Daily Word Quiz
HIPSY-DIPSY a) a lame person b) a castigation; a slap on the buttocks c) a horse-drawn vehicle d) a thing of very little value Answer below. Today's Featured Word DUBITATIVE ADJ. inclined or given to doubt; expressing doubt or hesitancy; doubting, uncertain ...1727 ETYMOLOGY from Latin dubitativus doubtful, from dubitare to doubt FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1727 - "Conjunctions dubitative, those which express some doubt, or suspension of opinion..." From: Cyclopaedia: Or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences By: Ephraim Chambers, 1727 EXAMPLE "...turning his head on one side in a dubitative manner..." From: Adam Bede By: George Eliot, 1859 Daily Word Quiz Answer HIPSY-DIPSY b) a castigation; a slap on the buttocks ...1881 Sc. & N. Eng. dial.
Daily Word Quiz
DUNDUCKITY a) of long continuance, lasting, enduring b) somewhat ill, indisposed c) of an undecided, dull colour d) bewildered, confused Answer below. Today's Featured Word LIMMER ADJ. knavish, scoundrelly, roguish, rascally ...1500-20 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. NOUN 1. a rogue, a rascal, a knave, a scoundrel ...1456 obs. exc. Sc. & N. Eng. dial. 2. an unchaste, loose, or immoral woman; a mistress, a prostitute ...1566 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. 3. a sarcastic or contemptuous term for any female ...1720 Sc. 4. a malevolent or mischievous woman ...1752 Sc. 5. a wild, undisciplined girl; a bold, impudent girl or woman; a jade, a hussy ...1786 Sc. 6. a mischievous boy ...1880 Sc. ETYMOLOGY Old Scot. lymmar a rogue of obscure origin; connection with 'limb' possible FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1456 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...As gif ane unworthy lymmare that settis nocht for honour bot for pillery, had tane a blynd man..." From: The Buke of the Law of Armys By: Sir. G. Haye, 1456 Daily Word Quiz Answer DUNDUCKITY c) of an undecided, dull colour ...19C Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
BLUE-PIPE a) the lilac b) a bullet c) illegal whisky d) a deep hole in a river Answer below. Today's Featured Word CONCLUDENT ADJ. that 'concludes' a question or an opponent; conclusive, decisive, convincing; final, certain ...1571 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin concludentem, pr. pple. of concludere to conclude FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1571 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and then I thought, when I read it, that his arguments were never concludent, but always I found more in the conclusion..." From: Letters to Archbishop Grindal Letter LXVII to Archbishop Parker, Aug. 28, 1571 Daily Word Quiz Answer BLUE-PIPE a) the lilac ...1597 obs. Daily Word Quiz
WARM-POCKETED a) having an excitable temperament b) intoxicated with alcohol c) rich, well-to-do d) lewd, lascivious, wanton Answer below. Today's Featured Word SHARE-PENNY NOUN one who would shear a penny; a mean person of the worst kind; a niggard, a miser ...1606 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from share (vb.) to cut into parts; to cut off (obs.) FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1606 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...for Ile goe neere to cosen olde father share-penny of his daughter." From: Wily Beguiled, 1606 Daily Word Quiz Answer WARM-POCKETED c) rich, well-to-do ...1899 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
SHOGGY a) shaky, insecure b) shameful, disgraceful c) dishonest, cheating d) infatuated, obsessed with Answer below. Today's Featured Word NIGNAY also NIGNAW, NIGNOY, NIG-NYE NOUN 1. a knickknack, a trinket, a trifle; a trifling, useless thing or proceeding; an unnecessary ornament or frill, a gewgaw ...a1689 Sc. 2. a quarrelsome hypercritical person; one who picks faults ...1920 Sc. VERB to trifle, to fuss about, to work without result; to hum and haw, to be undecided, to vacillate; to do what is useless; to show reluctance ...1880 Sc. ETYMOLOGY of obscure formation; probably an arbitrary formation based on such words as nick-nack, etc. FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1689 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...He was not for the French nig nayes, But briskly to his brethren says; Good gentlemen, we may not doubt..." From: A Collection of Several Poems and Verses By: William Cleland, a1689 Daily Word Quiz Answer SHOGGY a) shaky, insecure ...1866 Daily Word Quiz
RYE-MOUSE a) a field mouse b) illegal whisky c) a timid person d) a bat Answer below. Today's Featured Word JOLLOCK ADJ. jolly, fat, hearty, and healthy ...1824 Sc. VERB to jolt, to bump ...19C Eng. dial. ETYMOLOGY For adj: a nonce variant of jolly with substitution of 'ock' for 'y' FIRST DOCUMENTED USE ? 1824 as below EXAMPLE "...And bicker through the glens sae deep, Fu' jollock, blythe, and swankie, Right cheels that day." From: Cannlesmas Day 'Written by a youth of 15' In: The Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopaedia By: John Mactaggart, 1824 Daily Word Quiz Answer RYE-MOUSE d) a bat ...1777 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
NICEBICE a) a dainty, fine, or fashionable girl or woman b) a cigarette c) the testicles d) the nape of the neck Answer below. Today's Featured Word EMPOVER VERB to impoverish, to make poor ...1474 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Old French enpoverir to impoverish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1474 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...How torne they the lawe and statutes at their plesure how ete they the peple how empouere they the comynte." From: The Game and Playe of the Chesse By: William Caxton, 1474 Daily Word Quiz Answer NICEBICE a) a dainty, fine, or fashionable girl or woman ...1595 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
