• DARE UP to wake or rouse up a person that is asleep or dying
...1873 Eng. dial. • DAY-LIGHT-GONE twilight, evening, dusk ...1853 Eng. dial. • DICKY the penis ...L19 Brit. & US sl. • DO ADAM AND EVE to have sexual intercourse ...L17 sl. • DOO-DOO excellent, first-rate ...2000s US Black sl. • DRUNK AS DAVID'S SOW, AS very much intoxicated ...1678 Eng. dial. • DUMPLINGS the breasts ...19C Brit. sl. • EVERY LIVING ASS every single person ...1940s US sl. • FACE-ACHE an ugly or miserable-looking person ...Brit. sl. • FAFA one's father ...1967 Amer. dial. • FAIN adj. glad, rejoiced, well-pleased ...8-11C Beowulf now chiefly poetic or Eng. dial. • FAIRY a woman or girl ...1856 Amer. sl. • FALAIRY unpleasant ...20C Ulster sl. • FALLIE a flower; usually used in the plural ...20C • FANCY CRIB a fashionable, chic, well-designed home ...20C US Black sl. • FIRE A SHOT to ejaculate ...19C Brit. sl. • FLAY THE FOX to vomit ...E19 Brit. sl. • FOBUS the female genitals ...L19 Brit. sl. • FRIDGE a person who is sexually unresponsive, gen. a woman ...1996 US sl. • GADS ME! an oath and exclamation ...E17 • GET OFF THE BUTTON to obtain sexual gratification; to experience orgasm ...1932 Amer. sl. • GO BUNG to die ...1882 Aust. & NZ sl. • GOOLEYS testicles ...L18 sl. • GROYL one who is always on the move ...1583 obs. • GUNSHIP a van used in a drive-by shooting ...1988 US sl.
• BABA a grandmother ...1969 Amer. dial.
• BACON SPROUT a young pig ...1970 Amer. dial. • BALL-CUTTER a nagging, domineering, or demanding woman ...1960s US sl. • BAT-EYE a bruise near the eye ...1954 Amer. dial. • BEATERS false teeth ...1969 Amer. dial. • BELLER to bubble up ...Bk1911 Scot. • BEND THE CRAB to do a somersault ...1968 Amer. dial. • BIBLIOPOLE a dealer in books, esp. rare books ...L18 • BILLY-GOAT ALLEY the run-down or poor section of a town; a slummy place ...1969 Amer. dial. • BLACK VELVET (offensive) a Black or Coloured woman, esp. as the sexual partner of a White man ...1899 Aust. & NZ sl. • BOB to vomit ...1960s US campus sl. • BOX the mouth ...1930 Amer. sl. • BUTTERFLY an attractive young woman ...1930s sl., orig. US Black • CABALLERO a woman's escort or admirer ...US • CACODEMON a malignant or deprecated person ...1711 • CAGMAG to quarrel, to nag ...L19 Eng. dial. • CALICRAT an ant ...1596 obs. • CAPER-MERCHANT a dancing master ...Bk1785 sl. • CHEST HARDWARE military medals ...World War II US Armed Forces usage • CHINKY a Chinese restaurant ...1985 sl. • CHURN the female genitals ...19C Brit. sl. • COME BY THE LAME POST to be behind time ...1658 obs. • CRACKED IN THE RING seduced, deflowered ...1613 sl. • DADDER to shiver, to tremble, to shake either with gold or old age ...1483 obs. exc. Eng. dial. • DAMMISH IT! an expletive ...Bk1900 Scot. • TALLOW-HUED pale, wan ...Bk1905 Eng. dial.
• TARMANACK a slovenly person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TAW! silence! hark! ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TIDDLEY alcohol ...1859 sl. • TOM a tomato ...1920 sl. • TRAIL HOG a skier who is inconsiderate of other skiers, monopolizing a narrow trail ...1963 US sl. • ULTRASWOOPY very stylish, streamlined ...2000s US sl. • VACAYA a mobile phone ...2002 UK sl. • VAMPIRE a mosquito ...1864 • VASY slimy ...1742 obs. • WASH AWAY to kill deliberately ...1941 US sl. • WHIZZER a pickpocket ...1925 sl., orig. US • WOODY an erect penis ...1980s US prison sl. • WRAPPER a motor vehicle ...1976 US citizens' band radio sl. • WURP a social inadequate ...1920s US sl. • ABIE LINCOLN disgusting, contemptible ...1988 UK rhyming sl. for 'stinking' • ABSCONCE to hide, to conceal ...1572 obs. rare • ACE OF TRUMPS the female genital area ...E19 sl. • ADDLED muddled and befuddled by alcohol; drunk ...L17 Brit. sl. • AIMY shrewd ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALL DAYER a day-long drinking session ...Brit. sl. • ALTITUDE-HAPPY giddy from the effects of too much oxygen ...1955 Amer. aviation usage • ANGEL anyone who buys a drink ...1941 US Army & Navy sl. • ARKY a native of Arkansas, usually White and usually poor; extended to any yokel ...1920s US sl. • ASS-BREAKER a dive flat onto the water ...1966 Amer. dial. • QUACK-BELLY a-fat-bellied person ...1622 obs.
