DEFINITIONS CONTINUED NOUNS 3. a stupid, chattering person; a lazy, idle fellow (also used in plural) (Scottish and northern dialect) 4. hesitation accompanied with a great fuss; a person who hesitates (also used in plural) (Scottish) 5. an owner, a possessor (rare, and obsolete Scottish and dialect) 6. a person of parsimonious habits (obsolete dialect) 7. oats (Scottish and dialect) 8. the lower part of a barn door (dialect) 9. a castrated stag (dialect) VERBS 1. to talk in a foolish, incoherent manner; to talk nonsense (Scottish and northern dialect) 2. to hesitate and make much fuss about doing anything; to be slow in deciding; to be lazy at work (originally Scottish) also HAVERS CLICK HERE FOR KEY TO SOURCES for noun 5: from have (vb.) + -er for noun 7: Middle English. 14th c. haver (hafyr), corresp. to Old Saxon haƀ-, havoro (Dutch., EFris. haver, Low German hawer), Old High German habaro (Middle High German habere, haber, German haber, hafer), Old Norse hafre, pl. hafrar (Swedish hafre, Danish havre): --OTeut. *haƀron- wk. masc. In England only northern, and presumably from Norse. 1362 (for oats) - The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman, William Langland; see below from E-NED EXAMPLE
From: The Antiquary By Walter Scott, Vol III, 1821 Chapter XV
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