having a black mouth; fig. using foul or scurrilous language; abusive, foul-mouthed; slanderous, calumnious ETYMOLOGY from 'black' + -mouthed FIRST DOCUMENTED USE 1595 - 'wherein though blackemouthed enuie' From: Polimanteia, or, The Meanes Lawfull and Vnlawfull, to Judge of the Fall of a Common-wealth, against the Friuolous and Foolish Coniectures of this Age By: William Covell, 1595 EXAMPLE "...and cannot looke on a blacke coate, (as these blacke mouthed hell-hounds terme them) with a patient eye; ..." From: Pauls Crowne of Rejoycing By: Thomas Granger, 1616 SOURCES • A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, James Murray, 1887-1933 • A Supplementary English Glossary, O. Davies, T. Lewis, 1881 • The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, Rev. John Ogilvie, 1847-1850 • Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Porter, 1895 • The English Dialect Dictionary, Joseph Wright, 1898-1905 • Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present, John S. Farmer, W.E. Henley, 1891-1902
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