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• BLACK PERSON, DISTRICT, ETC. Part 1 Adjectives & Nouns to 1839
• BLACK PERSON, DISTRICT, ETC. Part 2 Nouns from 1840 to 1929
• BLACK PERSON, DISTRICT, ETC. Part 3 Nouns from 1930 to 1969
• BLACK PERSON, DISTRICT, ETC. Part 4 Nouns from 1970 onwards & Verbs
(for skin colour, see BLACK PERSON below)
adj. a1300 obs. rare - black NERE
adj. a1400 obs. rare - black NEGRE; NEYGER
adj. 1485-1509 - black (chiefly poetical and rhetorical usage) SABLE
adj. 1607 obs. - of the colour of ebony; black, dark, sombre EBON
adj. 1656 obs. - having black interlaced among other colours INTERNIGRANT
adj. 1710 - absolutely black BLACK AS ONE'S HAT
adj. 1772 - black NIGRICANT
adj. 1774 US sl. - as black as can be; pitch-black BLACK AS THE DEVIL'S ARSE
adj. 1809 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS OLD NICK
adj. 1817 colloq. - (now usually offensive) very black or dark; of a person: having very dark skin BLACK AS THE ACE OF SPADES
adj. 1826 Sc. - very black (crook = a hook in a chimney for hanging a pot or kettle on) BLACK AS THE CROOK
adj. 1830 obs. rare - very black; jet-black ATROUS
adj. 1901 Amer. dial. - very black BLACKER THAN TOBY'S HEEL
adj. 1901 Eng. dial. - black RAVEN-DARK
adj. 1901 Eng. dial. - very black; dark with anger, angry THUNDER-BLACK
adj. Bk1902 sl. - very black BLACK AS NEWGATE
adj. Bk1911 Sc. - black BLECK
adj. Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. - extremely black BLACK AS SIP; BLACK AS ZIP
adj. 1915 US sl. - white and black SALT AND PEPPER
adj. 1938 Hawaii - dark; black ELEELE
adj. 1952 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS THE EARL OF HELL
adj. 1958 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TOBEY'S BEHIND
adj. 1966 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TAR
adj. 1976 Amer. sl. - utterly black BLACK AS A COAL-MINER'S ASSHOLE AT MIDNIGHT
adj. 1991 US - black (Vietnam usage) DARK-GREEN
adj. 1997 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TOBY'S HILL
adj. 2009 Amer. dial. - very black DIRTIER THAN TOBY'S ASS
n. c1374 - the colour black; black clothing, also, esp. as a symbol of mourning SABLE
n. 1547 obs. rare - blackness NIGREDITY
vb. 1610 rare - to blacken or darken (chiefly poetical usage) SABLE
vb. 1611 obs. rare - to make black SABLEIZE
adj. a1300 obs. rare - black NERE
adj. a1400 obs. rare - black NEGRE; NEYGER
adj. 1485-1509 - black (chiefly poetical and rhetorical usage) SABLE
adj. 1607 obs. - of the colour of ebony; black, dark, sombre EBON
adj. 1656 obs. - having black interlaced among other colours INTERNIGRANT
adj. 1710 - absolutely black BLACK AS ONE'S HAT
adj. 1772 - black NIGRICANT
adj. 1774 US sl. - as black as can be; pitch-black BLACK AS THE DEVIL'S ARSE
adj. 1809 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS OLD NICK
adj. 1817 colloq. - (now usually offensive) very black or dark; of a person: having very dark skin BLACK AS THE ACE OF SPADES
adj. 1826 Sc. - very black (crook = a hook in a chimney for hanging a pot or kettle on) BLACK AS THE CROOK
adj. 1830 obs. rare - very black; jet-black ATROUS
adj. 1901 Amer. dial. - very black BLACKER THAN TOBY'S HEEL
adj. 1901 Eng. dial. - black RAVEN-DARK
adj. 1901 Eng. dial. - very black; dark with anger, angry THUNDER-BLACK
adj. Bk1902 sl. - very black BLACK AS NEWGATE
adj. Bk1911 Sc. - black BLECK
adj. Bk1913-17 Amer. dial. - extremely black BLACK AS SIP; BLACK AS ZIP
adj. 1915 US sl. - white and black SALT AND PEPPER
adj. 1938 Hawaii - dark; black ELEELE
adj. 1952 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS THE EARL OF HELL
adj. 1958 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TOBEY'S BEHIND
adj. 1966 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TAR
adj. 1976 Amer. sl. - utterly black BLACK AS A COAL-MINER'S ASSHOLE AT MIDNIGHT
adj. 1991 US - black (Vietnam usage) DARK-GREEN
adj. 1997 Amer. dial. - very black BLACK AS TOBY'S HILL
adj. 2009 Amer. dial. - very black DIRTIER THAN TOBY'S ASS
n. c1374 - the colour black; black clothing, also, esp. as a symbol of mourning SABLE
n. 1547 obs. rare - blackness NIGREDITY
vb. 1610 rare - to blacken or darken (chiefly poetical usage) SABLE
vb. 1611 obs. rare - to make black SABLEIZE
Part 1 Adjectives & Nouns to 1839
(also see MIXED RACE)
(BLACK (1614) - a man of 'black' skin; a member of a dark-skinned race, esp. a person of sub-Saharan African origin or descent; also, a person of Australian Aboriginal origin or descent)
From OED: "In some contexts the noun is now felt to carry disrespectful overtones and is therefore avoided in favour of a phrase using the adjective, as ‘a black person’, or (according to context) an alternative such as ‘an African American’."
adj. 1735 obs. rare - relating to a Black person NEGRISH
adj. 1768 - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin BRIGHT
adj. 1842 rare - negroid; resembling the Black people or having some of their characteristic features NEGROLOID
adj. 1857 rare - resembling a Black person NEGRINE
adj. 1876 rare - pert. to Black people NEGROTIC
adj. 1893 US sl. - of a Black person: (usually depreciative or derogatory) having a very dark complexion BLUE
adj. 19C US colloq. - (not necessarily derogatory) pert. to a Black person ETHIOPIAN
adj. M19 colloq. - pert. to a Black person EBONY
adj. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people or culture DARKEY; DARKIE; DARKY
adj. L19 sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people DARK
adj. 1900s US sl. - of a Black person: light-skinned LEMON
adj. 1902 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having an ashen complexion; light-skinned ASH-FACED
adj. 1908 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) of a Black person: having bluish gums BLUE-GUMMED
adj. 1911 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin (now chiefly African-American usage) BRIGHT-SKIN
adj. 1920s US sl. - (derogatory) in a stereotypically Black manner DARKIE
adj. 1940s sl. - of a Black person: light-skinned CAFÉ AU LAIT
adj. 1945 US sl. - of a Black person: very light-skinned BRIGHT, WHITE AND DEAD WHITE; LIGHT, BRIGHT, DAMN NEAR WHITE
adj. 1950s sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people or culture SAMBO
adj. 1952 Amer. dial. - pale as ashes: usually of a Black person ASHY; ASHY-PALE
adj. 1960s US - (derogatory) having adapted oneself to White society (African-American usage) OREOLIZED
adj. 1960s US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people (African-American usage) SHITSKIN
adj. 1970 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin (now chiefly African-American usage) BRIGHT-SKINNED
adj. 1970 Amer. sl. - bourgeois, refers to Blacks whose money and position make them think they're White (African-American usage) BOOJY
adj. 1974 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: light-skinned DEEP YELLOW
adj. 1980s US sl. - in tune with the contemporary young Black culture (African-American usage) NEW JACK
adj. 20C US colloq. - mulatto; having some Black heritage DIPPED
adj. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to mulattoes or light-skinned Black people YELLER
adj. 20C US sl.- (derogatory) Black COCONUT-HEADED
adj. E20 sl. - (derogatory, offensive) pert. to Black people SPADE
adj. E20 US sl. - African; Black AFRO
adj. E20 US sl. - pert. to an American Black AFRO-AMERICAN
adj. 2000s US sl. - of a Black woman: heavily built (African-American usage) NIGGALICIOUS
adj. 2002 UK sl. - (derogatory) black, esp. as a skin colour SCHVARTZ; SCHVARTZE; SCHWARTZ; SHVARTZ
n. a1398 - a dark-skinned man, esp. a man of sub-Saharan African or Australian Aboriginal origin or descent BLACK MAN
n. 1588 - (derogatory) a Black infant TADPOLE
n. 1390 - any dark-skinned person; a Black person MOOR
n. 1525 - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person; formerly used without depreciatory force BLACKAMOOR; BLACKAMORE
n. 1526 obs. - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person BLACKAMORIAN; BLACK MORIAN
n. 1547 - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person; formerly used without depreciatory force BLACK-A-MOORE; BLACKMOOR; BLACKMOORE
n. 1587 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. - a Black person NEEGER; NEGER
n. 1594 obs. - a Black man, esp. a Black manservant BLACK BOY
n. 1598 - orig. any dark-skinned man BLACK FELLOW
n. 1630s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) TAFFEE; TAFFY; TOFFY
n. 1650s US - a Black person; an African; an African-American; a coloured person (African-American usage) OLD CUFFEE
n. 1650s US - a common word for any small Black child in the old slave states; used in the West Indies to refer to any small child of any colour or race (African-American usage) PICKANINNY; PICKANINY
n. 1703 obs. rare - a Black woman NEGRINE
n. 1704 rare - (offensive) a dark-skinned person (orig. & chiefly US) BLACKFACE
n. 1704 sl. - (now derogatory or offensive) a Black person - a nickname for a Black person SAMBO
n. 1719 Amer. dial. - (not necessarily derogatory) a Black person ETHIOPIAN
n. 1732 colloq. - (offensive) a Black person; usually African, but also Indian, Aboriginal BLACKEE; BLACKEY; BLACKIE; BLACKY
n. 1735 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person COON
n. 1735 US sl. - a generic name for an African-American man SAWNEY
n. 1748 Amer. dial. - a Black person; originally one from the Guinea region of the West African coast GUINEA
n. 1764 - the land or region inhabited by Black people NEGROLAND
n. 1764 Amer. dial. - formerly a slave or servant; later sometimes used of a Black adult male; usually considered insulting when the speaker is White BOY
n. 1774 W. Indies - an African born Black person, so called by the Creoles, who were born in the West Indies SALT-WATER NEGRO
n. 1775 sl. - (now offensive and derogatory) a Black person; also used ironically by Blacks as a self-description DARKEY; DARKIE; DARKY
n. 1786 sl. - (now derogatory or offensive when used by White people) a Black person NIGGER
n. 1788 - a black-skinned or coloured woman BLACK WOMAN
n. 18C colloq. - a nickname for a Black person; usually for a Black person with white hair SNOWBALL
n. L18 - a Black person; an Australian aborigine; any person having very dark skin as a racial trait DARKEE
n. L18 US sl. - a 'White man's negro', or subservient Black (African-American usage) BUCKRA-NIGGER
n. 1800s US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person SPOOK
n. 1803 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROPHILE
n. 1803 - in the southern U.S. (esp. before the abolition of slavery): and older Black woman, esp. one having the care of White children; frequently used as a title or form of address (orig. & chiefly US) MAMMA; MOMMA
n. 1809 UK sl. - a Black man (criminals' usage) YANKEE
n. 1813 US sl. - a subservient Black woman, happy to curry favour with Whites at the price of her autonomy (African-American usage) SAL; SALLY
n. 1814 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. - a Black village or compound NEGERY
n. 1815 sl. - a Black person TEAPOT
n. 1818 - a native or inhabitant of the United States who is Black; an African-American BLACK AMERICAN
n. 1818 US sl. - a comparatively fair Black man, esp. a mulatto; a mixed race person YELLOW BOY
n. 1820 Amer. colloq. arch. - a Black person EBONY
n. 1825 Sc. - a Black person BLACKYMORE
n. 1827 US - Black slaves BLACK FLESH
n. 1828 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLY-HEAD
n. Bk1828 Eng. dial. - a Black person NAGRE
n. 1829 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED BEEF
n. 1830 Amer. dial. - used by a White person in reference to a Black man UNCLE
n. c1830 colloq. - a Black person; a Black seaman from the British West Indies, esp. as a nickname QUASSY
n. 1831 - a light-skinned Black person YELLOW SKIN
n. 1832 sl. - a light-skinned Black woman, esp. if sexually attractive; a mixed-race, a half-white, half-Black or Aborigine woman; a female mulatto YELLOW GIRL
n. c1832 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person NIG
n. 1833 - a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person QUASHEE; QUASHIE
n. 1833 - intense dislike of the Black people NEGROPHOBIA
n. 1834 sl. - (derogatory) a light-skinned Black person; a mulatto YELLER
n. 1834 US sl. - a subservient Black person (African-American usage) ZIP COON
n. 1835 - (derogatory & offensive) a Black female servant or domestic employee (orig. US usage, later chiefly S. Afr.) GIRL
n. 1835 - a contemptuous term for a Black person TAR-BRUSH
n. 1835 Amer. dial. - (usually considered derogatory) a Black man, esp. a young, strong one BUCK
n. 1835 colloq. - (now considered offensive) an older Black women, used as a term of respect or affection, esp. by White children AUNT; AUNTIE; AUNTY
n. 1837 Amer. dial. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAMMY
n. 1837 sl. - (derogatory) a subservient Black person (orig. US) WHITE NIGGER
n. 1838 Amer. dial. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAM
n. 1838 Amer. dial. obs. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAUMER
n. 1838 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person (orig. US) JIM CROW; SOOTY
n. 1839 US sl. - a person having very thick and dark lips; a Black person (derisive) LIVER-CHOPS
(BLACK (1614) - a man of 'black' skin; a member of a dark-skinned race, esp. a person of sub-Saharan African origin or descent; also, a person of Australian Aboriginal origin or descent)
From OED: "In some contexts the noun is now felt to carry disrespectful overtones and is therefore avoided in favour of a phrase using the adjective, as ‘a black person’, or (according to context) an alternative such as ‘an African American’."
