• DOLLY a sexually attractive woman ...1906 sl.
• DRAW THE BADGER to entice one's opponent into the open • DUMBSOCKS an oaf ...20C US sl. • EXALTED slightly drunk ...M17 sl. • FAGGY frequently derogatory) an effeminate or homosexual male ...1965 Amer. dial. • FART-HAMMER a term of contempt for a person ...1970 Amer. sl. • FLASHER a high-flier; a fop; a pretender to wit ...1779 sl. • FLUNKY one who fails an examination ...19C US campus sl. • FRENCHIFIED infected with venereal disease ...17C Brit. sl. • FUNNY intoxicated by marijuana ...1990s US campus sl. • GEE a male person; a fellow ...1921 US sl. • GODFREY DORMAN! an innocuous oath, with faint echoes of far-past profanity ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GROTTY ugly, dirty, or offensive; displeasing; disgusting; grotesque, shocking ...1964 Amer. sl. • GUN a long, heavy surfboard ...1960s Amer. surfers' sl. • GUTBUCKET a grossly fat person; a pompous person, usually corpulent; used derisively ...1938 Amer. sl. • GUYESS a woman or girl ...2000s sl. • HAG of the moon: to wane ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • HALF AWAY mad ...Bk1905 Ireland • HARD-EARS a stubborn person ...2003 Trinidad and Tobago • HEE-HAW to mutter, to mumble, to be indecisive ...L15 sl. • HOOK an academic grade of 'C' ...1964 Amer. students' sl. • ICHTHYOPOLIST a seller of fish, a fishmonger ...1853 • ILLACHRYMABLE incapable of weeping; pitiless, unmerciful ...1623 obs. rare • JABOFF the thrill obtained from an injection of drugs ...E20 US drugs sl. • JERKS, THE delirium tremens ...E19 Brit. & US sl. • JOLLOP to ejaculate ...1990s sl.
• BAREFOOTED of coffee, tea, or liquor: undiluted ...1847 Amer. dial.
• BE-ADDLED confused, mixed up ...1917 Amer. dial. • BEFORE-DAY the time just prior to sunrise ...1896 Amer. dial. • BELLY-PIECE an apron ...17C sl. • BETTERSOME better ...1843 Amer. dial. obs. • BIGIFIED conceited, vain, stuck-up, self-important; impudent, boastful, egotistic ...c1960 Amer. dial. • BLACK MAN an evil spirit, boogeyman, the devil ...1692 • BOAR-CAT a tomcat ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • BOXED drunk; also, drugged, high ...1947 Amer. sl. • BUTTON in boxing: the point of the chin ...1920 Amer. sl. • CABBAGE GARDEN the female genitals; the vagina ...L19 sl. • CACTUS a remote place, the backblocks ...1944 Aust. sl. • CAKE a prostitute ...E20 sl., orig. Aust. • CALLET a term of abuse; a hag; a scold ...a1528 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • CARPET a three month period of imprisonment ...1903 UK sl. • CHICKEN THIEF a petty thief ...1910s Aust. sl. • CHIPPY-USER one who uses narcotics moderately ...1924 Amer. drugs sl. • CLY FULL OF RIDGE a pocket full of money ...Bk1903 sl. • COOLER a knockout punch; a crushing statement ...19C sl. • CROWBAIT an old, useless, mean or ugly horse ...Bk1974 US Western use • DAINTY UP to pamper or indulge with dainties ...1622 obs. rare • DANDY-PUFF an interfering, meddlesome young person ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DAUNTLE to dandle, to fondle, to caress ...1790 Eng. dial. • DEBS' DELIGHT (mainly derogatory) an elegant and attractive young man in high society ...1934 Brit. sl. • DIPHEAD a social outcast ...1975 US sl. • TAKE INTO THE WOODSHED to reprimand ...1907 Amer. sl.