• RABBIT THE FELLOW! confound him! ...1742 sl. • RAG a despicable person ...1997 US sl. • RAGGER a car with a 'convertible' soft top ...1950s US sl. • RAKE-DOWN a scolding; a reprimand ...1859 Amer. dial. • RAMSTOUGEROUS rough and strong; boisterous in manner ...Bk1905 Scot. obs. • RAP AND REEVE to seize with violence; to get by any means, fair or foul; to scrape together ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • REEB beer ...1859 UK back-slang • RISIN' a boil, ulcer, tumour, swelling ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • SAMBIE a sandwich ...1976 Aust. & NZ sl. • SCUTTLE OF GUTS (used contemptuously) a grossly obese person; a fat person ...1930 Amer. sl. • SHIN-PLASTERS money ... Bk1903 sl. • SHYPOO HOUSE a pub that sells inferior drink ...1903 Aust. sl. • SIDELY in an indirect manner; indirectly ...c1380 obs. • SIGNIFICATIVE highly significant or suggestive ...1677 • SILVER PHEASANT a beautiful upper-class or society woman ...1920s sl. • SINGBIRD a police informer ...1982 US sl. • SKEETER a nickname for a man of small build ...Aust. sl. • SKIN-DIVER a male copulating ...M20 US sl. • SMEAR to destroy a place by bombing ...1935 sl. • SNIDEY sneering; disdainful; contemptuous ...1964 UK sl. • SOME SKIN a sexually attractive woman ...20C US sl. • STARVED FIT TO EAT THE LORD'S SUPPER very hungry ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • STRUT-FART a person, usually a male, who struts around looking very important ...20C US colloq. • SUPERGOBSLOPTIOUS very fine, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • MACK a ladies' man; a playboy ...1991 Amer. rap music usage
• MAGDALEN a reformed prostitute ...1697 • MAIDEN IT to act like a maiden; to be coy ...1597-8 obs. • MAKE to compose poetry ...1876 Scot. • MALTER to depart quickly ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MANKY whimsical; lively, frisky ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MEAN-ASS very unpleasant ...1950s sl. • MOMMICK to harass, to browbeat ...1950 Amer. dial. • MUG-UP a snack; a meal, a drink ...1933 sl., chiefly Can. & nautical • NEARDY a person in authority, a master, a parent, a foreman ...Bk1902 Eng. dial. • NIDDICOCK a fool ...1587 sl. • NOSE PACKER a cocaine user ...1988 US sl. • NUGGETS the testicles ...20C US colloq. • OBLIVIUM oblivion; forgetfulness ...1699 obs. • OD'S FISH! a general oath ...L17 sl. • OKE a rich man; a man of substance ...17C sl. • OLD RAM a virile and/or promiscuous man ...M17 sl. • ORGANIZED drunk, intoxicated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • PACKING DEATH terrified, frightened ...1950s Aust. sl. • PALAVERER a flatterer ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • PIGEON-PAIR twins of the opposite sex ...19C Brit. sl. • POP OFF AT THE MOUTH to brag, to boast ...1960s sl. • PROTESTANT HERRING orig. applied to a bad or stale herring; anything of an inferior quality ...Irish sl. • PULL ABOUT to masturbate ...19C Brit. sl. • PUNK a prostitute; a sexually loose woman ...16C Brit. sl. • FRUIT SALAD a (copious or ostentatious) display of medals, or other
decorations ...1943 sl. • GANNET one who overeats ...1929 sl., orig. naval usage • GET THE DIRTY WATER OFF YOUR CHEST of a male: to ejaculate, either with a partner or as a sole practitioner ...1961 UK sl. • GO OUT THE BACK DOOR to back down from a confrontation ...1981 US sl. • GORGEOUS GUSSIE a glamorous and beautiful young woman ...1956 sl. • GRUMPUS a grumpy or bad-tempered person ...1986 Amer. sl. • GUPPY an individual who is socially categorized as a Gay Upwardly Mobile Professional ...1984 UK sl. • GUTTER-GRIPPER a motorist who drives with one hand stuck through the open window, gripping the 'gutter' that runs around the car's roof ...1950s Aust. sl. • GYPPO an impoverished, badly dressed schoolchild ...1990s UK juvenile sl. • HAIR-PITCHED having rough, unbrushed hair or coat ...1865 Eng. dial. • HALSE to embrace; to hug; to take in the arms ...1829 Scot. & Eng. dial. • HARD LABOUR a neighbour ...1992 UK rhyming sl. • HAVE KANGAROOS IN ONE'S TOP PADDOCK to be crazy or very silly ...E20 Aust. sl. • HIGH-OCTANE of coffee: strong, highly caffeinated ...1990s sl. • HOTTER THAN HELL'S BACK-KITCHEN extremely hot ...1949 Amer. dial. • IDLE-HEADED off one's head; out of one's wits; distracted, delirious ...1599 obs. • IN ONE'S AIRS drunk ...E18 US sl. • JACK-SAUCE an impudent fellow; a little oaf ...1571 Brit. sl. • JIG-A-JIG to copulate ...Bk1896 Amer. sl. • JUMP IN WITH YOUR HAT IN YOUR HAND to enter a deal too quickly ...1960s Amer. sl. • KING'S ELEVATOR an extreme put-down, disappointment, or affront ...M20 US sl. • LACK-STOCK one who has no money in stocks ...1820 • LAIRY boggy, miry, swampy ...1700s • LEATHER-BRAINED stupid ...20C US colloq. • LURRIES money ... Bk1903 sl. • CHICKEN'S HEAD an aggressive, unpleasant woman
...1960s US Black sl. • CHIRP to vomit ...1980 Amer. campus sl. • CLOD-HEAD an oaf; a dolt ...17C Brit. & US • COOKEE a cook ...1776 sl. • CREEPING CRUD a variety of skin diseases; any skin disorder ...World War II US military usage • DAG to drizzle, to bedew, to rain ...1825 Eng. dial. • DANDERING foolish, weak-minded, twaddling; incoherent, rambling in speech ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DASHER a large-toothed comb for the hair ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DEAD-A-BIRD nearly dying; ill ...1893 Eng. dial. • DINKI-DI real, genuine, true, honest ...1962 Aust. sl. • DO THE DUTCH ACT to commit suicide ...1902 sl., orig. US • DOOR-KNOCKER a female hairstyle consisting of two plaits bunched on top of the head ...L19 sl. • DUCKEY an effeminate male ...20C US sl. • ELECTRIC MACHINE the penis ...1940s sl. • EXCREMENTAL unpleasant, disgusting; second-rate ...1960s euphemism for 'shitty' • FACE-WELLY a gas mask ...2002 UK Royal Air Force usage • FAG an over-diligent student ...1856 Amer. sl. • FAINTING FITS the female breasts ...1940s rhyming sl. for 'tits' • FAIRYDIDDLE nonsense ...1936 Amer. dial. • FALL DOWN AND GO BOOM to fail, esp. utterly and obviously ...1930s Amer. sl. • FALSARY a false or deceitful person ...1573 obs. • FANCY-MAN a transvestite ...1975 Amer. sl. • FIZZ champagne ...1864 sl. • FLING UP to vomit ...E20 US colloq. • FOLLOW THE SEA to pursue the calling of a sailor ...US Civil War usage • AFTER ONE'S GREENS in pursuit of sexual release or satisfaction;
usually said of men ...19C Brit. sl. • ALAWK! an exclamation of sorrow; alas! ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALL-AMERICAN DRUG cocaine ...1998 US sl. • AMMUNITION a tampon or sanitary towel; tampons or sanitary towels ...1984 UK sl. • ANYTHING FOR A QUIET WIFE catchphrase meaning exactly what it says ...1977 UK sl. • ARSE UP to bungle ...20C sl. • AUNT HAZEL marijuana ...2001 US sl. • BACK OF BOURKE the most remote outback, the back of beyond ...Aust. sl. • BAGEL BOY (usually offensive) a Jew ...1971 Amer. sl. • BARBED-WIRE PIE something utterly disagreeable ...1942 Amer. dial. • BEEF-EYE a black eye ...1954 Amer. dial. • BE IN ARSEHOLE STREET to be in serious trouble ...c1950 sl. • BELLY-FLAUGHTERED thrown flat on the ground ...Bk1911 Scot. • BESSIE a shotgun or rifle ...1965 Amer. dial. • BIG DADDY one's grandfather ...1955 Amer. dial. • BIT OF MEAT copulation ...E18 sl. • BLATHERGAB a gossip, a chatterer ...1942 Amer. dial. • BONEYARD dominoes not in use at a given moment ...1897 sl. • BRUSH woman viewed as sex objects ...1941 Aust. & NZ sl. • BUZZ a feeling of mild intoxication, as from liquor or drugs ...1849 Amer. sl. • CABBY addicted to the joys of motoring ...sl. • CADE a spoiled or petted child ...1877 now Eng. dial. • CAKEWALK money that has been obtained without effort ...1930s sl. • CALVISH doltish, stupid ...1570 • CARRY THE BANNER to stay up all night ...1980 US sl. • SINCE GOD CALLED THE CHICKENS HOME for a very long time