KANAKALAND a) Hawaii b) Queensland, Australia c) New Guinea d) Cook Islands Answer below. Today's Featured Word ALACRIATE VERB to make cheerful and lively; to excite; to rouse to action; to encourage; to embolden ...1657 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin alacris active, lively, cheerful + -ate FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1657 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and all to allacriate the spirit of Man." From: A Medicinal Dispensatory: Containing the Whole Body of Physick Composed by: the Illustrious Renodaeus Translated and Revised by: Richard Tomlinson, 1657 Daily Word Quiz Answer KANAKALAND b) Queensland, Australia ...L19 Aust. sl. Daily Word Quiz
IMPERDIBLE a) impudent, saucy b) not capable of being lost or destroyed c) characterized by imperfection, imperfect d) unskilled, ignorant Answer below. Today's Featured Word PARVANIMITY NOUN smallness of mind, meanness, narrow-mindedness; also, an instance of this, or a person characterized by it ...a1691 ETYMOLOGY from Latin parvus small + animus mind: a suggested antithesis to magnanimity FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1691 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...They will justly esteem your parvanimity so great that you deserve derision for so poorly fearing it." From: A Discourse Against Customary Swearing By: Robert Boyle, a1691 Daily Word Quiz Answer IMPERDIBLE b) not capable of being lost or destroyed ...1661 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
GRACILIOUS a) grieved, sorrowful b) excellent, first-rate c) slender, thin, lean d) highly skilled or capable Answer below. Today's Featured Word MAVORTIAN ADJ. warlike, martial ...1557 obs. NOUN a warrior ...1598 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin Mavortius of Mars, from Mavortem (Mavors - Mars) + -an FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1557 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Mauortian moods, Saturnian furies fell. Of tragicall turmoyls the haynous hell?" From: Tottel's Miscellany: Songes and Sonettes by Henry Howard, Sir Thomas Wyatt and Nicholas Grimald 'Of N. Ch.' by Nicholas Grimald, 1557 Daily Word Quiz Answer GRACILIOUS c) slender, thin, lean Daily Word Quiz
ANCLIFF a) a luncheon b) an outhouse, a privy c) an accident, a disaster d) the ankle Answer below. Today's Featured Word GASTROLATROUS ADJ. belly-worshipping; gluttonous, greedy, voracious ...1694 obs. ETYMOLOGY from French gastrolatre (Cotgrave), from Greek γαστρ(ο)-, γαστήρ belly + -λατρος serving FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1694 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...so great is their Variety in figures, colours, streaks, and inimitable shapes, I protest, the Variety we perceiv'd in the Dresses of the Gastrolatrous Coquillons was not less." From: Pantagruel's Voyage to the Oracle of the Bottle Being the fourth and fifth books of The Works of Francis Rabelais Translated By: Peter Motteux, 1694 Daily Word Quiz Answer ANCLIFF d) the ankle ...1790 Sc. & Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
VILIACO a) a prison inmate who has a very dirty cell b) a vile or contemptible person; a villain c) a brothel d) a reef of rocks in the sea Answer below. Today's Featured Word TUZZY- MUZZY also TUZZIE-MUZZIE ADJ. dishevelled, ragged, untidy; fuzzy ...1847 Eng. dial. NOUN 1. a bunch or posy of flowers, a nosegay; a garland of flowers ...c1440 obs. exc. Eng. dial. 2. the vagina ...1711 sl. 3. a burr ...1842 Eng. dial. 4. a person much wrapped up ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. ETYMOLOGY apparently a kind of reduplicated or rhyming jingle on 'tussy' FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1440 - TYTE TUST, OR tusmose of flowrys or othyr herbys (tytetust or tussemose, s.) Olfactorium From: Promptorium Parvulorum Sive Clericorum: Dictionarius Anglo-Latinus Princeps EXAMPLE "...Servia, a nosegay; a tuzziemuzzie; a sweet posie." From: The Nomenclater, or Remembrancer of Adrianus Junius Translated By: John Higins, 1585 Daily Word Quiz Answer VILIACO b) a vile or contemptible person; a villain ...1599 obs. Daily Word Quiz
POWFAGGED a) tired, exhausted b) angry, raging c) conceited, forward, swaggering d) pregnant Answer below. Today's Featured Word OSCITANT ADJ. gaping from drowsiness, yawning; hence, drowsy, dull, indolent, negligent, inattentive through drowsiness ...1625 rare or obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin oscitantem, pr. pple. of oscitare to gape, to yawn FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1625 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...They thinke it too long a taske for so short a life, to turne ouer so much as the Indexes of all, they growe oscitant, and will peruse none." From: David's Strait By: John King, 1625 Daily Word Quiz Answer POWFAGGED a) tired, exhausted ...1864 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
MALLISHAG a) a caterpillar that devours cabbages b) a girl who spends a lot of time at a shopping centre c) a female ass d) a confused heap Answer below. Today's Featured Word HERIT NOUN inheritance ...c1475 obs. VERB to inherit ...a1533 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Old French heriter to inherit FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1475 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...In riches herite was not in þe best, But of good lyuyng was in-dede an set." From: The Romans of Partenay or of Lusignen: Otherwise Known as The Tale of Melusine Translated from the French of La Coudrette Daily Word Quiz Answer MALLISHAG a) a caterpillar that devours cabbages ...1777 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
FAMELICOSE a) pert. to one's family or household b) famous, well-known c) often or very hungry d) fanciful; whimsical Answer below. Today's Featured Word BULLIRAGGLE NOUN a noisy quarrel, one in which opprobrious epithets are bandied ...1825 Sc. ETYMOLOGY from bullyrag (vb.) to assail with abusive language FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1825 - Suppl. to the Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. By: John Jamieson Daily Word Quiz Answer FAMELICOSE c) often or very hungry ...1730 obs. rare |
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