adj. 1735 obs. rare - relating to a Black person NEGRISH
adj. 1768 - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin BRIGHT
adj. 1842 rare - negroid; resembling the Black people or having some of their characteristic features NEGROLOID
adj. 1857 rare - resembling a Black person NEGRINE
adj. 1876 rare - pert. to Black people NEGROTIC
adj. 1893 US sl. - of a Black person: (usually depreciative or derogatory) having a very dark complexion BLUE
adj. 19C US colloq. - (not necessarily derogatory) pert. to a Black person ETHIOPIAN
adj. M19 colloq. - pert. to a Black person EBONY
adj. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people or culture DARKEY; DARKIE; DARKY
adj. L19 sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people DARK
adj. 1900s US sl. - of a Black person: light-skinned LEMON
adj. 1902 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having an ashen complexion; light-skinned ASH-FACED
adj. 1908 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) of a Black person: having bluish gums BLUE-GUMMED
adj. 1911 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin (now chiefly African-American usage) BRIGHT-SKIN
adj. 1920s US sl. - (derogatory) in a stereotypically Black manner DARKIE
adj. 1940s sl. - of a Black person: light-skinned CAFÉ AU LAIT
adj. 1945 US sl. - of a Black person: very light-skinned BRIGHT, WHITE AND DEAD WHITE; LIGHT, BRIGHT, DAMN NEAR WHITE
adj. 1950s sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people or culture SAMBO
adj. 1952 Amer. dial. - pale as ashes: usually of a Black person ASHY; ASHY-PALE
adj. 1960s US - (derogatory) having adapted oneself to White society (African-American usage) OREOLIZED
adj. 1960s US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to Black people (African-American usage) SHITSKIN
adj. 1970 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: having light-coloured skin (now chiefly African-American usage) BRIGHT-SKINNED
adj. 1970 Amer. sl. - bourgeois, refers to Blacks whose money and position make them think they're White (African-American usage) BOOJY
adj. 1974 Amer. dial. - of a Black person: light-skinned DEEP YELLOW
adj. 1980s US sl. - in tune with the contemporary young Black culture (African-American usage) NEW JACK
adj. 20C US colloq. - mulatto; having some Black heritage DIPPED
adj. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) pert. to mulattoes or light-skinned Black people YELLER
adj. 20C US sl.- (derogatory) Black COCONUT-HEADED
adj. E20 sl. - (derogatory, offensive) pert. to Black people SPADE
adj. E20 US sl. - African; Black AFRO
adj. E20 US sl. - pert. to an American Black AFRO-AMERICAN
adj. 2000s US sl. - of a Black woman: heavily built (African-American usage) NIGGALICIOUS
adj. 2002 UK sl. - (derogatory) black, esp. as a skin colour SCHVARTZ; SCHVARTZE; SCHWARTZ; SHVARTZ
n. a1398 - a dark-skinned man, esp. a man of sub-Saharan African or Australian Aboriginal origin or descent BLACK MAN
n. 1588 - (derogatory) a Black infant TADPOLE
n. 1390 - any dark-skinned person; a Black person MOOR
n. 1525 - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person; formerly used without depreciatory force BLACKAMOOR; BLACKAMORE
n. 1526 obs. - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person BLACKAMORIAN; BLACK MORIAN
n. 1547 - a black-skinned African; an Ethiopian; a Black person; any very dark-skinned person; formerly used without depreciatory force BLACK-A-MOORE; BLACKMOOR; BLACKMOORE
n. 1587 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. - a Black person NEEGER; NEGER
n. 1594 obs. - a Black man, esp. a Black manservant BLACK BOY
n. 1598 - orig. any dark-skinned man BLACK FELLOW
n. 1630s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) TAFFEE; TAFFY; TOFFY
n. 1650s US - a Black person; an African; an African-American; a coloured person (African-American usage) OLD CUFFEE
n. 1650s US - a common word for any small Black child in the old slave states; used in the West Indies to refer to any small child of any colour or race (African-American usage) PICKANINNY; PICKANINY
n. 1703 obs. rare - a Black woman NEGRINE
n. 1704 rare - (offensive) a dark-skinned person (orig. & chiefly US) BLACKFACE
n. 1704 sl. - (now derogatory or offensive) a Black person - a nickname for a Black person SAMBO
n. 1719 Amer. dial. - (not necessarily derogatory) a Black person ETHIOPIAN
n. 1732 colloq. - (offensive) a Black person; usually African, but also Indian, Aboriginal BLACKEE; BLACKEY; BLACKIE; BLACKY
n. 1735 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person COON
n. 1735 US sl. - a generic name for an African-American man SAWNEY
n. 1748 Amer. dial. - a Black person; originally one from the Guinea region of the West African coast GUINEA
n. 1764 - the land or region inhabited by Black people NEGROLAND
n. 1764 Amer. dial. - formerly a slave or servant; later sometimes used of a Black adult male; usually considered insulting when the speaker is White BOY
n. 1774 W. Indies - an African born Black person, so called by the Creoles, who were born in the West Indies SALT-WATER NEGRO
n. 1775 sl. - (now offensive and derogatory) a Black person; also used ironically by Blacks as a self-description DARKEY; DARKIE; DARKY
n. 1786 sl. - (now derogatory or offensive when used by White people) a Black person NIGGER
n. 1788 - a black-skinned or coloured woman BLACK WOMAN
n. 18C colloq. - a nickname for a Black person; usually for a Black person with white hair SNOWBALL
n. L18 - a Black person; an Australian aborigine; any person having very dark skin as a racial trait DARKEE
n. L18 US sl. - a 'White man's negro', or subservient Black (African-American usage) BUCKRA-NIGGER
n. 1800s US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person SPOOK
n. 1803 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROPHILE
n. 1803 - in the southern U.S. (esp. before the abolition of slavery): and older Black woman, esp. one having the care of White children; frequently used as a title or form of address (orig. & chiefly US) MAMMA; MOMMA
n. 1809 UK sl. - a Black man (criminals' usage) YANKEE
n. 1813 US sl. - a subservient Black woman, happy to curry favour with Whites at the price of her autonomy (African-American usage) SAL; SALLY
n. 1814 Sc. & N. Eng. dial. - a Black village or compound NEGERY
n. 1815 sl. - a Black person TEAPOT
n. 1818 - a native or inhabitant of the United States who is Black; an African-American BLACK AMERICAN
n. 1818 US sl. - a comparatively fair Black man, esp. a mulatto; a mixed race person YELLOW BOY
n. 1820 Amer. colloq. arch. - a Black person EBONY
n. 1825 Sc. - a Black person BLACKYMORE
n. 1827 US - Black slaves BLACK FLESH
n. 1828 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLY-HEAD
n. Bk1828 Eng. dial. - a Black person NAGRE
n. 1829 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED BEEF
n. 1830 Amer. dial. - used by a White person in reference to a Black man UNCLE
n. c1830 colloq. - a Black person; a Black seaman from the British West Indies, esp. as a nickname QUASSY
n. 1831 - a light-skinned Black person YELLOW SKIN
n. 1832 sl. - a light-skinned Black woman, esp. if sexually attractive; a mixed-race, a half-white, half-Black or Aborigine woman; a female mulatto YELLOW GIRL
n. c1832 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person NIG
n. 1833 - a Black personal name, adopted as a general name for any Black person QUASHEE; QUASHIE
n. 1833 - intense dislike of the Black people NEGROPHOBIA
n. 1834 sl. - (derogatory) a light-skinned Black person; a mulatto YELLER
n. 1834 US sl. - a subservient Black person (African-American usage) ZIP COON
n. 1835 - (derogatory & offensive) a Black female servant or domestic employee (orig. US usage, later chiefly S. Afr.) GIRL
n. 1835 - a contemptuous term for a Black person TAR-BRUSH
n. 1835 Amer. dial. - (usually considered derogatory) a Black man, esp. a young, strong one BUCK
n. 1835 colloq. - (now considered offensive) an older Black women, used as a term of respect or affection, esp. by White children AUNT; AUNTIE; AUNTY
n. 1837 Amer. dial. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAMMY
n. 1837 sl. - (derogatory) a subservient Black person (orig. US) WHITE NIGGER
n. 1838 Amer. dial. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAM
n. 1838 Amer. dial. obs. - an older Black woman, esp. a child's nurse MAUMER
n. 1838 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person (orig. US) JIM CROW; SOOTY
n. 1839 US sl. - a person having very thick and dark lips; a Black person (derisive) LIVER-CHOPS
Part 2 Nouns from 1840 to 1929
n. c1840 Amer. sl. obs. - any person in favour of Black slavery; a person with intolerant attitude toward Blacks BLACKBAITER
n. c1840 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person DAY AND MARTIN
n. 1842 - a lover or friend of the Black people NEGROPHILIST
n. 1842 Amer. dial. - a Black man FELLOW
n. 1844 S. Afr. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black or Coloured person SCHEPSEL; SKEPSEL
n. 1846 US sl. - (derogatory) a woman, esp. a Black woman GIP
n. c1847 US rare - (derogatory and offensive) a Black person; also, a dark-skinned person of any race MOAK; MOKE
n. 1848 Amer. dial. - a Black or other non-White child PICCANINNY; PICKANINY
n. 1848 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person DINGE
n. 1848 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black child (thieves' usage) DINGE KINCH
n. 1848 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman (thieves' usage) COVESS DINGE
n. 1849 - (offensive) a non-White or dark-skinned person (orig. US) MONKEY
n. Bk1849 Eng. dial. - a man of colour BLACKY-MOOR
n. 1851 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROITE
n. 1851 - extravagant fondness for the Black people NEGROMANIA
n. 1851 Amer. dial. arch. - a Black person SON OF EBONY
n. 1852 - the killing of a Black person NEGROCIDE
n. 1853 - a little Black person NEGRILLO
n. 1853 Amer. dial. - a Black person SON OF ETHIOPIA
n. 1855 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLYPATE
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black neighbourhood or district NIGGERVILLE
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLY-HEAD
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - a section of a town where Black people live HAITI; HAYTI
n. 1858 Amer. dial. - a Black person; also used as a nickname GUMBO
n. 1859 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously BLACKBERRY
n. 1860 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person KINKYHEAD
n. 1862 - excessive admiration of Black people NEGROLATRY
n. 1862 - the region or community of Black persons NEGRODOM
n. 1862 US sl. - (now considered offensive) a Black person DARK
n. 1863 - the Black race or stock NEGROHOOD
n. 1864 - one having an extravagant liking of Black people NEGROMANIAC
n. 1865 - fondness for the Black people; zealous advocacy of Black rights NEGROPHILISM
n. 1865 Amer. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously KINK
n. 1867 - one having an intense dislike of Black people NEGROPHOBIAC
n. 1867 Amer. dial. - a Black person SAM
n. 1873 - a little Black person NEGROLET
n. 1873 US - (considered offensive outside of Black usage) a Black or mixed-race person having light brown skin; a light-skinned Black person YELLOW
n. 1875 US sl. - (usually offensive) a Black person MOXIE
n. 1878 - one having an intense dislike of Black people NEGROPHOBIST
n. 1884 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person BLACK APE
n. 1884 Amer. dial. - a Black neighbourhood or town; used especially in titles DARKTOWN
n. 1886 - a little Black person NEGROLING
n. 1888 Amer. dial. - a nickname for a Black man - a supposedly typical Black person RASTUS
n. 1888 Amer. sl. - (usually derogatory) a Black person; esp. a woman regarded solely as a sex partner DARK MEAT
n. 1889 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROPHIL
n. 1890 sl. - (usually offensive) a member of any of various dark-skinned ethnic groups who wear their hair in a very thick and full fashion, esp. (in US nautical & military use) a Papuan or Fijian FUZZY; FUZZY-WUZZY
n. Bk1891 sl. - a Black person BIT OF EBONY
n. Bk1892 - a Black person (Chinese Pidgin) MOLO-MAN
n. Bk1892 W. Ind. sl. - a Black mistress WHITE MAN'S HANSOM WOMAN
n. Bk1892 W. Indian sl. - a Black person CUFFEE; CUFFY
n. 1893 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person SHINE
n. 1893 Amer. dial. - a Black person NIGRO
n. 1894 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person TAR BABY