• TAPPIE-TOORIE anything raised very high to a point ...1895 Scot. • TICKLE to rob or burgle ...1945 sl., chiefly Aust. & NZ • TOMATO a sexually attractive woman ...1929 sl., orig. US • TRAIN SMASH fried or tinned tomatoes; tomato sauce ...1941 UK military sl. • UNBLING cheap, shoddy, unimpressive jewellery ...2005 UK sl. • VALE! farewell; goodbye ...1550 • VAPULATE to beat or strike ...1603 rare • WAITRESS a bridesmaid at a wedding ...1966 Amer. dial. • WHISTLE-BERRIES beans, 'musical fruit' ...20C US sl. • WOMBLE-CROPPED unhappy, discomfited, irritated; dissatisfied; offended ...1798 Amer. dial. • WOW an exclamation mark (!) ...1983 US sl. • WRONG RIFF a mistake, a blunder ...1930s US Black sl. • ABHORRIBLE to be abhorred, detestable ...1633 obs. rare • ABSCISE to cut off or away ...1612 obs. rare • ACE OF CLUBS the female genital area ...M17 sl. • ADAM'S ARM a shovel, a spade ...1602 sl. • AIGLE an icicle ...1790 Eng. dial. • ALL AFLOAT in disorder ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALSATIAN'S ARSEHOLE what people with bad breath are said to have a mouth like ...Brit. sl. • ANDY CAIN rain ...19C Brit. rhyming sl. • ARMFUL a plump woman ...20C Aust. sl. • AT LIQUOR drinking ...1936 Amer. dial. • BACK FAMILY a line of descent; ancestors; one's parents or relatives of an earlier generation ...1966 Amer. dial. • BAGODBEJINGOES! an exclamation of impatience and exasperation ...1970 Amer. dial. • POP ONE'S COLLAR to have a conversation ...2000s US Black sl.
• PUCK large quality, ample sufficiency ...1965 Irish sl. • PULL DOWN THE BLIND! a catchphrase to couples lovemaking ...c1880 Brit. sl. • PUNKER a greenhorn ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • QUADRILOGUE an account by four persons ...a1556 • RACEHORSE CHARLIE a morphine user ...1930s drugs sl. • RAG GORGER a wealthy man ...E19 sl. • RAG-ROWSTERING rough games, romps, rustic play ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RAM a penis ...E17 sl. • RANDIGAL a string of nonsense; a long, rambling tale ...1895 Eng. dial. • RAP-A-TAG a dissipated, good-for-nothing fellow; a ne'er-do-well ...1887 Eng. dial. • RIB-ROASTING a thrashing, a beating ...1663 sl. • RORT to engage in corrupt practices ...1919 Aust. sl. • SCREWSMAN a thief or housebreaker ...1812 sl. • SHIRTTAIL RELATION a distant relation ...1967 Amer. dial. • SIBERIA the solitary confinement cells ...1930s US prison sl. • SIDE-SIM a fool; a simpleton ...E17 sl. • SIGOURNEY WEAVER the female genitals, esp. the pubic hair ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'beaver' • SILVER-HIDER a miser ...1611 obs. • SINGLE-O selfish ...1950 US sl. • SKEEZER a person, usually a female, who attempts to have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex for their material possessions, in order to make an impression on other people ...1980s sl., orig. US Black • SKINNY AS A BROOM a bridegroom ...1992 UK rhyming sl. • SOCKO extremely impressive or successful ...1935 sl. • STREAKY irritable; short-tempered ...Bk1904 sl. • SUBLIMATE to exalt or elevate to a high or higher state ...1599 • KENT CLOUT a coloured cotton handkerchief ...1859 sl.
• KNOCK DOWN to drink ...1950s US sl. • LADY OF EXPANSIVE SENSIBILITY a prostitute ...E19 Brit. sl. • LAMPS OF THE NIGHT the stars or heavenly bodies in general ...1665 • LICKUM GOOD highly palatable ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • MACE to swindle; to defraud; to cheat ...1790 UK sl. • MADBALL crazy ...1967 Amer. sl. • MAGOO, THE the right stuff; something excellent ...1947 Amer. sl. • MAJORATION the act of increasing or intensifying ...1626 obs. • MALEFICENT of things and spiritual agencies: working harm, hurtful ...1678 • MANDOZY a powerful blow ...19C sl. • MARY ANN (derogatory) a male homosexual ...1880 sl. • MOLL an effeminate male homosexual ...1923 Amer. sl. • MUSHER one who kisses and cuddles ...1940s US sl. • NESCOCK an effeminate man who stays much at home; a