• OFF LIKE A BRIDE'S NIGHTIE off or away with the utmost speed
...Aust. sl. • OLD LAG an ex-convict or habitual convict ...1812 sl. • P.A.B.A.C.A.B. an exhortation to smoke cannabis (Pack A Bowl And Catch a Buzz ...1980s US drugs sl. • PADDLE FACE (racist) a person of South-East Asian extraction ...Aust. sl. • PAPA a Lincoln automobile ...1930s US criminals' sl. • PINKY (derogatory) someone who holds left-of-centre or mildly Communist views ...1973 sl. • PRIVATEER an independent prostitute ...19C euphemism • PUKKA of a building: solidly built ...L18 • PUMP-OUT to urinate...Brit. sl. • PUT THE DAISY-QUILT OVER SOME ONE to bury, to put into a grave ...1848 Ireland • RABBIT SUCKER a rich young man who is gulled into running up large bills by confidence tricksters who later dun him for their debts ...L16 UK criminals' sl. • RAG BAG a person who can be easily persuaded to give up sex or money ...1990s sl. • RAG-SHOP a bank ...1860 sl. • RAMMER the arm ...L18 UK criminals' sl. • RANKY DANK an unsophisticated, unworldly person ...1960s US Black sl. • RAUNCHY ill, unwell ...1970s US campus sl. • RING to substitute fraudulently ...1812 sl. • SAINT VALENTIDE St. Valentine's day, or the time of year when this falls ...1596 obs. • SETTING UP a wake for the dead ...1880s US Black sl. • SHOVE IN YOUR OAR to interfere in someone else's business ...1730 UK sl. • SICK AS A PARROT extremely depressed, usually mental rather than physically distressed ...1970s sl. • SIECLE a century ...c1532 obs. • SILENT POLICEMAN a raise concrete mound or other construction in the centre of a road to control traffic flow and speed ...1965 NZ sl. • SIMILITUDINIZE to make comparisons ...1837 • SIR WALTER SCOTT a pot of beer ...19C Brit. rhyming sl.
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September 2021