n. 1894 sl. - (usually derogatory) a Black person BLACKBIRD
n. 1895 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person DINGY
n. 1897 colloq. - (derogatory) a Black woman, esp. one considered submissive or servile towards White people AUNT JEMIMA
n. 1899 Aust. & NZ sl. - (offensive) a Black, Aboriginal, or Maori woman, esp. as the focus of a White man's sexual interest BLACK VELVET
n. 1899 US - (derogatory) a Black person ZULU
n. 19C US colloq. - (now derogatory) the Black grapevine, a rapid way of spreading news among Blacks NEGRO-NEWS
n. 19C US sl. - (derogatory or jocular) an American Black UNBLEACHED AMERICAN
n. 19C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person WOOLIE-HEAD
n. 19C US sl. - a Black or Mulatto woman or girl WENCH
n. E19 sl. - a Black person who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society NO-ACCOUNT NIGGER
n. E19 US sl. - a subservient Black woman, happy to curry favour with Whites at the price of her autonomy (African-American usage) AUNT SALLY
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a female Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE-GIRL
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a male Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE-BOY
n. M19 Aust. sl. - a stupid Black person LOG OF EBONY
n. M19 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (orig. S. Afr.) KAFFIR
n. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person APEMAN; SHADE
n. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) the life and culture of the American Black people NIGGERDOM
n. M19 US sl. - a Black girl EBONY CHICK; EBONY PIDGEON
n. M19 US sl. - a Black person EBON
n. L19 sl. - Black people, esp. as sex objects DARK SHANKS; DARK-SKINNED MEAT
n. L19 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHADOW
n. L19 US sl. - a Black person viewed as over-friendly towards, or imitative of, Whites (African-American usage) PANCAKE
n. L19 US sl. - a Black person who refuses to accept heir second-class status UPPITY NIGGER
n. L19 US sl. - a neighbourhood with a large population of Black people DARKYTOWN
n. L19 US sl. - anywhere mainly populated or used by the Black community AFRICA
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black boy very dark in colour CHARCOAL-LILY
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person; one with dark skin CHARCOAL
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a young Black woman CHARCOAL BLOSSOM
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - a Black person SENEGAMBIAN
n. 1900 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POSSUM
n. 1900 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person CHOCOLATE DROP
n. 1900s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHAKE; SHAKER
n. 1900s US sl. - an expression used by one Black person to refer to another who is looked upon with unusual favour by White folk (African-American usage) APPLE IN THE WHITE FOLK'S YARD
n. 1900s S. Afr. - (offensive) a Black African child PICCANIN
n. 1901 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black child; a Black person from Florida or Louisiana ALLIGATOR BAIT
n. 1901 US - a Black who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society (African-American usage) BAD NIGGER
n. 1902 Amer. dial. - a Black person SMOKY JOE
n. 1902 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person SMOKE
n. 1902 US sl. - a culturally conscious Black person, esp. one who advocates Black civil rights RACE MAN
n. 1903 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person HAMFAT
n. 1903 US sl. - a Black child BLACKBIRD
n. 1905 Amer. dial. - (now mainly derogatory or offensive) a Black person . NIGRA
n. Bk1905 Sc. - a dark-complexioned person; a mulatto TAWNY
n. 1907 sl. - a Black person in a sexual context BLACK STUFF
n. 1908 US sl. - a generic name for a Black man GEORGE
n. 1909 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black, or other dark-skinned, person ZIG
n. 1909 Amer. dial. - a gaunt Black person ASH-CAT
n. 1909 sl. - a term of abuse for a Black or coloured person BABOON
n. 1909 US - a violent, amoral Black person, as seen by his Black peers (African-American usage) BAD NIGGER
n. 1909 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIGABOO; JIJJIBOO; ZIGABO
n. 1909 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person DARK CLOUD
n. 1910 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person ZIGABOO; ZIGGABOO; ZIGGERBOO
n. 1910 sl. - (usually considered offensive) a Black or mixed race person having medium-brown or light-brown skin (orig. & chiefly US) HIGH BROWN; HIGH COLOUR
n. 1910 US sl. - (now considered offensive) a light-skinned Black person, esp. female; a Creole, a mulatto HIGH YALLA; HIGH YALLER; HIGH YELLA; HIGH YELLOW
n. Bk1914 - a Black person (criminals' usage) BUFFALO
n. Bk1914 Amer. dial. - a Black person: used jocosely BLACK RASCAL; BLACK SCOUNDREL
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black or other non-White person SMOKED IRISHMAN
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INK
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - the part of a town where Black people live BLACK BOTTOM
n. 1917 - (derogatory & offensive) a Black person who is submissive or servile toward White people, or who adopts White culture (chiefly U.S.) HANDKERCHIEF HEAD
n. 1917 US sl. - a Gullah-speaking Black person; hence, a Black speaker of any unfamiliar or hard-to-understand dialect of English;
also, a contemptuous term for a poor, uneducated Black person of the rural south GEECHEE; GEECHIE
n. 1918 Amer. sl. - a Black person, esp. a man: used derisively JASBO; JAZZBO
n. 1918 US sl. - a culturally conscious Black woman, esp. one who advocates Black civil rights RACE WOMAN
n. 1919 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously EIGHT BALL
n. 1920 US sl. - a very dark Black person HEADLIGHT TO A SNOWSTORM
n. 1920s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SEAL
n. 1920s US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a light-skinned Black person; a mulatto (African-American usage) LEMON
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black homosexual (African-American usage) SPAGGOT
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) KACK; ORIGINAL
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black who apes Whites and loses his own ethnicity; one who has taken on (undesirable) Caucasian characteristics (African-American usage) FADED BOGEY; FADED BOOGIE
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black woman who refuses to accept the traditional role into which her birth is supposed to have thrust her (African-American usage) CALEDONIA
n. 1920s US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) MUSTARD SEED
n. 1920s US sl. - a person of mixed race with skin the shade of milky coffee; a mulatto; a light-skinned Black woman (African-American usage) CAFÉ AU LAIT
n. 1920s US sl. - a South American or African Black person (African-American usage) COCONUT-DODGER
n. 1920s US sl. - one who, while Black, moves in White society and sees themself as the White man's equal (African-American usage) BUCK
n. 1920s US sl. - the Black area of town (African-American usage) BUTTERMILK BOTTOM
n. 1922 US sl. - a Black person who curries favour from Whites through obsequious, fawning behaviour UNCLE TOM
n. 1923 Amer. dial. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person (orig. criminals' and tramps' usage) BOOGIE
n. 1924 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGGS
n. 1924 Amer. sl. - (contemptuous) a Black immigrant from the West Indies MONK
n. 1924 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (orig. US) GIG-A-BOO
n. 1924 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIG
n. 1925 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person from the Caribbean or other tropical region; a West Indian MONKEY CHASER
n. 1925 US sl. - a Black woman GIN
n. c1925 Amer. sl. - a light-skinned attractive Black woman BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE
n. 1926 Amer. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously KINKY
n. 1926 US sl. - (usually depreciative or derogatory a Black person, esp. one having a very dark complexion BLUE
n. 1926 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) SPAGINGY-SPAGADE
n. 1926 US sl. - a subservient Black person PINK CHASER
n. 1926 US sl. - one who, while Black, moves in White society and sees themselves as the White man's equal (African-American usage) BACKRA
n. 1927 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person BURRHEAD
n. 1927 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person who has bluish gums and whose bite, according to superstition, is poisonous BLUE GUM
n. 1927 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) BEAN
n. 1928 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGWALKER
n. 1928 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) as a term of contempt or casual reference among White people: a Black person, esp. a Black man; formerly, among African Americans: a very dark-skinned Black person (orig. US) SPADE
n. 1928 US colloq. - (derogatory when used generically) a nickname for a Black man, esp. one who is subservient to Whites (African-American usage) MOSE
n. 1929 Brit. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black or dark-skinned person WOG
n. 1929 US sl. - a subservient Black person (African-American usage) ZIP
n. c1840 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person DAY AND MARTIN
n. 1842 - a lover or friend of the Black people NEGROPHILIST
n. 1842 Amer. dial. - a Black man FELLOW
n. 1844 S. Afr. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black or Coloured person SCHEPSEL; SKEPSEL
n. 1846 US sl. - (derogatory) a woman, esp. a Black woman GIP
n. c1847 US rare - (derogatory and offensive) a Black person; also, a dark-skinned person of any race MOAK; MOKE
n. 1848 Amer. dial. - a Black or other non-White child PICCANINNY; PICKANINY
n. 1848 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person DINGE
n. 1848 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black child (thieves' usage) DINGE KINCH
n. 1848 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman (thieves' usage) COVESS DINGE
n. 1849 - (offensive) a non-White or dark-skinned person (orig. US) MONKEY
n. Bk1849 Eng. dial. - a man of colour BLACKY-MOOR
n. 1851 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROITE
n. 1851 - extravagant fondness for the Black people NEGROMANIA
n. 1851 Amer. dial. arch. - a Black person SON OF EBONY
n. 1852 - the killing of a Black person NEGROCIDE
n. 1853 - a little Black person NEGRILLO
n. 1853 Amer. dial. - a Black person SON OF ETHIOPIA
n. 1855 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLYPATE
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black neighbourhood or district NIGGERVILLE
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLY-HEAD
n. 1857 Amer. dial. - a section of a town where Black people live HAITI; HAYTI
n. 1858 Amer. dial. - a Black person; also used as a nickname GUMBO
n. 1859 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously BLACKBERRY
n. 1860 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person KINKYHEAD
n. 1862 - excessive admiration of Black people NEGROLATRY
n. 1862 - the region or community of Black persons NEGRODOM
n. 1862 US sl. - (now considered offensive) a Black person DARK
n. 1863 - the Black race or stock NEGROHOOD
n. 1864 - one having an extravagant liking of Black people NEGROMANIAC
n. 1865 - fondness for the Black people; zealous advocacy of Black rights NEGROPHILISM
n. 1865 Amer. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously KINK
n. 1867 - one having an intense dislike of Black people NEGROPHOBIAC
n. 1867 Amer. dial. - a Black person SAM
n. 1873 - a little Black person NEGROLET
n. 1873 US - (considered offensive outside of Black usage) a Black or mixed-race person having light brown skin; a light-skinned Black person YELLOW
n. 1875 US sl. - (usually offensive) a Black person MOXIE
n. 1878 - one having an intense dislike of Black people NEGROPHOBIST
n. 1884 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person BLACK APE
n. 1884 Amer. dial. - a Black neighbourhood or town; used especially in titles DARKTOWN
n. 1886 - a little Black person NEGROLING
n. 1888 Amer. dial. - a nickname for a Black man - a supposedly typical Black person RASTUS
n. 1888 Amer. sl. - (usually derogatory) a Black person; esp. a woman regarded solely as a sex partner DARK MEAT