man who has never travelled; a delicate, spiritless, or timid person ...1775 colloq. • NOBBLE to induce to behave corruptly; to induce a jury to return a corrupt verdict ...1856 Brit. sl. • NOT TO KNOW BEANS FROM BUTTONS to be very stupid ...1965 Amer. dial. • OBJURGATE to rebuke severely; to chide, to scold ...1616 • ODD BOD an eccentric, strange person; an odd man out ...1940s US sl., orig. military • OIL BAGS the buttocks ...M20 US sl. • OLD GARGOYLE an affectionate term of address ...1920s sl. • OUTDACIOUS audacious, bold ...1890 Amer. dial. • PAD the road ...M16 UK criminals' sl. • PANCAKE a woman considered as a sex object ...20C sl. • PILLERCAT a caterpillar ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • DAUNDER to stroll, to saunter, to wander; to trifle, to misspend one's time;
to hobble ...1727 Scot. & Eng. dial. • DEAF AS A HADDOCK, AS very deaf indeed ...1746 Eng. dial. • DIP to use chewing tobacco ...2001 US sl. • DO-LALLY mad, eccentric ...L19 sl., orig. military • DRAG ANCHOR to move slowly; to dawdle; to drift mentally; to do less than one's best ...1923 Amer. sl. • DUMMOCK the posteriors ...19C Brit. • EWE-MUTTON an ageing prostitute ...L19 sl. • FAG ALONG to move quickly; to depart hurriedly ...1942 Amer. dial. • FARMER'S SCRAP the last piece of food left on a plate ...1968 Amer. dial. • FLASH THE DIBS to show or spend one's money ...Bk1893 sl. • FLUNKY a condom ...1990s sl. • FRENCH POSTCARDS obscene pictures ...M19 colloq. • FUNKY-BUTT excellent, exciting ...1960s US Black sl. • GAY-PIECE a prostitute ...19C Brit. & US sl. • GO TO BALLYWACK! go to hell! ...1905 Amer. dial. • GREY a White person ...1944 US Black sl. • GYPPO a gypsy ...1902 sl. • HAIZY hasty, excitable ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • HANG A RALPH to turn right ...1960s Amer. sl. • HAVE STRAWS IN ONE'S HAIR to be insane, eccentric, or distracted • HOG a Cadillac ...1960s Amer. sl. • ICCLE an icicle ...18C obs. • IGNIFLUOUS flowing with fire ...1623 obs. rare • IRISH BEAUTY a woman with a pair of black eyes ...20C sl. • JELLY excellent or worthy ...1790 Scot. • JOHN D a very rich person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • AUNT ARUSHY a nickname for an umbrella ...1941 Amer. dial.
• BACKBREAKER a tree stump cut close to the ground ...1931 Amer. dial. • BAKIE any item of food which is suitable for baking ...1948 Amer. dial. • BARLEY OUT! in children's games: a call for truce ...1917 Amer. dial. • BEANERY QUEEN a waitress ...1932 Amer. dial. • BEGLAMMER to bewitch; to deceive; to hoodwink ...Bk1911 Scot. • BELLY-SMASH a dive in which the front of the body strikes flat against the water ...1965 Amer. dial. • BETWEEN-THE-LIGHTS twilight ...Bk1911 Scot. • BILL-SHOW a wild west show such as Buffalo Bill's ...1944 Amer. Western usage • BLACK NIGHT nighttime at its darkest ...1953 Amer. dial. • BOBBLE a slight mistake ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • BRANCH OF CORAL the penis ...Urquhart usage • BUTTON YOUR YAP to be quiet ...1939 Amer. sl. • CABBAGE ROLL a poor-quality cigar...M19 sl. • CACUMINATION a making sharp at the top ...1678 obs. • CAKE a gold nugget ...20C Aust. sl. • CALLET a lewd woman; a trull, a strumpet; a prostitute; a promiscuous woman ...c1500 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • CARPET JOINT a fancy, high-class casino ...1961 US sl. • CHICKEN-CRAP insufficient, inadequate, of poor quality ...1940s sl., orig. US • CHIPPY-CHASER a whoremonger, a philanderer ...1891 Amer. sl. • CLUCK a hen ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • COOL-COCK to knock unconscious ...1930s US sl. • CROOKED AS A BARREL OF SNAKES, AS said of a person who sets out to cheat others while pretending to be honest ...1967 Amer. dial. • DAINTY of weather: fine, genial, cheering ...1860 Eng. dial. • DANG to throw violently; to knock, to bang ...1887 Scot. & Eng. dial. • SPAG (derogatory) an Italian immigrant ...1967 Aust. sl.
