ...L16 sl. HUXTERS money ... Bk1903 sl. IZZARD the letter 'z' ...18C arch. JEMMY JESSAMY a dandy ...1753 sl. JOE SOAP a hypothetical average man ...1966 sl. KEEVA excellent, worthy of admiration ...1990s US campus sl. KITCHEN-FEE the fat that falls from meat in roasting ...obs. LADY FLOWER the vagina ...M19 sl. LOVE GLOVE a condom ...1980s US sl. MAGGIE a girl ...1603 Scot. MAMPI a fat woman ...1990s W. Indies sl. MOCKIE (derogatory) Jewish ...1930s US sl. NAPPY ALE strong ale ...E16 sl. NOBBER a blow on the head ...E19 sl. OGLE-FAKES spectacles ...1980s sl. PANTYWAIST a weak, effeminate man ...1930s sl., orig. US PIPED drunk, intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PRETTY-BOY (mainly derogatory) a male homosexual; an effeminate man ...1885 sl. PUKE a disgusting or revolting person ...M19 colloq. PULSE the penis ...19C sl. PUT ON YOUR HAPPY FEET to prepare to dance up a storm ...1960s Amer. sl. QUIFF a prostitute ...1931 sl. RAMBUST robust ...Bk1905 Scot. REDEYE ketchup ...Bk1944 service sl. RIVER LEA tea, esp. a poor quality cup of tea ...1859 UK rhyming sl. 'SBUD! an oath; "God's blood" ...L16 euphemism SHADOW a police spy; an informer ...Bk1902 sl. LOVE ENVELOPE a condom ....1970s US gay sl.
MAGGATIVOUS full of whims or fancies; whimsical, capricious, crotchety ...Bk1905 Scot. MALICEFUL malicious ...1839 Eng. dial. MIZZ a misery ...L19 sl. MY UNCLE CHARLIE IS VISITING I am experiencing menstruation ...2001 US sl. NIZY a fool; a dunce ...L17 sl. OBSOCKY of people: ungainly, overweight ...20C W. Indies sl. PADDLE to spank ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PIKE the penis, esp. the erect penis POPSIE a young woman; a girlfriend; a sexually attractive young woman ...1862 sl. PUG to dirty by excessive handling ...L19 Scot. & Eng. dial. PULL WIRE of a male: to masturbate ...20C sl. PUT BEANS IN ONE'S EAR to do something stupid after being warned not to ...1936 Amer. dial. QUAKERTOWN Philadelphia ...Amer. sl. RAM an act of sexual intercourse ...1980s sl. READ AND WRITE to fight ...M19 rhyming sl. RING to fraudulently change the identity of a car ...1967 sl. SACK IN to remain in bed late in the morning ...1946 sl., orig. US SELDOM SEE underwear ...1920s US sl. SHONKY dishonestly or illegally acquired or produced ...1970 Aust. sl. SKWUZZY (adj.) used as a term of approbation or compliment ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPARROW COP a police officer assigned low-grade duties such as patrolling parks ...1896 US sl. STRETCH to exaggerate; to lie ...a1844 sl. SUBLIMATE to raise to a high place, dignity, or honour ...c1566 obs. TAKE BACKWATER to change course; to reverse one's position; to retreat ...1902 Amer. dial. TANTRUMBOBUS a name for the devil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. TICKLY-BENDERS thin ice which bends under one's weight ...1853 TREE OF LIFE the penis ...19C euphemism UNDER-DIMPLE the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. VALOROUS having value, worth, or merit; valuable ...1592 obs. WILD AX-HANDLE diarrhoea ...1965 Amer. dial. ABILITATE to give ability or fitness; to enable ...1627 obs. ABYSS a large anus that has been frequently used for anal intercourse ...1980s US gay sl. A-COCK-HORSE in an exalted position; in a place of triumph ...M17 obs. AFLOAT drunk ...E19 sl. ALL MEAT AND NO POTATOES said of a tremendously fat person ...Amer. sl. AM-FM bisexual ...1987 Amer. sl. ANKLE to walk away from one's employment; to leave ...Amer. sl. ASS-KISS one who curries favour; a toady ...1966 Amer. dial. BABY GIANT a medium-sized firecracker ...1965 Amer. dial. BAD-DOING first-rate; superior ...1965 Amer. dial. BALLYHACK to impose on ...1952 Amer. dial. BAT WING a half-pint flask, esp. of bootleg liquor ...1950 Amer. dial. BE-ATTLED confused, mixed up ...1939 Amer. dial. BELLY WASHER a nickname for wine ...1966 Amer. dial. BIG NOISE a high-ranking or important person ...1906 sl., orig. US BODGIE inferior, worthless, bad ...Aust. sl. BOY-GIRL a male homosexual who plays a feminine role ...1952 Amer. sl., esp. prison BY THE LIVING JINGO! a mild oath ...1766 sl. WONK (derogatory) a male homosexual; an effeminate man ...1945 Aust. sl.
