HOCKER phlegm expelled from the throat ...1960s Amer. sl.
HOME PLATE where you live ...1960s Amer. sl. HONEY LOVE a child ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HOOK JACK to play truant ...1877 Amer. sl. HOOKNOSE a Jewish person; used contemptuously ...a1867 Amer. sl. HOT AS A RED WAGON very drunk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUCK IT to walk ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUCKS feet ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HUSSIAN a troublesome, mischievous child ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HYKER to go quickly to run ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. HYPERFIRMACIOUS fine, splendid, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. IN DOCK in hospital, receiving treatment ...1785 sl. IN ONE'S NAKED BED down sick ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. IN THE OZONE in a dazed or drowsy state, such a state induced by drugs or drink ...1971 Amer. sl. INEGALITARIAN marked by inequality ...M20 INEGALITARIAN a person who denies or opposes equality between people ...M20 INENUBILABLE inexplicable ...E20 rare INERUDITE unlearned; uninstructed ...E19 INVERECUND unabashed, shameless ...M17 rare INVIGILATE to keep watch; to watch carefully; to watch over students at an examination ...M16 INVIGILATE to arouse; to make watchful ...E17 obs. rare INVIOUS having no roads or ways; pathless; trackless ...E17 obs. IRISH ARMS thick legs ...20C sl. IRISH BABY BUGGY a wheelbarrow ...1910s US sl. IRISH BANJO a spade, a shovel ...20C sl. IRISH CHANNEL the throat ...1900s sl. IRISH CHARIOT a wheelbarrow ...1900s US sl. IRISH CLUBHOUSE a police station ...1900s US sl. IRISH CLUBHOUSE a refined house of prostitution ...1960s US gay sl. IRISH COMICS the obituary columns in a newspaper ...20C sl. IRISH DRAPERIES cobwebs ...L19 sl. IRISH FLAG a diaper, a nappy ...20C US sl. IRISH FOOTBALL a potato ...1970s US sl. IRISH SPOON a spade, a shovel ...20C sl. JACK, THE venereal disease ...Aust. sl. JAMOKE coffee ...Bk1944 service sl. JARK IT to run away ...1823 sl. JASPER (derogatory) a male person; a fellow; a country bumpkin ...1896 US sl. JELLY-BAG the female pudendum ...Bk1896 sl. JELLY-BAG the scrotum ...Bk1896 sl. JO-DANDY something that is excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. JOHNNY HEAD-IN-AIR a dreamy fellow ...colloq. JOHNSON the penis ...M19 sl. JOLLY BEANS amphetamine ...1960s drugs sl. JOLLYO a celebration ...1970s sl. JOSSER (usually mildly derogatory) a male person, a fellow ...1890 Brit. sl.
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