SICCANEOUS dry, arid ...1656 rare
SICCED dry ...1667 obs. SKY PIECE a hat ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLIBBLE to let slide over so as to soil ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLICK AS A SCHOOL-MARM'S LEG very pleasing, successful, pretty, etc. ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLOBBERGULLUIOUS splendid, very fine, excellent ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SLOW BEAR a pig ...US Civil War usage SLUG-NUTTY dizzy from being punched ...1933 US sl. SLUMMOCKER an awkward or careless person ...E20 chiefly Eng. dial. & colloq. SLURBS (derogatory) the suburbs ...M20 orig. US SMOKOLOTIVE a locomotive ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SNABBLE to possess carnally ...Bk1903 sl. SNOOZER a male person, a fellow ...1884 sl., orig. US SNORK a baby ...1941 Aust. & NZ sl. SNORKY stylish, up-to-date ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPANK THE MONKEY of a man or boy: to masturbate ...1978 Amer. sl. SPARK OUT unconscious ...1936 sl. SPINEY BIFF (derogatory) a stupid or clumsy person ...c1980s playground sl. SPIT SWAPPING (n.) kissing ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. SPLEENY complaining or fussing over health; lacking in stamina and courage ...Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. START A HARE to raise a topic of discussion STOW YOUR JAW hold your tongue ...Bk1896 sl. SUAVEOLENT sweet-smelling; sweet-scented ...1657 rare SUAVIATE to kiss ...1643 obs. rare SUAVIATION a kissing ...1656 obs. rare SUAVILOQUENT of sweet speech ...1656 rare SUAVILOQUIOUS of sweet speech ...Bk1919 rare SUAVIOUS pleasing, agreeable ...1669 obs. rare SUBAGITATE to have sexual intercourse ...1637 obs. SUBAGITATION carnal knowledge ...1658 obs. rare SUBAGITATORY pert. to sexual intercourse ...a1693 obs. SUBBOSCO a jocular word for the hair that grows upon the lower part of the face ...1579 obs. SUBDOLOUS crafty, cunning, sly ...1588 now rare SUBFUSCOUS of dusky, dull, or sombre hue ...1760 rare SUBITANEOUS sudden, hasty, unexpected; hastily produced or constructed ...1651 now rare
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September 2021