Daily Word Quiz
HECCO a) an icicle b) the game of hopscotch c) the woodpecker d) a hag, a witch Today's Featured Word BOURDFUL ADJ. full of jesting or sport; jocular, jocose, sportive ...1388 obs. ETYMOLOGY from bourd (n.) an idle tale, a jest, a joke + -ful FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1388 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...This vndurstandun of a dedly leesing, not of a bourdeful leesing..." From: The Holy Bible: Wisdom By: John Wycliffe, 1388 Daily Word Quiz Answer HECCO c) the woodpecker ...1604 obs.
Daily Word Quiz
DERRYBOUNDER a) a prospector in the desert b) the noise made by an object in collision c) a great rage d) an old term for a hare Today's Featured Word TURVEYDROP NOUN one who poses as a perfect model of deportment; an affected person ...1877 ETYMOLOGY from the surname of a character in Charles Dicken's 'Bleak House' (1852) FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1877 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The maintenance of that staid deportment which the Oriental Turveydrop considers the best proof of high State and regal dignity..." From: The Prince of Wales Tour By: William Howard Russell, 1877 Daily Word Quiz Answer DERRYBOUNDER b) the noise made by an object in collision ...1876 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
BUBBLEABLE a) vivacious, full of life, energetic b) remarkable, extraordinary c) fit to be boasted about d) capable of being duped, gullible Today's Featured Word OUTLASH NOUN the act of lashing out; a sudden, quick outward stroke ...1876 VERB 1. to squander, to be extravagant or prodigal ...1611 obs. 2. to strike out violently ...1614 obs. 3. to exaggerate ...1620 obs. ETYMOLOGY from out- + lash (vb.) to strike or beat FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1611 - A French and English Dictionary By: M. Randle Cotgrave Bobancer, to riot, squander, waste, outlash EXAMPLE "...Against his new bank; and with Waighty Waves Waighty and strong, bears down at last the Bay. And for a time out-lashing every-way. Tears over-turns, and undermines, much worse Then when hee freely hath his native Course." From: Bethulia's Rescue By: Josuah Sylvester, 1614 Daily Word Quiz Answer BUBBLEABLE d) capable of being duped, gullible ...1669 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
WHISTERCLISTER a) a smart blow on the ear or side of the head b) a nickname for a self-important person c) a small, unimportant, remote town d) a sign of something about to happen Today's Featured Word LINQUISH VERB to abandon, to forsake ...1591 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin linquere to leave + -ish, after relinquish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1591 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...but now awhile I linquish this conflict..." From: Ariosto's Orlando Furioso in English By: John Harington, 1591 Daily Word Quiz Answer WHISTERCLISTER a) a smart blow on the ear or side of the head ...1787 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
SLIVERLY a) thin, skinny b) evasive, slippery c) excellent, first-rate d) cunning, crafty, deceitful Today's Featured Word ASSERTIONATE VERB to make assertion; to assert, to affirm ...1593 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin assertionem, n. of action from asserere to assert FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1593 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...But, as before, so once more I will assertionate, vertue hath no enimy but pryde." From: Christ's Tears over Jerusalem By: Thomas Nashe, 1593 Daily Word Quiz Answer SLIVERLY d) cunning, crafty, deceitful ...1674 Eng. dial. rare Daily Word Quiz
QUOMODOCUNQUIZE a) to call out loudly but inarticulately b) to make mental note of, to observe c) to make money in any way possible d) to quiver like jelly; to throb Today's Featured Word OUBLIANCE NOUN forgetting, forgetfulness, oblivion ...c1477 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Old French oubliance, -ience from oublier to forget FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1477 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...is expedient that she be put with the synnes in oubliance..." From: The History of Jason By: William Caxton, c1477 Daily Word Quiz Answer QUOMODOCUNQUIZE c) to make money in any way possible ...1652 nonce word obs. Daily Word Quiz
NUSH a) breast milk b) the mouth c) a little man, a dwarf d) a privy Today's Featured Word KNAPPISH ADJ. rudely abrupt or forward, testy, snappish, sharp-tongued, spiteful ...1513 obs. exc. Eng. dial. ETYMOLOGY from knap (vb.) to bite in a short or abrupt way + -ish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1513 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...that he rejected the Dukes request with many spitefull and knappishe wordes..." From: Grafton's Chronicle, Or History of England By: Richard Grafton, 1513 Daily Word Quiz Answer NUSH b) the mouth ...1859 Amer. sl. Daily Word Quiz
