• ASTHMA DOG a chihuahua ...1953 Amer. dial.
• BACHELORIZE to live as a bachelor ...M19 • BAG OF FLOUR a bathroom shower ...1980 UK rhyming sl. • BANGER a violent kiss ...1898 sl. • BAWLING-HOUND a hunting dog; one which bays when trailing coons, possums or foxes ...1929 Amer. dial. • BEDS the game of hopscotch ...Bk1911 Scot. • BELLY-BUMBO a sliding down a hill on a sled, when lying on the belly ...1877 Amer. dial. • BENSOME quarrelsome ...Bk1911 Scot. • BIG DOME an intellectual, a scholar, esp. one who seems to hold eccentric or impractical opinions ...1930s sl. • BIT OF LUMBER a woman viewed as a sex object ...1966 Scot. usage • BLAZE-FACE a horse which has a white mark on its face ...1937 Amer. dial. • BONO JOHNNY a Englishman ...L19 sl. • BUG-HOUSE an insane asylum ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. • CABBAGE to plagiarize ...L19 sl. • CAD a familiar friend ...1839 • CAKE a foolish or stupid fellow ...1785 Eng. dial. & sl. • CARRY THE MAIL to buy drinks ...1966 Aust. sl. • CHICKIE-RUN a teenage virility ritual involving the driving of two cars at high speed towards each other, or towards a dangerous obstacle; the first one to turn aside or brake is the loser or 'chicken' ...1970s S. Afr. • CLAWED-OFF infected with venereal disease ...L17 cant • COOLIE the anus ...1970s US sl. • CRUET the head ...1941 Aust. sl. • DAIROUS bold, daring ...1790 Eng. dial. obs. • DANE SKIN a freckled skin ...1887 Eng. dial. • DEAD-ASS BROKE utterly broke ...1971 Amer. sl. • DINNYHAYZER a heavy punch; a knockout blow ...1907 Aust. sl.
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September 2021