KITTOCK NOUN a familiar or disrespectful term for a girl or young woman; esp. a woman of loose character; a wanton, an unchaste woman; a mistress, a concubine ...c1470 Scot. ETYMOLOGY from as kit a light woman + -ock diminutive FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1470 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...'He was sa lous and sa lecherous: He had', quod scho, 'kittokis ma then sevine." From: The Morall Fabillis of Esope By: Robert Henryson, c1470
Daily Word Quiz
CANNY WIFE a) a thrifty housewife b) a midwife c) an unmarried woman living with a man d) a shrewd, scheming woman Answer below. Today's Featured Word: ELOZABLE ADJ. readily influenced by flattery; able to be wheedled or coaxed ...1537 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY as if from Old French eslosable, from esloser to praise FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1537 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...but the Execution of the Laws would reach them, as well as others, who in the time of Tarquin, it seems, found the Prince more elozable." From: Machiavel's Vindication of Himself and His Writings In The Harleian Miscellany, 1537 Daily Word Quiz Answer CANNY WIFE b) a midwife ...1810 Scot Daily Word Quiz
SPREAD A RABBIT EAR TO THE BREEZE a) to completely ignore someone b) to listen intently c) to intoxicate; to make dead drunk d) to deceive, to dupe Answer below. Today's Featured Word: BROILERY NOUN dissension; strife; disturbance, disorder ...1521 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from French brouillerie from brouiller to broil FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1521 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...The archbishop of Saint Andrewis putteth all his possible power to procure their destruction, and to rere broilerie, warre, and revolution in the Realme..." From: Original Letters Edited by Henry Ellis, 1521 Sir Thomas More to Cardinal Wolsey, upon the Affairs of Scotland Daily Word Quiz Answer SPREAD A RABBIT EAR TO THE BREEZE b) to listen intently ...20C Amer. sl. Daily Word Quiz
NABALISTIC a) well-to-do, living comfortably b) neat, trim, well-dressed c) of things: inferior, paltry d) churlish, miserly Answer below. Today's Featured Word: PUMILIO also PUMILO, POMILIO NOUN a dwarf; a diminutive person or plant ...1576 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin pumilio, pumilo a dwarf from pumilis dwarfish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1576 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...He was (belike) some Pomilio or litle dwarfe, and that made him to vse this eironical method." From: A Panoplie of Epistles By Abraham Fleming, 1576 Daily Word Quiz Answer NABALISTIC d) churlish, miserly ...1659 obs. Daily Word Quiz
PEDLAR'S HORSE a) a mule b) the legs c) a walking-stick d) a dog Answer below. Today's Featured Word: DIVICIATE VERB to corrupt, to defile; to deprive a woman of chastity ...c1470 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from di- or de- + Latin vitiare (viciare) to spoil, to injure, to mar, from vitium blemish FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1470 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... The women euer they diuiciate In euery place, and fouly defflorate." From: The Chronicle of Iohn Hardyng, c1470 Daily Word Quiz Answer PEDLAR'S HORSE c) a walking-stick ...c1780 Daily Word Quiz
THE HAPPY WARRIOR a) Theodore Roosevelt b) William Taft c) Woodrow Wilson d) Franklin D. Roosevelt Answer below. Today's Featured Word: RUFTY-TUFTY ADJ. rude, rough; boisterous; impudent ...1606 obs. INT. an expression of disapproval ...1606 obs. ETYMOLOGY a fanciful/reduplicative formation FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1606 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... Where I as Vince is, I would handle you In ruftie tuftie wise, in your right kinde." From: The Gentleman Usher By: George Chapman, 1606 Daily Word Quiz Answer THE HAPPY WARRIOR a) Theodore Roosevelt ...20C Amer. sl. Daily Word Quiz
SCROYLE a) a crowd of people; a herd of horses or other animals b) a mean fellow; a rascal; a scoundrel c) a standing dead tree d) a malingerer, or one who avoids duty Answer below. Today's Featured Word: WHIFFMAGIG NOUN 1. a trifler; an insignificant, contemptible person; a mean, paltry person ...1871 2. a shifty or evasive person; a base person ...1871 ETYMOLOGY variant of whiffler a trifler, an insignificant or contemptible person FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1871 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... Plenty of foreign whiffmagigs are to be found, but you won't come upon a fellow like that." From: The Adventures of Harry Richmond By: George Meredith, 1871 Daily Word Quiz Answer SCROYLE b) a mean fellow; a rascal; a scoundrel ...1595 obs. Daily Word Quiz
