JAWTWISTER a hard or many-syllabled word ...Bk1896 sl.
JEREMY DIDDLER a cheat; a confidence trickster; a shabby swindling borrower ...1803 sl. JERRYCUMMUMBLE to shake; to tumble about; to tousle ...1785 sl. JETTER a pompous man ...1510 sl. JEWLARK to flirt, to court ...1851 Amer. sl. JIMMETY WHISKERS! an exclamation ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. JIM-SLICKER an unusually fine or pleasing person or thing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. JOCKEY BOX a glove compartment ...US JOCOSERIOUS half jocular, half serious; blending jokes and serious matters ...M17 JOHN-A-DREAMS a dreamy or idle fellow JOHN THOMAS the penis ...M20 sl. JOLLY BAG a condom ...1980s US sl. JOLLY NOB the head ...L18 sl. JOLLY-UP a drinking bout, a spree ...1900s sl. JOLLY-UP a good time ...1920s sl. JOLLY-UP an informal dance, a party ...1920s sl. JOLTERHEAD a fool; a stupid person ...L18 sl. JOLTHEAD a fool; a stupid person ...L18 sl. JUBEROUS dubious, doubtful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. JUBERSOME dubious, doubtful ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. KEEP THE TAMBOURINE A-ROLLING to keep things cheerful or lively ...M19 sl. KING SPIT an arrogant, self-opinionated person ...1940s sl., orig. US LABEFACTATE to cause to totter or fall ...1657 obs. rare LABEON one who has large lips ...1650 obs. rare LACERTOSE having large muscles; muscular ...c1400 obs. LACHRYMARY pert. to tears ...1705 LACHRYMATORY a pocket-handkerchief ...1825 humorous use LACHRYMATORY pert. to tears; tending to cause a flow of tears ...a1849 LACHRYMOSE given or ready to shed tears; of the eyes: suffused with tears ...1727 LACK-LOOKS a woman who is wanting in good looks ...1618 obs. LADY-FART a small firecracker ...1940s US sl. LADY FROM THE GROUND UP a woman who is drunk and disorderly ...L19 US LAND OF CAKES Scotland, or the Scottish Lowlands ...1669 LOBDOCIOUS delightful, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. LONGER THAN THE MORAL LAW very long ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. MACKABROIN an old hag ...1546 obs. rare MACROBIAN long-lived ...1727 MACROBIOTE a long-liver ...1882 rare MACTATE to kill or slay ...1623 obs. MACTATION the act of killing, esp. the slaughtering of a sacrificial victim ...1640 MACTATOR a killer or murderer ...1656 obs. rare MAGGOT-PATE a silly whimsical person ...1622 obs. MAGIRIST an expert in cookery ...1814 rare MAGIRISTIC pert. to cookery ...1892 MAGIROLOGICAL skilled in cookery ...1814 MARBLE TOWN a cemetery ...1945 US sl. MEAT AND TWO VEG the male genitalia ...UK playground sl. METAL MOUTH an unkind name for a person wearing braces on their teeth ...US playground sl.
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September 2021