From E-NED: Corresponds to Du. glibberig (not found in MDu.), late MLG. glibberich (mod. LG. glibbrig). Cognate forms are Eng. glib a.; Du. (dial.) glib curds; Eng. glibber a. and v. = Du. glibber adj., glibberen vb.; cf. also Du. glippen,glipperen to slip, slide, glipperig slippery. It is possible that the words may stand in ablaut-relation to OHG. gleifsloping, oblique, or that they may be onomatopœic formations suggested by the wk. grade glid of Du. glijden,Eng. glide v. 1601 - Tthe Comedie of Pasquil and Katherine, John Marston; see Example below From: Old English Drama
Iacke (Jacke) Drums Entertainment: Or, The Comedie of Pasquill and Katherine Printed 1601 Students' Facsimile Edition
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