...c1945 NZ • SKEESICKS a person, usually a troublemaker ...1850 US sl. • SKIN-A-GUTS a very thin person ...Brit. sl. • SMOUGE to kiss; to kiss and cuddle ...19C colloq. • SNIP a thing that is more fortunate, excellent, or pleasing that might normally be expected ...1952 UK sl. • SPEED THE WOMBATS! an exclamation of surprise, alarm, fascination, etc. ...1920s Aust. sl. • STRIKE to get money; to steal; to beg, to borrow; to get into debt ...Bk1904 sl. • SUCK ONE'S FACE to delight in drinking ...c1696 sl. • TALE-PYET a telltale; an informer; a tattler ...1824 Scot. & Eng. dial. • TARGE to copulate ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TAW a mischievous person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TIDDLYWINKY tiny, insignificant ...1901 Eng. dial. • TOOTER a drunkard who frequently goes on a 'toot' or drinking spree ...E20 Brit. • TRAP a residence ...1957 US sl. • UNDERS the female genitals ...19C Brit. colloq. • VALIENTON a bully, a braggart ...1681 obs. • VARNISH ONE'S POLE to masturbate ...1980s sl. • WANG-TANG anything, esp. on a sexual level, that is particular desirable ...1970s US Black sl. • WHOPATOOLIE a homemade alcoholic drink consisting of any combination of hard liquors, with other beverages or fruit sometimes added; by extension, an occasion at which this is consumed ...2003 Amer. dial. • WOOLLY-HEADED inclined to idealism and hopeful fantasy; impractical ...1883 Amer. sl. • WRECK MY HEAD to agitate me to an extreme degree ...2003 Ireland • YELLOW PERIL the military or political threat regarded as emanating from Asian peoples, esp, the Chinese ...1900 • ABOUT AND ABOUT very much alike or the same ...1867 US • ABUSIOUS given to abuse; abusive ...1594 obs. rare • ACORNS testicles ...1975 Amer. euphemism • OFF-GIRL an illegitimate girl ...20C US dial.
• OLD DEAR one's wife ...L19 sl. • ONE'S BACK TEETH ARE FLOATING one's bladder is very full ...1923 Amer. dial. • PACKET a large sum of money ...1910s sl. • PAKAPOO TICKET something indecipherable or overly complicated ...1951 Aust. sl. • PIDGEON-EYED intoxicated with alcohol ...E18 US sl. • POOSHIE a coward ...1960s Ulster sl. • PROP-GETTER a pickpocket ...1901 sl. • PULL A CLUCK to die ...L19 Brit. sl. • PUNCHY forceful, emphatic. having punch ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • QUADRANT a quarter of a day; six hours ...1398 obs. • RABBITY timid, cowering ...1937 Amer. dial. • RAG BAG a messy, unkempt person ...1920s Aust. & NZ sl. • RAG-HEAD anyone who is not absolutely up to date with current information, gossip, style, etc. ...1980s US Black sl. • RALLY to scold; to speak loud ...1790 Scot. & N. Eng. dial. • RAN-DAN to make a noise with rough singing, and the beating of pots and pans, at the house of a man who has beaten his wife ...1869 Eng. dial. • RAP to fall in pattering drops. esp. of tears ...1810 Scot. • RIBS a stout person ...Bk1903 sl. • RORT to manipulate a ballot, records, etc. fraudulently ...1980 Aust. sl. • SCREAMING HABDABS anxiety or nervous tension ...1945 Amer. sl. • SHIT-BRAINED stupid, brainless ...1970s sl. • SIBILATE to hiss; to utter a hissing sound ...1656 • SIDE-SLIP an illegitimate child ...1872 • SILE of rain: to pour down ...1703 Eng. dial. • SILVER-TAILED wealthy, affluent, socially prominent ...1890 sl., orig. Aust. • HAWFLIN a half-witted person; a fool ...1808 Scot. & Eng. dial.