GWIDGY-GWEE a) a close female friend b) a female breast c) a small black spot caused by a pinch or bruise d) a small stone or pebble Today's Featured Word DISSIDY NOUN disagreement, difference, disharmony ...1657 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin dissidium (now held to be an error for discidium) from dissidere to disagree FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1657 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Yet barbarism in speech doth not so much move me, as their dissidy in the very thing..." From: A Medicinal Dispensatory: Containing the Whole Body of Physick, Composed by the Illustrious Renodaeus. Chief Physician to the Monarch of France, Translated by: Richard Tomlinson of London, 1657 Daily Word Quiz Answer GWIDGY-GWEE c) a small black spot caused by a pinch or bruise ...1895 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
VORUS-NORUS a) at random, negligently b) in vain, vainly c) clearly, vividly d) rapidly, swiftly Today's Featured Word WEATHERCOCKY ADJ. fickle, changeable, inconstant ...1886 ETYMOLOGY from weathercock (n.) a changeable or inconstant person FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1886 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...She is cordial, kind, and in her way sincere; but she is what her husband characterises as 'weathercocky'." From: A House Party By: Ouida (Louise de la Ramée), 1886 Daily Word Quiz Answer VORUS-NORUS a) at random, negligently ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
ROW OF PEAS a) cheese b) a punishment in store; discipline c) a thing of very little value d) a small crowd of people Today's Featured Word STATUMINATE VERB to support; to establish ...a1628 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin statuminat- ppl. stem of statuminare from statumin- statumen prop, support FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1628 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...those eminent plants of our soyl, which blast, or bite not, but rather statuminate, and refresh the Vines, Corn, Fruits, or whatsoever groweth under their shaddows." From: Sir Fulke Greville's Life of Sir Philip Sidney By: Fulke Greville, a1628 Daily Word Quiz Answer ROW OF PEAS c) a thing of very little value ...1965 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
LETIFY a) to delay, to tarry, to wait b) to abase, to humiliate c) to affect with lethargy d) to make glad, to rejoice Answer below Today's Featured Word GOKY NOUN a fool, a simpleton ...1377 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY ? from goke, gowk a fool (chiefly Sc.) FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1377 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The gome that gloseth so chartres, for a goky is holden. So is it a goky, by god, that in his gospel failleth..." From: The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman By: William Langland, 1377 Daily Word Quiz Answer LETIFY d) to make glad, to rejoice ...1579 obs. Daily Word Quiz
FAZZLED a) afraid, fearful b) tired c) anxious, concerned d) light-headed, brainless Today's Featured Word CORDILOQUY NOUN a speaking from the heart, a heartfelt speech ...1642 nonce word obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin cor, cordi- heart, after ventriloquy FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1642 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Some have questioned ventriloquie, when men strangely speak out of their bellies, whether it can be done lawfully or no: might I coin the word cordiloquie, when men draw the doctrines out of their hearts..." From: The Holy State and the Profane State By: Thomas Fuller, 1642 Daily Word Quiz Answer FAZZLED b) tired ...1914 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
AXIOPISTICAL a) sickly, unhealthy b) trustworthy c) cunning, clever d) doubtful, uncertain Answer below. Today's Featured Word VIATORY ADJ. of the nature of wayfaring; pert. to travel ...1629 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin viatorius of journey, travelling FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1629 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...In a word, this is our viatory, our preparatory, our initiatory, and inchoative blessedness..." From: Sermon CXXV Preached at St. Paul's Cross, November 22, 1629 By: John Donne Daily Word Quiz Answer AXIOPISTICAL b) trustworthy ...1611 obs. Daily Word Quiz