n. 1889 - a friend of the Black people; one who favours the advancement of Black interests or rights NEGROPHIL
n. 1890 sl. - (usually offensive) a member of any of various dark-skinned ethnic groups who wear their hair in a very thick and full fashion, esp. (in US nautical & military use) a Papuan or Fijian FUZZY; FUZZY-WUZZY
n. Bk1891 sl. - a Black person BIT OF EBONY
n. Bk1892 - a Black person (Chinese Pidgin) MOLO-MAN
n. Bk1892 W. Ind. sl. - a Black mistress WHITE MAN'S HANSOM WOMAN
n. Bk1892 W. Indian sl. - a Black person CUFFEE; CUFFY
n. 1893 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person SHINE
n. 1893 Amer. dial. - a Black person NIGRO
n. 1894 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person TAR BABY
n. 1894 sl. - (usually derogatory) a Black person BLACKBIRD
n. 1895 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person DINGY
n. 1897 colloq. - (derogatory) a Black woman, esp. one considered submissive or servile towards White people AUNT JEMIMA
n. 1899 Aust. & NZ sl. - (offensive) a Black, Aboriginal, or Maori woman, esp. as the focus of a White man's sexual interest BLACK VELVET
n. 1899 US - (derogatory) a Black person ZULU
n. 19C US colloq. - (now derogatory) the Black grapevine, a rapid way of spreading news among Blacks NEGRO-NEWS
n. 19C US sl. - (derogatory or jocular) an American Black UNBLEACHED AMERICAN
n. 19C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person WOOLIE-HEAD
n. 19C US sl. - a Black or Mulatto woman or girl WENCH
n. E19 sl. - a Black person who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society NO-ACCOUNT NIGGER
n. E19 US sl. - a subservient Black woman, happy to curry favour with Whites at the price of her autonomy (African-American usage) AUNT SALLY
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a female Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE-GIRL
n. M19 Aust. & S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory) a male Black person; sometimes an Indian COOLIE-BOY
n. M19 Aust. sl. - a stupid Black person LOG OF EBONY
n. M19 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (orig. S. Afr.) KAFFIR
n. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person APEMAN; SHADE
n. M19 US sl. - (derogatory) the life and culture of the American Black people NIGGERDOM
n. M19 US sl. - a Black girl EBONY CHICK; EBONY PIDGEON
n. M19 US sl. - a Black person EBON
n. L19 sl. - Black people, esp. as sex objects DARK SHANKS; DARK-SKINNED MEAT
n. L19 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHADOW
n. L19 US sl. - a Black person viewed as over-friendly towards, or imitative of, Whites (African-American usage) PANCAKE
n. L19 US sl. - a Black person who refuses to accept heir second-class status UPPITY NIGGER
n. L19 US sl. - a neighbourhood with a large population of Black people DARKYTOWN
n. L19 US sl. - anywhere mainly populated or used by the Black community AFRICA
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black boy very dark in colour CHARCOAL-LILY
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person; one with dark skin CHARCOAL
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a young Black woman CHARCOAL BLOSSOM
n. 1900 Amer. dial. - a Black person SENEGAMBIAN
n. 1900 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POSSUM
n. 1900 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person CHOCOLATE DROP
n. 1900s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHAKE; SHAKER
n. 1900s US sl. - an expression used by one Black person to refer to another who is looked upon with unusual favour by White folk (African-American usage) APPLE IN THE WHITE FOLK'S YARD
n. 1900s S. Afr. - (offensive) a Black African child PICCANIN
n. 1901 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black child; a Black person from Florida or Louisiana ALLIGATOR BAIT
n. 1901 US - a Black who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society (African-American usage) BAD NIGGER
n. 1902 Amer. dial. - a Black person SMOKY JOE
n. 1902 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person SMOKE
n. 1902 US sl. - a culturally conscious Black person, esp. one who advocates Black civil rights RACE MAN
n. 1903 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person HAMFAT
n. 1903 US sl. - a Black child BLACKBIRD
n. 1905 Amer. dial. - (now mainly derogatory or offensive) a Black person . NIGRA
n. Bk1905 Sc. - a dark-complexioned person; a mulatto TAWNY
n. 1907 sl. - a Black person in a sexual context BLACK STUFF
n. 1908 US sl. - a generic name for a Black man GEORGE
n. 1909 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black, or other dark-skinned, person ZIG
n. 1909 Amer. dial. - a gaunt Black person ASH-CAT
n. 1909 sl. - a term of abuse for a Black or coloured person BABOON
n. 1909 US - a violent, amoral Black person, as seen by his Black peers (African-American usage) BAD NIGGER
n. 1909 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIGABOO; JIJJIBOO; ZIGABO
n. 1909 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person DARK CLOUD
n. 1910 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person ZIGABOO; ZIGGABOO; ZIGGERBOO
n. 1910 sl. - (usually considered offensive) a Black or mixed race person having medium-brown or light-brown skin (orig. & chiefly US) HIGH BROWN; HIGH COLOUR
n. 1910 US sl. - (now considered offensive) a light-skinned Black person, esp. female; a Creole, a mulatto HIGH YALLA; HIGH YALLER; HIGH YELLA; HIGH YELLOW
n. Bk1914 - a Black person (criminals' usage) BUFFALO
n. Bk1914 Amer. dial. - a Black person: used jocosely BLACK RASCAL; BLACK SCOUNDREL
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black or other non-White person SMOKED IRISHMAN
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INK
n. 1915 Amer. dial. - the part of a town where Black people live BLACK BOTTOM
n. 1917 - (derogatory & offensive) a Black person who is submissive or servile toward White people, or who adopts White culture (chiefly U.S.) HANDKERCHIEF HEAD
n. 1917 US sl. - a Gullah-speaking Black person; hence, a Black speaker of any unfamiliar or hard-to-understand dialect of English;
also, a contemptuous term for a poor, uneducated Black person of the rural south GEECHEE; GEECHIE
n. 1918 Amer. sl. - a Black person, esp. a man: used derisively JASBO; JAZZBO
n. 1918 US sl. - a culturally conscious Black woman, esp. one who advocates Black civil rights RACE WOMAN
n. 1919 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously EIGHT BALL
n. 1920 US sl. - a very dark Black person HEADLIGHT TO A SNOWSTORM
n. 1920s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SEAL
n. 1920s US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a light-skinned Black person; a mulatto (African-American usage) LEMON
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black homosexual (African-American usage) SPAGGOT
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) KACK; ORIGINAL
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black who apes Whites and loses his own ethnicity; one who has taken on (undesirable) Caucasian characteristics (African-American usage) FADED BOGEY; FADED BOOGIE
n. 1920s US sl. - a Black woman who refuses to accept the traditional role into which her birth is supposed to have thrust her (African-American usage) CALEDONIA
n. 1920s US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) MUSTARD SEED
n. 1920s US sl. - a person of mixed race with skin the shade of milky coffee; a mulatto; a light-skinned Black woman (African-American usage) CAFÉ AU LAIT
n. 1920s US sl. - a South American or African Black person (African-American usage) COCONUT-DODGER
n. 1920s US sl. - one who, while Black, moves in White society and sees themself as the White man's equal (African-American usage) BUCK
n. 1920s US sl. - the Black area of town (African-American usage) BUTTERMILK BOTTOM
n. 1922 US sl. - a Black person who curries favour from Whites through obsequious, fawning behaviour UNCLE TOM
n. 1923 Amer. dial. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person (orig. criminals' and tramps' usage) BOOGIE
n. 1924 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGGS
n. 1924 Amer. sl. - (contemptuous) a Black immigrant from the West Indies MONK
n. 1924 sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (orig. US) GIG-A-BOO
n. 1924 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIG
n. 1925 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person from the Caribbean or other tropical region; a West Indian MONKEY CHASER
n. 1925 US sl. - a Black woman GIN
n. c1925 Amer. sl. - a light-skinned attractive Black woman BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE
n. 1926 Amer. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person; used contemptuously KINKY
n. 1926 US sl. - (usually depreciative or derogatory a Black person, esp. one having a very dark complexion BLUE
n. 1926 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) SPAGINGY-SPAGADE
n. 1926 US sl. - a subservient Black person PINK CHASER
n. 1926 US sl. - one who, while Black, moves in White society and sees themselves as the White man's equal (African-American usage) BACKRA
n. 1927 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person BURRHEAD
n. 1927 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person who has bluish gums and whose bite, according to superstition, is poisonous BLUE GUM
n. 1927 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) BEAN
n. 1928 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGWALKER
n. 1928 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) as a term of contempt or casual reference among White people: a Black person, esp. a Black man; formerly, among African Americans: a very dark-skinned Black person (orig. US) SPADE
n. 1928 US colloq. - (derogatory when used generically) a nickname for a Black man, esp. one who is subservient to Whites (African-American usage) MOSE
n. 1929 Brit. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black or dark-skinned person WOG
n. 1929 US sl. - a subservient Black person (African-American usage) ZIP
Part 3 Nouns from 1930 to 1969
n. 1930s S. Afr. sl. - a White sympathizer with Black causes KAFFERBOETIE; KAFFIRBOETIE
n. 1930s sl. - an English or American person of African descent; a Black person AFRO
n. 1930s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHAD MOUTH
n. 1930s US sl. - a very dark-skinned Black person (African-American usage) LAM BLACK
n. 1930s US sl. - any very Back person (African-American usage) DARK BLACK
n. 1930s US sl. - Harlem, New York City; hence, the Black district of any city LAND OF DARKNESS
n. 1931 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIT
n. 1931 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (prison usage) ZOOLO
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a Black person with an especially light complexion HIGH CREAM
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINKIE
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black person HEADLIGHT
n. 1935 - (derogatory) a subservient, acquiescent Black person; a slave or field hand YARD NIGGER
n. 1935 Amer. - the Black race (African-American usage) AUNT HAGAR'S CHILDREN
n. 1935 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously EIGHT-ROCK
n. 1935 US sl. - a very dark-skinned Black person (African-American usage) SKILLET BLONDE
n. 1935 US sl. - a Black woman wearing a blonde wig (African-American usage) SKILLET BLONDE
n. 1935 US sl. - a rebellious, non-conformist Black person; a hot-tempered or pugnacious person; a troublemaker (African-American usage) HARDHEAD
n. 1936 Amer. dial. - a Black neighbourhood or district AFFRISHY TOWN
n. 1936 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; used contemptuously KINKHEAD
n. 1937 Amer. dial. - a section of a town where Black residents live CATFISH ROW
n. 1938 Amer. dial. - a Black person who demeans himself to secure favour with White people (chiefly African-American usage) SAM
n. 1938 US sl. - a Black person; used derisively BLACK CLOUD
n. 1939 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED BACON
n. 1940 US sl. - a Black person SCRAM
n. 1940s sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, but often used by Blacks themselves to designate a friend ACE
n. 1940s US sl. - a Black person who, for whatever reason, is considered an embarrassment to their race (African-American usage) BUTTERHEAD
n. 1940s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) SPLIB
n. 1940s US sl. - a liberal Black who looks angry but will not upset the status quo (African-American usage) SPLIB