• HOLY CHRISTMAS! an exclamation and oath • ICE-DAGGER an icicle ...1519 obs. • IKY (derogatory or offensive) a Jew ...1835 sl. • ITALIAN LETTER a condom ...19C sl. • JERK THE CAT to vomit ...E17 Brit. sl. • JOHNNY CRAPEAU a Frenchman; a French Canadian ...colloq. arch. • KICK ASS to reprimand ...1976 sl., orig. & chiefly US • KONK the head ...1960s Amer. sl. • LADY'S LOW TOUPEE the female pubic hair ...E18 Brit. sl. • LATHERED intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 US sl. • LIZZIE BOY an effeminate young man ...1905 sl. • MACINTRASH an Apple Macintosh™ computer ...1991 US sl. • MAG a chatterbox ...1892 colloq. • MAHOUND a term of execration applied to a man ...1500-20 Scot. obs. • MAKE ROAST MEAT FOR WORMS to kill ...1594 sl. • MALOLLY nonsense, bunk ...1966 Amer. dial. • MANK to talk in an affected manner ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • MEAN-ASS very unpleasant ...1950s sl. • MONEY-PUKER an automatic teller machine ...1993 Amer. jocular • NARDS breasts ...1993 Amer. sl. • NEWK a newcomer, a novice ...1970s US campus sl. • NORWEGIAN STEAM brute physical exertion ...1944 US sl. • OBSCUROUS dark, gloomy, obscure ...1491 obs. rare • O CRIMES! a disguise of "O Christ!" ...19C Brit. colloq. • DENTY-CUM-PRETTY handsome and conceited ...Bk1900 Eng. dial.
• DISREMEMBER to forget ...E19 Anglo-Irish usage • DOMINICKER a coward ...20C W. Indies • DUCHESS a wife ...1895 Brit. sl. • EARWIG to eavesdrop ...colloq. • FABBO fabulous, excellent, wonderful ...1960s sl. • FACTITIOUS made by or resulting from art; artificial ...1646 obs. • FAG-BAG to beat up and rob a homosexual ...1970s US sl. • FAIR with good promise; promisingly, auspiciously, favourably, prosperously ...1154 obs. • FAKE AND BAKE to get a tan in a tanning booth ...1980s US campus sl. • FALL IN THE THICK to become very drunk ...L19 sl. • FALSEDICT an untrue deliverance or utterance ...1579 obs. • FANTODS a feeling of depression; the blues; a fit of the sulks; a being gloomy ...1899 Amer. dial. • FLANKER a blow or punch ...M19 sl. • FLOWERY DELL a prison cell ...1925 Brit. rhyming sl. • FREAKED under the influence of marijuana ...M20 US drugs sl. • FUNK to act in a coward mannerly; to flinch or shrink through fear; to worry ...E18 sl. • GATOR an all-purpose male form of address ...1944 US sl. • GO ON TO A BETTER WORLD to die ...20C sl. • GRANDIFEROUS grand, splendid, glorious ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • GUMBAH a close male friend ...1950s US sl. • GUT a glutton ...20C sl. • GUY a comical or joking fellow; hence, a smart alec ...c1862 Amer. sl. • HAFFET-CLAWING face-scratching ...1895 Eng. dial. • HAKE to wander about aimlessly and idly; to loiter, to lounge; to hang about with intent to eavesdrop; to sneak ...1785 Scot. & Eng. dial. • HAPPY CABBAGE cash, banknotes ...20C sl. orig. US • BACK HELP assistance given reciprocally, as among farmers
...1940 Amer. dial. • BAH-MA a grandmother ...1968 Amer. dial. • BARE of coffee, tea, or liquor: undiluted ...1847 Amer. dial. • BE UNDER THE DAISY-MORES to be under the ground, to be buried ...1893 Eng. dial. • BEEZER the mouth ...1932 Amer. dial. • BELLY-RIDING a sliding down a hill on a sled, lying on the belly ...1950 Amer. dial. • BETTY a woman; a schoolteacher ...1967 Amer. dial. • BIGHOUSE the living room ...1954 Amer. dial. • BLACK HAND a witchcraft spell, a charm ...1928 Amer. dial. • BO a term of address to a male ...1825 sl., chiefly US • BOXHEAD (contemptuous) a Scandinavian ...1926 Amer. sl. • BUTTON UP YOUR FACE! shut up! be quiet! ...1932 Amer. sl. • CABBAGE to smoke marijuana, esp. low-grade marijuana ...1980s NZ drugs sl. • CACTUS JUICE tequila, mescal ...1960s sl. • CAKE IS GETTING THIN one's money is running low ...20C sl. • CALLIGRAPHICAL pert. to calligraphy; also, of a beautiful literary style ...1630 obs. • CARPET SLASHING a dance party ...1947 US sl. • CHICKEN'S HEAD a woman with little or no hair ...1980s US Black sl. • CHIRRUP to inform; to tell the police ...1926 Amer. criminals' sl. • COBBER UP to form a friendship ...1918 Aust. & NZ sl. • COON-FOOTED having toes turned out ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • CRULLER a failure; an unsuccessful performance or entertainment ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • DAKES-HEAD a spiritless, stupid person ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DANGLE to stroll idly, or with lounging steps ...1778 obs. • DAWCOCK a stupid, silly, awkward person ...1867 Eng. dial. • SUBALTERNAL subordinate, inferior ...c1400 obs.