UXORIOUS a) customary, usual b) nauseated, queasy c) excessively or submissively fond of a wife d) excellent, splendid Answer below. Today's Featured Word PHYSBUTTOCKE NOUN a term of contempt for a showily vain or fashionable person; a coxcomb, a dandy ...1570 obs. ETYMOLOGY from fise, fizz + buttock FIRST DOCUMENTED USE Manipulus Vocabulorum: A Dictionary of English and Latin Words By: Peter Levins, 1570 Physbuttocke, sb. trossulus Daily Word Quiz Answer UXORIOUS c) excessively or submissively fond of a wife ...1598 Daily Word Quiz
PEBBLE-BEACHED a) utterly penniless, very poor, in want of money b) neglected, ignored c) sickly; listless d) slow-witted, unintelligent Answer below. Today's Featured Word MUMMYDIDDLE also MUMMYDIDDY NOUN a stupid, silly person; a foolish person ...Bk1903 Eng. dial. (Suffolk) ETYMOLOGY unknown FIRST DOCUMENTED USE ? The English Dialect Dictionary By: Joseph Wright, 1903 Daily Word Quiz Answer PEBBLE-BEACHED a) utterly penniless, very poor, in want of money ...1886 sl. Daily Word Quiz
MOGGANS a) tortoiseshell cats b) amulets to ward against evil c) odds and ends d) the legs Answer below. Today's Featured Word INDOCIBLE ADJ. 1. incapable of being taught or instructed; unteachable ...1555 obs. 2. disobediently stubborn ...1555 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin indocibilis unteachable or from in- + docible teachable FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1555 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Be not indocible lyke Tygers and dragons, and such other monsters noyous to man kynde." From: The Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India Conteynyng the Nauigations and Conquestes of the Spanyardes Written in Latin by: Peter Martyr of Angleria Translated by: Richard Eden, 1555 Daily Word Quiz Answer MOGGANS d) the legs ...1780 obs. exc. Sc. Daily Word Quiz
JABART a) the jaw b) nonsense; unintelligible language c) a term of contempt for a person d) a bugbear used to frighten children Answer below. Today's Featured Word TEMERARY ADJ. rash, reckless, heedless, careless, overbold, headstrong ...c1410 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin temerarius fortuitous, rash FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1410 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...or elles a presumptuouse and temerarie demere of othere men." From: Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ: A Translation of the Latin work entitled Meditationes Vitæ Christi : attributed to Cardinal Bonaventura By; Nicholas Love, c1410 Daily Word Quiz Answer JABART c) a term of contempt for a person ...1949 Sc. Daily Word Quiz
EFFOCATE a) to dig out of the ground, to dig up b) to choke, to strangle c) to be disclosed or revealed d) to make cheerful and lively Answer below Today's Featured Word ROINOUS ADJ. 1. coarse, mean, paltry, base, nasty, contemptible ...c1366 obs. 2. covered with scale or scurf; scabby, scurvy ...1377 obs. ETYMOLOGY from old French roigneux, from Middle English roinous, roignous mangy, scabby FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1366 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The foule croked bowe hidous. That knotty was, and al roynous." From: The Romaunt of the Rose By: Geoffrey Chaucer, c1366 Daily Word Quiz Answer EFFOCATE b) to choke, to strangle ...1656 rare Daily Word Quiz
CHAWSWIZZLED a) celebrated; famous b) infected with lice c) bamboozled, confounded d) very drunk on wine Answer below. Today's Featured Word HERRING-POND NOUN the sea or ocean, esp. the North Atlantic ocean ...1686 humorous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1686 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...I'le send an account of the wonders I meet on the Great Herring-Pond and a Particular Character of it." From: Letters Written From New-England By: John Dunton, 1686 Daily Word Quiz Answer CHAWSWIZZLED c) bamboozled, confounded ...1905 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
ZWODDER a) drowsy and dull b) sugary, sweet c) eager, keen, enthusiastic d) funny-looking, odd, strange Answer below. Today's Featured Word BLUNDERHEAD NOUN 1. a blundering, confused, muddle-headed fellow ...1697 2. an error; a mistake; a blunder ...Bk1942 Amer. sl. ETYMOLOGY from blunder (n.) or (vb.) + -head probably an alteration of the earlier dunderhead, as blunderbuss represents donderbus FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1697 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...I would let my servant acquaint you with it, that you might not expect him: but my fellow's a blunderhead..." From: The Relapse: Or, Virtue in Danger By: John Vanbrugh, 1697 Daily Word Quiz Answer ZWODDER a) drowsy and dull ...1847 Eng. dial. |
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