• STRETCH THE RUBBER to be unfaithful to one's wife or mistress ...M20 US criminals' sl. • SUBMONTANEOUS passing under or existing below mountains ...1682 obs. • TALE'S-MASTER the authority for a statement, one who brings news or originates a statement ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TARGE to beat, to strike; to thrash ...1833 Scot. & Eng. dial. • TIDDLEWINKS knickknacks of victuals ...1893 sl. • TOO MANY CLOTHS IN THE WIND intoxicated with alcohol ...19C Brit. & US sl. • TRANKED sedated; under the influence of tranquillizers ...1991 US sl. • UNCLE FRED bread ...1932 UK rhyming sl., generally childish • VALETUDINAIRE not in robust or vigorous health; more or less weakly, infirm or delicate; invalid ...1682 rare • VARIATIOUS marked by variation ...1875 rare • WALLOPER a police officer ...1945 Aust. sl. • WHITE NURSE morphine or other drugs secretly passed to an inmate of a prison or a hospital ...20C US drugs sl. • WOODEN FRYING PAN a symbol of uselessness ...Brit. sl. • WRAMP a severe wrench; a sprain ...1783 Eng. dial. • WRUX a rotter; a humbug; an objectionable person ...c1875 UK school sl. • ABLIGATE to bind or tie up from ...1731 obs. • ABSONISM something discordant in the use of language ...1593 obs. rare • ACERVATION the act of heaping up; an accumulation ...L17 • ADRIFT confused ...20C sl. • AIRPLANE a device used for holding a marijuana cigarette that has burnt down to the stub ...1970 US sl. • ALL MANNERS OF MAKES every conceivable kind ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • AMATEUR HALF-HOUR a poorly organized event ...1939 sl. • ANGEL JUICE rainwater; water ...1944 Amer. jocular • ARRANGE to castrate ...20C US euphemism • OILER a drunkard who is frequently 'oiled' ...1916 sl.
• OLD MAN a very large kangaroo ...Aust. sl. • P.C. PLOD a police officer ...1977 Brit. sl. • PADDLE the hand ...M19 sl. • PAPERBAG JOB someone physically unattractive, esp. facially, so that if one were to have sex with them, one would need a paper-bag to hide the head ...Aust. sl. • PIT GUARD underarm deodorant ...1960s Amer. sl. • PO-PO a prison officer ...1980s US prison sl. • PUDDLE to tipple ...c1870 colloq. • PULL IN YOUR NECK! shut up! ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • PURPLE extremely pornographic ...E20 colloq. • QUAINT IT to assume a prim air ...c1585 obs. • RACK OFF! go away! ...1975 Aust. sl. • RAG the scum that forms on boiled milk ...1942 Amer. dial. • RAG-WATER any inferior spirits ...L17 sl. • RAM to have sexual intercourse ...17C sl. • RANDY a frolic; a merrymaking; a drunken carousal ...1825 Scot. & Eng. dial. • RAT a teenage hoodlum ...1960s Amer. sl. • RIG a drinking or wenching bout ...Bk1903 sl. • RUMPY-PUMPY (surreptitious) sexual intercourse ...1986 Brit. sl. • SCUPPER (derogatory) a promiscuous woman ...1970 sl. • SHONIKER (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1914 US sl. • SICILIAN PRICE death, usually slow and painful, as punishment ...1997 US sl. • SIDE-WINDER a heavy blow with the fist delivered from or on the side ...a1859 Eng. dial. & US • SILENCER a stunning blow ...19C sl. • SIMILARY similar; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind ...1628 obs. • SIPHON THE PYTHON of a male: to urinate ...Aust. sl. • SKELETON ARMY street-fighters ...L19 sl. • SKINSMAN a drummer ...1983 UK sl. • HALF-ROCKED foolish, silly, weak of intellect ...1869 Eng. dial.
• HARUM-SCARUM a flighty person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • HIDEBOUND stingy, niggardly, mean ...L16 obs. • HOT CHOCOLATE a sexually attractive Black woman ...M20 US sl. • IDIOTICON a dictionary confined to a particular dialect, or containing words and phrases peculiar to one part of a country ...1842 • ILL-SPEAK to speak evil of; to slander ...1582 obs. • JACOB the penis ...19C Brit. colloq. • JIGGAMBOB the female pudendum ...1675 sl. • JUICE inside, confidential information ...1960s Amer. sl. • KING OF CLUBS a lecher; a whoremonger ...19C Brit. sl. • LACHRYMAL resembling a tear or tears ...1607 nonce use • LAIR that whereon one lies down to sleep; a bed, a couch ...a1000 obs. • LEAF, THE