ABBA-DABBA dark-skinned, esp. Arabic ...1975 US sl.
ABOUT TO FIND PUPS pregnant; about to give birth ...20C US sl. ABSTAIN FROM BEANS to desist from politics ...1920s sl. ABYSSINIA goodbye; I'll be seeing you ...1930s sl., orig. US ACK-ACK a machine gun ...Bk1944 service sl. ALLEY-CAT a prostitute ...20C Amer. sl. ALPHA AND OMEGA female genitals ...obs. sl. AMBISEXTROUS bisexual ...20C sl. AMEBIATE to get drunk ...1960s Amer. sl. AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE a liquor store ...1940s US Black sl. AMMUNITION gambling tokens ANGEL DUST HERO a person who is hooked on cocaine ...1980s US Black sl. ANGISHORE a peevish person ...1866 Irish sl. ANNIE NO RATTLE one who pipes up at the end of a conversation ...Bk1997 Irish sl. APPLE IN THE WHITE FOLK'S YARD an expression used by one Black person to refer to another who is looked upon with unusual favour by White folk ...1900s US Black sl. AUNT ELLA an umbrella ...1960 UK rhyming sl. AUNT EMMA used as a personification of a matronly aunt ...1947 US sl. AUNT EMMA in croquet: a cautious, conservative, dull player ...1977 US sl. BADLING a small group of ducks ...L15 BADLING a worthless fellow ...obs. exc. Eng. dial. BADLING an effeminate or homosexual man ...obs. exc. Eng. dial. BAGAGA the penis ...1963 Amer. sl. BAGAGA to copulate with ...1963 Amer. sl. BAGBITER a person or thing that is infuriatingly objectionable, second-rate, or the like ...1982 Amer. computers' sl. BAGEL-BENDER (usually offensive) a Jew; used disparagingly ...1977 Amer. sl. BARLEY WATER beer ...1960s Amer. sl. BATPHONE a police radio; the police personal radio system ...1977 UK sl. BATTING AND BOWLING bisexual sexual activity ...1984 UK sl. BATTLE AND CRUISER a public house ...1960 UK rhyming sl. for 'boozer' TOPPLETY toppling over easily ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. TOPSY-VERSY upside down ...M18 sl. TRASHED drunk, fully intoxicated ...1960s Amer. sl. UNDER THE JUNIPER TREE downcast ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. UNIVERSANIMOUS unanimous ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. UP ON ONE'S BEAN-WATER feeling very lively, strong, frisky ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. UPPERS 'N' UNDERS false teeth ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. WEAR THE BUSTLE WRONG to be pregnant ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. WEE-WAW shaky, loose, rickety ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. WHITTLE WHANGING (n.) wrangling ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial.
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September 2021