DEFINITIONS CONTINUED NOUNS 5. discordant babble 6. a ruffle on the surface of the sea; a short swell (dialect) VERBS 1. to dispute captiously or obstinately; to cavil or quibble (obsolete except dialect) 2. to quarrel about trifles, to quarrel noisily, to brawl, to squabble, to wrangle 3. to babble also BRABBEL, BRABIL BRABLE CLICK HERE FOR KEY TO SOURCES origin obscure from E-NED: usually identified with Dutch brabbelen to confuse, stammer, jabber (cf. brabbling vbl. n.), but it is doubtful whether the history of the senses in English supports this. Cf. brawl, babble. Skinner conjectured a corruption of medieval Latin parabolare, to harangue, discourse (? a forensic or university term), cf. Welsh parablu to speak. Du Cange has ‘tota die parabolare per scripturas,’ which agrees with verb sense 1. With ‘womanish brabble’ cf. the proverb ‘ubi mulieres ibi parabolæ' From: A Defense of the Sincere and True Translations
of the Holie Scriptures into the English tong By William Fulke, 1583 Chapter XX. P. 487
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