cocaine ...M20 US drugs sl. • LUMBER of a man: to make (physical) sexual advances ...1960 Scot. sl. • MACKER a pony; a horse ...1930s Aust. sl. • MAGGOTY extremely drunk ...1920s US & Irish sl. • MAIN of quantity or amount: large ...1609 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • MALAGRUGOROUS dismal, lugubrious ...1818 jocular • MAN-BROWED having hair growing between the eyebrows ...Bk1905 Scot. • MCCOY first-rate whisky or beer ...1900s sl. • MOMO a stupid or useless person; a blockhead ...1954-60 Amer. sl. • N.C. enough said (Nuf Ced) ...Bk1902 sl. • NEW INIQUITY an immigrant ...M19 Aust. & NZ sl. • NO-NECK a muscular, stupid man ...Aust. sl. • NOTHING-ASS BITCH a stern term of contempt for a woman ...1972 US sl. • OBLITE dim, as if partly blotted out; indistinct, obscure ...1650 obs. rare • ODDS, BODS, AND SODS people at random ...1950s Aust. sl. • CAP IT to take off or touch one's hat in salutation ...1593 school &
university sl. • CHEESE IT! a warning or command to cease any improper inactivity in order to avoid detection ...20C Amer. sl. • CHINKS (usually offensive) Chinese cuisine; Chinese food ...1948 Amer. sl. • CIRCULAR PROTECTOR a condom ...19C Brit. advertising usage • COME-BY-CHANCE a bastard ...Bk1913-17 • CRAP-HOUSE a privy; an outhouse ...20C US colloq. & sl. • DAFT AS A BRUSH crazy, stupid ...1945 UK sl. • DANCE-IN-MY-LIFE a person of very diminutive appearance ...Bk1900 Scot. • DARN THE STREETS to take a zigzag course, as a drunken man does in trying to walk ...1790 Eng. dial. • DIG ONESELF of a male: to scratch or rearrange one's genitals visibly (through one's clothes) ...M20 US colloq. • DO ONE'S FRUIT to lose one's temper; to go crazy ...1970s sl. • DOOLOLLY any nameless small object, typically some kind of gadget ...1930s sl. • DUFF UP to beat up, to assault someone ...1961 UK sl. • ETCETERA sexual intercourse ...L17 sl. • FACETE facetious ...1603 arch. • FAN ME WITH A BRICK! an exclamation of surprise ...1950 Amer. dial. • FLAKED OUT tired ...1950s Amer. sl. • FLITTY homosexual, obviously effeminate ...M20 US sl. • FONKIN a giddy little oaf ...L16 colloq. or nonce usage • FUDDLE-CAP a drunkard ...17C sl. • GARDENIA! a curse, 'God deen (damn) you!' ...18C euphemism • GINK a sissy ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GOOKY awkward ...1960s US sl. • GRUB to study hard ...1848 Amer. sl. • HAGHOG a hedgehog ...1720 Eng. dial. obs. • ABC GUM gum that has already been chewed ...Amer. sl.
• ABOVE-STAIRS upstairs ...1758 obs. • ABYSSAL of unsearchable depth, unfathomable; belonging to the lowest depths of ocean ...1691 • ACQUIST a thing acquired ...M17 obs. • AFTERCLAP anything occurring when it has ceased to be expected; a sequel, anything that comes after; an afterthought ...1816 Eng. dial. • ALARUM disturbance ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALLAGRUGOUS grim, ghastly; discontented-looking ...1742 Scot. • AMITYVILLE Detroit, Michigan ...2000 US sl. • APED intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl. • ARSE-WIPER a workman that toadies to the boss; a servant to the mistress ...20C colloq. • AXLE-GREASE any stiff pomade for the hair ...1969 Amer. dial. • BACON a rustic ...L16 obs. • BALL-BUSTING physically demanding, exhausting ...1980s sl., orig. US • BAT a drunkard ...20C US sl. • BEATER a person who doesn't pay his bills ...1965 Amer. dial., esp. Black usage • BELL-COW a leader, a big shot; a person who tries to appear important ...1896 Amer. dial. • BENCH-LEGGED bowlegged; having crooked legs; esp. used of dogs, and in derogation, of persons ...1866 Amer. dial. • BIBLIOTHETIC relating to the placing and arrangement of books on the shelves of a library ...L19 • BIRTHDAME a midwife ...1947 Amer. dial. • BLANKET-BUCK (derogatory) an American Indian ...1967 Amer. dial. • BON TON superior prostitutes; courtesans ...E19 sl. • BUFF a jazz aficionado ...1950s Amer. sl. • CABBAGE HAT an informer ...1940s Aust. & US rhyming sl. for 'rat' • CAD a railway conductor ...1977 US sl. • CAKE a sexually desirable woman ...20C US sl. • RED-HOT MAMMA a girlfriend or female lover ...1936 US sl.