ABLATE to take away, to remove ...1542 obs. rare ACCA acne spots ...1980s Aust. sl. ACROBAT a fool ...1950s W. Indies sl. AFRO-SAXON a Black person who behaves like or aspires to be like Caucasians ...M20 US Black sl. ALL SNOT AND TEARS sorry, remorseful, mournful ...Brit. sl. AMMO cash ...2003 US sl. ANTHROPONYM a personal name ...1955 ASS-RIPPER a dive in which the diver strikes the water buttocks-first ...1965 Amer. dial. BABY-SNATCHER a physician; an obstetrician ...1925 Amer. dial. BADINAGE humorous banter or ridicule ...M17 BAMMA a grandmother ...1968 Amer. dial. BATS crazy, very eccentric, mad to any degree ...1911 UK sl. BEAUTY PIN a brooch ...1967 Amer. dial. BELLY-BUSTER a shotgun ...1968 Amer. dial. BIRD an airplane ...1950s Amer. sl. BOGY a police officer ...1924 Brit. sl. BREAD-WAGON a thunder-clap ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. C-3 third-rate, inadequate, inferior; highly unfit ...1910s sl. CACK to void excrement, to defecate ...1436 UK CAFARD a hypocrite, an impostor ...1539 obs. CALF a Cadillac car ...1940s US Black sl. CHEW ONE'S CABBAGE TWICE to repeat oneself ...L19 US sl. COLD-WITHOUT of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, CRACK-'EM-UP an automotive accident ...1978 Amer. sl. DABS fingerprints ...1926 Brit. sl. DAME the queen at chess ...1574 obs. DANNER to stroll, to saunter, to wander; to trifle, to misspend one's time; to hobble ...1727 Scot. DEPANTSING in a group of adolescent males: the removal of the trousers of one of their number, esp. in the presence of adolescent females ...20C US sl. DISGUISED intoxicated with alcohol ...E17 sl. DOUBLE-DOMED intellectual ...1950s sl. FABULIZE to concoct, to invent ...1633 obs. FART-BOX the anus or rectum; the buttocks ...1966 Amer. sl. FLASH OF LIGHTNING a glass of gin; a dram of neat spirit ...1789 sl. FLUMMOX to move in a clumsy manner ...M19 sl. FREAK a term of endearment ...1954 US teen sl. FULL TO THE BUNG intoxicated with alcohol ...19C sl., chiefly Brit. GAS QUEEN a male homosexual who patronizes young male prostitutes working on the street ...1997 US sl. GIN-BUD a gin-induced spot or pimple on the face ...c1820 sl. GOOGS spectacles ...1920s US criminals' sl. HACK a prostitute ...E18 Brit. sl. HARD-DOER a person who struggles valiantly against difficulties; a term of approbation ...1910 Aust. sl. HIS JIGLETS! a contemptuous form of address ...1888 Amer. sl. HYEMATE to winter; to hibernate ...E17 now rare IVORIES dominoes JERICHO a water-closet ...Bk1896 sl. JOEY any young animal or child ...E19 Aust. & NZ KEEZER'S GHOST! an ejaculation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. KITCHEN the percussion section of an orchestra ...colloq. LADY CAINE cocaine ...1980s drugs sl. FACING-CARD an imposing allegation or argument ...a1624 obs.
