Daily Word Quiz
VENERILLA a) a lascivious or lustful person b) a small, beautiful woman c) a female avenger d) a vicious animal or person Answer below. Today's Featured Word RIGOROSITY NOUN austerity, rigour, extreme strictness ...c1531 obs. ETYMOLOGY from medieval Latin rigorositas from rigorosus rigorous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1531 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...I am nott able to byd the rugorosyte off your relygyon..." From: The First Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge By: Andrew Boorde, c1531 Daily Word Quiz Answer VENERILLA b) a small, beautiful woman ...1621 rare
Note: I am currently on holiday,
but will get some words done here and there! Cheers! Daily Word Quiz DUST-WORM a) tequila and milk b) any crawling insect c) the buttocks, the posterior d) a mean, despicable, or grovelling person Answer below. Today's Featured Word GENTILITATE also GENTILITAT ADJ. having gentle, refined, or polished manners, well-mannered ...1632 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin type gentilitatus from gentilis belonging to the same gens or race FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1632 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...onely Sicily being the most ciuill Ile, and nobly gentilitat, the Cypriots indifferently good...: From: The Totall Discourse, Of the Rare Adventures, and Painefull Peregrinations of long nineteene Yeares Travayles, From Scotland, to the Most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica. By: William Lithgow, 1632 Daily Word Quiz Answer DUST-WORM d) a mean, despicable, or grovelling person ...1621 obs. Daily Word Quiz
TICKLE ONE'S TOBY a) to flatter, to coax b) to rear, to tend, to care for c) to be pleased with, to like d) to spank or beat on the buttocks Answer below. Today's Featured Word SYNGAMICAL ADJ. pert. to sexual union or copulation ...1669 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Greek συν, syn + γάμος (gamos) marriage + -ical FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1669 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The specifical ferments are ...inherent in the syngamical spermatick liquor." From: Hydrologia Chymica, Or The Chymical Anatomy of Scarbrough and Other Spaws in Yorkshire By: William Simpson, 1669 Daily Word Quiz Answer TICKLE ONE'S TOBY d) to spank or beat on the buttocks ...1842 sl. Daily Word Quiz
MENDACILOQUENT a) speaking lies, lying b) very talkative c) putting on airs, talking affectedly d) splendid, stately, sumptuous Answer below. Today's Featured Word NUNCUPATE also NUMCUPATE ADJ. called, named ...a1548 obs. rare VERB 1. to dedicate a work to someone ...1550 obs. 2. to express a vow in words, to announce or declare a promise ...1606 obs. 3. to call, to name, to designate ...1609 obs. rare 4. to declare a will orally ...a1677 ETYMOLOGY from Latin nuncupatus from nuncupare to name, to declare FIRST DOCUMENTED USE a1548 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...that we beyng called reasonable creatures, and in that predicament, compared and ioyned with Angelles, be more worthy to be numcupate, and demed persones vnresonable..." From: Hall's Chronicles Containing the History of England Kyng Edward The IV, a1548 Daily Word Quiz Answer MENDACILOQUENT a) speaking lies, lying ...1656 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
JUVATE a) to make young again, to enliven b) to help, to aid c) to humiliate d) to make jealous Answer below. Today's Featured Word FAUSTITY NOUN good luck, happiness, good fortune ...1656 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin faustitatem from faustus, from favere to favour FIRST DOCUMENTED USE Blount's Glossographia, 1656 Faustity (faustitas) good luck, happiness EXAMPLE "...I send you Health, I send you Praise: And length and faustity of Days." From: Miscellaneous Poems By: M. Ralph, 1729 Daily Word Quiz Answer JUVATE b) to help, to aid ...1708 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
BENJO a) a coat b) an amphetamine c) a toilet d) an arched eyebrow Answer below. Today's Featured Word CLUFF NOUN 1. a blow with the palm of the hand, esp. on the ear or cheek; a cuff or slap ...1804 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. 2. an idle, trifling person ...1825 Sc. VERB 1. to strike with the palm of the hand, to cuff or slap ...1825 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. 2. to laze, to sit idly by the fire ...1825 Sc. ETYMOLOGY perhaps from 'claw' (vb.) with echoic modification, representing the 'buffing' sound FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1804 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Rob Lawson tuik part wi' peer Jenny And brong snift'ring Gwordie a cluff..." From: Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect The Clay Daubin By: Robert Anderson, 1804 Daily Word Quiz Answer BENJO c) a toilet ...1988 Aust. sl. Daily Word Quiz
UCK-SHE-BAH a) a woman's breast b) human excrement c) an oath d) sexual intercourse Answer below. Today's Featured Word VETITE ADJ. forbidden, prohibited ...c1500 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin vetitus pa. pple. of vetare to forbit FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1500 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Grit was the lust that thow had for to fang The fruct vetite, throw thi ill counsaling..." From: The Bannatyne Manuscript, c1500 Daily Word Quiz Answer UCK-SHE-BAH b) human excrement ...B1900 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
SLUCKATRICE a) a sluggard b) nonsense c) a drink of spirits d) a servant; one who represents another Answer below. Today's Featured Word LIKANCE NOUN liking; pleasure ...c1460 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from like (vb.) + -ance FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1460 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Loke that ye lowte to my lykance, For dowte of dynt in grevaunce. Dilygently ply to my plesance..." From: The Towneley Mysteries, c1460 Daily Word Quiz Answer SLUCKATRICE a) a sluggard ...1825 Eng. dial. obs. Daily Word Quiz