• ROACH in new car sales: a bad credit risk ...1989 US sl. • SCANDALMONGER a person who spreads scandal or gossip ...1715 • SHAMUS a detective ...1925 US sl. • SHUT YOUR BEAK! shut up! be quiet! ...20C W. Indies sl. • SIDDI marijuana ...1998 UK sl. • SIGHTY keen-sighted; clever ...a1425 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • SILLY AS A WOOLWORTH'S WATCH extremely silly or stupid ...1940s Aust. sl. • SIMPLER a simple or foolish man much given to lust ...L16 sl. • SKATE a mean, dishonest person ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • SKIMISHED intoxicated with alcohol ...sl. • SLUMP a slovenly person; a slob ...E20 chiefly Eng. dial. • SQUEEZE an impression of an object made for criminal purposes ...1882 sl. • STUDHAMMER a male who is very busy with women; a sexually successful male ...M20 US sl. • SWIDDLE to scatter, to dribble ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • TANGLE UP to embarrass ...1898 Scot. • THANK YOU MA'AM a bump or hole in the road ...1849 Amer. sl. • TIGER OF CHASE the cheetah ...1784 obs. • TOW money ... Bk1903 sl. • TWIST to roll a cigarette ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • UPSPIT to vomit ...L19 Brit, euphemism • VAMPIRARCHY a set of ruling persons comparable to vampires ...1823 • VASTITY the quality of being vast or immense; vastness ...1603 now rare • WEAR THE BELLS to act the fool ...1931 Amer. dial. • ZIGABO (derogatory or offensive) a Black person ...1909 US sl. • MARRED spoiled, petted, over-indulged; pettish, peevish
...1865 Eng. dial. • MOLL orig., a girl or woman; one's wife or sweetheart ; a tough or rowdy young woman ...1753 • MUSH a term of address to a male ...1936 Brit. sl. • NELLIE an ostentatious homosexual ...1970 sl. • NOBBER a boxer skilled at delivering head blows ...E19 sl. • NOT TO KNOW BEANS FROM BULLFROGS to be very stupid ...1965 Amer. dial. • OBJECTANT one who or that which objects ...1625 obs. rare • ODAY money ...1928 US Pig Latin for 'dough' • OH BLAZES! hell! ...1876 Amer. dial. • OLD FOGEY nasal mucus ...1990s rhyming sl. for 'bogey' • OTHER, THE sexual activity or intercourse ...1922 euphemism • PACKY the skull, the head ...1940s W. Indies sl. • PALE a nickname for a Caucasian ...20C US Black sl. • PIG STICKER a bayonet; a long-bladed pocketknife ...US Civil War usage • POP OFF THE HOOKS to exit; to vanish ...1930s US sl. • PROSSY a prostitute ...1941 sl., orig. Aust. • PULL A KITE to look or be serious ...19C sl. • PUNCHING BAG a person serving as an object of abuse; a scapegoat ...colloq. • QUACK to talk pretentiously and ignorantly, like a quack ...1756 • RABBIT-PUNCH a chopping blow to the back of the neck ...1940s Aust. sl. • RAG a promiscuous woman ...1970s Aust. sl. • RAGGLE to wrangle, to bicker, to dispute ...Bk1905 Scot. • RAKING-DOWN a scolding; a reprimand ...1854 Amer. dial. • RAMSTOUGEROUS quarrelsome ...Bk1905 Scot. obs. • RANTY-TANTY very angry; in a violent passion ...1846 Eng. dial. • FOIST a breaking of wind ...sl.
• FROM JERICHO TO JUNE a long distance ...1837 sl. • GANGSTER PILLS barbiturate tablets or capsules ...M20 US drugs sl. • GIMMER a woman, esp. an old one ...c1850 colloq. • GOOGY an egg ...20C Aust. sl. • GROWLER a small iceberg ...1912 Amer. nautical sl. • HAGGIS the paunch, the belly ...1790 Scot. & N. Eng. dial. • HALF-MOON a cuckold ...M17 Brit. sl. • HARLOT a woman ...L15 rare or obs. • HICK to hiccup ...E17 now rare • IDEATIVE pert. to the formation of ideas ...1887 rare • ILLECTIVE attractive, enticing ...1652 obs. • JACK THE LAD a (brash) young male rogue or villain ...1981 Brit. sl. • JEZEBEL the penis ...Bk1896 sl. • JOLLY ROGER a lodger ...20C rhyming sl. • KIKI a homosexual male ...1935 US sl. • LABOUR ONE'S NEEDS to work for one's livelihood ...c1400 obs. • LAG to urinate ...16C sl. • LAWKS! an exclamation and oath ...E18 • LOPER a worthless, intrusive fellow ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • MACK extremely masculine in appearance or behaviour ...1967 US Black sl. • MAGGOT a fidgety, restless child ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MAID'S WATER any weak drink, esp. tea ...L19 Aust. sl. • MAKE-SHIFTY shifty, roguish ...1858 • MAN ALIVE the number 5 ...20C rhyming sl. • BIG DAD one's grandfather ...1965 Amer. dial.