n. 1940s US sl. - a highly intelligent Black person (African-American usage) SMIT SMOKE
n. 1940s US sl. - any Black person who is the first to gain entry to a profession (African-American usage) JACKIE ROBINSON
n. 1940s US sl. - the slave quarters; hence, the Black ghetto; the Black world (African-American usage) GALLION
n. 1941 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person APE
n. 1942 Amer. - the Black race (African-American usage) AUNT HAGAR
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black neighbourhood or district NIGGERTOWN
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person SKILLET
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INKY DINK
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGWAWK
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - a Black person from the Bahamas and Jamaica who speaks with a British accent NASSAU NIGGER
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - a very dark-skinned Black person LAMPBLACK
n. 1942 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black man JARHEAD
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Afro-American woman (African-American usage) PINK TOE; PINK TOES
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Afro-American, esp. a girl (African-American usage) PEOLA
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Black female; a mulatto (African-American usage) YOLA
n. 1943 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) someone with kinky hair; a Black person NAPPY-HEAD
n. 1943 sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, but often used by Blacks themselves to designate a friend; a loyal, trustworthy person ACE
n. 1944 Amer. dial. - a Black person TAR POT
n. 1944 sl - (now mainly derogatory or offensive) a Black person (chiefly Southern US) NIGRAH
n. 1945 US sl. - a light-skinned Black person BEIGE
n. 1944 US sl. - a light-skinned Black person, esp. an attractive woman (African-American usage) BANANA
n. Bk1945 - a smart Black man (jive usage) HIPPED SPADE
n. Bk1945 sl. - a Black person (criminals' usage) BLACKED EBONY; BLACK HEAD
n. Bk1945 sl. - a Black woman (criminals' usage) BLACK DOLL; BLACK MEAT
n. 1946 Amer. sl. - a Black person SPAGINZY
n. 1946 Amer. sl. - a friend; a buddy; a fellow Black (African-American usage) BUDDY GEE; BUDDY GHEE
n. 1946 US sl. - a young Black man and esp. an impetuous one; used as a term of address to a young man YOUNG BLOOD
n. 1947 US sl. - a very dark-skinned person; a Black person (African-American usage) BLACKOUT
n. 1948 S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person MUNT
n. 1949 US sl. - (derogatory) a mixed race person; a mulatto; a light-skinned Black person YELLOW-BLACK
n. 1950 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person BLACK MOKE
n. 1950s Aust. & NZ sl. - any dark-skinned woman BIT OF VELVET
n. 1950s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') SILVERY (MOON)
n. 1950s sl. - the first Black family to move into a formerly all-White inner city area BLOCKBUSTER
n. 1950s US sl. - a particularly light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) CASPER
n. 1950s W. Indies - (derogatory) a Black person (Rasta usage) NAGAH
n. 1952 S. Afr. - (offensive) any Black woman, esp. a domestic worker MARY
n. 1952 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person BLACK BELLY
n. 1953 US sl. - light-skinned Black woman BEIGE FRAME
n. 1954 - the Black race (African-American usage) HAGAR'S CHILDREN
n. 1954 sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person (chiefly African-American usage) BOOT
n. 1954 US sl. - an aggressive, tough Black man who rejects the constraints and humiliation of the role of the White authorities have selected for him (African-American usage) BAD-ASS NIGGER
n. 1955 Amer. dial. - a Black person LONG-HEEL
n. c1955 sl. - a Black person (rhyming sl. on 'spade') RAZOR BLADE
n. 1956 S. Afr. - (offensive and demeaning) a Black woman; also, a term of address NANNIE; NANNY
n. 1956 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POSSUM IN THE WOODPILE
n. 1956 W. Indies sl. - a Black who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society BAD BOY
n. 1958 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKE MEAT
n. 1958 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) SPAGINZY-SPAGADE
n. 1958 W. Indies - a respected Black man BLACK BACKRA
n. 1958 W. Indies - a very dark-complexioned Black man BERKSHIRE HOG
n. 1959 - a Black child (nonce word) SPADELET
n. 1959 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person NIG-NOG
n. 1959 sl. - a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person TOM
n. 1959 US sl. - a suave, handsome Black man; a ladies' man DARK GABLE
n. 1960 Amer. dial. - a light-complexioned Black person - a mulatto (African American usage) TUSH
n. 1960s S. Afr. sl. - a servile, subservient Black person JA-BAAS
n. 1960s sl. - a Black man (African-American homosexual usage) GERTRUDE BROWN
n. 1960s sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) JUNGLE MEAT; KABUKI
n. 1960s sl. - a Black woman (orig. African-American usage) SOUL SISTER
n. 1960s sl. - a subservient, obsequious Black woman (orig. African-American usage) AUNT TOM; MADAME THOMASINA
n. 1960s US - (derogatory) a Black fellow whose opinions, attitudes, and goals are taken from White society (African-American usage) OREO COOKIE
n. 1960s US - a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOULONJOHN; MULENYAM
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person (homosexual usage) BOONG MOLL
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person SCHVOOG; SCHVUG; SHVOOGIE
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person who behaves subserviently towards Whites (African-American usage) JEFF; JEFF ARTIST; JEFF DAVIS
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person, usually a woman, in a sexual context DARK STUFF
n. 1960s US sl. - a gathering of Black people (African-American usage) SOUL SESSION
n. 1960s US sl. - a tough, physically strong, virile African-American man (African-American usage) MANDINGO
n. 1960s US sl. - the Black area of town; the original was Chicago's 'South Side' (African-American usage) SIDE
n. 1960s US sl. - the political and cultural influence wielded by the Black community (African-American usage) SOUL POWER
n. 1961 sl. - (rather derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black maid (chiefly US) SCHVARTZER; SCHWARTZE; SCHWARTZER
n. 1961 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person SCHVARTZ; SCHVARTZE; SCHVARTZA; SCHWARTZ; SHVARTZ
n. 1962 US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person GAR
n. 1962 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) GINGERSNAP
n. 1963 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a light-skinned Black person - a member of a mixed-race group believed to be partly American Indian in origin RED NIGGER
n. 1963 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman with a servile attitude toward Whites; a Black female who is a traitor to her race AUNT JANE
n. 1964 Amer. dial. - a Black person who is deferential or subservient toward Whites BLACK FAY; NED
n. 1964 US sl. - a Black man who prefers White women VANILLA DINGE
n. 1964 US sl. - a Black person MEMBER
n. 1965 - a Black person who commands the respect of other Blacks (African-American usage) BAD-DOING NIGGER; BAD NIGGER
n. 1965 - the Black race (African-American usage) HAGAR RACE
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person CHOCOLATE BUNNY
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person SHINER
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person CHICKABOO
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - a Black person COCONUT HEAD; GOOFY; JUGHEAD; NUBBIN HEAD; SMOKESTACK
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - a middle-aged Black woman PECK-SAP
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person AFRICAN APE
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INK SPOT
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - a Black person PEPPER HEAD
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED HAM
n. 1966 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a person of colour JUNGLE BUNNY
n. 1967 Amer. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) BLOOD
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLY TOP
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - a Black person BOON
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - a tough-looking Black person WAMPUS CAT
n. 1967 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOOLENYAM; MOOLINYAN; MOULENJAM
n. 1967 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POPOLO
n. 1967 US sl. - a light-coloured Black woman YELLOW-ASS
n. 1967 US sl. - a rebellious Black man, who refuses to abide by White society's rules and struggles against them BIGGER
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - a Black person BLUE LIPS; PECAN
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - a predominantly Black neighbourhood BACK STREET
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - the Black district of a town or city NAIL KEG
n. 1968 Amer. sl. - a Black person; used derisively EGGPLANT
n. 1968 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person PONGO
n. 1968 US sl. - a Black woman SISTER
n. 1968 US sl. - an African-American BEAR
n. 1969 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOULINYAN; MOULONJAM
n. 1969 US sl. - (derogatory) a servile Black person; a Black person who thinks and acts like a Caucasian; a nickname for a Black person who is Black on the outside and White on the inside OREO
n. 1969 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person SPEAR-CHUCKER
n. 1930s sl. - an English or American person of African descent; a Black person AFRO
n. 1930s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person SHAD MOUTH
n. 1930s US sl. - a very dark-skinned Black person (African-American usage) LAM BLACK
n. 1930s US sl. - any very Back person (African-American usage) DARK BLACK
n. 1930s US sl. - Harlem, New York City; hence, the Black district of any city LAND OF DARKNESS
n. 1931 US sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person JIT
n. 1931 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (prison usage) ZOOLO
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a Black person with an especially light complexion HIGH CREAM
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINKIE
n. 1934 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black person HEADLIGHT
n. 1935 - (derogatory) a subservient, acquiescent Black person; a slave or field hand YARD NIGGER
n. 1935 Amer. - the Black race (African-American usage) AUNT HAGAR'S CHILDREN
n. 1935 US sl. - a Black person; used contemptuously EIGHT-ROCK
n. 1935 US sl. - a very dark-skinned Black person (African-American usage) SKILLET BLONDE
n. 1935 US sl. - a Black woman wearing a blonde wig (African-American usage) SKILLET BLONDE
n. 1935 US sl. - a rebellious, non-conformist Black person; a hot-tempered or pugnacious person; a troublemaker (African-American usage) HARDHEAD
n. 1936 Amer. dial. - a Black neighbourhood or district AFFRISHY TOWN
n. 1936 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; used contemptuously KINKHEAD
n. 1937 Amer. dial. - a section of a town where Black residents live CATFISH ROW
n. 1938 Amer. dial. - a Black person who demeans himself to secure favour with White people (chiefly African-American usage) SAM
n. 1938 US sl. - a Black person; used derisively BLACK CLOUD
n. 1939 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED BACON
n. 1940 US sl. - a Black person SCRAM
n. 1940s sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, but often used by Blacks themselves to designate a friend ACE
n. 1940s US sl. - a Black person who, for whatever reason, is considered an embarrassment to their race (African-American usage) BUTTERHEAD
n. 1940s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) SPLIB
n. 1940s US sl. - a liberal Black who looks angry but will not upset the status quo (African-American usage) SPLIB
n. 1940s US sl. - a highly intelligent Black person (African-American usage) SMIT SMOKE
n. 1940s US sl. - any Black person who is the first to gain entry to a profession (African-American usage) JACKIE ROBINSON
n. 1940s US sl. - the slave quarters; hence, the Black ghetto; the Black world (African-American usage) GALLION
n. 1941 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person APE