• TAKE A BRODIE to fail, to slip back into bad habits ...L19 sl. • TANKLEMENTS implements; litter; small ornaments; articles of finery ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TATIE the head, used as a term of contempt ...1878 Eng. dial. • THROW THE HOOKS to persuade victims with deception or flattery ...1887 Amer. criminals' sl. • TINNIE a can of beer ...1960s Aust. sl., orig. surfer • TRACKIE-BOTTOMS tracksuit trousers ...1996 Scot. sl. • UGLY STICK a notional stick with which a person has been beaten in order to make them ugly ...1969 US sl. • VAIL of a storm: to abate, to cease ...1606 obs. • VANTAGE an opportunity; a chance ...1592 obs. • VISIT ONE'S UNCLE to go to the privy ...L18 Brit. sl. • WHEELMAN the driver of a criminals' getaway vehicle ...1935 sl., orig. US • WOK JOCKEY a Chinese person ...Brit. sl. • WOULDN'T FEED IT TO A JAP ON ANZAC DAY (racist) of food: absolutely disgusting ...Aust. sl. • WRITING CROAKER a doctor who will write prescriptions for narcotics and ask no questions about the user ...1930s drugs sl. • ABE'S CABE a $5 bill ...1930s Amer. sl. • ABROAD in error, confused ...19C sl. • ACE BOY one's best friend ...1950s US campus sl. • ADAM AND EVE to believe ...1910s rhyming sl. • A-HUNGERED hungry ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALL ARMS AND LEGS weak beer ...Brit. sl. • ALPHONSE a homosexual ...2003 UK rhyming sl. for 'ponce' • ANCHORHEAD a sailor; used derisively ...1968 US military sl. • ARM PROPS crutches ...c1820 sl. • ASTOR'S PET PONY an overly dressed-up or made-up person ...1967 Amer. dial. • POPSKULL any form of strong drink ...1940s sl.
• PUFFER the human heart ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. • PULL THE PLUG in submarining: to dive ...1948 US sl. • PUT ON A BOSS to affect a squint in order to make oneself look more threatening ...L19 sl. • QUIM used collectively with reference to women, often with an implication of promiscuity ...1935 sl. • RACK-IN-SACK Arkansas ...1845 Amer. dial. • RAGBILD a ragged person ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • RAINBERELLA an umbrella ...1966 Amer. jocular • RAMMER the penis ...L17 sl. • RANNEL to talk in a rambling, gossiping way ...1896 Eng. dial. • RAWTID! an exclamation implying great anger, surprise, amazement, envy, etc. ...1940s sl. • RING-MAN the ring finger ...1544 sl. • SATIN gin ...M19 sl. • SHADOW (derogatory) a Black person ...1880s Amer. sl. • SHRINE OF LOVE the vagina ...19C literary euphemism • SICKER having sure mastery of an art ...c1470 obs. • SIGHS AND TEARS ears ...1930s US criminals' rhyming sl. • SILK-WORM a woman given to frequenting drapers' shops and examining goods without buying ...1712 obs. • SIMPER LIKE A POT THAT'S READY TO RUN OVER to smile; to look merry or cheerful ...1631 colloq. • SKANK a slovenly style of dress, possibly imitative of dishevelled heroin addicts ...1990s Amer. teen sl. • SKIDDOO to depart hastily ...1905 Amer. sl. • SLOPEY (derogatory or offensive) anyone from East Asia; later, a Vietnamese ...1948 US sl. • SNATCH-PEDDLER a prostitute, either male or female ...M20 US sl. • SNOWBALL a nickname for a Black person; usually for a Black person with white hair ...18C colloq. • STIR ONE'S STUMPS to bestir oneself, to increase one's speed ...1640 sl. • KICKSIES trousers; breeches ...E19 cant