• BIT OF JAM copulation ...sl. • BLEAT to tattle ...1905 Amer. dial. • BONTOSHTER a term of the highest praise; something excellent ...1900s Aust. sl. • BUMERELL umbrella ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • CABBAGEHEAD one who will try any drug ...2000s US drugs sl. • CADDIE a boy or man on the lookout for odd jobs ...M18 • CAKED drunk ...1990s US campus sl. • CAPTAIN TOM the head or leader of a mob; also, the mob itself ...Bk1891 sl. • CHEWED angry, tired, defeated ...20C Amer. sl. • CHIP ONE'S CHINA to complain ...1944 Amer. sl., esp. navy usage • CLEAN THE CARPET of a female: to masturbate ...2001 US sl. • CONSTRUCTED having an attractive body; generously built ...1950s Amer. sl. • CREAM-JUGS the breasts ...19C Brit. sl. • DAG OF WET a slight, misty shower; thick, small rain ...1878 Eng. dial. • DANDER to wander or ramble in talk; to talk incoherently ...1847 Eng. dial. • DASHED abashed, cast down, ashamed, bashful ...1803 Scot. & Eng. dial. • DILLPOT an oaf; a fool ...1941 Aust. rhyming sl. for 'twat' • DOLLY-BIRD a sexually attractive woman ...1964 sl., chiefly Brit. • DUDE UP to dress up ...1899 US sl. • ESSENCE whisky ...M19 US sl. • FACELESS of persons: lacking courage; cowardly ...1596 obs. • FALLING-OFF PLACE a deserted or uninhabited region ...1908 Amer. dial. • FIZZOG the face; the expression on the face ...1811 UK sl. • FLIMP to cheat or deceive ...E19 US criminals' sl. • TAKE a state of excitement, grief, fluster, etc. ...1896 Scot.
• TANTY-RANTY fornication ...1821 Scot. obs. • TICKLE a successful crime or illegal deal ...1938 sl. • TO A GNAT'S HEEL precisely ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • U.B.S. underwear, usually female (UnderBodies) ...1970s US campus sl. • USED-BEER DEPARTMENT a toilet ; a W.C., esp. one in a tavern or saloon ...20C sl. • VAMPIRE the tarantula spider ...1843 rare • VASTY vast, immense ...1596 (Shakespeare) • WELFARE PIMP a pimp who collects the welfare cheques due to his prostitutes ...M20 US criminals' sl. • ABDABS 'afters'; the second course, if any ...World War II sl. • ABRAHAM-COLOURED auburn ...1592 sl. • ACCELERATOR an arsonist ...1992 US sl. • ACT OF DARKNESS copulation ...Shakespeare euphemism • A-HEAD a frequent user of LSD ...1971 US sl. • ALLIGATOR an assertively masculine, flashily dressed, and up-to-the- minute male ...Amer. Black sl. • AMPERSAND the rump; the buttocks ...1838 Amer. jocular • AQUA POMPAGINIS water from the well ...18C sl. • ASS UP TO TEACUP completely, thoroughly, from head to toe ...1967 Amer. dial. • BABYCHILD the youngest child in the family, even if he or she is 50 years old ...1980 Amer. dial. • BADGER an old man; usually used disparagingly ...1834 Amer. dial. • BANANA-BENDER someone from Queensland ...1976 Aust. jocular • BATTLE-HAMMED having thick or deformed hips ...1727 Amer. dial., chiefly Black usage • BED-EVIL sickness confining one to bed ...Bk1911 Scot. • BELLYACHE to complain ...US Civil War usage • BENSIL to beat; to bang ...Bk1911 Scot. • POINTHEAD a stupid person ...1972 Amer. sl.