n. 1942 Amer. - the Black race (African-American usage) AUNT HAGAR
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black neighbourhood or district NIGGERTOWN
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person SKILLET
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INKY DINK
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person JIGWAWK
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - a Black person from the Bahamas and Jamaica who speaks with a British accent NASSAU NIGGER
n. 1942 Amer. dial. - a very dark-skinned Black person LAMPBLACK
n. 1942 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black man JARHEAD
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Afro-American woman (African-American usage) PINK TOE; PINK TOES
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Afro-American, esp. a girl (African-American usage) PEOLA
n. 1942 US sl. - a light-skinned Black female; a mulatto (African-American usage) YOLA
n. 1943 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) someone with kinky hair; a Black person NAPPY-HEAD
n. 1943 sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, but often used by Blacks themselves to designate a friend; a loyal, trustworthy person ACE
n. 1944 Amer. dial. - a Black person TAR POT
n. 1944 sl - (now mainly derogatory or offensive) a Black person (chiefly Southern US) NIGRAH
n. 1945 US sl. - a light-skinned Black person BEIGE
n. 1944 US sl. - a light-skinned Black person, esp. an attractive woman (African-American usage) BANANA
n. Bk1945 - a smart Black man (jive usage) HIPPED SPADE
n. Bk1945 sl. - a Black person (criminals' usage) BLACKED EBONY; BLACK HEAD
n. Bk1945 sl. - a Black woman (criminals' usage) BLACK DOLL; BLACK MEAT
n. 1946 Amer. sl. - a Black person SPAGINZY
n. 1946 Amer. sl. - a friend; a buddy; a fellow Black (African-American usage) BUDDY GEE; BUDDY GHEE
n. 1946 US sl. - a young Black man and esp. an impetuous one; used as a term of address to a young man YOUNG BLOOD
n. 1947 US sl. - a very dark-skinned person; a Black person (African-American usage) BLACKOUT
n. 1948 S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person MUNT
n. 1949 US sl. - (derogatory) a mixed race person; a mulatto; a light-skinned Black person YELLOW-BLACK
n. 1950 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person BLACK MOKE
n. 1950s Aust. & NZ sl. - any dark-skinned woman BIT OF VELVET
n. 1950s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') SILVERY (MOON)
n. 1950s sl. - the first Black family to move into a formerly all-White inner city area BLOCKBUSTER
n. 1950s US sl. - a particularly light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) CASPER
n. 1950s W. Indies - (derogatory) a Black person (Rasta usage) NAGAH
n. 1952 S. Afr. - (offensive) any Black woman, esp. a domestic worker MARY
n. 1952 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person BLACK BELLY
n. 1953 US sl. - light-skinned Black woman BEIGE FRAME
n. 1954 - the Black race (African-American usage) HAGAR'S CHILDREN
n. 1954 sl. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person (chiefly African-American usage) BOOT
n. 1954 US sl. - an aggressive, tough Black man who rejects the constraints and humiliation of the role of the White authorities have selected for him (African-American usage) BAD-ASS NIGGER
n. 1955 Amer. dial. - a Black person LONG-HEEL
n. c1955 sl. - a Black person (rhyming sl. on 'spade') RAZOR BLADE
n. 1956 S. Afr. - (offensive and demeaning) a Black woman; also, a term of address NANNIE; NANNY
n. 1956 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POSSUM IN THE WOODPILE
n. 1956 W. Indies sl. - a Black who rejects the second-class role offered by the dominant White society BAD BOY
n. 1958 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKE MEAT
n. 1958 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) SPAGINZY-SPAGADE
n. 1958 W. Indies - a respected Black man BLACK BACKRA
n. 1958 W. Indies - a very dark-complexioned Black man BERKSHIRE HOG
n. 1959 - a Black child (nonce word) SPADELET
n. 1959 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person NIG-NOG
n. 1959 sl. - a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto; an affected or pretentious Black person TOM
n. 1959 US sl. - a suave, handsome Black man; a ladies' man DARK GABLE
n. 1960 Amer. dial. - a light-complexioned Black person - a mulatto (African American usage) TUSH
n. 1960s S. Afr. sl. - a servile, subservient Black person JA-BAAS
n. 1960s sl. - a Black man (African-American homosexual usage) GERTRUDE BROWN
n. 1960s sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) JUNGLE MEAT; KABUKI
n. 1960s sl. - a Black woman (orig. African-American usage) SOUL SISTER
n. 1960s sl. - a subservient, obsequious Black woman (orig. African-American usage) AUNT TOM; MADAME THOMASINA
n. 1960s US - (derogatory) a Black fellow whose opinions, attitudes, and goals are taken from White society (African-American usage) OREO COOKIE
n. 1960s US - a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOULONJOHN; MULENYAM
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person (homosexual usage) BOONG MOLL
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person SCHVOOG; SCHVUG; SHVOOGIE
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person who behaves subserviently towards Whites (African-American usage) JEFF; JEFF ARTIST; JEFF DAVIS
n. 1960s US sl. - a Black person, usually a woman, in a sexual context DARK STUFF
n. 1960s US sl. - a gathering of Black people (African-American usage) SOUL SESSION
n. 1960s US sl. - a tough, physically strong, virile African-American man (African-American usage) MANDINGO
n. 1960s US sl. - the Black area of town; the original was Chicago's 'South Side' (African-American usage) SIDE
n. 1960s US sl. - the political and cultural influence wielded by the Black community (African-American usage) SOUL POWER
n. 1961 sl. - (rather derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black maid (chiefly US) SCHVARTZER; SCHWARTZE; SCHWARTZER
n. 1961 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person; an Indian or Pakistani person SCHVARTZ; SCHVARTZE; SCHVARTZA; SCHWARTZ; SHVARTZ
n. 1962 US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person GAR
n. 1962 US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) GINGERSNAP
n. 1963 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a light-skinned Black person - a member of a mixed-race group believed to be partly American Indian in origin RED NIGGER
n. 1963 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman with a servile attitude toward Whites; a Black female who is a traitor to her race AUNT JANE
n. 1964 Amer. dial. - a Black person who is deferential or subservient toward Whites BLACK FAY; NED
n. 1964 US sl. - a Black man who prefers White women VANILLA DINGE
n. 1964 US sl. - a Black person MEMBER
n. 1965 - a Black person who commands the respect of other Blacks (African-American usage) BAD-DOING NIGGER; BAD NIGGER
n. 1965 - the Black race (African-American usage) HAGAR RACE
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person CHOCOLATE BUNNY
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (usually derogatory) a Black person SHINER
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - (usually offensive) a Black person CHICKABOO
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - a Black person COCONUT HEAD; GOOFY; JUGHEAD; NUBBIN HEAD; SMOKESTACK
n. 1965 Amer. dial. - a middle-aged Black woman PECK-SAP
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person AFRICAN APE
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INK SPOT
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - a Black person PEPPER HEAD
n. 1966 Amer. dial. - a Black person; an American Indian SMOKED HAM
n. 1966 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a person of colour JUNGLE BUNNY
n. 1967 Amer. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) BLOOD
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLLY TOP
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - a Black person BOON
n. 1967 Amer. dial. - a tough-looking Black person WAMPUS CAT
n. 1967 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOOLENYAM; MOOLINYAN; MOULENJAM
n. 1967 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person POPOLO
n. 1967 US sl. - a light-coloured Black woman YELLOW-ASS
n. 1967 US sl. - a rebellious Black man, who refuses to abide by White society's rules and struggles against them BIGGER
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - a Black person BLUE LIPS; PECAN
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - a predominantly Black neighbourhood BACK STREET
n. 1968 Amer. dial. - the Black district of a town or city NAIL KEG
n. 1968 Amer. sl. - a Black person; used derisively EGGPLANT
n. 1968 sl. - (derogatory or offensive) a Black person PONGO
n. 1968 US sl. - a Black woman SISTER
n. 1968 US sl. - an African-American BEAR
n. 1969 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOULINYAN; MOULONJAM
n. 1969 US sl. - (derogatory) a servile Black person; a Black person who thinks and acts like a Caucasian; a nickname for a Black person who is Black on the outside and White on the inside OREO
n. 1969 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person SPEAR-CHUCKER
Part 4 Nouns from 1970 onwards & Verbs
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person CHOCOLATE BAR; TAR HEEL
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black child 'GATOR BAIT
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black woman with a servile attitude toward Whites AUNT THOMASINE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INKY DINKY
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a Black person HAM'S GRANDSON
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINKY
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black person; a person of mixed blood CHEESE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a West Indian Black person RICE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - the section of a city which is populated predominantly by Blacks; the poor section of a city; a ghetto BLACK BELT
n. 1970 US sl. - a Black person HAMMERHEAD
n. 1970 US sl. - a very attractive Black woman, occasionally a man (African-American usage) HAMMA; HAMMER
n. 1970 US sl. - a wealthy, light-skinned society Black person (African-American usage) TUSH
n. 1970 W. Indies - a light-skinned Black person BACKRA JOHNNY
n. 1970s Aust. sl. - (derogatory) a Black or Asian person (rhyming sl. for 'wog') DAPTO DOG
n. 1970s S. Afr. sl. - a light-skinned Black man (homosexual usage) BETTY
n. 1970s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person RAISIN
n. 1970s sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman who apes her White sisters ANN
n. 1970s sl. - a Black person who becomes immersed in the White world and thus 'fades away' - one who tries to lose his identity as a Black person and to assume an identity more pleasing to the dominant White society FADE
n. 1970s sl. - a Black person who has 'sold out' to White values COCONUT
n. 1970s sl. - any oppression or the forces that oppress the Black man, esp. Rastafarian BABYLON
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) SOUL SAUCE
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) NIGGA
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person BOONER; BOONIE
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person who, despite supposed advances in equality, is willing to accept an inferior position to that of Whites PORK CHOP
n. 1970s US sl. - anywhere that Blacks used for talking or acting in furtherance of their own social and political betterment (African-American usage) AFRO SET
n. 1970s W. Indies sl. - a non-Rastafarian Black person BALLHEAD
n. 1971 Amer. dial. - a Black person GREASE
n. 1971 US sl. - a Black person N
n. 1971 US sl. - any influential Black man, a power in his own community, aged 30 and more; a respected person (African-American usage) BIG DADDY
n. Bk1971 US sl. - a Black female with hair in natural style MOHAIR
n. Bk1971 US sl. - a Black male (African-American usage) HAM
n. 1972 - a Black consorting heterosexually with a White SALT AND PEPPER
n. 1972 Amer. dial. - an American Indian or Black man who is submissive towards White culture TONTO
n. 1972 US sl. - a Black male who wears a scarf or handkerchief to protect his 'conk' or processed hairdo (African-American usage) HANDKERCHIEF HEAD
n. 1972 US sl. - a Black person in a position of authority; a Head Nigger in Charge H.N.I.C.