RENICKY-BOO a) a flighty, giddy girl b) a thing; a gadget; a contraption c) a drinking spree d) a deceptive story or scheme; a prank; a scam Answer below. Today's Featured Word: MICROPSYCHY NOUN cowardice, feeble courage, faintness of heart, pusillanimity ...1651 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Greek μικρόψυχος (mikrópsychos) pusillanimous + -ψυχή (psychí) soul FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1651 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... if the powers and strength, being outed of their vigour, and now exanimated into a dull and faint mycropsychie, no disease can in the least degree" From: Matæotechnia Medicinæ Praxeos By: Noah Biggs, Chymiatrophilos, 1651 Daily Word Quiz Answer RENICKY-BOO d) a deceptive story or scheme; a prank; a scam ...1916 Amer. dial. Daily Word Quiz
VAGIENT a) debased, low, of evil propensities b) crying, squalling, wailing; said of infants c) wandering, roaming, unsettled d) empty Answer below. Today's Featured Word: LICIOUS ADJ. delicious, tasty, savoury ...c1420 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY aphetic form of delicious FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1420 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... Thay did as the marchand bade; Mete and drinke ynughe thay hade, With licius drinke and clere." From: Sir Amadace, c1420 Daily Word Quiz Answer VAGIENT b) crying, squalling, wailing; said of infants ...1628 obs. Daily Word Quiz
BONZERINA a) marijuana b) anything large of its kind c) a notably beautiful woman d) an umbrella Answer below. Today's Featured Word: CHINCHERY NOUN niggardliness, miserliness, avarice ...c1386 obs. ETYMOLOGY from chincher a niggard, a miser + -y FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1386 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...bycause of his skarsete and chyncherie, in the same manere is he to blame, that spendeth over largely." From: The Canterbury Tales, the Tale of Melibeus By: Geoffrey Chaucer, c1386 Daily Word Quiz Answer BONZERINA c) a notably beautiful woman ...1900s Aust. sl. Daily Word Quiz
MACROBIAN a) a slayer of kangaroos b) one who has a long life c) a killer or murderer d) a kept mistress; a prostitute Answer below. Today's Featured Word: HIDOUS VERB 1. to be terrified of ...c1380 obs. rare 2. to feel horror, to dread, to abhor ...1382 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from hidous hideous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1380 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "... for a man kyndeli hidousiþ derknesse and is gladid bi liȝt as oure witt telliþ. " From: Select English works of John Wyclif Daily Word Quiz Answer MACROBIAN b) one who has a long life ...1727 Daily Word Quiz
TWISH a) an effeminate person b) a tree with a twisted grain c) an exclamation of contempt or vexation d) a state of agitation or restlessness Answer below. Today's Featured Word: JEOPARDIOUS ADJ. fraught with danger or risk; hazardous, risky, perilous, dangerous ...1502 obs. ETYMOLOGY from jeopardy + -ous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1502 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...O it is ferefull to dy, but parauenture it is more ieoperdyous to lyve lenger." From: A Full Deuout and Gostely Treatyse of the Imytacyon and Folowynge the Blessed Lyfe of Our Moste Mercyfull Sauyour Cryste Translated by: William Atkynson, Thomas à Kempis, 1502 Daily Word Quiz Answer TWISH c) an exclamation of contempt or vexation ...1577 obs. exc. Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
POWFAG a) to tire; to fatigue the brain b) to talk non-stop, to chatter noisily c) to bomb a target successfully from the air d) to put on airs Answer below. Today's Featured Word: IMPORTLESS ADJ. without import or significance; trivial, unimportant; meaningless ...1606 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from import (n.) importance, significance + -less FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1606 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...That matter needlesse of importlesse burthen Diuide thy lips; then we are confident From: Troylus and Cressida By: William Shakespeare, 1606 Daily Word Quiz Answer POWFAG a) to tire; to fatigue the brain ...1864 Eng. dial. Daily Word Quiz
OBLIVE a) to forget b) to leave out, to omit c) to hide, to conceal d) to comply with, to yield to, to obey Answer below. Today's Featured Word: STARKLE VERB 1. to use threatening gestures ...1527 obs. 2. to shudder with fear, to quake, to be afraid ...1527 obs. 3. to cause dissension, to make a stir ...1544 obs. ETYMOLOGY apparently a variant of startle (vb.) FIRST DOCUMENTED USE "...and warne by his pleyng and starclynge what was to comynge. From: Caxton's Trevisa, 1527 EXAMPLE "...If those condemne you for altering of your course, I cannot blame you to starkle." From: Sermons of the Right Reverend Father in God Miles Smith, Late Lord Bishop of Glocester By: Miles Smith, a1624 Daily Word Quiz Answer OBLIVE a) to forget ...c1500 obs. Daily Word Quiz