FIRE EATER a fire fighter ...US Civil War usage FLATOPHILE a lover of 'flatulence'; someone who gets pleasure out of creating, hearing, or smelling flatulence; a person fascinated by loud releases of intestinal gas ...E20 jocular FLY MUG an eccentric, unusual, unreliable person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FRESH MEAT any form of novice, as a new recruit ...20C sl. FUNNY FACTORY a psychiatric institution ...20C US sl. GAY DOG a philanderer; a lecher ...20C US colloq. GO OFF THE HOOKS to die ...1840 Amer. sl. GOSH ALL LIGHTNIN'! a common ejaculation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HAGGERDASH disorder; a broil ...Bk1905 Scot. HAVE HAD THE COTTON to be doomed ...1970s US sl. HOOK SHOP a brothel ...1889 Amer. sl. I'LL BE BAMFOOZLED! a mild oath ...1967 Amer. dial. JACK-LEGGED untrained, unprofessional, dishonest ...M19 US sl. JEW to drive a hard bargain; to beat down ...1883 sl. JOLLO a party, a celebration, usually involving drinking ...20C Aust. sl. KEYSTONE OF LOVE the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX to defeat and eliminate; hence, to kill ...1891 Amer. sl. LAND OF GOSHEN! an oath and an exclamation ...19C sl. MAC a pimp ...1887 sl. MAGOWFIN a grimace ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. MANABLINS odds and ends, bits and pieces, typically of food or small change ...M19 sl. MONKEY CLOTHES a man's formal dress; evening clothes ...1904 Amer. sl. NASTY sexual intercourse ...1934 Amer. sl. NODDY-POLE a simpleton ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. OIL OF WALNUT a sound thrashing ...1941 Amer. sl. PARK IN THE SAME LOT to agree ...1990s sl., orig. US PLAY ONE FOR A JAY to dupe; to swindle ...Bk1896 sl. PROLE a lower-class person ...1887 sl. PUKKA certain, reliable; authentic, true; proper, socially acceptable ...L18 PUMP to fart ...1937 N. Ireland sl. PUT ONE'S HAND IN AN EMPTY CORN-JAR to marry a poor woman ...20C W. Indies sl. RABBIT something smuggled or stolen ...1929 naval & Aust. sl. RAMMACK a large raw-boned person who speaks and acts heedlessly; a ninny, a simpleton; a dissolute spendthrift; a false-hearted fellow; a backbiter; a double-dealer ...19C Scot. REEK money ... Bk1903 sl. RIVIE HOG a Buick Riviera car ...1980 US sl. SCABBY mean or contemptible ...colloq. SHAG to walk slowly or in a lazy or tired manner ...1980s US Black sl. SICCATE to make dry ...1570 obs. rare SLOUGHED drunk, intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPONORTY fancy, fussy, dressy, stylish ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. STROKE THE LIZARD to masturbate ...M20 US sl. SUCKER a parasite, a sponger ...1856 sl. TALLACK a good-for-nothing, idle person; a ragamuffin; a slatternly woman ...1889 Eng. dial. TEND TO YOUR OWN BEESWAX mind your own business ...1965 Amer. dial. TOE-RAGGER a tramp, a vagrant ...1891 Aust. sl. TRUMP the person in charge ...1925 Aust. & NZ sl. UNHINTABLES women's underwear ...20C US sl. VERSATILE bisexual ...1959 euphemism SHEILA a young woman; a girlfriend ...1832 sl., now Aust. & NZ