n. 1972 US sl. - an unpopular, unattractive Black girl (African-American usage) SAPPHIRE
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black lady, particularly if lovely (homosexual usage) SPADENA
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black man (African American homosexual usage) BEULAH
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) BLACK ANGEL; BLACK BITCH; MABEL; MISS MABEL; VANILLA
n. Bk1972 sl. - a light-skinned Black person (homosexual usage) MISS PEOLA; MISS TAN CONFESSIONS
n. Bk1972 sl. - a young, beautiful Black man (homosexual usage) ZULU PRINCESS
n. Bk1972 US sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) GEORGIA PEACH
n. 1973 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person YARD APE
n. 1973 sl. - a Black person (orig. African-American usage) HAMBONE
n. 1973 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure; the leader of an enterprise (African-American usage) BIG NIGGER IN CHARGE; BLACK NIGGER IN CHARGE; HEAD NIGGA IN CHARGE; HEAD NIGGER IN CHARGE
n. 1974 US sl. - a Black woman who is subservient to Whites AUNT MARY
n. 1975 S. Afr. sl. - a servile, subservient Black person YES-BAAS
n. 1975 US sl. - part of a city inhabited largely by Black people SOULVILLE
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person MOSS
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person GANGE
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. arch. - (derogatory) a Black child TAR POT
n. 1976 UK sl. - a Black person GOLLY
n. 1977 Amer. dial. - a Black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like a White woman (chiefly African-American usage) MISS ANN; MISS ANNE
n. 1977 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') SILVERY SPOON
n. 1977 US sl. - a Black street boy YOM
n. 1977 US sl. - a Black woman appointed to a post, the appointment being seen as evidence of both racial and sexual equality of opportunity TOOFAH; TOOFER; TWOFAH; TWOFER
n. 1978 S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory & offensive) a non-White, esp. an African CHOC
n. 1978 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person RAISINHEAD
n. 1978 US sl. - a Black woman YOM
n. 1978 US sl. - a rural Black Southerner who is opposed to various politically liberal programs (Southern political usage) BLACKNECK
n. 1979 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person UBANGI
n. 1979 US sl. - a Black male who prefers White girls (African-American usage) BANANA BOY
n. 1980 - an obsequious Black person; one who humbly accepts the stereotypical subservient role SAMBO
n. 1980 UK - a tough, intransigent Black man who rejects the constraints and demands of establishment society (Black British usage) BAD MAN
n. 1980 US sl. - a dark-complexioned Black person BLACK BALL; BLACKBIRD
n. 1980s sl. - a Black upwardly mobile young professional (orig. US) BUMPIE
n. 1980s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person PORCH MONKEY
n. 1980s US sl. - (derogatory) a fellow Black; the premise being one is no better than a Mexican (African-American usage) TACO
n. 1980s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) HOMEBOY
n. 1980s US sl. - an aggressive, tough Black woman, who rejects the constraints and humiliation of the role the White authorities have selected for her (African-American usage) BAD-ASS BITCH
n. 1981 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person POLECAT
n. 1982 US sl. - a 'house nigger'; a subservient Black person, an 'Uncle Tom' H.N.
n. 1983 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINK
n. 1984 sl. - a Black upwardly mobile young professional (orig. US) BUPPIE; BUPPY
n. Bk1984 US sl. - an extremely dark-skinned person (African-American usage) BLACK DUST
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a degree of Black ancestry in one who is apparently White NIGGER IN THE WOODPILE
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person TADPOLE
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLEN-HEAD; WOOLY
n. 1988 sl. - (derogatory) a servile Black person COCONUT HEAD
n. 1988 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOOLEY; MOOLIE; MOULIE
n. Bk1989 - a Black person who acts like he has a White face (African-American usage) MICKEY MOUSE
n. 1990 US sl. - a Black person MOULY
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black person (prison usage) COCOLA
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black person OFF-BRAND
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black woman or girl NIGETTE
n. 1990s US sl. - a circle of Black friends; a group of people, as marijuana smokers, rap MC's (African-American & teen usage) CIPHER; CYPHER
n. 1990s US sl. - a young Black man (African-American usage) HOPPER
n. 1990s US sl. - an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman (African-American teen usage) CARAMEL SUNDAE
n. 1990s US sl. - an important, influential Black man; a power in the community; a very successful or skilful man (African-American usage) MACK DADDY; MCDADDY
n. 1991 US sl. - a young Black woman YOETTE
n. 1991 US sl. - an Uncle Tom; a Black person who curries favour from Whites through obsequious, fawning behaviour UNIFORM TANGO
n. 1992 Brit. sl. - (offensive) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'nigger') MECHANICAL (DIGGER); SQUARE RIGGER
n. 1992 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') HARVEST (MOON); MACAROON
n. 1992 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person MOLESKIN; YANTA
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black person BONE; MOON CRICKET
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black person, with the implication that the person is not a quality individual GENERIC
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black street boy YOMO
n. 1992 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure (African-American usage) HEAD NEGRO
n. 1992 US sl. - an upwardly mobile Black achiever, usually from the Black middle class (Black American Prince/Princess) B.A.P.
n. 1993 US sl. - a Black person having light-coloured skin YELLOW BONE
n. 1994 US sl. - an influential Black man, a power in his own community, aged 30 and over (African-American teen usage) BIG POPPA
n. Bk1994 US sl. - a rebellious Black man, who refuses to abide by White society's rules and struggles against them BIGGER THOMAS
n. 1995 US sl. - a Black person HAM-HOCK; MOYO
n. 1996 UK sl. - a Black person who sides with the White authorities BOUNTY
n. 1996 US sl. - a sophisticated, successful urban Black male (African-American usage) BIG WILLIE
n. 1996 US sl. - a term of black-on-black abuse; a Black person who complains (African-American teen usage) BITCH-ASS
n. 1999 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black man (Black Ignorant Fucker) BIF
n. 20C colloq. - (derogatory) a Black person (Jet Black) JAYBEE; J.B.
n. 20C sl. - a Black woman ETHY MEAT
n. 20C sl. - a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto - an affected or pretentious Black person DR. THOMAS; MR. THOMAS; MR. TOM; UNCLE GEORGE; UNCLE THOMAS
n. 20C US - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person NAP
n. 20C US back-slang - a Black person (African-American for 'nigger') REGGIN
n. 20C US colloq. - (derogatory) a Black person KING; KINKY-NOB
n. 20C US dial. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person SMIDGET
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black child DINKEY
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black man JACK
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person CLINK; SCUTTLE
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who behaves in a way which will please White people WHITE NEGRO
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a group of Black people LOAD OF COAL
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person (college usage) SMUT-BUTT
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person DINK; SMUDGE
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a very dark Black person CHARCOAL NIGGER
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a very dark Black person CLUCK; KLUCK
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) an albino or mulatto Black person WHITE NEGRO
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) the Black district of a town DINGE ALLEY
n. 20C US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) FAIR; FAIR-SKIN
n. 20C US sl. - an American Black person AFRAMERICAN
n. 20C US sl. - the quintessence of Black sensibility (African-American usage) EBONY
n. 20C W. Indies & Jamaica - a crude, boorish, ignorant Black person; a country bumpkin BUNGO
n. E20 US - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) OFAY; OLD-FAY; OLE-FAY; OOFAY
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory when used generically) a very dark Black person MIDNIGHT
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person INKFACE
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) FAY
n. E20 US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a Black man, particularly if up-to-date and stylish JAZZBO
n. E20 US sl. - a beautiful Black woman RAVEN BEAUTY
n. E20 US sl. - a Black woman LAUNDRY QUEEN
n. E20 US sl. - an American Black person AFRO-AMERICAN
n. M20 Amer. sl. - a sexually attractive Black girl or young woman DANGE BROAD
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) MANTAN BLACK
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who is as dark as black shoe leather (African-American usage) OXFORD
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person NAPPY
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a very light mulatto KELT; KELTCH
n. M20 US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a dark-skinned Black man (African-American usage) DEWBABY
n. M20 US sl. - a Black person who behaves like or aspires to be like Caucasians (African-American usage) AFRO-SAXON
n. M20 US sl. - a Black person who prefers to act like a Caucasian (African-American usage) FROSTY
n. M20 US sl. - a Black woman; a Black prostitute SHADY LADY
n. M20 US sl. - a sexually attractive Black woman HOT CHOCOLATE
n. M20 US sl. - a token Black employee SHOWCASE NIGGER
n. 2000s Irish sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'nigger') OIL RIGGER
n. 2000s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person AFFIE
n. 2000s US sl. - a Black person or a Puerto Rican (African-American usage) PAPI
n. 2000s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) NIGGA CHOPS
n. 2000s US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) CARAMEL CLONE
n. 2000s US sl. - a tough, aggressive Black man (African-American usage) SIN
n. 2002 UK sl. - a Black man with the manners and standards of contemporary White society WYTHENSHAWE WHITE MAN
n. 2002 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure (African-American usage) HEAD NEGRO IN CHARGE
n. a2003 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person VELCRO HEAD
n. 2005 S. Afr. sl. - a Black person DAKHI
n. Bk2006 US sl. - a fellow Black male BLOOD BROTHER
n. Brit. sl. - a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') WOODEN SPOON
vb. 1799 - to make into, or as black, as a Black person NEGROFY
vb. 1937 US sl. - of a Black person: to try to curry favour with White people by obsequious behaviour UNCLE TOM
vb. 1950s sl. - to be the first Black family to move into a formerly all-White inner city area BLOCKBUST
vb. 1960s US sl. - (derogatory) to adapt oneself to White society (African-American usage) GO OREO
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person, esp. a Black child 'GATOR BAIT
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black woman with a servile attitude toward Whites AUNT THOMASINE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - (sometimes derogatory) a Black person, esp. one with very dark skin INKY DINKY
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a Black person HAM'S GRANDSON
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINKY
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black person; a person of mixed blood CHEESE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - a West Indian Black person RICE
n. 1970 Amer. dial. - the section of a city which is populated predominantly by Blacks; the poor section of a city; a ghetto BLACK BELT
n. 1970 US sl. - a Black person HAMMERHEAD
n. 1970 US sl. - a very attractive Black woman, occasionally a man (African-American usage) HAMMA; HAMMER
n. 1970 US sl. - a wealthy, light-skinned society Black person (African-American usage) TUSH
n. 1970 W. Indies - a light-skinned Black person BACKRA JOHNNY
n. 1970s Aust. sl. - (derogatory) a Black or Asian person (rhyming sl. for 'wog') DAPTO DOG
n. 1970s S. Afr. sl. - a light-skinned Black man (homosexual usage) BETTY
n. 1970s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person RAISIN
n. 1970s sl. - (derogatory) a Black woman who apes her White sisters ANN
n. 1970s sl. - a Black person who becomes immersed in the White world and thus 'fades away' - one who tries to lose his identity as a Black person and to assume an identity more pleasing to the dominant White society FADE
n. 1970s sl. - a Black person who has 'sold out' to White values COCONUT
n. 1970s sl. - any oppression or the forces that oppress the Black man, esp. Rastafarian BABYLON
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) SOUL SAUCE
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person (African-American usage) NIGGA
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person BOONER; BOONIE
n. 1970s US sl. - a Black person who, despite supposed advances in equality, is willing to accept an inferior position to that of Whites PORK CHOP
n. 1970s US sl. - anywhere that Blacks used for talking or acting in furtherance of their own social and political betterment (African-American usage) AFRO SET
n. 1970s W. Indies sl. - a non-Rastafarian Black person BALLHEAD
n. 1971 Amer. dial. - a Black person GREASE
n. 1971 US sl. - a Black person N
n. 1971 US sl. - any influential Black man, a power in his own community, aged 30 and more; a respected person (African-American usage) BIG DADDY
n. Bk1971 US sl. - a Black female with hair in natural style MOHAIR
n. Bk1971 US sl. - a Black male (African-American usage) HAM
n. 1972 - a Black consorting heterosexually with a White SALT AND PEPPER
n. 1972 Amer. dial. - an American Indian or Black man who is submissive towards White culture TONTO
n. 1972 US sl. - a Black male who wears a scarf or handkerchief to protect his 'conk' or processed hairdo (African-American usage) HANDKERCHIEF HEAD
n. 1972 US sl. - a Black person in a position of authority; a Head Nigger in Charge H.N.I.C.
