SUBITOUS sudden ...1657 obs.
SUBLEVAMINOUS supporting, sustaining ...1661 obs. SUBLEVATE to raise, to lift up, to elevate ...1597 obs. SUBMONISH to reprove gently ...1621 obs. rare. SUPERBAGNAMIOUS excellent, very fine, great ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SWAMP-SEED among sailors: rice ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TAB a woman; a young woman ...1918 Aust. sl. TABBY a young woman; an a attractive young woman ...1916 sl. TAKE A PUGGY to become very angry ...1985 Scot. sl. TAKE A FLYER AT SOMETHING to take a chance at something ...Bk1974 Amer. sl. TAKE ONE'S BAG OF BONES HOME to depart, to 'get out' ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. TAKEFUL-LOOKING attractive; captivating ...Bk1905 Eng. dial. TALE-TELLING-TIT a telltale, a talebearer ...1895 Eng. dial. TALK SHODDY to talk nonsense ...1893 Eng. dial. TALL WATER SAILOR one who has often crossed the ocean ...Bk1913-17 Amer. navy sl. TENDERLOIN a district of a city where vice and corruption are rife ...1887 Amer. sl. THAT AIN'T HAY that is a large sum; that is not insignificant ...1943 Amer. sl. THINK TANK the brain ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. THOROUGH-GO-NIMBLE diarrhoea ...1734 sl. THROW UP JONAH to be extremely nauseated ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TIB to slip out; to escape unobserved from school or house; to break bounds ...1840 school sl. TIBBLE to slip out; to escape unobserved from school or house; to break bounds ...1840 school sl. TICK AND TOY to trifle ...1550 TICKLE IN THE PALM to gratify with a tip ...1694 TICKLE-BRAIN one who supplies potent liquor ...1596 obs. TICKLE-BRAIN potent liquor ...1639 obs. TICKLE-TONGUED loose of tongue; talkative; garrulous ...1577 obs. TIN OF BEANS jeans ...1960s rhyming sl. TIN PLATE a friend ...20C rhyming sl. for 'mate' TINSEL TEETH a person wearing orthodontic braces ...1970s US students' sl. TIN-TACKS facts ...20C rhyming sl. TIP-TOE NANCY an affected girl putting on airs ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
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September 2021