CONSPUTE a) to defile, to pollute, to befoul b) to dream c) to spit upon in contempt; to despise d) to make like, to liken Answer below. Today's Featured Word INCOLUMITY also INCOLUMITE NOUN safety, soundness, freedom from danger ...1533 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Old French incolumite from Latin incolumitas safety, soundness, from incolumis safe, sound FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1533 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...not for the incolumite and preseruation of one cyte or of one nation, but for the helthe and saluation of the hole worlde" From: A Playne and Godly Exposytion or Declaration of the Commune Crede By: Desiderius Erasmus, 1533 Daily Word Quiz Answer CONSPUTE (c) to spit upon in contempt; to despise ...1526 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
HIBERNOPHOBE a) one who fears crowded spaces b) one who dreads intimacy c) one who fears being buried alive d) one who has a dread of the Irish Answer below. Today's Featured Word DERF ADJ. 1. bold, daring, courageous, brave, hardy ...c1200 obs 2. painful, grievous; terrible, dreadful, cruel ...a1225 obs. 3. troublesome, hard, difficult ...a1225 obs. 4. in a bad sense: bold, audacious, daringly wicked ...a1300 obs. 5. strong, sturdy, stout, robust ...c1340 obs. 6. vigorous, forcible, violent ...c1440 obs. 7. of things: hard, rough ...1804 Sc. 8. unbending in manner, sullen ...1808 Sc. ADV. grievously, terribly ...c1325 obs. NOUN trouble, adversity, tribulation, hurt, suffering ...c1205 obs. ETYMOLOGY adj. apparently from Old Norse djarfr, bold, daring, audacious, impudent n. apparently shortened from Old English gedeorf labour, trouble, tribulation, from deorfan to labour FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1200 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Forr whatt he nass nohht derrf inoh All opennliȝ to sekenn..." From: The Ormulum By: A monk named Orm, or Ormin Daily Word Quiz Answer HIBERNOPHOBE d) one who has a dread of the Irish ...1889 nonce word Daily Word Quiz COMMUTATE a) to change b) to accompany c) to deceive, to dupe d) to agree, to concur Answer below. Today's Featured Word WEAMISH ADJ. squeamish, fastidious ...1571 obs. ETYMOLOGY ? possibly a variant of 'queimish' (adj.) squeamish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1571 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Wée in this Age are colde and drie, of complexion none other or better, then Melancoly, angrye, weamishe, harde to please, and enuious. From: The Foreste or Collection of Histories no Lesse Profitable, then Pleasant and Necessarie Translated By: Thomas Fortescue, 1571 Daily Word Quiz Answer COMMUTATE a) to change ...a1652 obs. rare Daily Word Quiz
RUN AWAY WITH THE HARROWS a) to count the gain before the bargain is made b) to be in too great a hurry c) to be very angry d) to pursue a reckless course which leads to calamity Answer below. Today's Featured Word PHILARGYRIST NOUN a lover of money; a covetous person ...1633 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Greek ϕιλαργυρία (philarguria) noun of quality from ϕιλάργυρος (philargyros) fond of money, from ϕιλ(ο-, philo + ἄργυρος silver, money FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1633 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...If he did hoard up his knowledge, as a ...philargyrist his coin, we might still be poor." From: A Commentary or Exposition upon the Second Epistle by St. Peter By: Thomas Adams, 1633 Daily Word Quiz Answer RUN AWAY WITH THE HARROWS b) to be in too great a hurry ...1844 Sc. Daily Word Quiz EXPALPATE a) to kiss heartily or repeatedly b) to desire earnestly c) to get by flattery d) to demolish, to utterly destroy Answer below. Today's Featured Word BONITY NOUN the quality of being good, goodness ...1585 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Latin bonitas goodness FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1585 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Longanimitie, in expecting our reward: Bonitie, in hurting no man: Benignitie, in sweet behaviour" From: A Booke of Christian Exercise Appertaining to Resolution By: Robert Parsons, 1585 Daily Word Quiz Answer EXPALPATE c) to get by flattery ...1623 obs. Daily Word Quiz
GIXY a) a giddy, frivolous girl; a lively lass, a wanton woman b) a skating ring with ice artificially produced c) a glance suggestive of sexual desire d) a start from a fright; a sudden shock Answer below. Today's Featured Word TOOTSICUM NOUN a small foot ...1856 jocular ETYMOLOGY a whimsical expansion of 'tootsy' - a child's or a woman's small foot FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1856 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The brutality of connecting in any way such words with the feminine Tootsicums, needs no comment." From: Punch, or The London Charivari By: "Shocking Result of Wearing Indian-Rubber Goloshes on the Sands." Oct. 4, 1856 Daily Word Quiz Answer GIXY a) a giddy, frivolous girl; a lively lass; a wanton woman ...1611 obs. Daily Word Quiz
UVID a) useful, serviceable b) nauseated, queasy c) ignorant, uncouth d) moist, wet Answer below. Today's Featured Word MEGAPOLIS NOUN a chief or principal city; a metropolis ...1638 nonce word obs. ETYMOLOGY from Greek μέγας (mégas), great, large, mighty + πόλη póli city FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1638 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...'tis at this present the Megapolis of Cambaya..." From: Some Years Travel into Divers Parts of Africa and Asia By: Sir Thomas Herbert, 1638 Daily Word Quiz Answer UVID d) moist, wet ...1656 obs. Daily Word Quiz AMPLECT a) to have regard to, to concern b) to embrace, to clasp c) to heed, to care for d) to amble, to wander Answer below. Today's Featured Word EFFUTIATION NOUN twaddle, balderdash, nonsense, humbug ...1823 ETYMOLOGY from Latin effutire to prate + -ation FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1823 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The plotlessness, still-life, puling effutiation, poetry, and prose-poetry of modern plays..." From: John Lacy, in The London Magazine. "A Sixth Letter to the Dramatists of the Day". 1823 Daily Word Quiz Answer AMPLECT b) to embrace, to clasp ...1525 obs. |
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