KACK a) a small child b) a saddle, especially an old or ill-fitting one c) excrement d) all the above Answer below. Today's Featured Word: NIPCHEESE ADJ. mean, miserly, niggardly ...1819 NOUN 1. a ship's purser ...1785 sl. obs. 2. a mean or miserly person; a parsimonious, covetous person; a skinflint ...1825 ETYMOLOGY from nip (vb.) to steal, to snatch + cheese 'one who steals the cheese' FIRST DOCUMENTED USE Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1785 'Nip cheese, a nick name for the purser of a ship' EXAMPLE (for adj.) "...who adopt this nip-cheese, candle-end saving, pebble-peeling, flea-skinning principle." From: Lady Chesterfield's Letters to Her Daughter By: George Augustus Sala, 1860 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 • The Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia, William Dwight Whitney, 1889-1891 • A Standard Dictionary of the English Language, Isaac K. Funk, 1908 • The Encyclopaedic Dictionary, Robert Hunter, 1879-1888 • Dictionary of Early English, Joseph Shipley, 1955 • The English Dialect Dictionary, Joseph Wright, 1898-1905 Daily Word Quiz Answer KACK d) all the above - a small child ...1895 Amer. dial. - a saddle ...1936 Amer. dial. - excrement ...1972 Aust. sl. Daily Word Quiz
FLAP-SAUCE a) a very talkative person b) a glutton c) an argument, a dispute d) a dog that drools Answer below. Today's Featured Word: TOLERANTIAL ADJ. pert. to tolerance, tolerant ...1681 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin tolerantia tolerance + -al FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1681 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...till we have tried our Strength and Patience to the quick in sharp exercises of Vertue's other branch, the Tolerantial part..." From: Religio Clerici, 1681 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 Daily Word Quiz Answer FLAP-SAUCE b) a glutton ...1540 obs. Daily Word Quiz
NUMMI-AMOROUS a) fond of food b) loving oneself; egotistic c) fond of staying in bed late d) fond of or loving money Answer below. Today's Featured Word: FURIAL ADJ. furious, raging, violent ...c1386 obs. ETYMOLOGY from Old French furial, from Latin furialis furious, frenzied, from furia fury FIRST DOCUMENTED USE c1386 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...That ye be in this furial pyne of helle?" From: The Squieres Tale By: Geoffrey Chaucer, c1386 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 Daily Word Quiz Answer NUMMI-AMOROUS d) fond of or loving money ...1650 obs. Daily Word Quiz
CHEW ONE'S CABBAGE TWICE a) to change one's mind b) to vomit c) to repeat oneself d) to consider carefully before giving an opinion Answer below. Today's Featured Word: TWITTLE VERB to utter idly, to chatter, to babble ...1577 obs. ETYMOLOGY apparently altered from tittle to tell or utter by way of tattle or gossip FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1577 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...and in other places ouer spare, it twitled more tales out of schoole and drowned weightyer matters in silence..." From: The Historie of Irelande By: Richard Stanyhurst, 1577 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 Daily Word Quiz Answer CHEW ONE'S CABBAGE TWICE c) to repeat oneself ...L19 US sl. Daily Word Quiz
WINBROW a) a wrinkled forehead b) an eyebrow c) the summit of a hill or pass d) all of the above Answer below. Today's Featured Word: BLANDILOQUOUS ADJ. smooth-talking, flattering, fair-spoken ...1615 obs. rare ETYMOLOGY from Latin blandiloquus persuasive in speech from Latin blandus bland + stem of loqui to speak + -ous FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1615 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Though he flatters with the voice of the hyena at the door, and give blandiloquous proffers..." From: The Blacke Devill, or The Apostle By: Thomas Adams, 1615 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 • A Supplementary English Glossary, O. Davies, T. Lewis, 1881 Daily Word Quiz Answer WINBROW b) an eyebrow ...1471 obs. Daily Word Quiz
DEBELLISH a) to scorn b) to rob of beauty; to disfigure c) to decrease, to wane d) to conceal, to hide Answer below. Today's Featured Word: PALLIARDIZE VERB 1. to fornicate ...1619 obs. 2. to be a procurer of ...1644 obs. NOTE: the noun PALLIARDISE (lewdness, fornication, lechery) was also spelled PALLIARDIZE in the 16th and early 17th centuries. ETYMOLOGY from palliard (n.) a lewd fellow, a lecher + -ize FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1619 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...Charlemaigne, whose eldest daughter was found paillardising with one named Eginhard, his Secretary." From: The Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times (Times Storehouse etc.) Translated out of P. Mexia and F. Sansovino By: Thomas Milles, 1619 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 Daily Word Quiz Answer DEBELLISH b) to rob of beauty; to disfigure ...1610 obs. |
September 2021