MENALTY NOUN the middle class of society ...1548 rare ETYMOLOGY from mean (adj. intermediate, intermediary) + -alty; possibly after commonalty (n.) FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1548 - see EXAMPLE below EXAMPLE "...In this parliament wer adnichilate al the actes paed in the parliament holden by kyng Richard in the .xxj. yere of his reigne, whiche was called the euill parliament for the nobilitee, the worse for the menaltie, but worste of all for the cōmonaltee..." From: The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre (and) Yorke, beeyng long in continual discension for the croune of this noble realme with all the actes done in bothe the tymes of the princes, bothe of the one linage and of the other, beginnyng at the tyme of kyng Henry the fowerth... - Edward Hall
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