• PORK LEG the penis ...1970s US sl. • PUG a girl, a woman ...E18 sl. • PULL YOUR PUDDING of male: to masturbate ...1944 UK sl. • PUT ON THE DOG to show off; to put on airs; to something energetically or noisily ...M19 sl., orig. US • QUIM to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. • RADISHES! an exclamation of disgust and annoyance ...1970s US campus sl. • RAGGEDY-ASSED of people: disreputable, seedy, run-down ...L19 sl. • RAM OUT to exaggerate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RANDY-ROUT an uproar ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RASPBERRY a reprimand or instance of reprimanding ...1920 sl. • RIDING-HAG the nightmare ...BK1903 colloq. • RUCK to reprimand ...1936 sl. • SCRUB-TURKEY an itinerant who moves around the Australian bush; his long absence from urban life may have rendered him slightly eccentric ...1950s Aust. sl. • SHLOB a coarse, ill-mannered, uneducated person ...Brit. sl. • SIBMAN a kinsman ...a1300 obs. • SIDE-SPLITTER a joke; often ironic usage ...Aust. sl. • SILENCE IN THE COURT - THE MONKEY WANTS TO SPEAK a catch phrase addressed to anyone requiring silence unnecessarily ...20C Brit. sl. • SILVERMINE to patrol a casino in search of coins left in the tray of a slot machine or dropped on the floor ...1985 US sl. • SINGLE-FISH urination ...1988 Scot. rhyming sl. for 'pish' (a piss) • SKEEZE to ogle ...1920s sl. • SKINNER a police officer ...1965 US sl. • SNUGGLE-PUPPER an attractive young girl ...1922 US sl. • STRAWFOOT a rookie ...US Civil War usage • SUBFUSC of dusky, dull, or sombre hue ...a1763 • JEFF DAVIS a White person; used contemptuously or dismissively
...1870 US Black sl. • JOHN DAVIS money ... Bk1903 sl. • KELKS the testicles ...19C Eng. dial. • KNIGHT OF THE ROAD a highwayman ...Bk1903 sl. • LAMP HABIT the habit of smoking opium; opium addiction ...E20 US criminals' sl. • LIKE A CABBIE'S ARMPIT said of a mouth that is less than fresh ...Brit. sl. • MACE to owe money ...1979 UK sl. • MADDOCK a whim ...1790 N. Eng. dial. • MAHO the devil ...1603 obs. • MAKE of humans: a husband or wife; a lover or mistress ...a1240 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • MALLY-MUCK-HEAP a confused heap ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MANT to stammer ...1721 Scot. & Eng. dial. • MOB IT to move around with or act in a crowd ...L17 sl. • MOUTHFUL an important statement ...1922 sl., orig. US • NAVIGATOR a tater, a potato ...1893 rhyming sl. • NICK WITH NAY to deny ...1350 sl. • NOSH-UP a meal, esp. one at a function, as a wedding breakfast or a barbecue ...Brit. sl. • OAK TOWEL a policeman's truncheon ...L18 sl. • OBSISTENT something that resists ...1657 obs. • OFF THE HOOKS dead ...1840 sl. • OLD BOGEY the Devil ...M19 sl. • ON THE NATCH free of drugs; leading a natural life as opposed to a life centred around chemicals ...1969 Amer. drugs sl. • PACK THE SHITS to be fearful ...1971 Aust sl. • PADS tires ...2003 US bikers' (motorcycle) usage • PEA, THE the person in authority; the boss ...1969 Aust. sl. • DADGE to saunter; to walk slowly and clumsily ...1747 Eng. dial.
• DAMNIFY to injure physically or bodily ...a1562 obs. • DARG a day's work; the amount of work done in a day ...1737 Scot. & Eng. dial. • DICKLESS TRACY a female police officer ...1963 jocular, orig. US • DO A PADDY DOYLE to serve a time of confinement ...1919 Brit. services' sl. • DUCHESS OF FIFE a wife ...1961 UK rhyming sl. • EARWIGGING a scolding or harangue ...colloq. • FABRIC clothes ...1970s US Black sl. • FAIR OFF of the weather: to become clearer ...1859 Amer. dial. • FEEKI-FEEKI to have sexual intercourse ...1948 Amer. military sl. • FLASH-TOGGERY smart clothes ...1834 sl. • FLY ALL TO GOSH to give way to emotion or rage ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • FRESHIES fresh fruit and vegetables ...1990 Antarctica usage • FUNSACKS the female breasts, esp. when large ...1960s sl. • GENTLEMAN OF THE ROAD a highwayman ...1740 sl. • GOLOPTIOUS fine, splendid, delicious, luscious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GROSSER a gross or unattractive person ...1979 Amer. student sl. • HAFFET the temple; the side of the face; generally used in plural ...1768 Scot. & Eng. dial. • HALBERT a tall, thin person ...Bk1905 Scot. • HAPPY AS DUCKS IN ARIZONA very unhappy ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • HAVE THE BIG EYE to be greedy or covetous ...1903 Amer. dial. • HOITY-TOITY snobbish, pretentious ...1820 sl. • ICE PALACE a high-class brothel ...E20 US criminals' sl. • IGNIFY to set on fire; to cause to burn ...a1586 rare • IRISH BOUQUET any form of projectile, usually a stone or brick ...1960s US sl. |
September 2021