SINGLE-EYED sincere, honest, straightforward SMOKE (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1913 US sl. STEWED drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. STUFFY angry, sulky, obstinate ...Bk1904 Amer. sl. SWEETBACK MAN a woman's lover; a lady's man ...1929 US sl. TANG the tongue of a snake or viper ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. THREE SHAKES OF A DEAD SHEEP'S TAIL a very short time ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TOOTSEY-WOOTSEY a young woman; a girlfriend; a term of address ...1895 sl., chiefly US VAILABLE of sufficient means; solvent ...1609 Scot. rare WHATD'YECALLUM anything for which one has no precise name ...L16 sl. ABECEDARIAN one occupied in learning the alphabet ...1603 ABRAHAM'S-BOSOM the female pudendum ...Bk1909 sl. ACEREBRAL brainless; unintelligent; unthinking ...M20 ADJUVANCY assistance, help ...1884 ALGERNON a young upper-class male ...Brit. sl. AMADAN a foolish person ...Irish sl. ANGEL a naive or otherwise exploitable person who may be imposed upon for money or other favours; the prospective victim of a swindle; an innocent ...1882 Amer. sl. ARMPIT OF THE WORLD the worst place ...1968 US sl. A-WIPER one who curries favour; a toady ...1968 Amer. dial. BACKSIDE-BEFORE backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial. BALD-HEADED foolish ...1884 Amer. dial. BARN BOSS a dominating wife ...1969 Amer. jocular BEAN a term of disparagement ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. BEFF a stupid person ...Bk1911 Scot. BEST MAID a bridesmaid ...1864 Scot. BLANKET DRILL sleep ...Bk1944 service sl. BOOST, THE the shoplifting profession ...Bk1914 criminals' sl. BURN OIL to chew tobacco ...1922 Amer. navy sl. CABBAGIO PERFUMO a cheap cigar ...L19 sl. CADAVERATE to render lifeless; to reduce to dead matter ...1657 obs. CAKE a beautiful girl or young woman ...1941 US Black sl. CARRY A GREAT FACE to have an appearance of importance ...1674 obs. CHOPS lips ...1950s Amer. sl. COOL DEAL! an exclamation of approval or admiration ...1990s US campus sl. CRIVENS! exclamation of shock, horror, or astonishment ...1999 UK sl. DAGGED-ASS a slatternly woman ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. DANDER to stroll, to saunter, to wander; to trifle, to misspend one's time; to hobble ...L16 Scot. & Eng. dial. DARRICKY rotten, decayed ...1851 Eng. dial. DIDO liquor; gin ...E20 US sl. DO ONE'S NUT to be very angry, anxious, or upset ...Aust. sl. DANCE THE PHIBBIE to get a horse-whipping ...1891 Eng. dial.
DARK HOUR the evening twilight, gloaming ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. DICKIE the penis ...L19 Brit. & US sl. DIVING SUIT a condom ...M20 sl. DRIVE NAILS IN A SNOW-BANK used with negative in contempt of a poor driver ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. FACED drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. FIDDLE AND FIRE in the car sales business: a radio and heater ...1953 US sl. FLASH-TAIL a prostitute ...1868 sl. FLUNKY one who fails ...Bk1913-17 Amer. college sl. FRENCH FEVER syphilis ...US Civil War usage FUNK to make a stench ...L17 sl. GET ONE'S FOOT IN to make an error ...L18 sl. GOOF OFF to go to sleep, esp. under the influence of drugs ...1940s US drugs sl. GUMBO heavy mud HARD-NOSED stubborn, uncompromising ...1927 US sl. HOLD EVERY ACE to be in total control ...L19 US sl. IKEYMO (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1922 sl. JELLY BEAN a pimp ...1935 US sl. JOE BLAKE a snake ...Aust. rhyming sl. KILEERY full of mischief ...Ireland sl. LACKLUSTROUS wanting in lustre, dull ...1834 MACE-MAN a swindler ...1859 sl. MAIDEN the title given to the eldest daughter of a farmer ...Bk1905 Scot. MAN-EATER a sexually voracious woman ...1906 sl. MUFF a prostitute ...1914 sl., orig. US NEW PAIR OF BOOTS a whole new situation ...L19 UK middle class usage NUMPTY a fool; an idiot ...Brit. sl. OUT OF HIS TREE crazy ...1960s Amer. sl. PETER GRIEVANCE a whiner, a complainer, a whingeing child ...M19 sl. POLLY a politician ...1942 Aust. & US sl. PUFF AND DART the heart ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. PULL of an adult: to buy beer or cigarettes illegally for a minor ...2001 Can sl. PUNKIN the human head ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. QUADRATE a group of four things ...1637 obs. RAISE JESSE to rebuke with vigour; to thrash ...1847 Amer. sl. RANIKABOO nonsense; irrelevant, irritating activity ...L19 sl. RIDE BELLY GUT to coast on a sled lying down flat ...1912 Amer. dial. ROUND HEELS (derogatory) a promiscuous woman ...1926 sl., chiefly US SCHMUTZ pornography ...1968 sl., chiefly US SCARECROW an extremely thin person
SHANK an unattractive, easily available young woman ...1960s sl., orig. US Black SIDE FOR SIDE alternately ...1519 obs. SLUTCHY muddy, slushy ...E18 obs. exc. Eng. dial. STAIR DANCER a thief who steals from open buildings ...1958 sl. SWEETBACK a woman's lover; a lady's man ...1929 US sl. TANG the sound of a bell, esp. the sound produced by a slow, single stroke on a church bell; the stroke itself ...1880 Eng. dial. THREE BLUE BEANS IN A BLUE BLADDER futile, pointless (if noisy) talk ...L16 sl. TOOTH-CARPENTER a dentist ...19C Brit. sl. VAILABLE of avail, advantage, or benefit; advantageous, beneficial, profitable; effectual, efficacious ...1390 obs. WHAT'S HAPPENING? Hello ...1950s Amer. sl. ABIGAIL an aging, conservative homosexual ...1950s homosexual sl. ACE CUT one's best friend ...1950s US campus sl. ACTUAL, THE money ...M19 sl. AL CAPONE heroin ...2002 UK sl. ALTERCATIVE characterized by disputing or wrangling ...M18 obs. ANDY CAPP to defecate ...Brit. rhyming sl. for 'crap' ARM-STRETCHER a heavy suitcase ...1992 US sl. AX-HANDLE PARTY among loggers: a brawl ...1958 Amer. dial. BACKSIDE-FRONT backwards; in reversed position; inside out ...1920s Amer. dial. BALKS, THE fits of stubbornness ...1941 Amer. dial. BARN BURNER a highly successful or enjoyable occasion ...1968 Amer. dial. BEAN EATER (derogatory) a person of Mexican origin ...1919 Amer. dial. BEEZER-WEEZER an insect that sits in trees or bushes in hot weather and makes a sharp, buzzing sound; probably a cicada ..1970 Amer. dial. BIBACITY addiction to drinking, tippling ...L16 BLANKO WATER coffee ...Bk1944 service sl. BOOT to vomit ...1960s Amer. sl. BUST AN ARROW in a carnival or small circus: to become lost when travelling from one town to another ...1973 US sl. CABBAGE-TREE HAT an informer ...1940s Aust. & US rhyming sl. for 'rat' CAD one ounce of marijuana ...2001 US sl. CAKE (derogatory) a rural person ...1991 Irish sl. CARROT SNAPPER (offensive) a Mormon ...1968 US sl. CHOKY prison ...1873 Brit. sl. COOL BREEZE a person who thinks himself to be sophisticated but is not ...1990s US Black & campus sl. CRIMEA beer ...Brit. rhyming sl. DAG YOU! confound you! ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. DAGLET an icicle ...1825 Eng dial.
