CAR-POPPING car theft ...1996 UK sl.
CARRY A BIG SPOON to stir up trouble ...1989 Aust. sl. CARRY THE BABY to bear an unwelcome responsibility CARRY YOUR ASS! go away! ...1998 Guyana CARRYING ALL BEFORE HER of a woman: having a generous bust or obviously pregnant ...1984 UK jocular CARRYING WEIGHT depressed ...1950s Beatniks' usage CAR-SHOP to break into a car to steal its contents ...1997 US sl. CARTS a man's genitalia ...1992 UK sl. CASKET NAIL a cigarette ...1960s US sl. CASKET TACK a cigarette ...1960s US sl. CAST AN OPTIC to look at ...L19 sl. CAST-IRON HORRORS delirium tremens ...20C Anglo-Irish CATOUSE a rumpus, row, disturbance, fight ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CAVASCACIOUS pleasant, agreeable ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CHAPESS a woman ...1966 Brit. jocular CHESTNUTS the female breasts ...c1960 sl. CHEW ONE'S BALLOCKS OFF to rebuke or reprimand severely ...20C Services' sl., esp. army CHICKEN-HEART a coward ...L19 CHICKEN-LIPS a White person ...2000s US Black sl. CHICKEN-LIVER a coward ...1930s sl. CHICKEN MONEY spending money, small change ...19C US sl. CHICKEN OF THE SEA a young sailor ...1970s US gay sl. CHICKEN-PLUCKING second-rate, vulgar, insignificant ...1960s US sl. CHICKEN RUN a teenage virility ritual involving the driving of two cars at high speed towards each other, or towards a dangerous obstacle; the first one to turn aside or brake is the loser or 'chicken' ...1970s S. Afr. CHICKEN SCRATCH a very small amount of money ...1940s US Black sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH illegible handwriting ...1950s US sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH short, tightly curled hair ...1950s US Black sl. CHICKEN SCRATCH the search on hands and knees for grains of crack cocaine that have dropped on the floor ...1980s drugs sl. CHICKLETTE a young woman ...1920s sl., orig. US CHIN-MUSIC talk; chatter ...Bk1896 sl. CHUCK IN ONE'S MARBLE to die...1908 Aust. sl. COGILATE to suppose, to reckon ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. COLLYWOBBLES stomach pain ...1823 sl. COMBOMAN a White man who lives with an Aboriginal woman ...1896 Aust. sl. COMPUSHENCY necessity; compulsion ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. CONVERSATE to socialize and chat; to converse with another ...Amer. sl. CRACKED IN THE FILBERT crazy, slightly insane ...1886 sl. CRUM-BUM a worthless person ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. CUT DIDOES to put on airs and graces ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
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September 2021