n. 1972 US sl. - an unpopular, unattractive Black girl (African-American usage) SAPPHIRE
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black lady, particularly if lovely (homosexual usage) SPADENA
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black man (African American homosexual usage) BEULAH
n. Bk1972 sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) BLACK ANGEL; BLACK BITCH; MABEL; MISS MABEL; VANILLA
n. Bk1972 sl. - a light-skinned Black person (homosexual usage) MISS PEOLA; MISS TAN CONFESSIONS
n. Bk1972 sl. - a young, beautiful Black man (homosexual usage) ZULU PRINCESS
n. Bk1972 US sl. - a Black man (homosexual usage) GEORGIA PEACH
n. 1973 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person YARD APE
n. 1973 sl. - a Black person (orig. African-American usage) HAMBONE
n. 1973 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure; the leader of an enterprise (African-American usage) BIG NIGGER IN CHARGE; BLACK NIGGER IN CHARGE; HEAD NIGGA IN CHARGE; HEAD NIGGER IN CHARGE
n. 1974 US sl. - a Black woman who is subservient to Whites AUNT MARY
n. 1975 S. Afr. sl. - a servile, subservient Black person YES-BAAS
n. 1975 US sl. - part of a city inhabited largely by Black people SOULVILLE
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a Black person MOSS
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person GANGE
n. Bk1975 Amer. sl. arch. - (derogatory) a Black child TAR POT
n. 1976 UK sl. - a Black person GOLLY
n. 1977 Amer. dial. - a Black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like a White woman (chiefly African-American usage) MISS ANN; MISS ANNE
n. 1977 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') SILVERY SPOON
n. 1977 US sl. - a Black street boy YOM
n. 1977 US sl. - a Black woman appointed to a post, the appointment being seen as evidence of both racial and sexual equality of opportunity TOOFAH; TOOFER; TWOFAH; TWOFER
n. 1978 S. Afr. sl. - (derogatory & offensive) a non-White, esp. an African CHOC
n. 1978 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person RAISINHEAD
n. 1978 US sl. - a Black woman YOM
n. 1978 US sl. - a rural Black Southerner who is opposed to various politically liberal programs (Southern political usage) BLACKNECK
n. 1979 US sl. - (offensive) a Black person UBANGI
n. 1979 US sl. - a Black male who prefers White girls (African-American usage) BANANA BOY
n. 1980 - an obsequious Black person; one who humbly accepts the stereotypical subservient role SAMBO
n. 1980 UK - a tough, intransigent Black man who rejects the constraints and demands of establishment society (Black British usage) BAD MAN
n. 1980 US sl. - a dark-complexioned Black person BLACK BALL; BLACKBIRD
n. 1980s sl. - a Black upwardly mobile young professional (orig. US) BUMPIE
n. 1980s US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person PORCH MONKEY
n. 1980s US sl. - (derogatory) a fellow Black; the premise being one is no better than a Mexican (African-American usage) TACO
n. 1980s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) HOMEBOY
n. 1980s US sl. - an aggressive, tough Black woman, who rejects the constraints and humiliation of the role the White authorities have selected for her (African-American usage) BAD-ASS BITCH
n. 1981 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person POLECAT
n. 1982 US sl. - a 'house nigger'; a subservient Black person, an 'Uncle Tom' H.N.
n. 1983 Amer. dial. - a light-skinned Black girl or woman PINK
n. 1984 sl. - a Black upwardly mobile young professional (orig. US) BUPPIE; BUPPY
n. Bk1984 US sl. - an extremely dark-skinned person (African-American usage) BLACK DUST
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a degree of Black ancestry in one who is apparently White NIGGER IN THE WOODPILE
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (derogatory) a Black person TADPOLE
n. 1986 Amer. dial. - (often derogatory) a Black person WOOLEN-HEAD; WOOLY
n. 1988 sl. - (derogatory) a servile Black person COCONUT HEAD
n. 1988 US - (offensive) a Black person (Italian-American usage) MOOLEY; MOOLIE; MOULIE
n. Bk1989 - a Black person who acts like he has a White face (African-American usage) MICKEY MOUSE
n. 1990 US sl. - a Black person MOULY
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black person (prison usage) COCOLA
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black person OFF-BRAND
n. 1990s US sl. - a Black woman or girl NIGETTE
n. 1990s US sl. - a circle of Black friends; a group of people, as marijuana smokers, rap MC's (African-American & teen usage) CIPHER; CYPHER
n. 1990s US sl. - a young Black man (African-American usage) HOPPER
n. 1990s US sl. - an attractive, sexy, medium- to light-skinned Black woman (African-American teen usage) CARAMEL SUNDAE
n. 1990s US sl. - an important, influential Black man; a power in the community; a very successful or skilful man (African-American usage) MACK DADDY; MCDADDY
n. 1991 US sl. - a young Black woman YOETTE
n. 1991 US sl. - an Uncle Tom; a Black person who curries favour from Whites through obsequious, fawning behaviour UNIFORM TANGO
n. 1992 Brit. sl. - (offensive) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'nigger') MECHANICAL (DIGGER); SQUARE RIGGER
n. 1992 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') HARVEST (MOON); MACAROON
n. 1992 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person MOLESKIN; YANTA
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black person BONE; MOON CRICKET
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black person, with the implication that the person is not a quality individual GENERIC
n. 1992 US sl. - a Black street boy YOMO
n. 1992 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure (African-American usage) HEAD NEGRO
n. 1992 US sl. - an upwardly mobile Black achiever, usually from the Black middle class (Black American Prince/Princess) B.A.P.
n. 1993 US sl. - a Black person having light-coloured skin YELLOW BONE
n. 1994 US sl. - an influential Black man, a power in his own community, aged 30 and over (African-American teen usage) BIG POPPA
n. Bk1994 US sl. - a rebellious Black man, who refuses to abide by White society's rules and struggles against them BIGGER THOMAS
n. 1995 US sl. - a Black person HAM-HOCK; MOYO
n. 1996 UK sl. - a Black person who sides with the White authorities BOUNTY
n. 1996 US sl. - a sophisticated, successful urban Black male (African-American usage) BIG WILLIE
n. 1996 US sl. - a term of black-on-black abuse; a Black person who complains (African-American teen usage) BITCH-ASS
n. 1999 UK sl. - (derogatory) a Black man (Black Ignorant Fucker) BIF
n. 20C colloq. - (derogatory) a Black person (Jet Black) JAYBEE; J.B.
n. 20C sl. - a Black woman ETHY MEAT
n. 20C sl. - a subservient Black person, fitting willingly into the stereotyped and inferior image refined by generations of White supremacy; a middle-class Black who wishes to distance himself from the ghetto - an affected or pretentious Black person DR. THOMAS; MR. THOMAS; MR. TOM; UNCLE GEORGE; UNCLE THOMAS
n. 20C US - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person NAP
n. 20C US back-slang - a Black person (African-American for 'nigger') REGGIN
n. 20C US colloq. - (derogatory) a Black person KING; KINKY-NOB
n. 20C US dial. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person SMIDGET
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black child DINKEY
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black man JACK
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person CLINK; SCUTTLE
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who behaves in a way which will please White people WHITE NEGRO
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a group of Black people LOAD OF COAL
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person (college usage) SMUT-BUTT
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person DINK; SMUDGE
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a very dark Black person CHARCOAL NIGGER
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) a very dark Black person CLUCK; KLUCK
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) an albino or mulatto Black person WHITE NEGRO
n. 20C US sl. - (derogatory) the Black district of a town DINGE ALLEY
n. 20C US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) FAIR; FAIR-SKIN
n. 20C US sl. - an American Black person AFRAMERICAN
n. 20C US sl. - the quintessence of Black sensibility (African-American usage) EBONY
n. 20C W. Indies & Jamaica - a crude, boorish, ignorant Black person; a country bumpkin BUNGO
n. E20 US - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) OFAY; OLD-FAY; OLE-FAY; OOFAY
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory when used generically) a very dark Black person MIDNIGHT
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person INKFACE
n. E20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) FAY
n. E20 US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a Black man, particularly if up-to-date and stylish JAZZBO
n. E20 US sl. - a beautiful Black woman RAVEN BEAUTY
n. E20 US sl. - a Black woman LAUNDRY QUEEN
n. E20 US sl. - an American Black person AFRO-AMERICAN
n. M20 Amer. sl. - a sexually attractive Black girl or young woman DANGE BROAD
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who acts like a Caucasian (African-American usage) MANTAN BLACK
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person who is as dark as black shoe leather (African-American usage) OXFORD
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a nickname for a Black person NAPPY
n. M20 US sl. - (derogatory) a very light mulatto KELT; KELTCH
n. M20 US sl. - (not necessarily derogatory) a dark-skinned Black man (African-American usage) DEWBABY
n. M20 US sl. - a Black person who behaves like or aspires to be like Caucasians (African-American usage) AFRO-SAXON
n. M20 US sl. - a Black person who prefers to act like a Caucasian (African-American usage) FROSTY
n. M20 US sl. - a Black woman; a Black prostitute SHADY LADY
n. M20 US sl. - a sexually attractive Black woman HOT CHOCOLATE
n. M20 US sl. - a token Black employee SHOWCASE NIGGER
n. 2000s Irish sl. - (derogatory) a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'nigger') OIL RIGGER
n. 2000s sl. - (derogatory) a Black person AFFIE
n. 2000s US sl. - a Black person or a Puerto Rican (African-American usage) PAPI
n. 2000s US sl. - a fellow Black person (African-American usage) NIGGA CHOPS
n. 2000s US sl. - a light-skinned Black person (African-American usage) CARAMEL CLONE
n. 2000s US sl. - a tough, aggressive Black man (African-American usage) SIN
n. 2002 UK sl. - a Black man with the manners and standards of contemporary White society WYTHENSHAWE WHITE MAN
n. 2002 US sl. - a sarcastic reference to any Black authority figure (African-American usage) HEAD NEGRO IN CHARGE
n. a2003 US sl. - (derogatory) a Black person VELCRO HEAD
n. 2005 S. Afr. sl. - a Black person DAKHI
n. Bk2006 US sl. - a fellow Black male BLOOD BROTHER
n. Brit. sl. - a Black person (rhyming sl. for 'coon') WOODEN SPOON
vb. 1799 - to make into, or as black, as a Black person NEGROFY
vb. 1937 US sl. - of a Black person: to try to curry favour with White people by obsequious behaviour UNCLE TOM
vb. 1950s sl. - to be the first Black family to move into a formerly all-White inner city area BLOCKBUST
vb. 1960s US sl. - (derogatory) to adapt oneself to White society (African-American usage) GO OREO