• LABIES lips ...1541 obs. • LAG the last or hindmost person, as in a race, game, etc. ...1514 now rare • LAVENDER BOY a homosexual male ...E20 US sl. • LOOK AS SMILING AS A BASKET OF CHIPS showing great happiness ...1834 Amer. dial. • MACK DADDY a clever, proficient or influential man; an expert; the best ...1993 Amer. sl. • MAG to chatter ...1810 • MAID MARIAN a prostitute ...16C sl. • MAKE to have sex ...1926 sl., orig. US • MALT-INSPIRED inspired by drink ...1838 Eng. dial. • MAN-MUCKLE full-grown ...1856 Scot. • MEAT WAGON a police van or black Maria ...1954 sl. • MONK (contemptuous) a Chinese person ...1903 Amer. sl. • NARROW mean-spirited, stingy ...c1696 sl. • NEWS HEN a female journalist ...1940s US sl. • NOSE GARBAGE poor quality cocaine ...1993 US sl. • NUT OFF to kill deliberately ...1974 sl. • OBSCENOUS obscene ...1604 obs. • OFF BASE presumptuous; impudent ...1950s US sl. • OLD BAD MAN the Devil ...1954 Amer. dial. • ON ONE'S EAR intoxicated with alcohol ...E20 sl. • PACK DEATH to be fearful ...1975 Aust. sl. • PADDY a White person, though not always Irish ...1945 US Black sl. • PARTY HAT a condom ...20C Amer. campus sl. • PLUG (derogatory) a male person; a fellow ...1863 sl., chiefly US • DOG OF A DIFFERENT HAIR, A a person or thing of a different kind
...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • DOWNHILLS dice that are loaded so as to roll a low number ...1662 sl. • DUMB OX an oaf; a heavy dullard ...20C US colloq. • EVIL one's wife ...E19 sl. • FADE to take a nap ...1967 Amer. dial. • FARMER'S HAIRCUT a closely trimmed cut which leaves a band of light skin contrasting with the tanned portions of neck and face, especially above the ears ...1984 Amer. dial. • FLASH ONE'S STICKS to expose one's pistols ...1812 sl. • FLUNKEE one who is expelled, due to failing examinations ...1920s sl. • FRENCH PRINTS obscene pictures ...M19 colloq. • FUNKY-ASS excellent, exciting ...1960s US Black sl. • GAZONGAS the breasts; extremely well-shaped breasts ...20C US sl. • GO TO THE BOW-WOWS 'go to the dogs'; to fail ...1839 Amer. sl. • GROOVE a phonograph record ...1960s Amer. sl. • GUN AND BOMB a condom ...2003 UK rhyming sl. • GUT to eat like a glutton ...17C sl. • GUY-A-WHACK to run off, to leave quickly ...L19 Aust. sl. • HAG one who does another's tasks; a drudge ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • HALF AND HALF tipsy ...E18 sl. & Eng. dial. • HARD NUT a dangerous foe; a tough individual; a difficult challenge ...1884 US sl. • HEAVE ANCHOR to die ...1925 Amer. sl. • HOOK a harlot; a prostitute, a hooker ...1918 Amer. sl. • ICHTHYOPHAGIST a fish-eater ...1727 • ILLABORIOUS not laborious; lazy ...a1631 obs. rare • JABBLE to splash or agitate a liquid ...Scot. • JERRY a chamber-pot ...Bk1896 sl. • JOLLOP strong liquor or a measure of liquor ...1920s sl. • BAG-BITING infuriatingly objectionable or second-rate
...1983 Amer. computers' sl. • BARB WIRE DEAL a tough situation to handle ...1958 Amer. dial. • BE NAUGHTY to play the whore ...Bk1902 sl. • BEES SWARM a baby is born ...1953 Amer. dial. • BELLY-GOD a glutton ...Bk1911 Scot. • BETSY a cow or calf ...1965 Amer. dial. • BIG-ASSED large ...1945 US sl. • BLACK BLIZZARD a dust storm ...1934 Amer. dial. • BLOW ONE'S BAZOO to boast ...1877 Amer. dial. • BOX MAN in baseball: a pitcher ...1908 Amer. sl. • BUTT-HOOK an oafish or worthless person ...1981 Amer. sl. • CABBAGE (offensive) a brain-damaged or mentally subnormal person; an inert, incapable person ...1987 colloq. • CACKY-HANDED left-handed ...1900s Aust. sl. • CAGMAG refuse, rubbish, odds and ends ...1851 sl. • CALIBAN a man of degraded bestial nature ...1678 • CARDINAL a lobster ...Bk1891 Amer. sl. • CHICAGO PINEAPPLE a small bomb or grenade ...20C Amer. sl. • CHIPPIE an amateur prostitute who works only occasionally ...20C sl. • CLIPPED IN THE RING seduced, deflowered ...1597 sl. • COOKBOOK any guide, manual, protocol, etc. ...1970s Amer. sl. • CRINKLE banknotes; therefore, money ...Brit. sl. • DAGGY of the weather: wet, drizzly, misty, rainy ...1808 Scot. & Eng. dial. • DANDY a grade of 'D' ...1965 US sl. • DAUBERY flattery, cajolery ...Bk1900 Eng. dial. • DEAD-ILL sick with a mortal malady ...1897 Scot. • DINO a tramp, a vagrant ...1918 US sl. • STUMP to boast; to swagger ...1748 sl.