DANIELS the buttocks ...1973 US sl. DISNEYFIED sickeningly, sentimentally happy ...1970s US Black sl. DOWNER a nickel ...1859 Amer. sl. FACTIONARY taking part in a quarrel or dissension; active as a partisan ...1607 obs. FLANDERS PIECE a painting that looks good from a distance but not so good close to ...L17 sl. FLY COP an eccentric, unusual, unreliable person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. FRIEND OF DOROTHY a homosexual ...1988 Aust. sl. GENTLEMAN OF THE LONG ROBE a lawyer ...1677 sl. GOAT a gullible person; a fool; one who could easily become a scapegoat ...US Civil War usage GREY white-skinned ...1944 US Black sl. HARD CANDY heroin ...1970 US sl. HIEMAL belonging to winter ...M16 now rare HYMIE (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1984 US sl. JAUL to tease, to joke ...1970s S. Afr. JINK ONE'S TIN to pay money; to shell out ...Bk1896 sl. KEG FLY a person who hovers around the beer keg at parties ...1980s US campus sl. LACHANOPOLL a greengrocer ...1623 obs. rare LOW-HEEL (derogatory) a promiscuous woman ...1939 Aust. sl. MAGGOTY-HEADED passionate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. MAN A-HANGING a person in trouble ...1970s US Black sl. MOVER a sexually aggressive person ...1960s Amer. sl. NEAT AS IMPORTED of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, NOT ENOUGH TO DUST A FIDDLE very little ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. ON THE CARPET in the field to get married ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PEACHAGULU splendid, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PODGE to prepare ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. PUDDING AND GRAVY the navy ...Brit. rhyming sl. PULL AN EL FOLDO to lose energy, to wilt, to fade ...1962 Amer. sl. PUNCHINELLO a grotesque or absurd person or thing PUT TO BED WITH A SHOVEL so drunk that one cannot return home and go to bed by oneself, but must be assisted ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. RAGGLISH coarse, worthless; of a worthless character ...Bk1905 Scot. 046 RAMPADGEON a furious, boisterous, or quarrelsome fellow ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. RIBAUD a profligate, male or female ...1360 sl. ROAST SNOW IN A FURNACE to attempt the unnecessary or absurd ...Bk1903 sl. PUG a boxer, a fighter ...1858 UK sl.
PULL SOMEONE'S COVERS to reveal a person's true character ...1970 US sl. PUSH FIRE to urge others into a fight, with no intention of participating oneself ...20C W. Indies sl. QUAG to shake: said of something soft or flabby ...1611 obs. exc. Eng. dial. RAKE to gad about ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RAPSCALLION a worthless wretch ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. RIG an unscrupulous person ...Bk1903 sl. RUBBER JOHNNY a condom ...1980 sl. SCRAG to kill deliberately ...1930 US sl. SHEPHERD a police spy; an informer ...Bk1902 sl. SKAG a promiscuous woman ...1980s sl. SNAVEL to steal or grab ...a1790 sl., now chiefly Aust. STONKER to kill deliberately ...1917 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ TAIVERSUM tedious, fatiguing ...Bk1905 Scot. TANKERABOGUS a name for the devil ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. TICK to beat, pulse, throb ...1868 TORCH UP to smoke marijuana ...1960s drugs sl. VALETUDE good health; condition as to health ...a1560 obs. rare WHURTLE to whirl ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. ABRAHAM the penis ...19C jocular ACE to lead ...1950s US sl. ADAM'S OWN the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. ALEXANDER a telephone ...1999 UK sl. AMBASSADOR the penis ...1927 Amer. jocular ANGEL'S FOOTSTOOL the highest sail of a full-rigged vessel ...1883 Amer. jocular AS IT CAME FROM ITS MOTHER of drinks: unmixed with water ...Bk1902 colloq, BABEL a confused medley of sounds; meaningless noise ...E16 BAD EGG a person or scheme that comes to no good BALL-BREAKER a difficult, boring or exasperating job, problem, or situation ...1950s sl., orig. US BASE-BEGOTTEN born out of wedlock ...1793 Amer. dial. BEAR STORY an exaggerated account; a 'tall tale' ...1856 Amer. dial. BEHOODLE to annoy, to harass, to bother ...1967 Amer. dial. BIBLIOMANIA a passion for the collecting and possession of books ...M18 BLOW DOMES to amaze, to astound ...1990s US sl. BOWSIE bad, evil, malicious ...1914 Irish sl. BUTTERED SCONE a woman who has had intercourse with one man and is about to repeat this immediately with a new partner ...M17 sl. CABINED cramped, hampered, confined in action, thought, etc. ...1854 CADDOCK the stomach ...M19 UK criminals' sl. CAKE OUT to dress in a rakish manner ...1920s US sl. CARRY-AWAY a robbery in which a safe is taken and opened at leisure away from the crime scene ...1958 US sl. CHUMMY a person ...1910s sl. COOLER the female buttocks ...E19 sl. CRONK dishonest, corrupt ...1889 Aust. sl. |
September 2021