• TAIT! an exclamation of remonstrance ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • TANSILOON to beat, to thrash ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. • THROW UP YOUR SHOE-TAPS to be extremely nauseated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • TIGROUS cruel, bloodthirsty, fierce, relentless ...1532 obs. rare • TOYBOY an older woman's young male partner ...L20 colloq. • UGLY AS A BAGFUL OF BUSTED BOILS very ugly ...1980s Aust. & NZ sl. • VAGRATE vagrant, wandering; nomadic ...1619 obs. • VANITY FAIR a chair ...20C rhyming sl. • VAUNTAGE a boasting, vaunting ...1818 rare • WHAT THE DAGGERMENT? an expression of astonishment ...1775 Eng. dial. • WITCH-PISS inferior liquor; weak beer ...E20 Brit. sl. • WORRIED AS A PREGNANT FOX IN A FOREST FIRE, AS extremely anxious ...c1920 UK • WRITER a graffiti artist ...1980s US sl. • ABHOMINAL unworthy of a man; inhuman, unmanly ...1550 obs. • ABROADED imprisoned ...L19 sl. • ACE COON POON one's best and most trustworthy friend ...1960s sl., orig. US Black • ADAM ANTS pants ...1980s Brit. rhyming sl. • A-HUH awry, askew, lopsided, aslant ...Bk1898 Eng. dial. • ALKITHOLE a foolish fellow ...1746 Eng. dial. • ALPHA CHARLIE a bawling out; a severe scolding (AC = ace-chewing) ...Amer. sl. • ANCHOR a younger brother or sister ...2003 UK sl. • ARM BENDER a drinking party ...Bk1944 service sl. • ASTAMAGOOTIS a restless person; a worrywart ...1980 Amer. dial. • BACK DOOR in a group motorcycle ride: the last rider in the group, usually the most experienced; the first citizens' band radio user in a convoy ...1975 US sl. • POPPYHEAD an opium addict ...1950s US drugs sl.
• PUFFER a cannabis or crack cocaine user ...Brit. sl. • PULL THE PIN to resign or retire from a job ...1927 US sl. • PUT IN THE ACID to inform on, to tell tales about, to poison someone's mind against ...1900s sl. • QUERE to query ...1627 obs. • RACKET a snowshoe, or similar device for traversing snow or soft ground ...1626 • RAGAMORFI ragged clothes ...1950s W. Indies sl. • RAIN CURTAIN-RODS to rain hard ...20C sl. • RAMMAGED drunk ...18C sl. • RANK OUT to get ready; to dress ...1841 Scot. • RATTY ON infatuated with ...L19 Aust. & NZ sl. • RING THE CHANGES to substitute bad money for good ...1678 sl. • SAME OLD SIX AND SEVEN same old routine, story, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • SEXATIONAL said of something or someone sexually sensational ...1928 sl., orig. US • SHOWER-CAP a birth control diaphragm ...M20 US sl. • SICK-ASS unpleasant, crazy ...1990s US sl. • SIG to boast or pretend to a greater sophistication that one actually possesses ...1920s US Black sl. • SILKED TO THE BONE dressed in the height of fashion ...1940s US Black sl. • SIMON-PURE real, genuine, authentic ...1889 • SKAINTCH somebody or something seen as repulsive, disgusting, etc. ...1990s US campus & teen sl. • SKID BOULEVARD a jocular term for a living area for poor people ...1963 Can sl. • SLING A NASTY FOOT to dance exceedingly well ...1834 Amer. sl. • SNATCH BOX the vagina ...1961 UK sl. • SNOT-BOX the nose ...19C Brit. sl. • STAY IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD mind your own business ...c1950 Amer. dial. |
September 2021